XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX METALGUN SLINGER SCRIPT AND ENGLISH TRANSLATION XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX Rules of the Road 1. Please don't repost anything whhtout linking back. Go ahead and print it for your own personal use if you want, but if you need someone else to look at this (for whatever reason), then do send them this way. It's hosted on Gamefaqs, so if it's anywhere else, then that person couldn't read Spiffy rule Numero Uno. No gold star for that kid. 2. Don't take my translation as a 100% set-in-stone deal. I'm really good at making mistakes. Too good, actually. I went in order from scene to scene, and I went with the context and character nuances of the scene before I did matching the literal bit. If you see something egragiously wrong, as in the meaning of the scene went right the hell over my head, do send me an eMail and explain it to me. The menu stuff, such as the badges and the like are probably going to be victim of this, since I don't even remember double checking and all that jazz. 3. Originally, I wanted to have an English patch made for the game, so more people would be able to play it and really enjoy themselves. (The last person to offer any help vanished from the face of the Earth. Not that I blame him either, it's visibly very daunting). If you have any hacking capabilities and have an interest in helping with an English patc for the game, send me an eMail. I would love to hear from you. 4. I'm not going to be replaying the game anytime soon, so I'm not going to identify what levels and scenes each bit appear at. I assume you won't have any trouble reading along as you play. There are about 40 documents to work with in a 2-3 hour game like this. I'm going to jump the gun and say that you've got it. 5. If you are looking for a stoyline translation, that'll come up in a seperate FAQ. since I keep the Japanese text to help along, it would simply be too confusing. That would just be too much to organize and finagle with until it looked nice. I figured that 2 documents were better than one for that reason. XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX Table of Contents XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX 1. Introduction to the game 2. Game interface/menu/extras. If you bump into a sign to read, menu options or bounties and the like, this is where it'll go. a. Menu [xxdifcc] b. Tutorial [ttwwmm] c. Badges / ARTS [fffdgaa] d. Bounties [bxbxbx] e. Credits / Post- Credits [dfgcpl] 4. Name translations and explanations and whatnot / FAQ, if the need arises 5. Contact 6. Copyrights and all that mischief XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX 1. Introduction to Metalgun Slinger XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX As far as gameplay is concerned, it's basically one of the older Megaman games, but mix in a light Western theme and you have Metalgun Slinger. It was released in 2002 in Japan only, developed by AtMark and published by Open Sesame Inc. It was relatively early in the GBA's release, around a year or so in, so any reasons why it wasn't released here are unknown. It's not a massive game, despite having a spiffy opening theme song as well as an ending theme song as well. It's a nicely packed in little game that will last you about three or so hours. So the locale is a desert planet with enough of a Dr. Robotnik influence called "Alamo. " (ア ラモ). It's basically Trigun for your sweet little brother or sister... if your brother or sister happened to be too cool for school and isn't absorbed in a DS or a 3DS at this point. Bless. Anyhow, on to the translations! XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX a. ------------------[xxdifcc] Menu Translation ------------------------- タイトルに戻ります。 Return to Title. チュートリア ルを開始します。 Start the Tutorial. 賞金首データが見られます。 Check out bounty information. ステージデータが見られます。 Check out stage data. よろしいですか? Is this okay? どれを削除しますか Do you want to DELETE this data? どこにコピーしますか Where would you like COPY this data? どれをコピーしますか COPY this data? どのゲームを始めますか START this game? 上書きしますか? OVERWRITE this data? 削除しますか? Are you sure you want to DELETE this data? マップに戻ります。 BACK TO MAP. このステージをやり直します。 Redo this STAGE. キーを設定します。 Set up KEYS. ガンア ーツやシェリフバッジ を設定します。 Set up BADGES and GUN ARTS here. よろしいですか? Is this okay? XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX b. ------------------[ttwwmm] Tutorial Translation------------------------- ショットボタンでメタルガン発射! Hit the SHOOT BUTTON to use the Metalgun! -- 敵を倒すとペルノグラが出現するぞ。 捕獲してGFを補給しよう。 When an enemy is defeated, Perla Negra will appear. Pick them up to attain GUN FORCE. -- 回復ア イテムを落とす敵もいるぞ。 Enemies will also drop recovery items. -- ア イテムはすぐに消えてしまうので Items are used immediately. -- 取り逃がさないようにしよう。 Don't let anything get away! -- ア ーツボタンと十字ボタンで ガンア ーツが発動するぞ。 Use the ARTS BUTTON and the ARROW PAD to fire GUN ARTS. -- 今 、装備しているガンア ーツは The Gun Arts you currently have installed is... -- 「ワイルドキャット」! よけ系の技が中心だ! 「WILDCAT」! Dodge through your enemies! -- 敵が弾を撃ったらア ーツボタンと↑で 弾をよけるぞ! やってみよう! 次はア ーツボタンと→を入力! To dodge enemy bullets, use your ARTS along with an ↑button. Give it a go! Hit the ARTS BUTTON, then press →. -- 今度は飛びこんで弾をよけるぞ! さらに飛びこみ中にショットすると 、 ほふく三連射だ! This time, try to dash from the bullets. Furthermore, when shooting mid-dash, you can fire three bullets straight! -- その他にも 、様々なガンア ーツが ある。 Along the way, you'll find several different types of GUN ARTS. -- 手に入れたら色々試してみよう! ガンア ーツはGFを消費するので 、 こまめにペルノグラをつかまえよう。 ア ーツボタンとショットボタンや ア ーツボタンとジャンプボタンを押すと 、 スーパーガンア ーツが発動するぞ! There are all kinds to try out! GUN ARTS consume GF, so be sure to pick up Perla Negra regularly. When you use the ARTS + SHOOT, or ARTS + JUMP, at the same time, you will trigger Super Gun Arts! -- メタルガンが変化しての 強力攻撃や 、特殊攻撃が可能だ! 中には 、宙返り中にア ーツボタンを 押すことで発動するものも あるぞ。 It changes the Metalgun's attacks, making special, powerful attacks possible! You can also fire with the Arts button while tumbling. -- ただし 、使用すると弾丸が 減るので使いすぎに要注意! 弾丸は宝箱から補給可能だ! However, bullets do run out when overused! Find treasure boxes for more ammo! -- ハシゴ 、トゲ 、ロープ 、動く足場など ステージには様々な要素が存在するぞ。 In each stage, there are scaffolds, ladders, thorns, ropes and all sorts of gimmicks that lie ahead. -- ハシゴからロープへ 飛び移ることも可能だ。 ハシゴやロープからの攻撃もできるぞ。 On a rope ladder, you can jump from one thing to another. You can also attack while climbing a ladder. -- トーテムポールの前で ショットボタンを押すと 体力を回復してくれるぞ。 Pressing the SHOOT button in front of a totem pole will heal you. -- →→や↑↑でもいろんな技が出るぞ。 技の途中で他のボタンを押すと 、 違う技に連結するぞ。 →→and↑↑will do different things too. When pressing a different button, mid-skill, you will pull off a whole new move. -- たとえば 、→→で側転中に ジャンプボタンで宙返り。 For example, press →→ for a cartwheel, then Somersault with the JUMP button. -- さらに宙返り中に↓とショットボタンで 空中で下に三連射するぞ! Press ↓and SHOOT when tumbling to fire three shots in the air! -- GFが残っている状態で 、 技を連続して発生させると 、 特別な効果がビリーに表れるぞ! がんばって技をつなげてみよう。 スタートボタンを押すと オプション画面が開くぞ。 As long as you have GF, trying out different skill sequences will give Billy some special effects! Try to connect your skills. Press the Start button and open the Options screen. キー操作などはここで変えられるぞ。 You can arrange KEYS here. -- 点滅している台に飛び乗れば ステージ終了だ。 Jump onto a flashing platform to help you reach the finish line. -- さま ざまな要素をうまく使って 、 各ステージを攻略していこう。 Use a good variety of these tips, tricks and techniques to clear each stage. -- 滑車のフックに飛びつけば 、 目的地まで一直線! Jumping on a pulley will take you straight to your destination! -- この先のステージには 賞金首が潜んでいるぞ! Bounties will lurk around further on in each stage! -- 見つけ出して無事撃破すると ソウルダイヤが手に入る! Should you spot one and defeat it, you'll score a Reward Diamond! -- ソウルダイヤを4つ手に入れると HPのMAXがア ップするぞ! Finding 4 Reward Diamonds will boost your MAX HP! -- スライディングをうまく使うと 敵をすり抜けることができるぞ。 Make good use of sliding to slip past the enemy. -- XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX c. ------------------ [fffdgaa] ARTS/ Badges Translation-------------------- [[ARTS]] 幻獣の名を冠した 強力な攻撃中心のア ーツ。 Powerful ART attack that bears the name of the Phantom Beast. -- 素早く地を這う姿を模した 低空移動中心のア ーツ。 Low-ground crawling ARTS that imitates creatures skating across the ground. -- 天空を舞う姿を模した 空中攻撃中心のア ーツ。 Aerial attack ARTS that mimics the image of skydancers. -- 力強い動作を模した 体当たり中心のア ーツ。 Strike a heavy blow with the ARTs of powerful action. -- 俊敏な動きを模した 、 避け動作中心のア ーツ。 Dodge aversions with the ARTS of agility. --- [[BADGES]] ガンフォースが減りにくくなります。 メタルガンが強化され 、 敵に与えるダメージが増加します。 Gun Force is slightly reduced. METALGUN power enhances, increases damage dealt on the enemy. -- -空中射撃が3WAYになります。 その代わり受けるダメージが増えます。 Aerial gunning goes 3WAY. Makes Billy more susceptible to damage. -- ダメージを受けにくくなります。 Makes Billy less susceptible to damage. -- ビリーの父親の形見です。 A memento of Billy's father. -- XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX d. ------------------[bxbxbx] Bounties Translation------------------------- 手配書■,0205// ポーン 罪状// 「通貨偽造」 「詐欺」 Hit No. 0205 // Pawn Charges// 「Counterfeiting」 「Fraud」 ---- 手配書■,6972//ポイズンヘラルド 罪状// 「不 法侵入」 「食料強奪」 Hit No. 6972 // Poison Herold Charges// 「Trespassing」 「Snack-Snatching」 ----- 手配書■,1543//ニコール 罪状// 「ロバ泥棒」 「密猟」 Hit No. 1543//Niccolo 「Donkey Thief」 「Poaching」 ---- 手配書■,1943//トマホーク 罪状// 「武器の密輸」 Hit No. 1943// Tomahawk Charges// 「Weapons Smuggling」 ---- 手配書■,0258//ジル・モーガン 罪状// 「列車強盗」 Hit No. 0258// Jill Morgan Charges// 「Train Robbery」 ----- 手配書■,2005//リグ・モーガン 罪状// 「列車強盗」 Hit No. 2005// Rigg Morgan Charges// 「Train Robbery」 ---- 手配書■,1586//ア ークライト 罪状// 「家屋破壊」 「器物損壊」 Hit No. 1586// Arclight Charges// 「Destruction of Houses」 「Destruction of Property」 ----- 手配書■,3647//ブッチ 罪状// 「警官殺し」 「脱獄」 Hit No. 3647//Butch Charges// 「Cop Killer」 「Jailbreak」 ---- 手配書■,1300//ア ップル 罪状// 「食い逃げ」 「野菜泥棒」 Hit No. 1300//Apple Charges// 「Bilking」 「Stealing Vegetables」 ----- 手配書■,5236//ボウボウ 罪状// 「牛泥棒」 「羊泥棒」 「馬泥棒」 Hit No. 5236//Boubou Charges// 「Rustler」 「Sheep Thief」 「Horse Thief」 ------ 手配書■,0021//ハンギングマン 罪状// 「不 法侵入」 「殺人」 Hit No. 0021 // Hangman Charges// 「Trespassing」 「Murder」 ----- 手配書■,4893//閃光のウィリア ム 罪状// 「スリ」 Hit No. 4893// Flash William Charges// 「Pickpocket」 ----- 手配書■,1234//ライトニング 罪状// 「連続殺人」 Hit No. 1234//Lightning Charges// 「Serial Killer」 ----- 手配書■,0293//ミスター・タナカ 罪状// 「結婚詐欺」 Hit No. 0293// Mr. Tanaka Charges// 「Marriage Fraud」 ----- 手配書■,7803//豪腕のハーヴェイ 罪状// 「誘拐殺人」 「脅迫」 Hit No. 7803//Sterling-arm Harvey Charges// 「Abduction」 「Intimidation」 ---- 手配書■,0981//ガルシア 罪状// 「おきびき」 「引ったくり」 Hit No. 0981//Garcia Charges// 「Luggage Thied」 「Purse Snatching」 ---- 手配書■,0036//ウィンストン 罪状// 「公務執行妨害」 Hit No. 0036// Winston Charges// 「Obstruction of Duty」 ---- 手配書■,3000//ロッキー 罪状// 「ケンカ」 Hit No. 3000//Rocky Charges// 「Brawling」 ---- 手配書■,9642//鷹目のライコス 罪状// 「連続強盗」 「殺人」 Hit No. 9642//Hawkeye Lycos Charges// 「Repeated Robbery」 「Murder」 --- 手配書■,3875//イーストウッド 罪状// 「警官殺し」 Hit No. 3875//Eastwood Charges// 「Cop Killer」 ---- 手配書■,7345//モティマー大佐 罪状// 「追いはぎ」 「引ったくり」 Hit No. 7345//Colonel Motima Charges// 「Highwayman」 「Snatching」 ---- 手配書■,1956//ジョゼイ 罪状// 「牛泥棒」 Hit No. 1956// Jose Charges// 「Rustler」 ---- XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX e. ------------------[dfgcpl] Credits Translation------------------------- メタルガン・スリンガー 製作スタッフ Metalgun Slinger Production Staff プロデューサー 秋元哲也 Producer Tetsuya Akimoto キャラクターイラスト 有賀ヒトシ Charaacter Illustrator Hitoshi Ariga ディレクター 亀井知英 Director Kamei Tomohide プロダクトマネージャー 高田陽 Product Manager Takada Yoh プランニング 近藤康浩 Planning Yasuhiro Kondo プログラマー 熊田浩司 桜井巌雪 Programmer Koji Kumada Yuki Sakurai Iwao グラフィッカー 大塚真由美 渡辺明寿 佐藤祐治 いわはらまどか Graphics Mayumi Otsuka Watanabe Myoju Yuji Sato Madoka Iwahara サウンドクリエイター 沼田出穂 Sound Creator Numada Shutsuho Takada Yoh サウンドエフェクト 高橋登也 Sound Effects Shinya Takahashi Noboru 宣伝プロデューサー 平澤正博 金子政路 Advertising Producer Masahiro Hirosawa Masamichi Kaneko 宣伝スタッフ 川上みゆき Advertising Staff Miyuki Kawakami オープニングテーマ 「メタルガン・スリンガー」 寺門有紀 作・編曲 剱持満 Opening Theme "Metalgun Slinger" Yuji Terakado Music Arrangement Kenmotsu Mitsuru 唄 Songs Billy’sAngel 仲西環 那須めぐみ 相沢 あすか Billy's Angel Nakanishi Tamaki Megumi Nasu Aizawa Asuka エンディングテーマ 「RADIANT 〜ビリーのテーマ 〜」 音楽プロデューサー (主題歌) 森本信 Ending Theme "RADIANT 〜 Billy's Theme〜" Music Producer (Theme Song) Shin Morimoto 音楽ディレクター (主題歌) 剱持満 Musical Director (Theme song) Kenmotsu Mitsuru 制作ディレクター 高橋易史 Production director Takahashi Eshiki エンジニア (主題歌) 東舘康夫 岡亨 Engineer (Theme Song) Yasuo Higashitate Toru Oka スタジオ スタジオア トムズ Studio STUDIO ATOMS 音楽制作 (主題歌) T.F.C ア ークプロダクション Music Production (Theme Song) T.F.C. Arc Production 協力 フジパシフィック音楽出版 セントラルミュージック 角川書店ドラゴンジュニア 編集部 Cooperation Fuji Pacific Music Publishing Music Central Junior Dragon editorial dep. / Kadokawa Shoten SPECIAL THANKS 小路幸也 開発 有限会社オープンセサミ 制作 めでぃ あっと 販売 株式会社ア ットマーク SPECIAL THANKS Yukiya Shouji Development Open Sesame Co., Ltd. Production Media At Sales Corporation AT MARK XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX ------------------Names, Locations and FAQs------------------------- When looking at character names and seeing just who is talking, there is a label above all of the scripted text in the game, just as you would see in a good slew of other video games. Just match up the katakana / moonrunes you see here with the sprite and run that through your head when the storyline is rolling along. [[[CHARACTERS]]] Billy (ビリー) Main character. Plain and simple. Mabel (メイベル) The rather whiney and immediately irritating tsuntsun girl. Doc (ドク) He's the four-eyed goofball with the glasses. Perla Doc ( ペルドク) Not to spoil everything, but if you can't read katakana, then... Fay (フェイ) Reminds me a fair bit of I-No from Guilty Gear. Hawk (ホーク) The mysterious drifter and Fay's partner in do-gooding. Mapiya (マピヤ) The chatty bird feller that gives Billy the Metalgun in the beginning of the game. Fay's friend/pet from what I could tell. (Worth noting that Mapiya means "sky".) Sun Dance (サン・ダンス) Billy and the gang's pal/acquaintence. Babag-Gun (ババグ・ガン) The wizard feller you'll be seeing a few times. Sam Oldman (サム・オールドマン) One of the higher-ups with the Perla Negra Myna Myna (マイナー・マイナー) Some criminal jackanape Dalton Nandoval (ダルトン・ナンドヴァル) Perla Negra (ペルノグラ) You see those purple orbs floating everywhere? Yeah, that's the villain Billy is all up in a huff about. The Metalgun is made from extractions of the Perla Negra, and absorbing those orbs gives it energy. Likes to go off and posess people and make them all sorts of evil. (Worth noting that it's a run on "black pearl") Zeed (ズィード) You'll see near the end of the game. [[[STAGES]]] These are provided Heaven / Might be Haven, but I think I remember seeing the English world distinctly. Correct me if I'm wrong though. Navenho Gold Mountain Iron Train Cosmopolitan Land / I wish it was cooler, like Rondo, but it really is just a chunk of desert. XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX ------------------Contact------------------------- Brynn /DuCkI3/ Cargodin : Let me know if you have any questions, concerns, corrections or interests! I'd like to hear from people interested in the game. XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX ------------------Credits and Copyrights------------------------- Translation and all of this unorganized FAQ work was done by me. Please do not repost or refer to the translation work done without giving the proper credits. I'm not going to cry myself to sleep over it, but it would be appreciated. Metalgun Slinger is (C) AtMark and Open Sesame Inc. All rights reserved. No infringement or damage was intended. The translations merely exist so Western fans can enjoy the game even further. I guess uh... thanks Nintendo for having it on your system.