============================================================================== __________ ____ ____ _________ ________ __________ _________ | ___ \ | | | | | ___ \ / ______| | _______| | ___ \ | |_| || | | | | |_| || / | | | |_| | | / | | | | | ___ __/ | | ____ | |__ | ___ __/ | ___ \ | \__/ | | | \ \ | | |___ | | ___| | | \ \ | |_| || | | | \ \ | |_____| | | |_______ | | \ \ |_________/ \______/ |_| \_\ \_______/ |________| |_| \_\ ============================================================================== __________ __________ ___ ___ __________ |___ ___| |___ ___| | \ / | | _______| | | | | | \/ | | | | | | | | | | |__ | | | | | \ / | | ___| | | ___| |___ | |\/| | | |_______ |__| |________| |__| |__| |________| ============================================================================== +A Complete Walkthrough Of Burger Time For The Nintendo Entertainment System+ ============================================================================== Copyright (c) 2005 By: Justin DO NOT POST THIS FAQ ANYWHERE WITHOUT MY PERMISSION. DO NOT USE IT FOR PROFIT. email at: justinsfaqcomments@yahoo.com DO NOT SEND JUNK MAIL but, I would appreciate comments or corrections. FAQ/Walkthrough [2] ============================================================================== Revisions ============================================================================== 1.00 - The FAQ/Walkthrough is finished on October 6,2005 1.01 - I'm an idiot; I spelled chef cheif. I laughed when I saw it. Why? It doesn't matter cause I'm beautiful. Also so other mistakes were fixed. "You misunderestimated me" George Bush Quote(really) If you think I'm weird raise your hand... Did you raise your hand. I can't see. 1.02 - I added a cool Game Genie code; check it out its the last one. Also some more stupid mistakes fixed. ============================================================================== Table of Contents ============================================================================== 1. Introduction 2. Controls 3. Characters 4. Enemies 5. Items 6. Walkthrough -a) Level One -b) Level Two -c) Level Three -d) Level Four -e) Level Five -f) Level Six 7. Game Genie Codes 8. Review 9. Conclusion ============================================================================== 1. Introduction ============================================================================== I was first introduced to BurgerTime on the Sears Super Video Arcade, which most of you have never heard of, but anyway when I got my NES in August 2005 it was the first game I wanted, so i got it and now I'm writing this FAQ. The game features Peter Pepper a chef who is putting together giant hamburgers that were placed on a series of platforms with ladders. As you run through the hamburgers they will fall to the platform below you. If another burger piece is already on that platform it will, in turn, fall to the next platform and so on until they reach the bottom. That sounds easy enough, huh, but you will be chased by hotdogs, fried eggs(not scrambled),and pickles. So why do they want to kill Peter Pepper? I don't know. But when they do get the chance they merely tickle him, or so it seems. I'm not making any assumptions so just see for yourself. ============================================================================== 2. Controls ============================================================================== ++These controls are extremely complex so listen up! A - Uses Pepper B - Uses Pepper Control Pad Left - Moves Peter left Control Pad Right - Moves Peter right Control Pad Up - Moves Peter up ladders Control Pad Down - Moves Peter down ladders Start - Pauses Game Select - Selects One or Two Players at Title Screen ============================================================================== 3. Characters(actual just one character) ============================================================================== Peter Pepper - Mr. Pepper is the main character of this game that is Burger Time. He is a chef with a bacholer's degree is assembling giagantic hamburgers. No not really but lets act like Barney and use our imagination. Anyway there's not much to him. ============================================================================== 4. Enemies ============================================================================== Hot Dog - This is the most stupidester enemy in the game. They are pretty easy to avoid. You can knock a burger piece onto these to kill them(as with all enemies). Or you can have the burger piece fall down with them still on it to get more points. Egg - This sunny-side-up egg obviously woke up on the wrong side of the bed as he is trying to kill Mr. Pepper. He is more smarter than the hot dog and may cause you frustration. Pickle - These guys are as smart as the eggs. Don't call them cucumbers or they may put you in a "pickle". ============================================================================== 5. Items ============================================================================== ++ These items will give you pepper. If you don't already know pepper will stun an enemy temporarily so you can pass