MMMKMM Ph#MMM MM tM 68B;hSSMMMBCMMKjS0# .S#C CMMMt K8#MMM tM M BM 6;PM :KM6MMM2MMBM8 MM M .Mh MMP M6MM;8MM MM MM2 B5 vMEMM8 M M KM0MM MP 5M MM MC MM MMj M MM MB BM C vM 6M Mh#M #M MB MM MMjMP MM BMv M MM:M5 KMMMM 2M 0M M MM Mj ME MM MM C #M 8M; M MM MM 5M MMMMM MMMMMMM55PMKE MM jMM.MEMMMMMMSM2MC MMJUCMM .M MM 2MMMM; jMC B#BM : M86 8PS MMM MMM6 ;5S0h *************************************************************************** Beetlejuice - FAQ/Walkthrough. Written By: Kain Stryder. E-Mail Address: Walkthrough Version: Final. Last Updated: 5/14/07. System(s): Famicom And NES. *************************************************************************** ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= = Table Of Contents = =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= | [ I. Introduction ] . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . [ INTR1 ] | | | | [ II. Current Updates ] . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . [ CURUP2 ]| | | | [ III. FAQ (Frequently Asked Questions.) ] . . . . . . . . . . [ FAQ3 ] | | | | [ IV. How To Play ] . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . [ HOTP4 ] | | A. Controls And Menus . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . [ COAM4.1 ]| | B. Moving Around . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . [ MOAR4.2 ] | | C. Tips & Tricks . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . [ TITR4.3 ] | | | | [ V. The Walkthrough ] . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . [ THEWA5 ] | | A. Beginning . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . [ BEGI5.1 ] | | B. Town . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . [ TOW5.2 ] | | C. Sewers . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . [ SEWE5.3 ]| | D. Deetz Residence . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . [ DEERE5.4 ]| | E. Neitherworld . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . [ NEIT5.5 ]| | F. Afterlife . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . [ AFTE5.6 ] | | G. Ending . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . [ ENDI5.7 ]| | | | [ VI. Scares List ] . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . [ SCALI6 ]| | | | [ VII. Item List ] . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . [ ITELI7 ] | | | | [ VIII. Enemy List ] . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . [ ENELI8 ] | | | | [ IX. Secrets ] . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . [ SECRE9 ]| | | | [ X. Credits ] . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . [ CREDI10 ]| | | | [ XI. My Words ] . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . [ MYWOR11 ]| =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= = Table Of Contents = =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ NOTE: I've added a Search Engine into all my FAQs now. To use this, if there's something you wish to find instantly in my FAQ, in the above table, on the left is the name of a section or sub-section. To the right is a weird code, like GOK5.1. Basically, if you wish to go to the section where I tell you about Goku under The Playable Characters Of The Story, on your Keyboard, hold Ctrl and then hit F and a window will open. Type in GOK5.1 and hit Find Next. It'll bring you to that section instantly. The code to reach the Table Of Contents is just that: Table Of Contents. I hope this makes browsing my FAQs easier for you. Enjoy! =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= = I. Introduction . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . [ INTR1 ] = =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Hello there and welcome to another one of my, Kain Stryder's, Walkthroughs. This time, I'm covering Beetlejuice, a rather insanely hard game based loosely off the movie, not the TV show. Anyway, as always, I'd like to state that this walkthrough is to remain free and is also remain untouched in any way, shape or form and you need MY permission to do anything with it. I don't want some guy stealing my work and claiming it as his own to promote anything. This walkthrough is also ONLY to be available on GameFAQs and NO other side. Just stating this, but anyway, with that said, let's get down to business and well, onto the Walkthrough! Update: This Walkthrough is now available at IGN, Neoseeker and any other sites I've allowed via E-Mail to host this file. If I did not give you permission to host this FAQ on your site, then you're hosting it illegally and if you're reading this on a site with any variatin of "cheat" in its name, please notify me so I may take the necessary action. Thanks. =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= = II. Current Updates . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . [ CURUP2 ]= =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= 5/14/07 - Just writing in to let any readers know if they E-Mail me any questions or comments, that my address still works. My willpower to write walkthroughs over the last few years died, mostly to college and real life, but I may just start this up again. Feel free to write in, thanks. 3/20/04 - Again, thanks to BowlingAlleyPlus, I added up some information on two Enemies I didn't know about, the Flying Carpet and Skull Bunny. Plus, apparently a gag Item, the Toilet Paper, which is found in the Deetz Residence. Other than that, nothing else is new... 3/11/04 - Well, thanks to BowlingAlleyPlus, I updated The Walkthrough with a VERY easy way to take out the Neitherworld Worm if you happen to have to fight it. So, thanks again to him for that tip. Other than that, nothing else is new and until next time, see ya! 2/3/04 - I've completed the walkthrough and everything else as much as I possibly can and marked it as the Final version. If I ever need to update it again with corrections or reader submitted information, I'll do so, but until then, it's complete. So, enjoy! =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= = III. FAQ (Frequently Asked Questions.) . . . . . . . . . . . . [ FAQ3 ] = =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= None as of yet. Oh well. If you have something to ask me, send it to or if I get asked something enough, I'll through it up here. =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= = [ IV. How To Play ] . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . [ HOTP4 ] = =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= --------------------------------------------------------------------------- - A. Controls And Menus . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . [ COAM4.1 ] - --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Alright, well, let's start with the controls, shall we? D-Pad - Used to move Beetlejuice around the screen. Simple, right? Select - Does nothing, but while shopping for Scares, it's used to select and buy them and during the Deetz Residence Level, it's used to pick up and/or use objects that you have. Start - Pauses the game, brings up the Menu for your scares. B Button - Beetlejuice stomps the ground with his foot, but when he has a Scare, he'll release a Fireball. During the Deetz Residence Level, if you have some, this is used to throw a Molotov Cocktail. A Button - Used to jump and in the Menu, used to confirm and select a Scare. Ok, that covers the controls. Now, as for the "Menu", I'll quickly go into detail as to what comes up when you press the Start Button as well as the main overview of the screen. When you press the Start Button, you'll see the following: Lives: How many Lives (Isn't he dead, though?) Beetlejuice has remaining. Once you lose them all, you can Continue, but you don't have many of them and it's VERY easy to die in this game, so be warned. Scares: Beetlejuice is armed with a whole arsenal of Scares, but he can only use them when he has bought them, so he has limited supplies of attacks. Using the D-Pad, you can cycle through them and then when you want to use a Scare, hit the A Button to confirm your choice and Beetlejuice will transform into the Scare. Note: At the bottom where it says "Scares", it shows you the total amount of Scares you currently have left. Ok, that takes care of the Menu. Now, for the overview of the screen itself...heh, this'll be rather short. Health: At the top of the screen is a icon of Beetlejuice with a number next to it. Whenever Beetlejuice takes damage, this number increases and the words "Beetlejuice" pop up. Basically, this is a play on how Beetlejuice is "summoned" to our world. If you saw the movie or TV show, you'd understand, but from what I recall, chanting his name 3 times brings him to our world or throws him back into his. So, Beetlejuice only has 3 hits before he dies. The only way to heal is to find Beetles and stomp them, eat the Beetles at the Deetz Residence or use a Scare for a cheap Health gain. Lives: (Note: Only appears during the Deetz Residence Level.) Basically just shows you how many Lives you have left on the screen. Well, there you have it. That covers the Menu and the overview of the screen you play on. --------------------------------------------------------------------------- - B. Moving Around . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . [ MOAR4.2 ]- --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Beetlejuice's Gameplay is rather simple to get use to, but is in no way easy to fully master. For starts, it's a platform game, but a hard one at that. Basically, most of the Enemies you encounter you can't kill, so you'll be dodging and running from them left and right, praying you aren't hit in the process. If you do take damage, find some Beetles fast and stomp them to refill your Health. So, moving Beetlejuice around is a pain in itself, as the guy is not the best person I've ever had to control. He can jump rather high, which is good, but he's not as easy to move around as say, Mario is. Next up is Beetlejuice's Scares. They're very useful, but frankly, they're all the same, just some last longer than others or are a tad stronger. Plus, they can't target the Enemies on the ground and can only be fired straight ahead, you can't duck with them, so you'll be dodging most of the Enemies in this game. Each can only sustain a few hits, so let's say you spend 500 Points on a Ogre Scare, get hit once, poof, you're back to normal, never got to use it. Sucks, huh? Rather crappy system, but you'll have to live with it. Other than that, some Enemies can kill you in 1 hit, especially Bosses, along with all the damn pits and crap in this game, expect to try this game a few times before you can even beat it. If you happen to be using an Emulator, you'll be making the game MUCH easier on yourself, trust me. Other than that, Beetlejuice is a rather straight forward game, just, well, hard as HELL. So, with that, good luck. --------------------------------------------------------------------------- - C. Tips & Tricks . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . [ TITR4.3 ]- --------------------------------------------------------------------------- - Stock up on Scares whenever possible. You don't need to overdue it, but usually have a minimum of 10 Scares at all times, just incase. I suggest you stock up on Medusa Head Scares, as they're the cheapest in the game and use them for the Health trick (Which is basically if you're about to die and not near a Beelte Hole, use it and if you get hit using it, you're instantly fully healed since it wears off.) and stock up on Ogre Scares, as they're the best in the game. - During the Deetz Residence Level, there's a TON of chances for you to be taken to the Neitherworld, but pray this doesn't happen. Just like in the movie and TV show, that damn Worm is there and he WILL kill you. It's damn near impossible to fight the thing as well and I'm not even sure if you can kill it, though I have been able to hurt it, let alone even escape from this place. If you're playing on the Emulator, you can probably avoid this, but if you're not, well, you're screwed UNLESS you're an amazing NES Player. - The game has a hell of a time determining how you land on platforms. Basically, if the platform is NOT visible on the screen and you jump down, you WILL die. So make sure before you jump that you can see the platform below you or else you'll be cursing yourself. - I've found that the Bird Man Scare has a extra use. It allows you to jump higher, which comes in handy in some areas of the game, so always carry one or two of these around. =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= = V. The Walkthrough . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . [ THEWA5 ] = =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Note: I won't be making a seperate section for the Bosses in this game, as well, there isn't really any need for strategy. You...hit them. Fast. And then they die. Really, really, easy. Also, take a note that the Neitherworld Level is NOT a real Level and more or less a personalized Hell for the player and if you can escape from it, you have my respect. Also, I will leave it up to you to heal yourself. I won't tell you to, so do it yourself by finding Beetle Holes and playing it smart. Interesting Thing: If you press the Down Button + A Button on any Beetle Hole, you enter a small area with a Giant Skull Enemy who can easily be beaten by jumping on. You get a ton of points and you exit by jumping up to the top of the screen once you kill it, but the downside is that it stops the flow of Beetles from the Beetle Holes, though. (Also, Skull Bunnies and Magic Carpets are sometimes here as well.) --------------------------------------------------------------------------- - A. Beginning . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . [ BEGI5.1 ]- --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Well, the game doesn't really give much of a background on the story as to what's going on, but the game does seem to follow the movie loosely and not the TV Show. I've seen both, but a LONG time ago, but I will do my best to recall and explain what's going on. Basically, a couple called the Maitlands were recently killed in a car accident and are now dead. They're having trouble adapting to not only the Afterlife, but the fact that they are dead. Now faced with new people moving into their house, called the Deetz's, they try to scare them away, but it doesn't really work, as they're new to the whole thing and basically pull pranks you'd expect a 5 year old to do. The daughter of the family, Lydia, a sort of social outcast and gothic type girl befriends them and helps them scare her parents, mainly helping them learn how to be, well, scarier. (They were using bed sheets on themselves and acting as ghosts.) Somewhere along the way in the Afterlife, they meet this guy called Beetlejuice, a wacky, weird and insane ghost who loves nothing more than to cause trouble. Well, he's basically the villain and I won't ruin the whole plot for you if you haven't seen it, but it was actually a decent movie, as was the TV Show, which in that, Lydia is friends with Beetlejuice, but in the movie, they are not. Anyway, the game basically sticks you in the role as Beetlejuice and this time, he's, well, good...I think. Anyway, it's your job to...uh...actually, I have NO idea what the hell Beetlejuice's Mission is. I guess mainly help the Maitlands, marry Lydia (Or try to.) and then go back to the Afterlife. Eh...weird, but ok. Let's just get started. --------------------------------------------------------------------------- - B. Town . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . [ TOW5.2 ] - --------------------------------------------------------------------------- As you begin the game, head east past the locked house and avoid the Gold Bug you see, as you can't kill it. You'll find a Key nearby on a cloud, so jump over and grab it, then make your way back to the house and hit the Up Button on the locked door to enter the house. Inside the house, head east and watch out for the multi-colored light, as it can kill you in one hit if you touch. Once you past the first two, jump up onto the ledge and carefully jump over to the next ledge (Don't worry, the flower doesn't hurt you.) and hit the switch you see to make the lights stop. Then, back track to the start and that cloud you saw when you entered will be moving now. Hop on it and ride to the top, but watch out for the Fish in the bathtub and make your way past one of the lights and you'll find another bathtub with a Fish in it. This time, jump on the bathtub and jump up to the platform above you and hit the switch here, then head east and get onto the cloud you see. Now, here comes a tricky part. You'll come to a rather large bathtub with a Shark in it. Basically, just keep heading west and don't stop and when you come close to the switch, jump up, hit it and keep going and you should just miss getting hit by the Shark. Next, head up on the cloud you see and jump onto the first bathtub you see and leap onto the platform above you and then grab the blue book you see, which is the Book For The Recently Deceased. With this in your hand, you can now buy Scares. Now, hit the switch you see nearby to drop an weight onto the Killer Plant, then leap over it and hit the other switch you see and it'll finish the Killer Plant off, as a exit appears. Head to it and hit the Up Button, then you'll appear outside again, but on the roof now. Watch out for a Gold Bug here and head east onto the clouds and take out the Fly Enemy here by jumping on it, then you'll reach a Beetle Hole. If you need to heal, smash some Beetles here with your foot, but also stay here for a while and rack up points, as the house nearby is a Scare Booth where you can buy Scares which you WILL need later. (Also, watch out for the Red Scorpion here as well.) I suggest you stock up only on Skeleton Scares, as the Bird Man and Medusa Head ones are worthless for now, but the Medusa Head ones ARE GREAT for that cheap healing trick, so grab a few of those. (Actually, buy 1 Bird Man, as you can get a Beetlejuice Head in a minute.) When you're ready, head east and you'll see a Bee Hive. First, use the Bird Man Scare and jump onto the cloud nearby, then jump onto the tree and then onto the house's roof, where a Red Scorpion is, as well as a Beetlejuice Head. Take it for a 1-Up, then make your way back down and use the Skeleton Scare next to hit the Bee Hive and it'll make the cloud move now. At the bottom is a Beetle Hole, along with a Red Scorpion, but avoid it and head east across the clouds and you'll come across a Gold Bug. Attempt to carefully jump up fast to pass by it to reach the next platform and watch out for the Gold Bug and Red Scorpion here, as well as another Bee Hive. Hopefully, you still have Beetlejuice as a Skeleton, if not, use another Scare and destroy it, then jump onto the bushes, then over on the roof of a small house, then onto the tree and finally onto the Scare Booth's Roof and collect the Beetlejuice Head here for a 1-Up, while you avoid another Gold Bug, then head back down, untransform and stomp some Beetles and stock up on at least 3-4 Skeleton Scares. Once you're ready, enter the house to the east and get ready for the Boss. --------------------------------------------------------------------------- - Boss: Spray Man - --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Information: Yeah, yeah. Name is stupid. Anyway, he can kill Beetlejuice in one hit from his Spray Can, so be careful. Points Gained For Defeating: 0. Strategy: Rather easy. Transform into a Skeleton and barrage him. You MUST push him to the far right of the screen, where he'll die. Don't let up and dodge his Spray whenever he fires it. If you run out of Scares, you're screwed and will have to die, as that's the only way to exit this place and you'll have to restock up on Scares to fight him again. Once he dies, you'll see a picture of the car that the Maitlands were in crash into the water, then you'll head to the next Level. --------------------------------------------------------------------------- - C. Sewers . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . [ SEWE5.3 ] - --------------------------------------------------------------------------- As you start this Level, jump onto the weird boat here and either take out the two Flies or avoid them, then take out or avoid another one nearby. Next, you'll see a Octopus in a grate. If you want, jump up and take it out with some Scares, but it'll take a little while. If you have enough points, the blue grate nearby is actually a Scare Booth, so enter it and buy more Scares. Once you kill the Octopus, head up and watch out for a Frog and Red Scorpion and you'll find a Beetlejuice Head, so take it for another 1-Up, plus another Scare Booth nearby with 2 Beetle Holes as well. Stock up on some Scares here if you decided to go here, if not, don't worry about it, you can get more Scares later. I suggest you get 2-3 Ogre Scares, as they are VERY powerful and last a good while. Either way, continue on in your boat and you'll find a Beetle Hole. Stop and get some Points or Health if you need it, but continue on when you're ready. Watch out for a Fly nearby and avoid or kill it, then jump onto the platform at the end and head up and you'll find a Red Scorpion, along with another Scare Booth, a Beetle Hole and another Octopus. Take out the Octopus, stock up on Scares if you need to, then head up and watch out for a Gold Bug and Red Scorpion as you try to pass by them on the platforms, along with another Beetle Hole, then at the top there's a Frog and a Big Frog, with a Scare Booth. I suggest you use a Ogre Scare on the Big Frog, as 1 hit from that kills it, then move on and you'll find another Beetle Hole, but keep the Orge Scare on and jump up to find a Octpus. Kill it with your Orgre Scare, then move on to find another Scare Booth. Again, stock up if you need to, otherwise, move on. You'll come across yet another Beetle Hole and a Fly, so kill it and jump over to the next area, watch out for a Gold Bug and another Fly, plus yet another Beetle Hole, then jump over to the next area and head down carefully, as there's a Red Scorpion below you, followed by a Gold Bug. Once you get past the Gold Bug, use a Ogre Scare and take out the Big Frog as fast as possible, then if you need to, there's a Beetle Hole to your west and a Scare Booth, so stock up again, but keep your Ogre Scare on and head east, avoiding 2 Frogs and take out a Octopus. Then, head up and you'll find another Beetle Hole and another Scare Booth, plus a Red Scorpion and a Fly, plus a Big Frog. If you still have your Ogre Scare, use it, other wise, use a new one, then to the west and east at the top are 2 Beetle Holes, but make sure you have at least 1-2 Ogre Scares and when you're ready, hit the Up Button on the cave with the red eyes and you'll fight the Boss. --------------------------------------------------------------------------- - Boss: Football Player - --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Information: Rather stupid Boss, but this guy kicks Footballs at you to hurt you. Points Gained For Defeating: 0. Strategy: Easy. Just use the Ogre Scare and hit him to the right of the screen and he'll die. Afterwards, you'll head to the next Level, which is the Deetz Residence. --------------------------------------------------------------------------- - D. Deetz Residence . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . [ DEERE5.4 ] - --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Note: You can NOT use your Scares in this Level. Be warned. Also, at any time if you enter the Neitherworld, unfortunately, you're screwed. Sorry. Attempt to fight the Neitherword Worm and maybe escape, but don't count on it. Head to E. Neitherworld in The Walkthrough if you do end up there in this level. Also, apparently in one of the Bathrooms you can get Toilet Paper, but I THINK it's just a gag Item, as I can't figure out what it does. Welcome to the hell known as this Level. Dear God, if you can get by this place on a NES/Famicom without going to the Neitherworld, let alone surviving here, you are a true gamer. Anyway, as you start this Level, watch out for the Spike coming out of the floor and head east over to the box to get a Molotov Cocktail, then head north and collect another box that's sitting alone for another one, then head east to get another one, then head through the door to the north. Watch out for another Spike here and head north and grab the box to get a Key, then head west and head through the door and up to the next area. In this part of the house, watch out for Spiders and head west through the door and collect the box here for a Key. Do NOT go all the way to the west in this area, as you will head to the Neitherworld and you do NOT want to go there. TRUST ME. Next, head north through the door using the Key you just found and check around here for 3 more Molotov Cocktails in the boxes, but do NOT check the box near the stairs to the north that's near the wall a bit to the east, as a Witch Doctor is inside and can only be killed with your Molotov Cocktails. Then, head north up the stairs and move FAST, as a door that'll take you to the Neitherworld is chasing you. Move fast and you'll enter the next area and take out the 2 Witch Doctors here with a Molotov Cocktail or two and then talk to Barbara. After you do, you'll have to find the Book For The Recently Deceased. Head north through the door and take out another Witch Doctor, then head east to find 3 boxes with Molotov Cocktails inside, then enter the door here ONLY if the 3 Witch Doctors are dead, otherwise you will have to kill them in order to open the door. Once you do, head up to the book and hit the Select Button to collect it. Next, head back to Barbara and hit the Select Button while facing her and you'll give her the book and she'll move, so continue on now. In this area, head up to the weird thing to the north and enter it to be teleported to another area, where there's Spiders, but also the Key in a box, along with 3 Molotov Cocktails to the west. Once you get this stuff, head back through the weird object and head east through the door with the Key and into the next area. In this area, you'll have