__ _ _ ______ __ __ / / | | | \ _ _____ ______________ / ____| / / \ \ / / | | | \ | | / ____| ______________ \_____________| | /___ | | \ v / | | | \| | | / ___ |_____________/ | ___| | | \ / | | | |\ | | | |_ | ____________ | | | |__ | | | | | | \ | | \___| | ____________ \___________| |_| |____| |_| * |_| |_| \_| \______| |___________/ * * * ** * * ** * * * *** * * ___ __ ___ * *** * ________ \ \ / \ / / * * * * | | \ \ / \ / / ____ __*___ ___* _ _____ _____ \ ----- \ \/ \/ / / /\ \ | _ | | _ | | | | _ | | _ | \ \ \ / / / \ \ | |_| | | |_| | | | | | | | | |_| | \ \ \ / / /____\ \ | _ / | _ / | | | | | | | _ / ------ \ \___/\___/ /_/ -----\_\ | | \ \ | | \ \ | | | |_| | | | \ \ |_________| |_| \_||_| \_||_| |_____| |_| \_| Flying Warriors FAQ v1.0 By: Aaron_Shinta If you have any comment, tip or new data about Flying Warriors, please e-mail me at phallustein@hotmail.com Legal stuff: well, you should credit me for anything you take from here: a FAQ it's a hard stuff to do you know (although it seems that only the ones that have tried it by themselves understand it widely). I've submited this to GameFAQs and Neoseeker _only_, so there should be not doubts about "where" are the expected places to host it. == FAQ HISTORY == 05/06/09 v1.0: My first try for a FAQ ever! :) == FAQ INDEX == A.Introduction B.Main Characters C.Game Basics C1. Game Controlls C2. Outside Menu C3. Combat Menu C4. Items, Orbs, Mirrors and Equipment D. Walktrough D1.Stage 1: Training mountains. D2.Stage 2: The Shorin temple at China. D3.Stage 3: Path to the tournament. D4.Stage 4: The Tournament at Hong Kong. D5.Stage 5: GTG's laboratory ruins at Peru. D6.Stage 6: The World Tournament at New York. D7.Stage 7: The "Subway Station". D8.Stage 8: The Underworld Palace. E. Tips & Tricks F. FAQ Credits == A.INTRODUCTION == Flying Warriors is a great old skool game for the NES, brought to America by Culture Brain around 1990. It is an interesting mixure of "primitive" RPG elements with active side scroll fighting (in the style of the Castlevania series for the NES);you have some freedom for investigating the several stages, giving you a more RPG-like experience. It is part of a series of games created by Culture Brain called "Hiryu-No Ken" ("the Fist of the Flying Dragon" seems to be a rough translation of it); the exact time-lime is hard to be drawn. I've not found a reliable source that will describe the exact time-lime, but there is a sort of agreement in how to understand it. It seems to be as follow: Hiryu no Ken I: ?? (Famicom and NES) - aka Flying Dragon: The Secret Scroll - Hiryu no Ken II: Dragon no Tsubasa (Japan only - Famicom) Hiryu no Ken III: 5 Nin no Ryuu Senshi (Japan only - Famicom) Flying Warriors (NES): the common talk about this game is that it is a mixure of Hiryu No Ken II and III, with different sprites than the original's. Yet, Hayabusakun tell us that the storyline includes only part 2. So, technically speaking, Hiryu no Ken III would be the sequel to Flying Warriors story; yet, the GameBoy port has more the feeling to be a sequel due to the gameplay experience. Hiryu no Ken Gaiden (GB) - aka Fighting Simulator: 2 in 1 Flying Warriors; also known, for some, as Flying Warriors II -. A so called sequel of this Hiryo No Ken mixure that came to America. This one has more the feeling of the old Hiryu No Ken games but with the Flying Warriors' sprites style and gameplay. Hiryo no Ken - Golden Fighter / Hyper version (aka Ultimate Fighter - SNES; also known as Super Flying Warriors).This one has more a Final Fight feel with, practically, no RPG elements left at all. For a lot of people, quite a dissapointing game. Flying Warriors characters have done several cameos in other Culture Brain games such as the Super Chinese series (aka Ninja Brothers series). +++ This FAQ will try to present you the game basics as well as a path that will guide you through the entire game in *expert* difficulty (as Ezra Poetker have already summited his FAQ for begginer; you might check it out as well for extra hints). So, first of all, it's interesting to see that the title screens takes a while to let you start the game. If you wish to quickly go to the start page, press SELECT + A (This is taken directly from the game manual, if you ever wonder how I figured it out as a kid - I didn't remember to have read it, though -). Flying Warriors consist of 2 basic game modes: Story and Tournament. I believe that the Tournament mode is quite obvious by itself after you've played the main game, so I'll focus on the Story mode mainly. The main game has 3 dificulties: begginer, medium and expert. It's important to notice that only on expert difficulty you'll be able to see the real final boss and, in such fashion, the real game ending. Besides the game dificulty, you can choose as well the combat mode controllers. For understanding the way the controllers changes, see the proper section below. This configuration does *not* change in anything important issues of the game plot, such as seeing the best ending or facing the true identity of Demonix: it's only for personal amusement :) == B. MAIN CHARACTERS == The profile of all characters are taken directly from the game. They give you a small description of their background, as well as a sort of representative quote for each of the characters. Thanks a lot again to Hayabusakun for he info about the original japanese names :) +Ryuhi(aka Rick Stalker):"He was brought up by the kung-fu master Gen Lao-Tsu" "A master of the ultimate Kung-Fu stance, The Hiryu-No Ken". Quote: "I'll defeat all the tusk soldiers!" +Hayato (aka Hayato Go): "A skilled fighter who has mastered both Kung-Fu and Karate". Quote: "Any enemy of peace is an enemy of mine!" +Minmin (aka Mary Lynn): "Raised in Hongkong she seeks revenge for her father's death". Quote: "Don't take me lightly just because I'm a girl" +Wiler (aka Gregg Cummings):"The Army's one man batallion, he has the strength of a Tiger." Quote: "Come at me all at once. I'll still wipe you out!" +Syoryu (aka Jimmy Cutler Jr.): "One of the psychic soldiers from the ancient Shadow Cult." Quote: "The blood of justice flows though me!" == C. GAME BASICS == The game develops in two kinds of scenaries: the journey mode and the combat mode. In each of them, the game menu and controllers change somehow. Let's see how they are: == C1. GAME CONTROLLERS == + Journey controlls. In the outside fighting mode, your moves are quite basic: * LEFT | RIGTH at the Control Pad: move horizontally. * DOWN at the Control Pad: crouch. * UP at the Control Pad or "A" button: jump. If you press "A" again when still in the air, you can air-punch. In master mode, instead of pressing just "A", you need to do back or forward + "A" "B". * "B" button: kick. You can kick when jumping, crouching or just standing. * Hold UP + "A" "B" or Hold "A" "B" + UP = hurricane kick. * Hold UP + "A" = standing punch. * SELECT: drink a Magic Water from your stock. * START: let's you see the sub display or, again, drink a Magic Water (see below for more details related to the game menus). + Battle Mode controlls: NOTE: It's important to notice that in battle mode the journey controlls apply as well (like the standard hurricane kick or drinking a Magic Water with SELECT), plus some new neat movements. You'll notice that the fight evolves in "active turns"; you'll see a red mark that is changing position between you and your enemy.When the mark is over you, you'll need to defend, and when it's over your enemy, you've got the chance to hit him (the amount of damage you can do with a standard hit is equal to the current attack level you've got). You'll see from time to time that a "R" appears over your enemy. If you make to hit it, you'll have to opportunity to do a "Rush Attack" (all the punches and kicks you can for 6 seconds). If you are at a Tournament (Stages 4 and 6),you'll see a blue mark as well.This mark has the possibility to do a "critical hit" (you'll do twice the damage you normaly do). Finally, if you are lucky enough, you'll see a red star over your enemy; if you make to hit it, you'll give a mortal blow (your enemy will die instantly! :) * For defending: if you are playing in Standard controller mode, the only thing you need to do is to press UP each time that you see the mark over you (note that you can also press RIGTH or LEFT as well, but you'll move as well, that's why I suggest to press UP all the time). In Master mode, you need to press the control pad in the direction related to the position of the mark; so, if the mark is in your head, you need to press UP, if it's at your torso you need you press LEFT or RIGTH, and if it's on your feet you need to press DOWN. For each hit you cover, you'll get 5% of your K.O.%. This is important for all the special moves you can do. You need to be aware that if you don't transform just after entering the Dark Dimenssion, you'll be able to block standard punches and kicks only, but all the enemys spells will still damage you. * For attacking: the possibilities for attacking are wide, so let's see them all. Remember that attacking is only possible if the mark is over your enemy. ~ Punch: press the direction you want to puch (only UP or FRONT) + "A" button. You can only punch the head and the torso. ~ Kick: press the direction you want to kick + "B" button. It's recommended to always give kicks instead of punches, as there is a big chance for you to be hold and thrown by your enemy if you punch the head. If you are playing with standard controller mode, you only need to press the "B" button alone (no direction is needed to be indicated). If you press "A" "B" at the same time, your kick will be stronger (could be done UP, standing and DOWN). ~ Grab: if your enemy did exactly what I've told you *not* to do (that is, to puch you at the face and you blocked it), you'll see that you and your enemy will hold that stance for a little longer (about a second perhaps); this is because you've got the chance to grab him. To do so, you need to press DOWN and "A" "B" simultaniously, just after you blocked the face punch. Besides the standard kicking and punching, you've got other new powers to use; the only requirement is to have your K.O. at 100%. Let's see the new possibilities: ~ Hyriu-No Ken: This is triggered like an standard hurricane kick; that is, by holding UP + "A" "B" at the same time.I recommend to do it when you are close to your enemy (there are better chances for him to crouch and, such, for the Hyriu-No Ken to land). You are capable to trigger up to 3 Hyru-No Kens before the K.O.% goes down to 40% (that is, if you are not hit in the way). It all seems that its attack potential is = current char level + number of Dragma you've collected so far.If anyone has a better idea of this mechanism, please e-mail me: it would be pretty appreciated :) ~ Cosmic Saucer: you can cast up to 3 fireballs. What you need to do is to hold the controller pad at the desired direction of the fireball, and then press the "B" button. If you are fighting at the Dark Dimenssion, you can cast spells as well if you are transformed (so, do it right away after you've entered a fight in the Dark Dimenssion - besides, you can have your butt kicked as you cannot defend from the enemy's spells with your barehands, as said before -). ~ Mystic Spell: if you hold UP + A, you'll cast your spell. You can choose which spell you want to be cast at the menu (press START for doing this). If no spell is explicitly chossen, the first one at the list will be chosen by default. As with the Hyriu-No Ken, you can cast up to 3 spells in a row. == C2. OUTSIDE MENU == _______________________ ______________ | | | | Character Orb | Sub display | | Exp. Lv. Char. Life | | | En. Life | Magic Water | | | | | No. MagicWater K.O. | | |_______________________|______________| * Character name: indicates the current active warrior you have. At the journey mode it could only be Rick, tough. * Exp. Lv.: if you are new to RPG's, then is important for you to understand that the evolvement of each character is measured through his/her experience in combat; this is done in a numerical scale. After a certain amount, your experience level will increase. You can consult your current experience and level by accesing the sub display. * No. MagickWater: Magic Water is your main source of health. Each bottle gives you 50 HP. There are three ways that you can get these: 1) flying around the stage; these are released each 120 secs after you have loaded a new stage. It all seems that this timer is continue as far as you don't start a new stage (finishing your 4 continues seems to be considered as loading the current stage). 