MMMMM MMMMM KKKKKK KKKKKK MMMMM MMMMM KKKK KKKK MMMMMM MMMMMM KKKK KKKK MMMMMMM MMMMMMM KKKK .KKK MMMMMMMM MMMMMMMM KKKKKKKK' MMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMM KKKKKKKK. MMMM MMMMMMM MMMM KKKK `KKKK MMMM MMMMM MMMM KKKK KKKK MMMM MMM MMMM KKKK KKKK MMMMMM M MMMMMM KKKKKK KKKKKK 33333333333333333333333333 3333333333333333333333333 3333 333333333 33 33333333 3333333333333 3333333333333333 33 333333333 333 33333333 33333 33333333 333333 33333333 333333333 33333333 333333333 3333333333 3333333333333333333333333 3333333333333333333333 3333333333333333 333333333 The word art was from Mehroz Alam's ( "The Realm of Shao Kahn" at This is Videogameman's ( Mortal Kombat 3 Move List Version 1.0 (6-24-99) This FAQ can be found at: and DISCLAIMER This FAQ is to be used for personal uses only. This FAQ can be reproduced ONLY in a web site if you have written permission (by e-mail). You must also give credit where credit is due and you cannot change anything in it. This cannot be put in books or anything like it. ##################################################################### Default Controls Hop | Run Jump Back | Jump Forward | \ | / High Punch | High Kick \ _ / \ | / \ | | / \ | / ___| |___ (X) (Y) (Z) Back - |___ ___| - Forward | | (A) (B) (C) / |_| \ / | \ / | \ / | \ / | \ Low Punch | Low Kick Duck Down | Duck Down | | Block Duck Down These are the default controls for the Genesis system. If you are playing this game on another system and you don't know the controls, then go to the options screen, and then go to the contol options to find out. --------------------------------------------------------------------- CHOOSE YOUR CHARACTER ________ _________ _________ ________ ______ ________ ___________ | | | | | | | | | | Shang | | | | Liu | | | Motaro | | Sindel | Jax | Kano | | Shao Kahn | | | Tsung | | | | Kang | | |________|_________|_________|________|______|________|___________| | | | | | | | | | | | | | Sonya | Stryker | Smoke | Sub- | Cyrax | | | | | Zero | | |_________|_________|________|______|________| | | | | | | | | | | Kung | | | Sektor | Night- | Sheeva | | Kabal | | | wolf | | Lao | | |_________|_________|________|______|________| I put this here just incase you forgot where the characters are located at. Motaro and Shao Kahn will only appear when you enter a certain code. Smoke will appear at random, if you put in the same code at Motaro and Shao Kahn, or if you imput the Smoke Code. All of there codes will be in the code section. Also, when you pick Shao Kahn he won't say his name. He will only laugh. Hey, would you want to say your name. --------------------------------------------------------------------- CHOOSE YOUR DESTINY Master _ Warrior |_| _ |_| |_| |_| Novis |_| |_| _ |_| |_| |_| |_| |_| |_| |_| |_| |_| |_| |_| |_| |_| |_| |_| |_| |_| |_| |_| |_| |_| |_| |_| |_| After you choose your character you will see this screen. The Master level you will have to fight ten regulse opponents then Motaro and Shao Kahn. If you can beat the Master level on the ardest difficulty level without using the 95 continues code then you are the master of the game. On the Warrior level you will fight eight opponents then the two bosses. On the Novis (easiest) level you will only have to fight six opponents then Motaro and Shao Kahn. Of cource the Master level is harder then the Novis level because there are more opponents and because the CPU difficulty will go up. Whenever you start a new difficulty level (in the options screen) you should always start on the Novis level setting then go to Warrior and finally the Master level setting. If this confuses you then just start out on the Novis level then when you are pretty good go to the Warrior or Master level. ##################################################################### ************** Things To Know ************** --------------------------------------------------------------------- -Attacking- When you attack you try to hurt your opponent (of course). Here are the many ways to attack in MK3. -High Punch- The high punch is the most damaging and most used of all the punches. When you are close to your opponent you will elbow them in the head. If you hit this button twice in a row you will combo them (most combos start out with this move also). If you are close, but not in elbowing range you can hit your opponent up to twenty times. This is hard to do, but is very damaging. It can take up over 1/3 of your opponents life. Also, when you duck and high punch you will Uppercut, which is a very powerful attack. We will talk about that later on. -Low Punch- This is the worst punch to use. The only time that you should try to use this move is to throw your opponent (you throw your opponent by being close to your opponent and tap low punch, we will also talk about this move later on to). Never use ths LP by itself unless you are trying to throw your opponent. If you duck and low punch you will do the best ducking move that isn't a sweep, the ducking jab. His is great for pushing opponents away while they are standing and you are ducking. It does more damage then any of the ducking kicks and you recover faster. -High Kick- This is the most damaging kick (of the regular two). This move can knock your opponent out of the air with some timing and can be done at anytime. If you press B+HK you will do a Roundhouse (we will talk about that later on). If you hit your opponent they will back up a little and they can counter attack. If you are close then you will knee them. Most people have a two hit combo that is just a knee followed by a kick to the head. This is done by double tapping HK. This is not always the best kicking combo unless you are Sektor because his combo knocks his opponent down while none of the others do. -Low Kick- This kick should keep your opponent at bay. Some one with long legs can hit their opponent twice before they get into striking distance. To sweep your opponent off of their feet and onto the ground then press B+LK (this also has a section all to itself below). A Jumping LK looks just like a jumping HK but sometimes it does less damage but I've had a couple combos when it doesn't matter. If you duck and press low kick then you will do a very weak ankle kick (if that's what it's called. -Sweep- The sweep can sometimes be consided cheap. It "sweeps" your opponent off of their feet and onto the ground. This is a great move for stopping runners or opponents that are just walking at you. This move is also great in combos like the universal Jumping HK to sweep. Everyone has it (even though I don't put it down on everyone's combo list). The sweep does decent damage and if timed right you can sweep them three times in a row (well, that's the most I've been able to do). -Roundhouse- The Roundhouse is the most powerful of all the kicks. It sends your opponent on air mail to Florida. If works in most combos and can knock your opponent out of the air. I always capitalize it because it is almost like a special move (I don't do that to the sweep because it isn't the most powerful kick). -Uppercut- This is the most powerful regular attack in the game. I launches your opponent but you won't be able to follow with a combo. This is the best attack for knocking your opponent out of the air. If you do this move in certian area they will fly through the roof or the street. --------------------------------------------------------------------- -Jump/Hop Attacks and Cross-Over Jumping Attacks- -Jumping Attacks- Every regular character has four types of jumping attacks (Jumping HP,LP,HK, and LK). You should only use the Jumping HK or LK because they can be comboed off of and do a lot more damage then the punching version. Another word, jumping punches will knock your jump kicking opponent out of the air (even though it is better to Hop Kick then out of the air for somemore damage). Use Jumping attacks as one of your main types of attacks (if not you MAIN type). -Hop Attacks- Hop Attacks have only one thing to do: knock your opponent out of the air. It doesn't matter it they are jump kicking or punching they will go down very fast. I usually do a hop attack at the beginning of every round because almost everyone does a Jump Kick at the start (unless they stand there or shoot a projectile). Only use hop attacks to knock your opponent out of the air and in SOME combos. -Cross-Over Jumping Attacks- The computer's favorite attack: the Cross-Over Jump Kick. To do one of these attacks jump over your opponent and press kick (er any attacks button). I've never seen anyone do a Cross-Over Jump Punch but I think that it can happen(?). The best time to do this move is when you are running at your opponent of when they are getting up from an attack. The computer loves to keep doing these over and over until you are dead. You never get to do anything and even if you press block they might knock you down (so don't get cought in one of those traps like so many people but most can't help it). --------------------------------------------------------------------- -Throws- Throws are considered the cheapest (regular) move in MK3. You so these by pressing LP once you are close to you opponent. Most people think that throws are unblockable but they can be blocked by holding block and back. This will throw off most of you enemy if all they do is throw. There are a couple special throws in MK3 but they don't do a lot of damage (except for Motaro's F,F,LP throw which takes off around 1/5 to 1/3 of you energy). Don't use throws except in moderation or if your opponent want to fight close the entire time. Only a couple characters can throw their opponents while in the air but we will talk about that in the "A Word About...". --------------------------------------------------------------------- -Blocking- When you block you stop incoming attacks. Unlike in real life you can block all incoming attacks by blocking while standing. You will take blocking damage for blocking special attacks but you won't for blocking regular attacks. You cannot block while in the air but you can block air attacks and you may block low if you want. Blocking is considered cheap by many players if one is going against a "turtling" player. A "turtle" player is one that just waits and blocks all incoming attacks then attacks when they are done, and they wait for you to come close then hit you with an attacks before they can reach you (ex. Sheeva's low kick). Use the block button to stop incoming attacks to become a master but try to avoide some so that your opponent won't call you a "turtler." --------------------------------------------------------------------- -Running- The running is new to MK3. To do this you must press the run button. After you do that your character will start to run. This is a great set-up for a combo, but it has some disadvantages. You can't run forever because of the run bar. The run bar turns red after you start to run or after you combo your opponent. When it turns all red you cannot run anymore (you also can't combo with a standard string, but you can still jump kick them out of the air if you just Uppercuted them). The other problem with running is that your opponent usually blocks any combos that you throw at them. If that happens then run up and throw or sweep them. If your opponent likes to do this to you then sweep or Roundhouse them when they get close to you. --------------------------------------------------------------------- ##################################################################### *************** A WORD ABOUT... *************** --------------------------------------------------------------------- -Unblockable Attacks- An unblockable attack is an attack that can't be blocked (hints the name). Throws are almost unblockable but they can be blocked it you hold down the block button and press back. Few people do this and I've never had the computer do this to me, but you can to it. Other unblockable attacks are attacks like bombs, stomps, and special fireballs. Only some select characters have them but they can usually be dodged with ease (one little note: Sheeva has two unblockable and is sometimes called the unblockable queen, well maybe note). Most unblockables don't work in combos and should only be used in moderation. --------------------------------------------------------------------- -Stuns- Stuns are special moves (an only special moves) that will either freeze your opponent in place or bring them to you and leting you pummel them until they die. Most stuns are easily dodges while others are basicly unblockable (some character (Sub-Zero) base their fighting style on stuns). Stuns are almost in every combo unless it is a ground string or a launching ground string (two dofferent things even though they are almost the same). Use your characters stuns is uauslly the key to success. --------------------------------------------------------------------- -Air Throws- An air throw is a throw that is done to an air born opponent (hints the name). Only a select few have air throws but that's OK because they are almost impossible to do because you have to get up to them while in the air, press block, and hop that they aren't attacking while you do this because if they are then you will get knocked back down to mother earth. The only time that you should do an air throw is when Sindel is flying an just missed with an Air Fireball, but that's it. But unlike the ground throws these can't be blocked. --------------------------------------------------------------------- -Damage- This is about how much damage each move takes off. Projectiles can take off move or less. I can't tell you how much damage air throws or special moves take off but I have the most used moves and their damage. Uppercuts - 21% Roundhouse - 17% Sweep - 11% Jumping HK/LK - 15% Hoping HK/LK - 11% Jumping HP/LP - 9% Hoping HP/LP - 9% Ducking LK - 3% Ducking HK - 7% HK - 14% LK - 12% Close HK - 9% Ducking LP - 3% Projectiles - 13% Throws - 18% --------------------------------------------------------------------- -Combos- A combo is a string of hits in which your opponent cannot block. This game has a combo system called Set Combos. These are combos that where preprogrammed into the game. Therefor you will get to do combos that have already been made up and some look really cool while others don't. The damage on these combos are also the same every time so you will be able to tell how many of this or these combos it will take to kill your opponent. Most games like Street Fighter have something called custom combos. In a custom combo you get to make up your combos. They are sometimes very easy to do and other times they aren't (just like the HP,HP or the Hoping LP, Running Spin, Ground Saw, LK,LK,HP,HP,D+HP, Juming HK, Air Laser). In custom combos damage will vary and you can just do three combos to kill your opponent (usually). Onother difference is that in custom combos you can cheat and do one fairly easy combo that stuns your opponent then do another combo that stuns your opponent (usually the same combo) and KO your opponent very fast. So you can choose the side that you want to be one. I think that most of the combos in MK3 are cool but after a while they get boring and you want to make more. So I like the custom combos more then the set combos. Now to the parts of a set combo in which to make a combo that you've never seen before but have already been made (long sentence huh?). -Ground Strings- This is the most basic type of and part of a combo. Some ground strings can get up to eight hits can end in a launcher if in a corner (Jax's combo). Almost all combos are a ground string or have a ground string in it. So get used to the saying "a great ground string that is very damaging" or "with a small and undamaging ground string". -Ground String Launcher- A grouns string launcher is a ground string that launches your opponent into the air at the end of it. After the launching you may Jump Kick your opponent out of the air or do other things to them. I won't say ground string launcher very much but I may just say ground string because a ground string launcher is a ground string. I will only say ground string launcher in certain places during this FAQ (just incase you wanted to know). Also, most of the ground string combos are ground string launchers. This mainly appears in characters like Stryker. -Air Combo- Air combos are two hit combos that occur while both players are in the air. This is only possible with three characters: Liu Kang, Kabal, and Sindel. Air combos are always at the end of a ground string launcher except for one of Sindel's combos. -Stuns- Stuns are moves that stuns your opponent while you beat the up. Stuns are usually at the start of a combo unless they follow a jumping attack or a hoping attack. After a stun a ground string or a ground string combo will follow to end or continue the combo. Kabal is the only character that has two stuns that he can use in a combo (that combo is the hardest combo in the game by the way). -Ground Attack Combo Finisher- A Ground Attack Combo Finisher is when you have your opponent knocked into the air then you walk/run (if it wasn't a combo) under then and hit them with a Roundhouse or Uppercut. Some times these are very easy to do while other times they are very difficult to finish. Use them if you want but more times then none you will be able to attack the in the air then on the ground before they combo ends. -Ground Attack- This is a regular attack that will knock your opponent up (ans is fast enought) to combo off of. The only attacks that can do that are the high or low punch. These don't hurt your opponent a lot so don't do a ground attack unless you have to (which you never do). -Ground Special Attack Combo Finisher- This is when your use a special attack to finish off your combo. Most characters have these while some don't. It takes perfect timing to nail your opponent out of the air while they are falling from a ground string launcher or the sort. The only time that you should do this combo is when you know that you can't hit your opponent out of the air with a regular attack or if you want to finish the combo with a nice ending. -Air Special Attacks- Air Special Attacks are usually combo finishers unless you add on a sweep or a fast move to take its place. Only three people can to these because only three people have three people have them (Liu Kang, Kabal, Sindel). These attacks don't hurt your opponent a lot so you should stick with regular jumping attacks. -Air Throws- Only a couple characters have air throws. Some Air Throws won't count as a combo for some reason so I won't put them down in the combo lists. You should only use these combos if you know that they will kill your opponent because they aren't very damaging. This is a chart of how *MOST* combos work. No combo will do everything in the chart but some combos will start it and end in the missle while others will start in the missle and end at the end. If you can't understand this then don't try to. ____________ _____________ | | | | | Hop Attack |_______________________| Jump Attack | |____________| | |_____________| | | ____________________ | | | |_______________ | ____________|___ | Jump or Hop Attack | || | | | Combo Finisher | || | Ground Attack | |____________________| || | Combo Finisher | _____________ || |________________| ________________ | |___||_______________ | | | Jump Attack | ||| ___________|____________ | Ground Attack | |_____________| ||| | | | Combo Finisher |____| | ||| | Ground Special Atteack | |________________| _____|___||| | Combo Finisher | _____| | || |________________________| ____________________| | Stun | ||_______ | | |______| | | | Air Special Attack | | | | ____|_______________ | Combo Finisher | | | | | | |____________________| | | | | Air Special Attack | | | | | Combo Finisher | / | | |____________________| ________________________/ | |_________________________ | | | / | | Ground Attack Finisher | | /_______________________ | |________________________| | | | | / | Ground String Finisher | | ___________________________/ |________________________| | | | | | Ground String Attack | /| | Combo Finisher | _______________/ | |______________________| | | | ___________________________| Ground String | | _________________|__ |_______________| | | | | | | | | Jump or Hop Attack | ____________________| | | | |____________________| | | | | | | | | Jump or Hop Attack | | | | | | | Combo Finisher | | | | | | |____________________| | | | | | ________________________/ | | | | __________________|____ | ________________/ | | | | | ||| | | | | | | Ground Special Attack ||| Ground Attack | | | | | | Combo Finisher ||| Combo Finisher | | | | | |_______________________|||________________| | | | | ________|___________ | | | |_______________ | | | | __|_________________ | | Air Apecial Attack | | | | | | | Combo Finisher | | | | Air Special Attack | | |____________________| | | | Combo Finisher | | _________________|___|__ |____________________| | | | | | Stun or Special Attack | ________________ | |________________________| | | | | Ground Attack | | | Combo Finisher |______|__________________ |________________| | |_____________ ________________| | | | | ______|_________ | | Special Attack | | | | | Combo Finisher | | Air Throw | | |________________| | Combo Finisher | | |________________| | ________________________________________________________| | | _______________________ | | Ground Attack | | | | | Combo Finisher | | Ground Special Attack | | |________________| | Combo Finisher | | |_______________________| | | | | _____________|_ |_| | | Ground Attack | |_______________| --------------------------------------------------------------------- -Finishing Moves- Finishing moves are what made the MK series so popular for so many people. After you beat your opponent twice (two rounds defualt) then you get to Finish them. To do this you must imput a special series of buttons and movements (and sometimes you must be in certian places). After that is done then you will either kill them, turn into an animal then kill them, turn them into a baby, become friends with the loser, or give them a little bit of life back with a Mercy. Take you pick (personaly I like the Friendships or Mercy). Here are the different types of Finishing Moves. -Fatality- A Fatality is the most used Finishing Move in MK3 or in all the MKs. It started in the original MK and has continued through out all of the MKs. When you have imput the "code" then the screen will darken and your opponent will die. If you can't get the button series to work then you can imput a code at the Title Screen that will make it a one or two button procedure. -Babality- Once you have put in the "code" at the Finish Him/Her Screen then the screen will darken and your opponent will turn into a baby and start to cry. This is an insulting finishing move but it can be turned into a Fatality if you imput a special "code" just after they imput the Babality. This is only for certain systems (SNES) so I didn't put it in the code part. You also must win the winning round without blocking. -Friendship- This is (in my opinion) the best of the Finishing Moves. After you imput the "code" you will do something to you opponent that is sometimes funny or weird. You also must win the winning round without blocking. There is also a special code for doing Frienships with one or two buttons (just like for every Finishing Move). -Mercy- Mercies only happen under rare events. You must win one round then lose another (but not in that order) then win the last round without blocking. After this is done then your must hold the RUN button then press down four times then release RUN before your opponent falls down. You also must ge outside of sweeping range to do this so try to Roundhouse them for the final hit. After that your opponent comes back to life with a little bit OF life. After you beat the loser again then you can preform an Amimalty. This is the only Finishing Move that you can't use a code to make it go fast (button wise). -Amimalty- After you have preformed an Mercy on your opponent then you are able to preform an Amimalty. Once this is done then you will turn into an animal and kill them agian. Be warned that some of these are pretty done so... -Stage Fatality- At the Finish Him/Her screen you may preform a Stage Fatality if you are in one of these three stages: The Pit 3, Shao Kahn's Tower, or The Subway. After you imput the "code" then you will either Uppercut them into spikes, blades, or a passing train (which shouldn't be running because there isn't anyone to operate it). The only thing good about this is that you can block in the winning round. ##################################################################### ************* ****CYRAX**** ************* Beginning Pose: Cyrax has one hand around his head area and the other around his waist. Winning Pose: Cyrax raises his arms in victory Regular Color: Yellow armor 2nd Color: A little darker yellow ~~~~~ Story ~~~~~ Cyrax is unit LK-4D4, the 2nd if 3 prototype cybernetic ninjas built by the Lin Koei. Like his counter parts, his last programmed command is to find and terminate the rogue ninja, Sub-Zero. Without a soul, Cyrax goes undetected by Shao Kahn and remains a possible threat against his occupation of earth. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Character Overview: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Cyrax is a very good overall character. He can counter attack almost anything with his net or teleport out of (or into) danger. His bombs are perfect for traps (as long as your opponent won't teleport and hit you as or after you drop the bomb). He also has the most damaging combo in the game, but you won't ever be able to pull it off in combat. His long ground string is six hits and takes away 30% life (or 1\3). The best time to do that combo is when you catch your opponent in a net (hehehe). The only bad thing about the net is that your opponent can counter attack you very easily if you miss. The other problem with the net is that it doesn't hurt your opponent at all (but hey, atleast it brings them back to you for a split second). The good thing (now we are going from bad things to good things, O.K?) about the bomb is that when (if) you hit your opponent they will fly towards you (this is the perfect time to Uppercut them for a very damaging combo). Cyrax has the most trouble going against opponents that can teleport and hit them. So overall he is a very good choice for experts or beginners alike. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Special Move List ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Net: B,B,LK Teleport: F,D,BLK Close Bomb: Hold LK,B,B,B,HK Far Bomb: Hold LK,F,F,F,HK ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Special Move Analysis ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ --------------------------------------------------------------------- -Net- (Cyrax opens his chest and shoots out a green net. If the net catches his opponent then it will bring them back to you) This is the second best stun in the game (only second to Sub-Zero's you know what) because if it is blocked you won't leave yourself open and it brings your stuned opponent back to you (for a split secind only :(. Once you get your opponent in the net you should always do his six hit ground string or Uppercut them out of there. If you manage to catch them in the air you should Uppercut or Roundhouse them out because you can't combo them (they will fall to the ground within the first two hits) while in a net. For an easy trap, throw a bomb at their feet then shoot a net after they jump or start to run at you. The CPU will always block this move if you shoot it at them while they are across the screen. To solve this big problem either: (1) throw a bomb then shoot the net (2) or wait for them to jump at you (3) or when they try to sweep you. Now, if the CPU goes crazy with this move just block, walk forward, block, walk forward, and combo them. So use this to win many games. --------------------------------------------------------------------- -Teleport- (Cyrax blows himself up and then reforms behind his opponent) This is the WORST teleport in the game. This is the easiest special move in the game to see coming. You can't even hit your enemy with this move (unlike everyother teleport). So in short, DON'T USE IT unless you are traped in a corner or by a missle attack. --------------------------------------------------------------------- -Close Bomb- (Cyrax opens his chest and drops a bomb that rolls a little bit then stops and blows in about a second) This is the worst type of bomb that Cyrax has because you cannot presure the enemy into a net and they dodge it very easily. Also, this will throw your opponent at you IF you somehow manage to hit them with it. When this happens it is a perfect time to Uppercut the life out of them. A very fun tactice to use on a human opponent (that can't teleport) is to throw a Far bomb, then a Close, then another Far and repeat. After a little while throw a net out. This really gets under you opponents skin. Hehe =) --------------------------------------------------------------------- -Far Bomb- (Cyrax opens up his chest and drops a bomb that rolls to the other side of the screen then blows up in about a second) This is the best Bomb that Cyrax has. You can presure your opponent into walking forward and into a net, but they will usually see it coming (so drop a close bomb and see what they do). They will teleport and hit you (if they hace a teleport) sp watch out. Smoke, Sektor, and Sheeva will kill you if you do this. --------------------------------------------------------------------- ~~~~~~~~~ Finishers ~~~~~~~~~ Fatality 1: D,D,F,U,RUN Fatality 2: Hold BLK,R,R,U,R, Release BLK, HP Babality: F,F,B,HP Friendship: RUN,RUN,RUN,U Amimality: U,U,D,D Stage Fatality: BLK,BLK,RUN,BLK,RUN ~~~~~~~~~~ Combo List ~~~~~~~~~~ [2 HIT 13%] HP,HP [2 HIT 14%] HK,HK [3 HIT 17%] HP,HP,LP [3 HIT 19%] HK,HK,B+HK [2 HIT 22%] Bomb, Sweep [2 HIT 25%] Bomb, HK [2 HIT 28%] Bomb, Roundhouse [4 HIT 28%] HP,HP,LP, Bomb [6 HIT 30%] HP,HP,H,HP,HK,B+HK [2 HIT 32%] Bomb, Uppercut [5 HIT 33%] HP,HP,LP,Bomb, Uppercut [5 HIT 35%] HK,HK,B+HK,Bomb, Uppercut [3 HIT 37%] Bomb, Sweep,HK [3 HIT 40%] Bomb, Sweep, Roundhouse [7 HIT 41%] HP,HP,HK,HP,HK,B+HK, Bomb [3 HIT 43%] Bomb, Uppercut, Bomb [3 HIT 44%] Bomb, Sweep, Uppercut [3 HIT 50%] Bomb, Roundhouse, Uppercut [4 HIT ??