============================================================================== _ _ | | | | __ _ _ __ __| |_ __ __ | | __ __ __ __ __ / | | | \ /__| |__\ / _| | \ /_ |/ _|/ |/_ |/__| | | | | | | |__ | --| _ | | | | | __| | | | | __|__ | |__ |\__|_|_|___|\__|___|_| |_|_|___|_| |___|___|___| |___| ============================================================================== Gunstar Heroes by Spatvark (spatfaqs@hotmail.co.uk) ============================================================================== / =============================== \ < [01] Introduction > \ =============================== / Sometime in the future, somewhere not too far from where you live, an amazing adventure takes place... The Gunstar family has been the protector of the Gunstar 9 (G-9) for generations. Professor White Gunstar, in his youth, defeated the Robot Golden Silver, a machine that traveled millions of miles to suck G-9 dry of all its resources. Professor White was able to extract the four famous Mystical Gems (The robot's power source), and imprisoned the robot on one of G-9's moons. But now, years later, a new menace has arisen. Colonel Red, a vicious dictator (and a very bad dresser), found out that the Gunstars knew the location of the Mystical Gems. One day, The Colonel kidnapped the Gunstar twins' older brother Green and used a mind control machine to make Green obey his orders. With Green's help, Colonel Red has amassed all four Mystical Gems, has turned Gunstar 9's peaceful worker droids into deadly menaces, and is now preparing to leave for Gunstar 9's moon to reactivate Golden Silver. As one of the Gunstar twins, you must fight your way past Colonel Red's Empire Army and retrieve the Mystical gems, or Golden Silver, the Destructor will rise again and destroy your world! Are you heroic enough for the task? ----- In the late 80's and early 90's, Konami were riding high at the top of the gaming world, with many classic series to their name, but in 1993, an internal dispute led to one of their programming teams leaving Konami to set up their own company were they would have creative control on the games they would make. The company became known as Treasure, and Gunstar Heroes was the first game they released. A side-scrolling platform shoot-em-up, in the same vein as Konami's Contra series (which the staff of Treasure had created whilst still working for them), it took the genre to a new level with the intricate yet intuitive fighting system. To this day, it is still one of, if not the best in its genre, even when rivalled against the likes of the Contra and Metal Slug series. With the upcoming release of Gunstar Super Heroes on the Game Boy Advance (JP: 10/06/05, US: 10/25/05), now is the time to look back on a classic. / =============================== \ < [02] Disclaimer > \ =============================== / Listen up you mangy lot, this bit is important. You are free to use this FAQ for personal reference but if you plagiarize any sections, well... I'll have to come up with something evil to do to you... The only place allowed to host this FAQ is: GameFAQS - http://www.gamefaqs.com If you see it anywhere else, please contact me at: spatfaqs@hotmail.co.uk You can also contact me with any questions that pertain to Gunstar Heroes that AREN'T answered in this FAQ, or any corrections to mistakes I've made (this does not include typographical errors; I'm not THAT anal retentive about my work). Also, do not bother to email me and ask whether you can host this FAQ on your site, the answer is no. GameFAQs is the only place I particularly feel like trusting, while sites that have to go soliciting for FAQs strike me as desperate to get a reputation even a tenth of that GameFAQs has. So don't bother, I won't even reply to your emails. / =============================== \ < [03] Version History > \ =============================== / v1.15 - Updated the Copyright. [09/01/09] v1.10 - Changed my email address and updated the formatting. v1.05 - Fiddled with the ASCII title a little bit. v1.00 - It's not like there's a whole lot that can be done with a FAQ for this kind of game, and I think I've got it all down here. / =============================== \ < [04] Contents > \ =============================== / **>Introduction -------------------------------------- [01] **>Disclaimer ---------------------------------------- [02] **>Version History ----------------------------------- [03] **>Contents ------------------------------------------ [04] **>Characters ---------------------------------------- [05] **>Controls ------------------------------------------ [06] **>Weapons ------------------------------------------- [07] **>Walkthrough --------------------------------------- [08] ==>Ancient Ruins -------------------------------------- [08a] -->Village ---------------------------------------------- [08a.1] >>>Papaya Dance --------------------------------------------- [08a.1a] -->Pyramid ---------------------------------------------- [08a.2] >>>Bravoo Man ----------------------------------------------- [08a.2a] -->Slide ------------------------------------------------ [08a.3] -->Forest ----------------------------------------------- [08a.4] >>>Pinky Roader --------------------------------------------- [08a.4a] ==>Underground Mine ----------------------------------- [08b] -->Trains ----------------------------------------------- [08b.1] >>>Seven Force ---------------------------------------------- [08b.1a] ==>Flying Battleship ---------------------------------- [08c] -->Chase ------------------------------------------------ [08c.1] -->Bombs ------------------------------------------------ [08c.2] -->Gunners ---------------------------------------------- [08c.3] >>>Swapping Reg --------------------------------------------- [08c.3a] >>>Colonel Red ---------------------------------------------- [08c.3b] >>>Orange --------------------------------------------------- [08c.3c] ==>Black's Fortress ----------------------------------- [08d] -->Infiltration ----------------------------------------- [08d.1] >>>Hanging Gunship ------------------------------------------ [08d.1a] -->Dice Palace ------------------------------------------ [08d.2] >>>Valvalion ------------------------------------------------ [08d.2a] >>>Timeron -------------------------------------------------- [08d.2b] >>>Rush and Go! --------------------------------------------- [08d.2c] >>>Minion Soldier ------------------------------------------- [08d.2d] >>>Melon Bread ---------------------------------------------- [08d.2e] >>>Destroy! ------------------------------------------------- [08d.2f] >>>Pit ------------------------------------------------------ [08d.2g] >>>Rush and Go! --------------------------------------------- [08d.2h] >>>Phantom -------------------------------------------------- [08d.2i] >>>Vortex Base ---------------------------------------------- [08d.2j] >>>Curry and Rice ------------------------------------------- [08d.2k] >>>Abarenbou Gel -------------------------------------------- [08d.2l] >>>Super Gondola -------------------------------------------- [08d.2m] >>>Black Beat Stepper --------------------------------------- [08d.2n] ==>Space Port ----------------------------------------- [08e] -->Carnage ---------------------------------------------- [08e.1] >>>Final Great Soldier -------------------------------------- [08e.1a] >>>Smash Daisuke -------------------------------------------- [08e.1b] ==>Outer Space ---------------------------------------- [08f] -->Assault ---------------------------------------------- [08f.1] >>>Timeron -------------------------------------------------- [08f.1a] >>>1000mm Cannon -------------------------------------------- [08f.1b] >>>Seven Force ---------------------------------------------- [08f.1c] -->Boarding --------------------------------------------- [08f.2] >>>Core Guard System ---------------------------------------- [08f.2a] ==>Moon Base ------------------------------------------ [08g] >>>>>Duck Batallion ------------------------------------------- [08g.1] >>>>>Pinky Lobster -------------------------------------------- [08g.2] >>>>>Orange --------------------------------------------------- [08g.3] >>>>>Black Fly ------------------------------------------------ [08g.4] >>>>>Green ---------------------------------------------------- [08g.5] >>>>>Golden Silver -------------------------------------------- [08g.6] **>Thanks -------------------------------------------- [09] **>Legal Stuff --------------------------------------- [10] **>Next Version -------------------------------------- [11] **>Working On... ------------------------------------- [12] **>Goodbye!