=~=~=~=~THE LEGEND OF ZELDA=~=~=~=~= TWILIGHT PRINCESS Boss Guide =~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~ =============== TABLE OF CONTENTS =============== Introduction [.1] Version History [.2] How To and How Not To Use This Guide [.3] E-Mail and My E-Mail Policies [.4] About the Wii Version and the GameCube Version [.5] Boss Tactics [.6] Bosses [.7] Diababa [.01] Fyrus [.02] Morpheel [.03] Stallord [.04] Blizzeta [.05] Armogohma [.06] Argorok [.07] Zant [.08] Zelda [.09] Ganon [.010] [Horseback Ganon] [.011] Ganondorf [.012] Mini-Bosses [.8] Forest Temple Mini-Boss [.001] Goron Mines Mini-Boss [.002] Lakebed Temple Mini-Boss [.003] Arbiter’s Grounds Mini-Boss [.004] Snowpeak Ruins Mini-Boss [.005] Temple of Time Mini-Boss [.006] City in the Sky Mini-Boss [.007] King Bulblin Battles [.9] Hyrule Field Battle (Battle 1, Part 1) [.0001] Bridge of Eldin Battle (Battle 1, Part 2) [.0002] Great Bridge of Hylia Battle [.0003] Gerudo Desert Battle [.0004] Hyrule Castle Battle [.0005] Other Battles [.10] Palace of Twilight Battles [.00001] Hyrule Castle Battles [.00002] Arbiter’s Grounds Poe Battles [.00003] Skull Kid Battles [.00004] FAQ [.11] Questions [.000001] My Errors [.000002] People Who Insulted Me Because They Think It’s Funny [.000003] Special Thanks [.12] Goodbye To reach the different section of this guide easier, hold Ctrl and press F to bring up a small window. Type in .1 or .2 or something to bring you to everything that says whatever it is that you typed in. =============== INTRODUCTION [.1] =============== Welcome to my boss guide. You are probably here for one of two reasons: a), you’re stuck at a tough boss, or b), you’re bored. Either reason is welcome. Be aware that this guide may contain spoilers, as reading up on the defeat of bosses or where their destruction leads to and even some of the final bosses will alert you to parts of the story you should otherwise discover yourself. How this guide will work is that first, you see the introduction--which, in fact, you are reading now-- that will tell you how the guide works and alert you of some things. Next will come version history for a reference tool for me. Next is how to and how not to use this guide, which will tell you if you can post this on your website or something, and after that section comes how to e-mail me and the guidelines for what will and what will not be posted. After that, I will tell you how the Wii version of the game is different from the GameCube version…go there for more details. After that comes the Boss Tactics, which will run down a list of strategies and tips to help keep you alive during boss battles. Following that up will be the actual bosses in chronological order. If you’re stuck at, say, the Lakebed Temple boss…well, that’s in the third dungeon, so look in the third boss on the list to find your boss. (If you know the boss’s name, you should be able to locate it easily, anyway). After all the boss battles will come mini-boss fights, which are all situated in the first seven dungeons. Following that will be the four battles with King Bulblin, and after that come any miscellaneous fights you should know about. When all those are done, the FAQ will come. Any questions you wanna ask me or errors you spotted in my guide? Submit them, and they will go under the appropriate FAQ categories. If you have an e-mail that violates any of my policies it won’t be posted, and if write an e-mail just to insult me, you will be placed under the “People Who Insulted Me Because They Think It’s Funny” section. I hope that category will remain empty. Following the FAQ will come those whom I shall thank; if you submitted an e-mail that was posted (but not in the People Who Insulted Me Because They Think It’s Funny category), your name will be listed here. Then, I will say goodbye. If you honestly gave a hoot enough to read this introduction, thank you! If not, who cares? Read on. =============== VERSION HISTORY [.2] =============== - #1 (.4 complete): (6/1/08) Completed the table of contents, introduction, “How To and How Not To Use This Guide” section, “E-Mail and My E-Mail Policies” section, “About the Wii Version and the GameCube Version” section, “Boss Tactics” section, and the Diababa and Fyrus subsections. - #2 (.55 complete): (6/1/08) Later on the same day, I added more. I finished the Morpheel, Stallord, and Blizzeta boss fight subsections. I, uh, also made the title for the Armogohma subsection. - #3 (.65 complete): (6/2/08) Completed the Armogohma, Argorok, Zant, Zelda, and Ganon subjections. Made a few minor adjustments. - #4 (1.0 complete): (6/8/08) Hoh, gosh! I leaped from 65% complete to 100% complete! I finished everything! (And it’s almost midnight, too. I’m tired.) I fixed a few tiny errors and some wording here and there, too. Doubtless, I will update more in the future. - #5 (2.0 complete): (6/18/08) I added that Armogohma can hurt you by stepping on you and that Blizzeta only shoots the ice enemies after bashing her three times. I also added a couple of battles to the “Other Battles” section: Arbiter’s Grounds Poe Battles and Skull Kid Battles. Felt like this guide needed ‘em. - #6 (3.0 complete): (6/20/08) Fixed quite a number of errors when a person called Jeremy Sanchez pointed them out for me. Many thanks, buddy, if you’re reading this. - #7 (4.0 complete): (6/24/08) Fixed a few small grammatical and spelling errors, and added supercheats.com to the special thanks section since they’re hosting my guide on their site. - #8 (4.1 complete): (8/30/08) Added Ted Edey’s e-mail to the FAQ section. My first ever question! Yayness! - #9 (4.11 complete): Changed “Bulbin” to “Bulblin”; it really is Bulblin. - #10 (4.21 complete): Added Jeff’s strategy about the Snowpeak Ruins mini-boss and put him in the Special Thanks section. - #11 (4.31 complete): Added Nick Binger’s bit of advice about the Morpheel fight. - #12 (4.32 complete): Added an e-mail sent in to me. - #13 (1.45 complete): (3/17/12) What the!? We’re going back in time with the version history! That’s because I wasn’t using the version history system correctly, so it should have been adjusted long ago. I updated my e-mail, as it has changed. - #14 (1.46 complete): (12/21/12): Added a bit about my website and blog. Now, let's see if the Mayans were correct about today or if they were just lazy. =============== HOW TO AND HOW NOT TO USE THIS GUIDE [.3] =============== This guide of mine is intended mainly for you to read it where it is. I’d prefer it if it were left here on GameFAQs, but if you honestly want to post it on your website, e-mail me, and I’ll decide if you can post it or not. If I decide that you cannot, then it is probably because of one or more of these reasons: - I don’t like the particular website you want to post it to. - Your reason for posting my guide is not to my liking. - At the moment I feel particularly protective of my guide for whatever reasons I may have. But that aside, if you are given permission to post it and it has passed all three tests, you will be put in my special thanks section. If you find my guide posted somewhere that wasn’t listed in the special thanks section, please e-mail me about it. =============== E-MAIL AND MY E-MAIL POLICIES [.4] =============== Right off the bat, e-mail me at www.halojutsu@gmail.com. Make sure the subject of your e-mail is titled, “TP Boss Guide.” Now for the policies. Definitely e-mail me for these reasons: - You have a question that was unanswered in the FAQ or it wasn’t clear enough for you to understand. - You spotted an error in my guide, like something I said wrong or even grammatical errors (if me types like this, or something like that). - You want to post even a small section of my guide to your website. - If you have another strategy for defeating a boss. Do NOT e-mail me for these reasons. - To flame me. What “flaming” is, is yelling at me and insulting me beyond what is tolerable. Even if the criticism is productive, insulting me isn’t going to help, and your e-mail will likely wind up in the PWIBTTIF section (I’m getting tired of writing the full name). - To praise me. This is nice, but it does nothing. It makes me feel good but does nothing for the sake of this guide. It will simply be deleted. Don’t take it as an insult if you try to congratulate me and it doesn’t get posted here. - To prank me. If you type “jdunudheu” and expect it to get posted, fat chance. - If you cuss in the e-mail or use vulgar language. “Sucks” is allowed, but not even the smallest bad word will be allowed. There will be no bad language in my guide. - If you ask me a question that was clearly answered in the guide. READ THE GUIDE BEFORE SUBMITTING QUESTIONS. If it was answered in the guide but you still don’t understand it, tell me that it was unclear to you. - If you ask me a question completely unrelated to this guide, like, “How do you get past this room in the Lakebed Temple?” or something. That’s not the job of this guide. Read a walkthrough to answer that kind of question. Thank you for your time. If you like this boss guide, you may enjoy my style of writing in my gaming blog Game Poll Haven (gamepollhaven.blogspot.com) or my poll-based website Game Poll (jamesred17.wix.com/game-poll). You'll find all kinds of neat content in both, so why not take five minutes and check one or both out? =============== ABOUT THE WII VERSION AND THE GAMECUBE VERSION [.5] =============== This guide is made specifically for the GameCube version of the game. So if I say, “Press B to swing your sword,” don’t be surprised. In the Wii version, you may swing your Wii remote like crazy to attack, but on the GameCube, you press buttons. Also, the Wii version is completely mirrored from the GameCube version. On the Wii, notice Link holds his sword in his right hand. On the GameCube, Link’s got it in his left. Kakariko Village is to the west on the Wii, but it’s to the east on the GameCube version. Which means if I say “Go to the right,” or something, go to the left if you’re playing the Wii version of the game. If you want a Wii version boss guide, see the appropriate guide here on GameFAQs. =============== BOSS TACTICS [.6] =============== If you keep dying on a boss, chances are you’re not using survival tactics. For that reason, I’ve composed a list of ways to stay alive. If you’re having trouble, please take the time to read this. - #1: Lock on! If you lock onto a boss, the battle almost always goes easier (there are exceptions, though, and I’ll alert you to them when you read on the bosses and mini-bosses that have the exceptions). It not only allows