The latest version of this FAQ can always be found at A note to those who use this walkthrough; this work is based on the translation and patching done respectively by one Xeur, and Gideon Zhi of Aeon Genesis Translation Proclamation fame. Darkstar Ripclaw Presents... _ _ __ __ _ _ __| | | |_ \ / _| | | | | / ___| |__ __ _ ___ ___ \ \ / /__ _ __| | __| | | | | '_ \ / _` |/ _ \/ __| \ \ /\ / / _ \| '__| |/ _` | | |___| | | | (_| | (_) \__ \ \ V V / (_) | | | | (_| | \__ |_| |_|\__,_|\___/|___/ \_/\_/ \___/|_| |_|\__,_| | | ¯ -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Table of Contents -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= 1. Walkthrough 1a. The Beginning TBGN 1b. Prince Levin PRLV 1c. Ideian Advance IDAV 1d. Dungeons and Dragons DGDR 1e. The Emblems TEBL 1f. Ideia's Fall IDFL 1g. End of Chaos EDCH 1h. Casino Town CSNT 2. Lists 2a. Shops 2ASH 2b. Items/Equipment/Magic IEQM 2c. Guilds/Jobs GLJB 3. Battle 3BTL 4. Enemies 4ENM ------------------------------- Want to contribute to this FAQ? ------------------------------- There's only so much patience I can have with writing a walkthrough for a single game, and sooner or later I'm bound to cut some things out I originally wanted to do simply because my attention span has been oversaturated with the game. At least, that's been the case for Chaos World, and it'll probably be the case for any future game I might possibly do, though I doubt it (CW was a one-time thing that I owed to somebody(and later on, that would change)). So if you notice anything missing in this FAQ in my progress, or if you merely want to make a comment (I'm open to them), then email me here at; darkstar.ripclaw AT gmail DOT com Thanks for your time if you do email, and I'll be sure to try and email you back. ------------ Introduction ------------ You'll have to forgive me for any errors I might make in this FAQ. This is after all my first FAQ, so I'm apt to make beginner's errors and errors of common sense. Seeing as this is also my first FAQ, I believe I should also mention that the format for my FAQ here is derived from several contributors I looked over at for the past month when I finally decided I wanted to make an FAQ for Chaos World. In no specific order, these would be Outbreak's Resident Evil 4 (GCN) FAQ/Walkthrough, Mmeeva's Warlocked FAQ/Walkthrough, SOng's Dark Cloud 2 FAQ/Walkthrough, CyricZ's Ogre Battle 64 FAQ/Walkthrough, and marshmallow's Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time (N64) FAQ/Walkthrough. The latter four gave me insight into things I needed to know when playing their respective games in my youth, and I've decided to do some insight into them as a thanks, to come up with a format. Most importantly though, I feel I should mention Xanathis and his own FAQ for Chaos World, which having been the source of the info I needed three years ago when I was a lost one in a large NES game, has made me use his format in places where I did not intend to. Although more likely than not they will never read this, I would like to thank them for giving me influence on my format; the one I had lined out before bluntly sucked, so getting it right this time is what I want to do. As for how it is I came to play Chaos World; I like RPGs. However, I was a Nintendo boy years ago, so after the slew of RPG goodness for the SNES, I was left with a draught with the N64 (Ogre Battle 64 and Paper Mario being my only saviors), and I never bought into a PS2. So, while waiting to gather enough money to buy a GCN in 2002, I eventually wandered onto the emulation scene. Sure enough, I was able to fit right into it, and I was completing games left and right. Of course, I hadn't then ever really actually KNOWN how FMV-intensive modern-day RPGs were, and so I was able to go through NES RPG after NES RPG without a problem. Chaos World was one of those; an anomaly on a system that by present-day standards blows, it defied my expectations with a large world, a long quest, and gameplay I could get into. Years later, when I finally bit the bullet and joined, I realized that it was actual people who wrote the FAQs (thus ending one era of ignorance for me), and I too could contribute and help. So, I decided to do just that with Chaos World. Anywho, if you're still through this long and dreary introduction, have fun with Chaos World, and I hope this work of mine can help you. ================================================================================ -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1a. The Beginning TBGN -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ================================================================================ I highly recommend the use of FCE Ultra for this game, seeing as you're probably playing a ROM format of this game. Choose your character's class from the available seven, choose his or her gender, toggle up the available stat points, and then input his or her name. Once you're done all this, your character, whom I will refer by male demoninations and the name of "Hero" for the rest of the game, will awaken, and you'll be referred to the King. Outside, follow the path right, and up into the castle. In here, continue on your way up the set of stairs, and on the second floor, talk to the King who's sitting on the throne. The King will relate the background so far of Chaos World; his daughter the Princess Meldi is sick, and those who have gone to find a cure have not returned. A prophecy regarding an evil is coming true, as monsters gain in presence. He'll give you first mission; go down to the basement and kill a monster there. Well, take your cue and head down to the first floor, then go around the staircase to the back. Talk to the guard that's standing in front of the stairs back here, and he'll give you room. Head downstairs. Down here, you'll fight a single Slug. You'll also see the battle system for this game, which is fairly automatic; for a more indepth explanation, refer to section 3. Battle. For now, just press the Fight button, and you'll win pretty quickly. With that out of the way, head back up to the throne room and talk to the king once more. He'll give you a donkey to carry your items, and 100 gold. Leave the castle back out to Rodetia town. Purchase what you need from the Item, Magic, and Equipment Shop, and take care not to buy anything that'll be useless at this point in time (that means all items except for a Regular Herb, and Equipment that isn't compatible with your class). When you are finished, exit by going to talk to the guards at the bottom of the town. They'll give you a general direction of where to go; Rarm, in the north. After they get out of your way, head out onto the world map. WORLD MAP From where you exit from Rodetia, go straight north until you hit the mountain range. When you do, walk along the edge until you walk into a small town, which happens to be Rarm. That was rather easy, but from now on distance between places will be much greater. RARM Once you enter Rarm, sleep at the Inn if you need to recover (which you more than likely do), and then head up until you're just past the garden to your right. Once that's done, continue on the road right until you walk outside of the layer of trees. Walk one space past the trees, but do NOT WALK ANY FURTHER. Instead, walk up, and go around left. You'll wander into a hidden part of town. Talk to the person who is standing here, and he'll ask to join you to do what needs to be done in the cave outside of Rarm. Accept, and you'll gain the Rope and Baran the Knight will join you (if Baran the Knight was your main character, then it will instead be Leon the Fighter). Now, walk back into the main area of town, and talk to the person with an item shop sign above the actual Item Shop. This guy here is a chemist, and he'll offer to make you the potion required to save Meldi from her sickness if you can get him a Flower of Impression. Local talk will inform you that the Flower of Impression can be found in a forest past the cave that is just northwest of Rarm. Get what new equipment you might want, and then leave Rarm. WORLD MAP Out on the road again, all that you need to do is basically head to your left and up and enter the cave that's within sight right after you leave Rarm. RARM CAVE Welcome to your first dungeon. Don't worry; this isn't going to be your own personal hell like some dungeons late on in the game. Start your journey going down and left to the next set of stairs, and go down one floor. Downstairs, head down and left to hit a dead end with a pit. Now, open your items up from the menu screen, and select the Rope. Use it, and Hero will throw it across the pit. Walk across, and go up the stairs at the end. Up here, go up and left to open a chest for a Pegasus Feather, then go down, left, and up onto another staircase. You'll leave Rarm Cave automatically after this. WORLD MAP From the cave's exit, go down into the forest center. You'll automatically go inside. RARM FOREST In here, walk around the treeline in a general direction of left and up, left and up. Eventually, you should get to the northeast corner of the forest. Walk over to the flower that's here, stand over it, and press A to examine it for the Flower of Impression that you need for Meldi's potion. With that in hand, backtrack all the way to Rarm. RARM Here, go and talk to the chemist who offered to make you the potion earlier. Once he sees that you have the Flower of Impression, he'll make it quickly, and sends you off with an order to hurry back to Rodetia and Meldi. You know what to do now. RODETIA Back at the castle, go up and talk to the King. He'll reference you over to Meldi. From the thrones, go right and up, and talk to the pink-haired attendant; she'll move out of the way. Go into the newly accessible room, head straight up to Meldi, and open up your items. Use the Impression Potion, and then talk to Meldi. She'll thank you for your help. Now go back to the King, and talk to him. He'll grant you the required permission to journey to the neighbouring kingdom of Ruval, thus extending our quest. He also allows you the ability to use the Guild, where you can find more party members. He also orders you to investiage the Ideian religion, the cause of a great war. Out in town, go to the completely brown building at the entrance to town. This is the Guild, and you will find one in almost every town. Head in and talk to the bartender, and recruit the two heros that are currently available; Nande the male Priest, and Wendy the female Mage. Turn around and put Wendy on the Waitress Needed Job, and fight around/stay at the inn for a number of nights. After a while, go back to the guildmaster and talk to him, and Wendy will be waiting. Once you've done that and everything else you needed to do in town, leave the place. ================================================================================ -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1b. Prince Levin PRLV -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ================================================================================ WORLD MAP First off, go up to the town of Rarm. There's no point in going to Rarm anymore except for a stop-off inn rest, as the Guild there is completely useless, so ignore Rarm for now. From there, continue on your merry way north, until you come to a bridge. Cross the river, and you'll see the town of Nazaal nearby. Enter Nazaal. NAZAAL Nazaal is basically just another stop on the road before you get to anything major. Talk to the people who are around, and although you'll get bits and pieces of information on Ideia and today's present world, you'll mainly get the warning not to go through the forest if you're headed to Ruval. Once you're done stocking up with the new equipment, exit Nazaal out onto the world map. WORLD MAP From Nazaal, head northwest into the cave. RODETIA-RUVAL CAVE In here, go down and head around the linear path. Talk to the soldier, and he'll give you some directions to Ruval once you get outside, and reiterates the warning of not going into the forest. Once he gets out of the way, continue on and head out. WORLD MAP From the cave, head up the coastline from the left side, all the time avoiding the forest. Eventually, you should come to yet another cave. Enter this cave as well. RODETIA-RUVAL CAVE 2 It's the same thing as before; go and talk to the soldier, and he shall step aside to let you through. Ignore the right path at the split here, as it will yield you nothing. Instead, take the left road up, and exit out the stairs onto the world map again. WORLD MAP You should notice a large leap in monster difficult once you come out of this cave. I recommend after the next little bit, you hang around and level up a bit before you move on. Anywho, just walk left until you come across a castle town; enter the kingdom of Ruval. RUVAL In here, talk to the people that are strolling around the ruined kingdom, and you'll