***====CYBORG JUSTICE====*** MOVES LIST/FAQ VERSION 2 This guide was written by Cyber Predator, who resides at http://www.geocities.com/Area51/Chamber/1301 and can be e-mailed at Cyber_Predator@hotmail.com This document is copyrighted by Cyber Predator as of its original release date (detailed in the Version Information). Any entities used in this document that are copyrighted by anyone else remains the property of the original owner; Cyber Predator is simply giving information about these copyrighted entities that the copyright owners aren't making very public. RULES FOR THIS DOCUMENT'S DUPLICATION AND DISTRIBUTION You may.... ....Store a copy of this document on your home computer, print out a copy and/or show it to friends AS LONG AS you don't make ANY money from doing so AND you don't leave ANY part of the document out or change anything. ....Use this document to research a guide of your own AS LONG AS you credit this document AND specify the author and where a copy of the guide can be found in a credits section. You may not.... ....Use this document to make money in any way, shape, or form. NO EXCEPTIONS!! ....Distribute this document indiscriminately. ....Make copies of this guide and put them in public places (eg Internet, hard-copy game guides) without Cyber Predator's express permission. ....Translate this guide into HTML without Cyber Predator's express permission. ....Link directly to this text-only document. Failure to observe these guidelines is a violation of international copyright law. A list of all the websites authorised to show copies of this guide is available at http://www.geocities.com/cyber_predator2/games.html#legit ====CONTENTS==== INTRODUCTION Version Information Author's Note Key to Commands BASIC MOVES Punch Attacks Punch Jab Low Punch Uppercut Kick Attacks Kick Low Kick High Kick Shin Kick Jump Attacks Jump Flying Kick Waist Latch Crouching Attacks Crouch Low Charge Crouch Fire Backflip SPECIAL MOVES Head Smash Electrocution Shoulder Charge Gorilla Press AMPUTATION ATTACKS Arm Rip Torso Rip Body Rebuild Cyborg Rebuild LIMB WEAPONS Arm Upgrades Leg Upgrades Codes Hidden Options Action Replay Codes Credits and Taglines ====INTRODUCTION==== ***VERSION INFORMATION*** VERSION 1 - 2217 GMT, 17-Oct-1999 Contains a list of the available punches and kicks, jumping and crouching attacks, special moves and how you can take your opponents to pieces; how to perform the attacks and what kind of damage they do is included. A list of the different limb weapons is also provided, in addition to the usual copyright info, credits and author's note, a cheat code and two free Action Replay Codes. VERSION 2 - 0507 GMT, 10-May-2000 Added the full sequence on performing the Backflip and the information about the leg weapons. Also corrected a few technical errors. We're still not clear on what the body weapons do. If you know, please e-mail me! ***AUTHOR'S NOTE*** One of the most requested pieces of information for the 16-Bit Sega is a FAQ for Cyborg Justice. I personally haven't played the game, but I do have an old games book which has a complete list of moves for the game. I hope this helps out, people! ====KEY TO MOVES==== Left, Right, Up and Down are the standard Control Pad directions and A, B and C are the standard fire buttons. Below is the key to the abbreviations used. F: Foward, press the Control Pad in the direction you're facing. R: Retreat, the opposite of the direction you're facing. A(F): Hold the button outside the ( while performing the moves inside the ( and ). Release the button at the ). Ah: Press and hold the appropriate button. Down-F: Hold the diagonal direction. A A: Tap the given buttons in sequence. F+A: Hold the button before the + and press the button after the +. If there's more than one + during the list, hold all of the buttons down in the given order and release them after the last command. Motion Down F: Press the first direction, then go to the next direction in one continuous motion without taking your finger off the Control Pad. Very Close: Right next to your foe. BL: Block, press and hold C. This doesn't work against flames and missiles. ====BASIC MOVES==== ***PUNCH ATTACKS*** PUNCH: B Causes light damage. JAB: Tap B in front of opponent Causes light damage to the foe behind you. LOW PUNCH: Down+B Causes light damage but stuns the opponent after 3 hits. UPPERCUT: A+Up Causes medium damage. ***KICK ATTACKS*** KICK: A+F Causes medium damage. LOW KICK: Down+A Causes medium damage. HIGH KICK: BL+R+A Causes light damage. SHIN KICK: While very close press A+F ***JUMP ATTACKS*** JUMP: C+F is a running jump C+Up is a standing jump FLYING