2) Finding them under the rocks through the stages.3) In combat mode. An important difference with the former ways, is that in combat mode the bottles are not automatically drunk but rather stored. You can keep up to 10 bottles this way. It's a wise thing to take advantage of the combat mode and stack up your supplies by not finishing the fight too quickly. * Orb: although you collect different orbs as part of the Mandara Talisman, the one that is shown here is the one of Courage. It blinks when an enemy holds an important item (a piece of the Mandara Talisman). For more information concerning orbs, see the FAQ's section below. * Char. life: this is your character health level. When your life reaches cero, you die. After that, Angel comes up and encourages you to keep fighting (you are introduced to her at Stage 1 in the story mode). You are provided with 4 continues; if you choose to continue, you start right away at the same area of the stage that you died. An interesting feature of this game is that, if you have left cero continues, besides getting a gameover you'll start from the beggining of the current stage: you keep all your equipment and magic waters and your are provided with 4 more continues. So, it seems that Culture Brain decided that the most important thing of this game is the pleasure of playing it until the end :) * En. Life: this is the health level of any boss or mini boss you are facing in the present moment. This includes the purple gargoyles, the pink phantoms, the stone statues and the fire beasts. There is actually only one real boss that you'll face in the journey mode:the Phantom that keeps the entrance to the first Tournament. * K.O.: This is a sort of "power meter"; it increases by killing the enemys you face through the stages.Other way to increase it is by finding the K.O gauges that are hidden under the grey rocks that you can crush; these ones give you 20%. The K.O. start at 40% and increases up to 100%. When you reach 100% you are able to throw up to 30 fire balls (aka "Cosmic Saucer"). Notice that the manual says that you can throuw up to 50, but in my counts they are 30 (¿?). After that, the count goes down again to 40%. You'll loose percentage if you get hit by any enemy as well. * Sub display: opens up the sub-menu. This looks something like this: __________________ | | | Orb Item | ----Mirror---- | | | | | Mystic Spell | |M1 M2 M3 M4 M5| | | | | | Equipment | -------------- | | | Password | |__________________| MANDARA ______________ O------------------O | Ex | | | | Level | | | | Life | | | | Attack | | | | Dragma | O------------------O -------------- ~ Orb: List you all the orbs you've collected so far. Each of them gives you seveal tips that helps you through the game (see the section below for more details concerning Orbs). ~ Item: the items you have bought at the stores. You can "use" them or just "check" the amount that you have got (see the section below for more details concerning the Items you can buy at the Stores). ~ Mystic Spell: this list the spells you have learned with each character (see the section below for more details concerning Equipment and Spells). ~ Equipment: this includes the several weapons that each characer can hold. Each weapon grants a new spell for the character that holds it (see the section below for more details concerning Equipment and Spells). ~ Password: this gives you a password for accesing the current stage you are. It will let you keep all the equipment you have found, 5 Magic Waters (it seems that it does not matter if you had less or more than 5 when you asked for your paswword, you recieve 5), your K.O.= 40%, your health to the top of your current level, none of the items that you bought at stores and your experience is trunkated to the last level you have reached (so, it's wise to ask for a password *just after* you reached a new level). ~ Mirror: this shows you the number of Mirrors you've found. They seem to work like shields for the enemys mystic spells. The manual says that each mirror helps you againts each of the five kinds of spells that are there: which spells are of which kind, is a hard thing to tell. ~ Ex: your current amount of experience. ~ Level: your current experience level. ~ Attack: the amount of damage you do with a single kick or punch. ~ Dragma: The manual says: "There are five pieces and is [are] necessary to complete the 'Mandara Talisman'. Everytime you collect a piece, the power of the 'Hiryu-no-Ken' will increase" (these ones gives +1 of damage to your current attack level, when usin the Hyryo-No Ken in commbat mode? It seems so...). * Magic Water: lets you drink your stack of Magic Waters. == C3. COMBAT MENU == This is the menu that appears when fighting in combat mode: _______________________ ______________ | | | | Character Orb | Transform! | | Exp. Lv. Char. Life | | | En. Life | Allies | | | | | No. MagicWater K.O. | Mystic Spell | |_______________________|______________| * Transform!: this let's you use all your equipments against the evil foes you'll face: that is, to use your mystic spells and defend from the enemy's! It's important that you get used to transform as soon as you get into the Dark Dimenssion's fights (mostly tusk soldiers: you'll get used to the game mode change and the peculiar sound related to it). * Allies: as it's implied, this option let's you choose any of the warriors that are currently in your party. At some battles, when you try to choose one ally, there will be a specific member that will ask you to let them fight. It is your desition to let them fight or not (yet,most of the times,the one that is willing to fight, will actually do more damage to that specific enemy). * Mystic Spells: You can select which spell you wish to cast; if not done, the first spell (of any active character) is chossen by default. + Big bosses Menu (Narga and Demonix mainly).In this special combat mode,you'll experience a more classic RPG fighting, with command actions only: Attack menu: _______________________ ______________ | | | | Character Orb | Mystic Spell | | Exp. Lv. Char. Life | | | En. Life | Allies | | | | | No.MagicWater K.O. | | |_______________________|______________| Defense menu: _______________________ ______________ | | | | Character Orb | Barrier | | Exp. Lv. Char. Life | | | En. Life | Magic Water | | | | | No.MagicWater K.O. | Escape | |_______________________|______________| * Barrier: this is equivalent to "defend from an upcoming attack". The result depends of a random calculation (which, sadly, I ignore); it's is supposed to be based on dice rolling though (like the original game-board games that the RPG's are based from), which includes your actual defense and dodge level, against your enemy's attack and agility level. * Escape: well, this lets you run from the battle; you don't gain pretty much as there is almost nothing to do outside these main battles. == C4. ITEMS, ORBS, MIRRORS AND EQUIPMENT == * ITEMS: The items you get are the ones that can be bought at the two stores of the game. The coins needed for buying are dropped by certains enemies that are