-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- Big Nose Freaks Out -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- This FAQ was made for the NES FAQ Completion Project. You could contribute to this yourself! Just check out Devin Morgan's web site about it: http://faqs.retronintendo.com -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- Table of Contents -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- 1. Controls 2. Walkthrough 3. Disclaimer -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- 1. Controls -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- A - Jump B - Attack D-Pad - Move Start - Not Used Select - Pause -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- 2. Walkthrough -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- ------------- Freaky Forest ------------- Level 1: Move to the right to encounter your first enemy, the bee. Attack it or ignore. At the top of the hill are some coconuts. Grab these so that you now have a projectile weapon. Whenever you see any mushrooms these can be jumped on or hit for an item, usually a bone. Drop down the pit to be warped to a different area. There will be a few bones to collect here. When ready drop off the ledge at the bottom right of the screen. You will fall to the bottom of the pit when you are returned to the last zone. Jump onto the platforms to reach an octopus. Hit it then continue to the right to reach a hermit crab and an armadillo. When you reach a tree with a door in it stop infront of it and press up to enter. At the top go to the left for a bone and some coconuts. Don't drop off the tree limb to the left, instead go back towards the door you just exited and drop off the limb to the right. At the end of the limb jump to solid ground. Jump over the next series of holes. When you reach an octopus, defeat it and go up the small hill. From the hill jump to the tree limb to the left, then from that limb to the one on the right, Hit the armadillo then jump to solid ground to reach another octopus. Drop to the bottom and run to the right to fight 3 more octopusses and an armadillo. Head off screen to the right to finish the level. A secret way of quickly beating this level is to: Move forward right off the start and jump over the first gap. Immediately jump on the mushroom on the other side of the gap and you will see small platforms. Climb to the top of the platforms and jump to the far right. If you hit the top of the tree, you will automatically finish this stage. Thanks to da hui for this info. Level 2: You will immediately fight an octopus. Jump to the tree limb then to a series of platforms. Hit a second octopus then jump to a limb to your left. At the top left of the tree limb will be some coconuts. Leap to the next tree limb to the right. Get to the solid ground and fight the bee. At the top point jump to yet another tree limb. Stick to the top limbs and make your way to the right until you reach solid ground again. When you reach the end of the limb jump as far to the right as possible. You should land at the bottom level. Make your way right to fight an octopus. Climb the ledges and fight another two octopuses. If you continue to the right you will be warped to another area. Fall off the ledge to the right to be returned. Once back head down the hill to have finished another level. Level 3: Hit the octopus at the top of the hill then drop down the hole. At the bottom climb the platforms to the right and fight another octopus. Stay along the bottom path to reach a hermit crab and coconuts. At the top of the hill jump over the gap to reach solid ground. Jump the second gap and go down the hill. At the bottom you will be launched onto a tree limb. Stay along the middle limbs until you reach a hill. Grab the coconuts then jump to the next platform. When you reach what seems to be a dead end drop to the right. You will land on an invisible platform with a few bones. Grab all the bones you can and then drop to the bottom to reach solid ground then go right to fight yet another octopus. Continue to the right and go off screen to have completed another level. Level 4: This is an extremely short level. Go to the right to fight a few enemies then drop into a spiked pit. You will now face the boss of this level, a stegosaurus. This is a straight forward fight, you have to hit the dino. Be careful as it will periodaclly shoot at you. These shots can be easily jumped over. Coconuts are essential in this fight. If you get hit and lose your coconuts, replacement coconuts will sometimes drop from above. The health bar for the dino will be at the bottom of the screen. ------------- Bone-us Run ------------- This is a bonus round to gain some extra points. You bounce from platform to platform by using the mushrooms. ---------------- Colossal Caverns ---------------- Level 5: Jump from the starting position to get some coconuts. Continue to the right to fight a green monster. There will be a bone in a corner above you. Stay along this rail jumping over any gaps while