SONIC TRIPLE TROUBLE Sega Game Gear 1994 FAQ/walkthrough by William Walker Copyright 2003 William Walker. All rights reserved. 1. Introduction A month... my sincere apologies to all those who hoped I would send out my FAQ for Sonic Triple Trouble sooner. My life has been very busy lately, and I have not been able to find time to work on FAQs as much. I am still planning on doing FAQ/walkthroughs for the Genesis Sonic games in the future, though when is not clear. Hopefully I will have gotten started by this summer, but I cannot guarantee anything. Anyway, this is my FAQ/walkthrough for Sonic Triple Trouble, which may also be called Sonic & Tails 2 (I don't know why, just that I clicked on Sonic & Tails 2 on game sages and it took me to the same game). This is the last Sonic platform game that was made for the Game Gear, an old, portable system perfect for use on trips or light entertainment. I have seven Game Gear games, six in the Sonic the Hedgehog series, five of which I have already submitted FAQ/walkthroughs for. At least four have been posted. Sonic Triple Trouble is most similar in gameplay to Sonic Chaos, but much better. Sonic Chaos was a decent game, but it was too easy, had no real story, and the fact that Tails could not collect the chaos emeralds was frustrating. Sonic Triple Trouble corrects many of these faults. It is an engaging game, with huge levels, almost like a Genesis game in that regard. It has an advanced special stage and both characters can now collect the chaos emeralds. The large levels requires you to do substantial exploring even if you don't find the levels themselves that hard (although many of them are). The controls in this game are more complex than in some Sonic games (the basic controls are the same, but there are more moves, plus cool new gadget power-ups). Also many of the boss characters are substantially more difficult than in other Game Gear games. All in all, this is an excellent game, one of my two favorite Sonic games for Game Gear (my other favorite is Sonic 1) and the crowning achievement of the whole series. This FAQ/walkthrough was written for the purpose of helping you complete Sonic Triple Trouble as quickly and easily as possible. Do NOT use it for any other purpose (selling it for profit, etc). If you wish to post it on another site, by all means, as long as you notify me first (it is probably just fine, but notify me anyway) and give me credit where it is due. If you wish to write me an e-mail for any reason related to this game (question, suggestion, wish to point out something I missed, complement) I very much encourage it! It reminds me some people still play this game, which is nine years old right now, and I love getting mail! All I ask is that you specify what you want, and no stupid e-mails or ads, thank you. Drop me a line at j-d- . This FAQ/walkthrough was begun March 25, 2003. 2. Control and Basic Information Sonic Triple Trouble is named because in this game Sonic or Tails (whoever you decide to play as) faces three menaces on your adventure. The first is Robotnik the mad scientist, the main bad guy in almost every Sonic game, who wants to steal the chaos emeralds and conquer the world, as always. Robotnik has obtained the Master Emerald and you must get it back from him to win the game. The second menace is Knuckles the echidna, an ancient inhabitant of wherever this game takes place (in Genesis, it's the Floating Island) who as in Genesis has been tricked by Robotnik into thinking that you, not Robotnik, are the one trying to steal the emeralds and has set up traps and obstacles all over the island. The third menace, unique to this game, is Nack the weasel (I don't have the game's manual; I am relying on an old Sonic the Hedgehog web page for this information). Nack is a treasure hunter with designs on the chaos emeralds. He knows the best way to get the emeralds is to steal them from somebody else, and he is cunning and has a flying airbike to help him get around. Sonic Triple Trouble has six zones of six acts each. You play each act as Sonic or Tails (in the screen after the title screen you select your character). The characters are fairly similar, the only difference being some moves and gadget power-ups unique to one character. The third act of each zone is very short usually and ends in a boss battle (standard fare in Sonic Game Gear games). All acts of the game have rings (though in act 3 the rings may only be in one place, and be a bit concealed). Rings are your character's sustenance; when you have any rings at all you cannot die from a normal hit, although you can still die from falling off the screen, drowning, or running out of time (you get 10 minutes per act, usually more than enough time to complete it). When you take a hit, you don't lose all your rings like in most Sonic games. Instead, you lose: 30 rings if you are in zones 1, 2 and 6, or any act 1, or 50 rings if you are in act 2 of zones 3-5. I don't know why. Some rings fly into the air and you can re-grab them if you're quick. If you get hit with less than 30 or 50 rings, you lose all that you have. If you get hit with zero rings, you die. When you lose a life you return to the beginning of the act, unless you have activated a Check Point power- up. You begin the game with four lives. If you lose all your lives, you get a chance to continue if you have continues left. You begin the game with one continue and get another every 50,000 points you earn. If you opt to continue you return to the act you lost your last life in with four lives. If you lose all your lives and continues, your game is over and you must start the game over. Sonic Triple Trouble is not too difficult to control although trickier than some other Sonic games. Both characters have the same basic controls. The directional pad makes you move, duck/look down and look up. Pressing down while you run makes you roll into a ball, which is one way to defeat enemies. (To defeat enemies, and damage bosses, either roll into them or jump into or onto them). Buttons 1 and 2 have the same function: jump. The start button pauses/unpauses the game. To execute a spin dash, a cool move where your character revs up then shoots off like a torpedo, duck and press 1 or 2. Release down to blast off. Another move that is only available in this game and takes some getting used to, is the air roll. To air roll whenever you are in the air but not rolling (from running or rolling off a ledge, or hitting a spring) press the jump button. You will roll briefly, long enough to hit an enemy rather than being hit yourself. The roll lasts only briefly and can only be done once per jump, but it is a useful technique in many situations. Sonic and Tails differ in one way in control. When you stand still and press up and 1 or 2, you will do either a super peel out or a tailicopter, depending on if you're Sonic or Tails. The super peel out (also available in Sonic CD) gives you a burst of speed, but dissipates quickly if you don't hold in the direction you're running. You don't roll either like you do when you spin dash. This is a rather useless move, and I don't know of any time in this game when you need to use it. The tailicopter (name made up), though, is a very useful move that enables Tails to get to locations Sonic cannot or finds it more difficult to reach. When you do a tailicopter, you can fly for a short time. Use the directional pad to fly in the direction you want (you continue going in one direction if you release the directional pad). When you run out of time you don't fall out of the tailicopter; you just lose power and float back to the ground. It's also possible to do a tailicopter in the air, by pressing up and 1 or 2 when you're in the air but not rolling, though this isn't as powerful as doing it from the ground - you just get a brief burst of energy, then start gliding back down immediately. Also note that you cannot do the tailicopter underwater. There are a lot of power-ups in this game. All power-ups are found in monitors; jump on them or roll into them to break them open and gain their contents. I divided power-ups into two categories: normal and gadgets. Normal power-ups are the ones found in many other games. Gadgets provide you with vastly increased movement abilities for a short time The normal power- ups are: Super Ring - Looks like a ring. Worth 10 rings. Invincibility - Looks like three stars. Makes you invincible to enemies for a short time. Speed Shoes - Looks like a red shoe. Increases your running speed greatly... for a short time. Check Point - Looks like a red arrow pointing down. Saves your place in the act if you lose a life later on. 1-UP - Looks like your character's face. Worth an extra life. (Getting100 rings and 200 rings are also worth 1-UPS). Clock - Found only in special stages. Looks like a clock. Resets the timer. Gadgets are: Jet Turbo (Sonic only) - This is very similar to the Rocket Shoes in Sonic Chaos. Activate it to gain access to a large red rocket that propels you rapidly in any direction you wish. You usually use it to fly right very quickly, thus flying over a large part of an act without having to avoid obstacles. It only lasts for a short time, so fly as fast as you can. The power-up looks like a small picture of the rocket Pogo Spring (Both characters) - This is also borrowed from Sonic Chaos. It is a spring that remains attached to your character's foot and allows you to bounce up and down until you get hit, jump or land on a normal spring. It enables you to bounce higher and (combined with jumping) reach areas you couldn't otherwise reach. The power-up looks like a spring. Snowboard (Sonic only) - This is only in Robotnik Winter Zone, as you probably guess. It gives you a snowboard you can use to slide down slopes like nothing else. To go in one direction just press and hold in the direction you wish to go. Press 1 or 2 to make a small hop. To get off the snowboard, make a small hop and jump again while in the air. This is not ever necessary, but it's fun to play around with. The power-up looks like a snowboard. Super Tails (Tails only) - This appears in place of all Jet Turbos and Snowboards. It allows Tails to fly faster than normal, any way he wants, for a short time. It is like a Jet Turbo in that it is usually used to get across a portion of an act, but you can't fly as fast or as far as a Jet Turbo can. The power-up looks like a picture of Tails flying (I think). Swim Fin (Sonic only) - This is like an underwater Jet Turbo. It is only in Tidal Plant Zone, of course. If you are Tails, these are Speed Shoes instead. It lets you swim very fast any way you want for a very short time. It can do more harm than good since there are a lot of dangers underwater and when you're swimming you don't really have control of yourself. The power-up looks like a red fin of some sort. Submersible (Tails only) - This is Tails' ultimate cool power-up. It's not really a power-up at all, but a small blue machine Tails can jump into to use. There is one in every act of Tidal Plant Zone. Once inside it, the music of Tidal Plant stops playing, replaced by a much happier, but repetitive tune. When inside this as Tails you have unlimited air. You can move in any direction you want by just using the directional pad. To get power-ups just steer onto them. Same for defeating enemies, just steer over them. Press the jump button (either one) to launch a bullet out of the front of the Submersible. This won't hurt enemies, but will destroy breakable blocks (some can only be destroyed this way) and damage the boss. You lose this for good if you get hit even once, and cannot travel out of the water or into pipes. This is a way cool power-up for Tails. Your goal in this game is to recapture the Master Emerald from Robotnik, but you also want to find the five chaos emeralds hidden somewhere on the island. There is no Super Sonic or Tails like in Genesis, so your only reward for getting all the chaos emeralds is the bonus points and a better ending. However, this task is not easy; getting all the chaos emeralds is in fact very hard in this game. For one thing, entering special stage is not easy. There is a power-up that has a chaos emerald on it somewhere in every act 1 and 2 (twelve total in the game). It is usually out of the way and well hidden. This power-up can only be gotten once. If you collect it, lose a life and find it again, it will become a Super Ring. If you get it with under 50 rings, nothing will happen and you'll have lost one opportunity to enter the special stage. If you get it with 50 rings or more, though, a ring of stars will appear above it. Touch that to be teleported to the special stage. (If you already have all the chaos emeralds, these power-ups become Super Rings) You will enter the next special stage you have not successfully completed. The first time you go to special stage, you go to the first one. You continue to go to the first one until you collect the chaos emerald, at which point you go to the second one the next time you enter special stage. There are five different special stages. One, three and five are level stages; you will have to negotiate a difficult maze with springs, breakable blocks, moving and invisible platforms and maybe even pits, racing against the clock to find the chaos emerald. Two and four are plane stages; you will fly in Sonic's red biplane and try to collect 80 rings along a course while avoiding bombs. A complete guide to special stages can be found after the walkthrough. All the special stages except the first end with a boss battle with Nack the weasel. If you can defeat him you will get a chaos emerald. You will then return to the same place you left the regular game, with no rings (although you can immediately collect the Super Ring that appears in place of the emerald power-up) and the timer rest to 0:00. At the end of each act 1 and 2 is a turnstile. Run past it to complete the act. The turnstile will show a picture, one of five, randomly selected. The pictures are Sonic's face on a red background, a ring, a chaos emerald, Sonic's face looking more triumphant on a yellow background and Tails' face. Sonic's face on red and a chaos emerald appear to give you no extra bonus. A ring is worth 10 rings, and Sonic's face on yellow or Tails is worth a 1-UP if you are playing as the character whose face is displayed. Otherwise it's nothing. At the end of every act and special stage in this game you get bonus points. Scoring is one area of the game where my information is rather patchy; forgive me. You get 100 points per ring in your possession, up to a maximum of 9,900 points, plus a time bonus (not in act 3) of up to 9,900 depending on your speed. I believe the time bonus goes down 100 points for every time a set number of seconds have elapsed after a certain time, like 0:30. Special stage time bonuses probably work in a similar way, and if you run out of time, you get nothing. You also earn points in acts, I'm not sure why or how many, but it's usually a matter of a couple hundred points at the most. I thought it had to do with defeating enemies but checked and found no correlation. You will also get 5,000 points for every boss you defeat (in addition to your normal act 3 scoring). 