~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ The Legend of Zelda: Twilight Princess Mini-Games FAQ For the Nintendo Gamecube Version 0.58 (Last Updated 18/02/2009) By Cyndi Gold ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Table of Contents ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Simple enough system, hit CTRL + F on your keyboard and type the shortcut of the section you're looking for. 1.00 - Version History 2.00 - Introduction 3.00 - Compulsary Mini-games 3.01 - Goat Herding I 3.02 - Slingshot Training 3.03 - Sword Training 3.04 - Goat Herding II 3.05 - The Taming of Epona 3.06 - Sumo I 3.07 - Moblin Jousting 3.08 - Sumo II 3.09 - Kargoroc's Lift 3.10 - Moblin Jousting II 3.11 - Armed Escort 3.12 - The Statues Dance 4.00 - Optional Mini-games 4.01 - Archery Training 4.02 - Cat Chatting 4.03 - Chicken Gliding 4.04 - Falbi's Flight-by-Foul 4.05 - Iza's River Rapids I 4.06 - Iza's River Rapids II 4.07 - Plumm's River Trip 4.08 - Rollgoal 4.09 - STAR Game I 4.10 - STAR Game II 4.11 - Yeti Snowboarding I 4.12 - Yeti Snowboarding II 5.00 - Contact Info 6.00 - Legal Info 7.00 - Special Thanks ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ 1.00 - Version History ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ 0.1 (01/01/2007) - First few compulsary mini-games entered after my first runthrough of the game. Entered the names of some optional minigames. 0.5 (07/01/2007) - Compulsary mini-games added, up to entering Lakebed Temple, added detail of some optional mini-games filled in. 0.55 (10/01/2007) - Fixed some grammar and spelling errors and added some of the official names of mini-games. I also added two more compulsary mini-games. 0.58 (13/10/2007) - Next compulsary mini-game added and fixed some other entries. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ 2.00 - Introduction ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ The latest edition to the phenomenon that is the Legend of Zelda series, Twilight Princess is, in my opinion, a legendary game that I will go on to play repeatedly. And that's not just for the story. While the story is gripping, the things that will bring me back to Twilight Princess, to play it over and over are the mini-games. Those small games, hidden in corners that you can immerse yourself in. This guide was made to share these games with you. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ 3.00 - Compulsary Minigames ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ As you go play through Twilight Princess, you will be confronted with mini-games that you need to complete in order to continue the game. Here is a list of those, in the order they appear with advice on how to complete them. ~ ~ ~ ~ 3.01 - Goat Herding I Controls: Analogue Stick - Move Epona A - Whoop Shortly after beginning the game, you will be asked to mount Epona and herd yourself some goats. To herd the goats, simply get them between you and the barn and run towards them. Whooping will make the goats run away from you, so the time to do it is when the goats are between you and the barn. It's easy enough to do and there is no time limit so get used to handling Epona. ~ ~ ~ ~ 3.02 - Slingshot Training Controls: Analogue Stick - Move Slingshot X or Y - Fire Slingshot Once you've bought the Slingshot, the kids are going to want to see it used. You need to hit the 5 targets and both scarecrows. Once you are aware where the seeds are firing, you'll have no trouble. They will land exactly in between the two ends of the Slingshot. ~ ~ ~ ~ 3.03 - Sword Training Controls: B - Use sword Analogue Stick - Change attack L - Target Scarecrow They want to see you use the sword as well! Kids these days. In order to let you actually use your sword, you'll have to demonstrate to some kids you know one end of it from the other. For anyone who has played a Zelda game before, this will feel a chore, but for those who haven't, it's a useful exercise. With snide comments from Malo, show them your sword mastery. First up is the horizontal slice, just press B. Then the stab, push forward on the analogue stick and press B. Next comes the spin attack, hold B and then release. Finally, the jump attack. Hold L and tap A to unleash your fury on a scarecrow. With that you get a big WHOA! and basic training is complete. The kids will tell you about the vertical slice. Hold A and tap B to perform the vertical slice. ~ ~ ~ ~ 3.04 - Goat Herding II Controls: Analogue Stick - Move Epona A - Whoop Exactly the same as before but with more goats. There's a timer in the corner, but it's meaningless. 3 minutes is Link's "normal time" but there's no bonus for working harder. Isn't that just typical? ~ ~ ~ ~ 3.05 - The Taming of Epona Controls: Analogue stick - Steer Epona A - Seize Epona Epona comes raring through Kakariko and you have to calm her down. Tilt the analogue stick in the direction it flashes to steer her away from walls. Hit A when she rears to get control of her once more. ~ ~ ~ ~ 3.06 - Sumo I Controls: Analogue Stick - Sidestep left and right A - Grab and Push B - Slap Mayor Bo instructs you in the art of Sumo so you can gain the respect of the Gorons! The aim is to knock him out the ring twice. Bo doesn't sidestep or slap to start with, so either slap him or, when he grabs, sidestep and then grab him with A and tap it repeatedly to knock him backwards. After you knock him to the ground he'll start round 2. Re-use the method from before and Bo will give you the iron boots! ~ ~ ~ ~ 3.07 - Moblin Jousting Controls: Analogue Stick - Steer Epona A - Dash B - Slash There's nowhere to run! You must fight King Bulblin to the death! The best way to hit him is to turn left before you reach him, dash past and at the last minute swerve right and slash. That way, if you miss him, you probably won't be hit. Slash him twice and he goes down. He'll come back though. Don't worry. ~ ~ ~ ~ 3.08 - Sumo II Controls: Analogue Stick - Sidestep left and right A - Grab and Push B - Slap Gor Coron steps to the plate! This naturally, works exactly the same way as the practice with Bo. However, as the big physical Goron Gor Coron (try saying that three times fast) is, he only ever grabs. As a result, the best way to beat him is wait till he makes a grab, sidestep and then slap him before hammering A to victory! ~ ~ ~ ~ 3.09 - Kargoroc's Lift Controls: Analogue Stick - Move A - Dash A trip up the river for a wolf is not easy so you have to call on the aid of a Kargaroc. It will take you upriver, but you have to steer it around falling rocks and moblin archers. As long as you stay reasonably low, you should be alright as the rocks take ages to fall. Hitting the walls or being hit by rocks means you have to start over. ~ ~ ~ ~ 3.10 - Moblin Jousting II Controls: Analogue Stick - Steer Epona X or Y - Fire Bow A - Dash This is the opening of the Armed Escort mini-game but it is a separate game in it's own right. King Bulblin's back and he has twin shields. One to his left and one to his right. This means the tactic from last time won't work. Instead, equip your bow and shoot him. Turn around and do it again and he'll topple off the bridge. Again. And he still won't die. ~ ~ ~ ~ 3.11 - Armed Escort Controls: Analogue Stick - Steer Epona and move A - Dash, Open gates B - Sword X and Y - Bow and Boomerang After you defeat King Bulblin, you'll have to protect the wagon. Equip the bow and the boomerang to X and Y and we're ready to go. The task is simply don't let the wagon burn. You will be continuously plagued by moblin archers who shoot at the wagon. You can't get rid of them, just temporarily delay them. The most important thing is to kill the Kargarocs (birds). They drop bombs on the route and cause the wagon to turn off the path. When you reach the two gates, get off Epona and open them. Mount Epona and continue attacking moblins. ~ ~ ~ ~ 3.12 - The Statues Dance Controls: Analogue Stick - Move Possibly the hardest puzzle/mini-game to beat in the whole game, start it by howling (Zelda's Lullaby) on the the Triforce Symbol in the Sacred Grove. The two statues come to life and you are placed on a board of squares and have to return the statues to their original location, marked with symbols. One of the statues moves the same way as Link, while the other moves mirrored to him. If you cause the two statues to jump into each other, they'll bounce back and they will stop at the last square on the board rather than jump off. If they land on top of you, you must restart. While I am sure there are many correct sequences, the one I found is this: Right, Down, Left, Left, Up, Right, Up, Up, Right, Down, Down, Left, Up. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ 4.00 - Optional Minigames ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ As well as the complusary mini-games, you get the optional ones. These tend to have rewards while the compulsary ones don't, and tend to be more fun. I've not included fishing as a mini-game, or the collecting of bugs or Poe's Souls. They may come later though. ~ ~ ~ ~ 4.01 - Archery Training Controls: Analogue Stick - Move Bow X or Y - Fire Bow Available after you beat the Goron Mines is this simple game. Use the Gorons to fire yourself onto the roof of Barnes' shop and then to the lookout point. Talk to Talo and agree to show him how to use the bow. You'll be moved down to Malo who will point out three targets for you to hit, getting gradually further away. Finally, you'll have to hit the pole at the lookout spot a long way away. Upon completion you'll be awarded a heart piece! Note: The Hawkeye is only available after beating this challenge. ~ ~ ~ ~ 4.02 - Cat Chatting Controls: Standard game controls After ridding the Hidden Village of Moblins, smash the window of the blue house on the left and talk to the chicken. He will tell you to talk to all the cats. There are 20 in total and they can all be found easily with time. The important thing to know is that you can turn into your human form to find them all. There is a stack of crates in one of the buildings that must be climbed to access the balcony. I found it easier to turn into a human to do this although you can do it as a wolf: Though turning into a human is the best way to get up the stack of crates, it is also possible to jump directly to the second crate by using the table on the north of it. - Credit to HaroFreak for this information The cats will count off the number you have spoken to. Once you have spoken to all twenty, return to the Cucco to be told there is a reward buried in front of the old woman's house. The first time you complete it, the prize will be a Heart Piece, after that, it will be 20 rupees. ~ ~ ~ ~ 4.03 - Falbi's Flight by Foul Analogue Stick - Turn Grab a chicken and fly to the island of wealth! In order to take part, get Fyer to shoot you up the higher part of the lake and talk to the guy at the top. It costs 10 rupees and he tells you to grab a chicken. Any one will do. Ignore the giant floating rupees and aim for the small platform at the top. Land on it and open the chest to get a heart piece. Drop down to all the platforms to get the rupees hidden inside the remaining chests. ~ ~ ~ ~ 4.04 - Goat Herding III Controls: Analogue Stick - Move Epona A - Whoop This is available once you retame Epona in Kakariko Village. Working exactly the same as Goat Herding II with 20 goats again, the clock has a meaning this time. If you get all the goats into the barn in under 3 minutes, you'll be awarded a heart piece by Fado. ~ ~ ~ ~ 4.05 - Iza's River Rapids I Controls: Analogue Stick - Steer and Aim Bomb Arrows X or Y - Fire Bomb Arrows After you speak to Iza, three shadow creatures drop out of a portal for you to kill. After defeating them, Iza asks for your help clearing some rocks. She gives you a bomb bag to help. Fire two arrows at the wall and Iza will tell you to row downriver and shoot some more rocks. As you progress, rupees will appear that you can collect. Further down the river, you'll meet a zora and see another rock wall. Destroy the wall and keep going, following the zora to Lake Hylia. You are allowed to keep the Bomb Bag for your troubles. ~ ~ ~ ~ 4.06 - Iza's River Rapids II Controls: Analogue Stick - Steer and Aim Bomb Arrows X or Y - Fire Bomb Arrows If you go back to see Iza again, she'll challenge you to hit some pots. Shoot them with Bomb Arrows on your way past. Green pots give you 1 point and red pots give you 2. If you hit any walls or rocks you will lose a point. If you have over 25 points at the ned of the ride, you will receive a Bomb Bag upgrade. This doubles the size of any bomb bags you have. ~ ~ ~ ~ 4.07 - Plumm's River Trip Controls: Analogue Stick - Move A - Dash As a wolf, talk to Plumm by any patch of Hawkweed around Lake Hylia to participate in his game. Your first goal is to get 10,000 points. The points system is fairly simple once you understand it. Watermelons are worth 1, Oranges are worth 3 and Strawberries are worth 10. Like that, it would be hard to hit 10,000, but if you get fruit combos, their scores double. So for example, if you get three watermelons in a row, the first would be worth 1 point, the second 2 points and the third 4, giving you a combined score of 7 for 3 watermelons. This can be done up to 10 times, giving a highest count of 5120 for the 10th strawberry in a row. If you get 4 strawberries then a watermelon, the next strawberry will revert to being worth 10 points. Clearly then, you want to aim to get only strawberries. There are 20 in total, but getting 10 in a row will get you over 10,000 and a heart piece from Plumm. ~ ~ ~ ~ 4.08 - Rollgoal Controls: Analogue Stick - Tilt board It's the origins of Super Monkey Ball! Inside Hena's Fishing Hut on Zora's River, is a small game on a chair. If you look at it, Hena will let you play it. It costs 5 rupees to try it and if you beat a level, you get 10 rupees. The best way to play Rollgoal is to tap gently on the analogue stick to move the ball in steps rather than try to roll it steadily through the whole course. Following the tried and tested Mario level orders, it goes from level 1-1, 1-2 up to 1-8. Once you beat a level, exit the hut and re-enter to play the next level. If you beat all of the first 8 levels, you will be able to use the Frog Lure! Beyond that are the the same levels but with a more restricting time limit all the way up to 8-8. If you beat level 8-8, Hena will give you as many rupees as you can carry and allow you to re-play any course you want. ~ ~ ~ ~ 4.09 - STAR Game I Controls: Analogue Stick - Move and aim X or Y - Clawshot Once you have got the Clawshot from the Lakebed Temple, you can enter the circus top in West Hyrule Castle Town and enter the STAR Game. It costs 10 rupees to enter and once you do, you have 30 seconds to collect all the orbs. Point the clawshot at a line of orbs and you'll snap them up in time. When you win, you'll be awarded the Big Quiver which can hold 60 arrows. ~ ~ ~ ~ 4.10 - STAR Game II Controls: Analogue Stick - Move and aim X or Y - Clawshot You'll need the Double Clawshot from the City in the Sky to win this challenge. It has had a price hike to 15 rupees and there are more orbs. Again, follow the lines and you'll get them all. The prize is the Giant Quiver which hold 100 arrows. ~ ~ ~ ~ 4.11 - Yeti Snowboarding I Controls: Analogue Stick: Move A: Crouch and jump After beating Snowpeak Ruins, return to the top of the mountain and talk to Yeto and he'll challenge you to a race down the mountain. Push forward and go wide past him and you'll beat Yeto easily. If you get to close, he'll shove you and you'll lose some time. There is a shortcut that you can easily find if you stick to the left wall of the course just past the trees. When you win he'll congratulate you on your boarding skills. ~ ~ ~ ~ 4.12 - Yeti Snowboarding II Controls: Analogue Stick: Move A: Crouch and jump Having beaten Yeto, next time you get to the top of the mountain, you can talk to Yeta and challenge her to a race. A lot smaller than her husband, she is quite a bit faster. You can still get ahead though, but this time you must take the shortcut as Yeta does. If you can't find it, follow just behind Yeta and she will lead you onto it. Once victory is acheived, Yeta will give you a heart piece. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ 5.00 - Contact Info ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ If you have any information regarding any mini-games I may have left out or tips for completing them, please contact me. I will also answer any questions you may have about them. Please don't waste my time by asking questions answered in the guide. The fastest way to contact me is via the Gamefaqs message boards. Leave an Attention topic on the Gamecube Twilight Princess Social Board and I'll respond. If you don't have a GameFAQs account, I will respond if you contact me via e-mail at nintendogirl1@hotmail.com Put the word "FAQ" in the title, but be aware it may take me some time for me to respond. Credit will of course be given if you help out this guide in any way. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ 6.00 - Legal Info ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ This file is Copyright (c)2006 Cyndi Gold. All rights reserved. The following sites are authorized to post this guide: www.gamefaqs.com www.twilight-princess.org If you would like to post my guide on your website, please contact me and I may allow it. Do not post this guide on your site without contacting me. If you are writing a FAQ for this game and would like to use some of the information in my guide, please e-mail me at the above e-mail address. Plagiarism is fiercely discouraged. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ 7.00 - Special Thanks ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ CJayC and GameFAQs for originally hosting this FAQ. Nintendo for making this game. The Sound Defense for being a good friend and inspiring me to write this FAQ. All the contributors, in particular Devin Morgan whose work I access repeatedly who spend their time helping people like me. The incentive for this guide came from them. The TPSB for being a rowdy bunch of characters, but strong friends. HaroFreak for the information about the Cat Chatting mini-game. Aericon for pointing out some grammar and spelling mistakes. The Legend of Zelda: Twilight Princess: Mini-Game FAQ by nintendogirl1 Version 1.00, Last Updated 2009-02-18 View/Download Original File Hosted by GameFAQs Return to The Legend of Zelda: Twilight Princess (GC) FAQs & Guides