***************************************************************************** Mother 3 FAQ/Walkthrough For the Gameboy Advance Version 1.05 (Last Updated 6/2/2007) By Devin Morgan This file is Copyright (c)2006-2007 Devin Morgan. All rights reserved. ***************************************************************************** Table of Contents 1. What's New 2. Introduction 3. Controls 4. Overview 5. Walkthrough 6. Enemies 7. Bosses 8. Weapons 9. Armor 10. Head Gear 11. Accessories 12. Items 13. PSI Spells 14. Shops 15. Credits 16. Copyright Notice ***************************************************************************** -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= -= 1. What's New -= -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Version 1.05 (6/2/07): Corrected a boss name (Horned Pig Mask = Scary Womanizing Pig Mask), as well as a slight detail about battling it, thanks to Ky Master. Version 1.0 (8/30/06): At long last, this FAQ is complete! The walkthrough is done and all of the side areas to my knowledge are complete as well. As always, if there is anything new to be added, feel free to let me know. Version 0.8 (7/6/06): I know it's been a long time since an update, but I have become busy and felt there isn't much demand for this game at the moment (hopefully it comes to the US). Anyway, the walkthrough covers up to the last third or so of Chapter 7. Version 0.6 (5/23/06): After a bit of a break due to other obligations, I have an update now. This walkthrough now covers through the early portion of Chapter 7, as does my Translations Guide. Version 0.4 (5/3/06): The walkthrough now covers up to the start of Chapter 4 with this update. If you need help understanding various terms, specifically item names and such, refer to my separate Translations Guide, which should also be found on the same site this FAQ is at. Version 0.2 (5/2/06): The first version of this FAQ. It covers all of Chapters 1 and 2, and all supplementary sections have been filled in up to this point as well. I know this only covers the early portion of the game, but give me some time and much more will be added in the coming days! Also, if someone can come up with a GOOD method for successfully executing combos, let me know please. ***************************************************************************** -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= -= 2. Introduction -= -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= After a long 12 year wait (Mother 2 was released in 1994 in Japan), we finally have the third installment in the Mother series. After being planned for the Nintendo 64 years ago, it was cancelled and unheard from for years. But now, after so long, it finally becomes a reality on the Gameboy Advance. The game plays just like you'd be expecting from the previous games in the series, with numerous new additions, many new playable characters, and a longer story. While Mother 3 may not be for everyone, if you enjoyed Mother 2 (EarthBound), you would definitely like this one, so check it out! ***************************************************************************** -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= -= 3. Controls -= -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Control Pad: Move character, move cursor on menu screens Start: Access the command menu Select: View HP/PP window A: Check the area or whatever is in front of you, confirm selection on menu screens B: Run (hold B while standing still, then release), cancel selection on menu screens L: Check out whatever is directly in front of you R: View the map corresponding to the region you are in ***************************************************************************** -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= -= 4. Overview -= -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= =========== Menu Screen =========== When you press Start, four icons will appear at the top of the screen, which is a change from the traditional text menus from Mother 1 and 2. The four icons, from left to right, are as follows: Goods: Designated by a treasure chest icon, this allows you to view your inventory of items. Each character can hold 16 items (this includes equipped gear), and you can switch between characters and the Key Items list by pressing L and R. You can also move items from one character to another by selecting the second option after you select a given item. If you are pointing at a piece of equipment, it will show who is wearing it (the character wearing it must have it in their inventory), and how the other player's stats would be affected if they were wearing it instead. Equipment: The bat icon leads you to the screen where you can equip your characters. Each person has 4 slots (weapon, body, head, etc.), in which you can give them compatible items. Not all characters can use every piece of equipment, though. PSI: This option appears when Kumatora joins your party for the first time. It shows a list of all the PSI spells currently learned by each character, as well as the amount of PP it takes to cast them. Status: You can view the various stats for each character in this option, such as total EXP, HP, PP, and how much it will take to reach the next level. Switch between characters by pressing L or R. You can also view a character's Special Skills by pressing A while viewing their stats (B to go back). Sleep: This option, as shown by the Z's, puts the Gameboy Advance into Sleep Mode. You'll probably never need this, except if you are going to step away from the game for a long period of time and can't reach a save point. To return to the game from Sleep Mode, press Select + L + R. ============ Battle Menus ============ In battle, you will have a different set of options to pick from at the top of the screen. They are as follows: Attack: Shown as a musical note icon, this is your general attack option. Just pick your target and press A to initiate an attack for when it's your turn in battle. Goods: Select an item from that character's inventory to be used in battle. Special Skill: This option allows you to pick one of your character's Special Skills to be used in combat. PSI: For Kumatora, this replaces Special Skill, since technically PSI is her skill. It lets you select a PSI spell to be used in battle. Guard: Defends against the enemy's attack, without acting. It results in you taking slightly less damage when attacked. Run Away: As shown by the arrow, you will have a chance to run from the battle when selected. Note that you can not run from boss battles, and even in regular fights running is not always successful (at least on the first try). ================ Saving Your Game ================ In some areas, you may spot a green frog standing around. If you talk to it, you will have the option to save your game (answer Yes or No). There are two slots where you can save your game, or overwrite an existing save. ============ Music Combos ============ A feature new to the battle system of Mother 3 is the combo system. When you fight an enemy, you will notice the background music having a specific rhythm and bass line to it (which can be amplified using Duster's Hypnotic Pendulum skill). When you attack, if you press A in time with the music's rhythm, you can perform multiple hits on the enemy (16 is the maximum, it seems). As of right now, I have no particularly good advice on how to master the combo system, other than to practice and listen carefully to the rhythms. ============== Special Skills ============== In battle, there will be an option where you can use a character's Special Skills (the crosshair icon). These abilities vary by character, and can prove to be quite useful, especially in the tougher battles ahead. Here I will detail the different skills you will have access to, and for whom. Fighting Spirit (Flint) ----------------------- Brandish: Shoots at the enemy to cause damage. Full-Power Attack: Executes a very powerful attack on the enemy, but odds are that it will miss. It's great when it does connect, though. Strength Up: Raises Flint's offense power by several points (this value goes up as you gain levels). Defense Up: Raises Flint's defense power by several points (this value goes up as you gain levels). Scent Smelling (Boney) ---------------------- Scent Smelling: In battle, Boney can sniff out an enemy's weaknesses. Durable Goods (Duster) ---------------------- Wall Ladder: Used to "crucify" the enemy, which renders them unable to move or attack for several rounds. Siren Beetle: Causes the enemy to turn away, allowing you to attack it from behind. Hypnotic Pendulum: When used in battle, it hypnotizes the enemy, causing them to become confused. Smoke Bomb: When used, it causes the enemy to become blinded temporarily. Fear Mask: The targeted enemy's offense power goes down by 20% (maximum 40%). Tickler Stick: The targeted enemy's defense power goes down by 20% (maximum 40%). PSI (Kumatora/Lucas) -------------------- See the PSI Spells section for details on Kumatora's PSI abilities. Monkey Performance (Salsa) -------------------------- Mistake: When used in battle, it causes the enemy to stop moving, rendering them useless for several turns. Uke Aim: Causes the enemy to become fatigued, thus lowering its accuracy and movement in battle. Dance: Randomly raises various stats of Salsa. Imitation: If Salsa is attacked, he will counter-attack with the same type of attack back at the same enemy. ==================== Enemy Confrontations ==================== As with all RPGs, there are enemy confrontations, but the way attacks take place are a bit different with this title. First off, you can see the enemies in the overworld, so you can try and avoid them if you don't wish to battle. However, the way you approach/are approached by an enemy determines the way the battle starts. Sometimes, when you approach an enemy for battle, other nearby enemies will join in for added fun, so keep that in mind when exploring certain areas. As an added note, you can sometimes stun/remove altogether an enemy by dashing into them. This tends to work on weaker enemies only, though. Also, this appears to be random, but when you enter certain battles, you may automatically attack the enemy once before the battle even begins. Enemy Attacks First: When you have your back to an enemy, and it approaches you. A red swirl floods the screen, and the enemies proceed to attack you before you can do anything else. This shouldn't happen too often, provided you are careful in the wild. Heroes Attack First: When your group sneaks up behind an enemy to attack. In this situation, a green swirl fills the screen, and you'll have an opportunity for your entire party to attack the enemy(ies) an extra time before they can get to you. This is what I get much of the time, as should you, if you are stealthy enough. An added perk to this sneak tactic is that if you're quite a bit stronger than the enemy, the enemy is automatically defeated, saving you time in fighting. Normal Combat: When you and the enemy are face to face on the approach. Neither party gets an advantage over the other; it just comes down to which group has more agility at this point. =============== Status Ailments =============== As with most RPG titles, there are various things that can happen to your party in battle, apart from taking physical damage. These are known as status effects, or ailments, whichever you prefer. Most ailments will wear off after a period of time, but some will require PSI or the usage of a curing item to fix. Here is a quick rundown of each of those found throughout this game. Burn: When hit with a fiery attack, it is possible to sustain burns. At the start of every round, you will take a small amount of damage until it is healed after a few rounds. Crying: Lowers the character's hit accuracy, making attacking the enemy a bit more difficult for them. Feeling Strange: The character acts oddly in battle. If the effect still lingers outside of battle, movement controls will become inverted (left is right, up is down). Fleas: This is a status effect that only Boney can get, it makes him unable to focus in battle. Memory Loss: The character becomes forgetful, and unable to use their skills or PSI in battle. Nausea: The character feels sick in battle, and takes damage before every round. Numbness: The affected character will be unable to move or act in battle for several rounds (their turn is automatically skipped). Poison: Character is poisoned, gradually losing HP every round until an antidote is used. Sleep: Character falls asleep in battle, and is unable to move or attack. Wears off if they are attacked, or after several rounds automatically. ***************************************************************************** -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= -= 5. Walkthrough -= -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= ============ Introduction ============ When you first start a new file, you will be asked to name several characters and things in the game. To make things easier, stick with the defaults by selecting Don't Care (bottom-left corner of the screen). You will have to name all the characters, your favorite food, and your favorite thing (Lucas, Claus, Flint, Hinawa, Boney, Omelette, Love). After that, you have a menu in the upper-right corner where you can choose to change the text speed and window color. Select the third and final option when you're satisfied with your selections. Now that you've finalized everything, the game will truly begin. =================================== Prologue - Welcome to MOTHER3 World =================================== Alec's House ------------ After you watch the opening scenes, you will hear knocking on a door at Hinawa's house (that's where Lucas, your character, is). The scene will zoom inside to Lucas's room, where he is sleeping. Lucas will wake up when Claus calls for him, and you will gain control of Lucas. So, go downstairs and talk to Hinawa. Try to leave the house and she will tell you to get dressed. Say yes and you will get dressed upstairs. When you're ready, go back downstairs and exit the house. Outside, talk to Alec (the old guy standing near the house), then run toward the path going east. Talk to the frog and save your game (you save by talking to the frogs, so get used to that). After you do that, go east to the next area. There, you will spot Claus practicing his dashing against the giant Drago. He will ask you to try it yourself, and Alec will appear to explain how to dash if you don't already know how (hold B when standing still; when your character changes stances, let go while using the Control Pad to run/steer). Anyway, use the dash to knock Drago over. Once that's done, talk to Claus again. Then, a Mole Cricket will fly into the area and land in front of you. Suddenly a battle will initiate pitting Lucas and Claus against it. It's a simple fight mainly designed to get you accustomed to the battle system. Win the fight by attacking a few times, then the Mole Cricket will run off. Following the enemy's retreat, Hinawa will walk over and tell Lucas and Claus to go back to the house. Once Hinawa walks off, Alec will talk about saving your game before heading back to the house as well. The next scene shows everyone inside the house eating dinner. After some talking, Hinawa will go outside and send a letter via carrier pigeon to a man named Flint. The letter's contents will scroll on the screen, too. Once the scrolling ends, Hinawa will walk forward as a large object flies past overhead. The next scene shows a forest, and a few explosions occurring within. A man runs out of his house and dashes to the south. Further down the path, a couple of pig characters herd several animals to the west before setting off another bomb, causing more fires. The village of Tatsumairi is in panic, as many villagers are scrambling for safety. At this point, the game's first chapter begins. ================================ Chapter 1 - Night of the Funeral ================================ Twins House ----------- The following scene shows a man named Thomas running down to Flint's house, and banging on his door. Inside, you will gain control of the cowboy known as Flint. Leave the house to the south and talk to Thomas outside. Agree to help him by saying yes, and Thomas will join your party. As a note which will apply to several points in this game, you will have people temporarily joining your group. They may try and help you in battle, but you cannot equip them with gear or level them up, experience-wise. Before you go, talk to Boney (the dog) and you will receive the Ordinary Pole weapon for Flint. Be sure to equip it right away! Anyway, head east and north along the path from Flint's house. Talk to the frog and save your game. Then, continue north along the main path. Take a detour to the right to reach a present box containing Nut Bread. Continue up the main path into the main village area. Central Plaza ------------- In the village itself, go north into the center area by the well. Just past it and to the right you'll find a man sitting on a bench. Talk to him to receive the Tatsumairi Map, which will go in your Key Items menu. It covers all of the surrounding areas; view it by pressing R. Continue north through the village gate since you aren't allowed to go east/west yet, save at the frog, and head into the next area. At the intersection of the paths, go west into the forest. Teri Forest ----------- When you enter the forest, head to the west and past the building at first. You'll see a group of people gathered ahead; as you approach them a man will run out of the building and talk to you. Tell him no, and he will tell you to go inside and provide your name. Sanctuary --------- In the room, go forward to the wall panel and check it to be fully healed. You will then be asked to enter your name (not necessarily your character's name), so do that. After you do that, you will be asked if you made a mistake. Select yes to continue, then select yes a second time to exit. Save via the frog and head back outside. Teri Forest ----------- Since you entered your name, you will now be allowed to progress, so go northwest into the next area. There, talk to the guy standing nearby named Mike. Each time you talk to him he will give you a Nut Cookie, so remember this if you need quick health in this region. Go east and north, and you'll likely run into a Mr. Bat enemy. Go west and you'll see a man knocking on the door to a cabin. If you need to heal up, there is a hot spring to the west, where you can stand in for a brief period to fully recover. Next to the cabin, open a present box to get a Goat Bracelet. Talk to Matt, who is knocking on the door, then go east and north to the following segment of the forest. This is the part that's actually burning, and you can get hurt by walking into the fire patches, so be careful when running around! Anyway, head to the northwest and you'll spot a pig guy. They will open up a box which unleashes 3 flies into the region before he runs off. So, continue northward while going around the flames. If you want, go to the northeast corner to find a present box with Nut Bread inside. At the north end of this area, talk to the man named Lighter who seems to be injured. Thomas will stay with him, allowing you to continue. Heal yourself up to the max first (trust me), then try to exit to the north. You'll be ambushed by the other 3 Incendiary Flies. Defeat them, then go north into the next segment of the burning forest. Lighter's House --------------- You will see a barrel that's shaking by itself; check it to find the frog who saves your game. After that, go east and north to Lighter's house, which is in flames. As you approach, you'll see a boy upstairs calling for help, and then a Flying Mouse appears at the window. Get into the house by dashing into the door. Inside, try to go upstairs and the Flying Mouse will attack. Beat it and head upstairs. Get to the southeast corner of the room and charge through the fallen wooden plank. Talk to the boy and he will join you. Now, exit the house the same way you come in, before it collapses. With the boy in tow, head back through the burning forest, until you reach the Sanctary area where a group of people is gathered. Teri Forest ----------- When you reach the group of people, you'll see Lighter laying down on the table. Approach them and you will both talk to him for a bit. Suddenly, it will begin to rain, thus cleaning Flint and the boy of ash. Following this, you will all go back to the village. Inn --- Back in town, you will all be in the Inn (Yado). Talk to Lighter, then after all the dialogue is done, leave the room. There are two other rooms to be explored inside the inn. The middle room has a frog where you can save your game. The far right room has a present box containing an Antidote (these will come in great handy soon). When you're ready, go back outside. Central Plaza ------------- As soon as you step outside, Isaku will approach and talk to you. Answer yes to both of his questions (he appears to be talking about Hinawa), then you will have control of Flint again. You won't be allowed to exit the plaza to the north just yet, though. That said, now is a good time to explore the areas east and west of town. There really isn't anything going on to the east, but you can find a present box containing some Quirky Cheese inside. To the west of the plaza, you can find two present boxes containing Nut Bread and an Edible Mushroom. The last place to go now is south from the inn, back towards your house, so do that. Twins House ----------- When you arrive on the scene, go south and save your game by talking to the frog. Then, head south and west to the house. When you get close, the carrier pigeon will wake up and give you Hinawa's letter, which will scroll on the screen just like before. After it's read, Flint will be inside. After the people that come to visit leave, check the blue pillow on the bed to rest if you want. Otherwise, go back outside. When you are back outside in the rain, Boney will call to you. Say yes and the dog will join you on your adventures. Now, go east and save your game before continuing northward again. Go north through the village, and when you reach the intersecting paths, go west toward the Sanctuary. Teri Forest ----------- In the area with the Sanctuary, go west and you'll run into Yoneru and Wes. After some conversation, Yoneru will leave, so follow him. Continue northwest into the next area, where the fires used to be. Since it's rained, the fires are gone; plus there are new (tougher) enemies to deal with. It's good for experience if you want to enter and exit the area a couple times. The path to the west is now unblocked, so head in there. There, go west and you'll see the path split. If you go south and east, you will find a present box containing an Antidote. If you take the path heading north, you'll encounter some more enemies to fight. On the east side is a present box with Beef Jerky inside. Towards the north exit is another present in which you can find a Mini-Mini Charm. Then, just go north to the area ahead. Base Cliffs ----------- In this area just before Mount Orishimo, you can go either left or right. To the left is a save frog, as well as Yoneru standing at the base of the cliff. Talk to him, then go to the east side where a group of people is standing around. Talk to the man with the black hair, Bronson, about the fallen tree which blocks the path ahead. Following this, Lighter will enter the area with another guy and the kid you saved earlier. While Lighter and his friend try to clear the fallen tree, go west again. Boney will run ahead to the cliff, and Yoneru will ask what is wrong. The scene will scroll to the top of the cliff, where a red cloth is hanging from a branch. Talk to Wes (the old man) and he will speak for a moment before talking to Boney. You will then have to name a new character, known as Duster. Following this, Boney will run back to town and return with Duster in tow. When Duster arrives, Wes will tell him to help with scaling the cliff. So Duster, with his Wall Ladder item, will create metal ledges that can be climbed upon to reach the top. Climb up and talk to Duster to have him join your party. You will also have the Wall Ladder as a key item (and Duster's special skill for battle). Next, check the nearby branch to receive the Scrap of Cloth. From here, go into the east cave. Defeat the Mischievous Moles and open the boxes to receive Beef Jerky and Nut Bread. Go back outside and save with the frog, but before going west, make sure you use some Nut Bread to fully recover everyone's HP. When you're ready, go northwest to witness a scene with the pig guys again. They will have a machine set up with a robotic caribou attached to it. These guys will spot you and will send this monster to attack you. Read the Bosses section for help defeating the Remodeled Caribou. Following the first boss battle, the pig guys will retreat up the mountain. Pick up the Pig Notebook they drop, then go back and save your game before continuing to the northwest area. Go forward and you will see the flying object from earlier as it escapes. Continue to the north and east to the cliff's edge, and you'll see that you cannot cross. So, go back to the previous area and head down the ladder, and reenter the forest. Teri Forest ----------- Here, go east and Yoneru will run in and talk to you. Boney will follow him, so go north and talk to him again. Then, continue to the northeast area. Neighborhood River ------------------ In this area, go ahead until a boy calls to you. Go forward to the camp fire and talk to everyone. It is here where you will meet with Lucas and Claus once again, who appear to have been abandoned. Try to go to the northwest and Bronson will run into the area. He will mention something about a Drago Fang, and then delivers some bad news about Hinawa. Flint doesn't take it well, of course, and goes berserk. After knocking a couple nearby people out, someone shows up and knocks him out, and the scene ends. Sheriff's Office ---------------- The next scene shows Flint in a prison cell over at the Sheriff Office. Bronson will talk before leaving you alone, and you will then regain control of Flint. Check the door out for a while, and eventually Claus will enter the room. He will give you an apple to eat before exiting. Choose to eat the apple and you will find that he stuck a File in there as well, for use in escaping the cell. Now, check the door and use the File to escape prison, and head back outside. Near where you exit, Duster will be waiting for you. Talk to him, then go east into the central plaza once again. Central Plaza ------------- Back in town, you will find that everything is back to normal, and you can actually enter all the buildings. If you want to rest/save, visit the Inn in the southeast. Thomas's Bazaar is open to the south, but it won't serve