3. General Tips -Don't go too fast. This game can be rushed through very quickly, but you'll miss out on a ton of rings, 1-UPS and other goodies, and are very vulnerable to ambushes or traps, even if you have quick hands. It's much better to go slowly and plot out where you need to go before rushing ahead. You will score more points and do better. -Use gadgets carefully. They are only available once and are very fragile, and difficult to get the maximum use out of. Sometimes they are necessary or helpful in reaching hidden areas. -Recognize in each zone what breakable blocks look like (they sometimes stick out like a sore thumb, other times blend in well with normal blocks). There are a lot of breakable blocks in this game and are the key to entering many hidden areas. -Be aware of collapsing ground. Ground that is only one layer thick and looks different from normal floor, will usually crumble when you set foot on it. Watch out. -Retain control of yourself if possible. With all the springs all over this game it's very easy to lose control of yourself, and this can lead to missing important items are secrets. -Explore each act thoroughly. There are a lot of secrets in this game, even if they are just extra Super Rings, they are good to find and add up. So explore everywhere and go over the same area many times. -Avoid taking hits. Many hits are the result of going too fast or too recklessly, and hits are very damaging, especially if you are going for all the chaos emeralds. Remember, you need 50 rings before you can enter special stage. -Master the game's controls, especially the air roll, as soon as possible. That air roll can be really handy or a lifesaver in certain places. -Be aware that falling off the screen causes instant death. There aren't too many death pits in this game, but enough to keep you on your toes. -The special stages can seem overwhelming at first. Keep in mind that they are quite hard - harder than in most Sonic games, especially the fifth and last one. Completing them will require patience, persistence and dumb luck, even knowing where all the emerald power-ups are. Getting all the chaos emeralds in this game will take many attempts. -If you are wondering which character to play as, don't worry too much since the characters are very much the same (unlike Sonic Chaos). Tails is a bit easier to play for beginners due to his tailicopter, which is very handy if you use it right. Play as Tails if you're unsure of yourself or are playing for the first time. -Don't get worried or stressed too much about this game. If you're having trouble with a part of an act or a boss, taking a break and recharging may be a good idea. Try not to think of this game as something that must be conquered at all costs. It was intended for light entertainment, not much more. Getting worried or stressed about this game is not what it was intended for at all. -Played the game a couple times and want a jump-start? Here is the level select (the only code for this game that I know of): Turn the game on and press and hold up on the directional pad. You must press it before the Sega logo appears and hold it throughout the logo. When the five chaos emeralds appear, and Knuckles starts collecting them, continue holding up. At the exact moment Knuckles touches the third (red) emerald, press start. This is hard to time and you have a very small window to press start in, so it will likely take several attempts. Try not to get frustrated. If you do it correctly you will hear the sound of a ring being collected. After selecting your character the level select screen will appear. Choose the act you wish to begin playing on. I don't use this level select usually (I don't like to cheat) but it was necessary for writing this FAQ/walkthrough. 4. Walkthrough This walkthrough is written for a Sonic player, but if you are Tails, you can follow the walkthrough just as easily, since Tails and Sonic are virtually the same. Just remember you can use your tailicopter to get to places more easily. This walkthrough was hard to write, since acts in Sonic Triple Trouble are huge, and have many different paths you can take. The later zones are more maze-like, adding another dimension. I try to follow the route that is the easiest with the most rings. This walkthrough does not cover where every single power-up is located; you are encouraged to explore areas not mentioned in the walkthrough if you have played the game several times. The walkthrough tries to also guide you to the major secrets, and it's pretty obvious those secrets are the Emerald Boxes (the power-ups that allow you to enter special stage) 1-UPS I tried to point out as well, but they are difficult to find, and I did not check every nook and cranny for them. If you know of 1-UPS that I do not, please let me know! This is my first walkthrough written in over a month, so it may be lacking in some areas. 4a. Great Turquoise Zone This is the lush, tropical paradise that begins nearly every Sonic game. This laid-back place is ideal for getting used to your abilities, which you will need to master later on. Be sure to check out the springs on the top of most trees, since rings are above many of them. Note that these springs are very weak and don't bounce you high at all. Act 1 Go right collecting rings. You can jump into the trees to fool around if you wish, collecting more rings. Note that in the top left corner of the act on a floating ledge is a Super Tails power-up. Only Tails can reach it by flying up. I do not recommend grabbing it, however, as you will miss out on a lot of rings. Continuing right, you find a Pogo Spring and farther right, an enemy with a spring on his back. This enemy is very similar to ones in Sonic Chaos. Jumping on him will bounce you up; roll through him to defeat him but do not walk into him. You can use the Pogo Spring to bounce up and collect more rings, including a Super Ring on a high ledge, but it isn't necessary. Continue right to a loop. You can run or spin dash through it, or jump in the trees and get on top of it - you'll find another Super Ring. Continue right and defeat another spring enemy. You'll come to an area with a low road and a high road. The high road is slightly easier so go up there. Keep going right and jump over the waterfall. You'll come to an area with four trees. If you've been collecting all the rings so far and haven't gotten hit, you may have over 100 right now. Continue right and you come to a large waterfall. Jump to the right as far as possible. You'll probably land near a Super Ring and a wall. There are some springs that can bounce you up the waterfall if you fall down for some reason (these springs aren't visible unless touched - there are a lot of springs like this in this game). Get the Super Ring and spin dash right, standing where the Super Ring was. You'll break through the wall (breakable blocks are also very common in this game) and on the other side, find some Speed Shoes. Get them and go right but not too fast. You don't want to go too fast or you might run off the cliff. When you get to the cliff after a long line of rings (taking the high road) jump to the right. You should find some steps that lead up to two Super Rings, guarded by an enemy who hovers back and forth above them. Jump and hit him to defeat him but do not walk under him; that will cause him to drop his mine and fly away. Get the Super Rings. To the right will be a long line of trees. These trees require you to do something tricky; you must bounce across them to the right without falling. Some of them are far apart and other times your next tree will not be visible. I hope you have been practicing on the trees earlier in the act. If you fall, there is no way to get back up on the ground; you will have to head back to the left and climb up to where you found the Super Rings again. Between two of the trees is a mine-dropping enemy; you must do an air roll to beat him and land on the next tree (this is quite tricky). Take it slow and concentrate. On the last tree you'll see a ledge to the right, but it seems you can't quite reach it. You can but it requires you to be moving right at the time you hit the tree-spring. This can be quite frustrating. On this ledge is the Emerald Power-up. You should have 50 rings at this point, although in the future you will need to be careful not to get hit if you want to enter special stage. After returning from special stage you can drop down and go right to the goal. However, it may be worth your while to drop down and head back left, and drop down the first hole you see. You'll hit a spring at the bottom of the shaft in waist deep water. To the left of the spring is a 1-UP. Act 2 Go right and run down the hill. You'll see a Jet Turbo in plain sight. I would not recommend grabbing it since you will miss a large part of the act, but it's your choice. After the hill comes a ramp that will flip you up. Continue right (there is a Super Ring high to the left but it's hard to get). Jump over the two waterfalls (they just have springs below them if you fall) and go down the hill and through the tunnel (don't take the high road) After the tunnel jump over the spring pointing left. Between the two springs, if you jump you'll break through the ground and uncover a Super Ring. Hit the spring on the right. You'll go sailing up another ramp and near a Super Ring, but you just can't reach it from the spring (this Super Ring is very hard to reach). Drop back down and go right, taking the low road into the pool of water. You'll find a spring enemy but don't defeat him; jump on him and land on the moving platform. Ride it up to a Super Ring. Take it and drop back down. Go right and climb out of the water. Eventually you come to a wall with a diagonal spring pointing up and left. Hit it and press no buttons as you bounce up a series of springs. When you hit the spring pointing straight up, don't get the rings in the trees, but drop down and go right. Drop down to find an area with quite a few rings and invisible springs. Get them all (remember, you need 50 later on) and continue right. Drop down the waterfall and hit the Check Point. Continue right into a large pool of water. Go right (note that you can 'skim' the surface of the water by air rolling, bouncing along the surface) and be careful not to hit the spring enemy in the water. At the other side of the pool is a small ledge designed to boost you up. However, ignore it, stand just to the right of it and spin dash. You will break through the wall and enter a hidden area. Continue right and after a while you'll come to the Emerald Power-up. The problem is that it is at the top of a steep hill that you can't spin dash up and hit it. It is right below the level of the main path so you must be very careful not to jump too high and land on the main path. The only way to get it - although it is very tricky - is to get a running start and jump at just the right time so that you don't land on the main path but hit the power-up from the side. This will take many attempts, but you have all the time in the world. Just don't land on the main path or you'll have to head back left and loop around. After you finally hit it and play special stage, just run right to the goal. If you don't have 50 rings because you got hit or didn't collect enough, obviously don't touch the power-up but go back and get 50 rings. Rings are not too plentiful here so try not to get hit if you can help it. There is a 1-UP in a tunnel at the bottom of a cliff above and to the left of the Emerald Power-up, but it is VERY difficult to reach. Act 3 Go right. Be sure to bounce around the trees overhead. One tree has six rings above it; these are the only rings in this act. Get them all and run right until you come to an apparent dead end. However, jump and you'll break through the ground. Run right, drop into the water and go right to the... Boss This first boss cannot be defeated without using the air roll and that's probably exactly what you're meant to learn from the encounter. It is a yellow and blue pod that flies overhead. It does nothing to attack you so just jump and hit it four times. Then it flies up and off the screen, and spring enemies will appear. You can defeat them if you wish but to continue you'll need to jump on one to bounce up to the next level. Now the pod will continue flying overhead, but now it's too high to reach. To hit you must jump on one of the spring enemies that come in a constant stream from the sides of the screen. You can jump on one when it is directly under the pod and quickly press button 1 or 2; this will cause you to air roll and hurt the pod instead of getting hit yourself. You can land back on the enemy and hit it multiple times, and in this way end the battle very quickly, but this is also rather risky as you must press the button quickly and accurately. You can air roll any time in your bounce as long as you are rolling when you come in contact with the pod. Remember you can only roll once per bounce and it only lasts a brief time. The pod will take four more hits to defeat. After it blows up, run right (automatically) to meet Knuckles. He laughs and presses a button which leaves you in a frenzy to get away from an ocean of flame. 