Dynamite Headdy FAQ v. 1.1 25 November 1994 Contents (C) 1994 by Bob Tomasevich. Permission is hereby granted to freely distribute this document provided it is not modified in any way. Additions, corrections, and requests for clarification are welcome! Email me: bobt@ais.net This FAQ is also available for FTP, courtesy of Gamepro magazine's Andy Eddy. FTP to ftp.netcom.com, look in pub/vi/vidgames/faqs for dheaddy.faq. Thanks goes to: Kid Vicious (byteme@thetics.europa.com) for the level 5-2 secret bonus HELP!! If you know where some of the 'missing' secret bonuses are, let me know so I can add them to the FAQ!! Changes since 1.0: Added level 5-2 secret bonus Table of contents ================= 1. Level Select Code 2. Secret Bonuses (unfinished) 3. BGM CD information (needed) 1. Level Select Code ==================== This code allows you to start playing at any level in the game (there are 9). At the title screen, press start. With 'Start Game' highlighted, press C-A-Left-Right-B. If you do it right, you'll hear 'Yay!'. Press Start again to select the starting level. 2. Secret Bonuses ================= As mentioned in the manual, all these do is give you bonus points. Still, it's fun to get them, as some require work to get! This list gives the level number, name, and how to get the Secret Bonus(es), if the level has any (not all do). NOTE: If there are ?????, it means I do not know if that level has a secret bonus. 1 The Getaway Destroy the large, red robot. Total Bonuses for Level 1: 1 ------------------------------------------------------------------------- 2-1 Practice Area Bonus 1: Meet Headcase - Kill all the enemies without dying. Bonus 2: Meet Hangman - Make it to the top without dying. Bonus 3: Meet Beau - Kill all the enemies before time runs out. 2-2 Toys N The Hood Bonus 1 - Knock the one-eyed enemy off the platform using Slammer Head. You can see how this is done by watching the game 'attract mode'. Bonus 2 - You'll come to a point where Headcase is in a cage with a and 3 shepherd and donkey, and a robot on top. After you knock the cage to the right, fight the robot, and defeat it, everything in the cage will jump out to the center of the screen. Destroy the shepherd and donkey, you get a SB for each. Bonus 4 - After the cage battle and trekking through some passages, you will meet Headcase again. Moving a little to the right, you see a sign indicating you can go up or right. Go back to Headcase, get the Spiked head, and go up. Once at the top, you will fight a dragon headed serpent. Kill it for a SB. 2-3 Mad Dog And Headdy Bonus - If you wait long enough (the timing is random) Mad Dog will come down, facing right, carrying Bino in his mouth. Mad Dog will drop Bino, destroy Bino for a SB. Total Bonuses for Level 2: 8 ------------------------------------------------------------------------- 3-1 Down Under None 3-2 Backstage Battle Bonus - While holding you, Trouble Bruin will throw sets of three cats to attack you. He may throw out a bluish-green cat with a larger head. Destroy it for a SB. 3-3 The Green Room None 3-4 Clothes Encounters Bonus - After knocking the clothes off the mannequin for the third time, the mannequin may appear on screen wearing a Bino mask. Hit the mask for a SB. This may occur up to three times (if you can last that long!) Total Bonuses for Level 3: 4 ------------------------------------------------------------------------- 4-1 Terminate Her Too Bonus - About 1/3 of the way through the level you will encounter a tank shooting cannonballs to the left. Every third cannonball bounces out of the cannon instead of going across the screen. If you can knock this one into the front of the tank and cause it to explode, you get a SB. 4-2 Mad Mechs Bonus - Open 4 or 5 of the Slammer Head doors (these have a picture of a hammer on them) and get a SB. 4-3 Mad Mechs 2 Bonus - Destroy the two fans and receive a SB for each. 4-4 Heathernapped Bonus - After a short delay, Bino will come down and wash the windows. Hit Bino 17 times to knock him off the platform and receive a SB. Total Bonuses for Level 4: 7 (I have not found two) ------------------------------------------------------------------------- 5-1 Go Headdy Go ????? 5-2 Stair Wars Bonus - If you do not stop to attack Bruin but just keep going up the staircase, you'll eventually get this SB. 5-3 Towering Infernal ????? 5-4 Spinderella Bonus - Bino comes out just before Spinderella rotates the playfield to put you on the far side. Destroy him for a SB. Total Bonuses for Level 5: 3 (I have not found one) ------------------------------------------------------------------------- 6-1 Flying Game Bonus 1 - At the start of the level, wait for Headcase to display a Bino head. Hit Headcase for a SB. Bonus 2 - Two sets of three rockets will launch upwards. Destroy the middle one in the second set of rockets for a SB. 6-2 Fly Hard ????? 6-3 Fly Hard 2 ????? 6-4 Baby Face ????? Total Bonuses for Level 6: 3 (I have not found one) ------------------------------------------------------------------------- 7 Headdy Wonderland Bonus 1 - One of the black cows to the right of Headcase will 'neigh' like a horse instead of moo when Headdy jumps on the cow's back. Destroy the cow to get a SB. Bonus 2 - The sixth column from the start of the level has four yellow birds perched on the platform. If you look closely, the one on the left is Bino. Destroy him for a SB. NOTE: If Bino flys away, he will not appear again, unless you die. Bonus 3 - When fighting the boss, if you time your jumps right, the the robot arm will fly off screen and bring either Headcase or Bino on screen. Destroy him for another SB. Total Bonuses for Level 7: 3 ------------------------------------------------------------------------- 8-1 The Rocket Tier ????? 8-2 Illegal Weapon 3 ????? 8-3 Fun Forgiven ????? 8-4 Vice Versa Bonus - The first green enemy that drops from the ceiling will start shooting orange balls at you. These can be destroyed by Headdy. Destroy three and get a SB. 8-5 Twin Freaks Bonus - Bino may come out of one of the twins' ears. Destroy him for a SB. Total Bonuses for Level 8: Unknown (Even with the cheat, the 8-5 boss is difficult). ------------------------------------------------------------------------- 9-1 Fatal Contraption Bonus - Destroy the brown 'bouncing head' on the left side, before the spiked balls moving left and right on the poles for a SB 9-2 Far Trek ????? 9-3 Finale Analysis ????? Total Bonuses for Level 9: Unknown (The 9-3 boss is probably the hardest one you'll encounter in the game) ------------------------------------------------------------------------- 3. BGM CD Information ===================== Many Japanese game releases will have Background Music (BGM) CD's, which are collections of the in-game music. Some are what you hear in the game, others are of superior quality to the game music, created with professional synthesizers and/or orchestras. I haven't been able to find any information on a BGM cd for this game. I have the one for Treasure's first big Sega game, Gunstar Heroes, so I'm hoping there will be one for this game. Please pass on the Japanese CD number if you have it.