fighting flies. Eventually you will reach a mushroom that will teleport you. In this area drop down from right to left collect some bones. At the bottom head right and take the tree elevator up. At the top drop to the right then left to collect more bones. Head off screen to be brought back to the level. Head up the hill to the right. At the top jump across the gap and onto the mushroom. Keep bouncing on it to gain some bones then grab the coconuts that are floating above the mushroom. When ready drop down the hole. At the bottom will be a green monster. When its gone jump at the part between the first and second blue pillar. You will bounce off invisible platforms until you reach a ledge to the right. Jump to the platforms on the left then go along the rail until you reach a wall all the way to the left. Make your way to the highest rail to fight a bead monster. Stay on the top rail fighting any bead monsters, bats or flies. Eventually you will come to some coconuts and a drop. Stick to the right wall to find an opening to the right. In the next room you will have to jump to the higher rails. There will be a lone fly to deal with here. At the top drop down into the room below. At the bottom, go up the very lowest rail to fight a bead mosnter. Follow the rail into a small passage way and then down another rail. Take the middle rail to the right to fight a swarm of bats. Go down the last rail and head off screen to finish the level. Level 6: Go up the tree at the beginning and grab the bone to the left then jump on the rail to the right. At the end of the rail, drop off to the bottom. Climb the platforms to the right and fight three bats. With the bats gone, go up the rail. Fight a green monster then continue along the rail. You will come to a narrow passageway. Drop down the hole then head to the right. When you reach a fork in the path, head left. Follow the passage to the left until you reach a dead end. Get to the hallway leading to the right then follow the passage to the left going up. At the top head to the right to fight a green monster. Follow the platforms down and fight a fly. Defeat another green monster then climb the platforms to the right. Ride the rail over a gap and onto another gap. In the next room will be another green monster. Climb to the top of the room using the rails and continue to the right. When you reach a blue tree, drop off the rail and at the bottom take the green rail to the right. Go down the ramp and off of the screen to right finish another level. Level 7: Go up the ramp and kill the green monster then grab the coconuts and bone. Follow the ramp to the right and kill the bead monster. When you reach a dead end jump to the platform to the left. Follow the rails all the way to the left to fight a swarm of bats. Don't jump on the mushroom or it will reverse your controls. Now jump to the rail leading up and to the right. Follow it to reach a green monster. Continue to the right and climb onto a higher ledge to defeat a bead monster. Ride the rail down and into the next section. Stay on the bottom rail to fight another bead monster. Take the bottom rail and kill the green monster. Jump the hole to reach some platforms. There will be a fly here and a bone. Kill one and grab the other then continue on the rail to the right. At the bottom of the rail you will be launched to a platform. Jump from this platform to a second one. Kill a fly here and grab another bone. Hop onto the small ledge on the right and then to the higher rail on the left. From this rail jump to the one on the right and then to the highest rail on the left. Head up the rail and follow it into the next room. Follow the rail directly down to reach solid ground. There will be another green monster to fight down here. Defeat the green monster and then continue to the right to finish another level. Level 8: Jump over the hole and take out the two bats. Then take the tree elevator down. At the bottom kill the green monster to the right on the higher platform. Hop onto this platform and then onto the rail on the left. Leap from the rail to the highest platform on the right. Follow the rail to the right and fight the green monster here. Continue to the right and take out the bead monster. Jump over the hole and follow the rail to the right. Defeat another bead monster then drop down the hole. At the bottom go to the right. Keep climbing up the rails to the top right. You will eventually come to a bat. Jump to a solid ledge on the left then to the higher rail on the right. Take the rail to the right to fight another bat and to reach a bone. When you reach a drop off point, take the rail to the left. Stay on the rail all the way to the left and you will eventually fall onto a lower rail that leads to the right. Follow it to fight a green monster. At solid ground will be a bead monster to deal with. Jump from platform to platform to reach another bead monster. Drop into the lower area and take the tree elevator up to reach a green monster. Go down the rail and at the bottom will be