Gauntlet II General FAQ Version 1.1 By chessjerk (John Kearsley IV) Created - December 29, 2005 Updated - January 12, 2006 Questions? Comments? Contact me: =============================================================== Welcome to my Gauntlet II General FAQ. You really cannot go wrong with 4 player games where you get to blast monsters, fight dragons, and fumble through mazes until everyone is dead, am I right? Enjoy! =============================================================== Table of Contents: =============================================================== 1. Characters 2. Items 3. Special Items 4. Enemies 5. Levels 6. Miscellaneous 7. Strategies 8. Credits/Disclaimer 9. Version History =============================================================== 1. Characters =============================================================== Each player has a choice of 4 different characters: 1. Warrior - Slow, but powerful. He can destroy most enemies (except dragons) in one shot and has very good hand to hand fighting ability. However, his speed and magic power leave something to be desired. 2. Valkyrie - A very defensive character. She has amazing defense and hand to hand combat power, but she also has mediocre magic power and her shots don't do a lot of damage. Good for beginners who may take more hits than experienced players. 3. Wizard - If you're looking for powerful magic, here's your character. When he uses a potion, nearly every enemy on the screen vaporizes. He also has good shot power and is able to kill most enemies (except dragons) in two shots at most. However, he lacks any real defense and has no hand to hand fighting power whatsoever. 4. Elf - A real speedster. The elf can actually outrun the scroll of the screen, he's so fast. But, that's all he really has going for him, since his magic is so-so, he doesn't have much hand to hand combat power, and he needs some extra shot power to do any significant damage to stronger monsters. =============================================================== 2. Items =============================================================== Your character will need to pick up items to survive on this quest. Whenever you pick up an item, listen to what the announcer says if you're unsure as to what you just picked up. All good items' effects end when you exit the level (i.e. if you are still invisible when you exit, the remaining invisibility time will not carry over to the next level. The good items are as follows: 1. Food - This comes in 3 varieties: a plate of food, what looks like a purse of some kind, and a jug. Each restores 100 hit points, but be careful, since you can shoot the jug by accident and be mocked by the announcer. The other 2 varieties cannot be removed with regular shots. 2. Key - Use these to open doors and treasure chests. A key disappears after one use. Each key picked up is worth 50 points. 3. Potion - These come in 2 varieties: red and blue. Red potions cannot be shot, while blue ones can. Using a potion kills nearby enemies, those it doesn't kill it stuns for a few seconds. Some enemies (dragons, acid puddles) cannot be killed with potions, so beware. Shooting a blue potion has the same effect as using a potion, so feel free to shoot them if you cannot carry any more items. 4. Treasure Chest - These solid red boxes require a key to open. Inside, you could find: food, poison, Death, a ? jug, or nothing at all. 5. Treasure - Generic treasure is a red and black box with strange markings on the inside. For each treasure picked up, the player earns 50 points. 6. Super Treasure - It looks like a bag of jewels, and can only be found in the remains of defeated dragons. Counts as 3 treasure, and gives you 150 points. 7. Super Shots - This is an amulet with a shuriken. The next 10 shots the player shoots will plow through everything in its path, except Death and acid puddles (yes, you can kill dragons with one super shot!) Be careful you don't accidentally shoot good items, as these shots go through all kinds of food, potions, and treasure boxes, too. Red potions shot in this manner do not activate the way blue potions do. Doors, keys and non-breakable walls are unaffected by super shots. 8. Reflective Shots - This is an amulet with a cross on it. Your shots reflect off walls and other non-shootable items until they go off the screen or bounce 8 times. Very useful with super shots, but again, be careful not to destroy good items. 9. Invisibility - This is an amulet with a yellow jewel. Your character begins flashing, and all enemies stop in their path, except acid puddles, which just wander around aimlessly. Only acid puddles can damage you, if they happen to wander in your direction, all other enemies cannot inflict damage on you. In a multi-player game, enemies will ignore the invisible character and go after the visible character(s). 10. Invulnerability - This is a red ring. Your character's life begins decreasing at twice the normal rate, but you cannot take damage from any source until it wears off. Useful for fighting dragons in close quarters and if you encounter Death without any potions. 11. Repulsiveness - This is an amulet with five fingers (almost looks like a squashed spider). All enemies run away from you and cannot damage you until the effect wears off. In a multi-player game, be sure to keep this character in the front so the enemies run away, since the enemies will still chase those without repulsiveness. 12. Transportability - This is an amulet on a chain with a red and yellow jewel. Your character can now move through walls and generators to reach trapped items or to make a quick break for the exit. Be aware, you teleport through everything, even good items, so you cannot pick up items that are by themselves; if they are next to a wall, teleport onto the item from the other side of the wall to get them. Whatever you teleport onto (a wall, an enemy, a treasure chest, etc.), it will disappear, making this an efficient way to get rid of annoying enemies like Death. The bad items are: 1. ? jug - This is a jug with a ? on it. It's a coin flip, it's either food or poison. Do you feel lucky? Go ahead and take it if you're brave. 2. Poison food - This is a jug with a skull and crossbones on it. If you ignore the obvious warning and take it anyway, you lose 100 hit points. Shoot it instead, and all enemies have their speed reduced for a few seconds. 3. Poison potion - This is a blue potion with a skull and crossbones on it. Similar to poison food, just shoot it and be done with it. =============================================================== 3. Special Items =============================================================== Defeated dragons will leave behind one super treasure and one special item that boosts your abilities. They can also be found in secret rooms. Characters can take multiples of the same type of special item to further increase their abilities. The special items are: 1. Extra armor (shield icon) - Defensive power increases 2. Extra pick up (hand icon) - Increases max keys/potions held from 6 to 128 3. Extra fight (sword icon) - Hand to hand combat power increases 4. Extra magic (potion icon) - Magic power increases 5. Extra shot power (dot icon) - Shot power increases 6. Extra speed (/ icon) - Walking speed increases, shots travel faster =============================================================== 4. Enemies =============================================================== Your quest will not be as easy as just picking up items and finding exits. Many enemies will try to stop you. Some enemies start in certain places in a dungeon, other come from generators. The type of generator determines how many shots it will take to kill monsters it generates. If the generator has a basic look to it (a simple brown box, one skull and crossbones, etc.) the enemies it generates will take fewer shots to kill. If the generator looks more complex, they will take more shots to kill. The minimum is one shot, the maximum is three shots. Try to destroy generators as soon as possible to avoid being swarmed. Alternatively, some enemies can be defeated using your character's hand to hand fighting ability. Simply move your character into the enemies and hold the controller in the direction of the enemies, and they will disappear. Killing an enemy earns 20 points. 1. Ghost - Generated from piles of bones, cannot be defeated by hand to hand combat, hits you once and disappears 2. Grunt - Generated from brown boxes, can smash you until killed 3. Demon - Generated from brown boxes, can bite you until killed, can also shoot fireballs at you from a distance 4. Sorcerer - Generated from brown boxes, can smack you until killed, they flash on and off the screen (they cannot be killed when not on screen) 5. Lobbers - Generated from brown boxes, run away from you and lob rocks at you 6. Super Sorcerer - Not generated, they are a different color from normal Sorcerers, they tend to be more powerful than regular Sorcerers 7. Death - Not generated, these powerful guys can only be killed with potions, their touch sucks hit points out of you quickly, when they take around 200 or so, they disappear 8. Acid Puddles - Not generated, these blobs cannot be killed by any means, they can touch you once, sucking life out of you, and then disappear 9. It - Not generated, these sun-like creatures don't cause any damage to whomever it hits, but that character becomes IT. That is, all enemies, no matter where they are on the level, will go after whomever is IT, ignoring all other characters. Some levels have more than one It, if a second It hits the same character, the IT status is removed. If it hits a different character, the new character is now IT. In a one-player game, it doesn't really matter, since, in effect, you are always IT. It's cannot be killed by any means. 10. Dragon - Not generated, the toughest creature of all to face, but leaves great items when destroyed. His fireballs hit you for about 50 damage apiece, but there's a trick to killing him without taking damage. Move slowly towards him until you can barely see his head, and start shooting him. If you do this right, he will never shoot fireballs at you and you can kill him unscathed. Characters with attack power of one (elves and valkyries) must shoot him 100 times in the head to kill him. Characters with attack power of two (wizards, elves/valkyries with one extra shot power) need 50 shots. Characters with attack power of three (warriors, wizards with one extra shot power, elves/valkyries with two extra shot powers) need 34 shots. Alternatively, if you have Super Shots, one shot is all you need! A word of warning: when the dragon is defeated, he leaves a super treasure and a random special item. If the dragon is vertical on the screen, the treasure will be on the left side of the screen; if the dragon is horizontal, the treasure will be on the upper side of the screen. Therefore, always shoot the right side of the head if he's vertical and the lower side if he's horizontal, to avoid shooting the treasure after he dies. =============================================================== 5. Levels =============================================================== There are approximately 100 or so different levels in the game. Only the first five are always the same; beginning with level six, the next level could be anything. Level 1 has an exit to level 5, in case you want to skip ahead. There do seem to be patterns, so if you have played the game a few times, and see the same level six more than once, most likely level 7 and beyond will be the same also. Once you get around level 100 or so, the levels start to repeat themselves, indicating that the game does indeed go on forever. The object of every level is to find the exit. Simple, right? In some levels, the exit moves around, sometimes there are fake exits everywhere, just to confuse you, and sometimes you start with the exit in plain sight, but you have to circle all the way around the dungeon to get to it. Some levels even have multiple real exits, in these levels, it doesn't matter which exit you take, since they all lead to the next level. Every so often, you will encounter a treasure room. These rooms have no enemies (besides the occasional Death hidden in a treasure chest). You have 30 seconds to collect as much treasure as possible and find the exit. If you find the exit, you receive bonus points equal to 50 x the number of treasures you picked up. Other than boosting your score, the treasure rooms serve only as a breather from the action. At the beginning of a level, you may see certain messages indicating special rules for that level only. These include: 1. Player shots hurt others - Players can shoot other players (or themselves with reflective shots) and will suffer damage 2. Player shots stun others - Players can shoot other players (or themselves with reflective shots) and will stun them for a few seconds (similar to a stun tile) 3. Dummy exits - There is more than one exit shown, but only one of them is real. One of the more evil levels has about 200 exits and only 1 is real. If you're unlucky, you could spend a lot of time there just testing the exits. 