%] Net, Uppercut, Bomb, Uppercut [4 HIT 60%] Bomb, Uppercut, Bomb, Roundhouse [4 HIT 64%] Bomb, Uppercut, Bomb, Uppercut ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Combo Analysis ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ --------------------------------------------------------------------- -HP,HP- (Two elbows) This is probably the most used combo for Cyrax because people do it when they aren't trying to combo or they start the combo but can press the next button in time. This is also the lest damaging combo of all (besides Kabal's double Running Spin 0% Combo). So overall, DON'T USE IT unless you want to be counter attacked. --------------------------------------------------------------------- -HK,HK- (A knee then a kick to the head) This is the second most used combo for Cyrax for the same reasons as the HP,HP, but this one looks a lot cooler and it won't leave you AS wide open AS the HP,HP. It is also one of the least damaging combos in the game. --------------------------------------------------------------------- -HP,HP,LP- (Two elbows then a backhand) This is the finished combo for the HP,HP. This causes a fair amount of damage, but not as much as the combo below. So use the HK,HK,B+HK instead. --------------------------------------------------------------------- -HK,HK,B+HK- (A knee, a kick to the head, then a Roundhouse) This is the finished combo for the HK,HK combo. This is more damaging and it will knock your opponent all the way across the screen. So you should use it for traps and to get out of traps that you might have somehow have been in. --------------------------------------------------------------------- -Bomb, Sweep- (Drop a bomb then sweep your opponent as the bomb blows) To do this combo you must drop the bomb then sweep them just before the bomb blows. Once you get the timing right it is very easy to do. This is the least damaging and the easiest of the bomb combos to do, so once you get the timing right start to Roundhouse and/or Uppercut your opponent instead of the undamaging sweep for a lot more damage and a cooler looking combo. The is one little thing that I should tell you about, it is very hard for you to get your opponent to be standing on the bomb just before it blows up. The only advice that I can give you here is to try to get them confused or to tell them that the bomb won't hurt them (this only works if they just started playing the game and they are pretty stupid). So have a good time trying to do this combo or any other of the type, hehehehe. :) --------------------------------------------------------------------- -Bomb,HK- (Drop a bomb then HK them our of the air) This is an easy combo to do and there are two ways to do it. The first and easiest is to have them get blown up by the bomb. While they are falling from the explosion HK them. The second and harder version of this combo is to HK them just before the bomb blows or high kick them into the explosion (so there are three ways to do this combo but I'll just say that there are only two). You could always Uppercut or Roundhouse them out of the air from the second version of this combo for a very damaging combo. --------------------------------------------------------------------- -Bomb, Roundhouse- (Drop a bomb then back up and Roundhouse them out of the air) Now we are getting tricky. You must Roundhouse your opponent just as (or a little bit before) the bomb blows for this combo to work. When you do this you can walk back and the Uppercut or Roundhouse them for another combo or just watch the fireworks. If you just want to watch the fireworks then Uppercut them instead of Roundhouse'n them. This is also very hard to do, but there is an easier way, Roundhouse them into the explosion (which takes expert timing or dumb luck), or have the bomb blow them up and into the air, then Roundhouse them as they fall to the ground (this is the easiest way to do this combo). --------------------------------------------------------------------- -Bomb, Uppercut- This combo will work in two different ways. The first and easiest way is to have them get blown up by the bomb then Uppercut them on the way back to earth. The harder way is to Uppercut them at the same time that the bomb blows. This hurts your opponent more then the Roundhouse but you cannot Uppercut them again after th first and only Uppercut. This (once again) is a hard combo to do because your opponent won't usually walk onto the bomb the second that it is about to blow up. So all in all this is a fun, yet, difficult combo to do. --------------------------------------------------------------------- -HP,HP,LP, Bomb, Uppercut- (Drop the Bomb the HP,HP,LP, them then Uppercut them as they fly across the screen) This is an easy combo to do because once you drop the bomb and/if they are jumping at you (they will usually not jump kick because the bomb is at their feet). When the land run up and HP,HP,LP them then back up and Uppercut them out of the air (they are in the air because the bomb blew up just as you finished the combo). When you run at them they won't attack you because they will will be trying to get out of the explosion radius. The only bad thing about this is that if you don't HP,HP,LP them before the bomb blows them up you won't be able to Uppercut them out of the air resulting in a less powerful combo. The only other problem with is that when your opponent lands they may (and most likely will) jump back and out of the explosion radius (but if you are fast enough you migh be able to knock them out of their jump by running and kicking them out of the airand hopefully into the explosion). --------------------------------------------------------------------- -HK,HK,B+HK, Bomb, Uppercut- (Drop the Bomb the HK,HK,B+HK, then the bomb blows them up and you Uppercut them out of the air) This is the same combo as above. The only differences between these combos are that this one hurts your opponent a little more and you might hit your opponent out of the air if the jump away. The same problems occur with this combo as did the last combo but the B+HK will knock your opponent fartheracross the screen then the B+HP will (this causes a problem if you start the HK,HK,B+HK combo to soon). Overall, you should use this combo because it causes more damage and is easy (but a little harder then the othr combo) to do. --------------------------------------------------------------------- -HP,HP,HK,HP,HK,B+HK- (Two elbows, a knee, an elbow, a knee, then a Roundhouse) This is my favoite Cyrax combo. It is easier than any of the Bomb combos and it hurts your opponent more than most of them. You can even do this combo to your opponent once they are in the net. The best time to do this combo is after you catch them in a net or after you run your opponent (this can be dangerous though). For more damage you can jump kick your opponent then catch them in a net as they are falling then the ground then do this combo or drop a bomb them do this combo. If you do it right them bomb will blow up on the last knee and the Roundhouse will knock them across the screen while them are getting blow up by the bomb that you put at there feet. It's very fun to do it to your friends and drive them crazy after you have done it to them a couple times. Have fun :) --------------------------------------------------------------------- -Bomb, Sweep,HK- (Drop a bomb then sweep them before the bomb blows them back up and HK them while they are falling) This is the advanced version of the Bomb sweep combo. If you can master this combo (or get it down) then try to put a Roundhouse in for the HK or even the sweep (two Roundhouses, yeh!). You can also HK them into the Bomb's explosion then sweep them while they are falling back down to earth. This combo is hard (of cource) because your opponent isn't just doing to stand on the bomb and wait for it to blow them up (even though it is fun to do). To solve this problem just HK them into the bomb just before the bomb blows up. ;| --------------------------------------------------------------------- -Bomb, Sweep, Roundhouse- (Drop a bomb then sweep them before the bomb blows them back up and Roundhouse them as they fall) This is advanced version of the Bomb then Roundhouse combo. If this combo is hard for you to pull off then change the Roundhouse into a high kick for an easier but less damaging combo. You do this combo by dropping the bomb then sweeping your opponent just before it blows. Then take a couple steps back and Roundhouse them out of the air. I'll say it again, this is a hard combo to pull of because your opponent isn't going to stand on the bomb and wait for it to blow up so Roundhouse them into the bomb just before is blows up the sweep them as the fall back to earth. If you do this you should change the the last hit (the sweep) into a Roundhouse or and Uppercut for more damage and a cooler looking combo. --------------------------------------------------------------------- -HP,HP,HK,HP,HK,B+HK, Bomb- (Drop a bomb then HP,HP,HK,HP,HK,B+HK them) This is an easier combo to do then the combos above because as soon as you drop the bomb you start the combo. The combo will last to the final knee. Then the bomb will blow and you will Roundhouse them out of the air will the final hit of the ground string. The only bad thing about this combo is that (this is probably the only time that I will every say this) the ground string is too long. Yes, too long. The bomb always blows up before the Roundhouse so you won't be able to hit you opponent as they fall back to earth. Out of all of this type of combo you should do this combo only if: (1) you know that you won't be able to back up fast enough to Uppercut or Roundhouse your opponent out of mid air, (2) or if you know that they will move before the bomb blows and if you Roundhouse, sweep, or Uppercut them they won't get hit in the explosion. Have fun trying to figure out what I just said! --------------------------------------------------------------------- -Bomb, Uppercut, Bomb- (Drop a bomb then after that one lands under your opponent drop another, then Uppercut your opponent out of the air (they will then fall back onto the other bomb and get blown back up) This combo should only be a mistake when you are trying to do the Bomb, Uppercut, Bomb, Uppercut Combo. Even though this combo causes a lot of damage you should always try to do the combo I just said or the Bomb, Roundhouse, Bomb, Uppercut combos because they hurt a lot more and look much cooler. --------------------------------------------------------------------- -Bomb, sweep, Uppercut- (Drop a bomb then just before the bomb blows sweep them then back up and Uppercut them out of mid air) This is the advanced version of the Bomb Uppercut combo. This time all that you have to do sweep your opponent before the bomb blows than back up and Uppercut them to the moon. Simple, except that your opponent won't walk onto the bomb, so you have to be lucky (I'm not going to tell you that its a hard to do this combo, O.K?) --------------------------------------------------------------------- -Bomb, Roundhouse, Uppercut- (Drop a bomb then Roundhouse the opponent just before the bomb blows up then Uppercut them out of the air) This is avery hard (and yet easy) combo to do because all you have to do is drop the bomb, Roundhouse your opponent just a little bit before the bomb blows, then back up and Uppercut them back up. Pretty easy except (here we go again) your opponent won't just walk onto the bomb just before it blows unless they are as dumb as a rock(I'll take that back, I don't want to insult the rock) or unless you tell them to and they believe you. So have fun. Oh, you can make the combo easier if you Roundhouse your opponent into the explosion but you knew that already. --------------------------------------------------------------------- -Net, Uppercut, Bomb, Uppercut- (Catch your opponent in a net then drop a bomb. Then Uppercut them, they will land on the bomb that blows tham back at you so that you can Uppercut them again) This is a very hard combo to do because you have to catch your opponent in the net then drop the bomb, Uppercut them out of the net and onto the bomb which then blows them back up so that you can Uppercut them again. IT IS POSSIBLE to do this combo (I've done it once), so keep trying if you don't get it the first time. Yes, I don't have to tell you that your opponent has to be standing on the bomb because THEY DON'T. Yes, they don't, you just have to catch them in the net, YES. If you can get this to work it is very, very, powerful. --------------------------------------------------------------------- -Bomb, Roundhouse, Bomb, Uppercut- (Drop a bomb then after it lands drop another, Roundhouse your opponent out of the air and they will fly into the bomb that blows them back to you, then you Uppercut them) This combo may be the combo in the game. It causes a lot of damage and is very easy (if you can get the timing to work ou and your opponent ins in the corner while you drop the bomb under them). HOW TO DO THIS COMBO: (1) first off, you must get your opponent in the corner, (2) drop both bomb under them (you must get the corect timing on your own because it is very hard to explain if at all possible), (3) now Roundhouse them out of the air back onto the net bomb, and (4) Uppercut your opponent out of the air from the last explosion. *WARNING* This combo can only be done in the corner. --------------------------------------------------------------------- -Bomb, Uppercut, Bomb, Uppercut- (Drop a bomb then drop another once that bomb is on the ground, now Uppercut your opponent out of the air, then Uppercut them out of the air agian from the second bomb's explosion) This is the most damaging combo for Cyrax (second or third in the game, but I've almost done the Bomb, Uppercut, Bomb, Uppercut, Bomb, Uppercut Combo). You do this combo by dropping two bombsunder your opponent then Uppercuting them as they fly at you. This is the second HARDEST combo in the game that I have on the FAQ (second only to Kabal's ten hit combo which is also more damaging then this combo). This is also very hard to do because you opponent isn't going to stand in the same place while you throw bombs under them. There is no solution to this problem, yet (you might be able to Uppercut your opponent into the Bomb then Uppercut them into the second bomb but not likely). ~~~~~~ Ending ~~~~~~ Cyrax is captures by Sub-Zero and reprogrammed with new orders: Destroy Shao Kahn. With Kahn unable to detect the assassin's soulless presence, Cyrax delivers a succsessful sneak attack. But after eliminating Kahn and saving earth... Cyrax awaits new orders from his Lin Kuei head quarters. The orders never combo and Cyrax malfunctions. He ends up stranded in the middle of a vast desert, blindly heading toward his base. To get a secret Finishing Move (well it isn't a Finishing Move but it looks pretty cool) drop your Far Bomb just before your opponent falls down. When you are doing you Winning Pose your opponent will fly over and sometimes onto you after getting blow up with the bomb. ##################################################################### *********** ****JAX**** *********** Beginning Pose: One of Jax'x fists are beside his head and the other one by his leg. Winning Pose: Jax flexes his muscles Regular Color: Purple and black pants 2nd Color: Green and black ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Character Overview: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ The strongest man in the world is back. This time he has the MOST SPECIAL MOVES in the game. He also has the third most damaging combo in the game (which also has the most hits, 13, WOW!). Well, he sounds like a good player with all those titles, but he's not the best. If he had a stunning move (that lasted for a second or two) he would probably be the best character out there (because after he stunned them while they are in the corner he could run up and combo them for 54% or so of their life, once again I say WOW!), but his special moves aren't that good. For example, his Running Punch and Earthquake Punch leave him wide open if blocked (the Earthquake Punch is unblockable) or dodged (most of his moves are easy to dodge). The moves that don't leave him open are his Rockets and Quad Slams (even though you have to grab your opponent to perform his Quad Slams). To win with him you have to get up close and throw them to death or combo them until they die (both ways they die). If you can't get close then stay back and pump them full of Rockets. That is a very bad thing to do against someone that has a teleport and knows how to use it. Since his is the strongest human he should stay up close to his opponent (and not far away). Another thing about his is that he can counter attack just about anything with his wide variety of special moves. ~~~~~ Story ~~~~~ After failing to convunce his superiors of the coming outworld menace, Jax begins to covertly prepare for the future battle with Kahn's minions. He outfits both arms with indistructible bionic implants. This is a war he is prepared to win. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Special Move List ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ 1 Rocket: B,F,HP 2 Rocket: F,F,B,B,HP Running Punch: F,F,HK Grab & Punch: F,F,LP (tap LP for more hits) Quad Slams: LP (must be close and tap LP for more slams) Backbreaker: BLK in air Earthquake Punch: Hold LK for 3 seconds then release ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Special Move Analysis ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ --------------------------------------------------------------------- -1 Rocket- (Jax holds out his arm and shoots a rocket out of his hand and gets pushed back from the shot) You should do this move to fake out your opponent. You should shoot them with two rockets twice then do this move to (hopefully) fake them out. What is the use of faking someone out, well if they jump up (to dodge the next shot) you can do just about anything to them. If they just stand there with there block up just run up and throw them. The only other reason to do this is do get out of harms way (because you get pushed back by this move). --------------------------------------------------------------------- (Jax hols out his arm and shoots two rockets out of this hand and get pushed very far back) This is a good move to get away from your opponent. Since you get pushed back everythime you will get pushed back twice as much as a regular (single) rocket (duh!). This is safer then jumping or walking back because: (1) you opponent can't jump kick you out of the air (2) and because you might hit them with the rockets. You should do this move when your opponent is jumping at you for air defence. If your opponent likes to jump to dodge attacks then do this move because the first rocket is low (they will dodge it) and the second one is high (they will get hit). To get the two hit combo with JUST this move you must do it when your opponent is close to you (or else they might block the second hit). --------------------------------------------------------------------- -Running Punch- (Jax charges at his opponent in a blur with his fist out) This is one of my favorite moves because he gets across the screen quikly and because it looks pretty neat. The bad thing about this special move is: (1) if your opponent blocks this move you will be Uppercuted , (2) if used in a combo it will end the combo and you won't be able to recover fast enough to attack them as they get up. Now for the good things. (1) this is a fast move and most people won't see it coming (but for some reason the CPU always does), (1) it sends your opponent flying back (so far that there is no way for you to attack them again or for them attack to you without someone moving). SO overall, don't use this move very ofter. --------------------------------------------------------------------- -Grab and Punch- (Jax pucks up his opponent by the neck and punches them in the face a cpuple of times then drops them) The only time that you should use this special move is in a combo because (here comes another list): (1) you must be very close to your opponent or else you will go into your miss grab animation and be left wide open, (2) you must hit the punch button very rapidly, (3) it's not worth leaving yourself wide open for 8% damage. As already said, this move will leave you wide open for about 1 FULL seond (your opponent can easily run up and combo you within that time). Now for the good things, you don't have to be neck-to-neck to grab your oppnent. --------------------------------------------------------------------- -Quad Slams- (Jax grabs his opponent and does his regular throw and then continues to slam them into the ground) You shouldn't try to run up and do this special moce because your opponent will usually sweep or Roundhouse you before you get into Throwing range. If you acually grab your opponent you have to jam on the buttons for them move to start and continue jamming to keep it going. The real bad thing about this move is that you can't use it in a combo. The only good thins about this move is that it looks pretty cool (that's about it). --------------------------------------------------------------------- -Back Breaker- (Jax jumps up into the air and grabs his opponent and slams their back onto his leg while landing) Since this is an air throw it is hard to pull off because your opponent will almost always be attacking while jumping (they will jump kick in other words). The only time that you should do this special throw ie then your opponent is jumping from the far side of the screen. When they do this they are usually not attacking because they know that they won't be able to reach you, so jump up and grab them. This is a fun and an awsome move, but you most likely won't be able to pull it off in real combat. --------------------------------------------------------------------- -Earhtquake Punch- (Jax's hand turns blue then he punches the ground and a shockwave comes out) You should only use this move in combos (yet again). Why? Because it will leave you wide open if (when) your opponent jumps up to avoide it (when they jump up they will usually try to jump kick you, usually). Your opponent will see this move coming for a couple of reasons: (1) They will see/hear (if you his LK mard enough) that you are holding the LK buttong down, (2) Jax ducks down and raises his hand up (which is now blue). If your opponent can't see this move coming there is no reason at all that you shouldn't beat them down bad. The good thing about this move is that is is an unblockable attack. --------------------------------------------------------------------- ~~~~~~~~~ Finishers ~~~~~~~~~ Fatality 1: Hold BLK,U,D,F,U+Release BLK (close) Fatality 2: RUN,BLK,RUN,RUN,LK (far) Babality: D,D,D,LK Friendship: LK,LK,RUN,RUN,LK Amimality: Hold LP,F,F,D,F, release LP Stage Fatality: D,F,D,LP ~~~~~~~~~~ Combo List ~~~~~~~~~~ [2 HIT 13%] HP,HP [2 HIT 14%] HK,HK [2 HIT 15%] Jumping HK, Earthquake Punch [2 HIT 19%] 2 Rockets [3 HIT 19%] HK,HK,B+HK [2 HIT 22%] Jumping HK, Running Punch [5 HIT 23%] HP,HP,BLK,LP,B+HP [2 HIT 24%] Sweep, LK [6 HIT 30%] HP,HP,BLK,LP,B+HP, Running Punch [6 HIT 31%] HP,HP,BLK,LP,B+HP, Uppercut [7 HIT 33%] HK,HK,D+HP,HP,BLK,LP,B+HP [8 HIT 44%] HK,HK,D+HP,HP,BLK,LP,B+HP, Uppercut [11 HIT 47%] HP,HP,BLK,LP,B+HP,LP, 5 Grab and Punch [12 HIT 54%] HK,HK,D+HP,HP,BLK,LP,B+HP, 5 Grab and Punch ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Combo Analysis ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ --------------------------------------------------------------------- -HP,HP- (Jax slams his fists onto his opponents head twice) Jax is the only character in the game that has this for his two High Punch combo (most characters have two elbows). This is the main combo that starts out other combos like the HP,HP,BLK,LP,B+HP. The only bad thing about this combo is that it doesn't hirt your opponent very much, as a matter of fact it is one of the weakest of this type of combo. Never try to just use this by itself because your opponent will usually counter attack you will just about anything because it doesn't push your opponent back. --------------------------------------------------------------------- -HK,HK- (Jax knees his opponent then kicks them in the face) This is the basic knee to the kick in the face combo that every regular character has besides Kano and Nightwolf. This is a very undamaging combo and your opponent can sometimes counter attack you. This will push you opponent back a little, but characters like Sheeva can still hit you with their long range regular attacks. --------------------------------------------------------------------- -Jumping HK, Earthquake Punch- (Jax jump kick them then OTG them with the Earthquake Punch) To do this combo you must hold how LK before the combo starts or he wont's Earthquake Punch them. This is a very easy combo to do, so you should do this everytime you just kick your opponent (unless you won't to sweep them for a lot more damage but not as cool combo). This is also a cool looking combo if it is done right. One last word, this is not very damaging, it doesn't even hurt your opponent as mush as aJumping HK to Running Punch, so use it wisely. --------------------------------------------------------------------- -2 Rockets- (Jax shoots two rockets at hit opponent) Believe it or not this is acually a combo (just like the Multiple Throws and Grab & Punch but I didn't put those up as combos because they were just one move. Sure this is one move but it is very hard to do). It is hard to do BECAUSE your opponent will usually have about .5 seconds to block the next rockets unless you are close or very lucky (I'm not very lucky). --------------------------------------------------------------------- -HK,HK,B+HK- (Jax knees them then kicks them in the head and finally Roundhouses them) Whenever you double tap High Kick you should always finish it off with the B+HK because they cannot counter attack you when they are all the way across the screen (this will also put you in a good psition when they get up for another attack). If you can't remeber long ground string combos like HK,HK,D+HP,HP,BLK,LP,B+HP, then just do this combo. If you can always do that combo instead of this combo. --------------------------------------------------------------------- -Jumping HK, Running Punch- (Jax jumping HK this opponents then charges at them while theu are falling) This is a good combo to get