Tower of Babel(NES) FAQ version 1.1.0 copyright 2006 by Andrew Schultz Please do not reproduce for profit without my consent. You won't be getting much profit anyway, but that's not the point. This took time and effort, and I just wanted to save a memory of a great game and the odd solutions any way I could. Please send me an email referring to me and this guide by name if you'd like to post it on your site. **** AD SPACE **** My website: ================================ OUTLINE 1. INTRODUCTION 2. CONTROLS AND POINTS, ETC. 2-1. YOU 2-2. POINTS 2-3. BLOCKS 2-4. ENEMIES 2-5. CHEATING 3. STRATEGIES 4. WALKTHROUGH (LEVEL X, PRO Y) 5. VERSIONS 6. CREDITS ================================ 1. INTRODUCTION Tower of Babel(Babel no Tou in the original Japanese) is a puzzle game about building...well, not quite towers, but definitely stairs! Some look like towers that would be better off in Pisa. To build these stairs to the door exit you climb up vines and fall off ledges and twirl around blocks that are 3/4 of a square in an effort to climb up them. Often you have to destroy some stairs to build others, or you have to reuse stairs that got you to point B so you can get to point C. There's also orbs that you must take to get through a door and clouds that move you up and down and a spiky pit below that's your death and your enemies'. Of which there are two. Priests, who run after you, and bats that bounce and swoop. You're much faster, though. There are 64 levels of this in "regular" and 64 more in "Babel pro" and they do appear uneven...sometimes levels that took more time to think of and have cuter showier solutions appear in "pro" when they'd probably be better off in the easier first batch. But the ideas for building and undoing blocks never really dry up as you combine basic principles in many different ways. Sometimes you have to choose from multiple promising exit doors to see the one you can get to, or a door will be hidden in the rubble of stairs. The only problem is that squidgy controls, especially when you are carrying something, get in the way. You'll want to move 1 step left but you're between steps and you wind up moving 2 and falling off a cloud and getting crushed by the block you were carrying! Oh, and the final puzzles made me mad too. I cheated to solve them--picking 8 weird characters based on something you saw earlier in the game, I think. I had to hex-edit and rom-watch to figure it out, which is a puzzle of its own. But there's no denying the fun of a buried treasure hunt where you have several piles of blocks that may or may not be hiding a door, or strategy sessions to figure which door to exit by, or even just barely grabbing a vine to enter a door in the wall that used to have this weird blue face guarding it. 2. CONTROLS AND POINTS, ETC. 2-1. YOU [select] kills you [start] pauses the game Everything else moves in the intended direction, though if you are facing left or right and tap the other way, you will turn around before moving. This slows you down. The controls are a bit twitchy and you may have some frustrations with them where you can't tell which square you're over and even turning left and right doesn't help you. This really hampers the game at times, especially when you know the exact move you need to make. You will probably quickly figure that you can climb up steps of 1 stair but not two. You can also take any block that is not directly under any other block, although sometimes a block over your head gets in the way of taking others. ??specific If you take a block any blocks it did support will wiggle for a bit before falling. Use this time to slip under or let an enemy fall through the gap. Also, holding the controller diagonally ALWAYS defers to the horizontal direction. You can fall off any height, but if a block crushes you, boom. You are much faster than your enemies even when carrying a block. Note that you are 1/2 as wide as the vines so you can climb up a vine while the enemy climbs down. You get an extra guy for each actual level you solve. For instance, level 8 doesn't really count. But you never get above 9 total. Points aren't important but they are fun. And with best play you don't need extra power-ups--in fact, in Pro Babel they don't regenerate anything, they just give you points. So if you see a powerup and can just run back after getting it, do so if you want. On regular Babel, if all enemies are trapped and you are low, just stand over a power-up and come back after a while and you'll be recharged. 2-2. POINTS Most of the points below are given at the end of the level. (1+x mod 8)*1000 for Grade Point 100*power left for a 100 for each purple jug. 200 for each green jug. 400 for a gem which lets you kill bad guys for a bit. You turn red-and-blue and flash as it starts to wear off. 1000 for a genie lamp, which is usually in a hard to get position on the board under a stair and vanishes soon afterwards. Sometimes they seem to be in impossible spots. 1000 for touching an enemy while you got a gem. This counts for your total even if you get killed. NO POINTS for crushing enemies. This game is apparently about greed and not violence. Not sure what a shooting star does for you. saved game=start with 2 lives. 2-3. BLOCKS You can carry one block at a time, and as you pick it up it can actually go through another falling block. However, it cannot go through stationary blocks. You can pick up a block that has a point at eye level or below. Also, you cannot pick up a block that is supporting anything. Usually when you drop blocks they will go down as far as gravity will let them. But the exception is that stair blocks can form big long stairs i.e. 2 22 vv 1 11 2 will stop just above 1. Carrying a block doesn't protect you from falling blocks, but blocks above you can save you. 1 11 2 22 !! If you are ! then block 2 will "catch" block 1 to form a stair and you won't fall. Similarly if you were to go back above 2 you could grab block 1 and fall left and 1 would not fall over you. I call this "ducking under." Only one block may be falling at a time, which is useful for levels that start with a bunch of suspended blocks. TERMINOLOGY ======================= 1 square = 2 spaces 1 step = 1/2 a stair 1 stair = 1 block/brick staircase(ladder) = a bunch of stairs x-staircase = x stairs linked diagonally(UR=upper right, UL=upper left) 2-4. ENEMIES --bats are pretty stupid. They bounce after you and off walls and if you hit one with a brick it's gone for good. But it resurrects at the top if it falls on spikes. Carrying a block protects you from it above. --priests are much tougher but can still be faked out. No more than two ever seem to appear and there's a risk of being trapped unless you have a brick handy. However, you can climb up a vine on one side while a priest is climbing down and often he'll miss you. --priests either home in on you vertically or horizontally. They can move back and forth in doing so, but sometimes it's effective enough to trap you. For instance if they are right on the other side of the block as you and you try to pick it up and crush them, you won't have the time. --priests generally appear at the top above where they were crushed. In some levels you can get them forever dropping down a certain chute. --juggle a priest on top of a stair to get a shooting start to come from the UL corner. --golems don't drop blocks unless you are on the same screen as they are. This is usually good. You have time to walk off the screen before they produce blocks. They're also very slow. --If a priest has you trapped in a corner behind a block, try climbing up something and coming back down since they're slower. If you can't, you're cooked. 2-5. CHEATING Byte 0x91 in the hex dump of the RAM lets you adjust the number of power ups. Byte 0x1f is the level, but you need to win on that level or you'll be asked for a password. Byte 0x893 starts the map. It is 32 wide. It may be divided into two parts, the bottom coming first. 40 41 42 43 ...makes a door you can enter! At the end of the game, you can see if you get a right answer or not. 0x6a2 tells how many tiles you've overturned, and 0x6a6 tells how many you got right. 3. STRATEGIES --flipping the orientation of a stair is the main thing to do. Here's a demonstration. Below you can either grab the stair and move it or climb over the stair, grab it and flip its orientation. But what if the tall side is facing you? Then find a stair to climb on, go to the top, and drop the stair to the side. Now you can climb back over it or even use it to extend the stair you were on. Ex. 1 Ex. 2 2 22 ! 2! 1 2 > 1 221 ! 11 ! 22 > 11 11 --don't be tempted by power ups that trap you. Points don't matter much. Sometimes a genie lamp requires you to do something clever, but often it isn't worth it. --usually a place where you can get infinite power though this walkthrough doesn't need it. If you can avoid enemies you should be ok. 4. WALKTHROUGH LEVEL 1 Pick up the stairpipe next to you. Toss it to the right. Pick up the next one, run left to the edge, and throw it over. Run back to the right, take the stairpipe, and climb down a step. Throw the stair left. Climb left all the way, pick it up, 1L and throw it left. Pick the other stair up and climb to the next platform. Throw the stair down under the vines. The top square just needs to be under the vine for you to climb up. LEVEL 2 Go up the right stairs. Take the top one and throw it left. Go up and fall left. Climb left and pick up the 4th-top stair. Throw it right and fall left. Climb up the stairs after they fall to get to the door. LEVEL 3 Left, up, right. Get the stair and climb up. Fire the stair down the chute. Back off left and pick up the next stair and drop that down the chute. Fall/climb right and get the final stair. One square from the edge, drop it right. Climb up it onto the vine, then climb up to the top. LEVEL 4 Ooh, an enemy. You're not alone any more. How touching. Also, this one is a bit more involved than the previous levels. You should go right, pick up the block and go left and crush him when he's near to the ground. You don't need exact timing. You also can't get to the edge where you'll need to put the block. So after braining the bouncy bat you have to pick the stair up and throw it down again. Climb up and down and take the stair to the right and climb left and place it left. Go up that stair and take the one to the left. All the way right and make a stair so you have a bridge back to the right. Climb left, get a stair, go right and drop the stair over the other one like so: 2 122 11 Now go back left and get another stair and place it right of the previous. Do the same for the stairs you used to climb up in the first place. This creates a diagonal ladder up to the door, and you can walk in. LEVEL 5 Go to the 2nd-top ledge and pitch the stair off the edge. Go to the top and climb all the way over, taking the 2nd-left stair and dropping it after climbing up the left. Then take the one right of that and make a link of 3 stairs. Climb up. Bingo--that gem kills the blue monster blocking the exit door! Descend and take the bottom of the stairs and chuck it right. The top two stairs will fall so you can walk into the door. LEVEL 6 You actually don't have to bother with the right bottom part, but if you want, you can loop around the vines(right before the top of the vine) and climb over the single ones and fall right. Grab the stair below and place it right and grab the orb and move the stair left. But that's a security blanket, really. I found you could cut it out by accident. Go to the very top and chuck that stair right. Go left, get the suspended stair and chuck it left. Go right and chuck the stair on the edge right to make a further stairway. Fall right and go left on the vines. Chuck each stair right in order, and the third should fall to make a passage to the door. But the head is still blocking it! So run down the stairs and get the orb and come back up. You can't quite run under the vine so run left, up and right. When you fall halfway off the stair, climb back up the vine and to the right. Fall off the right one and get the stair below. Take it to the right and place it. A-ha! If you'd gone right to it, it'd have faced the wrong way. Climb up for the one orb. Go back down and carry the stair left so you can climb back to the left. You need that other stair to build a long stair to the exit. Now go to the very top and right and chuck that stair down. (Note the top level is one-way. You can't climb down the vine.) Go down the stairs and grab the top one. Chuck it left. Throw the stair past the orb off to the right. Fall onto the vines. Go left and chuck the right stair off the edge LEVEL 7 Grab the bottom of the stairs and watch the rest fall--3 into the pit, 3 to form a big long staircase. Chuck your ladder to the right to climb up the right vine. Get the block to the left and chuck it off the edge. Climb all the way down, get the stair to the right and place it to the left under the door so you can walk in. LEVEL 8 Just walk right. This is supposed to be an interlude heralding greater things, or something. No powerups to wait for and no reason to pick them up. Move along everyone. Nothing to see here except the ancient etchings. LEVEL 9 Pick up the block to the left ASAP and head left of the vine. Wait for the bad guy to climb down(yes, he will kill you. He's a bit smarter than the bat too. He looks for your horizontal location.) Go under the vine and when he falls left trying to track you, go right and drop the block left so it falls right of center of the vine. He's trapped. Pick up the second block on the ladder to the right after climbing the vine. Chuck it left and walk right. The top stair will have fallen and you can walk in. LEVEL 10 The enemy looks like a real menace here, but actually because he focuses on your horizontal location, you can keep him falling into the pit. Climb UL right away and grab the top stair. Go to the bottom and chuck the ladder right after walking 2R. Climb up left, get a stair, fall right and go UR and place another stair. Repeat. You now have a way up. The guy on top may be a pest but climb back and forth, left to right, until you see him go left. Then wait. You may wish to wait for him to fall to the left bef left and get another stair and place it right of the previous. Do the same for the stairs you used to climb up in the first place. This creates a diagonal ladder up to the door, and you can walk in. LEVEL 11 A tricky timing puzzle where you need to bash the bad guys, recoup quickly and place the stairs. You can go to either side but the right is a bit quicker. It requires slightly better nerves, though. Stay on top of the vines until the bottom guy starts to climb, then go just right of the vines and drop the stair on the guy's head when he is at the top. The time it takes to crush him will allow the other guy up the stairs, crushing him. Now be quick about this part. Take the stair and place it to extend the right stairs. There's another stair piece you can pick up. Go up the stairs and place it off to the right to make a passage to the door. LEVEL 12 Huh? A lot easier than some of the first eight levels. All you do is go to the top, pick up the stair, and fall left under where it was and onto the door. Anything else hits the spikes below. LEVEL 13 Here you need to use the pause-and-search feature. You have two stairs but that doesn't quite get you to the left cloud. But look way down and there's a stair in the bottom left. Pitch the right square over the edge and now pitch the left square over the left edge. Fall after it and get it and pitch it over the right edge. Fall after it, get it and pitch it over the left. Zigzag down in this way. Then pick the stair up at the bottom and go UR and drop it to extend the stair. Now the last trick you need to be aware of is that the clouds take a long time to come down, and you don't want to catch them on the way down or you'll hit the spikes. "...patience, Ed Grooberman." "Yeah yeah, how long is THAT gonna take?" (The Frantics, Tae Kwan Leap) Don't worry about how far you fall when you do. And you don't have to do anything else--the cloud will lead you to the door. LEVEL 14 Again with an enemy you need quick action. You can save power by heading to the right and letting him follow you. Once he goes up, go left and fall so that you can pick up the stair blocking the long stairway. Hurry down and chuck the stair at the bottom. Then climb over it and pick it up from the right--if there's a power-up you can go to the right and get it and come back. In fact you can circle infinitely with the enemy chasing you so you get all the powerups you want. But if you just want to win the level, pick up the bottom stair and wait for the enemy to get to the bottom. Club him with it, pick it up again and rush up the stairs. Drop it left at the top for a path to the vine and the door. LEVEL 15 A cute level where you need to get by the bad guys by taking out the stairs they're about to walk on. Move aggresively UL and grab the stair and, when they fall through, drop the stair on them. Repeat twice. At the top, get the stair(which is facing the wrong way for the moment) and begin traveling down. If anyone gets your way, club him with the block and pick it up again. Drop the stair so it is one square above the bottom. Climb over it to the right and then pick it up from the right. Climb back up. The first guy down will climb on top of it and you should be able to run UL after he falls to give yourself some breathing room to escape him and his friend, who will also climb over. At the very top, drop the stair left. Walk up to the door. This requires some timing but you should be able to figure it out after a couple tries. You're slightly faster than they are, and they take a long time to walk over the stairs. LEVEL 16 space vine vine vine This is another easy interlude where you just have to pick up the block and drop it a few squares left for access to the door. Another 1000 points for completing this! LEVEL 17 space vine stair space Take the stair at the top to your right and chuck it left to create a buffer so the enemy can't chase you. Wait to drop for the first orb until the platform is beneath. Climb U, UL, U, UL waiting right of the top movable stair. When the golem below heads right, pick up the stair and fall left. Then go right and up and along the top. Fall right for orb # 2. Enemies may follow you--if so you can bash them or pull a stair temporarily. Climb UL and U and take the cloud. Go L t catch the vine. You may need to tap down before falling left and going left again to get near the door. LEVEL 18 stair door door space You need to carry a stair all the way up to the door. Fortunately there are clouds and moving platforms to do this. The enemies walking around shouldn't be a factor. Run across to the right and take the stair to the left. Drop the stair to the right and fall right. Fall left a little before the platform bounces back because you take some time to jump on. When it comes back right, grab the stair. Then exit left. There'll be a cloud to the left. Walk onto it--you can't fall more than one square or you'll die. Fortunately timing is pretty easy. Wait for the cloud to go up--the stair can go through the platform on top-- and fall right. Wait for the platform to come back and run all the way right. Face left to throw the stair under the door and walk in. LEVEL 19 space door vine door Note that the golem doesn't drop bricks unless you can see him, whcih helps you control him a bit. Go left of the vine and wait for the golem to drop a stair. Fall on it and get the first orb. Grab the stair, go right, drop the stair right and fall left. Make sure one eney is up the vines when you do so, so that they do not catch you as you fall. Then go right and pick up the 2nd-right stair for them to fall through. Replace it. Go to the top. Watch the golem drop another stair and grab that one and place it off to the right. Climb over it to the right, up the right vine and left. Repeat. Next, with three stairs to the right, wait for the golem to drop another stair, but instead of picking it up, pick up the three stairs on the right