----------------------------- MAJORA'S MASK GLITCH FAQ ----------------------------- Version 1.2 Last Updated 2/4/01 Brought to you by the wonderful folks at the Majora's Mask Board Glitch Explanations by: dvdmth Submitted by: Anju ----------------------------- This is a list of glitches found in Majora's Mask. The following glitches have been tested, and should work. The ones I have tried have worked on my Collector's Edition cartridge. This isn't a complete list, but it does have several fun-to-try glitches. Happy Glitching! ----------------------------- G L I T C H E S ----------------------------- 1.) ENTER SAKON'S HIDEOUT AT ANY TIME This glitch is not too hard to perform--once you've done it a few times. Until then, you may have to struggle through until you get it just right. Go to Ikana Canyon and head to where Sakon the Thief has a hideout, which is said to have "impenetrable security." Well, forget the sign next to the stone door, because the hideout can be penetrated without Sakon's help. Notice how a narrow crack is visible between the door and the wall surrounding it. Approach this crack on the right side of the door (I never succeeded on the left, so I'm pretty convinced it must be the right side unless someone can account otherwise). Run towards it, then roll right before you make contact. If the proper angle is used, you should go right through the crack. Note, however, that this alone does not guarantee access to the hideout. If you hear Link jump as he goes behind the wall, hold LEFT on the Control Stick in an attempt to steer him into the doorway of the hideout. Failure to do so will result in falling into a void below which happens to contain water (at about the same level as the river itself). As you hit the water, the screen will fade as if you wnt out of bounds, then you will reappear wherever you entered Ikana. Once in the hideout, you will find it empty on the first two days. If you step on the switch, the alarm goes off and the door opens, as normal. The door on the conveyor belt also goes up; however, unless you stay on the switch for a few seconds, the conveyor belt itself will not start up. When you step on the switch a second time, the cinema plays that shows the door opening, as if you were going to switch roles from Link to Kafei. However, you remain as Link, since Kafei is absent at this time. By performing a Goron Roll, you can reach the next room of the hideout without the door squishing you (which results in being ejected from the hideout). Once there, you can move a block onto the switch, after which you will see the cutscene when Kafei tells Link to check out the room that just opened. Link will now be on the first switch of the hideout. From here, you can proceed to the room with the single Deku Baba and kill it, but you must do another Goron Roll to enter Kafei's side of the hideout in order to reach the next switch. That is as far as you can go in the hideout, however; you cannot penetrate any farther into the impenetrable security. On the third day, however, Kafei will be in the hideout, and you can proceed to finish the whole ordeal as normal, with the exception that Kafei will be wearing the Keaton Mask (provided you did nothing on the sidequest). Note that this is not a shortcut to finishing the sidequest, since you never gave Anju the Pendant of Memories, thus making Anju flee for Romani Ranch. (If you did not know, it is possible to forget giving Anju the pendant and still help Kafei get the Sun's Mask back. Doing this triggers a different cinema at the Stock Pot Inn, since Kafei returns to find an empty room.) 2.) FIERCE DEITY LINK IN TERMINA (Note: Glitch does not work in European (P.A.L.) versions of the game.) To perform this glitch, you must first enter Sakon's Hideout on the third day. It doesn't matter whether you go through the sidequest or use the glitch above, but the glitch method is preferred sinceit gives you more time to take advantage of the glitch. Have Link put on any non-transformation mask (except the Keaton Mask, should you use the glitch method to enter the hideout). Make sure Fierce Deity's Mask is NOT on a C button. When control switches to Kafei, pause the game and assign FD's Mask to the same C button that had the mask Link was wearing. When control returns to Link, he will put on the new mask and transform into Fierce Deity Link (Oni Link)! From here, finish the hideout so that you're back outside in Ikana Canyon. After Kafei runs off, jump into the river and swim downstream (to your right). You should end up in the Southern Swamp. From there, you can go on to Termina Field and do whatever you want as Oni Link. 3.) ONI LINK'S BOTTLE USAGE This glitch does NOT require the glitch above, since you can use Oni Link in boss battles. While Oni Link, you can use an empty bottle; however, his swing is interrupted by the game's tendency to automatically draw Oni Link's sword whenever he has it put away. Therefore, you can never execute a full swing UNLESS you repeatedly press the C button. By doing this, Oni Link should occasionally complete a full bottle swing before taking out his sword. 