****************************************************************************** Streets of Rage 3 Game Script Version 1.0 Copyright 2006 Chris Castiglione (dinobotmaximized) Email: dinobotmaximized (at) yahoo (dot) com ****************************************************************************** I. Introduction II. Version History III. Script IV. Credits and Thanks V. Legal ****************************************************************************** I. Introduction ************************************************************** ****************************************************************************** In this FAQ I have typed up the dialogue and story related text that appears in Streets of Rage 3 for the Sega Genesis. ****************************************************************************** II. Version History ********************************************************** ****************************************************************************** 1.0 - January 16, 2006 ****************************************************************************** III. Script ****************************************************************** ****************************************************************************** ******************************************** * Prologue * ******************************************** A note reads: Axel, I have learned from a new friend, Dr. Zan, that the Syndicate is back with a clever new plan to take control of the city by replacing top-ranking officials with identical robots under the control of Mr. X. Our old boss, the Chief of Police, has disappeared and everybody in the city is preoccupied with the recent spate of bomb explosions. I fear that the syndicate's evil plan is already under way. Adam is too busy to help, but his brother Skate is joining Dr. Zan and me to try and get behind the bombing campaign and expose the real danger to the city. We need your help, Axel. Please Come. Your Partner Blaze ******************************************** * Opening * ******************************************** Skate: Phew! That was close. Another few seconds and ... BOOM! Blaze: Yes. We're lucky we found the bomb. What's our next move, Axel? Axel: Well, Zan was right about the bomb maybe he's right about the robots too but I'll have to see it to believe it. Let's try to get a lead from the punks. Zan: I'm sorry you don't believe me, Axel, but there's no time to waste. Let's go. ******************************************** * Cut Scene 1 * ******************************************** Skate: I can't believe it. No one told me a thing. Zan: We're wasting time fighting these punks. Blaze: I think I have an idea where to go now. Zan: I hope you're right. ******************************************** * Cut Scene 2 * ******************************************** A note reads: Come and inspect the building of our new mall. Blaze: I knew this place was linked with the syndicate. TV Reporter: We interrupt this program for an important announcement. The Chief of Police has been kidnapped. The last person seen with him was ex-cop Axel Stone. Axel: What! I haven't seen him for over six months. TV Reporter: Coming at this time, the loss of such a senior city figure can only mean further mayhem if more bombs explode. Zan: I think this means trouble. Let's get to the construction site. ******************************************** * Cut Scene 3 * ******************************************** Axel: A robot that looked just like me! Skate: So, it seems you're right, Dr. Zan. Now tell us why you're helping us. That robot nearly killed us. How do we know this isn't a trap? Zan: It may be a trap but I didn't set it! Blaze: Skate! How can you accuse Dr. Zan? Without his help we would know nothing. I trust Dr. Zan. Please apologize to him. Axel: Stop arguing and look over here! This concealed door has been use recently. ******************************************** * Cut Scene 4 * ******************************************** Axel: This must be the syndicate's hideout. Do you recognize this place, Zan? Zan: No. I've never been here before. Axel: Let's press on and see what we find. ******************************************** * Cut Scene 5 * ******************************************** Axel: Mr. X! Mr. X: Welcome to my humble abode. I've been expecting you for some time. Tell me, Axel, what kept you? Axel: Enough of your games! What's going on? Mr. X: I am replacing the current city administration with some more dependable subjects starting with the Chief of Police. Axel: What have you done with him? Mr. X: Relax. He is in a safe place awaiting your rescue attempt. Why don't you come and join me? ******************************************** * Cut Scene 6 * ******************************************** Mr. X: I see you continue to destroy what I create. It is obvious you will not join the syndicate so I have no further use for the Chief of Police. You will not defeat my other robots so easily, Dr. Zan knows this model was an early prototype. Axel: He's right, Axel. We must rescue the Chief of Police before the robot version appears in public. ******************************************** * Cut Scene 7 * ******************************************** If the Chief of Police is saved... Zan: Thank goodness you're alive. Chief: I feel weak but I am unharmed. Blaze: Chief, it's really good to see you again. Chief: Blaze, I'm glad you're still in shape. I have no idea why I was kidnapped. Does it have anything to do with the bombings? Zan: There's no time to explain, Sir. You must get back to City Hall, immediately. Chief: You're right. I have a press conference in an hour. ******************************************* If the Chief of Police isn't saved... Blaze: Oh no. We're too late. He's dead. Zan: No. He's still breathing, faintly. Chief: Not going to make it. Zan: We can get you to a hospital. Chief: No. Must listen. Great danger. Press conference. City Hall. Speech. Zan: I can barely hear you. What about your speech? Robot. Impostor. Zan: We've got to get to City Hall and expose the impostor. ******************************************** * Cut Scene 8 * ******************************************** If the Chief of Police was saved during