learn their tale of misery and woe; the Prince Levin was kidnapped recently, and his kidnappers have demanded a ransom of gold and food. Unfortunately, although they have gotten it, they have not yet released Levin, and the kingdom is suffering. We're here to fix that. Go up to the castle in Ruval, and enter. Go up the stairs to the throne room, and talk to the king here. He'll beg of you to save Levin. Do the common RPG drill of what you need to do in town (Buy a Poison-Cure Magic for your Priest), then leave out onto the World Map. WORLD MAP Like I said before, you should level up a lot. Level 13 is ideal for what you will want ahead, and if the monsters outside the desert are not giving you enough experience, cruise into the desert to fight the somewhat-stronger monsters (once again, make sure you have at least one Poison-Cure Magic equipped before you do this). Anyways, once you've finished leveling up, head down along the coast south of Ruval. When you come down to meet the mountain range, there should be a town at the foot of the range. Enter the town of Ripona. RIPONA In town here, talk to the townspeople and you'll learn about mines to the west that have not been used for years. Once you're done your information gathering in Ripona, go through the obligatory equipment upgrading and then leave. WORLD MAP Head west from Ripona past the hills. Just below the forest, you should see a building, but ignore that for now. Instead, continue on west and past the second set of hills. Continue west on a straight line through the desert, and you should see a cave in the mountain range. Enter here. RUVAL MINES This place is hell for those who don't know what to do. This is because many of the stairs lead you back up to where you started, so you'll be going around in circles. So just follow my lead from start to finish, and you shouldn't have too much of a problem. Start off by walking left, and go down all the way that you can. When you hit a split, walk right, and open a chest for 347G. Now head back ALL THE WAY to the first staircase that you saw, and go down it. On the second basement floor, head down, right, and go around the long path until you come to another staircase. Go down here onto the third floor. Down here, take the completely linear path. At the end, you'll be conflicted with a choice of two stairs; take the left set for now, and follow a number of rooms to a chest containing a Flame Staff. Equip it onto whatever Mage or Priest you have in your party right now, then go back to the two stairs and take the right staircase. Now, take the road in the mines until you come to a split two rooms later. Go left from here, and down the stairs. On the bottom, walk over to the next set of stairs, and then heal yourself. For once you go down the stairs, you'll come across the kidnappers. It seems that Levin's escaped from them somehow, and they blame you for stealing their ransom bounty and releasing Levin. Of course, it ends up in a fight. Deal with them, and afterwards, you'll obtain the Gold Necklace. Go back to the split now from a while back, and this time head up instead of left. On the next floor, go left and around upstairs to yet the next floor. Go down and right from here, and then head up and right. This will plant you right back at the entrance. Now exit the mines. WORLD MAP Head back to Ripona from here. If you have a Pegasus Wing, now is the perfect time to learn how to use it; it's basically Chaos World's form of being instantly transported to a town, but only some of the places in Chaos World can be Wing'ed to. RIPONA Talk to the townspeople again. They'll thank you for defeating the kidnappers, but they'll also mention a black-robed man who was supposedly the person who rescued Levin....Hmmm...Exit back out onto the World Map, we've got some investigation work to do. WORLD MAP Head back north to the Kingdom of Ruval from Ripona. We've got to check up on Levin. RUVAL Back in Ruval, go to the throne room in the castle and talk to Levin. He'll thank you for bringing him back his Gold Necklace, a gift from Princess Meldi, and gives you his horse in return (this means more storage space for your items, so you should be happy obviously). He also mentions that the black-robed man who saved him called himself Aless. Talk to the king of Ruval now, and he'll offer you some information on Ideia, but first you need to help him with a job at Ruval's guild now. Now, go to the guild in Ruval. Here, you should be able to recruit Orion the Shaman now, so go ahead with doing that, then put somebody on the Revival of the City job. However, you don't need to COMPLETE the job to get the information from the king on Ideia, so go straight back to King Ruval and talk to him. He'll send you on a new direction - Izaruro in the south - and gives you permission to go through the southern checkpoint near Ripona. Now exit Ruval. ================================================================================ -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1c. Ideian Advance IDAV -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ================================================================================ WORLD MAP From Ruval, head south to Ripona. Once you hit the hamlet, go west in the general direction of when you were heading to the Ruval Mines. But, instead of going to the mines this time around, go south through the opening in the mountain range and into the checkpoint. RUVAL-LITTON CHECKPOINT In here, it's a simple thing of going to talk to the guards. They'll step aside, thus letting you through. Head back out onto the world map, this time south of the checkpoint. WORLD MAP From the checkpoint, go south and right and you'll see a town. Head up into the town of Litton. LITTON Immediately entering town, you'll be confronted by a lady who calls herself Michenu. She goes over how awful it is that Izaruro's mayor was slain, and also mentions that his killer became the mayor in place. She asks you to slay the murderer, and gives you the Sword of Anger before running off. After that weird episode, you should ask around town for some directions to Izaruro and more gossip. However, once that's done, all that's left for you to do is the obligatory equipment-upgrading and a guild visit, and then you need to leave Litton for the next area. WORLD MAP Out here, go south across the bridge and river, then continue down south in the narrow space between mountain range and ocean. Once you go down past another bridge, continue on through the forest, but head west as soon as you can. You should see a cave nearby. Enter it. LITTON-IZARURO CAVE Start off by going down to the end and right until you hit a staircase, then go down a floor. On the next floor, head down and go right all the way until you hit the end. Here, grab a Maria potion from the split up from a chest, then continue on to a staircase. Upstairs, grab a Pegasus Wing and Herb from the chests, then continue on up another set of stairs. You'll be put outside onto the world map. WORLD MAP From the cave, head north and west until you see a town on the corner of the island, next to two rivers. Enter Izaruro. IZARURO Immediately after going into town, you'll be confronted by citizens of the city, who claim you are the murderer. You'll be thrown into the town jail. Once in jail, go up to the cell door. A man will come up and free you, explaining he's the slain mayor's son. He knows you didn't kill the mayor, and describes Michenu to an M as the real killer. The sword she gave you was also the sword which slew the mayor, so it all matches up. After, go upstairs and talk to the mayor's son again. Once he realizes you're searching Ideia, he'll ask you to sail downriver to Litton to see what Michenu's been up to, and loans you a boat. Now that you're free, exit the house and explore Izaruro without hassle. Talk to everyone, and do the obligatory resupplying at the item shop and staying at the inn, along with the visit to the guild. You might want to go and level up outside Izaruro as well, as you'll be needing it for later. Anywho, once you've done what you wanted to, exit the town by the north exit, going through the layer of trees. It'll automatically put you on the boat outside of Izaruro. WORLD MAP Out on the boat, head down the river going right. Head up and right again at the turns on the river, until you approach Litton. When you do, dock on shore (a simple process of just moving the boat against land), and head into Litton. LITTON Uh-oh....looks like Michenu's been here again, and for the worse. The townsmen of Litton have become Ideian converts! However, there's nothing you can do right now, so exit Litton. WORLD MAP Take the ship, and go back along the waterway to Izaruro. We've got work to do. IZARURO Back here, talk to the mayor's son; he'll reveal that his father's relic, the Star Sapphire, was stolen. Apparently, he was going to give it to us before it was stolen, as it had something to do with the Ideian religion...Exit the mayor's house, then go talk to the old man standing by the northern exit. He'll reveal that the thief ran into the cave up north, and opens the floodgates for you. Sleep at the inn, then head out of Izaruro. WORLD MAP Out on the road again (or to be more precise, the river), head up north along the river and you'll wander into a body of water surrounded by a mountain range. Head up until you see a cave. Guide your boat along to where the cave is, disembark, and enter. IZARURO CAVE This is without a doubt the most hellish dungeon in the game, so I'll try to provide exact directions. Nothing of what you get in this dungeon from chests (Plate Mail, Elixir, TriHerb), is really worth the pain, and you can purchase it elsewhere. Anyways, from the entrance, go down 4 spaces, and left another 4. Go Down 9, Right 3, Up 1, Right 1, Up 1, Right 3, Down 8, Right 5, Down 6, and Right 6 before going down the stairs. On this next floor, go down and right and go up at the split to open a chest for the TriHerb. Now take the right part of the split, and continue onwards downstairs. Here, go down and around, and face off in a boss battle against the Dark Shaman. Once you take him down, open the chest for the Star Sapphire, then leave the Cave. WORLD MAP From Izaruro Cave, embark on your ship and head back to Izaruro town. IZARURO Back in town, go and talk to the mayor's son. He'll thank you for retrieving the Star Sapphire back from the Dark Shaman, and proclaims it as officially yours. He then says you'll probably need to go to the sea to find other items like the Star Sapphire, but he can't allow you to do that since you don't have a compass. He then mentions his late father gave his compass away to a man in Ryuita... Head outside and talk to the old man by the north exit once again. He'll tell you that you need a pass from King Rodetia to get to Ryuita. Well, obviously you won't want to walk all the way back to Rodetia, so go over to the item shop in Izaruro, and stock up on Pegasus Wings. Head out to the World Map after that. WORLD MAP Out here, access one of the Pegasus Wings from the Item menu, and use it to teleport to Rodetia. Once you get to Rodetia, head into the actual town and castle itself. RODETIA In here, head straight up to the castle and go to the throne room. Talk to the king and he'll observe that Michenu was recently looking for you. When he finds out that Michenu has been spreading the Ideian religion, he'll go berserk, orders you to chase after her, and immediately gives you permission to head to Ryuita. ================================================================================ -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1d. Dungeons and Dragons DGDR -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ================================================================================ WORLD MAP Well, to get to Ryuita, we need to head north of Rodetia and then Rarm, past Nazaal northwest to the cave that we once took on our path towards Ruval. Since I've already detailed this part, I don't see any need to redo the parts already done. Anywho, once you come out the first cave, go up the left side along the coast, as you did before. This time around, however, DON'T go into the second cave. Instead, continue on past that one, go up all the way to the northwest point of the continent, and then head east all the way to the northeast cave. Enter this cave. RODETIA-RYUITA CAVE This place is, once again, as basic as the other two caves on the island; in other words, all you merely have to do is talk to the guards that are in your way, and they'll move out of the way so you can progress and exit from the cave on the other side. WORLD MAP Once you exit the cave onto Ryuita continent, you should see a townstead to your southeast. Take the general direction into the town of Dolgis, part of the Ryuita kingdom. DOLGIS Here, get what you need from the shops, and you'll learn an abudance of information, all