_____________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________ THE ADVENTURES OF LOLO 2 FAQ/WALKTHROUGH Author......................Raging_DemonTEN Console.....................Nintendo Entertainment System "THE ADVENTURES OF LOLO 2" Copyright 1989 Hal America FAQ Copyright 2005 Raging_DemonTEN E-Mail Address..............eagle25_100@yahoo.com _____________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________ ----- Copyright Information ----- ________________________________________________________________________ | | | This FAQ is copyrighted by Raging_DemonTEN in the year 2005. It is for | | private use only, and cannot be reproduced or sold without strict | | permission from the author. Permission can be asked for by e-mailing | | me with the title "AL2 Permission" at: eagle25_100@yahoo.com. | ________________________________________________________________________ ------------------- | Version History | ------------------- Version 1.0 - FAQ/Walkthrough Completed _____________________________________________________________________________ --------------------- | TABLE OF CONTENTS | +-------------------------------------------------------------+ | 1.........................|INTRODUCTION | | 2.........................|THE STORY | | 3.........................|GAMEPLAY AND CONTROLS | | 4.........................|OBJECTS,TILES,AND POWER ITEMS | | 5.........................|THE DEFENDERS | | 6.........................|WALKTHROUGH | +-------------------------------------------------------------+ _____________________________________________________________________________ +------------------------------------=--------------------------------------+ 1. INTRODUCTION +------------------------------------=--------------------------------------+ Back in 1987, there was a small puzzle game called The Adventures Of Lolo. The hero was a blue ball, and the game wasn't based on quick reflexes but well thought out movements and puzzle solving. While not a smash hit, as it was much too difficult for the younger gamer, it had a large enough cult following to spawn a sequel in 1989. While there was no new elements in this game except for small overhauls in graphics, the puzzles were much more difficult and the gameplay much more frustrating. While this may have turned some gamers off, I think one of the most rewarding experiences I've ever had in a game have been solving a room that has stumped me for days. Hopefully, with the help of this guide, you can have a more easy time going through the game, and I hope you find the experience as rewarding as I do. +------------------------------------=--------------------------------------+ 2. THE STORY +------------------------------------=--------------------------------------+ Our heroic pair are at it again! On their return from the Haunted Castle (successfully defeated in the original Adventures Of Lolo) our Hero and Heroine were confronted by the real power of the land - the King of Eggerland himself. Swooping down on our victorious couple, the King thundered "The Labyrinth was only a preliminary test - the real battle starts now! If you can make it through my Tower and my Castle, I will set your people free. But just to make sure there are no tricks - the little one comes with me!" And with that, he grabbed little Lala and spirited her away to his Castle in the clouds. But, fortunately, Lala was able to analyze each of the mazes as she was taken through the Tower, and left clues in the Jewel Boxes in each room. each Jewel that Lolo collects contains a bit of information that will help him in the next room. With your help, they will work together to free their people from the clutches of the King. +------------------------------------=--------------------------------------+ 3. GAMEPLAY AND CONTROLS +------------------------------------=--------------------------------------+ The Adventures Of Lolo II is an action-puzzle game where planning, logic and quick reflexes will get you everywhere. All the action occurs on an 11x11 grid. Lolo can move half a square at a time, as can eggs and Emerald Framers, but nothing else in the game can, they move one square at a time. Lolo's goal in each level is to collect all the Heart Framers in a room to open the Jewel Box, which when gotten eliminates all the enemies and opens the door or brings down the staircase to the next room or floor. However, this can be a difficult task, as it is easy to get stuck or killed by an enemy. Lolo can only be killed four different ways: 1. Caught by Skull or Alma 2. Caught in gaze of Medusa or Don Medusa, or flames of Gol 3. Sink in water or lava 4. Suicide (pressing the SELECT button) It is often necessary to commit suicide if you do something in the wrong order in a room or get stuck somewhere. There are 50 main puzzles in the game not including the end boss. _____________________________________________________________________________ CONTROLS +--------+ DIRECTIONAL PAD - Move Lolo A AND B BUTTONS - Used for Magic Shots and Power Items SELECT BUTTON - Used to start a room over *NOTE - You can change the button assigned for Magic Shot and Power Items by entering the password CSTM. Just move the cursor to the button you want assigned to each task, and hit START afterwards to begin the game. +------------------------------------=--------------------------------------+ 3. WALKTHROUGH +------------------------------------=--------------------------------------+ Here is a step-by-step walkthrough for every level in Adventures Of Lolo 2. Below is a key for all the symbols that you will find in each level map, and I will frequently use the maps as references for each level's walkthroughs. I have also provided a password to get to every level next to its numbered designation. The first number is the floor number, the second is the room number. If you are unsure of what any of the tiles, objects, or defenders are, please check section 5 and 6. *NOTES - I've used up,down,left, and right to represent the cardinal directions north,south,west, and east. - When a tile is described as (A,1/2) or (A/B,1), you should push an object or move to the area inbetween (A,1) and (A,2), or an area inbetween (A,1) and (B,1). Lolo can move half-squares at a time, which will often come in handy in later levels. _____________________________________________________________________________ KEY _____________________________________________________________________________ TILES OBJECTS [ ] - Blank Tile [ ! ] - Lolo's Starting Point [ @ ] - Rock [ o ] - Jewel Box [ * ] - Tree [ h ] - Heart Framer (Hearts) [ $ ] - Sand [ # ] - Emerald Framer (Blocks) [ " ] - Flower Bed (Grass) [ : ] - Water [ + ] - Lava MONSTERS [ ^ ] - UP Arrow Tile [ < ] - LEFT Arrow Tile [ S ] - Snakey [ u,d,l,r ] - Gol [ > ] - RIGHT Arrow Tile [ R ] - Rocky [ {,~ ] - Don Medusa [ v ] - DOWN Arrow Tile [ A ] - Alma [ - ] - Horizontal Walls [ K ] - Skull [ | ] - Vertical Walls [ M ] - Medusa [ = ] - Door [ L ] - Leepers *NOTES - The u,d,l,r representing the Dragons tells you which direction the Gol is facing. u means it is facing up, d down, l left, and r Right. - { means the Don Medusa is moving vertically, ~ means it is moving horizontally _____________________________________________________________________________ 0123456789X +-----=-----+ 1.1 A|@ h**h| B|hS** @** | Collect all the hearts set around the room. The heart at C|@ ** o @@* | (A,7) is the one with the Magic Shots. Shoot the Snakey at D|* @ | (B,1) and push it to (A,1). Get the last heart at (B,0), E|" | go to the Jewel Box at (C,5) and leave through the door. F|"" S S "| G|*" "| H|** ! ""| I|** * "@| J|@ @@* @*| K|@h @@**hh**| +-----------+ 0123456789X +------=----+ 1.2 - PHPK A|o*h***h* | B| * * * @ | Collect the heart at (H,X) first, then the one at (I,6) to C| @ K @ * | get two Magic Shots, then the one at (J,0), and then the one D| @ @ @ * * | at (F,0) to get another two Magic Shots. Shoot the Snakey E|@* * @ | twice to get him off the screen, then grab the heart at F|h *@*h*K@ | (F,5). Grab the heart at (A,6), then shoot the Skull twice G|* S *| at (C,4). Grab the last heart at (A,2), and quickly go to H| @*@@*@**h| the Jewel Box at (A,0). Leave through the door. I| h* | J|h@ * ** * | K|@* @ @*!