people in while in the corner ;|. This does more damage then the Jumping HK to Earthquake Punch and looks almost as cool. You shound always do this combo when your opponent is in the corner unless you want to do his 12 hit combo (didn't think so). *WARNING* This combo can only be done while your opponent is in the corner. --------------------------------------------------------------------- -HP,HP,BLK,LP,B+HP- (Jax slams his fist into his opponents head three time, then uppercuts them, and finally slams them back down) This is a good ground srting combo. This is also the computers favorite combo (for Jax, anyway) so watch out. It does good damage and it is fairly easy to do. If your opponent leaves themself open run up and nail them with this. You should try to do this combo when they are getting up for example. Have fun with this combo, if you can master it. --------------------------------------------------------------------- -Sweep, LK- (Jax sweeps his opponent and while they are getting up he LK them in the head) This combo hurts your opponent pretty badly, so do it often. The best times to do this combo is when your opponent is running at you because they usually don't exspect it. Also, whenever you sweep your opponent you should always try this combo because of the easy to see reason. *WARNING* This combo only works on some opponents. --------------------------------------------------------------------- -HP,HP,BLK,LP,B+HP, Running Punch- (Jax hits his opponent on the head three time, then uppercuts, slams them back down, and finally Running Punches them) This is the worst HP,HP,BLK,LP,B+HP combo that Jax has. It doesn't hust your opponent very much, but it is very easy to do because you don't have to be in the very corner (just close to the combo around the corner). Overall, don't do this combo if you can Uppercut or Grab and Punch them at the end of the ground string. *WARNING* You must be CLOSE or in the corner to complete this combo. --------------------------------------------------------------------- HP,HP,BLK,LP,D+HP, Uppercut- (Same as above except that Jax Uppercuts his opponent at the end) This is the same ground string combo as the combo above (duh, I already said that). The only difference in this combo is that you Uppercut your opponent at the end of the combo instead or Running Punching them. If you trap your opponent in the corner you should always try this combo unless you can Grab & Punch your opponent instead of Uppercuting or do the HK,HK,D+HP,HP,BLK,LP,D+HP. You should only do that combo if you have VERY has hands and have it memorized (that part is easy). *WARNING* This combo can only be completed if your opponent is in the corner. --------------------------------------------------------------------- -HK,HK,D+HP,HP,BLK,LP,D+HP- (Jax knees this opponent, kicks them in the head, then hits them in the head three times with this fists, then uppercuts them, and finally slams them back down) This is just an advanced version of the classic HP,HP,BLK,LP, B+HP. Use it in the same places as you would it (don't worry, the CPU doesn't use this combo unless you are on the hardest difficulty level). That is just about all that I can say about that combo. One last comment though, if you can master this combo then you should be able to beat everyone. Have fun :) --------------------------------------------------------------------- -HK,HK,D+HP,HP,BLK,LP,D+HP, Uppercut- (Same as above except for the Uppercut at the end) This is the same thing as the combo above except that you must bu in the corner and you have to Uppercut your opponent to combplete this combo. If you can do this combo you will take off half of your life. This will usually turn the tide of the game if your opponent is winning by 40% life. If you can master this combo then you have almost mastered Jax. Have fun with this deadly combo :) *WARNING* Your opponent must be in the corner to do this combo. --------------------------------------------------------------------- -HP,HP,BLK,LP,B+HP,LP, 5 Grab & Punch- (Jax hits his opponent on the head three time, then uppercuts them, now he slams them back down, and while they are falling LP them, and then Grab & Punch them 5 times) This is the most damaging HP,HP,BLK,LP,B+HP combo of its type. You should always do this one if you can. The best time to do this combois when your opponent is getting up from a sweep or Roundhouse (not Uppercut because you can't get to them before they get up). To do this combo you do the ground string, then LP them as soon as you can, and finally Grab & Punch them (you should press forward then LP to hit them then press forward LP again to grab them). After you grab them jab down on the button to get all five hits in (if you don't get all five hits in then don't worry about it). *WARNING* You must be in the corner to complete this combo. --------------------------------------------------------------------- -HK,HK,BHP,HP,BLK,LP,B+HP, 5 Grab and Punches- (A knee, a knick to the head, then three slams to the head, an uppercut, then an swing, and finally the Grab and Punch while they are falling to the ground) This is the most damaging combo that Jax has (unless you can add a LP before the Grab and Punch for more damage, this is very risky though). This should only be used in a real game if you can master it while going against a non-exsistant second player). You can do this combo the same way as you would the combo above except for the LP after the ground string. Have Fun :) *WARNING* This combo will only work if your opponent is in the corner. --------------------------------------------------------------------- ~~~~~~ Ending ~~~~~~ The second time Jax battles the forces of Shao Kahn he comes prepared. Thought to be the strongest man on earth he has no problem proving it. First by beating Kahn's armies; then by defeating the emperor himself. When the world reverts back to normal Jax and Sonya start the outworld investigation agency. Jax runs the exploratory division which learns to open portals through science rather then magic. He leads the first expidition into a mysterious new realm. ##################################################################### ************* ****KABAL**** ************* Beginning Pose: Kabal's fists are by his side Winning Pose: Kabal swings his blades around Regular Color: Kabal has a brownish shirt and tan pants 2nd Color: Kabal has a brownish shirt and blue pants ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Character Overview: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Since he is the Chosen One he has the hardest combo in the game to pull off, has the best (or close to) stun in the game, he has the one of two air projectiles in the game, and he has a weapon. First off, his mega combo. His 10 hit mega combo is the hardest combo in the game to pull off, it is also the most damaging (er... almost). To do it (please look at that combo in the combo anaysis for the best stratigies) is in this format: Air Combo Started, Stunning Ground Move, Stunning Ground Move, Ground String, Air Combo, Air Special Move Combo Finisher. If that is to confusing for you then an easier format: Jumping Attack, Ground String, Jumping Attack to Aie Special Attack Combo Finisher. Now, the stunning move(s). His Running Spin is one of the best stunning moves is the game because it stuns them for a long time, gets people out of the air, is a set-up for a combo, and is fast. The bad things are that it dosen't cause any damage, can only do one per combo (except the Dounble Running Spin 0% combo), and if blocked (mainly by that CPU) you will get Uppercuted. His other stunning move (yes, he has another) is his Ground Saw. This is a move that should only be used in a combo (if you want to know why, please read the anaysis for this move), that is all that I'm going to say about that move. Now for the air projectile. His Air Laser is the best air projestile in the game (out of two). It is huge and will always knock your opponent out of the air. It also pushes you back. This has a good and a bad side to it. The good thing is that you will get away from you enemy so that you can get some breathing room and time to plan for your next attack. The bad thing is that this is that you can't combo your opponent because they get pushed back and you get pushed back the other way. So over all, there are more goods than bads. Now last, and most likely least, his weapon. As you know, Kabal caries around some blades. These blades make his attacks hurt a little more and make him look alot cooler. The bad thing about these are that they only come out in combos and punches. If he could put these on his feet he would have a lot more range and damage, but alas that won't happen :( but that wouldn't look right if that did happen. So have a good time with the Chosen One. ~~~~~ Story ~~~~~ As a chosen warrior, his identity is a mystery to all. It is believe that he is the survuvor of an attack by Shao Kahn's extermenation squads. As a result, he is viciously scared and kept alive only by artificial respirators and a rage for ending Shao Kahn's conquest. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Special Move List ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Running Spin: B,F,LK Laser: B,B,HP Ground Saw: B,B,B,RUN ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Special Move Analysis ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ --------------------------------------------------------------------- -Running Spin- (Kabal runs across the screen making his opponent spin around, making them open to a free hit) This is Kabal's stunning move. If you connect with your opponent then they will start to spin around for about 1 and a half seconds. After they stop spinning they will hold their head for another second (if you catch your opponent with this move while they are in the air then they will fall to the ground after they stop spinning). While your opponent is spinning you can go up and combo them for all that they are worth. The bad things about this move is that when it is blocked your opponent can (and will) Uppercut or combo you. Another bad thing about this move is that it doesn't harm your opponent at all. And the final bad thing about the move is that you can only use it once during a combo (except the Running Spin to Running Spin 0% combo). The best time that you should do this move is when your opponent is jumping at you or if they are running at you. --------------------------------------------------------------------- -Laser- (Kabal ducks down and shoots a huge laser from his eyes) This is the only projectile that you can shoot while you are in the air (besides Liu Kang's High Fireball). You should do this move to knock your opponent out of the air or when they are getting up. When you do this move in the air it will hit your opponent out of the air no matter what they throw at you. When you use this move on the ground it can be easily blocked or avoided. The good thing about it is that your opponent can't duck under it. *NOTE* This move can be done in the air =) --------------------------------------------------------------------- -Ground Saw- (Kabal ducks down and turns purple, then waves his hand up and a saw rolls across the screen) This move should only be used in combos because: (1) it is very easily avoided (because of the wierd animation before the move), (2) it barly hurts your opponent, and (3) if it does connect you can't get to your opponent and hit them while they are stunned before they snap out of it. So, don't use it by itself. --------------------------------------------------------------------- ~~~~~~~~~ Finishers ~~~~~~~~~ Fatality 1: D,D,B,F,BLK (sweeping range) Fatality 2: RUN,BLK,BLK,BLK,HK (close) Babality: RUN,RUN,LK Friendship: RUN,LK,RUN,RUN,U Amimality: Hold HP,F,F,D,F, release HP Stage Fatality: BLK,BLK,BLK,HK ~~~~~~~~~~ Combo List ~~~~~~~~~~ [2 HIT 14%] LK,LK [2 HIT 15%] HP,HP [3 HIT 19%] HP,HP,D+HP [4 HIT 25%] HP,HP,D+LP,D+HP [4 HIT 25%] HP,HP,D+HP, Ground Saw [4 HIT 26%] LK,LK,HK,B+HK [5 HIT 31%] LK,LK,HP,HP,D+HP [6 HIT 36%] LK,LK,HP,HP,D+HP, Ground Saw [6 HIT 37%] LK,LK,HP,HP,HK,B+HK [7 HIT 45%] LK,LK,HP,HP,D+HP, Jumping HK, Air Laser [8 HIT 47%] Jumping HK, Running Spin, LK,LK,HP,HP,HK,B+HK [9 HIT 57%] Hoping HK, Running Spin, LK,LK,HP,HP,D+HP, Jumping HK, Air Laser [10 HIT 67%] Hoping HK, Running Spin, Ground Saw, LK,LK,HP,HP,D+HP, Jumping HK, Air Laser ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Combo Analysis ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ --------------------------------------------------------------------- -LK,LK- (Knee then a kick to the head) Kabal and Liu Kang are the only characters that have the combo (everyone else has HK,HK). This causes the same amount of damage as everyother double kick combo. This is the first part of the LK,LK,HP,HP,D+HP or that type of combo that Kabal has. Don't use this combo by itself because your opponent can counter attack you pretty easily. One little fact, this is the only double kick combo that doesn't hurt your opponent more than the double punch combo. --------------------------------------------------------------------- -HP,HP- (Two punches to the head) This is the most powerful double punch combo for the regular characters in the game. This combo will leave you open to counter attacks so watchout when you do this (even though you should't use this combo when it's not in a bigger combo that will knock your opponent down). --------------------------------------------------------------------- -HP,HP,D+HP- (Two punches then an Uppercut) This is a good combo to pull off except for the problem that your opponent can counter attack you because they don't get knocked down. The only time that you should do this is when you are going to go into the next Uppercut that knocks your opponent down. --------------------------------------------------------------------- -HP,HP,D+LP,D+HP- (Two punches then two Uppercuts) This is a very good combo, but you cannot juggle your opponent off of it which makes its usage go down. You should use this combo when ever you get the chance. Some good setups are running in, when ther are getting up, or when they are running at you. This is also a very cool combo (use it when playing in a crowd). You can also just pull this combo out whenever some one close to you (but make sure that they aren't attacking you). --------------------------------------------------------------------- -HP,HP,D+HP, Ground Saw- (Kabal hits his opponent twice then Uppercuts them, now just before they hit the ground Ground Saw them for an extra hit) This is a combo that should do to kill your opponent. Since this combo doesn't hurt your opponent as much as HP,HP,D+HP, then a Jumping HK. You shouldn't use this combo very often unless you are going to kill your opponent with it (this sould always be the match ender unless you want to add the two LKs before it for more damage and a cooler combo). --------------------------------------------------------------------- -LK,LK,HK,B+HK- (A knee, two kicks to the head, then a Roundhouse) This is a good combo to stop runners because if you miss you will low kick them in the stomach, kick them if they try to jump over you, or kick them in the head of they try to sweep you. If you pull off the combo in will send flying across the screen and out of counter attack range. You should usually run up and sweep them, then jump kick them when they are getting up. --------------------------------------------------------------------- -LK,LK,HP,HP,D+HP- (A knee, a kick to the head, two punches to the head, then an Uppercut) This is a combo that will knock your opponent into the ceiling (or roof or street) above you. You should also use this then jump kick them, then Air Laser them for a seven hit combo. This is very useful and should he used whenever you feel like it, One of the many setups for this combo is to jump kick then Running Spin them then go into this (you could also Ground Saw your opponent, but this takes perfect timing). --------------------------------------------------------------------- -LK,LK,HP,HP,D+HP, Ground Saw- (A knee, a kick to the head, two hits to the side, an Uppercut, then Ground Saw them just as they hit the ground) This is the better version of the HP,HP,D+HP. You should always use this combo instead of it's four hit counter-part. The timing on this combo hard because you must Ground Saw your opponent just before they hit the ground. Most of the time you will do it to soon and miss them or too late and have it hit them as they are getting up (and it doesn't count as a combo). Of cource since this combo doesn't hurt your opponent as much as doing the ground string to an air attack to his Air Laser. You should only do is as a round ended (and because it looks pretty cool). --------------------------------------------------------------------- -LK,LK,HP,HP,HK,B+HK- (A knee, a kick to the head, two punches, another kick to the head, then a Roundhouse) This is a well balanced six hit combo. The best set up for this is to jump kick them then Running Spin then do this combo. The only realy bad thign about this combo is that you cannot juggle your opponent after the Roundhouse. But if you don't want to have to go through the trouble of pressing upforward and any kick button (after the LK,LK,HP,HP,D+HP) then use this combo instead of the combo listed above. --------------------------------------------------------------------- -LK,LK,HP,HP,D+HP, Jumping HK, Air Laser- (A knee, a kick to the head, two hits to an Uppercut, Jumping HK them out of the air, and finally Air Laser them) The best set-up for this combo is to Running Spin your opponent. This combo can only be done if your opponent is close to the corner (but not in it or else you will not be able to jump attack your opponent after the Uppercut). This combo causes good damage and is fairly easy to do (as long as you know how to jump after a ground srting). For more damage you should hop kick your opponent, then Running Spin your opponent then Ground Saw them, and finally go into this combo )this is very hard to do, so read the part on the combo below). --------------------------------------------------------------------- -Jumping HK, Running Spin, LK,LK,HP,HP,HK,B+HK- (Jumping HK, then a Running Spin, a knee, a kick to the head, two punches, another kick to the head, then a Roundhouse) This is the setup that I was talking about for the combo above. This causes good damage and is easier to pull off then the regular LK,LK,HP,HP,HK,B+HK. So use this one instead (note: it is easier to hop kick your opponent instead of jump kicking them, but I think that it takes down the damage a little). --------------------------------------------------------------------- -Hoping HK, Running Spin, LK,LK,HP,HP,D+HP, Jumping HK, Air Laser- (Hoping HK your opponent, then as soon as you hit the ground Running Spin them, then do the LK,LK,HP,HP,D+HP, now Jumping HK them, and finally Air Laser them) This is the easier combo than the one below, but it is hard to do and still causes very good damage (sometimes it just makes you want to say "Ouch!"). You can change the Hoping HK into a Jumping HK, but it is harder in some places. The best time to start this combo (even though you will never us this combo in a real fight) is to hop kick them just as them as getting up from another attack (the sweep will put you in the range to do this, so sweep them instead of Uppercuting or Roundhouse'n them). --------------------------------------------------------------------- -Hoping HK, Running Spin, Ground Saw, LK,LK,HP,HP,D+HP, Jumping HK, Air Laser- (Hiping HK them the Running Spin them as soon as you hit the ground, now run up and Ground Saw them, now LK,LK,HP,HP,D+HP, Jumping HK them, and finally Air Laser them) This is the hardest combo in the game to pull of (well, it might be tied for first with Cyrax's Bomb to Uppercut, Bomb to Uppercut, and so on). The hardest part about this combo is to start the ground string after the Ground Saw. You can tell if you are continuesing the combo if the Ground Saw is still above the ground while you are ground stringing them (if you got lost then remember that the combo is hard). This combo will take forever to understand and even longer to acually do. So only try to do this combo if you are a true expert (like me, hehe). Good Luck, you're going to need it. --------------------------------------------------------------------- ~~~~~~ Ending ~~~~~~ After returning from near death, Kabal swears revenge against his attackers. He fights alongside the other earth warriors. When he defeats Motaro and the mightly Shao Kahn, he proves that he truly is the chosen one. He was once a member of the Black Dragons along with Kano. Now Kabal devotes his life to fighting injustice. He will give crime's inner circles a new reason to fear. ##################################################################### ************ ****KANO**** ************ Beginning Pose: Kano has his fists by his sides Winning Pose: Kano flexes his muscles Regular Color: Red and black suite 2nd Color: Blue and black suite ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Character Overview: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ This jerk is in another game. Well, if you are a good player looking for a challenge then pick Kano. He stinks is everything. For example: He doesn't have a stun, his projectile is easily dodged and can be seen coming, his combos don't hurt very much, he looks dumb, and dies. Lets go over everyone of those. He doesn't have a stun. Well, if he had a stun what would he do with the stunned opponent, combo them, not with the combos that he has. Anyway, if he had a stun you would probably miss your opponent every time. Now to the projectile. His knife throw is easily seen coming because of the sound it makes and the animation that he goes though. It is easily dodged because of the sound, animation, and because it can be ducked (unlike the better characters projectiles). Basicly, the only way to get hit with it is to walk into it. His combos don't hurt his opponent very much. His most damaging combo takes away only 35% of his opponents life. He looks very dumb. Yes he does, with the metal eye and the dumb looking clothes. He really looks dumb. And he dies (don't read what I'm going to say if you want to beat the game and see the ending for yourself). Yes, he dies in the end. He gets killed by some souls. Come on. He must be really weak to get killed by some souls. So overall, he is a player for real players. ~~~~~ Story ~~~~~ Thought to have been killed in the first tournament, he is instead hound in the outworld where he once again escapes capture by Lt. Sonya Blade. Before the actual outworld invasion, Kahn convunces Shao Kahn to spare his soul. Kahn needs someone to teach his warriors how to use earth's weapons. Kano is the man to do it. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Special Move List ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Canninball: Hold LK for 3 seconds Knife Uppercut: D,F,HP Knife Throw: D,B,HP Choke: D,F,LP Air Throw: BLK in air ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Special Move Analysis ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ --------------------------------------------------------------------- -Canninball- (Kano Rolls into a ball and flies across the screen) This is the move that makes or brakes Kano. You should use it against jumping opponents or in combos. If you do this move in the open you might get blocked, but since this move comes out very fast it most likely won't get blocked. This can be comboed very easily, but you must hold down LK before you start the combo or else it won't work. One little fact, if this move is blocked then you will bounce off of them. This will give you a little room and some (the small) charactes can't hit you with some attack 9this doesn't mean that you should do this special move without fear of it being blocked). --------------------------------------------------------------------- -Knife Uppercut- (Kano does an Uppercut with his knife out) This special move should only be used in combos because it: (1) won't knock your opponent down (unlike Nightwolfs Axe Uppercut which sets him up for a combo), (2) IF it connects it will only push your opponent back, (3) will be counter attacked (unless your opponent is brain dead), (4) it doesn't hurt your opponent as much as a regular Uppercut, and (5) it looks very stupid. If your opponent blocks the move then hold down block as soon as possible. When you use it in a combo it will finish your combo and your opponent will counter attack or get up (if you hit them out of the air) at the same time that you do (that makes you unable to attack them as they get up, duh). --------------------------------------------------------------------- -Knife Throw- (Kano throws his knife) this is Kano's projectile special attack (just incase you didn't find that out by now). It comes out slow and is easily dodged because of the sound that it makes. The good thing about it is it takes up a pretty big area of the screen (making it harder to dodge). It is like that because the knife is spinning (that is how a knife is thrown, O.K?). This move can also be in a combo as the combo finisher. --------------------------------------------------------------------- -Choke- (Kano grabs his opponent by the neck and shakes them) This is a VERY BAD MOVE because you have to be close to your opponent to do it (or else you will miss and be left wide open). When you are close to them you should Roundhouse them for move damage and a better chance of hitting them. Another very bad thing about this move is that you can't combo with it (unless I am mistaken, if I am please e-mail me with the combo and the total damage of it, thank you). The best time to do this move is (never :) when your opponent is jumps at you and misses (they might land infront of you just in the grabing range). --------------------------------------------------------------------- -Air Throw- (Kano grabs his opponent out of the air and throws them to the ground with his feet) This is a good move, but it will never work in combat because you will get kicked in the face because you opponent is always attacking while in the air. The good thing about this move is that you can combo with it. That combo is HP,HP,D+LP,D+HP, Air Throw. I'd put that combo down but the CPU won't count it as a combo for some strange reason (I don't know the reason). --------------------------------------------------------------------- ~~~~~~~~~ Finishers ~~~~~~~~~ Fatality 1: Hold LP,F,D,D,F, release LP (close) Fatality 2: LP,BLK,BLK,HK Babality: F,F,D,D,LK Friendship: LK,LK,RUN,RUN,HK (outside of sweeping range) Amimality: Hold HP,BLK,BLK,BLK, release HP Stage Fatality: U,U,B,LK ~~~~~~~~~~ Combo List ~~~~~~~~~~ [2 HIT 13%] HP,HP [2 HIT 14%] HK,HK [3 HIT 19%] HP,HP,D+LP [4 HIT 22%] HP,HP,D+LP,D+HP [4 HIT 23%] HK,HK,LK,B+HK [5 HIT 26%] HP,HP,HK,LK,B+HK [5 HIT 35%] HP,HP,D+LP,D+HP, Uppercut ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Combo Analysis ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ --------------------------------------------------------------------- -HP,HP- (Two punches to the face) This is a bad combo if you don't press LP after it because it doesn't cause very much damage and it leaves you wide open for a counter attack. One minor note: this is the only two hit HP combo that is two punches instead of the two elbows to the face. --------------------------------------------------------------------- -HK,HK- (Two kicks to the mid-section) This isn't a good combo to pull off because of the same reasons as above and because Kano looks stupid when he does it (besides the fact that Kano always looks and is stupid, please no e-mails). Unless you are going to go into theLK, don't do it. --------------------------------------------------------------------- -HP,HP,D+LP- (Two punches to the face then an Uppercut) Since this combo launches your opponent into the air, you should always jump kick them out of it for more damage or walk under them and Uppercut them for more damage. You could also press D+HP for the headbutt before the Uppercut for more damage then jump kick or Uppercut for max. damage. So overall, do the HP,HP,D+LP,D+HP for a better combo and a launcher. --------------------------------------------------------------------- -HP,HP,D+LP,D+HP- (Two punches, a headbutt, then an Uppercut) You should always do this combo instead of the combo above because it hurts your opponent a little more and looks a lot cooler. You should always jump kick or Uppercut your opponent after this combo for more damage. The posibilities for this combo are almost endless, so try anything for damage, but always start with the combo or else your sinking in very fast. --------------------------------------------------------------------- -HK,HK,LK,B+HK- (Two kicks to the mid-section, a kick to the face, then a Roundhouse) This is a good run up and kick them to death combo. Use it for the fun of it or for the good damage, but if you have an open shot, go for the combo above then jump kick or Uppercut them out of the air for a lot more damage then this combo can possibly give you. Hey, this combo still looks cool (for Kano), though. --------------------------------------------------------------------- -HP,HP,HK,LK,B+HK- (Two punches to the face, a kick to the mid-section, a kick to the head, then a Roundhouse) This is Kano's main combo that you don't have to be near the corner and the you don't have to jump (ooh). If you have a chance to combo your oppoent and they aren't in the corner, go for this one. The good things about this combo are that it won't leave you wide open after you finish it because you knock them onto the ground. The other good thing about this combo is that it causes a lot of damage (so use it a lot). Also, this is probably the coolest combo that Kano has, but that is my choice. --------------------------------------------------------------------- -HP,HP,D+LP,D+HP, Uppercut- (Two punches to the face, a headbutt, then an Uppercut, now walk forward and Uppercut them again) If your opponent is in the corner you should always go for this combo. It causes a lot of damage and also lookes pretty cool. You can always use a Roundhouse or a Kife Uppercut instead of the regular Uppercut if you know that you aren't going to reach your opponent with that attack, but it doesn't hurt them as much. *Warning* Make sure that this combo connects or else you will be left wide open for a counter attack (like an Uppercut or another combo). --------------------------------------------------------------------- ~~~~~~ Ending ~~~~~~ When Shao Kahn lets Kano live he fails to realize the resourcefulness of the scheming human. Kano lures Kahn's army away on a false mission, then nukes them using a stolen weapon. He fights through the remaining warriors and finally defeats Kahn himself. Kano's true intention is to take over the soul's that Kahn once possessed, but is unable to control the spirits as they escape and attack him. He suffers a violent death, ignorant of the fact he saved the world he tries to conquer. ##################################################################### **************** ****KUNG LAO**** **************** Begnning Pose: Kung Lao has his hands infront of him Winning Pose: Kung Lao swings his hands around then rubs his hat Regular Color: Kung Lao has tan pants on 2nd Color: Kung Lao has blue pants on ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Character Overview: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Kung Lao isn't a very good character. But lets start out with the good things about him. His projectile is very good, and that's it. The projectile that he has might be the best projectile in the game because it hits ducking opponents and isn't the easiest projectile to dodge. Now for the bad things about him. He doesn't have very many combos and a nondamaging ground string, his teleport stinks, and he's not good. He needs more combos, and his ground string is very bad. When he teleports heusually gets knocked out of the air or blocked if he tries to attack. That is basicly Kung Lao. Ohh, if it matters he has a cool throw. ~~~~~ Story ~~~~~ Kung Lao's plan to reform the White Lotus Society comes to a halt when Shao Kahn's invasion takes the earth by storm. As a chosen warrior, Kung Lao must usehis greatest fighting skills to bring down Shao Kahn's reign of terror. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Special Move List ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Teleport: D,U Hat Throw: B,F,LP Diving Kick: D+HK in air Spin: F,D,DF,F,RUN ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Special Move Analysis ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ --------------------------------------------------------------------- -Teleport- (Kung Lao jumps out of the screen then pops up behind his opponent) You should only do this move to get out of the corner because your opponent will usually knock you out of the air if you don't attack them while teleporting. If you do attack while in the teleport move then your opponent might block and Uppercut you. If you are going to do this (even though you shouldn't) you should do it when your opponent just missed an attack (even though you could run up and combo or Uppercut them for more damage). The worst thing about this move is that ou can't combo off of this attack (so far, if you know of a combo with this move in it then please e-mail me and tell me the combo and damage, thank you). --------------------------------------------------------------------- -Hat Throw- (Kung Lao grabs his hat and throws it at you (hints the name); another hat will form on Kung Lao's head) This is a very good projectile. When you throw it, it will curve up an little (hitting opponents out of the air), then it will fall at the ground (hitting ducking opponents). Since it will hit ducking opponents you should always ise this attack against opponents that hide in the corner and sweep/Uppercut you whenever you get close (in other words, a turtle player). One of the best times to do this move is after a Roundhouse or after you comboed your opponent. If it is done right then it will hit your opponent just as they are getting up (as long as they don't block it). The only bad thing(s) about this move besides that your opponent can jump over it (with practice) and jump kick you if they see it coming. The other bad thing about this move is that it can't be combed with (if you have a combo with this move in it then please e-mail me with the combo and damage, thank you). --------------------------------------------------------------------- -Diving Kick- (Kung Lao dives feet first at hit opponent while in the air) This is a cool move that lookes a lot like Akuma's Diving Kick from any of the Capcom Crossovers (acually this move can before any of those games came out). This special attack will usually get blocked by the CPU, but almost everything is. The best time to do this attack is when you are jumping (well, you have to be jumping to do this move so the best time is when your opponent just missed an Uppercut while you are jumping at them or when they just uppercuted you out of a jumping attack. You should do this because they will try to Uppercut you again, but you will fall faster then a regular jumping attack, so you will most likely hit them with it). --------------------------------------------------------------------- -Spin- (Kung Lao spins around and sends off a type of glow) Right now I haven't found a use for this move. I believe that it will reflect projectile attacks, but I kave never tried. So if you now what it does please tell me, thanks. --------------------------------------------------------------------- ~~~~~~~~~ Finishers ~~~~~~~~~ Fatality 1: Fatality 2: Babality: D,F,F,HP Friendship: RUN,LP,RUN,LK Amimality: RUN,RUN,RUN,RUN,BLK Stage Fatality: D,D,F,F,LK ~~~~~~~~~~ Combo List ~~~~~~~~~~ [2 HIT 14%] LK,LK [3 HIT 19%] LK,LK,B+HK [3 HIT 19%] HK,LK,B+HK [2 HIT 24%] Sweep, LK [7 HIT 34%] HP,LP,HP,LP,LK,LK,B+HK Kung Lao is a combo guy. If you have any combos for him please e-mail me, thanks. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Combo Analysis ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ --------------------------------------------------------------------- -LK,LK- (A knee then a kick to the head) This should only be a mistake when you are trying to do the LK,LK,B+HK. This combo will leave you open for a counter attack (so don't do it) --------------------------------------------------------------------- -LK,LK,B+HK- (A knee, a kick to the head, then a Roundhouse) This is a very good run up and combo combo ;| It will knock your opponent back and is pretty damaging. You could also do this combo when your opponent is getting up from you sweep, but overall, it's just another three hit kick combo. --------------------------------------------------------------------- -HK,LK,B+HK- (Same as LK,LK,B+HK) Same as above. --------------------------------------------------------------------- -Sweep, LK- (A sweep then a LK when they are getting up) This is a very good combo to do whenever you sweep someone. You can also do this combo when someone is getting up (this will sometimes surprise your opponent). *WARNING* This combo only works on some opponents. --------------------------------------------------------------------- -HP,LP,HP,LP,LK,LK,B+HK- (An elbow, three punches, a knee, a kick to the head, then a Roundhouse) This is Kung Lao's most damaging combo. It is pretty hard to do, but looks pretty cool. You should always do this combo whenever your opponent makes a mistake or when they are walking up to you (when they are doing this you should run at them the do this combo, this may surprise them). The only problem with this combo is that it doesn't hurt your opponent very much (unlike Sheeva's seven hit combo which does 41% damage). Have fun with this combo, if you can do it. --------------------------------------------------------------------- ~~~~~~ Ending ~~~~~~ When Kahn invades earth, Kung Lao must scrap plans to reuniting the White Lotuc Society. He instead must focus on the new tournament. He seeks Liu kang, and together they battle Kahn's forces fearlessly. Using the knowledge he obtained as a Shaolin Monk, he fights in the name of his great ancestor, the original Kung Lao. he emerges victorious but suffers from injuries during battle with Kahn. Lao passes away but joins his ancestors in a new life. ##################################################################### **************** ****LIU KANG**** **************** Beginning Pose: Liu Kang has one of his hands out and the other by his chest Winning Pose: Liu Kang bows Regular Color: Liu Kang has red and black pants on 2nd Color: Liu Kang has yellow and black pants on ~~~~~ Story ~~~~~ After the outworld onvasion, Liu Kang finds himself the prime target of Kahn's extermination squads. He is the Shaolin champion and thwarter Kahn's schemes in the past. Of all the humans, Kang poses the greatest threat to Shao Kahn's rule. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Character Overview ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Liu Kang used to be the best character in the game. That has changed big time. Now he isn't all that hard. The good things about Liu Kang are that he has a long ground string, has a air projectile, and he can hit a opponent while they are standing, ducking, ot in the air. First things first, his ground strings. He has a seven hit ground string, but it doesn't do that much damage. He also has the only air projectile (except for Kabal's air Laser). His air projectile is also better then Kabal's because he doesn't fly back after he shoots it and he freezes in mid air (that can go either way). I'll talk more about that later on. He can hit standing opponent with three attacks, High Fireball, Low Fireball (it will hit there legs), Bike Kick, Flying Kick. He can hit ducking opponents with the Low Fireball. He can even hit opponents out of the air with the air Fireball (jumping and doing the High Fireball) and both special kicks, but those take practice to do. The bad things about him are that his combos aren't damaging and he doesn't have a lot of them. His special attacks can be countered very easily (except the air fireball) with a teleport or a well timed jump. So overall, an average character. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Special Move List ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ High Fireball: F,F,HP Low Fireball: F,F,LP Flying Kick: F,F,HK Bike Kick: Hold LK for 3 seconds ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Special Move Analysis ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ --------------------------------------------------------------------- -High Fireball- (Liu Kang puts up his hands and shoots a fireball out of them at head level) This is the only move that can be done in the air (besides Kabal's Laser). It isn't as good as Kabal's Laser, but when you do this move in the air you won't fly back (unlike Kabal). The best time to do this move when you are on the ground is when your opponent jumped and missed or if they are on the other side of the screen (if they are close to you they will usually duck and Uppercut you). This can't so far be used in combos (if you have a combo that has this move in it please e-mail me with the combo and the damage). A couple words of advice, don't use this move a lot because your opponent can/will duck or jump over and attack you. *NOTE* This move can be used in the air =) --------------------------------------------------------------------- -Low Fireball- (Liu Kang ducks down and shoots a fireball at knee level) Unlike the high version of this move, it can;t be used in the air (atleast you can do the high version). This move hurts your opponent just as much as the high fireball, but it isn't used as much. The best time to use this move is when your opponent misses you with any of theur attacks (you can do this with the high fireball to, but your opponent might sweep you if they are in range). I like to shoot two or more high fireballs then shoot a low fireball to see what they do (they will sometimes duck and get hit in the face). The only bad thing bad about this move is that it can't be used in combos (if you have a combo with this move in it please e-mail me with the combo and damage, thanks). One disapointing thing about this move is that it doesn't take off one-fourth of your opponents life like it did in MK2 for Game Gear (it acually would, that's how I would beat a lot of my opponents). --------------------------------------------------------------------- -Flying Kick- (Liu Kang flies forward with his leg out) I like this move, but it doesn't hit your opponent as much as it used to. What I mean by that is that: (1) if you are close to your opponent you will fly over their head, (2) it is almost always blocked by both the CPU or a human player, and (3) it is very easy to see coming for some strnage reason, and of cource just like almost everyone if his other special moves, and (4) it can't be used in combos (so if you have a combo with this move in it e-mail me with the combo and damage). The best time to do this move is never. Yes, never, Everytime (almost) I do thsi mvoe it is blocked and I'm Uppercuted or comboed. So play it safe and don't use this so called special move. --------------------------------------------------------------------- -Bike Kick- (Liu Kang flies forward kicking he was on a bike) This is the only special move that Liu Kang nas that can be comboed with. When you want to combo your opponent make sure that you hold down LK one or two seconds before you start the combo or else you will go all the way through the combo and for the final hit (which would be this move) nothing happens (and you would be counter attacked). To save being laughted at be safe and hold down LK for atleast two seconds before you even think about starting the combo. --------------------------------------------------------------------- ~~~~~~~~~ Finishers ~~~~~~~~~ Fatality 1: Fatality 2: Babality: D,D,D,HK Friendship: D+RUN, D+RUN, D+RUN Amimality: D,D,D,U (sweep) Stage Fatality: RUN,BLK,BLK,LK ~~~~~~~~~~ Combo List ~~~~~~~~~~ [2 HIT 13%] HP,HP [2 HIT 16%] LK,LK [2 HIT 23%] Jumping HK, Bike Kick [4 HIT ??%] LK,LK,HK,LK [7 HIT 36%] HP,HP,BLK,LK,LK,HK,LK ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Combo Analysis ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ --------------------------------------------------------------------- -HP,HP- (An elbow then an Uppercut) This is a neat little combo to say the least, but it can be counter attacked very easily and it doesn't knock them into the air. This is not very damaging but looks cool. --------------------------------------------------------------------- -LK,LK- (A knee then a kick to the head) This is very damaging for a double kick combo. You should always add the HK,LK to the end. It is just like everyother two hit kick combo, but for some reason it hurts a lot more than the usual and it is done with two LK instead of HK. --------------------------------------------------------------------- -Jumping HK, Bike Kick- (A kick to the head then a Bike Kick to the head) This is easy to do and is very damaging. It is a lot easier to do with a Hoping HK to Bike Kick instead of the Jumping HK to you know what. Whenever you jump kick someone please do this combo (or go for a sweep). --------------------------------------------------------------------- -LK,LK,HK,LK- (A knee, a kick to the head, a kick to the chest, then a kick to the head) This is a cool combo and should be used a lot. If you run at someone always go for this combo unless you know the HP,HP,BLK, LK,LK,HK,LK combo (if you know it go for it instead). This is a weird combo because you don't end in a Roundhouse like everyother multi-kick combo (it ends in a strait kick to the face). Just incase you are wondering, I don't know the damage for this combo because they CPU won't tell me. It will let me do the combo, but won't tell the damage (funny, huh). --------------------------------------------------------------------- -HP,HP,BLK,LK,HK,LK- (A elbow to uppercut, then a slap, then a knee, a kick to the head, a kick to the chest, and another kick to the head) This is Liu Kang's long ground string combo. You should do it whenever you can. It isn't the most damaging seven hit ground string in the game, but it does hurt them a lot. If you want you can run up and do this combo, but that is not very wise because your opponent will catch on very fast and Roundhouse or sweep you when you get close. The best thing about this combo is that the CPU will tell me how much damage this combo takes off (unlike the combo above). Well, have a good time trying to get this combo to work unlike Sheeva's seven hit combo which is very easy to do. --------------------------------------------------------------------- ~~~~~~ Ending ~~~~~~ After thwarting Shao Kahn in the past, Liu Kang finds himself the main target of Kahn's extermination spuads. But Kang is reigning Mortal Kombat champion and proves it by defeating Kahn's minions. But it's the death of his friend, Kung Lao, that enrages Kang and enables him to find the strenght to defeat Shao Kahn. Then, before the portal closes, Liu Kang is greated by Princese Kitana and thanked for not only saving the earth, but also the outworld. ##################################################################### ***************** ****NIGHTWOLF**** ***************** Beginning Pose: Nightwolf has his hands by his side Winning Pose: Nightwolf waves his axe in the air Regular Color: Nightwolf has blue pants on 2nd Color: Nightwolf has yellow pants on ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Character Overview ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ This historian is a character that the best players (or a player looking for a hard time) should pick. His combos are hard to do because of the timing, but if you get the timing down you should be able to get the combo down easily. The major bad things about him are that his combos are hard (we already covered that), his projectile isn't the best, and because he can't teleport to get out of traps. About his projectile, it is slow and is easily seen coming. It can be used for traps, but it isn't the best because of the sound that it makes. The good thing about him is that he has very good air defence and he can reflect projectiles. That makes him almost impossible to get him into projectile traps. Most of the time they will find themselves block or getting hit by there own projectiles. His Charge is decent, but it it is blocked you will get Uppercuted. His Axe Uppercut opens him up for combos on both sides, but is an excelent air defense spaecial attack. So overall, he is a character that only experts should play with. ~~~~~ Story ~~~~~ Works as a historian and preserver of his people's culture. When Kahn's portal opens over North America, Nightwolf uses his magic of his shamen to protect his tribe's sacred land. This area becomes a virtal threat to Kahn's occupation of earth. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Special Move List ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Arrow: D,B,LP Charge: F,F,F,LK Shield: B,B,B,HK Axe Uppercut: D,F,HP ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Special Move Analysis ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ --------------------------------------------------------------------- -Arrow- (Nightwolf pulls out a burning green bow and arrow and shoots it) This is a decent projectile. It is a little slow and has a funny sound when it is done. Those are the bad things of cource. The good thing about it is that as soon as you knock your opponent across the screen (with a Roundhouse) you should do this move. When you opponent gets up this should hit him/her because it is a little slower then most projectiles (since most are faster they would of gone over their opponents head if they did this directily after they Roundhoused them). Overall, you can do this move, but with the funny sound (when it is being done) your opponent will dodge it. --------------------------------------------------------------------- -Charge- (Nightwolf charges shoulder first at his opponent with green figures behind him that look like his shadow (well, they are) This is a move that you should only do once or twice against an opponent outside of a combo. It is pretty fast but for some reason it is usually dodged. This should be used as a combo finisher because of its fast release and good damage. It does the same amount of damage as the high kick but you will usually hit them with the charge rather then the high kick because the charge hits lower then it. To do this move in a combo you should press forward and low kick after the Axe Uppercut. Since you already pressed forward at the end of the Axe Uppercut. The best time to do this move is when your opponent is in the air because it will also knock your opponent out of the air. Acually, this is about as good or better then the Axe Uppercut at air defence because you can hit opponent out of the air when they are out of the range of the Axe Uppercut, and because it is easier to do then a fireball motion, just a double tap forward. It is so easy that you don't have to press just forward and LK in the Axe Uppercut to Charge combo. Well, experimant with this move to find out when to use it (like I haven't already told you). --------------------------------------------------------------------- -Shield- (Nightwolf puts his chest out and a green glow covers him) This move will reflect any projectile and send it back at his opponent. You should do this move whenever your opponent shoots a projectile for the easy to see reason. The bad thing about this move is that it can't be used in a combo (unless you reflect Sub-Zero's Freeze). --------------------------------------------------------------------- -Axe Uppercut- (Nightwolf does an Uppercut with a burning green axe) This is a decent launcher. It doesn't hurt as much as a regular Uppercut (even though it looks like it would hurt them a lot more with the axe to the head). This special Uppercut will lift your opponent into the air unlike Kano's Knife Uppercut which only pushes them back. This can be used as an air defence move but it doesn't work as well as the Charge because this move doesn't have as much range and it is harder to pull off (it is easy to do, but it isn't as easy as the Charge). If you want to use it as an air defence attack you should always do the Charge after it to combo them for some easy damage. This should also be used in expert combos like the seven hit 41% HK,HP,HP,LP, Axe Uppercut, Axe Uppercut, Charge combo. This is very hard to do, but once you get the hange of it, it is very easy to do. Acually the combo isn't but the timing is. If you want to do a combo like that you should first try it against a non-exsistant second player, but don't get mad if you can't get the combo to work for a while. Have fun pulling your hair out trying to get that combo to work. --------------------------------------------------------------------- ~~~~~~~~~ Finishers ~~~~~~~~~ Fatality 1: B,B,D,HP (far) Fatality 2: U,U,B,F,BLK (close) Babality: F,B,F,B,LP Friendship: RUN,RUN,D+RUN,D Amimality: F,F,D,D (close) Stage Fatality: RUN,RUN,BLK ~~~~~~~~~~ Combo List ~~~~~~~~~~ [2 HIT 13%] HP,HP [2 HIT 14%] HK,HK [2 HIT 16%] Axe Uppercut, Axe Uppercut [3 HIT 17%] HP,HP,LP [2 HIT 17%] Axe Uppercut, LK [2 HIT 17%] Axe Uppercut, Charge [3 HIT 19%] HK,HK,B+HK [2 HIT 22%] Jumping HK, Charge [4 HIT 23%] HP,HP,LP, Axe Uppercut [3 HIT 23%] Axe Upercut, Axe Uppercut, Charge [5 HIT 27%] HK,HP,HP,LP,B+HK [6 HIT 35%] HP,HP,LP, Axe Uppercut, Axe Uppercut, HK [6 HIT 35%] HP,HP,LP, Axe Uppercut, Axe Uppercut, Charge [6 HIT 36%] HK,HP,HP,LP, Axe Uppercut, Jumping HK [7 HIT 36%] HP,HP,LP, Axe Uppercut,HP,HP, Charge [6 HIT 37%] HP,HP,LP, Axe Uppercut, Jumping HK, sweep [7 HIT 39%] HK,HP,HP,LP, Axe Uppercut, HP, Charge [7 HIT 41%] HK,HP,HP,LP, Axe Uppercut, Axe Uppercut, Charge [7 HIT 42%] HK,HP,HP,LP, Axe Uppercut, Jumping HK, sweep ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Combo Analysis ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ --------------------------------------------------------------------- -HP,HP- (An elbow then a punch to the head) Like everyother double punch combo, this one stinks. Never use it because you will counter attacked. Also, like everyother double punch combo, this combo doesn't hurt your opponent very much. So all in all, don't use this combo like everyother (say it with me) double punch combo. --------------------------------------------------------------------- -HK,HK- (A kick to the knee then to the head) This is the only double kick combo that looks like this. Everyother combo has a knee to a head kick (besides Kano's). You shouldn't use this combo very much because you will get counter attack unless they are trying to run up to you can throw (not combo but throw). --------------------------------------------------------------------- -Axe Uppercut, Axe Upperct- (Nightwolf Axe Uppercuts his opponent twice) You should always do a charge at the end of this combo or put a charge inplace of the second Axe Uppercut for a lot more damage (1% more, Yahoo!! :) It also makes the combo look cooler. The best time to do this combo is when your opponent is jumping at you. You will knock them out of the air then hit them with another Axe Uppercut. That will make them want to stop jumping at you. If they jump again then hit them out of the air with this combo. They will stay on the ground for the rest of the round (or atleast for twenty seconds). --------------------------------------------------------------------- -HP,HP,LP- (Nightwolf elbows his opponent in the head then punches them in their face and finally karate chops them) This is a decent combo even though you will get counter attacked. You should only do this combo is you mess up and don't get the Axe Uppercut in. The only other time that this combo should happen is when your opponent is jumping (and not attacking). You will hit them out of the air and cause 1% more damage, but it won't look as good. You can also add a high kick into the beginning of a combo for more damage and a better looking combo. --------------------------------------------------------------------- -Axe Uppercut, LK- (Nightwolf Axe Uppercuts his opponent then LK them as the are falling back to the ground) This is a decent combo, but you can do better. A better combo would be to Axe Uppercut your opponent again then Charge or HK them out of the air, or you can just LK them out of the regular Axe Uppercut. You can even use this combo as an air defence combo, but it isn't the best air defence. For a better air