you any real purpose just yet. If you take the east path out of town and visit Wes at his house, he will give you a Thunder Bomb. When you're ready to continue, exit to the north. At the crossroads, go north into the Cemetery. Cemetery -------- Here, go north and east to find a group of people standing along a path. Pass them and enter the next area, where Hinawa's grave is located. Lucas and Claus will be here, as well as Alec. Talk to Alec and he will send Lucas and Claus away, mentioning something else about the Drago Fang. After this scene, go back out of here and head south into town again. Central Plaza ------------- In town, talk to the guy on the bench and he will mark the new destination on your map. Then, head to the south end of the plaza and you will spot the bazaar. Enter the house to the left of the bazaar and talk to Bronson inside. He will give you the Drago Fang. Exit the house and take the western path out of the plaza. If you go all the way west (check your map) and talk to Lighter on the plateau, he will give you a Brave Bandana, so be sure to equip that. After you're done exploring, head north out of town, and go west at the intersection into the forest. Teri Forest ----------- Once again in the forest, you will find progressively tougher enemies now that the rain has stopped. Bite Bite Snakes can be a pain since they poison you, but luckily they also drop the Antidotes. Flying Mouse enemies are tough as well, so watch out for them if you're low on health. When you reach the section that was burning earlier, take the western path, then keep heading to the north to reach the cliffs. Base Cliffs ----------- In the area below the cliffs, you'll notice a few new enemies here as well: the Walking Bush (it only attacks if you check it after it's following you; it even cures you during battle), and the Love Bugs. Defeat the enemies here, then go to the northeast area. Neighborhood River ------------------ Here in this area, go north but be careful. There are a couple of really strong Stimulated Boars roaming around here. Save with the frog before continuing to the north. In the following scene, head to the northeast to a present box containing a Water Bracelet. There are also Mischievous Moles and Rock Lizards (those giant rocks moving around) to fight, so be prepared. There is a wooden plank you can walk on to the north, which will lead you into the cliffs. Defeat some more enemies up here, then continue northeast to Alec's house. Alec's House ------------ Once you arrive in this area from the Prologue, go north into the house. Talk to Alec and he will join your group. Go outside with him and he will mention a group of frogs that will help you get to the next destination. You will also notice a red lizard in the shape of an arrow nearby. Alec will mention that they will help direct you to the proper location if you talk to them. You can do that if you want, but this guide will help you bypass that nonetheless. So, go back south to the previous area. Neighborhood River ------------------ Back here, go south to the wooden plank and cross it, then continue southward to the following section. There, head to the south and east to the river side. Talk to the frog on the right side and a bridge of frogs will form leading across the river. Jump across them and continue east to a new area. Eoria's House ------------- In this new area, save with the frog near the entrance. There is also a hot spring in here, for quick and free HP recovery, should you want to fight more enemies outside. When you're ready to progress, go north across the bridge into the shell house. Inside, talk to the cross-dressing man to the right of Eoria (the one in the chair). After a lengthy conversation with all of them, leave the house. Outside, Flint will ask you something in regard to Claus. Answer yes, and you will have control again. Save via the frog, then run along the path going around the water, and enter the northeast cave. Dark Cave --------- When you enter this cave, you will notice that lighting is extremely limited, though if you look hard enough, you can partially see the walls around you. Alec tells you that he will lead you through this cave safely, so follow him to the first intersection to the west. If you go north from here, you can fight 3 Mr. Bats and open a present box to get Quirky Cheese. Back to the main path, go west to the next path split. Go north since that's the only way you can really go, and drop down the hole you encounter. After you land in the room below, go east. Fight a Rock Lizard and open the present box to receive Beef Jerky. Head to the south from here, and continue along the path until the next split. If you want to go back to the upper level and exit the cave, continue east and north to a vine to climb. Otherwise, go south some more. Open the present box to find a Exploding Bomb, then head west to a vine and climb up to the room above. Upstairs, head east and then northward. You will come to another vine shortly, so climb up that one to an upper ledge. Fight the enemies running around, then climb up the next couple of vines to end up outside again. Summit ------ Out here, you will find that you are now on the other side of that gap you could not cross earlier. Defeat the Rock Lizards up here, then enter the next cave to the north. Cave ---- In here, talk to the frog to save your game. Then, go up the steps to the ledge above. Open the box to find some more Beef Jerky, then continue to the top. Up there you will meet the pig guys once again. When they spot you, they will drop off the ledge and exit to the southeast. Interestingly enough though, if you need to recover your HP in this area, simply check their machine that's set up there. Go back down and save again if you want, then exit to the southeast as well. Dragon Plateau -------------- When you get outside, move to the east and witness the UFO escaping once again. There are a couple new enemies here as well, including the Taitani and the Vulture. Anyway, head north through this area alongside a river, while fighting these enemies. If you cross the various bridges leading to the east side, the present boxes you'll find there all contain Beef Jerky. If you go north and open a present box to the west, you will get a New Timber weapon for Flint, so be sure to equip that right away! From here, continue northward into the following area. Heal up and save with the frog near the entrance, then keep going. You will spot a young dragon chewing on a shoe before it runs away. Pick up the Child's Shoe, which appears to be Claus'. Go north to a present box containing some Nut Bread, then make your way to the west while defeating some giant Trees. At the far end of this area, open the final present box to get Beef Jerky. Now, recover all your HP before continuing to the north. When you're ready, go north and you will find the other shoe. As you go to check it out, the Mecha-Drago will confront you from behind the rocks. Soon after, a boss fight will commence, so read the proper section for help defeating it. Once the fight is over, the younger dragon will come to lick the elder's wounds. The scene will show Lucas lying unconscious in the background, and then some text scrolls on the screen. Following this, the screen will go dark and you will be given the option to save your game. Say yes and save at this point, of course. The next scene shows Flint and Duster's conversation from earlier outside the Sheriff's office. Following this, the second chapter begins. ============================= Chapter 2 - Thief's Adventure ============================= Duster's House -------------- The opening scene will show a conversation between Duster and Wes in their home. Select yes when given the option, and Wes will go on to talk about Osohe Castle. After some more chatting, pick yes once more and Wes will tell you to go downstairs and collect the items to be found there. So, with Duster, head downstairs and open the present boxes to receive the rest of his skills! Now that Duster is ready to go, head back upstairs and exit the house. Outside, check behind the house and you will receive a Thunder Bomb. Then, go south and west to the bridge. Talk to Mapson on the bridge and he will circle the castle on your map. Now, go west into town. Central Plaza ------------- In town, head towards the northern exit. As you approach, you will be stopped by a man and his small monkey. After they pass, continue north to spot a boy who appears to be looting some bag. Talk to him for a bit and he will lead you to the well in the center of town, before running off. Now that that's done, head north and save with the frog before continuing onward. At the crossroads, you will witness a quick scene where a helicopter drops a few orbs from above. After that, keep going to the north into the cemetery. Cemetery -------- In here, you will be ambushed by 4 zombies who will surround you before attacking. Defeat them all in battle, then continue northward to the next area. Castle Osohe Entrance --------------------- When you arrive here, go forward and you will see that the drawbridge is up, which means you cannot just walk in. Try to exit the area and a voice will talk to you for a bit. After it's done, head back into the graveyard. Cemetery -------- As you return, the grave-digger will go into the nearby shack. There will also be enemies plaguing the graveyard, should you want to level Duster up for now (you probably should, too). Note that if you need to recover HP, you can always run back to the Inn in town and check the bed with the blue pillow to sleep for free. Anyway, fight some enemies if you want (the tombstones will be too much for you, so stick with the zombies), then go into the shack the old man is in. Nipporito's Cabin ----------------- Inside, go downstairs to the basement room. Check the present boxes to get Quirky Cheese and some Beef Jerky. Heal up and save with the frog, then push the back bookcase to the side and go through the opening in the wall. Murky Cave ---------- In the murky room you end up in, follow the path through the halls, while defeating the Separated Leeches and Red Lobsters you encounter. Open the present box along the way to find a Exploding Bomb. In the second part of this passage, go east and fight some more leeches. Open the box to get some Nut Bread, then climb the ladder to exit this cave. Castle Osohe Entrance --------------------- When you emerge in the castle's garden, go north. You will notice a section of the castle wall is discolored; check it out and Duster will use his Wall Ladder skill from earlier to create a ladder along it. At the top, go left and enter the castle. Castle Osohe ------------ In here, talk to the frog to save your game, first off. Then, go right and charge into the front of the pedestal you see. This will knock the giant orb off the statue, causing a giant hole to appear in the floor. Jump down to the room below and open the present box to find that it is a prank. Either way, go into the east room. Go down the steps and open the real present box to receive a Fresh Mint. From here, go down the steps and continue into the west room. Here, open the main entrance to the castle by checking the south door. Then, head into the western chamber. There, check the present box to get another Fresh Mint. If you climb down the ladder into the room below, you will find a hot spring where you can recover your health for free whenever needed. Go back up and save with the frog, then leave the room (remember this room for whenever you need a break). This time in the main hall, go north. You will now be in a room with 3 doors in front of you. Defeat the 2 Stinky Ghosts in the room, then you can go on into one of the rooms. The middle room is where the Ghost Bazaar is located. There, you can trade Rotten Eclairs that you get from certain enemies, such as zombies and ghosts, in exchange for items you may need. The middle item, Snake Rope, is something you will definitely need soon, so get that now. If you enter the northwest door, you can fight a couple Spider! enemies and open a present box to get a Rotten Eclair. Exit this room and you'll be back in the hall where Stinky Ghosts appear. If you enter the northeast door, you can open two present boxes in there to get Old Milk and Beef Jerky. Also, you could climb down the ladder to the basement, but it leads to a dead end for now. So, go back into the room with the 3 doors and head into the western room. Go up the stairs and defeat the Spider! enemies before continuing into the east room at the top of the steps. In this long hallway, there are suits of Ghost Armor that will attack you as you pass. If you enter the northwest room, you can open a present box to receive the Chick's Bandana (head equipment). Additionally, if you want a shortcut to the save/hot springs room, check the empty fireplace. Anyway, leave the room and go down the hall, and enter the room at the other end. When you enter this room, it will look like a party was going on earlier. As you walk around, various non-enemy ghosts will appear. If you talk to the one at the right side of the room and answer yes, it will give you a Rotten Eclair (you can do this as many times as you want). Also, by talking to the first ghost in the room when you enter, you will get the Battle Memories book (key item). Next, head into the southeast room and fight the Violent Roaches you find, then open the nearby present box to get the Castle Osohe Sketch key item. Check out the rattling container on the table to fight a Strawberry Slime, then head back to the previous room. Back in the party room, check the wall to the north of the table and you'll see a discolored portion, sort of like when you were in the castle garden. Anyway, check it and use the Wall Ladder to go into a hidden room above. At the top, talk to the ghost next to the gap, and you can trade him Rotten Eclairs for Beef Jerky. Aside from that, go east to a side room and open the present boxes to find a gag ghost and a Water Bracelet. Head back upstairs to the room you just came from, and approach the gap ahead. Since you should have the Snake Rope (if you don't, get it from the Ghost Bazaar). At the other side, fight a Carpet Monster and talk to the ghost standing in front of a doorway. He will move, allowing you access into that room. Open the present box in the left corner to find the Brave Shoes for Duster. Be careful in here since you may have to fight the Ghost Knight (make sure your HP is high prior to fighting). After that, leave the room and continue west to the fourth floor. As you enter the room, you will see a kid running into the room at the top of the stairs. Save with the frog, then head upstairs to that room as well. When you reach the doorway, check the sparkling object to obtain a Pendant, then go into that room. Head down the hallway, defeating the Ghost Rocking Horses you see. In the following room though, there are 4 doorways along the north wall, but the middle two are Trap Doors (you can tell by the darker gap under them, if you look). Fight or avoid them as you wish, and enter the rightmost room. There, make sure your HP is up, then talk to the ghostly composer in front of you. Answer no to his question and he will engage you in battle. Read the Bosses section for help defeating the composer, Mr. Passion. Following the battle, talk to the mouse and rest on the sofa to fully recover your HP. Now, go into the final room to the north. There, check the sparkling barrel in the center area and you will receive the Sublime Vase. Now that you have the item you came to this castle for, leave this room and check the fireplace to take the shortcut back to the hot spring room. Go down the ladder and rest in the springs, then save with the frog before leaving the room. In the hallway, go south to exit the castle. Castle Osohe Entrance --------------------- Now that you're outside again, try to escape the castle grounds via the underground passage you came in from. However, since it's light outside, the gate will be closed, and the old man will be standing next to it. Talk to him and he will give you the Drawbridge Key, and mentions something about going to see Wes. With the key, go to the south end of the garden and use it to lower the drawbridge. From here, go south to exit the area. Cemetery -------- Back in the graveyard, the zombies are gone since the sun is now shining. So, continue southward into the village plaza. Central Plaza ------------- Here again, rest and save at the inn if you want. Also, be sure to check out Thomas' Bazaar and take the first set of items he offers up. Then, return a second time and you will be able to get the Flea Charm for Duster. After that, take the path leading out of town to the east. Duster's House -------------- In this area, cross the bridge and head north along the hill to enter Duster's house. There, talk to Wes and you will show him the Sublime Vase you just recovered from the castle. Apparently this is not the vase he wanted, and Wes will go berserk briefly. After some more dialogue, he will join your party as a temporary member. Now, leave the house and head back into town. Central Plaza ------------- Back here, head west and north to the crossroads area. As you enter that area, you will witness a scene showing tanks and Pig Masks marching into the castle ahead. When you regain control, head north through the cemetery, to the castle grounds. Castle Osohe Entrance --------------------- When you arrive here, you will see that the castle garden is in ruins, and the tanks are occupying the area outside the castle. The tanks will not fire upon you, so don't worry too much just yet as you head inside. Castle Osohe ------------ When you enter the castle, go forward and you will be confronted by those Pig Masks and a clay statue. They will activate the statue, which will come at you to attack. Read the Bosses section for help defeating the Clay Man. Following the battle, the Pig Masks will retreat further into the castle. Head into the western room so you can save your game and soak in the hot springs. Then, go back to the main hallway and head north. You will now run into Pig Masks throughout the castle, so be prepared to do battle as you wander around. Anyway, use your map and make your way upstairs to the room where you found the Sublime Vase initially. Be sure to rest on the sofa in the room before that (where the mouse is). Then, in the final room with the wall designs, check the face in the wall and Wes will make you look away. Wes will then dance in front of this wall panel, which seems to make it open up, revealing another several floors of the castle on your map. So, head into the new area to the north. In the new room, save with the frog that's stationed in here. Check out the garden that the room is overlooking, then go into the east room. There, you will finally catch up to that young girl you saw earlier. She will take back her Pendant from Duster, as well. After a bit of conversation, you will get to name her (Kumatora) and then she joins your party. A very good part about having Kumatora is her ability to use PSI spells. When you're ready, go upstairs to the next room. In that hall, defeat the Lingering Spirits (make use of Kumatora's PK Freeze Alpha to make quick work of them), then use the Snake Rope to cross the pit. In the next room, open the present box to get a Flea Charm, then save your game via the frog. Heading upstairs, cross the next gap and fight some more enemies before continuing to the next staircase. Defeat the Barrel Men on the landing, then continue upstairs to the next floor. Going down the next hall, fight the Lingering Spirits and Osohe Mantles. Cross the gap up ahead, then open the present box to receive some Magic Jelly. In the next room, defeat the Barrel Man enemies before going up to the eighth floor. Once there, cross the gap by using the Snake Rope, and head east. There will be a couple of broomsticks moving around the room here; if you get caught by any of them, they will sweep you away (literally). You will reappear in the room with the garbage can (the room before where you met Kumatora). Go back a couple rooms and rest on the couch, save with the frog, then head back upstairs (it may actually be a good idea to level up Kumatora a bit). You will notice that Kumatora appears to be sweating, and this keeps you from running around. When you reach the room with the broomsticks again, Kumatora will learn PK Thunder Alpha, as well as PK Life Up Alpha (you learn further PSI in the same fashion, but Kumatora will start sweating only after reaching the appropriate level). Now that you have some new spells, go into the room while still avoiding the broomsticks. Open the present boxes to find Beef Jerky and a Blast Bomb. Go into the eastern room and save with the frog in there. Then, continue up to the ninth floor. Go down the hall and defeat some more enemies. At the end, open the box to find a Magic Tart. From there, enter the room to the north. Here, go forward and you will find the real treasure that Wes was looking for. After some dialogue, you will be interrupted by the Pig Masks and clay men attempting to break down the door leading into that room. When Duster grabs the treasure, a pit will open up, sending your party into a pool of water in the castle basement. However, all is not safe as you will notice a large shadow hovering overhead. It will then engage you in battle; read the Bosses section for help on defeating Oh So Snake. Following the fight, an opening will appear at the bottom of the screen and you will all get sucked downstream. Duster's House -------------- The next scene shows Kumatora and Wes washing up on shore near the house. Lighter and his son Fuel will spot them, and brings them back to the house. After some conversation, you will have control over Kumatora and Wes. So, leave the house and head down the hill in front of you. Go west across the bridge and into town from here. Central Plaza ------------- Here, go west and you will be confronted by a group of townspeople. Flint and Boney will show up during these conversations as well. After a whole lot of dialogue, a summary of the chapter will scroll up the screen, then the screen will go blank. You will be given the option to save your game, so take it. The next scene will open, showing the Pig Masks landing their ship in some desert location, holding two monkeys captive. Following this, Chapter 3 will commence. ================================= Chapter 3: The Traveling Merchant ================================= Desert of Death --------------- The scene in the desert continues, with a man named Yokuba talking about this monkey in front of him. He demonstrates the choker by electrically shocking the monkey into obeying him. Soon after, you will get to name the monkey (Salsa). Following this, Yokuba (who is Salsa's master, apparently) will ask you to perform several tricks. Watch his movements, then when the four arrows appear around you, press the proper one to execute the right move (example: if Yokuba moves left, press left). After you pull off the four moves correctly, some more dialogue will be said, and the Pig Masks will leave. Yokuba will then join your party and you will have control of Salsa. So, check the nearby barrel and save with the frog that's hiding inside. So you know, Salsa is only Level 1 and is very weak, so Yokuba will be handling the majority of enemies you face. When you're ready, go into the west area. In this open area, fight the Dung Beetles and Sand Lizards for easy experience, so that Salsa can gain a few levels. There is a beetle sitting next to an oasis; if you have Dung in your inventory, it will give you 5 experience points in exchange for it! This can be done as many times as you want, too. Also, make sure to open the present boxes to receive Nut Bread and a Exploding Bomb. Then, head into the southeast area. There, go west to a present box containing a banana which Yokuba will eat and throw on the ground. This is a bit irrelevant, so take the right path going southward. Fight the various enemies in this area, albeit slightly tougher, and open the presents to find Beef Jerky, an Insecticide, and another Running Bomb. There are several paths you can take to the following area from here. If you take the middle path going north, you will come to an area where a frog is stuck in a whirlpool. Defeat the Giant Ant Lion and free the frog so you can save your game. If you took the western-most path, you will come to an area where random amounts of Dung are free for the taking (and rejuvenates when you reenter the area). If you take the northwest path, heading north from a pile of bones, you will come to a new large area. Follow the path going up and you will come to a building with a wolf sitting in front of it. Before you approach, open the present box to get the Water Bracelet (equip Salsa with it). Make sure Salsa's HP is up, then approach Cactus Wolf to engage in a boss fight. Read that section for help in defeating this creature, should you need it. After the battle, check the door to enter the dome-shaped building. Underground Passage ------------------- Inside, go south and open the first present box to get an Insecticide. Defeat the Violent Roaches up ahead and open the pale-colored box to find the Underground Passage Map. In the following room, Yokuba will talk to Salsa about the hi-tech Pork Bean ship which is in front of you. Check the present boxes in here to find an Old Banana and Beef Jerky. If you need to recover HP, check the machine in the upper-left corner of the room. Also, you can save with the frog that's standing around. When you are ready to continue, go down the steps and check the Pork Bean, which is that capsule-shaped ship in front of you. After some dialogue (basically telling you that you can exit it by pressing B), check the ship and board it, then head west (east is a dead end). There are Giant Pill Bug! enemies throughout the tunnel, but they aren't really worth stopping to fight, unless of course you want the experience. When you reach the large room at the end of the tunnel, disembark and go south. Open the present boxes there to get Nut Bread and a Chick's Bandana. Go up the ladder in the northwest corner to a save frog, then go into the west room. There, defeat some Giant Pill Bugs and open the boxes to receive another Insecticide and a Exploding Bomb. Check the slimes that are blocking the ladder and you will have to fight them. Defeat the three Sticky Sticky Slimes, then climb the ladder to emerge in the Cemetery. Cemetery -------- Once you climb out from under a tombstone in the graveyard (it's the one with the arrow pointing downward, should you want to return to the tunnels), Yokuba says to head south to the inn. Proceed with caution though, since the zombies and tombstone enemies are back here. Anyway, head southward through a couple areas until you're back in town. Central Plaza ------------- Here, talk to the guy standing next to the bag. Following that conversation, head south and you will just happen to pass by Duster. The scene will show a conversation between Duster and that first guy, apparently about money and treasure. They walk over to the town's well and talk, before Duster walks off. Meanwhile, Salsa and Yokuba were hiding behind the well listening in on the conversation. After you're done here, head into the Inn (YADO). Inn --- Inside the inn, go up to the counter and talk to the guy behind it, and Yakuba will ask for a room. A lady will come and talk to Yakuba about Salsa, and then he will move a certain way and asks Salsa (you) to dance, just like before. Press the proper direction and the lady will be amused as Yokuba goes into his room. Head into the second door to the right and you will both fall asleep inside. In the middle of the night though, Yokuba will wake up and leave you alone in the room. With control of Salsa, save your game with the frog, then leave the room and the inn altogether. Central Plaza ------------- Outside, go left and you will witness a scene with Yokuba on his cell phone talking about Castle Osohe. When you can move Salsa, try to go north but you will end up getting shocked numerous times. Yokuba will walk over and make you dance according to how he moves. Do this right, and then the scene will end. A flashback will then take place, replaying the scene that opened this chapter in the desert. Following this, you will be back in the Inn for the rest of the night. The next morning, leave the Inn and you will see a bunch of people heading to the center of town. Salsa and Yokuba will be there, and you will have to perform the dance routine as Salsa yet again (you should know how to do this right by now). After some more persuasion (and more people leaving), several people will raise their hands. As Salsa, talk to each of them, and then talk to Yokuba. After some more dancing, you will go back to the Inn. Inn --- Inside here yet again, Yokuba will be on the phone once more. When he hangs up, he will talk for a while about making deliveries to the people who raised their hands earlier. Say yes when he asks you, and then you will have control of Salsa again. Save with the frog, then leave the Inn. Central Plaza ------------- Since you are by yourself for now, you need to go make some deliveries. So, head northward all the way to the cemetery. Cemetery -------- Here, go north and talk to Mapson, who is standing around. He will circle 3 locations on your map, showing where to deliver 3 of the 4 boxes above (you only need to make 3 deliveries, don't worry about the fourth one). After you make all the deliveries, go back to the Inn and talk to Yakuba, and he will rejoin you. Head back to the graveyard, and continue northward from there onto the castle grounds. Castle Osohe Entrance --------------------- When you arrive in the castle garden, the tanks will still be camped out just like earlier. There isn't anything to do out here, so head inside. Castle Osohe ------------ In the castle, go forward and talk to the Pig Masks. After they run off, go into the west room and heal up at the hot springs; also, save your game with the frog in there. Next, leave the room and go into the northern room, where there are 3 doors in front of you. Go up the stairs to the left and you will be on the upper floor. Go down the hall and enter the eastern room, which was the party room earlier. There will now be Pig Masks occupying it, though. Head into the southeast room, which is where all the ghosts are hiding. Talk to them and one will give you the rest of the map (which you can only view when you're in that room, oddly enough). Now, there isn't much else to do upstairs, so head back down to the first floor and make your way to the castle exit. As you go towards the south exit, you will stop and Yokuba will talk to you. When he's done, you will have control again. Go back north into the 3-door room. Once there, go into the east room and climb down the ladder to reach the basement. There, defeat the fairly weak enemies wandering around as you make your way to the following room. In the second room down here, head east through the hall and you will come to a dead end. When you approach, Yokuba will check the giant face in the wall, and you will have to dance (sort of like Wes did earlier at the top floor). Press Left when the arrows come up, and you will perform the dance. When the mouth opens, go into the hidden room. In there, talk to the ghostly frog and save your game. When you are ready, climb down the ladder into the lower room. As soon as you get down there, open the nearby present box to find a Fish Bracelet. Continue eastward and defeat the Cheerful Skeleton you come across. At the path split, you can take the stairs going up to fight a Younger Big Bro and reach a present box containing Beef Jerky. Otherwise, go down and you'll come to a door. Since the door is locked, go down the ladder. Beat the enemies down here, then open the present boxes to find an Old Banana and yet another Beef Jerky. Go all the way west along the path to find a lever. Choose to pull it and you will see the waterfall open up, pushing Duster, Wes, and Kumatora downstream. Suddenly, the Pig Masks will run in and Yokuba will talk to them for a bit. When they leave, you are done in the castle for now. So, make your way back upstairs and out of the castle the same way you came in. Castle Osohe Entrance --------------------- Once outside, the pig tanks will be blocking your way across the bridge. Yokuba will have some words with them, and then you will be outside. So, head all the way south through the next couple areas into the town. Central Plaza ------------- Upon your arrival, you will see the crowd gathering around Kumatora and Wes, just like earlier (guess your journey into the castle coincided with theirs). Yokuba and Salsa will wander in during that gathering, and they will both go to the Inn after some conversation with Wes. Inn --- In the middle room of the Inn again, Yokuba will shock Salsa before going to sleep. During the night, you will hear Kumatora calling to you from somewhere. You cannot leave the room because you will be shocked, so wander to the northeast corner and the window will open, revealing Kumatora and Wes. Salsa will escape out the window with them, of course. Central Plaza ------------- Outside by the well, Kumatora and Wes will talk to Salsa for a while. Wes will have snagged that electric shocker remote, which Salsa gladly destroys of course. After Kumatora realizes that Salsa's girlfriend is being held hostage, Yokuba and the Pig Masks will come out from the Inn. After a bit of a confrontation, the three of you will quickly retreat to the north. Out of harm's way for now, Kumatora and Wes will join your party. Since you can't go back into town because of Yokuba, head northward. You will run into a Pig Mask, whom you must defeat. Once that's done, the tank will not budge, so you have to find another way to go. Head west from here to the forest, then. Teri Forest ----------- In the forest, make your way west and north past the Sanctuary, into the following area. There, defeat the Pig Masks and Reconnaissance Mechs you run into. As you continue northward into the next area, you will find pig tanks blocking the passages into the other areas of the forest. Go as far north as possible and check out the tank, then try to go back south. At that point, you will be confronted by the Pig Masks and a tank. You will then have to do battle with a Pig Tank, so read the Bosses section for help winning. Once you destroy the massive tank, the remaining Pig Masks will become nervous. However, Yokuba will enter the scene, surrounding your party. Lucas will then wander into the forest with the Young Drago, who in turn will summon the elder Drago. The giant dinosaur will make quick work of the Pig Masks and will put Yokuba in his place after all the abuse he put Salsa through. After the Dragos retreat and you are all alone, your party will talk to Lucas. When you have the chance, answer yes and some more conversing will happen. Once that is done, Kumatora and Salsa will leave, and a summary will scroll on the screen, signifying a break time. Once it's over, you will be able to save, so do that. The next scene will be a flashback of the funeral from Chapter 1, focusing on Lucas's memories it seems. Once they end, Chapter 4 will begin. ========================= Chapter 4: Titiboo's Club ========================= Twins House ----------- The first scene in the new chapter opens years after the previous events took place (that's what the Kanji says). A train is speeding along the tracks before disappearing into a mountain tunnel. It will arrive at Tatsumairi Village, which you will learn has undergone many changes in the 3 years since the past chapters. After the camera pans across the village, the scene will shift to Lucas's room, in the twins' house. Lucas will wake up and you will have control of him. Try to leave the house and there will be a flashback of Hinawa telling you to get dressed first. Walk up to the mirror on the north wall and another flashback will show Hinawa combing Lucas's hair years earlier. At any rate, Lucas will be ready to go after this, so head outside. In front of the house, you will notice there are more animals around, of course. Move towards them and Boney will run towards you. Talk to him and he will join you on your adventure. Before you continue, you may notice there is now a counter of DP near the top of your screen when you access the menu. DP, or "Dragon Power", is the game's currency, which you will use to obtain many items from here on out. Also, enemies will begin to drop it, which helps a lot. That said, head down the hill and follow the path going northward. When you see the frog, go over and talk to it. The frog will explain the concept of DP like I just did; when it asks if you need it explained again, select no. For now on, when you talk to frogs, you can either save your game, or withdraw and deposit DP just like an ATM machine. You initally have 30DP stored, so withdraw that if you want now. When you are ready to continue, head north into town. Central Plaza ------------- In this new, more modern looking town, wander around and get accustomed to it for a bit. You won't really have money to buy anything from Thomas' Bazaar or the Bakery, so that's why you need to fight enemies. Head north to the second area. Train Station ------------- Here, you will find that the intersecting paths were replaced by a train station. Continue north from here for now to enter the graveyard. Cemetery -------- In this area, make your way to the northeast and take that path to the next area. You will then be on the hill where Hinawa's grave is. Flint will be standing there, so talk to him and he will move. Then, check the grave yourself and you will have another flashback. Once it's over, leave the area and go south to exit the graveyard altogether. Train Station ------------- Back in this area, open the present boxes scattered around to find a Bread Roll, Beef Jerky, and a Blast Bomb. Go on the train station platform and Bronson will exit from the train. After some conversation, he will then leave. So, head back southward into town. Central Plaza ------------- As you enter the village, you will witness a scene where Wes comes to pick a fight with Yokuba in the town center. After a while, a Pig Mask will take Wes away. Meanwhile, Yokuba will spot Lucas and talks to him for a moment. When you have control again, take the path going east to the next area. There, head up the hill and enter the building at the top. Old Man's Paradise ------------------ In this old folks home, head upstairs and enter the center room to find Wes. Talk to him and he will give you a carrier pigeon. Leave the room and visit Alec in the west room, or Mike in the east room (talk to Mike and say yes, and he will give you 50DP). You can talk to the old frog in the hallway to save your game, otherwise leave here and head back west into town. Central Plaza ------------- Back in town, you may want to stop by Thomas' Bazaar. There are items that you can actually buy in here (if you don't have the money, go north and west to Teri Forest and fight Chicken Snakes, then withdraw money from the frog). You should be able to equip Lucas with the Child's Shirt, and both characters with the Child's Hat. When that's done, head north to the station once more. Train Station ------------- With nothing else to do in this region for now, walk onto the train tracks and head east into the tunnel. Before you can get into the tunnel though, a Mr. T lookalike will walk up and give you the Route Drawing. Now that you have the map, go into the tunnel. Train Tracks ------------ In this long tunnel, head east through the first two segments, fighting the various enemies along the way (good for gaining money and levels quickly). After a couple segments, you will be in an area where there are butterflies. In this area, Boney will direct you towards some clothes laying on the ground. Climb the ladder and rest in the hot springs, and talk to Ionia in the spring. He will teach Lucas how to use PSI, and then you will learn several spells at once, including PK LOVE (favorite thing). When that is all done, climb down the ladder and talk to the flying frog to save your game. If you check any of the other butterflies, they will relax you, removing any adverse status effects. When you're ready, continue to the east. Cross the red bridge in the next outside area, and open the present box near the sign to find a Blast Bomb. Continue to the east a couple more areas until you reach another train station. Train Station ------------- Here, stay away from the Cattle Snakes since they are way too tough for you right now. Feel free to fight the Sparrow Sticks to the north, however. Open the present boxes in this area to get a Bread Roll and Flea Powder. Then, head northeast into a new area. Koba ---- When you enter this new area, you will see a large warehouse, as well as a man standing next to a vending machine where you can buy some small items. The guy who stores your items is also located in this area, and you can open a present box to get Eye Drops. If you want to (you probably should), head northward to the following area. Violet Forest ------------- In the wooded areas here, go around and explore the adjacent areas to find new enemies and gain experience/DP. There are also several present boxes to be found within the Violet Forest, and a hot springs to the far west. If you open the present box to the right of the Ropeway station, you will get the Area Map, which covers the entire region. Then, whenever you are done exploring, head back south to Koba. Koba ---- When you are ready to progress the story, save with the frog and go into the warehouse. There, talk to the blue Pig Mask and he will offer you a part-time job in the warehouse fixing up the tired Clay Men. Say yes, and you will be asked to enter your name (you, the player). Do so, then hit end in the lower- right corner. You will be asked to confirm your entry, so pick yes once more. Also, Boney will leave your party temporarily as per your work orders. You will also receive the Koba Sketch from the soldier. Now, head into the next room. Talk to the two guys if you want, then continue to the north. In the back room, there is a machine you can check to recover your HP/PP at any time (not that you really need to right now, but for the future). Anyway, go down the ladder into the caverns below. To the left of the ladder is the elevator shaft and the pig acting as its operator. Your job is to go through the caves to find the weak, tired-looking Clay Men, and push them all the way up to the elevator. Once at the elevator, talk to the Pig Mask to go back upstairs with the tired Clay Man. Push him to the room exit in the southeast area, then go into that room to bring the Clay Man to the guys in that middle room. They will repair it, and then send it back into the caves below. You have to do this process 3 times, and then your job will be complete. Now that you have fulfilled your duties, go to the entrance room and talk to the blue Pig Mask. He will give you the Ticket to enter the Ropeway as you wanted, as well as pay you 200DP for your time. Boney will be returned to you, and you will now be free to go. Exit the warehouse and save with the frog, then go north into the forest. Violet Forest ------------- In this area, go up the hill and give the man your Ticket so you can ride the Ropeway. Club Titiboo ------------ After riding the Ropeway, you will arrive at the top of a cliff, where the club is located. Cross the bridge and open the present box to let off some fireworks, then save with the frog nearby. Then, go up the steps to the club entrance. The bouncers outside will prevent you from going in because dogs are not allowed. So, Lucas returns with Boney all dressed up and walking like a human. After a bit of dialogue, a girl will come out from the club and tell the bouncers to let you in. Once you get to move again, enter the club. Inside the club, if you need to save, go into the west room and knock on the men's room door (the women's door will lead to a more humorous response). In the main room, you can talk to a man in the upper-right area to buy some merchandise (although they may be weak, you may want to buy DCMC Pamphlets; they will be useful later). Talk to the lady in the center when you're done, then enter the main club room above. Talk to everyone here, then as you are about to leave, Boney asks if you'll stay for the encore. Say yes, and you will both stand by a table. After a scene with Thomas coming in and talking to you, the show will begin. Listen to the DCMC band's song, then when it is over, talk to the lady by the exit. She will give you a DCMC Pamphlet for free, and then allows you to leave. Back in the lobby, talk to the girl in front of the eastern doorway, and follow her into that room. Climb down the ladder to enter the club's basement corridors. Down here, go south and defeat the Sticky Slugs, and open the present boxes to find a Salt Water Gun and a Turn-Around Rocket. Now, take the northern path since that's where the girl went. Defeat some more slugs along the way, then go up the ladder at the end to enter the club's spa. The girl will tell you that she's in the shower, so you have to wait for her to get done. Save with the frog nearby and approach the shower door, and the girl will come out. The girl will ask if you want to rest in the spa as well; do so and a summary of events will scroll up your screen. Following that, she will talk to you for a bit before revealing a hidden ladder on the wall. After she leaves, you will be able to enter the shower room, which turns out to be a hot spring for you to use anytime. Save your game and withdraw some money from the frog, then go up the ladder into the club's attic. Club Attic ---------- Up here, talk to the mouse sitting on the crate and you will find that he is a vendor of various items. Buy a few Pencil Rockets and you will be set to go here. If you go into the northwest room, you can open a blue present box to receive an Attic Map. Also, the guy that can store your items is stationed here, should you need to give/take anything back. From the mouse vendor, go into the room directly to the east. Follow the path through the rooms until you reach a present box containing a Magic Tart. Now, go back to the room with the vendor, and enter the northeast room. In the next area, defeat the Spider!!! enemies, as well as a Greedier Mouse. The northeast room leads to a present box containing an Antidote, so grab that, then head to the west side of the previous room. Open the box in the corner to find Insecticide, then continue into the north room. Fight the enemies here, then head east for 2 rooms. In the next room, you can go south and fight more enemies; otherwise you can continue eastward along the main path for 2 more rooms. In the far east room, fight the Sobbing Guitar and Broken Drum, and open a present box hidden in the corner to get a Blast Bomb. Take the southwest path to a room where you can open another present box containing Megalopolis Fries. Go back out of that room, then enter the southeast room. In here, defeat the enemies, and enter the southeast room. This is a safe room where you can rest and save without fear of enemies. If you talk to the mice, they will give you Quirky Cheese and Nut Bread. As an added note, do not carelessly open the 3 present boxes. Each one will recover most of your HP/PP, so use one now if you need it, then open another after you've fought awhile and need to rest again. Save your game, then leave this room and continue to the west. Defeat the Broken Drum that's guarding a present box, then open it to receive Magic Jelly. In the room to the south, you will meet the Jealous Bass. Talk to it, and you will have to fight this boss, as well as a Sobbing Guitar and a Broken Drum. Read the Bosses section if you need help here. Following the boss fight, drop into the hole in the floor to reach a room below. DCMC Dressing Room ------------------ When you land in the band's dressing room, Boney will leave your party for now. Save with the frog, and talk to the guy with the afro in the middle of the room. After a bit of discussion, and this guy denying that he is Duster (though they look rather similar), the band decides that the situation will be resolved by playing rock-paper-scissors (janken). So, talk to each of the band members, including Duster, and say yes to play the game. Use the Control Pad to make your pick in the matches (rock beats scissors, paper beats rock, scissors beats paper). Talk to OJ last, then play rock-paper-scissors with him. After a couple rounds, one of the bouncers will charge in before getting knocked out of the room. The band members will then leave the room, one by one, seemingly confused by Duster not being who they thought he was. After they go, Duster and Boney will join your party. Leave the room and Kumatora will join your party as well. Club Titiboo ------------ If you have 10DP on you, check the vending machine to buy a Megalopolis Cola. Otherwise, go down the hall and head south a few rooms. When you reach the lobby of the club, check the stage door to the north. Some flashbacks will take place, showing what happened to Duster earlier and how he ended up in the band temporarily. Finally, he gives up the afro and exits the club with everyone else. Outside, after some talking, Lucas releases the Carrier Pigeon, and the chapter ends. You will be able to save at this point, as well. The next scene will briefly show that large tower in the distance, shooting lightning into the forest below. Then, Chapter 5 will officially begin. ======================== Chapter 5: Thunder Tower ======================== Waterfall --------- Following a quick scene where Duster ran into an odd creature, you will be on top of a cliff, and in control. If you want to save, head north into the Bathing Cave. As another added note, if you want to level up a bit, it is recommended to fight the enemies scattered around Violet Forest and the Koba Train Station. Bathing Cave ------------ In the cave to the north of where you start the chapter, you will find a hot spring (hence the cave's name) and a saving frog. There is also a mole in the corner that runs his own shop, filled with new equipment you should really take advantage of right now. Withdraw enough DP from the frog, then buy all the new gear for your party, and save before going northward to the forest. Violet Forest ------------- Outside once more, head north while fighting some progressively tougher enemies. As you approach the northeast exit, Boney will stop you and removes the clothes he was dressed in at the club earlier. With that settled, head east. There, Duster will point out that there are several holes in the ground that you can fall into here. You will then regain control of the group. There may be quite a few holes to drop into here, but only one leads to the true "exit". All the other ones lead to different points along the same path, and lead to a cave exit to the south. If you dropped into the hole in the far southwest area, you will reach a save frog and an exit to the southeast. If you take any of the other holes, for sake of completion, you'll be able to collect a few present boxes containing Beef Jerky, a Pencil Rocket, and a Sheep Bracelet. After you grab the presents, drop into the southwest hole and save with the frog. Then, head south and exit the cave to reach a new section of the woods. There, you will spot the creature that Duster saw earlier in a flashback. As Duster approaches it, the creature shocks him with thunder before running off into the forest. Follow it into the next area, and you will see the Thunder Tower ahead. Continue to the east and south, then westward around the tower, while defeating the enemies along the way. Open a semi-hidden present box to the south to find some Pork Chips, as well as a box to the north to find a Divine Medicine. Continuing into the southern area, follow the path going east to reach a building. Save with the frog outside, then go inside. Nendo Factory ------------- Inside this factory full of Pig Masks, go forward and you will witness a conversation between them. When they spot you, they will talk for a while before convincing you to disguise yourselves as Pig Masks. After that, go into the second room of the factory. Follow the path to the back area where you can check the pig capsule to recover your HP/PP. From there, head southwest to exit the factory. Highway ------- Outside, you will see a Pig Mask tossing that electrical creature into a van and driving off. Save with the nearby frog and head west. Fight the Rolling Boars and Scrap Robots along the way. At the end of the second tunnel area (be sure to equip your DCMC Pamphlets if you have any), you will be confronted by a Pig Mask within a Pork Bean. He will talk to you before relinquishing the flying vehicle. Your party will take it, but will crash in the area ahead. The next scene will show an encounter with the Scary Womanizing Pig Mask. He will explain how Yokuba laid down the bananas that caused you to crash, then after some conversation you will enter a boss battle. Read the Bosses section for help defeating this giant creature. Following the battle, the beaten boss will run away, leaving you with his functional Pork Bean. Now that you have a speedy and safe vehicle, head eastward and save with the frog. In the area where you had the fight, you will notice two roads going northward. Both paths essentially lead to the Thunder Tower, but I will take the west road for now. Go north into the tunnel until you reach a present box and a curve in the road. Open the box to find the Highway Map, which will be quite useful. From here, go west to the next area. At the split, continue to the west and you will see a charging station to the south. Disembark the Pork Bean and open the present box to find a Dog Cookie. If you continue to the far west, you can go south into the area where you used the first Pork Bean earlier in the game (there is a save frog and recovery capsule for your usage). At the west end of the road before you go south, open the present box to find a Twin Bracelet. Going back to the east, you will reach a path split. Head north through the tunnel there, then in the outside area, leave the Pork Bean. Open the western present box to find a Divine Medicine, then go up the ramp in the middle of the area. Open the present box on the upper plateau to find the Sharp Gloves for Kumatora. Then, go back down and ride the Pork Bean northward some more. When you reach the charging station, disembark and talk to the dog in the northwest to receive a Pencil Rocket. From here, continue eastward into the next tunnel, and then onto a suspension bridge. Follow the next tunnel going southward and you will end up in a parking area. Parking Area ------------ Over here in this safe area, you will find some cars parked. Among them is a frog in a car, who you can talk to in order to save your game and get money from. There is also a recharge machine near the north tunnel for whenever you get low on HP/PP. This area also acts as a good base, where you can go into the tunnels and fight a bit, then return here to rest. If you check out the vendor over by the eastern café, you can buy some new gear for your party, so bring money and spend away! Additionally, if you open the northwest present box, you will receive the Light Brown Collar for Boney. If you are interested in making some quick money, there is a robot standing on the charger pod to the south. If you talk to it, it will ask for you to charge it up via the console to the left. It needs to be charged for exactly 15 seconds; any more and it will explode. When you are ready, check the console and hit yes, and the timer will begin (keep time on your own). Hit A again at the 15 second mark, and you will be rewarded by the robot, assuming you didn't blow it up. If you hit it between 1-10 seconds, you get 1DP, between 11-14 seconds gets you 50DP, and 15 seconds exactly will net you 100DP. You can exit and reenter this area to play again anytime you want. When you are ready to continue, head into the eastern tunnel. Highway ------- In this next tunnel, there is a path branching off into a southern room. There is a man in that room surrounded by several present boxes. You cannot open the boxes on your own, but if you talk to the guy several times, he will finally allow you to open one. Pick any of them and open it to receive the Knitted Sweater. Then, exit this room and continue eastward. In the next outside area, you will spot that creature in a nearby pit, and a dump truck driving away. If you try to approach the ladder leading into the pit, you will climb down and another monster from the junk pile will attack you. Read the Bosses section for help defeating the Junk Creature. Following the battle, Duster will find the Light Egg treasure. He will also have a flashback from Osohe Castle earlier in the game. After some more talking, a Pig Mask in a Pork Bean will arrive on the scene and has your party come along for a ride. When you arrive at the stop, go up the elevator in front of you to enter the Thunder Tower. Thunder Tower ------------- Inside this tower finally, check out the recharge machine to recover your HP and PP. If you open the present box in the corner, you will get the Tower Sketch, which will act as your map inside. There is also an item storage guy, and a vending machine where you can buy some goods. If you go up the stairs, you can save with the frog. When you're ready, go up the steps and into the north room. In the next room, you can fight several robots. If you look at the map, you will need to get to the center room on this floor, where the ladder leading upstairs is. How you get there is up to you, but there will be plenty of enemies to fight (quick and easy experience, just make sure to heal/save in the first room if you want to level up), as well as some present boxes which will contain a DCMC Pamphlet and a Pencil Rocket. When you reach the north central room, take the path going south into the generator room. In here, save with the frog and make sure your HP is up, then go east to the ladder. Climb up and you will spot that Scary Womanizing Pig Mask from earlier (be sure to use that DCMC Pamphlet for the added effect). Fight this boss battle like you did before, then when you win, the boss will vanish for good. Following the fight, Yokuba will appear with his Pig Masks, causing you to escape by climbing the ladder to the upper area. You cannot go back down from here, but luckily the enemies in this area are simple for now. First, open the present box in the southwest corner to get Puzzle Card 2. Then, go up the sets of stairs, defeating the small enemies if you want. At the top, go up the ladder into a new room. There, you will find a hot spring and a save frog floating around the room. Be sure to open the present boxes, as they will contain a Salt Water Gun, Turn-Around Rocket, a Surprise Box enemy, and a Divine Medicine. Also, if you want, check the yo-yo in the upper-left area and you will have to fight that girl robot, Ms. Marshmallow. Defeat her to get the Friend's Yo-Yo! When you're ready, climb the ladder to reach the upper levels of the tower. The central column is electrical and will emit Short-Circuit Passion! enemies as you pass; they are easy and yield lots of experience, so this may be a good leveling-up location. For the three plateaus, you simply have to walk across the platform and climb the ladder to the next level. As you cross the second platform, Lucas will be struck with an electrical charge and will suddenly learn PK Flash. Continue up the ladder and across the third level's platform. At the other end, talk with the frog to save (if you want to heal up, go back to the room with the hot springs or use items/PSI now). Go up this last ladder to enter the next room. There, go left and an alarm will trigger as shown by the flashing red lights. A robot will emerge from the center generator, and you will then have to battle a boss. Read that section for help beating Mr. Janitor. After you win the fight, Yokuba and his Pig Masks will finally reach you. Of course, your party will run out the door to the south, leaving Yokuba to stand there alone. Outside, climb up the ladder and approach to the electrical pole sticking out of the roof, and Yokuba will climb up after you. Following some conversation and gloating on his part, Yokuba will fall to his death and that UFO from earlier will be hovering overhead. A guy named Himohebi will be talking to your party, and Duster will use the Red Snake to grab onto the ladder as the UFO flies off. After a bit more conversation, your party will lose their grip and fall into the open sky below. A summary of the chapter's events will now scroll on the screen. Once this break is over, you will have the option to save, as usual. When you're done here, the next chapter will begin. ============================ Chapter 6: Sunflower Plateau ============================ Sunflower Garden ---------------- You will have control of Lucas only in this area. Move to the right, then downward, and a quick flashback will occur. Run to the left and you will run into Boney. With him, continue on to the left and you will find the ghost of Hinawa. Follow the ghost to the left until you reach the cliff's edge. Lucas will try to jump to reach the ghost, only to fall right off the cliff. He and Boney will land in a pile of hay below, then the next chapter will start. ======================== Chapter 7: Seven Needles ======================== Old Man's Paradise ------------------ The opening scene will show that guy, Himohebi, walking into Castle Osohe with some Pig Masks. You will then awaken in the old folks home, under the watch of Wes and Alec. Talk to both of them when you have control, then leave the room. Save with the old frog and walk to the right, then Alec will come out. Talk to him, then continue southeast and exit the home. Outside, Boney will catch a whiff of something before running off. Head to the south, and westward to the bridge, where someone is laying there tied up. Talk to Ionia and help him up, then after some conversation and a request to take him home, he will join your party temporarily. With that done, and with Boney by your side as well, save with the nearby frog before continuing. From here, go south and you will reach a section of beach along the river. Talk to the left guy and say yes to go for a boat ride up to Eoria's House. Eoria's House ------------- When you dock, go east to the next area since that's all you can do. Save with the frog and rest in the hot springs if you want, otherwise go north across the purple ledges to Eoria's House. Note that if you talk to the cow outside and say yes, it will give you Fresh Milk (you need to wait a bit before trying this again). Inside the house, talk to Eoria (the only person in here). After Ionia gets out of his sack, he will dance around in front of the mirror. Following that, a loud bang will occur outside and the house will shake violently. After a quick flash of another scene, the table in the center of the room will move, revealing a ladder. Eoria will also vanish at this point. Check his chair to get Eoria's Memento, then climb down the ladder to the passage below. Below Eoria's House ------------------- Down here, follow the passage to the east and defeat the Mummy Cats in the first large area. Continue right and open the present box to find Beef Jerky, then go southward to another path split. Fight the Mummy Cat and open the east chest to get some Old Milk, then continue southward to the next area. Keep on going to the south while fighting the various Mummy Cats you encounter. You will reach a point where you can go across the river or head south. First, go south to a present box containing a Magic Tart, then go east across the river and continue to the southeast area of the room. Climb the ladder you find to reach an outside area. Castle Osohe Courtyard ---------------------- When you arrive here, walk onto the grass and a scene will take place. Your party will surround a purple flame in the middle area, and Ionia will talk about PK Love among other things. A bunch of text will scroll down the screen, as to signify a short break of sorts. When it's over, talk with Ionia some more and you will regain control. Save via the nearby frog, then go south to hear a phone ringing. Pick it up and talk to the Pig Mask at the other end. Answer yes to his questions, then when the conversation ends you will get to keep the Transceiver. Now, try to go down the northeast ladder and Ionia will call to you. Talk to him and he will then disappear, leaving you here alone. Since you are allowed to now, go down the northeast ladder to enter the castle basement. Osohe Castle ------------ In the first tunnel, simply follow the path all the way to the end. Then, unlock the door and go into the next room (this was the door that was locked from the other side earlier in the game). Make your way up the steps going west, defeating the Brothers enemies along the way (they yield good experience but can be rather tough, so be careful). Basically, make your way upstairs to the first floor of the castle, then exit to the south. Once outside, go southward into the Cemetery. Cemetery -------- When you enter this area, go forward and you will notice the nearby shack was destroyed. Walk to the south and the scene will shift to Hinawa's grave site. Lucas and Boney will go there, and talk to an old man standing there. Talk to him for a bit and he will give you the Courage Badge. When you're done here, head south out of this area and continue southward to the train station. Train Station ------------- Here, go south and your Transceiver will ring again. Take the call and the person at the other end will tell you to return to the factory in Koba. It will be much quicker to buy a train ticket and ride from here to Koba, but you can alternatively run along the tracks like you did earlier. Even if you choose to take the train, you should go into the first cave along the tracks and open the now-accessible present boxes to get a High-Class Banana and a Super Bomb. If you take the train, select yes to the first option for riding the train for 50DP apiece. You will be asked if you wish to upgrade to the nicer train for 100DP apiece (200DP total). Choose no (or yes if you really want), then board the train to Koba. When you arrive at the far east station, go north into Koba. Koba ---- When you arrive here, save with the frog and level up with the Cattle Snakes by the train station if you want. Otherwise, continue north into the forest. Violet Forest ------------- In this area, you will face many of the same enemies from your earlier venture through here. However, there are now Umantulas (the horse head enemies) and they are tough, so watch out. Go west for a couple areas until you reach the large, guarded building. Talk to the Pig Mask in front, and follow him inside the Chimera Lab, as instructed by the Transceiver before. Chimera Lab ----------- Inside the lab, save with the frog in the corner. There is a vending machine and a weird scientist from which you can buy items from. Withdraw some DP from the frog and buy the Very Good Stick from the vending machine, though. When you're done, go into the east room. In the theater, run onto the stage and to the right. In the next room, check the open locker and say yes to change into the Pig Mask costumes. Continue into the southern room, and go west for a few rooms as you progress upstairs. Open the blue present box in the corner of one of the rooms to receive the Chimera Lab Map. Go into the north hallway from this room and talk to the Pig Mask as you enter, and he will ask you to find the 2 monkeys on the loose. The northern room is a break room of sorts, and you can buy Megalopolis Cola from the vending machine for 100DP if you wish. Anyway, go into the western hallway. Along this hallway are steps leading to 1F (you are on 2F currently), as well as various rooms you can enter. If you go downstairs and scour around the rooms, you can find a Salt Water Gun and a Bomb. Going back to 2F, there is a hot springs room (designated by the sign on its door), so now you know where to go if you need to rest up. In the northern room to the left of the elevator, you can open a present box to find a Divine Medicine. From here, go back out to the hallway and go into the far western room. In the specimen room (the room with all the bones), talk to the frog on the pedestal to save your game. Then, go northward for two rooms, and you will spot the monkeys hiding behind the table. Try to approach them twice and they will run out of the room. Go south two rooms to where you saved, and you will be ambushed by the Mecha-Lion. This is a boss battle, so read the Bosses section for help winning the fight, but don't worry about not winning; the story will progress even if you lose. After the fight, the Mecha-Lion will try to advance at you further, but a clay man will run in and destroy it. After a group conversation with the Pig Masks, everyone will leave and you will regain control. Save with the frog and enter the east room. Out in the hallway, you will hear a monster growling in another room. There will now be a large chimera monster roaming around the lab; if you see it, RUN! If it comes near you, your party will instantly die, so keep your distance and leave/reenter the room to make it go elsewhere. Either way, go down the hall and enter the hot spring room to relax. Go back into the hallway and check the garbage can to the left, and you will find Dr. Andonuts hiding inside. Talk to him, then run into the far eastern room. In there, go into the southern room and make your way downstairs to the stage. Run off the stage and into the lobby area, then go north to the first floor hallway from there. Talk to Dr. Andonuts in the garbage can on this floor, then go all the way into the western room. In here, try to check the elevator door and you will have to talk with the Pig Mask. After he leaves, use the elevator to go down to B1F. Down there, go south and east through the rooms to find the two monkeys. They will run out of the room before you get to them, so exit the room as well. When you reach the calmer room with the scientists, open the present box inside one of the cages to get a Pork Meal. When you're done here, take the elevator in the upper-left corner to 1F. Exit to the eastern hallway and you will run into those monkeys yet again. They will run, so give chase through the hallway. In the far eastern room, you will finally have cornered them. However, that monster roaming the halls will corner you in here as well. It will try to attack Lucas and Boney, causing their masks to fall off. You will both run out into the hallway while the monster gives chase. Meanwhile, Salsa will remember Lucas from earlier and decides to help you out by deactivating the monster in the hall. After some conversation with Dr. Andonuts, Salsa will join your party. Before you can do anything else, Boney will lead the rest of you out of this lab. Violet Forest ------------- Outside, Salsa's girlfriend will direct you to the east, so follow her in that direction. In the next area by the lake, go northward to a gray wall with some patterns on it. Check the wall and it will trigger Salsa to step forward. As Salsa, check the wall again, then press Left or Right to start dancing. Once he's done, the wall will lower, giving you access to a hidden area behind it. Doria's House ------------- In the new area behind the wall, you can talk to the frog and save your game. If you are up for gaining some levels for Salsa, you can go back to the forest and fight some enemies, including a new one (Pig Bean). There is a present box to the left of the save frog, which contains the Magic Gloves that you cannot equip just yet. Anyway, go north and enter the house. Inside, go forward and you will meet Doria and Kumatora once again. In here, talk to them and then everyone will go outside. In front of the house are two pools, but only one of them is filled with water, and it just so happens to be the one where the first needle is hiding. Doria explains that you need to move the water from the left pool to the right one. When you get control again, head southward out of this area. Violet Forest ------------- Out here again, fight some enemies as you head west to the Chimera Lab once again. When you reach the area in front of the lab, you will see Dr. Andonuts standing there. Talk to him and he will bring out two chimeras and a set of twins, in an effort to help with your situation over at Doria's place. Pick the rightmost one (the red/yellow striped one), called the Pump Chimera, since the other two selections will serve you no real purpose. Anyway, say yes when you are asked to confirm your selection, then you will go back to where Doria and Kumatora are waiting. Doria's House ------------- When you walk into the area with the Pump Chimera, it will move all the water from the left pool to the right one. Once that is done, the needle will be fully exposed. Climb down the ladder and check it, then talk to Doria and Kumatora before finally grabbing the needle. At this point, a red geyser will shoot out and Lucas will learn PK Love Beta, which will definitely come in handy. However, Doria will disappear as a result of you collecting the needle, but that's okay. After you climb out, talk to Kumatora and she will speak of a dragon that will appear after you get all the needles. Also, Kumatora will join your party again. After saying your goodbyes to Salsa and his girlfriend (Salsa will give Kumatora a Nut as you leave), you will have control outside. Violet Forest ------------- Now that you have the first needle, it's time to progress even further. If you want, go back to the previous area and save. Otherwise, go southward around the lake and you will be ambushed by a Mr. Chuu. A quick battle will take place, so defeat this simple mouse easily. Following the fight, the mouse will revert back a normal state and will talk to you for a few moments before running off. With that settled, continue to the south and try to take the eastern exit out of here. The Mole Cricket from early in the game will wander in (the one you fought and disposed of rather easily). It will lead you to the Mole Cricket Hole, and your party will automatically follow it through a couple areas to reach the spot. When you get there, the Mole Cricket will open up a hole in the ground. Save with the frog nearby, then climb down into the hole as well. Mole Cricket Hole ----------------- Down here, begin by following the narrow path northward. When you reach the giant honeycomb blocking the north path, go east. In the lower-left corner of this open area, you can go down a vine to the hot springs (you can see the steam coming out of the hole, too). Since the other paths are blocked off, take the north path and talk to the Mole Crickets there. After much dialogue, say yes to engage in battle against the Mole Cricket from earlier. After you defeat the Mole Cricket for a second time, talk to them some more. They will ask if you want assistance from Mole Cricket's Little Brother (if you get lost, use it as an item to return to the entrance; if you exit the cave, you will have to talk to them again to get a new item). Say yes if you want it, then when you have control, go back south. As a note from here on out, if you check the honeycombs in your path, a few Mole Crickets will appear and break it apart for you. If you go east and break that honeycomb down, you can talk to the green Mole Cricket to save your game. You can talk to another of them to receive the Mole Cricket Hole Map, too. After that, go west and break the honeycomb there to reach a Mole Cricket who is running a shop. It only sells Sincerity Dumplings, though. When you are ready to progress further into this cave, go to the southeast of the hot spring and break that honeycomb. Then, climb down the vine to the room below. Now you are in the winding maze portion of this cave, so make sure you understand what I'm about to say in order to make it through successfully. As you walk along the path, you will reach plenty of splits where you can either continue straight or make the turn. In order to make it out, you must take EVERY split in the path you come across. If you do this right, you will eventually reach a doorway leading to another area, followed by some more paths. At the very top, if you did this right, you will emerge atop a snowy mountain. Snowy Mountain -------------- Out here, begin by going north and up the hill. Along the way up this mountain, you will get to fight Frozen Wolves and Sky Yetis; they both yield great experience, so I'd recommend leveling up a bit in this area as it will go fairly quickly. Anyway, atop the first hill, open the present box to get a Double Beef Jerky. Then, go north to the next area. In the second part, go up the steep hill to the plateau. Once there, go down the hill to the west and open the present box at the bottom to receive the Crab Bracelet. Head back up the hill and continue northward to the third part of this mountain. There, go northward and defeat the Sky Yetis, then go into the following area. Lydia's House ------------- Once there, you can talk to the man in green to store your items, since you're likely overloaded by now. There is a save frog on an upper ledge, and a hot spring to the north. As you approach the spring, a Mole Cricket will run out and peddle its wares to you. If you don't buy anything now, it will be sitting next to the hot spring. It would be a good idea to rest in the springs and save your game (this will be good for leveling up in the preceding areas). After you level up a bit and buy new gear from the shop, continue to the north. Talk to Lydia and follow them into the house up ahead. Inside, talk to Lydia again for a bit. When Lydia moves towards the door and stops talking, check the door and a loud bang will occur, waking up the Pig Mask who was sleeping in the house. When you are ready to continue, go through the door to the back area. Out there, you will feel some shaking and the area will flash with several colors. As you move forward, you will see Himohebi (the guy you met on his plane at the end of Chapter 5) claiming the second needle. As he escapes, he sends a Mecha-Gorilla to attack you. Read the Bosses section for help defeating this tough beast. Once you defeat this challenging boss, Kumatora will point out that the needle was stolen and that you need to tell Lydia. As you go south to the house, Lydia will come out. Just like when you grabbed the first needle, Lydia will tell you to go on before disappearing into thin air. You will also receive Lydia's Memento at this point. Go into the house and talk to the Pig Mask inside, then take the south exit. Rest at the hot springs and save with the frog, then go back through the house and continue northwestward into a new area altogether. At this point, you will be asked if you want to leave the Snow Mountain. This is a one-time decision, and if you leave, you cannot return. If you want to stay behind and level up a little more, go right ahead. When you are ready to progress, say yes. Your party will then walk off into the distance to the top of a nearby mountain, and launch off it while inside of a refrigerator! Cemetery -------- After your party crash lands in the Cemetery near Tatsumairi, get out and you will see a blue bottle wobbling back and forth nearby. Talk to it and say yes, and you will go down into the underground passage below. Underground Passage ------------------- Down here, go down the nearby steps to the lower area, then go east. In the next room, save with the frog, then talk with the blue bottle you find (it's a bit reminiscent of talking to Mr. Saturn in EarthBound/Mother 2). Say yes to it, then check the nearby table and you will be asked if you want to ride it (say yes again). Aboard this table, run into the eastern tunnel. Follow the tunnel as it goes all the way east, then northward to the Highway. Highway ------- When you reach the paved road segments, use the map as you continue to the east and north. The idea is to make your way to the far northeast corner by the Parking Area, as if you were going to the Thunder Tower. Once you reach that point, continue to the east and ride through the tunnels like you did earlier aboard the Pork Bean. When you reach the intersection this time, you will not be automatically pushed west, so take the eastern path instead into a cave. Saturn Valley Cave ------------------ In this cave, disembark (press B) and defeat the enemies as you head southward. You will run into a fallen Mr. Saturn along the way, and if you continue to the east, you will emerge in the well-hidden Saturn Valley. Saturn Valley ------------- When you arrive in this valley, go south along the path to reach the ground level. Head to the right and talk to the frog floating around with a balloon to save your game. If you open the present box in the corner, you will get nothing, so don't worry about opening it if you don't want to. In the northwest corner is a ladder you can climb up, with a present box at the top containing a Black Collar (equip it to Boney immediately). If you go through the cave at the north end, you will reach the upper plateau where the hot springs are located. There is also a present box up here with Life Noodles inside. In the main area of the village, there are 4 houses. Inside each are a group of Mr. Saturns lined up against a wall. If you enter the first 3 houses (leave the northmost one for last), you will have to fight Feared Robots and Pig Mask Lieutenants to rescue the Mr. Saturns. In the southeast house, you can open a present box to get a Good Kid's Shirt, which you should equip on Lucas immediately. In the northwest house, talk to the upper-left Mr. Saturn and say yes to get a Dragonfly. Also, open the present box atop the ladder in that same house (the one on the ground has nothing) to receive Strawberry Tofu. After you clear the first three houses, go into the northeast house. There, you will find Duster tied up along with some Mr. Saturns. You will then be attacked by the Feared Robot and 2 Pig Mask Commanders. Beat them, and your party will free Duster and the Mr. Saturns. After some conversation, Duster will rejoin your party. Talk to the Mr. Saturn standing by the giant totem pole, then talk to the Mr. Saturn to the far left to receive the Saturn Valley Map. Leave this house, and the village will now be devoid of Pig Masks. If you go into the southwest house, it has become a shop, and you can talk to two of the Mr. Saturns to buy some goods. Be sure to withdraw lots of money from the frog outside, and upgrade all your equipment now that you have the chance. When you are ready to progress, go to the north end of the village and head through the caves to reach the hot spring. From there, continue northward to a tall cliff. Check it a couple times and Duster will notice that the Wall Ladder can be used, but the sections where it can be used are too high up. Talk to the nearby Mr. Saturn, and a group of Mr. Saturns will appear and stack up, allowing your party to climb up and make use of the Wall Ladder. At the summit, go north to the new area. Phrygia's House --------------- Here, save with the frog at the entrance, and go north. The Mole Cricket here runs a shop selling items to remove status effects, so buy some if you want. Otherwise, go forward into Phrygia's home. Inside, you will see Phrygia laying on the bed to the left. Read the sign set up at the end of the bed (say yes when you are asked if you want to read it). When you are done, you will receive the Words of Encouragement key item. Now, exit the house and head to the northwest area, where you will find a rock. Check it and it will move because of the Words of Encouragement. Further to the north are 3 rocks blocking your path. First, check the lower- right rock to move it. Then, move the rock behind it. Go back and move the first rock back to the right, then finally move the left rock to the side. With the path clear, continue northward. Volcano ------- In this new area, defeat the Sky Taitani and Mrs. Lava you encounter. To the left is a present box containing a Pencil Rocket (give it to Boney). As you go north, stay to the right side where you will find another present box with a Double Beef Jerky inside. Up ahead, you will run into a couple Pig Masks who were apparently talking to Yokuba on the phone. They will try to fight you, so defeat these Pig Mask Lieutenants quickly. After they're gone, continue to the north and fight some more regular enemies. Open the present box to the right to receive Life Noodles, then continue onward into a cave. In here, go north and west, defeating the enemies you come across. You will see what appears to be a hidden room to the south. Go in there and defeat the Eviler Mushrooms, then open a present box to receive a Salt Water Gun. After that, go back to the previous room. Continue making your way to the northwest through this room, while fighting the various enemies along the way. On the west side, there is a safe room you can enter. There will be a butterfly which will recover some HP/PP (it will reappear when you exit/enter the room), and two present boxes. The box closest to the entrance has nothing in it, but the one to the south has a High-Class Banana inside. Exit the room and take the path going to the southeast now. At the 4-way intersection, go north and around to a present box containing Divine Medicine. Go back to the intersection, then head east. Follow the rest of this path as it turns to the north, and you will reach the needle. When you approach it, you will be confronted by Yokuba, who flies in alongside a robot companion with a jetpack. After some conversation between the two, you will have to do battle with New Yokuba, so read the Bosses section for some help if you need it. After the battle, Yokuba and Tsuuyaku (his robot assistant) will retreat, leaving you with the needle. Check the needle to obtain it, and the opening will shoot out a geyser. Lucas will now learn PK Love Gamma, too. Following this, Phrygia will walk into the area, already fading away. Talk to them, and you will receive Phrygia's Note, as well as Phrygia's Memento. When they disappear entirely, you will have control of the party again. If you want to continue doing battle in the volcano (it's a great place to gain levels relatively quickly, although you'll need to use PK Freeze a lot), go right ahead. At this point, your party should be around level 45 (that's where mine was). When you're ready to progress with the game, exit the volcano area and head all the way south back to Saturn Valley. Saturn Valley ------------- Back in this area, climb down the ladder and follow the southbound path. Take a well-deserved rest at the hot springs, then go through the cave to reach the village area. You will witness a scene with a Pig Mask ship land on the western ledge. A Pig Mask will run out and bomb the entrance, which means you have no way out of the village for now. When you regain control, run to the south and west, and run up the path toward the tunnel that was just blocked. Check the rubble, then head back into town. In the village, head into the northeast house (the one with the totem pole) and talk to the Mr. Saturn in front of the pole. When you're done explaining that the tunnel is blocked off, leave the house. You should now see Mr. Saturns holding balloons throughout the area. Talk to them, then go up the western path by the tunnel. You will see a couple of red birds hopping around. Do NOT run up here; approach slowly and talk to one of the birds to capture it. Now, go back to the northeast house and talk to the Mr. Saturn inside again. With that done, head into the north cave and step into the hot springs at the other end. Talk to the Mr. Saturn sitting in the springs as well, and you will get to take a break while a summary scrolls on the screen. Once that's over, the scene will return to the hot spring. A Mr. Saturn will call for you, so exit the hot spring and talk to him. Then, go through the cave to the lower area, where you will now see a giant bird cage with many birds inside. Check it out and say yes when prompted, and the Red Snake will pop out from behind the nearby house. Say yes to it, and the bird cage will lift off the ground. As it flies away, Duster will use the Red Snake, allowing your party to grab onto the cage. After a good flight, your group will lose grip of the cage and fall to the ground below. Beach ----- After your party plummets into the water, you will wash up on the beach near Tatsumairi Village. The Red Snake will leave you at this point, too. With control of the party again, go east. If you want to rest, talk to the man laying on the beach chair. Anyway, you will see an arrow pointing at the sand. Check the designated spot and a crab will emerge. When you're done talking to it, check the water barrel to the south and save with the frog inside. From here, if you approach the water, you will have the option to dive. Say yes and you will enter the sea. Sea --- When you go below water, you will notice a meter bar on your screen. It will deplete as you spend time underwater, and if it runs out, you will be washed up on the shore again with no further consequence. To refill the breath meter, you will see mermen floating around along the way; talk to them and say yes to refill your meter. At any rate, head to the south and you will reach the first merman. At that point, go down the hole to the left. Get through that passage, fighting Strange Fish along the way. At the other end, go up and open the present box to get the Girl's Bracelet. Go back through the passage and refill your breath, then continue southward. There will be a path branching to the right; take it to a present box containing the Underwater Map. Continue to the south and you will notice that the path will split off. Take the southeast path to the next room, where you will find a merman to replenish your air supply. If you want, go back to the previous area and take the west path to the next area. Get through the room full of fish (you can talk to them) and climb down the ladder to another room where you will find a merman to refill your meter. If you continue onward, you can climb into one last room with a present box containing the Amazing Crown for Lucas (this makes it worth the trip). Wait for the air to run out so you can start from the beginning, or make your way back out to the path split. Regardless of how you do it, continue along the southeast path. In this safe room of sorts, use the merman to refill your air. Then, open the two present boxes along the right side to get a Magic Tart and Double Beef Jerky. To the left is the Hermit Crab; you will have to come back to him later for some quick cash. Defeat the Selfish Clams before continuing to the southern area (use the merman before going into the next area). In the next section, go south and fight the Pig Mask Submarines. Follow the path to the southeast and ignore the first merman (it's non-functional). Further south, refill your air meter with the second merman. Go south to a present box containing Life Noodles, then refill on air again before heading west. Defeat the Sea Crayfish enemies you come across, then refill with the merman before proceeding to the south yet again. In this room, you will see several holes you can climb into. If you go into the far west hole, you can replenish your air with the merman inside. There is also a present box there with a Magic Tart inside. In the northern hole, you will find the Hermit Crab's Shell. Bring it back to the hermit crab you met earlier and you will receive 1000DP (this is optional). In the hole directly below it, you'll find a Bomb in another present box. The holes to the east will lead to the same room below. Down there, you will find 2 present boxes containing Puzzle Card 3 and a Magic Pudding. When you're done with exploring here, go south and refill your air supply. In the next area, continue along and you will find a frog swimming around near a merman. Heal up, then save your game at this point. Then, refill your air before you continue. Head to the northeast and you will find a present box containing a Magic Tart. When you go south, you will get sucked into the boss that's waiting there. Read the Bosses section for help defeating Mr. Whirl. After the fight, you will immediately be washed on shore, in a new area. Tanehineri Island ----------------- When you wash up here, you will find that all your items are missing, apart from what each character is currently equipped with. Also, everyone's HP is at 1 and PP at 0. Go south and talk to the green lizard napping on the ground to save your game. If you go east, you will run into a Zombie Shroom, which I highly recommend you avoid doing (you'll instantly die against it). You will see a patch of purple mushrooms nearby; check them out and say yes both times. Your party will eat the strange mushrooms and enter into an alternate world of sorts. Your party's HP/PP will be restored (if you want to restore it again while here, eat some more mushrooms). Anyway, head east and you will see Flint. Talk to him and you will have to fight an enemy (it will appear as a Weird Face, as will all other enemies in the region, but it actually is a Zombie Shroom). Defeat the enemy, then recover your health with the mushrooms before heading eastward. In the second area, talk to Wes and he will disappear. Go through a hidden passage to the north through the trees, and open a present box tehre containing a High-Class Banana. Continue to the east and you will find a garbage can with Life Noodles inside. Head northeast from there and you will run into Claus. Talk to him and you will enter another battle, this time against a Monkey Walrus. Beat it, then head to the south and west, fighting a couple more people/enemies. At the south end, fight Claus (Dragonfly) again. After that, open the garbage can to the west to find a Crocodile Hat. Head to the east and fight some more enemies. Go southeast through a hidden passage between the trees and open the garbage can there to receive a Fairy Ribbon. Continue to the north from here and fight a few more enemies before heading onward to the following area. Here, you will see a sign pointing westward to a hot spring. Defeat the fake versions of Salsa and Alec, then check the garbage can to find Insecticide. In the western area, you will find a hot spring, where you can rest up when needed. To the east are more enemies and a couple ladders to climb. At the top plateau, talk to the frog that's flying around to save your game. From here, go across the green steps into the house of Mixolydia. Mixolydia's House ----------------- Inside, go to the back end and talk to Mixolydia (the "girl"). Say yes and she will have everyone line up facing away from her. She will then hit everyone with a wooden plank, causing the party to snap out of the trippy effects of the mushrooms from earlier. Now that you see the reality, talk to Mixolydia again. Then, talk to the red octopus sitting nearby and he will give you back all your items. Since you're done here for now, exit the house. Save your game with the frog, and check out the mole cricket's shop set up nearby. Upgrade your equipment if you want, otherwise go into the eastern cave which is now accessible. Island Cave ----------- In this cave, make your way north and all the way east. There are Eviler Mushrooms, as well as Taitanians further ahead. At the end, go south to exit. Island Summit ------------- Out here, head to the east and defeat the Annoying Wind enemies as you head northward. If you open the present box to the right, you will hear some mambo music but will not receive anything. At the north, you will see a wooden bridge that you can cross. Before you go north on it, head to the west to reach a present box containing a Vigor Stick for Lucas. Go back to the main path and head northward across the first bridge. At the next intersection, go east and open the present box there to get a Yellow Bandana. Continue along the path of bridges, and you will soon reach a save frog. Heal up and save with it, then when you are ready go north. You will see the next needle in the ground, but it is surrounded by 3 purple clay statues. When you approach, they will attack you; read the Bosses section for help defeating them. After the fight, the trio will be gone and you will have the needle to yourself. Before you get to claim it however, a pig ship will fly in with the giant mothership overhead. A smaller ship will land and a bunch of Pig Masks will rush out to roll out a red carpet for their apparent leader. He will force your party aside and will steal the needle away from you! The next scene will show Mixolydia about to fade away in front of your party. Your group will get up and listen to Mixolydia talk for a bit. She will tell you to go back to Tatsumairi Village, and gives Lucas the Mixolydia's Memento item before vanishing. You will also receive Tasty Pickles, which she asks you to deliver to Ionia when you return to Tatsumairi. Now that Mixolydia is gone, go south to the frog and save your game. Now, go back down the path and head through the cave to reach the lower areas. Tanehineri Island ----------------- When you emerge from the cave, save with the frog nearby, then climb down the ladders to the south. Head south and west through the island's forest until you reach the shoreline. Once there, talk to the octopus who will act as a taxi, and return to the beach at Tatsumairi. Beach ----- When you arrive, talk to Bronson (the man laying on the chair) to recover your HP/PP. Then, check the nearby barrel and save with the frog inside. Now, go up the steps to the north and follow the road to the southeast. In the eastern area, talk to Alec before continuing along the path. At the other end of the road, talk to Mapson and he will mark your next destination on your map. Now, go east into town. Central Plaza ------------- In the main portion of the village again, look for the frog driving around to save your game. Go north to the train station, then head west to the Sanctuary area. From there, head northward into the forest. Teri Forest ----------- In here, consult your map as you make your way all the way northward through the various areas. The enemies are the same as in Chapter 1, so you won't have to worry about any tough fights for now. Simply run through them as you make your way through the area, and you will soon reach the cliffs. Base Cliffs ----------- Cross the wooden plank going across the river, and you will stop briefly. After that, go into the area to the northwest. Ausakeki Ridge -------------- In this area, your party will notice several sparkling spots on the ground. They will go looking around the area, leaving you in control of Boney. Check out each sparkling spot, one at a time, and talk to Lucas after each one to receive an item. After you check enough of them, your party will come back together. So, head north into the next area. There, head to the far west and enter the cave there to reach the hot springs. Save your game and rest here if you like (or you can come back later when needed). There is also a mole cricket shop in the back area, so withdraw some money from the frog and upgrade your equipment once again. When you are ready to continue, exit the cave and go all the way east. Follow the path north and west, and be prepared to fight some harder enemies along the way. At the top of the winding path, go into the cave you come across. Mountain Cave ------------- In this cave, go north and you will see some steps. Before going up them, open the present box in the upper-right corner to receive Egg Whites. Go up to the upper plateau and defeat the Mecha Mole! enemies, then you will see two paths to take. If you go through the rooms to the west, you can come to a present box containing Magic Pudding. If you follow the path outside over there, you will reach a new area of the cave. Open the present box in the lower area there to find a Yellow Bustier. Head into the northern room and you can fight an enemy called Negative Man. It's more or less for fun, so don't be too concerned about it. It can drop a Meteotite which you can sell for quick cash (as if you need it). Anyway, make your way back to the very first room of the cave (where you first saw the Mecha Mole! enemies). This time, go to the northeast room. Here, you will notice yet another path split. If you go north, you will eventually come to a room full of Sticky Slugs and 2 present boxes containing Life Noodles and a Checkered Collar for Boney. When you take the southern path though, you will have to fight past some Big-Headed Aliens. You will also reach the cave's exit by going that way, too. Ionia's House ------------- In this area, open the present box to the southeast to receive a Magic Tart. Then, take the northeast path to a frog where you can save your game. After you do that, head up the ladder into Ionia's home. Inside, talk to Ionia and you will give them the pickles from earlier. After talking at length, you will receive the Water of Time from Ionia and will be asked to go to the nearby temple in order to use it. If you talk to Ionia again, they will fully recover your HP/PP. Back outside the house, save with the frog again. Also, be sure to check out the Mole Cricket's shop to the right. As you go south to cross the wooden bridge, you will be blocked by a shrouded Mr. Saturn. Talk to it and you will receive the Franklin Badge (the Courage Badge becomes this), which can be used to reflect thunder attacks. So, head west and take the northwestern path this time to the new area. Chubichuboi Temple ------------------ When you arrive on the scene here, you will witness a bunch of Pig Masks attempting to enter the temple ahead. The bad guy will bomb his way ahead, but then the Pig Masks will notice you and thus battle will commence. 62971 The battle will be against 2 Pig Mask Commanders and a Pig Mask Captain. After the fight, the head guy will try to zap Lucas with a thunder attack. Luckily, the Franklin Badge will reflect that onto the enemy instead. He will then charge your party, and a boss battle will commence. Read the Bosses section for help with defeating him. Following the battle, the Masked Man will fly off and the Pig Masks will run away. You will now have control of the party once more. Go to the southwest area and save with the frog there. When you are ready to progress, go north to the temple and check the overgrown central area. Say yes and it will clear up, allowing you to enter the temple. Inside, go up the steps directly in front of you and check the golden needle at the top. Ionia will enter and talk to you for a bit. Kumatora will also learn PK Starstorm, which is an extremely powerful attack PSI that will come in handy from here on out. As Lucas, go forward to the needle and collect it. Doing so, Lucas will also learn PK Love Omega. Following some more conversation, Ionia will vanish. At this point, the screen will go blank and you will be prompted to save your game at the end of the chapter. ===================================== Chapter 8 - Everything and Everything ===================================== Limousine --------- Upon exiting the temple, a limousine will be waiting outside for you. Your party will enter it, and the limo will take off into the air, en route to New Pork City. Walk around, check out the pool/hot spring, and save with the frog in here. Then, talk to the driver and you will land in the city, and Chapter 8 will officially begin. New Pork City ------------- After landing in the city, the limo driver will hand you the City Map. The limo will then take off again and you will be on your own finally. Head east from the parking space to reach the next area. In the next area, talk to the frog and save your game. Then, continue eastward to the following area, where you will find the theater; go inside. Theater ------- Inside, talk to the left lady behind the counter to buy some equipment upgrades (withdraw money from the frog nearby if needed). Go into the movie room and talk to everyone standing around. Then, check the front left seat and a stink bug will jump onto the stage. Boney will chase it around before following it into a hole in one of the speakers. You can't do anything else here for now, so exit the theater and head west to the previous area. Once there, enter the game room. Game Room --------- In here, talk to the guy on the right side of the room. Accept his help and he will open up a hidden ladder leading into the basement, so climb down there. Basement -------- In the arcade basement, you will find a lot of toxic waste and such floating around. Start by running across the trash bridge, then head to the right. In the second area, cross over the toxic stream again and check the small hole if you want. Otherwise, climb the ladder to the upper level and you will see 2 doors. The room on the left is a hot spring where you can go to recover HP and PP at any time. In the right room, you will find 3 trash cans. One of them is a Putrid Man enemy, and the others contain a Salt Water Gun and Magic Pudding. Rest up in the hot spring room, then climb down the left ladder. Defeat some Metallic Roaches and head into the west area. There, fight some more enemies as you approach the ladder. Climb up and go left to a mole cricket's shop. After you're done here, go through the door into the next room. Leader's House -------------- In this dirty building, go west into the next room and save with the frog there. Go back to where you came in and head upstairs, then go down that hallway to meet up with Boney again. After he rejoins you, go into the room ahead. There, talk to the tall man named Leader. He will talk for a very long time, so just answer yes every time he asks if you understand. When he's done talking, check the stink bug and it'll come with you (check it in the key items menu if you want to hear Leader's story again). From here, exit the room and head down the hall, then go downstairs into the game room's basement again. Basement -------- Here again, make your way back through the garbage-filled rooms. Visit the hot spring along the way to restore your HP/PP for you will need it. When you reach the final ladder leading into the game room, you will be confronted by Tsuuyaku and Yokuba yet again. After some conversation, you once again have to do battle with Miracle Yokuba. Read the Bosses section if you need help. Following the battle, Yokuba will sink into the toxic stream and Tsuuyaku will flee. Go forward and up the ladder, then exit the arcade altogether. New Pork City ------------- Outside once again, go left and take the path going north to the next area. Here, you can go all the way west to a food court, where you can buy some expensive yet useful food items. Otherwise, take one of the escalators going up to the top area of the city. There is an amusement park in the northwest area, and the Empire Porky Building at the top center area. If you take the path going east to the Pokey statue, you can climb down a ladder and talk to the Pig Mask below it to buy some disposable weapons, such as Pencil Rockets. Anyway, when you're ready, enter the building at the top of the city. Empire Pokey Building --------------------- When you enter this great building, you can buy some supplies from