4.) ONI LINK PUTS ON ZORA MASK* Normally, while Oni Link, you are not supposed to use any other transformation masks (let alone other items). However, while Oni Link's swimming, the Zora Mask becomes available. Use this to transform out of Oni Link and into Zora Link, thus enabling you to escape the Oni Link glitch above without dying or resetting the game. Note that if you wish to experience this without performing the FD glitch, simply go battle Gyorg and use that water source to execute the bug. 5.) HOOKSHOT FREEZE* Enter Sakon's Hideout on the third day. After Kafei steps on the switch and triggers everything in the hideout, take out your hookshot, hold C and Z at the same time, and sidestep onto the switch. The game will freeze when control switches back to Link. Note that the glitch can also be performed in other rooms of the hideout, though you'll probably want to set a bomb to kill the last enemy so that you can get the hookshot ready. 6.) OCARINA FREEZE* In Sakon's Hideout (again), on the third day (again), enter the door at the very beginning, but before the cutscene starts, rapidly press the C button with the ocarina assigned to it. You have to press it at the right time, but you can cause the game to freeze as it tries to get the ocarina ready when the Kafei cutscene is supposed to go on. 7.) ONI LINK LEAVES PEOPLE SPEECHLESS After performing the glitch to use Oni Link in Termina, you can talk to most people just fine and experience no queer behavior. However, there are exceptions. Talking to shop owners or the Bomber kids will freeze the game, while talking to the Bomber guarding the observatory will produce an empty message box. The same applies to the astronomer in the observatory. Weird. 8.) ONI LINK ESCAPES CLOCK TOWN Before performing the FD glitch, plant and grow a Magic Bean Leaf just outside the observatory (where you got the Moon's Tear). You also need to give the password to the Bomber guard and pup the balloon in the respective cave. Now you're set. Normally you cannot leave Clock Town as Oni Link once you get in. The guards, though they talk as if you were normal Link, don't let you pass even after talking to them. Therefore, you must rely on the speechless Bombers' secret hideout to escape. After walking past the Bomber guard, head on into the cave. You'll have to do some trickery, but you should be able to get through this really narrow section of the cave at the beginning. Perform a Spin Sttack, then roll forward. This should let you go a certain distance. You may have to repeat those steps several times before you finally squeeze your way out into the main part of the cave. Walk through the water, then use a jump-thrust to get back on land at the other side (may not be necessary, but it helps). Bypass the skulltula (kill it if you want), then use the ladder in the next room to reach the observatory. Exit through the door and use the Magic Bean Leaf to escape to Termina Field. It sounds involved, but it isn't that much to do, and it can help if you mess up and want to use Oni Link outside of town after you go in and do not wish to spoil another 3-day cycle to do so. 9.) SUN'S MASK DOES NOT MOVE In Sakon's Hideout (man, this place is really glitchy, huh?), when you first control Kafei, walk into the next room but stop in the doorway. The camera should advance into the next room, revealing the Sun's Mask being stationary on a moving conveyor belt! The mask does not start moving until you fully enter the room and watch the cutscene that follows. Note that if you glitchfully entered the hideout on a different day, you'll find the Sun's Mask frozen in one spot for good. 10.) THE GIANT'S FREEZE If you try to use the FD trick to put on the GIANT's Mask, you will find that doing so causes Link to shake like mad, freezing the game. The effect is pretty cool to look at, though. Note that if you are using the Lens of Truth or have no magic power when trying to put on the Giant's Mask this way, the game will repeatedly buzz at you until you switch of the Lens of Truth or switch the Giant's Mask with a different one. Link never actually puts on the mask, though, under these conditions. Switching off the Lens of Truth causes the same freeze mentioned above. You cannot use any C items or your sword until the conflict is resolved, so in order to switch off the Lens of Truth, you must pause the game and switch that item with another, thus taking it off the C icons and disabling it. 11.) OPEN DOOR CRUSHES ONI LINK Sometimes, while in Sakon's Hideout as Oni Link, if you touch a door while it's opening the game will think you were crushed and send you outside as normal Link. 12.) OPEN DOOR VISIBLE Another Sakon's Hideout blooper, only this one's just a visual trick. Normally when a door is open you cannot see the door at all, since it is concealed in a wall. However, if you're in one of the chambers of Sakon's Hideout on either side of the conveyor belt, you can look up and see all open