-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- Commando -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- This FAQ/Walkthrough was made for The NES Faq Completion Project. If you'd like to contribute to this completion project then go to Devin Morgan's site: http://web.njit.edu/~dbm7/ ------------------- Table of Contents ------------------- 1. Controls 2. Walkthrough 3. Cheats 4. Game Genie Codes 5. Disclaimer ------------------- 1. Controls ------------------- A - Throw Grenade B - Shoot D-Pad - Move Start - Not Used Select - Pause ------------------- 2. Walkthrough ------------------- ________ (Area 1-1) ¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯ The level starts by a helecopter dropping you off into the middle of what appears to be a desert. As soon as you gain control two soldiers will appear. Start making your way towards the top of the screen and more soldiers will show up from the sides. When you reach a high piece of land to the right two soldiers will jump down so be careful not to be in the way lest you die. Anyways ramble on past the cliff thing to get some grenades. And past the grenades will be a small wall with a soldier on the other side firing at you. You can either toss a grenade at him or flank him. I'd recommend using the grenade because you will get some more grenades in a short while and its less messy. Be sure to fire at the ground where the soldier on the other side of the wall was standing to find a ladder. Climb down the ladder to find a friendly soldier who was captured. Walk up behind him to untie him and get some bonus points. When ready climb back up the ladder. When you reach a small canyon surrounded by higher cliffs there will be some more grenades to the left side of the screen. Once past the canyon look for three palm trees in a cluster to the left. There will be two enemy soldiers escorting a friendly soldier towards the top of the screen. Take out the enemy soldiers then rescue your own. By now you should have reached a wall with a hole in the middle. On the top of the wall will be a soldier riding a motorcycle. He will toss some grenades down so avoid them. There is another short wall on the right with a soldier behind it who sends out three grenades. Take him out then bomb the wall that is directly behind it to find another ladder. Naturally, climb down the ladder to find another two friendly soldiers. Untie them then enter into the next room. In this room are three tied up friendly soldiers. Untie them then climb up the ladder. Go through the hole in the wall when you are above ground again. After a few feet there will be a couple of soldiers hiding behind rocks and short walls. Infront of one of the rocks, in the middle, if you shoot at the ground there will be another ladder. You can choose to ignore this as it only has enemy soldiers inside. Anyways, carry on and behind one of the short walls on the left will be some grenades. Keep moving to find less soldiers hiding behind rocks and more hiding behind short walls. Look out for three palm trees in a cluster to the left to find two captured friendly soldiers. Rescue them and then move around the short wall to get above the trees for some more grenades. Move a little further past the short walls and to the left will be another grouping of grenades. Shoot at the grass directly to the right of the grenades to find yet another ladder. In this room theres an actual friendly soldier to rescue. After saving him climb up the ladder at the back of the room. Keep going till the screen stops moving. There will be some green soldiers now as well as regular soldiers. whats the differene you might ask, the green soldiers give more points. They will also sometimes have shields. Blow up the middle of the wall then take out any enemies on screen. Keep fighting until all onscreen enemies are killed and then you will automatically head through the hole in the wall to the next section. ________ (Area 1-2) ¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯ You will start off in a large desert. Start moving while shooting your way through soldiers. watch out for a car that will come down from the top of the screen as well as a truck that comes from the right. Keep going until you come to some trenches. There will be soldiers hiding in them. You can not kill them unless their heads are sticking up from the hole. Infront of the first trench to the left will be some grenades. After the first few trenches a motorcycle will drive on screen from the right. Avoid it and get into the open area. Some more motorcycles will drive on screen. Go through the hole in the bridge and on the other side will be soldiers with rocket launchers. Plow through them and grab the grenades on the left side of the screen. Then cross over the bridge. Blow out the end of the bridge to find a ladder. Climb down and rescue a soldier and get some more grenades. Proceed into the next room to free four soldiers. When ready climb the ladder on the left side of the room. Once above ground carry on once more. After the bridge will be a bunch of bunkers. You will have to weave through them until you come to some caves. Enemies will begin to pour out of them. When you reach a wall defeat any enemies around and blast through the wall to proceed to Area 1-3. ________ (Area 1-3) ¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯ You will begin near some huts. Continue to weave through the huts picking up grenades as you go. After you pass by some trenches you will be in a more open spot. When you reach a bridge there will be two short walls with soldiers behind them as well as a motorcyclist on the bridge who tosses nades. Fight through and head through the hole in the bridge. Once past the bridge there will be some more caves where enemies will emege from. Make your way through them until your reach some strongholds. Weave to the left and right to get around the strongholds. Keep weaving through the strongholds until you reach a wall. Kill any soldiers and take out the two soldiers hiding behind the short wall. After killing all the soldiers you will automatically head through the doorway in the wall and into Area 1-4. ________ (Area 1-4) ¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯ You will start off in a lare open area. There will be soldiers with rocket launchers as well as regular soldiers. Fight your way to the first bridge. Keep passing through the islands and passing over the bridges. When you reach the first