______________________________ / \ ================================ | The Adventures of Lolo 2 | ================================ \______________________________/ Copyright 1989 HAL/Nintendo Author: Jason Guay Email: ninjay(at)hotmail(dot)com Version: 1.0 Written: January 2011 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- =============================================================================== Table of Contents =============================================================================== ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- A. Story and Basics B. What's New? C. Controls D. Enemies E. Items/Environment F. Walkthrough G. Passwords ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- =============================================================================== A. STORY AND BASICS =============================================================================== ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ----- Story ----- The Great Devil back for a second round, and has once again kidnapped Lala. It is up to Lolo to brave another 50 rooms of dangerous puzzles in order to rescue his beloved pink ball of sweetness. ----------------- Finishing a Level ----------------- Every level in The Adventures of Lolo is a one screen puzzle room. No matter what you may see in each level, the goal is always the same - collect all of the Hearts to open the Treasure, then touch the Treasure to grab the Jewel. Doing so will clear all of the enemies in the room and open the Door to the next level (or make the Staircase to the next world appear). The Walkthrough section will explain exactly what must be done to solve each room. ---------------- Shooting Enemies ---------------- Collecting certain Hearts will grant Lolo 2 shots (indicated by a higher- pitched sound upon pickup). Lolo can hold more than 2 shots if he picks up the right Hearts. By shooting an enemy once, he turns them into an egg. The egg can be used in various ways, but will soon hatch, causing the enemy to respawn in the same shape as he was before being shot. If Lolo shoots an enemy twice (that is, shoots it once, then shoots the egg) the enemy will fly off screen temporarily. After a short amount of time, the enemy will respawn at its original starting point (which will be indicated by a square right before it reappears). ---------- Using Eggs ---------- Lolo can push an egg around freely as he would a Block, positioning it wherever needed. Eggs (as well as the enemies themselves) provide cover against enemy projectiles. Eggs can also be pushed into water, and Lolo can step onto them. Sometimes, they will sink on the spot, and other times they will float on a specific path before sinking. Use them to carry Lolo to places he can't reach otherwise, or use them to cross over a 1-tile wide body of water. ---------------- Tiles/Half Tiles ---------------- After playing the game, it can be clearly noticed that the screen is set up like an invisible grid, where all enemies, items, obstacles, and Lolo himself each take up 1 'tile'. This walkthrough will use this to describe how to push Blocks and solve puzzles, especially the more advanced ones. This will make it easier to describe exactly how to navigate through each puzzle. You may also notice that despite the rooms being set up on a grid, it is actually possible for Lolo to move or push objects a half-tile at a time. This little detail is essential to solving certain puzzles. Lolo can stand halfway in front of Medusa or Don Medusa without being shot, and any enemy only needs to be half blocked to be completely stopped (including all projectiles). ------------------ Respawn Relocation ------------------ When Lolo shoots and enemy twice and blasts it off screen, he can actually push a Block onto where the enemy normally spawns, which can have one of two things happen. The first is that a 'cancel' type sound will be heard, and the enemy will disappear forever. In some other specific cases, however, the enemy will actually respawn elsewhere in the room. This tricky detail is essential to completing certain puzzles in this game. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- =============================================================================== B. WHAT'S NEW? =============================================================================== ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- If you have played through Lolo 1 and are just now starting Lolo 2, you will notice that the main game looks extremely similar to its predecessor. However, there are several changes throughout the game that can be noted, and are as follows: --Title/Intro/Menus/Ending-- As one would expect, Lolo 2 has a new title screen, introductory cutscene, and ending. The menus and presentation screens have also gotten a makeover. --Tutorials-- If you let the game run on the title screen, you will be presented with some basic tutorials. Definitely useful for any newcomer to the series! --Enemy Appearance-- Most enemies have at least a slight visual difference from Lolo 1, the most apparent being Don Medusa's overall shape, as well as the fact that Skulls now physically change direction depending on the direction they travel (instead of just hovering around facing the screen at all times). --Lava-- Though one level in Lolo 1 features lava, this game is the first to actually require interaction with it. --Respawn Relocation-- Lolo 2 is the first game in the series to require respawn relocation to solve certain puzzles. See 'Story and Basics' above for details. --Music-- This game has a different song that Lolo 1, and hopefully you will like it, because it is once again the same song for every puzzle room in the game! Personally, I find it sort of has an 'Irish' ring to it. There is also a different 'fanfare' for when you touch a Staircase. --Difficulty-- It is important to note that the overall difficulty has been ramped up, making this a worthy sequel to the first game. --Room Cleared Smoke-- Another nice visual change is the fact that touching the Jewel to end a level now has all remaining enemies onscreen disappear in a cloud of smoke. In the previous game, they would simply disappear with no visual effect. --Castle-- As a nice change in setting, the final 5 levels of the game actually take place in a castle, offering a completely different background setting for the final stretch of the game. --Lolo Falls Asleep-- That's right, if you remain idle while in a puzzle room, Lolo will actually nod off and fall asleep, just to further insult your intelligence when you are stuck. --Final Boss-- Unlike Lolo 1, this game ends with an actual boss fight against the Great Devil himself! --Pro Levels-- Besides the 50 levels that make up the main game, there are actually 4 'hidden levels accessible through the passwords 'PROA', PROB', 'PROC', and 'PROD'. These levels are extremely challenging, so consider yourself warned! ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- =============================================================================== C. CONTROLS =============================================================================== ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Up - Moves Lolo up Down - Moves Lolo down Left - Moves Lolo left Right - Moves Lolo right A - Use item (if available) - Shoot (if you have shots) Select - Suicide/Give Up/Start Over Start - Start game ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- =============================================================================== D. ENEMIES =============================================================================== ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ------ Snakey ------ These green snake-like creatures simply stay on the spot and are not harmful to the touch. They are mostly used as meat shields or eggs to float on across water. --- Gol --- This pink dragon remains dormant until Lolo picks up the final Heart in a level. Once awakened, he will shoot fireballs at Lolo if he walks in front of where he is facing. While the fireballs can be avoided, it is always best to make sure Gol is not in the way of getting the Jewel, or is at least blocked. ------- Leeper ------- This green, hopping creature with big ears is quite a pain, as he will fall asleep as soon as he touches Lolo. Once he falls asleep, there is no way to move him, which can easily screw you. Make him fall asleep strategically so he does not block your progress. ---- Alma ---- This grey shelled creature alternates between running and rolling, with the simple goal of running into Lolo and killing him. Get away from him any way you can! ------ Medusa ------ Medusas are grey heads with snake hair that remain motionless, but will instantly kill Lolo if he walks exposed in line with them (4 directions) by throwing needles at him. Thankfully, Lolo can use Blocks and other means to get safely past them. ---------- Don Medusa ---------- Don Medusas are pink creatures that are exactly the same as Medusas, with the added threat of being able to patrol on a single line (back and forth either Vertically or Horizontally). Like Medusas, Don Medusa will instantly kill Lolo if he lines up exposed with him in 4 directions (although he throws a knife instead of needles...important detail, I know). ----- Skull ----- Skulls lay dormant until Lolo picks up the final Heart in a level, then they wake up and quickly go after him. Seeing as how they are fast and difficult to avoid, it is always best to ensure that they are trapped from Lolo's path to the Jewel before picking up the last heart. ----- Rocky ----- This grey block-like creature bumbles around slowly, but can speed up if lined up with Lolo. While touching him does not kill Lolo, his goal is to push you into other enemies or box you in somewhere, forcing you to restart. ----------- Great Devil ----------- This is the villain of the game, and the one that kidnapped Lala. Unlike the first installment of the series, you actually must face off against him at the end of the game. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- =============================================================================== E. ITEMS/ENVIRONMENT =============================================================================== ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ----- Trees ----- Trees are obstacles that block Lolo, enemies and Lolo's shots, but do not block enemies' projectiles. ----- Rocks ----- Rocks are obstacles that block Lolo and other enemies, and also block Lolo's shots and enemies' projectiles. ----- Water ----- Water cannot be accessed by Lolo or enemies, however Lolo can use push an egg onto it and float for a while. Be careful though; when the egg sinks, so does Lolo! ---- Lava ---- Though the first Adventures of Lolo displayed lava briefly, there was no need to interact with it. Now, however, it is more of a threat. Lava is the same concept as water, except if you use a Bridge item over lava, it will burn up and disappear after a short while! Also, eggs cannot be pushed into lava (they are simply blocked from entering). ------ Bridge ------ Bridges act as normal ground, allowing everyone across water. ----- Grass ----- Grass is just like normal ground, except that certain enemies cannot walk onto it, giving Lolo some safe ground. ---- Sand ---- This slows Lolo down significantly if he walks through it. It doesn't slow enemies down though, so watch out! ----- Heart ----- All of these must be collected to up the Treasure and finish the level. Some Hearts give Lolo 2 shots, which is indicated by a higher-pitched sound upon pickup. -------- Treasure -------- The treasure is the key to ending each level. When Lolo picks up all of the Hearts in a level, the Treasure will open and reveal a Jewel. Make your way to the open Treasure to touch the Jewel and clear all enemies, opening the path to the next level. It is important to note that Lolo can walk on the Treasure like normal ground. -------------- Door/Staircase -------------- When Lolo collects the Jewel to end a level, the door at the top of the screen will open. Enter the door to move on to the next level. The last level in each world does not have a door; this is because a Staircase will appear when Lolo grabs the Jewel. Touch the Staircase to move to the next world. ----------- Arrow Block ----------- These are stationary blocks with arrows in them. Lolo can walk through them if he is going the direction the arrow is pointing, or from the side. Lolo cannot go through an Arrow Block if he is going against the direction the arrow is pointing. ------ Blocks ------ These green blocks can be moved freely, and are essential to solving puzzles. Be careful, a block cannot be pulled, so getting one against a wall can get it stuck. ------------------ Hammer (Inventory) ------------------ If Lolo collects enough Hearts to use this, he can break any Rock on the screen by walking up to it and pressing A. ----------------- Arrow (Inventory) ----------------- If Lolo collects enough Hearts to use this, he can change the direction of the arrow of any Arrow Block on the screen by walking up to it and pressing A. ------------------ Bridge (Inventory) ------------------ If Lolo collects enough Hearts to use this, create a one-tile sized bridge by walking up to the water and pressing A. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- =============================================================================== F. WALKTHROUGH =============================================================================== ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ========== Room 1-1 ========== Here we are, back for a new adventure! This first room starts us off with a few Snakeys, and not much trouble. Collect the 5 Hearts that you can, leaving only the one in the upper left corner. Notice how the Heart at the top of the screen gave you 2 shots. Use these two shots to shoot the Snakey in the upper left corner twice (or shoot him just once and push the egg out of your way). Grab the final Heart behind him, then grab the Jewel. Room solved! ========== Room 1-2 ========== This room brings Skull back, but is still not very challenging. Simply follow the only path you can, collecting 4 Hearts until you reach a Snakey. These 4 Hearts give you 4 shots total, so shoot the Snakey twice to get him out of your way. Keep following the same path to collect 2 more Hearts, now running into a Skull blocking your path. Shoot him twice to get him out of your way, then grab the final Heart. There is another Skull that will awaken, but you should have more than enough time to grab the Jewel before he gets close to you. Room solved! ========== Room 1-3 ========== This room reintroduces Alma, but thankfully he starts off trapped in the upper left corner. Start with the Blocks in the lower right corner. Of the lower 3, move the left and right ones 1 tile up, then the middle one 1 tile left. Now collect the Heart you exposed, and do the same thing to the higher set of 3 Blocks (move the left and right ones 1 tile up, then the middle one 1 tile left). Grab the 2 Hearts beside the Treasure. Now collect the Heart in the lower right corner, followed by the one on the top of the screen (close to the door). Now all that remains is the Heart keeping Alma trapped. Notice how he runs around in a circular motion, so just as he is moving away from the final Heart, grab it. Doing this will make him finish a full lap before exiting his enclosure, giving you plenty of time to run to the Jewel. Room solved! ========== Room 1-4 ========== Oh boy - not only are we reintroduced to Leeper in this room, but 7 of them! This room is not actually that bad due to the open space, so if you keep moving upon starting it is not likely that you will get boxed in. I personally go after them actively, making sure to keep at least 2 directions clear at all times. Once you have put all of the Leepers to sleep safely, collect all of the Hearts, then the Jewel. Room solved! ========== Room 1-5 ========== A harsh way to end Floor 1 - reintroducing Rocky and Medusa. Notice that there are Blocks directly below both Medusas, so push them both 1 tile up (you need all the protection you can get with the Rockys around). Now collect the 3 Hearts on the lower row without lining up horizontally with the Medusas. Now get to the lower right Block and push it 2 tiles left then 2 tiles up, blocking the right Medusa's right side. This allows you to go up to the upper right Block, so push it 3 tiles left then 1 tile down, blocking the right Medusa's top. Finally, push the upper middle Block 1 tile left then 1 tile down, blocking the left Medusa's top. You can now collect the remaining 3 Hearts safely, just watch those Rockys. Grab the Jewel, then touch the Staircase. Done with Floor 1! ========== Room 2-1 ========== This one is not very hard - just collect all Hearts without getting boxed in by Rocky. I find the easiest way to do this is to go straight down and collect the 2 Hearts against the left wall, then the leftmost one on the bottom of the screen. Now backtrack, go back up, and this time go down the middle of the room (the path between the 2 Arrow Blocks). This will give you time to grab the remaining 2 Hearts, then go back up along the right side of the room, then run left to grab the Jewel. Room solved! ========== Room 2-2 ========== More Medusa and Block fun. Start with the Block directly above you. Push it 3 tiles right, 1 tile up, and collect the lower right Heart. Now push this same Block 1 tile left, 1 tile down, 4 tiles left, 1 tile up, 1 tile left, 1 tile up, then 1 tile left. This will block the left Medusa's right side. Now go back to the right side of the screen, and notice the rightmost Block with free space all around it. Push it 1 tile down, 2 tiles left, 1 tile down, 4 tiles left, 1 tile up, and 3 tiles left. This will block the left Medusa's bottom, so grab the Heart under her. Go back to the right side of the room, and notice the rightmost Block. Push it 3 tiles up to block the top Medusa's right side, so grab the Heart to her right. One Heart remains in the middle of the room, and it has a Block just to its upper right. Push this Block 3 tiles down, 4 tiles left, 1 tile up, 1 tile left, then as far up as possible. This will block the top Medusa's left side. Finally, grab the final Heart in the center of the room. Notice how there is a Block under the top Medusa - don't touch this one, but there is another Block 2 tiles left of it. Push this one as far left as possible, blocking the left Medusa's top. It is now safe to grab the Jewel. Room solved! ========== Room 2-3 ========== Start by collecting the Heart in the middle of the room (between the 2 Blocks). It will give you 2 shots, so shoot the right Snakey once and push the egg 3 tiles up, then 1 tile right, trapping the upper right Skull. Now shoot the left Snakey and push the egg 3 tiles up, then 1 tile left, trapping the upper left Skull. Now on to the 2 Blocks in the middle of the room. Push the right one 4 tiles up then 1 tile right, trapping the middle right Skull. Now push the left one 4 tiles up then 1 tile left, trapping the middle left Skull. Now get to the Block in the lower right part of the room. Push it 1 tile down, 2 tiles left, and 3 tiles up, trapping the lower right Skull. Now get to the remaining Block in the lower left part of the room. Push it 1 tile down, 2 tiles right, and 3 tiles up, trapping the lower left Skull. With all Skulls secured, grab the remaining 8 Hearts around the room, then the Jewel. Room solved! ========== Room 2-4 ========== This room is not really mind bending, you just have to collect all of the Hearts while watching the Rockys. I don't really have a scientific way to complete this room, as it is a little up to personal choice. What I like to do upon starting is run down the second vertical path from the right, letting the right Rocky run up to the top. Get past him and collect whatever three Hearts in his area you can. You won't have time to grab them all in one pass, as he will quickly zoom back down. Make your way to the middle, and grab the Hearts there. The easiest way to do this is to run around the middle clockwise as fast as possible. Doing this will eventually get you far enough ahead so that the middle Rocky doesn't charge you, giving you more time to safely collect each Heart. Now collect all of the Hearts on the left side of the room as well as the remaining ones on the right. Alternate between both sides and the middle, just to make sure you don't get trapped. The important thing is to never stop moving, so don't be afraid to do several laps around the middle until a big enough window of opportunity opens to