doors near the (black) ceiling. The doors have borders on the top, left, and right sides, making it seem like it's still "closed" but up in the air. Again, it's just a visual effect, nothing more. 13.) DISAPPEARING C ITEMS* Go to a mailbox in Clock Town. Make sure Link is holding either the Hookshot, Bow, Great Fairy's Sword, or possibly other items (note that bottles do not work). While Link's holding on that item, check the mailbox, and try to send the same item Link's holding. The mailbox will refuse, naturally, but the item disappears. You can then use the invisible item all you want, as long as you're in the same region of Clock Town and don't tak to anybody or put away the item. The effects of using the various items differ. The strangest effect comes from the Hookshot, which will first fail to shoot at all, then shoot off and never hit anything, regardless of how close or far you are to a wall or other obstacle. 14.) TIME PASSES; NOBODY MOVES Press Start many times in a row (like more than 50 times). As the game pauses and unpauses, time passes very, very slowly, yet nobody is allowed to move. After a while, stop unpausing and follow some character on a schedule, like the Postman. When he's supposed to be at a door, mailbox, whatever, he will suddenly teleport to the spot where he should be and do his thing. 15.) SEE THROUGH WALLS Walk up to a (vertical) wall until you can go no farther forward. Hold up on the Control Stick and press A to roll. Right before Link gets up completely, press C Up. With proper timing, you can look right through the wall and see what may or may not be hidden behind it. If you use this to see through to the other side of a doorway and someone goes in or out of that door (particularly in the Stock Pot Inn), that person will disappear right after the door closes. (This glitch also works in Ocarina of Time and may come in handy when disproving Triforce rumors in that game.) 16.) ROLL IN PLACE* Roll right into something (like a wall), then keep pressing A afterLink collides with whatever you hit. If you're lucky, you'll see Link roll in place without any sound, sometimes more than once in a row. (This glitch also works in Ocarina of Time.) 17.) KAFEI GOES THROUGH DOOR Go to the Laundry Pool as Zora Link in Clock Town. While swimming, use your shield to hit the doorbell. Kafei will answer, but he will walk through the door, which will open and shut out of sync with Kafei's movement. The gltch happens again when Kafei retreats to his house. 18.) SWIM IN THE AIR As Zora Link, go to Great Bay. In the second (southern) region of the bay, you'll see a Like Like not far from shore. Kill it, then walk in the water at that spot (works in other areas too). As soon as you start swimming, press A and steer to shore. When you get there, hit A again and head out to sea. If done right, you can get Zora Link to swim in the AIR above the water. By continuously tapping A, you can get Zora Link to go even higher in the air and even over the sides of the region. Note that you must keep tapping A rather than holding it down, since doing the latter will cause Zora Link to glide gradually down to earth. 19.) GUITAR COMES IN ALL SHAPES AND SIZES* Go to Zora Hall and talk to the sound checker as Zora Link. Then play a note on the guitar to get the guy to adjust the volume. Now switch to another form of Link (deku, goron, or normal) and play your instrument. It should now sound like a guitar. 20.) LOUD DOOR* After the same sound checker adjusts the volume UP, go to a door and open it. The sound of the door opening will be quite lous indeed. (A similar effect may also occur upon turning the volume DOWN, but I never tried that.) 21.) MUSIC AT NIGHT* Go to Snowhead and beat the temple. Now make it night and head to the Goron Shrine. When you come out, you will hear the overworld music even though it's night time! In fact, as long as you stay on Snowhead, when dawn comes the music will continue to play as the DAWN OF THE whateverth DAY message appears. 22.) MUSIC GLITCH IN DEKU PALACE* While in the inner gardens of the Deku Palace (where you avoid the guards), play the Song of Double Time to make it NIGHT. Upon doing this, you should hear the music change to that which you hear when near an enemy in, say, Termina Field, but this time it happens when you're near a Mad Scrub inside the palace! (Note that this does not happen unless you use the Song of Double Time, and the time must go from Day to Night.) 23.) EXPLORE MURKY WATERS FREELY You might want some Chateau Romani before executing this. Go to Zora Cape (where the entrance to Great Bay Temple is) and use Ice Arrows to form icebergs. As a Deku, hop from iceberg to iceberg, and you can explore these murky waters without being sent to shore! You can even go beyond normal bountaries this way. (Note: This does NOT work in other parts of Great Bay.) 24.) WATER WHEEL STOPPED?