DRAGONBALL GT TRANSFORMATIONS WALKTHROUGH V1.0 By Sonic 4ever (xbladesx@lycos.co.uk) ============ LEGAL ISSUES ============ This guide may be be distributed and hosted freely provided it is not altered in any way without my permission. Also it may not be sold or use for financial gain. No part of this document may be used without credit to the author and those mentioned in the credits section. Likewise this document may only be published or hosted on your site if you give the author and those mentioned in the credits section full credit for their work. ==================== NoTE FROM THE AUTHOR ==================== Please note: I am no pro at this game and I am constructing this walk- through as I go along and unlock or discover new things. Because of this mistakes in this guide are a high possibility. If you have any input or wish to correct a mistake please let me know. I'll give you full credit for your help. ================ GAME DISCRIPTION ================ I personally thought this game would be an RPG like the Legacy of Goku series but it turned out to be a beat 'em up like Final Fight or Streets of Rage. Basically you control a team of 3 fighters and switch between them as you please. The better you do each stage the more zenie you'll earn which you can use to unlock secrets. You get 500 zenie per 1000000 points. Inactive fighters will heal slowly if they took damage much like the tag system in Marvel vs Capcom for example. If a fighter loses all his hit points without getting switched/tagged out you will no longer be able to switch to him. Story ----- Pilaf makes an accidental wish using the powerful Black Star Dragon balls which turns Goku back into a kid. However, these Dragon balls were made when Kami and King Piccolo (Picollo Senior if you like) were still one being. They don't scatter across the Earth but across the entire galaxy! To make things worse if they are not recovered within a year of making the wish the Earth will explode (oh Boy!) Goku, Trunks, Pan and now Giru set out to recovered them and find a major plot along the way. =============== CONTROLS ON GBA =============== _ _| |_ |_ _| = Move fighter or perform various actions |_| D-PAD (A) = Jump (B) = Attack (L) = Push and hold to recharge your Energy (R) = Energy Blasts START = Pause game SELECT = Change fighter (tag) ====== LEGEND ====== U = Up D = Down Bk = Back F = Forward + = Push buttons on left and right of the "+" together , = Push button/Perform move before the "," first then the one after ========= MOVE LIST ========= Non Energy attacks ------------------ COMBO = (B) continuously and rapidly POWER PUNCH = Any direction + (B) AERIAL ATTACK = (A) , (B) continuously and rapidly (in the air) DIVE KICK/ATTACK = (A) , D + (B) (in the air) DASH = Any Direction X 2 DASH ATTACK = DASH , (B) AIR DASH = (A) , DASH forward (in the air) LIFT ENERMY = Any direction + (B) Close up to enermy THROW = LIFT ENERMY , F + (B) (Preferably) Energy required attacks ----------------------- AERIAL ENERGY BLAST = (A) , (R) continuously (in the air) POWERED ENERGY BLAST = Hold (R) to charge then release. A fully charged blast will be blue in colour. DESPARATION ATTACK = (A) + (B) SPECIAL ATTACK = (R) + (B) if Energy is fully charged ===== NOTES ===== - All hits from 'Non Energy attacks' refil a small protion of your Energy bar with each hit. - All combos end with a Finisher, eg: Pan's combos end with a Jack knife. If the enermy being attacked will die the next hit the combo will end immediately with the Finisher. - ADVANCED COMBOS : I'm still playing around with this but before the Fighter you're using does his combo Finisher in a combo, pushing U or D + (B) a few times or something like that seems to adds new moves to the combo. With Goku I've done combos with a knee strike followed by a high kick then a jumping double hammer fist. (Not sure exactly how, but it was something like the method I decribed above.) - The DESPARATION ATTACK can be used to throw enermies off you when they gang up on you and to prevent enermies from completing combos on you. - The SPECIAL ATTACK uses your entire Energy bar so you will need to recharge it after that. None the less, it multi hits every thing in its path and causes massive amounts of