and, one by one, extend the staircase with them to the exit. You can ake the stair to the left. Drop the stair to the right and fall right. Fall left a little before the platform bounces back because you take some time to jump on. When it comes back right, grab the stair. Then exit left. There'll be a cloud to the left. Walk onto it--you can't fall more than one square or you'll die. Fortunately timing is pretty easy. Wait for the cloud to go up--the stair can go through the platform on top-- and fall right. Wait for the platform to come back and run all the way right. Face left to throw the stair under the door and walk in. LEVEL 20 space space stair space Here you need to make a big long diagonal staircase and it's not clear where to start it. You have some diagonal stairs lined up, though, once you do. Take the stair to the right and pit it at the right edge. Take the stair to the left, move right and drop it so there is one square between it and the vine. Then pick up the stair in the right and start to form the staircase. Go to the next ledge and drop the stair off that. On the next ledge, pick up the stair on the edge and drop it over the edge once the others fall. Cross the moving platform above to pick up the next stair and drop it when the others fall and repeat for the next-highest platform. Fall to the left and go down. Pick up the stair and chuck it at the bottom. Pick it up from the right and walk UL and place it under the door at the top. Then you are done. LEVEL 21 space space door stair Trap the enemy first. Move the right block off to the right a bit. Then go up the 3-vine on the right. Wait for the enemy to turn right and fall left and pick up the stair. Back up and turn left and drop the stair. He's trapped! Get the orb at the top and go down 2 stairs to the right(doesn't matter--the board's symmetric--but for example's sake.) Pick off the second-top stair. Duck under it. Now you may need to wait for the bat to bounce around in the bottom or for the cloud to go up. Fall left onto the cloud so that you can quickly grab the UL brick to the right. Then you can fall right once above the bricks to walk in for the orb--the UL brick makes a 3-stair and doesn't crush you. This allows you to take the cloud and fall DR to get out without risking the bat. Now you can play it safe by exiting and going around the top and clearing the left orb the same way. Or you can walk left across the clouds so that you can pick off the UR stair on the left, and throw it into the center, too. Then walk into there too. You can afford to be more patient as the bat is probably in the right. Just remember not to get crushed if a cloud goes into a ceiling. Control is dodgy here so better to just tap the controller a few times than to fall right. Once you have the other orb, fall to the center and left and walk down the vine but only halfway. Drop when the platform is beneath you to enter the door. Falling through doesn't cut it. LEVEL 22 stair door space door x Climb up the stairs, pick up the stair, and hide under the ladder. The enemy will drop down onto you and fall left. Place the ladder on the square above the lower staircase's top. Then grab the 2nd-highest stair after following the rope above. Replace it once the highest falls. Then drop it off the edge and place it UR of the first dropped stair so you can get the orb. You may have to do this quickly as the enemy probably regenerated by now. Go back up to the vine and he will fall off to the right(if he doesn't you may need to lead him on a chase and stand on the top of the bottom square to get him to follow you, but the same placings apply.) Take the top stair used to get the orb and place it in the center--2 squares each side. When the enemy is at the bottom of his journey, take the other stair and place it UL of the first. You can sneak through the hole but he can't. Take the lower of the 4-stair and wait for everything to fall. Climb up and place the stair in the UR to get to the door. LEVEL 23 stair stair vine space Climb up the vines to the right and then go left and up the center vines. When the enemy is on the top of the stairs above, head down. He'll fall off and you should just catch the platform going left. Go up the vines and climb to the top. Push the stair at the top right so you can climb over it onto the first orb. Take the top stair and fall down three steps. Throw the stair right onto the platform. Turn left, get that stair, go 1R and drop that stair. You should now have a U. Wait for the enemy to go below you. Go 1R and he'll get right of you. Then climb to the top of the stairs. He'll fall in the U. Quickly fall right and pick up the top stairs, go right and dump them left. He'll be trapped. Take the platform and go up the vines to the left. Pick up the top of the stairs before you fall and drop it when the platform is to your right. Now you can walk over that platform, up the vines and fall left. Climb up the 3- stair and take the top stair and dump it right. Go right to get the orb. Climb back down however you please and get on the 1-platform, which will eventually run you into the door. LEVEL 24 space space door vine OK, this is a bit trickier than level 16, but the only real problem is that you don't have the dark-square background to help you decide where to drop the stairs. Take the top one and go left. When there's a horizontal distance equal to a square between you and the door, drop the stair to the left. If you're off a half-square to the right it shouldn't matter. And of course you can reposition the block if it falls so it's not LEVEL 25 vine vine stair space The enemy is tricky here. You can feint down, but Go right and down the vine. Pick off the 2nd-lowest of the stair going DR. Sneak in before things collapse and walk to the bottom of the DR stair. Pick off the 2nd-bottom of the stair going UL and wait for the first brick to fall. Then walk left and pull out another stair and walk where it was to replace it. Go up the left vine, right across the platform, and fall. Walk UR to the next level door. LEVEL 26 stair stair stair stair A hide and seek level. Cool! Basically you know a door must be in one full square. And you can see a lot of stair pairs. So all you have to do is peel away all the stair pairs and you'll find what you're looking for! As you'd suspect the door is in a very tricky place to get to. While it's not tough to avoid or kill the enemy, you only have a limited amount of power, and so you need to do a lot of running. Go up the far right vine, left a square, and back UR, up the side all the way to the 2nd-top platform where you can grab a stair and chuck it right. Repeat for the one behind. 1 211 22 Go down the vine to the left and walk UL over the stair. Chuck it left. You should see the UL piece of the door. If the enemy is just right of you, climb up the stair, retreat, grab the block and clobber him. Remember you may have to pick it up again, and when you do, you'll have to drop it to enter the door. LEVEL 27 vine door space space This level is nothing special although the enemies may catch you--they also may be too dumb to figure out the right way to go after you when you seem trapped and they regenerate on both sides of you! But still you need to be aware of where they are. Start the level by going DR. Pull a block you just walked over and slip under it. Then climb to the top of the lower pyramid. You may wish to pause to make sure the platform below is heading right before you take the top stair and slip under where it was for orb #1. Walk off the platform to the right. Just wait there and they should both fall into the void. You should have time enough to climb to the top and remove the 2nd-highest of the UR stairs and fall through to get the second orb--if not, go back down and wait around some more. Then pull the stair to the right of you and slip uder it and fall right. It may take a few times for this to work, but eventually the enemies should appear both on the same side to make things very easy for you, but you can always just trap one and let the other run you around a bit. If worst comes to worst you can stay on the platform and any guy coming from the right will fall trying to catch you. But anyway for the last orb you need to fall through to the stair just above the moving platform. Grab it and place it on the left side of the platform DL. Place the next stair UL of that for another orb. Then fall all the way right. Climb all the way back left until you fall on the vine. Then climb up to the next level. LEVEL 28 door space vine door On the one hand, it's a simple step up. On the other hand, it's a delicate timing process to get past three bad guys, maybe four. The basic idea is to remove one stair right before a guy is about to jump on it. Then after he falls, fill it back in. But pitching it back right away crushes him before the block gets back in place, so that all the stairs ahead of you falls, which kills your attempt. So go immedately UL and when the other guy is 2-3 blocks away, wait, pick up the stair to your UL a split second after he lands on the last step before, and then throw it back in place. Now go up and, when an enemy comes down the vine, take the 2nd-highest of the UL stairs. Have an enemy fall left and put it back. Go up the first UR stair and take the second stair when the guy above gets near to you. Again, a split second after he lands on the nearest step, pull the block out. Push it back in and head right. You'll fall onto the vine, which you can climb up to enter the door. LEVEL 29 door vine vine door Right and up and pick up the stair. Let three stairs fall before putting it back. Climb over the contraption you made and climb up the vine to get to the golem's platform. Go up and push the right brick off the edge and fall right. Then go left and up while the golem is forming the block and drop the left stair on his head. Crash! Take that block and drop it off the edge. Head to the right edge, falling and climbing a bit. Up and left and get the stair and throw it off the left edge. Fall after it and grab the stair to the right. Climb UL and extend that staircase. Fall left off it. Left, up, and take the center stair from the UR. Watch the two above it fall, replace it and climb UR, fall, climb UR. LEVEL 30 vine door stair vine Go left down the vines and fall right when the enemy gets near. Pick up the stair on the right and turn left and clock the enemy. Then fll right and go DL all the way. Pick up the bottom stair and more will collapse. Now enemies will congregate below you and you can drop the stair you're holding on both of them. You may have to fall right and drop the brick from the right before you climb to the top and pitch the stair over the right edge. Go back DL and get the stair on the left. Climb up. If an enemy is there you can actually let him walk over the stair, then plant the stair under the door and walk into it that way. It works, bizarrely enough. I'm not sure what the whole mess on the right is about. Some weird complex red herring. LEVEL 31 stair space vine vine Lots of heavy lifting in this level but it's not actually too bad once you figure out what you need to do. You should have the space to take care of everything even though you have to marshal your resources in the DR. And you can always find a block to bash your enemy with before you make the stair. By the way, the bottom stair needs to be shifted 3 squares right. Fall right and pitch one stair left and one right. Then fall and pitch that stair right down the vine, then left down the next vine. Fall left of it and push it into the corner. If an enemy accosts you before then, drop the stair on his head or, if he comes from behind, smack him with the block you're placing in the corner--a small detour--before putting it there. Don't worry too much about saving power here. Optimally it takes ~5 moves to put each stair in place, but you have 40--double the optimal(4 blocks * 5). Now you can push the block above the cave off the right edge twice, off the left edge, and off into the DR corner. For the UL block, climb over it to grab it from the right(grabbing from the left makes you slip down the vine,) drop it right, right and right again but then drop it left and go down the vine and fall on its right side. You may have trouble with the enemy chasing you at too close quarters, but you can always loop clockwise to shake him off and probably get another power-up into the bargain. Eventually you'll want to be able to grab the stair under the ladder and when facing left drop it. You may have to brain your enemy as a detour, but after that you can even just hang out right of the vine and he will probably climb over that stair and into a trap, left of it. You can then chain together the stairs to reach the door. And of course you can take a brief stop to brain him before fitting together the rest of the UL ladder. LEVEL 32 door door space door Wow, this one's tricky. Take the vine on the left up. LEVEL 33 door vine stair vine This level is mostly about timing some guy you can't see below you. I find it's effective to pause before looking below and to make sure your enemy is heading towards the bottom of the center diamond--you'll have to do so twice, or risk the possibility of enemies coming from both sides. But for starters take the stair to your right and club the guy coming at you from the left. Fall right and take a stair and slip under it. Then take the second-top stair and duck under where it was. Fall through for one orb--you shouldn't need to pause here if you've done everything quickly, and you won't want to waste time turning right and sneaking right to get out of this mess. Then pull up the second-lowest stair to fall right of the orb. You should be able to walk onto the platform and get it with little trouble. You can escape an enemy coming down by staying in one of the depressions created by adjacent ladders. The enemies will try to get on your level, which requires falling off the vines--if you climb on the stair top there is a chance the enemies will walk on the platform. Now getting the next orb is tricky but you will want to go to the top of the diamond, which seems to fake the enemy out, and then pick up the 2nd-highest stair of the stairs going UR(on the UL side) and drop in. Of course you can always just give the one enemy the run around and you can always pause before dropping in. As before, turn around and loosen the stair next to you and drop under it. Then climb back up and out. The door is in the center of the very top. LEVEL 34 door space vine stair A very tough level where timing is important, as is knowing when to destroy a structure when it's no longer useful, so the enemy can't track you. Left and up the rope. Pitch both stairs right. Climb over and move the next stair right so you can climb and fall. Repeat--push, climb, fall. Push the final stair a step right and climb up the fines. Then climb up the stair and push the one stair off left, walk over it, and push and walk over until you're at the left vine. Tricky timing ahead now. Grab the left block and go right and drop it left so it is not over the vine. though not against the wall. Climb over the next block and grab the right one. Move left, face right and drop it. Fall right and take the vine back up. Then take the center stair and lay it UR of the right. Circle around, take the left ladder and carry the final block to make the UR ladder...but you can't squeeze through! Never mind. Take the bottom stair. Move to the edge. When the next stair falls, drop your stair so that the formation looks like so: 3 33 2 22 1 11 Now you can walk across with ease. Now go up the fines and be sure not to fall(stay left and up) and climb up the stairs and try to time things so you can club the bat with the block on the right. Replace the block on the right where it was and throw the left block off the edge. Then carry the right block and drop it left to form a 3-ladder. Pick up the top rung nd drop it left, then take it from the left and drop it left on the enemy's head. Fall left and pick it up and wait at the top of the 3-stair. Face right and when the enemy sniffs around, drop the block so it creates a passage so you can climb up the vine. Do so quickly, taking the stair on the left and moving it all the way right so you can climb up the stacked stairs. Take the right one and turn left and drop it on the enemy when he comes by, then go right and drop it right. Then pick up the next stacked stair and drop it. You've got a 5-stairacse. Go down the vine and take the bottom stair out. Your enemy will tap dance around to the left and slide into oblivion. Drop the block right, climb and fall right, take the block from the left and drop it right and climb over. Take the stair you cross over on the DR ladder and put it under the long vine. Climb all the way up. Dump the first two blocks to the right and the third under the door. Fall left and go up the stairs and vine. Push the top block right and climb over it into the door. LEVEL 35 vine space space space There are two doors here and if you are careless you may think the left one is the one to go after. But there's no way to get a block across the unprotected vine, so the right one it is. Climb up the vine and left and up the vine. Bounce down three steps and wait. The enemy will go left and get crushed. Wait at the bottom. A second or so after the golem drops the second stair to the right, run over that stair and onto the vine where you can wait for a cloud. Go left at the platform. Drop the stair left. Climb down and take the stair at the bottom. Drop it left and push the stair at the bottom 2 squares right. Climb over it and take the cloud back upto the platform where you can walk to the left and fall on the 2-stair. Drop the top of the 2-stair down the vine and onto the golem. Then fall to the right and get it and place it UR of the other stair. Use the cloud again but this time go left at the 3-stair. Take out the bottom stair link and the other two will fall to make a path to the door. Chuck your stair left and fall and climb. LEVEL 36 vine vine space door Go left and wait for an enemy to fall down. Then whomp him with a stair. Climb up for the lantern and now take 3 of the stairs to the UL, move them right, and make a UR ladder to the next ledge. On the next ledge take the ladder, step 1L, and drop it. Then drop the other available ladder 1L of that. Now with the 3 ladders to the right, place the 1st in the platform UL and then make a UL bridge to the next platform. From there, move 3 33 <> 1 3322 11 You may have a tricky run to the right if the bat got stuck here, and if an enemy is to the right, lift the second stair. Go back left after getting that block--crush anyone if you can but be standing on the center-left step. You can use the far-right stair to hack at everyone. But you'll want to bring it back and place it left of stair #3--note that if the bat is in the area, it will fall off to the DR. Then retreat and place the next one on top of #3. You can sucker enemies back my climbing to the top of your 4-ladder and going right. Then bash them with the final block. This is tricky and time consuming but eventually you can get to the 4-stair. An enemy will probably be coming down at you now, so take the top stair and use it to escort him over to the left and inside the staircase so you never have to worry about him again. Then place the 4th stair right of the 2nd, grab the 3rd and dump it in the hole to the right. Now go right and drop the UR stair and the one DL of it on the platform to the left, with the vine. Take the left stair on the platform to the right, step 3R and flip the left stair right. Then get the UR stair and make a UL stair with it. Grab the next stair you approach and after the one UL falls, create a UL 3- stair with the leftmost stair as the base. Grab the UL stair and then DR of that and L of that and place them as follows: 3 33 2 22 x 1 xx11 On the final platform you have some trickery. Push one stair all the way left. Take another one and drop it on #1 in the diagram above. Walk over it and then push it right. Place it L2D of the door. Now take the left stair and place it similarly on 1 and push