1111 1111 1111 1111 1111 1111 1111 1111 1111 1111 1111 1111 1111 1111 1111 1111 Date: Sun, 06 Aug 2000 Date: Sun, 13 Aug 2000 Adventures of Lolo III (Incomplete) By Tarkaan A gamefaqs.com exclusive - (C)2000 By the Author, not to be reproduced in any form, except by http://www.gamefaqs.com and its affiliates. Mirroring this walkthrough without permission is a violation of copywright. Mirroring this walkthrough without the copywright notice is plagiarism, and a violation of copywright. Unauthorized reproduction is prohibited, and guarantees that you will be specifically excluded from mirroring any future walkthroughs or guides I create, in perpetuity. Enough said? LEVEL #5 Room #1 - Get the hearts left and right, shoot the worm and drop him into the water, cross with him. Get the hearts in the bottom left and bottom right corners. Move the green bricks to block both shooters firing south. Then shoot the bug next to the heart and move him up to block the shooter left, do the same on the other side. Get the hearts, then shoot the worm and use him to get across. Move the bricks so that they block the shooters from shooting up (move them left and right). Shoot the squirming things and grab their hearts. Then move the bricks over next to where the squirming guy was. Then when the squirmers wake up, push the bricks up to block the shooters from shooting left and right. Grab the hearts, grab the pearl, hit the door. Room #2 - Move down and push the brick just below the heart left to the first intersection, then push it up in line with the right shooter. Move the brick under the four green trees left one and up to block the left shooter. Move the first block you moved right one square to block the right shooter from shooting left. Move the brick that (in its original position) is three squares from the top of the screen, right until it blocks the right shooter from shooting up. Push the brich that is just blow a lone brown tree up, left, up, right, and up to block the left shooter from shooting left. Move the brick directly below where that one used to be, up to just below the brown tree, right, up, right, and up to block the left shooter from shooting right. Get the heart in the upper left corner. Get the heart just in front of the door. Get the heart just below the enemy and immediately shoot him, then move one of the bricks below him up to block his escape. Shoot the red fire thrower and move him left one block. Move the other brick left to the four trees, and up to the top (under where you moved the other brick between the trees). Move it right above the arrow, go around it, move it left one and down to block the right shooter from shooting right. Get the last heart. Get the pearl, hit the door. Room #3 - Go up to the second rung from the bottom. Push the right and left bricks up one square, move the middle brick to the right, and get the heart. Move the bricks that were to the left and right of the heart right and left two squares each. Move the brick you puched up against the middle brick in the top rung right three squares, above the brick you just placed there, to stop the top right shooter from shooting down. Move the brick that is now under it right to block the bottom right shooter from shooting up. Move the other brick up all the way to the top to block the top right shooter from shooting down. On the top rung, move the left and right bricks up one square to block the top two shooters from shooting left and right, and move the middle brick left one square. Move the middle brick over to block the top left shooter from shooting down, and move the other brick that was performing that task left to block the bottom left shooter from shooting up. Move the left brick in the second rung all the way to the left to block the left shooter from shooting down. On the bottom rung, move the middle brick up two and all the way to the right to block the bottom right shooter from shooting down. Move the left and right bricks left and right, then up one square so that they are between the grey guys that run back and forth and the hearts you need to get. Get all the hearts. Get the pearl, hit the door. Room #4 - There are six chambers. UR, UL, MR, ML, BR, BL. You need to get the entry heart, then shoot the guy inside, then get all the other hearts, then leave before the guy wakes up. Do them in this order: BR, ML, UL, UR, BL, MR. Get the pearl, hit the door. Room #5 - Get the heart below you. Wait for the grey guy to roll up next to the shooter, then shoot him to block the left shooter from shooting left. Move the brick down and right to block the left shooter from shooting down, then run over to a grassy area on the far right to get out of the grey guy's way. Wait for him on the right side of the grassy L and shoot him to stop the right shooter from shooting up, then grab the brick and move it to block the right shooter from shooting right, then run for the grassy area and the treasure chest in the bottom right corner (don't go all the way to the bottom else you die). Wait for the grey guy to block the bottom shooter from shooting right and shoot him to freeze him there. Then move the brick to block the shooter from shooting up, then