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This document cannot be changed or altered in any way, You are welcome to ask my permission if you would like this guide posted on your website. This document is for private use only. If you wish to contact me about this guide please check the Contact Me section at the bottom of the guide on details for emailing me. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- _________________________________ / \ _____| CONTENTS |_____ \ | _______________________________ | / \ |/ | | \| / / \ | | / \ /______/ \______\ 1. AUTHOR'S NOTE 2. VERSION HISTORY 3. CHARACTERS 4. CONTROLS 5. ITEMS 6. FAQ/WALKTHROUGH - Angel Island Zone (Act 1,2) - - Hydrocity Zone (Act 1,2) - - Marble Garden Zone (Act 1,2) - - Carnival Night Zone (Act 1,2) - - Ice Cap Zone (Act 1,2) - - Launch Base Zone (Act 1,2) - - Bonus Stage - - Special Stage - 7. GIANT RING LOCATIONS 8. S&K LOCK-ON 9. CHEATS 10. CREDITS 11. CONTACT ME ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- _________________________________ / \ _____| 1. AUTHOR'S NOTE |_____ \ | _______________________________ | / \ |/ | | \| / / \ | | / \ /______/ \______\ Welcome to my Sonic 3 FAQ/Walkthrough. This will be my second attempt at a full guide for a Sonic game. I had so much fun going through Sonic 2 and writing an FAQ on it, I felt the need to play through Sonic 3 again and start an FAQ for this as well. I'm planning to do an FAQ for Sonic and Knuckles but that won't be for a little while. This is Sonic the Hedgehog 3. I don't know why, but I fear that I'm becoming an `old timer' to games. There are plenty of huge games for the next gen consoles but I continue to play these when I'm bored and I get more enjoyment out of playing these old games. Yes, I'm must be getting old in my gaming. Ah well. There's no stopping Father Time now. ^_^' This is an enhanced version of Sonic 2. The graphics have been well worked on in this game and you can really tell that they put a lot of work into them between Sonic 2 and 3. There're also some other great things about this game. finally, there are Save Files. Yes you can save your progress in a game and come back to later when you feel like it. Isn't great? And I know you're going to love this, for those who are fans of Tails you can now control him in the 1 Player games. He can fly for a period of time, making him a great character to use. There are also some new items that will help you throughout your journey to once again stop Robotnik. These items include 3 types of shields, each with their own type of attack. The shields come in 3 elements. Electric, Fire and Water. Each shield having its own strength and weakness. Well, I guess this is all I can say for the introduction. I guess it's on to the FAQ now. Well, I guess we should get right to it. -Gold Mage (Thomas Hunt) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- _________________________________ / \ _____| 2. VERSION HISTORY |_____ \ | _______________________________ | / \ |/ | | \| / / \ | | / \ /______/ \______\ Version 0.2 27/6/03 Started the FAQ/Walkthrough today and I have completed all the sections before the walkthrough sections. Tomorrow I will be starting the real work. Version 0.5 28/6/03 I complete the walkthrough section up to Carnival Night Zone. I also added the ASCII title at the top of the guide. Version 1.0 19/6/03 I completed the guide today and I am pretty happy with it, now I'm going to write a Sonic and Knuckles guide. Version 1.1 21/6/03 I started with the maps of the Special Stages and it is hard. Version 1.2 25/6/03 After much work I completed all the maps of the Special Stages and I fixed some small things that I found wrong with the guide. Version 1.3 28/6/03 I started with the locations of the giant rings for the game. Version 1.4 6/7/03 I found as many different rings as a I could and I can't find anymore for the levels that I have doe and I have left the others for later, so I'm going to update the guide today. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- _________________________________ / \ _____| 3. CHARACTERS |_____ \ | _______________________________ | / \ |/ | | \| / / \ | | / \ /______/ \______\ Sonic the Hedgehog ------------------ Our main man. The blue dude. Sonic is our true hero for this game. He is a blue hedgehog who can run at incredible speeds. He has spoiled the plans of Dr. Robotnik before. And in this new adventure, he has to do it al over again. So let's go kick some giant butt! Miles "Tails" Prowler --------------------- Tails has been Sonic's friend since he can remember. For a young two-tailed fox he is very smart. He can fly a plane. Cool. He also is a hero who looks up to Sonic wishing he can be a hero like him one day. Knuckles the Echidna -------------------- A new character. A red echidna with a bad attitude. He is working for Robotnik After being brainwashed by him. Can Sonic bring him to the right side? Dr. Ivo Robotnik ---------------- Formally known as Dr. Kintobor. He was studying the effects of Chaos Emeralds and Rings when the experiment went wrong and he fused with a rotten egg, thus becoming Robotnik. In Sonic 3 he has tricked Knuckles to work for him. Animal Friends -------------- Robotnik has captured Sonic's friends and roboticized some of them, turning them into the evil Badniks. Some of Sonic's friends however, have been captured in large containers and you have to free them at the end of some worlds. Badniks ------- These are Robotnik's minions who will try to stop Sonic, defeat one of these to free an animal friend, which is trapped inside. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- _________________________________ / \ _____| 4. CONTROLS |_____ \ | _______________________________ | / \ |/ | | \| / / \ | | / \ /______/ \______\ A, B and C: These buttons make Sonic and/or Tails jump. A, B and C X2: Press one of the jump buttons twice and Sonic will do a Spin Cut Attack. If you have a shield you will use its Ability. (see the Items section for more about the shields) Left and Right: Make Sonic move. Up: Make Sonic look up, hold it for a few seconds to see what's above you. Down: Make Sonic crouch, hold it for a few seconds to see what's below you. Down + A, B or C: Makes Sonic charge a Super Spin. Continue to press A, B or C while holding Down to charge it more. This is used as a boost or as an attack to defeat Badniks. Start: Pause the game. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- _________________________________ / \ _____| 5. ITEMS |_____ \ | _______________________________ | / \ |/ | | \| / / \ | | / \ /______/ \______\ Computer Monitors ----------------- These are found all over the levels, jump on one of these to collect something. -Sonic/Tails Face: An extra life -A Gold Ring: 10 Rings -Stars: Invincibility for a short time -A Shoe: Super speed for some time -Flame: Fire Shield -Lightning: Lightning Shield -Bubble: Bubble Shield -Robotnik: Loose rings, or loose life if you have no rings. Computer Monitors: Shields -------------------------- In Sonic 3 you can get 3 different types of shields, each with their own attack their own weakness and their own strength. You will loose your shield if you run into an enemy. To use the shield's attack, press jump then jump again while in the air. -Fire Shield: You receive no damage from fire attacks. The Fire Shield's attack is the Comet. You will fly forward at a very fast pace. You will loose this shield if you go in water. -Lightning Shield: You attract rings that are nearby. The Lightning Shield's attack is the Spark. You will shoot off 4 sparks in the air. You will loose this shield if you go in water. -Bubble Shield: Unlimited air underwater. The Bubble Shield's attack is the Bubble Bounce. Use it above enemies to bounce down on them quickly. Rings ----- There are found all over the Zones. Pick these up as you go along. Collecting 100 will gain you an extra life. Beware though, if you get hit while holding rings, you will lose ALL of them. Then when you get hit will no rings at all, you die. Giant Ring ---------- If you find a giant ring jump into it you will enter the Special Stage. Where You collect Blue Spheres so you have the right to obtain 1 of 7 Chaos Emeralds. Star Posts ---------- There are a few of these in most Zones. These are Check Points, if you die, you start at the last Star Post you ran through. If you have 50 or more Rings as you go through a Star Post, a ring of starts will hover above the Star Post. Jump through the ring and you will enter a Bonus Stage where you can play a mini-game to get prizes. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- _________________________________ / \ _____| 6. FAQ/WALKTHROUGH |_____ \ | _______________________________ | / \ |/ | | \| / / \ | | / \ /______/ \______\ A great thing about this game is that you can finally save your progress as you play through. It will save automatically at the last level tat you completed, so you can turn off you Genesis/Mega Drive and play and continue another time. So choose one of the many files and press either up or down on the Direction Keys to choose which characters you want to play as, then press Start to play. Also when you choose a file on this screen, you can pick a file that has saved and then choose a level that you want to play again. So you can do any level that you have complete again. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~ ANGEL ISLAND ZONE (ACT 1, 2) ~~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ The first level of the game in Sonic 3. At first it seems like a peaceful little island, well, you're wrong because the moment that Super Sonic lands on Angel Island, Knuckles steals all 7 of his Chaos Emeralds, now you will be back to normal Sonic, it looks like you'll have to get the Emeralds back. When you start to play the level you will learn all of the basic controls of Sonic and how to work him easily. There are quite a few Computer Monitors you can pick up and some things that you can destroy using you Super Spin attack. When you get halfway through the level you will meet up with a Flame-thrower Bot. It unleashes a huge fire that changes the way the level looks as you continue. I have heard that it is possible to destroy the Flame-thrower Bot before it burns the level, but I haven't been able to do it, if you succeed, tell me how you did it and I'll post it. As you continue through the level you will learn how to grab onto swinging thing above you and they take you to new places, and you can learn how to control Sonic while he is underwater. Mini-Boss: Flame-thrower Bot - 5 Hits ------------------------------------- It's another one of these again, but this time you have to destroy it. All it does is lower to the ground and shoot a flame at you. The flame doesn't reach too far so you don't need to be super cautious of it. Then it raises and flies over to the other side of the screen and repeats the process. Just hit him enough on his head and it will all be over. Now when you defeat the Flame-thrower Bot it will be time for