Sonic the Hedgehog ------------------ Copyright 2005-2007 Brian McPhee Author: Kirby021591 (Brian McPhee) Most Recent Update: April 14, 2007 Originally Created: November 13, 2005 Version 1.0 ----------------------------------------------------------------------- ---------------------------Table of Contents--------------------------- ----------------------------------------------------------------------- Section 1* Introduction* Navigation* Storyline* Items & Objects* The Badniks* Section 2* Green Hill* Bridge* Jungle* Labyrinth* Scrap Brain* Sky Base* Section 3* Chaos Emeralds* 1-UP Locations* Bonus Stages* FAQ* Section 4* Credits and Legal Information* ----------------------------------------------------------------------- _________________________________________________________________ / \ / \ ||----------------------------Section 1*-----------------------------|| \ / \_________________________________________________________________/ ======================================================================= =============================Introduction*============================= ======================================================================= Why hello there! Before you is a guide – a “walkthrough,” as I may call it throughout the document – for Sonic the Hedgehog, a nifty little Game Gear title that launched Sonic’s portable branch of the series. Ah, but it’s not quite as great as I make it out to be, I know. Seriously, though, if you’ve ever played Sonic the Hedgehog for the Sega Genesis, you’ll probably like this. They’re pretty similar (come on! They even have the same name!). You see, it’s a short 2-D platformer (that is, it is played in levels) that is based around jumping, but you probably knew that. The trouble is, the game is pretty difficult, and there’s no save feature in Sonic the Hedgehog. Also, this game is 8-bit, which means we’ll be experiencing a decline in the quality of graphics and speed of its Genesis counterpart. Still, it’s fun to play for a while (of course I’m not going to be overly critical; it’s too short to do that), and Sega even saw fit to include it as an unlockable in Sonic Adventure DX Director’s Cut. So, have fun, don’t take it too seriously, and good luck! By the by, should you happen to see this guide (or any of my guides) on any web site other than and its affiliates, please contact me at the e-mail address at the top of the guide (just scroll up a bit and you’re there). With your help, this guide won’t be plagiarized at all! Much thanks, all, much thanks... ======================================================================= ==============================Navigation*============================== ======================================================================= You know, I feel kind of bad for you... You just clicked on this “FAQ/Walkthrough” and got thrown into the mess, right? You don’t know where you’re going in this guide any more than I do in this rambling. So, you know what? I set out to fix this problem. First, I said, “Two heads are better than one.” Then I stopped procrastinating and implemented the navigation system, just to help you get around this ENDLESS guide. It’s enormous! Now, I’ve got written down that I should explain it to you, too... Here goes nothing! Have you noticed the asterisks (*) by all the titles? Aren’t they just the coolest things you’ve ever seen [in this guide] ever!? Well, cool though they may be, they are actually functional, too. Press CTRL and F on your keyboard (that’s Apple and F on Macs) to bring up a Find/Search box. Type into it the name of the section you want, asterisk and all, and then click “Find/Search.” You’ll be taken to the Table of Contents. Click it again to just skip right down to the section you need. That’s pretty simple, right? Fantastic! Just don’t have too much fun now! ======================================================================= ==============================Storyline*=============================== ======================================================================= Some later Sonic games feature fairly involved storylines. Sonic Heroes, for example, even has twists! But this game has none. It’s pretty plain, my friend. It doesn’t even have two endings like the Genesis Sonic the Hedgehog (which was still quite bare-bones). But I digress; here’s a summary of the complex background of the game we call “Sonic the Hedgehog.” +-------------------------+ | Storyline Summary | +-------------------------+ The evil Dr. Robotnik has captured the animal inhabitants of South Island and forced them to pilot/power his insidious robotic soldiers (which he intends to use to conquer the world, no doubt). But never fear, for one South Islander – Sonic, the blue blur, the fastest hedgehog in the world – is here to save the day! Can he reach Robotnik and foil his sinister plots? Probably... It is a Sonic game, after all. That was incredible! I was on the edge of my seat, I laughed, I cried, I read it twice! Even so, I can tell you are just dying to know who these characters are, so I bring you... +----------------------------+ | Important Characters | +----------------------------+ Sonic the Hedgehog: He’s a super-fast hedgehog from South Island who hates injustice and loves peace. Sonic is even nicknamed “the blue blur” by fans because of his super speeds! He’s also quite adept at jumping, and though his friends don’t lend him a hand in this game, he has many allies in his fight against evil (usually Dr. Robotnik), such as Tails, Knuckles, and others. Dr. Ivo “Eggman” Robotnik: An evil scientist with a slightly ovular torso (hence his nickname, “Eggman”), Robotnik is a genius with a knack for making robots (who’d have guessed it?), but he powers them with the animals of South Island (plus, they’re made for pretty bad reasons, too). So, Dr. Robotnik must be crushed by Sonic, his arch-nemesis, just like always. Dr. Robotnik, when will you learn!? Couldn’t have figured all that out, eh? Anyways, let’s move onto actual game aspects – the items. ======================================================================= ===========================Items & Objects*============================ ======================================================================= The “capsules” of Sonic the Hedgehog are really little monitors – TV boxes almost. I’ll still call them “capsules,” though. They contain items that have special effects, and I’ll list them here. +-------------+ | Items | +-------------+ Super Ring: This monitor’s image is a ring. This gives you 10 rings. Rings are used to add a “hit” to your health (if you get hit with rings, you don’t die), and 100 rings earns you an extra life. Furthermore, if you beat a level with 50 rings, you get to play a bonus level. 1-UP: These are extremely rare capsules (one per act) with a picture of Sonic’s face on them. That way, if you die, you can keep on going. They’re hidden pretty poorly, but to make up for that, getting one in one play-through keeps you from getting it ever again (that is, if you get a 1-UP in an act and then die, it won’t appear again. The same goes for using continues). Invincibility: Looking like stars, this power-up makes you invincible briefly. But you can still fall victim to pits and other instant death obstacles. Shield: These protect you for one hit (without taking rings, either); they take the blow then burst. They do look like bubbles, after all. Power Sneakers: Getting these temporarily boosts Sonic’s speed. They’re quite handy, but there’s only one in all the game (in Act 1). Checkpoint: Down arrows, these let you restart at that point in the act if you hit them. These aren’t good for continues, though. Note that these stop appearing after Labyrinth Zone. Continue: Found only in bonus levels, Continues let you restart at the level you left off at even when you lose all your lives. They are capsules with CONT. written on them. Aside from capsule items, you also have objects that act as “items,” or close enough. We’ve got a list for them, too. +---------------+ | Objects | +---------------+ Ring: Although these rings probably feel like losers since they’re not “super,” whatever that means, they are still essential to the game. When you collect rings, you are defending yourself. That is, if you have no rings and are hit, you die, but if you have rings and you’re hit, you just lose your rings (and can re-collect them afterwards). Collecting 100 rings is a surefire way to gain a life, and 50 rings make a bonus level available to you. Sign: These mark the end of the act. Run through it and you’ll get one of several images. If you see Dr. Robotnik’s face, you get nothing. If you get Sonic (which is only possible if you didn’t get hit once in the level), you get a 1-UP free of charge. If a ring shows up, you get 10 rings (rings, at the end of the level, are good for points). You can only get this if your ring count is divisible by 10 (0, 10, 20, 30, etc.) when you pass through the sign. Finally, if you have 50 or more rings when you pass through the sign, an exclamation point (!) appears, and you play a bonus level where you can rack up Continues. Bonus levels can only be accessed from the first four zones – Green