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Introduction 2. Story 3. Controls 4. Items 5. Walkthrough 6. Boss strategies 7. Credits 8. Copyright 1. Introduction 0---------------0 Castle of Deceit is one of the many unlicensed games for the NES, It was made by Bunch Games and it is a lot like the more popular unlicensed game 'captain comic'. In Castle of Deceit you play a young magician named Eebo who must get the six runes back and defeat Phylax, to do this you must venture trough ten levels, most of the levels exits out of getting the key to open the door to the boss, than defeating the boss and than going further. The game has some OK graphics but the music and controls are horrible. 2. Story(taken from manual) 0---------------------------0 At the top of Mount Althus lies an ancient, brooding castle, the Castle of Deceit. It served as a gateway to six other universes and dimensions. At the centre of the castle rests six magical stones, the Runes of Guarding. The Runes were guarded by Phylax, a mystic Emerald Magic. He dwelled within the energies created by interaction of the stones century after century until at last it drove him insane. The power of stones gave life to the hallucinations of his madness, thus creating six deadly beings which stole the runes and fled to the six universes. It is your duty as Eebo, the most promising of the young Magicians of Dace, to collect the Runes. In order to do this, you must enter the castle and embark on a journey through a treacherous maze of deceit and illusion, danger, traps, magic, and monsters. As time folds back upon itself, matter from the six dimensions blend, mutate, and regenerate to create wondrous life forms of extraordinary and devastating power. What you see and what you hear may all be a lie. Look for help in obscure and inaccessible places. Find the heart of the castle, centre of the gateway, but be wary of Phylax for he remains there, faithful, but insane. Counter his magic with yours, and if you succeed, he will return to his own dimension and the Runes will return to their proper places. If you fail, it spells the end for six universes and all its inhabitants. 3. Controls 0-----------0 ACTION BUTTON A Attack with spells B Jump START Pause SELECT Shows how many points and lives you have UP Go trough doors DOWN No function LEFT Move to the left RIGHT Move to the right 4. Items 0--------0 Keys: You have to find these to open doors that lead to the boss. Energy: Most of the energy is collected by defeating enemies, other energy can be found in walls. 1+: picking this one up will give you an extra life. Runes: runes are what the game is about, you have to collect six to finish the game, you can find these by every Boss at the end of the levels. 5. Walkthrough 0--------------0 +-----------------+ |Castle of Aragain| +-----------------+ You start the level by walking out of a door, you're not very liked in this game because a enemy will attack you immediately, shoot it and shoot the enemy that is coming from above as well, the above enemy will drop some energy, get it if you already need it. Now walk to the right and jump over all the gaps and kill most of the enemies on the way, except the dragon in the water, you can't kill him. When you're at the end, go up the stairs and get the key, be careful that you don't fall into the water and go to the left. Go to the left until you come across a door, go trough it and kill all the enemies in the room, than climb up the platforms and get the key, now go back down and get out of the room again. Go further to the right and go trough the door to find the first boss. +-------------------+ |Castle of the moons| +-------------------+ This level is outside, the worms and the birds in the trees are the ones that give the energy and the butterflies are the enemies you have to be careful of. Start the level by going to the left, avoid all the butterflies and kill the worms for health, when you reach the end of the level kill the butterflies that are still there and go trough the door. Jump in the tree once you're out of the other door and get the extra life, than jump from tree to tree to the other side, after you pasted the building there seems to be a part were you have to jump a bit lower otherwise you can't get to the other side, if you fall down just try it again. When you're at the end, go trough the door and kill the butterflies, now climb into the tree and get the key. Go back out of the room and go down, shoot at the walls or kill some worms for energy and go to the right, go trough the third door to enter the room with the boss. +------------------+ |Castle of the ages| +------------------+ Now you won't have to worry anymore about those irritating butterflies, the flying skeletons are the ones that give the energy, the level is supposed to be a maze but it's pretty easy to find your way. Go to the left and kill the skeleton and the other creature, you'll have to jump by the webs because when you pass them they will fire a shot, this counts for all those things with webs attached to them. When you reach the end go trough the door, kill the two ghosts on the left side and get the extra life. Now go to the right and go trough the door, once you're out go to the right and again and go trough another door. Kill the floating skeleton and go to the left door, now there are three doors, go trough the left-most one and kill the ghost, get the key and go trough the door on the right to reach