[GBA] Dungeons & Dragons: Eye of the Beholder Monster FAQ By FatRatKnight (Lee Eric Kirwan) v2.05a This FAQ is Copyright 2014-2016 Leeland Eric Kirwan + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + 0 + + + + + + + + + + = TABLE OF CONTENTS = + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + # + + (Line) Title of section [Search] 0 + + ( 8) TABLE OF CONTENTS [Hi!] 1 + + ( 31) INTRODUCTION [INT01] 2 + + ( 59) MONSTER LIST [MLS32] 3 + + ( 130) TIPS & TRICKS [TNT68] 3. 1 : 143: Combat Initiative 3. 2 : 162: Modifiers to Attack/AC 3. 3 : 191: Delay Automatic Trigger 3. 4 : 205: Formation Reversed 3. 5 : 219: Party Formation 4 + + ( 241) DETAILS [DTL22] 5 + + (1516) RAW STATS TABLE [RST32] 6 + + (1628) CLOSING [CLO57] .1 :1636: Contact Info .2 :1655: Legal .3 :1680: Version History + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + 1 + + + + + + + + + + = INTRODUCTION = + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + [INT01] Ah, this game is a remake of the SNES Eye of the Beholder, complete with a similar layout. It is remade using 3rd edition ruleset, but analysis made it clear they didn't put much effort in ensuring all the... quirks... are removed. This FAQ details in the monsters you can expect to find in this game. I should hope that's obvious from the title I've given it. This data was extracted by poking about the game's internal stuff, though I still had to translate what most of the bits meant. I think I got most of it. There is a lot the game has, but a whole lot it just isn't telling you. I had to dig into the game to even get a rough idea what almost any of these stats were. Everything I list, the game refuses to tell. Even the names are never revealed to you at any point. Now that's just sad. Especially since there are some monsters who share the same miniatures. So, with all that said, I do hope you find the information useful in some way. This is a near-complete information of all the enemies in the game. What little left to find out is probably not all that relevant anyway. + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + 2 + + + + + + + + + + = MONSTER LIST = + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + [MLS32] Monster Name - Extracted name. You never actually see this. Floor - Which floors the monster can be found in. A is floor 10. 0 is floor 0 (called Secret Area). At:Dmg - Attack bonus (chance to hit) and damage dealt. If * is visible, the monster uses a ranged attack. If ? is visible, it's using ammo as a melee weapon. Don't ask. If ! is visible, the weapon has a secondary effect. Watch out! In - Initiative bonus. How likely the monster will act first. S - Speed. Number of squares it can travel in one move action. Hit dice - Monster hit points. ##d..+.. - Number of dice (this is the HD) ..d##+.. - Sides of each dice Yes, the enemy's HP is ..d..+## - Flat bonus to HP determined randomly. If * is visible, HD is counted one less than indicated for various things based off of level, such as spell duration, or how many of these that Sleep will target. AC - Derived AC value. This includes equipment and Dexterity. Fo:Re:Wi - Saves: Fortitude, Reflex, and Will. I've already included effects of stats and feats. - Search tag for locating monster in my guide. Name | Floor |At:Dmg ?|In:S|Hit dice:AC|Fo:Re:Wi| --------------------+-----------+--:------+--:-+--------:--+--:--:--+ Kobold Swordsman |123 | 5:1d6 |+1:6|*1d 4 :15| 0: 2: 2|<00KS> Kobold Guards |123 | 2:1d6-2 |+1:6|*1d 4+ 2:16| 0: 2: 2|<01KG> Kobold Archers |123 | 7*1d8 |+2:6|*1d 4 :16| 0: 3: 2|<02Ka> Kobold Adept |123 | 8:1d6-1 |+1:6| 1d 8 :17| 0: 2: 7|<03KA> Skeleton Clawguard |12345 8 | 0:1d4 |+5:6| 1d12 :14|-5: 2: 2|<04SC> Skeleton Swordsman | 2345 | 6:1d6 |+5:6| 1d12 :18|-5: 2: 2|<05SS> Zombie | 2 45 | 0:1d6+2 |-1:6| 2d12+ 3:12|-5:-2: 3|<06Zo> Kobold Miners | 3 |11:1d6+1 |+1:4| 1d 8 :16| 0: 2: 2|<10KM> Baneguard | 34 6 | 1:1d4+1 | 0:6| 4d12 :13|-4: 1: 6|<07Bg> Albrik | 3 | 8:1d6+3 |+3:4|*2d12 :26|-4: 5: 6|<09Al> Spider (Web Spinner)| 45 | 9:1d6 |+3:6| 2d 8+ 2:14| 5: 6: 0|<11WS> Spider (Hunter) | 45 | 9:1d6 |+3:8| 2d 8+ 2:14| 5: 6: 0|<12HS> Kuo-Toa Fighter | 6 | 4:1d8+2 | 0:4| 2d 8+ 2:18| 6: 3: 7|<13TF> Kuo-Toa Rogue | 6 | 3*1d4 |+1:4| 2d 8+ 2:17| 6: 4: 7|<14TR> Kuo-Toa Whip | 6 | 3:1d8+1 | 0:4| 2d 8+ 2:16| 6: 3: 8|<15TW> Banedead | 6 |-1:1d4+2!|+4:6| 6d12 :18|-3: 2: 7|<08Bd> Albrik 2 | 6 | 4:1d8+3!|+3:4|*2d12+24:27|-4: 5: 6|<16A2> Colstan Rhuul | 6 | 3:1d8+6 |+4:4|10d 8 :26| 7: 5:11|<17CR> Drow Fighter | 78 0| 0:1d6+1 |+7:4| 4d 8 :16| 0: 4: 2|<18DF> Drow Cleric | 78 0| 4:1d8+1 |+1:4| 3d 8 :16| 0: 0: 2|<19DC> Drow Wizard | 78 0| 2?1d2 !|+5:6| 3d 8 :11| 0: 2: 0|<20DW> Hell Hound | 78 0| 8:1d8+2 |+1:8| 4d 8+ 4:16| 6: 6: 4|<21HH> Displacer Beast | 8 | 3:1d4+4 |+6:8| 6d10+18:16|11: 9: 4|<24DB> Rust Monster | 8 |No Attack|+3:8| 5d 8+ 5:18| 3: 7: 2|<23RM> Ghaunadan | 9A | 5:1d6+2!|+2:6| 5d 8+ 8:21| 6: 8: 6|<25Gh> Drider | A0|-2:1d6+2 |+2:4| 6d 8+18:23| 8: 8:11|<22Dr> Zhentarim Fighter 1 | A0| 1:1d8+3 |+5:4| 5d10 :18| 6: 2: 0|<28Zf> Zhentarim Fighter 2 | A0|-7:1d8+4 |+6:4| 6d10 :20| 8: 4: 2|<29ZF> Zhentarim Cleric | A0| 0:1d8+1 |+6:4| 6d 8 :20| 7: 4: 7|<30ZC> Death Tyrant | A | 0:2d4+2 | 0:3|11d12 :19|-2: 3:13|<27DT> Xanathar | A | 1:2d4+2 |+4:4|11d12+11:21| 5: 3:16|<26Xa> Null CR Value | |No Attack|-5:0| 0d 0 : 3|-5:-5:-5|<31--> --------------------+-----------+--:------+--:-+--------:--+--:--:--+ + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + 3 + + + + + + + + + + = TIPS & TRICKS = + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + [TNT68] While not an all-encompassing section to deal with everything you'll ever come across, this section does provide some information that pertains specifically to monster encounters. For lack of a better title (MISC. INFORMATION came close), I chose TIPS & TRICKS as they do let you know what to do to gain an advantage, even if unintuitive. 3. 1 ------------------------ Combat Initiative ------------------------ Here's what happens when you select Fight from the menu: * +2 Initiative to each character in your party If a fight starts through any other method, this happens: * +2 Initiative to each enemy Therefore, with a possible 4 point adjustment to Initiative, you are highly encouraged to go into the menu to hit fight. The battles right around that corner will always get this advantage against you, as you can't menu-fight them. The Hide state prevents the character from being targeted until the character acts, which is also nice in its own way, but even insane stats have a harsh chance to fail if you don't select to Fight from the menu. 3. 2 --------------------- Modifiers to Attack/AC ---------------------- The following affects your chance to hit as follows: + 2 - Flanking (Have someone on the opposite side) + 1 - Point Blank Shot w/ ranged weapon within 4 squares - 4 - Attacking past a corner - 4 - Shooting past a creature to hit another one - 4 - Shooting an engaged enemy (without Precise Shot) Flanking: Just have someone on the opposite side of an enemy. Both characters on each side get the Attack bonus. Rogues also get their bonus damage against living enemies. Point Blank Shot: When shooting an enemy no further than 4 spaces away, get +1 bonus to attack. You need this feat, Point Blank Shot, to get this bonus. Corners: Attacking past a corner imparts a significant penalty. This happens with both ranged and melee attacks. Attacks of opportunity are not allowed past corners. Shooting past others: For each creature in a line between the shooter and target, a cumulative -4 penalty is applied. Shooting engaged foes: If an enemy attacked one of your characters with melee weapon, there's a -4 penalty to shoot that enemy at range. Precise Shot feat negates this penalty. 3. 3 --------------------- Delay Automatic Trigger --------------------- When moving about, the game checks the following: * 4 steps ahead * 1 step to the left * 1 step to the right * 1 step behind you Some encounters trigger when 2 or more steps away. You can deny this extra range by simply walking backwards, and can always guarantee you trigger a fight much closer than designed, or to avoid a few entirely. 3. 4 ----------------------- Formation Reversed ------------------------ Rather than walk forward to the enemy group, walk backwards. Of course, you can't try menu->fight, so you'll be at an Initiative disadvantage, but here the enemy formation is reversed, potentially putting their ranged units in melee range. Note, your own formation will also be reversed. Keep in mind that, if you have a large enough party, some enemies in that group will be displaced to surround your party. For a six-person party, slots 3 and 4 will likely be safe from attack. 