Power Pro Kun Pocket 3 Written by 10sai (pvarda@yahoo.com) and Youn Kyun Ra (ranuma2000@hotmail.com) Started on April 17, 2001 Work in Progress This Walkthrough/FAQ may not in any form be reproduced without prior consent of the author. If you want to use this Walkthrough/FAQ on or in your webpage/magazine/book/disk/cd or any other means of distribution (other than for personal use only), please contact me first at pvarda@yahoo.com or ranuma2000@hotmail.com. Table of Contents 1) Updates 2) What is PowerPro Kun 3? 3) Getting Started 4) Exhibition Mode 5) Story Mode 6) Extras 7) Xtra Links 8) Contact 9) Thanks! 1. Updates May 29, 2001 Wow, a whole month i've been majorly slacking! well anyways, i played a lot of the new zelda games, and a lotta new GBA games at e3 rocked! be sure to get mario kart, final fight and street fighter 2 when they come out! anyways, i added the entire FAQ for the success/story mode courtesy of Youn Kyun Ra (ranuma2000@hotmail.com) April 26, 2001 Minor Revisions April 25, 2001 Revised Stuff, Added Some Information under Story Mode,and Thanks! section April 17, 2001 -Started this FAQ, added What is PowerPro Kun 3?, Getting Started, Exhibition mode, Story Mode, Extras, Xtra Links, and Contact Sections 2. What is PowerPro Kun 3? I dunno, why don't you buy it? Hehe, jk. PowerPro Kun 3 is the third installment of the extremely popular franchise from Konami: PowerPro Baseball on the portable console. The series originated on the SNES, and has continued to blossom onto the Playstation, N64 and Game Boy Color, and finally is on the Game Boy Advance, possibly later the GameCube. 3. Getting Started Standard Controls, use of all GBA buttons: D-Pad, L and R Triggers, A and B Button, and Start/Select D-pad: used for direction (duh) A: select or go forward B: Cancel or go Back When turning on the GBA with PowerPro inserted (after the cool Game Boy Animation :) ), press start at the PowerProKun 3 Screen, and you'll hear a kid-like voice screaming POWER PRO KUN POCKET 3!!!! Now you'll have a Menu with 5 selections: |----------------------| | 1 | 1 Sakusesu: Success (story Mode) |----------------------| | 2 | 3 | 2. Yakkyu: Baseball (Exhibition Mode) ------------------------ 3. Arrengi: Arrange Mode | 4 | 5 | 4. Deeta: Data Mode ------------------------ 5. Omake: MiniGame/Success Story Mode Players (??) I've only experimented with Story and Exhibition Mode, i've heard that you can use the n64 transfer pak with the 2001 edition of the n64 jikkyou powerpro 2001 edition. 4. Exhibition Mode Once you enter Exhibition Mode (middle left of the menu), you'll come to another Menu: ============ |Link Cable| ============ |Fight CPU | ============ you have the choice to fight either another player on a GBA with a link cable, or fight the CPU. since the CPU is set on default, press A to continue. Now you'll go to the Team Select menu, where you'll have a screen of 14 little icons: ----------------------- |1 |2 |3 |4 |5 |6 |7 | |8 |9 |10|11|12|13|14| ---------------------- 1. Yomiuri Giants 2. Chinichi Dragons 3. Yokohama Bay Stars 4. Yakult Swallows 5. Hiroshima Toyo Carp 6. Hanshin Tigers 7. Arrange Team 1 8. Fukuoka Daiei Hawks 9. Seibu Lions 10. Nippon Ham Fighters 11. Orix Blue Wave 12. Chiba Lotte Marines 13. Osaka Kintetsu Buffaloes 14. Arrange Team 2 #7 and #14, the 2 Arrange Teams are created from the Arrange Mode in the first menu. i have not really experimented, so i do not know as of yet what to do about it. you can experiment all you want and tell me about it :) You select your team first, then the CPU team. Personally, I choose Daiei Hawks, because they are the best :). then you come to another menu. The first option will be whether to Bat first or Pitch First. If you have the yellow characters under your team (MAN), then you will bat first. If the yellow characters are under the CPU team (COM), you will pitch first. select which one you want, then the next selection will be which stadium, open air or closed. A is open air, B is closed. Next will be the Game Settings (i do not know all of them, so bear with me): Settings Possible Choices DH?? -- no (default), yes CPU Difficulty -- medium (default), hard, easy # of innings -- 9 (default), 1-8 ??? -- 12 (default), 15, none Errors -- On (default), Off Wind -- On (default), Off Kouldo (??) -- Off (default), 1-10 After selecting OK, here will be more game settings (i do not know them again, so bear with me :) Hitting -- Manual (default), Automatic Pitching -- Manual (default), Automatic Infield -- Semi-automatic (default), Automatic, manual Running Players -- Semi-automatic (default), Automatic, manual Switching Players -- Manual (default), Automatic Fielding Cursor -- Yes (default), No Meet Cursor -- Lock-On (default), Manual Next will be a screen where you can change your batting order. i recommend leaving it as it is, unless you know how to do it. The smiley faces represent condition, In order of worst condition to best 1. Purple sad face 2. Blue sad face 3. yellow normal face 2. red happy face 1. pink smiling face The right most icons' colors represent where they play: yellow is infield, green is outfield, pink is pitcher, blue is catcher. once you press A twice, it'll go to PLAY BALL, and the game will start. Pitching Mode depending on the team, you'll have several differnt types of pitches. the arrow will determine where your pitch will go, and the # determines how