----------------------- Robopon 2: Ring Version Walkthrough/FAQ ----------------------- By Killer/Henry Fung (hakkafusion@hotmail.com) Version 1.1 Date 04/03/05 --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Version Info / Requests / Notes: Important!!!!! (Please read before continuing) Somehow this was deleted from the main gamefaqs.com site.. I'm guessing I can update it by adding it back?! I dunno... see what Cjayc does... =P Walkthrough is now FINSHED!!!!! but info are still need for premier league, Hi-Metal and stuff... Here we go! --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Latest version of this Faq can be found at: www.gamefaqs.com This faq is best view with the following options: 800x600 pixels, large font WordPad, Courier New font, size 10 ------------------------------------------------------------ Disclaimer ------------------------------------------------------------ This walkthru guide was made and copyright 2003 by Killer. If you're gonna put it at your web site, do so WITHOUT MY PERMISSION, but you must e-mail me your site's url. This is my hard work so please don't change anything in here. You should share this Guide all the friends you have. Enjoy! ------------------------------------------------------------ __________________________________ Game Imformation: Game: Robopon 2 Ring Type: RPG Created: 2002 Platform: GameBoy Advance Creator: Altus Rating: 8.5 __________________________________ -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Table of Content Search code 1) Version History [RBP01] 2) Walkthrough [RBP02] 3) Item List [RBP03] 4) Robopon List [RBP04] 5) Sparking List [RBP05] 6) Enhancement List [RBP06] 7) Skills List [RBP07] 8) Skills Combining Combos [RBP08] 9) Special [RBP09] 9.1) My Tower 9.2) Marvel Lab 10)FAQ [RBP10] 12)Credits [RBP12] -------------------------------------------------------------------------- -------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1) Version History [RBP01] -------------------------------------------------------------------------- V 1.1 - hmm... this was deleted from gamefaqs? so I add it back... 03/3/03 136 KB V 1.0 - Walkthru done, so new version number. 09/5/02 - Added some of those info all y'all peeps gave me (thanks) :) 136 KB - Updated Disclaimer section - Changed some of the layout V 0.3 - Finished Walkthrough, but still more to add to it 10/7/02 - More to Sparking and Robopon List 135 KB - More to Skills Lists V 0.2e - Done walkthru up to Master 8/7/02 - Fixed stuff in Sparking List 132 KB - New Pons to Robopon List V 0.2d - Continue Walkthrough, now almost done, finished Master rank 6/7/02 - More to the Robopon List 123 KB - More to Skill List - More to Combining Combos List - Added info about Marvel Lab and Jasper the Dog V 0.2c - Continue Walkthrough 4/7/02 - Added some more Pons to Robopon and Sparking List 109KB - Added some more skills to both Skill and skill combining List V 0.2b - More to Walkthrough, now up to Wonder Castle 3/7/02 - More to Sparking List 95 KB - More to Skill List V 0.2a - More to Walkthrough, now up to MarcoLand 2/7/02 - More to Robopon List 82 KB - Started/Added Skills List V 0.1d - More to Walkthrough 28/6/02 - More to Sparking List 62 KB - Added Skills Combining Combos - Finished Robopon List. If you think there is no difference Robopon List and Sparking List, well there is a difference. Robopon List shows the skills each Robopon has and the level they learn it. Also shows the level they can enhance. V 0.1c - More the Walkthrough 27/6/02 - More to Sparking List 46 KB - Added Enhancement List - Added Item List V 0.1b - A lot more to Walkthrough. Now up to Murota Town 26/6/02 - Added Sparking List 28 KB V 0.1a - First release of walkthrough/FAQ. 25/6/02 - A lot more sections to come, but for now, the Walkthrough 18 KB comes first -------------------------------------------------------------------------- 2) Walkthrough [RBP02] -------------------------------------------------------------------------- The game starts, I have to say the introduction is pretty bad, I mean, with no intro or story, it looked good but it really didn't make much sense to me... oh well... maybe it's because I didn't finish the Robopon Sun... anyway, it just starts with a guy named Dr. Zero, and seems that he was the old Legend1, until a charater beats him and becomes the new Legend1, and he's so mad at you that he plans on destorying the whole castle so that no one knows that he's been beaten. He farewell to this Kingdom, which seems to be called Tail Kingdom, and the island, which he called the Porombo Island. After he does that, someone comes along and tells the guy standing there to get out of there. I think he's named Bisco. If you haven't guessed yet, that's who you gonna be. So the next scene comes, I think you're talking to the Prince here and he congrats you and tells you that there is a tournament for all the Legend1s on Majko...(what's Majko?) and he tells you to go represent Tail Kingdom at the International Tornament. He now brings you to a boat. Here, the Prince gives a speech, and you're introduce to a few new characters, one is Dr. D and the other is Lisa. It seems like Lisa is a good friend of yours because she say a bunch of things that is very emotional. She gives you a gift called the Menuscrin (A Microstar Product) Then there is a guy named Hogle. I think he gived you your first Robopon. It turns out he's your grandFather. Then Bisco, who tell us a bit more about the story, like Dr. Zero, Prince Tail, and him himself all lost to you, so that must mean you're pretty good, or it could mean they all just suck :) He pushes you on to the ship, and then it starts sailing. The game tell us a bit more about the story, guess it's a bit more understanding now, hehe. Just when things starts to get better, you figure out that you forgot all your Robopon on Porombo Island, you decide that you'll go back and get it, but then the ship you're on gets caught up in a storm and is struck by lightning and it sinks. Then you see a scene of Dr. Zero and his brother, who flies him away and looks like they're both still alive. You're now all washed up and then get wash up on to an Island. Then a dog comes, and the dog gets his master, then the master picks you up, puts you on a bed, then when you wake up, it appears that you suffer from amnesia. So you forgot your own name, that gives you a chance to name yourself. The original name is Cody, but you can change that. Also, you're on an island called Baba, how nice, where is this huh? You get to choose your birthday, I think it'll have some kind of impact in the game later on the game. Then, someone call you, then the guy will find out who you are, then he won't tell you who he is, yet. So now, FINALLY, you get control of the character. So get out of that bed, and get out of that house. Go to the house on the left side, talk to the guy there named Nick D. Then, pick up IonPunch from the treasure chest in one of the rooms. Then, pick up an AtkMem from a drawer in the room north of the entrance. If I were you, I would keep all the Mems for later so that you can use it on one of your more permenant Robopons because the ones you have right now, you probably won't have them at the end of the game, so don't use the Mems, and save them all for the good Robopons. Go talk to the guy in the room that looks like he's going crazy. He tells you about the secret cave. Now go to to Nick D and ask him about the secret cave (the third option). He hasitates, then gives you the key. Now head for the cave. Secret Cave ----------- Items: Can-ball, Moon Battery, Sun Battery As soon as you walk in, you'll see the two treasure chest next to each other, don't pick them up, yet. Instead, go straight up the path, and about half way up the top part of the path, there should be a hidden passage where you can get through to the other side and there will be a Sun Battery there. Now go back and pick up the Can-ball and Moon Battery. Now get out of there because there is no where left to go in here. Go down to the beach area, and go into the cave in the left side of the screen. Cave ---- This is very straight forward. Pick up the Kerosene that's there and then get out of there. Baba Village ------------ Now go in to the house just south of the cave. Talk to the owner of the dog and it'll tell you the dog always pick up useless trash and ask you to throw it away for him. Talk to the dog to get Ion Battery. Now that you have enough batteries, you can combine them. But before that, you'll have to go to the house at the bottom right corner. It's really a museam. Talk to the guy inside and he'll give you the ability to spark Robopons! Now that you can do that, you can spark and get yourself a Robopon! Before you do any sparking in this game, save your game first. Now, sparking Sun/Moon will get you Rider1, who is not that great. Sparking Ion/Moon will get you Sunny, who is a great all round fighter, you may remember him from the first game if you've played it. Sparking Ion/Sun will get you a very cool looking Robopon called Draco. However, Draco cannot use parts or software so it maybe better off using Sunny for now. So make your choice, I choose Sunny. Here are a few new features for you to learn. First, go into the menu by pressing start, then go to Robo, and you'll now see your Robopon there. In my case, it's Sunny. Press "A" now you'll get into a screen that shows your current stats with a few different functions. 1. Soft Here you equip your Robopon with software that does different things. Software gives you skills that you can use in and out of battle. 2. Parts Here you can equip the parts you find or brought, if you have Sunny, you can equip IonPunch on him. You can't equip Can-Ball, but that's alright, we can use it on a next Robopon 3. Auto This is where you choose how to fight in battle. It's a new system and it's kind of like Dragon Warrior Monsters style where you get to choose if it should attack or defense. I'm not sure how this work yet so if someone can clarify this it would be great. 4. Color This is one of the greatest invention of all. The color of your Robopon can NOW be changed HERE. And it's not just a few color to choose from, it's a whole circle full of different color to paint your Robopon in. This is a amazing feature and I'm suprise that no other company come up with it before Altus did. Anyway, I paint Sunny in Yellowish-Golden with green highlight color, if you really want to know, it's right here: _________ /\ | \ / *\ \ |_ \ . _| | | \ / \____|____/ sorry for my bad drawing but it's the best I can do. It's at the top left upper corner, right on one of the thing which divids the in eight. Now that you have a Robopon, that means you can leave town. But before you can do that, you'll have to get past the guard first. So walk up to the guard on the right and fight him. Here's is something new, the battle system! I have to say that it is very complex with all the different things you can do. Here's an explanation on how it works. You have fours options: 1.Fight You'll get full control of your Robopon(s) here. You get a few more options under this command: 1. Attack - Attack with parts. This is just normal attacking, and it will probably the command you'll use the most during this game, or maybe not :) 2. Skill - Run Software. This is like magic is some different games. But you'll need some software equiped to use this, at this stage of the game, you probably won't have any. 3. Item - Use items Use the items you have in stock. This includes healing items and other items that can be used it battle. 4. Defend - Protect yourself Choose this option Sunny will defend itself. I've notice that the damage done to Sunny is cutted in half. But I may be wrong, cuz it's still early in the game to make this observation. Anyway, lets just say this function reduces damage done to your Robopon. 2. AutoBat Choosing this option, Sunny will use whatever skill you choose, (remember the "Auto" section in the Robopon screen?) I chose the Attacking one, that means Sunny will attack when I choose this. This is good for fast battles where you don't want to think. 3. Run Simple enough, explains itself. 4. Analyze This is also a new function. Analyzing your enemies will give you information on their Robopon. This includes stats, parts, and the software that your enemy Robopon has. This basically concludes the fighting tutorial, which really should've been taught by the game, but since not, then I'll explain it. Ok, so you fight his two Robopons. They're easy enough to beat because Sunny took them out with one hit each. After you beat him, Sunny will level up. He still won't let you pass, he'll tell you that you need to beat the other guard before you can get out of here. So go and fight the other guard on the left side. Guard ----- Robopon: KinChop L2 This should not be a hard battle either. A few hits from Sunny will take KinChop out. Two hits to be exact. After you beat him, you can now leave Baba Village and move on with the game. Finally you get to really feel what the game is like. Head left and out of town. World Map --------- Here, you're introduce to the World Map, even though the game don't, but I will introduce it (see how nice I am? jks). The Map is pretty big, by pressing L and R on your GameBoy, you can zoom in and out. the "?" are places that you cannot visit, yet. The only place you can go to seems to be Hindo Town, so go there. Hindo Town ---------- Parts Shop: ATK DEF SPD FOR WIL Description MagSword 180G 13 11 7 3 5 Fighter IonPunch 180G 11 10 9 4 6 Punch Whip 220G 8 7 8 9 8 Sorcerer Can-Ball 170G 10 8 12 3 7 Land Software Shop: Fire1 180G Sick1 180G Ice1 420G Cure1 180G Up1 170G Kiss1 200G Down1 160G Item Shop: Kerosene 40G - Heals 30 HP Start Up 60G - Cures of suspend AntiRust 100G - Cures of Rust Escape 60G - Escape Dungeons Wow! This town is BIG, well, atleast it's big for now. Bisco is here too(in front of the Marry Go Round, I have no idea on how he got here but he say that he's taking your place. Then he makes fun of Sunny, calling it a piece of trash. After talking to him, make your way to the top around the Marry Go Round and you'll find a Fire1. It should be around the Top-Left corner of the Marry Go Round. Now go to the fortune teller, she'll tell you how she didn't expect you so soon and tell you to go explorer to festival first, then come back here later and she'll have something for you (this should be interesting). So go around and talk to people. Go to the house in the upper left hand corner, which is an inn. Talk the the boy's mom in the room in the right and challenge her to a battle. Battle ------ Robopon: Viper L2 This battle should not be hard if you have Sunny. I defeated her in three turns without any software. After you beat her, you get a Normal Battery. Now into the house to the right of the inn, and challenge the girl with the blonde hair to a battle. I'm not going to list this battle because it is just too easy. Beat her for a few gold. Go back to the fortune teller, talk to her and she tell you about some strange things about stars, then ask her to tell the fortune. I don't know if this is the same for everyone, so if everyone could give me your input, it would be nice. Then, she'll tell you that you're a natural leader and this Robopon will help you reach your goal. I got Ping as my Robopon and then she'll also tell you your destiny lies in your own hands, not her and not the stars. After that, as soon as you walk outside, Maskman and company will come storming through the festival like a whirlwind. He tells you he's entering the tournament, and then tells his crew, named Emelio and Charlie to take care of them. And then they bomb each building. The town will be completely turned into flat land. Then, go to the building located at the lower-left corner of the town and pick up Hyper Battery and Stungun. There is now two places to go, either Pharo Ruins or Downtown Delica. I went to Downtown Delica first. Downtown Delica --------------- Parts Shop: MagSword 180G 