grab a Heart. Remember, the Rockys can pop a 180 if they feel like it, so stay alert. Eventually you will sneak your way to all of the Hearts, so grab the Jewel afterwards. Room cleared! ========== Room 2-5 ========== Oh look, this room is arranged to look like a flower. Start by collecting every single Heart except for the one 2 tiles above the Medusa. Now get to the Block on the right side of the room and push it as far left as possible, blocking the Medusa's right side. Now notice the 3 Blocks lined up vertically under the Medusa. Push the middle one 1 tile left. Now go around the right side of the room so you reach the bottom of the screen. There is a Block directly above the Treasure, so push it 1 tile up. After doing this, there should be a Block just to your upper left. Push it 2 tile up, blocking the Medusa's left side. Finally, get to the Block on the left side of the room and push it 2 tiles right, go around to push it 1 tile up, then 2 tiles right. This will block the Medusa's top, completely trapping her in a cross-like prison. Grab the final Heart above her, then the Jewel. Touch the Staircase, and you're done with Floor 2! ========== Room 3-1 ========== Start with the 3 Blocks that are just to your right. Push the lowest one 1 right, then push the middle one 2 tiles left, securing the Medusa's right side. Now focus on the 3 other Blocks slightly further to the right, lined up vertically. Push the middle one 1 tile right, making sure not to trap Alma below it. Now push the top one 1 tile right, and finally push the middle one 1 tile right again, trapping Alma above it. Collect the 2 Hearts in the lower right corner. Now go back left and up through the small crevice, waiting under the rock. Wait until Don Medusa is to your left, then run all the way to the right side of the room, collecting the Heart there. Now wait until he is moving left before making your way back left, stopping either at the middle of the room under the Block, or making it all the way under the rock to the left. Either way, carefully take the final Heart on the left of the room when Don Medusa is to the right, activating your item (Arrow). Don't wait there though - run back under the rock before Don Medusa makes his way back left. Now, when Don Medusa is heading right, use your item on the Arrow Block on the left, and run through to the right until you push the Block 1 tile right - you will be safe under the rock. When Don Medusa is heading left past you, push the same Block 2 tiles right, then hide under it. When Don Medusa goes right past you, push the Block 2 tiles up, trapping him to the right. It is now safe to grab the Jewel. Room solved! ========== Room 3-2 ========== Start by carefully making your way up to the 3 Hearts in the upper left corner. Stand to the right of them (they will protect you), and as soon as Don Medusa starts moving down, collect all 3, then run to the right of the 3 Blocks just below. Collecting these Hearts will have activated your item (Hammer). Now of the 3 Blocks to your left, push the middle one 1 tile left (when Don Medusa is above it), then as far up as possible, trapping the Don Medusa in the upper left corner. Of the 2 remaining Blocks there, push the lower one 4 tiles right, 3 tiles up, and 1 tile right, blocking the Medusa's bottom. Return to the remaining Block on the left and push it 2 tiles down, 4 tiles right, 2 tiles up, 2 tiles right, and 3 tiles up, blocking the Medusa's right side. Now go to the bottom of the room, to where the 2 Blocks are. Push the upper one 1 tile right, so you can collect the final Heart just under the Snakey. After doing so, use the Hammer on the rock just to the left of the Snakey. Now shoot the Snakey once, then push the egg right into the water, and hop on. The egg will carry you all the way up to the Jewel, behind all of the Gols. Room solved! ========== Room 3-3 ========== Hmmm, too many things to block, and not enough Blocks to do it. Start by running up to the middle of the room and collecting the Heart there. Not only will this keep you safe from Leeper, but it will give you 2 shots. Start by facing left, and wait for Leeper to hop in line with you. When he does, shoot him once, then push the egg left, above the Heart on the left side of the room. This will allow you to collect the Heart in question, and when you do, run back to the middle of the room. Now face right, and when Leeper is lined up with you, shoot him once and push the egg right, below the Heart on the left side of the room. Now Leeper can fall asleep wherever you want him to, it doesn't matter. There are 2 Blocks in the middle of the room. Push the lower one 1 tile left, then 3 tiles down, allowing you to collect the final Heart. Finally, push the upper Block 1 tile right, then 3 tiles up, allowing you to safely grab the Jewel. Room solved! ========== Room 3-4 ========== I consider this to be the first tricky level in the game. Start by moving 1 tile left, pushing a Block with you. Now push the Block that is just to your lower right 1 tile right, securing the right Medusa's left side. Now, of the 2 remaining Blocks on the right side of the room, push the lower one 5 tiles down, 1 tile right, then 1 tile down, blocking the bottom Medusa's right side. Grab the Heart to her right, gaining 2 shots. Now there should still be a free Block on the right side of the room (3 tiles below a Heart). Push this one 5 tiles down, then 4 tiles left, blocking the bottom Medusa's top. Now that you can get to the left side of the room, get to the 2 Blocks to the right of the left Medusa. Push the left one 1 tile up, blocking the left Medusa's right side, then push the right Block 2 tiles up. Now you can get to the Snakey, so shoot him twice to blast him off screen. There should be a Block just to your right, so push it 1 tile down. After doing so there will be another Block to your upper right, so push it 1 tile up, and now collect the Heart in the upper left corner of the room. Just below you should be 2 Blocks side by side. Push the right one 6 tiles down, 1 tile right, then 1 tile down. This blocks the lower Medusa's left side, so grab the Heart to her left. Now go back up to the other salvageable Block in the upper left corner and push it 1 tile right, 4 tiles down, 5 tiles right, and then as far up as possible. This blocks the top Medusa's right side, so grab the final Heart to her right. Now, you also have a safe path to the Jewel, so grab it. Room solved! ========== Room 3-5 ========== Start by going up going through the 2 Skulls on the left side of the room, and grabbing the Heart past them, gaining 2 shots. Now notice that there is a Skull blocking your path up (resting between 2 trees). Shoot him once, then push the egg as far up as it will go. Take the Heart in the upper right corner of the room, gaining 2 more shots. Now go back down to the Skull that is 2 tiles above the Treasure. Shoot him once, then push the egg up in to the water, and hop aboard. This will allow you to get to the little island in the middle of the water, so grab the Heart there. Wait for the egg to sink, then shoot the Snakey once and push the egg right into the water, and hop on. Get back off to the right as soon as you can. Now go back down to the bottom of the screen. There is one Heart remaining that is just to the right of a Skull. With your last shot, shoot this Skull once, grab the final Heart while he is trapped, then grab the Jewel just below (the other Skulls won't have time to reach you). Touch the Staircase, and you're done with Floor 3! ========== Room 4-1 ========== Start this room off by standing under the Block that is directly to the left of the Snakey on the left side of the room. Push this Block as high up as it will go, squeezing Don Medusa against the top. Go back down and collect the 2 Hearts on that path, the higher one giving you shots. Now go back to the same Snakey and shoot him once, and push the egg right onto the water, using it to cross over. Now notice how there are 3 Blocks lined up vertically. Push the lowest one 1 tile up, then 1 tile right. Push the middle Block 1 tile up, then push the highest Block 1 tile right. Doing this completely blocks the right Medusa, so grab the remaining 2 Hearts above and below her. Doing so will activate your item (Hammer). To get back to the left side of the room, shoot the nearby Snakey once, push the egg left into the water, and use it to cross over. Here is the tricky part: You want to use the Hammer to break the rock directly under the middle Medusa, but the only way you can do this and survive is with Leeper's help. Observe his movements carefully, as soon as he is under the middle Medusa, break the rock then quickly move left. I like to then stand directly to the right of the Snakey on the left side of the room, and let the Leeper come out and fall asleep directly to Lolo's right. From here, there is a Block 2 tiles above the same Snakey. Push it 1 tile down, 3 tiles right, and as far up as possible. This will block the middle Medusa's bottom, allowing you to safely get to the Jewel. Room solved! ========== Room 4-2 ========== Yikes...THREE Almas! This level is all about moving constantly and picking the right path. Here is a method that pretty much always works for me: Start by going down the left path, collecting the 4 Hearts on the left side of the room. As soon as you collect the 4th in that set, go straight down (pushing a Block with you), then go left, and then back up along the left edge of the room. Once you reach the top of the room, run all the way right, then go back down along the right edge of the room. Go slightly left, then back up through the second path from the right, allowing you to collect the 4 remaining Hearts. After collecting them, you should be able to go a little farther left then down the middle of the room to grab the Jewel. Room solved! ========== Room 4-3 ========== Start by collecting the 2 Hearts at the top of the screen (watch Don Medusa at the bottom!). The one on the right will give you 2 shots. Now there are 3 Blocks below you; push the lowest one straight down, across the bridge. Go back up to the Snakey above the bridge. When Don Medusa is moving to the right, shoot the Snakey once, push the egg down into the water, cross over, and then move 1 tile right. This will push a Block with you and keep you safe from Don