damage. ===================== STATISTIC DESCRIPTION ===================== Each Fighter has various strengths and weaknesses as well as various Hit Point, Power and Strength levels Hit Points - Determines how much damage the Fighter can take Power - Determines how fast the fighter can recharge energy. I suspect it also determines how much damage the Fighter's energy blasts and SPECIAL ATTACKs deal Strength - I'm not 100% sure but I think it determines the how much damage the fighter's Non Energy Attacks deal. ===================== CHARACTER DESCRIPTION ===================== In the beginning of the game you will only have Goku, Pan, Trunks and Uub unlocked. As you earn more zenie you will be able unlock more. Goku ---- Hit Points 5 Strength 5 Power 5 The hero of most of the Dragonball series. At the beginning of the DBGT series he gets turned back into a young boy by an accidental Dragonball wish made by Pilaf. In the process all the Black Star Dragonballs Get scattered across the galaxy so he sets out with Trunks and his granddaughter Pan. When he returns to earth he finds everyone under Baby possessed Vegeta! Will he be able to free Vegeta and the Earth from Baby's grip DESPARATION ATTACK - Goku spins upwards into the air SPECIAL ATTACK - Kamehameha Pan --- Hit Points 4 Strength 5 Power 6 Goku's granddaughter, daughter of Gohan. In the quest for the Dragonballs she snuck into Trunks spaceship to join the adventure. In the game the trio (Goku, Trunks and Pan) are joined by a robot Giru who fights at Pan's side. Boy the little guy sure is tough! He makes up for Pan's low Hit Points. DESPARATION ATTACK - Giru spins around Pan (lasts longer than the other fighters' DESPARATION ATTACKs) SPECIAL ATTACK - Kamehameha Trunks ------ Hit Points 6 Strength 6 Power 3 Son of Vegeta and Bulma. Trunks pilots the spaceship in the quest for the Dragonballs. Like his father, trunks is a Saiyan and like his mom he is a technical wizkid. Although not as fast as Goku or Pan, Trunks is more durable and stronger, Which is wierd since Goku is at the level of Super Saiyan 3 and Trunks only Super Saiyan 1 or 2. I guess sinse Goku has turned back into a kid Trunks is stronger in normal Saiyan form. DESPARATION ATTACK - Trunks spins around with his Sword SPECIAL ATTACK - Burning Attack (doesn't look quite right, but anyway..) Uub --- Hit Points 5 Strength 6 Power 4 Goku's student. Uub is kind of the good rebirth of evil Kid Buu. In the GT series Uub tries to hold off Baby Vegeta but fails when his Chocolate turning ability backfires on him and Baby Vegeta swallows him. However this allows him to hold off B V Oorazu Form by releasing power in B V's stomach while Goku regains his Energy. Uub's power is immense, basically the same level as a Super Saiyan 2 ! (in the series) In the game Uub is the COMBO god!! I've delivered a 60 hit combo on a group of enermies with this guy! He's got to be the fastest fighter in the game. DESPARATION ATTACK - Uub balances on his hands and spins his feet around SPECIAL ATTACK - Kamehameha SS Goku (2000 Zenies to unlock) ------------------------------- Hit Points 5 Strength 5 Power 5 This is Goku in Super Saiyan form. In the Game the only difference to his normal form is he now deals a bit more damage, his Combo Finisher is difference and he now does the 10 X Kamehameha. As far as I know in the series Goku only does the 10 X Kamehameha in Super Saiyan 4 form. Personally I think Super Saiyan 3 Goku would be a better choice... Oh Well DESPARATION ATTACK - Same as normal Goku SPECIAL ATTACK - 10 x Kamehameha Picollo (2000 Zenies to unlock) ------------------------------- Hit Points 7 Strength 3 Power 5 Gohan's first teacher. Before Raditz came to Earth Picollo was a bad guy. Then to prepare for the arrival of Vegeta and Nappa he took it on himself to train Gohan. As he made friends with Gohan he's heart changed and he now seems to be on the side of good. In the DBGT baby saga he realises as long as the he lives the Black Star Dragon balls will always be around to be misused, so he decides to stay on earth when it explodes DESPARATION ATTACK - Picollo spins around with his arms out SPECIAL ATTACK - Special beam cannon SS Vegeta (2000 Zenies to unlock) --------------------------------- Hit Points 7 Strength 