short wall bomb the ground where the soldier on the other side stands. A ladder will appear. Climb down and in the starting room head straight into the next room. There will be a bunch of soliders in here so take them all out. Then collect the icon to the right to get some points. When ready climb the ladder to the left. After passing by the ladder you will reach an island with a short wall on both the left and right side. Ignore them as the soldiers behind them are hard to hit so pass over the bridge. You will reach real land again. Continue onward and you will reach a road. Be careful here because there are cars that will drive on screen. On the other side of the street will be some grenades. Continue up the street until you get off of the road. There will be several guard towers. The best way to take out the green soldiers in them is to throw grenades. Continue past the towers to reach a fortress. Take out all of the soldiers and then throw bombs at the fortress to kill the green soldiers. With all the soliders taken care of you automatically enter the fortress and light it on fire. A helicopter comes to pick you up for your next mission. ________ (Area 2-1) ¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯ From here all the levels begin to repeat upon the last area. I will list from now on if there are any differences, if any for that area. Also there are no more ladders to be found, unless I mention one later on. So for this area you can use the same strategy from Area 1-1. ________ (Area 2-2) ¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯ The only major change for this level is that the cars at the beginning will still try to hit you after passing them. Either destroy them or wait for them to drive off screen. There are also a few more friendly soldiers near the grey bunkers as well as slight movements of hidden ladders. ________ (Area 2-3) ¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯ No major changes for this level either. Make it to the end and take out the two enemies behind the small walls and then clear out a few enemies while blasting open the door at the top of the screen. Keep firing at enemies until you autmotically go through the door. ________ (Area 2-4) ¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯ This level is exactly the same as Area 1-4. Follow the strategy for 1-4 if you need refrence. Make it to the fortress and kill every single enemy on screen until you automatically enter and the screen switches to the fortress on fire. Onto the next level. ________ (Area 3-1) ¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯ This is exactly the same as Area 2-1 and Area 1-1 so you can use the same strategy given for Area 1-1 should you need it. At the end of this stage kill all the enemies and then you will automatically go through the door and head onto the next stage. ________ (Area 3-2) ¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯ The only major change for this level is that the cars at the beginning will still try to hit you after passing them. Either destroy them or wait for them to drive off screen. There are also more rocket launcher soldiers near the bridge as well as some slight movements of ladders. ________ (Area 3-3) ¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯ Not too many major changes for this level either. Make it to the end and take out the two enemies behind the small walls and then clear out a few enemies while blasting open the door at the top of the screen. Keep firing at enemies until you autmotically go through the door. ________ (Area 3-4) ¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯ This level is exactly the same as Area 1-4. Follow the strategy for 1-4 if you need refrence. Make it to the fortress and kill every single enemy on screen until you automatically enter and the screen switches to the fortress on fire. Onto the next level. ________ (Area 4-1) ¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯ This is exactly the same as Area 3-1 and Area 2-1 and Area 1-1 so you can use the same strategy given for Area 1-1 should you need it. At the end of this stage kill all the enemies and then you will automatically go through the door and head onto the next stage. ________ (Area 4-2) ¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯ The only major change for this level is that the cars at the beginning will still try to hit you after passing them. Either destroy them or wait for them to drive off screen. There are also more rocket launcher soldiers near the bridge as well as some slight movements of ladders. ________ (Area 4-3) ¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯ Not too many major changes for this level either. Make it to the end and take out the two enemies behind the small walls and then clear out a few enemies while blasting open the door at the top of the screen. Keep firing at enemies until you autmotically go through the door. ________ (Area 4-4) ¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯ This level is exactly the same as Area 1-4. Follow the strategy for 1-4 if you need refrence. Make it to the fortress and kill every single enemy on screen until you automatically enter and the screen switches to the fortress on fire. Congratulations you beat the game! ------------------- 3. Cheats ------------------- Display Secret: At the title screen use controller 2 and press Left, Left, Left Passages B, B, A, A, A, Right, then press start on controller 1. Level Select : Play one game, select continue and on Controller 2 press Left, Right, A, B, Down, Up, then hold A + Select on controller 1. ------------------- 4. Game Genie Codes ------------------- EZEGNOVG: Start with infinite lives XVULASXK: Start with infinite grenades AEKKIILA: Both players start with 1 life TEKKIILA: Both players start with 6 lives PEKKIILE: Both players start with 9 lives AOSGIIIA: Start with double rations of grenades ------------------- 5. Disclaimer ------------------- Copyright (c) 2006 to merc for hire. This is the work of merc for hire and International Copyright law protects this FAQ/Walkthrough. You can not sell, change, or post on a website as your own. You can post it on your website as long as I receive full credit for it. If you do post it on a website I want an e-mail from you first so I can give you the go ahead. Unless I don't tell you to then you are not allowed to post it on your website. I will only update the FAQ/Walkthroughs I have on http://www.GameFAQs.com