it right, UR of the previous stair, and you can access the exit. LEVEL 37 stair door space vine Stay at the base of the vine you can't quite climb up. Go right, up and left when the enemies fall. Go up and right and approach the middle ladder. Take it and when the one UR falls, put it back in place. Now you have a ladder to the UR. Go left, down and right and take the stacked stair and push it right to make a 2-stair. Repeat with the UL if no men are after you--you'll also need to fall to get the orb to the right some time. If enemies ever actually discover you, you can shake them on the bottom. So once you have both sides walled off you can go up the left side and fall left. Now enemies will be falling off the left, but they are at the very left. You're a half-square away, and that makes all the difference. You can grab the orb as you fall, but be careful and don't fall into an enemy. You'll also want to get the orb in the center. Just fall on it from the 3x2 block of vines, then go back up. For the final bit, climb up the left side and take the center of the 5 blocks. One will jiggle and put the block in place when the jiggly one falls. Now you almost have a path to the door. Take the block from the left and drop it down the right--oh, it sticks. But it's facing the wrong way. So pull up the stair left of it and walk under to escape this small trap. Then go up the right vine. Again take the middle stair and replace it when the one UL falls, and there is your path to the exit. LEVEL 38 vine door door stair UL, U R D and circle around the door. Take the stair connecting the vines and drop it right and then balance it on the edge of the platform below so you can get the orb to the left before you fall. Go back up and move the other stair to replace the one you moved. Climb up the top right vine. Take the top stair behind you as you go DL and use it to get the orb. Now get the lower left orb. You may have to fall from the left vine to sucker a guy to fall and follow you. Climb back by the moving platform and at the most UL stair, pick it up and whack whoever comes by. Once the path is clear take the stair below and drop through. Bingo! The blue monster vanishes. But now you need a way there. Go to the right. The 5-ladder has something obstructing it near the top. Take the middle piece and when the one UL of it falls, place it back in. The fallen ladder gets you to the next level. Climb over it using the vines and flip it left off the edge and it will support you as you climb up the vine to the door. LEVEL 39 vine door stair space A brutal level where you have to wrap around a few times. Left, up, left, up and fall left. Get the stair--if you went quickly you'll be able to watch the cloud descend below you. If you time things right you can jump on the cloud going up, too. Leave it left of the vine and then go down the vine. Chuck one stair left(but not off the side--and not at the very edge. You need to take it from the left) and then do the same for the other one. Fall off to the far right and club whoever gets near you with the block at the bottom. If someone gets up against the block, just climb it and they will climb the vine, so you can waste them after you and they retreat. Go back up the cloud on the left. You can take the other block for protection from falling enemies. Now go right at the top and down the vine. Flip the one block left but not off the edge. Put the other block half over the vine. Make a 2-stair with the other block, falling off to the right, but make sure the bad guys are mostly upstairs, and then get to whacking them with the stair below immediately. Having three guys lumped together may be too much even if you climb on the block, since they separate before running away from you. Be ready for a fight. Now back up to the top. 3 2335 122455 11 44 Take 3 and flip it left over the vine. Thenge and it will support you as you climb up the vine to the door. LEVEL 39 vine door stair space A brutal level where you have to wrap around a few times. Left, up, left, up and fall left. Get the stair--if you went quickly you'll be able to watch the cloud descend below you. If you time things right you can jump on the cloud going up, too. Leave it left of the vine and then go down the vine. Chuck one stair left(but not off the side--and not at the very edge. You need to take it from the left) and then do the same for the other one. Fall off to the far right and club whoever gets near you with the block at the bottom. If someone gets up against the block, just climb it and they will climb the vine, so you can waste them after you and they retreat. Go back up the cloud on the left. You can take the other block for protection from falling enemies. Now go right at the top and down the vine. Flip the one block left but not off the edge. Put the other block half over the vine. Make a 2-stair with the other block, falling off to the right, but make sure the bad guys are mostly upstairs, and then get to whacking them with the stair below immediately. Having three guys lumped together may be too much even if you climb on the block, since they separate before running away from you. Be ready for a fight. Now back up to the top. 3 2335 122455 11 44 Take 3 and flip it left over the vine. Then chuck 5 off the right edge. Repeat for 4 and 2 and you can walk towards the door--their orientations don't matter. LEVEL 40 vine space stair vine I suppose the stairs are just for decoration. So walk up the vine. LEVEL 41 vine vine stair stair From insulting your intelligence to assaulting it. This seems straightforward until the end when you realize you were led up a blind alley. Take the two stairs on the left and place them right of the bottom stair to find a 2-stair linking you to the vines. Then do the same on the next platform but be sure to leave a space-and-a-half between the bottom blocks, so you can reach the next ladder up and have enough room for the ladder back UL. Pull the second stair in the 4-staircase above and put it back once things fall. Shift the UL block left and use the stair over the vine to make a 3- ladder. Then come back for the final stair and make a 4-ladder. Go all the way up the left vine. If you see an enemy, back down the vine and ladder. Take the ladder at the top and fling it left innediately. Fall right and place the stair halfway off the right edge. Fall left. Flip the stair again, climb over it and drop it off the right edge. Fall onto it, take it and make a 2-stair to get to the platform with the door. LEVEL 42 stair space stair vine There's a real mess on the bottom but the plan is eventually to get the following: .. up to the ladder 1 2 1122 -- Climb up the ladder and take the first block you see. Wait for the bat to come down and smack it with your block. Otherwise it will get to be a real pest. Get the block to fall over the rightmost so you can pick it up later. Then take the block at the bottom of the 3-ladder. Let the others fall and place it past the UL stair. Get the block you killed the bat with and extend the UL-ladder. Now there are two stairs with tops sticking out to the right. Pick up the right one and drop it in the UL. Pick up the next one from the right, after falling, and place it next to the middle of this 5-ladder. Now you are going to complete the UR-ladder to get you to that vine above. Get the stair in the UL first, that's sticking out. Drop it above the bottom of the 3-ladder so you can fall and pick it up from the right. Then make the second rung of the staircase. 1 ! 11->!! 2 3 2233 The next two are a lot easier, general taking and replacing diagonally. Just don't fall to the right by mistake, as there's no way back. Go up the vine to your next challenge, then left and up. Place a ladder so that it is on the right edge and going UR first. How to do this? Run over the stairs and flip the right one half onto the edge. Fall right. The rest is standard stair replacement and reorientation therapy--pick off the top of the 2-staircase on the left and put it on the right, and do the same for the final, without falling to the bottom. Now pick up the bottom staircase and wait for everything else to fall. You've got a tricky road ahead of you, creating a path UL 4 and you'll still need the three spare blocks on the right. Since powerups are tight, pick one up whenever you see it--the delay is worth it and there's no risk from enemies. Move the rightmost 1R and drop it left. Go down the vine, left and up. Then push that block 1R again. Take the block to the left and go all the way right. Drop it left and climb/fall over it. Now stand on the left side of the vine and throw the block at the bottom left. Circle down/left/up and take the brick on the left of the gap. 1R and fling it right. Climb down it and put the one stair a step right over the vine. 1L pick-up 1L face right and drop it. Pick up the stair on the left edge and climb 2U and face left. Drop the brick. Fall left over it, pick it up and drop it left on--but not over--the edge of the platform. The second part of the staircase is much easier--pick up the topmost brick and carry it left. The rightmost is next and then the topmost of whatever's to the right is next. That allows you on the UL platform. Get the right brick and place it all the way right. Then grab the next brick, climb 2U, 1R and turn left and make the stair 5 long. The far-right brick makes it 6 and then the brick at the bottom, 1R, makes it 7. Get hte final stair and go on top of the bottom stair. Face right and throw it, then pick it up after falling right. Face right and drop it on top of the 3rd lowest brick. With this, make a 3-UR staircase from the 3-UL one and get the final block so you have a way up to the door. LEVEL 43 stair space stair door Take the block to your left and brain the bat as it goes to your right. Go to the right side and climb up the stacked stairs. Take the top one and pitch it left. Take it from the right, climb on the stair, and drop it right. Climb back over it, take it from the right, and drop it left to extend the staircase. Now all you need to do is repeat that six times, although it is much easier in that you don't have to flip the next stairs. You just have to fall to their left and pick them up and slop them off to the UL. For the first repeat you can use the vines to get back right but if you're in a hurry you can duck under the stairs by taking one and quickly slipping under. You lose a little bonus--oh well. You can also position the one stair on the left of the platform atop the vine. I lost several times through sheer impatience here so have your save states ready. At the top of the vine go right and get on the moving platform. Grab the block and chuck it--you can't walk to the door right away but it's less of a wait than the DR. Then walk in to the door when the moving platform goes back. You can also camp out in the DR for super extra bonus points here. LEVEL 44 stair door stair stair Another step down from the mess of level 42. UL, fall, UL and pick off the top stair and go under it. Then get the genie lamp and climb up the vine, UR, up the vine and UR. Fall right onto the platform. Right, up the vine and UL. Again take the top stair and sneak under it. Fall right and go left up on top of the stairs. Then sneak under the UR ladder to the left and onto the stairs by the two golems. Throw it left off the edge when you've got the time and go back up the left vine. Sneak under the stairs and drop left after each golem has dumped a brick. Fall left onto the orb. Then go back to that 4-UL staircase again(by the moving platform) and hold the 2nd-bottom stair til everything above falls. You can walk in the door then. LEVEL 45 space vine stair vine You have several ways to get through this level but here is a risk-free one below. Go right until you fall. Take the block directly right of you, 4L, and place it right. Walk over it and fall for the first orb. Pick off the stair under the vine and walk under that, and do the same for the stair below that. Go 5L and pick up that stair to get to the next-DL diamond and when you get the orb, walk under the stair to the left and fall in and get the other orb. Pick off the center stair on the DR side, fall, and pick off the center stair on the DR side again and fall, and pick off the DR center stair again--but don't fall this time of course. 4L face-R drop and here comes level 46. LEVEL 46 door door door space Head right, crossing the stairs, and go down the vine and right across the short vines. Fall right to get the first orb. Head left and now you may need to turn right and bash the enemy with the block in your way before continuing to get the second orb. Down the left vine and fall left to the are awith the orb. Take the top stair on the right. 1L drop and fall right. Take the block. Go 1R of the left edge and drop the block right. For the third orb, at the very bottom, go to the right side of the platform above and left down the stairs and take the stair hiding the orb. Then put it right back. Stay by the structure on the right and take the center-left stair when the enemy comes down. When he falls in, replace it and climb back up the side. Now you just have to find the exit, which is concealed by blocks. Trial and error shows it's in the UR. Climb back up any way you please. At the top, climb back to the vines in the U-shape. The two stairs on the right conceal the exit--Dump the first you pick up to the left, then pick up the next, 1R and dump it left. (You have to let it go before you can enter the door--I guess you can't fit in with that block otherwise.) LEVEL 47 stair vine door door Here you just have to avoid falling blocks that are closely spaced together, but fortunately you don't have too many zigzags. Seeing the big mess when you're above only helps so much so it's better just to know how and when to duck. Go quickly up and left to avoid the initial onslaught. Climb to the top of the vine. Note that because you are 1 step wide you can position yourself just left of the long vine to make for a speedier exit when the next block comes down. But if you have your nose sticking at the main vine a block will clip you back and you won't make it across to the right for your next move. Go back left when a block comes down the right side. Back to the right vine when a block comes, then to the left vine when one comes and now one will come down on the outside of the vine. Go to the right side of the center vine and you will slip between two blocks. Then go right when one comes down the center. That's it! LEVEL 48 door vine vine stair Well, for an eighth level this is tricky! Pick up the lower stair and chuck it right. Pick up the left square and move it a step or two left and walk up to the door. LEVEL 49 vine space space vine The tricky part here is negotiating the area below the door. You have to move the base of your 4-staircase 1L, which means dealing with the guy that seems trapped. Grab the top stair and bring it all the way down. Climb on it to get the one orb. Stand above the second orb and wait until the enemy is 1) at the top of the vine to the left or 2) running right just under you. Then fall to get the orb. Fall left off the vine nad pick up the block from the left. Flip it left for another orb. You don't need to be terribly quick(and you can smack your enemy with the stair anyway) but if you're skilled you can go to the right edge and up without dealing with him. 3 233 22 1 4 11 44 Move 4 1L. Get 3. Place it 1/2 over the vine. Move 4 1L. Stack 2 into 3 so you can get it later. Pick up 2 and shift it right. Climb up 1 and climb down when the enemy goes left. Grab 1 and bash the enemy--if you can move 1L before doing so, great, but if not just pick it up again and move it 1L. No sense rushing, of course. Now you should have no problem forming an UL staircase with stairs from the right. The door's just above. LEVEL 50 space stair space stair Here you need to watch out for the falling bat. If you're lucky enough to be able to kill it do so. But it swoops down viciously. Climb onto the rightmost stair and wait. That will dispose of the priests. The bat will just miss you--trust me! When both enemies are under, go to the very top on the right vine. Take the right stair and wait. One will fall. Drop your stair and pick up the stair that fell down the vine from the left. 6L, drop right. There should be two squares between it and the platform edge. Go up the left vine, across the top, fall down and off the center-right vine and go up the right. Pitch the next stair down the vine shaft. From the left, pick it up, 4L and drop-right. (Note: sometimes the bat gets stuck in the DR. I find paradoxically that heading into the DR causes the bat to fall to the right. Don't ask why. Quirky AI.) At the top, get the rightmost block(going over the top again,) 3L and drop it. Pitch the new rightmost block down the vine. Pick it up, 2L, drop it right. Back over the top. Pick the right top block and fire it down the right center vine, then the rightmost, then the right top. Pick the top of the three stairs and drop it right when on the DR stair. Then for the three stairs on the platform, take the top one from the left and drop it 1R of where it was. Go up the left center vine and right and down(shifting the one block, but don't drop it yet.) From the DR, take the stair and go UL to make a 2-UL stair. Go up the center-right vine and get the stair, which you can take UL to make a route to the door. LEVEL 51 vine vine vine vine The tough part is trapping the bad guys, but it seems if you go quickly they will get trapped where you started. First you need to move the stairs you start by left two. I over-thought this and tried to move the top one down, etc., but really you just have to pull the bottom stair, wait and climb up with it. You may have to smash one enemy before continuing your run, so wait at the bottom to do this. Pick up the block and complete the connection, but don't run across the platform until your enemy falls. Then go pick the 2nd-UL stair and place that stair above the bottom one, bridging back to the platform. Go back UL and get a stair. Go right and, on the 2nd-top step of the original ladder, drop your stair. Now get the final stair to the left and wait for both the bad guys to either 1) fall off the left, or left of the stair above or 2) fall into the DR. The tough bit is done. Then drop the stair to link to the UR platform. Get the stair blocking you, go R to the edge, 2L and drop the stair. Fall left, get the stair and put it at the left edge. Get the UR stair and put it UL of that. Take the top block, move right and turn left and place it at the platform's right edge. Then take the stairs on the bottom and complete the UL-stair with them. LEVEL 52 space stair space vine Another level that looks very complex until you just try stuff a bit. The weird suspended stairs should give you a clue that running under them will save time, and it does. Go left and fall. Go right and sneak under the top stair. Stand under the top door and take the stair. Chuck it right. Then fall left, take the stair, 1L, drop it right. Sneak under the stairs, climb the left vine, and fall right. Go UR to the door. LEVEL 53 vine space space stair L-U-L and take the stair, 5R and drop it left. This is so your enemy has some room to bounce back and forth when he falls down, chases you and gets trapped. Go right and sneak under the 2nd-top stair for the first orb. Now you'll want to take the clouds in the center to get places. The first time through you can just get the orb and then fall left, U3L and get the stair. Chuck it right, chuck the next one left off the edge, and chuck the right one off the left edge. The basic idea is to fill up the well to the right, but there are a few kinks. You'll need to dismantle the UR staircase in the DR. Get on the second-top stair and wait for the cloud to come on. Jump on it and go left and then walk left at the vine. This works for the top three stairs. Then you can take the vine on the left of the platform down. Chuck the right block left onto the pile and do the same for the second--but leave it half on the platform so you don't have to fall right to return(fatal, given where the enemy