-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- ____ ____ ____ ____ ___ _ _ __ _ ____ ____ / __\/ _ \/ _ \/ _ \\ \// / |/ // \/ _ \/ ___\ | | //| / \|| / \|| | // \ / | / | || | \|| \ | |_\\| \_/|| \_/|| |_\\ / / | \ | || |_/|\___ | \____/\____/\____/\____//_/ \_|\_\\_/\____/\____/ FAQ/Walkthrough NES 1987 Version: 1.0 released on the 15th of March 2007 Author: odino http://www.gamefaqs.com/features/recognition/47976.html This guide is EXCLUSIVELY available at GameFAQs. -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- TABLE OF CONTENTS =============================================================================== 01.) Introduction | G0100 | 02.) Overview & Controls | G0200 | ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 03.) Walkthrough | G0300 | Prehistoric Age | G0310 | Feudal Japan | G0320 | World War | G0330 | Present | G0340 | Future | G0350 | Finale | G0360 | ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 04.) Enemies | G0400 | ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- YY.) Mini-Review | GYY00 | ZZ.) Credits & Thanks | GZZ00 | -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- =============================================================================== 01.) INTRODUCTION G0100 =============================================================================== Welcome to 'Booby Kids' for the NES, released by Nihon Bussan in 1987. At the start of the 23rd century, two kids traveled from Earth to the Milky Way. During the trip they go mixed up in a war between planets and got captured. To transfer back to Earth they must pass through different time zones, collecting items and defeating the evil statue in the process. Suggestions, comments or errors - tell me about it. Enjoy! =============================================================================== 02.) OVERVIEW & CONTROLS G0200 =============================================================================== Controls: ````````` D-Pad Move A Place Bomb B Dig/Fill Hole START Pause/Unpause SELECT Menu Selection Display: ```````` Underneath the main screen is a small menu. It shows the players' score on the left side, the numbers of lives left and the time remaining to finish the current level. You start out with exactly 5 minutes every time. The right number is the number of bombs you have left to use, using a bomb will decrease this by one. Basics: ``````` COLLECT all the items in the level to open up the exit, then pass through to leave. You can play as 1 person or alternative 2 player mode. After collecting all items, the kid will flash and the exit gate have some colorful shine, too. PORTALS are used to teleport throughout the level. Step on one side to get out on the other. They can also be used for escaping enemies but be aware that you expose yourself on the other end at the same time. You also need to move away from it before it will teleport again later. DIGGING holes is one of the basics of the game. Use holes to trap enemies in them, then fill the hole to kill them. Be careful as you can fall into your own holes. Enemies escape from holes if you don't fill them quickly. Once you have filled a hole with an enemy you cannot uncover it again as seen by the small hill you left behind. Some enemies are smarter than others. They will walk around the holes you dug if you do so too early. Wait until they are close and they cannot move around the dug hole any longer. For less smart enemies you can simply dig a hole in their path and they will drop in regardless. Finally, once an enemy is trapped in a hole you can step on them to reach the other side. Staying on them also yields some points in the process. Once you have killed an enemy they will reappear at the nearest enemy-tile. One strategy is to dig holes around the Enemy tiles in order to trap them. When a foe respawns, it may not move away from this spot. The smart enemies will stay, whereas the not so intelligent ones will still drop into the holes and get trapped. In this case, making several layers of holes around the Enemy tiles will keep them from getting out quickly. If there is a small corridor you may also plan several holes in a row to slow down the enemy from getting closer. You may come across rivers that do not have bridges or that do not get reach all the way across a river. If you place a hole on your side of the river it will automatically extend all the way so you may pass over the river. Don't forget to fill the hole before attempting to cross! BOMBS are the second fundamental of the game. They are hidden in areas where you need to pick them up first. You can hold a maximum of 9 bombs by waiting in that spot. Bombs have a reach of two spaces in each direction. You can only place one at time, so you also need to wait for the first one to explode before placing the next one. There is certain scenery you can destroy with bombs: palm trees, rocks, blocks, doors, signs and walls. Plant a bomb next to it and then step away as you can get killed by your own explosions too. If you can, aim to take out a nearby enemy in the blast. While destroying the scenery you may come across treasure items. What is more important is that with bombs you are