* In Great Bay Temple, ther's this big water wheel in the second room of the temple that moves the water in the rest of the temple. There are two turnkeys that control the direction of the water--if both are set a certain way, the water wheel stops, but at the same time you cannot enter the rest of the temple...or can you? Leave the wheel alone for now. Go through the temple, and find some door (any door) you can go through by pressing A to Open. After going through such a door, return to where the water wheel is, then move the appropriate turnkey to stop it. Now switch to a Goron and jump into the water. Doing this will warp you to the door you last went through. You are now in the main part of the temple, with the water wheel stopped. Yet the water is still moving as if you did nothing! Return to the room with the water wheel, and the thing's still stopped!! 25.) UPSIDE DOWN STONE TOWER ODDITY* Go to Stone Tower and beat Twinmold. Use the warp to leave the temple. Now return to Stone Tower, either on foot or by using the Song of Soaring. Either way, once you're about to resume control of Link, the tower will suddenly turn upside down! Normally, tthe tower is supposed to change back to its normal state when you leave the area, but by using that warp in the boss arena, you overcame that behavior, thus activating this glitch. 26.) OCARINA ON B BUTTON SLOT* Enter Honey and Darling's shop and pay to play. Walk to the edge of the platform, then turn around to face the two dancers. When there's about 1 second left, hold Z and move Link off the platform. He should grab onto the edge. If done right, the B button will go blank by the time you resume control of Link. Pay to play another game, but this time jump off the platform at the start. Now the Ocarina is on the B button! There are two known ways to get your sword back on the button (note that you never lose it; it's still in your inventory). The first is to let the Takkuri in Termina Field steal it, then buy it back in the Curiosity Shop. The second is to simply mount Epona, then get off. Obviously, the latter is preferable unless you don't have Epona yet. 27.) OCARINA IN SWORDSMAN'S SCHOOL* After getting the ocarina on the B button, head to the swordsman's school and play the expert course. While playing the ocarina, the game continues to proceed. You can even play, say, the Song of Soaring and Soar out of the place while things are still going on. Even stranger is the fact that the verious icons onscreen (like hearts and the magic meter), which are normally hidden from view while playing the game, appear as you play an ocarina song. Better yet, keep out the ocarina when the game ends. After the guy tells you to start from the beginning, you can neither put away the ocarina nor pause the game. After you finish playing a song under these conditions, the game freezes on the last note. 28.) ANJU'S "AFTERNOON GUEST"* If you received Anju's letter the first night, she will continue to manage the inn during the second day. Around noon she goes to the kitchen, as normal for her. While there, she talks about the afternoon guest that's supposed to arrive that afternoon. Only problem is, that guest arrived the day before! 29.) NO ANIMATION OF INSTRUMENTS This may or may not be a technical gltch, but it certainly doesn't look very normal. While a Deku, Goron, or Zora, play your instrument while holding the L button down to stop any animation from happening. (Note that doing this prevents you from playing any songs and having them registered by the game, but that part isn't a glitch.) 30.) HASTE MAKES WASTE* When taking out your instrument, if you play the first note too early, you may hear it sound, but the game will not recod it, thus preventing you from finishing the song without starting over. 31.) FALL THROUGH STAIRS Go to East Clcok Town and get the 100-rupee chest at the south end. Walk east far enough so that you can jump off the ledge, then do so at an angle so that you land on the misslde of the stairs below. Doing this will cause Link to fall through the steps as the scene changes to South Clock Town. (Note: If you land on the left or right side of the stairs, the glitch will not usually work.) 32.) FLY INTO A VOID* After giving the Moon's Tear to the Deku Scrub in South Clock Town, dive into the flower as a Deku and take off. Head towards the nearest entrance to West Clock Town, and continue pushing towards it until you're low enough to go under the ceiling of the "tunnel." As you go through, you will appear in a void behind the pathway, then suddenly fall as the scene finally decides to change to West Clock Town. 33.) HERE FROGGY FROGGY* Go to the Laundry Pool or Southern Swamp, where you find a frog. You can actually nudge the frog wherever ou want by merely moving towards it. By doing this, you can get the frog to fall into the water. 34.) ONI LINK HURT BY FENCE?