Normal Story Mode Walkthrough (GCN) Timesplitters 2 by: Cayene of Doma I. Introduction II. Version History III. Legal Jargon IV. 1990- Siberia V. 1932- Chicago VI. 1895- Notre Dame VII. 2280- Return to Planet X VIII. 2019- Neo Tokyo IX. 1853- Wild West X. 1972- Atomsmasher XI. 1920- Aztec Ruins XII. 2315- Robot Factory XIII. 2401- Space Station XIV. Frequently Asked Questions XV. Closing and Thanks --------------- I. Introduction --------------- This is probably my last FAQ for Timesplitters 2. I've basically covered everything there is to cover now. There was an Easy Mode Walkthrough, and a Hard Mode Walkthrough, and now there is a Normal Mode Walkthrough. Enjoy. ------------------- II. Version History ------------------- Version 1.0 -Siberia completed. -Chicago completed. -Notre Dame completed. -Return to Planet X completed. -Neo Tokyo completed. -Wild West completed. Version 1.1 -Added the Frequently Asked Questions section. Verison 1.2 -Atomsmasher completed. Version 1.3 -Aztec Ruins completed. Version 2.0 Part II -Changed my email address. Go GMail! -Removed defunct sites from the allowed list. ----------------- III. Legal Jargon ----------------- Copyright 2002 Joel Barnett This guide may only be posted at the following sites: -GameFAQs ( -Timesplitters 2 Planet ( ( -NeoSeeker ( -GameNotOver ( -IGN ( If you see it anywhere else, tell me so I can notify the parties involved. If you'd like to post this guide somewhere: 1)Email me and ask me. 99% of the time, I'll say yes. 2)I'll email you a confirmation and an updated version of the FAQ. If you post this on your site, and you don't have my consent, I will send you a notice to remove it. If it remains posted after 48 hours of my sending the notice, legal action will follow. All trademarks and copyrights contained in this document are owned by their respective trademark and copyright holders. ----------------- IV. 1990- Siberia ----------------- *Main Objectives* -Deactivate the communications dish. -Investigate the secret digging site. -Restore power. -Retrieve the Time Crystal. -Destroy the bio-hazard container at the digging site. -Access the top of the dam. -Eliminate the gunship. -Escape through the time portal. *Secondary Objectives* -Burn all evidence in the filing cabinets. (5) -Don't allow any mutants to survive. (5) As the level begins, run forward and grab the Silenced Pistol and Sniper Rifle. Arm the rifle, then zoom in on the guard standing on the second floor railing a short distance in front of you. Take him out with a single headshot, then turn to the camera to the right of him. Wait for it to turn toward you, then shoot it right in the viewfinder to disable it with a single shot. Slide along the left wall, and look between the two small buildings there. Wait for the guard to come around the corner, and allow him to come at least halfway between the buildings before eliminating him. Avoid shooting too early, or the female guard will take notice. Slide left and get up against the fence. Take aim at the female guard, eliminate her, and hope that the Capt didn't take notice. Go through the fence opening, turn left, and run along the fence under the outer railing and stairs. Look between the stairs, and kill the captain when his back is to you. Go back a bit, and look where the female soldier was. Shoot that camera in the view finder, then go to the stairs. Run up the stairs and into the door on your left. Throw the switch by the window, then head back out and left. As you go across the board, look up toward the dam, just beside the communications dish. Look at that far window way up near the top far corner, and take out the sniper taking shots at you. Run across the next board and drop into the building through the hole in the roof. Grab the timed mines, open the door, and go left. Go to that building's door, and look through the window. Use the Silenced Pistol to eliminate him. Go out of the building, right, and over to the small buuiling nearest the dam entrance. Grab the sniper rounds inside, then head back to the econd floor railing. Throw a mine onto the communications dish, then head into the dam. Walk down the hallway and try activating the elevator. The power is off, and now you have a new objective. Head up the next two sets of stairs. Crouch and crawl under the gas jet so you don't lose any health. Go up another two sets of stairs and peer around the corner. Take out Capt Snow, then slowly go up the next set of stairs. Stay along the right side, then run to the corner. Take out the camera with your pistol, and continue up the stairs. Take out the next guard you see, then go up two more sets of stairs. Head down the hall, up another couple of small sets of stairs until you reach a door with a window on it. Look through the glass, and take out the guard closest to you. Turn right and take out that guard as well. This will cause four other guards to come investigate, so eliminate them as you see them. Go through the door, and duck into the left passageway. Grab the Soviet S47, ammo, and the body armor. Turn the valve, and head back out. Head down the hall, grabbing ammo as you go, and drop into the two other passageways to get the other two valves to shut off the steam jet barring the door. Head to the newly available door. Go through the door and down the stairs. When you see a '4' on the wall, go slowly down the next stair set. Peer aroud the corner near the bottom, ad take out the guard. If he sees you, another guard will help him. If the second comes, shoot him, too, other wise, take him out on the next level down. Go down past '3' until you reach a shelf. Grab the ammo and armor if you need it, then continue down. Just past '2' will be the support guard if she wasn't alerted, and on '1' is another trooper. Get by them, then work your way down to the bottom floor. Head down, and flip the switch to open the door. Stay to the left wall, and hit the camera to the right. When you step into the open, turn 90 degrees left and look toward the top corner of the dam. It's another sniper that needs to be taken care of. Eliminate him and move on. Go up on the stairs just enough to see toward the far end of the building. Take out the patrolling guard, then turn around and go around that corner. Be wary of another patrol around there. Go around that corner, and look for a third patrol behind the building. Don't run out into the open just yet. Look up at the corner of the building. Shoot the camera there so you don't get swarmed by several guards. Go down to the corner just past the door. Peek around and take out the camera there, then head inside. Go down to the corner,then peer around. Look through the shelves to see the guard standing near the alarm. Take him out, then shoot his buddy who makes a break for the alarm. Grab the Anaconda Cart on the left shelf if you need it, then head down the stairs. Go past the double doors, and look around the corner. Kill the captain standing in the far corner, then slowly follow the left wall until you see the camera in the far corner. Take it out, then peek around the right corner, and shoot the guard through the shelf. Grab the ammo, then head down the large set of stairs you see. CHECKPOINT Go down the second half of the stairs, and go slowly down until you can see a guard on the far end over the wooden wall. Take him out, then head to the bottom of the stairs, turn left and hit the Capt Snow if he's there. If not, look around the corner to hit him. Also, be wary of the other two guards in this room who will attack if they sense something's wrong. Go up on the metal railings, and throw a mine onto each of the drone guns. Drop down, then head up into the control room. Throw the switch near the window, then head into the now open door. Go into the first door on your right, and grab the armor and ammo if you need it. Go back out and head into the second door. Go into the door on your left once inside. Activate the red switch on your left, and shoot the guard in the room. Throw the other two switches, then head through those doors. Head down the hall into the large windowed room. Watch for the guard behind the charts and take his ammo, and the Computer Disk. When the alarm goes off, arm your Soviet, and use the crosshairs to hit the zombies in the head, killing them in one shot. Once all four are dead, head back to the main digging corridor. Head back up to the control room, and use the disk to reboot the systems. Head back down to the bottom of the digging site. On your way down, use your Soviet to take the zombies out with a single headshot or two each. Head to the bottom and grab the Time Crystal. Once the zombies are gone, throw a few mines on the container to destroy it. Yet another alarm starts going off. Run back upand get into door 1 before you get shot at. You should hear some people fighting. When you get the "Don't allow any mutants to survive." secondary objective, grab the Flamethrower and head out into the large room. The zombie and mutant that took out the special forces unit, should be attacking you now. Take each out with a head shot, and keep moving. Go to the corner just past the wooden wall. Approach the stairs, and back away when you hear the mutant grunt. Wait for the flaming mutant to cone down the stairs, then take a nice, easy head shot. Let him disappear, then head up the stairs. At the top of the stairs, two special forces units and three or four zombies are fihgting. Unless the zombies are close, aim for the special forces first. Once their dead, head farther. Watch the guy from around this corner, and don't get shot. Around the next corner, another soldier jumps out, trying to catch you off guard. Show him who's boss. Go up the next set of stairs for another mutant and two special forces units. Watch out for the one armed with a Flamethrower, and don't get set on fire. If you do, run down the stairs and into the double doors. Get under the running water to extinguish yourself. Go past these guys and around the corner to get back outside. Once outside, turn right for a special forces unit and a mutant, then left for a special forces unit and a zombie. After all four are ead, head back into the dam. Head into the door, then wait for the zombies to come to you. After the four of them are dead, get into the elevator, and press the up button. Keep going up past level 5 to the top. Man the first turret you see, and shoot the guard to your right, then the one approaching from the left. Fire your missiles at the gunship, then let loose with the machinegun. If your aim is even half-decent, you shouldn't have to use another turret. Once the gunship is no more, run to the newly open time portal and make your escape. Reward: Character- Hybrid Mutant ---------------- V. 1932- Chicago ---------------- *Main Objectives* -Drain the whisky barrels. (4) -Rendezvous with your informant. -Protect Marco as he returns to his hideout. -Obtain the Nightclub pass card. -Eliminate Big Tony. -Retrieve the Time Crystal. -Escape through the time portal. *Secondary Objectives* -Prevent Tony's brother from escaping. -Minimize civilian casualties. (5) Immediately, turn right and get out onto the railing. Peer down and look for the ammo box. Drop down to it, then get behind the guard on the left. Kill him with a pistol shot to the head, then walk over and kill the guy walking beside the ship. Go up the stairs, then arm your temporal uplink. Wait for the guard to walk into the back recess, then run up behind him and take him out. Find the small O'Leary's barrel, and shoot it close to the bottom. Turn around and head up the stairs. Stay to the right as you climb up. Look through the right side of the window. Make sure the guard down on the right isn't there, then take out the guard on the left. Go down the path, peek around the corner, and take out the guard standing