able to destroy those pesky Enemy Tiles. This means that they will have to respawn from a far away location after they have been killed. If all of the Enemy tiles are destroyed, they are unable to respawn on the current map. After clearing all enemies you are free to explore. One warning about bombs. When they explode you are stuck for a second. It seems this is part of the gameplay. If an enemy is hunting you and you had just set a bomb somewhere, it is most likely going to catch up with you once the bomb explodes. To avoid this from happening, don't use bombs as if they were breadcrumbs. SPRINGS can be used to jump, perhaps over rivers, walls and other things in the way of your progress. Be careful that you set the direction of your jump correctly or else you will land in enemy's paths or even fall to you death. Items: `````` Each level has a certain item of which all of them need to be collected. These are either a Fruit, Scroll, Remote, Money Bags, Cartridges or Statues. When you collect all of the items the portal will open up so you can leave. Some of them might be hidden behind scenery which you need to blow up with a bomb first. Treasure: ````````` Killing enemies will sometimes reveal treasure items that are useful in your quest. There are five items you may encounter: Alarm: Slows down enemies movements by half. Lasts for 16 seconds. Crystal: Freezes all enemies for 16 seconds, in which you can slide them to their death. Helmet: Renders you invincible for 16 seconds. You flash like at the start of the level. Magic Ball: Stops all enemies for 16 seconds. Make sure they are not in a bad (i.e. blocking) position if you are knowingly picking this up. Rollerblades: Increases your movements by a lot. Lasts for 16 seconds like all the other items. Score: `````` You get points for many action in the game. Collecting items for one, trapping enemies as well as killing them is another. Additionally, once you have trapped an enemy you can be brave enough to stand on them. Each second you will increase your score, but be careful as they might escape the hole soon and kill you in the process. At the of each fourth round you take part in a BONUS STAGE if you did not die in the previous rounds. Dig up the right tiles to earn bonuses, but failing may mean you revert back to the last area. Bonus items include 1,000, 5,000 and 10,000 points as well as 2UP extra lives. When you uncover the circle you get to move on to the next stage. You don't have a time limit for this, but the tile locations are random each time you play. =============================================================================== 03.) WALKTHROUGH G0300 =============================================================================== ooooooooooooooooooo o Prehistoric Age o G0310 ooooooooooooooooooo Round 1: ````````` An easy one to start out with. Grab the two fruit near the start and use the teleport to get into the enclosed space in the top right. Ignore the dinosaur and get the four fruit before returning. Continue north and grab the fruit around here, including the one deep in the jungle only accessible by the teleport. Walk east through the small corridor. First return south for a few more fruit, then go north and get the ones here. Use the final teleport to enter the exit room, grab the remaining fruit items and leave via the exit. Round 2: ````````` This one introduces you to bombs. Watch out for the worm as you move around the walls. Grab the nearby fruit and go north. When the row of palm trees end, stand on the last one before the gap to get some bombs. Return south a bit and bomb the base of the palm tree just south. Collect all the fruit inside and then start going north into the lone corridor. When you get back out, continue north and around the right side. Get both fruits at the Enemy tiles and then enter the lone corridor on the right. If you need more bombs, the second palm tree below the gap has another supply stash. Bomb the palm tree just below to free the fruit inside. Get the ones at the south side and now it is time to concentrate on the center of the level. There are probably lots of enemies swooping around. Destroying the Enemy tiles is a good idea but you might not need to do that. There are only a couple of fruit left to get and the exit is here too. Round 3: ````````` The next introduction is for springs and bridges. You can also fall into the way so watch your step! Your first priority is to get all the fruit around the outer area. You have to get around at least once, no matter which way you start. So pick one side and when you get back to the start, go towards the east side and jump over to the inner island. It is a good idea to trap the dinosaur on his Enemy tile after killing it, as this can become quite narrow. Grab the fruit on the left and then go to the northeast part. Dig a hole to extend the bridge and then finish up the level. Round 4: ````````` So after three introduction levels, it is time to learn more about the bombs and how useful they are. There are two locations where you can pick up bombs. One is at the gray tiles at the midwest point and the other is near the top right before a small patch of blocks. There