you to always see the boss and follow its movements, but it automatically puts your shield up so you can block attacks. Not knowing where the boss is can kill you in critical situations, so make it a habit to lock on unless I say otherwise. - #2: Bring health items along. If you find yourself in a pickle and low on health, you’re going to panic if you realize you have nothing to heal yourself with (although there are almost always objects that give you health when destroyed nearby). For this reason, pack along red potions, milk, and even obscure things like bee larva to restore health when necessary. I find that the pink fairies are the best--when you lose all your health, the fairies automatically bring you back to life and restore up to 10 of your hearts. They’re also handy in the Morpheel battle, since you can’t use bottles while underwater. - #3: Practice your archery. Some bosses require you to shoot their weak points with arrows to stun them, but when the ground is shaking, they’re moving, and the weak point is fairly small, aiming can be tough. For this reason, when you see an opportunity out in the wild, draw out your bow and practice shooting on faraway and/or moving enemies until you’re up to my level of archery (or higher) where you can shoot a Keese with only a few arrows or less when it’s a hundred feet away. - #4: Flip, hop, roll… These are all ways to avoid enemy attacks. Sometimes, the shield is not enough to stop a mighty blow, so learn when to back-flip away or side-jump their attacks. Rolling gives you a short boost of speed and minimizes the enemy’s chances of hitting you and sometimes lets you go under attacks. If you see a scarecrow like the one you used to show Malo, Talo, and Beth your Wooden Sword techniques, take some time and practice your swordsmanship on it. - #5: Learn the hidden sword techniques. You may find some Howling Stones where you need to howl along with the wind’s song as a wolf. After howling, the Hero’s Spirit will appear in wolf form somewhere in the land of Hyrule. Find him, and he’ll teach you a hidden technique. He’s displayed on your map, so you will find him with ease. The hidden techniques don’t help at all with the first seven boss fights, but they will with the last few bosses and many mini-bosses, not to mention the ordinary enemy in the game. - #6: Attack using jump attacks! Most bosses and mini- bosses, when stunned, require what I call a 4-hit combo to hurt them and get them back up appropriately. The jump attack--hold L and press A--is twice as powerful as the ordinary sword hit. So if you do 4 jump attacks per beating session, you can finish the battle easily. =============== BOSSES [.7] =============== This section is dedicated to the twelve big boss fights you’ll be fighting. All but one will display the boss’s name and “explanatory title,” as I will call it, then launch you into the boss fight. All bosses are found at the end of dungeons, like the Arbiter’s Grounds or Palace of Twilight. A dungeon is simply a large place where you can obtain a dungeon map and compass, fight a mini-boss, and earn a new weapon like the Gale Boomerang or Spinner. You will have to defeat every boss but Zant and all the Ganondorf battles with the help of the new weapon you just obtained in the dungeon. You may realize that as you read this guide and play the game. To help you better understand what each difficulty score means, here’s a list. - 1/10: Pathetically easy; no trouble at all - 2/10: Pretty easy; few problems - 3/10: Easy; a few more problems than usual - 4/10: Fairly easy; the very start of a challenge - 5/10: Very mildly easy; a little more of a challenge - 6/10: Tough; pretty challenging - 7/10: Pretty tough; you’ll need a strategy - 8/10: Extremely tough; definitely need a strategy - 9/10: Ridiculously tough; good luck on this one - 10/10: Near impossible; prepare for real frustration No bosses are rated 10/10, so you know. -~-~-~-~DIABABA [.01]~-~-~-~- -~Explanatory Title: Twilit Parasite -~Dungeon: Forest Temple -~Assisting Weapon: Gale Boomerang -~Reward: First Fused Shadow -~Possible Origins: An ordinary Deku Baba probably found and touched the Fused Shadow and transformed into a humungous monster. It’s also possible that two other Deku Babas were with it, thus explaining the three heads, but it may just be a mutation caused by the Fused Shadow. -~Health Restoration: The small boxes and the tall grass found towards the sides of the room yield hearts when destroyed. -~Phases: 2 -~Difficulty (phase 1): 1/10 -~Difficulty (phase 2): 2/10 -~The Battle (phase 1): This first phase is very easy. The two giant heads that came up will attack one at a time with about a 15-20 second gap between each attack, and the attack is a simple lunge which is easily repelled by having your shield up. When one prepares to attack, it’ll start opening and closing its mouth excitedly. Now, see those three logs floating in the poisonous water (which will hurt you if you touch it)? See the explosive bugs on them? Lock onto a bug using the Gale Boomerang’s manual aiming, then lock onto a head and let it loose. (You can also make the bug return to you and wait for a head to attack, then throw the bug at it, but that’s longer and harder.) The head will be force-fed the bomb and will have it explode inside it. When you blow it up, it’ll sink down and won’t attack anymore. Do the same to the other head to end the phase. Your only real concern here is having a head attack while you throw the Gale Boomerang, as your shield is not up and you’re vulnerable to attack. -~The Battle (phase 2): Now all three heads will come up, with the humungous head in the middle being Diababa itself. The logs the bugs were on have sunk, so now there are no more bombs. Now what? …Hey, what’s that sound? Wait a few seconds after the second phase starts, and you’ll hear the cry of the mini-boss, who has returned to help. He’ll swing back and forth in front of Diababa, carrying a bug between his feet. Yay! Lock onto the bug, then onto Diababa’s closed-up face. If it manages to sock Diababa right in the small hole its eye is peeking out of, the two smaller heads will sink, and the big head will flop onto the land, exposing the eye. Beat the crap out of it with your sword. After four hits or harder, Diababa will go back up. It’ll then regurgitate repulsive purple acid to attack. Run! The attack lasts about seven or eight seconds, so survive by running to one end of the stage, running diagonally towards Diababa and towards the corner away from it, and roll under the acid spray when you’re far enough away. Repeat the process of blowing Diababa’s face up, then beating its eyeball one more time to end the fight. As a side note, you can destroy the two smaller heads with bombs, too, if you want to completely diminish attack (as the only things you’d get hurt from then are the poisonous water and blowing yourself up with a bomb). Having the Gale Boomerang take the bomb, then blowing it into Diababa’s face can take timing and sometimes a bit of luck, since if you throw the Boomerang at just the wrong time, the Gale Boomerang will arrive at the mini-boss just in time for it to turn around and swing back, and the Boomerang will have to chase it back across the stage. Also, Diababa’s head continuously looks at the ape, so the bomb might accidentally hit the side of its head. -~-~-~-~FYRUS [.02]~-~-~-~- -~Explanatory Title: Twilit Igniter -~Dungeon: Goron Mines -~Assisting Weapon: Hero’s Bow/Iron Boots -~Reward: Second Fused Shadow -~Possible Origins: Actually, the origins of Fyrus aren’t “possible,” they’re known. Darbus, patriarch of the Gorons on Death Mountain, found and touched the second Fused Shadow and transformed into a huge creature called Fyrus. The Goron Elders managed to stop his mindless rampage and chain him up. There are three things wrong with this origin, however. #1: Just NOW, Darbus found the Fused Shadow? What about twenty years ago? #2: Fyrus snaps out of his chains like they were subduing him with wet toilet paper when Link arrives. He never broke out any other time? And #3: You’re telling me a bunch of old, wobbly Gorons subdued a huge colossus like Fyrus? …Well, whatever. -~Health Restoration: The jars found on the sides of the room give you hearts every other time you destroy them (the other times, they’ll give you arrows). -~Phases: 1 -~Difficulty: 4/10 -~The Battle: After Fyrus ignites himself and snaps out of his chains, he’ll start stomping towards you. Take out your Hero’s Bow and aim (this is one of the reasons I asked you to train up on your archery in the Boss Tactics section). I know aiming is hard when he’s rapidly advancing and the screen is shaking with every stomp he makes, but even if a few arrows miss, fire. You’re aiming for that shining red jewel on his forehead. To make it easier to aim but also easier to take damage, wait until he reaches you and prepares to attack. He’ll stop moving briefly, so the screen will stop shaking and allow you to aim better. Obviously, if you don’t fire quickly, you wind up looking like Fyrus’s fried eggs for breakfast, so if you’re not comfortable with that strategy, quit aiming and roll out of the way to the other side of the room when he reaches you. If you manage to shoot him in the forehead, he’ll go stomping around the room blindly. Run right up to his legs, then put on your Iron Boots. The handles to the chains on his legs should have reached you by the time you’ve got them on, so hold R to pick them up. Drag them in the opposite direction of Fyrus to have your magnetized Iron Boots hold steady, and Fyrus will trip and be stunned. Let go of the chains, take off your Iron Boots, run to his forehead, and beat the crap out of it until he goes back up and ignites himself again. Do this two more times to defeat him and revert him back to Darbus. Fyrus attacks by getting near you and swinging his chains, which is why when he arrives at your little feet you should either seize the opportunity to shoot him in the head or make a run for it. If you spend too much time away from him, he’ll build up energy, then release a wall of fire which covers the room. Stand back far enough or hide behind a pillar to remain safe. If you find yourself running out of arrows, every other pot on the sides of the room you break will have arrows in them. -~-~-~-~MORPHEEL [.03]~-~-~-~- -~Explanatory Title: Twilit Aquatic -~Dungeon: Lakebed Temple -~Assisting Weapon: Clawshot/Iron Boots -~Reward: Third Fused Shadow -~Possible Origins: Some sort of eel, perhaps just a fish, must have touched the Fused Shadow. Simple as that. Where the two rather displaced eyes came from, I have no idea. You may notice during the battle that Morpheel’s name is similar to Morpha, boss of the Water Temple in Ocarina of Time, and that its attack pattern and how to kill it are similar in the first phase as well. -~Health Restoration: The small bushes situated on the ground (not the tall weed plants) will give you hearts when destroyed. -~Phases: 2 -~Difficulty (phase 1): 2/10 -~Difficulty (phase 2): 1/10 -~The Battle (phase 1): This battle is totally underwater, so you’ll need to put on your Zora Armor so you can breathe. If you don’t follow my strategy, the difficulty of this first phase can go up to nearly 7/10 or 8/10. Put on your Iron Boots and KEEP YOUR DISTANCE AWAY FROM MORPHEEL. If you’re too close, Morpheel will have one of his whiskers (yes, those are whiskers) grab you, put you in his mouth, chomp on you, and spit you out. You’ll lose a whole heart by this attack, and it’s about 95% unavoidable, I’d say. It IS possible to dodge it, but EXTREMELY difficult. Either you take off your Iron Boots with very precise timing and swim away, or you get chomped on. I still say keep your distance. The whisker will even suck you into it, kinda. Stand where the little bushes that give you hearts are. From there, you’ll be able to rip Morpheel’s eyeball towards you (with limited range), and you’ll be just out of Morpheel’s whisker-grabbing range. When you’ve done that, use your Clawshot to latch onto Morpheel’s eyeball that floats around inside his whiskers and rip it to you, then beat it with your sword repeatedly. Lock onto the eyeball if you have the chance, but from where you are, you may have to manually aim--difficult, but it may be necessary. After beating the eye for one session, the eyeball will bounce back to Morpheel, and Morpheel will spit out a bunch of explosive fish that hang around it. The only thing these can do is hinder your progress if you accidentally lock onto or manually aim and latch onto it instead of the eyeball. Keep at it. When you latch onto the eyeball again--get rid of some of the fish if you need to--and beat it two more times to move onto phase 2. -~The Battle (phase 2): This battle is pathetically easy. Morpheel will take his entire, slender body out of the ground and swim around in the water--very big-- and will knock over pillars. The falling pillars themselves don’t hurt you. The only way Morpheel can attack is to inhale you in and chomp on you and make you lose a heart, and even then, to block that, just put on your Iron Boots. (Thanks to Nick Binger for that bit of advice.) He’ll stop moving and start to inhale when you get in front of his face, so avoid that spot. Take your Iron Boots off and press A repeatedly to swim fast. There’s an eyeball on top of Morpheel’s head, so keep swimming at it, lock onto it when you’re close enough, and use the Clawshot to pull yourself onto Morpheel and behind the eyeball, then press B repeatedly to stab Morpheel’s eye. Morpheel will shake you off. Repeat this two more times to end the battle. You should have no worries in this battle; rarely will you ever get in front of Morpheel’s big, fat face, and seeing as the only way it can attack is to inhale… -~-~-~-~STALLORD [.04]~-~-~-~- -~Explanatory Title: Twilit Fossil -~Dungeon: Arbiter’s Grounds -~Assisting Weapon: Spinner -~Reward: Access to Mirror Chamber -~Possible Origins: Stallord’s skeletal remains lie in a sandy chamber. The origins of Stallord are rather puzzling, but my guess is that from its lack of animation before Zant brings it to life, it was a dragon that died in this room. Killed by something? Who knows? -~Health Restoration: There are jars on the sides of the room that give you health when broken. These jars, as far as I know, are inaccessible during the second phase of the battle. -~Phases: 2 -~Difficulty (phase 1): 2/10 -~Difficulty (phase 2): 3/10 -~The Battle (phase 1): After Zant animates Stallord, you’ll do battle. If you fall in the sand, fear not; just walk back up the slope and climb back onto safe land. You’re not standing in quicksand. Get out your Spinner and whir onto the track clinging to the edges of the sand pit. Whenever you’re ready, press A to leap off into the sand pit. Stallord will raise up some skeleton dudes to block your progress, and if you hit one you’ll bounce off like it was a pinball machine. Press A to destroy the skeleton. You’ll still bounce off, but you kill the skeleton. Your goal here is to successfully make your way to Stallord’s spinal section sticking out of the sand and press A to shatter a piece when you hit it. Hit it three times to win. After you hit Stallord for the first time, he’ll release spinners with spikes on them to run along the track at a faster rate than your Spinner, so hop off when you see one gaining on you and enter the screen. If you get hit, you get knocked onto safe land. After each hit to Stallord, more skeletons will be raised up to block your progress, so after the second hit, it’ll be extremely difficult to hit Stallord without ricocheting everywhere. If you’ve lost a lot of speed on the Spinner, head back to the track and hop on again. Remember that you need to be on safe land to do it, not the sand. Stallord makes fruitless attacks that never hit you. About the only thing he’ll do is breathe fire that’s so far off the mark it’s hitting the wall opposite you. -~The Battle (phase 2): After the sand drains away and you raise the inner pillar up by rotating the Spinner in the gears, Stallord’s decapitated skeletal head will reanimate and float all on its own, then knock you off the pillar down to the ground below. Stallord will flee if you get your Spinner out and will peek around the corner and blast fireballs at you if you go on the ground. However, to kill him, you need to use the Spinner. Attach your Spinner to the track on the inner wall and keep riding until Stallord peeks around again. When he shoots a fireball at you, press A to leap to the track on the opposite wall. (Bear in mind that which each leap, you get lower and lower to the ground. If you wind up leaping too much, you’ll hit the ground, and Stallord will flee again.) In addition to getting lower to the ground, you also get closer to Stallord with each leap. When you’re right beside him, press A to leap off and knock Stallord to the ground. After the tiny cut-scene showing him fall, you’ll automatically drop off the Spinner and land next to Stallord. Press B repeatedly to slash the sword stuck in his head. You’re supposed to get in about 12 hits before he goes back up. Do this routine two more times to win. After the first beating session, spiny spinners will occasionally appear on the tracks of the inner wall, and since they go slower than your Spinner, you’ll ram into them and get knocked down to the ground if you don’t leap off (which may result in you getting closer to the ground). After the second beating session, the spinners will appear on both walls. If you ever wind up making it all the way up to the top of the pillar, you’ll be off the track and on the top of the pillar. If this happens, just glide on your Spinner off the pillar and hope to reattach to a track. -~-~-~-~BLIZZETA [.05]~-~-~-~- -~Explanatory Title: Twilit Ice Mass -~Dungeon: Snowpeak Ruins -~Assisting Items: Ball and Chain -~Reward: First Mirror Shard -~Possible Origins: Just like Fyrus, Blizzeta’s origins are not “possible,” they are known. Yeta, a perfectly innocent Yeti woman and owner of the Snowpeak Ruins along with her husband, Yeto, guided Link to the Mirror Shard he was looking for with the best of intentions, but after gazing into the mirror and calling it “pretty” a number of times, she twitches a bit and acts oddly, before her face transforms into a green, monstrous version and she summons ice from the cold outside to form a, well, an ice mass around her. -~Health Restoration: There happen to be more jars on the room’s sides that give you health. -~Phases: 2 -~ Difficulty (phase 1): 4/10 -~Difficulty (phase 2: 6/10 -~The Battle (phase 1): This phase is very simple and pretty easy. Blizzeta will remain at the center of the room. Bash her with the Ball and Chain to chip off a chunk of her ice mass and send her sliding around the room like a hockey puck. Continue to bash her in the same way when you have the chance. Ample opportunities are when Blizzeta is sliding towards you. Since Blizzeta IS, you know, sliding here and there and everywhere, remember to lock on 24/7. Also, hold X/Y (whichever button the Ball and Chain is assigned to) to repeatedly swing the Ball and Chain around so that you can hurl the weapon faster. After taking about six or seven hits, this phase will be over. Blizzeta can only attack by sliding into you and by periodically releasing dozens of the icy enemies that slide around like Blizzeta that you’ve encountered earlier (although she only releases these after you‘ve bashed her three times). These can be difficult to avoid, as they’re sudden and move fast. If you move fast, you can put away your Ball and Chain and whip out your shield to block it. Otherwise, hope that the gap between each released enemy is enough to make the enemies go beside you, or at least that you twirling your Ball and Chain will destroy the enemy coming at you. -~The Battle (phase 2): This phase is notably tougher. After having her cold casing destroyed, she creates another one. (Ever wonder why her ice cases are really elaborate when she’s just trying to kill you?) Not only that, but she creates 10 icy stalactites to try and crush you with. Right off the bat, run and don’t stop running. Blizzeta, hovering above you, will one-by-one drop the stalactites at you. Count the stalactites fallen. When all ten have fallen, quickly turn around and destroy a stalactite before they go back up. Put your Ball and Chain away once you have. If you haven’t, try a last-ditch strategy. When all stalactites go up and you see their reflection gathering around you, wait about a second after they completely congregate, then throw the Ball and Chain. When they land, the Ball and Chain should snap back and destroy one or more stalactites. Run and quickly press A to put your Ball and Chain away before Blizzeta crashes down where you were. Turn around and hurl the Ball and Chain at her. Do this two more times to beat her. So you may get the point. Run to avoid the falling stalactites, then destroy one so that there’s a gap in the circle of stalactites meant to trap you in. Run out and harm Blizzeta when she lands. That’s the goal in a nutshell. You can destroy as many stalactites