| +-----------+ 0123456789X +------=----+ 1.3 - PQPD A|A @** h@ | B| @@* @@ | Go left and push the blocks at (J,0) and (J,2) up, then the C| h | block at (J,1) to the left. Grab the heart at (H,1), then D|*@@@*** ** | push the block at (G,0) and (G,2) up, and push the block at E|hoh:@* | (G,1) to the left. Grab the hearts at (E,0) and (E,2), then F| : | go and grab the hearts at (I,9) and (A,7). Wait for the Alma G|###:: # | to reach (B,2), then grab the heart and run to the Jewel Box. H| h ::: *@ | Leave through the door. I| ::* @h | J|###:* @ | K| ! * | +-----------+ 0123456789X +--=--------+ 1.4 - PVPT A|o"""""""""*| B|""""" L $| Walk up towards the first heart at (F,X), and the Leepers C|""" $| will all come to life. Just follow the desert path counter- D|"" L $| clockwise, collecting the hearts at (F,5) and (K,5), and E|"" L L$| keep moving. If you are continually moving, the Leepers will F|" h$$$$h| not trap you. Grab the Jewel Box and leave through the door. G|" L$ $| H|"L $ $| I|" $ * $| J|" L$ $| K|*$$$$h$$$$!| +-----------+ 0123456789X +-----------+ 1.5 - PRPJ A| o| B| * *$$ | Push the block at (H,4) up against the Medusa above it, and C| $$$$ $$$$ | the block at (H,6) against the Medusa above it. Get the 3 D| $R # R# | hearts under them, then go under the block at (H,9), push it E| $ h h h | up one, right two, then up one again so it's against the F| * M M * | right side of the Medusa. Go behind the tree to the block at G| $ h h h | (D,9), push it left three, and down one so it's touching the H| $ # # # | Medusa above it. Go to the block at (D,5), push it left one I| $$$$ $$$$ | and down one so it's touching the Medusa above it. Now grab J| *$$ $$* | the last three hearts, grab the Jewel Box, and walk up the K| ! | stairs. Be sure during this level to make sure the Rockys +-----------+ don't push you in front of the Medusas' gaze. 0123456789X +--=--------+ 2.1 - PBPM A|! *::| B| R :| A simple level, just run around and collect all the hearts. C|* @ * :| Just make sure the Rocky doesn't trap you in any of the D|o @ * @ * :| alcoves. If he comes close, just stand in the open until he E|@ * @ *^@ :| passes and can't trap you. Also be sure not to go into the F|h * * @ * :| arrow corridors unless the Rocky would push you out of it G|@ @v* * @ :| instead of trapping you. Once you've collected all the H|* * @ * * :| hearts, grab the Jewel Box and leave through the door. I|h * * :| J|* :| K|**@h*h*h@::| +-----------+ 0123456789X +--=--------+ 2.2 - PLPY A|o M** h@| B| * * | Get to the left of the block at (H,5) and push it to (H,8). C| * *** | Grab the heart at (J,8), then push the same block to (G,8), D| # # #**| then (G,7), then to (H,7). Push the same block all the way E| * * # | to (H,3), then up to (G,3), then left to (G,0). After the F|M * h # | Medusa is blocked, grab the heart at (J,0). From here, go to G| ** | the block at (F,9) and push it to (G,9), then (G,7), then H|** # * | (H,7), then (H,3), then up to (G,3), then (G,2), then (F,2) I|*** * * * | then (F,1) to block in the Medusa on the right side. Go and J|h *h | grab the heart at (F,6), then move the block at (D,8) up to K|***@ ! @** | (A,8) to block the Medusa and grab the last heart. Push the +-----------+ block at (D,3) to (D,0), and push the block at (E,7) all the way down and left to (G,2). Then just push the block up to the door and grab the Jewel Box. Just push the block to the right and go through the door. 0123456789X +-----=-----+ 2.3 - PCPZ A| h@ *h | B| *@* o *@* | Grab the heart at (I,5) to get two Magic Shots. Shoot both C|h@K K@h| Snakeys and push them in front of the Skulls at (C,2) and D| *@ @* | (C,8). Go to the blocks at (I,4) and (I,6), and push them E|h@K K@h| in front of the Skulls at (E,2) and (E,8). Finally push F| @@ S S @* | each block at (I,1) and (I,9) down one space, over two, G|h@K K*h| and block in the last two Skulls. Gather the rest of the H| @ @ | hearts, grab the Jewel Box, and head through the door. I| #* #h# *# | J| | K| !| +-----------+ 0123456789X +---=-------+ 2.4 - PGPG A|* @ @ *| B|o @ @ !| Another level where you have to avoid being trapped in a C|* * * @ @ *| corner by Rocky, there are now three of them, and there D|@ @ *h* @ *| are a lot more alcoves to get caught in. The best route is E|h h @*@ h h| to get the heart at (E,8), go left, and collect the hearts F|* @ h@h * *| in the middle section. After that, try moving in and G|* * *@* @ @| grabbing one heart at a time from the sides. If the middle H|h @h* h| Rocky is by you, don't attempt to grab any hearts from the I|@ @ @R@ * @| side, as two Rockys will definetly trap you. Once you get J|* h * * h *| them all, grab the Jewel Box and head through the door. K|hR@ @Rh| +-----------+ 0123456789X +-----------+ 2.5 - PZPC A| ! | B| h h h h | Grab all the hearts except the one at (C,5). Go to the block C| hhhhhhh | at (E,1) and push it up against the Medusa's left side at D| hhvhh | (E,4). Walk around to the other side and push the block at E| # >M< # | (E,9) to (E,7), one space away from the arrow block. Now F| ** # ** | push the block at (G,5) one space right to (G,6). Now go G| *** # *** | on top of the Jewel Box and push the block at (H,5) to (G,5) H| ** # ** | Now push the block at (G,6) up onto the arrow tile at (E,6), I| **o** | and push the block at (E,7) up and over to the arrow tile at J|* """"""" *| (D,5). Collect the remaining heart, grab the Jewel Box, and K|@*"""""""*@| walk up the stairs. +-----------+ 0123456789X +-----=-----+ 3.1 - PYPL A|o *** ** d | B|~ | Push the block at (K,4) to (K,5), then move the block at C|*** *@* *| (J,3) against the right side of the Medusa. Now, move the D|*** # *| top and middle blocks in the next row to trap the Alma at E| *** d| (I,8). Grab the two hearts down there, and move to (G,2). F|v*@** ***v*| Now, ignore the heart at (H,0) for now, and move to (C,5) G| | when the Don Medusa allows it. When you get room, move to H|h* @@@@@@*h| (H,X) and grab the heart. Stay there until the Don Medusa I|@@ # #A @*| passes again, and move to (C,5) again. Wait, and grab the J|M # # *| last heart to get PWR-Arrow, and move back behind the rock K| ! # # h h| at (G,2). Wait until the Don Medusa bounces off the left +-----------+ wall, then use the PWR at the arrow at (F,0), then move quickly to (D,5) to move the block and hide behind the rock. When the Don Medusa passes by the rock to the left, move the block to (D,8) and hide behind it at (E,8). When the Don Medusa passes you to the right, move the block to (B,8) to trap the Don Medusa. Grab the Jewel Box, and leave through the door. 0123456789X +---------=-+ 3.2 - PMPB A| h @M vo| B| h * @* l:| Move the block at (J,5) one space right against the rock. C| h * *:| Now move to (E,2) and push the block at (E,1) left and down D| # * "" :| to trap the Don Medusa against the rock. Push the block at E| # * """ :| (F,2) to (H,1) to completely block him off. Now grab the 3 F| # "**l:| hearts above the blocks to activate the PWR-Hammer. Move the G| @* :| block at (D,2) down to (G,2), then right to (G,6), then up H|{ * *l :| to (C,6), then left to (C,7) to block the Don Medusa. Now go I|@*" *:::::| down and use the Hammer on the rock next to the Snakey. You J|""" # @S::| can now move the block left to (J,3), then up to (G,3), then K|! # h::| right to (G,6), then up to (D,6), then left to (D,8), then +-----------+ up to (A,8) to completely block off the Medusa. Go down, grab the last heart to get two Magic Shots, and shoot the Snakey once. Push the egg into the water, and ride it to the Jewel Box. Grab the Jewel Box, and leave through the door. 0123456789X +------=----+ 3.3 - PJPR A|M @ o * M| B| L | Go up and grab the heart in the middle of the grass at (F,5) C|* @| Now with the two Magic Shots, shoot the Leeper once and push D| ::#:: | it to (D,0). Grab the heart, and return to the grass. Once E| :: :: | the Leeper hatches again, shoot it again and push it to F|h ::h:: h| (H,X). Grab the heart, and now, move the block at (H,5) to G| :: :: | (K,3). Grab the heart, and move the block at (D,5) to (A,7). H| ::#:: | Grab the Jewel Box, and head through the door. I|@ *| J| ! | K|M * h @ M| +-----------+ 0123456789X +------=----+ 3.4 - PTPV A|@h **M*"h@@| B|S #*@*"" @| Move the block above you up one to (C,8), then go around and C| # @o* R| push the block at (F,8) against the Medusa's left side. Now D| @ * # | move the last block down to (K,7), and grab the heart. Now E|@ @ * #! *| go back and grab the block at (C,8), and move it to (I,4) to F|M #@ @ # M| block that Medusa's north side. Move the block at (G,1) up G|*# *| one to block the Medusa, and move the block at (F,2) two H| | spaces up. Shoot the Snakey twice, then move the block at I| | (C,2) down one, and the block at (B,2) up one. Grab the J|@ *"""" @| heart, and move the block at (D,2) down and right to (K,3). K|*h*"M**"*h*| Now go to the block at (D,1), and move it right one, down +-----------+ four, right five, and then straight up to (A,7). Grab the last heart, go to the Jewel Box, and leave through the door. 0123456789X +-----------+ 3.5 - PDPQ A|* # :** @h | B| # :::K # | Go up and grab the heart at (D,X). Shoot the Skull at (D,7) C| :::: @@| once and push it up to (A,7). Move the block at (B,9) over D|%:::::*K*@h| to the right and get the heart at (A,9). Go down from here E|*: S:: K | and shoot the Skull at (I,5) once, and push the egg into F|*:h : * | the water. Ride the egg to the island, grab the heart, and G|*:::: K@| wait for the egg to sink. Now shoot the Snakey once and H|%:::::** @| push the egg in the water. Ride the egg back to the right I| *:: Kh# | side of the screen again, and go down and shoot the now J| *: | regenerated Skull at (I,5) with your last shot. Grab the K|@# :*o@@* !| last heart, quickly go the Jewel Box, and climb the stairs. +-----------+ 0123456789X +---=-------+ 4.1 - PKPH A|* @ o@:* h| B|h * *@@: | Move under the block at (I,1) and push it up to (B,1) to C| * @M@: # | trap the Don Medusa. Grab the two hearts at (B,0) and D|* *L @: M| (F,2). Shoot the Snakey once and push his egg in the water E|* * @: # | to cross the stream. Move the block at (G,9) up one then F| {h* @: | right one, the block at (E,9) up one, and the block at G|* # *@@: #*| (C,9) right one. Grab the two hearts and the PWR-Hammer H| :S | should activate. Shoot the Snakey once on this side, push I| #S : h| his egg into the water, and cross the stream again. Wait J|* : @| for the Leeper to be in the Medusa's southern gaze, and K|@ * *!*:* *| break the block at (G,5). Now move away to (I,4), and wait +-----------+ for the Leeper to fall asleep against you. Now move the block at (G,2) down one, right three, and push it up against the Medusa. Grab the Jewel Box and head through the door. 0123456789X +-----=-----+ 4.2 - HPPP A|** ! **| B| | This is more of a race than anyhing. Quickly move left, go C| *# * #@ | past the block at (C,2), and push the block at (G,3) up to D| @ * *hh* | make a wall next to the block at (C,2). You should just E| @hh* *# @ | barely block out one of the Almas, and gotten all the hearts F| @ *o* @ | on your small fort. Now push the block at (I,3) down, making G| * #@ @hh@ | sure no Almas are around, and work your way up past the H| @hh@ @ * | block at (I,8). Collect all the hearts and push the block at I| @# @ #* | (E,7) down to make another fort. Now push the block at (C,7) J| | up and make a dash to the Jewel Box. Leave through the door. K| A A A | +-----------+ 0123456789X +--=--------+ 4.3 - HHKK A|* ::! h *| B|*o :: h | Grab the heart at (B,9), and then push the block at (E,7) C|* :: # *| down to (I,7), right behind the rock. Now carefully time D| * :: # *| your movement to grab the heart at (G,X) to avoid the E|*@ :: # @| gaze of the Don Medusa. Go back to (E,6) behind the Snakey, F|@@*:: S *| shoot him once, and cross the water. Quickly push the block G| @::: @ h| at (I,7) over one spot to the right and get behind the rock. H| S :::%:::| Now time your movement to get the block to (I,9) without I| #:S | getting killed. Wait for the Snakey to regenerate, then J|*h : @ | shoot it once again, push it right to (F,9), and push it K|**M uh ~| down to cross the water again. Push the block down once to +-----------+ (J,9), then trap the Don Medusa once he moves past the block Now shoot the Snakey at (I,5) and cross the water, pushing the block over one and then down to block the Medusa. Grab the heart at (J,1), then shoot the Snakey at (H,1), and push him down and right to cross the stream again. Now go up to the Snakey at (F,6), shoot him once, push him up to (A,5), grab the last heart at (A,7), then push the Egg into the stream to cross it. Grab the Jewel Box and leave through the door. 0123456789X +--------=--+ 4.4 - HQKD A| *** ** ho| B|M * *@ | Push the block at (G,8) up one and right one against the C| S h S *| Medusa. Push the block at (I,8) down one, then over to D| @ @ @" *| (J,1) then up to (F,1) against the Medusa. Collect the E| "" *| hearts at (H,5),(F,5), and (C,4) to get two Magic Shots. Now F|M h M| push the block at (G,6) over to (G,X) to block the Medusa. G| **# # # | Go under the block at (H,6), and push it up one, right two, H| "* #h#* | down three, and left to (J,0). Collect the two bottom hearts I| "***# *# | at (K,0) and (K,X). Shoot the Snakey once at (C,1) and move J| "" | the egg up one to block the Medusa. Now go to (C,7), shoot K|h ! h| the Snakey once, and push the egg right one, up one, and +-----------+ right one again. Grab the last heart and the Jewel Box, and head through the door. 0123456789X +-----------+ 4.5 - HVKT A| @h | B| * ******* | The goal of this level is to walk past the Medusa when the C| * * *o* | Leeper is in its gaze. On your walk to the Jewel Box, make D| * * *** * | sure the Leeper is in its gaze at the following locations: E| * * @L* * | F| * @ M * @ | (K,5),(A,5),(I,5),(F,8) G| * * * *h| H| * ***** * | Once you've made it, grab the Jewel Box and walk up the I| * * | stairs. J| ********* | K| h | +-----------+ 0123456789X +-------=---+ 5.1 - HRKJ A|*h* o **| B|* * "" *| Go up and push the block at (I,7) over to (I,9) and then up C| "" | to (F,9). Now grab the heart at (H,6), and push the block D| @ "" | at (H,7) right one, then the block at (G,7) up two and then E|{ "*| all the way over left to block the Don Medusa in. Now go F| @@h@h M| back and push the block at (H,8) over to (H,X). Collect the G|M #hh## *| hearts at (J,X) and the three inbetween the rocks and blocks H|*"#h##h# | Push the block at (G,3) over to the left against the Medusa, I| "##@ # *| then get the heart. Push the block at (H,2) left one, and J|*"" h| the block at (I,3) down one, and finally the block at (I,2) K|h * ! **| left one. Collect the hearts at (K,0) and (A,1), get the +-----------+ Jewel Box, and leave through the door. 0123456789X +--=--------+ 5.2 - HBKM A|"" * @| B|" h < # | Collect the hearts at (D,7) and (H,7) first, to get the C|"#::::::::d| PWR-Bridge. Shoot the Snakey at (D,8) once, push him into D| :: hS | the water, and build a bridge at (C,8). Quickly cross the E| : *| bridge and push the block at (B,7) to (F,5), grab the heart F|o :M *h* !