Ed, Edd n Eddy: Jawbreakers --------------------------- Version: 1.00 Date: 06/04/2003 Written By: bunny12 Email: janet_leung30@hotmail.com 1. Introduction --------------- Hi, my name is Janet Leung otherwise known as bunny12. This walkthrough is about the game Ed, Edd n Eddy: Jawbreakers. This is my first time to do a faq, so if you think there are any improvements I need to do, email me. I hope you find this faq very helpful. If you have any questions or anything you want to add to this faq, please email me at janet_leung30@hotmail.com. 2. Table of Contents -------------------- 1. Introduction 2. Table of Contents 3. Controls 4. Basics 5. Walkthrough 6. Thanks 7. Copyright 3. Controls ----------- A Button-jump B Button-run/equip device/use item L Button and R button-change character Control Pad-walk/run/climb Start-pause/unpause Select-toggle item on/off 4. Basics --------- Ed -- Ed can push the trolly by standing behind the handle and pressing B. He can also use the helmet. Press B to equip it and A to use it. Edd --- Edd can use the wrench on fire hydrants to turn them on and off. Press B to use wrench. He can activate switches by standing next to it and pressing B. Edd can also use the slingshot to knock the animals off or to activate faraway switches. Press B to equip it, and press A to fire. Eddy ---- Eddy can use a Jetpack to fly for a period of time. Press B to equip it,and press A to thrust. He can also use the Hypno-Disc Hat by pressing B to equip it and pressing A to use it. Here are some more basics: You need 100 tokens to get a extra try. Only Eddy can do the double jump so usually he can reach the end fastest. How to get into Trolley-stand behind it and push Up on the Control Pad. You will lose a try if Edd gets in Wet Cement. If Ed runs into a chicken, the only way you can get him off is by shooting at the chicken with the slingshot. Stopwatches adds more time to your hourglass, and gold stopwatches freezes the world for a short time. 5. Walkthrough -------------- Level 1: The Cul-De-Sac, First Round On my walkthrough, I will try to only hit the main points. Use Eddy to climb up the ladder and get onto the platform. After that, jump off the platform, and to the right, you will land on some tires. Now get off the tires and jump on the trash can, then do a double jump and collect the wrench. Go to the right, and you will see a fire hydrant. Now use Edd to get to the fire hydrant and use the wrench to turn off the water. Keep on going to the right past the checkpoint and you will see a trolley. Get Edd and Eddy into it. Now you need to Ed to get over here. Press B for Ed to push the trolly over the cement. Keep on going to the right, and you will see another fire hydrant. Turn it off and go right to the arrow. Get all the Eds there and you will have cleared the first round. Second Round Use Eddy to get across the cement and to get the wrench. Keep going until you get to the fire hydrant. Now use Ed to go to the right and across the cement until you get to the fire hydrant. Now use Edd to go to the right till you reach a tire. Jump on it and try to get to the windowsill on the right. If you hold down the button A you will bounce higher. Then keep jumping until you get to the last windowsill. Jump onto the fence, and then get right above the tire and press down and then A, and you will bounce up to the platform. Now jump down, and go to the right until you see a hydrant. Turn it on. Now climb the fence and get on the water and jump to the next platform. Keep going, and you will eventually reach another hydrant. Turn it off, and you will reach the end. Third Round Use Eddy to bounce up the tire. Go all the way up, then go to the top right, and you ought to see a wrench. Get it and go all the way to the hydrant. Get Edd to turn it off. Keep going until you get to the arrow. Then you will have cleared the round after you get all the characters there. Fourth Round Use Eddy to go right until you get to a fence with little ends sticking up on the side. Get on the highest one and jump up. Try to climb the ladder, and the wrench will be right above you. Now, go to the hydrant and get Edd to turn it off. Get Ed to go across the cement and get the wagon. Take Edd across the cement now. Now get Edd all the way to the end to turn off the hydrant, and you will get to the end. Level 2: The Playground, First Round Now get Eddy up the tires. Don't get hit by the yellow boomerangs. Later on, you will see a chicken. To the left there is a tire. Jump on it, and go to another tire on the left. Bounce up it. Do this: Jump up once and then hold down A. When you get to the highest point of your jump, then do the flip, and you will get to