is trapped.) Climb back up/right/down. For the 2nd-top of the staircase to dismantle you have to go down a rung, get on the right cloud(safer than the left) and go back left. For the bottom one you actually have to go on the right cloud and switch to the left. It's not as tricky, though, as releasing the enemy, squashing him, and then going to the right cloud and back left. The enemy shouldn't be a factor here as you either have the block over your head protecting you or you can track him if he is below with the "pause" feature. Place the final L left of the platform. Climb up for the top stair, then place it on the right of the platform. Climb up and place the one stair 2L of where it was. Then bring the right stair left to make a 3-ladder to the orb. Now you just need to get out. Wait at the top of the vine to the right. Run halfway across then run right again and you'll get to the vine where U-L-U takes you to the door. LEVEL 54 door space vine door Go up the vine to the right, wait for the enemy to fall left over you(now he won't fall in the DR where he'll be trapped, but you'll need to release that block to get him--which is death.) Fall off the platform to the right to get the genie lamp. If he follows you right, crush him with a block as he comes down and head to the next paragraph. Otherwise, go left and wait at the bottom of the stairs. When the enemy is just on the other side of you, climb back up. Fall right once if you need to make him fall and then climb to the top. Take the stair to the left. Oops, you slipped, but it did too. Climb over it and 1R and drop it down the vine. Wait for the enemy to get close, although if he winds up on top of the block you can just drop down the shaft and stay at the bottom of the vine to fake him out. In any case, another rung. That leaves the DR block to pick up and take to the UL. If the enemy is following you, squash him before proceeding. If not, it's a straight shot. LEVEL 55 vine space vine stair A very tricky level where it's tough to decide which door to go after. At first it looks like you can get 3 blocks next to the vine by the door you can see and drop that stair. But then you realize you actually have to get out of the bottom area to do that. It's the UR door that's your goal. And even then you can get turned around about which block to place where and the right orientation. Take the block to the left and dump it right. Move the other block 1 square from the platforms blocking your enemy from you. Make a 2-UL ladder. Drop the blocks on the next ledge off to the left, extending your ladder each time before getting the next one. Climb to the top of the ladder and down to sucker an enemy into the DL. Take the middle block and watch the UL's fall. Drop it into the pit, fall left and take it from the left. Drop it left. From the left drop it into the corner. Wait for each guy to come down and bash him. Head up the fines. Go UR when you can and down the 2-DR ladder. The UL is your next stop. Stay just below the top of the vine and the enemies will drop in. Now unaccosted you can do the rest of your work. You can walk to the UL, flip the UL block and the one next to it, and drop the right down the vine. Then pick it up from the left and make a 2-stair. Pull out the DL and push it to the right after the one below falls. Go to the UR. Flip the middle stair. Drop the left square down the vine. Then the one after that. Fall left and push it right. Go right, grab it and drop it right onto the platform. Climb back to the UR. Drop the stair down the vines. Place it under the door and walk through. LEVEL 56 vine space door stair Walk over the stair, fall, then climb the vine. Oo, tough. LEVEL 57 door space space vine The 2nd-right and left stairs at the top can be taken. Drop under the 2nd- right to get one orb, then move the UR stair right. Take the stair in the left and go 3R and drop it. Then go under the leftmost brick in the area. Drop the available stair off the left edge. Then go up the right vines and drop under the 2nd-left brick. You can leave the same way as on the right. But this time go down the vine and fall right. Flip the stair below to the right so that it is 4D3L of the door. Walk to the right over it and drop right when the bat's not in the way. Now is a good time to kill the enemy(climb if needed) and the bat. At the bottom, pull up the block at the right. When the topmost of the right- side-higher stairs falls(3 will get caught up by the door) replace the stair. Take the stair at the left and use it to climb to the orb. The enemy should be stuck in the top center for the rest of the level here. Drop through the left side as you did before, onto the center platform. Drop a stair onto the one that you shifted below. Then drop the 2-ladder that is UL so it forms a 3-ladder UR. Go back up the left side and drop into the center. Throw the block off the left edge, go down the vine and grab it. Place it over the door. Climb over it and fall right and chuck it right and you can now walk in the door. LEVEL 58 vine door vine stair Go up the vines on the left and across all the stairs. Take the 2nd-right one and go 1R and drop it when the cloud is at the top, so it falls to the bottom. Then climb over the cloud and fall right for the orb. Push the stair right under a vine and climb back up. Fall onto the left bunch of blocks. 1 2 3 4 11223344 Take 2 from the left, place it right. Put 3 UR of 4. Take 2, drop next to 4, fall left over it and drop UR of 3. Take 1 and drop over 4. Now you can grab the vine to the top part. Pull the left block and wait for the UR to fall. Then climb up the vine and right. Then take the 2nd-highest of the left ladder and chuck it in the right corner. Do the same with the one DR of it and drop the next one so you have 3 in a row. Carry over the far-left to make it 4. Then move the block to your left 1R before making a 5-staircase. Climb up the right vine and avoid the bat. Pull the block on the left level with the door and watch the other two fall. Push that block off the left ledge. Then take the left top block and place it on the door. Circle around back--the enemy has to back up to follow you, which will take a split second too long--and climb back down. Pick up the 4th-top block on your long staircase and watch the ones above fall. You can now walk into the door. LEVEL 59 door space vine stair Weird that such an easy level should be so late. Stay right of the bottom stair and when the enemy falls, 2U and sneak under the second stair. Sneak under the third stair, climb up the ladder and the vine for the next 5 trips. If the enemy appears, back down next to the single stair(so you can climb it of course.) Then continue--he can't get you. At the top, take the one stair and flip it right. Move the other 2L and then make a UL bridge over the gap. Get the orb as you fall left past the staircase and then take the vine down. LEVEL 60 door stair vine stair Another level that's more impressive looking than tough, but it's rather fun at least. Duck right to avoid the first stair. A 5-UL staircase will be created by the other falling pieces. Climb up as each chunk is formed. The staircase will now go UR. There's no urgency now but why not proceed as quickly as possible? Be careful on the vines so you don't fall off. Tap up when on the single vines then go left. Go up the 2-vine and up the long strak of stairs. Take the top stair and go 6 DL and drop it. Create a 4 UL stair now from the UR so you can get to the door. LEVEL 61 space vine door door A big concern here is the bad guys. Take a break to squash them. They don't tend to come down far enough apart to slow permanent progress. I ended with 28 power so there is room for error. There's also a place to trap one, which is very useful since he's near the top and will get to you more quickly after regenerating. Go up the stairs right away to get the genie lamp. Well, you need to get a stair anyway for defense. Go to the bottom and use the stair to get the orb. Now the AI may do a weird thing here and the enemy who is UR of you may continue to go UR. Wait and see. If he does you can wait out his falling, but if not, crush him. Don't worry if someone else comes along--he'll be trapped soon enough. Use the block to go to the 2nd-highest stair and work as follows: 1 <<11 (to new platform) x 2 xx22 Fall left and then go up the left stairs with the block that's in the way. Place it next to the edge. Take the block R of the vine and put it on the stair's first rung. Take the right block, 1L and turn right and drop it. Pick up the left block, UL, drop right. Fall right and take the R block, 3L, drop- R and take the L block, 3L, drop, 3R(falling), get L block and make the UR bridge back. Now take the items on the left and build a bridge to the right. The center of the next platform is where to start a 3-UL staircase. You will have to reverse the first block's orientation when on the 2-stair but once you get to the right-edge platform it's no problem to build a 3-stair back-- but before you do so, bring the final block over, next to the lump of three blocks by the edge! You can place it facing left-side-up at the left edge, then take the UR stair to extend the case, then the third completes the staircase. Go on top of UR staircase and face right and drop to extend that to 4. The area left of here is useless except for directing enemies a certain way. Now that orb to the right looks well guarded but it's possible to get through to it. Take the 2nd-highest stair and watch the top drop. Take the 3rd- highest, wait for a drop and sneak under. Take it from the right, 1R face-L drop 3L get-R 2R drop-L. Now get the 2nd-right block and reverse it on the 2nd-left stair and put it above the left. You have stairs out. Take the DR stair and drop it on the fellow below the gap. Ship the two top stairs off to the right platform. Take the near stair, 3L and drop it right. Then take the UL stair to link to the next platform. You may wish to wait to trap one enemy or more in, or to see where the enemies fall--if it's in the UL, don't bother to wait any more. Take the left stair, 3R drop-L. 2R get-L 4L drop-R 3R get-L 3L drop-L and get the orb. Disassemble the 2-UL to make a 3-UR. Then create a 3-UL with the material in the UR., based over the top of the center of the 3-UR ladder below. Take the stair on the top platform and send it to the right edge. Take the next one and drop it touching the bottom rungs of the 3-UL ladder, go 3R and move it back up. Place it 2 squares S and 1R of the door. Flip the other over at the same place on the ladder and carry it up to make a UL-ladder and win. LEVEL 62 vine stair door door Another level that looks much tougher than it is. Take the top two rungs of the 3-UR stair and move them left to make a 3-UL stair. Fall left over it and pull the stair under the ladder. Clock any clown coming down the vine and then go up it yourself. UR the stairs, up the vine and then onto the cloud. If you see danger below then just climb up the vine to the left and go on the stair and drop right. Eventually you can cloud-hop to the right. Go to the very top and drop the stair off the right edge. Pick it up from the left and drop it left under the orb. Now that suspended orb looks like a real challenge, but it's not too bad. Go back to the cloud area and drop right. Chuck the top stair off to the left and then grab the 2nd-highest remaining stair. Another will fall. Sneak under your stair and grab the fallen one to make a 4-UR staircase. Go back under the clouds and pull the bottom stair this time. Take the stair that falls from the left. 3R drop-L 3L get-R make the 5-UR. Fall right off the vine to get the orb. Use the clouds or the stair you made to go to the top--push the one block you used to get the orb far to the side. You'll need three trips, and the enemy may reappear here without warning to be very nasty. Fortunately you don't have to navigate the clouds--lure him there and drop right onto the big long vine area. On the first trip, grab the stair and throw it right, preferably when you're on the left edge so you don't have to wait for the platform, but not down the vine. Next, fall off the moving platform to get the orb(fall on its right half if the enemy is under, and finally, drop left when the platform moves back right to get to the platform with the door. LEVEL 63 stair door vine space If you can get your enemies bottled up well then this level is a breeze. Throw the one brick to the right so you can reach the right vine. Climb up and fall left onto the vine over the door. Up and fall left onto the stairs. Take the right one, 2R, drop it. Take the left one, 2L and climb over it. Fall down and wait. Enemies will go to the bottom or to the left of you. Fall right. Wait. Any enemies to the left will fall left-down. Right when they do, do so too. Then fall right a bunch to make sure they get trapped in the right have of the lowest platform. Take the upper of the two blocks in the area you're in. drop 1D and drop it right. Wait for both enemies to be on the left(or just below you) and drop it. They're trapped now! Climb up the right vine. Take the 2nd-top platform left and U and L down the stairs. Take the stair near the door and chuck it left over the edge. Fall onto it, left and go down and right to the DR. Then go above the stacked stairs, up and fall left to get to the stair left of the door. Carry it up to make a 3-UL staircase. The rest is about going to the platform over the door and dropping stuff on it. However you need to drop it the right way. Grab the leftmost stair and drop it down. Grab the stair on the ledge and toss it left. Then from the left toss it left off the edge. Fall left, grab it and push it 1R to get to the door. LEVEL 64 space door stair vine Climb UL, take the stair, drop it right, fall right over it, take it and drop it left over the gap to get to the door on the other side. LAST FLOOR I have no idea how to discover the password to get to the bonus scenes but the cheat is on GameFAQs. These levels are very involved and entertaining. THE PRO LEVELS Don't freak out about the pro levels. They're not much(if at all) harder than the regular, especially since you have experience. Some levels are really rather easy and there are no new concepts to learn. Some take forever to shuffle items about but others are "quickies" too so while it might take time to figure on your own, having a walkthrough should help you sail through. PRO 1 The solution here is to make a 7-UL stair at the top bit. But first it's not clear how to get there! First make a quick stair to the UL and go up that vine. You can then take out the 2nd-top ladder and the enemy will walk over it. You can replace it and walk down into the center and shake your enemies-- crush them withong strak of stairs. Take the top stair and go 6 DL and drop it. Create a 4 UL stair now from the UR so you can get to the door. PRO 2 A lot of back and forth here. The basic pattern is this: Move a brick from the 4-UL stair over to the right, to create part of a 6-UR stair. Then take another brick and regenerate the 4-UL from the left, then pick off the top of the stair from the right and place it on the stair. Finally you need a brick to place at the top stair in the 6-UR so you can walk into the door. And you need to get an orb first. The orb isn't bad. Drop right immediately and catch the platform right. You can pick up the block and try to whack the bat. You will want for the golem to come back right, and an enemy may visit in the meantime(stomp him.) Then drop the stair on the golem and fall left, go down the vine and fall left. It's pretty simple to flip the 2-stair around for passage to an orb. Take the bottom block, face left and drop it, and put the next block UL. Go right and flip a block back left. Go up to the moving platform and take it back left. Take the top stair in the 4-UL and wait for the cloud. Get on it, go up and right, drop the block half on the left edge. and place the right block to make the 4-stair. Flip the left block to the right. Now go over to the right, climb, and place the 4th block next to the bottom block of the UL. Back left, climb over the one block, and flip it over the right edge. Place the next piece of the stair. Then go to the 3-stair right of the cloud. Take the lowest block and walk onto the cloud after things collapse. Chuck the block right at the next platform. Fall to its right and flip it over to remake the 4-stair. Then go back right and add another link. Repeat so that the 3-ladder is gone. With the 3-ladder dismantled you can dismantle the 4-ladder to make the UR complete. The final rung you can take can go under the door, facing left, 1L from the right edge. PRO 3 The big problem here is finding a safe place to avoid enemies so you can climb to the top. You need a place where they cycle so you can wait to run up the left side, get to the vine in the center of the top platform, and get down--no telling where the golem might be, and he can really obstruct you if he's in the wrong position. If you have patience you can wait for the golem to fill up the center vine going down and you can stand right of the first stair you dropped, and you can wait for one or both enemies to get trapped right of the golem's brick. But actually if you only get one enemy to fall, you can outrun him and not worry about getting trapped even with the golem running around. I find that dropping down from the platform where you'll place the blocks(to get to the UR stair) and taking the vine to the left and waiting on the next platform makes an eventual break where you can fall right. Then the priests run at you, and you can run left. The timing is tricky but just make sure the golem is heading right at the start of this. If you need time for the golem to go back right after you make it to the left vine, go up and right and fall when below the UR door. The enemies will loop if you're there. Also note that if you do get stuff stacked on the right, just take the 2nd- right UR stair and let the right edge fall and you're OK. And that you need to get the blocks the top golem chucks down and place them to get to the UR stair as below. 