Act 2. There sn't much more things to explain about this level because it was all in the first act. There is more water in this one too. When you get to the end there is a huge green plane that chases Sonic and tries to drop bombs on him. Just hold right on the Directional Pad and you want get hit at all. If Tails is with you, it's quite funny to watch him get a bombing. When you reach the forest you will see someone chase you and when you reach the waterfalls, it's time for your first boss. Boss: Robotnik's Fire Craft - 8 Hits ------------------------------------ First off in the battle Robotnik will appear on the bridge and float above it for a moment. There is a chance that you can hit him here but he then shoots the bridge below and destroys it, so you better hope that you land on the ground. So if you're not feeling too confident, don't do this. Then if you look very close at the waterfall you can see where he is and where he is going to pop up. Because he changes his position by going behind the waterfall. Then he will shoot slow moving fireballs at you, you can simply jump over these and then hit him. If you have the Fire Shield this battle will be simple because his attacks cannot hurt you. After you defeat the boss Knuckles will appear again. You can't reach him up on that cliff. He then pushes down a button that breaks the bridge below you and you go tumbling down to the next level. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~ HYDROCITY ZONE (ACT 1, 2) ~~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ As Sonic is falling down the waterfall, hold left on the Directional Keys and Sonic should land on a ledge where there is a Computer Monitor that gives you 10 Rings. Not bad for the beginning of the zone eh? Now there are 2 ways you can go from here. There is a easy way, where there is no water, or a harder way where there is nothing but water. To go the easy way, grab onto Tails and control him to fly over to the right. There is where a hand will pop out of the ledge and send Sonic zooming down the way he needs to go. The slightly harder way in to just jump into the water. In the water there are quite a few interesting Badniks that are ready to get a hold of Sonic and stop him. There are ones that have spikes and then contract them, so attack them with their spikes contracted. And there are Badniks that shoot you, drill you and bite you! So do your best to defeat them and get them out of the way. When you are underwater, it's obvious that you are going to run low on air at some time. When this happens, a timer will appear on the screen and it will count down from five. Then when it gets to zero, Sonic will drown and you will have to start from the beginning of the level or the last Star Post you pasted. So when you see a little bunch of bubbles on the ground, wait next to them and wait for a big bubble to come out. Then jump at it and Sonic will swallow it, now your lungs will be filled with air again. When you are on land there are hands that pop out the ground and grab sonic and put him on a gear. Then they let go, giving Sonic a massive speed boost. Just hold the direction that Sonic is going and soon enough, you will keep that speed for a while. When Sonic is given this boost he runs so fast that he can also run on top of the water. Very cool indeed. When you reach the end of this act, it's time for a Mini-Boss. Mini-Boss: Blender Bot: 5 Hits ------------------------------ This is annoying battle. At the beginning of the battle, use your Super Spin quickly and fly up the right side of the room. Then the Blender Bot will land on that pillar in the water. What he will do now is spin the water around like a blender. Hit him five times when you get the chance and this will all be over. Now that when Act 2 begins, Sonic will be underwater, so you need to act fast, but don't run! Build up and Super Spin and break through. Now the wall will begin to chase Sonic. If you are too slow at this pat, you will be crushed and killed, so you need to keep your speed up. There is one part you don't run at though. There is a yellow spring that will send you back if you run into it, so slow down and get past it. When the wall stops, it's time you catch you breath for a moment, then continue. There are floating spinning pillars that you need to use in this act. They are simple enough to use, just jump on top of them and let them take you where you need to go. When you reach the end of the act, once again Knuckles grinning mug appears and he takes you to the next area where you will have to battle against the next boss of the game. Boss: Robotnik's Hydro Pumper - 8 Hits -------------------------------------- The second of Robotnik's crazy machines. This is easier than it looks. On the back of his craft is a rack that holds a few grenades. When Robotnik drops one into the water they will explode after a few seconds, this is how you hurt Robotnik. When the grenade explodes it will make a gush of water shoot up, jump into it and you can hit Robotnik by reaching his height. Don't stand next to the grenade as it explodes, because it will hurt you. Robotnik also has a second attack which he lowers to the level of the water and use the propeller to make a water tornado. Just hold down a direction to get a way and jump out the water to keep away from the attack. When you defeat Robotnik, he will fly away crying to his mama and then release your animal friends before you get "taken" to the next level. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~ MARBLE GARDEN ZONE (Act 1, 2) ~~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ As you start this level you will fall down a mountainside and collect many rings as you fall. Then you will end up in a tunnel. This is what I like to call this level "World of the Lost Fads". Why? Because this zone is filled with Yo-yos and Spinning Tops. The spinning tops are sometimes on the top of a little platform and when you jump on it you gain control of the spinning top. To work it all you have to do hold down either right or left, the longer you hold it, the higher you go. When you see and yo-yo in the ground. You have to use the Super Spin on it to make it work, they usually lift or lower platforms. As you get to the end of the level it is once again time for a mini-boss to fight. Mini-Boss: Drill Bot - 5 Hits ----------------------------- Just attack him in the middle of his body and away from his drills. Then when he floats up and drills into the ceiling just get out of the way of the falling spikes. Then watch out on where the Drill Bot falls when he has stopped drilling above you. Then when you beat him it's time for act 2. Now you will get to see Robotnik's new creation. Doesn't look friendly does it? So continue on through the level. Nothing else has change since the first act. There is one part though when you meet up with Robotnik again and he starts to drill again. Now you will have to be quick like when you were in Hydrocity because the ground will start to rise and if you aren't quick enough, you will dies. When he appears for the third time, attack him a few times to make the battle ahead quicker. Then he will destroy the ground below and it will be time for a battle in the sky. Boss: Robotnik's Drill Flyer - 8 Hits ------------------------------------- Tails will take over for the controls. Now you have to battle in the sky. So Sonic will hold on to Tails as you control him around the screen. Press A, B or C to jump off and attack. Don't worry if you fall off screen, Tails will fly down and pick you up. Now on to the battle. As you can see on the ship that Robotnik is flying on, the drills can change direction. So you will need to know which way to hit him. Also when Robotnik is on the screen he will fly forward and then you will see him in the background. He can fly in three different directions while you see him in the background and they go like this. Flies up - He will attack from above Flies down - He will attack from below Flies left - He will attack from behind. After 8 hits it will all be over and then you will see that it becomes night and Tails gets tires. Then he will drop Sonic off in the next zone. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~ CARNIVAL NIGHT ZONE (Act 1, 2) ~~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ This is the alternate version of the Casino Night Zone, which is in Sonic 2. There are slot machines and loads of other small things when it comes to this level. Now all you have to do is complete it, which is fairly simple. You don't need to be taught anything about this level really, when you get to the end of the act it's time for the next mini-boss. Mini-Boss: Spinning Top Bot - 5 Hits ------------------------------------ This is an easy fight if you know what to do. Now you are on a falling load of blocks, these blocks are breakable. This is the goal of the Spinning Top Bot, it will launch its spinner and it will rebound off walls, but if it hits the floor, and it will, it will destroy one of the blocks. When all the blocks are gone or if Sonic falls through, you die. So this is how you beat him. When he shoots off his spinner, hit him and not the spinner. This will open him up and when the spinner hits him it will damage him. Repeat this process until you defeat him and get ready for Act 2. Now as you start this level is more of an underground level unlike Act 1 which was on ground. So expect the worse. There are only a few things that have changed in this act, but I will explain those in a second. As you continue you will once again meet up with Knuckles and he presses a button that makes the water rise. Now you have to do this underwater. There is a Bubble Shield right before this area on a high ledge. Remember that if you have the Bubble Shield, you don't need to breathe underwater, so try your best to not get hurt and lose the Bubble Shield. Eventually the water will fall and you can press on without worrying about air. Then as you continue you will come to an area that you can't get out of, the only thing in there is a spinning platform. When I was just a little kid, when I first got this game, I couldn't pass this part of the game. I didn't know how to do it, and I was stuck for about 3 months. I didn't play the game for that 3 months, but I gave up, then I realised that it was SIMPLE. Okay, now I will tell you how to do this part. Stand on the spinning platform and start to hold down, then when it comes up, hold up. Repeat this process and the platform will get higher and higher. Wait until it's very high up, then jump off and run underneath. Or wait until it's very low and jump off. Then continue through the zone until you reach the boss area again. Boss: Robotnik's Shocker Ball Machine - 8 Hits ---------------------------------------------- At first, Robotnik will drop the Shocker Ball, now keep away from it and soon enough, Robotnik will pick it up. This is when you hit him, stay away from the electricity and you will do fine. After the simple 8 hits it will all be over, so it's time for the next level. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~ ICE CAP ZONE (Act 1, 2) ~~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Only 2 more zones to go and you will beat the game. Okay as this starts you will be on a snowboard, Sonic will choose his own path and collect rings, all you can do is jump. When you reach the bottom Sonic will be covered in snow, just make your way out of it and then smash through the wall to start the level for real. There are lots of things in this level that have been covered in ice. So you have to jump on them twice so you can break the ice and then hit the thing underneath. As you will notice, this level has a few of those Robotnik Computer Monitors. DON'T TOUCH THESE COMPUTER MONITORS. If you do you get the same effect as if you get hit with a badnik. You loose rings or you die. There is one part of this level that doesn't end. All you do is slide down slopes for eternity. So sliding isn't going to do anything, to stop this you need to wait until Sonic is sliding in from the right, then jump left and land on the snow covered platform and it will break a wall so you can continue. Now you will meet up with some platforms that moves when you run into them. So stand on the ground behind them and do s Super Spin and you can push it up and then jump off to the next platform. Soon enough you will reach the mini-boss again, here we go... Mini-Boss: Ice Shield Bot - 5 Hits ---------------------------------- This bot will have ice blocks floating around it. You have to avoid the ice blocks and attack the bot when you have the chance. There isn't anything else I can say about this dude, so continue on to act 2. Now it's time for a more fast paced level, it seems that after all that time in the cave, you can finally get out for some fresh air. The ice in this level looks great eh? Anyways, There isn't much else I can say about this level but that there are trampoline-type things that spring you up, that's the only real difference in this level, okay, time for the boss again. Boss: Robotnik's Ice Cannon Machine - 8 Hits -------------------------------------------- Basically you just have to keep away from his attack and try not to get frozen, then when you think is a good time, hit him. Do this 8 times and it will be time for the final level! ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~ LAUNCH BASE ZONE (Act 1, 2) ~~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ This is a hard level to complete. Can you see the big gray semi-circled shaped thing in the far background? That is Robotnik's weapon the Death Egg. As you can see it clearly is a rip-off of the Death Star in Star Wars, but who cares? Anyway, to the level. As you can see there is a lot going on in this zone, as the badniks are putting the final touches on the Death Egg, expect to run into a few. At the start there are security lights. If you run through them, the alarm will go off and a bird-like badnik will attack you. So keep away from these for unnecessary fighting. There are lifts in this are that take you to the next area so, make sure you use these and there are UFO looking thing that spins you to the next area, so use these things as well. When you go into the last one of these you will meet up with Knuckles again and he throws a bomb into the building with you. Continue on for the mini-boss. Mini-Boss: Spiker Bot - 5 Hits ------------------------------ This is a pretty easy battle, just keep hitting the part of bot that has no spikes and this battle will be over quickly. Now it's time for act 2. There is nothing else different in this act than the first act. The only real difference is the laser walls. There are laser walls that block the way and you can't get past them. All you have to do is find the little red box near them (it's usually on the wall) and hit it, this will either shut down the lasers so you can get past, or it will change its direction. Soon enough you will get to the 3 bosses that await you. Yes, I said 3 bosses. Boss: Robotnik's Shooter - 7 Hits --------------------------------- If you have tails with you get him to fly over with Sonic and just keep hitting him in the head, or if you are by yourself. Wait for the balls to go past then wait on the ledge until the right time to hit him. Then when the battle is over Sonic will steal Robotnik's Egg-o-Matic and fly over the water to the next area. Then you will meet up with knuckles again and he will fall through the ground. Now it's time for the next boss. Boss: Robotnik's Laser Tower - 8 Hits ------------------------------------- Hit the area of the machine that doesn't have the little ball circling it, and soon enough one section of it will blast away. Then repeat this process and soon enough the machine will be destroyed and it will be time for the final boss. Final Boss: Robotnik's Mega Machine - 8 Hits -------------------------------------------- This is a hard battle. This is huge bot that has 2 arms. Robotnik goes in a pattern in this battle, so you will know when he is going to attack, lets go over it. First he will come down the sides, this is where you can hit him from behind. If you hit him on the top, you will get hit be the spikes. If he grabs you in his hands he will slam you on the ground. If he starts pacing at the top of the screen, keep moving until he stops, then get away from him. If he starts pacing at the bottom, jump over the spikes and when he stops, make sure you are behind him. You can hit him from behind or on his face. Then hit him 8 times and that's it. You completed Sonic the Hedgehog 3. Congratulations. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~ BONUS STAGE ~~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ When you have 50 rings or more and you run through a Star Post, there is a ring of stars that appears on the top of the post. Now when this happens, jump into the tars and you will be transported to the Bonus Stage, where you can get some pretty cool stuff, this is how it works. You are in a tube. There are bumpers on each side of the walls. Use these to get to the top. Each time you use a bumper, it will disappear. At the top there is a gumball machine. So jump through the turner and a gumball will drop. There are lots of different gumballs, here is a list of them. Red Gumball - Fire Shield Blue Gumball - Bubble Shield Sage Gumball - Electric Shield 1-Up Gumball - An Extra Life Rep Gumball - Puts back all the bumpers Grey Gumball - Gives you 10 rings Bubble - Nothing Black Gumball - Use it to bounce Remember that when you use a bumper it disappears. But if you get rid of the bumpers holding up the gumball machine, it will lower. At the very bottom of the stage is a floor filled with red springs. Use them to get right back up, but when you use them they disappear too. When they are gone and you fall to the bottom, you will exit the Bonus Stage. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~ SPECIAL STAGE ~~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ As you have played through the game you may have noticed that there are giant rings that are twice the size of Sonic. If you find one of these and jump into it, you will be taken to the Special Stage where you can get points and maybe even a Chaos Emerald. The whole point of these stages is to get the Chaos Emeralds, first, lets explain those. The Chaos Emeralds are mystical gems that have a great power in them. There are a lot in the world of Mobius but there are seven in this game. When you have all seven you can transform into Super Sonic. The guy you saw in the starting clip of the game. Super Sonic can jump twice as high and far and can run twice as fast. He is invincible against spikes and badniks, but he can still drown and be crushed. So how do you become Super Sonic? You have to complete the Special Stages. So when you go into a Special Stage you have to collect all the Blue Spheres. So that seems simple enough, well it's not. While you are playing you have to avoid the Red Spheres as well, don't touch them. Just touch the Blue Spheres. There are also White Sphere with a red star on them. Try to avoid these as well. They send you backwards the way you m, so if you touch these, try to turn around quickly. As you play through the level you will notice that some Blue Spheres are in a group like the diagram below. + + + + - - ----- + + + + | | | | | + + | + + + + | | | | | + + | + + + + | - | | <--- ^ ^ You could collect all of those by going in the direction of the second diagram. So you go up one lane and down the next. Or you could go the way of the third diagram. Why? Because if you go around the Blue Spheres like this, they will all turn into Rings, and you can pick these up and earn more points. Now below are the maps of the special stages just for you. Use these to map out the route you wish to take when you play the level. Please use them, it took forever to make the maps for them. A great way to do this is to print the maps off them use a highlighter to mark out your path. In some of these levels you will see that there are gaps in the sides of the levels. When you go "outside" the map, just go to the opposite side of the exit you left to find where you continued. Key: + = Blue Spheres O = Red Spheres B = White Sphere/Bumper Sphere R = Rings Green Chaos Emerald ------------------- oooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo oooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo oo BB oo oo BB oo oo ++++ ++++ oo oo ++++ ++ BB ++ ++++ oo oo ++++ ++ BB ++ ++++ oo oo ++++ ++++ oo oo BB oo oo BB oo oo oooooooooooo oo oo oooooooooooo oo oo B+BB oooooooooooo BB+B oo oo B++B oooooooooooo B++B oo oo BB+B oooooooooooo B+BB oo oo B++B oooooooooooo B++B oo oo B+BB oooooooooooo BB+B oo oo B++B oooooooooooo B++B oo oo BB+B oooooooooooo B+BB oo oo BB+B oooooooooooo B+BB oo oo oooooooooooo oo oo oooooooooooo oo oo BB oo oo oo oo ++++ BB ++++ oo oo ++++ ++ BB ++ ++++ oo oo ++++ ++ BB ++ ++++ oo oo ++++ ++++ oo oo BB oo oo BB oo oooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo oooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo Orange Chaos Emerald -------------------- oooo ooooooooooooooooooooooooo oooo oooooooooooooooo oooo oooooooooooooooo oooo ooooBBBBBBBBBooo +++++ oooB ++++ ++++ +BBB+ oooB ++++ ++++ +BBB+ oooB ++++ ++++ +BBB+ ooooBBBooooBBBBBBBBBooo +++++ ooooooooooooooooooooooo ooooooooooooooooooooooo oooooooooooooooooooooooooo ooo oooooooooooooooooooooooooo ooo ooooooooooo oooB Boo ooooooooooo oooB Boo oooooBBBBoo oooB BBB ++++ +++++ oooB ++++ +++++ oooB ++++ +++++ oooB oooooBBBBoo oooB BBB ooooooooooo oooB Boo ooooooooooo oooB Boo ooooooooooooooo oooooooB+++Boo ooooooooooooooB+++BooooooB+++Boo o ooooB+++BooooooB+++Boo o ooooB+++BooooooB+++Boo o +++++ oooBB+++BBooBBBB Boo o +++++ ++++ Boo o ++B++ ++++ Boo o +++++ ++++ Boo o +++++ ooooBBBBBoooBBBBBBBBoo o oooooooooooooooooooooo o oooooooooooooooooooooo Purple Chaos Emerald -------------------- oooooooooooooooooooooooooB+Boooo o oo BB oo o o oo ++ ++++ oo o o ++ oo BB BB ++++ oo BB o o ++ oo BB oo ++++ oo BB o