------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Eternal Champions Character Profiles/Endings FAQ: VERSION 1.00 -Created, Edited and Compiled by: Psychochronic (Brettdude in Gamefaqs) of Shoryuken.com Another form of Psychochronic Literature! ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Last Update: September 1, 2006 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Notes before reading this document: ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 1) This document is NOT a list about tiers, combos, or any sort of movelist. This is a text of every characters profiles/ endings in Eternal Champions for Sega Genesis (that's not relating to the Dark Side version for Sega CD) so don't expect anything answered like "Why is this character is top-tier?" and anything relating to the Battle Room, "How to set up Tournaments" and "How to beat the Eternal Champion". If this is not the information you are looking for, please close this text now. 2a) This document is protected by US Copyright Law, and the Berne Copyright Convention of 1976. This document is for private and personal use only--it cannot be reprinted in part or inwhole or reproduced in any way or in any form (written or otherwise). It is a free document that cannot be used in any sort of commercial transaction, including selling it or giving it away as a gift. Although I am...the author in the majority of the text, please respect the other authors whose work I have included in this guide. 2b) This document cannot be hotlinked to any other forums/ sites other than Gamefaqs and Shoryuken. To kinda repeat point #2a, this guide cannot be referenced, altered, or used by anybody (including webmasters, publishers and magazine staff) without my express written permission. This guide is created and is owned by me, Brett "Psychochronic" Navarro (aka. "Brettdude" in Gamefaqs) of Shoryuken. Plagarizing is a crime and is punishable by law. 3) This document is better read on Notepad with the Font set on "Times New Roman" on Regular setting, Size "10" and the screen resolution set on 1024x768. Use the Find feature (Ctrl + F) to find whatever term you're looking for easy mobility. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Table of Contents: ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 1) Version Changes 2) Characters *Each character having the following in each game: ^Personal Information ^Fighting Style ^Biography ^Ending (Good Ending) -Shadow -Xavier -Trident -Jetta -Blade -Midknight -Rax -Larcen -Slash 3) Contact 4) Credits ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Version Changes: ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 1.00 - September 1, 2006: Compilated on August 29, 2006 around 8:53am EST and finished on September 1, 2006 around 3:50am EST. I got the idea of doing this FAQ by playing a little bit of Sega Genesis and finding my Eternal Champions cartridge. I've been scouring through Gamefaqs and there are no character ending FAQs so I decided to do one anyway. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Characters: *Failure in defeating the Eternal Champion displays the bad ending which states: "Your performance has disappointed me. You are not worthy of the live beyond the life that fate dealt you. I have no choice but to return you to your death. This outcome was not as I had planned. I doubt I have the energy to bring others back for another contest. The world is left with little chance. I must return to my meditation chamber and see if there is a way to avert the certain disaster that awaits the future. You have failed ans because of this, the future is in doubt. My time is over... And so is yours..." *Successful in defeating the Eternal Champion displays the good ending as listed below in the characters' section with Eternal Champion stating before the ending: "You have completed the test. You have proven yourself strong enough to return to the life that was stolen from you. You will return a few seconds before your death. Use the knowledge of your fate to change the prior outcome of your life. Prepare yourself! You are about to recieve the ultimate reward...life! The balanced must be restablished and it begins now!" ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 1) Shadow: Full Name: Shadow Yamoto Occupation: Ninja Assassin Time Zone: 1993 A.D. Fighting Style: Taijitsu, Ninjitsu Stage Location: Black Orchid Rooftop Fighting Style: -Taijitsu: Tajitsu is a system of unarmed combat similar to jujutsu and is a forerunner of modern judo. -Ninjitsu: Ninjutsu is the feudal Japanese discipline embracing bushido, espionage, commando warfare, occult powers and numerous martial arts practices. Due to many terrortorial and religous wars, Japanese mountain mystics were forced to develop the are to protect their families.The ninja, the practitioner of ninjutsu is the cultural opposite of the samurai. The ninja not only masters traditional weapons, bit its also adept at using daggers, dirks, darts, brass knuckles, smoke bombs and a variety of poisons. Biography: Shadow was the best corporate assassin in the Black Orchid Corporation. She performed many tasks ranging from individual elimination jobs to ending large corporate takeovers. A true star at the Black Orchid headquarters, Shadow never thought much about the morality of her career until she learned that if a job wasn't completed to corporate satisfaction, a person like herself would in turn eliminate her. When she realized the peril of her own morality, Shadow found she couldn'tbring herself to kill others. The corporation didn't allow resignations, so they arranged her fall from the 101st floor of the Black Orchid building. This stopped her from telling the world about Black Orchid and corporations like it, with all their dark secrets of hired killers. This knowledge would have had a huge impact on international business going into the 21st century. Ending: When Shadow returned, she quickly avoided being thrown off the roof. She was surprised to learn that her boss had tricked her into coming to the roof. As she rolled to her left, her boss overshot her mark and fell off the building. Shadow immediately went to the police and was placed under protective custody. After several attempts on her life, Shadow testified about her role in the Black Orchid Corporation. This information saved a great many lives and changed business for the better. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 2) Xavier: Full Name: Xavier Pendragon Occupation: Warlock / Alchemist Time Zone: 1692 A.D. Fighting Style: Hapkido Cane Fighting Stage Location: Salem Fighting Style: Hapkido is a Korean martial art founded by Yong Shul Choi. Its style is a selective combination of several martial arts systems: power from Karate, leverage from Judo and Ki (spirit) from Akido. Hapkido is distingushed by three essential techniques: passitivity when opposing force, circular movements for countering and attacking, and absoloute penetration of the oppoenents defences. For instance, if the force is strong, it must be met with a soft recpetion; if the force is weak, it must be met with a strong reception. This union of techniques establishes a fluid and perpetual rhythm as well as constant mobility. Almost all hits and defensive actions are performed with the cane, which is used in place of arms and legs. Biography: Xavier always made bad career choices, so it was no surprise that his last job ended in failure. After nailing still-smoking horseshoes onto the mayor's prized workhorse, Xavier found himself with a shack full of smithy tools and no job. Stirred by a love for science, Xavier decided to try his hand at the age-old quest for the formula which would turn lead into gold. Instead, he found a way to create an unlimited source of cheap, clean-burning energy that would put Salem on the map forever in addition, Xavier found his alchemy had changed him, giving him strange new powers. Before he could begin to use this power and document it for the good of future generations, Xavier found himself bound and gagged as the people of Salem carted him off to the town square. There they burned him at the stake for the false charge of being a warlock. While some of Xavier's powers could be mistaken for witch- craft, they are all based on real science. Ending: When Xavier returned, he realized that there was only one way out of his situation. He asked his accusers if his equipment could be burned at the stake with him. Since they felt the equipment was just as evil as Xavier, they had no objection. When the unlimited power source was placed nearby, Xavier held his cane to it and drew the precious power it held. As Xavier drew power from the container, a strange wind quickly surrounded him, protecting him from the flames. The wind moved faster and faster until Salem itself began to change. Xavier had moved through the portals of time. He now had the power to travel through time. Xavier used his ability to move through the ages, becoming an expert on world history. He was able to fix key events in time, allowing the world to become filled with science and tolerance for the unusual. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 3) Trident: Occupation: Gladiator Time Zone: 110 B.C. Fighting Style: Capoeira Stage Location: Shores of Atlantis Fighting Style: This Brazilian fighting style was founded over three centuries ago by African slaves. It is believed to have been originated by blacks in Angola, who performed the movements as a religous dance. In the 16th century, this "dance" was adpated into a fighting art as a defences against the brutal slave traders. Capoeira is beautiful to watch because of its graceful cartwheels, handstands, handsprings, sweeps and flips. This grace combined with strength makes thus art lethal. Practitioners of this art are adept and evading attacks and countering with hands and feet. The foot motions involve a great deal of leg sweeps, leg blocks and kicks while in a handstand. Biography: Trident is so named because of the trident which replaced the hand he lost in a duel with a shark. The people of Atlantis during this time lived above the water. They were competing with the Romans to see who would control the Earth's surface, with the loser being plunged into the watery depths. The Atlanteans spent their time in the pursuit of science. They realized early on that a major part of the land was going to sink into the ocean. To handle this, they built great environments that were enclosed in bubbles so that they could survive the ocean's depths. They then offered a fair settlement to the Romans. Half of each each culture would stay on land, and the other half would go to sea. The Romans would not agree, and would only settle the issue through battle. So the Atlanteans had no choice but to create a warrior that could stand up against the warlike Romans. Trident was their champion. The Romans rigged the fight and crushed Trident under a large stone pillar. With their loss, the Atlanteans were forced unnecessarily undersea, and their culture was lost forever. Ending: When Trident returned, he quickly avoided the falling pillar. He was then able to face his opponent in a fair fight. Ultimately, Trident's skill proved too great for the Roman. As the exact moment of delivering the final death blow, Trident realized the futility of it all. Not only did he refuse to finish the Roman, but felt compelled to tell his people the error of their ways. Trident succeeded in convincing the Atlanteans and the Romans to work together. Together they formed a central government using the best ideas from each culture. Their ideas of government, science and society spread around the world. The great wars never occured because the Atlanteans were nbot only the masters of the sea, but also of space. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 4) Jetta: Full Name: Jetta Maxx Occupation: Circus Acrobat Time Zone: 1899 A.D. Fighting Style: Savate / Pencak Silat Stage Location: South China Sea Fighting Style: -Savate: Originating in France, savate, with its foot and fist fighting style, emphasizes front side and round kicks to the knee, shin and instep. The hands are kept open and low to defend against groin kicks. Palm and heel strikes are used to attack the face, nose and eyes. Street fighters who practiced the art introduced both mid-level and high-level kicks. -Pencak Silat: Pencak Silat, the national fighting art of Indonesia, dates back to the 6th century A.D. By the 14th century, the form was the polished property of the nobility, and commoners were barred from learning its tactics. Baru Silat, the Sumaturan form, employs hand actions to block, parry and cover. Biography: Jetta was always a rebel: as a youth she changed her given Russian name to Jetta Maxx to sound more like a performer. Born in Russia, cousin to Czar Nicholas II, Jetta traveled the world as a performer in a famous international circus. During her many travels, which included visits to France and Indonesia, she learned gymnastics and martial arts. In 1899, her circus troop visited China. At the time, China was being ripped apart by the Boxer rebellion, the Chinese attempt to rid their homeland of foreigners. Unfortunatly, many innocent Chinese were also dying. Spurred by her compassion, Jetta decided to help infiltrate the "Yihe Quang", or "Rightous Harmony Fists" and get them to turn their ways to pacifism before the major foreign powers brought all their military forces to bear. In addition Jetta foresaw that Russia's involvement in the fighting of the East would further weaken her own government's stability. Before Jetta was able to bring a peaceful end to the fighting and change the history of Russia and China, she fell victim to an act of sabotage by a radical from the Yihe Quang. Jetta's safety net and tension wire were cut, Jetta plummeted to her death during the grand performance for the crown emperor of China. Ending: When Jetta returned, she quickly flipped off the high wire onto the safety of the platform. The saboteur left the grandstand and tried to escape. He was later captured by the imperial guards. Embarassed by the incident, the Chinese government pressured the extremist groups to turn to more peaceful negotiations. China was then able to settle on a peace plan that would give them full demo- cratic control of their country. After these changes were in place, Jetta returned to Russia. Without the threat of war, the Czar was able to focus his attention on the homeland. Instead of fighting the Socialists, the Czar negotiated a govenment similar to the one in England. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 5) Blade: Full Name: Jonathan Blade Occupation: Bounty Hunter Time Zone: 2030 A.D. Fighting Style: Kenpo Stage Location: Syrian Desert Refinery Fighting Style: Kenpo teaches its disciples how to manuever so that opponents unwittingly place themsleves in vunerable positions. It combines linlear and circular moves, using intermittent power as needed. Like water, it flows through major and minor moves with fluid continuity. It is flexible in though as well as action. Biography: Blade was one of the best cops that ever lived in the future. Born in Syria, raised in Africa, Blade was dedicated to the extreme, working some of the meanest parts of New Chicago. He had, however, one small problem: his temper. After almost being killed several times by a suspect during a case, Blade caught up to him. The suspect again tried to kill Blade, who was able to sidestep the laser shot and grab the suspect. Being only human, Blade was out of patience. He proceeded to beat the suspect to near death. The suspect survived, and sued the police. The police fired Blade to hush the scandal, and he ended up moving back to Syria to become a Bounty Hunter, which allowed him better use of his quick temper. His final case dealt with a rogue scientist who had escaped a government bio-weapons lab. The scientist was threatening to smash open a vial containing a virus that would kill 95% of all human life if the government didn't stop all bio-research. The Syrian government hired Blade to safely retrieve the vial. Blade agreed on one condition: they wouldn't interfere. They agreed. He cornered the scientist in an alley and radioed that the scientist agreed to peacefully give up the vial. The government had followed Blade, and took this moment to make their move. When shots from laser rifles filled the alley the last image that Blade saw before he died was the smashed and open vial of the virus. Ending: When Blade returned, he was able to pull the scientist aside before any serious damage was done. Enraged, Blade knocked out over twenty govenment agents before confronting the one who betrayed him. At this point, Blade realized that he had accomplished nothing. This anger was the force that led him to the brink of death. This world incident led to a number of government reforms. A world peace council was established with Blade as president. This council went on to bring peace and stability to the whole world. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 6) Midknight: Real Name: Mitchell Middleton Knight Occupation: Bio-Chemical Scientist Time Zone: 1967 A.D. Fighting Style: Jeet Kune Do Stage Location: Song Hong Delta (Vietnam) Fighting Style: This fighting style was conceived by the late martial artist Bruce Lee in 1967. It's name literally means "The Way of the intercepting fist". Jeet Kune Do, unlike other martial arts, does not use a specific set of rules or techniques to establish a distinct method. Instead it utilizes all ways and means to serve its end, therfore making it "free". As a martial arts form it possesses everything, while in itself it possesses nothing. Biography: Mitchell worked for the CIA on loan from Interpol. Born in London, Mitchell was one of the best bio-chemical scientists working in the intelligence community. The CIA needed Mitchell to work on a bio-chemical weapon to end the Vietnam War. Mitchell created a virus that would weaken its victims until they hung near death, waiting for the antidote. The virus was to be introduced into the water supply of Vietnam, but Mitchell wouldn't stand for that much human destruction. He stole back his formula and fled back to London to hide. Unfortunately, Mitchell was cornered at the airport by both interpol and CIA agents. During the escape, Mitchell fell from a nine-story building into a chemical storage used by t he airport. The force of the impact broke the seal of the virus container and released the virus into the chemical vat. This mixture creasted an unexpected result. Mitchell was trans- formed by the mixture into a living vampire. Using his new- found cunning and strength, Mitchell escaped and fled to London where he spent the next 133 years vainly searching for a cure for his disease. No longer identifying with his past, Mitchell came to be known as Midknight. The cure had become more important since the goverment used the virus during the Vietnam War by using the contents of the airport chemical vat. Many of the third-world countries were now over-run with living vampires. Midknight was also running out of time because his body, with the exception of his neck and face, was rotting away. This