***************************************************************************** The Legend of Zelda: The Minish Cap FAQ/Walkthrough For the Gameboy Advance Version 1.0 (Created 3/1/2005) By Devin Morgan This file is Copyright (c)2005 Devin Morgan. All rights reserved. ***************************************************************************** Table of Contents 1. What's New 2. Introduction 3. Story 4. Controls 5. Walkthrough 6. Bosses 7. Weapons/Items 8. Heart Pieces 9. Kinstone Fusion 10. Figurine List 11. Secrets/Tips and Tricks 12. Copyright Notice ***************************************************************************** -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= -= 1. What's New -= -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Version 1.0 (3/1/05): The first version of the FAQ. ***************************************************************************** -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= -= 2. Introduction -= -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Several years after the Oracle series, Link returns for a whole new portable adventure for the Gameboy Advance. This time Link plays the role of a young Picori in Hyrule, who must once again save Princess Zelda from the hands of the evil wizard Vaati. His travels will take him all through the land, even down into the miniature Minish realm, with the help of a magical device known as the Minish Cap. Although the game is a bit on the short side, it is still a fun romp with plenty of new things to check out. Definitely a game for the average Zelda fan; it's nothing special but it's not all that bad either. ***************************************************************************** -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= -= 3. Story -= -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= A long, long time ago... when the world was on the verge of being swallowed by shadow... The tiny Picori appeared from the sky, bring the hero of men a sword and a golden light. With wisdom and courage, the hero drove out the darkness. When peace had been restored, the people enshrined that blade with care. ***************************************************************************** -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= -= 4. Controls -= -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Control Pad: Move Link, move cursor on menu screens Start: Pause game, view submenu Select: Talk to the Minish Cap A: Use item assigned to this button, check doors, open chests, talk, etc. B: Use item assigned to this button R: Roll (when moving), pull an object (hold while moving backwards) L: Not used ***************************************************************************** -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= -= 5. Walkthrough -= -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Introduction ------------ The game opens with a few scenes explaining the legend to date (how the hero banished evil with this mystical sword, which is now locked away). The next scene shows Princess Zelda walking to your house, where she talks to the Master Smith about the Picori Festival. After a moment, the smith will call you downstairs; the scene will move to the hero's room, where you are fast asleep. Wake up and head on downstairs, then into the right room where they're waiting. Talk to Zelda and Master Smith to get the Smith's Sword, which he wants you to deliver to Hyrule Castle. Zelda will then go outside, and you will have control of Link once again. Open the chest in the current room to get 20 rupees, then go left and outside. South Hyrule Field ------------------ Here, follow Zelda all the way north into the town. Hyrule Town ----------- In this area, the princess will run ahead of you as before, leaving you to follow her around. Head into town and talk to her wherever she is, and she'll move again; find her and repeat. At the fourth stop, Zelda will just happen to win a Small Shield for you. Take it and it'll be automatically equipped to your A button (you can change this on the menu if you wish). Now, head north to the next area with Zelda. North Hyrule Field ------------------ Here, you will find a Business Scrub blocking the way ahead. Use the Shield to deflect its seed back at it, thus defeating the scrub. Continue north and into the castle area itself. Hyrule Castle Garden -------------------- Here, go up and talk to the the minister of Hyrule, standing by the door. Give him the sword, then you will watch a scene showing a ceremony. This is the scene where the Picori Blade atop a treasure chest is brought out into the courtyard. King Hyrule, as well as Princess Zelda, are there watching the proceedings. The winner of the festival, Vaati, walks in to touch the blade as the award says. It's obvious he's up to no good when he defeats the guards and opens the Bound Chest to steal its contents of nothing but monsters. As a final act before wisping away, the wizard turns Zelda into stone! The next scene shows Link sleeping in a bed within the castle. Wake up and go left into the throne room, where the king is waiting for you. After much discussion of what just happened and the Picori people, you will receive the Broken Picori Blade. Your mission is to turn Zelda back to normal, but your first job is to find the Picori people since they only show themselves to children. At this point too, you will be able to wield the Smith's Sword as your main weapon, making you battle-ready! Lastly, you are given the Hyrule Map, showing the entire world progressively as you visit new areas (this map is great since you can zoom in, viewing an entire area on it, so you can plan your routes well). For now, the map comes with a checkmark over the Minish Woods region. That should be your first destination, so make your way down the halls and out of the castle. Once outside, run south through the next area to reach North Hyrule Field. North Hyrule Field ------------------ This time, now that you have a weapon, you will see monsters roaming around, namely Octoroks. Defeat them easily to pick up some rupees if you wish. You can even cut down bushes and high grass to find hidden treasures on the way. You can't swim yet, so don't jump into the water. Wander around cutting things down and defeating enemies along the way in the meantime. You may notice a tree with thorns covering the opening; you'll see this later on. Anyway, you can't return home because the path is blocked to the south, so head east into the new region. Lon Lon Ranch ------------- Over here, simply make your way southward for now, since you can't access too much of the area early on. We'll return here later though; for now, head south into the next area. Eastern Hills ------------- Here, all you have to do is continue going southward, then east at the end to enter the forest. Minish Woods ------------ At last, you've made it to the area you need to be in. Start off by going to the right, fighting Octoroks on the way. You'll find another tree with a blocked-off entrance; we'll worry about those later. Cross the bridge and continue southward, fighting off the Chu-Chus that pop up (these won't electrocute you, don't worry). At the tree stump, go left, and follow the path upward. As you move to the left, you'll hear something calling to you, then a scene nearby will show an odd looking hat being attacked by 2 Octoroks. Before you go there, continue to the northwest and pick up your first Piece of Heart! Now, head back the way you came and defeat the Octoroks attacking the hat. The hat will talk to you, and it turns out to be the Minish Cap, as per this game's title, although it calls itself Ezlo. When it's done speaking, try to go north and it'll keep talking. Repeat this until the cap jumps on your head, making it so you now have to wear it. Now that you have the Minish Cap, you can continue. Remember that you can get hints from it by pressing Select at any time. Go back to the tree stump to the south, and the Minish Cap will explain how you can become smaller by utilizing the stumps. Jump onto it and press R to shrink down to a micro size. To revert back to normal, return to a stump and press R. You also must realize that while in small form, the surroundings will be huge to you. This means tall grass and small puddles will be impassable at that time. Anyway, make your way left through the small tunnel. Ride on a lilypad around to the north ledge, and continue northward through the next area to the village. Minish Village -------------- In here, go forward and the cap will talk to you once again. A bunch of the Minish/Picori folk will gather as well. After they disperse, you are free to wander the village on your own. You won't be able to really get into any building yet, so for now make your way around to the northmost area of town. Enter the blue-roofed building and talk to the guy inside. Turns out he is Festari, the one keeping an eye on the shrine ahead. He will mention getting a Jabber Nut to be able to understand the people in town. When you're done here, exit and follow the path to the right of the building you just came from to find your second Piece of Heart! Go back west and make your way southward toward where you came in. Take a path to the right and follow it to an open building. Go inside and talk to the person in there, then go ahead to find some crates on the floor. Push the middle one aside and check the red object on the left to obtain the Jabber Nut. Link eats it immediately, so you can now understand the Minish folk. Going back outside, you'll notice everyone will now speak with you without hesitation. So, make your way to the northwest area of town. Climb a ladder and go into the yellow-roofed house. Talk to the guy in there and he will explain that you need to collect some elemental stones in the dungeons in order to forge a new sacred blade. He then marks those locations on your map for future reference. Leave here and head east, then north into the blue building. Talk to Festari and he will now let you go through. So, continue outside to the forest once more. Minish Woods ------------ Back out here, simply go all the way north through the tunnels. You will then be at the entrance of the Deepwood Shrine you were directed to, so go inside! Deepwood Shrine --------------- Start by going forward and you will spot 3 statues. Push the middle one aside and continue to the next room. Defeat the crawler enemies, then step on the 4 switches beside the lanterns to make a chest appear. Open it to get a Small Key. Use it to open the north door. Walk around the watery section and you'll find some tracks in the ground; the Minish Cap will tell you how to pull the lever back. Go up to it and hold R + Down until you can't move any further. This will make a bridge to the center island form. You'll find a blue mushroom there; pull back on it and it'll launch you in the air, clearing the water (remember this, you'll do it often in this dungeon). At the other side, go into the north room. In this room, walk to the upper ledge to the right and hit the switch to burn the vines holding the giant barrel in place. Then, go down the steps into it. Inside, go into the upper-left door. Follow the path around and up the steps (you'll clear the dust on the ground, and those enemies, later). Walk around the switches and push the statue to the left, then step onto the second switch. This will burn the other vines apart, allowing the barrel to move now. Go back down and into the upper-left entrance of the barrel. To roll it, simply move up or down while inside. If you need to reach a particular exit, run in that general direction and you'll fall into the door as it moves by. You need to reach the bottom-left door for now, so simply run downward until the door rotates around for you to go through. Then, go left to the next room. Defeat the red enemy here, and check out the mushroom in the left aisle. Pull it back all the way, then launch to the back wall. Then, climb the steps and open the chest to get a Map. Go south and drop off the ledge, then pull the mushroom only halfway (you'll know where by the track split) to reach the middle ledge. From there, go into the left area. In here, kill the flying enemy and push the pot onto the switch to make a bridge appear. Cross it and enter the southern chamber. Here, push one of the statues inward so you can get into the center area, then push the first statue back onto the switch. Pull the other statue onto the second switch to make a chest appear; open it to get a Small Key. Now, backtrack to the barrel room. This time, roll through it to the upper-right exit. Unlock the right door and go in there. In this room, pull on the mushroom a couple steps to launch to the south ledge. Go left and hit the switch to form a bridge; use it to pull the next mushroom all the way back. When you reach the southmost ledge, head right into the next room. Defeat all the enemies in here, then go around to the right side. Pull the right statue to the far right, then push the left one all the way onto the switch. Enter the north room and fight some more enemies for a Small Key before continuing on to the left room. Back in the mushroom room, climb the steps and go northward. Drop down into the alcove below and run through the tunnel, and head downstairs. To the right, push the right block up and the left one to the left, and open the chest to get the Compass. Now, head back upstairs and head into the room to the left. Hit a switch in here while avoiding the enemies, then use your key to enter the next room. Here you'll fight a Moldorm-like mini boss. Hit its head with your sword; this will cause its tail to become vulnerable (it'll look like a heart then). Attack it with your sword as much as you can before the worm recovers. When it turns blue again and slows down, repeat the process until you win. Open the chest that appears to receive the Gust Jar. This item acts as a vacuum, allowing you to pull distant pots and enemies towards you, and clean the dust in this room. Test it by using it on the webs hanging on the walls to clear them. Make sure you clear the webs on the east and south doors. Enter the south room to pick up a Piece of Heart, then go back and head east. In this room and the following one to the east, you can use the pot to clear the dust, revealing switches. Step on them to make chests containing a total of 40 Shells appear. In the room with the Piece of Heart, you can hit another switch to make a warp point appear up there; we will revisit here shortly. For now, head into the south room and walk into the barrel. Use the Gust Jar to clear the web covering the middle door. Drop through the hole into a room below. You will find a giant lilypad here; use the pot to pull it closer, then jump on. Use the pot to propel yourself down the waterfall and along the watery path atop the lilypad. At the split, head right into the next room. Propel yourself to the ladder, then climb up and push a pot onto the switch to open the gate ahead. Continue along with the lilypad to the north room, then propel to the very end of the line. On the north side, push a pot onto the center switch, then go around and open the chest to get a Small Key. Get back onto your ride and head back to where the path split; this time continue north and west. Open the locked door at the end and continue to the next room. Pull the first mushroom back to reach the north ledge, then clear the pots and use your Gust Jar to pull the east mushroom toward you. Grab on and launch over to the right. Repeat this a few more times to reach the large chest. Open it to get the Big Key. Then, hit the nearby switch to make a red warp appear. Step into it to reach the dungeon entrance. Before continuing into the place, go into the blue warp and pick up the Piece of Heart you missed earlier (if you got all 4 pieces I covered so far, you'll now have 4 full hearts). Now, clear the webs covering the 2 sets of stairs by the entrance. Go down the left one first; push a block aside and open the chest to get 20 rupees. Go back up and head down the right stairs this time. Use the Gust Jar on the mushroom to get across the pool of water twice. Open the boss door and enter the last room. The Big Green Chuchu will enter for you to fight. Check out the Bosses section for help defeating this giant blob. After you win, you'll get the Earth Element as a reward. Grab the Heart Container, then step into the green warp to exit this dungeon. Minish Woods ------------ Back outside once again, head southward into the Minish Village. Minish Village -------------- Here, exit the building you're in to begin with, then head westward. Go up the ladder and into the house with the guy who marked your map earlier (the elder). He will open a doorway to the left now, and tell you to find a man named Melari at Mount Crenel. So, head through to exit the town and get going. Minish Woods ------------ Head through the tunnel to the left, and enter a small house at the other end. Talk to the guy inside to get a Bomb Bag, with 10 Bombs inside! Exit the house and use the nearby stump to revert to regular size once more. Check the nearby tombstone and it'll vanish, revealing a patch of earth with a marking on it. You can't do anything here for now, so head west and south. Bomb the wall blocking your way and continue out of the forest. Eastern Hills ------------- Here, simply head northward and west along the path. Bomb the cracked section of wall and open the chest inside to get 20 Shells. Then, just follow the path all the way north and west into the South Hyrule Field. South Hyrule Field ------------------ Here, make your way to the left until you can go northward. Then, go into the castle town. Hyrule Town ----------- Upon entering, you will be greeted by a musician and his following of kids. He will stop to tell you about the Kinstones, and even gives you a Kinstone Bag and a blue Kinstone half. You are then instructed on how to fuse Kinstones with people, testing it with himself first. Press L to fuse the blue half you just got, and it'll open up a cave in Hyrule Plains (check the map; you can get a Piece of Heart here if you backtrack real quick). After he leaves, you are free to wander around town. I highly recommend you buy the rupee bag in the town shop to increase your money-carrying capacity. If you can, try and buy the Boomerang as well. If not, save up for next visit to town. You can also play the cucco game in the southeast area of town; talk to the girl and agree to fetch the loose cuccos. You will win Shells and Rupees for this, and you can play repeatedly; the requirement goes up each time though. Also, visit the swordsman in the house directly to the left of the town entrance to learn the Spin Attack ability, and the Tiger Scroll it's inscribed upon. While you're in this area, you might as well clear the dust pile in the town center; it seems to open something up later. You can also check out the house in the northeast section of town. Take the right exit while inside and go down into a dungeon you cannot access yet. You can, however, open a chest to get a red Kinstone piece. Go back into the house and fuse with the mayor inside, even though you can't reach the opened passage yet. When you're done wandering the town, go to the guard in the northwest area of town. Perform the spinning sword attack to be allowed through. Trilby Highlands ---------------- In this new area, you'll find some new enemies, albeit weak, to fight. For now, head southwest and down a ladder into a cave. Bomb the right wall and you'll find a Business Scrub; reflect its seed and pay 20 Rupees for a Bottle! Exit the cave and head northward now. Then, make your way all the way westward to the mountainous regions. Mt. Crenel's Base ----------------- Starting off here, go to the water's edge and use your Bottle to fill it with water. Climb the leftmost vine to get 20 Rupees, then go back down and use the water-filled Bottle on the sprout to grow a vine. Before you continue, make sure you refill the Bottle with more water. Climb up that one and head north a bit. Watch for the