are four fruit in plain sight as you go into top left corner. Now start bombing the walls to uncover a path and three more fruit. One is in the lone corridor in the north. Afterwards make your way to the right of the level where the second bomb location is. There are two fruit in the small patch of blocks and three in the southern one, well hidden in the paths. All that's left is to collect the last five fruit in the large area and exit in the northern part. There is also only one Enemy tile in this large area which means getting rid of enemies should not be too hard, but you can also move around much better than in the narrow corridors earlier. oooooooooooooooo o Feudal Japan o G0320 oooooooooooooooo Round 5: ````````` Be aware that the roads between the houses are narrow and it's easy to get trapped by two foes. There are 10 scrolls scattered around the large island in the center and 10 in total spread over the outer four islands. You start out on the southwestern one, then I suggest you go to the northwest and then northeast while you grab the scrolls in the middle. The island on the northwest has a hidden bridge on the southeast. Then jump to the last island in the southeast while the local guard is not around and get the last scroll next to the exit. Round 6: ````````` This is a bit maze-like but most side paths lead to nothing or an Enemy tile. This should already tell you what strategy to use. Dig holes to block these paths so the enemies do not follow. The ninjas might drop into the holes. At the start go east. block the path continuing east and go north. When you pass the forest, continue east. Follow around and skip the first path west, and instead go west just before the tree line. After a while, go south. You will see the exit on the left. Just before you reach it though, take a short trip west to get the last two scrolls. Round 7: ````````` First go northwest and step on the small gate to get bombs. The small gate just next to the scroll also has some bombs. Bomb the small gate at the southwest for another scroll. Bomb the small gate at the northwest, take the two scrolls and return to the start. Bomb the northeast corner when the path ends, grab the three scrolls before continuing on the narrow road. At the end of it, backtrack to the small gate and bomb it. Now follow this along to the jumps and get over to the east side. Follow the path back west and down the bridge to the exit. Round 8: ````````` Go north and step on the gate to fill your bomb meter. Take all the scrolls from the area below and then start going north. Bomb the sign in your way and get all three scrolls here. Return to the bomb location and start going southeast. Bomb the first gate you get to in order to reach the three scrolls behind it. Bomb through the walls in the southeast corner, the left gate has bombs, and follow the path north. Return to the south and take the previous path north until you reach a sign on the left. Bomb it to get the few scrolls. Continue the path and bomb the signs to find a scroll underneath. Finally, bomb the sign on the right to get to the exit. ooooooooooooo o World War o G0330 ooooooooooooo Round 9: ````````` Both the southwest and northwest corners have local teleporters that will help you escape the enemies. First you need to go all the way around the outer circle and collect the remotes, then go into the northeast corner and teleport towards the inner area. Clear it out but be careful of the many enemies that will hunt you, then teleport back and enter the nearby exit. One remote above the northwest teleporter requires a few teleports back and fourth. Watch out for the local enemies approaching it before you enter the teleporter. Round 10: ````````` Walk straight up and stand in the wall to get some bombs. There are lots of places to walk through in this level and they all have bombs, but 9 from this spot should last until the end too. Go to the east side and bomb the crumbled wall between the first two squares. Get the remotes and repeat the same on the two squares further east. While you wait you could collect some of the remotes in the center area but you will get those towards the end anyway. Go into the northeast corner and bomb the middle of the south wall. Step through to get some remotes. You also have to go through the narrow corridors towards the south while avoiding the enemies. Walk west while collecting two remotes in the middle of the pillars, then bomb the south wall of the upper room. Step through to get the two remotes and then repeat the narrow corridor dodging as before. Now it is time to get the last few remotes in the center around the exit gate. Round 11: ````````` The map is split into two parts by the river. The bridges are often jumped over by the piranhas. Take a couple of steps up for bombs. Destroy the middle row of this block for a hidden remote. Also destroy the wall in the center of the block a bit north to find a remote. Cross the nearby bridge and continue all the way north. Use the teleporter to enter the inside of the walls. Destroy the Enemy Tiles to make this easier, then grab the eight remotes in the inner room. After you are back out, take the remote