rotting was due to the fact that Midknight wouldn't kill another person to renew his life energy. Midknight was about to solve the last hitch in the antidote when a government agent killed him by firing a firing a magnesium stake through his heart. Ending: When Midknight returned, he quickly sidestepped his attacker to avoid the stake through his heart. He then used his superhuman speed to flash behind his attacker and drain his life force. Realizing that death was not the answer, Midknight stopped short of taking the man's life. Once in a safe haven, Midknight collected what was left of his lab and departed for Italy. Midknight restarted his work on a cure for the plague. After a few months of work, a cure was found. The dis- covery was bittersweet however, since the cure was based on his own blood chemistry. So while the cure worked for others, it did little to cure his affliction. It stopped his decay, but left him in his current state for- ever. Midknight became famous for his efforts and became head of the World Science Organization. His immortality gave him the experience and wisdom to deal with most of mankind's major diseases. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 7) Rax: Full Name: R.A.X. Coswell Occupation: Cyber-Fighter Time Zone: 2345 A.D. Fighting Style: Muay Thai Kickboxing Stage Location: The Cyber-Dome Fighting Style: Muay Thai kickboxing is a mixture of powerful kicks and devastating body blows. The fighter uses fists, feet, knees and elbows to cause damage to the opponent. Kicks deliver massive blows to the opponent's legs, knees and thighs, making Muay Thai one of the bloodiest fighting styles in use today. It ranks as the most popular spectator sport in Thailand. Biography: R.A.X. (Robotic Artificial eXoskeleton) is a cyborg. Once, Coswell was one of the best human kickboxers in the year 2345. Coswell's only problem was that the sport was no longer about human competition, but a battle between cyborgs, robotically enhanced human beings. Since the cyborgs could take and deliver more damage, the crowds began to stop attending the human fights for the excite- ment provided by these new robotic combatants. Given these changes, R.A.X. had no choice but to get cybernetic implants and join the crooked game which was run by a deceitful fight promoter. R.A.X. didn't trust this promoter, but needed his financial support to afford the cybernetic implant operation. After the operation, R.A.X. rose through the ranks and won the right to take on the champion. He was killed as a result of the corrupt fight promoter trading R.A.X.'s life for a sure bet on the championship fight. The promoter used an advanced electronic virus planted in R.A.X's cybernetic brain during the implant operation to shut down all of his vital systems. This shutdown was seconds before he was about to deliver the fatal blow to the reigning champion. Ending: When R.A.X. returned, he quickly began to overload the systems in his body. As the ruthless fight promoter pulled the transmitter from his jacket, R.A.X. fired an energy bolt from his power generator. The energy blot flew straight and true to its target, knocking out the promoter and shorting out the transmitter. As his opponent closed in on him for a final blow, R.A.X. hit his air jets, avoiding the devastating punch. R.A.X. quickly countered and knocked the opponent flat to the mat. After the fight, R.A.X. had the electronic virus safely removed. The fight promoter was jailed for attempted murder. The public, outraged by all the corruption, shut down the cyborg fights and returned to more human and more humane competition. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 8) Larcen: Full Name: Larcen Tyler Occupation: Ex-Cat Burglar Time Zone: 1920 A.D. Fighting Style: Praying Mantis Kung-Fu Stage Location: Chicago Theater Fighting Style: This southern style of Kung-Fu was founded in the 17th century by Wang Lang. The system relies heavily on fierce grasping movements, clawing attacks, kicks and punches for both offense and defense. Legend has it that Wang Lang once captured a praying mantis. took it home and studied it. He then combined the movements of the mantis with monkey style Kung-Fu to form his new system. Biography: Born in an era of crime bosses and racketeering, Larcen grew respecting and idolizing the many powerful crime bosses who ruled the streets. As a youth, he went to work for Mr. Taglalini, one of the most powerful crime bosses. Under his wing, Larcen grew up to be one of the world's best cat burglars. He did many illegal jobs for Mr. Taglalini, including the planting of illegal evidence in other crime boss hideouts. There was one thing that Larcen wouldn't do, and that was kill. Instead, he used martial arts to stop and drop his attackers. One day, Mr. Taglalini asked Larcen