Adventures of Lolo 2 - Pro levels Walkthrough Version 1.12 Copyright 2006 by ktwo E-mail: ktwo[at] Last updated: November 1:st 2006 *********** * Content * *********** 1. Introduction 2. Version History 3. Items (from Rob Larson's walkthrough) 4. Special (from Rob Larson's walkthrough) 5. Terrain (from Rob Larson's walkthrough) 6. Enemies (from Rob Larson's walkthrough) 7. Walkthrough 8. Ending 9. Acknowledgements 10. Copyright Info 11. Feedback ******************* * 1. Introduction * ******************* Welcome to my walkthrough for the pro levels of Adventures of Lolo 2. There is a total of four pro levels and they can be reached by typing PROA, PROB, PROC and PROD respectively as passwords. Although the Lolo games are considered to be pretty hard as they are, especially the third one in my opinion, the normal levels are easy compared with the pro levels. The difficulty comes from a blend of hard puzzles and quite a few sequences that require good coordination under time pressure. Similar kind of pro levels do exist for the Adventures of Lolo to Gameboy as well. This is my second walkthrough (the first one was for Dragon's Lair) and after completing the first one I promised it would also be the last one. So why have I chosen to write another one on the one-year anniversary of the completion of the walkthrouh for Dragon's Lair then? Well, my interest in Nintendo games is mainly to find and complete the hardest games one can find out there. Having recently breezed through Lolo 2, I made a go for the pro levels as well. I was amazed by the difficulty and the thought the game makers had put into the hidden levels. Since these levels are really something you can get stuck on for a long time, I think those brave who still play this game will find this walkthrough most useful. ********************** * 2. Version History * ********************** 1.12 (11-01-2006): I changed email adress some time ago, but since it's unlikely that I will update anytime soon, that's the only change I made. 1.11 (02-26-2006): Corrected a few mistypings that could possibly have led to confusion. 1.10 (10-16-2005): Well, nobody is perfect... The final version wasn't so final after all. Just some minor corrections that were subject to some confusion. 1.00 (07-21-2003): I feel confident enough about the content to believe that this first version is the final one as well. ******************************************** * 3. Items (from Rob Larson's walkthrough) * ******************************************** Emerald Framers Emerald Framers can be moved around the screen to protect you from the attacks of some of the characters, and trap other characters. Heart Framers When you've picked up all the Heart Framers the Jewel Box is open. Like Emerald Framers, Heart Framers will protect you from attack, but they cannot be moved. See Power Display for more on Heart Framers. Jewel Box Lolo can freely walk through the Jewel Box, and it will protect him from enemies that attack him directly, but it will not protect him from Medusa, Don Medusa, or Gol. One-Way Passes Usually Lolo can go through a One-Way Pass only in the direction the arrow is facing, but there are exceptions. Enemies can pass through One-Way Passes regardless of direction. ********************************************** * 4. Special (from Rob Larson's walkthrough) * ********************************************** Magic Shots Certain characters, when hit by a Magic Shot, can be turned into Eggs. An Egg can be moved around, but will return to its original shape and location after a while. If an Egg is shot twice, it will disappear, then return in a few seconds to its original shape and position. Power Display When a symbol appears in the Power Display, that power will be made available to you once you've taken enough Heart Framers. As you take Hearts, you should reach a point where the remaining Heart Framers begin to flicker. Taking one more Heart will give you the power shown. - Bridge When a bridge is shown in the Power display, a Bridge the same length as the one in the display can be built over Water or Lava. Face the spot where you want to build your Bridge and push your Power button. - Hammer When the Hammer power is shown, one rock in the room can be destroyed. Point Lolo at the Rock you want to remove and push the appropriate Power button at close range. - Arrow Turn When the One-Way Pass power is shown, the direction of one arrow can be turned 90 degrees by facing the Arrow and pushing the button you've chosen as your Power button. ********************************************** * 5. Terrain (from Rob Larson's walkthrough) * ********************************************** Deserts Lolo's speed will be cut in half in Deserts, but they do not affect an enemy's rate of speed. Flowerbeds Lolo can rest in flowerbeds. Enemies cannot enter, but it's no protection from attacks. Lava Eggs cannot be put into Lava Beds or Lava Streams to get across. Bridges can be built down very quickly so time your moves and don't get stranded! Rocks All attacks, and all enemies' paths, are blocked by Rocks. Rocks cannot be moved. Trees Magic shots cannot pass through trees, but some characters can attack through trees. Water Lolo has various ways to cross bodies of water. Bridges can be built if the Bridge Power is available, of he can ride across on an Egg. ********************************************** * 6. Enemies (from Rob Larson's walkthrough) * ********************************************** Alma Runs around the room at high speed. If Alma is directly across from Lolo, she will tuck her body into a ball and roll straight ahead until she runs into something. Don Medusa The Boss of the Defenders. Don Medusa attacks in the same way as Medusa, and can be defended against in the same way. He moves at a constant speed in a predetermined path. Gol Gol just sleeps until the last Heart Framer is taken, then his eyes pop open and he awakes to shoot a deadly flame straight at our Hero. Leeper Leeper bounds around until he touches Lolo, then goes to sleep and doesn't awaken. He can be turned into an Egg as long as he's moving about. Medusa Medusa can attack Lolo in a straight line in all four directions. His attacks can be stopped be Rocks, Emerald Framers, or the bodies of other characters. Rocky Rocky rumbles around slowly most of the time, but he is close to Lolo he'll pick up speed and move very quickly. Skull Skulls will sit quietly and watch the action patiently until the last Heart Framer is taken, then leap into action with jaws thrashing and eyes flashing. Snakey Snakey keeps a vigilant eye out, constantly turning back and forth, watching Lolo. He's completely harmless, but is useful as a tool. ****************** * 7. Walkthrough * ****************** I begin by analysing each level with some comments on its form and some useful hints for those of you who want to try to complete the levels by yourselves without the exact solution. To make the solutions as accurate as possible, I will use coordinates to describe what to do. The map below shows how I have divided each room in the game. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ |A1 |A2 |A3 |A4 |A5 |A6 |A7 |A8 |A9 |A10|A11| | | | | | | | | | | | | - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - |B1 |B2 |B3 |B4 |B5 |B6 |B7 |B8 |B9 |B10|B11| | | | | | | | | | | | | - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - |C1 |C2 |C3 |C4 |C5 |C6 |C7 |C8 |C9 |C10|C11| | | | | | | | | | | | | - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - |D1 |D2 |D3 |D4 |D5 |D6 |D7 |D8 |D9 |D10|D11| | | | | | | | | | | | | - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - |E1 |E2 |E3 |E4 |E5 |E6 |E7 |E8 |E9 |E10|E11| | | | | | | | | | | | | - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - |F1 |F2 |F3 |F4 |F5 |F6 |F7 |F8 |F9 |F10|F11| | | | | | | | | | | | | - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - |G1 |G2 |G3 |G4 |G5 |G6 |G7 |G8 |G9 |G10|G11| | | | | | | | | | | | | - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - |H1 |H2 |H3 |H4 |H5 |H6 |H7 |H8 |H9 |H10|H11| | | | | | | | | | | | | - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - |I1 |I2 |I3 |I4 |I5 |I6 |I7 |I8 |I9 |I10|I11| | | | | | | | | | | | | - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - |J1 |J2 |J3 |J4 |J5 |J6 |J7 |J8 |J9 |J10|J11| | | | | | | | | | | | | - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - |K1 |K2 |K3 |K4 |K5 |K6 |K7 |K8 |K9 |K10|K11| | | | | | | | | | | | | - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - When I write instructions like: "move the emerald framer to J5/J6 (J3/K3)", I mean to place it between these coordinates so it partly covers both columns (rows). You will also find instructions like: "move it to J4/J5/K4/K5". The interpretation is the same. Pro A ----- Analysis: This is no doubt the hardest of the pro levels. I just love it! It is evident that a lot of thinking was put down in creating it. In order to complete it you will need to use some techniques you haven't used before. You will soon find that the key to this level is the Gol. It is crucial to understand and memorize the places he turns up on after shooting him twice. These are (in order of appearance): K6, I8, A6, J5, D6, C11, J9 and finally B6! Solution: 1. Move emerald framer from J11 to C11. 