to fight Delia's Art Monsters by picking up the Hammer nearby and also dodging the damn Neitherworld Door. The yellow ones are Yellow Art Monsters and the other grey one is the Grey Art Monster. Use the Select Button to release the Hammer and then when you're done, hit Select again to recollect it while you're standing on it. Once you kill the final Art Monster, you'll get a Key, so rush to the door and use it to get away from that damn Neitherworld Door and head north to find 3 paths to take. The one the farthest to the east is the correct path, as the other 2 will take you to Neitherworld. In this area, move fast or the screen will crush you. Take the path going to the west, as the one to the east has boxes with Witch Doctors in it. Once you reach the end, head into the next area. In this room, there's 3 Red Art Monsters here, but you can make short work of them with your Hammer, so do so. Do NOT go through the door to the west, as it leads to the Neitherworld. Also, head north to find a Key and the other Red Art Monster and once you have both Keys, head through the 2 doors to the east and into the next area. In this room, watch out for Football Player's Legs and head through the weird object to the north and grab the box you find to get a Key, then head back through the weird object and head east, avoiding the path to the west as it leads to the Neitherworld and collect the Brick you see. Then, backtrack and head through the door with the Key and grab the Molotov Cocktail and head into the next area. In this area, again you must move fast or be crushed by the screen. Take the west path, as it has less Witch Doctors and head into the next area. In this room, you'll find Otho. Talk to him, then do not collect any of the boxes, as they contain Witch Doctors and instead collect the Fire Extinguisher while dodging Spiders and hit the Select Button near the fire until the fire is put out. (Also, do not follow the path north, as again, it leads to the Neitherworld.) Then enter the weird object and collect the Spray Can, then head west and collect the Fly Swatter, then the box for a Molotov Cocktail. Next, drop the Fire Extinguisher as it's useless now and use the Spray Can on Otho and he'll move, then continue on. In this room, you must kill the 5 Flies here with the Fly Swatter before you can move on. To make matters worse, a Spike is moving everywhere and a Neitherworld Door is around. Wonderful. Anyway, just take them out and then the door will be unlocked. Once it is, head into the next area and in this area, head through the weird object to the north and grab the Rubber Duck you see, while avoiding the Spike, then head back through the weird object and watch out for 3 Football Player's Legs and another Spike and head northeast to find Charles. Talk to him, then give him the Rubber Duck so he moves, then head to the next area. Here there's 5 more Flies, plus another Neitherworld Door. Avoid the Flies this time and collect the box that has a Key in it to the west and head north through the door and in this area, take the west path, as it holds the box with the Key, then enter the door you see and enter the next area, escaping that damn moving screen of death. (Also, that other path leads to the Neitherworld, so don't take it.) Again, you'll appear in another moving screen of death, but this time, move fast and when you see 3 boxes, grab only the first, as it's the Key you need. The other 2 are Molotov Cocktails, but you don't have enough time to get them. Then head to the door and enter the next area. In this room, head east, avoiding the Football Player's Legs and the 4 Spiders here and collect the Mouse here and then head west and talk to Delia and then show her the Mouse so she moves. In this area, take the east path, as the west path leads to a path to the Neitherworld with a box that holds a Witch Doctor in it. The 2 boxes you come across, though, hold Molotov Cocktails in them, but don't go for them, you really don't have time for them. Head into the next area when you reach the end and you'll find 4 Flies for you to deal with. Fun. Use your Fly Swatter if you want or avoid them, then head through the weird object to the north. Next, head through the other weird object and in this area, grab the Wedding Ring, then back track to where you entered this area and head east and talk to Lydia, then give her the Wedding Ring so she moves. Next, grab the box to get a Key, then pick up the Glasses and then head through the door to the north and you'll enter a area with a model of the Town and you'll now enter a small mini Level, known as the Model Town. In this small Mini Level, you are finally able to use your Scares again and heal with Beetle Holes and such. First, head east and watch out for the Mini Octopus and you'll find a Beetle Hole. Next, head downwards and watch out for a Frog and you'll want to go to the east, but make sure you can see the platform before you jump over. (Do not go west.) Continue downward and you'll find 2 more Frogs. Jump over them and climb up, but watch out for a Red Scorpion nearby coming down the platforms and then climb up and get onto the cloud you see. Next, jump over to the next platform, but watch out for a Red Scorpion and you'll find a Scare Booth and a Beetle Hole. Next, head up, but watch out for a Frog, then if you have a Bird Man Scare, use it here and head up and go west out onto the clouds, avoiding or killing a Fly here and collect a Beetlejuice Head here, but then head and jump west onto a small cloud to find another Beetlejuice Head, with another Fly nearby. (Also, near the gate of that building, if you head east, there's a Scare Booth and a Beetle Hole, if you're interested.) After this, if you did or didn't, head back to that building you just passed or are at with a Gold Bug and a Beetle Hole nearby and enter the building. Inside, follow the path up, but watch out for 2 Gold Bugs, then continue on until you see a Red Scorpion. Watch out, as 2 more are nearby. Dodge them and continue on and you'll find a Fly. Kill it or avoid it, then continue on and you'll find a Box Of Chalk. Collect it, then head east and watch out for a Gold Bug and a Fly, then enter the gate to exit this place. Outside again, head east now and watch out for 2 Red Scorpions and a Mini Octopus and you'll come to a Beetle Hole. Then, head downwards until you see a Frog, then avoid it and head east to find another Frog and a Beetle Hole and then jump as far as you can east to find a Gold Bug, a Frog and another Beetle Hole, plus a Scorpion coming down the stairs. Once you're ready, head upwards and watch out for 2 Mini Octopuses and a Beetle Hole, plus a Scare Booth. I suggest you stock up on Ogre, Snakeman and Spooksheet Scares if you can. When you're ready, head east and watch out for a Frog and make your way across the platforms, then down and avoid the Red Scorpion and Gold Bug, as you find another Scare Booth, a Beetle Hole, 2 Frogs and a Fly. Then, head downwards and at the bottom, wait for a cloud to come by and jump on it and then head east to find a Scare Booth, then head up and avoid a Mini Octopus and a Gold Bug to find another Scare Booth. Now, if you have a Bird Man Scare, use it and climb up the clouds and head to the top northeast part to find a Beetlejuice Head. Don't bother going to the west, as a Fly and Gold Bug are there. Once you get this or not, head east and watch out for 3 Frogs and you'll find a Scare Booth below you. Make SURE you have some good Scares and when you're ready, head east and enter the building to fight the Boss. --------------------------------------------------------------------------- - Boss: Wizard - --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Information: A regular Wizard who shoots lightning out of his hands to hurt and kill you. Points Gained For Defeating: 0. Strategy: Well, his lightning has good range, so don't get too close. Other than that, use the Snakeman Scare if you have and aim at his head, which is the only place that will knock him back when hit and just keep doing this until he hits the right side of the wall and you'll win. After this, you'll come out of the Model Town and Adam will be nearby. Talk to him without touching any of the boxes if you can, as they all hold Witch Doctors. Then, give him his glasses and head into the next area. Well, now you're in the final area of this damn Level. If you made it this far, don't relax yet. Now, enter the middle weird object first, then enter the next middle weird object and then follow the path and grab the 2 boxes to get 2 Molotov Cocktails, while avoiding a Spike and that damn Neitherworld Door. Enter the next weird object you see to the north and back at the start now, take the middle weird object again and then take the far east weird object, follow the path, enter the next weird object and take out the 2 Witch Doctors here with Molotov Cocktails, then backtrack to the start. This time, take the far west weird object, then avoid the Spike and take the next weird object you see, then open the door, grab the box to get the Key (Again, do not go all the way to the west once you get the key, as it leads to the Neitherworld.) and then backtrack to where you fought the 2 Witch Doctors, open the door and follow the path and go up to the chimney and you'll use the chalk and exit this place. Now, onto the final Level, the Afterlife. --------------------------------------------------------------------------- - E. Neitherworld . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . [ NEIT5.5 ] - --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Ok, if you end up here, prepare to just turn your NES off and restart, cause you are screwed. All that's here is a random Scare Icon and in the top northeast part a Beetlejuice Head. Oh and the Neitherworld Worm Enemy, which is next to impossible to kill. Other than that, your death awaits. Note: Apparently, if you manage to beat the Neitherworld Worm, you can exit this place through the door to the east, but again, good luck with that. Update: Thanks to BowlingAlleyPlus, there's a VERY easy way to defeat this thing. If you have the Two Headed Man Scare, just nail the Neitherworld Worm in the head once and you'll kill it. For a safe place to stand, stand near the east side of the screen at the bottom near the second pit. After wards, just exit through the door and you'll continue where you were. --------------------------------------------------------------------------- - F. Afterlife . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . [ AFTE5.6 ]- --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Well, welcome to the final Level of the game. Rather short, but still, rather weird. As you start, head east and watch out for a Frog, then continue on and watch out for another Frog. Now, go down to the platform below this Frog and if you have a Bird Man Scare, it'll make this jump possible, if not, you're screwed. You MAY be able to make it by jumping by the platform above from where you are now, but it's risky. (Also, if you can't do this, up where you get the "2" Number, you can jump down and safely get down here, so if you can't make it over, just head up and head east, past 2 Red Scorpions and a Flying Body and you'll find the "2" Number and know where to go from there.) Anyway, head out and dodge the 3 Mini Octopuses and grab the "1" Number, then dodge a Frog, then jump up, avoiding 2 Gold Bugs and small jump over to the platform to the west, as there's a Flying Body on the wire that can hurt you. Anyway, grab the "2" Number here and then head west, past 2 Red Scorpions and keep going until you see 2 Frogs. Go past them, then head up and avoid a Mini Octopus and a Gold Bug and jump up to where the Gold Bug is and jump to get the "4" Number. Next, head east and grab the "3" Number and jump over the Frog here and if you have the Bird Man Scare still, use it and jump as far as you can and if not, do it and you should land on a platform and be ok. Head east all the way now and head up now, avoiding a Frog and Red Scorpion and head up to where you see another Red Scorpion and jump up and grab the "5" Number, then head west, jumping over to the next platforms and avoiding 3 Gold Bugs, then continue on west until you see a Frog. Jump over it and climn up, avoiding 2 Mini Octopuses and head up onto the clouds and take out or avoid 3 Flies along the way and grab the "6" Number, then continue east and take out or avoid 2 more Flies and a Mini Octopus, (If you go down to do this, you'll encounter a Fly and a Red Scorpion.) then jump as far as you can and you'll find the exit. Congratulations! You've just beaten Beetlejuice! Pat yourself on the back or something, stand up, scream and thank God, do whatever it is you do and then go do something else. Heh heh. Now watch the ever so crappy ending. --------------------------------------------------------------------------- - G. Ending . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . [ ENDI5.7 ] - --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Well, all the ending is is Beetlejuice taking bows infront of a curtain, before bragging about making stuff look easy, boosting his ego and making a joke, then telling you how to call him if you ever need him. Beetlejuice, Beetlejuice, Beetlejuice. The end. Well, that does it. Thanks for reading my walkthrough and I hope it helped you while playing the game. So, until next time... =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= = [ VI. Scares List ] . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . [ SCALI6 ]= =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Scare Name: Bird Man. Information: A rather handy Scare that not only lets Beetlejuice jump higher, but lets him fire out 2 Fireballs before turning him back to normal, after his face looks rather demented... Cost: 150 Points. Scare Name: Extra Life. Information: Not a Scare, but you can buy it here. It gives you a extra Life, which is always good, though, it is VERY expensive. Cost: 1,250 Points. Scare Name: Medusa Head. Information: A typical Scare that transforms Beetlejuice's Head into a Medusa and let's him fire 1 Fireball before turning him back to normal. Cost: 100 Points. Scare Name: Ogre. Information: Probably the best Scare in the game, it transforms Beetlejuice into a giant Ogre where he can fire out 12 Fireballs total. VERY useful, but also very costly. Cost: 500 Points. Scare Name: Skeleton. Information: A Scare that turns Beetlejuice into a Skeleton. During this time, Bees can't sting him and he can fire out 5 Fireballs before turning back to normal. Cost: 250 Points. Scare Name: Snakeman. Information: Another DAMN good Scare. Beetlejuice transforms into a Snake and can fire 19 Fireballs before he transforms back to normal. Cost: 750 Points. Scare Name: Spookesheet. Information: A DAMN good Scare. Beetlejuice covers himself in a sheet and can fire 15 Fireballs before he transforms back to normal. Cost: 600 Points. Scare Name: Two Headed Man. Information: A Scare that grows Beetlejuice an extra head. He can fire 3 Fireballs before he turns back to normal. Cost: 200 Points. Scare Name: Umbrella Head. Information: A Scare that gives Beetlejuice a Umbrella on his head and he can fire 9 Fireballs before he turns back to normal. Cost: 400 Points. =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= = [ VII. Item List ] . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . [ ITELI7 ] = =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Note: During the Neitherworld Level, you'll find a random Scare Icon there for free. I won't mention it here, as it's completely random to which you find and, well, it's basically useless as you're probably screwed if you go there. Item Name: "1-6" Numbers. Information: Appears in the Afterlife Level. Collect these to finish the Level. Item Name: Beetlejuice Head. Information: Collect this to get an extra Life. Also gives you 75 Points. Item Name: Book For The Recently Deceased. Information: There's two of these, actually. The first you find in the Town Level, which allows you access to the Scare Booths to get Scares for Beetlejuice and the second one is in the Deetz Residence Level, which you use on Barbara to get her to move out of the way. Also, the one in the Town Level gives you 75 Points. Item Name: Box Of Chalk. Information: Found in the Model Town, use it at the very end of the Deetz Residence to get to the Afterlife. Item Name: Brick. Information: Found in the Deetz Residence Level, use it to take out the Football Player's Legs. Item Name: Fire Extinguisher. Information: Found in the Deetz Residence Level, use it to take out the fire inside one of the sculptures. Item Name: Fly Swatter. Information: Found in the Deetz Residence Level, use it to take out the Flies. Item Name: Glasses. Information: Found in the Deetz Residence Level, use them on Adam to make him move out of the way. Item Name: Hammer. Information: Found in the Deetz Residence Level, use it to take out the Art Monsters. Item Name: Key. Information: Found in the Deetz Residence Level, use it to unlock doors throughout the house. (Also found in the Town Level, where it's used to unlock doors. It's also worth 75 Points in the Town Level.) Item Name: Molotov Cocktail. Information: (Note: I'm calling these things this, as I have NO idea what the HELL they are and they look like on, so, oh well.) Found in the Deetz Residence Level, used to take out the Witch Doctors and other Enemies. Item Name: Mouse. Information: Found in the Deetz Residence Level, use it on Delia to make her move out of the way. Item Name: Rubber Duck. Information: Found in the Deetz Residence Level, use it on Charles to make him move out of the way. Item Name: Spray Can. Information: Found in the Deetz Residence Level, use it on Otho to make him move out of the way. Item Name: Toilet Paper. Information: Found in the Deetz Residence Level. Apparently, it's just a gag Item... Item Name: Wedding Ring. Information: Found in the Deetz Residence Level, use it on Lydia to make her move out of the way. =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= = VIII. Enemy List . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . [ ENELI8 ] = =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Note: I do count the Beetles as Enemies, even though they aren't. They are only used for Points and to recover your Health. Also, note that like 90% of the Enemies in this game are not beatable, so you will be avoiding most of them like the plague. If any of them have 0 Points, chances are they can't be killed. Enemy Name: Bee. Information: A normal Bee that tries to sting Beetlejuice if he comes near it's Hive. Points Gained For Defeating: 0. Enemy Name: Big Frog. Information: A giant Frog that fires out blue spheres that can kill you in one hit. Points Gained For Defeating: 75. (Per hit.) Enemy Name: Blue Beetle. Information: Does nothing. Just there for you to kill and get Points. Points Gained For Defeating: 25. Enemy Name: Flying Carpet Information: Flies around trying to hit you when you go into the Beetle Hole. Rather weak. Points Gained For Defeating: 10. Enemy Name: Fish. Information: In the house in the Town Level. It comes out of the bathtub, trying to hit you. Points Gained For Defeating: 0. Enemy Name: Fly. Information: A typical fly that flies around either slow or fast in a small area, trying to attack you. Easily killed by jumping on it. Points Gained For Defeating: 75. (0 at the Deetz Residence Level.) Note: This Enemy also appears in the Deetz Residence Level as a much nastier foe. Enemy Name: Flying Body. Information: A body that hangs on wires and moves VERY fast, attempting