4b. Sunset Park Zone Your next zone is quite a change from Great Turquoise. It's a huge industrial mess with ramps, railcars and all sorts of machinery and sneaky traps. You'll want to take the high road as much as possible here since that is usually the easiest, and there are some death pits here, so watch out. A common object here is a rotating pole that, if you jump in front of it, will grab you and send you somersaulting back to the ground. It seems to pose no threat, but beware that when you are somersaulting you are vulnerable to attack and cannot move until you hit the ground. Little flying drones are often found near these poles, so be careful. Act 1 You immediately encounter an enemy in a railcar rolling back and forth. Jump on him to defeat him and hop in his railcar. Using this railcar is a little difficult. First press down, then 1 or 2. If you do not press down you will jump out, but if you do press down, you'll roll forward and accelerate. To steer, hold down, the direction you want to go (left or right) and 1 or 2. Roll right and down a series of ramps. You'll drop to a lower level and smash through some spikes, and hit a spring. Bounce back left, bash some more spikes, and when you hit another spring, stop. Jump out of the railcar. Go left and jump over the spring. Get the Invincibility and hit the spring pointing up. You'll bounce through the level you rolled down on the railcar up to a higher level with another railcar. Defeat its occupant and jump in and roll right. You will roll up a hill and then cross a bridge which will explode (!) as you roll across. On the other side is a spring which bounces you right back, right into the explosion (which only lasts a second). You'll get hit but won't lose rings; your railcar will disappear instead. Below the bridge you'll find... five Super Rings! Grab them all (you'll get 3 automatically as you fall back from being hit) but don't break through the wall to the left or the blocks below the far right Super Ring. Both lead to lower routes. Instead, jump back up to the spring on the right (you can just barely make it) and jump over the spring being careful not to touch it. On the other side continue right. You'll see another spring pointing right, but do not hit it (you might slam right into the next railcar enemy if you do). Defeat the aforementioned railcar enemy and get in his ride and roll right through the wall (which isn't solid) and down the ramp. You'll land on an exploding bridge; just keep going right full speed. Hopefully you know how to steer one of these things. You'll hit a spring and be bounced back, through the gap where the bridge once was. You will land in a long line of rings on a lower level. Roll right and you'll get a Check Point and come to a stop next to a spring. You can get a few more rings to the left if you want. Bounce on the spring to the right. Break through a few blocks and head right. You'll pass a spring, go through a loop, and then have to jump quickly to avoid hitting another spring which will send you back through the loop. Now comes a tricky spot; you must defeat a small white drone dangerously close to the poles that send you spinning downward. He will try to drop on you when directly above you, as well. When you get him, continue right, drop down to the spring, and break through some blocks at the bottom of the wall. Further right comes a tricky spot. You must cross a large spiked bed via a series of small platforms, each with an invisible spring that bounces you only a little bit. If you take it slowly and carefully you can make it without a scratch. There is a death pit on the far left, so be very careful of that. If you fall in the spikes there are some springs that can get you back up. After crossing this obstacle continue right and watch out for another white drone. After a while you come to a spring. Use it to break through the ceiling. To the right is the goal, but not so fast. Go left through a loop. You'll see the Emerald Power-up on the top of the loop as you run through it. To the left is a spring which you can use to bounce to the top of the loop, and get the Emerald Power-up. There are 10 rings with it and 8 above the spring, to help you if you don't have enough. When you return from special stage just go right to the goal. Act 2 This is a long act but we'll do it the quick and dirty way: we'll zip across most of it with a gadget power-up and still get the Emerald Power-up with enough rings. You begin in a railcar sliding down a ramp. Press no buttons and you'll fly off and crash into a wall, and fall back onto a spring. Bounce up and get the Super Ring to the right, then go left. Get two more Super Rings, and note the moving platform guarded by an enemy above you. Jump and defeat the enemy and ride the platform up. At the top, jump again, to the ledge on the left. Get the Super Ring and Jet Turbo/Super Tails (depending on your character). As soon as you touch it, fly right as fast and high as you can. How far you get will depend on your character; the Super Tails has less power than the Jet Turbo so Tails won't make it as far. If you're Tails and fly as far as you can you should land on a steep hill; climb it and jump onto the ledge at the top. Then go right to find a railcar (guarded of course) Sonic should land right around here as well. Do not jump in this railcar; jump over it and go right. You will come to an exploding bridge. Spin dash across it or jump over it, always being careful of the flying drones around here. Then go right up a hill to a spring. If you jump in the railcar it is very hard to jump out and over this spring, so you'd probably hit it and fly back down, into the gap where the bridge used to be. You should still be careful to jump over the spring even without the railcar. Once you jump over it, go right down two small hills. Hit the spring and jump up to the far right ledge. There you find the Emerald Power-up. You should have enough rings (there were 46 before the gadget and a few on the way to the Emerald Power-up) but if you got hit, it'll be really hard to get the needed rings and come back here. After the special stage go left to an exploding bridge (which you bounced over on the spring). Spin dash across it to safely destroy it, then drop down. Now comes a very tough spot; you'll land on another exploding bridge, and must jump instantly upon landing on it to avoid being hit. You need to get to the ledge on the right; on that one is the goal. If you get hit just get onto that ledge ignore everything else. Once you make it to the goal, though, something very odd happens. You get NO end of act points for act 2, instead the goal just disappears, and you start running to the right for... Act 3 This is a very unique act, but it's not too hard if you keep your cool. You'll be running along a long track which is perfectly flat, and have to avoid mine dropping enemies from Great Turquoise Zone and gaps in the track. Your only controls are move forward, move back, and jump (your jump is much shorter than normal). You can only run in the left half of the screen. Falling in a hole will kill you. You begin with five rings, but there are NO more for the rest of the act, and if you get hit it is possible but very unlikely that you will retrieve any rings. Thus avoid getting hit at all costs; you'll need your rings for the boss. To defeat the mine droppers is very easy; as they approach, just jump and hit them from the side. They bob up and down in the air and make easy targets. You get stay forward or back; it doesn't matter. Just don't get below them; that will allow them to drop their mine on you. The gaps are most easily jumped over by jumping and pressing right so you move forward in the air. Here's the sequence: five mine droppers, three gaps (the first one comes right after the fifth mine dropper so be careful) eighteen mine droppers (the last six or so are farther apart than the first twelve), boss. Boss This boss is really easy, yet kind of hard. It's a tank with a large gun aimed right at you. The screen constantly shifts back and forth so you'll find it very hard to control yourself or hit the tank. To defeat it you must simply hit the gun three times. If you move as far forward as possible right before the boss you can get one hit in immediately. Then you must move back and forth with the screen, jumping over the cannonballs the gun fires, and hitting the gun. You have to move far forward to get a hit in. When you get a hit, you bounce back to the left. Be ready to jump over a shot right as the screen starts moving right. Also move forward so you can get a hit in. If you mistime your jump and get hit by the shot you will be unable to hit the boss, and lose all your rings beyond retrieve. So, you can only take two hits before dying. The sooner you get this battle over, the better. 4c. Meta Junglira Zone Odd name for a zone, but this zone is in fact a jungle setting. The bottom of it is completely filled with a brown muck. Whether this is a river at the bottom of the jungle polluted by Robotnik's industrial waste, I don't know. This is much like the oil in Oil Ocean Zone of Sonic the Hedgehog 2 Genesis: if you sink too low in it, you die. Keep that in mind. You'll find this zone is also quite a bouncy place, with springs and bumpers to bounce you who knows where. It has nice music, too. Act 1 You begin this act in a large area full of apples. The apples will bounce you off them when touched and disappear. There are some springs you can use to bounce around in them with. After you have your fun bounce up to the spring on a small ledge jutting out from the wall to the right. Don't go through the tunnel at the bottom of the wall. Bounce up, collect the Invincibility, and hit the spring pointing up and left. When you land on a ledge go left and jump to the higher level. On this higher level go right, collecting all the rings and defeating two yellow robots who jump at you. To the far right is a tunnel sloping downward. Go down it and you'll come out into a great expanse. You'll probable land on one of a series of small steps leading up and right, with small springs to boost you up. However, do not go right at this point; go left and drop down. You'll see a moving platform above some brown ooze. To the left of this moving platform is a small tunnel, difficult to spot, that leads to a tiny room with the Emerald Power-up. The problem is, you don't have enough rings. So, skip the tunnel for now, ride the platform up to the ledge, and go left. Defeat a jumping enemy who isn't facing you and continue left. You find an area with a lot of rings and three barrels floating in the muck. Jumping into these barrels fires you up a la Donkey Kong Country. Use them to collect all the rings, or just 50. Then go back right, bounce up the small steps, back to the moving platform. Go in the tunnel and get the Emerald Power-up. After special stage, go right, out of the tunnel, and jump right to a spring. Use it to bounce up to a series of steps, each with a small spring on it. Bounce up to the top with them and at the top, hit the device that propels you right. Go through the loop. You'll come out in another area full of apples. There are just springs below them so don't worry. After breaking as many apples as you wish, go right on ground level. You'll see a speed booster, with a moving platform above it. Jump on the moving platform to access a higher level with a Check Point. Activate it and continue right to another loop. You may need to spin dash to get enough velocity to go through it. At the bottom you'll fall into the polluted river, but do not panic. Instead, allow yourself to sink just a little, and get UNDER the low ledge to the left. Jump continuously when under the ledge to avoid sinking too low and dying. Jump to the left under the ledge to access a secret room with a 1-UP. Get it and get back out of there (this is easier than it sounds). Then continue right through the brown gunk. You find a large row of barrels with a huge number of rings above them. Collect them all if you wish, but you find your way right is blocked by a wall. To continue, bounce up and left, either in one of the barrels or by hitting the spring to the far right and running left along the ceiling. You'll land on another series of steps leading up and left with small springs on them. At the top you come to an apparent dead end. However, spin dash through the left wall; it will crumble and you'll come out on some springs which will bounce you up in sequence. At the top, hit the speed booster and go right, but make a stop where the ground looks off color. Jump there and you will break through it, and can enter a hidden area below the tunnel with a Super Ring and Speed Shoes. Then jump back out and walk on top of the tunnel - there's more rings above it. Watch out for the jumping enemy though. Keep heading right and you come to a loop. Run through it and you find another area full of apples. Bounce around if you wish. To the right of it is a wall which can be ascended through a series of springs on little ledges jutting out. One such ledge has spikes on it so be careful. At the top of the wall go right to the goal. Act 2 Go right to some spring steps. Bounce up them. The fourth step has a 'normal' spring which will bounce you up much higher. Collect the Super Ring on the next ledge and hit the spring below it. You will bounce up the wall, run along the ceiling and land on a spring to the left. Bounce up to the ledge on the right and walk right. Defeat a jumping enemy and go right to a spring. Do not hit it (it will bounce you into a field of apples) but get the Super Ring right below it. The ledge the Super Ring is on does not jut out far so you'll have to kind of wrap around your jump. Then drop down through a field full of rings which can be grabbed through several springs, some on the walls, some on ledges below. If you fall past the springs there are barrels below that can fire you back up. Spend some time here grabbing most of the rings. When you wish to move on it is better to take the low road down in the black muck. On the ledge on the right is a speed booster which will propel you through a loop. When you come out of the loop you'll hit a spring and may crash into one of the moving platforms guarded by enemies. I recommend getting back in the brown goo and jumping right, until you come to more barrels. Jump in one and shoot up. Hit the enemy on the moving platform and then land on the platform. To the right is another moving platform; jump over to it and defeat its occupant. Then comes a third one, but this one is a little higher up in comparison to the second one so it may be a stretch. From the third moving platform jump right to a ledge with a speed booster. Hit it (or spin dash) roll up the hill and break through some blocks. On this new level, go right and jump over the spikes. Try not to hit the speed booster, or if you do, hold down on the directional pad. If you don't you'll be send right into a jumping guy lying in ambush. Defeat him and run right to a tunnel sloping down and left. Slide down and at the bottom you'll find another area of apples. There's not much of interest to the left except a Super Ring, so go down, again into the brown river, and jump to the right. When you see a moving platform (this one is not guarded) ride it up. Get the Super Ring and hit the spring beneath it. You'll bounce to the right and land on another spring. Bounce up but hold to the right. You want to avoid coming up under another, guarded moving platform (the enemies who guard these re-appear when you leave the screen, just to let you know) and land on the small ledge on the right. From there jump, beat the enemy and land on the platform. Jump to the left to find a Check Point in an alcove in the wall. Then jump back right to the moving platform .Ride it up to a ledge. Jump off and go right to a Pogo Spring. Now for the aggravating part. For Sonic players, this Pogo Spring is the ONLY way you can reach the Emerald Power-up, and it's very difficult. Tails players can just tailicopter over to each ledge you must jump to. Sonic players, take a deep breath and grab the Pogo Spring. You only get one chance at this (unless you die on purpose). Bounce from the ledge the Pogo Spring is on to the ledge on the right over a wide chasm. If you miss, you're done. The ledge is tiny - only as wide as you are - so it is very difficult to land on it, and not go careening to the right but remain in control. You must judge how far you can bounce and time pressing right perfectly or you will miss. If you make it, bounce up and land on another tiny ledge, floating, too high to reach without the Pogo Spring. Once on this ledge take a deep breath and jump as far as possible to the right. It's a very long jump but hopefully you'll land on a tiny piece of land outside a tunnel in the cliff. The land outside crumbles instantly so continue holding right to run into the tunnel. The tunnel leads to the Emerald Power-up. This is one of the hardest to reach in the game, so don't get frustrated. When you return from special stage, or if you messed up and don't want to die to try again, the goal isn't much farther - just keep heading right. There aren't that many secrets, and I don't want to carefully map out what should be fairly simple for you. Just keep heading right and taking the high road if possible, and eventually you'll arrive at the goal. Act 3 I