SSSSS OOOOO N N IIIIIII CCCCCC S O O NN N I C S O O N N N I C SSSSS O O N N N I C S O O N N N I C S O O N NN I C SSSSS OOOOO N N IIIIIII CCCCCC CCCCCC H H AAA OOOOO SSSSS C H H A A O O S C H H A A O O S C HHHHHHH AAAAAAA O O SSSSS C H H A A O O S C H H A A O O S CCCCCC H H A A OOOOO SSSSS For Game Gear Walkthrough Version 1.01 Written by wdg8 I. Moves II. Items III. Walkthrough 1. Turquoise Hill Zone 2. Gigapolis Zone 3. Sleeping Egg Zone 4. Mecha Green Hill Zone 5. Aqua Planet Zone 6. Electric Egg Zone IV. Other World (Special Stage) V. Secrets VI. Contact Info VII. Copyright Info ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- I. Moves Super Spin Attack - Jump. Use this on enemies. Next. Super Spin Dash - Dash. Hold down and press 1 or 2 repeatedly. Pogo Springs - Get Spring Shoes and bounce around. Sonic's Rocket Shoes - Get Rocket Shoes and float around. Airman Tails - Jump and press 1 or 2 to fly. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- II. Items Rocket Shoes - See section II. Super Rings - 10 Rings. Invincibility Extra Life ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- III. Walkthrough Here's what you came here for. Everything I list can be done with Sonic, but Tails is much easier. 1. Turquoise Hill Zone A. Act 1 Grab the 4 rings at the start, then head on. Just after the ramp jump on top of the platform. Get the 8 rings here and jump on the moving platform. Go to the left. Here you'll get 16 rings. Don't get the Rocket Shoe until you get all the rings. When you get the Rocket Shoe, go right and as high up as you can. Don't go too fast or you'll miss the next platform. Once on the platform you'll find 7 more rings and another Rocket Shoe. Get the Rocket Shoe and head right. Try to get the ring below you, this could make or break getting the emerald in this act. Keep going right and land on the platform (above a loop). Get the rings and go left. Get the 24 rings here, and then go right. You should get a total of 100 rings by just going straight, as long as you got all of em'. B. Act 2 Get the 4 rings in front of you, then get 16 when you jump down. Continue right and avoid the enemy between columns 2 and 3. Now get the rings here to bring the total up to 28. Turn around and head left. Use the spring enemy to jump up, but, once again, avoid the enemy. Now head back up, using the moving platform at the top of the hill. Go right when it gets to the top and jump on the spring enemy. Get on top of the loop to get 16 rings and invincibility. Don't use the spring, instead jump straight down and get 20 more rings, bring the total up to 64. Just after the spikes, there is a spring hidden in the ground. Use it to go just to the right and get to the platform high above you. Get 10 more rings and start to run on the twisted road. Go right and get some more hanging in the air, then go right and jump down. During your fall you should reach 100 rings. C. Boss Just run up to him and jump in to his face. 2. Gigapolis Zone A. Act 1 After getting 3 rings at start, just keep running right, you'll get 44 more this way. Now, go back to the spring and jump up. Get the invincibility to your left and go right. Jump up in to the tube and continue left. Here you'll find 5 more "10 rings". That should put you well over 100. B. Act 2 Get the 8 in front of you and move on. Don't fall on the spikes after the first loop. Go left after you fall down and fall down again during the spinning road. Watch out for the enemy and get the 3 "10 rings". Use a hidden spring to get back up and get the ring hovering over the spinning road. Get the 4 "10 rings" all the way to the left. Go right again and get the rings on the loop to get a total of 100. C. Boss Once again, just keep aiming for the head. 3. Sleeping Egg Zone A. Act 1 Grab the first 9 rings, then use the spring shoe to jump up. Get the next spring shoe, you'll need to use one of the hidden spring to get up that high. Now jump left and ditch it. Get the 4 "10 rings" and jump back down to get the spring shoe again. Continue left, and get the "10 rings" on the ledge. Then get the 4 rings hanging in mid air. Go left some more to find an extra life and more rings; your total should be 75. Make your way back to the spring shoe you already got twice and use it to jump to the right. Get the 6 rings here by staying on the moving platform. Get 6 more rings here, but don't stop moving. Continue right and get a "10 rings". Now just go left to get the remaining rings, but don't stop moving. B. Act 2 Take the only path until you get the 3 "10 rings". From there keep going and get 2 more. Step into the fast dash machine and get the remaining "10 rings". That's it, wow. C. Boss Try to jump on top of him. If you can't make it, just stay to the left and jump when his laser fires. 