-------- -------- -------- | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | LEMMINGS II: | | | | THE TRIBES | | | | | | | | | | | |-------- | | | | | | | | | | |---------------| |-------| |-------| For the Mega Drive FAQ, Part 1 By GavLuvsGA@aol.com. Write to this address if you have any comments about this FAQ, but PLEASE refer to the game in the title. E-mails with subjects like "Hey" or (No Subject) will be ignored, as will IMs and mails with attachments I know it sounds mean, but for all I know you could be trying to send me a virus. Note: Please only write to me about problems. I don't want loads of mails saying: "What's your favourite tribe?" (Space, btw). Also, please br aware that this FAQ relates to the Mega Drive (Genesis) version. I certainly cannot tackle problems with loading the PC version. Also, please be aware that some levels will differ from other versions of the game (for example, the "chain" feature was omitted from this version). Version 7: 1 - 6 - 2005 Revision history: Version 2 (14 - 10 - 2000): Added extra note, and password for Circus tribe (I missed it out before). Version 3 (25 - 07 - 2004): Changed strategy for Classic Tribe Level 10. Version 4 (03 - 08 - 2004): Added new solutions to Mediaeval Level 3 and Highland Level 10 Version 5 (27 - 08 - 2004): Added strategy for Sports Tribe Level 6 Version 6 (27 - 10 - 2004): Added new strategies for Classic Levels 4, 7 and 8, and Space Level 2 Version 7 (1 - 6 - 2005): Added explanation of the Skiier ability, and improved strategy for Medieval Level 9 Contents 1 Object of the Game 2 Description of skills 3 Traps 4 Cannons 5 Walkthrough 5.1 Beach 5.2 Outdoor 5.3 Egyptian 5.4 Medi3Ú4val 5.5 Classic 5.6 Circus 5.7 Highland 5.8 Polar 5.9 Space 5.10 Cavelem 5.11 Shadow 5.12 Sports 6 Passwords ***************** 1 Object of the Game ***************** Like the original, you must get as many lemmings as you can to the exit, except this time you must save twelve separate tribes (each with ten levels). Unlike the original game, only the amount of lemmings you saved on the previous level will progress to the next. For a gold medal you will need to get through as many lemmings as possible; do this on every level for a gold amulet. The only levels where you need to kill lemmings are: Classic - 5 (there are only just about enough bashers, miners and diggers to beat the level) Polar - 8 (it appears impossible to save the lemmings on the left without blowing one or two up) The lemmings will normally enter through a trapdoor; the exceptions are Medieval (a dragon's head), and Highland (a beer barrel). The lemmings will exit through some sort of door (usually, which is different for each tribe: Beach - A Sandcastle Outdoor - A tent that the lemmings crawl into Egyptian - A pyramid Medi3Ú4val - A tower - like structure Classic - One of the original stone archways (you'll recognise it) Circus - A tent (which the lemmings - show offs - somersault into) Highland - A traditional red telephone box, which the lemmings walk into looking suddenly drunk Polar - An igloo that the lemmings crawl into Space - The lemmings float into space trough a window Cavelem - A stone archway Shadow - The lemmings enter Dr. Who's TARDIS Sports - A flag, which the lemmings vanish into (very hard to spot at first) ****************** 2 Description of Skills ****************** 2.1 Skills from the original game Climber Climbs walls, but will stop if it reaches an overhang and fall back down. Floater Turning a lemming into a floater will give it an umbrella, which it will use to stop itself splatting if it falls off a high cliff. You can give a lemming an umbrella even when it is seconds away from splatting and just this will save it, even if it doesn't have time to get the umbrella out (a bit of artistic license by the makers). Exploder (originally Bomber) Basically, turning a lemming into an exploder gives it five seconds before it explodes, leaving a crater (or blowing away the floor if it is narrow enough). It will only not make a crater if it blows up on steel. This can be used to blow up blockers. Interestingly enough, if a lemming is set to blow up and enters the exit, but doesn't quite make it, it'll jump in, then suddenly appear outside the exit and explode, which is really quite weird. Nuking the level (double-clicking on the mushroom cloud at the end of the toolbar) will turn every lemming into a bomber, from what I can make out, in the order they fell through the trapdoor (i.e. first out is first to go). This should only be used when absolutely necessary. Unless you are using the Classic tribe, all lemmings nearby will fly into the air and become stunned temporarily. Blocker Stops lemmings from walking into certain areas, such as traps. This skill only appears on the Classic levels. Builder Builds bridges, and can be used to cross over chasms, water, or to avoid traps. It can also be used to scale walls and turn lemmings round (this works by turning a lemming into a builder when it is going up slope. Lemmings will stop building if they hit their head, or use up their supply (12 bricks). You will hear a clicking noise after the 10th brick. Basher Bashes horizontally, but not through steel. Miner Mines diagonally down, but has the same limitations as the basher. Digger Digs downwards, through anything but steel. One word of warning, which may come in handy in higher levels: when a digger finishes digging, it will fall to a point directly below the middle of the tunnel. When the other lemmings arrive, they will actually fall to a point a few pixels to the side of this. If the digger only just misses a hazard, the other lemmings could easily fall into it. 2.2 Wind Skills These skills can be affected by the fan (either click on the fan, or double click C). Ballooner Tricky to manoeuvre until you get the hang of it, this lemming will float upwards with a helium balloon. The balloon, will, however, burst, if it hits an object, thus this is not a good choice for going up narrow shafts. Magic Carpet This will float above the ground, and will go lower if the ground drops (but won't go higher unless you use the fan). Jet Pack Very useful - once you get the hang of controlling it; it will go all over the place (for a limited time). Twister This unusual skill involves the lemming spinning so fast it starts to cut away the landscape. Use it to make tunnels, moving it with the fan. If the lemming loses its footing, it loses the skill. Surfer One of several ways of crossing water, this is the least useful as it requires the fan. Also, if you leave it for too long, the lemming will actually lose its surfboard and drown! Parachuter Similar to a floater, but can be moved around by the fan (useful if the lemming has to be blown out of the path of a lake or pit). Like the climber and floater, this is a permanent skill. Hang Gilder Sails downwards at an angle; also useful for avoiding drops, and can also be used to blow a lemming upward. Icarus Wings The lemming will fly horizontally; not particularly useful, but can be blown higher with the fan. 2.3 Ground Removing Skills The game makers were obviously not content with the Basher, Miner and Digger. Look at these: Scooper Digs diagonally downward, but if there's steel overhead it may be stopped (which is annoying). Club Basher Bashes horizontally, but creates a wider path than the basher. Not particularly useful, as it is more easily stopped by steel overhead. Fencer Digs upwards at a slight angle. Stomper Exactly the same as the digger, except that it stomps. Laser Blaster Uses a powerful laser to vapourise anything directly above the lemming's head. Flame Thrower Will remove a part of the landscape in front of the lemming. Impressive, but not terribly useful when dealing with large walls, as you will need several flame throwers. Bomber The difference with the exploder is that this lemming will put a bomb by its feet, which will cause all lemmings nearby to go flying (as well as blowing up the landscape), and it will survive the explosion (assuming it doesn't go flying off the screen or into a trap). 2.4 Ground Adding Skills Filler Pours cement from a bucket; useful for covering traps and filling pits. You can only have one filler at any given moment, and you have to wait for the cement to set before making another (this also applies to the sand pourer and glue pourer). When a lemming pours sand onto level ground, it will then turn round. Planter This lemming sows some seeds and then grows plants (all in a few seconds). Of course, its pretty useless and is only used once in the game. Stacker Will build a stack of three standard 12 bricks. This can be used for blocking lemmings. Note that after the stacker lays its first tile, it will turn to face backwards and will turn after each tile. If you want to make it jump after finishing, the way it will jump is determined by the direction it is facing. Platformer Similar to the builder - only horizontal. Sand Pourer Pours a mound of sand; useful for making ramps. Glue Pourer This will pour glue that will flow along until it is stopped or until it reaches the bottom of a platform, where it will stick. The best use for this is for pouring off a thin ledge, where it will create a bridge for the lemmings to cross. 2.5 Shooting Skills Archer Very hard to use, you must click once to aim, and another time to fire. The arrow will not necessarily go to where the cursor is, but the further away it is, the longer the shot (as long as nothing gets in the way). The best use for an archer is to fire directly upwards, and the arrow will (unless the ceiling is too low) come down and block other lemmings. Thrower Throws a rock, which can be used to block other lemmings, or can do other things. If the lemming is a runner, the rock will go further. Bazooka Will shoot a bazooka which will destroy landscape (very impressive). All lemmings will be thrown off their feet if they are nearby. This can be used to your advantage in certain situations. Spearer Will throw a spear, which can be used as a platform. If the lemming is a runner, it will take a run up before throwing, and the spear will go further. Mortar Similar to the bazooka, except fires a shell straight up. This will also cause lemmings to go flying. Roper Very fun to use; the lemming will fire a rope at an object to form a bridge; click once to aim, and then click on where you want the rope to attach. Be warned; the rope only has a short range; if you overshoot, it will fly out of the lemmings hands and cannot be retrieved. 2.6 Moving Skills Runner The lemming will go faster until the end of the level. Jumper The lemming will jump; this can be useful to get over gaps or traps. The lemming will jump further if it is a runner. Hopper The lemming will hop until it hits a wall or is given a new skill. Seems useless, but many levels have series of narrow platforms crossing a gap, which can only be crossed in this manner (usually). Skater Levels 2 and 4 of the Polar tribe (and the demo) feature ice, which can cause the lemmings to slip up. If they have this (permanent) skill, they will be able to overcome this. Kayaker When a lemming falls into water and begins to drown, you can turn it into a Kayaker. More useful than a surfer as it does not require a fan. Swimmer More useful than a Kayaker, as it can be assigned anywhere and is permanent. What does it do? What do you think? Swims... Magno Boots This lemming will be given special boots that allow it to walk on any (solid) surface. It will slow down, and can not be assigned a new skill when non a wall or ceiling. Once it is given a new skill, it loses its boots. Pole Vaulter Pole vaults into the air to reach really high platforms. However, it also needs lots of headroom and a long run up, so can rarely be used. Walls or drops will stop it from working. You can only have one pole vaulter at any given moment. Slider Will permanently be able to slide down vertical walls. Be aware that when it lands, it will turn and walk in the opposite direction. Rock Climber Better than the climber, this lemming can climb around overhangs up to 45 degrees. This is permanent. Shimmer Another of my favourites; this lemming will jump in the air and shimmy across a gap using the ceiling - but will stop when he runs out. Diver I am not completely sure what this skill is useful for; takes a swan dive off cliffs. 2.7 Other Skills Attractor This lemming will play music to distract the other lemmings (causing them to start dancing until the attractor changes skill), and is available on all worlds but classic. The music played depends on the world: Beach and Sports - A radio Outdoor, Egyptian and Medi3Ú4val - A guitar Highland - Bagpipes (obviously) Polar - An alpenhorn Space - An electric keyboard Cavelem - Rock music (groan!) Shadow - Cymbals The lemmings must be nearby to be affected. Note that attractors are not very reliable, and sometimes will miss lemmings, or attract the lemming you want to use to get through the level with. Also, occasionally lemmings will walk past without stopping. In addition, there is a weird glitch that occurs in Practice Mode. If you turn a lemming into an attractor, it will (bizarrely) melt, and the area will evidently become contaminated, as every lemming who walks nearby will instantly faint and remain unconscious for all eternity; you cannot do anything about it. SuperLem Will fly into the air, aiming at the cursor. Looks impressive but takes practice. The skill will be lost if the lemming hits an obstacle or the cursor. Skier As far as I can tell, this skill - which appears on Polar levels 4 and 9 - does not work on the Genesis version. However, Turey Hall has told me that it is supposed to cause the Lemming to ski down slopes and jump of the end if there is an upward ramp at the bottom. ******* 3 Traps ******* 3.1 Beach Tribe Suction Pipe Similar to on Oh No! More Lemmings, except more impressive - looking, the lemmings are sucked in and then smashed. Some do not work, for some reason. Oyster Eats the lemmings. Only the small oysters are dangerous; the big ones can be blasted or dug through. 3.2 Outdoor Tribe Frog Highly original - not. Eats the lemmings, similar to the bear traps found in the original game. 3.3 Egyptian Tribe Pit of Death This consists of a small pit, with hidden pressers at either end, which will activate when the lemming reaches the centre. 3.4 Medieval Tribe Dragon This @£*&! trap is situated behind the small piles of stones that are found on some levels. A dragon will then pop his head over them and roast your lemmings alive. Very annoying, it also has a long range and can be activated by a lemming simply walking on a bridge place in front of it. It will attack the same area, but will kill any lemmings there when it is activated. 3.5 Classic Tribe Flame Thrower This survivor from the original spews flames out, covering a large area. Avoid this (this is easy, as they are all put up out of the way and are mainly for decoration, as with the original); it kills all lemmings that pass through it. 3.6 Circus Tribe Actually there are none on this world - unless I missed something. If you find one, e-mail me (and I will check to make sure you're not kidding around with me, so don't start saying: "OH Y3H I FOND PENIWIES TEH CLOWN ON 1 LEV3L AND H3 AETS UR LEMMINGS!1111!111!"). 3.7 Highland Tribe Killer Tulip As the lemmings reach a point about a centimetre to the left of this (probably genetically - modified) plant, it will reach out and bear hug them to death. Once you have a good idea of where it does this, it will be simple to avoid. 3.8 Polar Tribe Deep Freeze Muahahahaha! This world has the coolest trap in the game! For some reason it only appears in the practice version, which is a shame. When the lemmings fall into the funnel over this fridge - like contraption, they will come out in a block of ice (which then melts, along with the lemming inside it). 3.9 Space Tribe Giant Alien Insect Thingy Perhaps the most obvious trap in the game, this creature towers above the lemmings, drilling them to bits if they get too close. Airlock More innocent - looking than the previous trap, this consists of a shutter that will rise up whenever a lemming walks past it, and all lemmings wo do so will be instantly sucked out into the vacuum of space (where they meet a grisly end). 3.10 Cavelem Tribe Bogeyman The nastiest trap in the game by a mile! This trap is only visible by a pair of glowing red eyes in the background. When a lemming walks past, a large hand will swipe it away, to where it is either devoured on the spot or taken away for afters. (Very scary, too). 3.11 Shadow Tribe ! Block No, it isn't something off Mario (pardon my french; I forgot I was talking about a Sega game); like many traps in the original, this splats the lemmings from above. It is marked with a ! 3.12 Sports Tribe Bouncing Tennis Ball Not too hard to miss, this bounces up and down and is practically the only moving object on the world. It squashes the lemmings when it lands, but they can jump past it and survive. It may be possible to run too. 3.13 Other Hazards Water Every world (except for Circus and Space) has water. Lemmings will drown in this unless you make them a Swimmer, Kayaker or Surfer. Death Drops If a lemming fall a little too far (about half a screen), it will be stunned for a few seconds. If it falls too far by a long way (about a full screen or greater, it will splat messily on the ground. If the lemming is a floater, parachuter or slider, it can avoid this fate. Whatever Lies Beyond... I'm sure that you'll remember how in the original the lemmings would die if they fell off the bottom of the screen, well ... they do here too. Only, they will also die if they step off either end of the level or fly off the top of the screen (e.g. in an explosion). ********* 4 Cannons ********* Cannons feature on many levels; they are mostly the same; they can be pulled along a chain using the arrow icons at either end (click on them) to try and aim the lemmings to where you want to send them. They will fire the lemmings towards the right, and upwards. There are three exceptions: Medieval Tribe - Catapult This follows the same principles, only it's larger and will fire your lemmings to the left. Cavelem Tribe - Triceratops Flicks the lemmings to the left with its tail. This cannot be moved, however; it remains rooted in one spot. Sports Tribe - Burst Pipe This will basically throw the lemmings to the right' they only appear on one level and cannot be moved. No cannons appear on the Beach, Outdoor, Classic and Space levels. The latter, however, does feature one nifty transporter which deserves a mention here; the teleporter. This will transport the lemmings to an identical device found elsewhere in the level (although exactly which one is another thing; you will need to experiment to find out). ************ 5 Walkthrough ************ 5.1 Beach ----------- Difficulty: 1/5 This is probably the easiest world in the game; with only a few exceptions, you should get through this no problem. Level 1: Quad Quirks on the Quay Top door: Stomp when one of your lemmings is above the parasol on the level below. Other doors: Use a flame thrower on the objects (i.e. the parasol, palm tree and can) blocking the exit. Level 2: The Barley Now Turn a lemming into a jet packer and blow it over the parasol to the left. It will walk under the others; now make it back through the slope ahead; this might take a few tries as the slope is at a low angle. Rope up to the sandcastle when the lemming falls, and when it turns, bash through the parasol on the left. Now make another of your trapped lemmings jet pack out to the left and laser blast under the holding platform. They will now all head for the exit. Level 3: Cannonball Turn the first lemming into a jumper to pass over the wall on the right, then into a kayaker to cross the water. Now make the lemming hang glide across the the next platform, where it will walk down and turn; make it hang glide again as it is about tofall in the water, so it lands on the steel platform just under the water it kayaked across previously. At the end of this platform, make it into a bomber before it turns, blasting out a cavern. Now make it fire a laser up into the ceiling, freeing the others. Wait until the lemmings drop down, and turn around at the beach ball, and make the leading lemming (I suggest you use C to lock onto this lemming) into a glue pourer, filling in the gap. Level 4: Coastal Suction Function This is pretty easy; make the first lemming into a runner and tell it to jump over the beach ball, then make it into a surfer to cross the pool. Make it jump under the trap, the kayak across the lake at the bottom. Laser blast when he is under the other lemmings. Level 5: Sand Stone This level requires some patience; make the first lemming fence into the wall, then stomp a little way in so they get trapped in a pit. Wait for the last lemming to appear and have it stomp through the floor, then jump to avoid the two traps. Then jump again at the bottom of the slope, then glue pour to fill in the small gap; this will extend past the castle/exit slightly. Jump over the exit and build off the end of the glue, then - after a few steps - make the lemming glue pour until it joins with the slope across the large gap. Use a fencer to free the other lemmings. Level 6: Beach Lems Club bash through the palm tree (if the lemming stops, which it usually does, make it fence. Use an attractor to hold back he other lemmings while the first lemming platforms over the water, then scoops down under the beach hut. On landing, make it rope up to the underside of the platform overhead, and then rope left ot just over the steel when it turns. Fence through the sand, then platform under the trap. When the lemming turns, make it scoop down to the exit. Stop the attractor by making it jump. Level 7: Sand in Yer Sarnies Turn the first lemming into a runner and have it jump over the gap, while the others fall through. Platform over the gap in the ledge below, making them trapped. Turn the runner into a swimmer, so it gets past the water and then bash through the palm tree. When the runner gets to the top of the bucket, have it jump over to the sand ledge, then wait for it to turn and make it jump again. Jump over the oyster, then mine down into the beach huts, and bash when level with the sand. Build over to where the others are and make on of them bash through the bucket, while the runner turns. Have the runner bash through the can to the left of the exit. Level 8: Beach Mania Give the first lemming a flying carpet and make the second lemming into an attractor. Make the first lemming fly over to where the giant sand castle (not the exit) is. Then fly back to the platform directly under where the others are and when it turns, make it build to the right. After two bridges, let it fall and build again off the platform it is mow on. Now for the hard bit; on the flat platform, make this lemming into an archer and make it fire up and at an angle so the arrow falls and turns the lemming round. Let it fall onto the next platform. Now make it build off the edge; although it doesn't look like it, there is a small (and annoying) gap before the exit. Now, make the attractor jump. Level 9: Sand Blaster Jump the first lemming away from the others and make an attractor. Make the first lemming fire bazookas (about six will do) at the sand castle, to blast through it and make it platform over the water. After passing through the ruins of the sand castle, fire about five mortars over the lake (when in the same position, blasting a hole in the ground and platform over the lake. Turn the attractor into a jumper now. The lemmings will be trapped by the giant oyster, so use a bazooka or mortar to get past and make your way to the exit. Level 10: Surf Lem! This is very easy! Make a lemming scoop to the left, then scoop again when it lands. Then make it into a runner; ignore the trap - it's fake, then use an arrow to create an obstacle the lemmings cannot pass (like in level 8), then turn and build over the gap. Now all the beach lemmings are safe! 5.2 Outdoor -------------- Difficulty: 2/5 Another fairly simple world. Not much to say here really. Level 1: Pa - Tent - Ly Obvious Wait until a lemming turns left, then turns right again and give it Icarus wings. Use the fan to blow it to the top of the plants on the right. Before it goes in the exit, make it into a twister and blow it diagonally down to the left, creating a slope for the others to walk up (if it becomes too steep, nuke them and start again). Level 2: Swing/Roundabout Theory There is a very easy way to do this level which the programmers evidently missed. Make one lemming into a stacker directly under the door, but only let it build about three or four steps before making it jump. Make another lemming into a stacker against the pole on the left and - when it is almost at the top of the pole, and facing right, turn it into a filler. It may take a few goes, but you should manage to fill the cement high enough for the lemmings to walk out to the left. Level 3: Glide Like the Wind Make the first lemming into a glider to get ahead of the others, and stop when it reaches the first tree stump. At the top of the tree stump, build over the gap where the frog is. Now let it walk on until it reaches the second frog (flame under this carefully), then platform over to the exit. Level 4: Deliverance Squeal like a pig, boy! This is a pretty tough level. Make the second lemming into an attractor and make the first lemming into a kayaker when it falls into the water. Once across, have fire two arrows at the other side of the water, and free one of your attracted lemmings by making it jump, then pour glue from the end of the arrows. Then have it rope to the edge of the water and make the attractor into an archer (aim to the left, so it doesn't block the others) to free them all. Level 5: Friday's Walk The lemmings will walk over two piles of stones; in between the two, turn the first lemming into a stomper and ten a jumper.If you did it right, they will all get trapped except the second lemming. Wait until this lemming reaches the top of the last pile of stones and make it platform to the next tall fence post, then make it rope to the top of this, then rope to the mushroom on the right. Fire ropes up in - between the two mushrooms until you get to the top and walk off to the left. It will fall in - between two stumps, but let it bash its way out, and then rope over the last hold. One of your trapped lemmings should club bash to the right for them all to escape. Level 6: The Magic of Mushrooms Make the first lemming jump over the first small gap, leaving the others trapped and make it platform off the end of the vine. Let it land on the first mushroom and walk right and turn it into a stacker and make it jump to the left. It will land on another mushroom, below, so turn it into a stacker again and make it jump right. Make it platform over the gap once, then - when it lands and is about to fall off the next mushroom, make it into a stacker, then jump it off to the left, before platforming to the left to the exit. Make one of the trapped lemmings platform across the gap that the first lemming jumped. Level 7: Natural Selection The title refers to the fact that there are THREE exits on this level, but (as far as I can tell), only one is accessible. Jump the first lemming ahead of the rest, which you should stop using an attractor. Make the first lemming into a floater, and when it reaches the bottom of the huge drop, make it stack twice, then walk off to the left. Finally, use several bombers to blast through the wall blocking the exit and make the attractor jump. Level 8: The Laws of Tradition Turn the first lemming into a platformer; let the second walk off the bridge and land on the platform below; make this lemming into a climber and slider. Turn the third lemming into an attractor. Let the first lemming walk up the rocks and platform over the small hold a little way up. At the top, when it turns,make it platform left. Keep watching the climber/slider, and when it gets to the top platform, make it platform to the left. When the other lemming reaches the wall on the left of its bridge, make it fence through until just after the final steel block. Now make it scoop a little way, then fence again, until it reaches the small cavern. When the climber/slider reaches the exit platform, it will turn right; make it scoop down into the cave that I mentioned before and make the attractor into a fencer to free the lemmings. Level 9: 22934 This is pretty hard! Turn the first lemming into a runner and make it jump over the small ditch (this is to get it ahead of the others). When it lands, make it into an archer and make it fire upwards. This will land and block the other lemmings. Give the runner a parachute and it will survive the next drop; now, make it into an archer again and make it fire an arrow at the stem on the left (this will break the other lemmings' fall). Now make it rope to the top of the wall on the right, and then bash through the brown flowers. When it lands, make it fire arrows at the blue flowers on the left. This will stop the others splatting. Build over the next gap and up to the ledge at the top (this will take about four builders and a lot of patience). Now, club bash through the vine that is in the way and build up the next wall. Build over the arrow blocking the other lemmings. Level 10: Garden of Stone When the first lemming lands, make it into a bomber, blowing the second lemming over to the left. This lemming will now begin walking left. Turn the third lemming into a stomper, just right of the crater you made and make the first lemming (who will be walking ahead) into a runner; now turn it into a hopper at the end of the platform; make the stomper into a jumper. Also, when the lemming heading left reaches the far left, make it platform. Make the runner platform of the chasm on the floor and make one of your trapped lemmings fence left. Now all the lemmings can exit (pursued by a bear). This is a joke, before anyone writes in, complaining that they didn't see a bear. 5.3 Egyptian --------------- Difficulty: 3/5 This is the first level which has nearly all straight surfaces. Level 1: Two's Company This is easy; when the first lemming drops from the right - hand trapdoor, make it dig. A club basher should be used by the lemmings in the top - left trapdoor to get through to this section. For the rest of the walls, blocking them and the lemmings from the bottom trapdoor, you can use the skills however you want. However, when you use the two bazookas, make sure no other lemmings are performing a skill, or they may get stunned by the blast and will be unable to complete the task and thus be entombed there forever. Level 2: Glued to the Goal Turn the second lemming from the top exit into an attractor, and turn the first lemming into a glue pourer. Turn one of the lemmings from the middle exit into a stomper. When the lemming stops glue pouring, make it flame throw through the wall to the exit, then jump over the exit, and flame throw through the right hand wall. When it walks onto the platform below and heads left, make it glue pour over the gap (this requires two glue pourers), then let it walk down the slop and platform across the water. Make it into a runner now and - when it turns, make one of the lemmings trapped behind the pillar flame throw through it. Also, make the attractor jump. Let the lemming run over the glue bridge and when it turns, make it jump, and then jump at the wall before the exit to turn it and make it glue pour to the right, creating a bridge that the other lemmings can use to reach the exit. Level 3: Labyrinth of Fun Nowhere near as complex as it looks.Turn the first lemming into a stomper a little way along the first platform, and turn the second into an attractor. The first lemming will head right; make it fence through the table, then wait until returns and falls down the pit. Make it fence right and then turn it into a filler when it lands, to let it walk out to the left. Finally, make it scoop down to the exit. Make the attractor jump. Level 4: Spiralling DNA Turn the first lemming into a stacker when it lands; now, turn the second lemming into a Super Lem as it walks under the gap in the ceiling. The next bit will take some practice; make the Super Lem fly up (it flies at the cursor), and fly over the two jars. Now make this lemming build over the small pit that holds the trap. When it turns and crosses the bridge again, make it a