3. 5 ------------------------- Party Formation ------------------------- Open Left Right Corr- Room Block Block idor **..** #|..** **..|# #|..|# **..** #|..** **..|# #|..|# .3124. #|123. .312|# #|12|# ..56.. #|45.. ..45|# #|34|# **..** #|6.** **6.|# #|56|# **..** #|..** **..|# #|..|# Above is the order your living party enters combat (dead ones are skipped). Rotate this for whatever facing you take. If a monster is right around a corner, you can't actually face them directly, so you might want to put a Fighter in slot 3 (if to the left OR a wall is on a side) or perhaps slot 4 (if no wall AND to the right). Obviously, if you are backing up to an encounter, you'll want your strong ones in the back. + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + 4 + + + + + + + + + + = DETAILS = + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + [DTL22] I will list every stat and explain what I know about each and every monster. There isn't room in the quick list to list things like inventory, feats, spells, and specials, so they're all here instead. I may occasionally list a number (x2) along with some spells and items, this means it has that many of it. Without it, it is implied they have exactly one of that thing. This count is entirely ignored by the game despite internal listing, and they can endlessly use spells or ranged attacks without ever running out of the appropriate thing. Enemies will only ever use spells to target your characters. This means that, even though there are beneficial spells in the enemy's list of spells, these will never be cast as they will never target another monster for any reason. Due to some glitch, some monsters may have more than one copy of the same feat. Duplicates do not give further benefit as opposed to having just one of that feat. Kobold Swordsman :Small humanoid (reptilian), Lawful Evil <00KS> STR:10 DEX:13 CON:11 Fort: 0 Refl:+1 Will:+2 HP: 1d4 (HD 0) ########## INT:10 WIS:10 CHA:10 Base AC: 11 Speed: 30 feet ??:03 ########## List of feats |Inventory --------------------+------------- Alertness |Short Sword Martial Weapon Prof.|Leather Armor Atk: 1d6 damage : +5 Attack : +1 Initiative Def: 1~4 HP : 15 AC : 0 Fort : +2 Refl : +2 Will First fight is versus five of these. Idealized hit chances: Ideal start defense|Ideal start offense -------------------+------------------- 10 base AC | +1 Fighter Lv1 +5 DEX:20 | +5 DEX:20 w/ Weapon Finesse +1 Small size | +1 Small size +2 Leather Armor | +1 Buckler | -------------------+------------------- 19 AC | +7 Attack 35% to be hit | 65% to hit them More likely, your 14 STR, 13 DEX Human Cleric will hit with 40% chance and be hit 60% of the time. They will hit rather often, and generally make your first fight a particularly uncomfortable one. Wizard can use Magic Missile for a high chance to slay one (81.25%) or Sleep to disable a group. I recommend Sleep, but it can burst to hit your guys, too. They use the same miniature as the Kobold Guards, who have more HP and AC, with significantly weaker attacks. It would be lovely to attack these Swordsmen first, but you have to guess who's who, as they look identical. After you reach the Inn, things get easier because you have access to Chain Shirts, large shields, and Bucklers. This levels the playing field a bit, with 7 AC from equipment to save you instead of 2 (Leather Armor only). Side note: Sleep is real funny. It targets entire groups, and when asleep, any physical attack, including a Sling from 10 squares away, will be 100% instant death, with no chance to miss. This can hit your guys, too, so learn of its 3 square radius and hope to Sleep them before they approach. This one spell helps to trivialize Kobold encounters, which is good, since they're kind of unfair with hit rates. Kobold Guards :Small humanoid (reptilian), Lawful Evil <01KG> STR: 6 DEX:13 CON:11 Fort: 0 Refl:+1 Will:+2 HP: 1d4+2 (HD 0) ########## INT:10 WIS:10 CHA:10 Base AC: 11 Speed: 30 feet ??:02 ########## List of feats |Inventory -------------------+--------------- Alertness |Halfspear Simple Weapon Prof.|Studded Leather Atk: 1d6-2 damage : +2 Attack : +1 Initiative Def: 3~6 HP : 16 AC : 0 Fort : +2 Refl : +2 Will They hit much less often than the visually identical Kobold Swordsman, but to make up for that, they have more HP and AC, meaning Magic Missile is unlikely to slay in one shot. This would be a lovely thing to keep in mind, if, you know, you can actually tell apart who the two are! In any case, when they do hit, it's for 1~4 damage, with 3 chances out of 6 to be 1 damage. Until you get to the Inn, they will still be frustrating like the Swordsmen, so keep that Sleep spell in mind. Sleep is more useful against these Guards, as Magic Missile won't be so likely to kill. Kobold Archers :Small humanoid (reptilian), Lawful Evil <02Ka> STR: 6 DEX:15 CON:11 Fort: 0 Refl:+1 Will:+2 HP: 1d4 (HD 0) ########## INT:10 WIS:10 CHA:10 Base AC: 11 Speed: 30 feet ??:03 ########## List of feats |Inventory -------------------+------------------- Alertness |Light Crossbow Simple Weapon Prof.|Crossbow Bolts (x3) |Leather Armor Atk: 1d8 damage : +7 Attack : +2 Initiative : Ranged Def: 1~4 HP : 16 AC : 0 Fort : +3 Refl : +2 Will The Light Crossbow does 1d8 damage, and the hit rate is enhanced by their small size and that high Dexterity. They are rather painful to a group just starting out, as that offense is just deadly so quickly. If you can get up to them, the attacks of opportunity you get might force them to stop shooting you sooner (by killing them). Maybe. They're a good target for Magic Missile, as it has 81.25% chance to outright kill one. Sleep, as usual, is also a good idea to cripple the whole group, and even if you don't get the archer, perhaps you got his buddies, and can then walk to the archer sooner. One trick you can try is to walk backwards to the group, assuming you know the group has archers. This reverses the formations of both your party and the enemy's, so make sure you don't leave your Wizard cornered and in danger. Kobold Adept :Small humanoid (reptilian), Lawful Evil <03KA> STR: 6 DEX:13 CON:11 Fort: 0 Refl:+1 Will:+5 HP: 1d8 ########## INT:10 WIS:14 CHA:10 Base AC: 11 Speed: 30 feet ??:05 ########## List of spells | List of feats |Inventory --------------------+-------------------+------------- Cure Minor Wounds |Alertness |Chain Shirt Inflict Minor Wounds|Armor Prof. (Light)|Light Mace +1 Cause Fear |Combat Casting | Cure Light Wounds |Simple Weapon Prof.| Protection from Good| Charm Person | Atk: 1d6-1 damage : +8 Attack : +1 Initiative Def: 1~8 HP : 17 AC : 0 Fort : +2 Refl : +7 Will This one's pretty dangerous. The Light Mace +1 is a potent weapon (1d6+1 damage), but not so much when backed by -2 Strength penalty. The terror here is Charm Person. Charmed status is evil: * Prevents action * Lasts forever in combat (this casting lasts 30 steps out of combat) * Nothing dispels it -- That character is stuck until combat finishes * Will save DC 11 stops it (50% chance with zero Will save bonus) Moon Elf and Half-Elf are outright immune. High Will save helps, and Shield Dwarf gets +2 bonus, too. A charmed character can still make attacks of opportunity for whatever reason, but other than that and the possibility of soaking hits, you'll have to make do with your remaining guys. As with other enemies with spells, they will never use the beneficial ones, as they are no good to target on enemies, and they will only ever look to attack you. So, although the Kobold Adept has three beneficial spells, you'll never see Cure Light Wounds ever used on anything. Cause Fear and Inflict Minor Wounds are used at times, but are far less disasterous than Charm Person. Magic Missile has 50% chance to kill one outright. Sleep is not as effective against that Will save, but these often come with other Kobolds who can be affected, so although it isn't as likely to knock the Adept down, you'll still want to disable most of the group as soon as possible. Skeleton Clawguard :Medium undead, Neutral <04SC> STR:10 DEX:12 Fort: 0 Refl:+1 Will:+2 HP: 1d12 ########## WIS:10 CHA:11 Base AC: 12 Speed: 30 feet ??:05 ########## List of specials | List of feats |Inventory ----------------------+-------------------+------------------ Immunity to Cold |Improved Initiative|Skeleton