Mother 3 If you have trouble reading this FAQ, please change your browser's encoding to Japanese Shift_JIS This is my translation of the text in Mother 3. This translation should appear only on Gamefaqs. Unfortunately I haven't played the other Mother games so please let me know if you see any inconsistencies with the other games. I blatantly stole the word "tutoriole" from some message board because I thought it was genius. If the original inventor of the word wants credit, please send me an email. I hope this translation helps you enjoy this game more than you would have otherwise. Thanks. May 5, 2006 - Chapter 1 May 6, 2006 - Chapter 2 May 14, 2006 - Until midway through Chapter 4 May 16, 2006 - Chapter 4 May 21, 2006 - Until the beginning of Chapter 7 May 28, 2006 - Most of Chapter 7 June 5, 2006 - To the end of the story. +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ Select “New Game” and a naming screen appears. The bottom line reads: おまかせ - I'll leave it to you かな - Kana (hiragana) カナ - Kana (katakana) ABC もどる  - Go back. おわり - Finish The first person you have to name is Lucas. His description says: “The younger of the twin brothers. A sweet boy.” The next person is Claus. “The older of the two. An energetic boy." Next up is Flint. “Strong and kind. A father you can rely on.” Hinawa is next. “Their lovely mother.” The dog, Boney. “Their brave and clever dog.” “What is your favorite dish?” “What is something you think is cool?” The next screen says in the upper right: メッセージそくど - Message Speed ウィンドウカラー - Window Color おわり - Finish The left side of the screen reads: はやい - Fast ふつう - Normal おそい - Slow The right side lists the window colors. プレーン - Plain ミント - Mint ストロベリー - Strawberry バナナ - Banana ナッツ - Nut グレープ - Grape メロン - Melon Are these setting OK? (Yes/No) +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ Welcome to MOTHER3 World NOWHERE ISLAND - TAZMILY VILLAGE - BEYOND THE TELLY FOREST - HINAWA'S FATHER, ALEC'S HOUSE A KNOCK AT THE DOOR. LUCAS IS SLEEPING IN HIS BED. Claus: Lucaaaaaaaaassssss!!!! How long are you going to sleep? Come on, get up and play! Hurry up! Drago brought his kid with him. He's so cute. Hurry up!!! LUCAS WAKES UP AND GETS OUT OF BED. CHECK THE WOOD STOVE. “It’s a pretty standard wood burning stove.” LOOK IN THE MIRROR AND... “Bedhead. Same as always.” GO DOWNSTAIRS AND TALK TO HINAWA. Hinawa: Good morning, sleepyhead. Claus has been up for a while. He's off playing with Drago. TRY TO LEAVE OUT THE DOOR AND... Hinawa: You're not going out to play in your pajamas, are you? Go upstairs and change. (OK/NO) GO BACK DOWNSTAIRS AND TALK TO HER AGAIN. Hinawa: Now you look like a million bucks. Have fun. GO OUTSIDE AND TALK TO ALEC. Alec: Hey, our late riser is finally up. You're going home today, aren't ya? It's gonna be lonely around here. TALK TO THE PIG ON THE LEFT AND THEN ON THE RIGHT. Pig (left): OINK. (I've been wondering what the pig next to me is going to say.) Pig (right): OINK. (Forget about me.) TALK TO THE COW. Cow: MOO. (No matter what we're thinking, all we cows can say is MOO. Remember that and it'll come in handy.) TALK TO THE ROOSTERS. Rooster #1: COCKADOODLEDOO. (Oh, you're up.) Rooster #2: COCKADOODLEDOO. (Late-sleeperer-person!) HEAD TO THE SOUTH AND YOU ARE STOPPED. “There is an ant at your feet. It looks like you might step on it, so please turn back.” TALK TO THE FROG. Frog: A tale is formed from a range of memories. Memories recall other memories and yet others are formed anew. If you don't set down your memories, you'll forget them. So, please tell me all your memories up till now. This is what people call “Saving”. So, RIBBIT,do you want to save? (YES/NO) AFTER SAVING... Be careful. And say hi to the next frog for me. HEAD RIGHT INTO THE NEXT AREA. KRAUS IS RUNNING AT DRAGO AND KNOCKING HIM OVER. TALK TO KRAUS... Claus: Man, I’m beat. I've been play fighting with Drago and his friends all morning. Lucas, you should play too. Try to hurl yourself at Drago. ALEC ENTERS. Alec: Claus!! Lucas doesn't know about hurling yet. Lucas, form in your mind an image of something like a B Button. Now, hold it for a little while and then release. That is how you DASH. Claus! Show him how it’s done. KRAUS STEPS BACK AND DASHES AT DRAGO. DRAGO FALLS OVER AND THEN GETS BACK UP. Alec: Now it’s your turn, Lucas. Give it a shot. But you'll never be able to do it with such a scared look on your face. Let yourself go limp. Release the tension in your shoulders. Relaaaaax, relaaaaax! RUN AT DRAGO AND KNOCK HIM DOWN. TALK TO KRAUS. Claus: The harder you bump into Drago, the happier he gets. A CREATURE NAMED OKERA ENTERS. Okera: Move it, move it, move it, mooooooooove it. Okera coming through! I heard you all fighting. You got to let me in, you gotta. I'll knock you all to the ground. GTry and stop me and I'll make you eat it, punk! AFTER THE BATTLE Okera: Wow, you had more bones than I thought. You can be my sparring partner any time. However, the next time be in the big stadium, Cricket Hole. I look forward to OKERA LEAVES AND HINAWA ENTERS. Hinawa: I stepped on a cricket. I wonder if he'll be ok... Everyone, time to eat. Today is Lucas and Claus's favorite, SPAM. Claus: Yes! SPAM! THE BOYS RUN OFF TOWARDS HOME. Hinawa: You, too, father. HINAWA LEAVES AND ALEC ADDRESSES THE CAMERA. Alec: Well, everyone...about talk to a frog to do it. That's how you save. It doesn't take hardly any time at all so, make sure to talk to them often. It feels good to save. And saving is of charge. Now I guess I'll return to the story already in progress... ...Hey, wait up. Leave some SPAM for me....!!! BACK AT ALEC’S HOUSE, THE TWO BOYS AND THEIR MOTHER ARE SITTING AT THE KITCHEN TABLE. Claus: Hey, mom, what's your favorite food? Huh? It's SPAM? Hey, that's the same as us! Jinkies! Hinawa: After we eat we're going back home. We have to go through the woods,so I'd like to leave a little early. Alec: Maybe sometimes the kids can come visit by themselves. You too, Lucas. Ha..... HINAWA GOES OUTSIDE TO THE FRONT PORCH AND WRITES A LETTER TO FLINT. Flint, The kids have been running wild around the fields and mountains since we've been here. Just like you said they would. They never get tired. Claus is still as risky and energetic as always. Lucas is still a little withdrawn. But, it seems like both of them are having a great time playing. I think my father’s going to be lonely when we leave. He hadn't seen the boys for a long time. But, we'll be coming home this evening. I hadn't breathed in this clean mountain air for a while. I forgot how good it makes you feel. You’re always in Tazmily Village enveloped in the smell of goats, so I want you to smell this clean air as well. Next time we come we'll have someone baby sit the goats and we'll come here as a family. Claus, Lucas and I have you always in our minds. Tonight when we get home I'll whip up a batch of my special SPAM. Yours and the boys forever, Hinawa A PIGEON TAKES THE LETTER FROM HER AND A UFO FLIES OVERHEAD. THE MOTHER 3 TITLE SCREEN APPEARS. EXPLOSIONS ROCK THE FOREST AND THE WILDLIFE RUN FOR THEIR LIFE. PIG MASKS ARE SEEN PLANTING BOMBS. ============================================================================= CHAPTER 1 - NIGHT OF THE FUNERAL ============================================================================= THOMAS RUNS TO FLINT’S DOOR AND KNOCKS ON IT. Thomas: Flint, Flint, Flintttttttttt!!!!!!!! It's a fire. A fire! A fire and more fire. The Telly Forest is burning like a bonfire. YOU NOW CONTROL FLINT SO GO TO THE FRONT DOOR. Thomas: Flint!!!!!! It's gonna get worse if you don't hurry yourself up! The forest, the forest, the forest is on fire. Eh? Why would you lock your door in such a peaceful village as this? Flint!!!! THOMAS KNOCKS ON THE DOOR AGAIN AND THEN GRABS THE DOORKNOB. IT COMES OFF IN HIS HAND. Thomas: Ah! The doorknob... what a horrible time for this to happen. FLINT COMES OUT OF THE HOUSE AND STARTLES THOMAS. THOMAS THROWS THE DOORKNOB AND IT HITS THE DOGHOUSE, WAKING BONEY. Thomas: Doorknob! No, I mean, Flint! This is no time to be taking a nap. The Telly Forest is in flames. In a terrible time like this we need our resident reckless nice-guy. Flint, come on. Please. (YES/NO) THOMAS HAS JOINED YOU. Thomas: I'll walk behind you. Ok? I love walking behind people!! CHECK THE DOGHOUSE. “There is something hidden in the doghouse.” FLINT GOT THE BROKEN STICK (ぼうっきれ) Thomas: Flint, the broken stick can be used as a weapon if something happens. You should make sure to equip it. You can't just hold on to it, just like caramels. EQUIP THE BROKEN STICK. TALK TO THE SHEEP. “The sheep are moving around, restless.” ************************************************************************ * NPCs * ************************************************************************ * * * Biff: Ah, Flint. The sky to the north is black with smoke. * * * * Richie: If the forest is on fire, Claus and Lucas won't be able * * to come home. * * * * Nicole: T..Th...The Telly Fire is on forest! No, no. The Forest * * Felly is on tire. * * * * Jackie: Flint, the forest is on fire? So...I want me * * to help you, you say? (YES/NO) Hmmm, wait a sec. Yeah, * * well you see, I'm really busy at the moment. Actually * * I'm not but...what to say...sorry. I'll leave it to you. * * * * Brenda: I heard the forest is on fire. If that's really true we * * should run away cause this village is going to be * * engulfed in flames before long. * * * * Lisa : Thomas, you make more racket than that darned siren. * * Try not to cause Flint too much trouble. * * * * Jill: If you're going to listen to Thomas, I would only * * listen to about half of what he says. * * * * Mapson: (on the bench) I am the map-liking, map-carrying, one * * and only Mapson. I suppose you have some map business * * with me. Here, take it. * * * * * * YOU GOT THE MAP OF TAZMILY VILLAGE. * * * * Lighter's cabin deep in the woods is the main concern * * right now. I put a circle around it on your map. * * Hurry up and put my map to good use. Ah....I forgot * * to tell you how to look at the map. How should I put * * this? Fill the first finger of your right hand with * * hope and power. To put it bluntly, press the R BUTTON. * * Does that help? * * * * Pusher: Flint, you were a little slow getting here. Go check on * * the progress of the fire. If the fire reaches the city, * * my reputation and my fortune as well as myself, will * * be turned to ash. Go north, young man. North!!! East- * * West-South-North's north. Why did you make we have to * * say all that? * * * * Paul: *Cough* *cough* *cough* The fire is to the no*cough*rth * * but my coughing won’t st*cough*op. I guess I'm sensitive. * * By the way, if you want to run, how about dashing? *cough* * * * * Abbot: Flint, take this crossroad to the west past the Prayer * * Room. That's the Telly Forest and it's all ablaze. Sorry * * if that sounded too much like an explanation. * * * * Thomas: (to Lida, the tall guy) Hey, Lida, can you see the fire * * from up there? Hmmm, silent as ever. * * * * Abbey: Flint, when you don't know where to go, you should read * * signposts and billboards. That was so nice of me to tell * * you that, wasn't it? * * * * * * Tutoriole: Tweet! It might seem a little strange, but I'm going * * to speak some words that sound like they may have * * come from a game. The MENU can be brought up by the * * START BUTTON. The MENU reads from left to right: * * Goods/Equip/Status/Sleep. You can select from these * * 4 with the control pad. Press the A BUTTON to find * * out various things you want to know. Now I'll tell you * * about "Sleep" on the far right. Select this with the A * * BUTTON to interrupt your game. This doesn't use much * * battery power at all, so don’t worry. When you want to * * start it back up again, press the SELECT,L and R BUTTONS * * at the same time. So, do you want to hear my explanation * * again? (YES/NO) Using this kind of game language is * * pretty rare, right? But it’s all so tweet. I mean, sweet.* * And now, like the bird I am....TWEEET! * * * * Nan: Whatever I say will be of no use to you. What should I do? * ************************************************************************ HEAD LEFT INTO THE NEXT AREA. ************************************************************************** * NPCs * ************************************************************************** * * * Archat: The flames were getting near so we ran here but, * * Lighter and his son Fuel are still in the forest. * * * * Chimney: Huh, don't poke me there. Hey, don't poke me there. * * I said don't poke me there. Poke me there and I feel * * sick. Why are you still poking me? You poked me again. * * Poke me like that and I....barf! If I had really barfed * * it would have been all your fault. * * * * Tutoriole: Hey, are you free right now? If you should low on * * energy or get poisoned somehow, the hot springs are * * the ticket to happiness. But, if you don't stay in * * for a while it will have no effect. There's a really * * great hot spring in Telly Forest. And now, like the * * bird I am...TWEET!! * * * * Johner: (in the Prayer Room) May the forest, the people and the * * animals all live in happiness... Oh, Flint. Thanks for * * coming. Before you go into the forest you should * * pray here. I think it's the right thing to do. * * * * PRAY... * * * * A Voice: Tell me honestly...what is the name of the person playing * * the game right now? I see. Spookychee. You’re name is * * spookychee. Is this correct? (YES/NO) Great, now enjoy * * the rest of the game. I will count to three and you will * * will forget that I ever asked you that question. 1... * * 2...3! Did you forget? (yes/NO) No? Well, forget it! * * * * Butch: Where's the blaze? Is it burning? Is it really a burning * * blaze? * * * * Ollie: I came here to help, but Ed won't let me through. I'm * * useful. I'm not a rubbernecker. * * * * Ed: Flint, thanks for coming. Lighter and Fuel are still in the * * forest, I'm afraid to say. I have to deal with these * * rubberneckers so please go look for them. * ************************************************************************** HEAD NORTH INTO THE NEXT AREA. *********************************************************************** * NPCs * *********************************************************************** * * * Mike: *Cough* I thought I saw someone as good looking as my self * * walking this way but it turned out to be you, Flint. The * * smoke is strong and I have a weak throat so I can't go on * * ahead. Here, take this cookie. This small, dirty, not * * very delicious cookie. Make sure to eat it! * * * * Matt: (knocking on the cabin door) Where the heck is Isack? * * * * Tutoriole: (in the hot spring area) Tweet! You may try to avoid * * fighting enemies. But, try to avoid doing that. There * * are people who do that, though. I guess they like the * * wind in their hair when they dash. Maybe it's a see * * no evil, hear no evil type of thing. I'm not saying * * that you're like that. You have to stop running and * * face what's in front of you. "Run too much and you'll * * regret it, young man". Remember that phrase and you'll * * be fine. And now, in parting, TWEET!! * * * * Bronson: Oh, *cough*, Flint. I swallowed some of this damned * * smoke. Lighter and Fuel still haven't come back. There * * deep in the woods for sure. Rescue them and put my * * mind at ease. * ********************************************************************** HEAD NORTH INTO THE NEXT AREA. A PIG MASK RELEASES SOME FIRE BUGS LOOSE IN THE FOREST. INSPECT THE BOX THE BUGS CAME OUT OF. “There's a metal box-like thing on the ground.” NAVIGATE THE FIRE AND TALK TO LIGHTER WHO IS ON THE GROUND. Thomas: Lighter!! Hey, Lighter, are you OK? Lighter: Flint...oh, and Thomas. D....amn...cough. Those things...the more I defeated the more came. Keep going ahead. THEY ALL LOOK AT THE BUG ON THE LEFT. Thomas: What is that? A bug? Lighter: I don’t know. *Cough* Those are the things setting fire to the forest. Fuel is probably still in the cabin in the woods. Thomas: Fuel is still in the cabin?!! Flint!! Go and rescue Fuel. I'll see to Lighter's injuries. HEAD UP AND YOU ARE ATTACKED BY THREE FIRE BUGS. AFTER THE BATTLE, CONTINUE NORTH. GO UP AND YOU’LL SEE THE CABIN. Fuel: Help me!! TRY TO OPEN THE DOOR AND IT SAYS, “It looks like it will open if you hurl yourself at it.” Fuel: Help!! Help me!!! DASH AND BREAK OPEN THE DOOR. FIGHT THE FLYING MOUSE AND HEAD UPSTAIRS. Fuel: Flint... YOU SAVED FUEL. THE CABIN COLLAPSES. Fuel: I'm black with soot but I'm alive. You're all black as well. Thank you, All-Black Flint. Thank you very much, All-Black Flint. We have to tell my father that I'm safe. I'm sure he's worrying about me. HEAD BACK TOWARDS TOWN. ******************************************************************** * NPCs * ******************************************************************** * * * Matt: I don't know who you are but you're all black. Thank * * you sooty much for saving Fuel. * * * * Abbot: Fuel! Flint! You're covered with soot but you're safe. * * If you're looking for Lighter, Thomas took him to the * * Prayer Room. * * * * Abbey: Flint! Fuel! You're all black but I knew it was you * * right away. Huh? This wound? * * * * Abbot: That one there. You see,'s really hard to * * explain. She was attacked by a mouse with insect-like * * wings growing out of its back. She was bitten by it. OK? * * It's really hard to explain. Shall I try it again? * * * * Abbey: I'm OK. And, it was a really easy to understand * * explanation. * ******************************************************************** HEAD SOUTH TOWARDS THE PRAYER ROOM. ******************************************************************** * NPCs * ******************************************************************** * * * Thomas: Flint! You're covered in soot but you're safe. I brought * * Lighter here. Take his son to see him right away. * ******************************************************************** HEAD EAST PAST THE PRAYER ROOM. Fuel: Fa----there!!! Lighter: That that Fuel? You're safe. You fool, you're covered in soot. Fuel: You're the one with the injured leg. Lighter: Well, that’s neither here nor there. OWWWW!! That hurts, you idiot! Archat: Master, what are you doing? Lighter: I'm healing my leg. What's it look like? Thomas: Look, Flint came. He saved your son. Ed: You two were always such close battling buddies as kids. It made me jealous. Lighter: Thanks, Flint. I hate for you to see me like this. I guess I owe you one. Archat: Master, I think that's the first time I ever heard you say thanks. Bronson: How true. Next you'll tell me it’s going to rain. RAIN STARTS TO FALL. Bronson: Huh, it did start to rain. Thomas: I hope this rain puts out all the fires. We have to see to Lighter's treatment. Let go back to the village. IN THE INN... Tessie: Flint, you’re all better now. Thomas: Flint, you and Fuel got off with light injuries. Tessie: It's been a long time since rain fell in this village. Flint, please take it easy. ************************************************************************** * NPCs * ************************************************************************** * * * Thomas: When are Hinawa and the children coming home? I hope the * * forest isn't too dangerous the way it is now. * * * * Fuel: It looks like my father's wounds were lighter than I thought. * * Flint, thanks again for everything. * * * * Lighter: Besides the bugs that were setting fires in the forest, did * * you see anything else? I saw something like people with * * pig masks. They were suspicious, whatever they were. Those * * jerks turned the forest all black. Flint! You were all-black,* * too. * * * * Fuel: Father, go to sleep now. * * * * Lighter: Fuel, come to think of it, you were all black, as well. * * * * Fuel: Father, you really need to get some sleep. * * * * Archat: Isack said that he was going into the mountains to gather * * some mushrooms. I wonder if he was OK. * * * * Bob: Here's to the rain for putting out the fires. Cheers!! * * * * Betsy: My husband is a coward and he paced back and forth the whole * * time during the fire. I was more worried about him than I was * * about the fire. * * * * Jackie: Oh...ah, Flint. Sorry I couldn't help you out earlier. You * * can be sure to count on me next time something happens. If * * you're tired you should rest. The last room on the right * * should be open. * ************************************************************************** LEAVE THE INN. ISACK STOPS YOU. Isack: Flint, I heard that you were resting here. Good. This rain is horrible. Let me stand under the awning here. Flint...have you seen Hinawa or the kids? (yes/NO) I see. I was in the mountains collecting mushrooms. I happened to see Hinawa. Then I took a rest in a dry riverbed and from far away I heard a huge roar. It sounded to me like Drago's voice. Then I heard a shriek. At least I thought I did. Flint, are you sure Hinawa hasn’t made it back yet? HEAD BACK TO FLINT'S HOUSE AND THE PIGEON IS WAITING FOR FLINT. FLINT READS THE LETTER THAT HINAWA WROTE. IN FLINT'S HOUSE... Isack: Oh, I see...they're not home yet. It's raining...I hope they don't catch a cold. Fuel: I'll go looking for them. Isack: They're probably hunkered down somewhere, staying out of the rain. It's night so we should probably go looking for 'em. I'll get all the villagers to lend a hand as well. Fuel: I guess I'll go tell my dad what’s going down. GO OUTSIDE AND BONEY IS BARKING AT YOU. Boney: ROOF! (Please take me with you. I can help you out.) “Will you take Boney with you?” (YES/NO) Boney: ROOF! (Bow-wow) HEAD INTO THE VILLAGE **************************************************************************** * NPCs * **************************************************************************** * * * Thomas: Big Trouble!!! SOS!!! Hinawa and the boys haven't returned * * yet!! * * * * Nicole: They said they were going to be home tonight. Liars. * * * * Ritchie: I wonder if Claus and Lucas will come back... * * * * Matt: Everyone's in front of the Prayer Room. Man, I'm like * * overflowing with this feeling of like cooperation towards you. * * *Hiccup* Dude, I’m a man. And you can count on this man. * **************************************************************************** HEAD TO THE PRAYER ROOM. Johner: Flint, you made it. Everyone split into groups and went into the forest. I gave them all the orders to search for Hinawa. You’re blessed to have so many friends who love you. It should make you real happy, in a way. Wes: I want to help out with the search too...but they called me an old man and told me to keep watch here. I guess nobody has any inkling of my true power. HEAD INTO THE FOREST. ***************************************************************************** * NPCs * ***************************************************************************** * * * Paul: This rain is cold. I hope it doesn't keep raining forever. Yuck! * * * * Linda: Hinawa promised to teach me how to make her scrumptious SPAM... * * * * Lisa : Hinawa is smart. I'm sure they're just somewhere waiting for * * the rain to stop. Since I know you're careless and you're just * * going to go running off into the forest, do you at least have * * an antidote? The forest is swarming with biting snakes. Here, * * let me give you one of my antidotes. If you don't have enough, * * there are more in Isack's house. * * * * Lisa: (again) Hey, I'm searching here. Go and find your own spot. * * * * Ed: The flames were too strong so I didn't notice it but all over * * there is scorched as well. * * * * Nan: Oh, Flint. With all these people searching, they are bound to turn * * up. Please have faith. * * * * Abbey: I slipped and fell but I'm not hurt. * * * * Abbot: The ground is slippery so I believe watching your step is the * * right thing to do. * * * * Mouse: SQUEAK! (The house I was freeloading in burnt to the ground. I * * guess I have no choice but to go on a trip.) * * * * Reggie: The forecast calls for a spot of fire followed by rain. And * * then your children's smiles. It'll be OK. It'll be OK, * * I think. * * * * Biff: The forest still reeks of smoke. Well, it was a big fire... * * * * Butch: I want to hurry up and find Hinawa and then have her make me * * SPAM. * * * * Jill: Claus likes to play pranks so he's probably hiding around here * * and watching everyone search for him. Lucas is a little wimp so * * he's probably close to tears by now. * * * * Ollie: I've been calling out for a while now, but there's no response. * * Maybe they're not around here. * * * * Mike: Claus and Lucas love my cookies so I'm sure they'll appear any * * moment to eat one. My small, dirty, not very delicious cookies. * * * * Tessie: Keep going straight here and you'll be at Hinawa's father's * * house. * * * * Jackie: Flint, what should I do...? * * * * Batou: It wasn't lighting. It looks like Someone broke down these * * trees. What had the trees ever done to them? * **************************************************************************** TALK TO BRONSON... Bronson: It's a horrible sight, Flint. Have a look for yourself. All these sturdy, giant trees were smashed right in half. What make such big trees fall like that? There’s no way a human could do that. Hey, it wasn't me! Dammit. The road is completely blocked. Maybe it's because of these trees that Hinawa and the boys haven't come home. It’s the long way but you’re going to have to find another way around. Batou: Maybe we should split into smaller groups. Isack: Hey, Flint! Lighter: Have you found them yet? Bronson: Lighter...are you all right? Lighter: I'm always fine. Don't treat me like some damned invalid. Leave this tree business to me. Flint, keep moving. ***************************************************************************** * NPCs * ***************************************************************************** * * * Tessie: I hope Hinawa is safe. But... * * * * Chimey: We still haven't found Hinawa yet. So, there's no problem. Oh, * * wait, that is a problem. * * * * Jackie: Johner and the others are all gathered by the cliff. Maybe you * * should see what’s what. * * * * Batou: All of the wildlife in the area has disappeared as well. I have * * a bad and unlucky feeling about this. Oh, um, but in a good way. * * I meant unlucky in the best sense...oh. * * * * Johner: As far as I can tell, Drago climbed up here. You can tell by * * those claw marks. Unmistakably Drago. But what would cause calm * * Drago to gouge out the cliff face like that? I have a feeling * * that something bad is happening to the people, forest and the * * animals around here. * ***************************************************************************** WALK SOUTH AND BONEY STARTS TO BARK AND CLAW AT THE CLIFF. Johner: Boney, what's the matter, boy? Flint, Boney seems to have found something. Batou: Hey, look up there. There's a piece of fabric. Over there. Do you see it? That red thing. Wess: What seems to be the matter? Is there something up there? Johner: Oh, Wes, you came too. '’m sorry but nobody here ordered an old man. There’s nothing you can do for us. TALK TO WES Wes: Oh...Flint. You probably want to climb up that cliff, don't you, sonny? I understand what you’re going through but that's a little risky. My son might be of some use to you here. Or maybe not. At any rate, I'll call him here and we'll see. Let me borrow your dog. Boney, I want you to bring my son here. My son’s name is (naming screen, default is Duster) Duster. Got it? Ok, now smell this sock.........woah, this thing reeks! Remember this smell. Boney: Oooh! (This thing really stinks.) Wes: I tied a yellow ribbon around your neck. Show him this ribbon and he'll understand everything. Please. Boney: Woof Woof! (Leave it to me!) BONEY DRAGS DUSTER FROM HIS BED AND BRINGS HIM TO THE GROUP. Wes: Duster, you know how you've been training in the art of thievery since you were a kid? Well, the time has finally come for you to try them out. Today you must carry out the magnificent Wall Staple technique. Duster: Sure, I've practiced it a lot but this is my first time to ever do it for real. I hope it goes all right... DUSTER WALK TO THE FACE PF THE CLIFF. Duster: It looks like I can climb up here. AT THE TOP HE SAYS... Duster: Ok, everything looks good. Flint, be careful climbing up. ***************************************************************************** * NPCs * ***************************************************************************** * * * Wes: If those marks really are Drago's, you should be careful. * * * * Batou: That looks scary to climb up. You don't know what's waiting for * * you at the top. * * * * Johner: I had no idea Duster could do anything like that. He could be a * * first-class thief. * ***************************************************************************** TALK TO DUSTER AT THE TOP. Duster: It looks like the rain has stopped. My legs definitely not the strongest, but I'll try and follow you. Let's go together. EXAMINE THE PIECE OF FABRIC. “It's the color of Hinawa's clothes.” “You got the Piece of Fabric.” GO NORTH. Duster: Flint, there’s someone up there. What are those? Are they human? What are they doing? GO UP AND TALK TO ONE OF THE PIG-MASKS. THIS STARTS THE BATTLE WITH ROBO-DEER. AFTER THE BATTLE... CHECK THE DROPPED ITEM. “There's a notebook with the mark of a pig's nose on the cover. Will you read it?” (YES/NO) “Flint takes the notebook and reads it. The chicken-scratch writing says... All the life forms in this area are no good. We have to make them cooler. The theme is: Stronger! Eviler! More violent! Once we put that and that together we'll have a that like we've never seen before. As for the name, it’s the Fantastic Chimera Project. We'll remodel it step by step.” GO NORTH AND WATCH THE UFO FLY AWAY. ***************************************************************************** * NPCs * ***************************************************************************** * * * Tutoriole: Tweet! Let me explain to you about SKILLS. I know it's * * sudden. Sorry about that. You and other people around you * * have special skills that you can use in battle. I call * * them skills but some people use special goods or their * * bodies. If you want to know more, bring up the menu with the * * start button and then check under "STATUS". It's a waste if * * you don't make good use of everyone's special skills. And * * now, in parting...TWEET!! * ***************************************************************************** EXAMINE THE CLIFF ON THE RIGHT. “The rock is crumbling here. It doesn't look like you can pass.” GO BACK DOWN THE LADDER AND TOWARDS THE VILLAGE. ***************************************************************************** * NPCs * ***************************************************************************** * * * Wes: I'm glad those thievery skills could help out. Even though you did * * nothing to solve the problem at hand. * * * * Butch: Everyone looks cold. I'm a little on the hot side, myself. * * * * Biff: cooold. I hope that Hinawa doesn't catch a...ah... * * ...ACHOO...a cold. * ***************************************************************************** WALK TO THE RIGHT. Johner: Flint! We've found your children. They both washed up in the river. I'll watch Boney for you. You hurry to your children. Boney, come here, boy. ***************************************************************************** * NPCs * ***************************************************************************** * * * Jackie: Hinawa is a good person so I'm sure God is protecting her. * * * * Johner: Tessie is taking care of your boys. Hurry up. * * * * Batou: Flint, we would your children! * * * * Chimney: I'm sure that Hinawa is somewhere out of the rain. This forest * * would never let anything happen to the villagers. If anything * * did try to hurt Hinawa, you can count on me to take it down. * * Even if it's a roly-poly. * * * * Archat: (in response to Chimney) Wow, you're merciless. * ***************************************************************************** KEEP HEADING TO THE NORTH-EAST. Abbot: Flint! Duster! This way. Come this way! HEAD TOWARDS THE BONFIRE Lucas: Dad! THE BOYS HUG THEIR FATHER. Tessie: Flint, there's some Janaika Tea. It'll warm you up. Everyone, please take a break and warm your bodies. SOME TIME PASSES... ***************************************************************************** * NPCs * ***************************************************************************** * * * Ollie: I wonder where the kids fell into the river? I guess it doesn't * * matter so much. The important thing is that they're safe. * * * * Fuel: I wonder what Claus and Lucas will eat when their mother gets * * back. I hope she comes back soon. * * * * Isack: I'm afraid we haven't found Hinawa yet. Where could she have * * gone? * * * * Duster: I'm glad that your boys are safe. * * * * Abbot: Hinawa hasn't turned up yet but don't worry. Be sure to warm * * yourself by the fire. If you keep going on like this, it'll be * * the death of you. * * * * Tessie: It seems that both of the boys washed up in the river. Poor * * things. * * * * Claus: ................ * * * * Lucas: ........Dad.... * ***************************************************************************** WALK AROUND A LITTLE AND BRONSON RUNS IN. TALK TO HIM. Bronson: Flint....what to say...well, first of all, calm down and listen closely. I have good news and bad news. Which should I say first? Um, I guess the good news first. I got my hands on the super-huge Drago Fang. It will be the greatest weapon. I thought you could use it. The bad news is.....the bad news is....the place where I found Drago's Fang. It was in...your...It was thrust through your wife's heart. FLINT FALLS TO HIS KNEES. Bronson: Flint, please, be strong. I'm sure that Hinawa is the reason the boys are safe. She must have sacrificed her life for theirs. Tessie: Flint..... Ollie: Flint... Abbot: Flint, I'm not sure what to say. I'm sorry... FLINT BASHES HIM WITH A PIECE OF FIREWOOD. OLLIE TRIES TO GRAB IT FROM HIM BUT HE SMACKS OLLIE WITH IT AS WELL. Abbot: Flint, not in front of your kids. What do you think you're doing? LIGHTER APPEARS AND KNOCKS FLINT UNCONSCIOUS WITH A 2X4. FLINT DREAMS OF HIS WIFE AND KIDS AND THEN WAKES UP IN PRISON. Bronson: You're the first person we've ever had in the Tazmily Jail. Congratulations. Flint, Abbot and Ollie are fine. I'm truly sorry about what happened to Hinawa. What on earth caused Drago to attack a human? I'm going to have you rest here for a little while longer. It pains me to do it, though. I'm going to hold on to Drago's Fang for now. You know, the one that was in your wife's heart. When you get out of here come by my house and I'll give it to you. Don't forget. WALK AROUND YOUR CELL FOR A WHILE AND KRAUS WILL ENTER. Claus: Dad, it's me. Claus. Lucas was going to come, too, but since that time he's spent everyday crying in front of Mom's grave. Dad, I'm going to leave this apple here. The core is really tough and may be hard to eat. The core. The core is really tough and may be hard to eat but make sure you do. I’m going to get stronger. I'll be so strong that I'll easily defeat Drago. Dad...I... KRAUS LEAVES. CHECK THE APPLE. “Will you eat the apple? (YES/NO)” “There was a file in the apple.” CHECK THE JAIL CELL DOOR “The lock is rusted. Will you use the file? (YES/NO) THE DOOR OPENS “The file is now useless.” LEAVE THE JAIL AND DUSTER TALKS TO YOU. Duster: Flint. I'm not sure really what to say. But, I'm really sorry about Hinawa. I can't say I know what you're going though. Hinawa's burial is finished. Lucas has been constantly crying in front of her grave. I think his little heart is going to break apart. If I can ever do anything for you again, don't be afraid to ask. HEAD TOWARDS THE CEMETERY. ***************************************************************************** * NPCs * ***************************************************************************** * * * Mapson: Do you have business with the map-loving, map-holding Mapson? * * No? I see. Claus and Lucas are probably in the Tra-La-La * * Cemetery to the north. I'll mark your map for you. * * * * Angie: Mr. Flint. Why do you look so sad? You should come by my house. * * I'm baking some loaves of Nut Bread. * * * * Bob: Oh, hey Flint. They let you out already? H-Have you eaten? * * * * Paul: I heard that you went on a little rampage. Now, I don't know all * * the details but violence towards others is not tolerated * * around here. * * * * Reggie: We forget the good times and we forget the bad times, too. * * People are equipped with the power to forget. * * * * Nipolite: Oh, Mr. Flint. Oh, such tragedy lately, young man. I did my * * best and dug a real good grave for you. Of course, it's for * * your wife, but you'll be in there, too, before long. Yep, it's * * a real good grave. * * * * Tessie: Flint, this morning, before anyone else was awake, Claus came * * by his mother's grave. I saw him on his way back and called out * * to him but he just smiled and ran off suddenly. * * * * Jill: *sob* Hinawa....Oi, oi, oi. * * * * Matt: Her time on this earth was way too short. Don't you think so, * * too? Ah, I need a drink. *Hiccup* * * * * Ed: Flint. Hinawa was always so kind to my family. I can't really * * find the right words... * * * * Ally: Mr. Flint, did Claus go somewhere? (YES/NO) When will he come * * back? Tomorrow? * * * * Johner: Flint, you and Hinawa were the greatest couple ever. Even the * * little birds in the forest were jealous. * * * * Donna: I don't want to believe that she's really gone. * * * * Biff: Flint, sorry about my father. He's a little drunk. * * * * Butch: Please accept my condolences. * * * * Lighter: Man, I would love to pound destiny with this 2x4. * * * * Fuel: I couldn't say anything to Lucas. I.... * * * * Batou: Oh, Flint. So what were those words about sunflowers again? * * That's what I've been standing here thinking. It because Hinawa * * loved sunflowers. * * * * Isack: What happened to Claus? * * * * Ritchie: Hang in there, Flint. I'm sure that Hinawa is up in the sky * * looking down on ........waaaaaahhhhhh!! * * * * Lisa: I was just introduced to Hinawa and I didn't think I would feel * * this sad. * * * * Thomas: If only we'd gone out looking for her earlier. * * * * Nicole: She was positive and friendly and was one of my mom's best * * friends. * * * **************************************************************************** TALK TO ALEC. Alec: Oh, long time no see. I heard about Hinawa and came here right away. I haven't been in this village in a long time. I had a really great time seeing my grandsons and then this.........sorry. Hey, isn't Claus with you? He said he was going to meet someone and he hasn't come back yet. Lucas, do you know where Claus went? Lucas: .....I don't know. Alec: Lucas, hiding things will help no one. He probably went to face that beast Drago. Lucas: No, no, no. Claus is NOT thinking that he's going to defeat Drago and he did NOT take Dad's knife and head towards the mountain... oops. Alec: You raised an honest one here, Flint. So Claus is going to take that homemade knife and face Drago. Why didn't you try to stop him? Lucas: I told him I wanted to go too but he told me he was going alone and not to follow. Alec: And you just let him go? You stupid idiot!! LUCAS RUNS AWAY. Alec: Maybe I said too much. Flint, Claus has gone into the mountains to avenge his mother. We haven't a moment to lose. I don't think that Drago is himself anymore. We need to prepare. I'm going to get weapons ready for our fight with Drago. Hurry to my house. You remember where I live, right? If you forgot you can ask Mapson to mark your map for you. HEAD TO BRONSON'S HOUSE. Bronson: Flint, don't say anything and just take this. It's Drago's Fang. I made it in to a weapon for you. It's the only thing that'll be strong enough to break through Drago's tough hide. No other weapons will be able to defeat Drago. I know it's hard for you but you'll have to carry this. "You got Drago's Fang." HEAD TO ALEC'S HOUSE. Chicken: Cockadoodledoo? (Don't chase me. It's not nice to chase chickens.) Chicken 2: Cockadoodledoo? (Why are you chasing us?) Mouse: SQUEAK! (Eating everything on your plate is really a great thing to do. But, it's a little hard for me.) Cow: MOO! (Anywhere, anytime...Moo!) Pig 1: OINK! (I want to see a pig looking at the sea.) Pig 2: OINK! (I want to look at the sea.) Alec: Oh, you made it. It's gotten pretty dangerous to cross through the forest. You know that really hard to explain flying mouse with the insect wings growing out of its back? Well, it seems to have bitten me. I'm pretty much all better now. Well, let's forget about that. I've found out where Claus went. According to the frog's information he went to visit an old friend of mine. Let's go!!!!! LEAVE ALEC'S HOUSE. Alec: I mention the frog's information before. You're probably wondering what that's all about. Frogs are my friend's assistants. My friend can communicate freely with frogs and lizards among other things. Look, over there is a lizard. Talk to it and it should tell us which way we need to go. GO NEAR THE LIZARD. Alec: Flint, what kind of person is your friend, is a kind of question you may be batting around in your head. My friend, and his friends, live far from human civilization. They've lived there a long time. They call themselves the Magypsy. TALK TO THE LIZARD. Signpost Lizard: Hi, I'm a lizard. I'll tell you which way you need to go. Yay, time to spin. FOLLOW THE DIRECTIONS OF THE LIZARDS. Alec: Flint, you're probably intrigued by the name Magypsy. I can tell by how slow your walking has become. The Magypsy have been in this land for a long time protecting something. They all have strange powers. They're not humans and they're not demons. They're also not men or women. I also have no idea how old they are. So, even though I've explained it to you, you still know nothing. Well, in summary, they're strange. All of them, strange. That's what kind of things they are. However, they are really good natured. FOLLOW THE DIRECTIONS OF THE LIZRDS TO THE RIVER. THERE ARE TWO FROGS. Left Frog: You lose. Sorry. Right Frog: You win! You win!! Calling all frogs! FROGS GATHER ALLOWING YOU TO CROSS THE RIVER. Tutoriole: Tweet! The enemies you face will often leave items behind. You should pick them up. But, if you have too many items you have to either give up or throw something away. Th-ere-fore, eat the foods when you have the need for them. Eat as much as you can. That way you'll never run out of spaces for your items. That's one of the tricks of the game. And now, in parting...TWEET!! HEAD TOWARDS THE MAGYPSYS' SHELL HOUSE. Tutoriole: Tweet! Today is the Magypsys' monthly tea party. Over there, can't you hear the indescribably beautiful voices coming from Aolia's house? Tweet! Cow: Moo. (How about squeezing yourself some milk?) (YES/NO) Moo. (You're good at that.) ENTER AOLIA'S HOUSE. ***************************************************************************** * NPCs * ***************************************************************************** * * * Mixolydia: Oh, what have we here? Humans? * * * * Doria: Hello, welcooooome. We have some delicious cake. * ***************************************************************************** Ionia: Wah!!! Alec!! Welcome. Aolia: Ionia, is this a friend of yours? How do you do? Ionia, aren't you forgetting your introductions? Ionia: Why, of course. This here is my good friend Alec. And you are...I see, Flint. Let me introduce you to the Magypsys. Today is a party so almost everyone is here. This is Aolia and that is Doria. Over there is Fligia, Lydia and Mixolydia. The only one missing is Roqulia. And you can call me Ionia. What? You can't remember all that? You knew you weren't going to remember but you had me introduce them anyway. Oh, Alec. Alec: Anyhoo, it's been a long time. You look good. My grandson was supposedly by here. Do you know where he went? Aolia: You must mean that delightful little boy that was here earlier. So Flint, you must be his father. Hmmm. Now that you mention it you do resemble each other about the eyes. Alec: Claus. Where is Claus? Aolia: He ran out of here at a great speed. Quite shocking, really. Kept going on about avenging his mother. Poor thing. So I taught him some PSI. I didn't think he'd be able to use it so easily. Alec: So, he's not here? Why didn't you try and stop him? What will you do if something happens to him? Mixolydia: Silly old man. We Magypsy have no interest in the lives and deaths of human beings. Flugia: Even if you live long you get at most 100 years. A blink of an eye. What good would it do us to be concerned with your puny life spans? Doria: But, Mixolydia, Fligia, worrying about those their short lives is what makes humans humans. Alec, I sympathize with you. Maybe I understand it too much. Alec: I don't need your sympathy. I need you to tell me where Claus went. Aolia: That young boy went to Drago's plateau. That boy was thinking nothing of his own life or death. If you go after him now you might make it in time. Alec: Flint, hurry! To Drago's plateau. LEAVE AOLIA'S HOUSE. Alec: Flint, we should take the cave behind this house to Drago's lair. That's probably the way Claus went as well. Don't worry, Flint. And release the tension in your shoulders. It'll never go well if you're all wound up.Got it? ENTER THE CAVE. Alec: It's dark in here but don't despair. I've taken this path many times. Leave the navigation to me. You that look on your face is only going to invite misfortune. Relax.... ...The road splits here but keep going west... ...Now go north... ...Hold up. Around here there should be a pit. We need to find it and then jump right on down... ...This will take us the long way around. It'd be faster if we just jumped right on down that pit... ...Flinty-poo. Do you like that? Relax, relax.... ...At the next crossroads head south... ...From here go west... ...Wait. (fart sound) Was that you? It wasn't me. Hahahah... ...Wait...lately I've been really forgetful. But I'm sure that we need to go north. There we can spy me some ivy. ...That was a joke. You know, it's ok to laugh. I said "spy me some ivy". Isn't that funny? ...Oh, a dead end. I guess we made a wrong turn back there... ...From here keep going north... ...Flint, sweetheart...don't be embarrassed... ...This is it. Just climb this ivy and we'll be home It's a joke. Get it? Frito-Lay. LEAVE THE CAVE AND ENTER YET ANOTHER CAVE. COME ACROSS SOME PIG-MASKS AND THEY RUN AWAY. EXAMINE THE CAPSULE. "This is a fantastic capsule that can re-energize you instantly. Do you want to enter the capsule? (YES/NO)" "You feel like a million bucks." WALK OUTSIDE TO SEE THE UFO FLY AWAY, YET AGAIN. KEEP GOING NORTH UNTIL YOU SEE DRAGO'S KID. HE SEES YOU AND THEN RUNS OFF. EXAMINE WHAT HE WAS PLAYING WITH. "It's Claus's favorite shoe." Alec: That's Claus's shoe. And that was Drago's kid. Claus has got to be around here somewhere. Tutoriole: Tweet! (Up ahead is Drago's lair. Proceed with caution. And now, in parting...Tweet! PROCEED NORTH TO DRAGO'S CAVE. Alec: Claus's other shoe. Claus, we came to save you. Where are you? MECHA-DRAGO EMERGES. Alec: What is that? It's no longer Drago. What is this monstrosity? FIGHT MECHA-DRAGO. (don't forget to use Drago's Fang) AFTER THE FIGHT... Alec: Flint, don't...that baby is Claus's and Lucas's friend. He's no threat to us... "The people of Tazmily Village had never known grief like this. On days either rainy or sunny, people greeted each other with a smile. They were friends with all the living creatures in the forest. The strong helped the weak and anything necessary was supplied. This was life how they knew it. However, now they all shared the grief and the same feeling that things were going from bad to worse. But since when? From where? What and why? Why were things changing? The creatures of the forest now look like strange robotic toys. The humans were being pounced upon. There was even a family that had been severed apart. What were the things behind the pig masks? What were those odd UFOs flying through the beautiful sky? The riddles lead to only more riddles and this story opens with a tragedy." ============================================================================ CHAPTER 2 - A THIEF'S ADVENTURE ============================================================================ FLINT LEAVES THE JAIL. (this is the same scene as earlier.) Duster: Flint. I'm not sure really what to say. But, I'm really sorry about Hinawa. I can't say I know what you're going though. Hinawa's burial is finished. Lucas has been constantly crying in front of her grave. I think his little heart is going to break apart. If I can ever do anything for you again, don't be afraid to ask. Flint: Duster...thanks. DUSTER AND WES ARE IN THEIR HOUSE. Wes: Duster, my son. apprentice. Listen up! The time has come. Not like I was particularly waiting for this moment. Actually, I hoped it would never come. In any rate, this is the time we've have been preparing for. It is time for you to try out all those skills I taught you. I'm still not sure who the enemy is, but it's up to us to face it. Do you feel ready? (YES/NO) Duster, I am going to give you a job to do. I want you to sneak into the Osohe Castle. I want you to find "THE IMPORTANT THING" and bring it back here. THE IMPORTANT THING is...well, there's no need to tell you what it is. A thief must be able to sense the worth of that which he is going to steal. If you can't, well...there's nothing more I can teach you. Do you want to hear a little more? (YES/NO) The thing is supposed to be incredibly valuable. Maybe it...shines a little? Possibly.... That's all I can tell you for now. I've prepared some things for you in the basement. Some thief paraplegics... no, I mean paraphernalia. How many were there again? Oh well, it makes no difference. They'll come in handy during battles. GO DOWNSTAIRS TO GET THE SIX THIEF SKILLS. (listed below) GO OUTSIDE AND HEAD FOR THE CEMETERY. ***************************************************************************** * NPCs * ***************************************************************************** * * * Stray Dog: WOooo!!! (It's my instinct to bark and bark. I know it's * * really loud. Could it be that your job is a... * * * * Mapson: Do you have business with the map-loving, map-holding Mapson? * * Oh, Duster. You always did like to go out walking at night. * * So, you want to go to Osohe Castle? I'll mark it on your map * * for you. I'm not going to ask why you're going there in the * * of night. But, you do know that the drawbridge is raised, * * right? There is, however, a rumor of an underground passage * * that leads into the castle. * * * * Tutoriole: Tweet! (In the heat of battle it is easy to forget to use * * items. Has this happened to you? If you want to know more * * about your items, open the menu and read the descriptions. * * And now, in parting...) Tweet! * * * ***************************************************************************** HEAD TOWARDS THE CEMETERY AND SOMEONE BUMPS INTO YOU. Mystery Man: Oh...I wasn't looking where I was going. Sorry, sorry. I apologize again but I am in a hurry. PLease excuse me. Salsa, let's be on our way. GO NORTH. Butch: Oh, Duster! I want to tell you something but you can't tell anyone else. Look at this. This bag! What do you think is in it? It's money. MONEY!!!! Do you know what money is? What? You don't even know what money is? To tell you the truth...I'm not really sure myself what it is. It's something that was never in Tazmily Village. I think that it's going to be come the Money Age. You just wait and see. Huh? What is the Money Age? Well, I exchanged my pig for this. With that traveler. He took a great interest in my pig. You cried and begged me to trade him for this bag of money. I know it all sounds strange. I decided to do it. He's a nice guy and we hit it off. Anyway, I got the money, so it's mine, right? I don't want anyone who doesn't know what it walking off with it, so I'm gonna hide it here in the well. Duster! You must promise to keep this a secret. CHECK THE WELL. "You got 50000 DP....but, you put it back." GO NORTH AGAIN AND A UFO PASSES OVER THE CEMETERY. ENTER THE CEMETERY AND A ZOMBIE EMERGES. Zombie Man: ehhhh.....Duu---sstter. Ammm IIII allliiiiveee? Zombie Lady: ooohhh.....dddiiidddnn'ttt IIII dddiiiiieee? Zombie Man #2: ooooooohhhhhhhhh IIIIII'mmmmmmm bbbbaaaaaaaccckkk!! Zombie Lady #2: AHhhhhh, iiiisss tthhaaatt yyyooouu, DDDuuussttteerr? Yoouu've gottten sooo big. Itt miightt taake meee 3 ddays aannd nighhhts to eeat all of youuuu. FIGHT THE ZOMBIES. AFTER THE BATTLE TALK TO NIPOLITE. Nipolite: Ah, you're Wes's son, something or other. You, whatever your name is, always did like walking around at night. HEAD NORTH AND GET A LOOK AT THE DRAWBRIDGE. HEAD BACK TOWARDS THE CEMETERY. Ant: Anty-ant ant. (I hear a voice from somewhere. Don't you? Hey, buddy, look down. I'm down here. I'm an ant. Don't step on me. I've been watching you fight this whole time...and it's killing me. Don't you know anything about the rhythm of battle? Dum-de-de-dum or bop- bitty-doo-wop. In battle, the enemies' movements all have a particular rhythm. You can use that rhythm to your advantage. Do it right and you can get up to a 16 chain attack. I call this the.... Ta da! Sound Battle.) Anty-out! ENTER THE CEMETERY AND NIPOLITE WILL ENTER HIS CABIN. FOLLOW HIM IN AND GO DOWNSTAIRS. PUSH ASIDE THE BOOKCASE TO REVEAL THE UNDERGROUND PASSAGE. GO THROUGH THE PASSAGE. ***************************************************************************** * NPCs * ***************************************************************************** * * * Tutoriole: Tweet! (Let's me tell you some of the tricks of battle. How * * you come in contact with an enemy can have a big effect on * * the battle itself. You don't always have to touch head-on. If * * you can manage to hit an enemy from behind, it'll be to your * * advantage. At the start of the battle the enemy will be * * facing away. But, if you are hit from behind, you will start * * the battle with your back turned. When things are going your * * way you will notice a green flash before your eyes. A red * * flash is a symbol of disadvantage. A blue flash means that * * everyone is all even-steven. Just remember this: Face * * forward, young man. Go-go-go! And now, in parting...) Tweet! * * * * Nipolite: Oh, it's Mr. Something-or-other. You managed to get through * * the passage without being done in by the monsters. Eh? You * * want to go in the castle? Impossible. The door is locked and * * won't budge an inch. If you wanted in the castle, I guess * * you'd have to scale the wall, or something crazy like that. * ***************************************************************************** INSPECT THE WALL. "It looks like you can climb up here. Will you use the Wall Staples?" (YES/NO) GO TO ENTER THE CASTLE AND AN ANT STOPS YOU. Ant: Anty-ant ant. (Hey, don't you ever look down? I'm right here. It looks like you still haven't gotten the hang of the rhythm of battle. To figure out the rhythm you have to figure out the enemy's movements. Didn't you know that you can put them to sleep and then listen to the beating of their hearts? I knew that. And now you do, too. Although, you still can fight without worrying about rhythm.) Anty-out! ENTER THE CASTLE. CHECK THE PAINTING. "You have the feeling that a woman is watching you from behind the painting." CHECK THE ARMOR. "A suit of armor is on display." CHECK THE STATUE. "The name of this piece is written on the plate...'It weighs heavy on me.'" RUN INTO IT TO MALE THE BALL BREAK A HOLE IN THE FLOOR. "Do you want to jump down? (YES/NO)" OPEN THE BOX AND A GHOST COUGHS GREEN MIST IN YOUR FACE. "You feel sick to your stomach." THE SIGN IN THE NEXT ROOM READS... "Do you ever feel a heaviness in your stomach that keeps you from eating anything? If you do, you should try a REFRESH MINT to regain your former spunk." A SIGN IN ANOTHER ROOM SAYS... "This is the Ghost Bazaar. Trade your Rotten Eclairs here." ENTER THE GHOST BAZAAR. THERE ARE 3 ITEMS LINED UP. THE REFRESH MINT, SNAKE ROPE AND JERKY. THE SNAKE ROPE IS NECESSARY. Good Ghost: That's the super popular Snake Rope. You can have that for 1 Rotten Eclair. Will you trade? (YES/NO) Thanks! This is an item that will be with you for the rest of your life so even if you think it's expensive you should buy it. Thanks again. We both got something we wanted. Take good care of your Snake Rope it'll be with you for the life of your body. IN ANOTHER ROOM THERE IS A MOUSE. Mouse: In this castle the fireplaces are secret shortcuts. But, don't tell the ghosts. CHECK THE FIREPLACE... "There is a hole in the fireplace. Will you go in?" IN THE LOUNGE THERE ARE MANY GHOSTS. ***************************************************************************** * NPCs * ***************************************************************************** * * * Good Ghost: Hey, listen up! Piano accompaniment, please. He stains/he * * cries/hey, yeah, he just might sing you a hint! * * * * Good Ghost: (singing a song) Even if I forget my moles/on my back and * * inner thighs/I'll never forget you. Alone in my room/your * * wig/is wet with tears. Please, oh please/don't nail anything * * into the wall/be they warts or wigs or wall staples/hey yeah * * woo-hoo * * * * Good Ghost: You! Are you a normal human? (YES/NO) No, you're not. You * * are a thieving human. * * * * Good Ghost: We ghosts love the way food feels as it passes through our * * souls. * * * * Good Ghost: the water of life. I'm the connoisseur of the * * castle. * * * * Good Ghost: Would you like to eat, too? (YES/NO) (he gives you a Rotten * * Eclair) * * * * Good Ghost: Boxes with blue ribbons around them contain maps. It'd be * * helpful to remember that. * * * * Good Ghost: We ghosts have parties every day. I can't get used to it. * * * ***************************************************************************** CLIMB UP THE WALL AND APPROACH THE GAP. THE ROPE SNAKE APPEARS. Rope Snake: All right...looks like it's my time to shine. Throw me over that candlestick there. Don't worry. I'll be fine. NEXT TO WHERE YOU CLIMBED UP THERE IS A GHOST. Good Ghost: Hey, that's a Rotten Eclair, right? How about trading me for Jerky? (YES/NO) If you get any more Rotten Eclairs let me know, OK? THERE'S ANOTHER GHOST IN FRONT OF THE DOOR. Good Ghost: I know you're strong but the suit of armor in this room is gonna rock your world. If you're ready to be rocked I'll step aside. Don't forget to use your thief goods and other goods, too. ENTER THE BOSS'S ROOM Mr. Passion: My name is Mr. Passion. This is the 2nd movement of "Family Matters". Listen closely. (OK/NO) SELECT NO TO START THE BATTLE. Mr. Passion: You have no appreciation of virtuosity. AFTER THE BATTLE A MOUSE FALLS FROM ABOVE. Mouse: Squeak! (Thanks for saving me. You should rest on the sofa.) "You felt something warm in your heart." GO NORTH INTO THE NEXT ROOM. "There's an intricately crafted jar." "You got the Noble Spittoon." HEAD BACK TO WES'S HOUSE. TALK TO NIPOLITE. Nipolite: Hey, it's Wes's son. If you're going back you should take the drawbridge. It's faster and safer than the underground passageway. I'll give you the key to the drawbridge. You don't have to give the key back so go ahead and take it. The underground passage is enough for me. BACK AT WES'S HOUSE. Wes: Hey, you're back quicker than I expected. Let me see what you brought. This...this glossy, pleasant to the touch, intricately crafted jar. This is the Nobel Spittoon, a part of the Osohe Castle legend. Nice work. I knew my judgement was sharp. Duster, you are, more than I could have imagined an.................... ...........IDIOT!!! WES SMASHES THE NOBEL'S SPITTOON. Wes: You call yourself a thief but you have no eye for value. What else? Fool!! You didn't bring anything else back? Were you being a bonehead on purpose trying to impress me? It worked, dipstick. Wait....what's that? Show me again. This is the thing that I was looking for...NOT! Duster, is it possible that the owner of this pendant is the princess? Duster, your first job was a failure. However, I may have been too quick with my insults. I'm going with you. Let's head for Osohe Castle. Take me to the room where you got the spittoon. HEAD TO THE CASTLE. ***************************************************************************** * NPCs * ***************************************************************************** * * * Isack: I thought I'd come down to the village because it's livelier than * * the forest, but no one will be my friend. * * * * Lisa: Wes, gross, you're clothes are all wrinkled. * * * * Brenda: So are you both rethinking your nocturnal lifestyle? * * * * Jill: Since yesterday everybody looks pale. I bake these nut cookies to * * keep me healthy. I made too many so I'll give some to you. * * * * Nana: Hi, I'm Nana. I've noticed that the families in this town don't * * look alike. * ***************************************************************************** Wes: What...? What is that eerie sound? PIG TANKS AND PIG MASK SOLDIERS INVADE THE CASTLE. Nipolite: Ow, ow, ouch. They got me good. Those pig-headed things marched into the castle. If that's where you're headed, be careful. ENTER THE CASTLE AND BATTLE THE CLAY GUY. AFTER THE BATTLE HEAD TO THE ROOM WHERE YOU GOT THE SPITTOON. AT THE STONE DOOR... Wes: The treasure is behind there. There are signs that someone has opened this door. And very recently. The only person who could open this door is the young lady of the castle. Duster...this is embarrassing so please face the other way. WES STARTS TO DANCE. Wes: Don't look!!!! I'm not sticking out my butt or anything like that. WES FINISHES AND THE DOOR OPENS. Wes: When you were young I taught you that dance. I'm sure I've told you "when in trouble, dance" about one million and eleven times. The young lady is probably through here. But, there also may be more of those piggies. Be careful, pudding-head. PROCEED ON AND YOU ARE ATTACKED BY A YOUNG GIRL. Kumatora: ....Old Man Wes? You're Old Man Wes, aren't you? Wes: Oh, I knew it was you. It's been a long time. I've never ever thought of you. No,no,no,no,no. In my happiness I made a faux pas. I meant to say I've never ever forgotten you. Duster, chicken-brain, do something. Kumatora: Enough. I got my leg caught in this stupid trap. There's no way I'm going to die here so I was debating about whether to cut off my leg or not. Wes: Haha, as reckless as ever. There's no need to cut your leg off. I'll use my super-duper thief skills to remove the trap. Allow me. KUMATORA IS RELEASED FROM THE TRAP. Wes: Oh, you're safe now. Kumatora: That's my pendant. You stole it from me. I'll have to be careful around you. I suppose he's your son? You got some funky B.O. going on. Duster, huh? My name is...