defence just Charge them out of the air or go for the Axe Uppercut, Axe Uppercut, Charge. So, you can do better. --------------------------------------------------------------------- -Axe Uppercut, Charge- (Nightwolf Axe Uppercuts his opponent then charges at them for the second hit) This is the same combo as the combo above except that you Charge at your opponent instead of low kicking them out of the air. You should use it as you would the Axe Uppercut to LK combo to, but you can always do better. For example, the Axe Uppercut, Axe Uppercut, Charge (the better, but not best version of this combo) is very damaging and it is easy to do once you get the timing worked out (that takes a while). So, it doesn't matter which combo you pick, this combo or the one above. If you are a beginner then go for the Axe Uppercut to LK. If you are an expert (like me) then pick this combo. --------------------------------------------------------------------- -HK,HK,B+HK- (A kick to the knee, then to the head, and finally a Roundhouse) This is a decent three hit kick combo. This combo can be a run in combo, but that isn't a good idea because your opponent can counter attack that very easily with a sweep or the powerful Roundhouse. This is also a very easy combo to pull off compared to the other combos (ex. HP,HP,LP, Axe Uppercut, Axe Uppercut, Charge). So be thankful for what you get. --------------------------------------------------------------------- -HP,HP,LP- (An elbow, a punch to the head, then a Karate Chop) This is not a good combo to do by itself. For one reason you will leave yourself open for a counter attack (i.e. combo or Uppercut). When you do this you should always put an Axe Uppercut or two followed by a Charge or the Jumping HK to sweep for a very damaging combo. Hey, you could even throw in a high kick before the combo for even more damage. But all of this is very hard to do, so don't try it unless you can do Sheeva's 7 hit combo for example. --------------------------------------------------------------------- -Jumping HK, Charge- (Jumping HK them out of the Air then Charge at them while they are falling) This is a good combo to do when someone is jumping at you. To do this you must first hit them out of the air (not the other way around) and then Charge at them for the second hit that makes it a combo. You can also Jumping HK them while they are standing on the ground (watchout or Uppercuts and anti-air moves like Sub-Zero's Ice Clone). To do this you must hit them with the HK JUST before you hit the ground then go into the Charge JUST as you land. If you are fast and have practice doing this in the Street Fighter games then you should'n have any problems. --------------------------------------------------------------------- -HP,HP,LP, Axe Uppercut- (An elbow, a punch to the head, a Karate Chop, then an Axe Uppercut) This is the beginning combo for the famouse HK,HP,HP,LP, Axe Uppercut, Axe Uppercut, Charge combo. Whenever you do this combo you should always go into the Charge, Jumping HK to sweep, or even another Axe Uppercut to Charge for a mean combo. Of cource this is a very hard combo to do watch out. For a more damaging combo that doesn't involve another Axe Uppercut or anything of the sort you should add a high kick at the beginning of the combo. This is easy, but for some reason doesn't always work. Remember that this is just the start of a big combo that is for experts only. Have fun with the advanced versions of this combo. --------------------------------------------------------------------- -Axe Uppercut, Axe Uppercut, Charge- (Nightwolf Axe Uppercut's his opponent twice than charges at them for the third hit) This is just the ending part of the famouse 7 hit combo of doom. The only time that you should do this combo is when your opponent is jumping at you (anti-air of cource) or when your opponent is running at you (you can hit them with this move before they reach you or you can run at them and do his 7 hit combo of doom, then second choice is a lot better but is for experts only!). For a little more damge (around 1%) you can do the Jumping HK to sweep instead of the second Axe Uppercut. For that combo you will need to jump up just after you Axe Uppercuted them then sweep them just as they are falling (or hit the ground). This combo is harder to do them the regular double Axe Uppercut to Charge. So leave it only to the real experts unless, of cource, you are a REAL expert. --------------------------------------------------------------------- -HK,HP,HP,LP,B+HK- (A kick to the head, an elbow, a punch to the head, a Karate Chop, then a Roundhouse) This is Nightwolf's major regular ground string for all you people out there that didn't know that by now. It is good for running up and comboing, but if you want a real combo go for his 7 hit combo of doom. This is a easy combo compared to that one, so use it only if you are a beginner to above adverage player (but not to the expert level of playing). Have a good time with this regular ground sting. --------------------------------------------------------------------- -HP,HP,LP, Axe Uppercut, Jumping HK- (An elbow, a punch to the head, a Karate Chop, an Axe Uppercut, then a Jumping HK to knock them out of the air) This is a toned down combo of the HK,HP,HP,LP, Axe Uppercut, Jumping HK, sweep combo. The only difference between these combos are that this combo has two less hits (the first and last) and because it is harder to do. This is a good combo for above average players (but not experts). It has good damage and is fairly easy to do because you don't have to put another Axe Uppercut into the combo the Charge or add the HK before then combo and sweep at the end. You can add a sweep at the end of the combo for more damage, but you don't have to. --------------------------------------------------------------------- -HP,HP,LP, Axe Uppercut, Axe Uppercut, HK- (An elbow to the head, a punch to the head, a Karate Chop, then two Axe Uppercuts, and finally a HK) This is the easier version of the HP,HP,LP, Axe Uppercut, Axe Uppercut, Charge. It is still hard to do and doesn't look as cool as the Charge version. It is done by doing the short ground string then going an Axe Uppercut. Now do another Axe Uppercut as soon as possible the HK them out of the air. I said that it was easier because the HK will hit them if you hit then with the second Axe Uppercut. With the Charge you might miss because of the splite second starting time. But overall you should go with that one because you will hit them if you are fast enough and a true expert player (if the last couple of lines seemed funny then just do the Charge instead of the high kick at the end of the combo). You can also start the combo off with a high kick going into the high punch and so on. --------------------------------------------------------------------- -HP,HP,LP, Axe Uppercut, Axe Uppercut, Charge- (An elbow to the head, a punch to the face, a Karate Chop, then two Axe Uppercuts, then a Charge to finish off this powrful combo) This is a very good combo to pull off in combat. It is very hard, but is very damaging and will make your opponent begin to play more away from you so you can then just sit back and shoot arrows at them all day long. This combo is done just like the combo above but you have a Charge at the end (duh!). This can change the entire format of the combo. How? Well, after you do the second Axe Uppercut in the combo you must start to press forward twice then the punch. Well, that might be very hard for some people to do so that is why it can change the entire format of the combo. --------------------------------------------------------------------- -HK,HP,HP,LP, Axe Uppercut, Jumping HK- (A kick to the head, an elbow, a punch to the face, a Karate Chop, an Axe Uppercut, then a Jumping HK) This combo should only be a mistake when you are trying to do the HK,HP,HP,LP, Axe Uppercut, Jumping HK, sweep. If you can't pull off the sweep then you should do the two Axe Uppercut to Charge. If you can't do two in a row and can't do the sweep at the end of this combo then it is O.K. to do this combo (that is a mouth full). So do this combo in the same places as you would its lower version (HP,HP,LP, Axe Uppercut, Jumping HK). So overall, always sweep at the end of the combo unless you can't (I'm not going to say everything again). --------------------------------------------------------------------- -HP,HP,LP, Axe Uppercut, HP,HP, Charge- (An elbow to the head, a punch to the face, a Karate Chop, followed by an Axe Uppercut, now HP your opponent twice, and finally Charge) This is a weird combo to say the least. It doesn't hurt as much as most of it's counter parts. To do it (which you should never do it) is after doing the small ground string you must go into the Axe Uppercut very fast then high punch them twice as they are falling to the ground, and then Charge at them for the final hit. This is even harder to do then the 7 hit combo of doom because the high punches are very hard to do then doing the Charge is even harder to pull off. --------------------------------------------------------------------- -HP,HP,LP, Axe Uppercut, Jumping HK, sweep- (An elbow, a punch, then a Karate Chop, followed by an Axe Uppercut, now Jumping HK to sweep) This is a very damaging yet easy combo compared to the two Axe Uppercuts to HK or Charge. Of cource it isn't the most damaging combo that Nightwolf has, but if you put a HK in before the combo then it will become his most damaging combo by 1%. So you can say that this is the wimpy combo, but it isn't the wimpiest of this combo type. A good setup for this combo is to jump kick then sweep them. When they are getting up you can nail them with this combo. Be careful though, because your opponent might hit or combo you (the combo is a hit). --------------------------------------------------------------------- -HK,HP,HP,LP, Axe Uppercut, HP, Charge- (Nightwolf knees his opponent then elbows them in the head, punches them in the face, Karate Chops them, now Axe Uppercuts them, hits them out of the air with a high punch, and finally Charges at them) This combo has a good start by turns bad by then sixth hit. You shouldn't do the high punch, you should put another Axe Uppercut in there for more damage. Of cource if for some reason you can't do that, but you are trying out these very difficult combos then you should do this combo. The only problem that you have with this combo and not in the other seven hit combos is that after the Axe Uppercut you must hit the HP button just as your opponent is at head level. If you don't then you will most likely miss. The reason that you don't have that proble with the double Axe Uppercut to Charge is because the second Axe Uppercut will hit them even when they are about to hit the ground, then it pops them back up and the Charge comes in and hit them for another hit. So overall, don't use this combo if you are a REAL expert, if you are a fake then go right ahead. --------------------------------------------------------------------- -HK,HP,HP,LP, Axe Uppercut, Axe Uppercut, Charge- (Nightwolf knees his opponent then does the other three hits (you should know them by now), then Axe Uppercuts them which takes perfect timing, and finally Charges at them for the third hit of this hard combo) This is the "Real Hard Combo to do Because it is a Real Hard Combo to do" combo (like the long name, didn't think so). There isn't much to say about this combo because I've alread told you everything about it in the other combos. But overall it is a very cool yet very hard combo to do. The only thing that you can do to improve then combo is to Jumping HK your opponent then sweep them after the FIRST Axe Uppercut for 1% more damage (WOW). One last word(s), THIS COMBO IS FOR REAL EXPERTS ONLY, (not those fake experts that thing that they can do anything but they are acually very bad). --------------------------------------------------------------------- -HK,HP,HP,LP, Axe Uppercut, Jumping HK, sweep- (The almost world known four hit combo followed by an Axe Uppercut, then a Jumping HK to sweep) This combo isn't as hard as you might think. After the Axe Uppercut you will just jumping HK them which is easy to do as long as you jump up as soon as you Axe Uppercut them. Then you sweep them just as you would in a simple two-hit Jumping HK to sweep combo. See? Easy. Well, that is all that I can say about it and not be repeating myself because I've already said it all in the combos before. Just remember, this combo can be for true or fake experts. Have fun. --------------------------------------------------------------------- ~~~~~~ Ending ~~~~~~ Nightwolf helps other earth warriors escape to his sacred land. Once there, they regroup and form a plan of attack against Shao Kahn's invasion. Nightwolf has trained hard for this battle. Finally he faces Shao Kahn and emerges victorious. When the earth returns to its normal state, Nightwolf peadefully regains the lands his Native American people lost over many years. They established their own nation and soon became the great leaders of earth. ##################################################################### ************** ****SEKTOR**** ************** Beginning Pose: Sektor has his hands by his waist Winning Pose: Sektor puts one of his hands by his chest Regular Color: Sektor has red armor on 2nd Color: Sektor has a darker red armor on ~~~~~ Story ~~~~~ Sektor is the code name for unit LK-919. He was first of the three prototype cybernetic ninjas biult by the Lin Kuie. Sektor was once a human assassin trained by the Lin Kuie. he volunteered for automation because of his loyalty to the clan. Sektor survives the outworld invasion: He has no soul to take. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Character Overview ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Sektor is probably the worst robot in the game. He doesn't have very any damaging combos and his spacial moves stink. His Teleport Uppercut is almost always blocked and countered. His Missile is decent but can be ducked or dodges very easily. The Homing Missile can be ducked, making combos harder. He doesn't have any long ground strings which gives him a big disadvantage and his most damaging combos only work if your opponent doesn't get scared and blocks the Homing Missile so the Teleport Uppercut won't hit. The good things about him are that if you see a projectile coming you can Teleport Uppercut them for an easy combo. The Homing Missile can scare beginners into blocking or teleporting across the room with a very bad teleport like Cyrax (one common fact: all the robots in the game have very bad teleports). I've won with just shooting regular Homing Missiles at my opponent. He never got up. If you try this against the computer they will some how get out of it and kill you. So don't play this character unless you are looking for a challenge. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Special Move List ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Missile: F,F,LP Homing Missile: F,D,B,HP Teleport Uppetcut: F,F,LK ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Special Move Analysis ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ --------------------------------------------------------------------- -Missile- (Sektor's chest opens up and a missile flies out) This is one of the best projectiles in the game because it is fast and he recovers from it very fast. It can be used for traps, but you can just shoot them off like your life depended on it (well, in the game your life does depend on winning so you should shoot them off like crazy). The only problem with that stratagie is that your opponent can teleport and hit you with any attack (as long as they have a teleport of any kind), except Cyrax's because his is worthless. If another Sektor does this to you then Teleport Uppercut them then combo for easy damage. You can also hit opponents out of the air with this special move as long as they aren't above or behind you. You just have to nail them just before they hit you. So overall, this is a very good projectile. --------------------------------------------------------------------- -Homing Missile- (Sektor opens his chest and shoots a Homing missile) This is a worthless move outside of a combo. Your opponent can duck it or easily dodge it with a teleport or two. If your opponent ducks the Homing Missile without blocking then Teleport Uppercut them just before it hits them, then Uppercut or Roundhouse them before they hit the ground. If you do that to them once or twice then they will duck and block or just block. If they do that then just run up and throw them (if they just block while standing). If you throw them before the missile hits them then the missile will follow and hit them with a little luck. If they duck and block then they will take blocking damage and you can think about your next attack. So, as I said, this move is worthless outside of a combo unless they just stand and block (if you still don't know why then just trust me). --------------------------------------------------------------------- -Teleport Uppercut- (Sektor teleports into the ground then flies out of the ground in a dragon punch motion) You shouldn't use this move a lot because your opponent might block it. If they block it then they will Uppercut you until you are dead. You can throw it out against beginners for easy damage and a chance to combo, but not everyone is a beginner. You can shoot a Homing Missile and if they duck (without blocking) they hit them with this move for an easy combo. If they duck and block then do this anyway. If they try to attack you then the Homing Missile will hit them and you will land without being hit. You can also hit opponents out of the air with this attack. You can only do this if they hop up. If they jump forward then you will miss. --------------------------------------------------------------------- ~~~~~~~~~ Finishers ~~~~~~~~~ Fatality 1: LP,RUN,RUN,BLK (inside sweeping range) Fatality 2: B,F,F,F,B,BLK Babality: B,D,D,D,HK Friendship: RUN,RUN,RUN,RUN,D Amimality: F,F,D,U (close) Stage Fatality: RUN,RUN,RUN,D (close) ~~~~~~~~~~ Combo List ~~~~~~~~~~ [2 HIT 13%] HP,HP [2 HIT 14%] HK,HK [3 HIT 17%] HP,HP,D+LP [2 HIT 21%] Teleport Uppercut, sweep [4 HIT 22%] HP,HP,HK,B+HK [2 HIT 23%] Teleport Uppercut, HK [4 HIT 25%] HP,HP,D+LP, Homing Missile [2 HIT 26%] Teleport Uppercut, Roundhouse [5 HIT 26%] HP,HP,HK,HK,B+HK [5 HIT 31%] HP,HP,D+LP, Jumping HK, Missile [5 HIT 31%] HP,HP,D+LP, Jumping HK, sweep [2 HIT 33%] Uppercut, Homing Missile [3 HIT 33%] Homing Missile, Teleport Uppercut, Missile [3 HIT 33%] Homing Missile, Teleport Uppercut, sweep [5 HIT 33%] Homing Missile, HP,HP,HK,B+HK [3 HIT 37%] Homing Missile, Teleport Uppercut, Jumping HK [6 HIT 37%] Homing Missile, HP,HP,D+LP, Jumping HK, sweep [6 HIT 38%] Homing Missile, HP,HP,HK,HK,B+HK [3 HIT 39%] Homing Missile, Teleport Uppercut, Roundhouse [3 HIT 43%] Homing Missile, Teleport Uppercut, Uppercut ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Combo Analysis ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ --------------------------------------------------------------------- -HP,HP- (Two elbows) A bad combo just like everyother double high punch combo. You can knock opponents out oth the air if you time this perfectly, but that takes time of dumd luck. But overall, this combo should only be a mistake in a bigger and better combo. --------------------------------------------------------------------- -HK,HK- (A knee then a kick to the head) This is the only two hit double kick combo that will knock your opponent down and that you can't put a B+HK on the end of it to make another combo. Unlike the double HP combo you can use this combo whenever you want without fear of being counter attacked. So unlike any other double HK combo you can use this combo whenever you want for easy damage and to knock your opponent across the screen. --------------------------------------------------------------------- -HP,HP,D+LP- (Two elbows then an Uppercut) This is a good set up combo. When ever you do this combo you should always hit them out of the air with an Uppercut/Roundhouse or do a jumping attack to a ground attack for a nice little combo. Since it ends in an Uppercut the posibilities for this set up combo are endless. You should use this combo over almost any of Sektor's other combos for that reason. The only time that you shouldn't use this combo is when you are facing the corner. If you are to close then you won't be able to walk up or jump up and hit them. If that ever happens then just go into his five hit ground string. --------------------------------------------------------------------- -Teleport Uppercut, sweep- (Teleport Uppercut your opponent then sweep them as they fall to the ground) This is the easiest of the Teleport Uppercut combos. All that you have to do is sweep after the special move. You should always do this combo unless you have already shot a Homing Missile (then the Homing Missile should hit them out of the air and you should Roundhouse/ Uppercut them out of the air for a very damaging combo) or if you think that you can hit them with another kick (LK,HK, or Roundhosue). The only problem with those combos are that if you miss (which is very easy to do) then your opponent will get up and might hit you before you can recover. --------------------------------------------------------------------- -HP,HP,HK,B+HK- (Two elbows, a knee, then a Roundhouse) This is a good run up and hit them combo (other wise known as the run up and combo, combo). It is easy to do but it isn't the best. You can another Hk in there for a lot more damage. You can shoot a Homing Missile at them then run and try this combo (the best time to do this combo is when they jump or they are on the other side of the screen, they duck you Teleport Uppercut into a combo). If they get hit you get a free combo. If they are smart and duck then you are in trouble (if that happens then jump over them while you are running and do a cross-over jumpkick if they Uppercut and miss, free hit). Overall, try to do the five hit ground combo instead of this four hit ground combo for more damage. --------------------------------------------------------------------- -Teleport Uppercut, HK- (Teleport Uppercut your opponent then hit them out of the air with a HK) This is a harder combo to do then a LK or a sweep after the Teleport Uppercut. You need to HK just as you land. This combo might not work (well it will but is very hard to do) on small opponent like Sonya. The best set-up for this combo is your opponent ducking while a Homing Missile is in the air. If they see this coming then they might duck and block or just block while standing. If you see them standing, don't Teleport Uppercut. If they duck and block they night try to Uppercut you out of the air. If they try that they MIGHT get hit with the Homing Missile, but chances are that they will still duck and block the missile. --------------------------------------------------------------------- -HP,HP,D+LP, Jumping HK- (Two elbows to an Uppercut then hit them out of the air with a Jumping HK) This is the basic follow up of the HP,HP,D+HP combo. It is easy to do, but you can do way better. A better thing to do is Jumping HK to sweep or missile. You can even try to hit them with a Teleport Uppercut and then combo somemore, but that doesn't always work. Instead of a Jumping HK you might want to walk under them and Roundhouse/Uppercut them to the moon (or through the ceiling/roof/street, even though the Uppercut in the combo would of knock them through it instead). So remember, you can always do better. --------------------------------------------------------------------- -Teleport Uppercut, Roundhouse- (Teleport Uppercut your opponent then Roundhouse them out of the air) This combo is very hard to do, on tall or short characters alike. You should only do this if you know that you will win the round anyway. If you miss with this combo you should try to sweep them before they recover and attack you. This is a very damaging combo, yet doesn't always work, so use it wisely. --------------------------------------------------------------------- -HP,HP,HK,HK,B+HK- (Two elbows, a knee, a kick to the head, then a Roundhouse) This is Sektor's longest and most damaging ground string. It is easy to do compared to Liu Kang's and many others. For a easy combo shoot a Homing Missile then run at them and try this combo. If it works they will get hit with the Missile then get comboed. They might hit you before you start the combo but it is worth it (unless you are playing against Sheeva and your opponent knows her seven hit ground string). You opponent might stand a block causing blocking damage. If they duck and don't block then jump and do a cross-over jump kick (if they duck and block to the same thing). --------------------------------------------------------------------- -HP,HP,D+LP, Jumping HK, Missile- (Two elbows, an Uppercut, Jumping HK them out of the air, then nail them with a Missile before they hit the ground) This is a good combo. It causes a decent amount of damage and is pretty easy to do. You could always put a LK or basicly any other attack inplace of the missile, but hey, they missile looks a lot better then a sweep. You can do this combo if you want, but there are better combos then this one (if you LK your opponent instead of shooting them down with a missile then the damage will increase a little, but not enought to kill them). So overall, easy and not very damaging combo (YOU CAN DO BETTER). --------------------------------------------------------------------- -HP,HP,D+LP, Jumping HK, sweep- (Two elbows, an Uppercut, Jumping HK them out of the air then hit then just before they hit the ground with a sweep) This does the same amount of damage as the Jumping HK to Missile does. It is a little easier to do. If you hit them out of the air (or just missed them because you sweeped to soon, not late) then you should of LK them for more damage. If you hit them just before they hit the ground then you made the right choice and went with the non-good looking and not as damaging combo. You can always do better then this combo, but you don't have to unless you are an expert (then you shouldn't be reading this FAQ to start out with). Also, I didn't put HP,HP,D+HP, Jumping HK, LK as a combo because I'vealready talked about it enough. --------------------------------------------------------------------- -Uppercut, Homing Missile- (Shoot the Homing Missile then Uppercut then, the Homing Missile will follow them and nail them out of the air) This is an easy combo to do when you aren't in combat. When you are, your opponent will usually duck/block the Homing Missile. This causes a problem in this combo. So you need to shoot the Homing Missile, then before they duck or block, Uppercut them. If they stand and block then just sweep them. You can try to add another hit in, a Missile or sweep after the Homing Missile hits them out of the air, but that is hard to do and usually doesn't work. --------------------------------------------------------------------- -Homing Missile, Teleport Uppercut, Missile- (Shoot the Homing Missile then Teleport Uppercut them, then shoot them with a Missile just before they hit the ground) Just incase you didn't understand that. You shoot the Homing Missile first (1), Teleport Uppercut then (2), then Homing Missile will then hit the (hopefully), then hit the with the Missile just before they hit the ground). Hitting your opponent out of the air with the Missile can take some skill (or just dumb luck). You can do this combo in the corner to make it easier. Outside of the corner it is very hard to do unless you are an expert. --------------------------------------------------------------------- -Homing Missile, Teleport Uppercut, sweep- (Shoot the Homing Missile, Teleport Uppercut then, then sweep them before they hit the ground) Do the same thing that you did for the combo above, just sweep them instead of shooting them with a Missile. This combo is easier to do then the combo above because you don't have to have perfect timing to finish it. Don't do this combo if you want a spectacular combo (or one with a missile in it). --------------------------------------------------------------------- -Homing Missile, HP,HP,HK,B+HK- (Shoot the Homing Missle then run up and combo them with the ground string, then the Homing missile will hit them before the combo