Claw (x2) Half Damage (Piercing)| Half Damage (Slashing)| Undead | Atk: 1d4 damage : +0 Attack : +5 Initiative Def: 1~12 HP : 14 AC : -5 Fort : +2 Refl : +2 Will : Undead Cleric, use Turn Undead, in Skills menu. Battle = over. Minus a Cleric, you get Morningstars from the Inn, to get around those half damage specials. They're easier to fight than the Kobolds you had to get through to reach them, aside for the potential of having up to 12 HP and half damage. They're less likely to hit than even the Kobold Guards, and only slightly more damaging on average. They have less AC than Kobold Swordsman, but may take a beating depending on their Hit Dice roll. Of course, you could always have a Cleric use Turn Undead and blast the whole group, with the Cleric's Charisma adding to the destructive power. Only thing to really worry about is the fact they have high Initiative and are likely to go first. These are the only skeletons in the first floor to worry about. Skeleton Swordsman :Medium undead, Neutral <05SS> STR:10 DEX:12 Fort: 0 Refl:+1 Will:+2 HP: 1d12 ########## WIS:10 CHA:11 Base AC: 12 Speed: 30 feet ??:07 ########## List of specials | List of feats |Inventory ----------------------+--------------------+----------- Immunity to Cold |Armor Prof. (Light) |Scimitar Half Damage (Piercing)|Improved Initiative |Chain Shirt Half Damage (Slashing)|Martial Weapon Prof.| Undead | Atk: 1d6 damage : +6 Attack : +5 Initiative Def: 1~12 HP : 18 AC : -5 Fort : +2 Refl : +2 Will : Undead Cleric: Turn Undead. Win. Far, far more accurate than the Clawguard, and have higher AC as well (the highest until Albrik). They're definitely more dangerous, but the fact Turn Undead works just as well means you can just take that shortcut and win really fast. Do hate the fact the miniature is identical to Clawguard, as they're more powerful than a Kobold Swordsman. If you lack a Cleric, or ran out of Turn Undead attempts, these guys will be sure to frustrate you with that AC. Keep trying with that Morningstar or Magic Missiles. You start finding these things on floor 2, by the way. Zombie :Medium undead, Neutral <06Zo> STR:13 DEX: 8 Fort:+0 Refl:-1 Will:+3 HP: 2d12+3 ########## WIS:10 CHA: 1 Base AC: 12 Speed: 30 feet ??:08 ########## Spec. |Inventory ------+----------- Undead|Zombie Slam Atk: 1d6+2 damage : +0 Attack : -1 Initiative Def: 5~27 HP : 12 AC : -5 Fort : -2 Refl : +3 Will : Undead Cleric! Use that Turn Undead! They have 2 HD, so expect a higher failure rate than against the flimsy skeletons. An extra Cleric level can fix that. They have lots of HP, so it's worth trying Turn Undead a few times. A high AC does put a good stop to them, at least. Anyone with 20+ AC can only ever be hit at 5% chance. Which is good, as they can put out 3 to 8 damage per hit. Trivial by level 2, where you have Mage Armor to kill their hit chance and a better Cleric for Turn Undead. Of note, being Flatfooted negates Dexterity modifier to AC. Not bonus, but modifier. This means that if you attack a Zombie before they act, you deal with one more AC than expected, so if you have a choice, try to attack one that has already acted for that extra 5% chance. Kobold Miners :Small humanoid (reptilian), Lawful Evil <10KM> STR:12 DEX:13 CON:11 Fort: 0 Refl:+1 Will:+2 HP: 1d8 ########## INT: 6 WIS:10 CHA: 6 Base AC: 11 Speed: 20 feet ??:05 ########## List of feats |Inventory --------------------+---------- Alertness |Heavy Pick Armor Prof. (Light) |Hide Armor Armor Prof. (Med) | Martial Weapon Prof.| Atk: 1d6+1 damage : +11 Attack : +1 Initiative Def: 1~8 HP : 16 AC : 0 Fort : +2 Refl : +2 Will These Kobolds show up as your first encounters in the third floor. Even though they look identical to the Swordsman and Guards you've been fighting, they are far, far stronger with an insane hit rate. You did not get unlucky suddenly -- They are just so much better! Let's take a look at your possible AC... 10 - Base AC +1 - DEX:12 (example; Not wonderful, but still gives some small bonus) +4 - Chain Shirt (affordable, and doesn't interfere with move speed) +2 - Lrg Wooden Shield +1 - Buckler (hey, the game allows Buckler + Shield!) +4 - Mage Armor (and this stacks just fine. You got this spell, right?) ---------------- 22 total AC (could still be better, but not by much) That's some good AC, eh? Despite this, they're cutting into that good AC 50% of the time. Don't expose your Wizard. The usual strategy of Sleep versus groups applies. Since they count as 1 HD instead of 0, it's possible Sleep stops short of targeting the whole group. Keep in mind, if you give them time, they will chip down your Fighters quickly. Baneguard :Medium undead, Neutral Evil <07Bg> STR:12 DEX:11 Fort:+1 Refl:+1 Will:+5 HP: 4d12 ########## INT: 9 WIS:12 CHA:13 Base AC: 13 Speed: 30 feet ??:1C ########## List of specials | Feats | Inventory |Spells ----------------------+---------+------------------+------------- Immunity to Cold |Alertness|Skeleton Claw (x2)|Magic Missile Half Damage (Piercing)| Half Damage (Slashing)| Undead | Atk: 1d4+1 damage : +1 Attack : +0 Initiative Def: 4~48 HP : 13 AC : -4 Fort : +1 Refl : +6 Will : Undead 4 HD means they are annoyingly durable, both in how hard it is to successfully Turn Undead against them, and the HP you have to chip through. The low AC helps things, and their physical attacks are barely any more accurate than a Zombie. The big reason to hate them is that they cast Magic Missile. As you know, this spell can't miss (you have a Wizard, right?), and so will always hurt someone for 2 to 5 damage. Thankfully, they don't respect the fact they should get two shots per casting, and if you can surround them, the attacks of opportunity does have a chance to stop them. In any case, they look just like the other skeletons you've been facing. You'll spot them as the only ones standing when you have your Cleric use Turn Undead to slay a group. You may want to hang on to those Morningstars even when you've found a shiny Longsword +1 or two. Albrik :Small undead (reptilian), Chaotic Evil <09Al> STR:12 DEX:17 Fort:+1 Refl:+2 Will:+5 HP: 2d12 (HD 1) ########## INT:12 WIS:12 CHA:14 Base AC: 17 Speed: 20 feet ??:50 ########## List of specials | List of feats | List of spells |Inventory -------------------+-------------------+--------------------+--------------- Undead |Alertness |Inflict Minor Wounds|Chain Shirt Vampire Resistance |Armor Prof. (Light)|Bane |Ring of Pro + 1 Vampire Cold Resist|Armor Prof. (Med) |Cause Fear |Light Mace +2 Vampire Elec Resist|Combat Casting |Inflict Light Wounds| Vampire Turn Resist|Simple Weapon Prof.|Protection from Good| Vampire Slam | Atk: 1d6+3 damage : +8 Attack : +3 Initiative Def: 2~24 HP : 26 AC : -4 Fort : +5 Refl : +6 Will : Undead Albrik the vampire. He would be really easy to Turn, if only he didn't have that Turn Resist! Your Turn Undead will have no effect at all against Albrik, but it'll still get rid of his undead allies (2x Baneguard). A well-placed Snow. Swarm should be pretty good at removing his living Kobold allies. The derived AC is just plain unfair: + 4 Fighter Lv4 (Base Attack Bonus) + 8 STR:26 (Bull's Strength +5, Half-Orc w/ 20 STR plus Lv4 stat point) + 1 Longsword +1 (Fancy weapon you find) + 1 Bless (Lv1 Cleric spell; Cast in battle, target caster to use) + 1 Aid (Lv2 Cleric spell; Single target, however) + 2 Flanking bonus (have someone else on the opposite side) ----------- +17 total Attack (roll 9 or higher to hit: 60% chance to hit) More practically, you might have this: + 3 Rogue1/Fighter3 (Base Attack Bonus) + 3 STR:16 (A decent Strength roll without further benefits) + 1 Longsword +1 ----------- + 7 total Attack (roll 19 or 20 to hit: 10% chance to hit) You'll want everything you've got to boost your Attack. Especially Bull's Strength. Regardless, you will miss often, and getting past that AC is going to take a while. Vampire Resistance: Reduces most incoming damage by 15. +1 weapons ignore it: Longsword +1 (x2), Light Mace +1 (x1), or Dagger +1 (x1) are the only such weapons to find by now. You can buy Dagger +1, but it is really expensive. Wizard spells aren't going to do any damage, with the only viable spell being Aganazzar's Scorcher. You most certainly won't have a Lv5 Wizard, but in case you find a way to go solo, Fireball does humorous amounts of damage. Somehow, Acid Splash does zero damage, don't bother trying. Vampire slam: Energy Drain. -1 level's worth of experience. Can stack, so you can go all the way down to zero. This has no save, and