MOTHER 3 PSI Moves Information. I.PSI Moves Offense PK Love PK Flash PK Starstorm PK Fire PK Freeze PK Thunder PK Ground Recover Lifeup Healing Refresh PSI Magnet Assist Shield Counter Psycho-Shield Psycho-Counter Offense Up Defense Up Hypnosis Paralysis Brainshock Offense Down Defense Down II.Contact Info --------------------- I.PSI Moves --------------------- -OFFENSE -PK Love (aka PSI Rockin in EarthBound) NOTE: The name of this attack will be whatever you entered as your "favorite thing" at the very beginning of the game. This is Lucas's special PSI attack. Each version of this attack is learned when you reach a certain point in the game. It is a powerful move that inflicts a significant amount of damage to all enemies on screen, but it consumes quite a bit of PP. Alpha PP Cost: 10 Damage: 120~160 HP Beta PP Cost: 20 Damage: 220~260 HP Gamma PP Cost: 35 Damage: 430~500 HP Omega PP Cost: 50 Damage: 800~860 HP -PK Flash PP Cost: 12 This attack randomly causes uncontrollable crying, feeling strange, paralysis, or instant defeat. Lucas learns this move when you reach a certain point in the game, and there is only one version of this attack. -PK Starstorm PP Cost: 48 Damage: 650~750 HP This is Kumatora's equivalent of PK Love, and she learns it when you complete a particular chapter. It inflicts damage to all enemies on screen, and it is slightly weaker than Lucas's PK Love[omega]. There is only one version of this attack. -PK Fire This attack causes fire damage to all enemies on screen. It's effectiveness varies depending on the target, as some enemies are vulnerable to it, while others are resistant or completely immune. It is mostly useful when fighting a group of enemies or bosses that are weak against fire. This attack will occasionally cause its targets to catch on fire (damage of about 4% of max HP per round). Organic and Organic Chimera type enemies tend to be susceptible to this attack. Alpha PP Cost: 6 Level Learned: Kumatora (10) Damage: 35~50 HP for neutral targets 80~110 HP for vulnerable targets Beta PP Cost: 12 Level Learned: Kumatora (23) Damage: 75~90 HP for neutral targets 150~180 HP for vulnerable targets Gamma PP Cost: 20 Level Learned: Kumatora (43) Damage: 120~150 HP for neutral targets 230~280 HP for vulnerable targets Omega PP Cost: 40 Level Learned: Kumatora (53) Damage: 160~200 HP for neutral targets 340~380 HP for vulnerable targets -PK Freeze This attack deals ice damage to a single enemy. It's effectiveness varies depending on the target, as some enemies are vulnerable to it, while others are resistant or completely immune. Because of its relatively low PP cost and potentially high damage, Freeze is quite useful against both normal enemies and some bosses. Alpha PP Cost: 5 Level Learned: Kumatora (10) Damage: 80~100 HP for neutral targets 150~180 HP for vulnerable targets Beta PP Cost: 10 Level Learned: Kumatora (28) Damage: 120~150 HP for neutral targets 230~250 HP for vulnerable targets Gamma PP Cost: 18 Level Learned: Kumatora (38) Damage: 170~200 HP for neutral targets 370~440 HP for vulnerable targets Omega PP Cost: 28 Level Learned: Kumatora (51) Damage: 230~270 HP for neutral targets 500~610 HP for vulnerable targets -PK Thunder Depending on what version of this attack you use, this move will summon one to four lightning bolts that either strike a random enemy or hit nothing at all. Its effectiveness varies depending on the target, as some enemies are vulnerable to it, while others are resistant or immune. Alpha PP Cost: 7 Level Learned: Kumatora (13) Effect: summons one bolt Damage: 60~80 HP for neutral targets 110~150 HP for vulnerable targets Beta PP Cost: 15 Level Learned: Kumatora (32) Effect: summons two bolts Damage: 60~80 HP for neutral targets 110~150 HP for vulnerable targets Gamma PP Cost: 21 Level Learned: Kumatora (49) Effect: summons three bolts Damage: 100~160 HP for neutral targets 180~210 HP for vulnerable targets Omega PP Cost: 32 Level Learned: Kumatora (57) Effect: summons four bolts Damage: 100~160 HP for neutral targets 180~210 HP for vulnerable targets -PK Ground PP Cost: 43 Level Learned: Kumatora (60) Effect: causes five randomly targeted hits Damage: 7~10% of max HP The last PSI move Kumatora is likely to learn is also a rather unusual one. This attack will cause five randomly targeted hits. These hits will never miss unless you are fighting a flying enemy, so all five hits will target a single enemy if you are fighting only one. Each hit takes away roughly 7~10% of the target's max HP. -RECOVER -Lifeup Food items play an important role in this game, but after awhile you will likely start phasing out the use of food items in favor of Lifeup. Recovery is absolutely essential in staying alive in this game, and nothing is better or more convenient to that end than Lifeup. Alpha PP Cost: 5 Level Learned: Lucas (n/a) Kumatora (13) Recovery: 60~70 HP Beta PP Cost: 9 Level Learned: Lucas (17) Kumatora (31) Recovery: 120~150 HP Gamma PP Cost: 16 Level Learned: Lucas (43) Recovery: max HP Omega PP Cost: 28 Level Learned: Lucas (50) Recovery: 240~260 HP to all -Healing Almost all status effects in this game can be cured by Healing, but be careful when you use this move. If you use Healing as soon as a party member gets a status effect in the middle of battle, an enemy may cause