=============================================================================== Super Battleship (SNES) FAQ/Walkthrough Version 1.5b, last updated 05/20/2007 by shoecream - shoecreamll at gmail.com Walkthrough Completion: 100% =============================================================================== Copyright (c) Jonathan Chang 2003-2007. Except where otherwise noted, this work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 3.0 Unported License. To view a copy of this license, visit http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-sa/3.0/ or send a letter to Creative Commons, 444 Castro Street, Suite 900, Mountain View, California, 94041, USA. You are free: * to Share - to copy, distribute, and transmit the work * to Remix - to adapt the work * to make commerical use of the work Under the following conditions: * Attribution - You must attribute the work in the manner specified by the author or licensor (but not in any way that suggests that they endorse you or your use of the work). * Share Alike - If you alter, transform, or build upon this work, you may distribute the resulting work only under the same or similar license to this one. With the understanding that: * Waiver - Any of the above conditions can be waived if you get permission from the copyright holder. * Public Domain - Where the work or any of its elements is in the public domain under applicable law, that status is in no way affected by the license. * Other rights - In no way are any of the following rights affected by the license: * Your fair dealing or fair use rights, or other applicable copyright exceptions and limitations; * The author's moral rights; * Rights other persons may have either in the work itself or in how the work is used, such as publicity or privacy rights. Notice - For any reuse or distribution, you must make clear to others the license terms of this work. The best way to do this is with a link to this web page: http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-sa/3.0/ Table Of Contents: ------------------ I. Main menu A. Mission Select Screen II. How to play A. CONTROLS B. Command screen 1. Radar/Sonar 2. Ship information 3. Time bar 4. Command buttons III. Wait, how do you... A. Efficient ship destruction B. Depth charges C. Missiles D. Taking Over Harbors E. Taking Advantage of Enemy AI and Other Cheap Tricks IV. Walkthrough V. Appendices A. Hull Classification Symbols VI. Closing A. Version history B. Thanks =============================================================================== I. Main Menu =============================================================================== Super Battleship: Plays the game Classic Battleship: Old school battleship Enter secret code: Enters a secret code for Super Battleship I'm assuming you want to play SUPER BATTLESHIP!!! You can play classic battleship any day (the computer likes to cheat at that, maybe I just suck, I don't know). Here's a FAQ for that and a walkthrough. =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= A. Mission Select Screen =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= White means a selected mission, yellow means an incomplete mission, and blue means a completed mission. There are only two missions in the beginning. You unlock new missions by completing all the missions in that level. There are eight levels, and sixteen missions (that doesn't mean that there are two missions per level - some have only 1 mission per level, others have 3.) And, if you beat all the levels, you get a sense of pride and accomplishment. That's right folks, nothing. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- II. How to play: ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- At the middle of the screen is the ship screen. Here you can see your ships, enemy ships, island, allied ships, etc. At the bottom is where you can issue commands. *************** * A. Controls * *************** So you got the game off of eBay and you don't know what the controls are? Same here. Anyway, the controls for this game are relatively simple. IN THE MISSION SELECT SCREEN: D-Pad - Select a mission Start - Start a mission. Select - Back to Main Menu. IN THE GAME D-Pad - Move cursor A - Select B - Select X - No effect Y - Change Between Sonar/Radar L - Show mission objectives R - Shows map Start - Pause Select - Switch menus/Cancel IN COMBAT D-Pad - Aim A - Fire B - Fire X - Change weapon Y - Cancel Start - Nothing Select - Exit combat ********************* * B. Command screen * ********************* ,----------------. | 1. Radar/Sonar | `----------------' Your radar/sonar is located at the bottom left hand corner of the screen. Capabilities of the Radar/Sonar Radar Sonar See land Yes No See ships Yes No See mines No Yes See subs No Yes As you can see, switching between radar and sonar frequently is to your advantage. CONTROLS: Press Y to switch between radar and sonar. KEY TO RADAR Yellow = Enemy Green = Friend KEY TO SONAR Yellow = Enemy Green = Enemy ,---------------------. | 2. Ship information | `---------------------' Bottom Center: Ship information It'll tell you the captain of the ship, the ship's name, the heading, and the current speed of the ship. Example: D. Sullivan (captain's name) PT Hammer (name of the ship: PT means it's a Patrol boat) Heading E (Facing east) Speed 16 knots (How fast it's currently moving) If you are in a harbor, the heading and speed information will not be shown. Same if you're beached. ,-------------. | 3. Time bar | `-------------' More bottom center: Time bar. This shows you how much time you have left in your turn. Counts down. ,--------------------. | 4. Command buttons | `--------------------' Bottom right: Picture of captain/command buttons Command buttons: _____________ |Move |Target| |Ship |Weaps.| |______|______| |Prior |Status| |Orders|Disp. | |______|______| The descriptions are below: MOVE SHIP Brings up a nice little grid where you can select to move your ship (don't hit your own ships, you'll lose both of them! Usually...) Press Select to get out of "Move Ship" command. TARGET WEAPONS Main Guns is just that...main guns. Your little cannon things. They're good, but you only have so much ammo. Torpedoes are cool! But they're only good for when your enemy has their engines taken out (better aiming) or for last ditch attempts to wipe off the last of their ships. Missiles are fun! They bring up a cool psuedo-3D environment where you'll see your missile streak toward your target and sink it...evilly. Depth charges are used to destroy mines and enemy subs. They're rather hard to control, so you have to be an expert at them. CONTROLS: Press X to cycle between weapons. PRIOR ORDERS Look at the info box. It says the speed. It'll go that far when you press this. STATUS DISPLAY Shows you the current status of the ship. Brings you to the status screen. Here's a friendly guide to help you in your comprehension of this screen. Top right: Information Information about your ship. (name) Class: (what kind of boat it is) Tonnage: (basically how fast it moves, the higher the slower) Caliber: (how much damage it does) Armor: (This can go down if you take a hit to the hull) (ship's captain) DAMAGE ASSESSMENT Middle: Damage assessment + Repairs This is where you can see where your ship has been crapped up. There is a list of icons which are the parts of the ship. From left to right: Bow guns B on a bullet RADAR Circle with a line and dots Stern guns S on a bullet SONAR Circle with a smaller circle Engines a propeller Rudder Control a steering wheel Fire Control two dots with a line PICTURE OF THE SHIP Below that is a little picture of your ship. Pink areas are damaged areas, and orange areas are parts that you want your damage crew to repair. HULL STRENGTH It's sort of like your ship's HP. You can't bring this back up if it's gone down. AMMUNITION Below that is your ammo count. From left to right: Main guns Missiles Torpedoes Depth charges TIME BAR Below that is the time bar. The time bar represents how much time you have left before your turn is ended prematurely. It pauses when you are in this screen. If you press select when you're at the command buttons, two new options appear: _____________ |Game |Fleet | |Screen|Disp. | |______|______| | | | | | | |______|______| GAME SCREEN Sends you back to the main menu FLEET DISPLAY Shows you your fleet, allows you to see the status screens of your ships. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ III. Wait, how do you... ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Aye, all your little questions and answers about this game. ********************************* * A. Efficient ship destruction * ********************************* Destroy the guns first. When the guns stop firing, they're destroyed. You're at an advantage over them because their guns are only in one place; yours are in two. After that, take out the engines so the ship stops moving. Use torpedoes now. CONTROLS: Press X to switch to torpedoes. Adjust the spread of the torpedoes by pressing Up or Down. I recommend the spread where the torpedoes are closer together so there's little to no chance of missing. Make sure that you've aimed your torpedoes correctly, because you cannot correct its direction after you fire them. If you run out of torpedoes, continue firing with main guns. Chances are, you're attacking a very powerful ship with a much weaker ship, and your ship is so battered from the battle that it'll be useless anyway. Chances also are that your opponent initiated the battle, and therefore you won't be wasting your time bar. If the opposing ship obstinately refuses to sink (or maybe your aim is just bad), simply exit combat. CONTROLS: Press Select to exit combat. After exiting combat, wait for your turn. Then, ram your ship into the enemy ship. Both will most likely sink. If not, the enemy is now softer than melted butter. ******************** * B. Depth charges * ******************** To attack a submarine, you need to be pretty close to it. About one "square" away from it is close enough. It doesn't matter if you're on top of it, nor does it matter what direction your ship is facing. CONTROLS: To change the depth of your depth charge, press