(naming screen) Kumatora. Nice to meet ya. KUMATORA STARTS TO WALK UP THE STAIRS AND THEN TURNS BACK. Kumatora: What are you doing? Let's get a move on. Wes: Where? Kumatora: Don't you know? Aren't we after the same thing? Wes: What about your leg? Kumatora: It's nothing that a little spit won't fix. I'll walk it off. Let's go. Hey. Wes's'll have to be my escort. WALK TOWARDS THE DOOR AND THE WIND STOPS YOU. Gossip Wind: HUUuuuuuuuuu.....hello. Sorry to sneak up on you like that. I'm the Gossip Wind, the wind that blows the gossip around. The rumor is that the bullish young girl named Kumatora who just joined your party can use PSI, which are supernatural powers. If this rumor turns out to be true, then it'll be very advantageous to you in battles. And that's all the gossip for now. ....uuuuuuuuuuUUH. Kumatora: What's wrong, son of Wes? Hustle your bustle! KEEP GOING THROUGH THE CASTLE UNTIL YOU ARE STOPPED AGAIN. "Kumatora has developed a high fever." Gossip Wind: HUUuuuuuuuuu.....hello. Sorry to sneak up on you like that. I'm the Gossip Wind, the wind that blows the gossip around. It seems that one of your group isn't feeling so well. It's not poison. She's not tired. Yet somehow, she's feeling under the weather. She doesn't have the strength to run. And it's nothing that goods or the hot spring will heal. It's because something inside this person is trying to awaken. I think it'll get better with time, so don't worry about it too much. And that's all the gossip for now.....uuuuuuuuuuUUH. KEEP GOING UNTIL YOU COME TO ANOTHER SIGN. "Beware of the broom in the next room." PROCEED THROUGH THE CASTLE UNTIL YOU COME TO A STONE PEDESTAL. Wes: Here. This is it. I hid this here. Duster. This is the very thing that I ordered you to bring home. "The Important Thing." It's referred to as the Shining Egg or the Hummingbird's Egg. I personally do not understand the egg. The Hummingbird's Egg is an enigma wrapped in a riddle topped with a pretty ribbon. It's a ball of secrets. Kumatora: But now this ball of secrets is of the utmost importance. If it gets into the wrong hands, the lid of secrets will be opened and things will be like, really bad. Wes: Like if they wanted to seal something away with the egg or cause disasters. Wait, could they actually do that? I don't know. Anyway, the Hummingbird's Egg is our little secret. Hummingbird.... To think that this little thing contains all the secrets of the world is actually quite humorous. Sure, it's humorous but what's even funnier is this chowderhead here. You couldn't sniff out this egg with all of its secrets concentrated like condensed milk. And that's why you are ninny. You're disqualified. Kumatora: You shouldn't say such things to your own kid. If he's really a a dunce he won't know it even if you tell him. Anyhoo, we cannot let this egg fall into the enemies hands. Oh no, they're here! Wes! Duster! We've got to get out of here quick. Wes: Wait! The Egg looked like it was just sitting there but it was really protected by a series of traps. Kumatora: Huh.....trap? THEY ALL FALL THROUGH THE FLOOR. Wes: NNNNNNOoooooooooooooooooo! Kumatora: Sorry!!!! THEY LAND IN A BODY OF WATER. Wes: My lady....are you all right? Kumatora: I'm fine but...where is it? Wes: What? If you're talking about halfwit, he's probably fine. I've trained him for situations like this. Kumatora: ...? Not Duster, the Egg. The Egg is gone. Wes: What? Not the pea-brain but the Egg? DUSTER APPEARS FROM UNDER THE WATER. Wes: Yes, the Egg! Oh, and Duster, too. I take back all the 11 times I called you names today. I'm looking at you in a new light. Good work. Applause all around. THE SHADOW OF SOME CREATURE COMES INTO VIEW. Wes: Maybe it was a little soon for applause. DEFEAT THE SEA SERPENT. Wes: Now what? EVERYONE GETS SUCKED DOWN A DRAIN AND THEY WAKE UP ON THE BANK OF THE RIVER. LIGHTER RESCUES THEM AND TAKES THEM HOME. WES RISES FROM BED. Kumatora: Oh, you're awake! Wes: Is this my house? Fuel: Wes, you and this bullish girl here washed up on the bank of the river. It was a good thing I was out with my father. If I had been by myself, I would have pretended not to see you. Wes: I see. Thanks, Fuel. Wasn't numbskull there as well? Lighter: Are you talking about Duster. No, there was just the May- December pair of you two. Wes: That goon...I mean, Duster...when I see him I'm going to take the gloves off and really let him have it. Lighter: You were both unconscious. Maybe you should just relax and take it easy for a while. Kumatora: (to Wes) What are you talking about? Let's go look for him right away. HEAD INTO THE VILLAGE. ***************************************************************************** * NPCs * ***************************************************************************** * * * Ally: Hi, are you Duster's friend? (YES/no) Wow, you're handsome. You * * probably do great with the ladies. * * * * Nan: Ally, that is a lady. * * * * *************************************************************************** ENTER THE VILLAGE AND THERE IS A CROWD MILLING AROUND THE WELL. Butch: Wes! Where's that jerk Duster? Duster was the only person who knew about my bag of money hidden in the well and now it's gone. Which means that the criminal is Duster. That was my money!! Lisa: You've been saying that for a while now but tell me, where did you get something like that? What is money, anyway? Brenda: This sure is a strange story. Butch: Shut up! Shut up! SHUT UP!!!!! Wes, Duster is a thief, am I right? There was nothing in this village to steal so he took a long vacation, but as soon as something cool like money appeared he had to have it. Kumatora: You better shut your mouth or I'll shut it for you! KUMATORA CHASES BUTCH AROUND FOR A LITTLE. Butch: Who are you? Another thief? I'm anti-violence. And you're trying to do violence. Violence! Flint: Butch and everyone needs to calm down. You can make all the racket you want, but the fact of the matter is that Duster isn't here so we don't know anything. Wes, I and the other villagers believe you. We'll just have to wait for Duster to return. Wes: I hope that nincompoop comes home soon. "The strange group responsible for fiddling with the animals in the forest and turning them into monsters have begun their plan to change the villages, way of living and even, hearts of the humans. Something larger appears to be hidden in the strange movements of peddler and his monkey. However, there are some who are not content to fold their arms and accept this attack on their people. Flint, whose strength is the bond of family. Duster, the thief of justice. And finally, a character introduced quite suddenly, Princess Kumatora. Fate is trying to assemble those who use their powers for good. And where is that weakling, Lucas? =========================================================================== CHAPTER 3 - THE SUSPICIOUS PEDDLER =========================================================================== THE CHAPTER STARTS WITH A HUGE UFO, PIG-MASKS AND TWO MONKEYS. THE PEDDLER, YOKUBA, COMES IN. Yokuba: Listen, monkey, do as your told or your girlfriend is going to die. Be good and you'll be able to have a happy little reunion. Don't you understand that? You, and your love both, could lose your lives. YOKUBA ZAPS THE MONKEY WITH AN ELECTRIC SHOCK. Yokuba: How was that? Feel good? That collar around your neck isn't just any old collar. It's something that can punish you, even if you run to the far side of the desert. Come to think of it, I haven't named you yet. I think the time has come for you to get one. Something cute...Nehehehe. Ok, idiot monkey. You're new name is Salsa. I'm only going to say this once, so listen up! If you want to have an enjoyable adventure with me, you must first remember two things: 1. You and me are the best of pals. We go way back. And don't try to run away. And be friendly. Got it? (YES/NO) The second thing is to never disobey my orders. If I say dance, you dance. If I say laugh, you laugh. Got it? (YES/NO) Just do as I say and we can both avoid any unpleasant memories. Neheheheh. Huh? You have a spark of defiance in your eyes. Dance! No, not that dance! SALSA GETS SHOCKED AGAIN. Yokuba: What is that dance? That one's even embarrassing to watch. What a strange monkey. Do something else. Good. good. Now laugh! Now somersault! Splendid! Good, anyone who sees us will think that we are a performance duo. THE PIGMEN, WITH SALSA'S GIRLFRIEND, RETREAT INTO THE UFO AND TAKE OFF. Yokuba: Hey, stupid monkey. Only cry when I tell you to cry. Don't think that you can just cry whenever you want to cry. Admonish! YOKUBA ZAPS SALSA WITH ELECTRICITY AGAIN. Yokuba: Hey! How long you going to stand there? To the west of here is a white round building. That's where we're headed. ***************************************************************************** * NPCs * ***************************************************************************** * * * Dung Beetle: I want to roll dung balls! However, I'm going through a * * little dung shortage. Oh me. If you should somehow * * obtain some dung, please bring it to me. I'll be right * * here. Thanks. * * * * Dung Beetle: I want to make balls!! Any dung will do! Ah...I seem to * * have lost my head. You brought dung? Really? You should * * give it to me. For free, of course. Thankyouthankyouthank * * youthankyou. Now I can roll it my balls. I can roll them * * to the ends of the desert. (You receive 5 exp. points) * * * * Frog : (caught in quicksand) I'm dizzy!! Help me. Ribbit! (defeat the * * (enemy) While I was spinning I made my peace with the world. * * Thank you for rescuing me from such a dangerous situation. So, * * ribbit, would you like to save? * ***************************************************************************** THE SIGN READS: "Frogs in the desert? Even in the extremely arid desert areas of Africa there exists a type of frog known as the Sand Frog. In this region there is no possibility of rain so the frogs burrow underground to avoid becoming dehydrated." APPROACH THE WHITE ROUND BUILDING AND SOMETHING GROWLS AT YOU. Yokuba: Salsa, that is the Cactus Wolf, the most savage beast in the desert. As long as he's standing there we have no way to get in the building. Let's take him down! If you get beat I'm going to have to punish you again. DEFEAT THE CACTUS WOLF AND OPEN THE DOOR TO THE BUILDING. Yokuba: Go in! GO THROUGH THE DOOR AND MAKE YOUR WAY DOWN THE PASSAGE. Yokuba: Hey, stupid monkey, look! HE SHOCKS SALSA WITH ELECTRICITY. Yokuba: That is a high-tech transport called Pork and Beans. Let's get in and take it to that horribly primitive backwater town, Tazmily . It'd take for ever to walk there but in the Pork and Beans, we'll be there before you can say, Nuhahahaha. Were you listening? (YES/NO) You can go down over there. WALK NEAR THE REFRESH CAPSULE... Yokuba: Get inside that thing and relax and you'll feel refreshed and raring to go. It's called the Amazing Capsule and it really is something else. Normally it would be wasted on a stupid monkey like you but today I'll give you special permission. GO DOWN THE LADDER. Yokuba: Don't get in it yet, idiot. Listen up. If you want to stop the Pork and Beans while traveling, press the button with the B on it. Once you're stopped, press B again to get out. Were you listening? (YES/NO) If you understand, hurry up and get in. "Do you want to board the Pork and Beans?" (YES/NO) RIDE THE PORK AND BEANS WEST TO THE END. THE SIGN SAYS: "Please, whatever you do, don't throw any Running Bombs in this room. It'll get smokey." FIGHT THE ENEMIES AND TAKE THE LADDER TO THE SURFACE. YOU EMERGE IN THE CEMETERY. Yokuba: In the village to the south is the Yado. It's a place to stay. That's where we're headed. HEAD INTO THE VILLAGE. TALK TO BUTCH... Yokuba: So, how's that wonderful bag I gave you? Do you like it? Butch: Oh, Yokuba. Don't threaten me...I'm counting all the money now. Yokuba: Nuhahahah, make sure some thief doesn't come along and swipe it from you. ENTERING THE VILLAGE YOU RUN INTO DUSTER. Yokuba: Oh...I wasn't looking where I was going. Sorry, sorry. I apologize again but I am in a hurry. PLease excuse me. Salsa, let's be on our way. Butch: Oh, Duster! I want to tell you something but you can't tell anyone else. Look at this. This bag! What do you think is in it? It's money. MONEY!!!! Do you know what money is? What? You don't even know what money is? To tell you the truth...I'm not really sure myself what it is. It's something that was never in Tazmily Village. I think that it's going to be come the Money Age. You just wait and see. Huh? What is the Money Age? Well, I exchanged my pig for this. With that traveler. He took a great interest in my pig. You cried and begged me to trade him for this bag of money. I know it all sounds strange. I decided to do it. He's a nice guy and we hit it off. Anyway, I got the money, so it's mine, right? I don't want anyone who doesn't know what it walking off with it, so I'm gonna hide it here in the well. Duster! You must promise to keep this a secret. YOKUBA IS HIDING BEHIND THE WELL, LISTENING. HE REAPPEARS AFTER DUSTER AND BUTCH LEAVE. Yokuba: Nuhahahah. ENTER THE YADO INN ***************************************************************************** * NPCs * ***************************************************************************** * * * Betsy: This is Tazmily . We have only good people here. * * * * Bob: Until just recently, this village was cool as a cucumber. * ***************************************************************************** TALK TO JACKIE. Yokuba: How much for a room? Jackie: How much....? Betsy: There's no charge at all. Feel free to stay. Yokuba: I see. But I suppose you wouldn't mind if I gave you this... HE HANDS OVER A BIG BAG OF MONEY. Betsy: We'll accept your kind offer. Thank you. It'll make a nice door stopper. The middle room is all made up. Please have a good night's sleep. Yokuba: Thank you very much. Salsa, can you say thank you? SALSA DANCES AND GETS ZAPPED WITH ELECTRICITY. Betsy: Oh my. What's the matter? Yokuba: It's nothing. He's probably just tired from the long trip. Well, good night. Salsa, let's go to our room. GO TO YOUR ROOM. Yokuba: From tomorrow I'm putting you to work. Get some sleep! IN THE MIDDLE OF THE NIGHT YOKUBA GET UP AND LEAVES. LEAVE THE INN. YOU HEAR YOKUBA'S VOICE. HE'S TALKIN GOT SOMEONE ON A CELL-PHONE. Yokuba: I see. You've made it to Osohe Castle. Wait for daybreak and then storm it. Everything on my side is going peachy. What? You saw another person in front of the castle? Why didn't you stop him? Whatever, it doesn't matter. It was probably just some drunk villager lost on the way home. Huh? It was a guy dragging his feet? I think I might have seen him, too. He had kind of brownish hair, slight B.O. and looked destitute. Don't worry about him. Leave it to me. You get tighten the defense. YOKUBA STEALS BUTCH'S BAG OF MONEY FROM THE WELL. APPROACH YOKUBA AND HE ZAPS SALSA TWO TIMES. Yokuba: Did you think could run away from me? ....ZAP That's why you are...ZAP...a stupid monkey. Go back to the room and sleep. What is that look? Laugh!! SALSA DANCES. Yokuba: You know, if you're going to run away you could be a little smarter about it. You could try disguises or hiding your footprints. But, monkeys are to stupid to think of that, I guess. Nuhahahaha. BACK IN THE ROOM SALSA IS HAVING NIGHMARES ABOUT BEING SHOCKED BY YOKUBA. A SHOCK WAKES HIM UP. Yokuba: How late are you planning to sleep, idiot? Whatever. Today you're going to perform tricks. Use your interestingly odd tricks to win the hearts of these villagers. Do it well and you'll be free and I'll take you to where your woman is. But, if you bore everyone I'll have to punish you again. ***************************************************************************** * NPCs * ***************************************************************************** * * * Tessie: Have you eaten? * * * * Betsy: I wonder what the weather will be like today. * * * * *************************************************************************** IN THE TOWN SQUARE, PEOPLE ARE GATHERING. Yokuba: Good people of Tazmily . Good job on the hard work you do everyday. I have an announcement of great happiness for you today. Blue sky...white clouds...a bountiful harvest...stout livestock ...a loving family and friendly neighbors....this village is full of many wonderful things. However, something somewhere is lacking. A small anxiety is creeping into your daily life. Is that how you really want to live? Don't you feel that there's a better life out there waiting for you? I'm sure you've all felt like that at some time. On the outskirt of the village are strange animals like you have never seen before. In the sky are huge balloon shaped ships. Why? What is happening? And then, according to the Gossip Wind, in the near future lightning will begin to strike everyday and burn all the forests. So, did that make you smile? You're probably wondering how this relates to happiness. I truly believe that this will come to be. It is because of this that I want you to be happy. I want you to live with smiles on your faces. Today is your lucky chance. Happiness is easy to obtain. My cute monkey, Salsa, looks to be dancing happily. He has obtained the secret of happiness. And just how did he obtain it, you ask? Those of you interested in that answer please raise your hand. Who wants to be happy?!! Great. Salsa, please go around and ask these people their names. Everyone, please keep your hands in the air. Biff: I'm Biff. I'm not really sure what's going on but if it's something I can get, I guess I'll take it. Abbey: I'm Abbey. I look up to my husband, Abbot. Having too much happiness isn't a bad thing, right? Isack: I'm Isack. If I can get happy that easily I guess I'll try it. Abbot: I'm Abbot. I love collecting things and since I was a kid I've gathered a lot of different things,'s kind of hard to explain. I thought I'd gather some happiness as well. I want to see what happiness is I guess. TALK TO YOKUBA AGAIN... Yokuba: Ladies and gentlemen. I want all of you to be happy. Those of you who didn't raise your hand, please think it over and if you should decide you,too, want to be happy, please feel free to ask me. Today's show is finished. I pray that your village overflows with happiness. Thank you. Salsa, let's return to the Inn. IN THE INN YOKUBA GETS A PHONE CALL. Yokuba: It's me. How's it going? Did you find "IT"? What? There were other people in the castle? Maybe you should get rid of them. Huh? You're afraid? Got it. When I'm finished here I'll head over there. In the meantime, you MUST find "IT". HE HANGS UP. Yokuba: Monkey, the HAPPY BOX is hidden in the cemetery. Go and leave it at the houses of the people who raised their hands. Abbot, Abbey, Biff and Isack. What? Where are their houses? You think I know? Find out yourself! Don't think that you can run away when you're done delivering. Make sure to come back to this room. If you can't finish this task in 23 minutes, the punishments are going to get even more severe. If that happens we'll have monkey BBQ. If you should try to run away or disobey me I'll have to start punishing your girlfriend as well. Got it? (YES/NO) If you understand, get going! If you finish in less than 22 minutes, I'll give you a banana or something. It's really mean to keep you without something to eat or drink. Be grateful! Nuhahahaha. LEAVE THE INN. HEAD TO THE CEMETERY AND TALK TO MAPSON. Mapson: Do you have business with the map-loving, map-holding Mapson? Oh, you're a monkey but you have a map. Cool. I am really in the mood to mark your map free of charge. Let me see it. PICK UP A HAPPY BOX AND DELIVER IT TO A PLACE MARKED ON THE MAP. Abbot: Ohohohoh. The Happy Box! Yes! Thanks monkey. Abbey: Abbot, you ordered one, also? I guess we don't need two of them. I'd like to cancel my order. Sorry. Biff: Oh, arigato! Now I can be happy, too! It's working. I already feel happy. Isack: Oh! It's the...what is it? I wonder if this thing will really make me happy. HEAD BACK TO THE ROOM AT THE INN. Yokuba: 25 minutes...too bad. If you had been 3 minutes faster I was thinking about giving you a Special Banana. But, I guess you didn't want it. You insolent monkey! Nuhahahaha. (He zaps Salsa) Hey, how are long are you planning on being unconscious? Stupid monkey. We're off to Osohe Castle. HEAD TO OSOHE CASTLE. TALK TO THE PIG-MASKS INSIDE. Yokuba: What's the matter? Did you find "IT"? What? Not yet? There are other people here besides us? An old man and a sad-looking man? It's got to be that poor looking guy with brown hair and B.O. Where is he? They're headed for the top floor? !@#$%%^^^&&**(!! Do not let them get away!! ***************************************************************************** * NPCs * ***************************************************************************** * * * Pig-Mask: Our men are chasing after that poor-looking guy. We'll continue * * our search for "IT". * * * * Pig-Mask: This castle was filled with ghost. But, we used the power of * * chemistry to chase them all away. * * * * Pig-Mask: "IT" is not in this room. * * * ***************************************************************************** GO TO LEAVE AND YOKUBA GETS A PHONE CALL. Yokuba: Yeah? What? They escaped underground? They have "IT"? Come on, monkey. We're going downstairs. The entrance should be around here somewhere. Find it! GO DOWNSTAIRS AND CHECK THE WALL TO LEARN THE A, B AND C PARTS TO THE DANCE. APPROACH THE DOOR. Yokuba: It's behind this door. Hey, stupid monkey. Do something to open it! CHECK THE DOOR AND SALSA DOES THE DANCE. THE DOOR OPENS. Yokuba: Woah, nice work. I'll give a reward. YOKUBA ZAPS HIM WITH ELECTRICITY. Yokuba: Nuhahaha. Get moving. HEAD THROUGH THE UNDERGROUND. EXAMNINE THE LEVER AT THE END. Yokuba: What's this? This lever. Hey, pull on the lever. (OK/NO) WATER RUSHES IN AND KUMATORA, WES AND DUSTER ARE SWEPT BY. Yokuba: It's them. They're escaping through the waterway. SOME PIG-MASKS SHOW UP. Yokuba: What? They took "IT" and escaped with it? Go after them, go after them, GO AFTER TH-----------EM!! No, I'm not barfing. I'm telling you to chase after them. Contact me as soon as you find them. Monkey, between you and them I don't know who's more useless. Let's get back to the Inn. LEAVE THE CASTLE. THE DRAWBRIDGE IS BLOCKED WITH TANKS. Yokuba: What do you think you're doing? Hurry up and move those tanks! Pig-Mask #1: Hey, that's an order from Yokuba. Move these tanks! Pig-Mask #2: Yokuba was looking at you when he said that. You move the tanks back! Yokuba: SHUT UUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUP!!!!!! It doesn't matter who I was talking to. Both of you...MOVE THESE TANKS!!!!! Yokuba: Now the day's almost over, you idiots. Pig-Mask #1: (to Pig-mask #2) It's your fault, idiot! Pig-Mask #2: Yokuba was looking at you when he said idiot, idiot! Pig-Mask #1: The one who said idiot is the idiot. Yokuba: You're both idiots!! Now hurry up and look for them! HEAD TO THE TOWN SQUARE. PEOPLE ARE ARGUING ABOUT BIFF'S STOLEN MONEY. Biff: Wasn't it you who let Duster escape? Wes: I did not do that. Besides, there was no need. Yokuba: People, people, people...somebody stole the bag of money, you say? It seems that this village has become cursed. We cannot let this wrongdoers run rampant in this village. You must pursue happiness. Otherwise, this village is in danger. SALSA APPROACHES KUMATORA. Kumatora: ... THERE'S A FLASH OF LIGHT. Yokuba: What's the matter. You like that girl, there? Let's go back to the Inn. I'll give you all the gourmet bananas you can eat. BACK AT THE ROOM YOKUBA ZAPS SALSA AGAIN. Yokuba: Stupid monkey. You still have no clue as to you're standing in life, do you? Next time, if you don't obey my order or if your movements are even a little bit strange, your jewel of a girlfriend if going to meet with great misfortune. Remember that! Now go to sleep! IN THE MIDDLE OF THE NIGHT... Kumatora: Psst! Psst....monkey. GO TO SNEAK OUT AND YOKUBA ZAPS YOU IN HIS SLEEP. APPROACH THE WINDOW AND KUMATORA AND WES APPEAR. Kumatora: Hey, monkey. We've come to rescue you. Don't worry about that fake. He's sleeping. Come on! AT THE WELL... Wes: Everything's fine. Kumatora: I didn't think you were friends with that fake. I'm sure you were there by circumstance. You poor thing. Wes: That ignoramus Duster is off somewhere with the Egg. Let's go look for him. Wherever he is and whatever he's doing, I doubt he's injured or sick. Kumatora: Yeah. We need to search for Duster and the Egg. But first, lets set this monkey free. Wes, while that phoney is sleeping could you steal his shocking machine? Wes: Sure. I shoulda stole it when we there before. I'll be back in a flash. Kumatora: Monkey, it's ok to relax now. I'm sure that was rough. SALSA GETS SHOCKED. Wes: I'm back. And I got the machine. On the way back I kind of played with it. Did I shock you? Sorry about that. Kumatora: Monkey, go ahead and smash it. SALSA JUMPS ON THE MACHINE AND ZAPS HIMSELF IN THE PROCESS. Kumatora: Monkey, you can go. You're free now. Is something keeping you from running away? Ah, I see, she's been kidnapped...I mean, monkeynapped. That dirty rat-bastard. Yokuba: You called? I am the aforementioned dirty rat-bastard...NOT. So, you are Princess Kumatora. Nuhahahaha. Stupid monkey, did you really think you could escape? Kumatora: He can. I'll help him. (Monkey, Wes, are you ready? 1,2,3...) SALSA AND WES RUN AWAY. Kumatora: (...and then we'll run away. Ready?) (Oh, you guys are fast) SHE RUNS AWAY. Yokuba: After them! (on his phone) They're headed your way. I see. Stand by. I'll be there shortly. There's no way they can escape. WES, KUMATORA AND SALSA STOP. Kumatora: Let's head to the forest. RUN THROUGH THE FOREST UNTIL YOU COME UPON A TANK. Kumatora: They knew we were coming. Monkey, let's find another route. GO NORTH AND THERE IS ANOTHER TANK. Kumatora: There's another one. We have to go back. GO SOUTH AND ANOTHER TANK ENTERS. PIG-MASKS ENTER FROM THE NORTH. Kumatora: We're surrounded. Bring it on, then! DESTROY THE TANK AND YOKUBA SHOWS UP WITH ANOTHER ONE. Yokuba: Princess Kumatora, couldn't you just calmly obey us? LUCAS WANDERS IN FROM THE NORTH. Yokuba: What? Who are you? Kid, go away. LUCAS WHISTLES AND DRAGO'S KID APPEARS. Yokuba: Oh my pork! Why is Drago's kid in a place like this? Hey, Drago's kid. Go away! DRAGO'S KID ROARS AND DRAGO, NOW BACK TO NORMAL, APPEARS AND ATTACKS THE PIG-MASKS. THEY ALL RUN AWAY. Yokuba: Hey, where you going? (to Drago) Please...don't... Kumatora: Monkey, does this make you happy? SALSA WHISTLES AND DRAGO ATTACKS YOKUBA, CRUSHES THE TANK AND RUNS OFF. Wes: Lucas, I heard that after your mother died you spent all your time crying. But, you look pretty good. You saved us. Thank you. Kumatora: Nice to meet you. And, thanks! I don't know your situation but thank you for saving us. Wes, how about you fill him in? Wes: Ok, I'll explain everything. Lucas, are you interested? (YES/NO) You see.................and that's it. Lucas, you should head back to Tazmily . I'm Claus will be back soon as well. Help your father to protect the village. I'll do everything in my power to help you. Princess, the monkey is now your responsibility. And searching for the dunderhead. Kumatora: Lucas, I have a feeling we'll meet again. See you. Monkey, let's go. "Tazmily Village is changing exactly as the peddler had planned it. Only very few of the villagers noticed that once good things in the village were being abandoned. The village was becoming more prosperous but the eerie darkness had also grown thicker. However, in that darkness, a once weak boy tried to become stronger. Lucas, is trying to paint this tragic story with a bright future. The darker the night becomes, the sun becomes that much brighter. The wheedling Lucas is now becoming that sun." ============================================================================ CHAPTER 4 - CLUB TITIBOO ============================================================================ 3 YEARS LATER... CHECK THE MIRROR TO CHANGE CLOTHES AND LEAVE YOUR HOUSE. ***************************************************************************** * NPCs * ***************************************************************************** * * * Sheep: Mehehe (Us wild animals are afraid of the lightning, but the * * livestock don't seem to mind it. * * * * Boney: Roof! (Lucas, I want to go for a walk. Can I go with you? * * * * Charred Sheep: Meh! (The lightning is scary-----!) * ***************************************************************************** APPROACH THE FROG. Frog: Hey, you over there. Please come talk to me. I have something really important to tell you. TALK TO THE FROG. Frog: From today, you'll be able to save all the rewards that your hard work bring. This is called DP (Dragon Power). DP can be used at stores for merchandise or services. Now you have 30 DP saved up. Talk to a frog when you want to withdraw or deposit DP. There are some frogs in special places which won't be able to help you with that, though. Do you want me to explain it again? (YES/NO) Well then, let's try it out. Ah, time passes so quickly, doesn't it? Can I help you? Do you want to save? Or, is it DP related. IF YOU CHOOSE DP, A BOX APPEARS. HIT THE L BUTTON TO BRING UP THE DEPOSIT SCREEN, R BUTTON FOR WITHDRAWLS. ***************************************************************************** * NPCs * ***************************************************************************** * * * Man: This is one of the lightning destroyed houses that Tazmily is * * famous for. It really is cool. I came here just to see this. * * * * Pig-Mask: Your house gets hit by lightning but you still refuse the Box * * of Happiness. Does that mean you like to be unhappy? * * * * Old Man: OH, this place is so boring and it stinks of salt air and * * livestock. That's the only thing that hasn't changed in the last * * 3 years. * * * * Jill: I listen to Yokuba's talk and I start to want everything. He's like * * a magician. * * * * Ally: Lucas, Cheese! * * * * Lisa: Well, if it isn't Lucas. As lifeless as usual, aren't you? If you * * had the Happy Box, your whole life would change. * * * * Brenda: So, you're father is still off in the mountains searching for * * Claus, huh? You should tell him that it's a waste of time and he * * should give up. * * * * Man: I think the Inn that was here up until 3 years ago felt newer than * * this one. * * * * Man: Tamekichi, the bass player from the band DCMC, gives good * * performances I hear. Even if he does look poverty-stricken. * * * * Pig-Mask: You're the kind of person who likes to approach other people. * * No,no. I'm not saying it's bad. I think it's important. * * * * Pig-Mask: I heard that there used to be pigs and cows on the training * * ground to the south-east. Yokuba was the one who bought the * * land. * * * * Bessie: I can't believe how much our Inn has changed since Yokuba came * * here. We have more customers now, too. * * * * Old Man: Just to think, this village didn't have the Happy Box * * until three years ago. * * * * Boy: There's a girl here who is soooooo hot. I wonder what her name is? * * * * Punk: I'm in a luxury hotel but I'm feeling really jittery. It's because * * all the money I earned in Gohba is in my butt pocket. * * * * Old Man: I'm going to go on a walk with my grandkid to Ooroco. Grandpa * * on the beach. hahaha. * * * * Girl: I was going to change into my bathing suit and go to the beach * * with my grandpa, but I can't take my eyes off the Happy Box.