there. Wait for the third guard to walk toward the exit door, then run down and shoot him from behind. Before you head outside, be sure to get the whisky barrel in the corner. Walk out, turn right, and go answer the ringing phone. It's for you. After you talk with Marco, go across the street, and run down the right side. Shoot the guard in the recess, and take his Tommy Gun. Look down the next street, and be ready to shoot. As soon as the car nears, unload with your Tommy Gun. Try to stay in front of the car so you don't get shot. Walk down toward O'Leary's and go in the garage on the right. Grab the armor and ammo, and shoot the whisky barrel. Conitnue down the street and go talk to Marco behind the newspaper stand. After you talk, it's time to fight. Two goons come from where you came from, and three come from the opposite direction, and another one is in the bar area. Now head back out and go talk to Marco again. You'll have goons from both sides as Marco makes his way along, taking his sweet time. The enemies come in the following order. The first two are in front, then one from behind. As you turn the corner, look up and left for a sniper. There's also one in the highrise with Tony's safe in one of the upper windows. Then another two guards come, one from each the front and back. Follow Marco into his hideout, grab the TNT, then head into the building on your right. Go up the stairs and right. Look for the far guard to approach the stairs on the left, then peek around the corner and get the guard there. Then run over to the other guy and kill him. A third guard should run down, right into your waiting cross-hairs. While you're down there, shoot the last whisky barrel, then head up the stairs. You should now be in a large stairwell. Get onto the stairs, and look left on the next floor. Aim up and hit the guard you see. Go up to the third floor. There is a guard at the bottom of this floors stairs, so shoot him before he shoots you. Another guard will usually run down, so shoot him, too. Go into this floor's room, and grab the body armor at the foot of the bed. The next floor has a Vintage Rifle and some rifle ammo. Kill Braces on your way up to the top floor. Go into this room, put the TNT on the safe's door, and back off. Grab the member's card, then answer the phone. Head back down a floor to the windows. In the right window, look down and right for a sniper. Look straight across the street in a window for another. Look below him on the ground for a third. Head back to the bottom floor, then back into the sub-level. As you leave the building look for a guard on the right, and another on the left, both coming from staircases on either side. Look down the next street. Ignore the civilian to the left, but shoot the Tommy Gun-toting guard on the right. Slide down the left side of the street, looking down the right fork. As soon as you see the sniper, shoot him. Wait for the guard carrying a Shotgun to stroll across the fork and kill him. Go forward and look down the left fork. Take out the sniper in the back window, then the guard with the Tommy Gun that goes to investigate. Open the gates to the Sunrise Club and make your way in. CHECKPOINT Shoot the two guards by the door, then head up the stairs and inside. Turn left when you enter, and follow the path. Head down the stairs and open the door. Shoot the guard on the right, then go forward, and get the one on the lower level. Grab the body armor, and head on in. Walk on in and watch the left side. When the guard jumps out, kill him. Go behind the window on your left for a Tommy Gun x2. Keep heading on. Shoot the guy at the corner, then kill Braces in the room with the large pillar. Approach the grand hall unti you hear Big Tony yelling at you. Immediately back away to the pillar room. As soon as he comes around the corner, let him have it with both barrels. When he's finished, grab the Time Crystal and jump in the portal. Reward: Character- Big Tony -------------------- VI. 1895- Notre Dame -------------------- *Main Objectives* -Rescue the maidens. (4) -Fight off the Portal Demon. -Make your way to the roof to escape Notre Dame. -Retrieve the Time Crystal. -Escape through the time portal. -Eliminate Jacque de la Morte. *Secondary Objectives* -Help the hunchback escape with the maiden. Follow the path until you find the zombies. Use your scope to decapitate them as you find them. Get the first one, then walk forward until the next two wake up. Back up, and blast them both. Head past the sewer water, and into the first path to your left. Go to the far end of this passageway. When the zombies get up, hit the left one first so it doesn't spit at you, then take care of the right one. Flip the switch, then head back and left. Grab the Shotgun to your left, then kill the zombie that aproaches. Kill the next zombie, then head into the pipe. When you get to the gate, hit the switch on the left wall, then go up the stairs and get the armor. Shoot the new zombie, then head through the arch. Shoot the zombie around the corner, then head up the stairs. When you approach, a new zombie appears up the stairs. Behead him and keep going. Go up the spiral staircase into the wine cellar. Go forward until the boarded wall explodes, then run back close to where you came in at. Shoot the zombies as they approach. Prioritize your targets, and shoot the flaming zombies first, then the basic ones. Do not get set on fire. There's no way to extinguish yourself. Head through the broken wall, where you'll now see a maiden. As you approach, a zombie appears. Take it out without harming the maiden. Free her, and watch for the zombie on your left. Run over and get the armor, then fight off the two zombies that appear. Run forward, and go all the way to the maiden in the back. Guard her from the several zombies that appear, then free her. Head back to the two cells, and shoot the lock off the one with the