can't miss. If Albrik needs to walk two spaces, this prevents him from using it, but otherwise, your only defense is to hope he doesn't use it. A healer can restore the minimum experience needed to be at your current level. The physical output isn't as accurate as Kobold Miner, but can still do some damage. Inflict Light Wounds is about as dangerous, but as a touch spell, he should be close enough to trigger an attack of opportunity. If you surround him, even better. If you defeat his army quickly enough, it is less a matter of "if you win" and more "when you win, and how many levels your character in 1st slot will lose before then." The 'if' still depends on whether you have enough Attack to hit him with any useful frequency, but even 20% (+9 Attack) should be a win, if rather frustrating in the meantime. Spider (Web Spinner):Medium Vermin, Neutral <11WS> STR:11 DEX:17 CON:12 Fort:+4 Refl:+3 Will: 0 HP: 2d8+2 ########## WIS:10 CHA: 2 Base AC: 11 Speed: 30 feet ??:10 ########## One feat | Inventory |Special --------------+-----------+---------- Weapon Finesse|Spider Bite|Spider Web Atk: 1d6 damage : +9 Attack : +3 Initiative Def: 4~18 HP : 14 AC : +5 Fort : +6 Refl : 0 Will These are the blue spiders. Spider Bite does 1d6 damage, and is curiously accurate. The Spider Web hits a small area, the Web Spinners are immune to this. (The Hunter version can be hit by this, though) Spider Web: Reflex save DC 20 (meaning it will likely hit your guys in most cases). It causes Entangled, -4 Attack, and -2 saves. The stats here are more due to glitches, as it applies the -2 Attack twice and the -2 saves is due to improper handling of multiple effects. Entangled status itself just prevents movement. Every round, your characters will try their Escape Artist skill to, well, escape. This is done automatically at no cost to time, and is the only use Escape Artist has, not counting your own Web spells hitting your own guys elsewhere. Spider Web lasts until the combat ends, and Escape Artist removes only the Entangled state, not the minuses to Attack or saves. Oh, and the minuses will stack with multiple Spider Webs. If this happens, do feel free to weep a bit. That said, the spiders are unremarkable compared to the Kobold Miners you just fought. While Sleep will only ever target 1 to 4 spiders at a time, the low Will save means the Sleep spell is more reliable here than against Kobolds. It doesn't matter how many times you are webbed, a sleeping target will die 100% chance from a physical attack. Since they have low AC, you should hopefully pound them in before they stack the miss-causing webs. Spider (Hunter) :Medium Vermin, Neutral <12HS> STR:11 DEX:17 CON:12 Fort:+4 Refl:+3 Will: 0 HP: 2d8+2 ########## WIS:10 CHA: 2 Base AC: 11 Speed: 40 feet ??:10 ########## One feat |Inventory --------------+----------- Weapon Finesse|Spider Bite Atk: 1d6 damage : +9 Attack : +3 Initiative Def: 4~18 HP : 14 AC : +5 Fort : +6 Refl : 0 Will These are the dark grey ones. Their tricks are limited to a rather high move speed (which you'll never notice) and a single accurate 1d6 bite attack. Nothing else, not even a little poison. Boredom is a more dangerous foe. Amusingly, they can be hit by the Web Spinner's web, if they are close enough to one of your guys. Sleep works as nicely against them as they do the Web Spinner. Kuo-Toa Fighter :Medium monsterous humanoid (aquatic), Neutral Evil <13TF> STR:14 DEX:10 CON:13 Fort:+3 Refl:+3 Will:+5 HP: 2d8+2 ########## INT:13 WIS:14 CHA: 8 Base AC: 16 Speed: 20 feet ??:08 ########## List of feats |Inventory --------------------+----------------- Great Fortitude |Trident Martial Weapon Prof.|Lrg Wooden Shield Shield Prof. |Kuo-Toa Bite Atk: 1d8+2 damage : +4 Attack : +0 Initiative Def: 4~18 HP : 18 AC : +6 Fort : +3 Refl : +7 Will Pretty unremarkable. Though they have the Bite, it is never used, because it isn't the first weapon. While they do have the potential for 3 to 10 damage, this won't happen often with that low Attack bonus, unless they target your Wizard or something. Less accurate than the Kobold Swordsman, and you really should have better armor since then. They'll resist your Sleep spells often, thanks to that high Will save. But this hardly matters, since they will do a lot of missing your Fighters anyway, so just knock them down. Kuo-Toa Rogue :Medium monsterous humanoid (aquatic), Neutral Evil <14TR> STR:13 DEX:12 CON:13 Fort:+3 Refl:+3 Will:+5 HP: 2d8+2 ########## INT:13 WIS:14 CHA: 8 Base AC: 16 Speed: 20 feet ??:10 ########## List of feats |Inventory -------------------+----------------- Great Fortitude |Sling Simple Weapon Prof.|Sling Bullets (x3) |Kuo-Toa Bite Atk: 1d4 damage : +3 Attack : +1 Initiative : Ranged Def: 4~18 HP : 17 AC : +6 Fort : +4 Refl : +7 Will Sling does 1d4 damage. What. So while giving you "nastier" foes, they decide to go from Kobold Archer's 1d8 crossbow with good accuracy to 1d4 sling with mediocre accuracy? The low damage means they're really not going to do anything of any real threat against you. That is, if they even hit to begin with. Along with Kuo-Toa Fighter, you won't feel much pain from them. Kuo-Toa Whip :Medium monsterous humanoid (aquatic), Neutral Evil <15TW> STR:13 DEX:10 CON:13 Fort:+3 Refl:+3 Will:+5 HP: 2d8+2 ########## INT:13 WIS:16 CHA: 8 Base AC: 16 Speed: 20 feet ??:10 ########## List of spells | List of feats |Inventory -------------------------+--------------------+------------ Inflict Minor Wounds (x2)|Great Fortitude |Trident Resistance (x2) |Martial Weapon Prof.|Kuo-Toa Bite Bane | Hold Person | Lightning Bolt (x2) | Atk: 1d8+1 damage : +3 Attack : +0 Initiative Def: 4~18 HP : 16 AC : +6 Fort : +3 Refl : +8 Will This is a Kuo-Toa with a trident, but no visible shield. This is the dangerous one to fight, thanks to Hold Person. Ah, you want to know what the Held status does? * Prevents action. * Denies attacks of opportunity. * Incoming physical attacks instantly kill, 100% chance. Even a sling from a distance will 100% hit, 100% kill. Had 31 AC and 56 HP? Whoops, too bad. Die in one hit. Your Sleep spell did this to enemies, now they do it to you. With 2 HD, this spell will only last one round, and the Whip here can't take advantage of that himself. Depending on Initiative, his buddies might, and that Fighter is gone. Only your Will save helps here (DC 13). Lightning Bolt may seem frightening, but being based on HD, it'll only do 2d6 damage. It'll hurt, sure, but nothing like what Hold Person can do. Nothing else this thing can do really matters, so try to get to them as quick as you can to minimize the chance Hold Person does something. Banedead :Medium undead, Lawful Evil <08Bd> STR:13 DEX:10 Fort:+2 Refl:+2 Will:+6 HP: 6d12 ########## INT:10 WIS:12 CHA:15 Base AC: 16 Speed: 30 feet ??:28 ########## List of feats | Inventory |Spec. -------------------+------------------+------ Armor Prof. (Light)|Padded Armor |Undead Improved Initiative|Banedead Claw (x2)| |Bandead Bite | Atk: 1d4+2 damage : -1 Attack : +4 Initiative : -1 Dexterity Def: 6~72 HP : 17 AC : -3 Fort : +2 Refl : +7 Will : Undead First found at Albrik 2, last found by Colstan Rhuul. They show up for a short time, but they can be painful with 6 HD. Turn Undead might work, but expect to take several tries. You'll probably have the levels on your Cleric to do it. The nasty bit is the Banedead Claw. Every attack saps one Dexterity. This happens on a hit or miss, there is no save. They'll miss with a near-guarantee, yet it still drains DEX. Just the act of targeting a character makes you lose DEX. The loss is permanent until you ask an NPC healer for help. It is possible to have them drain enough Dexterity that it wraps around to 250+. May seem awesome, until you fail some Dexterity related skills more often than you should, due to how check results of 128+ is treated as negative. Healers will not fix glitch-boosted stats, so your only hope would be the Specials Unequip glitch to further adjust the stat, or to sit around Banedead for a long, long time. They are distinct from Zombies in that they have a single large arm to identify them. Just be aware that, if you win the battle with exactly zero Dexterity, the character is considered quasi-dead, with the menu options restricted yet the character will attend battles anyway. Albrik 2 :Small undead (reptilian), Chaotic Evil <16A2> STR:12 DEX:17 Fort:+1 Refl:+2 Will:+5 HP: 2d12+24 (1 HD)########## INT:12 WIS:12 CHA:14 Base AC: 17 Speed: 20 feet ??:50 ########## List of specials | List of feats |List of spells --------------------+-------------------+------------------------- Undead |Alertness |Inflict Minor Wounds (x3) Vampire Resistance |Armor Prof. (Light)|Bane Vampire Cold Resist |Armor Prof. (Med) |Cause Fear Vampire Elec Resist |Combat Casting |Inflict Light Wounds Vampire Fast Healing|Simple Weapon Prof.