* * * R & S Ability FAQ for Final Fantasy Tactics Advance Provided by: The members of the FFTA GFAQs Board. Writer: DDragoon Main Contributors: ChronicPokeAbuser, MarioGolfMaster, Miraglyth, chocomog, stuyle31, TFergusson(creator of the Mechanics Guide) , BBEG, CjayC(for having the site) Subsidiary Contributors: Anyone else I failed to mention but should have. * * * Note: You can use Ctrl+F and the bracketed [] tags to find the section you are looking for. Table of Contents: [TCON] 1. R and S ability FAQ Terms to know: [FAQT] 2. S-Abilities: [SABL] S-Ability Format: [SFRM] Concentrate [SCON] Double Sword [SDSW] Doublehand [SDHA] Geomancy [SGEO] Half MP [SHMP] Immunity [SIMM] Learning [SLRN] Magic Pow+ [SMPW] Maintenance [SMNT] Monkeygrip [SMKG] Shieldbearer [SSHB] Turbo MP [STMP] Weapon Atk+ [SWA+] Weapon Def+ [SWD+] 3. S-Ability Rankings: [SRNK] 4. R-Abilities: [RABL] R-Ability Format: [RFRM] Absorb MP [RAMP] Auto-Regen [RATR] Block Arrows [RBAR] Bonecrusher [RBCR] Catch [RCTH] Counter [RCTR] Damage > MP [RDMP] Dragonheart [RDGH] Last Berserk [RLBK] Last Haste [RLHT] Last Quicken [RLQU] Reflex [RRFX] Return Fire [RRFI] Return Magic [RRMA] Strikeback [RSTB] 5. R-Ability Rankings [RRNK] 6. Legal Stuff: [LEGL] 7. Thanks: [THNK] ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ 1. R and S ability FAQ Terms to know: [TFAQ] ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ S-ability: 1. What is an S-Ability and what does it do? In FFTA, S-Abilities are abilities learned from equipment over the course of the game by gaining AP from winning battles. S-Abilities provide a specific and constant in-battle bonus that changes when your S-ability changes. 2. How do I equip an S-ability? An S-Ability is equipped by going to your units "Pick Abilities page" scrolling down to "S", and then pressing A to pick from a list of S-Abilities. 3. I just had an S-ability equipped but I changed jobs and it disappeared WTF? S-abilities often take 300 or more AP to "Master", once mastered, your unit can equip that S-ability regardless of equipment. To check how far along your unit is, go to the "Pick Abilities" screen and then press the "R" trigger on your GBA. It will come up with either a partially filled bar or the word "Master" on it. How far the bar is along indicates how far you have to go to master the ability. R-Ability: 1. What is an R-Ability and what does it do? In FFTA, R-Abilities are abilities learned from equipment over the course of the game by gaining AP from winning battles. R-Abilities provide your unit a way to defend themselves from various kinds of attack that changes when your R-Ability changes. 2. How do I equip an R-ability? An R-Ability is equipped by going to your units "Pick Abilities page" scrolling down to "R", and then pressing A to pick from a list of R-Abilities. 3. I just had an R-ability equipped but I changed jobs and it disappeared WTF? R-abilities often take 300 or more AP to "Master", once mastered, your unit can equip that R-ability regardless of equipment. To check how far along your unit is, go to the "Pick Abilities" screen and then press the "R" trigger on your GBA. It will come up with either a partially filled bar or the word "Master" on it. How far the bar is along indicates how far you have to go to master the ability. Terms to know: 1. Atype: Atype attacks are attacks like "Fight", or the A-ability "Fire". Atypes are defended against by your opponents "Evade" stat. 2. Stype: Stype attacks are A-Abilities like "Slow" or "Sheep Count". Stypes are defended against by your opponents hidden stat "SRES" which is 50 for all the standard races in the game (monsters may have more or less). Note: There are composite attacks with multiple effects with both an Atype and a hit dependent Stype effect, like "Swarmstrike"'s Poison effect or "Fire Whip"'s disable effect. Physical ability: Any "Fight" command or A-Ability which works off either A: a preset Wattack Based Power like "Air Render", or uses your weapon in the attack like "Rush". Magical ability: Any A-Ability that works off a preset Mpow based Power like "Fira" or "Water Veil". MP Recharge: All Units in FFTA gain back 5 MP each time they get a turn, making some R or S-abilities relatively useless "Fight" Range: The range with which your fight command can hit, it is important mainly for bows since they cannot hit their last space when being fired uphill, guns as well as they cannot shoot through field objects. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ 2.S-Abilities: [SABL] ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ S-Ability Format: [SFRM] ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ S-Ability Name: (Name of S-Ability) Learned by: (Job learned from) Races: (The races with access to this ability) Learned From: (Equipment used to teach this ability) Type of Equipment: (The type of equipment e.g. Saber) AP to Learn: (Amount of AP required to learn this S-Ability) S-Ability Effect: (Effect of S-Ability) Best Use: (The best general usage of this S-Ability) Special Use: (Special uses for this S-Ability, SCC's and the like) Other Information: (Anything not covered above) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Concentrate [SCON] S-Ability Name: Concentrate Learned by: Archer(Human, Viera), Gunner Races: Humans, Vieras, Moogles Learned From: Target Bow (Humans, Viera), Longbarrel (Gunner) Type of Equipment: Bow (Humans, Viera), Gun (Moogle) AP to Learn: 300 S-Ability Effect: Increases Accuracy by 50/20 (Atype/Stype) Best Use: Increases accuracy of all attacks, A-Abilities, etc, best when used on attacking classes. Special Use: None really, its straightforward. Other Information: Considered the best overall S-Ability. Double Sword [SDSW] S-Ability Name: Double Sword Learned by: Ninjas Races: Human Learned From: Nosada Type of Equipment: Katana AP to Learn: 999 S-Ability Effect: allows your unit to equip 2 one-handed weapons at once. Best Use: Mid Game for big damage. Special Use: Double boosting damage with Rods can work. Other Information: Allows you to learn two abilities from weapons at once. Doublehand [SDHA] S-Ability Name: Doublehand Learned by: Fighter, Gladiator Races: Human, Bangaa Learned From: Venus Blade Type of Equipment: Blade AP to Learn: 300 S-Ability Effect: Increases "Fight" damage by 20% with 1-handed weapons, disallows equipping shields. Best Use: To increase fight and Counter damage before Watk+ Special Use: Fighter/Gladiator SCC's where it beats nothing. Other Information: Patently inferior to Watk+ Geomancy [SGEO] S-Ability Name: Geomancy Learned by: Black Mage (Human, Moogle, Nu Mou) Races: Humans, Moogles, Nu Mou Learned From: Sage Robe Type of Equipment: Robe AP to Learn: 300 S-Ability Effect: Reduces enemy resistance to elemental attacks. Absb > Null > Resist > Normal > Weak Best Use: SCC's mainly since Black Robe mimic's its effects. Special Use: Black Mage SCC's can sort of make use of it, but it eliminates their ability to heal... its not so great. Other Information: It's a makeshift Black Robe that sucks up an S-Ability slot too; don't use it unless you're in an SCC situation. Half MP [SHMP] S-Ability Name: Half MP Learned by: Illusionist (Human, Nu Mou), Summoner, Bishop Races: Humans, Nu Mou, Viera, Bangaa Learned From: Light Robe Type of Equipment: Robe AP to Learn: 300 S-Ability Effect: Halves MP usage on MP using abilities Best Use: a cheap 30 MP Ultima Sword on Bangaa, most likely. Turbo is usually better for mages. Special Use: Makes a Bishop SCC that much easier, I suppose. Other Information: None really, it literally does what it says. Immunity [SIMM] S-Ability Name: Immunity Learned by: Blue Mage, Beastmaster Races: Humans, Nu Mou Learned From: Survival Vest Type of Equipment: Clothing AP to Learn: 300 S-Ability Effect: Provides status immunity to Blind, Confuse, Frog, Petrify, Poison, Sleep, and Slow. These status effects will fail if used on this unit. Best Use: Free Status Immunity, very helpful before Angel Ring. Special Use: Makes Blue Mage SCC's that much easier, gives Beastmasters some help. Other Information: free purchasable status immunity, nothin better early game. Learning [SLRN] S-Ability Name: Learning Learned by: Blue Mage Races: Human Learned From: Blue Saber Type of Equipment: Saber AP to Learn: 400 S-Ability Effect: When hit by certain monster attacks, they are learned permanently as "Blue Magic". Best Use: For getting a perfect Blue Mage set. Special Use: See above. Other Information: a full Blue magic set rocks, some of the best A-Abilities in the game all in one awesome set. Magic Power+ [SMP+] S-Ability Name: Magic Power+ Learned by: Red Mage, Alchemist Races: Viera, Nu Mou Learned From: Colchimarde (Red Mage), Morning Star (Nu Mou) Type of Equipment: Rapier (Red Mage), Mace (Nu Mou) AP to Learn: 300 S-Ability Effect: Increases Magical damage by 20% Best Use: Early-Mid game Viera and Nu Mou units, later replaced with Turbo MP. Special Use: Makes the Red Mage SCC that much easier. Other Information: None, really. Maintenance [SMNT] S-Ability Name: Maintenance Learned by: Thief (Human, Moogle), Alchemist Races: Humans, Moogles, Nu Mou Learned From: Adaman Vest Type of Equipment: Clothing AP to Learn: 300 S-Ability Effect: Equipment cannot be broken/stolen Best Use: In battle against enemy Thieves/Snipers. Special Use: Keeps other Thieves honest in Thief SCC. Other Information: Not having weapons/armor broken by snipers is good. Monkeygrip [SMKG] S-Ability Name: Monkeygrip Learned by: Soldier, Warrior Races: Humans, Bangaa Learned From: Vigilante (Soldier), Claymore (Warrior) Type of Equipment: Greatsword (Soldier), Broadsword (Warrior) AP to Learn: 300 S-Ability Effect: Can equip shields with 2-handed weapons. Best Use: Aegis Shield + Master Sword makes KO and Petrify Statuses cry. Special Use: Giving the Soldier and Warrior SCC's some VERY slight help Other Information: There's better, WAAAY better. Shieldbearer [SSHB] S-Ability Name: Shieldbearer Learned by: Soldier, Warrior, Mog Knight, Fencer, Sage Races: Humans, Bangaa, Moogles, Viera, Nu Mou Learned From: Bronze Shield (Soldier, Warrior, Fencer), Round Shield (Sage, Fencer, Mog Knight), Opal Shield (Soldier, Warrior, Mog Knight) Type of Equipment: Shield AP to Learn: 300 S-Ability Effect: Allows any job to equip a shield Best Use: Probably Ice Shield + Thunder Robe combo, giving random units Aegis shields to fend off petrify. Special Use: Its useless in the SCC's that learn it, since it takes a shield to learn it. Other Information: There's way better out there. Turbo MP [STMP] S-Ability Name: Turbo MP Learned by: White Mages Races: Human, Viera, Nu Mou Learned From: White Robe Type of Equipment: Robe AP to Learn: 300 S-Ability Effect: Doubles MP in exchange for an accuracy increase of 15/10 (Atype/Stype) and a damage increase of 30% on any A-ability that uses MP. Best Use: Mages fare best with Turbo MP by their side, Mages have both the MP and the Mpow to make use of Turbo MP's great boosts. Special Use: You could use it to 00berfy an Ultima attack (or Holy Blade) even more, but otherwise the 120/64 MP cost you would incur isn't worth it. Other Information: Makes fragmentation via magic extremely easy, it's a Black Mages best friend. Weapon Atk+ [SWA+] S-Ability Name: Weapon Atk+ Learned by: Hunter, Templar Races: Humans, Bangaa Learned From: Nike Bow, Trident Type of Equipment: Greatbow (Hunter), Spear (Templar) AP to Learn: 300 S-Ability Effect: Increases the damage of all physical attacks and abilities by 20% Best Use: Bangaas, having no access to Concentrate or Turbo MP, and having high Watk already make great use of Watk+ Special Use: Makes Hunter and Templar SCC's that much easier. Works well with Sonic Boom and Soul Sphere, and excellently with Templar's Bonecrusher. Other Information: a solid S-Ability for any physical attacker. Weapon Def+ [SWD+] S-Ability Name: Weapon Def+ Learned by: Paladin, Defender, Sage Races: Humans, Bangaa, Nu Mou Learned From: Diamond Armor (Paladin, Defender), Dark Gear (Sage) Type of Equipment: Armor (Paladin, Defender), Clothing (Sage) AP to Learn: 300 S-Ability Effect: Increases Defense against physical attacks by 40% Best Use: Makes tanks even more tankish. Special Use: Makes Paladin, Defender, and Sage SCC's even more ridiculously easy. Other Information: if you've got good status equips and are a support character, Wdef+ can't hurt. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ 3. S-Ability Rankings [SRNK] ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ There was a topic done on the main board that ended up with these results for the overall usefulness of S-Abilities. I stress that overall usefulness does not always supercede situational usefulness. E.G. if you're facing a team of Snipers, you'd switch to maintenance for that battle to avoid losing your good weapons/armor. 1. Concentrate 2. Turbo MP 3. Learning 4. WeaponAtk+ 5. Double Sword 6. Weapon Def+ 7. Immunity 8. Magic Pow+ 9. Doublehand 10. Half MP 11. Maintenance 12. Shieldbearer 13. Geomancy 14. Monkeygrip ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ 4. R-Abilities: [RABL] ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ R-Ability Format: [RFRM] ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ R-Ability Name: (Name of R-Ability) Learned by: (Job learned from) Races: (The races with access to this ability) Learned From: (Equipment used to teach this ability) Type of Equipment: (The type of equipment e.g. Robe) AP to Learn: (Amount of AP required to learn this R-Ability) R-Ability Effect: (Effect of R-Ability) R-Ability Rules: (Rules this R-Ability follows) Best Use: (The best general usage of this R-Ability) Special Use: (Special uses for this R-Ability) Other Information: (Anything not covered above) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Absorb MP [RAMP] R-Ability Name: Absorb MP Learned by: Illusionist (Human, Nu Mou), Elementalist Races: Humans, Nu Mou, Viera Learned From: Lordly Robe Type of Equipment: Robe AP to Learn: 300 R-Ability Effect: Gains the amount of MP used in an enemy's attack R-Ability Rules: Absorb MP will only activate under the following conditions: 1. The Ability being used is Atype 2. The Ability being used hits and does not cause KO/Petrify/Disable/Sleep/Stop 3. The Ability being used cost its user MP. Best Use: I guess if you were really low on MP it would help but... MP recharge makes it rather useless for main use. Special Use: Guess it makes Elementalist and Illusionist SCC's easier... though that's not much bragging. Other Information: It isn't the worst... but that's only because Last Berserk exists. Auto-Regen [RATR] R-Ability Name: Auto-Regen Learned by: Hunter, Sniper, Gadgeteer Races: Humans, Viera, Moogles Learned From: Gaia Gear Type of Equipment: Clothes AP to Learn: 300 R-Ability Effect: When damaged, inflicted with Regen status. Regen heals between 10-15% of Max HP each action a unit takes. R-Ability Rules: Auto-Regen will activate under the following conditions 1. The ability being used is Atype 2. The Ability being used hits and does not cause KO/Petrify/Disable/Sleep/Stop Best Use: In battles where your enemy deals low-moderate damage (e.g. most) Special Use: Makes Hunter, Sniper, and Gadgeteer SCC's easier. Other Information: Regen is a permanent status until your unit is dispelled/Petrified/KO'd, so it's good all around. Block Arrows [RBAR] R-Ability Name: Block Arrows Learned by: Archer (Human, Viera), Animist Races: Humans, Viera, Moogles Learned From: Green Beret Type of Equipment: Hat AP to Learn: 300 R-Ability Effect: Blocks all attacks and A-abilities that use bows/greatbows R-Ability Rules: Block Arrows will only activate under the following conditions: 1. When your opponent's attack/A-ability uses their weapon 2. The weapon they are using is a bow/greatbow 3. Unless that ability is Archer's "Faster", which ignores R-Ability. Best Use: Nerfing Enemy Archer/Sniper/Hunter/Greatbow-wielding Assassin's ranged attacks. Special Use: See Above. Other Information: It is available at the very start of the game, and the first couple of clans have Archers (Dip has two), totally awesome. Bonecrusher: R-Ability Name: Bonecrusher Learned by: Fighter, Templar Races: Humans, Bangaa Learned From: Ninja Gear (Fighter), Carabini Mail (Templar) Type of Equipment: Clothes (Fighter), Armor (Templar) AP to Learn: 300 R-Ability Effect: When hit with a physical attack, this unit counters and deals 1.5x its normal fight damage, may Critical. R-Ability Rules: Bonecrusher will only active under the following conditions: 1. The attack or ability used by the opponent is physical 2. That attack hits and does not cause KO/Petrify/Disable/Sleep/Stop 3. That opponent is within your unit's "Fight" command range. Best Use: Making units in your "Fight" range cry. Special Use: It can be used in a Templar SCC with Elemental Spears and corresponding Robes for both big damage and healing. (Spear Sandwich, yum) Other Information: Be very careful with Guns/Spears, as they fire in a straight line/will attack two spaces, meaning if an Archer fires an arrow over a friendly unit between you and your Gunner, your friendly unit will get hit. Also be aware when equipped with a bow/greatbow that if an enemy Archer/Gunner is uphill and fires from your maximum range(e.g. 5 panels away if your bow has 5 range), your Counterattack will always miss. Catch [RCTH] R-Ability Name: Catch Learned by: Juggler, Red Mage Races: Humans Learned From: Chain Plate Type of Equipment: Clothes AP to Learn: 300 R-Ability Effect: Catches Weapons used in "Throw" or "Hurl" attacks, and adds those weapons to your clan inventory. R-Ability Rules: Catch will only activate under the following conditions: 1. The opponent uses "Throw"(Ninja Skill) or "Hurl"(Stunt) A-Abilities Best Use: Trolling around high level Ninjas/Jugglers for awesome Level 7 or 8 Weapons. Special Use: See Above. Other Information: Catch is a very limited R-Ability, but it can net you some pretty sweet stuff endgame. Ironically, it can be learned by an equipment purchasable in the beginning of the game, heck, one of your characters already has said equipment on him. Counter [RCTR] R-Ability Name: Counter Learned by: Thief(Human, Moogle), White Monk(Bangaa) Races: Humans, Moogles, Bangaa Learned From: Brigandine Type of Equipment: Clothes AP to Learn: 300 R-Ability Effect: Counters enemies attack, may critical. A hit is not required for Counter to activate. R-Ability Rules: Counter will only activate under the following conditions: 1. The attack or ability used by the opponent is physical 2. The opponent is within your unit's "Fight" command range Best Use: 99% of all melee battles Special Use: See above, also makes Thief/White Monk SCC's even easier. Other Information: Be very careful with Guns/Spears, as they fire in a straight line/will attack two spaces, meaning if an Archer fires an arrow over a friendly unit between you and your Gunner, your friendly unit will get hit. Also be aware when equipped with a bow/greatbow that if an enemy Archer/Gunner is uphill and fires from your maximum range(e.g. 5 panels away if your bow has 5 range), your Counterattack will always miss. Damage > MP [RDMP] R-Ability Name: Damage > MP Learned by: Blue Mage, Gadgeteer, Morpher Races: Humans, Moogles, Nu Mou Learned From: Judo Uniform Type of Equipment: Clothes AP to Learn: 300 R-Ability Effect: Diverts HP damage from attacks to MP R-Ability Rules: Damage > MP will only Activate under the following conditions: 1. The attack/ability being used by an enemy is Atype 2. The attack/ability being used by an enemy damages HP Best Use: making yourself a Demi-God Special Use: Makes True Morpher and Gadgeteer SCC possible(maybe), 00berfies Blue Mages in their SCC even more. Other Information: Nerf's Llednar in the 1/1 battles, is a pain when enemies have it in a Solo Game (I'm looking at you, Tubola Story mission Blue Mage). Dragonheart [RDGH] R-Ability Name: Dragonheart Learned by: Dragoon Races: Bangaa Learned From: Vitanova Type of Equipment: Sword AP to Learn: 300 R-Ability Effect: Bestows Auto-Life when unit is hit. R-Ability Rules: Dragonheart will only activate under the following conditions: 1. The attack/ability being used by an enemy is Atype 2. The attack/ability being used damages HP Best Use: Immortal Bangaa units Special Use: Instant win for Dragoon SCC. Other Information: Auto-Life restores your unit's HP to half the maximum once that unit is KO'd. Last Berserk [RLBK] Last Haste [LHST] R-Ability Name: Last Berserk Learned by: Defender Races: Bangaa Learned From: Predator Type of Equipment: Broadsword AP to Learn: 300 R-Ability Effect: When brought to/at critical HP, unit is Berserked. A Hit is not required to activate Last Berserk. R-Ability Rules: Last Berserk only activates under the following conditions: 1. This unit is in critical health (25% HP or less) 2. The attack/ability being used by an enemy is Atype Best Use: Mastering the Defender Set Special Use: Making a Defender SCC Harder. Other Information: Berserk increases physical damage by 20% in exchange for an uncontrollable unit that can only use Fight. Nothing is better than Last Berserk and by that I mean having No R-Ability is better than having Last Berserk. Last Haste [RLHT] R-Ability Name: Last Haste Learned by: Ninja, Beastmaster, Mog Knight Races: Humans, Nu Mou, Moogles Learned From: Ninja Gear(Ninja, Beastmaster), Gold Armor(Mog Knight) Type of Equipment: Clothes(Ninja, Beastmaster), Armor(Mog Knight) AP to Learn: 300 R-Ability Effect: When brought to/at critical HP, unit is hasted, a Hit is not required to activate Last Haste. R-Ability Rules: Last Haste will only activate under the following conditions: 1. This unit is in critical health (25% HP or less) 2. The attack/ability being used by an enemy is Atype Best Use: Lucky Hasting Special Use: Makes Ninja, Beastmaster, and Mog Knight SCC's easier, I suppose. Other Information: Not the greatest R-Ability due to the sketchiness of being at 25% or less HP, but better than nothing. Last Quicken [RLQU] R-Ability Name: Last Quicken Learned by: Time Mage(Moogle, Nu Mou) Races: Moogles, Nu Mou Learned From: Lordly Robe Type of Equipment: Robe AP to Learn: 300 R-Ability Effect: When brought to/at critical HP, unit is Quickened. A hit is not required to activate Last Quicken. R-Ability Rules: Last Haste will only activate under the following conditions: 1. This unit is in critical health (25% HP or less) 2. The attack/ability being used by an enemy is Atype Best Use: Extra turns at critical HP Special Use: Makes Time Mage SCC MUCH easier. Other Information: Quicken allows your unit to move immediately, circumventing any other units action that would have gone before it. Only problem is you have to be at 25% HP, a risky proposition. Reflex [RRFX] R-Ability Name: Reflex Learned by: Paladin, White Monk, Sage, Fencer Races: Humans, Bangaa, Nu Mou, Viera Learned From: Genji Armor(Paladin), Mirage Vest(White Monk, Fencer, Sage) Type of Equipment: Armor(Paladin), Clothes(White Monk, Sage) AP to Learn: 300 R-Ability Effect: Evade all "Fight" commands. R-Ability Rules: Reflex will only activate under the following conditions: 1. The opponent is using the "Fight" command Best Use: Nerfing enemies who don't have damaging A-Abilities Special Use: Makes Paladin, White Monk, and Sage SCC's that much easier. Other Information: Reflex only stops "Fight" commands, but since the AI is brain-dead, it can spare you a turn or two. Combine