to hurt you. Points Gained For Defeating: 0. Enemy Name: Football Player. Information: Rather stupid Boss, but this guy kicks Footballs at you to hurt you. Points Gained For Defeating: 0. Enemy Name: Football Player's Legs. Information: The lower half of a Football Player's Body that runs around, trying to hurt you. I guess the Brick kills them, but good luck getting it to hit them. Points Gained For Defeating: 0. Enemy Name: Frog. Information: A normal Frog that hops around, trying to hurt you. Points Gained For Defeating: 0. Enemy Name: Giant Skull. Information: A giant Skull that inhabits every Beetle Hole in the game. It shoots out small Skulls to hurt you. Points Gained For Defeating: 75. (Per hit.) Enemy Name: Gold Bug. Information: A giant gold Bug that moves around the area that it inhabits, trying to hit Beetlejuice if he comes near. Points Gained For Defeating: 0. Enemy Name: Green Beetle. Information: Does nothing. Just there for you to kill and get Points. Points Gained For Defeating: 50. Enemy Name: Grey Art Monster. Information: Eh, it crawls around the area trying to hurt you. Just use the Hammer on it to kill it. Points Gained For Defeating: 0. Enemy Name: Killer Plant. Information: A plant that tries to hurt Beetlejuice by throwing a face up and down over and over. Easily killed with the two weights via the switches in the Town Level in the house at the end. Points Gained For Defeating: 0. Enemy Name: Mini Octopus. Information: A small Octopus that moves around the area it's on fast, trying to hit Beetlejuice. Points Gained For Defeating: 0. Enemy Name: Neitherworld Worm. Information: THE strongest Enemy in the game. Near impossible to beat, but you'll probably die before you kill it. It can kill you in one hit, so have fun. Points Gained For Defeating: 75. (Per hit.) Enemy Name: Octopus. Information: A deadly Enemy that can kill you in 1 hit. Inside a grate, but still deadly if you touch it. Points Gained For Defeating: 75. (Per hit.) Enemy Name: Red Art Monster. Information: Eh, it walks around the area trying to hurt you. Just use the Hammer on it to kill it. Points Gained For Defeating: 0. Enemy Name: Red Beetle. Information: Does nothing. Just there for you to kill and get Points. Points Gained For Defeating: 10. Enemy Name: Red Scorpion. Information: A red Scorpion that walks around in it's area, trying to hurt Beetlejuice. Points Gained For Defeating: 0. Enemy Name: Shark. Information: A Shark who hides in a bathtub in the house in the Town Level and tries to hit you while you go for the switch. Points Gained For Defeating: 0. Enemy Name: Skull Bunny. Information: A rather tough foe that hides out in the Beetle Holes and usually comes in packs with others like it. Points Gained For Defeating: 20. Enemy Name: Spider. Information: A normal Spider that walks around in the Deetz Residence Level, trying to hurt Beetlejuice. Points Gained For Defeating: 0. Enemy Name: Spray Man. Information: Yeah, yeah. Name is stupid. Anyway, he can kill Beetlejuice in one hit from his Spray Can, so be careful. Points Gained For Defeating: 0. Enemy Name: Yellow Art Monster. Information: Eh, it walks around the area trying to hurt you. Just use the Hammer on it to kill it. Points Gained For Defeating: 0. Enemy Name: Yellow Beetle. Information: Does nothing. Just there for you to kill and get Points. Points Gained For Defeating: 75. Enemy Name: Witch Doctor. Information: Dances around the screen attempting to hit you. Annoying as hell. Can only be disposed of with Molotov Cocktails. Though, they do turn into Beetles once they die, which you can eat for Health. Points Gained For Defeating: 0. Enemy Name: Wizard. Information: A regular Wizard who shoots lightning out of his hands to hurt and kill you. Points Gained For Defeating: 0. =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= = IX. Secrets . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . [ SECRE9 ]= =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= --------------------------------------------------------------------------- - Easy Health - --------------------------------------------------------------------------- A great trick for when you aren't near a Beetle Hole. Basically, whenever Beetlejuice is hurting and you can't find Beetles to heal him with, use a cheap Scare, as it acts like a life saver. If you get hit with it and "die", the Scare just cancels out and Beetlejuice returns to normal with full Health again! VERY useful, especially in the Afterlife level. =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= = X. Credits . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . [ CREDI10 ]= =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Well, here's where I give credit to the ones that helped make this guide possible. Here's the following people: Rare - For making this game, I guess. A terrible, terrible try, though, since I've never played a game based off a movie that was good. Oh well, at least you guys made some really DAMN good games later on, but this isn't one of them. Myself - For writing this FAQ that you're reading now of course. It was hell, but hey, it's done now. Thanks me! BowlingAlleyPlus - For the tip on how to easily defeat the Neitherworld Worm, plus the information on the Flying Carpet and Skull Bunny Enemies and the Toilet Paper Item. Thanks! =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= = XI. My Words . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . [ MYWOR11 ]= =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Thanks for reading my walkthrough first of all. I sure hope it helped you. If you wish to submit something to this walkthrough, send it to and label the subject as "Submit-Beetlejuice" and as nothing else please. It isn't too hard and I'm not asking for alot. If you have any questions regarding this game, also send them to me and label the subject as "Question-Beetlejuice" please. Again, not asking much here and it isn't hard to understand. Now for the legal stuff. This guide was created by Kain Stryder. It is not meant to be used on any other site besides GameFAQs and any other site I've deemed to have it hosted on. It's not to be edited in ANY way for other use. (Unless I give permission to do so.) I did not create, nor take in participation of creating Beetlejuice. I am not affiliated with Rare, nor the team who made it, as well as the Geffen Film Company. I also don't have the rights to it. I am a writer simply giving out information to other gamers of Beetlejuice. Copyright © 2004 by Kain Stryder. All rights reserved.