* Get Oni Link inTermina Field. On the west side, there are a couple of fences. Oni Link can climb on top of one of these (though not the one blocking you fron entering Great Bay). While on the fence, Oni Link gets hurt. 35.) DIALOGUE MESSUP* Go to Deku Palace with the Deku Princess at hand. Enter the room with the Deku King. Shortly after entering, take off the Deku Mask to become normal Link. You should immediately be caught and thrown out of the palace. If times right, the Deku Princess will tell you what she normally says inside the Palace, even though you're no longer there. Also, if you do not press A to advance her dialogue while in the palace and proceed to let her out of the bottle, then press A before the King reacts, her dialogue may be messed up, but will vanish when the King talks. 36.) GIBDO SCRE-SCRE-SCRE-SCREECH* Sonetimes when Gibdos screech at you and halt you in your tracks, they may decide to screech numberous times in a row. Not sure if it's a glitch or not, but the Gibdos of OOT often did the same. Strangely, ReDeads don't seem to have this behavior. 37.) ESCAPE CLOCK TOWN AS DEKU Go to East Clock Town as Deku Link (this is most useful before you get the ocarina, but can be done at any time). Go to the east gate, where the guard stops you. Work your way up to the guard, as far left (towards the Milk Bar) as possible. Now turn, facing away from the guard, and hold Z while pulling back on the Control Stick. You may have to do it a few times to get the angle right, but Deku Link should start running at full speed, slowly but surely squishing by the guard and out into Termina Field. If you are in the Field prematurely (before having the ocarina), the enemies will be gone, and there will be no music. 38.) TALK ABOUT SLOW MOTION* Not exactly a glitch, but an annoyance. When fighting the miniboss of Great Bay (the one that holds the Ice Arrows), walk up to it and slash the eyes repeatedly. The game will seemingly slow to a crawl as you hit each eye. Also, when fighting the miniboss in Stone Tower (the one that holds the Boss Key), a similar effect happens if you go slash alll the keese. 39.) BOMB PROTECTION* Place a Bomb, face away from it, and raise your shield. You don't get hurt from the explosion, even though the shield isn't protecting your back! You can also protect yourself from Blast Mask damage by raising your sheild before you explode. 40.) MULTIPLYING BOOMERANGS As Zora Link, hold B and release to send off a set of boomerangs. Right after they're in the air, take off the Zora Mask, then quickly put it back on. You can now throw another set of boomerangs, even though the first set hasn't come back yet. Thus, you can have 4 boomerangs in the air at once. When the first set returns to you, you can reuse them before the second set returns, thus keeping 4 in the air. You can continue doing this as long as both sets of boomerangs don't return before you get a chance to throw them. 41.) ITEM STATE NOT CORRECTLY DISPLAYED* In Sakon's Hideout, you must be either a Deku, Goron, Zora, or Oni Link (via the glitch) for this to happen. Put any items you want on the C buttons, then, while controlling Kafei, switch the items around or with different items. The items states will reflect what USED to be set, not what they currently are. For example, if you're a Goron and have the Ocarina on C-Left and the Hookshot on C-Down, initially the ocarina would appear normal, while the hookshot would be greyed out. Now, let's say you paused while controlling Kafei and switched the Ocarina and Hookshot. When you unpause, the Ocarina will not be greyed out because the game's greying items based on what USED to be set to those buttons. Since the hookshot was where the ocarina now is, it is greyed out as the hookshot is supposed to be. Meanwhile, since the hookshot is now on the button originally assigned to a usable item (ocarina), the hookshot appears normally, not transparent. Note that the item states are correctly reflected once control switches back to Link, and there's no way to take advantage of this and use the wrong items in the wrong forms. 42.) USE B-BUTTON OCARINA WHILE SWIMMING...NAH! In case you didn't know, the Blast Mask can be used while swimming. After performing the glitch to get the ocarina on the B button, it normally greys out when you're in water. However, if you wear the Blast Mask, the ocarina does not go transparent when you're swimming. However, this does not mean you can use it in the water; pressing B under these conditions has no effect. Ah well, it was worth a try. 43.) SEE INSTRUMENTS WHILE NOT PLAYING THEM* As either a Deku or Goron (doesn't seem to work as a Zora or as normal Link), yake out your instrument, then press B to put it away. IMMEDIATELY after pressing B, hit C-Up to go in first person mode. If done right, you can see the instruments while in First Person mode. Leaving this mode, however, makes the instrument disappear. 44.) OCARINA NOTES SEEN THROUGH WALL* Leave Clock Town through the north gate, then head northwest and jump down to the snow below. Somewhere around here is a musical staff with a song on a wall. Stand right in front of it, facing it, then take out your instrument. You may have to change to a different form of Link and/or move around, but you should be able to get the camera behind the wall. Under these conditions, you can actually see the music notes, and they look like they're in mid-air. Just another visual effect. (Rumor has it if you get it just right, the camera will go to just the right spot and show nothing but the yellow from one of the notes. I can't get that to happen, however.) 