another green monster. When you reach a dead end you will have to jump to a higher rail on the left and then another rail to the right. On the highest rail will be another green monster. Defeat the green monster and move to the right to fall off the rail. You will be on the previous inaccessible ledge. Head to the right to fight another green monster. Continue to the right to finish the level. You will instantly be fighting the level's boss. At the top right will be a small green dino that sends out fireballs and a big dino's head will emerge from the side of the screen to send out fireballs at you. You will have to hit the big head in order to do damage. Hit it enough times and you'll win. ---------------- Funky Factory ---------------- Level 9: Head right and past the cog and up the ramp. Keep going to reach a dead end. Jump to the rail on the left and go up. You will eventually reach a rat. When you come to a wall go as fast as you can to the right then jump onto a higher ledge. Be cautious of the drills on this platform. From here jump to a moving platform to the right. There will be another drill here to worry about. Fall down to the lower ledge to be teleported to another area. Immediately drop into the hole to avoid flying boxing gloves. Once clear make your way to the right and climb the platforms. At the top head to the right and jump on the mushrooms for bones and coconuts. When ready drop down the hole below the platforms you had just climbed. Once back jump onto the rail on the right and kill the pterodactly. At the end of the rail drop down. On the next rail head to the right, but be careful for a cog here. Stay along the bottom rail, avoiding yet another cog and continue to the right. In the next room climb the rails all the way to the top until you can head to the right. Jump over the hole and make your way to another rail. Be careful of a turret above the start of the rail. At the end you can hope along some invisible mushrooms for bones and coconuts and when ready drop down the clearance on the left. At the bottom go right, past the pterodactlys, to finish the level. Level 10: Jump over the next two platforms. When you see a bone leading down drop down. You will be teleported to a different area. Head to the right and drop into the hole to be teleported back. There will be a rat to kill then head down the rail to the right. Don't go off the ramp, instead drop down to solid ground then continue to the right. In the next hallway will be three drills to avoid. Time your movements to get past them without taking damage. Jump from platform to platform to reach an elevator platform. Ride it up to reach a platform. If you have coconuts take out the pterodactly to the right then jump to the next platform. At the end of the rail drop down then go left. You will eventually reach solid ground. Jump over the hole then follow the rail to the exit. Level 11: Use the treadmill to give yourself a boost past the cogs. Take the first elevator you come to up. At the top jump to the platform on the left and then onto the elevator. Head to the right and jump over the drill and kill the rat. Take the elevator on the right then jump onto the elevator platform to the left of the one you just came down. At the top head to the right and defeat the pterodactly. Continue to the right and drop down. At the bottom take an elevator up. At the top hold down "right" to land on a platform. Follow the narrow passage way to reach a big room. When you reach a hole between the lower rails, drop down and get on the next rail. Jump over the treadmills to avoid nails. Take the elevator at the dead end up. Head right to reach a wall then head to the left. Drop down to the left to land on a rail. Go down the hill on the rail and follow it to reach the end of this level. Level 12: Go past the cog then down the rail. At the bottom you will be launched to a platfork. Climb up it and kill the rat on the treadmill then hop onto the rail and continue to the right. There will be two pterodactlys that will require killing here. At the end of the rail drop down. Now go to the left to reach a drill and a platform. Ride the next rail onto a platform then drop off it to the left to be teleported to a new area. Jump onto the platform to hope onto several invisible platforms and reach a solid platform. Jump onto the next platform and then onto another set of invisible platforms. At the top grab all the bones then drop to the bottom and through the hole at the bottom right. When you return to the last room you will be on a lower rail. Move along the treadmill to the right, but be cautious of the drills. Jump onto the moving platform then to the treadmill to the right, below the one you just jumped from. Kill the rat then climb the platforms. Jump to the solid ground across the gap. There will be a pterodactyl here. Climb the platforms then hop into the small corridor. Move into the next room. Head all the way to the right while watching out for drills. When you reach an elevator at a dead end take it up. At