as you like, but after bashing her, she’ll recreate them all. -~-~-~-~ARMOGOHMA [.06]~-~-~-~- -~Explanatory Title: Twilit Arachnid -~Dungeon: Temple of Time -~Assisting Weapon: Dominion Rod/Hero’s Bow -~Reward: Second Mirror Shard -~Possible Origins: You’ve seen all the hairy, icky spiders in the Temple of Time, right? One must have touched, looked into, whatever, the Mirror Shard and transformed. Given that the eyeball is actually a smaller spider, the big, gigantic spider you see may actually just be a shell animated by the Mirror Shard. It’s also possible, however, that Armogohma is a distant relative of Queen Gohma, who was the first boss of Ocarina of Time. (You kill Armogohma in a vaguely similar way, too.) -~Health Restoration: Whenever Armogohma drops down baby spiders, you can kill them to get health and arrows. -~Phases: 2 -~Difficulty (phase 1): 4/10 -~Difficulty (phase 2): 1/10 -~The Battle (phase 1): If you are deathly afraid of spiders and cannot bear to look at one--I’m the same way--consider asking someone else to do this battle. This is, indeed, the creepiest, ugliest battle in the game. I can fight Armogohma without so much as cringing at the large arachnid, but if you can’t… That’s beside the point. If you’ve ever fought Queen Gohma from Ocarina of Time, you may know what to do right off the start. This is the second boss battle in which you should have trained up on your archery. Whip out your Hero’s Bow and aim at Armogohma crawling on the ceiling. It’ll go from light source to light source and will finally stop on one. When it stops, it’ll open its eye, which will turn red. Shoot it in the eye to knock it down, then run over to the giant statue in the corner nearest it and bring it to life with the Dominion Rod. Press Y/X (whichever button it’s assigned to) to make the statue flatten Armogohma’s underbelly. Do this three more times to win. After bashing Armogohma, it’ll go back up to the ceiling(its sharp legs can step on you and hurt you, so don‘t go too close), then drop little eggs that hatch into those ugly little spiders you saw earlier in the dungeon. Destroy these to get health and arrows. It’s best and easiest to destroy them by using the Spinner to mow them all down. Armogohma has only one attack, and that is to blast a steady stream of fire at you for about ten seconds. If you don’t shoot it in its eye quick enough, it’ll use this attack. If you dodge it only once, then stand still, the beam will circle around you. This beam can kill Armogohma’s spawned spiders, too. -~The Battle (phase 2): Just when you thought Armogohma was finished, the eyeball is remaining! The eyeball, however, sprouts legs and turns around, revealing itself to be another spider. A bunch of eggs hatch around it, and the spider flees. Three arrows, one bomb arrow, or one sword strike will kill it. The first and second options are obviously best, as getting near it can be tricky when a), it’s constantly moving, and b), the little spiders surround it constantly. Enjoy the goofy music and finish off Armogohma in this rather awkward second phase. -~-~-~-~ARGOROK [.07]~-~-~-~- -~Explanatory Title: Twilit Dragon -~Dungeon: City in the Sky -~Assisting Weapon: Double Clawshots/Iron Boots -~Reward: Third Mirror Shard -~Possible Origins: Given the fact that Argorok has battle armor on it, someone must have sent Argorok to guard the third and final Mirror Shard…Zant? Through Ganondorf? Who knows? -~Health Restoration: There are skulls around the bottom of the arena that give you hearts. -~Phases: 2 -~Difficulty (phase 1): 2/10 -~Difficulty (phase 2): 3/10 -~The Battle (phase 1): This battle is pretty easy. Your chances of getting hurt are pretty slim. Argorok will fly around the arena for a bit, giving you a chance to get into position. Whip out your Double Clawshots and latch onto one of the nearby pillars to pull yourself onto it. Turn around and latch higher up onto the pillar behind you. Keep going up until you’re almost at the top. Argorok should eventually swoop in and float in the center of the level. If you wait too long, he’ll breathe fire at you. See that little rung on his tail? If you aim at it with the Double Clawshots, a yellow icon should appear on it. Latch onto it, then put on your Iron Boots to pull Argorok down and slam him into the ground, knocking off some of his armor. Do this one more time to win. When he gets back up, he’ll blow strong gusts of wind in a lame attempt to blow you off the arena, but just keep running forward until it’s passed. Do the same latch- onto-pillar routine and wait for Argorok to come again. This time, he’ll be a little higher up. Same routine. Latch onto his tail, drag him down. Move onto phase 2. -~The Battle (phase 2): Argorok has shaken off the rest of his armor to reveal his red, un-horned hide. You did see that shining orb on his back during the cut-scene, right? That’s his weak point. But how to get to it…? The floating plants (I believe they’re Peahats) have risen into the air but are too high to get to from the ground. Latch from pillar to pillar with your Double Clawshots until you reach the very, very top of one. Now latch onto a Peahat. Wait until Argorok flies up to your level. When he rears back his head, Hold L to lock onto the Peahat in front of you, then continuously Double Clawshot onto the next Peahat until you’re behind Argorok, then manually aim (it’s best) to latch onto his back. Just like with Morpheel’s eyeball, press B repeatedly to stab Argorok’s back. After bashing him four times, Argorok will fall to the ground, and you will hop off. All the while you’re latching from Peahat to Peahat, Argorok is breathing flame behind you, so don’t be too slow. Repeat the process two more times to win. After the second time you stab his back, he’ll change the direction he breathes fire in suddenly, so keep an eye out. -~-~-~-~ZANT [.08]~-~-~-~- -~Explanatory Title: Usurper King -~Dungeon: Palace of Twilight -~Assisting Weapon: Gale Boomerang/Iron Boots/Double Clawshots/Ball and Chain -~Reward: Fused Shadows -~Possible Origins: Another known origin for a boss. Zant was but a servant for the royal family of the Twilight Realm. He became a servant in hopes of being the next heir to the throne, but when he discovered Midna was the next heir, he was outraged. It was then that Ganondorf found him, pretended to be a god, gave Zant unimaginable power, and asked him to do one thing: “To merge light and shadow…and make darkness!” (I think I have that phrase wrong, so if someone can e-mail me on it, or if I rediscover it on my own, that’d be good.) So Zant stole the throne from Midna and pronounced himself king…hence his explanatory title. -~Health Restoration: Yes, there are the old health restoration things from the old boss rooms. (Many thanks to Jeremy Sanchez on this one.) -~Phases: 6 -~Difficulty (phase 1): 2/10 -~Difficulty (phase 2): 3/10 -~Difficulty (phase 3): 4/10 -~Difficulty (phase 4): 3/10 -~Difficulty (phase 5): 3/10 -~Difficulty (phase 6: 6/10 -~The Battle (phase 1): Zant is a total maniac. That is the first thing that will go through your head when you enter this battle. Zant warps you to Diababa’s old boss room and engages you in battle. He’ll teleport in the air, shoot about fifteen lasers at you, then teleport to a new location and repeat the process forever and ever. Throw your Gale Boomerang at him when you have the chance to knock him into the poisonous water. He’ll flop onto land and let you beat him up. Do this one more time to move onto phase 2. As a side note, don’t let your shield take too many lasers, or Link will gasp, back away, and expose himself to attack--more lasers. So sidestep some. -~The Battle (phase 2): Now you’re in the mini-boss’s room in the Goron Mines. Zant will stamp on the edge of the arena in an attempt to knock you off, fruitless as it is. After his stomp session, he’ll teleport to another side and stomp some more. After a few of these stomp sessions, he’ll shoot lasers at you again. When he’s all done, he’ll be tuckered out, so run up to him and beat him up. Do this one more time to move on. Zant will just repeat the process until you do. Don’t bother shooting arrows at him, as he’ll only teleport away. -~The Battle (phase 3): Now you’re in Morpheel’s ruined boss room. If you remember anything about the battle with Morpheel, you’ll know that it’s underwater, so PUT YOUR ZORA ARMOR ON. You’ll also need to equip your Iron Boots. A gigantic Zant will pop out of the sand in the middle of the room. Oh my gosh!!! …But it’s just a big machine. A normal-sized Zant (who can, apparently, breathe underwater) is inside. Stand in front of the Zant vessel and wait for the mouth part to open up (bubbles will come from the nose part). Zant will slowly shoot lasers at you, so you can sidestep them easily. If you get too close, Zant will close the machine. When he stops shooting, use your Double Clawshots to yank Zant out, then beat him up some more. If your Clawshot doesn’t make it, inch a little bit closer and try again. When you’ve damaged Zant the first time, the big vessel will sink under the sand, and FOUR giant vessels will appear around the middle. Stand in the middle and be alert. All four mouth parts will open up, but only one has Zant in it. Rotate the camera angle to see where he’s at, then run to the side from the lasers and wait for him to stop to yank him out again. Beat him up. Move onto phase 4. -~The Battle (phase 4): Zant has taken you to the mini-boss’s room in the Forest Temple and is comically hopping from pole to pole just like the mini-boss. Follow him around--don’t lock on, you can move faster without locking on--and wait until he stops and shoots lasers. If you were following him around, you should be close enough to where you can roll into the pole he’s on quickly enough to where his lasers don’t even come close to you. The first time you roll into it, Zant will be stunned. Roll into it a second time to knock him off. Beat him up. Do this one more time to move onto phase 5. -~The Battle (phase 5): Aaand you’re in Blizzeta’s boss room. Zant will grow insanely big and will follow you around from above, just like Blizzeta and her stalactites. Keep running and running until Zant attempts to flatten you. He should miss. He’ll continue to attempt to stomp you. Use your Ball and Chain to bash his foot. He’ll go hopping around the room cradling his poor little foot, shrinking as he does until he comes up to your knee. (I’m serious, you should see it.) Follow him and beat him to a pulp with your sword. Zant will super-size again and repeat the process. Do this one more time to move onto the final-- and hardest--phase. -~The Battle (phase 6): Suddenly, Zant teleports you to the southern entrance of Castle Town in Hyrule Field. Trapping you both in with a barrier that hurts when you touch it, Zant will create swords from both his arms and use them to battle. Zant attacks like a totally maniac here, either waddling towards you with both swords cutting up and down or spinning around like a tornado at you with swords outstretched. Keep a lock on him at all times, but with him rapidly teleporting, it can be hard. When he teleports, find him quickly and lock on again. You need your shield up at all times. If Zant hits your shield too much, Link will gasp and back away again, leaving him exposed. Also, try not to let Zant push you into the barrier with his attacks. Attack Zant when he gets worn out from his spinning-around attack and pauses. You can also sometimes get him when he’s just entered your range of attack and is swinging his swords up and down. After hitting him enough times, the battle is over. Try and stay away from the barrier. Remain towards the center of the arena at all times. It can be hard to move to the center when some nut is attacking you 24/7, but try not to be too close to the edge. -~-~-~-~ZELDA [.09]~-~-~-~- -~Explanatory Title: Ganon’s Puppet -~Dungeon: Hyrule Castle -~Assisting Weapon: N/A -~Reward: The next boss fight -~Possible Origins: Zelda herself is princess of Hyrule and rules the land, but Ganondorf is possessing her in his ‘twilight particle form,’ as I’ll call it. Her skin is now a sickly green color and has twilight markings on it, and her eyes are yellow. She has much of Ganondorf’s power. Beware. -~Health Restoration: There are jars around the room that give you health and even pink fairies, I believe. -~Phases: 1 -~The Difficulty: 4/10 -~The Battle: Zelda is not a traitor. Zelda is possessed. This battle is much like the first part of the battle with Ganondorf in Ocarina of Time, only simpler. To win, all you must do is wait for Zelda to charge up energy in her sword. She’ll throw an electric ball at you. Hit this with your sword to smack it right back at her. She will probably smack it back. Continue this little game of deadly tennis until one of you gets hit--preferably Zelda. Hit her with three electric balls, and it’s over. Zelda’s only got three attacks, one of which is the electric ball. The other is to raise her sword, then swoop down at you with sword outstretched. Leap to the side when she does this while still locking on to her. (Locking on is important in this battle.) If you let her hit your shield, Link will gasp and step backwards like he usually does, and you will lose your lock-on. Her other attack is to create a large Triforce image on the ground, and after about two seconds of it appearing, blow it up with energy. Side-jump, then side-roll out of the way. (You can only side-roll if you’ve learned the third hidden technique, the Back Slice--surely by now you have.) Try to maintain a fairly long distance from Zelda. If you’re too close, her attacks may catch you off guard, and you won’t be able to successfully side- jump-side-roll out of her Triforce attack, as you’ll just roll around her in a circle back to where you started. Right after this battle, you’re engaged in the second Ganondorf battle. -~-~-~-~GANON [.010]~-~-~-~- -~Explanatory Title: Dark Beast -~Dungeon: Hyrule Castle -~Assisting Weapon: Hero’s Bow (optional) -~Reward: The next boss fight -~Possible Origins: Ganondorf has retained the ability to transform into a ferocious beast ever since the first Zelda game. While in this form, he is simply known as ‘Ganon,’ although he has been called Ganon as kind of a nickname to shorten phrases and titles. In some games, Ganondorf only appeared as a monster. Unlike those games of the past, Ganon runs on four legs now instead of just two. -~Health Restoration: Those jars from the battle with Zelda are still there if you haven’t used them all already. -~Phases: 1 -~Difficulty: 3/10 -~The Battle: Before I tell you how to get through the battle, let’s cover Ganon’s weak points and attacks. It will help you to understand how to beat him better, as he attacks very suddenly when the battle starts. You can use the Hero’s Bow for the first couple of beating sessions, but Ganon will evade your arrows after that. When he charges at you, if you’re using the Hero’s Bow, shoot him in the glowing white orb on his forehead to stun him. (He continues to slide forward on the ground for a bit due to his momentum, so roll out of the way.) The scar he gained during his failed execution is there on his belly, so run around to his belly and slash it silly. You can only go through two beating sessions with the Hero’s Bow before he leaps over them. From then on, you will be forced to transform into a wolf and stop the charging Ganon as you would a runaway goat from Ordon Village or a rolling Goron from Death Mountain. Press and hold A when Ganon is near to have Midna grab him with her ponytail, then push the control stick left or right to roll him over in that direction. Then, lock onto him and press A to leap onto his belly, then press A repeatedly to bite him again and again. All in all, Ganon requires four beating sessions to beat him. You can use this wolf method all four beating sessions if you like. The Hero’s Bow is only optional. Ganon has two main methods of attacking. The first is to either teleport or jump above you and attempt to land on you. You can see his shadow developing around you when this happens. For this reason, do not always have your Hero’s Bow in manual aiming mode. If you see the portals appearing (will be explained in a moment), bring your bow out, but only then. He also attacks by charging at you, which is what he’ll do when he comes out of a portal unless you shoot an arrow at him after the second beating session. Now then…just a few seconds after the battle starts, Ganon will charge forward. Either transform into a wolf or whip your Hero’s Bow out. Nail him quickly, and if you’re using the Hero’s Bow, roll to the side right after you fire. Beat him up. Ganon will recover, get back onto his feet, charge around the room destroying pillars, and transform into twilight particle matter. Now wait. If you see twilight portals appearing, get your Hero’s Bow out and aim (if you plan on using it). If you see a shadow developing above you, get out of the way!! Many twilight portals will appear one after the other nearby each other, fading away eventually. Should one turn blue, Ganon will charge out of it. Repeat this process until he is defeated…for this round. Two rounds left. -~-~-~-~HORSEBACK GANON [.011]~-~-~-~- -~Explanatory Title: N/A -~Dungeon: N/A -~Assisting Weapon: N/A -~Reward: The next boss fight -~Possible Origins: Ganondorf’s black stallion horse was revealed in Ocarina of Time. Chronologically, Ocarina of Time is the first Zelda game, which means that Ganondorf’s had this stallion for awhile. The sword he wields is the one used in his failed execution. Where the ghostly horses come from, I have no idea. -~Health Restoration: N/A (as far as I know) -~Phases: 1 -~Difficulty: 6/10 -~The Battle: This battle has no little introduction, no name, no explanatory title. It’s also, in my opinion, the hardest of the four Ganondorf battles. You, Link, on Epona, battle Ganondorf, who is riding his black Gerudo stallion. Zelda is assisting you and is riding on the back of Epona. Before going into his attacks and strategies, let me explain how to defeat him for this round. Your job is to ride close to him and lock onto him. This is the only way you can stun him. When you lock on, Zelda will charge up energy in a light arrow (remember those from Ocarina of Time?). After a few seconds, she’ll fire. To minimize the chances of the arrow missing, try and align yourself with Ganondorf and follow his movements. If Zelda lands a hit, Ganondorf will slow down, stunned. Ride up beside him and beat the crap out of him--an on-horse spin attack does well here. Do this three times to win. Now for his attacks. If Ganondorf gets near you, he’ll swing his sword to knock you off Epona. If this happens, get back onto Epona and let the chase continue. (You might be able to hold R to block the attack, but I dunno. I’ll confirm this soon. If such is the case, the difficulty rating on this battle might go down a bit.) His other attack is to charge up a ball of white light, and, after a few seconds, release it, which will cause around 5 ghostly horse riders to charge at you if Zelda doesn’t shoot him in about the first two seconds the ball appears, quit locking on and swerve to the side. (Can you block this with R, too? I’ll find out.) -~-~-~-~GANONDORF [.012]~-~-~-~- -~Explanatory Title: Dark Lord -~Dungeon: N/A -~Assisting Weapon: N/A -~Reward: The end of the game -~Possible Origins: Almost nothing is known of Ganondorf’s past. He only appears as a human in a select few games, in which he is known as Ganondorf, not Ganon. The sword he uses in this battle, just like the last Ganondorf battle, is the sword the sages in the Mirror Chamber tried to execute him with. -~Health Restoration: There are skulls on the edges of the enclosed arena. These give you hearts when destroyed. -~Phases: 1 -~Difficulty: 4/10 -~The Battle: This is the last battle of the entire game. You beat Ganondorf, you beat the game. I STRONGLY ENCOURAGE you to wait through the credits, as not only does it have excellent music and shows what happens to a few people, but at the almost-end of it, you go through a cut scene showing what happens to Midna. The credits aside, Ganondorf traps both you and him inside a barrier (if you touch the barrier, it hurts you). In an epic sword duel, you must defeat Ganondorf. There are a number of ways to hurt him. The first, which is the least practical and the most dangerous, is to have both of you stop and try to attack him just as he attacks you. Again, this is not practical and I wouldn’t advise you doing it. The second way is to perform a Back Slice and hit him in the back where he’s not blocking (he blocks all frontal attacks, period). Surely by now you have learned the Back Slice. The third way--and the way you are, in fact, supposed to do it, and the one that causes the most damage--is to wait for him to get close and stop. When he does, step back a bit. He should charge forward. Lock onto him and press A when it says to do so on the bottom of the screen. You will lock swords with Ganondorf. Press A repeatedly to push Ganondorf back. If you don’t press it fast enough, Ganondorf will slowly push you back until he shoves you, then gives you a WHOPPER of a hit. If you press A fast enough, and it’s not all that hard to do, then you’ll shove Ganondorf back. Give him the ole 4-hit combo to make him flip back. Do this two more times to beat the game. After the third time, ole Ganny will land on his back. Lock on and press A to perform the Ending Blow and kill Ganondorf. If, for whatever reason, you fail to perform it, you can just do it again when he gets back up. He’ll land on his back again. With enough ordinary hits and Back Slices, you can also knock Ganondorf on his back. So…Ganondorf’s attacks are pretty straightforward. Get too close to him (like, touching him), and Ganondorf will kick at you. If you’ve got your shield up--and you should--then it will be blocked easily. If you perform a jump attack at him (hold L and press A), he’ll just leap to the side and stab at you. You can back flip away from this, though. If he stops near you and waits, he’ll stab at you as well. If you attempt to hit him a lot, he’ll leap up and attempt to land on top of you in a spinning attack. When he leaps up, stop locking on--you’ll stop locking on anyway--and roll forward, out of the way. And, of course, if he charges forward at you and you don’t avoid it or lock on and press A, he can smack you away as well. Not to mention if you fail the push-test, Ganondorf will get you a good one then. This is your opportunity to shine in the agility and impulse departments. I encourage you to back flip, side-step, side-jump, and Back Slice. Master these. And always remember to lock on! =============== MINI-BOSSES .8] =============== Mini-bosses are just enemies that are tougher to beat. There are some significant points to a boss, though, which are: - Right after beating one, you get the item necessary to defeat the boss. - They are always found in dungeons. - There are only one per dungeon in the dungeons they’re found in. - The entrance you came into the mini-boss’s room from will always be sealed off until you beat the boss. - You will always need to use the item you just got from beating the mini-boss to get out of the mini- boss’s room/continue through the dungeon right after leaving the room. - All mini-bosses are introduced by short cut scenes. There are only seven mini-bosses in the game, and they’re found in the first seven dungeons. Here are the mini-bosses. -~-~-~-~FOREST TEMPLE MINI-BOSS [.001] -~Reward: Gale Boomerang -~Difficulty: 2/10 -~The Battle: The big, possessed ape itself is using the Gale Boomerang you are about to obtain, although the power of the boomerang is stopped by dark power, so no tornadoes in this battle. Right off the bat, the ape will throw the boomerang and sever the stems of two Bio Deku Babas. Kill these two nasty plants, then chase the ape around as he hops from totem pole to totem pole gathered around in a circle around a single totem pole. Do not lock on; you go faster and easier without it. When it stops to throw the boomerang at you, roll into the pole it’s standing on to stun it. The boomerang, instead of going back to its hand, will smack it and knock it off the pole. Run to its butt (weird) and smack it with your sword. When you’re done with your 4- hit combo, the ape will go back up to the totem poles, sever the stems of two more Bio Deku Babas, and continue to jump around from pole to pole. Repeat the routine you did two more times to beat him. Remember, do not lock on. And follow the ape closely wherever it goes so you can roll into the pole easily and quickly. Kill the Bio Deku Babas first if they appear, because it REALLY STINKS to have one chomp down on you while you’re chasing the mini-boss. -~-~-~-~GORON MINES MINI-BOSS [.002]~-~-~-~- -~Reward: Hero’s Bow -~Difficulty: 3/10 -~The Battle: Like EVERY STINKIN’ MINI-BOSS IN EVERY STINKIN’ GAME, this colossal, armored Goron adopts the “squash-first-ask-questions-later” attitude and automatically assumes you’re here to steal the Hero’s Bow, and thus fights you. The only way to convince him otherwise is to beat the crap out of him. The metallic island you’re on floats down in the lava, so there’s no escape. Remember those Gorons rolling down the path to you in Death Mountain, and how you took care of them? You’ll be defeating this big guy in a similar manner. You should put on your Iron Boots to be attached to the island, since the weight shifts to the side the big Goron mini-boss and you’ll wind up sliding around. You can wave, “Goodbye!!” to him as you slide pass. So put on your Iron Boots. Stand close to him--not so close that you’re touching him--and have him “charge up” his punch. Stab and slice his plushy belly with the standard 4-hit combo to make him curl up and start rolling at you. Now do you see how the Gorons of Death Mountain tie in? With your Iron Boots on, press and hold A with appropriate timing to grab onto the big Goron and throw him far behind you. If the mini-boss flies over the edge and into the lava, you’ve damaged the boss. After bouncing comically on the lava a bit, he’ll hop back onto the floating arena. Do this three more times to win. Try to be rather near to the edge so that when you throw the Goron behind you, he doesn’t just land somewhere on the arena. Don’t stand so close to the edge, though, that if you get hurt, you go PLOOP into the lava and must restart the fight with 2 less hearts of health. -~-~-~-~LAKEBED TEMPLE MINI-BOSS [.003]~-~-~-~- -~Reward: Clawshot -~Difficulty: 3/10 -~The Battle: Midna says she hates “pimply things like this,” and indeed it is, uh, pimply. When you enter the mini-boss’s room and the hatch behind you closes, look up at the ceiling to start the mini-boss fight. The huge, ugly toad will drop from the ceiling and shake off all its “eyeballs”--which are really just fish with oddly-colored bellies--which will waddle towards you in an attempt to hurt you with sheer numbers. Charge up a spin attack and release it when the fish get rather close. After destroying all of them, the toad will leap high up into the air and attempt to land on you. Run! Keep running as the shadow appears over you, and roll out of the way just in time for the toad to crash where you were. Its tongue hangs limp from its mouth now, so chop it up with your sword. Do this two more times to win. After each beating session of the tongue, more fish will come up, so kill them to repeat the whole process. Whenever the big ole toad roars (burps? Eew), you can throw a bomb in its mouth just like King Dodongo of, eh, Ocarina of Time, to stun it again. It’ll roar every time you beat its tongue up. (I myself didn’t discover this, long before I even thought of creating this guide I looked in ZFS’s guide on GameFAQs, so many thanks to you, buddy.) -~-~-~-~ARBITER’S GROUNDS MINI-BOSS [.004]~-~-~-~- -~Reward: Spinner -~Difficulty: 4/10 -~The Battle: This ugly, repulsive thing can only be seen as a wolf using your senses, so turn into a wolf and press X to activate your senses. The big ghost will hover around for a bit. When it prepares to attack, it’ll glow a much brighter glow. Lock onto it and press A to bite it and latch onto it. Repeatedly press A to bite the heck out of it. Continue this until the mini- boss, big sword and all, becomes visible to the naked eye. Turn back into a human and shoot the thing with an arrow as it hovers around. It’ll soar around the edges of the room shrieking its head off, then land in front of you and try to attack. Attack it first using a 4-hit combo, and it’ll continue to float around. Repeat the process until it dies for good. If you fail to shoot it with an arrow fast enough (though you should have plenty of time), it’ll become invisible again. Go back to wolf form and repeat the process. -~-~-~-~SNOWPEAK RUINS MINI-BOSS [.005]~-~-~-~- -~Reward: Ball and Chain -~Difficulty: 6/10 -~The Battle: This boss confuses me to this very day. Midna says to use your Clawshot to get to the other side of it, but it’s hard to actually do that. Anyway, this boss wields the ball and chain you will take from it as a weapon. The boss is a lizard-type thing with full armor--or almost full. Its tail is vulnerable behind it, so you must get behind it. The room you’re in is pretty small and very narrow, and the mini-boss swinging the ball and chain around doesn’t help. Apparently, you shoot the Clawshot somewhere kinda over the mini-boss’s head. The mini-boss looks at you funny. You time it right and drop down through the swinging ball and chain, roll out of the way, and have the mini- boss hurl the ball and chain at you. While it’s trying to get the ball and chain back, run behind it and smack its tail like crazy. Do this two more times to win. This mini-boss is kinda hard, and I’m still not 100% sure like I am with other bosses and mini-bosses how to effectively beat this guy. A person who calls himself Jeff alerted me to a strategy used to actually beat this moron. “Regarding the Ball & Chain mini-boss. It confused the heck out of me as well until this last game. Let it come towards you, then as it gets closer, Clawshot to the ceiling far behind him and don’t move down or drop. Just turn to look at him. (farther is better, as you can see his movements better.) He’ll continue swinging for another second or two. When he prepares to throw it (you’ll know it) drop down from the ceiling. The ball should miss you, as he aimed high, and you now have time to run behind him and slash. After the fourth slice, get some space between you two. Lather, rinse, repeat. -~-~-~-~TEMPLE OF TIME MINI-BOSS [.006]~-~-~-~- -~Reward: Dominion Rod -~Difficulty: 2/10 -~The Battle: This is one of the most fun mini-boss battles. When you approach the statue or hit the mini- boss with a projectile, the boss will turn around and reveal itself to be a large man clad in armor. And the battle goes on. You’ll face more of this kind of enemy later on, especially in Hyrule Castle. The big shield this guy’s carrying around repels all frontal attacks, and somehow it manages to repel attacks from the rear, too. The way to get around this, however, is to leap to the side and simultaneously press B to swipe your sword while jumping. When done to the side of the armored enemy, these small swipes will hurt the big guy and open a window of attack for you. So, that one small swipe can allow another 4-hit combo. Keep up this routine. And always lock on to have your shield up, since one nasty hit from the mini-boss’s large sword can mean heavy damage. Repeat the process of jump- swipe, 4-hit combo, until all the mini-boss’s armor is gone. (I’ve discovered that Back Slices