13 11 7 3 5 Fighter IonPunch 180G 11 10 9 4 6 Punch Whip 220G 8 7 8 9 8 Sorcerer Can-Ball 170G 10 8 12 3 7 Land Software Shop: Fire1 180G Sick1 180G Ice1 420G Cure1 180G Up1 170G Kiss1 200G Down1 160G Item Shop: Kerosene 40G - Heals 30 HP Start Up 60G - Cures of suspend AntiRust 100G - Cures of Rust Escape 60G - Escape Dungeons People there will tell you that you can't enter the castle because a tournament is being prepared. So from where you are, go south to Downtown Delica. There is a girl in the upper right corner of the town. Challenge the her to a Robopon battle and get a Super Battery. Now go to the house in the upper left corner of the town to get a ShldMem. It is in the cupboard in the middle next to the barrel. Now leave this town and head for Pharo Ruins. Pharo Ruins ----------- Robopon: BulBot, Gello When you walk in, go north, east then north and into the door. When inside, go straight up and down the stairs. Go east, then south, and west and you'll see Bisco there. from there, go north and you'll see two staircases. Goto the one on the left to get Super Battery. Then go to the one on the right and follow the path. You'll meet Nick D and he'll tell you about the X-Stone. Then keep going, follow the path and get Ice1. Then up the stairs. Fight the guy there. Guy --- Storm, Thief L3, and ??? This battle should be easy. My Robopons were Sunny L5 and Ping L3. Beat him and you get Cure1. Now trace your way back to where Bisco were, and through the door. Go around and pick up Normal Battery. Then you'll have some hard battles coming so make sure you're prepared for it. Now from the treasure chest, go southeast and you'll meet Maskman and company there. You fight Emelio first. Emelio ------ Storm x2, ??? (I forgot to write down) This battle is too easy. My Ping have now learned Kiss, so she can Heal. Beat him and get 60 gold. After a short dialogue, leave this place and head for Bronco Village. Bronco Village -------------- Part/Item/Soft shop are all the same as the ones before. You have more than enough Batteries for some new Robopon, but it's up to you. I saved up my Batteries for better Robopon later. There is a girl in front of the Repire Shop, so go fight her. She have 3 Gobby at L4, it shouldn't be too hard. Beat her for 60G and a Super Battery. Talk to the girl at the very top of the Village, she'll tell you to check out "that" tree over there. So check out the tree that's upper left to her and you'll find LifeMem. Now go and challenge Bronco Village representive. She has a Viper L4, Boomerx2 L3. She shouldn't be too hard. After, go to the strange looking building right next to the town entrance. You'll then see a scene of Dr. Don and Sam's opening ceremony of their Time Machine. You'll then be a test subject by being the first pilot of it. It may seem fun at first but then you find out that it's not saft. But too late because you're on it already. You'll be 20 in the past, and as soon as you get there, Lisa will sent you a message. She knows you're 20 years in the past and she wouldn't believe it. So now, get out of that house and Challenge the Girl with the pink hair to a battle. She's in the middle of the town. She has Timzup L5, and a Chimpx2 L5. Beat her to get a Normal Battery. Go to the item shop, go next to the girl that's at the back and check the dresser next to her to find ForMem. Go to the same house where you challenged the rep., but this time you'll see a guy there that will fight you. Fight him. He has Ralphx2 L5, and a Kogal L4. He shouldn't be hard either. My Sunny was L7 and my Ping was L6 when I beat him. You get Mild Battery for defeating him. If you want a easier battle, create a next Robopon and fight him for a easy battle. Now leave Bronco Village and head for the Pharo Ruins Pharo Ruins ----------- Robopons: BulBot, Gello, Mummy, Storm, Ta-Daa, TuTank, Tuten, Viggy As soon as you walk in, go talk to Maskman. He'll tell you that you'll need to disable three switch. Then go into the first statua. Go southwest, and you'll find MegaGlove, which can be used on Sunny. Follow the other path and down the stairs. go east, then south, and there will be a little hidden passage way in the west leading to two treasure chest with 80G and Down1 in it. Then from there go east, north, and pick up the Super Battery. Now go north and down the stairs. Here, there is only one path leading to a next set of stairs, so go. Here are the switches that you have to turn off in order to get rid of the whirlwind. Now go on top of each of them and turn them off. There are three bottons. You'll need to turn off the right botton for it to work. You'll know it's the wrong one when you have to fight when you go on it. So for this one, you'll need to go on the one at the bottom. Now get out of here and head for the northeast ruins. When you walk in, you'll see a trainer there. Beat her and get a Sick1 software. Now head down the stairs. This area might look familiar. But then again, it should because we were just here a couple minutes ago. Now go east, south, then up the passage way and down the left staris and get Rock1. Then back up and down the next one and follow the path and up the stairs. Go to the botton on the upper right corner and that's two down and one to go. Also, make sure you pick up the Mild Battery from the treasure chest at the end of the path (go past the stairs). Now that you're done here, get out of here and go to the last ruin in the northwest. When you walk in, go all the way to the top, and it seems like there is no where to go. But there always is somewhere to go. There is a hidden path left of the guy that's standing. If you can't find it, go to the very top, and come down two squares to and go left from there. Follow the path and pick up XStone7. Now trace back to the entrance, and go east from the entrance to find a hidden path. Go up the first path and pick up Hyper Battery. Then, follow the next path and down the stairs. Go all the way south and then all the way west and fight the guy(?) there. Beat him to get Up1. Go down the second sets of stairs to get Hate1 and 90G. Then go into the top set of the stairs and follow the path and up the stairs. Then, there are three more botton. Press the one on the left upper hand side. Then the wind will stop. Now get out of there and go back to Bronco Village. Bronco Village -------------- As soon as you go in, you'll be stoped by Dr. Disc, who will have a Time Machine and surprise you here. Then after a short conversation, he'll take you back to where you came from, 20 years from now. So go up to the Time Machine, and press "A" two times and go back. When you get back, Dr. Disc's Time Machine will smash. Then, you'll see a short scene of the ending ceremony of the tournament. So too late but you still have the XStone7! Oh yea, and you'll have a short dialogue with Maskman too. Try to get out of there and you'll be stopped by Dr. Disc. He tell you he'll try to finish the TimeMachine. He leaves, then you'll be forced to leave. Leave Downtown Delica and go to Pharo Ruins then challenge Maskman to a battle. But first, you'll have to battle Charlie first Charlie ------- Centaur L5(?), Scorpinx2 He should be too hard. For me, he's actually very easy. My three Robopon: Sunny L10, Ping L9, Viggy L11. Again, I beat him easy. Then go on inside. When you try to go further, you'll be stopped by Nick D, who will chanllege you for the XStone. He's a joke, with some of the weakest Robopon in the game. So beat his 4 BulBot and he'll leave. Then go to the room on the left and pick up Hyper Battery. Then go east and down the stairs. Pick up Wind1 from the room in the bottom left corner, then save and heal and go fight Maskman. After a short dialogue, you get to fight hi... Maskman ------- Robopon: TuTank L4, Taker L5, Underx2 L5 Is it just me? or is this game too easy. I beat him with no problem. And then you get the Title of BIG Wannabe. Then his family leaves! hahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahaha!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Anyway, before you leave, pick up the repair from the cupboard at the back. Then leave this place for good. Now head for the tunnel1, follow the path and you'll be at a circus. Circus ------ Head up the mountain and see a show. Brutal will tell you that Russell will make the volcano erupt. Then when it does, then RUN! It turns out that the XStone is inside the mountain. So now, no one can get it and no one can challenge him to a battle. After that scene, leave and go to Murota. Murota ------ Parts Shop: ATK DEF SPD FOR WIL Description RazSword 340G 20 18 6 6 12 Fighter Kantana 400G 19 19 7 7 13 Knight MegaGlov 380G 18 16 12 8 14 Punch ChainWhp 460G 12 12 12 18 16 Sorcerer S-Nozzle 420G 15 15 6 16 18 Healer CanBomb3 340G 17 15 18 8 12 Land Torpedo 380G 16 16 16 11 11 Sea Software Shop: Wind1 880G Sick2 360G Rock1 960G Cure2 380G Up1 170G Kiss1 200G Down 170G Item Shop: Kerosene 40G - Heals 30 HP 10Volt 60G - Restores 30 EP Start Up 60G - Cures of suspend AntiRust 100G - Cures of Rust VirusChk 60G - Cures of Virus AntiFog 120G - Clears Fog Escape 60G - Escape Dungeons This whole area is full of snow... Finally! some new parts! So you might want to upgrade your parts for your Robopons. Maybe you'll need some new software too, so make sure you have enough money. When you're done that, go and battle the guy at the hot spring in the right. Beat him and you'll get some money, but most importantly, you get a NiCD Battery! That's something you don't see everyday. Talk to a girl inside the hot spring building will give you tips that a Mangan Battery and the NiCD Battery will make a Meddy! Keep that in mind for now, OR you can just look in my FAQ :) Now go to the lab, fight the girl that's right at the entrance. Beat her and get a Mangan Battery. Now you can get Meddy, but that's only if you don't have a Healer yet. Go to the Strange looking building, it looks exactly like the other building with the Time Machine. But this time, the Time Machine is not finished yet. So you'll need to get Dr. Don some Cobra TreeSap from deep into the Nenji Valley. Talk to Sam and he'll tell you about why Prof. Don wants to go back 20 years. It turns out there is a ship that sank 20 years ago and there were a lot of treasure on board it. So Sam's guess is that Don wants the gold and everything. Now leave here and go to Nenji Valley. Nenji Valley ------------ Robopon: Granit, Ping, RevD-Up, Wobble Head straight up and into the cave. Now that you're inside, go east, then north and down the stairs. Pick up Mangan Battery and then go all the way back to the entrance and go west and north. Then at the first intersection, go east then down the stairs. Go east north and west, but ignore the exit because the Cobra Tree is not there. Keep going and pick up Ice2. Then go back to the stairs and head south then north and down the stairs. Follow the path and you'll come to an intersection. Go east and there is nothing there, so don't go there. Go north and pick up Repire. Now go west follow the path and you'll end up in Kappa Village. Kappa Village ------------- Software Shop: Ice2 840G Kiss2 800G Life1 1280G Hate1 1560G Love1 3200G The flowers are people. There are two flowers that's willing to battle. Beat one to get Normal battery, beat the other one and get Mangan Battery. Get the Treesap from the tree in the upper right corner. If you can't find it, just go up to every tree and press A. Then one of them has got to have it. There is a Lab here but it'll only heal. Also note that the software shop here have some new items so pick them up. Pick up BlueMush from that raised up area. When you're done, leave and head back to Murota Village. I've found a great way to get out of here, once you're in the Kappa Village and wants to get back to the real world, all you have to do is go into the cave and use the Item Escape. It'll take you right back to the cave entrance so that you don't have to go through it when you leave! Great discovery :) Murota Village -------------- Stock up on items, heal your Robopons, then go to Dr. Don. Give him the TreeSap and you'll be the test pilot again for the time Machine. Now as soon as you get to the past, you'll be stopped by a man and will soon be kicked out of his house. He's a real madman you know that? There is a guy in the Item Shop who'll give you a Mangan Battery when you beat him. There is also a clown behind the tree in the east side of the town that's willing to battle you. After you beat him, he has been the one that's stealing vegetable. He tells you he gives it to his sister. Anyway, you get Sick2 for beating him. Go into the house next to the Lab, and you'll find a ForMem in Cupboard to the right. If you talk to ppl, you'll find out that strange things have been happening around here. Like animals disappears, and kids being sold, I don't know what's going on but I bet we gonna find out soon. Nenji Cave ---------- Robopon: Granit, KingPon, Ping, RevD-Up, Wobble This is exactly the same, execpt for the items. So I'll just use the same walkthrough but I'll change the items. Head straight up and into the cave. Now that you're inside, go east, then north and down the stairs. Pick up Super Battery and then go all the way back to the entrance and go west and north. Then at the first intersection, go east then down the stairs. Go east north and west, but ignore the exit because the Cobra Tree is not there. Keep going and pick up 130G. Then go back to the stairs and head south then north and down the stairs. Follow the path and you'll come to an intersection. Go east and there is nothing there, so don't go there. Go north and pick up Up2. Now go west follow the path and just as you try to leave the cave, you're contacted by Dr. Zero. He'll send you a gift, but it's actually a battle he's giving you. After you beat the Robot he send you, he'll talk to you for a bit more. Then go to Kappa Village. Kappa Village ------------- Now you'll see Brutal and Russell taking a Kappa and they're planning on making money with it. Then Brutal will tell Russell to fight you because they can't let anyone know about this cuz the animal protectors will go buckwild if they knew about this. So you'll have to fight him. Russell ------- Robopon: Rocker L12, El Seed L9, Timzup L9 He's too easy, they're all too easy :) Beat him and Brutal will talk and he tells you to keep it as a secret. Then he wants you to be part of the circus. Now There is a Kappa that's willing to fight. Beat him and get Life1. Go and talk to Kamama, she's the one that has the different color than all the other kappas. She'll tell you that the wuki she loves was taken away and all the Kappa hates all humans. There is nothing left here. So go to the circus. Circus ------ Walk up the the girl and she'll ask you to join. Why not? So join and go into the Dome. When you walk in, you'll see the Kappa and Russell training. The Kappa can't do anything, but Russell isn't much better either. So both of them don't get dinner. Go and talk to the girl in the pink. She'll take you to Brutal, follow her. Once you walk into the door, she'll guide you from there. Here is a kind of funny conversation. Then she show you your room, and give you a piece of advice. Then you'll in control again. Check the drawer behind you for a AtkMem. Leave you room, then go into Brutal's room and check the drawer at the very left for a EPMem. Then, go into the room just right of yours, pick up NiCD Battery from the treasure chest. Now go to the door that's all the way at the right. There will be a prison like kind of room. The Kappa and another girl is locked in here. To help them, talk to both of them. The girl will tell you about you'll need a key to get them out. So you'll need to find the key. Now when you go back to Brutal's room, he will be gone. So check the bookcase that he was standing in front of and a hidden path way will show up. Hidden Path Way --------------- Robopon: Hippon, Octopon Items: Cure2, Hammer, Hyper Battery When you first come in, follow the path then go north when