Up or Down. It is extremely difficult to correctly determine how deep you should drop your charges. I'm assuming you're playing this from a ROM (I do, though I own the game), and if you do, use a freeze-frame right before you attack the sub. If you're using a cart, Robert Boyd (potato_sack_monk at yahoo.com) comments: "On an easy mission when you first encounter a submarine use a marker or a piece of tape for the waterline where your ship is sitting and that is the beginning place for your charges! Drop a depth charge and mark the place it explodes! You move the counter to a 100 feet then boom, move it another hundred feet down wait to see where it explodes then continue restart your game, and now you know the feet for every depth." *************** * C. Missiles * *************** Use the radar to locate your enemies. More likely than not your enemy is far away (else they would have already attacked). After locating your enemy, fire on them. Note that if you're firing from or to a PT boat, you'll miss before you even get to aim. So how do you aim missiles? Keep the missile centered; don't let it drift off to the sides. When the missile is nearing its target, it begins to streak towards the ground. You can still control the missile during this stage, so don’t hesitate to make any last-second corrections. You should be able to hit any enemy with ease with a bit of practice. ************************** * D. Taking Over Harbors * ************************** In some missions, harbors exist nearby. While it is easy to overlook harbors, they harbor (pun) some hidden use. When you are in a harbor (when the ship status box shows "In harbor") that you control, all your ammo will be restocked at the end of the enemy turn. Note that you will not receive any ammo that was not present at the beginning of the mission (that is, if you didn't start with 2 missiles, you won't have 2 missiles when you restock in the harbor). To take over a harbor, destroy one of the buildings nearby. An even more effective method is to destroy ALL buildings nearby so the enemy can't take the harbor away when you're not looking. ********************************************************** * E. Taking Advantage of Enemy AI and Other Cheap Tricks * ********************************************************** Here is a list of odd things that enemies will ALWAYS do. * Enemies move only at 8 knots. * Enemies do excessive amounts of turning. * Enemies take over nearby cities. * Enemies will retreat their ships if they are badly damaged. * Enemies (attempt to) attack you when in range. Here's a cheap trick that'll make the enemy lose a full turn. If I haven't told you already, there is a time bar at the bottom, and its color and length determine whose turn it is and how much time they have left, respectively. If an enemy attacks you during their turn, and you've completely disabled their ship but you've run out of both main gun ammo and torpedo ammo, then a good thing to do is to stall. Don't press select to exit the battle, but just wait for the time bar to reach the end, so the red side loses a full turn =) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ V. Walkthrough ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ +-----------+ | Level One | +-----------+ ******************************** * Stage 1: Sink the Excalibur! * ******************************** OBJECTIVE: Sink the enemy fleet in 20 rounds. Background: Okay here you have Oak Harbor and Silcox Island flanking your battleship (BB Invincible) and your light cruiser (CL Aguirre) pitted against an enemy battleship (BB Excalibur). There are merchant ships continually coming out of Oak Harbor every 2 turns, and the enemy will try to destroy them. Don't attack them, they waste your time and are defenseless (unless you like that sort of thing) Just move forward, try not to get hit by other boats, and blow the crap out of the enemy the way I told you earlier. Or, fire a missile at the enemy battleship to finish in 3 rounds. ********************************* * Stage 2: Mosquito Boat Attack * ********************************* OBJECTIVE: Sink the enemy fleet in 15 rounds. Background: You've moved north quite a bit, and behind your fleet of mosquito boats are Sand Point and Neah Bay (or is it the other way around?). Your fleet consists of 5 PT boats against 2 PT boats and 1 BC boat. The BC boat can take out a PT boat rather easily, so be careful. First, move your southern-most boats toward the BC boat. Move your middle boat toward the BC also. Then, move your top boats toward the other PT boats. The enemy always starts off by turning his boats in an ungodly fashion that you cannot manage without extreme hacking capabilities. Then move your boats closer to his. The enemy will usually start off by attacking one of your PT boats with the BC boat. Watch it here, if you don't time your shots carefully, you can get taken out REAL easily. Try to take out the engines and the guns. You'll usually get sunk. Then, you can counter-attack with another of your boats and then sink their boat with torpedoes. If you've still got some ships