5 -----\ 55-----/ 4 ---\ 44---/ 3 -\ 33-/ 2 1 2211 What works well for me is to dump first, ask questions later. Go left to distract the enemies while you wait for the first stair from the golem, then drop it down the chute, follow it and flip it right to the center of the platform. Then the next block can just go down the vine. The third can, too(and you don't need to wait for the golem to drop anything--you can cut and run now,) but you'll have to follow it, pick it up and make a 2-UR stair. You'll have to run the gauntlet again. And once more before you get to place the final block, after which you don't need to run back over. PRO 4 This is a screwy little level that baffled me for longer than I imagined it could. I got into the twenties before I came back to figure this out. It's harder to visualize than a lot of the snappy levels in the future. With just 1 power you can't do anything drastic, and while bricks stack down the middle, you can't quite stack them up to the top so you cqan climb on them. You need to adjust them--you need to be able to climb up once for each brick dropped, but as things are you either have two stairs to climb up or none at all. So, move to the left of where the golem to the UL will drop the brick. Pick it up, 2R and drop it left. Doesn't look too promising for the moment--out of power and no way up. But then the right golem drops a bric. Climb 2L. And with the left golem dropping a brick you have: 2 1223 11 33 Then as bricks drop to the right, left, etc. you can climb up them one step at a time. You'll always have enough time, even when you get close to the right golem. Though when you make that final climb left, with the golem next to you, it is a close call. When the right golem places his final brick, climb over it onto the vine. PRO 5 Take the DL block and pull it right. Place it left of the vine. That traps one guy falling down. Climn U-R-U-R and fall right so you're near the orb but don't take it. Wait for the other guy to come down. He'll fall under you into the pit. Go all the way up the second vine this time and take the block to the right. You'll slip. L, U and around. Take the top block and replace it 1R. Go right on the clouds, up the vine and up the staircase. You may have problems with the enemy chasing you--if so you know how to get rid of him if he really tails you, or you can just outrun him. I'll assume you can interrupt whenever you need to navigate this nuisance and return. Once you get to the top, and you fall down the center vine, you just need to go left and pick up the block and the enemy will drop into the DL. Replace this block to the right and replace the next block to the right so it is 1 stair-width from the left edge. Go down the vine and UR and climb back to the top and down the center vine. Grab the block, climb 2U and drop left. Grab the lower block and when the left falls, make a 2-UL stair. Then fall right and get back to the top, but this time fall left instead of going down the vine. Chuck 3 blocks left and you can walk to the door. PRO 6 It's tough to figure what to put where, but as things stand you can't get from the left to the right or vice versa. In fact that hole on the right looks tough so maybe you want to start on the left. Here's my solution: Get on the platform. Grab a block from the left and drop it down left. Do that five times. Then pick up something from the right and drop it to the right off the moving platform, 1L of the center vine, to give your right-to- left passageway. Drop another block from the right onto the platform by the right vine, on the left side of it. You'll be pushing it around later. You can chuck the first two UL blocks down the shaft--all five of these need to be facing right side up--and then get on the conveyor to pick up the third. Carry it back right and drop it right. Now you can get the top blocks on the right. So once you have the 5 blocks right of the left vine, 1 left of the center, and 1 left of the right, drop onto the center. Push the top left block left down the vine. Flip it left off the edge where it falls. If you do crush the golem, greta. If not, fall right off the vine and get the UR block and go to the ground and bash him. Then reconstruct the 3-UR stair. Go up and to the right now. You may have to navigate the bat on the way up. Then drop the block down the stair. Smash the bat by falling to the side he isn't and nailing him. Make sure the block is facing right side up and if it isn't, drop it halfway on the vine and jump over it to flip it. Go up the UL stair and drop it left. Fall into the door. PRO 7 A very involved and ornate level--in fact I got up to level 36 before coming back and solving this. It's easy to get the bottom orb, but you want to wait. Get the middle first, then go inside, then get the bottom one. Take the UL block and place it on the right side of the 2nd-lowest. Then take the UL and make a bridge to the door and the long stairs beyond. Up the right vine and fall left. Slip under the block to the left and then go near the bottom. Fall left when the enemy climbs up to the left and then a weird thing will happen--he'll run away from you. Take the left block ASAP and he will come back and fall through. Now you can walk UL. Go to the top and drop from those vines. Take the top stair on the left and walk DL. When an enemy is on the vine to your left, drop left. Climb back up to the top. If you encounter someone, pull a brick in the DL and let him fall through and continue. Fall down, slip under the right of the two bricks and go to the bottom. When DR of the orb, take the right stair and crush the guy to the left. Go back up will want to go via the very top, but maybe you can't do so right away. Be prepared to mess with their timing. You may even want to sucker one guy right of the blocks you collapsed before you dig yourself out. But you should be able to goad them DR from the left vine and drop one to the bottom and deal with the other. Take the 2nd-top of the UL stair below the vines. Wait for the one above it to fall. Back to the right a few squares and any remaining enemies should be trapped below you. Push the topmost stair 3R so you have 3 stacked on top of each other. Take the next one, flip it and place it on top of that. 4 44 1 11 2 22 3 33 Take the left block and place it all the way right. Then take the only other block you can, that's plugging a gap, and drop it left onto the guardian of the orb below. Fall left for the orb. Take the left stair below out and sneak under. Fall right to the area with the last orb. Take the 3rd-lowest UL stair, 2R, drop it right and climb over it and fall. Take the right stair and sneak under it. DL to the door. PRO 8 Walk right. PRO 9 A very involved level with all sorts of side trips for stairs. Wait by the left corner for the golem to drop the stairs and make a 2-UR. Climb up it and get the block that falls behind. When the cloud comes back up, jump on it and drop the block left. Fall right and get the block at the top and then drop it above the other one. Fall right and get the next block at the top(left) and bring it back over the cloud and drop it. (Remember to wait 1 step right of the edge as the cloud goes down or it will bounce off your brick.) Now you need to start building a UL stair and each block has to be facing left side up. Take the top block and flip it and get on the cloud. Place it. Then get the top left block(no need to flip) and flip the one right of that and then take the two blocks on the left edge(don't need flipping) moving across the cloud to dispose of them, and you've got your ladder. Climb up, right and up on the vines. Push the right block 1R. Flip the left block right, against the othr block. Climb over them and push the next right-up block 1R. Flip the next block so it's at the right edge and walk over it and fall for the orb. Go back up the cloud and big long stair and push the 2nd-right brick into the well. Pull the right brick 2L to make a 2-stair and then pull the brick left of you right for a 3-stair. Fall over the hole again. Back on top, flip-over the block to your right. Push the right one into the pit. Make the stair to link to the UR platform and then carry across your other stair. Face left and place it on the platform edge. Create a 3-UL ladder. Pick up the buried block from the right and climb up and pitch it over the right edge. Fall left and take the block on the right that's 2/3 in midair. Make a 2-UL stair to the left after you flip it. Get the upper UR-2 block to make a 3-UL and get the final right block and drop it when on top of the 2nd-right block. Climb right and push that block 1R. Take the UL of the stair and go right and drop the block on the 1/2 platform to the right so you can climb the vine. Up and fall right. 2R, get block, R, face left, drop, 3L, get the block, 2R, drop-L. Your way out! 2R get-L 3R throw-R 5L get-R 2R throw-L get-R 2L face-R drop-R 3R get-L 2L drop-R L get-L 3R get the orb and bring the right ladder back left. Fall left to the stacked stairs and flip one right for a way out. Take the other one and wait for the cloud. It won't crush you at the top so don't worry about that. Drop the stair left so it is right under the door. There'll be three more of these. Kind of odd where they'll come from though. Walk back right and down the vine. Get the block to your right. 2L drop-L 3L get-R drop-L fall-L 2L get-R L and turn right when the cloud's nearby and walk onto it. Drop the block at the top and walk over the two stairs. Get the other stair and repeat as before, except instead of dropping to the right, drop it to the left. Now you can throw the other two blocks off to the left edge and then fall yourself. A really good level. PRO 10 Timing's important here near the end. You want to pick up the stair right away and run under the bat. Then whack your enemies, then the bat, and place the stair to the right, 2 squares from the left edge. Climb on it and wait for the cloud to come down. As it goes up you'll have a problem with the moving platform--it could get trapped on the left(move left) or on the right(move right)--you have to be quick or you will miss your chance. If things look too troublesome and the upper platform is floating near then you may wish to take your chances with that. In which case you would drop off the second-right block when the golem is about to materialize a block to the right, then you'd fall left to the exit. The longer way is to climb up the vine, get the block to the right, 3R drop-L 3L get-R 3R drop-L 3L(fall) get-L drop-R and R all the way--don't get on the cloud but fall off the block when the golem starts to face right. Then fall left to win. PRO 11 3L and crawl under the block to the L. Pitch the block to the L all the way to the R. Take the cloud that goes through the vine to the top. Throw the right block in the castle-top off the edge and flip the next one so you can fall and get the orb. Take the UR block and flip it left so you can fall right. Fall left from the cloud when past the door and tale the left block on the vine. Go down the vine and on the platform for the orb and come back up. Replace the block. Go up the left cloud and take the top stair under the platform. You'll have to get off the cloud for this. It won't work, but the stair will budge. Get on the cloud and take the stair on the way down. Chuck it left. Then you can walk into the structure and out. Take the cloud up again and go right along the top until you fall down the edge. Fall left and when the clous 2L comes by, get on it. It will lift you into the door. PRO 12 A clever little level with lots of idea for its sparseness. Take the block to the right, quickly chuck it left, run under and get the block on the right. Only when the top stair of all the center falls should you replace the block. That makes a 5-ladder to the vine and then the door. PRO 13 Oh hell-noes. Get a block as you are coming down and as you go back up, walk left to make a UL-stair. Each time you come down, take the bottom rung of your staircase and then be prepared to run up the staircase to extend it. When the cloud comes down be sure you are facing it. right-left-button quickly. Remember not to fall off the staircase too. But when there is only one block beneath the staircase, hold the 2nd-top stair to drop the top one. Then get on the cloud, get the block to the left, and again hold the 2nd-top stair. Oh, that's what the platform was for--to drop the stairs for another way to walk into the door. I also got a bunch of genie lamps on this level as recompense for time wasted on an overemphasized theme, I guess. PRO 14 Here you have to crush the enemies at the right time. The first jump is the toughest, so if you don't succeed, try, try again(hey, there are enough cliches that go AGAINST you in this game. Be grateful for two that don't!) Wait for the bad guys to regenerate after you pick up the block. Face right and drop the brick when the bad guy is 1/2 way between your platform and the DR one. That will get you to the DR platform. Get the next block and repeat, but this time a bit earlier--as you need to get the orb. You'll go DR twice with this and with some luck you'll land on the clouds. You may have to wait for the bad guys to appear under the clouds, but they eventually will. Fall right off the clouds for another orb. Then get on the clouds and face right and get the stairs. Go left and drop the stairs right. Drop right off the clouds and move the stairs to the edge of the platform and get the stairs on the right. Walk left and wait for a cloud to come down. Place the stairs right near the top to create another set of stairs and go right to avoid getting crushed. Pull the stairs from the left and flip them right so you can get the orb. Fall right and get the stairs and drop them right when an enemy is level with the door. Run right. You're done! PRO 15 Climb up the two vines to the UL stairs. Take the stair blocking your way and drop it just right of the stairs. Drop down through(make sure there's no enemy around) and circle around to make the 4-UL stair. Then undercut the bottom stair so you have a V to walk across. Go up one more vine and fall off the second. Position the UL of the stairs halfway off the edge, and circle around and fall right to get the orb. Go up the long staircase at the top but sneak under the 2nd-top. Push the block on the platform below left. Go down and let the enemy follow you. Only now grab the orb and fall left. Take the 3 top of the 5-UL ladder and put the first above the bottom to make a 3-UR ladder to the door. You should have plenty of time. PRO 16 door stair stair vine Move the stair left and under the door. Climb up and go through. PRO 17 door stair door space If you go up the vine and down the DL stairs right away for the orb, the enemy goes into the DL. So that's one less thing to worry about. Then grab two blocks from the 3-UR stair above and place them on the 3-UL--the second when the moving platform is to the left--to get another orb. Take the stair back and duck under the platform and replace it when the platform is to the right. Then walk across the platform and get the UR stair. Drop it right after you are on the cloud, then follow it for another orb. Go right when you see the left-edge vine and then all the way up. Fall left. Go up the long stair and take the 2nd-highest and go right on the top platform. Face left at the right edge, drop it, climb left over it, pick it up and drop it off the right edge. Follow it to the door. PRO 18 vine space stair space Well, this is a cute one with blocks flying out underneath you. You can't go straight left--you need to pick up a block--and it should be pretty clear which block you need to take. The one just left of the vine you need to climb up. So hold left, push up at the vine, 3L, take-R 1L drop-L and climb left all the way, then up at the vine. You need to hold left down as the level starts but after that you have a bit of a margin of error. It may take a couple times to recognize when to go up or pick up/place the stair, though. Note you don't have to think once you've grabbed the vine, so that is one less move to memorize. PRO 19 door space stair stair Run to the left. A block will drop on the bat. Pull it all(or almost all-- left of the vine anyway) the way to the left. The enemy will drop another block to the right. Pull it back so there's a 4-square gap between it and the one to the right. 2L and flip the next falling block around. Make a 2-stair and then with the block in the corner you can make a 3-stair. Another block will have fallen. Flip it and make a 4-stair. Now wait for the golem to finish your 5-stair. Climb up, shift right and climb up. Get used to waiting because you'll need to, until the blocks to your left are above the 1- platform you should use for safety. Then start chucking stuff right. Your goal(you don't need to kill the golem:) 8 788 3 677 3366 2 5 2255 1 4 1144 Pull the middle block and let the top drop. Drag the top 1L from above. Drop it right. Take the UL, 3R, drop-R. Take the UL, 1-R, drop-R. Look down to make sure the golem's heading right. Drop left. Clobber the golem and go up the vines, over the stairs, and fall into the door. PRO 20 door door door space Move right and down the ladder so the enemy falls roght of the one orb. Go backup top and flip the stair and walk over it. Fall left then get the block above and push it right--then push it left to get an orb. Wait by the vine to the right and the enemies will go left of you. Then back up top, walk over the block and flip it to make a 3-stair. Get the orb. Wait for the guys in the UR and then make your next move, over to the left and then down the vine, R D and fall. Take the stair to the right and flip it over the left edge. Again you can wait for the bad guys to assemble right of where you'll drop it, and they will fall below. Drop the stair halfway off the right edge to get the last orb. Then drop the stair below. Now to make a 5-UL to the door. Move your block off to the right and drop it left. Go up and left and hold the bottom block. After everything falls, fall left and take out the bottom block of the 5-stair below. Now you can drop right and go to the bottom of the vine if anyone's dogging you. Then take the block to the right and carry it UL. PRO 21 door door space door Go to the left then cross over to the right bottom. One guy should follow ypu--stand on the left stair and pull the next one up. He'll fall in. You may have to swat the guy on the right, but if you lead him left and down and right when he regenerates, you can get him to fall in too--just be sure to preserve the structure. Now you just need to dig through all the junk to get to the door. There's a bit of a trick as after you get rid of the initial rubble the door is suspended in midair. It's beneath the very top block. Chuck that off the left edge. Repeat with the next two top blocks. There should be five now. Start pitching them left too, left to right, but skip #4. Pitch it off to the right and then you'll have a gap. Push the block right of the gap into it and then take the next one 1R as well. 4L, dump left block off the left edge. Repeat for the one 3L of that and the one blocking the door. Now make a vertical hole taking a block 3 steps L of the door. Dump it left. Dump the UL block 1L and the one 2R of it 1L too. Turn right and push that block 1R. Get the block under the door, 1L, drop right. 4R, get block, 3L, face R, drop. 2R. PRO 22 vine space door stair Go down and left. Make a gap between the two stairs. Both enemies will fall in if you wait long enough. Sneak under the block under the left top vine to get an orb. Sneak under another block to get out. Go back up top and fall down a vine and go to the top of that heap. Now you want to build a 3UL ladder to the orb. Grab the ladder sticking out. Push it 3L, drop left. Climb over and flip it. 3L and drag the left block down right as far as you can so you can drop it and get it back. Drop the left sticking-out block on top of that, go left and pick up the block that will make the 3UL stair. Pick up the bottom of the staircase and slip under it. Then pick up the stair you fell on and watch the collapse. Pitch your block right and fall left. Get the right block, go left all the way, drop left and fall right. The third orb! Sneak out to the right after you fall. Now you can create a UL 3-ladder a square right of the original one and bring another piece over to the left so you have seven blocks to spend for the last bit. When you actually fall right after walking, turn left, pick up the stair, 1L, and sneak under. Drop the brick you can to the left and sneak under to the right to exit. Go to the top and flip each brick and drop stuff left side up after going down the vine. Drop three blocks down at first(1-3). Fall down to the right and drop the top block left. Repeat--go to the top, drop a block down, drop it left, and do so twice(4-5). Drop #6 down left side up(grab it from the left) and drop #7 down whichever way you please--you can walk onto #6 to win. PRO 23 vine vine vine space Take the stair to the left and drop it right so you can walk there. Now be very very mean and walk to the left edge of the platform. One bad guy will try to fall on top of you--right into the pit. The other guy may not but you can just go up the right side and above the huge column of blocks. Let him drop in. OK, to the real business. Take out the block above the orb and drop down. Climb on that block up the vine next time and go right onto the clouds. Fall left onto the stairs and take the 2nd-highest. Sneak under it after the UR falls and flip the fallen stair so you can walk into the orb. Sneak under that one brick just under the vine again. Fall right and left. Take the bottom stair and chuck it left. Reverse it and place it on the left edge of the platform. Repeat with the new "lowest brick" and you have a bridge to the left(OK, you have to climb on the ither stair...) Climb up the vines--the left side of the long one--and you have ready made stairs leading you to the next level! PRO 24 door door space vine Move the 2-UR stair to the 2-UL stair under the door and walk in. Leave the first stair so its left touches below the door's right if you are disoriented, but if you got here, I bet you're not. PRO 25 stair stair door space This is a rather interesting level where you need to work as follows: --drop a 2-stair off the left edge --drop a 3-stair off the right edge(I'm assuming you work on the left, as the level is symmetrical. If you want an extra challenge, or you feel like a real party, try mirroring my instructions.) Pick up the block to the left, drop it right, pick up the bottom block and drop it left. Go back up, drop the right block off the left edge, and drop it off the right edge. Now go back up and drop the left block off the left edge and the right one off the right. Otherwise there's no way back up. Now drop onto the left platform below, with the four blocks, and make a 4-UR ladder back to the top. Back at the top get the left block and chuck it off the left edge. Get the right block and put it UL of the leftmost block. Take the bottom block of the center staircase and make a 3-UL ladder. Then pull the bottom block from THAT stair. Drop it right and fall right. Pick it up and move 3L, drop it, 3L and carry it back up to form another rung. The rest is drudge work, extending the 5-UR ladder with the 4-UL. On the one hand it takes an annoyingly long time but on the other there's less risk the flaky controls will bite you. The door's at the top once you build everything. PRO 26 vine vine vine door Another level where you may just be missing that one ladder piece. Hint: you need a DR ladder to make the full UR ladder to the door. Note that the game's also pretty forgiving about "missimg" with blocks dropped here. Tough to get timing right. Grab the ladder to the right. Get on the moving platform and dump the ladder left. It may be tough to see where to dump the ladder but remember that the horizontal distance from the top platform is the same as that from the bottom platform. Chuck the ladder so it falls 2 squares right of the platform. Now get the orb, and then get the ladder in the UL. Drop it 1L of the DR platform edge, i.e. with 3 squares between it and the UR platform. Now drop to the DR. 2 5 22 55 1 3 4 11 3344 Flip 3 over 1 and complete the UL stair. Bring 4 to the DL, making a 4-stair UL and then make the 4-stair UR with #5 after bringing it halfway left. The rest should be reconaissance. Pick stuff up as below and add it to the UR stair which puts you by the door. 1 11 2 22 4 3 4433 ??