5 Power 3 Goku's eternal rival. The former Evil Saiyan Prince now fights on the side of good. The change came around the time he and Goku were fighting kid Buu. He realised that the power of a saiyan is not determined by royalty but by the saiyan himself, ie. Goku constantly being more powerful than him. Then using the Namek Dragon Balls he wished for all the good people killed by Buu to be brought back to life. Lo and behold, he joined them and his life returned to him. In the GT series he gets possessed by Baby, Dr Myuu's creation. At the end of the Baby saga he gets set free with Goku's help. DASH ATTACK - Vegeta teleports to target and punches. Push (B) 2 more times to teleport to the back of target and punch (two more teleport punches) DESPARATION ATTACK - Vegeta powers up, blasting all enermy fighters off SPECIAL ATTACK - Final Flash SS4 Goku (4000 Zenies to unlock) -------------------------------- Hit Points 7 Strength 6 Power 9 Goku's ultimate transformation, a hybrid between Oorazu and Saiyan. Vegeta was eventually able to achieve this form using a brute ray. In the game he's got the Spirit Bomb for some reason. SS4 Goku never used this move in the Baby saga. DESPARATION ATTACK - Goku does a spinning Dragon fist type move upwards. SPECIAL ATTACK - Spirit Bomb Super Baby Vegeta ----------------- Hit Points ? Strength ? Power ? While Goku was out retrieving the Dragon Balls, Baby found his way to Earth and placed everyone under his control. With Goku away Vegeta was the strongest saiyan so Baby chose him as his final host to possess. At the end of the Baby saga Vegeta gets set free with Goku's help. DESPARATION ATTACK - ? SPECIAL ATTACK - ? ============== POWER UP ITEMS ============== Food Items - Refil Hit Points. Amount depends on food item. Sensu Bean - Complete restoration of all Hit Point and Energy Small red ball - Keep collecting to increase Hit Points Small green ball - Keep collecting to increase Power Small yellow ball - Keep collecting to increase Strength (I still have to find out how much of the 3 items above you have to collect to increase the relevant stats) Large red ball - Immediate Hit Point increase Large green ball - Immediate Power increase Large yellow ball - Immediate Strength increase Glowing white ball - Temporary infinite Energy Yellow/orange ball - Temporary infinite Hit Points Glowing red ball - Fighter moves a bit faster, looses Hit Points slower and recharges Energy much faster. Glowing Blue ball - not sure what it does. ================== PLANET WALKTHROUGH ================== NB!! I am not going to describe every planet word for word, but only how to deal with the bosses and maybe a few points of interest. (Using Goku, Pan and Trunks in Story Mode) Planet 1 : Imecka ----------------- Mid-Boss: Gale and Sheila -Did I call these 2 jokers Mid bosses? All you do is hit them with a SPECIAL ATTACK and guess what, theyre both dead! -All I've seen them do is: Sheila will hit you with her fists, jump in the air and fire energy blasts down or curl up in a ball and roll towards you. Gale will hit you with his fist or fire energy blasts straight across the screen. Final Boss: Ledgic -Once again, he's nothing one or two SPECIAL ATTACKS can't solve -To attack he'll kick straight, do some kind of uppercut with both hands or fire energy blasts rapidly across the screen Planet 2 : Monmaasu ------------------- Mid-boss: Some kind of turtle with a Crocodile head? -Finaly a moderately difficult boss! Rush up to him and Combo him. -As soon as his shell starts moving he will be readying his attack. Immediately jump and air dash back to opposite side of the raft. -Jump in the air and ram away at the Attack button (B) or Bk Button to stay in the air as long as possible. He will attack by darting his head forward a few times. If you're in the air on the opposite side of the raft his head won't hit you. -Stay at the back of the raft and if you land on the ground repeat the above action until he stops attacking. -NB!! After darting his head forward a few times he will dart his head forward and try to bite you. As soon as he pauses wait a few seconds and continue staying in the air, it's a trick! He will dart forward and bite one last time. -It's now safe to dash forward and