| at (F,6), then get across the bridge again before the Snakey G| : *| regenerates. Once he does, shoot him again once, push the H| :: hS | egg down one, right one, and then down into the water. Get I| #::::::::u| on the egg and turn to shoot the Snakey at (H,8) and push J|" h > # | him up one. Push this Snakey over to (G,3), and get back K|""" * @| across the bridge again. When the Snakey regenerates again, +-----------+ shoot him once, and push him down one and left to (E,3), being careful not to push the egg into the water. Now cross the bridge again, push the block at (C,1) down to (F,1), collect the remaining hearts and Jewel Box, and leave through the door. 0123456789X +-----=-----+ 5.3 - HLKY A|*h*h h*hh*h| B|h | Grab the heart at (H,3) and (I,X). Shoot the Snakey once at C|h @S*@**@*| (I,7) and push it right one and up one. Now get the heart at D|h *<>*ddvvh| (H,4). Walk over the Jewel Box and shoot the Snakey at (C,4) E|hh*>* **@*| hearts there. Now collect the rest of the hearts, and get the G| * @@S @ S | Jewel Box from the group of arrow tiles, not the other side of H|*S*hh * M | the Gols. Once you have that, leave through the door. I| * @ S *h| J| @* * S | K|! | +-----------+ 0123456789X +---------=-+ 5.4 - HCKZ A| h*o @| B| ** @@ * @| Collect the heart at (J,5). Shoot the Gol at (H,2) and push C| r ** | him to the left. Collect the heart at (I,1). Shoot the D|@h* M ** | Snakey at (F,4), then push him up one and right two to (E,6) E|* ** | Collect the heart below him, and go back and shoot the other F|@* S h | Snakey at (I,4). Moving quickly, push the egg up to (F,4), G|@@@ * @ | then right to (F,7), and up to block the Medusa to the right H| r @ | Now comes the tricky part. Go and get the heart at (I,7), I|@h@ S*@@h@@| releasing the Rocky. Now walk left from here to (H,3), J|*@@ h@ | making sure he is following you closely. Now walk up to K|! *@* R | (E,3), and make a sharp turn left. Walk slowly up to the +-----------+ heart, making sure the Rocky blocks the Medusa's gaze. Once you have it, walk around the trees to get to (A,5). Rocky should run at you, and walk again slowly to the right to get the last heart, making sure Rocky blocks the Medusa's gaze again. Once you have it, go left and shoot the Gol at (C,3). Push it one space down, and go around it. Grab the Jewel Box making sure you don't step in the Medusa's gaze, and walk through the door. 0123456789X +-----------+ 5.5 - HGKG A|* % * % *| B| ::::::: | Collect the heart and shoot the Snakey at (J,1) to cross to C|# ::::::::#| the island with the other Snakey. Shoot this Snakey, push D| #::*d#::: | the egg into the water, and get off at the bridge at (F,3). E|::::* :::*| Grab the heart at (F,5), and wait for the egg to sink. Shoot F|:::%oh h:@| the Gol at (G,7), then grab the last heart. Push the egg G|S ::**uu*:*| into the water, and ride it all the way until you can push H| ::::::::*| the block down at (D,6). Push it down to block one Gol, and I|::::::::::*| shoot the one at (D,5). Grab the Jewel Box and head up the J|!S: # :: | stairs. K|h : * % ^*| +-----------+ 0123456789X +------=----+ 6.1 - HZKC A|h * ** !| B| < * | Run down to (J,8), making sure you don't get caught by the C| * ** **| Don Medusa. Once you're there, run to the heart at (J,5) and D| * @ *| then back to (J,8). Run to (I,4) when you get the chance, so E|:::::::%:::| you are behind the block. Now inch out to the left so you F| * KK| are halfway to (I,3). When the Medusa is halfway past the G| * | block going right, run out to get the heart at (J,1) and H|*#@* @ | then run back behind the block. Push the block down and left I| S @| to trap the Don Medusa against the Medusa. Then push the J| h #h # | block at (H,1) inbetween the Medusa and Don Medusa to K|M ~# o| (H,0/1) to block both their gazes at the same time. Push the +-----------+ block at (J,9) over to make a clear path to the Jewel Box. Go up and grab the last heart at (A,0). When the Skulls come towards you, shoot the first one that passes through the arrow tile at (B,2). The other one will hit the egg and turn back, giving you time to push the egg in the stream to cross it and running to the Jewel Box. Once you have it, leave through the door. 0123456789X +---=-------+ 6.2 - HYKL A|h *** h| B|*** @ | Go right along the arrow tiles and pick up the heart at C| l::::::| (H,X). Shoot the Snakey, cross the stream, grab the next D|M o @ | heart, shoot the Snakey, cross the stream, and shoot the E| S | next Snakey. Push this Snakey left and up to (D,1). Go F|h @ | right, shoot the Snakey at (E,9), push the egg in the water, G|*^@@*@**@@*| grab the heart at (A,X), get back on the egg, shoot the Gol, H|@ S:Sh :S h| and push him to (C,0). Grab the heart at (A,0). Go back to I| : : | now-regenerated Snakey at (E,9), shoot him, and push him J|! : : | left to (E,0). Grab the last heart and the Jewel Box, and K| > > | head through the door. +-----------+ 0123456789X +-----=-----+ 6.3 - HMKB A|h @@*h*@@ h| B| #@ @# | Go up and collect the heart at (H,X). Go to the block at C|@ @| (D,9) and push it two to the right, one up, two to the D| # K K # | right, and one down. Collect the three hearts up here, then E| @v @^@ v@ | shoot the Skull at (F,2) and push it down to (J,2). Collect F| *K@ @K* | the heart at (H,0), and push the block at (D,1) at the end G| * @ o @ * | of the path to the right. Go down and shoot the Skull at H|h@ @* *@ #h| (I,6) and push it one to the right. Grab the last heart, I|^ K K #^| shoot the Skull coming at you from (I,4), then shoot the J| !