**bugs seen on L23--drop one stair on another, get caught up somehow in clutter of ladder when platform rams into them, L26 had "self adjusting" stair slip into place?! PRO 27 stair stair space space Mean, mean, mean, mean, mean, mean, mean. This is one of the hardest levels in the game, because it is very deceitful. Here's how my thoughts went: Oh look! There's a door in the UR! I figured out how to make a 2-ladder so you could drop 3 blocks down right. I figured how to drop them down. I seemed to run out of power, and besides I needed a couple more bricks than I had to get to the UR. That's because the door is in the UR. Nice job designers on this total fumblerooski. For probably a couple hours I concentrated solely on the UR because I had a plan to get there, not realizing I couldn't move blocks up. I'd dismissed hidden doors because...I'd only checked the TOP TWO LEDGES with stacked blocks. I think this is the only level that has a hidden door/visible door and boy is it a wicked one. But enough about my rantings. The level start requires 1L grab-L 1L turn-R drop-R. A quick and tricky move but necessary. Now you will need to take the UR stair and swat the incoming enemy with it. But you will have the last laugh. Replace it and go to the left of the platform, using the under-vines. Climb up the vine and fall left. Wait at that edge of the platform. Your antagonist will fall off to the left and down the chute--continually. At least until you make the ladder UL. That's where the stair is, you see--UL of where you are now standing. At least that's how it should work. You may have to crush your enemy if he falls right off the clud and repeat your wait. But in any case the main move once he's indisposed will be to move the block 1R and go up the vine and pick up the block there. Then drop it when the first block falls. Go down the ladder and pick up the right block and lay it down. Go up and do the same. Now move the 2UR ladder above to a 2UL with the bottom rung half off the left edge. Here you can push the floating enemy left with a block instead of crushing keeps him out of play. Climb up the right stair and fall right when the cloud is at the bottom of its trip. Face left and get the stair. L at the platform and drop the stair in the hole. Up the vine to the left. Take the UL stair, drop it on the right edge. Push the left square 1L and then push the UR square back all the way left. Climb over and fall left. Flip the block at the bottom so it is next to the cloud and L-up. Get the cloud and get the vine to the right. Get the stair, 1L drop-right. Carry the left stair across the bridge and drop it at the right edge. Make a 2-UR stair and now get the leftmost left-up stair. 6R drop-L and it's halfway over the vine. Make a 3-stair and now you can go to the very top bit! But not yet. Go down the half covered fine and release the bottom block. Let one block fall below and then replace. Go over the top of the 3-UL and fall left. Flip the block so it covers the left half of the vine and is r-up. Climb up it and go left onto the cloud. Get the vine. Get-R 1R drop-L 3L get- R 3R drop-R. A way back up! You can now go to the top. Put a stair on the platform edge and then another on the left edge of the small platform you can now reach. Make a 2-ladder after the enemy falls and now the real fun begins. You'll land on a couched pair of stairs. Throw the right one down. Follow it and throw it down again. Throw the one it landed on down, then down again. 2L get-R 1R drop-R and fall right. Pull the 2nd-bottom stair in the ladder and watch the next stair drop and replace the stair. You are close now! Brain the enemy if he comes by--get the ladder by the left cloud and stay on the right and wait. Then fall right and go up the vine and flip the block over so you are by the cloud. Right on the vine, DR, up the vine, UL, U and fall right. Now you can flip the final block and enter the door freely. **??push the floating enemy left with a block instead of crushing him PRO 28 space door stair stair Not too bad, but pleasing how each side has to come crashing down. Go up the vine, take the right brick, and go to the 3rd stair and drop the stair on the 2nd on the ladder. Take another stair and wait for the enemy to fall off the center vine before you place it UR of there. That's the easy part. On the right hand side, take stair #5 and chuck it left then do the same for #4--probably carry it though. If things go right you should have a stair under the right door. On the left take stair #4 and chuck it right. Fall left before everything drops and take the vines/stairs up to the platform. That stair from the right is handy isn't it? Clear path to the right door... PRO 29 space stair stair stair At first, get on the rising cloud and stay in the right side. Face left and pick up the brick. Then fall left and drop it. Wait for the cloud to come back up and fall over the right brick. Flip it where you stand and climb right over it to get an orb. Go to the right and get on the cloud. Pick up the brick on the right and drop it left. Hopefully there'll be a space between it and the 6-triangle to the left. Now after ascending into the orb, start making a 5-UR to the right. Now you have the space for a 7-UL to the left. Then there's a 4-UR back right and you can just march right. Get on the stair to drop on the cloud. Go left at the top platform and down the vines for the orb, then return to the stair and get on the cloud again. Go right onto the stair mass. Take the UR one, 1R and drop it. For the last bit, drop when the platform's heading left, 1 1/2 squares away from the right wall. Then fall right as it goes back left. PRO 30 stair space vine vine A snappy little level but it has a few pitfalls. Go to the left and get the orb. Let the guy follow you R-D-L but take the top stair and watch him fall into nowhere land. Replace the stair and go DL. Pick out the second stair in the UL ladder to the left. Watch stuff drop, UL fall UL. Go to the bottom of the vine to distract the enemy, then U UR and across. Climb right to the 1- vine and fall right. Take the 2nd-lowest of the stair you fell on and watch things fall. Fall left and take the UL of the two stairs. Fling it right and then fling it into the pit on the bottom platform. Do the same for the other stair that fell and you have a path to the door. PRO 31 vine door stair vine Fall right. UR UR up the vines. Wait for the golem to drop a brick to the left and place it under the vine. Wait for the next brick and make a 2-UR stair, then take the other brick and place it to the left to make passage to the vine. Go up and grab the vine and back down. Fall down if you want. You can wait for the Golem to drop a brick or you can just fall left. The enemy should be on one side--I'll assume the right, but mirror my instructions for the left. Whichever it is, you can drop into the bottom bit with the orb. Don't miss the moving platform. Drop on the left edge. Pull the 2nd-bottom block and wait. As the last block begins to fall, put things back in place. Climb along the outer vines. Now the enemy will either be trapped in the left or in the structure you made(Boy, those ancient Babylonians might've invented a lot of things but SOME of them didn't have common sense!) So now all you need to do is wait for the golem. You can if you like speed things up with the two blocks at the bottom. Just be sure that you place them along the bottom row. The squares should be filled in as follows: 7 77 6 5 6655 4 3 4433 1 2 1122 The odd numbered should be pushed to the evens. So once the first brick drops, go down and push it a square right. Go back up and watch the 2nd and 3rd. Here move the 3rd from the right and flip it and wait for #4. It's not too tricky but it takes patience. PRO 32 space space door stair Left and up the vine. PRO 33 space stair vine vine Take the bottom stair on the platform above. Wait left and then whack your enemy when he comes by but don't let the block fall off the edge--back up to kill him. Then go to the next platform up and rearrange the 4UR into a 3UL. An enemy will probably be by and hose him so your block is in the center of the platform. Move the bottom rung of the 4UR 1L and now put everything back in place. You may have to climb on the last ladder to fake the enemy out. Take the second-bottom rung, then the bottom. Leave the bottom rung facing right-up so the enemy can walk over it onto the ladder, to approach you from above rather than the left(safer for you.) The main ladder below should be 6UR but there'll be a ladder sticking out from it. Grab it from the right, drop it at the bottom, and flip it. Watch for an enemy here. You have two more blocks to push either down the vine and up the ladder or off to the ladder, flip and up the ladder. Then you can go to the very top and sneak under the top stair to fall for the orb. It's useful to have the extra stair even though you don't need it to take the orb because then you can escape if a bad guy comes after you--fall right, up, fall left as he follows. Now go to the 2nd-top and carry the block across the moving platform and put it half off the right edge of the middle one. Go across the top platform and place the UR block half off the left edge. Pull the bottom right stair. Drop it and fall right. Take the middle brick, climb and drop it. Go L-U-R and get the brick hanging off the edge. Chuck it left. Chuck the other block right. Climb iver it then flip it over after you go left. Make the 3UR ladder and get the door. **sneak up opposite side of vine enemy is coming down, make it! PRO 34 space door stair door Take the UL stair and dump it right. Wait for the eenmy to fall in the gap and die. Then jump on the ascending cloud and take the block. 1L and drop it near the top to get a 2-UR stair. Fall left onto that stair. Jump on the cloud to the left. Go right at the top. Flip the block to your right and then pick up the 2nd-highest block in the remaining ladder. Watch the UL one fall. Go in after it and throw it right before falling back left, so you can get the orb next time through. Fall left to get back on the cloud. Go right and climb over the block and take it. Drop it where the other block used to be, then sneak under it to the left. Get orb #1. Fall left, cloud up. Walk across the DR stairs to get to the cloud in the UR. Go left across the top. Climb down the vine and now go back to the cloud--make sure the bad guy is nowhere near. Fall DL and get the next cloud, then go right and drop under the 2nd-top stair for another orb. Take the stair to the left and chuck it down. Pick it up from the left and flip it left and walk over it. It will be facing left side up. Make sure it's not at the edge. Take the cloud up and climb on the stair to the left. Get back on the cloud as it goes down. Get the stair, 1R, turn left and fling the stair down. That puts the stair back where it was. You'll bounce back up--wait for the enemy to fall to his death under you. Now get the block on the right. Flip it so it's right end up and drop it left from the left side of the cloud. Now move it down the ladder, fall left and push it up. Be sure to crush the enemy if he comes by. Then get the block above the DL--again crush the enemy before climbing. Get the DL and it doesn't quite get you to the door but you can place it to your left to make a cushion for the cloud to land on and block your opponent from entering. Go up the cloud and right and get a block. Go down the cloud and UR and place a stair--only place it so the right edge is under the door. Then take the cloud as it's going down and chuck the final stair right. You can now walk to the door. PRO 35 vine space space space Pretty dopey really. I was able to get to the exit in just two motions. R-U-R to just below the golem. After he dropped the brick, L-U. Of course you can move up one platform at a time but the golem is so slow it's not hard to tear up the vine. PRO 36 stair stair door stair A terrible amount of waiting here but other than that a pretty pleasant level. There are two stacks of five blocks. Remove from the top of the bottom one to create a 5UR staircase in the upper bit, right of where the cloud's journey ends. Then take the 2nd-last stair as you go down, go 2R and drop it left. Make sure the cloud's below when you do it, so the cloud bounces around and you can pick that block up from the left. Then run right and drop the block so that there is a 4UL stair to the right. This is your passage back home. Now go up the vine and fall left. Get the block, 1L, drop it right. Fall onto the cloud and you should pick up both orbs--if you don't get the bottom one, fall right onto the platform with the block then left. Now you can fall right from the 5UR stair. Fall left and fall right. 2 122 11 x xx Take the stairs in the above order and create a 2-UL stair on the left. Then collapse it taking the bottom stair and slip under. Go to the UR stair and pull the bottom one. Wait for three stairs to fall just to its right and replace it. You've done all you can do this time around. Circle back. This time, fall to the right, left, right and right after the 5-UR stair. Take the block just UL of the orb, pitch it left and fall right for the orb. Go left along the bottom. Pull the block above the door and slip under it. PRO 37 vine space door vine The main idea for this level is that you want to let the bad guys follow you to the top so you can complete certain other parts, as otherwise you can get trapped. Take the block to your right and place it under the left vine to start. Climb up and when you see the door to your right, R-U-R and sneak under the block to grab the orb. Go DR and unstack the two blocks below and left of the door. Move the one 2L and the other off the right edge. Then climb on it and push the other block right twice so it falls and then push it left so it falls. You can probably get that orb safely now--you can wait a bit and the enemies should fall to the bottom. Climb the right vine, fall back left and get on the platform. Goad the lumped-together enemies to the top and then climb back down. Note: you have enough power that you can just bash the enemies and then drop on the orb under the moving platform, but I wanted to show a less blunt way too.) You can then drop the brick that's halfway off the left edge, UR of the orb, to the left. Climb on it and the enemies should start to climb to get next to you. With both on the vine, get the orb. In the worst case you can run right for a stair to bash them with. Now you have to get to the exit. Go up the left vine and, above the platform, head right. Push the one block under the edge of the platform above it, one square right of the door. The plan is to place blocks like this: !! !! 4 44 3 33 2 22 1 11 After placing the first one, get on the moving platform or a platform just above it. The enemies will sit at the bottom and you have a free pass to the top. They may follow you, but you can time your falls to get around them, or you can even crush them with the blocks you drop. And there's always the old standby of going to the bottom(via the unguarded right) and bashing them up good and returning. Get on the platform above the door. Flip the 2nd-right block right. Pick up the 2nd-left so the left one falls. Drop your block right and fall left and push the fallen block from the left over the right edge. Now you have to go to the top and down a 1-vine to get to your platform, but no big deal. Push the left block off the left edge then the right. Then loop around and flip the left block off the left edge, then push it from the right. PRO 38 stair space space door Go left over the block and fall left so the enemy falls after you. Then shimmy up the two vines and UR. Wait on the vine to catch the cloud to the left. Fall left at the top for one orb. Climb down the right side and wait on the vine for the enemy to fall and run after you. Then fall right of him and go up the right side. Get on the platform and take the stair to the left. Chuck it to the right on the platform below. Take the top remaining stair and fling it right. Do the same for the one below it. Now the platform can move a bit more, and you've released a cloud. Take the block to the left. Drop it off to the right. Fall to the left and pick up the remaining top stair there and chuck it left. Chuck the other block left, too. Now all three clouds can move. You may by a happy accident be able to catch the moving platform but if not, you can use the clouds to get back on the vine to the right. Now where's that pesky door? On the platform below the center vines. Drop down the center. Brain anyone who's chasing you. Go to the right(OK, the left if nobody's over there) and take the bottom of the 5-UL ladder. Watch things collapse. Drop your brick and go back up. At one point you have: 1 11 2 22 Take the 1 and duck under and use the vines and clouds to get back to the center. You should have: 3 33 12 1122 Drop 3 off the edge right, which allows you to flip 2. Now you can go near the very top platform where you can sneak to the right. Use the clouds to get to the center again, climb down the vine, depose the block to the left, and enter the door. PRO 39 stair space door space Take the top 2-UR and place it left so you have a way up there. Now you need to rearrange the stairs on the left to extend the UL ladder there. That just requires a lot of legwork--use the first two stairs to make a 3-UR ladder in the DR, then move the left square 4R, dropping it left. Now get two blocks on the right(take the UR first) to complete the UL ladder. Climb up the vine, and fall right off the platform for the orb. Use the right brick to make a 4-UR ladder and then with the UL ladder, 1 > 11 > 2 2 > 22 22 > 1 3 >311 33>33 Get the orb and fall right. Take the brick you landed on