from the northeast corner. Use the east bridge to cross back south. There are more bombs in the cracked walls at the first block you get to. Pick up the lone remote and bomb the middle row of the northern block and then make your way to the center of the south side. There are three remotes hidden in the north wall, and then three more in the north side of the inner wall, too. To make this easier to bomb, remove the nearby Enemy Tile first. Round 12: ````````` The path to the left is a dead-end, so block it off with a hole for those smart enemies that don't fall in. As you walk right, cross the bridge and get the single remote on the south path. Follow it along the shore to the room with lots of remotes. Block the Enemy Tile off with a hole, too. Return past the bridge and then take the left path. The path will split again but you need to reach the end of both and then return to here. Once that is done, go north and follow the path along the short to the springs. Jump from island to island until you reach the exit gate. Watch out for the piranhas near the end though. If the timing is bad and you think you get hit in the jump, simply jump back to the previous isle before trying again. ooooooooooo o Present o G0340 ooooooooooo Round 13: ````````` The beginning of the level is extremely straightforward. Just make sure you take the few money bags that are lying around. On the east side you should notice a cracked wall, this contains some bombs. Use the teleporter beside it and follow along to the wall. There are two hidden money bags in each one you get to, all the way to the exit. If you bomb the Enemy Tiles this is much easier to find, but you probably also have to return for more bombs then. Round 14: ````````` The first part of the round consists of cleaning up the west side. When you are done getting to the northern part, jump right and then north twice so you miss out on that deadly hole. Go east and around the corner. Those cracked walls have bombs, get a few. You still need to head south and collect four money bags, then return to where you landed after the jumps and follow the wide path northwest and around to the exit. Bomb the wall to the south for the last three remaining money bags. Round 15: ````````` Trap the goon while you take the two money bags. Walk right and ignore the spring in the north for now. Jump to safety in the south and get all the money bags while you go all the way around into the northwest corner. The bag below the three trees is the last one, so backtrack to the spring I told you to ignore. Time it so you arrive on the teleporter and there is nobody waiting on the other side. It's not really easy to spot. Cross the bridge and go along until you arrive at the exit. Round 16: ````````` With these wide open space, try to destroy the Enemy tiles as fast as you can. Run east and find some bombs in the wall. Use one on the wall slightly north to get to the two money bags. You might want to clear out all enemies at this point. In the middle, go up north a bit and turn left. All the way left are some more bomb locations. Use some on the walls at the northern side to get through to the money bag, then some more on the right walls to get the northern bags as well. Return to the middle and bomb the northern passage. There are a total of five hidden money bags here. Three are at the end of the dead-ends and two more near the southern area where the blocks stretch to the east. This is the way you want to go after finding all items, too. Bomb the northern wall to find the last bag next to the exit. oooooooooo o Future o G0350 oooooooooo Round 17: ````````` Walk all the way east to find a teleporter. Grab the cartridges and quickly take the jump out to the left side. If you move too quickly here you may miss the cartridge you landed on. First jump south to the other cartridge in this room, then jump further west when it is safe. Go into the top left corner. The bottom part of the reverse 'L' has two bomb locations. You only need a few but destroying those Enemy Tiles will require more. Bomb the walls in the midwest area for two more cartridges. Now take the center path up and follow it to the exit. Round 18: ````````` This level is split into four squares. You should not need to backtrack after you complete one. You start on the southwest. Grab the cartridge on the right side and then on the left. Move along for three more cartridges before taking the teleporter to the eastern square. First go up and through the corridor. When you get to a T-Junction, go right first until you get the cartridge below. Return to the junction and follow it to the next teleporter. The northeast square is dead linear. In the last square, it doesn't matter which way you go. Both ways means you have to carry on past the exit to get the rest of the cartridges. Round 19: ````````` Walk east and north to the end. Use the spring to jump over to the very narrow walkway. Collect all the cartridges on the outer and inner walkway and move on to the west block. After you get everything here, return to the southeast corner and jump to the walkway here. There are two more cartridges on either end before you move on to the