hate this act. You only get one shot at getting any rings for the boss. Go right through two tunnels, the second one sloping down and left, and as you go down all and HOLD LEFT HARD. You'll hit a spring and land in a field of apples. If you hold left *hopefully* you'll be bounced by the apples over to a ledge on the left. From there run through the tunnel to find a Super Ring. These are the only rings in this act and if you fall - either by not holding left or if you get an unlucky bounce - there is no way to get back up, so you must face the boss with zero rings. Luckily, this is the only act 3 in the game with this problem. You usually will make it if you roll and hold left - it seems to be in the dynamics of how you bounce. At the bottom go right over the uneven ground, and you'll soon meet the boss. Boss This battle has two phases. The first involves you battles the giant robot worm in the tree. The worm will stretch out and swing back and forth very rapidly. Its vulnerable point is its head. There are many strategies. You can stay in a corner and spin dash into it as it goes back and forth, jump on it, just about anything. This battle is mostly about just having quick reflexes and knowing what the worm will do next. I prefer jumping on it and then pressing no buttons - it's possible to get into a rhythm of continually hitting it this way, hitting it over and over. It retracts into the tree for a second every time you hit it. This part of the fight is pure skill, so much more advice won't do much good. After about eight hits the worm will break up and flaming debris starts falling from the sky, but this is where it gets easy. Run to either far corner and just stay there, pressing no buttons. The flaming debris tries to fall directly above you and will get you, but as long as you stand against the side of the screen, you'll always retrieve your one ring automatically - it'll just pop right up and land on you again. Hopefully you have rings in the first place, of course. The bombardment is pretty unnerving but as long as you stand in a corner and always have at least one ring you'll be OK. After a while the bombardment ceases and you automatically run right... to meet Knuckles again. Again he pulls that same dirty trick and presses a button which causes you to get torched by a sea of fire. 4d. Robotnik Winter Zone Brrrrr! This is the snow and ice zone for this game. The only other Sonic games with a similar zone are Sonic 3 and Sonic 3D Blast, both for Genesis. Luckily you don't have to worry about slipping and sliding here. You will have to worry about more breakable blocks - they stand out like a sore thumb, though, as blocks of ice - and falling off the screen (which is more a problem here than any other zone). There are many snow pits here that act like the polluted river in Meta Junglira Zone - you sink in them if you don't jump. However, below them you don't always die; there are often secrets below them. Also, before we begin, a few notes to those of you who are collecting the chaos emeralds. I will continue to write in my walkthroughs how to find the Emerald Power-up in each act. However, if you already have all the emeralds (there are five emeralds and you've had six chances to enter special stage so far) these will be Super Rings instead. In that case you do not need to bother with them; just get through the acts and find 1-UPS if you can. Read ahead so you don't follow a long path that leads to the Emerald Power-up. Hopefully you've collected all or most of the emeralds by now; it is much more difficult to enter special stage from here on. The reason is not so much that the Emerald Power-ups are harder to find, but that rings are scarcer and it is much harder to avoid getting hit, so having 50 rings when you touch the power-up is rather challenging, especially if it's early in the act. Getting hit will cost you a whopping 50 rings from now on, so to enter special stage you basically need to avoid getting hit entirely. Go very slowly and carefully if you want to do this. Act 1 I think this act is fairly easy. You begin standing right in front of a Snowboard/Super Tails. You can get it if you wish but for this walkthrough jump over it and move on. Run down the long hill collecting rings. At the bottom is a spring and below that, a snow pit. Your natural inclination would be to avoid it but jump in it and drop down. Drop down as close to the middle as you can. Below it you'll find a Super Ring situated on a small block of ice in the center. When you fall to either side of it (as you must once you get the Super Ring) you won't die; a stream of ice crystals will grab you and suck you upward, back into the daylight. Pretty nifty, huh? Anyway back on the surface go right and you come to a choice of a high road or a low road. Take the high road and when you come to a snow pit, don't drop through it. To the right of it are eight rings, but the top two are out of reach. Get the bottom six but go no further. Instead go left and jump to the walkway right above the snow pit. Go left and up. Keep climbing and at the top you'll find several Super Rings if you explore. (There are a few enemies around here who are dressed for the cold, but they pose so little threat I won't mention them) Get as many Super Rings and normal rings as you can find, then drop down to the bottom, and this time take the low road. Drop through the first snow pit you come to on the lower level. You'll enter a hidden area with a Super Ring just to your left. (You should have up to 93 rings now). To the right are a series of ledges floating over an abyss. The jumps aren't too difficult but if you miss one you'll lose a life. Take it slow and easy and you should be okay. One jump is tricky, though: You must jump onto a vertically moving platform with an enemy on it (like the ones in Sunset Park and Meta Junglira). The key is to land on the enemy squarely and not let your momentum make you miss the platform. This is tricky, so watch it. A little bit further on is the Emerald Power-up. After you get another crack at special stage, jump to the right and spin dash through the tunnel blocked by ice. You'll see some spikes on the other side but resist the impulse to slow down; instead hold to the right. There is an invisible spring right before the spikes that will bounce you over them if you hold right. Once across the spikes spin dash through some more ice and you'll fall into a shaft, but ice crystals will carry you up, back to the main path. Spin dash right through the wall of ice and go down the hill. You'll pass a Check Point, then find a curved wall which you can roll up with a spin dash. On the top is a spring which will propel you up another curved wall. Go right through the narrow tunnel. You'll come to another stream of ice crystals which will carry you up. You'll find a nice gift of three Super Rings awaiting you at the top. Nab them (you may obtain a 1-UP from 100 rings at this point) and go left. You'll find some more rings; grab them too. Go through the loop and continue left. When you come to a chamber with a spring on the right wall, hit it, but you won't bounce to another spring on the left. You will see another spring but it's too high. To reach it you must air roll at the right time to increase the height of your bounce. It's a little tricky but you have unlimited attempts. Once you hit the spring bounce right and go right. Jump over the snow pit (falling through it leads back to the level below) and spin dash through the ice blocking the path. Then comes another snow pit, but for this one you must spin dash at it and jump right before you sail into it. If you do it right you'll break through the ice blocks above it on the right. Again, this may take a few tries. Once through the ice slide down a very steep hill and go right to the goal. Act 2 This is a really long act. Get the Super Ring and go right. Keep going right for a while and eventually (spin dash through the enemy you meet on the way - if you jump you'll clip your head on the spikes) you'll come to a snow pit at the end of the corridor. Drop down and get the Super Ring at the bottom, and spin dash through the ice to the left. When you come to an ice crystal shaft jump down and let the ice carry you up. Try to land on one of the ice ledges hanging out from the walls after you can control yourself. If you miss, just go back around and try again. Once you land on a ledge climb up. At the top is a Snowboard/Super Tails. Get it and go right, but don't go too fast or lose control of yourself. Go down the hill and hit the spring at the bottom. Now you can take the high road or the low road. Stop snowboarding or let your Super Tails run out about here (you don't want to lose control). Jump to the high road and spin dash across the bridge with rings above it. It will crumble under your feet so you must be going quite fast to avoid falling through. After crossing it continue right, collecting rings, until you come to another crumbling bridge. Run across it and on the other side is a spring. It is difficult to avoid hitting this spring so just run into it and fall down where the bridge once was. On the level below is another crumbling bridge. Spin dash across to collect the tings above, but instead of going further right (there's not much more to the right) drop down below the bridge. Below it are more rings and a spring pointing left. Hit it and go left (you should have a lot of rings by now). Go down the hill, ignoring the breakable blocks above. Run over another crumbling bridge, this one without rings above. To the left is a spring. Jump onto the block behind it and wait for a moving platform to come. Jump onto it (there's an enemy on it but he poses no threat to you) and ride up. Go left at the top, into a tunnel. You encounter some spikes blocking your path that appear and disappear very rapidly. The best way to cross these are by spin dashing over it and timing it very carefully. The Emerald Power-up is just behind it, but getting hit by the spikes will prevent you from entering special stage. Hopefully, you won't get hit though! After special stage backtrack out of the tunnel to the last collapsing bridge. Drop down below it and go right. When you come to a wall, wait for a moving platform to come, and ride it up. At the top go right, through a loop and up a curved wall. Now for a nasty spot. There is a Check Point on the path but chances are you'll run over it on the ceiling and land on a bridge which crumbles instantly, preventing you from getting it. Activating this Check Point requires very good luck, so don't worry if you miss it. After dropping through the bridge to the right of the Check Point, willingly or unwillingly, drop down through another level, then a snow pit, and you come out by a Super Ring. Get it and move on to the two snow pits to the right. This is a really tough spot; you must cross both these pits with spikes above them without falling through. Falling through will kill you. The way to make it is to tap the jump button rather than press it hard, so you don't jump into the spikes, and jump constantly as soon as you land in the pit. Hopefully you'll make it through, but remember to jump into the spikes if necessary, since taking a hit is better than dying outright, and while you flash after being hit you can often cover some ground. Once you leave these maddening snow pits behind, you come to a vertical spring with a tunnel to the right blocked by ice. Spin dash into the tunnel to find a Super Ring. When you bounce out, though, slow down to avoid going back into the snow pits. Bounce on the spring and you see two diagonal springs above you, one on each wall. You now must make a choice. Hitting the right spring will send you breaking through a wall of ice (you don't even need to air roll) and to the 'main' path. However, I recommend hitting the spring on the left. It bounces you right, over a bed of spikes. To cross these spikes without touching down at least once is very difficult. If you're Tails and really have mastered your moves, you can do a tailicopter in midair (sometimes I even do this by accident) and cross them that way. Sonic players will have to air roll to float as far as possible, hold right and hope for the best. If you get hit do not try to retrieve rings, just keep running right. On the other side of the spike bed is a spring that bounces you up to a 1-UP. I feel an extra life outweighs the risk of taking this path (and the main path is dangerous as well) but it's your decision. After getting the 1-UP spin dash right through the ice. Ignore the springs lining the shaft you come out in and drop down, through a snow pit. Get the Super Ring and go right. As you go through the ice blocking the way you release an enemy, but then hit a spring which bounces you back and into him immediately. Go back through the tunnel, jump over the spring and spin dash through the ice above it. You come out in an area where ice crystals will grab you and carry you up, above a snow pit. There are also two moving platforms here, each with an enemy on it. To climb up go to the right wall, wait for the moving platform to come, then jump on. Jump constantly as you wait to avoid falling back through the snow pit (though the ice crystals will just carry you back up if you do). After landing on the first platform, jump to the second, and finally to the ledge on the left. Go through the loop. Now spin dash up the curved wall to the left, and land on top of the loop. Do NOT land on the second tiny step on top of the loop - that one has some appearing/disappearing spikes on it. Land on the first small step, then jump over the second step and go right to the goal. Act 3 This is an odd act. It's a series of steep hills you must climb while battling a never-ending stream of enemies (the kind who are native to this zone) who run quite fast and are really annoying. The hills are a pain too, especially the steeper ones, which can be very difficult to ascend. The enemies you can try rolling through, spin dashing through, or anything else, but they still might get you. It's harder than it looks, trust me. There are plenty of rings in plain sight, but be aware: once you scroll the screen ahead in this act, you can never go back, so be sure not to go too fast or you may miss some rings. Make sure you have some rings when you make it to the top where you will meet... Boss I found this boss to be fairly hard. It is a large, blue and yellow droid that looks like something out of Mega Man that floats in the top right quadrant of the screen. It has a gray panel which enemies come out of throughout the battle. It also has three thrusters below it that also protect it from attack from below. You must hit it from the side. For the first hit it stays still. Stand below and to the left of it so that the enemies jump over your head but you are not below the thrusters. When you are ready, jump and hit it being careful of the thrusters, timing to avoid hitting an enemy jumping out. If you get hit then hit it while you are flashing (always retrieve a ring first). Then it gets much harder because the machine begins rocking back and forth and the screen scrolling right. Now you need to constantly walk right to stay in the right position and time your jump so that you hit it when it is coming forward, or you will get hit by the thrusters. It is necessary to hit it at the very peak of your jump to avoid the thrusters and time it perfectly. Be very careful and always retain at least one ring. After two more hits, it gets MUCH easier. The front thrusters turns off, giving you much more room to hit it from below and to the left rather than having to jump high, although it continues rocking back and forth. Keep being careful and avoid the constant stream of enemies. After two more hits, the far right thruster turns off (this should have no effect on your strategy since it is out of the way). After another two hits (seven total) the machine begins to fly to the right, and hitting it at this point does nothing. It floats above a pit covering the right half of the screen, and falling in will kill you. It no longer releases enemies so just jump and deliver the final hit once it stops moving. After it blows up and falls into the pit, jump in yourself. You'll fall a long way down... and meet Knuckles again. He presses another switch, this one covering you with a sheet of ice. You'll get the last laugh at your next meeting, though. 