falling rocks as you defeat the enemies roaming around here. Bomb the north wall where it's cracked and enter to find some faeries (you can put one in the Bottle, so you know) and 15 Rupees. As you go southwest, clear the dust balls with your Gust Jar because if you touch them, you will take damage, so be careful. Head south and east to an apparent dead end, but if you bomb the wall, you can enter a cave. There, go up to reach the upper ledge outside. Bomb the cracked rock nearby, then shrink down atop the large rock. Go right and up the small path into another area. Defeat the enemies there, then refill your Bottle with the Crenel Hot Spring Water. Get out of here and revert to normal size, then go back down through the cave to the lower level. From here, go west and you'll spot another bombable wall; bomb it and enter (note: if you need bombs, continue west into another cave where a Deku Scrub will sell you them for 30 Rupees). In here, use the mushroom to cross the gap, and head upstairs. Use the Gust Jar to pull the armor from the enemies so you can defeat them. Exit the cave at the end. Go south and defeat the red enemy, then jump into the tornado to fly in the air. Move to the other one to the left to reach that ledge. Head all the way west and north to a new area; bomb the wall and enter the cave. Clear the 3 cracked blocks to get a Piece of Heart, 50 Rupees, and a blue Kinstone. Exit here, then climb the nearby ladder, making sure to clear ALL the dust up here (so you can reveal a rock you can shrink atop, and another hole in the ground). Shrink down on the big rock, then drop into the small hole. In there, open a chest to get a red Kinstone. Also back outside, climb into a cave to the east and open a chest at the end for a blue Kinstone. After you do this, go up the path where a seed is sitting atop. Defeat the 2 flying enemies in that area, then carry the giant seed outside. Drop it into the nearby hole, then revert back to normal via the stone to the south. Water the seed with the green water, and it will grow. Climb up to the next area. Mt. Crenel ---------- Here, climb up and head left, then up a ladder to a higher ledge. Watching out again for falling rocks, bomb the north wall to open up a cave. Head inside and collect a Piece of Heart, as well as faeries if you need. Then, go back down and head all the way east, defeating the spiders you encounter. Walk up across a bridge and bomb the wall, then go inside. Open the chest for a blue Kinstone, then head upstairs. Defeat the metal enemies by bombing them first, then attacking normally. Bomb the cracked blocks, then push upward on the rightmost one, then on the top block. After that, head around the corner and exit this cave. Use the tornadoes out here to float to the left ledge. Walk up the ladder there to reach the upper section of the mountain. Head right and bomb the wall to enter a cave. Buy the Grip Ring from the Deku Scrub for 40 Rupees inside. Go back out and climb the wall to the right, so you know it works. You can't do much in that cave for now, so climb back down to a ledge with a mushroom on it. Clear the rocks and launch yourself to the left. Use the tornadoes to continue moving left, and drop off a ledge. At the far west, start climbing the rock wall. Move up and to the right, and drop onto a small ledge. Bomb the wall to reveal a cave; go inside. Throw a bomb into the fountain to make a big fairy appear. Pick the third response to get an upgraded bomb bag, so you can carry 30 Bombs now. Exit the cave and continue climbing all the way up the mountainside. At the peak, go east and launch yourself over the gap with the mushroom. It will now start to rain, so shrink down with the large stone nearby. Follow the small path south and east through a tunnel where you have to evade the giant raindrops. At the other end, go north and revert back to normal. Go left and push the rock into the hole, making it passable. Go back east and south to find another stray rock. Push it left 1, up 2, left 1, up 2, left 4, down 1, left 10, up 4, and finally right 1. This will seal up the second hole for you. Now, push the last block ahead and go down into a cave. In here, go down and defeat the 2 armored enemies first. Then, push the upper block to the left. Next, push the bottom block to the left to continue. Up ahead, push the bottom block to the left and the one above you upward. Go down and push that block downward as well. Then, go up and left to the other side. Push the lower block to the right and the upper one upward. For the last set, push the stray block to the right, then push the 2 side blocks downward. Finally, push the middle one to the left, and continue out of here. Back outside, go right and into another cave. Here, go left and clear the pots across the pit, then launch across via the mushroom. Go upstairs and bomb the switch across the pit to activate it, then continue out of this cave. Moving into the next cave, you have to push the rock into the hole once again. Push the rock down 1, left 2, down 2, left 3, up 1, left 1, up 1, and left 1. Push the statue out of the way and head downstairs. Push the blocks aside to reach the chest containing a blue Kinstone, then go outside. Shrink down and take the northwest path, then go into a new area at the end. Melari's Mines -------------- Here, simply follow the winding path to the very bottom. There, talk to the head blacksmith, Melari. He will have been expecting you, and will fix your Broken Picori Blade. Go back up one set of steps and talk to the guy in front of a doorway. He will now move for you, so go through and exit this place. Mt. Crenel ---------- Outside once more, use the stone to revert back to normal size. Then, climb the ladder and continue up into the Cave of Flames. Cave of Flames -------------- From the start, head into the room to the right. Attack the bomb enemies, but be careful when they bounce around the room. When they're gone, bomb the north wall and go into that room. Defeat the 2 shelled creatures by flipping them with your Shield, then attacking them. Open the chest to get a Compass, then head into the left room. Collect the 5 Rupees, but beware of the Like Like trap. Defeat it before going northward. In the room downstairs, head left through a couple tunnels, then up a ladder. Follow the upper path all the way around and to the right into another room. Jump into the mine cart and ride it to the end, then continue all the way left and bomb your way into the next room. In here, defeat the armored enemies to make a shrinking stone appear. Shrink down and go into the northeast wall. Head all the way right through the tunnels, then southward into a new area. Go down and revert to normal, then cut through the fire and open the chest on the upper ledge to get a Map. Follow the path down and left to a chest containing a blue Kinstone. Hit the switch, then walk all the way east, south, and west along the sinking platforms. In the next room, ride the platform to the other side, then hit the metal enemies to make them curl into a ball. When they curl up, you can throw them into holes in the ground. The main hole to fill is the north one by the pots, so fill that first. If you can, fill the hole in front of the chest so you can open it for 50 Rupees. Go to the upper area and ride the tornado to the second one, then northeast to the ladder. Climb the ladder and hit the switch to open the door. Push the regular block upward, then the block with a chest to the far left hole. When it falls in, open the chest to get a Small Key. Then, go into the north room. Here, go all the way east and ride the cart to the next room. Use your key on the door and hit the switch in that room to switch the tracks. Go back to the cart and ride it to the new area. There, defeat the shelled enemies and head into the north room. You'll find an overturned cart here; since you can't ride it, follow the track to the right and bomb the cracked wall to the south (it's surrounded by pots, can't miss it). Go into the south room to grab a Piece of Heart, then go back north and continue into the following room. In this room, drop off the ledge and you'll end up caught within a trap. A total of 8 metal blobs will fall from the ceiling to attack; use bombs and your sword to defeat them. Once they're gone, open the chest to receive the Cane of Pacci. It will allow you to flip blocks around so you can walk on them instead of the jagged, impassable parts. In the west room, flip the large block to the left so you can walk on it, then run across. Stand to the north of the hole and use the cane on it, then jump in; it'll give you an added boost when jumping out. Use this maneuver to reach the upper ledge where you can hit a switch. A blue warp will appear below, and the south door will open. Go into that room. In here, use the Cane of Pacci to flip the mine cart upright, then ride it to the next area. When you stop, push the block/chest into the hole nearby, then open the chest for a Small Key. Ride the cart back to where you were, and reenter the north chamber. Drop down and unlock the door, then head downstairs. Here, shrink down and run to the left while avoiding the traps, and run into the next room via tunnel. Follow the maze path around, then revert to normal and go back out the way you came. This time, watch for the spinning blades that will activate when you're in the same aisle as them. Simply move into a side path to avoid them. Use the cane to flip the mine cart, then ride it outside again. Hit the switch to change the track's direction, and then jump into the cart for a ride. At the room you arrive in, attack the enemies to make them curl up, then knock them into the line of 4 holes in the southeast area. Then, pull the block out and push it into the northwest hole. Now you can hit the switch to open the gate; continue up the ladder and into the room ahead. Here, go all the way north and drop off the north edge, and open the chest below for a blue Kinstone. Push the block to get out, then use the cane on the center hole and jump to the upper ledge. Open that chest to find a green Kinstone. In the next room, flip the moving block platform, then ride it to the upper- right platform. Step on the switch to activate a red warp panel. Go back left and take the moving platform to where you originally entered the room. When it comes back around, ride it southward and use the cane to flip/walk onto the next 2 platforms. When you get to the safe ledge, go up and flip the pots to the right, then repeat the same process with the moving platforms to the north. Use the ledge where the pots were as a safe spot in between platforms. When you get to the northeast ledge, go north into that room. Here, climb the ladder and drop off the other side of the ledge. Head to the right and carefully avoid the traps to reach a green Kinstone in the chest. Go back to the left and use the cane on the top hole to reach the high ledge. Do the same on the hole in the left alcove, and fly to the north ledge via the tornado. Head to the right and you'll find a second tornado. You'll also notice a set path of tiles on the floor below. Float along that path to reach the south ledge, then continue to the next room. Use the tornado here to reach the southeast ledge here. Then, fly from there to the high ledge and open a chest to get 100 Rupees! Drop back down and use that second tornado to float to a low platform with a hole on it to the north. Jump to the upper ledge, then use the next series of tornadoes to reach the lower-left area of the room. Open that chest to get a green Kinstone. Use the hole to reach the tornado above, then fly northward to another one, then finally to a high ledge with a large chest on it. Open it to get the Big Key. Drop off the north side of that ledge and use the cane on the moving platform to the left. Ride that platform to the door, and enter the boss's room. You will find a large hole here; drop down to B3 and you'll enter the boss arena. You have to fight the fire dragon Gleerok here, of course. Check the Bosses section of this guide for help defeating it. When the battle's over, you'll receive the Fire Element as a reward! Now, take the Heart Container and get a move on out of here. Mt. Crenel ---------- Outside again, the Minish Cap suggests you revisit the blacksmith now. That sounds like a plan, so go down the steps and shrink into a mini size. Then, go right into the next area. Melari's Mines -------------- In here, go talk to the smith at the center area. He has fixed the broken sword, and gives you the White Sword! He will also mention something about an elemental sanctuary located in Hyrule Castle. You're done here now, so go back out the way you came. Mt. Crenel ---------- Start by reverting yourself back to normal, then drop off the ledges and head south to the next area. Go southward and left, down another ledge, then down a vine to the base area. Mt. Crenel's Base ----------------- Down here, simply climb down the vine and drop off a ledge, then follow the path the same way you came originally. At the end, climb down the last vine, and head east into Trilby Highlands. Trilby Highlands ---------------- Here, make your way across the bridges and around the rocks, as you head eastward. At the path split, go south and east again into the castle town. Hyrule Town ----------- Make your way to the house with the wooden roof in the southern area of town, where the swordsman Swiftblade lives. Go inside and you'll learn how to use your sword to break apart pots. After receiving the scroll for this ability, exit. If you haven't already, make sure you buy the Boomerang from the shop. When you're ready, go north into North Hyrule Field. North Hyrule Field ------------------ Here, make your way northward, then to the west. You'll see a bombable rock; bomb it of course, then go down the ladder into an underground cave. There, climb down to the following level and pick up a Piece of Heart. Go back out of here, then continue northward into the castle's garden. Hyrule Castle Garden -------------------- In this area, simply go straight up into the castle itself. Hyrule Castle ------------- Inside, go forward into the next room. There, follow the hall all the way north, then enter the throne room. Talk to the king and he will know nothing of this sanctuary; however his aide seems to have some information. Leave the throne room and take one of the staircases to the sides downstairs. Follow the hallway south, then enter the room in the middle. This will lead you out to the courtyard. Go forward out there and you will find the door, so head inside. Elemental Sanctuary ------------------- When you enter here, go ahead into the main chamber, where the door will close behind you. Run up and place your sword in the pedestal, and it will be infused with the energy of the Earth and Fire elements you've collected thus far. A tablet will then appear telling you what to do next. Charge your sword fully and walk across the 2 glowing tiles, and a clone of yourself will appear. This is the power of the elements, apparently. To get out of here, go back down the steps and charge your sword. Then, walk onto the left side of the right set of tiles, then walk over to the right side of the left set of tiles. You will split into two and be able to move again. Walk straight onto the switches to open the door. Exit through the door and continue out of here for now. Hyrule Castle ------------- Back inside, head back upstairs to the throne room. Talk to the king and the aide, and their reactions will be different since you went to the sanctuary. When you're done, head out of the castle and continue onward to North Hyrule Field. North Hyrule Field ------------------ Arriving in this area, go forward and you will be confronted by the wizard Vaati. After some talking, he will trap you in a square area and have you fight 2 monsters. Defeat them easily and the walls will disappear, allowing you to move along. Head to the south and east into Lon Lon Ranch. Lon Lon Ranch ------------- From where you enter, make your way all the way south into the Eastern Hills region (this is sidetracking, but you'll see why shortly). Eastern Hills ------------- In this area, go down the ladder, then use the Cane of Pacci on the hole to the right. Jump up to the high ledge and follow it into the woods. Minish Woods ------------ Here, simply enter the opening within the tree. Inside, go down the steps and you'll find a fairy fountain. A great fairy will appear and ask you for your rupees. Agree to give her all your rupees each time she asks; at the end she will not take your money and gives you a big wallet as a reward of kindness. You can now carry up to 500 Rupees at once! Exit this cave and backtrack a bit to Hyrule Town, then into the Trilby Highlands (note: if you want, you can use the Cane of Pacci on the blue pots in Hyrule Town to flip them, then shrink down with them; it would be a good opportunity to check out new areas of town and find some new treasure). Trilby Highlands ---------------- Here again, head north across a bridge, then east into North Hyrule Field. North Hyrule Field ------------------ Over here, use the Cane of Pacci to reach the upper ledge. Hit the switch there to make the rest of the bridge appear below, connecting this area to the rest of the field, making for easy access later. Anyway, go back down to the highlands. Trilby Highlands ---------------- This time here, go south and climb down a ladder into a cave area. Split into 2 Links here to push the block onward, then climb up the other side. Where you come out, bomb the north wall and open a chest inside for a red Kinstone piece. Exit there and head southward now. Go south and east, then take the south exit to the Western Woods. Western Woods ------------- Upon entry, your cap will sense something going on at Hyrule Castle. The scene will turn to the castle throne room, where Vaati appears to confront the king. He swaps places with the king, then orders all the soldiers to seek out the "light force" you're also looking for. When you have control again, continue southward and push the rock into the hole; that way you open up another shortcut to South Hyrule Field. Before you go, head west and northwest into the next area, Castor Wilds. Castor Wilds ------------ In this swampy region, go forward and your cap will speak briefly. Step into the swamp water, then when you step out, you will be told that you can't just walk through here. This would signify you need some other item. Head back to Hyrule Town for now. Hyrule Town ----------- Back here, head into the shoe shop (you can tell by the sign above each building). Inside, the shopkeeper will fall asleep, knocking a pair of shoes off the counter. Use the pot in the corner to shrink down, then walk up onto the counter via a small ladder. Talk to the Picori there, and they will offer you the Pegasus Boots, under the condition you wake up the shopkeeper. The way to do this is by getting a potion of sorts from Syrup's hut, located in the Minish Woods. To get there, start by going to Lon Lon Ranch. Lon Lon Ranch ------------- In this area, head south and through the opening in the fence to the house. Talk to Malon and Talon outside, and you will hear Talon has locked himself out, but the spare key is inside. Go behind the house and shrink, then enter the house via the small hole. Revert to normal inside and break the pots to find the Lon Lon Ranch Key. Get back outside the same way you came in, and talk to Talon. He will thank you, and allows you to cut through his house now to access Lake Hylia. So, go through the house and you'll end up in the fields behind it. If you did the proper Kinstone fusion, go down the steps in the ground and open the chest to get a bigger wallet. If not, come back later for it. Anyway, follow the path going east, north, and west to a hole. Push the rock in one of them for easy access later, then use the Cane of Pacci on the other to reach the ledge. Use the tornado to fly to the south, and repeat with the second one to make it across the water. At the other side, go east