the mole cricket's shop in front of the desk. The room to the right has a hot spring, should you need to come back down and rest. Go into the western room and check the elevator, which can only go to the 24th floor currently. Pick the first answer both times when prompted, and you will ride up to the 24th floor. Once you stop, you will find a DCMC groupie standing nearby. Save with the frog and try to enter the right room, and you will be stopped by a man coming off the elevator. Talk to him, then go east into a waiting room of sorts. Enter the room to the north, and you will meet up with a man named OJ, who will talk to Kumatora since she worked for the DCMC earlier under disguise. After a bit of conversation with your party, the DCMC band members will ask Duster to wear the afro and join their band again temporarily. When you have control, make Duster check the afro and put it on. Now, just watch the scene. After the band's performance with Duster is over, an announcement will tell you that the elevator can now access the 100th floor. Once you're done saying goodbye to the band, exit this room and head back to the elevator. Save with the frog, then take the elevator upstairs. Once you reach the 100th floor, you will emerge in a grassy room which seems abnormal for a skyscraper. There will be a machine to the left which you can use to restore HP/PP, as well as a frog standing around. In order to continue, you will need to step into the water from the left side. There are Hippo Launcher enemies in the water, which you will have to fight if you check them. At any rate, follow the watery path into the east room. Open the present box you come across to receive a Super Bomb. Continue to the northern room, where you will see a scientist standing next to a Hippo Launcher on the dry patch. Get out of the water and fight the enemy. After you beat it, the scientist will retreat into the room ahead. When you regain control, head into the southern room first. There, open the present box to find the Supreme Shoes for Duster, then exit the room. Run back to the first room and rest in the recovery machine, as well as save your game with the frog there. After that, return to the third room and go through the northern doorway this time. In this new room, follow the path to the right into another area. Once there, walk into the water and follow it back to the previous room. In there, open the 2 present boxes to find Healthy Chicken and some Life Noodles. Move toward the elevator door to the north, and you will hear Pokey talking through the door. Once the yelling is done, check the door and ride upstairs. Upon your arrival, save with the frog and enter the next room. There, talk to everyone and you will soon be called upon by Pokey once more. If you need HP recovery, talk to the man-horse in this room. Otherwise, go into the next room and ride the elevator upward. Toilet Rooms ------------ When you emerge, you will be in a room with yet another save frog, and a recovery machine. Head into the western room, and you will now have to navigate a maze of sorts consisting of several hallways with 5 doorways, like you see here. From the left, door #4 has a Pig Mask Commander for you to fight, door #3 has a present box containing a Striker Gun, and door #1 leads to the second hallway. In the second set of doors, door #5 has a Pig Mask Commander battle, door #1 will have a Men's Room Sign attack you (enter the room afterward to find a Honey Shower), and door #2 leads to the next hall. Going into the third hallway, simply go into the leftmost door to reach the fourth hall. In that room, the Men's Room Sign on the middle door will attack. Go into that room afterward and fight the Pig Mask Commander, as well as 2 Metallic Roaches, then open the present box to receive the Red Collar for Boney. Going into door #4 from the hall will lead to the next set of doors. In this room, a group of people will run past you into the rooms ahead. Save with the frog and go through the leftmost door. In the next hallway, check the rightmost door and it will shake. Enter the room to find the chimera from the lab earlier (if it catches you, it's instant game over, so beware!). When you see it, exit, and enter door #4 (the red one). Return to the hall and the chimera will be in the hallway now. Quickly enter the room it burst out of and open the present box to find the Amazing Ring for Lucas. Now, go back out and head through door #4 to reach a new room. In the following room, you will reach a giant door. Go through it and continue forward to a throne, at which point Pokey will speak to your party. Once he's done taunting you, walk behind the throne and ride the elevator to the upper level. Empire Pokey Building --------------------- When you arrive on yet another floor within the building, save with the frog sitting nearby. In the next room, go right and Pokey will call to you yet again. You will also see a shell house that you can enter; inside are 6 present boxes, each containing a High-Class Banana if you want them. Either way, go into the following room and ride the elevator up to yet another new area. There, you will find a machine in the back corner where you can restore HP/PP whenever you want. Heal up and save with the frog, then go east. Defeat the Caterpillar Dog and Metallic Snake enemies in the next room, then continue into the northern chamber. Fight your way through the next couple rooms, and you will reach a safe area with hardhat workers standing around. To progress here, run into the guy standing on the platform overlooking the pit. He will fall, grabbing onto the other side to act as a bridge. So, cross over and you can pick where to go next. In the northern room, you can fight 2 Metallic Snakes and open a present box to find a Special Pizza. Go into the east room and run into the guy standing at the edge to form another bridge. Go across and into the next room, where you have to climb up a couple of ladders. On the high ledge, activate the machine and it will catapult the man on the see-saw, ultimately forming a bridge below. Now, go back down the ladders and cross the newly-formed bridge, then follow the path all the way east to the next room. In that room, defeat the enemies and take the northern path going eastward. In the following area, you will find the next elevator; as you approach it however, Pokey will taunt you yet again. Before you go in, take the lower path back to the west where you can find a present box containing the Angel Gloves for Kumatora. When you are ready, take the elevator upstairs. In the room where you arrive, there will be another recovery machine and a frog to save your game with. After you use both of them, go into the eastern lab room. There, defeat the Mecha Lion (regular enemy this time), and you will be able to go north or east. If you head to the east, you will find several new enemies to face. There are 2 present boxes in the southeast area, containing a King Burger and Magic Cake. Also, if you enter the northeastern room, there will be another present box containing the Dog's Weapon, which is Boney's only equippable weapon in the game! After you're done exploring this area, go back to the safe room to rest up. Then, head into the east room with the Mecha Lion, but this time head into the northern room. In that room, follow the path to the split. Going west will lead to a present box containing a Super Bomb, and the north will lead to another path split. The northern room has a scientist you can talk to, but that's really it there, so head east. In the eastern room, defeat some more enemies and open a present box to the south to receive an Archer Bracelet. Continue to the northeast and talk to the receptionist, then enter the next room. Go west through the rooms full of people encased in glass, then Pokey will taunt you once again. After that, go into the northern room and save with the frog you see there. When you are ready to continue, go up the 3 sets of stairs and enter the room at the top. In there, talk to the man at the door and follow him into the room. Talk to the same man again, and you will have to play some games against a robotic version of Pokey in order to proceed. However, you cannot win any of the rounds or else the robotic Pokey will force you into a replay. That said, you will have to just barely let it win each time. For the first game, the Pokey robot will score 10 points; the objective is to hit the moles with your hammer (press A). You get 1 point for each mole, and nothing if you hit a hardhat worker. When it's your turn, get only 9 points to continue. Following this game, go up the following sets of stairs and talk to the man in the next room to enter the second mini-game. This time, you have to run a footrace against the Pokey robot. Once again, only let the robot beat you by a small margin and you will be able to continue onward. Head upstairs and talk to the man to enter the third game room. This time, you have to be the first to inflate a balloon until it bursts. To start the game, go behind the pump and press A. The balloon itself will go through 4 stages before bursting, so pump it to its largest form (press A repeatedly), then wait for the robotic Pokey to burst its balloon first. The game will end and you will be allowed to progress onward finally. Now that the games are over, head up the stairs and you will reach a frog and a couch. Check the couch to rest, then save with the frog. When you're ready, go up to the top level and enter the room. There, you will be taunted once more by Pokey, before having to face the giant NK Cyborg boss in front of you. Read the Bosses section for help defeating this creature. Once the battle is over, the giant cyborg will be destroyed. So, head back to the previous room and rest/save before continuing into the following room. Run northward along the extremely long hallway to the room ahead. In the next room, check the boat and board it to continue. Enjoy the ride down the stream of nostalgia from Mother 2 (Earthbound) as you pass. At the end, disembark and go into the next room. In the next room, use the recovery machine and save with the frog there. Open the present box to get the Octopus Eraser Machine key item. You can check the octopus statue to erase it, as that is the key item's only purpose. Anyway, when you are ready, go into the north room. Follow the long hallway to a large room, where you will meet someone who appears to be Pokey. After some conversation, you will realize that it is just a robot. Soon after, you are completely surrounded and will have to fight a bunch of Pokey robots. There will be 7 Pokey robots to fight, along with whatever enemies they bring into the fight as well. Get through the first 7 robots, then the DCMC band will arrive to help you eliminate the rest. Following the battle which you do get experience for, you will see the DCMC group around you. Flint and Wes will walk in, as well as others from early in the game. Pokey will speak to you again before being lowered down so you can see his mummified form. After quite a bit of conversation, your entire party along with Flint will freefall down a very long elevator leading to the basement. Basement -------- When your group finally crash lands far below, talk to Flint. Say yes and he will run off ahead, leaving your party alone. When you're ready, follow the many sets of stairs and ladders downward through the next couple of areas. Soon, you will come to a frog and a present box just a little bit further ahead. Open the present box and it will act as a hot spring; check it at any time and your party's HP/PP will be fully restored. Use it, then save with the frog before continuing into the cave ahead. In the cave, follow the path through the rooms while fighting some Phenomenon and Mineral enemies along the way. Eventually you will catch up to Flint, who cannot go any further. Cross the bridge ahead of Flint and you will reach a path split. Go west to a present box containing the Genuine Bat for Lucas; equip this one right away! Then, head northward and follow the path onward until you are confronted by Pokey. This time, it's the real deal, and you'll have to do battle. Read the Bosses section for help beating Pokey here. After the battle with Pokey, Dr. Andonuts will run up and examine the giant capsule. When you get control, climb down the ladder behind you and talk to the man in green; he can store your unused items since you surely need the room by now. When you're ready, head north and follow the path through the next couple of areas. When you reach the frog and hot spring, that is when you will have to rest. Recover your HP/PP in the spring, then save with the frog. One very important thing to note is that this is the final save point in the game, so make sure you use it! Also, feel free to level up in the previous areas, using this location as a resting spot, if you feel up for it. Otherwise, head east when you are ready. Follow the path as it turns northward into the final area. Keep moving until you meet up with the masked man in front of the final needle in the ground. He will try to eliminate you with his thunder sword, but the Franklin Badge prevents this. You will then automatically enter a one-on-one battle with Lucas against this boss (read the Bosses section for help here). After the fight, say yes to Flint while he watches over Claus and Lucas will pull the final needle from the ground. Watch the very long scene, then the screen will fade to black and it will say END? This is not the end though; keep walking to the left and there will be plenty of dialogue from various people talking to you. After a long while, the dialogue will end and the real ending will commence. With that, congratulations on completing Mother 3! ***************************************************************************** -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= -= 6. Enemies -= -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Annoying Wind Found: Island Summit (Chapter 7) Experience Points: 1456 DP: 281 Weakness: Thunder, Numbness Baked Yam Found: Teri Forest (Chapter 4) Experience Points: 344 DP: 100 Weakness: Ice, Feeling Strange Item Dropped: Magic Tart Barrel Man Found: Castle Osohe (Chapter 2) Experience Points: 32 Weakness: Fire, Crying Item Dropped: Nut Bread Bat Walker Found: Violet Forest (Chapter 4) Experience Points: 70 DP: 50 Weakness: Fire, Sleep Item Dropped: Old Banana Battery Man Found: Thunder Tower (Chapter 5) Experience Points: 165 DP: 26 Weakness: Ice, Sleep Big Bro Found: Castle Osohe (Chapter 2) Experience Points: 15 Item Dropped: Nut Cookie Big Caterpillar Found: Base Cliffs (Chapter 1) Experience Points: 24 Big-Headed Alien Found: Mountain Cave (Chapter 7) Experience Points: 2863 DP: 312 Weakness: Ice, Feeling Strange Item Dropped: Dream Stick Bite Bite Snake Found: Teri Forest (Chapter 1; after rain) Experience Points: 28 Item Dropped: Antidote Blue Vulture Found: Ausakeki Ridge (Chapter 7) Experience Points: 1714 DP: 158 Weakness: Fire, Feeling Strange Bow-Wow Fish Found: Violet Forest (Chapter 4) Experience Points: 322 DP: 60 Weakness: Thunder, Numbness Item Dropped: Dog Cookie, Dog Beef Jerky Broken Drum Found: Club Attic (Chapter 4) Experience Points: 86 DP: 55 Weakness: Fire Brothers Found: Osohe Castle (Chapter 7) Experience Points: 447 DP: 80 Weakness: Ice, Crying Item Dropped: Nut Cookie, Beef Jerky Caring Tree Found: Ausakeki Ridge (Chapter 7) Experience Points: 2022 DP: 200 Weakness: Fire, Crying Item Dropped: Fresh Egg Carpet Monster Found: Castle Osohe (Chapter 2) Experience Points: 67 Caterpillar Dog Found: Empire Pokey Building (Chapter 8) Experience Points: 3529 DP: 230 Weakness: Thunder Cattle Snake Found: Train Tracks (Chapter 4) Experience Points: 536 DP: 162 Weakness: Ice, Crying Item Dropped: Fresh Milk Cheerful Skeleton Found: Castle Osohe (Chapter 3, Chapter 7) Experience Points: 62 Weakness: Fire, Sleep Item Dropped: Blast Bomb Chicken Snake Found: Teri Forest, Train Tracks (Chapter 4) Experience Points: 32 DP: 17 Weakness: Ice, Numbness Item Dropped: Fresh Egg Contemptuous Bomb Found: Mountain Cave (Chapter 7) Experience Points: 1890 DP: 341 Weakness: Ice, Numbness Cyber Star Found: Empire Pokey Building (Chapter 8) Experience Points: 3628 DP: 178 Weakness: Ice, Numbness Dog Zombie Found: Cemetery (Chapter 2) Experience Points: 29 Item Dropped: Nut Bread Dragonfly Found: Tanehineri Island (Chapter 7) Experience Points: 612 DP: 98 Weakness: Ice, Numbness Item Dropped: Beef Jerky Dung Beetle Found: Desert of Death (Chapter 3) Experience Points: 2 Item Dropped: Dung Energy Robot Found: Highway (Chapter 5) Experience Points: 105 DP: 68 Weakness: Thunder, Feeling Strange Evil Mushroom Found: Saturn Valley Cave (Chapter 7) Experience Points: 486 DP: 102 Weakness: Fire, Numbness Eviler Mushroom Found: Volcano, Island Cave (Chapter 7) Experience Points: 543 DP: 143 Weakness: Fire, Numbness Feared Robot Found: Saturn Valley (Chapter 7) Experience Points: 360 DP: 150 Weakness: Thunder Filthy Roach Found: Saturn Valley Cave (Chapter 7) Experience Points: 450 DP: 92 Weakness: Ice, Crying Flying Mouse Found: Lighter's House, Teri Forest (Chapter 1) HP: 120 Experience Points: 45 Item Dropped: Quirky Cheese Frozen Wolf Found: Snowy Mountain (Chapter 7) Experience Points: 505 DP: 68 Weakness: Fire, Sleep Item Dropped: Divine Medicine Ghost Armor Found: Castle Osohe (Chapter 2) Experience Points: 72 Ghost Art Found: Castle Osohe (Chapter 2) Experience Points: 46 Weakness: Fire, Crying Ghost Knight Found: Castle Osohe (Chapter 2) Experience Points: 180 Item Dropped: Yogurt Note: You fight this enemy only if the armor, sword, and shield combine. Ghost Rocking Horse Found: Castle Osohe (Chapter 2) Experience Points: 68 Item Dropped: Beef Jerky Ghost Shield Found: Castle Osohe (Chapter 2) Experience Points: 37 Ghost Sword Found: Castle Osohe (Chapter 2) Experience Points: 48 Giant Ant Lion Found: Desert of Death (Chapter 3) Experience Points: 27 Item Dropped: Nut Bread, Flea Charm Giant Caterpillar Found: Base Cliffs (Chapter 4) Experience Points: 159 DP: 21 Weakness: Ice, Crying Giant Pill Bug! Found: Underground Passage (Chapter 3) Experience Points: 30 Item Dropped: Nut Bread Note: It curls up and can be pushed if approached; check it to fight. Greedier Mouse Found: Club Attic (Chapter 4) Experience Points: 60 DP: 35 Weakness: Fire, Sleep Item Dropped: Megalopolis Fries, Megalopolis Burger, Quirky Cheese Greedy Mouse Found: Teri Forest (Chapter 1; after funeral) Experience Points: 35 Item Dropped: Nut Bread, Quirky Cheese Helicopter Mouse Found: Teri Forest (Chapter 4) Experience Points: 52 DP: 26 Weakness: Thunder, Crying Item Dropped: Bread Roll Hippo Launcher Found: Empire Pokey Building (Chapter 8) Experience Points: 4566 DP: 254 Weakness: Thunder, Sleep Improved Robot Found: Empire Pokey Building (Chapter 8) Experience Points: 4272 DP: 287 Weakness: Thunder Incendiary Insect Found: Teri Forest (Chapter 1) HP: 60 Experience Points: 17 Item Dropped: Nut Bread Kangaroo Shark Found: Violet Forest (Chapter 5) Experience Points: 93 DP: 50 Weakness: Ice, Crying Item Dropped: Beef Jerky Lingering Spirit Found: Castle Osohe (Chapter 2) Experience Points: 59 Weakness: Ice Item Dropped: Magic Jelly Love Walker Found: Empire Pokey Building (Chapter 8) Experience Points: 3316 DP: 178 Weakness: Numbness Mecha Lion Found: Empire Pokey Building (Chapter 8) Experience Points: 4286 DP: 372 Weakness: Thunder, Numbness Mecha Mole! Found: Mountain Cave (Chapter 7) Experience Points: 1590 DP: 115 Weakness: Thunder, Feeling Strange Mecha Tortoise Found: Violet Forest (Chapter 5) Experience Points: 100 DP: 65 Weakness: Ice, Sleep Men's Room Sign Found: Empire Pokey Building (Chapter 8) Experience Points: 3014 DP: 300 Weakness: Feeling Strange Item Dropped: Magic Pudding Metallic Monkey Found: Ausakeki Ridge, Mountain Cave (Chapter 7) Experience Points: N/A DP: 120 Weakness: Thunder, Feeling Strange Metallic Roach Found: New Pork City (Chapter 8) Experience Points: 2266 DP: 340 Weakness: Thunder, Feeling Strange Metallic Snake Found: Empire Pokey Building (Chapter 8) Experience Points: 2623 DP: 182 Weakness: Thunder, Feeling Strange Mineral Found: Basement (Chapter 8) Experience Points: 4546 DP: N/A Weakness: Thunder Minor Robot Found: Thunder Tower (Chapter 5) Experience Points: 232 DP: 60 Weakness: Thunder, Feeling Strange Mischievous Mole Found: Base Cliffs, Neighborhood River (Chapter 1) Experience Points: 31 Weakness: Fire, Crying Item Dropped: Nut Bread Mischievous Screw Found: Thunder Tower (Chapter 5) Experience Points: 180 DP: 40 Weakness: Thunder, Feeling Strange Mole Cricket Found: Alec's House (Prologue), Mole Cricket Cave (Chapter 7) Experience Points: 2 DP: N/A Weakness: Ice, Crying Monkey Walrus Found: Tanehineri Island (Chapter 7) Experience Points: 1071 DP: 273 Weakness: Fire, Sleep Item Dropped: High-Class Banana, Dream Gloves Mr. Bat Found: Teri Forest, Dark Cave (Chapter 1) Experience Points: 20 Item Dropped: Nut Bread Mr. Bat Elder Found: Club Attic (Chapter 4) Experience Points: 50 DP: 34 Weakness: Fire, Feeling Strange Mr. Chuu Found: Violet Forest (Chapter 7) Experience Points: 157 DP: 23 Weakness: Fire, Sleep Mrs. Lava Found: Volcano (Chapter 7) Experience Points: 837 DP: 484 Weakness: Ice, Sleep Ms. Marshmallow Found: Thunder Tower (Chapter 5) Experience Points: 2864 DP: 824 Weakness: Thunder Mummy Cat Found: Below Eoria's House (Chapter 7) Experience Points: 285 DP: 45 Weakness: N/A Item Dropped: Divine Medicine Mushroom Dog Found: Train Tracks (Chapter 4) Experience Points: 62 DP: 40 Weakness: Fire, Crying Item Dropped: Dog Cookie Negative Man Found: Mountain Cave (Chapter 7) Experience Points: 3 DP: 50 Weakness: N/A Item Dropped: Meteotite Nice Posing Found: Empire Pokey Building (Chapter 8) Experience Points: N/A DP: 25 Weakness: N/A Octopus Again Found: Empire Pokey Building (Chapter 8) Experience Points: 3164 DP: 432 Weakness: Thunder Osohe Mantle Found: Castle Osohe (Chapter 2) Experience Points: 78 Item Dropped: Quirky Cheese Ostrich Elephant Found: Violet Forest (Chapter 4) Experience Points: 374 DP: 75 Weakness: Fire, Crying Phenomenon Found: Basement (Chapter 8) Experience Points: 4113 DP: N/A Weakness: Ice Pig Bean Found: Violet Forest (Chapter 7) Experience Points: 422 DP: 83 Weakness: Fire, Feeling Strange Pig Mask Found: Castle Osohe (Chapter 2), Teri Forest (Chapter 3) Experience Points: 61 Item Dropped: Pork Chips Pig Mask Captain Found: Chubichuboi Temple (Chapter 7), Empire Pokey Building (Chapter 8) Experience Points: 3910 DP: 350 (Chapter 7) 500 (Chapter 8) Weakness: N/A (Chapter 7) Ice (Chapter 8) Pig Mask Commander Found: Saturn Valley (Chapter 7) Experience Points: 2788 DP: 250 Weakness: Ice, Sleep Pig Mask Lieutenant Found: Saturn Valley, Volcano (Chapter 7) Experience Points: 854 DP: 150 Weakness: Ice, Sleep Pig Mask Submarine Found: Sea (Chapter 7) Experience Points: 774 DP: 118 Weakness: Thunder, Numbness Item Dropped: Pork Meal Pokey ## Found: Empire Pokey Building (Chapter 8) Experience Points: N/A DP: 25 Weakness: Thunder Praying Mantis Found: Teri Forest (Chapter 1; after funeral) Experience Points: 2 Item Dropped: Nut Putrid Man Found: New Pork City (Chapter 8) Experience Points: 3226 DP: 154 Weakness: N/A Ragweed Found: Violet Forest (Chapter 4) Experience Points: 182 DP: 60 Weakness: Fire, Sleep Item Dropped: Flea Powder Reconnaissance Mech Found: Castle Osohe (Chapter 2) Experience Points: 65 Red Hot Fly Found: Volcano (Chapter 7) Experience Points: 544 DP: 163 Weakness: Ice, Numbness Item Dropped: Alarm Clock Red Lobster Found: Murky Cave (Chapter 2) Experience Points: 40 Remodeled Lion Found: Violet Forest (Chapter 5) Experience Points: 96 DP: 62 Weakness: Thunder, Sleep Item Dropped: Blast Bomb Remodeled Mole Found: Train Tracks (Chapter 4) Experience Points: 42 DP: 23 Weakness: Thunder, Feeling Strange Rhino Rocket Found: Highway (Chapter 5) Experience Points: 171 DP: 78 Weakness: Ice, Numbness Roasted Yam Monster Found: Teri Forest (Chapter 1; after rain) Experience Points: 42 Item Dropped: Roasted Yam Rock Lizard Found: Neighborhood River, Dark Cave (Chapter 1) Experience Points: 70 Weakness: Ice, Sleep Item Dropped: Beef Jerky Roe Man Found: Sea (Chapter 7) Experience Points: 943 DP: 200 Weakness: N/A Rolling Boar Found: Highway (Chapter 5) Experience Points: 150 DP: 53 Weakness: Fire, Crying Item Dropped: Divine Medicine Sand Lizard Found: Desert of Death (Chapter 3) Experience Points: 10 Item Dropped: Nut Bread Sarasara Sahara Found: Desert of Death (Chapter 3) Experience Points: 15 Scrap Robot Found: Highway (Chapter 5) Experience Points: 82 DP: 32 Weakness: Thunder, Numbness Item Dropped: Numbness Medicine Sea Crayfish Found: Sea (Chapter 7) Experience Points: 865 DP: 148 Weakness: Thunder, Numbness Item Dropped: Big Shell Steak Selfish Clam Found: Sea (Chapter 7) Experience Points: 579 DP: 86 Weakness: Thunder, Sleep Item Dropped: Numbness Medicine Separated Leech Found: Murky Cave (Chapter 2) Experience Points: 21 Item Dropped: Edible Mushroom Short-Circuit Passion! Found: Thunder Tower (Chapter 5) Experience Points: 265 DP: 84 Weakness: Ice, Feeling Strange Item Dropped: Magic Tart Sky Taitani Found: Volcano (Chapter 7) Experience Points: 946 DP: 245 Weakness: Ice, Crying Item Dropped: Salt Water Gun Sky Yeti Found: Snowy Mountain (Chapter 7) Experience Points: 633 DP: 85 Weakness: Fire, Crying Item Dropped: High-Class Banana Sobbing Guitar Found: Club Attic (Chapter 4) Experience Points: 90 DP: 52 Weakness: Crying Soot Dumpling Found: Teri Forest (Chapter 1; rare) Experience Points: 1000 Sparrow Stick Found: Train Tracks (Chapter 4) Experience Points: 25 DP: 30 Weakness: Fire, Feeling Strange Item Dropped: Ordinary Pole, Good Stick Spider! Found: Castle Osohe (Chapter 2) Experience Points: 20 Weakness: Ice, Sleep Spider!!! Found: Club Attic (Chapter 4) Experience Points: 41 DP: 18 Weakness: Ice, Sleep Item Dropped: Antidote Standing Fence Found: Highway (Chapter 5) Experience Points: 108 DP: 75 Weakness: Thunder, Sleep Item Dropped: Fresh Mint Sticky Slug Found: Club Titiboo (Chapter 4) Experience Points: 38 DP: 15 Weakness: Fire, Feeling Strange Sticky Sticky Slime Found: Underground Passage (Chapter 3) Experience Points: 82 Item Dropped: Strength Charm Stimulated Boar Found: Neighborhood River (Chapter 1) Experience Points: 62 Item Dropped: Beef Jerky Stinky Ghost Found: Castle Osohe (Chapter 2) Experience Points: 35 Weakness: Fire, Crying Item Dropped: Rotten Eclair Strange Fish Found: Sea (Chapter 7) Experience Points: 720 DP: 93 Weakness: Thunder, Sleep Item Dropped: Magic Jelly Strawberry Slime Found: Castle Osohe (Chapter 2) Experience Points: 146 Item Dropped: Blast Bomb Super Energy Robot Found: Empire Pokey Building (Chapter 8) Experience Points: 3720 DP: 208 Weakness: Thunder, Feeling Strange Surprise Box Found: Thunder Tower (Chapter 5) Experience Points: 932 DP: 777 Weakness: Ice, Numbness Taitani Found: Dragon Plateau (Chapter 1) Experience Points: 63 Item Dropped: Exploding