in the same Stage that Store is placed. Coins can be stored for future use in other stores (remember that items are NOT stored when using password). At Stage 2 you find Shunran's Store. She sells you: # Charm (10 Coins): seems to help you avoid most of the random enemies from attacking you. # Windyshoes (5 coins): let's you go to an important area of the current Stage (one of which is the local store); at Stage 2 it takes you to the Dragon Cave as well. # Magic Water (10 coins): a "stockable" Magic Water. # Bracelet (20 coins). The reality is that she only sells you the Dragon's Password - "Fallen Stars" - (but she still keeps the coins!). At Stage 5 and 7 you find Pippi's Store. She sells you: # Charm (10 Coins): helps you to stop random enemies from attacking. # Windyshoes (5 coins): let's you go to an important area of the current Stage (in this stages you can only go to local store, tough). # Magic Water (10 coins): a "stockable" Magic Water. # Bait (2 coins): this item "attracts the enemy's common soldiers" (who would like to do that?, is a thing that I cannot understand). * ORBS: Each of them gives you seveal tips that helps you through the game. The orbs that you can collect are: + Courage: It gives you tips for finding the pieces of the Mandara Talisman; it also blinks at your main screen if an enemy holds an important item. It recognices the inner Flying Warrior of people (so Rick knows that he can awake them). + Wisdom: gives you tips for key events of the game; so, consult it any time you are lost (don't expect much, tough). + Justice: from the manual: "When you forget to pick up the important items, it'll let you travel through by mystic power". + Love: Gives you an important hint for defeating Demonix: "Beyond the Gate where Zakros stands, you'll meet Demonix. Use Jimmy's spell, the Meteor Shower, to break his Dark Field". The manual also says: "It'll tell you what is missing to complete the 'Mandara Talisman'". + Dark Orb: shown as collected item in the menu (so, you can't consult it). * MIRRORS: They seem to work like shields. I'll comment you my intuitions about the Mirrors, but there is not exactly a precise way to figure it out what are they for: + Mirror of Mercury: seems to help you to defend yourselve from standard spells from the Tusk Soldiers (if you managed to block it, that is). + Mirror of Venus: seems to be helpful in defending from Narga's spells. + Mirror of Mars: any idea of its' usage? + Mirror of Jupiter: any idea of its' usage? + Mirror of Earth: any idea of its' usage? + Dark Mirror: shown as collected item in the menu (should be critical for defending from Demonix spells ¿?). * EQUIPMENT:the most important thing to consier about equipment, is that each weapon grants a specific spell to the Flying Warrior that holds it. Rick: Sword of Vijaya: gives Rick the Howling Fire spell = 10 dmg points. Besides the spell, this sword gives Rick the capability to awake the inner Flying Warrior of his comrades. Sword of Kirik -> Fire Burst = 12 dmg pts Sword of Kan -> Fire Tornado = 20 dmg pts Sword of Ankh -> Fire Gail = 38 dmg pts Mary: Sword of Amoga -> Flaming Rain = 14 dmg pts Arrow of Ragara -> Fire Storm = 38 dmg pts Hayato: Sword of Amoga -> Mad Cyclone = 14 dmg pts Sword of Mayuree -> Illusion Wind = 38 dmg pts Greg: Sword of Amoga -> Thunder Burst = 18 dmg pts Axe of Kundary -> Thunder Break = 38 dmg pts Jimmy: Sword of Amoga -> Flashing Rain = 24 dmg pts Trident of Liva -> Meteor Shower = 38 dmg pts Notice, as mentioned before, that, at some enemys, a specific Flying Warrior would be capable of doing more damage (he/she will ask you to fight in such cases, so try to change allies from time to time to see if they are willing to fight). == D. WALKTHROUGH == After you configure your game, the game introduction comes as follow: "A long time ago, there were two big powers in the world called the Light Dimension and the Dark Dimension. Demonyx, the king of the Dark Dimension, gathered his throng of soldiers in black armor, and declared war against the Light Dimension. Powers clashed and the sky was dyed blood red. Finally the long battle was over with the victory of the Dragonlord, the hero of the Light Dimension. And Demonix was sealed up by the power of the Mandara Talisman. But he left the musterious words...... "I'll be back when the red evil star appears." Years later, an ominous red star appeard in the night sky. Just then, five shooting lights came down toward the ground." After this, you are introduced to Rick: training his Kung-Fu, "as usual" :D. D1. STAGE 1: TRAINING MOUNTAINS First of all, get used to your movements: the first stages are, ironically, of the hardest of the game. So, get some practice with crouching, kicking, jumping and jump-kicking-punching. An important thing that you have to notice is that every 90 seconds you'll face some bothersome purple gargoyles when you are walking at the main roads of the stage. These are quite dangerous for the early levels of Rick (you recieve tons of damage and you cannot do pretty much back). I advice you to try to go as fast as possible so, instead of fighting them, you could just avoid them. Yet, you can practice an try to understand it's attacking pattern(most of it, launching a thunder at the place you are standing and rushing over you -you can avoid this attack by crouching, though-). It's possible to skip them if you rush to a safe area (most of the time, when you change screens like entering a cave). So, after you are more familiar with your movements, take your way to the left. You'll face a sort of samurais and flying skulls;you should be able to dispatch them with a single kick. Keep your way to the left until you see a gap; go down to it and keep your way left; you'll face a couple of bat's nest. It can spawn as much bats as far as you don't destroit; so, destroy them in the first chance you have. You'll find a K.O. gauge in the breakable rocks, so take it.Keep your way left until you find another gap. Wait a little bit and you'll see a sort of plataform that will take you down; you don't need to take it for being able to go down, but it's safer. Any way, take your way down. After that, take your way to the right, trying to avoid all the gaps here and the fallig rocks until you reach the cave. Enter the cave. Here take your way right and then up, killing the bats and taking the K.O. gauge in the way. Go up and take the exit.Remember that if you need energy, you can always wait for the 120 secs lapse needed for the flying Magic Water to appear. When you are at the outside, you'll be in the middle of a