* * * * * * Richie: Never in my wildest dreams did I think it could change so much in * * just 3 years. No, I'm not talking about me. I mean Tazmily . * * * * Nicole: My father is working in Gohba, so I'm watching the store. How can * * I help you? * * * * Stray Dog: Woof! (I swear the lightning only strikes me. It must know * * that I peed on the Happy Box. * * * * Ed: My old man left on the Grand Journey six months ago. People like him * * are really rare I think. I'll miss him. He was a great man. * * * * Pig-Mask: This is our training ground. What do ya think? Aren't we manly? * * * * Colonel Pig-Mask: So, you want to join our army? First, you have to eat * * a lot and put on some weight. * * * * Pusher: Hey, Lucas. The lightning loves to strike your house, doesn't it? * * It's been burned and charred but you still live there. It's * * taking its toll on the image that the village has going here. * * Your grandpa is living in that brand-new Silver House. Where is * * it? Well, it's over there behind that thing. * * * * Elmore: Lucas. Try not to get in Yokuba's way, OK? * * * * Sebastian: I'm busy. So busy!! * * * * Man: Is there one of those things we put the money in around here? * * * * Mapson: Do you have business with the map-loving, map-holding Mapson? I * * can also talk about things besides maps. For example, Wes is * * going bald. Yep, sure is. You can count on it. * * * * Man: Lightning strikes this town quite frequently. Hmmm. * * * * Pig-Mask: All right? Have a good look. The wrongdoer's house was judged. * * * * Policeman: Outta my way. Nothing to see here. Annoying kid, go away. * * * * Reggie: The lightning used to be on my side. But, this lightning is doing * * bad things to the Reggie. * * * * Policeman: But, don't look at my face from the front. It'll make me want * * to arrest you. * * * * Policeman: Huh? There didn't used to be any policemen in this town? You * * lie. * * * * Boy: All I did was pick up a doorknob and they charge me with larceny. * * Huh? Where is the doorknob? I don't know. Maybe they sent it to the * * lab. * * * * Policeman: Long ago some idiot named Flint broke the lock on this door. * * That's why I have to stand here and push the door closed. * * * * Boy: Are you Lucas? I heard you were a crybaby. Please don't look at me * * that way. * * * * Policeman: I'm the policeman. I'm going to see DCMC's concert at the Club * * TitiBoo. I hope this shift ends soon. * * * * Boy: Over there is a house that can move. It was built to suit any * * occasion. There's a guy there always wearing a knit cap. That person * * can hold on to any items that you don't need for you. It's better * * to leave behind items that you don't need instead of walking around * * with them. He does it out of kindness and takes no money for it. * * * * Keeper Dude: I am your friendly neighborhood Keeper Dude. I'll take * * anything you don't need off your hands free of charge. When * * you want them back I'll give them right back to you. What * * would you like to leave? I might be wandering around, but if * * you need something, don't hesitate to ask. * * * * Isack: Regular mice and conventional snakes and common Drago...this * * forest was pretty boring three years ago. * * * ***************************************************************************** APPROCH THE TRAIN... Bronson: What are you talking about, Jackie? There's no way what you're saying is true. Jackie: Duster disappeared three years ago, right? Nobody knows where he is. No doubt about it. Bronson: I doubt your no doubt about it. Hey, Lucas. Hmm? It's nothing. Well, at the Club TitiBoo in Gohba there was a bass player who looked just like Duster. Jackie thinks it is Duster. Jackie: He really looks just like him. I think we should tell Wes about it. Bronson: If it's true then great, but if you're mistaken, you'll get Wes's hopes up for nothing. Who we saw was a man who looks like Duster. That's it. Let's hurry home and watch our Happy Box and eat dinner. Jackie: I second dinner. I'm starving. Bronson: See you, Lucas. Say hi to Flint for us. ***************************************************************************** * NPCs * ***************************************************************************** * * * Station Guy: There won't be another train for a little while. * * * * Lady: I heard a rumor that someone was walking around with a lot of food, * * but wasn't eating it. Was that you? You have to eat your food. It's * * a benefit of youth. * * * ***************************************************************************** HEAD BACK TOWARDS THE CENTER OF TOWN. WES APPEARS. Wes: Yokuba! Stop messing up this town more than you already have. Today's lightning was very suspicious. I've watched you control the lightning. Get out of here! Don't get involved with this town ever again. Yokuba: Wes, that blue vein in you forehead is popping. Why do you run from happiness? Do you want to go bald? I have no idea what it is you came here to say. Now be careful not to fall down and hurt yourself, or go even balder. A PIG-MASK CATCHES WES WITH A NET. Wes: Stop the insanity! I'm a man, not a bug. YOKUBA SEES LUCAS. Yokuba: Lucas, stop trying to sniff me out. Stay out of my way! Lucas, If you would just put a Happy Box in your house, you could become as happy as these folks here. How long must I wait for that day? HEAD TO WES'S OLD HOUSE AND TALK TO WES. ***************************************************************************** * NPCs * ***************************************************************************** * * * Nan: Oh, it's Lucas. Nice to see you too, Boney. If you're here to see * * your grandpa, he's on the second floor on the left. * * * * Alec: Lucas, my boy, how are you? Just now I was having a nap and Nobo * * from over by the crossroad, was in my dream. You know who I'm * * talking about, right? Where is he and what the heck is he doing * * there? * * * ***************************************************************************** Wes: Lucas, I'm embarrassed you had to see me like that before. That Yokuba....I'm not a bug, you know. He tries to treat me like I'm a stag beetle or something. Huh? Someone who looked just like Duster? That turkey....Lucas, I'm going to lower my voice and tell you a story. I'm sorry but, could you go and check whether that person really is Duster or not. I've been marked by Yokuba's henchmen and can't move freely. Please. Look for the dolt. If you find Duster, release this pigeon as a sign. Pigeon: Ooooooo! (The time has come for me to make my mark on the world.) Wes: Thanks Lucas. Like I said before, I've been marked. GO TO THE TRAIN STATION AND WALK EAST ALONG THE TRACKS THROUGH THE TUNNEL. Man: Wait, wait, wait, wait, wai----t!! I'm not sure what you're up to, but do you plan on walking through this tunnel? It'd do no good to try and stop you, so I'll give you this. (Map of the tunnel) Do you know what the scariest enemy in the tunnel is? It's not the chicken-snakes or the mushroom-dogs. The answer is the train. The train is the most dangerous. Be careful not to get hit by the train. GO THROUGH THE TUNNEL. WHERE BONEY BARKS AT THE WOMAN'S CLOTHES, CLIMB THE LADDER FOR THE HOT SPRING. IONIA IS ALREADY SOAKING. Ionia: Ahhhh.....I'm naked!!! Wait, aren't you the boy I met three years ago at ago at Aolia's house? You said you were going to kill the thing that killed your mother. You're not? That's strange. My name's Ionia. I'm a Magypsy. This is the Magic Butterflys' area. I always come bathe here when I've used too much PSI. Are you here for the same reason? What? You don't know what PSI is? That's strange. I can feel magic power coming off you like a cloud. Wait...just a little longer. Don't fight it. Hold out just a little bit more. Almost there. O----------K! "Something has awoken inside Lucas." "Lucas learns Life-up." "Lucas learns Healing." "Lucas learns PK (insert the thing you selected as cool at the beginning of the game)(I chose random and it came up PK LOVE)" "Lucas can now use PSI." Ionia: What! You've mastered PK Love, a power that no Magypsy has ever been able to use. You are great. I don't know where you came from and I'm not sure where you're going but I'm sure we'll meet again. Please tell me your name.....I see. Lucas. Thanks, I'll remember it. Now go, I'm boiling in here. CONTINUE YOUR JOURNEY THROUGH THE TUNNEL. Tutoriole: Tweet!! (Hi, have you noticed? If you dash at weak enemies, you can send them flying. Doesn't it feel good? Have you made it a habit? However, it doesn't count as a battle so you can't collect those things commonly referred to as experience points. Oh, you knew that? You're not just pretending to have know when really you didn't, right? Oh, you're not. Well, in parting...) Tweet! AT THE TERMINUS... ***************************************************************************** * NPCs * ***************************************************************************** * * * Station Guy: The fee is 50 DP for those people working in Gohba. For * * everyone else, the fee to Crossroad Station is 2500 DP. Are * * you working in Gohba? * * * * Butch: Ah, I don't want to work. I hope it gets dark soon. Then I can * * go to TitiBoo. You wouldn't know about that, though. * * * * Biff: You know, it's not easy to work in Gohba. But, you can get free * * passes for club TitiBoo. So there are plusses. * * * * Isack: Lucas, what brings you to Gohba? If you feel like working, we'll * * definitely hire you. * ***************************************************************************** APPROACH THE BLUE PIG MASK. Pig Mask: Hey, you, suspicious person. What do you think you're doing here? You want to go to club TitiBoo? That's a place for the people who work here to relieve their stress. It's not a place for people who don't work to go to. If you really want to go there, why don't you come work for us? So, you want a job? (YES/NO) Ok, then listen up. Your job is to transport Clay Guys. First, go all the way to the back. Go down the ladder and there'll be a Clay Guy. He's low on energy so bring him up top. Bring them up one at a time. Bring three and you are finished. Here, I'll give you a map of the area. Also, please fill out the name on this form. Not your name. The name of...that. That thing...behind you...your guardian, you know...the p-p-p-p-p-player of this game. Please write it with letters of the alphabet and make it look really cool. _____? Is that how you read that? Ok? (YES/NO) Well, _____. I have you on file. If you do anything bad you'll cause trouble to _______. Don't forget it. And good luck. Wait, dog! We also have jobs for dogs to do. You have to go listen to the orders from the dog in charge. The Clay Guys with low energy look really weak, you'll be able to easily spot them. Ok, go get 'em. ***************************************************************************** * NPCs * ***************************************************************************** * * * Archat: In the back is where a lot of the work is done, like digging out * * the clay for the Clay Guy. * * * * Johner: Oh, Lucas! Did you come here to see me? No? So Flint, is good? * * * * Boney: Woof! (It feels good to exercise sometimes.) * * * * Pig-Mask: Hey, part-timer. Send up the Clay Guys on using this lift. * * Bring them here and let me know. * * * * *************************************************************************** BRING THE FIRST CLAY GUY TO THE ELEVATOR. Pig-Mask: Wow, you work fast. Hold on a minute. LEAD IT TO THE CLAY GUY MOLDING AREA. Archat: Lucas, good job. There should be a few others left. Thanks. AFTER THE 2ND ONE... Archat: You can just leave it there. We'll get to it in a bit. Please go get the last one. AFTER THE 3RD ONE... Archat: That'll be all for today. Don't forget to get your wages from Yonda at the entrance. LEAVE THE ROOM AND A BLUE PIG-MASK STOPS YOU. Pig-Mask: Good work today. Here's a little something for working hard all day. (You get a ticket) And here are your wages for today. (You got 200 DP) The more days you work the more money you can pull in. Have a dream and sweat the good sweat. You're young, you can do that. Ah...the day is almost over. You should go and relax at the club TitiBoo. Thanks again. ***************************************************************************** * NPCs * ***************************************************************************** * * * Biff: ZZZZZZzzzzzzzzz....OH! I guess I was sleeping. Who sleeps standing * * up? Thanks for waking me up. * * * * Man: (climbing the cliff) Huh..huh...I thought I'd...climb this and take * * a shortcut to TitiBoo. I'm on my third day... * * * * Pig-Mask: (at the door) Go away little boy. Your mutt, too. * ***************************************************************************** HEAD FOR THE ROPEWAY. Ropeway Guy: This is the ropeway to club TitiBoo. Would you like to get on? (YES/NO) Your ticket please. Ok, everything looks good. Please get on. APPROACH THE FRONT DOOR OF THE CLUB. Skinhead: Ah, haven't seen your face before. I'm afraid we don't allow pets in our establishment. I'm sorry but could you please come back another time? Bearbeard: Please come again. LUCAS AND BONEY LEAVE AND THEN COME BACK, THIS TIME WITH BONEY STANDING ON TWO LEGS AND WEARING A HAT AND T-SHIRT. Skinhead: Aren't you that boy who was just here with the dog? And you look kinda doggish. Bearbeard: Something stinks here. Where'd your dog go and where'd this doggy boy come from? Plus, you both look underage. Something stinks like puberty and dog. Skinhead: Now that you mention it...something is off. Suspicion alone is grounds for punishment. That's the way we do things around here. Go home. Go home little brat and dog-faced boy! Bearbeard: No, let's punch them out right here. A WOMAN ENTERS. Yoshi-Koshi: Oolala, if isn't a woefully underage looking young man and a strikingly canine looking boy. Were you mistaken as such? Skinhead: Huh? Are these friend of yours, Yoshi-Koshi? Bearbeard: Even if they are, something's still smells fishy. Especially this dog-boy. Shake! Come on, boy, give me your paw. Hey, don't turn away from me! Maybe you haven't been trained on that yet. Boney: Woooooo. (I can do it but...) Bearbeard: He does look like a dog but, I guess he's not. If, by chance, you really are a'll be a good dog to shake hands with. Haha. Skinhead: Have a good time inside and let all your worries melt away. Bearbeard: Hey, boy...have a good time. Boney: Woof! (That was close!) INSIDE THE CLUB... Yoshi-Koshi: Without changing your expression, listen up. I'm wearing a lot of girly clothes but it's me! We met in the Telly forest. I'm Kumatora. I'll explain everything later. Now, smile. Good. DCMC's set is just about to start. Go on in and try to get a seat. ***************************************************************************** * NPCs * ***************************************************************************** * * * Girl: There are no toilets for dogs here. Oh, you're not a dog. My bad. * * * * Concession Stand Girl: The Metropolis Soda is a really bog hit at Club * * TitiBoo. You should try it at least once. Teehee. * * * * Girl: That girl at the concession stand always says "Teehee" at the end. * * She should stop that. It makes her sound like an idiot. Waahaa. * * * * Man: Welcome. I have some homemade DCMC goods on sale. If you tear or * * break them, I'll work all night to fix them for you. As if. I'm a * * big fat liar but don't let that stop you from buying my DCMC goods. * * * * Boy: Tondagossa! It's a greeting. Don't you know? You should at least * * try to learn DCMC's greetings. Tondagossa. * * * ***************************************************************************** HEAD INTO THE CONCERT HALL. Fans: Yeah! Woo-Hoo! Magic! Patch! OJ!!!!! Zumizu rocks! TA-ME-KI-CHI!! ***************************************************************************** * NPCs * ***************************************************************************** * * * Girl: You're late. The concert's almost over. Everyone's shouting for an * * encore. Woo-hoo! * * * * Boy: Over there is a girl who's always at the seashore. I want him...her * * eyes are saying. I've been standing here thinking that it might be * * nice to fall in love with her. Ah..... * * * * Man: I hope the encore starts soon. As soon as the show's over you can * * DCMC pamphlets from the girl. * * * * Girl: Nantekoda! There's a boy standing over there who's always at the * * seashore. I want what his gaze says. I've been thinking * * that it'd be nice to fall in love with him. * * * * Old Man: Apparently there is one man controlling the world. Actually, I * * don't know if it's a man or woman, adult or child. * * * * Tessie: That bass player, Tamekichi, really looks like Duster. But, I'm * * not convinced it's him. * * * * Pig-Mask: I thought that our boss was that scary womanizer over there, * * but really he's way further up than this. Further up than up, * * maybe. * * * * Pig-Mask: I'm sure that the bass player, Tamekichi, is wearing a wig. * * Pass it on. * * * * Woman: Gross! Your face is so hairy. * * * * Woman: These box seats are ours. Keep your nose out our business, you * * cheeky bugger. * * * * Scary Womanizer Pig-Mask: What are you looking at? You stink like dog. * * Like dog and stupid little brat. This is no * * place for dog and little boy stench. Beat it! * * * ***************************************************************************** Boney: Woof! (If we keep walking around, the encore is never gonna start. Let's sit.) (YES/NO) (Walking like this is making my dogs tired.) Yoshi-Koshi: Can I get you something to drink? ......water? Thomas: Who the heck is ordering water I thought to myself and it turned out to be Lucas. Water...hahahah. Yoshi-Koshi, get that young man a hard soda. And get his dog-looking friend a Metropolis Soda. It's all on me, of course. Yoshi-Koshi: Yes, sir. A Metropolis Soda and a Hard Soda. Thomas: I'm surprised to see you in a place like this. Yoshi-Koshi: Thanks for waiting, here's your drinks. And now, without changing your expression, listen up. I have a lot I want to talk to you about after the concert is over. When it's over, look for me in the lobby. I'll come to meet you there. Later. Idiot! I told you not to change your expression. Enjoy the show. Hehe. Thomas: Hey, Lucas, what were you talking with Yoshi-Koshi about? You're pretty good with the ladies, aren't you? Oh, it's starting! OJ: Tondagossa! Are we rocking your world? Oh my pork! Look at the time. Nantekoda! Now for our last song of the evening. This is King P's Theme. DCMC ROCKS OUT ON KING P'S THEME. Boney: Woof! (My ears are ringing. GO TO LEAVE THE HALL. Girl: DCMC's soulful music is always the bomb. Would you like a DCMC pamphlet as a souvenir of your time in Club TitiBoo? (YES/NO) The die-hard fans love these things. Make sure to cherish it. IN THE LOBBY TALK TO YOSHI-KOSHI. Yoshi-Koshi: This way. GO DOWN THE LADDER. Yoshi-Koshi: Over here. Don't dawdle. GO THROUGH THE TUNNEL AND UP THE LADDER. Yoshi-Koshi: (in the shower) That tunnel is really convenient but I get so dirty whenever I use it. Plus I get the sticky stuff from the snails on me. I'll be out of the shower soon. Make yourself at home. (after her shower) The room is all yours. You two should take a shower. There's also a hot spring. We can talk when you're done. (YES/NO) "After the showers were taken, the three talked for many hours about their lives over the last three years. About the monkey that they saved and the Hummingbird's Egg they took from the castle, and which and since gone missing. About the fact that an amnesiac Duster is now a member of DCMC. And also about how much Tazmily has changed and suspicious army... In attempt to put together some of the scattered pieces of this jigsaw puzzle, they talked about everything and anything. The upcoming battles, they knew, would not be easy. That was the one thing that they all already understood. 'I want to be strong.' Lucas has come to truly feel this in his heart." Yoshi-Koshi: And that's how I finally ended up here. But until Duster remembers who he is, the Hummingbird's Egg will remain lost. We have no idea if it will or already has fallen into the hands of the Pig-Masks. Lucas, try talking to Duster and see what happens. Maybe he'll remember something if you meet with him. There's a guard outside. He's not an enemy, but I don't want to alert him to anything. Use this ladder to go through the attic to Duster's room. It's the long way but it's also the safest. I'll gather the members of DCMC. I guess I'll have to explain everything to them. Good luck. GO UP THE LADDER TO THE ATTIC. MAKE YOUR WAY THROUGH AND TALK TO THE BASS. Bass Consumed with Jealousy: I am, as you can see, a wood bass. I'm still in good condition. But ever since that bass downstairs came here, I've been shut up in this dank, damp attic. It drives me crazy. I've got all this anger built up that I need to unleash upon you both. No offense, just stress release, you see. DESTROY THE THREE INSTRUMENTS AND GO DOWN THE LADDER. Yoshi-Koshi: Took you long enough. I'm talking to the band members now. OJ: Tondagossa! You're trying to take Tamekichi away from us, huh? Tamekichi: Tondagossa. Who are you? Yoshi-Koshi: This is the person I was telling you about that you know, Duster. Tamekichi: Duster? It is true that I don't know my real name. I've been going by Tamekichi for the last few years. Yoshi-Koshi: Got it, Tamekichi. If it's OK with you, please tell us all you remember. Tamekichi: Fine. I understand that it's important...Before I came to Club TitiBoo, I lost all of my memories. I didn't know who I was or where I came from or where to go. I didn't know anything. All I know was that I was holding an egg of some kind. It seemed important somehow. Not knowing where to go I just set off walking. All I knew was that the Egg was something of great importance. And that I had to protect it at all costs. So, I searched for a place to hide it. I walked and I walked, far away from the prying eyes of men and hid it in a lump of earth in a valley. I haven't forgotten where it is. If you climb a cliff that's next to a huge waterfall... Yoshi-Koshi: That's (Hitoshirazu) the Unknown Valley. Duster, that's where the egg that you protected is. We have to go there. The sooner the better, too. Tamekichi: But, am I really Duster? If I really am that Duster then I have no choice but to leave the band. Is that what you're saying? Today, now, either Duster or Tamekichi will go away for good. Is that right? If I am Duster, what will happen to DCMC? If I keep living as Tamekichi, what will happen to the Egg? What should I do? Don't make me decide. Shimmy Zumizu: That's not something you can decide. All you can do is listen to your destiny. Patch: If destiny decides, I will smile and bid you farewell. OJ: Destiny...let's try listening to destiny. There's got to be a way. We'll just do what we always do when we're looking for what to do. Tamekichi: Paper, rock, scissors? OJ: Yeah, Lucas against us. If he wins five times you have to go with him. But, if he loses once you have to stay here and play bass with us. How are those conditions? Tamekichi: 5 wins? Sounds good to me. Is that fine with you? OJ: When you're ready let's begin. It doesn't matter in what order you challenge us. CHALLENGE THE BAND. Magic: Whenever I play with Zumizu, we always do the same move. Shall we begin? (YES/NO) 1....2....3! Ahhh, you win. Patch: Shimmy always does rock as his first move. It's up to you whether to believe me or not. Ready? (YES/NO) Tondagossa. You waited to long. We've got destiny riding on this match, so let's put our hands out at the same time. AH......I lost. Destiny's on your side. Shimmy Zumizu: Most people here have a move that they always start out with. And Patch usually loses to Magic. You ready? Oh sorry, I was a little slow there. My apologies. Do over. Ah! I lost. It was a spirited loss. Tamekichi: When Magic the Leader and I play this game it always ends in a tie. Ready? (YES/NO) I wonder if I should, I'll leave it up to destiny. 1..2..3! I lost. I guess destiny was telling me to lose. OJ: When Magic, Patch and I play this game we always get a draw. I guess I'm your final obstacle. Let's go! I am the band leader, after all. Ready? (YES/NO) If I win, Tamekichi stays with DCMC. If you win, he goes with you. Tamekichi...are you fine with that? Tamekichi: I want to believe in destiny. If I'm meant to go then he will win. If not, then he'll lose and I'll stay here. OJ: Got it. Lucas, you should put out scissors. I'm planning on doing paper. Tongossa, let's do it! Ah, I see, it's destiny. Tamekichi probably really is this Duster fellow. Go, and don't worry about us. We'll be fine. Kumatora: I think the place where Duster hid the Egg is in the Unknown Valley. There's not much left for me to do around here anymore. OK. I'm going to go change out of these girly clothes. Everybody, thanks for everything. Take care. (in the distance) You're in the way! (Sounds of her smacking someone) OJ: Tamekichi....Duster, I guess. You were a smokin' bass player. I'm gonna miss you. I hope we meet again. Magic: See you again, man. Shimmy Zumizu: Don't forget the time you spent with us. Patch: Tamekichi.............. Duster: My memory still hasn't come back, but I'll go with you. Let's go. OUTSIDE THE ROOM. Kumatora: I took care of all the bodyguards. Let's get out of here. NEAR THE ENTRANCE... Duster: ....? Kumatora: What's the matter? Duster: Someone's on the stage. "Bon Voyage, Amigo. Here's hoping that someone in heaven watches over you on our journey. We spent some good times together laughing. Oh, someone in heaven above please know, that those smiling faces were our favorite things. Bon Voyage, Amigo." Duster: Tondagossa....Thanks, everyone. DUSTER TAKES OFF THE WIG AND SETS IT ON THE GROUND. Duster: Thanks for waiting. Shall we go? Kumatora: First to the Unknown Valley. LUCAS RELEASES THE PIGEON. ============================================================================ CHAPTER 5 - THE LIGHTNING TOWER ============================================================================ A FLASHBACK OF DUSTER PUTTING THE EGG INTO A CLAY GUY. BACK IN THE PRESENT... Duster: If we go straight from here there should be a hole. I hid the Egg in the hole. Lets search around there. ENTER THE TUNNEL. Mole: I'd be happy to share all the things I've gathered with you. Like earthworms. Wanna see? (SHOP) LEAVE THE TUNNEL AND MAKE YOUR WAY TO THE HOLE IN THE GROUND. Duster: Yes. Yes. It was a hole just like this. But...were there really this many of them? Well, one of them has to be the right one. I guess we have to randomly jump down them. CHECK THE FIRST HOLE... "Anna Osolo's hole. Finished in the spring of 2006." FALL DOWN THE HOLE AND CHECK THE SIGN. "The moles built a dungeon? Mole tunnels are not used solely as a dens. They are also used to trap insects, which are used as food, that get lost inside. Large scale mole tunnels measuring more than 100 meters are not rare. If you can, please take time to observe the moles." ***************************************************************************** * NPCs * ***************************************************************************** * * * Mole: Hoi, hoi, hoi...are you lost? This tunnel as changed so much in the * * last three years that you can't even tell it's the same place. It's * * natural to get lost down here. The harder we work, the more * * complicated this place gets. Here's hoping that the ground above is * * someday completely full of holes. Hahaha. * * * * Mole: Ladida. You know, I'm not really all that worried if the surface * * gets all holey or not. Holes are holes and the ground is ground. * * That's the way it should stay. They're compatible with each other, * * I think. That's why I'm not busting my hump like the others. Ladida.* * * * Mole: Digging holes is so much fun! Sure, it's tiring, but it's really, * * really fun. I hope this place is all holes someday. * * * * Mole: Hoi, hoi, hoi...what's the weather like up there? Huh, sunny? What * * does that mean? Cloudy? So it's cloudy then? Coooool., * * cloudy! * * * * Mole: Long, long ago, there was a really lazy mole in this tunnel. He * * never dug holes of his own but instead stood in the holes that * * people dug, and made sounds like he was working. I wonder what * * happened to him. Oh, forget I said anything. Oh! That's right, he * * lived happily ever after. * ***************************************************************************** LEAVE THE TUNNEL. Duster: This is it. This is the place. I hid the Egg in that earthy person over there. Yes! It's still there. THE CLAY GUY IS ZAPPED WITH LIGHTNING. Kumatora: Duster, are you OK? Duster: Aaaaaa....I think I'm OK. What was that? Lightning? That was close. DUSTER INSPECTS THE CLAY GUY AGAIN, BUT THE CLAY GUY GETS UP AND RUNS INTO THE FOREST. Duster: He's still got the Egg!! Kumatora: Let's go after him! THE SIGN SAYS: "The Tower of Peace and Love. Stay Away!" A SHOT OF THE TOWER AND THE LIGHTNING RAY ON THE TOP. Kumatora: You can see this tower from Club TitiBoo. I wonder what it's for? More importantly, we've got to get that Egg back. CHASE AFTER THE CLAY GUY. ENTER THE CLAY GUY FACTORY. Pig-Mask: Hey, are you guys taking your masks off when you go to the bathroom? I don't. Do you? You take it off in the toilet and then when you're done you put it back on again? Pig-Mask #2: Yeah, that's right. There's even a place to hang them. Pig-Mask: You idiot! That's not for hanging your masks! That's for hanging things like bags or umbrellas. Pig-Mask #3: Really? This whole time I thought it was for our masks. I was wondering why it was so hard to hang masks on. Pig-Mask #2: (to Lucas) Hey, you. What are you looking at? Pig-Mask #1: Ah! You're the...(runs away) Blue Pig-Mask: Quiet down! What's all this racket about? Oh, ah, I'm very sorry, Commander, but your strange attire will set a bad example for my subordinates. We have a change of clothes ready for you, so please put them on. I'll also need the people behind you to change as well. Thanks you, sir. THE PARTY CHANGES INTO PIG-MASK UNIFORMS. Blue Pig-Mask: Now, that's more better. Please excuse me, I need to get back to my work. BLUE PIG-MASK LEAVES. Duster: I think he mistook us for someone else. Let's find the Clay Guy before they notice. ***************************************************************************** * NPCs * ***************************************************************************** * * * Pig-Mask: I'm very sorry about that. * * * * Pig-Mask: I've been your admirer for a long time. But not in a bad way. * * Here a small present from me to you. * * * * Pig-Mask: You may be wondering how the Clay Guys move. Well, we put * * something in the clay. When it gets hit with an electric * * shock, that little mound of dirt starts to move. Did that * * answer your question? I'm still a little fuzzy on the details * * myself. * * * * Pig-Mask: With Clay Guys that have gone wild, if you just let them be, * * they'll eventually hit a tree or something and smash apart. * * So, maybe you should just leave him be. * * * * Pig-Mask: Clay Guys are made out of regular clay, so we can recycle them * * over and over again. Whoever thought of this system is a bona * * fried genius. I wonder what his name was? Beany? Baboon? * * Baklava? Bald Eagle? Hmmmmmm......I guess I forgot. * * * * Pig-Mask: When Clay Guys break down they take themselves to the dump * * automatically. It really makes my job easy. * * * * Blue Pig-Mask:'re the Commander...! You're looking for a Clay * * Guy? What? A Clay Guy gone wild? One of ours, you say? * * Commander, I can assure you that here, in the product * * development department, we have never once produced a * * faulty Clay Guy. * * * * Pig-Mask: If you're looking for a faulty Clay Guy, I saw one running * * around out back. You better hurry though, or he's bound to be * * picked up by trash collection and sent to garbage dump. Tell * * me, why are you chasing after a Clay Guy? What are you hiding? * * You can't say? It must be something embarrassing. * * * * Pig-Mask: This is an Amazing Capsule. If you're tired you should take a * * rest. * * * * Pig Mask: I saw a Clay Guy running super fast towards the exit. You * * know, when Clay Guys are faulty they bring themselves here and * * then are taken to the dump. It's sad in a way. * ***************************************************************************** LEAVE THE BUILDING AND YOU SEE THE CLAY GUY BEING LOADED INTO A GARBAGE TRUCK. Duster: !!! This is bad. We've got to follow that truck. MAKE YOUR WAY THROUGH THE TUNNELS AND A PORK AND BEANS TRANSPORT APPEARS. Pig-Mask: Hey, watch out! What do you think you're doing? Oh! You're the Commander, right? I'm terribly sorry. You have a look like you threw something away by mistake. Am I right? If you're going to the dump, you should use this thing. The dump is to the north- east from here. I hope you get there in time to retrieve your lost, and probably embarrassing, item. Let's try and avoid any skidding accidents as well. Take care. THE PARTY CRASHES AND TOTALS THE PORK AND BEANS. THE SCARY WOMANIZING PIG MASK APPEARS. Scary Womanizing Pig-Mask: Oh, Commander, sir. Are you injured? That guy Yokuba is always littering this place with his banana peels. It's easy to slip on them. Please use my Pork and Beans. *sniff* *sniff* Hmm? Something reeks like dog and...*sniff* brat. Hey, you're that kid from Club TitiBoo. You many be able to fool the others but you're no match for my heightened animal senses. FIGHT AND DEFEAT HIM. S.W. Pig-Mask: You--You're pretty good. But don't think that this is over. HE LEAVES BUT SLIPS ON A BANANA PEEL AS HE DOES. RIDE IN THE PORK AND BEANS. ***************************************************************************** * NPCs * ***************************************************************************** * * * Pig-Mask: Commander. My Pork and Beans needs a charge. Hmm? The garbage * * dump? It's north of here. * * * * Pig-mask: It looks like this charger is broken. But, don't worry about * * me. I'll figure something out. * * * * Robot: I am a broken robot. However, I have forgotten why I am broken. * * You must have a lot of free time to talk to something like me. * * I'm sorry. Forget I said anything. * * * * Sign: Thank you for taking the time to read this sign. I love you. * * * * Stray Dog: Woof!! (That smell...that's the smell of dog biscuits. As you * * can very well see, I am a dog. So, there's nothing left for * * you to do but give me a biscuit.) (YES/NO) Wooof!! (I'm so * * happy. I should do something nice for you. Ah! I know, I'll * * give you this.) **You get the Pencil Rocket** (Make sure to * * hold on to it, OK?) * * * * Pig-Mask: This is a Pork and Beans recharge station. It's self service, * * so please help yourself. Just tell yourself that you are * * servicing yourself and you'll be fine. * * * * Sign: HOW TO RECHARGE. * * 1. Place a Pork and Beans on the panel. * * 2. Press the A Button at the device to the right. This will supply * * electricity to the Pork and Beans. * * 3. The Pork and Beans is fully charged when you hear the Pi-Po-Pi * * sound. BEWARE! When you hear the Pi-Po-Pi sound, MAKE SURE to * * press the A Button again to cut the electric current. * * * * Pig-Mask: Hey, need anything dangerous? With all the things I have, you * * could have yourselves a dangerous goods festival. Anyone would * * want to buy these things. How about you? (YES/NO) * * * * Man: Hi! What do ya need? I've got souvenirs. I've got food. What'll it * * be? * * * * Man: Gum is awesome! You can chew it all day and it never disappears. * * It's a great bargain. In a way, it's limitless. * * * * Pig-Mask: I know. You're not really the Commander. You're a fake. Don't * * worry, I won't tell anyone. It's too much trouble. * * * * Girl: Please don't come behind the counter. You'll stir up the mold. * * * * Skinhead: This place has a really unique, yet unsettling atmosphere. It * * feels like home. I think I like it better than Club TitiBoo. * * * * Bearbeard: From now on we are this shop's bodyguards. Gahaha. * * * * Pig-Mask: Really we don't need any bodyguards. But, ... * * * * Girl: (in line for the bathroom) This line is taking, like, forever. * * * * Girl: (in line for the bathroom) I've been in this line so long that * * it's gotten fun waiting for my turn. * * * * Cow: (in line for the bathroom) Moo! (Um, Moo?) * * * * Man: (in line for the bathroom) Supposedly there's a ramen place around * * here that's so good that there's always a line out front. This must * * be the line for it. * * * * Leoleo: Hey. My name's Leoleo and I'm a bad dude. See all these presents * * lying around? Ladies brought these. Of course, all different * * ladies. So, all of these presents you see are mine. None are for * * you. You see a present and just assume that you can open it. But,* * these are mine. Oh, maybe he'll give me one of his presents. Is * * that what you're thinking? I won't!! You need to be a bad dude * * me and then you'll get some presents. Maybe I will give you one * * after all. Um, NO! Fine, I'll let you open one. I guess this bad * * dude, Leoleo, has a sensitive side. Which is what makes me * * popular with the ladies. **You get the handmade sweater. But, * * it says "I love Leoleo" on it.