maiden. When you walk in, turn around for the zombie, then free her. Ignore the Changeling, which looks like a maiden, but she doesn't move. Head up the stairwell. CHECKPOINT Look up the stairs and blast the zombie. Head up, through the path, and into the cathedral. Head out, and get behind the pews. Shoot the closest Undead Priest to your left, then get the right one before he can react. Run over and blast the third, then turn around and get the one behind you. Grab the Time Crystal, then head to the back of the hall. Run over to the armor, then arm your Luger Pistol. Look down the hallway and shoot the Priest as he jumps around the corner. Head up the spiral staircase, and blast the zombie a little ways up. At the top, shoot the Priest, then ring the bell. Run back down and to the maiden. Begin blasting zombies with the help of the hunchback. Let him do most of the work to conserve ammo. When you're done, head to the other side of the cathedral and through the hallway. Grab the armor and head up. Duck in the first recess for a Shotgun. Watch for the zombie as you climb, then head through the room with the cross. Go through the next hallway onto the balcony. Switch to the Luger Pistol x2, and look up and left as you emerge. Unload your Lugers at the massive beast. If he fires his homing blasts, duck behind a pillar. If you're fast, the zombies won't even be a bother. Work your way over to the other door, and through the hallway to the last body armor. Grab it and head outside. Once outside, take your time as you move forward. Blast the Undead Priests as soon as you see them. A Shotgun is preferable for the Priests. Blast the Scourge Splitter and Priests when they appear, and keep pressing onward. Another three Priests appear, then Jacque makes his entrance. Switch to your Luger Pistol x2 and let him have it. If you're quick, he should only be able to get a couple of shots in. Once he's dead, get into the time portal to make your escape. Reward: Character- Jacque de la Morte ----------------------------- VII. 2280- Return to Planet X ----------------------------- *Main Objectives* -Repel the beach attack. -Locate the crashed UFO. -Fight off the raid on the crashed UFO. -Shoot the escaping UFO's. (15) -Retrieve the Time Crystal. -Escape through the time portal. Immediately turn left, grab the Scifi Handgun, and drop down into the hole. Head through the tunnel and take a right at the fork. Watch the right wall, then turn toward the opening. Shoot the alien that appears, and keep moving. When you get into the open, turn right. Shoot the alien on ground level, then look up and hit the one on the bridge. Head along the path until you see part of the Homing Launcher on the ground. As you approach the corner, an alien armed with a LaserGun will attack. Kill him, grab the part, and move on. Turn the corner, and kill the alien up on the bridge. When you reach the underside of the bridge, anothe alien comes running, so kill him, too. Go around the next corner, and drop down in the hole. Grab the body armor, then go out into the open and to the right. Follow the wall until you find homing rockets and a new objective. Turn around and get up to the center turret. Watch the large pillar in front of you, and alternate aiming at bothe sides. Shoot the aliens as they appear, and don't worry oo much about taing damage, as the turret will block most of the fire. Grab their ammo, then head through the now open security gates. Head on and turn the corner. As you approach the next corner, shoot the panicky alien ,and grab the Plasma Autorifle and ammo to your right. Run to either side of the circular roo, and get into the opening quickly. Don't bother staying to shoot bugs. Shoot the next alien, then go the end of the tunnel. Grab the body armor to your right if you need it and keep moving. Grab the wepaon part and head toward the UFO. run back toward the far wall, then follow the wall to the right. Stay away from the UFO's turrets and blast the aliens as they appear. When the blue aliens appear, let the fight with the red ones as they please, then just finish off the survivors. Head over to the blue teleport by the UFO. Once inside, head up the incline, and to the outer part of the UFO interior. Work your way around to the left until you reach a hole, shooting aliens along the way that appear. Jump down the hole. CHECKPOINT Turn right and head down the path. Around a corner stands a lone alien. Take him out as you will. When you approach the large open area, shoot the alien on the high area, grab the armor, and head back. Continue on. Shoot the alien around the corner, and the one that appears a little ways farther. Go up through the tunnel until you see some homing rockets. Stay back and shoot the few aliens you see. Go forward until the red aliens appear. After that, all hell breaks loose. Back up toward the tunnel, and let the aliens kill each other. Only bother with the ones that come after you. After the majority are dead, follow the left wall, and look up on the balcony for another alien. Go across the metal floor toward the mounted camera, and go in the small tunnel on the right wall. Shoot the alien on your way up, go across the bridge, shoot the second alien, then go across another bridge. Shoot the two aliens here, grab the body armor, then get into the tunnel just past the circular metal room on the left. Go across the bridge and shoot the alien. Stay along the right wall, and go into the tunnel on your right, where another alien awaits. Follow the path, and go in the metal door. Head straight forward, and go past the circular room. Take a right, and man the large gun. Just wait for UFO's to appear, and shoot them down. Once the UFO's are toast, head out the door. When you see the vid screen, get back in the gun. Look down and right, and shoot the two aliens. Now exit the gun, take a left, and go to the circular room. Go down, turn left, and go into the newly opened door. Head down the ramp, and shoot the alien that waits for you. Follow the path until you reach a catwalk like area. Shoot the two aliens here, and keep moving. Go into the cross-shaped path and go forward until you see a UFO and the ceiling open. Back up and hit the aliens one by one. This is a great place to use that Homing Launcher you should have. Once those three are toast, take a left and go in the teleporter. Shoot the splitter in front of you, and go right. Go in the opening andd turn right. Grab the time crystal, then work your way back to the central ring and escape through the time portal. Reward: Character- Ozor Mox --------------------- VIII. 2019- Neo Tokyo --------------------- *Main Objectives* -Follow the hacker to the research area. -Obtain the hacker's password. -Gather evidence of TimeSplitter research. (2) -Upload the evidence to the local police server. -Retrieve the Time Crystal. -Deactivate the TimeSplitter machine. -Escape through the time portal. *Secondary Objectives* -Minimize civilian casualties. Don't allow Krayola, police, or any cameras to spot you. Use your Temporal Uplink to monitor the latter two. From the start, drop off the right side, and strafe right onto the sidewalk. Go forward across the street, and turn right. Head down the street and take a left into the lerge opening. Punch out the glass and grab the guns and ammo, but re-arm your Temporal Uplink. Go across the street, and head right, but make sure you're not too fast, or Krayola will spot you. Go around the corner. Go past the first camera on this street, then cross the street to avoid the second. Continue down the right side until ou reach the third camera. Wait for Krayola to pass you here, while you wait in the corner behind and to the right of the last camera. Once she gets a little ways ahead of you, cross the street, staying to the right side. When the camera at the far end of this street swings left, run under it, then run down into the sewers. Run to the end of the tunnel, but stay back from Krayola so she doesn't see you. Let her get into the right tunnel, but stay back a bit. When she rounds the corner, use your Uplink, and wait for her and the Barby Gimp to start down the hallway. Then run around the fence and into the research area. Once you pass the seurity gate, get into the first romm on your left. Use the camera switch, and switch to the third, which shows a red/orange terminal. Get the password, then allow her to walk away. Get out in the hall, and snipe Barby Gimp from there. Then make your way down the hallway to the terminal. CHECKPOINT Activate it, then run up the stairs to the door. When it opens, wait for the patrolling Milkbaby, and shoot her before going any farther. Go into the far door and shoot the guard there, as well as the one that attacks from the right door. Go into the far door, and get the body armor and camera by the table. Open the lockers and get the AstroLander cart and the SBP90 Machinegun. Go back down the hall, and use about 10 rounds to disable the mounted turret. Turn around and go into the right door. Go into the right door from there, and take a picture of the bulletin board on the left wall. Go out of the room, and disable the other mounted turret. Head back down to the two doors, and look into the farthest window. Take a picture of the timesplitter, and head back to the locker room. Activate the terminal, and wait out the alarm. Go back out and to the door on your left, then take the right hallway to the far door. Go in the room, and run toward the splitter, avoiding the lightning as you approach. Throw the power switch on the right side and back away. Make your way back to the terminal room, killing the three guards that attack as you go. Head down the stairs for a guard, and through the hole in the wall for another. Another comes from the camera room, and another around the fence. Head around the fence and down the hall. Two more guards should file down the ramp, so take them out, too. A third should walk down into the sewer area as you near the exit. Edge along the left side and look up and right. You should just be able to see a guard's head, making for an easy kill. Go up the ramp slowly, and look to the right for a guard behind a blue box. Head forward, then follow the street right. Make short work of Riot Officers and hackers as you move along. When you get a reading on the crystal, look for Sadako. Kill her and take the crystal. Grab the crystal, and go back in the direction you came from. Head down the street and left around the corner. Head to the end of this street, and take a right. Follow the path, and kill a couple of Riot Officers for easy access to the time portal. Reward: Character- Sadako ------------------- IX. 1853- Wild West ------------------- *Main Objectives* -Rescue Ramona from jail. -Put out the fire in the barn and rescue the girl. -Eliminate the Colonel. -Retrieve the Time Crystal. -Escape through the time portal. *Secondary Objectives* -Destroy the wanted posters to clear Ramona's name. (5) Watch out for the first shooter to your right as soon as the level begins. Step right, arm your Garret, and drop him. Stay to the left and peek around the corner. Shoot the enemy in the distance. Turn right and head between the buildings, then left up the stairs at the end. Look through the windows to the left a bit and take out the guy on the building's corner. Leap to the ground and go forward. Go around the corner towards the Sheriff's office. Look to the left building as you advance. Look up to the corner for the enemy standing there. Shoot him undetected. Continue forward and watch the Sheriff's office entrance, and shoot the enemy that jumps out. Head into the Sheriff's office and go to the wall. Turn right and go to the end, then open the chest to your right for the Gun Powder. Head back out and left. Go into the alleyway on your left and follow it. When you approach the light, slow down. Crouch and strafe right to see the sniper in the bell tower. Kill him, and step out into the open. Head left through the arcg toward the wagon. Get behind it and push it toward the jail window where Ramona is. Look for the U.S. flag in the corner with two crates on the ground beneath it. Make a trail of gun powder from the crates to the wagon, then destroy the crate. This should light the powder, then blow up the wagon, freeing Ramona. Head back thorugh the archway, and look into the door you originally emerged from. When Ramona goes around the inside corner, follow behind and shoot the three new gunmen that have appeared. Turn right, then head down the street to the now open door. Peek around the corner of the building to your right after you pass through the tunnel. There is one enemy around the corner of the second building to the left. There's another on the second floor of the building at the end of the street. There's a third behind the corner of the building past the barn. After he's gone, turn left anmd hit the new enemy that has made himself visible. Head forward until you hear the woman screaming. Aim up past her to the barrels on the ceiling, and take a shot at each. One enemy runs out of the barn while you're shooting, so kill him first. Across the road from the barn before the building is an alley. Go inside for some armor. Look at the first window of the General Store as you pass. After he's dead, back up so that you can see the guy in the second floor of Old El Jays through the first window. Take the easy shot, and continue down the road. Watch the far window of the bank for a shooter, but be wary of the other enemy that comes around the right corner as you pass approach. Ease around the corner at Old El Jay's to hit the sniper on top of the stable, and move on. CHECKPOINT As you head into the left path, watch for the Garret Revolver x2-wielding enemy that jumps from the corner. Take him out, as well as his late backup. As you begin to go between the uildings, look right. In the first window is a shooter, as well as another around the small extension on the building. Look around the corner of the left building for another gunman trying to surprise you, and take him out, too. Head into the mine tunnel. Grab the armor in the second niche, and ignore the minecart for now. As you near the opening, two shooters will attack, then a third as well as you get farther, all of which shouldn't pose too much of a threat. Run out and left, chasing the Colonel into the building. Don't bother shooting yet. When you come around the corner, and his health is displayed, let him have it with the double Garrets you should have gotten. Get into the building for some cover. Once he's dead, run into the building and throw the rail-change switch. Four enemies should attack you about now. Kill them, then make a run back to the minecart from earlier. Three more should attack as you run back, as well as another two that will come from under the building. Once you reach the cart, get behind it and give it a good push. This should push some of the enemies away. Follow the track outside. Run across the bridge, being careful not to fall. Run into the new shaft and get the Time Crystal. Run past the Reapers, back out onto the bridge. Run until you're over the time portal, then jump off and finish the level. Reward: Character- The Colonel -------------------- X. 1972- Atomsmasher -------------------- *Main Objectives* -Activate the reactor. -Defuse the bombs. (5) -Retrieve the Time Crystal. -Eliminate Khallos. *Secondary Objectives* -Minimize scientist casualties. (3) From the start, run over to the door, avoiding the laser. Run over to the door switch, grabbing the Temporal Uplink as you do. while the door's opening, go back to the control panel. Activate the switch, and shut off the three cameras. Run out the door and around the corner. If you're quick you can catch up to the guard while his back is to you. Knock him out and take his gun. Then take a head shot on the other guard in the room. Go over to the scientist, have him defuse the bomb, and head back to the fork in the road. If you missed a shot, the guard will be attacking, so take him out. If he hasn't attacked, just eliminate him with a head shot. Open up the door. Go in and strafe left. Shoot the guard past the boxes, then go past where he was and around the corner. Go forward and stay left until you reach a stack of boxes with two guards just beyond. Peek around the edge and take out the one on the left, then the one on your right. As you go farther down, another Henchman and a Dark Henchman will round the corner, so don't be caught off guard. Head through the heavy door, and through the shutter. Go into the room, and immediately left. Look down the hall and take out all of the guards before they kill the scientist. When they're all dead, he'll defuse the second bomb. Use your Temporal Uplink to see where the autogun at the end of the hall is facing. When it looks left run up to it, then run right by it without being seen. As you approach, two Henchmen leap from around the corner, so use the boxes for cover if you need to. When you pass the gun, look up and left for a sniper. Turn the valve handle, and grab the remote mines under the stairs. Head up the stairs. CHECKPOINT Halfway up the stairs, another Henchman attacks. Take him out and keep moving. Watch out for the Dark Henchman at the top of the stairs. Grab their rifles and the fire extinguisher from the wall. Use the extinguisher to put out the large fire atop the stairs. As the door opens, look on top of the crate for a sniper. Walk forward, and point at the crate. When the door falls off, shoot the Dark Henchman before he can react. Grab the armor in the crate and start heading down the hall. A Henchman starts to run at you, but watch for the crate on your left that houses a guard. There's also a Dark Henchman around on the backside of the crate. As you continue, another two Henchman appear, so eliminate them. Watchfor the sniper and guard around the next corner, and switch over to your Soviet. Shoot the Henchman and Dark Henchman, then the next Henchman from around the crate. As you get just beyond the crate, two more Henchman appear. Switch to your Sniper Rifle and aim at the autogun. Shoot a single bullet at the small square extension on top of it. That will effectively disable it. Head into the door on your right. Inside, turn the valve handle and get a fire extinguisher refill if you need it. When you exit the room, put a remote mine on the side of the crate on your left on the near side. Walk toward the next door, keeping your eye on the crate. When it opens, detonate the mine, then take care of the Henchman from around the crate with the mounted gun. Activate the terminal. Using the Primary fire button to activate the magnet, and the Left and Right Strafe (The ones you use while in aiming mode) follow along the bomb and lift it up. Then move it to the far right, and drop it in the bin. Head out and go left around the crate. Fire a grenade at the autogun, or use your Sniper Rifle to disable it. As you pass it, watch for the sniper on the top of the next crate. There's a Henchman right behind the fire extinguisher on the left, and another runs from between the crates. Head down between the crates. Put a mine on the side of each crate near the end farthest from where you approached from. Walk past them, keeping an eye on the crates. When the crates open, blast them. Head down toward the fire. Put out the fires to open the door. As you enter, look up and left for a sniper. Once inside, turn left for another sniper. Head down the left hallway. Turn the cdorner and head down toward the crate. Duck to the right, then look around the crate up at the railing. Shot the guard, then go under where he was. Sta along the wall, and ducj in the first crate for armor. Around the side of the crate across from the armor, a Dark Henchman and a Henchman are patrolling, and a Henchman is patrolling between the other crate and the large shutter, so kill them both. Talk to one of the two scientists in the last crate and have one defuse the bomb. Open the large shutter and continue. Head into the new room, turn left, then head right around the corner. Kill the guard on the ground level, then snipe the Dark Henchman on the railing. Go down the hall, turn right, and go up the ramp. Shoot the guard n the back, and keep moving along. As you approach the top, you'll see the last bomb. Just beyond that is the scientist, so have him defuse the bomb. Throw the switch he was standing by, and take a breather. Head through the now open door. Look across the pipes, and snipe the two guards minding their own business. Hop onto the small left pipe and walk across. You'll have to wait for steam to die down before passing, so be patient as you cross. Once acorss, shoot the red panel next to the door, then head in. Turn right around the corner and disable the autogun at the end of the hall. Turn right into the control room and throw the switch on the panel near the window. Head out the left door, grab the armor and ammo, and drop down. Head straight forward back through the large shutter, and turn right. When you near the corner, three Dark Henchman come around it to confront you, so kill them. Grab the armor if you need it, and head into the reactor room. Ignore the splitters in this room for now. Immediately run to the left switch and throw it. Then turn around and run to the center switch. Then run over to the final switch. Khallos's accuracy isn't exactly great, so don't worry too much until he gets closer. Once all three switches have been thrown, center Khallos on your screen, and let him have it with your Soviet. Grab the Time Crystal, and use your Soviet x2 to clear splitters out of the way as you head to the time portal. Reward: Character- Khallos --------------------- XI. 1920- Aztec Ruins --------------------- *Main Objectives* -Find the lost temple. -Defeat the golems. (7) -Retrieve the Time Crystal. -Escape through the time portal. From the beginning, follow the monkey up into the cave. Head around the corner until you are about to get out into the open again. Turn left and slide to the right until you see a perched monkey. Kill it. Turn the corner and scare away the group of monkeys. Turn left, then follow the cave until you reach a brick wall. Go around the left corner, then turn right. Kill the native that appears directly in front of you, grab his Crossbow, then go around the corner and right. Go past the beehive and then right to the torch. Push against the fire pit to light your arrows on fire. They'll stay like this until you reload. Backtrack a bit, burn the beehive, then reload and relight your arrows. Go past the other side of the hive down into the depression. Turn right and torch the Wood Golem with your arrows. Around the corner past is a native, so don't get caught off guard. Go forward and right throug hthe tunnel for another native. Make sure you have flaming arrows before advancing. You can use the torch on the wall where the last native was if you want. Before running out into the clearing, peek to the right and torch the beehive. Run out into the opening. Look for the Wood Golem from the left. Go to the far side, and take a left onto the path. Kill the native there, then go to the far end and hang a right up the stairs. Go straight down the path, then left. At the bottom of the hill, turn left around the next two corners. Slide out between the rows of pillars and shott the approaching native. Be sure to watch your back, as a native will attempt to suprise you. Ignore the monkeys atop the pillars for now. Go back, light your arrows, then run through the pillars and torch the beehive. Grab the armor under the far ramp, then turn around and go up the stairs. Look through the window and pick off the monkeys with your pistol. Go back into the pillar room. While moving the pillars, be wary of any sneaky natives that may arrive. The pillar puzzle works like this (The numbers indicate how many times to rotate each pillar): _+------+ _ 1 1 | | | | 3 3 | | | | 1 2 | +--+ +-+ | | Now that that's over with, head through the now open path. You'll be attacked by a few natves after opening the door, so don't get caught unaware. Head down through the tunnel until you get to the bridge. Head across, follow the tunnel, and throw the switch. Pick off that melon-throwing monkey and head back around to the bridge. When you near the other side, two natives will attack. Kill them, then turn right at the fork. At the corner, kill the native, then kill the one around the corner. Take the first right, then turn immediately right and kill the native, then the one behind him. Go forward, then hang a right and go down the tunnel. Kill the native when you near the fork. Turn right, and drop into the hole. CHECKPOINT Head forward through the tunnel. Try and snipe out the monkeys along the edges of the path without getting blasted by a melon. Head towards the temple. When you get close to the door stop. Wait for the two natives to run out, and kill them. Go in, take either turn, and go around the corner until you're looking at stairs on one side. Wait for the native to run out before advancing. Pick off the two natives at the bottom of the stairs. then stroll down. You should see the time crystal going down somewhere. For now, turn around and go behind the staircase. There's a small opening under the stairs. Throw the switch, then head back to the altar. Grab the armor to the right, then slowly head down the stairs. A High Priest attacks as you approach corner two. A native awaits past corner five. When you get to the bottom, watch out for the monkeys with melons. Try to keep moving to avoid being killed. There are two ways to take out the golems in this room. Either use the switches and trap doors to kill them, or hope the monkeys are inaccurate enough often enough to kill them. The former method is preferred. Thw switches are the brighter panels, and the trap doors are the wooden panels. Avoid falling in, or all your hard work will be for naught. There are two golems in the first large room. From where you entered, head right after the first two are gone. You can either go through the debris strewn path to the right, or the small hallway against the wall. On the other side are two more golems and more monkeys. Once the golems are gone, head to the far end of the second side, and take a right into the small hallway. Head right and down a bit for some armor. Go back out, turn right, and go into the hallway, following the path to the right. Go left around the corner and proceed slowly. Watch the walls as you advance for spearheads. When you approach, stop. When the spears are being pulled back in, run by safely. There's a set at the end of the first straight path, one set at the corner, and another set shortly after the corner. Head down until you get to the bridge. Now for some fun. Look around and locate the small heads on the wall. When you hear a grinding noise start looking around. When you find a head that is moving, shoot it with the Vintage Rifle or your Crossbow. If you don't see it, keep moving around so you don't get shot. The current head will have red eyes. When you've hit all seven, the path will open. Turn around and kill the native behind you, then the High Priest down the path. Follow the path until you reach a long stairwell looking area. Peek in and left to kill the High Priest. Run in, turn right, and sprint down the stairs, shooting the two natives as you go. Don't waste time, or you'll be crushed under the boulder behind you. Head down the stairs, around the large block and through the door. Time to get the crystal and the last three golems. Run to the crystal, grab it, then run backwards away from the golems. When you have a chance run around behind them. Go to the left for a grenade launcher, and right for some ammo. Use your new toy to blast the lastt hree golems. As soon as they've been dealt with, run to the time portal and finish the level. Reward: Character- Stone Golem ------------------------ XII. 2315- Robot Factory (Coming Soon!) ------------------------ *Main Objectives* - ------------------------- XIII. 2401- Space Station (Coming Soon!) ------------------------- *Main Objectives* - ------------------------------- XIV. Frequently Asked Questions ------------------------------- Q: What are the Temporal Uplink games? Where are they? How do I play them? A: They're just nifty little diversions that you can waste time with. Anaconda is in Siberia on Easy mode, inside the dam on the bottom row of a shelf. Astrolander is in one of the lockers inside the hacker center in Neo Tokyo on normal. Retro Racer is in the final large room in Robot Factory on Hard, under one of the ramps on the side nearest to the Machinist's room. When you have at least one, arm the Temporal Uplink, then press Reload. Q: Hard is too hard! It's Impossible! A: No it isn't. I know it's hard, but it's still beatable. crate3333's walkthrough at GameFAQs is quite excellent. Q: I don't understand the story. What's happening? Why does Cortez change forms? A: Cortez nad Hart are saving the past, present, and future from the timesplitters. They have to travel through various eras to retrieve the pieces of the Time Crystal. Why he changes forms? I dunno. Perhaps to blend in. ---------------------- XV. Closing and Thanks ---------------------- Thanks go to the sites hosting this that have permission to. If you'd like to contact me with input, suggestions, or fan-mail, drop me a line at mallys[at]gmail[dot]com. The guide will be finished in the next week or so, so until then, be patient.