you can. Pick up Cure2, Hammer, and Hyper Battery from the three chests. Then continue following the path and down the stairs. You'll see a room with Brutal and a guy named Jackal. Jackal ------ Robopon: Mock V L12, Fagin L13, Wobble L12, CamBot L12 He ain't hard if your Robopon is above level 15. My Robopons for winning this battle are Sunny L14, Disco Q L13, Ping L14. After you beat him, he will be on the ground. Check him for the Cage Key, so now go free the Kappa and the Girl! When you're there, first check the first cage with the three items in it. There will be a Lab who will heal your Pons then grab the 130G and the Down2. Now free the Kappa, then free the girl. You'll have to take home the Kappa. When you talk to the girl, she'll give you NiCD Battery and then she'll leave. Then if you talk to the bars thing behind where the girl was standing and it'll say that it's been there for the last 20 years. But for some reason he don't want to come out because that's the only place he feels safe from Brutal. Then he turns out to be Hoffman Tower business service! So you can take out some Robopon if you want but you don't have to. With all the Batteries you have now, I suggest you get Meddy as a Healer if you haven't got her already. You can also get Sumito, who has 2 enhance forms and is a good all round Robopon. TokBot is alright as a Robopon too. Then when you try to leave, Russell will once again have to fight you. There are two options, but the bottom one will just lead you back to choosing again, so that is no point of choosing it, instead, choose the top option (the freedom one) and battle him. Russell ------- Robopon: Rocker L12, El Seedx2 L12, O-Count L12. This battle gets a bit harder than the old ones. Just make sure you have four Robopon, then make sure you have one that can heal. All you have to do is pound his Pons 'till they're scrapped. When you beat him, he'll go tell Brutal. So heal your Robopons, then try to leave. You'll have to fight Brutal... Brutal ------ Robopon: GGTBot L15, Zap L15, Sprouch L15, Robby L15 For some reason he gets to surprise attack you. So be ready for it. Unless your Robopons are extra powerful, otherwise you'll have one dead Pon the first turn, so make sure you have Life Software equiped and use it on the scrapped Robopon. Then, all you have to do is kill his pons one by one. Same strat as last battle, have one Pon heal and the rest attack. When you beat him, you can leave. When you get outside, Kappa will go smash something because he's so mad. So he smashes the rock that was blocking your way into the mountain. Now you can go in there, but before that, you must bring Kapapa back to the Kappa Village. Do so, and then come back here. Nenji Valley ------------ Aren't you tried of this place by now? it's so annyoing to me cuz all the ramdom battles keeps popping up! Anyway, give Kapapa to Kamama, and she'll change her mind about you. She tell you if you come back in 20 years, she'll give you a thank you gift or something, so remember to come back here once you get back to the present. Now head back to the Circus. Circus ------ Go up the path up at the back of the Dome. Once you're there, go into the cave. P?? Cave (forgot name) -------- Robopon: Racer, Ralph, Robby, Sherman, Viper2 Go down the stairs, and you'll be outside. You'll see a Fossilized Robopon there, but there is nothing you can do to get it now, but don't worry, we'll come back for it later. Now go Northeast, and into the cave. Follow the path and out. Follow this path and into the next cave. Down the stairs, and finally you get to choose where you go here. Go north there is nothing there, so go south, around and into the next area. Go straight up, follow that path and find a Mild Battery. next head back and go southeast. When you're outside, go north and into the cave, pick up NiCD Battery and an Escape item. Then leave and go west into the next area. Finally we made it here. Pick up XStone6 and we can leave. Use Escape and you'll be back at the Circus in a flash. Now go back to Murota Village. Murota Village -------------- Go back to the time Machine, and the Man that's blocking the way will go crazy because you have a XStone. Now that he's upside down, ride the TimeMachine back to the present. When you get there, the TimeMachine will blow up, so you won't be able to go back in time, for now. So go back to Kamama and Kapapa and Kapapa will give you Magfruit! Now you can freeze the lava, find Brutal and challegen him for a new class. But first, we'll need to go to the Miller Mill and create that MagJuice. Murota Village -------------- Give the MagFruit to Matt, and he'll make you MagJuice. He'll take MagFruit, then after some trouble, he'll make MagJuice. Talk to him to get it, he'll also tell you that you'll need to pour that into the Magmar so that it would freeze up. So now go to the Circus. Circus ------ Walk up to the lava and you'll pour the MagJuice intot he lava. The lava will be gone and you'll be able to keep going. When you try to enter the Dome, the all time annoying Nick D will want the next XStone. So battle him. Nick D ------ Robopon: BulBot L14, Racer L14, Hippon L14, Octopon L14 He got stronger this time. But still a piece of cake. Defeat him and enter the Dome. When you walk towards them, you'll have two options, one fight them, the other not, but you'll have no choice but to fight once you're there, so fight. Russell fights first. Russell ------- Robopon: Sprouch L14, Rocker L14, O-Count L14 He hasn't improve much. Defeat him and then fight Brutal. Brutal ------ Robopon: GGTBot L12, Sprouch L15, Robby L15, Zap L14 He prove a bit more challenging that Russell. Just take out his GGTBot first, then the rest is a piece of cake. When you beat him, you're now ContendR! Congrats! Now go and pick up Oil1X from the chest in the upper left corner of the room. Now leave here and there will be new land for you to explore. So go to the tunnel. Tunnel ------ From the first guard you see, go southeast and follow the path until you reach a next guard. Then there are two exits. If you go to the one on the right, you'll see a scene of a UFO crashing when you get out of the tunnel. If you go to the one on the left, you won't see that. So what I did is went to the one on the right first, then went to the one on the left cuz that area looks smaller... On the left path will be a Battery Clatter, it'll give you Normal, Super, Hyper, Mild, Mangan, and NiCD Batteries. When you get out of the left side of the tunnel, you'll see a Mushroom Shop. Mushroom Shop ------------- This shop is special. Let me first explain how it works. The mushrooms you collect throughout the adventure can only be used here as Mushrooms to summon Spirit. There are few different mushrooms, remember the Blue Mushroom we got? well this is the place to use it. The Blue Mushroom will get you Dimitri. Who will stay with you for the next 30 battles and you'll enounter enemies more often. So if you like him, then get him, if not then don't. I didn't :) Now go back to the side where you saw the UFO and leave the tunnel area. Head southeast to Tycho Village Tycho Village ------------- Parts Shop: ATK DEF SPD FOR WIL Description TigerSwd 680G 24 22 11 12 18 Fighter FirLance 800G 23 23 13 12 20 Knight AutoGlov 760G 22 20 20 13 19 Punch IronBall 720G 20 20 25 14 15 Thief ThornWhp 920G 16 17 18 23 22 Sorcerer LuckyArm 840G 20 18 13 20 23 Healer Flag 680G 20 20 25 15 14 Land FishHook 760G 20 18 28 18 15 Sea Atomic 880G 19 19 30 12 15 Sky Software Shop: Fire2 760G Sick3 1440G Ice2 840G Cure3 1520G Up2 250G Kiss2 800G Down2 240G Item Shop: Kerosene 40G - Heals 30 HP Oil 100G - Heals 80 HP 10Volt 60G - Restores 30 EP Start Up 60G - Cures of suspend AntiRust 100G - Cures of Rust VirusChk 60G - Cures of Virus AntiFog 120G - Clears Fog FireWall 60G - Repairs Hack Repair 1000G - Revives (LowHP) Escape 60G - Escape Dungeons The crashed UFO is here. There is a guy next to the UFO that's willing to fight. Beat him and get an Air Battery. That's a new one, so you can now get a new Robopon with it. You'll want to upgrade the parts and software for your Robopon. Go into the Item Shop. It's divided into two rooms. Go into the room on the left and pick up SpdMem from the third drawer from the left. Now goto the house in the upper right side of the village. Pick up Air Battery from the chest. If you talk to the kid there, he'll tell you that the dog is scary so stay away. Go talk to the dog and choose the top option to battle it. Beat it and get Kiss2. Now leave this house and go east. Talk to the girl that's glowing. You'll have a short convo. and you'll have to battle Xardon. Xardon ------ Robopon: Chimp L14, Platnum L14, Woolly L14, Fighter L14 He ain't hard at all. My Pons for this battle was Sunny L16, Ping L15, Disco Q L18, and Timzup L10. Beat him get nothing and you'll have to fight him again sometime. Talk to the girl again and she'll tell you to meet her at Kepler Village. Is it just me or it she an alien? Anyway, go south from there, talk to the people and then try to leave the village. You'll be stop by a guy named Tataki and he'll ask you if you know Miho. Then after you talk to him for a bit and leave for Kepler Village. Kepler Village -------------- There is a girl in the house in the bottom-middle of the town that's willing to battle. Beat her and get Wind2. There is a MindMem in the third Cupboard from the left in the first house at the bottom when you enter the town. Go to talk Mr. Rocket, and you'll find out that he found an alien. He talks for a bit, then Rena will tell you to go to the GALILEO WINDMILL. Then Rena teleports there. And I guess that's where you have to go next. You'll also find a house of Prof. Don and Sam, but they ain't home so we'll have to come back here later. Now head for the Galileo Windmill. Galileo Windmill ---------------- There is a guy to battle in the first house you see when you walk into the village. Beat him and get 1200 exp. points (divided by the number of Pons you have). Go talk to Rena, she'll tell you to find a GateBall for her so that you can challenge her for her Amateur Title. So go to the WindMill on the left that say 2 on it. Go in. WindMill 2 ---------- Robopon: Bould, Leaky, Magipon, Thief Go north until you're at the intersection, then go east, north and down the stairs. You'll see a Girl there but ignore her for now. Pick up Yellow Mushroom and head back. Then go south and pick up Hyper Battery. Note that you can get batteries for defeating wild Robopons from now on. Anyway, go now and down the stairs. I don't think there are anything on the floor, so down to the next floor. Go a bit south and go through that half hidden pathway on the left wall. You'll see the door frames on it. Follow the path and pick up GateBall from the treasure chest. After you get it, get out of there and talk to Rena. Talk to Rena and she'll tell you to meet her at Lover's Cliff. Lover's Cliff ------------- There is a house with a Lab and Hoffman service center at the south of the entrance. Go east and talk to Rena, then you finally get to learn about her if you haven't. She gives you UFO Key and GateBall and tell you to go capture her Aliens friends. After talking to her, you'll have to go and look for them. First, you'll need to go to the crashed UFO and pick up the items you'll need. Tycho Village ------------- Go to the right side of the UFO and press A to go inside. UFO --- Robopon: Timzup, Whirlee When you first go in, go east and you'll see a chest that cannot be opened yet. Now go northeast and pick up IR Scope which can be used by pressing R. Go to the opposite side of the ship and you'll find Rock2. Now leave the UFO. Now go find the aliens, I won't walk you through this step by step cuz this is pretty easy, but I will tell you the location of the Aliens. To catch these aliens, you'll have to find them and talk to them, then battle them. After you beat them, talk to them again and use the Gateball on them, then they're caught. You can only access the sixth alien after you've caught the first five. 1. Sharon - The chest that won't open inside the UFO 2. Ayumi - In the top left corner of Tycho Village 3. Mima - Located inside WindMill2 4. Urara - The flower behind the Item Shop and Lab building in Kepler Village 5. Lyn - The painting outside a house in Kepler Village 6. Miho - Inside Prof. Don's Lab When you talk to the girl in the lab, Tataki will run in and break your IR Scope. Then they'll both go back in time using the Time Machine, and you'll be forced to follow them. Kepler Village -------------- After you arrive here, you'll see a short scene of Tataki and Miho talking. Then they'll leave and you'll have to find them. There is a guy that you can battle right when you leave the area you arrived in. Beat him for a Normal Battery. There isn't many places to go, so it's not hard to find them. Go to Lover's Cliff. Lover's Cliff ------------- Go into the house and the woman there will battle you. Beat her for some money. Now go to the cliff area and you'll see the two talking. Miho will tell Tataki that she's an Alien, and he won't believe it. Tataki sees you, so they leave. (I'm really tired of the @$$**** running away. If I was in the game, he would've been shot already!) Anyway, follow them to Kepler Village. Walk up to the two, they'll talk for a bit more, then run away again and then you follow them again. Head to WindMills. Galileo Windmill ---------------- Talk to the guy standing in front of the Windmill and he'll tell you that the couple ran to Windmill 1. Go there. Windmill 1 ---------- The woman in the southeast corner of the Windmill will battle. Beat her for Love1. Then go down stairs. Head east, south, and pick up Hyper Battery than down the stairs. Follow the path and pick up Fire2. Go southeast from there and you'll see them again. They run. Follow them to Windmill 2. Windmill 2 ---------- There are two chest on this floor, check them and pick up Mangan and Air Battery. Down the stairs in the left. Follow the path to the southeast, find them, and they run again. Head to Windmill 3. Windmill 3 ---------- Go in and up the stairs. Go south and pick up NiCD Battery. Then go east and up the stairs. Follow the path and up the stairs again. Then here, follow the path and you'll find Tataki and Miho. Tataki will talk again. (Man he's so annoying!) Then they run away again! But this time will be the last time the run, atleast I hope it's the last time. Go back to the main area and you'll find them standing there. Tataki will say that Miho's feeling for him is going away because of you. Then the good part takes place, Miho cuss him off, saying a bunch of bad stuff about Tataki. Tataki then gets mad and talk back to her, then knocks her into the Windmill :) You'll have to follow once again. Main WindMill ------------- Robopon: Meddy, Nitboat, Vic Go inside, go in the room in the middle and pick up 240G. Then go down the left staircase and pick up NiCD Battery and Hate2. Go back and down the next staircase and you have to go northwest, so make you way around the walls and go there. When you get to the northwest corner of the floor, you'll see a strange door in the wall. Talk to it and it'll tell you Tataki and Miho just forced their way in there. He wants to haunt them down but too lazy. He'll let you pass if you answer his question correctly, so here it is: (if you answer it wrong, you'll have to battle him.) Q: Once upon of time a village named Tycho existed with beautiful Windmills. How many Windmills are there? A: 2 Windmills You may pass after you answer it correctly, now go I'll just tell you where the items are and you can get them. 1. There is a Star Battery in the bottom right corner. 2. There is a fossilized Robopon in the middle of the floor. In the same room are a set of staircase that leads to a MegaVolt that recovers all EP. 3. The door you need to go to is in the north side of the room. You have to go around everything to get there The door's question: Q: One day, a village called Tycho will come to exist. The plants I see in Tycho are very strange... different. They're very unique. So I ask you, what do the green plants in Tycho look like? A: I'm clueless. Oh man, another floor??? Alright, anyway, here are the items and doors: 1. Star Battery in the lower right corner. 2. Tataki and Miho in the lower corner. How I got there the fastest was to go straight down from where you start, pick up Star Battery than head straight left and get to Tataki since there are nothing else in here. When you get there, Miho and Tataki will have a next conversation. Then Miho turns alien on him, he goes buckwild, saying he though all the stuff about alien was a joke, but no, it's not. He say he can't love an ugly eight-legged octopus. So he rans away, and Miho talks and say she knew about you, so no need for battle, so Gateball, then use Escape and leave this annyoing place and head back to the Time Machine. Oh yea, the guy at the house near the Windmill will battle you. You don't get anything, but good exprience. Now after Tataki talk to you, use the Time Machine and go back to the present time. Prof Don's Lab -------------- Tataki will talk once again, and the Time Machine explodes. Then Prof. Don and Sam moves again. Now you'll have to find that last alien, so leave here and go back to the WindMill. Windmill -------- Robopon: Fighter, Meddy, Ruby This again, well, go to the middle room pick up 210G and down the stairs to pick up Star Battery and Fire2. Go up the stairs east of where you are. Now, the stairs are in the Northwest corner of this room, but you'll have to go around clockwise to get there. When you are there, the door talks to you and reconize you from 20 years ago. Then he ask you a question: Q: How many tulips are in Tycho Village in total A: How should I know? Next floor door in the northeast corner of the floor, so make your way there. Air Battery in southeast corner of the floor. If you go into the staircase in the middle of the room, there is a Down3 there, so make sure you pick that up. Q: How many fish in Kepler's lake? A: It's 10 fish Now next floor, man, this is annyoing... There is a Lab south of where you start. Pick up Air Battery in the southeast corner of the floor. Now head west to find Myuung. She tell you that she'll give you the XStone if you defeat her. Myuung ------ Robopon: Racer L19, Vic L19, Boiler L19, Sprouch L19 She ain't that hard, just heal when you need to and pound her with all you've got. The Robopon I used for this battle are Sun-02 L16, Disco Q L26, Ping L18, and Robby L14. Beat her, talk to her and get XStone5. Capture her with the Gateball. Now go down one floor, take a few steps and it's Xardon again. Xardon ------ Robopon: Prime L16, Wollyx2 L20, Fighter L20 He didn't improve much execpt for levels. So if you trained hard enough, you'll have no problems with him, well I did cuz I didn't level enough, he was kind of annyoing, but I got rid of him pretty quick anyway. Just watchout for his Prime, make sure you kill that Pon first, then the rest should not be a problem. Defeat him and get nothing but some money. Now head to Rena's house, find her there. She'll thank her parents and give them a MoonBall that restores energy, then she tell you to meet her at Lover's Cliff for the battle. Then as soon as you leave the house, Nick D. battles for the next XStone, then again, he still sucks, so defeat him. Heal your Pons somewhere, then go fight Rena. Lover's Cliff ------------- Talk to Rena and she tell you a bit about the legend of Lover's Cliff. The Legend said that those couples that come here will be seperated. So she confess that she likes you, and that she don't want to battle you, and she wants to stay with you but she have to go... some more, then battle. Rena ---- Robopon: Fagin L21, Sherry L18, Fencer L21, Ping L21 She'll surprise attack you, so be ready for it. She ain't that tough, just make sure you know what you're doing and you'll be fine, and if you can't beat her, just train a bit more and come up with a strategy or something. This game is so easy you shouldn't have a problem with it. After you beat her, the aliens will be teleported on to their ship on by one... I feel so sad after what Utada said, I feel like crying too :) Anyway, when you gain control again, see the big star there? Check it for a SpaceGun, if you can't find it, check every side of the Star for it. Leave here for the World Map. World Map --------- Here you'll see a new star, it's MarcoLand, so head there. MarcoLand --------- Parts Shop: ATK DEF SPD FOR WIL Description DragnSwd 1360G 36 35 16 16 18 Fighter IceLance 1600G 35 35 18 18 20 Knight ZapGlove 1520G 34 34 26 18 20 Punch Crossbow 1440G 32 30 30 18 22 Thief Pistol 1760G 36 26 26 23 23 Gunner LasrBlad 1840G 26 26 20 32 30 Sorcerer AngelRng 1680G 28 30 16 18 30 Healer DeadClaw 1920G 32 32 18 26 24 Devil Tirecut 1360G 28 32 34 18 20 Land Anchor 1520G 24 32 30 22 24 Sea Radar 1760G 27 30 40 18 17 Sky Software Shop: Wind2 3520G Sick3 1440G Rock2 3840G Cure3 1520G Up3 340G Kiss2 800G Down3 320G Item Shop: Kerosene 40G - Heals 30 HP Oil 100G - Heals 80 HP 10Volt 60G - Restores 30 EP 100Volt 140G - Restores 80 EP HydroSys 600G - Receive 100HP on EP Start Up 60G - Cures of suspend AntiRust 100G - Cures of Rust VirusChk 60G - Cures of Virus AntiFog 120G - Clears Fog Scandisk 80G - Repaires SysCrash FireWall 60G - Repairs Hack Repair 1000G - Revives (LowHP) Escape 60G - Escape Dungeons There is a LifeMem in one of the cupboard in the Parts and Software Shop. There is a Kid in the house in the upper right side of town to battle. Beat him for a Cool Battery. The girl in the purple hair will battle too. Defeat her for a Silver Battery. So after you stock in on parts and softs, go into the big building in the middle. Check the middle Red Cupboard in the left side for a SpdMem. Now either use the stairs or the elevator at the back to get up to the second floor. Floor 2 ------- There is a guy in the R&B room that's willing to fight. Beat him for a Super Battery. There is a BlueMushroom on the left side of the room near the entrance. Go up one floor. Floor 3 ------- Go into the CEO room and Mr. Gait will be there waiting for you. He'll tell you a bunch of stuff about computers and then he gets to the point where he tells you he's the Player, then uploads the XStone into the system to somewhere else where he thinks you can't get it. After he's done talking, leave the building. Head for Town of Walda. Town of Walda ------------- You'll find the XStone here, but you can't get it here because the people just keep sending it around. So head east, there will be a house then Dr. Zero contacts you, and then sends Tempest after you. He has three lives, quite annoying huh? Tempest ------- Robopon: Sprouch L?, Thiefx2 L17 L20, Viper2 L? You shouldn't have much trouble with him. I defeated him with Sun-02 L19, Disco Q L27, Yuki L17. Beat him and get nothing, then go into the house. Once you're in, you'll learn a whole lot about the waffle disk from the first guy you see in the house. There is a MindMem in the drawer in the third room from the left. Then there is a Gold Battery in the first room from the right. Head up to the second floor. Mr. Waffle is in the second room here. Talk to him twice, then go to the first room from the right and you'll see Prof. Don and Sam there with a Time Machine. Prof. Don tells you to leave because it's a diasater everytime you're near the Time Machine. Then Dr. Disc bust in and gives you your personal Time Machine. He'll tell you that you can use it until the tournament, he needs you to go back in time to find a MemChip to complete the model. After he talk, he knocks you into Prof. Don's Time Machine and then you're back in time again :) Apartment --------- Go into the room where Mr. Waffle was and you'll find Mr. Gait there. He'll say that he'll become rich one day and then leaves the room. Also the Marco Computer won't be completed without a MemChip. So there is probably one in Dreamland he say, so we'll need to get it before he does. Go into the room next to the Time Machine to find a Silver Battery. Go into the first room from the right on floor one to find Cool Battery. Now you can leave the building. Walda Town ---------- There is a Yellow Mushroom under the trees just behind the Apartment. Head for WaffleLand. WaffleLand ---------- Go back to where Mr. Gait was in the present, then Mr. Waffle will be there talk to him and he'll say never give you an I.P address. Talk to him again and he'll give you a hint that it's written in this room. Then go south into the next room and check the PC for a EPMem. Now go back and you'll see Waffle writtened on the north wall. Go read it, then enter it in the computer there. You'll then be transported to a house, and you'll have to battle the guy there for the next I.P address. When you do beat him, use his pc to get to the next place... He'll give you GCN as the I.P address. The next guy gives you Robopon. The girl there will give you Boy and Cube. Boy will lead you to a next house, while Cube takes you to Mr. Gait's apartment. Better go to the next girl's house with Boy. Then beat the girl there and she'll give you three I.P.s, Cross, Ring, Game. Cross and Ring will take you to Mr. Gait's apartment. So that leaves you with Game, which will take you to Dreamless Island. Dreamless Island ---------------- Robopon: There is some things here that you can go to, one is the Lab, and then the Parts Shop, also the Jar in the North that's actually a Hoffman Tower service center. Then the guy there will battle. Beat him for a Ray2, which should be a great addition to your current parts. Then go into the only building you can enter. Dungeon ------- Robopon: AirRaid, CamBot, Filimen, Gobby, Gunball, Tomuhok This is not hard, just have to know where to go. When you first go in, go around the wall and north pass the first intersection. At the second intersection, go in and pick up LionClaw, then keep going northwest. Keep going follow the path until you can cross to the other side. When you can cross, do so and ignore the stairs for now, follow the path then go west and north when you can. Then go south and up the stairs and pick up Mangan Battery. Now go back and down the stairs and into the red thing which is a warp tile. Now this part gets kind of hard, too myself a while to figure out. Ok so bare wit me. You'll arrive at a "L" shaped area. From where you are go east into the warp, then west, then east and you'll arrive at the "T" shaped area. There are three warp here, go to the one in the west side and you'll be at the next set of stairs. Don't go into the warp, try to go down the stairs and Tempest will once again challenge you. Beat him and down the stairs. From where you are go west follow the path and keep going until you reach the end. Pick up Silver Battery and go south and go into the one and only warp tile. Then go to the one in the west and pick up another Silver Battery. Then into the warp and you'll be back at where you started, so go in, and this time go east and down the stairs. Keep going east and pick up Wind2. Track back and go north and pick up MemChip, but expect a battle after that. As soon as you pick it up, Mr. Gait will appear with his X Dogs. Then you'll have to battle him. Mr. Gait -------- Robopon: X Dogx3 L22 They're all useless, so just pound them to scarp. But they are so annoying because they can all use revive. So I'll hit them all once, then kill them all in one turn. Or if your pons are strong enough, kill two of them the first turn then if that one left use revive, it will only have half life so kill them both that turn, both of these work, depending on which one you like. Beat him for 1716 exp and 300 gold. After you beat him, he'll say a bit more than leaves. Follow him using the computer. Then you'll be warped to Mr. Waffle's office, seeing Mr. Gait destorys everything, you'll have to do something. Go back to the Time Machine and forward into the future. Go to the MarcoLand and into the Box Tower. Pick up all four of the Fire Extingishers. As soon as you pick one up and you'll have to fight a battle wit the guards. Beat them. They look like big red bottles. The first one is located right where you go in. The second one is on the second floor inside the conference room. The third and fourth are both on the third floor. One is in the northeast and the other is in Mr. Gait's office. Mr. Gait -------- Robopon: I-80 L24, X Dogx2 L22 He's probably the hardest one you've fight so far in this game. His I-80's level is kind of high, so make sure you're prepared for it. One reason this battle is so hard it's because they get to surprise attack you, and all the X Dogs are very fast, therefore giving them a two turn advantage over you. The first time I fought him, 2 of my Robopons got scarped by turn 2, so I had to go get my stronger Pons :) After you get all four, travel back in time. Now that you're back in time, you'll have to get the Waffle Disk... Box Tower --------- Robopon: Cellula, Mock V, Shelby Go up to the stairs, use the Fire Ext. on it and head up the stairs. Here, do the same. Now go into the CEO's office, using a Fire Ext. on the way in. Go into the Waffle's Office and you'll see a disk one the ground surrounded by 3 fires. Use your Fire Ext. on any of them and pick it up and leave the building. Go to the Time Machine and go back to the future. You'll see a scene of Prof. Don getting mad because Disc destoryed his Time Machine. Now Dr. Disc talks to you about some stuff. After that he leaves. Then you will have to go to Mr. Gait's office and upload the Waffle Disk into the Mother computer (the big one). It will crash and Gait will go get the Fire Ext. :) Now go pick up the XStone from the house in Walda, and then go back to the Box Tower to challenge Gait for the Player Rank. Box Tower --------- Robopon: Cellula, El Seed, PrtoPon, Shelby, X Dog Try to go up to the second floor and Tempest will be there to fight you. He ain't hard, so beat him. After he talks... (Is it just me or does everyone dies honorably in this game?) Anyway, he's dead and you might want to heal your pons before you continue on. Then up the stairs. Nick D will fight you here. He's still pretty useless, so beat him and go into the CEO's room and you'll have to fight Gait. He got easiler, I don't know why, but this battle ain't hard. Congrats! You're now the Player! After he's done, leave the building. Downtown Wonder is now avaliable next to Downtown Delica. There are a lot of similarites between the two. You can now get your Personal Time Machine at Downtown Delica. Dr. Disc is there waiting for you to get it. He'll also tell you the King of Wonder is the Champion. So you'll need to battle him next. Now that you have to Time Machine, you can go back in time and pick up a few items, such as the Mild Battery at Lover's Cliff (It's at the same place where you found SpaceGun). When you're done, go back to the present and head to Downtown Wonder, also My Tower is available for you to visit too. It's a good place to train your Robopons. Downtown Wonder --------------- Parts Shop: ATK DEF SPD FOR WIL Description MekSword 2720G 52 51 18 22 24 Fighter GaiaLnce 3200G 51 51 20 22 26 Knight I-Knuckl 3040G 50 50 37 21 25 Punch TriArrow 2880G 46 45 48 18 26 Thief Bazooka 3520G 54 44 40 23 27 Gunner E-Yoyo 3680G 34 36 22 47 49 Sorcerer TV-Remot 3360G 44 45 17 38 42 Healer CrossArm 3840G 46 52 24 31 33 Devil Tiredril 2720G 43 44 52 22 25 Land SharkBmb 3040G 40 44 48 26 28 Sea WingFan 3520G 44 42 54 20 26 Sky Software Shop: Ray2 8320G Kill1 4960G Up3 340G Down3 320G Sick4 2880G Item Shop: Kerosene 40G - Heals 30 HP Oil 100G - Heals 80 HP Gasoline 400G - Heals 180 HP 10Volt 60G - Restores 30 EP 100Volt 140G - Restores 80 EP HydroSys 600G - Receive 100HP on EP Start Up 60G - Cures of suspend AntiRust 100G - Cures of Rust VirusChk 60G - Cures of Virus AntiFog 120G - Clears Fog Scandisk 80G - Repaires SysCrash FireWall 60G - Repairs Hack Defrag 500G - Cure all ailments Repair 1000G - Revives (LowHP) Overhaul 2500G - Revives (HighHP) Escape 60G - Escape Dungeons Here are some new parts once again, so make sure you upgrade. There is a boy in the Item Shop that will battle. Beat him for a Wild Battery. Right now, my Robopons and Sun-02 L23, Draco L21, Disco Q L30, Boomer L10 (new). The reason I have Bommer is because I can have two fast Pons and two Strong ones. Disco Q levels up so quick it's not even funny :) There is a ShldMem in the house east of the Parts and Software Shop. It is located in the Cupboard in the upper left corner. Go to the castle in the north. Wonder Castle ------------- The good thing here is that there are no random encounters. So all you have to do is grab everything then leave. As soon as you go in, go west and down the stairs. This is the barracks, pick up the Silver Battery here. Go back and this time go east. There is a LifeMem in the northwest bookcase, it's at the right side of it. Now leave and go north, at the intersection, go up the stairs. The king is in the next room, even though he won't say anything, talk to him anyway because it might have to do with the future events. Now get out of here because there is nothing here. Let's go to the Delica Castle. -------------------------------*NOTES*------------------------------- I've received a LOT of questions concerning this area of the game. I MYSELF do NOT understand the problems and since I don't play it anymore, I don't know what is wrong with it, but I think it has something to do with finding Bisco and returning to the future, if you have anymore questions about this part, plz mail me along with your problem and I'll try my best to help ----------------------------*END OF NOTES*--------------------------- Delica Castle ------------- This one is bigger than the other one, infact, it's bigger than it look. Go inside the castle, then either the left or the right door it doesn't make a difference. Now here are two choices, either go left or the right and into the next room. Since I don't have much idea of what's inside, let's go left into the room first. Here, follow the path and then there will be two staircase. The one on the left leads down to the basement, which has nothing there. The one on the right leads up to the second floor which has the King of Delica in there. Now go up to the second floor. There is a guy on the left side of the hall that's willing to battle. Beat him for a FireWall and a Star Battery. With all the Star Batteries you have now, you should be able to get atleast one or two good Pons. Now from where you are go south then east and into the Audience Room. The DeliKing is here talking to Romeo and Juliet (sounds familiar?:). Then after the King said that if Romeo can get the Proof of FriendShip from the WonderKing, then he'll let them get married. Romeo runs out of the room. Now leave the castle and go south a screen When you'll notice the Guard that was blocking the path is gone, that means you can travel between the two towns using the underground path. I don't see the point of that, but there must be so items here. Before you go into here, go to the AirStrip and go back in time to get a few items. Downtown Wonder --------------- There is a AtkMem in the Lab. It's located in the cupboard in the middle of the left room. Now head to the castle. Once again, go left into the barracks and pick up Wild Battery. Go back to the Library, remember where you found that LifeMem, well at the exact same spot you can now find MindMem. Now go to the Prince's Room, there is the guy who'll battle you, beat him for Ice3. There is also the Yellow Mushroom in the same room. Now leave and go to Delica Castle. Delica Castle ------------- Before you go to the castle, you might want to go and battle the guy in the Lab in Downtown Delica for a Tough battery, now head to the castle The biggest treasure here is the treasure room, which was blocked off by a guard in the present. So go there, NOW!!! If you don't know where it is, it's the stair that leads to the basement. From the basement head south until you reach the door leading into the room. The four items in the four treasure chests are FlySwatR, Noble Battery, Kiss3 and MindMem. If you go to the room next to this, the guard will say that Dangerous Robopon are locked in there so stay out. If you do go in, there will be a Robopon there. You can fight it if you wish but you probably won't win cuz all the Pons are level 60 in there. The four Robopons here are SunZero, Jordan, Prime, and Reaper. Now go back and go to the princess's room and battle the woman there and defeat her for a Fire3. Now head all the way back but before you go down the stairs, head east and there will be a Sky Gallery connecting to the Wonder Castle. You should see the Prince and the Princess here. Talk to them and leave, well, you don't HAVE to talk to them, but you have to leave :) Since there is no more items here, for now, go back to the present and go to the tunnel in Downtown Delica. Downtown Delica --------------- Go into the door there by the guard. Here's an tunnel, go to the lake there. Romeo will be there, you'll see a short scene of Romeo trying to find the Proof of Friendship inside the lake, but then something will come up and then it'll be filled with water. Then you'll be arrested and you'll be send to Gust Prison. Gust Prison ----------- You can move around freely in here, so go around and talk to the people here. There are some that you can battle for different Batteries. From where you are, go northeast and down the stairs. Battle the guard there for some exp. I was expecting a battery but guess not. Keep going at the 3-way intersection go left and there will be a Hoffman Tower service center there. Pick up a Blue Mushroom from the jail cell west of the service center. Now head back to the intersection and go south and follow the path. The guy there will tell you how to spark a Gigapon. There is also a Parts Shop there in the middle cell. From here go west and down the stairs. Battle the prisoner there. Beat him for a Air Battery. Now head back to your cell for this area is cleared. From your jail cell, go south and talk to the people there then down the stairs. Follow the path and go north and up(?) the stairs. The guard there is a Lab, talk to him and he'll heal your Pons. Go southwest and battle the guard there. After you beat him, go to the ground level which shouldn't be hard to find. Yoiu can battle the prisoner in the middle of the area. Beat him and he gives you a Noble Battery! These are rare batteries for now cuz you can get some new Pons with them. Now head back to the Dock where the ship was. The ship is now gone but a guy in blue will fight you. After you beat him, free time will be over and you'll be immediately returned to the jail cell. Then a guard comes in the tell you that you'll be hanged, and any day could be your last. Then lights out and you'll be told to go to the cafe for your one and only meal. Go talk to the lady and she'll give you gray meat. You'll then go sit down and eat it. Then y'all leave. Free time again. Battle the guy in the hall west of the cafe. Go up the stairs to the north of you, then go southwest and battle the same guard again. Beat him and get nothing. Go back to the same floor of your cell, the guy there in the big cell will fight you if you talk to him. Go down the northeastern staircase, fight the guard again. After this, go to the ground level and fight the third guy from the left that you see. Free Time will then be over. The guard comes in and talk to you again. Then lights out. The next day, the guard comes in and tell you that you're sentenced to death, so you're locked in today and you'll have to wait a bit. Run around and after a while, Prof. Don and Sam arrives with their Time Machine! After the short conversation, sneak on board the Time Machine. You're now in the past and they're planning an escape. You'll follow them and out to the left. There is a lab there, so heal up and continue on the path. Path ---- Robopon: Chan, Fagin, Woolly Follow the path, then when you come to an intersection, go north and follow that path to find a Tough Battery. Head back and then head south to the next part of the cave. Follow the path here and go into the next path only to find a dead end. So y'all try to break through but y'all end up falling into the hole below. There will be some strange creatures but y'all decide that they can't help right now. So go south and exit this area and go to the next. We're almost there. Go south and you'll see a exit. Don't go there yet. From there go north and pick up SolarSys and ThornBat. Now exit through the exit, then up the stairs and you'll end up at a woman's house. Leave the house and you'll see McDougals and they'll all leave. Now enter the Delica Castle and find the DeliKing and he'll tell you to search the castle for the thieve cuz the Proof of FriendShip was stolen. Now go talk to the Wonder King, after, pick up a Yellow Mushroom from the Prince's room. Then as soon as you leave the area, Bisco will be there. Follow him, and he'll talk to you about how he found the XStone3 so he can challenge the DeliKing for the Champion rank. He leaves, follow him to the Delica Castle Entrance. Leave the castle and to the next area. Bisco tell you that he's going back to the present to challenge the DeliKing and he leaves. I'm starting to think that the Proof of FriendShip is the XStone3, but I ain't sure yet... anyway, follow Bisco back to the present and head to Delica Castle and find the DeliKing. Enjoy the scene here, Bisco gets put in prison, and the friendship is restored. Now head back to the lake where the little creatures are. Capri Island ------------ There is a Software shop here. The creature in the house in the west will battle. Beat it for a Cool Battery. Now head for the pot in the middle of the island, go into it. There will be a few different holes. I'll go from the left to the right. There is 470G in the very left. The one next to it has Hate3 in it. The LoveSeed is in the one in the middle. Then there is a Gold Battery. And next to the last one is a Red Mushroom, pick that up and go in and pick up Life2. These are some good treasures... I wonder where they came from. After you pick all of them up, go outside and talk to the creature there and give it the Love Seed. He(?) will go plant it in the pot. Then you learn his name, which is Caprikid. The plant will grow like mad, and you'll follow them up into the sky. Head into the Capricolony. Capricolony ----------- Fight the Capri in the west side. Beat it for a Tough Battery. The Capri in the Northwest would fight you. Beat it for Sick4. There is another Capri that you can beat for a Kill1 in the northeast side of the Colony. Go talk to the Dad in the Dad room. He was about to give you the XStone3 as a prize, but then Caprikid dropped it. Now you'll have to go and get it. Go back to the mainland and speak to the Prince. He'll apologize and tell you to go get a boat from Juliet. So go and speak to Juliet. She'll let you use the boat to get to Gust Prison. When you get there, go to the cell that was left of yours. Go in and to the left and talk to the guy there. He'll give you a Snorkel. Now go back to Delica Castle. Now go back in time and go to Gust Prison Gust Prison ----------- When you arrive, go up the stairs. The guy in the middle cell will battle. Beat him for the extra Noble Battery. Then go to the excerise field. You can battle the guy there in the middle. Beat him for a Tough Battery. Now go back to the present and it's time to get the XStone3. Downtown Delica --------------- Walk up to the water and use the Snorkel. Go up to the XStone3 and pick it up. Caprikid is there to thank you again. Now you can challenge the DeliKing for the Champion Rank. When you first get there, you'll have to fight the Romeo first, then the DeliKing. They ain't too hard, but ain't easy either. If you can't beat them, train some more at My Tower and come back to beat them. Prince Romeo ------------ Robopon: Meddy L29, NexTrik L29, PegSS L30, Train L29 He shouldn't be too hard. Make use of your Fire3 here. I took out two of his Robopon in one hit using Nova. Beat him and fight the King DeliKing -------- Robopon: BigZapx2 L31, Curser L28, D'art L28 Hahahahahahha!!!!! This is a joke. My Sun-02 took out two of his Pons with one Nova(Hate). Then I finished him off in the same turn :) After you defeat him, talk to him and get XStone2! This is too easy... now leave Delica and head for Capricolony. Capricolony ----------- As you walk in, Nick D comes and he'll challenge you for the XStone2. Man he's too easy, why does he even bother trying to get it... and I wonder what he'll done after I get all the XStones and he losses all the battle MUHAHAHAHAHAAAAAAA! Anyway, beat him and challenge the Capridad so that you can challenge the Elite Pappyco. He ain't hard, so beat him, go north by going around the walls and into the room. Now pick up the Wild Battery from the treasure chest and then challenge Pappyco for the Elite rank. Pappyco ------- Robopon: Gundarn L32, Holy $**T he's hard. This is actually the only battle I had to level up some levels in order to beat him. My Robopon for this battle was Sun-02 L32, AirRaid L18, Yuki L17, Draco L28. It was hard for me cuz I had two new Pons, but I managed to beat him with Yuki down. After you beat him, congrats! you're now rank 2 Elite! Now leave here, and all there is left is rank 1. When you're on the world map, you'll see a new star. Now go there. Quasi Tokyo ----------- Parts Shop: ATK DEF SPD FOR WIL Description RazorSwd 5440G 68 67 32 34 36 Fighter CryLance 6400G 67 67 34 36 40 Knight Goldhunt 6080G 66 66 38 34 40 Punch ?-Box 5760G 62 57 60 36 36 Thief AndroGun 7040G 68 57 49 41 41 Gunner War-YoYo 7360G 52 60 40 52 60 Sorcerer Ribbon 6720G 62 62 32 48 50 Healer GReapArm 7680G 63 69 36 44 42 Devil Missile 5440G 64 62 62 25 31 Land WingNet 6080G 60 64 58 28 34 Sea RailGun 7040G 62 60 64 26 32 Sky Software Shop: Fire3 6080G Sick4 2880G Ice3 6720G Kiss3 6400G Up3 340G Down3 320G Item Shop: Kerosene 40G - Heals 30 HP Oil 100G - Heals 80 HP Gasoline 400G - Heals 180 HP 10Volt 60G - Restores 30 EP 100Volt 140G - Restores 80 EP HydroSys 600G - Receive 100HP on EP Start Up 60G - Cures of suspend AntiRust 100G - Cures of Rust VirusChk 60G - Cures of Virus AntiFog 120G - Clears Fog Scandisk 80G - Repaires SysCrash FireWall 60G - Repairs Hack Defrag 500G - Cure all ailments Repair 1000G - Revives (LowHP) Overhaul 2500G - Revives (HighHP) Escape 60G - Escape Dungeons As soon as you arrive, a guy named Riggs will be there planning something that I did not understand. Anyway, when he's about to leave he figures out your the elite that just arrived. He tells you to go to his office in the next town if you want to find out who's the master. But before that, stock up on new items and buy new parts and software for your Robopons. There is a Battery Clatter east of the Software Shop. So far i've only got Silver Batteries from it. There is a SpdMem in one of the Cupboard inside the Item Shop. The old lady in the middle-right building will battle. You'll get a Gold Battery for your effort. Prof. Don and Sam is at the east of the city, if you go north, you'll see a big tower that you can't enter yet. Now go to Neon City. Neon City --------- This is one of the more modern like city you'll see in this game. You can go around and talk to everyone if you like, but I'll get straight to the point since there is nothing important here. Go to Riggs's office and battle the reception lady. Go west and battle the guy there. Head up the elevator by talking to the lady inside it. Go to the south side of the room and up the elevator. Go out of there and you'll see a short scene of conversation, then Riggs calls in Sly for you to battle. After you beat him, Riggs will terminate Sly, man he IS evil! Then he tells you that the XStone is hidden in a light bulb in Neon City. He then gives you a present, but they keep giving you the wrong one. Talk to Riggs to get it, it's a DiaBadge. With it, you'll be a official member of the Riggs Construction and you'll be respected by everyone. How nice, I'm a member! :) After that, they leave cuz they've found someone in Quasi Tokyo, so I guess we'll follow them. When you get outside, the Manhole will be open, that means that's what you should use to get to Quasi Tokyo. Sewers ------ Go east until you reach an intersection. From there go north and find a Wild Battery. If you go northeast from there, you'll arrive at Knive's vacation home, which you can't do anything there for now. However there is a guard that you can battle there. Now head back to the intersection and go east from there and follow the path, then up the stairs. Quasi Tokyo ----------- When you get back outside, you'll see a short scene of Riggs and his people talking. They'll go into the big tower there. Follow them. Tower ----- Robopon: Deemo, DinoBot, SSTBot Just to let you know, Nova is one of the most powerful skills up to this point of the game cuz I usually take out a opponent with one hit from Nova. Sure, you can say that Electric and Quake are powerful too, but they damage a few enemies, and they probably won't take out any enemy Robopon in one hit. Too bad there are random encounters in here... my Pons sucks so much and it's so hard for me cuz I enhanced them. Anyway, Follow the path. When you come to an intersection, go SOUTH. Any of the other paths leads you to no where. Follow this path. Them at the next intersection, go north and up(or down?) the stairs. You'll see Vinnie here. He'll tell you to look for him... who's him? Anyway, go northeast then up the stairs. On this floor, make your way to the northwest corner. Talk to Po, and he'll tell you nothing until you remove that Badge. So put it in the Warehouse for now. Talk to him, he tell you some info, then give you the Mine Key. Now I think there are two items to find, one is the V-Token and the other is the XStone1. Go down one floor and Riggs will take you out of the building. Then he blows it up. Now head back to Knive's office. Circe punishes Riggs and his man cuz they blew up Knives's building. Now there is another unauthorized building in Quasi Tokyo, so go there using the sewers cuz you can't leave the city using the main entrance. Sewers ------ Head straight east, then a bit south the east again and leave. Quasi Tokyo ----------- When you arrive here, you'll see Prof. Don's building gets destory. Then Prof. Don and Sam runs away and leaves the Time Machine there. You'll also be notified that Vinny retired because of job injuries. Now you have two choices, either take Prof. Don's Time Machine to the past or you can use the AirStrip. Make your choice. Quasi Tokyo ----------- Now you're in the past. There is the guy in the southern house in the eastern part of the city. Beat him for a Wild Battery. Now head to Neon City Neon City --------- Check the upper left wall of the Lab for a ForMem. Battle the guy in the Software shop for a Star Battery. Go into the Red and Yellow building in the southeast, battle the woman in red and yellow for a Kill3 software. Now go talk to Riggs, he'll destory the whole town, then discovers the Manhole, he heads in, you follow. Sewers ------ Follow the path east, when you come to the intersection, go north. At the next intersection, go east. When you get to an area where you can go north, do so and pick up Cyber Battery. Now track back and up the stairs. Cave ---- Go east into the next area and you'll see people searching for the XStone1. Whoever finds it gets 1 mil. gold. Battle the guy that's standing still in the upper-left corner in this room. Beat him for a PropArm. Now follow the path to the north and go deeper into the cave. You'll see a treasure chest there, pick up Ultra Battery. Continue on the path and you'll find Riggs and the XStone. He blows in up and it comes down then Knives comes and pick it up and tell him to go the pond for his payment, they leave, you follow. Use Escape for a quick Escape :) Now head to the world map and go to the Pond Garden in the upper-right corner. Pond Garden ----------- Pick up the Yellow Mushroom in the east side, then go into the building in the west side and battle the guy there. After you beat him, go up to the next floor. Beat this guy, and keep going... repeat this until you reach the top of the tower. When you get to the top, watch the scene, then beat that guy. Climb up the ladder and Leap over to Silver Temple. Silver Temple ------------- You'll land in a room. Then go out of the room. Head east and into the door. Keep going, and then go east and follow the path until you reach a door. Go in and pick up Cool Battery. Leave, go east and into the door then through to the other side. Then up down the staris. There are two doors, go in the one on the left and pick up Tough Battery and go back and into the other door. There are now two paths, go to the east path first. Go into the first door, here's a Lab, so heal up. Then head down the stairs and Pick up Love3. Now head back and this time go west and into the door, through to the other side. Here are a bunch of doors. Most of these has nothing it in. Go to the one on the lower-left corner, down the stairs and pick up Cyber Battery. The upper-left door has a Fossilized Robopon in it, which can be gotten later on. Now head into the upper-right door and through to the other side. Going down either staircase will result in the same area. I took the left side. Go down and pick up Life3. Now head to the opposite side and pick up Wind3. Now go in the door in the middle. Riggs will show his famous Fireworks, only to burn up the whole tower. Then they leave. Pick up the Ammo Key and leave this room, go south where the guard was blocking and leave the building. Now you'll have to go into the sewers again. So go to Neon City and to the sewers you go. Sewers ------ Go east, then a bit north and then east again and into the door there. You can only enter it if you have the Ammo Key. So that means you can't enter it if you didn't pick it up! Storage ------- Make you way to the Northeast corner of the room and pick up Noble Battery and 570G. Then go to the Northwest corner, beat the guard and down the stairs. Go a bit south and pick up that Cyber Battery. Make your way to the southeast and fight the guard there. Beat him and down the stairs. The V-Token is in the northeast corner, so get it and leave. Now go back to the present and head to the casino. Neon City --------- At the casino, insert the V-Token into the big machine at the back. Then you'll get 777 and a big gold coin will roll out and hit Riggs's office. Leave the casino and go south and pick up the XStone1. Then you'll have to battle Tetsuo. Beat him, and Circe will say that he's useless. Then Tetsuo is dead, and Riggs will be fired. Then y'all head into the Manhole Sewers ------ Head to the Storage, go in, and you'll see Riggs. He'll blow up the boxes there, and tell you to leave the city before it's all over. Actually, you'll have to go to Pond Garden, which is in the northeast corner in the sewer. Pond Garden ----------- As soon as you get out of the sewer, you'll hear a huge explosion. Then Riggs appears and then he leaves. Now go south and into the tower. Again, you'll have to fight your way up the tower. Pick up Cyber Battery, then when you try to go up the ladder, Nick D. will challenge you again. Beat him, he leaves, and head up the ladder. Jump over to the Gold Temple. Gold Temple ----------- Robopon: Boom-B1, Daimyo, Musashi, Ninja, Samurai Go in, leave the room, then go east into the door and go north, then east and follow the path. Go in the first door and pick up Silver Battery. Then go into the next door and through to the other side. Go down the stairs to the next floor. Here, go west through and pick up Noble Battery, then trace back and through the door in the east. Here, go to the east path first. There is a Lab in the first door you see. Then inside the Lab area, go down the stairs and pick up 970G. Now head back and go west and through the door. In this area, go to the lower-left room and down the stairs, pick up Ultra Battery and go back. Go through the upper-right room and then down the stairs in the left. On this floor, follow the path and go into the first door you see. Pick up a SoulArm and go into the opposite side of the floor and pick up Rock3. Now prepare for the next part cuz you'll going to fight for the master rank. Anyway, head into the middle door. You'll find out that Circe is the Master, but it doesn't matter, you'll defeat whoever anyway... Circe ----- Robopon: Jordon L40, Soul L40, Razor L40, Boba L40 This is the hardest battle by far. I had to train and level up like 5 levels before I could beat her, but that's mainly because I enhance my Robopons and their levels were too low. The Robopons I used to beat this battle was SunCust L36, Boom-B1 L29, Jordan L26, Disco Q L46. The reason I didn't use my Dragon was because it was so weak at lower levels. I heard that it's strong but maybe that's only was it's at higher levels when it gets better spells. Anyway, her Boba is probably the fastest Pon she has, so you might want to take her out early on. Then there is Soul, who use Electric attacks. You'll want to get rid of him early too. The rest of them ain't easy but it's easiler than those two. But then, after ALL that training, I got the skull bonus. Yup, you know what that means, they all died. So I defeat her on my second turn using the skull bonus :) HAHAHAHAHAHA After you beat her, you'll get Rank 1, congrats! Then Riggs kills himself, while Circe leaves. I think Circe should've got kill, she was annoying :P. Then when you get out of the room, Dr. Disc will be there and tell you something bad has happened and tells you to go to Baba Village and quick. But that's not it, when you go outside, all three of Dr. Zero's Cyborgs will be alive, and then the Insector challenges you... Insector -------- Robopon: Emerald L40, DeathK L43, Prime L43, NegaPon L43 I'm guessing most of these Pons you've never seen before cuz I sure haven't. I dunno about you, but to me this battle was a bit easiler than the one before because he has no Soul. Soul's Lightning attack was just DEADLY and BRUTAL... well his Emerald has revive+, so take him out first, then you'll want to take out NegaPon, cuz he has Kiss. Well when I got down to Prime, I got the bonus again, but this time, I got critical hit two times and killed him that way with my Jordan :) Defeat him, and he thank you for showing him the "humanilty powers"??? Anyway, they blow up and you'll be free to leave through the bottom that was not open before this. Now heal up and head to Baba Village. Baba Village ------------ As soon as you enter, you'll notice all the people are gone and it's very dark there. Head up the steps and Dr. Disc will talk. Listen to him, and before he can finish on telling you what to do, he gets blasted. Go talk to him a few steps away, and some more damage will be done. So you'll have to figure that out on your own, well I figuered it out on my own, but you've got my help :) Playland and the Marvel Lab will now be accessable to you. So you might want to check them out. Jasper the Dog will also be there, so you can get a few FREE Robopon from him by entering codes. Now visit both of these areas and then head to the past and go to Baba Village's Harbor. Now is a good time to get all the extra items and stuff... Go to Mr. Rocket, Tataki will be there asking for a rocket. Mr. Rocket will ask you for money to build Tataki a rocket, if you have a lot of money, then give it to him. The rocket will blow up and then you'll have to leave and come back. Give him the money again and it'll get more and more expensive. Then when you get to 10000, the rocket will actually fly and then y'all be happy. Leave the building, go back, talk to Mr. Rocket to get Wind*. This reminds me of Rena... (I really think the two should've when out) :) You can go to Baba Village in the past, and pick up the Red Mushroom behind the Chapel. Do this many times, then go back to the present and to the Mushroom man. Use it, if the spirit of the Happiness comes, then you can go collect Fossilized Robopons. This is how I got Platnum, Rider1, and the useless Gear. People from a lot of places are willing to fight. If you go to Rena's home, the old people will be young again, and the lady will battle. All her Pons are level 50 so I doubt that you'll win. Infact, the Wonder King will battle too, but his Pons are at high level so you probably won't win that either. There are more ppl like that, but you won't win so I'll wait until the time comes. Now let continue with the game by going to Baba Village in the past Baba Village ------------ It will now be opened to you. Go to the lower cave and pick up 1170G and an Alkali Battery! This is a new one, so make sure you make good use of it. I saved up two of them and sparked a Gidyup. There is a DrillArm inside of the Chapel. The southeast house has to dog in it again. Talk to the owner than the dog to get a Cyber Battery. Now go east and into the harbor. Baba Harbor ----------- Zero Sr. will ask you to board the ship. Do so. BattleShip ---------- Lots of people will be here. Includin Zero and Zeke. Head down one floor. Here, pick up the Gold Battery near the Lab in the north, and then go south and exit the room. From here, go south and up the stairs. Go north, through the door and you'll see Dr. Disc doing somthing. Go and read the note on the table in the north part of the room. He'll say he planted a bomb here. Then you'll see a scene of Baba Village being destoryed. Then you'll have no choice but to press the red botton. Zero Sr. runs in, talks, then leaves. Now go pick up that Tough Battery in the lower-right corner then leave the room. Then leave this room and see everything blown up. Then you'll be given the oppertunity to use the Time Machine, do so. Now, you'll be in the present BattleShip. Battle the first guy you see. Then go pick up all the treasures (Noble Battery, Ultra Battery). Head to the control room and talk to the Pon there to choose a Destination to go to. You can choose either Baba Village, or the Death Gaia. It seems like Death Gaia is our next destination, but if you need something, go to Baba Village, leave then get it and we'll go to Death Gaia. Death Gaia ---------- Robopon: Curser, Jordan, M-Train, PegS, SST1337 The level of the Robopons here are pretty high for random encounters. This should be a good place to train your Pons if their levels are low, like mine which are around L31. This place is huge, so make sure you know where you're going. In my opinion, there is just WAY TOO MUCH random encounters in here. I take like 6 steps and I get another one, so if your Pons aren't strong, I suggest you bring A LOT OF Gasoline, 100Volt, and OverHaul in here so that you'll survive the harsh envoirnment, also bring alone an Escape for fast escapes incase of emergancies. When you first go in, go straight up and down the stairs. Then on this floor, I didn't get a chance to check out the top path, but the take the bottom path and follow it to get to the next set of stairs. On this floor, follow the path and up? the stairs. When you come to an intersection, don't go south cuz it's a dead end. Instead head east, then go northeast to pick up Alkali Battery, now go back and head south then west. When you come to an next intersection, head north, you'll see the stairs, go down it. Here, go straight down to pick up Rock3. Now go back up the stairs. Go north follow the path. Go north when you can, go straight down the stairs. Pick up Alkali Battery and go back and this time head east. and down the stairs in the next area. Follow the path and then go east, then pick up SeaBomb. Now go back and down the stairs, then go back the way you came (south). Don't go southeast cuz it's a dead end. So head a little back then southwest, follow the path. Now you'll see a split path, use the upper one and pick up Cure4, then the lower one follow and up? the stairs. Here, follow the path