2. Take heart on K7. 3. Move emerald framer from J7 to J5/J6. 4. Move emerald framer from I7 to I7/I8. 5. Move emerald framer from G2 to C6. 6. Move emerald framer from A5 to A2 and then move it back from A2 to A6. 7. The following is a sequence that has to be done before the Gol reappears: a. Shoot the Gol once and move him to K1. b. Move emerald framer from J5/J6 to J5/J6/K5/K6. c. Stand next to the Gol and shoot him a second time before he hatches. d. Move as quickly as possible to C2 and pause there for a second. e. Destroy the rock on D2 and immediately go left to D1. Don Medusa will then pass beneath without shooting you! If done properly, the Gol will reappear on D6 and trap Don Medusa to the right. You should now have both of the hearts. 8. Move emerald framer from I7/I8 to I6/I7 and place Lolo on J7. 9. Do the following in one sequence: a. Place Lolo on H7/H8 when Don Medusa goes to the right. b. Go to the left just when Don Medusa comes back and is about to pass by over Lolos head. If done properly, Don Medusa will prevent Medusa from attacking. Now that is a new technique! Actually, this isn't as hard as it looks at first, although the desert certainly increases the difficulty. 10. Move emerald framer from I6/I7 to I6/I7/J6/J7. 11. This sequence is tricky! a. When Don Medusa is about to enter coordinate D7, go to the right and move emerald framer from I6/I7/J6/J7 to I8/I9/J8/J9. Don will once again protect you from the deadly look of Medusa. b. Wait for Don Medusa to come back and use him a third time as a protection against Medusa while going to the left. 12. Another action sequence! a. Stand on D4 and shoot the Gol twice. b. Go quickly to B6 before Don Medusa gets below you. c. Move emerald framer from C6 to C6/D6 so as Don Medusa becomes trapped to the left. 13. Move emerald framer from A6 to A11 and stand on A10. 14. The last sequence: a. Go down to A10/B10 and then quickly pull back to A10 before getting fried by the Gol's fire breath. b. Enter the jewel box on B11 right after the Gol has shot on you. 15. You've done it. Congratulations! Pro B ----- Analysis: Another difficult level with high frustration factor. All the Almas have to be taken care of. If they are all released, Lolo will loose a life for sure. When picking up all the free heart framers, you get a lot of magic shots. You can dispose of 22 in all and there are 11 Almas. What is 11*2? Solution: 1. Take all free heart framers (on G6, G7, H6, H7, I6, I7, J6, J7, J2 and J4). 2. Move the emerald framer to J4. 3. Time for an action sequence: a. Take heart on J3 and start shooting like a maniac in the same moment as the heart is taken. Stop shooting when only four Almas remain. b. Quickly move the emerald framer to H3/I3. If done correctly, none of the seven Almas will reappear, since the four remaining Almas will prevent the rebirth of the shooten ones. 4. Take the free heart framers (on H2, H4, I2 and I4). 5. New sequence: a. Move emerald framer to H4/I4. b. Shoot two more of the Almas (two shots each). c. Move emerald framer to F3/G3 and wait for the two newly shooten Almas to try to reappear. 6. Move emerald framer to D3/E3. 7. Pick up heart framers on D2, D4, E2 and E4. 8. Last sequence in this level: a. Move emerald framer to D4/E4. b. Shoot the two last Almas. c. Quickly pick up heart framers on A3, B7 and B8. d. Move emerald framer back to D3/E3 before the Almas resurrect. 9. All there is left to do is to go to the open jewel box. There are however two Gols guarding it. Move up in a zig-zag pattern and you should be able to reach it. 10. Well done! Pro C ----- Analysis: A pesky level that requires a lot of action. Once you take the heart, you won't be safe anywhere with Gols shooting firebreath against you. I reckon this level is quite straight forward, but it is hard to perform all the action in one sequence. Good luck! Solution: 1. The whole level has to be performed in one sequence: a. Take the heart. b. Zig zag your way up to G1 while avoiding fire from the Gols. c. Go straight to G6. d. Go back to G5 right before being hit by fire from the Gol at B6 and then move down to K10. Here you can almost pause for a while. e. Right before being hit by the fire from the Gol at B10, move right and head for H9. f. Do some more zig zaging to reach F9. g. From F9 immediately go to E9/E10 and just as swiftly back to E9. h. Let the fire from the Gol at B10 pass by and then enter the jewel box. 2. Only one more level to go! These steps sound simple enough, but theory isn't allways easy to put in to practice. You will need numerous tries before you reach the chest. There are a lot of things that can go wrong! Pro D ----- Analysis: A long and complex level where you have to stay focused all the time. A major problem is to know where to begin. There are a lot of possibilities. Try first to find out which hearts contain magic shots and count them. Still no clue? Do you see how the left side is connected to the upper part thanks to the one-way passages? What kind of information do we have more? There are two arrow turns and there are some hearts next to the Medusa on row K. Either you get the hearts by turning Gols into eggs or by placing emerald framers next to Medusa. Count the number of magic shots again. There isn't enough of them to proceed with the first alternative. Then it remains only one alternative and the number of mobile emerald framers is limited... Continue reasoning like this and you should be able to take this level down as well. Solution: 1. We start out with a long sequence where you have no time to pause whatsoever. a. Take the heart on F2 and immediately shoot the Gol on F1 once. b. Take the heart on E5 and immediately shoot the Gol on D5 once. c. Move egg from D5 to B1 (in the sea). d. Take the heart on D2 and immediately shoot the Gol on D1 once. e. Move emerald framer from E2 to F2 (to trap the Gol on F1). f. Move emerald framer from E4 to D5/E5. g. Take the heart on E7 and immediately shoot the Gol on D7 once. h. Move egg from D7 to B7 (in the sea). i. Wait on C5 until the Gol on D5 tries to resurrect. 2. When the Gol on D7 reappear, there should be two Gols moving around. Eventually they will become trapped in the confinement B2-B6 and C6. This happens about three times of four. If they do not seem to be trapped, I suggest you kill Lolo because what is about to follow can not be done with two Gols running around freely. 3. Move emerald framer from D5/E5 to K5. You have to use one of the arrow turns in order to accomplish this. 4. Take the heart on K4. 5. Move emerald framer from E6 to K7. Use the second arrow turn here. 6. Take the heart on K8. 7. Move emerald framer from E8 to H8. 8. Time for a small sequence before the final one. a. Take the heart on H10 and immediately shoot the Gol on H11 once. b. Move emerald framer from H8 to H9. 9. Last sequence! a. Take the heart on H2 and immediately shoot the Gol on H1 once. b. Take the heart on F10 and immediately shoot the Gol on F11 once. c. Take the heart on D10 and immediately shoot the Gol on D11 once. d. Go to E8/E9 and immediately move back to E9 so the Gol's fire misses you. e. Hurry past the Gol before he fires again and enter the jewel box. 10. Consider yourself a professional Lolo player! ************* * 8. Ending * ************* Each time Lolo reaches the jewel box he starts to cheer (like when moving to a new floor) and you go back to the title screen. *********************** * 9. Acknowledgements * *********************** This is the second walkthrough I've ever written and I'm sure this time it's the last one. This walkthrough is written entirely by me, but I have one contributor and one more acknowledgement to do. First of all I would like to thank Rob Larson a million times for letting me use parts of his excellent work in my walkthrough (the sections about items, special, terrain and enemies). Thanks also to CjayC for posting this walkthrough on gamefaqs! ********************** * 10. Copyright Info * ********************** Please do not post this walkthrough on your web site without my permission. This is supposed to be a free guide, so don't sell it. I don't mind if you copy and paste this information for personal use, but if you want to use it for any other purpose, you need to contact me first. You are under no circumstances aloud to change any if its content. Thanks! Encryption seal : [228 -313 416 -518 617 -717 824 -941 1053 -1150 1226 -1289 1342] This seal contains a secret message that proves I'm the rightful owner of this document, so please don't try and break any of the rules above! Without the right matrix, one that I have randomly chosen, you won't be able to decipher the message. **************** * 11. Feedback * **************** Do you have any feedback on this walkthrough? Is there something I missed? Since I'm writing this walkthrough in a foreign language, I would also very much appreciate all grammatical or spelling errors you can find (I'm sure there are tons of them). You can contact me at ktwo[at] with feedback and questions.