surviving, go into the status screen and make repairs. Repair the guns first. +-----------+ | Level Two | | C31D5 | +-----------+ ************************************* * Stage 3: Battle for Quemoy Island * ************************************* OBJECTIVE: Sink the enemy fleet in 15 rounds. Background: The war has moved southeast a bit to Quemoy Island. You have a battleship, 2 heavy cruisers, and three destroyers. Try not to ram into your own ships in the beginning, move forward to the enemy ships. Remember that at full speed it'll take 2 turns to slow down, so watch it. Be sure not to beach your ships either, or they'll be screwed. Switch between RADAR and SONAR frequently to check for both enemy ships and mines: they're introduced in this mission. (There were mines behind your fleet in Mosquito Attack, but that doesn't really matter) Move one of your destroyers up to sink the enemy destroyer Andes. It should be fairly easy, take out the guns first (they'll die in one well placed hit.) Keep on moving forward and sinking their destroyers, and make sure to make repairs to your own ships, especially if you got your guns/sonar taken out. Once you've taken out all of the destroyers (if you're really skilled you can take 'em all out without losing a ship) then the heavy cruisers will start coming in. You can still take them out with destroyers. Just a) take out the guns b) take out the engine c) fire a few more shots for good measure, then d) shove a torpedo up their butt! If they're still not dead, you could probably fire until ammo is gone. If they're STILL not dead, ram 'em! They can't shoot you, and they can't move. Plus, your ship is worthless now that it has run out of ammo. NOTE: Watch your time! There are only 15 rounds to complete this mission! ************************** * Stage 4: Convoy Escort * ************************** OBJECTIVE: Escort merchant ship to Sand Point, or sink the enemy in 45 rounds. Background: You start off in this mission a hell of a long way from Sand Point! The merchant moves independently of your ships, so try not to get hit by it, and vice versa. This stage is a pain in the ass, so to speak. Anyway, you start off with 2 Destination Escorts (which have some pretty weak armor), and a cruiser to pit against mines, subs, and the like. One torpedo hit will take out the merchant ship. All you got to do is to take out all the subs in the way. The patrol boats aren't fast enough to catch up to the merchant. Be sure to slow down when you get close to the harbor so you don't beach yourselves. Clear a path for the merchant ship when you get close to the harbor. ************************* * Stage 5: Convoy KL 17 * ************************* OBJECTIVE: Sink the enemy fleet in 20 rounds. Background: The war has moved to the front, near Monobo Island and the city of Carmen. You start off with 2 light cruisers, 2 destroyers, and 1 heavy cruiser. The enemy has a few destroyers and a battle cruiser. As a bonus, this mission introduces...MISSILES!! All right! I think missiles are really cool, to aim them check the FAQ. Anyway, move forward a bit. The enemy likes to start off by turning in impossible directions that any ship cannot do. Switch constantly between radar and sonar. Their ships are too far away for you to see, and usually only are seen with radar. Sonar, because there are quite a few mines. A good strategy is to use your cruisers to engage the 4 northern ships (3 DE's and 1 cruiser), with the Cheetah taking out two ships (cos it has missiles). Then, use your southern destroyers to eliminate the three ships down south (2 DE's and one cruiser). If you're good you can take em out with only one ship. No subs in this level. +-------------+ | Level Three | | 32fh42 | +-------------+ ************************************* * Stage 6: Raid on Mindino Airfield * ************************************* OBJECTIVE: Destroy the Mindino Airfield in 25 rounds. Background: You start south and west of said airfield. Try to avoid combat with your enemies, and particularly avoid the sub west of the harbor. Simply steer your ships into the harbor and blast away at the airfield. Once you've destroyed enough of the airfield, you'll win. ***************************** * Stage 7: Destroyer Action * ***************************** OBJECTIVE: Sink the enemy fleet in 15 rounds. Background: Hot destroyer on destroyer action! You start of west of Quemoy Island. You have to sink the enemy's ships in 15 rounds, and you have 1 light cruiser and 4 destroyers. The enemy, on the other hand, controls a light cruiser and six destroyers. The odds are not in your favor. Well, you can easily take out all the destroyers. Take out the light cruisers with your two missiles on board. You also have to destroy the sub just north of where your cruiser starts. (If you turn sonar on and switch to missile targeting, you can see it. As usual, watch for mines. You should be able to ace this one, unlike the Mindino Airfield level. After the first turn, you should be able to take out the light cruiser. After that, head your cruiser toward that sub to take it out. It'll