Bomb Taitanian Found: Tanehineri Island (Chapter 7) Experience Points: 1005 DP: 325 Weakness: Ice, Numbness Item Dropped: Divine Medicine Tekitou Found: Thunder Tower (Chapter 5) Experience Points: 98 DP: 12 Weakness: Fire, Sleep Item Dropped: Magic Jelly Note: Will only attack if you check it. Trap Door Found: Castle Osohe (Chapter 2) Experience Points: 76 Tree Found: Dragon Plateau (Chapter 1) Experience Points: 72 Item Dropped: Nut Bread Umantula Found: Violet Forest (Chapter 7) Experience Points: 352 DP: 67 Weakness: Fire, Crying Unsteady Robot Found: Highway (Chapter 5) Experience Points: 126 DP: 64 Weakness: Thunder, Feeling Strange Violent Roach Found: Castle Osohe (Chapter 2), Desert of Death (Chapter 3) Experience Points: 40 Item Dropped: Nut Bread Volcano Rascal Found: Volcano (Chapter 7) Experience Points: 1194 DP: 278 Weakness: Ice, Feeling Strange Item Dropped: Double Beef Jerky Vulture Found: Dragon Plateau (Chapter 1) Experience Points: 68 Item Dropped: Beef Jerky Walking Bush Found: Base Cliffs (Chapter 1) Experience Points: 8 Weakness: Fire, Sleep Note: In the forest, if you are being followed by a bush, check it to fight this enemy. Walking Mushroom Found: Train Tracks (Chapter 4) Experience Points: 29 DP: 14 Weakness: Fire, Numbness Item Dropped: Edible Mushroom Walking Tombstone Found: Cemetery (Chapter 2) Experience Points: 60 Item Dropped: Exploding Bomb Weird Smile Found: Tanehineri Island (Chapter 7) HP: 2400 Experience Points: N/A DP: N/A Weakness: N/A Note: After eating the mushrooms, this is how all enemies will appear. Deplete the HP and the enemy's real form will show. Yam Monster Found: Teri Forest (Chapter 1; before rain) Experience Points: 26 Item Dropped: Nut Bread Younger Big Bro Found: Castle Osohe (Chapter 3) Experience Points: 85 Item Dropped: Beef Jerky Zombie Lady Found: Cemetery (Chapter 2) Experience Points: 25 Weakness: ??? Item Dropped: Rotten Eclair Zombie Man Found: Cemetery (Chapter 2) Experience Points: 25 Item Dropped: Rotten Eclair Zombie Shroom Found: Tanehineri Island (Chapter 7) Experience Points: 6336 DP: N/A Weakness: Fire, Numbness ***************************************************************************** -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= -= 7. Bosses -= -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Remodeled Caribou Found: Base Cliffs (Chapter 1) HP: 450 Experience Points: 112 Weakness: Thunder, Numbness Strategy: The first boss battle in the game can be a bit overwhelming if you don't know what you're doing. This mechanized caribou has an attack which will hit all 3 of your party members for 30-40 HP apiece, so be prepared to use some Nut Breads if you get hit by it. There is a way to incapacitate the boss, however. In Duster's Skills menu, select the Wall Ladder and use it on the boss to keep it from moving or attacking for a few rounds. When the message comes up that the effect has worn off, have Duster reuse the skill. Meanwhile, Flint and Boney should be attacking (use Flint's Strength Up skill to enhance his attacks) or healing when necessary. It's a relatively short battle, so you will only need to restrain the boss a couple times with the Wall Ladder. Mecha-Drago Found: Dragon Land (Chapter 1) HP: 730 Experience Points: 486 Strategy: The second and final boss of Chapter 1 is actually relatively tough, especially if you don't maintain your high HP. You may notice off the bat that you cannot harm Mecha-Drago normally; you need to use the Drago Fang in order to cut through its skin, weakening it enough so you can damage it. Once you do that, Flint's attacks will hit for around 50-60HP apiece. As for the boss's attacks, Mecha-Drago can hit you normally for about 20HP of damage, or use a strong explosion attack which will take twice as much from you. He has another move which will lower your offense power, but you can counteract that with Flint's Strength Up skill easily. The key here is to keep your HP above, say, 60HP, so that you don't run the risk of dying prematurely. Alec won't be able to really attack the boss, but if your HP gets low enough, he may try to heal you, which does help. When you're about to defeat the boss, he will leave with a final mega-explosion which will take hundreds of HP damage. Luckily the fight ends immediately after that, so you won't end up dying from it. Mr. Passion Found: Castle Osohe (Chapter 2) HP: 650 Experience Points: 340 Strategy: This ghostly composer is fairly simple to beat, but his attacks can become overwhelming if you are not careful. He can either hit you once for 10-20HP damage, or hit you with multiple, weaker shots. After a while, Mr. Passion may try to increase his own offense, which could be devastating to you if you let your HP get low enough. That said, it's best to be safe, so use the Beef Jerky to keep yourself alive. Use Duster's Tickler Stick skill to lower the boss's defense to make things slightly easier if you wish (or the Fear Mask to lower its offense after it's raised). Besides that, just keep attacking the boss, only stopping to recover HP when needed (below 60HP or so). Clay Man Found: Castle Osohe (Chapter 2) HP: 900 Experience Points: 200 Strategy: This giant clay structure is the toughest boss you'll face up to this point, but even so it is not very difficult. The only thing making Clay Man a formidable opponent is that his attacks are pretty strong (20-30HP damage each hit). Luckily for you, both your and Wes's attacks do considerable damage against this creature. When you cause enough damage, Clay Man will fall flat on his face for several rounds, causing around 50 HP of damage to you. Just keep your HP up and continue your onslaught of attacks to defeat this guy. Oh So Snake Found: Castle Osohe (Chapter 2) HP: 1200 Experience Points: 568 Weakness: Thunder Strategy: This giant snake is the final boss you will encounter on the castle grounds, and it is actually fairly difficult to beat. The boss is able to attack Duster and Kumatora at once, causing around 20HP damage each goaround. Additionally, Oh So Snake has an ability that renders one of your party members unable to move for several turns, which can be especially inconvenient. Since the battle takes place in the water, have Kumatora use PK Thunder Alpha to attack since it's the most effective of your attack PSI at this point in the game, while having Duster attack normally. Oh So Snake will eventually let loose with a tidal wave, which will hit both of you for 50-60HP apiece. However, after that move, the boss will not act for a few turns, giving you an opportunity to recover HP (use Life Up Alpha to help with that). Basically, as long as you can keep your HP up, since the tidal wave can come unannounced, you should be in good shape here. Cactus Wolf Found: Desert of Death (Chapter 3) HP: 500 Experience Points: 143 Item Dropped: Beef Jerky Strategy: This fight is more of an endurance match, if anything, since Salsa can't really attack. The Cactus Wolf only attacks Salsa each round or so for around 10HP a hit, but Yokuba's retaliation makes up for that. Try out Salsa's skills, particularly the Dance skill, and keep his HP above 20 or so, and you should be fine in this short battle. Pig Tank Found: Teri Forest (Chapter 3) HP: 1750 Experience Points: 624 Weakness: Thunder Strategy: The heavily armored Pig Tank is the boss of Chapter 3, as you can tell. Its attacks are relatively strong, and are capable of taking down 50HP in one shot. The tank can also hit both party members for around 20HP each. Your best bet here is to use PK Thunder Alpha to cause the most damage (even though it doesn't always connect). Salsa's skills can be useful here as well, particularly the Dance one. Wes's physical attacks, although you can't control them, are sometimes rather strong, plus he may throw bombs at the enemy to cause added damage. After you damage the tank enough, a Pig Mask will come out from atop the busted tank, and the attacking will continue. Keep battering it with your PSI and physical attacks, and you will win soon. The most annoying part is keeping your HP/PP up, so be prepared to use Magic Jellys on Kumatora, and her Life Up Alpha when it's necessary. Jealous Bass Found: Club Attic (Chapter 4) Experience Points: 1172 DP: 624 Weakness: Fire Strategy: Because the boss is accompanied by two fairly tough enemies, this can be a difficult battle if you are not careful. Have Lucas use PK LOVE Alpha a couple times immediately to kill off the guitar and drum, leaving only the boss. The reason for this is because if you leave them all together, they will be able to execute combo attacks one after another to cause lots of damage. The Jealous Bass also has the ability to double attack, as well as an ability to greatly raise its offense, so be prepared for that. Just keep using PK Love and Boney's regular attacks or Pencil Rockets. Make sure both characters keep their HP high so that the combo attacks don't spell the end of your party. Scary Womanizing Pig Mask Found: Highway (Chapter 5) HP: 1680 Experience Points: 1548 DP: 620 Weakness: Fire, DCMC Item Dropped: Divine Medicine Strategy: Despite its appearance, this giant pig soldier is really not that difficult. It only has one attack, but it takes 70-100HP from the targeted character. The DCMC Pamphlet weapons are rather effective against this boss since this boss is apparently a big fan of the band, so if you have them, use them to immobilize the boss. Have Lucas use PK Love and Kumatora use PK Fire Beta, while Duster and Boney attack. If you want to use Duster's abilities to possibly hinder the boss further, go right ahead. Also, if you have any Pencil Rockets, those will be great for ending the battle quickly. Junk Creature Found: Highway (Chapter 5) HP: 1800 Experience Points: 2534 DP: 728 Weakness: N/A Strategy: This strange-looking creature can be a simple boss, although it may take a while if you aren't aggressive enough. In the first round of battle, it will cast Shield Alpha on itself, but it will only absorb three of your attacks before disappearing, so that's not a huge problem. Use PSI attacks to cause the most damage, especially PK Fire/Freeze Beta (if the boss gets the Burn/Freeze ailments, even better). The boss has a tendency to hit multiple party members at once, so be prepared to recover HP when needed. Also, be warned that this boss can recover 300+ of its own HP. With that said, you will need to keep your attacks coming quickly in order to beat it. Scary Womanizing Pig Mask Found: Thunder Tower (Chapter 5) HP: 1680 Experience Points: 3286 DP: 650 Weakness: DCMC Strategy: This version of the horned boss you fought earlier is a bit tougher than before. It is only susceptible to DCMC this time around as well, so make sure to use the DCMC Pamphlets to render the boss unable to move or attack for a few rounds (then use it again when the boss is able to attack again). To make the battle go quicker, have Kumatora use Defense Down Alpha on the boss, as well as PK Freeze/Fire Beta, while Lucas does PK Love and the others attack normally. The boss still has the ability to hit hard, so as always be prepared to heal quickly to avoid deaths in the party. Mr. Janitor Found: Thunder Tower (Chapter 5) HP: 3600 Experience Points: 4389 DP: 840 Weakness: Ice Strategy: The fight against this robot is actually rather tough, and it can be equally tough to make it through without a party member dying. Every time you hit this boss with a physical attack, it will counter, hitting you for 20HP each time. Its regular attacks each round can be quite brutal, taking away upwards of 100HP per shot. Try to use Duster's Wall Ladder to assist in preventing the boss from attacking you, while Kumatora uses PK Freeze Beta and Lucas uses PK Love. If he has any, have Boney use Pencil Rockets and other items that can be used to damage the boss. After you cause enough damage, the boss will let loose with a massive attack on the entire party, hitting everyone for over 100HP apiece. It will then go into a charging state for several rounds, recovering 100HP each round. Spend a round or two to quickly heal up your party, then let loose with the attacks while the robot is charging (it won't counter attack in this state). After several rounds, it will revert back to normal and the initial battle pattern will commence once more, so try and kill it off quickly here. PK Freeze Beta is particularly effective here too, hitting for 250HP+ a pop. Mecha-Lion Found: Chimera Lab (Chapter 7) Experience Points: 4560 DP: 848 Weakness: Thunder, Crying Strategy: This mechanical boss is fairly simple, despite its attacks being up there in terms of sheer power. A normal attack inflicted by this boss will take away around 100HP each time, so you will have to definitely stay on top of healing your party. Use Lucas's PK Love (Defense Up Omega will be a plus early on), while Boney either attacks or uses various items like Bombs to attack. If you survive the relatively short fight, you will be greatly rewarded; if not you will still go on, but without the added experience points! Mecha-Gorilla Found: Lydia's House (Chapter 7) HP: 2700 Experience Points: 9432 DP: 710 Weakness: Thunder, Crying Strategy: If you've been waiting for a truly difficult battle in this game, well here it is! Every round, this mechanized boss will hit your entire party, or individual members, with very strong attacks easily taking over 100HP damage each. Your first priority in this fight should be to use Lucas's Shield Omega and Kumatora's Offense Down Alpha PSI spells (use Offense Down numerous times). When the Shield wears out every 3 rounds, have Lucas replenish it immediately. As for returning fire to this boss, use PK Thunder Beta and PK Love Beta, while Boney attacks or uses attack items. Don't forget to use Life Up PSI whenever anyone's HP dips below 120 or so, that way there is no risk of dying here. Also, use PP-recovery items to keep Kumatora and Lucas going if necessary, otherwise keep hammering this boss while keeping yourselves protected to win the fight. New Yokuba Found: Volcano (Chapter 7) HP: 3200 Experience Points: 11121 DP: 1200 Weakness: N/A Item Dropped: High-Class Banana Strategy: At last you finally get a chance to do battle with Yokuba, and he is actually pretty tough. He is capable of hitting one or multiple party members for over 100HP of damage each shot. He also has a massive attack that can hit everyone for 125HP+ at once, so be careful. Have Lucas use Shield Omega (hopefully he has it by now) followed by PK Love Beta while Kumatora uses the strongest PK Freeze she has (should be Gamma by now), then the others should attack normally. This boss has no weakness, but using PK Freeze has a possibility of freezing him. Be sure to replenish the party's shields after a few rounds, and when the massive attack comes, take a round or two to get everyone's HP back up. New Yokuba has a move later in the fight where he will use a High-Class Banana on himself, recovering 580HP. This only serves to prolong the fight for another couple rounds. Keep pummeling him with PSI when your HP is high enough, and you should be able to win. Mr. Whirl Found: Sea (Chapter 7) HP: 2200 Experience Points: N/A DP: N/A Weakness: Thunder Strategy: This boss can be taken down relatively quickly, but that doesn't mean you can take it easy either. It likes hitting multiple party members at once, for around 80HP apiece, so your first course of action should be the usage of Lucas's Shield Omega (you should only have to do this once). Then, have Lucas use PK Love Gamma while Kumatora does PK Thunder Beta. Duster and Boney should attack normally, or heal with items when needed. After you cause enough damage to the boss, it will hit each person for 600HP+ damage, and the battle will end. Barrier Trio Found: Island Summit (Chapter 7) HP: 4800 Experience Points: 12346 DP: 1538 Weakness: Varies Strategy: The fight starts off with the trio huddled together, with a Shield protecting them (use 3 physical attacks to clear it). Use this first round to have Lucas cast PSI Shield Omega on the party, for you will need it. In the next round, the bosses will go into an attacking stance, and the real fun will commence. Before you use PSI, have Boney use his skill to sniff out the boss's current weakness. With that, let loose with the strongest PSI that the boss is weak against to do damage; all other spells will do nothing. After a few rounds of using the PSI they are weak against, the trio will revert back to their huddled position before going into an attack stance again. Their weakness will change at this point, too, so have Boney scope it out before attacking. Beware, since the boss can use powerful PSI spells to attack your party, so be prepared to heal up quickly (have Lucas do this while Kumatora uses the designated PSI to attack). After you've caused enough damage, the trio will go into a huddle, but they won't immediately go into their stance like before. It will appear they are meditating, which means they will use the Starstorm PSI to attack in the next round, so heal up while you can. However, this also means the boss is getting weak, so feel free to start really pummeling it with all you've got for the win! Masked Man Found: Chubichuboi Temple (Chapter 7) HP: 5000 Experience Points: 15474 DP: 1571 Weakness: N/A Strategy: This boss can actually be a rather tough one, since it seems to use your own PSI spells to attack in addition to its own attacks. The Masked Man also starts the battle with a Shield, which you can destroy with 3 regular attacks. It would be an excellent idea to have Kumatora use Defense Down PSI on the boss, and Offense Up on Lucas. After every round of battle, this guy will hit you 1-2 times with potentially strong attacks, so be ready to heal on a moment's notice. As for your attacking, have Lucas attack regularly (so that you don't waste PP for when he needs to use Life Up Omega), have Kumatora use her strongest attack PSI (Thunder Gamma works well), while Duster and Boney attack normally. The battle may be long and drawn out, but as long as you keep your HP high, you should have no reason to worry all that much; there will be worse battles. Miracle Yokuba Found: Game Room Basement (Chapter 8) HP: 5000 Experience Points: 28636 DP: 1540 Weakness: N/A Strategy: Being the final time you meet up with Yokuba, you can expect this fight to be rather tough. He starts off with a Shield protecting himself, so you'll need to hit it with 3 physical attacks to break through. Have Lucas use PK LOVE Omega, Kumatora use Offense/Defense Down Omega before using PK Starstorm, while Duster and Boney attack normally. Yokua's attacks can be rather brutal, hitting multiple party members for 100HP+, or a single person for over 200HP. That said, you have to be ready to heal on a moment's notice. After you cause enough damage, Yokuba will change form and the battle will get much worse. I say that because after every round, Yokuba will attack one or all party members for at least 200HP a shot, which can get VERY annoying fast. You'll need to make good use of Lucas's Lifeup Omega, but try not to run out of PP (use Magic Tarts/Puddings when it is safe to do so). Yokuba will also put up a PSI Shield. Despite this, continue using your strongest PSI spells, as well as physical attacks for Duster and Boney, and the battle will be over in just a few more rounds hopefully. NK Cyborg Found: Empire Pokey Building (Chapter 8) HP: 7500 Experience Points: 34381 DP: 1600 Weakness: Thunder Strategy: You are going to be in for one annoying/tough fight here! This giant boss will inflict status ailments on your entire party, as well as attack one or more party members for 150HP+ of damage. It can cast Counter on itself, which can be rough for your physical attackers (Duster and Boney). You should definitely have Kumatora use Defense Down Omega on the boss while Lucas uses Refresh and Shield Omega on the party. As for attacking this creature, use PK LOVE Omega and PK Starstorm, while Boney and Duster attack normally or with items. Be careful though, since the boss can take away lots of HP quickly, you will need to be quick to heal up for the next round if needed. Refresh will help a little bit, but you will probably have to use Life Up Omega every few rounds or so to keep everyone going. PP is not infinite either, so you may have to use Magic Puddings and other such items to keep Lucas and Kumatora moving. Late in the battle, the boss will shoot off a cannon, hitting your entire party for nearly 200HP apiece. Aside from that, it's just a really long and drawn out battle that you should be able to win, so long as you play it smart. Pokey Found: Basement (Chapter 8) HP: 6600 Experience Points: N/A DP: N/A Weakness: N/A Strategy: At last you are up against Pokey himself; don't expect this to be easy though. Pokey's defense is high, and he has a PSI Shield up almost all the time which will counter your PSI if you attack with it. Pokey will also lower your entire party's offense and defense numerous times, so be ready with Lucas's Shield Omega and Defense/Offense Up, as well as Kumatora's Defense/Offense Down to be used on the boss. Since your physical attacks do very little, you have to rely on two PSI attack spells: PK Thunder and PK Ground. Both will hit the boss multiple times for lots of damage, though I personally felt PK Ground was stronger. Have Kumatora attack with those while Lucas worries about healing and buffing everyone, and the others give Magic Tarts and other such items to Kumatora and Lucas when needed. Pokey's attacks will be strong and plentiful, so you will run through the PP quickly. However, as long as you keep replenishing the PP while keeping everyone's HP up, you should be fine. After you cause enough damage (around 6600HP worth), a large capsule will appear and Pokey will enter it. After 2 more rounds, the battle will end. Masked Man Found: Basement (Chapter 8) HP: N/A Experience Points: N/A DP: N/A Weakness: N/A Strategy: For the final confrontation between yourself and the mystery masked person, you only have Lucas to control. The boss will attack you a couple times every round, so you will want to use Refresh, Defense Up, and Shield as soon as possible. You will probably have to recover HP after every round, since your attacks won't hit the enmey for now. After a while, you will hear voices attempting to get through to the masked person. At this point, their attacks will start to gradually get weaker and weaker. Nonetheless, keep your HP up (use Life Up Beta and Gamma only) since the boss will try to use PK LOVE against you too. After many more rounds, the boss's attacks will do little damage to you, and Flint will have joined the fight. Try to attack the boss yourself and the battle will eventually end with the boss being unmasked at none other than Lucas's brother Claus. ***************************************************************************** -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= -= 8. Weapons -= -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= ===== Boney ===== Dog's Weapon Offense: +15 ====== Duster ====== Barefoot Shoes Offense: +38 Brave Shoes Offense: +12 Excellent Shoes Offense: +70 Speed: +5 Non-Slip Shoes Offense: +58 Ordinary Shoes Offense: +6 Rubber Boots Offense: +25 Sharp Shoes Offense: +17 Supreme Shoes Offense: +82 ===== Flint ===== New Timber Offense: +16 Speed: -4 ======== Kumatora ======== Angel Gloves Offense: +67 Dream Gloves Offense: +55 HP: +10 PP: +10 IQ: +7 Speed: +5 Expensive Gloves Offense: +58 Fake Frying Pan Offense: +26 Gloves Offense: +9 Magic Gloves Offense: +30 PP: +10 Mighty Gloves Offense: +50 Sevolg Offense: +35 Sharp Gloves Offense: +23 Strong Gloves Offense: +16 ===== Lucas ===== Amusing Stick Offense: +40 Artisan's Stick Offense: +62 Better Stick Offense: +20 Dream Stick Offense: +90 HP: +10 PP: +10 IQ: +5 Speed: +5 Easy Grip Stick Offense: +15 Fake Bat Offense: +30 Genuine Bat Offense: +100 PP: +50 Good Stick Offense: +27 Master's Stick Offense: +75 Very Good Stick Offense: +34 Vigor Stick Offense: +50 ================================== Weapons All Can Use (Except Boney) ================================== DCMC Pamphlet Offense: +8 Friend's Yo-Yo Offense: +30 Speed: +5 Handy Yo-Yo Offense: +20 Ordinary Pole Offense: +2 Prickly Weapon Offense: +47 ***************************************************************************** -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= -= 9. Armor -= -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Bantam Charm Can Equip: Lucas, Kumatora, Boney Defense: +15 Black Collar Can Equip: Boney Offense: +30 Defense: +30 Checkered Collar Can Equip: Boney Offense: +40 Defense: +40 Child's Shirt Can Equip: Lucas, Kumatora Defense: +7 DCMC Shirt Can Equip: Lucas Defense: +10 Speed: +1 Fire Pendant Can Equip: Lucas, Kumatora, Duster, Boney Defense: +15 Note: Raises defense against Fire attacks. Flea Charm Can Equip: Kumatora, Duster, Salsa Defense: +5 Fly Charm Can Equip: Lucas, Kumatora, Duster, Boney Defense: +10 Goddess Bustier Can Equip: Kumatora PP: +20 Defense: +20 Good Kid's Shirt Can Equip: Lucas Defense: +17 IQ: +10 Ice Pendant Can Equip: Lucas, Kumatora, Duster, Boney Defense: +15 Note: Raises defense against Ice attacks. Knitted Sweater Can Equip: Lucas, Kumatora Defense: +8 Note: After every round of battle, the wearer will recover some HP. Light Brown Collar Can Equip: Boney Offense: +20 Defense: +20 Magic Pendant Can Equip: Kumatora PP: +5 Defense: +3 Mini-Mini Charm Can Equip: Flint, Lucas, Kumatora, Duster, Boney Defense: +2 Profound Charm Can Equip: Lucas, Kumatora, Duster, Boney Defense: +26 Pumice Charm Can Equip: Lucas, Kumatora, Duster, Boney Defense: +23 Red Collar Can Equip: Boney Offense: +50 Defense: +50 Rubber Cape Can Equip: Lucas, Kumatora, Duster Defense: +8 Note: Raises defense against Thunder attacks. Souvenir Dress Can Equip: Kumatora Defense: +13 Strength Charm Can Equip: Salsa Defense: +7 Thunder Pendant Can Equip: Lucas, Kumatora, Duster, Boney Defense: +15 Note: Raises defense against Thunder attacks. Warm Sweater Can Equip: Lucas, Kumatora Defense: +8 Note: Raises defense against Ice attacks. White Collar Can Equip: Boney Offense: +10 Defense: +10 Wing Charm Can Equip: Lucas, Kumatora, Duster, Boney Defense: +18 ***************************************************************************** -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= -= 10. Head Gear -= -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Amazing Crown Can Equip: Lucas Defense: +20 PP: +30 Angel's Ribbon Can Equip: Kumatora, Boney Defense: +27 Speed: +3 Bear Hat Can Equip: Lucas, Boney Defense: +15 Blue Ribbon Can Equip: Kumatora, Boney Defense: +8 Boing Ribbon Can Equip: Kumatora, Boney Defense: +14 Note: Prevents the memory loss status effect. Brave Bandana Can Equip: Flint Offense: +2 Defense: +1 Chick's Bandana Can Equip: Duster, Salsa Defense: +5 Child's Hat Can Equip: Lucas, Boney Defense: +3 Classy Bandana Can Equip: Duster Defense: +25 Cow Hat Can