the second platform. You may have a few problems with this bounce, but you will get the hang of it. Keep on bouncing up and you will get the slingshot. Now get Edd up until you get to the slide press down while sliding to slide really fast. If you jump at the right time, you will reach the platform. Do the same for Ed. Now with Edd, go up the ladder and shoot the chicken. Then get on the tire and shoot all the dogs. Then, you will run out of shots. If Eddy is still where he first was when he got the slingshot, he will be able to get another one. Shoot the switch and the last dog. Then go all the way up and you will reach the arrow. Second Round Go down the slide, then go to the far left and you will see the trolly. Get across the cement, then go to the right until you get to a hole. Get Edd to stand close to the hole and shoot the switch. Go up the platforms and everything. Then you will go down a slide. The trolley is right under the slide. Get across the cement, and you will get to the arrow. Third Round Go down and go to the right with Eddy. You will get to the tire with red coins above it. Jump on it and go all the way up. Then, go right to get the slingshot. Go back down to the tire and go to the right and there will be a switch. Get Edd to shoot it. Now keep on going to the right and go down the slide until you get to the arrow. Fourth Round All you have to do in the beginning is shoot the dogs, chickens, and goats. Close to the end, you will find a switch. Shoot it. Then jump across to the arrow. Now you will talk to Rolf, and you will duel him for his raffle ticket. The best thing to do is to stay in the middle of the ladder.If you do it at the right moment, you will be able to get the slingshot without getting hurt. Also, you will be able to shoot Rolf without getting hurt, if you do it at the right time. You have to hit Rolf at least 3 or 4 times. After you win, Nazz will tell you that she will trade her ticket for her black book. Now, you have to find the black book. Level 3: The Woods, First Round Use Eddy to jump up to the ledge on the right. Then jump across and go down. Go to the left across the platforms, and you will find a helmet. Now use Ed to headbutt the wall to the left of him. Now get Edd to pull the switch. Then, use Edd to go to the left and pull the other switch. Now get Eddy to get on one of the three moving platforms. To the right, there is another platform. Jump on it, and then climb up the spider web. Go to the right, and there will be the slingshot. Now get Edd onto the moving platforms and to the left you will see a spider on a spider web. Shoot him. Then jump onto the platform and go to the left, and you will see another spider. Shoot him too. Now go up and when you get all the way up. Then go to the far left and you will see a breakable wall. You need Ed to break the wall. Then get the book, and you will have cleared the stage. Second Round Get Eddy to walk left and jump up onto a platform. Then jump up and you will get the slingshot. Now shoot the goat. Get Edd to activate the switch. Now use Eddy to get onto the moving platform. This is kinda complicated. Stand on the left side of the moving platform and do a double jump. If you do it right, you will make it up the green platform. Then get the helmet. Now get Ed to knock down the wall. Then go up and then go to the left then down to activate the switch. Go left and use Ed to break the wall. Then go up, ride the platform, climb down both spiderwebs, and then use Ed to break the floor. Then, keep on going until you get to the arrow. Third Round Go up the Spider Web. Then, go to the right and go up. Walk across the green platform. You will get to a silver line going up to the right. Go up a couple steps, then press down and then A. Then go right, and then down to get the helmet. Then go back up to the green platform, go up to the left. Keep going left and you will see a slingshot. The rest of this round is pretty easy. You will eventually reach the arrow at the top right hand corner. Fourth Round Get Eddy to go all the way down, and on top of a stump, you will see the slingshot. Get it. Now get Edd to go to the right and jump over the gap. Now get Edd to stand at where the blue coins are. Press down and then A to fall onto a platform. Go right and jump on the moving platform. Jump to the platform on the right. You will see some birds. Try to shoot them. If you can't, get their attention and then run away to the left. Then, you just keep going till you reach a really long spider web leading up. Go up halfway, then jump to the right on a platform. Shoot all the birds,and then go to the right and jump off. You ought to land on a platform with a