get all the hearts above that area. If you take too long he'll wake up and leave, just wait for him to get back there and shoot him to block that bottom shooter from shooting right. Grab the pearl, hit the door. Room #6 - Shoot the boss until he dies. Level #6 * The trick on this level is to learn to predict the movements of the grey sliders. Learn that and the level is cake. Room #1 - The grey guys walk around in circles. Their movements are predictable. Get caught between two and you die. Run in, take a heart, run out. Repeat until you have all the hearts you can get from inside their little cage. Shoot one, drag him out over the upper left grassy square that blocks him in (shoot from the right, push to the left), use him to block the top shooter from shooting right, and get the heart. Shoot the other one, use him to block the bottom shooter from shooting right and get the heart. One will be milling around on the top, one will be milling around on the bottom. Walk up to the heart that's between the two and stand a half square on it, and lure the two grey guys so that they stand in line with you, blocking both shooters. You have to dance a little. Get the heart. Get the pearl, hit the door. Room #2 - Entirely too easy. Run down and block the bottom left shooter from shooting right. Get the heart. Run across the way and move the brick that's in front of the door one square right, and wait for the grey guy in the upper right corner chamber to block the shooter from shooting down, then grab the heart. Push the heart that used to block the door of the chamber you're in left to block the bottom left shooter from shooting up. Grab his heart. Move up and over to the upper right chamber and move the brick that's there over to block that shooter from shooting down. Grab the heart you can get while you're there. Use the fireballs to shoot the grey guy that's in the room with you and block the upper right shooter from shooting left. Grab the heart, and quickly shoot the grey guy that paces the aisle just below your current position, then push him down one square into the doorway to the lower right chamber. Grab the pearl, hit the door. Room #3 - Run through the chamber with the one grey guy in it and come out the other side. Push the only brick right to block the top shooter from shooting down, and grab the heart under the treasure chest. Now run over to the chamber with the one grey guy in it. Shoot him and push him out the other end, then move him to block the bottom shooter from shooting up. Grab the heart. Lure him to block the shooter from shooting left. Get that heart too. Now do the same thing with the other heart on the far left. Now go back in there, shoot him, and drag him out through the hole (dance until you get him where you want him). Push him out the other side of the chamber he was in and wait for him to wake up. Lure him up to block the top shooter from shooting left and grab that heart, leave through the arrow. Now lure him to the point where you can push him onto the green grass square, shoot hima nd do that, then run around to the left so you're one square below him so that when he wakes up he goes down into the little hole that's there for him, blocking the bottom shooter from shooting up. Now go over to the chamber where there are two and shoot the bottom one to kill him. The top one will run down to take his place, just sit there as he does that. Wait for the dead one to come back and block the bottom shooter from shooting right. Take that heart. Grab the pearl, hit the door. Room #4 - Grab the heart to your left. Bricks are arranged in a square pattern. Get the upper right and use it to block the top shooter from shooting down. Get the bottom right one and block the bottom shooter from shooting up. Get the heart you can get now. Get the upper left and push it to block the top shooter from shooting left. Get the bottom left and push it to block the bottom shooter from shooting left. Kill the grey guy in the upper left chamber and take his hearts, same with the bottom. Now run into the rightmost chamber and grab those hearts. Lure the grey guy that's in there down to block the bottom shooter from shooting left. Quickly - Grab the pearl, hit the door. Room #5 - Someone please send me the password to this one..the trick is to use the grey guy to block and conserve your shots. One of the bricks needs to be placed to the immediate left of the shooter in the bottom left corner to block him from shooting left. The other brick fits nicely equidistant from both of the upper left shooters to block one from shooting right and the top one from shooting down. At this point you can shoot the grey guy and move him into the notch below the shooter on the right wall so you can get the heart there, then shoot him when he wakes up and drag him into the notch beside the other heart, then you can place the ladder just below the heart, run up and get it, and leave. Then you can shoot the grey guy once more and move him to block the shooter on the bottom wall from shooting up. Grab the pearl, hit the door. Room #6 - Shoot the boss until he dies. 1111 1111 1111 1111 1111 1111 1111 1111 1111 1111 1111 1111 1111 1111 1111 1111