Lego Star Wars II: The Original Trilogy Playable Characters FAQ by RandyPandy ================================================================================ Table of Contents ================================================================================ 1) Free Play 2) Character Types a. Droids b. Blaster-Users c. Force-Users d. Non-Humans e. NPCs 3) Playable Characters 4) Copyright ================================================================================ Free Play ================================================================================ Despite what it may look like, the characters chosen for Free Play are not 100% random - there is a pattern to it. When doing Free Play, you will choose one character out of all of the characters that you have unlocked. Outside of your Chosen One, the game will select six characters for you if you have a character that fits that category. When you start Free Play, the game checks who your Chosen One is and then selects what you don't have. You must have: Slot 1: Chewbacca, Wicket W. Warrick, Boba Fett, MSE-6, Baby Rancor, any Rebel Slot 2: Emperor Palpatine, any Jedi Slot 3: Any Astromech Droid Slot 4: Any Protocol Droid Slot 5: Tusken Raider, Darth Vader, any Imperial Slot 6: Lando Calrissian Slot 7: Gamorrean Guard If you don't have any characters that fit a slot's requirements (i.e., you don't have the Tusken Raider, Darth Vader, or any Imperial) then that category is left empty. Because of these rules, it is possible to have both Luke Skywalker (Tatooine or Trooper) in Slot 1 and Luke Skywalker (Padawan or Jedi) in Slot 2 at the same time, hence bringing two Lukes into the level. At the same time, because of these rules, it is possible to get stuck in some Freeplay levels with Imperial Panels and be unable to progress. This will happen if the game's choices cause the following to occur: -Slot 1 has a character that is not Luke Skywalker (Trooper) or Han Solo (Trooper) - this is in levels with Disguise Panels only and doesn't matter in other levels. -Slot 2 does not have Emperor Palpatine -Slot 4 has the Tusken Raider So if you're going into a level with Imperials panels, select an appropriate character as the Chosen One to prevent this from occurring. When playing a vehicle-based level, you can pick from one of the vehicles to play during the entire level. In the chapters 'Trench Run' and 'Hoth Battle', all vehicles will have the secondary weapon (press L) of 'Proton Torpedoes' and 'Cable' no matter which one they are. ================================================================================ Character Types ================================================================================ -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Droids -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Astromech Droids: ----------------- -R2-D2 -R2-Q5 Mouse Droids: ------------- -MSE-6 Protocol Droids: ---------------- -C-3PO -K-3PO The only common feature between all Droids is that they are unable to attack. Astromech Droids are able to access Astromech Panels, while Protocol Droids are able to access Protocol Panels. Only Astromech Droids and Mouse Droids can jump. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Blaster-Users -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Administrators: --------------- -Lando Calrissian Bounty Hunters: --------------- -Boba Fett Imperials: ---------- -Stormtrooper -Imperial Navy Lieutenant -Imperial Navy Trooper -TIE Fighter Pilot -Snowtrooper -Scout Trooper Rebels: ------- -Princess Leia (Senator) -Rebel Trooper -Luke Skywalker (Tatooine) -Han Solo -Luke Skywalker (Trooper) -Han Solo (Trooper) -General Han Solo -Princess Leia (Hoth) -Han Solo (Skiff) -Princess Leia (Bespin) -Princess Leia (Slave) -Princess Leia (Endor) Blaster-Users are named for the fact that the weapon they carry is a Blaster. All Blaster users are able to jump aside from Boba Fett, who uses Jetpack. Lando is able to access Lando Panels. Luke Skywalker (Trooper) and Han Solo (Trooper) can access Disguise Panels. Imperials, disguised Luke Skywalker (Trooper), and disguised Han Solo (Trooper) can access Imperial Panels. All Blaster-users can use Repair. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Force-Users -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Jedi: ----- -Obi-Wan Kenobi -Padawan Luke Skywalker -Luke Skywalker (Jedi) -Yoda Sith Apprentice: ---------------- -Darth Vader Sith Master: ------------ -Emperor Palpatine All Force users are similar - all of them carry a lightsaber melee weapon, can use the Force, and high-jump. The only difference between Jedi and Sith is that both Sith are able to access Imperial Panels. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Non-Humans -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Ewoks: ------ -Wicket W. Warrick Gamorreans: ----------- -Gamorrean Guard Rancors: -------- -Baby Rancor Tuskens: -------- -Tusken Raider Wookies: -------- -Chewbacca Each one of these species is very different. All except for the Baby Rancor can use Repair. Wicket, the Baby Rancor, and the Gamorrean guard have melee weapons while Chewbacca and the Tusken Raider have long-range weapons. The Gamorrean Guard is able to access Gamorrean Panels. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Vehicles -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Vehicles: --------- -X-Wing Fighter -TIE Fighter -Vader TIE Advanced -Snowspeeder -Probe Droid -Millenium Falcon -Speeder Bike - Rebel -Speeder Bike - Trooper -Slave-1 All of the ships are very similar. All of them can attack with lasers, and use the same L ability during specific missions. Vehicles can only be played in the vehicle-based Free Play missions such as Trench Run. Only the X-Wing Fighter has an L ability outside of 'Trench Run' and 'Hoth Battle'. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- NPCs -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Episode IV: ---------- -Bith Musician -Greedo -Jawa -Wuher Episode V: ---------- -Bespin Guard -Luke Skywalker (Hoth) -Wampa Episode VI: ----------- -Gold Ewok with Pink Hat -Gray Ewok with White Hat -Jabba the Hutt -Jabba's Rancor -Lando Calrissian (Guard) Vehicles: --------- -AT-AT Walker -AT-ST Walker These characters all have sprites in the game, but are not playable characters in any way. ================================================================================ Playable Characters ================================================================================ Characters are listed in the order that they appear on the game's Free Play "Character Select" screen, as well as what is needed to unlock them for purchase and the cost to play. ----------------------- |Princess Leia (Senator)| ----------------------- Type: Rebel Weapon: Blaster Cost: 0 Studs Unlocked: From the very beginning Abilities: -Jump - Press A -Shoot - Press B -Charge Shot - Hold down B until the gun glows and then release. -Repair - Hold down R until the broken Lego structure is repaired. ------------- |Rebel Trooper| ------------- Type: Rebel Weapon: Blaster Cost: 0 Studs Unlocked: From the very beginning Abilities: -Jump - Press A -Shoot - Press B -Repair - Hold down R until the broken Lego structure is repaired. ----- |R2-D2| ----- Type: Astromech Droid Weapon: None Cost: 0 Studs Unlocked: Beat the chapter 'Blockade Runner' Abilities: -Jet Thrusters - Press and hold A. -Astromech Panels - Press B near an Astromech Panel to access it. ----- |C-3P0| ----- Type: Protocol Droid Weapon: None Cost: 0 Studs Unlocked: Beat the chapter 'Blockade Runner' Abilities: -Friendly Fire - Will get damaged from your own attacks. -Health Indicator - At half health, damage will be visible and he will move faster. -Protocol Panel - Press B near a Protocol Panel to access it. ------------------------- |Luke Skywalker (Tatooine)| ------------------------- Type: Rebel Weapon: Blaster Cost: 5,000 Studs Unlocked: Beat the chapter 'Tatooine' Abilities: -Jump - Press A -Shoot - Press B -Repair - Hold down R until the broken Lego structure is repaired. -------------- |Obi Wan Kenobi| -------------- Type: Jedi Weapon: Blue Lightsaber Cost: 2,000 Studs Unlocked: Beat the chapter 'Tatooine' Abilities: -Hi-Jump - Press and hold A -Slash - Press B -Reflect - Press B while a shot is coming to reflect it back. -Defend - Hold down B to send shots back -Shockwave - Press A to jump and while falling, hold down B -The Force - Hold down R until the manipulation is finished. -Mind Trick - Press L to confuse enemies -------- |Han Solo| -------- Type: Rebel Weapon: Blaster Cost: 600 Studs Unlocked: Beat the chapter 'Death Star Escape' Abilities: -Jump - Press A -Shoot - Press B -Repair - Hold down R until the broken Lego structure is repaired. -Tumble Dodge - Will tumble dodge automatically when hit sometimes. --------- |Chewbacca| --------- Type: Wookie Weapon: Crossbow Cost: 3,500 Studs Unlocked: Beat the chapter 'Tatooine' Abilities: -Jump - Press A -Shoot - Press B -Bash - Press L to use the Crossbow as a melee weapon. -Repair - Hold down R until the broken Lego structure is repaired. ------------------------ |Luke Skywalker (Trooper)| ------------------------ Type: Rebel Weapon: Blaster Cost: 8,000 Studs Unlocked: Beat the chapter 'Death Star Rescue' Abilities: -Jump - Press A -Shoot - Press B -Repair - Hold down R until the broken Lego structure is repaired. -Disguise - Will not be attacked if only seen wearing a Stormtrooper helmet -Disguise Panel - Press B near a Disguise Panel to wear a Stormtrooper helmet -Imperial Panel - Press B while wearing a Stormtrooper helmet ------------------ |Han Solo (Trooper)| ------------------ Type: Rebel Weapon: Blaster Cost: 8,000 Studs Unlocked: Beat the chapter 'Death Star Rescue' Abilities: -Jump - Press A -Shoot - Press B -Repair - Hold down R until the broken Lego structure is repaired. -Tumble Dodge - Will tumble dodge automatically when hit sometimes. -Disguise - Will not be attacked if only seen wearing a Stormtrooper helmet -Disguise Panel - Press B near a Disguise Panel to wear a Stormtrooper helmet -Imperial Panel - Press B while wearing a Stormtrooper helmet ---------------- |General Han Solo| ---------------- Type: Rebel Weapon: Blaster Cost: 3,000 Studs Unlocked: Beat the chapter 'Hoth Escape' Abilities: -Jump - Press A -Shoot - Press B -Repair - Hold down R until the broken Lego structure is repaired. -Tumble Dodge - Will tumble dodge automatically when hit sometimes. -------------------- |Princess Leia (Hoth)| -------------------- Type: Rebel Weapon: Blaster Cost: 3,000 Studs Unlocked: Beat the chapter 'Hoth Escape' Abilities: -Jump - Press A -Shoot - Press B -Charge Shot - Hold down B until the gun glows and then release. -Repair - Hold down R until the broken Lego structure is repaired. ---------------- |Han Solo (Skiff)| ---------------- Type: Rebel Weapon: Blaster Cost: 4,200 Studs Unlocked: Beat the chapter 'Jabba's Palace' Abilities: -Jump - Press A -Shoot - Press B -Repair - Hold down R until the broken Lego structure is repaired. -Tumble Dodge - Will tumble dodge automatically when hit sometimes. ---------------------- |Princess Leia (Bespin)| ---------------------- Type: Rebel Weapon: Blaster Cost: 6,300 Studs Unlocked: Beat the chapter 'Cloud City Rescue' Abilities: -Jump - Press A -Shoot - Press B -Charge Shot - Hold down B until the gun glows and then release. -Repair - Hold down R until the broken Lego structure is repaired. ---------------- |Lando Calrissian| ---------------- Type: Administrator Weapon: Blaster Cost: 4,400 Studs Unlocked: Beat the chapter 'Cloud City Rescue' Abilities: -Jump - Press A -Shoot - Press B -Repair - Hold down R until the broken Lego structure is repaired. -Lando Panel - Press B near a Lando Panel to access it. ---------------------- |Padawan Luke Skywalker| ---------------------- Type: Jedi Weapon: Blue Lightsaber Cost: 0 Studs Unlocked: Beat the chapter 'Blockade Runner' Abilities: -Hi-Jump - Press and hold A -Slash - Press B -Reflect - Press B while a shot is coming to reflect it back. -Defend - Hold down B to send shots back -Shockwave - Press A to jump and while falling, hold down B -The Force - Hold down R until the manipulation is finished. -Boomerang - Press L to throw the lightsaber like a boomerang --------------------- |Princess Leia (Slave)| --------------------- Type: Rebel Weapon: Blaster Cost: 25,000 Studs Unlocked: Beat the chapter 'Jabba's Palace' Abilities: -Jump - Press A -Shoot - Press B -Charge Shot - Hold down B until the gun glows and then release. -Punch - Press L -Repair - Hold down R until the broken Lego structure is repaired. --------------------- |Luke Skywalker (Jedi)| --------------------- Type: Jedi Weapon: Green Lightsaber Cost: 30,000 Studs Unlocked: Beat the chapter 'Jabba's Palace' Abilities: -Hi-Jump - Press and hold A -Slash - Press B -Reflect - Press B while a shot is coming to reflect it back. -Defend - Hold down B to send shots back -Shockwave - Press A to jump and while falling, hold down B -The Force - Hold down R until the manipulation is finished. -Boomerang - Press L to throw the lightsaber like a boomerang --------------------- |Princess Leia (Endor)| --------------------- Type: Rebel Weapon: Blaster Cost: 5,800 Studs Unlocked: Beat the chapter 'Endor Battle' Abilities: -Jump - Press A -Shoot - Press B -Charge Shot - Hold down B until the gun glows and then release. -Repair - Hold down R until the broken Lego structure is repaired. ----------------- |Wicket W. Warrick| ----------------- Type: Ewok Weapon: Spear Cost: 4,900 Studs Unlocked: Beat the chapter 'Endor Battle' Abilities: -Jump - Press A -Stab - Press B -Repair - Hold down R until the broken Lego structure is repaired. ----------- |Darth Vader| ----------- Type: Sith Apprentice Weapon: Red Lightsaber Cost: 35,000 Studs Unlocked: Collect 10 Mini-kits in the chapter 'Cloud City Rescue' Abilities: -Hi-Jump - Press and hold A -Slash - Press B -Reflect - Press B while a shot is coming to reflect it back. -Defend - Hold down B to send shots back -Shockwave - Press A to jump and while falling, hold down B -The Force - Hold down R until the manipulation is finished. -Force Choke - Press L to paralyze one enemy temporarily -Resistance - Not pushed back by Force Pushes -Imperial Panel - Press B near an Imperial Panel to access it. ------------ |Stormtrooper| ------------ Type: Imperial Weapon: Blaster Cost: 300 Studs Unlocked: Collect 10 Mini-kits in the chapter 'Blockade Runner' Abilities: -Jump - Press A -Shoot - Press B -Repair - Hold down R until the broken Lego structure is repaired. -Fragile - Dies in 1-2 hits regardless of health. -Imperial Panel - Press B near an Imperial Panel to access it. ------------- |Tusken Raider| ------------- Type: Tusken Weapon: Rifle Cost: 200 Studs Unlocked: Collect 10 Mini-kits in the chapter 'Tatooine' Abilities: -Jump - Press A -Shoot - Press B -Repair - Hold down R until the broken Lego structure is repaired. -Fragile - Dies in 1-2 hits regardless of health. ------------------------ |Imperial Navy Lieutenant| ------------------------ Type: Imperial Weapon: Blaster Cost: 5,300 Studs Unlocked: Collect 10 Mini-kits in the chapter 'Death Star Rescue' Abilities: -Jump - Press A -Shoot - Press B -Repair - Hold down R until the broken Lego structure is repaired. -Imperial Panel - Press B near an Imperial Panel to access it. --------------------- |Imperial Navy Trooper| --------------------- Type: Imperial Weapon: Blaster Cost: 5,300 Studs Unlocked: Collect 10 Mini-kits in the chapter 'Death Star Escape' Abilities: -Jump - Press A -Shoot - Press B -Repair - Hold down R until the broken Lego structure is repaired. -Imperial Panel - Press B near an Imperial Panel to access it. ----------------- |TIE Fighter Pilot| ----------------- Weapon: Blaster Cost: 7,500 Studs Unlocked: Collect 10 Mini-kits in the chapter 'Death Star 2 Battle' Abilities: -Jump - Press A -Shoot - Press B -Repair - Hold down R until the broken Lego structure is repaired. -Imperial Panel - Press B near an Imperial Panel to access it. ----- |MSE-6| ----- Type: Mouse Droid Weapon: None Cost: 100,000 Studs Unlocked: Collect 10 Mini-kits in the chapter 'Cloud City Trap' Abilities: -Jump - Press A -Blend In - Will not get attacked by enemies. ----------- |Snowtrooper| ----------- Type: Imperial Weapon: Blaster Cost: 3,700 Studs Unlocked: Collect 10 Mini-kits in the chapter 'Hoth Escape' Abilities: -Jump - Press A -Shoot - Press B -Repair - Hold down R until the broken Lego structure is repaired. -Imperial Panel - Press B near an Imperial Panel to access it. --------------- |Gamorrean Guard| --------------- Type: Gamorrean Weapon: Shovel Cost: 5,800 Studs Unlocked: Collect 10 Mini-kits in the chapter 'Jabba's Palace' Abilities: -Jump - Press A -Bash - Press B -Repair - Hold down R until the broken Lego structure is repaired. -Gamorrean Panel - Press B near a Gamorrean Panel to access it. --------- |Boba Fett| --------- Type: Bounty Hunter Weapon: Blaster Cost: 175,000 Studs Unlocked: Collect 10 Mini-kits in the chapter 'Sarlaac Pit' Abilities: -Jetpack - Press and hold A. -Shoot - Press B -Repair - Hold down R until the broken Lego structure is repaired. ------------- |Scout Trooper| ------------- Type: Imperial Weapon: Blaster Cost: 6,000 Studs Unlocked: Collect 10 Mini-kits in the chapter 'Endor Battle' Abilities: -Jump - Press A -Shoot - Press B -Repair - Hold down R until the broken Lego structure is repaired. -Imperial Panel - Press B near an Imperial Panel to access it. ----------------- |Emperor Palpatine| ----------------- Type: Sith Master Weapon: Red Lightsaber Cost: 75,000 Studs Unlocked: Collect 10 Mini-kits in the chapter 'Emperor Fight' Abilities: -Hi-Jump - Press and hold A -Slash - Press B -Reflect - Press B while a shot is coming to reflect it back. -Defend - Hold down B to send shots back -Shockwave - Press A to jump and while falling, hold down B -The Force - Hold down R until the manipulation is finished. -Sith Lightning - Press L to attack and temporarily paralyze. -Resistance - Not pushed back by Force Pushes -Imperial Panel - Press B near an Imperial Panel to access it. ----- |R2-Q5| ----- Type: Astromech Droid Weapon: None Cost: 6,200 Studs Unlocked: Beat the chapter 'Sarlaac Pit' Abilities: -Jet Thrusters - Press and hold A -Astromech Panels - Press B near an Astromech Panel to access it. ----- |K-3P0| ----- Type: Protocol Droid Weapon: None Cost: 6,300 Studs Unlocked: Collect 10 Mini-kits in the chapter 'Hoth Battle' Abilities: -Protocol Panel - Press B near a Protocol Panel to access it. ---- |Yoda| ---- Type: Jedi Weapon: Green Lightsaber Cost: 75,000 Unlocked: Beat the chapter 'Emperor Fight' Abilities: -Hi-Jump - Press and hold A -Slash - Press B -Reflect - Press B while a shot is coming to reflect it back. -Defend - Hold down B to send shots back -Shockwave - Press A to jump and while falling, hold down B -The Force - Hold down R until the manipulation is finished. -Force Push - Press L to send out a shockwave with the Force. -Resistance - Not affected by Force Pushes ----------- |Baby Rancor| ----------- Type: Rancor Weapon: Claws Cost: 200,000 Unlocked: Beat all chapters and collect 10 Mini-kits in all chapters. Abilities: -Jump - Press A -Claw - Press B -Strength - Can take many more hits than all other characters without dying -------------- |X-Wing Fighter| -------------- Type: Vehicle Weapon: Twin Lasers Cost: 5,000 Studs Unlocked: Beat the chapter 'Trench Run' Abilities: -Shoot - Press B -Proton Torpedoes - Press L (works for ALL vehicle levels except Hoth Battle!) -Flying Turn - Press R to fly in the air and do a 180 degree turn. ----------- |TIE Fighter| ----------- Type: Vehicle Weapon: Twin Lasers Cost: 1,000 Studs Unlocked: Collect 10 Mini-kits in the chapter 'Trench Run' Abilities: -Shoot - Press B -Flying Turn - Press R to fly in the air and do a 180 degree turn. ------------------ |Vader TIE Advanced| ------------------ Type: Vehicle Weapon: Twin Lasers Cost: 3,000 Studs Unlocked: Collect 10 Mini-kits in the chapter 'Asteroid Chase' Abilities: -Shoot - Press B -Spin Dodge - Press R to dodge enemies and attacks ----------- |SnowSpeeder| ----------- Type: Vehicle Weapon: Twin Lasers Cost: 4,000 Studs Unlocked: Beat the chapter 'Hoth Battle' Abilities: -Shoot - Press B -Turn - Press R to turn right where you are. ---------------- |Millenium Falcon| ---------------- Type: Vehicle Weapon: Lasers Cost: 10,000 Studs Unlocked: Beat the chapter 'Asteroid Chase' Abilities: -Shoot - Press B -Evasion - Press R to fly up and then return to where you were. -------------------- |Speeder Bike - Rebel| -------------------- Type: Vehicle Weapon: Lasers Cost: 700 Studs Unlocked: Beat the chapter 'Speeder Chase' Abilities: -Shoot - Press B -Turn - Press R to turn right where you are. ---------------------- |Speeder Bike - Trooper| ---------------------- Type: Vehicle Weapon: Lasers Cost: 800 Studs Unlocked: Collect 10 Mini-kits in the chapter 'Speeder Chase' Abilities: -Shoot - Press B -Turn - Press R to turn right where you are. ------- |Slave I| ------- Type: Vehicle Weapon: Twin Lasers Cost: 50,000 Studs Unlocked: Purchase the Extra 'Extra Vehicles' Abilities: -Shoot - Press B -Evasion - Press R to fly up and then return to where you were. ================================================================================ Copyright ================================================================================ This guide is Copyright (c) 2012 by RandyPandy, aka Shree Panda. This guide is only available for private, personal use and may not be replicated, duplicated, editted, altered, or modified in any way. The only sites allowed to host this FAQ are: and its affliates and its affliates and its affiliates and its affiliates If this guide is found anywhere else, please remove it as it would violate the copyright laws to keep it on. To contact me, use the following email address: randypandy13 (at) yahoo (dot) com