checkpoint on it. The rest is very simple, and you will eventually reach the arrow at the bottom. Now you will have to return Nazz's black book. You kinda have to use your brain on this. First you climb up, then you jump to the right, then you jump up and climb down the spider web very quickly. Then, jump to the right and keep on walking into the wall and Nazz will jump down. Now you will go to the construction site and Johnny will be looking for Plank. Now you have to find Plank. Level 4: Construction Site, First Round To find the helmet, go to the platform on the right, and you will see it. Now that you have found the helmet, use Ed to go right jumping from platform to platform. You will see the Jetpack. Use Ed to break down the wall for the Jetpack. The rest of this round you can figure out yourself. It's pretty easy. The arrow is at the bottom right hand corner. Second Round Use Eddy to go to the left to climb up the ladder. Then, go to the right and jump on the white blocks of stone. Then, jump to the right to the next platform to get the slingshot. Then, go to the right again and jump on the elevator. You will see a helmet to your right. Get it. Now get Edd to go up the ladder. There will be a switch to the right of the elevator. Shoot it. Now use Ed to go all the way up to the left and you will reach a breakable wall. Break it. The rest you can figure out yourself. The arrow is at the bottom right hand corner. Third Round Go up the ladder, and you will see the slingshot. Then, go to the right and jump of, and then you will get the helmet. Then, go right and press down and then A and you will fall down. If you go to the left, you will reach a wall. Break it down to get the Jetpack. Now go right and go past all the obstacles until you see two slides. Get Eddy to go on the one with the platform at the beginning. If you can get Ed or Edd on the first slide, then go that way. If you can't, then get them on the bottom slide. Don't slide all the way down or you will lose. Get him to slide down the first part of the slide. Then, when you get to the second part, try to jump up it to land on another slide. The rest is easy of this round is easy. The arrow is at the bottom right hand corner. Fourth Round If you use Ed to bounce up the tire, he will get the slingshot. Now, use Eddy to go up to the elevator. Then, jump to the right on another elevator that's not moving. Then, go right and bounce up the tire and climb the ladder. Then, do a double jump to the platform above. Then, go left and climb up another ladder. Then, jump to the left to another platform and walk to the left till you get to a ledge. Then, press down and then A and you will see the helmet. Then, use Ed to go all the way up till you get to a breakable wall. Break it, and then go up till you get to a bunch of tires. Be sure to bounce high enough so you will get over the metal pole. Then, pull the switch and go on up. Break both walls, and you will be able to get Plank. Now you encounter Sarah. You have to dodge the drills for 60 seconds. You probably won't be able to win the first time. Try to memorize where the drills fall. You need to move Edd first. After this, you will return Plank. Then, you will go to the Junkyard to find the Hypno-Disc Hat. Level 5: The Junkyard, First Round Get Eddy to the last tire, then bounce up to the platform and climb the ladder. Go to the left and get the slingshot. Then, get Edd to pull the switch. Use Edd to go right and get on the elevator. Then, go right and go down the slide. Keep going right until you see a green robot. You cannot destroy these so don't even try shooting at them. You have to get up the platforms. It is kinda hard, so it will probably take you awhile to get up there. Be sure to use Edd to go up there, so he can pull the switch. Then, use Eddy to go down the slide, then jump on the tire and go up to the car. Then, jump on the elevator to the right to get the helmet. Go to the right and break down the wall. Then, go across with Edd. When you see some birds get there attention, and then shoot them. You have to be quick. Then, go across till you get to some tires. Jump up onto the elevator and go to the right to pull the switch. Now get Eddy to go all the way till you get to all the elevators. Get on the very bottom one with coal in it. Ride it to the left and get the Jetpack. Then, go back to the right and use the Jetpack to go up and then right till you see the hat. Get it. Second Round Use Eddy to bounce up the mattress to the tires and then go right. Climb up the ladder to get the slingshot on the left. Then, use Edd to shoot the switch. Now, go across till you get to a wall. Use Eddy to jump up and bounce up the