mountain. Take your way up, until you reach another cave. Here you'll find a purple gargoyle; these one is NOT possible to be avoid, so be prepared for killing it. I suggest to reach with your K.O. at 100%, so you have more chances in killing it. Afer you kill it, you'll face your first tusk soldier and a new battling mode. For more details, reffer to the combat section above. So, afer you kill the soldier,you are left to destroy the floating rocks there; you'll find "Angel's Robe" and some victorious music will start(this means that you've found the most important item of the Stage and you are able to trigger the exit of it). Get outside the cave and take all your way right; you'll see some breakable rocks on your way down. They hold a Magic Water so take it. Pass the starting area and keep right, killing the foes you find. You'll be able to go up and right; climb up and keep right until you find Angel. She'll thank you for finding her robe and, as a reward, she'll led you under the waterfall throught a "secret passage". You'll, then, find a mysterious orb at the ravine (which happens to be the Orb of Courage). D2. STAGE 2: THE SHORIN TEMPLE AT CHINA This stage is quite simple; you'll fight 3 Shaolin monks which will give you some experience and items. They are: Fusetsu (purple): 400 exp. points. Ensetsu (orange): The orb of courage will be blinking; he'll give you 500 exp. points and the Mirror of Mercury. Rakan (yellow): [secret chamber] The orb of courage will be blinking again; When his hit points are below 40, he will take you to the Dark Dimenssion and he'll ask to transform; you awake your inner powers and reveal as a Flying Warrior. Although you don't have the sword yet, you are able to cast Howling Fire right away. At the end, you'll earn 1000 exp. points and the Sword of Vijaya. D3. STAGE 3: PATH TO THE TOURNAMENT In the first cave, be careful of the bats: they might give you a little headache for jumping ahead the first cliffs you see. On the second screen you'll see some jumping zombie-like monters which leave coins after you defeat them; you need to get at least 25 coins. I recommend you to walk as fast as you can to reach the first cave (the one before a cliff). There, restore yout health with the magic water at the stones of the furthest left wall. Then, get out and kill the jumping zombies for coins; when you see the pink phantom, return to the cave and restore. This phantom *can* be killed but it's quite a bothersome one.. you should try your luck if you wish :): they appear every 18 seconds at the main roads of this stage. After you collect the coins you should buy from Shunran the Charm bracelet (or the password for getting it) and some Windyshoes. Her store is at the top upper left of this cave. After it, you might want to take a look at the middle up cave for an unspected sightseen. Either way, get out of the cave and run your way to the right; be aware of the flying skulls and more jumping zombies; if you face a pink phantom, try to avoid its fires and walk your way to the right exit. After that, jump your way up the waterfall. Keep all your way to the right until you reach the Dragon cave; it's a nice thing to notice that the four rocks before the first cliff contains a mystic crystal (the only one in the game I believe); for not loosing it, jump the rocks to the right, then break them, so the mystic crystal doesn't fall to the cliff. At the end of the road you'll see four floating rocks; destroy only the upper one's for a free Magic Water. On the new cave, walk your way to the left, killing the fire piting enemies you'll cross. At the left exit you'll face a purple gargoyle with a tusk soldier: try to reach here with you K.O. at 100% so it would be easier to kill the gargoyle.This tusk soldier gives you the Sword of Kirik. Finally, reach the Dragon's Cave at the uper right exit and give him the password. The Dragon will give you the Magic Bracelet, necessary for killing the boss in this stage. In my way of seeing it, the way back is somehow bothersome; here is when the windyshoes comes handy. Use the one you bought and choose to go to the store: you'll end at Shuran's store. Restore your energy with the magic water and then start your way back to the waterfall, killing the enemys and avoiding the pink phantoms, as usual. When you reach the top of the waterfall, walk to your right and enter the first cave you see; before you enter you might want to go to the end of the road for the mystic crystal (it will come handy). Here, you'll need to kill a purple gargoyle and a tusk soldier (if you haven't filled up your stock of magick waters, here should be a nice place to do it). Either way, keep your way up until you see the top right exit (take the Magic Water at the upper breakable rocks). Here you'll face, in my opinion, the most annoying area of the game: the multiple jumps over an abyss. There is not exactly a technique here.. just a lot of trial and error. For an extra ingredient, the enemy here is quite bothersome: I hope you got all the magic waters I suggested you to collect at the tusk soldiers' fights. The enemy has a patern, tough: each 3 hits it will fly across the screen; so, after 3 hits, crouch to avoid this attack. You should be careful as each hit of the boss harms you by 30 HP (you'll be about 80-90 by this stage of the game). So, use your magic waters for saving your life! After you kill it, you'll earn your entrance to the Tournament and recieve the second orb: the Orb of Wisdom. D.4 STAGE 4: THE TOURNAMENT AT HONG KONG Here you'll show your kung-fu fighting techniques; there is not much to say besides, perhaps, for being aware if you see a red star on your opponet: you might defeat him in one shot! :) All the fighters have special movements; most of them could be easily dodged by jumping forward and backward, constantly. You'll notice when a special move is going to be done as there are not hit marks and the opponent stops his movements for a second. Your first opponent will be Litron (130 HP / Martial Arts / 500 exp. points). Then Thornram (100 HP / Kickboxing / 700 exp. points). Then Shiro (110 HP / Karate / 900 exp. points). This guy was a hidden tusk soldier; this one has got one Dragma with him. Then the Mad Ape (180 HP / Wrestling / 540 exp. points). You'll face finally Slugger Sam, the boxer (80 hP). If you hit him with a strong down kick he'll reveal himself as a tusk soldier. After defeating him, you'll get 2016 exp. points and another Dragma as reward. At the end of the Tournament Hayato and Mary join your party (so you can choose them from now