the same status effect again and you will have wasted one of your turns. Often times, it is better to focus on attacking and use Healing after the battle is over. A few status effects, such as solidification, cannot be cured by Healing. Alpha PP Cost: 4 Level Learned: Lucas (n/a) Kumatora (14) Effect: removes one status effect Beta PP Cost: 8 Level Learned: Lucas (25) Effect: removes all status effects Gamma PP Cost: 18 Level Learned: Lucas (39) Effect: removes all status effects and revives battle weary party members with full HP Omega PP Cost: 30 Level Learned: Lucas (56) Effect: removes all status effects from the entire party and revives party members with full HP -Refresh PP Cost: 20 Level Learned: Lucas (58) Effect: the entire party recovers 10% of their max HP each turn for five turns This is a recovery move Lucas is likely to learn near the end of the game. In most games I would not use a move like this too much, but because of Mother 3's rolling HP counter, this move can potentially save a party member's life. PSI Magnet This move allows Kumatora to take away an enemy's PP and add it to her own. It is usually not necessary to use this move, since there are ample hot springs and Amazing Capsules in the game. Alpha PP Cost: 0 Effect: drains 2~8 PP from a single target and adds it to your own Omega PP Cost: 0 Level Learned: Kumatora (45) Effect: drains 2~8 PP from all enemies and adds it to your own -ASSIST -Shield This move will reduce the damage inflicted by physical attacks by 50%. It can withstand up to three hits before it disappears. Shield can be very useful against strong bosses and in long battles. Using this move in conjunction with Defense Up or Offense Down can reduce the damage the party receives by a substantial amount and turn a difficult fight into an easy one. Alpha PP Cost: 6 Level Learned: Lucas (22) Effect: protects a single party member with a shield Omega PP Cost: 18 Level Learned: Lucas (35) Effect: protects the entire party -Counter This move is identical to Shield, only it also reflects any inflicted damage back at the enemy. Alpha PP Cost: 12 Effect: protects a single party member Omega PP Cost: 28 Level Learned: Lucas (51) Effect: protects the entire party -Psycho-Shield Psycho-Shield reduces the amount of damage inflicted by PSI attacks by 50%. It can withstand up to three hits before it disappears. This move will probably not get as much use as the regular Shield, but it can be useful in a few boss battles. Alpha PP Cost: 8 Level Learned: Lucas (28) Effect: protects a single party member Omega PP Cost: 20 Level Learned: Lucas (45) Effect: protects the entire party -Psycho-Counter This move is identical to the Psycho-Shield, only it reflects any inflicted damage back at the enemy. Alpha PP Cost: 18 Level Learned: Lucas (33) Effect: protects a single party member Omega PP Cost: 34 Level Learned: Lucas (53) Effect: protects the entire party -Offense Up This move will increase its target's Offense by about 20% the first time, 8% the second and third times, and 0% thereafter. It can make a pretty big difference in the amount of damage you inflict, especially if you are able to compound the increase with combos. Alpha PP Cost: 6 Effect: increases Offense of one party member Omega PP Cost: 18 Level Learned: Lucas (36) Effect: increases Offense of entire party -Defense Up This move will increase its target's Defense by about 20% the first time, 8% the first and second times, and 0% thereafter. Alpha PP Cost: 6 Effect: increases Defense of one party member Omega PP Cost: 18 Level Learned: Lucas (30) Effect: increases Defense of entire party -Hypnosis This move, when successful, will put an enemy to sleep. Sleep can be useful if you want to hear the rhythm of the battle music or want to take an enemy out of a fight while fighting a group. Alpha PP Cost: 6 Level Learned: Kumatora (21) Effect: targets a single enemy Omega PP Cost: 18 Level Learned: Kumatora (36) Effect: targets all enemies on screen -Paralysis This move, when successful, will paralyze an enemy. While paralyzed, an enemy may occasionally fail to attack and waste a turn. Alpha PP Cost: 8 Effect: targets a single enemy Omega PP Cost: 24 Level Learned: Kumatora (29) Effect: targets all enemies on screen -Brainshock This move, when successful, will make enemies feel strange. Enemies that feel strange may attack itself or its cohorts, but its occurrence is completely random. Alpha PP Cost: 7 Level Learned: Kumatora (25) Effect: targets a single enemy Omega PP Cost: 22 Level Learned: Kumatora (47) Effect: targets all enemies on screen -Offense Down This move, when successful, will reduce the enemy's Offense by about 20% the first time, 8% the second and third times, and 0% thereafter. Alpha PP Cost: 7 Effect: targets a single enemy Omega PP Cost: 20 Level Learned: Kumatora (37) Effect: targets all enemies on screen -Defense Down This move, when successful, will reduce the enemy's Defense by about 20% the first time, 8% the second and third times, and 0% thereafter. Alpha PP Cost: 7 Level Learned: Kumatora (19) Effect: targets a single enemy Omega PP Cost: 20 Level Learned: Kumatora (40) Effect: targets all enemies on screen --------------------- II.Contact Info --------------------- Questions,Comments,Suggestions,Wanna be Friends? Email me at: