Name: 'Castlequest' FAQ/Walkthrough FAQ version: Final (1.0) Author: DKruzer ( Makers: ASCII Corporation Genre: Adventure For: Nintendo Entertainment System ========================= ***************** ========================= Table of Contents ========================= ***************** ========================= 1. FAQ/Maker's Info 2. Introduction 3. Walkthrough and Hints 4. Enemies 5. Revision History 6. Credits/Special Thanks ========================= ************ ========================= Introduction ========================= ************ ========================= Castlequest is a 2-D side-scrolling game where you fight monsters and find keys to proceed on the game. The objective is to find the princess. However, many obsticles and frustrating puzzles lie ahead of you. The controls are very, very simple. Pressing the A button will cause you to jump. Holding it will cause you to stay in the air for a longer period of time. The B button is your *extremely* short-ranged knife attack. You can go left, right, down, and up. Pressing select will open the map, if you found it first. There are various colors of keys: RED BLUE LIGHT BLUE PINK GREEN YELLOW They will only open the doors that correspond to the respective color. You start with 50 lives. It's a lot, but you will wish you had more, since all the enemies can kill you in one hit. Two fairies will give you the red keys necessary for you to complete the game. Try to get to them first. That's about it! ========================= *********************========================= Walkthrough and Hints ========================= *********************========================= *I will not tell you how to get easy-to-reach keys. I'll only give out the good stuff if a situation gets tricky!* -You are outside the castle. Get the YELLOW KEY and open the door. Jump up and get the CROSS. Be careful of the spikes! One hit by them or by any enemy and you're a goner. Go across the gap, kill the enemy, and get the LIGHT BLUE KEY. Go right and open the LIGHT BLUE DOOR. -Push the block over to the moving ramp. Jump on it, be careful of the spikes, jump up and hold A. Quickly get the LIFE VIAL. Now, whenever I say "jump and hold," you'll know what it means. Go back a room, and return here. Push the block a little to the left, jump on it, and jump to the ledge with the moving elevator. Get the CROSSES and the YELLOW KEY. Go open the bottom right YELLOW DOOR while dodging the enemy in the bottom. -Get the YELLOW KEY. Go back one room, and do not use the key on this door. -Ride the elevator up. -Open the LIGHT BLUE DOOR and watch out for the enemies. Get the YELLOW KEY and the LIGHT BLUE KEY, and open the LIGHT BLUE DOOR. -Quickly dodge the barrel and jump and hold to get the LIGHT BLUE KEY. Go back one room. -Open the YELLOW DOOR on the left of this room. -Get the rings, open the LIGHT BLUE DOOR, and go down. -Quickly move left to get the rings. Kill the enemy on the other side and the MONEY BAGS. Open the YELLOW DOOR to get the MAP OF THE CASTLE and go grab the YELLOW KEY and the GREEN KEY while dodging this enemy. Open the GREEN DOOR and jump down. -Go get the YELLOW KEY. Open the YELLOW DOOR in the middle. -Ride the elevator and be careful of the spikes. When the moving lines stop, you can drop down. Jump and hold to get the YELLOW KEY and the LIFE VIALS. Go back one room. -Arrange the blocks so that you can go to one of the upper ledges, and ride the elevator down. -Push the middle vault to the left and get the SCUBA GEAR. Push the right vault to the left. Push the left vault left and get the LIGHT BLUE KEY. Jump down to the water and open the LIGHT BLUE DOOR. -Jump up, get the GREEN KEY and the CROSS, go back down to the water, head right, jump up, and get all the RINGS and CROSSES. Open the YELLOW DOOR and get the GREEN KEY. Head right to exit. -Jump out of the water. Ride the elevator and open the GREEN DOOR while it's right next to it. -Grab the MONEY BAGS, kill the enemy up top, and get the RINGS. Get the YELLOW KEY up top while you're at it. When the moving lines stop, jump down, head a little to the right, and make sure