on when fighting at the Dark Dimenssion). The Orb of Courage tells Rick that Mary and Hayato are Flying Warriors; so Rick wakes them with the Sword of Vijaya. D5. STAGE 5: GTG's LABORATORY RUINS AT PERU Ancient Underground ruins As on stage 2, you need to collect some coins for going forward through the game. If you had coins left from the stage 2, these are taken in use as well. You'll need to get at least 35 coins from the mud zombies you face (the items you'll buy are not critical, but they won't do any harm either). At the end of the path you'll end to a small village that served as a resort for the former investigation partys. Talk to all the people that is walking around, they will give you tips about the statue of Narga. At the middle of the village you'll find Greg, dressed with the local clothing. Greg will talk you that the legendary demon Narga has been awaken and that he was the only survivor of the first investigation party. The Orb will identify him as a Flying Warrior and Rick awakes him. In the local store you should buy at least three charms and some windsdyshoes. When you've finished your shopping, keep going to the right until you reach the end of the village. You'll enter the jungle again. Use one of your charms and run all your way to the right; you see a big tree with a parrot; you cannot do pretty much now, so keep right until you reach the undergroung ruins. In the first section jump over the ledges until you reach a new section. Go to the left; be careful of the appearing jumping-purple skeletons: they are not much of a threat though. You'll find a strange talking bottle which will ask you to take it to the Tree of Spirits. Use your other charm and walk your way left, killing the honeycombs you see in the way. When you reach the Tree of Spirits, say the spell-word "BIBILA" and the Tree's power will reveal him as Maradora, a treasure hunter that was cursed at the ruins. Somehow, Rick ends with the Sword of Kan at his hands (perhaps as a treasure that Maradora was carring with him ¿?). Anyway, return to the ruins going your way back to the right. This time, keep right until you see a second section of platforms that go up; keep your way up until you reach some breackable stones;the top right one hides a Magic Water. Go down again and keep your way right until you see a gap; go down and then left; here, keep going until you reach a new gap. Go down. In the new section keep all your way right until you reach a new area; you'll end at a waterfall. Climb your way up until you reach a new exit to the right. Keep your way on, taking care of the jumps and the bothersome bats and bees that are around. When you advanced three more areas, you'll find a mini-boss. This one, as expected, will harm you greatly. Try to do three kicks or jump kicks then, he will retreats back for a moment; keep doing it until you kill him (I *know* its easier said than done.. but it's possible): try to take the ledge of the platform that he is standing as your advantage -he will go no further besides the edge: do good use of your hard earned magic waters as well-. So, after you kill it, you'll find a big wall of breackable tones; you'll find a Magic Water and the Stone Tablet. Use your windysoes and fly to the village. Then, take your way again to the ruins, don't forget to use a charm for making your life a lot of easier. At the ruins, walk your way until you reach again the gap. Here, instead of going down, climp your way up until you reach a new section; here you'll face another guardian. Try to do your best for killing it (you can use the edge again in your advantage). After that, walk your way to the left until you find a secret door; here you'll reveal the statue of Narga. Insert the Stone Tablet and the statue will move. You'll get the Mirror of Venus. Now, take the way right then down, until you reach the bottom. Here, take left. Go down the gap again and keep your way right until you reach the waterfall once more. Here, climb up; in the middle of the way, you'll find a secret passage: this is the hidden passage to the laboratory ruins. You'll find another guardian statue: do your best to deal with it again ^_^. When you kill it, keep your way right until you reach the Laboratory entrance: be careful as the platforms will fall as you step on them. The entrance is wached by Narga, the demon itself. Here you'll face a new mode of combat that is more within a classic RPG style (check the command menu section above for more details in how to fight here). For damage dealing, see the following data: Howling Fire = 22 Fire Burst = 24 Fire Tornado = 33 Flaming Rain = 24 Mad Cyclon = 27 Thunder Bust = 30 Hiryu-No Ken! = 43 Narga has got 100 HP. Afer you damage him such, Narga will refuge in the Dark Dimension; after that, it will come back, angry, and with 200 HP. You'll gain 6208 exp. points and the Arrow of Ragara (notice that, due to a bug, you only recieve 1800 exp. points ¿?). GTG's LABORATORY As soon as you enter, you'll see a purple gargoyle; kill it (it should be a lot of easier with the damage can do now). It has a hidden tusk soldier; you'll get 2560 exp. points for killing him. After that, take the elevator and take the door at your left. In the next room walk until the next elevator; just before getting up, you'll face another gargoyle and one of the first Dark Dimenssion commanders: Viruksha (4032 exp. / Mirror of Mars). Mary's Fire Storm seems to do the highest damage here (about 33 dmg points); notice that, in the same fashion, Viruksha's Phantom Fire = Mary's Fire Storm. Take the elevator and go up until you see a new door at your left; take it. Here you'll face another tusk soldier (1200 exp. points). Here Mary's Fire Storm will be your best attack again. After finishing him, take the left door. You'll enter the final room of the laboratory. Here you'll find the main commander of the tusk soldiers army: Baishra. Yet, Baishra is disguised within the tusk soldier you face. For uncovering him, you need to finish him with a Cosmic Sauser. So, DON'T transform until you've revealed him! When you ask for changing allies, Greg tells you that he wants to finish him (you can let him, although Mary is still the one that hits him harder). For some data about this: Howling Fire = 10 Fire Burst = 12 Fire Tornado = 20 Flaming Rain = 14 Fire Storm = 38 Mad Cyclon = 14 Thunder Bust = 28 Baishra's Dark Blizzard = Rick's Howling Fire You'll gain 7258 exp. points and a Dragma (the real exp. points recieved is unknown as you don't get actually 7258!). After finishing him, you'll discover that the president