Hill, Bridge, Jungle, and Labyrinth. Capsule: At the end of most zones, you’ll find a capsule that you need to hit in order to free the zone’s imprisoned animal population. They are always beyond Dr. Robotnik, who is staked out in the third act of each zone. Good luck in rescuing your fellow South Islanders! Chaos Emerald: There are six of these hidden in the game, one per zone. When all seven are collected, the user can become a super version of themselves, but Super Sonic isn’t available in this game since the seventh Chaos Emerald is conspicuously missing. They do greatly add to your point totals, though. And those are all the items/objects at Sonic’s disposal! Make good use of them, as they will undoubtedly aid you in your quest against Dr. Robotnik. ======================================================================= =============================The Badniks*============================== ======================================================================= “Badnik” is the early term for Dr. Robotnik’s robotic warriors. And yes, there are the early ones; most enemies in this game are direct copies of ones from Sonic the Hedgehog’s earlier incarnations. So here’s a list of enemy units, where they’re found, and how they’re beaten... as if you couldn’t figure it out yourself, eh? They’re listed in the order that you encounter them in the game. For enemies I don’t know the names of from previous games (specifically Spikebot, Ambush, Motobug: These are just insect robots that scoot along the ground. Roll into them or jump onto them to put an end to their scooting ways. Motobug is only found in Green Hill. Crabmeat: A crab-like robot that scuttles around the ground. If you don’t jump/roll into it soon enough, Crabmeat will be more than happy to fire some bullets at you via claws. Crabmeats are found in the first three zones – Green Hill, Bridge, and Jungle. Buzzbomber: This bee-like robot, from the Genesis Sonic the Hedgehog, flies forward, shoots, and then retreats. Jump into it to destroy it. Buzzbombers are to be found only in Green Hill and Bridge. Spikebot: This is a rare enemy with spikes on its back and claws by its eyes. Due to these defenses, the only way to defeat them is to roll into them from the right. But since that is so inconvenient for you, as the Spikebots are always facing left, you should just skip over them. I should note, though, that at times you can roll into the face or not the back (you just have to roll “under” him; you need to have a lower elevation). Luckily, these foes are restricted to Bridge alone. Chopper: A robotic fish that jumps out of the water to bite you. As long as you’re jumping or rolling (in ball form), you will destroy it. These guys are found in Bridge and Jungle. Ambush: An enemy that hides behind leaves, suddenly appears, and shoots, Ambushes are limited to the Jungle. You can defeat them by jumping at them, even when they’re not visible. Chop Chop: This is a green fish robot exclusive to Labyrinth. You can defeat it with a jump or a roll, whichever is necessary. Burrobot: There are only a few of these in the entire game, and they’re always found in hallways in Labyrinth Zone. It jumps quite often, and the hallway setting makes maneuvering more difficult. Still, it raises the drill on its head when it jumps, so you can just jump into it anyways. Rolling is also quite effective. Orbinaut: Round balls with four little spikes orbiting them, Orbinauts are exclusive to Labyrinth and Sky Base, but they come in two varieties. The Labyrinth type shoots its spikes, but the Sky Base ones keep them, essentially making them as obstacles since they’re untouchable at that point. You can attack them once they’ve shed their spikes in Labyrinth, but don’t even try in Sky Base. Caterkiller: A purple caterpillar robot, this is found only in Scrap Brain. To beat these, either roll or jump into/onto their heads, as the spikes on their backs make anything else useless. Ballhog: A pig-like enemy from Scrap Brain, these robots launch balls from their bellies. Pretty bad, huh? Well, you need only jump on them or roll into them, so they’re not as terrible as you originally thought. Boom Bot: A harder enemy than most, these Sky Base foes detonate themselves, releasing four blasts at you. You’re just going to want to avoid these... Dr. Robotnik: The villain of the game, you’ll fight this bad egg (pun!) at the end of every zone (that is, the “third act). He changes his tactics each time, and so I suggest you refer to the walkthrough in Section 2 for details on beating him. Shaking in your boots, are you? Now that you know of the 13 enemies, good luck fighting them, ‘cause the walkthrough begins in 5, 4, 3, 2, 1, now! ----------------------------------------------------------------------- _________________________________________________________________ / \ / \ ||----------------------------Section 2*-----------------------------|| \ / \_________________________________________________________________/ ======================================================================= ==============================Green Hill*============================== ======================================================================= Ah, the first zone... Green Hill is a fairly easy beginners’ zone (by the way, zones consist of three acts – two levels and one boss fight), and you should have little difficulty here. Enjoy while you can, as there aren’t many other times when it’s so simple to earn extra lives. +-------------+ | Act 1 | +-------------+ Ah, the first act. Let’s kick things off by walking right. Notice how quickly Sonic gains speed. You’ll have to jump, though, as a Motobug, an enemy that just scoots forward along the ground. You can roll into it by pressing down while running or you can jump onto (or over) it. After dealing with that threat, notice a row of rings. Pick them up to sustain your health; with rings handy, you can be hit and not die. Continue right, jumping through a few rings and onto a platform with a Super Ring capsule on it. Break the capsule as you would a robot; jump or roll into it to take the contents. Super Rings are worth ten rings. Once you’ve taken your fill, jump right to see a few more pairs of rings you may want to jump through; they lead up to a Crabmeat, a crab robot that scuttles about the ground, stopping periodically to shoot bullets from both claws. Jump/roll into it before it has a chance, and then proceed right up a slope (collecting rings as you go). At the top, break the capsule for Invincibility, which makes you invulnerable for a while. After that, you can either press down to roll down a slope and soar through the air to a later capsule (if so, skip to the next paragraph; it may also send you a little ways or into a spring that returns you to this spot), or you can continue to run forward, jumping at the bottom to get a few rings, and continue past a Crabmeat to find a platform. Jump onto it and hit the capsule for Power Sneakers, which make even faster than before! Jump right through a few rings and onto another raised piece of land. If you’re still invincible, run over the spikes and onto safe ground. If not, jump onto the platform and ride it across. Afterwards, walk forward and jump to hit a Buzzbomber, which is a bee robot that flies through the air, shoots at you, and then flies off, before it can strike. Continue right to find a tree; hit it to knock down a capsule with a 1-UP in it. Get it to have an extra life (meaning you can retry a level if you die in it). Take it and then go right to find a slope. If you roll down it, you’ll pass through a Crabmeat and come to a new capsule, a down arrow. It is the checkpoint; hit it to mark your spot in case you die. After hitting the checkpoint, jump left onto the slope and walk right along it to a gap. Just jump clear over it (you can divide it into two jumps using the platform) and continue right, collecting rings as you go. Jump over a Motobug before a small slope, and then continue to a spiky gap. Ride the platform floating over it across, and then continue right under a Buzzbomber and to a Crabmeat. Just beyond it is the sign, which ends the level. If you got 50 rings or more, you’ll play a bonus level (the sign shows a ‘!’ mark). Otherwise, a picture of Dr. Robotnik earns you no points, a ring earns you 10 rings (but you can get it only if your ring count is divisible by 10 – 0, 10, 20, 30, etc.), and a picture of Sonic nets you a 1-UP, assuming you weren’t hit at all throughout this act. Congrats, you’ve beaten Act 1! +-------------+ | Act 2 | +-------------+ Walk forward, grab a few rings, and... hey? What the... You just fell in a hole? How could you do that! There was a warning sign and everything! Well, it looks like I have to save you YET AGAIN because you fell for such an UTTERLY OBVIOUS trap! Ugh... Anyways, you can start by jumping left to find a hidden Shield capsule. The Shield affords you an extra hit; you lose it, then rings, then your life. Now go back right to find a hole. See it this time, eh? Hold left as you fall to reach a Super Ring capsule and avoid a Crabmeat. Then go left and fall into a watery bottom to this cavern. I doubt you’d actually die this way, but you can’t stay underwater forever; you have to jump for air every now and then. Before we move on, go all the way to the left and jump against the wall to find a hidden opening leading to a room with a 1-UP. Once you’ve taken it, exit back to the water. Walk right along here, rolling into the two Crabmeats you meet along the way, and you’ll come to a spring. Step into it and you’re flung backward into the water; don’t touch it. Jump over it and bounce on the other spring instead. Hold right and you’ll pass through a few rings and come to another checkpoint capsule. Break it and we’ll be on our way. Jump left to see another spring. Ignore the cave to the left and bounce on it. Hold left as you go to enter another cave. Jump over the first waterfall to avoid being washed down a floor, and then you’ll reach another spring. Ignore it for now and jump left over a second waterfall to a Super Ring capsule. Bust it open before jumping back to the spring and taking it up through a tunnel in the cave. When you land, go left (wary of a Buzzbomber above) for another Super Ring capsule. Then double back and go right to a large gap. Use the platform to cross it to a new area. Walk right, slide down the slope to jump off the ramp, and you’ll land through some rings and near the sign. +-------------+ | Act 3 | +-------------+ Walk right some to find a spike bed. Jump over it and continue jumping over pits to reach a slope. Fall down the second pit to find a 1-UP; take it and spring back out of it. Keep on going up until the view anchors down and the boss music starts playing. Yep, you’ve got it; it’s boss time! Dr. Robotnik is pretty uninventive in this fight, I must say. He appears from the right side of the screen and floats around. Then he lowers down to your level and charges you. You have to jump over him. Pretty intense, huh? Jump into the black part of his flying device to deal damage. Once you’ve landed eight hit, his ship explodes and the doctor retreats (you can easily hit him all eight times before he even attacks). Follow him right to a capsule. Jump onto its switch and the animal imprisoned within – birds and rabbits, are released. And with that, the Green Hill sector of South Island has been liberated. Don’t you just feel like you were a saint or something? ======================================================================= ================================Bridge*================================ ======================================================================= In order to reach the jungle, we have to cross a bridge... which is its own zone. Bridge is a pretty easy zone, of course, but it introduces many new enemies and we experience a real rise in the number of pits. So, while you can’t just mindlessly press A and hold forward a la Green Hill, this isn’t exactly super hard mode. +-------------+ | Act 1 | +-------------+ Walk forward, and I do mean walk, to reach a new enemy, the Spikebot. With spikes on its back, you cannot jump on it, and with claws in front, you can’t roll into that side, either. The only way to beat it is to roll into from behind. So, just jump clear over it and onto some new ground. See the pit to the right? A robotic fish called a Chopper (also from the original Sonic the Hedgehog) jumps out periodically. Lucky for you, you can just jump into them, so don’t worry about avoiding them. Jump over the next few pits with them, defeating one Buzzbomber along the way, to land before a slope at a relatively low elevation. Run up the slope and hit the capsule for a Shield. Now walk forward to a bridge; Choppers are jumping up through it. Roll along it if you can (or just jump across it) to reach solid ground. The next bridge will collapse as you run across it, and a Buzzbomber is positioned to attack after that. Jump off the bridge at the end to destroy the Buzzbomber, and then stop when you reach the ground. There’s a platform ahead of you; jump onto it. This causes a weight on the other end to fly up and fall down, sending you further up. Let this happen a few times until you reach a comfortable height, and then move right with it to land on the next cliff, which has the checkpoint on it. Collect the rings in the air above and then roll across the next bridge. Stop running (if you were) after it, as there’s a sprawling gap that you need to cross with a platform. Once you do, hit the Super Ring, destroy the Buzzbomber, and slowly cross the next bridge. I stress the “slowly,” as there’s a gap after it. Use platforms to cross it and then jump across the next few severed bridges. Don’t jump too far into the new ground at the end, as there’s a spring there just itching to bounce you into the afterlife. Jump over the rock and you’ll come to a weight. Bounce on it at least twice so that you’re at the maximum altitude it can provide, and then, while rising, move right to land on a cliff with a 1-UP on it. Take it! Jump off of it to land past some bridges and perhaps by a spring. There’s a Chaos Emerald beneath it, but you can’t get it just yet. Jump right to the bridge, which collapses. If you stand on the first step of the bridge and fall and jump left, you can reach the Chaos Emerald (then jump up to a spring that earns you rings). But if you don’t want to risk it, just keep on going to reach the sign. +-------------+ | Act 2 | +-------------+ This time the act literally is a side-scoller; the screen pushes you along, and you can’t advance just normally. This isn’t very Sonic-like, what with super-speed and whatnot, but hey, we’re not here to judge. After a few short jumps over Choppers, you’ll reach a bridge. There’s a Spikebot on it, so don’t stay up against the right edge of the screen. Jump over it and you’ll come to a Shield capsule. After it is another bridge, complete with Buzzbomber, and there are also some rings here. At the end, jump to the next level and stand on the ground before the bridge. When you can see the end of the bridge, run across it (the bridge will collapse, remember). There’s a Super Ring awaiting you afterwards. Wait until you can see the end of the next bridge before running across it, but jump at the end to avoid an oncoming Spikebot. After it is a weight series you can use for rings, but you probably won’t have time for it. If you are able to use it to reach the upper ledge to the right, you can reach the Checkpoint. In that case, just walk right to reach the bridge. Assuming you land on the lower ledge, walk with it until you have something to jump to, and then make your way up to the top level where a bridge and Buzzbomber are situated. After the bridge is a slight break in the bridge with a 1-UP in the river water below. Jump onto the 1-UP and bounce back onto the bridge from it to take the extra life. Now jump off these bridges to the ones above them, thus reaching land. Jump to the cliff above you and you’ll find a series of bridges (with Choppers) that you must cross. Wait for the screen to roll over and reveal the end of the bridge before attempting to cross them. Just after that is the sign. +-------------+ | Act 3 | +-------------+ NOTE: If you are playing the SMS version of this game (which includes the Sonic Adventure DX version of this game), the boss fight will be fought on arced bridges, not pits. It’s a lot easier in the Sega Master System version, I must say. Ooh, this is going to be intense... Look left of the starting point to find a 1-UP hidden from view. Then jump right over a small watery opening to find... a bridge. Sprint across it reach a short intermission and then a pair of pits. That’s when Dr. Robotnik rears his ugly head. Having learned from his previous defeat, Robotnik has decked his ship out with a bullet-launching device that fires three bullets at once. He rises from one of the pits, sits there for a second, and shoots. The best way to avoid Robotnik’s blasts is to be above him. That way, no matter which way he shoots, you won’t be affected (in fact, he won’t even shoot if you’re perfectly centered). Jump on him (the only way to deal damage) square in the center of his ship about three seconds after he appears. Hold the jump button so that you stay in the ball form and you’ll bounce on him a second time. If you waited long enough before jumping on him, he’ll fire his triple blast before you land your second hit, and he’ll retreat before you land from that. This can also be done to hit him three times in a row, but that’s a good deal riskier. Using this safer method, you can easily hit him eight times. After you’ve won and he’s flown off, head right to the capsule. Now the pigs and chickens of Bridge are safe... We can only hope we can do the same for the inhabitants of the next zone... ======================================================================= ================================Jungle*================================ ======================================================================= In the jungle, the mighty jungle... Oh, uh, and we’re back! Yes, the Jungle is the name of the third zone, and it is, not coincidentally, jungle-themed. I’m not a big fan of the music, and the zone is harder than Green Hill or Bridge, but it has a very limited enemy selection; it all evens