KICK: B while jumping Causes light damage. WAIST LATCH: Down+C while jumping You must time the attack just right. It causes heavy damage while adding to your own health. ***CROUCHING ATTACKS*** CROUCH: C+Down LOW CHARGE: Crouch, R+C Causes heavy damage. CROUCH FIRE: Crouch and hold D, A A This is performed with the Laser Arm. BACKFLIP: Crouch, R+C+C ====SPECIAL MOVES==== HEAD SMASH: A+Down Causes light damage but stuns the opponent with one hit. ELECTROCUTION: A+F while a few steps away from the opponent. Causes medium damage and is a good stunning move. SHOULDER CHARGE: Ah Causes medium damage and forces your opponent to the ground. GORILLA PRESS: Crouch and hold C, motion Down F After lifting up the opponent, A slams them into the ground (medium damage) and C throws them (heavy damage). If your opponent has heavy legs, C will put them down instead. ====AMPUTATION ATTACKS==== ARM RIP: Get very close to a stunned foe, R(A repeatedly) Press A to equip their limb in place of your own, B to throw it as a weapon or C to put it down. Severed limbs hamper your opponent's fighting ability. TORSO RIP: After severing a limb, repeat the move This move not only kills the opponent, you get his health! ARM PICK-UP: C Motion Down F over a severed limb This sequence allows you to pick up an arm off the ground. Press A to equip the limb, B to throw it or C to put it back. This is helpful if you lose your own arm. CYBORG REBUILD: Scatter remains with a kick, C Motion Down F over remains If you rebuild an enemy cyborg you will use his energy as your own. In a 2- Player game, use this move to ressurrect a fallen partner. ====LIMB WEAPONS==== ***ARM UPGRADES*** All arm attacks are used by pressing A Ah. The attack unleashed dependings on what kind of limb you have installed. STANDARD: Unleashes a long-range punch. A flurry of punches is released if you perform the move using Down-F(A Ah), which stuns anyone it hits. CRUSHER: When extended it amputates limbs if you get close enough. Use the Control Pad to move it around. BUZZ-SAW: Similar to the Crusher, but it can amputate limbs better. ROCKET ARM: This causes one-hit death, but you must pick the limb up again after using it. Be quick because it will eventually explode and leave you limbless. FLAMETHROWER: Very weak and horridly limited range. Don't bother. LASER: Laser bolts take down anything in their path but the weapon takes a while to charge. While warming up the Laser, make sure you stay at a safe distance to avoid getting creamed. You can fire this weapon from a crouching position. BOSS ARM: If you can sever the arm of an end-level guardian, you can pick up that arm and gain their attack! ***LEG UPGRADES*** All leg attacks are performed by pressing C Ch. STANDARD: Nothing special. TANK LEGS: Executes a ground charge attack, which will continue until you release C. JUMP LEGS: Your robot performs jumps which go off the top of the screen, which can be useful for clearing really big pits or other obstacles. SPIKED LEGS: Kick attacks cause more damage on contact. BIG LEGS: Allows you to avoid damage caused by ground-based obstacles such as spikes and saws. ====CODES==== ***HIDDEN OPTIONS*** While playing the game, pause and enter CBBC CACB. You must enter the code VERY quickly, and if successful the hidden options menu will come up. ***ACTION REPLAY CODES*** I feel I should make it known that because Patch Code devices like the Action Replay alter the data of the game, either your game or machine could get messed up permanently. The companies have a nice little disclaimer saying it's not their fault since you're the one using the thing, and none of the devices are endorsed by Sega. As for me personally, I don't even believe in the use of a Patch Code device because of the risks involved. But like a wise man once said there's one born every minute and there's no way I can stop you if you decision to use one. Consider yourself warned and use these codes at your equipment's peril. Infinite lives: FFAF5AOOO2 Infinite energy: FFAF9EOO7F ====CREDITS AND TAGLINES==== The Sega Power Tips Book 2 provided information on the moves, the different arms available and the Action Replay codes. GameSages provided the cheat for the hidden options menu. I put the given information into my own words and changed the headings to help clarity. SeanStar (http://hometown.aol.com/seanstar/SPframes.html) helped out a lot by clarifying the Backflip move and giving information about the leg weapons. {signed} Cyber Predator 123-926 "Anyone who seeks fame need only become familiar with all that I have acheived." - Claudius Galen The Force will be with you, always