to the west then north and down? the stairs. Go south, there will be a split path, take the right path and follow it and it'll take you right to Dr. Zero. Take the left, then south to pick up a Chainsaw and Ultra Battery. Now head back and this time go north. Follow the path there and then go west when you can. Pick up Alikali Battery and go back a bit and go east and you'll end up at a big door, go in, straight up, and down the stairs and you'll find Dr. Zero... This is it, finally the end of the path. Talk, you'll have to fight Zeke first cuz he sux more. After you beat him, they'll leave. Now check the treasure chest for a Love4. Then when you leave the room, you'll have to use the Time Machine to escape. Baba Village ------------ Now you'll be in the past and escaped to Baba Village. Notice how the area is red. Anyway, go heal you Robopons and stock up on items. You now have two choice, either finish the game, or get everything else in the game including: Fire*, Hi-Metal, and everything else you can get. I'll first do all the extra quests before we actually beat the game. So head back to the present, and go to the Marvel Lab. Marvel Lab ---------- Go in, head left, go north and up? the stairs. On this floor, just follow the path, if you go down? the first set of staircase you see, you'll find Prof. Don and Sam there doing nothing. So head back, and keep going to the southwest and go down? the stairs. On this floor, follow the path and you'll find two chest containing two items that I forgot what they are. This is the room where the rare Robopons are (the ones with the Hi-Metal. So keep fighting in this room until you encounter them, and if they don't drop the hi-metal, keep fighting thme until they do. After you get the hi-metal, get out of here and head for playland. Playland -------- You can now play bingo by battling the people at the back, and also by battling the girl at the bingo counter next to the girl who shows you the bingo card. When you get bingo, go show it to the girl and she'll give you Raybuster or something. It's a powerful weapon but I think it is only for Sky or Land type or something. Anyway, now that you have the Hi-Metal, go register for the Premier League with the guy standing in the northeast corner of the building. What happens next, I don't know because I haven't found the Hi-metal yet. So until i do, go back to Baba Village and end the game. Baba Village ------------ Go to Zero's house, you'll hear them talking, then after a bit, you'll have to fight Dr. Zero for the final battle. He'll even put the Legend0 title on the line, how nice! :) Dr. Zero -------- Robopon: D'art L55, SunZero L55, NegPonX L55, Curser L55 His Robopons are all level 55, so make sure you're well prepared for it. So how I managed to defeat him with my SunCust L43, Boom-B1 L34, Jordan L35, Dragon L30. The way I did it was by defeating at SunZero first, then his D'art, and then the rest shouldn't be too hard. After you beat him, you'll be the new legend0! Congrats!... but you'll have to fight Zero Sr. who in my opinion is a lot harder. Well again, this time I got the skull bonus again, so you know what :) When you beat him, he'll talk, so watch, and they leave, and watch some more. After all this, you'll return to the Delica Castle. You'll see Dr. Disc, then he'll talk and say Lisa is talking to you. Notice everyone is here to congratulates you on your success. Everyone from Dr. Disc to Utada! So go around and talk to people for some interesting things. After, then go and talk to the DeliKing. After everything is said, watch the ending, and it's the end! -------------------------------------------------------------------------- 3) Item List [RBP03] -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Item Cost Description ------------------------------ Kerosene 40G Heals 30 HP 10Volt 60G Restores 30 EP Start Up 60G Cures of suspend AntiRust 100G Cures of Rust VirusChk 60G Cures of Virus AntiFog 120G Clears Fog Escape 60G Escape Dungeons -------------------------------------------------------------------------- 4) Robopon List [RBP04] -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Here are the few combos I know. If you know a lot of them, plz e-mail them to me. Number: 001 Name: Rocker Battery: ? Type: ? CLS: ? SIZ: ? WGT: ? Skills: ? Enhance: RockerZ Number: 002 Name: RockerZ Battery: (Enhance from Rocker) Type: ? CLS: ? SIZ: ? WGT: ? Skills: ? Enhance: ? Number: 003 Name: Sunny Battery: Ion x Moon Type: Arm CLS: Punch OIL: A SIZ: Norm WGT: Norm Skills: BoomHit L10? Enhance: Sun-02 L18 Number: 004 Name: Sun-02 Battery: (Enhance from Sunny) Type: Arm CLS: Punch OIL: A SIZ: Norm WGT: Norm Skills: BoomHit, Kiss L21, Phoenix L30 Enhance: SunCust L34 Number: 005 Name: SunCust Battery: (Enhance from Sun-02) Type: Arm CLS: Punch OIL: A SIZ: Norm WGT: Norm Skills: BoomHit, Kiss, Phoenix, Revive L18, Negate L28, 3 combo L47 Enhance: None Number: 006 Name: Robby Battery: Super x Star Type: Arm CLS: Sorcr OIL: A SIZ: Norm WGT: Norm Skills: Napalm Enhance: ? Number: 008 Name: Boomer Battery: Air x Air Type: Move CLS: Sky OIL: O SIZ: Small WGT: Light Skills: Speed^ L16 Enhance: AirRaid L18 Number: 009 Name: AirRaid Battery: (Enhance from Boomer) Type: Move CLS: Sky OIL: O SIZ: Large WGT: Heav Skills: Speed^ L16, Napalm L24, LoveSpd L27? Enhance: Boom-B1 L29 Number: 010 Name: Boom-B1 Battery: (Enhance from AirRaid) Type: Move CLS: Sky OIL: O SIZ: Huge WGT: Heav Skills: Speed, Napalm, LoveSpd, Nova L28, Nova(H) L34 Enhance: Boom-B1 L29 Number: 011 Name: Timzup Battery: Mild x Air Type: Boot CLS: Mat OIL: B SIZ: Norm WGT: Heav Skills: ? Enhance: 0-Count Number: 013 Name: Zap Battery: Ultra x Alkali Type: Arm CLS: Gunnr OIL:O SIZ: Norm WGT: Heav Skills: ViruStrk Enhance: BigZap Number: 015 Name: Viggy Battery: Normal x Super Type: Arm CLS: Fgt OIL: A SIZ: Small WGT: Norm Skills: None Enhance: Disco Q L15 Number: 016 Name: Disco Q Battery: --- Type: Boot CLS: Anima OIL: A SIZ: Small WGT: Norm Skills: Kiss L8?, Revive L18, Gamble L24 Enhance: --- Number: 017 Name: Musashi Battery: Cyber x Ultra Type: Arm CLS: Fgt OIL: AB SIZ: Norm WGT: Norm Skills: BoomHit, Phoenix Enhance: Kojiro Number: 019 Name: Sumito Battery: Mangan x Normal Type: Boot CLS: Human OIL: O SIZ: Tiny WGT: Norm Skills: ? Enhance: Sumo Number: 023 Name: Vic Battery: Cool x Silver Type: Arm CLS: Fgt OIL: B SIZ: Norm WGT: Norm Skills: ? Enhance: ? Number: 025 Name: Ralph Battery: Star x Star Type: Arm CLS: Punch OIL: ? SIZ: Norm WGT: Norm Skills: Gamble Enhance: Chan Number: 028 Name: Pirate Battery: Wild x Cyber Type: Arm CLS: Thief OIL: AB SIZ: Large WGT: Heav Skills: ? Enhance: BigPir8 Number: 030 Name: Gidyup Battery: Alkali x Alikali Type: Boot CLS: Anima OIL: A SIZ: Norm WGT: Norm Skills: ? Enhance: PegS Number: 033 Name: Meddy Battery: Mangan x NiCD Type: Arm CLS: Healr OIL: ? SIZ: Norm WGT: Norm Skills: Hug Enhance: None Number: 034 Name: Gobby Battery: Silver x Gold Type: Arm CLS: Devil OIL: ? SIZ: Tiny WGT: Light Skills: ? Enhance: Deemo Number: 040 Name: Chimp Battery: NiCD x Star Type: Boot CLS: Anima OIL: AB SIZ: Tiny WGT: Vlig Skills: ? Enhance: None Number: 041 Name: Filrup Battery: Silver x Noble Type: Arm CLS: Gunnr OIL: A SIZ: Norm WGT: Heav Skills: ? Enhance: ? Number: 046 Name: Crysty Battery: Star x Noble Type: Boot CLS: Mat OIL: A SIZ: Norm WGT: Light Skills: ? Enhance: ? Number: 049 Name: Granit Battery: Mangan x Mangan Type: Arm CLS: Night OIL: AB SIZ: Norm WGT: Heav Skills: ? Enhance: Bould Number: 052 Name: Draco Battery: Ion x Sun Type: Boot CLS: Mnstr OIL: A SIZ: Large WGT: Heav Skills: Fire L7?, BoomHit L16, Nampalm L29 Enhance: Dragon L29 Number: 053 Name: Dragon Battery: (Enhance from Draco) Type: Boot CLS: Mnstr OIL: A SIZ: Huge WGT: VHev Skills: Fire, BoomHit, Nampalm, Combo L21, Nampalm(H) L33, Nova L38 Enhance: Trigon L38 Number: 054 Name: Trigon Battery: (Enhance from Dragon) Type: Arm CLS: Fgt OIL: A SIZ: Huge WGT: VHev Skills: Fire, BoomHit, Nampalm, Combo, Nampalm(H), Nova, 3 Combo L34 Nove(H) L41 Enhance: None Number: 055 Name: SSTBot Battery: Ultra x Ultra Type: Arm CLS: Night OIL: ? SIZ: Large WGT: Heav Skills: Gamble, Will^ L28 Enhance: SST1337 Number: 057 Name: GGTBot Battery: Gold x Alkali Type: Arm CLS: Punch OIL: B SIZ: Large WGT: Heav Skills: Stone Enhance: GGT1337 Number: 059 Name: TokBot Battery: NiCD x Super Type: Arm CLS: Fgt OIL: O SIZ: Norm WGT: Norm Skills: ? Enhance: Cellula L16 Number: 062 Name: Gello Battery: Star x Air Type: Boot CLS: Mnstr OIL: O SIZ: Tiny WGT: Light Skills: ? Enhance: Gtacbot Number: 064 Name: Kogal Battery: Normal x Silver Type: Arm CLS: Sorcr OIL: A SIZ: Norm WGT: Light Skills: ? Enhance: ? Number: 065 Name: Fencer Battery: (From Jasper) Type: Arm CLS: Healr OIL: B SIZ: Norm WGT: Norm Skills: ? Enhance: D'art Number: 067 Name: Sherry Battery: (From Jasper) Type: Arm CLS: Sorcr OIL: O SIZ: Norm WGT: Norm Skills: ? Enhance: Diane L? Number: 069 Name: Gigapon Battery: Tough x Wild Type: Arm CLS: Punch OIL: O SIZ: Norm WGT: Norm Skills: Kiss Enhance: Prtopon Number: 072 Name: Flicker Battery: (From Jasper) Type: Boot CLS: Anima OIL: A SIZ: Norm WGT: Norm Skills: ? Enhance: Shyne Number: 075 Name: NitBoat Battery: Cool x Tough Type: Move CLS: Sea OIL: ? SIZ: Norm WGT: Norm Skills: ? Enhance: Noah Number: 078 Name: Gundarn Battery: (From Jasper) Type: Arm CLS: Fgt OIL: A SIZ: Large WGT: Heav Skills: ? Enhance: ? Number: 079 Name: El Seed Battery: Noble x Ultra Type: Arm CLS: Devil OIL: B SIZ: Norm WGT: Norm Skills: ? Enhance: ? Number: 082 Name: Hippon Battery: Hyper x Mangan Type: Boot CLS: Anima OIL: ? SIZ: Norm WGT: Norm Skills: ? Enhance: ? Number: 083 Name: Elepon Battery: NiCD x Cool Type: Boot CLS: Anima OIL: A SIZ: Norm WGT: Heav Skills: ? Enhance: Mamopon Number: 086 Name: GunBall Battery: Gold x Gold Type: Arm CLS: Gunnr OIL: A SIZ: Tiny WGT: Vlig Skills: ? Enhance: DaKid Number: 089 Name: Under Battery: (From Jasper) Type: Boot CLS: Mat OIL: A SIZ: Norm WGT: Heav Skills: ? Enhance: Taker L32 Description: Sometimes on foggy nights, you can hear him coming. Number: 092 Name: Dot Battery: Mangan x Silver Type: Arm CLS: Healr OIL: ? SIZ: Norm WGT: Light Skills: ? Enhance: ? Number: 093 Name: Leaky Battery: NiCD x Silver Type: Arm CLS: Healr OIL: ? SIZ: Norm WGT: Light Skills: ? Enhance: ? Number: 094 Name: Viper2 Battery: Star x Gold Type: Boot CLS: Mnstr OIL: O SIZ: Large WGT: Norm Skills: ? Enhance: Cobra Number: 097 Name: Thief Battery: Air x Silver Type: Arm CLS: Thief OIL: B SIZ: Tiny WGT: Norm Skills: ? Enhance: Fagin Number: 100 Name: Tuten Battery: Mild x Cool Type: Boot CLS: Human OIL: AB SIZ: Norm WGT: Norm Skills: ? Enhance: Mummy? Number: 103 Name: Storm Battery: Silver x Cyber Type: Move CLS: Sky OIL: B SIZ: Small WGT: Vlig Skills: ? Enhance: ? Number: 104 Name: Filimen Battery: Air x Wild Type: Arm CLS: Sorcr OIL: A SIZ: Small WGT: Light Skills: Virus Enhance: ? Number: 105 Name: Skeeto Battery: Gold x Ultra Type: Boot CLS: Anima OIL: A SIZ: Tiny WGT: Vlig Skills: ? Enhance: Hornet Number: 108 Name: Wobble Battery: Normal x Hyper Type: Boot CLS: Mat OIL: O SIZ: Norm WGT: Norm Skills: ? Enhance: ? Number: 109 Name: Desutro Battery: Cool x Ultra Type: Arm CLS: Gunnr OIL: AB SIZ: Norm WGT: Norm Skills: SnowStrm Enhance: ? Number: 110 Name: Whirlee Battery: Gold x Tough Type: Move CLS: Sky OIL: AB SIZ: Tiny WGT: Vlig Skills: ? Enhance: SpAir-0 Number: 111 Name: SpAir-0 Battery: ? Type: ? CLS: ? OIL: ? SIZ: ? WGT: ? Skills: ? Enhance: Owlet Number: 113 Name: Train Battery: Tough x Ultra Type: Move CLS: Land OIL: A SIZ: Huge WGT: Vhev Skills: Stone, Will^ L26 Enhance: B-Train Number: 114 Name: B-Train Battery: (Enhance from Train) Type: Move CLS: Land OIL: A SIZ: Huge WGT: Heav Skills: Stone, Will^, SleepHit L?, Quake L? Enhance: M-Train Number: 116 Name: Dorapon Battery: (From Jasper) Type: Boot CLS: Mat OIL: B SIZ: Norm WGT: Norm Skills: ? Enhance: None Number: 117 Name: B-Cell Battery: (From Jasper) Type: Arm CLS: Punch OIL: A SIZ: Norm WGT: Heav Skills: ? Enhance: C-Cell Number: 123 Name: RboPron Battery: Super x Mangan Type: Move CLS: Sea OIL: B SIZ: Small WGT: Norm Skills: ? Enhance: Scorpin Number: 126 Name: Lil'Goo Battery: Mild x Gold Type: Arm CLS: Sorcr OIL: ? SIZ: Tiny WGT: Vlig Skills: ? Enhance: ? Number: 127 Name: Wind-Up Battery: Mild x Super Type: Move CLS: Land OIL: A SIZ: Tiny WGT: Vlig Skills: ? Enhance: RevD-Up Number: 129 Name: Kimera Battery: NiCD x Tough Type: Boot CLS: Mnstr OIL: B SIZ: Tiny WGT: Light Skills: Weak Pt, Scrap Enhance: ? Number: 130 Name: KinChop Battery: Normal x Star Type: Arm CLS: Fgt OIL: O SIZ: Norm WGT: Norm Skills: ? Enhance: ? Number: 131 Name: Ninja Battery: Super x Air Type: Arm CLS: Thief OIL: A SIZ: Small WGT: Light Skills: Weak Pt Enhance: Samurai Number: 134 Name: Ta-Daa Battery: Mild x Hyper Type: Arm CLS: Sorcr OIL: O SIZ: Small WGT: Norm Skills: ? Enhance: Magipon Number: 137 Name: RushBox Battery: Star x Cool Type: Boot CLS: Anima OIL: ? SIZ: Norm WGT: Norm Skills: ? Enhance: ? Number: 138 Name: Mouster Battery: Super x Super Type: Boot CLS: Anima OIL: B SIZ: Tiny WGT: Vlig Skills: ? Enhance: ? Number: 139 Name: Tomuhok Battery: Mangan x Noble Type: Boot CLS: Anima OIL: O SIZ: Norm WGT: Norm Skills: ? Enhance: ? Number: 140 Name: Silky Battery: Hyper x Wild Type: Boot CLS: Anima OIL: B SIZ: Tiny WGT: Vlig Skills: ? Enhance: Mothfly Number: 143 Name: Minotor Battery: Tough x Alkali Type: Boot CLS: Mnstr OIL: AB SIZ: Large WGT: Heav Skills: ? Enhance: ? Number: 144 Name: Centaur Battery: Hyper x Cyber Type: Boot CLS: Mnstr OIL: B SIZ: Large WGT: Heav Skills: ? Enhance: ? Number: 145 Name: Merr-O Battery: Silver x Alkali Type: Move CLS: Sea OIL: AB SIZ: Norm WGT: Norm Skills: ? Enhance: ? Number: 146 Name: Wooly Battery: Hyper x Air Type: Arm CLS: Healr OIL: B SIZ: Norm WGT: Light Skills: ? Enhance: ? Number: 147 Name: Sherman Battery: Super x Noble Type: Move CLS: Sea OIL: O SIZ: Small WGT: Light Skills: ? Enhance: ? Number: 148 Name: Icarun Battery: (From Jasper) Type: Move CLS: Sky OIL: AB SIZ: Small WGT: Norm Skills: ? Enhance: ? Number: 154 Name: Pengski Battery: Super x Cool Type: Move CLS: Sea OIL: A SIZ: Small WGT: Norm Skills: Ramdom Enhance: ? Number: 155 Name: Dynamit Battery: Mangan x Ultra Type: Boot CLS: Mat OIL: A SIZ: Tiny WGT: Vlig Skills: ? Enhance: D-Might Number: 158 Name: Trigger Battery: Hyper Type: Silver CLS: Night OIL: O SIZ: Large WGT: Heav Skills: ? Enhance: ? Number: 160 Name: Fighter Battery: NiCD x Air Type: Arm CLS: Punch OIL: A SIZ: Norm WGT: Norm Skills: ? Enhance: ? Number: 161 Name: X Dog Battery: (From Jasper) Type: Move CLS: Land OIL: ? SIZ: Tiny WGT: Vlig Skills: Hug L3?, Gamble L10, Wind L18 Enhance: I-80 L40 Number: 162 Name: I-80 Battery: (Enhance from X Dog) Type: Move CLS: Land OIL: ? SIZ: Tiny WGT: Vlig Skills: Hug, Gamble, Wind, Random L21, Sonic L32 Enhance: Poochy L40 Number: 163 Name: Poochy Battery: (Enhance from I-80) Type: Move CLS: Land OIL: ? SIZ: Tiny WGT: Vlig Skills: Hug, Gamble, Wind, Random, Sonic Enhance: None Number: 164 Name: Rider1 Battery: Moon x Sun Type: Move CLS: Land OIL: A SIZ: Norm WGT: Norm Skills: ? Enhance: ? Number: 167 Name: Racer Battery: Normal x Gold Type: Move CLS: Land OIL: A SIZ: Small WGT: Norm Skills: ? Enhance: Mock V Number: 170 Name: Bulbot Battery: Too Many Type: Boot CLS: Mat OIL: ? SIZ: Small WGT: Vlig Skills: ? Enhance: None Number: 171 Name: Gear Battery: (From Fossil) Type: Boot CLS: Mat OIL: ? SIZ: Small WGT: Vlig Skills: ? Enhance: None Number: 172 Name: Ping Battery: Noble x Noble Type: Arm CLS: Healr OIL: A SIZ: Norm WGT: Light Skills: Kiss L5? Enhance: Yuki L14 Number: 173 Name: Yuki Battery: (Enhance from Ping) Type: Arm CLS: Healr OIL: A SIZ: Norm WGT: Norm Skills: Kiss, Speed, Revive+ L30, Kiss(L) L32 Enhance: Jordan L?? (I forgot) Number: 174 Name: Jordan Battery: (Enhance from Yuki) Type: Arm CLS: Healr OIL: A SIZ: Norm WGT: Norm Skills: Kiss, Speed, Revive+, Kiss(L), Kisses L28, LoveSpd L34, Backup L44 Enhance: None Number: 175 Name: Platnum Battery: (From Fossil) Type: Arm CLS: Fgt OIL: B SIZ: Large WGT: Heav Skills: Gamble L2 Enhance: Prime L46 Number: 177 Name: Octopon Battery: NiCD x Gold Type: Move CLS: Sea OIL: A SIZ: Norm WGT: Heav Skills: ? Enhance: None Number: 178 Name: CamBot Battery: Cool x Gold Type: Boot CLS: Mat OIL: B SIZ: Tiny WGT: Vlig Skills: ? Enhance: ? Number: 179 Name: KingPon Battery: Mild x Tough Type: Arm CLS: Fgt OIL: ? SIZ: Large WGT: Heav Skills: ? Enhance: ? Number: 180 Name: Vacupon Battery: Mangan x Star Type: Move CLS: Land OIL: B SIZ: Small WGT: Vlig Skills: ? Enhance: ? Number: 181 Name: Fujipon Battery: Mangan x Alkali Type: Boot CLS: Mat OIL: A SIZ: Huge WGT: Vhev Skills: ? Enhance: ? Number: 182 Name: Ruby Battery: Noble x Cyber Type: Arm CLS: Healr OIL: A SIZ: Norm WGT: Norm Skills: ? Enhance: ? Number: 183 Name: B-Mani Battery: NiCD x Cyber Type: Boot CLS: Human OIL: A SIZ: Norm WGT: Norm Skills: ? Enhance: ? Number: 184 Name: A-Grav9 Battery: Wild x Alikali Type: Arm CLS: Sorcr OIL: B SIZ: Norm WGT: Vlig Skills: Sonic, Gale Enhance: ? -------------------------------------------------------------------------- 5) Sparking List [RBP05] -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Here is the list for easier comparing # Outcome = Battery 1 x Battery 2 Type CLS OIL SIZ WGT -------------------------------------------------------------- 001 Rocker = (Link Spark) 002 RockerZ = (Enhance from Rocker) 003 Sunny = Ion x Moon Arm Punch A Norm Norm 004 Sun-02 = (Enhance from Sunny) Arm Punch A Norm Norm 006 Robby = Super x Star Arm Sorcr A Norm Norm 008 Boomer = Air x Air Move Sky O Small Light 009 AirRaid = (Enhance from Boomer) Move Sky O Large Heav 010 Boom-B1 = (Enhance from AirRaid )Move Sky O Huge Heav 011 Timzup = Mild x Air Boot Mat B Norm Heav 012 Count-0 = (Enhance from Timzup) 013 Zap = Ultra x Alkali Arm Gunnr O Norm Heav 014 BigZap = (Enhance from Zap) 015 Viggy = Normal x Super Arm Fgt A Small Norm 016 Disco Q = (Enhance from Viggy) 017 Musashi = Cyber x Ultra Arm Fgt AB Norm Norm 018 Kojiro = (Enhance from Musashi?) 