into Lake Hylia. Lake Hylia ---------- Here, simply go all the way south for now into the Minish Woods. Minish Woods ------------ In this area, begin by heading all the way west and south to a Piece of Heart. Then, go back north and head east this time. Go up the steps and around the path to Syrup's hut. Inside, buy the Wake-Up Mushroom for 60 Rupees. Now, go back to the previous area, and continue westward to the Lon Lon Ranch. Lon Lon Ranch ------------- Head left, pushing the stone into the hole as usual, then continue going north and west into Hyrule Town. Hyrule Town ----------- Head back to the shoe shop since you're here, and wake up the shopkeeper with the mushroom. He will thank you for waking him, then reward you with the Pegasus Boots! Exit the shop, then visit Swiftblade the swordsman to learn a new ability. This time it's the dash attack. Get the scroll, then exit here as well. Now you're ready to go through the swamp, so return to Castor Wilds. Castor Wilds ------------ Back here, use the Pegasus Boots to dash west and south across the first 2 sections of swamp. Head west and north, and enter a cave. Go through the rooms until you find a chest; approach it and a sword-wielding enemy will appear. Defeat it by waiting until it swipes at you, then attack with your sword. When you beat it, open the chest to get a golden Kinstone piece. Head back out of this cave, then climb the vines to reach the upper ledges. Wandering around, you'll find several of those cyclops statues around; you can't do anything about those just yet. For now, head north across the bridges, then climb down and dash across the swamp to the west. Go north and shrink down at the stump, then go through the tunnel to the west. In the next area, use the Gust Jar to cross the water. At the other end, drop into a hole. Kill all the enemies inside, then open the chest that appears to receive the Bow. You can now eliminate those cyclops statues by shooting arrows into their eyes! Get out of this cave, resize yourself, then dash across the swamp. Destroy the first statue you see (you'll be returning here, so remember this spot). Before you move on, go east and climb that vine, then go southeast. Defeat another statue and head northwest into a cave. There, open a chest to get a golden Kinstone piece. Coming from that cave, go directly south this time, and push the rock into the hole. Go up the vine and head all the way to the south. When you run into a statue, destroy it and continue onward to a chest containing a blue Kinstone piece. Drop off the ledge to the lower area, then push the giant tombstone in the corner to reveal a cave. Go inside and collect a Piece of Heart. You will meet Swiftblade the First's spirit in here; you'll have to return here later in the game. Exit here and go south, then east across the swamp. Push another rock up into a hole, then destroy the nearby statue. Climb the vine behind it and go around to a tornado; fly to the southwest across the water, then enter a cave. Inside, open a chest to get a golden Kinstone piece. Back outside, push the rock to the left into another hole, and head to the northwest. Go to the northwest vine by where a swampy section it, and climb up it. Take the tornado to the south area, across the water. Head to the south to reach a large swampy region. Dash to the east, south, and west through it to find 3 large statues in the southwest corner of the region. Fuse the golden Kinstones with each of them to clear the large block, which will allow you access to the Wind Ruins. Wind Ruins ---------- Here, go up the ladder and bomb the cracked wall, then go inside to get a blue Kinstone piece. Continue to the south from here, and you'll encounter the first Armos statue in your way. Wake it up by touching it, then kill it with your sword. Continue around the path to a stump; shrink down and drop into the hole. Take the red Kinstone piece from the chest and talk to the Picori to get a hint on progressing. Climb into the back of the Armos outside and turn on the switch inside, then go out and revert back to normal size. Defeat it and continue to the east (push the rock to the left first). Here, defeat some spiders and head to the next area above. Defeat the next 3 spiders, and the block will disappear, allowing you further access. Climb the ladder and go east to another tree stump. Shrink down and go south, evading the snakes, and into the defunct Armos. Power it up, then go back and turn back to normal. Beat all the enemies here, then follow the path onward. Defeat the 3 Armos that are active to gain access to 2 chests in the corner, containing 50 Mysterious Shells and 100 Rupees. Shrink down to shut off the statue, then revert to normal and head southward. Up ahead, cut down all the enemies and rock enemies alike. Only then will you gain access to the north area. There, simply go down into the Fortress of Winds, where the third element lies. Fortress of Winds ----------------- From the start, go forward. You'll notice the dirt walls you can't seem to cut through yet. For now, go left and into the leftmost door. In that room, continue upstairs. Defeat the enemies here and head north. There, shoot an arrow at the red eye to open the door. Kill the 4 Stalfos in here, then in the south room, follow the path around while avoiding the electrical ball trap and killing 2 Like Likes. Climb the ladder to reach the top floor, and continue to the following room from there. Get onto the left-right moving platform and shoot the 2 eyes surrounding the north door to open it. In this room, charge up and stand on the third tile from the left, then go to the first tile to create a clone (you have to walk around the first statue for this to work properly). Step on the 2 switches and defeat the cyclops (3 arrows to the eye) to make a chest appear; open it for the Compass. Go back to the platform room and ride it to the right side, and repeat for the east doorway. Go into that room and create a clone (charge on top tile, move to bottom one) to push the block to the far right, then push the bottom block to the left once. Go back and create another clone (charge on left, stand on right) to push the same block northward. Pull the lever to make a key fall below. Drop down the pit and collect the Small Key at the bottom level. Next, go south to the main hall and enter the third door. Continue upstairs to the second level. In the first room there, clear the pots and kill the Stalfos, and open a chest for a blue Kinstone piece. To get another one, pull the right lever and open the second chest that appears. Pull the left lever to open the door, then run into the next chamber. You can't do anything in here for now, so continue up the ladder to the following room. Up there, you can't reach the chest for now, so head into the north room. In the left side, clear the pots and defeat the one Armos. Charge on the lone tile to make the orb, then stand on the rightmost tile to make the clone. Go into the right room and step on both switches to open the door. From here, go north and shrink down with the block, and return to the left half. Climb into the inactive Armos to the left, and activate it. Go through the crack in the left barrier and turn back to normal, then push out the block and defeat the second Armos. Now that it's gone, pull the lever to make a key fall below. Before you drop down, use the block to shrink down once more, then drop. Go into the right room and revert to normal, and collect the Piece of Heart. Push the second block from the left downward to exit out of this room. Go into the next door to the left and retrieve that Small Key. Exit this room, and enter the next door to the left from here (the center room). There, go straight up to the next floor. Clear out the Stalfos and the cyclops statues, then climb up to the chest containing a Map. To the north are 2 locked doors; enter the left one first. Ride the platform to the north while you maneuver around the blocks, then in the next room, shoot the 2 eyes to form a bridge. Be careful of the giant hand trap, so move when you see a shadow looming overhead. In the next room, cut down the pots and a knight will appear. Defeat it by attacking right after it does when you get close. After it's beat, the blue warp will open up. For now, go down into the next room. Walk around the room counter-clockwise and step on the switch, then go around again to open the door, all while avoiding the blade traps behind you. In the next area, go right into the following room. Bomb the north wall and enter that room, and open the chest inside to get the Mole Mitts. You can now dig through the dirt walls you've seen earlier. Start by digging to the chest to the right, which will give you 100 Rupees. Exit the room and go right, and drop down to the lower area. Head all the way into the south room. Dig a path to push the statue northward onto the switch, then open the chest to get a blue Kinstone piece. Head back to the previous room now, and unlock the right door with your other key. Equip your Pegasus Boots and pull the lever, then dash across the bridge before it disappears behind you. At the far end, climb up into the next room. There, defeat several hand traps and a block will appear; we'll come back to it shortly. In the room ahead, cut your way southward, ducking in the holes when the spike rollers come by. When they pass, go northeast to the 4 floor switches. Put the statues on the top-left and bottom-right switches, then defeat the 2 snakes in the upper area. Charge up on the topmost tile, and walk onto the bottom one to make the clone. Walk back south and step on the last 2 switches with the clone. Grab the Small Key that falls down. After this, go back to the left side by ducking in the holes once more. Unlock the south door and head back northward from here, returning to the block in the previous room. Shrink down and return to this room, and make your way southward along the right half. At the bottom half, walk between the 2 spike rollers and enter the south room. Go left and into the hole in the wall. Revert to normal and hit the switch to make a key drop; use the Mole Mitts to pick up that Small Key. Be careful of the hidden electrical ball traps, though. Shrink down and exit this room. Drop to the lower area and resize yourself, and defeat the 2 hand traps. Head right and down a room, and dig your way to the ladder. Climb upstairs and in the next room, defeat some Stalfos and go through the locked door. In the room ahead, drop down the right hole and open the chest below to get a Big Key. Push the block to the left, and drop down to exit this area. Go left and up the ladder, then head to the left once again. Drop into the central area from here. Head south and down the steps to the bottom level. Go south to the long hallway once more. If you want, dig to the far right to find 50 Rupees. Then, enter the second door from the right and go upstairs. Dig to a chest with a red Kinstone piece inside. Climb up the ladder and dig to another chest with another red Kinstone piece within. Go back to the entrance hall and enter the second door from the left this time. Go upstairs until you find a room where you can dig to a switch. Do that and open the chest to get another red Kinstone piece. Going back downstairs once more, dig to the far left door and enter it. Defeat the 2 wizards and open the chest that appears to receive 80 Mysterious Shells. Finally, go back to the hall and enter the middle chamber, and head upstairs. Go all the way south into that room, and climb the ladder to the third floor. Dig north into a new doorway. In the following room, use the Big Key to unlock the final room. Push the block to the right to make the red warp appear, should you die and need to return here quickly. Cut the pots in the next room to replenish yourself, then in the final area, be prepared for a boss fight. Read the Bosses section for help winning. After you win, grab the Heart Container and go ahead to the next room. Here, go north to a giant stone tablet. Read it and an Ocarina will be dropped behind you. Go pick up the Ocarina of Wind! Apparently the element is not to be found here, but you got a new item out of it. You will now be taken outside of the dungeon. Wind Ruins ---------- Back outside, your cap suggests you head to Lake Hylia. Since you just got it, why not try out the Ocarina of Wind? Play it and you'll be able to fly to any of the wind crests you've uncovered thus far (they're the symbols under the tombstones you pulled on earlier). Fly to the Lake Hylia one (it should be obvious which one this is). Lake Hylia ---------- Here, shrink down via the stump and enter the small house. Talk to the Picori inside and he will explain that Elder Librari will be able to help you enter the Temple of Droplets. With that clue, maybe you should head back to town, so use the Ocarina and fly there! Hyrule Town ----------- Back here, you will notice that several buildings have now opened up for you to visit. The most important spot is the library to the west of the school. Inside, go upstairs and exit to the roof. Shrink down and go back inside, and check out the trail on the ground by the bookshelf. Talk to the Picori there and they will say that Elder Librari isn't there because a book was taken out. This means you now have to find the book missing to complete your quest. If you check the bulletin board downstairs, it will list the week's 3 top titles; that may serve as a hint. Go back outside and resize, then exit the library. For the first book, fill a bottle with some water, and head to the southeast area of town. You'll see two houses next to each other; enter the left one. Put out the fireplace with the water and shrink down, and go up that chimney. Cross over to the other house and climb onto the bookcase to where the book is (be careful since the cat will be attacking you as you make the run). Push the book off the shelf, then go back to the first house and revert to normal. Enter the second house normally and pick up the first book. Head back to the library and talk to the girl behind the left desk to return it/find out about the second one. To get the second book, head to the west side of town (NOTE: if you can't access this area already, go to the cafe, shrink down and come to this side, then talk to the dog outside to get access). Enter the building with the yellow roof, and put out the fire with another bottle of water. Exit here and enter the building to the south, and shrink down there. Go back to the previous house in small form, and walk through the fireplace. Follow the path up into the following house, where you'll find a Picori next to another hole. Go through there and follow the path past a couple of hostile felines, then down into the hole behind the fountain. In this mini-dungeon, defeat the yellow enemies in here, then enter the right room. Use the Cane of Pacci to reach the upper ledge and continue into that room. Kill the 4 enemies inside and open the chest that appears to get the Power Bracelets. Go left and drop to the lower area, then go south to exit this place for now. Backtrack to the house of the writer (where you put out his fireplace). There, push the 2 bookcases to the left and climb up to the hole you can now access. Upstairs, you'll find the book hanging off a ledge with a Picori trying to knock it down. He needs help weighing it down, but even if you stood on it, it's not enough. So, use the Gust Jar on the lower-left dust pile to reveal some tiles. Create a clone there and walk over to that hanging book. The added weight will knock the book (and yourself) to the ground below. Now, exit the house via the bottom exit and resize yourself in the next house. Return to the previous house and pick up the second book. Return this to the library and find out about that third one. This time, go pay a visit to the mayor, Hagen (his place is just south of the school). Inside, talk to him, then knock the 4 masks off the wall with the Pegasus Boots. Shrink down and climb up, then run across into the room you can now access. Inside, talk to the Picori and they will tell you the mayor left the book in his cabin by the lake. It will also be marked on your map. Go back down and resize yourself, then make your way to Lon Lon Ranch, then to Lake Hylia and the north entrance of the Minish Woods. Minish Woods ------------ In this area once more, head right and you'll find a blocked doorway. Dig your way in with the Mole Mitts (try this on the other doors you've seen in other areas). Dig your way up through this cave to find a ladder. While you're here, you can dig to the right and find a Mysterious Wall; fuse with it to allow for progress in the Goron cave to be made. Anyway, go up the ladder and you'll be in Lake Hylia. Lake Hylia ---------- In this area, head right and you'll find the mayor's cabin as expected. Go inside and read a note that gives you a hint on what to do next. Outside, dash into the tree to reveal a stump. Shrink down and go down to the small path behind the house. Ride the lilypad across the pond by using the Gust Jar to reach the house. Inside, push the bookshelf to the right, then climb up and push the book down. Go back outside and resize, then enter the house normally and retrieve the final book. That's what you need, so head back to Hyrule Town. Hyrule Town ----------- Back here, visit the library and return the final book. They will now be put away in the slots that were missing earlier. Go upstairs and outside, and shrink down. Go back inside the library and walk to the books that were replaced. Talk to the first Picori to get 50 Rupees as thanks, then climb up and go around to the Elder Librari's place. Talk to him and he will drop you into an underground dungeon once again. There, push the corner blocks to get out, and head south. There, defeat the enemies and use the Gust Jar to pull the mushroom so you can hop the stream. In the next room, defeat some more enemies and continue onward. In the last room, kill the 2 enemies with the pincers and open the chest to receive Flippers! To exit here, swim all the way southward until you're dumped out into the town's stream. Swim ashore and climb up the ladder outside the library, and resize yourself once more. Go through the library to exit it, and now you're ready to go. So, use the Ocarina of Wind and get back to the lake. Lake Hylia ---------- From where you arrive, head north and to the east. Climb down a ladder and you can then jump into the water. Swim all the way around the lake until you find the ice-covered ring with a crack in the middle. Jump into it and shrink down to enter the temple. Temple of Droplets ------------------ Upon entering, walk down the steps and you'll notice the floor is all ice, so be careful of falling off the sides. Get to the north side by pushing ice blocks out of the way, then enter the north room. From here, simply go east, where you can defeat some enemies. Go downstairs and push the lever to cause sunlight from above to shine in. Go back up and drop down the newly-opened pit to fall onto the icy section. Push the ice block down and right to get the Small Key inside. To get out, move the southeast block and head back up. There, head left to the next room and continue into the following area via the locked door. In this room, drop into the pit for now (we'll return later). Go right to find 3 blocks, the middle one with the Big Key inside. Start by pushing the bottom block left, down, and left again. Then, push the top block to the left. Now, push the key block left, up, left, down, left, up, and right. This will melt the block, allowing you to claim the Big Key. Push the lever to shut the light door above, then go back upstairs. Backtrack to the entrance room; this time go to the south end and open the big door. Inside, you'll find the element, but it is encased in solid ice for now. Continue southwest for the time being. In there, go south to a chest containing the Map. Head back north to an area where there's water and a spiked log moving along the surface. Dive and swim past it, then head into the west room. Here, go