to plant a package on a supposed crime boss who was recovering in the hospital. When he entered the room that supposedly contained the boss, he instead found the now recovering chief of police, who had been hurt in a prior assassination attempt. It seemed that the mob wanted the chief dead because he was incorruptable, and was about to declare war on the mob. Larcen suddenly realized that he had been set up. The package he carried probably contained a bomb. At this moment, Larcen decided that he had chosen the wrong side. He wouldn't kill. Larcen attempted to throw the bomb out of the window, but it was too late. The bomb explosion not only killed both Larcen and the chief, but also most of the hospital, including several youngsters in the children's wing. Ending: When Larcen returned, he quickly threw the bomb out the window. Larcen was captured by a couple of policeman standing guard around the hospitalized police chief. Larcen was brought to the chief's room. The chief was so impressed with Larcen's bravery that he made him a member of the special government task force against organized crime. After months of prep work, the task force took down Mr. Taglalini and his organization. Larcen went on to head of the task force which eventually widened its scope to include international cartels. This task force was respon- sible for eliminating organized crime forever. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 9) Slash: Occupation: Pre-Man Hunter Time Zone: 50,000 B.C. Fighting Style: Pain Stage Location: Great Rift Valley Fighting Style: This fighting style uses any move or attack that will cause pain or inflict damage. This includes eye-poking, neck throttling, nostril pulling and hair yanking. The most common weapon is a large wooden club, which early hunters could wield very effetively. One technique involves the spinal crush, in which the attacker jumps onto a foe and smashes the victim's head, compressing the spinal column. Another technique uses the "push off" lever for a high two-footed attack. Biography: Slash was always advanced for a pre-man creature. He was the greatest hunter and the greatest fighter of his generation. These skills didn't just come from his great strength, but also from the emergence of an early intelligence. Slash used this intelligence in his fighting, which meant hecould out-think most of his opponents. His intelligence also got him into a lot of trouble. The cave elders resented Slash for his intelligence, and rejected his every idea, including an agricultural plan which would have freed the clan from its enslavement to a life of drudgery as hunter-gatherers. The elders turned down this idea at once, as they saw no value in having free time and enjoyed the violence of the hunt. One day, when Slash publicly spoke against the the elders in a clan meeting,he was stoned to death by the clan when the elders proclaimed him to be an evil force. Ending: When Slash returned, he quickly pulled himself free from the ropes that held him in place for the stoning. Once he was free, the clan members attacked him. With his new- found knowledge, he used their own force to throw them off balance. Slash finally used a trick from Xavier. He raised his club into the air and the tip became alive with fire. The angry crowed backed away in fear. Once he had their attention, Slash was able to communicate his ideas. Eventually, he was appointed to head of the clan. This small change in pre-man history led to a life of peace rather than violence. This in turn saved the earth itself from ravages of war. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Contact: ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Contact me! Here are the following e-mails and internet forums you can find me at: E-Mails: MSN Messenger/Hotmail: b_unit905@hotmail.com Yahoo!: psychochronic2004@yahoo.ca Internet Forums: Gamefaqs.com: brettdude Shoryuken.com: psychochronic MIRC (channels on EFnet): #Capcom (The main channel for Shoryuken.com) #Gamecombos (The main channel for Gamecombos.com) #Srkgd (The General Discussion part of Shoryuken.com) #Srklive (The XBOX Live part of Shoryuken.com) My Fighting Game Site: www.geocities.com/psychochronic2004 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Credits: ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Props to those who made this guide possible: Me for physically typing everything from my TV screen. Once of my favourite games during the whole Sega Genesis/ Super Nintendo timeline era so, I decided to pay homage to a good fighting game I played back in the day that wasn't released in the arcades. I write too much but I don't feel tired. I don't make these FAQs for me, I make these FAQs for you and especially...the fighting game community. Peace. -Psychochronic Copyright (c) Brett Navarro 2005-2007