** * * * ***************************************************************************** MAKE YOUR WAY TO THE DUMP AND YOU SEE THE CLAY GUY BEING DROPPED INTO A PIT. Kumatora: Man, that took long enough. Duster: I hope the Egg is all right. GO DOWN THE LADDER AND THE PARTY NOTICES SOMETHING. Duster: What the heck is that? FIGHT THE MISCELLANEOUS PARTS CLAY GUY. AFTER THE BATTLE... Duster: It's here! DUSTER TAKES THE EGG AND THERE IS A FLASHBACK OF WES, DUSTER AND KUMATORA IN THE CASTLE STEALING THE EGG. Duster: I really am Duster. Duster. Everyone, it's me, Duster! I know it now. I really am Duster. Yippee!!!!!!!! My memory is back! Kumatora: Great! Yes, you are Duster. Duster! Duster! I'm going to keep calling your name! But, let's hold on to the Egg this time. Boney: Woof!! (He was Duster all along. He's the only one that didn't know it. A PIG MASK ARRIVES IN A PORK AND BEANS. Pig-Mask: Commander! What are you doing playing around in a place like that? I will take you directly to the Lightning Tower. If you have to pee on the way there, please hold it in. Hold on, we're going pedal to the metal! (After you arrive...) Yes! Nice driving...self. We've arrived at the Tower. Please hurry to the generator room. ***************************************************************************** * NPCs * ***************************************************************************** * * * Pig-Mask: This entrance is for staff only. Commander, did you find the * * embarrassing thing you were looking for in the dump? * * * * Pig-Mask: You suspicious heathen, you came here to destroy the Tower... * * is what I would say to a suspicious heathen if they broke in * * here. As you can see, I'm a pretty darn good guard. * * * * Pig-mask: The imminent power shortage has all the mechs in the Tower * * on edge. I want those bozos in the generator room to do a * * better job. * * * * Pig-Mask: You should make a new, quick tempered catfish in the * * Chimera Laboratory. What? The Chimera Laboratory doesn't * * exist? Oh how you joke.... * * * * Pig-Mask: Rice mixed with egg is all the rage lately. I think they say * * it makes you go back to the start. Ah! You're the Commander! * * Really, Egg Rice is the code word we use when the generator * * becomes unstable. * * * * Pig-Mask: If this catfish doesn't work a little harder we're not gonna * * have enough electricity. If that happens, our already p.o'd * * boss is gonna go ape. And if that happens, my head's gonna get * * all bumpy and lumpy. So, good luck, catfish! * * * * Pig-Mask: Come to think of it...Yokuba has graced the Tower with his * * presence. He's still the same as ever. * * * * Pig-Mask: Apparently Yokuba is on his way here. Commander! Weren't you * * with him? * * * * Pig-Mask: Commander, did you change the members of your entourage? That * * in the back kind of reminds me of a dog. Yep, sure looks like * * a dog. Especially the way he walks. He's so cute. * * * * Pig-Mask: And now for today's weather forecast. In Tazmily , it will * * sunny with periodic lightning. The Orishimo mountains and * * Ooroko will see lightning as soon as we are ready. Something * * like that. * * * * Pig-Mask: Recently I visited Tazmily for the first time. And then the * * you know, the thing. Sorry, I'm not good with words. But, all * * the houses of the people against us were scorched. Scorched? * * That's a word, right? Anyway, we're pretty mean, aren't we? * * * * Pig-Mask: This is the room where we use the electric catfish to generate * * electricity. * * * * Pig-mask: Uaaaa! Waiiii!!! OOOOAAAAAHHHH!!!! Lately the fish have * * gotten used to our abuse. They don't even act surprised * * anymore. WWWWWWAAAAAAAAA!!!!! * * * * Pig-Mask: Good luck, catfish. And I'll try not to eat you. * * * * Pig-Mask: Just now the catfish generated 10 kilo----oh, it's falling. * * * * Pig-Mask: Our boss is on the upper floors. He's really super-ultra-mega * * scary. But, he's a super big DCMC fan so if you give him some * * DCMC goods, he'll probably warm up to you. * * * * Pig-Mask: There's a part of the Lightning Tower that is always short * * circuiting. It's dangerous so please keep clear of it. * * * * Pig-Mask: The schedule of the lightning to be released tomorrow has * * just arrived so I have to stand here and program everything * * in. Not even my dry eyes can slow me down. * * * * Pig-mask: Everything is what I really, really want to say. But,* * the defense system in the center of the Tower is faulty * * somehow. If someone sneaks in there, it'll make mincemeat out * * them. That thing is really dangerous. * * * * Pig-Mask: If the generator is destroyed, this while tower will be * * destroyed as well. That's why we have a special system in * * place. In RPG language, it might be known as a mini-boss. * * * * Pig-Mask: Be careful not to get shocked. * * * * Pig-Mask: No suspicious persons have been through here, sir. * * * * Pig-Mask: How powerful is the lightning? It's like JUM-BLOOEY! It's * * perfect. * * * ***************************************************************************** TALK TO SCARY WOMANIZING PIG-MASK. S.W. Pig-Mask: I see you made it all the way up here. Before I was in my everyday clothes. That's why you beat me. Me in my battle clothes, though, is a whole different story. AFTER THE BATTLE.... Yokuba: Nuhahahaa. You probably thought that passing yourself off as the Commander was working. But, to me eyes it's obvious. And the idiot flying into the flame is...Lucas? I never thought it'd be you. I am going to reap on you all the pain and agony that I got when Drago sent me flying. Nuhahaha!! THE PARTY CLIMBS THE LADDER AND RUNS AWAY. Yokuba: There is no way they can escape. Nuhahaha. THE PARTY IS BACK IN THEIR NORMAL CLOTHES. Duster: I can more so much more freely now. Kumatora: Yeah, but it looked good on you. MAKE YOUR WAY UP THE STAIRS AND UP THE LADDER. Marshmallow: My name is Marshmallow. This is King P's room. (Apparently if you try and take her yo-yo, she'll attack you. I didn't do this so I don't know what she says. Sorry) GO UP THE LADDER AND KEEP ASCENDING. LUCAS GET HIT BY A BOLT OF LIGHTNING. Duster: Hey, Lucas, are you OK? "Something awakens within Lucas" "Lucas learns PK Flash" KEEP ASCENDING UNTIL YOU COME TO THE GENERATOR ROOM. Generator: AN INTRUDER IN THE GENERATOR ROOM. AN INTRUDER IN THE GENERATOR ROOM. INITIATING DEFENSE SYSTEM! REPEAT! INITIATING DEFENSE SYSTEM! ALL RELATED PERSONNEL TO YOUR POSITIONS! DEEAT THE GENERATOR. Generator: A MASSIVE MALFUNCTION IN THE GENERATOR! EVERYONE QUICKLY EVACUATE THE AREA. REPEAT! Yokuba: You! You destroyed my precious system. THE PARTY RUNS AWAY. Yokuba: High places attract smoke and idiots. Nuhahaha CLIMB UP TO THE LIGHTNING BEAM. Yokuba: You fools. There's nowhere left to run. I have to hand it to you. You've done a pretty good job of mucking things up for me. If you'd only obeyed us you could have had a happy life in Tazmily . (on the phone) Good! Preparations are finished? I'll be done here shortly. Put the Pig mother ship on alert. (to Lucas) This Tower is no longer usable. But, it offered me this chance to deal with you, once and for all. It might be a little much for three little mice like you, but the King likes his theatrics. So, you are to be blown to to smithereens along with the Tower. THE PIG MOTHER SHIP ARRIVES AND A PIG-MASK LOWERS THE LADDER. Yokuba: Well, it look my ride is here. Have a nice life. What's left of it, that is. (on the phone) Ready. Destroy the Tower. (to Lucas) Lucas, we've only known each other a short time. But, I'll never forget you. Nuhahhaha. YOKUBA SLIPS ON A BANANA PEEL AND FALLS OFF THE TOWER. Kumatora: Grab on to the ladder! Duster: Snake rope! It's your time to shine! THE PARTY USES THE SNAKE ROPE TO GRAB THE LADDER. A STRANGE LOOKING CHARACTER EMERGES FROM THE MOTHER SHIP. Kumatora: Who's that? Duster: They're trying to shake us off. Lucas! Kumatora! Boney! Hold on! Snake Rope:'s me, the Snake Rope. I think I have some good news for me and some bad news for you. The good news for me is that for the past few moments, even though they were short, I was the main star of the story. The bad news is that my chin wasn't made to support the weight of three people and a dog. at it's....limit. Sorry. THEY FALL. "Moving puppets made from the ground. A tower that releases lightning. A cordoned off highway. A flying ship. The enemies that Lucas and his friends must face seem to be growning colossally. Can they possibly defeat this evil and powerful foe? No. Common sense says that they have no chance at success. If they have but a one in a million chance of success, they must use that chance to turn the tables. Lucas. Kumatora. Duster. The three are separated yet again. Can they once again combine their strength to overcome adversity and their enemies? The masked man looking down at them from the mother ship with the young face is......? With the premonition that the coming battle will surpass as that have before it, we enter the next chapter. ============================================================================ CHAPTER 6 - SUNFLOWER HEIGHTS ============================================================================ LUCAS AWAKES IN A FIELD OF SUNFLOWERS. KEEP WALKING UNTIL YOU FIND BONEY. YOU SEE A FLASHBACK OF THE PAST. "Lucas....." FOLLOW THE GHOST OF HINAWA. SHE LEADS YOU OFF A CLIFF...AND YOU FALL ONTO A HAYSTACK. ============================================================================ CHAPTER 7 - SEVEN NEEDLES ============================================================================ Wes: (to Alec) He's having quite the sleep. Luckily, he wasn't hurt. Alec: Oh, you're conscious. Boney's as fit as a fiddle, as well. In my dream, Hinawa told me to quickly gather a bunch of straw. Your mother saved you. Wes: Sure is strange. Alec has a dream of Hinawa telling him to build a haystack in that spot and then you fall into it. Yep, sure is strange. LEAVE THE ROOM AND ALEC COMES OUT. Wes: Wasn't Duster with you? (YES/NO) Hmmm, I see. Then I guess I don't need to worry. I'll let Wes know. Lucas, I see that you've met my friends, the Magypsys. I know how they look, but they're people you can rely on. I believe that they'll help you. ***************************************************************************** * NPCs * ***************************************************************************** * * * Mike: It's boring to be cooped up in here day after day. Boring, with a * * capital B. No wonder I yawn. Ah, it must be nice to be young. * * * * Linda: Is everything OK? Try not to do anything reckless. * * * * Nan: Oh, it's Boney. And Lucas, too. Hi. * * * * Girl: I came to see my grandma. We've been playing Hide and Seek, Hide * * and Peek, and Hide the Leek. * * * * Grandma: It's fun playing Hide and Seek, Hide and Peek and Hide the Leek * * with my granddaughter. * ***************************************************************************** OUTSIDE THE OLD MAN'S PARADISE... Boney: Woof! (What's that over there?) BONEY RUNS OFF. ***************************************************************************** * NPCs * ***************************************************************************** * * * Boy: Catch, Low! Catch, Low! This dude here clearly has different * * interests than normal people. * * * * Boy: Catch, Low! Catch, Low! This guy smells like a forest. I wish he * * would go back there. * * * * Boy: This weird boy/girl/it thing is all wound up like that and rolled * * here from somewhere. I'm not really sure what to do. So, I think * * I'll just stand here with my arms folded. * * * * Woman: What to do? Should we save him? All I can think to do is stand * * him up. Should I stand him up? I don't know..... * * * * Man: Can I talk about something completely different? (YES/NO) A little * * while ago I picked up a doorknob. I was really po'd so I threw it * * as hard as I could to the east. Thanks to that I dislocated my * * shoulder. Well, it's not literally dislocated. Hahaha. * * * * Woman: If we cut the rope, he'll be free, right? But what if he goes on * * a rampage after we cut the rope? We don't need that for sure. * * * ***************************************************************************** TALK TO IONIA. Ionia: MOGU....SOGU...Muguguguggu........BUHA! Ahhh, I freed myself of the gag. I kept moving and shifting my mouth around until finally it came out. I rock! Sorry to bother you, but could you help me up? Thanks. I had just taken my make-up off and looked hideous when I was attacked. Hey! You're that boy I met at the hot spring a while back. Apparently we are connected by some thread of destiny. I've been wondering about you ever since I taught you how to use PSI. What the Magypsys have been waiting for tens of thousands of years for, right? I bet you sense it as well. "That time" is getting closer. It's all right if you don't know what I mean. I'm not a 100% sure myself. Oh! They attacked me....wait, you don't suppose...Aolia! I wonder if Aolia's safe. I don't have my make-up on, so I can't fly. I guess I'm stuck walking like an idiot. Oh well, I better get going, even if I do have to walk. You should come, too. We'll go to Aolia's house. What do you think? (YES/NO) Great! Let's couple our powers and do something fantastic! I don't mean that in a bad way. If he take this river upstream we'd be there in no time...Everyone. I know you didn't understand anything we just talked about. But, it is now time for us all to go up the river. Come on!! ***************************************************************************** * NPCs * ***************************************************************************** * * * Girl: No, no, no, no, no. I'll pass. He'd probably freak out if we cut * * rope. He's scary...because he's so beautiful. * * * * Man: Is it all right if I talk about something completely different, yet * * again? (YES/NO) Ok, this is just my intuition, but I have a feeling * * that Thomas's seal was on the door knob I found. But, it's nothing * * more than a gut feeling. * * * * Woman: While I was dawdling about whether to stand him up or not, you * * went over there and did it for me. It's important top have that * * go get'em attitude. * * * * Man: This weird man man/woman, woman/man person is really something up * * close. I don't mean that as an insult. * * * ***************************************************************************** HEAD SOUTH TO THE GUYS WITH A BOAT. Man: Hey, we just got this awesome boat! Do you want a ride? AFTER YOU GET OFF THE BOAT... Man: You know, we're really psyched to have this boat. We didn't have one before. GO TO AOLIA'S HOUSE. Aolia: Oh, what happened? Ionia, you could have at least put your make-up on. Ionia: Aolia, what are you talking about. I was attacked. And I was worried about whether or not you were safe and that's why I'm here. Aolia: I'm fine-------! And as beautiful as ever. Why don't you untie yourself from that rope? Ionia: Ah! I was in such a hurry that I forgot all about it. Shocking! Lucas, please get me out of this rope as fast as you can. Man, I'm dense. LUCAS FREES IONIA. IONIA LOOKS AT HIMSELF IN THE MIRROR. Ionia: Hello, beautiful! Hmmm, no make-up. You know, I look pretty hot even without it. TALK TO IONIA. Ionia: Hold on a sec, hon. Ionia is getting himself bea-u-tiful! OK, finished. Aolia: Urgh. I guess you can have that lipstick now. Using that lipstick now would be like kissing you. And I don't kiss other girls. Ionia: Hmm, something's not right. What is it? What is it? What is it? What -------- is ------------ it? AOLIA'S HOUSE STARTS TO SHUDDER AND FLASH DIFFERENT COLORS. AOLIA'S BODY STARTS TO DISAPPEAR. Ionia: Aolia!! Your body! Your body! Your body! It's disappearing! Aolia: Hmm? Oh, you're right. I'm disappearing. Wait! I'm disappearing!! I'm fading away, yet I still feel fine. Ionia: Why are you disappearing? Aolia: The needle at Osohe Castle, the one that I have protected all these year, has been taken by someone. A person capable of removing the needle has finally appeared. The dragon of darkness, sealed away by the seven needles, awakens. AOLIA LEVIATES THE TABLE AND REVEALS A HIDDEN PASSAGEWAY. Aolia: That passageway will take you to the inner garden of Osohe Castle. If the needle really has been removed, my time here is short. There's something I need to know. Did one with the heart of darkness remove it? Or was it someone with a heart of light. The fate of the world depends on the answer to that question. I guess today's my day to disappear. Ionia, and you boy-something and dog, Bye-pee-------- Ionia: Aolia! Such a clean person....I guess that's why we got along. Well, how about we take this passage to the castle? GO THROUGH THE UNDERGROUND PASSAGE AND INTO THE GARDEN. Ionia: It really has been removed. But I have no idea who took it. It's said that the dragon of darkness is reflected in the heart of the one who removes the needle. But, I don't see a sign of anything here. Neither good nor bad. Is it possible that there is a person in this world without a soul? If the dragon of darkness remains sealed away for eternity....No, the possibility still lingers. You were able to learn PK LOVE, right? So that means... you...I haven't explained anything to you. Oh me. I need to tell you about the needles. The first thing I want you to know is that this island has been specially protected. This island co-exists with an unlimited power. That power is the dragon. The power of the dragon sleeps in the darkness under this island. The dragon is stupendously large. It's pretty much the same size as the island. Because the dragon sleeps, this island is protected from calamity. However, the power of the dragon is too large for humans to control. That is why our Magypsy ancestors long ago forged the needles and made the dragon sleep. There is one needle for each Magypsy. We've been watching over these needles for countless many years. Now, someone has appeared to wake the dragon. It is said that he would come when the power of the dragon became necessary. If the one who calls forth the dragon has a wicked heart, the dragon's power will obey him. If he so wishes, he could destroy anything and everything. Needless to say, we are hoping for the opposite outcome. If one with a pure heart removes the dragon's needle, that power will become an ally and everything wicked will be washed away. His life will shine with brilliant light. That is what is said. Please, just a little more... If one of the Magypsys' needles are removed, our 10,000 year life will be over, and we will vanish. It's kind of romantic, if you think about it. There's one more thing I want to tell you. The only one who can remove a needle is one who has learned PK LOVE. It's not something that even the Magypsy can do. Which means that you are the chosen one. Ta da! GO SOUTH AND A PHONE ON THE GROUND RINGS. Pig-Mask: C-c-c-c-commander, please come quickly. We found the location of the next needle. And some monkeys. Urg, the monkey's opening it. It's so irritating. I'll call back later with more information. Please hurry to the Chimera Lab. You know where the Chimera Lab is, I presume. (YES/NO) No?'re voice sounds unusually chipper today. Yeah, um...take the train from Crossroad Station to Gohba. Go west from the ropeway station. Did you sufficiently understand? (YES/NO) Good, then there's no problem. But, please make haste. **You got the transceiver** TALK TO IONIA. Ionia: That staircase over there is a shortcut back to Tazmily . Please go. I need to protect my needle. I know we'll meet again. If we never meet again, it means that either you or I are no longer in this world. Bye-pee. LEAVE THE CASTLE AND HEAD SOUTH. BONEY BARKS AND LEADS YOU HINAWA'S GRAVE. NIPOLITE IS THERE WAITING. Nipolite: Lucas, have you seen your father? You must have missed him. He was just here paying his respects to your dearly departed mother. He must have headed off into the mountains again to look for your brother. He looks and looks for Claus and then visits her grave, and then looks and looks for your brother and then visits her grave...that's what your father's life has become. Your his solace. You've grown up to be a strong young man. One that your father doesn't have to worry about. You're a good son. Ah. Here. Your father gave me this to give to you in case you came here. It's a good luck charm that he has cherished since he was a boy. **You got the Badge of Courage** HEAD TOWARDS TOWN AND YOU GET A CALL ON THE TRANSCEIVER. Pig-Mask: C-c-c-c-commander, where are you? Iowa? Sorry, I'm talking nonsense. Everyone is waiting for you at the Chimera Lab. I'm not there myself. I forgot how to get there. I know the words... Take the train from Crossroad Station to Gohba. Go west past the ropeway. Except, I have no idea where the pork I am! Commander, are you OK? Oh...I see the Lab. Definitely taking the train from Crossroad to Gohba was a great idea. Then I went west past the ropeway. Brilliant. ***************************************************************************** * NPCs * ***************************************************************************** * * * Bob: I noticed it recently when I rode the train, but the wire shutter * * in the tunnel is open. * * * * Auntie: Are you still walking around with all those dreadfully boring * * items? Eat them! Masticate! Throw them away! Send them to the * * dump-a-rino. If you don't do that you'll never get yourself in * * order. * * * * Policeman: I'm really glad I get to patrol around the station. Sometimes * * fine citizens like yourself come and talk to me. If I was * * stationed deep in the mountains I'd probably run into bears * * and that sort of thing. They're scary. * * * * Donna: The club Titi-Boo is closed but still people gather over there * * and wander around aimlessly. Now this is just a rumor, but * * Himaera Lab, or something like that, is over in that area. It's * * that building that gives you the willies when you look at it. * * * * Station Guy: Taking the train is far less tiring than walking and it's * * cheap and gentle. It's only 500 DP. Do you want to ride? * * (YES/NO) Sometimes people walk along the tracks to their * * destination. Maybe you should try that. * * * ***************************************************************************** HEAD THROUGH THE TRAIN TUNNEL. AT THE CHIMERA LAB... Pig-Mask: Hey, it's the part-timer. I'm glad you're here. Stand here and guard the door for me, will ya? I've got to go in there and try to find a monkey. INSIDE THE LAB... ***************************************************************************** * NPCs * ***************************************************************************** * * * Pig-Mask: Are you the part-timer who's supposed to start work today? * * (YES/NO) I see. Then, in the back of the movie theater that's * * to the east of the entrance, there's a place you can go in. Go * * in and change your clothes. Thanks. * * * * Researcher: Can I sell you some special medicine that you can't get from * * the vending machines? * * * * Reception Robot: WELCOME. THE CHIMERA THEATER'S OPERATION IS CURRENTLY * * SUSPENDED. * * * * Pig-Mask: This door is off limits. If you're thinking about looking for * * another way in, stop it. * ***************************************************************************** CHECK THE LOCKER. "There is a Pig-Mask inside. Do you want to put it on?" Pig-Mask: Hey, you a part-timer, right? The monkey's disappeared. Help look for him! He's probably hiding somewhere in the lab. There are two of them. Leave no stone unturned. ***************************************************************************** * NPCs * ***************************************************************************** * * * Pig-Mask: I was thinking about knocking off early today but now I have * * to find a monkey. When we find them we're gonna remake them * * real good-like. * * * * Pig-Mask: This is the Specimen Room...and...if you take the stairs to * * the first floor and then take the...elevator...and then go * * through that door..your in the back of the room? Hmm? I think * * I've still got it wrong. But it may be right. Should I repeat * * it? No, good. * * * * Pig-Mask: This is a top secret area. No admittance. * * * ***************************************************************************** FIND SALSA AND THE OTHER MONKEY AND THEY RUN OUT OF THE ROOM. GO SOUTH. Pig-Mask: Watch out!! THE MOSTLY MECHANIZED LION ATTACKS YOU. I LOST... Pig-Mask: Part-timer, are you OK? Pig-Mask: How many are left? Pig-Mask: Just one, sir. "That" one. Pig-Mask: "That" one...? You mean the red one with the large mouth? Hmm. "That" one is gonna be a chore. We're done in this room. Let's hurry and block the entrances and exits. Everyone, be on your best guard. Now, cute part-timer, there's one more creature left, and it's more dangerous than the one you just faced. If, while you're searching for the monkeys, you should come across a red thing with a large mouth, run away as fast as you can. I'm sorry to repeat myself but whatever you do, do not confront a red, large-mouthed chimera. Got it? You can't say I didn't warn you. I should probably give you another piece of advice while I'm at it. If you don't take the time to talk to frogs, it can be very dangerous. You could croak. Well, be careful. ***************************************************************************** * NPCs * ***************************************************************************** * * * Pig-Mask: Um....the exit is to the south, I think. There's an elevator * * in this room. So that means....what? To the west is the * * municipal room? No, the marsupial room? The Mammy-dammy * * ding-dong room? know, the place where they do surgery. * * Oh yeah, I guess the monkey is hiding in the basement. But how * * in the heck do you get down there? * * * * Pig-Mask: (lying on the floor) Ouch-ch-ch. If you dither around the room * * it comes. Do it well and you can lure the red thing. I'm so * * smart. Smart am I. Ouch. * * * * Pig-Mask: (in front of the elevator) Monkey? If you're looking for a * * monkey, one just went through this door. Why didn't I chase * * him? OUCH---ouch. I have a stomachache. It's that super strong * * chimera. Or is it the super strong Kimura? If my stomach * * didn't hurt, I'd go after it. But I can't fight with these * * pangs. I have to leave it up to you. Gracias. * * * * Pig-Mask: (B1F) Part-timer, you're really giving it 110%. It means a lot * * to me. But, I'd run away from this building if I were you. * * * * Researcher: The monkey opened the red thing's cage....we're doomed. * * * * Pig-Mask: (on the ground) I put a rice ball in the fridge but it got all * * hard. I should have eaten it sooner. * * * ***************************************************************************** FIND SALSA IN THE BASEMENT AND THEY RUN AWAY AGAIN. HEAD UP TO THE FIRST FLOOR AND THEY ARE IN THE HALLWAY. THEY RUN AWAY. ***************************************************************************** * NPCs * ***************************************************************************** * * * Professor Donut: (hiding in a trash can) Maybe you've heard of me. I'm * * Professor Bean Jam Donut. I'm forced to do various * * experiments by a certain man. I'm a little busy at the * * moment hiding myself in this trash can. Come back later.* ***************************************************************************** FIND SALSA FOR THE FOURTH TIME AND THE RED CREATURE ENTERS. SO DOES PROFESSOR DONUT, STILL IN THE TRASH CAN. Professor Donut: I just remembered this creature's weakness so I thought I'd come in here and tell you. This is a an electronically controlled high-tech chimera. That is to say, the switch on it's back turns it off. There's a large button on it's back. Press that! Be courageous, young man. Use the dog as bait. SALSA RUNS IN AND PRESSES THE SWITCH, DEACTIVATING THE CHIMERA. Professor Donut: Oh! Thanks young man. You too, monkey. I'm going to use this opportunity to leave the military and start walking a path in which all living creatures live in happiness. Does that sound good to you? Thanks, dog. Later! (runs away) I meant that bait remark as a joke. (Boney runs after him) It's a misunderstanding! I take it back! "Salsa joins your party." THE LITTLE BIRD PRESSES THE SWITCH, REACTIVATING THE CHIMERA. OUTSIDE THE LAB THE GIRL MONKEY RUNS OFF. FOLLOW HER. CHECK THE STONE TABLET THAT SHE LEADS YOU TO. "There are images of people dancing carved into the door." HAVE SALSA INSPECT THE DOOR. HE DANCES AND THE DOOR OPENS. ENTER THE SHELL HOUSE. KUMATORA IS INSIDE. Kumatora: Lucas!! And Salsa, too! Long time no see. You're alive! You're girlfriend looks good, too. Nice to meet you. Doria: Well, well. What cute guests we have. Introduce us. Kumatora: Ok. These are my friends. This is Salsa and his love monkey. This is a human named Lucas. And then the dog...