4. Mecha Green Hill Zone A. Act 1 Get the rings in front of you and continue right. Jump down at the spinning road, ignoring the rings, and get a few on the way down. Now, go to the right and get 2 more, taking the total up to 31. Don't stand on the platform with 2 on too long, it's a death trap. Head back left and stand on the platform all the way left. You'll fall down on to a spring. Get the rings on the spinning road, taking the total up to 42. Doing that may take some time, be patient. Get 14 more on the next spinning road. The easiest way to do this is keep running on it from on side to the other, jumping in the middle. Note that there is a hidden path on the right side, one that you must use. Get 20 more of the next one, using the same strategy. I got all the rings here on my first try, so it shouldn't be too hard. Continue right and jump on the moving platform to go up to the next area. Go left to find enough rings to take the total up to 100. B. Act 2 Get 6 at start and use the moving platform to go up, get 4 more. Do back down and continue right. Get 4 and head up there. Get the ring as you continue right, including the ones on the spinning road. If you got all of them you'll have 70, but you only need about 60. Continue ahead to get more. Fall down at the spinning road to find about 30, this should get you over 100. C. Boss Sigh, another boss who has a weak head. Try to jump on it when the boss is at the lowest point, then hold right. 5. Aqua Planet Zone A. Act 1 Just keep taking the upper-right path until you get 67 rings. Now go right until you see a spring built in to the wall. Jump up and get the rocket shoe. Go directly right to get a total of 100 rings. B. Act 2 Get the 8 at start and go right, don't use the spring. Jump up to the ledge on the right, then jump as far as you can to the left. Here you'll find "10 rings". Go up as high as you can and make a running leap off the right side on the platform. Here you find lots of "10 rings". Here you get a total of 100 rings. C. Boss Kill all the bird robots, don't stand in the middle. Just stay on the right and, sigh, jump on the boss' head. For the next form, just avoid the 6 missiles and jump up to hit him. 6. Electric Egg Zone A. Act 1 Just keep going and get all the "10 rings", then jump down and get the rings below. Spin Dash to avoid lasers. B. Act 2 Getting 100 rings in this level is highly improbable. So if you want all the emeralds, you'll need to already have them, or start over. C. Boss Form 1: Jump on his head. After a few times he'll fire a bouncing laser. You can avoid this by staying on the left side of his head. Form 2: Just jump on his once. He moves fast, so it won't be easy. Now just sit back and enjoy one of the endings. If you have all the emeralds you'll see a slightly better one. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- IV. Other World (Special Stage) You'll be transported here after getting 100 rings on any level (act 1 and 2 only). Here you can find an emerald, but only if you're quick enough. After finishing this, you will automatically be taken to the act after the one you were in before this. 1. First After 44 seconds of going to the right it will be in the middle of the screen. 2. Second Go as high as you can, get the clock in the process. You don't have to use the spring shoe to do this. Now jump into the right wall and fall straight down, jump down on the right side from this platform to find a spring shoe. Use it to jump back to the previous platform and jump as high as you can to the right. Then jump right, then left. 3. Third Keep going right and hold up after you enter the fifth tube. 4. Fourth At the first spring, jump up and break the second block from the left. Now get the Rocket Shoe and use the hole to save time. Keep going up and right, repeat with all Rocket Shoes. Make sure you get the last Rocket shoe, if you run too fast, you'll miss it. 5. Fifth Go right. Now go left, by holding left, in the second tube from the bottom when you get to the right wall. You must hold down as soon as you go in or else you won't make it. When you leave the tube jump right away. Now just get the emerald. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- V. Secrets Instant Emerald Press up down up down 1 2 1 2 1 2 when you choose the character. Level Select Press up up down down right left right left start at the title screen. Sound Test Press down down up up left right left right 1 2 start at the title screen. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- VI. Contact Info I have previously provided an email address to obtain permission should anyone wish to repost this guide or if there are any questions, but excessive spam has forced me to remove it. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- VII. Copyright Info. This document is for personal use only. It may not be posted anywhere except on GameFAQs. Sonic, Tails, and all other things about the game are copyright 1993 Sega.