of it vital for some point in time. First and foremost is directions to Ryuita, then information about a guy named Roger being here in the nighttime, the Ryuita Knights are fighting a dragon in the northwest cave (not the one you came from), a Sun Statue used to be inside the ruins here in Dolgis, and the old Sage of Ryuita in the King's service used to have a compass. Once you're done your news-gathering, head off to the guild. At the guild, recruit Dona the Female Shaman, and then put somebody on the Dragon Slaying job. This IS IMPERATIVE TO COMPLETE. Wander outside around the World Map and sleep at the inn for a while, then go back to the guild until the job is complete. When it is, you'll get an item called the Spring. It will be very, very, very, VERY USEFUL once you get it for a short while on. After, get your party together, then exit Dolgis. WORLD MAP From Dolgis, head straight east until you go through a large forest of coniferous trees. Once out on the other side, you should see a bridge south of you. Cross the bridge and river, then continue east from there between the mountain range. Cross south through, and you should see Ryuita lying just before a stretch of desert. Enter Ryuita. RYUITA Here, go immediately to the guild and put somebody on the Soldiers Needed job. Once you've done that, get your items in order at all the shops, then talk around town. After you've learned some stuff about the going ons in Ryuita, head up into the left castle. In here, try to talk to the King and Prince Alon and you will learn that they aren't seeing anyone now. Well, since we can't do anything with that for now, head downstairs and talk to the woman sitting to the left, whom is a fortune teller named Remi. After she's done her yapping, exit the castle and Ryuita as a whole. If we want to talk to the King, we're going to have to get him to pay attention to us. We've got some dragon-slaying to do now. WORLD MAP From Ryuita, head back northwest, go north across the river, and then head east to Dolgis. From here, go north all the way to the coast, then head west. You'll see a cave at the peak of the continent. Enter it. DRAGON CAVE This cave will make your hell for you. Just like near the mines of Ruval, many of the paths will have you going around in circles. Anyways, from the entrance, go right, head up, and go left around to the stairs and go down a floor. On the bottom, continue down and take another set of stairs, and then go right to take a third set within the immediate view. In the vicinity of floor 4 is the Dragon we've all been waiting to find. Go and confront him now. If you have the Spring item, good for you. Your party will automatically use it, and you will continously attack the Dragon until it falls, while the Dragon will be unable to do anything. This means you should've done the Dragon Slaying job from awhile back, so if you didn't, you're in deep shit. Otherwise, there shouldn't be too much of a problem. Once you win, you'll obtain a Dragon Necklace from the battle, and a Dragon Armor from the chest. Now head out from the Dragon Cave back onto the World Map. WORLD MAP Back out of the Dragon Cave, make your way through to Dolgis, over the mountains and rivers, and all the way back to Ryuita. RYUITA Before heading off to see the King, go and talk to the guildmaster first. Your Soldiers Needed job likely hasn't been completed by now, but you CAN recruit Marin the female knight now, seeing as you've slain the Dragon. After, go and talk to the King in his left castle. The King will explain that his eldest son, Adan, has become infatuated with a strange religion. The King doesn't want to hand his throne down to Adan anymore, and asks you, a hero of great worship, to go and talk to Adan instead. Exit the throne room and go downstairs. Down here, go around the stairs and up and talk to the guard near the door. He'll explain that it's a one-way tunnel to Adan's castle. Go through the door, and go up and right along the tunnel, and through the doorway at the end. You'll exit out into Adan's castle. Go right from you are into the hallway, and Aless and Michenu will come up. Aless will confront you and beat you easily. After, he tells you that you'll never defeat Ideia, and will run off along with Michenu. After, head down and around and talk to Adan in the throne room. He'll tell you that he has no intents of throwing away the Ideian religion, and tells you to tell that to his brother. Exit the castle by going upstairs on the left staircase, and going left to drop out of the castle. You'll be put out on the World Map, so go back into Ryuita. First and foremost, sleep at the inn. Go and talk to Prince Alon now, and he'll ask you a favor; go and talk to the Master Forus, and learn some more stuff about Ideia. Exit Ryuita now. WORLD MAP From Ryuita, go south through the stretch of desert. Once the mountains are no longer blocking you off from the west, head along in that direction and go past the two bridges. Head north and west from here, and take the lowest west-point arm of the continent. You should see a hut here. Now enter. FORUS' HUT Talk to Forus, and once he learns that Adan has embraced the Ideian Religion, he'll tell you that you need to get the Ancient Book of Faltesis, which has information on Ideia in it. He will then give you the Compass, which he states you need to go across the ocean, for Faltesis lies across the water...Head outside onto the world map, then Pegasus Wing yourself back to Izaruro. IZARURO Go and talk to the son of the mayor. Once he sees that you have the compass, he'll open the floodgates so you can head out onto the ocean. But, he'll also mention a jewel much like the Star Sapphire lying on a cave north of Ruval....the Ancient Book can wait. Head outside. WORLD MAP Once out here, Pegasus Wing your way to Ruval, and go up onto the ship. Follow along the coast of the Ruval continent until you get to the tip of land, head west about twenty spaces, then go up. You should see an island. Go onto it, and enter the cave that's on the island. MOON STONE CAVE Like the last time, the stairs are interconnected. Unlike the last time, the circles you will be going through can be an endless cycle if you don't know what you're doing, as there are some loops that just go around in a square. Start off by taking the left-most set of stairs, then the right-most stairs going down. Go around in the next room into a dead end with a chest containing Gaia magic, then head back outside two stairs. Once you get into a room that goes right, go back down the stairs you just came up instead, and you'll be put at the start of the dungeon instead (else you'll be in an endless cycle as said before). Now that we're starting all over again, this time take the middle stairs, and then the right stairs going down in the next room. You'll come into a place with six staircases; take the rightmost stairs leading up, and follow the linear path. You'll come to a chest. Open it to obtain the Moon Sapphire, then exit the area. Now Pegasus Wing your way back to outside Izaruro. ================================================================================ -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1e. The Emblems TEBL -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ================================================================================ WORLD MAP From Izaruro, get into your boat and head north into the body of water. Go along the riverstream west of here, and head out into the ocean. Now, go a straight line west a LONG LONG LONG LONG way. Once you hit land, go south along the coast. When you see a mountain range, you'll know you're getting close. Once you see a bridge, you're almost there. Continue a bit more, and you should see a castle. Get off your boat and head down into Faltesis. FALTESIS If it is nighttime in Faltesis, DO NOT GO TO THE INN. If it is day, go out and wait until night. Once that is accomplished, head into the guild. You should see Roger in here. Go and talk to him, and he'll offer to talk to General Faltesis to let you get in good with him, and tells you to visit the General tomorrow. Next, go and take the Memorial Service job, then exit the Guild. Now go to the inn, and in the morning, stock up on new items and equipment, then head up into the castle at the top of Faltesis. Inside the castle, go and talk to the General. He'll let you into the castle, but restricts you from the planning room. From here, go into the northeast room, and Aless will appear. He'll tell you to search the walls carefull, and then disappears. Check the left wall. If you walk against the middle of it, you should find a hidden entrance. Inside is a chest. Open it, and you'll obtain the Ancient Book of Faltesis, the items that we've been looking for! Now head outside to the throne room again and talk to Faltesis. He'll ask you to take the book to Forus while he talks to the Church of Ideia. Head out to the World Map. WORLD MAP Instead of Winging your way back to Ryuita and walking all that way, head out to Dolgis instead. Get on your ship, and go south from here until you reach the arm of Ryuita where Forus' hut was located. Get off the boat, and head into Forus' hut. FORUS' HUT In here, talk to Forus, and he'll tell you to come back later for when he is done deciphering the book. Now head outside again, and Wing your way back to Faltesis. FALTESIS Go and talk to General Faltesis, and he'll explain some things. Minister Sarvant, the man whom he is at war with, has embraced Ideia and enlisted Michenu's help to build a cannon that could potentially destroy the world. He then tells you to go to Emrond, where Sarvant is looking for help. At this point in time, if you haven't already, go and take the Search for Father job at the Faltesis guild, then head out onto the World Map. WORLD MAP Starting at Faltesis, go southwest until you come to a bridge going over the river, and cross it. Next, continue up northwest along the mountain range and then head west some more and north over the river bridge. Now head straight up until you run into some mountains, and then take the bridge to your east. You should see a townstead on the small island across the bridge, so enter Emrond. EMROND First and foremost, take on the job, "Cleaning the Arsenal", at the Emrond Pub. Afterwards, talk around Emrond, you'll learn some stuff about the war and something vital about a tower being south of here, but that's for later. Instead, walk around outside on the World Map or stay at the inn until the job is done, and you'll get the Flint Key. Rest up and prepare yourself, then head out onto the World Map. WORLD MAP From Emrond, go across the bridge, and then go around the mountain range and up. At the three-way, head west until you come across a bridge, then go west a bit more and north. Wait until night falls, and then enter the fortress of Sarvant. SARVANT In here, go right and go up the set of staircases. Upstairs, head left and go around the long hallway, going down a set of stairs. Continue on the rather linear path, and fight the two Ryuita Knights who block your way in the next hallway. After that episode of drama is over, go into the next room, where you'll find the cannon. Open up the Item menu and use the Flint Key on it, and it'll destroy the cannon. Now, start backtracking, and Minister Sarvant will end up coming to you and fithing you. Take him out, then leave Sarvant. Warp your way back to Faltesis, where we have a grand prize to get from the General Faltesis. FALTESIS Talking to General Faltesis, he'll thank you for doing your part, and gives you a carriage, thus lengthening the amount of stuff that you can carry around. Now, head out to the World Map, Wing your way back to Dolgis and make your way south to Forus. FORUS' HUT Forus is dead, and the only thing he left behind is a note saying to search the room with the chest. This obviously means for some investigation, so go and examine the left drawer (not bookcase, drawer), and a secret entrance will open. Head downstairs. Down here, open the right chest for the Large Volt spell, then check the left chest. You'll get the Ancient Book, along with a letter from Forus explaining such things as you being the only person able to save this world. He'll also give you an easy mission; take the Ancient Book back to Alon. Wing your way back to Ryuita. RYUITA At the entrance, head straight up and into the left castle. Talk to the Prince Alon in the throne room, and after learning of Forus' death, he decides to leave the Ancient Book to the Guild. Now leave and head to the guild. Make sure you have Mara of Ruval first, as you can get her now. In fact, you can get EVERYONE now, and since I haven't mentioned everyone that you can recruit from guilds, you might want to pop over to the guild section of this FAQ and get everyone. Anywho, back-on-track, take the The Ancient Book job and give it to Mara. Now head outside, and you'll get a messenger from