Equip: Lucas, Boney Defense: +10 Crocodile Hat Can Equip: Lucas, Boney Defense: +20 DCMC Hat Can Equip: Lucas, Boney Defense: +7 Speed: +2 Fairy Ribbon Can Equip: Kumatora, Boney Defense: +18 Kite Bandana Can Equip: Duster Defense: +30 Lucky Hat Can Equip: Lucas, Boney Defense: +25 Ordinary Hat Can Equip: Flint, Boney Defense: +3 Red Hat Can Equip: Lucas, Boney Defense: +30 Red Ribbon Can Equip: Kumatora Defense: +2 Sparrow Bandana Can Equip: Duster Defense: +9 Water Rail Bandana Can Equip: Duster Defense: +15 White Ribbon Can Equip: Kumatora, Boney Defense: +12 Yellow Bandana Can Equip: Duster Defense: +20 ***************************************************************************** -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= -= 11. Accessories -= -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Amazing Ring Can Equip: Lucas PP: +30 Defense: +30 Archer Bracelet Can Equip: Lucas, Kumatora, Duster Defense: +45 Balance Bracelet Can Equip: Lucas, Kumatora, Duster Defense: +30 Cow Bracelet Can Equip: Lucas, Kumatora, Duster Defense: +15 Crab Bracelet Can Equip: Lucas, Kumatora, Duster Defense: +20 DCMC Ring Can Equip: Lucas Defense: +7 Speed: +5 Fish Bracelet Can Equip: Salsa Defense: +7 Girl's Bracelet Can Equip: Kumatora Defense: +26 PP: +10 Goat Bracelet Can Equip: Flint, Lucas, Kumatora, Duster Defense: +3 Lion Bracelet Can Equip: Lucas, Kumatora, Duster Defense: +25 Scorpion Bracelet Can Equip: Lucas, Kumatora, Duster Defense: +35 Sheep Bracelet Can Equip: Lucas, Kumatora, Duster Defense: +9 Strength Bracelet Can Equip: Lucas, Kumatora, Duster Defense: +7 Twin Bracelet Can Equip: Lucas Offense: +10 Defense: +12 Water Bracelet Can Equip: Flint, Kumatora, Duster, Salsa Defense: +5 ***************************************************************************** -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= -= 12. Items -= -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= ========= Key Items ========= Battle Memories: Contains information about all the enemies you've faced thus far in the game, and allows you to refight them at any time (press Start). The enemies do not fight back though, so this mode is only meant to practice your combos against different types of enemies and their background music. Carrier Pigeon: It's a reliable message-carrying pigeon. Castle Osohe Sketch: Found in a present box within the castle, it gives you a map showing the castle's rooms. Child's Shoe: Find in Dragon Plateau in Chapter 1; it belongs to Claus. Chimera Lab Map: A map of the Chimera Lab complex. City Map: A map of New Pork City, given to you by the limo driver when you arrive. Courage Badge: A badge given to you by the old man at Hinawa's grave. Drawbridge Key: Get from the old man in the castle garden; used to lower the castle's drawbridge. Fear Mask: One of Duster's special skills for use in battle. File: Get after eating the apple while in jail; use it to open the door to escape the cell. Franklin Badge: Can reflect Thunder attacks on your party. The Courage Badge becomes this after meeting the Mr. Saturn outside Ionia's house. Highway Map: It shows a map of the highway system outside of Koba. Hypnotic Pendulum: One of Duster's special skills for use in battle. Koba Sketch: Get this when you take the job in the warehouse; it shows the layout of the place. Light Egg: The treasure found on the strange creature in the dump alongside the highway in Chapter 5. Mole Cricket Hole Map: It shows a map of the Mole Cricket Hole. Pendant: A mysterious pendant found in Castle Osohe. Phrygia's Notebook: A notebook you receive from Phrygia before they vanish. Pig Notebook: Found on the ground after the Remodeled Caribou fight. Route Drawing: A map of the route along the train tracks. Saturn Valley Map: A strange map of the Saturn Valley region. Scrap of Cloth: Found atop the cliff in Chapter 1, hanging on a branch. Siren Beetle: One of Duster's special skills for use in battle. Smoke Bomb: One of Duster's special skills for use in battle. Snake Rope: Allows you to cross a wide gap inside Castle Osohe. Stink Bug's Memory: It stays with you after visiting Leader; it will repeat his story if you want to hear it. Sublime Vase: An enigmatic vase found in Castle Osohe. Tasty Pickles: A gift from Mixolydia which you must deliver to Ionia. Tatsumairi Map: It's a map showing the Tatsumairi village and outlying areas. Ticket: You need this to ride the Ropeway in Chapter 4. Tickler Stick: One of Duster's special skills for use in battle. Tower Sketch: A rough map of the Thunder Tower. Underground Passage Map: A map of the underground passages. Underwater Map: A map of the underwater sea region. Wall Ladder: Used to create steps along the side of the cliff, so that your party can climb to the summit. Words of Encouragement: Get by reading the sign in Phrygia's house; it is used to move the rocks outside the house. ============= Regular Items ============= Alarm Clock: Removes the sleep status effect. Antidote: Removes the poison status effect. Beef Jerky: Recovers 60HP. Big Lobster Soup: Recovers 150HP. Big Shell Steak: Recovers 180HP. Blast Bomb: Seems to appear if you use the Exploding Bomb once. This will cause several explosions to go off, causing greater damage to the enemy, before disappearing from your inventory. Bomb: A bomb for use in battle to damage enemies. Bread Roll: Recovers 60HP. Chick: It's the young chicken that hatches from a Fresh Egg. Chicken: A fully grown chicken which you get from holding onto a Chick for a while. Croissant: Recovers 70HP. Divine Medicine: Removes all status effects from an ally when used in battle. Dog Beef Jerky: Boney recovers 150HP if used; 6HP if anyone else uses it. Dog Cookie: Boney recovers 60HP if used; 10HP if anyone else uses it. Double Beef Jerky: Recovers 160HP. Drago Fang: Used to aid in defeating the Mecha Drago boss. Dragonfly: When used in battle, it simply flies in the air; nothing happens. Dung: It's a ball of feces, not very useful for you to have. Edible Mushroom: Recovers 20HP. Egg Whites: Recovers 100HP. Eoria's Memento: In battle, it will automatically revive the party member who has it in their inventory if they die. Exploding Bomb: In battle, several explosions go off to cause lots of damage to the enemy. Eye Drops: Removes the crying status effect. Fan: Removes the feeling strange status effect. Fish Stew: Recovers 150HP. Flea Powder: Removes the fleas status effect from Boney. Fresh Egg: Recovers 80HP. Will hatch into a chicken if unused for too long. Fresh Milk: Recovers 80HP. Will become Old Milk if kept for too long. Fresh Mint: Removes the nausea status effect. Grilled Fish: Recovers 120HP. Healthy Chicken: Recovers 170HP. Hermit Crab's Shell: Find this shell below a hole in the Sea; give it back to its owner for a reward. High-Class Banana: Recovers 120HP. Honey Shower: When used in battle, a large group of bees will appear to attack the enemy. Hot Pasta: Recovers 190HP. Insecticide: Causes a great amount of damage to insect enemies in battle. Intense Soda: Recovers 20HP. Janaika Tea: A rare tea that recovers 15HP. King Burger: Recovers 280HP. Life Noodles: Removes all status effects, and revives a fallen party member. Lucky Rice: The amount of HP you will recover depends on luck. Lydia's Memento: In battle, it will automatically revive the party member who has it in their inventory if they die. Magic Cake: Recovers 50PP. Magic Jelly: Recovers 20PP. Magic Pudding: Recovers 40PP. Magic Tart: Recovers 30PP. Mamorin: When used in battle only, your defense is increased. Megalopolis Burger: Recovers 100HP. Megalopolis Cola: Recovers 30HP. Megalopolis Fries: Recovers 70HP. Megalopolis Soda: Recovers 20HP. Meteotite: No use, other than to be sold for cash. Mini Hot Dog: Recovers 120HP. Mixolydia's Memento: In battle, it will automatically revive the party member who has it in their inventory if they die. Mole Cricket's Little Brother: When used, you return to the entrance to the Mole Cricket Hole. New Year's Eve Bomb: When used in battle, it reduces all enemy's HP to 1. Numbness Medicine: Removes the numbness status effect. Nut: Recovers 5HP. Nut Bread: Recovers 30HP. Nut Cookie: Recovers 15HP. Old Banana: Can be thrown in battle to damage the enemy. Old Milk: Recovers 10HP. Will become Yogurt if kept for too long. Pencil Rocket: Can be launched in battle to cause lots of damage to an enemy. Phrygia's Memento: In battle, it will automatically revive the party member who has it in their inventory if they die. Pickles: Recovers 10HP. Pork Chips: Recovers 50HP. Pork Meal: Recovers 100HP. Pork Noodles: Recovers 80HP. Puzzle Card 1: A mysterious card found in a present box in the Inn. Puzzle Card 2: A mysterious card found in a present box at the Thunder Tower. Quirky Cheese: Recovers a random amount of HP, depending on the character that uses it. Reminder Beat: Removes the memory loss status effect. Roasted Yam: Recovers 40HP. Rotten Eclair: Can be traded at the Ghost Bazaar. Salt Water Gun: A blaster that shoots salty water at the enemy to attack. Seashell: A shell that can be picked up along the beaches. Sincerity Dumpling: Recovers 100HP. Special Pizza: Recovers 250HP. Strange Rice: When used, its effects can be either good or bad; the result is totally random. Strawberry Tofu: Recovers 120HP. Striker Gun: When used in battle, it will single out the targeted enemy for all further attacks. Super Bomb: A very strong bomb for use in battle to damage all enemies. Tekitsuyomemin: When used in battle, it makes the enemy much stronger. However, you will gain twice as much experience from winning. Tekiyowamemin: When used in battle, it makes the enemy much weaker. However, you will only gain half the experience from winning. Thick Parfee: Recovers 170HP. Thunder Bomb: Used in battle to damage the enemy with a thunder attack. Tough Steak: Recovers 300HP. Tsuyomerin: When used in battle only, your offense is increased. Turn-Around Rocket: Turns the targeted enemy around in battle, allowing you to attack from behind for added damage. Yogurt: Recovers 80HP. ***************************************************************************** -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= -= 13. PSI Spells -= -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= NOTE: Unless otherwise noted, all PSI spells listed are for Kumatora only. Also, you will notice that there are specific levels in which you learn PSI spells. You do not learn the spells immediately, however. Once you hit the proper level, walk around for a bit and Kumatora will start to sweat, hindering your ability to run. After a short period, she will learn the new spell. ========== Attack PSI ========== PK Fire Alpha Level Learned: N/A (Kumatora) PP: 6 Description: Hit an enemy with a fire attack causing around 100HP damage. PK Fire Beta Level Learned: 23 (Kumatora) PP: 12 Description: Hit all enemies with a fire attack causing around 200HP damage. PK Fire Gamma Level Learned: 43 (Kumatora) PP: 20 Description: Hit all enemies with a fire attack causing around 350HP damage. PK Fire Omega Level Learned: 53 (Kumatora) PP: 40 Description: Hit all enemies with a fire attack causing around 500HP damage. PK Flash Level Learned: N/A (Lucas; learned atop Thunder Tower) PP: 12 Description: Causes the targeted enemy to feel strange, lowering their accuracy in battle. PK Freeze Alpha Level Learned: N/A (Kumatora) PP: 5 Description: Hit an enemy with an ice attack causing around 100HP damage. PK Freeze Beta Level Learned: 28 (Kumatora) PP: 10 Description: Hit an enemy with an ice attack causing around 200HP damage. PK Freeze Gamma Level Learned: 38 (Kumatora) PP: 18 Description: Hit an enemy with an ice attack causing around 350HP damage. PK Freeze Omega Level Learned: 51 (Kumatora) PP: 28 Description: Hit an enemy with an ice attack causing around 500HP damage. PK Ground Level Learned: 60 (Kumatora) PP: 43 Description: Hits random enemies 5 times with a strong ground attack. PK LOVE Alpha Level Learned: N/A (Lucas only) PP: 10 Description: Lucas' favorite PSI, which causes around 150HP damage to all enemies onscreen. PK LOVE Beta Level Learned: N/A (Lucas only; learned after getting first needle) PP: 20 Description: Lucas' favorite PSI, which causes around 250HP damage to all enemies onscreen. PK LOVE Gamma Level Learned: N/A (Lucas only; learned after getting third needle) PP: 35 Description: Lucas' favorite PSI, which causes around 350HP damage to all enemies onscreen. PK LOVE Omega Level Learned: N/A (Lucas only; learned after getting seventh needle) PP: 50 Description: Lucas' favorite PSI, which causes around 750HP damage to all enemies onscreen. PK Starstorm Level Learned: N/A (Kumatora only; learned after getting seventh needle) PP: 48 Description: An extremely powerful PSI attack which hits all enemies for around 750HP damage. PK Thunder Alpha Level Learned: 12 (Kumatora) PP: 7 Description: Hit an enemy with a thunder attack causing around 150HP damage. PK Thunder Beta Level Learned: 32 (Kumatora) PP: 15 Description: Hit an enemy twice with a thunder attack causing around 300HP damage total. PK Thunder Gamma Level Learned: 49 (Kumatora) PP: 21 Description: Hit an enemy three times with a thunder attack causing around 450HP damage total. PK Thunder Omega Level Learned: 57 (Kumatora) PP: 32 Description: Hit an enemy four times with a thunder attack causing around 600HP damage total. ============ Recovery PSI ============ Healing Alpha Level Learned: N/A (Kumatora) N/A (Lucas) PP: 4 Description: Removes any status ailments of a single party member. Healing Beta Level Learned: 25 (Lucas) PP: 8 Description: Removes any status ailments from all party members. Healing Gamma Level Learned: 39 (Lucas) PP: 18 Description: Removes any status ailments and revives a single party member. Healing Omega Level Learned: 56 (Lucas) PP: 30 Description: Removes any status ailments and revives all party members. Life Up Alpha Level Learned: 12 (Kumatora) N/A (Lucas) PP: 5 Description: Recovers around 60HP for one person in your party. Life Up Beta Level Learned: 18 (Lucas) 31 (Kumatora) PP: 9 Description: Recovers around 120HP for one person in your party. Life Up Gamma Level Learned: 43 (Lucas) PP: 16 Description: Recovers all HP for one person in your party. Life Up Omega Level Learned: 50 (Lucas) PP: 28 Description: Recovers around 240HP for all party members. PSI Magnet Alpha Level Learned: 27 (Kumatora) PP: 0 Description: Drains some PP from an enemy in battle if successful. PSI Magnet Omega Level Learned: 45 (Kumatora) PP: 0 Description: Drains some PP from all enemies in battle if successful. Refresh Level Learned: 58 (Lucas) PP: 20 Description: All party members will slowly recover HP during each round of battle. ========== Assist PSI ========== Brain Shock Alpha Level Learned: 25 (Kumatora) PP: 7 Description: The targeted enemy will feel strange in battle, causing it to attack itself, etc. Brain Shock Omega Level Learned: 47 (Kumatora) PP: 22 Description: All enemies will feel strange in battle, causing them to attack themselves, etc. Counter Alpha Level Learned: 27 (Lucas) PP: 12 Description: If the character it's used on is attacked in battle, they will immediately counter attack that specific enemy. Counter Omega Level Learned: 51 (Lucas) PP: 28 Description: If the character it's used on is attacked in battle, they will immediately counter attack all the enemies. Defense Down Alpha Level Learned: 19 (Kumatora) PP: 7 Description: Lowers the targeted enemy's defensive power. Defense Down Omega Level Learned: 40 (Kumatora) PP: 20 Description: Lowers all enemy's defensive power. Defense Up Alpha Level Learned: 17 (Lucas) PP: 6 Description: Raises the targeted party member's defensive power. Defense Up Omega Level Learned: 30 (Lucas) PP: 18 Description: Raises all party member's defensive power. Hypnosis Alpha Level Learned: 21 (Kumatora) PP: 6 Description: When used in battle, it can cause the targeted enemy to fall asleep. Hypnosis Omega Level Learned: 35 (Kumatora) PP: 18 Description: When used in battle, it can cause all enemies to fall asleep. Offense Down Alpha Level Learned: N/A (Kumatora) PP: 7 Description: Lowers the targeted enemy's offensive power. Offense Down Omega Level Learned: 37 (Kumatora) PP: 20 Description: Lowers all enemy's offensive power. Offense Up Alpha Level Learned: 14 (Lucas) PP: 6 Description: Raises the targeted party member's offensive power. Offense Up Omega Level Learned: 36 (Lucas) PP: 18 Description: Raises all party member's offensive power. Paralysis Alpha Level Learned: 17 (Kumatora) PP: 8 Description: Paralyzes a single enemy. Paralysis Omega Level Learned: 29 (Kumatora) PP: 24 Description: Paralyzes all enemies. PSI Counter Alpha Level Learned: 33 (Lucas) PP: 18 Description: If the character it's used on is attacked in battle with PSI, they will immediately counter with the same PSI. PSI Counter Omega Level Learned: 53 (Lucas) PP: 34 Description: When used, if any party member is attacked in battle with PSI, they will immediately counter with the same PSI. PSI Shield Alpha Level Learned: 28 (Lucas) PP: 8 Description: Partially deflects PSI attacks, causing you to take much less damage. The shield wears off after being hit by PSI 3 times. PSI Shield Omega Level Learned: 45 (Lucas) PP: 20 Description: Partially deflects PSI attacks against all party members. The shield wears off after being hit by PSI 3 times. Shield Alpha Level Learned: 22 (Lucas) PP: 6 Description: Partially deflects physical attacks, causing you to take much less damage. The shield wears off after being hit 3 times. Shield Omega Level Learned: 35 (Lucas) PP: 18 Description: Partially deflects physical attacks against all party members. The shield wears off after being hit 3 times. ***************************************************************************** -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= -= 14. Shops -= -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= ========================= Central Plaza (Chapter 2) ========================= Thomas' Bazaar -------------- Name Price ---- ----- Exploding Bomb 0 Old Banana 0 Flea Charm 0 Edible Mushroom 0 Antidote 0 Janaika Tea 0 ======================== Castle Osohe (Chapter 2) ======================== Ghost Bazaar ------------ NOTE: In here, the price is designated by the amount of Rotten Eclairs you need to trade. Name Price ---- ----- Fresh Mint 1 Snake Rope 1 Beef Jerky 2 ========================= Central Plaza (Chapter 4) ========================= Thomas' Bazaar -------------- Name Price ---- ----- Child's Shirt 100 Child's Hat 50 Strength Bracelet 160 Blast Bomb 200 Antidote 8 Fan 12 Alarm Clock 18 Bakery ------ Name Price ---- ----- Nut Cookie 8 Nut Bread 12 Bread Roll 30 Quirky Cheese 20 Fresh Milk 60 Fresh Egg 40 ================= Beach (Chapter 4) ================= Vendor ------ Name Price ---- ----- Aloha Coat 1600 Big Lobster Soup 350 Big Shell Steak 400 ================ Koba (Chapter 4) ================ Vending Machine --------------- Name Price ---- ----- Intense Soda 6 Beef Jerky 26 Antidote 8 Fan 12 Eye Drops 10 Flea Powder 30 ======================== Club Titiboo (Chapter 4) ======================== Merhcandise Vendor ------------------ Name Price ---- ----- DCMC Pamphlet 100 DCMC Shirt 360 DCMC Hat 200 DCMC Ring 400 Pickles 10 Bar --- Name Price ---- ----- Megalopolis Soda 8 Megalopolis Cola 10 Megalopolis Burger 60 Megalopolis Fries 40 Dog Cookie 16 ====================== Club Attic (Chapter 4) ====================== Mouse Vendor ------------ Name Price ---- ----- Better Stick 500 Bread Roll 30 Antidote 8 Numbness Medicine 14 Blast Bomb 200 Pencil Rocket 500 Insecticide 100 Turn-Around Rocket 50 ======================== Bathing Cave (Chapter 5) ======================== Mole Vendor ----------- Name Price ---- ----- Better Stick 500 Strong Gloves 300 Sharp Shoes 480 Fly Charm 350 Sparrow Bandana 200 Blue Ribbon 180 Sheep Bracelet 600 ========================= Nendo Factory (Chapter 5) ========================= Vending Machine (Left) ---------------------- Name Price ---- ----- Pork Noodles 80 Numbness Medicine 14 Fresh Mint 16 Fan 12 Reminder Beat 20 Eye Drops 10 Divine Medicine 600 Vending Machine (Right) ----------------------- Name Price ---- ----- Better Stick 500 Strong Gloves 300 Sharp Shoes 480 Fly Charm 350 Sparrow Bandana 200 Blue Ribbon 180 Sheep Bracelet 600 ======================== Parking Area (Chapter 5) ======================== Vendor Outside Café ------------------- Name Price ---- ----- Handy Yo-Yo 650 Souvenir Dress 1400 Cow Bracelet 1200 Pork Chips 28 Pork Noodles 80 Fresh Mint 16 Divine Medicine 600 ========================= Thunder Tower (Chapter 5) ========================= Vending Machine #1 ------------------ Name Price ---- ----- Good Stick 1500 Rubber Boots 1360 Light Brown Collar 1600 Pork Noodles 80 Numbness Medicine 14 Fresh Mint 16 Fan 12 Divine Medicine 600 Vending Machine #2 ------------------ Name Price ---- ----- Rubber Cape 1200 Pork Noodles 80 High-Class Banana 500 Numbness Medicine 14 Fan 12 Eye Drops 10 Divine Medicine 600 Pencil Rocket 500 Turn-Around Rocket 50 ======================= Chimera Lab (Chapter 7) ======================= Vending Machine --------------- Name Price ---- ----- Very Good Stick 2000 Pork Noodles 80 Pork Meal 120 Antidote 8 Eye Drops 10 Numbness Medicine 14 Fresh Mint 16 Divine Medicine 600 Scientist (Lobby) ----------------- Name Price ---- ----- Tsuyomerin 1000 Mamorin 1000 Tekitsuyomemin 800 Tekiyowamemin 1200 ============================= Mole Cricket Hole (Chapter 7) ============================= Mole Cricket Shop ----------------- Name Price ---- ----- Sincerity Dumpling 100 ========================= Lydia's House (Chapter 7) ========================= Mole Cricket Shop ----------------- Name Price ---- ----- Sincerity Dumpling 100 Warm Sweater 1000 Bantam Charm 540 Bear Hat 720 White Ribbon 520 Crab Bracelet 1400 Double Beef Jerky 240 Flea Powder 30 Divine Medicine 600 ========================= Saturn Valley (Chapter 7) ========================= Equipment Shop -------------- Name Price ---- ----- Amusing Stick 2400 Sevolg 1200 Barefoot Shoes 1520 Fire Pendant 1500 Ice Pendant 1500 Thunder Pendant 1500 Boing Ribbon 780 Water Rail Bandana 940 Lion Bracelet 1600 Honey Shower 300 Striker Gun 400 Item Shop --------- Name Price ---- ----- Croissant 40 Strawberry Tofu 180 Lucky Rice 126 Strange Rice 104 Dog Beef Jerky 54 Divine Medicine 600 Life Noodles 1780 =========================== Phrygia's House (Chapter 7) =========================== Mole Cricket Shop ----------------- Name Price ---- ----- Sincerity Dumpling 100 Numbness Medicine 14 Alarm Clock 18 Fan 12 Reminder Beat 20 Flea Powder 30 ============================= Mixolydia's House (Chapter 7) ============================= Mole Cricket Shop ----------------- Name Price ---- ----- Sincerity Dumpling 100 Prickly Weapon 3240 Wing Charm 1280 Balance Bracelet 2400 Double Beef Jerky 240 Alarm Clock 18 Reminder Beat 20 Flea Powder 30 Divine Medicine 600 Life Noodles 1780 Pencil Rocket 500 Insecticide 100 ===================================== Ausakeki Ridge Hot Spring (Chapter 7) ===================================== Mole Cricket Shop ----------------- Name Price ---- ----- Sincerity Dumpling 100 Artisan's Stick 3980 Mighty Gloves 2690 Non-Slip Shoes 3660 Lucky Hat 1640 Classy Bandana 1520 Pumice Charm 1540 Grilled Fish 150 Healthy Chicken 300 Numbness Medicine 14 Alarm Clock 18 Divine Medicine 600 Life Noodles 1780 ========================= Ionia's House (Chapter 7) ========================= Mole Cricket Shop ----------------- Name Price ---- ----- Sincerity Dumpling 100 Healthy Chicken 300 Divine Medicine 600 Life Noodles 1780 Blast Bomb 200 Pencil Rocket 500 ========================= New Pork City (Chapter 8) ========================= Vendor (Outside Theater) ------------------------ Name Price ---- ----- Mini Hot Dog 200 Girl Behind Counter (Theater) ----------------------------- Name Price ---- ----- Fake Bat 20000 Fake Frying Pan 18000 Red Hat 2000 Angel's Ribbon 1500 Pork Chips 28 Pork Noodles 80 Megalopolis Burger 60 Megalopolis Fries 40 Mole Cricket Shop (Below Game Room) ----------------------------------- Name Price ---- ----- Double Beef Jerky 240 Antidote 8 Fresh Mint 16 Divine Medicine 600 Life Noodles 1780 Lady Behind Counter (Food Court) -------------------------------- Mole Cricket Shop ----------------- Name Price ---- ----- King Burger 1700 Tough Steak 2000 Hot Pasta 1400 Special Pizza 1560 Fish Stew 1000 Thick Parfee 1300 Vending Machine (Outside Empire Pokey Building) ----------------------------------------------- Name Price ---- ----- Master's Stick 4860 Expensive Gloves 2360 Excellent Shoes 3520 Profound Charm 1820 Kite Bandana 1840 Scorpion Bracelet 2800 Pig Mask Arms Dealer (Below Pokey Statue) ----------------------------------------- Name Price ---- ----- Pencil Rocket 500 Bomb 1000 Super Bomb 2000 New Year's Eve Bomb 3000 Salt Water Gun 400 ================================= Empire Pokey Building (Chapter 8) ================================= Mole Cricket Shop (Lobby) ------------------------- Name Price ---- ----- Healthy Chicken 300 Divine Medicine 600 Life Noodles 1780 Tsuyomerin 1000 Mamorin 1000 ***************************************************************************** -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= -= 15. Credits -= -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= http://www.mother3.net: For information regarding some of the Special Skills, as well as other data (some HP values, for instance). mbrocket: I borrowed a couple of his item translations since they made a lot more logical sense than the ones I initially had. Ky Master: For sending me the correct name for the Scary Womanizing Pig Mask boss (the one weak against DCMC Pamphlets). ***************************************************************************** -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= -= 16. Copyright Notice -= -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= This file is Copyright (c)2006-2007 Devin Morgan. All rights reserved. Please view the following URL to see the list of sites that are allowed to post my work: http://www.freewebs.com/dbmfaqs/allowlist.html This list is comprised of sites I know and trust well. If your site is not on the aforementioned list, you are currently not allowed to post any of my files on your site. Please respect my work and do not steal it or post it without my permission. I only want my most recent work to be available and I do not feel that can be achieved if others take from me without my knowledge or permission. If you are writing a FAQ for this game as well, and would like to use some information, credit me for what you use. Please do not rip me off, as that is blatant plagiarism and such will not be tolerated. If you wish to contact me, do so at dbmfaqs(at)gmail(dot)com. Please only contact me if there are corrections to be made to information that's currently included. Thanks! http://www.gamefaqs.com/features/recognition/3579.html =- End of File -=