4. All walls are invisible - Walls are not shown on the screen. You'll have to feel your way around the maze blind. 5. The exit will move - There are multiple locations for the exit to show up (illustrated by a black border on the ground) and the exit will move from place to place. In addition, you may receive a clue to enter a secret room. These include: 1. Don't get hit 2. Don't be fooled (dummy exits only) 3. Don't be greedy 4. Stay invulnerable 5. Watch what you shoot 6. Don't hurt friends 7. Be pushy 8. Go on a diet 9. Try transportability 10. Save super shots In a one player game, only 1 and 2 seem to work with any regularity, the others work more in a multi-player game. However, the more vague clues (mostly 3, 5 and 7) don't seem to work even if you think you did what it said. If you are successful, one player will be transported to the secret room, where they will have 99 seconds to loot and plunder before they are transported out. Every secret room has one special item, so be sure to grab it. =============================================================== 6. Miscellaneous =============================================================== If you don't move for approximately 135 seconds, all of the walls will turn into exits. Very handy if you're lost or stuck. Doors - These are the thin blue separators between rooms and require a key to open. Be careful not to unexpectedly open a door and unleash a horde of enemies upon yourself. After approximately 120 seconds, all doors will automatically open, which is useful if you have a lot of hit points and need to stock up keys, or if you've run out of keys and are stuck. Stun tiles - These tiles glow red and, if stepped on, take 25 hit points and freeze you for a few seconds, giving you enemies a free shot at you. Trap tiles - These tiles glow blue and, if stepped on, remove walls or other obstructions. Some are required to exit, others may only release a horde of enemies upon you. If you see a lot of Death trapped behind a wall with a blue tile nearby, use caution when stepping on it. Damage floors - These tiles alternate between light and dark and, if stepped on while light, will cause damage to your character. Try to cross them when they are dark to avoid damage. Breakable walls - Some walls are differently colored than the rest, they can be destroyed with three shots. Secret walls - Some walls, while seeming to be normal, can be shot, revealing hidden passageways. Try this on level 5, there are a few sections of the wall near when you start that can be shot, generally revealing food. Look for other areas in other dungeons that seem inaccessible; if no blue tiles are around, try shooting the walls. You may get an unexpected surprise. Transporters - These tiles glow blue and white, and can transport you to other transporters that are on the screen. If there are no others on the screen, you will simply transport to a different side of the transporter you entered. Press on the controller which direction you would like to go, and you may end up there. You don't always, which is annoying, but you get used to it. Also, you cannot encounter a dragon until after you reach the first treasure room, which is between level 10 and 11. In playing the game over and over, sometimes you will get to level 6 and fight through a dungeon that, in a previous playthrough, had a dragon in it. This is normal, I guess the programmers didn't want you getting special items too early in the game. Finally, if a character dies in a multi-player game, make sure another character picks up the items left behind, or, if the dead player continues, that they pick up what they dropped to resume the game. =============================================================== 7. Strategies =============================================================== In general, the strategy is to shoot the enemies before they can damage you, and the best way to do that is between the corners of walls. You can fire shots in between the walls at enemies in another section of the maze without them hurting you (except for demons, whose fireballs also can go in between the walls). Single-player mode - The game is very easy for a lone character, since there is more than enough food lying around to keep you healthy. Plus, you get to hog all the special items and treasure for yourself. The only problem you may encounter is getting swarmed, but if you play smart and keep some potions handy, this problem should not exist. Also, secret rooms are harder to enter. Multi-player mode - The game gets more difficult in some respects when more characters join the action, but an experienced team will still have no problem. The extra firepower virtually guarantees you will never be swarmed, but the problem may lie in not enough items to go around. Make sure the fighters pick up keys and wizards pick up potions, and try to distribute the special items to those who need the stats (i.e. extra speed for warriors, extra shot power for elves and valkyries, etc.). =============================================================== 8. Credits and Disclaimer =============================================================== This FAQ is copyright 2006 by John Kearsley IV. This FAQ may be distributed freely as long as it is not altered and I am credited for its existence. Thanks go to everyone else involved with the NES FAQ Completion Project, of which I am proud to be a part. Also, thanks go to and CJayC for hosting a great site. Keep up the good work! =============================================================== 9. Version History =============================================================== Version 1.0 (December 29, 2005) - Original FAQ submitted. Version 1.1 (January 5, 2006) - Minor changes made, added strategies section