fire some torpedoes at you in protest, but you can probably take 2 or 3 hits. Be sure to steer your destroyers toward the sub in case you can't position yourself to fire depth charges. ************************ * Stage 8: Power Sweep * ************************ OBJECTIVE: Sink the enemy fleet in 15 rounds. Background: We start off south of Quemoy Island. The enemy is a bunch of destroyers and cruisers. You get 2 missiles, one for each cruiser! How fun. Keep moving your people forward. The destroyers get to your cruisers fastest, so take them out. Eventually their guys will be in missile range. Fire the missiles at them and watch them sink. Get one of your guys during all this and make him head southeast. Pick off the sub there. Then you're done! +------------+ | Level Four | | 7159BG | +------------+ ******************* * Stage 9: Ambush * ******************* OBJECTIVE: Sink the enemy fleet in 15 rounds. While it may seem like this mission is impossible, it really isn't. It just takes some thinking on your part. The first ship you have (the largest one, armed with two missiles) you should use to immediately target the two largest ships you spot (I recommend the ones south and east). Next, send the second ship off to get the submarine lurking a little north and east. Hope that you get it right, because you can only take about two hits until you go down. After the sub and two ships are gone, the rest should go easy. I recommend sending the large ship and the weaker ship (the one that attacked the sub) south to destroy those PT boats, and the non weakened small ship go off to the west to attack the PT boats there. ******************************** * Stage 10: Mayhem at Midnight * ******************************** OBJECTIVE: Defend Navato City for 15 rounds. All right, this mission is rather easy. You start off with four destroyers, one of them armed with two missiles. Use the one armed with two missiles to fire at the battleships and destroyers to the east. Use radar targeting for all attacking! After you've destroyed two to the west, send two ships over to destroy the two more that remain. Send the other two to destroy the three or four cruisers southwest of your starting spot. Switch frequently between radar (to see where friend and foe are) and sonar (to see where mines are). And, most thankfully of all, there are no subs in this level. ************************* * Mission 11: Bee Swarm * ************************* OBJECTIVE: Sink the enemy fleet in 10 rounds. You start off with a fair amount of PT boats (6) and the enemy has much more than you do. Two of yours are armed with two missiles each. The one you start off with (Greenstone) you should use to fire at your northeasterly enemies. Be warned though, that you can actually miss with missiles in PT boats. Move your hardy boats forward. Next fleet, you should use the missiles to destroy the cruiser and a PT boat. Move your men forward, watch out for mines, and blow them out of the water. Note that you will probably run out of time several times during this mission, and time is of the essence. Also note that missiles on PT boats VS other PT boats tend to miss. +------------+ | Level Five | | 0007207 | +------------+ ************************* * Mission 12: Bodyguard * ************************* OBJECTIVE: Escort Battle Cruiser Warrior to Neah Bay in 40 rounds. Okay, you start off with a battle cruiser (of course), two destination escorts, and a light cruiser. Send your north and south DEs to go after and distract the two submarines northwest and southwest of your starting location. Then, just move your three remaining ships away to distract the other four or five subs blocking your way. Neah Bay is any one of those little inlets on the satellite; it doesn't matter as long as you head in a general westerly direction. ****************************** * Mission 13: Rescue Mission * ****************************** Objective: Rescue agent on Boracay Island in 15 rounds. Alright, you've got one destroyer and one...bigger ship. First off, send your destroyer to go full steam ahead. Have your bigger ship move in for about a round or two, then use its two missiles to destroy the two destroyers northwest north of your starting position. Those will interfere with your mission. Next, depth charge the sub (while still moving at 32 knots). Hope that you get the depth right, because this is your only chance (your destroyer can only handle 2 torpedoes before it sinks). After blowing away the sub, continue going full steam ahead toward the island. Watch out for the mines ringing it. Maneuver between the mines. Once you've gotten past them, your agent gets rescued. +-----------+ | Level Six | | BDFHGF4 | +-----------+ *************************** * Mission 14: Jolly Roger * *************************** OBJECTIVE: Sink 10 merchant ships in 30 rounds. You'll start off with only one ship (battle cruiser). You should spend the first few rounds moving on forward. Then, when you start encountering the mines, you should begin heading southwest toward the harbor that the merchant ships are coming from. When you're in the