Medusa. Now, as he is moving left past you, push the Block to your right 1 more tile, then retreat to standing above the rock for cover. Now there is a Snakey to your left. Shoot him once and push the egg left into the water (watch Don Medusa), crossing over to the other side. Upon crossing, you will push a Block 1 tile left. Simply push it 1 tile down afterwards, securing the Medusa's top. Grab the Heart to her upper left, gaining 2 more shots. Now there is another Snakey close by; shoot him once and push the egg 1 tile down, then right into the water, and cross over. This must be done fast enough so that the previous Snakey does not have time to respawn and block your path. Once back on the right side of the water, go back up to the higher Snakey. Shoot him once and push the egg 3 tiles right, then down into the water. This will let you push a previously positioned Block straight down, and you want to do this to trap the Don Medusa in the bottom right corner of the room. Grab the Heart to his left, gaining 2 more shots. Now there are still 2 Blocks in the upper right area. Push the once on the left straight down across the bridge. Now shoot the same Snakey once and push the egg straight down into the water, and use it to get across. Push the same Block as far right as possible, blocking the Don Medusa's top. Go back across the bridge and grab the final Heart above him. Wait for the same Snakey to respawn again, we will need his help one last time. Shoot him once with your remaining shot, and push the egg straight up to the top of the screen, then left into the water, and hop on. The egg will allow you to cross to the left side of the room and grab the Jewel. If you do not push the egg to the top of the room first, the Gol's fire will have time to hit you. Room solved! ========== Room 4-4 ========== First off, notice that there are 2 Blocks above you. Push the lower one 1 tile down, then 2 tiles right, blocking the right Medusa's bottom. Grab the Heart under her. Now push the other Block 1 tile up then 1 tile right, blocking the right Medusa's left side. Go up and collect the Heart in the upper right corner, followed by the one in the middle near the top of the room. Now go back down to the 5 blocks in the middle of the room, forming a 'V' shape. Push the top right one 1 tile left, and after doing so there will be another Block directly under you; go around and push this one 1 tile up. Grab the Heart to your left (gaining 2 shots), and from there move 1 tile further left to push a Block out of your way. Now notice how there are 3 Blocks lined up horizontally. Push the left and right ones 1 tile up, then the middle one 1 tile left. Collect the Heart there, then move as far left as possible, pushing a Block against the lower left Medusa's right side. Now shoot the left Snakey once and push the egg 1 tile up, blocking the upper left Medusa's right side. Go back down to where the 'V' of Blocks was. The lowest one of these can be used, so push it 1 tile down, then as far left as possible. This will block the lower left Medusa's bottom, so grab the final Heart below her. Finally, go up to the Snakey in the upper right corner. Shoot him once and push the egg 1 tile right, 1 tile up, and 1 tile right, then safely grab the Jewel. Room solved! ========== Room 4-5 ========== This room is all about timing, as you will need to use Leeper to shield you from Medusa 3 times. Make your way down to the left of the bottom Heart. As Leeper is hopping to the right under Medusa, run to the right to get past her and pick up the bottom Heart (try and follow Leeper exactly). Now it is safe to keep following the winding path to pick up the 2 remaining Hearts. When you are just about to walk under her again, stop. Once again wait for Leeper to hop towards the right under Medusa before following his movements and getting past her. Finally, you must do this one last time to get to the Jewel. Wait until Leeper is hopping up to the right of Medusa, then follow him up to get past her and grab the Jewel. Touch the Staircase, and you're done with Floor 4! ========== Room 5-1 ========== This room is strangely easy despite how it looks. Looking at the cluster of Hearts in the middle of the room (among the Blocks), focus on the lower right one. There is a Block directly below it, so push it as far right as possible, then 3 tiles up, blocking the right Medusa's left side. Now go back to the same Heart, and notice there is a Block directly to the right of it. Push it as far right as possible (grabbing the Heart), blocking the same Medusa's bottom. Grab the Heart below her. Now in the middle cluster of Blocks, there should be the one to the farthest right that is free. Push it 2 tiles up when Don Medusa is to the right, trapping him to the right for good. After doing this, walk 1 tile left to pick up a Heart. Now go up and around to grab the 3 Hearts stuck together in the middle. From here, walk as far left as possible, pushing a Block with you against the left Medusa's right side. Grab the Heart that you freed in doing so. After picking this Heart up, walk 1 tile down, then 2 tiles left, pushing a Block under the left Medusa. Grab the Heart below her. Now make your way back to the top of the room, and grab the final Heart in the upper left corner, then the Jewel. Room solved! ========== Room 5-2 ========== Ah, this one is clever. Start by grabbing the Hearts to the left of each Snakey. Doing so will activate your item (Bridge) and give you 2 shots. Shoot the upper Snakey once, push the egg up into the water, and cross over. Go left through the Arrow Block (don't take the Heart above Medusa), and reach the Block in the upper left corner. Push it 3 tiles down, so it is just to the right of the Treasure. Walk over the Treasure to get to the bottom of the room, then go right across the lower Arrow Block (don't take the Heart under the Medusa). Now you want to get directly under the lower Snakey and use your Bridge here. Get on the Bridge and shoot the lower Snakey once, then push the egg 1 tile up, 4 tiles left, then 1 tile up. This will block the Medusa's right, so grab the Heart to the right of her, gaining 2 essential shots. Now go back down across the Bridge you made, and notice there is a Block just to its lower left. Push it 1 tile right, 3 tiles up, then 5 tiles left, blocking the Medusa's bottom. Shoot the upper Snakey once, push the egg up into the water, and cross over. Once again do a counter-clockwise lap to get to the bottom left corner of the room (again, not taking the Heart above Medusa). Now you can safely take the Heart below her, so do so. With the Heart out of the way, you can push the lower left Block 1 tile down, 7 tiles right, 5 tiles up, and 5 tiles left, blocking the Medusa's top. Finally, shoot the upper Snakey one last time, push the egg up into the water, and cross over. Now you can grab the final Heart above the Medusa, then the Jewel. Room solved! ========== Room 5-3 ========== There may be a smarter way to do this, but here is my way. Start with the 2 Hearts below the cluster of Arrow Blocks; you can only collect the left one due to Medusa. Do so, gaining 2 shots. Now collect the Heart to Medusa's lower right to activate your item (Hammer). Now notice that there is a Snakey to Medusa's lower left; shoot it once and push the egg 1 tile right, then 1 tile up, blocking her left side. Now grab the remaining Heart to Medusa's left. Now walk across the Treasure then up to meet the Snakey blocking your path. Shoot him once and push the egg as far up as possible, clearing the path. Now freely collect all 11 Hearts in that open area. Now all that remains is the 2 Hearts behind the Gols. Notice how there is a rock above the rightmost Gol - use your Hammer to break this one. Go down to collect both final Hearts, then go back up through the same path. From the top middle of the screen go back down to the Arrow Blocks. This is where you have to be quick; run down then right as fast as possible to grab the Jewel. If you do this fast enough, Gol's fire will get very close to you, but will not have time to hit you. Room solved! ========== Room 5-4 ========== Start by grabbing the Heart to the lower right of the Snakey, gaining 2 shots. Now shoot the lower Gol once and push the egg as far left as possible. Grab Heart that was behind him, gaining 2 more shots. Now shoot the upper Snakey once and push the egg 2 tiles up, then 1 tile right, blocking the Medusa's left side. Grab the Heart to Medusa's left, then get above the upper Gol. Shoot him once, and push the egg 2 tiles down, then 3 tiles right, blocking the Medusa's bottom. Grab the Heart below her. Now go back down to the lower Snakey. Shoot him once and push the egg 6 tiles up, then 2 tiles right. This blocks the Medusa's top, so grab the Heart above her. Now comes the tricky part. We actually need to grab the final Heart to free Rocky, and use him to block Medusa's right side so we can grab the Jewel. What I do is wait until Rocky is at the bottom of his little enclosure, then starts walking right. Grab the Heart, and he will actually charge up to get you, freeing him from his prison (you have to time this well enough to not get shot by the left Gol). You then have to run left and up into the little alcove between a rock and tree. Rocky will charge up again, so move right. From here, carefully guide him up until he is to the right of the Medusa, then run and grab the Jewel. This may certainly take a few tries to get right, but stay focused and you'll get it. Room solved! ========== Room 5-5 ========== Start by collecting the Heart, gaining 2 shots. Now shoot the Snakey once and push the egg up into the water, and cross over. Now you will meet another Snakey; shoot him once and push the egg up into the water, then hop on. Get off on the bridge just to the right, and take the Heart just to the right of the Treasure. Now wait for the floating egg to sink. Notice the 2 Gols side by side. Shoot the right one once, then push the egg down into the water. Grab the final Heart to the right, and as the egg floats to your right, hop on. When it carries you just above the Block, get off and push the Block as far down as possible, blocking the lower Gol. With your remaining shot, shoot the upper left Gol once, and grab the Jewel while he is trapped in an egg. Touch the Staircase, and you're done with Floor 5! ========== Room 6-1 ========== Start by going to the bottom of the screen. The first Heart you want to grab is the one just to the upper right of the Medusa. To do that, run left, using the Hearts and Block as cover from Don Medusa. Wait above the leftmost Heart, and when Don Medusa starts moving right, grab it (gaining 2 shots) and move back right, waiting above the Block. When Don Medusa goes back to the left of you, push the Block 1 tile down (grabbing a Heart), then as far left as possible, squeezing the Medusa and Don Medusa in the bottom left corner. Now notice that there is a Block above Don Medusa; push it 2 tiles down, and 0.5 tiles left. This will block the top of both Medusa and Don Medusa. Now go back to the top of the room, and left through the Arrow Block to collect the final Heart. This will awaken the 2 Skulls, and they will come for you. As soon as the first one gets through the Arrow Block, shoot him once (the egg should be one tile left of the Arrow Block). Doing this will make the other Skull backtrack a bit, so quickly push the egg down into the water and cross over. Now it is just a matter of grabbing the Jewel, which you should have plenty of time to do. Room solved! ========== Room 6-2 ========== Start this room off by going right through the Arrow Block, and picking up the Heart to gain 2 shots. Then go further right through the second Arrow Block, picking up another Heart and gaining 2 more shots. Shoot the Snakey once and push the egg left into the water, then cross over. Now shoot the next Snakey once and push the egg left into the water, and hop on. You will be blocked by yet another Snakey, so quickly shoot him once and push the egg 1 tile left, then 4 tiles up, blocking the Medusa's right side. Now make your way to the upper right Snakey. Shoot him once and push the egg up into the water, then cross over. Quickly grab the Heart, then hop back onto the floating egg. You want to ride it all the way to the left, then shoot the Gol once. As soon as you can get off of the floating egg, push the other egg (trapped Gol) as far left as possible, blocking the Medusa's top. Grab the Heart above her. Now all you have to do is shoot the upper right Snakey once and push the egg as far left as possible. This will block the Medusa's bottom, so grab the final Heart below her, then the Jewel. Room solved! ========== Room 6-3 ========== First off, grab the Heart right above you, and after doing so there will be a Block directly to your left - push it 1 tile left. Now go up until you hit a rock, and there will be a Block directly to your left. Push it 1 tile left then 1 tile down, trapping the rightmost Skull. Grab the Heart in the upper right corner, then the one on top of the room in the middle (gaining 2 shots), then the one in the upper left corner. Now go back down to the Arrow Block in the lower right corner of the room. There is a Block directly to the left of it so push it 1 tile down, 7 tiles left, then 3 tiles up. Go through the Arrow Block on the left and grab the Heart there. Follow the path until you reach a Block; push it 1 tile right then 1 tile down, trapping the leftmost Skull. Now, go clockwise around the room to reach the final Heart. Before grabbing it, shoot the 2 lower Skulls once each to trap them in eggs. After doing this, grab the final Heart then go up and grab the Jewel - the 2 Skulls on top should not give you any trouble. Room solved! ========== Room 6-4 ========== This room is another example of how annoying Rocky can be. In completing this entire level, you must keep you eye on him at all times, as he can screw you at any moment. Make your way to the Blocks on the right - you will be needing a lot of them. Push the top one as far right as possible, to get it out of the way. Now we will be using the Blocks in the left column. Push the highest one 3 tiles left, 3 tiles up, then 1 tile left. Do this so that you block the Don Medusa to the left (this also blocks the right Medusa's bottom). Now take the next highest Block from the left column and push it 2 tiles left, 3 tiles up, 1 tile left, 3 tiles up, and 1 tile left. This again blocks the right Medusa's bottom, so get to the Block just below and push it as far left as possible. This will squeeze Don Medusa against the left wall, and will block the left Medusa's bottom. With this done, safely grab the 2 Hearts on the left side of the room. Now grab the next highest Block from the left column and push it 2 tiles left, 4 tiles up, 1 tile left, and 4.5 tiles up. This will block the right Medusa's right side, as well as the Gol. Now we need one final Block, but there are no more available for use from the left column. To free a Block from the right column, push the third from the bottom 1 tile right, then the fourth from the bottom 1 tile up. There should be a Block directly to the right of the one you just pushed, so push this one 1 tile up. This will free a Block which is now directly to your left. Push this Block 4 tiles left, 4 tiles up, 3 tiles right, then 1 tile down. This will finally trap the pesky Don Medusa on the right, so grab the final 2 Hearts in the upper right corner, then grab the Jewel. Room solved! *Additional Note* Seeing as how this level can be extremely frustrating due to Rocky, it is important to note that it's possible for him to get trapped for most of the procedure. After pushing the first Block right (the highest one of all), Rocky can actually stuck between this Block and the Don Medusa moving up and down. This requires skill and patience (or luck) to pull off, because not only do you have to get Rocky to cooperate, but it has to be timed right with the Don Medusa. If you are finding this level impossible because of Rocky, try getting him trapped in this way. ========== Room 6-5 ========== This level requires fast fingers, but isn't that bad. Start by grabbing the Heart nearby, gaining 2 shots. Shoot the Snakey once and push the egg up into the water, and hop on. When you reach the upper left island, get off and wait for the egg to sink. Now there are 2 Hearts remaining; grab the lower one to gain 2 more shots. Shoot the right Gol once, then grab the final Heart. Push the egg right into the water and hop on. Hold down as soon as you hop on to make Lolo face down, it makes the next part a lot easier. You will float to 3 Gols in a row. As soon as you are almost lined up with the rightmost one, quickly shoot him twice to blast him off screen, and jump down off of the egg to where he was positioned. Shoot the Gol just to your left once, and grab the Jewel while he is trapped in an egg. Touch the Staircase, and you are done with Floor 6! ========== Room 7-1 ========== This level has one nasty step that makes all the difference. See how it seems to be impossible to push that first Block down to the lower Medusa? Yeah, well you can, and need to. Push the Block 0.5 tiles up, then move left, so you are half on the Arrow Block that is facing down - this is enough to be able to go up through it. Now go 2 tiles up; you will only be half exposed to the upper Medusa, so push the Block 2.5 tiles down, blocking the lower Medusa's left side. Sneaky! With that done, grab the leftmost Heart, then go 1 more tile right, so that you are standing on the Arrow Block facing right. Push the Block that is above you 1 tile up and that one below you 1 tile down, blocking the right side of both Medusas, then get back onto the same Arrow Block. There should be a Block to your upper right - push it 1 tile right, then 1 tile up, grabbing the Heart that is smack dab in the middle of the room. Now let's secure the upper Don Medusa. First of all, go back to the Block you just pushed, and push it 1 tile right, so that it is under the other Block. Grab the 2 Hearts to Don Medusa's left, and now push the higher of the 2 Blocks as far right as possible, squeezing Don Medusa against the right wall. Be sure to follow the lower Don Medusa in doing so, avoiding death. Now do the same thing with the other Block - push it as far right as possible, blocking the upper Don Medusa's bottom. Now for the lower Don Medusa. Go back to where you started the room, where the Medusas are. Go down and right along the bottom of the screen. There is a Block to the right of 2 Arrow Blocks pointing up - push it 1 tile up and 1 tile right to squeeze Don Medusa against the right wall. Now looking back at these same 2 Arrow Blocks, there is a Block directly above the left one. Push this Block 1 tile up, grab the final 2 Hearts to your left, then push the same Block as far right as possible, blocking the lower Don Medusa's top. It is now safe to grab the Jewel. Room solved! ========== Room 7-2 ========== Start by standing directly to the lower right of the leftmost Gol, and wait. Leeper will come and fall asleep directly above Lolo safely, taking care of that problem. Now grab the 2 Hearts close to the Arrow Block near the middle of the room (pointing right), then the Heart near the lower left corner. Notice the cluster of Blocks in the lower left corner. Push the highest one 3 tiles right, blocking the left Medusa's bottom. Grab the 3 Hearts lined up horizontally under her. Now go back to the cluster of Blocks, forming a 'T' shape. Push the upper right one 1 tile up, then the lowest one 2 tiles left (into the corner). From here, move 1 tile up (pushing a Block with you), and now there is another Block to your right - push it 6 tiles right then 2 tiles up, blocking the right Medusa's bottom. Now looking back in the lower left corner, there should be a Block completely free, with nothing directly around it. Push it 1 tile right, 5 tiles up, 3 tiles right, then 2 tiles down, blocking the left Medusa's top. Grab the Heart near the upper right corner of the room. Now there is one more salvageable Block in the lower left corner, found 2 tiles above the lowest Arrow Block (pointing left). Push it 1 tile left, 5 tiles up, 3 tiles right, 1 tile up, 1 tile right, 1 tile up, and 3 tiles right. Now here is the tricky part - you want to push the Block 0.5 tiles right, just when Don Medusa is at the very top of the screen. Doing this will allow you to trap him up top, and will also allow you to back track across the Arrow Block. With that done, go all the way counter-clockwise around the room, grab the final Heart, then the Jewel (watch out for the Gol above!). Room solved! ========== Room 7-3 ========== Start by pushing the Block to your right 2 tiles right, then grab the Hearts above and below you. Now that there are 3 Blocks lined up vertically to your right, push the top and bottom ones 1 tile right, then the middle one down. Move 2 tiles right (pushing a Block with you), and grab the Heart just below you. Now move as far right as possible (pushing a Block with you), then push the Block above you 1 tile up, and now you can get out of this Block prison. Grab the Heart on the right side of the room, gaining 2 shots. Now you are going to have to shoot the Snakey once, push the egg up to where Rocky is, then push it left into the water and hop on. I find this is easiest to do if you start the procedure as Rocky is walking to the left. You want to disembark the egg down when you are directly over the Block, and push it down and 1 tile right, to secure the lower Gol. You then want to get back on the egg as it keeps floating around the middle, and then once again disembark on the left side of the room, above the tree. Standing directly above the tree, face right and shoot the upper Gol across the water once. Grab the two final Hearts in the upper left corner, then quickly push the egg down into the water and hop on. It will follow the same path as the previous egg, but this time you want to disembark down onto the grass instead of left. Now you can safely go back to the right and grab the Jewel. Room solved! ========== Room 7-4 ========== First off, collect the 2 Hearts at the bottom of the room, the left one giving you 2 shots. Now notice that there are 3 Blocks in the lower left corner. Push the middle one 3 tiles up, 3 tiles right, and 1 tile up, blocking the right Medusa's left side. Now get under the 2 Skulls in the upper left corner. Shoot the left one once, and push the egg 2 tiles up, blocking the left Medusa's right side. Now shoot the right Skull once and push the egg 1 tile up and 2 tiles left, blocking the same Medusa's bottom. Grab the Heart to her upper right (gaining 2 more shots), then go back down to the Blocks in the lower left corner. Push the left one straight up as high as it will go, trapping everyone together. Now here is the sneaky part - this is the first level in the Lolo series to use respawn relocation. Shoot the Snakey twice to blast him off screen. Now notice the remaining Block in the lower left corner. Push it 2 tiles up, exactly where the Snakey was. Seeing as how you have blocked his respawn point, he will respawn elsewhere, and in this case, conveniently above the right Medusa. Now take the same Block and push it 3 tiles right and 1 tile up, blocking the right Medusa's bottom. Now you can safely grab the 2 remaining Hearts in the upper right corner, then the Jewel. Room solved! ========== Room 7-5 ========== Surprisingly, this room is quite easy! Collect the 2 Hearts in the upper left corner (the higher one giving you 2 shots). Now collect the Heart on the right side of the room (push a Block down out of your way to get to it). Directly to the left of the Block you just pushed down is a Skull - shoot him once and push the egg down into the water then hop on. You will soon float between 2 Skulls. As soon as you do, go up off of the egg, grab the Heart on the left, and then jump back on. Keep floating until you are going right, under the lower Skull. As soon as you get past him, go up off the egg again, shoot the Skull to your left once, grab the Heart to your right, and get back on the same floating egg. Now get back off just to the right, and safely grab the Jewel. Touch the Staircase, and you're done with Floor 7! ========== Room 8-1 ========== Upon starting, there is a Block directly to your upper left. Push this Block as far left as possible, as unfortunately we can't use it. Now notice the left Snakey, there is a Block 3 tiles below him - push it 1 tile up. After doing this there is a Block 3 tiles to your right - push it 1 tile right, go around and grab the Heart directly below it (gaining 2 shots), then push it 1 tile up. This will block the right Medusa's left side. Now go up and grab the Heart between the 2 Snakeys (directly to the left of a tree). There is a Block 2 tiles below the left Snakey, so push it 3 tiles down, then go around and push it 1 tile left. This will block the lowest Medusa's top. Go up and shoot the left Snakey once, then push the egg 1 tile up and 1 tile left, blocking the highest Medusa's bottom. Notice the 3 Blocks to the right of the Treasure. Push the top and bottom ones 1 tile left, then push the middle one as far down as possible. This will block the lowest Medusa's left side, so grab the Heart to her left. There is one remaining Block near the bottom right corner of the room (to the left of three trees lined up horizontally). Push this Block 2 tiles up, 2 tiles left, 3 tiles up, 1 tile right, and 3 tiles up, blocking the highest Medusa's right side. Now comes 2 parts where you must be quick. Shoot the right Snakey once, then push the egg 2 tiles down, 2 tiles right, grab the 2 Hearts in the top right corner (the lower one giving you 2 shots), get back to the left of the egg, and shoot it again to blast it off screen. Here is the second 'quick' part. Shoot the same Snakey once, then push the egg 2 tiles down, as far left as possible, and then as far up as possible. This will block the highest Medusa's left side. Grab the final Heart in the upper left corner, then the Jewel. Room solved! ========== Room 8-2 ========== 4 Skulls and 6 Almas? There is obviously no way we are going to weave our way through all that after picking up all of the Hearts, so let's try something else. Grab the 2 Hearts on the left side of the room, the 2 Hearts on the right side of the room, and the right one on the bottom. This should leave only the left Heart on the bottom of the room, and should give you 8 shots total, which is more than enough. This next part must be done quickly. Stand on the left side of the room; you will have to quickly shoot Almas over the water. Shoot the lowest one once, the middle one once, then the highest one twice, blasting him off screen. Now quickly run up and back down into the middle area, shoot the upper left Skull once, and push the egg left into the water and use it to cross back over to the left. As the egg is floating, grab the final Heart and wait under the Treasure. The egg with float right above you, so simply use it to cross over and grab the Jewel from below. Room solved! ========== Room 8-3 ========== Ah, this is the first time we see lava! Remember, a Bridge used on lava will burn and disappear after a short time. Start by collecting all 5 Hearts on the lower half of the room (activating your first item, being a Bridge), then the Heart in the upper left corner (gaining 2 shots). Grab the Heart directly below the Door (activating your second Bridge), then notice the 3 Blocks in the middle of the room. Push the right one 1 tile right, then the lower left one 1 tile right. Now push the right Block 1 tile down, 4.5 tiles left, then 1 tile down. This will trap everything in the lower left corner. There is only one other Block you can move for now, so push it 3 tiles right then 1 tile down, to the left of the rightmost Gol. Now time to use our first Bridge - notice the left ring of lava with 5 Hearts in it. We want to use it between the 2 Gols and the Block, on the right side. After using the Bridge, quickly grab all 5 Hearts, stand back on the Bridge, and walk down as far as possible, pushing the remaining Block with you. Push the same Block 2.5 tiles right then 1 tile down, trapping everything in the lower right corner. Use your second Bridge on the bottom of the right ring of lava, run up and collect the final 2 Hearts, then run back down. Now head to the far left, and notice that there are 2 Gols dangerously close to the Treasure. Stand below the right one and shoot him once up over the lava. Now shoot the left one once, and run up and grab the Jewel (watch out for the other 2 Gols further right). Room solved! ========== Room 8-4 ========== You start off with 2 Blocks close to you, so push them both as far down as possible. Now push the right one as far right as possible, then as far up as possible, and push the left one as far left as possible, then as far up as possible. Doing this will block both Medusa's bottoms, so grab the Hearts in the lower left and lower right corners (gaining 2 shots). Shoot the left Snakey once, then push the egg 5 tiles up, blocking the left Medusa's right side. Grab the Heart just to her right, gaining 2 more shots. Now shoot the right Snakey once and push the egg 5 tiles up, blocking the right Medusa's left side. Grab the Heart just to her left, gaining 2 more shots and activating your first item (Hammer). Notice the Medusa on the bottom surrounded by rocks. Stand on the right side of the enclosure, and use your Hammer to break the fourth rock from the bottom, on the right side. Now go up and shoot the right Snakey twice from below, blasting him off screen. When he respawns, shoot him once and push the egg 1 tile down then 4 tiles left. Grab the final Heart above the trapped Medusa, gaining 2 more shots and activating your second item (another Hammer). This time, stand on the left side of the enclosure and use your Hammer on the second rock from the bottom, on the left side. Go up and shoot the left Snakey twice, blasting him off screen. When he respawns, shoot him once and push the egg 3 tiles down, then 4 tiles right. This allows you to safely grab the Jewel. Room solved! ========== Room 8-5 ========== Yikes, an arrow-heavy room with 3 Arrow items to use (shudder). Actually, this level is easy if you know that all 3 items are used on the same Arrow Block, being the one in the middle of the room. Start by collecting the 3 Hearts lined up vertically in the lower left corner (activating your first Arrow item). Now go right along the bottom of the screen, standing on the Arrow Block pointing right (pushing a Block 2 tiles with you). Now go straight up until you collect a Heart (activating your second Arrow item). You are now blocked by an Arrow Block pointing down. Use your first item to change it, then go to the left of it to grab the trapped Heart. Now the same Arrow Block is pointing left to trap you, so use your second item to change it again, then go as far up as