(whispers with Lucas)....the dog, Boney. Doria: Oooo, so you're Lucas. I've heard all about you from Ionia. Welcome. I will lead you to the location of the next needle. Kumatora: Lucas, I forgot to mention it but that person is Doria, one of the seven Magypsys. He saved me. It was destiny. GO OUTSIDE. Kumatora: When I fell from that airship, Doria saved me. In my dreams I saw a beautiful woman with red clothes. She told me that I had fallen into a pond. When I heard her say that, I got the sense that you were also safe. I knew we would meet again. I was worried about you. Doria keeps saying that Duster is probably all right as well. I think so, too. Doria: Ionia told me that you were coming here. The needle that I protect is there, under the water. It'll take some work to get to my needle. If still don't know if you're really capable of removing it. But, in order to access the needle we need to take all that water and transfer it to this empty hole. To thee west is the Chimera Lab, right? There is probably some junk there that we can use to transfer the water. Please have a look. HEAD BACK TO THE LAB. TALK TO PROFESSOR DONUT. Professor Donut: Young man, thank you for before. What? You're looking for a way to move all the water in one pond to another? I can see in your eyes that you have been entrusted with this mission. I'll help you out... ...Have a look. I chose some of the chimeras that I have developed in secrecy. Please take the ones that look like they may be of use to you. EXAMINE THE MIDDLE CREATURE... Professor: Those are the Bucket twins. I used the Clay Guy technology but instead used flour to create these two. They utilize the latest in high technology. They work hard. Will you use them? BACK AT THE POND... Doria: These two look like they'll be perfect for moving the water. Look at how hard they work. "Will you have them work a little more?" (YES/NO) SELECT NO AND THEY GO AWAY. Doria: If we had a year to do it, those two would be perfect for the job. Hmm. That's too bad. BACK AT THE LAB....CHOOSE THE FIRST CREATURE. Professor: This is Dry Guy. He uses a jet engine to move the air. He's the latest in dryer chimera technology. Whether you have long hair or an afro, a flat top or asian beauty, he'll dry you right up. Will you use him? BACK AT THE POND... Doria: Wow, what is it!! It looks perfect for the job. THE DRYER CHIMERA BLOWS ON THE POND. Doria: Hey, it's drying. It's drying the water! "Will you make it keep working?" Doria: We're not having any luck today. Too bad. BACK AT THE LAB CHOOSE THE THIRD CHIMERA. Professor: Ah. That...that's the Pump Chimera. He's boring. He's a really uninteresting chimera that's only good for things like moving the water of one pond to another. Do you want something as prosaic as that? BACK AT THE POND. Doria: Wow, what is it!! It looks perfect for the job. THE CHIMERA STARTS DRINKING UP THE WATER. Doria: It's sucking! It's sucking up the water! The water level is falling. More! More! Look! Look at how much water he's shooting out. It's pouring out. THE NEEDLE IS EXPOSED AND THE CREATURE LEAVES. Doria: And then it calmly goes back home...he leaves the stage and majestically strolls the flowery path home....what an elite actor. Bravo, I say. To Pump! Ah! Over there. It's the needle. One of the 7 needles sealing away the dragon. HEAD INTO THE PIT AND CHECK THE NEEDLE. Doria: If you really are what Ionia says you are, you'll be able to pull out the needle. I'm so happy that I get such a good view of this scary, yet exciting moment. I'm nervous beyond nervous. Go ahead, pull it out. In front of hard as you can. Kumatora: If you pull out the needle, will Doria disappear like Aolia did? Doria: That's role of protecting the needle will be over. But, if "THAT TIME" hasn't come he won't be able to pull it out. So, if he does pull it out, it means that "THAT TIME" has come. That is the destiny that the Magypsys have happily existed with all these years. So, don't worry about me dying. I'm just fading away in accordance with my destiny. It's a joyous thing. I have many memories, which makes this kind of a lonely feeling. "Will you pull out the needle?" (YES/NO) "Something awoke inside Lucas." "Lucas learns PK Loveβ." Doria: This is the beginning of the end. "THAT TIME" has finally come. I never dreamed that the time to remove the needles would come while I was still a young, innocent girl. To disappear while I'm still young and beautiful....well, it's nice in a way. Kumatora, go with Lucas and make sure of everything. And please don't forget the young, beautiful me that is now disappearing. Please take this as a memento. I leave the rest to you. Good bye---------. DORIA DISAPPEARS. Kumatora: Long ago I heard this from Ionia: When the dragon sleeping under the island wakes, all life and all time will be reborn. I'm sure what's going to happen, but I want to be there and see it to the end. Lucas, can I go with you? I want to. We have to find Duster and that shining egg. "Kumatora joins your party." Kumatora: Salsa, I know that we just met again after a long time, but I'm afraid we have to say good bye again. What is that face you're making? You're a sentimental monkey, I guess. (to Lucas) Let's go! To the next needle! (to Salsa) You are your girlfriend be happy, OK? KUMATORA TURNS TO LEAVE BUT SALSA PULLS HER BACK . Kumatora: What's wrong? Nuts? You're going to give them to me? Thank you. I hope we meet again someday. GO SOUTH AND YOU RUN INTO CHU. Chu: Chu-chu! (Hey!! What are you looking at?) AFTER THE FIGHT... Chu: Sorry about that. I know I'm weak. I shouldn't have been shooting my mouth off like that. I'm Chu. Near the highway, I'm known as Ladykiller Chu. I'm strong at love but not at fighting. You reminded me of that fact. I wonder if my wife and seven kids are happy and healthy. Oh, I'm getting homesick. I guess I'll go home. Sir, if you happen to be headed east, please watch out for Okera. Bye. HEAD EAST AND YOU RUN INTO OKERA. Okera: Ka-bloom! I see you've kept your promise and have made it all the way to the Cricket Hole. It's me, you idiot. When you were a little rugrat and were playing with Drago, over by Alec's house....that Okera! I've thought of you this whole time and have been waiting for this moment. Let's go, let's go, let's go!! You came at a good time. Follow me! YOU FOLLOW OKERA THROUGH THE WOODS. Okera: Here. This is where we have it out. To my right is where we will hold up the winner. And, it's the place where you're getting a beat down. Welcome to the Cricket Hole. I'll open the entrance so follow me! GO DOWN THE HOLE. ***************************************************************************** * NPCs * ***************************************************************************** * * * Cricket: We're crickets (okera). We dig holes and live in them. And we're * * very proud. * ***************************************************************************** Okera: I see you didn't chicken out. This is our elder. I've asked him to be the judge at today's match. If you should run away or not play fair, not only me but the judge also will call you on it. We drew up some special rules for our fight. If at the end of ten minutes there is no clear winner, the match will be extended by 5 minutes. If there is no winner after that, the judge will decide the victor. Judge, a word please. Judge: You're really going to fight him? I won't say anything bad. But, it's also brave to run away. If you're really set on fighting, I won't try and stop you. Are you ready? Ok, daredevil. The bell has rung! FIGHT OKERA. Judge: (to Okera) You lost, you lost, you lost. Our strong warrior Okera lost so easily...I guess that means that all the crickets have no real fighting ability after all. I need to think about what just happened. The match is over. I guess this means that we have to start being friendly towards each other. So, let's make up. Is there anything I can do for you? Kumatora: Ok, do you happen to know the location of the needles that are sealing away the dragon of darkness? That's what we're searching for. Okera: The crickets aren't really known for knowing about things. But, my gut is telling me that if you leave the cricket hole and go towards the mountain, you'll find the clues you need...which is what I think the elder was about to say. Probably. Judge: I think so, too. To the mountains! Leave the cricket hole and head for the mountains. Kumatora: Mountains? We're just wandering around aimlessly, so we'll try the mountains then. Do you know anything at all about the needles that seal away the dragon? Okera: I don't know. I'm just a cricket, after all. And our elder, too, is just a cricket. We're all pretty useless. Sorry. What I can do is eat away all the lotus roots that are blocking your way. Dragon, huh? Cool. Judge: Sure is. We've learned a lot today. There's a dragon sleeping underneath and there are needles sealing it away. Also the fact that we are weaker than we thought. We do live for a long time, though. Maybe you could counsel us on a few things. (YES/NO) Thank you. We'll try not to bother you too much. Please help us become more than we are. First of all, I want the crickets to open up their own business. Okera: If you want to leave this hole, you should take along my kid brother. He's tiny but he's very sturdy. He can also carry goods. Brother, come on out! If you get lost, just talk to my brother and he'll bring you back here. Brother! Do a good job. You see, my brother absolutely hates sun shine. Please try not to take him outside. Right, brother? ***************************************************************************** * NPCs * ***************************************************************************** * * * Cricket: This cricket hole is sooooo big. You'll get bored if you don't * * talk to us. Even if it is just about useless stuff. * * * * Cricket: Here, I'll give you this incredibly accurate, yet useless map. * * * * Cricket: Now on sale, the Faithful Dumpling. Whether you buy it or not, * * I'm practicing my sales techniques, so I make them fresh every * * day. These here were just made. Want one? (YES/NO) * * * * Cricket: When there's a corner, you have to turn. That's how you make it * * out of the cricket hole. Believe in yourself and don't go * * straight. Let me sing you a song. 'It's a winding road/but it's * * not the road I chose/Be strong and don't complain/Walk the * * winding road/It's not the road I chose/But it's the road of * * choice for someone I'm sure' * * * * Cricket: Do you want to go to the exit? This place is quite the * * labyrinth. I'm a coward so I always stay here. * * * * Cricket: Turn at the corners! If you're at a corner and don't know what * * to do, turn. If you do that, you won't get lost. * ***************************************************************************** FIND YOUR WAY OUT OF THE MAZE. Okera's brother: Well, this is it for me. Even though I don't have a name I hope you remember me as a good fellow every now and then. OKERA'S BROTHER LEAVES. MAKE YOUR WAY THROUGH THE MOUNTAINS AND OKERA APPEARS. Okera: Huff, huff....It's me. I followed you. It's research. Business curiosity. Our motto is: Crickets, be ambitious! I've picked up quite a variety of things on the way here. Please allow me to sell them to you. (YES/NO) Thank you. I'm a new hand at this but I'll do my best. KEEP GOING NORTH PAST THE HOT SPRING AND TALK TO LYDIA. Lydia: You scared my bunnies and they ran away. I haven't had a visitor in forever. Were you cold? Please come in to my house and warm yourselves. ENTER THE HOUSE AND TALK TO THE PIG-MASK ON THE BED. Pig-Mask: Oooooo, Aaaaaaaa, Muuuuu..... Lydia: I found him toppled over outside my house. He came here to scout the snow mountain but got separated from his friends. You must be Lucas. I've heard all about you from Ionia. You're they boy who can remove the needles. You have a cute face but your eyes are intense. I am the Magypsy of the Snow Mountain, Lydia. What you are searching for is behind my house. I never thought this time would come, I must say. When you remove the needle, I'll disappear. It's the way of the Magypsys, so I don't mind at all. All I can do is be glad and welcome it. I just have one concern. When I disappear, who is going to look after my bunnies? And him, too. He's not well, yet. However, the "THAT TIME" has come and there is no way I can change that. Everything is bound to go well, so being troubled or lost is a mistake. I suck. I should be disqualified as a Magypsy. I don't actually even believe in "THAT TIME". Lucas, remove the needle. I guess it's "that time". Whatever. Believe "THAT TIME" has come and pull out the needle. I unlocked the door. TRY TO GO OUT THE DOOR. Lydia: Hm? What's that sound? Is that the sound of "THAT TIME"? GO OUTSIDE. THE MASKED MAN HAS ALREADY PULLED OUT THE NEEDLE. HE FLIES OFF. MECHA GORILLA ENTERS. FIGHT IT. AFTER THE FIGHT... Kumatora: It's that masked man from before. He's the one pulling out the needles? Lydia... LYDIA, FLASHING, COMES OUT OF HIS HOUSE. Lydia: Lucas, someone besides yourself removed this needle. The dragon of darkness is reflected in his soul. You must remove the remaining needles. It's time for me to go. Here's a memento from me. Keep it safe. Lucas, this is "THAT TIME". Believe it and proceed. Goodbye. Don't worry about me. At the summit of this mountain is a white box. Please ride in it. Please ask the Pig-Mask what he wants to do. TALK TO THE UNMASKED PIG-MASK. Pig-mask: I heard what you were saying. Technically, we're supposed to be enemies. You should go about your business and not worry about me. I have no plans to go with you. That Magypsy rescued me, a complete stranger. So, I want to stay here and take care of the bunnies. That makes us even. GO NORTH. "Do you want to leave the mountain?" YOU ARE FLUNG THROUGH THE SKY IN A REFRIGERATOR AND LAND IN THE CEMETERY. EXAMINE THE MESSAGE IN THE BOTTLE. "There's an impossible to ignore bottle. A letter is inside. Will you read it?" (YES/NO) "tHiS wAy." A STAIRCASE IS REVEALED. GO DOWN. THERE IS ANOTHER BOTTLE. "wE wErE aTtAcKeD. iT's AwFuL. gO tOwArDs ThE lIgHtNiNg ToWeR. tHaNk YoU." RUN THROUGH THE TUNNEL TO THE OTHER SIDE. AT THE ENTRANCE TO THE TOWER GO SOUTH EAST. ***************************************************************************** * NPCs * ***************************************************************************** * * * Mr. Saturn: i'M gOiNg To CrY. * * * * Pig-Mask: This is Saturn Valley. Please don't make me explain more than * * that. I have no idea myself. * * * * Pig-Mask: Hey, hey, hey, hey. Go over there. Kid, you're in my way. Go * * away. * * * * Sign: tHrOuGh ThIs HoLe Is A cLiFf AnD a FiRe MoUnTaIn. * * * * Pig-Mask: We've occupied this incredibly strange valley. While it's * * a freak show, at least we Pig-Masks are extraordinary. Bon! * * Oh no, this place is rubbing off on me. * * * ***************************************************************************** IN ONE OF THE HUTS... Pig-Mask: You weak-kneed, yellow-belly Mr. Saturns...I'm gonna have this terrifying robot terrify you even more than you already are. You can't fool me. If you don't tell me where the needle is, this robot's gonna start talking. Terrifying Robot: WELL THEN, LET'S BEGIN. IT'LL BE SCARY. LISTEN! AH! YOU'RE NOT A MR. SATURN. WHY ARE YOU HERE? GET HIM! FIGHT THE PIG-MASKS AND ROBOT. Mr. Saturn: lOoK tHiS wAy. Mr. Saturn: i'M hApPy. i'M tErRiBlE. nO, i'M hApPy. Mr. Saturn: yOu SaVeD uS. Mr. Saturn: tHaNk YoU. ThAnK yOu. Mr. Saturn: gOoD. i'M sMiLiNg. IN ANOTHER OF THE HUTS... Terrifying Robot: I SEE YOU'VE GOTTEN QUITE SCARED. YOU CAN FEEL YOUR LIMITS. I'M TALKING TO MYSELF. ARE YOU FRIGHTENED? LET'S DO IT. CRUSH THEM!! FIGHT THE ROBOTS. Mr. Saturn: hErE iS a ThAnK yOu PrEsEnT. Mr. Saturn: tHaNk YoU. Mr. Saturn: iT's NiCe tO bE sAvEd. IN ANOTHER HUT... Terrifying Robot: TIME TO GET YOUR SCARE ON. I SEE. YOU DON'T SCARE EASILY. FIGHT THE ROBOT. Mr. Saturn: aT eLeVeN iT's BeDtImE. tHaNk YoU. Mr. Saturn: i WaS sCaReD bUt NoW i'M nOt. Mr. Saturn: mE tOo. Mr. Saturn: wHaT a ReLiEf. ENTER ANOTHER HUT AND DUSTER AND MR. SATURNS ARE TIED TO A POST. Terrifying Robot: KIIIIIIIIII!!!! "It's emitting a horrible sound like nails on a chalkboard." Colonel Pig-Mask: Where is the needle? Where in Saturn Valley is it? Mr. Saturn: i DoN't KnOw. Colonel Pig-Mask: Don't lie! You lied yesterday as well. You better talk or I'm going to tickle your armpits again. Mr. Saturn: oK, oK. Colonel Pig-Mask: (to Lucas) Hey, who are you? Colonel Pig-Mask #2: Could it be the they're "THEM"? Colonel Pig-Mask: Let's get them! FIGHT THE PIG-MASKS AND THE TERRIFYING ROBOT. AFTER THE FIGHT... Pig-mask: No...our terrifying robot! We have to report this to Yokuba. I'll remember this! I'm remembering it right now. Kumatora: Duster! So this is where you were. Duster: Lucas! Kumatora! Boney! You're all safe. I was saved by the kind people in this valley. But, I was also captured along with them. But, don't worry, the Egg is safe. Kumatora: So your luck has been both good and bad. Duster: I think it's been all good. Mr. Saturn: pLeAsE gEt Us DoWn. Duster: First things first. Let's get these guys down. THE MR. SATURNS AND THE ROPE SNAKE ARE FREED. Duster: Uh-huh, ah-hah, I see. There are needles sealing away the dragon? I guess I should go, too. Lucas, I'm coming along. Even if you say I can't, I'll just follow you anyway. "Duster joins your party." Mr. Saturn: yOu SaVeD uS. Duster: The Pig-Masks wanted to know where the location of the needle was. Do you really not know? Mr. Saturn: wE kNoW. Mr. Saturn: i KnOw. Mr. Saturn: mE tOo. Kumatora: Does that mean that they have met one of the Magypsys? Mr. Saturn: yEs, YeS, wE mEeT. kEeP gOiNg ThAt WaY. iT's EaSy. Duster: That way must mean...over there? If we look in their eyes, we'll understand. Ah! North. Their eyes are telling us to go north to the volcano. Mr. Saturn: hErE's A mAp. YoU cAn HaVe It. Rope Snake: There are things I want to forget and things I've already forgotten. Have you forgotten? I'm the Rope Snake. I'm sorry for the trouble I caused you. No, I'm not depressed. I'm not depressed. Really, I'm not. ***************************************************************************** * NPCs * ***************************************************************************** * * * Mr. Saturn: iT's GoOd. RiGhT. lEfT. * * * * Mr. Saturn: wElL. wElL? wElL, i DoN't KnOw. * * * ***************************************************************************** ENTER THE CAVE TO THE EAST. ***************************************************************************** * NPCs * ***************************************************************************** * * * Mr. Saturn: i JuSt ToOk A bAtH aNd NoW i'M sLiPpErY. * * * * Mr. Saturn: aRe YoU gOiNg To FiRe MoUnTaIn? * * * * Mr. Saturn: oNlY fIvE pEoPlE aT MoSt. * * * * Mr. Saturn: iT's HeAvY. * * * * Mr. Saturn: wE'rE a Mr. SaTuRn LaDdEr. * * * * Mr. Saturn: wOmAn. * * * * Mr. Saturn: sOaK iN tHe HoT sPrInG tO rElIeVe StReSs. * * * * Mr. Saturn: aBoVe ThE cLiFf Is ThE fIrE mOuNtAiN. yOu CaN gO. * * * * Mr. Saturn: wAiT a LiTtLe AnD yOu CaN cLiMb. * ***************************************************************************** MR. SATURNS ENTER AND FORM A LADDER. Mr. Saturn: yOu CaN cLiMb. Duster:'s not high enough. Mr. Saturn: aNy HiGhEr AnD tHeY'lL tUmBlE. DUSTER STARTS TO CLIMB THE MR. SATURNS. Mr. Saturn: oK, oK. Mr. Saturn: yOu'Re ShOeS aRe oN mY fAcE. Mr. Saturn: i'M a SwEaTy Mr. SaTuRn. dOn'T sLiP. Mr. Saturn: gRaB mY nOsE aNd i'lL sNeEzE. THE PARTY REACHES THE TOP OF THE CLIFF. Mr. Saturn: bReAk! InTeReStInG. GO NORTH AND ENTER FLIGIA'S HOUSE. Fligia: Me? Talking in my sleep? Is this me talking in my sleep? CHECK THE SIGNPOST. "There is a letter from Fligia posted. Will you read it?" "Welcome. I am the sleeping Magypsy, Fligia. I'll probably be sleeping when you arrive, so I wrote this letter. I'm am much more serious and meticulous than the other Magypsys. Nice to meet see you again, Lucas. I heard from Ionia that you were coming. The needle you're to remove is in the lava ahead. It'd be great if you could do it while I'm sleeping. It's "THAT TIME". I'll disappear while I'm sleeping. The rock that's blocking the path...give it some words of support. Good Luck." MOVE THE ROCK AND GO NORTH. APPROACH THE PIG-MASKS. Pig-Mask #1: Hey, did you hear about Yokuba? I guess he's taken on a whole new look. Pig-Mask #2: Yeah, I heard. I guess he's way more powerful when it comes to sound. If we don't find that needle soon, he's gonna be all over us, louder than before. And now he's a rapper. Pig-Mask #1: A rapper? What's the shizzle's that? FIGHT THE PIG-MASKS. AFTER THE FIGHT, GO NORTH AND ENTER THE CAVE. APPROACH THE NEEDLE. Kumatora: The needle, it's here. Interpreter: I found you!!! Nuhahahaha! what Yokuba is saying. I should have introduced myself first. I am Yokuba's interpreter. YOKUBA MAKES SOME HORN SOUNDS. Interpreter: "Because of you, I now have this brand new wonderful feeling, yet I cannot say I'm grateful." "...Lemonade?" You fell off the Lemonade Tower? Oh, I see. The Lightning Tower. "I despise you throwing me off the Lightning Tower. The pain and the sadness are unforgivably regrettable. Now I would like to repay all of this to you", says Yokuba. He adds, "Today is finally the day you will be brought to your knees. I will not lose to you again. Nuhahahaha." "Bring it on. I will show you the ferocity of adults. And the ferocity of adults is very fierce.." Plus, at the end he added another, "Nuhahahaha." FIGHT NEW YOKUBA. AFTER THE FIGHT... Interpreter: "Nuhahahahaha" and also "Heheehehehehe". He also says that he "will remember this." He also expresses that his feeling are very strong about this. He says that these feelings are ones of anger." NEW YOKUBA FLIES AWAY. Interpreter: My work here is finished. Toodles. PULL PUT THE NEEDLE. "Something awakens within Lucas" "Lucas learns PK LOVE γ" FLIGIA ENTERS. Fligia: I thought you were going to remove it while I was sleeping, but I guess I wanted to see it. There are only 3 more left. I, being very meticulous, am very different from the other Magypsy. I just want to organize a few of my thoughts about the needles and then I'll be on my way. One of the needles is found on the Tanehineri Island, south of Tazmily . Mixolydia should be protecting that one. One more is deep in Mt.Orishimo, in the ChupiChupyoi Temple. That's the one that Ionia is watching over. I'm sure you already know this, but the Dragon of Darkness is said to be reflected in the hearts of those who remove the needles. The strength within strength, the darkness within darkness and the light within light, will enter your soul. Please allow me to look into your eyes. Thank you. Thank you, Lucas. All that I've just told you , I've written here in this secret note. Please take it." "You get Fligia's Note." Fligia: The last needle is said to be stabbed into the head of the dragon itself. But, the location is unknown. The whereabouts of the Magypsy, Roqulia, is also unknown. I'm afraid that even for all my meticulousness, not even I know. To disappear while not knowing is very unfortunate. Don't forget me. Here's a memento from me. It's a razor and some lipstick. Take good care of them. (disappears) I may come to visit you in your dreams from time to time. Good-bye. GO SOUTH TO SATURN VALLEY. ***************************************************************************** * NPCs * ***************************************************************************** * * * Mr. Saturn: dO yOu KnOw ThE tOnDeN eXpEdItIoN? * * * * Mr. Saturn: wE'rE pLaYiNg LaDdErS. dO yOu Or DoN't YoU wAnT tO pLaY? yOu * * DoN't? oK. * * * * Mr. Saturn: wE nEvEr GeT tIrEd Of ThIs. * * * * Mr. Saturn: i'M oK. nO, mAyBe NoT. * * * * Mr. Saturn: i CaN hOlD iT. * * * * Mr. Saturn: wE aRe AlL uS. * * * * Mr. Saturn: wHeRe ArE yOu GoInG? oVeR tHeRe? OvEr HeRe? BoTh ArE oK. * * * ***************************************************************************** GO THROUGH THE CAVE AND AN AIRSHIP LANDS. A PIG-MASK GETS OUT AND THROWS A BOMB, WHICH COLLAPSES THE TUNNEL BACK TO THE LIGHTNING TOWER. EXAMINE THE COLLAPSED TUNNEL. Duster: Does this mean we can't leave this village? We should ask these people if there's another way out, besides this tunnel. ***************************************************************************** * NPCs * ***************************************************************************** * * * Mr. Saturn: a PrAyInG mAnTiS iS lOoKiNg ThIs WaY. sCaRy. * * * * Mr. Saturn: wHeN aRe YoU cOmInG bAcK aGaIn? * * * * Mr. Saturn: pArChEd BaRlEy FlOuR iS dElIcIoUs. * * * * Mr. Saturn: aT nIgHt I sLeEp. * * * ***************************************************************************** Mr. Saturn: pIg Man BroKe ThE tUnNeL. Duster: Is there another way out of this village without using the tunnel? Mr. Saturn: gAtHeR mAnY bIrDs. ThEy CaN fLy YoU. yOu DoN't HaVe EnOuGh BiRdS. oNe bIrD. Duster: Use the birds to fly? ***************************************************************************** * NPCs * ***************************************************************************** * * * Mr. Saturn: cHaSe ThE bIrDs AnD tHeY fLy AwAy. wAiT aNd ThEy CoMe. bE * * pAtIeNt. YoU cAn CaTcH tHeM. * * * * Mr. Saturn: i DoN't WaNt To Be CaUgHt AgAiN. pRaYiNg MaNtIs ArE sCaRy. * * * * Mr. Saturn: oNe MoRe BiRd. OnE mOrE bIrD. i'M BiRd FiShInG. * * * * Mr. Saturn: BiRdS aReN't BiTiNg ToDaY. iT'S aLl CoOl. * * * ***************************************************************************** CATCH A BIRD AND GO BACK AND TALK TO THE MR. SATURN IN THE HUT. Mr. Saturn: dId YoU cAtCh A bIrD? "You hand over the bird." Mr. Saturn: i CaN mAkE sOmeThinG GoOd FoR FlYiNg wItH ThE BiRd. pLeASe WaIt In tHe HoT sPrInG. GO SOAK IN THE HOT SPRING. Mr. Saturn: (in the hot spring) i KnOw We'Re In ThE hOtSpRiNg, BuT wOuLd YoU lIke SoMe CoFfEe? (yEs/nO) A SCREEN WITH TEXT APPEARS. "There exist no people who are strong from birth. People discover their strength when they are put in desperate situations. Even if you are scared or shaking, as long as you don't run, you will stronger and stronger. Lucas, you've become much stronger. But, it hasn't been for yourself. If you didn't get strong, you wouldn't be able to help those in need. That is why you have become strong. Lucas, sometimes in your smiling face I can still see the wheedling, crybaby that you were. You've come a long way. I don't know what lies ahead for you. However, the people who believe in you are sure to give their strength for you. You should believe in others. You should keep moving towards that light in front of you, no matter how small it looks. Forget the darkness. Turn your face towards the light. Lucas, and also your are getting close. Close to your enemies. There's nothing to be afraid of. Everyone believes in you and is protecting you. Everyone in their heart is saying thank you to you. Can you hear it?" BACK IN THE REAL WORLD. MR. SATURN COMES IN THROUGH THE CAVE. Mr. Saturn: sHiNe ThE sHiNiNg ThInG. "You gave the Badge of Courage to Mr. Saturn." Mr. Saturn: i'Ll GiVe It BaCk wHeN iT sHiNeS. iT'lL sPaRkLe. tHe bIrD CaGe iS ReADy. GO THROUGH THE CAVE AND CHECK THE BIRD CAGE. Mr. Saturn: wIlL yOu RiDe In tHe BiRd CaGe? (yEs/nO) Duster: It looks like we grab on to these ropes. Snake Rope: Wait!!!!!! You think that weak rope will take you all the way to Tazmily ? Believe in me. The last time we fell, but I know I can do it. Please give me one more chance. (YES/NO) Thank you. You are definitely the kind of guy that I always knew you were when I thought about what kind of guy you were. Leave it to me this time. Lucas, it looks like we're taking to the friendly skies again. Mr. Saturn: tImE tO gO. THE BIRD CAGE TAKES OFF AND DUSTER GRABS IT WITH THE SNAKE ROPE. THEY FALL AGAIN AND LAND AT THE BEACH. Snake Rope: It looks like we lost again. Sure, it was me who fell. And that means you fell, too. Ah.....I think it'll go hide away in a hole somewhere disguised as a giant earthworm. Don't call me. That brave, cool Snake Rope is dead. And now, in a small long. ***************************************************************************** * NPCs * ***************************************************************************** * * * Bronson: You should come here and relax sometime. Take a little nap in * * the sunshine and you'll feel refreshed. How 'bout now? (YES/NO) * * * * Kamaboko Crab: I'm the not at all unusual Kamaboko Crab. Those other * * crabs are just trying to copy my flavor and coloring. * * But, I can overlook it. What I can't overlook is that * * Tanehineri Island to the south. Is that where you're * * headed? I can tell. Wait all you want, but no boat's * * gonna come. You're gonna have to walk there. First, * * you'll have to talk to the sea. Get real good and close. * * That's how it all begins. * * * * Brenda: The legend of the mermaid...ever heard it? The mermaids use the * * power of love to rescue people who are drowning. It's a beautiful* * story. * * * * Nana: I've figured out one of my bad habits. To put it simply, my * * stories are really long. * * * * Woman: Not many people come to this point anymore. It's really nice and * * quiet, but also a bit lonely. All you can hear is the sound of * * the waves. * * * * Batou: Lucas, don't you want to go to the city? * * * * Man: That woman over there, she's still looking this way. She was * * looking at me at Club TitiBoo as well. She definitely wants me. * * Man, I'm so nervous. * * * * Woman: That man is still looking over here. He was looking at me at Club * * TitiBoo, too. He must think I'm hot. I'm so nervous.... * * * * Chimney: (to Archat) If you didn't become a comedian, what did you * * want to be? * * * * Archat: (to Chimney) I wanted to be a baker and make delicious bread. * * You? * * * * Chimney: Me? I More than anything I wanted to be a merman. * * * * Archat: What kind of merman? * * * * Chimney: Where the upper half is a fish and the bottom is human. * * * * Archat: You've got that backward. * * * * Chimney: You could call me man-mer. * * * * Archat: Enough! (smacks Chimney) * * * ***************************************************************************** WALK INTO THE SEA. A PIG-MASK IS FILLING UP HIS AIR BY KISSING THE MERMAN MACHINE. Pig-Mask: Oxygen replenishment complete. Let's get going to Tanehineri Island. Pig-Mask #2: This way of replenishing oxygen, well...I'm not really comfortable with it. Pig-Mask: Really. I quite like it. PIG-MASK #2 SLOWLY BACKS AWAY. GO SOUTH THROUGH THE SEA. AT THE MERMAN MACHINE... "This is an oxygen replenishing machine. Will you use it?" (YES/NO) MAKE YOUR WAY THROUGH THE SEA. ***************************************************************************** * NPCs * ***************************************************************************** * * * Hermit Crab: The sea is a rough place. The lobster stole my shell. He * * me to crawl around the sea floor without my shell. He also * * said mean things like he was going to our salt water on me. * * * * Hermit Crab: (2nd time) I'm cold. I'm embarrassed. I'm cold and * * embarrassed. * * * * Hermit Crab: (if you have his shell) Thank you!! I don't really have * * much to give you in return, but if you don't mind cash , * * I'll give you that. How much should I give? Is 1000 DP * * enough? Please take it. (You get 1000 DP) * * * ***************************************************************************** DEFEAT THE WHIRL-KING AND THE PARTY WASHES UP ON THE SHORE. Kumatora: Is this Tanehineri Island? Dammit! Everything I was carrying was washed away. And I have no strength left. Let's look for something to eat. Frog: H-----ey! This is an emergency message from me, the frog. Did you hear me? An emergency message. All of you are at your lowest strength level. It's fallen back to the lowest possible. Sign: Energy Mushrooms - Think before you eat them! CHECK THE MUSHROOMS. Kumatora: These mushrooms have a strange color. Are they edible? "Do you really want to eat them?" (YES/NO) "They seem....fine...they're not! You're overcome by a hard to explain sensation." THE WORLD CHANGES COLOR AND FLINT APPEARS. TALK TO HIM. Flint: Lucas, what are you doing in a place like this? Are you lost? (YES/NO) It's OK to be lost. FIGHT THE CREATURE THAT WAS PRETENDING TO BE FLINT. AFTER THE FIGHT GO EAST AND TALK TO WES. Wes: Duster, it's my fault that you lost the use of your left leg. Sorry. Don't go anywhere else. Come home with me. I see. So you're going to go off with Princess Kumatora. I hope you go to some dark place far away. WES DISAPPEARS. CHECK THE MAILBOX. "The mailbox is open. Will you look inside? (YES/NO) There are many postcards inside. Will you read them? (YES/NO)" "The boy names Lucas is crying at the grave." "The boy named Lucas and a dog are loitering in the forest." "The boy named Lucas is up to no good in the mountains." "The boy named Lucas stole Nuts from our garden." "The boy named Lucas is bullying creatures." "The boy named Lucas learned some bad magic." "The boy named Lucas..." "The boy named Lucas..." "The mailbox let out a shriek." GO WEST AND TALK TO CLAUS. Claus: Lucas, what are you up to? It looks like fun! Can I play? (YES/NO) Yeah! I'll pull up the rear. Thanks! Lucas! Lucas! I'm Claus! Claus. The Claus that Lucas doesn't see. FIGHT THE CREATURE PRETENDING TO BE CLAUS. TALK TO THE WOMAN. Woman: Couldn't you see me? Where did it go? You hid it! FIGHT THE CREATURE PRETENDING TO BE THE WOMAN. TALK TO YOSHI-KOSHI. Yoshi-Koshi: You should sleep. In complete darkness! Don't do anything, don't meet anyone, just sleep. It's fun! Hhahahaah!!! FIGHT THE CRATURE PRETENDING TO BE YOSHI-KOSHI. TALK TO CLAUS. Claus: Everyone is waiting for you. Waiting to hit you with rocks and spit at you. Who's everyone? Everyone you love. FIGHT THE CREATURE PRETENDING TO BE CLAUS. TALK TO THE GIRL. Girl: You're mother is waiting. She has SPAM waiting for you. Waiting. Waiting! FIGHT THE CREATURE PRETENDING TO BE THE GIRL. TALK TO WES. Wes: Aren't you eating? Aren't you eating? (X4) FIGHT THE CREATURE PRETENDING TO BE WES. TALK TO CLAUS. Claus: Lucas, swap with me. Lucas, swap with me! You have... FIGHT THE CREATURE PRETENDING TO BE CLAUS. TALK TO WES. Wes: isisisisisisis theretheretherethere somethingsomethingsomething onononon mymymymymy facefaceface ?????? You're scary. Ssoo ssccaarryy II ccaann''tt ssttaanndd iitt!! FIGHT THE CREATURE PRETENDING TO BE WES. TALK TO FLINT. Flint: It's almost time for dinner. Your mother will be home shortly. What? She won't? Why? What did you do to her? What? I did it? She won't be home? Who are you? What did you do? It's time for dinner. TALK TO FLINT. Flint: I'm gonna hit you, boy. Your father's gonna give you a beating. TALK TO ALEC. Alec: Who are you? wwwwhhhhhhhhoooooooooo aaaaaarrrrrreeeeee yyyyoooouuu? TALK TO SALSA. Salsa: Of course I can talk. My horrible fate was all Lucas's fault. I can talk a lot about that. Lucas, Lucas, Lucas... TALK TO FLINT. Flint: What? Pull out a needle? Where is a thing like that? There's nothing like that. Go home now! There's no needle, needles to say. Stop talking nonsense! I'll pull you out! Claus: Lucas, we finally meet. It's me, Claus. Feel my heart. It's beating fast. Lucas, you don't have to worry about anything anymore. It's me, Claus. Woman: Hello, ice cream. I'm going to lick you all over. Alec: Princess Kumatora is no princess. She's a broken woman not loved by anyone. Pusher: You, you. Needle? The needle? The needle stabs you. I'll take it from you. Alec: All lies. It's all lies. You are all a lie. What's real is a lie and what's a lie is real. You You ALL LIE! ENTER MIXOLYDIA'S HOUSE. Hatch: Over there is Mixolydia. Beautiful, huh? Mixolydia: Uh-oh. It looks like someone under the effects of the mushroom has come to visit. You stink. Ah, you are... Lucas and Kumatora. And Duster, too? (YES/NO) But, you still stink. I've heard all about you from Ionia. I'm one of the Magypsys, Mixolydia. If it's hard to remember, you can call me Mixsy. Here, line up. You stink. That mushroom, even if you eat only a little bit, makes you have terrible hallucinations. The weak parts of your self, or the things that have wounded you are all exposed. I'll now wake you from your dream. SHE HITS EACH OF THE MEMBERS WITH A STICK. Mixolydia: You're all better now. I'm surprised you made it all the way here under the effects of the mushroom. I know what you want to hear. The needle is on a hill on this island. I can also feel "THAT TIME". If you want to pull it out, feel free. Of course, my barrier must be defeated first. Oh! My assistant Hatch has retrieved all of your belongings that you lost at sea. Please thank him. Hatch: Yes, you dropped many things in the sea. I think it's called "beach combing" when you comb the beach for items. Anyway, I love it. "You receive all your goods." GO THROUGH THE CAVE. AT THE NEEDLE IS THE BARRIER THREE. Kumatora: So this is the barrier? Their names are carved into them. Mr. Barrier, Barrier Man and Lord Barrier. FIGHT THE BARRIER THREE. AFTER THE FIGHT... THE BARRIER DISAPPEARS BUT THE MOTHER SHIP AND OTHER SMALLER AIRSHIPS APPEAR. PIG-MASKS ROLL OUT THE RED CARPET FOR THE MASKED MAN. WITH A WAVE OF HIS SWORD, THE MASKED MAN SENDS THE PARTY FLYING. HE STEPS UP TO THE NEEDLE AND PULLS IT OUT. AFTER EVERYONE IS GONE, THE PARTY IS STILL UNCONSCIOUS. Mixolydia: Hey, guys. How long are you going to sleep? Everything has all happened so fast. Lucas, your, the masked man's heart is reflected in the dragon. There's nothing you can do. It's fate. It's strange. There is absolutely so sign of a soul in the masked man. I'm fading out now, so I will leave the rest to Hatch. He's waiting for you at the beach. He'll take you across the sea on his back. I'll give you my razor and lipstick. Keep them and think of me. There's something else you can't forget. Please give this to Ionia. "You got the Delicious Pickles". In Tazmily , there should be a man. The map-loving, map- holding Mapson. He should know the location of Ionia's house. Hurry! And take those with you. Bye. GO TO THE BEACH. Hatch: Mixolydia asked me to take you to Tazmily . As you can see, I am an octopus. Climb on board. There's no where to hold on to, so don't fall off. UNDER THE SEA... SOME OF THE MERMAN MACHINES HAVE GATHERED AND ARE CHATTING. Merman Machine #1: Good work today out there. Merman Machine #2: You, too. I'm headed home. HATCH AND THE PARTY ARRIVE AT THE BEACH. Hatch: This is as far as I go. Bye. ***************************************************************************** * NPCs * ***************************************************************************** * * * Alec: Lucas, the people of Tazmily are slowly all moving to the city. * * You, though, still still seem to like the village. What? You're * * looking for Ionia's house?'s not close, I know that. Do * * remember my cottage in the mountains you came to as a kid? To the * * west of there is the Aosakeki Pass. It's past that. It's best to * * have a map, though. Mapson is up ahead. Talk to him and he'll mark * * your map for you. * ***************************************************************************** TALK TO MAPSON. Mapson: What can the map-loving, map-holding Mapson do for you? Ionia? Sorry, I don't know anything about that. I do know where the Aosakeki Pass is, though. Let me see your map. See. This mark here is the Aosakeki Pass. Thanks. Map-loving, map-holding Mapson out! ***************************************************************************** * NPCs * ***************************************************************************** * * * Nana: Nobody invited me, so I'm left in this village. When did everyone * * decide to go to the city? * * * * Thomas: All the customers are gone and even my family's gone to the city.