the top jump onto platform and take out the two rats. With them gone head down the rail. Jump over the next set of platforms until you reach a hole and no reachable platform. Drop down it to find an elevator. At the top drop down from the platform to the right and head to the right to find the exit. This is a fairly easy boss fight. The big dino will occassionally shoot fireballs at you. The small dino on the big pink dino will shoot pellets at you. Their attacks can be easily jumped over. Try to stay on the left side and fire coconuts. ---------------- Terror Town ---------------- Level 13: Take out the caveman then head to the right and drop down the hole. Follow the path to fall into water. Continue to the right for two bones and stay along the bottom path in the water. You will have to take out a few fishes. Collect the bones along this path. When you reach a fork in the road where you can go back above ground or stay in the water, keep going through the water. Hold down the d-pad to the right to go over two ramps. Once past the second ramp you'll have to fight a pterodactyl. Stay along the bottom path to reach above ground again. Kill the caveman, cat and pterodactyl then drop down the hole to land in more water. Take out the two fish then jump back onto dry land and go over the ramp. On the other side drop down a hole and take out the two cats. Keep going to eventually re-emerge above ground. Jump along the platforms above water until you reach solid ground again. There will be three cavemen here. Take out all three of the cavemen and then continue to the right to finish the level. Level 14: Drop off the platform to the right to be teleported to a new area. Collect all the bones here then fall into the hole in the bottom right corner of the area. Climb onto the top of the buildings then head to the right until you can jump into the cave. Head right and you will eventually fall into water with two fish. When you reach a ramp head up and take out the two pterodacyls as you make your ascent. At the top head down the ramp to the right and drop down the hole. Jump into the water and take out the fish. Climb up the ramps again then jump through the opening to the right to land on the top of the building. Stay along the bottom of the buildings then re-enter the caves again. Take out a pterodactyl then jump over the holes. Go up the ramp and continue to the right to exit out of the cave. You will be outside of some buildings again. Stay along the bottom of the screen and take out the cat. Go throuhgh the tunnel to be outside briefly then go through the bottom path and go up the ramps. At the top drop down to the bottom of the buildings and finish the level to the right. Level 15: Head to the right to enter another area. Make your way up while taking out fishes. At the top jump on the mushroom. When ready drop all the way back to the bottom then fall through the hole on the right. In the next area drop off the platform to the right. Head to the right to take out a pterodactyl. Continue to the right until you reach a dead end. Use the top of the buildings to reach the entrance to the cave. Inside, take out the pterodactyls then make you way down the ramps and to the right. Go up the big ramp to the right and at the top drop down to the bottom level. You will eventually land into water populated by multiple fish. Take them out then go through the top path. You will be outside again. Climb to the top of the buildings then head to the right and go into the cave. Go to the right and take out the two pteroactyls then go down to enter a big part of the cave. Head to the right and stay along the bottom path. Keep following the path to the right and you will eventually reach the end of this level. Level 16: Hop into the water and take out the fish as you fall to the bottom. Once at the bottom head to the right. Climb up the platforms until you get out of water. Now go right to fight a pterodactyl. Go to the right then follow the snaking passage up. At the top take out the caveman and cat and continue to the right. Follow the ramps down until you enter an open area. Go to the right to fight a pterodactyl and then exit the cave. There will be a cat as soon as you exit. Once outside climb to the top of the buildings. Once you're at the top jump across the gap to the right and on this platform look for a hole at the bottom. Drop down it and follow the path to reach two cats and a caveman. Drop down the hole and exit the cave to the right. Climb up the the buildings and jump to the platform to the right. Take out the two cavemen here then drop down the hole. Follow the path to the right then go down the ramp to the left. At the end of this path go down another ramp to take out a cat and caveman. Now go right to land in some water with fish in it. Climb the platforms to the right to finish the level. This is a fairly easy boss fight. The mini green dino will be on a car with a catapult. He will send out minifireballs at you as well as occassionally launching debris at you. Stay