tire to get the helmet. The rest you can figure out yourself. The arrow is at the bottom right hand corner. Third Round Use Eddy to bounce up to the car. Then, climb the ladder and jump up to get the slingshot. The rest is easy. Later on, you will discover some water hoses. You need to shoot them with the slingshot. The arrow is at the bottom right hand corner. Fourth Round Use Eddy to climb up the ladder to the car. Go to the left tire and bounce up really high to get the helmet. Then, go to the right and break down the wall. Now, when you run across, gears will fall down. Don't get hit by them. After you get past that, go up the elevator. Get Eddy to get the Jetpack, and then fly over the water hoses and go up to get the slingshot. The rest you can figure out yourself. When you get to these huge pipes, use the Jetpack to get up all the way till you get the disc on the left. Now you have to dodge Kevin's rocks. The best way to me is to get on the ground when he shoots the rocks at you. After you beat this, the Kanker sisters will take Edd away. Level 6: The Trailer Park, First Round On this level, you can use the Hypno-Disc Hat. The hat may not be displayed at first when you are using Eddy. If the hat is not already displayed, then press select to make the hat appear. Then, equip it and use it on dogs, birds, robots, chickens, and Victor the Goat. Use Eddy to go right till you get to two crates with the Jetpack inside it. Jump on top of the crates, then jump on the wire to to left and get the helmet. Now get Ed over here to break the platform, so he can get the Jetpack. If you want to use the Jetpack instead of the hat, then press select twice. Then, press down and then A to fall down. Now go to the right and break down all the walls. When you get to the chicken, use the hat. You don't have to worry about using up the hat. You can use the hat however many times you want because it will never run out. Go all the way right, and you will eventually get to the arrow in the bottom right hand corner. Second Round On this round, you will encounter many chickens. If you use the Hypno-Disc Hat on the chickens, Ed can walk right through them. Go all the way till you go down a slide, and you see a bunch of tires. Jump up to the very top, and wait for a laundry basket to come by. Get into it. The rest, I think you can figure out yourself. The arrow is at the top right hand corner. Third Round To get the helmet, get on the yellow car and jump on the ladder above the slime. Go right on the wire and go all the way up past the robots, and you will see the helmet. Then, go down and then right across the laundry baskets to the arrow on the bottom right hand corner. Fourth Round Now, use Eddy to get all the way to the trolley. Get Ed there too. Get across the slime and get to the checkpoint. Use Eddy to get on the tire to the left of the checkpoint. Jump to the top of the trailer. Then, press down and then A to fall down. While you are falling, before you hit the tire, hold on to A. You will bounce up really high. When you get to the highest point, do a flip and you will make it to the platform. Then, keep jumping up until you get the helmet. Now go down and hypnotize the goat and bounce past it. Get past all the dogs and everything and you will reach the end. The arrow is at the bottom right hand corner. Now you fight the Kanker Sisters. Use Eddy to jump on the wall. Then, jump to the upper right and get the helmet. Go back down and get in the trolley. Use Ed to knock down the wall. Then, get him to push the trolley over to Edd. Now use Edd to get in the trolley. Now push everyone across the slime to the arrow. Now get everyone to jump out of the trolley and you will have won. Congratulations! You have now completed the game. I hope you have enjoyed this faq. If you had any problems understanding any of this, please email me. 6. Thanks --------- I would like to thank the people who made this game, and the people who helped me beat this game. I would like to thank Banzaiboy for helping to make improvements. I would also like to thank you for reading this. 7. Copyright ------------ This may not be reproduced under any circumstances except for personal, private use. It may not be placed on any website or otherwise distributed publicly without advance written permission. I will most likely grant permission, but I would like to know where it went though. Use of this guide on any other web site or as a part of any public display is strictly prohibited, and a violation of copyright. All trademarks and copyrights contained in this document are owned by their respective trademark and copyright holders. Copyright 2003 Janet Leung. All rights reserved.