and schlep it right to make a 5-UR. Then take another brick and place it 1L of the third rung. Make a 2-UL ladder and then take the final brick and place it under the door. The final stair should look as below. !! !! a b aabb c d ccdd e ee f ff PRO 40 stair door vine vine 2-stairs on each side, vine in the center. Walk on up. PRO 41 stair stair vine door Fall left off the vines. Pick up the block to the left and dump it right. Walk over it and drop it on the right side of the top block. Then pull the second-left block 'til everything falls. Get the genie lamp. Take the bottom block, watch the second drop, and drop your block over it. Fall left. Pull the right block up and place it left against the edge. Take the DR block and place it further DR to make a bridge to the platform. You now have a way back from the bottom. So drop down there. Go up the vine and take the lone stair to your left, slip and then climb up it to the next vine. Duck under the top stair. Now go between the diamonds containing the orb. Flip the left one right to form a 3- UR stair. One stair will fall. Flip it left. Climb out and repeat the process when right of the right diamond. Climb to the top of the 4-UL stair on the side and fall. Now take the stair at the top and head under the right side of the narrow platform above. Place it right. Go UL, get the next stair, and start making a UR stair. For the next four pieces you'll need to flip them around and walk over them to the left before placing them UR but you're probably an old hand at that by now. Eventually you can make a stair that reaches the vine. Go up it and fall right. Take the top stair of the 3-UL and place it under the vine. Climb up to the top. Fall down the first 1-vine, just left of the door. Push the stair half-blocking it to the side to win this level. PRO 42 vine door vine vine Fall right. Get the block and push it to the right edge and walk over to get the orb. Fall right and get the block. Drop it left off the edge, fall on it and get on the platform. Pick it up and drop it so it is facing UL and is under the small platform by the door. Climb to the top and pitch the first block you moved over the left side. Climb down to the moving platform and take the right vine up. Pitch that block over the side and now let's get to work on the bottom orbs. Fall left and get the block to the right. Dump it as far left as you can. Fall right(7R) and get the block to the left. Dump it right in the gap. Then fall right into the corner. Get the block, 2L. Go back left--can't quite get out. Get the block, 1R, dump left. Now you can get out. Go left and to the bottom. Pull up the very bottom stair and watch everything drop after you slip. If you can, you might want to o up the left vine and fall right for a genie lamp. Otherwise just go up the vine to the right and fall left for an orb. Cross right and take the block over the remaining orb to fall in there and then take the stairs you made to the exit. You may have to go to the very top but it won't take that long. PRO 43 vine door vine stair The only thing really head scratching about this level is why it came around so late in the game. The bat may be a nuisance but you'll have plenty of chances to crush it. Left, Up, DR and zigzag through the clouds to get to the bottom. Use the UL of the 2-stair to climb and get the orb and replace the stair where it was. Climb on it to get to the center cloud. Jump to the right cloud and from there you can go up either of the top two platforms to the right. Pull the 2nd-top rung of the stair and sneak under for an orb. But let the stair above fall first. Flip the stair blocking your way. Go back up those same stairs and then the vine above them. Take the block to the right and flip it at the vine so you can climb the vine, fall left of the block and move halfway over the edge. Fall on the orb to the right. Climb back up to left of the block. Take it and press it against the 3-UR stair and climb over it and DL. Up the vine and to the door. PRO 44 vine space vine door Go up the left stairs and take the cloud to the top. Fall right off the platforms and left. Take the left stair, 1L, drop it left and place the next two stairs in the holes to the left. Get the orb and come back right and fall for another. Move the stair on the staircase to the bottom and flip it right so it doesn't touch either staircase. Go up the left side, right at the top off the cloud, and into the well off the edge. Pitch the right block off the left edge, fall left and pitch the right block of the left edge. Take the U block off to the left beyond the first pit. Take the other block and make the 3-stair but take the top run and place it to the left too. Fall left at the right vine and now you can walk back. Do so, falling left. Take the block 1R of the cloud and hop on it. Now you need to make a 4-stair UR at the top to get into the final area-start it in the platform center. You'll want every block to face right-up at the top. Drop the block from the right. For the next two blocks walk over them and take them from the left. Chuck them off the left edge and get them while on the cloud. Then run up the stair you've made and add to it before dropping right. Remember you don't have to have exact timing as the top of the board can't crush you, although it may make things tedious. So try to climb on the cloud going down, turn right quickly and grab the block as you go back up. Grab the final block from the stair, flip it, walk over it and flip it over the edge. Then get on the cloud and grab as before. PRO 45 door stair vine vine A timing puzzle here to start--jump as the enemy is half off the screen. That'll land you on the moving platform. Climb UR and fall and then UR to the edge. Get the block on the right, 1R and drop-L. L, U, UR. Get the top block, R, drop-L and get it from the left. Couch it in the 2nd-top stair and flip the UL stair after going 1R. UR and flip the UR stair left. Get on the cloud, right side. Face left and when level with the stair, pick it up. 1L and when level with the platform, walk left and drop the stair in the hole. Fall right onto the cloud and take the right stair when on the right edge, level with the platform. 1L and when the cloud's next to the platform, run left and drop the block in the other pit. Run across, fall left and you'll get the three orbs before entering the door. PRO 46 space space stair space A very tricky level where the final solution is a bit off kilter. The bat may or may not bug you--if it does, try to clobber it with a block that goes along with the moves, as you don't have that many to spare.Let's show the solution right now so you know what to go for. You need to pull over the far- left block, but the one just right of the right vine doesn't need to be in your tower. g gg f ff e aee aa b bbcd ccdd VI NE Go up the right vine and grab the block to the left. You'll slip. Grab the UR block, 1L and drop it left. Pick it up again from the left and drop it left. Go down the right vine and up the left. Push the right block halfway right over the vine. Climb over the maze of blocks and drop the block to the right when left of center. Climb over it and drop it halfway over the left vine. It's right-up now and flip the block right of it against it. Climb down the center and up the left. Take the left block and go down the stairs. Go up the center and flip the left block over the two others. Drop it so there's a step between it and the center vine, then flip it so you have 4 adjacent right-up blocks. Climb over them and flip the far-right one to make it 5. Down the right, up the left and over the two blocks. Carry the 2nd-left all the way to the right and drop it there. Carry the far-left all the way to the right, standing on the one you dropped, and 1L and drop it left. Fall over it. Get the left block from the right and drop it so you have 7 up- rights. a b c d e f g The rest is downhill once you know what you want. Flip a left, so it's halfway on d. Make a stair with b and c over a. Take e, 1R, face left, drop e, 3L, get e, 2R, drop e(ie flip it) and do the same for f but on the 3- ladder. Put f at the top of the ladder and place g so its right part is above the left of the center vine. Now use the two stairs on the left to get to the door UR. Whew--a lot of contortions. PRO 47 vine stair space stair This is a cute level because it is not easy to figure out how to get rid of your enemy. He can get trapped somewhere you don't want him(DL) if you're not careful. And he is annoying if he regenerates after dying. So 3L get-L 2L (wait for him to come up the L) drop-L 2R get-R 4R drop-L. Now if he regenerates in the UL(and he will) he's trapped. Take the platform right and get on the stair. Take it, 2R, and 2L once the platform crosses over to the right. Grab the orb. Go down the right vine and DL and wait for the cloud to come by. Fall on it if it's below, or grab it, to get to the platform below you. Fall right of the second left-up block, 1R and flip it right. Take the cloud back up. Sneak under the 3rd stair of the 5-UR stair for another orb and then fall under the cloud. Fall right, 2L and drop the stair off the edge. Push it half off the left edge and go up the vine. Fall right and push the right stair off the edge. Now go all the way back up(use the clouds as a shortcut--you may have to fall left and right if you are very unlucky but probably not) and drop down the left edge. Now you just have to make a 2-UR ladder that starts by hanging off the right edge of the bottom platform, and there's the door. ??**karatekick off platform PRO 48 space stair stair door Pick up the first stair, drop it on the door, then pick up the second stair and drop it and walk over it. PRO 49 stair door door vine This is one of those big collapse levels where you just have to see what falls and what you could almost catch. Here take the stair next to you and chuck it quickly right. Walk under the wobbly stairs to the next stair. Chuck it quickly right too. Get the genie lamp. Raise a stair above you so the enemy falls in and go along the vines. The last bit is rather frustrating since it seems so simple, yet...take the stair 1L of the vines--the UL will fall. Replace it. 4L take-R drop-L 2R take-R 2L drop-L. This looks like it made the situation worse but fall-L R take-L 2L face-R. 3L take-R R gets you out. Fall left from the vines and right of the stair you flipped, take-R 2L drop-L for the door. PRO 50 door vine door door A second level where you time your fall across bricks. More sophisticated than the previous one--more blocks to shuffle around. Flip the block to your right for one orb, then carry it again and go to the right edge. When the first guy is at the lower bit of the vine to the right, drop the block. Then drop the 2nd-lowest stair of the 5-UR staircase. Drop through and move 1 UR of 3 then 2/1 UL of 3. Wait for the guy to fall through before dropping 3. Note he's to the right of the square so stand back before dropping anything in. 1 11 3 2 4 3322 44 Climb up for the orb and then get the stair under it. Pull out the base of the 3-UL ladder and then flip it before you chuck it left of the fallen ladder. Flip and chuck the next one too. Fall left and take the top rung of the ladder, 1L and drop left. You have the material you need to make it to the door now. Go left and pitch the stair there down the well. Follow it for an orb. Start building a 4-UR stair at the bottom of the long vine. Go to the top, pitch something left, fall left, get the stair, add it to the UR. Remember to take the UR stair first and take the DL stair(that supported the falling stairs) last. Place the DL stair between the 1- and 2-rungs. ! 2 !!22 1 11 Now make the 3-UL stair to the exit. PRO 51 stair stair stair vine First the door is hidden but the only place it can be is behind the pile of stairs in the UR. You'll get there. Be patient. Well, you can't be at the start because there's fancy stepping right away. Hold the controller left and let off it right when you are past the block. Take it and head right. Now climb left, pull the bottom stair and take it until one falls into the pit. Bring the stair back right and form a triangle. Create a 4-UL stair starting with the pit-stair on the left of the next small platform and take the 2nd-highst stair, and after it falls, replace it and flip the left stair by dropping it on the left edge of the vine. Then bring it back right so it touches the 3rd stair. Go up the vine and right. Take the bottom stair and when one drops below it, replace it. Take the dropped stair and place it on the left of the platform and make a 2-UL stair with the other one on the bottom. Now wait for the cloud on the left. Step on it as it goes down, turn around and get the block. Walk right when there's the vine near you and drop the brick right. Go DR and flip the stair blocking your way. Carry it up and place it R of the 2nd- top(former top) stair. Place a s tair UR of that. Fall over it, take it from the left and drop it in the right pit. Get on the cloud above and fall left onto the top stair. Face right and 1R- face L-get stair as the cloud goes down. If you fail, go back left and try again. If it works, form a 2-UL stair. Repeat this time with the next-highest stair. Now stand facing left on the bottom rung of the stair on the right. When the enemy goes to the left edge, 1L, turn and grab and drop the block. Wham. Pick it up and go left, and run across the cloud to make a 4-stair. Fall back left and your next task is to fill the gap where you fell. Get a stair from the 3-UR at the bottom and drop it left. Pick it up while descending on the cloud, then go right at the top and drop it through the gap. Repeat. Remember you can't fall from the cloud, since you made a space, so take the vines down. Now for the last block in the ladder, drop it off the left edge and take it but drop it on the UL vine. Fall right and take it from the right. Wait for the cloud to come back, 1L and go 1R and now the block's oriented correctly. You can climb across the platform that was blocking you. Go right and wait as you did DR of here to sock your opponent. Grab the block and 3R and drop it L. Then he won't appear again where he can get you. **??enemies appear above where they died 24 12244 113 56 335566 Place 1 on the left of the block you dropped. Place 2 next to it a,d flip 3. Crush your enemy with 4 and move it all the way left. You may have to crush your enemy again with 5 but then you can flip 5 and push 6 right to solve this. PRO 52 door vine door vine You need immediate action here, too. Run left and up the vine and run left over the top brick. Take the left one and drop it right so it's blocking the bottom of the vine(you won't need to go back, so don't worry.) Go back left and get a stair and drop it on the enemy as he is even with the platform to the right. Dismantle the first two rungs of the 5-stair UR to make a 3- UL(including the first stair you moved) but wait for the enemy to fall through from above before placing the second. Now he's trapped with no way back up the vine! Now there are two ways to go, UL and UR. UL is a straightforward stair but UR is the right way. Make a 4-stair and then place the next stair right of the vine, and move the top stair to the right too for a 2-UR. Convert the 3-UR stair up the vine to a 3-UL that starts on the platform's left edge. Now bring the 2-UL in the UL back so that one square is above the center of the ladder and the other is UR of that. PRO 53 stair door door door Well, the first part is pretty clear: Place the 5th UR block above the 2nd and use the 4th to get to the vine. Right? Wrong. You want to go up the right side. Pull the lowest rung, then replace it at the UR. Repeat to remake the 5-UR stair so it can get the UR vine(you get a lamp too! BTW, if it were only one square right, you'd hit your head climbing over the last stair.) Note you may want to kill the bat at the bottom if possible because if it gets in the DR while you're covering the top it's hard to make the right jump for one fall from the top part. Two flights of stairs to climb. Do so. Take the UR brick. 1L drop-L take-R and flip this brick on the platform above. Drop it off the left edge(try to nail the enemy in the process) and now you can access the clouds. For the next bit you need to navigate the clouds to make the 5UR ladder. This risks the enemy going after you so have care when you fall, or if you get to the clouds, wait for him to fall left to his death before the next bit. If he's on the vine above the door when you're left of it, go down to left of the door. You also may want to use the stair under the clouds as a temporary weapon. Drop the left block off the left edge and use it to make a 2-ladder. Back up the cloud and vine and UR. Fall right and grab the stair to the left. The stairs below protect you! Now you must go to the right and I am afraid that if a bat is in that compartment it will be very tough to escape. (Drop when the bat starts to drop.) Then make the stairs as you might've tried at first: 4 44 3 2 3322 1 11 And use the final stairs to bridge a gap. Then use another stair to get to the vine but wait at the bottom so the enemy goes left trying to find you. Then go up the stairs--again he'll give you a break. You may need to bring the UR stair back down to crush him--in fact you need to bring it to the left anyway along with the other one that fell. Take your time placing the blocks on the left(a row is better than a stair in case someone drops down.) Then take the cloud to the top and drop the final block off to the right. Now you'll want to get the orb. Move swiftly for the UL stair on the vine below and now you can wait for the enemy to fall left to buy some time, or if you feel quick, drop it above the bottom stair ASAP. Then go to get the next-UL and get that block and move it to the UR so you can get the orb. The enemy should not have made it down if you've gone quickly. To get out of the mess you can stand on the left or just grab a block and wait for your enemy to come down the vine and crush him. Finally you need to make the bridge to the UR. Make sure you have 4 left-up blocks in the left and then take the block you used to get on the clouds and place it right above the vine when the enemy is to the right. He's a nonfactor now and you can just use the 4 remaining stairs to get to the door. ??** can't run into a platform from side and it can block you from going up. Also you can fall down a vine w/o dying if you're carrying a brick and it's 1/2 blocked already. **bug cloud can run through you AND the block and platform somehow. PRO 54 space door stair stair Climb left and up and get to the vine--be exact here, because you can take the moving platform right and go down, then chuck the block off the left edge when the bad guy is under you. He's trapped. You can still win without this, but it's a bit more taxing--he tends to fall to the left and get in your way. Now for some preparations. Move the UR stair on the right to the UL on the left via the green platform. Then move one stair across to the left over the vine. Now fall on the three stacked stairs under the platform. Chuck the top one right. Fall right of it and 7L drop it. Chuck the next stair right off the platform and start a ladder. You need one more brick. Drop to that platform, pitch the left one right, and pitch the right one off the edge. Then make a 3-stair with it. Get the orb. Back above get the final stair in the right and get on the conveyor. Face off the right edge and when the conveyor goes back right, place it down. Then go back left and climb up the mess of stairs there. Take the right stair, L drop-R. Take the UL, 3R drop-R 1L get-L 3R drop-R. Climb over right, get-L 2L drop-L and get the orb. Get the stair again. Drop it off the right edge and drop the stair now to your right UR of it. Up two vines to the door--no real puzzle there. PRO 55 stair door stair door Another hide-the-door level. You could go searching all over the place where blocks could hide a door but I reasoned as follows: it's probably got to be somewhere tough to get to on a level this late. Where's the tough place to get to? The UL--the clouds don't quite go there! Or maybe I was just tired of these fetch-hunts and hoped for an easy solution. Well, it worked. Run left until on the clouds. Be on the right of the left one and take the block at the top of the cloud's journey. 