strong the pitch is. although it looks complex, you will get the hang quite easily. Select which pitch you want, and Press A. Doing different combos of pitches will work well against the CPU. When he ends up hitting the ball, you will gain control of the players in the field. The game will automatically set you to the player closest to the ball. When you don't have the ball yet, you can press A or B to jump. Once you obtain the ball, you press which direction (Up is 2nd base, Left is third base, down is home plate, and right is first base) and A, and the ball will be thrown in that direction. Simple, no? Once a guy gets on base, you can press B before pitching and throw it to that base in case he tries to steal. Although tagging him out is rare, it is still fun :) Batting Mode Still Working :) 5. Story Mode Ok to start it off, you should only have one selection (unless you already made a game). Press A and you'll go to a Name Selection screen. Make your name, and press A twice. Now you will come to a Position Selection Screen: Pitcher | Catcher First | Second Third | Shortstop Outfield To start off, i'll choose first base. this seems to be easier, and for now i'll follow his path in story mode. then you come to another selection screen, where you choose which hand to bat and throw with. Right Throw/Right Bat | Left Throw/Right Bat Right Throw/Left Bat | Left Throw/Left Bat Right Throw/Both Hand Bat | Left Throw/Both Hand Bat i don't think it matters, but if it does, be sure to tell me :) The next screen is your batting stance: Normal Crouching Godlike (?) 1 Foot on the Ground Long Hand (?) Then you select which team: 1 | 7 2 | 8 3 | 9 4 | 10 5 | 11 6 | 12 1. Yomiuri Giants 2. Chinichi Dragons 3. Yokohama Bay Stars 4. Yakult Swallows 5. Hiroshima Toyo Carp 6. Hanshin Tigers 7. Fukuoka Daiei Hawks 8. Seibu Lions 9. Nippon Ham Fighters 10. Orix Blue Wave 11. Chiba Lotte Marines 12. Osaka Kintetsu Buffaloes Then Choose your race: Asian | Indian/Latin (?) White | Black Then a final confirmation screen, and press the first selection. After a while, you'll reach a menu. I'm going to go do a runthrough of the screen. Top left you see a 1 _ 1 _ 1 _. This is basically the date, it is now year 1, month 1, week 1. Every event you do will take one week, so doing one job, or visiting an area will take a week of time. The first episode allows one full year of time to gain abilities. Top right is an energy bar. You have a max of 100 Energy. Jobs, Dates and random events take off energy little by little. If you ever reach zero, you die :(. It's kind of like HP, so you must always make sure you never reach 0. (There are no phoenix downs :) ) right under the date are 3 different bars. The left one is your stress bar. here you also have 100, but if you go near 80-85, you will overstress and lose all but 1 of your energy :( The middle one is your you'll have 5 options to choose from now. Work Job | Restore Health | See Data | Save Work Job - The work job selection allows you to do odd-end jobs to get money. Why get money you ask? To buy abilities and powerups. You have random jobs every time you choose to work, so whatever the icon looks like is what you'll be working. Restore Health - This allows you to relieve stress and gain back energy. There's 2 choices, Restore Energy - Relieve Stress (Visit Cliff) Occasionally you'll suffer certain illness/failures, which a + icon will show up for repair. You can suffer emotional trauma as well, which another icon for psychiatry will show up. unfortunately, choosing the repair or psychiatry icon won't by default fix it, so you might have to do it 2 or 3 times. if you don't fix it, your energy can go down, stress go up, or your powerups can break. See Data Here is a selection screen where you will see Character Data Inventory Abilities (?) Return to Previous Menu Here you can see your character information, like strength and speed and what not. Save here you save your file. if you don't save your file everytime you want to finish, you will be fined a certain # of money. at first its only 1000, but everyimt u forget it multiplies by 10. also, when you load a save file, the save file erases, so you HAVE TO SAVE if you want to finish playing the mode. It's really dumb, but whatever :P After a while, you'll get more selections in the menu. Now to begin actual story courtesy of Youn Kyun Ra 1. Background and prologue. Your character was a famous high school baseball player. And got married and died somehow. But this doctor reincarnated him to a robot. This Success mode will consist of 3 phases. Phase 1 will be explained first. 2. Basic Elements and Explanations Besides the baseball attributes, there are 3 areas that you must closely pay attention to. They are Energy, Stress, and Memory(Kioku). If you work, energy and stress will be consumed. Memory becomes important as you progress in to phases 2 and 3. It's not that big deal in phase 1. Refer to above for menu details. As you work and pile up the money for the parts, you must watch out for energy and stress bars. Each work shows how much stress and energy it consumes. Stress can be relieved by meditating(sitting on top of tower), or by dating with the girlfriend. Energy has to be charged like battery. 