ends) This is a hard combo to pull off in combat. Why? First you have to shoot the Homing Missile and not get hit or have the opponent duck. Second, your opponent has to stand up while the Homing Missile is in the air (most of your opponents will duck as soon as you shoot the Homing Missile). Third, you have to run up and combo them before the Homing Missile hits them. Also, this combo doesn't hurt as much as the Homing Missile, HP,HP,HK,HK,B+HK. That combo is also a little harder/easier to do (it depends on how you play). Sooooo, only do this combo if you have an easy opponent and you don't want a very damaging combo. --------------------------------------------------------------------- -Homing Missile, Teleport Uppercut, Jumping HK- (Shoot the Homing Missle then Teleport Uppercut your opponent, and finally Jumping HK the just as the Homing Missile hits them) This isn't the best combo that you can do off of the Homing Missile to Teleport Uppercut. Some of the better combos are Homing Missile, Teleport Uppercut, Uppercut. That combo is easier to do if you are in the combo. The only time that you shoud do this combo is NEVER. It is hard to do and doesn't do a lot of damage. --------------------------------------------------------------------- -Homing Missile, HP,HP,D+LP, Jumping HK, sweep- (Shoot the Homing Missile, then run up and HP,HP,D+HP, then Jumping HK them out of the air then sweep. The Homing Missile hits them somewhere in there) This is hard because they always block or duck whenever you shoot a Homing Missile. If you get the ground string to work then the combo is pretty easy to do, but the sweep doesn't always hit. If your opponent always ducks then just Teleport Uppercut them and combo. This is the combo that you chould use if you aren't in the right place to do the Homing Missile, Teleport Uppercut, Uppercut combo. --------------------------------------------------------------------- -Homing Missle, HP,HP,HK,HK,B+HK- (Shoot the Homing Missile then do the ground string before the missile hits them, it will hit them just before the ground string ends) This is easier then the combo above and does more damage so you should use this combo instead (I know that I said that you should always do the combo above, but you can choose, a hard and less damaging or the easier and more damaging). You should always use this combo over the Homing Missile to HP,HP,HK,B+HK (I know that you already knew that). The same problem occurs with this combo as with every combo of its type (Homing Missile then run up and combo). --------------------------------------------------------------------- -Homing Missile, Teleport Uppercut, Roundhouse or Uppercut- (Sektor Shoots a Homing Missile then Teleport Uppercuts hit opponent and finally Roundhouses or Uppercuts his opponent on there way down) This is a very good combo, but your opponent can do things to mess you up. The first is if they block while they are standing up (if they block right before the missile then they will get double blocking damage, if they block as soon as the missile is shot don't Teleport Uppercut them, just run up and throw them). If they block while they are ducking then they will take blocking damage. If they aren't blocking while they are ducking then they will get hit with the Telport Uppercut (if you hit them before the missile misses them then the missile will hopefully chase them around the screen a hopefully hit them). If they keep blocking while they are ducking is to tell them that htat if they block that they will take and if they don't then they won't get hit (which is both true), then Teleport Uppercut them before they missile misses. Now, if they are standing and not blocking then the combo will work. You should try to use this combo whenever you have the chance because this it is the most damaging combos that Sektor has (hopefully someone will tell me a more powerful one). If you can't get the combo to work then just practice or give up, have fun. ~~~~~~ Ending ~~~~~~ After eventually terminating Sub-Zero, Sektor is attacked by Shao Kahn's army, unfamiliar with the outworld warriors, Sektor fights back. He targets Kahn and all outworld beings as threats to the Lin Kuie. Kahn's minions are no match for Sektor who fights his way into the fortress. Once inside, Sektor inetiates his self destruct sequence. The resulting explosion is so massive that it closes the portal and returns the earth back to normal. ##################################################################### ******************* ****SHANG TSUNG**** ******************* Beginning Pose: Shang Tsung has his hands out infront of him Winning Pose: Puts one of his hands up and it turns green Regular Color: Shang Tsung has yellow pants on 2nd Color: Shang Tsung has red pants on ~~~~~ Story ~~~~~ Tsung is Shao Kahn's lead souceror. He once fell out of favor with his emporer after failing to win the earth realm through tournament battle. But the ever scheming Shang Tsung is instrumental in Kahn's conquest of earth. he has now been granter more power then ever. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Character Overview ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Shang Tsung is pretty bad by himself, but with the power to morph into any character at will he is a great player for experts. Only play this souceror if you are good with a couple players already and know how to use them (and their morph). His weak fireballs put him at a disadvantage except for the fact that you can shoot three at a time. His Valcano Fireballs are hard to get off, but they are great for combos and combos only because they are even weaker then the weak fireballs (but these little fireballs are unblockable). The worst characteristics about this character is that he will stay in a morph for ten seconds and ten seconds only. During those ten seconds he can use any of there combos and special moves, but some of those moves are a death wise. So overall, he is a character for experts or people who want a challange. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Special Move List ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ 1 Firball: B,B,HP 2 Fireballs: B,B,F,HP 3 Fireballs: B,B,F,F,HP Valcano Fireballs: F,B,B,LK Morphs Cyrax: BLK,BLK,BLK Jax: F,F,D,LP Kabal: LP,BLK,HK Kano: F,B,B,BLK Kung Lao: RUN,RUN,BLK,RUN Liu Kang: U,UF,F,DF,D,DB,B,UB Nightwolf: U,U,U Sektor: D,F,B,RUN Sheeva: F,D,F,LK Sindel: B,D,B,LK Sonya: RUN+BLK+LP Stryker: F,F,F,HK Sub-Zero: F,D,F,HP ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Special Move Analysis ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ --------------------------------------------------------------------- -Fireballs- (Shang Tsung puts his hands together and shoots out 1-3 fireballs) This is a great move if you do the three fireball version. The two fireball version is OK and the single is death (well, not death but a close incounter). Why? Because it doesn't hurt your opponent as much a regular fireball does about 13% damage and this one does about 7%. Almost half. That's why two fireballs are OK instead of great (if they both did 13% damage then I would write great). Three Fireballs are considered great because they are "great" in traps, "great" for damage (even if it only takes away 7% per), and it is OK in combos. You can combo it off of the Valcano Fireballs or knocking someone out of the air with a high punch. It is also "great" for pressuring someone. The down side to the move is if it doesn't combo then they might, just might, teleport and hurt you (Sheeva's and Kung Lao's won't hit you because they will get knocked out of the air with the second or third fireball (if it is the second then it will combo them). You can also use this move to punish opponents that miss with jump attacks or with special attacks. Have fun mastering all the different types of this special, but weak, attack. --------------------------------------------------------------------- -Valcano Fireballs- (Shang Tsung puts his hands on the floor then brings them up and three fireballs fly up from it) This is Shang Tsung's main combo started. It can hit your opponent up to three times and is unblockable. The only problem with this attack is that it is very weak and your opponent will usually dodge it because of the animation before the attack. Now to comboing. After the first fireball connects you will have time to morph into another character and do a stun to combo or just add onto the combo. A good example of adding onto the combo is morphing into Jax then doing five Grab & Punches. This is one of the easier combos to do with a morph. Without morphing an Uppercut or Roundhouse will do fine. A good time to get this move off is after an Roundhouse. Your opponent lands just around where the first fireball hits. They might try to jump up or forward, but they will usually get hit. If they are calm they might just walk between the fireballs. If they do that then nail them with three fireballs. --------------------------------------------------------------------- -Morph- (Shang Tsung morphs into any regular character) This is a great move because it increases your combos, have more special attacks, and they are pretty easy to do (most of them atleast). If you are a beginner then learn one or two and practice using them in a fight. You might lose a couple of rounds, but that's life. This is the move that makes people want to play Tsung. If he didn't have the morphs then only a hand full of people would play him. So if you want to be an expert at this character then learn how to use his morphs in battle and practice using them in combos. Sure you don't have to use them in combos, but they have great damage and look really neat. --------------------------------------------------------------------- ~~~~~~~~~ Finishers ~~~~~~~~~ Fatality 1: hold LP,D,F,F,D, release LP (close) Fatality 2: hold LP,RUN,BLK,RUN,BLK, release LP Babality: RUN,RUN,RUN,LK Friendship: LK,LK,RUN,RUN,D Amimality: hold HP,RUN,RUN,RUN, release HP Stage Fatality: U,U,B,LP ~~~~~~~~~~ Combo List ~~~~~~~~~~ [2 HIT 13%] HP,HP [2 HIT 14%] HK,HK [3 HIT 17%] HP,HP,LP [3 HIT 19%] HK,HK,B+HK [2 HIT 21%] Jumping HK, sweep [4 HIT 22%] HP,HP,LP,B+HK [4 HIT 22%] HP,HP,LP, Valcano Fireball [4 HIT 23%] HK,HK,B+HK, Valcano Fireball [6 HIT 32%] HK,HP,HP,LP,B+HK, Valcano Fireball [3 HIT 32%] Valcano Fireball, Jumping HK, Sweep [4 HIT 33%] 3 Valcano Fireballs, Stryker Morph, Baton Throw [4 HIT 35%] 3 Valcano Fireballs, Uppercut [8 HIT 35%] 3 Valcano Fireballs, Jax Morph, 5 Grab & Punch [5 HIT 41%] 3 Valcano Fireballs, Jumping HK, sweep ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Combo Analysis ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ --------------------------------------------------------------------- -HP,HP- (Two elbows) Once again this combo stinks just like every combo of its type. Don't do unless you want to be counter attacked. The same old stuff. So don't do it. --------------------------------------------------------------------- -HK,HK- (A knee to a kick to the head) Just like every two kick combo but this one is slower and just doesn't make the cut. So don't do it. --------------------------------------------------------------------- -HP,HP,LP- (Two elbows then a slap) This is just a better version of the HP,HP. You can still be counter attacked very easily, so add on another B+HK for more damage and the chance to get your opponent away from you. You can even add a HK in before the combo to make it longer and more damaging. For another combo you can get close to your opponent then do the Valcano Fireballs. As soon as you recover from it do this combo before the fireball hits your opponent. This is very risky, but it can/will work. --------------------------------------------------------------------- -HK,HK,B+HK- (A knee, a kick to the face, then a Roundhouse) This combo is better then the one above because ot will knock your opponent down so that they can't counter attack you, it does more damage, but it is a little slower. Unlike the combo above you can't use this combo one an opponent that is about to get hit with a Valcano Fireball (just read the combo above to understand what I'm writting). One more thing, this is his longest kicking combo. --------------------------------------------------------------------- -Jumping HK, sweep- (Jumping HK them then sweep them before they hit the ground) You should always to this combo whenever you hit your opponent with a Jumping HK or LK. It does easy damage and unless you are going against someone that has an excelent air defence system this combo should always work. --------------------------------------------------------------------- -HP,HP,LP,B+HK- (Two elbows, a slap, then a Roundhouse) This is Shang Tsung's second to longest ground string. It knocks people down so that they can't counter attack, does more damage then all of his other ground strings (except one), and has a good start up. You can do better though. Add a HK in before the combo to nake it the longest ground string that Shang Tsung has (without morphing). You can do the Valcano Fireball attack then run up and try to hit them with this combo, if you hit them with it before the fireball hits it is another combo. --------------------------------------------------------------------- -HP,HP,LP, Valcano Fireball- (Shoot the Valcano Fireballs then hit your opponent with a HP,HP,LP just before the last Valcano Fireball hits them) This is the least damaging and easiest combo of its type. To do this combo you must first shoot the Valcano Fireballs. Then your opponent must combo to you. When they are close hit them with the ground string and the last Valcano Fireball will hit them. This combo usually doesn't work because your opponent usually doesn't come running to you after you shoot the Valcano Fireballs. Another setup for this combo is to have them traped in the corner then run up and do it. This doesn't work unless you morph Sub-Zero then freeze them just before you morph back then run up and do it. This takes timing and is very hard to do, but it can work. --------------------------------------------------------------------- -HK,HK,B+HK, Valcno Fireball- (Shoot the Valcano Fireballs then hit your opponent with the HK,HK,B+HK and the final Valcano Fireball will hit them) This combo does a little more damage then the combo above and is a little harder to do because of the fact that the ground string is slower then the HP,HP,LP ground string. You can do this combo for more damage but it is harder to do (like I just wrote) and usually won't work. The best time to do this combo is when your opponent is frozen in the corner just after you morphed back from Sub-Zero. --------------------------------------------------------------------- -HK,HP,HP,LP,B+HK, Valcano Fireball- (Shoot the Valcano Fireballs then hit your opponent with the ground string and the last Valcano Fireball will hit them) This is the granddaddy of all the combos of its type. It does great damage but usually doesn't work unless you are in the corner because the ground string is so long that the last Valcano Fireball hits them before the combo is over. This just like every combo of its type should be done in the corner while your opponent is frozen with an Ice Blast from Sub-Zero. --------------------------------------------------------------------- -Valcano Fireball, Jumping HK, sweep- (Have your opponent get hit with the last Valcano Fireball then nail them out of the air with the Jumping HK and sweep them just before they hit the ground) This combo should be used as a backup plan for Shang Tsung. If you miss with the first two Valcano Fireballs miss and the third some how hits them. Sure you can hit them with an Uppercut just before they hit the ground but it looks better if you hit them with this combo. This isn't easy to do (I'm telling you just as a warning). --------------------------------------------------------------------- -3 Valcano Fireballs, Stryker Morph, Baton Throw- (Hit your opponent with three Valcano fireballs then morph into Stryker and hit them out of the air with the ever powerful Baton Throw) This is an easy combo to do as long as you know how to morph into Stryker. As soon as you hit your opponent with the first Valcano Fireball start to morph. You will get done just before the last fireball hits them then Baton Throw them just before they hit the ground. You can add a HP in just before the Baton Throw for more damage but that doesn't always work. --------------------------------------------------------------------- -3 Valcano Fireballs, Uppercut- (Tsung shoots the Valcano Fireballs then Uppercuts them out of the air) To make this combo easier you can back up just before you Uppercut them out of the air or else you will turn and Uppercut them (don't worry then computer makes you turn on your own). This is a good combo if you can get the first hit off. If you get the first hit off right then then next two fireballs will connect. Instead of Uppercuting your opponent you can turn into Jax and Grab & Punch them for the same amount of damage. --------------------------------------------------------------------- -3 Valcano Fireballs, Jax Morph, 5 Grab & Punches) (Tsung nails his opponent with 3 Valcano Fireballs, then he morphs Jax, and the grabs them out of the air and Grab & Punches them five times) This is a harder combo to pull off then the combo above, but it looks better. To do it you need to do the morph very fast then you need to grab your opponent out of the air. This can be very difficult or easy depending on your timing. Overall, this is one of the easier morphing combos yet the lest damaging. --------------------------------------------------------------------- -3 Valcano Fireballs, Jumping HK, sweep- (Hit your opponent with the three Valcano Fireballs then Jumping HK them out of the air then sweep them just before they hit the ground) This is Shang Tsungs most powerful combo so far. After your opponent gets hit with the third Valcano Fireball jump up and hit them with the HK. This can take some timing unless you are un the corner. If you are there the jump up at any time and hit them. After the Jumping HK hit them with the sweep. It is also easier to hit them with the sweep while in the corner because after the Jumping HK they can't fly back, they just fall strait down. Use this combo as much as you can for a sure win (usually). --------------------------------------------------------------------- ~~~~~~ Ending ~~~~~~ When Shao Kahn overtakes the earth he needs Shang Tsung to help locate the surviving humans. Tsung is granter new powers but soon discovers his dark emperor's true plan: as soon as the remaining earth warriors are desposed of, Kahn will take Tsung's own soul. After learning of this, Tsung turns on his master. He catches Motaro off gaurd and then defeats Shao Kahn. But before the earth can return to normal, Tsung takes all the souls as his own. He will forever rule earth with his own brand of evil. ##################################################################### ************** ****SHEEVA**** ************** ~~~~~ Story ~~~~~ She was hand picked by Shao Kahn to serve as Sindel's personal protector. She becomes suspicious of Shao Kahn's loyalty toward her race of Shokan when he places Motaro as the leader of his extermination syiads on the Outworld. Motaro's race of Centaurions are the natural enemy of Shokan. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Character Overview ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ This Shokan is a above average fighter. She has great combos, has a very good teleport, a decent projectile, and two unblockables. Lets start out with her combos. She has the second longest and most damaging ground strings in the game (second to the strongest man on earth, Jax). She also is the only character in the game that the three hit punch combo is more powerful then the three hit kick combo. She also has a combo that ends in a Uppercut, so that you can walk under her opponent and Uppercut or jump kick again. Now to the teleport. The teleport is her Stomp. She flies out of the screen and lands on her opponent. This is great for getting out of traps. Her projectile, a fireball, can hit opponents out of the air if they miss a jumping attack or just shoot at them while they are on the other side of the screen. Her two unblockable attacks are her Stomp, the move that we just talked about, and her Ground Stomp. The Ground Stomp is very easy to dodge and it can't be comboed, so this unblockable isn't all that good. Her Stomp wouldn't be the Stomp if it wasn't unblockable. If it was, then it would be blocked every time and countered. Her limbs are also very long so she can hit enemies before they even get into range of hitting you. Now for the bad things about her. She is so tall that she is easily he and comboed. Her moves are a little slow, but not as slow as some special moves. The Stomp can be dodged easily with a jump or running under her, but that doesn't always happen. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Special Move List ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Stomp: D,U Ground Stomp: B,D,DB,B,HK Fireball: D,DF,F,HP ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Special Move Analysis ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ --------------------------------------------------------------------- -Fireball- (Sheeva puts all four of her hands together and shoots a fireball) This is a decent projectle. It can hit opponents while they are jumping or missed with a more. The main downside to this move is that it can be ducked. If your opponent does duck then Stomp them because if they get up fast then they might get hit with one of the three fireballs that follow the main fireball. The recovering time is rather slow, but it isn't the worst. --------------------------------------------------------------------- -Stomp- (Sheeva jumps put of the screen and lands ontop of her opponent then jumps on the somemore) This unblockable teleport is great. If your opponent thinks that it can be blocked then you just got a free hit or two. If they try to knock you out of it then they will get hit. The main problem with it is that your opponent can dodge it easily if they jump away or if they run under you. That doesn't always work though. If they jump to late then they will get slamed back down to earth. It is very easy to see coming because she jumps out of the screen faster then a regualar jump. Learn to use it in traps and learn how to dodge it if your opponent is Sheeva. --------------------------------------------------------------------- -Ground Stomp- (Sheeva hops up and slams into the ground causing a shockwave that is unblockable) This move is a death sentance. It is very easy to see coming and even easier to dodge. The only problem with dodging it is that you must be in the air. So for a free hit do the Ground Stomp before your opponent lands. This way they can't jump while they are in the air (well, that's a given). So overall, don't use this move except for that perpose. --------------------------------------------------------------------- ~~~~~~~~~ Finishers ~~~~~~~~~ Fatality 1: hold HK,F,B,F,F release HK2: F,D,D,F,LP (close) Babality: D,D,D,B,HK Friendship: F,F,D,F,HP Amimality: RUN,BLK,BLK,BLK,BLK (close) Stage Fatality: D,F,D,F,LP ~~~~~~~~~~ Combo List ~~~~~~~~~~ [2 HIT 15%] HP,HP [2 HIT 16%] HK,HK [3 HIT 20%] HK,HK,LK [3 HIT 21%] HP,HP,LP [2 HIT 21%] Jumping HK, LK [2 HIT 21%] Jumping HK, sweep [2 HIT 22%] Jumping HK, HK [4 HIT 25%] HP,HP,LP,F+HP [4 HIT 26%] HK,HK,LK,B+HK [5 HIT 33%] HP,HP,LP,F+HP, Jumping HK [2 HIT 33%] Throw, LK [2 HIT 35%] Throw, HK [5 HIT 36%] HP,HP,LP,F+HP, Uppercut [2 HIT 36%] Throw, Fireball [2 HIT 40%] Throw, Stomp [7 HIT 41%] HP,HP,LP,HK,HK,LK,B+HK [2 HIT 42%] Throw, Uppercut ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Combo Analysis ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ --------------------------------------------------------------------- -HP,HP- or -HK,HK- (Two elbows to the head or a knee then a kick to the head) These combos should only be a mistake when you are trying to do a longer combo. These combos hurt a lot more then any other two hit combos of this type. This doesn't mean that you should use them by themselves, but it just hurts them a lot more. You will still be open for a counter attack. --------------------------------------------------------------------- -HK,HK,LK- (A knee then two kicks to the head) This is a better combo then the one(s) above. This one will knock your opponent down (leaving them in a bad position) and takes more life away from your opponent. Since they are on the ground you can run up and try to combo them again once your run meter refills. There is always a better combo (like the HK,HK,LK,B+HK combo), so use that combo instead. --------------------------------------------------------------------- -HP,HP,LP- (Two elbows to the head then a slap) This is a decent combo, but it can leave you open for a counter attack. you should always try to add on the HK,HK,LK,B+HK for a monster combo. Now, you can add a F+HP to this combo for an Uppercut and a chance to combo somemore. This is also the only three hit punch combo that is more damaging then the three hit kick combo. --------------------------------------------------------------------- -Jumping HK,LK- (Jumping HK your opponent then LK, them as they fall) This is a hard combo to pull off because of the timing. You must LK your opponent as soon as they are beginning to get up from the Jumping HK. For all they people out there that can't get the timing then you should just sweep your opponent instead off LK them. Have fun ;) --------------------------------------------------------------------- -Jumping HK, sweep- (Jumping Hk your opponent then sweep them just before they hit the ground) This is a very easy (and damaing)combo to pull off compared to the combo above. You should alway sdo it whenever you Jumping HK your opponent unless they are in the corner. If you can't get this combo to work then you should give up HK. The best place to do this combo is when you have your opponent in the corner or whenever they are getting up for one of your attacks. --------------------------------------------------------------------- -Jumping HK,HK- (Jumping HK your opponent then HK them as they fall to the ground) This is a easy combo to pull off if you are in the corner. It does good damage, but you can cause more by Roundhouseing or Uppercuting your opponent instead of HK them. If you can't get this combo to work then you should sweep your opponent instead of HK. *WARNING* Your opponent must be in the corner to do this combo. --------------------------------------------------------------------- -HP,HP,LP,F+HP- (Two elbows, a slap, then an Uppercut) This combo will send your opponent flying up. You should always try to jump kick to sweep to knock them out of the air or walk under them and Uppercut them for somemore damage. You should use this combo for a round finisher, but you don't have to. --------------------------------------------------------------------- -HK,HK,LK,B+HK- (A knee, two kicks to the head, then a Roundhouse) This is Sheeva's kicking ground sting for those who didn't know. You should use this combo over the HK,HK,LK combo because it hurts more because of the infamouse rule: more hits = more damage. You can use this combo as a round finisher, but I thik that you should use the combo above for that. For a better combo you should add the HP,HP,LP in before the combp for tons more damage. --------------------------------------------------------------------- -Throw,LK- (Throw your opponent then LK them while they bounce on the ground) You should only use hit combo when you throw your opponent into the open (in you throw them into the corner then you should Uppercut them for a lot of damage). This cobo is hard to do with small opponent like Sonya. A good time to do this combo is when they block another attack or combo, this is the perfect time to run in a throw to combo. *WARNING* This combo works best on larger opponents. --------------------------------------------------------------------- -HP,HP,LP,F+HP, Jumping HK- (Two elbows, a slap, then an Uppercut, and finally Jumping HK them out of the air) This is a combo that is lacking a real ending. What you should do is to sweep them as they fall from the Jumping HK. To do this you need to Jumping HK them around the corner(what I mean by that is to hit them close to the corner, but not all the way into it). It is easy to do and will add on a lot of damage (you can even Roundhouse or Uppercut them while in the corner, try it). --------------------------------------------------------------------- -Throw,HK- (Throw your opponent into the corner then HK them as they bounce off of the ground) If you throw them just right this should be very easy to do because they bounce upabout five feet. If you feel the need for more damage then Uppercut them instead of HK. It really makes you feel nice and warm inside. If you tried that and it didn't work the do anything from a sweep to a Roundhouse. *WARNING* This combo will only work if you throw your opponent into the corner. --------------------------------------------------------------------- -Throw, Fireball- (Throw your opponent into the corner then nail them with a fireball as they bounce off on the ground) This is a very easy yet damaging combo to do. All that you have to do us shoot them with the fireball while they bounce up five feet while in the corner. If you don't throw them into the corner then this combo is almost impossible to do, but it has been done. If you throw them away from the corner then LK them instead. So overall, easy in the corner, death if not. *WARNING* This combo works BEST if you throw your opponent into the corner, but it still can work if you do not. --------------------------------------------------------------------- -HP,HP,LP,F+HP, Uppercut- (Two elbows to the head, a slap, an Uppercut, then walk forward and Uppercut them again) This is an easy combo to do if you Uppercut them into the corner (If you are to close to the corner on the fist Uppercut then you will freeze in the Uppercut position). If you don't Uppercut them into the corner then this combo can be very hard to do, but it can still be done. You just have to walk forward a soon as you Uppercut them the first time. --------------------------------------------------------------------- -Throw, Stomp- (Throw your opponent into the corner then Stomp on them) This is a very damaging combo yet it is very hard to do in combat. If you Stomp to early then you will miss, if you Stomp to late then you will miss and then might get up and dodge. So the timing is very hard, but that is just about it. *WARNING* You must throw your opponent into the corner for this combo to work. --------------------------------------------------------------------- -HP,HP,LP,HK,HK,LK,B+HK- (Two elbow, a slap, then a knee, two kick to the head, and finally a Roundhouse) This is Sheeva's HUGE ground string. This is very damaging (it is the most damaging seven hit combo in the game) and is acually pretty easy to do because it is just one long ground string. You should do this combo over anyother combo except for the combo below. That's about it for this combo except if you can master this combo then you can become almost unstoppable. --------------------------------------------------------------------- -Throw, Uppercut- (Throw your opponent into the corner then Uppercut them as they bounce off of the ground. This is Sheeva's most damaging combo. Whenever you throw your opponent into the ground you should always do this combo. It is also very, very, very easy to do, so try it. *WARNING* You must throw your opponent into the corner for this combo to work. --------------------------------------------------------------------- ~~~~~~ Ending ~~~~~~ While Sheeva serves her master on earth, her race of Shokan are being punished on the Outworld. Kahn now favors Motaro's race of Centaurs and aids them in defeating the Shokan. After learning of these events, Sheeva turns on here master. She defeats Motaro and in a rage brings down Kahn. In freeing earth she also frees the Outworld. She then returns home and works to restore the pride and respect of her race. ##################################################################### ************** ****SINDEL**** ************** Beginning Pose: Her hands are waving beside her sides Winning Pose: Sindel floats in the air Regular Color: Sindel has a purple suite on 2nd Color: Sindel has a blue/green suite on ~~~~~ Story ~~~~~ She once ruled the Outworld at Shao Kahn's side as his queen. Now, dead 10,000 years later after her untimely death, she is reborn on Earth. Her evil intent is every match for Shao Kahn's tyramny. She is the key to his occupation of Earth. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Character Overview ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ This reborn Outworlder isn't the best of the best. Sure she can fly but that isn't always good because you usually get knocked out of it. She has a so called air fireball that shoots downforward. It's good in combos but that's just about if (except for shooting it out at random and air control). She has a decent projectile and a wierd throw. Her projectile shouldn't be used in traps but to keep your opponent on the other side of the screen. And she throws her opponent with her hair (told you it was weird). She has one of th best stuns because it will grab your opponent out of the air and if it is blocked it won't leave you in the open because it pushes your opponent back. Her ground string may be short but it is stronger then some poeple's six hit ground string (hers is five). She has a launching combo. That means that she can make up combos at will (atleast if you want to). Combos from the launcher are a little weak (10%) compared to Stryker's. She doesn't have a teleport but she can fly. When she does fly (if you can get her into the air with the long button comand and she animation that she goes through) then all that she can do is fly around and shoot fireballs. Whenever she is in the air she may get two fireballs off before she gets knocked down. Overall she is an average character with ups (air fireball) and downs (flying and her regular fireball) and you can player her if you want. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Special Move List ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Screen: F,F,F,HP Fireball: F,F,LP Air Fireball: B,DB,D,DF,F,LK Fly: B,B,B,F,HK (DF+LP for fireball in air) ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Special Move Analysis ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ --------------------------------------------------------------------- -Screem- (Sindel puts her head forward screems at her opponent) If this move hits your opponent they will get stuned and pulled to you. This is a great set up for a combo or an Uppercut. You should do this move when your opponent is getting up from an attack. If you do it at the right time they won't even be able to move before they get hit. The possitive thigs about this attack are that it stuns and that it hits opponents out of the air or ground (we already went over those and you can't do this move while in the air). The minuses about this attack are that it has limited range and that it doesn't hurt your opponent (you think that it would with that high piched voice of hers). Overall, a great move if you are close and did I mention that it is unblockable because it isn't but it does push your opponent back. --------------------------------------------------------------------- -Fireball- (Sindel puts her head forward and shoots out a fireball) This isn't the best projectile in the game, but it does fair pretty well. It is long so that it can hit opponents out of the air while they are falling (this doesn't mean that they will get hit every time but once in a while if timed right, everything circles around timing). --------------------------------------------------------------------- -Air Fireball- (While Sindel is in the air she shoots a fireball at a downward angel) This isn't considered a real air fireball because it doesn't go straight, it does downforward. You can call it what you want, but I won't say that it is a real Air Fireball (you can e-mail me your opinion and I will post it on this faq). This move is great for combos and will suprise grounded opponents. It will also knock your opponent out of the air. This can easily be done if you jump back while your opponent is jumping forward. If timed correctly (here we go with timing again) you can knock your opponent out of the air every time. You can also do thsi move when you are fly by pressing DF+LP. --------------------------------------------------------------------- -Fly- (Sindel flies around the screen at your command) This is acually a very bad move. It isn't the easiest move in the game to pull off and you are an easy target while getting into the air. Once in the air the only thing that you can do is to shoot a fireball. If you are going against someone with a real Air Fireball then you will get hit out of the air and bad down to mother earth.The only time that you should do this special move is when you are about to kill your opponent and you have plenty of life left. --------------------------------------------------------------------- ~~~~~~~~~ Finishers ~~~~~~~~~ Fatality 1: RUN,RUN,BLK,BLK,RUN+BLK Fatality 2: RUN,RUN,BLK,RUN,BLK Babality: RUN,RUN,RUN,U Friendship: RUN,RUN,RUN,RUN,RUN,U Amimality: F,F,U,HP Stage Fatality: D,D,D,D,LP ~~~~~~~~~~ Combo List ~~~~~~~~~~ [2 HIT 14%] HK,HK [2 HIT 15%] HP,HP [3 HIT 19%] HP,HP,D+HP [3 HIT 19%] HK,HK,B+HK [2 HIT 21%] Jumping HK, Air Fireball [3 HIT 21%] HP,HP,LP [4 HIT 25%] HP,HP,LP,HK [4 HIT 25%] HP,HP,D+HP, Fireball [4 HIT 26%] HK,HP,HP,D+HP [5 HIT 32%] HK,HP,HP,LP,HK [5 HIT 32%] HK,HP,HP,D+HP, Fireball [5 HIT 33%] HP,HP,D+HP, Jumping HK, Air Fireball [6 HIT 40%] HK,HP,HP,D+HP, Jumping HK, Air Fireball ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Combo Analysis ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ --------------------------------------------------------------------- -HK,HK or HP,HP- (A knee then a kick to the head or a punch to uppercut) Just like every two hit punch or kick combo these shouldn't be done. The HP,HP will knock the back but it can sometimes still be counter attacked. The two hit punching combo also hurts more then the two hit kicking combo (there are only two combos like that). Both of these combos are stronger then they should be. --------------------------------------------------------------------- -HP,HP,D+HP- (A punch to the head, an uppercut, then a real Uppercut) This is a great launching combo. It does decent damage and has some pretty damaging follow ups to it like the Jumping HK to Air Fireball (this isn't as damaging as Strykers combo off of a launching combo but it will do). After just doing this combo you can put in the comand to fly. Since it is a long button sequence this is the perfect time to do it. From there on you can get knocked out of the iar after shooting two Air Fireballs (because flying doesn't fair very well in the game). --------------------------------------------------------------------- -HK,HK,B+HK- (A knee, a kick to the head, then a nice Roundhouse) This is a decent combo for her because it doesn't launch. If anyone else has it (which just about everyone does) then it would be great but since she has a launching combo that has a follow up to a 40% combo. You shouldn't use this combo unless you will K.O. them. This combo comes out reasonbly fast but you can do better. --------------------------------------------------------------------- -Jumping HK, Air Fireball- (Jumping HK then the shoot them with the Air Fireball before they hit the ground) This is a very good and easy combo to do. Just Aur Fireball the opponent before they hit the ground. It may take some practice but some people can get it to go on the first try. This is also the ending for both of Sindel's most damaging combos, so practice this by itself then with the launchers for some easy damage. Just one more word(s) it may look like you won't hit your opponent with the Air Fireball becuase they might look like they are on the ground but you still can (if that didn't make any since then just forget about it and try another combo). --------------------------------------------------------------------- -HP,HP,LP- (A punch to the head, an uppercut, then a slap) There really isn't a point to this combo. It does do more damage then the HP,HP,D+HP but it doesn't really have an ending. Sure you can add a HK to the beginning and end but that doesn't mean that it is the best combo she has. You might get counter attacked or maybe you won't. If you want a real combo atleast put some HKs onto it. --------------------------------------------------------------------- -HP,HP,LP,HK- (A punch to the head, an uppercut, a slap, then a kick to the head that knocks them back) This is a better combo then the combo above but it still isn't the best combo that she has. It does excellent damage but you should add a HK onto the beginning for more damage. But overall, this is only an advanced version (but note the most advanced version) of the combo above. --------------------------------------------------------------------- -HP,HP,D+HP, Fireball- (A punch to the head, an uppercut, another Uppercut, then nail them with a ground Fireball) This is an ok combo but you should to better. It is an easy combo to do but for somemore damage just do a Jumping HK to Air Fireball instead of just a regular ground Fireball (you already knew that, didn't you?). --------------------------------------------------------------------- -HK,HP,HP,D+HP- (A knee, a punch to the face, an uppercut, then a real Uppercut) This is the advanced version of the HP,HP,D+HP. It launches your opponent for a damaging combo. Instead of following up with a a Jumping HK to whatever you could instead start to fly. By the time your opponent gets up they with get hit with an Air Fireball from a flying Sindel. Take your pick but I advise you to go with the Jumping HK to Air Fireball. --------------------------------------------------------------------- -HK,HP,HP,LP,HK- (A knee, a punch to the face, an uppercut, a slap, then a final kick) This is a great ground string. Sure it's only five hits but it does more then most people's six hit ground strings. You should do this combo whenever you can unless you want to do the HK,HP,HP,D+HP, Jumping HK to Air Fireball. You can do this combo when someone is getting up but you can do that to just about every combo. --------------------------------------------------------------------- -HK,HP,HP,D+HP, Fireball- (Same as the HP,HP,D+HP, Fireball but with a longer ground string) Same as the HP,HP,D+HP, Fireball with a longer ground string and it does more damage. --------------------------------------------------------------------- -(HK)HP,HP,D+HP, Jumping HK, Air Fireball- (A knee) A punch to the head, an uppercut, then a real Uppercut, a Jumping HK, finally a Air Fireball) This is Sindel's most damaging combo(s). Do it whenever you can. It is pretty easy to do. After you hit them with the ground string then Jumping HK them out of the air then nail them with an Air Fireball before they fall down to far. It does decent damage even though Stryker's six hit combo does 50% damage (well the other 10% must come from the baton, those things hit hard). --------------------------------------------------------------------- ~~~~~~ Ending ~~~~~~ Sindel receives visions of her true past and turns against Shao Kahn. She discovers that her true king was named Jerrod. They once nas a daughter nemed Kitana and ruled a realm called Edenia before Kahn took it away in their own Mortal Kombat. He used Sindel as a pawn in his quest for Earth and took Kitana as his own daughter. But in defeating Shao Kahn, Sindel frees the Earth. In doing so, she also liberates Edenia and insures a reunion with her 10,000 year old daughter Kitana. ##################################################################### ************* ****SONYA**** ************* Beginning Pose: She has one arm by her waist and the other by her neck Winning Pose: She soluts and puts her hands byhind her back Regular Color: Green, white, and black pants and tank 2nd Color: Blue, white, and black pants and tank ~~~~~ Story ~~~~~ Sonya disappeared after the first touranement but was later rescued from the Outworld by Jax. After returning to earth, she and Jax try to warn the U.S. government of the looming Outworld menace. Lacking proof, they watch helplessly as Shao Kahn begings the invasion. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Character Overview ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Sonya is the person for air defence. She has three moves that will knock or grab them right out of the air. The only thing that is missing is that she doesn't have an air projectile, but the other three moves make up for that. For air defence you should always do the Superwomen Punch if you think that they will jump attack you (so this should be your first option in air defence). If they jump at you and you don't Superwomen them then go with the Bike Kick. This move will knock them back up and sets you up for a combo (so this is your second line of air defence). Your third and last line of air defence is your Leg-Flip-Grab. This can (even though it will miss from time to time) grab your opponent right out of the air then slam them back down on their head). Her Ring Toss is a decent projectile that can keep jump happy players in the corner for the entire match, but that doesn't mean that it will keep standing opponents there. If they don't jump then they can block and walk forward a couple feet then hit or jump at you before you can shoot another one because or the lag time after this move. One another note she is the fastest character in the game so use her speed to your advantage. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Special Move List ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Ring Toss: D,F,LP Leg-Flip-Grab: D+LP+BLK Superwomen Punch: F,D,HP Bike Kick: B,B,D,HK ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Special Move Analysis ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ --------------------------------------------------------------------- -Ring Toss- (Sonya puts her hands together and shoots out a couple pink rings that explode on impact) This is a great projectile but it has one minor flaw: it doesn't push your opponent back very far. Infact you opponent can walk up to your after getting hit by one of these (well, not from the other side of the screen but under half way). It is great for pressure and will keep your opponent down and in the corner if they think that the only way to get away from people is to jump. This special move should be done when: your opponent misses a jump, when your opponent messes up from afar, when your feel like it, when they are jumping around like a nut in the corner, and/or when you need to aply pressure into your game (when I say pressure I mean to make them to think on there own safety (aka... dodging) and forget about attacking). So overall, a good projectile. --------------------------------------------------------------------- -Leg-Flip-Grab- (Sonya flips forward and grabs her opponent in her legs and flips them back over) This is a very weak more (damage wise) but can stop opponents from attacking. That might be (or is) its main perpose: to stop incoming attacks and drive your opponent crazy. It also works well in combos but does very little damage and can acually decease the combo damage (example: Jumping HK, sweep, Leg-Flip-Grab 21%; Jumping HK, sweep 22%). This can knock opponents out of the air, but do the Bike Kick or Superwomen Punch for the best air defence in the game. She has so many options, but this special move should be her last option (this is also the easiest of all her moves to do). --------------------------------------------------------------------- -Superwomen Punch- (Sonya jumps up then flies across the screen with her hist out) THis move should be your first option in air defence because it can knock your opponent out of the air before they reach the top for their jump and because it can hit opponents that are far away. This is also a great move to fake your opponent out with. They might think that you messed up and did a hop kick then you fly across the screen and hit them out of the air if they try to jump kick/punch you out of the air. This move can also be used as a teleport. It gets you out of traps easily and your opponent cannot jump kick you out of the air. He only real bad thing about this move is that when you land you can easily get hit and your can get hit by an air projectile. Also, just throw this move out at random if your opponent likes to jump around. --------------------------------------------------------------------- -Bike Kick- (Sonya does Liu Kang's Bike Kick but does it while going up) This should be your second option for air defence. You should do this move when your opponent is falling from their jump. The major problems with this move are that it doesn't hurt your opponent as much as it should and because of the range. The range it almost straight up. This means that your have to do this move just before your opponent hits you (or else you might miss). It does do over some, but not a lot. You can also use this move in close combat. Most people won't expect it and will get hit, thinking that you are ducking or something like that. Remember that this should be your second option for air defence. --------------------------------------------------------------------- ~~~~~~~~~ Finishers ~~~~~~~~~ Fatality 1: B,F,D,D,RUN Fatality 2: U,U,B,D,BLK+RUN Babality: D,D,D,F,LK Friendship: B,F,B,D,RUN Amimality: hold LP,B,F,D,F, release LP Stage Fatality: F,F,D,HP ~~~~~~~~~~ Combo List ~~~~~~~~~~ [3 HIT 12%] Bike Kick, Leg-Flip-Grab [2 HIT 13%] HP,HP [2 HIT 14%] HK,HK [2 HIT 15%] Jumping HK, Leg-Flip-Grab [3 HIT 17%] HP,HP,LP [3 HIT 19%] HK,HK,B+HK [3 HIT 21%] Jumping HK, sweep, Leg-Flip-Grab [4 HIT 22%] HP,HP,LP,B+HP [2 HIT 22%] Jumping HK, sweep [6 HIT 31%] HK,HK,HP,HP,LP,B+HP ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Combo Analysis ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ --------------------------------------------------------------------- -Bike Kick, Leg-Flip-Grab- (Bike Kick your opponent then grab them with the special move for a very undamaging combo) This is the least damaging combo that just about anyone has. If you get your opponent in the Bike Kick you should just sweep them instead of grabing them. The best thing about this combo is that it will knock your opponent down. So in short, don't do this combo. --------------------------------------------------------------------- -HP,HP- (An elbow to the head then a punch to the face) This is a one of a kind combo. No one else has it, but it still stinks just like every two hit HP combo. So just like the combo above, don't do this combo unless you put a LP on it. --------------------------------------------------------------------- -HK,HK- (A knee then a kick to the head) This combo stinks, don't do it unless you add a B+HK to it, yadayadayada. --------------------------------------------------------------------- -Jumping HK, Leg-Flip-Grab- (Jumping HK your opponent then grab them before they hit the ground) This is a cool yet undamaging combo. You should sweep them instead of grabing them for more damage (I think that this combo should hurt more then a Jumping HK to sweep, but that's my opinion). You should do that combo whenever you hit your opponent with a Jumping HK instead of this one. --------------------------------------------------------------------- -HP,HP,LP- (An elbow, a punch to the head, then an uppercut) This is the more advanced combo then the regular HP,HP, yet it still doesn't have a decent ending. All that it does is do more damage then the two hit combo. If you add a B+HP at the end of the combo then you will send them flying. --------------------------------------------------------------------- -HK,HK,B+HK- (A knee, a kick to the head, then a nice Roundhouse) This is the most advanced kicking combo that Sony has (three hits, wow). It does more damage (and knocks your opponent down) then the three hit punching combo above, but that combo can get enlarger, this one cannot. It is also a great run in then combo (even though her six hit combo is a better run in the combo). --------------------------------------------------------------------- -Jumping HK, sweep, Leg-Flip-Grab- (Jumping HK your opponent then sweep them before they hit the ground and finally grab them with your legs before they get up) For some reason this three hit combo hurts your opponent less then the two hit Jumping HK to sweep. This combo is the same, but your add the grab in. I guess the grab makes the damage do down. For more damage don't do the grab. *WARNING* You must be in the corner to do this combo. --------------------------------------------------------------------- -HP,HP,LP,B+HP- (Elbow to the head, a punch to the face, and uppercut, then a backhand) A great four hit combo. It causes a decent amount of damage and knocks your opponent down, giving you the advantage. You can add two high kicks to it for a lot more damage and her biggest combo. Do this combo whenever you want, but if you can get the timing right do the six hit combo. --------------------------------------------------------------------- -Jumping HK, sweep- (Jumping HK your opponent then sweep them before they hit the ground) This is a better combo then the Jumping HK, sweep, Leg-Flip-Grab. It does more damage, is easier to do, and can be done anywhere (not just in the corner). So do this combo instead of that combo, easy as that. --------------------------------------------------------------------- -HK,HK,HP,HP,LP,B+HP- (A knee, a kick to the head, an elbow to the head, a punch to the face, an uppercut, and finally and backnand) This is Sonya's long ground string. It does decent damage and is easier to do then most of her combos for some reason. You can do this combo whenever you want, but the best times to do it is when you run at your opponent or while they are getting up. Have fun with this wierd combo. --------------------------------------------------------------------- ~~~~~~ Ending ~~~~~~ Sonya defeats her arch enemy Kano atop a skyscraper near Shao Kahn's fortress. She then comes face to face with the emperor himself. In a incredidle display of courage, Sonya wins. When the world returns to its normal state, Sonya has no trouble convicing her superoirs to form the Outwold Unvertigation Agency: devoted to protecting the Earth against possible future invasions from other realms. ##################################################################### *************** ****STRYKER**** *************** Beginning Pose: Stryker has one arm by his stomach and the other by his leg Winning Pose: Pulls out a gun and shoots it into the air a couple times then crosses his arms Regular Color: Blue Shirt 2nd Color: Orange Shirt ~~~~~ Story ~~~~~ When the Oustworld portal opens over a large city in North America, panic and chaos rage out of control. Kurtis Strker was the leader of a riot control brigade when Shao Kahn began taking souls. He finds himself the lone survivior as a city once populated by milions. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Character Overview ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ This crazy cop is (sometimes) a misunderstude character. Most poeple think that he doesn't have much to offer, but that is sort of true. He isn't the strongest of all the characters but he can still put up a fight. He has tons of combos and his projectiles can hit high or low. He has a combo that ends in an Uppercut so you can add onto it, but he doesn't have a teleport and his moves can be sudden death if it is done at the wrong time (his Baton Sweep is sudden death any time you use it, even in combos). His combos are mainly the three or four hit groundstring that ends in an Uppercut followed by a jump kick to a special move. That's not bad but he needs a bigger variaty of combos and a long ground string which he doesn't have. His projectiles can hit high with the High Grenade or low with the Low Grenade (hints the names). These can be used to knock your opponent out of the air or while they get up. If your opponent doesn't have a Teleport keep throwing them at them until they die or hit you for being cheap (that is hard to do but has been done before). The lack of Teleports make him a sucker for fireball traps and just about any other type of trap in the game. If you keep doing the Baton Throw then you are bound to get blocked and Uppercuted to the ends of the earth. If you use the Baton Sweep then you will get killed anyway. So only be this character if you want a chalange or you think that you are the best player of all time. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Special Move List ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Baton Throw: F,F,HK Baton Trip: F,B,LP High Grenade: D,DB,B,HP or F,DF,D,HP Low Grenade: D,DB,B,LP or F,DF,D,LP ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Special Move Analysis ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ --------------------------------------------------------------------- -Baton Throw- (Stryker flies at his opponent then throws them over his head with the baton) This move can catch opponents off gaurd while close, but if you missguess your opponent then they might block and Uppercut you. Don't do this move while at a distence because it will always be blocked. This move is also much better then the Baton Trip in combos and in regular combat. The timing is much better in combos and it hurts them a lot more. If you want to prove that you are a real expert then hit them with the Baton Trip while in a combo, but don't rely on it to win games. A nice time to do this special move is when your opponent is retreating with a jump. Nail them with this just as they are landing for some easy damage. --------------------------------------------------------------------- -Baton Trip- (Stryker runs and ducks at his opponent then sweeps them off of the feet for a nasty fall) This move is death unless your opponent has never seen this move before (which most opponents haven't seen this special move before). This move can be used in combos but it doesn't hurt your opponent and is very hard to pull off (just do the Baton Throw instead). You can do this move to duck under your opponent as they are shooting a high fireball like Liu Kang. This can also be used as a teleport but you can still get hit out of it. To do it you must do this just as your opponent lifts out from the ground. The major problem with this and this move overall is that has a major stall at the end. He freezes in the sweeping position for about .75 seconds. Overall, don't use this move. --------------------------------------------------------------------- -High and Low Grenade- (Stryker throws a grenade at his opponent at high or low level) These moves are great for keeping your opponent at bay. You can nail them out of the air with a High Grenade or keep them from sweeping you with a Low Grenade. Use the High Grenade to hit opponents on the other side of the screen (the Low Grenade doesn't always hit them). Use these to totally wipe your opponent out. I've killes a couple opponents with just these two moves (just watchout for teleport attacks-they will kill you). --------------------------------------------------------------------- ~~~~~~~~~ Finishers ~~~~~~~~~ Fatality 1: D,DF,F,D,DF,F,BLK (close) Fatality 2: F,F,F,F,LK (far) Babality: D,F,F,B,HP Friendship: LP,RUN,RUN,LP Amimality: RUN,RUN,URN,BLK (sweep) Stage Fatality: F,U,U,HK ~~~~~~~~~~ Combo List ~~~~~~~~~~ [2 HIT 13%] HP,HP [2 HIT ??%] LK,LK [3 HIT ??%] LK,LK,B+HK [3 HIT 17%] HP,HP,LP [2 HIT 21%] Jumping HK, sweep [4 HIT 23%] HK,HP,HP,LP [4 HIT 23%] HP,HP,LP, Grenade (any kind) [4 HIT 25%] HP,HP,LP, Baton Trip [4 HIT 28%] HP,HP,LP, Uppercut [5 HIT 29%] HK,HP,HP,LP, Grenade (any kind) [5 HIT 31%] HP,HP,LP, Jumping HK, sweep [5 HIT 31%] HK,HP,HP,LP, Baton Trip [5 HIT 35%] HP,HP,LP, Jumping HK, Baton Trip [6 HIT 37%] HK,HP,HP,LP, Jumping HK, sweep [4 HIT 37%] HP,HP,LP, Baton Throw [5 HIT 42%] HK,HP,HP,LP, Baton throw [5 HIT 44%] HP,HP,LP, Jumping HK, Baton Throw [6 HIT 50%] HK,HP,HP,LP, Jumping HK, Baton Throw ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Combo Analysis ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ --------------------------------------------------------------------- -HP,HP- (Stryker elbows his opponent in the face then hits them with the baton) Just the regular two hit high punch combo. Can be counter attacked and is very easy to do. This should ONLY be a mistake while trying to do a different combo like the HP,HP,LP (which is a great combo). Don't do it by itself. --------------------------------------------------------------------- -LK,LK- (A classic knee to a kick to the head) This is the everyday double kick combo. It is done by double tapping low kick instead of high kick. I don't know how much damage it takes away because every time that I try it it doesn't count as a combo even though he does the combo actions (a knee to a kick instead of just a knee). --------------------------------------------------------------------- -LK,LK,B+HK- (Stryker knees his opponent, then kicks them in the head, and finally Roundhouses them) Just as the combo before, I can't tell you how much damage it takes away from your opponent because the game won't tell me. It is a great combo because it knocks your opponent down so that they can't counter attack you (no one can counter attack you if they are on the ground). Unfortunatly I can't say if it is very damaging because I can't tell, if you know then e-mail me, thanks). --------------------------------------------------------------------- -HP,HP,LP- (An elbow, a baton to the head, then an Uppercut with the baton) This is Styrkers second best lauching combo (his first is the HK,HP,HP,LP of cource). This combo leads to an air or ground combo finisher (like all launchers). If you do this combo while you are to close to the corner then you will freeze in place until you land giving no one the advantage. The only problem with this combo besides that is that is doesn't do a lot of damage. Besides those problems it is a very good combo. --------------------------------------------------------------------- -Jumping HK, sweep- (Jumping HK your opponent then sweep them just before they hit the ground) This is a very good/easy combo to do. It is even easier to do while in the corner (if you knock them into the corner then try to do the Baton Throw instead of the sweep, it's just an idea). Do this combo whenever you hit your opponent with a Jumping HK. --------------------------------------------------------------------- -HK,HP,HP,LP- (Stryker knees his opponent, then elbows them in the head, then hits them with his baton, and finally Uppercuts them with this weapon) This is Strykers best launcher. It does a decent amount of damage with the chance to add a lot more (like doubling it). A great follow up to this combo is to Jumping HK them out of the air and grab them with the Baton Throw. It is very easy and very damaging (his most damaging combo, 50%). Do this combo whenever you have the chance because you will blow your opponent away. --------------------------------------------------------------------- -HP,HP,LP, Grenade- (Elbow to the head, followed by a hit with the baton, then he nails them with an Uppercut, and he finally hits them with any kind of Grenade) This is a pretty easy to do. The timing doesn't have to be perfect but you can still miss because there is almost always a first. It doesn't matter what kind of Grenade that you use but if you don't throw a High Grenade fast then you should throw a Low Grenade instead to hit them just before they hit the ground. You can use this combo whenever you want but it isn't the most damaging combo. You should do the Jumping HK to Baton Throw for a lot of damage off of the launcher. This combo is also very undamaging, so use that combo or just a Baton Throw for more damage. --------------------------------------------------------------------- -HP,HP,LP, Baton Trip- (Stryker hits his opponent with the short ground string the hits them out of the air with a Baton Trip) This is a VERY hard combo to do. For the damage and difficulty of this combo you shoulf never do it. Most of the time the Baton Trip won't come out because of the difficulty of this special move. You should do this combo in the corner to make it easier to do (usually). --------------------------------------------------------------------- -HP,HP,LP, Uppercut- (Stryker hits his opponent with the ground string then walks under hit opponent and Uppercuts them just before they hit the ground) This combo should be more damaging because you are Uppercuting them. But no, it only takes off 28% when the Baton Throw off of the launcher takes off 9% more (37%, wow that throw is super damaging). To do this combo you must start to walk under them just after you finisher the ground string. This can take some practice but is worth it because this combo works with every character that has a ground string launcher. Instead of doing the Uppercut try the Baton Throw for some moster damage (as stated above). --------------------------------------------------------------------- -HK,HP,HP,LP, Grenade- (Same as HP,HP,LP, Grenade with a longer ground string) Same a HP,HP,LP, Grenade but it does more damage. --------------------------------------------------------------------- -HP,HP,LP, Jumping HK, sweep- (Do the ground string then Jumping HK them out of the air and hit them with the sweep just before they hit the ground) This should be your alternate combo if you jump a them instead of Baton Throwing them (sometimes I jump when I don't won't to) unless you want to Baton Throw them instead of sweeping them for a lot of damage. This combo is easy to do and isn't the most damaging combo for him but it does fair pretty well. Use it if you want but don't use it to win because it isn't the most damaging of all of his combos. --------------------------------------------------------------------- -HK,HP,HP,LP, Baton Trip- (Same as HP,HP,LP, Baton Trip with a longer ground string) Same as HP,HP,LP, Baton Trip but with a longer ground string and it does more damage. --------------------------------------------------------------------- -HP,HP,LP, Jumping HK, Baton Trip- (Styker does his ground string then hits them out of the air with the Jumping HK to Baton Trip) This combo is VERY, VERY, VERY HARD TO DO. After the Jumping HK you must land and go the special attack as soon as you can. If you wait even a split second then you will miss. For the damage that this combo does you should do the Jumping HK to Baton Throw for a lot of pretty damage. The Baton Throw does 9% more damage then its counter part the Baton trip. Never ever ever do this combo unless it will kill your opponent. --------------------------------------------------------------------- -HK,HP,HP,LP, Jumping HK, sweep- (Same as the HP,HP,LP, Jumping HK to sweep with a longer ground string) Same as the HP,HP,LP, Jumping HK to sweep with a longer ground string and it does more damage. --------------------------------------------------------------------- -HP,HP,LP, Baton Throw- (After Styrker does the ground string he catches hit opponent in the air with the Baton Throw for some nasty damage) This is a great combo. It is the second most damaging combo for the HP,HP,LP. If you don't jump do this combo. It is very easy to do and is almost impossible to miss your opponent. It is easy to nail your opponent with this combo is they are hit into the corner. If you miss with this combo then consider yourself a beginner (but sometimes it happens to experts, so don't worry and try it again). --------------------------------------------------------------------- -HK,HP,HP,LP, Baton Throw- (Same as the combo above but with a longer ground string) Same as the combo above but with a longer ground string and it does more damage. --------------------------------------------------------------------- -HP,HP,LP, Jumping HK, Baton Throw- (After Stryker does his ground string he meets his opponent in the air with a Jumping HK, and finally hits his opponent with the Baton Throw just before they land) This is Strykers most damaging combo for the launching ground string. You should do this combo whenever you can because of the mosterish damage. This is probably the most damage and easy combo to do in the game. You could probably do it on your first try. This combo is great for getting people back onto the ground and for hitting people as they rise. Have fun with this huge combo. --------------------------------------------------------------------- -HK,HP,HP,LP, Jumping HK, Baton Throw- (Same as the combo above but with a longer ground string) Same as the combo above but with a longer ground string and 6% more damage. --------------------------------------------------------------------- ~~~~~~ Ending ~~~~~~ Ignorent of why his soul was spared from the outworld invasion, Stryker receives a vision from Rayden. He is instructed to travel west. He eventualy meets the rest of earth's warriors and learns the true meaning of his survival. He travels back to the city he swore to protect. Kahn is unfamiliar with his new kombatant and is caught off gaurd. Stryker defeats the warlord and saves the entire planet. The chaos that consumed the city in hours before the invasion are gone. ##################################################################### **************** ****SUB-ZERO**** **************** Beginning Pose: He has his hands infront of him Winning Pose: He puts his hand in the air Regular Color: He has a blue and black clothes on 2nd Color: He has a blue/green and black clothes ~~~~~ Story ~~~~~ The ninja returns unmasked, he was betrayed by his own ninja clan, the Lin Kuei. He broke sacred codes of honor by leaving the clan and is marked for death. But unlike the ninja of old, his pursuers come as machines. He must not only defend against the Outworld menace, but must also elude his soulless assassins. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Character Overview ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ This ninja is one of the best players in the game. He has one of, if not, the best stun in the game. He has five ways to freeze his opponent and a move that can act like a teleport. He also has an easy to do ground string. The bad things about him are that his combos don't hurt that much and he doesn't have a real teleport. Lets start out with the good things or plus things about him, his stuns. He has the most stuns in the entire game. He has them to hit jumping, standing, crounching, and even teleporting opponents. he can also fake his opponents out with two different special moves (the Ice Storm Forward/Backward). He can hit jumping opponent with any of his Ice Storms and his Self Freeze. He can hit standing with the Ice Storm or Ice Blast. He can hit the crounching opponents with the Ice Storm and teleporting with a well placed Self Freeze. He has a easy to do six hit ground string, but it doesn't do a lot of damage (just like all of his other combos). His Slide can act like a teleport but it only works if your opponent is jumping and you have expert timing (so it not a real teleport but it gets by alright). ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Special Move List ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Ice Storm: D,F,HP Ice Blast: D,F,LP Ice Storm Forward: D,DF,F,B,HP Ice Storm Back: D,DB,B,F,HP Self-Freeze: D,B,LP Slide: B+LP+BLK ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Special Move Analysis ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ --------------------------------------------------------------------- -Ice Storm- (Sub-Zero puts his hands up and shoots an Ice Blast up into the sky that falls on his opponent) This new Ice Blast isn't as good as the original one because your opponent can easily dodge it and because you will stand up while doing it. This will put you in a very bad position to get hit with a combo from your running opponent (they are running to dodge the Ice Storm) or by a special attack (aka... Teleport). This special move also doesn't work all that well in combos because of the time that it takes to shoot the ice up and for it to fall back down. If your opponent is just standing around and waiting for you to shoot an Ice Blast then do the Ice Storm. They might get confused and jump into it. This is a good move if you know when to use it. --------------------------------------------------------------------- -Ice Blast- (Sub-Zero puts his hands together and shoots out an ice ball that freezes anything in its way) This is the original freezing move. It is a great move because you duck when you do it (this means that you can dodge attacks and attack at the same time, when this happens your opponent won't be able to block and will get frozen so you can walk/run up to them and combo then to death). The only way to dodge this move is to jump over it (this also means teleports). If they like to teleport and hit you the you should do your Self Freeze (we will talk about that in a little bit). One last word, this is the move that renders Shao Kahn helpless. He can't hit you when you do this to him. --------------------------------------------------------------------- -Ice Storm Forward and Backward- (Sub-Zero puts his hands up in the air and shoots an ice ball that falls infront of your opponent or behind them) These moves were made to stop people from run at you or jumping back when you do the Ice Storm. Only use them when you know that they will jump back/forward or run at you. If you do this right they will get hit with it and become helpless to combos and other attacks. This move can also fake or keep your opponent away from you, but that doesn't always work. --------------------------------------------------------------------- -Self-Freeze- (Sub-Zero jumps back and there is a clone of him there) This move is made to stop jumping attacks and teleport attacks like Sektor's Teleport Uppercut (funny, Sektor is Sub-Zero's assassin). To do this just put in the button sequence just before they hit you. If this is done just right they will get frozen and you can combo the life out of them. This may take some practice but it is worth the efort. --------------------------------------------------------------------- -Slide- (Sub-Zero slides at his opponent) This move should be used as a teleport or in combos only. As the teleport you should slide under your opponent. This may surprise them and you might get the advantage, but not everyone is like that. When you do this you might get hit but it can take practice. When I wrote "you should only use this in combos" (acually I wrote something else) I ment it. If you use it from the other side of the screen you will get blocked and Uppercuted. If you use it in combos it won't hurt your opponent as much as a sweep, but it can hit opponent out of sweeping range. So use this move in combos or as a teleport only. --------------------------------------------------------------------- ~~~~~~~~~ Finishers ~~~~~~~~~ Fatality 1: B,B,D,B,RUN (sweep) Fatality 2: BLK,BLK,RUN,BLK,RUN (close) Babality: D,B,B,HK Friendship: LK,LK,RUN,RUN,U Amimality: F,F,U,U, (close) Stage Fatality: B,D,F,F,HK ~~~~~~~~~~ Combo List ~~~~~~~~~~ [2 HIT 13%] HP,HP [2 HIT 14%] HK,HK [3 HIT 17%] HP,HP,LP [3 HIT 19%] HK,HK,B+HK or LK,HK,B+HK [2 HIT 19%] Jumping HK, Slide [2 HIT 21%] Jumping HK, sweep [2 HIT 26%] Jumping HK, Ice Blast, Uppercut [6 HIT 30%] HP,HP,LP,LK,HK,B+HK [7 HIT ??%] Jumping HK, Ice Blast, HP,HP,LP,LK,HK,B+HK *NOTE* You can do the Jumping HK to Ice Blast then do any of his combos after that. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Combo Analysis ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ --------------------------------------------------------------------- -HP,HP or HK,HK- (Sub-Zero hits them in the face with two elbows or knees them then kicks them in the head) There are more advanced versions of these combos. These don't hurt a lot and can get counter attacked very easily. You can add a LP onto theand of the two hit punching combo or a B+HK onto the two hit kicking combo for more hits and a little more damage. You can put both of those combos together (three punches to three kicks) to get his long ground string (well, its not all that long but it has six hits). --------------------------------------------------------------------- -HP,HP,LP- (Two elbows then a slap) This is a good but not the best combo that he has. It does more damage then its lower version but it can still be counter attacked with a long attack. Add the three hit kick combo onto the end of this for a longer combo. Remember, you can always do better. --------------------------------------------------------------------- -HK,HK,B+HK or LK,HK,B+HK- (A knee to a kick to the head and then a Roundhouse) This is a lot better then the combo above because it knocks your opponent down (so they can't counter attack), it does a lot more damage (a whole two percent), and looks better. It doesn't matter which way you do this combo because they are both the same. Add this combo onto the and of the combo above to get they combo that you already know about, OK. --------------------------------------------------------------------- -Jumping HK, Slide- (Jumping HK your opponent then Slide into them before they hit the ground) This does a smaller amout of damage then the Jumping HK to sweep, but this combo can hit your opponent even if they fall out of sweeping range because the Slide goes to the other side of the screen (close to the other side of the screen). If you hit your opponent out of the air while in the corner then go for the sweep, but if you hit them out of the air while in the middle of the battle field then Slide into them for some easy damage (sorry, the sweep will miss). --------------------------------------------------------------------- -Jumping HK, sweep- (Jumping Hk your opponent then sweep them for some easy damage) You should do this combo over the combo above because it does more damage and is a little easier to do. If you are out in the open and hit them out of the air then do that combo, but if you hit them in just about anyother place you might be able to pull this combo off (as long as they aren't jumping). You should do this combo every time you hit your opponent with a jump kick (and they aren't in the air). Good, that's done. --------------------------------------------------------------------- -Jumping HK, Ice Blast, Uppercut- (Jumping HK your opponent then Ice Blast them before they hit the ground, and then Uppercut them to the moon) This is a very damaging combo, yet it is pretty easy (or hard) to do. Every time that you pull off a Jumping HK to Ice Blast do this move unless you want to go for the ground string (you already knew that). You can Roundhouse or go for a combo instead of Uppercuting them, but that is your dicission. To pull this combo off it is best to knock your opponent out of the air with the Jumping HK and freeze them before they hit the ground. This may take some practice, but it can be done in battle. --------------------------------------------------------------------- -HP,HP,LP,LK,HK,B+HK- (Two elbows then a slap, followed by a knee then a kick to the head, and finally a Roundhouse to finish it off) This is a great ground string even though it isn't as damaging as it should be because Sheeva's seven hit combo takes off 41% and this six hit takes off only 30%. One hit doesn't take off eleven percent in a combo, but oh well. A great set up for this combo is to Freeze your opponent. It doesn't matter what kind of a freeze, but just something that freezes them. You can also Jumping HK your opponent then Ice Blast them before they hit the ground then do this combo (that is the combo below). So overall, pull this combo off whenever you can. --------------------------------------------------------------------- -Jumping HK, Ice Blast, HP,HP,LP,LK,HK,B+HK- (Jumping HK your opponet then Ice Blast them before they hit the ground and follow it with the long ground string) This is Sub-Zero's most damaging combo. To do it you need to Jumping HK your opponent out of the air then Ice Blast them before they hit the ground. Then you can hit them with the ground string and laught. You should to this combo every time you Jumping HK to Ice Blast your opponent (I know that I said that for the Jumping HK, Ice Blast, Uppercut combo, but this time I mean it). So do this combo whenever you can. --------------------------------------------------------------------- ~~~~~~ Ending ~~~~~~ In a vicious battle Sub-Zero faces Cyrax and Sektor, but not alone. He finds his third Lin Kuie assassin, the elusive Smoke. Before automation, Smoke and Sub-Zero were allies. Sub-Zerp helps Smoke recall his past and gains him as an ally once more. Sub-Zero defeats his cyborg assassins and finds that it takes all his own inner strenght to defeat Kahn and his Outworld minions. The former ninja once again disappears into the shadowns, his ;egacu known only by a select few. ##################################################################### The Code Section In a two player mode before the first round starts the vs. screen will appear with pictures of the fighters. Also there are six boxes with symbols that you can change. You can change there with the LP (for the far left box), the block button (for the middle), and LK (for the far right one). The first set of numbers are for controller one and the second for controller two. This list is from Cheetah. •000-033 -- Player two starts with 1/2 energy bar •000-707 -- Player two starts with 1/4 energy bar •006-040 -- Endurance Fighting •011-971 -- Healing Enabled •020-020 -- Blocking Disabled •033-000 -- Player one starts with 1/2 energy bar •033-564 -- Winner of Round One fights Shao Kahn •082-771 -- No Cheese (no throws or sweep) •091-293 -- Sweeping Disabled •100-100 -- Throwing Disabled •122-333 -- View Credits •123-926 -- "No Knowledge That Is Not Power" •205-205 -- Winner of Round One fights Smoke •282-282 -- "No Fear" •303-606 -- Bonus Pong Game •460-460 -- Random Kombat (changes your fighter) •466-466 -- Unlimited Run •494-494 -- No Patience •642-468 -- Bonus Galaxians Game •667-000 -- No Timer •688-422 -- Dark Fighting •688-688 -- Quicker Uppercuts •707-000 -- Player one starts with 1/4 energy bar •769-342 -- Winner of Round One fights Noob Saibot •911-911 -- No Abuse •929-646 -- Bad Luck With TNT •955-955 -- More Time to Execute Fatalities •969-141 -- Winner of Round One fights Motaro •985-125 -- Psycho Kombat •987-123 -- No Powerbars •987-666 -- "Hold Flippers during Casino Round" •999-995 -- Combos Disabled Play as Smoke: At the MK3 logo press A,B,B,A,D,A,B,B,A,D,U,U. If you imput the correct code the the screen will turn red and Shao Kahn will say "Smoke." This must be done at the MK3 logo screen not at the Title Screen. To morph Smoke while playing with Shang Tsung press B,B,LP. Cheats: At the Title screen press A,C,U,B,A,D. After the code is put in then the "Cheats" option will appear. After you have choosed it then you can mess with the sound test, pick upto 95 continues or look at your characters "Bio Screen." Secrets: At the Title Screen press B,A,D,L,A,D,C,R,U,D. After you imput the correct code a Secrets option will appear. select it and you can change the speed of the clock, see your opponents ending, or choose you "Kombat Zone." Killer Codes: At the Title Screen press C,R,A,L,A,U,C,R,A,L,A,U. If you imput the correct code then you will be treated with the options of "Quike End," playable Smoke, of "Bosses," or Galaxian. Quike End is the code that lets you preform a Finishing Move in one or two buttons (usually the last). If you choose the Bosses then you can choose any of the two bosses in a two player game only and only one character can choose a boss, not both. Galaxian is a Space Invaders type of game which really isn't all that good. And the Smoke code lets you play as Smoke. Play Galaxian without the code: In a two player game play 100 games staight and you can play this game. Also, when you lose hold down any button to see your ship's statistics. Endurance Mode: At the Title Screen hold down A and C then press start to enter the Endurance Mode. Once there both players must press start then choose one to eight characters the press start. To get a random play select the ? box. To get an entire row of random players press U+Start. For more codes go to GameSagas or anyother code web site for more like the Infinity combo for Smoke, or Shao Kahn vs. Shao Kahn, or secret fighing areas, or.... ##################################################################### Credits: Mehroz Alam - For the Word Art Cheetah - The VS. codes That's all for now. If you can help then please e-mail me. Thank you for reading this FAQ - Videogameman. #####################################################################