possible, pushing a Block with you. Grab the Heart to the right (activating your third Arrow item), then keep going right across 2 Arrow Blocks to get the 2 Hearts in the upper right corner. From the upper right corner, walk as far left as possible, pushing a Block with you block the top left Medusa's right side. Grab the 2 Hearts to her lower right, and after doing so there will be a Block directly below you. Push this Block 1 tile left, then grab the Heart below the Medusa. Now go back down the middle path to the Arrow Block in the middle of the room. It is pointing up and blocking you, so use your third item to change it, and walk down to the first Arrow Block you seeing pointing right. Walk right and collect the 2 Hearts stuck together, then go across the Arrow Block pointing down to grab the Heart to the lower Medusa's upper left. Go back across the same Arrow Block, and grab the Heart above you. After doing so there is a Block just to your right, so push it 3 tiles down, then 1 tile right, and grab the final Heart. To get to the Jewel, go up though the Arrow Blocks to the top of the screen, go left, down the middle path, then left across the Arrow Blocks. Touch the Staircase, and you're done with Floor 8! ========== Room 9-1 ========== The first thing you want to do is go down, left through the lower Arrow Block pointing left, then up to grab the Heart in the middle of the room, between the 2 Gols. After grabbing the Heart, get onto the grass and move left, preventing Leeper from getting to you and falling asleep. Now just above you there are 5 Blocks in a '+' shape. Move the leftmost one 2 tiles up. Now move 1 tile right, pushing a Block with you. Grab the Heart above you, and after doing so there is a Block just to your left. Push it as far left as possible, squeezing Don Medusa against the left wall. Now of the 4 remaining Blocks, push the highest one as far left as possible, blocking the Don Medusa's bottom. Go down the middle path to where the 2 Gols are, and when Leeper is hopping off the right past you, run down to the lower left chamber. Stand directly to the left of the Treasure and wait. Leeper will come and fall asleep right above you, blocking the lower left Gol. Now grab the Heart below the Gol in the upper left corner, and use the Arrow Blocks to get back to the Blocks at the top of the room. Of the 3 remaining Blocks, push the lowest one 1 tile left, then the middle one 1 tile up, get to the top of it and push it 6 tiles down, 1 tile right, then 1 tile down. Go back up to the remaining 2 Blocks and push the one on the right 1 tile up, 1 tile left, 6 tiles down, then 0.5 tiles left. This will trap all 5 Skulls. Finally, go down the right path to grab the Heart in the lower right corner, and now grab the final Heart higher above. Go down to the bottom half of the room, and you are now safe to walk straight left across both lower Arrow Blocks (pointing left), then down to grab the Jewel. Room solved! ========== Room 9-2 ========== Start by walking counter-clockwise around the left structure to get to the 2 Blocks by the Treasure. Push the lower one 3 tiles right, then 2 tiles up to block the Medusa's bottom. The push the upper Block 2 tiles right and 1 tile up, to block the Medusa's left side. Grab the Heart to her left, gaining 2 shots. This next part must be done as quickly as possible. Get to the 2 Skulls in the lower right corner, and shoot the left one twice to blast it off screen. Grab the 2 Hearts (gaining 4 shots total) and of the 4 Blocks you run into, push the lowest one 1 tile left, then the middle one 2 tiles up. Now get underneath the 2 rightmost Gols and shoot each one twice, blasting them both off screen. Grab the 2 Hearts above them (gaining another 4 shots), and quickly run back to the very bottom of the screen before the Skull respawns. Now go up to the 2 Skulls on the top of the screen, and shoot each one twice, blasting them both off screen. Grab the final Heart, then the Jewel. The 2 other Skulls should run up to the right, and should not even have time to get close to you. Room solved! ========== Room 9-3 ========== Start with the 2 Blocks directly to your sides; push the left one 1 tile left and right one 1 tile right, pushing them both against Medusas. Now move to the lower left where the 3 Blocks are. Push the rightmost one 4.5 tiles up. Of the 2 remaining Blocks, push the lower one 1 tile left, then the upper one 1 tile up, the 0.5 tiles left. Grab the Heart on the left side of the room. Move to the right side of the room, and notice that there are 2 Hearts in the middle. Take only the higher of the two (gaining 2 shots), then keep moving right. You need to do the same thing as you did on the left side of the room. Push the leftmost Block 4.5 tiles up. Of the 2 remaining Blocks, push the lower one 1 tile right, then the upper one 1 tile up, the 0.5 tiles right. Grab the Heart on the right side of the room. Go back to where you started the level, on the top in the middle. There are 2 free Blocks here, so push them both 7 tiles down, protecting you from the lower left and lower right Medusas. Now notice the Snakey with the Block directly above him. Shoot him twice to blast him off screen, then push the Block 1 tile down. This will cause him to respawn directly above the bottom Medusa, so now you can safely grab the final Heart and Jewel. Room solved! ========== Room 9-4 ========== What makes this room difficult is the fact that there are 2 Don Medusas patrolling the bottom of the screen. Throughout this entire procedure, keep your eye on them at all times. Start with the Block just to your upper left; push it 1 tile up, 4 tiles left, then 1 tile up, blocking the Medusa`s right side. Now cross the bridge and grab the Heart in the upper right corner. Make your way left and stop on the right vertical strip of grass, 2 tiles from the top. Wait for Alma to start running down past you (above the Medusa), then run to the left vertical strip of grass. Carefully grab the 2 Hearts there, then once again wait for him to start running down above the Medusa to cross back over to the right. Go back down across the bridge and stand directly above the lower right rock. When the Don Medusa is going left, grab the lower right heart then retreat behind the same rock. Now wait above the other Heart he is guarding (slightly further left), and grab it as soon as he starts moving right, then retreat to the left. There are 2 more Hearts in the lower left area being guarded by another Don Medusa. use the right one as your barrier, and when Don Medusa is moving right past you, grab the left Heart. Now when he is at a safe distance, grab the final Heart and seek shelter under the Medusa. Finally, when Don Medusa is moving left past you, run up and grab the Jewel. Room solved! ========== Room 9-5 ========== Grab the Heart just above you, gaining 2 shots. Now get to the Snakey in the lower left corner (walking over the Heart to avoid being shot by Medusa). Shoot the Snakey once, then push the egg 1 tile right, blocking the Medusa`s top. Grab the Heart above her. Now take the Block near your starting point and push it 3 tiles left, 2 tiles up, 3 tiles left, then 4 tiles up, blocking the Don Medusa`s left side. Take the Heart to his left, activating your item (Hammer). Go under the Don Medusa to get to the Snakey in the upper right corner. Shoot him once, then push the egg 1 tile down, blocking the Medusa`s left side. Grab the Heart to her left. Here is where you can`t dilly-dally. Stand underneath the rock directly to the right of the Don Medusa, looking up to face it. Use your Hammer to break this rock, and run straight right as soon as you do, all the way to the right wall. Now you need to go clockwise around the room in order to get to the final Heart on top. Grab it, then go counter-clockwise around the room to get back to the Jewel. Touch the Staircase, and you`re done with Floor 9! ***Now we are treated with a short cutscene showing a magical floating boat which hovers at the top of the tower, then flies up into the sky to reveal a castle in the clouds. The boat flies towards the castle, thus leading to the final 5 rooms!*** =============== Castle Room 1 =============== Hey, a change of setting! Well, this first room is not so bad, just make sure Rocky doesn't rain on your parade. Start by grabbing the Heart straight up, gaining 2 shots. After doing so you will be standing between 2 Blocks. Push both of them 2 tiles up then push the left one as far left as possible, squeezing the left Don Medusa against the left wall. Now push the right Block as far right as possible, squeezing the right Don Medusa against the right wall. Go back down to where the 2 Snakeys are in the middle. Shoot the left one once and push the egg 1 tile right, 5 tiles up, then as far left as possible, blocking the left Don Medusa's bottom. Now shoot the right Snakey once and push the egg 1 tile left, 5 tiles up, then as far right as possible, blocking the right Don Medusa's bottom. Go down the bridge on the left side of the room, and push the Block there 1 tile down. Now go around and walk through the lower left Arrow Block (pointing left) to push the Block 1 tile left. This blocks the left Medusa's top, so grab the Heart above her. Now go down the bridge on the right side of the room, and push the Block there 1 tile down. Now go around and walk through the lower right Arrow Block (pointing right) to push the Block 1 tile right. This blocks the right Medusa's top, so grab the final Heart above her, then go up to grab the Jewel. Room solved! =============== Castle Room 2 =============== I love this room, as it requires some pretty slick moves to get though. First off, grab the Heart directly above the leftmost Snakey, gaining 2 shots. Now cross the bridge to the right and get to the Snakey directly under the Block. Shoot him once, and push the egg left into the water. Grab the Heart that was directly below him, then push the Block that was above him 1 tile down. This will cause him to respawn on top of the left Medusa. Push this same Block 2 tiles down, blocking the Medusa's right side. Go down to the rightmost Heart. Push the Block that is directly below it 1 tile left, then grab the Heart itself. Next, grab the Heart under the Medusa. The lower left Heart has a Block directly under it, so push it 1 tile right. Grab the Heart, gaining 2 shots. After grabbing that last Heart, there should be a Snakey directly above you. Shoot him twice to blast him off screen, then go back down to the Block you just pushed. Push it 1 tile left, then 2 tiles up to where the Snakey used to be. This will cause him to respawn below the upper right Medusa, protecting the Jewel. Finally, grab the final Heart above the left Medusa. Cross the bridge to get back to the right side, and notice the Snakey to the right. Shoot him once, and run to the right, push the egg into the water, and hop on. Do this all in one quick move to avoid the Gol's fire. The egg will float you down to the Jewel, so disembark and grab it. Room solved! =============== Castle Room 3 =============== The tricky part in this room is blocking all of the Skulls in the lower right corner. The 3 Don Medusas don't help either - keep your eyes on them at all times. Start by making your way to the bottom left corner. Do this by going down, right through the 2 Arrow Blocks pointing right, then down and back left through thin path. Of the 3 Blocks lined up horizontally, push the right and left ones 1 tile down, then the middle one 1 tile right. Of the 3 Hearts in the lower left corner, grab the left and middle ones, gaining 2 shots. Now carefully make your way right, standing directly above the leftmost Skull. Shoot him once, then push the egg 2 tiles down then 1 tile right, completely squeezing the bottom Don Medusa into the Skull pile. Grab the Heart just above, and now there should be a Skull directly above you. Shoot it once and push the egg 2 tiles right, then 1 tile down, boxing the right Don Medusa into the Skull pile. Now let's handle the top Don Medusa. Carefully make your way up, and notice the 2 Blocks under his patrol path. Push the right one 1 tile up, trapping him against the right wall. Now push the left Block as far right as possible, blocking the same Don Medusa's bottom. Our next problem is the Skull pile in the lower right corner. There is still a free Block on the right side of the room (around the middle). Push it 2 tiles down, then 0.5 tiles right. Go back to the bottom left corner of the room and notice that there are still three Blocks here. Push the leftmost one 2 tiles up, trapping a Skull. Now of the 2 on the right, push the lower one 5 tiles right, then 0.5 tiles down. Push the remaining Block 1 tile down, 4 tiles right, 1 tile up, then 2 tiles right, trapping all of the Skulls in the lower right corner. Oh, and grab the Heart in the lower left corner, activating your item (Arrow). Almost there! Notice the Block close to the right Gol. Push it 3 tiles up (onto the Arrow Block), then make your way back down to the bottom of the room. Go back up along the right path, then go left until you are blocked by an Arrow Block pointing right. Use your item here to change its direction. Now keeping going left to push the Block 2 tiles left, 3 tiles down, and 0.5 tiles left. Now grab the final Heart, and experience the slowdown of having so many moving enemies on the screen at once. Take the winding path down one final time, then go counter-clockwise around the room to reach the Jewel. Room solved! =============== Castle Room 4 =============== If this level has had you pulling out hair, fear not, I have been there too. Start by grabbing the Heart in the lower right corner, then the one in the lower left corner. There are 2 Blocks in the lower left corner, so push the left one 2 tiles up, then walk 3 tiles right, pushing a Block with you. Push this same Block 2 tiles up, allowing you to grab the 2 lower Hearts under the Medusa and activating your item (Arrow). Here is the crucial step. Notice the 2 Blocks in the lower right corner. Push the left one 1 tile up, getting it stuck on the Arrow Block pointing down. Use your item here, and push the Block 3 more tiles up, then 3 tiles left, blocking the Medusa's bottom. Grab the Heart just below you. Keep going left and get to the Block on the left side of the room. Push it 1 tile right, then 3 tiles down to free it from the Arrow Blocks. Now notice the Block 3 tiles below the Medusa. Push it 1 tile up, go around and push it 2 tiles left, 2 tiles up, and 1 tile right, blocking the Medusa's left side. Now there is one more free Block in the lower left corner. Push it 3 tiles right, 5 tiles up, go around and push it 2 tiles left, 3 tiles up, and 2 tiles right, blocking the Medusa's top. Grab the 3 remaining Hearts. To get to the Jewel, walk counter-clockwise around Medusa, otherwise you will get shot. Room solved! =============== Castle Room 5 =============== Here we are, the final room, and it's a doozy! It requires clear thought, fast fingers, and perfect execution. Start by grabbing the Heart in the lower left corner, gaining 2 shots. Here is the first tricky part: Grab the Heart in the upper left corner as Leeper is hopping right, then run down and stand above the 3 rocks lined up vertically. Leeper will come straight down for you, so shoot him once to trap him in an egg. You must let him get close enough to you so that you can push the egg to the right. Quickly push the egg 1 tile right and as far down as possible, blocking the lower Medusa's top. Grab the Heart close to her, and now run as far right as possible. When Leeper hatches, he will hop right after you, so let him get close then shoot him once. Push the egg to the bottom of the screen, then as far left as possible. Stay there until he hatches and falls asleep, thus blocking the Medusa's right side. Now go up and grab the Heart near the top of the screen that you can get to (gaining 2 shots), and go right through the opening. As Don Medusa is going right, run right and stop directly under the Snakey, pushing a Block with you. This next part must be done very quickly: Shoot the Snakey once and push the egg as far up as possible, trapping the Don Medusa to the right. Grab the Heart to his left, get back under the egg, and shoot it again (as Don Medusa is moving right) to blast it off screen. Run under the Block on the left, and push it as far up as possible to trap Don Medusa in the small alcove on the left (where the Heart used to be). Without wasting any time, notice that there is a Block 2 tiles above the left Medusa. Push it 1 tile left then 1 tile up (grabbing a Heart on the way), causing the Snakey to respawn under the right Medusa. The hard part is over. Now there is one free Block left in the upper right area, so push it straight down to block the right Medusa's left side, and grab the final Heart. To get down to the Jewel, there is a Block in your way - push it 1 tile down to block the right Medusa's right side, and now you are home free to grab the Jewel. Room solved! ============== Final Boss ============== This is it, a final showdown with the Great Devil himself! You are alone with him in an empty room, and you have an infinite amount of shots (which I must say feels great). Despite the intimidation, he is not a very difficult opponent. All he does is float in a figure eight pattern, shooting fireballs down in sets of 2. It really is just matter of avoiding his fireballs and shooting him when you can. He takes a total of 20 shots, so just keep moving and shooting, and you will eventually take him down. Touch the Staircase, and watch the well-earned ending! ======== Ending ======== We see Lolo and Lala walk up to each other, and then get presented with another extreme close-up shot, as with the first Lolo game. This time, however, Lala is kissing Lolo on the cheek, and for some reason, Lolo looks terrified. Again, there is a Heart between them. Next we see the magic boat flying away from the castle in the clouds as it crumbles and breaks. This is followed by a shot of Lolo and Lala standing side by side on a stump, looking at the tower far in the distance. The sky changes to a number of different colors, then gets darker and darker. Eventually it becomes a black starry sky, a shooting star flies by, and the words 'The End' appear. Congratulations on completing the Adventures of Lolo 2! =============================================================================== ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- =============================================================================== --PRO LEVELS-- But wait!! This game actually has 4 'hidden' levels that are not part of the main adventure. They can be accessed by entering the passwords 'PROA', 'PROB', 'PROC', and 'PROD'. Just as a warning, these levels are much more difficult than any found in the main game, possibly even bordering insanity. Take them on if you dare! I will not be providing solutions to these as I, in all honestly, have not managed to come up with solutions to them on my own merit. Good luck, you will definitely need it! ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- =============================================================================== G. PASSWORDS =============================================================================== ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Floor 1 Floor 2 --------- --------- 1-1 PPHP 2-1 PBPM 1-2 PHPK 2-2 PLPY 1-3 PQPD 2-3 PCPZ 1-4 PVPT 2-4 PGPG 1-5 PRPJ 2-5 PZPC Floor 3 Floor 4 --------- --------- 3-1 PYPL 4-1 PKPH 3-2 PMPB 4-2 HPPP 3-3 PJPR 4-3 HHKK 3-4 PTPV 4-4 HQKD 3-5 PDPQ 4-5 HVKT Floor 5 Floor 6 --------- --------- 5-1 HRKJ 6-1 HZKC 5-2 HBKM 6-2 HYKL 5-3 HLKY 6-3 HMKB 5-4 HCKZ 6-4 HJKR 5-5 HGKG 6-5 HTKV Floor 7 Floor 8 --------- --------- 7-1 HDKQ 8-1 QVDT 7-2 HKKH 8-2 QRDJ 7-3 QPKP 8-3 QBDM 7-4 QHDK 8-4 QLDY 7-5 QQDD 8-5 QCDZ Floor 9 Castle --------- ------------- 9-1 QGDG Castle-1 QTDV 9-2 QZDC Castle-2 QDDQ 9-3 QYDL Castle-3 QKDH 9-4 QMDB Castle-4 VPDP 9-5 QJDR Castle-5 VHTK Final Boss Pro Levels ---------------- ---------------- Final Boss VQTD Pro Level-1 PROA Pro Level-2 PROB Pro Level-3 PROC Pro Level-4 PROD ===== Legal ===== Copyright 2011 Jason Guay. This walkthrough is property of Jason Guay, and cannot be used freely in any way without permission. For any information, questions, additions, comments, or anything else, contact me at: ninjay(at)hotmail(dot)com. Thanks for reading, have fun!! =============================================================================== ******************************************************************************* ===============================================================================