twister and blow it down to create a path for the other lemmings to walk up. Bash through the wall blocking the exit. Level 5: Echo of Light This level is harder than it seems. Hake the first lemming bash through the palm tree, then turn it into a climber and slider. When a lemming walks to the left of the exit, make it stomp through the floor and quickly glue over the pit of water to the right. When the climber/slider is over one wall, make it bash through the exit and turn it into a runner. It must jump over the water, then bash through the wall, and then jump over the last pit. Make the trapped lemmings bash to the right. You will have one glue pourer left, so use it to cross the water. The rest of the glue will continue along and fill up the second gap, and the lemmings can walk into the exit. Level 6: Ruper'z Questling This is easier than it seems.Turn the first lemming into a runner. It will simply run across the small holes, which the others will get trapped by. Now make this lemming rope up to the platform that holds the exit and platform across the trap. You can now fill in the holes and free the other lemmings. Level 7: The Egypt Cottage! When the first lemming turns left, turn it into a rock climber, parachuter and swimmer. Now use the fan to get it down the shaft to the left (make sure it doesn't hit the wall to the left), and blow it into the water. Let the lemming swim to the left side and turn it into a balloonist. Use the fan to get this lemming up to the platform that is below the sphinx, then let the lemming climb the wall and turn, then give it a jet pack; blow it up onto the head of the sphinx and make it laser blast under the other lemmings. It will now fall down to the right; turn it into a stomper. Now all the lemmings can reach the exit. Level 8: Hero'z Quest When the first lemming turns left, make it jump left and stomp through the platform. Stomp again (all the others will be trapped). Now let the lemming continue until it falls into a small hole. To make it jump out, make it jump in the opposite direction to the way you want it to go and it will turn and walk out the right way. When it enters the next one, wait for it to turn and then make it stomp until it is nearly through the floor, then make it into a fencer. On the other side, let it walk up the slope and turn, then jump it onto the next platform. The next bit is tricky; wait for it to turn and take a few steps, then make it into a pole vaulter. After some practice, he should make it up to the next level. Keep going, jumping when necessary, until it falls left of the exit. Make it platform over the gap, and then fence through the wall and platform again until it hits the wall. You are now under the other lemmings; turn one of them into a stomper and they can all escape. Level 9: Wave Pathway When the first lemming lands, make it into a stacker, then make it jump to the right after about five steps. He will make it over the wall on the right and fall into the pit containing the trap. Change it into a stomper and wait until it is below the steel wall, before making it bash. Platform over the water, then bash into the next wall, stomping before you reach the steel. Use bashers and stompers in this way to get past the steel, then let it fall, turn and platform over the gap on the left, then make it stomp until below the steel again and bash to the exit. Now make one of your trapped lemmings bash right let them out. Level 10: Pyramid of Despair The main difficulty with this level is the narrow passageways; let the lemmings wander into the first pit, but make the firstlemming hop to get past. The nest bit is tricky; it will enter a pit with small holes above it; when it is under the one on the right, make it into a sad pourer (this must be in the right place as it cannot sand pour if the ceiling is too low). Make it into a rock climber and make the lemming hop when it climbs the mound of sand (heading right), and it should get out. When the lemming falls again, make it pour glue, covering up the trap. Let it turn and follow the passage, until it leaves the pyramid. Just before it walks off the screen, make it pour sand to turn it around. Make it jump to get it onto the side of the pyramid. Let this lemming walk over the pyramid, then sand pour and let it turn and walk into the pyramid again. It will fall down a gap, but make it a hopper and it will climb up the wall on the left (trust me on this one). When it turns round at the end of the passage make it fire a mortar ito where the other lemmings are trapped, and - while they're stunned - pour glue right from this section (where the ceiling is higher), and it will fill up the gap. Now your lemmings can exit safely. 5.4 Medieval --------------- Difficulty: 2/5 This is slightly easier than the last few worlds; it is also the first (and only) one to feature a catapult. Level 1: Lemming of Nottingham Scoop through the first two platforms, then let the lemmings get trapped in the small pit. Jump one lemming out of the hole and turn it into a sand pourer; it will turn, so jump another lemming out of the pit and keep pouring sand until a ramp is made that leads to the wooden beam overhead. Then free the trapped lemmings using a sand pourer, and scoop to the exit. Level 2: Sir! I Kid Ye Not!! Stomp through the first level, then flame through through the vertical beams on the lower level. Use a filler to get past the pit and a sand pourer to get over the wall; then use a twister to dig through to the exit. Level 3: All in a Knight's Work "Duncan" sent in this way to beat the level without any lemmings dying: 1. Immediately make the first lemming build a wall and then jump him off to the left when the wall is 2 high. 2. Make the lemming dig through before the catapult. 3. When he reaches the very corner of the first ledge make him rope to the ground. 4. Let him walk down, bounce off the wall and then as he walks up his rope, make him dig through. 5. As he comes to the pit, make him platform over it, it should only take one platform if done right. 6. Finally make one of the other lems platform towards the wall (by now it's pretty 50-50 whether the lem actually goes towards the wall but anyway...). 7. The platform should enable the lems to climb up n over. Level 4: Watch That Last Step ----------------------------------- Turn the first lemming into a stacker on the edge of the first small platform; two lemmings will pass before they start turning and becoming trapped. On the next platform, make the second lemming into a stacker and make the third lemming a stacker on the one after that. Make this lemming glue pour over the gap when it has finished, then turn it into a surfer when it falls in the water and make it surf across, using the fan. In the pit below, make it sand pour at one end, creating a ramp up, and turning the lemming around. Do the same at the other end, and the lemming will turn. When it walks up the sand ramp, have it glue pour over the water, and make one of the trapped lemmings club bash through the beam on the right. Level 5: King Arthur's Lemmings Make the first lemming into a bomber. This may seem pointless, but you can now club bash from inside the crater and get under all the trees (whereas otherwise you would not have been able to get past them because you only have one club basher. Use an attractor to stop the others and build over the gap. Finally, turn the lemming into a bomber at the edge of the deadly drop and make the attractor jump. Now the lemmings can survive the fall to the exit. Level 6: Let's Play Twister! Turn the first lemming into a runner and make it jump over the hole that the others are falling down. Let the runner turn andhead down the shaft. Turn one of your trapped lemmings into a twister and use the fan to make a tunnel, avoiding the cave below them as this contains a dragon. Instead, go down to wooden beam over a pool of water and let them get trapped here. When the lemming reaches the bottom of the shaft and turns, quickly turn it into a climber and jump it over the water. Make it a slider too. When it gets over the large wall, it will run down a slope, so make it jump onto the wooden platform nearby and then platform over the water and the end (directly beneath the other lemmings). Now, wait until the runner is directly over the gap between the two beams below and turn it into a twister so that all the lemmings can fall through this and through the gap below,a nd head into the exit (note: if it is too far to the right then it will end up falling off the screen because it will slide off the platform and head right. If it is too far to the left, the other lemmings will walk along the beam underneath, turn and walk into the bottomless pit below. To free the others, turn one into a twister. Level 7: Underground Turn the first lemming into a fencer to get through the tower and row of crates, and stop the others with an attractor. After the second tower, make this lemming into a platformer, and when it hits the row of trees (only millimetres away), make it into a fencer again. Make it fence through the two towers in the way, then turn the attractor into a jumper. There, that was easy! Level 8: What Shall We Do Now? Turn the first lemming into a stomper and immediately make the second lemming into a platformer before it falls into the hole. Make the third lemming an attractor. The stomper should land to the right of the castle; make it stomp again and then let it walk along the wooden beam, towards the dragon. There is a shaft overhead, so let the lemming float up using a balloon. Blow it to either side at the top, then make it platform over the shaft. When it walks up to the wall blocking the lemmings (youcan make the attractor jump now, by the way), make it into a bomber. Keep using bombers (try making some on the other side too) until the wall is blown up and the lemmings can pass through. Stomp through the two platforms above the exit. Level 9: Lemming in Distress Two solutions here. This is the way I did it. First make the first lemming jump onto the steel block and make the second lemming into an attractor. Make the first lemming jump again to the platform by the water and make it rope over the water. It will cross and turn at the wall. Now turn the lemming into a spearer so the spear lands on the right hand corner of the platform holding the other lemmings. Keep throwing spears to make a bridge across to this platform. Now for the hard part; let the lemming walk down the slope and build over the dragon; this must be done just before the trigger for the trap, or your lemmings will be toasted. Sometimes it may even look okay, but the lemmings will be too close and activate the dragon on the bridge, which will kill any lemmings that are climbing off. Turn the attractor into a jumper (this will take loads of practice.) Rusty O'Hara sent in this method: 1: Make the first lemming jump onto onto the steel block. 2: Make the second lemming into an attractor. 3: Make the first lemming jump again to the platform above the water 4: At the end make him an archer and fire just a tiny bit up and to the right. If you do this right it will come stright down and your lemming will turn round and start walking left. 5: Make him an archer again and fire 2 arrows near the attractor so that your lemmings can walk over the first bit of water. 6: Let your lemming keep walking. He will fall down next to the big pool of water. AS SOON as he stands up, make him an archer and fire stright up in the air. (When you release your lemmings they will hit the arrow and turn around.) 7: Let him walk down the slope and turn him into a ballooner at some point. Blow him into AND BELOW the tusk of the big dragon near the exit. The ballon will pop and your lemming will be walking left... 8: Let him turn around and just before the exit (approx at the beginning of the castle) make him throw all 5 spears one after the other. (If you have done this right, you should have 5 spears one after the other making a big arc over the top of the dragon. 9: Quickly jump over the exit. 10: Before you hit the dragon trap, use your roper to rope from the ground to the top of your spear arc. 11: Make your lemming a ballooner again, and again, blow him into AND BELOW the tusk of the big dragon near the exit. The ballon will pop and your lemming will be walking right and to freedom. 12: Make the attractor a jumper. 13: Sit back and watch your lemmings come home ;) Level 10: Just Jousting Around When the second lemming appears, make it into a pole vaulter; this should allow it to get up to the high platform; now turn him into a floater. Turn the first lemming into a stacker, and one lemming will get past. Just before it gets fried by the dragon, make it into a stacker. Now, use the arrows (at either end of the chain) to pull the catapult along to almost as far right as it will go. Just as the stacker is about to finish, make it rope to the wall on the right. This is important as you need to use a bomber later and this is the only way to stop lemmings being thrown over the stack and becoming the first ever. Meanwhile, the floater will have been catapulted and should end up on a ledge below the dragon. Turn it into a glue pourer to cover up the water, then pull the catapult back to the far left of the chain, and wait for the floater to turn and make it glue pour again. It will now create a bridge over the catapult to the exit. When one of your lemmings in the area where the dragon is walks onto the narrow bit of the platform, make it into a bomber. This should leave a small bit of platform on the left, to break the other lemmings' fall. Rope to the top of the stack that is blocking the other lemmings. You have now rescued another tribe! 5.5 Classic ------------- Difficulty: 4/5 (5/5 if you try to save the maximum number of Lemmings possible, which - as far as I am aware - is 49). This is basically some extra levels in the format of the original; thus you will recognise the design. You can only scroll horizontally and you can only choose from the original eight skills (climber, floater, exploder, blocker, basher, miner and climber.) The levels in this section are mostly harder than the original. Level 1: Do You Remember? Just a warm up, really. The easiest way is to bash through the pillar on the right and let the lemmings fall down to the floor, then bash under the large pillar, then build up to the exit. Level 2: Mr Lemmy Lives Next Door Turn the first lemming into a climber. When it gets up onto the wall on the right, make it into a miner. Make one of the trapped lemmings build towards this same wall. The miner will eventually hit the steel and stop. Now, if the bridge is complete, make the climber build up to the top of the high wall on the left (this should take three builders); if the bridge isn't finished, wait until it is it should take two builders). At the top of the second bridge you made, build to the right onto the platform that crosses the water. There is one obstacle in the way so bash through it. When the lemmings land and walk a little way to the right, turn the first one into a digger. This is so the climber can get into the door, rather than climbing the wall on the left and drowning. Level 3: Lemtris When the first lemming is facing left, make it build to the top of the square shape on the left, then let the lemmings get trapped on the other side and make a lemming climb to the left. Once it is over the first obstacle, make it bash through the next two. Let the lemming climb over thenext two obstacles, but make it build into the last one, turning it around. Now, bash through the obstacle immediately on the right and let the lemming climb the next one and walk halfway across, before turning it into a miner. This will create a ramp the others can walk up. When this lemming reaches the T - shape that is blocking the lemmings, let it climb up the first (low) wall, but make it mine before it climbs up the next one, creating another slope for them to walk up. Now simply bash through the last shape and let your lemmings march into the exit. Level 4: Tension sheet good idea. This is where the levels start go get frustratingly difficult - without this FAQ. Turn the first lemming into an athlete (a climber and floater) so it climbs over the steel wall, and make it build over the water. At the edge of the next gap, let it dig a little way down and then build. This must be far enough down that the lemming turns around upon hitting the wall, but high enough so the lemmings can still walk past later. When the lemming turns and climbs up the wall again, wait for it to cross the steel and turn it into a miner. When it is almost at the bottom of the screen, turn it into a basher. Return to your trapped lemmings now; make one of them into a miner when it turns round against the steel wall, and they will create a tunnel that will eventually lead into the tunnel the basher is creating. When the basher is about to dig itself off the screen, make it into a blocker. The lemmings will now turn and walk towards the exit. Now you must turn the blocker into an exploder. This tactic, sent in by "Simon" allows you to save all of the lemmings. "The basic concept, at least the way I did it, is to make the basher and the miner, going in opposite directions, meet, with the basher's vertical level being slightly below that of the miner. Then the basher will stop bashing because of the room the miner created in front of him, and the miner will stop mining because he will drop down a few pixels, due the the basher's lower vertical level. (It might also be easier if you make the miner a blocker when it reaches where you want it to be, but I find that with a blocker, sometimes the basher just stops bashing instead, leaving the blocker unfree.) Here's a crude, not-to-scale picture roughly depicting what I'm talking about: *** *** ************ Y *** ****** X ****** ****************** Basher X was bashing to the right, and miner Y mining to the left. Basher X breaks through and stops bashing, while miner Y drops down (and therefore stops mining) from the small bit of height between the basher's ground level and the miner's vertical position. The timing is tricky to work out, but once I have it down I can now redo it pretty consistently: 1) The first lemming, after he gets up and starts walking again, make him an athelete. 2) Turn your attention to the second lemming. Prepare to make him dig (but not yet). Target him, and track him until he's gotten all the way to the left where the golden pillar is. Tricky timing now: make him dig immediately at the moment when he just turned around at the pillar, facing right. If you did this right, the digger when digging down will actually take away the one or two columns of pixels that are underneath the pillar's base at the base's right edge, kinda like this: *** *** ***** ******** **** ****** X **** ****** **** ****** | **** ****** v **** Notice that bit of overhang? We'll need this eventually. 3) Now pause and go back to our athelete lemming 1. As usual, make him build once across the gap. He'll eventually proceed to the right, towards the bottomless watery chasm near the exit. As soon as he got to the right edge of the steel section of ground near the chasm, make him mine to the right. When he's about to mine through and drop into the chasm, make him build. It might not look like he'll be building low enough to hit the other side and turn around, but he will. As you already know, you'll be using 2 builds for this. 4) As soon as lemming 1 starts building, immediately turn your attention back to digger lemming 2. Watch for his digging to be just low enough that, if he bashes to the right, he'll just barely clear through the entire steel section near his area (instead of stopping the bashing because of the steel overhead). Then make him bash. 5) Now turn your attention back to lemming 1. After he turns around, as he approaches that steel section of ground we talked about in #3, make him mine near or at the steel section's right edge. He of course won't mine very far, this is purely a delay tactic to make the timing work out. 6) Now, notice at the bottom of the level, to the immediate left of the steel section we talked about in step 5, you see a bunch of "golden bricks" arranged like this: XX XXXX XX|XXXX XX XXXX XX|XXXX Make lemming 1 start mining when he's lined up with the left edge of the golden brick that's adjacent to the steel section (as marked above). If you're unsure what I'm talking about, it's roughly an inch or so from the steel section I think. 7) Now watch and hope it works. If the timing works out the way it did for me, basher lemming 2 and miner lemming 1 will eventually starts to look like they'll approach the same spot at the same time. The basher will be the one to break through and make the two tunnels connect, and will stop bashing because of all that space the miner created in front of him. The miner will stop mining because the basher, being at a slightly lower vertical level, will cause the miner to fall for a few pixels when he tries to mine further left, and the fall will stop the miner from mining. 8) Finally, lemming 1 will proceed all the way to the left and starts climbing up, but because of the overhang I mentioned in step 2, he'll eventually stop climbing, turn back and heads towards the exit like everyone else." Level 5: The Magnificent Severn Bash through the first four pillars, but mine when you reach the fifth. This will let the lemmings land on a small, raised platform. Let two lemmings fall off and make the next lemming into a blocker, trapping the others. Turn one of the lemmings on thelower platform into an athlete and it will climb the wall on the right and enter the passage, which comes to a dead end. Make the lemming bash through the wall ahead, to land in an airspace on the other side. Let it climb the wall and fall down, then make it dig down. Here is the exit, but you must build over it. Let this lemming reach the pit at the end of the walkway and make it build. You will be under the platform where the other lone lemming is. The athlete will hit its head and turn heading for the exit, so now make the other lone lemming dig when above the bridge and facing right. When it breaks through, make the blocker explode and free the other lemmings. There is a way to save all the lemmings on this level. "Hiroyuki" sent in this solution: "First, you don't have to do nothing and wait first 30 >seconds. >Many many lemmings will be appear. >Then you have to destory first 4 pillars by 4 bashers. >Then,you have to make Blocker in front of 5th pillar. >Please note: 2 lemmings should have to be put between this >blocker and 5th pillar. >This two lemmings will be climb to top of map!! >We cannot see them,but actually they work to the right on >the top of map(the ceiling). >Soon they will fall at the right of 5th pillar!! >You have to give umbrellas to both of them. >They will fall to the left of big wall safety . >One of them should be Climber(lemming A). >You can leave(ignore) the other (lemming B). >Lemming A will climb that big wall. >You also have to make him Êbe basher. >He will go to the right of the map,and fall. >IMMEDIATELY you should make him Êbe digger. >Please note: Don't make him climb the end of right high >wall,because you don't have enough time left. >Then Lemming A will enter goal...needless to say he should >pass the goal to be builder. >After pass the goal,he will walk to the left. >In front of the pit,make him(Lemming A) be builder. >Now Lemmings B face to the right... >Soonly you should make Lemming B be digger in front of the >big wall(he will fall to the stairs Lemming A built). >IMMEDIATELY (As soon as Lemming B start to dig) you should >make the Blocker absorb(stop blocking) to make someone be >miner!!!!! >In this way,you will save all 50 lemmings at this stage. >Note: Only 6-9 seconds will be left when last lemming >enter goal." Level 6: The Starry Threshold This is slightly more straightforward, but with a very tight time limit. Wait for the lemmings to turn on the platform and turn the second one into a blocker; turn the first lemming into a digger. When it lands on the level below, let it take a few steps to the left and make it a digger again, and then make it build to create a ramp that comes out of the hole to the right (when it turns round, make it build again; I hope you understood that, because I can't make it a lot clearer. The lemming will now walk up a slope and across some steel. In the section that isn't steel, make it dig. Wait for the lemming to hit the steel; you should have dug so that the lemming has room to mine to the left; do so until it hits the steel and make it dig when it turns; when it reaches the steel again, make it bash to the right and build across the water. Now change the lemming into a climber. At this point, you must free your trapped lemmings or you will run out of time. Use a miner to mine under the blocker's feet, making it lose its footing and it will walk away. When the climber reaches the top of the wall, make it dig down almost to ground level, but a few pixels higher and then bash across (note that simply bashing would go too low and result in the lemming falling into the void below (I won't explain further; look at the level, you'll see). The lemmings can now safely exit. Level 7: So Close, Yet So Far Away When the first two lemmings turn and start walking left, turn them into climbers. Make the first one into an exploder so it blows up as it climbs the vertical beam on the left (but high enough so the other lemmings cannot get past). The second lemming should get through and walk on, up a slope. Just before it falls into the pit, make it into a builder, and it will hit a wall, which it must bash through. On the other side, make this lemming into a builder. Make one of your trapped lemmings into a climber and wait until the builder has make three bridges (it should be right on the edge of the screen now) and make it into a blocker. When the next climber appears and turns, make it build up to the right (should use just two builders). On the high platform, let the lemming bash through the first wall, then mine through the next wall it comes to. It will then pass over some steel, and when it gets back to the non - steel surface (just before the drop into the water), make it dig. Now, make one of your trapped lemmings into an exploder so it blows up part of the thin bit of the platform they are on and make the digger build as it passes the gap in between the two steel blocks. When it turns around, make it build across the gap on the left (you should miss the flame thrower). Let the otherlemmings walk to the exit. Three lemmings dead - the highest number on any level in this game. If you really feel like doing something cool, try doing it this way, which was sent in by "Simon". I have no idea if the programmers intended this to be possible, but it's quite cunning. "If you thought the trick Nabeel Sheikh taught you in Sport 6* was impressive, you'll flat out drop your jaws hearing what I did with this level. Only one lemming dies. But before I tell you exactly how, you should understand what's going on with Sport 6. It's not just a random glitch, but actually an obscure "feature" that in a sense we're abusing. It seems that the programmers of lemmings 2 abhors a situation where a lemming would become completely entrapped inside a wall or similar object. For example, imagine having a lemming in a deep, narrow pit, and give him the filler task. It doesn't take long for the liquid to have gone above the lemming's height. Will the lemming be forever doomed to be encased inside that goo? Well, it seems that the programmers didn't like that idea, so they made this feature where if a lemming ever gets completely entrapped, the lemming will start climbing up thru whatever is entrapping it, here the filling in the pit, until he gets out to the top. There're actually many many ways for lemmings to get completely entrapped in lemmings 2, so maybe that's why the programmers did this. This is in essence the trick in action for Sport 6. ---------- So here, we will use this cheap trick to cause all our lemmings to climb thru the vertical wooden column on the left at the beginning area, up the steel block layer, and onto the ceiling, the place where you normally need to waste 5 or 6 bridges to get up to. Have your jaws dropped yet? The setup is simple. Make a blocker on the left against the vertical wooden column, such that his left hand is touching the column. Now make a builder build one bridge from the right of the blocker going left towards the blocker, positioned so that when the bridge ends, lemmings will drop off the bridge *over* the blocker's head and slightly to the head's left. It turns out that the blocker's blocking power actually comes from his hands only, and they only act one-way (the right hand will only block lemmings approaching from the right, the left hand those approaching from left). So the lemmings will actually move past the blocker, and start approaching the wooden column on the left. Well, here's where the fun starts: with the blocker's left hand touching the column, this would mean these lemmings will be completely entrapped, namely squeezed between the column and the blocker's left hand. So we get the cheap trick to happen: the lemmings will start climbing up, not just up the wooden column but actually all the way up past the steel until they're at the very top. I think you can figure out how the rest of the solution would go from this point on. Basically at some point you will use one more blocker to hold back the rest of the crowd while one lone lemming trailblazes ahead. At the end you will either mine or bash under this blocker's feet to free him, and everyone but the first blocker goes home." *See later in the walkthrough Level 8: The Secret of Lemh This is slightly easier. Turn a lemming into a blocker to the left of the trapdoor and turn another lemming into a climber, and let it climb the wall, then dig down until it hits the steel. Repeat this until the lemming has got past the steel. The other lemmings will begin dropping into the tunnel. When it is about half way down, turn it into a miner. Now let the climber climb the next wall and walk up the slope and bash through the wall, then dig down and bash across to the exit. Build up the small wall that the climber climbed and the lemmings will all exit (except for the blocker, who you must blow up). "Simon" sent in this strategy for getting all the lemmings in. It's not easy to pull off though, so be warned. "You can save all lemmings here...but you probably won't want to ever do it more than once. This is hell to do. This is really hard to describe well in text only, and even harder to execute, because you will be majorly multi-tasking. You'll be making so many lemmings dig, the entire wall at the beginning will practically disappear. My solution might not make much sense until you see the screenshots, and then you should immediately understand what I did. In the meanwhile, I'll make a quick summary of it to my best ability: The first 10 lemmings will climb up that wall, with lemming 1 digging a deep pit from the very top going down, just past the steel section, eventually to trap the rest of the incoming lemmings. Lemmings 2 thru 9 will dig in a specific manner to create a "staircase" that will eventually allow the rest of the lemmings to walk up on it and drop down into the pit lemming 1 is digging. Lemming 10 will be the trailblazer and be given the floater. One thing: don't make him build, you can do this with other lemmings later. Eventually, lemmings 2 thru 9 will hit steel in their digging, but they don't get trapped by lemming 1's pit because they can climb. So now you have to make them dig again, this time digging down the right side of the wall instead of the left as they did before. Fortunately this time you don't have to make them dig in any specific arrangement, just that they have to be digging (otherwise they'll fall off the wall from the right and splatter). At some point, when trailblazer lemming 10 is about to finish setting up the path to the exit, have lemming 1 bash to the right. Doing so will form this tunnel of space that will cause lemmings 2 thru 9 to stop digging eventually. The rest is now obvious." Level 9: Flying the Mad Pursuit This level will certainly make you mad. While the first lemming walks on, make the second lemming build just right of the trapdoor. Make the first lemming build over the gap. Make the next three lemmings build just right of the first bridge you made. Turn the first lemming to walk up the single bridge (over the gap) into a blocker. Return to the leading lemming and make it bash through the pillar and then mine into the wall at the end, and then dig. On the platform below, make the lemming dig and turn it into a climber. Make the lemming build to turn it and then make it build left towards the wall (try and time it so the lemming stops building as the bridge touches the wall, or it will turn and you will waste a builder turning it around again. Make the lemming build over the water and climb over the next wall. Make the lemming build over the water, then climb over the wall blocking the exit. The next bit requires careful timing; dig down, but this must be far enough right so the other lemmings can step through from the bridge, but not too far right or you will dig through the bridge, and the other lemmings will fall into the water. Wait until the lemming hits the steel and let it climb again. Dig again when it reaches the top, removing the rest of the pillar. Now, mine under the blocker's feet and save the lemmings. Level 10: What's It Like Up There? Vince Mertes suggested an easier solution to this level. Make the first lemming into a climber, then let the second lemming turn and make it a climber too. When the third lemming is in the gap between the two steel sections, make it dig. Watch the two climbers; the one on the right will walk towards a vertical wall; make it bash through. The one on the left will drop to the right of the exit. Instead of immediately mining, as I previously suggested, make it build past the exit and then make it mine down. The former will turn round reach the platform under the other lemmings. Bash along the wooden plank ahead, and the other lemmings will fall into the tunnel. At the end, the basher will fall into a gap with a wooden plank on the right. Bash through this, keep repeating this procedure - in mirror image, each time (the best I can explain that bit, I'm afraid). Watch the miner, too. There are two air spaces towards the left of the wall, and it will eventually land in one of them. When it turns and is about to walk up the slope it made, make it mine again and - when it is near the bottom of the wall - make it bash. It should bash through the bottom of the series of planks and stop when it reaches the end - before the other lemmings get there. They will all walk into the tunnel. When they turn and walk up to the fork in the two paths made by the miners, make a lemming build up into the top one. Now, watch as the lemmings walk up to the exit. 5.6 Circus ------------ Difficulty: 3/5 Probably the most colourful area of the game, this world features a lot of dependance on cannons and trampolines (they're those sort of weird - shaped things you may have seen littered around some levels). I think this is the first time they are actually used. Level 1: Lightlines Make the first lemming jump over the wall blocking the other lemmings and over the cannon and the small gap. The lemming will turn and drop down a level; make it jump back to the left.Make it a climber. When it climbs the wall and drops down one step, make it laser blast under the other lemmings. Wait until they are walking along the bottom level now and make a lemming glue pour off the end. They will now walk up the triangular formations to the exit. Level 2: Lemmings in the Family This is slightly easier than it looks. The lemmings will bounce across the level on a series of trampolines. When the first lemming walks on and has almost reached the gap to the left, make it into a stomper, creating a hole, and wait until it is about three quarters of the way down and bash through. There is one more wall in the way of the exit; flame throw through it. Level 3: We're Coming Home Turn the first lemming into a stacker; the second lemming will walk past. Turn the third lemming into a twister and turn the second lemming into a platformer as it reaches the chasm. When the stack is high enough, make the stacker jump left. Make the twister go diagonally down (using the fan) to create a slope out of the hole the others are getting trapped in (make the twister jump if it goes too far down). Concentrate on the platformer now, and when it is across the chasm, make a lemming club bash through the stack. Level 4: Round the Blox! Make one of the lemmings from the lower trapdoor bash left and make a lemming from the upper trapdoor into a twister and blow it through the wall (avoiding the steel blocks) to meet the tunnel below. Now you must simply get around the steel blocks to reach the exit. I usually do this:When the basher has almost reached the steel blocks to the left, make it scoop down, and then club bash when level with the open passage ahead. Make the lemming twist when it reaches the next wall (after walking up the steps and turning at the top), then blow it downwards and below the steel, then up on the other side. Let it climb up more steps and then bash through the last wall. If the other lemmings get in the way, use an attractor to hold back the others until you're finished. Level 5: Big Top Time When the first lemming lands, make it into a stacker. Two others will walk past, but the others will turn and get trapped. Make the stacker jump left. When the two lone lemmings reach the gap to the right, make them both into platformers. When they turn round, let the first one walk on, and make the second bash into the slope. Make the first lemming bash left into the wall blocking the other lemmings. When the other basher is through the slope, make it platform over to the exit. Level 6: Headache Turn the first lemming into a fencer to get through the wall on the right. Now wait until the lemmings begin to cross a series of dips, and just left of the second one, make the first lemming into a bomber. The lemmings will begin falling onto the trampoline. Glue pour over the trampoline to fill up the pit (do this three times), then make a lemming into a bomber as it stands to the left of the pit, so the lemmings can walk out. Move the cannon to the right of the chain and when a lemming gets fired, it will land on the platform above; make it into a bomber and now all the lemmings will be fired over the gap to the exit. Level 7: Circus of Fear Make the first lemming climb up the first wall and rope over the gap. Make it rope up to the top of the next wall, and over the next gap. In the next section, let it fall off the wall into the pit and make it stomp down to the lower level. It will fall left of a gap; rope over it. When it turns, make it into a filler to cross the last wall, and make one of your trapped lemmings rope to the right for them to escape. Level 8: Play that Funky Lemming The lemmings will fall down a shaft, and are saved from death by a trampoline; they will bounce to a platform on the right, Bash through the next wall (this must be done so that no lemmings turn around). Pull the cannon to the far right of the chain. Some lemmings will miss and fall onto the series of trampolines, but if you wait for one of them to stop bouncing and land, stunned, by the leftmost trampoline, then make it platform to the left, you can get them up to the cannon again. Make the platformer scoop before the wall gets in the way. While doing this, concentrate on the lemmings being fired through the cannon and make one scoop into the platform they are landing on. They will then walk up some more steps and turn left. Make the first two lemmings jump over the two low walls. They will walk up a slope, but when the second lemming is about to walk down the next slope, turn it into a platformer. Now make the other lemmings bash through the two low walls (you may need to make the second basher jump so it doesn't go too far). The lone lemming will walk towards the shaft below the trapdoor; make it jump over and let it walk up the stairs, then jump over the shaft again. Jump over to the wall holding the exit, and scoop towards the exit. When the lemming lands in the airspace that holds the exit, make it jump across and scoop to the right again (this is quite hard, as there is limited space). A little way down, make the lemming a basher, then make it scoop again until it is level with the platform blocking the others. Now bash to the right and they will all walk up to the exit. Level 9: The Carpet Capers Make the first lemming pole vault over the first wall, and then drag the cannon to the far right to shoot the lemming over the gap. Turn one of the trapped lemmings into an attractor (it's important later on). When the lone lemming reaches a series of narrow, vertical tiles, crossing a chasm, give it a flying carpet. Now let it cross, carefully blowing it up and down to avoid the obstacles, until it reaches the platform under the other lemmings. Let it turn and make it laser blast (not under the attractor, though). The lemming will fall down onto a level below; make it build over the chasm to the exit and make the attractor jump. Level 10: Swingz 'n Roundaboutz This is slightly easier; when the lemmings walk up the slope at the start, make the first one into a stacker. Only one lemming will walk past. When this happens, make the stacker jump to the left and make the lemming that walked past jump over the narrow gap to the right; it will hit the wall, turn and walk down the slope again. Let the lemmings walk on until they are approaching a cliff to their right and when the first lemming turns to the right, make it into a pole vaulter and make it pole vault up the cliff. Do the same with another lemming. Now, make one of these lemmings jump at the low wall overhead, turning it around. Make it scoop out a path towards the others (no further left than about halfway through the yellow diagonal stripe), and make the other lemming platform towards the low wall, to get across it, then platform over the gap. If your scooper goes too low, make it jump to stop it before it breaks through the floor (nuke them all if you missed the trapped lemmings entirely). Return to the lone lemming and fill up the next hole, then move the left hand cannon to the right of its chain (the other cannon is okay as it is). This will allow the lemmings to get to the next level quickly. They will walk off to the right whatever direction they were facing when they were fired. Fill up two more holes as the lemming walks onward and upward, and stomp when it is directly above the I - shape near the exit. If any lemmings fall to the left of the I shape, make them club bash through it. You have now saved the Circus Lemmings. 5.7 Highland --------------- Difficulty: 3/5 Nothing much to say here, but this is one of my favourite worlds. All the lemmings have red hair (nice touch). Level 1: Cream of Lemming Soup Turn the first lemming into a twister and blow it into the ground, creating a passage down to the platform at the bottom of the screen. They will start heading towards the exit. Make another twister, to break through the wall blocking the exit. Level 2: Wee Beasties!! Turn the first lemming into a runner, and make it jump up to the platform overhead. Keep making it jump up to the top of the series of platforms, then make it into a platformer to the right, before it runs off the cliff. Turn one of the trapped lemmings into a filler and keep doing so until they are out of the hole. They will walk down a slope; at the bottom of the slope, make one into a stomper. When the runner finishes platforming, it will run onto the next platform (you only need one platformer). Let it fall top the ground and run towards the exit, but make it jump towards the platform that the Scotch Terrier is standing on. Make the lemming fence through the wall on the left and it will break through to the other lemmings. Make one of them into a filler and they will all head towards the exit. Level 3: Stop Yer Ticklin', Jock! This level is very hard to do consistently, but very fun when you manage it. Turn the first lemming into a builder to get up to the raised platform, then make this lemming jump onto the trampoline. This will take a bit of practise, but the lemming should land roughly in the middle. If done right, it will be bounced around the screen on a series of trampolines to the top left, where it should fill in the hole right of the exit. The next bit is hard; build across the trampoline and then make the builder jump when it is about halfway across. You may need to keep stopping and starting, but eventually you will get a large horde of lemmings bouncing all over the screen and finally reaching the exit. Level 4: A Mere Stone's Throw This is easy - when you know how. Make the second lemming into an attractor and jump the first lemming ahead. When it lands in the pit, make it throw a stone, which should land at the top of the cliff. Keep throwing stones from the same place and they will form a bridge. when the bridge is close to the ground, make the lemming into a filler (do so at the left of the pit, or it will get trapped) until the pit is filled up and the lemmings can walk up the bridge you made. Make the attractor jump. Level 5: Donald, Whar's Your Lemming? Turn a lemming from either side into a jumper to get past the first obstacle. Make it a parachuter, and when it falls, blow it towards the nearest exit (but not into it). Now make it into a platformer to cross the chasm, then make the lemmings on either side club bash through the walls that block their way. Level 6: Brigadoon! Turn the first lemming into a jumper to get it over the first small turret, and - when it falls down - make it jump over the first pool of water, then give it a hang glider, blow this lemming to the tartan platform under where the other lemmings are trapped and make it laser blast. Now make it rope over to the stone platform on the left, or they will fall victim to the deadly flower. Turn it into a glider now, and blow it to the next stone platform, then rope up to the tartan platform to the left. Make another one of the trapped lemmings at the top of the screen jump onto the turret, and this time make it hang glide into the gap between the two tartan platforms to the upper right (very tricky to pull off), and let it turn round. It will fall right of two pools of water; make the lemming surf over both (you will need two surfers). On the other side, make the lemming laser blast and the others will be freed. Level 7: In Memory of McAngus The lemmings will arrive in two separate sections, one containing one cannon (on the left) and one with two (on the right) as shown below: B B ........... ......... ........... ......... 1 ||||||||| 2 3 B = Barrel/Trapdoor ||||| = Series of thin platforms 1,2,3 = Cannons ...... Stone platforms (not accurate, but these are what the lemmings walk down to the cannons on). Pull cannon 1 to just left of the end of the stone platform over head; cannon 2 should be moved to as far right as it will go, and cannon 3 to the centre of its chain. When one of the lemmings is fired by cannon 1 it will land on a stone platform, then head towards a gap leading to the ledge holding the other lemmings. Make it platform. When a lemming is fired from cannon 2, it will land on a steel block over the exit, then drop onto another. On the second one, make it stack until it is high enough to block the others, then jump to the left. The lemmings that are being fired from cannon 3 will eventually land on the trampoline by the door and exit safely.To speed up the flow of lemmings, make a lemming into a stacker on the far right of the chain of cannon 1 and platform across the series of narrow platforms. To create a path up to it, make one lemming into a stacker to the left of the first stack and platform to the right after three steps. Keep alternating between platformers and stackers until you have a bridge across to the other platform. Level 8: The White Heather Club Let the first lemming get fired from the cannon and make the second lemming platform over the cannon, trapping them. The first lemming will be heading towards the flower trap, so jump over the trigger and then again when it turns. Now make the lemming into a parachuter and when it falls off the cliff, blow it to the right so it lands right of the golf ball. Make it jump over the small gap and land on the platform below. To the right is a series of narrow platforms over a chasm. Make the lemming into a hopper to get across. It will now turn; make it hop back. There is another series of platforms, but the lemming will need to hop over each gap individually as it will keep hitting its head on the ceiling. Now, bash to the left. It will end up in a cave ,with the exit. It will walk up a slope; at the top, make it laser blast so the other lemmings start to fall through and quickly make it platform over to the exit platform and bash through the low wall blocking the exit, before the others recover. Level 9: Take A Running Jump Turn the first lemming into a runner and make the second lemming an attractor. Make the runner into a floater and rock climber and it will survive the fall off the cliff and climb the next wall. When it is running towards the exit, give it Icarus wings and use the fan to turn it around and make it land again; flame throw through the rocks on the left. Make it platform across the gap and make the attractor jump. Level 10: Eat My Shrapnel!! Hard Way "Duncan" sent in this way of beating the level without killinh any lemmings: 1. Set up an attractor, let one lem escape. 2. Turn this lem into a ballooner and blow him into the steel wall so he lands on the tartan. 3. Give him climber and slider and, when he reaches the top, make him jump onto the steel wall which is two blocks thick. 4. He'll slide down and then mess around a bit at the bottom but will eventually reach the shaft. 5. He should then "slide" down and turn round so that he's walking down the shaft. 6. When he reaches near enough the bottom, make him jump so that he doesn't "slide" again and turn round : 7. He should now be walking towards the water, make him platform over it. 8. Finally make the attractor jump You have now freed the Highland Tribe. 5.8 Polar ---------- Difficulty: 3/5 This is of course a snow world. This is also the only world to feature ice. This will cause all lemmings to start slipping and fall over unless they are made into a skater. Level 1: Lem Me Out! Fire a bazooka to the left of the pen that the lemmings are in; this should blow one lemming onto the platform below. Make this lemming fire mortars at the left hand side of the platform holding the other lemmings to break through it. Now fire two bazookas into the wall on the right. Turn a lemming into a runner to get ahead of the others and let them walk down the first dip, then carefully make the runner glue pour over the second. Glue pour again in the same place, then flame throw through to the exit. Level 2: Ice Ice Lemy At last; we get to see some ice! First, make the first lemming stack up against the snowman, then flame throw through it when it is high enough so the other lemmings cannot get past. Fence through the Christmas Tree and let the lemming fall off the cliff. On the lower level, make it flame throw into the slope to the right so it doesn't walk off the screen, then fence through the tree on the left. Now make the lemming a skater and wait for it to get past the ice and up a small ramp. It will fall down a slight wall, which stops the lemmings going to the right, so now laser blast into the ceiling, releasing the lemmings. Level 3: Snow More Lems The lemmings spend a lot of time walking down slopes here. Fence through the first tree you reach, then get the first lemming ahead by turning it into a Super Lem. Neat the bottom of the screen is a series of steel passages; rope across to these,t hen use ropers to navigate around the steel. At the top, fence through the wall that is blocking the exit. Level 4: Danger, Thin Ice! Turn the first lemming into a roller and it will take a different route from the others, ending up in a pit, so make it into a filler. The others will head towards a wide pit. Make one of them into a stacker on the left and make it jump out to the left, then start building across the ice, then use fillers to fill up the hole. If you want the level to be more fun, just fill up the hole, then start platforming over the ice. If any lemmings fall onto the ice, make them into skaters. When the lone lemming is heading towards the tree blocking the exit, make it fire a bazooka at the tree, blowing a path through it. Level 5: Take Your Best Shot This is a pretty annoying level. Make the first lemming rope to the left down to the platform to the bottom left, then let them walk down the rope and fence through the tree. Make the first lemming jump over the snowball. Now make it rope over the next gap and keep doing this until you reach some shafts to the right of the exit. To get through the ice, use bombers and bazookers, then finally fence to the left, reaching the exit. To free the other lemmings, fence through the snowball on their left. Level 6: Turn Back! Turn the second lemming into an attractor and jump the first lemming ahead. The next bet will take some practise, but turn the lemming into a thrower at the top of the slope, so the stone lands at the bottom and blocks the lemmings. When this lemming is turned around by the stone, make it club bash into the slope, where it will reach a small cavern. At this point, make the lemming into a stomper. Finally, platform over the gap on the left, to the exit, and make the attractor into a jumper. Level 7: Slipping' a Slidin' When the second lemming lands, make it into a stacker. Let the first lemming walk a little way to the right, then make it fire and arrow directly upwards, blocking the others. Let this lemming walk on, falling down one cliff and platform over the gap. The lemming will now reach a sheer drop down to the exit; make it into a bomber and it will make a crater and the lemmings will now be low enough to survive the fall. When one of your trapped lemmings is directly next to the arrow, make it into a bomber. Level 8: Snowed In When the first lemming from the left - hand trapdoor is about to reach the mound of snow on the right, make it into a bomber. Make the second lemming into a bomber just to the right of this point. This should blast through the wall on the left. One lemming should have been blown off the platform and onto the one below, giving it a head start. Pull the cannon to the right of the chain and let it blow the lemming over the wall. At the bottom of the slope, platform over the two gaps before the exit. Also, free the lemmings from the right hand trapdoor by making them fence right, and do the same for the lemmings who are now trapped right of the cannon. If any lemmings reach the chasm before the platformer is finished, make them jump to the exit (they should make it). Level 9: It's All Up Hill! Turn the first lemming into an archer the moment it lands, and fire an arrow almost straight up. If it is done right, the next lemming will end up to the left of this arrow, but the others will; land on it and be trapped to the right. Make the lone lemming rope over the gap on the left. Now make the lemming into a runner and let it run off the slope to the left and build over the next gap. Let the trapped lemmings build over the arrow. When the lemmings walk up the slope, make one of them rope up to the underside of one of the overhead platforms. When a lemming is fired from the cannon, walks on and turns, make it into a platformer to get across to the cliff. Now make this lemming into a Super Lem and make it fly up the cliff and over the exit, before stopping it. When it turns, make it into a miner and it will create a slope for the others to walk up. When they reach the top, build to the right to reach the platform with the exit. Level 10: Stay Frosty! Turn the first lemming into an attractor, and let the first lemming walk on. In the floor are several shafts of snow, between layers of steel. At the first one, make the first lemming into a twister and make it dig out a tunnel (not straight down or the lemmings will splat). This should end up on the first small platform below. The tunnel should be designed so the lemmings exit to the right. Make the lemming glue pour to the right to the next platform, then glue pour three times to cross the large chasm. Make the attractor jump. 5.9 Space ----------- Difficulty: 5/5 This is one of the hardest worlds in the game (but also one of the most fun). This is to only world to feature teleporters (they appear on the last three levels). Level 1: Hit the Space Bar Let the lemmings wander down the series of platforms until they land in a pit. Turn one lemming into a jet packer and blow it out of the pit, and over the platform until it is over the grey platform below. Let the lemming walk along this platform until it is directly under the other lemmings, then fire a mortar, which will break a hole in the floor. The path to the exit is now clear. Level 2: Perpetual Motion This is where it gets tough. Let the lemmings get trapped in the first pit and jump a lemming out to the right. Make it into a filler to pass the next pit. Make another of your trapped lemmings jump out to the right. Give the first one a pair of magno boots as it approaches the structure that resembles a table. Immediately give the other lemming a pair of magno boots. When the first lemming is over the structure, make it into an exploder so it blows a hole in the thin, grey platform. Make the other lemming jump over the hole (losing the magno boots), then jump over the next hole to where the weird robot - thing is, then make it jump back. Let it fall through the hole now and walk left along the platform, then platform over the gap to the exit. Turn one of your trapped lemmings, who is facing left (use C to lock on) into a filler to free them. **NEW**Although I tried for a long time, I was unable to save all the lemmings, but "Simon" sent this in: "At the beginning, just let one lemming jump out of the left shallow pit to the right shallow pit, then fill to get out. As before, give him a pair of magno boots so he can get to the top of the table, but as soon as he's on top, make him jump to lose the boots. We want to do this because we don't have much time here, and magno-boots lemming is agonizingly slow. In my solution you only have about 15-20 seconds left when the last lemming exits. Anyway, as before, make him jump to the right across the gap. But after he hits the robot thingie and turn around, just let him drop down thru the gap. He'll "oww" but otherwise be okay. He's now landed on this hexagonal platform looking kinda like this (ignore the ^ for now): v XXX *XXX **xxX XXX** XXX* XXX Give him magno boots so he'll circle all the way around until he gets to the right edge of the top square (where I marked with v), then make him platform across (you'll be using two platformers) to the left. He'll be approaching this broken-diamond shaped platform that looks kinda like this (ignore the < and v): * * < v **X ***XX :::::XXX :::XXXXX ::*** :** * * As he platforms he'll be approaching roughly at the level where the "<" is. Normally, he'll hit the corner of the upper-left triangle, stop platforming, and then turn around facing right. But now, if you press fire rapidly enough, you can actually get him to platform just once more after he stops platforming when he hits the corner, but _before_ actually turn around. This new bit of platform will be above the old, and so the lemming is now vertically a little higher--turns out just high enough that he'll be able to walk past the corner instead of turning around. Then make him platform to the left once more when he reaches the edge where I marked with "v". He'll land on this...thing, and heads left. When he's sufficiently far left, give him the magno boots. This will now let him eventually walk back up to where we want him to be. As soon as you can, make him jump to lose the magno boots, or you'll definitely run out of time. The rest now plays out exactly the same as your solution." Level 3: The Lemmings Have Landed Turn the first lemming into a rock climber and a runner, and it will climb over the first wall. Make it jump off the cliff, so it hits the opposite wall and climbs up. Repeat this this twice, then make it into a slider so it can slide down the next cliff, then make it jump over the gap. When it slides and turns at the end of the platform, make it jump again towards the vertical wall. At this point, make one of the trapped lemmings into a stomper when it is right next ot the wall on the right; otherwise, they will be stopped by the steel. The runner will meanwhile reach a drop down to the exit. At this point, make it into a shimmier and it will pass over the exit. Then make it platform over the next gap. When the stomper hits the steel below it, make a lemming fence right until it is about to hit the steel, then make it stomp and fence when it has almost broken through the floor. Level 4: The Vortex No, you don't have to get the lemmings all the way through that long, spiralling passage (now that would be a challenge!) Instead, make two fillers to fill up the hole and make a lemming rope to the top of the wall on the left. Fire a mortar at the strange pipe - thing that's in the way and start to club bash through the wall on the left. Now, make another lemming into an attractor; this should stop all of them except the club basher. Let this lemming fall down and walk on, then club bash through the next wall and platform over to the wall after that and club bash again, then fall down on the other side. Now make the lemming club bash to the right after it turns and it will drop down and begin heading towards the triangular formations. Make it club bash through the first one, then fire mortars through the next four (the best way to do this is to wait for the lemming to turn at the top and then fire, and it will turn around and head right again; also, make the attractor into a filler. After the fourth mortar has been fired, make the lemming stomp down and they can head right to the exit. Level 5: The Stainless Steel Lemm Make the first lemming into a jumper to get ahead of the others and rope over the gap ahead. Turn this lemming into a stacker on the other side and two lemmings will pass by; turn them both into sliders. When the stacker is high enough, make it jump to the left. When the sliders land and walk left, turn one of them into a balloonist so it floats up the shaft below the other lemmings (let the other one walk into he exit). There are two platforms sticking out to the left of the shaft; blow the lemming onto the lowest one and make it throw a rope to the right, that ends up close to the bottom of the wall on the right (it must be right on the edge here). Now give it another balloon and let it float up to the next sticking - out platform and fire another rope that ends not far underneath the rope the other lemmings are on. Now make one of your trapped lemmings (who is towards the right of the rope) into a bomber and they will fall through to the rope below. At the left end of this rope, make another bomber, then wait until they land on the next rope and walk right; at he lowest point, use the last bomber and they can all head towards the exit. Level 6: Lunar Olympics Turn the first lemming into a jumper to get it over the wall, then jump again over the gap. Make the lemming into a pole vaulter so it gets over the wall on the right (timing is essential) and make it shimmy over the next gap. Now it will reach a huge chasm full of thin platforms, which it should hop over (timing is important again). Now let it walk down the shaft and make it into a runner and a climber. It will climb over the wall on the right, then run along the rocks ahead. Make it into a spearer so the spear lands on the square platform under the gap just right of the other lemmings. Make one of the trapped lemmings into a filler. They can now fall down the gap, and use the spear to break their fall. Level 7: Gosh, It's Full of Lemms Make the first lemming jump over the wall on the right and turn it into a roller, and it will roll across to one of the two steel platforms on the right. If it ends up on the lower one, make it platform over the gap at the end, hitting the wall and turning it around.If it lands on the upper one, make it into a stacker and jump it to the left when it is high enough. Whichever one he lands on, platform off it to the left, hitting the wall. Stomp through the sloping section of the platform. If it is the upper one, platform to the right, as above, then let it fall down to the left. On the floor, make it into a stacker, then make it jump right after about five blocks. Finally, fire bazookas through the sloping wall that blocks the exit. Use a filler and a few platformers to free the trapped lemmings. Level 8: Odyssey This is a very complicated level indeed, and probably the hardest in the world to pull off. It is the first level to use teleporters. See those yellow tubular things in - between the trapdoors? They're teleporters. To simplify things, here is a rough map of the level: T 3| T | 1|2 | 4|1 | | Series of | | | platforms E |_| | | | 2 | * * | | | 3 | | 4 Series of platforms 1 - 4 = Teleports (lemmings warp between each teleport with an identical number shown on the plan.) T = Trapdoor E = Exit * = Trap Leave the lemmings on the right to walk into the teleporter and make the first lemming from the left into a stacker. One lemming will walk past; when the stacker is high enough, make it jump to the left. The lemming will warp using warp 1, and fall into a pit on the right. When it turns, make it into a stomper and then let it fall off the cliff. Half way down, make it into a parachuter and blow it to the left, so it lands on the platform directly below where the other lemmings are teleporting to (and getting trapped). Make it into a stacker and then jump left after five bricks. When it is under the other lemmings, make it into a laser blaster and let it walk on to teleporter 3. The parachuter should be the second lemming to emerge at the top. When it falls off the platform, above he other lemmings, blow it to the right of the stack and let it turn. Wait for it to teleport again, then fall into the pit and trough the hole it stomped out before and starts to head right, then make it a rock climber. It will head towards a series of platforms, forming a long passage. Do not make it into a slider, though. It makes getting through the passage easier, but it will not make it to the exit as it will slide down the last cliff and walk into a bottomless pit. There will be a platform overhead that it must jump up to. It will now float down a shaft and hit the wall on the right, which it will climb. At this point, switch to the fan and blow like mad, or when it falls, it will start to climb the left wall and you will have to start the level again. If you did it right, it will hit the wall and lose its parachute and fall normally. To get to the next overhead platform, make it into a shimmier. Negotiate the shafts in the manner noted above (the third one, when the lemming climbs a diagonal wall is very tricky). It will finally enter teleport 4. When it is under the other lemmings, make it laser blast (not where there is steel) and they will all finally make it to the exit below. Level 9: Inside the Steel Box This is very nasty. The exit is situated within walls of solid steel. The only way in is through the teleporters. Make the first lemming stack up the side of the first wall and then walk on. Make it rope over the gap to the top right and then walk up the platform. Rope to the platform to the upper left. Enter one of the teleporters now and it will warp to the high section. Turn it into a runner. It will land on a narrow platform and turn; now, make it into a platformer. When it finishes, it will begin to run towards the alien; make the lemming build to avoid the trigger for the alien's killer drill. At the top of the slope, make the lemming build left, then platform over to the teleporters that lead to the exit. Bring the others through by roping to the top of the stack. Level 10: Frontier of Surreality This is very easy when you know how to do it. Make the first lemming jump onto the platform to the right of the others, then jump it to the top of the wall on the right. Make one of the trapped lemming club bash through the low wall (they stay trapped, but this is useful later on). When the lone lemming falls off the cliff and lands, make it a runner and let it run right and turn round, then make it jump up the two walls on the left. Let it fall and turn and then make it jump over the gap and make it into a rock climber. It will climb up a wall and turn, then make it jump towards the wall to the right of the exit and let it run along the platform at the top. When it falls to the left of the exit, make it glue pour over the gap. The problem now is freeing the others. When one of them is facing the wall on the left of the pit (preferably close to it), make it fire a bazooka and the blast will fire most of the lemmings onto the bridge you made. Keep doing this until all the lemmings are heading towards the exit. 5.10 Cavelem ---------------- Difficulty: 4/5 A really scary world, this features a few small changes to the norm. Firstly, there is no proper trapdoor; the lemmings fall out of a trapdoor - shaped hole (heralded by a flash of lightening and rumble of thunder); secondly, there is no steel; in its place is bone! The bogeymen are only visible by their red eyes, so watch out! Muahahahaha!!! Level 1: Audex Powder Let the lemmings be flung across the gaps by the first two dinosaurs, but don't let them walk into the last one as this will throw them into the air and they will splat when they land. Make the first lemming stomp just before reaching it, and then club - bash when about halfway down (you cannot go all the way down as there is a bogeyman hiding underneath). Level 2: Successive Division A weird level, the lemmings from each trapdoor actually take two separate paths! Firstly, stomp down into the centre of the first platform (in the section that isn't bone). The lemmings will each go separate ways. The lemmings on either side must scoop towards the centre of the level. If they go to the outside, they will fall victim to bogeymen. The lemmings will fall together in a section and must stomp in the middle. Below is a rough plan of (part of) the level, showing what you should be doing: T T D BBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBB-BBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBB ------ \ / \ / \ / \ / \ S / \ S / ------------- --------------- ------ -------- \ / \ / \ D / ------------- T = Trapdoor B = Bones D = Dig here S = Scoop here (facing inwards). Repeat the last two steps and you will be home and dry! Level 3: Mortal Men, Doomed To Die Not if you use this FAQ, though. Make the first lemming jump over to the trampoline; this must be timed right so it springs over the next two and lands on the ledge below, then turns and springs up to the platform under the other lemmings. Now, platform over the water to the exit and turn one of the trapped lemmings into a stomper. Level 4: A Stompin' Good Time! Another easy level. When the first lemming appears from the left hand exit, make it into a scooper. Meanwhile, let the first lemming from the right hand exit get catapulted to the left by the dinosaur and make it stomp through the platform it lands on. Now make a lemming platform over the dinosaur's tail. Make the lone lemming stomp again twice and make one of the lemmings from the left - hand exit scoop to the exit. Now let the other trapped lemmings rope to the top of the large mushroom on their left and they can all exit safely. Level 5: This is the Pits! Make the first lemming into a stomper and the second lemming will walk past while the others fall in. Make the second lemming build up to the upper right platform, and turn the stomper into a jumper. To cross the lake, use two platformers and a builder. The lone lemming will reach two vines sticking out of the ground; at this point, make it stomp a little way, then fence to the right and then platform across to the exit. Make one of the trapped lemmings into a filler. Level 6: Ain't No Time! Turn the first lemming into a stomper and then let them walk towards the dinosaur; one lemming should get past, so wait for it to turn and make it into a builder, and make it glue pour at the end of the bridge. As the next lemming walks along the glue, repeat the builder/glue pourer process. Now rope up to the platform holding the exit and fill up the hole to the left of the exit. The only problem now is that the lemmings will be stopped by the dinosaur. To stop this, make a lemming stomp a little way down when it is about to be flipped, then fence until it is above ground again (making sure you don't destroy the bridge). Level 7: Deadly Exit Hordes of bogeymen await you and your lemmings on this level. There are three exits, but you can only reach one (I think). Straight away, make the second lemming into a stacker and make the first lemming platform over the trigger for the bogeyman (watch for the eyes). Rope up to the ledge to the upper right and hen platform left to the ledge that holds an exit (but not the right one; it's guarded by a bogeyman and is elevated above the ground slightly so the lemmings cannot enter it. Make one lemming jump ahead onto this platform, and make it into a stacker before it is killed, and jump it to the right. Rope up to the right again now. Head towards the exit, but there is a bogeyman guarding it. Scoop just before it reaches it, and then jump. If done correctly, all the lemmings can now safely exit. Thankfully, the bogeymen evidently become extinct on the next level, since no more appear. Level 8: Wilma!!! Turn the first lemming into a stacker and one lemming will walk past. When the stack it high enough, let the stacker jump left and they will get trapped in a pit. The lone lemming, meanwhile, will fall onto a curved ledge below. Make it into a stacker when it lands, and when it is nearly finished, make it jump off to the left, and then make it into a stacker against the next vertical wall and then jump it left. It will fall, then enter a small pit. Wait for it to hit the wall and turn, then make it into a balloonist and blow it up to the curved ledge that is roughly below where the other lemmings are trapped. To get up the next wall, make it into a stacker, then jump right when it is high enough. Fence into the wall until the lemming hits the bone and has to turn. There should be a small gap between the stack and the wall, so make the lemming ito a filler or it will get trapped. It will fall off the platform and head towards the edge of the screen, so make it into a stacker and when it is high enough, make it jump right and enter the pit, and then fence to the right when it reaches a wall. At this point, return to your trapped lemmings and make one of them jump over the wall. When it reaches the narrowest point between the platform and the tunnel the fencer made, make it into a bomber and it should blast a hole through to the tunnel (if it doesn't, tear your hair out and start again). Use a filler to free the others. Return to your fencer now, who should have finished by now. It will now fall out and enter a V - shape and turn. Now make it fence left, and fall down to a platform below. When it approaches the slope, make it fence again. It will fall onto a platform below that and turn, and then it should fence through the wall on the far right. It will fall between to large plants; it should now fence carefully through the stems to the left (this may require more than one fencer) to the exit. Level 9: Evolution fo Lemmings This is probably the most frustrating level in this world. You must make the first lemming jet pack to the right, over the wall and then blow it all the way down the (deep) shaft. Platform over the chasm, then let it walk towards the exit, but then make it laser blast. When it is finished, let is walk a little to the left and laser blast again. Now for the annoying bit; make the lemming into a jet packer and blow it up through the hole it make with the lasers and to the right. If you can, get it up to the next platform above that (if not, use a balloon). At the far left of the next passage, make it jet pack (when facing right) up to the next level. It will now be faced with some water, so make it hang glide across. It will turn, so make it into a balloonist again and blow it to the next platform, and then give it another balloon to get to the highest one (to the right) and bash to the right into the shaft. The lemming must now become a platformer create a platform that stops the lemmings falling further. Let the lemming go back the way it came until it walls right of the water. Now make it bash right and platform about 3/4 of the way across the shaft, then make it into a jumper and it will rebound and walk left again. Make it jet pack over the lake. Finally, when it falls again, walks right and falls to the right of the holes it made with the laser, make it bash right and platform across the shaft. Now let the trapped lemmings bash to the right. They will now be able to make it down to the exit without splatting. Level 10: Ah'm No Done Yet Slightly easier - when you know how. Make the fourth lemming into an attractor when it lands and hopefully only one lemming will pass. It will fall off a cliff and head right to a pit. Make it glue pour now and make the attractor jump. Make the lemming jump onto the giant skeleton and walk across, then jump over the dinosaur's tail (or it will be flipped out of the level), then jump onto the first mushroom. Make it into a shimmier to cross to the next platform then shimmy again to pass the other mushroom. At the end of the platform, it will fall onto a small overhang. Quickly make it platform across the gap, and it should end upon a platform over the exit. When it is directly above the exit (be careful of the hole to the left), make it into a stomper. Make one of the trapped lemmings fence through the skeleton and victory will be yours. 5.11 Shadow --------------- Difficulty: 2/5 Thankfully this level is slightly easier than the last few. Its also one of the most detailed ones, intended to look like a housing estate in some large urban area at night. Its sort of spooky too; look closely at the lemmings and they appear to have shaved heads! (In the manual and the cover they are shown looking like members of the SAS). Level 1: Land of Oz! Either flame throw under the two ! boxes or flame throw into the slop and turn the lemmings around, making them take the route above the trapdoor. Either way, they will reach the word "OZY", which they must flame through. Ahead is a telephone box; looks a bit like the exit from the Highland Tribe, doesn't it? Only it isn't the exit - its just in the background. You're heading for the TARDIS. When the lemmings fall into the pit, use one filler (they won't be freed yet), then jump another to the left and fill under the traps. Make another of the trapped lemmings into a filler, then fill up the last pit and exit. Level 2: Nitran the Huge!!! This seems easy, except the catch is you must save all the lemmings (so don't use the exploder). Make the first lemming into a digger on the very right of the holding pen. This should be done so it digs partially in the wall and goes on after breaching the platform and digs through the next one too. Below this is a narrow platform; when the lemmings begin to spill onto this, let one walk a little to the left, and then turn it into a bomber. The explosion will stop the digger. To get through the last two levels, use the stomper and twister. Now, bash through the wall on the right, and they will walk up onto what appears to be a school, which is either on fire or has a serious power failure (what are its lights doing on at night anyway? Maybe it's a night school...) Fence through the roof and they will walk up the series of triangles to the exit. Level 3: Twin Bleeps This is a slightly annoying level. On either side, flame throw towards the centre and the lemmings will begin to walk towards a pit, which they should fill in (very tricky as you have hardly any room). Rope up to the wall next to this, then the lemmings will fall into another pit (on either side), which they should flame throw out of. Level 4: The Pancake Factory Make the first lemming into a jet packer and make it fly over the wall and across to the other side, where it should bash to the left. It will walk up some platforms and eventually fall down again, sand should bash to the right and glue pour under the three traps. Now let it walk away, and walk up the slopes. When it is walking down the slope at the top of the screen, make it glue pour across to the right, creating a rather thick bridge (but this can't be avoided). Glue pour again and you will eventually create a bridge that crosses the second gap. If the last trap isn't covered, glue pour yet again and free the others by making one of them bash left. Level 5: Swingadingding This is a surprisingly easy level. Make the first lemming jump to the top of the small wall on the right and then hang glide across to the platform on the other side (use the fan). When it reaches the bottom, make it bash to the left and platform across the water. Make it laser blast under the other lemmings. Level 6: The School Gate You need a lot of patience par this level. Make the first lemming rope over the first gap, then make the second lemming into an attractor and jump the first lemming ahead if necessary. Make this lemming rope up to the side of the next house. Now, pull the cannon along to the middle of the chain, let the lemming be fired (it needs to be in the right place so the lemming can reach the passage overhead) and then make the attractor jump. Finally, make the lemming fill up the narrow hole at the top of the screen and platform over the gap. The lemmings will take ages to all be fired out of the cannon, so you will just have to be patient. A good technique is to use jumpers to separate them out a bit. There is also a Super Lem ability available. Fortunately, this level has a long timer. Level 7: Fritbatter Frolics Make the first lemming jump over the small gap to the platform with several pools of water. Make it into a swimmer and it will swim through the water. When it turns, make it into a scooper, scooping out a passage for the others to walk up. Now stomp through the floor at the top of the slope and the path to the exit is clear. Level 8: Goossen's Inferno! Bash through the pile of oil drums and make the second lemming into an attractor. It may take some practise to get the first lemming to go ahead, but make it platform across to the block of flats, which it should fence through. There is a hole on the other side which it should fill up. Let it keep walking until it is heading towards a pair of traps, and make it into a filler. Make it bash through every subsequent wall and make the attractor fire a bazooka at the flats (probably killing several people in the process). The leading lemming should fill up the next hole it reaches. The lemmings will reach an area containing two cannons that fire the lemmings to the exit (the left hand one needs to be pulled as far right as it will go). To speed up the process of getting them in, I suggest you turn several of the lemmings into balloonists (but only use one at a time) and blow them over to the exit using the fan. Level 9: Spinny Thang Let the lemmings walk down to the platform below the trapdoor and make one of them into a twister, and blow it down under the steel (make sure you don't blow it out of the wall), and then blow it as far up as you can, creating a steep slope. If you lose the twister, make another one. At the end of the tunnel, make a lemming into a laser blaster and it will blast a hole through the ceiling and through the next level too. Make another laser blaster next to this, creating a large gap. Now rope to the platform above and to the left of the lemmings, and then rope again to right half of the platform directly above this. If all goes well, the lemmings will all make it to the exit. Level 10: Moonswings Let the first lemming jump over the first trap be careful it doesn't hit its head; this is very tricky), then make the second lemming into an attractor. Make the first lemming jump over the next trap and when it reaches the last trap, turn it into a planter (the only time you need to use this skill), covering the trigger. Turn one of the attracted lemmings into a glue pourer ASAP and it will cover up the other two triggers; now, make that lemming into a Super Lem and make it fly along the passage. Make the lemming build over the water; use three builders, then make the lemming into a glue pourer. It will drop onto a ledge below and turn; make it glue pour again and then make it stomp on the left side of the bridge it has made. Now, build over the last pit and make the attractor jump. 5.12 Sports ------------- Difficulty: 5/5 This is without doubt the most difficult area of the game, with extremely complex-looking levels. Not surprisingly, all the intricate props are based on sports. Level 1: Ceci N'est Pas Une Pipe Turn the first twenty lemmings into rock climbers and let them climb up the wall to the right, then make them into shimmiers when they reach the huge gap. Next, fence through the wall on the left and turn ten lemmings into runners (I suggest you do it in groups of two or three) and make them jump to the left. Make the remaining lemmings into sliders and finally return to your rock climbers, who will now be trapped to the right of the exit. Make one of them fence through the wall to the left. Level 2: School Sports Day Make the first lemming into a twister and blow it through the floor. Next, begin filling up the pit on the right and flame throw through the wall on the right. Some lemmings will end up trapped to the left, so flame throw through the wall. Fill up the next pit and keep filling until you run out of fillers. Then take a lemming on the right and make it rope up to the top left of the pit. At the top of this rope, rope up to the exit. Level 3: The Octathlon! This looks nightmarish, but it isn't quite as bad as it looks. As the lemming walk over the jagged ground, make the second one into an attractor (jump the first one ahead if necessary). It will fall and turn. Now make it platform twice off the cliff and it should land on one of the small platforms (if not, you probably started platforming in the wrong place). You can let the attractor jump now if you like. The leading lemming should make it to the ground okay, then walk up the snooker cue and fall through the centre of the table. Eventually, it will land in a pit. When it is facing right, make it into a filler and it should be able to escape to the right. It will now walk down a shaft, where it will be trapped by some sort of spike (it doesn't kill them though). Either use a platformer or a filler to pass this obstacle. Level 4: Arrackateerz! The lemmings will start off on a boxing ring, which they will begin to make their way down using the gaps. Make the first lemming jump over the first gap and then over the post on the left. It will reach a series of small platforms over a gap; instead of making it into a hopper, make it into a shimmier and then wait for it to reach the bottom of the next shaft, and make it platform over the gap to the right. You can now let one of your trapped lemmings overhead fence to the left through the low wall and they will walk over the tennis racket to land on the platform. The leading lemming will now walk up the snooker cue, fall through the table and walk along to the right, before turning and then head towards the pool of water. Rope up to the chequered platform in the middle and then rope down to the exit platform. Level 5: Blow Back Make the first lemming into a thrower, then make it into a runner and it will hit the stone and turn. Let it keep running until it reaches a wall on the right. Make it club bash through. The next bit requires perfect timing; as the lemming breaks through to the right, make it into a shimmier and with any luck it will jump over to the pipe with the vertical leak (this is where steam is gushing out). The steam will blow the lemming across to the platform above the exit. Make the lemming into a slider and it will slide to the left. When it reaches the bottom, it will pause, so quickly make it into a shimmier and let it shimmy along the wall over the exit. When it turns, make it into a laser blaster and the lemmings will now be able to fall down this hole and exit safely. Level 6: Double Trouble "Nabeel Sheikh" sent in this way to save all the lemmings. Let the lemmings walk to the 1st wall and turn back to the left. Now as they begin to walk down the slope, turn one into a platformer. This action will allow one lemming through and trap the rest in the area above. The free lemming will continue to walk down the slope and fall to the ground. Let it walk to the end and turn around to the right after reaching the wall. Let it continue walking right under the area where the lemmings are trapped. Now, just after the area where the lemmings are trapped, towards the bottom/middle left of the screen, there is a single green cube floating freely. The aim is now to get the free lemming to super-lem up between this free block and the area where the lemmings are trapped, right to the very top of the area where they are trapped onto the steel bit above the trap door where they emerge. So the action for the super lem will be all the way up then to the left and down, so he crashes onto the steel bit. When he recovers, he will be on the roof of the area where the lemmings are trapped above the trap door, on the steel bit. He will continue walking to the left; when he reaches the block at the end, make him into a fencer to fence through, and once he has done this, make him into a platformer and he will make a platform across the gap to the flag and reach home safely. Now the hard bit. You will notice that the the area where the lemmings are trapped is made of big steel blocks on the left side wall. Above the large top square steel block there is a small steel block on the left and next to it TWO SMALL GREEN BLOCKS, followed by 5 small steel blocks on the right which make up the roof above the trap door. Also, the floor is made of large steel blocks and then green blocks which make the slope. The aim is now to fire a rope from the bit where the slope starts on the floor (ie the junction between the large steel bloocks and the green slope) to the junction between the TWO SMALL GREEN BLOCKS that I mentioned above, in other words right into the top left-hand corner where the lemmings are trapped. If this is done correctly (and it may take several attempts), the lemmings will climb up the rope and then up the "line" or "crack" in the junction between the TWO SMALL GREEN BLOCKS and up onto the roof!!!! (trust me on this). Here they continue to walk left and through the gap and platform that the free lemming made to saftey!!" FAQ writer's note: I have tried this and it does work; the platformer might take some practise to get in the right place, and even though it looks possible, the lemmings will walk through the entire platform (which is very impressive looking). I don't know if this is a glitch or not, considering that you can get a gold medal even if one lemming dies on this level. Level 7: The Sun Sign Selection Make the first lemming jump over both walls, then make it jump towards the trampoline and it should bounce towards the boxing ring and land on the left of it, just right of the tennis ball of doom, and be stunned. When it recovers, make it jump before it is flattened and make it into a kayaker before it drowns in the water. Wait for it to turn at the end and change it into a balloonist, then let it float up, blowing it right before it hits the ceiling. It will fall off a wall, onto a platform with a small gap leading to the exit on the left. Make it into a platformer and it will platform over to the steel block on the right, turning it around. Give one of your trapped lemmings (who is facing right) a pair of Magno Boots and it will walk off the cliff and around an S shape to a ledge below where the others are trapped. Make it into a laser blaster and all the lemmings will fall through and land on the platform you made earlier, where they will walk left to the exit. Level 8: Run the Risk Make the first lemming into a pole vaulter at the bottom of the slope and make the second lemming build over the steel block on the right, trapping the others. The first lemming will walk along a pipe and fall, then turn and reach a cliff. Turn this lemming into a stomper until it reaches the passage below and then make it build over the chasm. When the bridge is complete, turn one of your trapped lemmings into a stomper and they will land on the bridge. The first lemming will be walking down a passage to a steel cliff. Turn it into a super lem and make it fly to the top and when the other lemmings arrive, make another Super Lem and make it fly to the top too. The first lemming will walk down a shaft and reach a small gap; make it into a platformer and let it turn around and then make it into a fencer when it reaches the wall on the left (creating a path to the others). When the other lone lemming reaches the platform, let it turn and platform to the left to the slope going up. It will walk up a slope, and you should make it stack at the top. When it is high enough and facing right, make it into an archer and make it fire an arrow slightly to the left. Platform to the right from the slope so it walks onto the cliff to the left of the exit, then make it stomp half way down and then make it into a pole vaulter (this will simply stop it, but it will create a "step" which will break the other lemmings' fall when they arrive. Level 9: The Nervous Network! Make the first lemming jump to the right and make it glue pour over the water. When it turns and walks back to the green platform, make it into a scooper and it will reach a set of trapezium - shaped platforms. Make it glue pour again. When it reaches the wall to the left, make it rope up to the upper right and it will wander up the platform and head left again. At the end, make it rope up to the ceiling and then let it walk up the rope and turn it into a bomber, blowing away part of the ceiling. Rope to the top of the crater and bomb again, then rope to the right so the lemming can step onto a platform above, then glue pour over the last gap. Make one of the trapped lemmings into a bomber when it is standing next to the small wall on the right, freeing them. Level 10: Take up Archery This is without doubt the hardest level in the game. Turn the first lemming into a runner and make it jump off the cliff. When it lands, make it fire two arrows to just below the chequered section on the wall to the left, then make it jump over to these arrows, which will break the lemmings' fall. Let the runner run on along the green platform and jump over the first gap. Make it fire two arrows that will cross the gap (aim at the bottom left hand square of the chequered section). Repeat this with the second gap. When it is a little way onto the next chequered section, fire a rope at the left of the sloping ceiling and it should run off and rebound onto the platform above. When the next lemming arrives here, make it into an archer as it comes level with the top of the platform and make it fire, aiming at the centre of the platform. If this is done right, it will create a bridge for the lemmings to cross onto the platform. When the runner is almost at the end of the platform, make it fire an arrow diagonally upwards, turning it around, and then fire a rope at the exit platform. You have now released all twelve tribes. Phew! *********** 6 Passwords *********** If you have any trouble with the game, try these passwords. They will open up every level on any world, and will make the game think you completed them all. And I shouldn't really need to mention this, but it's been asked, so I will. To enter passwords, go to "Password" (obviously) and click on the name of tribe you want to enter a password for, then just click on the letters and press Enter when you're finished (or delete if you make an error). *N.B. I have added the password for the circus tribe now. Thanks to kenman1@home.com for pointing out that I omitted it.* BEACH - PDBGBLJFMOGJLFFLONBHJL OUTDOOR - DICCFBMIHEECCFJEELCGFD EGYPTIAN - HBNPPBPJHNPOJPNPPHPPAA MEDI¨VAL - JNKANAGIFEDKCFJGENKHFE CLASSIC - IPNNAPJHMLOFPEHHLLBOCP CIRCUS - MLJNNCGLLGNLCODHKLNNPC HIGHLAND - EFHDLKNNCPLHOLPNADIDMC POLAR - EPDPLPOPPPAAACACIAIAGA SPACE - OIDMBOBDILMGODDCDJKMFO CAVELEM - OHLPOHPHPNPPAAEAEADACA SHADOW - FNIJNEHCDNKAFBCJNEIKFF SPORTS - ECPGHPMBOBHBPIHMEOCPJL End of FAQ. If you have any comments, complaints or hints, please e-mail GavLuvsGA@aol.com (so long as its nothing patronising like writing just to point out a speeling mistace!)