3. Phase 1: To live you must work! Object of phase 1 is to get drafted by Mars Octopus baseball team. In order to do that, player's baseball attributes must match certain requirements. For field players: Power - 20 (default-0), Speed - 6 (default - 3), Throwing - 6 (default - 3), defense - 6 (default - 3) Pitchers: Max Speed - 130 (default-125), Control - 110 (default - 100), Stamina - 35 (default - 10) Obviously, you have to start working. Under work menu, different works are available(randomly). Each works describes how much energy and stress is required. I've tried to save money by doing the works that are usually under the work menu, but it is incredibly hard. So I figured out another way to do it. First, work until you save up 200,000 or 300, 000 yen. Under the wonder(go places) menu, right above the flashing icon is the shop. This shop is different from kaimono shop. This shop sells many useful items(which again, randomly). What you want to buy is either construction drill(200,000 yen) or shield(300, 000 yen). With these items, new work will be available. With drill, you can do construction, and with shield, you can do body guard. Each pays out about 100, 000 initially(gradually increases). Of those two, I would recommend drill. Reason being, construction takes up 40 energy(whooping) but only 10 stress. Body guard takes up 15 energy, and 25 stress. In this game, the key is to get stress down. But this is your choice. Not mine Another useful item you must get from the shop is lock-on. This item helps a lot in batting situations. If you hit just the vicinity of the ball, it will automatically target it. If you follow my instruction and work with drill, and or shield, you will have no problem completing Phase 1. 4. Phase 2: Save for Battery????( don't exactly know what title says. Sorry) Shortly after completing the section 1, Doctor tells him he needs 3 million yen for your long life battery. So in this section, you once again have to WORK, WORK, WORK!! From this phase 2, you might want to pay attention to Memory(kioku) bar as well. Never relieve stress by going up to the tower for it nullifies memory. Also, you will start to play some baseball(yey~~~) Be sure to get lock-on from that shop, other wise it would be incredibly tough to win. Shop may not have the lock-on at one time cause items appear randomly. You might have to visit it multiple times before you see lock-on. Cameda( seemingly friend of our character with glasses) kun tells him there are 4 enemies around this area. Each are located in Factory, Stone Quarry(mountain), Hospital, and School(at the bottom left corner, not at center). Visit each places twice. First time, you will just recognize the enemy. At the 2nd visit, you will duel on mini games. Mini games Explained A. Factory: Catch the Mouse!! I couldn't do this one. I don't know how to do this. I am working on it though. B. Stone Quarry: Sequences Any one who played Beatmania from Konami should have no problem completing this mini game. Like in Beatmania, you have to follow series of button pressing. Pretty fun and pretty easy. C. Hospital: Corpse Smasher?? This is pretty spooky. You are in hospital. In the underground dead storage area. Corpses will pop up from either side of the aisle. Be careful, they can knock you out for a second as they come out. And if you don't smash them quick enough, they will get out of their bed and try to catch you. If you are caught, game over. Stay alive till time expires. Not that difficult, Failed only once. D. School: Go Go Run Run!! This was hard at first because I didn't know what I was supposed to do. You have to out run the robot PX-100. His velocity is faster so that he will run you over easily. Jump back at the moment he's trying to run over you. And when he comes back simply jump over and continue to run. Do that several times then you will reach goal line. When you complete each mini game, they give you some money. (400or 500 000 yen I forgot….). Also, if you win baseball games, they also give you money. So key to 2nd part is keep winning baseball games and completing mini games. And almost throught the end of phase 2, doctor says u only have to pay 2 million yen. So you should be pay this off easily. 5. Phase 3: Retrieve Memory!!! In this section, your main goal is to retrieve your memory level to 80% or higher, and help it to destruct evil propeller group. You will still get chance to play baseball and work so keep up with those as well. In order to raise memory, you have to visit your old high school. It's located at the center of your map. Upon each visit, you will meet some old friends and those encounters will raise your memory level. Winning baseball games improve your memory also. I couldn't figure out any events in this phase. So if you just continue like this, and if your memory exceeds 80%at the end of the game, you clear the game!! And your character will be saved so that you can arrange them in to a new team under 'Arrange' mode. More coming later! 6. Extras Still working :) 7. Xtra Links IGN's first impressions: http://pocket.ign.com/news/33065.html Konami Computer Entertainment Osaka: www.kceo.com Konami in general: www.konami.co.jp Online Import Stores where you can pick up a copy of PowerPro Kun Pocket 3 and a GBA www.buyrite.net www.upstategames.com 8) Contact pvarda/10sai at pvarda@yahoo.com and Youn Kyun Ra at ranuma2000@hotmail.com any help would be peachy :) 9) Thanks! Section Thanks to SFEX23@aol.com, Younkyun Ra, and Dmitri Salcedo for the help and support :) Also MikeyRay1, thanks for the help!