45.) SEAM WALKING Go to the east part of Termina Field, and on the right side of the Entrance that leads to Ikana Canyon, you should see a seam. Walk into the seam to get yourself stuck, and swing your sword every time you want to move higher. Make sure you line yourself up with the seam as you move higher. 46.) WALKING AND NOT WALKING Enter the Bombers hideout, then leave as Darmani (Goro-Link) All you can see is white, but if you keep pushing up, youll be in Clock Town! 47.) SPASTIC BUNNY HOOD After giving the "concert" in the milk bar, talk to Gorman. Now talk to Toto while wearing the bunny hood, and you will start running around spastically. (I have heard of other versions of getting this glitch, but this one seems the easiest) 48.) HAVE SWORD WHILE WEARING BREMEN MASK Normally when you have the Bremen mask on, you can't use your sword, because the march command is there instead. But if you are just entering a new area if you press B quick enough link will swing his sword, and if you hold it down he'll charge his sword as he normally does. And his sword stays out until you use another item or march. I've only tried this in clock town, but I did find out it doesn't work leaving the laundry pool. 49.) NOTHING IN THE BARN? Go to the barn at Romani Ranch. As Zora Link, climb up the left side of the barn (there should be a small alcove that Zora Link can climb) and look into the roof of the barn. If you look down into the barn, you'll see a bunch of grey nothingness. 50.) NOTHING BEHIND LAUNDRY POOL? Enter the Laundry Pool as Oni Link. Right as you enter, you should be able to climb up the wall to the left. Follow the wall to see what's beyond the boundaries of the Laundry Pool... nothing! Jump into the void, and it will look like Link has jumped into water, and he will reappear at the entrance to the Laundry Pool. 51.) SPASTIC JUMPING LINK In Termina Field, before the entrance to Great Bay, there is a small pool of water with a chest in it. On the ledge above the pool, there should be a fence. Go along the fence to where it meets the wall, and stand with your back against the wall. Do a backflip, and Link will do his spastic jumping thing. WARNING! You'll get stuck and have to reset the game! 52.) GET RID OF DOG IN CLOCK TOWN In the beginning where you first enter Clock Town, turn around and push each door back a little. Then pick up the dog and throw him through it. He will not come out (until you exit) but you can still hear him barking. 53.) FLOATING LINK Go into the house (not the barn) at Romani Ranch and go upstairs in the door. Get on the blue dressing table by the blue bed. Now jump off the table onto the shelf (you have to sort of diagonally aim this one) using the Bunny Hood. Jump towards the red topped shelf and you will float on the ceiling until you hit the wall or press back on the control stick. It reminds me of the little handle bars to the treehouse thing from Home Alone. Note: Oni Link is another name for Fierce Diety Link. ----------------------------- C R E D I T S ----------------------------- First, I would like to thank everyone at the Majora's Mask Message Board for all of their insight in the glitch finding process. Big Huge Oni Link Thanks go to dvdmth for compiling this list and for just plain being cool. (The glitches with the asterisks * are ones that he has found himself) Note: this doesn't mean he was the FIRST to find all of these, but he has definitely found them. Thanks to perfectdarklink for the Seam Walking glitch. Thanks to Crovax for the Walking and Not Walking glitch. Thanks to Mars for the Oni Link hurt by fence? glitch. Thanks to Wicked Souls for the Kafei goes through door (aka Phantom Kafei) glitch. Thanks to stephenw87@email.com for the Spastic Bunny Hood glitch. Thanks to The Ham for the See Through Walls glitch. Thanks to Lilbmxer for the Have Sword While Wearing Bremen Mask glitch. Thanks to Stephen Waguespack for the Nothing in the Barn, Nothing Behind Laundry Pool and Spastic Jumping Link glitches. Thanks to TornadosD for the Get Rid of Dog in Clock Town glitch. Thanks to Zack Zack for the Floating Link glitch. Thanks to MasterAshKetchem for the Enter Sakon's Hideout at Any Time glitch. There are also several "Unsung Heroes" who have found glitches, but have not received proper credit that they deserve. If you feel that you are one of these people, please email me as soon as possible. I want you to have credit for your fine work! ----------------------------- If you have any questions/concerns/comments or another TESTED glitch to add (I'll test it myself), feel free to email me at: Emilypie@yourmom.com I am pretty good at responding within 24 hours! I am a full time student, so I may not be able to update the FAQ as often as I like. I will try to update it on the weekends!