o oo oo ++++ oo o o oo oo oo o oB+BoooooB+BoooooB+BooooooooB+Bo oB+BoooooB+BoooooB+BooooooooB+Bo o oo oo oo o o ++++ oo oo oo ++++ o o ++++ oo BB oo BB oo ++++ o o ++++ BB BB oo BB BB ++++ o o ++++ ++ oo ++ o o BB oo BB o oooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo oooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo o BB oo BB o o ++++ ++ oo ++ o o ++++ BB BB oo BB BB ++ o o ++++ oo BB BB BB oo ++ o o ++++ oo ++ oo o o oo BB oo o oB+BooooooooooooooooooooooooB+Bo oB+BooooooooooooooooooooooooB+Bo o oo BB oo o o oo ++ ++++ oo B o o BB oo BB BB ++++ oo B o o BB BB BB oo ++++ oo B o o ++ oo ++++ oo B o o BB oo oo o oooooooooooooooooooooooooB+Boooo Blue Chaos Emerald ------------------ BBBBBBBBBBBBBooBBBooBBBBBBBBBBBB Boooooooooooooo + oooooooooooooB Boooooooooooooo oooooooooooooB Boo ooB Boo B+BB ooB Boo BBBBBB B+++ BBBBBB ooB Boo B+++++ BBBB +++++B ooB Boo B+++BB BB+++B ooB Boo B+++B B+++B ooB Boo BBB+B o BB o BBB+B ooB Boo B+B o BB o B+B ooB Boo o o ooB Boo ooo ++++ ooo ooB Boo ++++ ooB Boo B+B ++++++++ B+B ooB Boo B+B BB+++BB+++BB B+B ooB Boo B+B BB+++BB+++BB B+B ooB Boo B+B ++++++++ B+B ooB Boo ++++ ooB Boo ooo ++++ ooo ooB Boo o o ooB Boo B+B o BB o B+B ooB Boo B+BBB o BB o B+BBB ooB Boo B+++B B+++B ooB Boo B+++BB BB+++B ooB Boo B+++++ BBBB +++++B ooB Boo BBBBBB +++B BBBBBB ooB Boo BB+B ooB Boo ooB Boooooooooooooo + oooooooooooooB BooooooooooooooBBBoooooooooooooB BBBBBBBBBBBBBoo + ooBBBBBBBBBBBB Grey Chaos Emerald ------------------ oooooBBBooooo ooooooooooooo ooooooooooooo oooooBBBooooo ooooooooooooo B +++ o ooooooooooooo B +++ o ooooooooooooo B +++ o ooooooooooooo oooooBBBooooo ooooooooooooo ooooooooooooo oooooooooooooBBBooooooooooooo ooooooooooooo ooooooooooooo Booooooooooooo oooooooooooooBB ooooooooo ooooooooo oooooooooBBBooooooooo +++ ooooo ooooo +++ +++ ooooo ooooo +++ +++ ooooo B B ooooo +++ ooooo +B B+ ooooo ooooo BBB BBB ooooo BB ooooo B ooooo BB BB ooooo BBB BBB ooooo BB ooooo +B B+ ooooo +++ ooooo B B ooooo +++ +++ ooooo ooooo +++ +++ ooooo ooooo +++ oooooooooBBBooooooooo ooooooooo ooooooooo Booooooooooooo oooooooooooooBB ooooooooooooo ooooooooooooo oooooooooooooBBBooooooooooooo oooooBBBooooo ooooooooooooo o +++ B ooooooooooooo o +++ B ooooooooooooo o +++ B ooooooooooooo Red Chaos Emerald 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BBBB ooooooooo ooooooooo ++o o++ ooooooooo ooooooooo ++o o++ ooooooooo ooooooooo ooo ooo ooooooooo ooooooooo BBBooBBB ooooooooo ooooooooBBB+BoBRRBoB+BBBoooooooo ooooooooooB+BoBRRBoB+Boooooooooo ooooooooooB+BoBRRBoB+Boooooooooo ooooooooooB+BoBBBBoB+Boooooooooo ooooooooooB+BooooooB+Boooooooooo ooooooooooB+BooooooB+Boooooooooo ooooooooooB+BooooooB+Boooooooooo ooooooooooB Boooooooooo ooooooooooB oBBo Boooooooooo o oBBo o B B + oooooooo oooooooo + + oBBBBBBBooo oooBBBBBBBo + BoooBBBBBB ++o o++ BBBBBBoooB BBBBBBBBB ++o o++ BBBBBBBBB BBBBBBBB Bo oB BBBBBBBB BoooB o BBo oBB o BoooB + oB BBBo oBBB Bo + + oB Boooo ooooB Bo + B +ooo Bo oB ooo+ B o +++o Bo oB o+++ o o +++oBBBBo oooo oBBBBo+++ o o ++++ooooo oooo ooooo++++ o o oooo o o oooo o ooooooooo oooo ooooooooo ooooooooo BBBB ooooooooo ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- _________________________________ / \ _____| 7. GIANT RING LOCATIONS |_____ \ | _______________________________ | / \ |/ | | \| / / \ | | / \ /______/ \______\ There are a lot of the giant Rings in Sonic the Hedgehog 3, if ANYONE finds any rings that have not been placed in this guide, please send me an email with the location of the ring with all the details on the zone and act you found it in. It would be much appreciated and you will get full credit for the finding of the giant ring. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~ ANGEL ISLAND ZONE ~~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Act 1 ----- The first ring is near the beginning. As you start continue past the rhino bot and then jump down the cliff past him. Then turn left and you should see some grey rocks. Use the super spin on these rocks and you should break through them to find your giant ring. Now for the second ring. After the island is attack by the Flame-thrower Bot continue on and you should find there are 2 paths. One path has 4 yellow springs in it, don't go this way. Just jump straight down and then turn left and use the super spin to find the next ring. Act 2 ----- As you start this world you will go down a tube and you will automatically go into the room with the ring, so this wasn't hard to find was it? When you reach a huge waterfall where there are platforms that come in and out of the water. If you are in this area, jump straight down to the bottom and go into the U-bend down here. Then use the super spin and spin up each side of the U-bend and hold right into the wall and you will soon land in the tunnel where you will find you next giant ring. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~ HYDROCITY ZONE ~~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Act 1 ----- Way into the level there is part where you are you reach a high-up slope that propels you into a loop-the-loop and a short tunnel that takes you up a very tall wall. On this platform you will find a collapsible bridgey thing. Stand on the very first thing of this and hold left into the wall, you should land in the tunnel if you did it okay. Act 2 ----- There is a waterslide in this level that takes you into one of those hand boosts. Then it sends you up the wall and you can land on a block. Then wait for the block to get close and then jump into the left wall and you hopefully land in the tunnel. At one part of this level you will been spinning extremely fast down a curling waterslide, then you will shoot out of the water between 2 close walls. Land on one of the spinning columns here and then wait for it to rise and you should see the tunnel where you have to jump in. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~ MARBLE GARDEN ZONE ~~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Act 1 ----- I haven't found any here yet, but I will look. Act 2 ----- Only Tails can get this ring. Near the begging of the level you will run into a sign that has an arrow pointing up and another pointing right. Fly up past the yo-yo and land on the ledge. Then fly up to find another yo-yo and let it pull you up then go straight and go past the loop that will take you down left and right. When you are on the left side jump off and fly to the tunnel if you need to. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~ CARNIVAL NIGHT ZONE ~~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Act 1 ----- At the end of the level when you go past the last star post, go right and you find you ring in the wall. Act 2 ----- I haven't recorded any here yet ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~ ICECAP ZONE ~~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Act 1 ----- I haven't recorded any here yet Act 2 ----- ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~ LAUNCH BASE ZONE ~~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Act 1 ----- I haven't recorded any here yet Act 2 ----- I haven't recorded any here yet ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- _________________________________ / \ _____| 8. S&K LOCK-ON |_____ \ | _______________________________ | / \ |/ | | \| / / \ | | / \ /______/ \______\ Did you know that you could play as Knuckles in this game? Yeah, you probably did. Well, lets go over it. The game "Sonic and Knuckles" is the 4th of this story. If you have the cartridge you know that on the top of the cart that there is a reader. You know when you pen the little flap on the Genesis/Mega Drive and look where you put the cart. The little thing in there is what reads the info on the cart. Well, there is one of those of the top of the Sonic and Knuckles cart. So you can put any Genesis/Mega Drive game on it. But what does that do to Sonic the Hedgehog 3, well, it does the following. Sonic the Hedgehog 3 + Sonic and Knuckles ----------------------------------------- This will make a game called Sonic the Hedgehog 3 and Knuckles. This is the greatest game ever made. You can play as Knuckles in this when you choose a save file. While you first play, you will go through the worlds of Sonic the Hedgehog 3 and then when you complete them you will have to do the worlds of Sonic and Knuckles. Making this a huge game to play. There is also and added story made just for this game, involving the Super Emeralds. You collect all 7 Chaos Emeralds to become Super Sonic/Knuckles then when you collect the 7 Super Emeralds you can become Hyper Sonic/Knuckles! Very cool. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- _________________________________ / \ _____| 9. CHEATS |_____ \ | _______________________________ | / \ |/ | | \| / / \ | | / \ /______/ \______\ Level Select ------------ Quickly press Up(2), Down(2), Up(4), after the Sega logo fades and Sonic starts to appear, and before the screen flashes white. A chime will confirm correct code entry. Highlight the sound test option on the title screen and press Start. Pause game play and press A to restart, B for slow motion, and C for frame advance. Bonus Stage ----------- Enable the "Level select" code. Enter the sound test screen and play song 01 and 0F. Highlight level 2, hold A and press Start. All Chaos Emeralds ------------------ Enable the "Level select" code. Highlight the "Special Stage" level and press C + Start. Collect the emerald, press A + Start, and repeat the procedure to collect all the emeralds. Night Game ---------- Enable the "Level select" code. Highlight a level and press C + Start. View Animations --------------- Enable the "Level select" code, then press B + C. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- _________________________________ / \ _____| 10. CREDITS |_____ \ | _______________________________ | / \ |/ | | \| / / \ | | / \ /______/ \______\ Sega - For the great Sonic games of my time. CJayC - For the site; GameFAQs.com Myself - For writing this guide You - For reading this guide ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- _________________________________ / \ _____| 11. CONTACT ME |_____ \ | _______________________________ | / \ |/ | | \| / / \ | | / \ /______/ \______\ If you have a question or you would like to correct a mistake you have found in my FAQ/Walkthrough. Please feel free to email me at the address below. If you have found a mistake, I will add your name to the Credits because you helped me out. Gold Mage's Email: tjhunt@gmail.com +DO send intelligent or legitimate questions. +DO send comments about the guide, maybe on improving, ECT. +DO send mistakes or errors you have found in the FAQ. I will fix the problem and add you to the credits because you helped me out. +DO send me an email asking nicely for a copy of my FAQ on your website. You must include the address first. I will not give you permission if the site isn't made yet. -DON'T send ads or junk to me. -DON'T ask stupid questions that have clearly been stated in the FAQ. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------