along the left side of the screen and jump to avoid his attacks while attacking from a distance. ---------------- Murder Mountain ---------------- Level 17: Go off the ramp but be cautious of the bird. Head to the right and when you reach a gap jump to the rail. This is a fairly straight forward level. Stay along the top of the screen by using either rails or platforms. Be cautious of monkeys that will occaionally drop down from the top. Eventually you will come to a long stretch of solid ground. There will be a few monkeys here that you will have to take out, there are also a few bones. Take out said monekys then continue to the right and you will reach the exit for this level. Level 18: There will be a bird flying around above that you can either take out or ignore. Stay along the bottom path to reach a monkey. When you come to a hole jump over it to land on another platform. Continue to the right until you come to another hole. Jump to the next platform. Go right until you reach a dead end with an elevator. Take the elevator up then go to the right along the top most platform. You will eventually come to another dead end with an elevator. You wll emerge on a platform above. Stay along the top rail and head rightwards. Jump along the two narrow platforms then reach another longer rail. When you come to a waterfall you will be teleported to another area. Make your way to the top and then drop down the hole to the right at the top to be teleported back. You will eventually reach a set of platforms. Climb them up and then jump to the platform on the left. Use it to reach a higher rail then continue to the right. Jump to the right to reach another platform. Continue to the right to reach the end of the level. Level 19: Head up the ramp and at the top jump to the purple rail. At the end of the rail jump to solid ground and continue to the right. Eventually you will be teleported to a different area. Jump from platform to platform to the right and jump onto the mushroom at the end. When ready drop through the hole at the bottom right of the area to be teleported back. Go up the ramp to the right and at the end of it drop down to fight two mini dinos. With them gone go to the right and up the elevator. At the top will be a mini dino and a monkey. Jump off to the right to land on a lower platform. Head to the right and jump onto the smaller platform and then back onto larger ground. Continue along the right jumping from platform to platform. When you reach the end of the map drop down to finish the level. Level 20: As soon as you start jump to the right to land on an invisible platform. Jump straight up to reach a higher rail. Once on the rail head to the right and jump as high as you can next to the platform to land on another invisible platform. Jump to the next plaform to the right and take out the monkey. Jump to the right and hold down right as you fall down the hole in order to land on a rail to the right. Stay on the rail to the right to go over a ramp and land on a small platform. Quickly jump to a second small platform and then to solid ground. Head all the way to the right to reach a series of platforms. Climb up them to fight a monkey. Stand next to the wall on the right and jump up to land on an invisible platform. Jump onto a second one above it then to the rail. Follow the rail to the left to reach solid ground. Jump onto the rail right above it and ride it to the right. Along the top rail you will have to fight several monkies and mini dinos. At the end of the ramp go over the rail to be launched onto an invisible platform. Then jump from the platform to the solid platform. Ride the rail to the far right and then drop onto the rail below. Ride it to the left and jump onto the mushroom at the end to teleport to a different area. Keep going right to left to reach the bottom level. Be cautious of mini dinos and monkeys throughout this area. At the bottom go up the ramp to the right. There will be a few birds here you will have to either avoid or take out. Go down the ramp and at the bottom jump to the waterfall and continue right to finish the level. This is it, the final fight. The mini green dino will be in a hot air balloon this time around. He still shoots fireballs at you so jump to avoid them will shooting coconuts at him. You will have to jump in order to successfully hit him. Once hes defeated you will get your bones back. -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- 3. Disclaimer -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- Copyright (c) 2009 to merc for hire. This is the work of merc for hire and International Copyright law protects this FAQ/Walkthrough. You can not sell, change, or post on a website as your own. You can post it on your website as long as I receive full credit for it. If you do post it on a website I want an e-mail from you first so I can give you the go ahead. Unless I don't tell you to then you are not allowed to post it on your website. I will only update the FAQ/Walkthroughs I have on http://www.GameFAQs.com