rarely work, by the way, and Shield Attacks often fail as well unless you do the jump-swipe first.) The mini-boss will leap back, get rid of his big sword, and pull out a smaller one. The boss can now move freely and quickly, but he’s still a weenie. His dodges and attacks are oddly similar to Ganondorf’s final battle…anyway, he’ll parry most of your attacks easily, but a jump attack (which he’ll usually jump to the side to avoid) or a Back Slice will stun him for a bit, allowing you to beat him up. Continue until he is dead. -~-~-~-~CITY IN THE SKY MINI-BOSS [.007]~-~-~-~- -~Reward: Double Clawshots -~Difficulty: 4/10 -~The Battle: You’ll encounter more of this kind of enemy later on, too, although they’re in very-slightly weaker forms. This dragon-like creature wields a sword and shield, and even a helmet. It’ll fly in the air for a bit, looking at you the way a kid with a magnifying glass looks at an ant. When it puts its shield up and flaps its wings harder, it’s vulnerable. Lock on (you should be doing this at all times during this battle) and use your Clawshot to latch onto the shield and yank the lizard down. Beat it up with your sword with the common 4-hit combo to get it back onto its feet. It doesn’t fly back up just yet, so take this moment to beat up on it more. If you just swing your sword at it, it’ll block it with the shield or jump back, and if you try to latch onto it with the Clawshot, you’ll pull yourself to it, and it’ll beat you up. I find that the fourth hidden skill, the Helm Splitter, works extremely well. Works every time. After taking a beating, the dragon-like creature will fly out on of the three windows above and will reappear in one of them with its wings flapping hard and its shield up. Locate it quickly and latch onto it with your Clawshot to repeat the beat-up process. Continue until the thing is dead. (Kinda fun, eh?) =============== KING BULBLIN BATTLES [.9] =============== This green mass of muscle is the leader of those green goblin-like enemies, the Bulblins, you found so often earlier. You first see him towards the beginning of the game, where he investigates what his underlings have done, which is knock you, Ilia, and Colin out. (For some reason, they leave you there to rot.) You fight this enemy with a vengeance four times in the game. -~-~-~-~HYRULE FIELD BATTLE (BATTLE 1, PART 1) [.0001]~- -~Difficulty: 4/10 -~The Battle: Wow! The title was so long, I had to shorten the fancy “bookends.” Anyway, this very epic battle takes place in the part of Hyrule Field just north of Kakariko Village and south of the Bridge of Eldin. Colin, your good buddy, has been knocked unconscious and recaptured by King Bulblin. You follow him out to Hyrule Field on Epona. After blowing on his horn and calling many boar-riding Bulblins to aid him in this battle, the fight starts. Your biggest worry here would be the boar-riding Bulblins chasing you and pelting you with fiery arrows. King Bulblin himself cannot attack. Should the green lunatics ride close, charge up an on-horse spin attack and let it loose to knock many of the enemies down for awhile. You can hold R to have your shield up, but you can’t speed up Epona like this. Seize any opportunity the boar-riding Bulblins are away from you to beat up on King Bulblin. Ride right next to him and press B repeatedly to knock off his armor. Spin attacks work well, too. When you see fiery arrows fly past you, charge up another spin attack and kill some more of the Bulblins. Keep ripping off his armor until these phase is over. Technically, it’s still the same battle, but since it’s separated into two parts, I’ve separated the boss fights, so move on to the Bridge of Eldin! Oh, and if you need health, there’s the occasional pile of bones found around the place. Those bones only show up during this battle. -~-~-~-~BRIDGE OF ELDIN BATTLE (BATTLE 1, PART 2) [.0002 -~Difficulty: 5/10 -~The Battle: This title was even longer! So anyway, this is still part of the first battle with King Bulblin, but I figured I’d separate ‘em into two parts. After knocking all the armor off the big guy, he’ll leap over a pile of wood onto the Bridge of Eldin. You follow suit. You both are trapped in as an ordinary Bulblin ignites both piles of wood on the ends of the bridges, so no going back. This is a jousting contest. Your goal is to bean King Bulblin twice to knock him off the bridge without getting hit yourself. If the boar the big guy’s riding on rams into you, you instantly fly off the bridge, horse and all, lose a heart, and start the jousting contest over. So the trick is to ride kind towards each other. As you get closer, about one to one and a half seconds apart, ride towards the side. You should just be able to slip by King Bulblin. During that moment you slip by, attack. Spin attacks work wonders. When you pass by him, Epona won’t just turn around. She’ll have to rear on her hind legs to do it, so jam the control stick down to rear her back, then move it to the side to turn around. Slash the green creature one more time to end the first battle. -~-~-~-~GREAT BRIDGE OF HYLIA BATTLE [.0003]~-~-~-~- -~Difficulty: 3/10 -~The Battle: This is another jousting contest, only this is on the Great Bridge of Hylia over Lake Hylia, not the Bridge of Eldin. It’s also on a much smaller scale. Nobody’s been kidnapped or knocked unconscious. You are escorting Ilia (who has lost her memory) and Telma (owner of Telma’s Bar in Castle Town) to Kakariko Village when some rather cowardly soldiers of Hyrule would not. King Bulblin’s smartened up…somewhat. He’s got shields on his sides to prevent you from smacking him. What he doesn’t know, however, is that you got a nifty Hero’s Bow between the last time you fought him, and you’ll use it to knock him off the bridge…again. (Don’t think just because there are sides on this bridge that he can’t knock you over the edge, ‘cause he can.) Charge forward with Epona and ready your Hero’s Bow. Take careful aim at the approaching figure. Aim between the two shields and fire. Remember, after being shot, he can still knock you off the bridge. So, there are two ways to avoid a painful death. One is to shoot when Epona and his boar are practically nose-to-nose so that in the half-second “cut scene” which shows him getting shot, you ride right by him un-phased since you can’t get hurt during the scene. The second trick is to shoot him when he’s far away so you have lots of time to ride off to the side. I suppose you could shoot him twice in one go, but I haven’t tested it yet. (It takes 30 hours to beat a game file, you know, and this here is about 10-15 hours into the game.) After you shoot him the first time, he’ll be zigzagging as he approaches you. He’s still easy to shoot. Nail him this time, and the battle’s done. You still need to finish escorting Ilia and Telma, though. -~-~-~-~GERUDO DESERT BATTLE [.0004]~-~-~-~- -~Difficulty: 2/10 -~The Battle: This is your first on-foot battle with King Bulblin. The guy’s locked you both in to duke it out for the third time in a row (boy, I’m sure he hates your guts by now). This battle takes place inside the Bulblin encampment in front of the Arbiter’s Grounds. The gates you need to open with a key have the little room where King Bulblin battles you in. This fight is pathetically easy. It takes about twenty seconds to beat him, and he can’t even lay a big, chubby finger on you. Sure, he’s got a huge axe that takes away 3 of your hearts if he lands a hit, but the thing is, he can’t. He reacts so slow, and you react so fast. The guy still doesn’t appear to be smart enough to avoid a conflict with you. Basically, he’s a big punching bag. Use lots and lots of Back Slices and beat him up at every chance. If he blocks the attack, use another Back Slice! The powerful Back Slice nails him twice in one go as well. A steady stream of attacks will leave him defenseless as he can’t even start to make one of his slow attacks. -~-~-~-~HYRULE CASTLE BATTLE [.0005]~-~-~-~- -~Difficulty: 4/10 -~The Battle: This battle is actually optional, since he has one of the two keys you need to get inside the castle, and you only need one key. If you go through the gate on the left from the entrance of Hyrule Castle, you’ll wind up meeting bozo here. This battle’s not too much different from the Gerudo Desert battle, since he’s got about the same amount of life and has the same punching bag feel to him. He’s got a few new tricks up his sleeve this time, however. For instance, after pummeling him for a bit, when he gets back onto his feet he’ll spin around with his axe and give you a throttle so big your shield won’t be able to block it, and you will lose 3 hearts. When he starts to get back up, back flip away! He can also twirl all around for a little bit with axe outstretched. Use lots of back flips here to avoid that gargantuan axe of his. =============== OTHER BATTLES [.10] =============== There are a few other fairly large enemies in the game that don’t even qualify for mini-boss status, as not only do you not get an item for beating them, but they’re a lot easier to beat and rarely introduced with an actual cut scene. For those minor battles…I have provided a little list for you. The enemies mentioned here are in the Palace of Twilight and Hyrule Castle. -~-~-~-~PALACE OF TWILIGHT BATTLES [.00001]~-~-~-~- - There are two particular battles with holographic images of Zant that appear to try and delay you on your trip to him and prevent you from getting the Sol Orbs. These always appear in large, seemingly empty rooms with machine-like hands at the backs holding the Sol Orbs. (Those hands come to life in an effort to reclaim their lost Sol Orbs, but that’s for another guide.) The battles revolve around the Zant image teleporting around the room for awhile, then stopping and charging up a ball of energy that will release many twilit monsters, like Keese or Deku Babas that will hinder your progress. Listen carefully to the teleporting sounds. When two of the sounds are made, he’s going to teleport again. When only one is heard, he’s stopped and is going to charge up the ball. This is your opportunity to dash in and beat him up. I find that rolling, then pressing B to thrust your sword forward is very effective. I recommend you rotate your camera around the room and try to locate him with each teleport he makes. If he teleports right beside you, you can give him a slice or two before he teleports again. He has a lot of health, but he really can only attack in the form of sending out monsters to get you. A barrier surrounds the room during these fights, so no escaping until the job’s done. - As you near Zant’s boss room, lots of Twili will appear. You know, those ugly-looking things that you all needed to kill at the same time to create portals? These create no portals, but need to be destroyed to progress forward sometimes. If your Master Sword has been infused with light from the Sol Orbs already, you can kill these guys in one hit…but you still need to kill them so that one isn’t left standing. -~-~-~-~HYRULE CASTLE BATTLES [.00002]~-~-~-~- - Remember the mini-boss from the Temple of Time? You face quite a number of those here. You even fight two of them at a time. One is guarding the boss door, the other is guarding the room with the three torches and oil cauldron, and two are in an optional room leading to the upper level of the outside. With the first two mentioned metal-clad foes, a barrier is created so you can’t escape. Here’s a tip for fighting two at a time, tough; nail one with a bomb arrow to make it come to you, but the other one stays put. Wait at the opposite end of the room from them until the first enemy comes over. Kill it, then run over and engage the other one. Simple enough. - When on the upper level of the outside, a dragon- like creature like the mini-boss of the Temple of Time battles you in a barrier-enclosed space when you attempt to retrieve a treasure chest with a key in it (not the boss key). Use the same strategies as before here, only it doesn’t fly in and out of windows, and you have a smaller space. - In the optional room opposite the two metal-clad guys with big swords, there are Dynalfos (I believe that’s what they’re called), two of them, at the end of the room. You can go through either this room or the one with the metal-clad men. This room is easier, as Dynalfos are just ordinary enemies. Doing a Great Spin Attack--provided you have learned it, as it is the last hidden skill--from afar can kill them instantly. Also, remember these guys have a very short window of opportunity to land the Ending Blow on them, which can make them hard to finish off quickly. -~-~-~-~ARBITER’S GROUNDS POE BATTLES [.00003]~-~-~-~- - In the big lobby-like area of the Arbiter’s Grounds, there are four Poes that steal the blue fire from the torches that activate the gate to the rest of the grounds. You must fight and kill all four Poes, but how? They’re like ordinary Poes, mostly. Since they all go in different rooms of the Arbiter’s Grounds, you only fight one at a time. Like any Poe, you must be in wolf form to kill these things. Lock onto one and wait until it glows a brilliant blue and prepares to attack. Press A to leap onto it, then press A repeatedly to chow on it repeatedly. Do that one more time to knock it down, then lock one and press A when prompted to do so to rip out the soul. If it gets back up before you can do it--which it takes quite a few seconds, so you should have plenty of time--then just repeat the process one more time and knock it down again. - The last Poe you’ll find will split into four illusionary forms, just like the last Poe of the Forest Temple in Ocarina of Time. Don’t lock on, but keep the camera angle at a good distance away from you to see all of them. When they stop circling around you, they’ll attack. The one that glows bright blue is the real one. Quickly lock on and bite it repeatedly. Do this one more time, knock it down, rip out its soul, blah blah blah, you know the drill. -~-~-~-~SKULL KID BATTLES [.00004]~-~-~-~- - The first time you see the Skull Kid is when Zant has directly turned you into a wolf and you are looking for the Master Sword. It’s in the Sacred Grove (some people incorrectly call this the Sacred Realm; if you were in the Sacred Realm, you would probably be having tea with Din, Nayru, and Farore). After howling Zelda’s Lullaby from the howling stone, he will appear. It’s not so much a battle as it is a little game of hide- and-seek. He will dash off to a certain room of the Sacred Grove, and you might find him. There will often be several choices of directions to go in per room. Go in the one that has the orange light flashing in it. Keep going into the rooms that have these lights until you hear the Skull Kid playing along to Saria’s Song on his horn. Find him in that room, then bite him. Do this sort of thing two more times to move onto another kind of phase. (All the while you’re doing this, little wooden puppet-like things will come down to attack you on the occasion. Ignore these or kill these, it really doesn’t matter.) You need to bean the Skull Kid three times here, too. You two will be in a circular room with rocks and pillars hanging around. The Skull Kid will appear on one and create a bunch of wooden puppets to attack you. Kill these in the meantime and wait for him to blow on his horn to summon more puppets. While he’s doing this, seize this opportunity to attack. Whether you’re climbing onto wherever he is or locking on and leaping from afar, whatever. Attack him. After each time you nail him, he’ll summon more puppets with each horn blow. Keep up the same strategy. - Use the same strategy for the next time you see the Skull Kid, which is as a human (although you could turn into a wolf at will, but you need to be human to attack him). Follow the rooms with the flashing lights, and when you hear the Skull Kid playing his horn, look around to try and find him. (Remember that sometimes he’s up high in the air, in which case you’ll need to shoot him with your Hero’s Bow.) After getting him the few necessary times, you’ll arrive in the same circular room and use the same basic strategy, only now you have to shoot him at any time you want with the Hero’s Bow. If you’re quick enough, you can shoot him before the puppets reach you. This time, instead of getting the Master Sword, you can go into the Temple of Time. =============== FAQ [.11] =============== Have any questions? Find any errors in my guide? Or do you downright hate my guts? (I’ve asked you before in this guide not to send in posts saying you hate my guts, so don’t.) Send in an e-mail, and I’ll answer your question, correct my errors, or put you in the PWIMBTTIF section (very long title, go see the table of contents to see what it is). My e-mail address and e-mail policies are in the appropriate section somewhere way, way above. Go see the table of contents to see where that section is. And remember, if you send in an e-mail and it gets posted here (so long as it’s not in the PWIMBTTIF section), you will get listed in the special thanks section, and you get to feel warm and fuzzy inside. If you got a question answered, that’s two birds with one stone…right? -~-~-~-~QUESTIONS [.000001]~-~-~-~- -~Q: In the Temple of Time in Twilight Princess I got through it fine and put the statue on the space. Then I realised I'd forgotten the boss key. I know how to get it but I need the statue to weigh the scales down but now I have put the statue on the space and I cant take control of it, therefore I cannot complete the game and will have to start all over again! If you know an answer to it please say and even if there is a cheat to skip this dungeon please tell me. A: I almost didn’t accept this because I thought it was unrelated to the guide, but then again, it’s about the boss key and how, specifically, to get to the boss. Fortunately, the game’s designers didn’t outsmart themselves. You do not need the big statue to reach the boss key. Go back to the room with the giant scales. Notice any helmets lying around? Two of them equal Link’s weight, so put two of them on one scale and stand on the other to make the scales on level height with each other. (You can make your side higher if you want.) Creep forward and latch onto the target above, then continue to the room with the boss key. Make use of the five or six helmets lying around the room, since they contribute to the weight on the scales. -~Q: [referring to my saying you need to press A to attack using the Spinner] I believe there is an error here…you need to press the ‘B’ button when you strike the boss in the spine with the Spinner, not the ‘A’ button. Pressing the ‘A’ button takes you off the Spinner. A: Hmm…are you sure you’re not playing the Wii version of the game? In the GameCube version, you DO have to press A to make the Spinner’s ridges jut out and attack whoever’s nearby. Remember, this guide is about the GameCube version of the game, not the Wii version. -~-~-~-~MY ERRORS [.000002]~-~-~-~- -~Jeremy Sanchez: Pointed out that “Illia” is actually spelled “Ilia.” I actually realized that recently, but forgot to edit this guide. I guess seeing the L sandwiched between the two I’s made it seem like “Illia.” Also pointed out that there IS health restoration in the battle with Zant, and pointed out a minor grammatical error. -~-~-~-PEOPLE WHO INSULTED ME BECAUSE THEY THINK IT’S FUNNY [.000003]~-~-~-~- This is empty, and I hope it shall remain empty. =============== SPECIAL THANKS [.12] =============== I would like to thank: - Nintendo, for making the game, which rocks. - Shigeru Miyamoto, for first of all creating The Legend of Zelda series, and secondly for coming up with this game. - Me, for spending all this time to write the guide. (I’m not a narcissist, I’m just congratulating myself on a job well done.) - Jeremy Sanchez, who is the first ever person to add something to the “My Errors” section. Very special thanks go to him for helping me improve my guide. - Ted Edey for submitting an e-mail asking a question, making my first ever question. - Jeff for giving me an actual strategy on beating the mini-boss of the Snowpeak Ruins. FINALLY, A LITTLE ORDER!! Thank you, Jeff. - Nick Binger for giving a little advice on the Morpheel battle. - “Gran” for sending in an e-mail about control issues. Here are those people who have this guide on their websites: - www.supercheats.com =============== GOODBYE [.13] =============== If you actually take the time to read this, good for you. Remember, E-MAIL ME if you want this guide used on your website or some’n’. This is made by me, this is copyrighted by me, and I have the right to say whether or not you can use this and I also retain the right to, for any reason, ask you to take the guide down (although I doubt this will happen). I hoped you enjoyed this guide as much as I enjoyed writing it, perhaps even better. I also hope this was of much assistance to you, since that’s what the guide’s here for. If you have any questions unanswered in the guide or were unclear to you, e-mail me about it (be sure to say it was unclear to you if it was, indeed, unclear), and I will answer them for you. Goodbye!