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This document cannot be changed or altered in any way, You are welcome to ask my permission if you would like this guide posted on your website. This document is for private use only. If you wish to contact me about this guide please check the Contact Me section at the bottom of the guide on details for emailing me. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- _________________________________ / \ _____| CONTENTS |_____ \ | _______________________________ | / \ |/ | | \| / / \ | | / \ /______/ \______\ 1. AUTHOR'S NOTE 2. VERSION HISTORY 3. CHARACTERS 4. CONTROLS 5. ITEMS 6. FAQ/WALKTHROUGH - Emerald Hill Zone (Act 1, 2) - - Chemical Plant Zone (Act 1, 2) - - Aquatic Ruin Zone (Act 1, 2) - - Casino Night Zone (Act 1, 2) - - Hill Top Zone (Act 1, 2) - - Mystic Cave Zone (Act 1, 2) - - Oil Ocean Zone (Act 1, 2) - - Metropolis Zone (Act 1, 2, 3) - - Sky Chase Zone (Act 1) - - Wing Fortress Zone (Act 1) - - Death Egg Zone - - Special Stages - 7. CHEATS 8. S$K LOCK-ON 9. CREDITS 10. CONTACT ME ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- _________________________________ / \ _____| 1. AUTHOR'S NOTE |_____ \ | _______________________________ | / \ |/ | | \| / / \ | | / \ /______/ \______\ It was 1994. It was the day before my 6th birthday. School was still a few weeks away because it was the holidays. I remember going to my best friend's house. We sat on the floor of his room. Picked up the controls of his Master System and we would play games for hours. After returning to my warm home around the corner I watched some TV then went to bed. But I couldn't sleep. The next day was my birthday and I was so excited. I didn't know what I was getting. Soon enough my excited youthness was fed-up and I soon drifted off to a dreamless sleep. The next morning was a sunny day, I woke up with excitement. I jumped off my bed and ran into the front room where mum was sitting and my presents next to her. She wished me a happy birthday and then after a big hug I dashed to my presents on the chair. Naturally I picked up the biggest one first, I ripped off the wrapping paper and stood in amazement. A Sega Mega Drive! I was so happy. It came with Sonic 2 as well. After opening my other presents I hooked up my Mega Drive and started playing Sonic 2. It was the best time ever. I loved the game so much. But those were the old days. After a few years and 9 other games, I got fed-up with my Mega Drive and sold it at a 2nd Hand Shop for $30, it was a bit of a rip off, but nobody wanted the Mega Drive anymore. Everyone (including me) was into Nintendo 64 and PlayStation. And as I sit here in my study, 9 years later. I have downloaded the ROM and am still playing one of the best games ever made. I have composed for you a complete FAQ/Walkthrough. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- _________________________________ / \ _____| 2. VERSION HISTORY |_____ \ | _______________________________ | / \ |/ | | \| / / \ | | / \ /______/ \______\ Version 1.0 23/3/03 I completed the FAQ/Walkthrough for Sonic 2. Version 1.1 27/3/03 I fixed some text and added Frightwolf's strategy on defeating Robotnik's Sphere Craft. Version 1.2 29/3/03 Added ASCII title. Version 1.25 15/4/03 Fixed some little mistakes I had found. Version 1.3 29/6/03 I fixed up the numbers on the ribbons of the subject headings, because I made 2 of them "6". I added in the new section on the Sonic and Knuckles lock-on and I added in the new ASCII art at the top. Final Version 16/11/03 W00t! That's another guide done by me. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- _________________________________ / \ _____| 3. CHARACTERS |_____ \ | _______________________________ | / \ |/ | | \| / / \ | | / \ /______/ \______\ Sonic ----- Our main man. The blue dude. Sonic is our true hero for this game. He is a blue hedgehog who can run at incredible speeds. He has spoiled the plans of Dr. Robotnik before. And in this new adventure, he has to do it al over again. So let's go kick some giant butt! Mile "Tails" Prower ------------------- Tails has been Sonic's friend since he can remember. For a young two-tailed fox he is very smart. He can fly a plane. Cool. He also is a hero who looks up to Sonic wishing he can be a hero like him one day. Dr. Ivo Robotnik ---------------- Formally known as Dr. Kintobor. He was studying the effects of Chaos Emeralds and Rings when the experiment went wrong and he fused with a rotten egg, thus becoming Robotnik. Animal Friends -------------- Robotnik has captured Sonic's friends and roboticized some of them, turning them into the evil Badniks. Some of Sonic's friends however, have been captured in large containers and you have to free them at the end of some worlds. Badniks ------- These are Robotnik's minions who will try to stop Sonic, defeat one of these to free an animal friend, which is trapped inside. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- _________________________________ / \ _____| 4. CONTROLS |_____ \ | _______________________________ | / \ |/ | | \| / / \ | | / \ /______/ \______\ A, Band C: These buttons make Sonic and/or Tails jump. Left and Right: Make Sonic move. Up: Make Sonic look up, hold it for a few seconds to see what's above you. Down: Make Sonic crouch, hold it for a few seconds to see what's below you. Down + A, B or C: Makes Sonic charge a Super Spin. Continue to press A, B or C while holding Down to charge it more. This is used as a boost or as an attack to defeat Badniks. Start: Pause the game. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- _________________________________ / \ _____| 5. ITEMS |_____ \ | _______________________________ | / \ |/ | | \| / / \ | | / \ /______/ \______\ Computer Monitors ----------------- These are found all over the levels, jump on one of these to collect something. - Sonic/Tails Face: An extra life - A Gold Ring: 10 Rings - Stars: Invincibility for a short time - A Shoe: Super speed for some time. - A Blue Circle: A shield that will protect you for 1 hit. (The following monitors are only found in 2 Player Vs. Mode) - Two Arrows: Switch place with your opponent - Robotnik Face: Lose rings Rings ----- There are found all over the Zones. Pick these up as you go along. Collecting 100 will gain you an extra life. Beware though, if you get hit while holding rings, you will lose ALL of them. Then when you get hit will no rings at all, you die. Star Posts ---------- There are a few of these in most Zones. These are Check Points, if you die, you Start at the last Star Post you ran through. If you have 50 or more Rings as you go through a Star Post, a ring of starts will hover above the Star Post. Jump through the ring and you will enter a Special Stage. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- _________________________________ / \ _____| 6. FAQ/WALKTHROUGH |_____ \ | _______________________________ | / \ |/ | | \| / / \ | | / \ /______/ \______\ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~ EMERALD HILL ZONE (ACT 1, 2) ~~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Welcome to very start of the game. This is the luscious Zone of Emerald Hill. It seems that all the old Sonic games start with a greenish type level. This being the starting level, it's the easiest. This is kind of the training level. This is where you will learn how to get the feel of moving Sonic, how to collect rings, and using items. The only real thing you should look out for in this world is the Badniks. The Buzz Bombers and the Monkey Bots can be a pain in the rear-end if you're not prepared for them. They do long-range attacks so you need to be careful. BOSS: Robotnik's Drill Car -------------------------- This boos is fairly straightforward. Robotnik will drive around trying to drill you. While he is driving towards you, just jump on his head. Be careful not to hurt yourself while you're doing this. After 8 hits he will run away crying and you get to free you animal friends in the capsule. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~ CHEMICAL PLANT ZONE (ACT 1, 2) ~~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Ew, what a stinky place. He is a Zone where you will be doing more running than anything else. There are not many Badniks in this level, you just need to follow the correct route to find the end to both acts. You need to be careful in Act 2 because there is a part of the level where you will have to jump up moving platforms before you drown in the rising water. The best thing to do is stay calm, and time your jumps carefully. Also be on the lookout for hidden passages, there are quite a few of them in this Zone. Using springs to jump high upon walls is a good way to find them. BOSS: Robotnik's Oil Slicker ---------------------------- Try to stay in the middle platform because every so often the platforms on the sides will turn over and dump you into the water, which will kill you. He will shoot oil at you, the best time to hit him is when he isn't doing anything. He isn't that hard so after another 8 hits it will all be over. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~ AQUATIC RUIN ZONE (ACT 1, 2) ~~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ At the start, there will be poles with skulls on them. When the skull's eyes flash red, they are going to shoot out an arrow so jump out the way when this happens. Watch out for Grounders, they will come out the walls when you're close to them. This level has water in it as well. When you are underwater there will be bubble on the ground in some places, when you see a big bubble, jump at it and Sonic will breathe it in. If you don't breathe in bubbles often a countdown will start and if you don't reach a big bubble before it reaches 0 you will drown. BOSS: Robotnik's Hammer Craft ----------------------------- Two giant pillars will appear at each end of the screen and Robotnik will be up at the top with a big hammer. When he hits a pillar, an arrow will shoot out and lodge itself into the other pillar. When this happens, jump on the arrow and hit him from below. This is pretty easy when you get the hang of it, and after another 8 hits he will go home. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~ CASINO NIGHT ZONE (ACT 1, 2) ~~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ WAHOO! Las Vegas baby! This is a fun level and probably one of my personal favorites. Okay, back to the level. There are giant flippers that can make you jump the distance when you press A, B or C on them. There are springs that you have to hold A, B or C for and shoot you off and there are giant slot machines. Pretty cool eh? There are a ton of Rings to get in this Zone, Make sure you collect as much as possible. BOSS: Robotnik's Pinball-Matic ------------------------------ 4 words: Pain in the bum. He will float above you and the ways to reach him is to use the flippers and strike him from above or you can use the Super Spin and rev it up enough to be able to drop down on him. The Super Spin idea is a little hard to do. Also watch out for the balls and the electricity he will use to try and stop you in your tracks, just be patient with this boss fight and after 8 careful hits, he will go down. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~ HILL TOP ZONE (ACT 1, 2) ~~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Whoa, we're really high up, try not to get light-headed. Okay, there is lava in this Zone and there are a lot of bottomless pits that would love to just swallow you up. There are Badniks that come out of the lava and shoot at you just simply dodge these. You must be quick and very careful when you reach the room where the lave will begin to rise. If you're good, you will be able to dodge it with no sweat. BOSS: Robotnik's Lava Slicker ----------------------------- This is annoying. Just dodge the lava he shoot at you and jump on him when he rises out of the lava. When he shoots his lava flower it will set fire to the ground for a couple of seconds, so a good idea is to jump onto the other platform when he does this. After another beating he will fly out of the lava and leave you to free your friends. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~ MYSTIC CAVE ZONE (ACT 1, 2) ~~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ This place is dark and creepy. There are Badniks hidden all over the place just ready to jump out at you and get you. But don't worry, they're not that much of a problem. Be on the lookout for ivy with a handle on it. Jump on these and Sonic will grab onto it, these will lead you to new places and areas. This place is just filled to the brim with traps. BOSS: Robotnik's Drill Craft ---------------------------- For a boss half way through the Zones he really isn't that tough to beat. He will drill into the ceiling and rubble will begin to fall on top of you, the only rubble that will damage you is the spiked rubble, just dodge these. When he comes back down, start to slap him around. Continue this and he will be defeated in 8 hits. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~ OIL OCEAN ZONE (ACT 1, 2) ~~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Now that is pollution at it's worst. The ocean really is oil! There are dishes that when you stand on you will fly into the air. There are green checker balls that fire you like cannons and all sorts of other crazy weird things. Just continue to follow the path, you will be jump most of the way to the end. If you fall into the oil ocean, DON'T GIVE UP. You may be able to jump your way out and back onto the land again. If you can't reach the land, continue either left or right until you find some land. BOSS: Robotnik's Laser Oil Slicker ---------------------------------- This is kinda like the boss in Hill Top. Just stay on one of the side platforms and wait for him to appear and then jump down and smack him around. He has two attacks. He will shoot you with a laser, which will shock the whole ground. To dodge this just simply jump. His second attack is when he will shoot a hook out at you and it will fly over the platform you are standing on. You can duck to avoid this move, but you will have to be in the middle of the platform so I doesn't hit you, so just jump if you're not sure. After (yet again) 8 hits, he will leave you to free your friends. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~ METROPOLIS ZONE (ACT 1, 2, 3) ~~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ This is a hard level. There are a lot of Badniks that need to be taught a lesson, so beat 'em up. There are 3 acts in this Zone. So you need to be extra cautious. There are bridges here and there are giant nuts and screws in the Zone. To go up, jump onto a nut and start running in a direction you will start to move, either going up or down. This is a hard Zone so I can't stress this out anymore, take your time and BE CAREFUL. BOSS: Robotnik's Sphere Craft ----------------------------- You have to time your jumps and hit him at the sphere will pop one by one. The less there are, the easier it becomes. The you have taken out all his spheres he will still shoot you with his lasers so be care full when you are taking him out. Frightwolf's easier strategy: "The safe way to defeat him is to wait for him to come down, jump over him twice, wait for all his spheres to stop spinning around the whole screen, and when they spin horizontally, attack him from below." ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~ SKY CHASE ZONE (ACT 1) ~~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Ah, a nice and peaceful level. You will be on the biplane. You can jump and destroy the little Badniks on the backs of the Turtloids. You can jump off the Plane but 90% of the time, Tails will catch you. Just be a little careful when You try to pull off huge stunts. Remember you are in the clouds, so stay on your toes. Another brilliant thing about this Zone is, there is no boss. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~ WING FORTRESS ZONE (Act 1) ~~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ This is a tough level with the chance to fall to your doom. You have to be careful and try not to make any mistakes in this Zone, do to the best of your abilities and skills. There are propellers that will allow you to float for a small amount of time, use these to go over gaps and other obstacles. There is a new enemy here that looks like a chicken, and ironically it will shoot eggs at you when its head pops out the silo it hides in. BOSS: Robotnik's Spike Machine ------------------------------ This is a tough boss. You have to hit the light looking thing on the ceiling. You can reach it by jumping on the platforms that are floating around. Watch out for the spikes on the underside of the platforms and look out of the lasers that the light thing shoots at you. Hit the light 8 times you will be able to chase Robotnik. Before you jump down the hole, there is a computer monitor on the other side that will give you an extra life. Then jump down to enter the last Zone. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~ DEATH EGG ZONE ~~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Okay, you've made it, are you ready? There are no rings in this Zone, so one hit and it's all over. The problem is there are 2 mega hard bosses you have to battle. When you're ready, walk forward and get ready for a boss. BOSS: Metal Sonic ----------------- He is tough. You have to hit his head. But aim for his forehead because you might get hurt by his spike by accident. By now you would know how to jump and control Sonic at the same time. He will do his version of the Super Spin and go to the other side of the room. But be careful of this attack, sometimes when he does this he will jump and because you will jump to avoid it, he will get you then you lose. After 8 hits he will blow up and then you chase Robotnik down a corridor, uh oh. FINAL BOSS: Mega Robotnik ------------------------- All right, last boss, everything is up to you. But if you're reading this you expect me to tell you how to beat him. Okay, His weak spot is his big belly. So be careful when you jump at it because if you hit his spike hands its all over- red-rover. He will fly into the air and target you, this is where you run all the way to the right and when he lands you may be able to get him. He can also shoot rockets out the jetpack on his back. Well, after 12 hits, that's it. Now you can rejoice and what the credits and short ending sequence. Wahoo! ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~ SPECIAL STAGES ~~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ To go into a Special Stage you will need a minimum of 50 rings. Don't lose these rings! Whatever you do, DON'T LOSE THEM! Now go to a Star Post that you haven't activated yet. Now run through the Star Post with your 50 rings and then you will see stars circle around the top of the post. Now start jumping at the circling star until the screen fades out. Now you have entered the Special Stage. You have to get the stars before they disappear, so you have to be quick. Now that you in the Special Stage, these are the rules. As Sonic (and Tails) is running down the half-pipe you have to collect rings. There are 3 rounds. A round is a length of the half-pipe. Let me make a small diagram for you. =============================================================================== S(Round 1) R(Round 2) R(Round 3) F S -->Run this way R R F S R R Finish here--> F =============================================================================== As you can see from the diagram above, you must run down the path. Where you can see the "S" is where you begin the 1st round. Now as your running down the path you MUST pick up rings. At the beginning of each round, there is a counter the tells you the minimum rings you must pick up in the round before you reach the next round. __________ /NOTE: \__________________________________________________________________ | | |The special stages DON'T go straight the whole way down. They turn left and | |right and they dip as well. The picture is only an example. | |_____________________________________________________________________________| Okay, here is an example. You have entered the Special Stage. Now in the first round you must collect a minimum of 30 rings. So in the first round you collect 32 rings before you reach the 2nd round (the first set of "R"s). Now in the 2nd round you have to get 70 rings. So with the rings you currently have, you must collect another 50. Then if you complete all 3 rounds with the minimum ring collection breached. You will get your prize at the end. If you don't collect the minimum rings in a round. (28/30 for example) you will exit the Special Stage. ___________ /WARNING: \_________________________________________________________________ | | |There aren't just rings in the Special Stages. Be on the lookout for bombs. | |If