---Eternal Champions FAQ/Move List. This FAQ is copyright of David Wilson and should be on these websites: www.gamefaqs.com, www.honestgamers.com If you wish to contact me about this FAQ to add any information then feel free to e-mail me at Unleashed Vortex@aol.com. If you do give me any information I will say you did. However if I find out that anyone has taken this Faq and put it on another website then you are comitting a crime and when I find out about it, I'm going to sue the pants off you. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------ (i)Contents 1. Story 2. Controls and game screen indicators 3. Training and Battle rooms 4. Tournament mode 5. Fighters (i) Blade (ii) Jetta Maxx (iii) Larcen Tyler (iv) Midknight (v) Rax (vi) Shadow (vii) Slash (viii) Trident (ix) Xavier 6. copyright information ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------- 1. What follows is a brief history of the Eternal Champion. The Eternal Champion came to life as the result of the deaths of the Martial Arts Great Masters, these Masters each were the fathers and creators of many fighting styles that make up the Martial Arts. Each master reached reached such perfectionin his art during his lifetime that when death came, their spirits weren't lost, their life energy and souls were transferred into the Eternal Champion. The job of the Eternal Champion is to ensure that the balance between good and evil is maintianed, by the passing on of the knowledge that each Master perfected. This game begins far in the future. Man has created a world that runs wihout them. Technology has become so adnanced that the human spirit is near obsolete, The world has been going through consistent turbulence and upheavel since the late twentieth century. He must instead use his remaining energy to affect the past. To the Eternal Champion, time is a strem, He can do nothing to change the existing flow, in order to make change he must add an element which never existed, just as a well placed rock would change the flow of a running river. The Eternal Champion uses his power to reach back into the beginning of time. He then moves forward looking for great fighters that weren't allowed to complete their destiny. The Eternal Champion finds nine great fighters, each of the fighters comes from various places in time, this means that they each bring their own brand of fighting style and approach from their historical time zone. In the last moment before each of the fighters untimely death, the Eternal Champion tranported them to his complex. Now each of the fighters will be given a chance to fulfil their destiny. The Eternal Champion has allowed the fighters to use his complex to learn and retrain their fighting skills. This training is in preperation for the Day of Determination. On this day all the fighters will fight each other for the chance to challenge the Eternal Champion. If the final fighter can use his native and learned fighting skills to win he will be granted the collective knowledge of the Masters that from the Eternal Champion. Now armed with this knowledge the fighter will be returned to their timezone saved from death. The other fighters who failed will be sent back to their deaths so as not to disturb the flow of time. The winning fighter is now given a chance to live with their special knowledge They will be tasked with the changing of mans future. Each of the fighter's cinema sequences will not only show the fighter escaping their untimely death but will alsoinclude a unigue outcome should they beat the Eternal Champion. These outcomes will explain how each of the characters use their new life and abilities to save the future of man. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ----------------------------------------------- 2 Controls and Game screen indicators. 3-button controller Button A: Weak kick (Snap) OR Weak punch (Straight) Button B: Medium kick (Thrust) OR Medium punch (Lunge) Button C: Strong kick (Wheel) OR Strong punch (Swing) D-pad: Left/Right- Moves left/right Down- crouch Up-Jump Start + A + B + : Pause Start: Switch between set one and two. 6-button controller Button A: Weak kick (snap) Button B: Medium kick (thrust) Button C: Strong kick (Wheel) Button X: Weak punch (Straight) Button Y: Medium punch (Lunge) Button Z: Strong punch (Swing) Everything else is the same. Game Screen Indicators: Life Bar: At the top of the screen is a red bar. It is self-explantory, once your red bar is empty then your fighter will be defeated and vice versa for your opponent. You cannot replenish your health bar at any time, unless you use the Life Extender in the Battle Room. You cannot use that in the contest. Inner Strength Orb: This is a unique feature in EC which allows you to pull off your stronger attacks. When the orb is full you can pull off a special attack but it will drain the orb. When the orb is at a low power then the moves you'll be able to pull off will be quite limited. To recharge the orb, you must fight back without using specials until it regenerates fully. You can turn this feature off at the options screen if you wish but it makes the game a lot more fun if you leave it on. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -------------------------------------------- 3. Updates soon ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- --------------------------------------------- 5 (i) Blade Bounty Hunter 2030 AD Stage: Syrian Oil refinary Style of Martial art: Kenpo Kenpo teaches its desiples how to manuever so that opponents unwittingly place themsleves in vunerable positions. It combines linlear and circular moves, using intermittent power as needed. Like water, it flows through major and minor moves with fluid continuity. It is flexible in though as well as action. Biography: Blade was one of the best cops that ever lived in the future. Born inSyria, raised in Africa, Blade was dedicated to the extreme, working someof the meanest parts of New Chicago.He had, however, one small problem: his temper. After almost being killedseveral times by a suspect during a case, Blade caught up to him. Thesuspect again tried to kill Blade, who was able to sidestep the laser shot and grab the suspect. Being only human, Blade was out of patience. He proceeded to beat the suspect to near death. The suspect survived, and sued the police. The police fired Blade to hush the scandal, and he ended up moving back to Syria to become a Bounty Hunter, which allowed him better use of his quick temper. His final case dealt with a rogue scientist who had escaped a government bio-weapons lab. The scientist was threatening to smash open a vial containing a virus that would kill 95% of all human life if the government didn't stop all bio-research. The Syrian government hired Blade to safely retrieve the vial. Blade agreed on one condition: they wouldn'tinterfere. They agreed. He cornered the scientist in an alley and radioed that the scientist agreed to peacefully give up the vial. The government had followed Blade, and took this moment to make their move. When shots from laser rifles filled the alley the last image that Blade saw before he died was the smashed and open vial of the virus. Goal: If Blade was to return his plan would be to get to the vial before it broke, and to save the life of the rogue scientist. This would keep the virus from being exposed and killing most of humanity with its destructive force. Blades special moves: Stun Beam: left right Z 0% damage-Freezes opponent for a few seconds Straight Blade: left right Y Z 15% damage- Weapon hovers momentarily, then attacks. Once on the attack, it cuts into the opponent before exploding. Wild Fury attack: A + B + C 16% damage max (8 hits x2%)-Unleashes a flurry of powerful slaps to the opponents chest. Backfire: A + C Neutralizes projectile-Fires a tracking cursor that disables the opponents ability to use projectiles. Personal Shield:X + Y + Z Damage resistance-Absorbs 50% of all damage inflicted upon Blade. Drawback: it can be overloaded by too many attacks and implode! This will take health of you, so be careful. Tracking Blade: C Back Forward + X and Y 15% damage-Like the Straight blade with the added avantage that it auto attacks! Projectile containment field: A + B 0% damage-Causes any projectiles fired at Blade to travel at half speed. Blades Skill moves: Slice n Dice: Down, diagonal right, right + C Up to 16% damage (4 hits x 4%) With blades extended, the fighter attacks, slicing and dicing the opponent. Lightining strike: Down, diagonal right, right + B + C Up to 15% damage (5% + 10%) Charged with energy, Blade explodes forward with a high-velocity punch and kick. Brick wall 12% damage + wall smash. Blade uses his own mass and strength to rack the opponent. Excessive force Up to 15% damage ( 5 hits x 3%) Blade punches, kicks and batters the opponent with this 5- hit attack. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ----- (ii) Jetta Maxx Circus Acrobat 1899 A.D. Stage: Circus Tent Fighting style(s): Savate and Pencak Silat. Originating in France, savate, with its foot and fist fighting style, emphasizes front side and round kicks to the knee, shin and instep. The hands are kept open and low to defend agaimst groin kicks. Palm and heel strikes are used to attack the face, nose and eyes. Street fighters who practiced the art introduced both mid-level and high-level kicks. Pencak Silat, the national fighting art of Indonesia, dates back to the 6th century A.D. By the 14th century, the form was the polished property of the nobility, and commoners were barred from learning its tactics. Baru Silat, the Sumaturan form, employs hand actions to block, parry and cover. Biography: Jetta was always a rebel: as a youth she changed her given Russian name to Jetta Maxx to sound more like a performer.Born in Russia, cousin to Czar Nicholas II, Jetta traveled the world as a performer in a famous international circus. During her many travels, which included visits to France and Indonesia, she learned gymnastics and martial arts. In 1899, her circus troop visited China. At the time, China was being ripped apart by the Boxer rebellion, the Chinese attempt to rid their homeland of foreigners. Unfortunatly, many innocent Chinese were also dying. Spurred by her compassion, Jetta decided to help infiltrate the "Yihe Quang", or "Rightous Harmony Fists" and get them to turn their ways to pacifism before the major foreign powers brought all their military forces to bear. In addition Jetta foresaw that Russia's involvement in the fighting of the East would further weaken her own government's stability. Before Jetta was able to bring a peaceful end to the fighting and change the history of Russia and China, she fell victim to an act of sabotage by a radical from the Yihe Quang. Jetta's safety net and tension wire were cut, Jetta plummeted to her death during the grand performance for the crown emperor of China. Goal: If Jetta was allowed to change her destiny then she would work to stop the destruction that the revoloutions of Russia and China. She would use her efforts to find an alternate way instead of bloodshed. Jettas special moves: Whirlwind kick: Left Right C Up to 15% damage (5 hits x 3%) Jetta peppers her opponent with single keg multiple-kick attacks. Phase: X + Y + Z Speed burst Speeds up the body molecules, letting Jetta move twice as fast. The speed lasts 10 seconds or until Jetta is hit. Moving Corkscrew 8% damage Jetta spins on her toes, left or right slicing with hand blades. Spin Left: A + B Spin Right: B + C Bladerang: Back Forward X 10% damage Jetta throws a boomerang for one or two hits 1 hit: Left Right + X 2 hits: Left right + Y Flying Choke hold: Back forward Z Up to 15% damage Jetta throws her sleeve around the opponents neck and pulls upward. Resonate: A + C Super speed burst On contact, Jetta causes a non-blocking opponent to shake uncontrollably and respond poorly to the D-button. Possilbe only when phased. Ceiling Climb: DOwn up Y Up to 20% damage (3% + 3% + 3% + 11%) Jetta grabs onto the ceiling, hurls a bladerang then falls into a deadly dive. Jettas skill moves: Corkscrew uppercut: Left Right Y z Up to 15% damage (1% + 2% + 3% + 4% + 5%) Jetta blends her fantastic speed with a corkscrew and an uppercut. Gymkata: Left Right + B + C Up to 15% damage (5 hits x 3%) A powerful 5- strike attack. Power burst: Quarter Circle forward C 10% damage. Banging her bracelets together, Jetta sends an energy burst back and forth Riochet: Down Up A Up to 12% damage (4 hits x 3%) Jetta spins into a ball, bounces off the celing and then darts left or right. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ---- (iii) Larcen Tyler Ex-cat burglar 1920 A.D Stage: Chicago Theatre Style of Martial art: Praying Mantis Kung Fu This southern style of Kung Fu was founded in the 17th century by Wang Lang. The system relies heavily on fierce grasping movements, clawing attacks, kicks and punches for both offense and defense. Legend has it that Wang Lang once captured a praying mantis. took it home and studied it. He then combined the movements of the mantis with monkey style kung fu to form his new system. Biography: Born in an era of crime bosses and racketeering, Larcen grew respecting and idolizing the many powerful crime bosses who ruled the streets. As a youth, he went to work for Mr.Taglalini, one of the most powerful crime bosses. Under his wing, Larcen grew up to be one of the world's best cat burglars. He did many illegal jobs for Mr.Taglalini, including the planting of illegal evidence in other crime boss hideouts. There was one thing that Larcen wouldn't do, and that was kill. Instead, he used martial arts to stop and drop his attackers. One day, Mr.Taglalini asked Larcen to plant a package on a supposed crime boss who was recovering in the hospital. When he entered the room that supposedly contained the boss, he instead found the now recovering chief of police, who had been hurt in a prior assassination attempt. It seemed that the mob wanted the chief dead because he was incorruptable, and was about to declare war on the mob. Larcen suddenly realized that he had been set up. The package he carried probably contained a bomb. At this moment, Larcen decided that he had chosen the wrong side. He wouldn't kill. Larcen attempted to throw the bomb out of the window, but it was too late. The bomb explosion not only killed both Larcen and the chief, but also most of the hospital, including several youngsters in the children's wing. Goal: If Larcen gains a second chance he will use it to shut down Mr.Taglalini's syndicate. Beyond that, he would like to use his second chance to find a way to stop the criminal forces which he spent much of his life as part of. His only absolution will be in destroying the forces that attempted to destroy him. Larcens Special moves: Slash and turn: Left Right + Y + Z Up to 15% damage (3 hit x 5%) Larcen tumbles and flips toward his opponent with blades extended. Sai Throw: Left Right + Y 11% Damage Larcen launches a sai towards his opponent. Swinging hammer fists: X + Y + Z 16% damage (4 hits x 4% damage) In a speed burst Larcen throws multiple power punches in a short time. Ceiling Climb and dive: Climb: Left Right + C Dive: Down Y or C Climb: 0% damage Drop: 15% damage Larcen crawls along the ceiling, then dismounts at an angle, attacking with claws and foot blades. Low Sweep: Charge back then forward + Z 15% damage Larcen wraps his grappling hook around an opponents legs. Power Sweep: A + B + C 18% damage Larcen attaches his hook to the ceiling and swings feet first. Air Sweep: A + C 10% damage Larcen jumps back and throws his hook forward at the opponent. Larcens skill moves: Reflect: Left + X 0% reflect Reflects back most projectiles at twice their speed. Machine gun blitz: Left Right + B + C Up to 15% damage (5% + 10%) An explosive 5 strike attack. Backflip Kick: Quarter circle backwards + C Up to 15% damage (5% + 10%) Larcen flips backwards to dleiver a bone-cracking kick. Mantis strike: Quarter Circle Towards + A Up to 15% damage (3 hits x 5%) Jumping forward, Larcen pulls off a battering kung fu knee strike. -------------------------------------------------------------------------- (iv) Midknight Mitchell Midleton Knight Biochemist-2100 A,D Stage: Belgrave Square labortories. Style of martial art: Jeet Kune do This fighting style was conceived by the late martial artist Bruce Lee in 1967. It's name literally means "The Wway of the intercepting fist". Jeet Ken do, unlike other martial arts, does not use a specific set of rules or techniques to establish a distinct method. Instead it utilizes all ways and measn to serve its end, therfore making it "free". As a martial arts form it possesses everything, while in itself it possesses nothing. Biography: Mitchell worked for the CIA on loan from Interpol. Born in London, Mitchell was one of the best bio-chemical scientists working in the intelligence community. The CIA needed Mitchell to work on a bio-chemical weapon to end the Vietnam War. Mitchell created a virus that would weaken its victims until they hung near death, waiting for the antidote. The virus was to be introduced into the water supply of Vietnam, but Mitchell wouldn't stand for that much human destruction. He stole back his formula and fled back to London to hide. Unfortunately, Mitchell was cornered at the airport by both interpol and CIA agents. During the escape, Mitchell fell from a nine-story building into a chemical storage used by the airport. The force of the impact broke the seal of the virus container and released the virus into the chemical vat. This mixture creasted an unexpected result. Mitchell was transformed by the mixture into a living vampire. Using his newfound cunning and strength, Mitchell escaped and fled to London where he spent the next 133 years vainly searching for a cure for his disease. No longer identifying with his past, Mitchell came to be known as Midknight. The cure had become more important since the goverment used the virus during the Vietnam War by using the contents of the airport chemical vat. Many of the third-world countries were now over-run with living vampires. Midknight was also running out of time because his body, with the exception of his neck and face, was rotting away. This rotting was due to the fact that Midknight wouldn't kill another person to renew his life energy. Midknight was about to solve the last hitch in the antidote when a government agent killed him by firing a firing a magnesium stake through his heart. Goal: If Midknight won the tournament he would surely find a cure for his illness and then do his best to help those who also suffer the same. Midknights special moves: Bedazzle: X + Y + Z Hypnosis Midknight shoots hypnotic eye-beams to summin his opponent, Doom Dog: Down, Diagonal Down and Right + A + B Up to 15% damage (3 hits x 5%) Transforming into a huge wolf, Midknight