through it. Icecream - Every now and then a icecream cone will appear in the center of the screen. If you get it before it pulls a David Copperfield and dissappears you will get an extra pepper and some points. Fries - Every now and then french fries will appear in the center of the screen. If you get it before it pulls a David Copperfield and dissappears you will get an extra pepper and some points. Coffee - Every now and then some coffee will appear in the center of the screen. If you get it before it pulls a David Copperfield and dissappears you will get an extra pepper and some points. ============================================================================== 6. Walkthrough ============================================================================== ------------ a) Level One ------------ This level is pretty easy. The most important thing to do is get the burger parts at the top first. Experimant and find the path that you like best. I will be making maps of all the levels. Here's the first. Figure 6 - a --------------BURGER----BURGER----BURGER--- === === === === === === === === === === === === === === === === === === === === === === === === ----BURGER--- === ----BURGER----BURGER--- === === === === === === === === === === === === === === === ------------- === === === === === === === === === === === === === === === ----BURGER--- === === ----BURGER--- === === === === === === === === === === === === === === === === ----BURGER----BURGER--- === === === === === === === === === === === === === === === === === ----BURGER--- === === === === === === === === === === === === === === ----BURGER----BURGER------------- === === === === === === === === === === === === === === === === === === === === === === === === === === ----BURGER----BURGER----BURGER------------- Now if this was just wider it would be perfect. ------------ b) Level Two ------------ This level isn't much harder than the first level. It is almost always best to get the burgers at the top first and this is no exception. The only trouble you should have on this level is the bottom burgers. You must make sure there isn't an enemy close when you go to get them for there is only one way out and it may trap you and force you to use a pepper(if you have one). Figure 6 - b ----BURGER- --BURGER----BURGER----BURGER--- === === === === === === === === === === === === === === === === === === ----BURGER--- BURGER---- === === === === === === === === === === === === === === === === === === === === === === ----BURGER--- === --------------BURGER--- === === === === === === === === === === === === === === === === === === === === ----BURGER--- ----BURGER--- === === === === === === === === === === === === === === === === === === ----BURGER------------------------BURGER--- === === === === === === === ----BURGER---- === === === === === === -------------- === === === === === === === === ----BURGER---- === === -----BURGER----BURGER---- === === === --- Same thing; if it was wider it would be perfect. -------------- c) Level Three -------------- I will break this level into two parts. First go to either the left or right and get all the burger pieces for those to fall. Then get all the burger pieces from the opposite side you first completed. Second advance up and get the buns and the very top and like the other levels continue knocking down the rest of the burger pieces until the level is complete. Figure 6 - c ----BURGER----BURGER----BURGER----BURGER--- === === === === === === === === === === --------------BURGER----BURGER------------- === === === === === === === === === === ----BURGER------------- ----BURGER--- === === === === === === === === === === ----BURGER----BURGER----BURGER----BURGER--- === === === === === === === === ------------- === === === === === === === === ----------------------- === === === === === === === === === === ----BURGER--- ----BURGER--- === === === === === === === === ----BURGER--- ----BURGER--- === === === === === === === === === === ----BURGER--- ----BURGER--- === === === === ----------------------- === === === === === === === === ----------------------- Another diagram too long. ------------- d) Level Four ------------- Ya look at this level and think,wow, but it is actually not too difficult. The most important ,if not essential, thing you must do is start at the top. After you get the ones at the top you just work you way down dodging enemies as you go and Peter will be doin the YMCA in no time at all.Well not literally no time at all cause it will take a couple minutes. Figure 6 - d ----BURGER----BURGER----BURGER----BURGER--- === === === === === === === === === === ----BURGER----BURGER----BURGER----BURGER--- === === === === === === === === ----BURGER----BURGER----BURGER----BURGER--- === === === === === === === === === === ----BURGER----BURGER----BURGER----BURGER--- === === === === === === === === ----BURGER----BURGER----BURGER----BURGER--- === === === === === === === === === === ----BURGER----BURGER----BURGER----BURGER--- === === === === === === === === === === === === ----BURGER----BURGER----BURGER----BURGER--- === === === === === === === === === === ----BURGER----BURGER----BURGER----BURGER--- This one