the guardian. +---------------+ |Castle of winds| +---------------+ The first thing to do in this level is killing the green thing that is hanging there, don't touch it because it will instantly kill you, after that you'll have to kill the bleu ghost that's coming your way, after you killed it you'll get an extra life. Jump over the gap and you're being teleported to the upper place, kill the green thing and jump to the right (over some invincible wind). Get the key and jump to the other side, kill the green thing and get the health and energy, make your way to the left and got trough the door. Kill the bleu and the green things quick, then go down and get the two keys, now go to the right and go trough the last door, go to the right some more and go in the teleport, jump over the gap and enter the door for the boss. +------------------+ |Castle of Poseidon| +------------------+ This is the only swimming level in the game, and the screen moves on it self so I don't have to help, the purple things are giving the energy. Try to save your energy for the hard boss. +---------------+ |Castle of flame| +---------------+ This level is almost the same as the first level, watch out for unsafe parts in the road. Walk to the right trough the lava and walk to the edge of the big gap and shoot to hit some hidden energy. Get it and walk a bit back and go trough the door, kill the flying eye and the other thing and get the energy, than walk a bit further and quickly kill the lavamonster, don't let it hit you because that will mean instant death. After that go further to the right and go trough the door, get the key and go to the left, kill some more eyeballs and a lavamonster and enter the door at the end. +----------------+ |Castle of deceit| +----------------+ You start the level in the right corner, make a small jump to the left so that the cloud doesn't hit you, go further to the left and kill the purple creature for some health and bleu creature, walk to the end of the level and go up the cloud, than go to the right and kill another purple enemy for some health, go further and go up using the clouds, walk to the left and get rid of the flames, then walk a bit further to get a extra life and go trough the door. +---------------------+ |Maze of possibilities| +---------------------+ __0__ | 1 | | | | | ============== ===================================== __0__ __0__ | 2 | | 3 | | | | | | | | | =========================== ======================== __0__ __0__ | 4 | | 5 | | | | | | | | | ============================================================ The Maze of possibilities is like the name already states a maze, so I made this crappy ASC II art to make it a bit easier, to get some energy go totally down and shoot in the middle to hit some secret spots with energy in them. To get out of the maze, go trough these doors in order from top to bottom, Door number 5 Door number 2 Door number 5 Door number 4 Door number 2 Door number 3 Door number 3 I don't know if there are shorter ways or not but this will get you to the next level. +----------------+ |Prelude to chaos| +----------------+ Destroy the enemy before you and walk totally to the right, go trough the door at the end and go to the left to get some energy by shooting at the pillar. After that go totally to the right and go trough the door, go to the right again and go trough another door, kill the tiny frog and go trough the left door. Kil the two ghosts and go trough the left-most door, kill some more enemies and get the key, now go trough the door you came here from and you'll go back, kill the two ghosts and enter the middle room. Use the two platforms to get to the door and go trough it, then do it again to go further. First kill all the enemies and stand on the platform, when you're at the other side, shoot the pillar to get some energy and kill some more enemies, do this again a few times and go trough the screen to reach the last boss. +---------+ |Ante room| +---------+ The last level only exists out of a boss fight, the boss doesn't move around the room like the other bosses so that's a thing less to worry about. The first thing to do is to get rid of the red ghost that is floating around there because he causes the most damage, after that you have to destroy his arms and tail of Spylax, then stand under his left eye and start shooting, after a while he should die, then walk trough the door and watch the very lousy ending. 6. Boss strategies 0------------------0 Because all the bosses except the last boss are mostly all the same I decided to put the boss strategies in one section, the only thing the bosses do are flying around the room and shoot a little while releasing some flames, the bosses and the flames do some incredible damage so always try to stay out of their way. To kill the bosses stand somewhere in the middle and hold down the attack button, when everything goes right then you should be able to take them down, once you've beaten a boss get the rune and go trough the door. 7. Credits 0----------0 -Bunch games for making this game. -Nintendo for making the NES/Famicom. -CjayC for Gamefaqs. 8. Copyright 0------------0 This file is Copyright (c) 2004 Pietjepuk. All rights reserved. This file was entirely written by me. You may not take it in whole or in part and claim it as your own. You may not alter it in any way. Castle of Deceit (R) is copyright (C) 1990 Bunch games, inc. NES(R) is a registered trademark of Nintendo of America inc.