Legend of Zelda Twilight Princess FAQ/walkthrough By Jonny Humphries version 1.8 Last updated January 4, 2007 NOTICE: This walkthrough CAN be used for the GC version. Just swap east/west and left/right in terms of directions. Table of Contents -Intro [intr] -Controls [cont] -General Information [gene] -Walkthrough [walk] -Part 1: Dawn of Darkness [par1] -Forest Temple [fore] -Part 2: Out of the Twilight, Into the Fire [par2] -Goron Mines [goro] -Part 3: Mandatory Impossible Water Dungeon [par3] -Lakebed Temple [lake] -Part 4: Reflection in the Sands [par4] -Arbiter's Grounds [arbi] -Part 5: Snowboarding and Superb Soup [par5] -Snowpeak Ruins [snow] -Part 6: Walking on Sacred Ground [par6] -Temple of Time [temp] -Part 7: City in the Sky- Beautiful, Breezy, UNPLEASANT! [par7] -City in the Sky [city] -Part 8: Showdown in the Palace of Twilight [par8] -Palace of Twilight [pala] -Part 9: Hyrule Castle Reclamation: Denouement [par9] -Hyrule Castle [hyru] -Heart Piece List [hear] -Golden Bug List [gold] -Hidden Skills List [hidd] -Version History [vers] -Copyright Information [copy] -Contact Information [cont] -Special Thanks [spec] -About Me [abou] !!!!!!!!!!!! Intro [intr] !!!!!!!!!!!! Hello, everyone! Jonny here! Much has already been written and discussed about Twilight Princess. I was excited as any Zelda fanboy/girl about this game, and I wasn't disappointed. Hell, that game was a system-seller, and I can see why. I now actually like Twilight Princess more than Ocarina of Time. Hence, this walkthrough. My first attempt at a guide(for Fire Emblem Path of Radiance for the Gamecube) met with pretty good success, so I decided to throw another proverbial rock into the fray of online walkthroughs. I would have started this way sooner, but I wanted to play through the game at least once so I knew what to do already, rather than do it on the first playthrough and constantly pause and correct myself. Hopefully, you find it useful. This walkthrough does contain what could be CONSIDERED spoilers, but I reveal nothing ahead of time. It's best if you watch the cutscenes and then read the walkthrough itself at any particular point if you're using it. And as always, I make some comments of my own as the story progresses. So, enough preamble. Enjoy! And one final warning before you continue: this FAQ, much like the game it is based on, is aimed towards a teenage(13+) audience. Here we go... @@@@@@@@@@@@@@@ Controls [cont] @@@@@@@@@@@@@@@ *Note: This list assumes you have the Nunchuk already attached to the controller. Control Stick -move Link around -move your horse around while riding. Push forward to gallop, left and right to change direction, and down to stop and turn 180 degrees -move viewpoint around in first person view -swap between selections on menus Control Pad -assign items to B button with left, right, and down -activate wolf senses when in wolf form with left and right -dig holes in wolf form with down -talk to Midna with up. Also transform into wolf and warp once the latter two options are gained Wii Remote -swing back and forth to swing sword -attack enemies while in wolf form -aim with certain weapons -other assorted functions in minigames Nunchuk -shake to perform a spin attack -flick forwards to do a Shield Attack once the move has been gained A button -action button. Performs any number of situational tasks -jump attack while sword is drawn or in wolf mode(continue to press A to maul opponents) -use certain other sword techniques -zoom in on map screen B button -use equipped weapon -hold and release to use energy attack in wolf form -zoom out on map screen C button -swap in and out of first person mode Z button -both defend with your shield and target your closest opponent at once(known as Z-targeting) - button -bring up item selection sub-screen + button -bring up collection sub-screen 1 button -bring up map sub-screen 2 button -swap between hiding and showing mini-map display ########################## General Information [gene] ########################## This section is a small primer for those who are COMPLETELY new to the Legend of Zelda universe, to get you all up to speed. ~Heads-Up Display~ basically, this is all the extra icons and such you see on your screen. The red hearts in the upper left represent how much life Link has. Once you run outta those, it's game over! You can increase the amount of life you have by either collecting Heart Pieces(5 of which make a new Heart Container), or earning a whole one by defeating the boss of a dungeon. The control pad icon in the top right corner of the screen shows what items you have equipped at the moment. The one on the B button icon can be used immediately, but if you press a direction on the control pad, the corresponding item will be set to your B button. Some items won't require setting to your B button, those will be pointed out to you by the game as you collect them. Pressing up on your control pad will let you talk to your friend Midna. She'll always have a good bit of advice regarding your progress in the game, so talk to her if you're stuck and you need a refresher. The lower left corner of the screen contains your map display. Helpful if you need some quick directions, not much else to say about that... And the lower right counter displays the number of rupees(the game's currency) you have collected. They're very prevalent in this game, so no need to worry about cash flow. ~Basics of Exploration~ The game is ALL about exploring. The game world is massive- bigger than any other adventure game I've played, and I've played a lot. As you run around the overworld, towns, dungeons and the like, always pay attention to your surroundings. Look for unusual or suspicious parts of the environment- rocks you can blow up, Clawshot targets, switches- things of that nature. "Be vigilant" is the biggest piece of advice I can give if you want to beat this game without a hand-holding guide. Keep your eyes and ears open for everything. Even take notes at home if you see something odd or unreachable. Come back to it later when your inventory is bigger, and you never know what you might find. And of course, experiment with your weapons and items. Almost all of them have more than one use, so see what else you can uncover. ~Combat~ You'll encounter many enemies in this game, some harder than others. Sometimes you'll have to pull out your sword and give a little ass-whipping, lest you take one yourself. Hold down the Z button to lock onto the nearest enemy, and use the Wii remote to attack your enemies just by swinging it around. Jump attacks(using the A button) do double damage, so make good use of them. Some enemies will require the use of a specific weapon, item, or skill to defeat. Try everything until you find something that works! Naturally, I'll detail how to kill certain enemies as you encounter them in the walkthrough. Lastly, there are a small number of TOUGH enemies- bosses and minibosses that guard key items or the end of dungeons. These ones will really require more strategy than force to kill. Always pay attention to your surroundings, and use recently acquired items- they almost always work like a charm. And if you're really stuck, Midna will always be there to give you a hint in the right direction. ~Link's wolf form~ Almost every Zelda game since Link to the Past has had some sort of major transformation for Link. Ocarina of Time had child/adult Link, Majora's Mask had the Deku/Goron/Zora masks, Minish Cap had Link's shrinking ability, and Twilight Princess has a new form for Link: a wolf. For the early part of the game, you transform into a wolf whenever you enter the Twilight Realm. Your abilities are drastically altered when you're in wolf mode. For one thing, you can't use any of your weapons or items. For another, you can't talk to human characters but you can talk to animals. Also, you cannot open most doors as a wolf(opposable thumb issue- or lack thereof). Later in the game, however, you gain the ability to shift back and forth from wolf to human. You can only shift back and forth when nobody's watching, though. The rest... well, you'll figure it out as you go along. ;) $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$ Walkthrough [walk] $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$ This is it, the meat of this FAQ. Here, you'll find everything you need to do to beat this game, in order. I hope everyone finds my directions clear enough to follow well, and I apologize in advance if the writing styles of different sections don't "mesh" together as well as you'd expect. That's what I get for writing some parts of this thing at three in the morning. Nonetheless, I hope everyone finds it useful. In the walkthrough, I will periodically point out collectables like Heart Pieces, Golden Bugs, Howl Stones, and the locations of the Golden Wolf as I came across them. Those paragraphs are strictly optional, but I HIGHLY suggest you pick them up. They'll make the game more enjoyable. I was going to put in a list of the regular items, but decided against it. I mean, you get stuff like the Clawshot or Iron Boots as the story progresses anyway. That sort of list would only be a waste of space... you know. Also, for the upgrades such as the additional Bomb Bags, quivers, and the big wallet(I have not yet found the next wallet size) are in the walkthrough rather than having a separate section. The same goes for the bosses. I mean no offense to anyone when I say this, but when people write walkthroughs and put all the bosses in a separate section near the end and leave them out of the main walkthrough, it just feels broken. Everyone's style is their own, but if you need help with a boss, just scroll through the walkthrough section. I have the boss strategies easily sectioned off and noticeable. I point out all the big upgrades and bosses anyway, so if you need one particular item or such, just scroll through until you find the appropriate heading. I can't think of anything more to say here, so enjoy the game, and my guide! %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% -Part 1: Dawn of Darkness [par1] %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% First off, once the game starts, you get to name your character and your horse. For simplicity's sake, I'm sticking with their respective original names, Link and Epona. ~Ordon Village~ After watching the opening scenes, talk to Fado(your goat herder buddy) once you gain control of Link. Take some time to get used to the Wii's control scheme, then when you're comfortable, leave and go north to the Ordon Woods. ~Ordon Woods~ Head north then east to get to the spring, where you meet Epona and Ilia(who you can tell totally has the hots for Link). Watch the scene, then go the nearby patch of horse grass. Play, you magic elf, play us a song! That grass is basically this game's Epona's Song. Climb on top of Epona, and head south to the main part of Ordon Village. ~Ordon Village~ To be honest, this is a small and boring place(well, only boring for now). Just head straight south to Fado's ranch. ~Ordon Ranch~ Talk to Fado in the middle of the field. He'll get you to herd all the goats into the barn while riding Epona. Come to think of it, this is great practice for riding Epona anyway, and since you have no time limit, feel free to mess around. For actually herding them, try and "lead" them away from you and press A to shout and scare them away even more. Once they're all put away, Fado will put up some fences so you can practice jumping with Epona. Once you're done, jump the fence and head back north. ~Ordon Village~ Next morning, a few of Link's little buddies will wake him up. Go outside and talk to Talo(the kid with the red bandana), Malo(the androgynous toddler), and Beth(the freckle-faced girl). You want that Slingshot they're talking about, you know you do... But if you go to the general store, you'll see that the owner is in no mood to sell anything. Her cat has gone missing... hmm... As you leave the store, head to Link's right. A guy will talk to you from on top of a rock and point out that same cat. We're gonna have to lure it back to the store. First off, go to the top of that rock and pick a piece of hawk grass. Whistle with it like you did with the horse grass and a hawk will come down to meet you. You can aim him with the Remote and release him, so release him on the bee's nest above Fado's house. It'll come crashing to the ground. You know, those bee larva would make great fishing bait... Go to the river and talk to Uli, Rusl's wife(she's the pregnant lady with the red and white shirt). She's stressing over a cradle... Go back up to where you called the hawk, and leap onto the store's roof. Jump from there across several more rocks to one last rock spire in the middle of the pond. There'll be another patch of hawk grass, so call your bird buddy again and look off into the distance. There should be a monkey off in the center of the lake on top of a rock. Aim well, and loose the hawk on the monkey. If you aimed correctly, he should snatch the cradle right out of the monkey's arms and deliver it right into your hands! Bring it back to Uli and follow her back to her house. She'll give you a FISHING ROD as thanks! We're gonna bait that cat now... Head to the stream where the cat is. It's behind the house with the paddle wheel. You can NOT catch that cat yourself, so don't even try. You'll have to catch a fish to coerce it. So, equip that rod to B and cast it into the water. You won't be able to acquire any bait yet, so just wait things out and once you catch a fish, flip it out of the water. I find the best time to catch one on the hook would be RIGHT when the bobber dips all the way into the water. This is probably the most annoying part of the game, honestly, so it's good we're getting it out of the way. Regardless, once you get a fish on the line, flip it out of the water. The cat should grab it and take it straight down to the shop. Return to the shop and talk to the owner to receive a nice reward: a BOTTLE! ...with milk. Now, the milk is decent, but it's the bottle that's the real prize. It can be reused indefinitely to store just about anything. Also, the store owner will start selling her wares. Now you can buy that Slingshot. Run around town and scrounge up 30 rupees. You can climb to the top of that tree the bee nest was in to get 15 rupees, but the rest you'll just have to find wherever. Busting open pumpkins is the best way. :P Once you have enough, buy the SLINGSHOT, then head north to Link's house. Those kids will be thrilled about the Slingshot, so you can do some target practice with the targets set up outside of Link's house. It's a good idea to get aiming down pat now, too, because you'll need to hit targets under a lot more pressure later on. Once you finish the display for the kids, head up into Link's house. However, there's a Skulltula lurking on Link's ladder. Use the Slingshot to knock it off, then climb up into your house. Open the chest placed there by Rusl and grab the WOODEN SWORD. It's your first main weapon in the game. Sweet! Once you leave your house, talk to the kids again and they'll give you a brief tutorial on how to use your sword. Once that's over, a monkey will appear... follow it! Keep heading north until you get to... ~Faron Woods~ You're gonna have to call Epona here to leap over the gate. Once you do, keep going north, then northwest until you come across a cottage with a guy outside. This is Coro, your friendly neighborhood lantern expert. Talk to him, and he'll tell you about the dangers of dark caves up ahead... even better, he'll give you the LANTERN! Take it out in dark areas to illuminate things, but be careful of the oil level(represented with a yellow meter). You can refill the Lantern by using oil stored in a bottle, coming back here, or finding it in basins in certain dungeons. In any case, laugh at the bird's nest in his hair, then go back to that cave you passed up earlier to the northeast. There will be a Deku Baba in front of the gate, so slice it up. Once it dies, you can grab the nut it produces, and throw it to gain seeds for your Slingshot. Into the cave now... It's dark in there, so you'll have to whip out your Lantern to see your way around. Light the torches as you go, and you can even find a chest with 10 rupees in it. Burn away the webs by swinging your lantern with B, and exit to the north. <3 Heart Piece!!!<3 Once you emerge into the forest again, head to the northwest. You'll come across another small cave. Kill the Bokoblin inside, and open the chest for a small key. But that's not all... light the two torches in here, and a chest will appear on the upper ledge. Open it for your first HEART PIECE! Then get out of that cave and head southeast, carving up all who stand in your way. Open the gate in the southeast, and keep going. CURRENT TOTAL: 3 hearts, 1 piece Head north in this new area. You're just outside the Forest Temple, but you won't be getting in there for a little while. Also, take note of the large bridge that seems to have been dumped off here... remember it for later... Head north, and you'll see Talo and the monkey trapped in a cage. Kill the Bokoblins guarding it, then cut the cage to open it. After that, you'll see a nice wrap-up moment with Link returning the kids back to Ordon Village. The story automatically cuts to the next morning. ~Ordon Ranch~ Now you get to herd some more goats. Same as before, but this time there's more- 20 instead of 10. Once you finish, head back into the main village. ~Ordon Village~ You'll see another scene here. Talk to the mayor again for a rather humorous sequence... a goat will get loose from the ranch, and you'll have to plant your feet with A and grab it by the horns. Keep in mind, you'll have to do this again later in the game. Once that's done, head north to the Ordon Woods again. ~Ordon Woods~ The gate to the spring is closed because Ilia's pissed at Link, so search to the southeastern wall for a crawlspace. Enter it with A and emerge in the spring. After some dialogue, Link, Ilia, and the kids will be captured by a group of orc-like Moblins. ~Hyrule Castle- Twilight~ Once Link regains consciousness, you'll see you're chained up inside a cell. There's nothing you can do but wait, and eventually a strange little humanoid will come to talk to you. This little creature is Midna, and she'll be your ally for the rest of the game. She'll free you from your chain, but you'll have to get out of the cell at your own accord. Z-target so you're facing the pile of wood in the corner of your cell, and press A to charge and break it. Dig out of your cell, then head southeast to the exit. Midna will ride on your back, and she'll help you whenever she can(like pulling on that switch with A to open up the grating). Get used to your new wolf body, then head onward! Make your way through the sewers. There's really no way to get lost, but go northwest towards the circular room. As you go, there are several little alcoves to the west and south. Pull the switch along the way to lower the water level so you can continue, than the one to the south to raise the water level again so you can pass over the spikes to the north. In short, you want to make sure the flood gate on the west dead end is open, then swim across the spikes and go to the northeast dead end. Open that gate up to drain the water, then go immediately west from there. Midna will be waiting on the other side of a grating, but there will be a small hole you can crawl through. On the other side, you'll come across a large spiral staircase. Work your way up it, and you'll see another new technique- a Midna-assisted Long Jump! When you try to jump to the next edge, it'll crumble, but go back up to it, and Midna will alert you. Answer her with Up and she'll warp to the next ledge. Z- target her and press A to jump towards her. You'll often do this several times in quick succession, so be sure you're comfortable with it here. You'll also come across tightropes you can only cross in wolf form. Once you get to the top of the stairs, stand on the bit of rubble on the floor, and do another series of long jumps to the top of the tower. Head outside, and move along the roof to the north. There are no surprises here, but edges of the roof will crumble if you stay on them too long, so watch it. You'll also have to push a crate with A to continue on. Once you reach the slanted roof at the end, climb up top into another tower. Go up the stairs and into the room to see Princess Zelda for the first time in this game, as well as a flashback detailing the first appearance of the pure evil that is the Twilight King. Once that's all over, leave down the stairs for another scene. We'll be going back to Ordon Woods... but you'll still be stuck in wolf form. Midna will also disappear into your shadow, as she is unable to take physical form outside of the Twilight Realm. For now, head south to Ordon Village. Looks like we're going to have to find a new sword and shield... ~Ordon Village~ As you go south from Link's house, a squirrel will talk to you. Yeah, you can talk to animals as a wolf, so use this to your advantage. Go south in the village and you'll see the mayor and Rusl talking about a shield... hmm... if you try to get closer, they'll leave, so you'll have to sneak up on them. Go into the lake, climb out where you caught the fish earlier, then stand JUST inside the torchlight and listen in on them. You'll learn the whereabouts of both the shield and sword you want. For the shield, you'll have to get into the waterwheel house from the roof. Stand on the rock in front of the shop, you can do a long jump up to the roof. Be CAREFUL, though. There's a guy on top of a nearby rock, and if he sees you in the nearby torchlight, he'll summon a hawk to attack you. You actually have to get him to see you once, I think, so once that happens, leave the area and come back. Then, you'll be able to do that long jump to the roof. Sneak up behind the guy, that'll scare him away. Then do another long jump series into the house. Once inside, climb onto the table, do a long jump the nearby ledge, then dash into the wall a couple of times to knock the ORDON SHIELD off the wall. Leave via the nearby open window. The sword is a good deal easier. Remember Rusl's house? It's in the far east of the village. Go to the back corner of the house, but be sure not to get spotted by Rusl carrying the torch. Turn on your wolf sense to find a dig spot, and dig in it to get inside the house. Grab the sword from the sofa and leave the way you came. Now we're heading back to Faron Woods... where the Twilight realm has taken over. ~Ordon Woods~ Go back to the spring. After a short scene, a Twilight monster will appear. Kill it quickly! If you use your Jump Attack as a wolf, you can latch onto your opponents and bite them repeatedly with A. After this, you'll be briefed on what's going on by Ordona, the Light Spirit. Continue north to the Twilight Realm and enter... ~Faron Woods- Twilight~ Head north, and you'll be trapped by several more Ing-esque(if anyone's played Metroid Prime 2) Twilight monsters. You now have to take on three at once, but you'll quickly learn about fighting them three on one. You kill two, the last one revives them. What you'll have to do, once Midna points it out, is hold the B button to use your energy field attack and take 2 or all 3 out at once. You'll have to do this a lot over the game, so make sure you're comfortable with that too. Once you've killed them all, continue north to a spring not far from here. Check it to talk to the light spirit there: Faron. Looks like you have a new mission: to kill all the evil electrical bugs in the woods and gather the tears they drop. This part isn't too hard. The bugs all show up on your map as white dots, but you'll need your wolf sense to see them. Bugs one and two are right down the path from where you start. Head to Coro's cabin to find number three on the side of said cabin. Dash into the wall to dislodge it, kill it, and climb up and Long Jump into the house. Use your senses to see Coro cowering in the corner, and bugs four and five will be revealed. Kill them too, then leave the way you came. Go back to the entrance to the dark cave. The door is locked, but you can get around that by digging below it. Kill bugs number six and seven here, then continue through the cave. Luckily, it's pretty bright in here. Nothing special in here, just exit to the north. An insidious purple fog now covers most of the ground here. Bugs eight and nine are on the wall to the left, and once you've killed them, go to the edge of the fog on the left wall to start another Long Jump sequence. Head towards the overhanging cliff and two more rocky spires, then Long Jump across them onto the platform in the center of the area. Bugs ten, eleven, and twelve are all on this center platform. After taking them all, go to the east edge of the platform for four(!!!) more Long Jump sequences in a row. Once you reach the end, there'll be bugs thirteen and fourteen in the ground. These ones, you'll have to dig up. Head east to the entrance to the Forest Temple. Once you change areas, you'll find more Twilight monsters. Kill them like before, then continue towards the entrance of the Forest Temple. Bugs fifteen and sixteen are in plain sight here(in a manner of speaking). Once you've killed them both and collected all the tears, you'll be transported back to the spring, brought back to your human form(with some absolutely BADASS new clothing), and the Twilight Realm will be gone! ...for now. ~Faron Woods~ Once you regain control of Link, head straight to Coro's shack. He'll give you the small key needed to open the gate to the north Faron Woods. He'll also have a new offer, a BOTTLE full of lantern oil for 100 rupees. If you have the cash now, drop it for the bottle. If not, it's safe to wait until after the Forest Temple to do it. But the bottle is definitely worth it. If you don't have enough to buy the bottle, at least get a refill, because you'll need it in a moment. In any case, head through the dark cave towards the north. The evil fog is still there, however, but you can get it out of your way by swiping your lantern. You won't get that chance, though, because as you head towards it, a monkey will steal your lantern! Basically, just follow her through the fog, killing any enemies that happen to show up, and once you reach the end, you'll get your lantern back, empty of oil. If you didn't buy the bottle, I hope you have some extra oil, because you'll need it to get into the Forest Temple. Even if you have none, there's a small store run by a sentient(?) bird near the Forest Temple. Fill your bottle with Lantern Oil if you need it, but you better pay him, lest you get pecked to death. When you're prepared, go north to the entrance to the Forest Temple... On your way, however, you'll come across a mysterious Golden Wolf. After a scene with him, you'll learn your first Hidden Skill: the ENDING BLOW! Basically, you use it on enemies who have fallen to the ground to kill them instantly. Use it often, use it well. Continue north and burn away the web with your Lantern to enter the... <<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<< Forest Temple [fore] >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> OVERVIEW: The Forest Temple is the first dungeon, only has one floor, and is fairly easy. Monkeys are your friends in this one, but to uncover everything, you'll need to harness the power of wind, free all the poor imprisoned primates, and deal with some rotating bridges and hungry plants. WALKTHROUGH: Head north into the first room, and dispose of the assorted baddies lurking within(Keese, the Zelda universe equivalent to bats, and more Bokoblins). Once they're cleared out, cut the monkey's cage to free her. Go back and climb the ivy on the west wall to reach a chest containing 10 rupees, and head north into the next room. Keep heading north, pausing to slaughter a Big Skulltula. On the ground floor, there is a Bomb Spider that turns into an explosive device once you hit it with your sword. Use it to blow up the nearby rock and gain access to a 20 rupee chest(don't worry about the one hanging from the ceiling... we'll be back for that later). Light the four torches in the center platform to raise a staircase, then grab the DUNGEON MAP from the chest to the left and move north into the next room. You're now outside. All looks well... until an evil monkey appears and uses some sort of tornado-generating boomerang to destroy the bridge! Oh well, we'll have to try another route for the time being. Go back to the previous room. I'm actually going to call this room with the four torches and the hanging chest the "main room", for reference's sake. Your monkey friend will move onto a tightrope and start swinging, allowing you to swing across with her help. Time it right and let go to cross to the platform to the west, and head into the next room. Here, head to the right and use another Bomb Spider to blast away another rock. Smash one of the jars here to meet Ooccoo, a VERY creepy-looking warping chicken... ever see that South Park episode where Stan stays with PETA, and there are those human/animal hybrids? That's what she reminds me of... but I digress. You can use her to warp out of dungeons, say, to gather supplies, then warp right back to where you left, but you should never need to do that. Head to the main part of the room, and leap across the platforms to the north end of the room. If you care, you can make a detour into the water, then swim southwest to find a small cave with 10 rupees. Head through the northern door. Keep going across the bridge here, but be careful: the bridge is affected by the wind here and will periodically spin 90 degrees, rendering it inaccessible until it spins back into place again. Tread across and head through the northern door. All you need to do here is grab the small key out of the nearby chest and leave the way you came. Go two rooms back. Go west in the water room and unlock the door. In this room, you'll see an imprisoned monkey. We're gonna have to free him, but as soon as you cross the bridge here, it'll break on you. Roll into the totem pole atop which the cage sits several times to send it tumbling down and free the monkey. Once you do, several Bokoblins will appear. Kill them, and leave the way you came. This time, you can use the monkeys to swing across the gap where the bridge used to be. Head back into the main room, but go east this time. <3Heart Piece!!!<3 First thing you'll want to do here is kill the evil Red Deku Babas. If they latch onto you, just Spin Attack to dislodge/damage them. Once they're dead, head up the stairs, taking note of the hungry, toothy flower halfway up. As you go, you'll see a Bomb Spider. Hit it, then throw it over the nearby ledge into the flower's mouth. It'll eat it, and... BOOM! Once it's gone, kill the Skulltulas crawling across the ivy, jump the gap and climb up on the same ivy. Don't go through the door yet, though! Hit the nearby Bomb Spider, then drop it down the nearby ledge to kill another hungry flower. Once that one's clear, jump down and open the chest to receive the HEART PIECE it was blocking. Circle back upstairs, then go through that door to the south. CURRENT TOTAL: 3 hearts, 2 pieces You'll see another imprisoned monkey, but this one's under lock and key. The key is on the ground, but it gets quickly eaten by a large, angry plant. You know what to do! Move in close, then as it lowers its head to ram you, move back and Jump Attack it. Once the head dies, locate a nearby Bomb Spider and throw it into the body's gaping mouth to deal with it for good. Pick up the emerging small key(it's probably all sticky and covered with plant guts, I do NOT envy Link in these cases) and unlock the monkey's cage with it. Go back to the previous room and head east from there. You'll have to use a Bomb Spider to blow away a rock before you enter. We're now in the easternmost room in the dungeon. Roll into one of the totem poles here to knock down a chest containing a small key, then move across the tile bridge. Be careful, though! There are worm enemies lurking under some tiles, and they'll pop you one good if you stand on them. You can't kill them(yet), so just avoid them. Light the two unlit torches here to raise a couple of ledges that form a staircase, then climb up and unlock your fourth monkey. Oh, and climb the ivy on the north end of the room to reach 20 rupees, if you care. Nevertheless, bring your emancipated primate back to the main room and head north to the outdoor bridge room. Clever little fellas that they are, you can now cross where the bridge was destroyed earlier. Swing across with their help and enter the door ahead. Time for your first miniboss fight! ---------------------------- MINIBOSS BATTLE: BOSS MONKEY ---------------------------- The first thing he will do is use that boomerang of his to knock down a bunch of Red Deku Babas. Deal with them first, then focus your attention on the Boss Monkey himself. He will constantly leap from totem pole to totem pole, throwing his boomerang from time to time. The trick here is to NOT Z-target him, and follow him as he leaps from pole to pole. Wait until he pauses and throws his boomerang, then roll into the pole to throw him off balance. When the boomerang comes back, it'll knock him down and stun him. Take out your sword and hack away at that giant red butt of his. There's not much else to this fight, after two or three rounds of attacking, the mind-controlling insect will fall off his head, and all will be well. Plus you receive his weapon: the GALE BOOMERANG! Before I continue, here's how to use the Gale Boomerang effectively: when you use it with B, you aim with it like the slingshot. At any time while aiming, you can press Z to lock onto a target, up to five in a row. Once you throw the boomerang, it'll hit all the targets you locked onto, in order. The tornado it stirs up will be helpful in moving things around and hitting those propeller switches, like the ones on top of the bridges we saw earlier. You'll have to use it right away to open the door out of the miniboss room, just give the switch a few good winds and you're good to go. Once you emerge from the miniboss room, use the Gale Boomerang on the bridge immediately to your left. Cross it, kill the Bokoblin there, and use the GB again to free another monkey. He'll leave for now, but you'll see him again later. We have some collecting to do. <3Heart Piece!!!<3 Head back to the far east room of the dungeon, the one with the tile worms where you freed the fourth monkey. Use the GB to chew up the floor and remove all the tiles, then kill those worm enemies. Then, use it to put out all four torches in the room, and grab the HEART PIECE from the chest under the now descended wooden stairs. Head back to the main room, and Gale down the hanging chest to get the COMPASS, which in this dungeon shows us the locations of all the remaining un-freed monkeys. Head immediately west from the main room. CURRENT TOTAL: 3 hearts, 3 pieces We're back in the water room. In the southwest corner of the room, there's a chest hidden behind a wooden gate. There are four poles in front of it, each with a propeller on top. If you look at the floor, there is a Z-shaped pattern on the floor, so mark each of the props accordingly, going along the Z. If you hit them in the right order, the gate will open and you can claim the BIG KEY. Now, all we have to do is free those last three monkeys. Go north two rooms, back to where you found the first small key. There's a lot more to do here now that you have the GB. Hit the propeller switch on the bridge so you can access it, then again so you can enter the eastern room. You'll have to kill some more Bokoblins along the way, but they're as easy as ever(bonus points if you can knock one off the bridge!). For this next monkey, you'll have to fall through one of the holes in the floor to reach the platform on which his cage sits. Deal with a couple of Skulltulas first, then find the hole ahead and to the left of the room's entrance. Burn the web away, then fall through and break him out. Go back to the previous room, then north. The boss room is across from here, but you still need two more monkeys to help Link out. Go east, deal with a Bokoblin and a few Small Skulltulas, then climb the ivy up to the eastern door. This room is very interesting. Dispose of the Red Deku Babas, then take a look around. To get the treasure chest off to the south, you need to lock onto and retrieve a Bomb Spider with the GB, then throw it at the hungry plant in front of the chest. Once the way is clear, hop on over and take the small key. We still have a monkey to free in here, though: lock onto a Bomb Spider again, then the big rock on the above ledge to the east. The GB will carry the spider right towards the rock and demolish it for you. Climb up, then retrieve one more bomb Spider with your GB. Destroy on last rock barrier, and the second- to-last monkey will be free! Head back two rooms, to the one with the rotating bridge, and open the locked door to the west. Begin here by opening fire with your GB and slaughtering all the tile worms within range. Once they're cleared out, look in the back corner of the room for a small tunnel. Run through it, kill some assorted Skulltulas at the end, and climb up the ivy to arrive right in front of the last monkey cage. Activate the two propellers to open the cage and free him, and grab the red rupee on the scaffolding on your way out. Head east, then north to the large room where all the monkeys have gathered. All the monkeys will then form a chain, which you can use to swing across to the boss room. Enter... ///////////////////////////////////// BOSS BATTLE: TWILIT PARASITE- DIABABA \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ Diababa starts out with two large Deku Baba heads emerging from a purple pool of water. There are several Bomb Spiders on platforms in the pool, too. Lock onto one of the spiders, then one of the Deku Baba heads with your GB to send the Bomb Spider into their mouth and destroy the heads. Be quick, or they'll try to take a chomp out of you! Once both side heads are destroyed, the central head and two new side heads will emerge. There are no more Bomb Spiders handy, but help arrives- in the form of the Boss Monkey! He'll be sliding across a rope with Bomb Spiders of his own, so move to the back of the room and ready your GB again. Lock onto the Boss Monkey, then one of the heads to retrieve a Bomb Spider than deliver it to one of Diababa's mouths. Once the two side heads are down, you'll have a clear shot at the center head. Send a bomb over to it, same as before, and the center head will collapse onto the floor. Rush in, then deliver Jump Attack after Jump attack for some heavy damage. When the head gets back up, it will spew some lethal-looking purple gunk at you. Just keep moving back and forth to avoid it, rolling under the spray if necessary. Repeat this strategy 2-3 times to finish Diababa off for good. Victory is yours, and you receive a HEART CONTAINER(you get one after every major boss battle) and your first FUSED SHADOW. Midna tells you that she needs all three Fused Shadows, but she won't say what for... no matter, we're done here. You just beat your first dungeon in the game, congratulations! %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% -Part 2: Out of the Twilight, Into the Fire [par2] %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% ~Faron Woods~ You emerge at the spring here. Your next mission is to head west to the Eldin province. Go north to Coro's shack, then continue north to... ~Hyrule Field~ There is no larger area in the game than Hyrule Field. It connects all the major areas of the game, and spans several provinces. For now, just head west to Kakariko Gorge. As you go, you'll meet an EXTREMELY freaky man known as the Postman. He'll hand off a letter to you(you'll meet him again as you get more letters) which you can look at in your Collection sub-screen. <3Heart Piece!!!<3 If you look at your map, you should see a small pond in the middle of your current area separated by a bridge. At the southern end of that bridge is a cluster of trees. Look up at the branches, one of them has a HEART PIECE resting in the boughs. Use your Gale Boomerang to acquire it. Afterwards, head to the west end of this section of Hyrule Field, and enter the Twilight Realm there. CURRENT TOTAL: 4 hearts, 4 pieces **Golden Bug!!!** In the same area where you got your Heart Piece(last paragraph), go southeast of the bridge. Look on the side of one of the trees there for your first Golden Bug: a MALE BEETLE! You can just grab him right off the trunk of the tree. He is the first of many Golden Bugs. I will keep pointing them out as you can get them, but keep your eyes open nonetheless. **Golden Bug!!!** In the same area of Hyrule Field, check north of the entrance to Kakariko Gorge (BEFORE you go into the Twilight Realmn!!!). Directly north of that entrance, there is an inaccessible ledge with a row of trees on top. Check the tree that is the furthest north... the FEMALE BEETLE is on the side of that tree. Use your Gale Boomerang to get it down. ~Kakariko Gorge- Twilight~ Continue west here until you come across your old broken Wooden Sword. Turn on your senses, than sniff it to learn the YOUTHS' SCENT. You'll learn several scents like this over the course of the game, but you can only remember one at a time. Keep your senses on and follow the scent trail, but your search is cut short when you stumble across a trio of Twilight monsters. Kill them all, and you'll notice something else... the bridge is gone! Midna will show you your map and explain that whenever you kill a group of Twilight monsters, the warp point they used will stay open, allowing you to use it whenever you like in wolf form. Now where did we see a loose bridge before...? Warp to the north portal in Faron Woods. ~Faron Woods~ Approach the loose bridge and answer Midna's alert to get her to warp it back into place in the gorge. ~Kakariko Gorge- Twilight~ Just keep going along the scent trail until you arrive at a gruesomely bloodstained gate. Dig through it, kill the Twilight Bokoblins on the other side, than enter... ~Kakariko Village- Twilight~ the first thing you'll see here is another Twilight monster trio. Waste them to establish a warp point here, then head to the nearby spring. We're gonna have to go on another dark insect hunt. Starting from the southwest and going up, here are the locations of the dark insects: 1, 2, and 3: Long Jump up to the top of the first house you come across. You'll fall through the roof and see a scene. Looks like the kids are closer than you think... anyways, once it's over, grab the stick in front of you, light it on the nearby flame, then jump across the platforms to light up four torches and open the route to the basement. Three of them are downstairs. Take them out, grab the tears, then Long jump out of the north end of the basement. 4: You'll emerge in the graveyard. Insect #4 is right in front of you, but you'll have to dig it up. Kill it, then head back into the main town. 5: Keep going north until you get to Barnes' Bomb shop(it has the sign in the front. Climb up the storage shed to the right of the shop, then leap through the window and inside. Go upstairs and dash into the cabinet to release insect #5. After you're done, leave via the second floor window. 6, 7, and 8: climb across the balcony to the land above and behind the shop. You'll see insect #6 crawl into a nearby building. Go through the crawlspace and inside, and light the fireplace inside. Sparks will fly, so GET OUT OF THERE IMMEDIATELY. The storage shed will explode, leaving the tears from bugs 6, 7, and 8 all at once. Sweet! 9: While you're up here, move up the winding pathway nearby. Follow it along the rock wall and along the scaffolding, then dig at the side of the house to enter. Smash some jars in the corner to reveal insect #9. 10: Not far from the destroyed storage shed, there is a small wooden platform on the edge of a cliff. Drop off of it to the roof below, and fall through to get inside the house. Insect #10 is underneath a crate. Push it to coax the bug out, then kill it and leave with a Long Jump. 11: On the right side of the town, go to the general store(the southernmost building) and get inside through a crawlspace. Climb up the shelves and break one of the crates to get bug #11. 12 and 13: Go up the hill to the right of the general store, jump across the balcony and enter the inn. Drop to the ground floor and use the stick and torch to start a fire in the fireplace. You won't burn down the building this time, but you'll find bug #12. After that, go into the next room and kill the Twilight Moblins hanging around in there. Go up to the second floor and ram the nearby wall to shake bug #13 loose. The remaining three are on Death Mountain. Go back outside and leave town via the northwest exit. ~Death Mountain- Twilight~ 14: Long jump up the first impassible barrier and continue up the mountain. Once you come across the steam vents, dig around for bug #14. 0o Howl Stone!!! o0 The first HOWL STONE is in plain sight among the steam vents. The wind will play a sort of melody, and you have to match it by holding A to howl and use the control stick to change your pitch to match that of the wind. Get it right, and you'll warp to this odd, ethereal plane where you have to repeat the song once more. Once you do, the Golden Wolf will appear again, and his position will show up on your map. He should be right in front of the spring of the Ordon Woods. We'll be tracking him down later. 15 and 16: Keep going up the mountain until you come across a circular clearing. Once you arrive, another group of Twilight monsters will appear. Due to the structure of the wall, you'll have to kill the enclosed one first, than the other three at once. Once the warp is formed, dash into the nearby steel grating to dislodge and kill bug #15. Do a Long jump up the grating, continue down the path, and do another Long jump to go even further up. Once you come across the Goron spirit up here, jump down into the hot springs and kill bug #16. You'll then be warped back to Kakariko Village and the Twilight will be gone from here. ~Kakariko Village~ After the conversation with the light spirit Eldin, you'll see a scene where you meet up with the kids again, and meet Renado, the village shaman, his daughter Luda, and Barnes the bomb maker. Take a moment to enjoy this very cool remix of the Kakariko Village theme, then go back up Death Mountain. ~Death Mountain~ the ladder is still broken, but you can still climb the metal grate. However, you won't be able to progress much further due to the Goron guard rolling into you. You can try to wrangle him like you did to the goat, but he'll knock you down anyway. Damn. Leave here for now, but as soon as you do, Renado will talk to you and discuss a possible plan to get up there... well, time to head back to Ordon Village! But before you leave the village, something very unexpected occurs... Epona's back, baby! But she's completely freaking out, so you have to restrain her. While riding her, just move the control stick in the indicated direction to slow her down, press A to seize her when prompted, and eventually you'll gain full control of her again. Now that you have your trusty steed back, head back to Ordon Village. **Golden Bug!!!** Since you're relatively free to go now, you can check things out in town if you want. But before you leave, go to the house just to the left of Barnes's Bomb Shop. Check on the floor for a FEMALE ANT. <3Heart Piece!!! <3 While you go through Kakariko Gorge, go as far east as you can. You should see a rock spire with a round metal target on the side. On the top of that is a HEART PIECE, so use your Gale Boomerang to retrieve it. CURRENT TOTAL: 5 hearts 0oGolden Wolf!!!o0 As you go through Ordon Woods, you'll see the Golden Wolf again near the spring. This time, he'll teach you the SHIELD ATTACK! You can only use this move on certain foes when the notice pops up on the bottom of the screen, and although it doesn't damage them, it leaves them open to other attacks. It can also be used to bounce projectile attacks back at enemies. Cool! ~Ordon Village~ Talk to the mayor to start a scene. You'll learn the secret to earning the Gorons' respect: Sumo wrestling! The mayor will teach you how to fight like a Goron. You step forward and push your opponent back with A, swing the remote around to slap them and leave them open to pushing, and move the control stick left and right to circle your opponent. If you start getting pushed yourself, mash the A button to escape your foe's grip. Practice by defeating the mayor twice, and he'll give you the IRON BOOTS. Those boots are the only thing that can make the Gorons respect your authoritah! Once you're done here, go back to Death Mountain. <3Heart Piece!!!<3 While you're in Ordon Village, head over to the ranch and talk to Fado. He'll have another goat-herding job for you, and once you get them all in, you'll get another HEART PIECE! CURRENT TOTAL: 5 hearts, 1 piece ~Kakariko Village~ As soon as you enter the village, you'll see a scene. Looks like we won't be going up the mountain right away. We have to save Colin! Leave town through the northeast exit and chase down that gang of Moblins! ~Hyrule Field~ You'll be doing a massive horseback battle. You're probably not used to fighting on horseback yet, so ignore his minions and go after the King Moblin! You can use your sword while riding Epona, so keep up with him by dashing and slice him up. He moves as fast as you do, so you'll have to dash to keep up. Follow his movements closely, and Spin Attack to shake of his henchmen if you get surrounded. Damage the King Moblin enough, and you'll take the fight to the Bridge of Eldin, where you get to take him on in a good old fashioned jousting match! You'll basically be charging at each other. If he hits you, you'll get knocked into the gorge, so what you wanna do is charge him, but stay SLIGHTLY to one side. Hack away as you pass him(he'll try to swerve to hit you; you'll have to swerve more). If you hit him, great! If not, try again next pass. After you slice him twice, he'll tumble off into the gorge and Colin will be free! Enjoy that incredible victory pose while you celebrate. You can now head up Death Mountain distraction-free. <>Hylian Shield!!!<> Before you go, however, I STRONGLY suggest you go to the shop(which is now run by Malo- how a toddler can run a store is beyond me) and buy the HYLIAN SHIELD. That Ordon Shield you have now is wood, and you're heading up a volcano, so you need a good metal shield. It costs 200 rupees, which you should have by now. Once you're prepared, head up Death Mountain. ~Death Mountain~ Climb up the mountain like before, except now when the Goron sentry tries to charge you, put on your Iron Boots and wrangle him like the goats! He'll be out of your way, so you can progress up the mountain. Every so often as you go, another Goron will come rolling down, divert them the same as the sentry(the way Link dusts off his hands after shoving one is funny ^_^). When you get to the area with the steam vents, there will be Bokoblins on the cliffs above shooting fire arrows at you. You don't yet have a bow, so you'll have to improvise. Look for a patch of hawk grass and use your feathered raptor ally to knock out the offending Bokoblins. They all must have graduated from the Stormtrooper School of Marksmanship or something, because they won't be able to hit you unless you're like six feet away from them. Once you arrive at the Goron settlement at the end of the trail, the Gorons here will still give you grief. Most of them will try to punch you, but if you guard then hit them with your sword(or Shield Attack them), they'll go off balance and curl up. You can then climb on their backs and get a boost upwards from them as they uncurl. Use this trick to get to the top of the area. It's all pretty straightforward, and if you get too hurt from the Gorons, you can rest in the nearby hot spring. Oddly enough, the Gorons resting there will not attack, indeed, they'll welcome you. Perhaps soaking in the hot water has cooled(?) them down? Oh, almost forgot: those steam vents won't hurt you, but they'll push you around. Unless you walk through them with your Iron Boots, in which case they won't even budge you(the heat will probably make Link sweat, and his tunic'll get all smelly and gross and all the NPC's will hate his body odor, but that's no business of ours). Once you get to the top of the mountain, go on inside. Link, tactful man that he is, will inadvertently make tense race relations even tenser... until the elder, Cor Goron, decides to test whether or not Link has balls of brass in a sumo competition. PUT ON YOUR IRON BOOTS BEFORE HE CHALLENGES YOU, otherwise you'll never win. Once you do, all will be well and you'll get access to the... <<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<< Goron Mines [goro] >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> OVERVIEW: The Goron Mines is sacred ground to the rocky mountain folk, and as such, the elders live in here. You must seek all three out to gain access to the boss room, as well as use your Iron Boots to walk on the walls and ceilings here. The item you gain in here will be your second most valuable weapon in the game, after your sword of course. WALKTHROUGH: Start off by jumping across the platforms on the lava. If you fall in, you lose 2 hearts as penalty, so be careful! Time your jumps from platform to platform to avoid the shooting lava plumes. As you move north, you'll come across a powerful stream of fire shooting out of the wall. Step on the nearby switch(you'll have to use your Iron Boots to trip it as well as all switches like it in here), then run past. Do this again with a second fire stream, then make a u-turn and move along the outside of the caged area you were in. Climb to the top of the cage, then jump across to the east ledge and head to the right. You'll come across a switch. Kill the nearby Torch Slugs(one is farther towards the fire stream- they're easy to kill off, one hit with just about anything), trip the switch, then run north past a third fire stream. Jump onto the nearby platform-like switch jutting out of the wall, and put on your Iron Boots again. The switch will go all the way down, allowing you to progress into the next room. This large and impressive-looking room contains two large electro-magnets to which you can cling with your Iron Boots(you know, magnetism and all that). They need to be activated, though, but we'll get to that soon. First, jump down to the left platform below you and get the drop on a group of Moblins. Kill them, and take the small key from the nearby chest. Go up the ramp and continue on that general path, jumping over the rotating platforms. Leave through the locked door to the east. Here, move down the ramp here and meet another old enemy: a fire-breathing gecko-like creature called a Dodongo. Attack its tail to kill it, but beware the nasty fire breath. Move across the platforms and get to the solid ground in the northeast. Demolish the other Dodongo here, then grab onto the nearby handle and chain and give it a hearty pull(you don't hold A with this, you press A to grab on, then press it again to release the handle)! This will move back the wall to which it's attached, so you have to move around, jumping across more of those platforms, and get through before the wall closes on you. You have to time this well, so the lava spouts don't keep you waiting. They all rise and fall at the same time, so use the ones you can see as a guide to your timing. Once you make it, head through the door past the moveable wall. In this water-filled room, you'll have to do some underwater exploring. Put on your Iron Boots and sink to the floor. A blue meter will show up to show how much air you have left, so don't let it run out or it's game over for you! Trip the switch underwater, and a magnetic current will pull you out of the water and onto a shimmering blue magnetic surface. It's kind of disorienting to control Link on those surfaces, but you'll get used to it(try going into first person view, it's totally wild!). Go through the nearby door. In here, you'll find one of the Goron elders, Gor Amoto. Talk to him to gain the first KEY SHARD. Laugh at his funny volcano head, then open the chest here for the DUNGEON MAP and second one for 20 rupees. Climb up to the second floor, then smash one of the jars up there to find Ooccoo again. Leave through the second floor door. On the second floor of that water room, you'll have to walk along the walls with your Iron Boots. Actually, it helps if you tilt your Nunchuk to match Link's orientation when he's on the wall, it helps you get used to the controls more. Take out the Torch Slugs as you go, and continue to the next room. <3Heart Piece!!!<3 On the second floor here, hit the switch right in front of you and you'll be drawn to the ceiling. Head northeast along the ceiling, and you'll eventually come across a right-side-up chest with a HEART PIECE inside. Take it, then continue on to the second floor exit on the west side. CURRENT TOTAL: 5 hearts, 2 pieces We're back in the large electro-magnet room. Head on over to the center, murderize the group of Moblins, then hit the switch to start up the first electro-magnet. Go under it when it stops and put on your Iron Boots to stick to it, and ride it to the platform to the north. Let go to drop onto it, then hit the next switch to activate magnet #2. If you're quick, you'll stick to it before the Moblins nearby can get to you. So long, losers!!! Drop down to the north again, then go through the door. We're in another water room. Kill all the crab/spider-like Tektites jumping towards you, then drop down to the bottom of the pool and grab a small key from the chest to the west(that rhymes and you KNOW it rhymes!). Go to the east part of the room, outside of the caged off area, then drop down again. Push the block out of the way, then rise to the surface within. Hit the switch to start another electric current, then use it to go up to the ceiling. Drop down over the metal scaffolding, then hit another switch. Drop down to get caught by the sideways magnetic current, then move along the wall and drop down to the floor again. Open the chest for a red rupee, and hit the crystal switch to open up the gate below you. It only stays open for a few seconds, so hurry up! <3Heart Piece!!!<3 Once you're through, kill the waiting Moblins and walk up the east wall. You can go north or south, go south to find HEART PIECE in a chest. Go north to get to a rope holding up a gate. Slice the ropes to gain access to the locked door below you, then go through it. Oh, and those blocky statues that shoot lasers at you are called Beamos. You can't kill them yet, but their uppance shall come! CURRENT TOTAL: 5 hearts, 3 pieces You're outside again, and NOT in a good spot. North of your position are fire arrow-slinging Moblins waiting to tear you a nice new glory hole or two if you stand still for too long, so run your ass off to the east. You'll find a chest with a small key under the watchful eye of another Beamos, so just take it and run to the western locked door. Enter it. Jump across the rotating platforms to find a single long rotating platform with several magnetic spots on one side. Wait until they are on top, then run across and attach yourself with your Iron Boots before it tips over again. Enter the door on the far end of the platform. Here, you can talk to Gor Ebizo, the second Goron elder, and get the second KEY SHARD off of him. Open the nearby chest for a yellow rupee, then climb to the second floor and leave. Go along the magnetic trail on the top floor here and drop down at the end to find the miniboss... ------------------------------ MINIBOSS BATTLE: GORON WARRIOR ------------------------------ This battle is very similar to shoving the Gorons aside as you went up Death Mountain, except a bit more involved. He'll start shaking the platform you're on, but the Iron Boots will keep you firmly in place. You'll have to keep your Iron Boots on for this whole battle, and my strategy assumes you do. He'll eventually give you that "bring it on" hand motion that's so popular in pop culture nowadays, so go up to him and he'll prepare to punch you. His stomach is unguarded during the windup before his punch, so attack it with your sword to get him to curl up and roll around. He'll go right for you, so break your Z-target and roll out of the way yourself, causing him to change direction and come at you again. Hold A to brace yourself and push against him. You'll throw him aside, hopefully into the magma below. Three dips in the magma will cause him to give up and allow you access to their great treasure. Move into the room south of here to receive the HERO'S BOW, quite possibly the most overall useful weapon in the game. Congratulations, your Slingshot is now completely obsolete! You'll have to use your new Bow here to sever the rope holding up the nearby bridge and enter the next part of this room. Once you're there(mind the Torch Slug on the ceiling), approach the southernmost Beamos to make them ALL spring to life and start shooting their lasers at you. Find a safe spot(the dead center of the room is good), take aim and fire at their eyes to kill them one by one. Once they're dead, grab hold and pull them back to reveal both the COMPASS and passage into the room to the west. Here, talk to the unnamed black Goron elder and get the final KEY SHARD. The BOSS KEY is complete now, so we're off to the boss room! Before you go, grab the purple rupee in the chest here. That probably belongs to the Goron elder, but he wouldn't have left it lying around if he didn't mean for you to take it right? Keep telling yourself that... THIEF(I salute your Zelda knowledge if you get the reference)! For now, go back into the Beamos room and head south. There is no better room in the dungeon in which to practice your aim than this one. Whip out your Bow and fire at the Torch Slugs hanging on the stalactites(and the Dodongos), then roll into the grating blocking your passage to break it down. Jump across the platforms and go past the gate to find a switch. Hit it with your Iron Boots to get drawn up to the ceiling, then move around so you can hit the crystal switch above the gate. Drop down to the floor and go through the door. We're back in the electro-magnet room again. Raid the nearby chest for another purple rupee, then leap down onto the platform below you in a vertigo-inducing plunge(how Link does not break an ankle or something when he does that is beyond my reckoning). From where you are now, head all the way back to that outdoor room to the north where the Moblins were shooting fire arrows at you. Now you can remove the aforementioned Moblins from their short mortal coils by firing back at them. You could go to the center of the room to get a closer shot, but c'mon! Be a badass and snipe them from the entrance. It's a nice challenge(and deceptively easy if you have a decently steady hand like me), and think how impressed your friends will be! Actually, they probably won't care, but do you live your life to please them? No? Didn't think so. Once they're gone, go over to the east and kill off that Beamos close to that small key chest you found earlier. Pull it out of the wall to find a hidden path up to the top of the room. Keep going, but be CAREFUL here! Those barrels along the way that are marked with a white X- those are explosive, and if the Moblins hit them with a fire arrow... well, stay back and snipe them down. They even have a TNT barrel hidden behind them! Aim for that instead for amusing results. Once the coast is clear, continue to find a switch that activates the nearby electro-magnet. Ride it over to the nearby bridge gate, then arrow the rope to drop it. Drop down from the magnet onto the bridge and enter the next room. As soon as you get a clear view in this room, open fire and slaughter every Moblin you see. Once they're clear, fire an arrow to drop the next bridge gate. This releases a small army of more Moblins. Go Keanu Reeves on their asses, then enter the boss room. ////////////////////////////////// BOSS BATTLE: TWILIT IGNITER- FYRUS \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ As with many bosses in the Zelda series, Fyrus only LOOKS intimidating... until you figure out how to kill him, then he becomes very easy indeed. You'll need both the Iron Boots and your Bow for this fight. As the battle starts, he'll try to whip you with his chains. Get as far away from him as possible, and take aim with your Bow. Fire at the Eye of Sauron-like gem on his forehead, and he'll be momentarily stunned. Take the opportunity to grab the handle on the end of either of the chains on his ankles, and put on your Iron Boots. Pull him around, and eventually he'll trip, fall, and lose the fire covering his body. Make a bad trip/fall one-liner("have a nice TRIP!" or "see you next FALL!" will do), then take off your boots, let go of the handle, run up to him and attack his head to cause damage. You don't need to worry too much about his attacks, just stay away, be prepared to shoot before he can charge you, and get ready to roll out of the way if he draws his arm back to whip you. Repeat for about 3 rounds of damage, and that should do the trick. By the way... anyone think he resembles the Cave Troll from Fellowship of the Ring(I know, I was in a Lord of the Rings mood when I wrote this part of the guide)? Chief Darbus is now back to normal, although he doesn't remember a damn thing. Grab the HEART CONTAINER and the second FUSED SHADOW, and Midna will tell you more of her story. And reveal to Link the true name of the Twilight King: Zant. Best to get out of this place for now. %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% -Part 3: Mandatory Impossible Water Dungeon [par3] %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% ~Kakariko Village~ You return to the spring here. Looks like we have to head north to the Lanayru province, but we have some item collecting to do in and around Kakariko Village. First, make sure you have at least 220 rupees, then go to Barnes's bomb shop and buy the BOMBS. The first Bomb Bag costs 120 rupees. Barnes will also tell you about a combo you can do with your Bow and Bombs. Just go into the item selection screen and press Z when you go over the Bombs to create explosive arrows. Each one you shoot costs both 1 arrow and 1 Bomb, so use them sparingly. Now we have some Heart Pieces to get. <3Heart Piece!!!<3 Go back to the spring and look up and to the left. On top of the rock wall, you should see a small cluster of boulders and a single tree. Use a Bomb arrow to blast away the rocks and the Gale Boomerang to get the HEART PIECE that is revealed. CURRENT TOTAL: 6 hearts, 4 pieces <3Heart Piece!!!<3 Right where you got the previous Heart Piece, look at ground level for another destructible rock. Blast it away, then go through the cave and to the back of the spring. Jump in, put on your Iron Boots, and sink all the way to the bottom. There's a chest at the bottom containing another HEART PIECE! Finding two so close to one another... very rare, that... CURRENT TOTAL: 7 hearts <3Heart Piece!!!<3 Talk to the Goron in front of Barnes's bomb shop to get a boost to the roof. Go up the trail and scaffolding ahead, and talk to the Goron there. Get ANOTHER boost, climb up to the roof of the house, and talk to Talo. He'll marvel at your new Bow and offer you the chance to do a demonstration. The first two targets are easy enough, but the third... well, you'll see for yourself once you do it. If you hit all three, Malo will give you another HEART PIECE, but don't feel bad if you can't hit that third target(I managed to pull it off even though it cost me almost a whole quiver of arrows). CURRENT TOTAL: 7 hearts, 1 piece Once you complete that target test, go back to Malo's shop and buy the HAWKEYE, which costs 100 rupees. You can combine it with your bow in the same fashion as the Bombs, but it offers a zoom function instead. This is only available after you get the Heart Piece from the archery test. Did anyone say... Bow sniping? **Golden Bug!!!** Head west into the Graveyard and inspect one of the trees up the stairs. There is a tiny golden insect crawling around: a MALE ANT! Once we get to Hyrule Castle Town, we can trade him in for something, but just keep him for now. <3Heart Piece!!!<3 Head back to Kakariko Gorge and go south until you see a conspicuous-looking bomb-able rock. Blow it away and enter the maze-like cave. Use your lantern to find your way around and get to the end for a HEART PIECE! You'll have to light two torches to get it to appear, though. CURRENT TOTAL: 7 hearts, 2 pieces **Golden Bug!!!** Check Kakariko Gorge out while you're here for the MALE PILL BUG. check near the bridge. The Pill Bug is just on the ground on the southeast side of the bridge, just off the side of the path, and isn't hiding under or near anything. It blends into the ground well, but you'll find it if you look close enough. **Golden Bug!!!** While facing the entrance to Kakariko Village, go off to the left and follow the rock wall to a ptch of grass and flowers. Cut down the flowers to reveal the FEMALE PILL BUG, then grab her off the ground. ~Hyrule Field~ Once you've collected all that cool junk, leave Kakariko Village through the northeast and head out into the Eldin Province. Our destination is to the north, but we have one small detour to make... <3Heart Piece!!!<3 As soon as you exit Kakariko Village, you should find a destructible rock blocking a rocky ramp on the left side of the trail. Clear the way, and climb up the ramp. Climb up the ivy, make a couple more jumps, and use a Bomb arrow to clear out another rock. Jump over, climb that ivy, and jump down two more platforms to Link's left. Down a bit from there is another HEART PIECE! CURRENT TOTAL: 7 hearts, 3 pieces **Golden Bug!!!** In the Eldin province, look in the grass-less brown area northwest of the exit from Kakariko village for a MALE GRASSHOPPER. It jumps around a lot, making it difficult to catch, so you'll have to Gale Boomerang it to stun it and bring it close enough to catch. **Golden Bug!!!** In the same area where you get the Male Grasshopper(previous paragraph), check the very oppositeend of the field for the FEMALE GRASSHOPPER. That is, the northeast area of the field. You'll get used to male-female pairs of insects being in the same general area. Seems to happen a lot... In any case, the female hops around a lot, same as the male, so Gale Boomerang her to subdue her and make her easy to catch. **Golden Bug!!!** Go north from Kakariko Village to the Bridge of Eldin. Check the inside of the arch structure at the south end of the bridge. The MALE PHASMID rests up there, use your Gale Boomerang to get him down. Now that's out of the way, so head to the northwest and run across the Bridge of Eldin to the far end. Blow away the rocks blocking the path past the far end, but before you can go any further, a portal will appear, take away the middle of the bridge, and spawn three Twilight monsters! Go back and take them out(to kill them all at once as human Link, use a well-placed Spin Attack), and continue northeast into the Twilight Realm once more... There is something else I have to point out here: a potentially GAME-ENDING GLITCH!!! If you save and quit AFTER the bridge disappears but BEFORE you enter the Twilight Realm, once you resume your game, you'll be back at the entrance near Kakariko Village and unable to proceed. If you must save and quit at this point, just go into the Twilight Realm and then save, and you should be fine. ~Hyrule Field- Twilight~ Once you're in, follow the path until you see the satchel on the ground. Check it to learn the SCENT OF ILIA! Follow the scent trail all the way to... ~Hyrule Castle Town- Twilight~ Keep following the scent through the town, until you reach an underground tavern known as Telma's Bar. Head on inside and look at the spirits nearby to see Ilia again, Telma, Telma's chest, and a Zora prince. Then go to the back room and listen in on the guards, and inspect the map on the table to see where they were headed. Looks like we have to check out the Spirit Spring in Lake Hylia next. Leave Hyrule Castle town through the east gate and head east, then south from here. ~Hyrule Field- Twilight~ You'll come across the Great Bridge of Hylia, so head across it. Notice anything funny? All that odd liquid on the surface... you'll see a scene with a Twilight Moblin. Oh no... ooooooh nooooo...! FIRE!!! He'll start an oil fire from both ends of the bridge, so QUICKLY push that crate in front of you to the side and use it to jump off the side of the bridge, and fall into... ~Lake Hylia- Twilight~ The firs thing you'll notice about the lake is that the water level is dangerously low. If you use your wolf senses and listen to the Zoras here, you'll get a pretty good idea of what happened to the lake... looks like we have to check the Spirit Spring first, but the river is completely dried up, rendering it unreachable due to low water levels. The first thing we have to do is check the house nearby. Listen to the guy here, and he'll mistake a Twilight Moblin for a customer. Head north across the dried-up "river" to deal with him, and he'll mount a Twilight bird and attack you. Just jump around while circling him to dodge his fire arrows, and Jump Attack him when he moves close to the ground. You can latch onto him and do heavy damage. Once he bites the dust, Midna will corral the bird and score you a ride up the river. ~Zora's River- Twilight~ This part is a minigame of sorts. You'll be riding the bird, and all you have to do is aim the remote to steer the bird and press A to speed up. Don't hit the walls or obstacles too much, and if you fall, you'll have to start over. Pretty easy. Eventually, you'll arrive at... ~Upper Zora's River- Twilight~ You'll be dropped off near the boat rental cabin, not that you'll be able to make much use of it now. Drop down to the river bottom and head east to... ~Zora's Domain- Twilight~ Head north here, and take a Long Jump up the ice spires(where the waterfall would normally be). If any chunks of ice fall in your way, use your B button energy attack to get them out of your way. Do two more Long Jump sequences to move in the Zoras' throne room. There's a trio of Twilight monsters waiting for you in the throne room. Kill them to establish another warp point. We're gonna have to use this to thaw out the Zoras and the river. Where can we get something really, really hot...? Warp to Death Mountain. ~Death Mountain~ Remember when we came here, and the large half-molten rock flew out of the volcano? Warp here, and get Midna to bring it back to Zora's Domain. ~Zora's Domain- Twilight~ Everything will now be halfway back to normal after the river gets thawed out. Leave here, but before you do, a scene will occur with the spirit of the dead Zora Queen, Rutela. She gives us a new mission: to save her son, Ralis. We'll get to him soon enough, but for now, go swimming back to Lake Hylia. ~Lake Hylia- Twilight~ You'll end up right in front of the Spirit spring. Go inside and talk with the last Light Spirit, Lanayru. We're going on one last bug hunt. Here are the locations: 1: Follow it up the bridge as you leave the spring, and that's one down already! 2: Go back to the floating wooden island northeast of the spring for bug #2. 3: Head back towards the spring to come across another Twilight monster trio. Kill them to form another warp point, yeah, yeah, yeah. You know the drill by now. Climb up the rock area(it's a maze, I know) to get to bug #3. 4: Bug #4 is over on a remote little island to the west. Easy to find, easy to kill. 5, 6, 7, and 8: where you killed bug #4, howl at the patch of hawk grass to summon that bird to take you up Zora's River again. Take the ride, but keep your wolf sense activated the whole time. The bugs will be flying around along the way, Z-target them and charge into them with A to kill them and collect the tears in one fell swoop. You can get four bugs on the ride. 9: Once you get dropped off from the bird ride, listen to the lady with the big Afro in front of the boat house. Bug #9 will appear. 0o Howl Stone!!! o0 While you're in front of the Canoe Rental Cabin, go to the north riverbank and towards the top of an overhanging cliff. There is a HOWL STONE at the top, repeat the melody like before(Zelda fans will recognize it as the Nocturne of Shadow from Ocarina of Time) and the Golden Wolf will appear just east of Hyrule Castle. We'll get to him in as soon as you've cleared the Twilight out. 10: Warp back to Zora's Domain. Bug #10 is hanging out on a wall. Dash into it to dislodge him. Kill him, then leave here for now. 11, 12, 13, and 14: bugs #11 and #12 can be found on the odd lily pads in the pool at the bottom of the waterfall outside of Zora's Domain. #13 is on a strip of land a bit above water level. Do some Long Jumps to scale the waterfall, and move to its west side to find a chest with a red rupee. Jump down here to find it. Bug #14 is farther up the waterfall. Keep Long jumping until you find a trail of green rupees off to the side follow it, jump off the ledge, and follow that trail to bug 14. 15: I was stuck FOREVER on this one on my first playthrough, so listen up and learn from my shame. Outside of the boathouse, there will be the spirits of two Zora guards. Listen to them, and follow them in the stream moving southwest. You'll emerge in Hyrule Field, so head back into the Castle Town. ANOTHER Twilight trio will appear, so make another warp portal out of them. Go right outside of Telma's Bar(follow the Ilia Scent if you don't remember where that is). When you're outside, break open a few nearby crates with a Spin Attack and bug #15 will be revealed! Kill him, and there's one left... but it may be easier to find than you think. Midna will point it out on your map. This one's gonna be a doozy! Warp back to Lake Hylia. 16: In the middle of Lake Hylia... swim over to the white dot on your map, and you'll come across the biggest friggin' dark insect you've ever seen! Luckily, she's not difficult to defeat. To dodge her, just choose one platform to stand on. Stay far off to one side, and move to the other side of the platform as she swoops down on you. Wait until she stops emitting electricity, then jump onto her and bite her repeatedly. After a few rounds of attacking, she'll go belly up in the water. Jump on to her abdomen and use your energy attack to strike all her abdominal tentacles at once. With this battle done, you will NEVER have to collect the tears from any dark insects again! (Scattered applause) ~Lake Hylia~ No more Twilight!!! Yay!!! Talking with Lanayru the Light Spirit gives you a most interesting scene on the subject of the residents of the Twilight Realm, as well as a VERY creepy moment with a false Ilia... Once Link snaps out of it, head on over to floating island and talk to Fyer(he's the clown-like fellow with the gut). Pay him 10 rupees to launch you out of Lake Hylia for now. <3Heart Piece!!! <3 When you land from getting launched, head inside the nearby building and talk to Falbi, the puffy-panted clown up here. Pay him 20 rupees to play his game. Grab a chicken and use it to glide down to the platforms down on the surface of the water. Land on the second platform from the top(including the high rotating one) to get a HEART PIECE from the treasure chest. CURRENT TOTAL: 7 hearts, 4 pieces Once you're done with chickens and cannons and clowns(oh my!), launch back up again and go back to Hyrule Castle Town. As you enter, you'll get some letters from the Postman. One of them is from Barnes; he has a new type of bomb in stock! We'll have to come by and check it out later. For now, enter the town. Actually before you, I'll tell you how to get a couple more Golden Bugs. Sorry if that disrupts the flow. 0o Golden Wolf!!! o0 On your way in through the east entrance, climb up a rocky platform to meet the Golden Wolf again. This time, he teaches you the BACK SLICE! To use it, Z- target an enemy, jump to the side twice to roll around to its backside, then swing your Remote to slice them from behind. This technique is a godsend in later battles! **Golden Bug!!!** One you're close to Hyrule Castle Town, go a bit southeast of the entrance and look for a patch of pink flowers. A MALE BUTTERFLY is among them. **Golden Bug!!!** Now that you can cross the Great Bridge of Hylia while not in wolf form, do so. Check the north end of the bridge(near the pillars) VERY closely and you'll see a MALE MANTIS flying around here. Use your Gale Boomerang to get it. Thanks to Mario Di Teodoro for pointing this out. **Golden Bug!!!** Go south of the Bridge of Hylia until you see a rocky arch with Chus(those jelly slug-like enemies) dropping down. Check a nearby wall for the FEMALE MANTIS. Use your Gale Boomerang to get it down. Thanks to Mario Di Teodoro for pointing this one out, too! As a side note, I feel sorry for that poor Male Mantis once you deliver them to Agitha. do you know what the female mantis(in real life) DOES to the male during mating? Look it up! ~Hyrule Castle Town~ There is quite a bit of interesting stuff to do here, but we can't access most of it yet. Here's what we CAN get: <>Big Wallet!!!<> When you enter from the east, head immediately south and enter the first building you see(not the tent, we'll get to that later). Try not to get put off by the creepy cradle music, and talk to the perky little Insect Goth girl inside. This is Agitha, and she has to be the most unhealthily obsessed entomologist/nut case in all of Hyrule. Maybe her parents didn't give her enough love when she was a(younger) child... Regardless, she gives you cool stuff, so I guess she's okay in my book. Give her any one of the insects you found earlier, and she'll return the favor by giving you a BIG WALLET! Now you can hold 600 rupees instead of just 300. If you picked up the female ant too, she will express her gratitude by giving you 100 rupees! We'll give your wallet a workout in the next paragraph... <3Heart Piece!!!<3 Near the east entrance to the town, there is a priest(?) In a green robe that asks for donations. You can give rupees in increments of 30 or 50. Once you give a total of 1000 rupees, he'll give you a HEART PIECE. You probably don't have 1000 rupees to urinate away now, so just give what you can and save at least 100 rupees for Barnes later. Come back here whenever you get some spare cash and you'll have the Heart Piece before you know it. CURRENT TOTAL: 8 hearts Once you're done playing around, go to Telma's Bar to meet Telma in the, uh... flesh, so to speak... hey! Hey!!! Her face is up there, buddy. You'll also meet Ralis, the currently dying Zora prince and be united with Ilia. She won't remember you, though, as she has currently lost her memory. Link and Telma will get to talking, and you'll be conscripted to escort Ilia, Telma, and Prince Ralis to Kakariko Village. ~Hyrule Field- Wagon Escort~ Remember when I said that bobber fishing was the most annoying part of the game? Well, I lied. THIS part is the most annoying. You have to follow their wagon as it goes, and kill any enemies along the way that might threaten it. There will be Moblins, and yes, they WILL have fire arrows. If the wagon catches on fire, Z-target it and use your Gale Boomerang to put out the flames. Do it quickly, too! The wagon has a health meter, and if it stays on fire for too long, you gotta try again. Just kill the enemies as they come and stay close to the wagon so you can react to anything. As you go across the Great Bridge of Hylia, you'll face off against the Moblin King again! He does not know when to quit... it'll be the same as before, but your sword will be useless against those new twin shields of his... approach slowly this time, and pull out your Bow instead. Fire off a shot at him(if you miss and run out of ammo, Telma will give you more), then swerve to dodge his attack. Once he takes another plunge, you'll continue on. As you continue on the trail, you'll come across Moblins on boar mounts, as well as evil birds. Stay close to the wagon and Spin Attack them all if things get too hairy. Remember, protecting the wagon should be a higher priority than killing the enemies. Do the Gale Boomerang trick I mentioned earlier, and you'll reach Kakariko without it being TOO hard... ~Kakariko Village~ Good news! Ralis will recover in due time. ^_^ He doesn't yet know about his mother's death, though... Regardless, after you finish talking with Renado, Colin, and Telma, Rutela's ghost will appear again. Follow her to the Graveyard(you'll have to go through the crawlspace at the back after that tombstone disappears- again, keen Zelda fans will notice the Zora's Sapphire design on it) and talk to her again in the beautiful pool in the back. After some more dialogue, she will cross over, but not before giving you the ZORA ARMOR! Apart from making Link look like a real dork out of water, it allows you to swim freely and have unlimited air underwater. The catch-22 is that you are more vulnerable to fire and ice attacks, but as long as you don't wear the armor when you don't need it, there's no danger of that. While underwater, you can use your Iron Boots to walk around like usual without fear of losing air. You can use your sword underwater, too. <3Heart Piece!!!<3 Head up the Death Mountain trail from the village and talk to the second Goron you meet up the way. He'll offer to launch you up the cliff here; take his offer but instead aim to the right. You'll grab onto an otherwise inaccessible ledge. Follow the upper path here until you find a small cave on the right. Drop down here and get the HEART PIECE out of the chest. CURRENT TOTAL: 8 hearts, 1 piece While we're here, go over to Barnes's Bomb shop and buy some WATER BOMBS. These are identical to regular bombs, but work underwater. The thing is, you can only carry 15 in your bag and you still only have one bomb bag. Regardless, you'll have to sell back your regular bombs to make room. If you're still short on cash after buying them, just go to the spring and test them out on some underwater rocks. You may uncover a purple rupee or two. Buy as many as you can, then head aaaaall the way back to Lake Hylia. Call Epona and ride, postman, RIDE! Actually, we're not gonna be able to go STRAIGHT to Lake Hylia. Go north of Hyrule Castle and go as far north as you can from there. At the northernmost point in Hyrule Field, you should find a rock barrier. Blast it down and you should end up in Zora's Domain. ~Zora's Domain~ We can pick up a few things before heading to the Lakebed Temple. Here, go south to the Upper Zora's River area and check out the two businesses here: the canoe rides and the fishing spot! <3Heart Piece!!!<3 Go to the fishing spot, and go, well, fishing(Link's face upon entering the hut is hilarious). Meet Hena, the owner of the fishing hole, and she'll explain everything. You can get some cool fish here, but the real prize is much better. There is a rock sticking out of the middle of the pond with a HEART PIECE in plain sight. Use your fishing rod to catch it. The aiming is tricky, so it may take a few tries. You can fish if you like, but there's nothing else interesting here. CURRENT TOTAL: 8 hearts, 2 pieces !!! Empty Bottle !!! While you're in the Fishing Spot, go off to the west until you see a sign warning against littering(can fish really cry?). Use your Fishing Rod in the small pool nearby(on the outside of the bridge) and you'll eventually fish up an EMPTY BOTTLE! and since it's a bottle, you put stuff in it. Dance and sing, Merry Christmas, it's a Bottle! Woo hoo! Those Red Chus will never know what hit them! **Golden Bug!!!** Well, not exactly. There is the FEMALE DRAGONFLY you can catch just outside of the canoe rental place. It's flying above the water, so you'll have to use the Gale Boomerang to get it to you. !!! Bomb Bag !!! Also, while you're here, wander around to fight a Twilight monster trio and form a convenient warp point. The owner of the canoe rides, Foxy Cleopatra, er, I mean Iza, will be impressed with your fighting prowess and invite you inside. Offer to help clear the rocks from the river and Iza will lend you some regular bombs. Use them as Bomb arrows and clear the rocks from inside the cavern, and you'll go on a little white water canoe ride! Just go down the river, whistle along with the nice music here, using your bomb arrows to clear out debris here as you go(you have unlimited arrows and bombs for the ride). Once you get about halfway, you'll see an unnamed female Zora who will show you the blockage up ahead. Blast it away, follow her to the end, and you'll end up back in Lake Hylia. You also get to keep the extra BOMB BAG when you're done! I suggest using one for regular Bombs and another for Water Bombs. ~Lake Hylia~ We're almost ready to go to the Lakebed Temple, but we have just one more thing to collect in Lake Hylia first. <3Heart Piece!!!<3 Climb up the rocky structures in the south of the lake, until you get to a ladder. Climb up it, and you'll see a Howl Stone off to the side. You couldn't have gotten this as a wolf, but we'll return for it after the Lakebed Temple. Instead, blast open a nearby cave. Navigate through it with your Lantern until you get to the end and receive a HEART PIECE. This is a long cavern, however, but you can replenish your Lantern oil by killing the Yellow Chus(those yellow slug-like jelly enemies) and scooping up the puddles of stuff they leave in your bottle. CURRENT TOTAL: 8 hearts, 3 pieces Now that you're back in Lake Hylia, you can test out your Zora Armor even further. Swim down to the bottom of the lake towards that dungeon marker on your map. Another fair warning: you're going to HAVE to use your Iron Boots a lot here, and you'll need to use them in order to use your Water Bombs underwater. You're going to need Water Bombs to blow open the entrance to the dungeon, but don't worry if you didn't get them from Barnes or just ran out while playing with them: There's a Zora just outside of the dungeon who will sell you some more if you need them. Go up to the entrance and you'll see it's sealed off with a boulder. Take out those Water Bombs and destroy that rock-like circle on the lake floor in front of the temple. That'll start up a current, drop another Water Bomb to carry it up and, with proper timing, destroy the boulder blocking the entrance. Take off your iron boots and swim on in. <<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<< Lakebed Temple [lake] >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> OVERVIEW: Every Zelda game has one hideously difficult dungeon; if memory serves me correctly, this isn't the first time it's been the water level. This temple follows the tradition of the Watergate Dungeon from Link to the Past, the notorious Water Temple from OoT, and the Great Bay Temple from Majora's Mask. This temple was, at least for me, the hardest overall in the game. Once you get the new weapon here, you can scale to new heights! And I apologize in advance if the directions seem too confusing, that's just the nature of the temple. I hope you don't get too lost. WALKTHROUGH: As you swim in, you'll meet two returning faces to the Zelda series: Shell Blades and Baris. Shell blades are the angry-looking clams, slice them with your sword(yup, you can use your sword underwater, but only when wearing your Iron Boots) and hit the muscle in between their "jaws". The Baris are the electric jellyfish, and they can't be killed until you get this dungeon's big treasure. Just avoid them all for now and swim through the tunnel up to the temple proper. Once you arrive in the first room, open the chest at the back to get 10 Water Bombs(in case you ran out earlier trying to blow up the rock blocking the entrance, I guess) and go up the nearby stairs. Jump off the ledge to grab the hanging golden handle, and Link's weight will pull the switch down and open the gate to the next room. While you're here, use a spare bottle to grab some red Chu jelly from the Red Chus here. It restores 8 hearts if you drink it, and a spare pick-me-up is always nice in a dungeon. Don't bother with the Purple Chu jelly, I drank it once and it brought me down to just a QUARTER OF A HEART! Terrence Ray writes of the first room. Apparently, there are Blue Chus in here as well: "They are pretty valuable for people with over 8 hearts and its a good way to come back and get some blue chu jelly. At the beginning of the cave, after you distinguish blue from purple you can get the blue jelly that completely heals Link". Ha, guess I missed them my first time through. You have to act quickly to get them(or the Red Chus too), because if you don't, the Purple Chus will absorb the rest you'll just be left with one large Purple Chu... you don't want that. The first thing you want to do in the next room is open fire with your Bow and shoot down every stalactite here. You'll have to use Bomb arrows, just use your regular Bombs and don't waste Water Bombs. Once they're all down, climb up them and go to the northwest corner of the room. Open the chest there for 10 Bombs. As for the enemies here, you've already faced Tektites before, and the fat little reptiles with the iron masks are called, appropriately, Iron Masks(I think- I've been giving enemies names based on similarities to enemies in past games, anyway). Just jump aside if they charge you and attack their backsides to kill them, but they're not a dire threat. Once you're done here, continue north into the next room. You'll see a camera pan of this room just to see how vast the temple is, and you'll get attacked by a Lizalfos waiting here for you. This humanoid lizard is pretty easy to kill, but later incarnations will have more armor, so be warned! Once you finish him off(do the Ending Blow for a crotch-stab!), keep going north. This next room is MASSIVE and connects every other main area in the temple. The staircase in the middle is rotate-able, you can use those hanging switches for that. If you jump and hang off of one, the top of the staircase will turn to match the switch you just pulled. On the lower floor, the bottom of the stairs will turn to meet you instead. The first thing you want to do is go down the stairs and circle around to the south side of the lower floor. Jump and pull down the switch there to rotate the bottom towards you, then climb up the stairs. Circle around west to a dead end; smash the jar here to meet Oocoo again. She's actually useful in this dungeon seeing as you can leave to get more Water Bombs if you run out. But it should never come to that. While you're on the top floor, pull the switch to the east to move the stairs again and go down them to the west. Head right and open the chest for the DUNGEON MAP. Go through the nearby door to the west. In here, take out your Bow and shoot a Bomb arrow at the stalactite to stop a water spout below. Head through the tunnel to your right to the lower floor. Move across the ivy-covered rock pillar in the middle of the room until you end up on the west side of it. You should see another water spout nearby. Bomb arrow the stalactite above it to create a rising and falling platform, and use it to get to the chest containing a small key. With the key, head back to the main room with the rotating staircase. Now that you're back here(I'm going to call the rotating staircase room the "main room" in this dungeon), go to the western door on the top floor. Unlock it and go in. After going through a small hallway, you'll emerge in a small part of a circular room. It looks like both ways here are sealed... but look up and to the right. Stalactites. Bomb arrow them both and climb on the ivy(getting the little height boost you need from the fallen rock). Drop on top of the wall and pull the switch down from the ceiling to open the gate below(we'll need it open later). Continue to circle around northwest and blow up the rock ahead of you. Keep going, kill the Iron Masks here, and enter the door to the west. As you enter this room, a little grasshopper-like enemy will enter a large bubble of water and start jumping at you. Use a bomb to blow away the water and kill him off the grasshopper like any other enemy. Once he's gone, leave via the eastern door(the one to the south- there are two doors here, leading to separate halves of the room to the east). Once you leave, jump down and kill the Chus and Keese roaming around here. Open the nearby chest for a small key, than enter the door to the middle of this circular room. Jump on top of the large gear here and battle the Lizalfos. Don't fall down! You'll have to loop all the way back here if you do. And I HATE backtracking. Once he dies, leave to the north. We're back in the outside of the circle again. Enter the northern door to the west and unlock the locked door in there(confused yet?). Jump down to the bottom of the room here and climb the ivy on the north wall of the pit you're now in. Once you get to the top of the ivy, run all the way up the spiraling pathway and open the chest for 10 Bombs. But the important thing here is to use the ladder to climb to the top of the nearby archway. Jump and pull the switch to open a floodgate above you and get a stream of water going. Go down the Super Happy Fun Slide to the now filled water pool at the bottom. Pull the switch at the small island in the middle of the pool to open another floodgate and get the water moving even further. Go back into the middle of the circular room with the giant gear and drop down to the lower floor. The stream of water got the paddle wheel turning in the floor above, as you saw, and that means the platforms here are moving. Ride one of the platforms to the platform to the north, and enter the door there. In here, go slightly ahead, then to the left down a short pathway. Open the chest for a small key, then go back into the room with the rotating gear and hanging platforms and go through the west door this time. Unlock the door in here and swim through the water-filled tunnel. Don your Iron Boots at the end and drop to the bottom, and use a Water Bomb on the rock covering part of that white webbing. Swim onward and upward to the surface at the end. Once you climb out of the deep water, the hole in floor you swam through will close up. Kill the two little tadpole enemies, then... look up. Surprise! You're in the miniboss room! And she's none too happy about what you did to her children... --------------------------- MINIBOSS BATTLE- GIANT FROG --------------------------- This large amphibian will drop down from the ceiling and send a large swarm of tadpoles to attack. Keep your shield up and stay back against the wall. Try to take out as many as you can with a Spin Attack, and when they're all dead, the Giant Frog will leap in the air and try to land on you. Keep moving and watch her shadow so that she doesn't land on you. When she does land, Z-target her tongue and slice it up. Repeat this for three rounds or so, and that should be it. It's an easy enough battle, and the tadpoles sometimes drop hearts when they die, so it's very difficult to get killed here. Once the Giant Frog burps up a chest and dies, open it and you'll get this dungeon's big treasure: the CLAWSHOT! This sort of new weapon takes the place of the Hookshot from previous games. You can use it to attach to those red and gold Clawshot targets you may have seen in the dungeon before. Once you grapple on to anything, you can raise and lower the chain(if the target is on the ceiling) or cling to it and drop with A(if the target is on the wall). Now that we have the Clawshot, use it on the target here to exit the room. Once you hook onto the target, it'll pull down like a switch and open the gate here. Leave to the south and head back to the temple's main room. <3Heart Piece!!!<3 In the main room, there's a chandelier in the very top of the room. Clawshot up to it from the top floor and open the chest up there for a HEART PIECE! CURRENT TOTAL: 8 hearts, 4 pieces Once you get the Heart Piece, jump back down to the top floor and go to the west door(with the water coming out of it). Clawshot up to the target there, which acts in place of those handle switches to move the stairs. The stairs now act as a water slide, sending the water down to the east wing of the dungeon. Go down the stairs and head into the previously inaccessible east side of the lower floor. The next room is a bottomless pit with several large gears and many Clawshot targets. Try your new gadget out on the Keese here, it'll blow them away in a single hit! For now, just Clawshot onto the nearest target on top of one of the gears, and lower yourself to a platform with 10 Water Bombs in a chest. Clawshot from there onto the nearby ivy, then aim upwards to grapple onto a higher patch of ivy. From there, grapple to one more patch of ivy on the wall and go through the nearby door to the northwest. Out here, you'll be faced by another grasshopper in a water balloon. Pull him out with your Clawshot and hack him to death. Then pull out your bomb arrows and knock down a stalactite above a conveniently placed water stream. Use the makeshift platform to get through the upper gap in the wall, and take advantage of the Clawshot switch on the other side. It'll lower the gate here, but for now, head to the eastern door. Kill two more grasshoppers-in-bubbles here, then Clawshot onto the ivy on the ceiling. Move hand-over-hand over the wall, then Clawshot over to the other side of the pool(ivy again) and go up the water ramp. As you go, experiment with the Clawshot on enemies. Use it on the Iron Masks to pull their masks off! You can even throw the mask at them to hurt them! I find such a tactic hilarious but not as good as the sword. Once you get to the top, open the chest for 10 Bombs, then Clawshot up to an upper ledge to get the COMPASS! Once that's done, climb up the arch and grab the hanging switch like before to start another waterfall. Slide back down and swim to the switch in the center of the pool at the bottom. Mind the evil little fish, though! If you move quickly, they won't get to you in time. Pull the switch down to open a floodgate here. Follow the water stream and go into the room with the several large gears. Grapple back down the ivy patches and Clawshot onto one of the targets on the west gear's underside. Once you pass over a platform, drop down and Clawshot onto the east gear. Drop down once you get close to the east door, and head through it. We activated both the waterfalls,; all we need to do now is get the Big Key. And we're on the way to doing just that. We'll arrive in a water-filled maze-like room. Jump in and swim around, explore as much of it as you can. It's a difficult maze to describe, the best advice I can give here is just look for spots you can use Water Bombs on. Try using the clawshot underwater, you can use it while freely swimming, without the Iron Boots! Try hitting a Bari with it, and you'll pull out its brain and kill it instantly. Don't do it while it's emitting electricity, though: you'll just get a nasty shock if you do that. As for the maze, try to make your way to roughly the middle of the room and look for a bombable rock. There will actually be live(?) Water Bombs swimming around close to it, so put on your Iron Boots and strike one with your sword to start their countdown. Just use one of them to blow away the rock, then swim on in. Drop to the bottom again, and look for another destructible rock. Blow it up, then swim to the surface for a gap you can climb through to get to dry land. Go through the door there to the south. After killing another bubble grasshopper here, look around a bit. There's a Clawshot switch on the ceiling. It only stays activated as long as you hang from it, though, so rather than drop into the hole below, lower yourself through it to the platform below. Open the chest on front of you for the BIG KEY! Celebrate your find by killing the Piranhas in the water below, then leave through the underwater door. Head back to the main room. <3Heart Piece!!!<3 The water level is high enough now for you to go into the middle of the main room and go into the boss room, but we have one more thing to get. Rotate the stairs once more so that the water flowing from the east side of the dungeon flows to the bottom floor on the west. Go west on the bottom floor into the room with the one large gear, where you got the first small key here. The water level in this room will rise, taking a floating bridge with it. Go across that bridge and stand on the switch on the far end to open up a gate. Kill the Lizalfos that emerge, then stand on the switch to open the gate again. Clawshot into the closed-off area, and get the HEART PIECE waiting for you. Finally, Clawshot your way back out. CURRENT TOTAL: 9 hearts Now that you've got everything you need, head back to the main room and open the boss door. Put on your Iron boots and drop to the very bottom of the water... ///////////////////////////////////// BOSS BATTLE: TWILIT AQUATIC- MORPHEEL \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ Morpheel starts out as a mouth poking out of the sand surrounded by tentacles. If you played Ocarina of Time(and who hasn't?), the first part of the battle is very similar to Morpha, the boss of the Water Temple. To hurt Morpheel in the first part of the battle, take out your Clawshot and Z-target the eye moving through the tentacles. Pull it out and attack it with your sword. Once you damage it, it'll release some swimming Water Bombs, so deal with them before returning to damaging Morpheel. If you get too close, it'll grab you with a tentacle and eat(!!!) you(not a game over, it'll spit you back out). After 3 hits or so, the... rest... of its body will emerge from the sand and the REAL fight will begin! Is this thing not THE BIGGEST BOSS YOU HAVE EVER SEEN?!?!?!? It'll start swimming around the lair, so take off your Iron Boots and swim alongside it. Z-target the single eye on the top of its head and Clawshot yourself towards it when you're close enough. You'll straddle its back, so wave the Remote back and forth to carve up its eyeball before you get thrown off. Repeat the process maybe twice more to turn it into sushi, and the battle will be over before you know it. The last FUSED SHADOW and another HEART CONTAINER will be yours. Midna will hint that Zant... is a false king... hmm... In any case, leave here for now. %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% -Part 4: Reflection in the Sand [par4] %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% ~Lake Hylia~ As soon as you leave the Lakebed Temple, get ready for a rather interesting and unpleasant surprise. I don't mind admitting I TOTALLY jumped while watching that scene. You just get to see how evil and powerful Zant really is... In the process, you'll be warped back to the northernmost are of Hyrule Field. Once the scene is over, you'll be stuck in wolf form again, and Midna will be stuck in physical form in the light world. Basically, she's dying... you need to seek help for her, and FAST! Go back to Hyrule Castle, posthaste! ~Hyrule Castle Town~ You can't exactly get in there through the front door in your current state, so head over to Telma's bar. Try to go in, and you'll promptly be thrown out. Leave here, but Telma's cat Louise will talk to you and give you some advice. You can sneak in from above and go through the old waterway to the castle. Push the loose crate over to the others and climb in the window. Once inside, climb over the tightropes, but step lightly. If you fall, you'll be quickly ejected from the premises again and have to start over. As you go, press A while above people to listen in on various thoughts of people inside, including Telma and her band of friends. Get to the end and you'll emerge in the treasure-packed house of a man named Jovani. He'll give you the job of killing the souls of 20 Poes, ghosts that haunt different areas of Hyrule at night. But for now, he'll open the way to the underground waterway. ~Hyrule Castle Waterway~ You've actually been here before. It's where you first met Midna in the Twilight Realm. Bite the hanging handle above the north gate, then swim on through. Once you reach the end of this path, kill the Skulltulas lurking around and grab a stick off the ground. Light on fire with a nearby torch then use it to burn through the web. Take it with you and light more torches along the way for a more permanent fire source. Burn through several more webs and climb up the ledges and continue north/west. Once you get to what looks like a dead end, turn on your wolf sense and dig in the patch of dirt. This place look more familiar now? Go through the short tunnel ahead of you, then go up the spiral staircase. There are Moblins shooting fire arrows here, so be prepared to fight them off. Continue upwards like you did before, and go outside when you reach the top. You're back on the roof. Head towards the end like at the beginning of the game. Apart from the enemies, there are no surprises here. Once you get near the part where you had to do the Long Jump, run across the banner nearby as it flaps in the breeze. Show up in Zelda's room again for another scene. Yes!!! we get to recover the Master Sword!!! After all is said and done, Midna will be healthy again(and able to survive outside of the Twilight Realm) and you'll know where to go. However, once you leave the castle, it will be surrounded by a yellow pyramid-like barrier! This must be Zant's work! We have more immediate concerns to worry about, though. Warp back to Faron Woods. ~Faron Woods~ head up towards the Forest Temple, but as you go, one of your monkey friends will show up, assaulted by several puppet enemies. Kill the Puppets, and the monkey will point out where you need to go. Go up to a bit of high ground and do a Long Jump past the Forest Temple and off to the side until you arrive at another forested area. Go past the rotating bridges and tightrope walk across where the tethered logs are swinging around. Careful not to get hit by those, yes? 0o Howl Stone!!! o0 Once you get past the swinging logs, there is a HOWL STONE right ahead of you in plain sight. Repeat the song(sounds just like the Prelude of Light from OoT), and the Golden Wolf will appear just south of Hyrule Castle. We'll get to him after the Master Sword. Keep going down the path until you enter the... ~Sacred Grove~ This area is very weird. You have no automap, and the whole place mostly looks the same, which can be very confusing. In the beginning here, search left for a Howl Stone(not one that calls the Golden Wolf), and copy the song(Zelda's Lullaby) to summon the Skull Kid. He will call up a bunch of Puppets, open a pathway for himself, then disappear down it. Chase him as best you can, and look around for him. Listen carefully for the horn the Skull Kid is playing to find him, then hit him to make him retreat further into the forest. Keep chasing him down like this, and eventually he will come to a clearing where he keep summoning Puppets and jumping from trees stump to tree stump. Take out the Puppets first, then Jump Attack him to eventually defeat him. Once you do, go through the passage that opens up. We are now in the heart of the Sacred Grove, among some nice-looking ruins. Go up to the Triforce symbol on the ground and howl that same Zelda's Lullaby- esque music. The statues here will come to life and present you with a puzzle. You have to return them to the indicated tiles. The trick is, one will always face and move in the same direction as you, and one will always move opposite you. If they end up colliding, they will bounce back to where they stood before and not move, even though you did. And if one collides with you, well, you gotta try again. It took me FOREVER to get this part right and it looks like a lot of other people have trouble with it too, but if you're REALLY stuck, the quickest solution circulating so far is: Down, up, left, up, right, down, down, down, up, up, left, up, up, right, down. Once the statues are back into place, go into the now open door ahead of you and grab the MASTER SWORD!!! As a side effect of getting so close to it, the evil spell Zant placed on Link will be lifted and he will be brought back into human form. Midna will take out that... thing Zant placed in you and keep it. Now, you can transform to and from your wolf form at any time. Just talk to Midna to do it. Midna then gets all buddy-buddy with Link and asks him to find something called the "Mirror of Twilight", the only thing left that can help them defeat Zant. Well, onwards! We gotta get out of here. There are a ton of things you can collect with the Clawshot and your wolf form, and the first two things are here in the Sacred Grove. **Golden Bug!!!** Once you get back into the courtyard(where you did the statue-moving puzzle), check the southwest corner of the ruins. You'll know your close when you see a broken treasure chest. Listen for the telltale glistening sound and look up in a dark corner for the MALE SNAIL. Use your Gale Boomerang to get it down. <3Heart Piece!!!<3 Go back to the clearing where you fought the Skull Kid, and blow up the rock in the middle of it. A Poe will come out of the destroyed rock, kill it and dig where the rock used to be to find a hidden cave. Kill all the Red Deku Babas in there to make a chest with a HEART PIECE appear. CURRENT TOTAL: 10 hearts, 1 piece We have a lot of collecting to do now. I'm just going to put different paragraphs for the items instead of listing them by area. Be warned: You are about to collect a LOT of bugs now that you have the Clawshot and the ability to warp! 0o Golden Wolf!!! o0 You'll find him outside the south entrance to Hyrule Castle Town. Talk to him here to learn the HELM SPLITTER! When you fight a heavily armed opponent, do a Shield Bash to knock them off balance, then press A to flip over them and bust their head. This will be a life-saver in the sixth dungeon and beyond! **Golden Bug!!!** Check just south on the southern entrance to Hyrule castle. While still on the stone steps leading to town, look on the east side for the FEMALE LADYBUG. It flies around a lot, so it's difficult to catch with your Gale Boomerang. I just wait until it rests on a wall or whatever, than walk up and grab it. **Golden Bug!!!** In the area south of Hyrule Castle Town, go west until you find a Deku Baba and a Red Deku Baba beside a natural stone pillar with ivy on one side. Deal with the Babas, and look closely here. The MALE LADYBUG is flying around close to the ground. There are no big tricks in getting it, just pick it up as it gets close to you. >>-<> Big Quiver!!! <>-<< Go to the circus tent close to the east entrance to Hyrule Castle Town. Pay 10 rupees to play the STAR game(Worst. Acronym. Ever!). Use your Clawshot to climb back and forth in the cage and collect all the spheres before time runs out. If you win, you'll receive the BIG QUIVER! Now you can hold 60 arrows instead of 30. You can do another version of this game once you complete the seventh dungeon, but it's actually easier than this one. Go figure. <3Heart Piece!!!<3 Warp back to Lake Hylia and go inside the Spirit Spring. There's a patch of ivy at the back; Clawshot to it and enter the door. Light the two torches to get to another HEART PIECE. CURRENT TOTAL: 10 hearts, 2 pieces <3Heart Piece!!!<3 Go to any of the patches of Hawk Grass in Lake Hylia and talk to Plumm(the odd parrot bird) as Wolf Link. She'll challenge you to a balloon-collecting mini- game. Despite the point values of the balloons(greens are worth 1, oranges are 3, reds are worth 10), it's very easy to score 10000 points if you just grab the chain of red ones early on. Once you get 10000 points or more, she gives you a HEART PIECE! CURRENT TOTAL: 10 hearts, 3 pieces 0o Howl Stone!!! o0 While you're still in Lake Hylia, you can find that Howl Stone we had to pass up earlier. It's on the cluster of land to the south. Copy the song and this time the Golden Wolf will appear in the as-yet unmarked eastern portion of your map. We'll be there soon enough, no worries. !!!Bomb Bag!!! Warp to Zora's Domain. Come back in human form and use your Iron Boots to sink all the way to the bottom. Use a Water Bomb to blow up the rock and free a Goron! Listen to how he got there, and he'll give you a third BOMB BAG! In theory you could fill each one with a different type of bomb, but Water bombs are too costly and Bomblings just aren't worth it. So, yeah! You should never run out of bombs anymore now! But you gotta wonder: How will that Goron get out of there? !!!BOMB BAG UPGRADE!!! Warp to Upper Zora's River and check out Iza's canoe rental cabin. If you pay 20 rupees, you can try a target shooting game. you ride down in the canoe like before, but you can use Bomb arrows to blow up the jar targets strewn throughout the course. Green jars are worth 1 point, red ones are worth 2. If the canoe hits anything, you get penalized 1 point. The best advice I can give is, don't get caught up in aiming too much. You don't want lose points unneccesarily. Take things slow, too, as there's no time limit. The targets are pretty easy to hit overall. If you get 25 points, you get the GIANT BOMB BAG! Now you can hold twice as many Bombs in all three Bomb Bags. Sweet! **Golden Bug!!!** Warp to Hyrule Castle and in the area east of the castle town, Clawshot up onto the ivy hanging over a nearby cliff. Check up there for a FEMALE BUTTERFLY. **Golden Bug!!!** Go to the north area in the Lanayru province(north of Hyrule Castle), and look on one of the trees. You should find a MALE STAG BEETLE on the side of one. Search closer to the east entrance to this area. **Golden Bug!!!** In the same area where you got the Male Stag Beetle, Check the rocky area to the north(that is, north of the river flowing here). Look for an area up the path with a shabby wooden fence and a Lizalfos roaming around. Kill the Lizalfos, then look up a nearby rock wall for The FEMALE STAG BEETLE. Use your Gale Boomerang to get it down. <3Heart Piece!!!<3 I know this isn't on the way to anything, but go to the north area of Hyrule Field and circle around to the north end of the Bridge of Eldin. There should be a cliff on a nearby rock wall, Clawshot up to the top using the target. Enter the cave there and go through it(use your Iron Boots and watch the magma) to get a HEART PIECE at the end. CURRENT TOTAL: 10 hearts, 4 pieces **Golden Bug!!!** On that same ledge close to the Bridge of Eldin, there is a FEMALE PHASMID on the rock wall. It blends in with the wall very well during the day, so you have to either look closely or wait until night time. BIG NOTICE: There is another Heart Piece you can potentially collect now as a reward for a small side-quest starting in Kakariko Village. I won't cover it now, because you have to go to Malo Mart and donate 1000 rupees to restore the bridge west of Hyrule Castle Town first. I suggest you go and drop off as much money as you can afford at the moment. I'll cover how to get it in full after the next dungeon. ~Hyrule Castle Town~ Now! Once you're done all that collecting, warp back to Hyrule Castle and go back To Telma's bar. Sometimes you just have to go where everybody knows your name... Enter the bar(Link: "Hey everyone." Everyone: "LINK!!!" Telma: "how's life treating you, honey?" Link: "Pour." Telma: "Oh, I'm sorry to hear that." Link: "No, just pour me a beer." :P) and talk to Telma. She'll introduce you to the gang(who should get their own spinoff game in time, not that annoying Tingle): Shad, the bookwormy nerd of the bunch and Ashei, an unintentionally rude but good-hearted Emo/Goth warrior girl. And you'll also meet up with Rusl again! Awesome! After talking to everyone here and checking the map on the table, you'll get a pretty good idea of what you need to do next: We have to go meet Auru, the fourth member of the group, back at Lake Hylia. Leave town and warp there. ~Lake Hylia~ Go back up that nearby ladder and past the Howl Stone, you should come across a thin stone tower(if you can't find it, check the red target on your map). Climb to the top to introduce yourself to Auru. He'll show you a view of the Gerudo Desert to the east, as well as share the story of the prison there. He speaks of a mirror... perhaps it's the Mirror of Twilight? Only one way to find out! Before you leave, Auru gives you a memo to give to Fyer, that clown who operates the cannon. Go to Fyer's island cabin and show him the memo by equipping and using it. After a short conversation with Fyer, he'll agree to launch you out of the cannon(for free- this one time only) to... ~Gerudo Desert~ Once you arrive here, Midna will explain some more about the Fused Shadows to you... and just how dangerous they can really be. And what happened to those who used them last, as well as the origin of the Twilight Realm... a sobering story. When Zant took control, Midna- a descendant of the original denizens of the Twilight Realm- was banished to the world of light. I honestly think that this is a great source of pathos for Midna, but we must press on anyway. The Desert itself is, truth be told, a large and boring place, but there are two big points of interest. The first is to the far southeast. As you go, beware the little worm enemies that constantly burrow and leap out of the sand, move quickly to avoid them and roll out of their way if they annoy you. Once you get to the southeast, look for a large impossible-to-miss rocky structure. Clawshot up to a tree, then to a Peahat(a flying plant-like creature) to get to the top of the rock. Once you do, another group of Twilight Monsters will appear on you. It's easy to kill them all at once in such close quarters, but don't take too much damage here. When they die, take a look at this HUGE ASS structure on top? Look familiar? It's the missing middle part of the Bridge of Eldin! Turn into a wolf and answer Midna's hail to warp it back to the rest of the Bridge of Eldin(the little yell she gives while psychically lifting heavy objects is adorable). Once that's done, head back north in the Desert. I should also point out that there is a cave you revealed by warping that chunk of the bridge back to its proper place. That's the Cave of Ordeals, an optional 50-floor endurance dungeon. You can't get to the end right now, so don't worry about yet. It's best to wait until after the next three dungeons or so until you can get all the way down. **Golden Bug!!!** In the middle south area of the desert, look for a MALE DAYFLY flying around. Ironically, it's much easier to spot at night. **Golden Bug!!!** From where you find the Male Dayfly, keep heading east. you'll come across some stone ruins with a treasure chest on top. keep going northeast from there to come across a gully in the sand(that is, a sort of trench). the FEMALE DAYFLY is flying around in one of them. Like the male, she's MUCH easier to spot at night. Head to the northeast and you'll come across a Moblin settlement. You know what to do... kill as many as you can, and when you're free of distractions, take and ride one of their boars. Press A to charge and break through their wooden walls and structures, revealing countless treasure chests with rupees. Ride a boar further north, and break through the walls to gain access to the furthest north area here. 0o Golden Wolf!!! o0 On your way north, you'll come across the Golden Wolf again. This time he teaches you my personal favorite skill: The MORTAL DRAW! To use it, do NOT Z- target your opponent, sheathe your sword, and let an enemy get close to you. Then, press A at JUST the right time to attack with a quick draw! I love this one! <3Heart Piece!!!<3 Press on north into another Moblin encampment. This is a pretty straightforward area, just run through and kill every Moblin that attacks you. In the northwest corner of the fort, there is a boar roasting on a spit. Carve it with your sword to get a HEART PIECE out of it. Was it the boar's actual heart? Sadly, we as an audience may never know. Also grab the small key next to the spit. CURRENT TOTAL: 11 hearts Use the small key to get to the middle area of the settlement, and guess who shows up for round three? The King Moblin! Dammit, you can NOT kill this guy! Well, we beat him twice before, we can do it again. This time you fight him on foot. Backflip or jump to the sides to dodge his heavy axe blows(they really do hurt a lot!). The Back Slice technique works best against him, and you can use the Mortal Draw to get in a cheap shot or two. Once you beat him, he will retreat again and you can ride the boar hanging around in here. But wait! As he leaves, his henchmen will set fire to the place, so mount the boar(no jokes, please) and charge out of this room! You'll automatically bash through a series of gates and end up at the Arbiter's Grounds. No surprises out here or anything, just go in. <<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<< Arbiter's Grounds [arbi] >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> OVERVIEW: This place gives off the image of an ancient Egyptian tomb. This is the first time you'll have to switch between human and wolf form to successfully complete the dungeon, as you'll need to track down several Poes- ghost enemies- with your wolf senses. Once you get the treasure in here, however, this whole place becomes one giant skate park!!! WALKTHROUGH: Go down the stairs and arrive in the first room. You get your first taste of what this dungeon will be like. Lots and lots of sand! In any case, Clawshot over to the platform to the right(you could roll over the sand, as long as you start the roll on the platform, you won't sink in right away). I should point out here that the sand in this dungeon acts like quicksand. You stay in it too long, you'll sink and be returned to the entrance of the room with less health. Also, if the sand worms here give you too much grief, you can pull them towards you with your Clawshot and kill them with your sword. With that in mind, jump across a couple of platforms to the northwest section of this room(the caged-off area). You'll have to roll across the sand to get to it, but you should just make it. Once you get there, take note of the pull switch there. If you go into the sand, you'll sink before you can pull it all the way, so pull it to you on land with your Clawshot and use it to open the gate to the north. Go on through. The door to the north is locked, but a quick jaunt through a short hallway to the east will produce a small key easily enough. Go on north. This room is dark, so best take out your Lantern for this next part. The light will reveal the truth: Little skeletons advancing on you, with sand pits everywhere. Kill them all(one sword hit will suffice; a Spin Attack will take out entire groups), and light the two torches to the north to open the door. Go north through this door. This room here is the "main room" of the dungeon. Approach the middle of it, and four Poes will steal the flames on the torches in the middle of the room. Three out of the four will leave for hiding places elsewhere, but the fourth one will stay and fight you. Turn into a wolf and activate your senses to see him. Wait until he turns slightly brighter in color, then Jump Attack and maul him. When he falls to the ground press A(kind of like the Ending Blow) to rip out his soul. One down, three to go! Before you leave, inspect the empty robe to learn the POES' SCENT! We'll be using it to track 'em down, but you won't need to follow your nose if you're reading this, right? :P <3Heart Piece!!!<3 This one couldn't be easier to get. While still in the main room, look in the northeast corner. There will be a treasure chest across a small pit of sand. Clawshot over and grab the HEART PIECE out of it. While you're here, look on the other side of the room for the DUNGEON MAP. CURRENT TOTAL: 11 hearts, 1 piece Okay, time to find our first Poe. Check the scent trails with your senses, one will lead straight into the floor of this room. Dig in the sand where the scent trail disappears into the floor to find a pull switch. Pull it to reveal a nearby staircase. Go down it and enter the door below. Kill the flying skull down here, than take notice of the pillar in the middle of the room. Grab the bar sticking out of it and give a big push clockwise. Doing this will do several things: it'll open a trapdoor in the ceiling above, reveal a treasure chest and a Redead here, and block the door you used to enter here. First, kill the Redead- his scream will paralyze you, however, so try to get behind him. If you get frozen, jam on the A button to free yourself. Once he dies(again- he IS undead, after all), open the chest here for a small key! Then, Clawshot up through the ceiling trapdoor I mentioned earlier. The pillar extends to the upper floor, Clawshot to a target on the side of it. Up here, head through the exposed north door. The room will appear to be empty, but put on your wolf senses- the Poe was trying to hide beside the wall and pull a fast one on you! Kill him like before, and you're already half done. Go back one room, jump down to the bottom floor, and push the pillar counter-clockwise back to where it was before. Go back upstairs to the main room and go west through there. Go back through the pillar room and unlock the western door there. This room introduces a new trap for this dungeon: spikes. They'll pop out of the sand and block your passage. If you stick to the north wall, they won't hit you. Climb up the platforms here and search around until you find a cage- like block. Pull it back from its spot, then push it to the right from there into the alcove. Climb up to just above where you pushed it to find a pull switch. Pull it all the way back to raise a nearby chandelier(you'll go across the block while doing so- that's why you needed to get it there), then let it go and run under the chandelier before it falls back down. Run past it, and go upstairs to the south. Once you get in this room, go to the south alcove and open the chest for the COMPASS! Grab the side of the statue in the middle of the room and push it counter-clockwise to open up the way both west and east. Go west for a Redead and a chest with a small key. Go east to unlock the door, and go through it. Just circle around then go north in here. There are a lot of small skeletons and a couple of Redeads here. Once they're all dead, turn into a wolf and check the scent trails here. One of them leads into the floor again, dig at that spot to uncover another pull switch. Pull it and a wall will slide back, revealing Poe #3! Kill him, then head into the room north of here. There's nothing here but for a small key. Jump down to the floor, then open the chest for it. Once you leave, though, the lights will go out. Once you move around, Link will start moving slowly. Transforming into a wolf and checking your senses will reveal the truth: Little ghost rats clinging to you. Spin Attack to shake them off, then jump across to the locked door and go into the next room. You're in the second floor of the main room now. Just move across the chandelier and go east into the next room. In this room, go left and down until you find another cage block. Push it forward as far as it will go until it locks into place, allowing you access to the pull switch above it. Go to the right for a red rupee in a chest, then go up to the pull switch and pull it out to raise another chandelier here. Instead of rushing past it to the chest on the other side(which just contains another red rupee), go into the middle of where the chandelier would drop. Once it does, climb up the inside of it and jump east to the door and head on through. Use your sword to remove the wood blocking the entrance here, but when you try to leave to the south, a Stalfos- an animated skeleton warrior- will come to life and attack you. Just defeat him like any sword-wielding opponent, but when he "dies" and collapses, lay a bomb nearby to destroy his remains. If you don't, he'll just keep coming back. Once he's dead, search around here for some Bombs and Water Bombs(what good will THOSE do here???). Leave via the southern exit. Here is an interesting puzzle. There are five torches in a row, plus one extra in front of them. You have to light one of the five torches in a row, then the lone one to open the exit to the west. For me, it was the far right torch, but it might be random. If the far right one doesn't work, just go with trial and error. Once it works, go west. This room has tons of blue lanterns on the wall. Turn into a wolf and seek out the Poe hiding here. This one will do something a little different: he will split up into four. Three Poes are illusions, one is real. After circling you for a while, they'll all disappear except for the real one. QUICKLY target and Jump Attack him, and after maybe two rounds of attacking, he'll give up the ghost(so to speak). That should be all of them! Head back to the main room. Now that you killed all the Poes, we're ready to move on with the latter half of the dungeon. Move north to the next room. In here, you'll notice a gear-shaped slot in the floor, along with some more gears. Don't worry about those for now, instead go west into the small but deep room there. In this room with the spiraling pillar in the middle, drop all the way down to the bottom. The floor here is move-able. Pushing the bar on the pillar counter-clockwise will move the floor up, pushing clockwise will move it down. First, move it up twice to get to a small key(you'll have to loop around from another passage, as spikes will pop up in front of the chest. After you get the key, push it down as far as it will go and unlock the door at the bottom. Go on in! In this next room, stay in wolf mode. You'll need to sense and kill a lot more rat ghosts. Head to the south end of the room. It's difficult for me to tell you exactly how to get past the spikes that pop up, but just take things slow and you'll be fine. Once you get to the south end, go into the southwest corner and pull the switch to move the wall attached to it. You'll have to go around to go through the opening, but spikes will pop up and more ghost rats will show up to slow you down too. Make a practice run so you know where to go(and kill all the ghost rats), then go for real and slip past the wall. Once you're past it, head east. Be careful and slip past the spinning blades on the walls. If any of those insect swarms latches onto you, do a Spin Attack to dislodge and kill them. Go through the door facing north. You'll be greeted in the next room by a swinging pole studded with spikes. Roll under it and go north from it until you meet a group of three Stalfos. Kill them all, and a gate west of that swinging spiked trap will open. Go back and head west and up the path from there. You'll pass over quicksand and more of those little black clingy insects before jumping across a long gap. If you get a good running start, you'll just make it. Go into the nearby door to the north... ---------------------------- MINIBOSS BATTLE: DEATH SWORD ---------------------------- This menacing sword-wielding phantom is the first mini-boss you have to use your wolf form on. Take out your sword and try to cut the ropes holding the sword to make him appear. For the first part of the battle, go into wolf form and use your senses to see him. Move back and forth to dodge as he swings his sword straight down. Once he does, Jump Attack and maul him. After that, he'll make himself visible and start floating around, so turn into a human and aim an arrow at his head. Once you hit him with the arrow, he'll sink back down to the ground and try to cut you up again. Just dodge his swing and he'll keel over. That's when you take your sword out and hack at his empty calcareous head! Seems like all the enemies here are freakin' undead, where does it all END??? Just repeat the arrow-sword attack sequence a few more times(he won't go back invisible anymore), and he'll die for the (presumably) second time. After Death Sword is gone, go through the now open gate ahead of you. Jump down and open the chest ahead for the SPINNER! The Spinner is a large mechanical platform resembling a giant gear top. You hop on with B and get off with A. While riding it, you can press B again to attack with it by lashing out with the gear teeth. But its most useful function is riding along the rails in the wall, which we'll need to go to get out of here. While riding along the rails, press B to jump off onto an opposite rail(if there is one), and A to put it away and drop down. <3Heart Piece!!!<3 Outside of Death Sword's room, use the Spinner to get into the room up east. This room is a MAJOR opportunity to practice your Spinner skills. Just follow the tracks and you'll come across a HEART PIECE in a chest close to a spiky swinging pole in here. Continue up the track and you'll come across a large "half-pipe" with two more Stalfos and a chest with a yellow rupee. Climb up to the top of the half pipe and use the track up there. Use the dual track there, you'll have to jump back and forth to avoid the spiky sliders already in place. Once you get to the far end, go through the door. CURRENT TOTAL: 11 hearts, 2 pieces As you emerge from the track room, you'll see the chest with the BIG KEY right in front of you. Grab it, then go along the track to find yourself back in the room with the gears in the floor. Take out your Spinner and move over that gear slot to fit it in. Press B repeatedly to move the wall on the outside edge of the room around and open the area to the north. Go in there and ride up the track along the wall, and jump off onto the platform in the middle. Slot the Spinner in this platform too and raise another track. Go up this new track to end up right in front of the boss room. //////////////////////////////////// BOSS BATTLE: TWILIT FOSSIL- STALLORD \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ When you first show up in the boss room, Zant will appear and taunt you again. He will then shove his sword into the skull of that massive pile of bones, which will come to life! Don't worry, although Stallord is not particularly hard, he has to be THE BEST BOSS FIGHT IN THE SERIES! You fight this giant skeleton in a pit of sand with a Spinner track on the outside rim. Stallord will be in the middle, breathing toxic gas and swiping at you. So get on the Spinner and ride the track! There will also be spiky spinners going along the track so prepare to jump when you see one coming. As you go around, he will spawn smaller, human-sized skeleton corpses from the pit. Try to avoid those. They can be taken out with a single hit from the Spinner(you'll have to press B for the hit to count). When the coast is clear, jump off of the track and ride the Spinner towards Stallord. Aim for the base of his spine and run into it with the Spinner. Attack his spine with B to damage him, and after three hits, it will all be over. Once Stallord collapses, the sand will drain from the room. Head to the middle of the platform and slot your Spinner into the space in the middle. Raise the platform by doing so, and... wait! It's not over yet!!! Stallord's head will come back to life(in a manner of speaking) and push you off the platform into the bottom floor below. He disrespected us, so we gotta pay him back!!! Whip out the Spinner again and race along the track on the inside wall. Stallord will be floating ahead of you(no pun intended) spitting energy balls at you. When he shoots one off, jump with B onto the track on the outside wall and continue your chase. Once you're close to him, jump off and collide with him to knock him to the ground and stun him. Now's your chance! Take out your sword and attack the sword Zant left in his forehead. Once he gets back up, follow him up the track again. On the second trip, spiky spinners will be going along the inside track, and the outside track as well during the third trip. Repeat the process about 3 times to destroy that sword and finish him off for good. ~Arbiter's Grounds- Aftermath~ In a rare move for a Zelda game, you don't get anything for beating this dungeon but a HEART CONTAINER. Finishing it just moves the plot along. Head outside and you'll be on the top of the Arbiter's Grounds. Head up to the very top to enter the Mirror Chamber. Once you're there, a group of five Twilight monsters will appear. I find it best here to kill all but two of them, then transform into a wolf and use your Energy Attack to kill the remaining two. Once they're gone, you can warp up here too. Take out your Spinner and ride up the statue , then use it on the gear spot on top. The Twilight Mirror will be revealed. But it's broken!!! a group of ancient sages will appear and tell you the story of a dark entity that lurks in the Twilight... one who stole the power of the Mirror and shattered it... Ganondorf. You knew he'd be in the game sooner or later! After the scene is over, your next objective seems clear: to gather the pieces of the Mirror of Twilight and piece it back together! Only then can you reach Zant in the Twilight Realm and defeat him. Well, we're done here, so warp out anywhere. We have a bit of collecting to do first. Oh, you'll notice I didn't find Ooccoo in there, but like you'll ever really need her, right? %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% -Part 5: Snowboarding and Superb Soup [par5] %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% ~Gerudo Desert~ You can go back to Telma's Bar and advance the plot whenever you choose, but there are a couple of Heart Pieces we can get with the Spinner. <3Heart Piece!!!<3 Warp to the Bridge of Eldin and head north, then northeast from there. A long ways down the path, you'll come to a wooden bridge. On the far side, there's a Spinner track. Go down the track, turn into a wolf, and dig in the middle of a grass circle. You'll end up in a cave. Kill the three Stalfos inside the cave to get a HEART PIECE! CURRENT TOTAL: 12 hearts, 3 pieces <3Heart Piece!!!<3 Warp to Hyrule Castle and check your map. You'll see that in this area, there's a stretch of pathway northeast of the castle town that we haven't explored yet. Go through it(you'll have to Bomb either side open), and look around in here. On the north end of the trail, you'll see the beginnings of a Spinner track. Go up the track(you'll have to jump back and forth between the two rock walls) and at the end, you'll get a HEART PIECE for your trouble. CURRENT TOTAL: 12 hearts, 4 pieces <3Heart Piece!!!<3 Remember how I mentioned restoring the bridge west of Hyrule Castle? You have to start this side-quest by donating 1000 rupees to rebuild the bridge. You can talk to the Goron elder within the store in Kakariko Village to donate. Once you reach the 1000 rupee mark, go to the now accessible west entrance to Hyrule Castle Town and talk to the Goron there. He's too tired to move, and he wants spring water to revitalize him. Warp back to Kakariko village and talk to the other elder meditating outside. He'll give you a barrel of the stuff to deliver to the Goron outside of Hyrule Castle Town. You have to carry it manually, so that means going across Hyrule Field to do it- on foot. It's not difficult, just stick to the edge of the field and hope most of the enemies don't notice you. Once you get to the end, throw the barrel on the tired Goron and he'll roll off. Mere seconds later, he comes back to drop off a HEART PIECE as a reward. CURRENT TOTAL: 13 hearts <><> Magic Armor!!! <><> Now, see, this part is pretty weird. If you did the bridge repair side quest at Malo Mart(where you donated 1000 rupees to repair the bridge), Malo will be looking to open a new branch of his store in Hyrule Castle Town. Go back to Kakariko Village and donate up to 2000(!) rupees to get them to open up the store. HOWEVER! If you deliver the spring water to the Goron west of Hyrule Castle Town, they'll only be 200 rupees short of their goal. Pay him off, then go straight back to the center square of Hyrule Castle Town to find the new store. Check it out(the parallel with Wal-Mart is eerie to say the least) and you can buy the MAGIC ARMOR for 598 rupees. If your wallet is hurting from the donations, just hand off some Golden Bugs to Agitha again or something. The Magic Armor itself keeps you invincible by "making rupees magical". This means that it keeps you invincible, but drains 1 rupee for every second that you wear it and drains 10 rupees or so every time you would normally take damage. If you run out of rupees, it stops protecting you and weighs you down like Iron Boots. Your choice... but be smart and buy at Malo Mart! ;) ~Hyrule Castle Town~ Once you've collected all you want/need to get, warp back to Hyrule Castle Town and go to Telma's Bar. Talk to everyone there as before. Telma will mention that Ashei has gone exploring on the northern mountain. Check the map on the table for her location. Well, then! We're off to Zora's Domain. Warp there! ~Zora's Domain~ Go to that red target on your map at the base of the waterfall. This part as blocked by ice before, but it's open now. Talk to the guard nearby to hear rumors of a beast exploring here lately... hmm... in any case, head east through that nearby tunnel to arrive at... ~Snowpeak~ This is the end of the earth. Colder than anywhere else in Hyrule, and just as bleak... the white-robed figure up ahead is Ashei. Talk to her and she'll bring you up to speed. She'll tell you more about the beast on the mountain, and how he's been seen in Zora's Domain lately searching for his favorite fish. She'll hand off a sketch of the beast for you to show around. You could show it to all of the Zoras here, but none of them have a damn clue. Hmm... where is there another Zora...? Would a certain Zora prince know anything about this? ~Kakariko Village~ Warp back here and check out the graveyard. More specifically, check out Queen Rutela's grave at the back of the graveyard. Prince Ralis is still there. Show him Ashei's sketch and he'll immediately recognize it. He'll tell you about the Reekfish- a certain fish that only lives in Zora's Domain. He'll also tell you where to find it: close to the Mother and Child Rocks. He will also give you the only bit of bait that can catch it: the CORAL EARRING! And he decides to return to Zora's Domain and take his rightful place as ruler. Sweet! We got a new lead! Go back to Zora's Domain. ~Zora's Domain~ Go to the base of the waterfall and look for a twin rock spire with one spire smaller than the other. It's just across from the entrance to Snowpeak. Those are the Mother and Child Rocks that Ralis mentioned. So head on over to that side of the basin, whip out your Fishing Rod for the first time in what seems like ages, and go fishing. It's the same as the beginning of the game. Pull the Remote back as SOON as you see the bob sink a ways down, and you should catch one almost immediately. Once you catch a Reekfish, quickly transform into a wolf and learn its scent. Yummay... Check the scent trail starting from here and follow your nose! **Golden Bug!!!** Before you go, check off to the side of the Mother and Child Rocks on land. You'll see an a MALE DRAGONFLY flying around, pick it up before you head off to Snowpeak. ~Snowpeak~ Follow the scent to and through Snowpeak. Once you arrive, Ashei will already be gone... This whole area is pretty straightforward. Stay as a wolf for this part, as you will sink into the snow in human form(not to the point of dying, you'll just be slowed down a great deal). Jump across the ice floes and keep heading up the mountain and kill any enemies that may get in your way. Returning are the White Wolfos, dog-like enemies that drift in and out of the snow. They are best fought in wolf form. As you go, a blizzard will limit your visibility. This can be countered by staying in sensing mode as a wolf. If the scent just goes straight up a cliff, look to the sides for hills or an extra path. Once you get to what looks like a dead end(a cliff with some snow hanging over it), headbutt the wall to bring the snow down and clear a path. 0o Howl Stone!!! o0 As you follow the scent past that snow overhang, look at the edge of a cliff you pass by. There is the second-to-last HOWL STONE here. Copy the song and the Golden Wolf will appear at the Kakariko Graveyard. We COULD go see him now, but that would mean backtracking like hell. I suggest you wait until just a couple of minutes from now when you can warp back to Snowpeak. In any case, continue up the mountain until the scent trail comes to a dead end... or DOES it? Dig where it ends to find yourself in a short cavern. Do NOT touch that ice! It'll freeze you solid and do some nice damage to boot. Climb up the ladder and keep going. You'll also have to deal with Ice Keese here, which are bats enchanted with cold magic. If they hit you, you'll be frozen, which is VERY annoying. Kill them as you go. Open the circular hand- printed door at the end and you'll emerge at the peak of the mountain! Out here, advance a bit and a Twilight monster trio will show up. Aren't you getting tired of these mother****ers? Once you get the warp portal from these guys, you could go back and check the Graveyard for the Golden Wolf. I will assume you did. 0o Golden Wolf!!! o0 Once you can warp back up to the top of Snowpeak, warp back to Kakariko Village and check there to find the Golden Wolf. We're almost done with him now... for your penultimate technique, he shows you the JUMP STRIKE! This one is more effective against multiple enemies. It works like a Jump Attack, but you hold A to charge power before releasing it. One more skill to go... we'll get it before the seventh dungeon. Warp back to Snowpeak. When you're back, go up to that hulking white-furred fellow near the tree. Yup, they included a Yeti in this game! Sweet! I just love this guy! After introducing yourself, he'll invite you to his house at the bottom of the slope. Roll into the tree to produce an ice slab, then get on and show off your mad SSX moves! There are no real tricks or surprises here, but if you make some jumps on the tops of trees, you can get some rupees for your trouble. Once you reach the bottom, head inside his nice-looking mansion... <<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<< Snowpeak Ruins [snow] >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> OVERVIEW: Welcome to the Yetis' humble home. They obviously have forgotten to check for pests here, as enemies run rampant. They have some odd stuff that no other married couple could have... the wife is sick at the moment, so we have to help her on order to get the Mirror Shard at the end. WALKTHROUGH: There are no surprises in the first room except for a Poe. Kill it and take its soul(you have been doing that as you find them, right?) and enter the north door. In the living room here, talk to the wife. She has a cold or something, but she tells you about the Mirror Shard she found and how she became sick not long after finding it. She asks you to find the key to the, er, bedroom on the third floor and gives you the DUNGEON MAP. She also points out a possible location for the key in red on your map. We're heading there first. Head west into the kitchen. You'll see the husband here, and he's cooking some soup. Grab some with your bottle to get SIMPLE SOUP. It only replenishes 2 hearts per bottle. Kinda pathetic, but it'll get better later. Look into one of the jars to the southwest to reunite with Ooccoo, and go north from here. Looks like we have ourselves a good old-fashioned block pushing puzzle(something this game has casually avoided up until this point). Push the southeast block west, then the northwest block east, south, west, than south in that order. It'll keep the switch down and allow you to go through the door in the east. This thin room is just part of the courtyard. Dig under the wall and emerge outside. Once you emerge, you'll get a visual of the bedroom door up on the third floor. For now, deal with the White wolfos here and dig up a treasure chest in an obvious spot for a small key. Go through the door to the west. The upper part of this room introduces you to Freezards. These cuddly little ice chunks will slide along most surfaces like hockey pucks, freezing you if they hit you. It's best to avoid them for now, but Spin Attacks work well to kill them quickly. Go through the locked door to the north. Nothing fancy in this room, just kill the three Freezards here and go through the door to the west. As you enter this room, you get a visual of the tempting treasure chest just one room over. Head towards the southern door, but it locks in front of your face! Two Ice Soldiers appear. Once you get this dungeon's big treasure, these guys are total paper compared to you, but for now they're a royal pain in the ass! Give them a one-two punch of a Shield Attack and a Helm Splitter to down them quickly, and use the Mortal Draw to get in a sucker shot or two once they lose their spears. Once you've killed them off, the doors will unlock and you can get to that chest. Open it for... an ORDON PUMPKIN??? What the hell? ...well, we can still use this, so bring it back to the husband Yeti. Back in the kitchen, talk to the husband. He'll shove you down and take your pumpkin(jeez, Link's having a bad day... he COULD have just asked nicely!). he will then add it to his recipe to create GOOD SOUP. This one tastes like pumpkin and replenishes 4 hearts instead. Go into the next room and talk to the wife again. She'll tell you where her next hunch for the key is... all the way north on the first floor. She'll open another door, one leading north into the courtyard. Keep on going! You're now in the other half of the courtyard. Deal with the White Wolfos, then go through the north door to the east. There's not much we can do here... yet. This maze-like skating rink is crawling(sliding?) with Freezards. Take the conveniently placed cannonball and throw it into them to kill them instantly. Take the cannonball with you and head to the cannon in the northeast corner of the room. To load it, place the cannonball inside it and to fire it, place a bomb in after it. You can also push it from side to side to aim it. Fire it west to open a path to a chest with Bombs, then fire it south to open a path to the door down there. Take the door south. The floorboards are almost completely out here, so tread carefully. Especially beware the slippery, slanted parts, as you'll slide down them into oblivion if you're not careful. Use your Clawshot to send the Freezards down into the abyss, then cross the floorboards when the coast is clear to acquire the COMPASS in the southwest. Leave here the way you came. Thankfully, you can Clawshot back to the door. Head back to the courtyard. Now that you have the compass, you can dig in the snow here! Dig where the treasure chest show up on your map. One of them will be a small key; use it on the door just to the east. It leads you into a side room with several cannonballs. We can use these for the cannon outside, but we have to take them out of the room first. See the apparatus on the wall next to the door. To bring a cannonball into the next room, pull the switch on it down, then place a cannonball in the tray. Go through the door to the other side and pull the switch again to send the cannonball into the other room. We only need one for now, so bring in into the main room and use the cannon to clear out that Sheegoth-looking(if you're a Metroid Prime player) ice monster to the north. Go through the door it was blocking. FAIR WARNING: you are about to fight the mini-boss if this dungeon. He deals a TON of damage, so make sure your health is full when you enter the room. Go back and fill up on soup if you feel you need to, and when you're ready, go through the north door in the courtyard. This room may not look like much, just two suits of armor idly standing around... head to the north door, but wait! Surprise! One of them comes to life to fight you, typical Zelda style! Time to kick some shiny metal ass! ------------------------------- MINIBOSS BATTLE: ARMORED KNIGHT ------------------------------- This guy wields a ball and chain. A powerful one, too! He's immune to front attacks, so look up. Use the ceiling(there are targets, but you can use the whole ceiling) to Clawshot up behind him. Get behind him using your Clawshot and attack his tail(what is he under that armor? A Lizalfos? I'm not quite sure on this). As for his attacks, his only move is to whip the ball and chain around and throw it at you. It takes practice, but you CAN deduce the timing of his throws. If you're bold, you can forego the Clawshot strategy and roll to one side JUST as he throws. That'll give you the valuable opening you need to move around and attack him from behind. This miniboss is actually pretty challenging, so good luck! Once you destroy him, you can take his weapon: the BALL AND CHAIN, one of the coolest weapons in the game, in my opinion. When you use it, you aim like the Clawshot, but it's a more powerful bashing weapon. You can power through just about ANY enemy in the game with this baby! The only catch is that Link moves slowly while he has it out, so become adept at putting it away when you're not using it(where Link stuffs it when he puts it away, I do not know. He still stores it on his person, but he is not slowed. It's these thoughts that keep me up at night wondering). Once you're done playing with your new weapon, go through the door to the north. In here, you can use the Ball and Chain to power through the ice in here. If you use it on one of suits of armor, you can release an Ice Bubble(the flying skull). Kill it for an orange rupee, worth 100(!!!). Anyways, get the chest in here for a wheel of delicious ORDON GOAT CHEESE. You know what to do with it. Once the husband yeti uses it in his soup(why does he need to shove Link like that???), you get a SUPERB SOUP that would put even TV cook/hottie Rachael Ray to shame(I just thought of something else. It can NOT be sanitary to store lantern oil, bee larva, Chu jelly, AND soup in the same bottle). Bottle some of it, then talk to the wife yeti again. She points out a room on the second floor this time. Well, off we go! Take the freshly unlocked door to the east of here. Don't do anything in here yet. Go north into that side courtyard room and push the nearby block into the hole. Then go back in and bash the ice out of the way. There is another ice monster in a cage close to here, roll to dodge its breath as you make your way up. If you get an opening, you can kill it with your Ball and Chain. Do the same thing with the second ice monster further up. When you get to the upper floor, bust away the ice for a cannon, but we're not going to use it just yet. Go through the northern door. As soon as you enter, you'll be assaulted by another Ice Soldier throwing spears at you. Don't take any crap from him, bust out your Ball and blow away his entire upper body with it. Once he's gone, smash the ice here for a Clawshot target. You'll need it in a moment. Lastly, turn your attention to the hanging chandelier. Hit it with your ball and chain to start it swinging. Ride it over to the other side and open the chest for a small key. Bring it back to the previous room with the ice monsters and the cannon. Use the key to unlock the southwest door. <3Heart Piece!!!<3 We're now in the second floor of the foyer. Hit the ice away for a Clawshot target, then hit the chandelier to start it swinging. Go over to the other side and kill the Ice Soldier before he can be a further threat to you, then go back on the chandelier. Wait for it to stop swinging, then hit the next one. Go across the three chandeliers in sequence to get to the south end of the room. Open the chest on the end platform for a HEART PIECE! Afterwards, go back to the first chandelier and head through the west door. CURRENT TOTAL: 13 hearts, 1 piece There is a whole gang of Freezards waiting for you here. You can mash them all up with your Ball and Chain, and once you do, destroy the ice here too for a Poe. Kill it and collect its soul, then leave here to the north. We're back in the room with the block puzzle, so take the block up on this floor and push it downstairs. Follow it down and bash away both the block of ice in the middle and the ice covering a third push-able block. Facing north: 1. Push the left block up and the top right block left. 2. Push the bottom block up, then the upper left block down. 3. Push the top block right, then down, then left, than up. I hope the directions are easy to follow. That should hit the switch in the middle of the room. Climb back up to the top floor(using that block you pushed down earlier) and exit through the top floor on the east side. We're on the second floor of the courtyard now. Before you do anything, TAKE NOTE OF THE CANNON ON THE NEARBY PLATFORM. We'll be able to transport some cannonballs up to it in a while. For now, jump to the top of the nearby wall and take on the Ice Soldier. Kill him, then kill his two comrades to the north. Once they're all gone, Clawshot through the gap in the wall, than go through the door to the left. Hit the ice here for another Clawshot target in case you screw up. Hit the chandeliers one by one to get across them, and reach the treasure chest to the south. Open it for a small key. I know just where to use it. Go through the nearby door to the south, then south again to the room with all the Freezards. Open the locked door to the east from there, and go on in. <3Heart PIECE!!!<3 There are two big ice monsters in here. Kill them both, then focus your attention to the nearby blocks in the eastern wall. Push them both in to create access to the room where those two ice monsters were in the cages. Go to the south here, and use your Ball and Chain to smash through the floorboards in the corner of the room. Open the chest in the floor below for a HEART PIECE, then Clawshot back up. CURRENT TOTAL: 13 hearts, 2 pieces Well! Now that we opened a way into the second floor from here, we're able to use the cannon on the second floor of the courtyard. Go back to the courtyard on the first floor from this room and grab a cannonball. Take it through the wall transporting thing and carry it up to the second floor of that cage room. Load and fire it to the west onto the ledge above the blocks. Transport the cannonball to the next room through the wall device, then again north into the courtyard's second floor. Turn the cannon so that it faces towards the ice monster in the northeast, then load and fire to destroy it. Jump down to the ground floor, then climb up the ladder in front of where it used to be. Take the door to the east. You are now in some sort of chapel. The doors will immediately lock behind you, so you know you're in for some fun. The icicles hanging from the ceiling will become Ice Soldiers and drop down if you get too close, so try and bust them from as far away as possible. If they do drop to the ground and form, take them out! Just don't let them gang up on you. Once they're all dead, you can access the final item here: the amusingly-shaped BEDROOM KEY! Bring it back to the wife yeti. Actually, as you emerge from that room, she will be waiting for you! Follow her up to the bedroom and unlock it. Anyone feeling seduced by that yeti wife yet? Hopefully husband yeti doesn't know she's a player. ;) Once you're in the bedroom, the wife yeti will show you the Mirror Shard. Strangely enough, she will get possessed by it and scare the crap out of the average player! ////////////////////////////////////// BOSS BATTLE: TWILIT ICE MASS- BLIZZETA \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ Blizzeta goes through many phases, most of them pretty aggressive, but you can easily counter them by being equally aggressive. First off, she IS just a mass of ice, so take out your Ball and Chain and smack her around. After taking a few good hits, she'll spawn a TON of Freezards. Curiously, most of them will dissolve. Now smaller, she will begin to try and ram you, so time your Ball and Chain attacks well! Keep hitting her, and eventually she will have to form a new body of ice. Now, for her third big form! She will be floating above ground and trying to land her ice spires on you. The camera angle will change so you can see her above you(that is, her reflection on the floor). Just keep moving and they won't hit you. Once they land, break up as many as you can with your Ball and Chain. There are nine ice spires to start out, count how many fall so you know when it's safe to stop moving and attack them. Sometimes, she'll try to trap you in a circle, if you have already broken some of the ice spires, you shouldn't have a problem escaping her trap. Once the last of the ice spires aregone, she'll still try to land on you. Move out of the way, and bash her again with your Ball and Chain. YOU DO NOT HAVE TO DESTROY ALL THE ICE SPIRES TO HURT HER. It just makes getting a clear shot at her easier. After every hit, though, she'll create more new spires. Actually, the best strategy is as follows: move around and let her drop all her ice spires. Destroy one or two to create a gap when she forms a circle. Watch the reflection and move out of the circle through the gap as she drops. When she's on the ground, smack her with the Ball and Chain. Just repeat this simplified version of my strategy, and you'll be fine. Once you deliver the final blow, the yeti wife will return to normal. You receive the second TWILIGHT MIRROR SHARD, the husband yeti will run in and see his wife lying prone on the ground, and a heartwarming moment immediately follows. Grab the HEART CONTAINER they, uh, produce, and get out of here. Hehe... yetis need their sleep. ;) %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% -Part 6: Walking on Sacred Ground [par6] %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% ~Hyrule Castle Town~ You can go back to Telma's Bar again to immediately further the plot, but there are just a couple of Heart Pieces we can get, one with the Ball and Chain, as well as a new Bottle. I'll cover those now. <3Heart Piece!!!<3 Go back to Hyrule Castle Town and go directly north of Hyrule Castle. In the rock area in the extreme north of Hyrule Field, you will find a rock in a wall. Bomb it to enter a cave, then use your Ball and Chain to crack open the ice blocking your path inside. Solve three block-pushing puzzles in a row to gain another HEART PIECE! CURRENT TOTAL: 14 hearts, 3 pieces <3Heart Piece!!!<3 Warp back to the top of Snowpeak and head back to that tree to meet the yetis again. They're so happy to see you, they'll challenge you to a snowboarding match to celebrate! Race the husband, then the wife, and you get a HEART PIECE once you beat them both. CURRENT TOTAL: 14 hearts, 4 pieces !!!Empty Bottle!!! By now, you'll certainly have noticed the Poes that appear at night time. You know, those scythe-wielding ghosts you can only see with your wolf senses and only appear at night. Basically, you beat them to submission in your wolf form, and rip out their heart the same way you use the Ending Blow as a human. You likely already know this, and if you've been roaming around Hyrule at night a lot, you should easily have 20 Poe souls by now. Go back to Hyrule Castle Town and talk to Jovani again. His house is in the southern area of town(the one with all the cats outside of it), and you'll have to dig inside as a wolf. You can do this at any point after getting 20 Poe souls, and once youi do, he will give you a BOTTLE! the title of this paragraph is a bit of a misnomer, as the bottle is filled with valuable Great Fairy's Tears. This nifty concoction will recover all you rhearts and boost your attack power for a while. If you plan on going into the Cave of Ordeals, I recommend you save the Tears until then. ~Hyrule Castle Town~ Once you're done with all that, head back to Telma's Bar and talk with the gang again. You'll quickly learn that Rusl has left to look for the Sacred grove back in Faron Woods! Leave and warp to the North Faron Woods. ~North Faron Woods~ go slightly north to the red mark on your map and talk to Rusl. He'll outline his plan, so agree to cross the gorge and find this "ancient power" he's talking about. Looks like we're going to be returning to the Sacred Grove! Rusl will summon the Golden Chicken of Destiny to assist you! Use the Chicken to glide from platform to platform instead of using the Long Jump like last time. Once you cross the platforms and get to the rotating bridge, put down the chicken and use your Gale Boomerang to align the bridge. Rotate it again to continue forth, and time a jump past the two swinging logs. Enter the Sacred Grove again. ~Sacred Grove~ The Skull Kid will appear in here again, so destroy the Puppets he summons and go after him. Keep running through the forest until you hear him playing his horn. Strike him and he will run again, so keep following him to the end. If he appears out of sword range, use your bow. Once you get to the end, you will have to "fight" him again. Since you're not stuck in wolf form this time, fire arrows at him whenever he appears. Once he gives up, he'll open an alternate path further into the grove. Take it. Once you arrive here, push the block in front of you down into the gap. Jump down after it and continue north up to where you found the Master Sword before. Once you arrive at the exact spot where you found the Master Sword, press A to place it back in the pedestal. Once you do, a door will open back where you entered the area. Once you leave, five Twilight monsters will be dropped off for you to deal with. You know the drill. Once they're gone, climb back up and enter the door that was previously blocked off by a statue. Open it for a strange but cool black and white effect. Once you're in... does the music sound familiar? It's the Freaking Temple of Freaking Time!!! Go north to the pedestal and press A to strike your sword into the Pedestal here. A stairway of light will form, go up it to enter the actual dungeon. However, there are still a few more things to get in here. **Golden Bug!!!** Once you go through the doors(to this area, not the dungeon proper), check the left side at the bottom of the stairs. The FEMALE SNAIL will be resting there. Grab it before you go into the dungeon. How a snail managed to get through a magically concealed door to the Temple of Time is beyond me, though. <>GIANT WALLET!!!<> If you've been following my guide up until this point, you should have all 24 Golden Bugs by now. If you do, you should take them all back to Agitha. Once you've handed them all in, she'll give you the GIANT WALLET, which holds 1000 rupees! It's optional, I know. Most people would rather wait until after the Temple of Time, but you do get a lot of rupees in the dungeons. Personally, I think it's worth it to go back and get it now. Hyrule Castle Town is little more than a warp away anyways, and besides, who can resist gaining honorary citizenship in the insect kingdom? ;) In any case, once you get the Giant Wallet and everything, go on in. <<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<< Temple of Time [temp] >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> OVERVIEW: The Temple of Time is long but linear, one of the few dungeons where it's hard to get lost. There are a LOT of floors, but they don't cover a lot of ground. The action is mostly going from floor to floor rather than room to room, so the dungeon's not as expansive as it seems. WALKTHROUGH: Go into the center room and take notice of the statue to the side of the northern door. It looks lonely without a partner... turn into a wolf to see the "after-image" of a statue on the right side. I knew it! That's going to be our main objective here, looking for that other statue. For now, take a jar or small statue, or whatever, over to the switch nearby to hold it down and raise a platform to the east. Climb up it and circle around to the west. Light the two torches there for a chest containing a small key. Continue up the stairs to the southern door. As you go, you'll meet Ooccoo again. Use your key on the southern door to continue. This part can be a little tricky if you don't know exactly what to do. Kill the one-eyed spider-like Gohma here, then look around a bit. You want to get a jar from off to the side and use it to weigh down the switch in the middle of the room. Doing so will open gates to the west and south, as well as close off your exit back north. Go into the southern alcove for a chest with a bundle of arrows(that was SO unnecessary), then go west and kill the Gohma on the stairs. There is still a gate closed up here, so take out your Clawshot and smash the jar holding the switch down. The door in front of you will close but the one behind you will open, allowing you to progress up the stairs. As you go, you'll be attacked by a Lizalfos. These guys are old news now, so toy with him for a bit before killing him. Continue up the stairs for this next room. Here, there will be an entire group of Lizalfos waiting for you. The Jump Strike works wonders here. Once you're free of distractions, hit the statue in the corner to make it come to life. This would be an Armos, another staple enemy in the series. Smack him with your Ball and Chain to stun him, then hit him from behind to destroy him. Once he's gone, a chest with the DUNGEON MAP will appear. Use the two statues on a nearby ledge(open the chest between them for a red rupee!) to weigh down the two switches, then progress north then east through the door. This large circular room has a lot to do, but we're not going to worry about all of it just yet. For now, kill the group Lizalfos roaming around here and go up the stairs. You'll come across a spinner track along the wall, so go up that and go to the circular platform structure in the middle. We'll be using this thing a lot later, but for now, circle around to the west of the structure and look for one of those small hollow statues. Take it into the middle with you and set it down. To move the platform, give the gear a clockwise push to bring it down. A counter-clockwise push will bring it back up. Bring it all the way down and get that second small statue down here. Bring them both up one level and over to the south end of the floor. Mind the spiky spinners along the way! Put them both on the switches to the south to raise part of the floor and grant you access to the door above. As soon as you go into this room, the door will lock behind you. You'll have to kill the two Armos statues here, so use your Ball and Chain to stun them like before. Once they're both dead, a chest with a small key will appear. Grab it and go. REMEMBER THIS ROOM for later. You'll be coming back here to collect a Heart Piece later on. Once you leave, just go across the same floor to the north and open the locked door to the north. Once you get in here, take note of the green crystal switch. Kill the Beamos here by shooting its eye like before, then go right next to it and shoot the crystal switch. The wall will slide over, so go into the middle part of the room. Hit the switch with an arrow or your clawshot again to move the walls a second time, then kill the Beamos and go past it for a chest containing the COMPASS. Fire one more arrow at the switch to move the walls one last time. Go northeast, then south into the next room. This is another area with switch-activated moving walls. Kill the Lizalfos here, then arrow the switch to move the walls for the first time. Go into the middle of the room, kill the two Lizalfos in the middle(the Helm Splitter works great on the heavily armored one), then hit the switch again to move the walls a second time. Head to the south end of the room, kill another armored Lizalfos, then hit the switch again to move the walls and allow you access to the southern passage. Head on through to the next floor. This room contains a large set of scales that we'll have to use in a moment. Kill all the enemies here to open a chest with a purple rupee(nice!), then go up the stairs and onto the scales. Step onto the right scale to tip it to the right, then grab the statue on there with you and throw it onto the left scale to even things out. Climb up off the left scale and head to the southern door. There's more we can do here, but it's best to wait until after you get the dungeon's big treasure, which is coming up soon. Leave through that southern door. In here, kill the Beamos directly in front of you and slip past the spiky spinners up the stairs to the west. Once you get to the top of the stairs, kill the group of Lizalfos waiting in ambush. Slip past the spiky rollers and bladed pendulum to grab a small key from a nearby chest. Go to the northwest corner of the room and take the small statue there. Bring it over to the nearby switch to deactivate the arcing electricity blocking your way north. Go on up the stairs. Up here, kill all the baby spiders to form a chest with a purple rupee. Then kill the Armos to open the gate to the east. Climb on up and unlock the door to the east. You might be wondering what that bell-shaped device is for, and you'll find out in just a moment... This room is the top room of the dungeon. You'll immediately see the statue you were looking for! Approach it and... ------------------------ MINIBOSS BATTLE- DARKNUT ------------------------ This armored warrior is my second favorite fight in this game after Stallord. Once you start fighting, you'll see there is NO real trick to beating him. All it takes is quick sword fighting skills and good use of the Hidden Skills you learned along the way. Just make good use of them, and you'll easily beat him without much difficulty. Use the Back Slice to great effect here. Try to loop around and hit him, and throw him off balance with a Shield attack whenever possible. He is also vulnerable when he does a vertical attack(before he lifts his sword back up). As he loses his armor, he'll also ditch his shield and start parrying your attacks with a thinner sword. Use the Back Slice to throw him off balance, and continue your assault to finish him off. Also, Shield Attack will not shove him off balance easily, but Jump Attacks will. If you do one from far away, he will jump aside and put you in a world of hurt. But if you DO Shield Bash him and let him block that, he won't react to the Jump Attack in time. Try it! Once you've kicked the Darknut in his dark... well, you get the idea... you'll get the DOMINION ROD! This awesome tool allows you to take control of several different kinds of statues found in here and in the overworld. Aim and activate it with B, and once the statue comes to life, it'll follow your movements. Also, if applicable, press B to "attack" with your Dominion Rod and have the statue mimic your attack. Press A to break the control over the statue. Now that you have the Dominion Rod, use it on the statue on the ledge above. Move it under the bell structure here to transport it to the next room. Follow it along. Have the statue attack with B to break the gates in the way. After that, put a jar on the floor switch to lower part of the floor. Move the statue onto that part, then move/destroy the jar to raise it again and continue onwards. In the room with the rollers and pendulum, move the statue ahead of you to deactivate the electricity. Move it through here, and if you attack the rollers with the statue, you'll destroy them! Move back down east. Destroy the Beamos in here(again, with the statue) to reveal a floor switch. Use the Dominion Rod on a small statue on top of the nearby pillar to bring it down. Move the large statue to the floor in front of the bell device, then send the small statue on the floor switch to bring it up. Send the large statue through the bell, then go back north. We're back in the scale room. The first thing you have to do is take control of the big statue and place it on the left scale. The rest goes as follows: 1.Cross the scales and look up in the wall. There is a ledge with three small statues sitting in a row. Use your Dominion Rod to bring them all down. 2. Go look in the southeastern corner of the room; you should find a Clawshot target on the wall. Grapple on over and take the small statue there. Bring it back with the other small statues, and put them all on the right scale. 3.Stand on the right scale too to balance everything out. Take control of the big statue and bring it onto the right scale, then throw all the small statues onto the left scale to balance things out again. 4.Take control of the statue one more time and send it down the stairs and through the bell teleporter. Sorry for all the description. There are other ways to solve the puzzle, but that one requires the least moving around. While we're in the same room, raise one of the scales a bit to gain access to another Clawshot target on the ceiling. Let go and you'll see a Spinner track on the wall. Ride it along to the door leading west. Go on in. The door will lock behind you here. Kill the Iron Masks and Armos here, then Clawshot up the higher ledge. Open the chest for a red rupee, then place the three statues on three of the switches(you'll have to use the Dominion Rod to bring one down from a shelf). You need something to weight the last switch down, so take one of the iron masks(left over from the dead enemies) and get it up here with your Clawshot. Once all four switches are down, you can jump down and get the now accessible BIG KEY! Go back into the scale room and continue down the stairs. <3Heart Piece!!!<3 Once you get back into the room with the moving walls, take control of the statue again and move it north, but don't bother with hitting the switch anymore. Just have the statue attack to destroy the walls! Once you get to a floor switch, leave the statue on top of it to deactivate the electric barrier in the room. Go past it and open the chest for a HEART PIECE! Once you have that, move the statue down the stairs. CURRENT TOTAL: 15 hearts Good news! You can bust the moving walls in here too! Just have the statue bash them to destroy them. Send it to the next room, then follow it. You're in the room with the rotating up-and-down platform, with the statue appearing at the top. Grab hold of the platform's mechanism and bring it all the way to the top. Get the statue on the platform and bring it all the way down. At the bottom, kill all the little spiders to deactivate an electric current, allowing you to pass to the outside of the room. Bring the statue to the outside of the room, and send it down one more floor. <3Heart Piece!!!<3 While still in the rotating platform room, go to the middle floor. Bring two small statues with you, and go to the south room(on the fifth floor on your map) the same way you went there to get the second small key earlier. When you're in there, use the Dominion Rod to guide two small statues along separate pathways and onto their respective switches. The resulting treasure chest has a HEART PIECE within. CURRENT TOTAL: 15 hearts, 1 piece Go down to the bottom floor in the platform room and go west to find the statue again. Clawshot over the gate and bring the statue downstairs. Have it destroy any gates in the way and move it into this last bell to bring it down to the first floor. FINALLY! Head back down to the first room. Now that the statue is back, move it alongside its twin to the empty side of the door to open it up. Go on in and run through this obstacle course of spiky sliders, rollers, pendulums, and Beamos to the boss door. It only looks daunting, but if you just run through and time your jumps well, you'll emerge intact easily. About halfway down the corridor is a small statue hiding behind a pillar. Bring it with you and place it on the switch to open the front gate ahead but close the back gate. Go through the front gate and hit the small statue with the Dominion Rod. Move it off the switch, opening the back gate, and head straight to the boss room. /////////////////////////////////////// BOSS BATTLE: TWILIT ARACHNID- ARMOGOHMA \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ This impressively large spider is probably the hardest boss in terms of figuring out how to kill it. You'll need to use both your Bow and the Dominion Rod to defeat it. The best thing to do is stand in the middle of the room and pull out your bow. Keep a bead drawn on Armogohma's eye at all times, and when it stops over a beam of light from the ceiling, fire an arrow at its open eye. Be quick in shooting it, however. If you don't , it'll fire a concentrated heat beam at you that is very difficult to dodge. Once you hit it, it'll fall to the ground, stunned. Run over to Armogohma, then use your Dominion Rod to take control of the statue in front of it. Press B to make the statue swing its hammer, which will hit Armogohma's vulnerable underside and do damage. Once it recovers, Armogohma will spawn a bunch of eggs that will hatch into those white baby Spiders. Spin attack to take a ton of them out at once, and use your bow or Clawshot to take care of any stray little spiders. Once you're done with them, return your attention to Armogohma. Lather, rinse, and repeat. The fight shouldn't last more than three rounds of attacking. After three smashes to the belly, a victory scene will play out... but Armogohma's not dead yet!!! The eye still survives in the form of a smaller spider. Amusing music will start to play, so just take out your bow and hit the big red eye spider three times to win the fight for real. Congrats, another temple is under your belt! Only one more Mirror Shard to go! Take the HEART CONTAINER and MIRROR SHARD and go. %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% -Part 7: City in the Sky: Beautiful, Breezy, UNPLEASANT! [par7] %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% ~Sacred Grove~ You emerge back in here after beating the Temple of Time. As usual, to immediately get your next objective, you can head back to Telma's Bar, but there is ONE more thing we can get here. <3Heart Piece!!! <3 When you get to the steps leading out of the Temple of Time area, look to the sides of the steps. There are two owl-like statues, one on each side of the steps. Use your Dominion Rod to remove the one on the right from its alcove. Go inside for a HEART PIECE! CURRENT TOTAL: 16 hearts, 2 pieces As soon as you leave the Temple of Time, you'll meet Ooccoo again. She'll talk to you about returning to the sky and how the Dominion rod has lost is power, blah blah blah... so the next temple is in the sk- DOMINION ROD LOST ITS POWER?!?!? WHAT??? You're going to have to make sense of this anyway, so go back to Hyrule Castle town. ~Hyrule Castle Town~ As you enter, you'll get an important letter from the Postman. Looks like Renado has something important to tell you about Ilia's memory... we'll get there in a bit. For now, go back to Telma's Bar. Telma will tell you that Shad is back in Kakariko Village too, so you'll have to go back there anyway. ~Kakariko Village~ Go into Renado's house, and you'll see Chief Darbus, Cor Goron, Renado, and Ilia. Talk to Renado and he'll update you. Apparently, Shad is in the basement looking for clues about the city in the sky. He also mentions that Ilia knew something about a "rod of the heavens" before she lost her memory. Could it be the Dominion Rod? He will give you a letter to show to Telma in order to start this search. Before you leave, go downstairs and talk to Shad. You'll learn about the possibility that the "rod of the heavens", Ilia's memory, and those strange statues all have something in common... In any case, leave for Hyrule Castle Town again. ~Hyrule Castle Town~ Go back to Telma's Bar and show her the letter. She'll suggest you go see the doctor on the west side of town. She'll also give you an INVOICE for the doctor's tab at the bar. Go to the west side of the town and talk to the doctor. Show him the Invoice to scare him into submission. He'll say something about a wooden statue that Ilia had... bastard wanted to sell it! He mentions he spilled medicine on it, and it got stolen after that. He will then go back to his work. Check in the back of his office for a moveable crate. Push it back to find an odd green cloud. Turn into a wolf(don't worry, the doctor won't notice) and learn the MEDICINE SCENT. Follow it outside and through town, not worrying at all about the mass panic in the streets caused by a wolf and a little monkey-like freak such as Midna! Once you get to the end of the scent trail, you'll find Louise the cat. Talk to her and she'll tell you exactly what happened to the wooden statue. Some evil skeleton-like dogs took it, and they lurk outside of Hyrule Castle Town, to the south. But only at night. Run around town to cause more terror and get a good laugh, then when you're done, leave town to the south. ~Hyrule Field~ Once you're south of town, wait until night time. Once night rolls around, you'll be attacked by the large pack of skeleton dogs that Louise told you about. Kill them all and you'll get Ilia's WOODEN STATUE back. You know what to do with this! ~Kakariko Village~ Go back to Renado's house and show the statue to Ilia. She will get a little bit of her memory back, but she won't remember where she was imprisoned. Cor Goron, however, will! He tells you about the Hidden Village north of the Bridge of Eldin. The entrance was blocked by a rockslide a while back, but Darbus will volunteer his services to clear out the blockage. Cor Goron will mark the location of the Hidden Village on your map, so call Epona and go forth! ~Hyrule Field~ Go north of Kakariko to the Bridge of Eldin, and continue past that until you get to the red mark on your Map. The tunnel will be open, so go on in. ~Hidden Village~ You'll quickly see Darbus already at work in here, and he'll finish up as you go through the tunnel. Before he leaves, Darbus tells you about a group of Moblins that have overrun this ghost town, and you have to kill them all to save whoever's left in here! Looks like we got ourselves a showdown!!! Enjoy the best background music in the game as you on a psychopathic Moblin killing spree. You have to kill them before they spot you, so whip out your Bow and Hawkeye, and snipe down as many Moblins as you can see from close to the entrance. You should be able to get seven or so of them form the entrance. Some of them are wandering the street, but many are up on balconies and such. Look through the windows, too! You CAN shoot an arrow through the windows! Just keep a sharp eye, and once you can't see any more, head on through the village. This part isn't difficult as Darbus would have you believe, so just go through the village and check inside and behind the houses and you should find and kill them all with little difficulty. Remember, you can kill them even if you only hit them in the arm, so look very carefully. Once they're all dead, you'll meet Impaz, the sweet old lady who is the sole resident of this village. After some conversation, she'll give you ILIA'S CHARM to take back to her. Show Impaz the Dominion Rod before you go, and she'll also give you the ANCIENT SKY BOOK. For now, you can head back to Kakariko Village, but there are some things to get here first. 0o Howl Stone!!! o0 Check behind the houses on the west side of the Hidden Village for the last HOWL STONE. Copy the song and your main man the Golden Wolf will appear right in front of Hyrule Castle. You can go to him now, but better to get this next Heart Piece first. 0o Golden Wolf!!! o0 Go back to Hyrule Castle Town and go right to the front of the castle- the Golden Wolf will be waiting for you. He teaches you the last technique: the GREAT SPIN! It works just like a normal Spin Attack, but the power of the attack is greatly increased when your life meter is completely full. Congratulations, you now have all seven Hidden Skills! The Wolf leaves you for the last time... but how he referred to Link... could he really be...?! ~Kakariko Village~ Go back to Ilia and show her the charm. She will then remember everything, and give the charm back to you as the HORSE CALL. It's kind of obsolete now because of those warp portals, but sure! Why not? Now we still have business with Shad. Go back downstairs and show him the Ancient Sky Book. He'll try reading the book, but nothing will happen... right away. But he has a clue: he marks off the owl statues in the overworld on your map. He will then leave, but that writing DID do something: your Dominion Rod will get its power back! We gotta go check out those statues! Check your map for the locations, then call Epona and off we go! There is one more Heart Piece to collect first, so head on back to the Hidden Village. ~Hidden Village~ <3Heart Piece!!! <3 Once you've restored Ilia's memory, talk to the chicken in the west side of the Hidden Village(while as a wolf, of course). He'll challenge you to a contest where you have to talk to all the cats in town- all twenty of them. This is not difficult at all, but keep an eye out for places where you can Clawshot to balconies- this is the only way to get to some of them. Once you find all twenty, go back and talk to the chicken to receive a HEART PIECE!I had a small problem with this one, as I forgot thaT you had to restore Ilia's memory to get the chicken to start the game. Thanks to Jeremy Spring for pointing this out. CURRENT TOTAL: 16 hearts, 3 pieces ~Hyrule Field~ The first statue is in Kakariko Gorge. Once you get to the it, bring it to life and move it out of its spot. You'll see a glowing spot where it was, step on it to find a "sky character". One letter will be added to that Ancient Sky Book. After finding them all, you have to bring the book back to Shad. While you're still here, maneuver the owl statue so you can pass across the strip of land above and get a chest with 100 rupees. I suggest you take them, we'll need a lot of money in a little while. ~Faron Woods~ The next statue is, of course, in Faron Woods. As before, check your map in the Faron Province, and you'll see it's not too far from Coro's Lantern shop. You'll have to bomb a rock out of the way, though. Move the owl statue out of the way and get another sky character. <3Heart Piece!!!<3 You can put the owl statue in Faron Woods to good use. Guide it into the shallow hole nearby, then climb onto the rock. Do a small Long Jump series, and follow the path at the end to a HEART PIECE. CURRENT TOTAL: 16 hearts, 4 pieces ~Gerudo Desert~ The next owl statue is not far off from the Gerudo Mesa where you appear when you warp. Head a bit west for the owl statue and a small bit of ruins. Bring the statue down, then use it to get to the next sky character. You can also get 100 rupees here, take them if you have room in your wallet. ~Hyrule Field~ The next two owl statues aren't too far off from each other. Warp to Hyrule Castle and go south to find another one. You'll find it amongst some stone ruins. Bring it down and use it as a makeshift platform for both another sky character and 100 rupees. The next one is at the north end of the Great Bridge of Hylia. Position it under the hanging ivy, and Clawshot on top of it to reach the next sky character. You can also get another 100 rupees here if you need it. For the last one, warp to the Bridge of Eldin. Go to the north end, and displace the owl statue there to find the last sky character! The book is now complete, so go back to Kakariko Village and show it to Shad. <3 Heart Piece!!! <3 You can still use the last owl statue on the north end of the Bridge of Eldin, however. Bring it all the way to the south end of the bridge and use it as a platform to reach a HEART PIECE at the top! CURRENT TOTAL: 17 hearts ~Kakariko Village~ Go to the basement of Renado's house and show the Ancient Sky Book to Shad. He'll repeat the same passage from it, and the statue in front of you will be able to be moved now. Get it out of the way, then check the room behind it to find the ancient Sky Cannon. Go towards it and Midna will suggest warping it out of here... but Shad is in there with you. Talk to him and he'll leave you to work. Who do we know who's a cannon expert...? Warp the cannon to Lake Hylia. ~Lake Hylia~ Go to Fyer's cabin in the middle of the lake. Talk to him for a special repairs option, and cough up 300 rupees for repairs(that's why I told you to get those chests earlier). After a quick fixing montage, it'll be good as new! Clawshot into the back of the cannon to load yourself into it, and you'll be shot up to... >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> City in the Sky [city] <<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<< OVERVIEW: This city acts like a dungeon. You don't even get a new weapon in this level, just a copy of an old one. But that still allows you to scale even greater heights! In here, pay very careful attention to walls and ceilings, as you can use many things as Clawshot targets. You'll also have to deal with winds, rotating propellers you can use as Clawshot targets, and more Clawshot sequences that will make your stomach churn. Just don't look down... WALKTHROUGH: As soon as you enter, you land in a pool of water. A large menacing dragon will fly overhead, a harbinger of things to come... If you're a bit short on rupees after paying for the cannon, drop down into the pool and grab some cash from the underwater chests. If you want, you could stop over at a shop to the west, but you never NEED to buy anything from them. If not, go north and hit the crystal switch above the door to gain access.(you can also find Ooccoo in the shop, but do you really need her by now?) In the first room, there's nothing to worry about but the lighter floor tiles that will sink away(and Link with them) if you stand on them. Grab an Oocca(the same species as Ooccoo) and fly to the middle of the room. Dispose of the Iron Mask, then clawshot up to the ivy-covered pillar. Grab the Oocca off the wall and use him/her/it to fly to the north, then leave. The next room will introduce you to another Zelda series veteran: The Helmasaur! These angry dinosaurs have armored heads that are impervious, but their uncovered backsides are vulnerable. The Back Slice is great for taking them out. Once you're eliminated him, use another Oocca to get to the eastern door. You're back outside now. Go immediately right and Clawshot across the gap to get to a Spinner slot. Turn the gears to open a bridge heading east. Clawshot across the gap again and head across the bridge to the east. In here, you'll notice a treasure chest that is fenced off. There's a Clawshot target above it, so grapple up and let go to land right in front of it. Take the small key from it, then head west as far as you can go. As you go, that dragon you saw earlier will demolish the bridge you had extended. Dammit! Well, there's nothing you can do about it at the moment. You'll eventually be outside, but to the west of where you encountered the Helmasaur. Go immediately left as you appear outside, and after passing some Red Deku Babas you will come across another Spinner slot. Extend the bridge, then open the locked door west. The first thing you'll notice in this room is the fan. It emits a powerful wind, but there is one you can deactivate. Go around to the left to see a crystal switch. Clawshot it to deactivate a fan blocking your passage to the south. So go across the gauntlet of other fans(you'll have to use a combination of Iron Boots and the Clawshot to cross them all) and go through the east door. Nothing in here to do but get the DUNGEON MAP! Go back west and through the southern door past that fan you deactivated earlier. This room with the vertical currents and tile worms looks pretty packed, but all you have to do is leap across to the door leading south in the southwest corner. Just time your jumps so that you don't get thrown off by a wind current, and use your Gale Boomerang to deal with the tile worms. Once you reach that southwest room, the doors will lock and you'll be confronted with two armored Lizalfos. Down them like you always have(it's easier to push them off the ledge rather than kill them- your attacks will typically knock them back), and once they're gone a gate high up on the south wall will unlock. Clawshot up there and take note of the globe on the roof. You can use that as a Clawshot target too, but it's a switch as well. Grapple onto it, and Link will weigh it down, which will open up a current in the middle of the room. Grab an Oocca and glide to the north door on the upper floor of this room. Go through it. Just above you in this room, there will be a globe switch. Trip it, then grab the Oocca nearby and float to the opened alcove, which has a chest with 20 rupees. Keep going around and over the wall to the northeast of the room. There is another globe switch there, hit it to create an air current going up in the northwest. Go over there and use it to get to the northwest door. Take it into the room to the north. This room with the Ooccas, currents, Clawshot targets, Keese, and Deku Babas is only as difficult as you make it for yourself. Keep going down the room, using the Ooccas and Clawshot targets as necessary to reach the bottom. Once you do, go through the door on the west side. There is a fan blasting air currents here, but you can stop that. Clawshot up to the globe switch on the ceiling and put on your Iron Boots to trip it. Drop down below the fan. ------------------------------- MINIBOSS FIGHT: FLYING LIZALFOS ------------------------------- This bloodthirsty fellow should have invested in a better shield, or at least one that Link couldn't have used as a Clawshot target. Because that's just what you have to do to defeat him. Just keep him Z-targeted and your Clawshot at the ready. Let him circle you but stay close enough, and when he puts up his shield and prepares to attack, fire off your Clawshot to drag him down towards you and hack away at him. Once he comes to his senses and dances around on the floor, do NOT try and pull him towards you. Instead, you will be drawn towards him, or, more accurately, his waiting sword. Just wait until he takes to the air again, and repeat the process. Eventually, he will leave the room through the gaps in the upper wall and show up randomly through another. He will be poised to attack right away, so you have to be quick in locating him and pulling him down again. Just run in a circle until you see him, then quickly Z-target him and Clawshot him down to you. Once he gets sent to that big miniboss room in Lizalfos heaven, a grate will open up in the wall. Clawshot on in and grab a second Clawshot. Now you can wield DOUBLE CLAWSHOTS! In a word: SWEEEEEEEEEET!!! basically, this entails using your second Clawshot while already clinging to or hanging from another target. Like Spider-man, only slightly slower. Use them to leave this room the way you came. Now you're back in the room with all that crazy crap in it. Grapple up to the very top of the room(with your new Double Clawshots, it should be easier than Paris Hilton). Latch onto the globe switch at the top to open a gate about halfway down the room. Lower yourself to the gate than Clawshot on in. Next, you'll see some pillars hanging from the ceiling with more Clawshot targets on the sides. You need to use them to grapple across to the east, but you have to be fast, lest the sections with the targets on them sink from your weight. You can Z-target the, er, targets, so it's not going to be a pain in the ass to aim, anyway. So swiftly grapple to the eastern platform and open the chest for the COMPASS. Go through the waiting door. You're back outside! Check the bridge above you, that's the underside of the one you extended earlier. Hit the Red Deku Babas down into the abyss so they don't interfere with your grappling, then go on across to the top of the bridge. You're back outside the main room again, so go to the east where the dragon knocked out the bridge. Since the bridge is out, you'll have to use the flying plant-like Peahats to cross the gap, a feat only possible with Double Clawshots. Go across to the other side then through the door to the east. You're back in the room where you got your first key. Either Clawshot or jump down to the lower floor in this room, then go across another sequence of falling Clawshot targets. Once you get to the last one, just let it fall and you'll be dumped onto solid ground. Take aim at the next target in plain view and go across. Go from target to target and eventually to the grating, and jump across to the next platform. Clawshot down from there onto the wall grating, then drop onto the platform below that. Take aim at the ceiling above you to take down those two Red Deku Babas, then grapple onto the target they occupied previously. Lower yourself so that you are in plain view of the gate nearby and the crystal switch on the opposite side. Hit the switch then grapple through the open gate, then onto the grating above, then a target, than another target on the ceiling. Drop down after that long sequence, and go through the door to the north. You should be on the first floor.(sorry if the directions were confusing, but just make sure you're headed into a round room on the first floor). <3 Heart Piece!!! <3 In here is another evil hungry plant the likes of which we have not seen since the Forest Temple. We've come so far, haven't we? Ah, the memories... well, let's get to killing him, just like before! Get your Bombs out! Once you've exterminated him, start scaling the room. When you reach the very thin wall, it's best to grab it by the edge and shimmy across rather than trying to walk very slowly across it. Once you get to the end of the first part, open the chest for a HEART PIECE, then continue up the room. Once you get to the top, Clawshot to the middle of the ceiling, then drop in on the waiting Lizalfos. He's difficult to defeat in close quarters, so you might want to run past him... just this once. Whatever you choose, go through the door past him. CURRENT TOTAL: 17 hearts, 1 piece <3 Heart Piece!!! <3 We're outside again. Check around here for some Red Deku Babas and kill them off. Scan the skies for a Peahat, then grab onto it with the Clawshot. Ride it over the wall to the south, then drop down. Look for another Peahat, then ride it further south. Drop off again and look for a third Peahat going north and south, this time over a wall with a tiny gap in it. Take that Peahat and lower yourself so that your Clawshot chain passes through the gap, and ride it north. As it passes to the north side of the gap wall, hitch a ride on ANOTHER Peahat. Position yourself so you pass right through the hole it passes over, then get off to the north. Drop off that one and take the north door leading west. Out here, take the chain of Peahats leading to the southern door and go on through. Open the chest in front of you for a HEART PIECE. CURRENT TOTAL: 17 hearts, 2 pieces Now, go back out to the room with the chain of Peahats. Take it all the way west and go through the door. We're almost at the end of the dungeon. Clawshot onto the ivy on the outer wall of this room. Snipe the birds out here, then move across the tightropes to reach the top floor door leading inside the area here. Go into the room in the very center of this area(check the map, you'll see what I mean. Sorry if I didn't describe it well). Inside, you'll come across a pair of Helmasaurs and a vertical wind tunnel. I know space is limited, but kill them as best you can. Once they're gone, grapple onto a conveniently placed circle grate on the ceiling, then onto a globe switch. Use your Iron Boots to weigh it down and stop the air current. You are now free to acquire the BIG KEY from the treasure chest in here. Once you have it, drop down one floor(where the actual fan is) and Clawshot onto the grating above you. Lower yourself down through the fan and into the "main room" of the dungeon. DO NOT DROP DOWN YET!!!!! as you lower yourself, Take note of one more globe switch you have to trip, in the ceiling to the north of where you lowered yourself down. Put on your Iron Boots to trip this one as well(that extra weight can NOT be good for Link's shoulder), and the fan outside to the north will activate. Drop down and go outside to the north. Look ahead of you. There will be some slow-moving fans ahead with textured surfaces on one side, you can Clawshot across these and go through the door at the north end of the fan sequence. Just be sure to kill the birds first. Once you get into this room, two more Winged Lizalfos will attack you. Deal with them both as before, then focus your attention onto the slow fans when you're done. In this final sequence, Clawshot up all the fans to the very top floor. Once you get to the first fan, hit the crystal switch above the wall fan to start it moving and allow you access to the other fans. There are no more dangers or surprises here, just reach the top. You'll have to hit one more crystal switch to get the very top fan rotating and allow you access to the boss room... which is actually outside. Once you go through the boss door, you actually have to Clawshot up to the top of the platform where you fight... /////////////////////////////////// BOSS BATTLE: TWILIT DRAGON- ARGOROK \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ There's always a dragon boss. Our first order of business is getting his armor off. Watch as Argorok circles the arena, and as he swoops in on you, wear your Iron Boots so you're not pushed off the edge from the resulting wind. As Argorok hovers and flaps his wings to push you off the edge of the arena, don your Iron Boots again and Clawshot onto his tail. This should drag him down to the ground and rattle free most of his armor. Repeat this process, only the second time will require you to Clawshot up the textured pillars a little bit to get at him. Once you bring him to the ground a second time, his armor will be taken off completely, and a bunch of Peahats will uproot themselves and encircle the arena from above. Now begins the very fun part two of the fight. Clawshot your way up the pillars and get onto those Peahats. Grapple your way along them, and try to get behind Argorok. He won't make it easy, what with his incredibly bad breath of fire. Just be quick and he shouldn't hit you. It's actually better to stay in one place for a while and let him prepare a blast of flames. He will rear his head back, so there's your chance to actually get behind him. Once you do, Clawshot onto his back(you may have to aim manually for this) and wave your Remote back and forth to repeatedly stab the weak spot on his back, sort of like when you fought Morpheel. As you damage him, Argorok will start to move faster and fire flames ahead of you, so keep on your toes(such as it were) and continue your attack. Once Argorok finally falls, another HEART CONTAINER and the last MIRROR SHARD will finally be yours! We're in the home stretch! Midna also mentions why Zant could not shatter the mirror completely. Only the true ruler could do that, which is proof of his false kingship. Now we have to go straight for the Mirror Chamber at the top of the Arbiter's Grounds. Leave here and head back to Earth. %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% -Part 8: Showdown in the Palace of Twilight [par8] %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% ~Hyrule Field~ There are still just two more things you can get to make your life easier for the last two dungeons. <3Heart Piece!!! <3 There's still one more to get! Go to Kakariko Gorge, and look for the rock spire with the Clawshot target on it to the east. Use your Double Clawshots to get to the bottom of the spire and get a HEART PIECE out of the chest below. Congratulations, you now have all of the Heart Pieces in the overworld! The last two are in the next dungeon. CURRENT TOTAL: 18 hearts, 3 pieces >>-<> Giant Quiver!!! <>-<< Go to Hyrule Castle Town and play round two of the STAR game. If you forgot, it's the big blue circus tent. Since you have the Double Clawshots, you can now basically move anywhere within the cage, so getting all the spheres is a snap compared to last time. Dominate in round two(try your best to ignore the screams of the teenage girls) to win the GIANT QUIVER! Now you can hold up to 100 arrows! ~Arbiter's Grounds~ Once you've gotten everything you need, warp back to the Mirror Chamber at the top of the Arbiter's Grounds. The Mirror Shards will be drawn back into place and a portal to the Twilight Realm will appear. After a heartfelt speech from Midna, as well as a few choice flashbacks, you can enter... <<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<< Palace of Twilight [pala] >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> OVERVIEW: For a dungeon so late in the game, the Twilight Palace is pretty easy. It's the boss fight that makes it so hard. To reach him, you must dispel the darkness and help Midna save her people! WALKTHROUGH: As soon as you enter, head north. You'll come across what looks like a Twilight monster, but it will not attack. Midna will explain that they are just warped Twili. There are three ways to go here: northwest, straight north, or northeast. The only way accessible at the moment is northeast, so go through that door first. In the first room of the east wing, you'll have to take on Keese, Deku Babas, and these floating heads that look like Zant's helmet. Kill them all, then open the resulting chest for a small key. Clawshot to the door leading north. This room has an insidiously evil black fog that will revert you to your wolf form. No matter: Just kill the floating Zant head in here to reveal two treasure chests. One has the COMPASS, the other has a small key. Clawshot to the north again and unlock the door. In this far northeast room, the camera will zoom in on a "hand" clutching a glowing white ball. This ball is called a "Sol", and you need to bring it back to the first room of the dungeon. As you approach it, though, you get blocked off rom it! Yup, it's not a Zelda game without fighting a phantom version of the main villain! The shadow Zant will create a vortex from which he spawns a ton of enemies. Just kill as many as you can with a Spin Attack or something, then concentrate on attacking the shadow Zant himself. He will constantly appear and disappear, so track him constantly and attack him if he doesn't warp again. This is not a difficult battle at all. Once shadow Zant dies, he will leave a cloud of that evil fog behind. Go up to the Sol orb and attack the hand to free it. Take it to the middle of the room(the Sol orb will repel that evil fog) and place it in the shallow socket in the floor to open up a staircase out of the room. Beware! The hand that was holding it will come to life and chase you across the rooms here, so run up the stairs and Clawshot the Sol orb to get it back. Go back into the previous room. As you enter this room again, you'll realize that the hand will follow you form room to room. Take the Sol orb and place it in the socket in the middle of the floor here to open up a spiraling staircase. This part's a bit trickier. It's best to watch where the top of the staircase forms, than place the Sol orb and run to the top of the staircase before it forms. If this is not possible, just try to get on the closest part of the staircase so that you don't have to go all the way up. Once you're up top, Clawshot the orb to get it back and go south again. <3 Heart Piece!!! <3 Before you do the stairway thing in this room, take the Sol orb into the eastern alcove in this room to dispel the evil fog within. As a human, you are then free to grapple up to a ledge with a chest containing a HEART PIECE! Only one more to go... once you're done with that, you're free to just leave to the south. CURRENT TOTAL: 18 hearts, 4 pieces Once you're back in the entrance room, you'll see the effect of the Sol orb on the transformed Twili. Bring it to one of the sockets in the middle of the room and slot it in to make a platform of light appear. Ride it to the west wing of the dungeon. This room has some evil fog in the bottom. Use your Clawshotting and platform jumping skills to reach the northern exit. Kill the floating Zant head to make a chest with a small key appear. Go on through to the north. In this room, drop down to the bottom and kill the three Twilight monsters and the four(!) floating Zant heads to make a treasure chest appear. Clawshot to an alcove in the east and open it for the DUNGEON MAP. Then open the one in the west alcove for a small key. Take it to the north door and open it. You'll be in a room with another Sol orb. Approach it and another shadow Zant will appear. Kill him the same way as you did in the east wing. Once he dies, you're free to take the Sol orb with you. Use it to dispel the evil fog in here, then make the steps appear same as in the east wing. Clawshot the Sol orb to take it with you, and head back south. This room is kind of tricky. You have to socket the orb into the floor, then stand on what will become the top part of the staircase before it rises. Test it once to see what I mean, then do it again to get up top. Once you do, grapple the orb back to you and continue south. The room with the platforms isn't difficult at all. Just leap across with the Sol orb until you get to the south end. Leave here to go back to the main room. Bring the orb into the presence of two crystal balls at the end of the sequence to create a platform that will taker you all the way back to the entrance. We're now back in the entrance room. Take the Sol orb to the middle of the room and slot it next to your other one to fill the Master Sword with a golden light! Now you can use it to swipe that evil black fog away. You're supposed to head north now, but a short detour is in order. Go back to the first room of the west wing. <3 Heart Piece!!! <3 In the first room of the west wing(the one with the fog and platforms), use your newly light-imbued Master Sword to chase away the fog. A platform will appear in the west part of the room, take it up to an alcove enarby. Open the chest for your last HEART PIECE!!! If you followed my guide thus far, you should have nineteen heart containers! We only have one more to go, and guess who we get it from... CURRENT TOTAL: 19 hearts Once you get that last Heart Piece, go back into the main room and head directly north. There will be a waterfall of fog, a "fog-fall", if you will, blocking your path. Use your light-infused Master Sword to clear it out, then head straight north. Next, use your sword to dispel more fog in the middle wing of the dungeon. Take the non-lighted Sol orbs and place them in the sockets previously covered by the for. Once both are in place, go up the formed staircase to find another light-activated crystal orb. Hit it with your sword to make a platform appear beneath you; ride it over to the east side of the room with three crystal orbs and four floating Zant heads. Dispose of the Zant heads to make a chest with a small key appear. Grab it, then move in the middle of the crystal orbs and Spin Attack to activate them all at once. Another platform will appear and take you to the exit to the east. You'll end up outside. The Big Key is out here, so listen up to learn how to get it. This was another part that took me FOREVER to figure out... Spin attack to dissipate the shadow curtain in the middle of the room, than jump behind it. Clawshot up and up to get to a ledge with the BIG KEY in a chest. Jump back down and get on the other side of the shadow curtain, we're not done here yet. Clear out all the enemies you can, then go to the edge of the balcony and Spin attack to light up the two crystal orbs. Ride the platform to the lone area to the south, and kill the Zant head there. Killing that single head will make three more appear on the main balcony, so go back there and kill them off too. Once they're all dead, a chest with a small key will appear. Grab it and immediately use it on the north door leading west. Once you get into the next room, guess what? Twilight monsters! If you're lucky, you can take them out with a single Spin Attack(or Great Spin if you're lucky enough to have full health). Once you've killed the group for the zillionth time, slice through the fog to get at a group of four crystal switches. Spin attack to activate them all and send a platform upwards- with you on it. As it rises, several more platforms will appear around you. Go on the one to the east and ride it forward. Take the north(left) one, then ride it upwards. Clawshot onto a nearby platform, then take the platform next to that. Once yo get in range, hit the Clawshot target on the ceiling and drop onto the next platform as it passes beneath you. Jump down to a nearby solid platform to the west and kill the Zant head there. Clawshot back to the ceiling target and go to the other solid platform to the east. Kill the Zant head there to make a chest appear; open it for a small key. Lastly, jump onto the platform closest to the chest and ride it up to the locked door at the top. Go through it and get out of this crazy room... This last room before the boss has you fighting group after group of Twilight monsters. Take them out one after the other and eventually you'll be free to head north into the boss room... Zant lets out another one of his creepy screams as you approach him. There's some more dialogue as Midna acts all tough on Zant, and Zant taunts both her and Link. Eventually, the long-awaited brawl between you and him begins! /////////////////////////////// BOSS BATTLE: USURPER KING- ZANT \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ Before I start this strategy, I must point out one thing: Zant is literally INSANE! He fights like an absolute nut case! Pay attention, Nintendo: This is how main villains SHOULD be!!! But, as for how to defeat him: Zant goes through a large number of forms, each loosely mimicking a boss you fought previously. The big trick is: USE THE WEAPON YOU USED ON THE BOSS THAT HE MIMICS. I will split up this fight into separate paragraphs: FIRST FORM- DIABABA You're back in the Forest Temple where you fought Diababa. Zant will start by floating over the water and launching rapid-fire blasts of dark energy at you. Despite what Midna may lead you to believe, do not try to reflect them with your sword. You will only take damage if you try that. Just think back: what weapon did you use to defeat Diababa? Whip out your Gale Boomerang and launch it at Zant to bring him down to the ground. He'll start leaping around, but use the chance to attack him with your sword. After enough rounds of attacking, onto form two. SECOND FORM- GORON WARRIOR We're in the miniboss room of the Goron Mines. Zant will jump up and down on the platform, so use your Iron Boots to steady yourself. Just keep him targeted and block his dark blasts with your shield. Eventually, he will stop and catch his breath. That's when you take off your Iron Boots, then move in and attack. After this... THIRD FORM- MORPHEEL You take him on in Morpheel's room now. Put on your Zora Armor and Iron Boots, then whip out your Clawshot. Several large Zant helmets will pop out of the sand, and one will open to reveal Zant himself. Quickly use your Clawshot to pull him out of the big helmet once you get an opening between volleys of dark blasts, then continue carving him up. He will even try swimming away! C'mon, he has to give you more credit than that! Next... FOURTH FORM- BOSS MONKEY For some reason, we're back in the Forest Temple. Do what you did with the Boss Monkey, just roll into the totem pole he stops on a couple of times to knock him down. Attack his... butt... okay, Zant just totally lost his air of demented menace there. You could practically hear it disappear. Regardless, continue your attack until... FIFTH FORM- BLIZZETA This one is really weird. Zant will grow to enormous proportions, then float above you. The camera angle will change so you can see his reflection in the ice. Dodge him as best you can as he tries to stomp on you, then take out your Ball and Chain and smack Zant in the foot. He will shrink to about half his normal height and start jumping around, so intercept him and slice him up. Once you do this enough times... SIXTH FORM- TRUE ZANT You'll now be outside of Hyrule Castle. Zant, having nowhere else to go, will take out twin swords and go crazy on you. He'll spin like a top, do a one-two slice on you, and use a sort of blind "I'm-going-to-run-around-while-flailing- my-swords-and-if-you-get-hit-it's-your-own-fault" attack. Every time you hit him, he'll teleport away only to appear next to you on your unguarded side. Whenever you do hit him, roll away immediately so that he doesn't hit you, and continue your assault. Whenever Zant spins to attack you, jump to the side to avoid it, lest you get knocked up against the barrier at the edge of the arena here and take a lot of damage. Whenever he finishes his spin attack, he will get dizzy and become vulnerable. There's your chance! Beyond what I outlined, the rest is up to you. You got this far, he shouldn't be too hard at all. Once Zant FINALLY dies(I find his ultimate death absolutely hilarious!), grab the last HEART CONTAINER in the game. Congratulations, you now have all twenty Heart Containers! You are now more than ready to take on Hyrule Castle. Leave this place- and the Twilight Realm- for good. %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% -Part 9: Hyrule Castle Reclamation: Denouement [par9] %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% ~Hyrule Castle Town~ If you skipped over anything like Heart Pieces or any other upgrades, go back and do it now. Get a fairy in a bottle or a couple of Blue Potions, and when you're sure you're ready, go right in front of the barrier surrounding Hyrule Castle. Midna will use the Fused Shadows to complete her helmet, then... well, see for yourself. Once she's done, the barrier will be gone. Go on in for... the final dungeon. <<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<< Hyrule Castle [hyru] >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> OVERVIEW: The castle itself is surprisingly short and easy for a final dungeon. Perhaps the game is trying to lull you into a false sense of security? WALKTHROUGH: As soon as you enter the level, you'll be in the courtyard of the castle. The middle door to the north is locked at the moment, so you have a choice of either east or west. I picked east first, so here we go. As you move towards the northeast, you'll be trapped in an odd orange barrier. Once trapped, a series of Bokoblins will attack you. The fools... they have no idea how powerful you are by now! Once they're all gone, the barrier will disappear and you can go northeast. Once you go through the northeast door, advance a bit and you'll be trapped again. More Bokoblins will emerge and assault you, so take them all out. Head to the top of this area, using the pull switch to open the gate. Once you get to the very north end, a very familiar foe shows up again... you've faced him before, so I'm not even going to bother with a strategy for him. Just do your own thing in killing him. Once you win, he will surrender and hand over a small key. You know, he just might not be so bad after all... Ah well, go back to the courtyard and head northwest this time(you'll be trapped again on your way there, but it's nothing you can't handle). Open up the northwest courtyard area by breaking out your Bow and slaughtering all the fire arrow-shooting Moblins up on the towers. Once they're clear, move around here until you find one of their boars. You'll still have to fight a few Bokoblins hanging around, though. Ride their boar mount and bash through the wooden walls with it to gain access to the outer rim of this area. Once you get to the far northeast, you'll see a caged-off room with some propeller towers in front of it. There is also a patch of ground with some leaves covering it. Turn into a wolf and dig them away to see an odd pattern on the ground. This gives you the order in which to hit those propellers with your Gale Boomerang. Start from the farthest one and work your way forward. Once the door opens, check the chest for the DUNGEON MAP! If you want, you can climb the ladder in here and get some rupees, but why bother by now? Go back to the main courtyard and head directly north. As soon as you enter the foyer, you'll be trapped and forced to fend off some more Bokoblins- and some Lizalfos... Carve them all up, then turn your sights to the new treasure chest that appears on a top balcony. Clawshot up there, as you can use the chandeliers as Clawshot targets. Open the chest for the COMPASS. Then, Clawshot across two more chandeliers to get to a door leading north. As soon as you get in here, you'll have to fight another Darknut. He is completely unchanged from his Temple of time brother, so take him out with the Back Slice and Helm Splitter like before. Once you've shown him who's boss(and then killed him), take note of the torches here. The creators of the game try to play a nasty little trick on you here. If you light the two torches off to the side, parts of the floor will raise as if to allow you access to the ledge above, but you still won't be able to reach. And if you take aim at the lone torch with the Gale Boomerang and put it out, another platform will raise. But it will still be too high to climb up! What you wanna do(once you light the lone torch to put the platform back down if you need to) is stand next to where the platform will rise. Take aim and put out the lone torch with your Gale Boomerang, then quickly move onto where the platform will rise and ride it up. The chest contains nothing of worth(I forgot what it was, some sum of rupees), but you are now allowed access to the halls east and west of here. You'll only need to check out the west one. This is a dark area, so you'll need to pull out your Lantern. A swarm of Keese will attack you, so eliminate them. Then focus your attention on the four torches here. You have to light them all to open the door ahead, but each one will only stay lit for a certain time, some longer than others. The trick is to test each of them and see how long each one stays lit. You need them to all be lit up at once, so hit the one that stays lit the longest, then the second- longest, and so on in that fashion. Don't worry if you run out of oil, just return to the room where you fought the Darknut for a basin of oil. Once they're all lit, the door head of you will be unlocked. Go through. You'll emerge in front of two armored Lizalfos. Teach them a lesson in pain, then continue through the door leading outside once you're done. Once you're outside, go straight ahead. You'll be trapped, and a Flying Lizalfos will appear to do battle with you. Deal with him the same way you did in the City in the Sky. Once he dies and the way is clear, continue on your merry way to get a small key from the chest inside the turret. If you check your map, there is one more chest. Go into the turret on the east side and get it too. Once it's in sight, the door ahead will open, but wait! WAY too many enemies are in your way. You're doomed! ...or ARE you? If you think you are, you've got some attitude, mister. Once the scene is over(yeah, I've revealed too much already), continue to the BIG KEY, then double back to get into the locked door up here. This is the last leg of the dungeon... can you feel the electricity in the air?!?!? You'd do well to take this room on in wolf form. Ghost rats will cling to you, so turn on your senses and Spin Attack to shake them off. Once that's done, take notice of the ghost soldiers in here. They only appear when your senses are active. The tiles in this room will sink into a bottomless pit(even though the foyer is one floor below?), taking you with them. It's best to suspend disbelief for now, and follow the gazes of the ghost soldiers. They face in the right directions where none of the tiles will fall, so follow the direction the first one is facing straight to the next one, and so on to the stairs. Just go up the stairs from here. Parts of the stairs will have been knocked away, so you'll have to jump across at some points. You'll get to a room with two Lizalfos, so open up a Bottle of whoop-ass on them. Keep going, and Clawshot up to the wall torch on the left side of the wall. Alternate between Clawshotting to the torches on the two sides of the wall. Once you get to the end of the Clawshot sequence, you'll fight two more Lizalfos. I swear, when will the bad guys hire quality enemies, like more Darknuts? Once the Lizalfos are gone, whip out your Spinner and race along the track on the wall. There are spiky spinners here, so jump from wall to wall accordingly. Speaking of Darknuts, there is just ONE more to take down before you can enter the boss room. You are beyond walkthroughs for the likes of him now. Prove your worth. Once he falls to you, savor the moment. Reflect on what a crazy adventure you've had and how far you've gotten, then open that boss door... this is gonna be a BARN-BURNER!!! You are now at the very top of Hyrule Castle. Go up the stairs to find an old foe... after some dialogue the likes of which I will not reveal, your old rival Ganondorf will use some strange new Twilight powers to possess Zelda! For the first time in a Zelda game, you must *gulp* fight Zelda! ////////////////////////////////////////// FINAL BOSS FORM ONE: GANON'S PUPPET- ZELDA \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ This first form of Ganondorf is not as hard as the plot or previous games in the series would have you believe. Zelda floats beyond the reach of your melee weapons, and any ranged weapons will be quickly dodged. But remember... in every battle with Ganondorf, there is always some time where you have to return his magic! This is that time. I must warn you, however: In addition to the magic I mentioned, Zelda has some other nasty tricks up her sleeve. Eventually, Zelda will raise her sword, create a ball of magic energy, and fling it towards you. Swing your sword to swat it back at her. She won't make it easy for you though, so you'll probably end up batting it back and forth like a bright deadly ping-pong ball before it hits her. This is the key to the fight, make every effort to hit her with her own magic. Other than that, she will occasionally raise her sword and create a triangle of light on the ground. You can look forward to losing a whole heart if that happens, so keep moving and quickly jump to the side if she uses that attack. Sometimes, she will dive at you sword-first. This attack is negligible and easy to dodge. Basically, hit three energy balls back to Zelda to free her from Ganondorf's control. Then it's onto form two... \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ FINAL BOSS FORM TWO: DARK BEAST- GANON ////////////////////////////////////// Ganondorf takes on his Twilight form here, akin to Link's wolf form: A giant boar-like creature. This part of the fight will be done in two stages. For the most part, Ganon will run around the room tearing stuff up. Just stay out of his way for the time being. Once he disappears into a portal, that's when you have to take notice. Several exit portals will appear around the room. Watch them, eventually, one will be left over and turn blue. When you see the right one, take out your Bow! Ganon will come charging out of the portal right towards you. Take aim and fire at the jewel on his forehead, then roll out of the way as he collapses with some forward momentum. While he is stunned and vulnerable, take out your sword and slash the odd glowing gash on his stomach. Watch out at all times, though! He may appear over you and deliberately land on top of you. Just repeat the process for a few hits. Eventually, he will wise up to your arrow tactic and simply disappear if you aim at him. If you try to hit him with an arrow a few more times, Midna will point out a new strategy: Match sacred beast against evil beast! Turn into your wolf form and take his next charge head on! Z-target Ganon and Midna will ready her hair(yes, I KNOW it sounds silly) to stop his charge. Hold A(you have to have VERY good timing for this) to stop him, and move the Control Stick either left or right to shove him to the side. Once you do that, you'll be free to attack his stomach again. After a round or two of this, he will be defeated- or WILL he? Dun dun duuuuuuuun!!!! Watch the scene- this time, it's MIDNA who does the ass-whipping! Hoo-rah! Very satisfying and cool to watch. After this, you'll be teleported to Hyrule Field. Watch the destruction take place, and the subsequent events that unfold. Now, you and Zelda will double team him! On horseback!!! ///////////////////////////////////////////// FINAL BOSS FORM THREE: GANONDORF ON HORSEBACK \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ I hope you've been brushing up on your cavalier skills, because you'll be needing them here! Both you and Zelda will be riding on Epona for this battle. There are two big things to note here: 1) Stay close to Ganondorf, but NOT TOO CLOSE. There will be points where you have to charge him, but swerve to dodge his attack. You will likely have to dodge him several times in a row. If you get within range of him, he WILL attack you and possibly knock you off Epona if he hits. If you get knocked down, you'll be at a HUGE disadvantage. So, um, try not to do that. 2) KEEP GANONDORF Z-TARGETED. You have to be at medium to close range for this, and as long as you have Ganondorf Z-targeted, Zelda will keep firing Light Arrows at him. This is the only way do make Ganondorf vulnerable. Your job is basically to trail behind Ganondorf and keep up with him, dashing as necessary to keep up. Ganondorf will release ghost horsemen behind you if he gets far enough ahead, so if he does that try to go between them or swerve around them entirely. Trail him as long as you can until Zelda scores a hit. Once she does, dash up to him, and slice him with your Master Sword. after a few sword hits on him, the final confrontation will commence. \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ FINAL BOSS FORM FOUR: DARK LORD- GANONDORF ////////////////////////////////////////// This is it... the FINAL final battle! Link and Ganondorf, mano a mano. He's big and has a lot of physical power on his side, but Link is faster and more agile. All in all, this is actually a pretty even fight. Seriously, I find it both hard and easy at the same time. It's kind of difficult to describe... First, I have to tell you about Ganondorf's attacks. He will use all manner of melee attacks with both his sword and various limbs(I've seen him kick Link off balance, as well as elbow him). Sometimes, he will disappear, reappear on Link's vulnerable side, and do his own version of a Spin Attack. If he disappears, roll away to avoid his Spin Attack. Don't try to Shield Attack him, he will just kick Link and throw him off balance instead. He will also raise his sword and charge at you from time to time. This it the time to attack: When he does this, a command will appear at the bottom of the screen. QUICKLY press A to "chance", or lock your blade against his. The two of you will push against each other in a cool standoff; mash the A button to press back his attack. If you are successful, he will lose balance and become vulnerable. Take the opportunity and cut him up. Using mostly the chance tactic is the honest way of defeating him. Now, here's the cheater way: Just cheese him to death by using the Back Slice and similar surprise moves. Either way, just use your best judgement and hopefully quick reflexes to get the job done. And yes: You CAN use the Mortal Draw to surprise him a few times and make him vulnerable. Keep in mind you leave yourself open to a world of hurt if you do so, so use that trick at your own risk. Eventually after damaging him enough, you'll get him down on the ground. You know what to do here: When you see the command, press A to do the Ending Blow and finish off Ganondorf... once... and... for... all. Congratulations, you have just beaten The Legend of Zelda: Twilight Princess! Watch the ending for some nice wrap-up moments, then go downstairs and have a granola bar or something. You've earned it. Good job. <3<3<3<3<3<3<3<3<3<3<3<3 Heart Piece List [hear] <3<3<3<3<3<3<3<3<3<3<3<3 Here I have compiled a complete list of quick blurbs on how to get all 45 Heart Pieces in the game, as well as where they are found. This is also the rough order in which you can get them. It is not like Ocarina of Time where you can get 95% of the Heart Pieces before the fourth dungeon. They're far more evenly spaced in this game. 1. Faron Woods There is a cave with the small key in the northwest corner of the woods. Use your Lantern to light the two torches here to make the treasure chest appear on a ledge. Climb up the ledge for your prize. 2. Forest Temple There is a room to the east of the main room(northeast of the entrance) with a lot of evil hungry plants. Drop a Bomb Spider down one's throat to reveal a chest behind it. 3. Forest Temple In the far east of the temple, there is a room with lots of Tile Worms and four torches. Use your Gale Boomerang to blow out all four torches and lower the steps to reveal the chest. 4. Hyrule Field In the area of Hyrule Field just north of the Faron Woods, there is a bridge over a pond. Check the southern end to find a Heart Piece resting in the branches, use the Gale Boomerang to bring it down. 5. Hyrule Field- Kakariko Gorge Go to the far east of the Gorge to find a rock spire rising out of it. A Heart Piece is visible up top, Gale Boomerang it down. 6. Ordon Ranch Once you've cleared the Twilight Realm from Kakariko Village, go back to the ranch in Ordon Village and do some goat herding. Once you're done, Fado will give you a Heart Piece as a reward. 7. Goron Mines After talking to Gor Amoto, use your Iron Boots to walk back several rooms along the walls and ceiling. Go to the northeast end of the room where you walk along the ceiling to find your prize. 8. Goron Mines In the room past the crystal switch, you'll find two Beamos and a magnetic wall. Go up the magnetic wall to the south platform to find the Heart Piece. 9. Kakariko Village When facing the spring, look up and left to see a cluster of rocks on a cliff above. Use a Bomb arrow to clear your view, then use the Gale Boomerang to take the piece. 10. Kakariko Village Right where you got the previous Heart Piece, at ground level, there is a rock you can blow up. Take the path behind it to get to the back of the spring. Sink down with your Iron Boots to get the treasure below. 11. Kakariko Village Once you complete the Goron Mines, get to the top of the village to find Talo. Talk to him and he'll challenge you to an archery test. Hit all three targets to claim your prize. 12. Hyrule Field- Kakariko Gorge Once you have Bombs, go to the gorge and look to the far south to find a bomb- able wall. Go inside and use your Lantern to find your way through the cavern. A Heart Piece lies at the end. You'll have to light two torches to get the chest to appear. 13. Hyrule Field Exit Kakariko Village to the northeast. You'll find a destructible rock on the left side of the trail. Blow it up, climb up the path, use a Bomb arrow to blow up the rock above the ivy, climb up the ivy and jump down to the left for another Heart Piece. 14. Lake Hylia Launch up from Fyer's cabin to end up next to Falbi's cabin at the top of the cliff. Pay him 20 rupees to play his game. Grab a chicken and glide down to the platforms on the lake's surface. The second one from the top contains a Heart Piece. 15. Hyrule Castle Town Near the east entrance to town, there is a man in a green robe who will ask for donations of rupees. You can pay in increments of 30 or 50, and once you've given him 1000 total, he will give you a Heart Piece. 16. Death Mountain Head up the Death Mountain trail from Kakariko Village. Talk to the second Goron up the trail and have him launch you up. Aim to the right to grab onto a high ledge, and walk along the path. Drop ito a cave to the right to end up next to a treasure chest. 17. Zora's River- Fishing Spot Head on into the Fishing Spot and go out fishing. There is a Heart Piece on the rock in the middle of the lake, use your fishing rod to retrieve it. It can be difficult to aim the rod, but repeated tries will eventually get it. 18. Lake Hylia Climb the rocky structures to the south to find a bomb-able wall. Go inside for another long dark cavern, use your Lantern to reach the end and get the Heart Piece by lighting two torches at the end. 19. Lakebed Temple In the main room, there is a chandelier hanging from the ceiling. Use your Clawshot to get up there and acquire it. 20. Lakebed Temple Once the water level is to the top of the main room, move the stairs so that it flows into the west wing of the dungeon. This will raise a bridge in one of the west rooms. Go across that bridge and stand on a switch at the far end. Clawshot into the opened area to get the Heart Piece, but kill the Lizalfos in there first. 21. Sacred Grove In the clearing where you fight the Skull Kid, Bomb the rock away and dig in its place. You'll come across a hidden grotto. In the grotto, kill all the Red Deku Babas in there and you receive a nice reward. 22. Lake Hylia Go inside the Spirit Spring here and look for some ivy in the back. Clawshot to it, climb up it, and check the room in the back. Light the two torches in here to make a chest appear. In it... well, you know. 23. Lake Hylia As a wolf, go to any of the hawk grass patches in Lake Hylia and talk to Plumm, the bird that appears there. Complete her balloon-busting mini-game and score over 10000 points to win a Heart Piece(but not because she likes you or anything...). 24. Hyrule Field- Bridge of Eldin Near the north end of the bridge, there is a Clawshot target on top of a ledge. Go inside and make your way to the bottom of the cave using your wits, Iron Boots, and another vertigo-inducing drop(not necessarily in that order) for a Heart Piece. 25. Gerudo Desert- Moblin encampment In the northwest section of the Moblin camp, there is a delicious-looking boar roasting on a spit. Carve it up with your sword, wipe the drool off your lips, then grab the Heart Piece from its remains. 26. Arbiter's Grounds Once you get to the room where the Poes steal the four blue flames, Clawshot over to the northwest corner of the room. You'll land right next to a chest. Three guesses what's in it. 27. Arbiter's Grounds Right after you get the spinner, you'll end up in a huge room with a ton of Spinner tracks. Once you end up past a spiky spinning bar, open the chest near it for a Heart Piece. 28. Hyrule Field Head north of the Bridge of Eldin until you get to a small wooden bridge. On the far end is a Spinner track, take it down to a ledge halfway down the gorge. Dig in the center of the circle of grass to find a secret cave, then kill all the Stalfos inside for a Heart Piece. 29. Hyrule Field There is a stretch of pathway northeast of Hyrule Castle Town that houses a series of Spinner tracks. Go up the tracks and open the chest at the end for a sweet reward. 30. Kakariko Village/Hyrule Field Donate 1000 rupees at Malo Mart in Kakariko Village to repair the bridge west of Hyrule Castle Town. Check the new bridge out to find a tired Goron there. He wants spring water to revitalize him, so go back to Kakariko Village and talk to the meditating Goron elder in front of Malo Mart. He'll give you a barrelful of spring water to take across the field back to the tired Goron. Once you get there, dump it on the Goron to rejuvenate him! He will roll away to gather some supplies, then return seconds later to drop off a reward for your trouble. 31. Snowpeak Ruins Once you get the Ball and Chain, go to the second floor of the foyer and use it to send the chandeliers swinging. Go south across several of them to a platform just above the entrance to the dungeon. A treasure chest rests there, a Heart Piece lies within. 32. Snowpeak Ruins Once you get to the room to the east with the two ice monsters in the cages, head to the second floor of that room. Use your Ball and Chain to break through the floorboards in the corner, and open the chest below. 33. Hyrule Field Straight North of Hyrule Castle, in the rocky area of the field, there is a cave hidden by a bomb-able rock. Go into the cave, clear out the ice with your Ball and Chain, and figure out three block-pushing puzzles in a row to get to the end... and a Heart Piece! 34. Snowpeak Once you've cleared Snowpeak Ruins, warp back to the top of the mountain. Talk to the husband and wife yetis and challenge them to a snowboarding race. Defeat the husband, then the wife for a Heart Piece. 35. Temple of Time In the room with the moving walls, use the statue to bust through those move- able walls. Have it rest on a switch to deactivate an electric barrier, allowing you to get a chest with a Heart Piece. 36. Temple of Time On the fifth floor of the dungeon on your way down after getting the Dominion Rod and the statue, look in the southern room. Use the Dominion Rod to maneuver two small statues along their paths to two switches. You will have to throw one up onto the ledge. Once both have weighed down the switches, a chest with a Heart Piece will appear. 37. Sacred Grove this one is JUST outside the Temple of Time. When facing the steps out of here, check the owl statue to the right. Use the Dominion Rod to get it out of its alcove and access the Heart Piece behind it. 38: Hidden Village Once you've done everything(story-wise) you need to do in the Hidden Village and restored Ilia's memory, talk to the chicken on the west side of town while as a wolf. He will challenge you to a mini-game where you have to find and talk to all twenty cats in town. Once you find them all, talk to the chicken again and he'll give you exact instructions on how to get your prize (he leaves it in front of Impaz's house). 39: Faron Woods Northeast of Coro's shack, there is an owl statue you can move with the Dominion Rod. Move it into the shallow hole nearby, which allows you to do a Long Jump sequence. The sequence deposits you in front of a chest. Open it up for a super fun mystery prize! 40. Bridge of Eldin Take control of the owl statue on the north end of the bridge. Bring it all the way to the south end and use it to get across to a ladder. Take it to the top of the bridge to get a Heart Piece! 41. City in the Sky Eventually in the dungeon, you will come across a giant evil hungry plant. Kill it off, and climb up the room. You'll have to grab a couple of ledges and shimmy across along the way. The chest with the Heart Piece should be right on the way. 42. City in the Sky when you end up outside just after the previous Heart Piece, you'll eventually end up having to Clawshot across a series of flying Peahats. Instead of going straight across the gap, Clawshot to the one on the left and follow them to the previous room. Open the chest there for a pulsing crystalline life essence extender. 43: Hyrule Field- Kakariko Gorge remember where you got Heart Piece #5? Go there and use your Double clawshots to descend the spire and cliff wall. Get onto the ivy below and climb over to the other side of the small spire for a Heart Piece. 44: Palace of Twilight Once you get the first Sol orb, return with it to the first room of the east wing. On the east side of the room is an alcove with evil fog, use the Sol orb to pass through it and Clawshot up to the ledge here to get your prize. 45: Palace of Twilight In the west wing, there is a room with moving platforms. Come back in here after you've infused the Master Sword with the light energy. Use your energized sword to dispel the fog on the floor and reveal a platform. Take it up to get to the last Heart Piece in the game. ********************** Golden Bug List [gold] ********************** This part's finally done! When I got some time off for Christmas, I went on a massive bug hunt and found the rest. Note that I do NOT claim originality for this part, as I checked a FAQ to figure out some of the ones I missed before. Again, they are listed roughly in the order in which you can get them. What do you get out of finding these bugs? When you give them to Agitha (she lives in Hyrule Castle Town), she will hand over a Big Wallet(which holds 600 rupees) for the first one. For every subsequent insect you give her, she will give you 50 more rupees, UNLESS you give her one that completes a male/female pair. In that case, she would give you 100 rupees instead. Once you have given her all 24, she will give you the largest wallet size, which holds 1000 rupees. 1. Male Beetle- Hyrule Field, Faron province In the middle of the area directly north of Faron Woods, there is a bridge spanning a shallow pond. Look southeast of it for some trees. On the trunk of one of them is a Male Beetle. you can grab him right off the trunk. 2. Female Beetle- Hyrule Field, Faron Province Just north of the entrance to Kakariko Gorge, there is an inaccessible ledge with a series of trees on top of it. Check the tree on northern end of the ledge. The Female Beetle rests there; Gale Boomerang her down. 3. Female Ant- Kakariko Village In the empty house to the left of Barnes's Bomb shop, check on the floor. The female ant is right in the middle of the floor. 4. Male Ant- Kakariko Village Check the trees in the back end of the Graveyard. A Male Ant will be sitting on the bottom of one of them. 5. Male Pill Bug- Hyrule Field, Kakariko Gorge Check just off the path near the southeast side of the bridge in Kakariko Gorge. It's on the ground in plain sight. 6. Female Pill Bug- Hyrule Field, Kakariko Gorge While facing the entrance to Kakariko Village, go off to the left and follow the rock wall to a ptch of grass and flowers. Cut down the flowers to reveal the Female Pill Bug, then grab her off the ground. 7. Male Grasshopper- Hyrule Field, Eldin Province Exit Kakariko Village to the northeast, then head northwest as you enter Hyrule Field. There is a large brown grass-free expanse of land here, the Male Grasshopper is hopping around here. You'll likely have to bring him to you with the Gale Boomerang. 8. Female Grasshopper- Hyrule Field, Eldin province In the same field where the Bridge of Eldin lies(and the same place you got the Male Grasshopper), check the northeast end of the field to find the female grasshopper. Like the male, she hops around a lot, so use the Gale Boomerang to make her dizzy(do insects get dizzy?) and easier to catch. 9. Male Phasmid- Hyrule Field, Bridge of Eldin Look inside the arch on the south side of the Bridge of Eldin. He's taking a siesta out of the sunlight. Bring him down with your Gale Boomerang(or your Clawshot if you're enough of a slacker to wait until after the Lakebed Temple). 10. Male Butterfly- Hyrule Field, Lanayru province Leave Hyrule Castle Town via the east entrance and go a little bit southeast. You'll find a patch of pink flowers, the Male Butterfly is in there. He's probably just having breakfast or something... 11. Male Mantis- Hyrule Field, Lanayru province Check the north end of the Great Bridge of Hylia. he's flying around and enjoying the sunlight. Use your Gale Boomerang to get him.(Thanks to Mario Di Teodoro for this one) 12. Female Mantis- Hyrule Field, Lanayru province Check a rocky arch south of the Great Bridge of Hylia(where the Chus drop from). She is on a wall near there, so gale Boomerang her down. 13. Female Dragonfly- Zora's River This one is right in front of the canoe rental cabin. You can't miss it, but you will have to use your Gale Boomerang or Clawshot to get it close to you and pick it up. 14. Female Ladybug- Hyrule field, Lanayru province Look on the east side of the steps just outside of Hyrule Castle Town to the south. It flies around a lot, so you'll have to wait until it rest on a wall or something to catch it. 15. Male Ladybug- Hyrule Field, Lanayru province In the area south of Hyrule Castle Town, go west until you find a Deku Baba and a Red Deku Baba beside a natural stone pillar with ivy on one side. Deal with the Babas, and look closely here. The MALE LADYBUG is flying around close to the ground. There are no big tricks in getting it, just pick it up as it gets close to you. 16. Female Butterfly- Hyrule Field, Lanayru province Warp to Hyrule Castle Town and check the same area as where you got the Male Butterfly(east of the castle). There is a bit of ivy hanging over a small cliff, Clawshot up to it and get the Female Butterfly. 17. Male Stag Beetle- Hyrule Field, Lanayru province Go to the area of Hyrule Field directly north of Hyrule Castle. Check a tree near the east entrance to this area for the Male Stag Beetle. You'll have to Clawshot it down. More often than not, he will fly off the tree if there's too much commotion, but he won't go far. 18. Female Stag Beetle- Hyrule Field, Lanayru province You can find the Female Stag Beetle in the same area as the male- in the area directly north of Hyrule Castle. Go up the rocky paths in the north here until you find a shabby wooden fence with a Lizalfos roaming nearby. Kill the Lizalfos, then look up a nearby rock wall. The Female Stag Beetle is hanging around up there and is pretty easy to spot. Bring her down with your Gale Boomerang. 19. Female Phasmid- Hyrule Field, Bridge of Eldin Check the ledge north of the Bridge of Eldin(the one that leads to the magma- filled cave). Clawshot up to it and check the wall for the Female Phasmid. 20. Male Dayfly- Gerudo Desert Look in the middle south area of the desert. A Male Dayfly is flying around. You can Clawshot or Gale Boomerang it down. 21. Female Dayfly- Gerudo Desert In the southeast area of Gerudo Desert between the Cave of Ordeals and the small bit of ruins with the treasure chest on top, there are several trenches in the sand. the Female Dayfly is flying around in one of them. 22. Male Dragonfly- Zora's Domain At the bottom of the waterfall, just a little bit south of the Mother and Child Rocks, the Male dragonfly is hanging around. 23. Male(or possibly female) Snail- Sacred Grove During your second trip to the Sacred Grove, when you push the block down to gain access back the where the Master Sword was, check to the left of where the block fell. The Male Snail should be on the wall in a dark little corner. 24. Female(or possibly male) Snail- Sacred Grove Once you go into the Temple of Time(but before you enter the dungeon proper), check the left side of the stairs for the Female Snail. 0o0o0o0o0o0o0o0o0o0o0o0o0 Hidden Skills List [hidd] 0o0o0o0o0o0o0o0o0o0o0o0o0 These are the cool sword skills you gain as you progress. As a wolf, you must find each of the "Howl Stones" located around Hyrule. Once you do, listen to the music playing and copy the song by holding A to howl and using the Control Stick to adjust your pitch from high to middle to low. Once you copy it correctly, you'll be brought to a strange dimension where you must do the song once more(the musical staff will outline the exact song, so you won't have to guess again). Once you get the song right a second time, the Golden Wolf will appear somewhere in the world. Find him as a human to gain a new sword skill. The important thing to know, however, is this: THE PLACES HE APPEARS DEPENDS DIRECTLY ON THE HOWL STONES YOU FIND, BUT HE ALWAYS TEACHES YOU THE TECHNIQUES IN THE SAME ORDER. So, although his appearances depend on the order you get the Howl Stones, you cannot learn, say, the Mortal draw before the Shield Attack. So, here are the locations of the stones, where they make the Golden Wolf appear, and(in a separate list) the techniques you learn, in order. 1. Faron Woods(just Golden Wolf) There is no Howl Stone for the first technique. Just before you enter the Forest Temple, the Golden Wolf will be waiting to teach you the Ending Blow. You need this move to defeat the final boss, so you get it as part of the story. 2. Death Mountain This one is in plain sight among the steam vents as you move up the Death Mountain trail. Be sure you get it as a wolf when you're clearing the Twilight Realm from Kakariko Village, otherwise you'll have to wait until after you've collected the Master Sword. Golden Wolf appears: In Ordon Woods, beside the spring. 3. Zora's River There is one on a cliff overlooking the river right in front of the Canoe Rental Cabin and the Fishing Spot. Be sure you get this one while clearing the Twilight Realm from the Lanayru Province, or you'll have to wait until after you get the Master Sword. Golden Wolf appears: Just east of Hyrule Castle town, on top of a climbable platform. 4. Faron Woods The stone is right along the path to the Sacred Grove, after the swinging logs. You can't miss it. Golden Wolf appears: Outside of the southern entrance to Hyrule Castle Town. 5. Lake Hylia Once you get the Master Sword and gain the ability to turn into your wolf form at will, go back to Lake Hylia. To the south in the rocky platform area, the Howl Stone is on the platform just on top of the ladder. Golden Wolf appears: On the far north end of the Gerudo Desert, before you enter the Moblin Encampment. 6. Snowpeak As you follow the reekfish's scent up the mountain, you'll see a Howl Stone along the way. It is on the very edge of an overhanging cliff. Golden Wolf appears: In the back of Kakariko Graveyard. Once you get the warp point just past the Howl Stone, you can go and find him almost immediately. 7. Hidden Village In the west side of the Hidden Village, behind one of the buildings, the Howl Stone is close to the chicken wandering around. Golden Wolf appears: Right in front of Hyrule Castle. --THE SKILLS-- 1. Ending Blow How to use: Once you get an enemy down, Z-target him/her/it use A to lunge down on them and kill them instantly. My comments: This can make a normally hardy foe an easy kill. You can't use it in quick succession to kill multiple downed opponents, though, as the rest get up quickly after you kill the one you target. 2. Shield Attack How to use: While Z-targeting, shove the Nunchuk forward. My comments: Useful to throw opponents off balance and leave them open, but even more useful to set up the Helm Splitter. 3. Back Slice How to use: Side jump(press a while Z-targeting and moving to the side) twice in a row to roll behind opponents, and wave the remote to slash their unguarded backside. My comments: This is likely the one you'll be using the most often later in the game, especially against Darknuts and the final boss. 4. Helm Splitter How to use: Do a Shield Attack to throw your opponent off balance then press A to vault over them and bust their head with your sword. My comments: This attack looks like it's supposed to stun enemies, but instead it does straight-up damage. It works best, as you would expect, against heavily armored foes. 5. Mortal Draw How to use: Put away your sword and do NOT Z-target your intended target. Let them get close to you, then press A to do a quick draw that will at least knock them down and do heavy damage if not kill them outright. My comments: I LOVE this move, but don't use it on the same opponent too much. They'll eventually wise up and start blocking it. 6. Jump Strike How to use: Hold A while Z-targeting to charge up a Jump Attack, and when the gleam goes to the tip of your sword, release A to do a sort of combination of a Jump Attack but with the range of a Spin Attack. My comments: This is probably the skill you'll use the least. It leaves you too vulnerable and is only really effective against large groups of enemies. 7. Great Spin How to use: Do a regular Spin Attack with full health. Damage and range will be greatly increased. My comments: This is an extremely powerful skill, use it as often as you can. The only trick is constantly having full health near the end of the game! !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Version History [vers] !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! 1.0- submitted December 4, 2006- contains the walkthrough up until just after the Arbiter's Grounds, and also the controls and game basics. You know, the early stuff. 1.5- submitted December 11, 2006- I finished up the walkthrough, and added the Heart Piece list, as well as all the Golden Bugs I could find so far, and the Hidden Skills(and where to find them). Added pretty well everything else to make this FAQ actually count as complete. Anything else comes up, it will be added in time. 1.6- submitted December 15, 2006- I fixed a lot of admittedly boneheaded spelling errors and poorly worded sections I missed the first time around. Also added information on the Blue Chus(thanks to Terrence Ray) and the Male and Female Mantises(thanks to Mario Di Teodoro). 1.7- submitted December 26, 2006- Fixed some more missed spelling errors and such, as well as added current Heart Container status on every Heart Piece paragraph(as per Visser's suggestion). Also added info on how to get the third Empty Bottle. Finally added all the Golden Bugs I missed before. 1.8- submitted January 4, 2007- just corrected how to get the Heart Piece in the Hidden Village. Thanks to Jeremy Spring for correcting me. !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Copyright Information [copy] !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! This document is created by Jonny Humphries, copyright 2006-7, except in areas otherwise noted. I do not own Nintendo, Zelda, or any other Nintendo characters or concepts. Yes, this guide is totally unofficial, or "non-canon". If anyone wants to use segments of this guide or post it on any site, PLEASE ask me first and I will likely say yes. I honestly enjoy getting my work out and having it appreciated by anyone. All I ask is that you please respect my work. !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Contact Information [cont] !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! You can reach me at the e-mail address: ultimate_jonny_2(at)hotmail(dot)com. Typically, I won't take along with responding unless I am busy, but university is a harsh mistress, and I usually do a lot of other writing projects at once other than the ones you see on websites. You MAY e-mail me for: -general comments about the guide itself -compliments -constructive criticism(suggestions for improvement) -alternate strategies for anything -additions or things I may have missed. Once I find them of my own accord, I WILL add them, but if you find them before I do, feel free to enlighten me. -questions that are not answered in the walkthrough. I might have missed something, as I am not perfect... :( Please do NOT e-mail me with: -bland, groundless, insulting criticism -messages with poor spelling, grammar, too many abbreviations or anything otherwise difficult to read -asking questions that are already answered in the walkthrough. Please, look through all relevant sections -hate mail or anything like that. This is not a problem so far, but I'm not about to take any chances. You just waste my time and yours, and you'll likely provide me with a laugh at best, and just look like an idiot at worst. I believe in the best of human nature. Please make a good impression. Also, if you DO hate mail me, you run the risk of me publicly humiliating you. You have been fairly warned. :P !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Special Thanks [spec] !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! - First, to Gamefaqs and CJayC for allowing me to post this guide. There would not be a guide without this site, and that's no joke. - To you, the reader, for making my effort worthwhile - To me, for writing this thing. I owe myself a lot more sleep... - To Dan McNicoll, one of my best friends, for helping with the formatting - To Terrence Ray for sending me the information about the Blue Chus - TO Mario Di Teodoro for pointing out the locations of the Male and Female Mantises - To Visser, for that pretty nice suggestion about the current totals for the Heart Pieces - To the rest of my friends and family, for putting up with my reclusiveness for about 2+ weeks while I wrote this guide. - To my Wii, which graciously withstood seven or eight straight hours of constant playing at times - To Nintendo. They all did an EXCELLENT effort for the next great Zelda game !!!!!!!!!!!!!!! About Me [abou] !!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Hello again, everyone! I am Jonny Humphries, a 19-year old(at the time of this writing) student at Laurentian University in Sudbury, Ontario. Yes, I am Canadian. While not writing FAQs or playing video games, I am majoring in English Literature(with, hopefully next year, a minor in Film Studies). I also enjoy reading, various types of music, and various forms of bar-hopping and picking up ladies with my friends. If you like, this time my book suggestions are George R. R. Martin's A Song Of Ice And Fire series(A Game of Thrones, A Clash Of Kings, A Storm of Swords and A Feast For Crows), as well as the scientific trivia books Why Do Men Have Nipples? and Why Do Men Fall Asleep After Sex? by Mark Leyner and Billy Goldberg. Thanks for reading! Now I'm taking a break to play Trauma Center. --SEE YOU NEXT FAQ--