~ ----------------------------------------- [13] / =============================== \ < [05] Characters > \ =============================== / Red: Free Shot One of the two player-controllable characters, Red can run and shoot at the same time, but he can only shoot left, right, diagonally up-and-left and diagonally up-and-right whilst moving, and while standing still, only firing straight upwards is added. To fire in the other directions, Red must be in midair or hanging from something. Blue: Fixed Shot The other player-controllable character, Blue can only fire from a fixed position, but he can fire in all eight directions. White: Science Guy Too old to fight on the front lines anymore, White backs up Red and Blue with his knowledge of technology, creating their guns and vehicles to travel in. Yellow: Info Girl Green's sister, Yellow is the knowledge base of the operation. Green: Another of the Gunstar Heroes, Green was captured by Colonel Red and brainwashed into stealing one of the Mystical Gems. Colonel Red: Never Dies! Looking like a M. Bison wannabe, Colonel Red (AKA: Smash Daisuke) is leading the Empire's hunt for the four Mystical Gems Emperor: Evil Uh, he's the Emperor. And he's evil. That's pretty much it. Final Great Soldier: Love Love Dance Extraordinaire Only the darn spiffiest fellow ever! / =============================== \ < [06] Controls > \ =============================== / Run: Left or Right ...I pray to God I don't have to explain this. Crouch: Down Allows you to duck ground force's shots. Free Shot can shoot forwards whilst crouching, but Fixed Shot will just fire into the ground. Select Weapon: A Cycles through your weapons from Left to Right to Both. Shoot: B Shoots the currently selected weapon. Jump: C If you're firing when you jump, you won't go as far as you normally would. Throw: Shoot + Direction You can throw most enemies, skull bombs and other players in any of eight directions. You can also throw in midair. Pick Up Items: Down + Shoot When picking up weapons, the new one will enter the left position, pushing the others to the right, thus dropping the weapon in the left position. Low Slide: Down + Jump A surprisingly powerful attack, this is useful to get through enemies quickly, but it can be blocked, so beware. Power Slide: HCF (Circle round from back, through down, to front) + Shoot Stronger that the Low Slide, but it also leaves you open to attack. Hanging: On platform, Down + Jump. When hanging, you automatically enter Fixed Shot mode, meaning you can fire in all eight directions, but not whilst moving. To stop hanging, either press Jump to leap upwards, Down + Jump to drop to a lower level, or Up + Jump to flip upwards, which is also an attack. Body Splash (Free Shot only): Jump in midair Takes you further than a normal jump and does good damage to enemies, but it means you spend more time in the air. At the higher difficulties, this enables the enemy to juggle you with laser shots. Jump Kick (Fixed Shot only): Jump in midair whilst rising Takes you further than a normal jump and does good damage to enemies, but it means you spend more time in the air. At the higher difficulties, this enables the enemy to juggle you with laser shots. Drop Kick (Fixed Shot only): Down + Jump in midair Basically the same as the Jump Kick, but it carries you diagonally downwards a lot faster. Wall Jump: Jump in midair when close to a wall/screen's edge Useful for reaching high places and avoiding boss attacks Block: Shoot + Jump Reduces damage taken from some attacks. Surface Shift: Jump + Jump (Minecart only) Changes whether you're upon the tracks on the floor or the ceiling. Warp Jump: Direction + Jump (Spaceship only) Jump in the direction you're aiming very quickly. / =============================== \ < [07] Weapons > \ =============================== / For most of the game difficulties, you can use whatever weapon you want, the Chaser varieties dominating in making the game as easy as possible, but for expert mode, most of them just don't cut it. The weapon you pick at the beginning of the game is very important, since if you die in the middle of the game and choose to continue, you'll start with only that one weapon, and you may find yourself in a situation where it's utterly useless. Force: The basic machine-gun type weapon, it's fast and strong, very useful for taking out mobs quickly. Lightning: Whilst slow and not too powerful, lightning shots pass through enemies, so you can hit many at once. Good for fighting mobs, but poor for one-on-one fights. Chaser: Your standard homing weapon, the Chaser is slow and weak, but means you don't really have to aim at all. Flame: It's a flamethrower! Firing constantly, it's fairly strong, but be warned, it's very short range. My personal favourite starting weapon is Force, since it's decent on it's own, and combines to make awesome weapons with any other weapon. Speaking of which, combining your weapons is key to your success in Gunstar Heroes; there's a total of ten possible combination, each with their own strengths and weaknesses: Force + Force = Double Fireball Fast, powerful and with a good spread, this is a great combination, great for taking out large mobs. However, it's weak when angling a shot at small single targets, since a lot of it will miss the target. Force + Lightning = Rapid-fire Lightning Firing out a constant stream of lightning, this is good for taking out mobs too, and is also very nifty for hitting targets diagonally with Free Shot, since you can shimmy your shots (By holding down Fire and jabbing the up button, a spray of lightning will fly out in the angle between horizontal and vertical shots). However, said shimmying makes changing aim whilst firing very slow; if you plan to use this weapon, you need to get into the habit of releasing the fire button before turning to attack something behind you. Force + Chaser = Chaser Force Beam Similar to Double Fireball, this doesn't have quite the same spread, but makes up for it by bending the beam towards the enemy. However, the beam can only bend so far, so some aiming is required to make good use of this. Force + Flame = Exploding Fireball The slowest weapon in the game, this is also one of the best, and easily one of the three most damaging. The fireballs that are shot out explode on impact, or upon the release of the Fire button, causing splash damage to anything in the vincinity, making this absolutely awesome for destroying mobs, and is godly against the final boss. This combination is very useful for Fixed Shot, since it can clear a mob fast, meaning they only have to stop moving for a second or so. Lightning + Lightning = Mega-Bolt Fast and strong, this is a good weapon, but it is also very narrow, so you need to be careful with your aim. As such, this is a good weapon for Fixed Shot, but not so great for Free Shot. Lightning + Chaser = Chaser Lightning The best weapon for any difficulty below Hard, Chaser Lightning fixes onto a target, and attacks it constantly until it's destroyed, and then switches to the next. However, it has a nasty habit of targetting inanimate objects, or parts of bosses that can't be damaged, leaving you open to attack. Lightning + Flame = Lightning Saber The most powerful weapon in the game, the Lightning Saber also has the shortest range. But don't worry, the Lightning Saber also destroys most projectiles, so you can easily get in close to enemies and do massive damage to them. Some bosses are incredibly easy with this, but others are a complete and utter nightmare. Chaser + Chaser = Star Chaser Like the Chaser Lighting, this is an awesome weapon for difficulties below Hard, but when you get to the tougher levels, it can be just a bit too weak. Chaser + Flame = Chaser Fireball The second most powerful weapon in the game, Chaser Fireball is also the most complicated and the slowest. Press fire once and a large flame will home in on an enemy, hold down fire and press the directional buttons, and you can direct exactly where the flame goes, not to mention that like the Lightning Saber, the Chaser Fireball destroys most projectiles! The two biggest weaknesses of this combination is the slow speed, though it can be sped up by holding down one direction when targetting it. The other is the fact that in Free Shot mode, while directing the flame, you'll be moving yourself, possibly throwing yourself into large pits and off airships! This is definitely a weapon for Fixed Shot. Flame + Flame = Ultra Flamethrower Like, the solo Flame Weapon, this is constant and powerful, but the range has been doubled, and when you release the Fire button, the flames will fly in the direction you were firing them, meaning you can hit enemies at a distance too, and don't forget that since it's constant, it can also be shimmied! A good all round weapon, it's always fun to burninate everything in sight. / =============================== \ < [08] Walkthrough > \ =============================== / First things first, I'm writing this Walkthrough using Expert mode as my basis for the enemies and bosses. Lower difficulties may have less enemies and weaker bosses, and also makes a difference upon the order that you'll want to do the levels in, since you start each successive level with 20 more HP than the previous one, i.e. say you do Underground Mine first, starting with 100HP. When you complete that, and pick Ancient Ruins next, you start with 120HP. This small bit of extra HP is invaluable for the Underground Mine and Ancient Ruins levels, since they're really nasty in Expert. Here's my order for doing them, with a few notes too: [08d] Black's Fortress: Start with Force, and upgrade to Double Fireball. [08c] Flying Battleship: Switch to Chaser Lightning. [08a] Ancient Ruins: Switch to Lightning Saber. [08b] Underground Mine: Switch back to Double Fireball. <---[08a] Ancient Ruins-----------------------------------------> %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% ==[08a.1] Village== %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% Just run to the right; you can get more points if you destroy the huts, but it's really not worth it. It's far better to just rush through the level than trying to kill everything in sight. You'll come across a Phantom just before you reach teh first miniboss. [%%%]BOSS: Papaya Dance [08a.1a][%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%] ACTIONS: Baloon Bomber, Mother Ant Easy enough, stand underneath it and fire straight upwards. When it spawns an Ant (They look more like caterpillars to me), kill it quickly and then go back to shooting straight upwards. Use the slide to avoid large clumps of balloons if you absolutely have to, but otherwise, right underneath Papaya Dance is the best position. [%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%] Again, keep heading to the right and you'll find a second Phantom. %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% ==[08a.2] Pyramid== %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% Ignore the enemies and the Sphere Birds, just jump your way to the top as quickly as you can; you should be able to take two steps at a time. [%%%]BOSS: Bravoo Man [08a.2a][%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%] ACTIONS: Spinning Driver, Dragon Punch Another easy miniboss, just fire away until it gets in close, and then jump attack through it and run to the other side of the screen. Wash. Rinse. Repeat. If you can get your timing right, you can just do jump attacks from behind it until it dies. However, do not let it do the Spinning Driver move, which is when both arms turn green and it starts to take off. If it completes the move, Bravoo Man gets all its HP back. [%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%] %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% ==[08a.3] Slide== %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% The pyramid collapses beneath you, creating a big slope. Go as far left as you possibly can and fire to the right to kill the enemies that go bouncing over your head. Three times you'll see an enemy come up the ramp just below you; when you do so, hold up and jab on the fire button to throw him once he appears on the same slope as you. %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% ==[08a.4] Forest== %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% Combine a Lightning Saber if you haven't already, and then charge through the forest, ignoring everything until you get to the end of the path; kill the three enemies here and then get ready for the boss. [%%%]BOSS: Pinky Roader [08a.4a][%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%] ACTIONS: Hitman Shot, Iron Knuckle With the Lightning Saber equipped, once it flashes up the Actions for Pinky Roader, you want to be pressing against the right side of the screen. Once Pinky jumps into the open and the screen starts scrolling, do a jump attack and run to the far right, and you should get underneath the Pinky Roader. From here, move as far right as you can and then turn to face left; fire straight upwards, but shimmy the Lightning Saber up and down - by shimmy, I mean hold down fire and repeatedly press, not hold, the up button. This will eliminate all shots the elder Duck Brother will fire at you with the Hitman Shot move, and do massive damage to Pinky Roader. If for some reason, you didn't make it underneath Pinky Roader, stand right by its leg and follow the same basic progress, but be careful incase the elder Duck Brother moves behind you. [%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%] <---[08b] Underground Mine--------------------------------------> %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% ==[08a.1] Trains== %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% This level is pretty straightforward to make up for the nightmare of a boss it has. Concentrate on the contents of the trains when they come, slide into the bomb throwing machines, and make sure to get Rapid-fire Lightning, or you'll be in deep trouble come the boss. When you get to the front of the train, where you'll find Colonel Red in all sorts of difficulties, go to the far right side of the screen, and start shimmying the Rapid-fire Lightning at Colonel Red. [%%%]BOSS: Seven Force [08a.1a][%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%] Oh god, I hate this guy so much. Comprising of seven individual forms, Seven Force is one of the toughest bosses in the game, second only to Golden Silver. However, on easier difficulties, you do not have to fight all seven forms, which makes this a lot easier. [%%%]FORM: Soldier Force[%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%] ACTIONS: Arm Vortex, Arm Boomerang Easy if you know how, lethal if you don't. Get onto the ground and move about two cart widths from the right hand side. Shimmy your shots up at the main body, jump when it fires its arm at you, and Surface Shift when it does the slide; don't worry about the things it throws, they'll all miss you from the lower position. [%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%] [%%%]FORM: Tails Force[%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%] ACTIONS: Somersault Tail, Lightning Zap Tails Force is probably the nastiest of all the forms. It has three attack patterns; Somersault Tail is very easy to avoid and to predict; if it moves in close to you upon the left wall, then move up or down a bit, and it'll miss. Lightning Zap, on the other hand, is just plain nasty... sorta. See, Tails Force uses it in two different ways; if it's floating in the middle of the screen and tips it's head back, it's about to start firing, but it's pretty weak - if you can, move upwards to avoid it. It's the second usage of it that is the nasty one; Tails Force will start to move counter-clockwise around the edge of the screen starting from the top right corner, and once it reaches the bottom left, it starts doing Lightning Zap whilst still moving, which can then pin you to a wall or juggle you in midair. When it starts doing this, don't even think about attacking, unless you have a Chaser-based weapon that, just concentrate on evasion. [%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%] [%%%]FORM: Tiger Force[%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%] ACTIONS: Sight Laser, Trace Zapper Tiger Force is easy to attack, just hard to dodge. Sight Laser tracks you and then fires, so try to keep out of the sights. Trace Zapper is easier to dodge, as long as you think ahead; Tiger Force will waggle its tail and a blue line will appear from it. That marks the beginning of the path that the laser will travel; continue it in your head and work out where you'll be safe, and pummel Tiger Force from there. [%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%] [%%%]FORM: Eagle Force[%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%] ACTIONS: Dance Dance, Spread Laser Another relatively easy one, as long as you have range. It will only use Dance Dance for the moment, Spread Laser isn't unlocked until the sixth level. Basically, the key to beating Eagle Force is to watch the tail. You need to get past it when the arm on one side is bent and the tail is on the other side. Once you're past it, camp in the bottom corner, firing up at Eagle Force until it zooms back down past you, and then move all the way back up to the top of the screen. and repeat the process. If Eagle Force comes at you side on, go past it when it's arms are straight. [%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%] [%%%]FORM: Blaster Force[%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%] ACTIONS: Grenade Shoot, Gold Bullet Blaster Force has a blind spot, where it can't hit you, both above and underneath the circular part of its body; just sit in one of those spots and aim straight down or up, depending on which you choose, and just blast away. If you're lucky, like me, this'll be the last form you have to fight =D? [%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%] [%%%]FORM: Urchin Force[%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%] ACTIONS: Hyper Sonic Spin, Rush And Roulette Urchin Force's two attacks are very distinct from each other, and only one of them, Hyper Sonic Spin, is any real danger. With that, Urchin Force bounces from one side to the other, and then spins down one side very fast. Just shimmy your shots and keep a close eye out for the spin. Rush And Roulette, on the other hand, is easy to dodge: Urchin Force will move to the center of the screen, and then spin around, with light orbs forming on most of its spikes. When it stops, quickly move into an area not pointed at by a spike with an orb on, and it'll miss when it fires them out. Pummel it whilst it's spinning. [%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%] [%%%]FORM: Crab Force[%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%] ACTIONS: Crash Mine, Will O The Wisp To beat Crab Force without taking a pummelling, you need to be adept at doing multiple Surface Shifts. Basically, hold down fire and jab repeatedly at jump, so that effectively, you're hovering in the middle. You only need to touch surface when it fires an extending wall. [%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%] [%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%] <---[08c] Flying Battleship-------------------------------------> I recommend doing this level second; only the boss is difficult here, even in Expert mode, so you should be able to get it out of the way relatively easily. %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% ==[08c.1] Chase== %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% This bit can be irritating as hell, but as long as you keep calm, you should get it done without getting hit. The biggest difficulty comes in keeping up the pace climbing up whilst making sure to kill all enemies you come across. The Wall Bounce is very useful here, especially since you can do it off the edge of the screen; it takes you higher than a normal jump, damages any enemies you hit, and it's faster. %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% ==[08c.2] Bombs== %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% Once you've got on top of the Flying Battleship, Bombs will start to drop from the sky, and enemies with hoverpacks will appear. Dodge the bombs, throwing them when need be, and concentrate on getting rid of the enemies quickly. They can unleash a lot of shots very quickly, making the screen cluttered and it very hard to not get hit. %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% ==[08c.3] Gunners== %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% Onto the third section, you start off by being confronted by a Phantom with a hoverpack. Do a jumping attack into his lunges, and shoot him the rest of the time; he's pretty easy. Once he's defeated, head to the right, and you'll find five gun implacements; each drops a weapon sphere once defeated. I recommend making a Chaser Lightning combo for the upcoming boss fights. [%%%]BOSS: Swapping Reg [08c.3a][%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%] ACTIONS: Reg Vulcan This mech is fairly easy. As it makes its entrance, jump onto on of its feet, and when it jumps, take that opportunity to leap onto the cable running along the top. With a Chaser based weapon, or fixed shot, this becomes incredibly easy; Swapping Reg cannot hit you while you're standing on the cable, so fire at will. If you don't have a Chaser weapon, or aren't Fixed Shot, hang down from the cable and fire at Reg, only jumping back up when it does Reg Vulcan from the main body right below you. [%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%] Continue on to the right and two gun towers will rise up; if you move cautiously enough, you only have to fight one at once. Each one will drop a HP Sphere when destroyed. [%%%]BOSS: Colonel Red [08c.3b][%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%] Jump up onto the plane, and fix onto him with your Chaser-based weapon. Hold down fire, and just concentrate on dodging the bombs he throws. Easy. [%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%] [%%%]BOSS: Orange [08c.3c][%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%] ACTIONS: Rotor Press, Hard Shoulder, Break Wind After defeating Colonel Red, the plane lands briefly to allow Orange to tag in; lower yourself so you're hanging from underneath the wings, and fix onto him with your Chaser-based weapon. Despite what the Actions list says, Orange has four moves, including his throw. Rotor Press is when he jumps up and grabs hold of the planes rotor, spinning him round, before he lets go and does an elbow drop. Hard Shoulder is when he does a very fast shoulder tackle across the span of the planes wings. Break Wind is when he fires a cloud of gas from his armpit, which can either go along the wings, or downwards. In other words, from your position hanging below the wing, Break Wind is the only move that can hit you. If he stands above you and tries to do it, flip up through it and then throw him straight upwards, but NOT OFF THE PLANE. That does far less damage than a normal throw would. [%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%] As a fun little minigame, when you're falling from the plane after defeating Orange, I always like to try and land with my foot in his crotch. Always amuses me that does XD <---[08d] Black's Fortress--------------------------------------> This is the level I recommend to do first if you pick either Hard or Expert difficulty, since once inside the Dice Palace, the fights are comparatively easier. Unless you fight Minion Soldier XD %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% ==[08d.1] Infiltration== %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% To start, just run right, and grab the first weapon sphere that drops, and keep on running. You should only stop when the sky gets a bit crowded with enemies, and only as long as it takes to get rid of most of them. [%%%]BOSS: Hanging Gunship [08d.1a][%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%] Run to the right side of the screen and fire upwards from beneath it. This shouldn't take too long. [%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%] Again, just keep running to the right; for the most part, you can ignore the enemies. Once you reach the end of this section, a Phantom appears. Lure him down to the lower level and jump up onto the ledge. Fire off to the left, and it won't be able to get up to you, since it'll be too busy getting shot. %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% ==[08d.2] Dice Palace== %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% Inside the Dice Palace, it all gets a bit weird. A die drops from the sky, and when it's thrown, your marker on the board in the background will move the number of spaces equal to that of the value on the visible die face. Each square on the board will warp you to a different room, where you will have to do something to progress, until you reach the Boss square at the end. _____________________________________________________________ / | | | | | | | \ | | | | | | | | | | FIGHT | ITEM | FIGHT | FIGHT | FIGHT | FIGHT | FIGHT | FIGHT | | [a] | [1] | [b] | [c] | [d] | [e] | [f] | [g] | |_______|_______|_______|_______|_______|_______|_______|_______| | | | | | | | | | START | | FIGHT | | | | [h] | |_______| |_______| | | | | | ITEM | | [2] | _______________________________________________________|_______| | | | | | | | | | | | TO | | | | NO | | | | BOSS | START | ITEM | FIGHT | FIGHT | GUNS | FIGHT | FIGHT | | [n] | [4] | [3] | [m] | [l] | [k] | [j] | [i] | |_______|_______|_______|_______|_______|_______|_______|______/ Above is a representation of the board in the background. There are six different room types: Start = Where you start... No, really. Fight = You must perform a challenge to proceed Item = You can pick up different weapons and/or HP No Guns = You must win a fight without any guns To Start = Your marker is sent back to the start Boss = You're taken to meet Black. Underneath each room type on the diagram of the board is either a letter or a number inside some square brackets. The letters refer to the sections below (substitute the letter for X in [8d.2X] and you can use the find function to get to the right one quickly) and the numbers refer to the list just below: 1) You can pick up Force, Lightning, Chaser and HP spheres in here 2) You can pick up Flame, Force, Lightning and HP spheres in here 3) You can pick up Chaser, Flame and two HP spheres in here 4) When you're sent back to the start, all previously cleared rooms remain cleared. [%%%]BOSS: Valvalion [08d.2a][%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%] Valvalion has two attack patterns, both of which are very simple. The first is indicated by Valvalion spiralling towards the right hand side of the screen; it will slam down into the ground and then form arches until it reaches the left side, when it'll return to the sky. The second is indicated by Valvalion spinning in a circle on one spot; it will thrust towards where you are standing, before bouncing back up into the sky. Both are easy enough to avoid, and as you are told at the beginning of the fight, aim for the head! [%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%] [%%%]BOSS: Timeron [08d.2b][%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%] This is ridiculously easy. Timeron will drop about five pods, which explode upon the floor. When the timer hits 10, Timeron will stop, and then reverse time, so that the pods unexplode and go back up into the core. Thus, it's important to remember the order that the pods were dropped in. Otherwise, just blast it. [%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%] [%%%]BOSS: Rush and Go! [08d.2c][%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%] This one's a bit complicated, but here goes. You have one minute to get from the bottom left square to the top right, and the quicker you make it, the more points you get. In each square is a wall orb; when you hit it, it will change colour, and any wall or floor that matches the same colour will disappear, thus opening up paths for you to rech the goal. The colours change in the following order: GREEN >>> BLUE >>> YELLOW >>> RED >>> REPEAT The following diagram shows what colour the floors and walls are; the Sphere denotations mark where energy spheres start; to clarify, there are not HP Spheres, they're enemies that bounce about the room and hurt you. They are penned in by the colour walls and floors, but they have a nasty habit of passing straight through the Junction areas where the four rooms all connect, but they do very little damage, so you can ignore them really. ________________________________________________________________ | | | | | | | G | G | | | R R R R | | E E E E GOAL | | E D E D | | N | N | | | | | | | | |---YELLOW---|----BLUE----|---GREEN----|---GREEN----|---YELLOW---| | | | | | | | | B Y B | | R L E L | | E U L U | | D E L E | | | | O | | | | | W | | |----BLUE----|----BLUE----|----RED-----|---GREEN----|---YELLOW---| | | | | | | | G Y | Y | | R E B E | | START E L SPHERE L SPHERE L SPHERE | | E L U L | | N O E O | | | W | W | |____________|____________|____________|____________|____________| CLEAR: Punch. GREEN: Punch. BLUE: Jump Attack. YELLOW: Jump Attack. RED: Punch. GREEN: Punch whilst holding right. BLUE: Punch whilst holding right. YELLOW: Punch. RED: Punch whilst holding right. GREEN: As soon as you cross into the next square, punch. BLUE: Punch. YELLOW: Punch. RED: Move right into the goal. You should be able to complete it in under fifteen seconds. [%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%] [%%%]BOSS: Minion Soldier [08d.2d][%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%] This is the hardest fight in the level, by a mile. While Minion Soldier is very small, he's also really tough and hits hard. He has four moves; he has a jumping attack (he's so small, I can't actually see what it is that he's doing), a curling shot that he charges up, a throw (which really hurts) and he can spawn weak clones that count as a little bit of his HP. Since he's so small, you have to crouch to be able to shoot him, and that's the best position to be in, since you can quickly slide instead whenever he gets close. When he spawns clones, fire to kill them off quickly, or slide into them fast, or else they'll snatch you out of it and toss you about the room. [%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%] [%%%]BOSS: Melon Bread [08d.2e][%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%] OK, you know how I said Timeron was easy? Hah! This is even easier. Melon Bread will sniff you, and then spit out an energy ball to where you are. However, it takes so long between attacks, hell, even making the FIRST attack, that you can kill it easily without seeing said attack. I had never actually seen it until I deliberately waited whilst making this FAQ. [%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%] [%%%]BOSS: Destroy! [08d.2f][%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%] Simple enough, destroy the deactivated gunship. The box to the far left contains a HP Sphere. [%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%] [%%%]BOSS: Pit [08d.2g][%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%] This is fairly easy; there are six balls, each with 400HP, bouncing about the room, and a big... well, bat for lack of a better word, that moves back and forth across the screen, with its height changing on both the top and bottom. You can be hurt by the balls bouncing into you or by being squished by the bat. You can hang onto the underneath of a ball by jumping into it and holding down the jump button, but this is fairly risky. I stay on the left side and fire upwards, only moving when I have to. [%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%] [%%%]BOSS: Rush and Go! [08d.2h][%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%] Use Wall Bounces to navigate the level, and throw your opponents to kill them quickly. [%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%] [%%%]BOSS: Phantom [08d.2i][%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%] While fairly easy, the Phantom is tough to beat without taking a hit. Fire at range and sling his bombs back at him. When he slides in, jump him and then throw him as far away from you as you can. [%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%] [%%%]BOSS: Vortex Base [08d.2j][%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%] I'm horrible at this one since I have a terrible memory. There are seven target globes around the room, and they will flash in a specific order. The core at the bottom will then fire a laser which will travel through the path indicated by the globes, so remember the pattern, and move to somewhere you won't be hit, and target your shots at the core at the bottom. It's important to note that you can flip through the laser beam, so if like me, you've got an awful memory, you can try to get by on instinct, and flip through the beams to avoid getting hit. [%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%] [%%%]BOSS: Curry and Rice [08d.2k][%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%] This can be a tough fight if you don't know what you're doing, but it has a major weakness. Jump into the air near Curry and Rice, and it'll do a flurry of slaps into the air. While it does this, run in close and throw it for 100 damage a time; four throws will kill it in Expert mode. When it dies, watch out for the head, since it explodes on contact with whatever it hits first, whether that's you or the floor. [%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%] [%%%]BOSS: Abarenbou Gel [08d.2l][%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%] This guy is fairly easy; it only really has two attacks. The first is it poops out light balls behind it as it hops to one side. The second isn't so much an attack, but a nuisance; if it lands on you or mashes you against a wall, it hurts. Run to one side and fire at it until it gets too close, and then Wall Bounce over it, and repeat until it's dead. [%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%] [%%%]BOSS: Super Gondola [08d.2m][%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%] By and large, there are only three things to note about this fight. First, it's very hard. Second, the levers move the conveyor belt you're standing on from side to side. Thirdly, the bombs destroy segments of the conveyor belt you're standing on, so they're a priority to destroy. However, I find that if you take about two steps to the right, and fire straight upwards, you can do this without taking a hit, let alone getting killed. [%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%] [%%%]BOSS: Black Beat Stepper [08d.2n][%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%] ACTIONS: Red Fireball, Green Cutter, Blue Cracker, Yellow Laser Ah, finally, the boss! And this one is kinda complicated, though pretty easy. You don't really need to know the details to be able to beat Black, unless you want to do it without getting hit. Below is a diagram of the room, indicating the coloured panels; these coincide with the names of Black's four attacks. _____________________________________________________ | | | | | | | | | Blue | Green | Yellow | Red | | |________|________|________|________|________|________| | | | | | Red | | Blue | |________| |________| | | | | | Yellow |________ ________| Green | |________|Platform| |Platform|________| | |________| |________| | | Green | | Yellow | |________| |________| | | | | | Blue | | Red | |________|___________________________________|________| | | | | | | | | | Red | Yellow | Green | Blue | | |________|________|________|________|________|________| Black will appear to the right hand side of the screen, the all-important left foot on the bottom green panel. After rolling a die, Black will take a number of steps equal to that of the value upon the die, i.e. on his first roll, he gets a two, then he will take two steps, and the left foot will be upon the red panel. Where he ends up dictates which attack he will perform, and the attack will originate from the panels of the same colour. Red Fireball: A short flame will be fired from the top left red panel, and will then travel clockwise around the room. You can avoid it easily by pressing to the bottom of the left wall. Green Cutter: A beam fires from the left green panel, and bounces clockwise around the room. Avoid it by crouching in the bottom left corner or standing in the bottom right. Blue Cracker: Four bombs emerge from each corner (Yes, including the one Black will be in) and detonate in place. Avoid by not being in a corner... yeah, I think you sussed that one out yourself. Yellow Laser: Four lasers are fired from the yellow panels, all travelling in straight lines. Avoid it by tucking yourself into one of the corners. Once you've defeated him, Black will reach into his jacket and throw you the Red Mystical Gem, but it's a fake, which explodes on contact. Shoot him a bit more and he'll give you the real one. [%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%] <---[08e] Space Port--------------------------------------------> %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% ==[08e.1] Carnage== %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% Most of this level can be skipped over really, it's a plain and simple run and shoot level, but a few things need to explained quickly. First, it's far easier to just charge through this level than to kill everything you come across, especially in light of the fact that there's an infinite number of enemies here. Second, there are crates on this level; while they take a bit to destroy, a fair few of them have HP Spheres in, so it's well worth it. Third, there are barrels too, and they explode very easily, and very messily, pretty much killing everything on screen. Lots of fun. Fourth, there are flying platforms, jump up, and then sling 'em down for a quick kill, and mass destruction to other enemies. Fifth, the big walkers are a pain, but by either doing a jump attack on them, or throwing other enemies at them, they can go down pretty fast. Sixth, and this one gets a paragraph all of its own, there is a chance to get a practically INFINITE number of HP Spheres on this level. There should be a section where you have three barrels in a row, the third being hollow, with a soldier inside it. A tiny bit further on from there, start taking short steps to the left, until you see a Sphere Bird come from the LEFT. Throw enemies into it and grab the HP Spheres as quickly as you can; in theory, you can keep doing this until you reach the Boss, but chances are that it'll get destroyed by the first walker you come across. Still, five HP Spheres is pretty damn good, and very possible. [%%%]BOSS: Final Great Soldier [08e.1a][%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%] ACTIONS: Love Love Dancing Gotta love the Final Great Soldier. Love Love him even. [%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%] [%%%]BOSS: Smash Daisaku [08e.1b][%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%] ACTIONS: Spiral Head, After Burner, Bravoo Reg Red is such a meanie, I swear. I liked FGS's dancing ;_; To start off, the fight is very similar to that against him aboard the Flying Battleship, with him flying about all over the place, throwing bombs, but he has an additional move now, After Burner. This is when he starts to spin on a horizontal axis and hovers just over the floor in one of the corners. When he does this, get about a third of the screen away from him and pummel him, until he starts giving off blue exhaust fumes, and then jump and turn, as he'll fire himself across the screen, presenting his back to you as a nice target. Once you've defeated his first form, Smash Daisuke will return to the ground. He'll mostly be doing Bravoo Reg, where he jumps up and stretches his leg out; it's very easy to dodge, and leaves him wide open to be thrown straight up, which will deal major damage. The last move, Spiral Head, is where he fires two flames from his gun that spiral around each other; you need to either stand where they go above and underneath you, or to Wall Bounce over them both. He can also fire a heat-seeking flame (Uh... yeah, that doesn't really make a whole lot of sense now, does it?) which can be tough to dodge. When you get his HP down low enough, he'll go to the edge of the screen, and stick to just firing Spiral Head and Heat Seeker shots. [%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%] <---[08f] Outer Space-------------------------------------------> %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% ==[08f.1] Assault== %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% This stage is rock hard in Expert mode, I get battered all over the place. You pretty much need to make a Lightning Saber to be able to destroy both bullets and enemies quickly, coz' the screen will get cluttered very easily. If you can't make that, then Double Fireball is the way to go, but really, you NEED the Lightning Saber at high difficulty. Also important to note is the Warp Jump move you can now pull off in the spaceship, by pressing the Jump button and pushing a direction; you need to use this a lot to stop yourself from getting pinned into corners, where you'll take a mass of damage. Another point, you can fix the direction you're shooting in by nudging the direction you want to shoot in, and then holding down the fire button; moving around whilst holding it down will result in the weapon always firing out the same way, which is very useful when dodging asteroids later in the level. Finally, if you're playing with two players, the first player controls the movement, and the second controls the firing, rather than having two ships bombing about the place. The level is manic enough without that XD [%%%]BOSS: Timeron [08f.1a][%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%] This Boss is very complicated if you want to do the full thing, but I recommend just jamming your Lightning Saber into it and getting it over and done with quickly. If you want to know more about this bosss, check out BPGalway's awesome FAQ about Timeron's Challenge, which goes into far more depth about the subject. [%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%] When the asteroids start coming, fix your Lightning Saber in front of you to deflect them away; you can rack up some major damage to yourself by getting nailed by these. Next is a bunch of big ships, all with different shot types. Destroy the first one, and then try to dodge the next few, since it's hard to get rid of them all safely. You'll move to the bottom of the level, and big blue lasers will fire at you from the left, so get into the top right corner where the lasers will disappear (they're aimed to fire just above your head, so in this position, they never actually come on screen, though you'll be able to hear them) and fix your Lightning Saber to your left to block all enemies and their shots. Dodge through the gaps between the first set of yellow beams then fix your Lightning Saber in front of you and move upwards, taking out the enemies that appear between each one, since they'll fire at you. Once a path is clear open through the second set of yellow beams, jump through that and get ready for another wave of asteroids, and a big yellow ship; ignore it and concentrate on dodging the bullets and asteroids. Once they've passed, three rings of enemies will materialise around you; warp out of the ring whilst they're still intangible, and take out their bullets or dodge them. Next, an enemy will come in riding a string of asteroids; use warp jumps to avoid it until it goes off screen. Back to the top, you'll face a barrage of cannons; dodge their shots and make your way along the top of the screen past them. [%%%]BOSS: 1,000mm Cannon [08f.1b][%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%] This guy is easy enough with a Lightning Saber, just stick it in him and you'll destroy all shots it fires at you, but beware the missile bays that appear above and below it; you can destroy the missiles they fire, but don't get caught by surprise. [%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%] Get near the front of the screen, and up just a bit, and start firing straight forward; a stream of ships will fly by along the top and bottom of the screen, but ignore them for now, as two cannons will become visible. Take them out and then move to the back of the screen. The ship streams (See what I did there? I swear, I kill me!) will start to cross over, getting ever closer to the left side, jsut as you come up to another big cannon. Wait until they're most of the way to the left and then warp jump through them both, before taking out the cannon. The next bit is just hectic; stay at the back and concentrate on evading being hit, since you're about to reach the boss of this section... [%%%]BOSS: Seven Force [08f.1c][%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%] ACTIONS: Arm Boomerang, Somersault Tail, Grenade Shot, Rush and Roulette, Crash Mine, Spread Laser This fight is one you can easily get annihilated in, especially if you've been worn down a lot in the level up to this stage. Seven Force switches between all seven forms quickly, each one having an individual attack, with Crab and Eagle forces being the really nasty ones, since they chase after you all over the place, and do a lot of damage if you touch them. Assuming you still have the Lightning Saber, I find the best tactic is to stay below or above Seven Force, especially when it's in the Soldier Force form, since it has a habit of moving a little bit closer to you then firing horizontally, a bit closer still, fire horizontally again, and so on. This means you can just camp it, blasting it with your Lightning Saber and having to only make small movements to not get hit at all. Doing that makes this fight a hell of a lot easier. [%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%] %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% ==[08f.2] Infiltration== %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% Aboard the Empire's ship, switch your weapon to a ranged one, preferably Double Fireball if you can, and then run down the corridor as fast as you can, doing jump attacks and throwing your enemies out of your way. They've got more HP than any other grunts in the game, and you need a fair bit of HP for the boss, so don't waste any time here, except for getting three HP Spheres from the Sphere Bird that will appear a bit further in. [%%%]BOSS: Core Guard System [08f.2a][%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%] This boss can be pretty easy if you go about it right, but is a complete git otherwise. [%%%]GUARD: Unit of the Hammer[%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%] The first form, Unit of the Hammer is the most damaging, and can be really tough to dodge. It has three attacks; the first is firing lasers straight downwards, the second is swinging around in a fast arc you have to either dodge or jump (with drones materialising above you and firing lasers straight downwards), and the third is the real doozie. It falls on you. With unerring accuracy. The trick to this is to never stand directly underneath it; if you aren't, then it will fall in an arc, and if you react quickly enough, you can get out of the way. [%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%] When you defeat the Unit of the Hammer, a ton of the Drones come flying out of the core and explode; go into one of the corners and crouch down, facing the opposite side; if one flies into the corner you're in, slide out of their quickly. [%%%]GUARD: Unit of the Dragon[%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%] The second form, Unit of the Dragon, is a lot easier, having only one attack, throwing slow moving gas clouds at you. Note that while they are slow, they come in large numbers. Just keep shooting at it with your ranged weapon; this only becomes tough if you're still stuck with the Lightning Saber. [%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%] There's another wave of exploding Drones before the final form. [%%%]GUARD: Unit of the Runner[%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%] This form is a walk in the park. It will alternate between throwing the light orbs high and low, so jump the low ones, and if it gets really close while swinging it's arm, duck into the corner, and only jump if it's due to throw a low one. [%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%] [%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%] <---[08g] Moon Base---------------------------------------------> For this level, I heavily recommend you use Double Fireball, since you're going to be fighting a lot of bosses, and you'll need range on them to stand a chance of getting to the final boss with any HP left. Destroy the stack of blue crates by sliding into them (I find the standing slide does it quicker) and move on to find... [%%%]BOSS: Duck Batallion [08g.1][%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%] ACTIONS: Heavy Vulcan Shoot, Walking Press Eddie This is a tricky one to do without getting hit, but it is possible. To start, just fire right at the Duck Batallion, but as soon as it does anything, duck. If it crouches and shoots, the shots will go over your head. If it's walking towards you, wait until it gets close and then slide under it. If it's running at you, wait until it goes past then run to the opposite side of the screen, and then turn around to start blasting them in the back. It'll start jumping up and backwards whilst firing it's vulcan cannons diagonally down, so pummel it as long as you can, and then Wall Bounce on top of it and jump attack off it to get clear. Once you've destroyed the Duck Batallion, run to the right side of the screen. The older brother will land near by, and grab one of the vulcan cannons; throw him upwards to do major damage on him. Three throws will finish him off. [%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%] The next section is annoying as hell. Destroy the blue crate stack and take a few steps up the slope, before going back to the left, dodging the large white orb that will come flying at you. Go back up the slope and move about a third of the way along the platform, before swinging down below it. Move as far to the right as you can, and another white orb will come, but it'll be over your head. Once it's passed, flip yourself back up and jump to the higher level. Open the crate to get a HP Sphere and move as far right as you can. A third orb will pass you by, so swing down and move along the underside of the upper slope, stopping just before you run out of slope, the fourth white orb will pass underneath you. Drop down and move along until you're almost falling into the pit; a fifth orb will pass overhead. Jump to the upper slope and move all the way to the right via hanging from underneath it, and the sixth and final orb will pass you by. Open the crate to find a Weapon Sphere, and then jump attack to the platforms to the right, and destroy the cannon to your right. They will only fire once you're slightly elevated from them, i.e. when you try to jump from level to level. Walk to where the cannon to your right was before you destroyed it, and fire straight upwards, taking out the next two. Jump up, cling underneath a platform, and fire up to take out the next two. Wash. Rinse. Repeat. [%%%]BOSS: Pinky Lobster [08g.2][%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%] ACTIONS: Slash Chopper, Slash Nipper, Bubble Bomb This fight is annoying as hell, but easy if you play it smart. The two Slash attacks are the ones to watch out for; try to always keep at a distance from Pinky. However, the standing slide is really useful here for doing damage whilst zipping underneath and away from Pinky Lobster. After you do enough damage, Pinky will move to the back of the screen, and start constantly using Bubble Bomb, a really annoying move, especially since the bubbles block your shots. Stand about a quarter of the way along the screen from the left (the left of the monitor you're being watched on, that is) and just fire straight forwards... if you have a good ranged weapon that is. If you don't, you're in a whole heap of trouble. When a bubble hits you, it carries you up into the ceiling where it'll pop, and drop you to the floor, to damage you. You can get out of a bubble by jabbing furiously on the shot and jump buttons, but it takes time, and more often than not, you don't have enough time to get out before you plunge all the way down. It'll take a while, but eventually they'll be defeated. [%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%] Head to the right, and you'll see some small gun implacements. Take out the first three quickly and there'll be another two following, one on each level. Jump and take out the upper one first and move along so that the crate beyond the lower one is now visible. Hang down above the lower gun and take it out and then open up the crate to get a HP Sphere. [%%%]BOSS: Orange [08g.3][%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%] ACTIONS: Final Big Bang, Ground Burning Draft This is probably my favourite fight in the game, just coz' it's so completely and utterly frantic and fast-paced. Since Orange is once again fighting by himself, the quickest way to beat him is by throwing him straight up, and the best time to throw him is when he tries to do an elbow drop from the top level. Walk slightly to the side so that it misses, and as soon as he lands, walk back to him and throw him upwards. He'll have to elbow drop down again, so just repeat the process. Otherwise, the key to winning this is by being really quick when flipping between levels, especially since you're invincible during the flip animation, allowing you to avoid his elbow drops. [%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%] Do a standing slide down the slope and crouch down as soon as you can, shooting straight forward to take out the lowest gun implacement. Walk underneath the other three and fire straight upwards. If you can, switch to the Exploding Fireball combination, and make sure to grab the HP Sphere. [%%%]BOSS: Black Fly [08g.4][%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%] ACTIONS: Psychic Gambit, Shadow Hurricane Black is, if possible, even easier this time around, as long as you know what you're doing. After the initial period where he's wide open, the Black Fly will fly up, off screen, and sends down Psychic Gambit attacks. Stick to the left edge of the elevator and destroy the core of the ones that threaten to hit you. When Black comes back down and does the vertical Shadow Hurricane, he'll miss you since you're not in the middle of the platform; trigger the Exploding Fireballs early, so that they hit him while you shoot straight up, and eventually he'll do his rotating Shadow Hurricane attack, where he shoots out three beams from the red orb on the Black Fly, which then start to rotate around the screen, the direction depending upon which of the two lights on the underneath is lit up (left = clockwise, right = counter-clockwise). Get onto the same side of the elevator as the light that was lit up, so that you're just beyond the edge of the Black Fly. When a beam is about to hit you, do a jump attack straight upwards; you'll score multiple hits and go straight through the beam without getting hit. After three beams go past, the rotation will switch directions, so run to the opposite side and repeat the process. I must confess, I learnt this tactic from F. Pelayo's awesome Expert Mode FAQ, which was an invaluable help for confirming my own ideas throughout this walkthrough. [%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%] [%%%]BOSS: Green [08g.5][%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%] If you have the Exploding Fireball, this fight becomes incredibly easy in the latter half of the fight, but the first half is irritating. Shoot straight at Green until he does some kinda shield move. Once he does that, jump up to the top level and start firing forwards. He'll jump up too, but he'll leave himself open whilst landing, so you'll get a few hits in. When he puts his shield back up again, drop down and repeat the process again. After you do enough damage, Green will switch his attack pattern, instead being far more aggressive. When he does this, back into a corner and start spamming the shot button whilst holding the down button, so that the fireballs explode close to you. If Green manages to get close enough, you'll throw him to the ground, so take this opportunity to get some distance from him again, and then just repeat the process. You'll get hit by the occasional shuriken, but they do very little damage, so don't worry about it. This was the first fight in the level that I got hit on, and I took a total of 18 damage. [%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%] Enter the open doorway and you'll come face to face with the Emperor once more, only for the four Mystical Gems to pop up and fry him, before floating into the next room. Chase after them and you'll see three Weapon Spheres and a HP Sphere; you absolutely HAVE to make the Exploding Fireball now if you hadn't already, and you have to do it quickly. Grab the HP Sphere if you can, but it's secondary to getting the right weapon. Once the spheres disappear, the capsule at the back of the room will open up to reveal... [%%%]BOSS: Golden Silver [08g.6][%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%] ACTIONS: Golden Blast Nuclear, Earth Resolver, Jewel Strike Let me make this clear, Golden Silver is NOT your target, the four Mystical Gems floating overhead are. They're what you need to concentrate your attacks, since Golden Silver is immune to your weapons. Now, the reason why I told you to get the Exploding Fireball is because of the awesome splash damage it deals. Remember, there are FOUR gems, and they count as individuals for being shot, but cumulative in damage total. This means hitting one of them will cause the fireball to explode, then hitting the other three, racking up the damage far faster than would normally be possible. The only other weapon I'd recommend, god forbid, is the Chaser Lighting, only because you can fix it onto the gems in Free Shot and then just concentrate on evading Golden Silver, but I still think the Exploding Fireball is far more effective. Start by running in close to Golden Silver; it'll respond by trying to do its Golden Blast Nuclear attack, but if you stand in between its hand and its body, you can avoid getting hit whilst shooting straight upwards, and it'll keep doing the same attack and missing, until you do about two thirds of the damage to win the fight.needed by shooting straight upwards, even when the gems start to move on their own. So, what happens at two thirds of the damage needed? Jewel Strike starts, and the Mystical Gems taking turns to fight back themselves, using attacks that mimic your four base weapon types: Force, Laser, Chaser and Flame. The Chaser and Force gems are easy to dodge, just use Golden Silver as a shield while you target the other gems, which will have moved back to their original position in the air. For the Laser gem, it follows a pattern of firing for four seconds, moving for two, then firing again, so you can tell when it's about to fire, giving you more than enough time to avoid it. However, if for some reason you can't, it's best to be hit in the air by it, since it'll only hit you once, as opposed to multiple hits whilst you're on the ground. The Fire gem is a git, and requires good timing to avoid. With the flame spinning around it in a wide arc, you have to go underneath it while the flame is above; I like to use the standing slide here to knock down Golden Silver if he's in the way, or else he'll throw you back into the flame. It's important to note that you should never throw a gem, unless it's the one that is currently attacking you, since it'll be thrown out of position, and you'll do less damage by attacking the cluster of gems floating above you. And of course, now that you're evading the gems, you can't stay so close to Golden Silver, and thus he's free to go on the assault now. He's damn fast and hits hard, but he's very susceptible to being knocked down, especially by jump attacks. He rarely uses his charge or teleport moves during this final phase of the fight, so if you can force him into a corner, it gives you a lot of time to get away from him, and into space where you can concentrate on dodging and attacking the gems. Hopefully you got your position just right at the beginning of the fight and didn't take a hit, and had plenty of HP coming into the fight, since it's extremely hard to evade being hit in this final phase of the boss fight. Just keep plugging away, and you'll get it done eventually. [%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%] / =============================== \ < [09] Thanks > \ =============================== / This list is gonna be pretty short methinks =P My brother - for buying a Megadrive way back when, Gunstar Heroes was the first game I bought for it and I've loved it ever since. DJellybean - for clueing me in for the basics of FAQ presentation. Phoenix 1911 - I stole the copyright stuff from him coz' it sounded all professional and stuff XD GameFAQS - for hosting this FAQ. / =============================== \ < [10] Legal Stuff > \ =============================== / This unofficial document is protected by the international Copyright law. All content within is created and owned by Peter Carter. Absolutely no profit must be made from this work; it may not be reproduced, in part or in whole, and/or altered in any way or under any circumstances without the prior consent from the author, except for personal and private use. All copyrights and trademarks contained within are owned by their respective holders. No copyright infringement was intended during the creation of this document. Copyright 2005-2009 Peter Carter. / =============================== \ < [11] Next Version > \ =============================== / Well, to be honest, I'm not sure if there will be a next edition of this FAQ, being that it is virtually complete. It really depends on what you guys and girls think SHOULD be in here that I've missed out. / =============================== \ < [12] Working On... > \ =============================== / Fallout 1. / =============================== \ < [13] Goodbye! > \ =============================== / And that's all for now folks!