| egg at (I,5) to get rid of it and to give you access to the K| h | Jewel Box. Grab it and head through the door. +-----------+ 0123456789X +------=----+ 6.4 - HJKR A| r oR { h| B|* M * *@| Run over to (G,7) and push the top block to the right. Wait C|"M " h| for the Rocky to come down, and push the block at (K,7) left D|" * @@ @*| to trap the Rocky at (K,0). Push the block at (H,7) one E| ~| space left, and then up to trap the horizontal Don Medusa. F|@*@* @@@ | Make sure the vertical Don Medusa still reaches (E,8) in its G|h # | movements, or the rest of the walkthrough won't work. Now H|@**@ # #"| move the block at (I,7) two spaces left, up to (G,5), one I|h # #"| space left again, up to (C,4), and then left (C,3) to block J|*@@*@ # #"| the Medusa. Now take the block at (J,7) and move it to (E,2) K|! # #"| to block the other Medusa. Collect the two hearts below the +-----------+ two Medusas. Now push the following blocks one space right in the other row: (G,9), (I,9), and (K,9). Push (H,9) down one, and do the same to (I,X). Push the block at (I,9) left and up to (A/B,4), to block both the Gol and Medusa. Go back and push (J,9) up one, then left and up to (C,5). Push it over to trap the vertical Don Medusa, and down to get access to the heart. Dart in and out to grab the heart at (C,X), then collect the last heart at (A,X) and the Jewel Box and head out the door. 0123456789X +-----------+ 6.5 - HTKV A|:::::::::::| B|:::::::::::| Collect the heart, shoot the Snakey once, push the egg into C|:uddV;::::$| the water, and get off at (E,3). Collect the heart at (E,4), D|:;**h*:::$$| shoot the Gol at (E,5), and collect the last heart. Push the E|:o; hl::$$*| egg into the water, and while you are riding it, turn around F|::::::::$$$| to face downwards. When you get to (B,2/3), hold down and G|:::::::::$$| quickly fire both Magic Shots at the gol at (C,2). If done H|*::::::::::| correctly, you should be able to get on land. Shoot the Gol I|*;;::::;;;;| to your left to get rid of him, walk to the Jewel Box, and J|;#;;:::;Sh | climb the stairs. K|;;;;*::; !| +-----------+ 0123456789X +-----=-----+ 7.1 - HDKQ A| | B|^@*@*@vv#@@| Push the block at (F,1) half-way up to (E/F,1). Walk left C|^ @@hh# ~| over the arrow tile and go around to push the block down to D| M ^v ;;; | (H,1) to block the Medusa's left side. Grab the heart at E| @##^*****| (F,2), and push the blocks above and below it one space up F|v#h> h ;;;o| or down to block both Medusa's right sides. Collect the G|! @##^*****| heart at (F,5), and then push the block at (E,4) one space H| M ^v ;;; | left. Collect the heart framer at (C,4) and (C,5) and push I|v @@hh# ~| the block at (C,6) two spaces right to (C,8), being careful J|v@***@^^#@@| of the bottom Don Medusa. Go to the block at (G,4) and push K| | it down one. Walk right and down and collect the two hearts +-----------+ at (I,4) and (I,5). Push the block at (I,6) to (I,9) to trap the Don Medusa against the wall. Go all the way back to where you began the level, then head down and right. Push the block at (J,8) up two and right one and a half to completely block in the lower Don Medusa. Go to the block at (H,4) and push it up two, right one, up two, and over to (D,X) to block the other Don Medusa. Grab the Jewel Box, push the block at (B,8) up, and head through the door. 0123456789X +---------=-+ 7.2 - HKKH A|! @ *v }| B| * h> | Immediately move down one and right one and a half to C|r * @d | (B,2/3). The Leeper should fall asleep at (B,5). Collect the D|* h L@@ | hearts (D,3),(F,3), and (H,0) being careful of the Don E|* *> ** | Medusa's gaze the whole time. Push the block at (I,2) right F|* h@ M | three spaces to (I,5) to block the Medusa. Grab the three G|* @@*d * | hearts below the Medusa, then push the block at (K,2) left H|h @ M* h | one. Push the block at (J,2) up to (D,2), then right three I| # * * | spaces and two down. Grab the heart at (B,7) and return to J| ### hhh o | the blocks at the bottom. Push the block at (K,1) one space K| #< *| right. Push the block at (J,1) up two, right one, then up to +-----------+ (D,2), then right three, up one, right one, up one, then to the arrow tile at (B,8). Have Lolo step on the arrow tile, then push the block a half space out to keep Lolo still halfway on the arrow tile and trap the Don Medusa in the upper-right corner. Now go down and push the block at (J,3) right to (J,8) then up two spaces. Quickly grab the last heart to avoid the Gol's flame, grab the Jewel Box, then go around to (B,8). Push the block all the way right and head through the door. 0123456789X +---------=-+ 7.3 - QPKP A|h h*:R | B|; > : | Push the block at (J,2) right two. Collect the hearts at C|;::: : | (I,3) and (K,3) then push the block at (K,4) right one, D|;:::u:::: @| the block at (I,4) right one, and the block at (J,4) up one. E|*::: # : *| Push the block at (J,6) right one, get the heart, push the F|;;:: l: *| block at (K,7) right two, and the block at (J,8) up one. Get G|;;:::::::S@| the heart at (H,X), wait for the Rocky to pass your position H|;;::::::: h| going left, then shoot the Snakey and push him up and left I|; @h# *# @| into the water at (B,5). Climb on the egg, and when you get J| # # # o| to (D,5) push the block down one to block the Gol. Get back K|! @h# h# @| on the egg when it comes around, and get off at (D,0). Get +-----------+ the last two hearts and go back to (D,0). Shoot the Gol across the water, then push the egg into the water and ride it back to (F,1). Go get the Jewel Box and head through the door. 0123456789X +--------=--+ 7.4 - QHDK A|**@h *h h| B|@M * * @ | Collect the heart at (J,5). Push all three blocks one space C|@ * | up. Push the middle block at (H,3) up two, right three, and D| *KK * | up one to block the Medusa. Shoot the Skull at (D,2) and E| * M@* | push him two spaces up, and shoot the Skull at (D,3) and F| | push him up one and left two. Grab the heart at (A,3) and G| @ S | go back to the blocks. Push the block at (H,2) up two and H| | then right to (F,7) to block the Medusa. Shoot the Snakey I|* ###@**@ !| twice and push the block in its place. He should reappear at J|** h@@h | (C,7), and you can now get the two hearts up there. When you K|**o* *| grab the last heart, wait until the Skulls get to row J, and +-----------+ are both following you, then run around the rock formation and grab the Jewel Box. Head through the door. 0123456789X +-----------+ 7.5 - QQDD A|h @ # @!| B| K*# | Grab the two hearts at (A,0) and (D,0), push the block down C| ;;; | at (E,7), and grab the heart at (F,X). Shoot the Skull at D|h ;*; K * *| (F,6) and push the egg into the water. Ride the egg until E| *** # * | you get to (I,2). Get off north of you, grab the heart at F|@ K h| (H,0), and get back on the egg. Now ride the egg until you G|:::::::::::| get to (K,4). Get off, shoot the Skull to your left, grab H|h K :;: :| the last heart, and get back on the egg and go right to I|:::::::::::| get to the Jewel Box and the stairs. J|: K h****| K|::::::: o| +-----------+ 0123456789X +--------=--+ 8.1 - QVDT A|h *M* * h| B| * S* | Push the block at (J,9) to (J,5), then move the block above C| @ h* h| you up one and the block at (J,5) down one. Push the block D|* S | at (G,4) up one, and the block at (G,7) right one. Go left, E|;# * *| down, and around to get the heart at (H,8), and push the F|o# * ** *M| block at (G,8) up one. Push the block at (F,4) down three, G|;# *# # @| go around, and then push it left one to block the Medusa. H|* @ *h | Shoot the Snakey at (D,4) and push it to (C,3). Push the I| * #*** | blocks at (E,1) and (G,1) left one and the block at (F,1) J| * # | down to (K,1). Get the heart at (K,0). Push the block at K|h *M* @ !