Stage 6... Adam: Well, well, well. If it isn't the old gang in trouble again. Blaze: Adam! Adam: I got your message, Blaze. Somehow I thought I might find you here. Axel: Adam, you must get the Chief to City Hall. Adam: Why? What's all the hurry? He's safe now and should get some rest first. Axel: Mr. X has created a robot effigy of the Chief that will speak to the public at the press conference. Adam: I see. We must get the real Chief there before the robot so he can explain the danger and clear your name. ******************************************* If the Chief of Police wasn't saved during Stage 6... Adam: Well, well, well. If it isn't the old gang in trouble again. Blaze: Adam! Adam: I got your message, Blaze. Somehow I thought I might find you here. Axel: Adam, you must take us to City Hall. Adam: Why? Where's the Chief of Police? Axel: He was kidnapped by Mr. X. Now he's dead. A robot duplicate of the Chief is due to speak at City Hall. Adam: Oh no. He could say anything. The city would be at the mercy of Mr. X. ******************************************** * Cut Scene 9 * ******************************************** If the Chief of Police was saved during Stage 6... Mr. X: Dr. Dahm was the key to my plan. Now you've destroyed my robot factory, the city will pay for your meddling, big time. Axel: Mr. X! Don't you ever give up? You're helpless. Surrender. Mr. X: That's where you're wrong, handsome one. My loyal followers in the syndicate have planted bombs throughout the city primed to detonate within the hour. Even you will not be able to stop mass destruction. Zan: Face it Mr. X. Dr. Dahm is no longer with you. Do you expect to run the city from a glass phial? Mr. X: Yes, Traitor. Let me show you how. ******************************************* If the Chief of Police wasn't saved during Stage 6... Fake Chief: and... to sum up, ladies and gentlemen I would like to detail my plans for the enforcement of law and order in the city. Axel: Stop! The speaker is not the Chief of Police. He is an impostor. A clever imitation. Fake Chief: What is this intrusion? What are you trying to say? Axel: I have a tape showing the real Chief of Police. Dead! Shiva: Okay. So you've exposed me. Now prepare for law enforcement. Syndicate style! ******************************************** * Endings * ******************************************** If the Chief of Police was saved during Stage 6 and Robot Y is defeated before the timer runs out... Mr. X: I'm dying. Please help me. Skate: Are you kidding? Mr. X: Well if I die, you die. Good-bye. Axel: This guy never gives up. Let's get out of here. Skate: The place is going to blow up. Zan: He has activated the self-destruct sequence. We must hurry or we will die. Blaze: I can't find a way out - all the doors are locked. Axel. Skate. Zan. What are we going to do? Skate: Gulp. I think we've had it. Adam: Hey little brother. You don't think I'd let you die, do you? Skate: Adam. Are we glad to see you. Get us out of here, fast. The syndicate's headquarters and robot factory were destroyed in the explosion. Using Adam's police helicopter, the team managed to locate and defuse all the bombs planted by Mr. X. Dr. Dahm informed the police of all the city officials who had been kidnapped whereupon their robot duplicates were destroyed and the real officials returned to their posts. Dr. Zan was pardoned by the city for his role in the overthrow of the syndicate. The team spent some time together in the city and then went their seperate ways. ******************************************* If the Chief of Police was saved during Stage 6 and Robot Y is defeated after the timer runs out... Skate: We didn't manage to defeat him in time. Axel: It's possible that Adam found and defused the bombs. Skate: But he didn't know where they were, Axel. Mr. X: You may have defeated me, but I won't die alone! Sadly, you will not witness the result of my efforts. Zan: He has activated the self-destruct sequence. Skate: We've got to get out of here. Now. Axel: We can't let Mr. X beat us now. Look for a way out everybody. Blaze: I can't find a way out - all the doors are locked. Axel. Skate. Zan. What are we going to do? Skate: Gulp. I think we've had it. Adam: Hey little brother. You don't think I'd let you die, do you? Skate: Adam. Are we glad to see you. Get us out of here, fast. The syndicate's headquarters and robot factory were destroyed in the explosion and the team managed to escape in Adam's helicopter. But Mr. X succeeded in leaving his mark on the city. The destructive force of the bomb explosions killed many people and wrecked many buildings. It will take a very long time to repair the damage caused to the fabric of the city and the confidence of those citizens who trusted the forces of good to look after them. ******************************************* If the Chief of Police wasn't saved during Stage 6... Zan: You've been defeated, you worm. Now, tell us where to find the real Mr. X! Shiva: I will never tell you. Zan: Mr. X! Listen to me, wherever you are. I will not allow your sick and evil mind to rule the city. I will find you and I will destroy you. THE END ? ****************************************************************************** IV. Credits and Thanks ******************************************************* ****************************************************************************** Thank you to GameFAQs for hosting this FAQ. Thank you to IGN for hosting this FAQ. Thank you to Neoseeker for hosting this FAQ. ****************************************************************************** V. Legal ********************************************************************* ****************************************************************************** This FAQ is Copyright 2006 Chris Castiglione. This may be not be reproduced under any circumstances except for personal, private use. It may not be placed on any web site or otherwise distributed publicly without advance written permission. Use of this guide on any other web site or as a part of any public display is strictly prohibited, and a violation of copyright. There are three sites authorized to host this FAQ, they are: GameFAQs.com IGN.com Neoseeker.com