4e. Tidal Plant Zone Although a snow and ice zone is relatively rare in Sonic the Hedgehog, an underwater zone of some sort is in nearly every game. Sometimes, though, you weren't really forced to go beneath the waves - the landlubber's route was often easier, especially since in all Sonic games, you have to breathe underwater. But this zone is 90% underwater, so you'll have to get very used to the deep. Other things you should be aware of are as follows. One, this zone and the last one are much longer than zones 1-4. Do not be put off by the length of my walkthroughs. I wrote a lot only to be exceedingly detailed. Secondly, it is also much more maze-like, with tubes, secret areas revealed by breaking blocks in the right place, and more. The breakable blocks here look much like normal ones, only with small cracks, so look carefully at any suspicious blocks. This zone is quite a maze, so avoid going in circles. This zone also, because of its length, allows you the opportunity to rack up a lot of rings if you go slowly and don't take hits. Now, the information about water. One, water slows your movement drastically, so you'll need to get used to that. Second and more important, you need to breathe, unlike most games. Wait to long underwater without a breath of air and a countdown appears above your head. If the countdown reaches zero, you drown and die. To replenish your air jump out of the water (usually not a viable option) or gulp down air bubbles. A few air bubbles just rise from locations on the floor every so often and their only purpose is to replenish your air. Most bubbles, though, are created by jumping on a switch on the floor (these switches are everywhere, so don't worry too much about running out of air in most places). When you touch the switch a bubble floats up from the floor. Touch it to become engulfed in it. Tails looks pretty funny when he's in a bubble; he's upside-down and is making a weird face. The bubble steadily floats upward, but you can change the speed at which you float up by holding up or down on the directional pad, and can move by pressing left or right. Press jump to hop out of the bubble and continue on your way. Unlike the bubbles that work similarly in Sonic the Hedgehog 2, Game Gear, these bubbles don't pop when they touch a wall or ceiling. When inside these bubbles, you have infinite air and are fully filled up when you jump out. Getting hit will cause the bubble to pop. Much of this zone is about steering up tall shafts using these bubbles, and these shafts cannot be climbed any other way. Tails and Sonic players will have a real difference in gameplay here; Tails players will have the advantage of the Submersible, an absolutely amazing underwater exploration device. Please see the power-ups section for information on using it. This zone, or at least the parts of it you can traverse by Submersible, will be much easier for Tails if you can keep the machine intact for a long time. Sonic players will likely have a harder time, although you will have the short use of Swim Fins sometimes. Act 1 Nice music, eh? Anyway go right and get the Super Ring. Head down into the water. You can jump to the ledge to the right if you wish; it has two Super Rings on it above the water. Once you collect them drop back into the water and drop down the shaft to the right. At the bottom go left to a series of conveyor belts with rings. They move right, so getting to the left may be a bit more tricky; just hold left and you'll be okay. Watch out for the purple tubes on the ceiling with mines on the bottom; they drop on you when you walk underneath. This is a very common obstacle in this zone (in fact it's the biggest threat while you're underwater) and in some places very tough to avoid, especially if you're floating up below one of these, so be very careful. To the left you'll see (if you're Tails) a Submersible - the only one in the act. Jump in and you can ride in it for the entire rest of the level if you're careful. The remainder of the walkthrough is written for Sonic, but if you're Tails, you can still follow it, but you'll need to take different paths in many places or give up your Submersible because the Submersible cannot travel on dry land. You'll have to experiment and blaze new paths since these are not mentioned in my walkthrough; it is way too long as it is and I figure some Tails players will get hit and lose the Submersible early, after which point Tails plays just like Sonic. Drop down to the bottom and you find your first bubble switch. Jump on it to restore your air and float up to the hole in the ceiling you saw a minute ago but couldn't access. At the top is a Super Ring. Once you get it, drop back down (back to the switch) and go right to find the path blocked by blocks. Spin dash through them, collect the Super Ring buried in them, and come out the other side. You encounter the only enemy in this zone - a nasty, four-section robot eel that is quite electric. To defeat it you must hit its head. Do so as it swims back and forth and jump on the bubble switch nearby. There's a passageway in the wall to the right but it leads nowhere, so float up and collect the rings. Jump to the ledge on the right and jump out of your bubble. Climb the steps to the right but watch out. On the top step is a mine dropper that is very hard to avoid. It's best to trigger it and get back to the left rather than try to run under it. This one often gets me. Farther right is another mine dropper, this one easier to handle. You may be short on air now, especially if you go hit, so climb the steps to the right. At the top, jump out of the water for a breath of air and collect the two Super Rings to the left. To the right is another Super Ring but watch out; to the right of it is a moving cannon that shoots energy balls to the left and moves up and down on a conveyor belt. Hopefully you'll dodge it and get into the water in front of it. Go right and down into the water. You'll find a Swim Fin here, if you're Sonic. It lets you swim super-fast for a short time but I wouldn't recommend grabbing it, as you may lose control and get hit by some obstacles ahead. Ignoring the Swim Fin, go left. Cross the conveyor belt and drop down the shaft with the mine dropper situated above it. The mine will be falling right behind you so when you hit the bottom, run to the right to avoid that mine. Drop down into the column of rings. At the bottom is an electric eel and four vacuum tubes. Sometimes you can hit the eel away from the head and still defeat it; but try to hit it in the head if you can. In this case, you won't see it until you land on it so just hope for the best. The vacuum tubes are a more serious problem; they will make you sink, much like the snow pits in Robotnik Winter and the black river in Meta Junglira. Sink too far, and you die. Avoid this fate by jumping continuously when over these tubes. You'll have a choice of going left or right. Left is pointless so go right. When you dropped down, if you were observant, you may have noticed some breakable blocks on the ceiling and on the right wall. Only Tails can break these blocks, and only with a Submersible. By all means break them if you're Tails - both lead to a 1-UP, surrounded by blocks, that only Tails can obtain. You may be low on air but don't worry. When you come to four breakable blocks, spin dash through them and you come to a bubble switch .Step on it to get a breath of air but jump out immediately; you want to get the three Super Rings to the right. Once you've collected them, jump on the switch and float up and right. Avoid the spikes on the ceiling and stay in your bubble until you come to the water's surface. Once past the spikes stay as far to the right as you can to avoid a mine dropper on the ceiling above the water, over to the left. This one is particularly nasty since it regenerates constantly. To the right will be a Super Ring just above the water. Jump to the left or from where the Super Ring was, spin dash and 'skim' the surface of the water to get to the ledge on the left. Then enter the pipe. The pipe rapidly takes you to a room with a Check Point and two Super Rings. Get them and enter the pipe to the right; it drops you back in the water onto a narrow ledge between two ledges that collapse. Mine droppers are also to either side of you. This is trickier than it seems; you must obviously drop down either side, but below you is a menace. If you drop down on the right you'll slide down a steep hill and come out right above an electric eel. Your only way to defeat it is to air roll and hit it in mid-air. If you drop down on the left you'll actually be in an even more precarious position, since you won't see the eel until he's right below you. I recommend going down the right and rolling just as you come off the hill. Below the eel are some vacuum tubes so watch out for those as well. To the right is a bubble switch. You can use it to collect all the rings to the left if you wish, but to continue go right. Before activating the bubble switch get the two Super Rings to the right (watch out for the vacuum tube between them). Then go back left and get in a bubble. Float straight up, altering your course when needed to avoid hitting spikes, until you come to the water's surface. Jump out of your bubble. To the right is a conveyor belt but from the piece of land right before it, jump to the left, to a small ledge jutting out from the wall. From there jump right, to a high ledge with a critical Invincibility. Drop back down to the conveyor belt and run right. On the right side is a bed of spikes but since you're invincible, they are not matter. Jump to another conveyor belt and go right. On both of these conveyor belts, DO NOT JUMP. You may think it's cool to jump into the spikes above them since you're invincible, but actually there's a secret hole in one of the two banks of spikes on the ceiling that, if you touch it while invincible, sucks you up into the ceiling and traps you forever. I think this is a game bug, but it can be avoided by not jumping into the spikes. Once past the conveyor belts you come to another moving cannon but you should still be invincible. Drop down into the water and go right. Drop down to a steep hill you slide down, and once on the bottom, go left. Ignore the breakable blocks and the path in the ceiling, and drop down again. Avoid the cannon to the left and go right, through a small passageway. On the other side, jump on the bubble switch and float in a bubble up. When you see a Super Ring, jump out, collect the Super Ring and defeat the electric eel above. To the right is a pipe in the floor. Before jumping in it, jump over it and get the two Super Rings to the right. Then jump in the pipe and you'll be propelled through some loose blocks, and drop down to land on a bubble switch. Ride a bubble up, past the loose blocks, all the way to the water's surface. Jump out and go right to the goal. NOTE: There is another 1-UP you can obtain here. To get it ride a bubble from the second to last bubble switch up, past the electric eel and the pipe, right and up the shaft. Hold down so you don't float up too fast and get caught to the left of the outcropping (if you do that you'll have to try again). The shaft narrows to one block wide and goes above the surface of the water. Tails players will have to lose the Submersible at this point by getting hit on purpose if you kept it this long (which is very unlikely). At the surface, jump out of your bubble and into the pipe above the surface. The pipe takes you to a room with a 1-UP. Once you get it you can either jump back into the pipe you came in through (I think - it might be so high it's out of reach, or only reachable to Tails who can tailicopter) or down through a passage to the right, which leads to the top of the steep hill, shortly after the Check Point. Also, I have no idea where the Emerald Power-up in this level is, which is too bad, since you'd probably have 50 rings most of the time unless you take a lot of hits. If you know where it is please let me know! Also this is an extremely long act; congratulate yourself on finishing it but remember that most of the acts to come are just as long! Act 2 This act is the hardest in the game apart from the final battle, in my opinion. You lose 50 rings per hit here, not 30 like in act 1 (I'm not sure why). You begin in the air falling down into the water. Jump over the ledge to your right and drop down a long way, through a shaft full of rings. At the bottom is a bubble switch that you can and should use to go back up, collecting as many rings as possible. Hold down to go as slow as possible and move back and forth, collecting rings. You can get 60 rings in this shaft if you get them all, and there's also an obvious passageway to the right, near the top, in plain sight. Swim through it in a bubble (it may take you several bubbles to retrieve all the rings but that's fine) and you find a Super Ring and a 1-UP (the latter situated midway up a small side shaft, on a weak block). This has to be one of the easiest 1-UPS to get in the game. Another Super Ring can be found just above the surface by jumping out of your bubble. After getting everything, go right at the bottom of the shaft. Jump over the spikes very carefully (I recommend floating over them in a bubble, although beware of spikes on the ceiling to the right) - you don't want to lose all the rings you just got. On the other side you find a Swim Fin (Sonic only) and a spring that takes you up to a ledge which has a Submersible (Tails only). The Swim Fin serves little purpose and may in fact be dangerous to get (since you can't control yourself) but the Submersible is excellent, and you should try to retain it as long as you can. Right of the spring is a conveyor belt. Run across it and drop down the shaft with rings. A mine dropper is above it but the mine will be far enough off the screen it won't follow you once you reach the bottom. Near the bottom of the shaft are some breakable blocks but only Tails can destroy them with the Submersible. They lead to a major shortcut, to the Check Point room (see a few paragraphs ahead) if