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All rights reserved. ***************************************************************************** Table of Contents 1. What's New 2. Story 3. Controls 4. Overview 5. Link Support 6. FAQs 7. Walkthrough 8. Mission List 9. Judgement 10. Tribes 11. Jobs 12. Monsters 13. Treasure Hunts 14. Head Gear 15. Body Armor 16. Weapons 17. Shields 18. Accessories 19. Items 20. Mission Items 21. Credits 22. Copyright Notice ***************************************************************************** -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= -= 1. What's New -= -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Version 1.05 (1/12/04): Made several little corrections in the Abilities segment, much thanks to Marek 14! Version 1.0 (12/30/03): The Job section has been completely finished; reformatted and new information was added such as ability range, required item, and required AP. This FAQ is essentially complete. The only things that may be added are descriptions to all items, and various other small improvements. Version 0.9 (11/11/03): As of now, all Missions are covered within this FAQ! All that's really left to do is to finish the Jobs section, and perhaps revamp some of the Judgement section as well (if you can help with the Judgement section, I'd appreciate that for sure). Other than that, I'm pretty much done with this great project, until next time. Version 0.8 (11/7/03): The main walkthrough is now complete! All I have left to do here is fixing up the rest of the subsections (equipment, items, and mission items, as well as the rest of the Jobs and Monsters segments). Also, there are still a bunch more side missions to be filled in on the list; if you have information (descriptions mainly) for missions I've yet to cover, feel free to email them over! Version 0.7 (10/27/03): As of now, over 2/3 of the mission list has been revamped. Other sections were worked on somewhat, most notably the Jobs list, which is being given a new format over the next couple weeks or so. Version 0.5 (10/13/03): Since the last update, some more missions have been covered, as you can see. In my game, I have roughly 155/304 missions complete and will continue to update this guide fervently in the next few weeks, stay tuned. Version 0.4 (9/28/03): Just a quick update to show everyone I'm still alive and updating this FAQ! I've fixed up many more missions since last time, and counting. I know the supplementary sections are still in rugged shape, but they will be taken care of in the coming days. Version 0.2 (9/14/03): Since the first update, there has been much to add. As of right now, I have completed 57 missions, which will be reflected in the Mission List segment of the guide (they'll be the missions with the more definitive format, etc. The entire guide's formatting has changed to reflect my style of writing, which AstroBlue does not mind, luckily! Also, I have started to fix the Jobs section, so feel free to check it out so far (I finished up to Dragoon, more to be fixed with the next update). Version 0.1 (9/9/03): The first version of the FAQ. This is another joint work between myself (Devin) and the legendary AstroBlue, yay! As you can tell, my job is to localize this FAQ from the original Japanese version to the US one. So, expect to see a bit of a mess, screwy info, and so on, as I work to make this guide entirely for the US version. ***************************************************************************** -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= -= 2. Story -= -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= (NOTE: The first section is from the US manual; the rest is an interpretation of the story not included in the manual!) An Ancient Book... Long before Noah built his ark, the tales tell of an ancient land called Kiltia... a world where swords and sorcery reigned. Its learning and power were swept away in the great flood, but one clue to its secrets remained: an ancient book known as the Gran Grimoire, hidden in darkness by the powers that once were. It is not certain how many copies of the book still exist, but it is said that whoever should hold one holds the power to change the world. Many lived out their days searching the world for surviving copies, but none were ever found. It was an illusion, they said. A myth - but one worth dying for. "I want this world to change for good. I want to see Final Fantasy, the world of swords and magic" Once crowded with merchants, the small country town of Ivalice has since become rustic. Amongst a row of dilapidated buildings is a second hand bookseller. Within it, lost in time, a book rests. Untouched by hands for many years, in the book firmly shut are strange unreadable characters which record some unknown history. One day, accidentally, a lonely boy found that book. And with his thoughts turned the normal countryside town of St. Ivalice into the world of "Ivalice", a world of law and chaos.... ***************************************************************************** -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= -= 3. Controls -= -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= World Map --------- Control Pad: Move cursor (hold B to make it move fast) A: Confirm selection B: Cancel selection L: View current World Law(s) R: View info on a selected area Start: Open System Menu Select: View Help (In-depth Info) on basically anything Battle Entry ------------ Control Pad: Switch between units A: Confirm selection B: Cancel selection L: Switch to "Field View Mode" R: View info on selected unit Start: Battle Start Select: View current World Law(s) Battle ------ Control Pad: Move cursor A: Confirm selection B: Cancel selection, and view range of hi-lighted unit L: Shortcut button for selected System Menu option Start: Open System Menu Select: View Help (In-depth Info) on basically anything ***************************************************************************** -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= -= 4. Overview -= -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= ================= General Mechanics ================= Final Fantasy Tactics Advance (hear by known as FFT-A) is the third product of Square's engulfment of Mission. It's a Strategy RPG (known as a Simulation RPG in Japan) based on the "world" of Final Fantasy. If you have played the original Final Fantasy Tactics, or any of the Ogre Battle/Tactics Ogre series, or even Advance Wars; this game should be familiar territory. Battles are turn-based and take place on what essentially is a grid. Each time it becomes a unit's turn, they will get a chance to move and execute an action. Each unit has 8 stats which determine different attributes: Move - Amount of panels that unit can move each turn. Jump - Maximum height that unit can scale. Evade - The % of attacks that unit can possibly dodge. Weapon Atk - How strong that unit's physical attack will be. Def - How well that unit can defend a physical attack. Magic Pow - The strength of any magic cast by that unit. Res - How well that unit can resist a magical attack. Speed - Determines the order and frequency of AT. Unlike FFT, there is no "casting" time for spells and abilities, not even for Jump (which is highly unorthodox by Final Fantasy standards). Also there is no Bahamut summon... a break of a tradition set since Final Fantasy III. FFT-A is filled with many systems; some are old, some are revised, and some are brand spanking new. Because of their complexity, I might as well go over them one at a time for you: ========== Job System ========== FFT-A uses the Job System which was born from Final Fantasy III, built upon in Final Fantasy V, and almost perfected in Final Fantasy Tactics. It's also going to be used in Final Fantasy X-2 under the guise of "Dress Ups"... not that anyone noticed with the new artwork of Rikku emerging ^_^. Anyway, FFT-A uses a revised Job System, it defers from FFT's system like so: * No more Job Points, JP is now Judge Points. * The inclusion of Tribes and the abolishment of Sexes and Zodiac signs. * The inclusion of an AP (Ability Points) system, ala Final Fantasy IX. * A whole new collection of Jobs and abilities. * New Jobs are learned by mastering abilities, not by Job Levels. ============== Ability System ============== The ability system is almost exactly like Final Fantasy IX's. Abilities are embedded in equipment; once you equip items (weapons, armour, etc.) on a unit you will be able to use the abilities associated with that equipment. As soon as you unequip those items, the unit will no longer be able to use those abilities. However, you can permanently learn abilities by mastering them. To "master" an ability, you must equip the item the ability is embedded in and gain enough AP (Ability Points) to learn it. Be aware that you still have to select Secondary, Reaction and Support Abilities to use them, and that Movement Abilities have been replaced by Combo Abilities. Movement abilities are now "status effects" found in special shoes/boots. ================ Judgement System ================ The world of Ivalice is ruled by Law and Order. All battles are adjudicated by "Judges" who are there to enforce the constantly changing "World Laws". The current "World Laws" can be viewed by; pressing L on the World Map screen, pressing Select during Battle formation, and by selecting the "World Law" option from the System Menu during a battle. If a unit breaks a law in combat, the Judge will give that unit a Yellow "Caution" Card, which will mean that unit will be penalised at the end of battle. Also, if that unit continues to break the law or breaks the law to defeat a unit, the Judge might give that unit a Red "Arrest" Card; which will mean that unit will be sent to a nearby Prison. You must pay a lot of Gil to either "Bail" the jailed unit out of Prison, or to "Acquit" them to remove any cards. Judges also award JP (Judge Points) to units that legally defeat their enemies. With JP you can use strong Combo attacks, and if you gain the maximum amount (10) you can summon the powerful "Totemas". Judges will also move "unconscious" units out of the way to keep the battle flowing. Later in the game it will be possible for you to add and remove laws by using "Law Cards". =========== Clan System =========== Ivalice is filled with many mercenary groups called "Clans". Clan Members work together to complete "Missions" for payment in Gil and treasure. In order to participate in a Mission you must first buy its information from a Pub. There are many types of quests, they are: Story Battle Mission (Sword Icon): Always the first on the list and usually more expensive than the others, these quests progress the story and will generally unlock a new area on the World Map. Battle Mission (Sword Icon): The "standard" quest, these involve fighting a battle in which your opponents are generally monsters. Dispatch Mission (Paper Icon): Much like the "Propositions" of the original FFT, these involve sending a unit off alone to complete a quest and then return with the reward. Although, you don't have to go back to collect them in this game. Free-Area Mission (Flag Icon): These Missions involve sending off a unit to set up a base in another area. Usually you must defeat a specific amount of units in battles before the unit will return and the area is captured. Once you have established an area as your territory, other clans will constantly try to capture it, so make sure you stop them! Encounter Mission (Tribe Icon): Uncommon quest, these involve an encounter with a rival Clan in which you will be given a choice on how you are to act. Your Clan also has 8 Skill Levels which will develop as you complete more and more quest. These affect your success at Dispatch and Free-Area Missions, with higher levels you will receive rare items, and a lot of Missions require a certain Skill Level to actually even attempt them, the stats are set out like so: Combat Skill (Sword) Smithing Skill (Hammer) Appraise Skill (Magnifying Glass) Negotiation Skill (Hand-shake) Magic Skill (Lightning Bolt) Craft Skill (Pliers) Collection Skill (Bug Net) Track Skill (Foot Prints) ==================== Region Create System ==================== Unlike the original Final Fantasy Tactics for the Sony Playstation, the land of Ivalice in FFT-A is completely malleable thanks to a "Region Create" system. This system is somewhat from the same vein as Legend of Mana's infamous "Artifact Placement" system. But thankfully; FFT-A's "Region Create" system is far simpler, and only really effects the outcome of "Treasure Hunts" which will spring up often. ***************************************************************************** -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= -= 5. Link Support -= -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Because of Nintendo's new-found obesession with connectivity, and a long tradition of Linked Play with GameBoy games (Tetris and Pokemon), it was pretty much a given that FFT-A would have some sort of Linked Play... but who would of guessed that this game unfortunately has NO SUPPORT whatsoever for Vs Battles. You simply cannot play against your friends at all... Are Square and Nintendo trying to support a message of "co-operation" to make the kiddies less violent against each other and more loving? Anyway, after reading the "Communication" Rumour in the Pub (which appears after completing the "Vanishing Essay" Quest) you will be able to do various cool things by linking your GameBoy Advance with FFT-A GamePak to a friend's GameBoy Advance with FFT-A GamePak via a GameBoy Advance Link Cable. You can co-operatively fight special battles with your friends (and get rare items from doing so) and trade equipment, Quest Items, Law Cards, and even members of your Clan (not Marche or Montblanc). Also, once Nono sets up his Trade Goods, every time you link with a friend he will restock! After playing a "Allied Front" engage with your friend, their Clan will be added to the Support Clan list in your Clan menu. It shows the Allied Front stats of the other Clan (wins and losses) and their overall Clan Level. Bartering carries a 5000 Gil transfer fee from both trading parties. Presumably this is to offset the advantages of having access to items and units that you probably don't have access to the current stage of your game. But 5000 Gil isn't that expensive, especially near the end of the game when you will be overflowing with cash. You also cannot give your friend something for nothing, you must trade. But you can just get them to swap your "gift" for something cheap like a Potion or Linen Cuirass. Allied Front (Linked Engages) come in three types. Cooperation, Competition, and Clear Bonus. In "Cooperation" engages, you and your friend will battle against four 'lackie' monsters and one 'Boss' monster. Whilst the lackies can be defeated without any help from your friend, the Boss can only be defeated by cooperating with your friend. Initially Player 1 (whoever has the purple end of the Link Cable) will be the only one able to damage the Boss. But after Player 1 attacks the Boss, the Boss's defence will shift and only Player 2 will be able to damage the Boss. Then after Player 2 attacks the Boss his defence will shift again, and then only Player 1 will be able to damage the boss. Rinse and repeat. After a successful "Battle Clear" you will both receive a Knight Sword called the Sequence. From then on, every time you clear a "Cooperative" engage or the "Royal Tournament" you will not get another Sequence, instead your one and only Sequence will have its Attack Power upgraded by 1. Which is a good thing, considering it starts off as one of the weakest Knight Swords. Strange Fairies - 4x Sprites and a Titania (Fairy Pom) Hesitant Phantom - 2x Sprite, 2x Couerl and a Vampire (DeLucia) Phantom Again - 2x Vampire, 2x Titania, and a Master Tonberry Competition engages involve battling against seven monsters all of the same type. The player who brings back the most skins from hunting (kills the most monsters) will receive the prize, the Sapere Aude. Notice that 7 is an odd number, so it's unfortunately impossible to tie. Anyway, like the Sequence, you can only have one Sapere Aude. But because it's a Rod, upgrading it will increase its Magical Power by 1. Let's go hunting! Easy - 7x Goblin Let's go hunting! Normal - 7x Red Panther Let's go hunting! Hard - 7x Tonberry Clear Bonus engages are obviously only accessible after Player 1 has beaten the game. These engages are against NPCs (Non-Playable Characters). They are normal everyday battles, but they are quite challenging. Also, since your enemies are "human" you can steal some rare items from them. For "Battle Clear" you will get an Acacia Hat. Which needless to say, you can only ever have one of. Upgrading it will raise its Weapon Defence by 1. Letter from Ezel - Babus and Ezel. Letter from Ritz - Shara, Ritz and Llednar Letter from Cid - Ritz, Shara, Babus, Ezel and Llednar ***************************************************************************** -=-=-=-=-=-=-= -= 6. FAQs -= -=-=-=-=-=-=-= ================= General Questions ================= Q: What is this "FFT-A Limited Edition Bundle" I keep hearing about? A: It was a special FFT-A/GameBoy Advance SP bundle sold exclusively by 7-Eleven (www.7dream.com) and Ito-Yokado Group game stores in Japan. The bundle cost 18300 yen (around $150 USD) and included: * A GameBoy Advance SP (Pearl White Edition) * A GameBoy Advance AC Adaptor * Final Fantasy Tactics Advance * A FFT-A Original Premium Strap * A FFT-A Original SP Carrying Pouch From all accounts, they were sold out within 5 hours of pre-orders opening on the 17th of January, 2003. Also, everyone who pre-ordered FFT-A received a Limited Edition "Premium Poster" of a Judge riding upon on a Chocobo, illustrated by Akihiko Yoshida. Q: What's with the Totemas? They seem somewhat familiar. A: They are all named after antagonists from previous Final Fantasy games. * Mateus is the corrupt Emperor from Final Fantasy II. * Exodus is the evil tree mage from Final Fantasy V. However, he was previously called Exdeath (X-Death in the PlayStation release). * Ultima/Altima is the same Fallen Angel from Final Fantasy Tactics. * Famfrit is the Dark Cloud from Final Fantasy III, except she/he looks completely different. * Adrammalech is a Zodiac Beast from Final Fantasy Tactics, he was incorrectly translated as Adramelk in the English release. ================== Gameplay Questions ================== Q: Why do my attacks always miss? A: You're probably disobeying the first law of tactics: always attack from the enemies most vulnerable side. An attack to the back of an enemy unit is far more likely to be successful than an attack from the front, even attacking a unit from it's sides will be likely to be more successful. Q: How do I learn the Thief ability, 'Steal: Weapon'? A: "Steal: Weapon" can be learned from a knife called the "Sword Breaker". You can get Sword Breakers as random rewards for completing some high rank Missions. Otherwise, you can steal 'Steal: Weapon' with 'Steal: Ability' to learn it very early, but to do this you need a Cinquedea to learn 'Steal: Ability'. Nyst's wonderful "Stealing Guide" on GameFAQS.com explains everything in the "How to get Steal Weapon ability EARLY!" section! Q: I keep getting Yellow Cards because I forget the World Laws! How can I check what laws are in place? A: On the World Map press the L Button to view the current laws. Also, by placing the cursor on another area and pressing the L Button, the laws that will in place by the time you travel to that area will be hi-lighted in blue. On the Battle Formation (Dispatch) screen press Select to view the Laws. And in Battle, open the System Menu and select the 'Laws' option. Q: I'm finding it really hard to find the best equipment to equip my units with. Is there a way to view the effects of the equipment? And can you sort items? All my Items are mixed up and hard to locate. A: Yes and Yes. Press Start to view status changes; positive (blue) and negative (red). And Press the R Button to view the equipment's embedded abilities. To sort your items, open the World Map Menu, select Formation, press start to open the Item List, then you can sort each of the lists by going to them and then pressing start to Item Sort. It will ask you if you want to do it, so select Yes. Also, holding the L Button will move the cursor one page at a time, instead of one item at a time. Q: How do Law Cards work? A: The white cards with a pink crescent moon on them are "Law Cards", and can be used to add new World Laws in battle. The black cards with the yellow star on them are "Antilaw Cards", and they can be used to remove/disable World Laws in battle. You can only carry a maximum of 12 cards. All cards use the name of the law they will add/remove, but there are a couple of special cards. R? Antilaws Cards disable all Laws in battle which are the "Rank" of the card. So for instance, you can disable Fight Ban with a R2 Antilaws Card since Fight Ban has a "Rank" of 2. There also is a very rare card by the name of Allmighty which disables all laws regardless of their "Rank", it is the only R7 card. And when trading, Ezel will display the Rate and Rank of his cards. In order to swap for one of his cards, you must give him card(s) with Ranks which add up to the Rate of his card. Q: How do Combos work? Are they all the same, or are there some differences? A: If a unit is equipped with a Combo Ability, that unit can use their accumulated JP to perform an attack in which other units may join in. Extra attacks from other units can 'miss', but will increase the damage caused by the Combo substantially. The animation and range of a Combo is determined by the weapon equipped. But the accuracy, damage, elemental alignment and active range for nearby units to participate in a Combo is determined by the type of Combo they have equipped. Here is a table translated from the official Digicube Strategy Guide: Combo | Pow | o/o | Rng | Element -------+-----+-----+-----+----------- Combat | 10 | 100 | 1 | - Knight | 10 | 100 | 1 | Holy Fight | 15 | 70 | 1 | - Thief | 5 | 100 | 2 | - Ninja | 5 | 100 | 2 | Dark White | 5 | 60 | 4 | Holy Black | 5 | 60 | 4 | Dark Spell | 10 | 40 | 4 | - Blue | 10 | 40 | 4 | - Bow | 5 | 40 | 6 | - Hunt | 8 | 50 | 4 | - Dragon | 10 | 100 | 2 | - Defend | 15 | 70 | 1 | - Sword | 10 | 100 | 1 | - Monk | 12 | 90 | 2 | - Pray | 8 | 60 | 4 | Holy Sacred | 12 | 100 | 1 | - Time | 5 | 60 | 4 | - Gold | 10 | 60 | 2 | - Beast | 12 | 100 | 1 | - Morph | 10 | 100 | 2 | - Wise | 10 | 60 | 2 | Holy Lunge | 10 | 100 | 1 | - Spirit | 10 | 60 | 3 | Holy Red | 10 | 70 | 2 | - Summon | 10 | 40 | 4 | Dark Killer | 10 | 100 | 2 | - Sniper | 8 | 50 | 4 | - Animal | 12 | 100 | 1 | - Charge | 15 | 70 | 1 | - Gun | 5 | 40 | 5 | - Juggle | 10 | 70 | 3 | - Gadget | 12 | 30 | 6 | - Q: Are there any playable characters with unique Jobs? A: Yes... Ezel, Babus and Cid will join your party after completing side-quests at the very end of the game. Shara and Ritz will also join but they are generic Viera, but with unique sprites. There are also "special" generic units that can join your Clan; they are generally very strong and are pre-equipped with really good abilities. Q: How many of the "special" units are there, and how can I get them? A: There are six in total. * Eldena - Red Mage (Viera) Abilities: Barrier and Chain Magic Requirements: Use the Elda's Cup as a Mission Item. * Lini - Mog Knight (Moogle) Abilities: Guard and Ultima Charge Requirements: Use the The Hero Gaol as a Mission Item * Cheney - Hunter (Human) Abilities: Ultima Shot and Capture Requirements: Use the Snake Shield as a Mission Item. * Palanza - Gladiator (Bangaa) Abilities: Blitz and Ultima Sword Requirements: Use the Wyrmstone as a Mission Item. * Quin - Sage (Nu Mou) Abilities: Giga Flare and Ultima Blow Requirements: Clear 063. Missing Prof Mission. * Littlevili - Sniper (Viera) Abilities: Rapid-Fire and Magic Bullets Requirements: Clear 043. Clan League Mission. Q: I keep failing Dispatch Missions, it's really annoying! Any ideas? A: When you get to select the unit for the quest, the stance of your unit shows their compatibility to the quest. Kneeling (Critical) means they will most likely fail, Walking means they have an equal chance of failing or succeeding, and Jumping (Level Gaining) means they will probably clear the Mission. Q: I really want a unit of a certain Tribe to join my Clan. How do I do so? A: Units will randomly join your Clan after completing Missions. You will have a better chance of getting a unit of a certain Tribe in certain months. Kingmoon - Humans Madmoon - Bangaa Sagemoon - Nu Mou Huntmoon - Viera Bardmoon - Moogles Also, special missions will pop up if you have less than five units in your clan, including Marche and Montblanc. These mission's names end with 'Wanted' and begin with the name of the race aligned with the current month. After completing this quest that lasts 5 days, a unit of the race named in the Quest will ask to join your clan. If Montblanc dies, the name of these missions will change. Q: How do I learn Blue Magic? A: To learn Blue Magic you must have the Blue Mage's "Learning" Support Ability equipped; you then must be attacked by compatible enemy attack and it must succeed. You don't need to be a Blue Mage to learn Blue Magic, you just have to have "Learning" equipped. You cannot learn Blue Magic from Morphers and Blue Mages that are in your battle party. I recommend you have a Beastmaster to "Control" the Monsters so you can get them to use the specific attacks on the "learner". Especially for attacks such as Mighty Guard, Dragon Force, White Wind and Angel's Whisper, which the enemy will never cast on your units. Goblin Punch - Goblin Magic Hammer - Red Cap Acid - All Flans Blowup - All Bombs Mighty Guard - Icedrake Guard-Off - Firewyrm Dragon Force - Thundrake Night - Lamia Twister - Lilith LV3 Def-less - All bugs Matra Magic - Toughskin Poison Claw - Red Panther Hastebreak - Coeurl Bad Breath - All Malboro Stare - Floateye Roulette - Ahriman Drain Touch - Zombie LV? S-Flare - Vampire White Wind - Sprite Angel Whisper - Titania Q: I'm having trouble learning some Blue Magic. Specifically: Blowup, LV3 Def-less, Roulette and LV? S-Flare. How can I learn these? A: Are you sure you have "Learning" equipped as your S-Ability? Anyway: Blowup - You cannot Control a Bomb or Grenade to use "Blowup", otherwise you could kill them too easily with a Beastmaster. The best strategy is to trap the bomb against a wall or between four units, then attack the bomb until it's critical. Keep your units alive and the bomb will eventually give up and 'splode! LV3 Def-less - In order for the Antlion or Jawbreaker to successfully use this attack, your unit must have a level that is a multiple of three. Roulette - You must survive this strange Ahriman attack in order to learn it, but since it kills instantly, that's the problem. So, give your unit Auto- Life status (by equipping an Angel Ring or by having a White Mage cast it) and they will survive and learn it. LV? S-Flare - In order for this attack to be cast on your unit, they must have a Level which shares the last digit with the Vampire. So if the Vampire is say Level 21, your unit must be Level 1, 11, 21, 31 41, etc. Q: How does the Monster Bank work, and what does it do? A: The Monster Bank houses monster caught using the Hunter's 'Capture' ability. In Monster Bank you can 'Play' with monsters by feeding them items, or Release them back into the wild. The health and level of the monsters in the Monster Bank effects the potency of the abilities mimicked by the Morpher. By feeding the monsters lots of Curealls and Phoenix Downs, the monsters will eventually like Marche, they will show this by saying "I love you, Marche. No, really, I love you!". If they like Marche and therefore your clan, Morphers will do more damage. Note that fiends have feeding habits, such as Malboros dislike Curealls. Here is a list of monsters you can capture and their abilities that Morphers can mimic (see the Monster List for more information): Goblin - Goblin Punch Red Cap - Magic Hammer and Mutilate Jelly - Sacrifice, Fire, Fira and Firaga Ice Flan - Sacrifice, Blizzard, Blizzara and Blizzaga Cream - Sacrifice, Thunder, Thundera and Thundaga Bomb - Blowup and Flame Attack Grenade - Blowup and Spark Icedrake - Mighy Guard and Ice Breath Firewyrm - Guard-Off and Fire Breath Thundrake - Dragon Force and Bolt Breath Lamia - Night, Hand Slap and Poison Frog Lilith - Twister, Frog Song and Kiss Antlion - LV3 Def-less and Sand Storm Face Hugger - LV3 Def-less, Level 5 Death and Suffocate Red Panther - Poison Claw and Rend Coeurl - Hastebreak and Blaster Malboro - Bad Breath and Goo Big Malboro - Bad Breath and Soundwave Floateye - Stare and Devil Gaze Ahriman - Roulette and Circle Q: The Soldier A-Ability "Sensor" and the Mog Knight A-Ability "Check" don't seem to do anything at all. What is their use? A: "Sensor" and "Check" uncover hidden weapons which may be used by equipped by an enemy unit if their current weapon is broken or stolen. Q: I have noticed that in certain Pubs and Shops, the prices of certain Missions and Items are different respectively. Why is that, and how much of a price difference is there? A: Well, you know when you liberate a town by doing the appropriate mission (making it your clan's territory)? When you do this, the prices in that town are lowered for your clan. In towns that are not your territory, you will have to pay 50% more and there will be no additional discounts on offer. Withing Towns you've liberated, the more areas you've freed, the higher the discounts will be; starting at a 5% discount for having only 10 freed areas, which increases as you free more territories up to a maximum of 50%. So, after you free all territories, you will only have to pay 1/3 of the price you had to pay at the beginning of the game. Please note that most of the mission prices listed in the Mission List section below are based on a mission's initial cost in a non-liberated town. Shop discounts are not based on Areas Freed, but are based on your Clan's Level. Also, Towns have 10% discounts on weapons that the town Tribe uses. So for instance; Muscadet is the Viera town, so Rapiers, Katana, Staves, Bows and Great Bows are on special, since they are the weapons Viera use. Anyway, the formula for further discounts (Based on your Clan Level is as follows: 9 < x < 19 = 2% 19 < x < 99 = (y - 1) x 5 Where x is your Clan Level and y is the ten's digit of your Clan Level. So for instance, say your clan's level is 43. 43 is more than 19 and less than 99, so you use the equation. The tens digit is 4, so y = 4. Therefore, it would be (4 - 1) x 5 = 15%, thus giving you a 15% discount at that stage of the game. Q: I've reached the maximum amount of Mission Items that can be held in my inventory (64 Mission Items). And the game wants me to throw some out. What should I throw out? I don't want to stuff up my game! A: The following items are disposable because the Missions they are acquired from will re-appear indefinitely: Adamantite Badge Body Ceffyl Chocobo Egg Choco Bread Chocobo Gratin Chocobo Skin Cyril Ice Danbukwood Earth Sigil Encyclopedia Fight Trophy Fire Sigil Gysahl Greens Helje Key Jerky Leestone Magic Cloth Magic Cotton Magic Trophy Magic Vellum Materite Mind Ceffyl Moonwood Panther Hide Rabbit Tail Silvril Spiritstone Telaq Flower Water Sigil Wind Sigil Zodiac Ore But if you really run out of space. There are also a lot of items that are not required for Missions that are safe to throw out. But note that all Mission Items have _some_ use, even if it's hidden. Q: I can't find the Rare Items need to clear the "My Mission" Reserve Mission. How do I get the Reserve Missions they are rewarded from to appear? A: In any given FFT-A game only two Reserve Missions will appear throughout your whole play-through. 1 of 3 Reserve Missions; "Hero of Yore", "Shining Lake" or "Source of Legends", and the "My Mission" Mission. The two required items needed for "My Mission" are dependent on which of the three Reserve Missions you got; like so: Hero of Yore = Gold Vessel and Eldagusto Sauce Recipe = Eldagusto and Vermillion Source of Legends = Vermillion and Gold Vessel So basically, in order to clear "My Mission" you will have to swap goods with two people that got different Reserve Missions to you. Q: What items do I receive for leveling up my Clan's Skill Levels? A: A lot of really rare ones, here is a list. Read the "Gameplay Overview" section for the translation of the Skill Levels. Item(s) Received | Skill Level ------------------+------------------------- Holy Water x5 | Combat (Level 3) Hi-Potion x10 | Appraise (Level 3) Blood Sword | Combat (Level 5) Hardedge | Smithing (Level 5) White Robe | Magic (Level 5) Scarab | Craft (Level 5) Phoenix Down x5 | Collection (Level 5) Yoichi Bow | Track (Level 5) X-Potion x10 | Appraise (Level 7) Mirror Mail | All (Level 7) Restorer | Combat (Level 10) Petalchaser | Smithing (Level 10) Cross Helm | Negotiation (Level 10) Spring Staff | Magic (Level 10) Ruby Earring | Craft (Level 10) Cureall x5 | Collection (Level 10) Thief Hat | Track (Level 10) Arch Sword | Combat & Magic (Level 10) Thief Armlets | Appraise (Level 12) Venus Blade | Combat (Level 15) El Cid Sword | Smithing (Level 15) Giot Gun | Appraise (Level 15) Diamond Helm | Negotiation (Level 15) Black Robe | Magic (Level 15) Heal Chime | Craft (Level 15) Ether x5 | Collection (Level 15) Hades Bow | Track (Level 15) Dragon Mail | All (Level 15) Kain's Lance | Combat (Level 20) Nosada | Smithing (Level 20) Aegis Shield | Appraise (Level 20) Colichemarde | Negotiation (Level 20) Angel Ring | Craft (Level 20) White Fangs | Collection (Level 20) Ninja Gear | Track (Level 20) Excalibur | Combat & Magic (Level 20) Trident | Combat (Level 25) Longbarrel | Appraise (Level 25) Orichalcum | Negotiation (Level 25) Thor Rod | Magic (Level 25) Blood Strings | Craft (Level 25) Tiger Fangs | Collection (Level 25) Vajra | Smithing (Level 30) Cinquedea | Negotiation (Level 30) Stardust Rod | Magic (Level 30) Bone Armlets | Appraise (Level 30) Cachusha | Craft (Level 30) Wygar | Track (Level 30) Maximillian | All (Level 30) Barette | Craft (Level 35) Manganese | Collection (Level 35) Eclipse | Smithing (Level 40) La Seraphica | Appraise (Level 40) Madu | Negotiation (Level 40) Cactus Stick | Magic (Level 40) Greaseburst | Collection (Level 40) Max's Oathbow | Track (Level 40) Sage Robe | Magic (Level 45) Caligula | Craft (Level 45) Tiara | Track (Level 45) Zanmato | Smithing (Level 50) Dream Watcher | Magic (Level 50) Ribbon | Craft (Level 50) Q: Is there a way to dupe items like in Final Fantasy Tactics (PSX)? A: Yes. The most excellent Rei Kagetsuki discovered a way. Here it is: I have discovered an easy way to dupe items (and tested it). All you need to do is have two people able to trade/communicate, at lest one of which being able to use both save slots. I'll explain how to do it in a list for readability: I. You have two GameBoys, lets call them A and B, with save slots 1 and 2. If you want to dupe an item from GameBoy A, simply save in both slots so they both are at the same state. For clarity lets say you saved in slot 1 and then in 2, so you are now working out of slot 2 on GameBoy A. II. Make sure both parties have $5000 on hand, then open up the trade menu, send the duped item over and receive an item of the same type (doesn't apply for Mission Items which are one way type indicating). So if you are trading say a Nosada, you would need to trade for another weapon, instead of say a Potion. Know that this other item will be lost later, so just buy a cheap weapon at a shop beforehand or something). III. Now that you have executed the trade, GameBoy B will now have a copy of the original weapon, say in this case the Nosada from GameBoy A, and GameBoy A will have slot 2 updated so there is no Nosada. Now, simply reset GameBoy A, load from slot 1, save over slot 2 so you are now working out of that (most recent save gets updated) and bam, you have an extra Nosada floating around. To get it back you just trade, preferably using the same method in reverse so GameBoy B has a copy and GameBoy A has 2, but that is dependent upon Gameboy B having 2 slots useable, which should be the case unless you are running two concurrent games, which would be silly. So there it is. It's a little more "fiddley" then the one used for Final Fantasy Tactics for PlayStation. But beggars can't be chosers! Whilst doing this trick, you can take advantage of Nono's trade goods, which will restock every time you trade. Using the copy of your save in the other slot (which you are going to save over anyway). Buy all the Trade Items you can from the shop, and then send all the good ones over at 5000 Gil a pop. That way, you weed out all the crap items and pay a fixed price of 5000 Gil for them. ***************************************************************************** -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= -= 7. Walkthrough -= -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Schoolyard ---------- The game opens within a rather cool setting: there is snow in St. Ivalice! The kids standing around seem to be picking on this one in green, whose name is Mewt. The girl, Ritz, attempts to intervene, and switches to Mewt's team. They then talk to you, referring to you as the "new kid" who doesn't talk. The teams for the pending snowball fight will be made, and you will be prompted to input a name for the "new kid" (your main character). His default name is Marche, so you'd best stay with that. Once you're done, the snowball fight will be underway. The teacher, Mr. Leslaie, will explain the battle system to you in this mock battle with snowballs. Pay attention, especially if you haven't played FFT, so you know how to perform basic functions. Once the formalities are done, the fight will begin! The opposing players have red backgrounds behind their stats, so target them only. The 3 on the other team (Colin, Guinness, Lyle, and another girl) will constantly target Mewt. As for your group (Marche, Ritz, Mewt, and another girl), take time to learn the gameplay mechanics and mess around, for it doesn't count here. After Ritz's second turn, the snowball fight ends. After the fight, Mr. Leslaie will leave, bringing the team you just fought with him. Mewt will talk about this book he found, and Marche offers he and Ritz come over to check it out. They both gladly accept, and the party leaves the schoolyard. Town ---- On the way they home, your party witnesses a man getting hassled by a couple of other people. This man turns out to be Cid, Mewt's "broken" father. He and Mewt speak for a moment, then Cid wanders off. Marche then heads to his house, while Ritz and Mewt go their own separate way. Marche's House -------------- In here, you will meet a new person: Marche's handicapped brother, Doned. It seems that Marche was a bit late coming home, due to the snowball fight, but no worries. Soon after, Ritz and Mewt arrive, and they introduce themselves to Doned. The four of you open up the book on the floor, and a video sequence plays. After it, the scene reverts to Marche's room. Noone can read the book, because it's in Latin, and contains magical spells. Mewt and Ritz then leave, taking the book with them. That night, the magic book opens up on its own in Mewt's room, and the world changes instantly. Upon Marche's arrival in the magical world of Ivalice, he wanders into the town of Cyril aimlessly. He bumps into a Bangaa, and accidentally calls it a lizard, not knowing any better. The Bangaa takes it as an insult, and is about to fight over it, before a Moogle comes in to keep the peace. Marche ends up apologizing to the Bangaa, and conversation continues. The creature points out that you are dressed as a soldier, and assumes you wouldn't mind a little engagement. A battle then ensues. This simple battle will introduce you to the Laws of battle. All players must follow the posted laws, or else they will be sent away to prison. Anyway, you will only have 2 characters to face here: Lunais, the Bangaa, and his teammate, Euver. Luckily, Montblanc the Moogle is on your side, and will give you more tips about battling, including being rewarded with Judge Points (JP). You will also catch your first glimpse of magic in this battle, with Montblanc's Fire spell. Once both the enemies are defeated, you will have your first victory under your belt! After the battle, but before the Judge leaves, Lunais attempts to use a Potion. Since it violates the Laws of the fight, the Judge sends him away to prison. This prompts Montblanc to comment on violating the Laws, so you know. Montblanc then explains the world of Ivalice to you, then takes you to the Pub, where the rest of his clan hangs out. He introduces you to everyone, and to commemorate your induction into their clan, you get to name it. Default name is Nutsy. Once it's named, Montblanc will show you the world map, and explains the usage of symbols. You will get to place the symbol of Sprohm on an empty space on the world map, so pick any spot. I personally picked the one directly south of Cyril. At this point, you are free to roam the world map as you wish, although there are only 2 places to go right now. Sprohm and Cyril are basically the same, Pub/Shop-wise, but Cyril has a Monster Bank and Sprohm has the Prison. Stop by a Shop and buy some added equipment for your clan if you want, as well as some healing items for later. Then, go to the Pub and check the Rumors board, and the current Missions available. Only the Herb Picking one is out for now, so take that one. Montblanc will speak to you when you pick the mission, and you'll leave. Head southward to the Giza Plains. ====================== Battle 1: Herb Picking ====================== Victory Circumstance: Defeat all enemies! Strategy: At last, your first major battle with your clan. It is quite simple for you to win, since the enemies aren't too bad. Spend the first couple rounds moving your party up, then start attacking the Goblins and the Sprite as they approach. As for the Red Cap, I recommend you leave him for your Warrior or even Marche to deal with. The Goblins should be your main priority, followed by the Red Cap, then the Sprite. Regardless of the order, when they're all gone, the battle ends. Now that you've cleared the monsters, Marche and Montblanc will pick the herbs and clear the mission. On the world map, you will have to place Lutia Pass somewhere. If you place it near one of the towns, you may open up a Treasure Hunt, where you can get a free item from the places that shook when you placed the symbol. Anyway, head back to Sprohm Cyril and check out the Pub again. This time, you will have 4 new missions available: the first one being a storyline mission, and the others more like side quests. Pick any of the side ones if you wish, then take the Thesis Hunt (storyline mission) one and head to Lutia Pass. ===================== Battle 2: Thesis Hunt ===================== Victory Condition: Defeat all enemies! Strategy: This battle takes place in a very rugged terrain setting. You'll be put against Thieves, Archers, Soldiers, and a White Mage. For this fight, you should make sure you have a good group of Soldiers and the Bangaa Warrior, as well as a White Mage for his healing skills. Try to take out the Thieves and Soldiers quickly, as they are the main attackers, with your strongest fighters. Have Montblanc or someone auxillary fight the White Mage, so they can't constantly cure the rest of the enemies. The Archer shouldn't be too much of a bother, except when he starts immobilizing your clan, so watch out. Once the battle is over, Marche will recover the thesis that was stolen. You will get to place the Nubswood symbol on the map, so do so however you wish. From here, return to Cyril, where you will automatically speak to the bartender at the Pub. He will explain that other clans will be on the loose to battle, so watch out. Also, take some time to go through the Clan option on the main menu (press Start) if you wish. When you're ready, check out the new missions that opened up for you at the Pub. Try out any of the side missions if you like, otherwise go for the mission called The Cheetahs, and head to Nubswood. ====================== Battle 3: The Cheetahs ====================== Victory Condition: Defeat all enemies! Strategy: Upon arriving here, you will meet up with Ritz, and her clan member Shara (Archer). Your clan will join them in fighting the enemies in this area, so send out your best fighters into the fray. Ritz and Shara are strong, and Ritz's attacks will prove to be helpful. Concentrate on defeating the Black/White Mages first, then worry about the Bangaa later because of his Counter attack. There is also an Archer and a Soldier on the other team, but they shouldn't be too hard for you to beat. Upon winning, Marche will talk with Ritz for a few moments. She will explain her theory of St. Ivalice transforming into the world you're in now, and she expresses her not wanting to leave. Ritz and Shara will then leave the area, as will you. On the map, place the Eluut Sands symbol somewhere. Then, return to one of the towns. At the Pub, Marche and Montblanc will talk privately about Marche's meeting with Ritz earlier. After some consolation, you'll leave the Pub. Return and check out the missions, and get the Desert Peril mission, then head to Eluut Sands. Like always, do as many of the sub-quests as possible to increase the levels of all your units. Once you're satisfied with everything, buy the Desert Peril information and head to Eluut Sands. ====================== Battle 4: Desert Peril ====================== Victory Condition: Defeat all enemies! Strategy: Out in this barren landscape, you will be faced with some stray monsters that have become more aggressive. Make sure you have a Black Mage in your party, as well as some strong Soldiers and the White Monk. For the Cream, use Montblanc's Fire spell to cause damage/kill it, for magic is the only thing effective versus that creature. For the antlion, send Marche alone to take it out easily. As for the red and blue wolves, have the rest of your strong party members take good care of them. If you get weak, make sure you have a White Mage, or some item-users on hand to keep everyone in good shape. Following the battle, Montblanc will explain the theory of crystals, which alter the animals' minds in Ivalice. When you leave, you'll get to place the Ulei River symbol. Do that, then return to town and check out the missions once more. Pick up some sub missions to build up your clan, then take the Twisted Flow mission and return to the river for battle. ====================== Battle 5: Twisted Flow ====================== Out here on the riverside, Marche will not notice anything initially. Suddenly, a black portal opens up and warps him to an ancient temple of sorts. He will spot a crystal, which will ask for his name. When he hesitates to answer, the Totema known as Famfrit will come out. After some speaking, Famfrit will summon a couple of Ahriman and FloatEyes, and the battle will begin. Victory Condition: Defeat the boss! Strategy: At first glance, this battle doesn't seem like it'll be too hard on your group. The FloatEyes can be beaten rather easily, but the Ahrimans (the red ones) are a bit tougher. There's one in the back corner of the room who constantly uses Roulette, which randomly kills off someone in the battle, so watch out! Try and defeat it, as well as the other enemies in the room first. Once they're gone, it's time to concentrate on Famfrit. Since he has Counter, it would be best to have Black Mages and Archers here to fight from a safe distance. Soldiers are good for close combat, too, but be ready to heal them every few rounds or so. Once Famfrit is defeated, the battle ends. When the battle ends, Famfrit will explain the purpose of protecting the crystals. He will then shatter the crystal for you. You will see an image of Mewt (remember the schoolyard?) appear, then a new scene opens up. This time, it's inside a palace, where Mewt is the prince. He decides to make the Laws of Ivalice even stronger, which will affect you later. After the scene fades out, Marche will be back alongside the river. He will then exit. You now have the Totema option on the menu screen, so check that out if you wish. Also, you can place the town of Cadoan on the map, so do so. When you're ready, go to Cadoan. Upon arriving in Cadoan, you will overhear some people discussing the new Laws. They also speak of this man named Ezel Berbier, who has Antilawss to go against the palace with. After some more discussion, you will leave. Check out a Pub and look at the new missions available. Feel free to do some, to build up your party a bit. When you're ready, return to Cadoan to engage in the Antilaws mission. ================== Battle 6: Antilaws ================== Victory Condition: Defeat all enemies! Strategy: When you arrive, you will witness the genius Ezel trying to escape, only to be stopped and captured by another mob. Send in your clan to help save him. The enemies you'll face will be tough, so use some equally tough clan members and help Ezel through. If you're lucky, someone in your group will be able to summon the Tototh Famfrit, to inflict MASSIVE damage on the opposition. If not, simply resort to normal fighting to get through, keeping Ezel alive when possible. Try to get rid of the Illusionist (the person in the upper left area) before he uses attacks to cause damage to your entire clan. Advance to the upper plateau and take out the rest of the group to win the fight. Following the fight, the Judgemaster will appear and use a law to capture Ezel. However, this is not where the road ends, for Ezel uses an antilaw to teleport himself and Marche out of the area. Back at the Pub, Ezel talks to you some more, and even mentions his card store in Cadoan. On the World Map, place the symbol for Aisenfield wherever you wish. After completing a couple of Side-Missions, buy the "Diamond Rain" Mission and head for Aisenfield. ====================== Battle 7: Diamond Rain ====================== Victory Condition: Defeat all enemies! Strategy: Out in the soaking rain field, you will have to go against some pretty tough monsters for this point in the game. There will be an Ice Flan, as well as Ice Wyrms and a Bomb. Make sure you have Montblanc tag along so he can use Fire on the Flan (it's the only thing that'll do it damage). For the rest of your group, keep Marche and some of your strongest fighters to take down the Wyrms and the Bomb. The Ice Wyrms have HIGH attack power, so be very careful and heal often when facing them! Once the battle ends, Marche will speculate upon the rain falling upon this area. Again at the World Map, place the Roda Volcano symbol somewhere, then head back to a town. Check out the new missions, and be sure to do some to further enhance your party. When you're ready, get the Hot Awakening mission and head to Roda Volcano. ======================= Battle 8: Hot Awakening ======================= Victory Condition: Destroy all targets! Strategy: When Marche makes it into this volcanic region, it seems as if nothing is there. Then, the black light warps him into another temple room of sorts, with butterflies mysteriously floating around. A crystal is in the room center, and there are eight Ultima Crystals scattered around the room, which will be your targets. There's no actual monster here to face, but the Ultima Crystals can send some pretty nasty status ailments at you (attack down, Charm), so come prepared with equipment that counters that. For your 3 other clan members, bring strong attackers and a White Mage for good measure, then go after the crystals. The best method is to use people with long-ranged attacks, such as Archers, anyone with the Air Render ability, and Black Mages (Montblanc will be great here). Also, concentrating on killing one at a time will be a great help. Try not to keep your party in a tight cluster, because if a crystal targets you for the charm attack, it can hit everyone in one shot, making your life hell for a few rounds, so plan accordingly. Following the battle, the large crystal in the middle area will break, and Mewt will appear. He will talk about his mother being alive/dead, and complains about his dream being wrecked (meaning your presence there). When he leaves, Marche will be warped back to the volcano. The mission will be over, you will gain your levels and all, then you will receive the ability for Nu Mou characters to summon Ultima as a Totema. You now have to place the Koringwood symbol on the map, so do so, then head back to Cadoan or another town. Check out some side missions, otherwise buy Magic Wood and head to the Koringwood area. ==================== Battle 9: Magic Wood ==================== Victory Condition: Defeat all enemies! Strategy: Now, this is going to be a long and miserable battle for sure. There are many characters you must go against, including a Summoner who can make quick work of your party as a cluster if you're not careful. The key is to stay separate from each other to survive. Your first priority should be to kill the Summoner, which Marche can probably do since he should be pretty strong right now. Your next main target should be the Black Mage. As for the rest of your party, as always, strong attackers are a must here, as well as long-range attacks (Archers, Black Mages). A White Mage would be ideal for keeping everyone in top shape, because this is going to be a long one, so be prepared! By the way, if you want to bring a Thief, have him steal the Cinquedea from the other Thief who has a Zorlin Shape equipped. When you finally kill the other clan, you'll turn them in, thus clearing the mission. After turning in the tree robbers, the ranger will thank you before leaving as well. On the World Map, place the Salikawood symbol. Head to town and check the side missions as you've done many times before, then buy the Emerald Keep mission and go to Salikawood. ======================= Battle 10: Emerald Keep ======================= Victory Condition: Defeat the boss! Strategy: When arriving here, Marche will be confronted by Babus, Mewt's personal White Mage. Apparently Mewt feels you are there to do him harm, and so Babus intends to stop you. Bring along 5 other clan members and get ready for battle; as always, having a couple good strong attackers (White Monks and Soldiers, as well as a higher class for Marche), a Black/White Mage, and a long-range Archer of sorts, will be great for this match. The opposition consists of 2 Templars, a Bishop, an Alchemist, and Gunner, as well as Babus. Lucky for you, however, you only need to defeat Babus to win the fight, so concentrate your strongest attacks on him. If your clan is strong enough, you should be able to take out Babus without too much trouble in a couple rounds or so (at least that's how it was for me with Paladin Marche, and a couple strong Soldiers/White Monks). If the other opponents start to advance and damage your group, keep everyone alive so you won't have a risk of losing it. Once you're done here, place the Nargai Cave symbol on the map. Check out the newly opened missions, then buy the Pale Company one and head to Nargai Cave. ======================= Battle 11: Pale Company ======================= Victory Condition: Defeat the boss! Strategy: When you start here, Marche will see a ghost, but isn't afraid for some reason. He follows it up some ledges, then a portal whisks you away to a temple. You will meet the Totema known as Adrammelech, who will summon 3 dragon guards and start battle with you. Luckily, you only have to defeat Adrammelech to clear this mission, though that's easier said than done. He is VERY strong, as are his lackeys, and the attacks can get quite devastating if you aren't careful. Probably your best bets would be to have Dragoons with the Wyrmkiller and Jump abilities handy, as well as a Beastmaster equipped with an Earth Bell. That way you can cause massive damage to the dragons, and even have them fight each other instead. Also a good idea would be to protect against Fire Damage with equipment such as Blaze Robe's and Fire Shields; that way Adrammelech won't use his strongest Firestream attack on your clan. Having a couple of White Magic-users around is essential to keeping everyone in top shape in between rounds. As for the rest of your clan, concentrate EVERYTHING on the main boss and the battle ends when you beat him. After the battle ends, the crystal will shatter and the portal will return you to the cavern. Babus will appear and speak to you, then an apparition of Mewt will appear and call to him. With that being said, Babus will run off, leaving you alone for the time being. Anyway, place the Baguba Port symbol on the world map. You will also have the ability for Bangaa characters to summon Adrammelech as a Totema in battle, when available. Now, go to the port town. Upon your arrival in Baguba, Montblanc will meet up with his younger brother, Nono. Apparently his airship was attacked by thieves, who retreated to the Jagd Dorsa region. Montblanc will then explain to you the difference of battling in Jagd areas, in that there are no Judges/Laws. However, the downfall is that if someone in your party falls in battle and isn't revived by the end of the battle, they're gone for good! Anyway, whenever you feel up for the challenge, head to Jagd Dorsa and enter battle. ==================== Battle 12: Jagd Hunt ==================== Victory Condition: Defeat all enemies! Strategy: Being that this is