with Berserking your enemies and your unit is invulnerable. Return Fire [RRFI] R-Ability Name: Return Fire Learned by: Juggler, Assassin Races: Moogles, Viera Learned From: Power Sash Type of Equipment: Clothes AP to Learn: 300 R-Ability Effect: Return Fire sends back a Bow/Greatbow "Fight" command with 100% accuracy and deals between 1.2-1.6x damage the original attack would have done, RF can also critical. R-Ability Rules: Return Fire will activate under the following conditions: 1. The Opponent uses the "Fight" command with a bow/greatbow as their weapon. Best Use: Putting the hurt on Archer/Hunter/Sniper/Greatbow Assassins. Special Use: Can help Juggler and Assassin SCC's. Other Information: Works best with Berserk since it calculates using the damage that would have been dealt to you. The weapon you have equipped has no effect on Return Fire's damage. Return Magic [RRMA] R-Ability Name: Return Magic Learned by: Black Mage(Humans, Moogles, Nu Mou), Bishop Races: Humans, Moogles, Nu Mou, Bangaa Learned From: Black Robe Type of Equipment: Robe AP to Learn: 300 R-Ability Effect: Returns hostile magic abilities back to their user. Return Magic does not require a hit. R-Ability Rules: Return Magic will activate under the following conditions: 1. The ability the opponent is using is Magical 2. That ability is either single or cross panel 3. That ability belongs to a "___ Magic" set(barring Blue Magic), Prayer, Sagacity Skill, Alchemy Skill, or any ability that shares information with such skills. (e.g. Mateus' Thundaga, Templar's Rasp) Best Use: Setting up enemy time mages to eat their own status attacks. Special Use: Makes Black Mage SCC's more fun. Other Information: Return Magic is best used by baiting mages near your RM unit. The best candidate for baiting by any class is a time mage while your unit has Star Armlet equipped. High Mpow units can benefit when placed near any kind of mage. Strikeback [RSTB] R-Ability Name: Strikeback Learned by: Fighter, Gladiator Races: Humans, Bangaa Learned From: Wygar Type of Equipment: Clothes AP to Learn: 300 R-Ability Effect: Blocks "Fight" commands used by attackers in your "Fight" range and attacks back, may critical. R-Ability Rules: Strikeback will only activate under the following conditions: 1. The opponent uses the "Fight" command 2. Your Unit is within range with its "Fight" Command Best Use: Making Ranged units damned near invulnerable to Fight and able to attack back. Special Use: helps Gladiator SCC's and somewhat Fighter. Other Information: Strikeback with a Range 7 bow is basically reflex on steroids(your only worry is Gunners 8/9 panels away, Strikeback uses your own weapon power unlike Return Fire, so the stronger you are the stronger your Strikeback. Best used with Berserked enemies. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ 5. R-Ability Rankings: [RRNK] ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ 1. Counter 2. Damage > MP 3. Bonecrusher 4. Block Arrows 5. Dragonheart 6. Strikeback 7. Reflex 8. Return Magic 9. Return Fire 10. Catch 11. Auto-Regen 12. Last Quicken 13. Last Haste 14. Absorb MP 15. Last Berserk ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ 6. Legal Stuff: [LEGL] ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ This guide is intellectual property of DDragoon/Brian and not to be sold or distributed to any site or persons without my express permission. It is placed on the GameFAQs site so that those members may access its contents for their own benefit. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ 7. Thanks: [THNK] ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Another big round of thanks to everyone who helped on the FFTA Board, including MarioGolfMaster, Miraglyth, ChronicPokeAbuser, BBEG, chocomog, stuyle31, and myself, DDragoon. Thanks to CjayC for allowing us the GameFAQs Site Thanks to Square-Enix for creating this great game for us to enjoy.