you decide to take them. At the bottom of the shaft go left, down the steps, to a bubble switch. Get in a bubble but do NOT float back up the shaft you just went down collecting the remaining rings - you'll get a hit from the mine which will reappear. (Some mines reappear and some don't). Ride your bubble up to the ledge on the left. Jump out of your bubble, although you could float farther up, and drop down to the left instead. You land near two Super Rings, one on either side of a bubble switch. Get the Super Rings but don't get in a bubble except to refill your air. Instead, spin dash to the right where you see some weak blocks leading downward. Break through them and drop down. (This next part must be done quickly, to avoid running out of air). Once through the blocks, go right and jump to the right at the bottom of the small incline. Get the two Super Rings on the ledges on the right and drop down. Go right and defeat an electric eel, then amble right over some vacuum tubes to a bubble switch. Activate it and float straight up. You'll see spikes on the ceiling but one clear spot; aim for that (it might be a little to the side). When you look closer you'll see it is a pipe that you should enter. The pipe leads to a room with a Check Point, two Super Rings, and a bubble switch. Now for the tricky part. Get the power-ups and jump on the switch. You can float up either to the left or the right. Left is a booby trap so head right. Go slowly by holding down and collect the rings by moving back and forth. Initially there will only be two columns of rings, but then it widens to four. At the top of this shaft are two mine droppers that will get you unless you swiftly move to the left into the next passageway when possible. Move left away from the main shaft as soon as you float above the level of the spikes to the left btu be careful - there is another set of spikes to the left, slightly higher, that you may scrape if you don't watch it. Go left, floating slowly by holding down to give yourself more time. There are spikes on the ceiling as well. To the far left is another bubble switch. Float up but stick to the far left. There is a mine dropper located over the right-hand side of this shaft that guards the path as it continues to the upper right. If you try to float up under it, it will get you. It will also get you if you try to float under it once you can see it. Trigger it by tapping right so you move under it, then quickly move back to the left to get out of the way and jump out of your bubble. This mine regenerates, but it won't if you follow the mine down to where it hits the spikes below. After triggering the mine, jump out of your bubble and hold to the far left, so you land on the switch below and not the spikes. Now float up again. This time, the mine should be gone, so float up and right over some conveyor belts, and more spikes. Avoid the mines and the spikes in this area at all costs. You don't need your bubble at this point but it is very helpful, and prevents you from worrying about air. Float right, ignoring the rings right above the conveyor belts, and don't head up the first shaft up you see - it is a dead end - but go up to the far right instead. You'll see a moving platform (ignore it) a Super Ring (ignore it; more trouble than it's worth) and to the left, a precarious bridge of two blocks. You can just float over it in your bubble, but if you're not in a bubble, jump over these two blocks because they collapse so quickly they aren't really solid. Float over some more spikes and you come to a place where bubbles float up from the floor - be sure to wait for one and take a gulp to replenish your air if you need to - and two pipes, one above you and one to the left. Tails players will have to abandon the Submersible here if you kept it to this point (which is unlikely). Take the pipe above you. It will spit you out into a room with an electric eel - whom you'll immediately defeat - and you'll land on a Super Ring just to the right of a thin piece of floor that you may have a feeling will collapse. Avoid that piece of floor like the plague. If you step on it, it'll collapse and you'll fall onto the spikes below (the ones you last jumped over before entering the pipe). To the left is a bubble switch. Float up and you'll see the Emerald Power-up, surrounded by breakable blocks - I hope you haven't gotten hit too much, or you won't have anywhere close to 50 rings. Also be very careful; if you hit the Emerald Power-up and then fall down, the ring of stars that you must touch to enter special stage will disappear. Be very careful as you collect the power-up and jump into the ring of stars. After returning from special stage float up and left, jump out of the water, and enter the pipe on the ceiling over to the far left. Now for the home stretch. You need to head down, down, down, a long distance, and avoid a nasty trap at the end. After coming out of the pipe, drop down the crevasse to your right. Spin dash right at the bottom through the weak blocks, then keep going right until you find a Super Ring. Ignore the Invincibility above it and break through the blocks below it. Then slide down two ramps, the second with a mine dropper above it. You come to a pair of bubble switches. Get a gulp of air and drop down again, being mindful of the mine droppers. Drop down to the left side to land on two more bubble switches. Jump out of a bubble as soon as you get in one, and go down and to the right. From here on go AS FAST AS YOU CAN! Drop down, get the Super Ring in your way and enter the pipe. When you get out spin dash or run left, running under the mine droppers. When you get to the left you'll drop down one last shaft; a mine will be following you down so as soon as you hit the bottom take a step right. To the right will be three crumbling blocks over a pit that will KILL you in one shot if you fall in. You can either jump over these blocks, although you may hit the low ceiling, or spin dash across, hold right and hope for the best. If you make it climb the steps to the goal and hit it as fast as you can. You run low on air really quickly as I'm sure you know, and you can still drown after the goal comes down! Good luck! Act 3 Get ready for your battle with Knuckles. This act has nothing worth mentioning; it is underwater and just has a Super Ring in plain sight, then the boss. Tails players begin in a Submersible, while Sonic fights on foot. Boss This is a weird battle. Knuckles will be driving a large underwater machine, that floats more or less in the top right corner of the screen, though it bobs up and down. He attacks you as follows: first he launches two bullets that fly in an arc across the screen and land, one at the far left, the other closer to the center. Then he drops a small torpedo which drops a little bit from the bottom of his machine and then flies to the left very rapidly. Another two bullets and a second torpedo follow, with him floating up off the screen after dropping the second torpedo. A bubble will then float up from the floor, which you should get, of course. Then he comes back and repeats the pattern. The screen constantly scrolls to the right in this battle, like in the last battle. Your battle plan depends on your character. Tails will be in a Submersible, and should stay at the top left corner of the screen all the time if possible. From here just shoot your bullets from your Submersible at Knuckles; they will hurt him. The torpedoes will all miss - they are much too low. The first two bullets will usually miss if you stay at the top left corner, though you may not want to be in the very top left corner as your bullets may go over Knuckles' head. The second two bullets are higher than the first two, but if you time a shot of your own well, it will destroy the bullet as it comes flying at you. If you mistime it the bullet sometimes deflects off the front of your Submersible, but sometimes hits you and knocks you off the Submersible. If you can survive long enough and keep shooting at Knuckles, especially while he launches torpedoes, eventually you will win. If you get hit, just revert to Sonic's strategy. (Tails players who retain the Submersible have no need to collect bubbles, of course). Sonic players have a more challenging task - you must hit Knuckles from below (if you hit him from the front you bounce back to the left) to damage him while avoiding the torpedoes which can be very difficult to do. The bullets won't hurt you if you're below Knuckles. When he's going to launch a torpedo move to the left. When the torpedo appears jump and hopefully it'll fly under you. Then keep hitting Knuckles from below. Sometimes you get more than one hit at once if you're lucky. Since you often get multiple hits I'm not sure exactly how many hits it takes to beat Knuckles, but it's a lot - maybe sixteen or so, or even more. After a few tries you should have his pattern down though. After his machine blows up, Knuckles appears to drown (he's okay, though; you rescue him at the end of the game) and you're off to the last zone... 4f. Atomic Destroyer Zone This zone is a major disappointment if you want a challenge. In my opinion, the hardest zone of the game has to be Tidal Plant, because there are a lot of nasty traps underwater and you constantly need to get air. Atomic Destroyer is kind of the metallic mayhem zone that ends nearly every Sonic game, but it's missing the nasty traps and devices that can instantly kill you that make other zones in other games so hard. The main challenge here is navigating the myriad of pink tubes, complete with four-way junctions, that make up this place, and knowing where you are and where you should go... but not with a handy-dandy walkthrough sitting right next to you, of course. Breakable blocks in this zone stick out like a sore thumb - they're bright blue. Act 1 Go right until you come to a wall of blue blocks. They are breakable, so spin dash through them and bounce on the invisible spring on the floor. Don't bounce on the visible spring and enter the pipe above it. Instead, get onto the ledge to the upper left, and go left, picking up rings. You come to a Super Ring with a spring below it that sends you into a tube. At the first junction, go up. At the second junction, go right. You land on another Super Ring, this one also with a spring below it, so bounce off it to avoid going back into the tube (if you do, just go right again when you go back to the junction) and land on the small ledge below and to the right of the Super Ring. Don't drop down; instead jump right to another Super Ring with a spring below it that bounces you into another tube. In this one, when you come to the first junction, go left and you'll be sent on a brief but thrilling ride that culminates in you landing on a blue switch. These blue switches are very common in this zone and are to be avoided if possible: they either cause enemies to jump out of red pads on the floor (one switch can cause several enemies to appear) or control the firing of laser beams. This switch causes an enemy to jump out of the pad above and onto you. Either defeat him quickly or get out of his way, but be aware that there are small, invisible springs on the seemingly flat floor to the left. Don't drop down the hole to the left. Get by the enemy (it may take several tries) and onto the next switch. This one causes a laser beam to fall to the right of it. Stand on the switch and don't rush and the beam will miss, then continue to the right. Get two Super Rings (watch out for the spikes between them) and jump into the tube in the floor you see ahead of you. You land in an isolated junction (a junction without tubes leading out from it in any direction, just shooting you right out). Go right back up. Now HOLF LEFT HARD. You'll go through a series of tubes that eventually take you back to the junction from the right, but if you hold left, as you pass between two tubes, you can alter your fall just enough to grab a 1-UP. You aren't supposed to get this 1-UP this way but you can. After landing back in the junction, go down. You land on a switch that causes the immediate release of six enemies into the chamber! This is a really tricky spot, but try to avoid getting hit and go right (it may be wise to jump to the left first, since the enemies there will be jumping away from you - they jump out of the pads to the left). Whatever you do, act fast after you hit the switch. After escaping this chamber (DON'T touch the switch again if you can at all avoid it) go right to a Check Point. Then comes a bed of spikes. Wait for a moving platform to come and jump on it, and ride over the spikes and a death pit. On the other side is an enemy bouncing VERY rapidly between two springs. To beat him I recommend hitting the spring and holding down - that means you'll roll and should get the hit on him as he bounces back and forth. After this comes another enemy in the same setup. Defeat him the same way, trying not to spend much time bouncing between the springs - it is pointless and difficult to get out of. After the second enemy come some blue blocks, break through them and bounce on an invisible spring into the tube above. This tube has no junctions and deposits you at a location where your only choice is to go left. So go left onto a long series of switches. These switches all cause something to happen BEHIND you, so they pose no threat as long as you're trying to get to the left. After the switches drop into the tube and you come to a junction. Go down and you land on a small, floating ledge. Jump to the similar ledge to the right, then jump right and enter the tube. When you regain control of yourself (hold left as you do this and you'll get a Super Ring as you fall) you are standing on a switch that controls the release of enemies from ceiling pads to the left. That's where you need to go, so carefully head down and left and defeat the enemies. Drop down and run past the strange gray device. This device simply never allows you to go back - it is one-way. Hit the spring (below it is a death pit, so be careful) and bounce right. If you enter a blue transport tube, when you come out, go back in and back down. Standing to the right of the pit, you see a ledge high up to the left. You can just barely reach it by jumping from the highest part of the floor. Tails players can just tailicopter up there. The ledge has the Emerald Power-up. Hopefully you have 50 rings or all the emeralds by now. After you're finished here, go right and enter the bleu transport. It will carry you up to another level. Go left and you'll see another blue transport, but don't enter this one, instead jump to the floating ledge above you. From that ledge jump right into the tube. When you come to the first junction, go down. Then in this isolated junction, go right, and you'll go right to the goal. Act 2 This act is even more complicated than act 1. Get the Super Ring at the start and descend through two transports. Go down, collecting four Super Rings on steps (each has a small, invisible spring beneath it). At the bottom try not to fall into the little alcove between the Super Rings and the switch - it can be very difficult to get out of there. To get out you must land on the switch but it can't be done directly; you need to hold back to