harbor (on the screen it'll say "In harbor") destroy a building to take it over. It'll now re-supply you with ammo. THIS IS CRUICIAL TO YOUR SURVIVAL!!! If you do not take over it, then you will run out of ammo so fast that you wouldn't be able to get to round 5. It'll also restock you with missiles, so, whenever possible, use missiles to destroy merchant ships (since you can't possibly miss, if you're good at it.) Keep this up until you destroy ten ships. +-------------+ | Level Seven | | 012745F | +-------------+ ************************************* * Mission 15: Pitbulls and Sluggers * ************************************* OBJECTIVE: Sink the enemy fleet in 20 rounds. You start off with three battleships (8 ammo each and four torpedoes each) versus six battleships. This is a real test of your finely honed Super Battleship skills. First, skillfully maneuver your ships into the northerly harbor (Crossroads). All of them. Next, proceed to destroy every building on Crossroads (so the enemy can't take it over). After that, proceed to commence the destruction of every ship that starts getting near you. It'll take ALL of your ammo to destroy each ship. Including the torpedoes. That's why you're in this harbor. If a ship gets beached, don't worry. But if all three ships get beached, then you'll lose. So don't get all of them beached. After all six enemy ships are destroyed, continue on (it'll be a close call...I completed in 19 rounds) +-------------+ | Level Eight | | F2F406F8 | +-------------+ ************************* * Mission 16: Total War * ************************* OBJECTIVE: Conquer all cities in 70 rounds. First off, all ships are extremely crucial. If you beach a ship, you're pretty much screwed. Secondly, use the destroyers to conquer cities, and use the battleships to back them up with missiles. Re-supply in harbors to get more missiles, but BE ABSOLUTELY SURE TO NOT BEACH YOUR SHIPS!! Now that that's over with, on with the walkthrough for the longest and hardest level in this game! Send your three starting ships (BB and two DDs) northeast to take over Carmen. Use the two missiles on the Battleship to destroy the two ships that are blocking your way. The southern ships: The BB should first go northwest to take out the two ships over there. Then go north with the BB and take over Ping Ping. After that, move southeast with it and take out the battleship that's moving toward Ping Ping. The first DE should go northwest and take out Borocay, the second should head northeast for Mindino City. The first one will have problems with a sub, more likely than not. After the first takes out Borocay, head north to Quezon and conquer that city too. The third one (the Rover) should be heading southwest to take those two cities there. AVOID THE SUB AND THE BATTLESHIP, you cannot take on both of them at the same time with only a destination escort. At this time, the two northern DDs should be mighty busy. One of them (you pick) should go very west to get the city there (###) and the other should go south and conquer the city THERE (###). The Battleship should, again, be backing them up. There will be an enemy battleship trying to take back the places you've already conquered; take it out. Okay, back to the southern ones. The Battleship should be still moving toward the other enemy ship (and submarine) that's heading your way. The first DE (the one that took out Borocay and Quezon) should be heading east to get Cagayan de Oro. The second one should be holding in the Mindino harbor (the enemy battleship will have reacted to the takeover and be moving toward it.) Back to the northern ones. The one that's heading to the one in the far west should be still heading there, the battleship should be heading toward the one going towards Mindino harbor to take it out, and the other destroyer should be heading to the city south of the one the first destroyer is heading to. Southern ones. Continue to have your battleship pursue the one that is heading north. Have the one that just conquered Cagayan de Oro to go southeast a bit to conquer Mandaue City. Move the one from Mindino harbor west to take control of some cities there. Northern ones. Prior orders till you get to your destination cities. Conquer 'em and then go south. Southern ones. Prior orders...have the battleship take out the other battleship and try to find the subs that are lurking about. From now on, try to find subs, and prior orders for everyone else until you beat the level. Note: If you destroy all the ships and destroy all the subs, you WILL win this mission. ***After you've beaten the level, celebrate and watch the ending and credits*** -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- V. Appendices -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- A. Hull Classification Symbols ****************************** BB - Battleship BC - Battlecruiser CA - Heavy (Armored) Cruiser CL - Light Cruiser DD - Destroyer DE - Destroyer Escort PT - Patrol VI) Closing ----------- I appreciate all questions, comments, suggestions, and concerns. Please direct them to shoecreamll at gmail.com.