you're right of the block. Push it to the moving lines when they stop, and push it towards those annoying enemies. They will die! Now go ride the elevator up. -Go kill the enemy near the barrel and get the LIGHT BLUE KEY. Open the LIGHT BLUE DOOR. -It's tricky here. Quickly jump on top of the two blocks and jump again to avoid the third. Get the YELLOW KEY and open the YELLOW DOOR. Ride the elevator up. -Get the PINK KEY, kill the enemy, and get the YELLOW KEY. Open the LIGHT BLUE DOOR. -Open the PINK DOOR. To avoid the flame, jump up and hold when the elevator is near the ground. Quickly jump on the elevator and continue to jump. The flame will follow you throughout this room. Get the LIFE VIAL and the YELLOW KEY. Open the YELLOW DOOR to your right. -Get the YELLOW KEY. Open the YELLOW DOOR. -Get the CROSS and open the GREEN DOOR. As usual, when the moving lines stop, go get all the items: CROSSES, RINGS, and the LIFE VIAL. Jump down. -Avoid the spikes and get the LIFE VIAL. Grab the PINK KEY. Go down the elevator. -Open the PINK DOOR. -Get the YELLOW KEYS and use them to open the YELLOW DOORS. Get the GREEN KEY and the LIGHT BLUE KEY. Get the SCUBA GEAR and go up the elevator. -Ride the elevator and open the YELLOW DOOR. Grab the PINK KEY and go up the elevator again. Go through the water and open the YELLOW DOOR. Get the PINK KEY and ride the elevator up. -Take the bottom right exit. -Open the GREEN KEY, get the PINK KEY, and open the YELLOW DOOR. -Get the YELLOW KEY and jump down. -Go get the LIFE VIALS and open the PINK DOOR. -Get the RING, the MONEY BAGS, the CROSS, and the LIFE VIAL while avoiding the monster. -Open the YELLOW DOOR in the bottom. Go to the right of the switch thingy block, and push left. The crane will move up. Go get the YELLOW KEYS and the LIGHT BLUE KEY. Go back up the elevator. -Open the LIGhT BLUE DOOR, push the barrel, and open the PINK DOOR. -Ooh, a fairy is in this room. Go down to exit. -Get the MONEY BAGS, kill the enemy, and get the YELLOW KEY and the GREEN KEY. Go open the YELLOW DOOR. Grab the YELLOW KEY and get the SCUBA GEAR. Jump up and open the northern GREEN DOOR. -Get the GREEN KEY and the YELLOW KEY. Go down the water and go left. Go all the way to the left and grab the PINK KEY. Ignore the other one. Head back to the previous room. -Jump out of the water and get the LIGHT BLUE KEY and the YELLOW KEY. Head up the elevator. -Although all that extra looks tempting, don't go up that elevator. YOu'll have to use an extra key to unlock a door up there. So use the other elevator (middle one). You can get the LIFE VIAL if you want. -Go up the next elevator. -Open the YELLOW DOOR. Quickly push the block to the right a little bit, but not off the elevator. You can now reach the ledge. Go up the elevator. -Open the LIGHT BLUE DOOR. Go up and get the LIGHT BLUE KEY. Open the LIGHT BLUE DOOR beside you. -Kill the enemy and get the RINGS and the LIFE VIAL. Exit down. -Open the LIGHT BLUE DOOR and get the LIGHT BLUE KEY. Exit down. -Go all the way to the right, drop down and get the LIFE VIAL, and go into the yellow beam. It will temporarily make you invincible. Kill the enemy, get the RINGS and the YELLOW KEY, and open the YELLOW DOOR. -Exit down here. -Open the GREEN DOOR. -DO NOT FALL FROM HERE! It's the fairy room. Go across the room through the platform and push the vault to the right. Push the block right, drop down, push the other block left, and push the vault down the water. Go over and touch the fairy. Grab the two RED KEYS. Get the SCUBA GEAR and get the BLUE KEY. Jump down and exit through the bottom hole. -The SCUBA GEAR should still be in effect. Hurry down and get the PINK KEY. Exit right. -Jump out of the water and ride the elevator up. -Jump on the middle elevator and head up. -Head up on this elevator. -It's the block-elevator trick. Do it again and go up the other elevator. -Here, take the left exit. -Kill the enemy. Go up the right elevator. -Open the PINK DOOR to the left. -Dodge the enemies and the spikes and open the PINK DOOR. -Get the LIGHT BLUE KEY and open the YELLOW DOOR. -Get the YELLOW KEY and the