|Protection from Good Vampire Turn Resist | Vampire Slam | Inventory ----------------- Mithral Chainmail Ring of Pro + 1 Ring:Fire Resist. Mrgstar +2 Frost Atk: 1d8+3 damage +1d6 cold : +4 Attack : +3 Initiative Def: 26~48 HP : 27 AC : -4 Fort : +5 Refl : +6 Will : Undead Albrik returns. Supposedly more powerful than ever before. That may be, but by now, you may have Fireball. Due to some glitches, that ring isn't doing any favors, so fire away! Still has that high AC, so you may really want that Fireball to speed things up. He's got all the same tricks as before, including worthless spells and the experience draining Vampire Slam. You can try Potn: Pro Neg Enrg for exactly two rounds of protection, or cast the spell from a Lv5 Cleric for three rounds. You know, you probably should just ignore the limited protection and deal with the experience loss. I think Mrgstar +2 Frost glitches at times. I don't know for certain, but I have taken exactly one damage at one time. Presumably, the cold damage overrides the basic damage, but I'm really confused overall about this weapon. You do get it after the battle is over. Feel free to try it out later on. His undead army should mostly vanish to Fireball. Your Cleric can also try Turn Undead to remove them, too, but the Banedead are tough with 6 HD to eliminate. It can be done, especially with high Charisma, so keep trying. While Albrik 2 is technically tougher than the first encounter, the jump in power you should experience since then should make this little skirmish much, much easier. Colstan Rhuul :Medium humanoid, Lawful Evil <17CR> STR:16 DEX:15 CON:10 Fort:+7 Refl:+3 Will:+7 HP:10d8 ########## INT:16 WIS:19 CHA:16 Base AC: 10 Speed: 20 feet ??:60 ########## List of spells | List of feats |Inventory ---------------------+-------------------+------------------ Inflict Minor Wounds |Armor Prof. (Light)|Ring of Pro + 1 Resistance |Armor Prof. (Med) |Lrg Mtl Shield + 1 Bane |Combat Casting |Longsword +3 Doom |Thug |Half-Plate +2 Protection from Good | |Gauntlets +1 Shield of Faith | Hold Person | Inflict Mod. Wound | Curse of Ill Fortunes| Bestow Curse | Blindness | Inflict Serious Wound| Cure Critical Wounds | Inflict Crit. Wound | Poison | Circle of Doom | Flame Strike | Atk: 1d8+6 damage : +3 Attack : +4 Initiative Def: 10~80 HP : 26 AC : +7 Fort : +5 Refl :+11 Will Oh, wow. Look at all those spells. He's got Flame Strike, which can deal 20d3 damage of pure terror on your group. He also has Hold Person, lasting a lovely 5 rounds. And wonders of so many other spells, too! Which, curiously enough, makes the fight less likely to be lethal, as he could just as easily cast Inflict Minor Wounds and help you win faster. I don't know where the game is getting chance to hit from. It really looks like he's just getting a +3 bonus, meaning if he attacks you with that Longsword +3, it will rarely, if ever, hit you for 7 to 14 damage. You'll want to deal with the Banedeads quickly, so as to avoid losing too much Dexterity. After that, surround him and hope the attacks of opportunity gets past that AC of his whenever he tries a spell. Seriously, that 26 AC is still pretty mean since the first battle against Albrik. If you want to close the distance first thing, once you have the doors open, walk backwards exactly two steps through them, turn around, then step forth to battle. Your Fighters are standing next to him. With Combat Reflexes, even if he casts a spell first thing, you've got a shot to interrupt the spell right away. Drow Fighter :Medium humanoid, Neutral Evil <18DF> STR:13 DEX:13 CON: 8 Fort:+1 Refl:+1 Will: 0 HP: 4d8 ########## INT:13 WIS:11 CHA: 9 Base AC: 10 Speed: 20 feet ??:1C ########## ... Feats? |Inventory --------------+----------------- Ye, snap! What|Rapier has happened?!|Mithral Chainmail Atk: 1d6+1 damage : +0 Attack : +7 Initiative Def: 4~32 HP : 16 AC : 0 Fort : +4 Refl : +2 Will He's got 56 feats! I repeat, 56 feats! Here's the full list: Armor Prof. (Light) Armor Prof. (Med) Exotic Weapon Prof. Rapid Shot Weapon Finesse Armor Prof. (Light) Armor Prof. (Med) Combat Casting Simple Weapon Prof. Thug Combat Casting Exotic Weapon Prof. Simple Weapon Prof. Improved Initiative Armor Prof. (Light) Armor Prof. (Med) Combat Casting Lightning Reflexes Weapon Finesse Alertness Alertness Combat Reflexes Improved Initiative Toughness Alertness Combat Reflexes Improved Initiative Iron Will Alertness Combat Reflexes Alertness Armor Prof. (Heavy) Armor Prof. (Light) Armor Prof. (Med) Combat Reflexes Improved Initiative Alertness Armor Prof. (Heavy) Armor Prof. (Light) Armor Prof. (Med) Combat Reflexes Improved Initiative Toughness Multiattack Alertness Armor Prof. (Light) Armor Prof. (Med) Combat Casting Combat Reflexes Improved Initiative Simple Weapon Prof. ERROR:(ID 42) ERROR:(ID 24) Armor Prof. (Heavy) Combat Casting ERROR:(ID 6E) Something went horribly, horribly wrong with feats, starting with this guy. Internally, the game has him pegged for 56 feats. I think he was supposed to have, uh... 5? In any case, with multiple copies of various feats, and a few with IDs that go off the feats table, I'm pretty suspicious about a possibility something went awry. Monsters listed after him all have the wrong feats, too. Programmers? What happened? ... Uh, right. Strategy to win, uh... The Drow Fighter has very little offense, and rather unimpressive defense. His whole point is to sit between you and the dangerous Cleric and Wizard. Otherwise, on his own, he will miss a lot and lose HP rather swiftly. If you just can't wait to get through the 4d8 HP, be sure to try Sleep, Charm Person, or Hold Person on the spellcasters behind him, preferably the Cleric. At least stop them before they manage to apply Charm Person or Hold Person on your own Fighter or something. Fireball is also very effective. Drow Cleric :Medium humanoid, Neutral Evil <19DC> STR:13 DEX: 8 CON: 8 Fort:+1 Refl:+1 Will: 0 HP: 3d8 ########## INT:13 WIS:15 CHA: 9 Base AC: 10 Speed: 20 feet ??:1D ########## List of spells | List of feats |Inventory --------------------+-------------------+----------------- Cure Minor Wounds |Combat Casting |Heavy Mace Inflict Minor Wounds|Simple Weapon Prof.|Mithral Chainmail Resistance (x2) |Thug | Bane |Combat Casting | Protection from Good|Exotic Weapon Prof.| Hold Person | Atk: 1d8+1 damage : +4 Attack : +1 Initiative Def: 3~24 HP : 16 AC : 0 Fort : 0 Refl : +2 Will Oh, Hold Person (Will DC 14) is on this thing. Since it's one of the only two spells the Cleric would use, this nasty spell is used with distressing frequency. With 3 HD, this spell lasts two rounds: One to apply it, and the next to kill with a follow-up attack... If his buddies don't finish the task, that is. Compared to the stuff you just fought, at least he's got low AC, so you should hit pretty frequently. His one trick is Hold Person, and a particularly painful trick at that, but otherwise the best plan is to get past the Drow Fighters as quickly as possible and give him a well-deserved beating. Keep in mind Sleep is always an option. Drow have 3 HD, so Sleep will target 1~3 of them at a time. If there are enough Drow between you and the one you target, you won't have to worry about hitting yourself with it. The curiously low Will save and lack of immunity certainly gives encouragement. Drow Wizard :Medium humanoid, Neutral Evil <20DW> STR:10 DEX:13 CON: 8 Fort:+1 Refl:+1 Will: 0 HP: 3d8 ########## INT:16 WIS:11 CHA: 9 Base AC: 10 Speed: 30 feet ??:1D ########## List of spells | List of feats |Inventory --------------------+-------------------+--------------------- Ray of Frost |Simple Weapon Prof.|Drow Poison Dart (x4) Acid Splash (x2) |Improved Initiative|Blowgun Electric Jolt |Armor Prof. (Light)| Charm Person | Magic Missile | Aganazzar's Scorcher| Atk: 1d2 damage : +2 to hit : +5 Initiative : Sleep, Fort DC 17 Def: 3~24 HP : 11 AC : 0 Fort : +2 Refl : 0 Will An ammo item is technically a weapon. As it's the first listed thing, it is used, entirely ignoring the Blowgun. Here's the effects of using ammo as a weapon: * Melee range only * When attacking, doesn't provoke attacks of opportunity * Does not allow the Drow Wizard to make attacks of opportunity Now, Drow Poison Dart causes Sleep, Fortitude DC 17. You should well know the effects of Sleep by now, considering what you've done to Kobolds and spiders not too long ago, or should have done, anyway. Like with the Banedead, this does not have to hit to cause this secondary effect, though at least it's stopped by Fortitude, something Fighters and Clerics should have reasonable amounts of. DC 17 is still a tough hurdle to overcome, however. Lasts 30 steps outside of combat, so they won't wake up during combat, ever. Just be glad the Drow Wizard has to walk up to you to stab you with the Sleep dart, putting his low AC in a perfect spot where you can beat the life out of him. Let's not forget Charm Person, making a return to haunt you from a distance, and this time it lasts an infinite amount of out-of-combat steps, fading only with a healer or when you camp someplace. Overall, not as lethal as Drow Cleric's Hold Person and the AC to back it up, but this thing can still put a hurting if given the chance. Or, you know, cast Sleep at this thing and watch the 0 Will save bonus fail to stop it rather often. This should not work like so for multiple reasons, but I don't think you'd care too much about that. Just care that it works. The damage spells are the least threatening thing about this guy. 1d8 from Aganazzar's Scorcher is the most to expect. Hell Hound :Medium Outsider, Lawful Evil <21HH> STR:13 DEX:13 CON:13 Fort:+5 Refl:+5 Will:+4 HP: 4d8+4 ########## INT: 6 WIS:10 CHA: 6 Base AC: 15 Speed: 40 feet ??:10 ########## List of specials | List of feat |Inventory -------------------+-----------------+----------------- Hell Hound's Breath|Armor Prof. (Med)|Hell Hound's Bite Fire Subtype | Atk: 1d8+2 damage : +8 Attack : +1 Initiative Def: 8~36 HP : 16 AC : +6 Fort : +6 Refl : +4 Will Haven't had anything this accurate since spiders. Should still frequently miss characters with very good AC. However, Hell Hound's Breath (Reflex Half DC 13) will always deal some damage, the full amount being 1d4+1 damage, to everyone within a cone area of effect up to 6 squares away. They're also the only monster immune to Fireball. Not as though it'll stop you from teaching this spell to every Wizard you have, but for this one monster, it's time to look at attack spells not called Fireball for once. Fire Subtype also has an entry for Cold damage, but as far as I can tell, it adjusts the damage to do exactly the same amount. In any case, try to find areas to fit your characters to avoid the cone of discomforting flames. If you're curious, yes, that Ring: Fire Resist is worn by someone, and it isn't doing anything, as its special has faded the moment you took your next step. If you put it on mid-combat, the ring will protect you from flaming discomfort for three rounds. Displacer Beast :Large magical beast, Lawful Evil <24DB> STR:18 DEX:15 CON:16 Fort:+8 Refl:+7 Will:+3 HP: 6d10+15 ########## INT: 5 WIS:12 CHA: 8 Base AC: 15 Speed: 40 feet ??:20 ########## Inventory | Feat |Special -----------------------+-------------------+------------ Empty (x0) |Improved Initiative|Displacement Displacer Tentacle (x2)| Displacer Bite | Atk: 1d4+4 damage : +3 Attack : +6 Initiative Def: 21~75 HP : 16 AC :+11 Fort : +9 Refl : +4 Will Low Attack bonus. Low AC. Very high HP. It's not going to do much against you. So, how many late-game monsters does that make that gets 5% hit rate against 24 AC, anyway? Surround and bash. Not much to really say. If it matters, it takes half damage from force-based spells, which includes Magic Missile and Inflict Wounds spells. Not sure why you'd care about it, but there you go. I'm curious about why it has such a low Attack: + 4 - STR:18 + 9 - Displacer Tentacle Attack bonus - 4 - No Simple Weapon Prof. (The tentacle is glitched, by the way) - 6 - ??? What the crud, man? Where's that minus from?! ------------- + 3 Attack (as observed when carefully tweaking stats) Then again, I have no clue what logic gives Kobold Miners their +11 Attack, either. I am so confused about this stat. Rust Monster :Medium Aberration, Neutral <23RM> STR:10 DEX:17 CON:13 Fort:+2 Refl:+4 Will:+5 HP: 5d8+5 ########## INT: 2 WIS: 4 CHA: 5 Base AC: 15 Speed: 40 feet ??:30 ########## Feat |Special ---------------+------------------- Combat Reflexes|Antennae Touch Rust Atk: None! : +3 Initiative Def: 10~45 HP : 18 AC : +3 Fort : +7 Refl : +2 Will These always come alone. Guess their habits of eating highly valued enchanted steel equipment doesn't make any friends. Without an inventory, the Rust Monster can't make a basic attack. It will always try to use Antennae Touch Rust. If it has to move two spaces, it can't make the attempt. If you can't kill it quickly, feel free to give some distance. This can't make attacks of opportunity, so do walk around. Antennae Touch Rust: Reflex DC 20, removes Steel equipment. If the character isn't wearing any Steel items, the game crashes, forcing you to reload your previous save. Which is not much worse than losing equipment, since Half-Plate +2 is expensive, and your shiny Longsword +3 can't be replaced. What is curious is that Antennae Touch Rust has no effects listed in the internals. Guess it is special cased. In any case, this would be a good time to wield those spare Morningstars you've kept since a visit at Golden Hammer Inn. Outside of that, attack, run away to some spot three squares away, and ensure it must travel two squares minimum. You know, just in case. Ghaunadan :Medium [? Ooze ?], Chaotic Evil <25Gh> STR:13 DEX:14 CON:13 Fort:+5 Refl:+6 Will:+5 HP: 5d8+8 ########## INT:13 WIS:12 CHA:16 Base AC: 19 Speed: 30 feet ??:50 ########## List of feats | Inventory |Special ---------------+-----------------+------------------- Toughness |Ghaunadanpod (x2)|Half Damage (Blunt) Alertness | Combat Reflexes| Atk: 1d6+2 damage : +5 Attack : +2 Initiative : Paralyze, Fort DC 13 Def: 13~48 HP : 21 AC : +6 Fort : +8 Refl : +6 Will Although they will frequently miss, each attack carries a chance to paralyze, Fortitude DC 13. Like with Banedead, it doesn't need to hit. Since it targets Fortitude, your Fighters and Clerics, especially Fighter/Clerics, will be able to shrug it off most of the time. Like with Sleep and Held statuses, it makes the next attack into a guaranteed lethal hit, meaning the low Attack bonus hardly matters. This status lasts forever while still in combat. Just in case you're wondering, the same attack that causes Paralyzed will not itself be able to make use of it. It will never be lethal in just one attack. Needs a second to kill. As the only monster with half damage to blunt weapons, your Cleric's favorite Mrgstar +2 Frost isn't going to do much to them. If you want to keep your Cleric effective, you'd bring a Dagger +2 along. That HP will take some effort to bring down, but hopefully your Fortitude holds up until then. Drider :Large Aberration, Chaotic Evil <22Dr> STR:15 DEX:15 CON:16 Fort:+5 Refl:+4 Will:+8 HP: 6d8+18 ########## INT:15 WIS:16 CHA:16 Base AC: 17 Speed: 20 feet ??:40 ########## List of spells | List of feats | Inventory |Special --------------------+------------------+-----------------+------------- Inflict Minor Wounds|Combat Casting |Short Sword |Drider Poison Doom |Lightning Reflexes|Mithral Chainmail| Inflict Light Wounds|Weapon Finesse |Drider's Bite | Protection from Good|Alertness | Hold Person |Alertness | Blindness | Deafness | Dispel Magic | Atk: 1d6+2 damage : -2 Attack : +2 Initiative Def: 24~66 HP : 23 AC : +8 Fort : +8 Refl :+11 Will They have HP, AC, and Hold Person. Their damage potential is minimal, but this hardly matters, as one Hold Person later, and the next physical attack is lethal at 100% chance. The fact they are durable means they've got plenty of time to abuse this potential, especially since their high saves will stop any Sleep or other delicious status from hitting them. They also usually come in groups. So aside from your first encounter against them, you get to enjoy not one, but more durable users of Hold Person! Essentially, the best you've got is to surround them with Fighters and use your best damage spells. Perhaps Fireball before you surround them. Feed them Magic Missiles after you surround them. Just don't hold back anything, hit them! On a side note, your absolute best Attack bonus: + 7 - Fighter Lv7 (Base Attack Bonus) + 8 - DEX:26 w/ Weapon Finesse (Halfing w/ 20 DEX, +1 from Lv4, +5 from Cat's Grace) + 1 - Size bonus (small) + 3 - Longsword +3 + 1 - Bless + 1 - Aid + 2 - Flanking ---------------- +23 Attack (Only natural 1 causes miss, 5% chance to miss) ... Not counting Specials Unequip glitch, of course. Zhentarim Fighter 1 :Medium humanoid, Lawful Evil <28Zf> STR:14 DEX:13 CON:15 Fort:+4 Refl:+1 Will:+1 HP: 5d10 ########## INT: 8 WIS: 9 CHA: 9 Base AC: 10 Speed: 20 feet ??:40 ########## List of feats |Inventory -------------------+------------------ Armor Prof. (Light)|Splint Mail Armor Prof. (Med) |Small Metal Shield Combat Reflexes |Longsword +1 Improved Initiative| Alertness | Armor Prof. (Heavy)| Atk: 1d8+3 damage : +1 Attack : +5 Initiative Def: 5~50 HP : 18 AC : +6 Fort : +2 Refl : 0 Will After the Driders, these are rather easy. All they can do is deal damage, and against your AC, will probably miss. Apply Longsword +3 to enemy. They should go down. If you want to be fancy, cast Sleep, then stab them. Sleep is almost a single-target at that HD, though. The problem with these guys is that they all look identical. Eyah... Zhentarim Fighter 2 :Medium humanoid, Lawful Evil <29ZF> STR:16 DEX:15 CON:17 Fort:+5 Refl:+2 Will:+2 HP: 6d10 ########## INT: 9 WIS:10 CHA: 9 Base AC: 10 Speed: 20 feet ??:44 ########## List of feats |Inventory -------------------+---------------- Armor Prof. (Light)|Banded Mail Armor Prof. (Med) |Lrg Metal Shield Combat Reflexes |Longsword +1 Improved Initiative| Toughness | Multiattack | Alertness | Armor Prof. (Light)| Atk: 1d8+4 damage : -7 Attack : +6 Initiative Def: 6~60 HP : 20 AC : +8 Fort : +4 Refl : +2 Will Wow, poor guy! Your Wizard can tank this guy! He's got a rather deep negative Attack adjustment, probably thanks to glitched feats, so just 13+ AC is enough to thwart 95% of his attacks. I mean, geez. Unfortunately, I don't recommend tanking with your Wizard anyway, as they look identical to the Zhentarim Fighter who has enough Attack bonus to occasionally hit your Wizard. Anyway... The standard strategy of whacking things until they stop moving can be done to these guys. Zhentarim Cleric :Medium humanoid, Lawful Evil <30ZC> STR:12 DEX:14 CON:15 Fort:+5 Refl:+2 Will:+5 HP: 6d8 ########## INT: 9 WIS:15 CHA: 6 Base AC: 10 Speed: 20 feet ??:48 ########## List of spells | List of feats |Inventory ---------------------+-------------------+------------ Inflict Light Wounds |Armor Prof. (Med) |Chainmail +2 Protection from Good |Combat Casting |Hvy Mace +1 Bull's Strength |Combat Reflexes | Divine Favor |Improved Initiative| Hold Person |Simple Weapon Prof.| Inflict Mod. Wound |ERROR:(ID 42) | Curse of Ill Fortunes| Atk: 1d8+1 damage : +0 Attack : +6 Initiative Def: 6~48 HP : 20 AC : +7 Fort : +4 Refl : +7 Will These Zhentarim all look alike. Once the mace-swinging Cleric gets into the fray, who looks like he also wields a sword in an identical appearance of his buddies, things get disasterous in a hurry with Hold Person mixed in there. Well, good luck trying to find the Cleric in there! If you're looking to cause status effects, your Web spell is the most likely to affect this guy, as well as getting a chance to affect every one of the other Zhentarim as well. But mostly, Fireball will make short work of larger groups. Death Tyrant :Large undead, Neutral <27DT> STR:10 DEX:10 Fort:+3 Refl:+3 Will+11 HP:11d12 ########## WIS:15 CHA:17 Base AC: 20 Speed: 15 feet ??:70 ########## List of specials | List of feats |Inventory --------------------+-------------------+------------- Undead |Alertness |Xanathar Bite Eye: Finger of Death|Armor Prof. (Heavy)| Eye: Sleep | Eye: Disintegrate | Atk: 2d4+2 damage : +0 Attack : +0 Initiative Def: 11~132 HP : 19 AC : -2 Fort : +3 Refl :+13 Will : Undead A secondary name is in the internals: Death Tyrant Beholder Eye: Sleep stops action and a physical attack kills. Will DC 20. Eye: Finger of Death hits for 3d6+13 damage of Force. Eye: Disintegrate hits for 5d6 damage of Force. The last enemy you find before Xanathar himself. The damaging eyes are the most threatening this thing has. Stoneskin does reduce its damage output, for some reason, so if you happen to pick that spell at Wizard Lv7, cast it on someone before you go fighting. The sleeping eye would be painful, but it lasts one round, and depending on initiative, the round is over before your turn comes around again. Essentially, against the alone ones, Eye: Sleep wastes its time doing nothing useful. Then again, even with Xanathar, some other enemy must take time from their busy schedule to make use of it. And if you have all three in melee with different characters, this will never happen. While they are undead, the 11 HD requires a Lv7 Cleric to have a shot at Turn Undead at all, and even then, will need particularly high Charisma (16+) to have a chance. More Charisma helps, of course, but you'll probably win faster if you have your Cleric join in its beatings. The lone ones are easy enough, really. The "arenas" they are found in are too small to move out of range of their eye attacks, so really, the best you've got is to surround them immediately and begin attacking. The only danger is HP damage, which is a refreshing change from Hold Person. Ghoul Touch works against this thing, by the way. The status it causes, Paralyzed, works every bit as well as Sleep or Held, and lets follow-up physical attacks kill with 100% chance to do so. Though, good luck with Touch range spell. 20 AC should be enough to keep you mostly safe, but Stoneskin will guarantee you take zero damage trying it. I don't care what the pen & paper says about Ghoul Touch versus undead. This game certainly doesn't care, so the spell works, and as undead, 0 Constitution makes the Fortitude easy to bypass. Don't ask. The logic astounds. Wouldn't work vs. skeletons -- All 12 status slots filled! By the way, the lone ones can be skipped. Walk backwards for exactly one step, then turn toward the stairs. Nothing says you have to fight them, unless you really need that EXP to reach Lv7 in your team of six characters. Xanathar :Large Aberration, Lawful Evil <26Xa> STR:10 DEX:10 CON:12 Fort:+4 Refl:+3 Will+11 HP:11d12+11 ########## INT:17 WIS:16 CHA:18 Base AC: 20 Speed: 20 feet ??:C0 ########## List of Feats | List of specials |Inventory -------------------+--------------------+------------- Improved Initiative|Eye: Charm |Xanathar Bite Iron Will |Eye: Finger of Death| Alertness |Eye: Disintegrate | Combat Reflexes | Atk: 2d4+2 damage : +1 Attack : +4 Initiative Def: 22~143 HP : 19 AC : +5 Fort : +3 Refl :+16 Will Eye: Charm prevents action; 1 round. Will DC 20. Eye: Finger of Death hits for 3d6+13 damage of Force. Eye: Disintegrate hits for 5d6 damage of Force. Ah, the final boss. Beat the stuffing out of that intense HP and you win the game. He's also got a pair of Death Tyrants as his personal bodyguards. Like the Death Tyrants, the status eye lasts one round and essentially wastes Xanathar's time. If Xanathar acted after the character he targeted, it has no practical effect, as when your turn comes up, the status is already gone. The damaging eyes are stuff to really watch out for. Since Xanathar's "arena" is much larger than the ones the lone Death Tyrants had, you can move away from them and prevent their eyes from getting used. If you're 5 or more squares away, they can't use an eye. After they move 2 squares, they can't use a special (full-round action). Even better if you pack Web, as they can't even close the distance and have difficulties removing Entangled status. Ah, yes. About those saves. You have two possible status: * Web - Entangle all three at once, then shoot from 5+ squares * Ghoul Touch - Single-target Paralyzed. Dies to any attack then! Web works against the Reflex save, while Ghoul Touch goes after Fortitude. You have virtually no chance at getting past that Will save, so don't go trying Sleep, Charm Person, or Hold Person. Both these status should help speed up the battle, but Ghoul Touch, being melee range, will likely need your Wizard protected by Stoneskin to survive long. Xanathar might glitch his HP. The dice are high enough that he might have 128 or more HP, and this counts as a large negative number. In that case, he'll start combat with a visible red health bar. One shot from a Magic Missile will finish this. Epic boss battle? Nah. If you have lots of HP (like to reroll level ups?), or have Stoneskin to reduce incoming eye damage, you should not have much trouble, and can just beat the stuffing out of him. If you have not-so-much HP, hope you picked Web somewhere in your Wizard's level ups and shoot