pounces! Ceiling ram: Down Up C 10% damage= stun Midknight grabs the opponent and and slams him/her headfirst into the ceiling. Life Drain: Right + X + Y + Z Up to 15% health transfer. Grabbing his opponent, the vampire sucks out the life energies and transfers it to himself. Flying Wall Smash: Charge back then forward + Z 13% damage + Wall smash. Midknight flies forward, fists extended and rams the opponent. Mist Attack: A + c 5% damage per hit, up to 15% Midknight vapourises into deadly mist and barrages the enemy with ghostly strikes. Manifest: A + B + C Reduces damage from enemies summoning the power of the vampire, Midknight is super charged and becomes resistant to damage. Midknights Skill moves: Demon Fang kick: (in mid-air) left right + C 13% damage and wall smash. From the air, Midknight executes a flying kick with vampiric ferocity. Rapid Fire: left, right + B + C Up to 15% damage (5 hits x 3%) A 5-blitz attack Shoulder roll/side kick: Quarter Circle forward 12% damage While close to an opponent. Midknight rolls up and over, delivering a blow to the back of the enemies head. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- (v) R.A.X Coswell R.A.X Coswell Cyber-fighter 2345 A.D. Style of Martial art: Muay thai kickboxing. Muay Thai kickboxing is a mixture of powerful kicks and devastating body blows. The fighter uses fists, feet, knees and elbows to cause damage to the opponent. Kicks deliver massive blows to the opponent's legs, knees and thighs, making muay thai one of the bloodiest fighting styles in use today. It ranks as the most popular spectator sport in Thailand. Biography: R.A.X. (Robotic Artificial eXoskeleton) is a cyborg. Once, Coswell was one of the best human kickboxers in the year 2345. Coswell's only problem was that the sport was no longer about human competition, but a battle between cyborgs, robotically enhanced human beings. Since the cyborgs could take and deliver more damage, the crowds began to stop attending the human fights for the excitement provided by these new robotic combatants. Given these changes, R.A.X. had no choice but to get cybernetic implants and join the crooked game which was run by a deceitful fight promoter. R.A.X. didn't trust this promoter, but needed his financial support to afford the cybernetic implant operation. After the operation, R.A.X. rose through the ranks and won the right to take on the champion. He was killed as a result of the corrupt fight promoter trading R.A.X.'s life for a sure bet on the championship fight. The promoter used an advanced electronic virus planted in R.A.X's cybernetic brain during the implant operation to shut down all of his vital systems. This shutdown was seconds before he was about to deliver the fatal blow to the reigning champion. R.A.X's special moves: Lock and Load: A + B 10% damage and instant dizzy R.A.X locks on to his opponent, then fires an energy bolt. Cyber Punch: X + Y + Z 14% damage R.A.X overloads hid arm to deliver an awesome punch. Jet Knee Smash: Charge Back the forward + C 15% damage + wall smash With knee extended, R.A.X jets across the scene to deliver a crushing blow. Overload: A + c 15% damage R.A.X completely overloads his system and launches a speeding energy ball that causes extreme damage on contact. Air Jets: Down, UP + B 5% flame damage R.A.X ignites his jump jets and hovers off the ground for a short time. Cyber Kick: A + B + C 13% damage In a move similar to the cyber punch, R.A.X overloads his leg to deliver a devastating kick. Shockwave: Charge back then forward + Y Z 12% damage R.A.X summons a blast of electricity, then slams down his fist, sending a shockwave across the ground. R.A.X's skill moves Atomic Knee: Quarter circle forward + B Up to 15% damage (3 hits x5%) R.A.X uses his cybernetic knee to strike up at an angle. Thrash n bash: Charge back then forward + B + C Up to 15% damage (5 hits x 3%) A R.A.X blitz! Jet Uppercut: Down Up + Z 12% damage R.A.X delivers a cyber-powered uppercut with his jet boots. Turbine: Charge back then forward + A 0% invunerablity/escape R.A.X escapes tight situations by using his jets to spin in place and suck in nearby opponents or projectiles. Opponenets are thrown to the opposite side of the turbine , projectiles are neutralized. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ---- (vi) Shadow Ninja Assassin- 1993 A.D Style of Martial art(s) used: Taijutsu Tajitsu is a system of unarmed combat similar to jujutsu and is a forerunner of modern judo. Ninjutsu: Ninjutsu is the feudal Japanese discipline embracing bushido, espionage, commando warfare, occult powers and numerous martial artd practices. Due to many terrortorial and religous wars, Japanese mountain mystics were forced to develope the are to protect their families. The ninja, the practitioner of ninjutsu is the cultural opposite of the samurai. The ninja not only masters traditional weapons, bit its also adept at using daggers, dirks, darts, brass knuckles, smoke bombs and a variety of poisons. Biography: Shadow was the best corporate assassin in the Black Orchid Corporation. She performed many tasks ranging from individual elimination jobs to ending large corporate takeovers. A true star at the Black Orchid headquarters, Shadow never thought much about the morality of her career until she learned that if a job wasn't completed to corporate satisfaction, a person like herself would in turn eliminate her. When she realized the peril of her own morality, Shadow found she couldn't bring herself to kill others. The corporation didn't allow resignations, so they arranged her fall from the 101st floor of the Black Orchid building. This stopped her her from telling the world about Black Orchid and corporations like it, with all their dark secrets of hired killers. This knowledge would have had a huge impact on international business going into the 21st century. Goal: Shadow's plan if she was returned would be to reveal to the world the illegal assassination programs that exist in many of the largest corporations of the world. She would also search for a way to use her skills in a way that would make a positive difference for the world but still support her thirst for danger and adventure. Shadow's special moves Shadow punch: Left Right + Y + Z Up to 15% (7% + 8%) + wall smash Shadow leaps forward and dleivers a mystical ninja punch. High jump angle kick: Down Up + B 12% damage Shadow performs a super high jump and downward attack at a severe angle. Twirling fan attack: Charge back then forward + A or B or C Up to 20% damage (5% damage per twirl + 2% fan strike) Shadow performs a cartwheel , ending with a razor sharp fan attack. 1 twirl: D-button + A 2 twirls: D-button + B 3 twirls: D-button + C Smoke Screen: x + Y + Z 0% teleportation. Shadow disappears and reappears in different areas of the scene. If no direction combos are used . Shadow materializes next to her opponent. Warp to left: A + B Warp to right: B + c Warp to left side of the ceiling: X + Y Warp to right side of the ceiling: Y + Z Shadow mode: XYZ 0% Invulnerability Shadow becomes a "shadow" and attacks without fear or injury. This effect lasts for five seconds. Flying mine uzume-bi: Quarter circle forward + z 15% damage Shadow throws an auto-locking mine that explodes on impact with the opponent. Ninja Weapons: 11% damage Knife: Back, forward up X Shuriken: Back, forward X or Y Bomb: Back, forward, down X or Y Shadow's skill moves Fan block: Left, right + X + Y Reflects attack Shadow blocks enemy attacks with her iron fan. Rock & Roll: down, diagonal down right, right + C Up to 16% damage Shadow tumbles forward and behind her enemy, then grabs her victim and executes several nasty elbows to the back of the head. Banzai Blitz: Back, Forward B+C Up to 15% damage A 5-strike blitz attack Flying step tobi ashi: Back, Forward A+B 8% damage Shadow executes a high speed sweep/slide, ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- (vii) Slash Slash Prehistoric hunter- 50,000 B.C Style of martial art used: Pain This fighting style uses any move or attack that will cause pain or inflict damage. This includes eye-poking, neck throttling, nostril pulling and hair yanking. The most common weapon is a large wooden club, which early hunters could wield very effetively. One technique involves the spinal crush, in which the attacker jumps onto a foe and smashes the victim's head, compressing the spinal column. Another technique uses the "push off" lever for a high two- footed attack. Biography: Slash was always advanced for a pre-man creature. He was the greatest hunter and the greatest fighter of his generation. These skills didn't just come from his great strength, but also from the emergence of an early intelligence. Slash used this intelligence in his fighting, which meant he could out-think most of his opponents. His intelligence also got him into a lot of trouble. The cave elders resented Slash for his intelligence, and rejected his every idea, including an agricultural plan which would have freed the clan from its enslavement to a life of drudgery as hunter-gatherers. The elders turned down this idea at once , as they saw no value in having free time and enjoyed the violence of the hunt. One day, when Slash publicly spoke against the the elders in a clan meeting, he was stoned to death by the clan when the elders proclaimed him to be an evil force. Goal: If Slash was returned back to his life he would take charge and become the new leader of the clan. Only through this direct leadership can Slash teach his people new and better ways of living. Slash's special moves: Bone Breaker: In mid air, press Right + Z 16% damage + stun From the air, Slash jumps on his opponent, knocks them to the ground and then stomps on their fallen bodies De-claw: Left Right + Z 12% damage From his c;ub, Slash launches a sharp claw at his opponent. Running head butt: left, right + C 15% damage + wall smash Slash charges the opponent and head butts at great speed. Power thud club swing: in mid air press Y + z Stun Slash jumps into the air, then smashes into the ground, causing an earth tremor that knocks opponents of thier feet. Fire Club- Quarter circle towards + X 12% damage Slash shoots a stream of fire from his club. Ice Club- Quarter circle towards + Y Freeze Slash freezes his enemies with a spray of ice from his club Spinal Crush: Forward + Y Up to 16% damage Slash grabs onto the opponent's waist with his feet and pounds the enemy's head with his club. The beating lasts for several blows or until the opponent shakes free. Slash must be within throwing range to perform this move. Slash's skill moves Bat-back projectiles: Left right + X + Y 0% reflect With his club, Slash knocks away projectiles. Caveman beating: Left Right + B + C Up to 15% damage (5 hits x 3%) A rapid, 5 strike attack. Double Foot kick: Quarter Circle Back + C 11% damage Slash does a back flip while rapidly attacking with his feet Club dive: Quarter circle back + B 12% damage Slash leaps at and over his enemies beating them as he passes. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ---- (viii) Trident Trident Gladiator-110 B.C Style of martial arts used: Capoeria This Brazilian fighting style was founded over three centuries ago by African slaves. It is believed to have been originated by blacks in Angola, who performed the movementd as a religous dance. In the 16th century, this "dance" was adpated into a fighting art as a defences against the brutal slave traders. Capoeria is beautiful to watch because of its graceful cartwheels, handstands, handsprings, sweeps and flips. This grace combined with strength makes thus art lethal. Practitioners of this art are adept and evading attacks and countering with hands and feet. The foot motions involve a great deal of leg sweeps, leg blocks and kicks while in a handstand. Biography: Trident is so named becaise of the trident which replaced the hand he lost in a duel with a shark. The people of Atlantis during this time lived above the water. They were competing with the Romans to see who would control the Earth's surface, with the loser being plunged into the watery depths. The Atlanteans spent their time in the pursuit of science. They realized early on that a major part of the land was going to sink into the ocean. To handle this, they built great environments that were enclosed in bubbles so that they could survive the ocean's depths. They then offered a fair settlement to the Romans. Half of each each culture would stay on land, and the other half would go to sea. The Romans would not agree, and would only settle the issue through battle. So the Atlanteans had no choice but to create a warrior that could stand up against the warlike Romans. Trident was their champion. The Romans rigged the fight and crushed Trident under a large stone pillar. With their loss, the Atlanteans were forced unnecessarily undersea, and their culture was lost forever. Goal: A victory for Trident would allow him and the people of Atlantis to share the land with the Romans. Trident would also like to explore his role in Man's future as Trident was a genetic creation and feels alone in his existence. Trident's Special moves: Wavemaster Teleportation Trident disappears in a huge wave, dissolves into the ground, and then reappears somewhere else. Teleport left: Down Up + A Teleport center: Down Up + B Teleport right: Down, Up + C Spinning trident: X + Y + Z Up to 20% damage Trident extendes his arm, with its razor sharp blades spinning, capable of extreme damage. Plasma Bolt: Left Right + z 15% damage + dizzy Trident focuses all his force fields fields into a single intense energy bolt. Bio-stun field: A + B 0% Freeze Trident is surrounded by a green cloud. Opponents who touch the nebula are engulfed in a green glow that stuns them for four seconds or until they are hit. Repulser field: B + C 0% repulsion Trident is surrounded by a a yellow cloud that pushes opponents away. During the effects 8-second duration, it is nearly impossible to reach Trident. Bio-drain field: Y + Z 0% weakens opponents Trident is surrounded by a red cloud. Opponents who touch the nebula are engulfed in a red glDow that limits their attacks to 50% of their normal damage. Depth Charge field: X + Y 0% slow opponenent Trident is surrounded by a blue cloud. Opponents who touch the cloud are engulfed in a blue glow and move as though underwater. Liquid mode: A + B + c 0% Invunerablity/escape Trident transforms into water and passes through solid objects. Use this move to escape from corners. Trident's skill moves: Whirlpool kick: Left Right + A + B Up to 18% damage (6 hits x 3%) Trident thrusts his trident into the ground and spins with legs extended. Neptune's fury: Left Right + B + c Up to 15% damage ( 5 hits x 3%) A furious 5-hit attack. Tidal Wave: Quarter Circle towards + Z 10% damage + hard punch if close Trident summons a wave of from the depths of Alantis, then hurls it forward. Slash Spin: Quarter Circle back + C Up to 15% damage ( 5 hits x 3%) Trident curls into a ball and rolls forward or backward, trident extended. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ---- ix) Xavier Xavier Pendragon Warlock/alchemist-1692 A.D. Style of Martial art used: Hapkido cane fighting Hapkido is a Korean martial art founded by Yong Shul Choi. Its style is a selective combination of several martial arts systems: power from Karate, leverage from Judo and Ki (spirit) from Akido. Hapkido is distingushed by three essential techniques: passitivity when opposing force, circular movements for countering and attacking, and absoloute penetration of the oppoenents defences. For instance, if the force is strong, it must be met with a soft recpetion; if the force is weak, it must be met with a strong reception. This union of techniques establishes a fluid and perpetual rhythm as well as constant mobility. Almost all hits and defensive actions are performed with the cane, which is used in place of arms and legs. Biography: Xavier always made bad career choices, so it was no surprise that his last job ended in failure. After nailing still-smoking horseshoes onto the mayor's prized workhorse, Xavier found himself with a shack full of smithy tools and no job. Stirred by a love for science, Xavier decided to try his hand at the age-old quest for the formula which would turn lead into gold. Instead, he found a way to create an unlimited source of cheap, clean-burning energy that would put Salem on the map forever in addition, Xavier found his alchemy had changed him, giving him strange new powers. Before he could begin to use this power and document it for the good of future generations, Xavier found himself bound and gagged as the people of Salem carted him off to the town square. There they burned him at the stake for the false charge of being a warlock. While some of Xavier's powers could be mistaken for witchcraft, they are all based on real science. Goal: Xavier's return back to his life would allow him to finish his studies of the unlimited power source that he found. He would like to find a way to use it without creating any great danger of giving another tool to evil. He would also like to put a stop to the ignorance that led to many witch hunts across the expanse of history. Xaviers special moves Phantom Strike: x + Y 15% damage Xavier conjures up a dimensional portal and thrusts his cane into it. The portal then appears near the enemy and the cane thrusts through, stabbing the opponent. Dragon trap: Left Right + Z 15% damage Xavier animates his cane and sends it to attack his opponent. The cane crushes and bited for several seconds or until it is shaken off. Attract & Smack: A + B + C 12% damage Xavier grabs the opponent from a distance, then draws in and smacks the enemy in the head with the cane. Midas touch: Left Right + Y 0% freeze Xavier turns the opponent into gold. The effect lasts for 4 seconds or until the opponent is hit. Swap spell: x + Y 0% invulnerability/escape Xavier switches places with the opponent. This spell effectively makes opponents get hit by their own projectiles/ Possession: X + Y + Z 0% switch bodies Characters switch bodies for a short time but still damage each other's "soul" when hiding in their own bodies. Confusion spell: A + C Remaps D-pad Xavier places the opponent in a state of confusionl; the opponent's controls are scrambled for a full 5 seconds. Xavier's skill moves Mystic shield: Left Right + A Reflects Xavier reflects attacks with his magical cane. Wizards wrath: Left Right + B + C Up to 15% damage (5 hits x 3%) A 5-strike blitz attack Snap back: Charge back then forward + X 10% damage Xavier strikes from a distance by extending the end of his cane to twice its normal length. Dragon's bite: Quarter Circle forward + C Up to 15% damage (3% + 3% + 9%) Xavier delivers a nasty uppercut with his cane. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Copyright (c) David Wilson 2005. Updates soon.