repeat the first step. -Enermy bees will come to help him. Final Boss: Giant's Tooth -This one is quite easy. There are two ways to beat him. You can either jump in his mouth and combo away at his tooth or stay out of his mouth and fire Energy Blasts or use your Special attack. -Either way when his tooth has receive a certain amount of damage his mouth will shake indicating his mouth is about to close. If you are inside his mouth get out immediately or his top jaw will drop on you and damage you. -When his mouth has closed enermy bees and spiders will attack you. -When you've beaten a certain amount of them the giant's mouth will open again and you can resume your attack. Planet 3 : Gelbo ---------------- Final Boss: Zoonama -Zoonama will punch you, smack you with his tail, throw rocks at you and "cause earthquakes". -He will squat down to pick a rock to throw at you. As he's about to throw just dash down to avoid. You can break the rocks for food items -He will also wave his arms before "causing an earthquake". Each tremor will knock you down causing damage. To avoid jump and ram away at the (B) or Bk Button to stay in the air. -Start by walking down back (D + Bk) to avoid his punch. -Get in line with him and fire a SPECIAL ATTACK. -As soon as you complete the move walk up or down and start recharging your Energy. Make sure you can see him while you recharge. If he announces his earthquake get in the air to prevent the earthquake interupting your recharge and damaging you. Keep dashing away to avoid him while you recharge when he walks up to you or gets in line to throw a rock at you -When you've fully recharged your energy Hit him with another Special Attack. He's now beaten -Alternately after the first Special Attack, switch to a fighter with full Energy (watch Zoonama's hands for earthquakes), get in line and blast him with the next Special Attack. Planet 4 : Luud --------------- Make easy zenie Method 1 -You will these goofy guys in purple robes with swords. When you fire energy blasts they block them. -Use this to your advantage. Select Pan sinse she recharges energy the fastest (out of the trio). 1) Hit this goof with a SPECIAL ATTACK. When he blocks it your SPECIAL ATTACK will hit him a few times without hurting him and give you a total of +-33000 points. 2) Recharge your energy avoiding him in the process. you can dask up or down whenever he pauses in front of you. 3) When your Energy bar is fully charged. Air dash away across the screen and repeat the entire process from step 1 as many times as you like. Mid-Boss: Cardinal Mutchy -First Form: You will notce an urn on the left hand side on the screen. Break it to get an Infinite energy Ball. Quickly dash up to him an hit him a few times to get rid of his first form. -Second Form: You should still have infinite Energy from the ball you collected. Hit him with two SPECIAL ATTACKS -In this new form he will summon light blue disks to rotate around him and damage you. You can them a few times to destroy them. -He will also wack you hard with his whip. If he gets you in the corner it will be quite hard to switch fighters.(you'll see why) -If you used your SPECIAL ATTACKS you wno' have to worry about either of these 2 attacks. Final Boss: "Lord Luud" -Boy is this guy easy. Firstly he will sprout two arms which he'll use to slam you if you step to the middle area of the screen. -Start of by AERIAL ATTACKing his left arm's fist keeping to the left hand side of the fist. When you've destroyed it walk to the top of the screen and stay in the left half but make sure you can still see Luud's mouth. -As soon as he opens it blast it with a SPECIAL ATTACK. He will blast a small beam out his mouth straight down. Switch to another fighter and when he opens his mouth again hit him with another SPECIAL ATTACK. Planet 5 : M2 ------------- Mid-Boss: Sigma force -Just keep AERIAL ATTACKing him. Be careful using your SPECIAL ATTACK, he will often use his Aerial dive drill to counter. -He will also punch you normally and use his extended punch, which will virtually reach across the screen. -Pairs of robots will pop in now and then to assist him. Final Boss: General Rilldo -This guy isn't too bad. He has the Sigma Force's Aerial dive drill attack. -He also