****************************************************************************** Valis - The Fantasm Soldier Game Script Version 1.0 Copyright 2005 Chris Castiglione (dinobotmaximized) Email: dinobotmaximized (at) yahoo (dot) com ****************************************************************************** I. Introduction II. Version History III. Script IV. Credits and Thanks V. Legal ****************************************************************************** I. Introduction ************************************************************** ****************************************************************************** In this FAQ I have typed up the dialogue and story related text that appears in Valis - The Fantasm Soldier for Sega Genesis. The text is as it appears in the game except it's not all capitals. ****************************************************************************** II. Version History ********************************************************** ****************************************************************************** 1.0 - November 04, 2005 ****************************************************************************** III. Script ****************************************************************** ****************************************************************************** ******************************************** * Prologue * ******************************************** Yuko: This is funny weather... It was fine until just a minute ago... Now that I think of it, I did dream about it yesterday... Someone was calling me in that dream. What does it mean? Well, it stopped raining. What strange weather... Reiko: Are you catching a nap while you're waiting for the rain to stop? Yuko: Reiko! Why are you holding up an umbrella? It's stopped raining! Reiko: It's O.K. It'll start raining again. Well... you... You can stay here a little longer.. You can't go home, but.. You don't get wet either. Yuko: ...? Why aren't you going home? Why are you here? Your home is in other direction. Reiko: I have come to say goodbye to you. I have to leave town for a while. Though, I may see you again sometime somewhere... Yuko: ...? What are you talking about? What is it?! Reiko: ...You'll find out soon... Well then, goodbye Yuko! Take care! Yuko: What a strange person! She mumbled some meaningless things. (A monster appears) Yuko: Oh, no..! Help... help me...! - VARIA - Yuko, catch this! (Yuko catches a sword) ******************************************** * Cut Scene 1 * ******************************************** Yuko: What is happening? A dream? It must be... I must be having a bad dream. I'll wake up at any moment... and be under the eaves of the shop. I will be...I know it! Valia: Welcome to fantasy world, Yuko. Valis warrior... Yuko: The voice...! You... You must be the one who called me! Valia: Yes, it was me. My name is Valia and this is fantasy world. This world exists in another time and space. Yuko: What are you talking about? I don't understand you! Is this a dream? Tell me I am dreaming! Valia: I understand that you can't comprehend this sudden incident, but I tell you this is not a dream. Lately, 'Yin' and 'Yang' of the people's souls are losing their balance. The real world, where you come from, entertains many negative events like wars. This is caused by a power called 'Vecanta' that 'Yin' is using to influence the souls of the people. Yuko: Vecanta...? Valia: Yes. The leader who governs the power is Rogles! He is an evil king who leads a dark world in another place and time. Yuko: Rogles...? Valia: Rogles locked the source of the power of 'Yang' in a precious stone called the Phantasm Jewel and then broke it into several pieces. Now, he has his subordinates, five evil generals of the underworld, guarding the Jewel. In order to defeat Rogles, we must put the broken pieces of the Phantasm Jewel together and release the power of 'Yang'. I do not have enough power to fight alone. I beg of you, Yuko. Lend me your hand. Yuko: ...You...You are selfish! It is none of my business! Let me go home! Valia: What has the world come to? Our warrior is influenced by Vecanta and they have their warrior already. Any more argument will only strengh the Vecanta in you. You go and find the Phantasm Jewel and the Jewel will help you from then on. Go, Yuko! ******************************************** * Cut Scene 2 * ******************************************** After defeating Reiko... Yuko: Reiko... Reiko: You don't have to save me. Hurry! Get it over! Yuko: Reiko, you didn't fight your best on purpose... Reiko: What are you talking about? I am not like you... I fought and lost... I am going to die and that is fine with me... Yuko: Don't be so stubborn! You are not like that. Reiko: How do you know what I am? Yuko: I know because you are my friend. Reiko: I have always been nasty to you. You don't have to lie to me. Yuko: It's not a lie!! Maybe not to you, but you are my good friend. Reiko: Don't speak so loud! It hurts my wound. Do your parents love each other? Yuko: Yes...yes they do. Reiko: I thought so. I can see that in you. My family is quite different than yours. Nobody is friendly in my family, and I don't have and friends. We are well off, but I was never happy. I hated to see happy people. I was always mean to people. My ambition was to outwit people and get ahead of them with and cost. Yuko: Reiko..., What do you mean by that? Reiko, please don't talk. Reiko: That is why I joined Rogles... But the truth is that I wanted to escape somewhere. Now, nothing matters... I've come as far as I can come.... and I'm here to die... Yuko: Don't be silly! I promise... promise to help you! Reiko: You...are...crying...for me. Can I...be... your friend, can I? Yuko: Yes, yes... you are always my friend, from now on for forever! Reiko: It's...getting...dark. I can't...see...you well. Good... bye...Yuu...ko. Than...k...you... Yuko: Reiko! Reiko!! Rei... Why..? Why do we have to end this way...? Rogles: Fool!! She bought your nonsense sentimentality. Well, that is fine. I should never have counted on a girl like her from the beginning. What is it? You don't like it, do you? Then come to my castle. I would like to see how true your friendship is to her. I'll be waiting for you at my castle... Valis Warrior...patiently. Ha ha ha ha ha......!! Yuko: You can't get off that easy,Rogles. I'll get you... with my own hands... for sure! ******************************************** * Ending * ******************************************** Yuko: It was a dream... So, it wasn't a dream... ****************************************************************************** IV. Credits and Thanks ******************************************************* ****************************************************************************** Thank you to GameFAQs for hosting this FAQ. Thank you to IGN for hosting this FAQ. Thank you to Neoseeker for hosting this FAQ. ****************************************************************************** V. Legal ********************************************************************* ****************************************************************************** This FAQ is Copyright 2005 Chris Castiglione. This may be not be reproduced under any circumstances except for personal, private use. It may not be placed on any web site or otherwise distributed publicly without advance written permission. Use of this guide on any other web site or as a part of any public display is strictly prohibited, and a violation of copyright. There are three sites authorized to host this FAQ, they are: GameFAQs.com IGN.com Neoseeker.com