019 Sumito = Mangan x Normal Boot Human O Tiny Norm 020 Sumo = (Enhance from Sumito) 021 Yokomo = (Enhance from Sumo) 022 Chef-Fe = (Enhance from Yokomo?) 023 Vic = Cool x Silver Arm Fgt B Norm Norm 024 Viking = (Enhance from Vic) 025 Ralph = Star x Star Arm Punch ? Norm Norm 026 Chan = (Enhance from Ralph) 027 Luke = (Enhance from Chan) 028 Pirate = Wild x Cyber Arm Thief AB Large Heav 029 BigPir8 = (Enhance from Pirate) 030 Gidyup = Alkali x Alkali Boot Anima A Norm Norm 031 PegS = (Enhance from Gidyup) 032 PegSS = (Enhance from PegS) 033 Meddy = Mangan x NiCD Arm Healr ? Norm Norm 034 Gobby = Silver x Gold Arm Devil ? Tiny Light 035 Deemo = (Enhance from Gobby) 036 ArcDemo = (Enhance from Deemo) 038 Curser = 040 Chimp = NiCD x Star Boot Anima AB Tiny Vlig 041 Filrup = Silver x Noble Arm Gunnr A Norm Heav 042 Boiler = 044 Razor = (Link Spark) 045 Boba = (Enhance from Razor?) 046 Crysty = Star x Noble Boot Mat A Norm Light 047 Shelby = (Enhance from Crysty) 048 Emerald = (Enhance from Shelby) 049 Granit = Mangan x Mangan Arm Night AB Norm Heav 050 Bould = (Enhance from Granit) 051 Boulder = (Enhance from Bould) 052 Draco = Ion x Sun Boot Mnstr A Large Heav 053 Dragon = (Enhance from Draco ) Boot Mnstr A Huge VHev 054 Trigon = (Enhance from Dragon) Arm Fgt A Huge VHev 055 SSTBot = Ultra x Ultra Arm Night ? Large Heav 056 SST1337 = (Enhance from SSTBot) 057 GGTBot = Gold x Alkali Arm Punch B Large Heav 058 GGT1337 = (Enhance from GGTBot) 059 TokBot = NiCD x Super Arm Fgt O Norm Norm 060 Cellula = (Enhance from TokBot) 061 VolTone = (Enhance from Cellula) 062 Gello = Star x Air Boot Mnstr O Tiny Light 063 Gtacbot = (Enhance from Gello) 064 Kogal = Normal x Silver Arm Sorcr A Norm Light 065 Fencer = (From Jasper) Arm Healr B Norm Norm 066 D'art = (Enhance from Fencer?) 067 Sherry = (From Jasper) Arm Sorcr O Norm Norm 068 Diane = (Enhance from Sherry) 069 Gigapon = Tough x Wild Arm Punch O Norm Norm 070 PrtoPon = (Enhance from GigaPon) 071 Soul = (Enhance from PrtoPon) 072 Flicker = (From Jasper) Boot Anima A Norm Norm 073 Shyne = (Enhance from Flicker) 074 Inferno = (Enhance from Shyne) 075 NitBoat = Cool x Tough Move Sea ? Norm Norm 076 Noah = (Enhance from NitBoat) 077 Titania = (Enhance from Noah) 078 Gundarn = (From Jasper) Arm Fgt A Large Heav 079 El Seed = Noble x Ultra Arm Devil B Norm Norm 080 Sprouch = (Enhance from El Seed) 081 LngStem = (Enhance from Sprouch) 082 Hippon = Hyper x Mangan Boot Anima ? Norm Norm 083 Elepon = NiCD x Cool Boot Anima A Norm Heav 084 Mamopon = (Enhance from Elepon) 085 DinoBot = 086 GunBall = Gold x Gold Arm Gunnr A Tiny Vlig 087 DaKid = (Enhance from GunBall) 088 HeroPon = (Enhance from DaKid) 089 Under = (From Jasper) Boot Mat A Norm Heav 090 Taker = (Enhance from Under) 091 DeathK = (Enhance from Taker) 092 Dot = Mangan x Silver Arm Healr ? Norm Light 093 Leaky = NiCD x Mild Boot Mat O Tiny Vlig 094 Viper2 = Star x Gold Boot Mnstr O Large Norm 095 Cobra = (Enhance from Viper2) 096 Adder = (Enhance from Cobra) 097 Thief = Air x Silver Arm Thief B Tiny Norm 098 Fagin = (Enhance from Thief) 099 Ivan = (Enhance from Fagin) 100 Tuten = Mild x Cool Boot Human AB Norm Norm 101 Mummy = (Enhance from Tuten) 102 TuTank = (Enhance from TuTank) 103 Storm = Silver x Cyber Move Sky B Small Vlig 104 Filimen = Wild x Air Arm Sorcr A Small Light 105 Skeeto = Gold x Ultra Boot Anima A Tiny Vlig 106 Hornet = (Enhance from Skeeto) 108 Wobble = Normal x Hyper Boot Mat O Norm Norm 109 Desutro = Cool x Ultra Arm Gunnr AB Norm Norm 110 Whirlee = Gold x Tough Move Sky AB Tiny Vlig 111 SpAir-0 = (Enhance from Whirlee) 112 Owlet = (Enhance from SpAir-0) 113 Train = Tough x Ultra Move Land A Huge Vhev 114 B-Train = (Enhance from Train) Move Land A Huge Heav 115 M-Train = (Enhance from B-Train) 117 B-Cell = (From Jasper) 118 C-Cell = (Enhance from B-Cell) 120 Scooter = 121 Boarder = (Enhance from Scooter) 122 Weaver = (Enhance from Boarder) Move 123 RboPron = Mangan x Super Move Sea B Small Norm 124 Scorpin = (Enhance from RboPron) 125 Lobstar = (Enhance from Scorpin) 126 Lil'Goo = Mild x Gold Arm Sorcr ? Tiny Light 127 Wind-Up = Mild x Super Move Land A Tiny Vlig 128 RevD-Up = (Enhance from Wind-Up) 129 Kimera = NiCD x Tough Boot Mnstr B Tiny Light 130 KinChop = Normal x Star Arm Fgt O Norm Norm 131 Ninja = Super x Air Arm Thief A Small Light 132 Samurai = 133 Daimyo = 134 Ta-Daa = Mild x Hyper Arm Sorcr O Small Norm 135 Magipon = (Enhance from Ta-Daa) 136 NexTrik = (Enhance from Magipon) 137 RushBox = Star x Cool Boot Anima ? Norm Norm 138 Mouster = Super x Super 139 Tomuhok = Mangan x Noble Arm Fgt O Norm Norm 140 Silky = Hyper x Wild Boot Anima B Tiny Vlig 141 Mothfly = (Enhance from Silky) 142 Tink = (Enhance from Mothfly) 143 Minotor = Tough x Alkali Boot Mnstr AB Large Heav 144 Centaur = Hyper x Cyber Boot Mnstr B Large Heav 145 Merr-O = Silver x Alkali Move Sea AB Norm Norm 146 Woolly = Hyper x Air Arm Healr B Norm Light 148 Icarun = (From Jasper) Move Sky AB Small Norm 147 Sherman = Super x Noble 150 WaxHawk = 151 Negapon = (From Jasper) Arm Devil O Norm Norm 154 Pengski = Super x Cool Move Sea A Small Norm 155 Dynamit = Mangan x Ultra Boot Mat A Tiny Vlig 156 D-Might = (Enhance from Dynamit) 157 Cannon = 158 Trigger = Hyper x Silver Arm Night O Large Heav 159 Mariner = Super x Cyber Move Sea AB Huge Heav 160 Fighter = NiCD x Air Arm Punch A Norm Norm 161 X Dog = (From Jasper) Move Land ? Tiny Vlig 162 I - 80 = (Enhance from X Dog) Move Land ? Tiny Vlig 163 Poochy = (Enhance from I - 80) Move Land ? Tiny Vlig 164 Rider1 = Moon x Sun Move Land A Norm Norm 165 RiderV = (Enhance from Rider1) 167 Racer = Normal x Gold Move Land A Small Norm 168 Mock V = (Enhance from Racer) 169 DriverX = (Enhance from Mock V) 170 Bulbot = A LOT OF DIFFERENT ONES CAN MAKE THIS ONE :) 172 Ping = Noble x Noble Arm Healr A Norm Light 173 Yuki = (Enhance from Ping) Arm Healr A Norm Norm 174 Jordan = (Enhance from Yuki) Arm Healr A Norm Norm 175 Platnum = (From Fossil) Arm Fgt B Large Heav 176 Prime = (Enhance from Platnum) 177 Octopon = NiCd x Gold Move Sea A Norm Heav 178 CamBot = Cool x Gold Boot Mat B Tiny Vlig 179 KingPon = Mild x Tough Arm Fgt ? Large Heav 180 Vacupon = Mangan x Star Move Land B Small Vlig 181 Fujipon = Mangan x Alkali Boot Mat A Huge Vhev 182 Ruby = Noble x Cyber Arm Healr A Norm Norm 183 B-Mani = NiCD x Cyber Boot Human A Norm Norm 184 A-Grav9 = Wild x Alkali Arm Sorcr B Norm Vlig 185 Nebulus = (Link Spark) -------------------------------------------------------------------------- 6) Enhancement List [RBP06] -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Below are some of the Enhancement I've done, and some that I got from the GameFaqs Message boards. Stage1 Stage 2 Stage 3 Stage 4 --------------------------------------- Rocker RockerZ Sunny Sunny-02 SunCust Robby ??? Boomer AirRaid Boom-B1 Timzup 0-Count Zap BigZap Viggy Disco Q Sumito Sumo Yokomo Chef-Fe Ralph Chan Luke Pirate BigPir8 Gobby Deemo ArcDemo Boiler Steamer Crysty Shelby Emerald Granit Bould Boulder Draco Dragon Trigon SSTBot SST1337 Gello Gtacbot Fencer D'Art Gigapon Prtopon Soul NitBoat Noah Titania Elepon Mamopon Gunball DaKid Heropon Under Taker Deathk Viper2 Cobra Adder Tueten Mummy Tutank Train B-Train M-Train Whirlee SpAir-O Owlet RboPron Scorpin Lobstar Wind-Up RevD-Up Dynamit D-Might Rider1 RiderV Super-1 Racer Mock V DriverX Ping Yuki Jordan Platnum Prime -------------------------------------------------------------------------- 7) Skills List [RBP07] -------------------------------------------------------------------------- It's not complete yet, and will not be for a long time, but I'll put down all the skills my Robopon knows. It's list in alphabetical order Skill EP Software Effect ----------------------------------------- BoomHit 12 ? Heat Attack Blizz 22 Ice3 Ice Atk (Rank 3) Blizz(Hate) 24 Ice3+Hate3 Ice Atk(H) (Rank3) Combo 9 ? Hits 2 times Electric 16 Ray2+Ray2 Electric Atk (Rank 1) Fire 4 Fire1 Fire Atk (Rank 1) Fire(Hate) 8 Fire1+Hate1 FireAtk(H) (Rank 1) Freeze 12 Ice2 Ice Atk (Rank 2) Freeze(Hate) 18 Ice2+Hate2 Ice At(H) (Rank 2) Gale 4 ? AirSlash Attack Gamble 0 ? Chance Atk Hug 4 Kiss1 Heal HP (Rank 1) Hug(Love) 12 Kiss2+Love2 Heal HP(L) (Rank 1) Ice 6 Ice1 Ice Atk (Rank 1) Ice(Hate) 9 Ice1+Hate1 Ice(H) Atk (Rank 1) Kiss 8 Kiss2 Heal HP (Rank 2) Kisses 12 Kiss3 Heal HP (Rank 3) Napalm 14 Fire2+Fire2 Fire Atk (Rank 2) Napalm(Hate) 12 Fire2+Hate2 FireAtk(H) (Rank 2) Nova 24 Fire3 Fire Atk (Rank 3) Nova(Hate) 22 Fire3+Hate3 FireAtk (Rank 3) Phoenix 37 ? Big heat attack Quake 18 Rock2+Rock2 Hits all w/ Earth Random 0 ? Hits at Random Revive 16 Life1 Revives (low HP) Revive+ 22 Life2 Revives (mid HP) Scrap 12 Kill1 Destory 1 enemy SnowStrm 10 ? Cold Attack Sonic 9 Wind2+Wind2 Random (Rank 2) Stone 11 Rock1 Hits all w/ Stone Virus 12 Ray2 Virus 1 enemy Weak Pt 16 ? Attack w/ Death Wind 10 Wind2 Random (Rank 1) -------------------------------------------------------------------------- 8) Skills Combining Combos [RBP08] -------------------------------------------------------------------------- When you equip certain skills, you'll get an next skill that's more special than the normal ones. If you know any, e-mail to me and you'll be credit. Skill1 Skill2 Result Skill1 Result Skill2 Result Skill3 ---------------------------------------------------------------- Up1 Love1 LoveShield Up2 Love2 LoveShield LoveSpd Kiss2 Love2 Hug(Love) Kiss3 Love3 Hug(Love) Kiss(Love) Revive3 Kiss3 Miracle Sick1 Hate1 Suspend(Hate) Sick2 Hate2 Suspend(Hate) Rust(Hate) Fire2 Fire2 Napalm Fire3 Hate2 Fire(Hate) Napalm(Hate) Fire3 Hate3 Fire(Hate) Napalm(Hate) Nova(Hate) Ice1 Hate1 Ice(Hate) Ice2 Hate2 Ice(Hate) Freeze(Hate) Ice3 Hate3 Ice(Hate) Freeze(Hate) Breeze(Hate) Wind2 Wind2 Sonic Wind3 Wind3 GodWind Rock2 Rock2 Quake Rock3 Rock3 Quake GaiaFist? Ray2 Ray2 Electric Ray3 Ray3 Litning Kill3 Hate3 ScarpYrd (I know, this list is very imcomplete... but what can I do? I don't have the game anymore... maybe you guyz can help) -------------------------------------------------------------------------- 9) Special [RBP09] -------------------------------------------------------------------------- My Tower -------- Robopon: Chan, Fagin, Lobster, Woolly There are two items on the first floor. Pick up SolarSys and head down the stairs. There is also the Rock* software, but you'll need a spirit from the red mushroom to open it. On this floor, go east, then down the stairs. You can talk to the spirit on the door, it'll tell you about how he was going to design the Galieo WindMills... anyway, go east and then down the stairs and pick up a Wild Battery, now head back to the second floor. Here, go southeast to the lower right corner of the building and then down the stairs. Pick up the OverHaul there then leave the building. That's it!? I though it was going to be much bigger and such, but I guess that's all for now... Marvel Lab ---------- Robopon: Curser, Jordan, M-Train, PegS There are the following items inside of the Lab, which are some gold, Ray3, Octopus. Jasper the Dog will give you different Robopons according to the code you give it. I'll continue to look for codes... D - Icarun H - B-Cell J - Gundarn L - Under P - Fencer R - Sherry S - Flicker 9 - NegaPon Rvnge - Dorapon La - X Dog More Coming... -------------------------------------------------------------------------- 10) FAQ [RBP10] -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Here are some questions. More coming later. Q: Where are all the fossils found? A: 1: Draco - Delica basement -present 2: Platnum - Mountain at the circus -past 3: Rider1 - Lover's cliff-present 4: Gear - Baba village-present 5: Gear - Apartments in town of walda -past 6: Gear - Silver temple-past Q: How tall is the Hoffman Tower? A: Who knows? It can be as tall as it can get :) Q: How do I get Sherry? A: You get her from Jasper the Dog. He's next to a tree at the Marval Labs. You can get Sherry by giving Jasper a code. Give him the code "R" to get Sherry. (Thanks to usagimon for this info) -------------------------------------------------------------------------- 12) Credits [RBP12] -------------------------------------------------------------------------- This is it, for now, I hope you enjoy it. Again, if there is anything wrong, please e-mail me about it. It'll help. Anything you can help me out with will be great, sending me extra info will also be great. You will be usually br credited. Look for other Faqs by Killer: Front Mission (SNES) Pokemon TCG (GBC) Dragon Warrior Monsters 2 (GBC) Golden Sun 2: The Lost Age (GBA) This faq can be found at: www.gamefaqs.com www.neoseeker.com www.cheatcc.com Furture Version Requests: - Complete Robopon List with accurate info - Complete Sparking List - Complete Skill List - Complete Skill Combining Combos Name Contact Why --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Myself hakkafusion@hotmail.com For writing the Faq You For reading it GameFaqs www.gamefaqs.com Posting my Faq GoldenPheonix \ Thogar ----- For some Enchancement DoubleXMinus / combos usagimon Sherry Info SunnyMoney Drumstick112@aol.com Quake combo, and B-Train info and some other stuff :) AcraneLore acranefang@attbi.com Skill combos --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Somethings you shouldn't do: - Send me messages about God, Jesus, or any things like that because I'm already a good Christain - Change stuff in this FAQ - Credit this FAQ to yourself - Send me questions about the game that's already in the FAQ - Send me an e-mail without an subject/title - Make profit off this FAQ unless you give me half of what you made :) - Send me stupid, useless, and virus e-mails Somethings you should do: - Print out this FAQ and give it to all your friends that plays the game - Ask me about things that are not mentioned in the FAQ - Link to THIS file, not any others - Help me improve this Guide - Let me know any sites that link to this file and it's not list in the site list - Added me to ur msn if it's urgent and u want to talk to me directly - Send me extra info that's not on the FAQ ?Copyright 2002 by Killer (Henry Fung) All Rights Reserved.