up the ladder to the upper level. Up there, swim east and southward to another piece of land. Use the Gust Jar on the mushroom to launch across, then hit the switch to open the waterfall gate. Drop down it to the lower floor. Dive/swim to the south and hit the left switch to open the gate. In the room ahead, you'll find a wall formation that resembles a pot. Dive around inside to find a Small Key. Swim back to where you fell down here and climb the wall to the upper floor once more. Continue north to the locked door, then use the key to go inside. Hit the switch to open the gate, then use the Gust Jar to make the lilypad reachable. Ride it along the watery path and down the waterfall a few rooms ahead. In the basement again, head southward with the pad, diving into the water to avoid the spiked log. Make your way eastward until you find a switch on a dry platform; hit it to open the gates around it. You'll then reach a path split; go east for now. There, defeat the worm and go into the north room. There, open the chest to get a Compass. Now, go back a room and ride the lilypad westward, then to the north this time. Get onto the next switch ledge to open the gate, then walk onto the ice for a moment. Go north to a chest containing 50 Rupees. To the south you'll find 5 ice blocks and another floor switch. To pull this block puzzle off, push the rightmost block to the left. Push the topmost one down and left, then push the bottom-left block up. Finally, push the top block to the left and up onto the switch to open the gate. Head back to the lilypad and continue along the watery stream. At the end, go into the east room. In this dark chamber, you can't really go anywhere but north so follow the path along the left side into the north room. Back in a regularly lit room, go up the ladder and up the stairs to the main level. Up there, defeat the 2 pincer enemies you find. Then, follow the path through the next couple halls to a large lever. In the room with the lever, clone yourself with the tiles, then push the lever aside. This will cause some sunlight to shine in, opening a path to the southeast. Drop down and head into that new area. Continue onward to a chest containing a blue Kinstone piece while on the ice. In the next area, take the left path to a chest containing another blue Kinstone piece. Go along the main path and walk into the middle when the traps provide an opening. If you go right, you can get a green Kinstone piece from a chest; if you head left, you'll go into the next room. Either way, in the next room, go west and northward, then down to a lower floor. There, drop down the pit and push the lever on the bottom level. Go back up and push the other lever to bring the sunlight in. Go back down and push that lever again to melt the ice around the chest. Open it to get a Small Key. Next, head back upstairs. Go south to the locked door, and open it this time. In that room, push the lever to cause the sunlight to pour in. This will also trigger the mini-boss blob to show up. To beat it, wait until its electrical current stops, then use the Gust Jar on its legs. When it falls, attack with your sword. Once you win, open the chest to get the Flame Lantern! With it, you can melt the smaller ice blocks you've seen around. Go back to the previous room and melt your way west and down some steps. There, melt the ice and open the chest for 100 Rupees. In the next room, defeat the 3 pincer enemies in the dark room. To make this possible, simply turn on the lantern and fight normally. When you're done, go ahead to the next room. In here, light the bottom-right lantern to make the block in the parallel path vanish. Up ahead, you can follow the path left to a chest with a red Kinstone piece inside. Light the second lantern and continue onward. Eventually you'll move to the left and find a cracked wall; bomb it and enter. Defeat all the enemies to receive a Small Key. Back in the maze, continue through it, lighting the lanterns to further progress. There's another chest in the corner with another red Kinstone piece, should you want it. Light the final lantern and collect yet another red Kinstone piece from the adjacent chest, then go around and into the west room. Run through here quickly on the ice, avoiding the fire snakes as best you can. In the room ahead, follow the northward path on the ice to enter another area. Moving onward, go north and west through a tunnel to the following room. Here, clone yourself and push the top block to the left, then push the second block all the way down. Move to the second set of tiles and clone once again, and push the third block down 1 space, then the first block to the right. Now, go into the north room. In here, push the first ice cube to the left, then the second one downward and left onto the bottom switch. Next, stand on the topmost tile and charge, then go around and stand on the third tile to make the clone. Head all the way left by maneuvering around the large blocks with the clone. At the end, step on both switches to open the door. In that room, simply push the upper-right block upward to conform to the pattern, opening another door. In the room ahead, defeat the enemies and melt the ice block, then make a clone on the top/bottom tiles. Push the large block below to the right, then go up the ladder to the west room. This next room is a real pain, since you have to light all 9 of the lanterns to open the door, all while slipping around and having the lanterns losing their flames. When you pull it off, go into the next room. Swim to the south, diving under the spiked logs, and go around the enemies at the end, as they're irrelevant. Go right into the next room and defeat the flying enemies here (let them give chase/drop their ball, then attack when they land briefly). Hit the switch to open the red warp, then bomb the north wall and head up there. Here, burn the web with your lantern, then defeat the 2 worms to open the doors. Go right into that room, and follow the path onward until you can go upstairs. Up there, follow the path through a couple rooms before you find the large lever again. Clone yourself and push it to cause more sunlight to appear. This will cause the large block to melt, freeing the element. It would seem that everything's over now, but the bottom wall (in the form of a giant Octorok) sucks it into that room instead. Drop down and follow it in to begin the boss fight. Read the Bosses section for help winning here. After the fight, take the Water Element and Heart Container, and warp out of here. From there, go into the light to exit completely. Lake Hylia ---------- When you get back outside, you will be visited by the ghost of a former king. He is Gustaf, a king of Hyrule in the past. He will explain that the way forward is through him, and thus a new spot will be marked on your map. Your cap will also mention to infuse your sword with the new element. So, head towards there on your map (use the Ocarina and warp to town). Hyrule Town ----------- Upon your arrival here, head northward until you reach the castle garden. Hyrule Castle Garden -------------------- Since you can't enter the castle directly this time, we'll have to find some other means of getting into the sanctuary. If you cut down the bushes on the east side of the garden, you'll find a ladder; climb down and collect a Piece of Heart. Then, light the 2 lanterns and talk to Grimblade the swordsman. You will now learn the sword beam technique, and receive the Tiger Scroll for it. After this, leave and head to the west side of the area. You'll see a hedge maze with the guards patrolling it. You have to sneak through this to enter the castle (sound familiar?). To start, get to the right side of the vertical line of hedges as the first guard moves away from you. When he goes south, move up and left. When the second guard goes to the right, out of the way, head left and south to the next stop. Wait for the third guard to move to the right, so you can run down and to the left. You'll notice a small path going up and left to the path the final guard is on. Stand in that corner until the last guard goes down, then quickly run northward. You'll spot a bunch of bushes; cut them down to reveal another ladder. Climb down into the room below. There, follow the path to the end where you can hit a switch, then enter the castle. Hyrule Castle ------------- Inside here, simply go around the corner and directly north to the courtyard. From there it's a simple run forward into the sanctuary. Elemental Sanctuary ------------------- Here, go forward into the main room, and approach the pedestal. Check it to have the Water Element infused into your sword, giving you the power to split into 3 copies of yourself now. To exit here, go down and split into 2, and step on the switches to open the door. Continue southward to exit here. Hyrule Castle ------------- From this point, follow the same path you went to come in, to exit the castle. Once outside, use the Ocarina of Wind to quickly warp to Hyrule Town. Hyrule Town ----------- From here, head northward into the North Hyrule Field. North Hyrule Field ------------------ Here, make your way north and east to a ladder going into the ground (not the one in the middle of the trees, for those of you who got the Magical Boomerang already). Go down the ladder to the left, and you'll find a large block inside. Create 2 clones and push it aside, then climb out the other side. There, go north and west to the new region. Royal Valley ------------ In this dark and dreary area, start by going down the nearby steps. Bomb the wall to the right between the fences to open a cave. Inside, go to the Great Fairy and answer her questions properly (No, No, Yes, No, No) to get the large quiver. Continue onward, defeating the ghosts and ravens along the way. At the path split, you can either go south to the highlands, or northward into the lost woods. Here, the directions can get tricky, but there are signposts in each area telling you where to go. The directions are: Up, Left, Left, Up, Right, and finally Up. If you get through the Lost Woods, you'll be in the next area. If not, keep trying until you get it. In the new region, go towards the northeast to a house. Inside, talk to Dampé and he will give you the graveyard key since the ancient king summoned you here. As soon as you step outside, a crow will swoop down and take your key. With the lantern, walk around to find the tree it's sitting in, then use the Pegasus Boots to charge into the tree, knocking the key to the ground. Take it, then go to the gate and Dampé will open the gate for you. In the graveyard, you won't need your lantern to provide light anymore, luckily. Clear the ghosts from the area, then clear the rocks to reveal 3 tiles. Make 2 clones here, and move left, up, and right to the 3 switches. Press them to open the king's tomb, so go inside. Royal Crypt ----------- In the first room here, there are 2 mummies. One carries a key; defeat that one for the Small Key. If you want, kill the other one for some bombs. In the second room, use the left mushroom to cross the gap, then open the middle door (the other two are fake, so watch out). In the third area, you'll see 2 blocks in the middle which require keys to clear. This means you need to find the keys first. Head to the southwest area of the room and charge up on the 2 tiles, then have yourself stand on the right tile, leaving the 2 clones on the other side. When the moving platform comes, ride it across, maneuvering around the block walls so the clones stay intact. Hit the switches at the end and collect the first Small Key. Go back across the pit and head to the right side of this chamber now. There is a blade trap moving along the central wall, and 3 tiles to the south. Put the 2 clones on the right, and yourself on the left, then when the tile moves to the south, start moving up, manuevering around to get the clones to the end. Once there, hit the switches and grab the second Small Key. Now, go to the middle area and clear the 2 blocks, and move onward. In the next room, light the 4 lamps and defeat the mummies to reach the final room. There, simply go forward and check the giant tablet to meet Gustaf again. He will give you a golden Kinstone piece, and tells you to place it at the source of the flow. You will then be taken back outside. Royal Valley ------------ Since we now know where to go next, warp back to Hyrule Town. Hyrule Town ----------- Once you're back in town, it's best to head northward to the field. North Hyrule Field ------------------ Here, make your way northward to the 4 trees. Then, make your way to the northeast exit to the Veil Falls. Veil Falls ---------- In this new region, start by going north to a stone door. Fuse the golden Kinstone piece with it to cause the door to open. If you want, check out the rest of the area to find a Piece of Heart (you can also enter here from Lon Lon Ranch to get more goodies). When you're ready, go into that now-open cave. Start by using your lantern to see, then go upstairs to the next room. There, bomb the right half of the north wall and go inside. Open the chest there to get 50 Mysterious Shells. There's not much else for you to do up here for now, so go back downstairs and exit to the south. Out here, go east and climb up the wall to the north. At the top, check the tombstone to open another wind crest (warp point). Then, continue northward into a cave. Inside, go downstairs to find a bunch of rupees on the ground, and a bunch more if you dive into the pools. Going upstairs, you'll find a chest with 100 Rupees. Bomb the east wall if you want to find a chest with 50 Mysterious Shells inside. When you're ready to continue, go up those steps and take the southeast exit out of here. Outside, simply climb the wall nearby to reach the summit. Veil Springs ------------ Up here, go west and you'll find a vortex in the form of a whirlwind. You might as well walk into it, since you can't go anywhere else for now. Cloud Tops ---------- In this land in the clouds, start by talking to the people in this area, perhaps do a couple Kinstone fusions. Step into the red tornado to reach the next area. Follow the path to the right to a chest; open it to get a golden Kinstone piece. For now, drop into the hole next to the chest to reach a new section. There, simply go up and use the next tornado to progress. In that area, go north and use the Mole Mitts to dig through the cloud wall to the next hole; drop down it. Trade your golden Kinstone piece to the Mysterious Cloud, and the wind will start blowing at the entrance, but not enough to make a difference. Anyway, go back up to the previous area. This time, jump into the tornado to the south and fly around in the air. Float into other tornadoes to continue flying around as you please. Make your way all the way to the west, and you'll find a chest on a ledge. Open it to get a golden Kinstone piece. Dig through to the north, and continue digging to find 2 chests with 100 Shells inside, if you want. Otherwise, jump into the tornado and fly to the ledge directly east south of here. Drop into the hole you find there and defeat the 2 enemies to find another golden Kinstone piece. Go back up the way you came, and use the tornadoes to fly to the ledge you came from before, and head south of there. Drop into that hole. Here, go north, using arrows to kill the cloud enemy here. Then, fuse with the second Mysterious Cloud. Heading back to the previous area again, get into the tornado and fly all the way to the southwest area. Dig to a chest with 50 Shells inside if you want, then drop into the hole to the area below. There, go north and beat a cloud enemy, and ride the red tornado upward. Open the chest to get another golden Kinstone piece, then drop back down. Head to the southeast and go through the next couple tornadoes to the next area. Defeat the 2 cloud shark enemies to clear a cloud, revealing another golden Kinstone piece. Take it, then backtrack to where you just saw a Mysterious Cloud below, and fuse with it to get the third wind gust going. Next, go back to where you just found that piece, and ride the tornado that appeared upward. In that area, open the chest to get 50 Mysterious Shells, then fly in the south tornado and use it to fly to the southeast platform. Dig through to a hole, and drop to the area below. There, drop into the north hole and fuse with the next Mysterious Cloud. Go back up and use the red tornado to reach another area up above. Continue going northward here, and jump into the tornado at the edge. Fly to the west and north onto another ledge. Dig through to another tornado and fly north, then to the east. Go all the way east and ride the red tornado to the next area. Make your way through the next few areas to reach the entrance once again. At the entrance, fuse with the final Mysterious Cloud. This will cause the wind to gust, clearing the cloud block nearby and creating a whirlwind vortex. The people can now reach their home, so follow them up to the new area. Check the tombstone there to reveal yet another wind crest. Then, enter the building. Inside, talk to everyone and open the chests as you head upstairs to get plenty of Kinstone pieces. On the 4th floor (the one where you can't go any higher for now), go into the back room and talk to the elder. The elder will explain the history of the Wind Tribe and so forth, and will then grant you permission to the palace upstairs. Now, go south and talk to the person in front of the steps, and they will move. Go upstairs and continue into the vortex above to enter the palace. Palace of Winds --------------- From the start, go west and north into the next area. Here, hit the crystal switch to make it blue, then cross the bridges. Hit the next one to make it red, and continue onward. Push the middle block upward and hit the next switch with your sword, then cross the north bridge. At the other end, push the lone block downward and hit the same switch with your Boomerang. Clear the skulls covering the clone tiles, then go right and defeat the 2 Stalfos. Make 2 clones and cross the bridge with them, then push the large block upward. Then, go into the following area. Here, ride the large platform northward, navigating around the bomb enemies if you want. Get onto the ledge to the left, then quickly get onto the platform again and run around the wall to avoid being left behind. Stay on the right side until it stops, then get off on the ledge and head west. Here, walk up onto the grating and make your way northwest to the next room. In here, go down and trigger the switch to the south with your Boomerang. Cross the south bridge and make your way left while evading the spiked log. Hit the switch here, then place a bomb by it and run across. This will trigger it so you can reach the final area. Continue north and you'll be gated into the room where wizards will start appearing. Defeat all 3 waves of them, then open the chest to receive Roc's Cape, which allows you to jump high! Now, test your new item by jumping over the east gap. To reach the next level, high jump up the clouds above. On the second floor, kill the bird that swoops down on you, then jump onto the platform and make your way eastward to the next room. Here, go forward and push the blocks upward, then to the right, to reach the tiles. Clone yourself with the bottom 3 tiles, then go south to 4 switches. Stand between them and swipe your sword to hit them all. Defeat the 2 shelled enemies and enter the east room. In this windy chamber, make your way northward when the fans aren't blowing, then jump to the right side and head southward. At the far south, go west and drop into the hole against the wall. When the wind stops, use the Cane of Pacci and jump to the upper ledge via the hole. Then, continue to the western area. Go forward to a panel on the grating; jump on it to fall through. Below, collect some rupees (beware of Like Like), then jump back up and continue west. Drop through when the platform is below you, then ride it left and jump through the other panel. Go north from there and jump up the clouds to the third level. Up there, jump to the right and charge up on 2 of the tiles. When the platform comes, make the clones and get on board. Ride the platform to the end (stay to the right side, it's safest), then quickly make your way to the large block and push it ahead. With that out of the way, head south. There, push the 3 blocks on the right side downward and get onto the moving platform. As it moves, jump between it and the left one to avoid the block walls. At the end, jump to the south and up onto the grating, then into the east area. In this area, go right, dropping down onto the platform below, then back up when you reach a wall. Continue to the east when you reach the end. Drop down through the grating to the area below, and head north. You'll see a locked door, but since you can't do anything about it, use the Cane of Pacci and jump to the east ledge. Go down the steps and make clones on the 3 corners; this will trigger the switches, which will make a shrinking block appear. Shrink down on it and go into the south room. Push the first pot all the way south, then go around the corner. Push the pots around so you reach the hole in the western wall. Go through it, and head north when the spiked log is to the right, then into the north room. Go north and revert yourself to normal, and head south again. Here, hit the switch with your Boomerang to open the door, and to get a Small Key. Head into the east room, and use Roc's Cape to jump the gap. Go south and west, then unlock the door when it's safe (duck into the holes to avoid damage, or jump over the spiked log). In the west room, simply jump up the clouds to reach the fourth floor. There, go into the west area and jump across the bridge when the fans aren't blowing. Go up the ladder at the end and you'll find some blocks; Push the middle one, then the middle right one, and continue southeast. Jump over the spikes and go down another ladder, then when the fan stops, start to jump to the left, so that when the fan starts you'll fly all the way across the gap. From there, go north to the next area. Make your way northward across the platforms, defeating the cloud enemies on the way. You can use either arrows, or the Cane of Pacci (much easier) to beat them. In the room ahead, jump up the clouds, then at the top, fly to the right over the large pit. Go up the steps and beat the arrow-shooters, then open the chest to the far right to receive a blue Kinstone piece. Go back down the steps and jump to the right. Jump to the top of the clouds and fly over the gap, then hop up some more clouds to reach the fifth floor. Up on the top level, jump to the regular platform and defeat the 2 Stalfos. In the south room, carefully defeat 2 ball and chain enemies. You'll get 50 Rupees apiece for them, as well as a Small Key. Open the west locked door and go inside. There, defeat another couple enemies and continue to the west. In that room, defeat yet another Stalfos, then push a pot onto the bottom-right switch. Make clones on the top 2 tiles and have yourself stand on the bottom- left one, then walk on the last 3 switches to open the door. Hit the switch in the next room to turn on the fan, then fly to the south with the gust helping you along. When you land on the far platform, try going through the door, but it'll shut, leaving you with some baddies. Beat them and the door will open. Continue through the next couple rooms to another switch and a fan. Fly northward with that fan, then push a block to the left and collect a Small Key from the chest. To get out of this, push the block to the right, then another one upward. In the locked room to the north, simply open the chest to get the Big Key. Go back out of here and head into the east room, and unlock the big door to the south. Inside, simply jump down to the room below. There you'll fight an armored knight; defeat him and the blue warp will appear. Go north across a bridge and into a darkened room from here. Use the Flame Lantern and defeat the enemies around if you wish. Open the southeast chest to get the Compass, then go up the steps in the southwest corner. On the second floor again, make your way north and east to a room with holes in the floor. Drop into the middle hole and open the chest on the ledge to receive a Small Key. Drop down and go back up the steps, and enter the south room this time. To make this easier, defeat the 3 flying enemies with your Boomerang, then exit/reenter the room. Clear the pots to reveal the tiles; make clones on the left, center, and right ones. Make your way to the south by the switches, and hit all 4 by standing between them and swiping your sword. Enter the west room and jump over the spiked logs, then open the chest at the end to get another Small Key. Head east and drop down to the previous room, and unlock the door straight ahead. In this area, jump into the tornado to the south to get some air, then fly to the next one. Follow the chain while avoiding the floating bombs, to reach the north room. In there, simply run upstairs to the third floor. Go north and west into another room from there. Inside, kill the 3 wizards and take the Map from the large chest that appears. In the west room, defeat the hand enemies and pull the switch to open the south door. Going onward, run upstairs to the fourth floor. Here, defeat some enemies and head to the northwest area of the room. Push the blocks into the pit, then jump over the pit and into the north room. Head all the way north to collect a Piece of Heart. Go back into the room below, and head to the southeast corner of it. You'll see a bomb moving around above a pit. When it's next to the cracked blocks, hit it from a distance to detonate it, clearing those blocks. Jump the gap and defeat some more mummies and a Stalfos on the right side. Light the 2 unlit lanterns to make the red warp appear. When you're ready, unlock the door and head upstairs. Up here, defeat a couple of mummies, then bomb the right wall. In that room, you can kill a couple wizards and more Stalfos, before bombing the north part of the wall. Reenter the previous room via the new hole, and bomb the cracked blocks to reach the following room. In there, you'll find many bombs along your path, and a switch in the middle. If the switch goes off, the door will shut and you'll have to exit/reenter to try again. Follow the path around them all the way to the blocks in front of the door, with 2 bombs separate from each other. Push the middle block up, then the next block to the left, and enter the room. There, open the chest to get a Small Key. Going back into the bomb room, push the center block down and the left block to the side. Put a bomb of your own between the 2 separated ones, then step back to clear those two. Then, just follow the path around to exit the room. This time in here, stand on the cracked floor and fall through intentionally. When you land, open the north door and go inside. In here, head east and north and push blocks aside to reach a chest containing a blue Kinstone piece. Then, make your way back and around to the southeast end of this room, while defeating the many enemies along the way. In the northeast area, push the blocks to the right and jump to the next ledge. Go north from there and hop up the blocks to the fifth floor. On the top floor again, unlock the boss's door and head inside. Clear the pots to get some needed hearts, and when ready step inside the large whirlwind to reach the boss. At this point, read the Bosses section for help winning this odd fight. When it's over, collect the Wind Element, as well as a Heart Container. After that, step into the green warp portal to exit. Cloud Tops ---------- Back at the entrance, you'll be instructed by your cap to infuse your blade with the final element. Go back inside the building, and go all the way downstairs to exit. From there, warp to Hyrule Town with the Ocarina. Hyrule Town ----------- Here once more, start by visiting Swiftblade in the south end of town. This time you can learn the down thrust technique and get its scroll. After that, head northward through the field into the Hyrule Castle Garden. Hyrule Castle Garden -------------------- Here, go left and sneak through the hedge maze once again, avoiding the guards on the way. At the end, climb down and go through a couple enemy- filled rooms into the castle itself. Hyrule Castle ------------- Inside the castle, go forward and north directly through the door leading outside. Go forward through the courtyard to reach the Elemental Sanctuary. Elemental Sanctuary ------------------- Inside here, as you're used to by now, go into the second room and stand behind the pedestal, and press A. Your final element will come out and charge your sword to its full potential. This will also cause the stone slab to the north to disappear, giving access to another room. So, head in there and approach the stained glass windows ahead of you. After looking at them, the supposed King of Hyrule will enter and taunt you before revealing himself to be Vaati the wizard. He will then vanish, so head back out of this room. Go down by the south door and charge up across the 4 tiles, then walk on the 2 floor switches below to open the door. Continue outside to the courtyard. Hyrule Castle ------------- Back here again, go forward and you'll notice 2 guards and the minister were turned to stone. To revert them to normal, fully charge your sword up and shoot the beam at each person to unpetrify them. Once you do this, the path will be accessible, so head down into a rather warped version of the castle, which is coincidentally the final dungeon of the game. Dark Hyrule Castle ------------------ Starting off in this castle dungeon, you can go into a room directly south of your position. There are only pots, but they yield fairies, so you may want to catch a couple, or at least remember this spot if you want quick health. Anyway, head left and up the ladder, then continue northward. Follow the path going right, up, and left around the rotating fire bars. In the next room, defeat 3 Stalfos and bomb the southeast wall to enter a hidden room. In here, shrink down atop the block and return to the previous room. There, drop down the pit in the middle of the spinning fire bar area. You'll land in the room directly below. Head north and walk through the small hole in the wall to enter the first jail cell. Become normal-sized and step on the switch to unlock both cells. Go to the second cell and unpetrify the real King Daltus (charge your sword and shoot the beam his way). Talk to him to receive a Small Key; head upstairs and go south a couple rooms (split into 4 Links to push the block forward for a shortcut). In the room below, go all the way south and unlock that door with the key. Defeat the Wizzrobes and Stalfos in this room, then go southeast and defeat 2 Moldorms. Climb the ladder and open the large chest to get the Map. Then, go up the steps to the first floor. Here, you can go down the ladder and continue south out of the castle entirely. Otherwise, go north along the center path to the next area. Here, head west and north whle defeating the bats and spear-wielders along the way. Go north around the barriers in between cannon shots (note: you can deflect the shots with your sword). At the end, charge your sword across the 4 tiles to split up, then hit all 4 shots away at once to open the door. In the room ahead, simply kill the floating pots and giant hand enemies to move on. In the room to the right, you'll have to deal with a floor puzzle of sorts. You must walk along all the blue tiles, making them all turn red, to open the door. Starting with the first one, go: right 3, up 1, left 2, up 1, right 2, up 1, left 3, up 2, right 1, down 1, right 1, up 1, right 1, down 1, and right 1. This will get the door to open for you. Continuing onward, go east and south to a room with 4 glowing tiles. Charge up and make your way downward while maneuvering around the blocks and the blade trap, to the 4 switches at the bottom. Stand on them with the clones to make the chest appear; open it to get a Small Key. Drop off the ledge and head west, then south to the main chamber. From here, go up the east ladder and unlock the door before heading downstairs. Down here, go east and north into another glowing tile room. Charge up on the tiles so that you have clones on the top left corner and bottom right corner, then on the left side the third tile from the top, and on the right side the second tile from the top. That way you're all on alternating tiles. Charge up and move forward, then when the cannons shoot, release the spin attack to destroy them all and continue on. In the next room, defeat all the enemies, then bomb the lower left portion of the wall. In here, simply avoid the fire and go into the north room, where you can go upstairs. Once there, go into the room ahead. There you'll fight an armored knight; bomb him to stun, then attack with the sword. After you beat it, go into the eastern room. Open the chest to receive the compass, then go back to the previous room. There again, push the throne aside to reveal steps; go down them to the area below. Navigate the 2 darkened rooms while fighting bats and mummies. At the east side, go back upstairs and head east. There, defeat 2 Moldorms and head upstairs once again. Go south through the door to the following room. Out here, jump into the whirlwinds and float your way between them to reach the far south. There, go into the room to the left. Charge up on the tiles in the corner, but wait until the fire bar is pointed upward before splitting. When it moves aside, quickly run to the left and down into an alcove so the bar can pass. When it does again, push the large block downward and head outside to the east once more. Defeat 3 enemies on that ledge, then in the southern area, jump/float between some whirlwinds again to reach the far south ledge. Down there, go west until you reach an apparent dead end with a switch across the gap. Toss your Boomerang at it to extend the bridge, then cross and enter the next room to the north. In here, charge up and stand on the 2 bottom corners, and the second and fourth tiles in the top row. When you split, walk forward and strike the switches with your sword to open the door ahead. In that room, defeat the 2 ball and chain enemies to make the red warp appear. In the room ahead, head left and up to the following area. There, defeat the bomb enemies on the side platforms, then jump onto the moving platform. When it stops below the grating, jump through to the upper ledge. Hit both switches there to open the door below, then drop back down through the grating and ride the platform around. Bomb the cracked blocks (hold a bomb and throw it at the blocks just before it explodes) and continue into the next room. Go right from there into a center room, where you'll fight an armored knight. Beat him and the blue warp will appear, as well as enemies in each of the 4 corner rooms. Starting off in the southeast room, defeat the 2 knights, then go into the south room that opens up. Run past the 2 rotating fire bars and you'll find 4 switches; stand in the middle of them and do a spin attack to trigger them all. In the east room, defeat the 2 wizards and hit the switch to open some stairs leading upward. Go upstairs and open the chest for a Small Key. Go back downstairs and visit the southwest room now. Defeat the knight here and head into the southern chamber. In this room, you'll have another set of blue tiles you must walk upon to turn red. Walk onto the first blue tile. Then, follow these directions to get through: down 5, right 1, up 1, right 1, up 2, left 1, up 1, right 2, down 4, right 3, up 1, left 1, up 1, left 1, up 1, right 1, up 1, right 1, down 2, and right 1. This will open the door for you, so head through it to reach a new room. Defeat the ghosts and continue to the outside section ahead. Go left and defeat the enemies, and enter the next door you see. Go up the stairs inside to reach a chest containing the second Small Key. Head back downstairs and inside, and continue to the northwest room now. Kill the lone knight in here and enter the north room after beating it. In this next room, defeat some Stalfos and hand traps, then get to the northwest corner of the room. Wait for the fire bar to pass, then quickly go across to the right, shooting arrows at the eyes on the north wall. Be quick to do this before they open again, and the door will be opened. Go into that room and push the top 2 blocks ahead, and the bottom one downward, then drop into the hole to reach the room below. Defeat the mummies and head up 2 levels to reach the chest room with another Small Key. Go back downstairs and push the blocks right and down to exit the room. Now, head to the northeast chamber. Defeat the knights in here and head to the north room from there. Here, go around the room in a clockwise fashion, lighting all the lamps with your Flame Lantern. In the north room, defeat the ghosts (find the real one and attack it to clear them all), then go right and upstairs to the final chest room. Collect the Small Key, then go back downstairs and backtrack to the north center room (the one with the snake of glowing ball creatures moving around the room). From there, go north 2 rooms and you'll find 4 key blocks in front of a larger block. Unlock them all, then charge up on the tiles in the northeast corner, and push the large block aside. Open the large chest to receive the Big Key. From here, go back down a room and take the blue warp to the entrance. Once you get there, step into the red warp to reach the bottom center room on the second floor. Once there, open the big door and enter that new room. You'll be taunted by Vaati at this point; fly with Roc's Cape over the ball and chain enemy and continue upstairs to the third floor. There, defeat all the thief enemies and split into 4 via the glowing tiles. Go north and step on the 4 switches with your clones, and continue into the north room. Defeat the 3 armored knights here, then go upstairs to the roof. You will get a chance to confront Vaati here one last time. He will drop you to the room below before he joins you there, and then a boss fight versus Vaati will commence. Read the Bosses section for help defeating him. After you beat Vaati's first form, you'll get to free Princess Zelda of her petrification (charge your sword fully to shoot its special beam). You'll both try to escape the castle before it apparently collapses, but the exit is blocked. You'll then have to rush to the sanctuary for safety. Follow the open paths through the next few rooms to reach the courtyard before the sanctuary (Note: if you need health, go south from there and break the pots to get fairies). Continue towards the sanctuary and Vaati will stop you once more. You will now have to fight his second and last form; visit the Bosses section for help once again. After the fight, Vaati will be vanquished and Zelda will be saved. So, sit back and watch the ending, and congratulations on completing this game! ***************************************************************************** -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= -= 6. Bosses -= -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Big Green Chuchu Found: Deepwood Shrine Strategy: This giant green blob creature is your first major boss, and luckily it's actually fairly simple. It just might seem confusing at first as to what you need to do. Use the Gust Jar to gradually pull its bottom apparatus apart. When you do that, get out of the way since the boss will fall over temporarily. That's your cue to run up and strike with your sword. The boss also moves around the room and attempts to jump on you from above, so be ready to move. It should take about 4-5 sets of using the Gust Jar, then the sword, to win. Gleerok Found: Cave of Flames Strategy: The boss here is a dragon who sits in a fire pit in the middle of the room, with a path going around the perimeter. It will move around as you do, spitting fireballs to attack. You can cut the fire left on the ground to find