1L drop-L 1R face-L. Now take the next block by the exit and chuck it left as the cloud goes down. Then go left in the UL where you see half the door. Pick up the block there and drop it right. The tensest part is hoping you don't karate- kick away from the door's ledge, or maybe missing a stair pick-up. Well, after a few tough levels this is definite relief. PRO 56 stair door space door Climb over the stair and walk up the vine. PRO 57 space door door vine Craaaaaaaptastic. Another one of these replace-and-waiters. At least to start. Stand on the block as you go up, face right and as the cloud goes down, 1R face-L grab the block. Then add it to the stairs as you go up. But wait! There's another once your stair reaches past the single platform! You get to do it again, though this time not as much. Climb up the left side with a block above your head...with save states you can risk going up bareheaded and snatching a block from the playpen where an enemy or two is trapped. It's your first real challenge. You can bash your enemies a few times in that area and they should go down the left for a while in the future. Basically you'll want to move the UL block there in. Then you can flip it to make a triangle on the right. Push the UR block 2R(below the orb) and then go to the top of the whole deal-- again use a block for protection--and go right off the stairs. You want to make sure your protection faces right side up as you go right--you have a place to flip it now--because it will be placed as a stair in the UL, to complete the UR ladder you will want to fall right of to get an orb. Now to get the orb on the right. Take the UR ladder in the "playpen" that is blocking the green platform and chuck it left. Take the green platform right. Get the 2nd-lowest stair and chuck it off the left edge. 2R and chuck the leftmost stair and the next-left stair. That leaves one. Pick it up to get the orb, drop it in the corner and climb it to get access back to the platform. (NOTE: if you need an extra stair, turn the 2nd-right left and life the right stair and get the orb and go back. It will be the right orientation for what you need to do, too.) Before getting to the door make sure that there is a stair 2L of the right edge--it will make things so much easier when you collapse the top staircase! Now go up the left side and if you can place the protection at the UR of the ladder, great. What you want to do here is to take the 2nd-lowest of the blocks and chuck it left. You should be able to do this and the protection in tandem if need be. You'll drop 4 blocks and now should have at least this much: 5 55 4 44 1 2 3 112233 Move 5 left squashing an enemy if necessary. Move 4 right and go left--1 or 2 can be used to squash enemies. Put 5 UR of 4. Again you want to make sure you smash anyone who appears because if you have to use the top of your ladder to smash an enemy it will undo your hard work. Push 1 from the left up the ladder, looking both ways for enemies first. Then push 2 from the left--no need to look both ways because you'll grab the vine to enter the door. Overall not a bad level to visualize but it's tough to execute. **?? stars come or juggling bad guys, then gem comes if you catch star?? gem=500 points gives invis aded to grade. PRO 58 stair space stair door A much nicer level than the last one, although the vines do spell out, disturbingly, F-U-K-K-Y. Maybe they meant funky?. Go UR(the cloud is useless) and on the green platform right. On the stable platform, wait to fall right, then climb up the stair to the right and up the vines. a 4-UL ladder gets you to the next bit. Cramped quarters here but grab the left block, 6R, drop-R 4L get-L R drop-L 3L get-R R drop-L 5R get-R 7L drop-R 3R get-L 3L drop-L. OK, tough part over, just take the two stairs to the right and move them left for another 4UL. Go to the left vine and climb UR up the vines. Unless there are enemies waiting for you, in which case retreat and dispose of them as you will(take a stair and replace it.) So you see now your main problem is buying time to get stairs from the UR to the UL. A great place to buy time is at the root of the middle K formed by the vines. Enemies don't follow you right down but go to the left and fall to where they will be wandering for a bit. Once they're trapped below you can climb back up the left of the U and push the block left, then go up the diagonal and bring the block down. You may ave enemies to crush here so try to be precise. Remember that you can drop something from the bottom stair and still recover but above that, you're cooked. Also dropping the first brick of two for the UL passage is a no-return sort of thing. So you need to get the second. But once you do it's not bad, especially since you can get both at once. Go UL and flip the stair 2D of the orb. Get the orb and then you can probably just pick up that stair and wait for the bad guys to come in and crush them as they do. Then pick up one of the UL stair rungs and run with it UR. Remember, you only need one. PRO 59 space door stair door Go up the middle vine. Take the stair to the left when the platform is passing under you to the left. That traps the platform on the right. If you're standing on the block you moved as things fall, you can get a genie lamp as you go UL and fall left. Avoid the bat after going L-U and push the top stair right 1. Then duck under the next-top for another orb. Come around again and take the UR stair. Then walk onto the cloud. Walk right and face left to make a UL 3-stair. We just need one more and we can catch the green platform. Oh and we need the orb too. Use the other cloud. Take the top of the 3-UL and run over the cloud and make a 3-UR and fall on the orb. Return to this area and take the top of the 2-UL and go right over the cloud. Place it like so: 3 x 33 xx2 22 1 11 Now you can take the stair on the right and walk to the top--be sure when you're at the top that the green platform is on the right. Then it'll be trapped over there. At the top of the stairs, go right when the platform comes back, and go left at the other side. ??can split platform in two ??I ran into the wall from the platform on the vine, heh PRO 60 space vine stair door Duck under the fourth rung you'd climb. Go up the vine, UL and fall. Wait for the two guys above you to aggregate. Then go left to the 3-UR stair and take the top off. Wait for them to fall in and shut the lid--don't kill them, though. It saves more time to let them wander. Go up the vine, UR and under the final stair. There's an orb at the top. Fall left and head left. That'll fake 'em out so that you can concentrate on the next orb. Go to the far left and then back right. Go to the DL once the two guys are lumped there so they follow you, then go under a stair to get the second orb--then UL fall UL under the stair and L down the DL stairs. The sooner you can do this next bit after they fall off, and the quicker you can do the next part, the less you risk their running at you. Take the lid off again and watch them fall. Then pull up the middle rung and cross the Rubicon. OK, you're not crossing anything just falling right. Slip under the stair again and go to the next orb. It's not hard to get. Getting out is what's tough. 1 11 c 2 cc 22 b 3 bb 33 a 4aa 44 1->a, 2->b, 3->c. Fall left and take therightmost stair you can. Watch everything fall and drop it. Enemies should be on their way. Make your stand at the top of the structure. You can drop a block and pick it up continually on the 3-platform created. You may have to twice in a row. However when time permits you can drop a left-up block on the first stair. That blocks everyone out. Then bring the right-up block touching the vine over. Go right and left to build a stair back to the main area. You may even need to string a guy along on top of a block or you may get luck and he will fall in the pit to the right. In any case that pit will be there for a while. You want to move: b bb a c aa cc To: d bdd bb a c aa cc Flipping C takes a while but is not too tough. Make sure the coast is clear before returning it left. Just stay in the pit if an enemy is approaching. You may need to hammer a couple times in succession. Then put B to the right of the pit but don't take it out yet. Instead move C 1R. Then put B on top of C. Then take D(the right side of the pit) and go up to see off the enemies. If they come a bit apart you may want to wait in the pit then run up. If they're really far aapart you can slide the long UR ladder out from under one of them. Go up the UR ladder. Take the topmost rung you can, and chuck it left. Fall right and go right and up the vine 2 squares. If an enemy is coming down for you, take any block so that he will slip through the hole. Then walk up the stairs that now lead to the door. PRO 61 door stair space stair A snazzy little level with a few misdirects but nothing crushing. Go right and down. Fall over the stair blocking your way. Grab it from the left and chuck it down the right vine. Do the same for the stair that was supporting it. Then take the next lower and chuck it left. Climb the left stair and drop your stair right. Climb what you dropped for one orb. 9L and grab the stair to the riht. 1L drop-L and get another orb. Head right. Stay 1 square from the edge for insurance here, then wait for the platform to come and drop down for the orb and go up. You need to ascend quickly or the platform will conk your head. Now getting out looks very confusing. Go to the very top. Take the stair there and drop it off the left edge. It should crush an enemy. Be quick to fall onto it(or be ready to move a stair left below) and pick up the stair to the right and drop it when the one 1R falls. Climb over the 3 stairs, take the right one and fall left. It won't go after you as the chute is partially blocked. Fall right for the door. PRO 62 stair vine space stair This is one of those "Whoah! No I ain't!" sort of levels. I like it a lot despite the early long wait. What you want to do is just wait at the vines until the golem has dropped 10 stairs down the right and 9 down the left. You don't have to count; just make sure that the stair is next to the orb on the right edge below, where you can't see unless you pause. Then fall down, remove the top of the 2-UL stair, 5L drop-L fall-R and fall-L. Take the top of the big UR stair and flip it right. That's your way out. Now take the stair at the base of the vine. Drop it off the left edge. Keep tapping the A-button to make sure you get the "right" block as it falls. Flip it over and make it part of a 2-UL to the far left. Take the block on the left and move it all the way right under the vine. Climb it and take the block. Flip the block to make a 3-UL stair. Go up the vine and flip that block off the left edge. Walk back left and flip the block right of the vine and you can walk 2R for the orb. Fall left and pull the stair left. Let it lie half on the platform. Put the next brick to the right 1U1L of it and then take the brick right and down from the vine and drop it right, at the vine base. It's time to build a 6-UR stair with that base. Wait, make it 7. Fall left onto what was the BIIIG stair and take the block from the left. Flip it around on the 6-UL and carry it to the top. Let the golem drop bricks both ways. 3 ladders UL link you to the UL. Now you need to bring some of the UL stair down to create a path UR. And you need to be careful. You want to make a UR staircase but don't want the golem dropping anything on it. So go to the UL and if he is walking away when you first see him, take a piece of stair and motor. When you are at the bottom the golem will be out of view. The first UR piece should connect you to the 1-platform. The next should be placed on its right edge. Look for the golem and turn back immediately if he's on the right--a block doesn't fall until you see it materialize completely. Try to time things so you avoid the golem, but remember you have a safe haven at the platform. Use save states if you're having a really hard time. PRO 63 vine space vine space Go left immediately. Go down the vine and left all the way across. Go up and right and pick up the block to the right. Let two blocks fall before you replace it. Then go up the left vine on the edge. Hit the dead end and wait for the vine right of you to fall. Then go right. Face left and be ready as this is a timing puzzle. Pick off the block that falls left. Take 1R drop-R 1L. Again take 1R drop-R 1L then just take drop-r and now at your leisure, take 1L drop-R. If things get close a falling block may intercept a moving block, but with some practice you'll get it. Climb up. Take the block to the right and turn around to drop it halfway on the platform edge--this is important. You'll be using it later. Go 2R and pick up the 3rd block as it drops through. Back up 2 and drop it right. 2R get-block drop it on the left edge. Now here begins some serious wiggling. Flip the block just right of you left. Flip the next-right one around and place it left(get-R 3R drop-L 3L get-R R drop-L.) Then take the next block right and flip it. Push the final right block 2R. Now build a 4UR bridge taking two stairs from the left, whic should look like(before): 1 113 5 233455 22 44 Climb up the vine and push the block 2L and climb down. Undo the ladder making a 2UL on the left and then drop the next rung left after taking it. 3L get-R 3R and drop in the hole. Flip the next block on the left similarly and drop in behind it. Then R get-R 2R drop-R 3L get-L 4R drop-L 3L get-R L drop- L 3R get-R L drop-R (yes, we're making something impassable, for now.) 6L get-L 4R drop-R amd now get two of the stairs on the left and bring them back right to make a staircase. Before the final rung, pull the far-left block 1R(very important for the endgame) and then pull the block just right of the platforms to the UR. Now run all the way right and fall(if we hadn't moved that one block back there'd be no room to fall) and take the block from the left and dump it over the right edge so you can climb up. Stand on the first stair and take left. After the three blocks in the column right of the take stair fall, replace it, climb up a rung and take the piece that falls. Now you'll have a full ladder connecting you to the top. The object here is to drop 11 pieces down the left. It's complex enough to deserve an outline. --the 3 pieces on the UL platform will go off the left --one piece will half-block the door. These 4 will be dropped last. --your one held piece will go down the left. --two of the three pieces in the stack will go to the bottom. The other will support them. --the 3 in the UR, the top of the 5-stair, and the piece below that will also be dropped. --the sixth piece dropped must be left-up, as must the seventh, as we switch from the next-right square to the right so the final four pieces can drop. The first thing you'll want to do is climb all the way up and place your piece half off the left edge of the platform. You can walk around now. Climb up it and counterclockwise. You should fall left of a block which you'll want to pick up and place left but not fully over the vine. Another block will fall right of it. Flip it left. Fall right over the stack that fell. Take the top piece from the right and couch it in the center of the 5UL stair. Two more will eventually be couched in it to get to the stairs--we can't waste resources on one of those deals with a UR branching from a UL. That's not re- useable. 1 11 c 2 bcc 22 abb 3aa 33 4 44 5 55 Then push the block on the platform above off to the left and down the hole. You can now circle around to the top though you may have to flip a stair half-over the left vine. Now here's a tough part--killing an enemy and pushing him out of the way. Climb on the middle stair, first rung and face left. When the enemy hits the right edge of his path, take the block and smash him. Move the block not quite to the right edge and drop it left--be sure it's right of where you killed the enemy. Climb to the top and turn and when your enemy does the same, fall right and run right(he seems to retreat unless you run.) Eventually he'll fall left off his stair and the only way is down to where he can't bug you. Now tip the stair to your right off the edge. Fall on it and push it 2R. Then take the top rung, drop-R 3R take-L 1R drop- R. OK, you can get to the upper right now. Take the DR and flip it so it's left of the vine on the left edge. Drop the UL off the left edge to make a 2- ladder and carry the UR block over that ladder to the main branch. Now pick up the bottom of the 2-ladder and watch one block fall. Replace the top of the 5-UR ladder with it. Drop the other UR brick down left. Take it from the left, go left and drop it off the edge. Drop left and haul it left over another edge. Your first block dropped from above--the next will come quicker. For instance, the three couched ones. These are easy to move over as they are just the same thing as the previous two, only you didn't drop them from a great height. Don't sweat their orientation. Now climb back and loosen the 2nd-highest of the 5UL ladder. Watch the top rung fall and drop your stair. Climb over it, fall left and get the block on the right. Drop it left. Then take the one below it but don't drop it right away! At the vine, face right and climb over the block and take it and push it left, so it is facing left- up. At the top of the stairs flip the two ladders left--the first over the vine and the second halfway over the door after climbing up the first. Then take the bottom block and pitch it over the right edge. Fall left of it and walk over the last block you dropped to make a 2-UL stair. Now go to the top and fall left--the block catches you! Fall right and take the block and drop it left. Then go along the top row and push everything over to the left. Fall after it and you win the last "real" level! PRO 64 door space vine vine Flip the middle brick and fall over it. Pick it up from the right and drop it over the gap and walk through. FINAL FLOOR Pac-Man Triangle Ship Fairy (light purplish thing) Airship Lucky-cat Worm(no claws) scorpion "Congratulations You have finally conquered every single floor of... The Tower of BABEL" "Thank you very much See you again next game" PRESENTED BY NAMCOT This ending is less cool than the first. End of FAQ Proper ================================ 5. VERSIONS 0.4.0 sent to GameFAQs 8/11/2006 40 levels complete. 0.9.0 sent to GameFAQs 8/13/2006 non-pro levels complete, 1-19 minus 4,7 pro complete. 0.9.1 sent to GameFAQs 8/15/2006 pro 1-41 minus 27 0.9.9 sent to GameFAQs 8/16/2006 pro 1-64 minus 27(still) and added strategy details 1.0.0 sent to GameFAQs 8/16/2006, SOLVED LEVEL 27 PRO, complete. Needs cleanup. 1.1.0 sent to GameFAQs 9/4/2006. Apparently some files had gotten corrupted and thankfully I had a backup. 6. CREDITS Thanks to CJayC as usual for such a great site and, though I hate to admit it, the people who write for more popular games so that these old school FAQs can be hosted for free. Thanks to the usual GameFAQs gang. They know who they are, and you should, too, because they get some SERIOUS writing done. Good people too--bloomer, falsehead, Sashanan, Masters, Retro, Snow Dragon/Brui5ed Ego, ZoopSoul, BSulpher(thanks for the encouragement on this particular guide) and others I forgot. OK, even Hydrophant in his current not-yet-banned message board incarnation. Thanks to the fceuxd programming group who let me try all sorts of new things to make this FAQ more detailed. Thanks to taiki on GameFAQs for having the codes for me to point to(solve last floor and PRO codes,) so I didn't include them in my FAQ, until I figure what is going on with them at least. Thanks to the NES, GB and GBC completion project people. You all are a great inspiration. Thanks to Rob Browning for pointing out that part of this FAQ was corrupted, somehow repeated etc. **** WordPad. ??~dragons lair for catching the vine ??cool weird doors in the wall.