middle. Round 20: ````````` Go north twice (get the single cartridge two steps south though), then east into the room. Return south and continue to the east when the path bends. Follow it north until you see a lone cartridge. Grab it and return south, then go east the first chance you get. Follow this path for a while until you see a room with two cartridges on the right. Make the small detour and then continue north. Go west to get two more cartridges and then continue that path north again. It will lead to the exit without any more detours. oooooooooo o Finale o G0360 oooooooooo Compared to the rest of the game, this is ridiculously tough. First you have to deal with a lot of enemies in a wide open area. Then you cannot get rid of them easily, and cannot get rid of the robots at all. Finally, the evil statue throws sparks. It cheats because it is so much faster than you and its sparks are unpredictable. This alone is not enough, because he can cover two spots in one shot and they even hit you while they are actually in the air. It is perhaps a design flaw but nevertheless, when you are around its walls, your life is at risk. So what to do here? Collect all the statues. The large field in the south is guarded by two robots that can't be harmed. There are a few more around the north side which are harder to get. I suggest you hope for an upgrade such as the skates or helmet to get past it and leave them for last you only have to get around a little bit more than half. There are two safe spots with bombs, located at either south corner of the statue. Even the evil statue cannot hit you there, but it is very likely the enemies will build up waiting for you as you take a breather. When you collect all the small statues, the evil statue breaks. THE END =============================================================================== 03.) ENEMIES G0400 =============================================================================== ooooooooooooooooooo o Prehistoric Age o ooooooooooooooooooo Caveman: Dons a beard and swings a stone axe. These are generally stupid and fall straight into holes. Dinosaur: There are two kinds, the blue ones are smart and avoid falling into holes whereas the red ones will follow you blindly. They are still smarter than the cavemen. Big Snake: They only appear on Round 2, sticking out of the walls with openings. They may appear from anywhere so be aware while you walk past. You cannot kill them either. oooooooooooooooo o Feudal Japan o oooooooooooooooo Ninja: Carry a ninja sword on their back, that's about it. Local Patrol: Slightly smarter than the ninjas and hard to trap in holes. ooooooooooooo o World War o ooooooooooooo Soldier 1: One type. Soldier 2: Another type. Piranha: Jumps over bridges, be careful as you cross. You can see the outline while in the water so it should not be too hard to know when it will jump out. ooooooooooo o Present o ooooooooooo Police: Faster, but easier to catch in holes than the goons. Goon: Tend not to fall into traps. oooooooooo o Future o oooooooooo Legged Robot: They are the more clever kind of robots, and seem a little faster when they have spotted you. Can Robot: The slower, less smarter kind of robot. They will usually fall into holes. oooooooooo o Finale o oooooooooo Red Guard: These guys are fast and like to hunt you down. Blue Guard: Quite slow, but still dangerous in masses. Turret: They guard the large statue field and cannot be killed. If you set a hole well in advance they will change direction but if you try to trap them late they will simply hover over it and most likely kill you afterwards. =============================================================================== YY.) MINI-REVIEW GYY00 =============================================================================== This isn't meant to be a full review, just a few notes about the game's pros and cons as well as other things worth mentioning. Gameplay: 8/10 It's too easy to fall into hazards, which is the only downside because the gameplay is lots of fun. Overall quite easy to play through apart from the last level. Perhaps more levels would be better, I can imaging there should be more use of all that stuff they implemented for at least twice as many. Graphics: 7/10 The colors are a little odd but some cute animation for enemies. Sound: 6/10 Overall: 7/10 It's Bomberman meets Dig Dug. A little too easy overall and then ending is just too hard. No learning curve prepared you for this. =============================================================================== ZZ.) CREDITS & THANKS GZZ00 =============================================================================== GameFAQs for hosting this file. Nihon Bussan for this game. ¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯ This guide may be not be reproduced under any circumstances except for personal, private use. It may not be placed on any web site or otherwise distributed publicly without advance written permission. Use of this guide on any other web site or as a part of any public display is strictly prohibited, and a violation of copyright. ,,, (o o) --------------------------------oOOo-(_)-oOOo----------------------------------