of the GTG is dead. Dargon, the main head of the Dark Dimenssion, appears; he reveals the plot behind the Laboratory's expedition. Afer that, he challenges you at the World Tournament at New York. D6. stage 6: THE WORLD TOURNAMENT AT NEW YORK Your first opponent will be Daimon (130 HP / Karate / 5000 exp. points). Then Max Crusher (230 HP / Wrestling / 5500 exp. points). Then Harken (200 HP / Martial Arts). This guy has a hidden tusk soldier: Viradaka; for revealing him, you need to defeat Harken with a Hyriu-No Ken. He has the Sword of Ankh with him, and 8000 exp. points. Best spell here: Mary's Fire Storm (48 dmg). Afer that, you'll fight Samsak (130 HP / Kickboxing / 5500 exp. points). You'll face, finally, Dargon himself (180 hP). At first you'll need to fight him as your alter ego: a purple clone of Rick. After that, you'll see Dargon in the Dark Dimenssion (210 hp). Rick will ask you to let him kick hiss ass.You'll get 10 000 exp. points and the Orb of Justice as reward. Some damage data for this fight: Howling Fire = 10 Fire Burst = 12 Fire Tornado = 20 Fire Gale = 48 Flaming Rain = 14 Fire Storm = 38 Mad Cyclon = 14 Thunder Bust = 28 The Five Moon Warriors will appear as the main legion for defeding Demonix. After that, you'll meet the ShadowCult in the Chinatown reatauran at New York. The elder tells you that you've defeated all the tusk soldiers but the Moonlight Warriors are the strongest soldiers from the Dark Dimenssion: they are responsible of Demonix's revival. Jimmy reveals himself as the last Flying Warrior; the Orb of Courage blinks and Rick awakes him. D7. STAGE 7: THE "SUBWAY STATION" You'll start at a some cavern complex that will hardly remember you a subway (¿?). Walk your way to the right; you'll find a statue. Choose to push it (if you attempt to break it, you'll be killed by poisonous gas). You'll reveal a secret entrance. Fall into the big hole there and take the exit. You'll reach a new area with a sort of purple flying robots.. they are a little bit bothersome but you can avoid them if you walk fast. You'll end in a new section of the caves; here the fall is quite small :). Here are two main roads; first take the left exit. Then, move fast or you'll face one of those flying pink phamtoms like at Stage 2: the difference is that you are a lot of more powerful, and they have still 12 of hp! :). Any case, you'll face a flying gargoyle and a tusk solider (weren't they already exterminated ¿? .. nevermind). He has got 120 HP and 1200 exp points. You'll find the Mirror of Earth behind the breakable rocks. Take your way back to the split path. Here take up the right exit. You'll face some mud zombies, like the one's at Stage 3; get up the coins you wish: you might want to buy some charms for the zones you are going to deal. When you finish collecting your coins, take the right exit. Here, take the first door and then go immediately up; here you'll find a fire demon; it's a simple pattern: he throws 3 fireballs then flyes towards you; just jump it, kick it, then jump again when it comes back towards you (yet, it does a lot of damage, so it's not as simple as I'm describing it ;). You'll find here the Sword of Mayuree for Hayato. Take your way back and keep left for another door. Here you'll face one of those guardians from Stage 5. After killing it you'll get the Trident of Liva for Jimmy; this gives Jimmy Meteor Shower: a crucial spell for the end of the game. You'll find there too the Mirror of Jupiter. Take your way back to the main road that brought you here; there, walk right and take the next door. Here you'll find a drinkable Magic Water at the top breakable rocks: you might fill up your energy by cooming back repeteadly. After the Magic Water you'll see a pit in which, if you fall, you'll actually die. At the top right exit you'll face a stone guardian you'll get the Axe of Kundary for Greg. Take your way back to the main road and go to the right; skip the following door and keep right. You'll meet Pippi again and her shop (quite a bizarre place to have branch of her store, isn't it? :)). You might want buy your charms, in any case you want to make your life easier here. After that, keep your way right until you find another door. Here, take the elevator: stand at the right edge of it, so you can kill the fire skulls at your sides. At the top of the cliff you'll find another door; there you'll face another fire demon. After killing it, you'll get a strange Relief: the key for entering the Underworld. Take your way back to the door before the shop (the one that we just skipped). There, you'll face another purple gargoyle and a tusk soldier (130 Hp, 3000 exp. points); you'll get a Dragma after defeating him. Keep your way left then up; there you'll get a K.O. gauge at the breakable rocks. Finally, you'll see the entrance to the Underworld (be careful that just at the entrance some purple samurais will keep falling). D8.STAGE 8: THE UNDERWORLD PALACE Take your way up and right; at the middle of the first group of breakable rocks you'll find a K.O. gauge. At the end of that platform you'll face the first temple. If you need to recharge with the free flying Magic Water, you can take some steps back the temple, until the ??? disapears from the enemy's life. So, after you are ready to enter the first temple, get close to it (the same thing can be done at any other of the temples). You'll face the first Moon Warrior: Selenos (270 HP) / 7040 Exp / the Dark Bell). Greg is the one doing more damage here, as follows: Thunder Bust = 28 Thunder Break = 48 After Defeating him, take your way up, you'll face the rest of the Moon Warriors. They are as follow: Second Floor -> Lunatos (320 HP / 8448 exp. points / Dark Mirror). Hayato will ask you to fight him: let him do so. Mad Cyclon = 14 Illusion Wind = 48 On the way to the third floor you'll find a "Charm" at the breackable rocks, which comes to be as the charms that you buy at the shop. You'll find a drinkable Magic Water as well. At the third Floor you'll face Sieros (360 HP / 10982 exp. points / Dark Orb). You might want to use Jimmy for this fight. Flashing Rain = 24 Meteor Shower = 48 Siero's Cuting Blizzard = Hayato's Mad Cyclon In the way to the final floor, you'll face a hidden tusk soldier (130hp / 3400 exp. points / Dragma). Just before you enter the last temple you'll fight the last Moon Warrior: Zakros (420hp / 15375 exp. points / Orb of Love). Jimmy will ask you if he can defeat him: there is no difference in damage dealing if you let him fighting or not. Don't miss this last chance for stocking your Magic Waters! Zakros's