out in the end. +-------------+ | Act 1 | +-------------+ Hey, would you look at that? Fruits (are those tomatoes? Well, that brings up the whole fruit/vegetable argument...) are growing all over the jungle above, and, if you walk right, you’ll find that there’s a Crabmeat here, too. Beat it and then jump right to the ledge. Keep jumping up these ledges until you reach the highest one. Jump from it to a column of rings to the right; grab them and then walk onto the green line, a vine, that you can cross. Do so to land on an earthen platform. Walk right off of it to reach more rings over a lower platform. Run right on it and jump at the end to a Shield capsule. Now get onto the vine and head right. Hear that? We’re under fire! Yes, a new enemy appeared from out of nowhere to attack us. Named Ambush, it appears from its hiding place to shoot a bullet at you. Jump into it to defeat it (even if it’s not visible) and move on. At the end of the vines is a waterfall with some rock ledges hidden behind. Jump along them until you reach the rightmost ledge, and then jump left to the upper ones until you reach the upper-leftmost ledge with a 1-UP on it. Take it and jump back to the rightmost ledge, and from there, jump right onto the ground. Load up on rings and jump right onto a ledge. Follow it across and jump off to reach the Checkpoint. Head right along these ledges to reach another waterfall. Use the logs washing down it to cross it and reach dry ground. Avoid the spring (or be bounced to your doom) and go right to find a log platform swinging from side to side. Use it cross an otherwise impassable gap. After that is a stream with a log on it. Jump onto the log and run along it to propel it forward. Avoid/destroy Choppers as you go for safety reasons, and soon you’ll come to a log (which acts like a vine). Walk along it, jumping over the spiky parts and beating the Ambush and Crabmeat on it of course, to reach a few rings. Take all that you desire and then go right to yet another waterfall. Use the log to jump further right than you normally could. You’ll land by a Super Ring; take it. Now jump right to a waterfall. The stone ledges are safe to use, as are the grassy ones. You’ll have to utilize logs floating down the waterfall to cross, too. When you reach a seemingly dead-end log, leap right (trust me now) to land by a Checkpoint. Would I lie to you? Now use the swinging log to cross the next gap. This leads you to a vine that is set up like a ramp; roll down and you’ll be launched upward and onto the high road. There are now two rivers ahead of you, and you want to cross both with logs (feel fee to take any rings along the way, too). At the end is a short wooden path that leads up to the sign, thus marking the end of this unusually long act. +-------------+ | Act 2 | +-------------+ This is a vertical act, making it a bit more difficult than your average bear. Jump up the stone platforms to the right, avoiding a Chopper along the way, to reach a few rings. Now jump up the platforms to the left. You’ll come to a spiky log, but above that is another platform. Jump to it and then a Super Ring capsule (they’ve thrown a Chopper in here, even though it’s very improbable it could jump this high). With it, jump back right to reach ground. Take some rings here. Begin to jump left up the platforms but stop at the spiky log. Jump up from it to a new platform, and then jump up from it onto a log. Keep jumping up until you reach a long log platform (a new “ground”) with a Crabmeat present. Defeat the robot and go right to claim some new rings. Then go all the way to the left for a Shield. Now, jump up the platforms to reach a central platform with spikes chiseled out of the wood below. Jump right or left off of it and back onto a central, spiky platform. Jump left of it to the left edge of the screen, and continue jumping up platforms until you reach a few rings. Jump right from there and onto a log with some spikes. Cross it to the right to reach a 1-UP. Now get back on the log and take it the left end, above which is a platform. Jump on it, and then hop to the second platform. From there, jump right to another platform, then left to a fourth one (it is at the end of a spiky log). Jump right from there to reach a log. From left from there to see the Checkpoint. Well, what are you waiting for? Hit it! Jump to the platform above it and then scale the logs to the right. Jump up them to the right to reach a new “ground,” another long log, with a Super Ring to the right. Take it. Now jump up the platforms leading left to reach some grassy ledges. Hop up those and another new long log, Crabmeat included. Head right along it to find a group of rings you’ll want to collect, and then jump up the platforms leading left to a floating log. Ride it left, and jump to the ledge there. Now above you should be some more platforms. They lead you into a vertical tunnel; jump up it until you reach the top. Then go right to the sign! Congratulations, you’ve scaled the cliff! +-------------+ | Act 3 | +-------------+ Even so, Dr. Robotnik isn’t going to let you into his fortress without putting up a fight. Go right to see a vine, but keep going right to see some water. Hop in to find a 1-UP hidden within its depths. Now that you have it, return to the vine and jump all the way to the topmost vine. That’s when Dr. Robotnik appears in his most insidious contraption yet (what’s probably the game’s hardest boss fight). Robotnik’s machine is now equipped to drop bombs. Stand on the right edge of the vine so that Robotnik passes right over you, lowers, and shoots the bomb down at the vine. It rolls around a bit, as the vine is curled, and then explodes in the center (at that point, Robotnik’s dropped a new bomb already). Still, it isn’t so bad. You can probably hit Robotnik at least three times before the first bomb drops. Hit him a few more times while he’s in the air, moving right (if you’re that afraid of the bomb, you can just attack when he’s lowering himself), and then you just have to land a few more hits before the third bomb makes landfall. After eight hits, Robotnik is done for, and so he vamooses. Follow him right to find the capsule. Huzzah! We freed the chickens and squirrels (maybe chipmunks) of the Jungle! But up next is Robotnik’s fortress... Can we penetrate its no doubt stellar defenses? I hope so... ======================================================================= ==============================Labyrinth*=============================== ======================================================================= Whereas before we advanced up a map of South Island, now we are advancing through the layers of Robotnik’s fortress. This first zone, called Labyrinth, obviously serves no other purpose than to deter would-be heroes. It’s the water level of the game (just like in the original Sonic the Hedgehog), and you’ll hate it, trust me. Remember, Sonic is no Italian plumber or tie-wearing ape; he can’t hold his breath forever. So, don’t stay underwater too long... If Sonic is running out of oxygen, you can either jump out of water or breathe in the air held within the huge bubbles down there. Good luck... +-------------+ | Act 1 | +-------------+ An Atlantis-style zone? Sadly, I’m not surprised. Go right of the start to find a statue with green water gushing out of its mouth. Step into the water to be washed down into a whole pool of it... Press nothing and you’ll land by some rings to the left of a spring. Bounce on the latter to be knocked upward, out of the water. Now’s the time to hold left a bit so that you land on the top of a platform. Jump left from it, making sure to hit the Chop Chop (robotic fish enemy) and the Shield capsule beneath it. Now drop off that platform to the floor of this pool (to the left) where a spring awaits. Bounce into the air with it and hold left as come down to land in a hallway you previously missed. Follow it to a passage leading down and you’ll land in a new underwater room. Head left immediately to find a crack releasing bubbles. You can use these to refill on air. After taking a deep breath, advance to the right. As you do this, you’ll notice a tile is let loose. It being less dense than the water, it floats upward. If you happen to be on it, you stand a good chance of being crushed against the roof (or, in some cases, impaled against a bed of spikes). So, continue right down the hallway to find a Burrobot, a drill robot. Jump into to beat it and then proceed. Jump off your platform and fall down through a Chop Chop and to a ledge with the Checkpoint on it to the left. Roll into it to mark your place. We’re running low on air now, so let’s hurry to the right where some bubbles are being formed. Breathe in and then go right down a hallway. Some tridents rise up to hit you, but you can easily jump past them. There’s a bubble-spouting crack along the way. At the end, you’ll reach rising platforms. Ride them up, jumping off when you get too close to the spike beds at the top, and you’ll come to a few steps that lead to a fork in the path. Go left to find a spiky ball orbiting a blue orb. Avoid the spiked one and jump up to find a Super Ring capsule and the surface