* * I've got this shop to run, so I'm stuck here. Would you like * * anything? * * * * Man: I was scared about people asking me to pay for my room, so I hid. * * When I decided to face up to it, everyone was gone. So, this hotel * * is mine, now. I guess I'm making my way in this world. You could * * learn a thing or two from my rise from pauper to hotel king. * * * * Old Man: I can't believe that there are people who would leave this * * village.'s getting hard for me to stay, as well. * * * * Pig-Mask: This rubber-necker here is actually a pretty cool guy. I don't * * even think of him as a stranger anymore. * * * * Man: This Pig-Mask here is nice and he's pretty interesting, too. I like * * his mask. * * * * Pusher: As the mayor of this village, I couldn't very well be the first * * to leave. But, I can't wait to go to the city. I'm done with * * this place...Ah! Lucas, I was talking to myself. You weren't * * listening, were you? * * * * Elmoa: Because of my husband's work, we still aren't able to move. I * * wish he'd never become Mayor. * * * * Sebastian: Don't tell anyone, but I have a job all lined up in the city. * * I do have my master, the Mayor, to think about. In a day or * * two I'll sneak out and make a run for it. So much to do...! * * * * Ollie: Hey, you're back. Sorry, but humor isn't something I can teach. * * I'm still in training. But, I can tell you are humor deficient. * * * * Ed: Not many people left in this village. Even my own Nan and Allie have * * headed to New Pork City. * * * * Pig-Mask: This training base has served its purpose. Today we close it * * down. Once I shut this gate, I'm off to New Pork City. I can't * * seem to get it shut, though. * * * * Wes: It's so strange that everyone would just leave this place en masse. * * Something's fishy. * * * * Lighter: What to do? Is it better to head off to the city, or stay here * * and protect the village? It's troubling me. * * * * Fuel: Dad, que sera, sera. * * * ***************************************************************************** GO NORTH TOWARDS THE MARK ON THE MAP. Kumatora: Hey, this looks familiar. To get to Ionia's house, take the west past and head north. Let's go. HEAD NORTH AND EVERYONE FALLS DOWN. Kumatora: Sorry, I tripped. Huh? Where are the Delicious Pickles? Did we drop them? They were in a jar that's easy to drop and easily rolls away. Duster: They're around here somewhere. Everyone split up and look around. Boney, you help, too. NOW YOU CONTROL BONEY AND CAN DIG UP ITEMS. GIVE THEM TO LUCAS. Duster: Did you find them? They're a little dirty, but they still look delicious. KEEP GOING NORTH. MAKE YOUR WAY THROUGH THE CAVE AND TO IONIA'S HOUSE. Ionia: Long time no see. You're here at last. Lucas, I thought you were more of a wimp, but you're really quite strong. Boney, you are great to have come this far. Shake! Gimme your paw! I see you still haven't learned any tricks. And you....the plain looking man there, what is your name? Duster? I see. Ah hah! I knew it all along. I was just playing with you. It's nice to meet you, Duster, once again. Fate has brought you to be Lucas's support. Kumatora, I've been watching you since you were little, but now you are at your most beautiful. Hogwash! I'm sure that's what you want to say, but it's true. What's that? That bottle that looks like it's easy to drop and have roll away. Awesome! These are my favorite, Delicious Pickles. You brought them all the way here for me? Thank you. I want to eat these pickles before I disappear. You don't have to tell me. The fact that you're here tells me that the other 5 needles have been removed. Aolia, Doria, Lydia, Fligia, and Mixshi....Mixolydia. They disappeared in accordance with "THAT TIME". It's now my turn. The needle that I have been protecting is in the ChupiChupyoi Temple. Lucas, go to the temple. It is protected by vines, trapped in time. You can't enter as it is. You need the WATER OF TIME. Pour it on the vines. "You receive the WATER OF TIME." ON THE BRIDGE SOUTH OF IONIA'S IS A MR. SATURN. Mr. Saturn: iF yOu pOlIsH iT, It ShInEs. dOn'T wOrRy. I'lL gIvE iT tO YoU. "The Badge of Courage was really the Franklin Badge." Mr. Saturn: sO lOnG AnD gOoDbYe. HEAD TO THE TEMPLE. YOU ARE ATTACKED BY PIG-MASKS. DEFEAT THE PIG-MASKS AND YOU COME FACE TO FACE WITH THE MASKED MAN. HE SWINGS HIS SWORD. BUT, THE PARTY IS UNAFFECTED BY THE LIGHTNING. "The Franklin Badge reflected the lightning back at the masked man." THE MASKED MAN ATTACKS THE PARTY. AFTER THE BATTLE... THE MASKED MAN FALLS TO HIS KNEES AND THE PIG-MASKS FLEE. THE MASKED MAN GETS UP AND FLIES AWAY. EXAMINE THE FRONT DOOR OF THE TEMPLE. "Will you pour the Water of Time on the vines trapped in time?" THE VINES FLOWER AND THEN WITHER, LEAVING THE ENTRANCE EXPOSED. Kumatora: Time finally moved for the vines. Duster: Lucas, let's go in. IONIA FOLLOWS YOU INTO THE TEMPLE. Ionia: It was our Magypsy ancestors who sealed away the Dark Dragon. Since then many generations of Magypsys have protected the 7 needles. However, the needles can be removed when "THAT TIME" comes. Now is "THAT TIME"...and the soul of he who removes the needle is reflected in the Dark Dragon. What happens has the power to completely remake the entire world. Lucas, I want you to be the one to wake the dragon. Whatever happens next, you cannot let yourself lose. Duster, Boney, Princess Kumatora... if your assistance is not from the heart, you will never be able to fulfill your part. Kumatora, this is exceedingly dangerous so I'm going to teach you a PSI that I had no intention of showing you. In order to save Lucas you must learn this dangerous PSI! Are you ready? "Kumatora learns PK Star Storm." Ionia: Thanks for those pickles. They were a dog drooley, though. Kumatora: That guy in the mask is...nevermind. Duster: Lucas, whatever happens, I'll be there to help you. To tell you the truth, I just decided that. PULL OUT THE NEEDLE. "Lucas learns PK LOVE Ω." Ionia: An intense stirring has awoken in my soul. The seventh needle and the missing Magypsy, Roqulia, are rapidly approaching. This message has been passed to me. "The direction is over the lively, dirty place..." It's not very clear. Arg! Sorry, it's time for me to go. Let me give you this razor and lipstick as a memento. Think of me from time to time. I'm sorry that I can't be here to see this through to the end. Lucas, Boney, Duster, Princess Kumatora, the world is in your hands. Roqulia is nearing the seventh needle. =========================================================================== CHAPTER 8 - ANYTHING AND EVERYTHING, EVERYTHING AND ANYTHING =========================================================================== OUTSIDE THE TEMPLE A LIMO PULLS UP. Driver: Lucas, sir. Our great leader, and ruler of the world, Pokey, cordially invites you to the last capital, New Pork City. Please get in the stretch limo and we'll be on our way. (YES/NO) THE DRIVER WALKS AROUND THE CAR AND OPENS THE DOOR. Kumatora: What's with going the long way around? THEY BOARD THE LIMO AND THE DRIVER TAKES OFF. Driver: So, what do you think? It's a lot bigger than it looks from the outside. We'll arrive in New Pork City shortly, but please feel free to have a look around. CHECK THE PASSENGER SEAT. "Would you like to sit in the passenger seat?" (YES/NO) Driver: Oh! I can see it. That over there is New Pork City. AFTER A SHOT OF THE CITY, THE LIMO LANDS. Driver: We're here. Please watch your step as you exit the vehicle. Please check to make sure you haven't forgotten anything. So you don't become disoriented on your first trip to the city, I'll give you this map. Lucas, I hope to see you again soon...with the other face. ***************************************************************************** * NPCs * ***************************************************************************** * * * Man: Hey, I know you. You're here to destroy this city, aren't you? * * * * Man: In this city, you're free. Pokey gave you your freedom. * * * * Batou: Everyone came to this city and left me behind. So, there's got to * * something here, I thought. Now I'm here and I still don't have a * * clue. Is that how you feel, Lucas? * * * * Mike: Did you come here for my small, dirty and not very delicious * * cookies? I don't make those cookies anymore. Did you forget that? * * * * Thomas: Don't talk to me! I'm am kicking this game's ass! Don't even try * * to dash into me. * * * * Man: This place stinks. Not me, this place. * * * * Man: You can walk or stay or sleep or's freedom, baby. * * * * Butch: Oh, Lucas! I was reminiscing about the old days with Isack, who's * * really making a name for himself. * * * * Isack: (in pig-mask uniform) Lucas, the detestable visitor that Pokey * * has ben searching for is you? It's me, Isack! Lucas, are you * * really that important. If you're planning on betraying Pokey, * * that will make us enemies. * * * * Biff: I'm not sure if everyone is gathering in this city, or being * * gathered. But, since you're here, that makes everyone. * * * * Researcher: According to my research, the farting bug has an incredible * * memory. I'd like to research it further, but it stinks. * * * * Man: There's a bug of some kind in the movie theater that smells really * * bad. I can't take it any more. * * * * Woman: This movie is free. It's an adventure story hand picked by Pokey. * * However, the farting bug is loose in there now. I really don't * * want to have to clean that up. * * * * Carolinu: Oh, Lucas! Are you looking for something? Whenever you don't * * know where to go, the movie theater is the best. * * * * Angie: Lucas is here, too! Now everyone from Tazmily is in this city. * * Every-one. * * * * Woman: Welcome. I heard from Pokey that you were coming. He says you're * * strong. * * * * Man: I don't want you to enter the 100 floor Empire Pokey Building. * * I guess what I mean is that you should look around first. * * * * Tessie: You were dreaming of the city life, weren't you? Hmmm, maybe not.* * * * Betsy: This store's waitress is a robot built to look like some great * * person's mother. * * * * Cricket: It's a small thing, but it's life. I may be but a cricket, but * * I live. Right now I'm doing business with this guy here. We * * crickets have finally made a name for ourselves in this city. * * Do you know Jackie, here? (YES/NO) You should tell him to go * * into business with me. We'll strike it rich. * * * * Jackie: Well, if it isn't Lucas. Right now I'm talking business with * * this little guy here. But, I'm not really sure what to do. * * * * Woman: This restaurant is full of beautiful people! * * * * Woman: I know I look like this, but I'm really a robot. Really. * * * * Bronson: It seems like the number of people in the city is growing, but * * this shop is always empty. * * * * Pancho: I'm the older brother, Pancho. * * * * Pincho: I'm the younger brother, Pincho. * * * * Oshioheichiro: I'm their friend, Oshioheichiro. * * * * Matt: *Hic* *Hic* *Hi--------c* Hey, you've been calling me names like * * "drunk" or even "piss-drunk", haven't you? I thought so. *Hic*!! * * But, I'm just a dude who loves to hic-cup. * * * * Jill: I haven't been on a date with Matt for soooo long. It's just like * * old times. Tee-hee. * * * * Nicole: This city feels kind of...childish. * * * * Ritchie: Oh, Lucas. You're here, too. I would love, at least once, to * * meet the man who made this city, Pokey. * * * * Lisa: Everyone brought me to the city, but it makes my head spin. * * * * Abbot: I feel like if I was to compare my life to a 16 chapter story, we * * would be in about the 15th chapter right now. * * * * Abbey: I follow Abbot. If, for example, my life was a four act play, I * * would spend all four acts with him. * * * * Archat: I'm not a hermit crab!! Oh, Lucas, we're in the middle of * * practicing our comedy routine at the moment. * * * * Chimney: All of our old friends have come here and we can see them * * again. There's probably nobody left in the forest or in * * Tazmily. What's going to happen, I wonder. * * * * Man: This statue of Pokey is really something. Apparently it wasn't made * * just to be looked at. To put it concretely, it also serves as * * guardian of the city. Some idiot tried to pick a fight with it and * * got his you-know-what handed to him. * * * * Pig-Mask: Want to buy something dangerous? (YES/NO) * * * * Man: (in the movie theater) There's a rumor that wherever you guys go, * * there's an earthquake or an rumbling of the earth. WHAT ARE YOU * * DOING!! * * * * Man:(in the movie theater) Your leader is locked away in the uninhabited * * apartment downstairs. Huh? You don't know anything about a leader? * * The leader has been wanting to meet you. I'm sticking my neck out to* * help you here. You really don't know? (YES/NO) Hmm, I guess you * * really don't know. You should probably meet him anyway because he's * * really been itching to meet with you. The leader is confined in the * * uninhabited apartment in the depths of the sewers. Just like the * * word says, it's an apartment that no one lives in. Things like mice * * and farting bugs make their nests there. If you follow the farting * * bug home, it should lead you right there. It really, really stinks, * * though. * * * * Woman: You can tell where a farting bug is from the unbelievable stench. * * I think it's in the chairs over there. * * * * Auntie: That tear in the speaker looks like it connects to the sewer * * system, somehow. I can't believe it. Is that why this theater * * stinks so bad. It's the path that the farting bug has been using.* * * * Boy: If you're looking for a farting bug, I just saw one. Where was * * Supposedly, if you take in a big breath of farting bug stench, you * * can remember many things. I'd take a whiff if I really needed to. * * * ***************************************************************************** CHECK THE SPEAKER. "There is a hole in the speaker that leads to the sewer. Will you go through it?" (YES/NO) "It's too small for people to go through." GO TO THE ARCADE AND TALK TO THE PUNK GUY. Punk Guy: I keep hearing a dog barking. It's coming from right underneath here. I can't go check it out, though. To tell you the truth, I don't like dogs. Their noses are wet, they wag their tails and they also lick your face. Gross. I hate dogs. Could you go in my place and check out why the dog is barking? (YES/NO) Great! You must like dogs. I'll open this heavy lid for you. This is me taking a risk. Stand back. I'll open up this heavy man-hole cover for you. Heave-Ho-----. GO DOWN INTO THE SEWER. Kumatora: That's Boney's bark. He' probably close. WALK UNTIL YOU FIND BONEY. Boney: Woof! (I chased a strange smelling bug all the way here. Now it's inside this room.) ENTER THE ROOM AND TALK TO LIDA. Lida: Hi. I'm the bell-ringer, Lida. You must be surprised to hear me speak. All this time it's not that I couldn't speak, but that I didn't speak. Not talking to people for so many years built up inside me, so I rang the bell. But, the secret that I have been protecting has started to leak out. Lucas, the time has come for me to tell you everything. You're not going to want to hear what I am about to tell you, but it is imperative that you listen. It might be a long talk, but please listen till the end. (YES/NO) I have so much to tell you that it may tear your hearts. The farting bug behind me has promised to remember the contents of my story. Farting bug, are you ready? Once, there was something called "the world". It's different from what this island's people think of as a world. "The world" was extraordinarily big. More people lived in "the world" than all the grains of sand in Nowhere Island. I'm sure that you can't even imagine something like that. But, "the world" once existed. Do you understand? (YES/NO) One day, "the world" was destroyed. Of course, it was at the hands of humans. Everyone had the faintest inkling that this time might come. And come, it did. That's why "the world" is no longer. This has been my end of "the world" speech. Did you understand? (YES/NO) A little before the end of "the world" a "white ship" arrived. All of Tazmily's people boarded this ship. The people who boarded the "white ship" and escaped from "the world" were just a fraction of the people living there. The people who left in the "white ship" kept the names they had when they were in "the world". Before the destruction of "the world", the "white ship" plan was drawn up. This island, Nowhere Island, while being part of "the world", was also a special place. This was a place that would keep on existing, even with the loss of "the world". It was the only place to survive. The "white ship" arrived at this island. This has been my speech on the "white ship". Did you understand? (YES/NO) Farting Bug, have you got all this down? The reason that this island was special was because of the giant dragon, which is about the same size as the island itself. Once, long ago, man and the dragon co-existed. However, all of a sudden, man and the dragon became unable to live together. And so the ancestors of the Magypsys, who have lived on the island for ages, drove the needles into the ground and made the dragon enter a long, deep sleep. The Magypsys protected the needles to make sure that no one woke the dragon before the time it's power became necessary. Until the dragon wakes, he sleeps and gives power to the land. Thanks to the power of this dragon, buried deep underground, this island was saved from the end of "the world". This has been my dragon and Magypsy speech. Did you understand? (YES/NO) The people who boarded the "white ship" and came here feared nothing more than another end to their "world". They all came to the consensus that the cause for the downfall of "the world", was their way of living. The people from the "white ship" put their minds together and talked long and hard about the situation. Their conclusion was to erase everyone's memory of the former "world" and with new rules and new roles, live their lives. In other words, they decided to become actors in an ideal "story". With the simple, peaceful village, a place that they had all longed for since childhood, as the stage, they would start their lives over again. Their memories of "the world", everything they owned, and all the rules that had surrounded them were erased, and they started over. They reset their old memories and opened the first page of the new "story". That is how Tazmily Village came to be. However, the fact that the memory replacement took place needed to be recorded somehow. The device that recorded everything about "the world" and the people of the "white ship" was the Hummingbird's Egg. If a crisis was at hand, the thieves Wes and his son Duster, would set everything in motion. You retrieved your lost memories about you being one of the people from the "white ship", I presume? That brings us to me. I still knew about everything and it was my role to be on duty and watch out. I was they only person to not get a new life in the new village of Tazmily. The bell that I rang had a suggestive power to it, and kept the people from returning to their old memories. My name Lida mean leader. But just because I'm the leader doesn't mean much. It just means that I'm so much taller than everyone else. It's the easiest for me to be the signpost. It was a mutual decision. Being this tall makes people want to come and talk to me, right? If a truly important time came, it was decided that I would reveal the secret to everyone. This has been my speech on the people who forgot everything. Got it? While Tazmily Village does technically exist, it was created as part of a story. It's hard to believe, I know. Do you understand? (YES/NO) I should tell you about Osohe Castle as well. This island was once a kingdom ruled by the king of Osohe. However, when we arrived on the "white ship", everyone was gone. They feared the waking of the dragon and fled the island. Princess Kumatora, before boarding the "white ship" you were a baby and had lost both your father and mother. After coming here, the Magypsy raised you and decided that you were to play the role of princess of Osohe Castle. Wes and Duster were made to be the princess's retainers as part of the "story". That castle, as well as many places on this island, are important pieces of the past. For the people in this hastily constructed story, both "past" and "history" and extremely few. In Tazmily Village, nobody can tell you about 1000 years ago, let alone 100 years ago. We wanted to make a great many myths and legends, but unfortunately, we ran out of time. I have a feeling that everything I'm telling you, is what you don't want to hear. You may not believe it, but it's all true. Have you been listening so far? (YES/NO) Have you recorded everything, farting bug? What happened after that, you say? Well, for not knowing anything, things went pretty smoothly. The people from the "white ship" easily took on their new personalities and they lived together in peace and harmony. The fact that everything got thrown into confusion is all the fault of Pokey, who crossed space and time to come here. He has some kind of machine that is capable of freely traversing the time tunnel. However, he was shut out of all times and spaces and ended up arriving here. He is now using the time tunnel to bring people here from other times. The pig-masks and all the people in New Pork City were brainwashed by Pokey. Pokey thinks of this island as his own toy box, to do with as he pleases. He turned all the animals into freak chimeras. He built the Lightning Tower and organized an army. This childish dictator has taken over this island. Pokey learned of the "white ship" when one of the Magypsys turned traitor. Do you understand what I said about the intruder, Pokey? (YES/NO) The Magypsy that turned on his people is the only one you haven't met yet; the guardian of the seventh needle, Roqulia. His friendship with Pokey led him to reveal the secrets about the "white ship" and also the sleeping dragon. Pokey is planning on removing the needles, waking the dragon, and then using that power as his own. The dragon is the power of the land. The one who removes the needles is said to be the dragon's master. However, the only ones who can remove the needles are the extremely limited humans. Even the Magypsys, who protected the needles all these years, couldn't be of any help to Pokey. Regardless of that, he began removing the needles. Pokey is controlling someone and having him obtain the power of the dragon for him. We can't allow Pokey to go on like this any further. This world is being destroyed anew and the true end to everything is near. For Pokey, this is the ultimate rush. We cannot let it come to be. We, the last few remaining humans, cannot permit this. Lucas, you were chosen to remove the needles sealing away the dragon. Remove the remaining needle and reflect the goodness of your heart in the dragon. This is my only order as leader to you. Did you understand about the waking of the dragon? (YES/NO) 6 needles have already been removed. The dragon slumbering below is starting to wake. The last needle must be somewhere in New Pork City. Pokey is gathering all living things to this city in in anticipation of the time to remove the last needle. In his wicked mind we're to be in attendance at the farewell party. Turn this pinch into your greatest chance. It might be the end of everything as we know it, but it also may lead to the start of something new. Lucas, you who were once a weak young boy, have been given the most important role in this story. Now that you have come to understand everything, even things you didn't want to know, you must see that the future of everything is depending on you. "God never gives you that which you are too weak to carry." Have you ever heard that? You are not fighting alone. Everyone is here to help you. I know it was long, but I've told you all that you need to know. Did you understand it? (YES/NO) The location of the needle is something the Magypsys know, so I really don't know. However, judging from Pokey's movements, I'd say that the 7th needle is very close. Lucas, you must be the one to remove it. Pokey is on the 100th floor of the Empire Pokey Building. Make your way up there first. You should be able to find some clues. It's been a long time since I've talked so much. I'm beat. The farting bug has recorded everything that I have said. Take the bug with you, and if you ever forget anything you can ask him. Farting bug, please follow them. TALK TO THE FARTING BUG. "You got the farting bug's memory." APPROACH THE SEWER'S EXIT AND MIRACLE YOKUBA APPEARS. Interpreter: "Nuhehehehehehehehe!" That's 1 "NU" and 8 "HE"s. "It's been far too long since we last met. I'm going to give you pests an all-out devastating deathblow! Nuhahahahaaha. I have been remade into a furiously powerful ultimate weapon. You have no chance of defeating me!", says Yokuba. "I will bring an end to your sad little story. I'm going to deal out blow after blow after blow.", says Yokuba. "Let's do it.", he adds. Yokuba get ready to fight incredibly quick. Go! FIGHT MIRACLE YOKUBA. AFTER THE FIGHT... Interpreter: "Aita.tat.a.a" I'm sorry, I can't translate this. You see, for some reason it's not words, but just sounds. "You beat me. Well, you didn't beat me. I mean, I hate you. I've had enough of this fighting. I'm sick and tired of it. It's time to play. Play what? Pokey's games, that's what. You're still in the whirlpool. I've pulled myself free from that. Well, I'm not sure. My life's fire is in danger. We will never meet again, I'm sure. And not just on the battle field", says Yokuba. And then in a really small voice he adds, "Nuhaha." YOKUBA EXPLODES AND FALLS INTO THE SEWAGE. Interpreter: I'm an interpreter and since Yokuba is no longer here, there is no more need for me. Don't try and follow me. Toodles. CLIMB THE LADDER INTO THE GAME CENTER. ***************************************************************************** * NPCs * ***************************************************************************** * * * Punk Guy: Did you find a dog? Good. * * * * Man: Hey, do you the secret to women? You don't know? How old are you? * * Idiot! Get your act together. Women like men that they can depend * * on. Can you claim to be? Jackass. You head's for thinking, you know.* * Just stop talking to me, OK? Think all this over on your own. * * * * Man: When I eat a hujungous hamburger my hands get all messy. And I try * * to open my mouth real big to get the hamburger in, but IT WON'T FIT!* * Avacado burgers are the worst. They're really slippery. Don't you * * think so? Hey, why do you think women order things like the avacado * * burger? * * * * Girl: All the boys gathered around this shop are idiots. * * * * Policeman: I'm busy. Go over there. Policemen are busy in a policeman * * kind of way. * * * * Policeman: I'm so busy. Please go away. Baked potatoes are busy in a * * baked potato kind of way. * * * * Man: Hey, no pushing! * * * * Woman: Let's obey traffic laws. My mind is always filled with traffic * * regulation matters. * * * * Man: Heaven forbid! * * * * Woman: New Pork City is really unusual. It's childish, yet sleazy. It * * makes me want to puke, yet it's so gorgeous. * * * * Man: I heard that DCMC is going to do a concert in this city. This city * * probably become a more delightful place very soon. * * * * Linda: Hey, Paul, there's an amusement park! Let's check it out. * * * * Paul: Always like a child. * * * * Nana: The elevator in the Empire Porky Building for quite a while. But, * * it's supposed to be completed pretty soon. I want to go to the * * bathroom on the upper floor, so I'm waiting for it to be ready. * * * * Man: This is the headquarters of the Pokey Corporation, the Empire Pokey * * Building. You are the rumored....oh, no. Forget I said anything. * * *smile* * * * * Man #2: This is the HQ of the Pokey Corporation, the Empire Pokey * * Building. Hey! Don't touch me with those filthy hands. *smile* * * * * Pusher: Hey, if it isn't Lucas. I came here to study all about our great * * leader, Pokey. * * * * Brenda: What? So you came, too? Please refrain from causing us any * * trouble. * * * * Johner: So even Lucas came to the city. Is your father still searching * * for your lost brother? If he'd just listened to what I said, * * he'd be found by now. Your father is incompetent. * * * * Elmoa: My boy Ollie is sure to become an even greater person than Pokey, * * and he'll put us all in the good life. Hooooohohoho. * * * * Ollie: Hey. I'm just as dreadfully depressed as ever. You look good. * * Let's be depressed together. * * * * Pig-Mask: Hey, Lucas. I came to see the DCMC concert. To tell you the * * truth, I've never seen them live. And I spent all that time * * working in Gohba, right next to TitiBoo. * * * * Punk Guy: That statue of Pokey looks just like a child. What's that mean?