King Rodetia to hurry back! Take his instructions, and Wing your way back to Rodetia. RODETIA Back at the starting point of your journey, go to the castle and into the throne room, and talk to King Rodetia. Talking to him, he'll reveal that Rarm has been turned into a town of monsters, and asks Hero to help him, believing this is somehow related to Ideia. In that case, head outside to Rodetia town. Right at the castle, go right into a small area with a grave. Talk to the man wandering around and he will say that the chemist in Litton should know how to cure things, but he hasn't replied to this Rarm survivor's letters. You know what we have to do; wing your way to Litton. LITTON In here, go and talk to the chemist. He will refuse to tell you, merely because you are not an Ideian. Talk around to some of Litton's townspeople, and you will learn that Michenu stopped by on her way to Izaruro. It's time that we head back to Izaruro for a little reunion. IZARURO Here, go and talk to the mayor's son. He'll reveal that Michenu tried to kill him again, but failed. While she was trying to do this, it appears she dropped something. The mayor's son will give you the Ideian symbol. Talk around to the people outside, and one of the women will tell you about a tower to the south. Now Wing your way back to Litton again. LITTON In here, talk to the chemist again. Once he sees the Symbol, he'll spill the details; you need the Tablet of Light from the Full Moon Tower to the south of Izaruro, and you should ask the mayor of Izaruro for more details if you want to press on. Continue with this game of running around, and wing your way back to Izaruro. IZARURO Back at the ranch, talk to the mayor one last time. Once he understands that your objective is to enter the Full Moon Tower (a prospect he thinks suicidal), he'll open the floodgate for you. Now exit Izaruro. WORLD MAP From Izaruro, take the boat down the river south. At the split, continue on down and left. Once you get into more open waters, head out onto the island landmass, and enter the tower that is in the middle of the island, aka the Full Moon Tower. FULL MOON TOWER Welcome to Hellsville, Population: Monsters Only. Make sure you've brought StoneHerbs with you, because it'll be a real pain in the ass if you didn't; the monsters can petrify your characters, or if you must, stone them. But I digress. Once you get in, head left and take the stairs. Once you get past this floor, it's a simple matter of going around and around in a single cycle for three floors, until you come to a treasure chest at a dead end. Open the treasure chest here, and you'll obtain a Pegasus Wing. Now go through the crevasse in the floor, and you'll land over the top of a chest containing your Tablet of Light. Jump down one more floor to land in the basement. Down here, head down and left and open a chest for a Magic Helmet. Go up and around and open another chest for a Crystal Ring. Now, go to the stairs to the east, and go around the various floors again. At the top of the tower, you'll see two treasure chests in your current room. The top chest contains an Earth Sword, and the bottom chest has a Kaiser Spear. Now go out the right side, and you'll exit the area. Wing your way back to Izaruro. IZARURO Go and talk to the mayor again. He'll reveal some information regarding Ideia; apparently, there are three jewels involving Ideia; the Sapphire, the Moon Ruby, and the Cosmo Emerald. You've already got the first two, and the mayor points you towards the Rodetian city of Mynelt for emeralds...but first, Wing your way to Rodetia and walk to Rarm from there. RARM This is really a simple thing. All you have to do is start off by opening the Item Menu, and using the Tablet of Light. It'll automatically heal everyone back to normal. WARNING: DO NOT TALK TO THE PERSON IN FRONT OF TOWN. Due to a glitch from somewhere in the programming, Gideon Zhi's patch for Chaos World replaces this person's text with a boss later on in the game, and you also have to fight said boss. However, if you are in want of experience, you can take on this person, as many times as you want. _BUT_, in doing so, you will also gain the A-Venom, which CANNOT be discarded from your inventory along with being unable to visit Emrond Tower. As such, make sure that you have at least done your quest up to Emrond Tower before fighting this boss. SECOND NOTE: This only occurs if you have the Chaos World 'a' patch. The second updated patch, the 'b' patch fixes this problem; however, both patches are still floating around the internet, so you should still be cautious before talking to to the person. Anywho, head back out onto the World Map. WORLD MAP From Rarm, head back to Rodetia, and get onto your boat. Ride left and up along the continent while hugging the coast, and between a mountain range, you should eventually see a small town to your left. Get off the boat here, and enter Mynelt. MYNELT In here, talk around to people, and you'll learn that monsters plague the mines. Talk to the mayor, standing beside the house on the island, and he'll request your help. Answer yes, and he'll notify the guards at the mine to let you through. Get what you require in town, then head out. WORLD MAP This is a pretty simple thing. All you merely have to do is go northwest of Mynelt to the cave in the mountains. MYNELT MINES In here, talk to the dude at the front. He'll warn you that this place is a maze, but don't worry; compared to the utter hellishness of earlier places, this mine is a piece of cake, and it's not really difficult at all beside. The only other thing of note is to make sure you have somebody who knows Paralyze- Cure. Anywho, go right and up, and at the split, go left, and head around to the top left staircase. Downstairs, head straight right and take the stairs at the end of the path. Go right again, then head up and take the now-linear path until you come to a room seperate from the rest of the mine. Heal yourself, and then take on the Dark Shaman. Once you defeat him and made sure that the mines are now free from his terrorism, leave the mines and head back to Mynelt. MYNELT Here, talk to the mayor again. He'll thank you and wishes he had a reward for you, but alas, doesn't. He does, however, tell you to come back sometimes later. Instead, talk to the guy in blue with a red bandana who's walking around and he'll tell you that the Sun Statue of the Temple of Dolgis is in a cave in southwest Rodetia. Exit Mynelt. WORLD MAP Back out again, Wing your way to Rodetia, then get onto your boat. Sail southwest along the coastline until you get caught between the mainland and two islands, one with a hut and another with a townstead. Take the island with the town on it and enter Boulder. BOULDER In town, talk around, and you'll learn that Boulder is running out of food. This will unlock the Boulder job in Rodetia, if you want 100% completion rate in finishing all jobs (well, except for clearing the forest of Nazaal....). But that's not the main thing. The main thing is that the Magic Shop in this town is goddamn AWESOME. Make sure you pick up some stuff from the town here before heading out to the world map again. WORLD MAP Go back to to the mainland again, and sail to the southern peak of the landmass. Turn around, and go up to the left. You should see a cave carved in the mountains to your right. When you do, embark onto land and enter the cave. BOULDER CAVE Inside, head left at the split, and go straight down to the left part again to open a chest for an Ideian Potion. Now go right at the second split, then go down once more. Head left from the next split and go downstairs onto the second floor. Down here, go right and up until you get to a split, and head left and go downstairs onto the third floor. On your last new floor, head down to the left and follow the hallway all to the end until you find a chest that has the Sun Statue in it. With that in hand, leave Boulder Cave. Once outside, Pegasus Wing your way back to Dolgis. DOLGIS Back in Ryuita Kingdom's Dolgis, head north to the ruins of Dolgis. Enter, and use the Sun Statue on any of the three tablets. Outside, you'll hear water gushing. Head out, and you'll see that the pond that was formerly there is now gone. Go down the stairs, examine the object from the front, and you'll obtain the Ball of Guidance. Anyways, head back to Rodetia now, and put somebody on the Boulder quest that you should now be capable of getting if you talked to everyone in Boulder. Wander around until the job's done, and you'll learn that an old man in the town has an emblem of a sorts. It sounds like something we NEED to investigate, so head off back to Boulder. BOULDER Once again in Boulder, go into the left-most house of Boulder during the daytime, and talk to the man living inside. He'll deny his having any type of emblem. Exit the town, and walk around until it is nighttime, then reenter Boulder. Go to the man's house once again, and talk to him. You'll overhear him scrubbing his emblem. Once he realizes he's been caught, he'll give you his item, provided you keep his secret. And what luck! It's the Fear Emblem too! ================================================================================ -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1f. Ideia's Fall IDFL -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ================================================================================ There's trouble right now brewing in Ryuita. Let's head off to the kingdom which we haven't visited in a while. RYUITA Talk to the people in town, and you'll find out that a coup has occured as Adan has plans for executing the King and Prince Alon. Talk to the guard outside the cell in the left castle, and he'll tell you that he rests at night. Head outside of Ryuita, and wait for nightfall. Come darkness, head back into Ryuita. Go to the cells in the left castle, and go open the door with the King and Alon in it. They'll thank you, but you'll be stopped by two of Adan's Ryuita Knights. Take care of them, then head upstairs two rooms to the throne room. Talk to Alon, and he'll mention that Mara has finished her decryption of the Book of Faltesis. Go to the Guild of Ryuita now. At the Guild, you'll find out that Ideia began in a country south of Ryuita called Carlint, and that they had mind-control poison...hmm....maybe Adan has taken it? Head back up to the left castle, as we've got work to do. At Alon's castle, take the secret passage that leads one-way to Adan's castle. Out there, head up the left stairs, and go across. You'll overhear a conversation between Aless and Adan, but nothing too concrete comes out of it. No, you don't go to Faltesis. Instead, Wing your way to Ruval. RUVAL Here, take the Looking for a Nurse job at the guild with Mara. Walk around until you're done the job, claim your Cure spell, then go and talk to King Ryuita himself, in his bed in the room to the northwest of the throne room. He'll mention that Levin is acting very strangely, and having just heard about the mind-control poison of Ideia, it probably stems from that. Anyways, there's nothing more that we can do here for now, so go and Wing your way out to Emrond. EMROND Talk around to everyone that's around Emrond, and you'll learn that Sarvant has been replaced by a new unheard of town by a lady who has gone to the tower south of Emrond. Investigate by heading northwest to the new city of Carlint that is where Sarvant once was. CARLINT In here, talk around, and you'll learn two vital pieces of information for later on; the first is that the castle here only opens up for the chosen ones, and the second is that a Rainbow Flower blooms in the castle. Pick up some of the powerful equipment here, then head back out onto the World Map. WORLD MAP First and foremost among all things, Wing your way back to Emrond, then head west across the bridge and get onto your boat. Head down south hugging the right landmass, and eventually, you should see a tower. Get off your boat, and enter. EMROND TOWER Inside, enter the door. Go left from the start and head up to find a chest with an Earth Ring inside. From there, head right and up to open another chest for a Light Helmet, then go down to the right to get a Dragon Helmet. Now finish your 360 around to the beginning of this floor, and then head upstairs. On the second floor, go left and loop down and around to the left for a Light Bow. Now head to the northernmost point of the room for a Blast Spell. Now head up the stairs going up at the top of this room onto the third floor. Coming onto floor three, circle around to the bottom and go to the fourth floor. Near the top of the tower now, go down the top right stairs in this room for a Flame Armor, and the top left stairs for a Crystal Staff. Now that you're done the item pillaging in this place, go onto the fourth floor, loop around to the bottom set of stairs, and head up onto the top. Heal yourself, then prepare for battle with Michenu. After, she'll die, but not before mumbling a few words to finish the puzzle and giving you the Michenu Staff. Now, leave this place and Wing your way back to Ryuita. RYUITA Talk around and you'll learn that Prince Adan is dead. Go and talk to Prince Alon for the full story, and you'll find out that Adan drank the entirety of all the Ideian Potion around so that there would be none left for his people to take, thus saving them from Aless and his schemes. Go down the stairs, and Remi will confront you, and tells you that you need to go to Rodetia. RODETIA Here, talk around, and you'll learn that Levin of Ruval is planning to invade the name of Ideia! Go and talk to King Rodetia and Princess Meldi now, and they'll plead with you to stop him, Meldi asking you to go and talk to him. Well now, in that case, go and Wing your way back to Ruval now to talk to Levin. RUVAL Go up to the throne room in the castle and talk to the King, who reveals it's been Aless' fault and that he's still too weak to do anything. Now go and talk to Levin himself. Hero will try to use a poison, but Levin hasn't been poisoned, just brainwashed. He'll deliver a message to Meldi; Ruval will fight to the last man until she is dead. Now warp back to Rodetia. RODETIA Back here, go and talk to Princess Meldia once more. She'll realize that the Rainbow Flower, if it really exists, is the only way to save Prince Levin from his brainwashing. Now that you've talked to her, go down to the guild and take the "Rainbow Flower Quest". Once somebody is on the job, wander around and do whatever until it's done. You'll learn that the Rainbow Flower blooms at Carlint Castle, which you already should've known. Now, we're kind of at a crossroads as to what to do next. Remember the mayor of Mynelt telling you to come back later a long time ago? Yeah. Sail off to Mynelt right about now and enter the town. MYNELT Here, go and talk to the mayor, and you'll get the Cosmo Emerald from him. This matches up with the Star Sapphire and the Moon Stone. Now, head back out onto the World Map again. WORLD MAP Back out here, Wing your way to Ruval, and head west to the desert. You should see a cyclone going around and around in a circle. Get in it's path, and it'll send you to the Sky Temple. SKY TEMPLE Head straight up until you hit the middle set of stairs. From, here, go left instead of taking the center staircase, and take the left staircase. Up on the second floor, go up and right and walk up onto the pedestal with three tablets. It is here that you must place the Star Sapphire, Moon Stone, and Cosmo Emerald (doesn't matter where you put each one on, though). Once that's done, you'll hear a voice from above tell you that you can now enter Carlint Castle. Exit the Sky Temple by the way you came in, Wing your way to Emrond, and walk all the way to Carlint. CARLINT Go up to the castle door, and enter. You won't be stopped this time. Inside, take the right path around and go up to the three sets of stairs. Take the right-most set up. From here on, it's merely a very linear path of going around in circles, so do what you must until you come to the room with the flowers. Examine the top-left flower for the Rainbow Flower. Now, head back to the staircase here, and walk STRAIGHT UP. Don't hesitate when walking into the wall - by doing so, you'll drop right to the first floor. Now, exit the castle and Carlint and Wing your way to Rodetia. RODETIA Talk to the King, and you'll learn the bad news: Meldi had gotten tired of waiting and has gone to see Prince Levin herself! Go quickly, and let us Wing off to Ruval. RUVAL Here, head into the throne room, and listen to Levin and Meldi talk. Hero will automatically use the Rainbow Flower, which will dispossess a demon called Dark Levin from Levin's body. You'll then have to fight Dark Levin. After you win, talk to Levin and he'll thank you. He'll then tell you about the island of Idevelas in the northwest, and gives you the Doubt Emblem. Now, head outside of Ruval and onto the World Map again. WORLD MAP Take your boat, and sail around the outside of the landmass Ruval is on, and go north to the island where you got the Moon Stone. From here, head straight west, until you finally come to an island with red on it and a cave in the middle. Embark off your boat here and enter Idevales. IDEVALES Head left at the start, and go down the first chance you get, and take the right path at the bottom. Go right to the southeast corner of the room, then head up, ignoring the first left path and taking the second for a Photon Shield from a chest. Head back down, and take the first left path to go down to the second floor. On the second floor, go right, up and left to a split. Go down and head left and up, and obtain a Holy Staff from the chest. Head back to the split, then go up ALL THE WAY and head right to open the chest for a Photon Helmet. Now you can take the stairs and off to the next floor. With the second floor behind you now, head right, up, and left into the split. Take the left path and follow it to a chest with a Holy Spear, then go down and left for another staircase. On the fourth floor now, head right all the way, up a small bit, right some more and up to get a chest with Wind Mail. Go back to the stairs and this time take the left path. Go down and right along a long hallway to open a chest for a Light Robe, then go back to the split and head up and right until you come to some stairs. Head downstairs to floor five. From the staircase, go straight down and open the chest for a Dark Crystal. Head down and go right all the way to the end, then go up to the top and past the staircases. In here, you'll spot Aless. Heal yourself first, then go and battle him. After, Aless explains he is not the real evil, and directs you to the Underwater Temple between North and South Ryuita. He then gives you the Aless Sword before dying. After, head back out to the World Map. ================================================================================ -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1g. End of Chaos EDCH -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ================================================================================ WORLD MAP Wing your way back to Ryuita, and head east onto your boat. Sail south until you get to the peak of the continent, and then head west. You should see a temple there surrounded by red water. Go up the red river and head into the Underwater Temple itself. UNDERWATER TEMPLE In here, just head straight down, as all the other paths are dead ends. On the second floor, open the two side chests for a Sun Sword and a letter from Aless, telling you to find the rest of the Emblems. He gives the locations of the three remaining emblems. Now go and open the chest in the middle, and you'll get the Love Emblem. With that pocketed and in hand, exit the Underwater Temple. WORLD MAP Sail to Boulder now, but instead of entering the town itself, go to the house on the island beside it and enter the hut. SAGE'S HUT In here, talk to the Sage. He'll talk about the war between the religions of Ideia and Mario 400 years ago, and how Ideia summoned a great beast known as Chaos. He mentions two heroes whose souls were stolen by Chaos, which sounds alot like Michenu and Aless. He then points us off to Mynelt for one of the two remaining emblems, so off to Mynelt we go! MYNELT Talk to the people in town, and you'll learn that part of the mine has collapsed, revealing a new path inside! Head out to the map, and go into the Mynelt Mines. MYNELT MINES Loop around to the lower left stairs, then two floors down, head all the way right and up, ignoring the first set of stairs. Continue on until you get to a split, and take the left path. On the next floor, ignore the first set of stairs and instead take the first right path out. At the next split you run into, continue down and take the path going around in the next room. You'll get the Emblem of Courage. Now that you've got the Courage Emblem, exit out to the World Map again. WORLD MAP Head to Idevales, which is north and west of Ruval. From that island, head north until you see a small island with a cave on it. Get off your boat, and enter the Grand States. GRAND STATES Starting off, take the first path going left. Go down and left again from the split, and head up when you can to get an Elixir by the pond. From the Elixir, head up, right, up again, and go left. Take the second path going up, and head up all the way. Head right a teensy bit and go up, and head around the pond to open the chest in the middle for a Truth Emblem. Now that we are done here, exit the place, and head back to the sage's hut near Boulder. SAGE'S HUT Talk to the Sage here. He'll take all your emblems, and make the ultimate weapon for Hero; the Flare Riser. No matter what class Hero is, he'll permanently equip the Flare Riser. However, in exiting the house, a giant laser beam will come down from the skies and vaporize the house. A voice challenges you to come after him. WORLD MAP Alright, this is it. It's the last battle for us all, and for the entirety of the game. Take off to Nazaal, and head through the cave northwest of Nazaal. Outside of that cave, remember this huge forest? Go northeast from here, and you should see what looks much like a mountain. Go and examine it from the left, and you'll fight Chaos, the last boss of this game. After you defeat Chaos in his two forms (with Hero doing most of the damage), you win the game. Congratulations. ================================================================================ -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1h. Casino Town CSNT -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ================================================================================ There's a hidden casino town in Chaos World, that you can go to if you like. First, you need to activate and complete the "Find Father" job in Faltesis. After you complete it, go and talk to the actual father himself, and he'll give you the Key of Temptation. Now, Wing your way to Ryuita. Take the boat, and go up the river through the mountains. You should see a cave. Head inside, and unlock the gate. Go through the rest of the cave, and outside again, head into town. Anyways, the three games here are explained fairly indepth, so have fun. ================================================================================ -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 2a. Shops 2ASH -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ================================================================================ The shops are done in chronological order of when you visit the various areas. -=-=-=-=-=- Rodetia =-=-=-=-=-= Item Shop Equipment Shop Magic Shop --------- -------------- ---------- Herb........4G Ancient Staff......100G Flame.........50G DualHerb....16G Silk Robe..........75G Large Flame...360G TriHerb.....68G Leather Shield.....80G Siren.........400G PoisHerb....6G Magic Ring.........60G Feel..........80G ParaHerb....24G Leather Helmet.....40G Poison-Cure...120G StonHerb....200G Antima........480G Anti..........480G INN: 2G per person CHURCH: YES -=-=-=-= Rarm =-=-=-=- Item Shop Equipment Shop --------- -------------- Herb........4G Ancient Staff......100G INN: 6G per person DualHerb....16G Chain Mail.........180G CHURCH: NO PoisHerb....6G Silk Robe..........75G Leather Shield.....80G Magic Ring.........60G Leather Helmet.....40G -=-=-=-=-= Nazaal =-=-=-=-=- Item Shop Equipment Shop Magic Shop --------- -------------- ---------- Herb........4G Iron Sword.........160G Freeze........120G DualHerb....16G Iron Spear.........180G Confuse.......360G TriHerb.....68G Chain Mail.........180G Poison-Cure...120G PoisHerb....6G Leather Shield.....80G Antima........480G StonHerb....200G Magic Ring.........60G Anti..........480G Iron Helmet........150G Force.........620G Guardian......840G INN: 7G per person CHURCH: YES -=-=-=-=- Ruval =-=-=-=-= Item Shop Equipment Shop Magic Shop --------- -------------- ---------- Herb........4G Iron Sword.........160G Freeze........120G DualHerb....16G Iron Spear.........180G Large Flame...360G TriHerb.....68G Red Crystal........400G Large Freeze..720G PoisHerb....6G Chain Mail.........180G Turning.......280G ParaHerb....24G White Robe.........230G Feel..........80G StonHerb....200G Iron Shield........250G Poison-Cure...120G Silver Ring........290G Paralyze-Cure.980G INN: 3G per person CHURCH: NO -=-=-=-=-= Ripona =-=-=-=-=- Item Shop Equipment Shop --------- -------------- Herb........4G Iron Sword.........160G DualHerb....16G Iron Spear.........180G TriHerb.....68G Steel Bow..........160G PoisHerb....6G White Robe.........230G Iron Helmet........150G Iron Shield........250G Silver Ring........290G INN: 10G per person CHURCH: NO -=-=-=-=-= Litton =-=-=-=-=- Item Shop Equipment Shop Magic Shop --------- -------------- ---------- Herb........4G Steel Sword........600G Feel..........80G DualHerb....16G Magic Staff........530G AllFeel.......1200G PoisHerb....6G Silver Staff.......870G Field.........1600G ParaHerb....24G Blue Crystal.......400G Poison-Cure...120G Maria.......80G Plate Mail.........530G Stone-Cure....2600G Mage Robe..........440G Paralyze-Cure.980G Orb Ring...........840G Mind..........2700G INN: 11G per person CHURCH: NO -=-=-=-=-=- Izaruro =-=-=-=-=-= Item Shop --------- INN: 12G per person DualHerb....16G CHURCH: NO TriHerb.....48G PoisHerb....6G ParaHerb....24G Elixir......500G Pegasus.....30G -=-=-=-=-= Dolgis =-=-=-=-=- Item Shop Magic Shop --------- ---------- DualHerb....16G Flame.........50G INN: 13G per person TriHerb.....48G Large Flame...360G CHURCH: NO PoisHerb....6G Large Freeze..720G ParaHerb....24G Confuse.......360G Pegasus.....30G Paralyze-Cure.980 Antima........480G Guardian......840G -=-=-=-=-= Ryuita =-=-=-=-=- Item Shop Equipment Shop Magic Shop --------- -------------- ---------- DualHerb....16G Mirage Sword.......1600G Large Freeze..720G TriHerb.....48G Iron Spear.........180G Stop..........1200G PoisHerb....6G Knight Armor.......1200G Flying........450G ParaHerb....24G Mirror Robe........1300G Turning.......280G StonHerb....200G Knight Shield......1600G Feel..........80G Pegasus.....30G Orb Ring...........840G Poison-Cure...120G Knight Helmet......1380G Paralyze-Cure.980G INN: 5G per person CHURCH: YES -=-=-=-=-=-= Faltesis =-=-=-=-=-=- Item Shop Equipment Shop --------- -------------- Herb........4G Mirage Sword.......1600G DualHerb....16G Silver Spear.......1800G TriHerb.....48G Thief Bow..........3400G StonHerb....200G Crystal Mail.......6500G Pegasus.....30G Knight Shield......1600G Orb Ring...........840G INN: 15G per person CHURCH: NO -=-=-=-=-= Emrond =-=-=-=-=- Item Shop Equipment Shop --------- -------------- DualHerb....16G Mirage Sword.......1600G INN: 16G per person TriHerb.....48G Magic Staff........530G CHURCH: YES ParaHerb....24G Crystal Robe.......6000G StonHerb....200G Crystal Ring.......2000G Elixir......500G Magic Helmet.......480G Pegasus.....30G Knight Helmet......1380G -=-=-=-=-= Mynelt =-=-=-=-=- Item Shop Equipment Shop --------- -------------- DualHerb....16G Flame Sword........3500G INN: 8G per person PoisHerb....6G Silver Spear.......1800G CHURCH: YES ParaHerb....24G Crystal Mail.......6500G Pegasus.....30G Crystal Robe.......6000G Magic Helmet.......480G -=-=-=-=-=- Boulder =-=-=-=-=-= Magic Shop ---------- Volt..........1000G INN: 9G per person L Volt........4000G CHURCH: NO Sleep.........1600G Flying........450G Field.........1600G Resource......4800G Mind..........2700G ================================================================================ -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 2b. Items/Equipment/Magic IEQM -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ================================================================================ FIND = Cannot be bought; it can only be found in a chest or gotten as a game event. WEAPONS ITEMS +----------------+------+ +----------------+------+---------------------------+ | Name | Cost | | Name | Cost | Use | +-----------------------+ +---------------------------------------------------+ |Aero Bow | FIND | |Dual Herb | 16G |Heals moderate amount of HP| |-----------------------| |---------------------------------------------------| |Aless Sword | FIND | |Elixer | 500G |Revives dead, heal all HP | |-----------------------| |---------------------------------------------------| |Ancient Staff | 100G | |Herb | 4G |Heals low amount of HP | |-----------------------| |---------------------------------------------------| |Blizzard Staff | FIND | |Ideia Potion | 80G |Increases random encounters| |-----------------------| |---------------------------------------------------| |Blue Crystal | 400G | |Maria Potion | 80G |Decreases random encounters| |-----------------------| |---------------------------------------------------| |Crystal Spear |16000G| |Paralysis Herb | 24G |Heals Paralysis | |-----------------------| |---------------------------------------------------| |Crystal Staff | 6000G| |Poison Herb | 6G |Heals Poison | |-----------------------| |---------------------------------------------------| |Dark Crystal | FIND | |Stone Herb | 200G |Heals Petrification | |-----------------------| |---------------------------------------------------| |Earth Sword | FIND | |TriHerb | 48G |Heals high amount of HP | |-----------------------| |---------------------------------------------------| |Flame Staff | FIND | |Pegasus Wing | 30G |Go to any visited town with| |-----------------------| | | |a guild | |Flame Sword | 3500G| |---------------------------------------------------| |-----------------------| |Flare Riser | FIND | +----------------+------+---------------------------+ |-----------------------| | Name | Cost | Use | |Holy Spear | FIND | +---------------------------------------------------+ |-----------------------| |Aero | FIND |Strong wind spell. | |Holy Staff | FIND | |---------------------------------------------------| |-----------------------| |Anti | 480G |Grants resistance against | |Iron Spear | 180G | | | |enemy spells | |-----------------------| |---------------------------------------------------| |Iron Sword | 160G | |Antima | 480G |Enemy cannot spellcast | |-----------------------| |---------------------------------------------------| |Kaiser Spear | FIND | |Blast | FIND |Strong Holy spell. | |-----------------------| |---------------------------------------------------| |Light Bow | FIND | |Confuse | 840G |Confuses monsters. | |-----------------------| |---------------------------------------------------| |Magic Staff | 530G | |Cure | FIND |Heals all HP & stat.effects| |-----------------------| |---------------------------------------------------| |Michenu Staff | FIND | |Feel | 80G |Heals some HP | |-----------------------| |---------------------------------------------------| |Mirage Sword | 1600G| |AllFeel |1200G |Heals some HP to everyone | |-----------------------| |---------------------------------------------------| |Red Crystal | 400G | |Field |1600G |Heals much HP | |-----------------------| |---------------------------------------------------| |Silver Spear | 1800G| |Flame | 50G |Weak Fire Spell. | |-----------------------| |---------------------------------------------------| |Silver Staff | 870G | |L Flame | 360G |Strong Fire Spell. | |-----------------------| |---------------------------------------------------| |Steel Bow | 310G | |Flying | 450G |Pegasus Wing effects. | |-----------------------| |---------------------------------------------------| |Steel Sword | 600G | |Force | 620G |Higher Magical Resistance | |-----------------------| |---------------------------------------------------| |Sun Sword | FIND | |Freeze | 120G |Weak Ice Spell. | |-----------------------| |---------------------------------------------------| |Thief Bow | 3400G| |L Freeze | 720G |Strong Ice Spell. | |-----------------------| |---------------------------------------------------| |Thunder Staff | FIND | |Gaia | FIND |Strong offensive spell. | +----------------+------+ |---------------------------------------------------| |Guarding | 840G |Higher Physical Resistance | ARMOR |---------------------------------------------------| +----------------+------+ |Mind | 2700G|Heals confusion | | Name | Cost | |---------------------------------------------------| +-----------------------+ |Paralysis-Cure | 980G |Heals Paralysis | |Chain Armor | 180G | |---------------------------------------------------| |-----------------------| |Poison-Cure | 120G |Heals Poison | |Crystal Armor | 6500G| |---------------------------------------------------| |-----------------------| |Resource | 4800G|Heals all HP. | |Crystal Ring | 2000G| |---------------------------------------------------| |-----------------------| |Sleep | 1600G|Puts an enemy to sleep. | |Crystal Robe | 6000G| |---------------------------------------------------| |-----------------------| |Stone-Cure | 2600G|Heals Stone | |Dragon Armor | FIND | |---------------------------------------------------| |-----------------------| |Stop | 1200G|Paralyzes the enemy. | |Dragon Helmet | FIND | |---------------------------------------------------| |-----------------------| |Siren | 400G |Stuns the enemy. | |Earth Ring | FIND | |---------------------------------------------------| |-----------------------| |Turning | 280G |Escape from dungeons | |Flame Armor | FIND | |---------------------------------------------------| |-----------------------| |Volt | 1000G|Weak Electrical spell. | |Iron Helmet | 150G | |---------------------------------------------------| |-----------------------| |Large Volt | 4000G|Strong Electrical spell. | |Iron Shield | 250G | +---------------------------------------------------+ |-----------------------| |Knight Armor | 1200G| This little blurb here is for all the items that you |-----------------------| cannot find at a shop, detailing their location and |Knight Helmet | 1380G| thus where to find them. |-----------------------| |Knight Shield | 1600G| +----------------------------------------------------+ |-----------------------| | Name | Location | |Leather Helmet | 40G | |----------------------------------------------------| |-----------------------| |Aero Bow |Find by doing a job in Izaruro | |Leather Shield | 80G | |----------------------------------------------------| |-----------------------| |Aless Sword |After fighting Aless at Idevales | |Light Helmet | FIND | |----------------------------------------------------| |-----------------------| |Blizzard Staff |In the cave west of Boulder | |Light Ring | FIND | |----------------------------------------------------| |-----------------------| |Dark Crystal |Found in a chest in Idevales | |Light Robe | FIND | |----------------------------------------------------| |-----------------------| |Earth Sword |Found in a chest in Full Moon Tower| |Magic Helmet | 480G | |----------------------------------------------------| |-----------------------| |Flame Staff |Found in the cave near Ripona | |Mage Robe | 440G | |----------------------------------------------------| |-----------------------| |Flare Riser |Forged in the sage's hut near | |Magic Ring | 60G | | |Boulder, at the end of the game | |-----------------------| |----------------------------------------------------| |Mirror Robe | 1300G| |Holy Spear |Find in a chest in Idevales | |-----------------------| |----------------------------------------------------| |Orb Ring | 840G | |Holy Staff |Find in a chest in Idevales | |-----------------------| |----------------------------------------------------| |Photon Armor | FIND | |Kaiser Spear |Found in chest in Full Moon Tower | |-----------------------| |----------------------------------------------------| |Photon Helmet | FIND | |Light Bow |Find it in Emrond Tower | |-----------------------| |----------------------------------------------------| |Photon Shield | FIND | |Michenu Staff |Win from Michenu after her defeat | |-----------------------| |----------------------------------------------------| |Plate Armor | 530G | |Sun Sword |A chest in the underwater temple | |-----------------------| |----------------------------------------------------| |Silk Robe | 75G | |Thunder Staff |Get from a job in Faltesis | |-----------------------| |----------------------------------------------------| |Silver Ring | 290G | |Dragon Armor |The cave in Ryuita with the Dragon | |-----------------------| |----------------------------------------------------| |White Robe | 230G | |Dragon Helmet |Found in Emrond Tower | |-----------------------| |----------------------------------------------------| |Wind Armor | FIND | |Earth Ring |Found in Emrond Tower | *-----------------------* |----------------------------------------------------| |Flame Armor |Found in Emrond Tower | This next little section |----------------------------------------------------| here details the stats and|Light Helmet |Found in Emrond Tower | the compatible classes of |----------------------------------------------------| each piece of equipment. |Light Ring |Found in the Grand Estates in chest| It should be noted that |----------------------------------------------------| all this information was |Light Robe |Found in Idevales | provided by DWanderer, |----------------------------------------------------| along with the location |Photon Armor |Found at the Grand Estates | of all the unbuyable |----------------------------------------------------| equipment in the game, so |Photon Helmet |Found in Idevales | give him a heads up for |----------------------------------------------------| his contribution! |Photon Shield |Found in Idevales | K = Knight F = Fighter |----------------------------------------------------| M = Mage P = Priest |Wind Armor |Get from a Job in Faltesis | S = Shaman T = Thief *----------------------------------------------------* B = Bishop A = Attack, I = Intelligence, M = Magic, D = Defense +------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ | Weapons | |------------+-------------------+------+------------+------------------+------| | Blue | 24A+,10D+,14I+,8M | S | Crystal | 35A+ | K | | Crystal | | | Spear | | | |------------+-------------------+------+------------+------------------+------| | Holy Staff | 36A+,24I+,4M+ | MPBS | Iron Spear | 11A+ | K | |------------+-------------------+------+------------+------------------+------| | Iron Sword | 9A+ | FK | Kaiser | 29A+ | K | | | | | Spear | | | |------------+-------------------+------+------------+------------------+------| | Light Bow | 36A+ | T | Magic | 16A+,2I+, 8M+ | MPBS | | | | | Staff | | | |------------+-------------------+------+------------+------------------+------| | Michenu | 32A+,24M+,4I+ | MPBS | Mirage | 17A+ | MPBS | | Staff | | | Sword | | | |------------+-------------------+------+------------+------------------+------| | Old Staff | 3A+, 2M/I+ | MPBS | Quartz | 10A+,4D+,6M/I+ | S | | | | | Ring | | | |------------+-------------------+------+------------+------------------+------| | Red Ring | 24A+,10D+,8I+,14M+| S | Short Bow | 7A+ | T | |------------+-------------------+------+------------+------------------+------| | Short | 5A+ | FK | Silver | 19A+ | K | | Sword | | | Spear | | | |------------+-------------------+------+------------+------------------+------| | Silver | 19A+, 8I+, 2M+ | MPBS | Steel Bow | 20A+ | T | | Staff | | | | | | |------------+-------------------+------+------------+------------------+------| | Steel | 12A+ | FK | Sun Sword | 48A+ | FK | | Sword | | | | | | |------------+-------------------+------+------------+------------------+------| | Thief Bow | 31A+ | T | Thunder | 27A+, 16M/I+ | MPBS | | | | | Staff | | | +------------+-------------------+------+------------+------------------+------+ +-----------------------------------------------------------------------------+ | Armor | |--------------+----------------+------+--------------+----------------+------| | Crystal Ring | 18D+,4I/M+ | MTBS | Crystal Robe | 22D+ | MBSP | |--------------+----------------+------+--------------+----------------+------| | Dragon Armor | 20D+ | FK | Dragon Ring | 13D+ | FK | |--------------+----------------+------+--------------+----------------+------| | Earth Ring | 21D+,6I/M+ | MBSP | Flame Armor | 26D+ | FK | |--------------+----------------+------+--------------+----------------+------| | Iron Helmet | 5D+ | FK | Iron Shield | 9D+ | FK | |--------------+----------------+------+--------------+----------------+------| | Knight Armor | 17D+ | FKT | Knight | 10D+ | FK | | | | | Helmet | | | |--------------+----------------+------+--------------+----------------+------| | Knight | 14D+ | FK | Magic Helmet | 7D+,2M+ | MBSP | | Shield | | | | | | |--------------+----------------+------+--------------+----------------+------| | Leather | 3D+ | FK | Light Helmet | 19D+,2I/M+ | MBSP | | Shield | | | | | | |--------------+----------------+------+--------------+----------------+------| | Light Ring | 24D+, 8I/M+ | MBSP | Light Robe | 33D+ | MTBS | |--------------+----------------+------+--------------+----------------+------| | Mage Shirt | 14D+ | MTBS | Magic Ring | 3D+,1M+ | MTBS | |--------------+----------------+------+--------------+----------------+------| | Mirror Robe | 17D+ | MTBS | Leather | 4D+ | FKT | | | | | Armor | | | |--------------+----------------+------+--------------+----------------+------| | Leather | 3D+ | FTKM | Orb Ring | 11D+, 2M+, 2I+ | MTBS | | Helmet | | | | | | |--------------+----------------+------+--------------+----------------+------| | Photon Armor | 36D+ | FK | Photon | 20D+ | FK | | | | | Helmet | | | |--------------+----------------+------+--------------+----------------+------| | Photon | 20D+ | FK | Plain Robe | 2D+ | FKMT | | Shield | | | | | | |--------------+----------------+------+--------------+----------------+------| | Plate Armor | 13D+ | FKT | Silk Robe | 5D+ | MTBS | |--------------+----------------+------+--------------+----------------+------| | Silver Ring | 6D+,1M+,2I+ | MTBS | Strength | 16D+,12A+ | MBSP | | | | | Ring | | | |--------------+----------------+------+--------------+----------------+------| | White Robe | 10D+ | MTBS | Wind Armor | 32D+ | FKT | +--------------+----------------+------+--------------+----------------+------+ ================================================================================ -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 2c. Guilds/Jobs GLJB -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ================================================================================ Once you fetch the Potion of Impression for Meldi, you'll be able to access and use all Guilds across the land of Chaos World. While most towns have Guilds, some don't, and all towns with Pubs have Guilds (with the lone exception of Rarm). When at the guild, you can do a few things; "Change - Allows you to change your party members between your current ones and those in storage. Obviously, the hero cannot be traded out. "Recruit - Every guild in the land has one+ of 15 different characters that can be recruited. Some will join you right away, while others will take a bit more to persuade them. "Job - This allows you to take on any available jobs at the current guild. They take no effort past putting somebody on them and leaving them for a set amount of time, and you can get some good rewards. A list of jobs is below the character list. "Call - When a character is not in your party, s/he stays at the city they were recruited or dropped off at. Using Call makes them come to your current city within a set number of days. Note how that there are 16 characters, but you only have room for 15 characters other than yourself. This is because YOU are one of these characters. Depending on which character and gender you choose, that person won't be available to recruit. If I picked to be a Male Mage, for example, Kail would not show up at Emrond. Baran Male Knight Rarm Requirements: After heading to Rarm Cave and examining the pit, head back to Rarm itself and go around the outside of town. You'll find him, and he'll join you, giving you the Rope in the process. Dona Female Shaman Dolgis Pub Requirements: None Enak Male Bishop Ryuita Pub Requirements: Forus is dead Juno Male Thief Faltesis Pub Requirements: Defeated Sarvant Kail Male Mage Emrond Pub Requirements: ? Leon Male Fighter Nazaal Pub Requirements: Given Potion of Impression to Princess Meldi Liza Female Fighter Izaruro Pub Requirements: None Mara Female Bishop Ruval Pub Requirements: Finished Revival of the City job Marin Female Knight Ryuita Pub Requirements: Slain the Dragon Midi Female Thief Nazaal Pub Requirements: None Nande Male Priest Rodetia Pub Requirements: None Orion Male Shaman Ruval Pub Requirements: Rescued Prince Levin Sylva Female Priest Litton Pub Requirements: Got the Ancient Book of Faltesis Wendy Female Mage Rodetia Pub Requirements: None Dolgis Pub Requirements: None "Dragon Slaying" Ryuita Knights: Looking for heroes to slay the dragon. F/K/W Reward: Spring Emrond Pub Requirements: Talk to General Faltesis "Cleaning the Arsenal" Commander Sarvant: Looking for people to clean up the Sarvant arsenal. T/W/P Reward: Flint Key Faltesis Pub Requirements: None "Memorial Service" General Faltesis: Need someone to hold a service for the victims of the war. P/S/B Reward: Thunder Staff Faltesis Pub Requirements: Talk to the child in the Faltesis House "Search for Father" Faltesis Guild: Help search for the father of one of this city's kids. K/T/S Reward: 4G, Key of Temptation Faltesis Pub Requirements: None "Trainer Needed" General Faltesis: Looking for an expert in soldier training. F/K/T Reward: Wind Armor Izaruro Pub Requirements: None "Floodgate Guard" Mayor of Izaruro: Need a guard whilst repairs are done on the south floodgate. K/T/S Reward: Aero Bow Nazaal Pub Requirements: None "Forest Development" Nazaal Dev Committee: Looking for helpers in developing the forest. Males only. Reward: This mission cannot be completed. Rodetia Pub Requirements: None "Waitress Needed" Currently looking for a waitress. Females only. Reward: 200 Gold Rodetia Pub Requirements: Talked to one of the men in Boulder "Food Delivery" Boulder Life Group: Looking for people to protect the food delivery team. F/K/W Reward: 500G Rodetia Pub Requirements: Talked to Princess Meldi about Rainbow Flower after Levin has gone insane "Rainbow Flower Quest" Princess Meldi: Looking for people to help search for the Rainbow Flower. T/S/B Ruval Pub Requirements: Saved Prince Levin "Revival of the City" Looking for helpers to repair the city. Males only. Reward: Lies Emblem Ruval Pub Requirements: None "Repairing the Church" The Priests of Ruval: Looking for people to help fix the church. Males only. Reward: 20G Ruval Pub Requirements: Freed King Ryuita and Alon and overheard Adan and Aless "Looking for a Nurse" Ruval Throne Room: Looking for a nurse to take care of King Ruval's sickness. Female P/B Reward: Cure Ryuita Pub Requirements: None "Soldiers Needed" King of Ryuita: Soldiers needed urgently to protect the castle. Males only. Reward: Large-Volt Ryuita Pub Requirements: Taken the Ancient Book to Alon "The Ancient Book" Ryuita's Prince Alon: Decrypt the Ancient Book. It's written in archaic Ruval. P/S/B Reward: Blast Ryuita Pub Requirements: Adan is dead "Adan's Funeral" Ryuita's Prince Alon: Looking for someone to hold Prince Adan's funeral. P/B Reward: Dragon ================================================================================ -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 3. Battle 3BTL -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ================================================================================ Chaos World has a unique battle system in that you can select a set of four types of characteristics to follow when you attack; the game then automatically leaves your party to fight on it's own, and it goes by while you can let things continue, or else press B to stop the current set of attacks and change your strategy. Before I list the various aspects of each characteristic, there is something important to note; you can only have one spell effect going on, including the hit-all attack magic. Thus, if you have some sort of defense magic set up, you can't use any stunning spells, multi-target spells, etc. "Save MP" will mainly see Mages using stun spells on the enemies; however, they will stop once they get below 50% for the most part. "Defend" will cause spellcasters to use defense and support spells. "Attack" will cause your offensive men to fight openly, while your mages/etc. will usually cast some spells and support spells. "Use MP" is deceiving, as when you set your formation up with this, your mages/priests/etc. will not use a drop of MP unless somebody is in major need of healing. ================================================================================ -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 4. Enemies 4ENM -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ================================================================================ It should be noted that the information here is rather limited, and is solely information derived from looking at hex-code within the game. Furthermore, the names are not rough translations of their Japanese counterparts, so be warned once more. This information comes credit of ninjasan8. Also, to fit all this information into what is here right now, information had to be compressed. This is especially true of the Locations. Here is what each pair of letters stands for; AC = Aless' Cave BC = Bolder Cave BO = Volder CA = Carlint CC = Carlint Castle DC = Dolgis Cave DO = Dolgis DP = Doppel Cave DS = Desert Castle ET = Emrond Tower FA = Faltesis GS = Grand States IC = Izaruro Castle LC = Litton Cave LI = Litton MC = Moon Cave MM = Mynelt Mines NA = Nazaal RA = Rarm Cave RB = Rarm RC = Ruval Cave RD = Ruval Desert RT = Rodetia RV = Ruval RY = Ryuita SA = Sarvant SO = Sea/Ocean WT = Water Temple o-----------------------------------------------------------------------------o | Name | HP | EXP | Gld | Lct | Name | HP | EXP | Gld | Lct | |--------------+-----+-----+-----+-----+--------------+-----+-----+-----+-----| | Air El | 94 | 17 | 23 | RD | Aless | 2010| 239 | 127 | AC | |--------------+-----+-----+-----+-----+--------------+-----+-----+-----+-----| | Aless Guard | 172 | 55 | 42 | AC | Ape | 23 | 3 | 8 | RV | |--------------+-----+-----+-----+-----+--------------+-----+-----+-----+-----| | Armor | 52 | 10 | 16 | DC | Aspirid | 83 | 19 | 26 | SO | | Warrior | | | | | | | | | | |--------------+-----+-----+-----+-----+--------------+-----+-----+-----+-----| | Atlantian | 47 | 7 | 16 | SO | Ballbird | 25 | ? | ? | ? | |--------------+-----+-----+-----+-----+--------------+-----+-----+-----+-----| | Balmfoot | 130 | ? | ? | ? | Ball Drag | 136 | ? | ? | ? | |--------------+-----+-----+-----+-----+--------------+-----+-----+-----+-----| | Bee Insect | 62 | ? | ? | ? | Bee Lord | 9 | 1 | 6 | RC | |--------------+-----+-----+-----+-----+--------------+-----+-----+-----+-----| | Bee Man | 43 | ? | ? | ? | Behemoth | 189 | 61 | 51 | WT | |--------------+-----+-----+-----+-----+--------------+-----+-----+-----+-----| | Blood Mask | 136 | 47 | 42 | WT | Blow Hole | 74 | 20 | 23 | RB | |--------------+-----+-----+-----+-----+--------------+-----+-----+-----+-----| | Bone Ghost | 41 | 7 | 13 | IC | Bottom | 47 | 8 | 15 | SO | | | | | | | Angeler | | | | | |--------------+-----+-----+-----+-----+--------------+-----+-----+-----+-----| | Cave Roo | 85 | 42 | 33 | AC | Caveman | 21 | 2 | 10 | NA | |--------------+-----+-----+-----+-----+--------------+-----+-----+-----+-----| | Cave Roll | 109 | 31 | 30 | CC | Chaos | 182 | 57 | 48 | MM | | | | | | | Servant | | | | | |--------------+-----+-----+-----+-----+--------------+-----+-----+-----+-----| | Claw Ape | 28 | 4 | 7 | RD | Co Atoll | 105 | 20 | 21 | MM | |--------------+-----+-----+-----+-----+--------------+-----+-----+-----+-----| | Cockatrice | 76 | 31 | 40 | MC | Dark Levin | 167 | 207 | 127 | RV | |--------------+-----+-----+-----+-----+--------------+-----+-----+-----+-----| | Dark Mask | 111 | 32 | 33 | WT | Dark Monk | 121 | ? | ? | ? | |--------------+-----+-----+-----+-----+--------------+-----+-----+-----+-----| | Dark Shaman | 121 | 52 | 120 | IC | Death Knight | 49 | 10 | 16 | DC | |--------------+-----+-----+-----+-----+--------------+-----+-----+-----+-----| | Death Ogre | 64 | 11 | 13 | FA | Deathbird | 21 | 8 | 15 | RY | |--------------+-----+-----+-----+-----+--------------+-----+-----+-----+-----| | Deep Lonos | 117 | 23 | 22 | MM | Deepbat | 34 | 4 | 10 | RC | |--------------+-----+-----+-----+-----+--------------+-----+-----+-----+-----| | Demon Mage | 116 | 36 | 33 | DS | Devil Shark | 68 | 12 | 11 | SO | |--------------+-----+-----+-----+-----+--------------+-----+-----+-----+-----| | Devil Ghost | 14 | ? | ? | ? | Dinodragon | 77 | 15 | 17 | FA | |--------------+-----+-----+-----+-----+--------------+-----+-----+-----+-----| | Doppel | 82 | 23 | 25 | DP | Doppel2 | 76 | 23 | 25 | DP | |--------------+-----+-----+-----+-----+--------------+-----+-----+-----+-----| | Doppel3 | 70 | 23 | 25 | DP | Doppel4 | 68 | 23 | 25 | DP | |--------------+-----+-----+-----+-----+--------------+-----+-----+-----+-----| | Doppel5 | 55 | 23 | 25 | DP | Doppel6 | 61 | 23 | 25 | DP | |--------------+-----+-----+-----+-----+--------------+-----+-----+-----+-----| | Doppel7 | 55 | 23 | 25 | DP | Doppel8 | 64 | 23 | 25 | DP | |--------------+-----+-----+-----+-----+--------------+-----+-----+-----+-----| | Dracolich | 197 | 68 | 48 | MM | Dragonsnake | 95 | 16 | 18 | FA | |--------------+-----+-----+-----+-----+--------------+-----+-----+-----+-----| | Draw Omega | 49 | 23 | 14 | RV | Dread Harpy | 82 | 7 | 10 | RY | |--------------+-----+-----+-----+-----+--------------+-----+-----+-----+-----| | Dual Rhinos | 73 | ? | ? | ? | Earth El | 99 | 18 | 20 | FA | |--------------+-----+-----+-----+-----+--------------+-----+-----+-----+-----| | Ebelist | 140 | 52 | 42 | WT | Egg | 81 | 29 | 26 | GS | |--------------+-----+-----+-----+-----+--------------+-----+-----+-----+-----| | Erie Trail | 86 | 14 | 33 | LI | Feel Borg | 74 | 18 | 23 | BO | |--------------+-----+-----+-----+-----+--------------+-----+-----+-----+-----| | Fierman | 164 | 55 | 42 | AC | Fire | 99 | ? | ? | ? | | | | | | | Guardian | | | | | |--------------+-----+-----+-----+-----+--------------+-----+-----+-----+-----| | Fish Head | 71 | 10 | 15 | SO | Flygoyle | 111 | 34 | 40 | RB | |--------------+-----+-----+-----+-----+--------------+-----+-----+-----+-----| | 4-Leg Ghost | 34 | 17 | 23 | RB | Foxy | 150 | 42 | 39 | DS | |--------------+-----+-----+-----+-----+--------------+-----+-----+-----+-----| | Gragoyle | 115 | 35 | 33 | DS | Ghost | 11 | 3 | 9 | RV | |--------------+-----+-----+-----+-----+--------------+-----+-----+-----+-----| | Ghost Armor | 118 | ? | ? | ? | Gnome Mage | 11 | 1 | 9 | RC | |--------------+-----+-----+-----+-----+--------------+-----+-----+-----+-----| | Gold Rhino | 85 | ? | ? | ? | Grace Cat | 38 | 6 | 10 | LC | |--------------+-----+-----+-----+-----+--------------+-----+-----+-----+-----| | Greedy | 74 | 17 | 15 | MM | Ground | 46 | ? | ? | ? | | | | | | | Spider | | | | | |--------------+-----+-----+-----+-----+--------------+-----+-----+-----+-----| | Guarder | 105 | 32 | 40 | MC | Guardian | 93 | 33 | 36 | MC | |--------------+-----+-----+-----+-----+--------------+-----+-----+-----+-----| | Gust | 43 | 17 | 17 | RV | Harbringer | 86 | 21 | 22 | RD | |--------------+-----+-----+-----+-----+--------------+-----+-----+-----+-----| | Harpy | 30 | 6 | 18 | DO | Ice Mage | 46 | 9 | 14 | RY | |--------------+-----+-----+-----+-----+--------------+-----+-----+-----+-----| | Idea Armor | 43 | 9 | 8 | DO | Idea Armor | 46 | 9 | 20 | DO | |--------------+-----+-----+-----+-----+--------------+-----+-----+-----+-----| | Kidnapper | 101 | 45 | 0 | RC | Kidnapper2 | 128 | 54 | 0 | RC | |--------------+-----+-----+-----+-----+--------------+-----+-----+-----+-----| | Killer Fish | 62 | 10 | 16 | SO | King Dragon | 161 | 79 | 0 | DC | |--------------+-----+-----+-----+-----+--------------+-----+-----+-----+-----| | King Liz | 123 | 42 | 36 | CC | Kingbat | 25 | 3 | 8 | RC | |--------------+-----+-----+-----+-----+--------------+-----+-----+-----+-----| | King Guard | 191 | 59 | 42 | AC | L Mantis | 19 | 2 | 7 | RV | |--------------+-----+-----+-----+-----+--------------+-----+-----+-----+-----| | Lace | 50 | 17 | 15 | BC | Land Mole | 33 | 5 | 15 | LI | |--------------+-----+-----+-----+-----+--------------+-----+-----+-----+-----| | Lich | 45 | ? | ? | ? | Lip Flower | 7 | 1 | 4 | RC | |--------------+-----+-----+-----+-----+--------------+-----+-----+-----+-----| | Living Armor | 93 | 19 | 16 | MM | Liz | 51 | 10 | 16 | RY | |--------------+-----+-----+-----+-----+--------------+-----+-----+-----+-----| | Lizardbat | 24 | 4 | 12 | RD | Lizardfly | 29 | 4 | 12 | RD | |--------------+-----+-----+-----+-----+--------------+-----+-----+-----+-----| | Lost Soul | 111 | 16 | 18 | FA | Maneater | 17 | 2 | 9 | RV | |--------------+-----+-----+-----+-----+--------------+-----+-----+-----+-----| | Mantis | 11 | 0 | 1 | RC | Mary Jane | 157 | ? | ? | ? | |--------------+-----+-----+-----+-----+--------------+-----+-----+-----+-----| | Mage | 39 | 10 | 10 | RY | Mask Mage | 156 | 56 | 45 | GS | |--------------+-----+-----+-----+-----+--------------+-----+-----+-----+-----| | Mastermage | 14 | 1 | 5 | RA | Masterwitch | 23 | 5 | 12 | RD | |--------------+-----+-----+-----+-----+--------------+-----+-----+-----+-----| | Metalbat | 11 | 4 | 16 | RC | Michenu | 213 | 191 | 0 | ET | |--------------+-----+-----+-----+-----+--------------+-----+-----+-----+-----| | Mimic | 146 | 46 | 36 | AC | Mush Mage | 112 | 15 | 17 | BC | |--------------+-----+-----+-----+-----+--------------+-----+-----+-----+-----| | Nail Shroom | 97 | 18 | 16 | MM | Night Fairy | 100 | 60 | 100 | RD | |--------------+-----+-----+-----+-----+--------------+-----+-----+-----+-----| | No Navel | 14 | 2 | 7 | RV | Octagonal | 121 | 30 | 35 | SO | |--------------+-----+-----+-----+-----+--------------+-----+-----+-----+-----| | Orc | 13 | 1 | 6 | RA | Orclord | 15 | 1 | 6 | RA | |--------------+-----+-----+-----+-----+--------------+-----+-----+-----+-----| | P Frog | 31 | 4 | 18 | RV | P Snail | 8 | 4 | 6 | RA | |--------------+-----+-----+-----+-----+--------------+-----+-----+-----+-----| | Pamel Blow | 71 | 21 | 31 | RY | Panther | 55 | 30 | 12 | DO | |--------------+-----+-----+-----+-----+--------------+-----+-----+-----+-----| | Queen Bee | 9 | 2 | 6 | RA | Queen Marina | 56 | 10 | 16 | SO | |--------------+-----+-----+-----+-----+--------------+-----+-----+-----+-----| | Raiden | 157 | 51 | 39 | MM | Roach | 69 | 4 | 15 | RC | |--------------+-----+-----+-----+-----+--------------+-----+-----+-----+-----| | Rock El | 99 | 13 | 15 | FA | Round Bug | 82 | ? | ? | ? | |--------------+-----+-----+-----+-----+--------------+-----+-----+-----+-----| | RY Knight | 126 | 40 | 32 | SA | S. Master | 19 | 2 | 11 | RA | |--------------+-----+-----+-----+-----+--------------+-----+-----+-----+-----| | S. Snail | 9 | 1 | 30 | RA | Sail Mermaid | 49 | 10 | 18 | SO | |--------------+-----+-----+-----+-----+--------------+-----+-----+-----+-----| | Sandbug | 25 | 3 | 11 | RD | Sandfrog | 25 | ? | ? | ? | |--------------+-----+-----+-----+-----+--------------+-----+-----+-----+-----| | Sarvant | 1450| 111 | 127 | SA | Seasnake | 85 | 14 | 18 | SO | |--------------+-----+-----+-----+-----+--------------+-----+-----+-----+-----| | Sea Spirit | 64 | 15 | 16 | SO | Seagoyle | 109 | 21 | 45 | CA | |--------------+-----+-----+-----+-----+--------------+-----+-----+-----+-----| | Shark | 57 | 11 | 15 | SO | Shellsnail | 17 | 3 | 11 | LI | |--------------+-----+-----+-----+-----+--------------+-----+-----+-----+-----| | Skullknight | 147 | 50 | 42 | AC | Slug | 7 | 1 | 3 | RC | |--------------+-----+-----+-----+-----+--------------+-----+-----+-----+-----| | Snail | 10 | 1 | 4 | RC | Sorceress | 37 | 8 | 12 | DO | |--------------+-----+-----+-----+-----+--------------+-----+-----+-----+-----| | Spider | 48 | 7 | 19 | LI | Steel Roach | 25 | 10 | 30 | LI | |--------------+-----+-----+-----+-----+--------------+-----+-----+-----+-----| | Sudal | 111 | 28 | 32 | SO | Summoner | 161 | 84 | 120 | MM | |--------------+-----+-----+-----+-----+--------------+-----+-----+-----+-----| | Swordfish | 55 | 8 | 16 | SO | Tyranodon | 61 | 11 | 20 | RY | |--------------+-----+-----+-----+-----+--------------+-----+-----+-----+-----| | Unkimo | 65 | 11 | 20 | SO | Varvan | 98 | 28 | 36 | MC | |--------------+-----+-----+-----+-----+--------------+-----+-----+-----+-----| | Water | 59 | 15 | 17 | SO | Wheelsnail | 19 | 5 | 2 | LC | |--------------+-----+-----+-----+-----+--------------+-----+-----+-----+-----| | Wingfrog | 21 | 3 | 8 | RV | Witch | 17 | | | | +--------------+-----+-----+-----+-----+--------------+-----+-----+-----+-----+ CREDITS I'd like to dedicate this section to the first contributor of this FAQ, DWanderer. He actually gave me a good amount of worthwhile information. Although it doesn't look like much, it having been the location of all the nonbuyable weapons, the stats of each piece of equipment, and their compatibility with each class, along with all the data that's up their on the Battle Section, it helped save me what would probably have been several hours of time and likely fruitless deduction. Once again, thanks, DWanderer -Darkstar Ripclaw With the second contributor, things were more of a mutual relationship, with ninjasan8 taking some of my info, and me taking some of the info he has. He also managed to find out some of the things about the Rarm glitch, which in itself is useful. Nevertheless, we've both managed to benefit each other, and even in this day and age, when obscure NES RPGs have become absolutely obsolete, I believe he's onto something in working for full-out RPG shrines. His can be found at the following address; Lastly, I want to thank the unknown author of the program located here ( ), as it assisted me greatly in creating some of the tables that one may find in this FAQ. Need help with something that's not in this FAQ? Got a comment to make? Find something wrong in this FAQ, or else just want to contribute something extra? Email me at darkstar.ripclaw AT gmail DOT com if you need any of these things. Just a warning note; if I recognize a question as something being asked in this FAQ, it's not getting answered. ________________________________________________________________________________ ;;ff LLKK.. ..WW##ii tt####LL DD####DD ii########ii LL########LL ..WW########EE ff############;; ..KK############ff ii##############DD GG################;; ;;WW################jj LLKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKWW####################KKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKLL.. ,,GG################################################################ii ..EE############################################################EEttttii,, ttKK######################################################WWLL;;,,;;jjffjj;; ..ttKK################################################KKtt::::::::ttjjjjff ..ttKK##########################################LL::::::::::::::::::LL ;;LLKK####################################jj ::ii;;;;;;..;;ii;; ii;; ;ttGGKK##############################GG::::::::;;,,;;;;.. ..iiii iiii .ii############################KKtt iiii ;;;;;; .tt##########################WWtt tttt ;;, ::DD########################WWii ;; ,;;;; .;;;;WW############EE##########WW.. ;i;; ii;;jj############ff..GG##########;; .. ;;ii....LL##########GG.. ;;KK########;; ii.. 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