of the water, letting you breath some good air. Now return to that fork in the road and go right this time. Jump up the steps and you’ll get out of the water. Jump left to a slope, and walk up it to find a switch. By hitting it, you turn a Super Ring capsule in the area to a 1-UP. Jump right from it and you’ll land on the platform holding it. Now jump right again to find some pillars before the sign. Congratulations, you’re a third of the way done with this horrid zone! +-------------+ | Act 2 | +-------------+ Walk right in this hallway to find a Burrobot. Jump into it and then continue right to find some slopes that wash you down into the water (if you jump after the first one, you’ll enter a hallway with a Shield and 20 rings in it, but you’ll still have to return to the second slide). When you land, go all the way to the left to find a Super Ring capsule, and then go all the way right. Hey, look! A new enemy! Orbinauts are circular foes with four spiky balls orbiting them. They launch them at you over time, which reveals their vulnerable bodies (jump/roll into them). After defeating it, you can take another ten rings in the air pocket here. Well, this level’s been pretty profitable so far, eh? No matter how you answer that, now let’s go left to the center and fall down through the opening. Go right when you land to find another Burrobot. Jump to defeat it and then walk down the line of rings. Keep going to find a spiky ball orbiting a ball, and then fall down to find another. Now fall left and onto a bubble-producing platform. Now you have a choice: left or right. Choose to go left and fall down the column of rings. When you land, quickly move left off the rising platform. Continue down this path to reach a 1-UP (very well hidden, eh?). Nab it and head back right. Use the rising platform to reach the platform with bubbles again, refill on air, and then go right. Jump over a trident as you go down this hall and you’ll reach the Checkpoint. Jump up the next few steps, dodging the fire of the statues here, and you’ll cross some spikes to reach more bubbles. Breathe deep, my friend, breathe deep. Now drop right past another statue pair and you’ll reach a rising platform. Ride it up and jump left at the end to avoid being skewered by spikes. In the hallway you come to, defeat a Burrobot and then burst a bubble. After you’ve taken some oxygen in, head left. Jump up the steps when the spiky ball is away and you’ll reach the new chamber. Go left all the way and grab the Invincibility capsule, and then head right until you reach a vertical chamber with tons of those statues in it. Jump up them quickly and you’ll exit the water before you drown. Jump left up the ledges ahead and follow the hallway to reach the Chaos Emerald in the left edge. Then go right to the sign. +-------------+ | Act 3 | +-------------+ An underwater boss fight? This is going to get ugly... Walk right and you’ll find a spring. If you use it and land in the hallway to the left, you can jump over spikes to reach the 1-UP at the end. It’s a bit risky, though, and so you might want to just skip it. When you’re back in the regular part of the act, just keep going right. Soon you’ll be fighting Robotnik. Don’t worry about being speedy, as you’ll never run out of air down here (even though we’re underwater. This boss is like an underwater hybrid of the Bridge and Jungle bosses. First, Robotnik appears from the center and fires two square-shaped bullets at both sides. Just jump on him once the center while he’s doing this. Then he comes down from one of the upper openings, launches a torpedo that launches itself to the side, and leaves. When he comes down, hit him about twice and then duck, standing to the far left. The torpedo lowers itself to your level and then fires itself at you. Jump before it comes (or stay on the opposite side of it). Robotnik will do this again on the opposite side, but jumping over the lower gap is to risky to justify getting a few hits in. Be patient and he’s beaten, eight hits, in no time. Robotnik defeated, advance right to find the capsule. Hit it and the local penguins and seals are free at last! Ah, but now we have the final zone to deal with; we’ve cleared Robotnik’s moat, but now we must storm the castle... Good luck. ======================================================================= =============================Scrap Brain*============================== ======================================================================= Like Green Hill and Labyrinth, Scrap Brain is a name pulled right out of Sonic the Hedgehog for the Sega Genesis. It’s Robotnik’s base of operations on South Island, and it’s quite elaborate judging by the background. This zone is, in actuality, home to the shortest act in the game, and the difficulty really picks up in the second act. And boy am I nervous about Act 3... We’ll fight Robotnik for the final time there... Note: From this point forward, there will be no Checkpoints or bonus levels (the ‘!’ signs). Sorry, but things get tough as the game progresses. If you do get over 50 rings and you hit the sign, you’ll get a 1-UP, not a chance at the bonus level. +-------------+ | Act 1 | +-------------+ Go forward to find a platform that you want to jump onto, and then jump off of it and continue right. Enter the hallway when the door here lifts, but be careful not to jump when you see the flamethrowers on the roof. Along the way, you’ll encounter a Caterkiller, an old Sonic the Hedgehog (Genesis) foe. You can’t jump on its back to the spikes, but you can roll/jump onto its head. After beating it, continue forward to reach the exit of the hallway. Jump onto the conveyor belt and then rush to the next one where a 1-UP is about to be conveyed off the belt and into a pit! Hit it before that happens to claim the life for yourself, and then jump right onto another belt and then good, solid ground. Enter the next hallway and you’ll see flamethrowers on the roof as before, but there are also electricity-emitting orbs on the ground. When they’re not active (just after they’ve deactivated), you can just run past them. After facing two of them, you’ll exit the hallway and enter a conveyor belt room. Jump right along the two upper conveyor belts and then fall to the lower one; walk along it to a spring. Bounce on it and hold left to land on a switch. With it pressed, the door to the right opens. Jump through the opening and run down the hallway, rolling to destroy Caterkillers along the way, and you’ll soon exit the hallway and hit the sign. +-------------+ | Act 2 | +-------------+ This act is moderately difficult and more deserving of the name “Labyrinth” that this game’s zone ever was. Head right, jumping where necessary, and you’ll enter a hallway. Run through this, just out of the reach of the flamethrowers, but just close enough to rings to take them all, and you’ll enter into a new portion of the hallway. Shortly after it begins, it turns into one big chamber. Walk forward, jumping over the electrocuting orb, and jump onto the conveyor belt. Note the cannons shooting fireballs in here before continuing. Now use the next conveyor belts (somehow floating in mid-air...) to see the roof in sight, and then hop left across them to a Super Ring. Huzzah! From there, hop right to a high-up hallway. Run down it, rolling to take out a Caterkiller, and you’ll fall down through a column of rings before reaching a fork in the road. This time, take the low road (this goes against every rational decision in Sonic games ever, but it must be done). You’ll come to a door and take it; continue down from there and you’ll land near a pig-like robot called a Ballhog. It launches balls at you, you see. Jump on it to defeat it, and then take the plunge into the pit. When you land, you can go left or right. Choose the former, left. Step into the teleportation device and you’ll appear outside the 1-UP we saw earlier. This takes us back to the first fork in the road. This time, go up. Take the door there and walk forward, counting the pits as you go (make sure not to jump when the flamethrower is active). When you reach the third pit, fall in and go right to another one of those new-fangled teleportation devices. Use it and go left from the spot you appear in to find a Chaos Emerald. Now exit this hallway by going left and out the door. Climb up the platforms here, beating those Ballhogs down as you go, and you’ll reach a spring on the left side of the room. Bounce on it up to a switch; hit it so that the right door is closed, the left open. Now go back to the vertical room with all the Ballhogs in it, fall to the bottom, and go left to an old room. Jump left when the flamethrowers are down and take the door back to the original fork in the road. This time, go down. When you use the door and enter a new room, start running down the slope again. Keep going down them, in fact, in a right-left pattern, until you reach the end, a 4-way intersection of sorts. Jump across the bottom pit and you’ll take a door to another teleportation device. Use it to transport yourself to a new room entirely. Go left and you’ll fall to find the door we previously opened, the left one, is ours for the taking. Go