you touch one of these bombs, you will lose rings, so avoid them at all | |costs. | |_____________________________________________________________________________| The reward for completing a Special Stage is a Chaos Emerald. These are powerful jewels that are the keys to becoming Super. There are 7 Chaos Emeralds in Sonic 2. But don't stress if you fail a Special Stage there are plenty of others. There are more than 2 for each world. So you have a few more chances. ____________ /NOTE: \________________________________________________________________ | | |There are no Star Post in Sky Chase Zone and Death Egg Zone. | |_____________________________________________________________________________| ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ _________________________________ / \ _____| 7. CHEATS |_____ \ | _______________________________ | / \ |/ | | \| / / \ | | / \ /______/ \______\ Here are cheats for the game. LEVEL SELECT: Go to Sound Test on the Tile Screen and select the following songs in the following order by pressing the C Button "19, 65, 9, 17". You will hear a chime if you got it correct. Now press Start to go back to the Title Screen. Then Hold the A Button and press Start on 1 Player Mode to bring up the list of levels. EXTRA CONTINUES: Do the Level Select cheat and then go to the Options Screen. Go to the Sound Test and select the following songs in the following order by pressing the C Button "1, 1, 2, 4". Then highlight the Player Select and press Start. TOGGLE TAILS AND MILES: Press Up, Up, Up, Down, Down, Down, Up at the Title screen. ALL CHAOS EMERALDS: In the Level Select Screen, press these songs in the following order "4, 1, 2, 6". Collect 50 rings and turn into Super Sonic. For more details on Super Sonic go to my Super Sonic FAQ on www.gamefaqs.com DEBUG: Do the Level Select cheat and then go to the Sound Test in the Level Select Screen and choose these songs in the following order. "1, 9, 9, 2, 1, 1, 2, 4" and a chime will tell you if you got it right. Now highlight a level and press Start to begin the level, now quickly hold the A Button. The Score will be a bunch of numbers if you got it right. In Debug Mode you can do these things. - Press B to transform into a object. Now press C to print that object on the screen, or press A to change into something else. Print off as many stuff as you want. - Pause the game and hold the B Button for Slow Motion. - Pause the game and press the A Button to restart the game. - Pause the game and press the C Button to do a Frame Advance. - Transform into a Computer Monitor as Super Sonic and smash it to get Super Tails. - Hold C when you press start to select a level on the Level Select Screen to get Night Mode. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- _________________________________ / \ _____| 8. S&K LOCK-ON |_____ \ | _______________________________ | / \ |/ | | \| / / \ | | / \ /______/ \______\ Did you know that you could play as Knuckles in this game? Yeah, you probably did Well, lets go over it. The game "Sonic and Knuckles" is the 4th of this story. If you have the cartridge you know that on the top of the cart that there is a reader. You know when you pen the little flap on the Genesis/Mega Drive and look where you put the cart. The little thing in there is what reads the info on the cart. Well, there is one of those of the top of the Sonic and Knuckles cart. So you can put any Genesis/Mega Drive game on it. But what does that do to Sonic the Hedgehog 2, well, it does the following. Sonic the Hedgehog 2 + Sonic and Knuckles ----------------------------------------- Locking these 2 together will allow you to play as Knuckles instead of Sonic and/or Tails. The game is the exactly the same otherwise, the only difference is that you play Knuckles. What's the point? It's great for fans of Knuckles and it makes the game harder. Because Knuckles can't jump as high as Sonic, making it harder to battle against bosses and other things. But you do get the advantage of being able to glide and climb like Knuckles can do in the other games. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- _________________________________ / \ _____| 9. CREDITS |_____ \ | _______________________________ | / \ |/ | | \| / / \ | | / \ /______/ \______\ CJayC: For hosting GameFAQs Me: For writing this FAQ. You: For reading this FAQ. Frightwolf: For the startegy for the Metropolis Zone Boss. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ _________________________________ / \ _____| 10. CONTACT ME |_____ \ | _______________________________ | / \ |/ | | \| / / \ | | / \ /______/ \______\ If you have any questions about my FAQ please feel free to email me at the address at the top of the page. Make sure you please follow these simple steps. Email: tjhunt@gmail.com +DO ask intelligent and legitimate questions. +DO post comments about the FAQ and suggestions to. +DO be friendly. +DO tell me about you. (I'm not some robot that doesn't understand emotions people have.) :P -DON'T send junk email like ads and chain letters. -DON'T demand me to answer your question. -DON'T bash my FAQ. This Sonic 2 "FAQ/Walkthrough" is Copyright of Gold Mage 2003 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------