| (H,6) up one, left two, up three, right one, and up to (A,5) +-----------+ Now the hard part. Shoot the Snakey at (B,8), push him down two and right two, collect the two hearts above the egg, then shoot the egg again before it hatches so the Snakey will return. When he does, shoot him again and push him down two, left to (D,1), then up to (A,1). Get the last heart and the Jewel Box and head through the door. 0123456789X +-----=-----+ 8.2 - QRDJ A|* ! *| B| | Get every heart except for the one at (K,7). Go back to the C| :;;;;;;;: | the patch of grass and shoot the Skull at (G,7) twice, D| : : | realeasing the Almas. Shoot them all and push one egg into E|h: :h| the water on the right side. Get off and collect the last F| :* *: | heart, then get back on and get off again once the egg is G| :AK KA: | right at the Jewel Box. Once you have the jewel, head H| :AK * KA: | through the door. I|h:A* o *A:h| J| ::::::::: | K| h h | +-----------+ 0123456789X +------=----+ 8.3 - QBDM A|ohl@h+h+hh+| B|r +hhl$+$$+| Collect all 7 hearts that are available to you as soon as C| +hhl$+$$+| you start the level. If you got them all, you should have D| + +$++++| two PWR-Bridges and two Magic Shots. Build one bridge E| @+++#$+ +| at (D,9), quickly cross, grab the two hearts, and cross back F|$ # # | again before the bridge burns. Go and stand on top of the G|@@@ hl| Jewel Box, shoot the Gol at (B,0), and push him down to H|@Kh @@ hK@| (E,0). Build a bridge at (D,2), grab every heart except for I|@@@@ K @@@| the one at (C,3), shoot the Gol at (C,5), grab the last J|L Kh @ K@$$| heart, and cross the bridge again before it collapses. Now K|A @h$@$ !| run to the Jewel Box in column 0, and then head out the door +-----------+ 0123456789X +-----=-----+ 8.4 - QLDY A| ! | B|M h*# #*h M| Move the block at (B,4) down three and left to (E,0). Push C| ** ** | the block at (B,6) down three and right to (E,X). Collect D|" * * | the hearts at (K,0) and (K,X). Shoot the Snakey at (G,1) and E|"" "| push it up to (B,1). Shoot the Snakey at (G,9) and push it F|"" "| up to (B,9). Collect the hearts at (B,2) and (B,8). Go down G|"S @@h@@ S"| to (E,9) and shoot the Snakey above you twice. Go and use H|" @$$$@ ""| the Hammer on the rock at (H,7). When the Snakey returns, I|" @$M$@ " | push him down one and left to (H,5). Grab the last heart, J| @$$$@ | and shoot the Snakey at (B,1) twice. Use the other Hammer on K|h @$o$@ h| the rock at (J,3). When the Snakey returns, shoot him and +-----------+ and push him down and left to (J,5). Grab the Jewel Box and head through the door. 0123456789X +-----------+ 8.5 - QCDZ A|M* > h| push the block at (K,4) two spaces right. Go up and get the D|h * @@@^^| heart at (G,5). Use your first Arrow Changer power on the E|^@@@* @ v@| arrow tile at (F,5). Go one space up and left to get the F|!@h v@ h# | heart at (F,2). Go back and use your second Arrow Changer G| **@@h* @ @| power on the same arrow tile. Push the block at (C,5) two H| h*o@ @h@vh| blocks up, then get the heart at (C,6) and go across the I| h@v > hv | two arrow tiles pointing right. Get the two hearts in the J| h@ @ @@@h*| corner, then go up and left and push the block all the way K| #> *M| to (A,2). Get the two hearts right below you, then push the +-----------+ block at (C,1) one space left and get the heart below it. Use your last Arrow Changer power on the same tile as the last two, the one at (F,5). Go down and right and get the two hearts right there and the one at (F,8). Push the block at (F,9) down three and right one, and then collect the last two hearts. To get to the Jewel Box, walk on the arrow tile at (E,8) from the left, then just follow the arrows to it. Head up the stairs to the last floor in the Tower. 0123456789X +--=--------+ 9.1 - QGDG A|** d !| B|~ h | Go down and collect the heart at (E,8). Go left and push C| # | the block at (D,4) two spaces up. Push the block at (D,6) D|^^d@###@*vv| two spaces up and then two spaces back down to its original E|;;h@ # M < | (B,4), and push it down to (I,4). Push the block at (B,6) +-----------+ down to (I,6). Shoot the Snakey twice and push the block above it in his spot. He should reappear at (J,5). Grab the heart and Jewel Box and head through the door. 0123456789X +---=-------+ 9.4 - QMDB A| A;* h| B| ; ; ; | During this entire level, you must stay aware of the two Don C| ; ; ; R | Medusa's movements below you. You won't be blocking them, so D| h; ; | make sure before you move you won't get in the way of their E|h ; *@ ;;;R| gaze. Push the block at (H,8) up one, left to (G,4), then up F|:::M$o:%:::| one again to put it in-between the Medusa and the Jewel Box. G| * @ l| Cross the bridge and grab the heart at (A,X) when you won't H|h *@# *| be trapped by the Rockys. Step on the flowerbed in column 4. I| *h* !| When the Alma moves in front of the Medusa in column 3, J|* @**@h @h| cross to the next flowerbed in column 2. Grab the two hearts K| ~ *~ | over here, and then cross back when the Alma does it again. +-----------+ Make your way down, and carefully time getting the hearts in the lower-right corner. Get the heart at (H,0) next, using the heart at (I,2) as a shield. Grab that heart, then race to the Jewel Box. Head through the door. 0123456789X +-----------+ 9.5 - QJDR A|** h @ | B|** S | Grab the heart at (H,9). Go left and around the heart at C| *@ *h* M| (H,2) and shoot the Snakey. Push it right one and get the D|h *~@ @| heart. Go around the heart at (C,7), shoot the Snakey, push E| @@ | it down one, and get that heart. Go down and push the only F|@ *@ | block and push it left three, up two, left one, up two, left G| * ;@*@@ | two, and up two to (D,1). Grab the heart, and then stand H| h ;;*@*h | below the rock at (D,4). Smash it with your PWR-Hammer and I| * ;**@ | run right to (E,X). Now go all the way around, get the last J| S # ! | heart at (A,3) and the Jewel Box when you can, and head up K| M@ o| the stairs to the roof of the Tower. +-----------+ At this point, Lolo leaves the Tower in an airship, and head to the Castle In The Sky where the evil King resides. The Castle uses a different tile set then the Tower, as everything is gilded, but everything still functions the same way. 0123456789X +-----------+ CASTLE.1 - QTDV A|~ o ~| B| | Run up to (H,5), and then let the Rocky pass you downwards. C| r#h#l | Go up and push the blocks at (C,4) and (C,6) up two, then D| :: R :: | push both blocks left and right to trap the Don Medusas in E| :::: :::: | the corners. Shoot the Snakey at (G,4) and push it right F|%::::%::::%| one, up to (B,5), then left to (B,0) to block off the left G| > S S < | Don Medusa. Go down to the other Snakey, shoot it, and push H| @ @ | it left one, up to (B,5), and right to (B,X). Making sure I|h#@ *#h| the Rocky isn't near you, push the blocks at (I,2) and (I,9) J| < > | down one. Go back around and push each block left or right K|M @ ! @ M| from the arrow tiles and grab the last two hearts. Go around +-----------+ the Gols to get the Jewel Box and go up the stairs. 0123456789X +-----------+ CASTLE.2 - QDDQ A|$*:::%:: M| B|::: % : | Grab the heart at (E,1), go across the bridge, shoot the C|! :# ::::| Snakey at (D,5), push the egg into the water, and grab the D| h:S S :| heart at (E,5). Push the block at (C,5) down one before the E|*h* *h* *$:| Snakey regenerates, and he should appear at (E,3). Push the F|*S*M* * *$:| block at (D,5) down two to block the Medusa. Go around and G|*h*S*h* **:| push the block at (H,5) left one. Grab the hearts at (G,5) H| # h # :| and (H,3), then push the block at (H,1) right one. Grab the I|; ::::| heart above it, then shoot the Snakey twice and push the J|; : | block at (H,2) left and up to (F,1) where the Snakey once K|;;::::uuu o| was. It should reappear at (B,X). Grab the last heart, then +-----------+ shoot the Snakey at (D,8) and run to push the egg into the water. Hop aboard without getting set on fire by the Gols, and float down to the Jewel Box. Climb the stairs to the next level. 