left and you’ll find a conveyor belt sequence. Either jump across them or fall down to maneuver past the electrocuting machines below, but at the end take the door to go further left. When you reach a spring, bounce on it and you’ll come to another steep hallway. Go right along it, wary that one final Caterkiller awaits, and you’ll exit the hallway and hit the sign. But hold your cheer, for Robotnik awaits... +-------------+ | Act 3 | +-------------+ This one’s a toughie... Go forward, jumping over the pits, and you’ll reach a hallway. Walk through to find... four rings? They’re giving us rings!? This boss must be super-strong! Continue down here to find a spring and another alternate route. Bounce on the spring and you’ll find it leads to a dead-end. Try the right, ground route and it also leads to a dead-end... unless you fall into the pit on that route. Do so to find another door, one that actually opens. Go right down this hallway, collecting rings and avoiding the electrocuting machine, to find a spring with a tantalizing 1-UP beyond a locked door. Bounce on the spring and go left to find the spring we previously couldn’t reach. Bounce up it. Let’s go left, as the right path leads to naught but a dead-end (man, Robotnik’s turned into a real coward, hasn’t he?). So go left to a spring. Bounce up it and go right over a conveyor belt to find another set of doors by a spring. Bounce on the spring to reach another fork in the road. If you go right, you’ll take a long fall all the way down to that 1-UP we missed earlier, but sticking to the left let’s you advance in the level. Cross a conveyor belt and you’ll see a pit filled with rings you can fall down. Take its path to end up with a Super Ring and at the beginning of the level, but ignore the hole to continue. Don’t hit the switch (or, if the door doesn’t open, then hit it) to reach a spring. Bounce up it and you’ll find an exit to this maze. Walk right and you’ll see... Robotnik! He has no machine; chase him you fool! He somehow manages to outrun us, and he reaches a platform that he rides up into the sky! It comes down for us; take it... We have cleared Sky Brain, but still one zone remains. It is the final defense... ======================================================================= ===============================Sky Base*=============================== ======================================================================= We’re high up in the sky, right in the middle of a thunderstorm. Rather than wait for the weather to calm down a bit, this super-fast and super-impatient hedgehog is going to try to make it to Robotnik alive in what have to be the hardest acts in the game (except for Act 3). Good luck, and I hope you’ve stored up plenty of Continues, ‘cause if you’re ever going to use one, now’s the time. +-------------+ | Act 1 | +-------------+ Walk right, jumping along the platforms. Notice that the music is the same as the music of Scrap Brain, but every now and then it’s disrupted by the roar of thunder and lightning being passed through some diamond- like objects in the clouds. When this happens, pure static electricity is being passed through the diamonds as an obstacle, and so we must be careful not to touch them. Continue right and you’ll walk up a large slope to reach the summit of the “hill.” By the way, everything is dark here, including rings, so keep an eye out for them. Anyways, wait for the lightning to course through the diamonds before jumping right over the pit and start walking down it. Hey, long time no see, Orbinaut! But seriously, this type never throws its spikes, reducing them no more than mere obstacles (so don’t touch them!). Anyways, the next section is long and very difficult. Wait for lightning to pass and then jump to the top of the catwalks to find a Shield capsule. Claim it and duck so that the lightning misses you by a hair. Now continue right, ducking or jumping or hiding where it’s safe to avoid the lightning (in some places, it’s just outright impossible due to the sheer quantity of diamonds). I can’t really guide you through this, but keep going right, keep dodging lightning, and keep collecting rings so that you can get hit more often. You’ve reached the end when you see two cannons stationed on a catwalk, no lightning in sight. Wait for them to stop firing and then jump to the next catwalk where a diamond sits above. Let its lightning have it way before you take the rings between it and the next diamond. Notice the Boom Bot, too. It will explode and its blasts may hit you. Just try to dodge it. When the lightning stops, get out of their “box” and onto a propeller platform. When you stand on it, it propels itself forward. But if you jump off, it stops. Therefore, use it to go forward, but if lightning is nearby, jump to stop from hitting. After you’ve taken the second propeller platform, notice some platforms beneath it. If you take them down (avoid lightning, of course), you’ll find the 1-UP. Hop back up and then start hopping up above the second propeller platform. You’ll reach the third propeller platform that way. Take it to some rising/falling platforms and ride them up to a new catwalk. At the end is the sign. Well, we’ve now boarded the Sky Base for real, as Act 1 was just the dock... What horrors await us ON BOARD? +-------------+ | Act 2 | +-------------+ Ah, I love this level. It’s so much easier than it’d have to be! Jump left of the starting point to find a hidden propeller platform, and ride it right to a ladder (one with another propeller platform by it). Climb it (by jumping) to reach a 1-UP, but be sure to avoid cannon fire. After that, ride the new propeller platform to the right, but try to avoid cannon fire. It’s all about timing and jumping to stop your advancement. And yes, you do need to keep taking the new propeller platforms. Once you’ve successfully navigated the open air and avoided cannon fire, you’ll reach a rising platform. Jump onto it and ride up to find a corkscrew that leads onto the ship’s “deck,” I guess. And right there is the final Chaos Emerald (although I’ve only led you to four of the six so far in the guide; see the section entitled “Chaos Emeralds” for details on getting them all). Huzzah! Now we must go left while avoiding giant bullets, which are being fired by proportionately giant cannons. Avoid them, as well as the cannons below and a turret or two on the main path, and you’ll reach a door. Enter if you dare... Inside, go right to find the sign! Yes, we are wieners! +-------------+ | Act 3 | +-------------+ It’s the final act! Oh, the tension’s mounting! If you got through this zone’s Act 2 without losing a single life, there’s a 1-UP before you (and the rich get richer!), but the capsule doesn’t even exist if you did, and you probably did. Roll down the slope and you’ll find Robotnik. He’s ditched his usual ship and plans to fight us with the powers of electricity in what has to be even easier than the Genesis final boss battle. Expecting some humongous, mechanized super robot of doom? Well too bad! We only serve easy bosses in this game! Here we see some flames over a flamethrower of sorts. Every few seconds, the flame of one stops and the flame of the other starts. It always goes in the same order – left, right, center. Also, there’s a bolt of electricity above you. When Dr. Robotnik hits the switch he stands on, it home attacks you. To avoid, simply stand on the left side of the screen. Now, to hurt Dr. Robotnik, you need to jump into the glass case protecting him. After 12 hits, Robotnik runs off to a teleportation device. Follow him and the ending begins. Robotnik appears in Green Hill, but Sonic flies out of nowhere and lands on him! Robotnik is defeated, and South Island is saved! But wait, there’s more: if you got all six Chaos Emeralds, they appear in a ring around the island, purifying it by destroying Robotnik’s terrible storm cloud. Now your points are tallied up: 20,000 per Chaos Emerald, 5,000 per extra life, and then a random bonus. Now let the credits roll! CONGRATULATIONS! You beat the game. I wish I could say there’s more, but there isn’t. You can always challenge yourself, though. Try getting a higher score, all the 1-UPs, each of the Chaos Emeralds, or other challenges as you see fit. Sonic the Hedgehog is short, but let me tell you, this game has replay value. And since you can’t save, you get to rescue South Island again and again! ----------------------------------------------------------------------- _________________________________________________________________ / \ / \ ||----------------------------Section 3*-----------------------------|| \ / \_________________________________________________________________/ ======================================================================= ============================Chaos Emeralds*============================ ======================================================================= In Sonic’s world, a few gems called the Chaos Emeralds are the source of unlimited power, and most of his games involve or revolve around using or collecting them. In Sonic the Hedgehog (Genesis), there were seven, and collecting all of them (as well as getting 50 rings and jumping) caused Sonic to turn into Super Sonic, an all-around invincible version of himself. This game, however, includes only six Chaos Emeralds, one per zone, making Super Sonic impossible to achieve. Even so, collecting all the Chaos Emeralds has its purpose – each emerald is worth 20,000 points at the end of the game! Plus, they may affect the ending... But where are the Chaos Emeralds, and what do they look like? Never fear, for I will guide you to all six right here. Note that the guide (Section 2) explains how to get four of them, but those are only for ones that aren’t totally out-of-the-way. ----------------------------------------------------------------------- #) Zone/Act Obtain: ----------------------------------------------------------------------- Above is the setup. Pretty self-explanatory, right? Thought so. Now, let the list commence! ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 1) Green Hill Zone, Act 2 Obtain: This one’s pretty easy to get. From the Checkpoint, jump left to a spring. Don’t bounce on it. Instead, walk left through a short tunnel (roll through the Crabmeat) and fall down a waterfall. You’ll come to a hidden room with the Chaos Emerald on a ledge to the right. Well, what do you think I’m going to say? Take it! To return to the main body of the level, just ride down the waterfall in the chamber back to the body of water earlier on in the act. ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 2) Bridge Zone, Act 1 Obtain: Get to the very end of the level, to the bridge just before the sign. Don’t step on it! Jump to the first, second, or maybe third “tile” of the bridge and let it fall a bit. When it does, make a short jump to the left onto the otherwise unreachable ledge with the Chaos Emerald on it. ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 3) Jungle Zone, Act 1 Obtain: Get to the third waterfall in the act (that is, the third giant waterfall that logs wash down). It comes right after a Super Ring capsule and right before the Checkpoint, in case you can’t count. Get on the initial stone platforms and hold down so that Sonic ducks and the view moves down. See? There’s grass below; fall down to it. At the end, jump to the stone platform and get on the next grassy ledge. Walk to the end of it and stop. See the log in the river? Jump on and run left with it. You’ll come to a little alcove with the Chaos Emerald tucked away inside. I have to admit, this is easily the best hidden Chaos Emerald of the pack. ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 4) Labyrinth Zone, Act 2 Obtain: Ah, this one’s a breeze. Get to the very end of the level, just before the sign, and go left – all the way left in that hallway. The Chaos Emerald is sitting on a little ledge there (not really hidden at all). ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 5) Scrap Brain Zone, Act 2 Obtain In the fork in the road, go up into a new room. Once there, fall into the third pit and go right to a teleportation device. Take it to another one, to the left of which is the Chaos Emerald. ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 6) Sky Base Zone, Act 2 Obtain: If you follow the guide and use the secret propeller platform as I direct you to (left of the beginning), you’ll eventually reach the Chaos Emerald by necessity to advance in the level. It’s on the “bow” of the ship, right near a corkscrew-like object. If you don’t use the shortcut, go right a while after you take the chain path down to find it. ----------------------------------------------------------------------- ----------------------------------------------------------------------- ----------------------------------------------------------------------- And there you have it! Really, getting all the Chaos Emeralds is pretty easy and rewarding (if you play for points). Plus, they may have a bearing on the game’s ending, and you really haven’t beaten Sonic the Hedgehog ‘til you’ve found all six of these emeralds... ======================================================================= ============================1-UP Locations*============================ ======================================================================= You start out in Green Hill with three lives. Obviously, those three lives aren’t going to sustain you throughout all 18 acts (unless, of course, you’re an exceptionally skilled player), and so we have 1-UPs, one per act. They’re quite useful, no? They give you another try at an act if you should die, and this list should simplify the hunt for where 1-UPs lie. So without further ado, I shall bring this list to you. ----------------------------------------------------------------------- #) Zone/Act Obtain: ----------------------------------------------------------------------- Above is the setup, below, the list. Soon you’ll know what you’ve missed. ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 1) Green Hill Zone, Act 1 Obtain: A bit before the slope that leads to the Checkpoint, there’s a tree that looks... suspicious. Jump into it to knock a 1-UP capsule loose. ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 2) Green Hill Zone, Act 2 Obtain: This has to be the best hidden 1-UP in the game. When you reach the bottommost floor of the cavern (with water and Crabmeats), go to the leftmost corner and jump against the wall. You’ll pass through it and find a secret room with a 1-UP in it. ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 3) Green Hill Zone, Act 3 Obtain: When you reach the non-spiky pit, jump in. It isn’t actually fatal, and there’s a 1-UP to the right of a spring you can use to get back up to the main level. ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 4) Bridge Zone, Act 1 Obtain: When you reach the second set of scales (the kind of teeter- totter with the weight), jump on the left one to cause the weight to bounce and fall down, sending you up. Do this twice so that you reach the maximum height possible with the scales, and hold right to land on a cliff with a 1-UP atop it. ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 5) Bridge Zone, Act 2 Obtain: Toward the end of the level, you’ll find a 1-UP floating in the water in a break in a bridge. Jump onto it, break the capsule, and bounce onto the ledge to the left or the bridge to the right. ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 6) Bridge Zone, Act 3 Obtain: Look behind you, to the left, at the beginning of the act. Tada! The 1-UPs right there. ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 7) Jungle Zone, Act 1 Obtain: Get to the waterfall with the rocky ledges on it (just a tad before the Checkpoint) and jump to the rightmost ledge. From there, jump to the ledge to the upper-left and continue jumping to the left on these upper ledges to reach the 1-UP. ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 8) Jungle Zone, Act 2 Obtain: In the phase of level in which the Checkpoint can be found, go all the way to the right (on the lowest level of that “division” of the act) and fall down to the 1-UP. It’s against the right wall, in case you don’t catch my drift. ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 9) Jungle Zone, Act 3 Obtain: Ignore the first vine and walk forward into the water. Voila! The 1-UP is submerged here. ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 10) Labyrinth Zone, Act 1 Obtain: Near the end of the level, on dry land, you’ll find a platform with a Super Ring on it. Rather than hit it, hit the switch to the far left. It turns the Super Ring capsule into a 1-UP capsule. Neat-o! ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 11) Labyrinth Zone, Act 2 Obtain: Early on in the level, you’ll be at a platform with air bubbles rising from it. Here, you can go left or right (the path to the left has rings going down it). Choose to go left and you’ll fall down into a hallway. Walk all the way to the left to find the 1-UP underneath some spikes. ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 12) Labyrinth Zone, Act 3 Obtain: Walk right of the starting point to find a spring. Bounce on it and hold left to enter into a hallway. Walk left on it, jumping over spikes where necessary, to find the 1-UP hidden at the end. Because the spikes make this a risky venture, you may just want to skip it, but there’s no harm in trying (unless you die...). ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 13) Scrap Brain Zone, Act 1 Obtain: After exiting the first hallway, you’ll see a conveyor belt with a 1-UP capsule on it. Strike fast, my friend, lest the 1-UP roll off the belt and disappear. ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 14) Scrap Brain Zone, Act 2 Obtain: When you reach the fork in the road, take the lower route. Now roll down the slope to land in a pit that brings you to the ground floor. Go left to reach a teleportation device that takes you to another device; go right from there to find the 1-UP and reach the same fork in the road as before. ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 15) Scrap Brain Zone, Act 3 Obtain: In the maze, toward the top, you can go left or right. Choose right and you’ll drop down a long shaft; go left (now on the ground floor) to find the 1-UP. ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 16) Sky Base Zone, Act 1 Obtain: After taking the second propeller platform, drop down to the platforms below to find a few rings and a 1-UP capsule. ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 17) Sky Base Zone, Act 2 Obtain: Jump to the hidden propeller platform to the left of the start and ride it to a second ladder (by another propeller platform). At the top is a 1-UP capsule, but it’s guarded by a cannon. Good luck! ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 18) Sky Base Zone, Act 3 Obtain: If you didn’t lose a single life in the previous act (Sky Base Zone, Act 2), there’s a 1-UP right in front of you at the start. And so the rich get richer... ----------------------------------------------------------------------- ----------------------------------------------------------------------- ----------------------------------------------------------------------- Well, that’s a wrap. But you know, extra lives are nice, but Continues are even better. So, let’s talk cont. ======================================================================= =============================Bonus Stages*============================= ======================================================================= In the first four zones, you can enter a bonus stage by reaching the sign with 50 rings or more (that is, you get the ‘!’ mark) from the first two acts of each zone. There are four different bonus stages, and it is in them alone that you can collect Continues, rare items that let you start at the act you were in with three lives if you get a game over. They are also filled with rings and sometimes 1-UPs. So, here, I’ll give you the run-down... You can enter the bonus stage at most eight times (there are four zones with two acts each in which you can enter the bonus stage), and the goal in each is to reach the sign at the end with as many rings, 1-UPs, and most especially Continue capsules as possible (of course, there’s only one Continue per stage). You’re given two minutes to play around and reach the sign the first time, but in your fifth through eighth visits to bonus stages, that’s cut down to one minute. The stages get harder, however, as the game progresses; the first one is filled with springs to help you to get tons of rings easily. The fourth one, on the other hand, is like a drop through a mess of bumpers hoping that you collect a few rings. Still, the fourth stage has four possible 1- UPs, but you can only get one of them. So, I wish you well in the bonus stages. Remember, 100 rings equal one 1-UP, and a 1-UP capsule equals a 1-UP, and a Continue equals three 1- UPs and chances at more! ======================================================================= =================================FAQ*================================== ======================================================================= If there is one thing I’ve learned from my time here at GameFAQs, it’s that people can find questions to ask about anything. That’s why I have this section – Frequently Asked Questions. It’s meant to answer most questions I get so that you don’t have to resort to e-mailing me. Also included is contact information, so read it all! Now, let’s get this party started! Question: Can I go Super Sonic? Answer: Well, since there are only six Chaos Emeralds and not seven, it’s not exactly possible. So, the answer is “Nope, sorry.” Question: Okay, so what’s the point of Chaos Emeralds? Answer: They’re worth 20,000 points at the end of the game. Also, getting all six earns you an alternate ending. Question: Is this just a port of Sonic the Hedgehog for Genesis? Answer: Not at all! This is a totally different game with the same name, though three of the zones – Green Hill, Labyrinth, and Scrap Brain – are based on the Genesis version. But this game is almost the same as another Sonic the Hedgehog game, the Sega Master System version from 1991. There are a few differences, but nothing that major. Question: What’s the point of points? Answer: Well, every 50,000 points you get earns you a new life, and they are also used for bragging rights (for instance, “I got ____ points!”). So, uh, try earning those rings and time bonuses! Question: Can I use your guide(s) on my web site? Answer: Sorry, but no. Please refer to my legal section for details. Question: Which games have you written guide for? Answer: Quite a few. This is my thirty-ninth (no, seriously), and you can see an up-to-date list of my guides at the following link: Question: How can I contact you? Answer: Of all the questions I get, this has to be the least commonly asked. First, I'd like to set out a few guidelines. All contact occurs through e-mails (not IMs or anything else), which must relate to the guide (no chain letters, socializing, etc.). Please put "Sonic the Hedgehog (GG)" or the name of the guide in the subject. Make sure to examine the entire guide before e-mailing me. In my prime, I answered e-mails pretty regularly, but now it's on a very irregular basis with lots of gaps, so it's in your best interest to read the guide instead of waiting for me to answer your questions. I don't open attachments. Finally, be specific in your question. Thanks in advance. You can e- mail me at: With that, Section 3 has reached its exciting conclusion. Most unfortunately, this guide is just about over, but look on the bright side: we still have the legal section! HUZZAH!!!! But enough of this; I can’t wait! Just a bit more anticipation... AND they’re off! ----------------------------------------------------------------------- _________________________________________________________________ / \ / \ ||----------------------------Section 4*-----------------------------|| \ / \_________________________________________________________________/ ======================================================================= ====================Credits and Legal Information*===================== ======================================================================= It’s that time of year again... That’s right: it’s time for a legal section! Oh, that I could express my love for them, but alas, ‘tis beyond comprehension. So, I shall share with you the exquisite pleasure of reading a legal section, one of my own making... Only it will be copy and pasted, because, in all truth, I despise legal sections, especially writing them! Oh how I despise them! That is to say, here’s much to do with love, but more with hate. So let’s get this over with... And would you stop looking at me like that? Before I can wow you with the legal section, I’ll build the suspense ever so subtly by including first some the credits. Here goes nothing! +---------------+ | Credits | +---------------+ First off, I guess I should advertise myself down here, so two and a half cheers for me. Yeah, Kirby021591 wrote this guide, and the way he talks about himself in third person is so charming, so let’s give it up for him. Second, a round of applause for Sega! This game was terrific, and they deserve the praise. But we should also thank Nintendo, because I played this game and wrote this guide using Sonic Adventure DX for the Nintendo Game Cube. So let’s give it up for Sega and Nintendo. For once they were enemies, now they are business partners. Third, GameFAQs certainly deserves some credit. After all, they somehow saw fit to post this sloppy string of sentences on their site, so let’s thank ‘em! Remember to support their site; click on ads! Those are the originals, but that’s not to say that some other people haven’t helped me out more recently. Here’s a list of who helped me and what they did. That’s all for now, but chances are the list is going to grow. Now then, I won’t keep you in suspense any longer. Let the legal section commence! +-------------------------+ | The Legal Section | +-------------------------+ First of all, I take no credit for the creation, distribution, production, idealizing, or in any way making this game. That honor goes to Nintendo, not me, and I do not deny this. Second, this document is Copyright 2005-2007 Brian McPhee. Third, this may not be reproduced in part of in full under any circumstances except for personal, private use. It may not be placed on any web site or otherwise distributed publicly without advance written permission. Use of this guide on any other web site or as a part of any public display is strictly prohibited, and a violation of copyright. To phrase that first item legally, all trademarks and copyrights contained in this document are owned by their respective trademark and copyright holders. To make it clear for those of you who might having problems absorbing information, no one but the website GameFaqs may use my guides on their sites, books, magazines, etc. THAT WAS INTENSE! Oh, sorry, I forgot that I need to keep my inside voice on in here... Well, it’s been real, but this is the end of the line. But, rather than remember this guide with that bad taste in your mouth, let’s wrap things up with the coolest, snazziest, most totally awesome catchphrase EVER! May I have a drum roll, please? I can’t hear you! Okay, okay, don’t deafen me now. Alright, here goes... See ya later.