the left a little and then move right to land on the switch. The switch causes enemies to jump out of the steps above. Be very careful or you'll lose the rings you just got. Jump over the switch if possible and climb the steps. At the top enter the tube. It leads to an isolated junction. Right or up leads to some free rings, down is the way you came, left is the way ahead. Go left when you're ready (you may well spot the Emerald Power-up down/right of this junction but you can't get it yet). You go on another tube ride. Go right at the first and second junctions. You get two Super Rings and bounce back to the second junction. Go left to return to the first. Now go down. You land on a switch that causes enemies to fall on either side of you. Stay still for a moment, then drop down to the left. Get he Super Ring, defeat the enemy, destroy the blue blocks and enter the tube below them. You land in a four-way junction (let's call this Junction A for future reference). Go down twice to get two Super Rings; this should bring you up to 100 unless you got hit earlier. Do NOT go down a third time because below the Super Rings is a death pit. Go left at Junction A now. When you come out of the tube, go right and through a transport. Then go left, get three Super Rings, then you come to the Emerald Power-up. You have 50 rings right now of course so this is one last chance to collect a chaos emerald. After special stage you can jump left into the junction, but that'll make you retrace your path, so instead go back right, retracing your steps back to Junction A. Once back there, go right to come to a three-way, isolated junction. From here, down just sends you back into the junction, so go up. When you hit a ceiling, hold to the right to land on a spring. Bounce up and land on the switch to the right. This switch causes a laser beam to fall to the right of it, so don't go too fast. Ignore the Super Ring you know is below the switch, and instead jump right to where you see another switch. This is a really tricky spot; this switch also causes a laser beam to fall to its right, but your momentum will likely carry you right and get you hit. I recommend jumping to the switch (which is also rather tricky) and jumping again as soon as you land, and holding left to kill your momentum. Once it is safe to proceed, jump right and enter the transport. At the bottom, go right and ride the moving platform right. In that hole between the spikes is a spring, not a death pit. Bounce or jump up, get the Super Ring, and climb up the series of ledges. One has a switch that causes a laser beam to fall just to its right, so be careful. From the switch jump right and run past the one-way device. Continue right to a switch and a spring. Jump over them both and land in the tube, one block over from the left. If you don't land in it jump into it. This tube drops you onto some breakable blocks. Below them is a spring of no interest to you, so bounce to the left and go left. You come to two springs that bounce you between each other; ignore them and break through the wall of blue blocks to their left. Get the Super Ring embedded in them, and on the left, drop down and get another Super Ring. There is a tube to the right of this Super Ring but don't enter it; drop down and enter that tube instead. You now come to a confusing mess of tubes and junctions. This tube takes you to an isolated junction hanging from the ceiling. Go left and you get a 1-UP. This is one of the easiest 1-UPS I've ever seen. From the 1-UP jump right (don't fall into the tube) and you get a Check Point. Jump back in the junction and go right. You land on a tiny ledge. Being very careful not to fall, jump to another tiny ledge to the left, then jump in the isolated, four-way junction. Go right and you land on a switch. Ignoring both paths to the left and right, jump and you'll land in a three-way junction (you appear not to be able to jump high enough, but the junction sort of sucks you in). Go up, and in this next junction, go right and you go right to the goal! Now wasn't that easy? You didn't even have to worry about that whole mess of tubes, junctions and spikes near the end! Act 3 This is the final act of the game. It features very little platform area (non-boss sections) but five (!) boss battles. Battle 1 is fairly difficult but luckily you only must fight it once; there's a Check Point after it that you can use (make sure to re-activate the Check Point after each time you lose a life) unless you need to use a continue. Battles 2-4 are relatively easy and 2 and 4 are extremely short. The final battle, though, is extremely difficult. Begin by heading right and collecting the rings. Then climb up a shaft via some small ledges on each side, like steps. At the top run past the spinning gray wheel device. You come to a Jet Turbo or Super Tails. Collect it and you automatically fly right. Robo-Sonic will fly up behind you and knock you out of the air, but you won't be hurt. Walk right and prepare to fight Robo-Sonic. He's pretty tough. He uses a simplified version of his attack pattern in the Genesis games. He begins by diving across the screen four times very quickly. You must jump and hit him but he does it so quickly it's hard to get in position. After four fly-bys, he turns bright gold and flies across the bottom of the screen six times. While he is gold he is invincible. You must jump over him as he flies, which he does very quickly and with no warning. You must get used to the timing so you jump at the right time. If you get hit, recovering a ring is your first and utmost priority. Tails will find this easier since he can tailicopter and stay near the ceiling for a short time, but even then you're not totally safe. After six fly-bys when gold he returns to blue and dives across the screen like before. He takes twelve hits to beat, so you'll need to survive two rounds of him being gold. Luckily if you miss a hit or two, he will do one or two 'extra' fly-bys when blue to give you a few extra chances. It's an odd break, but don't worry about why you get it! After defeating him run right and jump on the teleport. After teleporting, go right and get the Check Point and six rings. Go right to one final platform section, this one with switches and red pads that release enemies you can negotiate by going slowly. After this you meet Nack the weasel one last time. He shakes his finger at you, but then the screen begins to shake and he runs away, leaving you to face Dr. Robotnik's Piston Machine. It is actually very easy to defeat; just jump and hit it, preferably from above. It only takes eight hits to beat and hops around on its enormous piston. You won't die if you get crushed, just hit, so don't worry. After beating it go right into another lab. Here you face Dr. Robotnik's Flame Thrower Ship. It flies back and forth above you, just barely within hitting range. Jump and hit the blue portion at the bottom, but be aware that it sometimes shoots a column of flame straight down when you walk below it. Stay out of the way of that. It maneuvers to fly above you but you should get many hitting opportunities. After sixteen hits (!) the bottom portion falls off (jump over the fireball it sends along the floor - unlike most boss explosions, this one hurts you!) And it becomes Dr. Robotnik's Electric Field Ship. This one floats above you, bobbing up and down, protected by an electric field at its bottom that won't hurt you if you touch it. When it goes over to the right it will release the electric field and drop a few sparks. Before it releases the sparks but after the electric field disappears jump and hit it from below. ONE hit will cause it to blow up but like its predecessor, the explosions hurt you so stay out of the way. If you've kept all your rings until now, you are good! Run right to the final battle. The last fight is in a blue lab. The lab has two areas on either side where Robotnik in his machine flies up (on the right) and down (on the left). At first he flies up and down very quickly, then slower and slower, until he finally stops on one side or the other. All this time in the main area in the center sparks are constantly falling from the ceiling, randomly (I think - they might try to fall above you) and very quickly. You get hit about a dozen times in this battle. Think you can do better? Standing in either side area is unfeasible because Robotnik will hit you; it's not possible to hit him at the same time he flies by if you're standing there. The only way you can do this is by standing in the main area and hitting him from the side as his ship flies up or down. This is almost impossible to do at first, but later becomes easier as he goes slower. However, most often you won't be afforded the chance to, because the sparks that constantly fall from the ceiling are almost impossible to avoid (they have a large 'hit box' - you can get hit just from brushing one) and fall mercilessly. It's extremely difficult to avoid one if it falls above you or where you're heading toward. Your TOP PRIORITY is to retain a ring at all times. This isn't actually that hard; just hold in the direction your ring is, luckily they stay 'live' for some time. When Robotnik moves slower, try to hit him from the side if the sparks allow you. When he stops moving, IMMEDIATELY RUN TO THE OTHER SIDE and get in the area outside the main area (where Robotnik flies up and down). Nothing will happen, but if you don't do this, he'll send an electric current through the whole area, which will kill you since you won't be able to reach your ring in time. When the cycle resumes Robotnik will hit you since you're standing where he'll be flying, but you get hit so much here it doesn't really matter. Robotnik takes about six hits to beat; I'm not sure since whether or not you actually register a hit is often unclear. When and if you beat him, run to the right into a hallway. Robotnik jumps onto a platform, but you automatically jump and hit him, knocking away from him the Master Emerald. Then he and the platform fall into the pit. Some 'victory' music plays, and you jump to the right, run right and meet Knuckles, in a cage. You free him, shake hands, and then jump off the ledge to the right into the unknown. If you got all the emeralds the credits play as you fly Sonic's biplane through the sky. If you didn't get all the emeralds, a screen appears with Nack shaking his finger and the emeralds you did not get, and the words 'Try Again'. Congratulations, you have completed Sonic Triple Trouble! If you want more, you can replay it and try to get all the emeralds, get as high a score as possible, or whatever else you want to try. 5. Special Stage Walkthroughs 5a. Special Stage 1 This first special stage gives you a chance to get used to the format and is not too hard. Begin by going right, collecting the rings. Above you are pillars with springs on top of them, but they serve no purpose. Continue right until you come to a spring; bounce up to a Super Ring on top of a pillar. All the pillars except the ones with Super Rings have yellow springs - the kind that only bounce you very low. But, below each Super Ring is a pink spring, the kind that bounces you quite high. Be aware of this. Keep going right and eventually you come to a curved wall and a ledge above it. You need to reach the ledge to continue, but to do so isn't that hard - either spin dash up the curved wall and bounce over to the ledge by means of one of the small springs, fly over from a pink spring under a Super Ring farther left, or even tailicopter up there. On the ledge is a Clock that resets the timer to 1:30 (the time is the same in special stages 1, 3 and 5). To the right is an area with two curved walls on either side, a device that is simply two sideways springs pointing in either direction (you can destroy this device by jumping on it) and some pillars. The key is the one pillar with a Super Ring; get the Super Ring and use the spring below it to reach the higher pillars. From those bounce across to the right, to a ledge. You now face a huge mass of circular blocks. They are breakable, so merely spin dash through them. Don't jump, though; spin dash along the floor since there's a Clock sitting in a small depression in the floor. Continue to break through the blocks until you come out in a new area. This one has four springs on the floor with two columns of rings above each. Collect all the rings, but do so before you get the Clock to the left to get maximum use out of it. To exit this area stand where the Clock was and walk right, in front of the springs (don't jump on them) and exit through the tunnel on the right at ground level, with a Super Ring in it. The next area contains a lot of sideways springs, including two devices that have two springs on each side. To get past this area just keep heading right but go slowly so you don't run into springs that bounce you back. Try not to lose control by bouncing between two springs. After a while of going carefully you come to a shaft with springs at the bottom. The springs don't bounce you high enough to reach the ledge to the right; to do that you must make use of the diagonal spring below the ledge. This is kind of tricky - the spring is pointing away from the ledge, so land on it and hold right hard, and press the jump button as soon as you hit the spring. If you press it soon enough after hitting the spring you will air roll and break your leftward momentum, and if you hold right hard, you just might make it. It's a tricky spot but if you mess up you can try again any number of times. Once on the ledge, run right... and you meet up with Nack the weasel. However, you're spared a fight with him for the time being since he presses a button that ends up burning him. Once he runs away, run right and collect the first chaos emerald - congrats! 4b. Special Stage 2 This is a completely different type of stage from special stage 1. You'll be flying a red biplane (found also in Genesis games) forward into the sky (your view is from behind the plane). You can use the directional pad to move in any direction you want. You need to move to collect rings, which will come flying at you from out of the blue. They come in groups, often in a pattern, and unfortunately I can't give you the exact pattern or sequence - that would be too long and confusing. You need to collect 80 rings by a certain point, at which point, if you haven't collected 80 rings, the stage ends. Luckily there are many more than 80 rings by then! Simply steer to collect the rings. This stage requires a quick reflex and predicting what's coming next, so more advice won't help much. Just get as many rings as you can and if you fail to get 80 in time, do not worry; you'll probably make it easily the next time. Some ring formations are Y or V-shaped, meaning you can't get every last ring (you'd need to be in two places at once) but that's fine. Black bombs will sometimes appear in batches of two, but if you hit them you don't lose rings - you are just immobilized for a few seconds. There are two spirals of rings that will help you make up big rings if you can follow the spiral and always be at its end point. That's about all I can say for the main stage. Once you get 80 rings, at the instant you get 80, you are teleported to the 'mystic hall' that stages 1, 3 and 5 are. You will confront Nack, but this time you must fight him. This first fight with Nack isn't so hard. Nack rides in his airbike with a spring attached to the bottom of it. He bounces along the ground, low when you're on the ground, high when you're in the air, toward you. He is easy to hit - just jump on him and keep bouncing on him. If you get hit, you have 80 rings for backup (although in special stage, you lose ALL rings when you get hit). He does take quite a bit of hits though - 16. Once you win, run right to get the chaos emerald. 4c. Special Stage 3 This is much harder than what you've encountered thus far. It is like special stage 1 but has no clocks, so time is critical, and you really need to hurry up and can't afford to fall or waste time. It also has some especially tricky parts. Begin by running right and jumping up the steps. You see what appear to be yellow waterfalls in the background, sometimes with what look like black gumdrops or bowling balls appearing out of them. These appear to have no effect and I recommend ignoring them. At the top of the steps you'll see some circular (breakable) blocks to the right. Get ready for the first tricky part. You need to spin dash through three blocks and then time a jump absolutely perfectly to avoid hitting a spring right beyond them that will bounce you back to the left and cost you considerable time. Taisl players can and should avoid this by tailicoptering up and over the wall these blocks tunnel under. If you are Sonic, you must time your jump perfectly. Climb the ledges above the spring. You now face a wall with ledges that stick out at regular intervals. Climbing up requires 'in-and-out' jumping - you must jump out away from the wall, and then back in to land on the next ledge. It is also quite hard. There's a Pogo Spring to the left - if you use it to reach the ledge to the upper left, you may be able to bypass some of the difficult jumping. At the top of the ledges, jump up and left. Spin dash up the curved wall and hold right, to land on some springs to the right. Bounce up and right. Spin dash up another curved wall, up a narrow area. Land on the ledge to the left which has two Super Rings. Now for another aggravating part: to the left is a huge expanse that can only be crossed by means of four tiny, invisible platforms. The background has a grid of yellow and plain background (normal background) and at the junctions are what appear to be stone blocks. The top set are empty space, but on the bottom set, at the intersection, is a tiny, invisible ledge. By tiny I mean less wide than you are. The ledge will appear when you land on it. Aim for the tiny junction and pray. Tails players will want to tailicopter over, which is possible once you reach about the second tiny ledge. If you miss a jump and fall you need to climb back up; it is very difficult to complete this stage successfully if you fall here. You can skip the fourth ledge and jump directly to the ledge on the other side if you jump far enough from the third. When (and if) you make it across, go left and spin dash through the breakable blocks (at ground level). You now face for the final section a series of curved walls that you spin dash up. The first one is just left of the breakable blocks. There is a spring above it that will bounce you back down so hold right after you begin sliding up the wall (pressing right too early will kill your momentum). The next curved wall goes to the right. Land from the first one on the flat ledge below it, not on the curved wall by any means - you don't want to slide down the wall and back to the left. After landing on flat floor, spin dash up the curved wall. Use the same procedure to ascend the one above it. This time you see on your landing area five breakable blocks arranged in a T blocking your way to an area below it. That's where you must go; aim for the middle block and burst through. Once you destroy the blocks, roll down, hit the spring, and ascend two more curved walls the same way you did the ones before. At the top of the second one run right into the open area and you've made it to Nack. Depending on how well you got through the various obstacles, you may have as many as 30 seconds left over, or may just barely make it, or may (all too often) just not have quite enough time. This stage takes several attempts to complete, and will give you preparation for special stage 5 (which is absolutely horrendous). Nack flies around in his airbike, this time with nothing added to it. He flies back and forth a bit like Robo-Sonic, but at varying altitude (he seems to aim at you) and more slowly. He alternates his direction, going from one side of the screen to the other and then back again the following pass. His movements are hard to predict, but if you stay near the middle or on the side away from where he's coming from, you'll have plenty of time to prepare for his pass and hit him. He only takes three hits to beat, and shouldn't be too much trouble. After winning run right to snag the emerald. 4d. Special Stage 4 Sandwiched in between two very hard stages, special stage 4 is fairly easy. It's a plane stage exactly the same in format as special stage 2. The only exceptions are you're flying in outer space, bombs are red instead of black (but have the same effect) and the rings are a little sparser and tougher to get. Don't be put off by this - the sequence is similar to special stage 2, just slightly different, and it still has two ring spirals. Be sure to maneuver your plane quickly and predict where the rings will appear, since once you can see them it's often too late to move into position to get them. You need to get 80 rings again, and there are plenty more than that. Once you get 80, you teleport to the main stage, and Nack will be waiting for you... This is the hardest fight with Nack in the game (or maybe the last one is). Immediately, once you can move, run to the right as far as possible. Nack will appear in his airbike toting a large yellow missile which he releases, and then just floats in the top center of the arena. You need to avoid the missile, which flies back and forth along the bottom of the screen, and has an annoyingly large hit box. If you get hit recovering one ring is your top priority. You can get hit a hundred times and still be fine as long as you recover your one ring each time. Luckily this isn't that hard. You don't need to hit Nack at all - eventually, the missile will fly into his airbike and blow it up. If it doesn't seem to do so after a while, try jumping right before the missile appears (although this is risky; you often land right when the missile gets to you). Keep jumping over the missile and hang on. After Nack's airbike blows up, run right and get the chaos emerald, as usual. 4e. Special Stage 5 This took me ever so long to finish. It is still one of the hardest levels or bonus levels in any Sonic game I've ever seen. The waterfalls in the background are now red. This stage's main problem is not time - although that can become a problem quite easily - but the many, many death pits that require lightning reflexes and a lot of luck to stay out of. Falling into a pit ends the stage immediately. In this walkthrough, BB stands for Breakable Block. The first section is rather sedate. Go right a ways, until you come to some BBs. Ignore them and get the Super Ring on the floor. The ledge to the top right has a 1-UP on it - to get it, you can either tailicopter, or, if you're Sonic, you need to get a boost from one of the BBs sticking out on either side of the ledge. Jumping on the block will break it, but below the Super Ring is a spring that you can use to land on the block without breaking it, and from there jump to the 1-UP. There's another Super Ring on the other side. Once you obtain the 1-UP, burrow through the BBs - any place is good, just go down and sideways by spin dashing if necessary. Once you reach the floor below, go right but slowly. Jump over the springs pointing left (there are several of them). After this you get to a tall chamber where you need to climb up. The way up is via invisible platforms that are located at some of the squares of red waterfall in the background. The rest are empty space. Jumping to these platforms shouldn't be that much of a problem by now, since you're going up and not sideways (that helps) and you're not under as much time pressure. There are seven rows of three squares in the background, and one invisible platform (that becomes visible when you land on it) is located in each row. The sequence is as follows: center, right, center, left, center, right, center, jump left to ledge (it's a tough jump because of the low ceiling). As you see, there is a definite pattern. Once on the ledge go left, get the Super Ring, and ride the moving platform up. Then jump to the ledge on the right, and get the Clock (boy, that helps). Go right a ways down a small incline. Now the fun begins. To the right is a huge area of what look like stone half-circles that bounce you off like pop bumpers and disappear when touched, exactly the same as the apples in Meat Junglira Zone. Below this mess are alternating small pillars and pits. Falling in any of these pits will end the stage. You don't cross the abyss though - there is one pit you must fall into, that has a BB between in and the hole. Luckily the tiny target is identifiable because it's the hole right below the tall red waterfall. Tails has it MUCH easier here - just tailicopter right from the ledge at the left and stop and hover in front of the first waterfall in the background you see. Sonic will have it much harder - he has to hit the diagonal spring at the end of the ledge and sail right, air rolling for more air time, until you see the waterfall. Then drop down it. You must aim exactly below it since any of the other holes are death pits. You also must not be spinning as you go down the hole since what you're landing on is a BB that must not be broken under any means. Both players must be careful, as they fall, to fall virtually in line with the waterfall - on either side of it are stone bumpers that will likely bounce you away, into a death pit. This is extremely hard; it is the hardest part of the stage, so please don't get frustrated if you miss it many times. Once on the BB, you face another obstacle, this one equally difficult for both players. To the right are three walls of BBs, death pits between them. You can't spin dash at ground level - you'd fall into the pits - what you must do is spin dash, standing on the BB, and jump as soon as you spin dash - within a split second - to jump and blast through the walls of BBs. I usually just spin dash and slam on the jump button instantly after releasing down. If you make it here as well, you face another obstacle, this one requiring more wit than dexterity. To the right is a shaft you must climb up by means of several small ledges on each side. Each ledge has a BB that you must use to boost yourself up to the next ledge. However, your impulse is to destroy the BBs - you've been doing that so much in the stage and in the game - but if you destroy even one, you can't get up and have to cast yourself into a pit. (At least Sonic must - Tails might be able to tailicopter, but he might not be able to tailicopter up the whole shaft). There is a small, yellow spring next to each BB (the first two are under Super Rings) you can use to bounce on to it without breaking it. Just be super- careful not to air roll - don't even have a finger near the jump button. The jumps are also rather challenging. Go slowly and keep control of yourself. At the second spot, you actually have to jump over the BB to reach the spring - do so with great care. Once at the top, go right and get the Clock. Your next problem is crossing a death pit on a bridge of stone bumpers. They disappear on touch so you will get only one chance. I recommend against trying to cross in one shot by spin dashing and jumping - that is very hard and you may get bounced back left when you land. Instead, cross slowly, landing on each bumper squarely and using as many as possible - there's no point in not using them. Pause the game constantly if it helps you concentrate. Crossing these bumpers requires concentration above all - do it very carefully. Tails can once again escape the worst of it by using the tailicopter, although you may not be able to get all the way across on one tailicopter. After the first death pit is small ledge with a Super Ring. To the right are four bumpers, then a wall. If you are Tails, tailicopter over to the top right corner and just sit there, and hold right hard. If you are Sonic, spin dash and jump (rather tricky - you must jump instantly after releasing the spin dash) to fly up against the right wall, and hold right. Either way, you'll break through the far right bumper and fall down. If you hold right hard, you'll land on another bumper, which will bounce you into a corridor to the right. Run right and you've made it to Nack. Relax. After all this hard work you don't want to lose to a weasel. Nack's final ingenuity is to attach a drill to the bottom of his airbike. He flies out of your reach, moving toward you, diving down at you after a while and hitting the floor, then bouncing back up. You can hit him but it has no effect. Beating Nack requires only one hit but it's very hard to land. Stand in one spot and wait for Nack to stop moving. Then scoot out of the way of him and turn around. As he flies down, you must hit him at the exact moment he hits the floor. This is quite hard. It may take several hits before it's possible, I'm not sure. It takes a lucky hit at just the right time, and obviously you can't hit him from below, but if you miss, you'll just bounce off or at worst, lose your rings. You have no time limit, so take as long as necessary. Always hold onto a ring if you get hit. Eventually you should land the necessary hit at the exact moment Nack pounds the floor, and cause him to stick in the floor. Then you are basically done; just jump on Nack from above about six times. He's immobilized so you don't have to do it very quickly. (He may unstick himself if you take too long, though - I'm not sure). You will pound him and his airbike into the floor. After about six hits they will be gone and there will be a flash of light. Run right and you've completed one of the most feared special stages in Sonic history! And you have all the chaos emeralds - great job!!! 6. Conclusion I hope you enjoyed Sonic Triple Trouble. Despite how tough my FAQ/walkthrough makes it sound, it's not too hard. I did take much longer than expected in writing this FAQ/walkthrough - I could only work on it a few days a week. I expect it to be some time before I begin a FAQ/walkthrough for a Genesis game - perhaps by this summer, I hope. In any event good luck with Sonic Triple Trouble, one of the best Sonic Game Gear games ever made! Once again, this FAQ/walkthrough is copyright William Walker, all rights reserved. Do not reproduce it or sell it, ever. Do not post it on another website unless you notify me first (it is probably A-OK). This FAQ/walkthrough was completed April 26, 2003. Once again, feel free to e-mail me at with questions pertaining to this or any other Sonic game. Enjoy Sonic Triple Trouble!