GREEN KEY. Go back a room. -Jump down the RIGHT SIDE of the hole. -Keep holding right so that you land near and open the GREEN DOOR. -Jump and hold to cross the gap and to get to the LIGHT BLUE KEYS. Now, you see those huge gaps at the bottom of the screen? Next to the left gap, there is an exit to the left. Go there. -Wait until the moving lines stop, and jump down the hole. -You should automatically grab a PINK KEY, a MONEY BAG, and a RING. Grab the other RINGS and the MONEY BAGS as well. Open the bottom YELLOW DOOR. -Go up and push the blocks to the left. Open the PINK DOOR. -Go back a room. -Get the GREEN KEY. Go back to where you came from. -Push the bottom block left far enough for you to jump around it. Jump up to the other two blocks and push the right block only by a 1/2 space and the left block by 1 space. Go back down to the bottom block and push it near the right ledges. Jump up to the top, push the top block down, and hold left until you reach the PINK KEY. Now push this block all the way to the right, so it is on top of the left block, just about to fall. Get the LIFE VIAL and jump up to the top ledge. Open the top PINK DOOR. -Looks like a tree...get the two RINGS and open the GREEN DOOR to the left. Get the other two RINGS and the PINK KEY and the GREEN KEY. Open the middle GREEN DOOR. Get the GREEN KEY and the three RINGS. Open the left GREEN DOOR. Get the PINK KEY and the RING, and open the top PINK DOOR. -I recommend you not to get the MONEY BAGS and the LIFE VIAL, but if you want to, go get them. You'll have to spend time jumping up then. Go across the moving platform and up the elevator. -Another fairy room! Open the BLUE DOOR and continue to ride the elevator up and open the top LIGHT BLUE DOOR. -Get the top two GREEN KEYS. Then go get the bottom ones. Open the bottom GREEN DOOR. -Get the middle GREEN KEY. Open the middle GREEN DOOR. -Get the CROSSES and exit down. -Get the LIGHT BLUE KEY and the YELLOW KEY. Open the upper left YELLOW DOOR. -Ignore the LIFE VIALS here, unless you need them. Wait for the elevators and then ride up. Remember to get the CROSSES. -Open the LIGHT BLUE DOOR. Push the safe to the right and get the GREEN KEY. Now, go back up and keep pushing the bottom blocks 1/2 space to the right, while pushing the upper block to the right. When the top block goes over the spike, jump over all the spikes and open the GREEN DOOR. -Go up the elevator. -Push the safe to the right and get the LIGHT BLUE KEY at the top. Push the safe next to the LIGHT BLUE KEY to the right to get the two LIGHT BLUE KEYS and the GREEN KEY. Open the LIGHT BLUE DOOR. -Get the CROSS and the YELLOW KEY. Open the top/bottom YELLOW DOOR. -Push the block with the arrows right, then left, then right again. Push it left to kill the enemies and get the LIGHT BLUE KEY. Exit down. -Push the block to the left. Get the LIFE VIAL and the YELLOW KEYS and commit suicide in order to go back up. Go up the elevator. -Open the YELLOW DOOR. -Get the YELLOW KEYS and head down. -Open the YELLOW DOOR and jump across the platforms. Don't fall down. Head to the right. -Avoid the close enemy and jump across to the other brown platform. Open the two RED DOORS. -WOW! Three RED KEYS! Go back a room. -Go up the elevator. -Jump across and exit left. -Jump across to the LIFE VIAL and go down. -Open the PINK DOOR and the GREEN DOOR. -Open all the GREEN DOORS. -At the end, you should have 1 GREEN KEY left. Get the BLUE KEY. Head back three rooms. -Open the PINK DOOR, get the LIFE VIAL and the PINK KEY, and open the other PINK DOOR. -Exit down. -Get the YELLOW KEY and open the YELLOW DOOR. Time to go around the castle again. Exit left. -Since you have already been here, I won't tell you what to do. Exit left. -Exit to the upper left. -It's the tree room. Exit to the left. -Go up the elevator. -It's the fairy room. Exit to the upper left. -Exit down. -Exit to the upper left. -Ride the elevator up. -Exit to the upper right. -Ride the elevator up. -Here, open the YELLOW DOOR and get the GREEN KEY. Go back up and get the YELLOW KEY. Go down and open the bottom LIGHT BLUE DOOR. Get the GREEN KEY, push the safe right above it to the right, and exit to the right. -Exit to the right. -Exit down. -Open the BLUE DOOR. -Go up the elevator. -Get the two BLUE KEYS and open the YELLOW DOOR. Exit right again. -Exit down. -Open the PINK DOOR. -Push the vase to the right, and open the BLUE DOOR to meet the fairy. Get the RED KEY. Go up the elevator. -Go up either one of the elevators. -Kill the enemy and get the YELLOW KEY and the LIGHT BLUE KEY. Open the LIGHT BLUE DOOR. -Open the YELLOW DOOR and get the PINK KEY and the YELLOW KEY. Exit down. -Go up the elevator. -Push the highest vase to the right first. Push the middle vase only by 1/2 a space to the right. Ignore the reanimating enemies. Now, push the highest vase (it was the second one before) all the way to the right. It should kill all the enemies. If not, die from one of them to restart the room. The witches that reanimate the enemies should be gone. Anyway, open the GREEN DOOR and get the PINK KEY. Exit down. -Grab all the MONEY BAGS. Exit left. -Go up either one of the elevators. -Open the YELLOW DOOR. -This was a very frustrating room for me. Here goes: Push the top left safe only 1/2 a space to the right. You should be able to open the YELLOW DOOR. Now, move the safe right below the LIGHT BLUE DOOR to the right 1/2 a space. Go back to the top left safe. Move it to the right and when it goes down the little step, push it to the right one space. Push the top right safe to the left and stop when it is about to fall off the safe below it. Open the LIGHT BLUE DOOR. Exit and come back in to restart the room. Push the top left safe to the right. Go to the right side of the block with arrows and push it all the way to the left. The little lift should finally be up. Open the BLUE DOOR. -Quickly avoid the moving vase. Jump against the moving ramp and open the PINK DOOR. Avoid the plant enemy and get the CROSSES and the BLUE KEY. Go up the left elevator by jumping over the spikes. -Open the PINK DOOR and get the MONEY BAGS and the LIFE VIAL. Go up the left elevator. -Go between the spikes and get the YELLOW KEYS. Push the vase to the left, and go up the right elevator. -Get the LIGHT BLUE KEY and the YELLOW KEY. Get all the YELLOW KEYS and the LIGHT BLUE KEYS near the spikes, too. If you're real careful on not hitting the spikes, you don't need to open the YELLOW DOOR. Exit down. -Go up the right elevator again. -Exit to the right. Use the invincibility device and go down the spikes. -Get the LIFE VIAL and exit left. -Exit down. -Exit right. -Open the GREEN DOOR at the top of the room. -Go up the elevator. -Get the RINGS and the YELLOW KEY and the LIGHT BLUE KEY. Get the LIFE VIAL and exit down the hole. -Move to the right in order to get to and open the YELLOW DOOR. -Reach for the YELLOW DOOR second from the bottom. -Grab the PINK KEYS and open the YELLOW DOOR. -Go up the elevator and open the LIGHT BLUE DOOR. -Go up this elevator. -Kill the enemy and then open the LIGHT BLUE DOOR below the RED DOOR to the right. Grab the LIGHT BLUE KEYS and open the YELLOW DOOR. -This room is a bit tricky. Keep moving back and forth until you get to the other side of the room. Don't fall. Open the bottom right YELLOW DOOR. -Jump and hold to go across the pit and open the LIGHT BLUE DOOR. -Open the LIGHT BLUE DOOR above you. -Get the CROSS, jump across the pit, and get the CROSS and the YELLOW KEYS. Go back a room. -Here, push the block with the arrows to the left until the lift is lined up with the ground in the middle. Go to the left of the block on the lift and push it all the way to the right (timing is essential). Push the block with the arrow to the right a little, and repeat the whole process (this time, add another block onto the lift). When the blocks are settled, open the PINK DOOR. -Go up the elevator and open the YELLOW DOOR. -Get the YELLOW KEY and the CROSSES. Go up the elevator. -Get the CROSSES and the RINGS. Kill the enemies while you're at it. -Open the top LIGHT BLUE DOOR and get the PINK KEY. Get the BLUE KEY, too. Go down to the middle platform, jump to the left, and get the GREEN KEY. Open the PINK DOOR (doesn't matter). -Get the MONEY BAGS, kill the jumping enemy, and get both the RED KEYS and the BLUE KEY. Jump down the hole. -Open the BLUE DOOR. -Go up the elevator. -Open this RED DOOR. -Go down the hole. -Open the RED DOOR. Ride the right elevator and exit to the right. -Ride the elevator up. -Exit to the left. -Open the GREEN DOOR to the left. -It's the princess room! Open the RED DOOR, the YELLOW DOOR, the BLUE DOOR, the YELLOW DOOR, and the PINK DOOR. -Get the YELLOW KEYS and open the GREEN DOOR. Jump down near the left or the right of the pit, or else you'll fall down two stories. -Get the CROSSES and the GREEN KEYS. Open the LIGHT BLUE DOOR. -Get the PINK KEY, the RED KEY, and the BLUE KEY. Go back one room. -Ride the elevator up. -Jump across the pit and open the GREEN DOOR. Grab the PINK KEYS and open the bottom right PINK DOOR. -Princess room again. Open the YELLOW DOORS and kill the enemies. Open the YELLOW DOOR and the RED DOOR to the right. Go back a room. -Jump down to the right of the pit. -Take the second exit to the right. -Exit right. Remember to avoid the moving wires and the elevators. -Ride both elevators and take the right exit. -Take the elevator up. -Take the left exit. -Take the bottom left exit. Do not go down the hole. -Final room! Push the vase to the left and jump on top of it. Jump up to the right ledge and push the safe so that it is about to fall off. Open the RED DOORS and rescue the PRINCESS! Listen to the fanfare music...You're done. *CONGRATULATIONS!! You overcame all troubles, solved this vast puzzle, and finally saved the princess! You are the best knight.* ========================= ******* ========================= Enemies ========================= ******* ========================= Strangely enough, the game doesn't have any bosses. Here are the enemies though: -Skeleton Soldier: Killable. Ability to shoot arrows. -Witch: Killable. Ability to reanimate enemies. -Jumping monster: Killable. Ability to jump when you jump. -Plant: Unkillable. Ability to grow and shrink. -Green monster: Unkillable. No abilities. -Flame monster: Unkillable. Ability to fly and follow you. ========================= **************** ========================= FAQ/Maker's Info ========================= **************** ========================= 1. What does FAQ stand for? -> For those who see the word FAQ and think of it as a place to get answers but have no idea what it stands for, it means Frequently Asked Questions. 2. Where do I go after I do (this or this)? -> Don't ask me, look at the walkthrough section. If you think there is a mistake, contact me immediately at my e-mail address at the top of the screen. 3. HEY! I just found something that you didn't know! -> Not really a question, but if you are nice, you can let me know, and I can give you full credit for it. 4. This game is hard/it sucks/makes me puke/etc.! -> Yeah, um, that's good to hear. Shut up. 5. Say, this is a nice FAQ/Walkthrough. Mind if I keep it? -> No. And you can't tamper with it either. IF YOU TO USE IT SOMEHOW (i.e. PUTTING IT UP ON A WEBSITE) YOU MUST CONTACT ME FIRST! Another way of phrasing it, DON'T TAKE THIS WITHOUT MY PERMISSION. I will almost always give you permission, only if you give me full credit for the making of this FAQ/Walkthrough. ['Castlequest' FAQ/Walkthough] is made by DKruzer, a regular GameFAQs user and messageboard poster. ========================= **************** ========================= Revision History ========================= **************** ========================= -Version Final (1.0), 7.23.01 - Castlequest FAQ/Walkthrough is born and done. Everything has been completed. ========================= **********************========================= Credits/Special Thanks ========================= **********************========================= -CjayC and GameFAQs for putting up this FAQ. -You for reading this, and NOT PLAGARIZING THIS (HINT HINT). *This FAQ is dedicated to the families and friends who have fallen victim to the terrorist attack in New York City and Washington D.C. We shall be struck, we shall be hurt, but we will not fall.*