hearts and such, should you need them. To attack, you need to constantly run around so that you're to the side of/behind the boss, then use the Cane of Pacci on the middle shell. This will stun the monster temporarily. When this happens, run across its body and attack the center directly with your sword until the small core retracts. That's when you should run off before you fall into the lava and take damage. After an attack, the dragon will cause rocks to fall from the ceiling, so watch out. It will also start using a fire spray attack to cover an entire area with flames you can cut down. Also, so you know, when you get done attacking the dragon, stay against the walls since the fire pit swells outward. You will probably have to repeat this whole process 3-4 times in order to win. Mazaal Found: Fortress of Winds Strategy: This particular boss fight is rather unique in that it makes use of your shrinking ability. The boss itself is a floating head and two hands, each one with an eye on its palm. Both hands will be moving to attack you in various ways, so keep moving to avoid them. To retaliate, shoot an arrow into one of the hand's eyes, then cut it apart with your sword. Repeat this for the other hand. Doing this will send the head crashing to the ground inactive. Now you have to shrink down and enter the head via the small hole up front. Inside, find the pillar with an eye on it, and just hack away at it. After you clear it, let yourself get pulled back outside. The boss will be active once again. Repeat the same process to get back inside it. This time you can't just run to a pillar; instead you have to use the Mole Mitts to dig your way up. Dig around until you find the flashing pillar, then attack it until it explodes. When you're outside again, resize yourself and repeat the same pattern of attack. Be careful since the head will shoot a shrinking ray at you to hinder your progress. After you cut down a pillar inside for the third time, the battle will end. Big Octo Found: Temple of Droplets Strategy: This giant boss starts off by moving around, spitting giant rocks at you. To cause it damage, hit the rocks back at it with your sword. After you hit it 3 times like this, the boss will turn into a block of ice and the floor will become slippery. Now, it'll spin around and try and suck you in, so be careful. To attack it in this state, run around it and use your Flame Lantern on its dried up tail. This will revert the room and the boss back to normal. Probably by this round, the Octorok will employ a new attack: turning the room dark and sending rocks to fall from the ceiling. Be careful during this attack, keeping your lantern powered on at all times to avoid needless damage. You only have to do the whole process 3 times to win, though. Gyorgs Found: Palace of Winds Strategy: You start this battle atop a smaller, blue creature flying around. When the main red body flies by, use Roc's Cape and jump southward onto it. After a few moments, 3 small orbs will appear in a specific pattern; make clones based on that same pattern and attack all 3 at once. This will cause all 8 balls to pop up; hit them repeatedly with your sword until the platform starts to explode. When the blue one appears again, jump on to be carried to the next one. As you ride the blue one this time, small eyes will open up from one of four spots; hit the one with your sword that opens, then jump when the tail swings around. When the red body is in reach, jump to it and the same pattern as before will commence. This time it'll be MUCH harder, since the blue component will dash at you, then constantly shoot projectiles your way. That alone will make it difficult to maintain clones long enough to attack the boss. It is doable though; once you pull it off a second time, hop onto the blue part. This part is the same as well, only this time small green ones will try and interrupt your ride. Back on the red one after you inflict enough damage to the blue part, repeat the same pattern again. This time is easier since the blue one dashes back and forth shooting energy balls at you, but it isn't as bad as the second wave in my opinion. After this part, hop on the blue piece and do that part, then back to the red half once more to win. Vaati Found: Dark Hyrule Castle Strategy: This first round against Vaati really isn't that bad; just make sure you have Roc's Cape equipped. Vaati will move around the room while small eyes orbit around; hit them with your sword until you clear them, then run in and attack the flashing spot on Vaati to cause damage. While you do this, watch out for the fireballs he shoots at you. When he shoots a black hole your way, use the Gust Jar to suck it up. Do this 4 times or so, and Vaati will change forms; also a circle of glowing tiles will appear. The idea is to attack the 8 eyes surrounding Vaati by shooting arrows, causing the eyes to either turn red or blue. After you reveal 4 reds, you'll have to split into 4 via the glowing tiles. Take note of what side the eyes are on, and clone on the appropriate tiles, then run up and sword strike the eyes simultaneously, then attack the big eye in the center that opens up temporarily. Be sure to cut apart the spikes on the ground so you don't take damage when touching them (they drop arrows in case you need them). You'll have to do this a few times in order to defeat Vaati in this form. Vaati (Final Form) Found: Dark Hyrule Castle Strategy: For the second form, Vaati will take the form of a center body with 2 spiked arms. Simply move around until one of the arms goes into the ground and comes back out; at this point shoot the Cane of Pacci's beam at it to flip it over, revealing a small opening. Next, use the platform to the north to shrink down, and enter that arm. You'll find many eyeballs moving around in here; look for the one with the lighter eyeball and attack it with your sword until you kill it. At this point all the eyes will vanish and the arm will begin to shake, so exit it and the arm will be destroyed. Revert yourself to normal size via that platform, and repeat this for the second arm. In the second arm though, you'll need to use the Flame Lantern in order to see anything, so be careful. After you clear both arms, you'll have to go after the small eyes protecting the body. You will notice the strip of glowing tiles along the bottom area. Charge up and walk across 3 of them, but wait with your charge until the front eyes start to glow blue. Then, split into 4 Links and stand in front of those eyes swiping your sword. They will shoot 4 energy balls; knock them back at the 4 eyes and the body will become vulnerable; at this time run up with your clones and attack the big eye. Note that in between these attacks, Vaati will shoot energy balls in your direction, so avoid those. Then, just repeat the same battle plan like before until you ultimately defeat him for good! ***************************************************************************** -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= -= 7. Weapons/Items -= -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Bombs: These explosives are great for causing damage to groups of enemies, and even blowing open hollow walls. When you plant one, it will blow up after a few seconds, so get out of the way! Boomerang: Another staple in the Zelda games, this item can be thrown to stun/damage enemies, and it comes back to you! There are two versions: the regular one, and the Magical Boomerang. The difference is that the magical one can be thrown farther. Bottle: Use these to store items, such as fairies, water, potions, etc. 1: In the Trilby Highlands, go down a ladder into a cave, where you'll find a Business Scrub. Pay 20 Rupees for your first Bottle. 2: Complete a Kinstone fusion with the Smith in your house, then retrieve this one at Eastern Hills. 3: After getting the Power Bracelets, shrink down to Picori size in the cafe at Hyrule Town. Push the bookshelf to the left, then climb up to the rafters. Walk across the bridge above outside to the shop, and go down into the shop itself. Revert to normal and check the bottle on the shelf. The shopkeeper will let you have it if you feed his dog. Go to Lake Hylia and into the house on the north end. Give the dog food and the bottle is yours. 4: Complete the Kinstone fusions to fully excavate the Goron cave in Lon Lon Ranch to find this at the end (see the Secrets section for more details). Bow: Another staple to the Zelda series, you can use the traditional bow and arrows to shoot down your enemies. Just make sure you don't run out of ammo, and you'll be fine. Cane of Pacci: This cane is rather odd in that it makes you jump higher. To use it though, you must shoot its beam at a hole in the ground, then jump into it to bounce higher than you'd otherwise be able to. Very useful for reaching high ledges and such. Flame Lantern: As you would expect from a lantern, it can light the unlit lamps you find around the game. Press the button once to start the flame, and it will last as long as you want, until you press it a second time. Flippers: Like you would imagine, these will allow you to swim in deeper water! When swimming, you can press B to dive for a brief moment. Grip Ring: Found on Mount Crenel, this allows you to climb certain rocky walls with your bare hands. Very useful for reaching those mountain summits throughout the game. Gust Jar: An interesting jar used to blow wind at the enemies. It can be used to clean off dirty areas and even propel yourself while riding certain platforms. Mirror Shield: The upgrade to your regular shield. It's much larger and can deflect more attacks than your smaller shield ever could have. Mole Mitts: Use these to dig through the dirt walls found in many caves throughout the game. They are extremely useful in finding hidden treasures and progressing in certain dungeons. Ocarina of Wind: Like the Flute in the SNES Zelda, when used you will be given the option to warp to various points on the overworld. Throughout the game you can uncover certain markings on the ground; those are the spots you can warp to with the Ocarina. It's essential for travelling the world in a short period of time. Pegasus Boots: Your speed-up boots, basically. Use them to dash around quickly than your normal walking speed. Power Bracelets: Their use in this game is rather unconventional, but does the job nonetheless. When you are small sized, it gives you the power of your regular size, enabling you to pick up/push objects that would otherwise be too big for you in that state. Roc's Cape: Use this to jump high in the air. If you hold down the button after pressing it, you'll peak in the air and hover for a brief moment. This item is very useful in crossing gaps and such; too bad you get it so late in the game! Small Shield: Your initial shield, it's good for basic defense against enemies. You cannot block stronger projectiles, such as fireballs, so be careful when protecting yourself. Sword: Your primary blade/weapon as you would expect. You can hold down the button to charge it up for a spinning blade attack. Also, if you have full health, you can shoot beams from its tip. As you progress in the game you'll get better, more powerful swords. ***************************************************************************** -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= -= 8. Heart Pieces -= -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Minish Woods ------------ 1. When regular-sized, go to the tunnel leading into the Deepwood Shrine. You will find this one simply sitting in the corner. 2. Get here via Lake Hylia and head all the way southwest to find this one at the water's edge. 3. After getting the Flippers, shrink down at the stump west of the village, and enter the leftmost tunnel to the northwest. Make it through to get this heart. Minish Village -------------- 4. Follow the path to the right of the main building in town to find this one out in the open. Deepwood Shrine --------------- 5. In the room south of the mini boss, this one is in plain sight. 6. Use the blue warp to reach this one on a high ledge. South Hyrule Field ------------------ 7. Do the mandatory Kinstone fusion with the musician to open up a cave here. This is the reward inside. 8. In the southwest area, dash into a tree to reveal a stump. Shrink down and get into the water (Flippers required too), then swim into a small hole to the north. You'll find this one in there. Mt. Crenel's Base ----------------- 9. After riding the tornadoes to the west, follow the path west and north to a dead-end area. Bomb the wall and go inside to find this, among other treasure. Mt. Crenel ---------- 10. At the base, go west and bomb the wall to the right of the area where rocks fall from above. This piece is inside, as are faeries. 11. After fusing with one of the Mountain Minish, a stalk will grow atop the mountain. Climb it to find this one, as well as some good cash. 12. Once you reach the summit by climbing the high wall, go down a ladder to the left. Enter the cave with the Mole Mitts and dig your way to this heart piece. 13. In the room with Grayblade. To get there, climb up the wall from where you get the Grip Ring, and enter that cave. Clone yourself to enter the room, and you'll see this on the side as usual. Cave of Flames -------------- 14. From where you find the overturned mine cart, go right and bomb the south wall. Enter that room to find this heart piece. North Hyrule Field ------------------ 15. To the west of the castle garden entrance, bomb the rock and go down into the cave. Go down to the second basement level inside to find it. Veil Falls ---------- 16. From the Lon Lon Ranch entrance to this area, simply follow the path east to find it. 17. When you get the Flippers, take the northeast exit of North Hyrule Field to this place. Swim to the north ledge where this piece is just sitting. 18. After doing a Kinstone fusion in Cloud Tops, swim into the cave behind one of the upper waterfalls. You'll find this one right there. 19. After doing another Kinstone fusion, you'll be able to access a cave on the water which you must dig through to enter. Go inside and get your piece there. Lon Lon Ranch ------------- 20. Dash into the tree behind the house with the Pegasus Boots to reveal a stump. Shrink down and walk east and north onto the small path area. Go through it to find a Piece of Heart at the end. 21. From Lake Hylia, go through the cave with the Mole Mitts, and the west exit will lead to this piece of heart. Castor Wilds ------------ 22. Push open the giant tombstone and go into the room below to find this. 23. After you get the Flippers and do some Kinstone fusions, ride a lilypad from the stump southward. Make your way all the way south and east through the area to a large body of water. Swim into a small cave and get through it to find this at the end. 24. In the northeast area, enter the cave next to the waterfall (will need Flippers at least to reach here). Inside, go to the right side and push the top/bottom blocks left, and the middle one downward. Then, run in and collect this piece. Wind Ruins ---------- 25. Go to the tree stump directly west of the Fortress of Winds, and shrink down. Go west and drop down, then climb down the vine to the south. For the next set of vines, climb the middle one. Walk into a cave and collect the Piece of Heart at the end. Fortress of Wind ---------------- 26. In the room with the 2 Armos, shrink down and drop through the middle hole. On the bottom level, go into the east room and resize yourself to pick this heart up. Western Wood ------------ 27. Fuse a Kinstone with the Forest Minish at Lake Hylia (you need the Ocarina of Wind to reach him). Then, enter the hole in the tree here to find this piece. Eastern Hills ------------- 28. Climb the giant stalk that appears after a Kinstone fusion, and you'll find this here among other things. Hyrule Castle Garden -------------------- 29. Go into the drained fountain in the upper-right area after a Kinstone fusion. You'll find this Piece of Heart inside. 30. Cut down the bushes in the eastern area of the garden to reveal a garden. Go down to meet the swordsman Grimblade, and find this heart as well. Hyrule Town ----------- 31. After Simon's Simulations opens up (it's the house with the purple blob on top), agree to play it. Win the fight to get this prize. 32. In the southeast area of town, you'll find 2 houses with a plank connecting the two roofs. Become small in the left house, then go up the vine to the side of the north steps, and enter the inn from a small back entrance. In the small room, you'll find this heart piece. 33. Play the cucco-fetching game many times. Eventually you'll be asked to find 3 in 55 seconds (the one where 2 of them are gold and a good distance away). If you beat this round, you'll finally win this piece. 34. After getting Roc's Cape, stand underneath the town bell and jump to hit it. This heart will fall out of it. 35. After getting Roc's Cape, become small at the west side of town, and make your way through the path with the cats to the fountain cave below. Inside there, walk across the bridge and use the cape to jump the gap and collect the piece of heart. 36. Collect all the figurines in the southwest building of town, then talk to the man sitting outside the cafe. Enter the building north of the cafe and you'll find this piece inside. 37. After you fully power up your sword, visit the school. Become small and go in the courtyard, and walk onto the dirt path. Go all the way up to the glowing tiles, and split into 4 Links to push the block aside, giving you access to the heart. Lake Hylia ---------- 38. With the Flippers, dive into the pool to the left of the house sitting on the north end of the lake. 39. After you obtain the Flippers, swim all the way to the south shore of the lake. You'll find it sitting right there on the ledge. 40. On an island to the north of the Temple of Droplets, you'll find this one. Use Roc's Cape to hop over by it. 41. Go through the cave with the Mole Mitts (need Roc's Cape to reach this cave). Go up and down the ladders inside and you'll find the stalk (you must first fuse with a Forest Minish in Lake Hylia). Climb it to find this heart. 