uses one of his hands to drill you and flies straight across the screen trying to ram you with his knee (his counter for combos). -His main attack is to turn into liquid metal, go into the ground and come out as a giant fist to hit you. To avoid just Jump and keep AIR DASHing. On occation he will come ot the ground normally and hit you with his hand drill. -Generally just AERIAL ATTACK him holding F in the process to float past while you hit him. As you float past he will try to hit you with his flying knee. But, he will strike in the direction you attacked from, moving safely away from you. -Keep doing the same Aerial Attack. Planet 6 : Rudeeze ------------------ Make easy zenie Method 1 -You will eventually find the boss, a giant scorpion. Switch to Pan sinse she recharges Energy the fastest of the trio. -When he lashes at you with his tail jump back to avoid it. It will Stick in the ground long enough for you to permanently destroy it with a SPECIAL ATTACK. -Next, blast the main body with a SPECIAL ATTACK. The Scorpion will block giving you +- 33000 points much like the goofy guys with swords from Luud. -Keep blasting his body to get +- 33000 ponts each time. (he won't get hurt by these blasts.) Final Boss: Scorpion -When you've gotten all the points you want walk forward to the middle of the screen. 1) Recharge energy to max. 2) Jump forward then push and hold Bk before you land to swoop back. The scorpion will lash out with his pincers and temporary drop his guard. 3) As soon as you land blast him with a SPECIAL ATTACK. Repeat from step 1 -Note: if you try to walk up and combo him the fighter you're using will receive heavy damage from the scorpion's pincers. Deserted StarShip ----------------- Final Boss: Robot Walker -This guy will plant mines at random points to bomb you, quite easy to avoid -He will also launch rockets at you. Just DASH up or down to avoid. -Close up he will try to kick you, nothing a good combo won't solve. -Just keep Combo'ing him or blast him with SPECIAL ATTACKS and he should die soon enough. Planet 7 : Tigere ----------------- Final Boss: Cat with an Over sized head -This one is a little tricky. He will try to combo you with his claws and bite you. Then for his main attack he will try to charge into you. I recommend Pan for him since she recharges Energy the fastest -For a start hit him with a SPECIAL ATTACK. -If he starts jogging on the spot he's announcing his charge, walk up or down to avoid. NB!! When he starts jogging only energy based attacks will stop and hurt him. Anyway, as soon as you've avoided his charge start recharging your Energy but when he announces his charge stop recharging and avoid. When you get to full energy blast hims with another SPECIAL ATTACK or you can use normal energy blasts which won't use all your energy at once. -If he walks towards you normally and you don't have Energy, AERIAL ATTACK him. If you are usng Goku, you can combo him sinse Goku's Combo finisher has a very small delay. When your want to distance yourself to do energy required attacks jump away. Planet 8 : Cretaceous --------------------- Final Boss: Dinosaur's smomach -Ok, basically you have platform at the bottom of the screen that's safe to stand on. Surounding this platform is the dinosaur's stomach acid which will damage you if you stand in it. Lastly at the top of the screen you have a pod of some sort which you have to destroy to get out of here. -On the platform keep fghting the dinosaur tribesmen... whatever they are.. If you need to recharge Energy do so when you have knocked all attacking tribesmen down. -When the acid around the platform lowers get to the pod at the top and attack using combos or Special Attacks. Watch out for the tribemen, they will still keep attacking you. -When the area rumbles and shakes get back to th platform immediately as the acid will rise again. -When the acid lowers again resume your attack on the pod. -This boss isn't hard at all. The only "real danger" are the dinosaur tribesmen which are easy to take care of. ps: How do they Survive in here? Planet 9 : Polaris ------------------ Final Boss: Abominable Snowman -Close up thi guy will punch you. -Secondly he will make it hail, not to difficult to avoid -Lastly he will throw a massive snowball at you. Keep your distance while doing a Special Attack as the snow ball will interupt it. -As usual start by hitting him with a Special Attack. Eventually he will then walk into his cave to sulk. Ice crabs will attack you. Destroy them and Recharge your Energy in one of the top corners. -When he comes out he hit him with another Special Attack, he will walk back into his cave etc.. etc.. Planet 10 : Earth (Home Sweet Home?) ------------------------------------ NB!! At the boss Goku tell's pan to leave and finds out Trunks has been put under Baby's control which means you have to stand alone against B V as Goku. Final Boss: Super Baby Vegeta -Looks tough but actually he's quite easy. Start by hitting him with your Special Attack, the famous KAMEHAMEHA. -Walk up to the top and start recharging your energy. -Baby Vegeta will form a Death Ball to throw, your Energy will have Recharged by now. -As the Death Ball passes you walk down to B V avoiding the Death Ball and repeat process from the first step. -If you fight him normally, apart from his Death Ball he will fire energy blasts at you, Punch you , dash and hit (see Vegeta's DASH ATTACK) and do his Desparation Attack (Powers out) when you attack him close up. NB!! Don't try to do your Kamehameha against his Death Ball! It will interupt the Special Move and do quite a lot of damage. Planet 11 : Tuffle Planet ------------------------- NB!! On this Stage you stand alone but good for Goku he's a lot more powerful with his tail back. Mid-Boss: Baby Vegeta -As Goku with tail just keep combo'ing him using the F button to stay with him. -As SS4 Goku B V will start throwing energy blasts, Immediately start walking down. B V will dash down to you. Combo him immediately. When your Combo Finisher knocks him down walk up or down (whichever you can) a bit. -If B V Dashes to you or walks to you Combo him again. If he stands in place punching the air walk down and combo him quickly or walk back then up and down to get him to dash or walk to you then Combo him. -Repeat process. Final Boss: Baby Vegata Oorazu form -In this form B V will box you with his two fists. You can get him to to drop either by damaging them and taking away all their Hit points. After short time after boxing with both fists he will blast this massive beam out his mouth If one or both of his fists have dropped you need to time one Blast to the next. 1) Get to to the top left hand corner of the screen and recharge to maximum Energy 2) As soon as he completes his first blast go straight down keeping to the left edge of the screen to avoid his fists and fire your Special Attack, the SPIRIT BOMB at his head. 3) Repeat from step 1 ========================= MODES OF PLAY / MAIN MENU ========================= STORY MODE ---------- Play as Goku, Pan and Trunks in a team on a quest to retrieve the Dragon Balls. The Story will follow the events of the Dragon ball and Baby Saga more or less. SINGLE PLAYER MODE ------------------ Standard - Pick a team of 3 fighters and journey the worlds of DBGT Same as Story Mode but without the Cutscenes ??? ??? ??? MULTI PLAYER MODE ----------------- I still have to unlock the Multi player modes ??? ??? ??? OPTIONS ------- Set volume levels, unlocked options or view unlocked game features. (I may be a bit inaccurate here) SECRETS ------- Unlock Fighters, Game modes, Features and other options ==================== DOES THIS GAME SUCK? ==================== I've read all the arguments: "This game sucks", "a waste of money", "I bought it and still like it", "It's not LoG 4" ... etc ... etc ... I agree it's not the best Dragonball game on GBA .In the "Beat 'em up" genre DragonBall Advance Adventure IS much better. This game (DBGTT) has a lot of room for improvement. None the less I still think this game is pretty cool but a slight bit short. Before any of you DBGT Transformation haters lecture me on "How Stupid I was for wasting my time making a guide for this peice of Trash" let me just say, You have the right to hate this game with all that's within you but leave us fans alone to enjoy it. ======= CREDITS ======= Atari for making this game The sites Gamefaq and Neoseeker for hosting this walkthrough. More to come in future versions of this guide.