your first battle in a Jagd area, you'd best be careful, that way you don't lose anyone for good. Anyway, you are put against a Ninja, Blue Mage, Hunter, Assassin, and the Blade Keeper and Antlion monsters. The Assassin (Viera dressed all in black) is probably your biggest threat, with their Last Breath ability, which can KO you in one shot. Also, the Blue Mage can get annoying with the Night ability, putting everyone to sleep if successful. When this happens, just hope you have a White Mage with Esuna, so that you can wake up the other clan members and fight the other sleeping enemies. After taking out the 2 greatest nuisances above, quickly dispose of the others while keeping everyone alive, and you should be fine. This battle isn't too hard, so no need to worry. After battle, place the Kudik Peaks symbol on the map, then return to Baguba Port. Since Nono has repaired his airship, he tells you that he is becoming a merchant supplier. That means you can buy some random/rare goods from the shops throughout the world, but the catch is you must connect with other GBA units to open up new goodies from Nono. Anyway, take on some side missions and build up your clan. Also, experimenting with different jobs is a major plus for maximizing everyone's potential. When you're ready, buy The Bounty from the Pub and return to the map. Approach the blue clan member wandering around and you will engage in battle. ===================== Battle 13: The Bounty ===================== Victory Condition: Defeat all enemies! Strategy: Just in from the palace, there is a bounty on Marche's head, and Clan Ox is ready to claim! The opposition you're here again will consist of a Paladin, Sage, Fighter, Red Mage, Time Mage, and Black Mage. Your nearest target is probably the Paladin, so have a strong magic-user and physical attackers knock him out from the get-go, before he gets a chance to annoy your group. The reason for this is because the Paladin can revive fallen allies in his group, which you do NOT want! Any of the mages would be good targets afterward, especially the Time Mage. Then again, as with most battles, if you have a couple good magic-users and strong physical fighters, you should have a very good chance of winning the battle. Even despite this mission's name, the battle itself isn't all that tough, so no need to sweat here (unless of course you aren't leveled up enough, or have decent jobs for your clan). Once the mission ends, place the Jeraw Sands symbol on the map, then go to town. Check out more side missions, and take every opportunity to strengthen your clan. When you're ready, buy the Golden Clock mission and head to the designated spot to progress the story. ======================= Battle 14: Golden Clock ======================= Victory Condition: Defeat all enemies! Strategy: Upon your arrival in this barren land, Shara and Ritz will appear from both sides. Luckily, they aren't there for the bounty on your head, but to fight the clock-forgers as well. For this fight, you shouldn't worry too much about bringing out your greatest fighters, so perhaps using this round to level up weaker clan members would be wise. Ritz and Shara should be able to take the brunt of the enemy forces, and Marche should be powerful enough to handle them all, too. After you defeat these simple Moogles and Nu Mou, the battle ends. Also note that if you wish, bring along a Thief to steal the rare Zeus Mace from the Alchemist. After the battle, Marche will leave Ritz again. In the meantime, more is learned about why Ritz wishes to stay in this world (it's because of her full pink hair). The next scene will show Mewt growing more furious in his palace, trying to stop you. When you're on the map again, place the symbol for Muscadet, then go there. There, you will meet up with Ezel, who will warn you that Judgemaster Cid is searching all the clans for you (Marche), and to watch out. When he goes, check out the Pub's new missions to pass time, or fight wandering clans. When you return to Muscadet, you automatically engage in battle, so make sure you have your best members around before returning. ======================== Battle 15: Scouring Time ======================== Victory Condition: Defeat all enemies! Strategy: As soon as you get to Muscadet, the judge is there about the take a Moogle prisoner for having supposed association with you. Marche and Montblanc will step up and challenge this judge, who at first doesn't believe you're the one with the bounty over his head. The opposition walks on, and battle begins, so pick your best 3 clan members to engage alongside Marche and Montblanc. Your first target should definitely be the Paladin, so that he won't have a chance to destroy your group with his abilities. The Gunner and Mog Knights aren't really major issues for you, nor should the Sage. The Templars can get pretty tough, so watch out for them as well. Take out the opposition, one by one, and you'll find this battle to be quite simple after all. Once the battle is over, Judgemaster Cid enters and decides to haul off Marche and the clan to prison. In prison, Marche will be all alone to talk with Babus and Cid personally. After some explanation about the "real world", a seam will open up and warp you all into a Totema's temple. Here, you'll have to face up against Exodus. ================= Battle 16: Exodus ================= Victory Condition: Break all objects! Strategy: Now, this can be either REALLY easy, or REALLY hard; it's all a matter of knowing how to take on this fight. It is only you, Babus, and the fruit targets you must destroy to eliminate the crystal. Babus has the Explode ability, which is VERY powerful, so you may want to eliminate Babus in a couple rounds with some well-placed attacks. Once you beat Babus, you'll be entirely alone to break each target, one at a time, while Cid can only award you JP and move around the room! Once this mission is complete, the three of you will witness a vision of the real Mewt and Cid, as you saw them early in the game. Cid will become shocked, and when you all return to the palace, Cid will tell you that the Judges no longer work for the palace, and that you are free to go! Him and Babus will leave, and you'll be outside again. You will now have the ability for Exodus the Totema to be summoned by Viera characters. On the world map, since you can't move from Sprohm, you may as well just enter the Pub. There, you will overhear a conversation about the removal of Judgemaster Cid. Following the pub scene, Queen Remedi and Prince Mewt will be in the palace, while Cid is on his way out. When he leaves, Remedi will introduce the new attendant to Mewt, Llednar. The scene will then end, and you will have to place the Uladon Bog symbol on the map. Check out the new side missions in the different towns, then when you're ready, purchase the information for The Big Find, and head to Uladon Bog. ======================= Battle 17: The Big Find ======================= Victory Condition: Defeat all enemies! Strategy: Upon arriving at the bog, a rival clan will be waiting for you, and wish to claim the bounty still on your head. The other team is made up of 2 Fighters, Thieves, and Bishops. The Fighters should be your main targets at first, because of their strong distant attacks (Air Render, Far Fist). The opposition overall isn't that tough; it's just the Fighters you need to concern yourself over. After you return to the world map, place the Gotor Sands symbol on the map. Check out some new missions, since plenty of them have opened up anew. Then, buy the Desert Patrol one and head to Gotor Sands. ======================== Battle 18: Desert Patrol ======================== Victory Condition: Defeat all enemies! Strategy: Upon your arrival here, Marche encounters his brother Doned, who is apparently helping out some opposing clan. With that said, the clan wants to fight you, hence battle ensues. You're faced with 2 Soldiers, Gladiator, Bishop, Defender, and Dragoon, giving them 6, yet you're only allowed to have 5 in this fight from your side. Anyway, bring out the usual group of strong attackers and magic- users to hit the opposition from a distance. Be careful with magic though, since one of the Soldiers has a Mirror Mail equipped, which will reflect magic back at you. An Assassin with Last Breath, or a Paladin with strong moves such as Holy Blade will be excellent for this battle as well. If you're interested in stealing rare goods, the Defender has an Arch Sword and the Bishop has a Cheer Staff. Following the fight, Marche will question the Bangaa leader about Doned and what he's doing here in Ivalice. The Bangaa unfortunately has no information, so he leaves, as does your clan. Place the Delia Dunes symbol on the map at this point. Check out side missions, then buy Quiet Sands and go to the new spot on your map. ====================== Battle 19: Quiet Sands ====================== Victory Condition: Defeat the boss! Strategy: Coming out to the desert again, Marche will run into Llednar, whom you know to be Mewt's new servant. He will try to stop Marche, but the light will sweep everyone to the crystal's lair. The great Judgemaster Cid will intervene to keep Llednar from destroying you. However, Llednar summons 2 Templars and Titania fairies to fight alongside him. Pick your clan members, and battle will commence. Your main objective is to kill the boss, who is Llednar, but that won't work since noone can damage him. So, spend a couple rounds going around and engaging the other allies Llednar brought with him. After a couple rounds, Llednar will try to attack Marche, and Cid will send him to prison with the red card, effectively winning this mission for you! After the fight, Cid will lead Marche to the room where the final crystal is being held. Upon entry, the Totema of Humans, Mateus, will appear. The Totema will start by transforming into Ritz, Mewt, Doned, and even Marche himself, just to mess with his uncertain mind. After that, Mateus will make them turn into Vampires, and battle will begin once you bring out 5 more clan members. ================= Battle 20: Mateus ================= Victory Condition: Defeat the boss! Strategy: As you might guess, this is the last crystal, but with the toughest Totema battle to date. The Vampires can be REALLY annoying when they gang up on your clan and poison/attack everyone, so be ready with a White Mage with Esuna, and other people who can use Antidote items. Alternatively, if you had a Summoner with Unicorn and Carbuncle, you could heal HP/poison, and cast Reflect on your party to protect from Mateus' Thundaga attack, respectively. Concentrate the bulk of your clan on taking out the Vampires; the White Monk's Exorcise ability would be excellent for this, as is the Archer's Burial. Beware though, Vampires will come back to life if battle does not end in 3 rounds after being killed. As for Mateus, pummel the boss with your absolute strongest attacks/magic to put an end to it as quickly as possible. Now that the last Totema is gone, the final crystal will then shatter. That does not remove this world, however, as Queen Remedi will explain shortly. Anyway, Cid and Marche will part ways once again, and you'll be sent back to the World Map. Humans will now be able to summon the Totema Mateus when available. Now, return to a town, where you will hear people talking about going to the palace. Marche will ask Montblanc about it, and he will respond saying it's in regard to Gift Day. After some explanation, you will get to place the symbol for Materiwood on the map. Do so, then go to town and check out some missions before buying the Materite Now! mission. ======================== Battle 21: Materite Now! ======================== Victory Condition: Defeat all enemies! Strategy: In the woods here, Marche is collecting Materite for Nono, only to be ambushed by a group of Viera. The Viera include an Assassin, Elementalist, White Mage, Summoner, Sniper, and Red Mage. The Assassin has equipped a Masamune and Ninja Gear, both EXCELLENT for any Ninja trainees, so make sure a Thief can effectively steal those! Also, the Red Mage wears a Madu, which allows for Chain Magic to be learned, so steal that on the way, as well as the Elementalist's Ribbon! As for battling, try to take out the Assassin quickly to avoid her instant KO attacks, followed by the White Mage who can heal the other Viera when damaged. The Red Mage should be high on your to-kill list as well, since her attacks can be quite devastating. Basically, if you take out the major units I pointed out quickly, the rest of the battle should be simple. Following the battle, Marche will call to Doned, the informant of the Viera clan you just fought. Doned will appear, only to steal your Materite and yell at Marche before running off. After this, the Bervenia Palace will appear on the World Map. If you wish, go back to a pub and try some other side missions, because if you head to the palace, you'll be going into the next story battle, so be ready! ====================== Battle 22: Present Day ====================== Victory Condition: Defeat all enemies! Strategy: Here in the palace's waiting chambers, you will have to face a welcoming party of sorts. It consists of 2 Gladiators, an Alchemist, Mog Knight, and Templar. It would be HIGHLY recommended you have a Thief that can steal weapons with you (explain more in a moment). Also, apart from Marche and Montblanc, you can only bring in 3 others, so make sure they are all strong and ready for a little bit of battling! As for stealing, the Mog Knight has a Materia Blade hidden, and the Alchemist has a hidden Scorpion Tail (both weapons). The way to reveal them is to steal their regular weapons, then the hidden ones will be equipped. Steal those and they will be yours to keep; the reason for this is that they are EXTREMELY rare, and can teach certain jobs some of their greatest abilities. With that said, try to keep them both alive until you steal the weapons, then it's fair game from there. After battle, Babus will save you from more guards by stopping them in their tracks. He wants to take you to Mewt, so leave with him. The next scene is in Mewt's throne room, with Babus bringing Marche to see Mewt. After some argument, Queen Remedi will appear and Marche will try to convince Mewt not to believe her. After they leave, Llednar will appear and you'll have to fight once more. Babus has sent for Judgemaster Cid, so for the meantime you must last with Llednar until he arrives. ================== Battle 23: Llednar ================== Victory Condition: Survive! Strategy: This isn't really a battle, but rather an endurance match. You must survive for 5 rounds of back-and-forth combat between Marche and Llednar. Stay as far away from Llednar as you can, and you should be fine. Just make sure you recover some HP if possible, should you need it. If you're lucky enough to have Marche as a Paladin, you'll be able to survive this one quite easily; healing with "Nurse" and defending off attacks with "Defense". Also, if you have Damage > MP equipped as his Reaction Ability, you won't be able to die because Marche will recover 5 MP each round, and it only takes 1 MP to completely absorb an attack. Once the 5 rounds are up, Cid will appear and Llednar will then leave. The Judgemaster will explain to you just who Llednar is and why he is that way. He will then leave to go look for Mewt and Remedi as well, which leaves Marche to exit the palace too. Outside, place the Tubola Cave symbol on the map, then try to leave the palace. You will end up in a Pub, where discussion of Mewt/Remedi's disappearance is taking place. Following that short scene, you can do what you want again. Go check out some side missions, learn new abilities, etc. When you're ready, pick up the Hidden Vein mission from a Pub. Upon doing so, Marche and Montblanc will converse at the Pub about the upcoming mission. Marche will admit the mission was meant to lure Doned out. Once the chat is over, you'll be on the World Map, so head to Tubola Cave and engage. ====================== Battle 24: Hidden Vein ====================== Victory Condition: Defeat all enemies! Strategy: At the cave, Marche will wander around looking for some Mythril. A clan will appear and surround Marche, labeling him as a thief for trying to steal "their" ore. Send out 5 other clan members to help, and battle will commence. You should concentrate on killing the White Monk first, since he can bring fallen units back to life. The others include a Mog Knight, Juggler, Sage, Blue Mage, and an Animist. They're all pretty simple to beat, so long as you have a good attacking party, and perhaps a good strong magic user to take out multiple units at once. Following battle, Doned will finally appear and confront Marche. After a bit of explanation on both sides, Doned realizes his wrong and apologizes to Marche. After this scene, place the Deti Plains symbol on the map, then head to a Pub. Marche and Doned will meet up and discuss Mewt's whereabouts once again. A Templar will come in and deliver a message from Cid to Marche, telling him to meet up with him in Deti Plains. So, check out some side missions if you wish, then head to Deti Plains to automatically engage. ======================= Battle 25: To Ambervale ======================= Victory Condition: Defeat all enemies! Strategy: Upon arriving at the scene, several monsters will be awaiting Marche to do battle with him. The opposition includes a Coeurl, Thundrake, Lilith, Antlion, and Big Malboro. As with most battles, send out some strong and fast attackers, as well as long range hitters, such as Archers and Black Mages. Just be careful of the Bad Breath coming from the Malboro, because that could quickly turn the tide on your group if you aren't ready for it! Once you win, Judgemaster Cid will enter. He will ask you to go to Siena Gorge and collect some amber for Ezel. After you both leave, you will see Ritz and Shara appear on the scene below. They have apparently overheard your conversation, and may intend on following Marche. Back on the World Map, place Siena Gorge. Go to a town and check out side missions if you want, otherwise go to the gorge and jump into the next battle immediately. ======================== Battle 26: Over The Hill ======================== Victory Condition: Defeat the boss! Strategy: After all this time of being allies, you must now go against Ritz and Shara, and their powerful clan. You start off in the lower area, and the opposition high above. Make sure you bring a Thief with Steal: Helm and Weapon as abilities; they will be well needed here. Start making your way up to Ritz's crew, trying to hit them from a distance with strong magic or projectiles, if you wish. When you make it up to the top, try and get your Thief(ves) to steal the Ribbons from Ritz and Shara, and the Max's Oathbow from the Sniper; both of which are very well worth you having. Anyway, you should want to kill off Ritz quickly, since she's your target for clearing this mission. Don't worry so much about the others, but do keep an eye out so you aren't thrown into unnecessary danger. When you down Ritz, the battle ends. Following the battle, Ritz and Marche talk before both sides part once again. The Ambervale symbol will appear in the northeast area of the map. If you're ready to go on to the game's end, go to Ambervale. You'll be given the option to save; you must do so in order to progress. If you're not ready, simply pick No, and check out some side missions and random battles to boost your levels a bit. Whenever you're ready, go to Ambervale and save, then try to leave and you will engage. ======================= Battle 27: Royal Valley ======================= Victory Condition: Defeat the boss! Strategy: Upon arriving in Ambervale, Cid and Marche will find Babus lying unconscious on the floor. At that moment, Llednar will walk in and refuse to allow you access to Mewt and the Queen. With that, Cid uses the special card he had made, nullifying the Fortune placed over Llednar, rendering him vulnerable to attack again. He will summon 5 allies to fight with him, so bring in 3 more of your own best clansmen, and head into battle. Your main concern is Llednar, since his supporting cast is pretty weak, yet Llednar is strong against the elementals, and his attacks are VERY strong but with low accuracy. I recommend using strong physical fighters, such as a Gladiator or a Fighter. Also, an Alchemist's abilities will help since they are non-elemental, especially Meteor. The battle ends once Llednar is down. Once the battle is over, Llednar will crumble apart and Babus will regain his senses. Babus will say that Mewt and Remedi are inside, and for Marche to help him. Cid and Marche will go inside, where they will meet Queen Remedi in person, all alone. After some talking, it is learned that Mewt still doesn't want to leave, and so Remedi transforms. Also, the beings of Adrammelech and Famfrit will be summoned to accompany her. Battle will then commence; this is the last battle, so bring out your BEST! ======================= Battle 28: Queen Remedi ======================= Victory Condition: Defeat the boss! Strategy: The first part of two "final" battles, this is a fairly tough one to get through. Remedi is your primary target, since you only need to defeat her to win this round; the two Totema are just there to act as added nuisances. As is expected with a fight like this, a White Mage is pretty much REQUIRED to have Curaga and Auto/Full Life to keep everyone in top shape, should circumstances become dire. As for fighting, strong fighters such as Gladiators, White Monks, and Fighters are excellent, as are Black Mages and Sages. Luckily for you, Remedi does take damage from magical attacks, so use your strongest spells to your advantage here. Following Remedi's apparent defeat, Mewt will appear and speak again. Even though you just won, Remedi is not done yet; she transforms into a final form and summons two copies of the Totema Mateus to accompany. Bring out your clan, and the final battle will be upon you. ================== Battle 29: Li-grim ================== Victory Condition: Defeat the boss! Strategy: At last, the FINAL battle of the game, but don't think it will be in any way easy! The two Mateus the queen has with her will be prone to using Star Cross fairly often, which can cripple your party. When Remedi attacks, BEWARE of Descent, because that can pretty much end your battle right then and there. With this said, you must act fast and prepare for such a mowdown. Bring a quick- moving Time Mage with Haste for your party, and possibly Slow for Remedi. Also, have a White Mage cast Auto-Life on as many people you can. Angel Rings are also great to equip, if you have any of those on hand. That way, if Remedi gets to use Descent, or the Mateus' attacks get to be a bit much, your crew will have a second chance to do battle. Having several clan members with Curaga or an equivalent ability will be great, since you'll need all the help you can get! Also, if you can get ahold of equipment that absorbs Holy attacks, that would be excellent as well (some examples are the Vitanova and Heaven's Cloud weapons, and the Mistle Robe). Not too much more can be said, other than good luck battling and hope you survive, because if you do... Congratulations on completing Final Fantasy Tactics Advance. Now, go enjoy that ever-so-mediocre ending, which plagues many other titles as well! ***************************************************************************** -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= -= 8. Mission List -= -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= NOTES: *Please refer to the STRATEGY WALKTHROUGH for Story Battle strategies. *Reserve Missions are listed at the very bottom of the list. *The "Appears" and "Price" fields are only a rough guide. ================= 001. Herb Picking ================= Description: Looking for people to gather the fever-reducing herb muscmaloi on the Giza Plains. No experience necessary. -Ivalice Pharmacists Guild Mission Type: Story Battle Rank: 3 Appears: After finishing the battle in Cyril Price: 300 Gil Location: Giza Plains Days: N/A Reward: 600 Gil ================ 002. Thesis Hunt ================ Description: I search for my master the late Dr. Dalilei's thesis. It was taken from me by bandits as I crossed the Lutia Pass. -Dr. Coleman, Geologist Mission Type: Story Battle Rank: 3 Appears: After completing the "Herb Picking" Mission Price: 900 Gil Location: Lutia Pass Days: N/A Reward: 4000 Gil, 1 random item ================= 003. The Cheetahs ================= Description: There's a price on the heads of the band of conmen calling themselves the "Cheetahs". Word is they were seen in the Nubswood! -Bratt, Streetear Mission Type: Story Battle Rank: 3 Appears: After completing the "Thesis Hunt" Mission Price: 1200 Gil Location: Nubswood Days: N/A Reward: 6000 Gil, 2 random items ================= 004. Desert Peril ================= Description: There's been a rash of attacks by crazed monsters in the Eluut Sands area recently. Will pay for research & removal. -Eluut Civilian Militia Mission Type: Story Battle Rank: 3 Appears: After completing the "The Cheetahs" Mission Price: 1500 Gil Location: Eluut Sands Days: N/A Reward: 7000 Gil, 1 random item ================= 005. Twisted Flow ================= Description: I've seen the Ulei River bending and warping most strangely, but no one else can see anything! Please find out the truth. -Jura, Time Mage Adept Mission Type: Story Battle Rank: 3 Appears: After completing the "Desert Peril" Mission Price: 1500 Gil Location: Ulei River Days: N/A Reward: 8000 Gil, 2 random items ============= 006. Antilaws ============= Mission Type: Story Battle Rank: 3 Appears: After completing the "Twisted Flow" Mission and witnessing the scene at Cadoan, head away from Cadoan and then come back to "engage" in battle. Price: N/A Location: Cadoan Days: N/A Reward: 9000 Gil, R2 Antilaws card, 2 random items ================= 007. Diamond Rain ================= Description: Word is, diamonds are falling in the rain in Aisenfield. If it's true, we'll be rich! -Geyna, Streetear Mission Type: Story Battle Rank: 3 Appears: After completing the "Antilaws" Mission Price: 2100 Gil Location: Aisenfield Days: N/A Reward: 10600 Gil, 2 random items, 2 random cards ================== 008. Hot Awakening ================== Description: The Roda Volcano has been active lately. The Royal Mage Academy wants to hire researchers. No experience needed, must like heat. -Ramda, Geology Labs Mission Type: Story Battle Rank: 3 Appears: After completing the "Diamond Rain" Mission Price: 2400 Gil Location: Roda Volcano Days: N/A Reward: 11400 Gil, 1 random item, 2 random cards =============== 009. Magic Wood =============== Description: Trespassers have been cutting down trees in the Koringwood for their magical properties. They must be stopped! -Guillaume, Ranger Captain Mission Type: Story Battle Rank: 3 Appears: After completing the "Hot Awakening" Mission Price: 2400 Gil Location: Koringwood Days: N/A Reward: 12600 Gil, 2 random items, 2 random cards ================= 010. Emerald Keep ================= Description: The Royal Mage Academy has given up their search for the giant emerald crystal of Salika Keep. Treasure hunters, now's your chance! -Levey, Search Team Member Mission Type: Story Battle Rank: 3 Appears: After completing the "Magic Wood" Mission Price: 2700 Gil Location: Salikawood Days: N/A Reward: 13600 Gil, 2 random items, 2 random cards ================= 011. Pale Company ================= Description: A spirit or ghost was seen going into Nargai Cave, and is making low moaning noises. We can't sleep. Please investigate. -Nargai Area Residents Mission Type: Story Battle Rank: 3 Appears: After completing the "Emerald Keep" Mission Price: 3000 Gil Location: Nargai Cave Days: N/A Reward: 15000 Gil, 2 random items, 2 random cards ============== 012. Jagd Hunt ============== Description: On my brand-new airship's maiden flight, she was damaged in a hit-and-run! The criminal is in Jagd Dorsa, kupo! Get him! -Nono, Machinist Apprentice Mission Type: Story Battle Rank: 3 Appears: After completing the "Pale Company" Mission. Go to Baguba Port and meet Nono, then go to Jagd Dorsa to engage in battle. Price: N/A Location: Jagd Dorsa Days: N/A Reward: 16000 Gil, 2 random items, 2 random cards =============== 013. The Bounty =============== Description: Looking for information about the bounty the palace is offering. Give us a shout if you see us. We're around. -Clan Ox Mission Type: Story Battle Rank: 3 Appears: After completing the "Jagd Hunt" Mission Price: 3300 Gil Location: Varies Days: N/A Reward: 17200 Gil, 2 random items, 2 random cards ================= 014. Golden Clock ================= Description: Someone has been selling phoney copies of our "Golden Sandclock (tm)" in the Jeraw Sands area. Please investigate. -Belta Clockworks Co. Mission Type: Story Battle Rank: 3 Appears: After completing the "The Bounty" Mission Price: 3600 Gil Location: Jeraw Sands Days: N/A Reward: 18000 Gil, 1 random item, 2 random cards ================== 015. Scouring Time ================== Description: By order of Her Majesty Queen Remedi we will be searching each town for the boy wanted by the palace. -Bervenia Palace & Judges Mission Type: Story Battle Rank: 3 Appears: After completing the "Golden Clock" Mission and witnessing the cut-scene at Muscadet, head away from Muscadet and then come back to "engage". Price: N/A Location: Muscadet Days: N/A Reward: 19600 Gil, 2 random items, 2 random cards ================= 016. The Big Find ================= Description: Even after the historical finds in the Uladon Bog, the Royal Mage Academy says there might be more lying hidden out there... -Azare, Streetear Mission Type: Story Battle Rank: 3 Appears: After completing the "Scouring Time" Mission Price: 4200 Gil Location: Uladon Bog Days: N/A Reward: 20400 Gil, 2 random items, 2 random cards ================== 017. Desert Patrol ================== Description: The famed Mirage of Gotor is drawing big crowds, and big crowds draw thieves and pickpockets. Please help us patrol! -Ivalice Tourism Board Mission Type: Story Battle Rank: 3 Appears: After completing the "The Big Find" Mission Price: 4200 Gil Location: Gotor Sands Days: N/A Reward: 21400 Gil, 2 random items, 2 random cards ================ 018. Quiet Sands ================ Description: The famed "Barking Sands" in the Delia Dunes have stopped barking, and tour cancellations are rising. Please investigate. -Acamel Tours Office Mission Type: Story Battle Rank: 3 Appears: After completing the "Desert Patrol" Mission Price: 4500 Gil Location: Delia Dunes Days: N/A Reward: 22600 Gil, 1 random item, 2 random cards ================== 019. Materite Now! ================== Description: Materite is getting hard to find with Audience Day near. I need some for my experiments! Search the Materiwood--ore will do. -Pallas, Alchemist Mission Type: Story Battle Rank: 3 Appears: After completing the "Quiet Sands" Mission Price: 4800 Gil Location: Materiwood Days: N/A Reward: 23400 Gil, 2 random items, 2 random cards ================ 020. Present Day ================ Description: Security at the palace is tight as ever with the public audiences today. Come pay your respects to the prince and queen. -Bervenia Spokesman Mission Type: Story Battle Rank: 3 Appears: After completing the "Materite Now!" Mission, head to Bervenia Palace to "engage" in battle Price: N/A Location: Bervenia Palace Days: N/A Reward: 25000 Gil, 2 random items, 2 random cards ================ 021. Hidden Vein ================ Description: Most say the Tubola Cave mines were depleted during the 1st Mythril Rush, but my grandfather's will says otherwise. Please check! -Cruu, Mine Foreman Mission Type: Story Battle Rank: 3 Appears: After completing the "Present Day" Mission Price: 5100 Gil Location: Tubola Cave Days: N/A Reward: 26200 Gil, 1 random item, 2 random cards ================= 022. To Ambervale ================= Description: Mewt and Remedi have gone to the Ambervale. Before you follow, come to the Deti Plains, I have a request to ask of you. -Judgemaster Cid Mission Type: Story Battle Rank: 3 Appears: After completing the "Hidden Vein" Mission, head to a town to see a cut-scene involving Doned, then head to Deti Plains. Price: N/A Location: Deti Plains Days: N/A Reward: 27000 Gil, 2 random items, 2 random cards ================== 023. Over The Hill ================== Description: I want you to find me some amber in the Siena Gorge. Amber contains the power of the sun, essential in making the antilaw I need. -Judgemaster Cid Mission Type: Story Battle Rank: 3 Appears: After completing the "To Ambervale" Mission, head to Siena Gorge to engage in battle. Price: N/A Location: Siena Gorge Days: N/A Reward: 28600 Gil, 2 random items, 2 random cards ================= 024. Royal Valley ================= Description: Thank you for waiting, Marche, I can leave for the Ambervale any time. Let's go as soon as you are ready. -Judgemaster Cid Mission Type: Story Battle Rank: 3 Appears: After completing the "Over The Hill" Mission, head to Ambervale to engage in battle Price: N/A Location: Ambervale Days: N/A Reward: Ending credits! ============ 025. Wanted! ============ Description: This Month's Wanted! Black Mage Dolce: 4600 gil *Dangerous magic use *Eating and running *Assorted misdemeanors *Last spotted in forest Mission Type: Battle Rank: 3 Appears: After completing the "Thesis Hunt" Mission, during the Kingmoon Price: 900 Gil Location: Nubswood Days: N/A Reward: 4600 Gil, Flower Vase, 1 random item Out here, you will catch up with Black Mage Dolce, as well as a White Monk, White Mage, and a Soldier. Your objective is to defeat Dolce, the "boss" of the area, so he should be your main target. To increase your safety, you may want to deploy a couple clan members to take out the others, while your best soldiers take out Dolce quickly. The battle ends when Dolce is defeated. ============ 026. Wanted! ============ Description: This Month's Wanted! Gabbana Brothers: 13600 gil *Theft (4 counts) *Rosiotti slaying *Always together *Target desert travelers Mission Type: Battle Rank: 3 Appears: After completing the "Jagd Hunt" Mission, during the Bardmoon. Price: 1800 Gil Location: Jeraw Sands Days: N/A Reward: 13600 Gil, 2 random items, 2 random cards The two Mog brothers are actually quite simple to beat. Simply bring some strong attackers and go after the big brother (he's the only one you must kill). The others' attacks shouldn't bother you too much, but if you want, send a member or two to dispatch them, just to feel safe. ============ 027. Wanted! ============ Description: This Month's Wanted! Diaghilev Godeye: 2800 gil *Using alchemy to make counterfeit gil *Rumored to have a third eye Mission Type: Battle Rank: 2 Appears: After completing the "Thesis Hunt" Mission, during the Madmoon. Price: 600 Gil Location: Giza Plains Days: N/A Reward: 2800 Gil, 1 random item Diaghilev and his group will be hanging around in the plains here. You will confront them, and battle will ensue. You only need to beat Diaghilev to clear the battle, so don't worry as much about the other people in the group. The Dragoon can be tough if you aren't strong enough, but it's nothing out of the ordinary, so don't worry about dying in here. ============ 028. Wanted! ============ Description: This Month's Wanted! Swampking Kanan: 18000 gil *Ex-palace guard (AWOL) *Raiding local towns from a camp in the Uladon Bog Mission Type: Battle Rank: 5 Appears: After completing the "Exodus" Battle, During the Sagemoon. Price: 3600 Gil Location: Uladon Bog Days: N/A Reward: 18000 Gil, 2 random items, 2 random cards Here in the swamplands, you will face up against the Templar Kanan. He is the prime target, for you only need to beat him to win the mission. The other characters include a Bishop, Archer, Gladiator, and Summoner, so be careful of them as well (especially the Summoner's magic). Bring a great magic-user to dispose of the opposition quicker, and have some strong attackers come in to take out Kanan directly. If you want, you can steal his Kain's Lance, should you need another. ============ 029. Wanted! ============ Description: This Month's Wanted! Killer Rayne: 45000 gil *Fearsome female assassin *Said to know all the skills of her trade *Hiding in Jagd Helje Mission Type: Battle Rank: 4 Appears: After completing the "Den of Evil" Mission, during Huntmoon Price: 6000 Gil Location: Jagd Helje Days: N/A Reward: 45000 Gil, Zanmato, 1 random item, 2 random cards In the wicked Jagd, you face up against an Assassin (the boss you must defeat to clear the mission), along with a Gunner, Red Mage, and Sniper. You must be VERY careful of the Assassin, because of her Ultima Masher ability, which can decimate you quite easily. A White Mage or anyone with a revive-esque ability is a necessity here, obviously. On the other hand, no need to worry about what you can and cannot do, so with that said, go all out with your battling to defeat the Assassin quickly! ============ 030. Wanted! ============ Description: This Month's Wanted! Dark Duke Lodion: 22600 gil [Warning: Very Dangerous!] *Powerful magic *Numerous followers *Active in Jagd Ahli Mission Type: Battle Rank: 4 Appears: After completing the "Exploration" Mission, during Kingmoon. Price: 4500 Gil Location: Jagd Ahli Days: N/A Reward: 22600 Gil, Onlyone, 1 random item, 2 random cards A REALLY easy battle out in the Jagd region. Make sure you bring a powerful magic-user, and an Assassin, since they can help you plow through the enemies quickly, as you advance to the boss. The boss is an Illusionist, but his attacks are weak, so don't worry too much about that. His allies aren't too strong either, so just run through them, attacking when necessary, and cut down the boss to win. ============= 031. Ruby Red ============= Description: Our family heirloom, the fiery ruby known as the "Dragon's Eye", has been stolen. Please retrieve. -Viscount Rashie Mission Type: Battle Rank: 4 Appears: After completing the "Wyrms Awaken" Mission Price: 3300 Gil Location: Baguba Port Days: N/A Reward: 16000 Gil, Wyrmstone, 1 random item, 2 random cards In this battle, you'll go against a Blue Mage, Hunter, Archer, Beastmaster, and a Thunder and Icedrake. The Blue Mage will be your most annoying target, since he can use Angel Whisper (Auto-Life to target), so try and get rid of him quickly. The drakes are also pretty strong, so have a Black Mage with strong spells handy for them. ================ 032. Tower Ruins ================ Description: Gaol, the knight of the amber eyes, was out with the moogle Lini when they heard tales of a red-armed fiend in the Koringwood. -"The Hero Gaol", Chapter 1 Mission Type: Battle Rank: 3 Appears: After reading the description of the "The Hero Gaol" Mission Item Price: 2000 Gil Location: Koringwood Days: N/A Reward: 0 Gil, 2 random items, 2 random cards In the woods, you fight the first "Gaol" series of battles, this one versus various monsters in the woods. You go against a Fire and Icedrake, Bomb, Goblin, and a Malboro. The Malboro can be quite annoying if you aren't careful, so be prepared with Esuna-users in case it causes trouble for your crew. ==================== 033. Battle In Aisen ==================== Description: Gaol, himself one of the Aisen 13, was adventuring with Lini the moogle when they heard that Aisen Keep had been attacked! -"The Hero Gaol", Chapter 2 Mission Type: Battle Rank: 3 Appears: After completing the "Tower Ruins" Mission Price: 2000 Gil Location: Aisenfield Days: N/A Reward: 0 Gil, 2 random items, 2 random cards Here, you'll face 5 of the famed "Aisen 13" in battle: a Dragoon, 2 Archers, a Fighter, and a Fencer. Send out some strong, long-range attackers to take out the tougher units first, then clean up with the others. Again, if you wait until later in the game to try this mission, it'll be a piece of cake. ============= 034. Magewyrm ============= Description: Gaol, wielder of the twin sword "Ayvuir", was out with Lini the moogle when they were asked to drive a magewyrm out of Delia. -"The Hero Gaol", Chapter 3 Mission Type: Battle Rank: 3 Appears: After completing the "Battle In Aisen" and "Desert Patrol" Missions Price: 2000 Gil Location: Delia Dunes Days: N/A Reward: 0 Gil, 2 random items, 2 random cards For the next part of the Hero Gaol's mission, you're faced against the legendary magewyrm Gerland, the Thundrake, who also has an Ice and Fire Drake, Bomb, Panther, and an Antlion accompanying it. They are all in the level 20 range, so they may be a bit tough for your party. Bring out a good Black Mage with strong elemental spells to use on the corresponding Drakes, as well as a Dragoon with the Wyrmtamer ability. Try to keep your distance, and attack strongly when you do, and you'll be able to pull through. ================ 035. Salika Keep ================ Description: Gaol, lover of the moon maiden Evelyn, was out with Lini the moogle when the keeplord of Salika invited them...to die! -"The Hero Gaol", Chapter 4 Mission Type: Battle Rank: 4 Appears: After completing the "Magewyrm" Mission Price: 3000 Gil Location: Salikawood Days: N/A Reward: 0 Gil, Ayvuir Red, 2 random cards In the last Gaol-related battle, you're up against the undead Lord Ghost, as well as some living comrades. I recommend going after the White Mage first, so he can't help out the others, then make your way across the river to take down the Defenders. Attack the Lord Ghost with strong Holy spells, such as the Paladin's Holy Blade, or a White Mage's Curaga. If you defeat him, you have 3 turns to kill the entire group, or the ghost will come back to life, so be quick in fighting to succeed! ================ 036. Twin Swords ================ Description: Seeing Gaol die horribly before his very eyes, Lini took his sword into the Eluut Sands to await the one worthy to wield it. -"The Hero Gaol", Epilogue Mission Type: Battle Rank: 4 Appears: After completing the "Village Hunt" Mission, and after reading the description of the "The Hero Gaol" Mission Item. Price: 3000 Gil Location: Eluut Sands Days: N/A Required Skill Level: Combat (Level 10) Reward: 0 Gil, Ayvuir Blue, 1 random item A simple Moogle clan. They're really a piece of cake if you wait until later in the game to face them, much like I did, since they're all below Level 10 in experience! Either way, send out your clan and defeat these varied Moogles to win the battle. ================= 037. Village Hunt ================= Description: Participants wanted for a survey of the Eluut Sands. We will cross antlion nests to find a legendary moogle's hidden village. -Barba, Junior Researcher Mission Type: Battle Rank: 3 Appears: After completing the "The Cheetahs" Mission, during the Kingmoon Price: 900 Gil Location: Eluut Sands Days: N/A Reward: 4200 Gil, 1 random item Back in the desert, your clan comes across what appears to be an antlion nest. There are several blue Antlions, a Goblin, and a wolf creature, all of whom should be easy kills. Make the battle go quickly by sending out your strong party members to shred apart the enemies without too much effort. Basically, this is a good chance to help out weaker party members to gain experience. ================ 038. Fire! Fire! ================ Description: [Breaking News] Fire on Grasgreen Street! Need help to quench the spreading blaze. -Cyril Fire Chief Mission Type: Battle Rank: 1 Appears: After completing the "Herb Picking" Mission Price: 600 Gil Location: Cyril Days: 10 Reward: 3600 Gil, Sprinkler, 1 random item In the village, 4 Bombs threaten to destroy everything, and your clan must defeat them all to stop the threat! The Bombs use flame attacks to hurt your party, so be sure to keep everyone's HP up. Concentrate on killing one Bomb at a time, because if you leave a Bomb weakened, it'll Blowup, causing lots more damage to your group. After you get rid of 1 or 2 of them, the battle seems to move quicker, so keep it up and you'll have it won! ================= 039. The Wanderer ================= Description: The body of a viera was found last night with several knife wounds. Anyone with information should contact us. -Meiral, Palace Guard Mission Type: Battle Rank: 2 Appears: After completing the "Exodus" Battle Price: 2400 Gil Location: Muscadet Days: N/A Reward: 11400 Gil, Tonberrian, 1 random item, 2 random cards You will face up with 3 Tonberries here. They may seem to be simple, slow-moving creatures, but beware - they can really stick it to you with their Knife attacks, which cut your HP down to 1/10! Long-ranged attacks are key here, so you don't risk dying from getting too close to these creatures. =================== 040. Battle Tourney =================== Description: Battle tourney to be held at Bervenia Palace! Who will gain the honor of victory? [Note] Special laws will be in effect. -Bervenia Events Office Mission Type: Battle Rank: 3 Appears: After completing the "Llednar" Battle, during Kingmoon Price: 1000 Gil Location: Bervenia Palace Days: 15 Reward: 7000 Gil, Sequence, 1 random item, 2 random cards This mass-battle in the palace may prove to be a tough one. It's a no-holds- barred, 5-on-5 battle here. You go against a Paladin, Defender, Gladiator, Illusionist, and a Sage. Your best bet is to go after the Paladin first, so he can't heal the others in battle. Try to attack the Gladiator from a distance with magic, since if you attack directly, his Strikeback reaction will kick in, and that won't be pretty. Feel free to attack any way you wish, since all attacks in all forms are allowed. You're just not allowed to use cards, which is fair enough. ================= 041. Mage Tourney ================= Description: Mage tourney to be held at Bervenia Palace! Join in the battle for magical supremacy! [Note] Special laws will be in effect. -Bervenia Events Office Mission Type: Battle Rank: 3 Appears: After completing the "Llednar" Battle, during Sagemoon Price: 1000 Gil Location: Bervenia Palace Days: 15 Reward: 7000 Gil, Sapere Aude, 1 random item, 2 random cards This is probably the tougher of the two tourneys in the palace. You're faced against one of each Mage (Red, Black, White, Blue), and you're only allowed to use Color Magic in this battle, so bring in all your best magic-users as well (4 maximum). Don't think it'll be that easy though, since all the mages are wearing special robes to absorb a particular element, and they all have Absorb MP as an ability. The Red Mage absorbs Thunder, Black Mage absorbs Ice and can use Return Magic, White Mage absorbs Fire, and Blue Mage absorbing Holy magic. Try to take out the White Mage quickly, so he cannot heal the others/bring them back to life, then go after the Red Mage. The Red Mage's Doublecast can be a real pain, so be ready with a strong Cure spell, and perhaps Auto-Life on everyone, and you should be fine. ================== 042. Swimming Meet ================== Description: Swimming tourney to be held at Bervenia Palace! Who will be the speediest in Ivalice? [Note] Special laws will be in effect. -Bervenia Events Office Mission Type: Battle Rank: 3 Appears: After completing the "Llednar" Battle, during Huntmoon Price: 1000 Gil Location: Bervenia Palace Days: 15 Reward: 7000 Gil, Acacia Hat, 1 random item, 2 random cards For this tournament, you're in a room almost entirely filled with water. There are only a few spots of land for you to stand on, and since you can't act in the water, Feather Boots are a MUST here! Also, there are laws in place that disallow you to use Law Cards, and Target All abilities; no other laws are in place, so as long as you don't hit everyone in one shot, you'll be fine. As for your party, try to position them all on the center island, and use Black Mages and Archers to attack from a distance. Try to kill off the White Mage quickly, for she can use Curaga on damaged clan members on her side. Then, get to the back-right patch of land to finish off the remaining opposition, since that's about the only place they can go if you're in the middle section. ================ 043. Clan League ================ Description: Clan League finals to be held in the Bervenia Palace courtyard! See the favorites, the Brown Rabbits, go against Clan Nutsy. [Special laws in effect.] Mission Type: Battle Rank: 4 Appears: After reading the "The Tourneys" rumor Price: 3000 Gil Location: Bervenia Palace Days: 25 Reward: 22600 Gil, Peytral, 1 random item, Dmg2: Human card For this Mission to appear, you must first clear four Encounters which do not appear on the Report. Once you encounter the rival clans, make sure you choose Engage to battle them. The opposing clans are: the Yellow Powerz, a clan lead by Fog (Gladiator) and consisting of a Warrior, a Fencer, and an Archer (Viera); you get the Dmg2: Bangaa Card for beating them. Blue Genius, a clan lead by Grand (a Time Mage) with Black Mage, a White Mage and Alchemist cronies; Dmg2: Nu Mou Card for beating them. The Brown Rabbits, a clan lead by Villi (Sniper), accompanied by a White Mage, a Fencer, and a Summoner; you'll receive a Dmg2: Viera Card for beating her clan. And finally the White Kupos, lead by Howie (Gunner), his crew being another Gunner, an Animist, and a Thief. You get a Badge and a Dmg2: Moogle Card for beating them. Anyway, the Clan League Final is against the Brown Rabbits. However, there has been a change in their line-up, out is the White Mage and Fencer, in is an Assassin and a Elementalist. Don't worry about the Laws here, since a special law is placed, disallowing the use of cards. Anyway, bring out 4 strong clan members and do battle. You only have to defeat the boss, who is Villi the Sniper, so concentrate your attacks on her. Try to send a good magic user to take out surrounding Viera just in case the battle gets hairy. Either way, the battle ends when Villi is defeated. If you'd like, use the Steal: Accessory ability to take her Ruby Earring before you make the kill. ================== 044. Snow in Lutia ================== Description: Would you please take my children to play in the snow on Lutia Pass? I'll make you lunch! Please watch out for monsters. -Auntie Larsu Mission Type: Battle Rank: 1 Appears: After completing the "Herb Picking" Mission Price: 600 Gil Location: Lutia Pass Days: N/A Reward: 3600 Gil, 1 random item In this snowy terrain at Lutia Pass, you will face up against 2 Red Panthers and a Goblin. The Red Panthers are really powerful, so concentrate on taking them out with your strongest clan members right away. The Goblin can be a pain in the neck too, so watch out. If one of your group gets pummeled, make sure you use Potions or Phoenix Downs to keep them in the game. ================ 045. Frosty Mage ================ Description: I saw a bad wizard doing something up in the snow mountains. He's up to no good, I know it! He was making all this ice! -Laudy, Shopkeeper's Son Mission Type: Battle Rank: 3 Appears: After completing the "Snow in Lutia" Mission Price: 600 Gil Location: Lutia Pass Days: N/A Reward: 4000 Gil, Laglace Sword, 1 random item In the icy Lutia Pass mountains, a wizard is performing experiments, causing trouble for passers-by. The objective is to "Destroy all targets!", so your main concern should be to destroy the 2 blue orbs across the way, rather than battling it out with the enemies. The best method of attack is to have your strong clan members stay back and fight the Red Panthers and FloatEye, while you advance the Archer in your group, and have her attack the Magic Devices from a distance. Watch out for the wizard Gelato's magic spells when you get close to him, however. Once both devices are destroyed, the mission ends. ==================== 046. Prof in Trouble ==================== Description: Please find Professor Auggie. He's been gone to the Lutia Pass for three days now. Maybe he's lost, or buried in an avalanche! -Dag, Research Assistant Mission Type: Battle Rank: 4 Appears: After completing the "Snow in Lutia" Mission Price: 900 Gil Location: Lutia Pass Days: 25 Reward: 4000 Gil and Gedegg Soup Another quick battle is to be had in Lutia Pass. This time it's against 2 Ice Flans and 3 Zombies, all named after the 3 bullies in the schoolyard early in the game. There is also the Sage Auggie, whom you must protect. The Ice Flans cannot be damaged with regular attacks, so have Montblanc cast Fire (their weakness) to attack, and the rest of your clan attack the Zombies. If you have a White Monk in your group, have them cast Cure to cause added damage to the Zombies. If you keep Auggie alive, and defeat all the enemies, you win the mission. =============== 047. Hot Recipe =============== Description: I need to make a super hot dish to compete with the restaurant across the street! Please get the "stuff" at Roda Volcano. -Rolana, The Chocobo's Kweh Mission Type: Battle Rank: 2 Appears: After completing the "Diamond Rain" Mission Price: 1000 Gil Location: Roda Volcano Days: 25 Reward: 7000 Gil, Gedegg Soup, 1 random item, 2 random items Inside this lava-ridden volcano, you will be pitted against several Bombs and Red Drakes. The Bombs shouldn't be too bad, but the Firewyrms are pretty powerful, so you might want to save them for your strongest battlers. A Black Mage would come in handy here, for his Ice/Blizzara spells. Once you rip apart these 5 weak creatures, the battle ends and you can finish the mission. =========== 048. S.O.S. =========== Description: Emergency flares in the pattern green-red-green were spotted over the Koringwood. Clan Ritz is in trouble! Please assist. -Clan Center Mission Type: Battle Rank: 4 Appears: After completing the "Hot Awakening" Mission Price: 1000 Gil Location: Koringwood Days: 15 Required Skill Level: Track (Level 7) Reward: 7800 Gil, Topaz Armring, 1 random item, 2 random cards Upon your arrival in this forest, you will find Ritz and Shara cornered by a group of monsters. Select the 3 people from your group (Marche is an automatic character here), and get ready to fight. Since they're nearest to you, take out the Sprites quickly. Be careful, for their Meteorite attack is pretty strong. The Juggler shouldn't be too much of a threat, either. Ritz and Shara may be able to handle the Zombies themselves, although you may want to send someone from your group to help with the load. Try to kill both Zombies before the battle ends, because if you kill one, you have 3 turns to end the battle before it comes back to life, so try and get them both down before then. ================ 049. A Lost Ring ================ Description: I dropped my ring in the Ulei River! It was a gift from my beau. Please find it before he finds out I lost it! -Clea, the Ice Cream Man's Girl Mission Type: Battle Rank: 3 Appears: After completing the "Desert Peril" Mission, during the Madmoon. Price: 900 Gil Location: Ulei River Days: 15 Reward: 5200 Gil, 2 random items Here at the river, you will be sent to recover a lost ring. However, you will be greeted by a Sprite, Goblin, Lilith, and 2 Lamia. Concentrate on the Lamia with your strong party members, while your secondary members take on the weaker baddies. Make your way to the back area and kill the Lilith before the battle gets too hairy, and you'll be fine. ================= 050. Staring Eyes ================= Description: I found out who's got the ahriman eye, and he's a real bad egg. Seems he's making the ahriman chase after girls in Cyril. -Bran, Streetear Mission Type: Battle Rank: 4 Appears: After completing the "Watching You" Mission Price: 900 Gil Location: Cyril Days: 25 Required Item: Ahriman Eye Reward: 4600 Gil, Vesper, 1 random item In this town setting, you will find the Beastmaster, along with his FloatEye lackies, causing trouble. Send out a strong party and concentrate on the FloatEyes to boot (the red one is strongest, so kill it first if possible). When they're all gone, get onto the upper plateau and kill off the main guy. ================ 051. Desert Rose ================ Description: Three days' walk into the Gotor Sands I found a beautiful rose by an oasis. Yet it soon wilted... If only I'd had a vase. -Delman, Pub Customer Mission Type: Battle Rank: 3 Appears: After completing the "The Big Find" Mission, during the Huntmoon. Price: 3000 Gil Location: Gotor Sands Days: 25 Required Items: Flower Vase (Used) Reward: 0 Gil, Blue Rose, 1 random item, 2 random cards Here, it's just a simple fight versus a group of monsters. It's definitely nothing you haven't seen before, so go in there ready for battle, and you should have this won easily. =================== 052. Friend Trouble =================== Description: Arr, them mountain beasts have been coming down to the lowlands of late, and one took a bite out of me! Find me a good hunter! -Cheney, Hunter Mission Type: Battle Rank: 3 Appears: After completing the "Jagd Hunt" Mission Price: 1800 Gil Location: Kudik Peaks Days: 25 Reward: 9000 Gil, 2 random items, 2 random cards Out in the mountain, you will have a rather easy battle versus some Red Panthers, Cream, and a Coeurl. Simply bring your attackers out to take care of the four-legged creatures, and a Black Mage to use magic on the Cream (just not Thunder because that heals it). ================== 053. Flesh & Bones ================== Description: There's a shop called the "Flesh & Bones" that buys poachers' catches at good prices. Just say you're on street patrol and drop in. -Gayle, Baguba Streetear Mission Type: Battle Rank: 4 Appears: After completing the "Smuggle Bust" Mission Price: 2400 Gil Location: Baguba Port Days: 25 Reward: 18000 Gil, Tiger Hide, 1 random item, 2 random cards In the town setting, you're faced with 2 Hunters, 2 Thieves, an Archer, and a Gunner. Be careful of the Human