from 5+ squares away. Null CR Value :Fine aberration, [alignment ID00] <31--> Fort: 0 Refl: 0 Will: 0 HP: 0d0 ########## Base AC: 0 Speed: 0 feet ??:00 ########## Atk: None! Def: 0 HP : 3 AC : -5 Fort : -5 Refl : -5 Will A secondary name is in the internals: Null placeholder The Null CR Value is a bunch of zeros. You're not supposed to encounter this thing. It uses the same miniature as the Kobold Adept, and lacks any stats to do anything. Not that it matters, as it's supposed to be a placeholder, and will never be encountered in the game. I'm only listing it because it's there in the internals. + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + 5 + + + + + + + + + + = RAW STATS TABLE = + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + [RST32] This is an old table displayed prominently in an earlier version of this guide. Honestly, most of this data is not at all useful when in an actual fight, so I instead show the derived stats in a more condensed table. These are close to the raw stats, as translated from the internals. Name |TS|AlSM|ST:DE:CO:IN:WI:CH|Fo:Re:Wi|Hit dice:AC:Sp:?? --------------------+--+----+--:--:--:--:--:--+--:--:--+--------:--:--:-- Kobold Swordsman |Hr|LESK|10:13:11:10:10:10| 0: 1: 2|*1d 4 :11:30:03<00KS> Kobold Guards |Hr|LESK| 6:13:11:10:10:10| 0: 1: 2|*1d 4+ 2:11:30:02<01KG> Kobold Archers |Hr|LES | 6:15:11:10:10:10| 0: 1: 2|*1d 4 :11:30:03<02Ka> Kobold Adept |Hr|LESd| 6:13:11:10:14:10| 1: 2: 5| 1d 8 :11:30:05<03KA> Skeleton Clawguard |U |N MS|10:12: 0: 0:10:11| 0: 1: 2| 1d12 :12:30:05<04SC> Skeleton Swordsman |U |N MS|10:12: 0: 0:10:11| 0: 1: 2| 1d12 :12:30:07<05SS> Zombie |U |N M |13: 8: 0: 0:10: 1| 0:-1: 3| 2d12+ 3:12:30:08<06Zo> Kobold Miners |Hr|LESK|12:13:11: 6:10: 6| 0: 1: 2| 1d 8 :11:20:05<10KM> Baneguard |U |NEM |12:11: 0: 9:12:13| 1: 1: 5| 4d12 :13:30:1C<07Bg> Albrik |Ur|CESA|12:17: 0:12:12:14| 1: 2: 5|*2d12 :17:20:50<09Al> Spider (Web Spinner)|V |N M |11:17:12: 0:10: 2| 4: 3: 0| 2d 8+ 2:11:30:10<11WS> Spider (Hunter) |V |N M |11:17:12: 0:10: 2| 4: 3: 0| 2d 8+ 2:11:40:10<12HS> Kuo-Toa Fighter |ha|NEM |14:10:13:13:14: 8| 3: 3: 5| 2d 8+ 2:16:20:08<13TF> Kuo-Toa Rogue |ha|NEM |13:12:13:13:14: 8| 3: 3: 5| 2d 8+ 2:16:20:10<14TR> Kuo-Toa Whip |ha|NEM |13:10:13:13:16: 8| 3: 3: 5| 2d 8+ 2:16:20:10<15TW> Banedead |U |LEM |13:10: 0:10:12:15| 2: 2: 6| 6d12 :16:30:28<08Bd> Albrik 2 |Ur|CESA|12:17: 0:12:12:14| 1: 2: 5|*2d12+24:17:20:50<16A2> Colstan Rhuul |H |LEM |16:15:10:16:19:16| 7: 3: 7|10d 8 :10:20:60<17CR> Drow Fighter |H |NEM |13:13: 8:13:11: 9| 1: 1: 0| 4d 8 :10:20:1C<18DF> Drow Cleric |H |NEM |10:13: 8:13:15: 9| 1: 1: 0| 3d 8 :10:20:1D<19DC> Drow Wizard |H |NEM |10:13: 8:16:11: 9| 1: 1: 0| 3d 8 :10:30:1D<20DW> Hell Hound |O |LEM |13:13:13: 6:10: 6| 5: 5: 4| 4d 8+ 4:15:40:10<21HH> Displacer Beast |M |LEL |18:15:16: 5:12: 8| 8: 7: 3| 6d10+18:15:40:20<24DB> Rust Monster |A |N M |10:17:13: 2:13: 8| 2: 4: 5| 5d 8+ 5:15:40:30<23RM> Ghaunadan |z |CEM |13:14:13:13:12:16| 5: 6: 5| 5d 8+ 8:19:30:50<25Gh> Drider |A |CEL |15:15:16:15:16:16| 5: 4: 8| 6d 8+18:17:20:40<22Dr> Zhentarim Fighter 1 |H |LEMZ|14:13:15: 8: 9: 9| 4: 1: 1| 5d10 :10:20:40<28Zf> Zhentarim Fighter 2 |H |LEMZ|16:15:17: 9:10: 9| 5: 2: 2| 6d10 :10:20:44<29ZF> Zhentarim Cleric |H |LEMZ|12:14:15: 9:15: 6| 5: 2: 5| 6d 8 :10:20:48<30ZC> Death Tyrant |U |N L |10:10: 0: 0:15:17| 3: 3:11|11d12 :20:15:70<27DT> Xanathar |A |LEL |10:10:12:17:16:18| 4: 3:11|11d12+11:20:20:C0<26Xa> Null CR Value |A | d| 0: 0: 0: 0: 0: 0| 0: 0: 0| 0d 0 : 0: 0:00<31--> --------------------+--+----+--:--:--:--:--:--+--:--:--+--------:--:--:-- Name |TS|AlSM|ST:DE:CO:IN:WI:CH|Fo:Re:Wi|Hit dice:AC:Sp:?? Name: The game has the names internally, as listed here. TS: Type and subtype of creature. A - Aberration H - Humanoid I do not know whether the game M - Magical Beast uses the distinction for any h - Monsterous Humanoid particular purpose, but it is O - Outsider listed in the game internals. z - Ooze (?) U - Undead V - Vermin - No subtype r - Reptilian a - Aquatic Al: Alignment LE - Lawful Evil NE - Neutral Evil CE - Chaotic Evil N - Neutral S: Size S - Small The sizes affect hit rate and AC. M - Medium The larger, the less dodgy and less accurate. L - Large M: Miniature. A blank entry indicates a unique image. Otherwise, monsters with the same letter share the same image, annoyingly enough. Notable that the skeletons and Baneguard use similar images, yet have different IDs. ST: Strength DE: Dexterity The ability scores of the monsters. CO: Constitution Some of them have zero in some stats, IN: Intelligence but are still "alive" and kicking. WI: Wisdom CH: Charisma Fo: Base Fortitude save Most likely, these saves Re: Base Reflex save are further adjusted by the Wi: Base Will save monster's ability scores. Hit dice: ##d..+.. - Number of dice (this is the HD) ..d##+.. - Sides of each dice Yes, the enemy's HP is ..d..+## - Flat bonus to HP determined randomly. An asterisk indicates the HD is one less than indicated, for purposes of how powerful their spells are and how many targets Sleep will affect. (Actually, it "half" of an HD below indicated, but nothing reads the "half".) AC: Base AC value. Probably adjusted by equipment. Sp: Movement speed in feet. Divide by 5 for spaces traveled. ??: I have yet to identify its purpose. Hexadecimal format. I can't find any particular pattern to this number. - Search tag, for locating the mosnter in my FAQ. Also holds the internal ID number, hidden in the tag. + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + 6 + + + + + + + + + + = CLOSING = + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + [CLO57] Whether or not it's a relief to see the end is here at last, there isn't much relating to the game itself at this point. Regardless, it is important for a FAQ to have this info. 6. 1 -------------------------- Contact Info --------------------------- It is difficult to contact me. I apologize. However, if you have a GameFAQs message board account, I can be contacted through that private message system. GameFAQs message board name: FatRatKnight As for E-mail, I seem to use it so rarely I ended up losing it again. Even if I did have one, whether it's a good enough way to contact me would be highly questionable anyway. I am pretty active on the message boards, and I don't mind a PM no matter how long it's been since I last visited the game. But I will guarantee a response within a few days if you send a private message to FatRatKnight through the GameFAQs message board. I am always ready to look back here. 6. 2 ------------------------------ Legal ------------------------------ Copyright 2014-2016 Leeland Eric Kirwan Permission granted to these sites: www.gamefaqs.com www.neoseeker.com This guide may *not* be reproduced under any circumstances except for personal, private use. Only the listed sites may publicly distribute this file, until such a time that I give written permission to other sites as desired. Do not alter this guide, do not present it as the work of anyone else. CheatCC, or Cheat Code Central, will take special notice as a site *not* allowed to host this file. David Allison, owner of CheatCC, has infringed the copyright of many guides, with modifications in many cases to make it appear the author's intent was to have it hosted on CheatCC (or any sites owned by or affiliated with David Allison). I will raise awareness of this person's history here, in an effort to minimize any support for one who has taken so many guides. This has been apparently going on for more than a decade. 6. 3 ------------------------- Version History ------------------------- Current: v2.05a- Added www.neoseeker.com to permissions list. v2.05 - Updated Albrik's description. Half of it was my old version. Whoops. 07/19/2015 v2.00 - Complete rewrite. Everything needed fixing. Everything. - Rewritten descriptions for every monster, except Null CR Value. - Swapped positions of Displacer Beast and Rust Monster. - New sections: Tips & Tricks, Raw Stats Table. - The Monster List is revamped to show derived stats instead of base. I show damage, initiative, speed, hit dice, derived AC & saves. Used to show type, alignment, stats, base saves, HD, base AC, speed. The old stuff is in the Raw Stats Table. - Added derived stats to every monster. (I still show base internals) 06/22/2015 v1.00 - Initial release Short Version History. And thanks for reading... + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + = END OF FILE = + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + +