The Legend of Zelda: Twilight Princess FAQ/Walkthrough By: Super Slash Version: 1.0 Email: ---------------------------- =================== VERSION HISTORY =================== v 1.0 - Submitted the guide NOTE: To find what you're looking for, hold Ctrl and press F (Apple for Macs), and type in, for example "IV. Walkthrough", without the quotations. Do this for any section you may be looking for. TABLE OF CONTENTS ------------------- I.........Story II.........Controls III.........Game Basics IV.........Walkthrough V.........Bosses VI.........Item List VII.........Golden Bugs VIII.........Poe Souls IX.........Side Quests X.........Hidden Skills XI.........Pieces of Heart XII.........Equipment Upgrades XIII.........Fishing XIV.........Cave of Ordeals XV.........Mini-Games XVI.........Shops XVII.........Secrets XVIII.........Frequently Asked Questions XIX.........Email Info XX.........Credits XXI.........Copyrights ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ========= I. Story ========= "Deep in the southernmost region of the kingdom of Hyrule lies a village by the name of Ordon. Cradled in the scenic beauty of pristine farmland, the villagers of Ordon make a living by raising livestock. Among the villagers is a boy known as the most skillful rider in all the land. A boy who, it is expected, will one day take over the responsibility of leading Ordon as the village chief. His name is Link... Trusted and liked by all of the villagers, Link is especially loved by the other children of Ordon, among whom he hold unofficial status as the leader of the pack. Link spends his days as a ranch hand and learns the ways of the sword from the village's lone swordsman, Rusl, in his spare time. He often displays his newly honed skills to the village youths, which makes him even more popular. One day Link is showing off his swordsmanship as usual, when a monkey appears. "Hey! That's the monkey that's been causing trouble all over the village! Let's get him!", cry the children. They run after the monkey and into the forest. Link rushes into the heart of the woods after them and is shocked to find that the dark thickets are teeming with countless monsters. After fighting his way through their ranks, Link rescues the child and the monkey from the cage where they are held captive. Until now, the forest had always been a safe place... The next day, after much encouragement by Rusl, Link prepares to set out and deliver the village's tribute to Hyrule Castle. Having never visited the castle before, Link is in high spirits as he prepares for his journey, but when his childhood friend Ilia notices a wound on Epona's haunch, she gives Link an earful for being so careless with his horse. In a huff, Ilia leads Epona away. Link tracks down Ilia and Epona at the mystical spring nearby and attempts to apologize for injuring Epona. But no matter how many times he says he's sorry, Ilia simply refuses to forgive Link. Then Colin, a young boy from the village who idolizes Link, steps forward to mediate the situation. Thanks to Colin's explanation, Link is finally able to get Ilia to drop her guard and talk with him. Having warmed back up, Ilia tells Link, "Come back safely, and don't do anything reckless!" Just then... A monster astride a huge boar comes crashing out of the forest. The fearsome monster and its mount break through the gate to the spring and attack the youths. Caught off guard by the sudden assault, Link is helpless to stop the monster from delivering a blow that renders him unconscious. Through the fog of his half-conscious mind, Link watches Colin and Ilia get swept off by the monster..." ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ============= II. Controls ============= ---------- Wii Remote ---------- Wii Remote: Point the Wii Remote at the screen to do several things such as aim with a weapon, move the cursor in the menu screens, move the blue fairy on the screen, etc. A Button: Press this to talk to people, open doors, etc. This button also zooms on the Map screen B Button: Press this to use the weapon that you have set to the B Button. This also cancels the screen you're on and such. This button also zooms on the Map screen Home Button: Press this to bring up the Home menu - Button: Press this to bring up your inventory, and skip certain scenes + Button: Press this to bring up the Collection screen where you can save your game, see how many Poe Souls you've taken, etc. 1 Button: Press this to bring up the Map screen 2 Button: Press this to toggle the minimap on and off D-Pad: Press Up on the D-Pad to talk to Midna (after you meet her). Press Left, Right, or Down while having an item on the Inventory screen selected to assign the item to that button on the D-Pad. Press the button again out of the Inventory screen to assign that item to the B Button, where you can then use the item with the B Button ------- Nunchuk ------- Z Button: Press this to Z-Target a nearby foe or target. Press it when no foes or targets are nearby, and you'll use your shield C Button: Press this to bring up the First-Person view Control Stick: Use this to move Link. This also moves around the cursor on the Collection screen and such ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ================= III. Game Basics ================= In this section, I will list the basics of the game. If you're new to the Zelda series in general, be sure to read this section before playing! ------------- Battle System ------------- The battle system is like it always has been (for the most part) in the Zelda franchise. Only this time, you get to have all the battling action using the Wii Remote and Nunchuk attachment! You run through dungeons, fields, and even villages, using your arsenal of weapons and items to defeat monsters and bring order back to Hyrule. Using the Wii Remote you can aim with certain weapons, swing Link's sword, and much more. The Nunchuk is also there to help, as it allows Link to move, enter First-Person view, and Z-Target enemies. Each time you find an enemy, if it spots you, it will attack you on sight. Throughout the dungeons you will face many hard enemies and mini-bosses, and you must find a way to navigate through the dungeons and find the enemy's weaknesses. Each time you get hit, you lose a certain amount of hearts, which is your life meter in this game. Don't worry, though; it's possible to increase the amount of hearts you have by collecting Pieces of Heart and Heart Containers. I will explain below how to battle with the Wii Remote and Nunchuk, in both of Link's forms (normal and wolf). Normal Link ----------- Sword Attack: Flick the Wii Remote to the side Sword Stab: Hold the Z Button and hold Up on the Control Stick, then flick the Wii Remote to the side to do a stab attack Jump Attack: With your sword out, hold the Z Button and press the A Button to perform a jump attack Spin Attack: With your sword out, flick the Nunchuk to the side. After it's done once, your sword must recharge before it can be done again Wolf Link --------- Run: Hold the Z Button and press the A Button to start running fast for a short time Dash Attack: Flick the Wii Remote to the side Tail Spin Attack: Flick the Nunchuk to the side. After it's done once, your tail must recharge before it can be done again Midna Jump: When Midna prompts you to press Up, do so and she'll move to an area you can't reach normally. Z-Target her and press the A Button to leap to Midna Energy Field: Press and hold the B Button, and Midna will create a forcefield around you. If any nearby enemies walk into the forcefield, then release the button to attack all of the enemies at once Wolf Senses: Press Left or Right on the D-Pad to activate Wolf Link's senses. This allows you to spot any nearby spirits and digging places and such Digging: Press Down on the D-Pad and Wolf Link will attempt to dig Both Links ---------- Sidestepping: Press and hold the Z Button, then hold the Control Stick to the Left or Right and press the A Button to sidestep Backflipping: Press and hold the Z Button, then hold the Control Stick Down and press the A Button to backflip Summoning Minda: Press Up on the D-Pad to summon Midna, where you get a few options, like "Talk to Midna" --------------- Other Mechanics --------------- Hearts ------ Hearts are your primary source of health in this game. You start the game out with as little as three hearts, but that's more than enough for the first one or two dungeons. Each time you beat a dungeon, the boss of that dungeon leaves behind a Heart Container. Collecting it adds one whole heart to your life meter. There are also Pieces of Heart scattered everywhere throughout Hyrule, which restore all of your lost health. These also help to gain more life energy, which I'll explain in more detail below. Pieces of Heart --------------- Throughout the game, you'll find many things scattered across Hyrule known as Pieces of Heart. They're well-hidden, but you'll probably stumble across a few as you go through the game normally. There are two in each dungeon (except the last one), which is new (a Zelda game has never had two Pieces of Heart in every dungeon except the last one) to the Zelda franchise. Also new to the Zelda games is the fact that you need five Heart Pieces to gain a new Heart Container, rather than four. Each time you get five pieces, a new heart is added to your life. Pieces of Heart are pretty useful, so search well for them! Rupees ------ Your source of income in Legend of Zelda games. Rupees are colorful jewels that come in several colors. Each Rupee you collect gives you a certain amount of money, which is used at shops and such to buy items. Rupees are essential in beating the game, and you'll find plenty of them throughout Hyrule. This is actually one of the easier Zelda games to find Rupees in. Hidden Skills ------------- This game has a feature similar to The Legend of Zelda: The Minish Cap. You will find an orange, shiny wolf somewhere during the beginning of the game. If you approach it, it attacks you and you're carried to a plain white area where a fallen swordsman is (he's actually the wolf that attacked you, and has a zombie-like appearance). He teaches you hidden sword skills so that you will become the "true master" of Hyrule. Only one hidden skill is required, but it's helpful to get all (or at least a lot) of them. Throughout the game, you'll see several stones with a hole in the center. As a wolf, you can play a melody in front of this stone, which triggers the orange wolf to appear at a certain location of Hyrule, marked on your map. Go to him to learn another sword skill. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ================ IV. Walkthrough ================ NOTE: Before starting, know this: the Gamecube version and the Wii version of this game aren't different, except that they're mirrored. So basically, if you're using this walkthrough for the Gamecube version, read east as west, west as east, north as south, and south as north. Now that we've gotten that out of the way, we can begin. Upon creating a new file, you are given the choice to name the main character. By default, his name is Link. Then you get to name your horse, which is named Epona by default. I will refer to them as Link and Epona throughout the guide, so take note of that. After the brightness adjusting screen, we get on with the game, starting at the village of Ordon by the springs. You will see Link's swordfighting teacher, Rusl. He talks about the two worlds, and about how sadness occurs as dusk falls. He says that he was supposed to deliver something to the royal family of Hyrule, but he wants Link to do it for him. After a little bit of dialogue, the two go back to the village. Link carries Epona with them, as well. ============== Ordon Village ============== Eventually, after a short cinema, Link will be back in his house. That evening, someone calls Link's name. He wants you to help him herd in the loose goats. Epona is nowhere in sight, however, so now we must go find him. When you gain control of Link, head east and through the path leading to the next area. In the next area, follow the path north until you get to the middle (look on the map). Then, head east and to the springs, where you'll find Link's childhood friend, along with Epona. Talk to her after the cinema, and she'll ask you to pick up a piece of grass nearby to play a song that Epona likes. Go in front of the grass to the right and press A to pick it up. Press A again to blow a tune, and Epona will come to you. Run up to Epona's saddle and press A to get on. Riding Epona is easy. Just press A while running to make her go faster, but you can only do it a few times, then she has to gain her energy back again. Head out of the spring area, and go south back to where Link's house is. Then, go south and continue to the next area, which is where all of the villagers and their homes are. After a cinema showing the people and the houses, you'll see three nearby villagers. You can talk to them while on Epona by Z-Targetting them and pressing A. By the way, to dismount Epona, just stop and press A when prompted. Those three villagers speak of some sort of monkey that's been roaming around lately. Head down the path and speak with the other people if you want. Rusl (the one with the sword) will tell you about a fishing rod that a boy named Colin is working on. It should be ready by the next day, so for now, just continue south and to the next area. This is the ranch. ============ Ordon Ranch ============ Head into the field, and make sure you still have Epona mounted. Then, head up to the guy ahead, whos name is Fado. There's many goats around, and they refuse to go back into the barn. If you're on Epona, Fado asks you to help herd them back in. Accept his offer, and a (rather boring) mini-game begins. You have to herd ten goats back into their barn. To do this, you have to run around on Epona and press A in front of the goats. This makes them run. Lure them to the barn until they go in. When you get all ten goats in the barn, the mini-game ends. Fado then asks if you'd like to practice with Epona around the fences. He sets up the fences for you, and tells you to leave through the gate you came in when you're ready. Practice up with Epona if you want; just give her speed by pressing A and jump over the fences a few times. Whenever you're ready, have Epona jump over the gate going back to the ranch. You'll get the option to save, then the game will tell you about how to save. ============== Ordon Village ============== The next day, Link will be woken up by the villagers. You'll then appear on a platform in Link's house. Climb down to the ground, and explore Link's house if you wish. You can go in the basement, but it's pitch dark. You can come later when you get an item that allows you to see in dark places, then you can get the chest in the basement which contains 50 Rupees. Anyway, exit Link's house, and climb down the ladder. Talk to one of the kids ahead, and you'll hear them gossip about a slingshot. Apparently they want it, but have no Rupees on them. It's sold at the shop in this village. Look behind you and talk to the kid next to Epona. He is Colin. He was going to give you a fishing rod, but his dad has it and told him that you should come get it. Continue south to the next area. At the village area, talk to the man by Fado's house (the first house you see), and he'll show you the beehive above the house. He says that he wants to knock it down, and that his wife isn't in a good mood. He needs something that'll cheer her up. Continue through the village to the vine wall, and someone will tell you to talk to him while Z-Targeting. He'll ask you to climb up the vines; just run up to them to climb them. Climb up, and he'll show you Sera's cat. Sera is the girl that's in a bad mood. The cat won't stop staring at the creek. He shows you a piece of grass on the platform ahead. He tells you that you can jump to it by just holding Up and jumping off of the platform to the next. Do so, and take a piece of grass. Howl into it to call a big hawk. Point the Wii Remote at the screen, and turn around with the Control Stick. Look at the top of the brown house, and point the cursor at the beehive. Press A when the cursor is on the beehive to release the hawk, then it'll ram into it and knock it down, making the bees flee. Yay! Go back to the man by Fado's house and speak with him. He'll thank you for it. Go around the house to find a hill going up. At the top is a long vine wall. Climb it all the way up to the top of a tree bark. Walk across the tree and get the Blue Rupee and the Yellow Rupee (worth five and ten, respectively). Jump off the tree, and go north to a few pumpkins. Pick them up, along with any other similar object such as rocks, and press A to throw them. Throw them against the wall and get any Rupees that come out. You will need at least 30 Rupees, but you won't be able to get them all immediately. Head south and speak with the girl by the river. She'll tell you that a cradle has gone missing. Continue south, and talk to the guy by the house. After his speech, someone will yell because of a goat that's roaming around the place. This is a rather pointless thing to do. Sidestep to the goat's direction, and hold A in front of the goat's horns to toss him aside. You get no reward for this. Now, go back to where the guy was that taught you about Z-Targeting. Climb up the vines again and jump to the rock where the grass is. Jump to the roof of the pink building, then across to the next two rocks. Pick up the grass on the last rock, and play the tune. When you summon the hawk, point the cursor at the monkey on the small rock across from you. Release it, and the hawk will snag the cradle away from it, then give it to you. Now, with the cradle in your hands, jump back across to the other two rock platforms and jump down to the ground. Go to the lady that wanted the cradle, and she'll thank you. Then, she'll ask you to bring it back to her house. Follow her to her house, and she'll give you something she forgot to give you earlier. It's the Fishing Rod, your first main item. Press the - Button to bring up the Inventory screen. Since the only item you have right now is the Fishing Rod, assign it to the B Button (press B to do so). Now that we have a fishing rod, it's time to put it to use. Head west until you see a wooden bridge. Cross it, and go behind the house to find Sera's cat by the creek. He runs away as soon as you get near him. Get on the wooden platform nearby, and take out your Fishing Rod with B. Pull back on the Wii Remote, then flick it forward to cast it. While it's in the water, pulling back on the Wii Remote makes you pull the line in. Don't move the Wii Remote at all, and when you get a nibble (your hook sinks deeper into the water), pull back to hook the fish that nibbled. Keep pulling back like you would a real fishing rod until you pull it in. You automatically let this one go, so you have to catch another one. After you catch a second fish, it will be released to the ground. Sera's cat will snag it and run into the cat door installed into Sera's shop. Now, go back to the northern part of the village, and enter the pink house. Talk to Sera, the owner of the shop. After she talks about her cat, she'll give you a bottle that's half-filled with milk. It may only be half full, but at least we got a bottle now! Talk to her again and you'll be able to look at the items she's selling. The main thing we want is the Slingshot, which is sold for 30 Rupees. Exit the shop for now, and head west. Throw the pumpkins against the wall and get any Rupees that come out. Enter the shop and exit it to make the pumpkins respawn. Repeat this until you get 30 Rupees, then buy the Slingshot from Sera's shop. When you get the Slingshot, press the - Button and assign it to Left, Right, or Down on the D-Pad. Press the button you assigned it to, and you can use it with the B Button. Exit the shop, and head north to the next area. You will see Rusl, and before leaving, he tells you that he put something in your room. Talk to the three kids, and they'll be excited that you bought the Slingshot. Then, you'll have to take a Slingshot tutorial. You have to hit all of the targets and scarecrows. You can Z-Target the scarecrows, but not the targets. Use the Slingshot and point the Wii Remote at the screen, then hold B and release it to shoot a bullet. Shoot the targets and scarecrows, and after you shoot all of them, they ask you what Colin's dad brought to your house. So, look on the ladder leading up to your house to find a Skulltula. Shoot it down with the Slingshot, then climb up the ladder and enter your house. You'll find a treasure chest. Open it to get the Wooden Sword. You can swing the sword by flicking the Wii Remote to the side, but not in houses. Exit Link's house, and talk to the kids again. Now they want you to show them the Wooden Sword in action. Tell them you will, and another tutorial begins. They want you to show them the normal sword slice first; just flick the Wii Remote to the side. Next is the stab. Follow their instructions to do the sword attacks. They will also want you to show them the Spin Attack, then the Jump Attack. After you do all of those sword attacks, a monkey appears then runs off. The kids run after it. Head east of Link's house and go to the next area. ============ Ordon Woods ============ Go through the path leading all the way north. Speak to the girl if you wish. She tells you that the two kids, Talo and Malo, are chasing the monkey. Follow the path, and talk to the fat kid if you wish. Keep going and cross the bridge, then enter the next area, which is the Faron Woods. ============ Faron Woods ============ At the woods, head north and you'll see a closed gate. Ignore it for a moment, and go back to find some grass you can use to call Epona. Call her, then mount her and use her to jump over the gate. Aren't you glad you have your own horse? Continue to the next area, then follow the path left to a cave at the end. You can't go in there with Epona, so dismount her and head west to a building. Talk to the guy near the building, and he'll give you the Lantern. Now we can see our way through dark places! Your lantern requires oil, though (don't worry, the lantern has full oil right now). He sells the oil, by the way. Also, not only can your lantern light your way through dark places, but it can also burn things and cut through fog. The guy tells you to try and light the firewood near him. Assign your Lantern to a directional button and then assign it to B. Press B to activate it and swing it; do that in front of the firewood to start a fire. Now you can scoop up nasty soup from the pot, but don't do it (obviously). Instead, head back to the cave and you'll find your first enemy, the Deku Baba. Kill it, and go north towards the cave to find a play wooden sword. It belongs to Talo! Enter the cave. Inside, follow the dark path and you'll find a bat, known as the Keese. Defeat it, and light the torch you come to using your Lantern. Now, keep going through the cave and defeat the Deku Baba, then you'll come to a web wall. Burn the web using the Lantern, and continue. When the path splits, light the torch and head right. Defeat the enemies, and open the chest to get a Yellow Rupee. Head back west, then go north. Burn the web wall, and continue out of the cave. In this foggy area, head north and jump to the lower ground. Head to the northwestern part of the map where the red circle is, and you'll find a cave with Keese near it. Enter it. In the next area, defeat the enemies and open the chest to get a Small Key. Light the two torches, then get on the ledge ahead. Open the chest for a Piece of Heart. Go back to the previous area, and head to the southeastern part of the map, where the second red circle is. You will find two Bokoblins by a locked gate. Defeat them, then unlock the gate using the Small Key you just found. Defeat the Bokoblin that's there to greet you, then head to the next area. You're now outside. Two Bokoblins are up ahead, so go to them and defeat them. Follow the path to another Bokoblin, then defeat it and head east. You'll see a talking blue bird. He offers you to buy something from him. Enter his "shop", and examine the two pots. The red one is a Red Potion, and the yellow one is Lantern Oil. The Red Potion costs 30 Rupees, while the oil costs 20. Just scoop up either one (preferably the Lantern Oil), and run out of his shop. That's right, you can steal from him! Continue north, and head east. Defeat the Deku Baba, and open the chest to get 10 Rupees. Continue north, and you'll see Talo and the monkey in a cage. Follow the path up to where they're at, then defeat the two Bokoblins. Go by the cage and use a Spin Attack to destroy it, freeing Talon and the monkey. Then, you'll see a scene where Talo asks Link not to tell his dad about him going in the forest, since he always tells him not to because it's dangerous. Rusl then appears, and talks about how odd the forest has been lately. Then, he says you'll be leaving for Hyrule tommorow. You'll appear at Ordon Ranch. ============ Ordon Ranch ============ After Link gets up, Fado will ask you to herd the goats in again. Use the nearby grass to summon Epona, then mount her and the mini-game begins. Now you have to herd in twenty goats. Not only that, but if you press A in front of them too much in a short time, they'll get mad and turn red. They can knock you off Epona if they touch you while they're like this, so be careful! They turn back to normal after a few seconds, though. After you herd in twenty goats, go ahead and jump across the gate leading back to the village. ============== Ordon Village ============== Back at the village, you'll notice the mayor and Ilia. Ilia runs over to Link and Epona, and Link dismounts her. The mayor tells Link about the gift that Rusl has prepared for him on his journey to Hyrule. Ilia notices that Epona has an injury on her haunch due to Link riding her so much. She gets ticked off at Link, and scolds him. She then takes off with Epona to the forest spring to get her healed. Head all the way north to the next area, then Colin will talk to you. He wants to go with you to visit Ilia, so head north and Talo and Malo will stop you. Eventually one of them will ask to borrow your Wooden Sword. Say that you'll let them borrow it. Then, continue heading north to the woods. ============ Ordon Woods ============ Head all the way north, then look east to find the springs. It's blocked off by a gate. Walk up to it and press A, and Ilia still refuses to let you enter. Colin will explain to you how to enter the springs, via a crawlspace. Head back south and turn west (from your current perspective) to find a small hole by the grass. Get in front of it and press A to enter it, then use the Control Stick to crawl through, collecting the Green Rupee as you go. When you crawl through, you'll see a scene with Ilia and Colin. Ilia sees Link, and she tells Link to come home safely. She's in a better mood now. Right after their chat, though, a couple of monsters come busting through the gate while riding a wild boar. The boar knocks Ilia down, and one of the monsters hits Link on the head with a club. This makes both Ilia and Link unconscious. The head honcho of those monsters blows a horn, causing a strange portal to appear in the sky. Link wakes up, noticing that both Colin and Ilia have been taken away. He runs off to find them, and comes to a strange black curtain. A black hand then grabs him and pulls him into the curtain. You then see a black monster choking Link, then the symbol of the Triforce appears on Link's hand. The monster throws him to the ground, then Link transforms into a wolf! The black monsters drag him across the ground. You're offered to save your game. Then, you'll appear in a cell at Hyrule Castle. ======================= Hyrule Castle Waterway ======================= Link wakes up, noticing that he's in a cell. His leg is chained up. Move around for a bit until a cinema plays. Link notices an odd shadowy creature inside of his cell. She jumps towards Link, and you'll find out that she somehow knows that Link was once a human. She uses her magic to free Link of his chained foot. She exits the cell with ease, and promises to help you if you can find a way out of the cell yourself. What a selfish girl. Break the box in the upper right corner of the cell, and you'll find a broken part of the ground. Get in front of it and press Down on the D-Pad to dig out of the cell. The girl then gets on Link's back, and she tells you that if you need her help, then press Up on the D-Pad to call her. When the cinema is over, you'll have to find a way to navigate through this watery path. Head south and push open the next cell door. You'll hear the girl laugh from the Wii Remote. Press Up on the D-Pad to see what she has to say, then Z-Target the chain and press A to jump and grab onto it. This opens the small gate in front of you, so continue following the path and to the next area. In the next area, head through the narrow tunnel, and when you come out, you'll notice a green flame. The girl tells you to activate your senses using Left or Right on the D-Pad. This reveals a soldier. Unfortunately, he cannot hear nor see you, but you can listen to what he says. Follow the path and the girl will explain more about what that soldier spirit was. At the path split, jump to the eastern ledge. At the end, Z-Target the chain and jump to it to grab it, pulling it down. This opens a gate leading to a small area with a crate. Break it for some supplies (a heart or Rupees), then exit the small tunnel and head to the western part of the map, while defeating the small bug creature. Pulling the next chain opens a gate leading to a bug and a skull you can break for supplies. Continue, and look on the map. Instead of going to the western end of the map, head south to a flood gate and a chain. Pull the chain to make the flood gate open, pouring water into the whole area. Head all the way north, and swim past the spikes below you. Use your senses to find another soldier spirit. Listen to what he has to say, then head west of him. The girl will teleport through the gate ahead, and tells you to help yourself for a change. She isn't leaving us, though. Head directly east from here, and at the end you'll find another flood gate, a chain, and a soldier spirit. Pull the chain to raise the flood gate, draining all of the water. Head back to the western end of the map, and get on the ground. In the left corner is a crawlspace. Crawl through it, then activate your senses to find a soldier spirit. Listen to him, then follow the path to where the girl is. She'll get on your back again. Now, head west on the map to a spiral stairway. Lots of it is broke. There are several tightropes in this area. Head to the end of the staircase, and jump. You'll miss the platform ahead. Head out of the water and back to the end of the staircase. Then, the girl will help you get across. Z-Target her and press A to jump where she is. Do this twice, then continue around the stairs until the girl wants you to summon her with Up. Do so, and do the jumping thing again. Keep climbing up the room, and at the end of the staircase, walk across the tightrope. Make your way to the end of the room (after doing the jumping thing again), and you'll see a closed door in front of you, and an open one above you. Defeat the Twilight Keese, and walk onto the small ledge ahead. Press Up when prompted to talk to the girl. Do the jumping trick again, then head through the door leading outside. ============== Hyrule Castle ============== Here, the girl will speak of the black clouds of the twilight. If you haven't figured it out by now, we're in the Twilight realm. She wants to introduce us to someone, but we need to enter the tower first. Follow the narrow path to a soldier spirit. Use your senses and listen to what he's saying. You'll find out that you're at Hyrule Castle (as if you didn't know already by looking at this guide). Head left, and get in front of the crate. Hold A and push the Control Stick forward to push the crate. Push it up against the wall, then climb onto it and onto the platform. Follow the path and you'll come to a big bird. To defeat it, Z-Target it and press A to attack it when it flies towards you. Continue heading north to find another monstrous bird. Defeat it, and keep following the path. Head east at the end of the path, then press Up to talk to the girl. Do your jumping thing and head across the roof, defeating the birds as you go on. At the end, climb up the platforms and head inside the castle. Jump down the alcove you're in, and head west, up the staircase. Push the door on the right open, then enter the room and a cinema will commence. You'll see a person with a cloak and a hood on. It turns out to be a young girl. You'll find out that the girl who's guided you here is Midna. The young woman notices that Link has been imprisoned. I'll just go ahead and tell you: this young girl is Princess Zelda, but you probably figured that out already. Zelda explains that the land of Hyrule has been taken over by the king of the twilight. You then see a flashback of a war with Princess Zelda and her warriors against the leader of twilight, and other twilight monsters. You then see a flashback of the villagers of Hyrule Town looking at the castle in flames. The twilight covers the land in the flashback. They're not even aware that they've taken forms of a spirit. Back in the present, Zelda takes off her hood and tells you that she remains the princess of Hyrule. Zelda says that you must leave this place quickly. Head through the door to the south, and head down the staircase. A guard opens the door below, so Midna and Link quickly head back outside to avoid detection. Midna realizes that Link needs help to rescue his friends of Ordon, and then she uses her twilight powers to teleport them away from the castle and back to the light world, at the Ordon Woods. ============ Ordon Woods ============ Here, Midna tells Link that he still appears to be a wolf, and she doesn't think that he'll return to a human anytime soon. You will regain control of Link. Now, exit the spring area, and Midna will suddenly pop out in front of you. Midna says that if you want to get past the curtain of twilight, then you'll need the cooperation of someone from the twilight, like her. She says to go and search for a sword and a shield. Head all the way south to the village itself, defeating the Bokoblin on the way. At the area where Link's house is are a few Bokoblins. Defeat them, and attempt to leave the area. You will hear the voice of a squirrel; apparently animals can talk to other animals. Since you're an animal, you can understand him. The squirrel tells you that the village children have all been kidnapped. When he leaves, continue to the next area. You'll see a father on the rock ahead. Head north, and cross the wooden bridge to the right. You'll see some people talking quietly. Slowly walk over there until you see "Listen" appear onscreen, then press A to listne to them. Walk a little closer and do the same thing, but make sure they don't see you! You'll hear the mayor ask a man if the shield he has is still in his house. He says it's in the storage loft. The mayor says that Rusl was injured badly. You also find out that Rusl's sword is at his house. They then spot you and run away, then Midna notices an open window on the roof of the house. When you regain control, speak to the dog around this area if you want. He'll tell you that if you activate your senses with Left or Right, then you might find some spots to dig. You'll know there's a place to dig if you activate your senses and see a sparkling circle on the ground. Press Down on that spot to dig and find something, like a Rupee or heart. Anyway, we have to find a way on the roof of the house, so head back south of the house and cross the wooden bridge. The guy on the rock platform will use a piece of grass to call a hawk, then he will release the hawk and it'll knock you down! Head north and stand on the small rock by Sera's shop. The cat nearby tells you that you can scare that guy from behind somehow. Midna also alerts you, so press Up and she'll tell you to get on the roof. Use her to jump over to the roof, then jump to the next two rock platforms. The man will notice you and get terrified, running off of the platform. Now, press Up when Midna alerts you, and use her to jump over to the roof of the building across from you. Enter the window. Inside the building, jump on the table, and press Up when Midna alerts you. The shield is on the wall on a high platform across from you. Jump with Midna's help to reach it, then ram into the wall where the shield is twice to break the wood and knock it down. Pick it up to get the Ordon Shield. Look to the left to find a window, then climb on it to exit the building. You'll see Rusl and his wife. They both heard you fall into the water, so Rusl goes off on a search. He says that he has placed the sword that was a gift to Hyrule on the couch of his home. Swim north and climb onto the ground, then head south on the map to see Rusl with a torch. Approach him, and Midna will tell you to go and take the sword in the house. We have to find a way in, first. Rusl will notice you and attempt to attack with his sword, so activate your senses and run to the eastern end of the house. There's a digging spot right by the wall and a log. Dig there to enter the house. Inside, look on the couch to see a sword, then press A in front of it to pick it up. You now have the Ordon Sword, crafted by Rusl himself. Midna tells you to go back to where you became a wolf at. Exit the house and head to the northern part of the map, going to the area where Link's house is. Then, follow the path north to the area leading to the springs. In that area, follow the path north and you'll soon hear a voice that is coming from the springs. It tells you to come to the springs, so do it and a few purple pillars will surround the spring. A strange portal will be created, and a twilight monster will come out of it. To defeat it, Z-Target it and press A to jump on its chest. From there, tap A repedeately. Do this twice to defeat it, then you'll see a cinema. The spring lights up, and a strange light will appear out of the spring, revealing what appears to be a goat. It's one of the four light spirits that protect Hyrule, named Ordona. The black shadow being you killed had come to destroy the power of light that Ordona holds. You'll see a flashback of three of those shadow beings going to the springs, and making the world turn into pure twilight. After the flashback, Ordona will tell you that you must revive the light of the three light spirits. Apparently, Link's the only one who can do this. He says that if you were to revive the light spirit at Faron Woods, then you could return to your original form again. Ordona disappears, and you'll regain control. Stay in the spring if you're damaged, because it'll slowly heal you. Head out of the spring, and all the way north to the curtain of twilight. Tell Midna you'd like to go, and a hand will pull you into the world of twilight. ============ Faron Woods ============ Midna swings your sword around a few times, and tells you that she'll hold onto the sword and shield. for you. She says that in exchange for her help, she wants you to help her gather some things that she needs. When you regain control of Link, head through the path, and shadow pillars will drop down into the area. Head to the center and a portal will be created, then three shadow beings will appear. Midna will temporarily leave you, because she thinks you can handle the three by yourself. Defeat two of them, and the last remaining one will scream, reviving the other two! Walk over to Midna at the end of the arena, and she'll tell you that you'll have to defeat them all at once. She rejoins you, and says that you can expand an energy field with B. Walk back to the monsters, and hold B to expand the energy field. When all of them get in the field, release B to attack all three of them and kill them. When you defeat them, head north and you'll see an odd thing at the springs. Walk to the end of the spring, and press A to examine it. A mysterious light will give you the Vessel of Light, which you'll need in order to collect the tears that cut through the darkness. The dark insects which you need to kill are marked on your map. Now, follow the path up on the minimap and activate your senses. You'll see two dark insects. Defeat the Twilight Deku Baba, then defeat the two insects. Each time you defeat one, you'll find a blue tear floating around. Collect both of them and continue following the path, defeating the two Deku Babas along the way. You'll find a dark insect that retreats by going through the gate in front of you. Ignore the gate for now, and head west to the area where you got the Lantern. Turn left and go up the hill, then go to the end of the platform. Midna alerts you, so press Up and she'll guide you over to a platform on the building. Jump to it with Midna's help, and enter the building. Inside, jump down, and Midna will alert you. She tells you that there's a spirit in here. Activate your senses and listen to what the guy is saying. Two dark insects then enter the room. Defeat both of them and the guy will get confused. Collect the two tears they leave behind. Climb up the platform in the corner, then climb onto the walkway and exit the house. Back outside, jump off of the building and activate your senses. Head to the eastern side of the building to find a dark insect on the wall. Ram into it and it will fly down. Defeat it and collect its tear, then head east back to the gate. Use your senses to find a digging spot in the corner. Dig through it to get past the gate, then defeat the two dark insects and get the tears. Enter the cave ahead, and make your way to the northern end of it and exit it. Back outside, you'll see that this place is full of dark purple fog. Turn left and ram into the wall where the two insects are to bring them to the ground. Kill them and get their tears. Now, get in the dark fog and you'll pass out. Midna will wonder what we are to do in order to navigate through here. So, head to the right and Midna will alert you. Press Up and she'll say that we can cross over from here. Use her help to jump repedeately over to the other side. Head to the end of the path, and use Midna to jump over to the middle. Activate your senses and defeat the three dark insects, then collect their tears and head right. Use Midna to cross through more of this area, but be careful of the Deku Babas! When you see the swinging log in the air, press Up when Midna alerts you and she'll move to the next platform. When the log is out of the way, jump to her and head north. Jump with Midna yet again, then you'll see two dark insects dig into the ground. Activate your senses to spot their shadows, then go on their shadows and dig to dig them out. Defeat them and get their tears, then follow the path outside. You will have to fight three more shadow beasts out here. Lure the one on the far right over to the other two, then enclose all three in the energy field and defeat them. Follow the path all the way to the end of the area, then activate your sense to see a monkey. She's scared, because there's two dark insects near her. Defeat them and the monkey will wonder what just happened. She'll say something about her boss entering the temple ahead. Get the two tears. Now that you have all tears, the Vessel of Light will enter the Faron spring and the area will become normal again. The light spirit Faron will appear. He explains that you turning into a wolf is a sign that the powers of the chosen one are within you and are awakening. You will see that Link is back to normal again, and has a green tunic on! He says that you are the chosen hero of Hyrule, then he tells you that there is a dark power within the temple of this forest, and he wants you to head there. Midna appears, and also suggests that we head to the temple if you want to rescue the villagers of Ordon. Follow the path north and Midna will alert you. Talk to her, and she'll explain how to use your sword and shield. Continue north and you'll come to a locked gate. Since you're no longer a wolf, you cannot dig past it. Head west from there, to the guy you got the Lantern from. Speak to him, and he'll tell you that he closed off the temple due to all of the monsters around the forest. He'll give you a Small Key to use to unlock the gate we came to, and he says that you'll need your lantern, so make sure it is full of oil. He offers a bottle for a price of 100 Rupees. You may not have it right now, so if you don't, refuse his offer. Come back and get it later when you do get 100 Rupees, though. Head back to the locked gate and unlock it, then enter the cave. Inside, follow the path all the way north and exit to the foggy area. Activate your lantern and head north. A monkey will steal it, then swing it around to make the fog disappear for a short time. Follow the monkey around the whole area until you get to the gate at the end. The monkey will drop your lantern and leave. Pick it up, and you'll find out that it is all out of oil! If you have a bottle full of oil (you should, if you have been following this guide), then equip the bottle and lantern, and refill the lantern by using the bottle. Continue through the gate leading outside, and head north to two Bokoblins. Defeat them, and follow the path. Head right, to the bird's shop. If you stole from him before, he'll try and attack you. Just get a bottle full of oil and quickly leave, then continue all the way north. You'll find an orange wolf that will attempt to attack you, then you'll appear in a strange white area. The wolf will turn into a zombie-like warrior and attack you. Attempt to attack him, and he'll knock you down with his sword. He says that you'll be worthy of learning the secrets he holds if you have enough courage to stand up to the evils of Hyrule. He'll teach you the Ending Blow, the first hidden sword technique. When you Z-Target an enemy and knock it over, you'll see "Finish" briefly appear on the screen. When you see that, press A to finish off the enemy with a down thrust. This will instantly kill the enemy. Use it on the warrior, and you'll learn the Ending Blow. You still have six more skills to learn, though. He tells you about the statues that howl with the sound of the wind, which apparently calls the orange beast. Back at the forest, head all the way north and defeat the enemies, then burn the web and enter the temple. ============== Forest Temple ============== At the start of this dungeon, defeat the Keese and continue into the actual dungeon itself. In the first room, follow the path and defeat the Deku Babas and the Bokoblin. Near the vine wall is a cage. Use a Spin Attack to break it open and free the monkey inside. She'll jump on the upper ledge, and Midna will point out that this is the same monkey that stole your lantern earlier. She likes you, apparently, so use the Slingshot to kill the two Skulltulas on the vine wall, then head west and climb the vine wall. Open the chest to find a Yellow Rupee, then head east and climb the vines up to the platform. Follow the monkey and go through the door. In the next room, follow the path and the monkey will follow you. You will see a big spider. To defeat it, shoot a Slingshot bullet at it, then just attack it from there. Repeat this until it's defeated. Now, go around the big platform to find an odd enemy whos head looks like a bomb. Attack it and it will drop to the ground. It really is a bomb! Pick it up and place it by the cracked rock in the wall. This blows it up, revealing a chest containing a Red Rupee. Get it, and head back around the platform. Walk up the platform, and light the torches in the corners. This causes a stairway to form, leading to a doorway. Follow the monkey to the door and look left. Open the chest to get the Dungeon Map, then go through the door. In the next area, you'll see a bridge. Suddenly, a big monkey appears and uses a boomerang to cut the ropes off of the bridge, causing it to collapse. Since we obviously can't go any further from here, follow the monkey back to the room we were just in. Follow the monkey to the eastern side of the platform, where she'll hang off of the rope and act as a vine. Jump to her and swing over to the other side, where you will find a door. Go through it, and the monkey will continue to follow. In the next room, head right and attack the spider bomb, then use it to blow up the two rocks in front of it. Break the pots there to reveal a strange creature that looks like a baby chicken. Talk to her, and she'll tell you that she's looking for something. She thinks that you're also looking for something, so she joins you (her name is Ooccoo, and you get her as an item). You can use her if you ever want to warp out of the dungeon. Head all the way west to a web. Burn it with the Lantern, and defeat the Deku Baba nearby. Head east and follow the monkey across the platforms, then she'll stop at the end of the platform and get scared. Shoot the spider hanging off of the web, and let it fall into the water to defeat it. Turn back around and enter the door behind you, because the one the monkey is leading you to is locked. In the next area, you'll see a wooden bridge that moves according to the direction of the wind. Cross the bridge over to a door, then go through it. Open the chest to the right to find a Small Key, then exit this room and go back to the room where the monkey is. There, head right and jump across to the platform, then unlock the door ahead. In the next room, you'll see another monkey in a cage on top of a pillar. The monkey that's been following you will try to rescue the other monkey, but to no avail. Head right and cross the bridge, then it will split in two. Go down to the floor, and roll into the pillar a few times repedeately to knock over the monkey cage, breaking it and freeing the second monkey. Two Bokoblins will enter the room, so defeat them and open the chest in the northeastern corner to get a Yellow Rupee. Follow the monkeys to the broken bridge, where they will act as vines for you to get across. Swing across them to the other platform and go through the door. The monkeys will follow you. Back in this room, jump into the water to the right, and swim through the small tunnel in the wall. Open the chest inside for a Yellow Rupee. Swim out of the tunnel, and climb up the vine wall leading back onto the platform. Now, jump across the eastern ledges, and follow the tunnel to a door. Go through it. Back at the main room, one of the monkeys will act as a vine. Swing across it to the middle platform, then head to the eastern end and one of the monkeys will act as a vine again. Swing across to the platform and burn the web, then go through the door. In the next room, head north and defeat the two red Deku Babas. They're the same as the normal ones, but when you cut their stem off, they move around. Head up the nearby steps, and attack the spider bomb. Take the bomb and head north, then throw it at the gap. It will land in a piranha's mouth, making it die. Now that the path is clear, go back and get another bomb. Take it and jump over the gap, then quickly throw it at the rock in the wall ahead. It will blow up, destroying the rock and revealing a door. Climb up the ledge and go through the door. In the next room, you'll see a monkey inside a locked cell on a platform way across from you. Jump off the patform you're on, and ram into the pillar on the right (from where the tiles ahead are). This knocks over a chest, which contains a Small Key. Open the chest from the back, and head north. Be careful, because a few of the tiles have snakes inside of them. They'll pop up when you stand on one, knocking you down. Light the two unlit torches, and a stairway to the locked cell will form. Head up the stairway and defeat the spider, then unlock the cell to free the third monkey. Go back to the previous room, and look to the left to find two Skulltulas on a vine wall. Shoot them down with the Slingshot and jump on the vine wall. Climb it up to the platform and go through the door. In this room, you'll see the fourth monkey inside a cell. A giant plant will eat the key and feed it to its belly. To defeat the plant, let it try to attack you, then avoid it and attack. Keep doing this until you defeat the head. Then, go to the end of the room and attack the spider bomb. Throw the bomb into the belly to destroy it, making the Small Key appear. Pick up the key, and use it on the monkey's cell. Now we have four monkeys freed, so go back to the previous room. Turn left and attack the spider bomb, then throw the bomb down the gap and into a piranha's mouth. This will destroy it, so jump down to the ground and you'll see a chest in the small area it was blocking. Open it for a Piece of Heart, then head through the door to the left, which leads back to the main room. There, use the monkey as a vine to get to the central platform, then go through the middle door. Outside, the four monkeys will all act as vines to get across to the door ahead. Swing across the four monkeys and go through the door at the end. In the next room, the door will lock and you'll see the big monkey that destroyed the bridge earlier. He'll use the boomerang he has to cut down two Deku Babas from the ceiling, then you'll have to fight him. Kill the two Deku Babas. To defeat this mini-boss, you have to wait until it stops on one of the many pillars. Then, when he throws the boomerang, roll into the pillar a few times until the boomerang hits him and knocks him off. From there, attack him. Throughout the fight, you'll have to kill some Deku Babas. Just repeat this process and you'll defeat the big monkey. When you defeat him, he'll run into the central pillar and spit out a dark insect. Then the monkey will run off, leaving behind the boomerang it carried. The boomerang spins around, and the Fairy of Winds tells you that it resides in the weapon. It'll then spin into Link's hands, and you'll get the Gale Boomerang. With it, you can aim by pointing the Wii Remote at the screen, and you can press Z to target up to five things. Throwing this boomerang makes a wind gust come from it. Now, look above the locked door to find a fan. Use your new weapon, the Gale Boomerang to make it spin. This removes the wooden gate that blocks the door slightly. Throw it at the fan a few times until the gate fully unblocks the door, then go through it. Back outside, turn left to find a wooden bridge that's controlled by the fan on it. Wait until the wooden bridge moves so you can cross it, then go to the end of the bridge to find another one. Throw the Gale Boomerang at the fan on that bridge to turn it around towards you, then get on it and walk north to the monkey cage ahead. Defeat the Bokoblin, and use the Gale Boomerang on the web that's holding up the monkey cage. It'll drop down and break, freeing the next monkey. The monkey will jump over to the door where the mini-boss was. Midna says that you should rescue all of the monkeys and see what we can do with them. Head south of where you are to find two more bridges. Cross the first one, then throw the Gale Boomerang at the next one on the end. Cross both bridges to the door, then go through it. In this room, make your way to the floor and go through the western door. Back at the main room, jump to the monkey and use it to reach the central platform, then look up to find a chest connected to web. Use the Gale Boomerang to send the chest to the ground, then open it to get the Compass. Midna says that with this item, you should be able to see the locations of the monkeys on your map. They are indicated by red dots. Now, head west and swing to the platform ahead, then go through the door. Head west into the room and defeat the Deku Baba, and shoot the Skulltula with the Slingshot on the vine wall to the left. Climb up the wall and head right, then drop onto the platform. Jump across the platforms and you'll see four fans by a locked gate. Stand south by the bridge, and look at the pattern on the floor. It shows the shape of a Z. Target each fan in the same fashion (bottom-left one first, bottom-right one second, top-left one third, and top-right one fourth), and throw the Gale Boomerang. If you did it right, you'll open the gate, revealing a chest. Open it to get the Big Key. Now, cross the nearby bridge and jump to the platform to the right, then go through the door. Out here, you'll see a wooden bridge with a fan. When it connects to the platforms, cross it and you will find the monkey you freed earlier. Follow him to a door, then go through it. In this room, use the Gale Boomerang on the fan of the wooden bridge so that it connects to the platform. Get on the bridge and throw the Gale Boomerang at the fan again. This makes the bridge move and connect to the left and right platforms. Head right and defeat the Bokoblin, then go through the door. In this room, there is a hole at the end, along with a web covering a hole to the left and right. Spiders will come down by those webs. Defeat them and stand on the left web. Activate the Lantern and burn the web. You'll fall down to a lower room, on a platform with a monkey in a cage. Break it with your sword to free him, then jump down and look for a vine wall. Climb it up back to the upper floor, then exit this room. Get on the bridge and use the Gale Boomerang to turn it around, then go through the door to the north. In the next room, you'll see a lot of monkeys on platforms sticking out of the wall. The one you just freed will also get on an empty one. Midna says that in order to check out the rest of the temple, we'll need the help of all of the monkeys. Head right and get on the bridge, then throw the Gale Boomerang at the fan to make it connect with another bridge. Get on the second bridge, and use the Gale Boomerang at the fan to connect it to the platform ahead. Defeat the Bokoblin and kill the Skulltulas up on the vine wall, then climb the wall up to a platform. Go east and kill the Skulltula on the next vine wall, then climb that one up to another platform. Head west and defeat the Bokoblin, then go through the door. In the next area, defeat the Deku Babas, and look to the left and right. You will see a spider bomb on a platform you cannot reach, along with a piranha and a chest on two other platforms you can't reach at the moment. Target the spider bomb with the Gale Boomerang and throw it. You'll catch it. Throw it at the piranha to the right to destroy it, making the platform safe to jump to. Jump to the platform and to the chest, then open it to get a Small Key. Jump back to the central platform, then head north and defeat the Deku Baba. On the ledge above you is a big rock. Target the spider bomb with the Gale Boomerang, then target the rock and throw it. The spider bomb will hit the rock and blow it up, so climb up the vine wall to the platform. Defeat the Bokoblin, and use the Gale Boomerang on the two Deku Babas hanging from the ceiling. Defeat them, and use the Gale Boomerang to target the spider bomb. Throw it to bring the bomb to you and catch it, then throw it at the rock wall to the north. It'll blow it up and free another monkey, so exit this room. Back in the previous room, the monkey you freed will have joined the other ones on the platforms. Now, climb down the vine wall to the left, and jump down to the eastern floor. Use the Gale Boomerang to shift around the bridges until you get over to the other side, then go through the door. Here, use the Gale Boomerang on the center bridge, then walk on it and throw the boomerang at the fan on the bridge again. Head left and unlock the door. Here, throw the Gale Boomerang at the tiles to reveal monsters that are under the tiles. Attack them with your sword to defeat them, then head east and go through the tunnel you see. Jump down at the end and defeat the spider, then defeat the two Skulltulas on the vine wall. Climb the vine wall up, then head east and around to a gate. Use the Gale Boomerang to target both fans, then throw it to open up the gate, freeing the last monkey. Head north and defeat the Deku Baba hanging from the ceiling, then head west and jump to the ledge ahead. Open the chest to get a Red Rupee, then jump off the platform and go through the door to the right, leading back to the previous room. Get on the bridge and throw the Gale Boomerang at the fan to move it. Go through the northern door. You'll now see all of the monkeys gathered up, and they will all hang off of the tree limb as one long vine. Jump to them and swing across to the platform ahead, then head north to the boss door. Break the pots near the door to find hearts and a fairy. Capture the fairy in a bottle, then unlock the door leading to the boss. Inside, you'll see spider bombs, then the purple water will bubble up. Two giant Deku Babas will emerge from the water, and you'll have to fight Diababa, the first boss of the game. Read the Bosses section for help on winning this battle. Once you win, he'll leave a Heart Container behind, and disappear. Then you'll see a strange piece of a mask float down to you. Midna comes out and explains that this is what she was looking for: a Fused Shadow. It's what the light spirit referred to as the dark power, and Midna says that there are three in total. She thinks the light spirits have the others. She isn't going to tell you what they're for yet, and says she will after you've gotten more. She creates a portal and tells you to take the Heart Container on the ground. Do so, then talk to Midna and tell her to carry you out of the dungeon. You will get the option to save, as well. ============ Faron Woods ============ Back at the springs, Faron the light spirit will talk to you. He says that the twilight isn't over yet, and to leave the woods and go west. You'll find the land protected by the light spirit, Eldin there. He talks about "those you seek", and that the lands are still covered in twilight. Midna says she'll help you out once you turn into a beast again. When you regain control, head all the way north, and head west at the path split. Talk to Coro sitting on the rock and if you have 100 Rupees, buy the bottle full of oil from him. Now we have two bottles (you may have gotten it earlier). Continue west, and take the exit to Hyrule Field. ============= Hyrule Field ============= Welcome to Hyrule Field. You'll be exploring a whole lot here, as Hyrule Field in this game is bigger than in any other Zelda game. Upon entering the field, you'll see two Bokoblins. Defeat them, and proceed north to the actual field. Head all the way to the left and eventually, you'll hear a voice that shouts. This is the postman. He says that there is a black wall blocking the way ahead, then he'll give you your first letter. He tells you how to read them, then he runs off. Now, continue following the path left, and follow the road to a curtain of twilight. Midna says you may be a wolf for awhile if you step into the curtain. Walk up to the curtain of twilight and tell Midna you want to go. You'll be dragged into the curtain. You will also turn into a wolf again. After Midna talks, follow the path to a strange scent. Walk up to it and press A to sniff it, then you'll see a vision of the Ordon children. You will then have the Youth's Scent. Midna says now that you have found a scent, use your senses. Keep your senses activated and follow the path of the scent. You'll come to three shadow beings, so use your energy field attack to defeat all three of them. It appears that the bridge is out, so we cannot pass! Midna makes you open the map, and she tells you that every time you defeat a pack of shadow beasts, a portal is created in that same spot. Warp to the North Faron Woods at the Faron Province. ============ Faron Woods ============ Here, Midna says to look hard for the bridge we need. Head right to find it, then Midna will alert you. Press Up, and Midna will ask you if we should take the bridge. Select "Warp", and warp to the Kakariko Gorge of the Eldin Province to warp back to Hyrule Field with the bridge. ============= Hyrule Field ============= Back at Hyrule Field, the bridge will be warped and connected. Now we can continue! Activate your senses and follow the path north on the map. Keep following the scent, and you'll come to a closed gate with two enemies behind it. Midna finds a spot we can dig in through, so dig there to get past the gate. Defeat the enemies, and follow the path to Kakariko Village. ================= Kakariko Village ================= You will see that there are some shadow beasts ahead. Head over to them, and defeat the one that's all the way to the north. Then, defeat the last two using your energy field attack. Another portal is created. Take note, however, that we can only warp as a wolf. Then, a light spirit will talk to you and tell you to come over to it at the spring. Walk up to it and talk to it, then it'll give you a Vessel of Light. We've gotta go hunt for more of those tears to return to our normal form. The spirit marks the location of the dark insects you need to kill on your map. Head north of here, and go around the right side of the building. When Midna alerts you, press Up and she'll let you jump to the top of the building. When you jump to the top, walk on the patch of wood to fall through the roof and into the building. Inside, activate your senses to find a bunch of people that are spirits. You'll eventually find out that there is a cellar in this sanctuary, and that it can only be opened when all of the candles in the room have been lit. Barnes puts a flame into a pot. After the long cinema, Midna will talk for a moment and you'll regain control. In front of you is a stick that you can pick up. Pick it up, and light one end of the stick using the flame in the pot. Then, head up the stairs and jump across to the other ones, lighting the candles on the wall. When all of the candles have been lit, the center statue moves, revealing a hole. Jump down the hole to the cellar. In the cellar, head north and activate your senses to find three dark insects. Defeat them and get their tears, then go north to the end of the area. Midna will alert you, so press Up and she'll say that you can climb the scaffolding. Press Up again and use Midna to jump out of the sanctuary and into the graveyard. ========== Graveyard ========== Here, turn on your senses and look for the shadow of a dark insect. Dig in the exact spot where the shadow is to dig out the insect, then defeat it and get its tear. Watch out for the Twilight Keese around this graveyard. Head east and exit the graveyard. ================= Kakariko Village ================= Back at the village, head east and go to the first white dot on the right (look on the map). The building there has a crawlspace on the eastern corner of it. Go there to find an entrance, then press A in front of it to enter. Inside, go north and climb into the room. Climb onto the ledges and activate your senses, then look in the corner to find a dark insect. Defeat it and get the tear, then drop back down into the hole and exit the building. Back outside, head south and go up the hill where the sign is. At the end, jump to the wooden platform. If you don't make it, run back up the hill and try again. When you make it, enter the building. Jump down, and pick up a stick by the fireplace. Then, go to the table in the room and jump to the flame, lighting the stick. With the stick, light the fireplace. This will cause the top to have smoke come out of it. Activate your senses and look around for a dark insect, then defeat it and get the tear. Go to the next room of the building, and you'll see two enemies. Defeat them and open the chest in the corner by the stairs. It contains a Red Rupee. Head up the stairs and defeat the enemy, then ram into the two shelves. Behind one is a Blue Rupee, so take it and head into the next room. Activate your senses and defeat the dark insect roaming about this room, then take the tear and head back to the first room. Climb up the ledges and exit the building. Outside, head left and jump down the building, then head all the way to the right until you see some ledges you can climb to the left. Climb them up, then on the roof, look to the left and dash through the glass window and into the house. Head west and up the stairs, then dash into the shelf to knock it over, revealing a dark insect. Activate your senses, then defeat it and get the tear, then exit the building via the window. Back outside, head all the way south and climb up the ledge by the buildings on the left. Climb to the roof of the building and head north, jumping to the next building. Stand on the patch on the roof to fall through. Inside the building, look to the right to find a crate. Push it and a dark insect will be revealed, so activate your senses and defeat the bug, then get the tear. Head left and Midna will alert you, so press Up and use her help to jump out of the building. Jump off of the roof, and head north. Look to the left and climb up the two ledges, then jump through the left window. Back in this building, head up the stairs and climb on the shelf on the ground, then onto the ledges. Exit the building from there. Now, head up the roof and go left. You'll see a dark insect crawl into a building, so follow it to a crawlspace and enter it. Inside there, take a stick by the fireplace and light the stick using the nearby fire. Light the fireplace and you'll cause electricity to bounce around the whole room, making the entire building go in flames! Midna will be freaked out and leave. Crawl through the crawlspace before you die. Outside, Midna will be with you again, and you'll see three tears. Get them, and go back south and head up the hill. Look on the left side of the building you come to, and dig at the digging spot there to get inside. Break the pots by the stairs, and activate your senses to find a dark insect. Defeat it and get the tear, then dig out of the building. Outside, jump down and go north. At the path split, head left to Death Mountain. =============== Death Mountain =============== At this place, Midna will say that the mountain is impassable, but she will get you up there if need be. Head west and onto the rock platform, and Midna will alert you. Press Up and use her help to jump up to the platform ahead. Activate your senses to find a Goron, so listen to what he has to say if you want. Head through the path and defeat the enemies along the way. Climb up the ledges at the end and onto the higher platform, and continue heading north. In this area full of steam, activate your senses and look around for a dark insect. If it is buried underground, dig it out and kill it. Get the tear, and go by the statue and press A in front of it. A melody will be played, and you have to howl the melody in the same order that was shown. In this case, the order shown is: top, middle, down, top, middle, down. When the melody finishes playing, hold A and move the Control Stick in the right directions. Howl the tune, and the golden beast will appear. Press A and howl the tune again, then the golden beast will be marked on your map. He is at the Ordon woods. Anyway, back on Death Mountain, follow the path going to the next area, which is where the true part of Death Mountain starts. There are some shadow beasts ahead, and this time there are four. Go around the barrier walls and defeat the one that's alone, then defeat a second one. Use the energy field attack to defeat the last two, and another portal will be created. Now, use your senses and look on the wall to find a dark insect. Ram into the wall to make it fly down, then defeat it and collect the tear. Go left and up the small platform. Midna will alert you, so press Up and jump to her when the steam isn't blowing. If you hit the steam, you'll get knocked down. After you jump to Midna, use your senses to find a Goron. Listen to him if you want, then follow the path east. Head up the narrow hill and Midna will alert you. Press Up and jump to her, then follow the path north. There's a Goron here, so use your senses and talk to him if you want, then jump east and down to the springs. There are many enemies here. Use your senses and defeat the dark insect, then get the last tear. You'll be back at Kakariko Village. ================= Kakariko Village ================= Now that the Vessel of Light is filled with Tears of Light, it will enter the Kakariko spring and Link will return to his normal self. After Midna talks, the light spirit named Eldin will appear. He tells you that the dark power you seek lies in the sacred grounds of Death Mountain, where the Gorons live. Apparently the Gorons have been consumed by evil, and we have to go and save them. When Eldin leaves, all of the children from the village of Ordon run over to Link, knocking over Colin in the process. A shaman from this village will talk to Link. His name is Renado. He introduces the Bomb Shop owner, Barnes, along with his daughter Luda. Renado says that the Gorons were once their friends, but they have suddenly been treating the humans like enemies for some reason. Renado thinks that something in the mines is the cause of the Goron's sudden change. He wants Link to take the children back to Ordon, but he says that he will remain here. When you regain control, head all the way north and enter Death Mountain again. =============== Death Mountain =============== At the mountain, head north and climb up the wall to the top. Head north and the Goron will stop you from going any further. He'll roll, and even if you try to stop him, he'll knock you off. Head south and go back to the village. ================= Kakariko Village ================= Back here, Renado will say that he saw you trying to go up the trail of the mountain, and that he's glad you're safe. He says that the only thing the Goron's recognize is strength, and that Bo, the mayor of Ordon Village, might be able to help. He also wants you to tell everyone that the children are okay. Head south through the village, and you'll see Epona running wild through the village! Two monsters are riding it, but then fall off. Link tries to tame it, but can't. Now you have to do a mini-game sort of thing. Hold the direction of the Control Stick shown on the screen, and when it changes, immediately switch to the next direction. Do it quickly, or you'll fall off and have to try it again by getting on Epona. Eventually you'll see "Seize" appear onscreen. When you see this, press A to tame Epona and gain control of her again. While on Epona, ride to the east and out of the village. ============= Hyrule Field ============= Speed up Epona and jump the gate, then keep going and the postman will come and give you a letter from Ooccoo. When he leaves, read the letter and head all the way to the southern part of the map. Continue to the Faron Woods, then go past Coro and head south to the Ordon Woods. ============ Ordon Woods ============ Here, simply head south and head east to the springs. Dismount Epona and head east of the springs to find the golden beast. Go in front of him, and you'll appear in the white area again. The warrior will ask you if you're ready to learn the next skill. Tell him you are, and he'll want to make sure you've mastered the Ending Blow before teaching you the next skill. Z-Target him and attack him, and when he falls down, press A to do the Ending Blow. He'll then teach you the Shield Attack. To do it, thrust the Nunchuk forward to make the enemy vulnerable, then attack. Once you do it, the warrior also tells you that this technique can repel projectiles. He will want you to repel his projectile he'll shoot at you. Thrust the Nunchuk forward when the projectile gets near you to repel it back at him. Once you learn the technique and appear back at the woods, then simply head all the way south and continue to Ordon Village. ============== Ordon Village ============== At the village, climb up the ladder and enter Link's house. If you didn't do this earlier, head into Link's basement and activate the Lantern. Open the chest inside for a Purple Rupee (worth 50), then exit Link's basement and his house. Back outside, climb down the ladder and follow the path to the actual village. Now, if you want feel free to walk around the village and talk to everyone. When you're ready, head all the way south and you'll find Bo, the mayor. He tells you to come inside, and you both automatically appear inside. A conversation ensues, and Link tells Bo about the Gorons. He says that he defeated the Gorons with a certain secret and earned their trust. He will teach you the secret, on the one codition that you never reveal it to anyone. Accept his offer, and he leads you into a room with a ring. He says that Gorons like sumo wrestling matches to test their strength, and that it's no different than stopping a charging goat. Tell him you want to hear more if you have no idea what to do. Regardless, tell him "No" whenever you're ready to begin a sumo wrestling match. The first match is easy. Just sidestep by moving Left or Right with the Control Stick, and strike him by thrusting the Wii Remote at the screen. Press A to try and grab him. If you grab him, tap A repedeately. He can grab you, too, so tap A repedeately if this happens. Whoever gets pushed out of the ring first wins. When you beat him once, you'll have to do it a second time in order to proceed. The second sumo wrestling match can get annoying, too. He's more tricky, and is just harder to beat overall. When you win both matches, Bo reveals the secret to defeating the Gorons, which is locked away in the chest in his room. Open it to get the Iron Boots! These are so heavy, you'll easily be able to take on the Gorons now. Exit his house, and head all the way north to the area where Link's house is, then continue to the woods. Head to the springs and call Epona using the grass, then ride her to the Faron Woods. Go to the north, and then west at the path split. Go to Hyrule Field. ============= Hyrule Field ============= Outside at the field, ride Epona all the way to the western part of the field to where Kakariko Village is located. Jump the gate with Epona and continue to the village. ================= Kakariko Village ================= You'll see a cinema with a monster riding a wild boar. The Ordon children will run away, and Colin will be held by the big monster. Link suddenly enters the village on Epona, and you'll gain control. Ride Epona to the northern end of the village, then jump the gate leading out to Hyrule Field. ============= Hyrule Field ============= Out here, you'll see the monster with Colin tied up to a spear, unconscious. Get ready for your first battle on Epona. The monster will blow the horn to call out some minions. In case you didn't know already, you can use your sword on Epona. Z-Target the leader and speed up to catch up to him. Attack him with your sword repedeately, and don't worry about his minions. When you kill them, the leader will just blow his horn to call out more. Keep attacking him, and eventually, the leader will lead Link to a bridge where a monster will shoot an arrow at the fence Link jumped over. Since it's a flaming arrow, it'll catch the fence on fire. The fences on both sides are in flames, and now you have to battle the leader on this bridge. To defeat him, speed up Epona and go towards him, and when you get near him, you'll get a glimpse of a Control Stick and Wii Remote icon on the screen. When you see the icons, move to the left or right and attack. If you did it right, the monster will fall off of the bridge and down the cliff. If he knocks you off, however, you restart this part of the battle with one less heart. If you get a Game Over, you still restart here, so don't worry. When you defeat him, you'll appear back at Kakariko Village. ================= Kakariko Village ================= Here, you'll see a cinema of Colin waking up, along with the rest of the kids and Renado right next to him and Link. Some dialogue will commence, then Colin will go unconscious again, and the others take him back to the sanctuary. When you regain control, head north and go east, then enter the first building. This is the General Store, where you can buy the Hylian Shield for 200 Rupees. If you don't have it, just come back for it later. The Hylian Shield is metal and can't burn, therefore it's great for the next dungeon. Exit the shop, and make your way north and go to Death Mountain. =============== Death Mountain =============== Head north and climb up the mountain to the top of the ledge. Then, get out the Iron Boots and equip them. When the Goron rolls at you, hold A so that you'll stop him and throw him off of the ledge. The Goron then rolls away, so take off the Iron Boots and head all the way north, stopping the Gorons with the Iron Boots equipped along the way. Eventually you'll get to an area where lots of monsters are shooting flaming arrows at you. Head past them and continue to an area where the mountain is erupting at. You'll see two Gorons, and one will use the second Goron's back to reach a platform. Jump down the platform and avoid the rocks that fall from the mountain. Eventually, a huge rock will fall down into the middle of the ground, which we'll be using a bit later in the game. Anyway, once the rock falls into the center, Midna will comment on the rock. Now, look around for a Goron, and attack it. He'll block your attacks, so use the shield to block his attack, then strike it with your sword while he's off guard. He'll roll into a ball and roll away to the wall. Climb on the Goron's back and you will be launched up, so land on the upper platform and head north to another Goron. Fight it and get on its back, then get on the next platform. You will see yet another Goron. Fight it and use its back to reach the platform above you, then head left and some steam will shoot out. It won't stop, so put on the Iron Boots and walk through the steam. Continue and avoid the rolling Gorons, then you'll come to a Goron by the wall. Fight it and use its back to reach the platform, then do the same with the next Goron. Finally, enter the next area which is the sacred ground of the Gorons. Head north, and a few Gorons will charge at you. However, the leader of the Goron tribe stops them. He introduces himself as Gor Coron, and says that he must be the leader of the Goron tribe in place of Darbus, their patriarch. He says that the mines are restricted to Gorons only, but he'll make an exception for you if you beat him at a contest of strength. Accept his challenge, and you will have to fight him in a sumo wrestling match just like you did with Bo. He will immediately hit you, sending you flying out of the ring. He says to come back when you're heavier. Equip the Iron Boots and speak to him, then tell him that you wish to try again. Now it's just like the sumo wrestling match with Bo. This one's a little hard, too. Just do it the same way you did last time. When you win, he'll tell you about how the four Goron elders and Darbus went to investigate, to see why the mountain was erupting so much. He says that there is a treasue that they must protect, and the moment Darbus touched it, everything turned into chaos. Then he became a huge beast. They had to seal him in the mountain due to him causing so many eruptions. He orders the two Gorons to let you pass, then you regain control. Now, unequip the Iron Boots, and head southeast to a Goron. He says that when you want to leave, you should use the elevator, so he moves away. For now, just head north and enter the Goron Mines, the second dungeon of the game. ============ Goron Mines ============ When you enter this dungeon, head east and follow the path to a platform. Jump to it, and you'll see two lava geysers. There are many of these throughout the dungeon, so wait until they stop, then jump to the platform. Jump to either platform, and make your way north. Follow the path, and hit the boarded wall with your sword to destroy it. Head left and step on the switch, then equip the Iron Boots to press it in and activate it. This causes a wall of fire to stop shooting fire. Unequip the Iron Boots and destroy the boarded wall to the north. Head north before the wall of fire reactivates, then follow the path and look to the left to find another switch. Use the Iron Boots to press the switch and make another wall of fire deactivate. Head north, and go around to the right to find a ladder. Climb it up, and head north. Jump to the platform ahead and defeat the fire enemy, then open the chest for a Red Rupee. Jump back to the platform, then jump to the platform on the right and jump over to the other side. Jump to the eastern platform and go up to the switch, then defeat the enemy that falls down and press the switch with the Iron Boots. This makes a wall of fire deactivate for a short time. Go all the way north and past the fire enemy, then turn right. You'll be able to make it a few seconds before the wall of fire reactivates. Follow the path to a caged floor, then jump to the platform ahead. Put on the Iron Boots and the platform will move down, causing the gate in front of you to open. Go through the door that was revealed. In the next room, you'll see an odd thing with blue stuff on the bottom of it. Head north, then head west at the path split. Follow the path to three Bokoblins and a chest, then defeat them and open the chest for a Small Key. Go back to the path split and head east this time, then follow the path to some moving platforms. When they stop, jump across them. Unlock the door at the end. Here, follow the path to a Dodongo, a classic Zelda enemy. To defeat it, attack the tail. It attacks by shooting a line of flame at you, so avoid that and defeat it. Now, jump to the platforms on the left while waiting on the lava geysers to deactivate, then defeat the Dodongo on the platform. Jump to the platform to the left and defeat the Dodongo, then grab the chain in the wall with A. Pull back until you pull the wall all the way out, but don't let go of the chain just yet. Look through the gate to see when the geysers start. A couple of seconds after they start, release the chain and run back to the platform. Jump across to where the Dodongo was, then jump to the platform on the right. Jump to the tunnel next to you, then run past the wall of spikes and go through the door. In this room, you'll see an odd blue part of the wall which goes all the way up to the door at the end. Jump in the water and equip the Iron Boots to sink. Be careful, though; once the blue bar on the screen empties, you'll drown. Head north and to a switch. Press it, and a magnetic field will activate. Your Iron Boots will make you go to the top of the blue magnetic field, and now you can walk around on it. Neat, huh? The controls are opposite while you're upside down, though. Walk up and to the door, then unequip the Iron Boots and enter it. In the next room, head north and speak with the Goron. He's one of the four Goron elders, named Gor Amoto. He will give you a Key Shard, which is one of the three pieces to the Big Key. He says that when you merge them together, you can unlock the door leading to Darbus the patriarch, and that each of the three elders in this dungeon has a Key Shard. Open the chest behind him to get the Dungeon Map, then climb up the nearby ladder to the top. Follow the path to some pots, and you'll see one of them wiggle. Lift it, and Ooccoo will break out of it. He joins you as a useable item again, just like in other dungeons. When you get him, go through the door ahead. Look to the left and right to find magnetic fields. Use the Iron Boots to walk on either one, then defeat the Fire Slugs along the way. At the end of the path, unequip the boots and go through the door. In the next room, step on the switch with the Iron Boots equipped and you'll rise up to a magnetic field. Head east and kill the Fire Slugs, then drop down where the chest is. Open the chest to get a Piece of Heart. Go back on the magnetic field and head south, then west. Follow the path, and at the path split, head right and to a platform. Unequip the Iron Boots to drop onto the platform, then go through the door. In here, you'll see four Bokoblins ahead, along with a switch. Head north and go around the big pillar to find them. Defeat them and press the switch using the Iron Boots, then you'll activate a magnetic field attached to some sort of a crane. It moves around the whole room. Unequip the Iron Boots and head west on the map. Equip the Iron Boots, and the magnetic field will take you up onto it when it moves over you. Let it carry you east from where you are, then drop down and head up the path. Defeat the Bokoblins and activate the switch, then this will activate another crane and magnetic field. Your boots will attract to it, making you stand on the magnetic field. When the crane takes you over to another platform, drop down and defeat the Bokoblins, then go through the door. This room is full of water and Tektites. Defeat the Tektites, and jump in the water. Head left and sink using the Iron Boots, then open the chest at the end for a Small Key. Resurface, then head and right and sink. Push the blue block forward and enter the cage. Unequip the boots and climb onto the platform. Press the switch at the end with the Iron Boots to activate a magnetic beam behind you. Go up to the magnetic beam with the Iron Boots on to stand on the field. Head north and drop down, then activate the switch to activate another magnetic beam below. Jump down and equip the boots, then the magnetic beam will pull you over to another field. Follow the path and drop down at the end, then you'll see a crystal switch. Open the chest to the left for a Red Rupee, then hit the crystal switch with your sword. This opens the gate down below for a short time. Jump down and go through the gate before it closes. Defeat the two Bokoblins in this room, and ignore the Beamos (the moving statues) for now. If their red eye sees you, then they'll shoot out a laser at you, so be careful. At the right side of the room is a magnetic field. Walk across it with the Iron Boots on, and walk northeast to a platform with a chest. Open it to get a Piece of Heart, then jump off the platform and walk on the magnetic field again. Walk northwest this time, and get on the next platform. Cut the two ropes that are held together by the nail to cut a red bridge down, revealing a locked door. Jump down and climb up the middle platform, then head north and unlock the door leading to the next area. Here, you'll be outside and will see a magnetic crane across from you. This area is full of Bokoblins shooting flame arrows, so the Hylian Shield is good here. The Ordon Shield is likely to burn in this room, and if it does, Midna will constantly nag you about it every two seconds, which gets annoying fast. Anyway, head north and break the boarded wall, then cross the walkway while avoiding the Bokoblins that shoot arrows. There will be a locked door to the left and another path to the right. Head right, and open the chest in the right-hand corner to get a Small Key. Head left and go to the locked door, then unlock it. In the next room, jump across the rotating platform, then you'll see a big rotating platform in the middle. On each side of the platform is a magnetic field. One side has three while the other has one, and in the middle. Head up the ramp to the right to reach the platform. Now, get on the first of the three magnetic fields when it flips over to that side, and equip the Iron Boots. Wait until it flips back over to the top, then unequip them and run over to the second one. Repeat this until you get to the last one, then when it flips over to the top one last time, head to the platform ahead and go through the door. There is another Goron elder in this room, named Gor Ebizo. Talk to him, and he will give you the second Key Shard. Gor Ebizo also mentions that you'll need a sacred weapon of the Gorons in order to be safe through the rest of the dungeon. He says it's in the room up ahead, and that the guard in there should let you pass to get the weapon. Climb up the ladder to the north and follow the path to a door, then go through it. Back in this area, look right to find a magnetic field. Walk across it with the Iron Boots, and at the end, drop down to a platform. Head right and open the chest for a Yellow Rupee, then go through the door to the left. The door will lock. Head north to a ring with a magnetic field on it, and you'll see a big Goron with metal armor equipped. Apparently he doesn't like you, so he's gonna fight. He jumps onto the arena, breaking the chains. The platform also falls into the lava, and a battle begins. By the way, equip the Iron Boots. While he has his arms raised, attack his stomach repedeately with your sword until he curls up into a ball. From there, hold A to grab him and throw him behind you. If you're in the right spot, you'll throw him into the lava. When you throw him into the lava, unequip the Iron Boots and run to the center. Reequip them when the Goron lands on the platform, and repeat this process two more times to win the battle. His mask will pop off, and he'll say that he'll let you have the weapon, but that you must help save the patriarch in wreturn. The lava rises with the platform, and both doors unlock. Head south and go through that door, and in that room, open the chest to get the Hero's Bow! Equip it and shoot the ropes holding the bridge up behind the chest. When the bridge falls, head north and shoot the Fire Slug you see on the ceiling, then head all the way north and face the Beamos statue. It will come to life, so back up and shoot the red eye with an arrow to destroy it and send the statue down. Go back to the other statues to the south, and destroy all of them. You can pull them after destroying them. Pull the westernmost one to find a door behind it, then go through it. Talk to the last Goron elder here, whos name is never said. He gives you the last Key Shard which forms the Big Key! Open the chest on the ledge behind him for a Purple Rupee, then exit the room. Back in the Beamos room, push the Beamos statue away, then pull the easternmost one back to find a chest containing the Compass. Once you get it, head to the southern end of the room and pull the Beamos statue away, then go through the door behind it. In the next room, you'll see a magnetic field somewhere in this room, along with many Fire Slugs gathered up on the ceiling in many spots. Head north and defeat the Fire Keese, then roll into the gate to bring it down. Before jumping to the platform ahead, look above the platform and shoot the Fire Slugs with the Hero's Bow. Then jump to the platform, and follow the path to a platform with two Dodongos. Defeat them, and look on the ceiling above the next platform. Kill the Fire Slugs with the Hero's Bow, then jump to the platform. Look above the next platform, kill the Fire Slugs, then kill the other two on the wall ahead. Jump to the platform and follow the path, then at the very end of the path, press the switch with the Iron Boots to activate a magnetic beam. Walk across the magnetic field until you get to the end, then take out your bow. Shoot the Dodongo to send him to the lava below, then shoot the crystal switch in the small opening in front of you. This causes a gate below you to open, so unequip the Iron Boots and go through the door that was revealed. In this area, head right and jump across the platform to a chest. Open the chest to get a Purple Rupee. Jump back to the other platform and follow the path. Shoot the ropes holding the bridge up to make it collapse, then cross it to find a switch. Equip the Iron Boots and stand on it to activate a magnetic beam on a crane. The crane will take you to a platform below. Drop down and go through the door here. In the watery room, you'll notice fish in the water. Take them out with arrows and go to the northern platform. Shoot the crystal switch on the western ledge with an arrow, then the gate will open. Head into that room and defeat the Bokoblins as well as the Beamos. Then, go through the northern door. Outside, head north and defeat the Bokoblin, then continue and you'll see a monster call other ones to shoot flaming arrows. Take them out from afar with your bow, then head all the way north and east. Shoot the Beamos, then pull it all the way back to open a stone wall behind it, revealing a path. Follow the path up to some barrels, but they blow up when hit, so be careful! Either shoot the archers ahead or shoot the barrel behind them to kill them with an explosion. Do whichever makes you feel more evil. At the end of the path is a switch. Press it with the Iron Boots to activate a crane and a magnetic beam. Jump down the platform to the lower platform below, then keep the Iron Boots equipped. Let the magnetic beam take you up to the magnetic field on the crane, then the crane will take you to a red bridge. Take out your bow and the view will be a little screwed. Look around for the rope tied to the bridge and shoot it with an arrow. This brings the bridge down. When the crane moves over it, unequip the Iron Boots and cross the bridge to a door, then go through it. In the next room, follow the path and be careful of the archers. Shoot them with arrows, then take out the Bokoblins. Shoot the ropes tied to the bridge in the wall and it will fall down, revealing a path with many Bokoblins. Show them what you're made of, then unlock the boss door at the end. In the boss's room, you'll see a dark, chainrd up Goron. When Link approaches it, the gem on its head glows and its eyes then turn on. The Goron gets covered in flames and breaks the chains off, then a boss battle begins. See the Bosses section for help on winning. Once you defeat Fyrus, a Heart Container pops out of his forehead, and you get the second Fused Shadow. Midna takes it, and she says she'll tell you an interesting story since you've been so helpful. She says that the leader of the twilight is named Zant, and that you'd stand no chance against him right now. After Midna's rant, she creates a portal. Darbus will turn back into a normal Goron. Talk to him, then take the Heart Container and tell Midna to take you out of the dungeon. You'll get the option to save your game after that. ================= Kakariko Village ================= Back at the village, Eldin the light spirit will speak to you. It says that you'll find the light spirit Lanayru north of here, past the stone bridge. Then the shaman, Colin, and all of the other kids appear outside. Colin tells you that apparently, Ilia has been kidnapped! After the cinema, you'll regain control. There are some things you can get in the village now that the mountain has returned to normal and the Gorons have returned. For one, if you didn't buy the Hylian Shield at the General Store earlier, then do it now. Head all the way north and look at the last building on the left. This is Barnes' Bomb Shop. Inside, speak with Barnes. He's only selling one type of bomb at the moment, but he'll get more in time. Buy it, along with the Bomb Bag for 120 Rupees. He tells you that you can combine bombs and your bow to make Bomb Arrows. He also gives you a letter explaining how to use the Bomb Arrows. To do it, go to the Inventory screen and go to the Bombs, then press Z to combine your bow with the bombs. Be warned, though, that this takes up both arrows and bombs to use (obviously). Leave the Bomb Shop, and talk to the Goron by the shop. Tell him to carry you up to the top of the roof, then climb onto his back and he'll launch you up. Head up the hill to the north to find another Goron. Tell him to launch you up on the roof, then enter the building and look to the left. Open the chest for a Purple Rupee and then exit the building. Climb up the ladder up to the top, then you'll see Talo on the roof. Talk to him, and he'll say that he's being the lookout for the village. He asks if you will show him how to shoot a bow. Accept his offer, and he says to meet Malo down by the springs. You'll automatically appear by Malo and the springs. First Malo will want you to shoot a close by target with your bow. Do it, and he'll want you to shoot a target on the roof of a building. After that, Talo will say that he wants you to shoot a pole by him very far away. It's pretty hard to see and shoot, but keep trying until you shoot it. If you run out of arrows, then you lose. Either way, if you win, you get a Piece of Heart and the Hawkeye item is sold at Malo's shop for 100 Rupees. Get it as soon as you can. The Hawkeye is a mask that allows you to zoom in with the Hero's Bow. Go to the Hero's Bow on the Inventory screen and press Z to combine it. Now you can zoom in and out with the bow using the - Button and + Button. You can also point the Wii Remote at the screen and press A on the zooming icons yourself. Anyway, once you get the Hawkeye, mount Epona and head all the way north. Jump across the gate and out to Hyrule Field. ============= Hyrule Field ============= Head north, and the postman will stop you. He'll give you two letters, one which is from Barnes telling you about using Bomb Arrows. The first one (the one from Barnes is the second) tells you about a sundries shop from Kakariko Goods. Regardless, continue heading north, and cross the Bridge of Eldin (you will come to it as you go north on the map). You'll come to a path blocked by three rocks, so place a bomb there to blow them away. Then, a portal appears in the sky and the Bridge of Eldin gets taken away into the portal! Some shadow beasts appear on the broken bridge. Walk over to the bridge and defeat all three of them using two Spin Attacks. This will make the portal reappear, making another warp point available (although unusable at the moment). Go back to where you blew up the rocks and follow the path from there. Defeat the Bokoblins on the way, and you'll come to a curtain of twilight. Midna says that this will probably be the last you'll ever see of the twilight. Walk up to the curtain and tell Midna you want to go through, then you'll be pulled into the Twilight realm once again, and you'll turn into a wolf. After Midna talks and you regain control, follow the path and defeat the enemies along the way, until you come to a purple scent on the ground. The scent is coming from Ilia's purse. Sniff it, and you'll see a short flashback of Ilia. When it asks you if you'd like to forget the Youth's Scent, say yes to learn the Scent of Ilia. Activate your senses and follow the scent through the path. Eventually you'll get to a whole new area of the field, and you'll see a big castle in the distance. Obviously, that's Hyrule Castle. Continue following the scent after Midna's speech, and eventually you'll enter a new area. Activate your senses and continue following the scent, then you'll eventually arrive at the Hyrule Castle Town. =================== Hyrule Castle Town =================== There are a lot of spirits scattered throughout the village, so activate your senses to reveal them as humans. At the East Road (which is where we are now), head west and to the Central Square. There are many spirits here. Be sure to use your senses and walk around the Central Square. You'll learn from many that the water at Lake Hylia is out, and you'll also learn that no one can enter the light spirit's cave without the water. Uh oh. People also tell you that there is a Zora in the village that has collapsed. Follow the Scent of Ilia to the South Road, and eventually you'll be led inside Telma's Bar. Inside here, activate your senses to find the collapsed Zora boy as well as Ilia! Go up to her and listen to their conversation. Telma (the fat girl) and Ilia will talk about the Zora boy. Head right and keep your senses activated. Talk to the guards, then check the map on the table. The location of Lake Hylia will be marked on your map. Now, leave Telma's Bar. Back outside, make your way back to the East Road and exit to Hyrule Field. ============= Hyrule Field ============= Out here, head all the way to the right side of the map and enter the next area of the field. Follow the path going down, and you'll see a cinema where a long bridge is shown. This is the Great Bridge of Hylia, with Lake Hylia directly below it. Go on the bridge and cross it, and you'll see oil all over it. Midna will eventually say that she smells something funny, then an enemy will shoot an arrow at both side of the bridge on the oil, making both ends on fire! Now we have to find a way off of this bridge. Climb onto one of the two nearby boxes, then jump to the side of the bridge and fall down to Lake Hylia. =========== Lake Hylia =========== You'll land in a body of water, the only body of water in the lake right now. Midna says that the spirit's spring should be around here somewhere. Head onto the land and activate your senses. Listen to the Zoras. They talk about how they do not know the cause of the water draining, and how they can't even enter their own home, Zora's Domain. Head all the way north to a single building and one spirit. Activate your senses and listen to the man. He's trying to open some sort of mini-game thing, but he doesn't seem too enthusiastic about it. He wonders if the Zoras who live upriver is the cause of the lake being drained, or if it was a curse of the lake's spirit. He then notices a monster on some land ahead. Head north and up to where the monster is. He'll spot you, then use a piece of grass to call a big bird to accompany him! Now he rides the big bird, and we have to defeat it. The monster shoots flaming arrows, and you