42. In Waveblade's training room, you'll find this one sitting to the side. Royal Valley ------------ 43. In the graveyard area, push the northwest tombstone to reveal steps. Go into the cave below and use 2 clones of yourself to push the block to the side, gaining access to this heart piece. Palace of Winds --------------- 44. On the fourth floor the second time around, head into the north room. Cross the bridge and you'll find this at the end. ***************************************************************************** -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= -= 9. Kinstone Fusion -= -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Introduction ------------ New to this game are the mysterious Kinstones. Throughout the world you'll find pieces of Kinstones of different colors. You can then fuse them with various people/animals/objects you meet to form a full piece. When you fuse a Kinstone together, something will open up or appear elsewhere in the world for you to check out (usually for treasure). Not everyone will fuse with you; to find out who will, go up to a person. If they will, a bubble will appear over their head with some symbol in it. Then you press L to offer a fusion; if you have the correct piece to fit with the person's, you'll make a fusion. There are 4 different colors out there: red, blue, green, and golden. The golden ones are for storyline fusions you must do. The red, blue, and green ones are the more commonly found ones which you fuse with everyone else. Each color has various patterns as well, which you'll see as the game goes on. I'm not going to explain the different patterns here, since if you're missing the particular one you need for a fusion, you can simply look around and find them relatively easily, or buy them. For a complete list of fusions, see the list I've compiled below. Fusion List ----------- Anju Found: Hyrule Town Kinstone Fused: Green Reward: Red Kinstone Piece (Minish Woods) Ankle Found: Lon Lon Ranch Kinstone Fused: Green Reward: Red Kinstone Piece (North Hyrule Field; enter upper-right tree) Anton Found: Hyrule Town Kinstone Fused: Green Reward: 200 Rupees (Minish Woods; path to Minish Village) Belari Found: Minish Woods Kinstone Fused: Red Reward: Big Bomb Bag (Wind Ruins) Borken (dog) Found: Lake Hylia Kinstone Fusion: Green Reward: Blue Kinstone Piece (Lake Hylia) Bremor Found: Hyrule Town Kinstone Fused: Red Reward: Gives the carpenter motivation to build (Hyrule Town) Business Scrub Found: Castor Wilds Kinstone Fused: Blue Reward: Green Kinstone Piece (Minish Woods; buy from scrub) Business Scrub Found: Mt. Crenel's Base Kinstone Fused: Green Reward: Blue Kinstone Piece (Minish Woods; hole by lilypads) Business Scrub Found: Minish Woods Kinstone Fused: Green Reward: 100 Rupees (Western Wood; defeat the Golden Octorok) Business Scrub Found: Minish Woods (must fuse with previously) Kinstone Fused: Green Reward: Red Kinstone Piece (Castor Wilds; drop into the hole) Candy Found: Hyrule Town Kinstone Fused: Blue Reward: Access to a doorway (Trilby Highlands) Caprice Found: Cloud Tops Kinstone Fused: Green Reward: Blue Kinstone Piece (Veil Falls) Daltus Found: Hyrule Castle Kinstone Fused: Blue Reward: Fairy Fountain (North Hyrule Field) Dampé Found: Royal Valley Kinstone Fused: Blue Reward: 100 Mysterious Shells (Royal Valley; enter northeast tombstone) Dampé Found: Royal Valley (must fuse with previously) Kinstone Fused: Green Reward: Red Kinstone Piece (Wind Ruins) David Jr. Found: Lake Hylia Kinstone Fused: Green Reward: 200 Shells (North Hyrule Field; enter bottom-right tree) David Jr. Found Lake Hylia (must fuse with previously) Kinstone Fused: Green Reward: 200 Mysterious Shells (Mt. Crenel; passage before Melari's Mines) Din Found: Hyrule Town Kinstone Fused: Red Reward: Can shoot arrows faster (Wind Ruins; catch the Joy Butterfly) Eenie Found: Lon Lon Ranch Kinstone Fused: Blue Reward: Sends a Goron to help with the effort (Lon Lon Ranch; cave) Elsie (cow) Found: Lon Lon Ranch Kinstone Fused: Green Reward: 100 Rupees (Minish Woods; defeat the golden Octorok) Farore Found: Hyrule Town Kinstone Fused: Red Reward: Makes Gorman appear in town for house rental (Hyrule Town) Farore Found: Hyrule Town (must fuse with previously) Kinstone Fused: Red Reward: Lets you dig faster (Castor Wilds; catch the Joy Butterfly) Festari Found: Minish Village Kinstone Fused: Green Reward: Red Kinstone Piece (Minish Woods) Flurris Found: Cloud Tops Kinstone Fused: Green Reward: 100 Rupees (Castor Wilds; defeat the Golden Rope that appears) Flurris Found: Cloud Tops (must fuse with previously) Kinstone Fused: Green Reward: Makes one of the fallen trees upright (Western Wood) Forest Minish Found: Eastern Hills Kinstone Fused: Blue Reward: 200 Rupees/Shells, Piece of Heart (Eastern Hills; climb stalk) Forest Minish Found: Hyrule Castle Town Kinstone Fused: Green Reward: Makes one of the fallen trees upright (Western Wood) Forest Minish Found: Lake Hylia Kinstone Fused: Red Reward: Piece of Heart (Western Wood) Forest Minish Found: Lake Hylia (need to be small to reach) Kinstone Fused: Blue Reward: Piece of Heart, 200 Rupees, 200 Shells (Lake Hylia; climb stalk) Forest Minish Found: Minish Village (in blue house) Kinstone Fused: Green Reward: Blue Kinstone Piece (Castor Wilds; drop into the hole) Forest Minish Found: Minish Village (in blue house; must fuse with previously) Kinstone Fused: Green Reward: Makes a lilypad appear (Castor Wilds) Forest Minish Found: Minish Village (in blue house; must fuse with 2x previously) Kinstone Fused: Green Reward: Makes a second lilypad appear (Castor Wilds) Forest Minish Found: Minish Village (in eastmost building) Kinstone Fused: Green Reward: 75 Rupees (South Hyrule Field; go down dried out steps) Forest Minish Found: South Hyrule Field Kinstone Fused: Red Reward: Makes Red Potion available from Syrup's Hut (Minish Woods) Forest Minish Found: Trilby Highlands Kinstone Fused: Green Reward: 75 Rupees (Trilby Highlands; go down dried out steps) Forest Minish Found: Wind Ruins Kinstone Fused: Red Reward: Big Quiver (Wind Ruins; climb stalk) Gale Found: Cloud Tops Kinstone Fused: Red Reward: Piece of Heart (Veil Falls; swim into waterfall cave) Gentari Found: Minish Village Kinstone Fused: Red Reward: Allows for Belari to make remote bombs (Minish Woods) Gina Found: Royal Valley Kinstone Fused: Green Reward: 200 Mysterious Shells (Hyrule Town; cave behind waterfall) Gina Found: Royal Valley (must fuse with previously) Kinstone Fused: Green Reward: 100 Mysterious Shells (Western Wood) Goron Found: Lon Lon Ranch (left one inside cave) Kinstone Fused: Blue Reward: Kinstone dealer appears in Hyrule Town Goron Found: Lon Lon Ranch (rightmost one inside cave) Kinstone Fused: Red Reward: Biggoron appears at the summit (Veil Falls) Grayblade Found: Mt. Crenel Kinstone Fused: Red Reward: Access to Scarblade (Castor Wilds; cave behind waterfall) Grimblade Found: Hyrule Castle Garden (cut grass in southeast corner) Kinstone Fused: Red Reward: Access to Splitblade (Veil Falls; cave behind waterfall) Hagen Found: Hyrule Town Kinstone Fused: Red Reward: Big Wallet (Lon Lon Ranch) Hailey Found: Cloud Tops Kinstone Fused: Green Reward: 100 Rupees (Veil Falls; defeat the Golden Tektite that appears) Hurdy-Gurdy Man Found: Hyrule Town Kinstone Fused: Blue Reward: Piece of Heart (South Hyrule Field) Julietta Found: Hyrule Town Kinstone Fused: Green Reward: 200 Mysterious Shells (South Hyrule Field) Klaus Found: Hyrule Town Kinstone Fused: Green Reward: Red Kinstone Piece (Minish Woods) Knuckle Found: Trilby Highlands Kinstone Fused: Green Reward: Red Kinstone Piece (North Hyrule Field; enter lower-left tree) Librari Found: Hyrule Town Kinstone Fused: Green Reward: 100 Rupees (Wind Ruins; defeat the golden Octorok) Library Minish Found: Hyrule Town Kinstone Fused: Green Reward: 200 Rupees (Minish Woods) Lolly Found: Hyrule Town Kinstone Fused: Green Reward: 200 Mysterious Shells (North Hyrule Field) Mama Found: Hyrule Town Kinstone Fused: Green Reward: 50 Rupees (Lake Hylia; dig into accessible cave in lake center) Meenie Found: Eastern Hills Kinstone Fused: Green Reward: Blue Kinstone Piece (Mt. Crenel) Melari Found: Melari's Mines Kinstone Fused: Red Reward: Piece of Heart, 160 Rupees (Mt. Crenel; climb stalk) Mountain Minish Found: Melari's Mines (by west exit) Kinstone Fused: Green Reward: Blue Kinstone Piece (Minish Woods) Mountain Minish Found: Melari's Mines (in southeast room) Kinstone Fused: Green Reward: 100 Rupees (Mt. Crenel; defeat the Golden Tektite) Mountain Minish Found: Melari's Mines (outside eastern room) Kinstone Fused: Green Reward: Blue Kinstone Piece (Mt. Crenel; area with raindrops when small) Mountain Minish Found: Melari's Mines (at north wall) Kinstone Fused: Green Reward: Blue Kinstone Piece (Mt. Crenel's Base; water basin when small) Mysterious Cloud (x5) Found: Cloud Tops Kinstone Fused: Golden Reward: Causes the wind to start blowing Mysterious Statue (x3) Found: Castor Winds Kinstone Fused: Golden Reward: Access to the Wind Ruins Mysterious Wall Found: Eastern Hills Kinstone Fused: Blue Reward: Sends a Goron to help with the effort (Lon Lon Ranch; cave) Mysterious Wall Found: Lake Hylia Kinstone Fused: Blue Reward: Sends a Goron to help with the effort (Lon Lon Ranch; cave) Mysterious Wall Found: Minish Woods Kinstone Fused: Blue Reward: Sends a Goron to help with the effort (Lon Lon Ranch; cave) Mysterious Wall Found: Mt. Crenel (dig through cave in northwest region) Kinstone Fused: Blue Reward: Sends a Goron to help with the effort (Lon Lon Ranch; cave) Mysterious Wall Found: Trilby Highlands Kinstone Fused: Blue Reward: Sends a Goron to help with the effort (Lon Lon Ranch; cave) Nayru Found: Hyrule Town Kinstone Fused: Red Reward: Lets you swim faster (Royal Valley; catch the Joy Butterfly) Pina Found: Hyrule Town Kinstone Fused: Green Reward: 100 Rupees (Eastern Hills; defeat the Golden Rope that appears) Pina Found: Hyrule Town (must fuse with previously) Kinstone Fused: Green Reward: Blue Kinstone Piece (Minish Woods) Postman Found: Hyrule Town Kinstone Fused: Blue Reward: Adventurer's newsletter (Hyrule Town; visit post office) Rolf (dog) Found: Hyrule Town Kinstone Fused: Green Reward: Red Kinstone Piece (Hyrule Town) Romio Found: Hyrule Town Kinstone Fused: Red Reward: Piece of Heart (Hyrule Castle Garden; right fountain) Satchel Found: Hyrule Town Kinstone Fused: Green Reward: 200 Rupees (Lon Lon Ranch) Siroc Found: Cloud Tops Kinstone Fused: Green Reward: Red Kinstone Piece (Royal Valley) Siroc Found: Cloud Tops (must fuse with previously) Kinstone Fused: Green Reward: Red Kinstone Piece (Royal Valley) Smith Found: South Hyrule Field Kinstone Fused: Red Reward: Bottle (Eastern Hills) Smith Found: South Hyrule Field (must fuse with previously) Kinstone Fused: Green Reward: Red Kinstone Piece (Trilby Highlands) Source of the Flow Found: Veil Falls Kinstone Fused: Golden Reward: Access to cave behind the falls Spookter Found: Royal Valley Kinstone Fused: Blue Reward: Gives access to Level 2 in gambling game (Hyrule Town) Spookter Found: Royal Valley (must fuse with previously) Kinstone Fused: Blue Reward: Causes the ghost by the cucco house to leave (Hyrule Town) Stranger Found: Hyrule Town Kinstone Fused: Red Reward: 3 Green Kinstone Pieces (South Hyrule Field; step on warp orb) Sturgeon Found: Hyrule Town Kinstone Fused: Green Reward: 100 Rupees (Hyrule Castle Garden; defeat the Golden Rope) Tina Found: Hyrule Town Kinstone Fused: Green Reward: Red Kinstone Piece (Trilby Highlands) Tingle Found: South Hyrule Field Kinstone Fused: Green Reward: Red Kinstone Piece (North Hyrule Field; enter upper-left tree) Tingle Found: South Hyrule Field (must fuse with previously) Kinstone Fused: Red Reward: 200 Rupees (Mt. Crenel; defeat the Golden Tektite) Verona Found: Hyrule Town Kinstone Fused: Green Reward: Fairy fountain (Hyrule Castle Garden; left fountain) Waveblade Found: Lake Hylia Kinstone Fused: Blue Reward: Access to Greatblade (North Hyrule Field; cave behind waterfall) ***************************************************************************** -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= -= 10. Figurine List -= -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= 001. Capless Link A young boy who lives in Hyrule. He is close friends with Princess Zelda. 002. Ezlo and Link A young boy on a quest with Ezlo to restore the Four Sword. With the sword's power, he hopes to remove the curse on Princess Zelda. 003. Princess Zelda A bright and cheery princess from Hyrule's royal family. She loves to sneak out of the castle to visit her good friend, Link. 004. Ezlo (Cap) A strange creature that looks at first like a cap. He speaks roughly and treats Link like a child, but he actually really likes Link. 005. Sorcerer Vaati When the young Minish donned Ezlo's magic cap, he took this evil form. Now, he searches for the light force in his quest to become all-powerful. 006. King Daltus The king of Hyrule. Reported to have been a fine swordsman, he appeared in the Picori Festival tournament as a youth and fought to a draw with Smith. 007. Minister Potho The supporting pillar of Hyrule. He is also in charge of Princess Zelda's education, so when she goes missing, he gets frustrated. 008. Smith The finest swordsmith in Hyrule. As a young man, he was a great swordsman. He and King Daltus are friends and enjoyed a pleasant rivalry as youths. 009. Mayor Hagen The mayor of the town of Hyrule. He is a collector of masks. He's built a shelter into his garden just in case monsters ever attack Hyrule. 010. Marcy Second in command at Hyrule's post office. She's mellow and laid-back, entirely unlike the high-strung and easy excitable Stamp. 011. Stamp A busy, hardworking postal employee, although he can be a touch edgy. The stamp he uses is his own personal one, so please don't borrow it. Thanks. 012. Rem The proprietor of Rem's Shoe Store. Using his "secret technique," he makes shoes in his sleep. Princess Zelda is his single biggest source of income. 013. Dr Left A gruff-talking academic type who is obsessed with studying the Picori. He doesn't seem to be aware that they are actually living in his own house. 014. Carlov A sculptor of finely crafted figurines. Many consider him the best sculptor in all of Hyrule. He enjoys collecting Mysterious Shells. 015. Borlov Owner of the Chest Mini-Game Shop. Carlov's younger brother. He detests gambling, but he has made the biggest gamble of all: entrepreneurship. 016. Stockwell The handy neighborhood gear seller, also called Stockwell the Well- Stocked. He complains that he's been too busy lately to see his dog, Fifi. 017. Simon His mysterious dungeon-simulation game is very popular in Hyrule. It gives players the illusion of fighting real monsters in real dungeons. 018. Gorman He wants to rent out his house in town, but he's too overbearing to attract a tenant. He doesn't even seem to realize what the problem is... 019. Anju This young woman tends to her cuccos in Hyrule Town. If you help her gather her loose cuccos, she'll give you a reward. 020. Brocco Hyrule's vegetable vendor. He sells fine produce. He also argues constantly with the fruit vendor, Pina, over the health benefits of vegetables. 021. Pina Hyrule's fruit vendor. She hates vegetables, so she won't even sell tomatoes, even they they technically ARE fruits. Freak. 022. Beedle Though he is an adult, he is very good at finding Picolyte made by the Minish. And he is very, VERY convincing about their healthful properties. 023. Postman A very serious mail deliveryman. He continues to make every delivery right on time every day. 024. Crenel Hermit A hermit who lives on Mount Crenel. He has lots of Kinstone pieces. He brags that he won the festival tournament when he was younger. 025. Monster Lady A weird old lady living in Percy's house without his permission. She doesn't want you to turn on the lights. She might actually be a... 026. Dampé The gravedigger at the cemetery. They say he has the power to speak with the dead. He fuses the Kinstones he digs up with the local ghosts. 027. Gustaf, Royal Spirit The spirit of an ancient king of Hyrule who wishes to secure peace in his land from beyond the grave. He was very fond of the people of the Wind Tribe. 028. Syrup A wizard who lives in the Minish Woods. She sells magic items with odd powers. She's looking for an apprentice to whom she can teach her mystic spells. 029. Great Butterfly Fairy The Great Butterfly Fairy of Mount Crenel. She provides you with a larger wallet, allowing you to carry more Rupees with you. 030. Great Mayfly Fairy The Great Mayfly Fairy of Mount Crenel. She provides you with a larger bomb bag, allowing you to carry more bombs with you. 031. Great Dragonfly Fairy The Great Dragonfly Fairy of Mount Crenel. She gives you a larger quiver, allowing you to carry more arrows with you. 032. Percy A poet who lives in Trilby Highlands. He comes home from a long journey to find his house occupied by an unwanted guest. Poor guy... 033. Nayru She's looking for a house in Hyrule to move into. She is descended from a line of priestesses in the land of Labrynna. 034. Farore She's looking for a house in Hyrule to move into. She's a very helpful person, but people take advantage of her kind nature. This really bothers her. 035. Din She's looking for a house in Hyrule to move into. She is a famous dancer from the land of Holodrum. 036. Joy Butterfly A rare butterfly said to bring happiness to those who catch it. If you see one on your journeys, try to grab it! 037. Gina A strange Ghini who wants to fuse Kinstone pieces, which is somewhat peculiar for a monster. She has a lot of pieces, so keep on fusing! 038. Festari A priest living in Minish Village. He speaks some human languages. He sees that Link is human with one look. He's a bit of a human enthusiast. 039. Gentari The elder of the Forest Minish. He has lived among humans for a long time. He knows where the four elements are. He has a twin brother in Hyrule's library. 040. Forest Picori Not visible to the eyes of adults, they delight in making humans happy by hiding helpful items and Rupees under grass and rocks all over the world. 041. Librari This Town Minish elder is Gentari's twin brother. Those large wings that he is so proud of are trophies from a duel with a cucco as a young Minish. 042. Town Picori These Minish like humans so much that they moved from Minish Village into Hyrule itself! They try to make humans happy, but it sometimes backfires. 043. Melari He lives with his seven apprentices in Mount Crenel, which contains all the mineral riches they will ever need. He seems gruff, but he's trustworthy. 044. Mountain Picori These seven students followed Melari from Minish Village to Mount Crenel. Their song is actually a sign that they are full-fledged Mountain Minish now. 045. Goron These rock- and iron-eaters once lived on Mount Crenel in Western Hyrule. Now their numbers are few, and they live quietly in a cave. 046. Minish Vaati Before he became a sorcerer, he was a simple Minish. He had always been entranced by the evil that lives in the hearts of men... 047. Vassals These vassals serve the king of Hyrule. They are loyal and diligent. Like the king himself, they are courteous yet frank. 048. Library The Royal Hyrule Library. Although the library is well loved, many forget to return their books, causing no end of trouble for the librarians. 049. Blade Brothers All of these self-trained swordsmen have won the fighting tournament at the Picori Festival before. They see great potential in Link. 050. Wheaton & Pita This couple bakes bread in Hyrule. Their tasty pastries hold a secret... If you're extra lucky, there'll be a helpful item hidden inside! 051. Funday School This is where all the children of Hyrule learn. Link and Princess Zelda studied here, too. The two teachers are twins named Tina and Dina. 052. Mama's Cafe This is the best place in town to relax. You can also pick up some good tips, from the latest gossip to observations about the world. 053. Happy Hearth Inn This generous inn gives a gift to every guest who stays the night. Guests can unwind in the lobby on the second floor. 054. Zill and Friends Zill is the one in the middle. He likes to wander around town with his friends. He knows a lot about the town, and he might even have some info for you. 055. The Carpenters These carpenters may be rough around the edges, but they do good work. They may seem tough, but they're in touch with their feminine side. 056. Young Couple Romio and Julietta grew up next door to one another. They're dating now, but they plan to marry once they get their pets' approval. 057. Peaceful Hyrule 1 Carlov's Peaceful Hyrule Scenery Series No. 1 058. Peaceful Hyrule 2 Carlov's Peaceful Hyrule Scenery Series No. 2 059. Peaceful Hyrule 3 Carlov's Peaceful Hyrule Scenery Series No. 3 060. Cucco! With a boisterous crow and a cute crest, these feathered friends are the most popular pets in Hyrule. The baby chicks like small bugs. 061. At Lon Lon Ranch This small ranch lies just outside Hyrule Town. Father-and-daughter team Talon and Malon run it, and they sell the finest milk in Hyrule! 062. The Wind Tribe The people who built the Wind Ruins. They now live above the clouds, suspended by their own magic ability to control the wind. 063. Gregal & the Ghost An old man plagued by an evil spirit. Coming to his aid will bring you benefit in the end, so if you meet him, you must find a way to help him. 064. Tingle Siblings? Tingle (in green) and his twin younger brothers Ankle (in purple) and Knuckle (in blue). They believe fusing Kinstones will help them meet fairies, so they are recording Kinstone data on their maps. David Jr. is not technically a relative. 065. Eenie & Meenie The Hyrulean vegetables grown in their fields are exquisitely delicious. Apparently, Brocco sells the best of their crops. 066. Goron Merchant This Goron appears when you successfully fuse certain Kinstone pieces. He will sell you expensive, but rare, Kinstone pieces. 