Thief, since he has the Double Sword ability and can be a hard-hitter on your clan. If you have a Black Mage with high- level spells (Thundaga, for example), you can easily decimate this group, not to mention your physical attackers, such as Paladins, Assassins, and Gladiators! =============== 054. For A Song =============== Description: There's a song I wish to sing to an old friend. Can you come find her with me? She lives in the Materiwood. -Leanan, Inn Songstress Mission Type: Battle Rank: 2 Appears: After completing the "Exodus" Battle Price: 3300 Gil Location: Materiwood Days: 25 Reward: 16000 Gil, Trichord, 1 random item, 2 random cards A simple battle in the woods versus various monsters. The main objective here is to protect Leanan, the Summoner, from the enemies. You may want to get rid of the Fairy and Titania as quickly as you can, so that they can't recover the other enemies while you're fighting them. For this battle, strong attackers and magic users are a must, to keep the major enemies away from Leanan. To keep the battle going, cast Auto-Life on Leanan to give her 2 chances in case she dies and you don't recover her HP quickly enough. Keep in mind that the mission is failed if she dies, so be careful! ================== 055. White Flowers ================== Description: Please bring me some of the flowers I planted on the Giza Plains. They're the only way to cheer my sister up since mom died. -Temil, Town Youth Mission Type: Battle Rank: 3 Appears: After completing the "The Cheetahs" Mission Price: 300 Gil Location: Giza Plains Days: 25 Reward: 1600 Gil, White Flowers, 1 random item Out on the plains, you will be facing 3 Antlions, 1 Goblin, and 1 Red Cap. They shouldn't be too much of a hassle for you, provided you have a good and strong lineup on hand for the battle. Spread out your party, and attack all the enemies until you beat them all. ================ 056. New Antilaw ================ Description: Inspiration has struck! Fetch me some amber from the Siena Gorge--I'll need it to make my new, super-powerful antilaw! -Ezel Mission Type: Battle Rank: 3 Appears: After completing the "Over the Hill" Mission, gossip with Ezel the Card Keeper in Cadoan Price: 4600 Gil, from Cadoan Location: Siena Gorge Days: 25 Reward: 34000 Gil, Amber, 1 random item, Allmighty card, 1 random card It's a 6-on-6 fight at the Gorge; your clan versus a Ninja, Sniper, Red Mage, Time Mage, Defender, and a Gunner. As with any other battle, bring out some good attackers and protectors should the going get tough. Also, a Thief would be nice, should you want the Sniper's Hunt Bow, or the Defender's Carabini Mail. ================= 057. Prison Break ================= Description: Help me break out of prison, just for one day, please! All I have to do is deliver a birthday present to my wife! -Julian, Troubled Inmate Mission Type: Battle Rank: 3 Appears: After completing the "Materite Now!" Mission, during Kingmoon Price: 1000 Gil, from Sprohm Location: Sprohm Days: 25 Reward: 7000 Gil, Helje Key, 2 random cards An easily dealt with fight versus 2 Defenders and Templars, with any 6 clan members you choose to dispatch. It's an easy fight, so bring out your good players to kick butt and win it. If you're interested, the Defender closer to you has equipped an Aegis Shield, so steal it if you like! ================ 058. Royal Ruins ================ Description: There are some ruins in Nargai Cave that date from when golden gil was still currency! Just think, what if some is left? -Meena, Streetear Courier Mission Type: Battle Rank: 3 Appears: After completing the "Golden Gil" Mission. Price: 1500 Gil Location: Nargai Cave Days: 25 Reward: 7000 Gil, 2 random items, 2 random cards In here, you will be put against some equally-leveled monsters, including a Lamia, Lilith, Titania, and a Sword Keeper. Luckily, you don't _have_ to defeat them to win this mission. In the back corner, there are 2 Odd Statues, which you must strike and destroy to clear the mission. Basically, send out your most mobile clan members, and from the getgo, make a mad dash across to those statues! Even if you send out 2 fast people, and 4 slower ones to battle it out with the enemies, you should be in good shape for winning this fight. ================== 059. Sketchy Thief ================== Description: We were playing on the Deti Plains, and some weirdo took Laudy's favorite sketchbook! Please get it back! -Estia, Friend of Laudy Mission Type: Battle Rank: 3 Appears: After completing the "To Ambervale" Mission Price: 2400 Gil Location: Deti Plains Days: 25 Reward: 18000 Gil, Sketchbook, 1 random item, 2 random cards Out in the fields, you must face against the sketchbook thief and his several cohorts, including a Jelly, 2 Thieves, Animist, and Archer. A Black Mage with Blizzard will do well against the Flan, and good attackers should suffice against everyone else. ============== 060. Showdown! ============== Description: The showdown with the Gertai Band is upon us! Place: Ozmon. Looking for a few good soldiers! -Roodog, Bardo Band Head Mission Type: Battle Rank: 3 Appears: After completing the "A Dragon's Aid" Mission Price: 8000 Gil Location: Ozmonfield Days: 10 Reward: 36000 Gil, 2 random items, 2 random cards In the flatlands, you get to fight an Assassin, Paladin, Dragoon, Alchemist, Summoner, and a Mog Knight, all of whom you must defeat. I would go after the Paladin and possibly the Assassin first, since they're the best attackers, and the Paladin can heal the others. The Summoner can cause lots of damage to your group if left alone, so you may want to go after him as soon as you can, too. Overall, it's an easy battle you should be able to get through relatively quickly. ============== 061. Hit Again ============== Description: They got me again, kupo... And they went running off to Jagd Dorsa again, too, kupo... I give up, kupo... -Nono, Once Again Mission Type: Battle Rank: 3 Appears: After completing "The Bounty" Mission Price: 1000 Gil Location: Jagd Dorsa Days: N/A Reward: 7000 Gil, 2 random items, 2 random cards Back in the Jagd, a rematch will be had with Nono's airship attackers! There is a wide variety you will be faced with, including 3 different mages, a Thief, Ninja, and Gunner. As with any Jagd fight, you should have a White Mage or two handy to keep everyone alive. Also, a Black Magic user would be great to cause lots of damage to many units at once. Be careful of the Red Mage's Doublecast ability, and the Ninja's 2x attacking Double Sword. The Red Mage and probably the Black Mage are your biggest threats here, so try to get rid of them quickly. Once they're gone, I've found this battle to move that much more quickly, since you won't have to worry about the distant, mass- targeted attacks anymore. ================ 062. Oasis Frogs ================ Description: I haven't been hearing the frogs from the town oasis lately. Hope nobody is eating them! Would you stand watch till night? -Donya, Pub Customer Mission Type: Battle Rank: 3 Appears: After completing the "Twisted Flow" Mission Price: 900 Gil, from Cadoan Location: Cadoan Days: N/A Reward: 4600 Gil, The Hero Gaol, 1 random item This should be a really simple battle for you to clear. There are 3 Lamias to face, all of which can poison you, so watch out. Other than that, you should be able to end this battle in a few good rounds. ================= 063. Missing Prof ================= Description: Help! Professor Auggie has gome missing during his investigation of the cave at Tubola! He was last seen near a statue. -Quin, Search Party Member Mission Type: Battle Rank: 3 Appears: After completing the "Llednar" Battle and "Prof in Trouble" Mission Price: 2400 Gil Location: Tubola Cave Days: 25 Reward: 18000 Gil, 2 random items, 2 random cards This should be a piece of cake mission for you. The objective is to destroy all objects, but the objects are a mere two Odd Statues. If you can bring a couple of Gunners or Archers, you should be able to quickly target/take out the statues in a couple rounds at most. As for the monsters, fend them off with some strong party members while your ranged attackers go for the statues instead. Also, it's a possibility that the hidden character Quin will join your group. If he does, cool; if not, then you missed out (although you can reset the game, assuming you saved prior to this mission). ================ 064. Den of Evil ================ Description: There's a place free of laws beyond Tubola Cave, but you need a pass to get in. Paradise or Purgatory? You find out! -Da'aye, Streetear Mission Type: Battle Rank: 3 Appears: After completing the "Llednar" Battle Price: 1500 Gil Location: Tubola Cave Days: N/A Required Items: Helje Key (Used) Required Skill: Combat (Level 25) Reward: 22600 Gil, 1 random item, 2 random cards, Jagd Helje symbol In this rough terrain, you'll be faced with a variable group, with a Black Mage being the head enemy. You face him, a White Mage, Time Mage, Gadgeteer, Elementalist, and a Bishop. As usual, bring out some good attackers/magic users, and you should be fine here. Also, a Thief would be handy for the Black/Time Mage's equipment, as they have some pretty nice/rare stuff! ================ 065. Exploration ================ Description: *Exploration Tour Want to travel to unspoilt wilderness where not even desert dwellers fare? Just 1,000 gil at the pub! -Ivalice Tourism Board Mission Type: Battle Rank: 3 Appears: After completing the "The Big Find" Mission Price: 1500 Gil Location: Gotor Sands Days: N/A Reward: 0 Gil, 2 random items, 2 random cards, Jagd Ahli symbol Here, you get to fight 4 simple monsters in a hopefully speedy battle. Bring a Black Mage to take on the Ice Flan, and physical attackers for the others, and you should be able to fare through fine. =================== 066. A Dragon's Aid =================== Description: A dragon is attacking Baguba, and only the Delia Wyrms can stop it! They'll talk to me if I bring them the Wyrmstone! -Kiti, Baguba Watch Chief Mission Type: Battle Rank: 3 Appears: After completing the "Wyrms Awaken" Mission Price: 4200 Gil Location: Delia Dunes Days: 25 Required Items: Wyrmstone Reward: 31600 Gil, 2 random items, 2 random cards, Ozmonfield symbol Out here, you have to face against 2 Dragoons (one of which being the 'boss', your target), as well as Fire, Ice, and Thundrakes for support. You only have to beat the one Dragoon in order to win this mission, so send out your best to take him down quickly. It's recommended if you have a Thief, that you steal the Dragoon's Genji Armor, and possibly the Genji Shield (though you can only get an ability from the armor). ================= 067. Missing Meow ================= Description: Please find my pet. His name is "meow" because he goes "meow meow". He likes rabbit tails. Thank you! -Amelie, Owner of Meow Mission Type: Battle Rank: 2 Appears: After completing the "Royal Valley" Mission Price: 600 Gil Location: Deti Plains Days: N/A Required Items: Rabbit Tail (Used) Reward: 27000 Gil, Ally Finder 2, 1 random item, 2 random cards Here, you must fight the "Meow" that the mission calls for you to find. Lucky for you, that is all you have to fight, since this Coeurl can be tough. It can even turn party members into stone if you are not careful, so equip some Ribbons and other stone-protection gear, and fight with some strong fighters to win. Try to end this battle quickly, to minimize the amount of suffering you must go through here. =============== 068. Fowl Thief =============== Description: A thief has been coming in the night and stealing our chickens! Please, catch him for us! -Kariena, Little Girl Mission Type: Battle Rank: 2 Appears: After completing the "Thesis Hunt" Mission Price: 600 Gil Location: Town of Origin Days: N/A Reward: 3600 Gil, 2 random items Here, you will confront the chicken thief in an open area, all alone. You only get to bring 3 characters with you into the battle, so bring your toughest to get the job done quickly. Be careful though, as the thief has high attack power, and the Counter ability. ================= 069. Free Sprohm! ================= Description: One of the Borzoi Capos is in the mountain town of Sprohm! Keep an eye on him until we and the Sprohm Watch are ready! -Cyril Town Watch Mission Type: Free-Area Rank: 3 Appears: After reading the "Area Freed!" rumor Price: 400 Gil, from Cyril Location: Sprohm Days: N/A Reward: 2400 Gil, 2 random items Here in the village of Sprohm, you must battle some clan members from the group Clan Borzoi, in order to liberate Sprohm. It should be simple, seeing that you only have a White Mage, Thief, and a Bangaa Warrior to deal with. Use your best group to kill off each of the opposition's 3 people, one at a time. Try to take out the White Mage quickly, or else he'll heal everyone else, making this battle last longer than needed. Once you clear the area, Sprohm is now a freed territory! ================= 070. Raven's Oath ================= Description: Think you can push Clan Borzoi and its allies around? Next time, you face me: Dread Raven! -Raven, Borzoi Capo Mission Type: Battle Rank: 4 Appears: After reading the "Our Heroes" rumor Price: 800 Gil Location: Giza Plains Days: N/A Reward: 6400 Gil, 2 random items Here, you will fight against Raven from Clan Borzoi, and a Black Mage. Raven himself is strong, so save him for last, but beware of his REALLY strong Holy attacks. Take out the Black Mage quickly with your strongest attackers, then redirect your efforts to Raven. He has Counter, so I advise you to attack from a distance (Archers are great for this, as are magic-users). ================== 071. Nubswood Base ================== Description: We've discovered a Borzoi Base in the Nubswood. Help us root this evil out of our lands forever! -Sprohm Town Watch Mission Type: Battle Rank: 3 Appears: After reading the "Borzoi's Plan" rumor Price: 1000 Gil Location: Nubswood Days: N/A Reward: 7000 Gil, 2 random items, 2 random cards Here, you will face 3 members of the Borzoi Clan: A Red, White, and Black Mage. They're not too hard to defeat, but the Black and Red Mage's magic attacks can really get to you quickly. Focus your strongest attacks on the Red Mage first, for his attacks are the strongest I've found. The White Mage primarily attacks, sometimes healing the others, so try and get rid of her next. The Black Mage seems to have low-level spells, but is still a threat, so devote a clan member to dispose of him, too. ================= 072. Lutia Mop-up ================= Description: We found another nest of those Borzoi worms in Lutia Pass! We've got four of their capos already, only three to go! -Sprohm Town Watch Mission Type: Battle Rank: 3 Appears: After completing the "Nubswood Base" Mission. Price: 800 Gil Location: Lutia Pass Days: N/A Reward: 6000 Gil, 2 random items, 2 random cards This go-around with the Borzoi Clan pits you versus a Time Mage, a Black Mage, and an Archer. The Black Mage has an Angel Ring used to revive him when you defeat him, so be sure to bring a Thief that can steal accessories (like I did). Bring your 4 best people (make sure the Thief is one of them) and you'll be able to make quick work of their clan once again. =================== 073. Borzoi Falling =================== Description: The Clan Borzoi boss, Gukko, has turned up in Cyril, and he plans on escaping overseas. Now's our chance to get him! -Cyril Town Watch Mission Type: Battle Rank: 4 Appears: After completing the two Borzoi "Wars", during Huntmoon Price: 1000 Gil, from Cyril Location: Cyril Days: N/A Required Skill: Combat (Level 12) Reward: 7200 Gil, Shield of Four Gods, 2 random cards For this final match versus Clan Borzoi, the stakes are high, for you're up against their leader this time. Gukko's allies are a bit tough, including a Sniper, White Monk, and a White Mage, and himself as a Fighter. The latter two have Far Fist abilities, whcih can cripple your party if you aren't careful. Have everyone spread out, and be sure to bring out only your absolute BEST clan members to fight here. With luck, you should be able to get down to the lower area, and kick ass against the other group collectively, since staying on top will eventually lead to your defeat. ================= 074. Cadoan Watch ================= Description: There's a bomb infestation near the town of Cadoan! Please help us drive them back before Cadoan burns to the ground! Mission Type: Battle Rank: 3 Appears: After reading the "Crime Ring" rumor Price: 1500 Gil (only from Cadoan) Location: Cadoan Days: N/A Reward: 8200 Gil, 2 random items, 2 random cards In this area outside the town, you are faced by a group of 5 Bombs. To put a quick end to this fight, bring a couple of Black Magic users and have them cast Blizzara a few times, or have other characters use water/ice-based abilities. With that pattern, the battle should be over in a couple simple rounds or so! ================= 075. Free Cadoan! ================= Description: The Redwings have reared their ugly head in Cyril. Help us and the Sprohm Town Watch drive them out! -Cadoan Town Watch Mission Type: Free-Area Rank: 4 Appears: After reading the "Red Wings" rumor Price: 600 Gil Location: Cadoan Days: N/A Reward: 2400 Gil, Red Robe, 2 random cards Here, you'll face off against 2 rather weak Mog Knights. Both of them have the Damage > MP reaction ability, which means whenever you attack them, they'll only be losing MP, then HP when they have no more MP. So, get across the upper platforms and start attacking the enemies to weaken their MP, then send a couple fighters down to really destroy them once their MP is gone. =============== 076. Fire Sigil =============== Description: Marilith Serpent, Falgabird of fire and brimstone, has been seen at Roda Volcano. Your duty is clear! Godspeed. -The Mysterious Minstrel Mission Type: Battle Rank: 3 Appears: After reading the "Falgabird" rumor Price: 600 Gil Location: Roda Volcano Days: N/A Reward: 4600 Gil, Fire Sigil, 1 random item, 2 random cards Inside the volcano, you'll have to fight the Falgabird of Fire, Marilith, as well as the 3 Mog Knights joining her. You start off across the battlefield, so spend a couple turns traveling across, then use lots of ice-based magic and strong physical attacks to take out everyone quickly. Be careful of Marilith though, for the monster can put much of your clan to sleep. That's why you should bring a White Mage with Esuna, just in case. ================= 077. Free Baguba! ================= Description: Redwings calling themselves the "Magus Sisters" have turned up in Baguba. Help us fight this new menace to our people! -Baguba Town Watch Mission Type: Battle Rank: 4 Appears: After reading "The Spiritstone" rumor Price: 600 Gil Location: Baguba Port Days: N/A Reward: 2400 Gil, Delta Fang, 1 random item, 2 random cards You get to face up with 3 Naga in this town setting. Luckily, you'll have 6 clan members to send out for this battle; even with less than 6, this battle will be quite simple. Send out some quick/strong attackers, as well as a good Black Mage, and you should be set. Just watch out for the Twister ability, and the Poisonfrog nuisance, so have Esuna handy for those. ================ 078. Water Sigil ================ Description: Kraken Bolum, Falgabird of wave and water, has been seen at Nargai Cave. Your duty is clear! Godspeed. -The Mysterious Minstrel Mission Type: Battle Rank: 4 Appears: After reading "The Sages" rumor Price: 2400 Gil Location: Nargai Cave Reward: 18000 Gil, Water Sigil, 1 random item, 2 random cards Alright, this should be a really simple battle for your clan at this point. The Falgabird of Water, Kraken, is a simple Ice Flan, accompanied by 3 Mog Knights with Gunner abilities. The Mog Knights shouldn't be too difficult to take down, perhaps with a good physical/magic attack will suffice. As for the Kraken, a simple Thundara should down it in one shot. =============== 079. Wind Sigil =============== Description: Tiamat Dragoa, Falgabird of wind and storm, was seen in the Koringwood. Your duty is clear! Godspeed. -The Mysterious Minstrel Mission Type: Battle Rank: 4 Appears: After reading "The Sages" rumor Price: 3600 Gil Location: Koringwood Days: N/A Reward: 18000 Gil, Wind Sigil, 1 random item, 2 random cards The feared Falgabird of Wind turns out to be a simple Thundrake, accompanied by 3 Mog Knights. This should be another easy battle. It'll take a couple rounds for you to engage with the opposition because of where you start off, though. Anyway, I would recommend a Black Mage with Fira or Blizzara, since Thunder would only heal the drake. Also, strong physical attackers are a must, since a simple magic spell won't down this creature as easily as the Ice Flan in the Water Sigil mission. The mission ends when all the enemies are gone. ================ 080. Earth Sigil ================ Description: Lich De Mort, Falgabird of earth and stone, has been seen at Aisen Plains. Your duty is clear! Godspeed. -The Mysterious Minstrel Mission Type: Battle Rank: 4 Appears: After reading "The Sages" rumor Price: 2400 Gil Location: Aisenfield Days: N/A Reward: 18000 Gil, Earth Sigil, 1 random item, 2 random cards For this last Sigil, you go against Lich, an undead creature, and 3 Mog Knights with Juggler abilities. Clan members with Esuna and Astra mastered are a must, so they can keep the Mogs from stopping time on your entire party, or worse. Plus, White Mages can use Cure spells to damage Lich, so that helps as well. The ultimate character to have would be a Paladin with a holy sword equipped; that way he can destroy Lich in just a single hit or so! ================= 081. The Redwings ================= Description: The Redwings base has been found in the Salikawood. Dark Knight Grissom, the Redwings boss is there. Godspeed. -The Mysterious Minstrel Mission Type: Battle Rank: 4 Appears: After reading "The Sages" rumor Price: 5000 Gil Location: Salikawood Days: N/A Required Items: Spiritstone Reward: 22600 Gil, Death's Cloak, 2 random cards This is a rather simple battle against Dark Night Grissom, along with 2 Mog Knights and 2 Defenders. You only have to beat Grissom to clear the mission, so bring out a quick, strong attacker to finish him off easily. The other characters shouldn't cause you too much harm, given this point in the game. ================== 082. FreeMuscadet! ================== Description: Some Clan Borzoi leftovers have turned up in the town of Muscadet. Help us beat some sense into them! -Muscadet Town Watch Mission Type: Free-Area Rank: 4 Appears: After reading the "Grissom's End" rumor Price: 600 Gil Location: Muscadet Days: N/A Reward: 2400 Gil, Hanya Helm, 2 random cards Back again for one last bout as Clan Borzoi, you face up against 3 past characters: Silverlock, Celia, and Redy. If you have a Thief, this is an opportune time to get some rare goods, such as Redy's Masamune and Genji Shield, as well as Celia's Master Bow and Cachusha. Anyway, bring out your very best to take out the Assassins quickly, and preferably from a distance, then go for the Templar for the win. ================= 083. ForeignFiend ================= Description: A giant snake is attacking our traveling merchants! We can't make our rounds like this. Someone please stop that thing! -Davoi, Merchant Mission Type: Battle Rank: 5 Appears: After reading the "ForeignFiends" rumor Price: 2400 Gil Location: Ulei River Days: N/A Reward: 18000 Gil, 2 random items, 2 random cards Out here is a powerful Queen Lamia, and you get to send out 4 clan members to battle it. I highly recommend fast-moving, high-range attackers such as Black Mages and Sages. Be careful of the enemy's Night ability, which can put everyone to sleep, unless of course you have some Fortune Rings equipped. The battle ends when the queen is defeated. ================= 084. ForeignFiend ================= Description: A bizarre turtle-like monster is attacking the town! Somebody stop it! -Crusoi Inn Mission Type: Battle Rank: 5 Appears: After completing the "ForeignFiend" (083) Mission Price: 2800 Gil Location: Baguba Port Days: N/A Reward: 20400 Gil, 2 random items, 2 random cards In Baguba, you will face off against a strong-skinned Adamantoise. You'd be best off sending out ONLY magic users, such as Black Mages and Sages, for they are the only ones who can really damage this creature. Keep your distance and attack with your strong -aga spells, or Bio if you have a Sage, and you'll get through. ================= 085. ForeignFiend ================= Description: A plant monster is attacking people, and the body count is rising! We need a weeder, quick! -Bokum, Townsperson Mission Type: Battle Rank: 5 Appears: After completing the "ForeignFiend" (084) Mission Price: 3000 Gil Location: Uladon Bog Days: N/A Reward: 22600 Gil, 2 random items, 2 random cards You're faced up with an Ochu and a Neochu (basically Malboros) here. These things are STRONG, so be well-prepared with very strong attackers and mages to counter. Basically, bring out some strong attackers and keep your distance so they can't use Bad Breath on your units, and you'll make it through. =============== 086. Last Stand =============== Description: I sense...a life-force possessing unfathomable magic powers! It would be folly to let it roam wild. Kill it! Kill it! -Shaton, Diviner Mission Type: Battle Rank: 6 Appears: After completing the "ForeignFiend" (085) Mission Price: 4600 Gil Location: Nubswood Days: N/A Reward: 34000 Gil, Dread Soul, Judge Coat, 2 random cards The last of the foreign fiends is a very strong Dread Lord Vampire. Holy attackers such as Paladins are a must, as are high-level Fire spells from Black Mages. I've also found that the Time Mage's Demi is quite useful in knocking this creature's HP down quickly, so try that as well if you want. Don't bother with healing spells/items, since they appear to be too weak versus the enemy. =================== 087. Free Bervenia! =================== Description: Gukko is back in Cyril and planning to attack the palace with his newfound magical powers. Calling every town watch to arms! -Cyril Town Watch Mission Type: Free-Area Rank: 6 Appears: After liberating all other territories, and reading the "Gukko's Return" rumor Price: 400 Gil Location: Cyril Days: N/A Reward: 2400 Gil, Rukavi Soul, 1 random item, 2 random cards Now, this WILL be a tough one for you, so definitely make sure you're up for a fight before engaging. You must fight the Vampire form of Gukko, along with a couple of Ahriman and Icedrakes. Obviously, since Gukko is a Vampire, he cannot be truly "killed"; only downed for up to 3 turns before coming back to life. Also, one of the Ahriman has the Roulette ability, which can be a pain in the neck for you. So, try and kill off the Ahriman quickly, then use a Black Mage's Thundaga or Firaga to take out the Icedrakes if possible. As for the main bad guy, send out your best attackers to quickly down him, while the others dispatch the other enemies, and this mission will be yours. ================== 088. The Worldwyrm ================== Description: The ley lines that run through Ivalice have gone awry--the World Wyrm, Ogma is come again! Defeat him or Ivalice is doomed! -Jemingo, Geomancer Mission Type: Battle Rank: 7 Appears: After completing the "Royal Valley" Mission Price: 3000 Gil Location: Roda Volcano Days: N/A Reward: 22600 Gil, Ogma's Seal, 1 random item, Allmighty card, 1 random card At the volcano, you must fight an extremely powerful Thundrake, known as the legendary Ogma. He is VERY strong, as you will see by his HP and EXP, so be sure to bring your absolute best out to fight it. If possible, equip items that nullify Thunder damage on your behalf, so the drake's attacks aren't totally devastating. If you can get a powerful Paladin or Ninja up close with Double Sword, that can help knock its HP down a bit, as would the Time Mage's Demi spell, or the Alchemist's Meteor. ================= 089. Moogle Bride ================= Description: My dearest Montblanc, I think of you always. If we could meet, I would much like to tell you how I feel in person. -Mogumi, Townsgirl Mission Type: Battle Rank: 5 Appears: After completing "The Worldwyrm" Mission Price: 2400 Gil Location: Materiwood Days: N/A Reward: 18000 Gil, Esteroth, 1 random item, 2 random cards When you appear at the Materiwood, you may not be expecting a battle, but apparently you've been tricked! Either way, you must fight a clan of Moogles, with varying jobs. I would try and get rid of the Juggler first, because his abilities can get to be the most annoying, followed by the Black/Time Mages. It probably won't be too hard of a battle for you, compared to some of the previous ones you went through. ============= 090. Clan Law ============= Description: We clans were made to steal work, to gain turf, were we not? All you fat and lazy clans, get ready for a rude awakening! -Secret Clan Coalition Mission Type: Battle Rank: 6 Appears: After completing the "Moogle Bride" Mission Price: 2000 Gil Location: Ozmonfield Days: N/A Reward: 13600 Gil, Master Brave, 1 random item, 2 random cards This is an interesting battle indeed, pitting your clan against the leaders of several other clans who are jealous of your success. Your biggest threat would be the Paladin, because of how powerful his attacks can be, but I would concentrate on the White Mage at first so there won't be any healing of the enemies later on. After you get rid of those two, it's fair game against the remaining 3, so make sure you bring along some strong people to defeat them. ================= 091. Challengers? ================= Description: A swordsman from afar has come looking to challenge our strongest warrior. One look at the guy was enough to send me running! -Hulick, Swordsman Mission Type: Battle Rank: 3 Appears: After completing the "Desert Patrol" Mission Price: 2400 Gil Location: Delia Dunes Days: N/A Reward: 18000 Gil, Chirijiraden, 2 random cards You get to face up versus a really strong Fighter, but with 4 clan members on your end! That should just show you how tough this boss really is. You can go in with some really strong units, such as a Paladin and Black Mages, and kick major butt that way. Alternatively, you could have a Time Mage cast Stop, then obliterate this swordsman in a few turns that way. He has some rare goods to steal, if you care to bring a Thief with you, too. ================= 092. Cursed Bride ================= Description: Save my son! He's been odd ever since he married that girl, and the other day I saw her turn into a snake and bite him! -Marcello, Merchant Recluse Mission Type: Battle Rank: 4 Appears: After completing the "Pirates Ahoy" mission Price: 1000 Gil Location: Eluut Sands Days: N/A Reward: 8200 Gil, Last Letter, 1 random item, 2 random cards Out here, you must face a Level 26 Lilith, which acts as a boss. You are allotted 4 clan members for this mission, so bring out your strongest characters to fight. A White Mage would be useful, since the Lilith uses Twister which halves your HP constantly. Simply put, you cannot actually die in this battle, so just go all out on beating this creature and you'll be done in 2-3 rounds tops. =================== 093. Flan Breakout! =================== Description: There's been an outbreak of flan near our logging site! They'll eat all the trees, and we'll be out of a job! Help! -Dals, Lumberjack Mission Type: Battle Rank: 3 Appears: After completing the "Exodus" Battle Price: 1800 Gil Location: Salikawood Days: N/A Reward: 13600 Gil, Heretic Rod, 2 random cards When you go into this fight, bring ONLY magic-users with you, since any physically-attacking units will be useless! This round can be over in just a couple turns if you have some strong Black Mages casting spells on multiple targets at once (blue weak vs. fire, yellow weak vs. ice/water, red weak vs. thunder). If you follow that color-coordinated plan, you'll win this REALLY simply! ================== 094. Sorry, Friend ================== Description: We learned a summoning spell at school, but when I tried it at home, I couldn't get the monster to leave! Help me! -Orvis, Mage School Junior Mission Type: Encounter Rank: 3 Appears: After completing the "Llednar" Battle Price: 1800 Gil Location: Deti Plains Days: N/A Reward: 13600 Gil, Vanguard, 1 random item, 2 random cards Out here in the barren plains, you face a simple Jawbreaker Antlion. Send out 4 clan members and kill this simple beast to clear the mission. ============ 095. Carrot! ============ Description: Oh my, what to do? My pet, Carrot, is hiding in her house and won't come out! Bring a spear, you may need it! -Mrs. Nanabu Mission Type: Encounter Rank: 5 Appears: After completing the "Royal Valley" (024), "Den of Evil" (064), and "Thorny Dreams" (193) Missions Price: 5400 Gil Location: Jagd Helje Days: 20 Required Items: Rusty Spear (Used) Reward: 40600 Gil, Malbow, 1 random item, 2 random cards Out in the Jagd, you fight against Carrot, which turns out to be a rather vicious Malboro monster! This creature can REALLY get annoying with its ability to afflict status ailments on your party, so be sure to equip Ribbons to help the situation. Since it's so strong, bring out some really strong physical fighters, as well as long-distance attackers, such as Time and Black Mages (Demi works great here). Just try and keep your distance when possible to avoid the Bad Breath, and you should get through this fairly intact. ================ 096. Shadow Clan ================ Description: [Clan Nutsy!] If you truly believe you are the strongest clan in Ivalice, we, ShadowClan, challenge you! -Hanzo, ShadowClan Boss Mission Type: Battle Rank: 5 Appears: After completing the "Royal Valley" (024), "Den of Evil" (064), and "Missing Meow" (067) Missions Price: 4800 Gil Location: Jagd Ahli Days: N/A Reward: 36000 Gil, Ninja Tabi, 1 random item, 2 random cards Yeah, this is one of those pain in the neck battles once again, but then again, a challenge is a challenge. With 3 Ninjas and 2 Assassins to go against, you better be VERY well-prepared to get through it! Anyway, very strong units will help, especially those who can quickly defeat an enemy, such as a 2-sword Paladin or Ninja, a Gladiator, or some Mages. You only have to defeat the head Ninja, Hanzo, but the others can gang up on you if you're not careful, so try and concentrate on Hanzo to clear this battle quickly. =================== 097. The Dark Blade =================== Description: He killed them all...with his dark blade, he slew all the men that went to rescue their comrade who fell to the Redwings... -Deetz, Streetear Mission Type: Battle Rank: 6 Appears: After completing the "Royal Valley" (024) and "Beastly Gun" (284) Missions Price: 3000 Gil Location: Jagd Dorsa Days: N/A Required Items: Spiritstone (Used) Bent Sword (Used) Reward: 22600 Gil, Ebon Blade, 1 random item, 2 random cards This Dark Knight as a Paladin (contradiction in terms, eh?) is your only opponent in this Jagd, although he is a bit dangerous. Try to get as close as you can, then let loose with your greatest attacks, being careful of his own hard-hitting abilities as well. If you can get a good few spells in, there's your chance to bring in the physical fighters to wear him down entirely. =================== 098. The Hero Blade =================== Description: Blacksmith Buckles lives outside town. Bring him materials and defeat him in battle, and he'll make a sword of legend for you! -Deetz, Streetear Mission Type: Battle Rank: 6 Appears: After completing the "Royal Valley" (024), "Den of Evil" (064), and "Carrot!" (095) Missions Price: 3600 Gil Location: Baguba Port Days: N/A Required Items: Rusty Sword (Used) Mysidia Alloy (Used) Reward: 27000 Gil, Excalibur2, 1 random item, 2 random cards You will face the great Blacksmith known as Buckles in battle here. He is all alone, but has lots of great equipment to steal, so make sure a couple of Thieves come along for this fight. Steal his Genji Helm, Glove, and Armor. Also, steal the Dragon Whiskers weapon, since it's all quite rare and can be useful to your clan. As for battling, this Templar-jobber shouldn't be too tough despite his level, so bring out your best in order to win one of the best Knightswords in the game! ================== 099. The Fey Blade ================== Description: Wanna fight me? I'm the traveling swordsmith, Gagatoh! Defeat me, and I'll make you a fey blade, the likes of which have never been seen! Mission Type: Battle Rank: 6 Appears: Approximately after completing the "Royal Valley" Mission Price: 4200 Gil Location: Siena Gorge Days: N/A Required Items: Zodiac Ore (Used) Blood Apple (Used) Reward: 31600 Gil, Masamune 100, 1 random item, 2 random cards It's only the swordsmith who issued the challenge, versus several of your clan members fighting. His attacks are quite strong, and his Counter can prevent you can attacking him directly, so keep that in mind when planning an attack. Magic-users such as Black Mages, Sages, and Alchemists would be excellent here, because of the wide range of abilities to be had by those jobs; plus they are long-distance! Basically, stay away from him and attack strongly to win. ============== 100. Fiend Run ============== Description: There was a flood at the monster bank, and many of the monsters got out! Please capture those still on the loose! -Monster Bank Administration Mission Type: Encounter Rank: 5 Appears: After capturing 5 monsters, vist the Monster Bank in Cyril Price: 1200 Gil Location: Varies Days: 20 Reward: 8800 Gil, 1 random item, 2 random cards Upon accepting this mission, a clan member in blue garb will wander the World Map. Approach him and choose to Capture them to engage in battle. Defeat the monsters (or re-capture them - your call) to clear the mission. ================= 101. Clan Roundup ================= Description: Bandit clans are stealing work and attacking without warning! They're giving us clans a bad name. Help us round them up. -Clan Center Mission Type: Encounter Rank: 3 Appears: After completing the "The Big Find" Mission, during the Madmoon Price: 900 Gil Location: Varies Days: 25 Reward: 4600 Gil, 2 random items Upon accepting this mission, a clan member in blue garb will wander the World Map. Approach him and he'll ask for 3000 Gil. Choose "Engage" and you will have to do battle. Defeat the clan and the mission is cleared. ================= 102. Wyrms Awaken ================= Description: The dragons sleeping in Roda Volcano are awake and heading towards Baguba! Please help us hold them off. -Delia Royal Watchpost Mission Type: Encounter Rank: 3 Appears: After completing the "Desert Patrol" Mission Price: 3000 Gil Location: Varies Days: 35 Reward: 22600 Gil, 2 random items, 2 random cards Upon accepting this mission, a clan member in blue garb will appear at Roda Volcano. Approach him and you'll engage in battle. Defeat them and the mission is cleared. ================= 103. Mythril Rush ================= Description: Professor Auggie's found a mythril vein in Tubola Cave using one of his new inventions! Talk to him--you might get rich! -Carnen, Streetear Mission Type: Encounter Rank: 3 Appears: After completing the "Missing Prof" Mission Price: 1000 Gil Location: Varies Days: N/A Reward: 7000 Gil, Silvril, 1 random card Upon accepting this mission, a clan member in blue garb will appear at Tubola Cave. Approach him and he will offer you Silvril for 10,000 gil in exchange for letting him go. Choose "Just take it" and you'll engage in battle. Defeat them and the mission is cleared. ================= 104. Stolen Scoop ================= Description: Someone stole my latest scoop article, and I'll bet it was those guys at the Sprohm News. Get them before they reach Sprohm! -Eraile, Daily Baguba Mission Type: Encounter Rank: 3 Appears: After completing "The Big Find" Mission Price: 1800 Gil Location: Varies Days: 25 Reward: 9000 Gil, 1 random item, 2 random cards Upon accepting this mission, a clan member in blue garb will wander the World Map. Approach him and he will try to bribe you for 2,000 gil to let him go. Deny this request and you'll have to do battle. Defeat them and the mission will be cleared. Note: The Fencer wears the rare Cachusha if interested. ================= 105. Smuggle Bust ================= Description: We suspect a clan is smuggling rare monsters in boxes, but we can't move until we have proof! Can you look into it? -Dellar, Palace Guard Mission Type: Encounter Rank: 3 Appears: After completing the "The Big Find" and "Poachers" Missions. Price: 2700 Gil Location: Varies Days: 40 Reward: 13600 Gil, Chocobo Skin, 1 random item, 2 random cards Upon accepting this mission, a clan member in blub garb will wander the World Map. Approach him and he'll offer you a Chocobo Skin if you leave him alone. Pick "Sorry, no deal" and you will engage in battle. Defeat the clan, then break the boxes to free the monsters, and the mission will be cleared. =============== 106. Resistance =============== Description: There's an underground resistance, trading anti-laws to defy the palace's rule! Try trading, you might get something good! -Ezel Mission Type: Encounter Rank: 2 Appears: Gossip with Ezel the Card Keeper in Cadoan. Price: 800 Gil Location: Varies Days: 25 Reward: 6000 Gil, 2 random items, R3 Antilaw Card Upon accepting this mission, a clan member in blue garb will wander the World Map. Approach him and he'll want to trade his R3 Antilaw Card for a Phoenix Down. Choose to "Demand Law" and you will have to do battle. Defeat the clan and the mission is cleared. ================ 107. Old Friends ================ Description: We've run into a tough blade biter, and well, we've bit off more than we can chew! Please help! -Ritz Mission Type: Encounter Rank: 5 Appears: After completing the "Mateus" Battle, and "S.O.S." Mission Price: 900 Gil Location: Varies Days: 25 Reward: 4600 Gil, Beastspear, 1 random card Upon accepting this mission, a clan member in blue garb (it's Ritz, but the sprite is being reused) will appear and wander the World Map. Approach her and you'll have the option of giving her a Blue Rose. Do so for the Allmighty card; if not, that's okay, because either option you pick engages you in battle. Here in the battlefield, you'll meet up with the rest of Ritz's clan, versus an Antlion, Bomb, and an extremely tough-skinned Weapon Biter. Because of Ritz's clan helping out, you can only bring in Marche and one additional person, so make it a Black Mage. That way you can hit the creature from the lower area with high-level magic to quickly deplete its power. The battle ends when all enemies are defeated. Be careful if you get close though, since the creature can use Limit Glove, which is basically an instant kill if effective. ============= 108. Poachers ============= Description: Oh, the fur of the kudik tiger--that sheen! That silky feel! It's hard to come by, unless you happen to know a good poacher.. -Flore, Ample Noblewoman Mission Type: Encounter Rank: 4 Appears: After completing the "Friend Trouble" Mission Price: 1600 Gil Location: Variable Days: 25 Reward: 11400 Gil, Tiger Hide, 1 random item, 2 random cards Upon accepting this mission, a clan member in blue garb will wander the World Map. Approach him and choose "Sorry, no deal" and you will have to do battle. Defeat the clan and the mission is cleared. =============== 109. Snow Fairy =============== Description: Signs of snow spotted! When the earth shines in seven hues, the snow fairies appear. Watch the weather with care! -Cadoan Academy Mission Type: Encounter Rank: 4 Appears: After completing "The Bounty" Mission Price: 1200 Gil Location: Varies Days: 20 Reward: 9000 Gil, 1 random item, 2 random cards Upon accepting this mission, a snow fairy in blue garb will wander the World Map. Approach it and choose "No sweets!", and you will have to do battle. Defeat the clan and the mission is cleared. ============ 110. Revenge ============ Description: H-Help! A man named Weaver wants me dead. Yes, it was my fault his family died, but I've repented! -Celebrant, Gelzak Church Mission Type: Encounter Rank: 4 Appears: After completing the "Weaver's War" Mission Price: 700 Gil Location: Varies Days: 25 Reward: 13600 Gil, 2 random items, 2 random items Upon accepting this mission, a clan member in blue garb will wander the World Map. Approach him and choose to "Detain" him to enter battle. Defeat Weaver (the boss) and the mission will be cleared. =================== 111. Retrieve Mail! =================== Description: I mis-sorted the mail, and now the delivery man's off to Cadoan! Stop that mail, use ANY MEANS NECESSARY. I'll take responsibility. -Marko, Mail Sorter Mission Type: Encounter Rank: 3 Appears: After completing the "Pale Company" Mission Price: 1600 Gil Location: Varies Days: 25 Reward: 11400 Gil, 1 random item, 2 random cards Upon accepting this mission, the mailman will wander the World Map in blue garb. Approach him and pick either option to enter battle. Defeat the clan and the mission is cleared. ================ 112. A Challenge ================ Description: Yo, Clan Nutsy. You're quite popular lately. There's still time for you to join us at Clan Baham... or else! -Mintz, Deputy Clan Boss Mission Type: Encounter Rank: 3 Appears: After completing the "Desert Peril" Mission Price: 900 Gil Location: Varies Days: 25 Required Skill: Negotiation (Level 4) Reward: 4200 Gil, 2 random items Upon accepting this mission, a clan member in blue garb will wander the World Map. Approach him and choose to "Engage" and you will have to do battle. Defeat the clan and the mission is cleared. ================= 113. Watching You ================= Description: I think I'm being watched. People say I'm just paranoid, but I've been hearing flapping wings at night! Please investigate. -Titi, Shy Student Mission Type: Dispatch Rank: 1 Appears: After completing the "The Cheetahs" Mission Price: 600 Gil Location: N/A Days: N/A Reward: 2800 Gil, Ahriman Eye, 1 random item =============== 114. Golden Gil =============== Description: I want you to research the origin of the golden gil in my shop. If it's really from the Age of Kings, it could be good for sales. -Shopkeeper, The Golden Gil Mission Type: Dispatch Rank: 4 Appears: After completing the "Emerald Keep" Mission Price: 1200 Gil Location: N/A Dispatch Return: 20 days Reward: 6400 Gil, Ancient Coins, 1 random item ================ 115. Dueling Sub ================ Description: I've been challenged to a dual, but I'm scared. Will you go in my place? Just pretend to be me, OK? -Viscount Gatt Mission Type: Dispatch Rank: 1 Appears: After completing the "Herb Picking" Mission Price: 300 Gil Location: N/A Dispatch Return: 3 days Required Job: Soldier Reward: 1800 Gil, 1 random item ================ 116. Gulug Ghost ================ Description: We need someone to offer holy water at the shrine on the old Gulug Volcano. The female ghost is up to her old tricks again. -Oktoma, Townsperson Mission Type: Dispatch Rank: 6 Appears: After completing the "Llednar" Battle, during Huntmoon Price: 1600 Gil Location: N/A Dispatch Return: 2 battles Reward: 11800 Gil, Fire Sigil, 1 random item, 2 random cards =============== 117. Water City =============== Description: A legendary city of water lies at the bottom of Bisebina Lake. We need constant updates--please dive and report. -Hickle, Legend Researcher Mission Type: Dispatch Rank: 6 Appears: After completing the "Llednar" Battle, during Madmoon Price: 1200 Gil Location: N/A Dispatch Return: 2 battles Reward: 10000 Gil, Water Sigil, 1 random item, 1 random card ================= 118. Mirage Tower ================= Description: They say there's a mirage tower in the desert, where you can find crystalized wind! The wind's good this year, maybe some's there? -Bran, Streetear Mission Type: Dispatch Rank: 6 Appears: After completing the "Llednar" Battle, during Bardmoon Price: 1600 Gil Location: N/A Dispatch Return: 2 battles Required Job: Mog Knight Reward: 11800 Gil, Wind Sigil, 1 random item, 2 random cards ================== 119. A Barren Land ================== Description: There is a barren land to the east, where no grass will grow. I want to know why! Bring me soil, as much as you can. -Powell, Researcher Mission Type: Dispatch Rank: 6 Appears: After completing the "Llednar" Battle, during Sagemoon Price: 1800 Gil Location: N/A Dispatch Return: 2 battles Reward: 13200 Gil, Earth Sigil, 1 random item, 1 random card ================ 120. Cadoan Meet ================ Description: Mages! Want to compete in the Cadoan Mage Tourney? The tourney will be split by class in a fight to see who's the strongest! -Mage Tourney Committee Mission Type: Dispatch Rank: 5 Appears: After completing the "Llednar" Battle, during Sagemoon Price: 1200 Gil Location: N/A Dispatch Return: 1 battle Required Job: Black Mage Reward: 10600 Gil, Magic Trophy, 1 random item, 2 random cards ================ 121. Sprohm Meet ================ Description: The Sprohm Battle Tourney is accepting contestants. Fight for glory and honor! We've also prepared the usual monetary award... -Battle Tourney Committee Mission Type: Dispatch Rank: 5 Appears: After completing the "Exodus" Battle, during the Madmoon Price: 900 Gil Location: N/A Dispatch Return: 1 battle Required Job: Fighter Reward: 4200 Gil, Fight Trophy, 1 random item, 2 random cards ================ 122. Run For Fun ================ Description: There will be a sporting event at our academy soon, but missing one member for our popular marathon team. Looking for a replacement. -Pollan, Blue Team Leader Mission Type: Dispatch Rank: 2 Appears: After completing the "Diamond Rain" Mission Price: 600 Gil Location: N/A Dispatch Return: 1 battle Required Job: Juggler Reward: 5200 Gil, Sport Trophy, 1 random item, 2 random cards ================= 123. Hungry Ghost ================= Description: A hungry ghost hound is causing a panic at the Earlchad Monastery and raiding the pantry. Please put it to rest. -Baldi, Head Monk Mission Type: Dispatch Rank: 2 Appears: After completing the "Antilaws" Mission Price: 600 Gil Location: N/A Dispatch Return: 10 days Required: Dragon Bone (Used) Reward: 4200 Gil, Elda's Cup, 1 random item, two random cards ================= 124. Pirates Ahoy ================= Description: We have reports that a large pirate band will be passing through our waters soon. We need good steel and young muscles! -Wilhem, Coast Guard Mission Type: Dispatch Rank: 4 Appears: After completing the "Emerald Keep" Mission Price: 1200 Gil Location: N/A Dispatch Return: 2 battles Reward: 6400 Gil, Coast Medal, 1 random item, 2 random cards ================== 125. Castle Sit-In ================== Description: A group of youths are protesting the capture of their friends at a castle in the south. Talk sense into them! -Hansrich, Security Chief Mission Type: Dispatch Rank: 2 Appears: After completing "Morning Woes" Mission Price: 600 Gil Location: N/A Dispatch Return: 1 battle Reward: 4600 Gil, Guard Medal, 1 random item, 2 random cards ================== 126. Wine Delivery ================== Description: Looking for brave souls who will bring wine to sooth the parched throats of our heroes in battle. Come equipped for combat. -Devon, War Council Officer Mission Type: Dispatch Rank: 5 Appears: After completing the "Exodus" Battle Price: 1000 Gil Location: N/A Dispatch Return: 10 days Reward: 7000 Gil, Rainbowite, 1 random item, 2 random cards ================= 127. Broken Tunes ================= Description: I've broken my lady's favorite music box. Please, repair it if you can. I would so much like to see her smile again. -Tirara, Maidservant Mission Type: Dispatch Rank: 6 Appears: After completing the "Good Bread (276)" Mission Price: 1600 Gil Location: N/A Dispatch Return: 15 days Reward: 11400 Gil, Cat's Tears, 1 random item, 2 random cards ================= 128. Falcon Flown ================= Description: My best hunting falcon, "Hyperion", has been gone for a day. Perhaps he is looking for his late master? Please find him! -Arno, Falconer Mission Type: Dispatch Rank: 6 Appears: After completing the "Sword Needed" Mission Price: 1400 Gil Location: N/A Dispatch Return: 10 days Required Items: Skull (Used) Reward: 11400 Gil, Dame's Blush, 1 random item, 2 random cards ================ 129. Danger Pass ================ Description: Bandits are active in Goras Pass and are cutting off our trade routes. Please stop them before we go out of business! -Feugo, Wilhem & Co. Mission Type: Dispatch Rank: 5 Appears: After completing the "Hundred-Eye" Mission Price: 1000 Gil Location: N/A Dispatch Return: Defeat 15 enemies Reward: 7800 Gil, Thunderstone, 1 random item, 2 random cards =============== 130. Mist Stars =============== Description: Many of our children have never seen the stars due to the mists that cover our land most of the year. Can you help us? -Ulg, Astronomer Mission Type: Dispatch Rank: 5 Appears: After completing "The Big Find" Mission Price: 1200 Gil Location: N/A Dispatch Return: 2 battles Reward: 9000 Gil, Stormstone, 1 random item, 2 random cards ================= 131. Adaman Alloy ================= Description: I'm afraid we've run out of adamantite. We can't run a business like this! Find us some, and I will made adaman alloy for you. -Elbo, Workshop Vargi Mission Type: Dispatch Rank: 4 Appears: After completing "The Bounty (013)" Mission Price: 2000 Gil Location: N/A Dispatch Return: 2 battles Required Items: Adamantite (Used) Adamantite (Used) Required Skill: Smithing (Level 15) Reward: 0 Gil, Adaman Alloy, 1 random item, 2 random cards ================== 132. Mysidia Alloy ================== Description: Now taking orders for mysidia alloy. Only 10 orders can be filled, first come first served. Thank you. -Deunon, Workshop Rool Mission Type: Dispatch Rank: 4 Appears: After completing the "Jagd Hunt" Mission Price: 2000 Gil Location: N/A Dispatch Return: 15 days Required Items: Adamantite (Used) Silvril (Used) Required Skill: Smithing (Level 15) Reward: 0 Gil, Mysidia Alloy, 1 random item, 2 random cards ================== 133. Crusite Alloy ================== Description: It's time for us to get back to work. Bring us good materials and we'll make you the best crusite alloy gil can buy! -Sabak, Workshop Berk Mission Type: Dispatch Rank: 4 Appears: After completing the "Pale Company" Mission Price: 1800 Gil Location: N/A Dispatch Return: 10 days Required Items: Zodiac Ore (Used) Zodiac Ore (Used) Required Skill: Smithing (Level 15) Reward: 0 Gil, Crusite Alloy, 1 random item, 2 random cards =================== 134. Faceless Dolls =================== Description: I found a creepy road in the Ophanwood with faceless dolls all lined up. I can't bring myself to walk past--are they safe? -Edist, Tailor Mission Type: Dispatch Rank: 6 Appears: After completing the "Mateus" Battle Price: 2100 Gil Location: N/A Dispatch Return: Defeat 10 enemies Reward: 10800 Gil, Blood Shawl, 1 random item, 2 random cards =================== 135. Faithful Fairy =================== Description: I quit work, but I'm still concerned about my old co-workers. Please bring them fairy wings that they may sweep in style! -Mables, Former Maidservant Mission Type: Dispatch Rank: 6 Appears: After completing the "Materite Now!" Mission Price: 1200 Gil Location: N/A Dispatch Return: Defeat 5 enemies Required Items: Fairy Wing (Used) Reward: 10000 Gil, Ahriman Wing, 1 random item, 2 random cards ================= 136. For The Lady ================= Description: A large amount of gil, meant to pay for the Lady Tiana's medicine, has been stolen from Baron Ianna, and he wants it back. -Carnen, Streetear Mission Type: Dispatch Rank: 6 Appears: After completing the "Materite Now!" Mission Price: 1200 Gil Location: N/A Dispatch Return: 2 battles Required Items: Stolen Gil (Used) Reward: 10600 Gil, Fairy Wing, 1 random item, 2 random cards ================= 137. Seven Nights ================= Description: My teacher's secret recipe says "stir without rest for seven days and seven nights". Will someone please stir for me!? -Hihat, Alchemist Adept Mission Type: Dispatch Rank: 6 Appears: After completing the "Llednar" Battle Price: 1600 Gil Location: N/A Dispatch Return: 15 days Required Items: Ancient Bills (Used) Reward: 11800 Gil, Goldcap, 1 random item, 2 random cards ================ 138. Shady Deals ================ Description: Selbaden Church is up to something. The Father has been meeting in secret with merchant types. I bet there's shady deals afoot. -Sayen, Townsperson Mission Type: Dispatch Rank: 6 Appears: After completing the "Janitor Duty" Mission Price: 1400 Gil Location: N/A Dispatch Return: 10 days Required Items: Secret Books (Used) Reward: 10600 Gil, Life Water, 1 random item ================== 139. Earthy Colors ================== Description: I restore artwork for a living, but I'm out of paints. I need some rock from the mountains... Only the hardy need apply. -Rosseni, Atelier Wite Mission Type: Dispatch Rank: 1 Appears: After completing the "Life or Death" Mission Price: 600 Gil Location: N/A Dispatch Return: 5 days Reward: 2800 Gil, Ancient Text, 1 random item ================== 140. Lost Heirloom ================== Description: Please retrieve Estel's heirloom from the HQ of the greedy "Neighbor" merchant network! Justice must be done! -Fago, Ally of Justice Mission Type: Dispatch Rank: 3 Appears: After completing the "Magic Wood" Mission Price: 800 Gil Location: N/A Dispatch Return: 3 battles Required Items: Neighbor Pin (Used) Reward: 6000 Gil, Justice Badge, 1 random item, 2 random cards =============== 141. Young Love =============== Description: I must tell her how I feel yet I lack the courage to lift a quill. Perhaps the air-light feather from an ahriman wing would do. -Hernie, Timid Youth Mission Type: Dispatch Rank: 6 Appears: After completing the "To