CANNON FODDER - Walkthrough/FAQ Super NES Version 0.5 Authored by: GadesXion aka Shouvik :) (Put "Cannon Fodder" in the subject line) AIM: gadesxion --Z101------------------------- Table Of Contents (Use Ctrl+F) ------------------------------- Z101 - Table Of Contents Z102 - Intro Z103 - Version History Z104 - Game Basics Z105 - Passwords Z106 - Walkthrough Z107 - FAQ Z108 - Legal Stuff and Acknowlegements --Z102 Intro ----- Cannon Fodder is a classic underrated addictive game for the Super NES which i discovered had been neglected on the FAQ boards and thus decided to write this FAQ for. Its a fun little game where you control a group of soldiers and elimintate any enemies in the given level. --Z103--------- Version History --------------- 0.5 - My first FAQ! Game basics section is complete. Walkthrough and passwords complete through Mission 5! --Z104----- Game Basics ----------- The Intro Screen : First the "score" at the top is the number of kills home = your kills away = your casualties (Graves will form on the hillside as your caualties grow) on the left column, the Heroes are ones that have been killed, and the Squad are the people that are alive.The following number is their individual kills By pressing select at the first screen the options menu will pop up: Load Game : This option is actually a password entry screen; passowords for thecurrent level can be found by selecting Save Game Save Game : This option gives the password for the current level Key Define : The controls for Cannon Fodder can be assigned with this option. My recomended controls are as follows: Move - B Shoot - Y Map - X Weapon - A Stereo : Stereo is set to off by default, change it if you wish Pressing start will begin the mission - Gameplay Basics Basically you move a target around the battlefield, pressing move will command your soldiers to move to the target, pressing fire will command then to fire at the target very simple-- but it gets complicated as strategy is needed in the later missions. By pausing you can move soldiers individually and you must usethe map to help you plan out your attacks. If you pause and select the names of soldiers and then the snake thingy it will separate your troops into groups so you can command them individually, dont worry though because troops that are left alone WILL defend themselves, although not very effectively. (Use R and L to switch between soldiers/ groups) --Z105--- Passwords --------- Mission 1 - NBPBZ Mission 2 - BCBCY Mission 3 - SCSDX Mission 4 - CDBGW Mission 5 - TDSHT - --Z106----- Walkthrough ----------- :: Note the number of Recriuts remaining is only if you travel through the game with 0 casualties:: Mission 1: The Sensible Initiation --------- Phase 1/1: Its A Jungle Out There Briefing : With 2 soldiers you must kill all enemy 13 Recriuts Remaining 3 Enemy Soldiers Very easy, if you lose this mission you should not even bother with the rest of the gamejust move your soldiers into range of the enemy and openly fire on them, kill all 3 of them and youre done! Mission 2: Onward Virgin Soldiers --------- Phase 1/2: Bridge Over the River Pie (Haha like the movie get it?) Briefing : With 3 soldiers you must kill all enemy 27 Recriuts Remaining 17 Enemy Soldiers This level is MUCH harder and is what the rest of the game will be like. You now have 17 enemies as opposed to 3. I still recommend you keep all of your soldiers in just 1 group. First off there will be an enemy swimming towards you from the north, kill him immedietly. Next 3 enemies to the south stay by the trees and lure them 1 at a time and pick them off for easy kills. Now head west along the south border, 2 soldiers will come rushing in, pick them off (your groups mass firing should get it done very easily). Head north when you hit the west border and pick off the 2 soldiers standing by the river. Now go to the bridge (use the map if youre lost) and pick off the one guard across the bridge. Go west and lure the guards by firing bullets near them until they come into your range, and then pick them off. As always use the trees for cover. Go around the trees and head east slowly, you will be approached by 2 soldiers at the clearing, pick em off. (see a pattern here?) Head east and kill the last 3 soldiers. You win! watch your soldiers jump around in victory :) Phase 2/2: Trash Enemy HQ Briefing : With 3 soldiers you must -kill all enemy -destroy enemy buildings 27 Recriuts Remaining 22+ Enemy Soldiers (Soldiers will continue coming out of the building if you do not destroy it) 1 Enemy building I think by now you get the idea of the game, so i can condense my strategy. At the very start 2 soldiers come in from the west, kill them and cross the river. There are 2 more soldiers by the trees You know what to do. When you reach the end of the peninsula, 2 soldiers to the west across the river and one incoming from the south. As a reminder stick to the land so your soldiers wont be slowed. Follow the river east along the north shore. One soldier will come from the east and one more is across the river at the end of the south peninsula. Go south and follow the river west killing the 3 soldiers along the way. Go south and kill the 2 soldiers waiting in the corner. Go east and kill the 9 soldiers along the way until you see a building. Kill the 2 soldiers north of the building and any that come out of the building. There is a little brown crate next to the building- pick it up to recieve grenades. To use a grenade target the barrels around the building HOLD down fire and then press move, when you throw a grenade at the barrels they will explode and destroy the building. ::Note keep your soldiers a safe distance from the buildings when destroying them, flying debree can kill your soldiers:: Mission Complete! Mission 3: Antarctic Adventure --------- Phase 1/1: Blast Its Cold Briefing : With 4 soldiers you must -kill all enemy -destroy enemy buildings 41 Recriuts Remaining ?? Enemy soldiers 4 Enemy buildings First kill the soldier to the south and any that come out of the building. Head east kill the 2 approaching soldiers and any out of the building. Go down the slope - Dont worry about the building yet come back for it when you get the grenades.- go east past the lake (make sure you are not followed). You will see a building with crates around it. DO NOT shoot the crates! kill all surrounding enemies and go and pick up the crates and destroy the building. Go back and destroy the 2 buildings you passed along the way with your grenades. Come back and go west, there are ALOT of enemies along the way make sure not to slip up or you may lose one of your soldiers very easily. when you see the 4th building you can throw grenades at it or just shoot the crate. Mission Complete! Mission 4: Supa Smashing Namtastic --------- Phase 1/4: Beachy Head Briefing: With 4 soldiers you must -destroy enemy buildings 56 Recriuts Remaining ?? Enemy Soldiers 4 Enemy Buildings Your first objective is to get some grenades. Head down to the start of the bridge and head straight east, follow the path until you see a building with a crate next to it (SE corner of the map. Kill the soldier to the west and east of the buildingand destroy it before more soldiers come out of it. Head north along the path until you find another building. Commence destruction. Head NW and continue west across the river, watch for enemies and you will come up on another building. Grab the grenades and destroy it. Head south along the west shore killing enemies along the way. Find the last building in the SW corner. Destroy it. Phase Complete! Phase 2/4: Peer Pressure Briefing: With 4 soldiers you must -kill all enemy -destroy enemy buildings 56 Recriuts Remaining ?? Enemy soldiers 1 Enemy Buildings From the start come out shooting and kill all the soldiers, when its safe cross the river and destroy the building in the SE corner. Phase Complete Phase 3/4: Village People Briefing: With 5 soldiers you must -kill all enemy -destroy enemy buildings 55 Recriuts Remaining 2 Enemy Buildings Simple mission, head west, kill enemies along the way. Go south all the way to the southwest corner and destroy the 4 huts (Optional i guess) and take the extra grenades go down to the SE corner for the last building. Go back through the level and pick off any soldiers you missed. Phase Complete! Phase 4/4: Quicksand Briefing: With 5 soldiers you must -kill all enemy -destroy enemy buildings 55 Recriuts Remaining 1 Enemy Buildings Go north, avoid the quicksand or your soldiers will sink and die. 2 enemy soldiers to the north. There isa landmine under the next patch of quicksand, shoot it. Take grenades and go around the next patch. Head south and then west to find the building killing enemies along the way. After the building is destroyed go back and kill any enemies you may have missed. Mission Complete! Mission 5: Thos Vicious Vikings --------- Phase 1/3: The Valley Of Ice Briefing: With 3 soldiers you must -kill all enemy -destroy enemy buildings 70 Recruits Remaining 5 Enemy Buildings Head west until you find 2 buildings pick up grenades and rockets (rockets are used the same as grenades, use weapon to switch between them) go back and fire a rocket at the building you saw earlier. Continue west until you see 2 buildings across the river. Continue west, watch out for rocket soldiers; theyre very deadly. After theyre all killed Phase Complete! -- The walkthrough will be updated in my next version Thank YOU! --Z107 FAQ --- 1. How do i use grenades/ rockets? A: Hold fire down and press move while the target is where you want to throw your grenade/ fire your rocket. 2. What do those badge thingies mean? A: Whoever has more of them will "lead" the group it is assigned to. 3. Can I ungroup soldiers? A: As far as i know you cannot, if i am mistaken please email me a note, or put it on the boards, i am on the boards more than i check my email i remind you. 4. Can I email you questions? A: As i said before i would much rather you post questions on the board, if i do not get to them then, then you may email me, but if you do ask anything i have included in this FAQ thus far i will simply delete your email. Make sure to put "Cannon Fodder" In the subject --Z108---------------------- Legal Stuff/ Acknowlegements ---------------------------- Copyright 2004 Shouvik Sayef Thus far only GameFAQs has permission to put my guide up on their site, it may not be used partially or whole for profit, if it is used i would like to recieve credit for it, or you are a dirty plagerizer! Thus far no one but me has made any contributions, as this is the first draft, but hopefully that will change. -I would like to thank GameFAQs for putting this wonderful game up for bounty and encouraging me to write this, my first FAQ. -I would like to thank the creators of Cannon Fodder for making such a great addictive game. Updates will come shortly -- Please Email me if you would like to put my FAQ on your site or if you would like to make contributions, i remind you to put "Cannon Fodder" in the subject line. Thank You and have a wonderful day!