have to Z-Target it and dodge the arrows. When the bird dives at you, jump at it to latch onto it, then press A repedeately. Immediately after that, jump to the bird again while it's at a low altitude. Two combos defeats it. You'll now have to finish off the monster alone. Once you do, Midna will ride the bird and tame it. She says that we can use this bird to get us to the water source of the lake. The bird takes you and Midna up through the river, and you now have to fly through the upper part of the lake. Use the Wii Remote (point it at the screen) to fly through the path. Press A to dash, although it isn't worth it; it can get you killed. If you bump into a wall, you'll fall down. There are also enemies that shoot flaming arrows at you throughout the path, so be careful. If you fall, Midna offers you to try again. Keep trying until you make it. If you choose not to try again, you'll appear at Lake Hylia again where the grass is. You can't pick it up as a wolf, but Midna says that you should be able to howl the same song. Whenever you make it, the bird will drop you and Midna off at the Upper Zora's River. =================== Upper Zora's River =================== Here, Midna will suggest searching around for the home of the Zora's home. Head north and use your senses to find a girl with an afro. Listen to him, and she'll say that she can't work with the water like it currently is. Head north and jump off, then head all the way right and continue to Zora's Domain. ============== Zora's Domain ============== This place is completely frozen right now. This must be the source of the lake, so we have to find out what we can do. Head north and you'll enter the main area of the domain. Midna finds it odd that everything is frozen, and suggests looking for the Zoras. Head all the way north and defeat the enemies, then stand on the ledge ahead. Midna will alert you, so press Up and use her help to climb up. Head up the hill, and an icicle will fall down. Go to either side of the icicle and continue north, then Midna will alert you again. Press Up and use her to climb up more of the domain. Don't tap the button too fast, or else you'll fall all the way to the bottom, losing two hearts! Also, wait until an icicle falls down when you get on one of the ledges. You'll hang onto the last ledge, so climb it up and press Up again. When you reach the top, head all the way north and enter the next area. In the next area, you'll see three shadow beasts in the center. Approach them and a barrier will surround the area, like always. Head around the right side of the barrier and defeat the one that's alone, then use the energy field attack to defeat the last two. When you defeat them, Midna says that we can now warp here. She'll then alert you. Press Up and she'll tell you to look below the ice sheet. Use your senses, and you'll see all of the Zoras frozen under the ice! Midna says that we can't leave them like this, and she suggests warping somewhere to find a way to thaw them out. So, warp to Death Mountain at the Eldin Province. =============== Death Mountain =============== From where you warp, head south and Midna will alert you when you get to the big rock, which is still on fire from when it first landed. Press Up, and tell Midna you want to warp. Warp back to Zora's Domain at the Lanayru Province. She will warp the rock there, as well. ============== Zora's Domain ============== The flaming rock will smash directly into the thick ice sheet, melting it and making all of the water go pouring back into the domain, the river, and the lake once again! When you and Midna appear back at Zora's Domain, Midna will wonder if we can go visit the spirit of the lake now. Use your senses and check on the Zora's if you want. Most of them are coughing, while others are nearly dead. Head towards the exit of this area, and a spirit will tell you to wait. She says that she was once the elder of the Zora's village, and the queen of the Zora's in general. Her name is Rutela. She says that the dark ones invaded the village and executed her in the process. She tells you that she sent her young son, Ralis, to Hyrule Castle to tell Princess Zelda of what had happened. She fears that her son's presence is growing fainter over time, however, and she wants you to save him. If you do so, she'll give you the protection of water, which we'll defenitely be needing real soon. It allows you to swim and respire in the deepest waters. After she leaves and Midna talks, leave the area. You'll notice that the water is flowing rapidly, and Midna says that the water should flow all the way down to Lake Hylia. Jump in the water and head south, letting the stream take you down to Lake Hylia. =========== Lake Hylia =========== Link wakes up unconscious by Midna, who is right by the entrance to the light spirit's cave. Coincidence? I think not. When Link wakes up and Midna finishes talking, head into the cave. Inside, head down the path to the end of the platform. Press A to speak to the light spirit, who is the last of the spirits that is consumed by the twilight. As usual, you get the Vessel of Light, and now we have to gather the Tears of Light again. Exit the cave and head north, then head east and cross the bridge. Activate your senses after crossing the bridge, then defeat the dark insect and get the first tear. Cross the next bridge to the platform ahead, then a barrier will surround you and some shadow beasts will appear. Defeat the one on the right side of the barrier first. Then, lure the other two over to each other and use the energy field attack to finish them off. Now, go across the other bridge to the south, and eventually you'll come to a building. Go behind it and use your senses to find another dark insect. Defeat it and cross the bridges again, then go back to where you fought the shadow beasts. Head west and head up the path left of the bridge. Then, jump off the left side of the platform to another platform, then jump to the next one. Head right and jump to the last platform, then head up and activate your senses. A dark insect will burrow underground, so dig it out and defeat it, then get the tear. Jump off the platform and into the water. Head all the way north to the last white dot on the map, then you'll come to a narrow strip of land with a Zora (use your senses to find the Zora). He sees something in the far distance, so keep your senses on and head all the way north to a dark insect. Defeat it and get the tear, then head back south. Head past the Zora to some land you can climb on. Get on the land and follow the path across the bridges again. Head to the eastern part of the map where the land is. Across from the building is some grass on the stone platform. Use it and howl to call the big black bird, then it'll carry you through the path where you have to fly. There are even some dark insects here. Keep your senses activated until you get all of the tears. To defeat the dark insects while flying, simply dash into them to kill them and get the tear instantly. There are four dark insects in all, so once you kill them, turn your senses off and fly through the rest of the course. When you exit it, you'll appear back at Upper Zora's River. =================== Upper Zora's River =================== Head north and use your senses. Listen to the girl with the afro, and a dark insect will come busting out into the open. The girl will get scared, so defeat it and get the tear. Head north past the girl, and cross the now floating bridge. Head to the right and up the hill, where you'll find a Howling Statue. Howl the song like this: down, middle, down, up, middle, down. This carries you to the area with the orange beast. Howl the song again, and the orange beast's location will appear on your map. He's right next to Hyrule Castle Town. Now, when you're done with that, warp to Zora's Domain. ============== Zora's Domain ============== Go onto the eastern ground, and head to the white dot on the map in this room. Activate your senses, and look all the way up and around the walls. When you find it, dash into the wall and it'll fly down. Defeat it and take the tear, then proceed south to the next area. Out here, jump down where the water is pouring and head to the center. Climb onto one of the floating platforms and use your senses to find two dark insects. Defeat them and get their tears, then head east and climb onto the platform. Head down the path and Midna will alert you, so use her help to climb up the ledges. Keep following the path, using Midna to climb up the ledges along the way. When you come to a hill, ignore it and continue. Head to the end of the path to find a chest. Open it for a Red Rupee, then go back south. Climb up the next set of ledges using Midna's help, then when you get to the platform with a trail of Green Rupees, follow them to another platform. Use your senses to find the next dark insect, then defeat it and get the tear. Jump back down to the center and climb up the eastern ledge again. Make your way up the path with Midna's help, and go to the chest you got a Red Rupee from. Jump off of the end of that platform to land on another one below. Head north and use your senses to find the next dark insect. When it burrows, dig it out and defeat it then get the tear. Jump into the water and head through the stream, back to Upper Zora's River. From there, swim left and let the stream take you to Hyrule Field. ============= Hyrule Field ============= Out here, head left and get onto the ground. Follow the eastern path to the next area, then follow the path south to the black box on the map. Head west when you reach a bridge, and a barrier will block the area. Some shadow beasts will come out of a portal. Head along the west side of the barrier and defeat the lone beast, then use the energy field attack to defeat the last two. Then, continue west and into the town. =================== Hyrule Castle Town =================== In the town, activate your senses and follow the Scent of Ilia to Telma's Bar. Don't enter it, though; instead, head south of it and climb onto the ledge with the boxes. Activate your senses and break the boxes to reveal a dark insect. Defeat it and get the tear, then Midna will alert you. Speak to her, and she'll tell you that there should be one more tear. She sees that the tear is marked on your map; it is located at Lake Hylia. Warp there. =========== Lake Hylia =========== Back here, you'll see a cinema of something big gathering around the lake. The area is stormy, too. Jump into the lake and head to the white dot on the map. Get on one of the platforms, and something invisible will rise up from the water. Use your senses and you'll see that it's really a big, flying insect! To defeat it, wait until it charges at you, then the electricity surrounding it will disappear. From there, charge at it and tap A repedeately to attack the belly. Avoid its attacks and do this two more times, then it'll fall on its back in the water with its legs out. Jump on the belly and use the energy field attack to finish off the legs. This kills the creature, so take the last tear. You'll appear at the light spirit's cave. The Vessel of Light will enter the spirit's spring. Midna reminds you to get the last Fused Shadow, then the light spirit appears and speaks to Link. This spirit's name is Lanayru, but you probably guessed that already. He says that each and every light spirit has now been restored. He tells you that the next Fused Shadow lies deep in the bed of Lake Hylia. You then see a strange scene about the Triforce and the goddesses who created the world, and about how the Triforce can consume a lot of people. Link eventually snaps out of it, then Lanayru tells him that the Fused Shadow is at the Lakebed Temple in Lake Hylia. Exit the cave and head right, then cross the bridges. Then head north and cross the next set of bridges until you get to a building. Talk to the guy there. After ranting about the Lakebed Temple and the Zoras, he'll offer you to take his "fantastic ride" for 10 Rupees. Pay up, and enter the thing he's standing in front of. It'll launch you high up to a platform. Head to the door of the building, and Midna will be reminded that we had to save the Zora queen's son, so that we can get the ability to dive underwater. Enter the building, and climb down the ladder. You'll see a bunch of Cuccos here, and behind you is Falbi. He'll let you play a Cucco-flying mini-game for 20 Rupees; see the Mini-Games section for information on that. Head north and go through the door leading to Hyrule Field. ============= Hyrule Field ============= Head all the way north and up the path until you get to some grass. Use it to call Epona, then get on her and ride her north. Follow the path going around to the left, and to the next area. Here, head west towards the castle town, then dismount her and head east to a platform with a vine wall. Climb it up to the orange beast, then walk to it and it'll dash at you. As always, you'll appear in the white area where the zombie warrior is located. Tell him you're ready to learn another skill, then he'll want to make sure you've mastered the last technique, the Shield Attack. Z-Target him and thrust the Nunchuk forward, then attack while he's off guard. Then, he'll teach you the Back Slice. To do it, Z-Target the foe, hold Left or Right on the Control Stick, then press A. Finally, swing the Wii Remote while rolling around the foe to do a Back Slice. Use the Back Slice on him to learn the skill, then you'll appear back outside at Hyrule Field. Jump off the ledge and head west, then cross the bridge. The postman will deliver you two letters. One of them is from Barnes, telling you that the Bomb Shop has now stocked up on Water Bombs. We'll be needing these. The other letter tells you that the Fishing Hole and the Rapid Ride at Lake Hylia is now open. Regardless, continue to the town. =================== Hyrule Castle Town =================== Now that the entire town isn't covered in twilight, we can actually explore some more. The two people in front of you just mention the Zora boy in the bar. The other guy on the East Road wants you to make a donation. If you donate a total of 1000 Rupees to him, you'll get a Piece of Heart. Anyway, head to the Central Square. There's not too much more to see in the town, but at least now the villagers have returned. Head to the South Road, then head southwest to the path leading to Telma's Bar. Enter the bar. Inside, you'll see the doctor leave because he can't help the collapsed Zora boy. You'll then see Ilia and Telma. Telma says that since a doctor won't help, they could always get the shaman from Kakariko Village to help. The soldiers in the bar don't like the idea, but they say that they'll escort Telma and the others to Kakariko Village. Telma says that to get there, we'll have to cross two plains infested with lots of monsters. One of the soldiers runs away in fear, then Telma notices Link. She talks to Link, and you find out that Ilia has lost her memory. You'll appear outside at Hyrule Field. ============= Hyrule Field ============= Since the western bridge has been destroyed, Telma suggests we cross the east bridge instead. Link, Telma and Ilia then all appear at another part of the field, with Ilia in a wagon and Telma operating it. Link is on Epona. After some talking, you'll have to follow Telma to Kakariko Village while protecting the wagon the entire time. Follow the wagon to the bridge, where a big monster will be riding a boar. You have to fight it. To win, just shoot two arrows at it and the boar will lose its balance, crashing into the bridge. This causes the monster to fall off. You'll then get 2 Gate Keys. Follow Telma through the field some more, and if the archers hit the wagon with their flaming arrows, the wagon will catch fire. Z-Target the wagon and use the Gale Boomerang to put out any fires. Keep doing this until you come to a gate. Dismount Epona and unlock the gate, then mount her again. Now you'll come to an area where lots of monsters riding boars will appear. They wield bows, and shoot flaming arrows. Get in front of them and use the Spin Attack to deal with them. There are also many birds which carry bombs. They'll drop a bomb right in front of the wagon, scaring the horses. This makes the horses retreat back around the field. Z-Target the birds and use arrows to kill them. If you have no arrows, the Gale Boomerang will do, because the bomb explosion kills them. This part can get annoying fast. Once you reach the next section of the field, repeat the same process until you come to a gate. Dismount Epona and unlock it, then mount her again. If there are any nearby monsters shooting flaming arrows, take care of them and put out any fires that are on the wagon. Follow the wagon to Kakariko Village. ================= Kakariko Village ================= Here at the village, Renamon says that as long as the Zora boy rests, then he will be fine. Colin swears to stay here until he's alright. Colin, Link and Renamon proceed outside. Watch the cinema. Colin is upset because Ilia has lost her memory. Telma will introducer herself to Link and such, and says that in her bar is a secret passageway to Hyrule Castle. After Telma leaves, Link will see the Zora queen. Follow her to the south, and to the graveyard. ========== Graveyard ========== Continue following the Zora queen until you get to a stone slab with an image of the Zora's Sapphire on it. The Zora queen will make the stone disappear, revealing a crawlspace. Crawl through it, and you'll be in a new area. The Zora queen will be on a ledge ahead, so jump into the water and climb onto there. The Zora queen is thankful that you saved her son (the collapsed Zora boy), and she says that her husband King Zora rests here in the graveyard. She says that under the grave in front of you lies the armor that protects you from drowning. The grave is pushed aside, then Link takes the Zora Armor! With it, you can swim and be resistant to water, but you're weaker to fire and ice attacks. After the dialogue, the Zora queen will disappear. Midna will tell you that even if you were to go back now after saving all of the people, the whole tragedy would just repeat itself, so you'll need the Fused Shadow in order to save the world from Zant. Crawl through the crawlspace in the graveyard, then make your way out. ================= Kakariko Village ================= In the village, head to Barnes' Bomb Shop. Inside, talk to Barnes and he'll introduce you to the new bombs: Water Bombs. They can be used on ground and under the water! However, since you only have one Bomb Bag right now, you can only carry one type of bomb at a time, and the Water Bomb supply is very limited. You can only carry 15 at once. We'll need them for the next dungeon, though, so you have no choice but to buy them for 30/60/90 Rupees. Go to the buyback counter to the left, and sell your bombs to Barnes for however many Rupees. Buy the Water Bombs (you need as much as possible, so buy however many you can afford), then exit the shop. Go back to the graveyard. ========== Graveyard ========== Go to the end of the area and crawl through the crawlspace. Then, equip the Zora Armor and jump in the water. You can swim with A. Sink with the Iron Boots and get out a Water Bomb. Place it by the boulders to the right to blow them up, revealing a passage leading to Lake Hylia. Go through the passage. =========== Lake Hylia =========== Unequip the Iron Boots, and swim through the path. When you see the water go deeper, swim all the way down to the bed of Lake Hylia. At the very bottom, equip the Iron Boots and look around for a crack in the floor, where a small stream is. Place a Water Bomb there to blow it up, making the stream get fully released. Place another Water Bomb right on the stream to send it up to a boulder. This will blow it up, revealing an entrance. Unequip the Iron Boots, and swim through the entrance to the Lakebed Temple. =============== Lakebed Temple =============== Starting off here, swim through the long path and ignore the enemies. Follow the path that goes up leading to the first room of the temple. Now that we're truly in the temple now, get on the ground and open the chest behind you to get 10 Water Bombs. Now, you should know that there is a new enemy in this room, known as the Chuchu. Chuchus come in several colors. Each time you attack one, depending on how big they are, they'll split. Eventually, you'll see "Scoop" appear onscreen. Take out an Empty Bottle and swing it at the jelly to capture it. Drink it, and certain things will happen. Anyway, head north and up the path. Look behind you to find a lever hanging on the ceiling. Jump to it to pull it, opening the gate blocking the door. Go through the door. In this room, equip the Bomb Arrows. There are stalactites on the ceiling. With a Bomb Arrow, shoot the end of the big part to make it fall. Shoot down all of the stalactites here, then proceed north and climb up the stalactites. To defeat the shielded enemies in here, use the Back Slice. Once you reach the door, head left and climb the stalactite and ledges to a chest. Open the chest to get 10 Water Bombs, then go through the door to the right of here. You'll see a water stream flowing below the bridges here. Cross the bridge and defeat the Lizalfos, then go through the door, to the main room of the dungeon. Here, head down the staircase and head around this platform clockwise. Defeat the Tektites along the way. At the end of the path is a chest containing 20 Arrows. Once you get it, head back left, then jump off the ledge and grab the lever in the air. This moves the central staircase over to where the lever you pulled is. Take the stairs up and head right. Jump off that platform when you see another lever, then grab it to switch the central staircase around again. Head down the staircase, then head east and open the chest containing the Dungeon Map. Head left and enter the door, then defeat the shielded enemy and go through the next door. In the next room, use the Bomb Arrows to shoot down the stalactites in this room. Head east and through the tunnel, then follow the path to a vine wall. Climb it to the right and drop onto the platform. Head around the platform, and you'll see another platform across from you with a chest on it. A water geyser will pop up from the ground every few seconds, bringing up the stalactite you shot down. Jump to the stalactite then to the chest, then open it for a Small Key. Go back to the platform with the vine wall, then climb the vine wall back around the platform. At the end, drop down and follow the path up the tunnel, then go through the door. Head across the bridge and go through the door leading back to the main room. There, take the staircase up and head left. Head all the way left until you see a locked door, then head wesdt of that to find a pot that shakes. Break it to find Ooccoo. Once it joins you, head right and unlock the door. Defeat the enemy here and go through the door at the end of the hallway. In the next room, head left from where you enter, then defeat the Tektite and open the chest to get 5 Water Bombs. Now, head around to the right and you'll come to a gate. Above it are two stalactites. Shoot the western one to make it fall to the ground, then climb it up and climb onto the vine wall. Climb it up and right, then drop down at the middle. Go to the middle of this platform and jump to the lever to pull it, opening the gate below you. Drop down and follow the path, then you'll come to a door and a boulder at the end. Blow the boulder up with a Bomb Arrow, then go through the door for now. Here, jump onto the big waterwheel in the middle, then head right and defeat the Lizalfos. Go through the door leading to the other side of the previous room. Head left, and open the chest for a Small Key. Go back through the door you just came out of, and back to the previous room. Back here, jump to the waterwheel and go through the door to the northwest. Here again, head west and defeat the enemies and go through the door. In this room, you'll see a green creature jump into a bubble of water. To defeat it, shoot a Bomb Arrow at the bubble to make it pop, then finish the creature off with your sword. Now, unlock the door you see ahead of you. You will see a lever in the center, but you can't reach it just yet. Turn right from where you enter the room, then jump off the ledge and climb up the vine wall to the top. Walk up the circular path and defeat the enemies along the way. Eventually, the path will come to an end. Open the chest you'll find to get 10 Water Bombs, then head left and climb up the ladder on the left or right side. Jump to the lever nearby, and a floodgate opens, causing water to come pouring down the room. Drop down and head down the waterslide path. When you fall into the water at the center, climb up the center platform, then turn around and jump to the lever to pull it. This makes a floodgate ahead open, causing water to pour out into other rooms as well. Head north and proceed to the area where you fought the bubble creature, then go through the western door. Follow the path and turn right, then go through that door. Back in this room, you'll see that the big waterwheel has caused the other gears to move. Jump down and if you don't land on the spinning gears, go around the area and climb up the vines. Head west and drop down at the end, then go through the path and through the tunnel. Head to the end of the platform at the top, and jump to one of the rotating gears. When it carries you all the way to the west, jump to the ledge and go through the door. In this room, head west and open the chest at the end for a Small Key. Exit this room, and jump on the spinning gears again. Let it carry you to the north, then jump to the ledge and enter the door. Head right and unlock the door there, and you'll see lots of water ahead. Equip the Iron Boots and enter the water. Follow the path, ignoring the enemies along the way. Head east where the jet stream is, then open the chest to get a Red Rupee. Now, continue following the path going north, and you'll come to a boulder blocking the path. Place a Water Bomb there to blow it up, then keep following the path. To defeat the shell enemy, attack the inner muscle a few times. Regardless, proceed to the next area. Unequip the Iron Boots and swim to the top, then climb up into the watery room. The hole you came out of will close, and something will fall from the ceiling. Defeat it with your sword, and look up at the ceiling in First-Person view. You'll see several eyes that are on a giant frog. Some of the eyes fall down, and the giant frog will fall down to the ground. Time for a mini-boss battle. Attack the eyeballs that he shakes off of his back and the giant frog will leap into the air. You'll see the shadow of the frog under you a second or so later. Roll away from him and when he lands, run up to his head and attack the tongue. When it has its tongue sticking out, shoot a Bomb Arrow at it to stun it. Repeat this process a couple of more times to win the fight. When you win, he'll spit out a chest before disappearing. Open it to get the Clawshot. This nifty item allows us to grapple onto certain spots of the ceiling. You can grapple onto vines, as well. Head to the south part of the room and look on the ceiling. Grapple onto the red mark to pull it down. This opens the gate blocking the door. Drop down, then go through it. At this area, you'll see two of the shielded enemies. Now that you have the Clawshot, you can pull their masks off with it, making them a much easier foe to defeat. Go through the door at the end of this room. Back in the gear-spinning room, get on one and head through the eastern door. Go through the door at the end of the hallway. Back at the main room, more water will flow into the center, which makes it rise up some more. Now, head all the way to the right and look at the ceiling. Clawshot to the end of the vines, then drop down to the other side. Go east and past the first lever. Then, look up where the next lever should be, and Clawshot the red mark to pull it down, moving the central staircase. This causes water to flow down the staircase and through the door behind you. Go through that door, and you'll see a moving waterwheel. When the bars on it move up, roll past the other bars to the other side, then go through the door. In the next room, head north and jump to the gear platform. Use the Clawshot and look up, and to the left. Clawshot to the red mark with nothing on it, then hold Down on the Control Stick to move down with the Clawshot. On that ledge, open the chest to get 10 Water Bombs. Look around for a vine wall on a pillar. Clawshot to it and climb it to the right, then drop down. Around there is another vine wall on a pillar, so Clawshot to it and get on the ledge. Look on the wall to find more vines. Clawshot to them and climb them to the door, then go through it. In the next area, head right to find two water geysers. Look up at the ceiling to find a stalactite by the eastern geyser. Shoot it down with a Bomb Arrow, then climb onto it when the water geyser isn't active. The geyser will shoot you up, so jump to the ledge then jump down. Defeat the two Tektites, then look up and behind you. Clawshot to the red mark to open the gate in front of you. Drop down, and head to the platform on the right. Clawshot to the mark by the door, then go through. Here, shoot the bubble enemies using the Bomb Arrow, then finish them off with your sword. Look up at the ceiling, and Clawshot to the vines on the ceiling. Drop down to the other side of the gate. You will see a water geyser nearby. Jump off to the right and climb up the vine wall. Make your way around the circular area, and when you reach the end of the first path, use the Clawshot on the target ahead (but when the geyser isn't going). When you reach the top, open the chest nearby for 10 Water Bombs. Go west from the chest and climb up one of the ladders to the left or right. Jump to the lever to pull it, making more water flow down the whole room. Drop down and look on the wall ahead. Use the Clawshot on the left target, then drop down and open the chest to get the Compass. Slide down the waterslide to the bottom of the room, then climb up the central platform. Jump to the lever behind you, and a floodgate opens that flows more water to the other rooms. Jump into the water and climb onto the ledge to the north, but be careful of the piranha fish in the water! When you climb up, Clawshot to the vines on the ceiling and drop down behind the gate again. Go through the eastern door. Here again, jump off the platform and head through the path. Go through the door to the left. In this room, the gears will start spinning. Clawshot to the vines on the pillar to the right, then get on the ledge and Clawshot to the target you will see ahead. Open the chest for a Red Rupee, then look down and look at the small platform below. Jump to it, and get out the Clawshot. Look up and to the left, then grapple onto one of the red targets. When you get under the platform with a door, drop and go through it. In the next room, jump into the water. Swim underwater, and to the bottom. Then head left and take the eastern passage. Keep swimming, then swim to the top. Head right and use the Iron Boots at the end to land by a boulder. There is an enemy here that, when attacked, turns into a bomb and explodes. Either use it or a Water Bomb to blow up the boulder, then continue through the path. Head to the southeastern corner to find a second boulder. Bomb it and enter that area, then swim up to the surface. Climb up the ledge and go through the door. In the next area, use the Clawshot on the enemy inside the bubble to pull him out, then finish him off. Now, look at the ceiling to find a Clawshot target. Use the Clawshot on the target to open up the floor below you. Move all the way down using the Control Stick to get on the lower platform. Open the chest there to get the Big Key! Jump into the water and sink with the Iron Boots, then go through the underwater door. In this tunnel, you can defeat the jellyfish enemies by shooting the Clawshot at them while they aren't electrified. Swim through the tunnel, then swim through the next tunnel ahead. Surface, and head around to the right and climb onto the ground. Follow the path and you'll see a door. Swim to the door and go through it. Back in this room, use the Clawshot on the spinning gear above you. Then, land on the small platform to the left. Look at the second gear ahead, and Clawshot to the empty target when it gets near. Then, land on the platform that has the opened chest on it. Finally, Clawshot to the vine wall ahead. Climb it up to the door, then go through it. Head past the waterwheel and go through the door leading to the main chamber. Here, water will flow into the center, making the center platform accessible. Now, defeat the Tektite in front of you, and head west. Jump off of the platform, but avoid the lever. In the water, swim under the middle platform to a lower platform. Use the Iron Boots, then walk around to a chest containing a Red Rupee. Unequip the Iron Boots and swim to the top, then climb onto the middle ledge. Go around the platform, then unlock the boss door. Inside, break the pots if you need hearts or fairies, then fall down the hole to the boss's chamber. Dive and equip the Iron Boots to land at the very bottom. You'll see a tentacle in the middle, where a hole is located. Approach it and an eye will enter the tentacle, very similar to Morpha in Ocarina of Time. Many tentacles will then rise, and a creature also emerges. Then you have to fight it, so refer to the Bosses section to see how to beat it. After the battle, Morpheel will crash into the pillars and into the wall, then he'll die and the water will drain completely. Feel free to equip your good old green armor again. Morpheel leaves behind the last Fused Shadow, as well as a Heart Container. Midna takes it, and then creates a portal after some talking, as usual. Take the Heart Container, and tell Midna to take you out of the dungeon. You'll be able to save the game. =========== Lake Hylia =========== Link and Midna appear back at Lake Hylia, at Lanayru's spring. Just as Link attempts to leave, he sees the twilight king himself right in front of him! Just as Lanayru tries to stop him, he uses his evil powers to knock the light spirit back and turn the area into complete twilight once again. Watch the interesting scene between Zant and Midna. Link becomes a wolf again! After awhile, Zant gives up on trying to convince Midna to join him, so he uses his maigic to teleport Link and Midna back to the light world at Hyrule Field. ============= Hyrule Field ============= At the field, Link notices that Midna has lost nearly all of her powers. The light spirit tells you to go to Hyrule Castle to see Princess Zelda, as she has the key to turn you back into a human form again. When you regain control, you should know that it's impossible to warp right now due to Midna's current state. Head right and follow the path going to the next area. Then, head down and make your way west, and to the castle town. =================== Hyrule Castle Town =================== Here, head to the south road of town. Everyone here that sees you will be scared away. Head southwest to the alley going to Telma's Bar, then enter the bar. They'll immediately kick you out, so head back south and Telma's cat will recognize that you're Link. He says that his name is Louise, and then he notices Midna. He shows you an open window that you can enter to sneak past everyone in the bar, which leads to the secret passage to Hyrule Castle. When Louise leaves, head left and push the crate all the way to the right, up against the stack of boxes. Climb onto the boxes and head right, then climb through the window. You're now in the attic of Telma's Bar. Head right and walk across the tightropes. Don't knock the pots off, or else the people in the bar will hear you! When you reach the end, climb onto the ledge nearby and proceed to the next area. You're in a room full of gold, and you'll see a floating lamp. There is also a cursed man sitting in a chair. Jump out of the alcove and use your senses to reveal an enemy (it's holding the lamp). This is the first Poe you'll find in the game. To defeat it, attack it twice to knock it down, then its soul is revealed. From there, target the Poe and press A to deliver the finish blow and steal the soul from it. There are 60 Poe Souls in all. Talk to the man, and you'll find out that his name is Jovani. He was once consumed by greed (which explains all of the gold), and he sold his soul to the Poe that was here. In his current state, he can't move a single muscle. His pet cat, Gengle, is stuck on his head, too. He says that if you get 20 Poe Souls, then he should be more free. Somehow he opens the path to the underground waterway (I thought he couldn't move?), and says that whenever you want to return here, you can dig by the area where all of the cats gather around at the town. Anyway, fall down the opened path leading to the waterway. ======================= Hyrule Castle Waterway ======================= You'll slide down the water and to the bottom of the room. Head to the northern side of the room to find a chain. Z-Target it and jump to it to pull it. This opens the gate, so drop down and let the water stream carry you north. In the next area, you'll see some spiders (one is hanging on a web). Defeat them, and look by the wall to find a stick by a flame. Pick up the stick and light the flame, then burn the web at the end of the room. Follow the path and defeat the Keese here. Look around the room; there are many sticks. Pick one up, and go back south to the flames in the previous area. Light a stick and go back north, then light the torch by the entrance. Do this for all torches spreaded around in the room. By now, the flame will probably have extinguished. Light the stick again using the torches, then climb onto the ledges to the left and burn the web away. Now, continue following the path, and defeat the enemies along the way. You'll come to a small area with a Bokoblin. Defeat it, then dig in the center of the area to dig into the next section of the waterway. This is the same place we first found Midna at the beginning of the game. Follow the path and head left, to the area with lots of tightropes. Defeat the Bokoblin ahead and walk across the first tightrope. Walk across all of the tightropes and make your way up the circular path. Defeat all of the Bokoblins you come across; they'll really get in the way by knocking you all the way down to the bottom of the area. Once you reach the end of the path, defeat the Keese and the Bokoblin, and then go through the door to the north. Outside, head north and defeat the two Bokoblins. Keep following the path to a box pushed up against the wall. Climb onto it and then onto the platform, then keep following the path. To the left is a broken bridge. When the wind blows, the bridge will rise. Cross it over to a platform with three crates, then break them to find a Purple Rupee. Cross the bridge again and follow the path, then you'll come to another broken bridge. Cross it when the wind blows, then jump to the right and onto a roof. Follow the path and climb up the ledges leading to the castle. ============== Hyrule Castle ============== Inside the castle, jump out of the alcove and head up the stairs leading to the room where Zelda is. There, Link will look around for Zelda and Midna will be on the ground. Watch the cinema as Midna asks Zelda to help Link regain his original form. Zelda tells you that a dark magic is the cause of Link being a wolf, and tells you to go to the Sacred Grove deep in the Faron Woods. I won't tell you what's there to avoid some spoilers, but I'll just say that in the grove lies the key to return to your human form. Midna asks Zelda if she can tell Link the location of the Mirror of Twilight. Watch the rest of the scene as Zelda gives most of her power to Midna to restore her back to normal. You will automatically warp back to Hyrule Field. ============= Hyrule Field ============= You will witness a scene where a big, dark barrier surrounds Hyrule Castle. You cannot enter the castle now! Now, warp to the North Faron Woods. ============ Faron Woods ============ Follow the path north, and you'll see a monkey. As soon as he gets close, four scarecrow enemies appear. To defeat them, just get in the center of them and use a Spin Attack with your tail. The monkey will no longer be scared, and then he thanks you by showing you a secret path of the woods. That must be where the Sacred Grove is located. He says that when he went deeper into that part of the woods, the scarecrows attacked him. Head up the hill nearby, and Midna will alert you. Use her help to scale the cliff over to the other side of the woods. You'll come to two bridges, and some Keese. Defeat them, and when the bridges spin and connect, cross them over to the end of the second bridge. Wait until they spin again, then head east and to the next platform. You'll see two swinging logs ahead, along with two tightropes. Walk across the tightropes and avoid the swinging logs. When you get across to the next platform, you'll see a Howling Statue. Howl the song, which is: up, down, up down, middle, up. Howl the song a second time, and the orange beast will be marked on your map. Now, enter the Sacred Grove. ============= Sacred Grove ============= When you enter here, head west to find a Howling Statue with a symbol of the Triforce on it. Howl this song: middle, up, down, middle, up, down. This will cause a Skull Kid to drop down from a tree. He'll call four scarecrows, then run away and make a wall disappear, revealing a path. Just so you know, four scarecrows will randomly appear as you go through this grove. It gets old fast, but you have to deal with it. There's also no minimap in this place. Head west and follow the path the Skull Kid went through to the next area. Keep following the path, then climb onto the ledge you see. Hit the Skull Kid and he'll run to another area. Head east and follow that path to the next area. There, follow the path north to a tunnel behind the waterfall. Jump into the water and swim through the tunnel, then climb onto the ground. Climb onto the next ledge and follow the path, then hit the Skull Kid on the top ledge. Jump down, and head west. Follow the open paths and keep heading north until you get to a new area. You'll hear the Skull Kid playing the music in this area, so when you get to that area, head north, then take the eastern path down. There, climb up the ledges and follow the path to the Skull Kid, then hit him and he'll open up a new path. Jump down, then take the path where the two torches are. Follow the path and jump off the ledge at the end, to a room with lots of rocks. You'll see the Skull Kid here, as well. He'll stomp the rock a few times, then move to a different one. From there, he will call some scarecrows. The trick here is to go to the rock he's at, kill all of the scarecrows he summons, then move back a bit. The moment you hear him take a deep breath, rush over to him and hit him while he blows the horn to call more scarecrows. If you don't, then he'll teleport to a different rock when you approach him. Once you hit him three times, he will leave the grove and a path opens. Take the path out to a new area. Here, stand on the Triforce symbol in the center and howl the same song you howled at the start of the woods. Now you have to play a game where you must lure two weird guardians to the tiles they once stood at. It's pretty hard to do, so I will guide you through it. To play this mini-game, you have to jump up, left, right, or down to make the guardians also jump. However, it's not as easy as you'd think. When you turn left, one guardian turns left, and the other turns right. It's the same way for when you turn right. When you turn up, the guardians face each other. Turn down, and they face the opposite direction as when you turn up. Also, they will not jump off of a cliff, so if they're on a platform and they're facing left or right with no other platforms ahead, they'll just stay there when you jump. You have to jump in a direction to make them jump. If they both jump towards each other, they'll bump into each other and stay on the same tile. If they land on you, you have to restart from scratch. You can talk to a guardian while facing him and tell him you want to restart if you've gotten yourself confused. Now then, with all that explained, let's begin the game. Have Link jump in this order: left, down, right, right, up, left, up, up, left, down, down, right, and finally up. This will make the guardians get on their original tiles, then the ground will return to normal once the door ahead opens. Head all the way north to a foggy area. At the end, you will see a pedestal with the Master Sword in it. Examine the sword and it will glow with a mysterious energy, knocking Midna off of Link's back. The energy then breaks the curse off of Link, turning him back into human. Midna then has the piece that Zant implanted in Link's forehead to turn him into a wolf. Link then pulls out the Master Sword from the pedestal, and the sword accepts him as its master! Midna says that if Link touches the dark magical piece she is holding, then he'll become a wolf again. She thinks it might be better if we just leave it, but then she decides to keep it, because you can transform to a wolf at any given time. You can revert back to a human whenever you want, too! Now we can use warps as we please. Nice. She says that she'll transform you whenever you want if you tell her to (press Up and the option will be there), then she asks for another favor: to find the Mirror of Twilight. We don't quite know what it is, but it must be important, so we'll have to search around more of Hyrule for it. Head north and exit the area where the Master Sword was. Also, take note that you can only transform into a wolf when nobody's nearby. If someone is near you, Midna will not let you do it because it'll scare away people. Obviously, though, you can transform around monsters. Anyway, when you exit the Master Sword area, head west and follow the path down to the previous area. Here, look in the middle to find a boulder. Blow it up with a bomb to reveal a Poe, then use your senses and defeat it. Once you do, keep your senses on and dig at the spot in the middle. You'll dig into a cave. Inside are many Deku Babas, along with one on the ceiling. To defeat the one on the ceiling, become a human and shoot the stem with a ranged weapon to make it fall to the ground. Wipe out the cave of all Deku Babas. Once you do, a chest appears on the center platform. Open it to get a Piece of Heart, then climb onto the rock where the light is at the start of the cave, which takes you out. Back at the grove, warp to Lake Hylia. =========== Lake Hylia =========== Here, turn back into a human and cross the wooden bridge at the northeastern part of the platform. Follow the path all the way to a lookout tower, which has a ladder on it. Climb it to the top, where you'll find a man overlooking the desert area across from Lake Hylia. He already knows that you're Link, and says that his name is Auru. He is part of Telma's group, which explains how he has heard of you. He tells you about the Gerudo Desert. The people there that were sentenced to death were apparently sent to the underworld (he says that, but you never see an underworld in the game) by a strange mirror. Most likely the Mirror of Twilight. When he asks if you're going to explore the mysteries of the desert, say yes. He then says that he'll help you out, then tells you to deliver a letter to Fyer, the man who runs the amusement ride at the lake. He then gives you his memo (known as Auro's Memo). Once you regain control, climb down the tower and swim to the island where the lone building is. Show Auro's Memo to Fyer, and he will open up a new flight destination: the Oasis Flight. This time is free, so he asks you if you want to go. Tell him you do, then enter the building and the cannon will shoot you to the Gerudo Desert. ============== Gerudo Desert ============== When you arrive at the desert, Midna says that she wants to tell you something. She tells you a story of the Twilight Realm, but I won't spoil it. After a rather interesting scene, you'll regain control. Head all the way to the right side of the map. It's a pretty long walk from here. When you see pits, keep heading right until the pit comes to an end, then keep following the path from there. Don't worry about the enemies that will come up from the sand; there are an unlimited amount. After awhile, you will reach a big platform that you can't reach from here. Stand on the rock platform sticking out of the sand, and look on the big platform. You'll see a weird flying thing, with a brown ball on the bottom of it. You can Clawshot to it, but you can't reach it from here. Clawshot to the top of the tree on the platform, then Z-Target the flying creature and Clawshot to it. You'll hang onto it, so when it carries you over the upper ledge, drop down and head north. A barrier will surround you, then shadow beasts will come out of a portal. Defeat the shadow beast on the left side first, then defeat the last two with a Spin Attack. This creates another warp point for us. Climb up the ledges nearby, and you'll see a big bridge stuck in the platform. Midna will alert you, so press Up and she'll wonder what it is. Choose to warp, then warp to the Bridge of Eldin at the Eldin Province. Midna lifts up the bridge, revealing a hole. This just happens to be the bridge that the shadow beasts warped away. It's part of the Bridge of Eldin. Once it connects to the bridge, simply warp back to the desert. Back on the platform, you'll see a Poe. Turn into a wolf and use your senses to reveal it, then defeat it. The hole right in front of you leads to a cave known as the Cave of Ordeals. It's a difficult cave, and you need all of the main items in the game in order to get through all of it. More info on this cave at the Cave of Ordeals section of the guide. Anyway, now we need to warp to Zora's Domain to get something. ============== Zora's Domain ============== From where you warp at, climb onto the ground and head out of this area. Become a human now, then reenter the area. Equip the Zora Armor and the Iron Boots, then sink into the center water. Place a Water Bomb by the big rock to blow it up, freeing a Goron that was inside. Talk to him, and he'll give you a bag with bombs! Now we can carry both normal bombs and Water Bombs! Unequip the boots and swim to the top, then equip the Hero's Clothes again and exit the area. Transform into a wolf and warp to Lake Hylia. =========== Lake Hylia =========== Here, stay a wolf and head across the bridge leading to Fyer's machine. As a wolf, a bird named Plumm will fly down and ask you if you want to hear the rules of a mini-game. It's a balloon mini-game. Watermelon balloons are worth 1 point, oranges are worth 5, and strawberries are worth 10. Tell him to explain the rules, then after that, he'll say to come back when you can fly. Howl a song using the grass near the bird to call the big black bird. Then, you'll have to fly through the balloons. Go for nothing but the strawberries. Each time you get more of the same balloon without touching other balloons, your points go up two times the amount they were last time. You can get as much as 5120 points maximum by getting nothing but strawberries. =================== Upper Zora's River =================== When you finish the mini-game, you'll appear here. If you got 10,000 points or more, you'll get a Piece of Heart! Head all the way north as a human (go south a bit on the land to be able to transform into a human), and to the girl there. Head a little bit more north and a barrier will surround the area. Another portal will be created and shadow beasts will appear. The girl will get scared. Defeat the one far away first, then defeat the other two. The girl will tell you to come inside the building. She'll ask you to help her, so accept her help and she'll ask you to blow up a rock for her. Equip the Bomb Arrows and shoot the big rock by the stream twice. This blows it up. She says that there are still other rocks, and you automatically get in a boat on the stream. To steer, just use the Control Stick. Get the Rupees down the stream, and you will eventually come to a Zora. She says she's sorry for troubling you so much, and that the rocks are blocking the river's flow. There is another one in front of you. Shoot it twice with a Bomb Arrow to blow it up. The Zora will thank you for it, and as a reward, she'll lead you to the end of the river. Follow her, and take the Rupees she leaves behind, then you'll end up in Lake Hylia. =========== Lake Hylia =========== Ride down the waterfall, and the Zora will thank you again. She says that now that the river can flow, their shop can reopen once again. As a reward, she gives you a bigger Bomb Bag! Now that we have three Bomb Bags (two for normal bombs, and another for Water Bombs), we can find a Howling Statue. For a shortcut for where we need to go, simply warp to Lake Hylia again so that you appear at the warp point. From the warp point, look around for a narrow bridge going north (it has no ropes or anything on the side). Become a human and climb the ladder there, then head west to find a Howling Statue. Become a wolf, and press A to start the howling. You have to howl this: down, middle, up, down, middle, down, up. Howl the song again, and the orange beast will be marked on your map. He can be found at the Gerudo Desert. Now, warp to the Castle Town (it's not the actual town, however; it's Hyrule Field). ============= Hyrule Field ============= Here, turn into a human and run across the bridge ahead, then the postman will deliver you a letter. It is from Telma, saying that she has some new buddies that could help you out at her bar. Regardless, continue to the town. =================== Hyrule Castle Town =================== At the town, feel free to explore now that we can explore as a human. Go to the Central Square, then head to the southeast corner to find a door. Enter it, and you'll find a child Goron and an adult Goron inside. The child will sell you a Red Potion for 40 Rupees. It's not really worth it, because a fairy is better, and it's free. Head up the stairs in this building, and you'll find another Goron child. He sells you Lantern Oil for 30 Rupees, which isn't too bad of a deal, but you could just steal it from the bird at Faron Woods. Follow the path, and continue outside to the balcony. An adult Goron is here, and he sells you 30 Arrows for 40 Rupees. Head back inside, then go down the stairs and go through the door leading outside again. Head west of the door you came out of to find another door with people around it. Left of the steps leading up to the door is a person sitting down. Talk to him, and he'll say that your shoes are filthy, then offer to make them clean and shiny for 10 Rupees. You can accept his offer if you want, then you can enter the door ahead since you have clean shoes. Inside is a shop where stuff is sold for an amount of Rupees you cannot even get in the game (from 2,000 to 10,000). The Magic Armor is here as well, but you can't buy it. There's a way to get it later, though, so see the Equipment Upgrades section for more info. Anyway, exit the shop when you're done looking at the ridiculous prices. Head south and to the South Road. There, head southeast to a new section of the road. There are many places you can enter here. The first one is Fanadi's Fortune-Telling Mansion. Inside, you can get her to tell your fortune of career or love for 10 Rupees. If you choose "Career", then she'll give you a hint on what to do next in the game. If you choose "Love", she'll show the location of a Piece of Heart. Anyway, head right and you'll find Agitha's Castle. Inside is a girl who is looking for things known as Golden Bugs, so they can join in the "ball". She would like you to bring her some should you ever find any. Head east and to the East Road. There is a tent here. Go inside, and you'll be introduced to the STAR game. He says that you must collect glowing orbs (and makes a subliminal message). You have to collect them all before the time runs out. Go ahead and play the mini-game for 10 Rupees, then you'll start the mini-game in a cage. Get out your Clawshot, and use it on the caged wall while facing an orb to collect it. Use this to your advantage to collect all of the orbs within 30 seconds. For winning, you get a Big Quiver! You can hold up to 60 Arrows now. The guy says to come back later and a new stage of the game will be ready. Exit the tent, and head to the South Road. Continue south out to Hyrule Field. ============= Hyrule Field ============= Outside, follow the path all the way to the grass. Then, turn left and go in the corner of the stone wall to find the orange beast. Approach him, and you will be carried to the white area with the zombie warrior. Tell him you're ready to learn the next technique, then he'll tell you to use the Back Slice on him to ensure that you've mastered it. Use the Back Slice, then he'll teach you the next technique, the Helm Splitter. To do this attack, thrust the Nunchuk forward, then press A while the foe is flinched to attack their head, then finish the combo by attacking them from behind. Once you learn it, you will appear back outside after some dialogue, so warp to the Gerudo Desert (it's called the Gerudo Mesa on the warping screen). ============== Gerudo Desert ============== Now to continue on with the story. Head all the way north to the northern side of the map. By the way, in case you forgot, go around the cracks in the ground until you see an end to the crack, then follow the path from there. Eventually, you'll get to a spot where you'll see an archer on a tower. He'll call the other archers wielding bows and riding boars. Now, defeat the monsters riding the boars with the Hero's Bow, then head north and shoot the monster on the lookout tower. Keep heading north to find a boar, then get on it and continue up the path. Press A to dash, then dash through the wooden gates ahead to break through them. The boar will crash into the wall and Link will fall off. Climb up the ledges and head left to a chest containing 10 Arrows. Go back to the split path and take the eastern path now. You will find the orange beast again. Tell him you're ready to learn the next technique, then perform the Helm Splitter. He'll now teach you the Mortal Draw. To do it, keep your sword sheathed, and don't Z-Target the foe at all. When the foe draws near, press A to surprise your opponent and draw your sword, killing the foe instantly. Do it to the zombie warrior to learn the technique. Back outside, head left and to the next area. You will see an archer on a lookout tower here. Head north to the closed gate, then shoot the archer to the left of it. Now, head west of the closed gate to find a chest in a corner, then open it to get 20 Arrows. Head all the way to the right, and defeat the Bokoblins you come across. Follow the path and an archer will call out for more Bokoblins. You have to kill all of the archers spreaded around here, because if you don't, then they'll just keep calling more and more Bokoblins, making it an unlimited supply of enemies. Anyway, shoot the archer on the tower ahead, and continue following the path. Ignore the Bokoblins since there are an unlimited supply of them. Eventually you will come to a third archer that calls out for more enemies. Shoot the archer on the lookout tower ahead, then head east of it to find a Bokoblin roasting a boar over a fire. Defeat all of the enemies around you, then pick up the Small Key the Bokoblin that roasted the boar dropped. Target the boar and attack it repedeately until it is destroyed to make a Piece of Heart fall out. Pick it up, and head south of where the boar was to find a chest in the corner. Open it for a Purple Rupee, then head west from the chest. Follow the path there going west to a locked gate. Unlock the gate and push the doors open, and enter that room. You will see a boar. As you enter the room, the fate doors behind you shut. Approach the boar, and a big monster will appear, holding a giant axe. He'll knock over the boar and Link, then Link will get up and you'll have to fight the monster. To defeat him, attack him when he is off guard. When he pulls his axe back, he is getting ready to attack. Target him and jump away, then when he slams his axe into the ground, quickly run over there and attack him. Repeat this process until he falls. He will get up with his arm injured, and walk out of the room. Suddenly, the entire area catches on fire! The boar that was knocked out a moment ago wakes up, so get on him and dash through the closed gate that you entered from. The boar will dash through many gates and enter a new area. You will see a big building up ahead. Dismount the boar and head all the way north, up to the entrance of the building. Head right to find a Poe, then turn into a wolf and defeat it. Head to the left side to find two unlit torches. Light them with the Lantern to make a chest appear, which contains a Purple Rupee. Now, go through the entrance of the building which leads to the next dungeon of the game. ================== Arbiter's Grounds ================== In this place, head through the hallway into the first room. It's full of sand and enemies. Look to the right to find a red target on the wall by the ledge. Clawshot to it and drop down, then jump to the platform ahead. Then, jump to the platform on the right. It'll sink into the sand slowly, so jump to the eastern floor to safety. Now, walk across the quicksand over the platform to the north, then roll over to the floor on the left. Head to the end of the floor to find a chain on the sand, along with some skeleton enemies that appear from the sand. Defeat all of them with a Spin Attack, then use the Clawshot on the chain to pull it over to you. Pick it up (you'll probably have to stand on the sand for a moment to grab it), then pull it back and a gate will open. Head onto the sand and go to the northern side of the room. Follow the path north, then you'll come to a locked door. West of it are some pots and a bowl full of Lantern Oil. Fill up a bottle with oil, then equip the bottle and the Lantern. Refill your lantern with the oil, then fill up the bottle with more oil. Head right and break down the boarded wall with your sword, then walk across the eastern platform in the sand (which will sink) to a floor with a chest. Open it for a Small Key, then walk across the sand back over to the other floor. On the way, some spiders will ambush you and get all over you. They don't hurt you, but they make your movement much slower. Simply use a Spin Attack to get rid of the spiders. Go to the locked door and unlock it. The next room is dark, so turn on your Lantern and walk to the end of the room, defeating the skeletons along the way. To the left and right at the end of the room is a torch. Light both torches and a gate will open, revealing a door. Go through it. You are now at what I consider the main room of the dungeon. Head north, and you'll see four torches. Four Poes will enter the room and steal the flames, then the gate ahead will close, and the four Poes will surround you. Three of them run off to other rooms of the dungeon, leaving you to fight one. Become a wolf and turn on your senses. This is a "special" kind of Poe. You can't attack it until its body shines blue. Wait until the Poe attacks. When it does, its body will shine blue. After the attack, its body will still shine blue for a second or so. Quickly target it and jump at it with A, then tap A repedeately to attack the Poe. Repeat this again and then steal the soul to defeat the Poe. The first flame will now be lit in this room, so we have three more special Poes to fight. A scent is left by the Poe's corpse, so sniff it and choose to forget the Scent of Ilia. You now have the Poe Scent. Keep your senses on, and head west. Follow the scent to a patch of sand which you can dig through. Dig through it to reveal a chain, then pull the chain back to reveal a staircase to the right. Don't go down it yet, though. Head northwest to find a chest on a platform across from you. On the wall by the chest are two red marks. Clawshot to one of them, then open the chest to get a Piece of Heart. Use the platform in the sand to get back to the floor ahead, then head northeast. Cross the sand over to a chest, then defeat the Bubble enemies (the flying heads) with a Spin Attack. Open the chest for a Dungeon Map. Go back to the Poe's corpse, then head west on the map and down the staircase. Go through the door here. In the next room, defeat the Bubble enemy, and you'll see a part of the center column that you can push. Push it to shift around the walls of the room, revealing an opening in here. Inside is an enemy known as the ReDead. Attack it with your sword as many times as needed to defeat it. Be careful of its scream that paralyzes you, however! When you defeat it, open the chest here to get a Small Key. Now, turn around and look up at the hole on the ceiling. You will see a red mark. Clawshot to it to reach the upper room, then drop down and take the only available path to a door, then go through it. In here, head to the center of the room and turn into a wolf. Then, use your senses and look to the right to find the second Poe. It'll then move and attack. Defeat it, and the lamp it was holding will break, releasing the second blue flame. Turn back into a human and go to the previous room. There, drop down the hole near the center back to the lower part of the room. Push the center column again to shift around the walls, making a door get revealed to the right. It leads back to the main room, so go through it. Back here, you'll see the second blue flame get lit on one of the torches. Head up the stairs and look behind you, then go through the door. Back in this room, head forward to a locked door, then open it. In the next room, head north and then east. Walk across the sand and get on the small pieces of the floor for safety. Spike walls will pop up at certain parts of the sand, so be careful. Keep following the path, and climb onto the platform at the end. You'll see a big block. Pull it back four times, then push it east a few times. Head up the stairs nearby, then go to the end of the platform. Jump to the platform across from you, where you'll see a chain to the left. Pull it all the way back and the chandelier in this room will rise up fully. Release the chain, and quickly head all the way to the north before the chandelier comes back down. Head up the stairs here and defeat the Bubbles, then open the chest at the end of the path to get the Compass. Now, push the statue in the center clockwise (go up to where the stone slab is, and you can push it from the side) to shift around the walls here. Head left on the map and break the boarded wall, then defeat the ReDead. Open the chest here to get a Small Key, then go east and unlock the door ahead. In the next room, follow the path and defeat the small skeletons along the way. You will come to two ReDeads. Defeat them with ranged weapons from a distance, like the Bomb Arrows. Once you defeat them, become a wolf and turn on your senses. Follow the purple Poe scent to a patch of sand. Dig through it to reveal a chain, then pull it back to open a wall in front of you. Inside that room is another special Poe. Defeat it and steal the soul, then the lamp will break and the third blue flame will be released. Turn back into a human, and go through the door at the end of this room. Here, head right and head into the middle of the room. Go right to find a chest, then open it to get a Small Key. The room then turns dark. Head to the center, and you'll hear a squeaking sound and your movement will suddenly become slow. Turn into a wolf and use your senses to find many rats latched onto you. Use a Spin Attack to kill them. Now, kill all of the rats in this room and turn back into a human. Go up the stairs and head around the center, then jump across to the other part of the platform. Unlock the door at the end leading to the next room. Here, you'll be at the top of the main room, and you'll see the third blue flame light itself on another torch. Jump to the chandelier in the middle, then walk around it and jump to the other side where a door is. Go through the door. In the next room, head left and follow the path down to a block. Jump down and push the block forward until it falls in place. Head west and enter the room there, then open the chest for a Red Rupee. Head out of the area with the chest, and go up to the block you just pushed. Climb onto the platform to the right, then head left to find a chain. Pull it all the way back to raise the chandelier, then head to the eastern end of the path. Open the chest here for a Red Rupee, then jump down to the right and walk over to the floor. Take the eastern hallway back to the block, then climb onto the platform again. Pull the chain back again and when you can't pull it, then release it and run to where the chandelier was (in the center). When it falls, you won't get crushed. Climb onto the chandelier and jump north to a platform with a door, then go through it. In here, break the boarded wall and enter the room. You will see some bones on the floor. Approach them, and the door you came through will be blocked off by a gate. Then, the pile of bones rises up and forms a Stalfos. To defeat it, simply use the Helm Splitter to send the bones to the ground, then place a bomb by the bones. The explosion will kill the Stalfos, making the gate blocking the door move away. Open the chest on the right side of the room to get 5 Bombs. Break the boarded walls here, then open the chest at the northwestern part of the room to find 5 Water Bombs. Now, go through the southern door. Here, head north to find several torches. You have to light them in a certain order. If you get the order wrong, many small skeletons will appear and attack you. First, light the last torch on the far right. Then, light the torch to the south. With both of these torches lit, the wall on the left will open, revealing a door. Head west and go through it. In here, become a wolf and turn on your senses. Look around the walls until you find the fourth special Poe. This one will split into three copies and circle around you. They'll start spinning, then they'll stop. When they stop, look at the four Poes. Only one will be glowing blue. Quickly attack that one, and then they'll start spinning again. Repeat this one more time, then steal the soul to defeat the last Poe, releasing the fourth flame. Turn back into a human and go through the door to the north. In this room, jump to the chandelier in the middle, then jump left and climb onto the floor. Go through the door. Back at the main room, the last blue flame will be lit on the last torch, then the gate at the northern side of the room will open. Follow that path north and through the gate, then to the next area. In this room, defeat the Bubbles. You will notice an odd circle-shaped thing in the middle of the room. You can't do anything with it yet, so just go through the western door. Here, jump down to the very bottom of the area. You can push the central pillar here to move the floor up or down. There are many openings in this room, and we have to make the floor go as high or low as needed to reach them. Push it counterclockwise and look around the walls each time you push it. When you see two openings (one has a chest), take the left one. Go around the hall to the chest (a wall of spikes rises in front of it, which is why you had to come in through here), then open it for a Small Key. Exit the hall, and push the central pillar clockwise to make the floor move down. Keep pushing it that way until you can't push it anymore, then look around for a path leading to a locked door. Unlock the door with your Small Key. In the next room, there will be walls of spikes that pop out everywhere throughout this room, making it rather hard to navigate. Head west, then north. Invisible rats will latch onto you, so turn into a wolf and use the Spin Attack to get rid of them. When the wall of spikes appear, head right and to the next floor. Head all the way north to a chain. Turn into a wolf (you'll see why) and pull the chain all the way back. This pulls a wall back at the end of the room, so now you have to be quick. There will be rats that latch onto you during this time, so use a Spin Attack to get rid of them. Head south from the chain, and immediately turn left. Head north and ignore the ReDead, then go right and north. You should make it before the wall closes. Turn back into a human, and jump across to the northern floor. Then, head left to an area with spinning razor traps alongside the walls. Keep going north and some spiders will latch onto you. Use a Spin Attack to kill them, and then turn right to find a lone pot. Break it to free Ooccoo, then talk to her and she'll join you. Go through the door to the north. In this room, you'll see two spiked logs that are spinning in the middle. Avoid the spikes and head north to another room. Head north and two Stalfos will rise, so use the Helm Splitter attack to send them to the ground. Place a bomb there to blow up both Stalfos. Go west and to the small piece of the floor. Defeat the Stalfos here, and once all three of them are defeated, a gate opens. Head back south to the spiked logs, then head west and you'll see lots of platforms in the sand. Above each platform is a red target. Clawshot to each one until you get to the last platform, then climb on the platform ahead. Now, jump to the right and follow the path to a door, then enter it. The door behind you will lock, then you'll see a sword tied up by many ropes in the center. Cut one of the ropes with your sword, and the sword will glow. All of the ropes will disappear, and the sword will then rise. Turn into a wolf and turn on your senses to reveal a phantom. Wait until he goes to attack, then back away and attack it when his sword is in the ground. After that, the ghost monster will become visible, so you don't have to use your senses now. Turn into a human now. The ghost will float up and around the room. Shoot him with an arrow, and he'll circle around you at a fast speed. When he gets close, attack him with your sword to stun him, then attack him while he's stunned. Do this two more times to win. Once you win, the door will unlock and a gate ahead will open. Go through the gate and jump down, then head north and open the chest to get the Spinner. This item allows you to ride the walls that have tracks on them. Assign the Spinner to a button, then head east or west and assign the Spinner. Press B to ride it, then ride it across the track to the area where the mini-boss was. Press A to put away the Spinner, then go through the door. Back in this room, use the Spinner to ride the western wall. When you see a track to the right, press B to jump. Get on that track and ride it up to a door, then go through it. In the next room, ride the Spinner across the track to the left, then ride it along the left and right walls. Ride the track on the eastern wall to the left (if that makes sense), and you will ride to a closed in area. Head north and defeat the Stalfos, then open the chest here to get a Piece of Heart. Ride the left track and hope you avoid the spiked logs, then jump to the eastern track and to the left one next. You will fall into a hole with tracks along the walls. Ride the wall all the way up, and you'll get onto a new platform. Get off the Spinner and head left. Defeat the two Stalfos and open the chest here for a Yellow Rupee, then head back to the platform to the right. Follow the path up the platform to two track walls. Ride either one with the Spinner, and jump to the left and right to avoid the razor traps when you can. When you get to the end, go through the door. Open the chest here to get the Big Key, then ride the tracks across the sand. Spin into the middle where the Spinner Slot is. Tap B repedeately until you move the wall away, revealing a new room. Get off of the Spinner and enter that room, then go left and go onto the floor there. Ride the track all the way up to the top of the room, then the Spinner will bump into the wall and make you go back down the track. Look at the middle, and then jump and hold Left. When you get on the platform, enter the Spinner Slot and tap B repedeately. Keep doing that until the platform stops moving. Then, you'll see a circle of tracks going up. Ride the track left and you'll go all the way up. Walk up and break the skulls to get supplies, then unlock the boss door. In here, go north and down to the giant skull. Zant will suddenly appear on the skull, and say that you're likely to die here. Then, he'll stab a sword into the skull's head. Zant disappears, and the skull comes to life. See the Bosses section to see how to win this battle. Once you win, Stallord will fall to the ground and the sword will drop into the center platform. It blows up, and reveals a Heart Container. Then, a bridge forms and a gate opens. Midna says we're close to the Mirror of Twilight, so pick up the Heart Container and head outside to the Mirror Chamber. Save your game. =============== Mirror Chamber =============== You're now near the top of the Arbiter's Grounds. Head up the staircase, then go east and through the hallway to the main chamber. There is a statue in the center. Approach it, and a barrier will surround the area. A portal will be created, and you'll have to fight five shadow beasts. Kill three of them, then lure two next to each other and use a Spin Attack to kill them. A new warp point will be created. Head north to the snake statue, and use the Spinner to ride up to a Spinner Slot. Tap B repedeately and the statue will lower, making the pillars around the chamber raise up. This also raises a giant stone in the chamber, along with a shattered Mirror of Twilight! You'll see a cinema where Midna notices the shattered mirror. Suddenly, you see some sages. The sages talk about a "dark entity". They tell you who the _true_ enemy is. I won't spoil it, but I will say that this person is the one who gave Zant his power. However, he's not the one who shattered the Mirror of Twilight. Only the true Twili leader can completely destroy it, which means that Zant did it, since it's only shattered. The sages tell you that the pieces to the mirror are now fragments scattered throughout Hyrule. One is located in a snowy mountain, another is in an ancient grove, and the last one is in the heavens. However, a dark power resides in those three pieces. When you regain control, warp to Hyrule Field (called Castle Town on the map). ============= Hyrule Field ============= Here, cross the bridge and the postman will deliver a letter, which is from Barnes. Now he's selling a new type of bomb: the Bombling. It's pretty much like the Bombchu from Ocarina of Time, but it's not required to get. Enter the castle town. =================== Hyrule Castle Town =================== Make your way to the South Road, then head to the southwestern end of the road and into the alley, where Telma's Bar is located. Inside the bar, head north and Telma will speak to you. She introduces her new friends to Link, who are sitting over at the table. Another one her friends, named Ashei, went to investigate the mountains to the north, because something odd is located there. Head over to the table and speak with Telma's friends if you want. The one on the left is Shad. Talk to the guy on the right twice, and he'll take off his helmet. It's Rusl! Talk to the third guy if you want to, then check the map on the table. Apparently, Ashei went to the Snowpeak Mountain. Exit the bar, and then warp to Zora's Domain. ============== Zora's Domain ============== Exit the area and turn back into a human, then reenter it. Get out the Lantern, and head north to an unlit torch. There is one on the left and right side. Light both torches, and a chest forms underwater. Use the Iron Boots (don't bother equipping the Zora Armor) and open the chest for a Purple Rupee, then unequip them and exit this area. Out here, jump down and into the water, then swim to the east where the red dot on your map is. Follow the path in the cave leading outside to a snowy area. ========= Snowpeak ========= Head north and you'll see a girl dressed in white clothes, making her look like a snowman. She will take off her mask, and you'll find out that she's Ashei. She said that it was rumored that a beast lurks on this mountain, which came from Zora's Domain. She also tells you that she waited, and she saw the giant beast, making the rumor true. She then gives you a picture of the beast, but we can't view it (it's known as Ashei's Sketch). The description of the item says that there's a picture of a red fish on it. Ashei tells you that the monster has apparently been stealing the red fish from the domain, and she says that she can't go any further due to a blizzard. We have to come up with a plan if we want to go further. Go back to Zora's Domain. ============== Zora's Domain ============== Back here, exit the cave and show Ashei's Sketch to the Zora next to the cave. He tells you that the picture on the sketch is the picture of a reekfish. He mentions that only Prince Ralis was able to capture the reekfish. Head back into the cave so no one will see you, then warp to Kakariko Village. ================= Kakariko Village ================= At this village, head to the spring and turn back into a human. Now, head to the back of the sanctuary and go to the graveyard. ========== Graveyard ========== Head all the way north and look to the left to find two torches. Light them with the Lantern to make a chest appear, then open it for a Purple Rupee. Go up the stairs to the right and crawl through the crawlspace leading to another part of the graveyard. Jump in the water and climb onto the ledge ahead. You'll see the Zora boy that was unconscious for awhile! He says that his mother gave him an image of someone who would save Zora's Domain and his fate, someone named Link. Show him Ashei's Sketch, and he says that a reekfish only feeds on valuable types of coral. Prince Ralis (the Zora) gives you his earring which is the type of coral you'll need to use as bait. He says that the fish can be found at the Mohter-and-Child Rocks by the waterfall near his village. Now, when you regain control, swim back to the crawlspace and crawl through it. Then, warp to Zora's Domain again. ============== Zora's Domain ============== Swim north and to the next area, then turn into a human and jump off of the platform. Swim west and climb onto the piece of land there. Use your Fishing Rod and cast it into the water here. There are reekfish (they're red) all in the water. Catch one, then it'll be left on the ground with a scent coming from in it. Transform into a wolf and sniff the scent, then choose to forget the Poe Scent. You'll get the Reekfish Scent now. Use your senses and follow the orange scent out to Snowpeak. ========= Snowpeak ========= Here again, head north and you'll notice that Ashei is gone. Jump down, and you will see lots of ice platforms. Jump across the platforms over to the other side. If you fall into the icy water, you'll be taken back to the start of the area. Activate your senses and follow the orange scent up the mountain. Keep your senses on until I tell you otherwise. Ignore the white dog enemies, and keep heading up the mountain. When the scent heads directly up the wall of the mountain, head right and take the path up. Keep following the path, and when the scent goes up the mountain wall again, head west to a tree. There is a spot to dig right around the tree, so dig in there. Inside this cave, turn into a human and defeat the Ice Keese. If those Keese touch you, you'll be frozen for a short time. Blow up the two boulders here with a bomb, then head to where the broken boulders are and a sparkly Chuchu will drop down. This is the best type of Chuchu, and the liquid disappears quickly after you slice it to death. Get some in a bottle, then turn back into a wolf and exit the cave (stand on the rock where the light is). Now, jump down to the floor behind you and follow the path up. Use your senses and continue following the scent. When you come to a dead end, ram into the wall to make some snow fall down, revealing a path. Keep following the scent, and you will be led to a Howling Statue. Howl the song: up, middle, down, middle, down, up, middle, down. Howl it a second time, and the orange beast will be marked on your map. He is in the graveyard of Kakariko Village. Anyway, head south of the Howling Statue and use your senses. Continue following the scent and you'll find a digging spot. Dig there and into a cave. Inside here, turn into a human and climb up the ladder ahead. Follow the path of this narrow cave and climb up the vine wall, then go through the door leading outside again. Out here, head north and a barrier will surround the area. Some shadow beasts emerge from a portal, as usual. Deal with the Ice Keese around you first, then take care of the shadow beast that is far away from the other two. Use a Spin Attack to finish off the last two, and we now have a new place to warp at. The snowstorm will suddenly stop, and you'll see a big yeti up ahead at the very top of the mountain. Walk up there and you'll automatically talk to him. You'll notice that he is carrying a reekfish; this must be the beast everyone has been talking about. When he asks you if you're looking for your true self, answer anything. It doesn't really matter, because if you say you are, he'll say he's just joking anyway. Link tells him about the lost mirror shards, and the yeti says that he found a shiny mirror piece. He says that the piece is at his house, but it's far away from here, so he offers you two to slide down the mountain to his house. He rams into the tree nearby, making a piece of ice fall out. He rides the piece of ice down the mountain. Roll into the tree and a piece of ice falls down. Get in front of it and press A to get on it. Hold A and when you have to jump, release the button to jump across to the platform ahead. Make your way down the mountain. If you bump into an object, you'll bail but then board the ice again. When you reach the bottom, the ice will break. Head north and towards the mansion. Midna finds it odd that we'll find a mirror shard in a strange place like this. Head up to the mansion and enter it, which is the next dungeon, surprisingly. =============== Snowpeak Ruins =============== This is my favorite dungeon in this game, by far. Anyway, transform into a wolf and head north. Use your senses and defeat the Poe, then become a human again. Head through the door to the north. In here, you'll see a girl in yeti clothes on the couch. Head north and she'll say that she has a sickness. Walk up to her and talk to her. She'll tell you that ever since they got the mirror, she's been sick and monsters have appeared everywhere. The mirror piece is apparently locked up in the bedroom on the third floor. She gives you the Dungeon Map now to show you where the key is. The fever makes her head blurry, but she marks the location where she thinks the key is. She says to start with the door on the left, so head west and go through the door. In this room, you will see the yeti that you met earlier at the top of the mountain. He's cooking a stew for his wife, since she's sick. He says you can have some and that it'll give you energy, but it doesn't heal much at all right now. So ignore the soup, and head west of the yeti to some pots. Lift the one that wiggles, and Ooccoo will break out of it and join you. Now, through the door east of the yeti. In the next room, you'll see a block on an ice sheet. Time for a puzzle. Push the block in front of you left, then head north to find another block. Push it east, then south, then east, then north to the switch. It'll press it and open a door in this room, so go through it. In here, look to the left to find some snow with a crack in the wall. Turn into a wolf and dig there to dig to an outside area. Here, you'll get a view of the bedroom door which is locked. We can't reach it right now, anyway. There is a chest nearby. It contains a Red Rupee. There are also some white wolves here that will get annoying, as they're hard to keep up with so you can kill them. Anyway, look around in the snow until you see a top part of a chest sticking out of it. Dig there to reveal the chest completely, then open it for a Small Key. Now, turn into a human and go through the door here. In this hall, head right and you'll see two ice enemies. These are pretty annoying. When you hit them, they'll slide around the room fast. If they touch you, then they will freeze you. Hit them twice to defeat them, then unlock the door here. In the next room, the door behind you will lock. Defeat the three ice enemies and both doors here will unlock. Go through the one at the end of the room. Here, you will see a chest through a door. Head left and the door will close, then two tall ice monsters will appear. They wield ice spears that they'll throw at you and hit you with. Defeat them with your sword. You can break their ice spears, making them an easy target. Once they're defeated, the door where the chest is will open. Enter it, and open the chest to find an Ordon Pumpkin. Hmm... This isn't what we're looking for. Midna suggests going back to the girl. Head north and go through the door. Here, head east and climb up the ledges, then jump off of the platform. Go through the southern door back to the yeti's room. Here, talk to the yeti, and he'll smell the Ordon Pumpkin you have. He pushes you down and takes it, then adds it to the soup as an ingredient. Now the soup restores more hearts than before. Head through the eastern door, then talk to the girl. She might know where she put the key this time, so another red dot is marked on your map. The northeastern door unlocks, so go through it. In the next area, you'll have to deal with more white wolves. There is a cannon here, but we can't use it yet. There's also an ice monster that's blocking a door. It breathes ice at you. We can't kill it yet. Head east and climb through the window, then go through the door there. In the next room, you'll see a cannon, along with many ice blocks. Defeat the nearby ice enemies, and pick up the cannonball on the ground. Now, follow the icy path and throw the cannonball at the enemies to kill them instantly. Carry the cannonball through the path until you find a cannon. There's a half torn map on the wall which gives you a hint on how to make the cannon fire. Jump onto the ledge on the cannon and press A to insert the cannonball into it. Place a bomb into it now, and the cannon will fire. This breaks the ice ahead. Walk over there and open the chest to get 5 Bombs. Pick up the cannonball and head back to the cannon, then place the cannonball inside. The handles on the side of the cannon can be pushed, moving the cannon. Push it left, then place a bomb inside there (make sure the cannonball is in, as well). This will make the cannon fire again, and break the ice ahead. Follow the path south on the map and go through the door. In this room, there are many ice enemies on a wooden plank. You have to walk across it to reach a chest in this room. From where you enter the room, take out your bow and shoot the ice enemies off. Now, head east of the door and go across the snowy wooden planks. When you touch the snow, you'll slide. Jump across to the other plank, then head north and slide. Jump east past the snow, then jump across to the east side of the plank and open the small chest. It contains a Red Rupee. Go left and jump across the snow to the other chest. Open it for the Compass. We can now see the location of cannonballs on the map! Jump off of the cliff so that you appear back at the start of this room, then exit it. Head left and go through that door. Climb into the window and jump out to the snowy area, then defeat the white wolves. Become a wolf and turn on your senses, then look for a spot to dig. Dig there twice to reveal a chest. Open it to get a Small Key. then turn back into a human and unlock the door to the right. Here, you will see three cannonballs. To the right is a lever and a tray. Stand in front of the lever and press A to pull it, lowering the tray. Place a cannonball onto it and go back through the door. Look to the left to find another lever and tray. Pull the lever and the tray will lower, making a cannonball from the other side fall down to the tray. Pick up the cannonball, and head to the cannon in this area. Place the ball in it and push the cannon to the right, so that it faces the huge ice monster. Then, place a bomb in the cannon to fire it and destroy the creature, revealing a door. Go through it. In this room, you'll see two soldier statues. Head north of them and the doors in the room will get locked. Then, the soldier behind the second soldier will use a ball and chain to knock over the statue, then you'll have to fight it. To defeat this Ball and Chain Soldier, you'll have to attack him from behind. To do this, look at the ceiling to find blue marks. Use the Clawshot at these marks to get behind him easily, then drop down and attack his tail to damage him. He swings the ball and chain throughout the whole fight, and if you get near, he'll throw it at you and damage you a lot. Be careful. When you defeat him, he'll disappear and leave behind his weapon. The doors unlock. Pick up the weapon to get the new item, the Ball and Chain! Cool! With this, we can easily destroy the enemies in this dungeon. We can also destroy the big ice boulders without needing a cannonball. However, when you use it, be sure to press A to put it away when you're finished with it. It makes your movement very slow while you carry it. Anyway, go through the northern door. In here, destroy the three ice boulders with your new toy, the Ball and Chain. In the process, you'll probably knock over the soldier statues in front of chest. Open the chest, and you'll find some Ordon Goat Cheese. Err, why are the yetis in here keeping old food inside treasure chests? Like last time, Midna suggests going back to the wife and asking her for another location. Go through the door back to the hallway, then head through the next door. Back outside, you can use the Ball and Chain to kill the wolves with one hit. Head south and go through the door, back to the wife's bedroom. Before talking to her, head through the western door. Talk to the husband, and he'll smell your Ordon Goat Cheese. He knocks you over and takes the cheese, then adds it to the soup as a final ingredient. Now we can get the best soup out of the bowl, the Superb Soup! It restores eight hearts with each drink. Climb onto the boxes near the bowl and fill up your bottles with the soup. You'll most likely need it. Go back to the wife's room and speak with her, then she'll truly remember where the key is this time. She marks it on your map, then the door on the right unlocks. Go through it. Here, use the Ball and Chain to break the ice boulders, then head north and you'll see an ice monster in a cage. He rotates around the cage and breathes ice. There is a hole in the cage, however. Head up to the hole and target the monster, then throw the Ball and Chain at it. It will take two throws to defeat it. Once you defeat it, it'll split into little ice creatures. Throw the Ball and Chain in the cage to destroy them, then head up the path. Defeat the next ice monster, then head up the rest of the path. Throw the Ball and Chain at the ice boulders to reveal a cannon and two Ice Keese. Defeat them, then head west of it and go through that door. In this room, look to the right. Throw the Ball and Chain at the enemy to kill it, then throw it at the ice boulder on the left wall to reveal a Clawshot mark. You can Clawshot to this mark in a lower room as a shortcut back here. You'll notice a chandelier hanging on the ceiling here, and that you can Z-Target it. Target it and throw the Ball and Chain at it to make it rock back and forth. If it's moving slow, then throw the Ball and Chain at it again to make it move fast. Jump to it, then to the chest which contains a Small Key. Once you get the key, hit the chandelier again and use it to get back to the other side. Then, go back through the door. At the previous area, head directly south and you'll come to a locked door. Unlock it. In the next room, break the ice on the wall in front of you to reveal a Clawshot mark. Head up to the chandelier ahead and hit it with the Ball and Chain. Jump to it, then look to the left to find another two. Throw the Ball and Chain at the second, then jump to it and throw it at the third. Jump to it and and to the chest at the end. Open it for a Piece of Heart. Get back on the first chandelier, then jump to the left platform. Defeat the ice monster. He might knock you off, so if he does, head up the eastern stairs and use the Clawshot at the mark on the wall. When you defeat the ice monster, go through the door ahead. In this icy room, defeat the ice creatures using the Ball and Chain, then turn into a wolf and use your senses to find a Poe. Defeat it and turn back into a human, then use the Ball and Chain at the ice boulders to reveal a small area. Defeat the two Ice Keese in there, then go through the northern door. In this area, head up to the block to the left. Push it and it will slide off, creating a platform that you can use to get back up here. Jump off of the platform. This is the block puzzle room we entered at the start of the dungeon. Break the ice in the center with the Ball and Chain to reveal a switch, then use the Ball and Chain on the ice covering a block. Now that there is a switch in the middle and three blocks, time to solve another puzzle. Head to the northern end of the room and face north. Push the block southwestern block north, the northeastern block left, the block at the end south, the northwestern block south, the top block east, south, left, and up. This makes the center switch get pressed, unlocking a door above. Head northwest and climb the blocks up to the upper platform, then jump to the icy platform. Follow the path north and west, then go through the door. Out here, look to the left to find three ice monsters. Only one can be targeted and hit right now, so throw the Ball and Chain at it and jump to that platform. Head up the path and defeat the two ice monsters, then look up at the wall ahead to find a Clawshot mark. Clawshot to it and drop down, then go through the door. Use the Ball and Chain on the iced wall to the right to reveal a Clawshot mark. Z-Target the chandelier ahead and throw the Ball and Chain at it to make it swing. Jump to it and throw the Ball and Chain at the next one. Jump to that one, then to the platform ahead. Open the chest here for a Small Key, then go left and through the door. Jump down from here, then climb up the block in the corner. Climb your way up, then jump to the icy platform ahead. Go through the door ahead, as well. Back in the icy room, use the Ball and Chain to defeat the ice enemies, then unlock the door at the northeastern part of the room. In the next room, defeat the two big ice monsters, along with the small ice creatures that they split into when you defeat them. One of those monsters was guarding two blocks stuck in the wall. Use the Ball and Chain on the blocks to send them down, then go to the blocks. Follow the path down, then go through the door to the north (on the map). Here, look right to find a lever and a tray. Pull the lever down to move the tray down, then push the block in front of you. It'll slide down and fall in place. Follow the path north and pick up one of the cannonballs. Head back south and place the cannonball into the tray, then go through the door. Pull the lever down near the door to make the tray move down, also making the cannonball in the previous room slide down. Take it and head south of the door, then follow the path up to a cannon. Place the cannonball into it, then push the cannon so that it's facing the two blocks ahead. Place a bomb into it, and the cannon will fire. The cannonball will get shot all the way into the room ahead. Go up to the blocks and climb them up to the room where the cannonball is. Pick it up and place it into the tray to the north, then go through the door. Out here, look to the left and pull the lever to move the tray down. The cannonball will slide down, as well. Break the ice by the door to reveal a Clawshot mark, then head over to the tray with the cannonball. Pick it up and place it into the cannon to the north. Push the cannon so that it faces the northeast to where the big ice monster is. Place a bomb into it, and the ball will destroy the monster. Head east of the door behind you and jump across to that platform. Follow the path and jump down, then head north and climb up the ladder. Defeat the two ice creatures here, then go through the door to the right. In the next room, the two doors will lock. There is a chest inside the locked door ahead, too! Head north and some ice monsters with spears will drop down. This room can get ugly. Use the Ball and Chain to destroy the enemies. Head north to find some more. After you defeat them all, both doors unlock. Go through the northern one, then open the chest inside to get the Bedroom Key. Finally! Head out of the door, then head south and exit this area. You'll meet the wife out here. How she got up here, I have no clue, but she says she's well now that she drank the soup that her husband made. She'll lead you to the top where the bedroom is, but she walks awfully slow. Just beat her up to the top and unlock the door, then the wife and Link will enter the bedroom. She leads you to the mirror shard, and Link follows her. She stares at the mirror shard, and the dark power it holds makes her possessed. She then turns around, revealing a monster face. Then, the top windows break and ice pours in. She turns into a huge head-like thing called Blizzeta, then the room ices up. Read the Bosses section to see how to win. After winning, the big ice dome that she was in will be destroyed, then the room will return to normal with the girl on the ground. Then, the mirror shard gets repaired and Midna takes it. She feels pity for the way we had to treat that girl, then she creates a portal. The husband yeti enters, seeing his wife on the ground. He rushes over to her, and Yeta (the girl) doesn't know what happened. After a scene with Yeto and Yeta takes place, take the Heart Container and tell Midna to take you out of the dungeon. Then, save your game. ========= Snowpeak ========= We're already ready to enter the next dungeon, unless you want to get some optional things. See the Equipment Upgrades section and such for more info on that. Regardless, warp to Kakariko Village. ================= Kakariko Village ================= Head into the springs and turn into a human, then go behind the sanctuary adn proceed into the graveyard. ========== Graveyard ========== At the graveyard, head north and to the graves. Turn into a wolf and defeat the Poe (this is the perfect spot for a Poe to be, huh?), then turn back into a human and head north, up the stairs. Approach the orange beast and you'll be at the white area, like usual. Tell him you're ready for the next skill, then use the Mortal Draw on him. Now he'll teach you the Jump Strike. To do it, target a foe, then hold A to charge up your sword. Release it to do a Jump Attack that releases a shockwave, hitting all nearby foes. Once you learn it, warp to Hyrule Field (remember, it's Castle Town on the map). ============= Hyrule Field ============= Out here, run across the bridge leading to the town and the postman will give you a letter. It's from Yeta, Yeto's wife. Read it if you wish, then continue into town. =================== Hyrule Castle Town =================== At the town, make your way south to the South Road, then follow the alleyway to Telma's Bar. Inside, examine the map on the table. Apparently, Rusl talked about the Sacred Grove of the Faron Woods, and it's marked on your map. We've been there before, though. You've guessed it: we have to go back there. Exit the bar and warp to the North Faron Woods. ============ Faron Woods ============ Here, turn back into a human and head north. Go up the hill where you'll find Rusl. He explains that it is rumored that there's a temple hidden deep within the forest, and that the ancestors of the Hylians created the temple. Tell him you'll cross the gorge and find the power sleeping in the temple. He says you can cross the gorge using his partner, which happens to be a golden Cucco. He calls the Cucco. Pick it up and jump off to the north, then fly across to the platform ahead. Fly north to the tree, then to the platform ahead. Now, head north and put the Cucco down. Use the Gale Boomerang on the fan at the top of the bridge to turn it, then pick up the Cucco and fly onto it. Put it down again and use the Gale Boomerang at the fan once more. Pick up the Cucco and follow the path, then jump to the platform ahead when the moving log is out of the way. Do the same for the next log, then put the Cucco down and continue into the Sacred Grove. ============= Sacred Grove ============= Upon entering here, head north and the Skull Kid we saw last time appears. He's back for more, and calls scarecrow puppets just like last time. He then opens a path and runs through it. The supply of scarecrow puppets is unlimited, just like last time. Defeat the scarecrows the Skull Kid called, then follow the path he went through to another area. Follow the path right, and you'll see an orange glow in the room ahead. Just so you know, when you see an orange glow, then that's the area you have to enter. Enter the area, and head north. Climb up to the platform, then attack the Skull Kid behind the tree. He'll retreat, so jump down the platform and head east to another area. Then, head west and go to the next area where the orange glow is. Now, head northeast and follow the orange glow. Head northeast in here to find two torches, then light them to make a chest appear. Inside are 30 Bombs. Head east and follow the path. You will hear the Skull Kid, so look at the water to find him on a platform sticking out of the water. Shoot him with your bow, and he'll retreat. Follow him through another path, then head north and follow the orange glow. In this area, head north some more and follow the path, then head right and through the path where the waterfall is. Head northwest and follow the path there to yet another area. Light the two torches to the right if you want, although it does nothing. Follow that path, then head east and enter that area as well. This Skull Kid moves fast, doesn't he? Head north and climb up the ledges here, then look in the trees. You should find the Skull Kid. Shoot him with an arrow, and he'll open up a new path and go through it. Head up the path to the area where he went, then jump down and head north to a new area. Here, the Skull Kid will appear on the platform in the center. He'll stomp it a few times, then call some scarecrow puppets. Kill them and shoot an arrow at the Skull Kid. He will teleport to a higher platform and call some more scarecrows. Kill them and shoot an arrow at the Skull Kid. Now he'll teleport onto a tree, and call even more puppets. Kill them and shoot the Skull Kid one last time, then he'll go away. He says he'll reveal a secret place to you, then a path opens. Take the path leading up to the next area. Out here, head northwest and push the block forward until it falls down. Then, you'll see that you're at the same place where the Master Sword was located. Jump down and head west, then fall down that hole. Head all the way north to the area where the Master Sword was. Walk up to the pedestal and press A to strike the Master Sword into it. This makes a guardian disappear at the entrance of this area, revealing a door that was behind it. Head back south, and a barrier will surround you. Shadow beasts will appear out of a portal. Get rid of three of them, then lure two others to you and use a Spin Attack to finish them off. Now we can warp back to this place whenever we wish. Head southwest on the map and follow the path to the block you pushed a moment ago. Climb onto it, then onto the platform. Open the door to the north to reveal a strange black and white portal. Link walks into it, which leads to a strange temple. The music here is the same as the one in the Temple of Time from Ocarina of Time. Not to mention that the temple looks similar, too. Head all the way north into a chamber with a pedestal. Strike the Master Sword into it to reveal a staircase. Ooccoo and her son runs up the staircase to the stained glass window. It disappears, revealing a path. Follow them through the path, then enter the area ahead leading to the next dungeon. =============== Temple of Time =============== Go north and to the first room, where you're introduced to the dungeon. Head north and to the big doorway, where Midna will tell you that there's something odd about the nearby statue. She says that everywhere else (from the grove to the entry of the temple) is a statue on each side, but only one is here. She suggests using your senses, so turn into a wolf and use them. You'll see a statue that used to be here on the right. Walk up to it, and Midna says that we need to find the statue somewhere in this dungeon. Become a human and head west on the map to find a small statue. Lift it and head east to a platform with a switch. Place the statue on it and a platform will rise in this room. Head southeast and climb onto the platform, then follow that path up. You'll find Ooccoo and her son. She'll tell you that she finally got to where she needed to go, which is here. She says an ancient technology of their people rests in this dungeon, and that they can go home once they find it. Since she and her son are so close to finding what they need, she joins you so that you can help her find it. Follow the path west and down the stairs to two torches. Light them and a chest appears containing a Small Key. Get the key and head back up, then unlock the door. In the next room, head north and defeat the Gohma (the spider enemy), then climb up the ledges nearby and pick up a pot. Place it on the switch in the middle of the room, and the front gate will open while the back gate will close. Head east and up to the closed gate, then stand there and shoot the pot on the switch with your bow. This makes the switch unpressed, making the second gate open and the first one close. Keep following the path and defeat the Lizalfos, then continue to another area with three Lizalfos. Defeat them and head south to a chest. Open the chest for a Red Rupee, then jump off the ledge and head up to the medium-sized statue nearby. Z-Target it and attack it from behind, and after three hits it will die. Once you defeat the Armos, a chest forms. It contains the Dungeon Map. After you get that, go back to where the small chest is and pick up one of the small statues. Carry it over to the switches to the north, and place it on a switch. Get the next statue and place it on the second switch to open the gate in front of you. Follow the path to a door, then go through it. In here, you'll see an electric barrier with baby Gohmas crawling around in the middle. Ignore it for now, and head west. You'll find a Beamos, as well as a Lizalfos. Defeat both of them, and follow the path around the room. Defeat all of the Lizalfos in this room; there's a lot of them. Take the stairs up to some tracks on the wall where the staircase is broken at. Use the Spinner to ride across the tracks to the other part of the stairs. Continue following the path, and head east down the path to a platform in the air. You can push it to lower it or make it go up. Don't bother pushing it yet, though. Instead, head around the platform until you see a path leading to a small statue. Lift it, and head around the platform until you find a high platform with two switches near it. Place the statue onto the switch, then go to the center of the platform in the middle and push it clockwise. This makes the platform lower to the bottom, where the baby Gohmas are. Defeat all of them and the electrical barriers in this room will disappear. Head up the path here to find a small statue (it's on the second platform, not the one going up). Lift it and place it on the center platform, then push it counterclockwise to move it up. Lift the statue and head north, then go around the platform. Follow the path to the two switches. Place the statue onto the second switch, then quickly head north to the white platform before it rises. When it rises, make sure you were on it, then go through the door ahead. The door will lock. Defeat the two Armos ahead and a chest will appear on the right. The door also unlocks. Open the chest to get a Small Key, then head north and up the stairs. Open the chest for a Red Rupee, then go back to the previous room. Head all the way to the north to find a locked door, then unlock it with your Small Key. In the next room, you will see a green crystal switch ahead. Hit it, and the walls in this room will shift around. Head north and defeat the Beamos, then follow the path and stand in the center of the white circle. Look to the left and shoot through the ring with an arrow, hitting the crystal switch again. This makes the walls shift around again, so head north and defeat the Beamos. Enter the small area ahead and open the chest to get the Compass. Stand in the center of the white circle and shoot through the rings to hit the crystal switch a third time. When the walls shift around, head north and follow the path up the stairs to a Lizalfos. Defeat it and continue, then defeat the next Lizalfos which has a mask on. Now you'll see a crystal switch on top of a platform you can't reach. Stand on the white circle and shoot it to shift the three walls around. Head south and defeat the normal Lizalfos. There is also an armored Lizalfos here. This is a harder version of the Lizalfos. Just attack it when it is off guard. It takes a lot of hits, so be warned. Once you defeat it, stand on the circle to the left and shoot the crystal switch to move the walls. Head south and defeat the armored Lizalfos here, then stand on the circle and shoot the crystal switch again. Head south and follow the path to a door, then go through it. There are many baby Gohmas and regular Gohmas in this room. Defeat them all and a chest will appear. Go to it and open it for a Purple Rupee, then head up the stairs in this room. You'll see two weights with a small statue on each one. You will notice that when you walk on one, it lowers and the other one rises up. You have to make it so that you can walk across both weights without them lowering or raising. Right now, it's easy. Just take the small statue on the first weight and throw it up onto the second one. This evens out both of them, so walk onto the second weight and it'll lower a bit. Climb onto the platform and go through the door ahead. In the next room, you'll see a Beamos along with many razor traps near it. Kill the Beamos, then head west of the razor traps and head up the stairs. Defeat the three Lizalfos here, and you'll see some rolling spiked logs nearby. Head past it when it's away, then avoid the moving trap and open the chest here for a Small Key. Head north and past the next spiked log, then take the west path to a small statue. Pick it up and take the eastern path to a switch. Place it on there to remove the electrical barrier in front of you, then head north to another room. Defeat the baby Gohmas here, and a chest will form to the north by two Armos. Open the chest to get a Purple Rupee, then defeat the two Armos. The gate to the east will open, so climb up the ledge there and unlock the door. The door will lock, and you'll see a knight in the center. There's also a statue on the ledge at the end of this room. Head up to the knight and you'll have to fight it. I will refer to it as an Iron Knuckle. Wait until he goes to swing his sword, then roll behind him and attack him from behind. This tears off pieces of his armor. Repeat this and eventually his armor will come off completely. He'll then throw the sword he currently uses, then draw a new one. Now the second part of the battle begins. This time, he'll be faster. Basically just attack him when he's off guard; this part is actually easier. Once you defeat him, the gate at the end of this room opens, revealing a chest. Open it to get the Dominion Rod. This rod can breathe life into certain statues, allowing you to take control of them. Head south and look above where you got the chest to find a statue. Use the Dominion Rod at it to take control of it, then move west and it will follow you. Head south to the glowing bell. Make the statue move onto the brown circle, then the bell will take the statue. The door then unlocks, so go through it. Back in this room, you'll see the bell in this room bring the statue onto the brown circle nearby. Take control of it with the Dominion Rod, then have it walk up to the gate. Press B to swing its axe, breaking the gate. Head down, and have the statue walk up to the white platform to south. Press A to deactivate the Dominion Rod, then step on the switch to lower the platform where the statue is. Take control of it while on the switch, then head north and the platform will rise the statue on it. Make it move north as you climb onto the platform and follow the statue. Have the statue walk through the electrical barrier, then have him step on the switch to deactivate it. Now, deactivate the Dominion Rod and pass through where the electrical barrier was. Control the statue again, and walk past the spiked logs. Don't worry, the statue will protect you from them. Follow the path down, and have the statue walk up to the Beamos statue. Press B to destroy it, revealing a switch. This part is _very_ tricky. Have the statue move up to the white platform ahead, where the bell is. Don't have him stand directly on the platform, though. Stand by the southern side of the switch, then control the statue again. Head north and step on the switch. Hope that the statue is at the end of the platform, or at least near it. Head north and step off the switch. If the statue gets on the platform with the bell, have the statue go under the bell and the bell will take it. Just keep trying until you get it. Once you move the statue under the bell, go through the northern door. Here, you'll see a bell rise, revealing the statue again. We're back at the weight room again. Look to the left and control the statue with the Dominion Rod, then have it head down the nearby steps and sit on the weight. This makes it lower, and the other one rise. Throw the small statue onto the risen weight, then go back up the stairs. Look to the left and Clawshot to the mark there, then pick up the statue and jump down. Defeat all of the enemies here, then pick up the statue again and head north and up the stairs. Place the statue onto the risen weight. Look up and behind you to find three small statues. You can control them with the Dominion Rod. Use the rod at one of the statues and deactivate it. Then, pick it up and place it onto the risen weight. Do this with the other two statues up on that ledge. Make sure that one statue and the big statue is on the left weight, while four small statues are on the right weight. Get on the right weight to even them out, then walk to the end of the right weight. Control the big statue with the Dominion Rod and make it move onto the right weight. Now, throw all of the small statues onto the left weight, but make sure the big statue is on the right weight. This will even them out as long as you're standing on the eastern weight. Jump off and head back up the stairs, then control the big statue and head back down the stairs with the statue. Make it walk under the bell, then the bell will take it. Don't exit the room just yet, though. Head back up the stairs and step on the right weight. Stand on the edge of it and look up at the ceiling, at the center of the room. You will see a Clawshot mark. Clawshot to it and drop down, then follow the path to some tracks. Use the Spinner to ride the track west to a platform. Head all the way south to a chest, then open it for a Red Rupee. Head northwest to a door, but make sure you defeat the Poe here first. Inside the next room, the door will lock. Defeat the Armos and the masked enemies, then the door you came through will open. Clawshot to the mark on the ceiling above the gate, and you will see four switches and a chest. Open the chest to get a Red Rupee. Look to the left and right and pick up the small statues. Place both of them on one of the four switches, then look down and Clawshot one of the metal masks. Place that onto the third switch, then Clawshot the second metal mask. Place it on the fourth switch to open the gate below, revealing a chest. Jump down and open the chest for the Big Key, then leave this room. Back here, head all the way to the eastern side of the room, then go through the door. You'll see a bell rise up and reveal the big statue. Follow the path down the stairs, then shoot the crystal switch on the platform with your bow to shift the walls around. Control the statue (you can shoot the energy of the Dominion Rod through the gate). Have him break the wall blocking his way. He can break all walls like these. Then, have him step on the switch near the electrical barrier to turn it off. Take the path left to a chest, then open it for a Piece of Heart. Go behind the statue and control him, then have him go through the electrical barrier. Step on the switch to deactivate it, then deactivate the Dominion Rod. Roll past the eletrical barrier quickly, then control the statue and have him break the wall to the north. Follow the path down to another crystal switch and wall room. Follow the path and have the statue break the wall on the way. Head south in the middle to find a bell. Have the statue step under it and the bell will take it. Now, follow the path west, then south to a door. Go through it. You'll see a bell release the statue on a high platform. Go up to the central platform and push it counterclockwise so that it moves up. You'll see the statue here, so use the Dominion Rod on it and have it go onto the central platform with you. Push the central platform clockwise twice to move it all the way down. Control the statue and have him smash all of the baby Gohmas. He'll kill them all rather quickly. Once they're all defeated, the electrical barrier nearby will disappear. Move the statue and Link up the path where the electrical barrier was. Head to the eastern end of the room and have the statue break the gate. Deactivate the Dominion Rod and defeat the Poe. Control the statue again and head to the northern part of the room, then break the gate and have the statue step under the bell. When the bell takes him, head all the way west and go through the door. You'll see a bell release the statue in this room. Follow the path to a gate, then look above the gate to find a Clawshot mark. Clawshot to it and go to the red dot on the map. Control the statue, and head southeast down the stairs. Break the gate with the statue and have him break the gate to the south. Open the chest there for 30 Arrows, then control the statue again. Have him go under the bell to the right and it will take him. Now, go through the northern door. Back at the first room, the bell will release the statue. Head to the middle of the room and control the statue, then have it go north and stand on the glowing panel to the right. Now that both statues are in place, the big wall in front of you will open, revealing a door. Go through it. In the next room, head all the way north to the end of the hallway, avoiding the many traps as you go. At the end, you'll see a gate. Pick up one of the statues by the gate and head south. Jump to the platform there and avoid the moving trap. Place the statue onto the switch here to open one gate and close another. Go through that gate, and turn around. Use the Dominion Rod on the statue that's on the switch, then make it walk off of the switch. This makes the first gate close and the second one open. Follow the path to the boss door, then defeat the enemies. Break the pots near the door if you need fairies and such, then go through it. In this dark room, Link will approach one of the lights. Then, the lights turn off, and Link spots a giant spider on the ceiling. You then face off against the next boss, so see the Bosses section for help on winning this battle. Upon winning, you get the third mirror shard. Midna explains that the mirror shard must've made the spider that evil, and that the dark power might end up being something that we have to destroy. Take your Heart Container and tell Midna you want to leave, then save your game. ============= Sacred Grove ============= Back inside the temple of the grove, head south and look to the left and right near the stairs. There are two statues. Move the left one with the Dominion Rod to reveal a Poe, then defeat it. Turn back into a human and move the statue on the eastern side to reveal a path. Take the path to a chest, then open it to find a Piece of Heart. Now, head up the southern stairs and exit through the door leading outside. You will find Ooccoo and her son here. She thanks you for finding the item she needs, the Dominion Rod. She says that she can see that the magic in it has become exhausted. She speaks of a spell that makes it get its magic back, then she speaks of looking around for statues that respond to the rod. When Ooccoo leaves, Midna implies that Ooccoo stole the energy from the rod! Stupid bird. Midna suggests finding out how to restore the energy to the Dominion Rod, as it might help with getting to the sky where the last mirror shard is. Warp to Hyrule Field. ============= Hyrule Field ============= Out here, cross the bridge leading to the town and the postman will deliver a letter. It's from Renado, about Ilia's memory. Read it; he wants us to come see him at the sanctuary in Kakariko Village. Continue into town. =================== Hyrule Castle Town =================== In the town, make your way to the South Road and enter Telma's Bar. Inside, go up to the map on the table where Telma's pals are. Rusl tells you that Shad went to go research the Oocca, who are apparently the ancestors of the Hylians. He is in Kakariko Village right now, and Rusl thinks we should go visit him. Ashei (the girl in the armor) just talks about the Snowpeak "monster". Examine the map on the table, and a red dot will be marked on your map. They suggest we go there and check on the children while we're there. Exit the bar, and warp to Kakariko Village now. ================= Kakariko Village ================= Here, turn into a human and enter the sanctuary where the red dot is. In here, talk to Renado. He says that we might be able to recover Ilia's memory. He says that Shad is here researching the heavens, and is looking at the statue in the basement. Apparently, when Ilia was saved, she heard someone talking about the rod of the heavens, which must be the Dominion Rod. The Goron elder thinks we must head back to the place where she lost her memory, we could find something to restore it. Renado then asks you to deliver a letter to Telma, then he gives it to you. Speak to Gor Coron if you want (the Goron elder), along with Darbus. Then, exit this place. Head to the spring and warp to Hyrule Field, then enter the castle town again. =================== Hyrule Castle Town =================== Back here, make your way to Telma's Bar again. Then, get out Renado's Letter and show it to Telma. She'll say that maybe the doctor in this town can do something, then she gives you an Invoice to give to him. Exit the bar, then head out of this alleyway. Still at the South Road, head northwest and continue to the next area. Follow the path north to a building, which is the doctor's place, the Medical Clinic. Enter it. Inside, you'll see the freaky-looking doctor. After he babbles, show him the Invoice. He said he can't pay it off right now, and that Telma will just have to wait. He says that had he been able to sell the wooden statue Ilia had, he'd have been able to get the money. He spilt medicine all over a carving, then took it outside so it could dry. He said someone then stole the wooden statue. It obviously has something to do with Ilia's past, so we must find out how to get this statue back. When the doctor walks away, transform into a wolf. Head all the way north to find a crate. Push it left to reveal a scent, then sniff it. Choose to forget the Reekfish Scent, and you'll learn the Medicine Scent. Follow the scent up the ledges, then head outside. Keep following the scent and jump down, scaring away all of the villagers in the process. It goes all the way to the alley where Telma's Bar is, where you'll find Louise, Telma's cat. Talk to her, and she admits that she took it. However, it then got stolen by some dog beasts. They only come out at night, and lurk at the southern road. She also tells you that you won't be able to get the statue back unless you attack them all at once. With all the information we've just obtained, head all the way south at the South Road and exit to Hyrule Field. ============= Hyrule Field ============= Turn back into a human. Now, just stand here until it turns night. If it's already night, or whenever it turns night, head all the way south to a big boulder by a Goron. If it's nighttime, some skeleton beasts will come out from the ground. Let all of them surround you, then use a Spin Attack to kill them. Kill the rest of them, and once they're all dead, a wooden statue will appear. Link will grab it automatically. Now, warp to Kakariko Village. ================= Kakariko Village ================= Head to the springs and turn back into a human, then enter the sanctuary. Back in here, get out the Wooden Statue and show it to Ilia. Ilia will take the statue, and then she starts to remember it all: how she was confined somewhere, then was saved by who was also confined with her. Then, that person set her free, giving her the statue. She then remembers and says that the person must still be in trouble. Ilia doesn't remember where that place was, though, but Gor Coron does. He says that there's a hidden village on the path leading to the Lanayru Province, on the far side of the Bridge of Eldin. However, you can't get there now, because a rock is blocking the path now. Gor Coron sends Darbus out to go and break the rock. Gor Coron says to look at your map to see where Darbus went. Ilia's memory isn't fully restored just yet. Exit the sanctuary and head to the spring, then warp to the Bridge of Eldin at Hyrule Field. If you've been following my guide, then it should already be repaired. If not, then warp to the Gerudo Mesa and you'll find a bridge there. Simply press Up in front of it and tell Midna to warp you to the Bridge of Eldin, then it will be repaired. ============= Hyrule Field ============= Out here, head north and cross the bridge. Follow the path to the red dot on the map, where you'll find a ledge. Climb it, then follow the path to the next area which leads to the hidden village. =============== Hidden Village =============== Here, you'll see Darbus punching down a rock. Walk up to him and he'll punch down the rock completely. Ahead is the village. Darbus speaks of evil that he senses in the village, then he says that there are about twenty of them ahead. He says that you'll need to defeat them all before they spot you. Once Darbus leaves, head south and into the village. You'll see lots of archers spreaded throughout this village. Get your bow ready, as we have to kill twenty of them. Time to put your archery skills to the test. There's no need for me to guide you through here, really; all you have to do is walk through the village and shoot the archers. In one of the alleys on the left is an archer, by the way, which I tend to miss a lot. You can break the white glass windows to enter the houses. Also, when you come to a chained wall, just Clawshot to it and climb it up. Once you successfully kill all twenty enemies, an old lady comes out of her house. Link walks up to her, and she refers to him as "the savior". Her name is Impaz. Sound familiar? She's the resident of this abandoned village. The town was once home to a proud tribe that served the royal family, but it suddenly got abandoned and infested with monsters. Somehow, she knows your name is Link, then speaks of Ilia. She asks you to return something to her, then she gives you Ilia's Charm. This is another clue to restoring her memory. When you regain control, exit the village and head out to Hyrule Field. Then, warp to Kakariko Village. ================= Kakariko Village ================= As usual, turn back into a human and enter the sanctuary. Inside, show Ilia the charm the old lady at the hidden village gave you. She smells the scent of hay, and realizes that it is all too familiar to her. You see a tear roll down her face, then you see a flashback of Link, Ilia, and Epona at the Ordon springs. All of the children are peeking into the sanctuary from the window. Ilia now remembers everything! She says that this charm is something she intended to give you before you left for Hyrule. She gives it to you now. You now get the Horse Call. You can now call Epona without having to look for grass. She then says something about the messenger to the heavens who held the Dominion Rod. She speaks of an item that could lead to the heavens. The item can't be given away unless the messenger arrives with the rod. Lucky for us, we have it. Exit the sanctuary, and like always, head to the spring. Then, warp to the Bridge of Eldin. Make your way up to the Hidden Village. =============== Hidden Village =============== Back at this village, enter the westernmost building (break the glass windows to find an entrance). Inside, break the glass window that isn't boarded and exit through it. Out here, turn into a wolf and head up to the Howling Statue. Howl this song: middle, down, middle, up, down, up, middle, up, middle. Howl it twice, and the orange beast will appear by Hyrule Castle. Even though the barrier is still there, we can get it; he's right next to the barrier. We'll get to that soon. Turn back into a human and make your way out of this small area back to the actual part of the village. Head all the way south and enter that building, leading to the old lady's house. Inside, take out the Dominion Rod and she'll immediately recognize it. She speaks of the Oocca and the legend of the Dominion Rod, and how it helped them reach their home in the sky. She then speaks of a book, and she gives you the Ancient Sky Book. However, it's missing a full word. The book is written in ancient Sky Writing. Exit the house, and warp to Kakariko Village yet again. ================= Kakariko Village ================= Turn back into a human, then enter the sanctuary once again. Inside, fall down the hole leading to the basement. In the basement, head north and you'll find Shad standing by a statue. Talk to him, and he'll tell you that there are many statues like the one he's next to throughout Hyrule, but this one is a little different. It says something on the belly. He then talks about Ilia and her losing her memory. Take out the Ancient Sky Book and show it to him. He'll try out the incomplete words in the book on the statue, but nothing happens. He says he'll go try it on the other statues, and he has memorized where they are located. He marks the locations on your map, should you wish to find the statues. Suddenly, Link hears a strange noise coming from his pocket. He takes out the Dominion Rod, and the power in the rod becomes restored! Yay! Now that the power has been restored, Midna suggests we go find the statues that were marked on our map. Head south and climb out of the basement, then exit the sanctuary. Time to do some traveling. Warp to the Kakariko Gorge which is at Hyrule Field. ============= Hyrule Field ============= When you warp here, turn back into a human and head all the way north to the red dot on the map. You will come to a statue. Use the Dominion Rod on it and move it to reveal a glowing circle. Step into the circle to find one of the many Sky characters. It gets added to the Ancient Sky Book. Don't leave yet, though. Control the statue again and head west to find a gap. Position the statue in between the two platforms there, then head west and climb up the ledge. Jump to the statue and then to the next platform, then control the statue again while on the ledge. Move north and when you come to the gap, deactivate the rod and jump to the ledge. Control the statue again, and head north some more. Run up to the gap and then run up against the wall, until the statue is positioned in between both platforms. Use the statue as a platform to get across, then follow the path to a chest. Open it to get an Orange Rupee! This one is worth 100! Warp to the Bridge of Eldin now, and turn back into a human. Head all the way north to the end of the bridge, then kill the archer on the left. Climb onto the ledge on the right, and use the Dominion Rod on the statue. Move it to reveal a glowing circle, then stand on it to find another lost Sky character. Next, warp to the Castle Town which is still at the field. Head all the way south and follow the path to a ruined area. Defeat the two Bokoblins here. To the left is a platform with another statue on it. Move it off using the Dominion Rod, then position the statue so that it's in between the stone steps and the platform the statue was on. Head up the steps and jump to the statue, then to the platform with the glowing circle. You'll get another Sky character of the Ancient Sky Book. Now, move the statue over to the right where another platform is. Position it between the stone steps and the platform. Jump to the statue and then to the platform, then open the chest for an Orange Rupee. Nice! Head all the way north back to the bridge leading to the town, then head east and follow the path to the next area. Here, follow the path and defeat the Bokoblin, then head north to find some boulders. You could've done this long ago, but place a bomb by the boulders to blow them up, revealing a path and some Blue Rupees. Take the cash and follow the path if you want it to connect on the map. It's just a shortcut. Ignore the path, and head south. When you see the sign, head left (on the map) and you'll come to a ledge. Climb it up and you'll see a statue on a ledge you cannot reach. Use the Dominion Rod to control the statue, then move it down onto the ground. Now, position the statue right under the vine wall, so that you can land on the statue after Clawshotting to the vine. Clawshot to it and drop down, and when you land on the statue, jump to the glowing circle. Another Sky character is added to the Ancient Sky Book. Don't jump off of the ledge yet. Control the statue again, and make it move right so that it's against the wall ahead. Jump to the statue, then to the ledge with a chest. It contains another Orange Rupee! We're just racking up on these things, huh? You'll need them really soon, trust me. Anyway, we're done finding Sky characters in the field, so warp to the South Faron Woods. ============ Faron Woods ============ At these woods, head all the way north, then head west at the path split to where Coro, the lantern guy is. Head east of him to find a boulder. Blow it up with a bomb, then follow the path. At the end, you'll see another statue. Use the Dominion Rod to control it and revealing another glowing circle. Step into it to get another Sky character that gets added to your book. Control the statue again, and lead it to the hole to the south. When it falls into it, you will hear the chiming sound. Turn into a wolf and head east, to a rock. Stand on the rock and Midna will alert you. Press Up, and use her to jump across the statue and the platforms, then head into the next area. Open the chest here to get a Piece of Heart, then warp to the Gerudo Mesa. ============== Gerudo Desert ============== Here, head all the way west to the red dot on the map. You'll find a small area with lots of ledges. One of them has a statue on it. Move it with the Dominion Rod, and position it up so that it's in between the ledges to the left and the platform on the right. Climb up the ledges and jump to the statue, then jump to the platform. Stand on the glowing circle to get the last Sky character. Now the book is filled with all missing characters! Don't jump off the ledge yet. Control the statue and move it over to the left part of the platform you're on. You'll have to move a bit, deactivate the rod, move back, use the rod again, and repeat. Then, jump to the statue and to the ledge ahead. You have to do the same thing here. Control the statue and move it so that it's in between the platform you're on and the platform ahead. Jump to it and to the platform with a chest, then open it to get an Orange Rupee. There is a brown fence somewhere along the walls of this desert. Ride a boar to the north and bring it there, then dash through the walls to a chest. Open the chest for another Orange Rupee. We're almost done with all of this crap. Warp to the Castle Town, then cross the bridge leading into the town itself. On the way, the postman will deliver a letter. It's from Shad, so read it if you wish. =================== Hyrule Castle Town =================== Head to the Central Square, then head north to the next area. Head up to the two doors and go through, then you'll see the orange beast. Approach him, and you'll appear at the white area as usual. Tell the zombie warrior you're ready to learn the final skill, then he'll want you to use the Jump Strike on him. Do it, and he'll teach you the next skill, the Great Spin. To do it, just unleash a Spin Attack while at full health. An orange circle surrounds the Spin Attack, dealing more damage to enemies. Now the zombie warrior will depart for good. Now that you have the last skill, warp to Kakariko Village. ================= Kakariko Village ================= Go to the springs, turn into a human, then enter the sanctuary and head to the basement. There, head north and you'll see Shad. Talk to him if you wish, then show him the Ancient Sky Book. Now that the book is complete, he tries the complete word, and the small stone in the statue's belly vanishes, revealing a hole. Shad leaves in utter disappointment. Use the Dominion Rod on the statue, then move it to reveal a new room. Enter that room, and you'll see a giant cannon. Shad enters the room and sees the cannon, known as the Sky Cannon. Walk up to it and Midna will alert you. Press Up, and tell her you want to warp. She says that Shad's still watching us, so we can't do it yet. Talk to him, and he will leave. Before leaving, however, he says that you should show that cannon to a cannon expert. Midna thinks she scared him away. Walk up to the cannon and press Up, then have Midna warp you to Lake Hylia along with the Sky Cannon. =========== Lake Hylia =========== When you get here, the Sky Cannon will be placed on the platform. Turn into a human and head north, then follow the bridges to Fyer, the weird-looking man. Talk to him, and he'll see the Sky Cannon in the distance. He and Link will walk over to the cannon, and he'll say that he'll try and fix it, but he wants 300 Rupees for it! Fork over the cash. You'll witness a scene of him repairing it. Then, he says that it can even shoot you to the heavens! Head to the back of the cannon to find a Clawshot mark in the hole. Clawshot to it and you'll see Ooccoo and her son enter the cannon with you. Then, you'll be shot way up to the City in the Sky. ================ City in the Sky ================ Upon arriving here, Ooccoo will tell you that this is the sky city of the Oocca. She'll then see a huge dragon fly above the city, and an Oocca will suddenly appear. She says she's going to go check on everybody in the shop ahead. Head all the way west to a door. The wind will occasionally blow fast, so when that happens, take cover by going against the walls. Go through the door leading into the Oocca shop. Speak with the Oocca and she'll be speaking Oocca language, but then starts speaking some Hylian. There are some items for sale if you need any. Regardless, head west and speak with Oocco. She'll join you. Exit the shop and head east, then head all the way south. If you ever want to leave this place, Clawshot to the mark in the back of the Sky Cannon. Head all the way north and up the path. Defeat the Deku Babas along the way, and shoot the crystal switch above the gate to open it, revealing a door. Walk up to the door and you'll be introduced to the City in the Sky. Then, head through the door leading to the main part of the dungeon. In this room, you'll see a few Oocca. You can pick them up and jump off of a ledge, then you'll soar through the sky as if you were holding a Cucco. Also, when you step on the blue tiles in this dungeon, they'll slowly fall. If you walk on them with the Iron Boots on, they'll fall down in pretty much an instant. Pick up an Oocca and jump over to the platforms ahead. Defeat the metal masked enemy here, then Clawshot to the vines on the pillar ahead. Drop down and Clawshot the Oocca off the wall to grab it. Use it to jump over to the platform ahead. Defeat the enemy here, then climb up the ledges and go through the door. Welcome to the main room. Ahead of you is an enemy like the ones with metal masks, only this one is bigger and has a mask that cannot be taken off. Attack it with a Jump Attack to kill it instantly. Now, head west and run across the blue tiles, then go through the door. Out here, you'll see a door at the far end, but the bridge is out. Head west and defeat the Deku Babas here, then you'll see a Spinner Slot. Use the Spinner to enter the slot, then tap B repedeately until you eventually form a bridge. Once you do that, head back to the entrance of the room and exit it. Back at the main room, run across the blue tiles and head east to a door. At the northeastern corner is a broken window. Clawshot to it and go through the hole leading out to the next area. Here, climb down the vine wall and head south to find a Spinner Slot. Tap B until a bridge forms, then head north to a gap. On the wall ahead are some vines. Clawshot to them and climb them up, then follow the bridge to a door. Go through it. In the next room, head north and jump to the platform ahead. Then, look at the ceiling and Clawshot to the mark on the right. Drop down and open the chest here for a Small Key. Now, Clawshot to the caged wall on the platform across from you. Jump to the next platform and head back to the previous area. Out here again, cross the bridge to a door. Then, you'll see a scene where the dragon you saw at the start of the dungeon appears. He rams into the bridge, breaking it apart! Now we can't cross over there, obviously. Go through the door behind you. At the main room, Clawshot to one of the vines on the pillars ahead of you. Then, climb left and drop onto the platform. Head through the western door. Head across the bridge out here, then unlock the door at the end. In this windy room, head left and defeat the masked enemy. Clawshot the crystal switch on the platform ahead of you. This will deactivate a fan at the end of the room. Now, head right and equip the Iron Boots. Walk past the first fan and defeat the masked enemy, then unequip the Iron Boots. Clawshot to the vine wall ahead, then climb to the right and drop down. Enter the door here leading to the next room. In this room, head west and open the chest here for the Dungeon Map. Go back to the previous room. Head right and cross the blue tiles to a door, then go through it. There are several platforms you can jump to in this room, and the fans turn on and off occasionally. Head south then to the right. Jump to the platform there, then Z-Target the snake monster in the tile. Throw the Gale Boomerang at it to move the tile up and send the monster off the cliff. Jump to that platform, then head east and jump to the next one. Throw the Gale Boomerang at the tile to reveal a monster under a tile. Defeat it if it doesn't fall off, then head north. Jump to the platform on the right, and open the chest to get a Yellow Rupee. Jump back to the previous platform, then head west on the map. Jump to the platform here, then throw the Gale Boomerang at the monster in the tile. Jump to that platform, then to the next one. Head west and go through the door. The door will lock, and you'll see two armored Lizalfos on the platforms ahead. Jump to the platform to the north and defeat both armored Lizalfos. After this, the door unlocks and a gate opens up in this room. Look above you to find a vine wall. Clawshot to it and climb up, then look up and Clawshot to the ball on the ceiling. Push Down on the Control Sitck to pull it down, activating a fan in this room. Drop down and pick up one of the Oocca, then jump to the fan when it activates. Fly over to the platform ahead and go through the door. In this room, pick up the Oocca nearby. Jump off the platform when the fan here activates, then fly to the next platform. Head left and fly off the platform to another one with a chest (use the fan to give you a boost). Open the chest for a Purple Rupee, then fly to the previous platform. If you fall, use the Clawshot on the mark on the wall. If you lose the Oocca, then just Clawshot her back up to you. Anyway, use the fan to give you a boost, then head past the broken wall and fly east to a platform. Let go of the Oocca, and Clawshot to the ball on the ceiling. Move down and the ball will as well. This will activate a fan ahead, making three pots that were on it break. Pick up the Oocca again and jump to the fan on the ground when it activates. When it gives you a boost, fly to the next platform. Use the fan here to give you a boost, then fly through the window. Go through the door here. In the next room, head north and you'll see that this room is circular and half broken. Look to the right to find a ball on the ceiling. Clawshot to it and move down to open the gate below you. Now, drop off of the ball and drop off the ledge to the platform below. Look down and to the left, then jump down to the platform where the Clawshot mark is. Clawshot to the mark ahead, then grab the Oocca and fly to the platform all the way down below. Then, go through the door. Here, the door you came through will lock. There's a fan in the center, along with a ball above it. Clawshot to it and equip the Iron Boots to send it down, deactivating the fan. Unequip the boots and head down on the Clawshot to the lower room, then drop down. You'll see a mini dragon, but it's not the one we saw earlier. Time for a mini-boss battle. He will fly in the air. Z-Target him and when he raises his shield, Clawshot it to pull him towards you. From there, attack him repedeately. When he walks around, just wait until he goes to fly again, then repeat this process. After doing this two times, he'll start flying through the holes in the walls fast. Look around at all holes until you see him come out of one and raise his shield. Clawshot it and attack. While he's walking, you can use the Helm Splitter to break his mask. Once he flies in the air again, repeat this process one more time to win the battle. Upon winning, a gate opens and the door unlocks. Look up where the gate opened and Clawshot to the mark there. Open the chest to get another Clawshot. Now you have the Double Clawshots! These will really help us for the rest of the dungeon. Head north, but don't jump down. Look at the ceiling, and to the right. Clawshot to the mark and look to the left, by the fan. You'll see a vine wall. Use the second Clawshot on the vine wall, then climb up the vine wall and go through the door here. Back in this room, look to the left to see some Clawshot marks. Use the Double Clawshots to grapple to each one. Eventually, you'll come to a ball hanging from the ceiling. Clawshot to it and move down to open a gate below. Move down and you'll see two Clawshot marks by the door. Clawshot to one of them and go through the door here. In the next room, look up to see some Clawshot marks. Z-Target the Clawshot mark and use the Clawshot on the first mark. Target the other marks and Clawshot to them. If you wait too long, the pillars the marks are on will fall with you. At the end, drop down and open the chest on the right to find the Compass, then go through the door. Out here, look up at the ceiling to see some cages with Deku Babas on them. Shoot their stem with arrows, and once they're all gone, use your Double Clawshots to grapple to the cages on the ceiling. Then, Clawshot to the vine wall on the right and climb it all the way up. Now, head left and through the door. Back at the main room, head east and look up to find a Clawshot mark. Clawshot to it and to the target ahead, then go through the door. Out here, Z-Target the flying thing above you. Clawshot to it along with the other ones to get across, then drop down and enter the door there. In the next room, head north and jump to the platform. Then, jump down to the platform below you. Turn around to find some Clawshot targets. Manuver around them using the Double Clawshots, then when you get to the last target, drop down to a platform below. Head north and Clawshot to the target across from you, then look up to find another one to the right. Clawshot to it, then to the caged wall in the small area on the eastern wall. Drop down here and defeat the two Deku Babas, then open the chest to get some arrows (20). Clawshot to the target on the left on the wall ahead, then to the caged wall. Jump to the next platform, then head west and jump down to a lower platform. Look at the ceiling to find two Deku Babas, one on a Clawshot mark. Knock them off the ceiling, then Clawshot to the mark. Now, move down and you will find a gate. Turn around to find a crystal switch in an alcove. Hit it with the second Clawshot and the gate will open. Clawshot to the mark ahead, then look directly up and to the left. Clawshot to the cage, then to the mark nearby. Then, look up and Clawshot to that cage. Finally, look up and Clawshot to that mark, then drop down and look behind you. Jump to that walkway and open the chest for a Red Rupee. Jump back to the platform you were just on and go through the door. Head north and defeat the Deku Babas here, then attack the big Deku Baba until its head is destroyed. From there, target the belly and throw a bomb into it to kill it. Now, look at the eastern wall to find a Clawshot target. Clawshot to it, then look left and Clawshot to the vine before the Clawshot target collapses. Head up the vine and jump to the paltform ahead. Defeat the Deku Baba and open the chest to find a Yellow Rupee. Jump back down to the vine wall, then head north and climb up the very small platform. Walk across it and open the chest to get 20 Arrows. At the end of the path, defeat the Deku Baba. Head north and hang onto the wall here, then move all the way left to a platform. Drop down. Follow the path to a chest, defeating the Deku Baba on the ceiling along the way. Open the chest for a Piece of Heart. Go all the way back to where the vine wall is. On the wall above the small walkway is a Clawshot target. Target it and Clawshot to it, then to the next one. Look to the right and Clawshot to the vine wall. Look up and Clawshot to the target, then drop down. Follow the path and defeat the armored Lizalfos, then enter the door here. In this outside area, look up. There is a flying thing with a brown ball on it. Wait until it moves to where you are, then target it and Clawshot to it. Do not press A at all or you'll drop down. Let it carry you over to another flying creature, then Clawshot to it. When it carries you over the second wall, drop down and defeat the Deku Baba here. Head right and climb down the vine wall to a lower platform. Defeat the big masked enemies, then climb back up the vine wall (kill the Skulltulas first). Look around and wait until you see a flying thing above the ground you were just on. Clawshot to it, then it'll carry you over to a platform in the back. Clawshot to the next brown thing, then drop down. Turn into a wolf and defeat the Poe, then turn into a human again. Open the chest here to get a Purple Rupee. Now, Clawshot back to the stationary brown thing above you. Wait until the moving one comes, then Clawshot to it. Lower yourself a bit as it takes you over a wall. If you don't, you'll bump into it and fall down. Clawshot to the next brown thing and lower yourself, so that you'll go through the hole in the wall. Drop down from here and open the chest to the right to find 5 Bombs. Now, look up at the wall and Clawshot to the caged part. Then, drop down and go through the door here. In the next area, look above you. Clawshot to the brown thing, then manuver your way around the area. When you get to the western end of the room, don't do anything. Turn around to find more brown things going to a door on the right. Clawshot across them and go through. Here, head right and open the chest for the second Piece of Heart of this dungeon. Then, go back to the previous area. Clawshot to the brown thing again and make your way to the western side of the room. On the last brown thing, drop down and head through the door. In the next area, head right and look up on the wall. Clawshot to the vines and climb them up to a platform. Use your bow to shoot and kill the birds on the platforms to the left and right. Once you do that, turn into a wolf since that's the only way you can walk across the tightropes. Walk across the tightrope, then head west and you'll come to a vine wall. There are Skulltulas on it. Kill both of them as a human and climb up the wall to a tightrope. To the right of it is a chest containing a Red Rupee. Walk across the tightrope as a wolf, then walk across the next one. Open the chest here to get a Purple Rupee. Defeat the Poe, then turn back into a human and jump down. Head back to the entrance of the room and head right, then look up. Clawshot to the vine wall, climb it up, then turn into a wolf and walk the tightrope. Head right this time and walk across the other tightropes. At the end of the path, you'll come to a door, so go through it. You will see a fan blowing in here, making two fan blades spin. There are also two big masked enemies on the other side. Equip the Iron Boots and defeat both of them. Then, open the chest on the right side of the room to get the Big Key. Look above the chest to find a ball. Clawshot to it and put on the Iron Boots. This makes the ball move down, stopping the fan. Now, head to the entrance of the room, then look to the right to see a hole. Above the hole is a cage. Use the Clawshot on it and head down. Drop down into this room, then defeat the two enemies here. Open the chest to get a Red Rupee. Now, Clawshot to the caged ceiling above you and lower yourself down to the ceiling of the main room. Do not drop down. Look around for a ball in the ceiling (you'll be able to see it). Clawshot to it and put on the Iron Boots to move it down, causing a fan in the room to start blowing. Drop down and enter the door in front of you. Out here, you'll see some fan blades spinning due to the wind from the fan. Above you is the one you need to Clawshot to first. Clawshot to the cage on either blade, then do the same for the rest of the fan blades. When you get to the last fan blade, Clawshot to the broken cage and drop down. Head behind the blade and open the chest for a Red Rupee. Jump down and go through the door here. In the next room, you'll see some more fan blades that are spinning. There are also two of those mini dragons that you fought as a mini-boss earlier. Defeat both of them, then look above the door you came through. Clawshot to the cage there, then to the fan blades above you. Get out your second Clawshot to find a crystal switch in an alcove. Hit it and the fan blades you're on will start spinning like all the others. Clawshot to the next set of fan blades, and repeat this until you get onto a stationary one. There's another crystal switch in an alcove. Shoot it to get the fan blade spinning, then Clawshot to the mark below where the door is. Drop down, and break the pots nearby if you need hearts. Then, unlock the boss door. Out here, look to the right. Clawshot to the cage on the pillar, then to the vine wall ahead. Climb it all the way up to the top of the tower. Then, you'll see the giant dragon flying around. You'll then have to fight it, so see the Bosses section for help on beating it. Once you win, he'll drop a Heart Container and the last mirror shard forms. Midna takes it, and after some talking about Zant and his false kingship, she creates a portal. Take the Heart Container and tell her to take you out of the dungeon. Save your game, as usual. Clawshot to the back of the Sky Cannon to be shot back to Lake Hylia. =========== Lake Hylia =========== At the lake, swim northeast to some land. Get onto the land and head across the bridges, away from Fyer. Then, warp to the Mirror Chamber. =============== Mirror Chamber =============== Here, turn back into a human and head up to the shattered Mirror of Twilight. You will witness a scene where the mirror shards piece back together, restoring the Mirror of Twilight once again. The chains on the rock break, then the big rock falls down. Light from the Mirror of Twilight shines onto the rock, which creates a portal between the two worlds. Midna then goes on about how her world is more gentle than it is put out to be, and how things changed once the evil took over it. Suddenly, the sages appear. You find out something about Midna that was never revealed until now, then you'll see a scene where Zant turned Midna into the thing that she is today. I won't spoil the scene. After the scene is over, step on the light to reveal a stairway. Head up the stairs and press A to transport to the Palace of Twilight. =================== Palace of Twilight =================== Link will walk forward, and you'll be introduced to the dungeon. As its name implies, this place is filled with twilight. It is Midna's home, which is now full of the evil that Zant has casted over it. Midna says that she would like to ask one more favor of you. She abandoned her people, the Twili, the ones who considered her the ruler. For that reason, she wants to hide in the shadows for just a little while longer. When you regain control, go forward. You will see what appears to be shadow beasts. Midna says that they are her people, but they have taken this evil form because of Zant. Head east and follow the path, then go through the door. In this room, you'll see some enemies you're most familiar with. They are the enemies that you fought in the Twilight Realm. However, there is a new enemy. It's a big Zant head. It shoots a dark energy ball at you. Defeat all of the enemies. To defeat the Zant head, just run up to it and attack it. It will teleport to another part of the area, so just keep attacking it until it's defeated. Once all of the enemies are defeated, a chest appears. Open it to find a Small Key. Look above the chest and Clawshot to the mark, then unlock the door. In here, jump down and step into the dark fog. As long as you're in this fog, you'll be a wolf. At the moment, however, you have no choice. Midna says that the fog is made out of dark crystals by Zant. Defeat the Zant head, and two chests will appear. Open the chest at the southern part of the room to find the Compass. Go back into the dark fog and head north out of the fog. Turn into a human and open the second chest to get a Small Key. Look at the left wall to find a mark, then Clawshot to it. Look at the ceiling and Clawshot to the next mark. Drop down and defeat the Deku Baba, then climb onto the ledge and defeat that Deku Baba as well. Open the chest to find an Orange Rupee. Head back to the north and Clawshot to the ledge where the door is. Then, unlock it. In the next area, the door will lock. You'll see a hand covering an orb at the end of the room. Head up to the orb and a barrier will surround you. Suddenly, Zant appears, but it's not the real Zant. I'll refer to it as Phantom Zant. He creates a portal that many Keese exit out of. Defeat the Keese, and look around for Phantom Zant. He'll disappear and appear around other parts of the arena. When he goes to charge up an energy ball, he is going to create another portal full of enemies. Quickly run up to him and attack him when he goes to do this. Simply repeat this process until you win. Once you beat the Phantom Zant, he'll explode and leave behind dark fog all over the ground. The door you came through also opens. Head north to the hand and the ord, and Midna will tell you that the orb is called a Sol. It's the sun of the twilight world, basically. It's full of power. Midna suggests you take it to her people, the Twili. Hit the hand with your sword and pick up the Sol, then take it to the dark fog. It cuts through it! The moment you put the Sol down, the hand will come to life. It will slowly move over to the Sol; you can tell how close it is if you see the shadow. Place the Sol into the small circle in the middle of the floor. This creates a stairway leading back up to the door. Head up the stairway and defeat the bugs, then Clawshot the Sol before the hand takes it. If the hand takes it, it will carry it back to where it was before you took it. When you take the Sol back, go through the door. Back here, head north. The dark hand will follow you through the door and into this room! Jump down, and go through the dark fog. The hand will draw near. To make it go away, lead it away from the fog and let the hand pass over it. Then, run and when the hand falls, attack it. Attacking it a few times stuns it for a short time. Run through the fog and place the Sol down on the circle to form a staircase. Take the stairs all the way up, then quickly Clawshot the Sol back. Put the Sol down and head up the steps. Clawshot it back to you quickly, then head to the end of the path and jump down, then go through the door. In the next room, the hand will follow you. Head all the way south and ignore the enemies, then continue through the door. Back here, head up the path. Get in front of Midna's Twili people and they will turn back to normal, due to the power of the Sol! Turn everyone back to normal, then place the Sol onto one of the two circles. This makes a small glowing tile appear to the left. Midna says that if we get the last Sol, we should find Zant somewhere. Head left and step on the glowing tile, then it will rise up as a platform. It'll take you over to the western side, so jump there and go through the door. In the next room, you'll see a platform move back and forth. Jump to it when you can, then to the next platform. There's a Zant head in here. Jump across the platforms and use your Shield Attack to deflect the Zant head's energy ball. Defeat all of the enemies in here, including the Zant head. A chest will form at the end of the room to the left. Make your way there, then open it for a Small Key. Open the chest east of that one to find a Purple Rupee. Unlock the door leading to the next room. Jump down here and enter the dark fog. Say hello to the shadow beasts that you know all too well by now. Use your senses to see through the fog, then use the energy field attack to destroy all three of them. Head north and defeat the Zant head along with any other enemies. Then, head back into the dark fog to find a few more Zant heads. Keep defeating them, and once all of them are dead, a chest appears in an alcove. Head all the way north and turn into a human, then use the Clawshot on the mark on the wall. Now, Clawshot to the nearest mark on the ceiling, then look at the left walls. Clawshot to the second one, then drop down and open the chest for a Purple Rupee. Clawshot back to the ceiling, then to the first wall on the right. Open the chest here for another Purple Rupee. Clawshot to the westernmost target on the ceiling (the one that you can Clawshot to from where you stand). Clawshot to the eastern wall, then open the chest to get the Dungeon Map. Now, once again, Clawshot to the ceiling and to the western wall this time. Open the chest for a Small Key. Jump down and head all the way north. Clawshot to the wall and unlock the door. The door locks on you. Head north, and you'll have to fight a Phantom Zant again. He creates a portal that enemies come out of, just like last time. Defeat the enemies and Phantom Zant as well. Attack him as he goes to create another portal. Upon defeating him, he makes dark fog surround the room. The door also unlocks. Head north and hit the hand. Take the Sol. Run towards the dark fog and the hand will come to life. Head through the dark fog and quickly put the Sol down and defeat the enemies. You might have to lure the hand away. Place the Sol on the small circle in the middle to form stairs. Take the stairs up, then Clawshot the Sol back to you. Go through the door. Head north and to the dark fog, then the hand will enter the room. Defeat the enemies here, and place the Sol into the circle in the middle. Lots of steps will form, then a shadow beast will appear. Defeat it and take the Sol. Lure the hand away from the fog, then stun it. Head to the southwesternmost tile where the fog is. From there, throw the Sol at the circle in the middle. It will fall in place and you'll rise up the steps. Walk onto that platform and turn around. Clawshot the Sol back to you, then head south and jump off the ledge, then go through the door. Back here, go north and the hand will follow you. Head all the way north and jump across the platforms. If you fall off, head all the way to the northern end of the room to find an orb. The orb will react to the Sol, making two tiles glow in front of you. Step on one to be carried back to the platforms. Jump across them to a platform with two orbs. Both of them react to the Sol, making a platform appear that will carry you to the end of this room. Go through the door. Out here again, the Twili person will return to normal. Head to the glowing tile and a platform will carry you over to the center. Jump there and place the second Sol into the small hole. The power of the two Sol's will make Link's Master Sword glow with aboslute power! It's so powerful, it can cut through the dark fog in this realm! Head all the way north to find a Twili person. Ahead are three birds; Spin Attack all three before they fly. There is a curtain of dark fog in front of you. Stand by it and use a Spin Attack to repel most of it for a short time. Use this time to jump across, then go through the door. In this room, head north. Use your sword to cut through the dark fog, and defeat the enemies here. At the end of the path are two Sols. Take one and go to the fog, then throw the Sol. Use your sword to cut through the dark fog, then take a Sol and put it into one of the slots. Do this for the second one, as well. When both Sols have been inserted, the fog disappears and a staircase forms. Take the staircase up to an orb. Hit the orb with your sword, and the power from your sword will charge it up, making a tile glow. Stand on it and it will rise, then the platform will carry you over to the other side. Defeat the Deku Baba here. You'll see three orbs, along with a Zant head. Approach it, and you'll find four! They die in one hit from your charged up sword. Defeat the four Zant heads, then you'll see two more. Defeat those, and a chest will appear. Open it to find a Small Key. Head in the middle of the three orbs, and perform a Spin Attack to activate all of them. This makes a platform rise. The platform will take you to a locked door. Jump to the platform with the door and unlock it. In the next area, head to the middle. Defeat the shadow beast here, along with all of the other enemies. There are many, many shadow birds. Just keep killing them until you see no more. Then, Spin Attack the two orbs to make a tile glow. Stand on it and it will turn into a platform, carrying you over to the left side of the room. Jump to the platform there and defeat the Zant head. Upon defeating it, three more Zant heads appear at the central part of the area! Hit the two orbs here with a Spin Attack, and ride the platform back to the center. Defeat the three Zant heads, and another one will appear. Defeat that one, then head west to a curtain of dark fog. Cut through it with a Spin Attack, then jump across to the area there. Defeat the three birds, then look up on the right wall. Clawshot to the mark there, then to the mark on the left wall. Repeat this until you get to the last one on the wall, then look at the ceiling to find another one. Clawshot to that one and drop down, then open the chest containing the Big Key! Jump down to the bottom, then cut through the dark fog with the Spin Attack. Jump over to the central platform. Head north and two Zant heads will appear. Defeat them, then a chest will appear in front of you. Open it for a Small Key, then unlock the door to the left. In the next room, head north to the dark fog and a barrier will surround the area. Then, four shadow beasts will appear. Kill two of them, and finish off the last two with a Spin Attack. Once you defeat them, cut through the dark fog ahead and you'll find four orbs. Stand in the center of them and use a Spin Attack to activate all of them. This makes a platform rise up, carrying you up to another platform. Jump to that one, then you'll be carried over to two more platforms. Jump to either one and you'll be taken up to a platform. Jump to it and defeat the Deku Baba, then jump on the platform to the north. You'll be taken up to some platforms where a Zant head is. Clawshot to the mark on the wall, then drop down and defeat the head. Now, use the Clawshot on the wall to the left, then on the mark on the ceiling. Drop down to a platform that carries you north to another one. There's another Zant head on this platform. Clawshot to the platform and defeat it, then a chest will appear to the south. Open it for a Small Key, then jump to the middle platform here and jump to the stationary platform in the air. You'll be taken up to a platform with a door. Jump to it and unlock the door. In the next room, head north and defeat the shadow beast. Cut through the fog with your sword to find more. Keep defeating them as more appear, then the barrier at the end will eventually disappear. Break the pots in the room if you need to heal, then unlock the boss door. I hope you're ready! In this chamber, head north to Zant's throne. Get ready for a scene. You witness Zant take off his helmet for the first time in the game! Then, you also get to see him go crazy, literally. You may change your opinion about this guy now; he seems like a total coward. You see a scene of how his god, Ganondorf, found him and gave him the power he has now. Then, after a couple of more lines, we battle. See the Bosses section for help on defeating him. After you defeat Zant, Midna will regain the three Fused Shadows he stole from us awhile ago. Then, Zant says that Midna will never regain her lost title as the Twilight Princess, because the magic that was placed on her was placed on her by Ganon himself. Then Zant says that as long as Ganon is alive, he will be able to get revived. Midna gets angry, then uses a fraction of her power to finish him off. After this, Midna says that since she still has the power of her ancestors, she can use it to give back the power that Zelda bestowed upon her. Then, she makes a portal and says that Zelda is waiting. Take the Heart Container Zant left behind, then get Midna to take you out of this room. You'll appear at the start of the dungeon. Midna says that Ganondorf must have been just using Zant to help him return to the world of light, and that he must have made the barrier appear over Hyrule Castle. She thinks he's in the castle. Head all the way south and step into the light, then press A to return to the Mirror Chamber. =============== Mirror Chamber =============== Back at this chamber, you should know that pretty much every Piece of Heart and such is available to you at this point. There's really nothing you can't get now. Make sure you go to the final dungeon prepared (with about 14-15 hearts). See the sections in this guide for the things you're looking for. Whenever you are ready, warp to Castle Town and take the bridge to the town itself. On the way, the postman will deliver two letters. One's from Purlo, stating that the newest STAR game is open. The other's from Jr., Oocco's son. =================== Hyrule Castle Town =================== Head to the Central Square, then head north to the area where Hyrule Castle is. You will now witness a scene. Midna will take out the three Fused Shadows, and they'll cover her entire head. Then, she gets tossed along the walls and then gets thrown past the wall. Suddenly, you see her as a giant spider-like thing. She puts a spear into the barrier surrounding the castle. Midna wakes up with Link in her arms, and now the barrier is gone! Head north and you'll come to two fully closed doors. Push one of the handles to head into the courtyard of the castle. ======================== Hyrule Castle Courtyard ======================== You will see the castle ahead, but it's locked right now. There are two paths you can take here: left or right. You only have to take one, but let's do both anyway. Start by heading northeast to the eastern section. A barrier will then surround you. You'll see two pink Bokoblins. They are the same as a normal one, but they take a lot more hits before dying. Kill them as they keep coming at you, then the barrier will disappear. Go through the door here. Go forward and another barrier will surround you. Then, a gate opens and many Bokoblins go through it. They'll attack you, so defeat them all and the barrier will go away. Head east and follow the path to a gate. There's a chain near it; pull it back to open the gate. Head through it, and follow the path. Once again, a barrier will surround you. Then, an ugly green monster appears. It looks like the same monster you fought in the Gerudo Desert, but it's not the same one. You can see a sparkling object on his belt; that's a key. He says he has "come to play". This battle can get ugly if you don't watch out and if you're low on hearts. He will swing his ax, and if it hits you, you'll lose a lot of hearts. Do the Back Slice to hit him from behind, then attack him from there. Repeat this until you win, then he will give you a Small Key. He'll get on a boar and say that all he's ever done is follow the strongest side. When you regain control, head north and open the chest for a Red Rupee. Make your way southeast to the gate you opened, then follow the path down. Go through the door and exit this area. Back out here, head all the way west this time. A barrier will surround you and you'll have to fight some pink Bokoblins. Defeat them all and the barrier will disappear, so go through the door here. In the next area, you'll see some Bokoblins. There's also archers on the towers. As long as the archers are alive, they'll call out more Bokoblins. Use the Hawkeye to aim at the three archers, then shoot them down. Once they are gone, take care of any pink Bokoblins. Now, head west then all the way north. Take the eastern path to some boars. Ride one and press A to dash through the wooden fences and towers in this area. Ride the boar to the southwestern part of the area, then dash through those fences. Follow the path through the fences to some more archers on towers. Ram into the towers to knock over the archers. Continue through the path, and get off of the boar. Head east and you'll find lots of fans you can target with the Gale Boomerang. Head to the end of the path and you'll see leaves covering a Triforce symbol. Blow the leaves away with the Gale Boomerang, and you'll see a green zig-zag line. This is the pattern you have to make the fans spin in. Look at the pattern until you memorize it, then head back west to the fans. Target the fans in the same order as the symbol using the Gale Boomerang, then throw it. If you did it right, the gate here will open. If you can't get it, I'll tell you the fans you have to target, from first to last. Target the bottom-middle fan, the middle-right fan, middle-left fan, and finally, the top fan. Then throw the Gale Boomerang and you'll open the gate. Open the chest inside to get the Dungeon Map. Now, head west to find a pack of leaves. Blow them away with the Gale Boomerang, then turn into a wolf and use your senses to find a digging spot. Dig through it to the next area. Here, turn into a human and follow the path. Many skeletons will attack you, so just take care of them and continue. You'll find a Stalfos. Defeat it and head west, then you'll find another Stalfos. Once you defeat it, head south to two graves where you will find two more Stalfos. Defeat those and examine the two graves. One says "In the land...where the rain stops...the statue of times...moves.", while the other one says "The cursed swordsman...sleeps before...the sacred tree.". This is a puzzle we have to solve. Head directly north of here to a tree surrounded by fences. Become a wolf and turn on your senses to find lots of zombies by the tree. In the middle of the zombies is a boulder stuck in a hole. Turn into a human and place a bomb there to blow it up, revealing a switch. Press the switch to open the gate to the west. Head west and through the gate to a small area with some chests. They contain an Orange Rupee, a Red Rupee, and a Green Rupee. There's also one torch here. Light it with your Lantern. This will cause the rain in this area to stop for a short time. Head directly east from here to find another gate that's closed, with two torches next to it. Light the torches before the rain starts back up to open the gate, revealing two statues that you can control with the Dominion Rod. Control one of them, and lure it to the southern end of the area. Have it walk into one of the two holes, then go to the second statue and do the same. Once the statues have been placed in both holes, head east and climb onto the ledges. Then, jump across the statues as platforms and you'll come to a gate, and a chain. Pull it back and the gate will open. Open the chest here to get a Small Key. Midna will now tell you that you've gotten everything you can get out here. Head north and jump down, then turn into a wolf. Use your senses and look by the leaves. Dig at the digging spot there to dig back to the previous area. Turn into a human, and head west. Look east of the fences to find a boar. The archers are back. Dash through the fences and the towers while making your way to the southern end of the area. Ignore the archers you come to. Go through the southeastern door. Back here, go to the northern end of the area, then unlock the door leading into the castle. ============== Hyrule Castle ============== When you enter here, head north and a barrier will surround you. You'll then have to fight some pink Bokoblins. Once you defeat them, a pack of Lizalfos appears. Defeat those as well, then the barrier will disappear. The room will then light up, and a chest will appear on one of the platforms in this area. Head west and walk up the steps here, then look up. Clawshot to the bottom of the chandelier, then drop down and open the chest to get the Compass. Look at the next chandelier on the ceiling, then Clawshot to it. Lower yourself a bit and Clawshot to the next one, then drop down and go through the door. In the next room, head north and a barrier will surround you. Then, you'll have to fight an Iron Knuckle. This is basically the same one as the one you fought in the Temple of Time. Just roll behind it and do a Back Slice, then attack it like that until its armor breaks off. Then, the Iron Knuckle will throw its sword and draw another one. Avoid the sword, and now you have to fight a faster version. Do basically the same thing until you win. He drops an Orange Rupee! A chest also appears at the upper ledge. Head all the way north to the end of the white floor, then move to the eastern end of it. Look at the wall ahead to find a lit torch. Throw the Gale Boomerang at it to unlight the torch, causing the floor you're on to rise up. Open the chest here to get a Purple Rupee, then head west and follow the path to a door. Go through it. In this hallway, head north and you'll see a locked door. By the walls are unlit torches; it's hard to see them because the room is dark, but you'll see them. You have to light them in a certain order in a certain amount of time. Each torch has a limited time before the flame goes out, and you have to light them from the slowest to fastest. Light these torches in this order: northwest, southeast, southwest, northeast. Many Keese will also ambush you. Once you light them in that order, the door will open, so enter it. In the next area, defeat the two armored Lizalfos ahead. Then, the doors on the left and right side will unlock. Go through the eastern one. Step on the switch to the left to lower a chandelier, creating a shortcut back up to this balcony. Go back through the door and enter the western one this time. Outside here, go across the bridge and some barriers will surround it. You'll then see a flying dragon with a shield, the same enemy you fought at City in the Sky. Defeat it, then head to the end of the bridge and open the chest for a Small Key. Cross the bridge back over to the other end, then head east to another one. Head across it, and you'll see a chest. The gate will open so you can get the chest, but then armored Lizalfos come out of it! Two archers are also above the gate. One shoots a flaming arrow at Link, but it suddenly drops. Then, both archers die and the Lizalfos get blown up. I wonder what happened? You then see people from Telma's bar, including Rusl! They're the ones who helped you out. Cross the bridge and open the chest at the end to get the Big Key. Go to the middle of the area and unlock the door here. The music has gotten louder! In this area, turn into a wolf and turn on your senses. Some rats will latch onto you. You'll see zombies facing certain tiles in this room. If you walk onto the wrong ones, they'll collapse. Jump to the northern tiles the zombie is facing, then head to the next zombie. It's facing west, so jump there. Repeat this and jump in the same direction the zombies are facing until you make it across. Turn back into a human and head north to a broken staircase. Jump to each of the very small ledges and continue. A barrier will block your path. Defeat the two Lizalfos here, then the barriers will disappear. Head to the broken staircase, and Clawshot to the caged torch on the left wall. Next, Clawshot to the torch on the far right (left from your current point of view). Then, Clawshot to the torch in front of you, and then to the one far away on the right (again, left from your current point of view). Drop down and head north, then more barriers will appear. Defeat the two masked Lizalfos here, then the barriers will disappear. Ahead, you'll see Spinner tracks along the wall with razor traps. Use the Spinner to ride along the left wall, jumping to the other tracks to avoid the razor traps. When you make it over to the other side, break the barrels and hope they give you whatever hearts you lost back. Head north and a barrier will surround you. You have to fight an Iron Knuckle. This one's gold! Do your best to defeat it just like any other one. Once you defeat it, the barrier disappears. The boss door is in front of you, but there is also a normal locked door. Unlock it to enter the next room. This room is just loaded with supplies! Seriously, there has to be at least fifteen chests in this one room. All of them contain Rupees, arrows, and bombs. Break the barrels and such in here to find hearts. One of the pots has a fairy. When you're done in this awesome room, exit. Now, break the barrels and skulls if you still need hearts, then unlock the boss door. You will see the top of the castle out here. Head up the stairs and go through the hallway to reach the throne room. Prepare for a scene, as you see Princess Zelda unconscious on the wall above you. Then, you see Ganondorf himself sitting at his throne. He talks about his power, and how weak Midna's people were. Then, he rises up to Zelda. Midna floats up to her and tries to protect her, but fails. Ganondorf possesses Zelda, then Midna gets thrown the ground. As Link tries to rescue her, a barrier surrounds the room, leaving Midna out of this. Then, after Ganondorf (inside Zelda) says a few more lines, the battle begins. Refer to the Bosses section to see how to defeat Ganon's puppet, Zelda. Upon winning the battle, the barriers will disappear and Midna will get back up. She'll take out the three Fushed Shadows and she'll turn into that spider monster, then she'll use her arms to grab Princess Zelda and unpossess her. Then, Ganondorf will appear and transform into his beast form, Ganon. Read the Bosses section to see how to win this battle. Once you win, Link will turn back into a human and Ganon will be unconscious on the ground. A yellow flame is burning on Ganon. Suddenly, the power Zelda bestowed on Midna awhile ago goes back into Zelda. She then wakes up. After some talking between Zelda and Midna, Ganondorf rises up as a big glowing head. Midna uses the Fused Shadows again, and Link tries to stop her. Link and Midna are transported outside of the castle, as she puts on the Fused Shadows again. Midna stabs Ganondorf with the spear thing, then you and Zelda appear outside of the castle. The castle then blows up, and you see Ganondorf in the distance on his horse. He has the Fused Shadow that's been on Midna's head throughout the whole game! He breaks it, and some ghost warriors come to accompany him. Zelda quickly tells the four light spirits to grant her the power to banish evil, then her and Link disappear just as Ganondorf approaches them. You'll see a scene where Zelda gets the Light Arrows! Then, Link and Zelda appear on Epona. Zelda tells you that she'll try and slow Ganondorf down with her light arrows, while you target him and keep him within range of the arrows. See the Bosses section for help on winning this battle. Ganondorf will fall off of his horse once you win the fight, then he'll laugh and insult the Master Sword. He then draws his true sword, and says that he plans to use it to blot out the light forever. A barrier surrounds the arena, leaving Zelda and Epona behind. Refer to the Bosses section to see how to win the true final battle of the game! After you win, you'll see Ganondorf have the Master Sword stuck in his chest. He will say that it does not end here, and that light and shadow will always exist. Then, you see Zant's neck snap, as Ganondorf dies (I don't get it either). Enjoy the ending, as you see Midna in her true form! During the credits, don't turn the game off. Half way through, you'll see the rest half of the ending. Congratulations on completing this game, The Legend of Zelda: Twilight Princess! ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ========== V. Bosses ========== In this section, I will list all of the bosses in the game, along with info about how to defeat them and such. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Diababa Found: Forest Temple Boss Strategy: There are two parts to this battle, just like lots of boss fights in the game. The first part consists of two big Deku Babas that are sticking out of the purple water. Your objective here is to use the Gale Boomerang to target a spider bomb, followed by one of the Deku Babas. Throw the Gale Boomerang after targeting both of those, and the Deku Baba will swallow the bomb and die. Do this for both Deku Babas, then the real Diababa will appear, and the two Deku Babas will reappear to accompany it. Avoid their attacks, and the monkey you fought earlier will enter from one of the windows in the area. He will use a rope to go to the next window, then he'll take out a spider bomb. He'll ride across the rope back and forth. Target the bomb and then Diababa, and throw the Gale Boomerang. The bomb will hit Diababa, causing him to collapse. Attack the eye in its mouth from there with your sword. Repeat this process again, and do the Ending Blow (Z-Target and A when the "Finish" appears onscreen) to end the battle. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Fyrus Found: Goron Mines Boss Strategy: Note that there are many hearts and arrows you can get in the pots scattered throughout the room. Starting this boss battle off, get away from Fyrus's range and get out your bow. Shoot the glowing gem on his forehead, and he'll be stunned. Run behind him to find two chains tied to each leg. Equip the Iron Boots and pull the chain back until you trip him. From there, unequip the boots and let go of the chain, then run over to his head and attack the gem. He'll get back up and get covered in flames once again. Simply repeat this process two more times to win. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Morpheel Found: Lakebed Temple Boss Strategy: Make sure you have the Iron Boots unequipped so that you can swim away from the tentacles. If the tentacles grab you, then Morpheel will place Link in his mouth, causing some damage. The target here is the eye. It will enter one tentacle, then enter the main body and go to another tentacle. Z-Target the eye and use the Clawshot (without the Iron Boots on) to pull it toward you. Quickly equip the Iron Boots and strike it with your sword. Now Morpheel will spit out Water Bomb fish, and if they gather around you, attack them all and run away quickly. An explosion from five bombs at once can really cause some damage. After you hit the eye a few times, the first phase is over. The tentacles will hide back into the hole, and then Morpheel rises up completely, revealing the true body of the boss. This phase is easy. Make sure you have the Iron Boots unequipped, then swim up to Morpheel. There is an eye on the back of his head. All you have to do is swim up to it, Z-Target it, and use the Clawshot. When you grapple onto it, use your sword to hit the eye. Repeat this process two more times to defeat Morpheel. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Stallord Found: Arbiter's Grounds Boss Strategy: The first part of this battle is annoying. It's time to put that Spinner of yours to use for real. Stallord will stay in the middle of the sand and attack you with his dark breath. To hit the boss, you have to hit him at the bottom. Around the arena is a track which you must use to your advantage. Ride the Spinner around the track, and when you get enough speed, jump down and avoid the skeletons. Hit the smoking part of the Stallord to make his body lower a bit. You'll be on the track again, and you will see a razor trap ride the track as well! On top of that, more skeletons will have appeared to get in your way. Do the same thing you did last time. More skeletons will appear as you get close to the Stallord. This is the most annoying on the third hit, as the skeletons appear when you get right next to his weak point. This can get very annoying. However, once you hit him three times, he falls over and sinks into the sand which drains out of the room completely. It's not over yet, but he only has a head remaining. Head north and enter the Spinner Slot and tap B repedeately. The platform rises all the way to the top, revealing Spinner tracks along the platform (there's a lot on the wall, too). The Stallord gets back up, and part two of the battle begins. He'll knock Link to the bottom of the ground. You might know what this music is from Ocarina of Time. Anyway, this part is rather easy. Ride along the track on the platform, and keep doing this until you see the Stallord. He will shoot out energy balls from his mouth. When he shoots the energy ball, jump over to the other tracks on the right, then do it again for the left side when he shoots an energy ball. Keep this up, and you will get close enough to hit his mouth. This will knock him to the ground. Get off of the Spinner and attack the sword on his head until he gets back up. Now there will be razor traps along the platform and the wall, meaning you'll have to jump over to the other side to avoid them when they get near. Knock Stallord down to the ground and attack him with your sword one more time. He will die, and you win. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Blizzeta Found: Snowpeak Ruins Boss Strategy: To start this battle off, you have to smash the giant head with the Ball and Chain to break it. Make sure you entered this fight with your bottles filled with Superb Soup, as you're probably gonna need it. This part of the battle is very easy. Simply target the head, and throw the Ball and Chain at it to break part of it. It will slide around the room like those ice enemies you encountered in the dungeon, but as long as you keep throwing the Ball and Chain, you'll get through this part of the fight without any trouble at all. Once you hit it a lot of times, it breaks and reveals the wife. However, the battle isn't over. She rises up into the air, creating a few huge ice crystals that surround her. She will also be covered in a big dome. This is where the battle gets rough. Run around the icy arena, and look at the ground to see a reflection of the ice crystals. When they start spinning, they're about to land on you. Keep running, and when they all fall down, quickly turn around and hit one with your Ball and Chain to break it. They'll rise back up into the air and circle around you. The ice crystals will fall again, and Blizzeta will too. Run away and through an opening by the ice crystals. Quickly target Blizzeta and throw the Ball and Chain at her to damage her. The process will then repeat. You'll have to keep running, destroy more ice crystals, then hit Blizzeta once the crystals and her lands on the ground. If you don't know what you're doing, you could easily die here. Just drink a Superb Soup if need be. Each time you hit Blizzeta, she creates more ice crystals. It takes three hits from the Ball and Chain to win the battle, so repeat the same process two more times. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Armogohma Found: Temple of Time Boss Strategy: There are many lights that will turn on and off in this battle, as Armogohma passes over them. There are also many statues by the lights which you can Z-Target. Armogohma will attack by shooting a red laser down at the floor. Look up at the ceiling, and when Armogohma moves under one of the lights, shoot her in the eye to make her fall to the ground. Head over to the light and target the statue near it, then use the Dominion Rod on it. Press B to smash her stomach. She'll crawl back up to the wall and the ceiling now. She'll then shoot out many Gohma eggs that will hatch into baby Gohmas. Defeat all of them, then wait until Armogohma passes over a light again. Shoot her in the eye, then use the statue near her to hit her. Repeat this process one more time. Just when you think you've won, Link sees the eyeball remaining, along with several Gohma eggs. This part of the fight is very easy. All of the Gohma eggs will hatch into baby Gohmas. Just walk up to the baby Gohmas, attack them, then attack the eye once. It will die, along with all of the other baby Gohmas remaining. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Argorok Found: City in the Sky Boss Strategy: Look around the arena, and you'll see many towers with chained walls. Clawshot to one of them, then turn to the left or right and Clawshot to the next one, only a little bit higher. Repeat this process until you get to the top of a tower, then climb it up to the top. Now, the dragon will fly towards you. Z-Target his tail and use the Clawshot to grapple onto it. Put on the Iron Boots to weigh the dragon down to the ground. This will make some pieces of his armor come off. Unequip the Iron Boots and use the Double Clawshots to get up the towers again. Repeat the process one more time, and you'll see a glowing gem on his back. He'll get back up into the air and break his armor off. Now part two of the battle commences. This is where the fight gets rather difficult. Some of those brown spinning things you used in the dungeon rises up from the ground and into the air. Climb the towers again using the Double Clawshots, then once you reach the top, Z-Target one of the brown things. The dragon will then breathe fire in a circular fashion, starting from the tower that you're on. Quickly target each brown thing and Clawshot to them. Once you're directly behind the dragon, aim at his back Clawshot to it. From there, attack the gem on his back with your sword until he falls to the ground. Clawshot to the towers once again. This time, however, he'll breathe fire while you climb. Quickly manuver yourself to the top of a tower, then repeat the process like last time. This time, wait on one of the brown things. When he moves his head back to breathe flames, start Clawshotting across the brown things. Clawshot to his back and attack again. When you reach the top of a tower this time, use the Clawshot on the brown thing and stop. When he goes to shoot out flames, manuver around the brown things until he stops. Now he'll shoot out flames _again_! Move the Control Stick so that you target the opposite brown thing, then Clawshot to it and start from there. Attack him one last time to win. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Zant Found: Palace of Twilight Boss Strategy: This fight takes place in many different arenas in the game. First off, Zant will change the arena to the same room you fought Diababa at in the Forest Temple. He changes the arenas to dungeons you've already beaten. For the first phase of the battle, you have to use your Gale Boomerang. He will attack by shooting out dark energy balls at you rapidly, then teleport and repeat it. Z-Target him while he shoots the energy balls at you, then throw the Gale Boomerang at him to send him to the water. He'll hop across the water and onto the land. From there, attack him and he'll teleport back. Repeat this one more time, and he will change the arena. You now have to fight him in the room where you fought the big Goron at in the Goron Mines, on the big magnetic field. This is also an easy part. He will start by teleporting to different parts of the platform, then he'll stomp it a few times so that you'll slide. Equip the Iron Boots and you'll have no trouble with this. Then, he'll eventually quit and shoot energy balls at you. Dodge these with your shield, and when he quits, he'll be exhausted. Unequip the Iron Boots and run over to him, then attack him. Repeat this process one more time, and you'll then have to fight him in the boss room of the Lakebed Temple. Equip the Zora Armor now, along with the Iron Boots. A giant Zant head will emerge from the center, then the mouth will face you and open up. Zant is inside of it, and he'll shoot energy balls at you, like always. Target him and Clawshot him out of the head, then attack him. Now the Zant head will burrow, then many Zant heads will appear around you! You simply have to guess which one will have Zant in it; only one will open, which is the one Zant is in. Clawshot him out and attack him to defeat him in this phase. He'll then teleport you to the area where you fought the big monkey in the Forest Temple. Unequip the Iron Boots and equip the Hero's Clothes again. He will hop across the columns just like the monkey did. When he stops on one, he'll shoot out dark energy balls. Roll into the column he stops on a couple of times to knock him off, then hit him. Do this one more time, and he'll change the arena. Now we have to battle in the boss room of Snowpeak Ruins. Zant's size will increase drastically, then he'll float above you. Run, and he'll eventually land then attempt to stomp on you. Throw the Ball and Chain at his foot, and he'll hold it in pain and shrink in the process. Attack him while he's tiny, then he will grow big again. Repeat this process until he changes the arena to Hyrule Field. He will now draw two daggers. Now you're at the last part of the battle. Zant will swing his daggers at you like a maniac. While he's doing this, target him and do the Back Slice to damage him. He'll then teleport and do either the same attack or a different one. When he spins, target him and use your shield the entire time. Eventually, he'll get dizzy and stop. That's when you deal the real damage to him. It takes a lot of hits, but keep this up and once you beat him in this phase, you win the battle. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Zelda Found: Hyrule Castle Boss Strategy: Defeating Ganon's puppet isn't all too difficult. She floats around the room and will use her sword to attack you. She will stop and shoot out an energy ball from her sword. Target her, and hit the energy ball back at her. She'll hit it back at you. Hit it back at her and repeat this until the energy ball hits her. She will also attack by diving at you with her sword. Just jump away to avoid this. Another attack she will use is an attack where a glowing triangle will appear under your feet. Get away from this to avoid it. It takes three hits from the energy ball she shoots at you to end the fight. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Ganon Found: Hyrule Castle Boss Strategy: The battle will begin with Ganon running around the room, then he'll disappear. Turn into a wolf, as you'll need to for this whole fight. Look around the room and you will see colorful portals. Keep looking around and when the portal turns blue, stay there. Ganon will come out of that portal, and Midna will hold out her hand on her head. Hold A and Midna will grab his head. Press Left and Right on the Control Stick repedeately and Ganon will fall to the ground. Z-Target him and jump at the glowing mark on his belly. Attack him repedeately from there. He will sometimes fall from the ceiling, and you'll see his shadow. Run away from it. When he lands, he'll back away then run at you like normal. Have Midna toss him aside, then attack him. Simply repeat this quite a few times, and eventually you'll defeat his beast form. Also, for the first portion of the fight, you can shoot an arrow at the gem on his head, then attack him as a human. This only works at the start of the fight, though, and once he starts jumping in the air, you'll have to turn into a wolf as Midna will tell you. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Ganondorf (on horse) Found: Outside Hyrule Castle Boss Strategy: To win this part of the battle, you have to ride on Epona for the whole fight. You have to ride behind Ganondorf, then Zelda will attempt to shoot a Light Arrow at him. If it hits him, then he'll be stunned. Have Epona run over to him, then hit him. You must simply repeat this process. Ganondorf will attack by using his sword to create an energy ball that spawns many ghosts that are riding horses. They'll all gang up on you, knocking you off of Epona. He will also chase you if he's behind you, which will also knock you off. It takes four hits to win this fight. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Ganondorf Found: Outside Hyrule Castle Boss Strategy: Time for the true final battle! Ganondorf moves around very slowly, but don't let that fool you. His attacks are powerful, and he blocks pretty much every attack you make. Don't try the Back Slice to attack him from behind, because it won't work. His weak point is that glowing wound on his chest that the sages gave to him long ago. You have to attack that spot while he's off guard, which is rare. The Helm Splitter won't work, either, because he'll just kick your shield. He will jump behind you sometimes, then attempt to stab you. Run away before he gets a chance to do this. Once he goes to attack you head on, you might see "Chance" appear onscreen for a moment. Press A before it disappears, and you might start a sword clash with him. Tap A repedeately. Just keep trying to catch him off guard. The skulls around the arena contain hearts and fairies, so if you need some more health, you don't really have to worry. If you really start having trouble, catch a fairy in a bottle. Go all out on Ganondorf; it's the final battle, after all! In order to win, you have to knock him to the ground. This takes a lot of hits, so you might be here awhile. When he falls to the ground, target him and press A. You'll stab the Master Sword into his chest and defeat him! ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ============== VI. Item List ============== In this section, I will list all of the items in the game, along with info about what they do and such. --------- Inventory --------- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Ancient Sky Book Found: Hidden Village Description: This book is given to you by Impaz, the resident of the forgotten Hidden Village. She gives it to you once you show her the Dominion Rod. It's missing characters in an important word at first. Once you find all the missing characters, the book is complete, and the word that was complete is a spell that is used on a statue. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Ashei's Sketch Found: Snowpeak Description: You find this from Ashei at the start of the Snowpeak mountain. She gives you her own sketch, which has the image of the snow monster holding a reekfish. Show it to everyone around and see what you can do with it. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Auru's Memo Found: Lake Hylia Description: When you climb up the lookout tower on Lake Hylia, you'll find Auru. He gives you his memo, and would like you to take it to Fyer so that you can enter the Gerudo Desert for free. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Ball and Chain Found: Snowpeak Ruins Description: A big ball and chain that was once wielded by a soldier in the ruins. It's so heavyweighted, you can break ice boulders with it! You move very slowly with this out, so be sure to put it back up once you're done using it. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Bee Larva Found: Various Places Description: These can be found when you break a beehive, then you can scoop it up and use it as fishing bait. These can also be bought in shops. If you drink it, you'll recover 1/4 of a heart. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Bomb Found: Kakariko Village Description: Bombs are a classic Zelda item, and have been in every Zelda game to date. You can use these to blow up certain boulders, and even use them to attack enemies. If you press Z on the Inventory screen while this selected, you'll combine your bombs with the Hero's Bow if you have it. You can then shoot Bomb Arrows with your bow, which can be used as a nice projectile and blow up things far off. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Bombling Found: Kakariko Village Description: These are basically this game's version of the Bombchu. When you lay one on the ground, it will crawl like a spider and explode upon contact with an object like a boulder. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Bottle Found: Various Places Description: Bottles are extremely useful. You get your first one from Sera, when you make her cat return to her shop. You can store many things in bottles, such as fairies, Chuchu jellies, bee larva, etc. You will know when you can scoop up something in a bottle, because "Scoop" will appear onscreen. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Clawshot Found: Lakebed Temple Description: This is a claw-like item. It can be used to grapple onto certain objects to reach normally unreachable places. You can grapple onto red marks and vine walls. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Dominion Rod Found: Temple of Time Description: A mysterious rod that holds the power to control certain statues. This is the key to reaching the heavens, and is an important item to the Oocca. When you leave the Temple of Time, Ooccoo steals the energy from this rod, then you must find a way to restore it! ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Double Clawshots Found: City in the Sky Description: This is the same thing as the Clawshot. The only difference is that you get a pair of them after defeating the mini-boss of the dungeon. These will really help from the moment you get them until the end of the game. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Fishing Rod Found: Ordon Village Description: Given to you by one of the villagers of Ordon. Cast with B, and pull the Wii Remote back to reel in. To use the rod propely, hold the Wii Remote vertically. You can attach different lures to the rod when you get them. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Gale Boomerang Found: Forest Temple Description: The Gale Boomerang is a boomerang with wing-like feathers on both ends. It's filled with the power of the Fairy of Winds. You get it after freeing the monkey of his curse in the temple. You can throw this at fans and such to make the wind cause them to spin. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Great Fairy's Tears Found: Cave of Ordeals, Spirit Springs Description: Once you clear all fifty floors of the Cave of Ordeals, the Great Fairy fills one of your empty bottles with this. When you drink it, all of your hearts are restored and you become stronger until you get hit. Also, upon clearing the Cave of Ordeals, the tears become available at every spirit spring. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Hawkeye Found: Kakariko Village Description: To get this item, you must complete or fail the archery mini-game in the village. Then, this will be sold at the Malo Mart, also known as the General Store for 100 Rupees. You can use it to see far away objects, and you can combine it with the Hero's Bow to use it as a scope. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Hero's Bow Found: Goron Mines Description: This item is found after beating the mini-boss of the mines. It's another classic Zelda weapon. It can be used to defeat Beamos, shoot ropes holding up bridges, etc. It can also be combined with bombs to make Bomb Arrows. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Horse Call Found: Kakariko Village Description: You don't get this until late in the game. Once you deliver Ilia's Charm to her, she regains all of her lost memory. Then, she gives you the charm and it becomes the Horse Call. It's used to call Epona at any time in places where she can be called. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Ilia's Charm Found: Hidden Village Description: Impaz, the resident of the Hidden Village, gives this item to you. She says that Ilia gave it to her long ago, and wants you to take it back to her to see if it'll help restore her memory. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Invoice Found: Hyrule Castle Town Description: Later on in the game, when you need to reach the heavens, Telma gives this to you in her bar. She asks you to deliver it to the "old and crusty" doctor in the town. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Iron Boots Found: Ordon Village Description: Bo, the mayor of the village of Ordon, gives you these boots when you beat him twice in a sumo-wrestling match. They make you as slow as ever, but they also make you strong enough to beat the Gorons. You can also walk across magnetic fields with these on. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Lantern Found: Faron Woods Description: Somewhere in the woods is Coro, a man with an afro. He gives you a lantern for free. With it, you can light torches, burn webs, see your way through dark places, and more. However, it takes oil, which you can buy or steal from the bird at the woods. You can also activate it, equip a different item, and the lantern will be activated on your belt! ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Ooccoo & Oooccoo Jr. Found: Various Dungeons Description: In almost every dungeon, you will find a strange bird known as Ooccoo. She will join you and be added as an item. When you use her, Ooccoo Jr. will take you out of the dungeon and Ooccoo will stay behind in the room you used her in. Then, use Ooccoo Jr. to be carried back to where you left Ooccoo at. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Rare ChuChu Jelly Found: Various Places Description: When you find a sparkly Chuchu, defeat it and quickly scoop it up before the liquid disappears. When you drink it, your hearts will be restored, and you'll be more powerful until you get hit. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Renado's Letter Found: Kakariko Village Description: When you are trying to find your way to the sky, Renado gives you this letter and would like you to give it to Telma at her bar. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Slingshot Found: Ordon Village Description: The children of Ordon are really obsessed with this "toy". They beg Link to go buy it for them. He does so, but you end up keeping it for the rest of the game. It can be used to shoot far off foes and such, but it's not really all that useful. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Spinner Found: Arbiter's Grounds Description: When you use this item, Link rides it around. It can be attached to tracks along the wall so that you can glide across the wall, and reach different areas. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Water Bomb Found: Kakariko Village Description: Just before the Lakebed Temple, these are sold at the Bomb Shop at Kakariko Village. You can only carry 15 at once, but they can be used on land and underwater, and they'll prove to be useful. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Worm Found: Fishing Hole Description: At the fishing hole at the Upper Zora's River, dig behind the sign to find a worm. You can attach the worm to your fishing rod. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ---------- Collection ---------- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Hero's Clothes Found: Faron Woods Description: Once you collect all of the Tears of Light spreaded around the woods, you get out of your wolf form. As a result, you turn back into a human with the green tunic on. It is said that only the hero of Hyrule can wear these clothes. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Hylian Shield Found: Kakariko Village Description: After you get out of your wolf form again, you'll become a human once again. Then, you can enter the Malo Mart (the General Store) of the village. The Hylian Shield will be on sale for a rather high price. It's a metal shield with a Triforce insignia on it, and it will never burn. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Magic Armor Found: Hyrule Castle Town Description: After you complete the Malo Mart side quest, the Malo Mart will also be opened at Hyrule Castle Town. You can then buy the armor for as much as 598 Rupees! When equipped, you will have very high defense, but it slowly depletes your Rupees. If you don't have any Rupees left or when they run out, you'll move very slow. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Master Sword Found: Sacred Grove Description: This is the legendary blade of evil's bane. It is the ultimate sword and can destroy pure evil. Only the true hero of Hyrule can wield it. It's a much better sword than your previous one. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Ordon Shield Found: Ordon Village Description: Found in a building in the village of Ordon. You get it with the help of Midna. It's a wooden shield that is weak, and will burn upon being touched by fire. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Ordon Sword Found: Ordon Village Description: Found in Rusl's house in the village of Ordon. As a wolf, you can dig into his house and find this sword sitting on his couch. You will be using this sword until you get the Master Sword later on. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Wooden Shield Found: Kakariko Village Description: There's no difference between this shield and the Ordon Shield, except that it has a symbol on the front. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Wooden Sword Found: Ordon Village Description: You get this sword temporarily as a gift from Rusl. It's used for about ten minutes only, though. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Zora Armor Found: Kakariko Village Description: The Zora queen gives this to you once you do her deeds. It allows you to breathe, dive, and swim underwater, but it makes you weaker to fire and ice attacks. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ================= VII. Golden Bugs ================= In this section, I will list all of the Golden Bugs in the game, along with information about how you find them and such. Once you can turn into a human and a wolf at any time, head to Hyrule Castle Town. Go to the South Road and head east. One of the doors there leads to Agitha's Castle. Inside is a little girl, which is Agitha. She wants all of her bugs back for the ball, but she can't find them anywhere and wants someone to find them for her. For every Golden Bug you give her, she gives you some Rupees. If you bring her one bug, she'll give you a Purple Rupee. If you bring her two at once, she'll give you 100 Rupees. The first time you give her a bug, she'll give you a Big Wallet. This wallet can hold up to 600 Rupees. If you give her all 24 Golden Bugs, she gives you the Giant Wallet. This one can hold up to 1000 Rupees. If you see a glowing bug somewhere, then be sure to try and catch it. They'll become useful if you need money and/or new wallets. Agitha sometimes isn't in her house. If she isn't, head to the South Road and exit the town via the southern exit. Agitha can be found here. With all of that explained, here's the locations of all 24 of them. The list is in the same order as they appear in the game. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Male Ant Location: Graveyard Description: To find the first Golden Bug, head northeast to a tree. This one is sitting right by the tree. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Female Ant Location: Kakariko Village Description: Go to the house west of Barnes' Bomb Shop. The house there is empty, and you'll find the bug here. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Male Mantis Location: Hyrule Field Description: This one's at the Lanayru Province. To find it, head north of the Great Bridge of Hylia. By the pillars there, you'll see a bug that flies around them. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Female Mantis Location: Hyrule Field Description: This one's at the Lanayru Province. To find it, head south of the Great Bridge of Hylia, and you'll find a rocky area. Around there on the wall is a bug. Use the Clawshot so you can get it. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Male Butterfly Location: Hyrule Field Description: Again, this one's at the Lanayru Province. Head southeast from the entrance to the castle town (the eastern entrance) to find a bug by the pink flowers. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Female Butterfly Location: Hyrule Field Description: This one's at the Lanayru Province as well. Go to the same spot as the previous bug, but head east of the entrance to town this time. Clawshot to the platform there, then look around for the bug. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Male Phasmid Location: Hyrule Field Description: This one's at the Eldin Province. Head to the Bridge of Eldin, and look to the left at the southern end of the bridge. You'll find a bug here. Use the Clawshot so you can reach it. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Female Phasmid Location: Hyrule Field Description: This one's at the Eldin Province, and at the same place as the previous bug, only at the northern end of the bridge this time. Around the northern end of the bridge is a Clawshot mark. Clawshot to it, then look all around the walls. Use the Clawshot to get the bug in your range. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Male Dayfly Location: Gerudo Desert Description: Head to the middle of the desert at the southern end. By some wooden fences, you should find a bug flying around the area. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Female Dayfly Location: Gerudo Desert Description: From where the entrance to the Cave of Ordeals is, head all the way south to a small area with a statue, many ledges, and a chest on one of the platforms. Head north of the chest and look around in the sand to find it. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Male Stag Beetle Location: Hyrule Field Description: This one's at the Lanayru Province. Head all the way to the north end of the field. Then, head to the river and go east. By one of the trees there is a bug. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Female Stag Beetle Location: Hyrule Field Description: This one's at the Lanayru Province. Head to the same place as explained above, but head northwest of the river. There will be an entrance leading to Zora's Domain, along with another path. Take the other path to a boulder stuck in a wall, then look up from it to spot the bug. Use the Clawshot and it's yours. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Male Ladybug Location: Hyrule Field Description: This one's at the Lanayru Province. Head south of the castle town, and look around the walls. Around here is a ladybug that you can get when it lands. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Female Ladybug Location: Hyrule Field Description: This one's at the Lanayru Province. Head to the same place as described above, but head east to find a pool of water. In one of the three trees there is the next bug. Get it once it lands. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Male Grasshopper Location: Hyrule Field Description: This one's at the Eldin Province. Head to Kakariko Village and take the northern exit. Head to the middle and to the right a bit. Somewhere around here is a bug. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Female Grasshopper Location: Hyrule Field Description: This one's at the Eldin Province. Head to the same place as described above, but head northeast. The next Golden Bug is here. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Male Beetle Location: Hyrule Field Description: This one's at the Faron Province. Head to where the flowing stream of water is in this province. Southeast of it are some trees, where you'll find a bug by one of the trees. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Female Beetle Location: Hyrule Field Description: This one's at the Faron Province. Head all the way west to find a big mountain-like platform. Look around the trees there for this bug, then use the Clawshot to get it. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Male Pill Bug Location: Hyrule Field Description: This one's at the Eldin Province. Head to the Kakariko Gorge, which is the bridge south of Kakariko Village. East of the gorge is a bug. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Female Pill Bug Location: Hyrule Field Description: This one's at the Eldin Province. Go south of Kakariko Village and look by the entrance where the flowers are. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Male Snail Location: Sacred Grove Description: Go to the grove area where the Master Sword is. From where you push the block down, jump down and head west. Look around high up on the walls to find the bug, then use the Clawshot to snag it. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Female Snail Location: Sacred Grove (Temple of Time area) Description: Once you reach the Temple of Time area of the grove which leads to the actual dungeon, head west of the stairs. There's a bug on the wall, so use the Clawshot. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Male Dragonfly Location: Zora's Domain Description: Go to the main waterfall in the middle. West of it leads to an area with lots of crates. By the crates is a bug. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Female Dragonfly Location: Upper Zora's River Description: Go the fishing hole. Head to the area where you can rent a boat, and go to the edge of the water there. You'll see a bug somewhere nearby. Use the Clawshot to get the last bug. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ================ VIII. Poe Souls ================ In this section, I will list all of the Poe Souls in the game, along with info about where the Poes are located and such. Poes are invisible ghosts that can only be detected while in wolf form. They carry a lantern, and you can see it. That's how you know if there's a Poe nearby. If you see a blue lantern, use your senses as a wolf to spot a Poe. To defeat it, attack it twice, then keep it targeted and press A to steal the soul. A guy in Hyrule Castle Town, known as Jovani, wants you to get some Poe Souls for him. They've all stolen parts of his soul, as he was consumed by greed long ago and was cursed. When you first visit him, he cannot move an inch, and his cat is stuck on his head. To find Jovani after finding him the first time, go to the South Road of the castle town as a wolf. Along the western side is a building with many cats near it. Use your senses to find a digging spot in the corner, then dig there to enter Jovani's place. Jovani wants you to get 20 Poe Souls at first. This makes it where he can move, but he's still not totally free. There are 60 Poe Souls in all. The reward he gives you for 20 Poe Souls is a bottle of Great Fairy Tears. He gives you a new bottle full of the tears. For getting 60 Poe Souls, he gives you a Silver Rupee worth 200. Go to Telma's Bar and talk to him, then enter his house again. Talk to the cat and he'll give you a Silver Rupee, which you can get an unlimited amount of times as long as you're not maxed on Rupees. Also, you should know that most of the time, Poe's only appear at night. This does not apply in dungeons and caves, however. With all of that said, I will list the Poes below in the order you can get them in the game. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Poe Soul #1 Found: Hyrule Castle Town Time of Day: Either Description: This one will be found at Jovani's house the moment you meet him. The game even shows you the location of the Poe as you enter. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Poe Soul #2 Found: Hyrule Field Time of Day: Night Description: Head to the southern part of Hyrule Field. You'll see a stream of water and a bridge. South of that bridge is a Poe. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Poe Soul #3 Found: Hyrule Field Time of Day: Night Description: To get to the Poe fast, just warp to the Kakariko Gorge. It is right by the tree near the gorge. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Poe Soul #4 Found: Hyrule Field Time of Day: Either Description: South of the Kakariko Gorge is a boulder. Blow it up to reveal a cave. Inside, make your way through and you'll find the Poe somewhere in the cave. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Poe Soul #5 Found: Hyrule Field Time of Day: Night Description: At the northern side of the field, you'll see a bridge across a flowing river. The Poe is near here. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Poe Soul #6 Found: Hyrule Field Time of Day: Either Description: Head to the northern side of the field, just like you did for the last one. Somewhere along the northeastern side are three trees right next to each other. Dig in the center as a wolf and you'll enter a cave. The next two Poes are inside. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Poe Soul #7 Found: Hyrule Field Time of Day: Either Description: Go to the same cave described in #6. As said above, there are two Poes in that cave. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Poe Soul #8 Found: Hyrule Field Time of Day: Night Description: Enter the castle town and exit via the West Road. Out here, you will find the next Poe. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Poe Soul #9 Found: Hyrule Field Time of Day: Night Description: Warp to the Castle Town on the map, and you'll appear by the east bridge leading to the town. South of here is a Poe. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Poe Soul #10 Found: Hyrule Field Time of Day: Night Description: Exit the castle town via the South Road. Head down the steps and look to the right to find it. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Poe Soul #11 Found: Hyrule Field Time of Day: Night Description: Go to the Great Bridge of Hylia, which is located at the eastern side of Hyrule Field. Head south of it to find a tall platform with boulders on it. Use a Bomb Arrow to blow them away, then use the Clawshot on the mark to reach the platform. On this platform, you'll find a Poe. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Poe Soul #12 Found: Faron Woods Time of Day: Night Description: Head to the cave where there is purple fog. At the southern end of the cave, head around to the left and Midna will alert you. Use her to jump across the platforms, and on the middle platform you will find this Poe. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Poe Soul #13 Found: Kakariko Village Time of Day: Night Description: East of Barnes' Bomb Shop is a ledge. Climb it up and you'll find a Poe here. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Poe Soul #14 Found: Kakariko Village Time of Day: Night Description: Head to the watchtower where Talo keeps a lookout on the village at. Somewhere near this location is the next Poe. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Poe Soul #15 Found: Graveyard Time of Day: Night Description: Go to the center of the graveyard. There's your Poe. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Poe Soul #16 Found: Graveyard Time of Day: Night Description: From the entrance of the graveyard, head left. Push the grave here and the Poe will appear. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Poe Soul #17 Found: Death Mountain Time of Day: Night Description: Climb up the mountain, and when you get to the second Goron, talk to him. Move right a bit and climb on his back, then he'll launch you up to a platform with a Poe ahead. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Poe Soul #18 Found: Lake Hylia Time of Day: Night Description: Head all the way to the western end of the lake. On the small platform here, you'll find it. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Poe Soul #19 Found: Lake Hylia Time of Day: Night Description: Warp to Lake Hylia to appear on a platform. Walk around through the path and on one of the platforms is a Poe. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Poe Soul #20 Found: Lake Hylia Time of Day: Night Description: Go to the eastern part of the lake, and go to the lookout tower. By the tower is the Poe. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Poe Soul #21 Found: Lake Hylia Time of Day: Night Description: Play Fabli's Flight-by-Fowl mini-game (see the Mini-Games section for more details). Fly over to the Isle of Riches to find it. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Poe Soul #22 Found: Lake Hylia Time of Day: Night Description: Again, play Fabli's Flight-by-Fowl mini-game. Jump off with a Cucco and look under Fabli's building. There is a platform here with a Poe on it. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Poe Soul #23 Found: Lake Hylia Time of Day: Either Description: Warp to Lake Hylia and head southeast. Follow the path to some boulders, then blow them up. Enter the cave there (it's pretty long, and you'll need lots of Lantern Oil and bombs), and you'll find three Poes as you go through it. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Poe Soul #24 Found: Lake Hylia Time of Day: Either Description: In the same place described in #23. As said above, you'll find three Poes in that cave. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Poe Soul #25 Found: Lake Hylia Time of Day: Either Description: In the same place described in #23. As said above, you'll find three Poes in that cave. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Poe Soul #26 Found: Upper Zora's River Time of Day: Night Description: In the middle of the two streams of the river is a platform. On this platform is a Poe. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Poe Soul #27 Found: Zora's Domain Time of Day: Night Description: Go to the main waterfall and go to the western land. Somewhere on that land, you'll find it. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Poe Soul #28 Found: Zora's Domain Time of Day: Night Description: Go to the main waterfall and go to the eastern land. As a wolf, have Midna guide you up the platforms and you'll find the Poe. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Poe Soul #29 Found: Gerudo Desert Time of Day: Night Description: Warp to the desert (Gerudo Mesa on the map) and head south. You'll find the next one there. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Poe Soul #30 Found: Gerudo Desert Time of Day: Night Description: Warp to the desert, and look around on the platform where you found the lost piece of the Bridge of Eldin. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Poe Soul #31 Found: Gerudo Desert Time of Day: Night Description: At the first area of the desert, head to the area where all of the archers and boars are (before the camp area). Head west from there and look around for a platform. Clawshot to the tree to reach the platform, where a Poe is waiting. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Poe Soul #32 Found: Gerudo Desert Time of Day: Either Description: From #31, jump off the platform and turn on your senses. Look around the platform to find a digging spot. Dig there and into a cave, where you'll find some boulders. Blow them up and search the cave for two Poes. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Poe Soul #33 Found: Gerudo Desert Time of Day: Either Description: In the same place described in #32. As said above, you'll find two Poes in that cave. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Poe Soul #34 Found: Gerudo Desert Time of Day: Night Description: In the main area of the desert, head to the northern end and have a boar dash through the wooden fences. Take the eastern path from there and you'll find a Poe. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Poe Soul #35 Found: Gerudo Desert Time of Day: Night Description: At the camp area, once you get past it the first time (so that the building inside has already burned down), look around the burned structure to find a Poe. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Poe Soul #36 Found: Gerudo Desert Time of Day: Night Description: Go to the entrance of the Arbiter's Grounds. East of it, you'll see a Poe at the end of the path. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Poe Soul #37 Found: Arbiter's Grounds Time of Day: Either Description: While you play through the dungeon, you'll find a Big Poe. It is harder to defeat than a normal Poe. See the Walkthrough for more details on this. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Poe Soul #38 Found: Arbiter's Grounds Time of Day: Either Description: In the same place described in #37. As you go through the dungeon, you'll find four of these Poes total. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Poe Soul #39 Found: Arbiter's Grounds Time of Day: Either Description: In the same place described in #37. As you go through the dungeon, you'll find four of these Poes total. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Poe Soul #40 Found: Arbiter's Grounds Time of Day: Either Description: In the same place described in #38. As you go through the dungeon, you'll find four of these Poes total. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Poe Soul #41 Found: Snowpeak Time of Day: Night Description: Climb up the mountain as normal. On your way up the mountain, look around for a pack of rocks. Around them, you'll find a Poe. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Poe Soul #42 Found: Snowpeak Time of Day: Night Description: Do the same thing described above. As you go up the mountain, you will come to a ledge you have to climb up. Look around for a path going south. There's an empty area here where a tree and a Poe is. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Poe Soul #43 Found: Snowpeak Time of Day: Night Description: Do the same thing described above. As you go up even more of the mountain, keep looking around for two trees next to each other. There's a Poe here. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Poe Soul #44 Found: Snowpeak Time of Day: Either Description: Ride to the bottom of the mountain to Snowpeak Ruins. Then, become a wolf and head back up the snowy path. There's a platform on the right that you can climb. Climb it up and follow the path, where you'll soon come to a Poe. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Poe Soul #45 Found: Snowpeak Ruins Time of Day: Either Description: From where you enter the mansion, you'll see a Poe ahead. Defeat it and get your reward. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Poe Soul #46 Found: Snowpeak Ruins Time of Day: Either Description: You need the Ball and Chain for this one. Head to the main room and look around to the left. When you find a soldier armor, break it with the Ball and Chain and the Poe is revealed. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Poe Soul #47 Found: Snowpeak Ruins Time of Day: Either Description: You'll need the Ball and Chain to get this one as well. Go to the icy room with many sliding ice creatures, and break the ice to the left to find a Poe. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Poe Soul #48 Found: Snowpeak Time of Day: Either Description: Climb up the mountain. Near the end of the mountain, you'll have to go through a cave. At the start of that cave, you'll see some ice walls. Break them with the Ball and Chain to find it. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Poe Soul #49 Found: Sacred Grove Time of Day: Either Description: During your second visit to the grove, head to the area that you reach by swimming through the waterfall. You'll find a Poe on a platform in that area. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Poe Soul #50 Found: Sacred Grove Time of Day: Either Description: In the area before the area where the Master Sword was, blow up the center boulder and a Poe will be revealed. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Poe Soul #51 Found: Sacred Grove Time of Day: Night Description: Go to the area where the Master Sword was, and search by the pedestal to find this one. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Poe Soul #52 Found: Temple of Time Time of Day: Either Description: You'll probably find this Poe while going through the dungeon normally. It's located on the high platform where the door leading to the room where the Big Key is. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Poe Soul #53 Found: Temple of Time Time of Day: Either Description: On your way to the first room of the dungeon, when you have to control the big statue, you'll come to the room where there are lots of baby Gohmas in the middle. In that area is a gate you can smash with the statue, revealing a Poe. If you no longer have the statue, simply control one of the small statues on one of the ledges where the gate is. Then, have it press the switch by the gate to release the Poe. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Poe Soul #54 Found: Sacred Grove Time of Day: Either Description: From where you exit the Temple of Time dungeon, proceed down the stairs and to the main room of that area. Use the Dominion Rod on the statue left of the staircase, then have it move. There is a Poe here that was behind the statue. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Poe Soul #55 Found: Hidden Village Time of Day: Night Description: From the entrance of the village, look to the left. Somewhere on the building, you'll see a chained wall. Clawshot it, then climb it up and head left. There's a Poe somewhere near here. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Poe Soul #56 Found: City in the Sky Time of Day: Either Description: In the area with all of the brown flying things, you must manuver around the room using the Double Clawshots at the flying things. Eventually, you'll come to one that will take you to the back of the area where a platform is. On that platform is the Poe. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Poe Soul #57 Found: City in the Sky Time of Day: Either Description: In the area with a building in the middle, head east from where you enter, and look at the wall. Clawshot up to the vines and climb them up. Get rid of the birds on the platforms ahead with your bow, then turn into a wolf and walk the tightrope. Head left and walk the set of tightropes to a platform, where you'll find the next Poe. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Poe Soul #58 Found: Cave of Ordeals Time of Day: Either Description: You'll find this Poe on Floor #17. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Poe Soul #59 Found: Cave of Ordeals Time of Day: Either Description: You'll find this Poe on Floor #33. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Poe Soul #60 Found: Cave of Ordeals Time of Day: Either Description: The final Poe is located on Floor #44. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ================ IX. Side Quests ================ In this section, I will list all of the side quests in the game, along with info about how you do them and such. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ---------------- The Bottle Quest ---------------- There are a total of four bottles in this game. Bottles are a classic item for the Zelda series, and they've been really helpful in every game that introduces them. Bottles can store many things, such as fairies, potions, worms, water, and more. It's always good to stock up on a fairy or two before a boss or before you attempt the Cave of Ordeals. I will list all of the bottles below, along with information on how to get them. 1) You get this one by simply playing through the game. Sera gives it to you as a reward for getting her cat back. 2) After you get the Lantern item from Coro, come back later (just before the Forest Temple) and he'll offer you a bottle for 100 Rupees. 3) Once you successfully obtain 20 Poe Souls, return to Jovani and talk to him. As thanks, he gives you a bottle that has Fairy Tears inside. 4) Go to the Fishing Hole in the Upper Zora's River. Then, head west to the bridge. Cross it and fish around that area with your Fishing Rod. You should eventually pull up a bottle. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ----------------------- Getting the Magic Armor ----------------------- This is a rather long side quest. After your first visit to Hyrule Castle Town, go to Kakariko Village. Look to the right of the Malo Mart (the General Store) and you'll see a Goron. Talk to him, and he'll want you to donate 1000 Rupees to him so that the western bridge of Castle Town can get repaired. One of the Gorons are stuck by the broken bridge. Enter the mart and talk to the Goron in there. Talk to him twice and you'll be able to donate your Rupees. Donate as many as you have. After you donate 1000 Rupees, you can talk to him again and he'll want you to donate 2000 Rupees so that they can move the Malo Mart to the castle town. However, there is a much easier way of doing this, so don't bother donating any more Rupees just yet. Head to Hyrule Field (exit Kakariko Village via the northern exit) and go east to where Castle Town is. The bridge is repaired. Talk to the exhausted Goron, and he'll say that some hot springwater will give him his energy back. Head back to Kakariko Village and talk to the Goron by the Malo Mart. He'll ask you to carry a barrel full of hot springwater to the exhausted Goron at the field. Tell him you'll do it, and he'll say you have to do it fast, because the water will cool off before long. You'll appear at Hyrule Field. Head around the edge of the field, because you don't want to get hit by any enemies. Walk around the edge of the field to the western bridge, then walk up to the Goron. He'll ask you to pour the water on him. Target him and throw it at him. The hot springwater will cause him to regain his energy, then he'll say that he is going back to work to open up a shop. He'll roll away, then roll back to the town and leave behind a Piece of Heart on the bridge. Take it, and head back to Kakariko Village once again. Head into the Malo Mart and talk to the Goron. He will want you to donate 200 Rupees to move the mart to the castle town. This is a much better deal than the 2000 Rupees he wanted earlier! Donate the Rupees, and then head to Hyrule Castle Town and to the Central Square. Enter the building to the southwest, which is the new and improved Malo Mart. There are a few items on sale for a cheap price, along with the Magic Armor. It costs a total of 598 Rupees! Buy it, and when you equip it, you'll be much stronger defense-wise. However, it drains your Rupees. Once your Rupees reach zero, however, you move as slow as ever, as if you had the Iron Boots equipped. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ================= X. Hidden Skills ================= In this section, I will list all of the hidden skills, along with information about where the Howling Statues are located and such. This game has a feature similar to The Legend of Zelda: The Minish Cap. Hidden skills are new skills that you can learn, and many of them are actually good. You're forced to get one hidden skill in the game, but every other one is optional. However, they help out a lot, and I recommend getting them. Each time you encounter a stone with a hole in the center, you can howl a tune in front of it (as a wolf only). Once you howl the correct tune, a golden wolf appears somewhere in Hyrule. Head to that location and when you approach the wolf, he'll attack you. You'll then be carried to a white area. The golden wolf then turns into a fallen zombie warrior, a swordsman who has learned many skills with the sword. He is willing to teach you all of the skills he has learned, and learning them all will make you a "true hero", according to the swordsman. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Ending Blow Howling Statue Location: N/A Golden Wolf Location: Faron Woods How To Find: N/A Howling Pattern: N/A Description: This skill is learned sometime during the game at the Faron Woods. It does not require you play a howling tune at all, and is the only skill you're required to get in the game. To perform it, keep attacking an enemy until it falls to the ground, then target it and press A. Link will deliver a finish blow, resulting in an instant kill. This skill is pretty useful against enemies that have high defense. It can also be used to finish off certain bosses, such as Diababa. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Shield Attack Howling Statue Location: Death Mountain Golden Wolf Location: Ordon Springs How To Find: To find the Howling Statue, climb up Death Mountain, and you'll find it on the way up. Howling Pattern: Up, Middle, Down, Up, Middle, Down Description: To perform this technique, Z-Target a foe and thrust the Nunchuk forward to hit the enemy with your shield. This will make the enemy flinch. You can then attack while the foe is off guard. It's slightly useful, but not too much. The wolf can be found at the eastern part of the Ordon Springs. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Back Slice Howling Statue Location: Upper Zora's River Golden Wolf Location: Hyrule Field How To Find: This Howling Statue is located just across from the door leading to the Fishing Hole. Howling Pattern: Down, Middle, Down, Up, Middle, Down Description: This is a technique that was seen in The Wind Waker. To perform it, Z-Target an enemy and roll behind him (press A to jump to the side, then press A again to roll), then swing your sword. This attacks the enemy from behind, and is by far one of the most useful skills in the game. The golden wolf is located just north of the eastern entrance to Hyrule Castle Town, on top of a ledge. Climb the vine wall and you'll find him. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Helm Splitter Howling Statue Location: Faron Woods Golden Wolf Location: Hyrule Field How To Find: Right by the entrance to the Sacred Grove, you'll find the Howling Statue sitting there. Howling Pattern: Up, Down, Up, Down, Middle, Up Description: Using this technique, you can attack the opponent's head, followed by an attack from behind. To perform it, use the Shield Attack and immediately press A. Then, once you do the Helm Splitter, you can finish the attack by attacking the foe from behind. It's a pretty useful skill. To find the golden wolf, take the southern exit of Hyrule Castle Town and head down the steps. Turn to the right to find the wolf in the corner. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Mortal Draw Howling Statue Location: Lake Hylia Golden Wolf Location: Gerudo Desert How To Find: This Howling Statue is located at the eastern part of Lake Hylia. As a human, climb up the ladder to the right of the warp point and follow the path up a hill where the statue is. Turn into a wolf and howl the tune. Howling Pattern: Down, Middle, Up, Down, Middle, Down, Up Description: This ability is easy to perform. Just have your sword sheathed, don't Z-Target a nearby foe, and let the foe walk up to you. Then, press A to deal a blow that instantly kills the enemy. The golden wolf can be found at the northern end of the desert. Follow the path east on that ledge and you'll find him. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Jump Strike Howling Statue Location: Snowpeak Golden Wolf Location: Graveyard How To Find: As you climb up the mountain as a wolf, follow the scent going up to a hill. The statue is here. Howling Pattern: Up, Middle, Down, Middle, Down, Up, Middle, Down Description: This is the same as the regular Jump Attack, only you can hit all enemies gathered up in front of you using this attack. Hold Z and then hold A to charge up your Jump Attack. Then, when it's fully charged, release the button to perform the Jump Strike. The golden wolf is found up the stairs in the graveyard, by the crawlspace. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Great Spin Howling Statue Location: Hidden Village Golden Wolf Location: Hyrule Castle Town How To Find: Enter the easternmost house (break the glass windows) and look around for another glass window. Break that one and you'll be led to a small alley with a Howling Statue. Howling Pattern: Middle, Down, Middle, Up, Down, Up, Middle, Up, Middle Description: This is just a stronger version of the Spin Attack. To use it, use the Spin Attack at full health. A red beam will surround your spin, dealing more damage to enemies. The golden wolf is found at the northern end of Hyrule Castle Town. If you didn't disable it already, he's right by the barrier leading to the castle. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ==================== XI. Pieces of Heart ==================== In this section, I will list all of the Pieces of Heart in the game, along with information about where they are located and such. For each Piece of Heart you get, all of your life energy you may have lost is refilled. Not only that, but if you collect five pieces, you get a whole new Heart Container! These are especially useful later in the game. Heart Pieces are usually well hidden. There are a total of 45 Heart Pieces. With that said, here's the list. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Piece of Heart #1 Location: Faron Woods Form Required: Human Items Needed: Lantern How To Find: To find the first piece, go to the Faron Woods cave where there is lots of purple fog everywhere. Use your Lantern to cut through it, and make your way to the northwestern portion of the room. Follow the path there to a new area. Light the two torches in front of the chest to make another chest appear on the ledge nearby. The Piece of Heart is inside. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Piece of Heart #2 Location: Forest Temple Form Required: Human Items Needed: N/A How To Find: In the room where you must drop a bomb into a piranha's mouth so that you can proceed, make your way to the top platform where you will find a spider bomb. Attack it and pick up the bomb, then throw it off of the right side of the platform. It'll land in another piranha's mouth which was guarding a small cove. Inside is a chest with the piece inside. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Piece of Heart #3 Location: Forest Temple Form Required: Human Items Needed: Gale Boomerang How To Find: In the room where there are many tiles that pop up and knock you into the water, there are some torches in the middle. Unlight all of them to lower all of the steps ahead, revealing a cove. You'll find a Piece of Heart in the chest inside. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Piece of Heart #4 Location: Hyrule Field Form Required: Human Items Needed: Gale Boomerang How To Find: Head to the southernmost region of the field. There is a bridge by some water. West of the south part of that bridge is a tree. Look up in it to find a Piece of Heart, then use the Gale Boomerang to get it. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Piece of Heart #5 Location: Hyrule Field Form Required: Human Items Needed: Gale Boomerang How To Find: Go to the Kakariko Gorge (the small bridge by the big cliff), and head south from it. Then, turn east and head up the hill there. Head right and look around for a tree with a Clawshot mark below it. In that tree is a Piece of Heart. Use the Gale Boomerang. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Piece of Heart #6 Location: Ordon Village Form Required: Human Items Needed: N/A How To Find: Before you go to the Goron Mines, return to the village of Ordon. Ride Epona to the ranch area, then talk to Fado and he'll want you to herd in the goats. Herd in 20 of them to get a Piece of Heart. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Piece of Heart #7 Location: Goron Mines Form Required: Human Items Needed: Iron Boots How To Find: In the room where you must walk across the ceiling with the Iron Boots (the room where there are many paths you can take on the ceiling), take the eastern path to a chest. Inside, you'll find the next Piece of Heart. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Piece of Heart #8 Location: Goron Mines Form Required: Human Items Needed: Iron Boots How To Find: On 2F, you'll find a room with many magnetic fields (there are beams that you have to go to in order to walk on the fields). Make your way through the magnetic fields to reach a platform with a chest containing a Piece of Heart. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Piece of Heart #9 Location: Kakariko Village Form Required: Human Items Needed: Hero's Bow How To Find: Go to Barnes' Bomb Shop. Somewhere near that shop is a Goron by a building. Talk to him and have him launch you up, then head north and up a hill to another Goron. Tell him to launch you up as well, then follow the path to Talo. Talk to him, and he'll want you to show him how to shoot a bow. Accept his offer and you'll have to shoot two targets, then a pole way up on a building. The Hawkeye really helps for this. You'll get a Piece of Heart for winning. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Piece of Heart #10 Location: Kakariko Village Form Required: Human Items Needed: Bomb, Iron Boots, Zora Armor (Optional) How To Find: West of the light spirit's spring is a boulder. Bomb it to reveal a cave. At the end of the cave, jump down to a pool of water. Sink with the Iron Boots and open the chest here for a Piece of Heart. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Piece of Heart #11 Location: Kakariko Village Form Required: Human Items Needed: Bomb, Gale Boomerang, Hero's Bow How To Find: Look left of the light spirit's spring, and then up. There are three boulders gathered up. Shoot them with a Bomb Arrow to blow them up, revealing a Piece of Heart. Use the Gale Boomerang to snag it. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Piece of Heart #12 Location: Hyrule Field Form Required: Human Items Needed: Bomb, Hero's Bow, Clawshot How To Find: Take the northern exit of Kakariko Village. From there, head north and you'll find a boulder to the left. Blow it up with a Bomb, then climb up the ledge. Follow the path to another boulder on a platform across from you, by a vine wall. Blow up the boulder with a Bomb Arrow, then Clawshot to the vine wall and climb onto the platform. Head up the path and jump down to a chest, containing a Piece of Heart. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Piece of Heart #13 Location: Lakebed Temple Form Required: Human Items Needed: Clawshot How To Find: Go to the main room (the room with the central staircase), and look up in the middle of the ceiling. Clawshot to one of the marks on the chandelier, then drop down and open the chest on it to find the Piece of Heart. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Piece of Heart #14 Location: Lakebed Temple Form Required: Human Items Needed: Clawshot How To Find: You must have both water sources in the temple flowing. Once both sources are flowing, head to the main room. Head to the eastern part of the room and move the central staircase from there. Water will flow down the staircase to the western door below. Go through that door and follow the path to a room where water will pour in. The bridge in this room will now be raised. Cross it and use the Clawshot on the mark behind the gate, then drop down to a chest. It contains a Piece of Heart. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Piece of Heart #15 Location: Lake Hylia Form Required: Human Items Needed: Lantern, Clawshot How To Find: Enter the cave where Lanayru, the light spirit is located. Around the walls of that cave are Clawshot marks. Clawshot to one and follow the path up to another area. In that area, light the two torches nearby and a chest will appear. Open it for a Heart Piece. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Piece of Heart #16 Location: Lake Hylia Form Required: Human Items Needed: Lantern, Bomb How To Find: Make sure you have all of your bottles filled with Lantern Oil, and also make sure you have plenty of bombs before getting this. Head to Lake Hylia and go to the Howling Statue. South of it is a boulder. Bomb it to reveal a cave, then head inside. Proceed through the very long cave, and at the very end of it you'll find a chest with a Piece of Heart inside. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Piece of Heart #17 Location: Hyrule Field Form Required: Human Items Needed: Iron Boots, Clawshot How To Find: Head to the Bridge of Eldin, and head north of it. You'll find a Clawshot mark up ahead. Clawshot up to it and follow the path to a cave. Inside is a lava cavern that looks very similar to the Goron Mines. Follow the path to a magnetic beam. Jump down and equip the Iron Boots in midair to land on a magnetic circle. Drop down and follow the path, defeating the enemies along the way. Head across the magnetic fields until you get to a chest at the end of the cavern. It contains the next Piece of Heart. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Piece of Heart #18 Location: Gerudo Desert Form Required: Human Items Needed: N/A How To Find: Go to the camp area where all of the Bokoblins and archers are. Follow the path in that camp and look around to the right. You will eventually find a boar being roasted over a campfire. Attack the boar repedeately until it is destroyed. It then drops a Piece of Heart on the ground. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Piece of Heart #19 Location: Fishing Hole Form Required: Human Items Needed: Gale Boomerang, Iron Boots, Clawshot (Optional) How To Find: At the entrance of the Fishing Hole, you'll see a rock archway to the north. Swim there and put on the Iron Boots to sink. Look up at the archway, and use either the Gale Boomerang or the Clawshot to take the Piece of Heart there. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Piece of Heart #20 Location: Arbiter's Grounds Form Required: Human Items Needed: Clawshot How To Find: Head to the main room (the room where the big closed gate is/was), and head northwest. Clawshot to the mark ahead and open the chest to get a Piece of Heart. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Piece of Heart #21 Location: Arbiter's Grounds Form Required: Human Items Needed: Spinner How To Find: In the room with many Spinner tracks along the walls, glide your way to the western part of the room. You'll reach an enclosed area with a Piece of Heart inside a small chest. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Piece of Heart #22 Location: Hyrule Field Form Required: Human Items Needed: Bomb, Spinner How To Find: Go to the northernmost portion of the field, then head all the way northeast to some boulders. Blow them up and you'll find an area with tracks along the wall. Use the Spinner and jump from side to side when needed, then you'll reach an upper ledge with a chest. The Piece of Heart is inside. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Piece of Heart #23 Location: Hyrule Field Form Required: Wolf Items Needed: Spinner How To Find: Head north of the Bridge of Eldin. Follow the path up to a wooden bridge and some Bokoblins. Around that bridge is a track along the wall, so glide up the track with the Spinner to a platform. Turn into a wolf and dig in the middle, which leads to a cave. Inside, defeat all the enemies and a chest appears. It has the Heart Piece inside of it. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Piece of Heart #24 Location: Death Mountain Form Required: Human Items Needed: N/A How To Find: Climb up the mountain until you come to the very first Goron. Then have him launch you up to the platform above, then follow the path north to a hole in the wall. Drop down the hole into an alcove, then open the chest to get a Piece of Heart. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Piece of Heart #25 Location: Lake Hylia Form Required: Wolf Items Needed: N/A How To Find: Warp to Lake Hylia and stay in wolf form. Head towards Fyer's place, and on the way, a bird called Plumm will offer you to play a mini-game. Accept his offer, then head up to the grass nearby. Howl the tune to call the black bird, then you can play a mini game. Fly through the course and pop the balloons for points. Go for the Strawberry balloons when you find them, and you'll get loaded with points as long as you get many in a row. If you get 10,000 points or more, you get a Piece of Heart as a reward. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Piece of Heart #26 Location: Lake Hylia Form Required: Human Items Needed: N/A How To Find: Go to Fyer and pay him 10 Rupees for the basic flight. You'll be launched up to a building. Go through the door there and climb down the ladder, then turn left and play the Flight-by-Fowl game. Fly over to the highest stationary platform, where you'll find a chest containing a Piece of Heart. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Piece of Heart #27 Location: Hyrule Field Form Required: Human Items Needed: N/A How To Find: Do part of the quest that regards getting the Magic Armor (see the Side Quests section for information on that). Once you deliver the hot springwater to the Goron, you get a Piece of Heart. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Piece of Heart #28 Location: Hyrule Castle Town Form Required: Human Items Needed: N/A How To Find: Take the eastern entrance to Hyrule Castle Town. At the East Road, there is an old man who wants you donate Rupees. Donate 1000 total and he'll give you a Piece of Heart for your efforts. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Piece of Heart #29 Location: Hyrule Field Form Required: Human Items Needed: Bomb How To Find: Warp to the Kakariko Gorge and head west. You'll find a boulder. Blow it up with a bomb to reveal a cave, then enter it. Inside, you'll find a Piece of Heart. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Piee of Heart #30 Location: Snowpeak Ruins Form Required: Human Items Needed: Ball and Chain How To Find: In the room with three chandeliers (on the top floor above the very first room), shake them so you can jump across them. Then, open the chest at the end for a Piece of Heart. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Piece of Heart #31 Location: Snowpeak Ruins Form Required: Human Items Needed: Bomb, Ball and Chain (Optional) How To Find: In the room where you must go up a circular chamber, look around at the top of the room for a Clawshot mark. Clawshot to it and bomb the cracked floor, then fall down to a room with a chest. It has a Piece of Heart. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Piece of Heart #32 Location: Hyrule Field Form Required: Human Items Needed: Bomb, Ball and Chain How To Find: Go all the way to the northernmost end of Hyrule Field, and you'll find a boulder. Blow it up and enter the cave there. You'll need to solve some block puzzles to get past this area. For the first room, push the southeast block west and north, the northeast block south, west and north. Then, push the first block (the first one you pushed) east, south, west, and north. For the next puzzle, push the southwestern block east, the northeastern block west, the southeastern block north, west, and south. Push the first block you pushed east, north, west, and south. Then, push the second block you pushed south, west, north, and east. For the third puzzle, push the southeastern block north, the northeastern block west, south, east, north, and west. Push the southwestern block east, north, and west. Push the second block you pushed south, east, north, and west. Once you solve all three puzzles, open the chest at the end for a Piece of Heart. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Piece of Heart #33 Location: Snowpeak Form Required: Human Items Needed: N/A How To Find: After clearing the Snowpeak Ruins, warp to the top of Snowpeak and turn into a human. Speak with Yeto (the guy) and race him to the bottom (you have to beat him). Then, go back up to the top of the mountain and race Yeta, the girl. You HAVE to take the shortcut to win the race. When you come to a platform on the right with Rupees on it, jump to it. Keep taking that shortcut and you can beat her. For beating Yeto and Yeta, you get a Piece of Heart. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Piece of Heart #34 Location: Sacred Grove Form Required: Wolf Items Needed: Bomb How To Find: In the area just before the area with the Master Sword, look in the center for a boulder. Blow it up and turn into a wolf, then use your senses. Dig at the digging spot there, and you'll dig into a cave. Defeat all of the enemies, then open the chest that appears for a Piece of Heart. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Piece of Heart #35 Location: Temple of Time Form Required: Human Items Needed: Dominion Rod How To Find: While controlling the big statue in the temple, control it until you get to the room with gates, and a crystal switch on a high platform you cannot reach. Control the statue and have him step on the center switch. The electric barrier will then disappear, so go through the path where the barrier was and head west. Open the chest to find a Piece of Heart. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Piece of Heart #36 Location: Temple of Time Form Required: Human Items Needed: Dominion Rod How To Find: On 5F, head to the room south of the main room. In that room, look for some small ledges and statues. Control the little statues and have one step on the switch. Take another one and throw it to the other platform, then control it and have it step on the second switch. A chest will appear containing a Piece of Heart. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Piece of Heart #37 Location: Sacred Grove Form Required: Human Items Needed: Dominion Rod How To Find: Go to the temple area just before the dungeon. From the dungeon's exit, head out of the pedestal room and go right. Use the Dominion Rod on the statue there, then move it to reveal a path. Take the path to a room with a Piece of Heart in a chest. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Piece of Heart #38 Location: Hidden Village Form Required: Wolf Items Needed: N/A How To Find: After clearing the City in the Sky, return to the village. It has been overrun with cats! Turn into a wolf and go to the eastern side of the village, where the Cucco and the Howling Statue is. Talk to the Cucco as a wolf, and he'll ask you to "play" with the cats. Accept his offer, and you'll have to talk to all twenty of the cats. Look around in every possible building, around every possible corner and alley of the village, and everything. Turn back into a human for a moment if you need to in order to reach certain places. Even if you think you've talked to the cat, talk to the cat again if you're lost, as it might be a new one. It's not exactly hard to talk to twenty cats, it just takes a bit long. Also, in case you're wondering how to get to the cat on the high ledge in the western building, head outside the building and look around to the left. You'll eventually find a netted wall that you can Clawshot to. Do so and climb up, then head east and then north, around the building to a window on another building. Jump to the window to reach the cat. Once you talk to them all, go back and see the Cucco. He'll say that your prize is in front of the old lady's house (Impaz). Go there and get the Piece of Heart. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Piece of Heart #39 Location: Faron Woods Form Required: Human Items Needed: Dominion Rod How To Find: Head to the area where Coro is (the guy who gave you a Lantern and sold you a bottle), and bomb the boulder east of him. Take that path to a new area where you will find a statue. Control it and have it head south, then have it drop into the hole in the ground. Turn into a wolf and head past that hole to a rock ledge. Stand on top of that ledge and Midna will alert you. Press Up and use her help to jump up the ledges, then head to the next area. Open the chest here for a Piece of Heart. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Piece of Heart #40 Location: Hyrule Field Form Required: Human Items Needed: Dominion Rod How To Find: Warp to the Bridge of Eldin and turn back into a human. Then, head all the way to the northern end of the bridge, and control the statue on the eastern platform. Guide him off the platform, then guide him to the southern end of the bridge. To the left is a big hole. Guide him down the hole, then place him in between the opening and the bridge. Do NOT fall down the hole, otherwise you will have no way of getting back up, and will have to fall off of the cliff and retry. Jump to the statue, then to the opening and climb up the ladder. Open the chest here for a Piece of Heart. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Piece of Heart #41 Location: City in the Sky Form Required: Human Items Needed: Clawshot How To Find: In the room where you have to fight a giant Deku Baba along with regular Deku Babas, defeat them and look at the eastern wall. Use the Clawshot on the mark there, then follow the path. Cross the very small path to a chest, then open it for the Piece of Heart. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Piece of Heart #42 Location: City in the Sky Form Required: Human Items Needed: Double Clawshots How To Find: In the area where you must Clawshot onto all of the brown plants, wait until you get to the end of the room. One of the doors in this area leads to a platform with a Piece of Heart. See the Walkthrough for much better details on how to get this. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Piece of Heart #43 Location: Hyrule Field Form Required: Human Items Needed: Double Clawshots How To Find: Head to the Kakariko Gorge. Head southeast of the gorge to find a hill going up. Eventually, you'll come to a tree with a Clawshot mark below it. Clawshot to it, then look to the eastern wall to find another one. Clawshot to that one, then to the vine wall ahead. Climb it to a chest with a Piece of Heart. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Piece of Heart #44 Location: Palace of Twilight Form Required: Human Items Needed: Clawshot How To Find: After you get the powered up version of the Master Sword, enter the eastern wing of the dungeon at the main room. Head north to all of the dark fog, then cut through it with your sword and head right. You'll see a curtain of dark fog. Use a Spin Attack to dispel it, then jump to the platform there and dispel all the fog there. Clawshot to the target there and open the chest. It holds the Piece of Heart. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Piece of Heart #45 Location: Palace of Twilight Form Required: Human Items Needed: N/A How To Find: Enter the western wing of the dungeon after your Master Sword has been powered up. Cut through the dark fog on the ground, and look to the left. Step on the glowing tile and a platform will rise. Jump to the alcove ahead, and open the chest for a Piece of Heart. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ======================== XII. Equipment Upgrades ======================== In this section, I will list all of the equipment upgrades in the game, along with information about how you get them and such. ------- Wallets ------- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Big Wallet Location: Hyrule Castle Town How To Get: Simply catch one Golden Bug, then take it to Agitha at the castle town (she might also be outside; take the southern exit of the town if she isn't in her house). She'll give you the Big Wallet, which can carry up to 600 Rupees at once. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Giant Wallet Location: Hyrule Castle Town How To Get: Deliver all 24 Golden Bugs to Agitha. As a reward for you being so kind, she gives you the Giant Wallet. You can carry 1000 Rupees at once with this! ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- --------- Bomb Bags --------- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Bomb Bag #1 Location: Kakariko Village How To Get: After you clear the Goron Mines, head to Barnes' Bomb Shop. It is now open for business. Inside, he'll at first only sell the basic bombs. Pay 120 Rupees to get the first Bomb Bag, which can carry up to 30 Bombs. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Bomb Bag #2 Location: Lake Hylia How To Get: Once you turn back into a human for the third time in the game, go back to the Upper Zora's River. By the building at the river is a girl. Talk to her and then follow the path, and a barrier will surround you. Defeat the shadow beasts that emerge from the portal, and the girl will be amazed. Then she'll want you to ride a canoe through the river, to get rid of some rocks that's stopping the river from flowing fully. For doing this, she gives you the second Bomb Bag! Now you have two of them! ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Bomb Bag #3 Location: Zora's Domain How To Get: You must first have the Zora Armor, the Water Bombs, and have the ice covering Zora's Domain melted. With all of that done, head to the northern area of the domain (where the throne room is). Sink into the water in the center, then blow up the boulder in the middle. A Goron will pop out, and give you a Bomb Bag. All this does is allow you to carry more than one type of bomb at once. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Giant Bomb Bag Location: Upper Zora's River How To Get: After getting the second Bomb Bag, go to the Boat River Cabin at the river. Rent a canoe at the river for 20 Rupees, and you'll have to play a mini-game. Shoot the yellow bottles for 1 point, and the red ones for 2 points. If you bump into the walls, you lose 1 point for each bump. Score 25 points, and you'll get Giant Bomb Bags! You can hold up to lots of every type of bomb with them! ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ------- Quivers ------- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Big Quiver Location: Hyrule Castle Town How To Get: Once you beat the Arbiter's Grounds, head to Hyrule Castle Town. At the East Road, head south to a tent. Inside, you will see a man that will offer you to play the STAR game for a certain price. Your objective is to use the Clawshot around the cage to collect all of the orbs. For winning, you get the Big Quiver. This one can hold up to 60 Arrows at once. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Giant Quiver Location: Hyrule Castle Town How To Get: After you beat the City in the Sky and have the Double Clawshots, you'll get a letter from the creator of the STAR game. You must have cleared the first stage of the game, though. This time, you're required to use the Double Clawshots to collect many orbs. For winning, you get a Giant Quiver, which can hold up to 100 Arrows. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ============== XIII. Fishing ============== In this section, I will explain all about fishing. I could've included this in the Mini-Games section, but it's just too big to fit in that one section. And thus, it got its own section. First off, head to Upper Zora's River. Enter the door by the hill going up to a Howling Statue. This is the Fishing Hole. You can enter the building there and pay the girl a certain amount of Rupees to go fishing. The first time, you can rent a canoe and use her as a guide for free. After the first time, though, it costs 100 Rupees each time you want a guide. You need not pay her 100 Rupees for that, because you have this guide for free. I will explain both bobber fishing and lure fishing now. -------------- Bobber Fishing -------------- This is the most basic type of fishing in this game. You can bobber fish at pretty much any area that features water (except dungeons, obviously). Set the Fishing Rod to Left, Right, or Down, then press that button and press B to take out the rod. To cast, pull back on the Wii Remote, hold B, then launch it forward and release B. When it casts, just wait until the bobber moves down into the water. Then, when this happens, quickly pull back on the Wii Remote. If you see "FISH ON!" appear on the screen, then obviously you've hooked your fish. When you've hooked a fish, pull back on the Wii Remote until you pull it in. Each time you catch a fish (bobber fishing only), it gets added to your Fish Journal, if it's bigger than the one you previously caught and such. You can add bait to your rod by taking a bottle, scooping up something to use as bait (such as a worm), then pressing the button that the bottle is assigned to. However, the Fishing Rod and Bottle both must be assigned for it to work. Using these baits, you can catch bigger and better fish. Take note, however, that with bobber fishing, you cannot keep your fish. There's really not much more to explain about bobber fishing. ------------ Lure Fishing ------------ Ah, yes. Lure fishing. This is the true way to fish in the game, and the only way to do it is by going to the Fishing Hole in Upper Zora's River. Once you rent a canoe from Hena, you can go through the whole pond (it's a pretty big pond, too) and fish wherever you desire. Press B to take out your rod. Then, hold A and pull back on the Wii Remote, then flick the Wii Remote forward and release A to cast. From there, you can move the Wii Remote from side to side to wiggle the line. To reel, just spin the Nunchuk. When a fish draws near your lure, it's probably about to bite. If you hook a fish, reel it in and press A + B when prompted to pull it in. You can keep the fish if it's bigger than the previous one you caught of that same type. You can also change your lure with A. Pressing A also allows you to quit fishing if you wish. Pressing Up on the Wii Remote will allow you to read the fishing booklet, but if you chose to go with a guide, then pressing Up will make Hena give you some hints and such. They're nothing too useful, however. Now I'll list all of the lures and fish you can catch. ----- Lures ----- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Swimmer Description: Your primary lure. It's just a simple lure, and is probably the most basic one out of all of them. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Spinner Description: The Spinner isn't a bad lure. It spins around in the water, and will make catching the nervous fish easier. It will also make the fish nervous. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Popper Description: If you want to catch the fish in deep waters, choose this lure. You can wiggle the Wii Remote from side to side and it'll take a small leap. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Sinking Description: What would a 3D Zelda game with fishing be without this lure? It's by far the best lure for catching very deep fish, and is pretty much required for catching the Hylian Loach. To get this lure, catch a Hyrule Bass, a Hylian Pike, and an Ordon Catfish in bobber fishing. Then, head all the way to the eastern end of the Fishing Hole. Fish there (bobber fishing, mind you) until you find it. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Frog Description: To get this lure, you have to get past level 1-8 on the Rollgoal mini-game (more information on that in the Mini-Games section). It is a decent lure to use, but you have to know how to use it right. Just let the fish nibble on it a few times before you catch it. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ---- Fish ---- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Baby Loach Description: This is a fish that can only be caught at the very end of the graveyard at Kakariko Village. It's in the same area where you got the Zora Armor. Do some bobber fishing in the water there to find it and add it to your Fish Journal. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Greengill Description: The Greengill is found in many areas, including Ordon Village. It also can be found along the eastern side of the Fishing Hole. They are small, green fish. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Hylian Loach Description: The most biggest fish and hardest fish to catch ever. This big thing can be found only during the summer (see below for info on seasons and how you can tell between them). Go all the way up to the northern side of the lake, to an alcove. You must use the Sinking Lure. The loach is somewhere around that area, and you can find it deep underwater most of the time. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Hylian Pike Description: You can find this fish under the center archway in the Fishing Hole. It's a long fish, and is commonly caught. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Hyrule Bass Description: You'll find these fish more than any others. They lurk around other types of fish, mostly. You'll be catching these quite often. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Ordon Catfish Description: An Ordon Catfish is found under the center archway in the middle of the pond. It looks very similar to the Hylian Pike, but has some whiskers. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Reekfish Description: Found only in Zora's Domain, this is the legendary fish of the Zoras. It's found by the Mother-and-Child rocks, which are the two rocks in the water right next to each other. When you catch it, a stinky smell is left on the fish. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Skullfish Description: The Skullfish is actually an enemy. They're fish that will chomp on you while you're in the water, and they're only found in the Lakebed Temple. You can only get one from bobber fishing. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ------- Seasons ------- Yes, this game's fishing features seasons. However, it's pretty unrealistic. In order to tell what season it is, you have to look around at the trees and such. Each time you reenter the Fishing Hole, the season is changed (it's amazing how the season only changes for the Fishing Hole and nowhere else, huh?). If the trees have cherry blossoms on them, then it's Spring. If there are lilypads at the northern side of the pond and most of the area is green, then it's Summer. If the trees have red leaves, then it's Fall. If the area is snowing and the trees have no leaves, it's Winter. Depending on the season, you'll be able to catch a certain type of fish more commonly and whatnot. However, the Hylian Loach can only be caught during the Summer. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ===================== XIV. Cave of Ordeals ===================== In this section, I will list all of the floors in the Cave of Ordeals, along with strategies for each floor and such. Once you reach the Gerudo Desert, head to the southeast portion of the desert to find a high ledge. Clawshot to the tree there, then you will find a platform with a big bridge stuck in the sand. Have Midna warp this bridge to the Bridge of Eldin, and it'll be repaired. The hole the bridge was covering will now be revealed, and inside is a cave known as the Cave of Ordeals. There are fifty floors, and each floor consists of a certain amount of enemies. Also, you have to have all of the main items to get through the cave, including the Double Clawshots. Which means that you can't get through all fifty floors without getting the Double Clawshots first. Each time you get to a new set of floors (such as 20, then 30, etc.), you have to use a certain item to get around the room after clearing it. This is why it is required to have all of the main items in the game. Every ten floors, you will meet a Great Fairy. She will put fairies in a spring for you to get at any given time. On the last floor, you meet the final Great Fairy. She fills up one of your bottles with Great Fairy Tears. Go in with at least three bottles, and have them filled with Red Potions or fairies. Now, let the strategies begin. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Floor #1 Foes: Bokoblin (x1) Strategy: Nothing to worry about. Just defeat it like you would normally. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Floor #2 Foes: Keese (x3), Rat (x3) Strategy: Again, nothing at all to worry about. If need be, use your bow to defeat the Keese, then your sword to defeat the rats. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Floor #3 Foes: Deku Baba (x4) Strategy: There's one Deku Baba on the ceiling. Shoot the stem with an arrow, then just defeat them. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Floor #4 Foes: Spider (x4) Strategy: To make this room much more simpler, stay on the upper ledge and use your bow to take out the spiders. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Floor #5 Foes: Bokoblin Archer (x3) Strategy: Make sure you've entered this room with the Hylian Shield equipped. These guys will shoot flaming arrows at you. Just defeat them with your sword, blocking their arrows with your shield in the process. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Floor #6 Foes: Fire Slug (x9) Strategy: Shoot the slugs on the ceiling with arrows, then jump down and take care of the rest on the ground. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Floor #7 Foes: Fire Keese (x5), Dodongo (x2) Strategy: Get rid of the flames on the Fire Keese using the Gale Boomerang, and then finish them off with arrows. Jump down and take care of the Dodongos, which should be easy with the Master Sword. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Floor #8 Foes: Blue Tektite (x2), Red Tektite (x4) Strategy: Either use your sword, or use your bow to take out these spiders. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Floor #9 Foes: Bokoblin Archer (x2), Lizalfos (x2) Strategy: A pretty simple floor. Just go for the archers first, then go for the Lizalfos with your sword. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Floor #10 Foes: N/A Strategy: No enemies here. Just a light. Examine it and the Great Fairy will appear. After her speech, continue to the next room. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Floor #11 Foes: Rat (x14), Helmasaur (x3) Strategy: Go for the rats first. After that, Clawshot the Helmasaurs so that you pull their masks off, making them an easy target. Ride the tracks along the wall with the Spinner, then land on the platform leading to the next room. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Floor #12 Foes: Purple ChuChu (x1) Strategy: Not a hard floor at all. Keep attacking the Chuchu to get it to split, and repeat this until you get rid of it completely. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Floor #13 Foes: Bubble Bug (x4) Strategy: Use the Clawshot while targeting these enemies to pull them out of their bubble, then just attack them. Repeat this for all four. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Floor #14 Foes: Winged Bubble (x15) Strategy: These enemies are flying skulls. Jump down and the skulls will come to life. Use your Spin Attack to get rid of all of them quickly. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Floor #15 Foes: Bokoblin (x10) Strategy: This is not much different than any other battle you've had with a pack of Bokoblins. Just go down and defeat them all. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Floor #16 Foes: Rat (x6), Keese (x6) Strategy: Not a difficult room. From the upper ledge, take out the Keese with the bow, then the rats with your sword. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Floor #17 Foes: Poe (x1), Skeletal Dog (x10) Strategy: Get rid of the Poe (in wolf form). Then, defeat the Skeletal Dogs with your sword. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Floor #18 Foes: Leever (x8) Strategy: These enemies can get annoying, but are nothing too difficult. As always, use your sword to defeat them. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Floor #19 Foes: Many ChuChus Strategy: You know how to defeat Chuchus. Just attack them until they disappear completely, and be careful of their only attack: hopping towards you. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Floor #20 Foes: N/A Strategy: No enemies here. Just a light. Examine it and the Great Fairy will appear. After her speech, continue to the next room. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Floor #21 Foes: Bokoblin (x5), Ice Keese (x5) Strategy: You'll need the Ball and Chain to get through this room. Shoot the Ice Keese from the upper platform, then kill the Bokoblins. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Floor #22 Foes: Rat (x8), Keese (x5), Invisible Rat (x8) Strategy: This might prove to be an annoying floor because of the invisible rats; they slow you down when they latch onto you. Kill the Keese with your bow from a distance, then jump down and when the invisible rats latch onto you, become a wolf and use your Spin Attack. Then, finish off the normal rats. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Floor #23 Foes: Stalkin (x30) Strategy: Thirty enemies at once might sound rough, but it's actually quite easy. Jump down and use your Spin Attack until you take care of them. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Floor #24 Foes: ReDead (x5) Strategy: Be very careful in this room, and try to avoid their attacks as much as you can. Shoot Bomb Arrows at them from a distance for an easy kill for these enemies. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Floor #25 Foes: Bullblin (x6), Bullblin Archer (x6) Strategy: Take care of the one on the tower first, then get rid of the rest of the archers. Once they're gone, take care of the normal ones. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Floor #26 Foes: Stalfos (x3) Strategy: This floor is not too bad if you know what you're doing. Get their attention and have them walk towards you, then place a bomb. If you did it right, they'll all walk into it and die immediately. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Floor #27 Foes: Spider (x3), Winged Bubble (x8) Strategy: Take out the spiders using your bow, then jump down and fight the Winged Bubbles with your sword. Easy as that. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Floor #28 Foes: Bokoblin (x6), Lizalfos (x2) Strategy: Get rid of the Bokoblins first, then go for the helmed Lizalfos. This isn't too difficult. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Floor #29 Foes: Stalkin (x12), Fire Bubble (x2), Stalfos (x2) Strategy: This floor might be a pain. Be sure to get rid of the Stalkins first, then the Stalfos, then the Fire Bubbles. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Floor #30 Foes: N/A Strategy: No enemies here. Just a light. Examine it and the Great Fairy will appear. After her speech, continue to the next room. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Floor #31 Foes: Keese (x8), Beamos (x5) Strategy: Be careful here. Stay on the upper ledge and snipe the Keese, then kill the Beamos one by one. Their lasers might hurt you a bit, which is why you have to be careful in here. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Floor #32 Foes: Fire Keese (x6), Fire Slug (x6), Fire Bubble (x6), Dodongo (x2) Strategy: This floor is dark. Be very careful. Shoot the Fire Slugs on the ceiling with arrows, and then shoot the Keese. From there, defeating the other enemies should be easy. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Floor #33 Foes: Poe (x1), ReDead (x4) Strategy: Kill the Poe first. Then, just kill the ReDeads from a distance using some Bomb Arrows. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Floor #34 Foes: Invisible Rat (x8), ChuChu (x8) Strategy: Jump down and immediately turn into a wolf, then use your senses. Kill the invisible rats that will latch onto you, then the ChuChus. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Floor #35 Foes: Ice Keese (x6), Freezard (x1) Strategy: From the top platform, pick off the Ice Keese with your bow, then kill the Freezard with the Ball and Chain. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Floor #36 Foes: Chilfos (x4) Strategy: These guys are simply a pain. Jump down and quickly take them out with the Ball and Chain. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Floor #37 Foes: Leever (x8), Ice Bubble (x8) Strategy: Go for the Leevers first. After that, the Ice Bubbles shouldn't be much of a problem. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Floor #38 Foes: Ice Keese (x6), Freezard (x2), Chilfos (x4), Ice Bubble (x4) Strategy: This floor can get nasty! Kill the Ice Keese with your bow from the top platform, then quickly kill the Freezards and Chilfos using the Ball and Chain. Finally, kill the Ice Bubbles. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Floor #39 Foes: Iron Knuckle (x2) Strategy: You'll have to be extremely careful here. Try to take on one of them at a time. You might have to heal (you had better brought potions or fairies) to get past this room. Just don't rush it. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Floor #40 Foes: N/A Strategy: No enemies here. Just a light. Examine it and the Great Fairy will appear. After her speech, continue to the next room. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Floor #41 Foes: Armos (x9) Strategy: Attack only one Armos at a time, and this room will be much easier. Be careful and you should come out fine. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Floor #42 Foes: Bokoblin (x6), Deku Baba (x6) Strategy: Easy enough. Just kill the Deku Babas first, then kill the Bokoblins. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Floor #43 Foes: Bullblin Archer (x6), Lizalfos (x3) Strategy: Get rid of the archers first, because they can really get in the way. After that, the Lizalfos shouldn't be a problem. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Floor #44 Foes: Poe (x1), Armored Lizalfos (x4) Strategy: Become a wolf and get rid of the Poe immediately. Fight one of the Armored Lizalfos at once. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Floor #45 Foes: Bullblin Archer (x2), ReDead (x5), ChuChu (x12) Strategy: The ReDeads will mostly be the problem here. Kill the archers from the top platform first, then the ReDeads with Bomb Arrows. Then, kill all twelve Chuchus. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Floor #46 Foes: Freezard (x2), Chilfos (x3), Invisible Rat (x8) Strategy: Kill the Freezards and Chilfos first with the Ball and Chain. Turn into a wolf and get rid of the rats afterwards. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Floor #47 Foes: Bokoblin (x1), Rat (x10), Stalkin (x20) Strategy: Pretty easy. Kill the Bokoblins and Rats first, then Spin Attack all of the Stalkins. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Floor #48 Foes: Aeralfos (x2), Iron Knuckle (x1) Strategy: Try and get rid of the Iron Knuckle first. Be careful here, because you could take some hard hits. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Floor #49 Foes: Iron Knuckle (x3) Strategy: Here it is: the final floor with enemies in it. Do your best, and make sure you're stocked up as much as possible. I hope you have a lot of hearts; just give it all you've got! Good luck. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Floor #50 Foes: N/A Strategy: No enemies here, just the last Great Fairy. She'll fill up one of your bottles with Great Fairy Tears. If you come back to the cave again, there will be some more enemies and you'll be able to get another bottle filled with the tears. Go to any spring in the game, and you'll be able to talk to the light spirits. They'll fill your bottles with more Great Fairy Tears if you don't have any in any of your bottles. Congratulations! ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- =============== XV. Mini-Games =============== In this section, I will list all of the mini-games in the game, along with info about how to play them and such. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Boat Cabin Location: Zora's River Prize: Giant Bomb Bag, Purple Rupee (after winning once, this is the prize) How To Find: To start this mini-game, you must have first restored light to the spring of Lanayru at Lake Hylia. Then, go back to Upper Zora's River and look for a girl (her name is Iza) by a building. Talk to her, then head forward and you'll have to fight shadow beasts. Defeat the three of them, and then she'll thank you. You'll appear inside the building she was in front of (called Zora's River). In that building, she'll want you to clear out some rocks across the stream for free using Bomb Arrows. Once you finish that, you can play the actual mini-game for 20 Rupees, and 120 Rupees total for a guide (not recommended). How To Play: You'll ride down the water stream of Zora's River, and your object is to shoot the bottles you come to using Bomb Arrows. Each yellow bottle is worth one point, and the red ones are worth two. If you bump into a wall, a point is deducted from your score. The canoe can be slightly difficult to control, making you bump into the walls a few times. Score 25 points, and at the end of the game, you'll receive a Giant Bomb Bag. This allows you to carry more of each bomb. Win again, and you get a Purple Rupee (you get this prize every time you play it after getting the Giant Bomb Bag). ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Falbi's Flight-by-Fowl Location: Lake Hylia Prize: Varies How To Find: Go to Lake Hylia after restoring water to the lake, and go to the eastern part of it to find a weird man named Fyer. Pay 10 Rupees for the basic ride, and you'll be launched up to a door. Enter it and climb down the ladder, then turn around and talk to Falbi. He will offer you to play his game for 20 Rupees. How To Play: Grab a Cucco and jump out the window. If you fly into the big Rupees, you'll get some (1 for green, 5 for blue, like usual). Fly to the pyramid platform way out in the water, which is known as the Isle of Riches. Depending on where you land on that platform, you can open up a chest to get a certain prize. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- STAR Game Location: Hyrule Castle Town Prize: Big Quiver (First Time), Giant Quiver (Second Time) How To Find: Enter Hyrule Castle Town through the eastern gate of Hyrule Field, then head south to find a tent. Inside that tent, you'll be introduced to the STAR game (only if you have the Clawshot). Pay up the Rupees to start the game. After winning once, come back after getting the Double Clawshots for the second stage. How To Play: Your object in this mini-game is to Clawshot across the gate and collect the colorful orbs in a certain amount of time. If you get three or more at once, the crowd watching you will cheer for you. This game really isn't that difficult. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Plumm's Balloon Fight Location: Lake Hylia Prize: Piece of Heart, Silver Rupee How To Find: Once you gain the ability to become a human and a wolf at your own desire, warp to Lake Hylia and stay in wolf form. Walk to where Fyer is. On the way there, you'll be stopped by Plumm the bird. He will offer you to play a mini-game for free. Accept his offer, and howl the tune where the grass nearby is to start the game. How To Play: You must point the Wii Remote at the screen to control the bird's direction. You have to fly into the balloons to score points. The Watermelons are worth 1 point, Oranges are worth 3, and the best one of them all, the Strawberry balloons, are worth 10. Fly into the same balloon in a row to get a combo. Each time you pop the same balloon, your points are doubled by the amount of points you received last time. Each balloon has a certain cap to the points. Go for the Strawberries only, the moment you see them. If you get 10,000 points, you'll win a Piece of Heart. If you get the maximum amount of points, which is 80,000, you'll win a Silver Rupee! ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- RollGOAL Location: Upper Zora's River Prize: Frog Lure How To Find: Head to the Fishing Hole at the upper river. From there, enter the building where Hena is located. From where you enter, look to your right, and down at the maze game there. Hena will offer you to play the game for 5 Rupees. How To Play: To play this, you have to manuver a marble down the maze until it reaches the end, while avoiding the cliffs and other obstacles. Hold the Wii Remote like you would normally, and tilt it to the left and right to move the marble around. Once you win, exit and reenter the building and a new stage will be available. Once you get past 1-8, you get the Frog Lure. You can still keep playing after that, but the time you have to complete the stages will be lowered a bit. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Snowboard Racing Location: Snowpeak Prize: Piece of Heart How To Find: Once you beat the Snowpeak Ruins, warp back to the top of Snowpeak and become a human. Walk up to Yeto and Yeta, and speak with Yeto. He will offer you to race him down the mountain. Once you beat Yeto, you can race Yeta and get a Piece of Heart for winning. How To Play: Beating Yeto is pretty easy. He's not too fast, and you can be ahead of him for pretty much the whole race. For the races against both Yeto and Yeta, you can use your sword and hit them to slow them down a bit. Just race Yeto down the snowy path like normal, and you'll beat him sooner or later. Yeta, on the other hand, is a bit difficult. It's the same as the race with Yeto, but she's quicker than you and takes a shortcut near the end. The shortcut is on the map. Look at the right side of the path the whole time, and you'll come to a platform with a Rupee trail. Jump up there and follow the shortcut to the end. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- =========== XVI. Shops =========== In this section, I will list all of the shops in the game, along with info about how much the items cost and such. --------------- Sera's Sundries --------------- Location: Ordon Village ------------------------------------ Items: Slingshot - 30 Rupees Lantern Oil - 20 Rupees Bee Larva (10) - 10 Rupees Milk - 10 Rupees ------------------------------------ ------------ Trill's Shop ------------ Location: Faron Woods ------------------------------------ Items: Red Potion - 30 Rupees Lantern Oil - 20 Rupees ------------------------------------ ---------------------------------------- Malo Mart (after you get the Iron Boots) ---------------------------------------- Location: Kakariko Village NOTE: The Hawkeye is only sold after you play the target-shooting game, whether you win or lose. ------------------------------------ Items: Hylian Shield - 200 Rupees Wooden Shield - 50 Rupees Red Potion - 30 Rupees Hawkeye - 100 Rupees Arrows (10) - 10 Rupees ------------------------------------ ------------------------------------- Barnes' Bomb Shop (after Goron Mines) ------------------------------------- Location: Kakariko Village ------------------------------------ Items: Bombs (10) - 30 Rupees ------------------------------------ ------------------------------------------------ Barnes' Bomb Shop (after you get the Zora Armor) ------------------------------------------------ Location: Kakariko Village ------------------------------------ Items: Bombs (10) - 30 Rupees Water Bombs (5) - 30 Rupees Water Bombs (10) - 60 Rupees Water Bombs (15) - 90 Rupees ------------------------------------ ------------------------------------------- Barnes' Bomb Shop (after Arbiter's Grounds) ------------------------------------------- Location: Kakariko Village ------------------------------------ Items: Bombs (10) - 30 Rupes Water Bombs (5) - 30 Rupees Water Bombs (10) - 60 Rupees Water Bombs (15) - 90 Rupees Bombling - 6 Rupees ------------------------------------ ------------------------------------------ Goron Shop (after Goron Mines, night only) ------------------------------------------ Location: Kakariko Village ------------------------------------ Items: Blue Potion - 100 Rupees Red Potion - 30 Rupees Lantern Oil - 20 Rupees ------------------------------------ --------------- Hot Spring Shop --------------- Location: Death Mountain NOTE: To get here, climb up the mountain, and when you come to what appears to be a fence by a Goron, jump off the right side of the ledge. ------------------------------------ Items: Milk - 20 Rupees Wooden Shield - 50 Rupees Lantern Oil - 20 Rupees Arrows (10) - 10 Rupees ------------------------------------ ------------------------------------------------- Special Goron Shop (after Magic Armor side quest) ------------------------------------------------- Location: Hyrule Castle Town ------------------------------------ Items: Hot Springwater - 20 Rupees ------------------------------------ ------------- Goron Shop #1 ------------- Location: Hyrule Castle Town NOTE: To get here, head to the southwestern part of the Central Square. There is a building there with a Goron shop. ------------------------------------ Items: Lantern Oil - 30 Rupees ------------------------------------ ------------- Goron Shop #2 ------------- Location: Hyrule Castle Town NOTE: To get here, head to the southwestern part of the Central Square. There is a building there. Enter it, head up the stairs, and proceed outside. The Goron here sells you something. ------------------------------------ Items: Arrows (30) - 40 Rupees ------------------------------------ ---------------------------------------- Malo Mart (after Magic Armor side quest) ---------------------------------------- Location: Hyrule Castle Town ------------------------------------ Items: Magic Armor - 598 Rupees Bombling (10) - 30 Rupees Water Bombs (15) - 45 Rupees Bombs (30) - 30 Rupees Red Potion - 15 Rupees Blue Potion - 50 Rupees Arrows (5) - 5 Rupees ------------------------------------ ---------- Oocca Shop ---------- Location: City in the Sky ------------------------------------ Items: Arrows (30) - 30 Rupees Bombs (30) - 90 Rupees Lantern Oil - 20 Rupees Blue Potion - 100 Rupees Red Potion - 30 Rupees ------------------------------------ ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ============== XVII. Secrets ============== In this section, I will list all of the secrets in the game, along with info about how to find them and such. Secret #1 - Control a Cucco --------------------------- Normally in Zelda games, when you repedeately attack a Cucco, it'll call out many other Cuccos to come and attack you until you leave that area. However, in Twilight Princess, it's different. Attacking a Cucco repedeately eventually allows you to control it for a short time. Secret #2 - Silver Rupee in Kakariko Village -------------------------------------------- If you want 200 Rupees easily, then here's how to get some. Shoot a Bomb Arrow into the bell of the sanctuary, and you'll see a Silver Rupee fall out. Become a wolf and walk up to the right side of the sanctuary. Have Midna help you jump up to the top, then get the Silver Rupee. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ================================== XVIII. Frequently Asked Questions ================================== In this section, I will list the most commonly asked questions regarding this game. Before emailing me with a question, please refer to this very section first, and see if your question is already answered! Thank you. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Q: Is there any way to mess up your game, forcing you to restart? A: Yes. As a matter of fact, there are about three ways. First off, when you get to the point in the game where half of the Bridge of Eldin gets taken away, do NOT save and quit your game. You will restart at Kakariko Village, which is past the southern part of the bridge. If you go to the bridge, it is possible that you will not be able to cross. Also, once you get the Big Key in the Arbiter's Grounds, continue playing until you beat the boss. If you don't, you might experience a glitch where you can never reach the boss. When you find the Sky Cannon in the sanctuary basement of Kakariko Village, do NOT save and quit before warping the cannon to Lake Hylia. If you do, Shad will be gone, but Midna will still refuse to warp the cannon. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Q: Why are the Gamecube and Wii versions mirrored? A: It's because in the Wii version, they made Link hold a shield in his left hand and a sword in his right hand. This is because it would feel weird holding the Nunchuk and the Wii Remote in the left and right hands, when Link's sword would be in the left hand and his shield in the right. I'm not entirely sure why the game itself was mirrored, though. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Q: Is there a way to get a magic meter in this game? A: Sadly, no. However, it would've been a good addition to this game. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ================ XIX. Email Info ================ If you wish to email me about this guide, whether it be a comment or a typo, or even a big error in the guide, then email me at my email listed at the top of this guide. For those who are lazy, my email is Email me there, and I'll add whatever it is I missed, or fix whatever it is I messed up on as soon as possible. Please make the subject something to do with the game (such as "Legend of Zelda: Twilight Princess FAQ"), so I'll know that your email isn't spam. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ============ XX. Credits ============ Credits go to you for reading this guide. Credits go to me for taking the time to write this guide. Credits go to Nintendo for making such an awesome game, and for making such an awesome system with a new control style! ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ================ XXI. Copyrights ================ Do not copy this guide without my permission. If you attempt to do that without my permission, you will be in trouble with the law. For permission, email me at my email adress listed at the top of this guide, I may say yes, I may say no, it depends. This guide is a Copyright (c) 2007, and was created by Jesse Winstead. All rights reserved. The following sites have been allowed to use this guide: End Of File. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------