0123456789X +-----------+ CASTLE.3 - QKDH A|! o@** ~| B|Svvvv> # # | Another level where you have to aware of all three Don C|rvv l**v@ | Medusa's movements at all times. Make your way down by D|h >> *@ | going in and out of arrow tiles, making sure you're not E| #***v@ | caught by any Don Medusas, until you get to the three F|MK*^ <# | blocks on top of the three hearts in the left corner. Push G|K*@ ***^ | the blocks at(I,0) and (I,2) down one and the block at H| K | (I,1) right one. Push the block at (J,2) right two, then get I|###* KhK | the hearts at (K,0) and (K,1), not at (K,2) yet. Using the J| > KK}| block at (J,4) as a shield, run to (H,7) when you can. Shoot K|hhh* ~K| the Skull below you, and push him down and right to trap the +-----------+ Don Medusa at (K,9). Get the hearts at (I,8) and (K,2). Push the block at (J,4) to (J/K,7). Shoot the Skull at (H,8), and push him right and down to trap the other Don Medusa at (J,X). Now, move in and out of the rocks going up until you get to (C,9). Push the block at (B,9) up one to trap the Don Medusa against the right wall, and then push the block at (B,7) right to (B,X) to completely trap him. Move the block at (F,9) down two and over one-half to (H,9/X). Push the block at (J,0) up two, and the block at (I,2) down one, right four, up one, and right two to (I,8). Push the block at (E,3) up three to (B,3). Go around and use the PWR-Arrow Changer on the tile at (B,5). Push the block left two, down three, and half space left to (E,0/1). Grab the last heart and then go around to get to the Jewel Box and the stairs. 0123456789X +-----------+ CASTLE.4 - VPDP A|@@* h @*@| B|h;; h| Get the hearts at (J,0) and (J,X). Push the block at (H,2) C|;; M ** | up one. Go around so you are on top of the block at (G,2), D|; * ;o| and push it down three, right two, up two, right one, and E|; * h* ;;| up three. Grab the heart at (G,6) and you should have gotten F| @ * * @;| the one at (I,5) already. Push the block at (H,8) one space G| v@ h@v ^| up, then use the PWR-Arrow Changer on (G,8). The arrow will H|@^# *@##@| change under the block. Push the same block up three and I|*# @ h @ @| left three, to (D,5). Get the heart at (E,6), then push the J|h * h| block at (E,5) left two, up two, and right one. Get the K|* ! *| heart at (B,0). Push the block at (I,1) up two spaces, and +-----------+ then right one. Go around, and push it down three, right three, and up to (E,5). Then push it left two, up three, and right two. Grab the last two hearts, then walk all the way around to the Jewel Box. Climb the stairs to the last room. 0123456789X +-----------+ CASTLE.5 - VHTK A| L@h ~| B|h@@h* | Go down and collect the heart framer at (K,0). Go up, wait C|! *# S h | for the Leeper to get to (A,2), then grab the heart at (B,0) D|* * # *| Run down to (H,1) and shoot the Leeper when he's at (E/F,1) E|* * @# | so the egg appears at (F,1). Push it one space right, then F| @h M | get the heart at (B,3) first and then the one at (J,3). Wait G| **@* | for the egg to hatch down by (H,6). When the Leeper comes H| * | bounding towards you again, shoot him again and push the I| @ * **| egg to (K,4). Wait at (K,5) for the egg to hatch and the J| @ h* * | Leeper to fall asleep at (K,4) to block the Medusa. Go up K|h@M* ***o| and push the block at (D,7) one space left when the Don +-----------+ Medusa allows it. Now the following steps have to be done quickly, so read them all before you do them. Shoot the Snakey, and push him up to (A,7) when you can trap the Don Medusa on the right side. Get the Heart at (A,4). Get below the Snakey and shoot the egg again to get it to disappear. Run to (D,5) and push the block above it up to trap the Don Medusa in the left corner. Run over to the block at (D,8) and push it one space left and one up, to where the Snakey used to be at (C,7). You should have also gotten the heart at (C,9) in the process. The Snakey should reappear at (G,8) below the Medusa. Push the block at (C,7) down three and get the last heart. Push the block at (E,9) down one, and get the last Jewel Box in the game, and climb the last flight of stairs. KING OF EGGERLAND - VQTD A simple boss, he moves back and forth across the top of the screen shooting fireballs down at you. Your Magic Shots cancel out his fireballs, so avoid the fireballs that might touch you and shoot the ones coming directly at you. It will take 20 Magic Shots to defeat him. CONGRATULATIONS! YOU HAVE JUST BEATEN ADVENTURES OF LOLO 2! +------------------------------------=--------------------------------------+ 5. OBJECTS,TILES AND POWER ITEMS +------------------------------------=--------------------------------------+ OBJECTS _____________________________________________________________________________ JEWEL BOX Description: The item that needs to be gathered at the end of each room to get to the next one. It will only open when all the Heart Framers are collected. Game Use: Lolo can walk through it, while other enemies cannot. However, it is no protection from Medusa, Don Medusa, or Gol. _____________________________________________________________________________ HEART FRAMERS Description: You need to gather all the Heart Framers in a room to open the Jewel Box to get to the next room. By taking certain Heart Framers or taking enough of them, you can gain Magic Shots. Also, on certain levels if you collect enough Heart Framers the Power Item will be activated. When the Heart Framers begin to flicker, you only need one more Heart Framer to activate the Power Item. Game Use : Heart Framers will protect Lolo from all attacks, but if he steps on it he no longer has that protection. These are also the power source for Magic Shots and Power Items. _____________________________________________________________________________ EMERALD FRAMERS Description: Emerald Framers can be moved around the screen to protect Lolo from attack or to trap defenders. Game Use: A movable shield, Emerald Framers protect Lolo from all attacks. They are indestructible, and only one can be pushed at a time. If two blocks are touching, they cannot be moved together in the same direction. _____________________________________________________________________________ EGGS Description: When a Defender is hit by a Magic Shot, it will turn into an Egg An Egg can be moved around much like a Emerald Framer, but will hatch into the original monster after approximately 5 seconds. If you shoot an Egg twice, it will disappear from the screen and the Defender will regenerate in the same location it was before unless there is an Emerald Framer in its place. Game Use: Eggs can be used to block enemy attacks, trap enemies, or as rafts across water. By pushing the egg into certain locations, it will float in the water, and you can get off where you need to. Sometimes the egg will just sink if you push it in the water, so you have to be careful. +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ TILES _____________________________________________________________________________ BLANK TILE Description: Lolo and all monsters can move across this tile. Medusa and Don Medusa's gazes and Magic Shots can pass through. Emerald Framers and Eggs may be moved on these tiles. _____________________________________________________________________________ TREE Description: Lolo and all monsters cannot move through this tile. Medusa and Don Medusa's gazes can pass through trees, but Magic Shots cannot. Nothing can be moved on these