Crushing Pressure = Hayato's Illusion Wind You'll then, reach Demonix chamber; you should have reach here with about lv. 24; with 12 atk lv. and full Magick Water stock, you should be able to defeat him. The most important tip about killing him is that, if he hides in the shadows, you should use Jimmy's Meteor Shower. Good Luck and enjoy the ending! Demonix has 300 HP; after you have damage him such 300 hp, he comes back and he's angry! (well, at least he changes color from red to blue to green :), and with 600 hp. When you have damaged him up to 300 hp, all the Flying Warriors will fusion into Dragon Lord, the legendary hero that defeated Demonix before. Damage table: Howling Fire = 13 Fire Burst = 14 Fire Tornado = 21 Fire Gale = 38-41 Flaming Rain = 14 Fire Storm = 38-41 Mad Cyclon = 14 Illusion Wind = 38-41 Thunder Bust = 19 Thunder Break = 38-41 Flashing Rain = 26 Meteor Shower = 38-41 Hiryu-NO Ken = 58-60 Dragon Lord: Fire Gale = 59-61 Fire Storm = 59-61 Illusion Wind = 59-61 Meteor Shower = 59-61 Hiryu-NO Ken = 77-78 (No space for Greg in Dragon Lord :S) I hope you liked playing Flying Warriors as much as all the fans enjoy it! == E. TIPS & TRICKS == * If you are jumping down at thin platforms, you can pass through them if you hold DOWN at your pad. * If you are having troubles to trigger the Cosmic Saucer, take into consideration the next tip, thanks to TiegonBerry (this issue gave me a lot of headaches!): "The key using a cosmic saucer is to not transform when in combat mode. Strangely, only normal Rick Stalker can use them." * If you are combating in the Dark Dimenssion and one of your comrades ask you to choose him for the fight, you need to say "no" 3 times and you'll be able to choose any warrior you wish. * Talk to the orbs constantly, specially the Orb of Courage: Talk to it after giving the password to the Dragon at Stage 2: "You'll find disguised tusk soldiers in the elimination tournament. Attack Slugger Sam, the boxer, with a Spinning Ground Kick." (that is, DOWN + "A" "B" at your pad). At the beggining of the Laboratory Ruins: "A tusk soldier, Baishra must be finished off with the Cosmic Sauser" (that is, the fireball you throw with your K.O. at 100%). Just before ending the Laboratory Ruins: "You'll find disguised tusk soldiers in the World Tournament. Harken, the martial arts fighter, must be finished off with the Hyriu-no Ken". * Orb of Love: Gives you an important hint for defeating Demonix: "Beyond the Gate where Zakros stands, you'll meet Demonix. Use Jimmy's spell, the Meteor Shower, to break his Dark Field". * Rick's Experience Level Chart: The next chart shows you an estimation in how do I believe the character evolution occurs; if anyone has got more precise values, they will be greatly appreciated to recieve :). I'm yet working to improve this values. -------------------------------- | Lv | Exp. | Life | Attack | |----+--------+-------+--------| | 1 | 0 | 50 | 1 | |----+--------+-------+--------| | 2 | 1000 | 50 | 1 | |----+--------+-------+--------| | 3 | 2000 | 55 | 2 | |----+--------+-------+--------| | 4 | 3000 | 60 | 3 | |----+--------+-------+--------| | 5 | 4000 | 80 | 3 | |----+--------+-------+--------| | 6 | 5000 | 85 | 4 | |----+--------+-------+--------| | 7 | 6000 | 90 | 4 | |----+--------+-------+--------| | 8 | 8000 | 95 | 4 | |----+--------+-------+--------| | 9 | 9000 | 100 | 5 | ??? |----+--------+-------+--------| | 10 | 10000 | 110 | 5 | |----+--------+-------+--------| | 11 | 13000 | 115 | 5 | |----+--------+-------+--------| | 12 | 15000 | 120 | 5 | |----+--------+-------+--------| | 13 | 17000 | 125 | 5 | |----+--------+-------+--------| | 14 | 19000 | 130 | 6 | |----+--------+-------+--------| | 15 | 30000 | 140 | 6 | |----+--------+-------+--------| | 16 | 35000 | 145 | 6 | |----+--------+-------+--------| | 17 | 40000 | 150 | 6 | |----+--------+-------+--------| | 18 | 50000 | 165 | 6 | |----+--------+-------+--------| | 19 | 55000 | 175 | 7 | |----+--------+-------+--------| | 20 | 61000 | 180 | 8 | |----+--------+-------+--------| | 21 | 70000 | 185 | 8 | |----+--------+-------+--------| | 22 | 80000 | 195 | 9 | |----+--------+-------+--------| | 23 | 90000 | 200 | 9 | |----+--------+-------+--------| | 24 | 95000 | 210 | 12 | |----+--------+-------+--------| | 25 | 105000 | 220 | 14 | |----+--------+-------+--------| | 26 | | | | |----+--------+-------+--------| | 27 | | | | |----+--------+-------+--------| | 28 | | | | |----+--------+-------+--------| | 29 | | | | |----+--------+-------+--------| | 30 | | | | -------------------------------- Do you want a good place to level up? The best place that I can think of is the Underword Palace. Take up your way before Demonix, ask for your password, reset your game, and enter the password you got. You'll start at the begginig of the "Subway Station", with all your experience and equipment (but none of your the items you bought), 5 Magic Waters, the Relief Key, and all the Moon Warriors waiting to be defeated again. Remember to ask for a password just *after* you leveled up, so you won't waste any effort. * Some Game passwords that can be found at the net (not really know to whom credit for them): MUSIC = let's you listen to the game soundtrack. END = let's you see the end of the game. * Some of my passwords: "Subway Station" (with the key to enter the Underworld Palace): CZJX 63D2 6666 5 K5BZ 85F4 8888 7 ZMP4 C9J8 CCCC B == F. FAQ CREDITS == First of all, thanks a lot to TiegonBerry for his great Youtube's old skool sanctuary; in special terms, I thank for his detailed gameplay in his "Let's play Flying Warriors", which inspired me for doing this FAQ in the first place: thanks a lot for all the laughts through the entire videoguide!! Thanks to his videos, I was able to check important details: you rock! :). You can see his entire run at: www.youtube.com/profile?user=TiegonBerry&view=videos&query=Flying+Warriors Thanks too to Hayabusakun and his Hiryu no Ken III ending video: I was able to learn some details about the the relationship of Flying Warriors and its japanese predecesors, as well as relating the original japanese names of the characters for the Famicom and it's NES counterparts. You can see his video at: www.youtube.com/watch?v=8VTIKS9AlGI Thanks to Omnizero for his Ultimate Fighter translation guides uploaded at GameFAQs, which helped me in understanding better the misteries of the Hiryu-No Ken timeline. Finally, thanks a lot to GameFAQs and Neoseeker for allowing me to host this FAQ: it wouldn't have sence to have done it if no one would help me sharing it to the world :)