067. Spookter & Spekter Ghosts from the Royal Valley. The one in the blue cap is Spookter, and the one in the red cap is Spekter. Spookter tries to be scary, but he's just not. 068. Sluggula Appears in Minish dungeons. They drop from the ceiling unexpectedly. They are slow, so take your time, and defeat them one by one. 069. Scissors Beetle Appears in Minish roads & dungeons. These monsters have sharp mandibles. Hit them when they shoot these away. Avoid their attacks to get in close. 070. Moldworm Appears in Minish roads. They come out of the ground when they sense prey. If you get swallowed, you'll take damage and get all dirty! Watch out, because when you're all dirty, Pestos will come after you. 071. Spiked Beetle Appears in dungeons. Covered in hard, spiny shells. Few attacks work on them. You have to flip them over to hurt them. 072. Eyegore Statue Appears in Castor Wilds. They move when you put an arrow in their eye. No other attacks work. You can always just let them pass... 073. Business Scrub Appears in caves, etc. Normally stay underground. They'll pop out and spit seeds at you, but if you get to know 'em, they're not so bad. 074. Armos Appears in the Wind Ruins. Built by the Minish for the Wind Tribe long ago. They look like stone statues, but if you get too close, they move! 075. Keese Appears in various areas. These bats live in dungeons and caves. Their movement is unpredictable, so use ranged weapons from a safe distance. 076. Keaton Appears in various areas. This thieving fox preys upon travelers and merchants. He may not be strong, but he will attack very quickly. 077. Ghini Appears in the Royal Valley, etc. These dark beasties are attracted to light, and if they attack you, they may suck your life away! 078. Gibdo Appears in the Palace of Winds. These mummies keep coming at you when you attack. It's better to fight from a distance if you want to avoid damage. 079. Rollobite Appears in various areas. His hard shell protects him from swords, but once he rolls into a ball, you can use the Gust Jar to draw him in. 080. Spark Appears in dungeons. They cling to walls and move quickly. Normal attacks may not work, but the boomerang is pretty effective. 081. Dark Nut Appears in Castor Wilds. These armor-clad soldiers are tough. Use your shield and rolling skills to find an opening in their defenses... 082. Red Dark Nut Appears in the Palace of Winds. These Dark Nut commanders are strong, but if you relax and wait for your opening, you can still defeat them. 083. Chaser Appears in dungeons. They move quickly to chase you once they spot you. Your shield will block them, but keep on your toes! 084. Rock Chuchu Appears in Veil Falls. These tough Chuchus wear rocks on their heads. The rocks protect them from damage, so you'll have to find a way to knock the rocks off before you'll be able to destroy them. 085. Moldorm Appears in various areas. These guys move quickly and randomly. Trap them in a corner and take them out quickly. 086. Door Mimic Appears in the Royal Crypt. They look like doors, but they're really traps! If you get too close to one, it will fall down on you! 087. Peahat Appears on Mount Crenel, etc. These strange beasts hover on propeller- like leaves. You can pull them out of the sky with your Gust Jar. 088. Helmasaur Appears in various areas. Their fronts are protected with metal masks, but their backsides aren't! Pop off that mask for an easy battle. 089. Wall Master Appears in dungeons. If these guys grab you, they'll send you back to the start of the dungeon. Dodge them as they fall, then attack. 090. Floor Master Appears in dungeons. If these guys grab you, they'll send you back to the start of the dungeon. Watch out when he attacks with others. 091. Acro-Bandits Appears in the Eastern Hills, etc. Five of them pop out at once. If you smack each one as they pop out of the ground, they're a piece of cake. 092. Bob-omb Appears in dungeons. They often gather in groups in narrow areas. Once activated, they go a little crazy. Take them out with arrows. 093. Bombarossa Appears in dungeons. They float in the air and explode when touched. Walk carefully, and you may escape unhurt... 094. Like Like Appears in caves, dungeons, etc. Don't let them grab you: they'll eat your shield if they hold you long enough. Swing your sword to escape. 095. Rupee Like Appears in caves, dungeons, etc. This Rupee Like has a Rupee dangling from its head stalk. This clever lure attracts greedy and delicious heroes. 096. Rope Appears in various areas. They'll come straight for you if they spot you. Just swing your sword when they charge at you. 097. Boulder Appears on Mount Crenel, etc. These huge boulders come crashing down from cliff walls. They fall in a random pattern, so watch your step! 098. Ball & Chain Soldier Appears in the Palace of Winds. They're not fast, but that iron ball is a bruiser! Try to hit them after they swing the ball. 099. Spiny Beetle Appears in various areas. They hide under common rocks and grass. Be careful, because they can pop out when you least expect it! 100. Spear Moblin Appears in Minish Woods, etc. They rush you on sight. They also block head-on attacks with their spears, so circle around to attack. 101. Bow Moblin Appears in various areas. They fire arrows at you on sight. Block these with your shield and then close in to attack. 102. Cloud Piranha Appears in the sky. They swim through clouds like fish in water. Attack them in that brief moment when they pop out! 103. Mulldozer Appears in Minish roads, dungeons, etc. There are red and blue ones. They may look small and weak, but their hard shells make them formidable. 104. Pesto Appears in Minish roads, dungeons, etc. There are red and blue ones. The blue ones are stronger and throw things down on your head. 105. Puffstool Appears in Deepwood Shrine. These mushroom beasties scatter spores all over dungeons. When their caps are red, they are invincible. 106. Wizzrobe Appears in the Palace of Winds, etc. They fire magic bolts from afar. Hit them when they appear so they don't cast another spell! 107. Fire Wizzrobe Appears in the Palace of Winds. They wield fire magic. Hit them when they appear so they don't cast another spell! 108. Ice Wizzrobe Appears in the Palace of Winds. They wield ice magic. They're weak against fire, so attack with fire for a quick battle! 109. Wisp Appears in dungeons. They float in midair. They won't hurt you, but if you touch them, you won't be able to use your sword for a while. 110. Octorok Appears in various areas. There are red and blue ones. They've appeared in every Zelda game to date. They spit rocks, so be careful! 111. Golden Octorok Appears in... Well, we're not sure! The legendary Golden Octorok. It can't be confirmed, but they are said to shoot chunks of pure gold... 112. Golden Tektite Appears in... Well, we're not sure! The legendary Golden Tektite. Its basic attack is the same, but it has much more power. 113. Golden Rope Appears in... Well, we're not sure! The legendary Golden Rope. It's much more aggressive than the normal ones: it will attack you on sight. 114. Crow & Takkuri Appears in various areas. The black one is Crow. If you touch Takkuri, he will steal Rupees from you, so be careful! 115. Lakitu Appears in the sky. They float on clouds. They don't move, but they do throw lightning bolts. Steal their clouds with the Gust Jar. 116. Stalfos Appears in dungeons. Blue ones jump, and red ones throw bones. See what happens when you remove their heads with the Gust Jar. 117. Beetle Appears in various areas. They appear under rocks and grass. If they grab you, you won't be able to move. Swing your sword to get away. 118. Chuchu Appears in various areas. Chuchus come in many colors. Each color is a little different, but ranged weapons work well against all. 119. Tektite Appears on Mount Crenel, etc. They move by jumping long distances. Their movement can be unpredictable, so attack them when they are still. 120. Trap Appears in various areas. A trap with sharp blades. Some are triggered by nearby intruders, while others follow a set path. 121. Leever Appears in Wind Ruins, Veil Falls. These baddies move freely underground when attacking. You never know where they will pop up, so keep your shield raised and at the ready! 122. Madderpillar Appears in Deepwood Shrine, etc. This caterpillar moves in a zigzag pattern. If you hit him on the nose, he gets upset and starts running around. 123. Spiny Chuchu Appears in various areas. These Chuchus project spikes from their bodies at the first sign of danger. Try a well-placed bomb. 124. Big Octorok Appears in the Temple of Droplets. Frozen solid by the power of the Water Element. He's been frozen so long that his hunger is unbearable. 125. Gyorg Pair Appears in Palace of Winds. Females are larger than males. They fly around the Palace of Winds, preying on adventurers. 126. Biggoron This is a legendary Goron with a body bigger than a mountain. This Goron is so big, in fact, that no one has ever seen all of it at once. 127. Big Green Chuchu Appears in Deepwood Shrine. A perfectly ordinary Chuchu. Though not much of an enemy usually, they are terrifying to anyone Minish-sized. 128. Gleerok Appears in the Cave of Flames. A Gleeook with a hard, rocky shell found in Mount Crenel. Hiding in lava, this beast spews fire on everything it sees. 129. Mazaal Appears in the Wind Ruins. Constructed by the Wind Tribe to repel intruders, this sturdy machine cannot be destroyed by any external force. 130. Big Blue Chuchu Appears in the Temple of Droplets. An ordinary blue Chuchu. Fighting him while Minish-sized is daunting, but just try to avoid that electric attack. 131. Zelda & Link These two became fast friends because of Smith and the king of Hyrule. Zelda wishes that the sometimes unreliable Link were just a wee bit stronger. 132. Minish Ezlo The Minish Ezlo, before he was cursed by Vaati. He is a famous Minish sage. Even among Minish inventors, he was renowned for his amazing creations. 133. Black Knight Appears in Dark Hyrule Castle. This is the strongest Dark Nut, with a good balance of attack and defense. They will do anything to stop you. 134. Vaati Reborn The sorcerer Vaati took this form after draining the power of the light force from Princess Zelda. The evil beams from his eyes are devastating. 135. Vaati Transfigured Once Vaati's body has been shattered, this dark form rises up, all that remains of the evil sorcerer. Only the sacred Four Sword can defeat him. 136. Vaati's Wrath This is the embodiment of purest evil, the final form of the power-mad Vaati. Its mind is consumed with a hunger for destruction. Find its weakness. ***************************************************************************** -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= -= 11. Secrets/Tips and Tricks -= -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Bomb Bag Upgrades ----------------- When you first get the Bombs, you can only carry 10 at once. Find these upgraded bags so you can carry more: 30-Bomb Bag: On Mt. Crenel, climb the large wall on the west side. Climb onto a ledge to the right and bomb your way in. Throw a Bomb into the fountain and pick the third answer to get the upgrade. 50-Bomb Bag: Fuse a Kinstone with Belari in the Minish Woods, and a chest will appear in the Wind Ruins, just outside the dungeon. Open the chest to find this bag upgrade. Figurines #131-136 ------------------ In order to obtain these figurines, you must first complete the game. After you do that, you'll then be able to get these in the lottery. Note that if you collect all 136 figurines, you will receive the Carlov Medal as a reward. House Builder/Goddess Mini-Quest -------------------------------- As you may remember from Ocarina of Time, there were 3 Goddesses: Din, Nayru, and Farore. After getting the Ocarina of Wind, return to Hyrule Town. The inn at the east side of town will now be open, and the 3 Goddesses will be inside. Start the quest off by fusing a Kinstone with Farore to make Gorman appear in town. Talk to him and he'll ask for a young woman to move into one of his houses. Here's the order I did them (though it's possible to do them in any order you like): Farore: Fuse a Kinstone with Farore and Gorman will appear in town. Talk to him and he'll ask you to find someone who will rent his house. That's when you talk to Farore again (the green one) and she will agree to check it out. Visit her at the house later and she will agree to fill a Bottle with her charm, which temporarily boosts your defense. You can come to have it refilled at any time. Din: Do a Kinstone fusion with the carpenter in the northwest area of town, and his boss will gain motivation to build again. Go in/out of a building a couple times, and a new house will be built. Talk to Gorman outside it and he will ask you to find another single woman. Go to the inn and talk to Din (the red one) and she will move in. Come visit her at the house and she will fill a Bottle with her charm, which will temporarily boost your strength. You can have it refilled anytime. Getting the Light Arrows ------------------------ As with previous Zelda titles, the Light Arrows make an appearance here. They aren't required this time around, though, and it's very possible to miss getting them entirely if you don't pay attention. To get them, you must fuse a Kinstone with the Stranger (Hyrule Town, the house above the carpenters) early in the game, preferably just after getting the Gust Jar. That will make a warp orb appear in South Hyrule Field; use it to warp to this building which later turns out to be in the Cloud Tops. Anyway, you'll find a room where an old man is sick in bed, with a ghost floating overhead. Talk to the people and you'll find that they're looking for something to save him. Use the Gust Jar at full power (just hold the button down) and suck the ghost in. Now, when you return here later in the game for the Wind Element, talk to the old man and he will give you the Light Arrows as thanks. Note that if you don't do all this before coming here due to the storyline, the man will be dead and it'll be impossible to collect the arrows. Getting the Magical Boomerang ----------------------------- Another optional item to collect would be the upgrade to the old Boomerang from past Zeldas. As you know, you can buy the regular version for 300 Rupees in the town shop, but if you get this one first, you save yourself that money. Anyway, after you get the Mole Mitts, you'll find 4 Tingles scattered throughout Hyrule. If you fuse Kinstones with them, you'll find that caves will open up in the 4-tree formation in North Hyrule Field. Go into each of those caves and hit a switch to partially open the middle area. Do this with all 4 and a ladder will appear in the middle; go down and open the chest to get the Magical Boomerang. The locations of those Tingles are as follows (you may need certain items to reach them): Ankle: Lon Lon Ranch David Jr.: Lake Hylia Knuckle: Trilby Highlands Tingle: South Hyrule Field Getting the Mirror Shield ------------------------- After you beat the game once, go to the Goron cave in Lon Lon Ranch. Do a fusion with the rightmost Goron (NOTE: you must have done all the Goron fuses prior to this so there will be 6 of them in the cave). This will awaken Biggoron atop Veil Falls. Talk to Biggoron there and give him your shield. Return later on and he will give you the Mirror Shield as a reward/thanks. Getting the Remote Bombs ------------------------ In the Minish Village, do a fusion with the village elder. Then, go to the house where the Picori gives you bombs. Talk to him this time and he will give you Remote Bombs; talk to him again to get your regular ones back again. Quiver Upgrades --------------- After you get the Bow, you start off carrying 30 arrows at once. Get the upgraded quivers in order to carry some more: 50-Arrow Quiver: Buy from the shop in Hyrule Town (600 Rupees). 70-Arrow Quiver: From where you enter the Royal Valley, go down and bomb the wall between the pieces of fencing to find a cave. Inside, the Great Fairy will ask you some questions (the way to answer is: No, No, Yes, No, No). Do this all correctly to receive the large quiver for your honesty. 99-Arrow Quiver: Fuse a Kinstone with the Forest Minish in the hole at the Wind Ruins. This will cause a stalk to grow not too far ahead. Climb it and open the chest to get this upgrade. Rupee Bag Upgrades ------------------ Starting the game, you are only allowed to carry 100 rupees maximum. Find these upgraded bags to be able to carry more: 300-Rupee Bag: Buy it from the shop in Hyrule Town (80 Rupees). 500-Rupee Bag: Use Cane of Pacci on a hole in the northeast section of the Eastern Hills, and head into that entrance of Minish Woods. Go into the cave to the fairy fountain; say yes to all the questions to get the wallet. 999-Rupee Bag: Do a Kinstone fusion with Hagen in Hyrule Town; a patch of water in Lon Lon Ranch will dry out, revealing stairs. Go down them and open the chest for this huge, final wallet! Sound Test ---------- In order to get the sound test, you must first get all 130 regular figurines from the shop in the southwest corner of Hyrule. Then, talk to the man sitting outside the café and he will open his house for you behind the café. Go inside and check the music box to check out the sound test. Tiger Scrolls ------------- As you progress through the game, you will meet Swiftblade, and many other swordsmen along the way. If you train with them, you will learn many new techniques with your sword. The list of techniques and when to get them, in scroll order, are as follows: Swordsmen: Swiftblade (Hyrule Town) Grimblade (Hyrule Castle Garden; cut grass in east and light lanterns inside) Waveblade (Lake Hylia) Grayblade (Mt. Crenel) Spirit of Swiftblade (Castor Wilds; push open large tombstone) Greatblade (North Hyrule Field; do Kinstone fusion to open cave behind waterfall) Scarblade (Castor Wilds; do Kinstone fusion to open cave behind waterfall) Splitblade (Veil Falls; do Kinstone fusion to open cave behind waterfall) 1. Spin Attack (Swiftblade): Visit after clearing Deepwood Shrine. 2. Sword Beam (Grimblade): Visit after getting the Flame Lantern. 3. Dash Attack (Swiftblade): Visit after getting the Pegasus Boots. 4. Peril Beam (Waveblade): Visit after you have 10 heart containers. 5. Rock Breaker (Swiftblade): Visit after clearing Cave of Flames. 6. Roll Attack (Grayblade): Visit after getting ability to clone yourself. 7. Down Thrust (Swiftblade): Visit after getting Roc's Cape. 8. Great Spin Attack (Greatblade): Visit after getting all 7 scrolls. There are 3 additional techniques that can be learned, which you do not receive scrolls for. Here they are, and where you can get them from: Longer Lasting Great Spin Attack: Greatblade (after getting all skills) Spin Attack Speed-Up: Scarblade Split Gauge Speed-Up: Splitblade ***************************************************************************** -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= -= 12. Copyright Notice -= -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= This file is Copyright (c)2005 Devin Morgan. All rights reserved. Please view the following URL to see the list of sites that are allowed to post my work: http://www.freewebs.com/dbmfaqs/allowlist.html This list is comprised of sites I know and trust well. If your site is not on the aforementioned list, you are currently not allowed to post any of my files on your site. Please respect my work and do not steal it or post it without my permission. I only want my most recent work to be available and I do not feel that can be achieved if others take from me without my knowledge or permission. If you are writing a FAQ for this game as well, and would like to use some information, credit me for what you use. Please do not rip me off, as that is blatant plagiarism and such will not be tolerated. If you wish to contact me, do so at dbmfaqs(at)gmail(dot)com. Please only contact me if there are corrections to be made to information that's currently included. Thanks! http://www.gamefaqs.com/features/recognition/3579.html =- End of File -=