* * * * Man: I wonder if anyone has ever seen Pokey. How old is he? To make a * * city this size is a great feat. * * * ***************************************************************************** CHECK THE ELEVATOR. "There's an elevator going up. Will you ride it?" (RIDE IT/DON'T) SAY "RIDE IT" AND A MAN ENTERS. Man: Hey, just a minute. You're in the way. This elevator stopped stopping on the 24th floor, where the concert hall is, so we worked hard to fix it. It's fine now. You're not planning on going all the up to the 100th floor, are you? (YES/NO) Then I apologize. The repairs only allowed the elevator to only stop at the 24th floor. Please, as a favor to me, go to the 24th floor. IN THE ELEVATOR... Man:'re...Tamekichi, right? You played bass in DCMC. Yes! Tamekichi has come home. That bass line has returned! Let's go! Let's go! Tamekichi! ON THE 24TH FLOOR... Man: Hurry! Boy: I've loved DCMC since their days at the TitiBoo Club. Mole: Why am I here? Sorry. Woman: This man standing next to me, holding my hand, keeps following me. It's an unmistakable sign that he likes me. I'm so nervous. If he kisses me I think I'll die. Man: This girl next to me, holding my hand, keeps following me, and I really think she finds me hot. I could faint if she tries to kiss me. Man: I heard a rumor that the former bassist may or may not have come back. If it's true, this night is going to rock! Policeman: Something about you irritates the heck out of me. Do you want to get arrested? I'm trying to hold myself back. Scary Womanizing Pig-Mask: Something smells like boy and dog. Ah, of course it's you. Hey, don't get all mad. I'm just here to enjoy the show, OK? ENTER THE CONCERT HALL AND TALK TO OJ. OJ: Tamekichi! It's been a long time, you old dog. Shimmy Zumizu: Long no see---! We've been putting on pretty good shows even with you gone. But, now that you're.....WOAH!! Magic: Tamekichi, I wanted to see you again. How have you been? Patch: Tamekichi, we meet again. Shimmy Zumizu: Everyone on the island seems to be here in New Pork City. We're preparing for a festival the likes of which no one has ever seen before. Patch: I can see Pokey's stupid, evil plot. How? Because we are drunk on music. He can't fool people like us. Magic: If the five members of DCMC are together, there is nothing in the world to fear. Well, if I really think hard there may be something, but I don't know what it is. OJ: Hey, Tamekichi. How about we forget everything and just play some music, for old time's sake. We have your afro all ready for you. EXAMINE THE AFRO. "It's your afro wig. Will you put it on?" (YES/NO) THE DCMC CONCERT STARTS. OJ: Everyone, this might be your last chance to see our live performance. And, this might be the last time we'll be able to perform. For all of us music lovers to get together on such a special night is the ultimate happiness. Dondagossa! Here we go, nonstop! DURING THE PERFORMANCE... OJ: Dondagossa! Everyone, thank you! Without a break we're off to the next song. Let's go! THERE IS A POWER OUTAGE. OJ: It seems that someone in trying to stop our performance tonight. Pokey: Attention, everyone in the Empire Pokey Building, the final game has begun. Use your pitiful intelligence and laughable courage and come, if you dare, to the 100th floor. However, I can't promise that the elevator will act as you want it to. Kyahaha. I'll be waiting on the 100th floor. IN THE EMPTY HALL. OJ: Our concert was stopped but we can't lose heart. I think things are on our side. Too many things are happening by chance. Dondagossa! Magic: I wonder if he would've stopped us if we played his lullaby. Patch: Lucas...that's your name, right? Take care of Tamekichi. Your real name is Duster, isn't it. OJ: You're the only person who can play bass in our band. If there's no you, there's no bass. ***************************************************************************** * NPCs * ***************************************************************************** * * * Pig-Mask: Yourinmywayyourinmywayyourinmyway! Boy, get out of here! * * * * Pig-Mask: Some people bent on defying Pokey have apparently infiltrated * * the building. It's probably you. Hahaha. * * * * Pig-Mask: That wasn't a very spectacular power outage. Hey, can you see * * my nose hair? (YES/NO) Is it strange? Will I get laughed at? * * Is it OK? * * * * Policeman: The system of giving orders is all out of whack. The things * * the pig-masks are doing and what we're doing are all * * different. You have eyes, you can see it, right? * * * * Pig-Mask: The captain, and his horns, are standing. * * * * S.W. Pig-Mask: Because of the intruders the concert got ended early. As * * fans it is our duty to get those guys and make them pay * * for this. * * * ***************************************************************************** TAKE THE ELEVATOR. Announcer: Soon we'll be arriving at the 100th floor. ON THE 100TH FLOOR... ***************************************************************************** * NPCs * ***************************************************************************** * * * Man: This is the Hippopotamus pool. You can swim with the hippos, you * * stare at the hippos, or you can watch them eating. This is a public * * bath so it's ok to take a soak. But, it can be a little dangerous. * * * * Researcher: I want to do research. I want to do more, more, MORE * * research. If I had the money, I would vastly improve these * * Hippo-Launchers. Do you want to know how I would improve * * them? (YES/NO) I'd make them able to brush their own teeth, * * or make them sure to pee before they go to sleep. Or I'd * * have them go and fetch the newspaper. Things like that. * ***************************************************************************** AT THE EXIT... Hippo Researcher: You all look quite suspicious. Sic them! Go--Go, Hippo-Launcher. FIGHT THE HIPPO-LAUNCHER. Hippo Researcher: Noooooo-!!!! My Hippo-Launcher!! I'll remember this! Stupidhead. AT THE ELEVATOR POKEY MAKES ANOTHER ANNOUNCEMENT. Pokey: I bring you some breaking news. In the pond, some idiots have been discovered playing water flea. Kyahahaha! I'm talking about you! You're such idiots to be fighting while caked in mud. Go ahead and board the next elevator. I love watching you do stupid things. The real 100th floor is just up ahead. Ahahah! ON THE 100TH FLOOR... ***************************************************************************** * NPCs * ***************************************************************************** * * * Woman: This is a place for Pokey's fans to get together. Can you put * * your hand to your heart and say that you love Pokey? (YES/NO) NO? * * Well then, please go home. * * * * Woman: These are Pokey's favorite double chocolate pork rinds. * * * * Woman: No matter what it is, you should leave it to Pokey. * * * * Woman: My job is to tickle the spot under Pokey's chin. * * * * Oxygen Replenishing Machine: Would you like some oxygen? * * * ***************************************************************************** Pokey: We have reports of a lost child. The detestable Lucas is wandering around the room of Pokey fans. Lucas, if you can really make it to the 100th floor, I'm waiting. TAKE THE ELEVATOR TO THE 100TH FLOOR? ***************************************************************************** * NPCs * ***************************************************************************** * * * Woman: (in toilet) It's occupied. * * * * Man: (in toilet) Sorry, I've got my hands full at the moment. Please * * come back later. * * * * Man: (in toilet) Ahhhh! I made it in time. * * * * Man: (in toilet) Hi, come on in. What! What am I saying? This is a * * bathroom. Why did you come in here? And what are girls * * dogs doing in the mens' bathroom? * * * * Ghosts: We ghosts lived a nice easy life in Osohe Castle. The pig-masks, * * however, wrangled us up and brought us here. * * * * Fish: There are some serious things wrong with that toilet in there. I'm * * flopping around on my own accord, so please don't worry about me. * * * * Man: (in the flooded toilet) Um, everything's fine. I'm Ok so please go * * away. * * * * Man: (in toilet) Haha, I was faster than you. I rule! * * * * Woman: (in toilet) I'm in the middle of a good book at the moment. * * * * Old Man: (in toilet) Look at the wall. Look at the ceiling. What else is * * there to do? * * * * Old Man: Outta my way! Coming through! I know it says that it's a public * * toilet, but it's really only for me. It's not P-U-B-L-I-C. Go * * away! * * * * Punk Guy: (in toilet) A clean toilet is the soul's mirror. Wipe it and * * polish it and it shines. * * * * Man: (in toilet) I'm eating! * * * ***************************************************************************** MAKE YOUR WAY THROUGH THE TOILETS TO POKEY'S CHAMBER. HE COMES ON THE INTERCOM. Pokey: Hehehe. Looks like you're taking your sweet time. That specially designed toilet dungeon was great wasn't it? Did it make you want to pee your pants? Well, unfortunately, I have an announcement to make. The place where you are now is the FAKE 100th floor. You are nothing more than cheap toys for my amusement. I invite you to the real 100th floor. Take the elevator up ahead. I'm waiting. TAKE THE ELEVATOR AND GO TO ROQULIA'S HOUSE. Pokey: (intercom) You are the most tactless bunch ever. Get out of there and take the next elevator. Then you'll arrive at the real 100th floor. IN ROQULIA'S HOUSE... "There is a lipstick and a razor on the floor. Will you pick them up?" NEAR THE ELEVATOR. Mouse: Squeak! (It seems that Roqulia won't come home. Me? I'm the mouse that Roqulia fawns over. Everyone thought that he was strange because of his Nuhahahahahaha way of laughing, but I thought he was a real nice person. But, he's not coming home. I'm lonely.) TAKE THE NEXT ELEVATOR TO THE CONSTRUCTION SITE. ***************************************************************************** * NPCs * ***************************************************************************** * * * Man: Wow, you made it all the way up here. You're a little in the way, * * but warmly welcomed. * * * * Man: When you have as much experience as I do, you get used to heights. * * Even if I think I'm going to fall, I don't panic. * * * * Man: I know you understand this, but whatever you do, DO NOT try and * * tackle anyone up here. * * * * Man: Hey, do you have business being up here? If you don't please leave. * * * * Man: Huh? Am I scared of high places? Even if you are scared, you can't * * let it get to you. That's something a father would say. * * * * Man: What? Is this the 100th floor? No freakin' way. * * * * Man: This building is made out of steel and wood. * * * * Man: (standing on the see-saw) What am I doing? This is very important * * construction work. You're an amateur so you wouldn't know. This is * * a very difficult job. * * * * Crane: "Do you want to pull the lever?" (YES/NO) * * * ***************************************************************************** Pokey: I have an announcement for all of you at work. The idiot bunch have reached the construction site and are causing worlds of trouble. Idiot idiot idiot idiot idiot idiot. Yes, I'm talking about you. Hurry up and get yourselves to the 100th floor. How irritating. My dentures are itchy. Hurry and get to the elevator. TAKE THE ELEVATOR TO THE LAB AND GO THROUGH THE LAB. ***************************************************************************** * NPCs * ***************************************************************************** * * * Woman: Welcome: This is the Good Person Hot Spring. The effect is that * * you will become a Good Person that Pokey would respect. Stay in * * until you feel all nice and warm and you will feel refreshed and * * emerge as a Good Person. It's different than other hot springs. * * Here you enter a green capsule. It's really simple. * * * * Scientist: This green liquid is the source of the Good Person Hot * * Spring. If you use this liquid and get all nice and warm, * * your personality will change and you will become calmer and * * more like a person that Pokey likes. * * * ***************************************************************************** Pokey: Attention! Lucas, you look pretty tired. But, this is where things start to get interesting. Climb the stairs up ahead. Don't disappoint me. Ahahahaha. CLIMB THE STAIRS. Emcee: Lucas and company. I have been awaiting your arrival. I'm wearing a different hat so you may not recognize me, but I am the driver of that difficult to control, far too long limousine. I'm surprised that you made it all the way up here. It is now my duty to judge whether you are good enough to meet with the illustrious Pokey. Please follow me. Pokey is someone who absolutely loves games. Whether you can become Pokey's gaming partner is yet to be seen. We will play the "Super Whack-a-Mole Game". I will judge you on your performance. First allow me to explain the rules. Use the A BUTTON, also known as your heart's hammer, to whack the moles that pop out of the holes. Pokey loves the word "WIN". The word "being gracious" is in your dictionary, right. So you know what I'm saying. However, if you throw the game, Pokey will fly into a fiery rage. So, did you understand the rules? If you hit the man with the helmet you'll get an electric shock. Please be careful. And now the entrance of Lucas's opponent, Mini-Pokey. Mini-Pokey, please begin. Oh! Mini-Pokey whacked 10 moles. Lucas, it's now your turn. BARELY LOSE TO MINI-POKEY. Emcee: OK! And now time for the results. Lucas, you whacked 9 moles. Mini-Pokey wins by the slim margin of 1 mole. Nice game! I was on the edge of my seat. Ok, now for the next game. CLIMB THE NEXT SET OF STAIRS. Emcee: Things are going to get even more interesting from here. Next is the "Who Can Cross the Purple Plank First" game. You will start at the same time. Whoever gets to the other side first wins. Do you understand the rules? And remember, which is more important, to be gracious or to win? Got it? (YES/NO) As soon as you are ready we will start. STAND ON THE START LINE. Emcee: Ready? Go! If I say that you start. Ready? Go! Go! COME IN 2ND. Emcee: Oh, in a close race, Mini-Pokey wins by a hair. That was an impressive race. And now for the final game. CLIMB THE STAIRS. Emcee: And now we've come to the last game. Please enter. This game is "Which Will Burst First?" game. Now let me quickly explain the rules. Use your inner pump, also known as the A BUTTON to blow up your balloon. The first person to explode their balloon in the winner. Do you think you understand the rules? (YES/NO) Good, please take your place. This game is worth triple points. Which means that it is a great chance for Lucas to turn things around. Good luck. Let's begin. Ready? Go! For being so young, so know quite a lot. I have decided that you love Pokey and are qualified to meet with him. Please go to where he is. HEAD UP THE STAIRS. Pokey: Lucas, welcome to my room. This is the place that you have been trying to get to, the 100th floor. Welcome again. You have been my most beloved, yet worst pests ever. I invited you here. So, it's fine if you enter my room. However, I have an order that absolutely no one is allowed to enter my room. I know you came all this way, but I guess this is goodbye. Flip the switch! Natural Killer Cyborg! DEFEAT THE NATURAL KILLER CYBORG. GO THROUGH THE DOOR, DOWN THE HALL, RIDE THE BOAT AND CLIMB THE STAIRS. Pokey: The beginning of the end. The end of everything. Let's just get along. I'm Pokey. Really I'm just a nice little boy. Please be nicer to me. Please talk to me like we are friends. (YES/NO) Thank you. my way. FIGHT THE POKEY ROBOTS. DCMC APPEAR AND HELP OUT. "Patch jumps in front." Patch: Dondagossa! This is the climax of the drama which means it's time for to lazy ones to start pulling their weight. "Shimmy Zumizu jumps in front." Shimmy: Pokey, you tried to use us to brainwash everyone here. But, I'm gonna bust your plans! "Magic jumps in front." Magic: Pokey!! I won't let you get away with this!! "OJ jumps in front." OJ: This is payback for all you've done! AFTER THE BATTLE, FLINT ENTERS. Flint: Boney, here boy. Lucas, it's time. Wes: Have you closed in on the enemy? Have I been dragged into this? I guess it doesn't matter. Hi, Duster. Pokey: Uh-hum. Come forward a little more and let me see your face. Ah, so that's what you look like. It was I who called you here. I, the traveler in both times future and past. I am smarter than anyone else. I am more charming than anyone else. And, I am better at pulling pranks than anyone else. Me, Pokey Minch. Ladies and gentlemen, survivors of the old world, welcome. *Cough* *Cough* So you humans wouldn't make all the same mistakes again, you erased your memories and tried to create a new world. Are you complete idiots? No matter how much you revise the rules, no matter how much you try to grin and bear it, humans are cursed to do the same bad and stupid things. We strangle ourselves. And this brings the ruin. If you could just accept my glorious, heroic filled idea and follow me, you would find happiness. *cough* Why do you even attempt to live with that tiny brain, pitiful body, weak spirit, and the floundering and struggle? The time has come to drop the curtain on your little monkey show. The time has also come for me to take the power of all power. Everything up to this point has happened exactly as I have for seen it. There is no way that I will not succeed. Hehehee. Ahahahahaahah. *cough* *cough* Until now you have been part of a game, and I have allowed you various triumphs. I was extremely bored and needed a game with a little thrill to it. My lifeless son, will remove the final needle. This will awaken the dragon and the world be as I think it to be. I'm assuming that when the moment comes you idiots will all disappear like garbage or dust. Ahaahaha. I'll be a little lonely, I concede. But if this doesn't happen I will be crushed under the weight of my own boredom. Got it? This the sadness of one who becomes like a god. I know how you, with your idiot plays, love great timing. The seventh needle has been discovered in the underground below this spot. PROFESSOR ANDONUTS ENTERS Professor Andonuts: I refuse to cooperate with you anymore! Pokey: Ha..Ha...Hahahahahah!! Lucas, you also want to remove the needle, don't you? How about going and seeing is you can? I'm telling you everything fair and square. It'll add some more excitement to the game. I'm taking a headstart, though. And I'm taking the shortcut. If you think you can follow me, be my guest. The elevator is yours to use as you please. THE ELEVATOR FALLS DOWN TO THE UNDERGROUND LEVEL. TALK TO FLINT. Flint: Lucas. There's something that's been bothering me. Let me go on ahead, OK? (YES/NO) Thanks. Please don't ask the reason. I feel like I'll be late getting back, so go on without me. FLINT LEAVES. AT THE STAIRCASE. Kumatora: Shall we go? RUN DOWN ALL THE STAIRS AND MAKE YOUR WAY THROUGH THE UNDERGROUND. YOU FIND FLINT, SANS COWBOY HAT. Flint: That man with the Claus. Lucas, it's your brother Claus. I don't know why he's obeying Pokey, but as a father, I'm happy I finally found my lost son. Lucas, be happy. We found Claus. GO UNTIL YOU MEET UP WITH POKEY AGAIN. Pokey: St-st-st-st-stop!!! This is no time for games. I won't let you go any further. Don't worry about the needle. My cute little monster is headed to the needle as we speak. ....hmmm? It's name is Claus? My little monster had the name Claus? That's just like a human name. However, now he's my robot. There's no shard of life left in him. He listens to anything I say, my slave robot. Only my will moves him. My double. He doesn't have any idea you even exist. *cough* *cough* FIGHT POKEY. DURING THE FIGHT... Pokey: I'll let you in on a little secret. No matter how much you attack me, I'm not going to die. Even if you manage to knock me down, I will not die. Didn't you know that? I have traveled countless times through both time and space. So, I haven't been able to age like a normal human would. I might be 1000 years old, or even maybe 10000 years old, but my brain is still in it's childhood. Is it strange? It is strange. Don't laugh. *cough* *cough* Don't laugh at me! If the dragon awakes and everything is destroyed, that means all living things will disappear. Ahhahaha. Ahahahaha. *Cough* I'll still be alive, though. Just me and the dragon and the wide open world. Remember that. I am eternal. I'll watch the end of the world for you when you're gone. The world that exists after everyone who hates me is dead. Thank you for playing with me all this time. I'm not such a bad guy, am I? I won't die. I won't die. I lose to no one. However, the energy in my machine seems to have run out. Lucas, don't think that you've won. I'm evacuating in to my "Absolutely Safe Capsule". Once I am in the capsule, your attacks will have no effect. You are probably thinking that there is no such thing as "absolute". I assure you there is. I tricked Professor Andonuts and the Mr. Saturns in to making this capsule. "Pokey has shut himself in the Absolutely Safe Capsule." PROFESSOR ANDONUTS APPEARS. Professor: Ah...ah,ah. No matter how bad a guy Pokey was, I feel sorry for what has just happened. It's true that this Absolutely Safe Capsule, which I created along with the Mr. Saturns, will protect the body from harm. It is absolutely safe and once you enter it, it cannot be opened again. This Absolutely Safe is absolutely safe for the people not in it. I told Pokey, in a really, really small voice, not to use the capsule yet. Now he will live out his infinite days absolutely within the capsule. In a sense, this was what he wanted. Maybe. Do you think I'm wrong? (YES/NO) No? I wonder. I have a feeling I may be wrong. TALK TO THE PROFESSOR AGAIN. Professor: How about we roll it? It's completely safe. Rolling, rolling, rolling. PROCEED UNTIL YOU COME TO THE MASKED MAN. HE SHOOTS LIGHTNING AGAIN BUT THE FRANKLIN BADGE REFLECTS IT BACK. THE BATTLE BEGINS... DURING THE BATTLE, VOICES SPEAK. Voice: ...Lucas... "A voice calling a name can be heard." Voice: ...Klaus... "It was Hinawa's voice. It didn't reach the masked man." Hinawa: Klaus...stop. You are not Pokey's robot. You are our child. "The masked man looks around." Flint: Lucas, watch out! "Flint jumps in front of Lucas. The masked man's attack severely damages Flint." Flint: Klaus....please notice....Klaus...I've never stopped looking for you. Hinawa: Klaus, you and Lucas are brothers. Hinawa: Can you hear me? Your name is Klaus. You are our child named Klaus. Hinawa: Please. Somehow....remember. Lucas, too. A FLASHBACK OF LUCAS AND KLAUS IN THEIR CRIBS. Hinawa: I'm blessed with two children at once. Things you can't do alone, you will be able to do together. I'm sure you will have your share of quarrels, but you'll also come to each other's aid. Klaus and Lucas...I'm sure you'll make many mistakes before you become an adult. Klaus and Lucas...How would you like to be raised? I want you to have someone kind like yourselves. "The masked man covers his ears." "The masked man shuts his eyes." "The masked man stares at Lucas." "Lucas wants to cry." "The masked man is staring at Lucas." Hinawa: Claus...Claus...come to where mother is. You're tired, I'm sure. Claus, come. "The masked man is looking around for something." CLAUS TAKES HIS HELMET OFF. "The masked man shows his true face. His face is identical to Lucas's. It's Claus. Claus emits a fierce stream of lightning. Lucas's Franklin Badge reflects is back. Claus took lethal damage." "Claus hugs Lucas. Lucas remembers Claus's scent." Claus: I'm sorry all of this happened. But, I'm truly happy that you could be here at my end. Thank you, brother. I'm sorry. I should've listened to what I was told. I'm going to mother's place. Lucas, I hope we meet again. Goodbye. Thank you. Sorry. We'll meet again. "Claus falls into an eternal slumber." Flint: Lucas, thank you. Klaus was always very hasty. Please forgive your brother. It's time for you to pull out the last needle. Are you ready? (YES/NO) Hinawa and Klaus have put destiny in your hand. Believe in yourself and remove the last needle. There's nothing that needs to be sealed away. Let's make the dragon, residing deep underground, our new ally. Let the dragon see your soul. Ask in your heart for it to protect all living things. I and everyone else, believes in you. Now believe in yourself. The dragon is waiting to be awoken. "Will you put your life and all the lives of the people who believe in you on the line and remove the needle?"' (YES/NO) THE WORLD ENDS. ========================================================================= END? ========================================================================= MOVE THE "END?" AROUND THE DARKNESS AND TALK TO THE VARIOUS PEOPLE. "Ouch!! Watch where you're walking. What, are you blind?" "I'm OK. This isn't a dream." "It's a miracle! It's a miracle! Everyone is OK." "I thought that everything was destroyed, but everyone is alive and well. It's a miracle. That's all you can say." "The dragon's revival got it's power from the lives of all living things." "That was really scary. But you know what they say, 'Past pain is pain forgotten'. Everyone's fit as a fiddle now." "That was really freakin' scary. ???????" "Hey, are you YOUR NAME? You're safe. That's great news. Hey, everyone! YOUR NAME is safe!" "YOUR NAME!! Lucas wants to see you." "YOUR NAME, thank you for all you've done. You saved Lucas and the others. If you weren't here, this world would have been doomed." "To put it to ya straight...the moment Lucas pulled out that last needle, I was as scared as a baby. But, I believed in him. I believed him, but that didn't keep my body from feeling like it was going to float away with all the butterflies in my stomach. But everyone, everyone, everyone, is fine! It feels like we recovered something fantastically large." "I just keep crying and the tears won't stop. What is this feeling?" "It's my first time to see Kumatora cry. She looks so cute." "Ow, ow, ow, ow , ow. You're stepping on me. For a cricket, that means my life." "Hmmm, guess who's touching your back? It's me, Wes. But I'm not the one touching your back." "YOUR NAME, it's me Alec. But, I'm not touching your back. He's feigning ignorance, but the one touching you is Wes. We're both fine. We're both fine, aren't we?" "Oxygen?" "Have we met somewhere before? Me? My name is Snake Rope. I'm thinking about living my days as Rope Snake. If you ever feel pity for me, please talk to me. Things like, "Thanks" or "Your chin saved the day" or "Not just any old snake could do things like that" or "Not just any old rope could have done things like that". For a snake I can really talk. I hope to see you again someday. Your name was YOUR NAME, right? It's carved into my heart. Have a good year! Have a good year?" "Ribbit. My saving job is finished. I guess I'll start raising my tadpoles and get on with my life. Thanks for all you've done. And all I've done." "i FeLl DoWn. i FeEl AnD mY nOsE iS tOuChInG tHe DiRt." "Woof! (I'm OK, too." "YOU TOUCHED SOMETHING THAT'S ROLLING. THE ROLLING THING IS SHAKING HAPPILY. IT SEEMS LIKE SOMETHING MIGHT BE INSIDE." "SOMETHING SMALL AND ROUND IS AT YOUR FEET. IT'S A DOORKNOB. YOU GOT THE DOORKNOB." "Oh, YOUR NAME! Thank you! I'm feeling overwhelmed by gratitude." "Thanks for all you've done." "I hope we're always together, but as soon as we met we were separated." "This world owes its thanks to you for saving it. Thank you, YOUR NAME." "YOUR NAME, you're funny." "Let's meet again. You can meet with us many times." "YOUR NAME!" "Bye!" "How are things in your world? Things here look like they're going to be all right. You sure you're OK?" "YOUR NAME, please take care of your world." "Thank you." "Goodbye." "See you." "Come back again." "YOUR NAME, I hope to see you again." "Don't forget us." "Goodbye." "Thank you. We had a lot of fun." "Thank you." ENJOY THE CREDITS. CONGRATULATIONS. THE END ============================================================================ ITEM LIST ============================================================================ *************** * WEAPONS/ぶき * *************** ---- STAFF/STICKS/ぼう ------------------------------------------------------ ぼうっきれ - Broken Stick (offense +2) ライタのかくざい - Lighter's Lumber (Offense +6, Speed -3) あたらしいかくざい - Freshly-Cut Lumber (offense +16, speed -4) にぎりやすいぼう - Easy-to-Grip Stick (Offense +15) ましなぼう - Pretty Good Staff (Offense +20) いいぼう - Good Staff (Offense +27) とてもいいぼう - Really Good Staff (Offense +34) おもしろいぼう - Interesting Stick (Offense +40) きはくのぼう - Spirited Stick (Offense +50) たくみのぼう - Clever Stick (Offense +62) めいじんんのぼう - Master's Staff (Offense +75) まぼろしのぼう - Phantom Staff (Offense +90, MaxHP +10, MaxPP +10) ---- GLOVES/てぶくろ ------------------------------------------------------- てぶくろ - Gloves (offense +9) じょうぶなてぶくろ - Sturdy Gloves (Offense +16) しゃーぷなてぶくろ - Sharp Gloves (Offense +23) マホーのてぶくろ - Magic Gloves (Offense +30, Max PP +10) ろくぶて - Sevolg (Offense +35) つよいてぶくろ - Strong Gloves (Offense +50) まぼろしのてぶくろ - Phantom Gloves (Offense +55, Max HP +10, Max PP +10, IQ +7, Speed +5) こうかなてぶくろ - High-Priced Gloves (Offense +58) てんしのてぶくろ - Angel's Gloves (Offense +67) ---- SHOES/くつ ------------------------------------------------------------ いつものくつ - Usual Shoes (Offense +6) じょうぶなくつ - Sturdy Shoes (Offense +12) するどいくつ - Clever Shoes (Offense +17) ゴムなが - Rubber Boots (Offense +25) はだしのくつ - Barefoot Shoes (Offense +38) すべらないくつ - No-Slip Shoes (Offense +58) いいくつ - Good Shoes (Offense +70, Speed +5) さいこうのくつ - Great Shoes (Offense +82) まぼろしのくつ - Phantom Shoes (Offense +40, Max HP +15, IQ +5, Speed +7) ---- OTHER WEAPONS --------------------------------------------------------- **************** * BODY/からだ * **************** ---- GOOD LUCK CHARMS/おまもり ---------------------------------------------- ミニミニおまもり - Mini-Mini Good Luck Charm (defense +2) ノミのおまもり - Flea Charm (defense +5) 力のおまもり - Strength Charm (offense +7) ---- NECKLACE/くびわ--------------------------------------------------------- ---- OTHER ----------------------------------------------------------------- マホーのペンダント - Magic Pendant (defense +3, Max PP +5) *************** * HEAD/あたま * *************** ---- HAT ぼうし------------------------------------------------------------ ふつうのぼうし - Regular Hat (defense +3) ---- RIBBON リボン --------------------------------------------------------- まっかなリボン - Red Ribbon (defense +2) ---- BANDANA/バンダナ------------------------------------------------------- ヒヨコのバンダナ - Baby Chicken Bandana (offense +5) ---- OTHER ---------------------------------------------------------------- ************ * OTHER * ************ ---- BRACELET/うでわ--------------------------------------------------------- やぎのうでわ - Goat Bracelet (defense +3) みずがめのうでわ - Sea Turtle Bracelet (defense +5) うおのうでわ - Fish Bracelet (defense +7) ****************** * GOODS/ グッズ * ****************** ---- FOOD/たべもの ---------------------------------------------------------- ナッツ      - Nut (HP+5) おつけもの - Pickles (HP +10) ジャナイカティー - Janaika Tea (HP +15) このみクッキー - Nut Cookie (HP +15) たべられるキノコ - Edible Mushroom (HP +20) このみパン    - Nut Bread (HP +30) やきいも - Baked Potato (HP +40) クセのあるチーズ - Quirky Cheese (HP + different every time) ほしにく - Jerky (HP +60) しぼりたてミルク - Fresh Milk (HP +80) ふるいミルク - Old Milk (Hp +10) ヨーグルト - Yogurt (HP +80) うみたてたまご - Fresh Egg (HP +80) おんせんたまご - Soft-boiled Egg (HP +100) ロールパン - Dinner Roll (HP +60) シロワッサン - Croissant (HP +70) きついソーダ - Hard Soda (HP +20) だいとかいソーダ - Metropolis Soda (HP +20) だいとかいコーラ - Metropolis Cola (HP +30) だいとかいポテト - Metropolis Fries (HP +70) だいとかいバーガー- Metropolis Burger (HP +100) イヌようクッキー - Dog Biscuit (HP +60, for dogs) イヌようほしにく - Dog Jerky (HP +150, for dogs) とんかつチップ - Pork Rinds (HP +50) とんかつヌードル - Pork Noodle Soup (HP +80) とんかっちゃん - Pork-tastic Treat (HP +100) せいじつダンゴ - Faithful Dumpling (HP +100) こうきゅうバナナ - Gourmet Banana (HP +120) やきざかな - Grilled Fish (HP +120) いちごとうふ - Strawberry Tofu (HP +120) どでかえびのスープ- Jumbo Shrimp Soup (HP +150) にどぼしにく - Twice Dried Meat (HP +160) とりのヘルシーやき- Healthy Grilled Chicken (HP +170) でかアワビステーキ- Giant Abalone Steak (HP +180) ほっとどっぐずし - Hot Dog Sushi (HP +120) あまえんぼシチュー- Wheedling Stew (HP +150) こってりパフェ - Rich Parfait (HP +170) わけありパスタ - Pasta With a Reason (HP +190) ごひいきピザ - Patronage Pizza (HP +250) おうさまバーガー - King's Burger (HP +280) びふてきステーキ - Beefsteak (HP +300) すきな食べ物 - *The food you chose as your favorite* (HP +300) ラッキーライス - Lucky Rice (HP +?, based on Luck) マジックゼリー - Magic Jelly (PP +20) マジックタルト - Magic Tart (PP +30) マジックプリン - Magic Pudding (PP +40) マジックケーキ - Magic Cake (PP +50) ちんちんライス - Tinkle Rice (various effects) くさったエクレア - Rotten Eclair (use to trade with the ghosts) くっさたババロア - Rotten Bavarian Cream (loved by ghosts) ---- MEMENTOS/かたみ--------------------------------------------------------- ---- IMPORTANT ITEMS/だいじなもの ------------------------------------------- タツマイリマップ - Map of Tazmily Village たたかいのきおく - Battle Record (records the monsters you have fought) ヒモヘビ - Snake Rope ペンダント - Pendant ---- OTHER GOODS ---------------------------------------------------------- ドラゴのきば - Drago's Fang はしりだま - Running Bomb (damages all enemies) すっきりミント - Refresh Mint (cures heavy feeling, cloud) ムシムシキラー - Bug Spray (does damage to bug type enemies) むかしのバナナ - Old Banana (damages enemies by making them slip) どくけし   - Antidote (cures poison) ***************** * SKILLS /とくぎ* ***************** ---- PSYCH UP (FLINT)/きあいをいれる ------------------------------- ふりまわす - Flail Around (attacks all enemies) ちからまかせ - Power Hit (a powerful hit that often misses) ちからをためる - Strength Up (raises offense power)  がっちりかためる - Defense Up (increases defense power) ---- THIEF GOODS (DUSTER)/ドロボーグッズ ----------------------------------- カベホチ   - Wall Staple (use to build ladders/can be used in battle) サイレンくわがた - Siren Beetle (makes enemies cover their ears) けむりだま  - Smoke Bomb (makes enemies cry) さいみんふりこ  - Hypnotic Pendulum (makes enemies sleep) こわいおめん   - Scary Mask (decreases enemies defense) くすぐりぼう   - Ticklish Stick (decreases enemies offense) ---- MONKEY SKILLS/サルげい ----------------------------------------------- ---- SMELL/においをかぐ ---------------------------------------------------- においをかぐ - Smell (gives information about an enemy including their weaknesses) ---- PSI ------------------------------------------------------------------ PK ファイアーα - Fire PK フリーズ α - Freeze PK サンダー α - Thunder ライフアップα - Life-up (HP +60) ヒーリング α - Healing (cures 1 member's abnormal status) オフェダウンα - Offense Down (decreases one enemy's offense) パラライシスα - Paralyze