tiles. _____________________________________________________________________________ ROCK Description: Lolo and all monsters cannot move through this tile. No enemy attacks or Magic Shots will pass through. Nothing can be moved on these tiles. Rocks can be destroyed with PWR-Hammer. _____________________________________________________________________________ WATER Description: Lolo and all monsters cannot move through this tile. Medusa and Don Medusa's gazes and Magic Shots can pass through. Emerald Framers cannot be moved onto these tiles but Eggs can. Bridges can be built across water with PWR-Bridge. _____________________________________________________________________________ LAVA Description: Lolo and all monsters cannot move through this tile. Medusa and Don Medusa's gazes and Magic Shots can pass through. Emerald Framers and Eggs cannot be moved onto these tiles. Bridges can be built across lava with PWR-Bridge, but will burn up in approximately 5 seconds. _____________________________________________________________________________ FLOWER BEDS Description: Lolo can move through this tile but no monster can. Medusa and Don Medusa's gazes and Magic Shots can pass through. Emerald Framers and Eggs can be moved onto these tiles. _____________________________________________________________________________ ARROW TILE Description: Lolo can only move through the tile in any direction except the opposite way the arrow is pointing, while monsters can move through it unhindered. Medusa and Don Medusa's gazes and Magic Shots can pass through. Emerald Framers and Eggs can move through the tile in any direction except the opposite way the arrow is pointing. The direction of the arrow can be changed with PWR-Arrow Changer. _____________________________________________________________________________ DESERT Description: Lolo will move at half-speed through these tiles while monsters will move normally. Medusa and Don Medusa's gazes and Magic Shots can pass through. Emerald Framers and Eggs can be moved onto these tiles. +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ POWER ITEMS _____________________________________________________________________________ BRIDGE Description: A bridge will be built across a body of water or lava of a size of 1x1 tile. If bridges are built across lava, they will last for approzimately 5 seconds before they burn up and are no longer usable. _____________________________________________________________________________ HAMMER Description: A rock will be destroyed when this power is used in the direction Lolo is facing and the rock is right next to him and north, south, west, or east of him. _____________________________________________________________________________ ARROW CHANGER Description: The direction of an arrow tile will be changed 90 degrees in a clockwise direction. Lolo must be right next to the arrow tile. +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ +------------------------------------=--------------------------------------+ 5. THE DEFENDERS +------------------------------------=--------------------------------------+ SNAKEY Description: Snakey keeps a vigilant eye out, constantly turning back and forth, watching Lolo. He's completely harmless, but is useful as a tool. Snakey cannot move on their own, and can not harm Lolo in any way. They can be turned into Eggs. _____________________________________________________________________________ GOL Description: Gol just sleeps until the last Heart Framer is taken, then his eyes pop open and he awakes to shoot a deadly flame straight at Our Hero. These pink dragons are only activated when Lolo grabs the last Heart Framer. Once it is grabbed and the Jewel Box opens, they will shoot a fireball everytime Lolo crosses their path. They can be turned into Eggs. _____________________________________________________________________________ LEEPER Description: Leeper bounds around until he touches Lolo, then he goes to sleep and doesn't awaken. He can be turned into an Egg as long as long as he's moving about. While this defender will only fall asleep if he touches Lolo and not physically harm him, this can trap Lolo if he is in the wrong place at the wrong time. They can only be turned into Eggs if they are not asleep. _____________________________________________________________________________ ROCKY Description: Rocky rumbles around slowly most of the time, but when he is close to Lolo he'll pick up speed and move in very quickly. This square defender will move at a normal pace until he faces Lolo, where he will then charge at him and stop once he reaches him. He will move again if Lolo moves, but if Lolo is trapped he will remain there. They can be turned into Eggs. _____________________________________________________________________________ ALMA Description: Runs around the room at high speed. If Alma is directly across from Lolo, she will tuck her body into a ball and roll straight ahead until she runs into something. These armadillo-like defenders will move normally unless it is in one of Lolo's cardinal directions. It will then roll into a ball and move faster to attack Lolo. It will kill Lolo if it touches him. They can be turned into Eggs. _____________________________________________________________________________ SKULL Description: Skulls will sit quietly and watch the action until the last Heart Framer is taken, then leap into action with jaws gnashing and eyes flashing. Similar to the Gol as it will only awaken when the last Heart Framer is taken, once they are awake they will home in on Lolo and kill him on touch. They can be turned into Eggs. _____________________________________________________________________________ MEDUSA Description: Medusa can attack Lolo in a straight line in all four directions His attacks can be stopped by Rocks, Hearts, Emerald Framers, or the bodies of other defenders. Medusas are stationary, but can kill Lolo from across the room. Their gaze can only be stopped by the objects above. They will pass through Trees, Water, Lava, Sand, Flower Beds, and Blank Tile. They cannot be turned into Eggs. _____________________________________________________________________________ DON MEDUSA Description: The Boss of the Defenders, Don Medusa attacks in the same way as Medusa, and can be defended against in the same way. He moves at a constant speed in a predetermined path. The Don Medusa has the same strengths and weaknesses as the normal Medusa, except it can move either horizontally or vertically. They cannot be turned into Eggs. +---------------------------------------------------------------------------+ +---------------------------------------------------------------------------+ --------------- | THANKS TO... | --------------- Brickroad - For letting me use his map system for this FAQ. Check out his FAQ for The Adventures Of Lolo if you need any help with that quest. GameFAQS - For continuing to post my FAQs The NES Completion Project - For giving my inspiration for this FAQ +---------------------------------------------------------------------------+ +---------------------------------------------------------------------------+ I hope this document was a joy to read because it was a joy to make. If you have any questions or comments, please feel free to contact me at eagle25_100@yahoo.com. Thank you for reading my FAQ. _____________________________________________________________________________ (c) Raging_DemonTEN 2005