Ambervale" Mission Price: 1800 Gil Location: N/A Dispatch Return: 10 days Required Items: Ahriman Wing (Used) Reward: 13200 Gil, Friend Pin, 1 random item, 2 random cards ================== 142. Ghosts Of War ================== Description: The wails of a soldier's ghost are troubling folk near the ruins of a church on an old battlefield in the east. Please help. -Marvin, Town Official Mission Type: Dispatch Rank: 6 Appears: After completing the "Young Love" Mission Price: 1400 Gil Location: N/A Dispatch Return: 30 days Required Items: Tranquil Box (Used) Required Skill: Track (Level 40) Reward: 12400 Gil, Edaroya Tome, 1 random item ================= 143. The Last Day ================= Description: My whole class's "Ancient Studies" homework was stolen! If we had some ancient object, we could do it again... Help! -Babins, 4th Grade Swords Mission Type: Dispatch Rank: 1 Appears: After completing the "Thesis Hunt" Mission Price: 300 Gil Location: N/A Dispatch Return: 5 days Required Items: Ancient Medal (Used) Reward: 1800 Gil, Homework, 1 random item =================== 144. The Bell Tolls =================== Description: They're rebuilding the Sart Clocktower that burned the other day. Never know what you might find in the rubble, eh? -Tysner, Streetear Mission Type: Dispatch Rank: 5 Appears: After completing the "Desert Patrol" Mission Price: 1800 Gil Location: N/A Dispatch Return: 10 days Reward: 9000 Gil, Dictionary, 1 random item ================ 145. Goblin Town ================ Description: A goblin stole my favorite monster guide and buried it under a rock! I'll give you a copy if you get mine back for me! -Ian, Inquisitive Youth Mission Type: Dispatch Rank: 1 Appears: After completing the "Desert Peril" Mission Price: 600 Gil Location: N/A Days: N/A Required Item: Mythril Pick (Used) Reward: 3600 Gil, Monster Guide, 1 random item This is one of the dispatch missions you'll have available in the game. It means that you send an eligible clan member out of your party, on his/her own, to do this mission. After the campaign is over, that person will return with the results of the mission. ================= 146. Secret Books ================= Description: We got the secret books proving Selbaden Church's shady deals, but I'm scared they'll find it! How can I relax!? -Anonymous Mission Type: Dispatch Rank: 6 Appears: After completing the "To Ambervale" Mission Price: 1600 Gil Location: N/A Dispatch Return: 10 days Required Items: Stilpool Scroll (Used) Reward: 11400 Gil, Secret Books, 1 random item, 2 random cards ================== 147. Words Of Love ================== Description: Ah, Locuna! I am but a servant, and you a noble's daughter. Our love cannot be, but I must tell you how I feel! Poem, anyone? -Cristo, Lovestruck Youth Mission Type: Dispatch Rank: 6 Appears: After completing the "Mateus" Battle Price: 2100 Gil Location: N/A Dispatch Return: 10 days Reward: 10000 Gil, Rat Tail, 1 random item ================== 148. You, Immortal ================== Description: Looking for someone to model for a statue to be put in the Royal Library's new wing. Youth, beauty, and physique a plus. -Cesare, Artist Mission Type: Dispatch Rank: 3 Appears: After completing the "Twisted Flow" Mission Price: 600 Gil Location: N/A Dispatch Return: 30 days Required Skill: Craft (Level 10) Required Item: Tonberry Lamp (Used) Reward: 4600 Gil, Stradivari, 1 random item =============== 149. Clocktower =============== Description: The town clocktower has been struck by lightning, and the 12:00 gemstone lost. Need people to help with restoration. -Market Square Association Mission Type: Dispatch Rank: 6 Appears: After completing "The Big Find" Mission Price: 1280 Gil Location: N/A Dispatch Return: 20 days Required Items: Cat's Tear (Used) Required Job: Gadgeteer Reward: 11400 Gil, Clock Post, 1 random item, 2 random items ================= 150. An Education ================= Description: Nothing is more dear to me than my son, Lukei, yet he has never done well on tests. Won't someone tutor him? Mission Type: Dispatch Rank: 2 Appears: After completing the "Antilaws" Mission Price: 400 Gil Location: N/A Dispatch Return: 5 days Reward: 3600 Gil, Fountain Pen, 1 random item, 2 random cards ================= 151. Morning Woes ================= Description: Our rooster, Nikki, has taken to crowing well before sunrise. Now the neighbors are complaining! Won't someone please help? -Mulchin, Grocer Mission Type: Dispatch Rank: 2 Appears: After completing the "Hot Awakening" Mission Price: 600 Gil Location: N/A Dispatch Return: 5 days Reward: 5200 Gil, Earplugs, 1 random item ================== 152. Down to Earth ================== Description: I have the incredible power to make things float just by looking at them. Problem is, I can't make them stop floating! Help! -Talkof, Psychic Mission Type: Dispatch Rank: 1 Appears: After completing the "Desert Peril" Mission Price: 600 Gil Location: N/A Dispatch Return: 5 days Reward: 3400 Gil, Crystal, 1 random item ============= 153. To Meden ============= Description: I had a dog when I worked in the Meden Mines. Could you find her bones and hold a memorial service in the mines for her? -Hugo, Baker Mission Type: Dispatch Rank: 5 Appears: After completing the "Exodus" Battle Price: 1000 Gil Location: N/A Dispatch Return: 20 days Required Items: Animal Bone (Used) Reward: 8200 Gil, Old Statue, 1 random item, 2 random cards ============== 154. Neighbor! ============== Description: We're looking for a few good "neighbors"! Won't you join our world-wide network? -Pewl, Neighbor Network Mission Type: Dispatch Rank: 2 Appears: After completing the "Emerald Keep" Mission Price: 900 Gil Location: N/A Dispatch Return: 5 days Reward: 5200 Gil, Neighbor Pin, 1 random item, 2 random cards =============== 155. Honor Lost =============== Description: Some shady characters are after our leader, Kerry! Can you help? Please don't let anyone know we hired you. -Ed, Assistant Leader Mission Type: Dispatch Rank: 3 Appears: After completing the "Diamond Rain" Mission Price: 600 Gil Location: - Dispatch Return: 1 battle Required Item: Bomb Shell (Used) Reward: 5400 Gil, Rusty Sword, 1 random item, 2 random cards ================ 156. Inspiration ================ Description: I can't think of a single plot hook! Not a word of dialogue! Somebody please bring me an action-packed adventure novel. -Ruel, Novelist Apprentice Mission Type: Dispatch Rank: 5 Appears: After completing the "Jagd Hunt" Mission Price: 1200 Gil Location: N/A Dispatch Return: 1 battle Required Items: Runba's Tale (Used) Reward: 10000 Gil, Broken Sword, 1 random item, 2 random cards ================ 157. Coo's Break ================ Description: "Coo", the star of our Royal Zoo, has escaped and the zookeeper blames himself. An adventure novel should cheer him up. -Zoon, Zoomaster Mission Type: Dispatch Rank: 5 Appears: After completing the "The Bounty" Mission Price: 1400 Gil Location: N/A Dispatch Return: 5 days Required: Runba's Tale (Used) Reward: 10000 Gil, Bent Sword, 1 random item, 2 random cards ============== 158. The Match ============== Description: Looking for someone to judge the final match in a historic fight. My blade vs. his spells! Current score: 100 to 100. -Nukkie, Soldier Mission Type: Dispatch Rank: 5 Appears: After completing the "Exodus" Battle Price: 1200 Gil Location: N/A Dispatch Return: 2 battles Reward: 8800 Gil, Rusty Spear, 1 random item, 2 random cards ================= 159. The Deep Sea ================= Description: Could you help me appraise a work by Clif Lusac, the Muse of the Sea? Someone said it's a fake! I'll give you a badge! -Olwen, Art Dealer Mission Type: Dispatch Rank: 6 Appears: After completing the "Materite Now!" Mission Price: 1600 Gil Location: N/A Dispatch Return: 3 battles Reward: 11400 Gil, Feather Badge, 1 random item, 2 random cards ================= 160. A Worthy Eye ================= Description: Only a sharp eye can find the best items! If you need an "insignia", bring me an item worthy of my eye! -E'oi the Elder Mission Type: Dispatch Rank: 4 Appears: After completing the "Pale Company" Mission Price: 3000 Gil Location: N/A Dispatch Return: Defeat 15 enemies Required Items: Feather Badge (Used) Delta Fang (Used) Reward: 0 Gil, Insignia, 1 random item, 2 random cards ================= 161. Lost In Mist ================= Description: Our hill once called "The Sun's Home" is now called "The Hill of Mists". Can you find out why? -Nache, Townsperson Mission Type: Dispatch Rank: 5 Appears: After completing the "Desert Patrol" Mission Price: 2100 Gil Location: N/A Dispatch Return: 20 days Reward: 10000 Gil, Ally Finder, 1 random item, 2 random cards ============== 162. Darn Kids ============== Description: Lately, kids have been forming gangs and beating up on other kids. Maybe if we distract them with something they'd stop. -Victor, School Principal Mission Type: Dispatch Rank: 5 Appears: After completing the "Magic Wood" Mission Price: 1400 Gil Location: N/A Dispatch Return: 1 battle Required Items: Dame's Blush (Used) Ally Finder (Used) Required Clan Level: Smithing (Level 20) Reward: 11400 Gil, Ally Finder 2, 1 random item, 2 random cards ================= 163. Stage Fright ================= Description: Needed: charm for curing stage fright. I want the cutest girl in town, Ms. Rina, to notice me in the play, but I'm too nervous! -Emporio, Young Actor Mission Type: Dispatch Rank: 5 Appears: After completing the "Mateus" Battle Price: 2000 Gil Location: N/A Dispatch Return: 15 days Required Items: Old Statue (Used) Reward: 10600 Gil, Tranquil Box, 1 random item ================== 164. Diary Dilemma ================== Description: My little brothers hid my diary somewhere in my house. I need you to find it before--gasp--my parents do!!! -Edwina, Concerned Girl Mission Type: Dispatch Rank: 2 Appears: After completing the "Twisted Flow" Mission Price: 600 Gil Location: N/A Dispatch Return: 3 battles Reward: 3600 Gil, Loaded Dice, 1 random item, 2 random cards ================ 165. Hundred-Eye ================ Description: The great hunter Hundred-Eye's daughter, Kaliea, has just started hunting; but frankly, she sucks. Someone please train her! -Falco, Rumormonger Mission Type: Dispatch Rank: 5 Appears: After completing the "Wine Delivery" Mission Price: 1200 Gil Location: N/A Dispatch Return: Defeat 5 enemies Reward: 9000 Gil, Snake Shield, 1 random item, 2 random cards ================ 166. Runaway Boy ================ Description: Need someone to find a runaway child and give him some homeknit clothes. The clothes will be ready as soon as I find thread. -Gina, Marun Orphanage Mission Type: Dispatch Rank: 3 Appears: After completing the "Magic Wood" Mission Price: 1200 Gil Location: N/A Dispatch Return: 10 days Required Items: Black Thread (Used) Reward: 5400 Gil, Stasis Rope and a random item. ================== 167. Mad Alchemist ================== Description: Dig me a nice cave home. My bizarre experiments have earned me the moniker of "Mad Alchemist". Now I want to live alone. -Galdinas, Alchemist Mission Type: Dispatch Rank: 1 Appears: After completing the "The Cheetahs" Mission Price: 600 Gil Location: N/A Dispatch Return: 10 days Reward: 3400 Gil, Mythril Pick, 1 random item ================== 168. Caravan Guard ================== Description: Wanted: caravan guards. We are traveling merchants who sell our goods from town to town. We expect bandits in the pass ahead. -Sirocco, Caravan Leader Mission Type: Dispatch Rank: 2 Appears: After completing the "Diamond Rain" Mission Price: 600 Gil Location: N/A Dispatch Return: 20 days Required Item: Elda's Cup (Used) Reward: 4600 Gil, Caravan Musk, 1 random item, 2 random cards ============= 169. Lifework ============= Description: Needed: potion advice. Making the ultimate love potion is my life-work. I'll be rich and famous for all time! -Dandarc, Palace Alchemist Mission Type: Dispatch Rank: 4 Appears: After completing the "Emerald Keep" Mission Price: 1200 Gil Location: N/A Dispatch Return: 15 days Required Job: Alchemist Reward: 6000 Gil, Love Potion, 1 random item, 2 random cards ================= 170. Cheap Laughs ================= Description: Our husband-and-wife comedy routine needs some pizzazz. Flashy magic and headdresses should do the trick. Can you help? -Will and Tita Mission Type: Dispatch Rank: 2 Appears: After completing the "Hot Awakening" Mission Price: 600 Gil Location: N/A Dispatch Return: 5 days Required: Bomb Shell (Used) Reward: 4600 Gil, Tonberry Lamp, 1 random item =========== 171. T.L.C. =========== Description: I need someone to heal my wounds so I can get my revenge on those stinking lizard bangaas that lured my platoon into a trap! -Gecklan, Platoon Leader Mission Type: Dispatch Rank: 6 Appears: After completing the "Desert Patrol" Battle. Price: 4000 Gil Location: N/A Dispatch Return: 2 battles Required Skill: Magic (Level 25) Required Jobs: White Mage Reward: 7600 Gil, Stilpool Scroll, 1 random item ================== 172. Frozen Spring ================== Description: Someone's frozen our village's only spring, and it's not thawing. Our children are thirsty! Please help us. -Nino, Shepherd Mission Type: Dispatch Rank: 2 Appears: After completing the "Twisted Flow" Mission Price: 600 Gil Location: N/A Dispatch Return: 20 days Reward: 3400 Gil, Dragon Bone, 1 random item, 2 random cards ============== 173. No Scents ============== Description: Tonight's the night of my big date, and my dress and shoes are perfect, but I can't find my perfume anywhere! Help! -Lucy, Party Girl Mission Type: Dispatch Rank: 3 Appears: After completing the "Magic Wood" Mission Price: 600 Gil Location: N/A Dispatch Return: 15 days Required: Caravan Musk (Used) Reward: 5200 Gil, Animal Bone, 1 random item, 2 random cards ================= 174. On The Waves ================= Description: I found a message in a bottle: a cry for help from a southern isle! If only I could send something--water even! -Luis, Flower Seller Mission Type: Dispatch Rank: 6 Appears: After completing the "To Ambervale" Mission Price: 1800 Gil Location: N/A Dispatch Return: Defeat 5 enemies Required Items: Life Water (Used) Required Job: Time Mage Reward: 13200 Gil, Skull, 1 random item, 2 random cards ================= 175. Spirited Boy ================= Description: My son is in the attic, pretending to be a monster that doesn't like homework! Maybe showing him a dictionary would work. -Sihaya, Mother of Three Mission Type: Dispatch Rank: 4 Appears: After completing the "Antilaws" Mission Price: 1200 Location: N/A Dispatch Return: 5 days Required: Dictionary (Used) Reward: 6400 Gil, Clock Gear, 1 random item, 2 random cards =================== 176. Powder Worries =================== Description: There's a lot of firearms coming into town lately. Thankfully, we've had no injuries...yet. Check into this matter with me. -Senole, Town Watch Mission Type: Dispatch Rank: 4 Appears: After completing the "Emerald Keep" Mission Price: 800 Location: N/A Dispatch Return: Defeat 3 enemies Required Job: Gunner Reward: 5400 Gil, Gun Gear, 1 random item, 2 random cards ================== 177. The Blue Bolt ================== Description: Our editor used to be so fast we called him "Blue Bolt". But he's lost it of late. We need something to jog his memory! -Elu, Cyril Times Reporter Mission Type: Dispatch Rank: 6 Appears: After completing the "Mateus" Battle Price: 1200 Location: N/A Dispatch Return: Defeat 15 enemies Reward: 9000 Gil, Silk Bloom, 1 random item, 2 random cards =============== 178. Sweet Talk =============== Description: Needed: speech trainer. I can't speak well. I'm always saying too much, or not enough! Please help! -Luhoche, Little Girl Mission Type: Dispatch Rank: 4 Appears: After completing "The Bounty" Mission Price: 1000 Location: N/A Dispatch Return: Defeat 10 enemies Reward: 7000 Gil, Moon Bloom, 1 random item, 2 random cards ============= 179. Scarface ============= Description: My face was cut in a duel that I recklessly started. I wish to keep the scar as penance, but how do I keep it from healing? -Tingel, Knight Mission Type: Dispatch Rank: 5 Appears: After completing the "Exodus" Battle Price: 1200 Location: N/A Dispatch Return: 3 battles Reward: 9000 Gil, Blood Apple, 1 random item, 2 random cards ================ 180. Mirage Town ================ Description: Adventurer Phis seeks for the sign to the sky mirage city of Punevam. Get this: he says it's some kind of mushroom! Ridiculous! -Hoysun, Pub Customer Mission Type: Dispatch Rank: 7 Appears: After completing the "Mateus" Battle Price: 1600 Location: N/A Dispatch Return: 10 days Required Items: Goldcap (Used) Reward: 11400 Gil, Magic Fruit, a random item, and two random cards =================== 181. Soldier's Wish =================== Description: I'm not long for this world, but I would like to see the town clock again before I go... Grandma always loved it. -Barus, Old Soldier Mission Type: Dispatch Rank: 6 Appears: After completing "The Big Find" Mission Price: 1400 Location: N/A Dispatch Return: 1 battle Required Items: Clock Gear (Used) Clock Post (Used) Reward: 10600 Gil, Power Fruit, 1 random item, 2 random cards ============== 182. Dry Spell ============== Description: With all the sun we've been getting, we fear a drought. We need people to help open the sluice gates at Mitoralo. -Hinnel, Dam Official Mission Type: Dispatch Rank: 1 Appears: After completing the "Mateus" Battle Price: 1800 Gil Location: N/A Dispatch Return: 20 days Reward: 9600 Gil, Stolen Gil, 1 random item, 2 random cards ============== 183. Swap Meet ============== Description: I found stacks of old bills at my house, but I want old medals with pictures of the goddess on them! Like to trade? -Gelp, Antiques Collector Mission Type: Dispatch Rank: 1 Appears: After completing the "Llednar" Battle Price: 1800 Gil Location: N/A Dispatch Return: 5 days Required Items: Ancient Medal (Used) Reward: 1200 Gil, Ancient Bills, 1 random item, 2 random cards ================= 184. Adaman Order ================= Description: Has your clan put in its order for adaman alloy? It sells out quick, so get your order in soon! How about our shop? -Elbo, Workshop Vargi Mission Type: Dispatch Rank: 7 Appears: After completing the "Free Bervenia! (087)" Mission Price: 3000 Gil Location: N/A Dispatch Return: 15 days Required Items: Adamantite (Used) Adamantite (Used) Required Skill: Smithing (Level 35) Reward: 0 Gil, Adaman Alloy, 1 random item, 2 random cards ================== 185. Magic Mysidia ================== Description: It was recently discovered that mysidia alloy is enchanted with ancient magic! Better buy some before the prices go up! -Deunon, Workshop Rool Mission Type: Dispatch Rank: 7 Appears: After completing the "Adaman Order (184)" Mission Price: 3000 Gil Location: N/A Dispatch Return: 2 battles Required Items: Adamantite (Used) Silvril (Used) Required Skill: Smithing (Level 35) Reward: 0 Gil, Mysidia Alloy, 1 random item, 2 random cards ============== 186. Conundrum ============== Description: If you made a shield and a sword from the strongest of all alloys--crusite--which would be stronger? Come and let's find out! -Sabak, Workshop Berk Mission Type: Dispatch Rank: 7 Appears: After completing the "Royal Valley" Mission Price: 3000 Gil Location: N/A Dispatch Return: Defeat 10 enemies Required Items: Zodiac Ore (Used) Zodiac Ore (Used) Required Skill: Smithing (Level 35) Reward: 0 Gil, Crusite Alloy, 1 random item, 2 random cards ================ 187. Lucky Night ================ Description: Announcing: Casino Party. Test your luck at our one-night-only casino party! All welcome. -Matim, Steward Mission Type: Dispatch Rank: 7 Appears: After completing the "Royal Valley" Mission Price: 2400 Gil Location: N/A Dispatch Return: 15 days Reward: 18000 Gil, Rat Tail, 1 random item, 2 random cards ================= 188. Tutor Search ================= Description: I seek my childhood tutor, Yoel. I have a promise to keep to him. It means very much to me. -Count Anet Mission Type: Dispatch Rank: 7 Appears: After completing the "Lucky Night (187)" Mission Price: 1600 Gil Location: N/A Dispatch Return: Defeat 15 enemies Reward: 11400 Gil, Rusty Sword, 1 random item, 2 random cards ================== 189. Why Am I Wet? ================== Description: I don't want to have to move, but it has started raining far too much around my house. Please find out why. -Ivan, Gold Sculptor Mission Type: Dispatch Rank: 7 Appears: After completing the "Lucky Night (187)" Mission Price: 1800 Gil Location: N/A Dispatch Return: Defeat 15 enemies Required Job: Red Mage Reward: 13600 Gil, Broken Sword, 1 random item, 2 random cards ================ 190. Run With Us ================ Description: We are the Lightning Brothers, bound by blood-oath and iron law! Why don't you try joining us and see if you like it? -LBs, Emissaries of Justice Mission Type: Dispatch Rank: 7 Appears: After completing the "Why Am I Wet? (189)" Mission Price: 2400 Gil Location: N/A Dispatch Return: 40 days Reward: 18000 Gil, Bent Sword, 1 random item, 2 random cards ================ 191. Lucky Charm ================ Description: Someone please find me an item that will lose to no bad luck, and a charm or spell to ward off evil spells. I'm fighting! -Milea, Determined Lady Mission Type: Dispatch Rank: 7 Appears: After completing the "Why Am I Wet? (189)" Mission Price: 1200 Gil Location: N/A Dispatch Return: 40 days Required Items: Rat Tail (Used) Reward: 9000 Gil, Rusty Spear, 1 random item, 2 random cards ================== 192. Alchemist Boy ================== Description: Please stop my brother, Hasmir before someone gets hurt. He thinks he's an alchemist but all he makes is smoke and explosions! -Gretzel, Townsgirl Mission Type: Dispatch Rank: 7 Appears: After completing the "Lucky Charm (191)" Mission Price: 600 Gil Location: N/A Dispatch Return: 2 battles Reward: 4600 Gil, Insignia, 1 random item, 2 random cards ================== 193. Thorny Dreams ================== Description: The bangaa girl "Eleono" ssleepss in the Thoussand-Thorn Wood. Looking for a clanner to find out why she ssleepss. -Vajiri, Bangaa Mission Type: Dispatch Rank: 7 Appears: After completing the "Lucky Night (187)" Mission Price: 2200 Gil Location: N/A Dispatch Return: 20 days Reward: 16000 Gil, Blood Apple, 1 random item ================ 194. Free Cyril! ================ Description: The town of Cyril has fallen into the hands of Clan Borzoi. We need you to set a trap to get them out of our town! -Cyril Town Watch Mission Type: Free-Area Rank: 1 Appears: After completing the "Fowl Thief" Mission and reading the "Thief Exposed!" rumor Price: 600 Gil Location: N/A Dispatch Return: 3 days Reward: 2400 Gil, Choco Shield, 1 random item ================ 195. Ship Needed ================ Description: I need a ship to take me to the barbarian lands. It's just me, so a small craft will do. -Strange Warrior Mission Type: Dispatch Rank: 2 Appears: Approximately after reading the Borzoi's End rumor Price: 600 Gil Location: N/A Dispatch Return: 1 battle Reward: 4200 Gil, 2 random items, 2 random cards ================ 196. Mind Ceffyl ================ Description: Bring me the sigils of "fire" and "wind". I shall craft from them a mind ceffyl, needed to make a spiritstone. -Melmin, Sage of the West Mission Type: Dispatch Rank: 4 Appears: After reading "The Sages" rumor Price: 6000 Gil Location: N/A Dispatch Return: 3 battles Required Items: Fire Sigil (Used) Wind Sigil (Used) Reward: 0 Gil, Mind Ceffyl ================ 197. Body Ceffyl ================ Description: Bring me the sigils of "earth" and "water". I shall craft from them a mind ceffyl, needed to make a spiritstone. -Bastra, Sage of the East Mission Type: Dispatch Rank: 4 Appears: After reading "The Sages" rumor Price: 4000 Gil Location: N/A Dispatch Return: 3 battles Required Items: Earth Sigil (Used) Water Sigil (Used) Reward: 0 Gil, Body Ceffyl ==================== 198. The Spiritstone ==================== Description: Bring the two ceffyls to me, and I shall use my alchemy to craft a spiritstone for you. -Kespas, Sage of the South Mission Type: Dispatch Rank: 4 Appears: After reading "The Sages" rumor Price: 4000 Gil Location: N/A Dispatch Return: 4 battles Required Items: Body Ceffyl (Used) Mind Ceffyl (Used) Reward: 0 Gil, Spiritstone ================= 199. Girl in Love ================= Description: I've got a new boyfriend! He's a brave knight, with chestnut hair. Could you tell our fortune with the white thread? -Carena, Young Girl Mission Type: Dispatch Rank: 3 Appears: After completing the "Thesis Hunt" Mission Price: 400 Gil Location: N/A Days: N/A Required Job: White Mage Required Item: White Thread (Used) Reward: 3400 Gil, Magic Medal, 1 random item This is one of the dispatch missions you'll have available in the game. It means that you send an eligible clan member out of your party, on his/her own, to do this mission. After the campaign is over, that person will return with the results of the mission. ================== 200. Chocobo Help! ================== Description: Need: Help during the chocobo spawning season. -Private room -Meals -No experience required -Childcare -Any race -Sasasha, Chocobo Ranch Mission Type: Dispatch Rank: 1 Appears: After completing the "Thesis Hunt" Mission, during the Bardmoon. Price: 200 Gil Location: N/A Dispatch Return: 5 days Reward: 1000 Gil, Chocobo Egg, 1 random item ================ 201. The Skypole ================ Description: Have you heard of the skypole on the southern peninsula? They say it's a stairway to the gods! I'd like to see that! -Tay, Streetear Mission Type: Dispatch Rank: 1 Appears: After completing the "Thesis Hunt" Mission Price: 600 Gil Location: N/A Dispatch Return: 10 days Reward: 2400 Gil, Ancient Medal, 1 random item ================= 202. Ruins Survey ================= Description: Looking for people to join in a survey of the Istar Ruins to be held again this year. See ancient history first hand! -Rekka, Relics Board Mission Type: Dispatch Rank: 6 Appears: After completing the "Materite Now!" battle, during Sagemoon Price: 1200 Gil Location: N/A Dispatch Return: 10 days Reward: 10800 Gil, Ancient Medal, 1 random item, 1 random card ================ 203. Dig Dig Dig ================ Description: Zezena Mines: Discovery of the Parum Family, scene of mechanist innovation! We must dig until we find a new mine shaft! Dig! -Zezena Mines Co. Mission Type: Dispatch Rank: 6 Appears: After completing the "Llednar" battle, during Madmoon Price: 1600 Gil Location: N/A Dispatch Return: 1 battle Reward: 11800 Gil, Zodiac Ore, 1 random item, 1 random card =================== 204. Seeking Silver =================== Description: Before the Bell Mines became known for mythril, they were silver mines. Help me look for leftover silver near the west wall. -Hoholum, Gayl Stoneworks Mission Type: Dispatch Rank: 4 Appears: After completing the "Jagd Hunt" Mission, during Kingmoon Price: 400 Gil Location: N/A Dispatch Return: 15 days Reward: 3400 Gil, Silvril, 1 random item ============= 205. Materite ============= Description: In the western edge of the Materiwood, materite can be gathered with ease if you go at the right time. Go have a look! -Sals, Pub Customer Mission Type: Dispatch Rank: 2 Appears: After completing the "Twisted Flow" Mission, during the Kingmoon. Price: 1000 Gil Location: N/A Dispatch Return: 10 days Reward: 0 Gil, Materite, 1 random item, 1 random card ================= 206. The Wormhole ================= Description: A giant worm is causing considerable damage to our fields as it looks for leestones in the ground. Someone please stop it! -Anton, Farmers' Guild Mission Type: Dispatch Rank: 4 Appears: After completing the "You, Immortal" Mission, during the Huntmoon. Price: 600 Gil Location: N/A Dispatch Return: 10 days Reward: 2800 Gil, Leestone, 1 random item, 2 random cards =============== 207. Metal Hunt =============== Description: I found a turtle burial ground at a mountain shrine. I keep going back in hopes that I might find some adamantite! -Catess, Traveler Mission Type: Dispatch Rank: 2 Appears: After completing the "Hungry Ghost" Mission Price: 400 Gil Location: N/A Dispatch Return: 15 days Reward: 2400 Gil, Adamantite, 1 random item, 1 random card ================= 208. Math Is Hard ================= Description: I've been at this equation for months now. Never have I been so stumped in my life! Won't someone take a crack at this with me? -Kosyne, Mathematician Mission Type: Dispatch Rank: 2 Appears: After completing the "Diamond Rain" Mission Price: 600 Gil Location: N/A Dispatch Return: 10 days Reward: 4200 Gil, Black Thread, 1 random item, 2 random cards ================ 209. The Witness ================ Description: Wanted: bodyguard. I witnessed a crime and now must appear in court. Please protect me until the day of the trial. -Bode, Townsperson Mission Type: Dispatch Rank: 2 Appears: After completing the "Diamond Rain" Mission, during Sagemoon Price: 600 Gil Location: N/A Dispatch Return: Defeat 5 enemies Required Job: Defender Reward: 4600 Gil, Black Thread, 1 random item ================== 210. Life or Death ================== Description: I'll never finish on time. I have to borrow someone's notes. Can you find some for me, or I'll never get this homework done! -Felhon, Student Mission Type: Dispatch Rank: 1 Appears: After completing the "The Cheetahs" Mission Price: 600 Gil Location: N/A Days: N/A Required: Homework (Used) Reward: 2400 Gil, Black Thread, 1 random item ================= 211. Karlos's Day ================= Description: Wanted: performer to entertain at the birthday party of Karlos, the second son of the Marquis Ealdoring. -Jung, Streetear Mission Type: Dispatch Rank: 3 Appears: After completing the "Magic Wood" Mission Price: 900 Gil Location: N/A Dispatch Return: 5 days Reward: 4600 Gil, White Thread, 1 random item, 2 random cards ============== 212. To Father ============== Description: Could you bring my father to me? I promise I won't speak harshly to him. I just want to visit Mother's grave. Thank you. -Ren, Notary Public Mission Type: Dispatch Rank: 6 Appears: After completing "The Performer (270)" Mission Price: 1400 Gil Location: N/A Dispatch Return: 10 days Reward: 11400 Gil, White Thread, 1 random item ============== 213. Oh Milese ============== Description: Know you Milese of the Kefeus acting troupe? I'm her biggest fan! Won't you give her this song I've written? -Valerio, Composer Mission Type: Dispatch Rank: 1 Appears: After completing the "Desert Peril" Mission Price: 600 Gil Location: N/A Dispatch Return: 15 days Reward: 2400 Gil, White Thread, 1 random item ================== 214. Skinning Time ================== Description: We're looking for a few good skinners to help skin chocobos. It's not much of a living, but someone's got to do it! -Navarro, Chocobo Ranch Mission Type: Dispatch Rank: 3 Appears: After completing the "Pale Company" Mission, during the Bardmoon Price: 400 Gil Location: N/A Dispatch Return: 10 days Reward: 3600 Gil, Chocobo Skin, 1 random card =============== 215. Wild River =============== Description: We need workers to help rein in the wild waters of the Pilos River in Andarna before it floods again! Please help. -Haagen, Townsperson Mission Type: Dispatch Rank: 1 Appears: After completing the "Pale Company" Mission Price: 800 Gil Location: N/A Dispatch Return: 2 battles Reward: 5400 Gil, Magic Cloth, 1 random item, 2 random cards ================ 216. Magic Cloth ================ Description: Hello again! It's me, Gonzales, from the magic cloth shop! I'm trading magic cloth for magic cotton--got any? -Gonzales, Magic Cloth Shop Mission Type: Dispatch Rank: 2 Appears: After completing the "Hot Awakening" Mission, during Sagemoon Price: 1400 Gil Location: N/A Dispatch Return: 10 days Required Items: Magic Cotton (Used) Reward: 0 Gil, Magic Cloth, 1 random item, 1 random card ================= 217. Cotton Guard ================= Description: It's the season when the typhoons come blowing from the south again. I need to find a way to protect my cotton crop! -Kerney, Townsperson Mission Type: Dispatch Rank: 4 Appears: After completing "The Bounty" Mission, during Huntmoon Price: 1000 Gil Location: N/A Dispatch Return: 1 battle Reward: 7000 Gil, Magic Cotton, 1 random card ============= 218. Help Dad ============= Description: My son wants me to win him a toy in the shooting game at the next carnival. Won't somebody give me shooting lessons? -Bijard, Theologan Mission Type: Dispatch Rank: 4 Appears: After completing "The Bounty" Mission Price: 1000 Gil Location: N/A Dispatch Return: 10 days Reward: 7800 Gil, Bomb Shell, 1 random item, 2 random cards =================== 219. Rubber or Real =================== Description: My favorite toy is the champion of justice, but my friend Amigoh says it's just a rubber monster. Who's right? -Zels, Young Boy Mission Type: Dispatch Rank: 4 Appears: After completing the "Emerald Keep" Mission Price: 600 Gil Location: N/A Dispatch Return: 5 days Required Items: Monster Guide (Used) Reward: 5200 Gil, Bomb Shell, 1 random item, 2 random cards ================== 220. Into the Wood ================== Description: A pack of panthers has appeared in a wood far to the south. Somebody clear them out before they hurt someone! -Iguas, Townsperson Mission Type: Dispatch Rank: 4 Appears: After completing the "Exodus" Battle, during Huntmoon Price: 600 Gil Location: N/A Dispatch Return: 5 days Reward: 4600 Gil, Panther Hide, 1 random item, 1 random card =============== 221. Jerky Days =============== Description: Want some delicious jerky? Come help out at my store! We have to make 5,000 sticks of jerky this year. -Godon, Butcher Mission Type: Dispatch Rank: 5 Appears: After completing the "Exodus" Battle, during Kingmoon Price: 600 Gil Location: N/A Dispatch Return: 5 days Reward: 4200 Gil, Jerky, 1 random card =============== 222. New Fields =============== Description: Needed: live-in help. We're looking to increase our fields again this year. All welcome! Don't worry, you'll be paid! -Farmers' Guild Mission Type: Dispatch Rank: 4 Appears: After completing the "Jagd Hunt" Mission, during the Madmoon Price: 600 Gil Location: N/A Dispatch Return: 10 days Reward: 3600 Gil, Gysahl Greens, 1 random card ================== 223. Strange Fires ================== Description: Strange fires have been breaking out near our powder store. It has to be a rival guild. Maybe you could ambush them? -Dabum, Fireworks Guild Mission Type: Dispatch Rank: 5 Appears: After completing "The Big Find" Mission Price: 1200 Gil Location: N/A Dispatch Return: 5 days Reward: 9600 Gil, Magic Medal, 1 random item, 2 random cards ================== 224. Better Living ================== Description: Wanted: tester. Help test our amazing new form of illumination, guaranteed to change the lives of city dwellers! -Better Living Labs Mission Type: Dispatch Rank: 5 Appears: After completing "The Big Find" Mission Price: 1400 Gil Location: N/A Dispatch Return: 10 days Reward: 10000 Gil, Chocobo Egg, 1 random item, 2 random cards ================= 225. Malboro Hunt ================= Description: A lost malboro child from a nest in the pond has wandered into town! Please return it to its parents before someone gets hurt! -Jonnie, Ice Cream Man Mission Type: Dispatch Rank: 4 Appears: After completing "The Bounty" Mission, during the Madmoon Price: 600 Gil Location: N/A Dispatch Return: 15 days Required: Chocobo Egg (Used) Reward: 4200 Gil, Cyril Ice, 1 random item, 1 random card ================= 226. Chocobo Work ================= Description: Wanted: register clerk & part-time floor scrubber at The Chocobo's Kweh. -Rolana, The Chocobo's Kweh Mission Type: Dispatch Rank: 6 Appears: After completing the "Mateus" battle, during Bardmoon Price: 600 Gil Location: N/A Dispatch Return: 10 days Reward: 4600 Gil, Choco Bread, 1 random item, 1 random card ================ 227. Party Night ================ Description: They're holding a welcome party at the furniture store, and they want me to perform some tricks! Somebody teach me! -Xiao, Furniture Seller Mission Type: Dispatch Rank: 6 Appears: After completing the "Mateus" Battle Price: 1200 Gil Location: N/A Dispatch Return: 15 days Reward: 9600 Gil, Choco Gratin, 1 random item, 2 random cards ================= 228. Mama's Taste ================= Description: Being away from home for 10 years, I've started to really miss my mama's gratin. Won't someone make me some kupo gratin? -Takatoka, Machinist Mission Type: Dispatch Rank: 5 Appears: After completing the "Exodus" Battle Price: 1400 Gil Location: N/A Dispatch Return: 15 days Required Items: Chocobo Egg (Used) Gysahl Greens (Used) Reward: 9000 Gil, Choco Gratin, 1 random item, 2 random cards ================== 229. The Well Maze ================== Description: I ran into a cave while I was digging a well, and there's something inside! Maybe you could lure it out with some bread? -Meuk, Well Digger Mission Type: Dispatch Rank: 6 Appears: After completing the "Materite Now!" Mission Price: 1200 Gil Location: N/A Dispatch Return: 15 days Required Items: Choco Bread (Used) Reward: 9600 Gil, Grownup Bread, 1 random item, 2 random cards =============== 230. She's Gone =============== Description: For years I gave her my all and now she's left and taken my savings with her. I going for a drink, want to come along? -Omar, Townsperson Mission Type: Dispatch Rank: 6 Appears: After completing the "Bread Woes (234)" Mission Price: 1200 Gil Location: N/A Dispatch Return: 5 days Reward: 10600 Gil, Malboro Wine, 1 random item, 2 random cards ================= 231. Magic Vellum ================= Description: Come make magic sheepskin vellum with me! I'll show you the pen is mightier than the sword. Bring some magic cotton with you! -Chikk, Paper Maker Mission Type: Dispatch Rank: 5 Appears: After completing the "Desert Patrol (017)" Mission, during Sagemoon Price: 600 Gil Location: N/A Dispatch Return: 1 battle Required Items: Magic Cotton (Used) Reward: 4600 Gil, Magic Vellum, 1 random item, 2 random cards ================= 232. Novel Ascent ================= Description: I want to write novels about mountain climbing, but I'm not very good at it. I need a rope that won't ever break! -Torfo, Apprentice Novelist Mission Type: Dispatch Rank: 6 Appears: After completing the "Llednar" Battle Price: 1600 Gil Location: N/A Dispatch Return: Defeat 10 enemies Required Items: Stasis Rope (Used) Reward: 11400 Gil, Runba's Tale, 1 random item, 2 random cards =========== 233. Shiver =========== Description: Someone please drive off the wailing spirit that haunts the pass near town. Hearing it sucks the strength right out of me! -Gillom, Townsperson Mission Type: Dispatch Rank: 6 Appears: After completing the "Llednar" Battle Price: 1600 Gil Location: N/A Dispatch Return: 20 days Reward: 11800 Gil, Runba's Tale, 1 random item, 2 random cards =============== 234. Bread Woes =============== Description: I've been trying to make a bread that kids will love, but it's tough going. What I need now is a good bread to sooth MY taste buds. -Noluado, Baker Mission Type: Dispatch Rank: 6 Appears: After completing the "Mateus" battle Price: 1200 Gil Location: N/A Dispatch Return: 20 days Required Items: Choco Bread (Used) Reward: 10800 Gil, Kiddy Bread, 1 random item, 2 random cards ============== 235. Book Mess ============== Description: Needed: able clan members to help clean my room. All you have to do is put a few thousand books back on their shelves! -Mimin, Scholar Mission Type: Dispatch Rank: 6 Appears: After completing the "Llednar" battle, during Sagemoon Price: 1600 Gil Location: N/A Dispatch Return: 10 days Reward: 12400 Gil, Encyclopedia, 1 random card ================== 236. One More Tail ================== Description: My lucky rabbit tail found me a wonderful husband! But now we're married, I think I need a little more luck. Got a tail for me? -Bibilina, Lucky Lady Mission Type: Dispatch Rank: 6 Appears: After completing the "Llednar" Battle, during Madmoon Price: 1200 Gil Location: N/A Dispatch Return: 10 days Reward: 10800 Gil, Rabbit Tail, 1 random item, 1 random card ================ 237. Relax Time! ================ Description: Come enjoy the Danbukwood and get back to nature! Buy some wood and bring it home for that woodsy feeling all year long! -Yeesa Tourism Board Mission Type: Dispatch Rank: 6 Appears: After completing the "To Ambervale" Mission, during Huntmoon Price: 600 Gil Location: N/A Dispatch Return: 15 days Reward: 4600 Gil, Danbukwood, 1 random card ================ 238. Foma Jungle ================ Description: I've got tons of orders for moonwood chairs! Get me some moonwood from the deep Foma Jungle, if you would. No pun intended. -Gueguerre, Wood Craftsman Mission Type: Dispatch Rank: 6 Appears: After completing the "To Ambervale" Mission, during Huntmoon Price: 600 Gil Location: N/A Dispatch Return: 15 days Reward: 4600 Gil, Moonwood, 1 random card ================= 239. For a Flower ================= Description: I need a telaq flower, a strange blossom that blooms only a few times a year deep within a cave--a cave with monsters. -Shelm, Alchemist Mission Type: Dispatch Rank: 6 Appears: After completing the "To Ambervale" Mission Price: 700 Gil Location: N/A Dispatch Return: 2 battles Reward: 6000 Gil, Telaq Flower, 1 random item ================ 240. Giza Plains ================ Description: A bug infestation has hit Giza Plains, and it will reach the town if we don't take action! Someone help drive these critters away! -Noris, Townsperson Mission Type: Free-Area Rank: 1 Appears: After completing the "Thesis Hunt" Mission Price: 600 Gil Location: N/A Dispatch Return: Defeat 3 enemies Reward: 2400 Gil, 1 random item This is one of the dispatch missions you'll have available in the game. It means that you send an eligible clan member out of your party, on his/her own, to do this mission. After the campaign is over, that person will return with the results of the mission. =============== 241. Lutia Pass =============== Description: I opened a shop in Lutia Pass, but not a single customer has come yet! I think I need to advertise. Could you pass out flyers? -Bintz, Tool Shop Mission Type: Free-Area Rank: 1 Appears: After completing the "Desert Peril" Mission Price: 400 Gil Location: - Dispatch Return: Defeat 3 enemies Reward: 2400 Gil, 1 random item This is one of the dispatch missions you'll have available in the game. It means that you send an eligible clan member out of your party, on his/her own, to do this mission. After the campaign is over, that person will return with the results of the mission. ============= 242. Nubswood ============= Description: Rock turtles have been attacking travelers in the Nubswood. Use this "shellout" to get rid of them, please. -Hoelik, Townsperson Mission Type: Free-Area Rank: 2 Appears: After completing the "Antilaws" Mission Price: 400 Gil Location: - Dispatch Return: Defeat 3 enemies Reward: 2400 Gil, 1 random item, 1 random card ================ 243. Eluut Sands ================ Description: I'm trying to reforest the Eluut Sands in an attempt to tame the beasts that live there. Bring me a desert plant for study. -Karenne, Herbologist Mission Type: Free-Area Rank: 2 Appears: After completing the "Diamond Rain" Mission Price: 400 Gil Location: N/A Dispatch Return: Defeat 3 enemies Reward: 2400 Gil, 1 random item, 1 random card =============== 244. Ulei River =============== Description: Somebody get the word out: there's fine fish to be had in the upper waters of the Ulei River! -Holt, Angler Mission Type: Free-Area Rank: 2 Appears: After completing the "Hot Awakening" Mission Price: 400 Gil Location: N/A Dispatch Return: Defeat 3 enemies Reward: 2400 Gil, 1 random item, 1 random card =============== 245. Aisenfield =============== Description: Somebody spread the word that those rumors of bandits in Aisenfield are a bunch of lies. It's bad for business! -Chocobo Shop, Aisen Branch Mission Type: Free-Area Rank: 2 Appears: After completing the "Magic Wood" Mission Price: 600 Gil Location: N/A Dispatch Return: Defeat 3 enemies Reward: 2400 Gil, 1 random item, 1 random card ================= 246. Roda Volcano ================= Description: Roda Volcano's been active lately. Someone needs to go to the road at the base of the cone and clean off the chunks of lava. -Naricys, Geologist Mission Type: Free-Area Rank: 4 Appears: After completing the "Emerald Keep" Mission Price: 600 Gil Location: N/A Dispatch Return: Defeat 3 enemies Reward: 2400 Gil, 1 random item, 1 random card =============== 247. Travel Aid =============== Description: Please light the waypoints in the Koringwood. They are vital landmarks for helping travelers find their way. Thank you. -Zeshika, Woodland Guide Mission Type: Free-Area Rank: 4 Appears: After completing the "Pale Company" Mission Price: 400 Gil Location: N/A Dispatch Return: Defeat 5 enemies Reward: 2400 Gil, 1 random item, 1 random card =================== 248. The Salikawood =================== Description: I plan on cutting a path through the Salikawood. I'll do some reforesting, too! I can't pay much, but I really need help. -Laycher, Innkeeper Mission Type: Free-Area Rank: 4 Appears: After completing the "Jagd Hunt" Mission Price: 600 Gil Location: N/A Dispatch Return: Defeat 5 enemies Reward: 2400 Gil, 1 random item, 1 random card ================ 249. Nargai Cave ================ Description: Monsters can't stand the smell of the flower that grows deep in Nargai Cave. Great for ensuring a safe voyage! Help me get one. -Buck, Botanist Mission Type: Free-Area Rank: 4 Appears: After completing the "The Bounty" Mission Price: 400 Gil Location: N/A Dispatch Return: Defeat 5 enemies Reward: 2400 Gil, 1 random item, 1 random card ================ 250. Kudik Peaks ================ Description: A rock slide has blocked off the road to the Kudik Peaks. Looking for people to help clear it off. -Jagark, Mountain Patrol Mission Type: Free-Area Rank: 5 Appears: After completing the "Exodus" Battle Price: 400 Gil Location: N/A Dispatch Return: Defeat 5 enemies Reward: 2400 Gil, 1 random item, 1 random card ================ 251. Jeraw Sands ================ Description: One of the ruins in Jeraw Sands is supposed to be the entrance to an underground cave! Please investigate. -Gadfly, Ivalice Tours Mission Type: Free-Area Rank: 5 Appears: After completing the "Exodus" Battle Price: 400 Gil Location: N/A Dispatch Return: Defeat 5 enemies Reward: 2400 Gil, 1 random item, 1 random card =============== 252. Uladon Bog =============== Description: Won't someone help me build a bridge over Uladon Bog? It would really speed up travel. -Iluluna, Young Girl Mission Type: Free-Area Rank: 5 Appears: After completing the "Exodus" Battle Price: 400 Gil Location: N/A Dispatch Return: Defeat 7 enemies Reward: 2400 Gil, 1 random item, 1 random card ================ 253. Gotor Sands ================ Description: Find the oasis said to lay hidden in Gotor Sands. If we could draw water from there, it would be a great boon to travelers. -Gabela, Traveling Merchant Mission Type: Free-Area Rank: 5 Appears: After completing "The Big Find" Mission Price: 600 Gil Location: N/A Dispatch Return: Defeat 7 enemies Reward: 2400 Gil, 1 random item, 1 random card ================ 254. Delia Dunes ================ Description: Please find out where the dragonflies of Delia Dunes live. Their wings are a vital ingredient for making medicine. -Carulea, Alchemist Mission Type: Free-Area Rank: 5 Appears: After completing the "Desert Patrol" Mission Price: 400 Gil Location: N/A Dispatch Return: Defeat 7 enemies Reward: 2400 Gil, 1 random item, 2 random card =============== 255. Bugbusters =============== Description: Bladebugs, the natural enemy of all monsters, are said to gather on the river that flows deep in the Materiwood. Find them! -Winetz, Entomologist Mission Type: Free-Area Rank: 6 Appears: After completing the "Mateus" Battle Price: 400 Gil Location: N/A Dispatch Return: Defeat 7 enemies Reward: 2400 Gil, 1 random item, 1 random card ================ 256. Tubola Cave ================ Description: They say that the crystals are making monsters go crazy...I wonder about silvril? Get some from Tubola Cave for me! -Phol, Researcher Mission Type: Free-Area Rank: 6 Appears: After completing the "Llednar" Battle Price: 400 Gil Location: N/A Dispatch Return: Defeat 7 enemies Reward: 2400 Gil, 1 random item, 1 random card ================ 257. Deti Plains ================ Description: They say armor fashioned from a wyrmgod scale will withstand any attack! Find a scale in the ruins on the Deti Plains for me. -Takukulu, Armorer Mission Type: Free-Area Rank: 6 Appears: After completing the "To Ambervale" Mission Price: 400 Gil Location: N/A Dispatch Return: Defeat 10 enemies Reward: 2400 Gil, 1 random item, 1 random card ================ 258. Siena Gorge ================ Description: I want you to confirm the old rumor that there is poison on the winds that blow through Siena Gorge. I'll pay you! -Cal, Lover of Gossip Mission Type: Free-Area Rank: 6 Appears: After completing the "To Ambervale" Mission Price: 400 Gil Location: N/A Dispatch Return: Defeat 10 enemies Reward: 2400 Gil, 1 random item, 1 random card ============== 259. Jagd Ahli ============== Description: I'm thinking of building a gladitorial arena in Jagd Ahli. A lawless sport for a lawless zone! Help me find a good spot. -Pakanon, Architect Mission Type: Free-Area Rank: 7 Appears: After completing the "Exploration (065)" Mission Price: 400 Gil Location: N/A Dispatch Return: Defeat 15 enemies Reward: 2400 Gil, 1 random item, 1 random card =============== 260. Jagd Helje =============== Description: I dropped something very important to me in a ruin in Jagd Helje. Please find it! -Ekal, Astrologer Mission Type: Free-Area Rank: 7 Appears: After completing the "Den of Evil (064)" Mission Price: 400 Gil Location: N/A Dispatch Return: Defeat 15 enemies Reward: 2400 Gil, 1 random item, 1 random card =============== 261. Jagd Dorsa =============== Description: Please kill the jagdsaurus that plagues Jagd Dorsa. He'll come out if you go in there alone, I guarantee it. -Handog, Townsperson Mission Type: Free-Area Rank: 7 Appears: After completing the "Royal Valley" Mission, and reading the "Gukko Gone" rumor Price: 400 Gil Location: N/A Dispatch Return: Defeat 15 enemies Reward: 2400 Gil, 1 random item, 1 random card ============== 262. Ambervale ============== Description: The nest of the chomper beetles from Ozmonfield was found in Ambervale! Please use this "bugoff" to drive them away! -Dalaben, Ranch Manager Mission Type: Free-Area Rank: 7 Appears: After completing the "Ozmonfield" Mission Price: 400 Gil Location: N/A Dispatch Return: Defeat 7 enemies Reward: 2400 Gil, 1 random item, 1 random card =============== 263. Ozmonfield =============== Description: The chomper beetles found in Ozmonfield are eating my chocobo feed. Please use this "bug-B-gone" to drive them away! -Dalaben, Ranch Manager Mission Type: Free-Area Rank: 7 Appears: After completing the "Royal Valley (024)" and "A Dragon's Aid (066)" Missions Price: 400 Gil Location: N/A Dispatch Return: Defeat 7 enemies Reward: 2400 Gil, 1 random item, 1 random card ==================== 264. Swords in Cyril ==================== Mission Type: Dispatch Rank: 1 Appears: After completing the "Thesis Hunt" Mission, during Madmoon Price: 300 Gil Location: Town of Origin Cyril Days: N/A Required Job: Fencer Reward: 1800 Gil, Victor Sword, 1 random item ================ 265. Newbie Hall ================ Description: Need: part-time teachers. Help apprentices in a wide variety of jobs learn the tricks of your trade! -Oks, Newbie Hall Chief Mission Type: Dispatch Rank: 1 Appears: After completing the "Earthy Colors" Mission. Price: 600 Gil Location: N/A Dispatch Return: 10 days Required Clan Level: Combat Level 5 Reward: 2400 Gil, Onion Sword, 1 random item ================ 266. Voodoo Doll ================ Description: I saw the matron casting a spell on that nasty doll! That must be the cause of my lady's illness, it must be. Please, help my lady! -Eselle, Maidservant Mission Type: Dispatch Rank: 2 Appears: After completing the "Twisted Flow" Mission Price: 600 Gil Location: N/A Dispatch Return: 5 days Reward: 3400 Gil, Soulsaber, 1 random item ================ 267. Come On Out ================ Description: My son is so overweight he can hardly move. Someone get him out of his room! I don't care how you do it. -Joyce, Warehouse Monitor Mission Type: Dispatch Rank: 3 Appears: After completing the "Antilaws" Mission Price: 1200 Gil Location: N/A Dispatch Return: 10 days Required: Jerky (Used) Reward: 5400 Gil, Oblige, 1 random item, 2 random cards =================== 268. Food For Truth =================== Description: My friend was arrested unfairly! While we look for the real criminal, I'd like to send him some good food. Do you know of any? -Theo, Fruitseller Mission Type: Dispatch Rank: 3 Appears: After completing "The Witness" Mission. Price: 1200 Gil Location: N/A Dispatch Return: 20 days Required: Choco Gratin (Used) Required Skill: Appraise (Level 18) Reward: 6000 Gil, Rhomphaia, 1 random item, 2 random cards ============== 269. Alba Cave ============== Description: A turtle monster guards a fabulous treasure at an ancient shrine in Alba Cave. Distract him with some food and it's yours! -Mumusen, Pub Customer Mission Type: Dispatch Rank: 3 Appears: After completing the "Hot Awakening" Mission Price: 600 Gil Location: N/A Dispatch Return: 4 battles Required Item: Jerky (Used) Required Job: Blue Mage Reward: 6000 Gil, Beastsword, 1 random item, 2 random cards ================== 270. The Performer ================== Description: I've performed in many lands, but I've never had a hit. Maybe it's just bad luck? Got anything to make fortune smile on me? -Mamek, Traveling Performer Mission Type: Dispatch Rank: 4 Appears: After completing the "Magic Wood" Mission Price: 1200 Gil Location: N/A Dispatch Return: 15 days Required: Rabbit Tail (Used) Reward: 9600 Gil, Tonberrian, 1 random item, 2 random cards ================== 271. One More Time ================== Description: That guy in the corner's a fabulous tenor. We want him for our chorus group, but he refuses to join. Won't you convince him? -Arthin, Chorus Lead Mission Type: Dispatch Rank: 4 Appears: After completing the "Pale Company" Mission Price: 800 Gil Location: N/A Dispatch Return: 15 days Reward: 6400 Gil, Aerial Hole, 1 random item, 2 random cards ================ 272. Spring Tree ================ Description: A tree grows on the duke's land, and every spring a woman comes and looks at its roots. Could you check if something's there? -Eukanne, Ducal Maid Mission Type: Dispatch Rank: 4 Appears: After completing the "Jagd Hunt" Mission Price: 1000 Gil Location: N/A Dispatch Return: 2 battles Reward: 700 Gil, Charfire, 1 random item, 2 random cards ============== 273. Who Am I? ============== Description: I woke in this town with no memory or items but this staff. Please trade me a magical medal for it-I must repay the innkeep. -Weathervane Inn, Room 3 Mission Type: Dispatch Rank: 4 Appears: After completing the "Adaman Alloy" Mission Price: 200 Gil Location: N/A Dispatch Return: 15 days Required Items: Magic Medal (Used) Magic Medal (Used) Reward: 600 Gil, Power Staff, 1 random item, 2 random cards ================== 274. Reaper Rumors ================== Description: My buddy says that on full moon nights, the reaper comes down from the moon to a manse on the hill and someone dies! Is it true? -Nud, Future Streetear Mission Type: Dispatch Rank: 5 Appears: After completing the "Exodus" Battle Price: 1200 Gil Location: N/A Dispatch Return: 10 days Reward: 8800 Gil, Crescent Bow, 1 random item, 2 random cards ============= 275. Dog Days ============= Description: My father is a postman, but he fell off his dogsled and hurt himself bad. I have to help him! Teach me how to ride a dogsled! -Rikk, Postman's Son Mission Type: Dispatch Rank: 5 Appears: After completing "The Big Find" Mission Price: 1080 Gil Location: N/A Dispatch Return: 10 days Reward: 8800 Gil, Marduk Bow, 1 random item, 2 random cards =============== 276. Good Bread =============== Description: There's a bowyer outside town that makes the best bows in the land, but he only makes them if you bring him good bread! -Arco, Pub Customer Mission Type: Dispatch Rank: 6 Appears: After completing the "Desert Patrol" Mission Price: 1000 Gil Location: N/A Dispatch Return: 5 days Required Items: Kiddy Bread (Used) Grownup Bread (Used) Reward: 0 Gil, Arbalest, 1 random item, 2 random cards ================= 277. Sword Needed ================= Description: There's a sword fighting competition coming up, and one of our team can't make it. Looking for a good swordsman to replace her! -Lotus, Swordsman Mission Type: Dispatch Rank: 6 Appears: After completing the "Mateus" Battle Price: 1200 Gil Location: N/A Dispatch Return: 2 battles Reward: 9000 Gil, Bangaa Spike, 1 random item, 2 random cards ============= 278. El Ritmo ============= Description: Those Nightwailers are out there singing every night. Noisy bunch, but bring 'em the materials, and they'll make you an instrument. -Dedeka, Pub Customer Mission Type: Dispatch Rank: 6 Appears: After completing the "Mateus" Battle Price: 1600 Gil Location: N/A Dispatch Return: Defeat 10 enemies Required Items: Danbukwood (Used) Moonwood (Used) Reward: 12400 Gil, Fell Castanets, 1 random item, 2 random cards ================= 279. Her Big Move ================= Description: The best dancer in town has gone off to the city to be a star... I'd like to make a toast to her success. Got a drink? -Deuxhart, Townsperson Mission Type: Dispatch Rank: 6 Appears: After completing the "Materite Now!" Mission Price: 1200 Gil Location: N/A Dispatch Return: 7 days Required Items: Malboro Wine (Used) Reward: 9600 Gil, Magic Hands, 1 random item, 2 random cards ================ 280. Don't Look! ================ Description: They say that on full-moon nights something scary happens if you look at the mirror in one of the dorm rooms! Is it true? Help! -Eluiotte, Frightened Girl Mission Type: Dispatch Rank: 6 Appears: After completing the "Materite Now!" Mission Price: 1400 Gil Location: N/A Dispatch Return: Defeat 10 enemies Reward: 10800 Gil, Reverie Shield, 1 random item, 2 random cards ================= 281. Janitor Duty ================= Description: What a great parade that was! Which reminds me, they're looking for people to help clean up all the trash. You interested? -Grek, Pub Customer Mission Type: Dispatch Rank: 6 Appears: After completing the "Llednar" Battle Price: 1600 Gil Location: N/A Dispatch Return: 20 days Reward: 11400 Gil, Parade Helm, 1 random item, 2 random cards ================= 282. Unlucky Star ================= Description: I live a cursed life, but now I'm getting married, and nothing can go wrong! I need some kind of charm to ward off evil spirits! -Domure, Unlucky Man Mission Type: Dispatch Rank: 6 Appears: After completing the "Llednar" Battle Price: 19800 Gil Location: N/a Dispatch Return: Defeat 3 enemies Required Items: Blood Shawl (Used) Reward: 13200 Gil, Magic Robe, 1 random item, 2 random cards ================ 283. Corral Care ================ Description: The rainbow-furred corral is the fastest animal in the world, and one's loose on Duke Casell's land. Someone please feed it! -Falco, Animal Lover Mission Type: Dispatch Rank: 6 Appears: After completing the "To Ambervale" Mission Price: 1600 Gil Location: N/A Dispatch Return: 10 days Required Items: Choco Gratin (Used) Reward: 12600 Gil, Fire Mitts, 1 random item, 2 random cards ================ 284. Beastly Gun ================ Description: Want a gun as strong and fast as a wild beast? Just bring me two little items I need, and it's all yours, free. -Strives, Musketeer Mission Type: Dispatch Rank: 6 Appears: Approximately after completing the "Royal Valley (024)" and "Magic Mysidia (185)" Missions Price: 1600 Gil Location: N/A Dispatch Return: 10 days Required Items: Insignia (Used) Ally Finder 2 (Used) Required Job: Gunner Reward: 0 Gil, Calling Gun, 1 random item, 2 random cards =================== 285. Blade & Turtle =================== Description: You can make amazingly strong swords with just a little adaman alloy. Too bad it's so hard to come by... -Gilgame, Young Blacksmith Mission Type: Dispatch Rank: 6 Appears: After completing the "She's Gone (230)" Mission Price: 1400 Gil Location: N/A Dispatch Return: 2 battles Required Items: Adaman Alloy (Used) Broken Sword (Used) Reward: 10600 Gil, Adaman Blade, 1 random item, 2 random cards ================== 286. Valuable Fake ================== Description: I finally got the famed sword "ragnarok", but it's a fake! Just bring me the right materials and I can make one of these, easy! -Hoek, Swordsmith Mission Type: Dispatch Rank: 4 Appears: After completing the "Run for Fun" Mission Price: 1200 Gil Location: N/A Dispatch Return: 1 battle Required Items: Bent Sword (Used) Rainbowite (Used) Reward: 9000 Gil, Nagrarok, 1 random item, 2 random cards ================= 287. Weaver's War ================= Description: I lost my family to those godless scoundrels in the Gelzak Church. Help me make a good sword so that I might avenge them! -Weaver, Knight Mission Type: Dispatch Rank: 5 Appears: After completing the "Pale Company" Mission Price: 1400 Gil Location: N/A Dispatch Return: Defeat 5 enemies Required Items: Crusite Alloy (Used) Blood Apple (Used) Reward: 10600 Gil, Zankplus, 1 random item, 2 random cards ================= 288. Fabled Sword ================= Description: I found the designs for making the same sword used by a legendary swordsman! But, the ingredients are hard to find. Please help. -Belitz, Archaeologist Mission Type: Dispatch Rank: 6 Appears: After completing the "Novel Ascent" Mission Price: 1600 Gil Location: N/A Dispatch Return: 3 battles Required Items: Thunderstone (Used) Stormstone (Used) Required Job: Soldier Reward: 12600 Gil, Master Sword, 1 random item ================= 289. Refurbishing ================= Description: Due to the recent drop in weapon availability, we at Teldot Workshop are now offering refurbishing. Make old blades new! -Workshop Teldot Mission Type: Dispatch Rank: 3 Appears: After completing the "Oh Milese" Mission. Price: 6000 Gil Location: N/A Dispatch Return: 20 days Required: Broken Sword (Used) Reward: 0 Gil, Lurebreaker, 1 random item, 2 random cards ================= 290. Stone Secret ================= Description: I've found a way to make the usually brittle leestone hard as steel! Bring me leestone and I'll make you a weapon. -Ukes, Traveling Smith Mission Type: Dispatch Rank: 36 Appears: After completing the "To Ambervale" Mission Price: 4200 Gil Location: N/A Dispatch Return: 3 battles Required Items: Rusty Sword (Used) Leestone (Used) Reward: 0 Gil, Tabarise, 1 random item, 2 random cards ================ 291. Sword Stuff ================ Description: I hope to use the smithing knowledge I gained abroad to make swords with the materials available here. Know any good materials? -Da'jerma, Swordsmith Mission Type: Dispatch Rank: 3 Appears: After completing the "Sorry, Friend (094)" Mission Price: 4800 Gil Location: N/A Dispatch Return: 4 battles Required Items: Silk Bloom (Used) Moon Bloom (Used) Reward: 0 Gil, Silkmoon, 1 random item, 2 random cards =================== 292. A Stormy Night =================== Description: Once, long ago, a bolt of godsfire hit a shrine to the esper Odin. When the smoke cleared, they found a spear--the Odinlance. -Fujas, Pub Customer Mission Type: Dispatch Rank: 6 Appears: After completing the "Ghosts of War" Mission Price: 1600 Gil Location: N/A Dispatch Return: 4 battles Required Items: Rusty Spear (Used) Mysidia Alloy (Used) Reward: 12600 Gil, Odin Lance, 1 random item, 2 random cards ================== 293. Minstrel Song ================== Description: I met a bard in the woods who said he'd sold his soul to some fiend. If you want a dark instrument, he's the one to ask. -Rayches, Pub Customer Mission Type: Dispatch Rank: 6 Appears: After completing the "Materite Now!" Mission Price: 6000 Gil Location: N/A Dispatch Return: 3 battles Required Items: Stradivari (Used) Black Thread (Used) Reward: 0 Gil, Dark Fiddle, 1 random item, 2 random cards ============== 294. Gun Crazy ============== Description: I heard that Thousand-Barrel, that gun maker that lives up in Gilba Pass, invented a new gun! Got to be powerful, that. -Tetero, Pub Customer Mission Type: Dispatch Rank: 6 Appears: After completing the "Sword Stuff (291)" Mission Price: 4400 Gil Location: N/A Dispatch Return: 3 battles Required Items: Crusite Alloy (Used) Gun Gear (Used) Reward: 0 Gil, Bindsnipe, 1 random item, 2 random cards ============== 295. Black Hat ============== Description: To all black mages: in order to raise the status of our clan brothers, we will give you a black hat. Wear it well! -Black Mage Society Mission Type: Dispatch Rank: 6 Appears: After completing the "Llednar" Battle Price: 2400 Gil Location: N/A Dispatch Return: 3 battles Required Items: Black Thread (Used) Magic Cloth (Used) Required Job: Black Mage Reward: 0 Gil, Black Hat, 1 random item, 2 random cards =================== 296. Hat For A Girl =================== Description: That girl that's always standing on the pier must be chilly. I'd like to give her a hat, but which one? She's a white mage. -Jejelulu, Town Milliner Mission Type: Dispatch Rank: 6 Appears: After completing the "Llednar" Battle Price: 1200 Gil Location: N/A Dispatch Return: 30 days Required Items: White Thread (Used) Magic Cloth (Used) Reward: 10800 Gil, White Hat, 1 random item, 2 random cards =================== 297. Armor & Turtle =================== Description: I could make some wicked strong armor if I had some adaman alloy. Just... it's so hard to get, you know? -Gilgame, Young Blacksmith Mission Type: Dispatch Rank: 6 Appears: After completing the "Mama's Taste" Mission Price: 1200 Gil Location: N/A Dispatch Return: 2 battles Required Items: Adaman Alloy (Used) Rat Tail (Used) Reward: 9000 Gil, Adaman Armor, 1 random item, 2 random cards =============== 298. Dark Armor =============== Description: If you can bring me some materite, I believe I can make an outstanding suit of armor. I'll give you the suit. How about it? -Pepeiro, Alchemist Mission Type: Dispatch Rank: 4 Appears: After completing the "Dog Days" Mission Price: 3000 Gil Location: N/A Dispatch Return: Defeat 10 enemies Required Items: Materite (Used) Materite (Used) Reward: 0 Gil, Materia Armor, 1 random item, 2 random cards ================== 299. Fashion World ================== Description: I hear Brint Mea, the popular brand, is looking for new designs. Probably trying to win customers back from Galmia Pepe! -Mit, Pub Customer Mission Type: Dispatch Rank: 3 Appears: After completing the "An Education" Mission Price: 600 Gil Location: N/A Dispatch Return: 10 days Required Items: Chocobo Skin (Used) and Magic Cotton (Used) Reward: 4600 Gil, Blint Set, 1 random item, 2 random cards =================== 300. Fashion Hoopla =================== Description: Both Galmia Pepe and Brint Mea are looking for new designs! The fate of the fashion world hangs on the balance on this one! -Phale, Fashion Expert Mission Type: Dispatch Rank: 6 Appears: After completing the "The Performer (270)" Mission Price: 1400 Gil Location: N/A Dispatch Return: 5 days Required Items: Chocobo Skin (Used) Magic Cotton (Used) Reward: 11800 Gil, Galmia Set, 1 random item, 2 random cards ---- NOTE: Reserve Missions are not recorded on your Clan "Record" ---- ============ Hero of Yore ============ Description: ??? Mission Type: Dispatch Rank: 2 Appears: Approximately after completing the "Emerald Keep (010)" Mission Price: 1000 Gil Location: N/A Days: 7 Reward: 3000 Gil, Vermillion, 1 random card ========== My Mission ========== Description: I've lost my memory. I know I had something important to do, but what? Can you help me? -Nameless Swordsman Mission Type: Dispatch Rank: 4 Appears: After completing the "Pale Company (011)" Mission Price: 1000 Gil Location: N/A Dispatch Return: Defeat 5 enemies Required Items: See FAQ section. Reward: 6000 Gil, 2 random items, 2 random cards ============ Sauce Recipe ============ Description: I have to cook at the palace tonight. Know any good sauces that go with a meat dish? -Kelenda, Chef Mission Type: Dispatch Rank: 2 Appears: Approximately after completing the "Emerald Keep (010)" Mission Price: 1000 Gil Location: N/A Dispatch Return: 7 days Reward: 3000 Gil, Eldagusto, 2 random cards ============ Shining Lake ============ Description: ??? Mission Type: Dispatch Rank: 2 Appears: Approximately after completing the "Magic Wood (009)" Mission Price: 1000 Gil Location: N/A Days: 7 Reward: 3000 Gil, Gold Vessel, 1 random card ***************************************************************************** -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= -= 9. Judgement -= -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= ======== Law List ======== Rank Forbidden Recommended ---- --------- ----------- R2 Fight Color Magic R2 Items Dark R6 Techniques Skills R6 Skills Techniques R5 Color Magic Missile R2 Chivalry Charge R3 Steal Aim R2 Aim Steal R5 Hunt Defend R3 Defend Hunt R2 Prayer Corner R4 Time Magic Elementals R2 Control Morph R5 Morph Control R5 Elementals Time Magic R6 Summon Gunmanship R5 Corner Prayer R4 Sharpshoot Call R3 Call Sharpshoot R3 Charge Chivalry R4 Gunmanship Summon R3 Ganging Up Copycat R6 Copycat Ganging Up R4 Target Area Target All R5 Target All Target Area R1 Swords Staves R3 Blades Rods R5 Sabers Knives R5 Knightswords Instruments R2 Greatswords Rapiers R4 Broadswords Spears R1 Knives Sabers R2 Rapiers Greatswords R4 Katanas Maces R3 Spears Broadswords R3 Instruments Knightswords R4 Knuckles Soul R5 Soul Knuckles R2 Missile Swords R4 Wind Lightning R1 Fire Ice R1 Lightning Wind R1 Ice Fire R5 Holy Dark R6 Status Dmg2: Animal R3 Silence Addle R4 Frog Petrify R1 Poison Slow R3 Slow Poison R5 Petrify N/A R2 Berserk Charm R5 Stop Silence R3 Charm Berserk R1 Protect N/A R1 Shell N/A R6 Haste Slow R6 Healing Status R6 Dmg2: Human N/A R6 Dmg2: Bangaa Dmg2: Nu Mou R6 Dmg2: Nu Mou N/A R6 Dmg2: Viera Dmg2: Moogle R6 Dmg2: Moogle N/A R6 Dmg2: Animal Status Other Cards ----------- R? Antilaw: Removes all bans of the same rank as the card. Allmighty: Removes all bans, period. ============ Penalty List ============ Volunteer: Do not receive any Gil for clearing the Mission. Penalty of Sword Ban, Blade Ban, Knight Sword Ban, Large Sword Ban, Wide-Bladed Sword Ban, Knife Ban, Rapier Ban, Music Instrument Ban, Firearms Ban, Poison Ban, Don't Ban, Confuse Ban, Berserk Ban, Stop Ban, Charm Ban, Forgetfulness Ban, ... Status Down: Power down a random stat. Penalty of Skill Ban, Art Ban, All Ban, Chivalry Ban, Steal Ban, Aim Ban, Prayer Ban, Summon Ban, Damage < 20, Damage < 50, Damage > 100, Color Magic Restrict, ... Forfeit Gil: Pay a random fine of Gil. Penalty of Mimicry Ban, Recover < 50, Recovery > 50, Recover > 100, ... Forfeit Cards: Give up a random amount of cards. Penalty of Combination Ban, EarthWaterFireWind Ban, Fire Element Ban, Thunder Element Ban, Ice Element Ban, Holy Element Ban, ... Forfeit Item: Give up a random item out of your clans inventory. Penalty of Item Ban, Animal Protection, ... Forfeit Equip: Give up a random item the offending unit had equipped. Penalty of Fight Ban, Protect Ban, Shell Ban, Haste Ban, ... AP Forfeit: Loose AP from a random ability which you have mastered. Penalty of x Begins with "A", x Ends with "N", ... Monster Escape: A random monster will be released from the Monster Bank. Penalty of Hunt Ban, Control Ban, ... ***************************************************************************** -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= -= 10. Tribes -= -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= ====== Humans ====== You are one, I am one... hopefully. Humans have the greatest range of Jobs to choose from, having access to a total of eleven jobs. Humans are the standard, well rounded, generic, nonchalant Tribe of this game. They are guarded by the Totema Mateus the Corrupt Emperor, who they are able to summon in battle to cause heavy damage to all enemies. Job Requirements --- ------------ Soldier Initial Paladin 2x Soldier A-Abilities Fighter 2x Soldier A-Abilities Thief Initial Ninja 2x Thief A-Abilities White Mage Initial Black Mage Initial Illusionist 3x White Mage and 5x Black Mage A-Abilities Blue Mage 1x White Mage and 1x Black Mage A-Abilities Archer Initial Hunter 2x Archer A-Abilities ====== Bangaa ====== Essentially a race of lizard men. They're rude, jingoistic, powerful... but just a tad slow. This Tribe has the smallest variety of Jobs, only seven. However, the Jobs available to Bangaa are exclusive to their race. The Bangaa's superior physical strength make them more suited to attacking, hence warrior-type jobs are their specialty; but they can also become Bishops and Templars, which are low-level magic using Jobs. Their Totema is Adrammelech the Spirit God of Wrath, who will cause massive damage to all enemies once summoned. Job Requirements --- ------------ Warrior Initial Dragoon 2x Warrior A-Abilities Defender 2x Warrior A-Abilities Gladiator 2x Warrior A-Abilities White Monk Initial Bishop 2x White Monk A-Abilities Templar 2x White Monk A-Abilities ====== Nu Mou ====== Strange, seemingly fragile creatures. They are telepathic and can manipulate the flow of life, which allows them to both Control and Morph into the form of Monsters. Their supernatural powers make them perfect for the Mage-type Jobs, which is why the majority of the eight Jobs they can use are very magic-based. They can also summon Ultima the Fallen Angel, who blasts the field with white light which causes MP damage to all enemies. Job Requirements --- ------------ White Mage Initial Black Mage Initial Illusionist 3x White Mage and 5x Black Mage A-Abilities Time Mage 5x Black Mage A-Abilities Alchemist 3x White Mage and 5x Black Mage A-Abilities Beastmaster Initial Morpher 5x Beastmaster A-Abilities Sage 3x White Mage and 2x Beastmaster A-Abilities ===== Viera ===== A beautiful, noble, completely female Tribe. Also known as the "bunny chicks", their superior height and athletic ability make them great Archers, Snipers and Assassins. The Viera's are also able to communicate with the dead even better than John Edward's can, which opens them up to a variety of magicks which only they can use (Spirit, Red & Summon Magic). Also, the Totema Exodus the Spectral Tree of Judgement, will appear at their beckon call, and will suck the MP from all enemies. Job Requirements --- ------------ White Mage Initial Fencer Initial Elementalist 1x White Mage and 1x Fencer A-Abilities Red Mage 1x Fencer A-Ability Summoner 2x White Mage and 2x Elementalist A-Abilities Assassin 2x Elementalist and 1x Sniper A-Abilities Archer Initial Sniper 2x Archer A-Abilities ======= Moogles ======= The cute little mole-bats that have been a staple Final Fantasy race since Final Fantasy III. They're super cute, mischievous, and end every sentence with an honorific KUPO! They are also very intelligent and dexterous, so are most suited to jobs which are magical or require dexterity. They are guarded by a Totema called Famfrit the Dark Cloud. Once summoned, Famfrit will blast the entire battle area with laser blasts, dealing lots of HP damage to all enemy units. Job Requirements --- ------------ Black Mage Initial Time Mage 5x Black Mage A-Abilities Animist Initial Mog Knight 1x Animist A-Ability Gunner 1x Animist A-Ability Thief Initial Juggler 2x Thief A-Abilities Gadgeteer 2x Thief A-Abilities ***************************************************************************** -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= -= 11. Jobs -= -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= NOTE 1: All units can use 'Item' as their secondary ability. NOTE 2: Be careful of Weapon Ban laws when using abilities with the range being "Weapon", since you'll be penalized if you do. ============= S o l d i e r ============= Tribes: Humans only Prerequisite(s): None Somewhat like the "Knight" Job class of FFT, Soldiers are able to lower enemy status parameters with their "Breaks". With good stat growth in HP, Weapon Attack and Defence; Soldiers are obviously a good choice as melee fighting units. Their only real weakness is magic, but anti-mage abilities like Mind Break, Magicbreak and Provoke help counteract this defecit. First Aid is useful for getting rid of Poison, Darkness and other status abnormalities and as a nice bonus it recovers a bit of HP as well. Sensor is a great ability to support Thieves", it lets you discover really rare concealed equipment on the enemy, therefor Battle Skill is an excellent secondary ability for Thieves. Monkey Grip isn't a very useful S-Ability, it's only real use is to allow Soldiers and Paladins equip a Shield with a Large Sword. Shieldbearer is decent for weaker classes like Ninja, Black Mages and Illusionists. Battle Tech ----------- Name Type MP Range AP Item ------------------------------------------------------------------- First Aid A - Self 100 Shortsword - Recover HP and restore Status ------------------------------------------------------------------- Powerbreak A - Weapon 200 Barong - Lowers target's Weapon Attack ------------------------------------------------------------------- Mindbreak A - Weapon 200 Buster Sword - Lowers target's MP ------------------------------------------------------------------- Magicbreak A - Weapon 200 Ancient Sword - Lowers target's Magical Power ------------------------------------------------------------------- Speedbreak A - Weapon 200 Silver Sword - Lowers target's Speed ------------------------------------------------------------------- Mug A - Weapon 300 Diamond Sword - Deals damage and steal Gil from target ------------------------------------------------------------------- Provoke A - 1/1 300 Blood Sword - Causes target to have "Berserk" status ------------------------------------------------------------------- Sensor A - 3/1 300 Burglar Sword - Detect hidden equipment which target can draw from stock ------------------------------------------------------------------- Monkey Grip S - - 300 Vigilante - Hold two-handed weapons in one hand (in order to equip a Shield) ------------------------------------------------------------------- Shieldbearer S - - 300 Bronze Shield/Opal Shield - Equip Shields regardless of Job ------------------------------------------------------------------- Combat Combo C - Weapon 100 Mythril Sword - Use JP to do a 100% accurate combination attack ------------------------------------------------------------------- ============= P a l a d i n ============= Tribes: Human only Prerequisite(s): 2x Soldier Action Abilities Paladins (or Holy Knights) are very defense orientated knights. With excellent stat growth in both Weapon & Magic Defence, and abilities such as Nurse, Guard and Cover; they are made to resist strong attacks, and consequently help keep weaker units stay alive too. Their sluggish speed and excellent defense make them a very tank-like unit. Paladins are fairly mediocre fighting units, however they can equip strong Knight Swords, and having two Holy elemental attacks at their disposal: Holy Cross and Saint Cross, does help things. Parley is a good way of getting rid of units that will or have a good chance of being revived, they are gone for good. As far as R-Abilities go, Reflex is probably only second to Strikeback. No weapon shall touch you once it is equipped. Weapon Def+ further consolidates their role as "protective" units. Chivalry -------- Name Type MP Range AP Item ------------------------------------------------------------------- Nurse A - Prox. 100 Defender - Recover HP and restore Status to self and surrounding units. ------------------------------------------------------------------- Defense A - Self 200 Lionheart - Strongly defend subsequent attack ------------------------------------------------------------------- Cover A - 4/1 200 SaveTheQueen - Cover attacks made to target for one turn ------------------------------------------------------------------- Subdue A - Weapon 200 Ancient Sword - Inflict minimal damage (good for "de-Charming" allies) ------------------------------------------------------------------- Drop Weapon A - Weapon 200 Ragnarok - Forcibly un-equips target's weapon ------------------------------------------------------------------- Parley A - 1/1 200 Barong - Persuade critical enemy to leave battle field (not last unit) ------------------------------------------------------------------- Saint Cross A 24 Prox. 300 Arch Sword - Holy damage expelled in all four cardinal directions ------------------------------------------------------------------- Holy Blade A 32 Weapon 300 Excalibur - Envelopes blade in light to cause strong Holy damage ------------------------------------------------------------------- Reflex R - - 300 Genji Armor - Completely evade all any incoming "Fight" actions ------------------------------------------------------------------- Weapon Def+ S - - 300 Diamond Armor - Decrease damage from physical attacks ------------------------------------------------------------------- Knight Combo C - Weapon 100 Mythril Brand - Use JP to do a 100% accurate Holy elemental combination attack ------------------------------------------------------------------- ============= F i g h t e r ============= Tribes: Human only Prerequisite(s): 2x Soldier Action Abilities The most battle hardened (and battle ready) Human class. It's pretty obvious that Fighters are extremely good melee fighting units, from their very strong Weapon Attack stat growth to their huge variety of attack abilities. This class provides useful ranged abilities early in the game that do not consume MP for humans. Air Render is extremely deadly at the start of the game, but its effectiveness declines as the game progresses. Blitz is great when the attack doesn't need to cause much damage, but when accuracy is important; like when a critical and dangerous enemy's turn is coming up, or when damage restriction laws are in place. Beatdown causes ludicrous amounts of damage if it connects, but it will connect for sure if you have another unit in tow that can Stop or put units to Sleep easily. Fighter's have two R-Abilities at their disposal: Bonecrusher and Strikeback. Bonecrusher causes more damage, but it requires you to sustain damage as well. Strikeback on the other hand is like "Reflex" and "Counter" in one, you'll essentially turn a units turn (attack) into your Fighters. Fighter Tech ------------ Name Type MP Range AP Item ------------------------------------------------------------------- Rush A - Weapon 100 Sweep Blade - Deals damage and knocks back target ------------------------------------------------------------------- Wild Swing A - Prox. 200 Ogun Blade - Deal damage to adjacent units ------------------------------------------------------------------- Beatdown A - Weapon 200 Shadow Blade - Deal twice as much damage, but with halved accuracy ------------------------------------------------------------------- Blitz A - Weapon 200 Sun Blade - Halved damage, but with twice as much accuracy ------------------------------------------------------------------- Air Render A - 3/1 200 Atmos Blade - Attack from a distance ------------------------------------------------------------------- Far Fist A - 4/2 200 Kwigon Blade - Deal damage in a wide range ------------------------------------------------------------------- Air Blast A - Expell 300 Air Blade - Wind damage from Kamaitachi ------------------------------------------------------------------- Backdraft A - 1/1 300 Flametongue - Deal Fire elemental damage, causes some backfiring damage ------------------------------------------------------------------- Strikeback R - - 300 Wygar - Pre-emptive counter, also blocks incoming attack ------------------------------------------------------------------- Doublehand S - - 300 Venus Blade - Hold weapon with two hands to increase the damage dealt with it ------------------------------------------------------------------- Fight Combo C - Weapon 100 Mythril Blade - Use JP to do a strong combination attack ------------------------------------------------------------------- ========= T h i e f ========= Tribes: Humans and Moogles Prerequisite(s): None Swift and agile. Thieves have unmatched Evade and better than average Move and Jump; they can traverse the battlefield much more freely and quickly than most other units. Unfortunately they only have average stat growth for all stats apart from Speed. Because of FFT-A's item based Ability System, Thieves are far more important then they have been in previous Final Fantasy games (of course with the exception of FFIX, but Zidane was a Thief for a reason); this is primarily because it is important that your units have access to a wide array of hard to get items to ensure that they can learn more advanced abilities. Also, Steal: Ability is probably the best A-Ability in the game, with it you can practical master whole Jobs in a single battle. No point in spending hours accumulating AP, you can just steal everything off enemies instead! Steal: Gil is pretty useless, because you'll only be poor near the beginning of the game, and at that stage it won't yield you much Gil. Thieves surprisingly can deal quite respectable damage once equipped with strong Knives like the Orichalcum and Cinquedea. Counter is a great R-Ability at the start of the game, before you have access to something more potent. And Maintenance is semi-useful, especially when your up against a lot of Snipers and Thieves. Steal ----- Name Type MP Range AP Item ------------------------------------------------------------------- Steal: Armor A - 1/1 300 Rondell Dagger - Attempt to steal targeted enemy's armor ------------------------------------------------------------------- Steal: Shield A - 1/1 200 Scramasax - Attempt to steal targeted enemy's shield ------------------------------------------------------------------- Steal: Access. A - 1/1 300 Jambiya - Attempt to steal targeted enemy's accesory or armlet (no shoes) ------------------------------------------------------------------- Steal: Helm A - 1/1 300 Kard - Attempt to steal targeted enemy's helmet ------------------------------------------------------------------- Steal: Weapon A - 1/1 300 Sword Breaker - Attempt to steal targeted enemy's weapon ------------------------------------------------------------------- Steal: Gil A - 1/1 100 Jack Knife - Steal Gil from targeted enemy ------------------------------------------------------------------- Steal: EXP A - 1/1 100 Khukuri - Steal EXP from targeted enemy ------------------------------------------------------------------- Steal: JP A - 1/1 300 Orichalcum - Steal JP from targeted enemy ------------------------------------------------------------------- Steal: Ability A - 1/1 300 Cinquedea - Attempt to steal a random ability from the targeted enemy ------------------------------------------------------------------- Counter R - - 300 Brigandine - Counterattack after being attacked ------------------------------------------------------------------- Maintenance S - - 300 Adamant Vest - Protect against equipment being stolen or broken ------------------------------------------------------------------- Thief Combo C - Weapon 100 Mythril Knife - Use JP to do a 100% accurate combination attack ------------------------------------------------------------------- ========= N i n j a ========= Tribes: Humans Prerequisite(s): 2x Thief Action Abilities Ninja in FFT-A are far more versatile (and therefore useful) than their FFT incarnation, which is saying something since they were pretty useful assassins in FFT. Now not only can they throw all types of weapons after learning a single ability, but they can now use the "Goton" (mistranslated as Veils), ancient Ninjutsu laws of escape based on the five elements. The "Goton" are pretty mediocre, variety of weak status abnormality inducing elemental attacks. Ninja can also use the ability Oblivion, which prevents the target from using Action Abilities. Ninja have unmatched Speed and good Weapon Attack and Magical Power stat growth, but very poor HP growth. Basically, they are very quick and potent killers, but they are very vulnerable. Double Sword is probably the best Support Ability in the game. You get two hits per attack to cause unimaginable devastation, and by equipping two of the same weapon, you can learn Abilities in half the time! Ninja Skill ----------- Name Type MP Range AP Item ------------------------------------------------------------------- Throw A - 4/1 100 Ninja Knife - Throw a weapon from your stock at the targeted unit ------------------------------------------------------------------- Wood Veil A 4 4/1 200 Kotetsu - Deals weak damage, and may cause "Don't Move" status to target ------------------------------------------------------------------- Fire Veil A 4 4/1 200 Ashura - Deals weak damage, and may cause "Confuse" status to target ------------------------------------------------------------------- Earth Veil A 4 4/1 200 Osafune - Deals weak damage, and may cause "Slow" status to target ------------------------------------------------------------------- Metal Veil A 4 4/1 200 Kikuichimonji - Deals weak damage, and may cause "Darkness" status to target ------------------------------------------------------------------- Water Veil A 4 4/1 200 Murasame - Deals weak damage, and may cause "Silence" status to target ------------------------------------------------------------------- Unspell A 4 1/1 300 Heaven's Cloud - Dispel target's positive status effects (such as Auto-Life) ------------------------------------------------------------------- Oblivion A 24 1/1 300 Masamune - Inflicts "Forgetfulness" onto target ------------------------------------------------------------------- Last Haste R - - 300 Ninja Gear - Enables "Haste" status when made critical from attack ------------------------------------------------------------------- Double Sword S - - 999 Nosada - Equip a weapon to each hand, and therefore attack twice ------------------------------------------------------------------- Ninja Combo C - Weapon 100 Mythril Epee - Use JP to do a 100% accurate Dark elemental combination attack ------------------------------------------------------------------- ================== W h i t e M a g e ================== Tribes: Humans, Viera and Nu Mou Prerequisite(s): None If you want to keep your units healthy and alive, a White Mage is arguably the unit to have. Although probably superseded by Summoner's with Unicorn and Sage's with Raise later in the game, White Mages can still hold their own. You can recover HP with the Cure-spells, purge status abnormalities with Esuna, revive your units with Life-spells, and boost your unit's defenses with Shell and Protect. Also, unlike if you were to heal with Items you don't have to constantly fork out Gil to keep your stocks up, Magic is essentially free, like love. Turbo MP makes spells far more effective, but you'll probably drain your MP way before the battle finishes. Humans make pretty mediocre White Mages, Viera make decent White Mages, but Nu Mou definitely make the best White Mages thanks to their gift with magic. White Magic ----------- Name Type MP Range AP Item ------------------------------------------------------------------- Cure A 6 4/2 100 White Staff - Recovers a small amount of HP. ------------------------------------------------------------------- Cura A 10 4/2 200 Cure Staff - Recovers a moderate amount of HP. ------------------------------------------------------------------- Curaga A 16 4/2 300 Spring Staff - Recovers a large amount of HP. ------------------------------------------------------------------- Esuna A 18 4/2 200 Pure Staff - Cures any status abnormalities. ------------------------------------------------------------------- Life A 10 4/1 200 Bless Staff - Resurrect a fallen character + recover half their HP. ------------------------------------------------------------------- Full-Life A 20 4/2 300 Nirvana Staff - Resurrect a fallen character + fully recover their HP. ------------------------------------------------------------------- Auto-Life A 16 4/2 200 Cheer Staff - Causes "Auto-Life" status on target. ------------------------------------------------------------------- Shell A 6 4/2 100 Judge Staff - Raise target's magic defensive power. ------------------------------------------------------------------- Protect A 6 4/2 100 Guard Staff - Raise target's regular defensive power. ------------------------------------------------------------------- Turbo MP S - - 300 White Robe - Use 2x MP to cast a spell, but its effectiveness increases. ------------------------------------------------------------------- White Combo C - Weapon 100 Mythril Staff - Use JP to do a 100% accurate Holy combination attack ------------------------------------------------------------------- ================== B l a c k M a g e ================== Tribes: Humans, Nu Mou and Moogles Prerequisite(s): None Masters of the three primary elements. What Black Mages lack in variety they make up with shear magical power (they have very strong Magical Power stat growth). Unfortunately, they have very low HP stat growth, which means they will probably get killed by a strong attack before they can inflict strong damage on the enemy. Because of that jobs such like Sage are probably a better choice for offensive magic. Return Magic is a great R-Ability, but enemy units tend to attack with weapons more than magic, so it is triggered far less frequently than other Reaction Abilities. Geomancy powers up pretty much all magic, and also some elemental attacks as well. Black Magic ----------- Name Type MP Range AP Item ------------------------------------------------------------------- Fire A 6 4/2 100 Rod - Inflict a small amount of Fire elemental damage. ------------------------------------------------------------------- Fira A 12 4/2 200 Firewheel Rod - Inflict a moderate amount of Fire elemental damage. ------------------------------------------------------------------- Firaga A 24 4/2 300 Flame Rod - Inflict a large amount of Fire elemental damage. ------------------------------------------------------------------- Thunder A 6 4/2 100 Rod - Inflict a small amount of Lightning elemental damage. ------------------------------------------------------------------- Thundara A 12 4/2 200 Thunder Rod - Inflict a moderate amount of Lightning elemental damage. ------------------------------------------------------------------- Thundaga A 24 4/2 300 Thor Rod - Inflict a large amount of Lightning elemental damage. ------------------------------------------------------------------- Blizzard A 6 4/2 100 Rod - Inflict a small amount of Ice elemental damage. ------------------------------------------------------------------- Blizzara A 12 4/2 200 Sleet Rod - Inflict a moderate amount of Ice elemental damage. ------------------------------------------------------------------- Blizzaga A 24 4/2 300 Chill Rod - Inflict a large amount of Ice elemental damage. ------------------------------------------------------------------- Return Magic R - - 300 Black Robe - Re-cast a spell back at an enemy when attacked by magic. ------------------------------------------------------------------- Geomancy S - - 300 Sage Robe - Strengthens the elemental damage inflicted by magic. ------------------------------------------------------------------- Black Combo C - Weapon 100 Mythril Rod - Use JP to do a 100% accurate Dark combination attack. ------------------------------------------------------------------- ===================== I l l u s i o n i s t ===================== Tribes: Humans and Nu Mou Prerequisite(s): 3x White Mage and 5x Black Mage Action Abilities Illusionists are like Dancers from FFT, but with many elemental versions of the With Knives (Wiznaibus) dance. In other words, with Illusionists you can cause reasonably small amounts of elemental damage to all enemies on the battlefield. The damage inflicted by their Illusions may seem insignificant, but it all adds up. Think of it like wind slowly eroding away a cliff-face, like carcinogens building up in lungs, or like someone sucking on a Jaw Breaker. Understand? Also, with Illusions you can finish off numerous units that are only hanging on by a thread (of HP). Unfortunately Illusionists are very vulnerable units, with very low evade and below average HP stat growth. Thankfully they can attack from wherever, so the best strategy with a Illusionist would to keep them out of harms way whilst casting. The Half MP Support Ability is especially useful for Illusionist, since Illusions are relatively MP expensive magic. Absorb MP is semi-useful Reaction Ability, it will keep your MP topped up, but you have to be constantly hit by magic for it to work. Phantasm Skill -------------- Name Type MP Range AP Item ------------------------------------------------------------------- Prominence A 32 All 100 Firewheel Rod - Inflict Fire elemental damage to all enemies. ------------------------------------------------------------------- Tempest A 32 All 100 Thunder Rod - Inflict Lightning elemental damage to all enemies. ------------------------------------------------------------------- Freezeblink A 32 All 100 Sleet Rod - Inflict Ice elemental damage to all enemies. ------------------------------------------------------------------- Star Cross A 32 All 300 Princess Rod - Inflict Holy elemental damage to all enemies. ------------------------------------------------------------------- Stardust A 32 All 300 Stardust Rod - Cause a fair amount of damage to all enemies. ------------------------------------------------------------------- Deluge A 32 All 200 Chill Rod - Inflict Water elemental damage to all enemies. ------------------------------------------------------------------- Soil Evidence A 32 All 200 Terre Rod - Inflict Fire elemental damage to all enemies. ------------------------------------------------------------------- Wild Tornado A 32 All 200 Thor Rod - Inflict Wind elemental damage to all enemies. ------------------------------------------------------------------- Half MP S - - 300 Light Robe - Use 1/2 MP required to cast magic spells. ------------------------------------------------------------------- Absorb MP R - - 300 Lordly Robe - Absorbs the MP used to cast a magic spell to attack you. ------------------------------------------------------------------- Spell Combo C - Weapon 100 Mythril Rod - Use JP to do a 100% accurate combination attack. ------------------------------------------------------------------- ================ B l u e M a g e ================ Tribes: Humans only Prerequisite(s): 1x White Mage and 1x Black Mage Action Abilities If you've played Final Fantasy 5, you would know Blue Mages can learn (and then use in battle) specific monster abilities after being attacked by them. Their versatility is their strength, having access to a huge range of abilities. You can heal with White Wind, attack and poison enemies with Poison Claw, power allies up with Mighty Guard and Dragon Force, inflict numerous status abnormalities with Bad Breath, the list goes on. If you equip a lot of your units with equipment that protects against Sleep (such as the Fortune Ring) you can use Night to put all of your enemies to sleep. Blue Magic is perfect as a secondary ability on a unit such as Black Mage. After mastering Damage > MP, Learning, Immunity and maybe Blue Combo; you can simply set "Learning" as the S-Ability and Blue Magic as the secondary, and you can slowly master Blue Magic while at the same time mastering other jobs. You don't have to be a Blue Mage to learn Blue Magic, you just have to have "Learning" equipped. If you wish to train a Blue Mage, it's very important that you support him with a Beastmaster, to Control monsters into teaching the Blue Mage his abilities. Blue Mages require quite a lot of work to teach them all their abilities, which is quite a significant drawback. Damage > MP is almost as good as invincibility! Each unit regains 5 MP a turn, and it only takes 1 MP for an oncoming attack to be completely absorbed. It's really effective on units that don't even use MP, like Soldiers or Fighters. Immunity is a great if you want to keep your units status abnormality free, but it's not like you can't do that already by equipping various items. Blue Magic ---------- Name Type MP Range AP Item ------------------------------------------------------------------- Goblin Punch A 8 1/1 - Goblin - Punch the target for a random amount of damage. ------------------------------------------------------------------- Magic Hammer A 8 3/1 - Red Cap - Attack the target, taking away some of their MP. ------------------------------------------------------------------- Acid A 12 3/1 - Jelly, Ice Flan, Cream - Inflict a random status abnormality. ------------------------------------------------------------------- Blowup A 2 Prox. - Bomb, Grenade - Self-destruct to damage surrounding units, KO self ------------------------------------------------------------------- Mighty Guard A 8 1/1 - Icedrake - Raise the target's regular defensive power. ------------------------------------------------------------------- Guard-Off A 10 1/1 - Firewyrm - Lower the target's regular defensive power. ------------------------------------------------------------------- Dragon Force A 12 1/1 - Thundrake - Raise the target's regular attack power. ------------------------------------------------------------------- Night A 24 All - Lilith - Inflict "Sleep" status on all enemies. ------------------------------------------------------------------- Twister A 20 3/2 - Lamia - Cut down the targeted enemies' HP by 1/2. ------------------------------------------------------------------- LV3 Def-less A 12 3/2 - Antlion, Jawbreaker - Lower target's defensive power if their level is divisible by 3. ------------------------------------------------------------------- Matra Magic A 24 3/1 - Toughskin - Switch the target's HP and MP around. ------------------------------------------------------------------- Poison Claw A 8 1/1 - Red Panther - Inflict "Poison" status and damage an enemy. ------------------------------------------------------------------- Hastebreak A 12 1/1 - Coeurl - Causes "Slow" or "Stop" status if Hasted. ------------------------------------------------------------------- Bad Breath A 20 1/1 - Malboro, Big Malboro - Inflict 5 random status abnormalities on an enemy. ------------------------------------------------------------------- Stare A 12 Expell - Floateye - Inflict "Confusion" status on the targeted enemies. ------------------------------------------------------------------- Roulette A 20 All - Ahriman - Randomly KOs an enemy/ally. ------------------------------------------------------------------- Drain Touch A 10 1/1 - Zombie - Absorb HP from the target, adding it to your own HP. ------------------------------------------------------------------- LV? S-Flare A 30 All - Vampire - Causes lots of damage to enemies with same EXP level #'s. ------------------------------------------------------------------- White Wind A 12 3/2 - Sprite - Recover a moderate amount of HP. ------------------------------------------------------------------- Angel Whisper A 24 3/1 - Titania - Recover some HP + gives "Auto-Life" status to target. ------------------------------------------------------------------- Damage > MP R - - 300 Judo Uniform - When damaged, MP is lost instead of HP. ------------------------------------------------------------------- Learning S - - 400 Blue Saber - Allows the learning of Blue Magic spells. ------------------------------------------------------------------- Immunity S - - 300 Survival Vest - Renders character immune to some status abnormalities. ------------------------------------------------------------------- Blue Combo C - Weapon 100 Mythril Saber - Use JP to do a 100% accurate combination attack. ------------------------------------------------------------------- =========== A r c h e r =========== Tribes: Humans and Viera Prerequisite(s): None Like Ninjas and Dragoons, Archers are far improved in FFT-A. Having access to stronger bows and a far greater variety of abilities than they did in the original Final Fantasy Tactics. They are still really weak at the beginning of the game (when you can only get crappy bows), and by the time they are good, Hunters are probably better. But 'Aim: Legs' and 'Aim: Arm' are exceptionally useful abilities, you can disable potentially dangerous enemy units from a very safe distance with them. 'Burial' allows you to deal with Undead units for good, and 'Cupid' allows you to make like Cupid and make your enemies your allies. Faster is all right; but most Archers will automatically avoid most deadly reaction abilities due to their range. Concentrate is a very useful support ability, it essentially makes most actions have a accuracy of 95%. Very useful for reasonably inaccurate units like Archers. Aim --- Name Type MP Range AP Item ------------------------------------------------------------------- Boost A - Self 100 Longbow - Increase amount of damage afflicted with next regular attack. ------------------------------------------------------------------- Aim: Legs A - Weapon 200 Thorn Bow - Inflict "Don't Move" status to target. ------------------------------------------------------------------- Aim: Arm A - Weapon 200 Nail Bow - Inflict "Don't Act" status to target. ------------------------------------------------------------------- Boost A - Self 100 Longbow - Increase amount of damage afflicted with next regular attack. ------------------------------------------------------------------- Cupid A - Weapon 200 Artemis Bow - Inflict "Charm" status to target. ------------------------------------------------------------------- Burial A - Weapon 300 Silver Bow - Totally destroys Undead targets, disallowing them to come back. ------------------------------------------------------------------- Take Aim A - Weapon 300 Yoichi Bow - Cause 1/2 damage to target, but with 100% accuracy. ------------------------------------------------------------------- Faster A - Weapon 300 Perseus Bow - Causes damage to target, disregarding equipped R-Abilities. ------------------------------------------------------------------- Blackout A - Weapon 200 Char Bow - Inflict "Darkness" status to target. ------------------------------------------------------------------- Block Arrows R - - 300 Green Beret - Dodge all arrows shot in your direction. ------------------------------------------------------------------- Concentrate S - - 300 Target Bow - Raises the accuracy of all abilities to almost certainty. ------------------------------------------------------------------- Bow Combo C - Weapon 100 Mythril Shot - Use JP to do a 100% accurate combination attack. ------------------------------------------------------------------- =========== H u n t e r =========== Tribes: Humans only Prerequisite(s): 2x Archer Action Abilities Hunters are very much like high-level Archers, but with abilities focusing on subduing monsters. Hunters can "Capture" monsters; transferring them from battle to the Monster Bank, and receiving a monster Soul in the process. So you need a Hunter to have a functional Shapshifter, since they use Souls as weapons. With the Sidewinder ability Hunter's can cause twice as much damage to monsters without any drawbacks. Also, being the Human users of Ultima, Hunters are capable of causing serious damage with Ultima Shot; arguably the best Ultima because of its range. They also have strong Weapon Attack and above average MP stat growth, presumably to maintain Ultima Shot's effectiveness. Hunt ---- Name Type MP Range AP Item ------------------------------------------------------------------- Sonic Boom A - 4/2 200 Cranequin - Deal damage in a wide range ------------------------------------------------------------------- Oust A - Weapon 200 Windslash Bow - Drive weakened Monster from battle (doesn't work on last). ------------------------------------------------------------------- Advice A - 1/1 100 Twin Bow - Raise ally's Critical Hit rate ------------------------------------------------------------------- Aim: Vitals A - Weapon 300 Fey Bow - Afflicts target with a random status abnormality ------------------------------------------------------------------- Hunting A - Weapon 300 Hunt Bow - Receive more JP from kill ------------------------------------------------------------------- Addle A - Weapon 200 Master Bow - Gives targeted Monster "Forgetfulness" status abnormality ------------------------------------------------------------------- Ultima Shot A 60 Weapon 999 SeventhHeaven - Human Ultima attack, deals heavy damage ------------------------------------------------------------------- Sidewinder A - Weapon 300 Hades Bow - Inflict twice as much damage to Monsters ------------------------------------------------------------------- Capture A - Weapon 200 Ranger Bow - Send Monster to Monster Bank ------------------------------------------------------------------- Auto-Regen R - - 300 Gaia Gear - Gain "Regen" status when attacked ------------------------------------------------------------------- Weapon Atk+ S - - 300 Nike Bow - Increase damage of physical attacks ------------------------------------------------------------------- Hunt Combo C - Weapon 100 Mythril Shot - Use JP to do a combination attack ------------------------------------------------------------------- ============= W a r r i o r ============= Tribes: Bangaa only Prerequisite(s): None The Warrior class is basically a Bangaa version of the Human Soldier class. Instead of Mug, Provoke and Sensor; Warriors' have Body Slam, Greased Bolt, and Downsize. This coupled with the Warrior's superior HP and Weapon Attack, but poor Speed and Magic Defence stat growth, make them less balanced but better melee fighters than Soldiers. Body Slam is a strong attack, but inflicts damage back on the Warrior equal to 1/4 of the damage sustained by the target. Greased Bolt bypasses Reaction Abilities, which is far more helpful than it sounds. Since constant counter-attacks can compound and bring your unit down. Downsize is extremely good at taking units with large amounts of HP down to size, but it's accuracy is a little disappointing. Battle Tech ----------- Name Type MP Range AP Item ------------------------------------------------------------------- First Aid A - Self 100 Shortsword - Recover HP and restore Status ------------------------------------------------------------------- Powerbreak A - Weapon 200 Samson Sword - Lowers target's Weapon Attack ------------------------------------------------------------------- Mindbreak A - Weapon 200 Buster Sword - Lowers target's MP ------------------------------------------------------------------- Magicbreak A - Weapon 200 Falchion - Lowers target's Magical Power ------------------------------------------------------------------- Speedbreak A - Weapon 200 Silver Sword - Lowers target's Speed ------------------------------------------------------------------- Body Slam A - Weapon 300 Striborg - Attack target with more power, but receive recoil damage ------------------------------------------------------------------- Greased Bolt A - Weapon 300 Gale Sword - Attack with weapon, but so fast it bypasses R-Abilities ------------------------------------------------------------------- Downsize A 24 Weapon 300 Restorer - Halve target's current HP ------------------------------------------------------------------- Monkey Grip S - - 300 Claymore - Hold two-handed weapons in one hand (in order to equip a Shield) ------------------------------------------------------------------- Shieldbearer S - - 300 Bronze Shield/Opal Shield - Equip Shields regardless of Job ------------------------------------------------------------------- Combat Combo C - Weapon 100 Mythril Sword - Use JP to do a 100% accurate combination attack ------------------------------------------------------------------- ============= D r a g o o n ============= Tribes: Bangaa only Prerequisite(s): 2x Warrior Action Abilities Also known as Dragoons or Lancers; Dragoons are knights that... well... mimic dragons. Far more versatile than their FFT incarnation, the Dragon Knights of FFT-A not only can do their trademark "Jump", but they can also use a range of Dragon abilities, including three types of "Breath". Unfortunately, Jump has been considerably downgraded. Although it has no delay; it can only be done with a spear, it does no extra damage than a regular attack, and it only has a range of four. In FFT Jump could be powered up to have a supreme range of eight. The Breaths are really good, their realistic T-shape-range can be awkward to get around; but when used properly you can cause lots of damage to multiple enemies. Dragonheart is probably the best defensive Reaction Ability, sustain damage and you'll have Auto-Life. Enemies will have to kill you in one hit. So, Dragoons are basically a mixed bag. Slightly disappointing, since they have a pretty good following among FF fans... thanks to Kain :) Dragon Skill ------------ Name Type MP Range AP Item ------------------------------------------------------------------- Jump A - 4/1 100 Javelin - Jump up and then impale target on the way down (requires Spear) ------------------------------------------------------------------- Lancet A - 1/1 300 Restorer - Absorb HP from targeted enemy ------------------------------------------------------------------- Wyrmtamer A - 1/1 200 Buster Sword - Force wounded Dragons to withdraw from the battle field ------------------------------------------------------------------- Fire Breath A - Expell 300 Lava Spear - Breathe out Fire elemental damage ------------------------------------------------------------------- Bolt Breath A - Expell 300 Gae Bolg - Breathe out Thunder elemental damage ------------------------------------------------------------------- Ice Breath A - Expell 300 Ice Lance - Breathe out Ice elemental damage ------------------------------------------------------------------- Wyrmkiller A - Weapon 300 Blood Sword - Inflict twice as much damage to Dragons ------------------------------------------------------------------- Bangaa Cry A - Expell 200 DragonWhisker - Expell sound waves which damage (like a non-elemental breath) ------------------------------------------------------------------- Dragonheart R - - 300 Vitanova - "Auto-Life" when attacked ------------------------------------------------------------------- Dragon Combo C - Weapon 100 Mythril Spear - Use JP to do 100% a accurate combination attack ------------------------------------------------------------------- =============== D e f e n d e r =============== Tribes: Bangaa only Prerequisite(s): 2x Warrior Action Abilities Much like the Human Paladin class, they are guardian knights with very high defenses. But unlike Paladins, which are more suited to protecting allied units from incoming attacks. Defenders protect other units indirectly by staying alive and slaying the enemies which are posing a threat. Aura is one of the most useful abilities in the games, casting both "Auto-Life" and "Regen" on the user. Your Defender will be practically invincible. This is further fortified by Defense and Expert Guard, which ensures the Defender will only take minimal damage from incoming attacks. Meltdown is a brilliant attack, causing such heavy damage but at the cost of your units life. But by alternating it with Aura or Auto-Life, you can use Meltdown effectively every second turn. Although they do have reasonably good stat growth (especially for Weapon Defence), Safeguard makes a better Secondary Ability for a Gladiator or Dragoon, then Defender makes a job. Safeguard --------- Name Type MP Range AP Item ------------------------------------------------------------------- Tremor A - Prox. 100 El Cid Sword - Damage and push back adjacent units ------------------------------------------------------------------- Meltdown A - Prox. 200 Vajra - Attack which Damages equal to caster's current HP, KO's self ------------------------------------------------------------------- Defense A - Self 200 Lionheart - Strongly defend subsequent attack ------------------------------------------------------------------- Drop Weapon A - Weapon 200 Ragnarok - Forcibly un-equips target's weapon ------------------------------------------------------------------- Hibernate A - Self 100 Defender - Restore normal status, but sleep one turn. ------------------------------------------------------------------- Mow Down A - Prox. 200 Striborg - Damage adjacent units, but causes your Speed to drop ------------------------------------------------------------------- Aura A - Self 300 Lohengrin - Cast "Regen" on "Auto-Life" on self ------------------------------------------------------------------- Expert Guard A - Self 300 SaveTheQueen - Prevent HP and MP damage for a single turn ------------------------------------------------------------------- Last Berserk R - - 300 Predator - "Berserk" status when made critical by attack ------------------------------------------------------------------- Weapon Def+ S - - 300 Diamond Armor - Decrease damage received from physical attacks -------------------------------------------------------------------- Defend Combo C - Weapon 100 Mythril Weapon - Use JP to do a strong combination attack -------------------------------------------------------------------- ================= G l a d i a t o r ================= Tribes: Bangaa only Prerequisite(s): 2x Warrior Action Abilities Known as Sorcerers in Final Fantasy 5, Gladiators have supreme skills when it comes to sword techniques. Gladiators are excellent offensive units; Rush, Beatdown, Blitz and Wild Swing (which they share with Fighters) all have their distinct uses. For example, Rush is great for pushing units of ledges so they sustain fall damage, and Wild Swing is good for attacking multiple units when they are bunched or you are surrounded. However, the four strong Magic Sword skills surprisingly damaging and are the Gladiators' greatest assets: three strong elemental attacks, and the extremely strong, devastating Ultima Sword. Magic Sword ------------ Name Type MP Range AP Item ------------------------------------------------------------------- Rush A - Weapon 100 Assault Blade - Deals damage and knocks back target ------------------------------------------------------------------- Wild Swing A - Prox. 200 Ogun Blade - Deal damage to adjacent units ------------------------------------------------------------------- Beatdown A - Weapon 200 Shadow Blade - Deal twice as much damage, but with halved accuracy ------------------------------------------------------------------- Blitz A - Weapon 200 Sun Blade - Halved damage, but with twice as much accuracy ------------------------------------------------------------------- Fire Sword A 10 1/1 200 Flametongue - Cast flames on sword to inflict Fire elemental damage ------------------------------------------------------------------- Bolt Sword A 10 1/1 200 Air Blade - Cast bolts on sword to inflict Thunder elemental damage ------------------------------------------------------------------- Ice Sword A 10 1/1 200 Icebrand - Cast ice on sword to inflict Ice elemental damage ------------------------------------------------------------------- Ultima Sword A 60 Weapon 999 Materia Blade - Bangaa Ultima attack, deals heavy damage ------------------------------------------------------------------- Strikeback R - - 300 Wygar - Pre-emptive counter, also blocks incoming attack ------------------------------------------------------------------- Doublehand S - - 300 Venus Blade - Hold weapon with two hands to increase the damage dealt with it ------------------------------------------------------------------- Mg. Swd Combo C - Weapon 100 Mythril Blade - Use JP to do an 100% accurate combination attack ------------------------------------------------------------------- ================== W h i t e M o n k ================== Tribes: Bangaa only Prerequisite(s): None Fighting Monks, that can both heal and punish. White Monks have a great variety of martial arts to use, Air Render and Far Fist, both powerful attacks; Earth Render, which allows your Monk to attack multiple units far away as long as they are in a line; and Exorcise, which sends Zombies and Vampires instantly to the afterlife. But White Monks can also use meditative healing powers: Chakra which heals and purges stasis abnormalities; Revive, which brings the dead back to life; and Holy Sign, which is great for "un- Raising" enemy units. White Monks are probably THE unit to have in your team at the start of the game, but as you progress White Monks become slightly less effective. Monk Tech --------- Name Type MP Range AP Item ------------------------------------------------------------------- Whirlwind A - Prox. 100 Assault Blade - Damage all adjacent units ------------------------------------------------------------------- Air Render A - 3/1 200 Kaiser Knuckles - Attack from a distance ------------------------------------------------------------------- Earth Render A - Linear 200 Tiger Fangs - Attack everything standing in your path ------------------------------------------------------------------- Far Fist A - 4/2 200 Godhand - Deal damage in a wide range ------------------------------------------------------------------- Chakra A - Self 200 Cat Claws - Recover HP and normal status ------------------------------------------------------------------- Revive A - 1/1 300 Survivor - Revive KO'd unit ------------------------------------------------------------------- Exorcise A - 1/1 300 Rising Sun - Send the Undead to oblivion ------------------------------------------------------------------- Holy Sign A - 1/1 200 White Fangs - Dispel positive status effects from target ------------------------------------------------------------------- Reflex R - - 300 Mirage Vest - Completely evade all any incoming "Fight" actions ------------------------------------------------------------------- Counter R - - 300 Brigandine - Counterattack after being attacked ------------------------------------------------------------------- Monk Combo C - Weapon 100 Mythril Claws - Use JP to do a strong combination attack ------------------------------------------------------------------- =========== B i s h o p =========== Tribes: Bangaa only Prerequisite(s): 2x White Monk Action Abilities Bishops are pretty much the only true magic using Bangaa class; with their prayers they can use sacred spells. Bishops have good MP, Magical Power and Magic Defence stat growth, but all other stats have below average stat growth. Bishops do have a some supportive spells, but they are mainly offensive magic users. A most you can recover HP with Cura, and raise defenses with Barrier. However on the offensive side: with Break you can seal any annoying enemies in a stone tomb, then there are three different elemental spells for attacking; Water, Aero, and strongest of all Holy. Bishops also can remove positive status abnormalities from enemies with Dispel, and with Judge, Bishops can drain JP from enemies (or allies, since enemies tend to not have much JP) so they can use Combos or summon the Divine Beast Adrammelech. Bishops are quite vulnerable however, they have low evade. Prayer ------ Name Type MP Range AP Item ------------------------------------------------------------------- Cura A 10 4/2 200 Cure Staff - Recovers a moderate amount of HP. ------------------------------------------------------------------- Dispel A 12 3/1 200 Bless Staff - Purge positive status effects from target ------------------------------------------------------------------- Holy A 32 3/2 300 Nirvana Staff - Inflict large Holy elemental damage to target(s) ------------------------------------------------------------------- Barrier A 10 3/1 300 Garnet Staff - Give simultaneous "Protect" and "Shell" status to target ------------------------------------------------------------------- Judge A 6 3/1 300 Cheer Staff - Summon a Judgement Sword to slice JP from target ------------------------------------------------------------------- Water A 12 3/2 200 Spring Stafff - Water elemental damage ------------------------------------------------------------------- Aero A 12 3/2 200 Judge Staff - Wind elemental damage ------------------------------------------------------------------- Break A 20 3/1 200 Serpent Staff - Afflicts target with "Stone" status ------------------------------------------------------------------- Return Magic R - - 300 Black Robe - Re-cast a spell back at an enemy when attacked by magic. ------------------------------------------------------------------- Half MP S - - 300 Light Robe - Use half as much MP to cast magic ------------------------------------------------------------------- Pray Combo C - Weapon 100 Mythril Staff - Use JP to do a Holy combination attack ------------------------------------------------------------------- ============= T e m p l a r ============= Tribes: Bangaa only Prerequisite(s): 2x White Monk Action Abilities Beowulf's considerably toned down skillset from FFT. Templars (aka Temple Knights) in FFT-A know magic perfect for suppressing the dark arts, they are the Anti-Mages. With Silence, that prevents magic use; and Rasp & Soul Sphere, which both cause MP damage, Templars are able to prevent Mages from using their spells one way or another. Generally Bangaas are quite vulnerable to magic, so that makes 'Sacred Tech' a perfect balancing secondary ability for the other Bangaa Jobs. This is further compounded by the fact that another Bangaa weakness is speed, and this can be counteracted with the Sacred Tech abilities Haste and Warcry. Finally, when critical, Lifebreak is an awesome ability to have in your arsenal. Sacred Tech ----------- Name Type MP Range AP Item ------------------------------------------------------------------- Astra A 8 4/1 100 Mythril Staff - Give target protection against one status abnormality ------------------------------------------------------------------- War Cry A - Prox. 300 Javelin - Lower the regular speed of adjacent units ------------------------------------------------------------------- Rasp A 24 3/2 100 Apocalypse - Ra-aspiration, suck MP from target(s) ------------------------------------------------------------------- Cheer A - Self 100 Partisan - Raise spirits to caused more damage with next attack ------------------------------------------------------------------- Silence A 8 3/2 200 Ragnarok - Inflict target with "Silence" status abnormality ------------------------------------------------------------------- Soul Sphere A - 3/2 300 Arch Sword - Create a sphere which inflicts light MP damage ------------------------------------------------------------------- Haste A 24 3/1 200 Lohengrin - Speed up time to give target "Haste" status ------------------------------------------------------------------- Lifebreak A - Weapon 300 Kain's Lance - Damages target equal to damage sustained by casting unit ------------------------------------------------------------------- Bonecrusher R - - 300 Carabini Mail - Counter physical attack with 1.5x power as a normal attack ------------------------------------------------------------------- Weapon Atk+ S - - 300 Trident - Increase damage of physical attacks ------------------------------------------------------------------- Sacred Combo C - Weapon 100 Mythril Weapon - Use JP to do a 100% accurate combination attack ------------------------------------------------------------------- ================ T i m e M a g e ================ Tribes: Nu Mou and Moogles Prerequisite(s): 5x Black Mage Action Abilities Mages which can warp both time and space, Time Mages are simply the best support units you can have in the game. You generally wont use them to attack much, but they will definitely help your clan win battles. Stop, is the most strategically important Time Magic, with it you can literally Stop enemies in their tracks, and then have 100% accuracy to kill them with many different types of attacks. Most notable being the double-damage-half-accuracy attacks (such as Beatdown), and the Assassin's Breath Stop. You'll find Quarter and Demi not only useful when carving down the HP of huge enemies, but also when their are damage restrictions in place. Haste, Slow and Quicken will obviously allow you to swing the hands of time in your favour, the latter allowing you to do such things as give a turn to a unit that can finish an enemy off, or to a critical ally that needs the turn to flee battle. Last Quicken is surprisingly a great Reaction Ability, it guarantees your unit will at least have a chance of surviving. Time Magic ---------- Name Type MP Range AP Item ------------------------------------------------------------------- Haste A 24 3/1 200 Firewheel Rod - Speed up time to give target "Haste" status ------------------------------------------------------------------- Quicken A 24 3/1 300 Thor Rod - Grant the target an Instant Active Turn ------------------------------------------------------------------- Slow A 12 3/2 200 Terre Rod - Inflict target(s) with "Slow" status ------------------------------------------------------------------- Reflect A 8 3/1 300 Thunder Rod - Cast a shield on target which reflects magic back at caster ------------------------------------------------------------------- Stop A 24 3/2 300 Chill Rod - "Stop" time around target to trap them in stasis. ------------------------------------------------------------------- Silence A 8 3/2 200 Sleet Rod - Inflict target with "Silence" status abnormality ------------------------------------------------------------------- Quarter A 10 3/1 200 Force Rod - Shift gravity to damage equal to 1/4 target's Max HP ------------------------------------------------------------------- Demi A 24 3/1 300 Stardust Rod - Shift gravity to damage equal to 1/2 target's Max HP ------------------------------------------------------------------- Last Quicken R - - 300 Lordly Robe - Enables "Fast" status when made critical from attack ------------------------------------------------------------------- Time Combo C - Weapon 100 Mythril Rod - Use JP to do combination attack. ------------------------------------------------------------------- ================= A l c h e m i s t ================= Tribes: Nu Mou only Prerequisite(s): 3 x White Mage and 5x Black Mage Action Abilities Alchemists manipulate chemicals and elements, but in FFT-A they deal with Status Abnormalities and recovery items. Alchemists do not need to equip 'Item' as a secondary ability in order to use Items in battle, they can innately use items. However, Alchemists can still equip a secondary ability in addition to Alchemy and Item. The Alchemist class is probably tied with the Sage class as being the best Nu Mou Job. Not only can they use Items innately, but they have excellent MP, Magical Power and Magic Defence stat growth, and a fairly good range of spells (although they are all a bit MP expensive). Death is a wonderful spell, like a ranged 'Breath Stop' with slightly inferior accuracy), you can kill an enemy instantly in one turn with it. Meteor and Flare are also strong offensive spells, unlikely to kill in one hit, but you can cause heavy damage to multiple units with them. Toad turns formidable enemies into defenseless Frogs. Magic Pow+ is a consequence way of powering up your magic, you wont run out of MP like 'Turbo MP', and unlike 'Geomancy' it also powers up non-elemental spells (Meteor and Flare are both non-elemental). Alchemy ------- Name Type MP Range AP Item ------------------------------------------------------------------- Astra A 8 4/1 100 Sage Crosier - Give target protection against one status abnormality. ------------------------------------------------------------------- Death A 36 3/1 200 Life Crosier - Summon the Grim Reaper to instantly KO target ------------------------------------------------------------------- Meteor A 40 3/1 300 Scorpion Tail - Hit target with a meteorite to cause strong damage ------------------------------------------------------------------- Rasp A 24 3/2 200 Energy Mace - Ra-aspiration, suck MP from target(s) ------------------------------------------------------------------- Flare A 36 3/1 300 Lotus Mace - Create a large explosion to cause large damage to target ------------------------------------------------------------------- Poison A 10 4/2 100 Druid Mace - Inflict the target with "Poison" ------------------------------------------------------------------- Toad A 36 3/1 200 Mandragora - Transform the target into a "Frog" ------------------------------------------------------------------- Magic Pow+ A - - 300 Morning Star - Increase damage of magic attacks ------------------------------------------------------------------- Maintenance S - - 300 Adamant Vest - Protect against equipment being stolen or broken ------------------------------------------------------------------- Gold Combo C - Weapon 100 Mythril Mace - Use JP to do a combination attack ------------------------------------------------------------------- ===================== B e a s t m a s t e r ===================== Tribes: Nu Mou only Prerequisite(s): None Music soothes the savage beast, but Beastmasters can use it to control the minds of all beasts. Beastmasters are obviously useless against opposition completely free of monsters, they can't cause much damage at all with their instruments. But when fighting against groups of attacking monsters, Beastmasters can be so strategically helpful. Controlling has three distinct purposes, 1) If you are controlling the monster, it won't attack you; 2) You can use a controlled monster to attack other monsters, if they have Counter they will both sustain damage; and 3) Controlled monsters can be force to use abilities on Blue Mages which they normally wouldn't use, such as White Wind. Beastmaster's are more mobile than most other Nu Mou Jobs, have the best Nu Mou evade, and have better than average status growth all round. Control ------- Name Type MP Range AP Item ------------------------------------------------------------------- Goblin A - 4/1 200 Demon Bell/War Trumpet - Control Goblin class monsters ------------------------------------------------------------------- Flan A - 4/1 200 Demon Bell/Glass Bell - Control Flan class monsters ------------------------------------------------------------------- Bomb A - 4/1 200 Demon Bell/Aona Flute - Control Bomb class monsters ------------------------------------------------------------------- Dragon A - 4/1 200 Earth Bell - Control Dragon class monsters ------------------------------------------------------------------- Lamia A - 4/1 200 Glass Bell - Control Lamia class monsters ------------------------------------------------------------------- Bug A - 4/1 200 Fairy Harp - Control Bug class monsters ------------------------------------------------------------------- Tonberry A - 4/1 200 Blood Strings - Control Tonberry class monsters ------------------------------------------------------------------- Panther A - 4/1 200 War Trumpet - Control Panther class monsters ------------------------------------------------------------------- Malboro A - 4/1 200 Aona Flute - Control Malboro class monsters ------------------------------------------------------------------- Floateye A - 4/1 200 Black Quena - Control Ahriman class monsters ------------------------------------------------------------------- Undead A - 4/1 200 Black Quena - Control Zombies and Vampires ------------------------------------------------------------------- Fairy A - 4/1 200 Fairy Harp - Control Fairy class monsters ------------------------------------------------------------------- Rockbeast A - 4/1 200 Conch Shell - Control Rockbeast class monsters ------------------------------------------------------------------- Last Haste R - - 300 Ninja Gear - Enables "Haste" status when made critical from attack ------------------------------------------------------------------- Immunity S - - 300 Survival Vest - Renders character immune to some status abnormalities. ------------------------------------------------------------------- Beast Combo C - Weapon 100 Mythril Bell - Use JP to do a 100% accurate combination attack ------------------------------------------------------------------- ============= M o r p h e r ============= Tribes: Nu Mou only Prerequisite(s): 5x Beastmaster Action Abilities Morphers have the uncanny ability to morph into monsters that they possess the souls of. The only possible way of getting Souls is to have a Hunter 'Capture' certain types of monsters. The potency of the abilities Morphers use while transformed are based on the strength of the corresponding monster in the Monster Bank. By capturing high level monsters and feeding those monsters items such as Phoenix Downs and Remedies, Morphers can cause real damage to enemy units. Maintaining a functional Morpher requires a lot of effort and Gil, and honestly it doesn't seem worth the hassle. A lot of the monster abilities available to Morphers can also be used by Blue Mages. Useful Morpher exclusive abilities include; the Lamia's Poison Frog, which causes Poison and Frog status; the Jawbreaker's Level 5 Death, which KO's all units with a level that is a multiple of 5; and Coeurl's Blaster, which like 'Break' petrifies enemy units from a distance with great accuracy. Morph ----- Name Type MP Range AP Item ------------------------------------------------------------------- Goblin A - Self 200 Goblin Soul - Imitate abilities of Goblin class monsters ------------------------------------------------------------------- Flan A - Self 200 Flan Soul - Imitate abilities of Flan class monsters ------------------------------------------------------------------- Bomb A - Self 200 Bomb Soul - Imitate abilities of Bomb class monsters ------------------------------------------------------------------- Dragon A - Self 200 Dragon Soul - Imitate abilities of Dragon class monsters ------------------------------------------------------------------- Lamia A - Self 200 Lamia Soul - Imitate abilities of Lamia class monsters ------------------------------------------------------------------- Bug A - Self 200 Bug Soul - Imitate abilities of Bug class monsters ------------------------------------------------------------------- Panther A - Self 200 Panther Soul - Imitate abilities of Panther class monsters ------------------------------------------------------------------- Malboro A - Self 200 Malboro Soul - Imitate abilities of Malboro class monsters ------------------------------------------------------------------- Floateye A - Self 200 Eye Soul - Imitate abilities of Ahriman class momsters ------------------------------------------------------------------- Damage > MP A - - 300 Judo Uniform - When damaged, MP is lost instead of HP. ------------------------------------------------------------------- Morph Combo C - Weapon 100 Mythril Soul - Use JP to do a 100% accurate combination attack ------------------------------------------------------------------- ======= S a g e ======= Tribes: Nu Mou only Prerequisite(s): 2x Beastmaster and 3x White Mage Action Abilities Sages are simply awesome, they have excellent stat growth all round, unmatched Nu Mou mobility and evade, and a arsenal of some of the most useful magic in the game. Raise is the best healing spell in the game, not only can you use it to recover HP, but it also brings fallen units back to life! Bio is the most economical offensive Sagacity Skill, it causes decent damage to enemies, but it's also likely to poison them. Sage's are also keepers of the Nu Mou Ultima, Ultima Blow, not the best ultima, but it still causes extremely heavy damage to the enemy. Sagacity Skill -------------- Name Type MP Range AP Item ------------------------------------------------------------------- Drain A 12 4/1 200 Energy Mace - Absorb HP from targeted enemy ------------------------------------------------------------------- Blind A 12 4/1 100 Druid Mace - Inflict "Darkness" on targeted enemy ------------------------------------------------------------------- Water A 12 3/2 200 Battle Mace - Water elemental damage ------------------------------------------------------------------- Aero A 12 3/2 200 Battle Mace - Wind elemental damage ------------------------------------------------------------------- Raise A 22 4/2 300 Life Crosier - Heal living or KO'd unit with half their maximum HP ------------------------------------------------------------------- Giga Flare A 40 3/2 300 Lotus Mace - Create an explosion of Bahamut sized proportions ------------------------------------------------------------------- Bio A 12 3/2 300 Mandragora - Rack your enemy with viruses to cause damage and "Poison" ------------------------------------------------------------------- Ultima Blow A 60 Weapon 999 Zeus Mace - Human N'Mou attack, deals heavy damage ------------------------------------------------------------------- Shieldbearer S - - 300 Round Shield - Equip Shields regardless of Job ------------------------------------------------------------------- Weapon Def+ S - - 300 Dark Gear - Decrease damage from physical attacks ------------------------------------------------------------------- Reflex R - - 300 Mirage Vst - Completely evade all any incoming "Fight" actions ------------------------------------------------------------------- Wise Combo C - Weapon 100 Mythril Mace - Use JP to do a Holy combination attack ------------------------------------------------------------------ =========== F e n c e r =========== Tribes: Viera only Prerequisite(s): None Having unmatched skill with the Rapier, Fencers have an arsenal of fencing techniques to use in battle. Although they do have a wonderful variety of abilities to use, most of them aren't that very useful in battle. The most useful ones; Check Mate, which causes Doom; Blue Passion, which is great against Mages since it causes MP damage; and Night Hawk, which is a ranged attack; are only available fairly late in the game. And at that stage, Viera Jobs such as Assassins or Summoners are far more useful. However, one thing in the Fencers favour are the least vulnerable Viera Job, with great HP, Defence and Magic Defence stat growth, and good Evade. Lunge Tech ---------- Name Type MP Range AP Item ------------------------------------------------------------------- Swarmstrike A - Weapon 100 Stinger - Summon a swarm of tiny bugs which damage and inflict "Poison" ------------------------------------------------------------------- Shadowstick A - Weapon 200 Silver Rapier - Lowers target's speed ------------------------------------------------------------------- Checkmate A - Weapon 300 Gupti Aga - Curses target with "Doom" status ------------------------------------------------------------------- Featherblow A - Weapon 200 Estoc - Halved damage, but with twice as much accuracy ------------------------------------------------------------------- Swallowtail A - Prox. 300 Djinn Flyssa - Twirl with rapier to cause damage to all adjacent units. ------------------------------------------------------------------- Manastrike A - Weapon 300 Mage Masher - Deal MP Damage ------------------------------------------------------------------- Piercethrough A - 2/- 200 Flamberge - Use your rapier like a spear to attacks two panels deep ------------------------------------------------------------------- Nighthawk A - 4/1 200 Joyeuse - Produce a projectile to attack from a distance ------------------------------------------------------------------- Reflex R - - 300 Mirage Vest - Completely evade all any incoming "Fight" actions ------------------------------------------------------------------- Shieldbearer S - - 300 Bronze Shield/Round Shield - Equip Shields regardless of Job ------------------------------------------------------------------- Lunge Combo C - Weapon 100 Mythril Rapier - Use JP to do a 100% accurate combination attack. ------------------------------------------------------------------- ======================= E l e m e n t a l i s t ======================= Tribes: Viera only Prerequisite(s): 1x Fencer and 1x White Mage Action Abilities By channelling the spirits of nature, Elementalists can inflict both elemental damage and status abnormalities onto the enemy. Although the damage caused by Spirit Magic is usually relatively weak (but not as weak as Ninja Viels), Spirit Magic is highly useful, mainly because they all inflict really helpful status abnormalities. Earth Heal and White Flame are excellent alternatives to the mainstream cure spells, they become exceptionally useful when the law 'Holy Elemental Ban' is in place. Since they are pratically the only curative spells which aren't Holy. Spirit Magic ------------ Name Type MP Range AP Item ------------------------------------------------------------------- Fire Whip A 12 4/1 100 Scarlette - Inflict Fire elemental damage and "Don't Act" status on target ------------------------------------------------------------------- Earth Heal A 12 4/1 200 Fleuret - Earth elemental HP recovery ------------------------------------------------------------------- White Flame A 24 3/2 100 Flamberge - Fire elemental HP recovery ------------------------------------------------------------------- Shining Air A 12 4/1 200 Djinn Flyssa - Inflict Wind elemental damage and "Darkness" status on target ------------------------------------------------------------------- Evil Gaze A 12 4/1 300 Joyeuse - Inflict Dark elemental damage and "Confusion" status on target ------------------------------------------------------------------- Heavy Dust A 12 4/1 200 Estoc - Inflict Earth elemental damage and "Don't Move" status on target ------------------------------------------------------------------- Sliprain A 12 4/1 200 Silver Rapier - Inflict Water elemental damage and "Slow" status on target ------------------------------------------------------------------- Elementalshift A 6 4/1 300 Epeprism - Shifts target's elemental affiliation ------------------------------------------------------------------- Absorb MP R - - 300 Lordly Robe - Absorbs the MP used to cast a magic spell to attack you ------------------------------------------------------------------- Spirit Combo C - Weapon 100 Mythril Rapier - Use JP to do a Holy combination attack ----------------------------------------------------------------- ============== R e d M a g e ============== Tribes: Viera only Prerequisite(s): 1x Fencer Action Ability When you mix Black Magic and White Magic, you don't get Grey Magic, you get Red Magic! Jacks of all magical trades, Red Mages have an arsenal of mediocre low level magic spells at their disposal. That alone isn't that impressive, but Red Mages have an ability called "Chain Magic" which allows them to us two spells consecutively in one turn. This includes all types of magic Vieras can use; White Magic, Summon Magic, and Spirit Magic. But unlike previous Final Fantasy games, you can only use magic that you have equipped as a secondary ability, or that is your job and you have Red Magic as a secondary ability. But think of the possibilities, you can heal your units with Cure then attack with Ifrit, or cast Auto-Life on two units in one turn. The Red Mages unmatched flexibility is not their only asset, they have above average stat growth over almost all parameters; although they do have below average MP growth, which isn't so great for a mage that only uses MP consuming magic Red Magic --------- Name Type MP Range AP Item ------------------------------------------------------------------- Barrier A 10 3/1 100 Mage Masher - Give simultaneous "Protect" and "Shell" status to target ------------------------------------------------------------------- Fire A 6 4/2 100 Scarlette - Inflict a small amount of Fire elemental damage. ------------------------------------------------------------------- Thunder A 6 4/2 100 Stinger - Inflict a small amount of Lightning elemental damage. ------------------------------------------------------------------- Blizzard A 6 4/2 100 Flamberge - Inflict a small amount of Ice elemental damage. ------------------------------------------------------------------- Cure A 6 4/2 100 Fleuret - Recovers a small amount of HP. ------------------------------------------------------------------- Sleep A 10 4/2 200 Estoc - Put targeted enemies to "Sleep" ------------------------------------------------------------------- Poison A 10 4/2 100 Silver Rapier - Inflict the target with "Poison" ------------------------------------------------------------------- Doublecast A ? ? 999 Madu - Use equipped "Magic" twice in one turn. ------------------------------------------------------------------- Catch R - - 300 Chain Plate - Catch items thrown and hurled at you and keep them. ------------------------------------------------------------------- Magic Pow+ S - - 300 Colichemarde - Increase damage of magic attacks ------------------------------------------------------------------- Red Combo C - Weapon 100 Mythril Rapier - Use JP to do combination attack. ------------------------------------------------------------------- =============== S u m m o n e r =============== Tribes: Viera only Prerequisite(s): 2x Elementalist and 2x White Mage Action Abilities Summoners can use their ancient summoning horns to speak to and summon the powerful Phantom Beasts. The Summons in FFT-A are relatively weak (but still pretty strong), but their range still gives them a clear advantage over other magic. Most magic has a range of one (five squares total), while Summon magic has a range of two (thirteen squares total). Besides being able to attack, the Summoner can also heal your team-mates significantly with Unicorn, but this can be a tad tricky when the battles become intense, because the Phantom Beasts can't see the difference between friend and foe like in the original FFT. But when your units are bunched together at the start of battle), you do have a chance to give all of your units positive status effects like "Regen" and "Reflect" with Kirin and Carbuncle respectively. Sadly, the Summoner class is the slowest Viera Job. Summoners also possesses the excellent support ability "Half MP"; that when coupled with the Red Mage's Chain Magic, lets you cast two spells for the price of one! Summon Magic ------------ Name Type MP Range AP Item ------------------------------------------------------------------- Unicorn A 12 4/3 200 Pure Staff - Summon holy beast to restore HP and status ------------------------------------------------------------------- Ifrit A 18 4/3 200 Guard Staff - Summon fiery djinn to inflict Fire elemental damage ------------------------------------------------------------------- Ramuh A 18 4/3 200 Judge Staff - Summon lightning god to devestate with Thunder elemental damage ------------------------------------------------------------------- Shiva A 18 4/3 200 Snake Staff - Summon ice faerie to inflict Ice elemental damage ------------------------------------------------------------------- Kirin A 24 4/3 200 Cure Staff - Summon Chinese unicorn to cast "Regen" on multiple units ------------------------------------------------------------------- Carbuncle A 12 4/3 300 Garnet Staff - Summon ruby sprite to cast "Reflect" on multiple units ------------------------------------------------------------------- Phoenix A 24 4/3 300 Nirvana Staff - Summon reborn roc to revive multiple KO'd units ------------------------------------------------------------------- Madeen A 36 4/3 300 Cheer Staff - Summon phantom beast to devestate with strong Holy damage ------------------------------------------------------------------- Half MP S - - 300 Light Robe - Use 1/2 MP required to cast magic spells. ------------------------------------------------------------------- Summon Combo C - Weapon 100 Mythril Staff - Use JP to do a Dark combination attack. ------------------------------------------------------------------- =============== A s s a s s i n =============== Tribes: Viera only Prerequisite(s): 1x Sniper and 2x Elementalist Action Abilities Assassins were the deadliest enemies you could fight against in the original FFT; they made the battle on the roof of Riovanes Castle one of the hardest in the game. But in FFT-A... they are on your side as well! Retaining the super cheap abilities of Celia and Lede; you can instantly kill enemies in a single turn with Breath Stop (Stop Bracelet in FFT), Stop them instantly with Shadow Stitch, and in case them in Stone with Seal. But the Assassins in FFT-A have a couple of new skills up their sleeve; Oblivion, prevents the victim from using any abilities, and the most sinister attack of all, Nightmare, inflicts both Sleep and Doom onto the victim so they will eventually die in their sleep. Assassins also have unmatched Speed stat growth, and are users of the Viera Ultima, Ultima Shear, which is unmentionably strong. Arrow Guard is a very "opportunistic" Reaction Ability, in other words you should really only equip it when up against a lot of bow users. Corner ------ Name Type MP Range AP Item ------------------------------------------------------------------- Shadowbind A 12 1/1 200 Fey Bow - Stitch the shadow of the target down to "Stop" them ------------------------------------------------------------------- Last Breath A 32 1/1 300 Petalchaser - Suffocate target to instantly KO them ------------------------------------------------------------------- Aphonia A 12 1/1 200 Murasame - Inflict target with "Silence" status ------------------------------------------------------------------- Nightmare A 18 1/1 300 Kikuichimonji - Simultaneously curse target with "Sleep" & "Doom" status ------------------------------------------------------------------- Ague A 12 1/1 200 Ranger Bow - Give target fever, causing them to be "Slow" ------------------------------------------------------------------- Rockseal A 32 1/1 300 Kotetsu - Seal targeted enemy in "Stone" ------------------------------------------------------------------- Oblivion A 24 1/1 300 Masamune - Inflict "Forgetfulness" on target ------------------------------------------------------------------- Ultima Masher A 60 Weapon 999 Zanmato - Viera Ultima attack, deals heavy damage ------------------------------------------------------------------- Return Fire R - - 300 Power Sash - Catch arrows and throw them back at the archer ------------------------------------------------------------------- Killer Combo C - Weapon 100 Mythril Epee - Use JP to do a 100% accurate combination attack. ------------------------------------------------------------------- =========== S n i p e r =========== Tribes: Viera only Prerequisite(s): 2x Archer Action Abilities Much like Assassins, Snipers are supreme killing missions. Snipers have really good Weapon Attack stat growth, so they cause a lot of damage (which is a unique for a bow-using job). Ambush is the most interesting Sniper ability, it makes the user completely invisible to enemies (apart from Panthers), so you can sneak up on them and then attack. Poison Baise (French for Poison Kiss) not only causes decent damage, but inflicts Poison on the target, which means you'll never really use 'Fight' once you learn it. The Aiming abilities are really cool, especially Aim at Weapon, because you'll find unarmed enemies are far less dangerous. Sharpshoot ---------- Name Type MP Range AP Item ------------------------------------------------------------------- Doubleshot A - Weapon 300 Twin Bow - Attack twice, but shots are weaker and innaccurate ------------------------------------------------------------------- Beso Toxico A - Weapon 200 Cranequin - Damages with a poison kiss, may cause "Poison" status ------------------------------------------------------------------- Death Sickle A - Weapon 300 Hades Bow - Curse target with "Doom" status ------------------------------------------------------------------- Conceal A - Self 100 Windslash Bow - Camouflage to ambush the enemy ------------------------------------------------------------------- Doom Archer A - Weapon 300 Max's Oathbow - Inflict damage equal to unit's wounds, split between HP and MP ------------------------------------------------------------------- Aim: Armor A - Weapon 300 Fey Bow - Destroys target's Armour ------------------------------------------------------------------- Aim: Weapon A - Weapon 300 Master Bow - Destroys target's Weapon ------------------------------------------------------------------- Aim: Wallet A - Weapon 200 Hunt Bow - Hit wallet to steal Gil from target ------------------------------------------------------------------- Auto-Regen R - - 300 Gaia Gear - Gain "Regen" status when attacked ------------------------------------------------------------------- Sniper Combo C - Weapon 100 Mythril Shot - Use JP to do combination attack ------------------------------------------------------------------- ============= A n i m i s t ============= Tribes: Moogles only Prerequisite(s): None Animists use music to call on critters of the forest to help them. Predominantly 'Call' abilities are status altering, but there is always Chocobo Stampede, which is an attack that causes damage to everything directly in front and behind of the Animist. 100% Wool is essentially the spell 'Sleep' in disguise, but it is available really early in the game, and is fairly accurate. 'Meet my Friends' sounds like a really cool ability, a random 'Phantom Beast' at the cost of only 12 MP, but it's so erratic that you'll have to be really lucky for it to do what you want; since there are four Summons with positive effects and four Summons that damage, so you have a 50/50 chance either way. Call ---- Name Type MP Range AP Item ------------------------------------------------------------------- Sheep Count A 8 4/2 200 Glass Bell - Put enemies to "Sleep" by making them count sheep ------------------------------------------------------------------- 100% Wool A 8 Self 200 Earth Bell - Spin a woolen insulation, causing "Protect" and "Shell" status ------------------------------------------------------------------- Cuisine A 32 1/1 300 Heal Chime - Cook up food to completely recover HP ------------------------------------------------------------------- Tail Wag A 8 1/1 200 Fairy Harp - "Charm" the enemy through alluring tail wagging ------------------------------------------------------------------- Chocobo Rush A 12 Linear 300 Satyr Flute - Call a stampede of Chocobos to trample your enemies ------------------------------------------------------------------- Frogsong A 18 4/1 200 Aona Flute - Use music to transform your target into a "Frog" ------------------------------------------------------------------- Friend A 12 4/2 300 Blood Strings - Call upon a random "Phantom Beast" ------------------------------------------------------------------- Catnip A 12 1/1 100 War Trumpet - Use Nepeta cataria to make the target "Berserk" ------------------------------------------------------------------- Block Arrows R - - 300 Green Beret - Dodge all arrows shot in your direction. ------------------------------------------------------------------- Animal Combo C - Weapon 100 Mythril Bell - Use JP to do a 100% combination attack. ------------------------------------------------------------------- ================== M o g K n i g h t ================== Tribes: Moogles only Prerequisite(s): 1x Animist Action Ability Knights of the crescent moon, Mog Knights are the only remotely warrior-like Moogle Job. Using both offensive and defensive abilities, Mog Knights are the most balanced warrior-type Job in the game. But despite this, they are actually quite a mediocre unit to have in battle. Due to their strong Defence growth (like all Moogles) and abilities such as Guard, Resist and Heal, Mog Knights are very resilient units. Shot (like it's cousin Air Render) is really useful at the start of the game, but its effectiveness wanes. Mog Knights also the wielders of the Moogle Ultima, Ultima Charge, a very strong attack that will kill most units. Charge ------ Name Type MP Range AP Item ------------------------------------------------------------------- Mog Attack A - Weapon 100 Flametongue - Attack and push back target ------------------------------------------------------------------- Mog Guard A - Self 200 Kwigon Blade - Strongly defend subsequent attack ------------------------------------------------------------------- Mog Lance A - 3/1 200 Atmos Blade - Attack from a distance ------------------------------------------------------------------- Mog Rush A - Weapon 200 Shadow Blade - Deal twice as much damage, but with halved accuracy ------------------------------------------------------------------- Mog Shield A - 4/1 300 Pearl Blade - Give target protection against one status abnormality ------------------------------------------------------------------- Mog Peek A - 4/1 300 Paraiba Blade - Detect hidden equipment which target can draw form stock ------------------------------------------------------------------- Mog Aid A - Self 300 Icebrand - Recover HP and restore Status ------------------------------------------------------------------- Ultima Charge A 60 Weapon 999 Materia Blade - Moogle Ultima attack, deals heavy damage ------------------------------------------------------------------- Last Haste R - - 300 Gold Armor - Enables "Haste" status when made critical from attack ------------------------------------------------------------------- Shieldbearer S - - 300 Round Shield/Opal Shield - Equip Shields regardless of Job ------------------------------------------------------------------- Charge Combo C - Weapon 100 - Use JP to do a strong combination attack ------------------------------------------------------------------- =========== G u n n e r =========== Tribes: Moogles only Prerequisite(s): 1x Animist Action Ability Who would of thought that Moogles would like to pop caps in other tribes asses? Having unmentionable range and an arsenal of different Shots up their sleaves, Gunners are a excellent addition to your battle party. You can Silence Mages or Stop other units before they even get close enough to hit you with spells or attacks. And not only do the Shots have very good chanced of causing status abnormalities, but they cause pretty decent damage as well. Moogles do have some critical faults, they have below average Weapon Attack and Magical Power, and their Shots have pretty crappy accuracy. But the Accuracy problem can be fixed, their Concentrate Support ability will make all Shots have only a 5% chance of missing. Gunmanship ---------- Name Type MP Range AP Item ------------------------------------------------------------------- Fireshot A - Weapon 100 Aiot Gun - Shoot a bullet which deals Fire elemental damage ------------------------------------------------------------------- Boltshot A - Weapon 100 Riot Gun - Shoot a bullet which deals Thunder elemental damage ------------------------------------------------------------------- Iceshot A - Weapon 100 Giot Gun - Shoot a bullet which deals Ice elemental damage ------------------------------------------------------------------- Confushot A - Weapon 200 Chaos Rifle - Shoot a bullet which inflicts "Confusion" on target ------------------------------------------------------------------- Charmshot A - Weapon 300 Peacemaker - Shoot a bullet which causes "Charm" ------------------------------------------------------------------- Blindshot A - Weapon 100 Silver Cannon - Shoot a bullet which inflicts "Darkness" on target ------------------------------------------------------------------- Silenceshot A - Weapon 200 Lost Gun - Shoot a bullet which influcts "Silence" on target ------------------------------------------------------------------- Stopshot A - Weapon 300 Outsider - Shoot a bullet which will "Stop" the target ------------------------------------------------------------------- Concentrate S - - 300 Longbarrel - Raises the accuracy of all abilities to almost certainty ------------------------------------------------------------------- Gun Combo C - Weapon 100 Mythril Gun - Use JP to do combination attack ------------------------------------------------------------------- ============= J u g g l e r ============= Tribes: Moogles only Prerequisite(s): 2x Thief Action Abilities Jugglers are excellent, probably one of the best jobs in the entire game. They have only average status growth, but Juggle techniques are so very useful and have such respectable accuracy for what they do. Toss is great for bypassing Damage restriction laws, since you effectively can choose how much damage you want to cause; Hoop, causes Stop with great accuracy, good to use in tandem with Beatdown or Accel; Molotov Cocktail is great to use on mages, damages and makes them attack instead of using strong magic; Dagger causes decent damage and has a chance of completely disabling the enemy; Smile allows you to manipulate the flow of battle, you can give your Jugglers turn to a unit that can do more strategic good with it; and Gil, which is great for bypassing all damage restriction laws and curing Confused units. Catch allows your units to catch and keep items Thrown by Ninja or tossed by Jugglers, a very cool ability, but an ability which is only really useful in a limited amoun of situations. Stunt ----- Name Type MP Range AP Item ------------------------------------------------------------------- Hurl A - 4/1 100 Kris Knife - Toss an item from your inventory at an enemy ------------------------------------------------------------------- Ring A - 4/1 200 Rondell Dagger - Toss a ring around the target, causing them to "Stop" ------------------------------------------------------------------- Firebomb A - 4/1 300 Khukuri - Toss a molotov cocktail to cause damages and cause "Berserk" ------------------------------------------------------------------- Ball A - 4/1 200 Scramasax - Toss a ball at the enemy to cause "Confusion" ------------------------------------------------------------------- Dagger A - 4/1 300 Jambiya - Toss a dagger at the enemy to damage and inflict "Don't Act" ------------------------------------------------------------------- Smile A - 4/1 300 Orichalcum - Smile at an ally to give them an Instant Active Turn ------------------------------------------------------------------- Gil Toss A - 4/1 100 Jack Knife - Throw 30 Gil at a target to deal exactly 30 HP damage ------------------------------------------------------------------- Catch R - - 300 Chain Plate - Catch items thrown and hurled at you and keep them. ------------------------------------------------------------------- Return Fire R - - 300 Power Sash - Catch arrows and throw them back at the archer ------------------------------------------------------------------- Juggle Combo C - Weapon 100 Mythril Knife - Use JP to do combination attack. ------------------------------------------------------------------- ================= G a d g e t e e r ================= Tribes: Moogles only Prerequisite(s): 2x Thief Action Abilities By opening Pandora's Box and flipping a coin, Gadgeteers can inflict or bless whole clans with status abnormalities and positive effects. If the coin lands on the crescent moon, the device will work on your enemies, and if on the rising sun, your clan and allies. The unpredictablity of these attacks is worrying, you could in theory with Black Chip inflict Doom on all your allies instead of enemies, which would have very dire consequences. Blue Screw does make using positive devices like Red Spring and Yellow Coil less risky, since if you do give all your enemies Haste or Barrier you can always keep using Blue Screw to take it back off them. Pandora ------- Name Type MP Range AP Item ------------------------------------------------------------------- Red Spring A 12 All 200 Kris Knife - Flip a coin to cast "Haste" on all allies or enemies ------------------------------------------------------------------- Blue Screw A 12 All 200 White Fangs - Flip a coin to cast "Dispel" on all allies or enemies ------------------------------------------------------------------- Green Gear A 12 All 200 Sick Knuckles - Flip a coin to cast "Poison" on all allies or enemies ------------------------------------------------------------------- Silver Disc A 12 All 200 Hard Knuckles - Flip a coin to cast "Darkness" on all allies or enemies ------------------------------------------------------------------- Gold Battery A 12 All 200 Cat Claws - Flip a coin to recover HP of either all allies or enemies ------------------------------------------------------------------- Black Ingot A 12 All 200 Death Claws - Flip a coin to cast "Doom" on all allies or enemies ------------------------------------------------------------------- Chroma Gem A 12 All 200 Dream Claws - Flip a coin to cast "Sleep" on all allies or enemies ------------------------------------------------------------------- Yellow Spring A 12 All 200 Survivor - Flip a coin to cast "Barrier" on all allies or enemies ------------------------------------------------------------------- Damage > MP S - - 300 Judo Uniform - When damaged, MP is lost instead of HP ------------------------------------------------------------------- Auto-Regen R - - 300 Gaia Gear - Gain "Regen" status when attacked ------------------------------------------------------------------- Pandora Combo C - Weapon 100 Mythril Claw - Use JP to do combination attack ------------------------------------------------------------------- ***************************************************************************** -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= -= 12. Monsters -= -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= ======= Goblins ======= The Goblin Class of monsters are really nothing to be worried about. They are the zako (small fry) of Final Fantasy Tactics. Goblins will only really attack with Goblin Punch, which does a limited amount of damage. Red Caps are obviously more formidable, damaging the MP of your Mages, and repairing damage while attacking your units with Mutilate. Goblin with Punch ----------------- Name Use ---- --- Goblin Punch A Causes random damage (8 MP) Counter R Counterattack after being attacked Weapon Def+ S Decrease damage from physical attacks Red Cap with Hit ---------------- Name Use ---- --- Magic Hammer A Causes MP damage (8 MP) Mutilate A Absorb HP from target (18 MP) Block Arrows R Dodge all arrow based attacks Weapon Atk+ S Increase damage of phys. attacks ==== Flan ==== Flans have exceptionally strong Defense, even summoning a Totema against them will probably only do 1 HP of damage. But they have quite low Magic Defence and all have elemental weaknesses, which means you can usually kill them in one hit with Black Mage (they have very poor HP stat growth). But if your clan is completely made up of warrior-type units, expect a long arduous battle against them. Flans only attack with various strengths of elemental magic. Jellies absorb Fire and are weak against Ice, Cream absorb Thunder and are weak against Water, and Ice Flans absorb Ice and are weak against Fire. Jelly with Melt --------------- Name Use ---- --- Sacrifice A Give up all HP to target Acid A Random Status abnormality (12 MP) Fire A Fire elemental damage (6 MP) Fira A Moderate Fire damage (12 MP) Firaga A Strong Fire damage (24 MP) Counter R Counterattack after being attacked Weapon Def+ S Decrease damage from physical attacks Cream with Scorch ----------------- Name Use ---- --- Sacrifice A Give up all HP to target Acid A Random Status abnormality (12 MP) Thunder A Thunder damage (6 MP) Thundara A Moderate Thunder damage (12 MP) Thundaga A Strong Thunder damage (24 MP) Block Arrows R Dodge all arrow based attacks Weapon Atk+ S Increase damage of physical attacks Ice Flan with Chill ------------------- Name Use ---- --- Acid A Random Status abnormality (12 MP) Sacrifice A Give up all HP to target Blizzard A Ice elemental damage (6 MP) Blizzara A Moderate Ice damage (12 MP) Blizzaga A Strong Ice damage (24 MP) Reflex R Dodge any incoming "Fight" actions Geomancy S Strengthens elemental damage ===== Bombs ===== A staple of the Final Fantasy series. The Bomb class of monsters are giant balls of fire and ice. Strangely resilient, Bombs and Grenades are both good physical and elemental attackers. The Grenades' Spark move is really annoying, healing the Grenade whilst at the same time causing ice damage. Blowup isn't that much of danger, but all the same, I would kill critical bombs as fast as possible. Bombs absorb Fire and are weak against Ice, Grenades absorb Ice and are weak against Fire. Bomb with Blaze --------------- Name Use ---- --- Blowup A Uses all HP for big damage (2 MP) Flame Attack A Fire elemental damage Counter R Counterattack after being attacked Weapon Def+ S Decrease damage from physical attacks Grenade with Boom! ------------------ Name Use ---- --- Blowup A Uses all HP for big damage (2 MP) Chill A Ice damage to adjacent units Block Arrows R Dodge all arrow based attacks Weapon Atk+ S Increase damage of physical attacks ======= Dragons ======= The strongest monsters there are, Dragons have great HP, Weapon Attack and Defense stat growth, and are highly mobile but can't jump that high due to their puny wings. Dragons also cancel elemental damage corresponding to their elemental affiliation, for example Icedrakes cancel Ice damage. Icedrakes can raise the defense of other enemies with Might Guard, Firewyrms can lower your units defense with Guard-Off and then attack full force, and Thundrakes can power up your enemies attacking power with Dragon Force. Very formidable enemies, especially when they use their elemental breaths. Icedrake with Icewyrm --------------------- Name Use ---- --- Mighty Guard A Raise defense (8 MP) Ice Breath A Ice elemental damage Counter R Counterattack after being attacked Weapon Def+ S Decrease damage from physical attacks Firewyrm with Dragonblaze ------------------------- Name Use ---- --- Guard-Off A Decrease target's defense (10 MP) Fire Breath A Fire elemental damage Block Arrows R Dodge all arrow based attacks Weapon Atk+ S Increase damage of physical attacks Thundrake with Dragonbolt ------------------------- Name Use ---- --- Dragon Force A Raise attack of allies (12 MP) Bolt Breath A Thunder elemental damage Reflex R Dodge any incoming "Fight" actions Geomancy S Strengthens elemental damage ====== Lamias ====== Seductress with the body of a serpent. Lamia excel in delivering crippling status abnormalities. Poison Frog will turn your units into... well... poisoned frogs, harmless and dying. Night will put most of the battlefield to sleep, which isn't that bad since it will harm your enemy as much as it does you, it's just a little annoying. Lilith are far more annoying than Lamia, Twister halves the targets HP. They can't really kill you with it, but it is good at substantially weakening your units so a stronger unit can finish them off. And Kiss inflicts both Doom and Charm on your units, so the victim will do the enemies bidding before dying eventually. Lamia with Song --------------- Name Use ---- --- Night A "Sleep" to all units (24 MP) Hand Slap A Damages and target's AT comes later Poison Frog A Causes "Frog" and "Poison" status Counter R Counterattack after being attacked Weapon Def+ S Decrease damage from physical attacks Lilith with Poison Frog ----------------------- Name Use ---- --- Twister A Halve enemy units HP (20 MP) Poison Frog A Causes "Frog" and "Poison" status Kiss A Causes "Doom" and "Charm" Block Arrows R Dodge all arrow based attacks Weapon Atk+ S Increase damage of physical attacks ==== Bugs ==== Ghastly large insects, bugs are actually quite strong and will attack your units with fairly strong force. They will rarely use LV3 Def-less on your units, which is good since they won't lower your defenses, but also annoying since it's Blue Magic. The Antlions Sandstorm causes decent damage and can cause Darkness on multiple units. The Facehuggers Level 5 Death is a really horrible ability, it will instantly kill any unit that's level is a multiple of five. Suffocate isn't that bad, there are much worse things than having your Active Turn delayed. Antlion with Sandstorm ---------------------- Name Use ---- --- LV3 Def-less A Defense down if Level / by 3 (12 MP) Sandstorm A Damages and causes "Darkness" Counter R Counterattack after being attacked Weapon Def+ S Decrease damage from physical attacks Jawbreaker with Adhere ---------------------- Name Use ---- --- LV3 Def-less A Defense down if Level / by 3 (12 MP) L5 Death A KO's units if Level / by 5 (24 MP) Suffocate A Targets's Active Turn comes later Block Arrows R Dodge all arrow based attacks Weapon Atk+ S Increase damage of physical attacks ========== Tonberries ========== Like in all FInal Fantasy games, Tonberries are really dangerous. A single hit of their Knife will make the victim critical, making them easy prey for other enemies in the vicinity. Thankfully Tonberries are quite slow and immobile, so it's quite easy to keep your distance. They also have really good defense (magical more so than physical) which makes them quite hard to kill, you're better off trying to kill them with abilities that KO instantly, like the Assassin's Breath Stop. Tonberry with Grudge -------------------- Name Use ---- --- Knife A Bring target's HP down to 1/10 Karma A Strengthens attack depending on # of KOs Counter R Counterattack after being attacked Weapon Def+ S Decrease damage from physical attacks Masterberry with Malice ----------------------- Name Use ---- --- Knife A Bring target's HP down to 1/10 Voodoo A Inflicts "Curse" status Block Arrows R Dodge all arrow based attacks Weapon Atk+ S Increase damage of physical attacks ======== Panthers ======== Highly mobile, Panthers will traverse the battlefield with ease to attack your units. The Red Panthers' Poison Claw causes decent damage and poisons the victim, compounding its damage. The Coeurl's Blaster, can turn your units to Stone, effectively killing them in one turn. You should have lots of Softs in tow when they are around. Red Panther with Rake --------------------- Name Use ---- --- Poison Claw A Damages, can cause "Poison" (8 MP) Rend A Non-elemental damage Counter R Counterattack after being attacked Reveal S See "hidden" units Coeurl with Scratch ------------------- Name Use ---- --- Hastebreak A "Slow" or "Stop" when Hasted (12 MP) Blaster A Causes "Stone" Block Arrows R Dodge all arrow based attacks Reveal S See "hidden" units ======== Malboros ======== Disgusting blob like plants, if their attacks don't kill your units their smell will. Of course, the infamous Bad Breath is their pride and joy, it will inflict practically every status abnormality under the sun on the target... very dangerous and annoying stuff. They are quite hardy plants, having good HP, Defence and Magic Defence stat growth. Malboro with Stench ------------------- Name Use ---- --- Bad Breath A 5 Status abnormalities (20 MP) Goo A Causes "Don't Move" Counter R Counterattack after being attacked Weapon Def+ S Decrease damage from physical attacks Big Malboro with Reek --------------------- Name Use ---- --- Bad Breath A 5 Status abnormalities (20 MP) Soundwave A Casts "Dispel" Block Arrows R Dodge all arrow based attacks Weapon Atk+ S Increase damage of physical attacks ========= Floateyes ========= Flying demons of hell, these winged cyclops will use their single cursed eye to inflict various status abnormalities and death. Thanks to their wings Floateye class monsters can fly quite far and high, they are the most mobile monster with a Move stat of 5 and a Jump stat of 5. The Ahrimans' Roulette will instantly kill one random unit on the battlefield, pray to god the cursor stops on an enemy. Floateye with Gaze ------------------ Name Use ---- --- Stare A "Confusion" from front-on (12 MP) Devil Gaze A "Darknesss" & "Silence, front-on Counter R Counterattack after being attacked Weapon Def+ S Decrease damage from physical attacks Ahriman with Glare ------------------ Name Use ---- --- Roulette A KO's random unit (20 MP) Circle A Decrease target's attack Block Arrows R Dodge all arrow based attacks Weapon Atk+ S Increase damage of physical attacks ====== Undead ====== Undead minions from hell, if you kill them conventionally they will resurrect after a few a turns if you don't quickly finish the battle. It also means that they absorb Dark elemental damage, and are weak against Holy elemental abilities. Undead are damaged by all Holy healing spells and items; you can attack them by using Potions or Phoenix Down on them. Summoning a Phoenix is likely to kill them in one hit. Maisma causes strong damage and Poisons the targets, it also has a good range. The Vampire's LV? S-Flare heals the Vampire whilst at the same time causing dark damage to all units with levels that share the last digit of the Vampires level. Evil stuff! Zombie with Rot --------------- Name Use ---- --- Drain Touch A Absorb HP from target (10 MP) Maisma A Damage and causes "Poison" Counter R Counterattack after being attacked Weapon Def+ S Decrease damage from physical attacks Vampire with Illude ------------------- Name Use ---- --- LV? S-Flare A Damage if 2nd Level # same (30 MP) Maisma A Damage and causes "Poison" Zombify A Causes "Zombie" Block Arrows R Dodge all arrow based attacks Weapon Atk+ S Increase damage of physical attacks ======= Fairies ======= Cute fairies of the forest, they absorb Holy elemental damage, but are weak against Dark elemental damage. Fairies have exceptionally high Evade, and are therefore really hard to hit. Sprites can heal their allies with White Wind, and also damage your units with Meteorite. Titania are really annoying, they will constantly use Angel Whisper, which recovers HP and casts Auto-Life on the target. It's so frustration during battles of attrition caused by various laws. Sprite with Trick ----------------- Name Use ---- --- White Wind A Recover HP (12 MP) Meteorite A Damage from small meteor Counter R Counterattack after being attacked Weapon Def+ S Decrease damage from physical attacks Titania with Flouresce ---------------------- Name Use ---- --- Angel Whisper A Recover HP and "Auto-Life" (24 MP) LV?D Holy A Holy damage to units with ? LVL equal to day of month Block Arrows R Dodge all arrow based attacks Weapon Atk+ S Increase damage of physical attacks ========== Rockbeasts ========== Looking as if the sword in the stone came to life, Rockbeasts have exceptionally high defense. The Toughskin's Resonate will cast "Don't Act" on all units wielding bladed weapons, if you like warrior-type units this could put your whole clan out of business. The Blade Biter's Limit Globe ability causes 999 HP damage when the Blade Biter is critical, this is clearly a monster you want to finish off. Toughskin with Debilitate ------------------------- Name Use ---- --- Resonate A "Don't Act" on units with blades Matra Magic A Switch HP and MP (24 MP) Counter R Counterattack after being attacked Weapon Def+ S Decrease damage from physical attacks Blade Biter with Crush ---------------------- Name Use ---- --- Limit Glove A Causes huge damage when critical Munch A Destroys target's Weapon and damges Resonate A "Don't Act" on units with blades Block Arrows R Dodge all arrow based attacks Weapon Atk+ S Increase damage of physical attacks ***************************************************************************** -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= -= 13. Treasure Hunts -= -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= It's possible to get many rare and highly useful items from Treasure Hunts; but this is only possible by manipulating FFT-A's Region Create System to your advantage. Treasure Hunts work like so: once you place a new "Symbol" on the map, areas which become connected to two or more other areas will shake to indicate a Treasure Hunt. What item you get from the Treasure Hunt depends on what types of areas are connected to the area that shook. For example: let's hypothesise that you already have placed Lutia Pass in the space west of Cyril, Eluut Sands in the space south of Cyril, and Roda Volcano in the space north-west of Cyril. Now, you just cleared the 13th Story Battle; The Bounty, and you get Jeraw Sands to place on the map. If you place it in the space east of Cyril, the Town of Origin Cyril will shake to indicate a Treasure Hunt. Because Cyril is connected to two Mountains (Lutia Pass & Roda Volcano) and two Deserts (Eluut Sands & Jeraw Sands), you will get an Excalibur from the Treasure Hunt. If you don't quite understand that example, here are links to a visual example by z3z3m: softparadise2.free.fr/Exemple.jpg members.optusnet.com.au/astroblue/torehan_example.jpg If you want a guide for placing symbols to get the maximum amount of bounty, check out my "Region Create Setups" guide, which is a collection of pre- designed map setups for that exact purpose. For those that want to create their own Ivalice; represented in an abbreviated form in the following tables are combination of symbols needed to acquire a specific item. Use the Key below to understand it. To easily locate spaces with the needed amount of connections to get an item, use the Treasure Hunt Map I made; that you can get from GameFAQs.com and faqs.IGN.com (who are the only two sites allowed to host this FAQ). But first, here is a guide to the availability of the items you can get: Treasure-Hunt Only Items ------------------------ The Gastra Bow and Galmia Shoes can only be obtained via Treasure Hunts. So if you don't want to miss out, I suggest you design a map layout which will net you those items. Very Rare Items --------------- The Materia Blade, Zeus Mace and Tulwar can only be received outside of Treasure Hunts by stealing them from specific units in Story Battles, these weapons are hidden so you must use "Sensor" or "Check" to locate them. Rare Items ---------- The Genji Armor, Genji Helm, Genji Shield, Genji Armlets, Mindu Gem, Rubber Conscious and Silver Coats can only be received outside of Treasure Hunts by stealing them from various units throughout the game. [N] Name Description Total Symbols ---------------------------------------------------------- [T] Town | Buildings | 4 (and 2 fixed) [F] Forest | Green trees | 4 [P] Plain | Red flowers | 3 (and 1 fixed) [M] Mountain | Snowy mountain | 4 (and 1 fixed) [W] Marsh | Pond with reeds | 2 [D] Desert | Sand with a cactus | 4 [C] Cave | Brown cave | 2 [J] Jagd | Skull temple | 3 ------------------------------------------------------------ ~ Thanks to z3z3m & FFTA-Memo for most of the info in the following tables ~ ===== Mixed ===== NOTE: These are the items you get with mixed sets of area types. Jerky Gysahl Greens Hi-Potion Ether Soft Holy Water Phoenix Down Feathered Hat Green Beret Triangular Hat Cuirass Iron Armour Chain Plate Survival Vest Kagun Robe Round Shield Ice Shield Flame Shield Spike Shoes Gauntlets Magic Ring Fortune Ring ====== Pure 2 ====== T-T : Red Boots F-F : Materite P-P : Telaq Flower M-M : Adamantite W-W : Scarab D-D : Ruby Earring C-C : Leestone J-J : Zodiac Ore ====== Pure 3 ====== T-T-T : Rubber Conscious F-F-F : Barette P-P-P : Gastra Bow M-M-M : Style Bit D-D-D : Galmia Shoes J-J-J : Vajra ====== Pure 4 ====== T-T-T-T : Ribbon F-F-F-F : Silver Coat M-M-M-M : Caligula D-D-D-D : Mindu Gem ========= Half-Half ========= T-T-F-F : Materia Blade T-T-P-P : Tulwar T-T-M-M : Estreledge T-T-W-W : Tiptaptwo T-T-D-D : Princess Rod T-T-C-C : Genji Shield T-T-J-J : Wygar F-F-P-P : Cactus Stick F-F-M-M : Sage Robe F-F-W-W : Madu F-F-D-D : Cinquedea F-F-C-C : Genji Armour F-F-J-J : Venus Blade P-P-M-M : Zeus Mace P-P-W-W : Fire Sigil P-P-D-D : Beastspear P-P-C-C : Genji Helmet P-P-J-J : Water Sigil M-M-W-W : Death Claws M-M-D-D : Excalibur M-M-C-C : Bracers M-M-J-J : Earth Sigil W-W-D-D : Epeprism W-W-C-C : Mindu Gem W-W-J-J : Genji Armlets D-D-C-C : Wind Sigil D-D-J-J : Perseus Bow C-C-J-J : Nirvana Staff ***************************************************************************** -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= -= 14. Head Gear -= -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= NOTES: * Classes of items have their price seasonally reduced by 10%. WA = Weapon Attack (Weapon Atk) MA = Magical Power (Magic Pow) DEF = Defence (Def) RES = Magic Defence (Res) ======= Helmets ======= Bangaa Helm Effects: DEF +16, RES +6 Abilities: N/A Bought/Acquired: Reward for clearing "Sorry, Friend (094)" Sale Price: 500 Gil Bronze Helm Effects: DEF +4, RES +2 Abilities: N/A Bought/Acquired: For 500 Gil Sale Price: 250 Gil Cross Helm Effects: DEF +9, RES +4 Abilities: N/A Bought/Acquired: Random reward for completing a Mission, and a prize for reaching Negotiation Skill Level 10 Sale Price: 2000 Gil Diamond Helm Effects: DEF +11, RES +5 Abilities: N/A Bought/Acquired: Random reward for completing a Mission, and a prize for reaching Negotiation Skill Level 15 Sale Price: 5000 Gil Genji Helmet Effects: DEF +15, RES +6 Abilities: N/A Bought/Acquired: Steal from Bacrus in "The Hero Blade (098)", and reward for a "Plain-Plain-Cave-Cave" Treasure Hunt Sale Price: 500 Gil Hanya Helm Effects: DEF +12, RES +8 Abilities: N/A Bought/Acquired: Reward for clearing "FreeMuscadet! (082)" Sale Price: 500 Gil Iron Helm Effects: DEF +5, RES +3 Abilities: N/A Bought/Acquired: For 1200 Gil, after the first shop upgrade Sale Price: 600 Gil Opal Helm Effects: DEF +7, RES +3 Abilities: N/A Bought/Acquired: For 2500 Gil, after the second shop upgrade Sale Price: 1250 Gil Parade Helm Effects: DEF +13, RES +4 Abilities: N/A Bought/Acquired: Reward for clearing "Janitor Duty (281)" Sale Price: 500 Gil ======= Ribbons ======= NOTE: Hair decorations that prevent a large array of status ailments. Can only be worn by Viera. Barette Effects: DEF +2, RES +5; Cancels Zombie, Darkness, Silence, Frog, Poison, Slow, Don't Move, Don't Act and Doom Abilities: N/A Bought/Acquired: Prize for reaching Craft Skill Level 35, and a reward for a "Forest-Forest-Forest" Treasure Hunt Sale Price: 2000 Gil Cachusha Effects: DEF +2, RES +5; Cancels KO, Stone, Confuse, Berserk, Stop, Charm and Sleep Abilities: N/A Bought/Acquired: Prize for reaching Craft Skill Level 30 Sale Price: 1000 Gil Ribbon Effects: DEF +2, RES +5; Cancels all status abnormalities Abilities: N/A Bought/Acquired: Prize for reaching Craft Skill Level 50, and a reward for a "Town-Town-Town-Town" Treasure Hunt Sale Price: 20000 Gil ==== Hats ==== NOTE: Head garments worn to protect the wearers head from attacks. Can be worn by every Job except for Paladins, Dragoons, Defenders and White Monks. Acacia Hat Effects: DEF +2, MA +5, RES +2, Speed +2, Move +1, Jump +1, Evade +5 Abilities: N/A Bought/Acquired: Reward for clearing "Swimming Meet (042)" Sale Price: 500 Gil Black Hat Effects: DEF +4, MA +4, RES +16 Abilities: N/A Bought/Acquired: Reward for clearing "Black Hat (295)" Sale Price: 4000 Gil Circlet Effects: DEF +3, RES +3 Abilities: N/A Bought/Acquired: For 1800 Gil, after the second shop upgrade Sale Price: 900 Gil Feather Cap Effects: DEF +2, RES +4 Abilities: N/A Bought/Acquired: For 350 Gil, and a random reward for "Mixed" Treasure Hunts Sale Price: 175 Gil Gold Hairpin Effects: DEF +4, MA +2, RES +12; Cancels Silence Abilities: N/A Bought/Acquired: Random reward for completing a Mission Sale Price: 2000 Gil Green Beret Effects: DEF +2, RES +2, Evade +2 Abilities: * Block Arrows - 300 AP - Archers/Animist Bought/Acquired: For 800 Gil, and a random reward for "Mixed" Treasure Hunts Sale Price: 400 Gil Headband Effects: WA +5, DEF +6, RES +2 Abilities: N/A Bought/Acquired: For 3000 Gil, after the second shop upgrade. Sale Price: 1500 Gil Thief Hat Effects: DEF +8, RES +6, Evade +7; Cancels Don't Move and Don't Act Abilities: N/A Bought/Acquired: Random reward for completing a Mission, and a prize for reaching Track Skill Level 10 Sale Price: 3000 Gil Tiara Effects: DEF +8, RES +20 Abilities: N/A Bought/Acquired: Prize for reaching Track Skill Level 45, and a reward for a "Mountain-Mountain-Mountain" Treasure Hunt Sale Price: 500 Gil White Hat Effects: DEF +4, RES +14 Abilities: N/A Bought/Acquired: Reward for clearing "Hat For A Girl (296)" Sale Price: 4000 Gil Wizard Hat Effects: DEF +3, MA +1, RES +10 Abilities: N/A Bought/Acquired: Random reward for completing a Mission, and a random reward for "Mixed" Treasure Hunts Sale Price: 1000 Gil ***************************************************************************** -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= -= 15. Body Armor -= -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= NOTES: * Classes of items have their price seasonally reduced by 10%. WA = Weapon Attack (Weapon Atk) MA = Magical Power (Magic Pow) DEF = Defence (Def) RES = Magic Defence (Res) ===== Armor ===== Note: Plates of armor which protect the abdomens of knights from mortal blows. Can be worn by Soldiers, Paladins, Warriors, Dragoons, Defenders, Templars and Mog Knights. Adamant Armor Effects: DEF +58, RES +3 Abilities: N/A Bought/Acquired: Reward for clearing "Armor & Turtle (297)" Mission Sale Price: 500 Gil Bronze Armor Effects: DEF +30, RES +6 Abilities: N/A Bought/Acquired: For 1000 Gil Sale Price: 500 Gil Carabini Mail Effects: DEF +38, RES +8 Abilities: Bonecrusher - 300 AP - Templar Bought/Acquired: Random reward for completing a Mission. Sale Price: 4000 Gil Cuirass Effects: DEF +28, RES +2 Abilities: N/A Bought/Acquired: For 400 Gil, and a random reward for "Mixed" Treasure Hunts Sale Price: 200 Gil Diamond Armor Effects: DEF +40, RES +3 Abilities: Weapon Def+ - 300 AP - Paladin/Defender Bought/Acquired: Random reward for completing a Mission Sale Price: 2000 Gil Dragon Mail Effects: DEF +40, RES +8; Halves Fire elemental damage Abilities: N/A Bought/Acquired: Random reward for completing a Mission, and a prize for reaching All Skills Level 15 Sale Price: 8000 Gil Genji Armor Effects: DEF +46, RES +12 Abilities: * Reflex - 300 AP - Paladin Bought/Acquired: Steal from Bacrus in "The Hero Blade (098)", and reward for a "Forest-Forest-Cave-Cave" Treasure Hunt Sale Price: 500 Gil Gold Armor Effects: DEF +42, RES +6 Abilities: * Last Haste - 300 AP - Mog Knight Bought/Acquired: For 6000 Gil, after the second shop upgrade Sale Price: 3000 Gil Iron Armor Effects: DEF +34, RES +3 Abilities: N/A Bought/Acquired: For 1500 Gil, after the first shop upgrade, and a random reward for "Mixed" Treasure Hunts Sale Price: 750 Gil Materia Armor Effects: DEF +52, RES +16 Abilities: N/A Bought/Acquired: Reward for clearing "Dark Armor (298)" Sale Price: 10000 Gil Maximillian Effects: WA +3, DEF +46, RES +10 Abilities: N/A Bought/Acquired: Random reward for completing a Mission, and a prize for reaching All Skills Level 30 Sale Price: 10000 Gil Mirror Mail Effects: DEF +36, RES +8. Auto-Reflect. Abilities: N/A Bought/Acquired: Random reward for completing a Mission, and a prize for reaching All Skills Level 7 Sale Price: 6000 Gil Opal Armor Effects: DEF +42, RES +3 Abilities: N/A Bought/Acquired: Random reward for completing a Mission Sale Price: 3000 Gil Peytral Effects: WA +5, DEF +28, MA +5, RES +2, Speed +2, Move +1, Jump +1, Evade +5 Abilities: N/A Bought/Acquired: Reward for clearing "Clan League (043)" Sale Price: 500 Gil Platemail Effects: DEF +38, RES +3 Abilities: N/A Bought/Acquired: For 3000 Gil, after the second shop upgrade Sale Price: 1500 Gil ======= Clothes ======= Note: Protective garments. Can be worn by every Job except for Paladins, Dragon Knights and Defenders. Adamant Vest Effects: DEF +30, RES +3 Abilities: * Maintenance - 300 AP - Thief/Alchemist Bought/Acquired: For 2500 Gil, after the first shop upgrade Sale Price: 700 Gil Bone Plate Effects: DEF +42, RES +8; Absorbs Dark elemental damage Abilities: N/A Bought/Acquired: Random reward for completing a Mission Sale Price: 10000 Gil Brigandine Effects: DEF +37, RES +6 Abilities: * Counter - 300 AP - Thief/White Monk Bought/Acquired: For 3700 Gil, after the second shop upgrade Sale Price: 1850 Gil Brint Set Effects: DEF +28, RES +16 Abilities: N/A Bought/Acquired: Reward for clearing "Fashion World (299)" Sale Price: 500 Gil Chain Plate Effects: DEF +28, RES +4 Abilities: * Catch - 300 AP - Red Mage/Juggler Bought/Acquired: For 900 Gil, and a random reward for "Mixed" Treasure Hunts Sale Price: 450 Gil Dark Gear Effects: DEF +32, RES +3, Speed +2, Evade +1; Cancels Stop Abilities: * Weapon Def+ - 300 AP - Sage Bought/Acquired: Steal from various units throughout the game Sale Price: 3000 Gil Gaia Gear Effects: DEF +24, RES +12; Absorbs Earth elemental damage. Abilities: * Auto-Regen - 300 AP - Hunter/Sniper/Gadgeteer Bought/Acquired: Random reward for completing a Mission Sale Price: 500 Gil Galmia Set Effects: DEF +26, RES +18 Abilities: N/A Bought/Acquired: Reward for clearing "Fashion Hoopla (300)" Sale Price: 500 Gil Judge Coat Effects: DEF +38, RES +28 Abilities: N/A Bought/Acquired: Reward for clearing "Last Stand (086)" Sale Price: 500 Gil Judo Uniform Effects: DEF +34, RES +8; Cancels Doom Abilities: * Damage > MP - 300 AP - Blue Mage/Morpher/Gadgeteer Bought/Acquired: For 6000 Gil, after the second shop upgrade Sale Price: 3000 Gil Leather Garb Effects: DEF +18, RES +4 Abilities: N/A Bought/Acquired: For 300 Gil Sale Price: 150 Gil Minerva Plate Effects: DEF +28, RES +14; Cancels Dark elemental damage Abilities: N/A Bought/Acquired: Random reward for completing a Mission Sale Price: 1500 Gil Note: Can only be worn by Viera. Mirage Vest Effects: DEF +32, RES +16; Cancels KO Abilities: * Reflex - 300 AP - White Monk/Sage/Fencer Bought/Acquired: Random reward for completing a Mission Sale Price: 5000 Gil Ninja Gear Effects: DEF +30, RES +6, Speed +1, Evade +2 Abilities: * Last Haste - 300 AP - Ninja/Beastmaster * Bonecrusher - 300 AP - Warrior Bought/Acquired: Random reward for completing a Mission, and a prize for reaching Track Skill Level 20 Sale Price: 2500 Gil Onlyone Effects: DEF +34, RES +24 Abilities: N/A Bought/Acquired: Reward for clearing "Wanted! (030)" Sale Price: 500 Gil Power Sash Effects: WA +2, DEF +34, RES +10 Abilities: * Arrow Return - 300 AP - Assassin/Juggler Bought/Acquired: For 7000 Gil, after the second shop upgrade Sale Price: 3500 Gil Rubber Suit Effects: DEF +28, RES +16; Cancels Thunder elemental damage Abilities: N/A Bought/Acquired: Steal from the Assassin in "Over The Hill (023)", and also a reward for a "Town-Town-Town" Treasure Hunt Sale Price: 7000 Gil Note: Can only be worn by Viera. Survival Vest Effects: DEF +34, RES +6 Abilities: * Immunity - 300 AP - Blue Mage/Beastmaster Bought/Acquired: For 2500 Gil, after the first shop upgrade, and a random reward for "Mixed" Treasure Hunts Sale Price: 1250 Gil Temple Cloth Effects: WA +2, DEF +36, MA +2, RES +16 Abilities: N/A Bought/Acquired: From Cyril for 30000 Gil, after the fourth shop upgrade Sale Price: 500 Gil Wygar Effects: DEF +35, RES +10; Cancels KO Abilities: * Strikeback - 300 AP - Fighter/Gladiator Bought/Acquired: Prize for reaching Track Skill Level 30, and reward for a "Town-Town-Jagd-Jagd" Treasure Hunt Sale Price: 4000 Gil ===== Robes ===== Note: Majestic flowing robes which guard against magic. Can be worn by Paladins, White Mages, Black Mages, Illusionists, Blue Mages, Bishops, Templars, Time Mages, Morphers, Sages, Elementalists, Red Mages and Summoners. Black Robe Effects: DEF +21, MA +2, RES +36; Strengthens Fire, Thunder & Ice elemental damage Abilities: * Return Magic - 300 AP - Black Mage/Bishop Bought/Acquired: Random reward for completing a Mission, and a prize for reaching Magic Skill Level 15 Sale Price: 3000 Gil Blaze Robe Effects: DEF +19, RES +30; Absorbs Fire elemental damage Abilities: N/A Bought/Acquired: Random reward for completing a Mission, and a random reward for "Mixed" Treasure Hunts Sale Price: 1000 Gil Flurry Robe Effects: DEF +19, RES +30; Absorbs Ice elemental damage Abilities: N/A Bought/Acquired: Random reward for completing a Mission Sale Price: 1000 Gil Hempen Robe Effects: DEF +15, RES +22 Abilities: N/A Bought/Acquired: For 400 Gil Sale Price: 200 Gil Light Robe Effects: DEF +25, RES +40 Abilities: * Half MP - 300 AP - Bishop/Summoner/Illusionist Bought/Acquired: Random reward for completing a Mission Sale Price: 4000 Gil Lordly Robe Effects: DEF +28, RES +42 Abilities: * Absorb MP - 300 AP - Elementalist/Illusionist * Last Quicken - 300 AP - Time Mage Bought/Acquired: Random reward for completing a Mission Sale Price: 7000 Gil Magic Robe Effects: DEF +24, MA +6, RES +36 Abilities: N/A Bought/Acquired: Reward for clearing "Unlucky Star (282)" Sale Price: 8000 Gil Magus Robe Effects: DEF +15, RES +30 Abilities: N/A Bought/Acquired: For 3000 Gil, after the second shop upgrade Sale Price: 1500 Gil Mistle Robe Effects: DEF +19, RES +30; Absorbs Holy elemental Damage, Cancels KO Abilities: N/A Bought/Acquired: For 5000 Gil, after the second shop upgrade Sale Price: 2500 Gil Reaper Cloak Effects: DEF +32, RES +36 Abilities: N/A Bought/Acquired: Reward for clearing "The Redwings (081)" Sale Price: 500 Gil Red Robe Effects: DEF +22, RES +31 Abilities: N/A Bought/Acquired: Reward for clearing "Free Cadoan! (075)" Sale Price: 4000 Gil Sage Robe Effects: DEF +24, RES +52 Abilities: * Geomancy - 300 AP - Black Mage Bought/Acquired: Prize for reaching Magic Skill Level 45, and reward for a "Forest-Forest-Mountain-Mountain" Treasure Hunt Sale Price: 500 Gil Silken Robe Effects: DEF +15, RES +28 Abilities: N/A Bought/Acquired: For 1000 Gil, after the first shop upgrade Sale Price: 500 Gil Silver Coat Effects: DEF +30, RES +38 Abilities: N/A Bought/Acquired: Steal from the Summoner in "Over The Hill (023)", and a reward for a "Forest-Forest-Forest-Forest" Treasure Hunt Sale Price: 10000 Gil Thunder Robe Effects: DEF +19, RES +30; Absorbs Thunder elemental damage Abilities: N/A Bought/Acquired: Random reward for completing a Mission Sale Price: 1000 Gil White Robe Effects: DEF +21, RES +38; Halves Fire, Thunder & Ice elemental damage Abilities: * Turbo MP - 300 AP - White Mage Bought/Acquired: Random reward for completing a Mission, and a prize for reaching Magic Skill Level 5 Sale Price: 3000 Gil ***************************************************************************** -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= -= 16. Weapons -= -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= ====== Swords ====== Note: The most generic form of bladed melee weapon. Can only be used by Soldiers, Warriors and Dragoons. Blood Sword Attack Power: 18 Effects: Absorb targets HP Abilities: * Provoke - 300 AP - Soldier * Wyrmkiller - 300 AP - Dragoon Bought/Acquired: Random reward for completing a Mission, and a prize for reaching Combat Skill Level 5 Sale Price: 1000 Gil Burglar Sword Attack Power: 39 Abilities: * Sensor - 300 AP - Soldier Bought/Acquired: For 3000 Gil, after the second shop upgrade, and a random reward for completing a Mission Sale Price: 1500 Gil Buster Sword Attack Power: 35 Effects: DEF +5 Abilities: * Mindbreak - 200 AP - Soldier/Warrior * Wyrmtamer - 200 AP - Dragoon Bought/Acquired: For 1600 Gil, after the first shop upgrade, and a random reward for completing a Mission Sale Price: 800 Gil Chirijiraden Attack Power: 65 Abilities: N/A Bought/Acquired: Reward for clearing "Challengers? (091)" Sale Price: 500 Gil Gale Sword Attack Power: 36 Effects: Inflicts Wind elemental damage; Speed +1 Abilities: * Greased Bolt - 300 AP - Warrior Bought/Acquired: Random reward for completing a Mission Sale Price: 500 Gil Laglace Sword Attack Power: 41 Effects: Inflicts Ice elemental damage; MA +5 Abilities: N/A Bought/Acquired: Reward for clearing "Frosty Mage (045)" Sale Price: 500 Gil Mythril Sword Attack Power: 33 Effects: Jump +1 Abilities: * Combat Combo - 100 AP - Soldier/Warrior Bought/Acquired: Reward for completing a random Clan encounter Sale Price: 2000 Gil Onion Sword Attack Power: 29 Effects: DEF +5, RES +5, Evade +10 Abilities: N/A Bought/Acquired: Reward for clearing "Newbie Hall (265)" Sale Price: 500 Gil Restorer Attack Power: 40 Effects: MA +5, RES + 5 Abilities: * Downsize - 300 AP - Warrior * Lancet - 300 AP - Dragoon Bought/Acquired: Random reward for completing a Mission, and a prize for reaching Combat Skill Level 10 Sale Price: 2000 Gil Shortsword Attack Power: 25 Abilities: * First Aid - 100 AP - Soldier/Warrior Bought/Acquired: For 300 Gil Sale Price: 150 Gil Silver Sword Attack Power: 30 Effects: Speed +2, Evade +2 Abilities: * Speedbreak - 200 AP - Soldier/Warrior Bought/Acquired: For 900 Gil Sale Price: 450 Gil Victor Sword Attack Power: 33 Effects: DEF +10, RES +10 Abilities: N/A Bought/Acquired: Reward for clearing "Swords In Cyril (264)" Sale Price: 500 Gil Vitanova Attack Power: 38 Effects: Inflicts Holy elemental damage; MA +2, Evade +2; Absorbs Holy elemental damage Abilities: * Dragonheart - 300 AP - Dragoon Bought/Acquired: Random reward for completing a Mission. Sale Price: 4000 Gil ====== Blades ====== Note: Sharp swords used by hardened warriors. Can be only be used by Fighters, Gladiators and Mog Knights. Adaman Blade Attack Power: 65 Effects: DEF +15 Abilities: N/A Bought/Acquired: Reward for clearing "Blade & Turtle (285)" Sale Price: 500 Gil Air Blade Attack Power: 40 Effects: Inflicts Wind damage damage; Cancels Wind elemental damage Abilities: * Air Blast - 300 AP - Fighter * Bolt Sword - 200 AP - Gladiator Bought/Acquired: For 7000 Gil, after the second shop upgrade, and a random reward for completing a Mission Sale Price: 3500 Gil Atmos Blade Attack Power: 36 Effects: Inflicts Thunder elemental damage Abilities: * Air Render - 200 AP - Fighter * Shot - 200 AP - Mog Knight Bought/Acquired: For 4000 Gil, after the first shop upgrade, and a random reward for completing a Mission Sale Price: 2000 Gil Ayvuir Blue Attack Power: 51 Effects: RES +10, Evade +2 Abilities: N/A Bought/Acquired: Reward for clearing "Twin Swords (036)" Sale Price: 500 Gil Ayvuir Red Attack Power: 62 Effects: DEF +10, Speed +2 Abilities: N/A Bought/Acquired: Reward for clearing "Salika Keep (035)" Sale Price: 500 Gil Ebon Blade Attack Power: 84 Effects: Inflicts Dark elemental damage; DEF +5 Abilities: N/A Bought/Acquired: After clearing the "The Dark Blade (097)" Sale Price: 500 Gil Flametongue Attack Power: 38 Effects: Inflicts Fire elemental damage Abilities: * Backdraft - 300 AP - Fighter * Fire Sword - 200 AP - Gladiator * Attack - 100 AP - Mog Knight Bought/Acquired: For 5000 Gil, after the second shop upgrade, and a random reward for completing a Mission Sale Price: 2500 Gil Icebrand Attack Power: 42 Effects: Inflicts Ice elemental damage Abilities: * Ice Sword - 200 AP - Gladiator * Heal - 300 AP - Mog Knight Bought/Acquired: For 8000 Gil, after the second shop upgrade Sale Price: 4000 Gil Kwigon Blade Attack Power: 40 Effects: DEF +3, RES +3 Abilities: * Far Fist - 200 AP - Fighter * Guard - 200 AP - Mog Knight Bought/Acquired: For 10000 Gil, after the second shop upgrade Sale Price: 5000 Gil Materia Blade Attack Power: 17 Effects: MA +15, RES +10 Abilities: * Ultima Sword - 999 AP - Gladiator * Ultima Charge - 999 AP - Mog Knight Bought/Acquired: Steal (hidden) from Moogle in "Present Day (020)", and a reward for a "Town-Town-Forest-Forest" Treasure Hunt Sale Price: 500 Gil Mythril Blade Attack Power: 32 Effects: Jump +1 Abilities: * Fight Combo - 100 AP - Fighter * Magic Sword Combo - 100 AP - Gladiator * Charge Combo - 100 AP - Mog Knight Bought/Acquired: Reward for completing a random Clan encounter Sale Price: 2000 Gil Ogun Blade Attack Power: 42 Effects: MA +2 Abilities: * Wild Swing - 200 AP - Fighter/Gladiator Bought/Acquired: For 15000 Gil, after the second shop upgrade Sale Price: 7500 Gil Paraiba Blade Attack Power: 33 Effects: MA +10, Evade +2 Abilities: * Check - 300 AP - Mog Knight Bought/Acquired: For 22000 Gil, after the second shop upgrade Sale Price: 11000 Gil Pearl Blade Attack Power: 46 Abilities: * Resist - 300 AP - Mog Knight Bought/Acquired: Random reward for completing a Mission Sale Price: 2000 Gil Shadow Blade Attack Power: 32 Effects: Evade +2 Abilities: * Beatdown - 200 AP - Fighter/Gladiator * Accel - 200 AP - Mog Knight Bought/Acquired: For 2500 Gil, after the first shop upgrade Sale Price: 1250 Gil Sun Blade Attack Power: 37 Effects: Speed +2 Abilities: * Blitz - 200 AP - Fighter/Gladiator Bought/Acquired: For 3000 Gil, after the first shop upgrade Sale Price: 1500 Gil Sweep Blade Attack Power: 28 Abilities: * Rush - 100 AP - Fighter/Gladiator Bought/Acquired: For 1500 Gil Sale Price: 750 Gil Venus Blade Attack Power: 45 Effects: Inflicts Fire elemental damage; MA +2, Speed +2; Cancels Fire and halves Ice elemental damage Abilities: * Doublehand - 300 AP - Fighter/Gladiator Bought/Acquired: Random reward for completing a Mission, prize for reaching Combat Skill Level 15, and reward for a "Forest-Forest-Jagd-Jagd" Treasure Hunt Sale Price: 11000 Gil ====== Sabers ====== Note: Cresent shaped blades used in the orient. Can only be used by Blue Mages. Aqua Saber Attack Power: 36 Effects: Inflicts Water elemental damage; Evade +6 Abilities: N/A Bought/Acquired: For 3700 Gil, after the second shop upgrade Sale Price: 1850 Gil Blue Saber Attack Power: 25 Effects: Speed +2 Abilities: * Learning - 400 AP - Blue Mage Bought/Acquired: For 1000 Gil, after the first shop upgrade Sale Price: 500 Gil Harpe Attack Power: 42 Effects: DEF +5 Abilities: N/A Bought/Acquired: Random reward for completing a Mission Sale Price: 1000 Gil Manganese Attack Power: 47 Effects: DEF +10, Evade +3 Abilities: N/A Bought/Acquired: Prize for reaching Collection Skill Level 35 Sale Price: 500 Gil Mythril Saber Attack Power: 32 Effects: Jump +1 Abilities: * Blue Combo - 100 AP - Blue Mage Bought/Acquired: Reward for completing a random Clan encounter Sale Price: 2000 Gil Shamshir Attack Power: 31 Effects: Evade +2 Abilities: N/A Bought/Acquired: For 2200 Gil, after the first shop upgrade, and a random reward for completing a Mission Sale Price: 1100 Gil Soulsaber Attack Power: 39 Effects: Inflicts Fire elemental damage; RES +10, Evade +5 Abilities: N/A Bought/Acquired: Reward for clearing "Voodoo Doll (266)" Sale Price: 500 Gil Tulwar Attack Power: 55 Effects: DEF +10, RES +10, Speed +2 Abilities: N/A Bought/Acquired: Steal (hidden) from Blue Mage in Jagd Hunt (012), and a reward for a "Town-Town-Plain-Plain" Treasure Hunt Sale Price: 3000 Gil ============ Knightswords ============ Note: Large magical swords that empower the wielder with unforeseeable power. Can only be used by Paladins, Defenders and Templars. Apocalypse Attack Power: 32 Effects: Inflicts Dark elemental damage Abilities: * Rasp - 100 AP - Templar Bought/Acquired: For 3000 Gil, after the first shop upgrade Sale Price: 1500 Gil Arch Sword Attack Power: 48 Abilities: * Saint Cross - 300 AP - Paladin * Soul Sphere - 300 AP - Templar Bought/Acquired: Random reward for completing a Mission, and a prize for reaching Combat & Magic Level 10 Sale Price: 4000 Gil Defender Attack Power: 37 Abilities: * Nurse - 100 AP - Paladin * Hibernate - 100 AP - Defender Bought/Acquired: For 5000 Gil, after the second shop upgrade, and a random reward for completing a Mission Sale Price: 2500 Gil Excalibur Attack Power: 47 Effects: Inflicts Holy elemental damage; MA +2, Speed +1, Evade +5; Strengthens and cancels Holy elemental damage Abilities: * Holy Blade - 300 AP - Paladin Bought/Acquired: Random reward for completing a Mission, a prize for reaching Combat & Magic Skill Level 20, and reward for a "Mountain-Mountain-Desert-Desert" Treasure Hunt Sale Price: 7000 Gil Excalibur2 Attack Power: 87 Effects: MA +3, Speed +4, Evade +5 Abilities: N/A Bought/Acquired: Reward for clearing "The Hero Blade (098)" Sale Price: 500 Gil Lionheart Attack Power: 34 Effects: DEF +2, RES +1 Abilities: * Defense - 200 AP - Paladin/Defender Bought/Acquired: For 4000 Gil, after the first shop upgrade Sale Price: 2000 Gil Lohengrin Attack Power: 46 Abilities: * Aura - 300 AP - Defender * Haste - 200 AP - Templar Bought/Acquired: For 12000 Gil, after the second shop upgrade, and a random reward for completing a Mission Sale Price: 6000 Gil Mythril Brand Attack Power: 32 Effects: Jump +1 Abilities: * Knight Combo - 100 AP - Paladin * Defend Combo - 100 AP - Defender * Sacred Combo - 100 AP - Templar Bought/Acquired: Reward for completing a random Clan encounter Sale Price: 2000 Gil Nagrarok Attack Power: 75 Effects: Speed +6, Move +1 Abilities: N/A Bought/Acquired: Reward for clearing "Valuable Fake (286)" Sale Price: 500 Gil Ragnarok Attack Power: 36 Effects: MA +5 Abilities: * Drop Weapon - 200 AP - Paladin/Defender * Silence - 200 AP - Templar Bought/Acquired: For 7000 Gil, after the first shop upgrade Sale Price: 3500 Gil SaveTheQueen Attack Power: 45 Effects: Holy elemental damage; DEF +3, RES +3, Evade +5; Strengthens Holy elemental damage Abilities: * Cover - 200 AP - Paladin * Expert Guard - 300 AP - Defender * Astra - 100 AP - Templar Bought/Acquired: Random reward for completing a Mission Sale Price: 2000 Gil Sequence Attack Power: 32 Effects: DEF +2, MA +5, RES +2, Speed +2, Move +1, Jump +1, Evade +2 Abilities: N/A Bought/Acquired: Reward for clearing "Battle Tourney (040)" Sale Price: 500 Gil =========== Greatswords =========== Note: Giant swords which are wielded by using two hands and resting the handle on a knee, sometimes called Zweihanders. Can only be used by Soldiers and Paladins. Ancient Sword Attack Power: 32 Effects: Cancels Stone Abilities: * Magicbreak - 200 AP - Soldier * Subdue - 200 AP - Paladin Bought/Acquired: For 2000 Gil, after the first shop upgrade, and a random reward for completing a Mission Sale Price: 1000 Gil Barong Attack Power: 30 Abilities: * Powerbreak - 200 AP - Soldier * Parley - 200 AP - Paladin Bought/Acquired: For 900 Gil, and a random reward for completing a Mission Sale Price: 450 Gil Diamond Sword Attack Power: 32 Effects: Cancels Slow Abilities: * Mug - 300 AP - Soldier Bought/Acquired: Random reward for completing a Mission Sale Price: 600 Gil Hardedge Attack Power: 42 Effects: Cancels Doom Abilities: N/A Bought/Acquired: Random reward for completing a Mission, and a prize for reaching Smithing Skill Level 5 Sale Price: 1200 Gil Iceprism Attack Power: 45 Effects: Inflicts Ice elemental damage; Cancels Silence and Fire elemental damage Abilities: N/A Bought/Acquired: Swap Cyril Ice for it in the "Snow Fairy (109)" Mission Sale Price: 500 Gil Lurebreaker Attack Power: 51 Effects: Cancels Sleep Abilities: N/A Bought/Acquired: Reward for clearing "Refurbishing (289)" Sale Price: 500 Gil Master Sword Attack Power: 59 Effects: Cancels KO Abilities: N/A Bought/Acquired: Reward for clearing "Fabled Sword (288)" Sale Price: 500 Gil Oblige Attack Power: 48 Effects: Cancels Charm Abilities: N/A Bought/Acquired: Reward for clearing "Come On Out (267)" Sale Price: 500 Gil Vigilante Attack Power: 37 Effects: Cancels Confusion Abilities: * Monkey Grip - 300 AP - Soldier Bought/Acquired: Random reward for completing a Mission Sale Price: 2000 Gil Zankplus Attack Power: 49 Effects: Cancels Poison Abilities: N/A Bought/Acquired: Reward for clearing "Weaver's War (287)" Sale Price: 500 Gil =========== Broadswords =========== Note: Swords with wide-blades used for defending and attacking, favorite of the Bangaa Tribe. Can only be used by Warriors and Defenders. Beastsword Attack Power: 50 Effects: DEF +5 Abilities: N/A Bought/Acquired: Reward for clearing "Alba Cave (269)" Sale Price: 500 Gil Claymore Attack Power: 49 Effects: DEF +5 Abilities: * Monkey Grip - 300 AP - Warrior Bought/Acquired: Random reward for completing a Mission Sale Price: 3000 Gil Eclipse Attack Power: 76 Effects: DEF +5, MA +5 Abilities: N/A Bought/Acquired: Prize for reaching Smithing Skill Level 40 Sale Price: 500 Gil El Cid Sword Attack Power: 47 Effects: DEF +10 Abilities: * Tremor - 100 AP - Defender Bought/Acquired: Random reward for completing a Mission, and a prize for reaching Smithing Skill Level 15 Sale Price: 800 Gil Estreledge Attack Power: 77 Effects: DEF +5, RES +5 Abilities: N/A Bought/Acquired: From Cyril for 25000 Gil, after the third shop upgrade, and reward for a "Town-Town-Mountain-Mountain" Treasure Hunt Sale Price: 500 Gil Falchion Attack Power: 27 Effects: DEF +5 Abilities: * Magicbreak - 200 AP - Warrior Bought/Acquired: For 1200 Gil, and a random reward for completing a Mission Sale Price: 600 Gil Predator Attack Power: 37 Effects: DEF +5 Abilities: * Last Berserk - 300 AP - Defender Bought/Acquired: For 4000 Gil, after the second shop upgrade, and a random reward for completing a Mission Sale Price: 2000 Gil Rhomphaia Attack Power: 57 Effects: DEF +5 Abilities: N/A Bought/Acquired: Reward for clearing "Food For Truth (268)" Sale Price: 500 Gil Samson Sword Attack Power: 32 Effects: Inflicts Earth elemental damage; DEF +5 Abilities: * Powerbreak - 200 AP - Warrior Bought/Acquired: For 2500 Gil, after the first shop upgrade, and a random reward for completing a Mission Sale Price: 1250 Gil Striborg Attack Power: 33 Effects: DEF +5 Abilities: * Body Slam - 300 AP - Warrior * Mow Down - 200 AP - Defender Bought/Acquired: For 5000 Gil, after the second shop upgrade Sale Price: 2500 Gil Tabarise Attack Power: 47 Effects: DEF +5, Speed +2, Evade +2 Abilities: N/A Bought/Acquired: Reward for clearing "Stone Secret (290)" Sale Price: 500 Gil Vajra Attack Power: 45 Effects: Inflicts Thunder elemental damage; DEF +5, RES +5; Strengthens Thunder elemental damage Abilities: * Meltdown - 200 AP - Defender Bought/Acquired: Prize for reaching Smithing Skill Level 30, and a reward for a "Jagd-Jagd-Jagd" Treasure Hunt Sale Price: 500 Gil ====== Knives ====== Note: Concealable bladed melee weapons. Can only be used by Thieves and Jugglers. Cinquedea Attack Power: 57 Effects: Speed +5, Evade +2 Abilities: * Steal: Ability - 300 AP - Thief Bought/Acquired: Prize for reaching Negotiation Skill Level 30, and a reward for a "Forest-Forest-Desert-Desert" Treasure Hunt Sale Price: 500 Gil Jack Knife Attack Power: 22 Effects: Evade +1 Abilities: * Steal: Gil - 100 AP - Thief * Gil - 100 AP - Juggler Bought/Acquired: For 200 Gil Sale Price: 100 Gil Jambiya Attack Power: 31 Effects: MA + 2, Evade +1 Abilities: * Steal: Access. - 300 AP - Thief * Dagger - 300 AP - Juggler Bought/Acquired: For 1700 Gil Sale Price: 850 Gil Kard Attack Power: 35 Effects: Evade +2 Abilities: * Steal: Helm - 300 AP - Thief Bought/Acquired: For 7000 Gil, after the second shop upgrade Sale Price: 3500 Gil Khukuri Attack Power: 37 Effects: Speed +2, Evade +1 Abilities: * Steal: EXP - 100 AP - Thief * Molotov Cocktail - 300 AP - Juggler Bought/Acquired: For 5000 Gil, after the second shop upgrade, and a random reward for completing a Mission Sale Price: 2500 Gil Kris Knife Attack Power: 30 Effects: RES +5, Evade +1 Abilities: * Throw - 100 AP - Juggler Bought/Acquired: For 3000 Gil, after the second shop upgrade, and a random reward for completing a Mission Sale Price: 1500 Gil Mythril Knife Attack Power: 32 Effects: Jump +1, Evade +1 Abilities: * Thief Combo - 100 AP - Thief * Acrobat Combo - 100 AP - Juggler Bought/Acquired: Reward for completing a random Clan encounter Sale Price: 2000 Gil Orichalcum Attack Power: 60 Effects: RES +2, Evade +1 Abilities: * Steal: JP - 300 AP - Thief * Smile - 300 AP - Juggler Bought/Acquired: Random reward for completing a Mission, and a prize for reaching Negotiation Skill Level 25 Sale Price: 4000 Gil Rondell Dagger Attack Power: 33 Effects: Evade +1; Cancels "Don't Move" and "Don't Act" Abilities: * Steal: Armor - 300 AP - Thief * Hoop - 200 AP - Juggler Bought/Acquired: For 10000 Gil, after the second shop upgrade, and a random reward for completing a Mission Sale Price: 5000 Gil Scramasax Attack Power: 29 Effects: Evade +1 Abilities: * Steal: Shield - 200 AP - Thief * Ball - 200 AP - Juggler Bought/Acquired: For 900 Gil Sale Price: 450 Gil Sword Breaker Attack Power: 39 Effects: Evade +2 Abilities: * Steal: Weapon - 300 AP - Thief Bought/Acquired: Random reward for completing a Mission Sale Price: 2000 Gil Tiptaptwo Attack Power: 35 Effects: Speed +15; Cancels Slow Abilities: N/A Bought/Acquired: From Cadoan for 27000 Gil, after the fifth shop upgrade, and reward for a "Town-Town-Marsh-Marsh" Treasure Hunt Sale Price: 500 Gil Tonberrian Attack Power: 37 Effects: Speed +10 Abilities: N/A Bought/Acquired: Reward for clearing "The Wanderer (039)" and "The Performer (270)" Sale Price: 500 Gil Zorlin Shape Attack Power: 38 Effects: Speed + 1, Evade +1 Abilities: N/A Bought/Acquired: Random reward for completing a Mission Sale Price: 1000 Gil ======= Rapiers ======= Note: Light swords used for piercing armour rather then cleaving it. Can only be used by Fencers, Elementalists and Red Mages. Aerial Hole Attack Power: 43 Effects: Inflicts Wind elemental damage; MA +8, Speed +2 Abilities: N/A Bought/Acquired: Reward for clearing "One More Time (271)" Sale Price: 500 Gil Colichemarde Attack Power: 36 Effects: Speed +2; Cancels Beserk Abilities: * Magic Pow+ - 300 AP - Red Mage Bought/Acquired: Random reward for completing a Mission, and a prize for reaching Negotiation Skill Level 20 Sale Price: 3000 Gil Diabolique Attack Power: 41 Effects: Inflicts Dark elemental damage; RES +5, Speed +2; Cancels Dark elemental damage Abilities: N/A Bought/Acquired: N/A Sale Price: 500 Gil Djinn Flyssa Attack Power: 34 Effects: Inflicts Wind elemental damage; RES +2, Speed +2, Evade +2; Strengthens and cancels Wind elemental damage Abilities: * Swallow Tail - 300 AP - Fencer * Shinning Air - 200 AP - Elementalist Bought/Acquired: Random reward for completing a Mission Sale Price: 1000 Gil Epeprism Attack Power: 37 Effects: Speed +2; Halves Holy and Dark elemental damage Abilities: * Property Shift - 300 AP - Elementalist Bought/Acquired: Random reward for completing a Mission, and reward for a "Marsh-Marsh-Desert-Desert" Treasure Hunt Sale Price: 7000 Gil Estoc Attack Power: 32 Effects: Speed +2 Abilities: * Thrust Feather - 200 AP - Fencer * Sleep - 200 AP - Red Mage * Heavy Dust - 200 AP - Elementalist Bought/Acquired: For 3000 Gil, after the first shop upgrade Sale Price: 1500 Gil Femme Fatale Attack Power: 49 Effects: Speed +2; Cancels Doom Abilities: N/A Bought/Acquired: Steal from Ritz in "Over The Hill (023)" Sale Price: 500 Gil Flamberge Attack Power: 35 Effects: DEF +5, Speed +2 Abilities: * Hard Impulse - 200 AP - Fencer * Blizzard - 100 AP - Red Mage * White Flame - 100 AP - Elementalist Bought/Acquired: For 5000 Gil, after the first shop upgrade Sale Price: 2500 Gil Fleuret Attack Power: 27 Effects: Speed +2 Abilities: * Cure - 100 AP - Red Mage * Earth Heal - 200 AP - Elementalist Bought/Acquired: For 800 Gil Sale Price: 400 Gil Gupti Aga Attack Power: 38 Effects: Speed +2 Abilities: * Check Mate - 300 AP - Fencer Bought/Acquired: Random reward for completing a Mission Sale Price: 5000 Gil Joyeuse Attack Power: 37 Effects: RES +5, Speed +2 Abilities: * Night Hawk - 300 AP - Fencer * Gazing Evil - 300 AP - Elementalist Bought/Acquired: Random reward for completing a Mission Sale Price: 2000 Gil Last Letter Attack Power: 45 Effects: Speed +2, Evade +3 Abilities: N/A Bought/Acquired: Reward for clearing the "Cursed Bride (092)" Mission Sale Price: 500 Gil Madu Attack Power: 33 Effects: Speed +2 Abilities: * Chain Magic - 999 AP - Red Mage Bought/Acquired: Prize for reaching Negotiation Skill Level 40, and a reward for a "Forest-Forest-Marsh-Marsh" Treasure Hunt Sale Price: 500 Gil Mage Masher Attack Power: 34 Effects: MA +5, RES +10, Speed +2 Abilities: * Blue Passion - 300 AP - Fencer * Barrier - 300 AP - Red Mage Bought/Acquired: For 8000 Gil, after the second shop upgrade, and a random reward for completing a Mission Sale Price: 4000 Gil Mythril Rapier Attack Power: 32 Effects: Speed +2, Jump +1 Abilities: * Thrust Combo - 100 AP - Fencer * Spirit Combo - 100 AP - Elementalist * Red Combo - 100 AP - Red Mage Bought/Acquired: Reward for completing a random Clan encounter Sale Price: 500 Gil Scarlette Attack Power: 27 Effects: Inflicts Fire elemental damage; MA +2, Speed +2 Abilities: * Fire - 100 AP - Red Mage * Fire Whip - 100 AP - Elementalist Bought/Acquired: For 1500 Gil Sale Price: 750 Gil Silver Rapier Attack Power: 35 Effects: Speed +2 Abilities: * Stuck Shadow - 200 AP - Fencer * Slippy Rain - 200 AP - Elementalist * Poison - 100 AP - Red Mage Bought/Acquired: Random reward for completing a Mission Sale Price: 500 Gil Stinger Attack Power: 25 Effects: Speed +2 Abilities: * Tiny Bugs - 100 AP - Fencer * Thunder - 100 AP - Red Mage Bought/Acquired: For 400 Gil Sale Price: 200 Gil ======= Katanas ======= Note: Extremely sharp Japanese swords used by spys and assassins. Can only be used by Ninjas and Assassins. Ashura Attack Power: 33 Effects: Inflicts Fire damage Abilities: * Fire Veil - 200 AP - Ninja Bought/Acquired: For 7000 Gil, after the first shop upgrade Sale Price: 3500 Gil Charfire Attack Power: 47 Effects: Speed +2 Abilities: N/A Bought/Acquired: Reward for clearing "Spring Tree (272)" Sale Price: 500 Gil Heaven's Cloud Attack Power: 39 Effects: Inflicts Holy elemental damage; RES +5; Absorbs Holy elemental damage Abilities: * Unspell - 300 AP - Ninja Bought/Acquired: For 15000 Gil, after the second shop upgrade, and a random reward for completing a Mission Sale Price: 7500 Gil Kikuichimonji Attack Power: 40 Effects: RES +5 Abilities: * Metal Veil - 200 AP - Ninja * Nightmare - 300 AP - Assassin Bought/Acquired: For 12000 Gil, after the second shop upgrade, and a random reward for completing a Mission Sale Price: 6000 Gil Kotetsu Attack Power: 37 Abilities: * Wood Veil - 200 AP - Ninja * Seal - 300 AP - Assassin Bought/Acquired: For 10000 Gil, after the first shop upgrade, and a random reward for completing a Mission Sale Price: 5000 Gil Masamune Attack Power: 65 Abilities: * Oblivion - 300 AP - Ninja/Assassin Bought/Acquired: From Muscadet for 25000 Gil, after the fifth shop upgrade, and a random reward for completing a Mission Sale Price: 500 Gil Masamune 100 Attack Power: 79 Effects: MA +5 Abilities: N/A Bought/Acquired: Reward for clearing "The Fey Blade (099)" Sale Price: 500 Gil Murasame Attack Power: 31 Effects: Inflicts Water elemental damage Abilities: * Water Veil - 200 AP - Ninja * Loose Voice - 200 AP - Assassin Bought/Acquired: For 5000 Gil, after the first shop upgrade Sale Price: 2500 Gil Mythril Epee Attack Power: 32 Effects: Jump +1 Abilities: * Ninja Combo - 100 AP - Ninja * Lead Combo - 100 AP - Assassin Bought/Acquired: Reward for completing a random Clan encounter Sale Price: 2000 Gil Ninja Knife Attack Power: 31 Abilities: * Throw - 100 AP - Ninja Bought/Acquired: For 2000 Gil, after the first shop upgrade, and a random reward for completing a Mission Sale Price: 1000 Gil Nosada Attack Power: 42 Abilities: * Double Sword - 999 AP - Ninja Bought/Acquired: Random reward for completing a Mission, and a prize for reaching Smithing Skill Level 20 Sale Price: 8000 Gil Osafune Attack Power: 35 Effects: DEF +5 Abilities: * Earth Veil - 200 AP - Ninja Bought/Acquired: For 8000 Gil, after the first shop upgrade Sale Price: 4000 Gil Petalchaser Attack Power: 34 Abilities: * Breath Stop - 300 AP - Assassin Bought/Acquired: Random reward for completing a Mission, and a prize for reaching Smithing Skill Level 10 Sale Price: 3000 Gil Silkmoon Attack Power: 55 Effects: Evade +2 Abilities: N/A Bought/Acquired: Reward for clearing "Snow Flower Romance (291)" Sale Price: 500 Gil Zanmato Attack Power: 22 Effects: Inflicts Holy elemental damage; MA +2; Strengthens Holy and halves Dark elemental damage Abilities: * Ultima Shear - 999 AP - Assassin Bought/Acquired: Reward for clearing "Wanted! (029)", and a prize for reaching Smithing Skill Level 50 Sale Price: 500 Gil ====== Staves ====== Note: Magical staffs which are embedded with holy magic. Can only be used by White Mages, Bishops and Summoners. Bless Staff Attack Power: 23 Effects: RES +5 Abilities: * Life - 200 AP - White Mage * Dispel - 200 AP - Bishop Bought/Acquired: For 4000 Gil, after the first shop upgrade, and a random reward for completing a Mission Sale Price: 2000 Gil Cheer Staff Attack Power: 32 Effects: DEF +5, Evade +2 Abilities: * Auto-Life - 200 AP - White Mage * Judge - 300 AP - Bishop * Madeen - 300 AP - Summoner Bought/Acquired: Random reward for completing a Mission. Sale Price: 4000 Gil Cure Staff Attack Power: 29 Effects: Recovers target's HP; RES +5 Abilities: * Cura - 200 AP - White Mage/Bishop * Kirin - 200 AP - Summoner Bought/Acquired: For 7000 Gil, after the second shop upgrade Sale Price: 3500 Gil Dream Watcher Attack Power: 43 Effects: MA +10, RES +15 Abilities: N/A Bought/Acquired: Prize for reaching Magic Skill Level 50 Sale Price: 500 Gil Garnet Staff Attack Power: 31 Effects: DEF +5, RES +5 Abilities: * Barrier - 300 AP - Bishop * Carbunkle - 300 AP - Summoner Bought/Acquired: For 9000 Gil, after the second shop upgrade Sale Price: 4500 Gil Guard Staff Attack Power: 21 Effects: DEF +5, RES +5 Abilities: * Protect - 100 AP - White Mage * Ifrit - 200 AP - Summoner Bought/Acquired: For 800 Gil Sale Price: 400 Gil Judge Staff Attack Power: 21 Effects: Inflicts Thunder elemental damage; MA +3, RES +5 Abilities: * Shell - 100 AP - White Mage * Aero - 200 AP - Bishop * Ramuh - 200 AP - Summoner Bought/Acquired: For 1500 Gil Sale Price: 750 Gil Mythril Staff Attack Power: 32 Effects: RES +5, Jump +1 Abilities: * White Combo - 100 AP - White Mage * Pray Combo - 100 AP - Bishop * Summon Combo - 100 AP - Summoner Bought/Acquired: Reward for completing a random Clan encounter Sale Price: 2000 Gil Nirvana Staff Attack Power: 34 Effects: Inflicts Holy elemental damage; RES +10 Abilities: * Full-Life - 300 AP - White Mage * Holy - 300 AP - Bishop * Phoenix - 300 AP - Summoner Bought/Acquired: Random reward for completing a Mission, and reward for "Cave-Cave-Jagd-Jagd" Treasure Hunt Sale Price: 6000 Gil Power Staff Attack Power: 45 Effects: DEF +6, RES +5 Abilities: N/A Bought/Acquired: Reward for clearing "Who Am I? (273)" Sale Price: 500 Gil Pure Staff Attack Power: 23 Effects: RES +5 Abilities: * Esuna - 200 AP - White Mage * Unicorn - 200 AP - Summoner Bought/Acquired: For 3000 Gil, after the first shop upgrade, and a random reward for completing a Mission Sale Price: 1500 Gil Snake Staff Attack Power: 29 Effects: RES +5; Cancels Stone Abilities: * Break - 200 AP - Bishop * Shiva - 200 AP - Summoner Bought/Acquired: Random reward for completing a Mission. Sale Price: 600 Gil Spring Staff Attack Power: 28 Effects: Inflicts Water elemental damage; RES +5; Cancels Water elemental damage Abilities: * Curaga - 300 AP - White Mage * Water - 200 AP - Bishop Bought/Acquired: Random reward for completing a Mission, and a prize for reaching Magic Skill Level 10 Sale Price: 1000 Gil White Staff Attack Power: 19 Effects: Purges Doom from Target; RES +5 Abilities: * Cure - 100 AP - White Mage Bought/Acquired: For 500 Gil Sale Price: 250 Gil ==== Rods ==== Note: Magical rods embedded with dark magic. Can only be used by Black Mages, Illusionists and Time Mages. Chill Rod Attack Power: 27 Effects: Inflicts Ice elemental damage; MA +2; Strengthens Ice elemental damage Abilities: * Blizzaga - 300 AP - Black Mage * Stop - 300 AP - Time Mage * Deluge - 200 AP - Illusionist Bought/Acquired: Random reward for completing a Mission Sale Price: 4000 Gil Firewheel Rod Attack Power: 21 Effects: Inflicts Fire elemental damage; MA +2 Abilities: * Fira - 200 AP - Black Mage * Haste - 200 AP - Time Mage * Prominence - 100 AP - Illusionist Bought/Acquired: For 1500 Gil, after the first shop upgrade, and a random reward for completing a Mission Sale Price: 750 Gil Flame Rod Attack Power: 27 Effects: Inflicts Fire elemental damage; MA +2; Strengthens Fire elemental damage Abilities: * Firaga - 300 AP - Black Mage Bought/Acquired: Random reward for completing a Mission Sale Price: 1000 Gil Force Rod Attack Power: 25 Effects: MA +5 Abilities: * Quarter - 200 AP - Time Mage Bought/Acquired: For 5000 Gil, after the second shop upgrade, and a random reward for completing a Mission Sale Price: 2500 Gil Heretic Rod Attack Power: 31 Effects: Inflicts Dark elemental damage; MA +20 Abilities: N/A Bought/Acquired: Reward for clearing "Flan Breakout! (093)" Sale Price: 500 Gil Mythril Rod Attack Power: 32 Effects: MA +2, Jump +1 Abilities: * Black Combo - 100 AP - Black Mage * Time Combo - 100 AP - Time Mage * Spell Combo - 100 AP - Illusionist Bought/Acquired: Reward for completing a random Clan encounter Sale Price: 2000 Gil Princess Rod Attack Power: 35 Effects: DEF +5, MA +2, RES +5, Evade +2; Strengthens Wind, Earth and Water elemental damage Abilities: * Star Cross - 300 AP - Illusionist Bought/Acquired: From Baguba Port for 20000 Gil, after the fourth shop upgrade, and reward for a "Town-Town-Desert-Desert" Treasure Hunt Sale Price: 500 Gil Rod Attack Power: 18 Effects: MA +2 Abilities: * Fire - 100 AP - Black Mage * Thunder - 100 AP - Black Mage * Blizzard - 100 AP - Black Mage Bought/Acquired: For 600 Gil Sale Price: 300 Gil Sapere Aude Attack Power: 18 Effects: DEF +2, MA +5, RES +2, Speed +2, Move +1, Jump +1, Evade +2 Abilities: N/A Bought/Acquired: Reward for clearing "Mage Tourney (041)" Sale Price: 500 Gil Sleet Rod Attack Power: 21 Effects: Inflicts Ice elemental damage; MA +2 Abilities: * Blizzara - 200 AP - Black Mage * Silence - 200 AP - Time Mage * Freezeblink - 100 AP - Illusionist Bought/Acquired: For 1500 Gil, after the first shop upgrade, and a random reward for completing a Mission Sale Price: 750 Gil Stardust Rod Attack Power: 29 Effects: MA +5 Abilities: * Demi - 300 AP - Time Mage * Stardust - 300 AP - Illusionist Bought/Acquired: Random reward for completing a Mission, and a prize for reaching Magic Skill Level 30 Sale Price: 7000 Gil Terre Rod Attack Power: 23 Effects: Earth elemental damage; MA +2; Strengthens Earth elemental damage Abilities: * Slow - 200 AP - Time Mage * Soil Evidence - 200 AP - Illusionist Bought/Acquired: For 2700 Gil, after the first shop upgrade, and a random reward for completing a Mission Sale Price: 1350 Gil Thor Rod Attack Power: 27 Effects: Inflicts Thunder elemental damage; MA +2; Strengthens Thunder elemental damage Abilities: * Thundaga - 300 AP - Black Mage * Quicken - 300 AP - Time Mage * Wild Tornado - 200 AP - Illusionist Bought/Acquired: Random reward for completing a Mission, and a prize for reaching Magic Skill Level 25 Sale Price: 2000 Gil Thunder Rod Attack Power: 21 Effects: Inflicts Thunder elemental damage; MA +2 Abilities: * Thundara - 200 AP - Black Mage * Reflect - 300 AP - Time Mage * Tempest - 100 AP - Illusionist Bought/Acquired: For 1500 Gil, after the first shop upgrade, and a random reward for completing a Mission Sale Price: 750 Gil ===== Maces ===== Note: Mace type weapons embedded with mystic magic. Can only be used by Alchemists and Sages. Battle Mace Attack Power: 31 Abilities: * Water - 200 AP - Sage * Aero - 200 AP - Sage Bought/Acquired: For 2000 Gil, after the first shop upgrade Sale Price: 1000 Gil Cactus Stick Attack Power: 62 Effects: MA +2, RES +5 Abilities: N/A Bought/Acquired: Prize for reaching Magic Skill Level 40, and reward for a "Forest-Forest-Plain-Plain" Treasure Hunt Sale Price: 500 Gil Druid Mace Attack Power: 33 Effects: MA +3, RES +5 Abilities: * Blind - 100 AP - Sage * Poison - 100 AP - Alchemist Bought/Acquired: For 6000 Gil, after the first shop upgrade Sale Price: 3000 Gil Energy Mace Attack Power: 29 Effects: MA+2, MD+5 Abilities: * Drain - 100 AP - Sage * Rasp - 200 AP - Alchemist Bought/Acquired: For 3500 Gil, after the first shop upgrade Sale Price: 1750 Gil Life Crosier Attack Power: 35 Effects: MA +2, RES +10 Abilities: * Raise - 300 AP - Sage * Death - 200 AP - Alchemist Bought/Acquired: Random reward for completing a Mission Sale Price: 6000 Gil Lotus Mace Attack Power: 37 Effects: Inflicts Fire elemental damage; MA +2, RES +5; Strengthens Fire elemental damage Abilities: * Giga Flare - 300 AP - Sage * Flare - 300 AP - Alchemist Bought/Acquired: Random reward for completing a Mission Sale Price: 8000 Gil Mandragora Attack Power: 37 Effects: Inflicts Earth elemental damage; MA +2, MD +5; Absorbs Earth elemental damage and cancels Poison Abilities: * Bio - 300 AP - Sage * Toad - 200 AP - Alchemist Bought/Acquired: Random reward for completing a Mission Sale Price: 2000 Gil Morning Star Attack Power: 33 Effects: MA +2, RES +5 Abilities: * Magic Pow+ - 300 AP - Alchemist Bought/Acquired: Random reward for completing a Mission Sale Price: 1300 Gil Mythril Mace Attack Power: 32 Effects: MA +2, RES +5, Jump +1 Abilities: * Gold Combo - 100 AP - Alchemist * Wise Combo - 100 AP - Sage Bought/Acquired: Reward for completing a random Clan encounter Sale Price: 2000 Gil Sage Crosier Attack Power: 31 Effects: MA +8, RES +8 Abilities: * Astra - 200 AP - Alchemist Bought/Acquired: For 9000 Gil, after the first shop upgrade Sale Price: 4500 Gil Scorpion Tail Attack Power: 38 Effects: MA +2, RES +5 Abilities: * Meteor - 300 AP - Alchemist Bought/Acquired: Random reward for completing a Mission Sale Price: 10000 Gil Vesper Attack Power: 39 Effects: MA +2, MD +5 Abilities: N/A Bought/Acquired: Reward for clearing "Staring Eyes (050)" Sale Price: 500 Gil Zeus Mace Attack Power: 15 Effects: Inflicts Holy elemental damage; MA +5, RES +5; Strengthens Holy elemental damage Abilities: * Ultima Blow - 999 AP - Sage Bought/Acquired: Steal (hidden) from Alchemist in "Golden Clock (014)", and reward for a "Plain-Plain-Mountain-Mountain" Treasure Hunt Sale Price: 500 Gil ==== Bows ==== Note: Bows which require both hands to fire arrows at a range of 5-7 panels. Can only be used by Archers. Artemis Bow Attack Power: 27 Range: 7 Abilities: * Cupid - 200 AP - Archer Bought/Acquired: Random reward for completing a Mission Sale Price: 500 Gil Char Bow Attack Power: 21 Range: 5 Abilities: * Blackout - 200 AP - Archer Bought/Acquired: For 700 Gil, and random reward for completing a Mission Sale Price: 350 Gil Crescent Bow Attack Power: 45 Range: 5 Abilities: N/A Bought/Acquired: Reward for clearing "Reaper Rumors (274)" Sale Price: 500 Gil Long Bow Attack Power: 19 Range: 5 Abilities: * Boost - 100 AP - Archer Bought/Acquired: For 300 Gil Sale Price: 150 Gil Malbow Attack Power: 55 Range: 5 Abilities: N/A Bought/Acquired: Reward for clearing "Carrot! (095)" Sale Price: 500 Gil Mythril Bow Attack Power: 32 Range: 5 Effects: Jump +1 Abilities: * Bow Combo - 100 AP - Archer Bought/Acquired: Reward for completing a random Clan encounter Sale Price: 2000 Gil Nail Bow Attack Power: 29 Range: 5 Abilities: * Aim: Arm - 200 AP - Archer Bought/Acquired: For 4000 Gil, after the second shop upgrade Sale Price: 2000 Gil Perseus Bow Attack Power: 42 Range: 6 Effects: Evade +2 Abilities: * Faster - 300 AP - Archer Bought/Acquired: Random reward for completing a Mission, and reward for "Desert-Desert-Jagd-Jagd" Treasure Hunt Sale Price: 5000 Gil Silver Bow Attack Power: 23 Range: 6 Abilities: * Burial - 300 AP - Archer Bought/Acquired: For 2500 Gil, after the first shop upgrade Sale Price: 1250 Gil Target Bow Attack Power: 35 Range: 5 Effects: Evade +5 Abilities: * Concentrate - 300 AP - Archer Bought/Acquired: Random reward for completing a Mission Sale Price: 3000 Gil Thorn Bow Attack Power: 25 Range: 5 Abilities: Aim: Legs - 200 AP - Archer Bought/Acquired: For 1500 Gil, and random reward for completing a Mission Sale Price: 750 Gil Yoichi Bow Attack Power: 33 Range: 5 Abilities: * Take Aim - 300 AP - Archer Bought/Acquired: Random reward for completing a Mission, and a prize for reaching Track Skill Level 5 Sale Price: 1500 Gil ========= Greatbows ========= Note: Hardy bows and crossbows which require both hands to fire arrows at a range of 5-7 panels. Can only be used by Hunters, Snipers and Assassins. Arbalest Attack Power: 42 Range: 5 Effects: Inflicts Earth elemental damage Abilities: N/A Bought/Acquired: Reward for clearing "Good Bread (276)" Sale Price: 500 Gil Cranequin Attack Power: 29 Range: 5 Abilities: * Sonic Boom - 200 AP - Hunter * Poison Baise - 200 AP - Assassin Bought/Acquired: For 5000 Gil, after the first shop upgrade Sale Price: 2500 Gil Fey Bow Attack Power: 31 Range: 6 Effects: Inflicts Wind elemental damage; Evade +2 Abilities: * Aim: Vitals - 300 AP - Hunter * Aim at Armor - 300 AP - Sniper * Shadow Stitch - 200 AP - Assassin Bought/Acquired: Random reward for completing a Mission Sale Price: 2000 Gil Gastra Bow Attack Power: 51 Range: 7 Abilities: N/A Bought/Acquired: Reward for a "Plain-Plain-Plain" Treasure Hunt Sale Price: 500 Gil Hades Bow Attack Power: 33 Range: 5 Effects: Dark elemental damage Abilities: * Sidewinder - 300 AP - Hunter * Death Sickle - 300 AP - Sniper Bought/Acquired: Random reward for completing a Mission, and a prize for reaching Track Skill Level 15 Sale Price: 5000 Gil Hunt Bow Attack Power: 33 Range: 5 Abilities: * Hunting - 300 AP - Hunter * Aim at Wallet - 300 AP - Sniper Bought/Acquired: From Muscadet for 40000 Gil, after the fourth shop upgrade Sale Price: 500 Gil Marduk Bow Attack Power: 39 Range: 7 Abilities: N/A Bought/Acquired: Reward for clearing "Dog Days (275)" Sale Price: 500 Gil Master Bow Attack Power: 41 Range: 5 Effects: Evade +2 Abilities: * Addle - 200 AP - Hunter * Aim at Weapon - 300 AP - Sniper Bought/Acquired: Random reward for completing a Mission Sale Price: 10000 Gil Max's Oathbow Attack Power: 61 Range: 6 Effects: Inflicts Dark elemental damage; MA +2 Abilities: * Magic Bullets - 300 AP - Sniper Bought/Acquired: Prize for reaching Track Skill Level 40 Sale Price: 500 Gil Mythril Shot Attack Power: 32 Range: 5 Effects: Jump +1 Abilities: * Hunt Combo - 100 AP - Hunter * Snipe Combo - 100 AP - Sniper Bought/Acquired: Reward for completing a random Clan encounter Sale Price: 2000 Gil Nike Bow Attack Power: 37 Range: 5 Effects: Inflicts Thunder elemental damage; DEF +5 Abilities: * Weapon Atk+ - 300 AP - Hunter Bought/Acquired: Random reward for completing a Mission Sale Price: 7000 Gil Ranger Bow Attack Power: 23 Range: 5 Effects: Inflicts Earth elemental damage Abilities: * Capture - 200 AP - Hunter * Bad Cold - 200 AP - Assassin Bought/Acquired: For 2000 Gil, after the first shop upgrade Sale Price: 1000 Gil Seventh Heaven Attack Power: 15 Range: 5 Effects: Inflicts Holy elemental damage; Evade +5 Abilities: * Ultima Shot - 999 AP - Hunter Bought/Acquired: From Baguba Port for 23000 Gil, after the fifth shop upgrade Sale Price: 500 Gil Twin Bow Attack Power: 31 Range: 5 Abilities: * Advice - 100 AP - Hunter * Rapid-Fire - 300 AP - Snipers Bought/Acquired: For 8000 Gil, after the second shop upgrade, and a random reward for completing a Mission Sale Price: 4000 Gil Windslash Bow Attack Power: 25 Range: 5 Effects: Inflicts Wind elemental damage; Evade +2 Abilities: * Oust - 200 AP - Hunter * Ambush - 100 AP - Sniper Bought/Acquired: For 3000 Gil, after the first shop upgrade Sale Price: 1500 Gil ====== Spears ====== Note: Poles with a sharp tip used for skewering foes at a range of 2 panels. Can only be use by Dragoons and Templars. Bangaa Spike Attack Power: 53 Effects: DEF +5, MA +2, RES +5 Abilities: N/A Bought/Acquired: Reward for clearing "Sword Needed (277)" Sale Price: 500 Gil Beastspear Attack Power: 51 Effects: DEF +10 Abilities: N/A Bought/Acquired: Reward for clearing "Old Friends (107)", and reward for a "Plain-Plain-Desert-Desert" Treasure Hunt Sale Price: 500 Gil Dragon Whisker Attack Power: 45 Effects: Jump +1 Abilities: * Bangaa Cry - 200 AP - Dragoon Bought/Acquired: For 18000 Gil, after the second shop upgrade Sale Price: 9000 Gil Gae Bolg Attack Power: 39 Effects: Inflicts Thunder elemental damage Abilities: * Bolt Breath - 300 AP - Dragoon Bought/Acquired: For 14000 Gil, after the second shop upgrade Sale Price: 7000 Gil Ice Lance Attack Power: 35 Effects: Inflicts Ice elemental damage Abilities: * Ice Breath - 300 AP - Dragoon Bought/Acquired: For 8000 Gil, after the first shop upgrade Sale Price: 4000 Gil Javelin Attack Power: 31 Abilities: * Warcry - 300 AP - Templar * Jump - 100 AP - Dragoon Bought/Acquired: For 3000 Gil, after the first shop upgrade, and a random reward for completing a Mission Sale Price: 1500 Gil Kain's Lance Attack Power: 47 Effects: Jump +1 Abilities: * Lifebreak - 300 AP - Templar Bought/Acquired: Random reward for completing a Mission, and a prize for reaching Combat Skill Level 20 Sale Price: 3000 Gil Lava Spear Attack Power: 33 Effects: Inflicts Fire elemental damage Abilities: * Fire Breath - 300 AP - Dragoon Bought/Acquired: For 5000 Gil, after the first shop upgrade, and a random reward for completing a Mission Sale Price: 2500 Gil Mythril Spear Attack Power: 32 Effects: Jump +2 Abilities: * Dragon Combo - 100 AP - Dragoon Bought/Acquired: Reward for completing a random Clan encounter Sale Price: 2000 Gil Odin Lance Attack Power: 55 Abilities: N/A Bought/Acquired: Reward for clearing "A Stormy Night (292)" Sale Price: 500 Gil Partisan Attack Power: 42 Effects: Jump +1 Abilities: * Cheer - 100 AP - Templar Bought/Acquired: For 10000 Gil, after the first shop upgrade, and a random reward for completing a Mission Sale Price: 5000 Gil Trident Attack Power: 50 Effects: MA +2, Jump +1 Abilities: * Weapon Atk+ - 300 AP - Templar Bought/Acquired: Random reward for completing a Mission, and a prize for reaching Combat Skill Level 25 Sale Price: 6000 Gil =========== Instruments =========== Note: Mystical instruments which produce music that really speaks to living beings. Can only be used by Beastmasters and Animists. Aona Flute Attack Power: 32 Effects: RES +2; Cancel Poison elemental damage Abilities: * Malboro - 200 AP - Beastmaster * Bomb - 200 AP - Beastmaster * Frog Song - 200 AP - Animist Bought/Acquired: Random reward for completing a Mission Sale Price: 4000 Gil Black Quena Attack Power: 33 Effects: Inflicts Dark elemental damage; DEF +2 Abilities: * Floateye - 200 AP - Beastmaster * Undead - 200 AP - Beastmaster Bought/Acquired: For 7000 Gil, after the first shop upgrade, and a random reward for completing a Mission Sale Price: 3500 Gil Blood Strings Attack Power: 22 Effects: Absorb target's HP; Evade +1 Abilities: * Tonberry - 200 AP - Beastmaster * Meet my Friends - 300 AP - Animist Bought/Acquired: Random reward for completing a Mission, and a prize for reaching Craft Skill Level 25 Sale Price: 10000 Gil Conch Shell Attack Power: 31 Effects: DEF +2 Abilities: * Rockbeast 200 AP - Beastmaster Bought/Acquired: For 3000 Gil, after the first shop upgrade, and a random reward for completing a Mission Sale Price: 1500 Gil Dark Fiddle Attack Power: 45 Effects: Inflicts Dark elemental damage; Cancels Silence Abilities: N/A Bought/Acquired: Reward for clearing "Minstrel Song (293)" Sale Price: 500 Gil Demon Bell Attack Power: 22 Abilities: * Goblin - 200 AP - Beastmaster * Flan - 200 AP - Beastmaster * Bomb - 200 AP - Beastmaster Bought/Acquired: For 400 Gil Sale Price: 200 Gil Earth Bell Attack Power: 31 Effects: Inflicts Earth elemental damage; DEF +3; Absorbs Earth elemental damage Abilities: *Dragon 200 AP - Beastmaster * Wool 100% 200 AP - Animist Bought/Acquired: For 5000 Gil, after the first shop upgrade Sale Price: 2500 Gil Fairy Harp Attack Power: 29 Effects: MA +2 Abilities: * Fairy - 200 AP - Beastmaster * Bug - 200 AP - Beastmaster * Tail Wag - 200 AP - Animist Bought/Acquired: Random reward for completing a Mission Sale Price: 1000 Gil Fell Castanets Attack Power: 47 Effects: Inflicts Dark elemental damage Abilities: N/A Bought/Acquired: Reward for clearing "El Ritmo (278)" Sale Price: 500 Gil Glass Bell Attack Power: 25 Effects: RES +1; Cancels Sleep Abilities: * Lamia - 200 AP - Beastmaster * Flan - 200 AP - Beastmaster * 100 Sheep - 100 AP - Animist Bought/Acquired: For 1000 Gil Sale Price: 500 Gil Heal Chime Attack Power: 39 Effects: Inflicts Holy elemental damage; Evade +1; Cancels Doom Abilities: * Cook Away - 200 AP - Animist Bought/Acquired: Random reward for completing a Mission, and a prize for reaching Craft Skill Level 15 Sale Price: 8000 Gil Mythril Bell Attack Power: 32 Effects: Jump +1 Abilities: * Beast Combo - 100 AP - Beastmaster * Animal Combo - 100 AP - Animist Bought/Acquired: Reward for completing a random Clan encounter Sale Price: 2000 Gil Satyr Flute Attack Power: 35 Effects: Evade +1; Cancels Charm Abilities: * Chocobo Stampede - 300 AP - Animist Bought/Acquired: For 10000 Gil, after the first shop upgrade Sale Price: 5000 Gil War Trumpet Attack Power: 25 Effects: Evade +1 Abilities: * Panther - 200 AP - Beastmaster * Goblin - 200 AP - Beastmaster * Catnip - 100 AP - Animist Bought/Acquired: For 1700 Gil Sale Price: 850 Gil ======== Knuckles ======== Note: Gloves, claws and brass knuckles used to cause more damage with hand combat. Can only be used by White Monks and Gadgeteers. Cat Claws Attack Power: 35 Effects: Speed +2, Evade +1 Abilities: * Chakra - 200 AP - White Monk * Golden Battery - 200 AP - Gadgeteer Bought/Acquired: Random reward for completing a Mission. Sale Price: 1500 Gil Death Claws Attack Power: 43 Effects: Inflicts Dark elemental damage; Evade +1 Abilities: * Black Chip - 200 AP - Gadgeteer Bought/Acquired: Random reward for completing a Mission, and reward for a "Mountain-Mountain-Marsh-Marsh" Treasure Hunt Sale Price: 10000 Gil Dream Claws Attack Power: 39 Effects: Evade +1 Abilities: * Rainbow Magnet - 200 AP - Gadgeteer Bought/Acquired: For 3000 Gil Sale Price: 1600 Gil Godhand Attack Power: 39 Effects: Inflicts Holy elemental damage; MA +3, Speed +1, Evade +5 Abilities: * Far Fist - 200 AP - White Monk Bought/Acquired: Random reward for completing a Mission Sale Price: 6000 Gil Greaseburst Attack Power: 59 Effects: Evade +1 Abilities: N/A Bought/Acquired: Prize for reaching Collection Skill Level 40 Sale Price: 500 Gil Hard Knuckles Attack Power: 29 Effects: Evade +1 Abilities: * Whirlwind - 100 AP - White Monk * Silver Disc - 200 AP - Gadgeteer Bought/Acquired: For 500 Gil Sale Price: 250 Gil Kaiser Knuckles Attack Power: 42 Effects: Evade +1 Abilities: * Air Render - 200 AP - White Monk Bought/Acquired: For 5700 Gil, after the first shop upgrade, and a random reward for completing a Mission Sale Price: 2850 Gil Magic Hands Attack Power: 52 Effects: Evade +1 Abilities: N/A Bought/Acquired: Reward for clearing "Her Big Move (279)" Sale Price: 500 Gil Mythril Claws Attack Power: 32 Effects: Jump +1, Evade +1 Abilities: * Monk Combo - 100 AP - White Monk * Pandora Combo - 100 AP - Gadgeteer Bought/Acquired: Reward for completing a random Clan encounter Sale Price: 2000 Gil Rising Sun Attack Power: 31 Effects: Fire elemental damage; Evade +1 Abilities: * Exorcise - 300 AP - White Monk * Red Spring - 200 AP - Gadgeteer Bought/Acquired: For 1000 Gil Sale Price: 500 Gil Sick Knuckles Attack Power: 35 Effects: Evade +1 Abilities: * Green Gear - 200 AP - Gadgeteer Bought/Acquired: For 1000 Gil Sale Price: 1000 Gil Survivor Attack Power: 37 Effects: DEF +2, Evade +2 Abilities: * Revive - 300 AP - White Monk * Yellow Coil - 200 AP - Gadgeteer Bought/Acquired: Random reward for completing a Mission Sale Price: 2000 Gil Tiger Fangs Attack Power: 41 Effects: Inflicts Thunder elemental damage; Evade +2 Abilities: * Earth Render - 200 AP - White Monk Bought/Acquired: Random reward for completing a Mission, and a prize for reaching Collection Skill Level 25 Sale Price: 8000 Gil White Fangs Attack Power: 39 Effects: Inflicts Ice elemental damage; Evade +1 Abilities: * Holy Sign - 200 AP - White Monk * Blue Screw - 200 AP - Gadgeteer Bought/Acquired: Random reward for completing a Mission, and a prize for reaching Collection Skill Level 20 Sale Price: 4000 Gil ===== Souls ===== Note: Orbs which are embedded with the souls of captured monsters. Can only be used by Morphers. Bomb Soul Attack Power: 36 Effects: Inflicts Fire elemental damage; RES +2; Halves Fire elemental damage Abilities: * Bomb - 200 AP - Morpher Bought/Acquired: Successfully "Capture" a Bomb Sale Price: 1200 Gil Bug Soul Attack Power: 39 Effects: Inflicts Earth elemental damage; DEF +2, MA +2; Cancels Darkness Abilities: * Bug Soul - 200 AP - Morpher Bought/Acquired: Successfully "Capture" a Bug Sale Price: 1300 Gil Dragon Soul Attack Power: 43 Effects: DEF +5, MA +2; Absorb Earth elemental damage Abilities: * Dragon - 200 AP - Morpher Bought/Acquired: Successfully "Capture" a Dragon Sale Price: 2000 Gil Dread Soul Attack Power: 49 Effects: MA +2 Abilities: N/A Bought/Acquired: Reward for clearing "Last Stand (086)" Sale Price: 500 Gil Eye Soul Attack Power: 45 Effects: Inflicts Dark elemental damage; MA +2; Cancels Doom Abilities: * Floateye - 200 AP - Morpher Bought/Acquired: Successfully "Capture" a Floateye Sale Price: 1400 Gil Flan Soul Attack Power: 34 Effects: DEF +34, MA +10, RES +2; Halves Thunder elemental damage Abilities: * Flan - 200 AP - Morpher Bought/Acquired: Successfully "Capture" a Flan Sale Price: 1000 Gil Goblin Soul Attack Power: 32 Effects: MA +2, Evade +1; Halves Ice elemental damage Abilities: * Goblin - 200 AP - Morpher Bought/Acquired: Successfully "Capture" a Goblin Sale Price: 700 Gil Lamia Soul Attack Power: 41 Effects: Inflicts Water elemental damage; MA +2; Cancels Sleep Abilities: * Lamia - 200 AP - Morpher Bought/Acquired: Successfully "Capture" a Lamia Sale Price: 1500 Gil Malboro Soul Attack Power: 47 Effects: MA +2, RES +2; Cancels Poison Abilities: * Malboro - 200 AP - Morpher Bought/Acquired: Successfully "Capture" a Malboro Sale Price: 3000 Gil Mythril Soul Attack Power: 32 Effects: MA +2, Jump +1 Abilities: * Morph Combo - 100 AP - Morpher Bought/Acquired: Reward for completing a random Clan encounter Sale Price: 2000 Gil Panther Soul Attack Power: 39 Effects: MA +2, Evade +2; Cancels Berserk Abilities: * Panther - 200 AP - Morpher Bought/Acquired: Successfully "Capture" a Panther Sale Price: 2000 Gil Rukavi Soul Attack Power: 67 Effects: MA +2 Abilities: N/A Bought/Acquired: Reward for clearing "Free Bervenia! (087)" Sale Price: 500 Gil ==== Guns ==== Note: Pistols which can fire bullets at a range of 7-9 panels. Can only be used by Gunners. Aiot Gun Attack Power: 27 Range: 8 Abilities: Fire Shot - 100 AP - Gunner Bought/Acquired: For 2000 Gil Sale Price: 1000 Gil Bindsnipe Attack Power: 47 Range: 8 Abilities: N/A Bought/Acquired: Reward for clearing "Gun Crazy (294)" Sale Price: 500 Gil Calling Gun Attack Power: 59 Range: 8 Abilities: N/A Bought/Acquired: Reward for clearing "Beastly Gun (284)" Sale Price: 500 Gil Chaos Rifle Attack Power: 33 Range: 8 Abilities: * Confuse Shot - 200 AP - Gunner Bought/Acquired: For 8000 Gil, after the second shop upgrade Sale Price: 4000 Gil Giot Gun Attack Power: 37 Range: 8 Abilities: * Blizzard Shot - 100 AP - Gunner Bought/Acquired: Random reward for completing a Mission, and a prize for reaching Appraise Skill Level 15 Sale Price: 3000 Gil Longbarrel Attack Power: 39 Range: 8 Abilities: * Concentrate - 300 AP - Gunner Bought/Acquired: Random reward for completing a Mission, and a prize for reaching Appraise Skill Level 25 Sale Price: 6000 Gil Lost Gun Attack Power: 31 Range: 8 Abilities: * Silence Shot - 200 AP - Gunner Bought/Acquired: Random reward for completing a Mission Sale Price: 1200 Gil Mythril Gun Attack Power: 32 Range: 8 Effects: Jump +1 Abilities: * Shooting Combo 100 AP - Gunner Bought/Acquired: Reward for completing a random Clan encounter Sale Price: 2000 Gil Outsider Attack Power: 41 Range: 9 Abilities: * Stop Shot 300 AP - Gunner Bought/Acquired: Random reward for completing a Mission Sale Price: 8000 Gil Peacemaker Attack Power: 33 Range: 8 Abilities: * Charm Shot - 300 AP - Gunner Bought/Acquired: Random reward for completing a Mission Sale Price: 2000 Gil Riot Gun Attack Power: 31 Range: 8 Abilities: * Thunder Shot - 100 AP - Gunner Bought/Acquired: For 5000 Gil, after the second shop upgrade Sale Price: 2500 Gil Silver Cannon Attack Power: 31 Range: 7 Abilities: * Blind Shot - 100 AP - Gunner Bought/Acquired: For 3000 Gil, after the first shop upgrade Sale Price: 1500 Gil ***************************************************************************** -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= -= 17. Shields -= -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Note: Shields used to deflect and evade attacks Can only used by Soldiers, Paladins, Warriors, Sages, Fencers and Mog Knights. Aegis Shield Effects: DEF +5, RES +5, Evade +10; Cancels Stone Abilities: N/A Bought/Acquired: Random reward for completing a Mission, and a prize for reaching Appraise Skill Level 20 Sale Price: 3000 Gil Bronze Shield Effects: RES +2, Evade +4 Abilities: * Shieldbearer - 300 AP - Soldier/Warrior/Fencer Bought/Acquired: For 400 Gil Sale Price: 200 Gil Choco Shield Effects: Evade +10 Abilities: N/A Bought/Acquired: Reward for clearing "Free Cyril! (194)" Sale Price: 500 Gil Flame Shield Effects: RES +6, Evade +9; Absorbs Fire, halves Ice, weak against Water elemental damage Abilities: N/A Bought/Acquired: Random reward for completing a Mission, and a random reward for "Mixed" Treasure Hunts Sale Price: 1500 Gil Genji Shield Effects: DEF +10, RES +7, Evade +10 Abilities: N/A Bought/Acquired: Steal from various units throughout the game, and reward for a "Town-Town-Cave-Cave" Treasure Hunt Sale Price: 500 Gil Ice Shield Effects: RES +6, Evade +9; Absorbs Ice, halves Fire, weak against Thunder elemental damage Abilities: N/A Bought/Acquired: Random reward for completing a Mission, and a random reward for "Mixed" Treasure Hunts Sale Price: 1500 Gil La Seraphica Effects: RES +5, Evade +15 Abilities: N/A Bought/Acquired: Prize for reaching Appraise Skill Level 40 Sale Price: 500 Gil Opal Shield Effects: DEF+ 2, RES +6, Evade +7 Abilities: * Shieldbearer - 300 AP - Soldier/Warrior/Mog Knight Bought/Acquired: For 2000 Gil, after the second shop upgrade Sale Price: 1000 Gil Reverie Shield Effects: DEF +5, RES +10, Evade +10 Abilities: N/A Bought/Acquired: Reward for clearing "Don't Look! (280)" Sale Price: 500 Gil Round Shield Effects: RES +4, Evade +5 Abilities: * Shieldbearer - 300 AP - Sage/Fencer/Mog Knight Bought/Acquired: For 1000 Gil, after the first shop upgrade, and a random reward for "Mixed" Treasure Hunts Sale Price: 500 Gil Sacri Shield Effects: DEF +5, RES +5, Evade +10; Cancels Zombie, Darkness, Silence, Frog, Poison, Slow, Don't Move, Don't Act, Doom Abilities: N/A Bought/Acquired: Random reward for completing a Mission Sale Price: 6000 Gil Shijin Shield Effects: RES +10, Evade +7 Abilities: N/A Bought/Acquired: Reward for clearing "Borzoi Falling (073)" Sale Price: 500 Gil ***************************************************************************** -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= -= 18. Accessories -= -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= ===== Boots ===== Note: Footwear that effects mobility, and may provide the wearer with 'Movement Abilities'. Can be worn by any Job. Battle Boots Effects: DEF +7 Abilities: N/A Bought/Acquired: For 1000 Gil, and a random reward for completing a Mission Sale Price: 500 Gil Caligula Effects: DEF +7, WA +3 Abilities: N/A Bought/Acquired: Prize for reaching Craft Skill Level 45, and reward for a "Mountain-Mountain-Mountain-Mountain" Treasure Hunt Sale Price: 500 Gil Dash Boots Effects: DEF +2, Move +1 Abilities: N/A Bought/Acquired: For 2000 Gil, after the second shop upgrade Sale Price: 1000 Gil Fairy Shoes Effects: DEF +3, RES +2; Movement by teleportation Abilities: N/A Bought/Acquired: Random reward for completing a Mission Sale Price: 6000 Gil Feather Boots Effects: DEF +3; Walk over water Abilities: N/A Bought/Acquired: Random reward for completing a Mission Sale Price: 3000 Gil Galmia Shoes Effects: DEF +3; Ignore elevation when moving, cannot walk in water Abilities: N/A Bought/Acquired: Reward for a "Desert-Desert-Desert" Treasure Hunt Sale Price: 45000 Gil Germinas Effects: DEF +3, Jump +2 Abilities: N/A Bought/Acquired: Random reward for completing a Mission Sale Price: 4000 Gil Ninja Tabi Effects: DEF +3, Move +2 Abilities: N/A Bought/Acquired: Reward for clearing "Shadow Clan (096)" Sale Price: 500 Gil Red Boots Effects: DEF +3, RES +5, Evade +2 Abilities: N/A Bought/Acquired: Random reward for completing a Mission, and reward for a "Town-Town" Treasure Hunt Sale Price: 2000 Gil Spiked Boots Effects: DEF +4, Jump +1 Abilities: N/A Bought/Acquired: For 1500 Gil, after the second shop upgrade, a random reward for completing a Mission, and a random reward for "Mixed" Treasure Hunts Sale Price: 750 Gil ====== Gloves ====== Note: Gloves and gauntlets that increase both attack and defense. Can be worn by any Job. Bone Armlets Effects: WA +3, DEF +6, RES +8, Evade +5 Abilities: N/A Bought/Acquired: Prize for reaching Appraise Skill Level 30 Sale Price: 500 Gil Bracers Effects: WA +5, DEF +12 Abilities: N/A Bought/Acquired: From Sprohm for 15000 Gil, after the fourth shop upgrade, and reward for a "Mountain-Mountain-Cave-Cave" Treasure Hunt Sale Price: 500 Gil Fire Mitts Effects: DEF +8, RES +10; Cancels Fire elemental damage Abilities: N/A Bought/Acquired: Reward for clearing "Corral Care (283)" Sale Price: 500 Gil Gauntlets Effects: WA +5, DEF +5 Abilities: N/A Bought/Acquired: For 2000 Gil, and a random reward for "Mixed" Treasure Hunts Sale Price: 1000 Gil Genji Armlets Effects: WA +5, DEF +10, Magic AT +2, RES +5 Abilities: N/A Bought/Acquired: Reward for "Marsh-Marsh-Jagd-Jagd" Treasure Hunt Sale Price: 500 Gil Thief Armlets Effects: WA +3, DEF +3; Chance of stealing improves Abilities: N/A Bought/Acquired: Random reward for completing a Mission, and a prize for reaching Appraise Skill Level 12 Sale Price: 1500 Gil =========== Accessories =========== Note: Charms, jewels and rings which protect the wearer from various status abnormalities. Can be worn by any Job. Angel Ring Effects: Instant Auto-Life; Cancels Zombie, Darkness, Silence, Frog, Poison, Slow, Don't Move, Don't Act, Doom Abilities: N/A Bought/Acquired: Prize for reaching Craft Skill Level 20 Sale Price: 1700 Gil Fortune Ring Effects: DEF +3, RES +5; Cancels Sleep and Doom Abilities: N/A Bought/Acquired: For 10000 Gil, after the second shop upgrade, and a random reward for completing a Mission, and a random reward for "Mixed" Treasure Hunts Sale Price: 5000 Gil Magic Ring Effects: MA +3, RES +10 Abilities: N/A Bought/Acquired: Random reward for completing a Mission, and a random reward for "Mixed" Treasure Hunts Sale Price: 1200 Gil Mindu Gem Effects: DEF +3, RES +3; Cancels Stone, Frog, Confuse, Poison, Darkness, Silence, halves Thunder elemental damage Abilities: N/A Bought/Acquired: Reward for "Desert-Desert-Desert-Desert" and "Marsh-Marsh-Cave-Cave" Treasure Hunts Sale Price: 500 Gil Ruby Earring Effects: DEF +3, RES +6; Cancels Confuse and Charm, halves Dark elemental magic Abilities: N/A Bought/Acquired: Prize for reaching Craft Skill Level 10, and a reward for a "Desert-Desert" Treasure Hunt Sale Price: 3000 Gil Scarab Effects: DEF +2, RES +8; Cancels Don't Move, Don't Act and Frog Abilities: N/A Bought/Acquired: For 10000 Gil, after the second shop upgrade, a random reward for completing a Mission, a prize for reaching Craft Skill Level 5, and a reward for a "Marsh-Marsh" Treasure Hunt Sale Price: 5000 Gil Star Armlet Effects: DEF +4, MA +6, RES +4, Speed +2; Cancels Stop and Slow Abilities: N/A Bought/Acquired: From Cadoan for 15000 Gil, after the third shop upgrade Sale Price: 500 Gil ***************************************************************************** -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= -= 19. Items -= -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Note: Used to recover HP/MP or to purge negative status ailments. They are used with the 'Item' skillset which can be equipped as a secondary ability, or innately by Alchemists. Antidote Effects: Purges Poison status abnormality Bought/Acquired: For 50 Gil Sale Price: 25 Gil Bandage Effects: Purges Don't Move and Don't Act status abnormalities. Bought/Acquired: For 200 Gil. Sale Price: 100 Gil Cureall Effects: Purges all status abnormalities Bought/Acquired: From Baguba Port for 500 Gil, after the third shop upgrade, prize for reaching Collection Skill Level 10 Sale Price: 175 Gil Echo Screen Effects: Purges Silence status abnormality Bought/Acquired: For 50 Gil Sale Price: 25 Gil Elixir Effects: Restores all HP and MP Bought/Acquired: From Cyril for 25000 Gil, after the fifth shop upgrade Sale Price: 350 Gil Ether Effects: Restores MP Bought/Acquired: Prize for reaching Collection Skill Level 15, a reward for completing a random Clan encounter, and a random reward for "Mixed" Treasure Hunts Sale Price: 350 Gil Eye Drops Effects: Purges Darkness status abnormality Bought/Acquired: For 50 Gil Sale Price: 25 Gil Hi-Potion Effects: Restores 50 HP Bought/Acquired: For 200 Gil, a prize for reaching Appraise Skill Level 3 and a random reward for "Mixed" Treasure Hunts Sale Price: 100 Gil Holy Water Effects: Purges Undead and Blood Suck status abnormalities Bought/Acquired: For 2000 Gil, a prize for reaching Combat Skill Level 3, and a random reward for "Mixed" Treasure Hunts Sale Price: 1000 Gil Maiden Kiss Effects: Purges Frog status abnormality Bought/Acquired: For 50 Gil Sale Price: 25 Gil Phoenix Down Effects: Revives dead units Bought/Acquired: For 300 Gil, a prize for reaching Collection Skill Level 5, and a random reward for "Mixed" Treasure Hunts Sale Price: 150 Gil Potion Effects: Restores 25 HP Bought/Acquired: For 50 Gil Sale Price: 25 Gil Soft Effects: Purges Petrify status abnormality Bought/Acquired: For 100 Gil, and a random reward for "Mixed" Treasure Hunts Sale Price: 50 Gil X-Potion Effects: Restores 150 HP Bought/Acquired: For 700 Gil, and a prize for reaching Appraise Skill Level 7 Sale Price: 350 Gil ***************************************************************************** -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= -= 20. Mission Items -= -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= ^ = Small Increase O = Average Increase @ = Large Increase Adaman Alloy Acquired: Reward for completing the "Adaman Alloy (131)" and "Adaman Order (184)" Missions Usage: Required Mission Item for the "Armor & Turtle (297)" and "Blade & Turtle (285)" Missions Effects: DEF ^ Adamantite Acquired: Reward for a "Mountain-Mountain" Treasure Hunt, and a reward for completing the "Metal Hunt (207)" Mission Usage: Required Mission Item for the "Mysidia Alloy (132)", "Adaman Alloy (131)", "Adaman Order (184)" and "Magic Mysidia (185)" Missions Effects: DEF ^ Ahriman Eye Acquired: Reward for completing the "Watching You (113)" Mission Usage: Required Mission Item for the "Staring Eyes (050)" Mission Effects: MA O; Strengthens Dark elemental damage Ahriman Wing Acquired: Reward for completing the "Faithful Fairy (135)" Mission Usage: Required Mission Item for the "Young Love (141)" Mission Ally Finder Acquired: Reward for completing the "Lost In Mist (161)" Mission Usage: Required Mission Item for the "Darn Kids (162)" Mission Ally Finder 2 Acquired: Reward for completing the "Darn Kids (162)" and "Missing Meow (067)" Missions. Usage: Required Mission Item for the "Beastly Gun (284)" Mission Amber Acquired: Reward for completing the "New Antilaw (056)" Mission Usage: N/A Effects: DEF O, RES O Ancient Bills Acquired: Reward for completing the "Swap Meet (183)" Mission Usage: N/A Ancient Coins Acquired: Reward for completing the "Golden Gil (114)" Mission Usage: N/A Effects: WA O, RES O Ancient Medal Acquired: Reward for completing the "The Skypole (201)" and "Ruins Survey (202)" Missions Usage: Required Mission Item for the "The Last Day (143)" and "Swap Meet (183)" Missions Effects: RES ^ Ancient Text Acquired: Reward for completing the "Earthy Colors (139)" Mission Usage: N/A Effects: DEF O Animal Bone Acquired: Reward for completing the "No Scents (173)" Mission Usage: Required Mission Item for the "To Meden (153)" Mission Effects: DEF O Badge Acquired: Reward for completing the "White Kupos" encounter Usage: N/A Effects: DEF ^, RES ^ Bent Sword Acquired: Reward for completing the "Coo's Break (157)" and "Run With Us (190) Missions Usage: Required Mission Item for the "Valuable Fake (286)" Mission Black Thread Acquired: Reward for completing "Life Or Death (210)", "The Witness (209)" and "Math Is Hard (208)" Missions Usage: Required Mission Item for "Runaway Boy (166)", "Black Hat (295)" and "Minstrel Song (293)" Missions Effects: MA ^ Blood Apple Acquired: Reward for completing the "Scarface (179)" and "Thorny Dreams (193)" Missions. Usage: Required Mission Item for the "Weaver's War (287)" and "The Fey Blade (099)" Missions Effects: DEF O, RES O Blood Shawl Acquired: Reward for completing the "Faceless Dolls (134)" Mission Usage: Required Mission Item for the "Unlucky Star (282)" Mission Effects: WD ^, RES ^ Blue Rose Acquired: Reward for completing the "Desert Rose (051)" Mission Usage: Bartering Good for the "Old Friends (107)" Mission Effects: Strengthens Dark elemental damage Body Ceffyl Acquired: Reward for completing the "Body Ceffyl (197)" Mission Usage: Required Mission Item for the "The Spiritstone (198)" Mission Effects: WA @, DEF @ Bomb Shell Acquired: Reward for completing "Rubber or Real (219)" and "Help Dad (218)" Missions Usage: Required Mission Item for the "Honor Lost (155)" and "Cheap Laughs (170)" Missions Effects: DEF ^ Broken Sword Acquired: Reward for completing the "Inspiration (156)" and "Why Am I Wet? (189) Missions Usage: Required Mission Item for the "Refurbishing (289)" and "Blade & Turtle (285)" Missions Effects: WA ^ Caravan Musk Acquired: Reward for completing the "Caravan Guard (168)" and "Mirage Tower (118)" Missions. Usage: Required Mission Item for the "No Scents (173)" Mission Cat's Tears Acquired: Reward for completing the "Broken Tunes (127)" Mission Usage: Required Mission Item for the "Clocktower (149)" Mission Choco Bread Acquired: Reward for completing the "Chocobo Work (226)" Mission Usage: Required Mission Item for the "Bread Woes (234)" and "The Well Maze (229)" Missions Choco Gratin Acquired: Reward for completing the "Mama's Taste (228)" and "Party Night (227)" Missions Usage: Required Mission Item for the "Food For Truth (268) and "Corral Care (283)" Missions Chocobo Egg Acquired: Reward for completing the "Chocobo Help! (200)" and "Better Living (224)" Missions. Usage: Required Mission Item for the "No Scents (173)", "Malboro Hunt (225)", and "Mama's Taste (228)" Missions Chocobo Skin Acquired: Reward for completing the "Skinning Time (214)" and "Smuggle Bust (105)" Missions Usage: Required Mission Item for the "Fashion World (299)" and "Fashion Hoopla (300)" Missions Clock Gear Acquired: Reward for completing "Spirited Boy (175)" Mission Usage: Required Mission Item for the "Soldier's Wish (181)" Mission Clock Post Acquired: Reward for completing "Clocktower (149)" Mission Usage: Required Mission Item for the "Soldier's Wish (181)" Mission Coast Medal Acquired: Reward for completing the "Pirates Ahoy (124)" Mission Usage: N/A Crusite Alloy Acquired: Reward for completing the "Crusite Alloy (133)" and "Conundrum (186)" Missions Usage: Required Mission Item for the "Weaver's War (287)" and "Gun Crazy (294)" Missions Effects: DEF ^ Crystal Acquired: Reward for completing the "Down to Earth (152)" Mission Usage: N/A Effects: WA ^, RES ^ Cyril Ice Acquired: Reward for completing the "Malboro Hunt (225)" Mission Usage: Bartering Good for the "Snow Fairy (109)" Mission Effects: Strengthens Ice elemental damage Dame's Blush Acquired: Reward for completing the "Falcon Flown (128)" Mission Usage: Required Mission Item for the "Darn Kids (162)" Mission Danbukwood Acquired: Reward for completing the "Relax Time! (237)" Mission Usage: Required Mission Item for the "El Ritmo (278)" Mission Delta Fang Acquired: Reward for completing the "Free Baguba! (077)" Mission Usage: Required Mission Item for the "A Worthy Eye (160)" Mission Dictionary Acquired: Reward for completing the "The Bell Tolls (144)" Mission Usage: Required Mission Item for the "Spirited Boy (175)" Mission Dragon Bone Acquired: Reward for completing the "Frozen Spring (172)" Mission Usage: Required Mission Item for the "An Education (150)" Mission Effects: DEF O Earplugs Acquired: Reward for completing the "Morning Woes (151)" Mission Usage: N/A Effects: DEF ^ Earth Sigil Acquired: Reward for a "Mountain-Mountain-Jagd-Jagd" Treasure Hunt, and a reward for completing the "Earth Sigil (080)" and "A Barren Land (119)" Missions Usage: Required Mission Item for the "Body Ceffyl (197)" Mission Effects: MA O Edaroya Tome Acquired: Reward for completing the "Ghosts Of War (142)" Mission Usage: N/A Effects: WA ^, MA ^; Strengthens Holy and Dark elemental damage Elda's Cup Acquired: Reward for completing the "Hungry Ghost (123)" Mission Usage: Use as a Mission Item to make it possible for "Eldena" to join your Clan. Also a required Mission Item for the "Caravan Guard (168)" Mission Effects: MA ^ Eldagusto Acquired: Reward for completing the "Sauce Recipe (Rare)" Mission Usage: Possible required Mission Item for the "My Mission (Rare)" Mission Encyclopedia Acquired: Reward for completing the "Book Mess (235)" Mission Usage: N/A Effects: DEF O, RES O Esteroth Acquired: Reward for completing the "Moogle Bride (089)" Mission Usage: N/A Effects: WA O, DEF O, MA @, RES @ Fairy Wing Acquired: Reward for completing the "For The Lady (136)" Mission Usage: Required Mission Item for the "Faithful Fairy (135)" Mission Feather Badge Acquired: Reward for completing the "The Deep Sea (158)" Mission Usage: Required Mission Item for the "A Worthy Eye (160)" Effects: Doubles amount of AP gained Fight Trophy Acquired: Reward for completing the "Sprohm Meet (121)" Mission Usage: N/A Fire Sigil Acquired: Reward for a "Plain-Plain-Mountain-Mountain" Treasure Hunt, and a reward for completing the "Fire Sigil (076)" and "Gulug Ghost (116)" Missions Usage: Required Mission Item for the "Mind Ceffyl (196)" Mission Effects: MA O Flower Vase Acquired: Reward for completing the "Wanted! (025)" Mission Usage: Required Mission Item for the "Desert Rose (051)" Mission Fountain Pen Acquired: Reward for completing the "An Education (150)" Mission Usage: N/A Effects: MA ^ Friend Pin Acquired: Reward for completing the "Young Love (141)" Mission Usage: N/A Effects: DEF ^ Gedegg Soup Acquired: Reward for completing the "Prof In Trouble (046)" and "Hot Recipe (047) Missions Usage: N/A Effects: DEF O, RES O Gold Vessel Acquired: Reward for completing the "Shining Lake (Rare)" Mission Usage: Possible required Mission Item for the "My Mission (Rare)" Mission Goldcap Acquired: Reward for completing the "Seven Nights (137)" Mission Usage: Required Mission Item for the "Mirage Town (180)" Mission Grownup Bread Acquired: Reward for completing the "Inspiration (156)" Mission Usage: Required Mission Item for the "Good Bread (276)" Mission Guard Medal Acquired: Reward for completing the "Castle Sit-In (125)" Mission Usage: N/A Effects: WA ^ Gun Gear Acquired: Reward for completing the "Powder Worries (176)" Mission Usage: Required Mission Item for the "Gun Crazy (294)" Mission Effects: WA ^ Gysahl Greens Acquired: Random reward for "Mixed" Treasure Hunts, and also a reward for completing the "New Fields (222)" Mission Usage: Required Mission Item for the "Mama's Taste (228)" Mission Helje Key Acquired: Reward for completing the "Prison Break (057)" Mission Usage: Required Mission Item for the "Den of Evil (064)" Mission Homework Acquired: Reward for completing the "The Last Day (143)" Mission Usage: Required Mission Item for the "Life Or Death (210)" Mission Insignia Acquired: Reward for completing the "A Worthy Eye (160)" and "Alchemist Boy (192)" Missions. Usage: Required Mission Item for the "Beastly Gun (284)" Mission Effects: Doubles amount of AP gained Jerky Acquired: Random reward for "Mixed" Treasure Hunts, and a reward for completing the "Jerky Days (221)" Mission Usage: Required Mission Item for the "Come On Out (267)" Mission Justice Badge Acquired: Reward for completing the "Lost Heirloom (140)" Mission Usage: N/A Effects: Strengthens Holy elemental damage Kiddy Bread Acquired: Reward for completing the "Bread Woes (234)" Mission Usage: Required Mission Item for the "Good Bread (276)" Mission Leestone Acquired: Reward for a "Cave-Cave" Treasure Hunt, and a reward for completing the "The Wormhole (206)" Mission Usage: Required Mission Item for the "Stone Secret (290)" Mission Effects: DEF ^ Life Water Acquired: Reward for completing the "Shady Deals (138)" Mission Usage: Required Mission Item for the "On The Waves (174)" Mission Loaded Dice Acquired: Reward for completing the "Diary Dilemma (164)" Mission Usage: N/A Effects: WA O Love Potion Acquired: Reward for completing the "Lifework (169)" Mission Usage: N/A Magic Cloth Acquired: Reward for completing the "Wild River (215)" and "Magic Cloth (216)" Missions. Usage: Required Mission Item for the "Black Hat (295)" and "Hat For A Girl (296)" Missions. Effects: MA ^ Magic Cotton Acquired: Reward for completing the "Cotton Guard (217)" Mission Usage: Required Mission Item for the "Fashion World (299)", "Fashion Hoopla (300)" and "Magic Cloth (216)" Missions Effects: MA ^ Magic Fruit Acquired: Reward for completing the "Mirage Town (180)" Mission Usage: N/A Effects: MA @ Magic Medal Acquired: Reward for completing the "Girl In Love (199)" and "Strange Fires (223)" Missions Usage: Required Mission Item for the "Who Am I? (273)" Mission Effects: MA ^ Magic Trophy Acquired: Reward for completing the "Cadoan Meet (120)" Mission Usage: N/A Magic Vellum Acquired: Reward for completing the "Magic Vellum (231)" Mission Usage: N/A Effects: MA O Malboro Wine Acquired: Reward for completing the "She's Gone (230)" Mission Usage: Required Mission Item for the "Her Big Move (279)" Mission Master Brave Acquired: Reward for completing the "Clan Law (090)" Mission Usage: N/A Effects: WA @, DEF @, MA O, RES O Materite Acquired: Reward for a "Forest-Forest" Treasure Hunt, and a reward for completing the "Materite (205)" Mission Usage: Required Mission Item for the "Dark Armor (298)" Mission Effects: DEF ^ Mind Ceffyl Acquired: Reward for completing the "Mind Ceffyl (196)" Mission Usage: Required Mission Item for the "The Spiritstone (198)" Mission Effects: MA @, RES @ Monster Guide Acquired: Reward for completing the "Goblin Town (145)" Mission Usage: N/A Moon Bloom Acquired: Reward for completing the "Sweet Talk (178)" Mission Usage: Required Mission Item for the "Snow Flower Romance (291)" Mission Effects: MA O Moonwood Acquired: Reward for completing the "Foma Jungle (238)" Mission Usage: Required Mission Item for the "El Ritmo (278)" Mission Mysidia Alloy Acquired: Reward for completing the "Mysidia Alloy (132)" and "Magic Mysidia (185)" Missions Usage: Required Mission Item for the "A Stormy Night (292)" and "The Hero Blade (098)" Missions Effects: DEF ^ Mythril Pick Acquired: Reward for completing the "Mad Alchemist (167)" Mission Usage: Required Mission Item for the "Goblin Town (145)" Mission Effects: WA ^ Neighbor Pin Acquired: Reward for completing the "Neighbor! (154)" Mission Usage: Required Mission Item for the "Lost Heirloom (140)" Mission Ogma's Seal Acquired: Reward for completing the "The Worldwyrm (088)" Mission Usage: N/A Effects: WA O, DEF O, MA O, RES O Old Statue Acquired: Reward for completing the "To Meden (153)" Mission Usage: Required Mission Item for the "Stage Fright (163)" Mission Effects: WA ^, DEF ^, MA ^, RES ^ Panther Hide Acquired: Reward for completing the "Into the Wood (220)" Mission Usage: N/A Effects: DEF O, RES ^ Power Fruit Acquired: Reward for completing the "Soldier's Wish (181)" Mission Usage: N/A Effects: DEF @ Rabbit Tail Acquired: Reward for completing the "One More Tail (236)" Mission Usage: Required Mission Item for the "The Performer (270)" and "Missing Meow (067)" Missions Rainbowite Acquired: Reward for completing the "Wine Delivery (126)" Mission Usage: Required Mission Item or the "Valuable Fake (286)" Mission Rat Tail Acquired: Reward for completing the "Words Of Love (147)" and "Lucky Night (187)" Missions Usage: Required Mission Item for the "Armor & Turtle (297)" and "Lucky Charm (191)" Missions Runba's Tale Acquired: Reward for completing the "Novel Ascent (232)" and "Shiver (233)" Missions Usage: Required Mission Item for the "Coo's Break (157)" and "Inspiration (156)" Missions Rusty Spear Acquired: Reward for completing the "The Match (158)" and "Lucky Charm (191)" Missions Usage: Required Mission Item for the "A Stormy Night (292)" and "Carrot! (095)" Missions Rusty Sword Acquired: Reward for completing the "Honor Lost (155)" and "Tutor Search (188)" Missions Usage: Required Mission Item for the "Stone Secret (290)" and "The Hero Blade (098)" Missions Effects: WA ^ Secret Books Acquired: Reward for completing the "Secret Books (146)" Mission Usage: Required Mission Item for the "Shady Deals (138)" Mission Silk Bloom Acquired: Reward for completing the "The Blue Bolt (177)" Mission Usage: Required Mission Item for the "Snow Flower Romance (291)" Mission Effects: MA O Silvril Acquired: Reward for completing the "Seeking Silver (204)" Mission Usage: Required Mission Item for the "Mysidia Alloy (132)", "Mythril Rush (103)" and "Magic Mysidia (185)" Missions Effects: DEF ^ Sketchbook Acquired: Reward for completing the "Sketchy Thief (059)" Mission Usage: N/A Skull Acquired: Reward for completing the "On The Waves (174)" Mission Usage: Required Mission Item for the "Falcon Flown (128)" Mission Effects: WD O Snake Shield Acquired: Reward for completing the "Hundred-Eye (165)" Mission Usage: Use as a Mission Item to make it possible for "Cheney" to want to join your Clan Spiritstone Acquired: Reward for completing the "The Spiritstone (198)" Mission Usage: Required Mission Item for the "The Dark Blade (097)" Mission Effects: WA O, DEF O, MA O, RES O Sport Trophy Acquired: Reward for completing the "Run For Fun (122)" Mission Usage: N/A Sprinkler Acquired: Reward for completing the "Fire Outbreak (038)" Mission Usage: N/A Effects: Strengthens Water and Ice elemental damage Stasis Rope Acquired: Reward for completing the "Runaway Boy (166)" Mission Usage: Required Mission Item for the "Novel Ascent (232)" Mission Effects: DEF ^, RES ^ Stilpool Scroll Acquired: Reward for completing the "T.L.C. (171)" Mission Usage: Required Mission Item for the "Secret Books (146)" Mission Stolen Gil Acquired: Reward for completing the "Dry Spell (182)" Mission Usage: Required Mission Item for the "For The Lady (136)" Mission Stormstone Acquired: Reward for completing the "Mist Stars(130)" Mission Usage: Required Mission Item for the "Fabled Sword (288)" Mission Effects: Strengthens Wind elemental damage Stradivari Acquired: Reward for completing the "You, Immortal (148)" Mission Usage: Required Mission Item for the "Minstrel Song (293)" Mission Stuffed Bear Acquired: ??? Usage: N/A Telaq Flower Acquired: Reward for a "Plain-Plain" Treasure Hunt, and a reward for completing the "For a Flower (239)" Mission Usage: N/A Effects: RES O; Strengthens Thunder elemental damage The Hero Gaol Acquired: Reward for completing the "Oasis Frogs (062)" Mission Usage: Use as a Mission Item to make it possible for "Lini" to want to join your Clan - Read its description to gain access to the battles related to the Great Gaol and his friend Lini Thunderstone Acquired: Reward for completing the "Danger Pass (129)" Mission Usage: Required Mission Item for the "Fabled Sword (288)" Mission Effects: Strengthens Thunder elemental damage Tiger Hide Acquired: Reward for completing the "Poachers (108)" and "Flesh & Bones (053)" Missions Usage: N/A Effects: DEF O, RES ^ Tonberry Lamp Acquired: Reward for completing the "Cheap Laughs (170)" Mission Usage: Required Mission Item for the "You, Immortal (148)" Mission Effects: WA O Topaz Armring Acquired: Reward for completing the "S.O.S. (048)" Mission Usage: N/A Effects: Strengthens Earth elemental damage Tranquil Box Acquired: Reward for completing the "Stage Fright (163)" Mission Usage: Required Mission Item for the "Ghosts Of War (142)" Mission Trichord Acquired: Reward for completing the "For A Song (054)" Mission Usage: N/A Effects: RES ^; Strengthens Wind and Water elemental damage Vermillion Acquired: Reward for completing the "Hero of Yore (Rare)" Mission Usage: Possible required Mission Item for the "My Mission (Rare)" Mission Water Sigil Acquired: Reward for a "Plain-Plain-Jagd-Jagd" Treasure Hunt, and a reward for completing the "Water Sigil (078)" and "Water City (117)" Missions Usage: Required Mission Item for the "Body Ceffyl (197)" Mission Effects: MA O White Flowers Acquired: Reward for completing the "White Flowers (055)" Mission Usage: N/A Effects: Strengthens Holy elemental damage White Thread Acquired: Reward for completing the "Oh Milese (213)", "Karlos's Day (211)" and "To Father (212) Missions Usage: Required Mission Item for the "Girl In Love (199)" and "Hat For A Girl (296)" Missions Effects: RES ^ Wind Sigil Acquired: Reward for "Desert-Desert-Cave-Cave" Treasure Hunt, and a reward for completing the "Wind Sigil (079)" Mission Usage: Required Mission Item for the "Mind Ceffyl (196)" Mission Effects: MA O Wyrmstone Acquired: Reward for completing the "Ruby Red (031)" Mission Usage: Use as a Mission Item to make it possible for "Palanza" to want to join your Clan Effects: Strengthens Fire elemental damage Zodiac Ore Acquired: Reward for a "Jagd-Jagd" Treasure Hunt, and also a reward for completing the "Dig Dig Dig (203)" Mission Usage: Required Mission Item for the "Crusite Alloy (133)", "Conundrum (186)", and "The Fey Blade (099)" Missions Effects: DEF ^ ***************************************************************************** -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= -= 21. Credits -= -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Marek 14, for supplying the translations for all Items and Abilities. He also contributed HEAPS of info related to Jobs, Items and Abilities, and obsered the 10% price reduction in Towns. He has been a great help in writing both the Japanese and English versions of this guide. Japanese Version Guide Contributors: DarkClawX, z3z3m, xephyris, UltimagaWeapon, Dan the man39, Lord Adam, Rei Kagetsuki, eleonor, Amaterasu, Elaine V., DragoonT, y3kman, Himajin, Fragnarok, Painful Sense, ucancallmedanny, MonkeyDLuffy, lordskylark, DarkSynbois, scorch109, tbox, Landarma, and Mike Sacco. Japanese Version Guide References: * The Official FFTA-A Website (www.fft-a.com) * FFTA-Memo (www5d.biglobe.ne.jp/~mint-f/ffta/) * Labo 9333 (www.geocities.co.jp/CollegeLife-Labo/9333/) * Final Fantasy Name Origins (www.ffcompendium.com/h/nmonst.shtml), * Swords World (member.nifty.ne.jp/bintaro/index.htm), * White Tiger Swords Korea (http://www.swords.pe.kr/) and * Glossary of Armour Terms (www.angelfire.com/mo/Chainmail/Glossary.html), * Gpara's FFT-A Mini-Site (www.gpara.com/special/soft/ffta/) * New Technix's FFT-A coverage(www.newtechnix.com) * Encyclopedia Mythica (www.pantheon.org) * FFT-A: Tettei Kyoumei no Grimoire" (ISBN 4-88787121-X) * The "Oxford Starter Japanese Dictionary" (ISBN 0-19-860197-2) * The "Kodansha Kanji Learner's Dictionary" (ISBN 4-7700-2335-9). Burn Game Station (burn.com.au) for being the best Australian based import videogame store there is, and for selling AstroBlue the Japanese version of FFT-A at a reasonable price. CJayC for choosing the Japanese version of this guide as "FAQ of the Month" for February 2003. The monetary award for that accolade allowed AstroBlue to buy Ikaruga (NGC). And for hosting this on his wonderful website GameFAQs! ***************************************************************************** -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= -= 22. Copyright Notice -= -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= This file is Copyright (c)2003-2004 Devin Morgan and AstroBlue. All rights reserved. Please view the following URL to see the list of sites that are allowed to post my work: http://www.freewebs.com/dbmfaqs/allowlist.html This list is comprised of sites I know and trust well. If your site is not on the aforementioned list, you are currently not allowed to post any of my files on your site. Please respect my work and do not steal it or post it without my permission. I only want my most recent work to be available and I do not feel that can be achieved if others take from me without my knowledge or permission. If you are writing a FAQ for this game as well, and would like to use some information, credit me for what you use. Please do not rip me off, as that is blatant plagiarism and such will not be tolerated. If you wish to contact me, do so at dbmfaqs(at)gmail(dot)com. Please only contact me if there are corrections to be made to information that's currently included. Thanks! Devin: http://www.gamefaqs.com/features/recognition/3579.html Astro: http://www.gamefaqs.com/features/recognition/4127.html =- End of File -=