isn't to bad. ------------- e) Level Five ------------- This level is pretty tough. Go all the way to the top. Then go left over the burgers on top. Go down the far left ladder(if you dont know your directions then its <--- that way). Then go right over the next burgers. Then down again and left again. Keep doing this and you shouldn't have MUCH trouble. I can't promise that you won't get in a pickle but I have found it to be the best way and this is MY guide so whatever. Figure 6 - e --------------BURGER----BURGER------------- === === === === === === --------------BURGER----BURGER------------- === === === === === === === === --------------BURGER----BURGER--- === === === === === === === === --------------BURGER----BURGER--- === === === === === === === === === === --------------BURGER----BURGER------------- === === === === === === === === --------------BURGER----BURGER--- === === === === === === === === === === --------------BURGER----BURGER--- === === === === === === === === === === --------------BURGER----BURGER--- === === === === === === === === === ------------- === === === === === === === === === === === === === === === === === === --- ------------- It's wide again; oh well. ------------ f) Level Six ------------ This is the last level in the game and also the hardest; by far. If you go out on one of the platforms that doesn't have a ladder at the end there's a good chance you will be trapped by and enemy. It's not even fair really. I don't know really what to tell you on this one. Use your best judgement and do it over and over and over and over and over and over ,oh yeah, and over until you beat it. Good luck and remember to always get the ones on the top first if possible. Figure 6 - f ----BURGER--- ----BURGER---- === === === === === === ----BURGER---- === ----BURGER---- === === === === === === ----BURGER--- === ----BURGER---- === === === === === === === === === === ----BURGER---- === ----BURGER---- === === === === === === ----BURGER--- ----BURGER---- === === === === ----BURGER---- ----BURGER---- === === === === ----BURGER--- === ----BURGER---- === === === === === === === === === === ----BURGER---- === ----BURGER---- === === === === === === === === ----BURGER----BURGER--------------- === === === === === === -------------- --- --- This one was nearly impossible for me to diagram so I hope you enjoy it. ============================================================================== 7. Game Genie Codes ============================================================================== SZSTVAVI ------------ Start game with infinite lives AASGKLGE ------------ Start game with 8 lives SLKIZYVI ------------ Start game with infinite peppers APVGSLIA ------------ Start game with double peppers GZVIAZEI ------------ Anti-gravity shoes YPESOUGO ------------ Peter Pepper gets super speed SZKNNIAX ------------ Fast play for experts SXVSSXSU ------------ Monsters always move slowly SXVSSXSU + GOVSVXAO - Monsters move at double speed SXVSSXSU + YOVSVXAO - Monsters move at quadruple speed JUSTINIS + VERYCOOL - Does absolutely nothing ============================================================================== 8. Review ============================================================================== -------- Gameplay -------- 8/10 This game can be very fun and addictive. -------- Graphics -------- 6/10 Good enough for me. ----- Sound ----- 2/10 What did they do?! The sound is so screwed up. Its like that annoying girl you know; she talks way to fast. I really like the sound in the Sears Super Video Arcade version, but they messed up big on this. Oh, well just mute it and turn on some rock. ------- Control ------- 5/10 You have be exactly on the platform to go left or right. If your on the ladder just a little you can't move left or right. You will eventualy get used to it. ------------ Replay Value ------------ 8/10 If you like the game it has a very high replay value. ------- Overall ------- 7/10 Overall I think it's a must have for the NES. Even if you don't like it at all it only like $2-$8 down the drain. Mine was $5. ============================================================================== 9. Conclusion ============================================================================== Well this is the conclusion to my second ever guide. Maybe you liked it maybe you didn't. HA like someone's not going to like it ah man thats funny, someone not liking it. Yeah right. If you got any corrections, comments, or you just wanna pat me on the back then email me at the address above. If you for whatever reason found something offensive(maybe you don't like Barney) them email me and if it is lagitamit i will gladly take it out. Uh, as of now neoseeker and gamefaqs are the only ones with permission to display this faq. I'm done now. Bye. ============================================================================== ((O)) ((O)) ((O)) ((O)) ((O)) ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' - ((O)) - ((O)) - ((O)) - ((O)) - ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' - - - - ============================================================================== Copyright (c) 2005